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18 Amazing Instagram Business Ideas to Earn Extra Money

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You won’t be shocked to know that Instagram is a key tool for eCommerce. Ranked as the fourth most popular social media platform globally, Instagram has over 1.3 billion users. That’s a lot of potential audience members. Of course, not all of them are going to be interested in what you have to offer, but if even a fraction of them are, that’s a great start. If you’re interested in starting your own Instagram business but you’re not sure what type of business to start, here are 20 awesome Instagram business ideas to inspire you.

  • Why start a business on Instagram?

One of the hardest parts of growing a business is attracting an audience to your product. As a business owner, you usually have to go out of their way to find their audience. But for Instagram entrepreneurs, there’s already a sea of potential audience members (and customers, depending on what kind of business you want to start).

The best part about starting a business on Instagram is that it’s completely free to use. While there are some areas where having a budget could help you out, you technically don’t need any cash to get your account up and running.

So long as you have internet access and a device to post from, you’re good to go!

  • Who should start a business on Instagram?

Running a business on Instagram isn’t the solution for every budding entrepreneur. Because it’s a visually-focused platform, you’ll want to make sure that you’re someone who’s comfortable operating in that realm. That doesn’t mean you need to be an expert photographer, it simply means that you will probably want to have an interest in visual content and branding. If visual content isn’t for you, there are plenty of other business opportunities out there!

  • Best businesses to start on Instagram

For those of you who love images and videos, and are ready to start posting your way to a full-time income, these are the best business ideas that are a perfect fit for Instagram:

  • Product reviewer

Instagram is an ideal place to get started with a product review business, particularly if you’re someone who enjoys working with visual content.

You’ll need to build a steady stream of image and video-based content to share your opinions and promote your business. For video content, the shorter the better. The ideal length for the platform is around 26 seconds, so you’ll need to get good at short, engaging reviews. 

To run a successful Instagram product review business, you’ll want to create a comprehensive content strategy and post on a regular basis. But simply posting isn’t going to be enough to build a full business. You’ll need to engage with your audience on a daily basis一smaller accounts can make money, but they need that engagement rate. 

Unfortunately, simply amassing a large audience on the platform won’t actually get you paid. How can Instagram product reviewers make money?

  • Through partnerships with brands and selling sponsored posts.
  • By providing affiliate links to the products they review.
  • The sale of their own digital products (though, you’ll need to incorporate an off-platform method to truly engage this method).

This is one major disadvantage of using Instagram for your product review business: limited linking opportunities. That means sharing affiliate links will be a little bit more challenging.

However, you can solve this problem by pairing your Instagram product review page with a blog. Not only could this provide extra revenue, but you could also have an opportunity to charge more for partnerships that want to utilize both audiences.

While “influencer” might sound like a fictional job title, with an engaged audience of 10,000 or fewer followers, you could make around $88 USD per post. With 100,000 or fewer followers, you’re probably looking at around $200 USD per post. 

This isn’t McMansion money. However, there is potential to bring in some sweet side cash that can help pay off student loans, or let you grab the extra large pizza with the premium toppings on your regular Friday night in.

But relying solely on sponsored posts to carry your business’ finances isn’t the best monetary move. This is why many influencers combine paid posts with more passive means of income, such as affiliate marketing. 

Again, however, the lack of linking capabilities can make affiliate income a little more challenging. Instagram has a notoriously low conversion rate , which stems from the fact they aim to keep users on the platform as long as possible. This means your best chance of increasing your income is either seriously mastering conversion or doing it on-platform.

To utilize your Instagram influence to make money, you’ll need an engaged audience. Many brands are counterintuitively interested in smaller creators because smaller audiences often mean higher engagement. 

For the longevity of your business, you’ll also want to consider collecting emails,  establishing a website, or even creating an off-platform group. These tactics will give you a space where you own and control the content, and have more leeway to monetize your content and audience. 

  • Photographer

While Instagram has expanded its capabilities over the years, at its core, it’s a place to share great photos with your audience. This makes it the perfect place to start and promote your photography business. 

If you’re passionate about photography and good at grabbing great shots, this could be the perfect Instagram business for you. Popular photography businesses on Instagram include:

  • Portrait photographer
  • Stock photographer
  • Product photographer
  • Wedding photography

Not all photography businesses can be Instagram-only ventures. Businesses like portrait or wedding photography require you to get clients and work with them offline. But, even in these cases, Instagram is still a great promotion platform. Other photography niches, like product photography, may not require in-person clients.

If you truly want no “clients” and instead want to sell photography rights, you can use Instagram to promote your stock photography to get sales on platforms like Adobe Stock.

Or, you can cut out the middleman (so to speak) and use your photographs as a base for physical products. Using a print-on-demand platform like Society6 can allow you to create great products without having to pay any upfront costs or for a place to store them. You can even set up an Instagram store through their shopping capability and give people the opportunity to check out your catalogue on the platform.

  • Videographer

Instagram started out as a photo-focused platform, but in recent years video has begun to lead in popularity. This makes it the ideal platform to start promoting a videography business.

Much like photography, videography often requires off-platform work with clients, so it’s not an Instagram-only (or Instagram-mostly) business choice. That said, as far as promoting your business, it can be a great place to connect with clients and show off your skills.

Video content is versatile on Instagram. You can use any post type from your profile feed to your stories to share video content. While there used to be time limits, videos uploaded to Instagram can now be up to 60 minutes, with the exception of Reels which remain in the 30 to 60 second range.

If you have an eye for capturing engaging video, and are up for the challenge of building an audience on Instagram, this could be the perfect entrepreneurial opportunity for you.

  • Food Photographer/Influencer

There is something for everyone on Instagram, and food recommendations are no exception. If you like sharing pictures of food on your adventures or in your hometown, and have no qualms about giving an honest opinion, then Instagram food critic might be the job for you!

Instagram food influencers grow their audience by sharing delicious visuals accompanied by engaging text. While everyone’s business is unique, they typically make money in the following ways:

  • Sponsored content (short term).
  • Brand collaborations/ambassadors (longer term).
  • Instagram bonuses .

While bigger audiences usually means more money, you don’t necessarily need one. Creators with as little as 5,000 followers are considered micro influencers, and can often find brand partnerships.

You’ll want to focus on creating stellar content, growing your audience, and increasing your engagement.

  • Craft or DIY expert

Do you always find yourself taking on another DIY project? Is crafting one of your favourite pastimes? Then showing off your crafting skills or DIY expertise on Instagram could be the ideal opportunity for you. 

Popular DIY and craft Instagrammers like @abeautifulmess , @damasklove , and @sarahpikepottery fill their feed with great visuals and fun videos sharing their love of creating with their audience. Whether they’re showing off the finished product or giving a step-by-step guide on how their audience can create their own versions, they’re engaging with their audience.

Like other Instagram influencers, DIY and craft creators make money via sponsorships, ambassadorships, and possibly bonuses from Instagram. But they can build another revenue stream if they’re creating products that can be sold.

Your audience is already interested in your DIY tips and they probably love your creations, so why not make it easier for them to skip the work and make a purchase? Instagram’s shopping feature is perfect for DIY and craft creators who sell physical products and want to promote them to their audience. 

  • Ecommerce seller

Instagram’s shopping feature can turn your feed into a storefront. You don’t have to make craft projects or sell photo products to utilize this ecommerce feature. Sellers of all types find themselves making waves and bringing in sales on Instagram.

Instagram Shop allows you to integrate your products right into your Instagram feed. With your product catalogue integrated, you can promote them to your audience through Instagram Stories, posts, and the “Explore” tab. Then, followers can make a purchase directly on Instagram through the Instagram checkout.

For creators that hope to see success with Instagram Shop, you’ll need to make sure you focus on having stellar product photos. While good images are important in every online selling situation, Instagram users expect stellar quality.

It’s worth it to point out that you don’t have to sell physical products. You could also utilize Instagram to sell digital products, which is a great low-cost business start-up idea. 

  • Digital product seller

There are endless types of digital products that you could sell through Instagram. One of the huge benefits to selling digital products is that they become a passive income source . You’ll have to put in the effort of creating the product, uploading it to your online store, and marketing it to your community on Instagram. But when someone makes a purchase, it is sent automatically, so you can sit back and watch the sales roll in. 

Digital products can be things like music, videos, graphic design templates, online courses, photos, services, and so much more. Once you have a product idea, conduct market research in order to determine whether it is a viable business idea.

  • Topic expert

There’s an audience for pretty much everything out there. Regardless of what you’re an expert in, there’s an opportunity for you to monetize it on Instagram.

You could show off your fashion expertise and recommend styles. Or you could aim to educate your audience on topics in day-to-day psychology. Regardless of where your expertise lies, if you share your knowledge in an engaging and consistent way, there’s definitely a chance you could turn that into an Instagram business.

How can you make money as a topic expert? You can:

  • Team up with relevant brands and create content via sponsorships or ambassadorships.
  • Sell physical or digital products related to your niche.
  • Provide services that are relevant to your topic expert.

It’s up to you what you want to do with your Instagram business, you can take it wherever you want!

  • Instagram social media marketing manager

A social media manager works with other businesses to help them connect with customers by creating and implementing a marketing strategy. This can include tasks like writing and scheduling social media posts, creating advertising campaigns, and replying to comments and messages. A lot of small businesses struggle with digital marketing, so as a social media manager, you can entice them to invest in your paid services by offering exclusive marketing tips on your Instagram. Include a call to action so that you turn those followers into paying customers.

  • Affiliate marketer

Affiliate marketing is a way to make money advertising products without having to deal with things like inventory, packaging, and shipping. When you are advertising affiliate products, you will receive a unique link which you can share with your followers. Then, when they make a purchase using your link, you will receive a commission at no extra charge to them.

  • Lifestyle blogger

Lifestyle bloggers can take different forms, so start by deciding what topics you want to focus on in your blog posts. For example, you could be a travel blogger, photograph street style, or share your personal life. Think about what topics you know a lot about and would feel comfortable talking about regularly. 

After you set up your blog online, focus on using Instagram to capture your audience’s interest. Once you get them to your website, you can make money through selling advertisement spots, affiliate marketing links, sponsored posts, or your own products.

  • Hair stylist

Instagram is a great place to show off your hairstyling skills and connect with new potential clients. But how do you set up an Instagram profile to be an effective marketing tool as a hairstylist? 

First, set up an Instagram business profile and add a link to your website where people will be able to schedule appointments, purchase products, and learn more about the services you offer. Use your Instagram username, profile picture, and bio to communicate who you are, what you do, and how people can purchase your services. Instagram even has a “book” button that you can add to your profile, which links to several appointment booking apps.

  • Makeup artist

As a photo sharing platform, Instagram makes an ideal place to promote your work as a makeup artist. Whether you’re a cosmetics brand selling products, a freelance makeup artist, or a makeup influencer, you can use Instagram to connect and build your community. 

People love watching the makeup process, so consider using Instagram live to show your process in full or post full video tutorials using IGTV . You can also link to your YouTube page or sell makeup tutorials on your website.

  • Travel ambassador

As a travel ambassador, you could get paid to travel and review hotels, restaurants, and local attractions. Travel brands like tour companies or travel agencies will hire people like you to promote their services by writing reviews and posting social media content. You could also set up a referral based business as a travel blogger, where you will make a commission when you refer people to a travel agency you’ve partnered with.

  • Cosplay designer

Social media is often a hub for communities and fandoms, from the ultra-popular to the incredibly niche. Another creative business idea is to start a cosplay business, where you can sell anything from costumes to wigs to action figures and so much more. Some cosplay designers offer custom design services, where people can pay for you to create a costume for a specific character. Alternatively, you could offer cosplay related services like editing photos of people in their costumes to help bring the fantasy to life.

  • Pet personality

Do you have an adorable pet at home who you think the internet would love? People love cute pet photos. Did you know you can actually make a decent living by creating an Instagram profile for your favourite furry friend? It’s a very crowded market, so you should try to find something unique that makes your pet stand out. For example, you could play up a certain characteristic or behaviour that is endearing and makes your pet memorable. Once you’ve established your account, you can start making money through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and partnerships with pet product companies.

  • Fitness coaching

If you love working out and you want to turn that passion into a career, there are tons of options for you to monetize a fitness Instagram account. Start by identifying your goals in the fitness industry. You could offer personal training from home , you could create workout videos on your YouTube account, or you could partner with brands to be a fitness influencer or affiliate marketer. Deciding which path appeals to you most will help you determine what kind of content you should create, who your ideal client is, and the kinds of brands to reach out to.

  • Getting started on Instagram

Instagram is an image-first platform, which means when you plan your business strategy, you need to think about aesthetics. Successful accounts stand out because they:

  • Post consistently.
  • Create great visual content.
  • Engage with their audience on a regular basis.

Creativity, inspiration, and connection is valuable on Instagram. So get ready to think big, have some fun, and flex your entrepreneurial muscles on Instagram.

If you’re ready to take your Instagram game from social media strategy to business official, Ownr makes registration a piece of cake!


This article offers general information only, is current as of the date of publication, and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While the information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

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cute instagram business plan

5 Small Businesses with a Great Instagram Aesthetic

Over 1 million brands and advertisers are on Instagram, so finding a unique and great Instagram aesthetic for yours can be difficult. Luckily, you don’t have to start from scratch, since there are so many great accounts to learn from. These 5 small businesses have done an incredible job establishing visual strategies and then consistently

Over 1 million brands and advertisers are on Instagram, so finding a unique and great Instagram aesthetic for yours can be difficult.

Luckily, you don’t have to start from scratch, since there are so many great accounts to learn from.

These 5 small businesses have done an incredible job establishing visual strategies and then consistently posting within that art direction. Here are some tips to kickstart inspiration for your evergreen Instagram content:

cute instagram business plan

#1: Make Your Products the Star like Goldenrod Pastries

Even if you don’t live in Nebraska, the product shots from Goldenrod Pastries will make you want to book a flight to Great Plains. The bakery does an excellent job mixing studio-quality food photography with lifestyle content to create a great Instagram aesthetic for their brand. 

Sometimes when you’re chasing marketing objectives and balancing promotions you can forget that your products are the reason your followers are engaging with your brand in the first place. Goldenrod Pastries finds fresh ways to always bring the focus back to their sugary goodness in every post.

cute instagram business plan

Although your brand needs to publish a diversity of content to keep your feed feeling fresh, straying too far from your main offering can confuse your audience.

To get around this issue, try to find small ways to integrate your product or service into your posts, like an automotive brand showing car keys in an otherwise car-free post.

cute instagram business plan

#2: Create Original Designs that Communicate Your Brand’s Vision Like Molasses Books

While scrolling through the feed of Brooklyn shop Molasses Books , you could be easily fooled into thinking that they regularly features images of book covers. Look a little closer though, and you’ll notice that each of these is a promotional image for Bushwick Chess Night , an event in the store.

These original images fit perfectly with Molasses’ lo-fi used-paperback aesthetic — an important strategy so that their Instagram aesthetic doesn’t end up looking clogged with a variety of different art directions, colors, and styles.

cute instagram business plan

If your brand posts a mix of lifestyle photography and promotional updates, use these book covers as inspiration to integrate the look of the event with the rest of your Instagram aesthetic.

For example, a textiles brand might create original textile designs with information about an upcoming gallery opening, or a music brand might produce LP sleeves that detail information about a future show.

cute instagram business plan

#3: Create a Color Palette in your Instagram Aesthetic and Stick to It

The first thing you might notice when you visit Mokuyobi Threads ’ Instagram profile is its neon Lisa-Frank-goes-to-Coachella colors. The LA fashion brand prioritizes consistent hues in their product and their online presence, so they have a predefined color palette to work with.

This is a super simple strategy that really boosts your profile’s overall impact. These color choices come out even when Mokuyobi Threads casts models — each has an uncommon hair color, perfectly complimenting their great Instagram aesthetic and brand personality.

cute instagram business plan

Think about the kinds of feelings or emotions you want your audience to get from visiting your brand’s profile.

A young, fun, excited brand like Mokuyobi Threads perfectly nails the retro-rainbow palette, but a cloud computing service may not have the same success. Planning out these moods and what colors are associated with them is a fun, simple way to revitalize your Instagram strategy and build a great Instagram aesthetic.

cute instagram business plan

#4: Minimize Clashing Photography Styles by Grouping Similar Photos Together

Even though it’s a ceramics studio in North Carolina, East Fork Pottery is similar to Goldenrod Pastries in that it combines great product photography with lifestyle content. However, while Goldenrod’s photography appears to come from one source, East Fork does a great job of integrating multiple sources and photography styles into their feed.

This will sound familiar to anyone who has managed a social account for a brand with many different stakeholders and departments! The way East Fork makes it work is by unifying their content in other ways, like grouping photos with a similar Instagram aesthetic into consecutive posts.

cute instagram business plan

They also consistently add a slight grain to each of their photos, which adds a subtle analog feeling to the content.

If you’re dealing with a lot of clashing content sources — maybe event photography next to studio stills — experiment with adding subtle, unifying filters to your content. For example, you can add a slight hue  to all of your photos or slightly desaturating every shot. You can also play around with subtle branding like The Dodo .

cute instagram business plan

#5: Look to Your Community for Great Content

Shopping for an organic buddy in NYC’s Lower East Side will invariably draw you to The Sill . An amazing plant shop that curates an inspiring online presence, The Sill is known for its combination of boho wisdom and peaceful visuals.

The account supplements original content with regrams from #plantstagram all the time. When you, as a social content strategist, can’t build posts yourself due to time or resources, look at the possibility of posting user-generated content (UGC) with credit. (The keyword here is “credit.” It’s super important to follow the rules when reposting UGC to Instagram !)

cute instagram business plan

Regramming gives you less control over the month-to-month look of your feed, but accounts like The Sill have found such great content (and built such a ravenous community) that it manages to work in their favor.

Take a peek at the hashtags your community might be using. A hometown soda brand might explore obvious hashtags like #soda and #drinks, but don’t be afraid to try other avenues like #picnic, #virgincocktails, and #coolforthesummer to see what your community is getting up to!

cute instagram business plan

After trying some of these suggestions, you should be able to rethink your posting strategy and create a great Instagram aesthetic for your business! Hopefully, just being conscious of these options will make you feel like you have more tools at your disposal in order to make incredible posts that your audience will love.

Sign up for Later’s  Free Instagram Course  to get a ton of tips on how to design, curate, and plan your Instagram feed!

Austin Powe

Austin is a Brooklynite working as a Content Strategist at Big Spaceship. He posts about his adventures on Instagram at @yo_powe .

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

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111+ Instagram Business Ideas: Creative Ways to Boost Your Brand

Instagram is more than just a photo-sharing app; it’s a hub for business opportunities. Many people are using Instagram to start and grow their businesses.

Whether you’re selling unique products, promoting brands, or offering services like social media management or photography, Instagram can be your platform.

It’s a place where creativity meets entrepreneurship, making it perfect for turning your business ideas into reality.

With its vast user base and engagement potential, Instagram can help you reach a global audience and make your business dreams come true.

In This Article

Instagram Business Ideas

Handmade business.

Starting a handmade business is a fulfilling endeavor that allows you to turn your creative passion into a source of income.

Whether you craft artisanal jewelry, hand-sewn clothing, or unique home decor, the handmade market offers a niche for your creations. Success in this industry requires dedication, quality craftsmanship, and effective marketing.

Building a brand story and engaging with your customers through online platforms or craft fairs can help your handmade business thrive.

With dedication and a touch of creativity, you can turn your handmade products into a profitable venture while sharing your artistic vision with the world.

Slime or ASMR maker 

A Slime or ASMR maker is someone who specializes in creating sensory experiences that cater to the soothing and satisfying sounds and textures that resonate with audiences seeking relaxation and stress relief.

In the world of Slime, they craft colorful, stretchy concoctions with unique textures and ASMR-triggering sounds, while ASMR makers create audiovisual content designed to trigger Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), a tingling sensation often experienced in response to specific auditory or visual stimuli.

These creators have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to provide viewers with calming and pleasurable experiences through their craft.

Real Estate 

Real estate is a multi-billion dollar industry that hires thousands of Americans. However, most people must realize how powerful social media can be when used correctly.

You can utilize your page to promote properties in your portfolio, to promote yourself, and to advertise on your page. Post pictures of apartments and houses for sale, your own homes, and, of course, your contact information.   


Instagram has added many features over the years. But at its core, it’s still a photo-sharing app. So where better to show off your photography skills? ?

Remember, you’re not just selling your photos. Also, sell for the price of copies instead of printing them on your phone. Feel free to present your work in an attractive frame.  

Becoming an influencer on Instagram is the dream of many people; you need a large and active following. Most Instagram influencers choose a niche they are passionate about and tailor the content they post to suit them. An Instagram influencer earns money by promoting products to their followers.

The most successful Instagram influencers paint the perfect picture of small businesses by publishing content that resonates with their audience to build a large and active Instagram following.

While follower count is very important to influencers, you want to attract engaged followers who actively engage with your content by commenting, sharing, and liking.

Sell Your Photos

It doesn’t matter If you are a professional or amateur photographer; you can still sell your photos. If you have a wide collection of photos on your phone, you can sell them in the app or promote them on your Instagram account.

You can sell your photos in the app. All the Applications can be downloaded from Play Store or Apple Store. The apps allow users to upload photos from their smartphone directly to the app and sell them there.

These apps charge starting at $6 per photo sold. So you can use Instagram to post your photos for sale on Phope.  

Graphic designers 

Graphic designers are like any other visual field. They have good opportunities to take advantage of Instagram’s image emphasis.

The advantage is that the brands they design are equally passionate. Sharing your design on Instagram will promote both you and your client. Make sure you have a trademark license to post.  

Event promoter

If you are an expert as an event planner, you can use social media to bring up your clients’ events. Why not use Instagram to introduce new customers? As of this writing, confined spaces remain dangerous in many areas. But humans are starved for social interaction more than ever.

Pictures of your promoted events that people can enjoy without jeopardizing public health are a great way to generate positive impressions.  

Instagram manager or consultant

Although Instagram Managers and Instagram Consultants are similar, they have different roles and responsibilities. While many businesses will eventually need a website or something else, there are many different businesses you can start with just an Instagram account.

An Instagram manager is someone hired to manage someone else’s Instagram account. An Instagram manager can work with multiple clients and businesses and create and post Instagram content to get more customers.

An Instagram consultant, on the other hand, acts as a consultant who provides marketers with strategic plans and tips for using Instagram. Often the director makes a plan but rarely executes the plan.  

E-commerce Seller

You can also sell your online store on Instagram. You can sell directly on Instagram using the “buy” button on Instagram. If you are willing to sell products online, you can create your store on Instagram and communicate directly with potential customers through Instagram.

E-Commerce is one of the best online business ideas for selling goods, raw materials, digital art, fashion, or anything else.   


If you like to write, the author might be right for you. If you’re starting as a journalist, you can share your best work on Instagram and grow your audience.

Posting well-written content on Instagram is important, be careful. As a writer, you can offer your benefits in any field through marketing and advertising.

Here’s how you can help brands and people achieve their marketing goals by writing catchy headlines and creating content that sells. You can write posts for Instagram, ads, fillers, and more.   

Photo designer

You can become a photographer if you have a knack for drawing people and products. You can offer style whether you need a corporate product image, an entrepreneur who wants to look good in photo shoots, or an influencer who needs help with photography.

You only need an Instagram account to showcase your talent and start your business. You can also target other businesses as leads on Instagram.  

Social media marketing

If you want to make your social media marketing famous to other brands, what’s the best way to test your social media marketing skills??

But you don’t have to wait and wait for customers to come to you. You can also use Instagram to join with brands you want to work with.

Many people need to learn and appreciate the power of Instagram. In my opinion, Instagram can be the best way to promote your business.

Drop shipper

While a dropshipping business may look like any other e-commerce business for your customers, the operations behind the scenes are quite different.

When someone buys a product featured on your Instagram ecommerce page, the order is sent to your brand, which packages and ships the product.

You can enroll as many products as you want but only pay sales fees. You can try best-selling products without worrying about unsold inventory or inventory costs.  

Network Marketing 

It’s like a business transaction. Various companies offer online marketing. These companies allow you to sell your products and earn commissions, but they also allow you to hire people and earn money from their commissions.

This results in a sub-organization within the network marketing organization. But unlike business marketing , you have to pay to get these businesses going because they are merchants, so you have to make sure the people who want to sell your products are real.

You can use Instagram to promote your network?.


If you like writing text, you can do it on Instagram. You can sell printed books, create custom projects, or teach writing. You can work with brands and individuals to create handwritten menus, wedding invitations, branded products, and logo designs.

You can promote your products and services on Instagram, which increases your company’s visibility. 

Motivational Speaker

If you want to motivate people with your posts, you can become a public speaker on Instagram. Many people can make use of the platform to improve their lives. As a motivational speaker, you can post quotes, famous quotes, videos, or personal messages to attract followers.

You can build a reputation as a motivational speaker ?. You can then host webinars to engage your audience and earn through sponsored content and ads.

In addition, I suggest you check out my previous blogs, where I have discussed popular YouTube marketing ideas that are easy to start with a small investment.

Product Reviewer 

No more YouTube for product reviews. Due to rapid obsolescence, people want to know about a new product as soon as possible. Instagram rings are important for anyone who wants to try writing/talking about products.

You can watch movies, technology, cars, and more. And give your audience a clear and authentic image in less than 60 seconds.   

Travel Blogger

Travel Blogger is one of the most interesting business ideas posted on Instagram! This might be for you if you’ve traveled the world and shared your experiences through a blog. Submit videos of beautiful landscapes and scenery.

You can partner with travel brands like airlines and hotels by sharing your travels and your best travel tips and advice with your followers. Become a travel agency on Instagram and make money?.  

Business Coach

Use Instagram to offer paid marketing advice and consulting services to businesses and entrepreneurs who need it. Help people achieve goals with your services.

This platform allows you to share your knowledge, build credibility and followers and thus get more customers.

Small Business on Instagram ideas

Meme maker .

Recently, memes that convey jokes and send short messages have taken over social media. Many people must learn that you can also profit by creating memes.

Sometimes brands pay people to create memes to create “buzz” about their production. On Instagram, you can utilize it to create and share memes. 

Adsense/YouTube Blog Ads

Google Adsense is Google’s way of paying bloggers and YouTube channel owners to display ads on their sites.

You can upload snapshots and videos from your blog or YouTube channel as a joke to get people to click your link and add to your blog or YouTube channel to get more views.

Create and sell Instagram accounts

You can sell an Instagram account that has a lot of followers. Many brands buy existing Instagram accounts, allowing them to gain more followers without establishing and creating a new Instagram account.

You can go to any other site where you can swap all your social accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Generally, accounts with 50,000 users and lots of interesting content do better. An account with no history of suspensions or questionable issues is also a big deal.

Video Editing Services      

Video is one of the speedily growing forms of content today. With TikTok and now Instagram segments dominating, you must create compelling video content to get noticed.

Instagram platforms are gaining much traction now and are a significant addition to any good social media campaign. When you share your expertise in creative video editing, other companies are more likely to approach you about their products or services.

Personal trainer/athlete

The pandemic is forcing many to exercise at home; many are looking for videos to watch online.

You can promote your business as a trainer or fitness instructor by posting videos of your workouts, sharing healthy eating tips, making quick workout videos, and offering your workouts online.


It’s time to start a side business or settle for one of the best business ideas on Instagram to make money. Show off your cake skills by promoting your creations on Instagram.

Share some cooking videos with your followers. Try new fillings, flavors, and textures. It increases curiosity, increases customer demand. You can apply directly by attaching your contact information to your CV.   

A seller of printed products

A seller of printed products is a business or individual specializing in creating and distributing a wide range of items adorned with custom designs, graphics, or text.

These products can include anything from personalized merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases to marketing materials like brochures and flyers.

The seller typically uses various printing techniques, such as screen printing, digital printing, or heat transfer, to bring these designs to life.

They cater to a diverse customer base, including individuals, businesses, and organizations, helping them express their creativity or promote their brand through eye-catching printed items.

Do you often participate in other DIY projects?? Is art one of your favorite hobbies? ?So, showcasing your design or DIY skills on Instagram might be your best opportunity.

Your audience is already interested in your DIY tips and loves your creations, so why not make it easy for them to skip work and shop??

Another good place to focus your Instagram account is to post tutorials, and DIY projects that help your followers learn new techniques. You can then work with sponsors and brands to provide project materials.   

Pet Personality

I have earned a lot of money from this business. Owning your own pet not only creates endless great photo opportunities, but you can make your pet ideas fun that will attract people and followers.

If you have enough followers, pet companies will want to partner with you to encourage their products. 

Content expert

A content expert is someone who possesses a deep understanding of creating and managing various types of content.

This individual is highly knowledgeable about content strategies, including content marketing, SEO optimization, and audience engagement.

Content experts excel in crafting compelling and relevant content that resonates with their target audience, driving engagement and conversions.

They stay up-to-date with industry trends, search engine algorithms, and audience preferences to consistently produce high-quality content that meets the goals and objectives of businesses or organizations they work for.


Instagram is the best place to highlight your design skills and connect with potential new clients. But how do you make Instagram an effective marketing tool for a hair salon??

First, create an Instagram business profile and add it to your website where people can make appointments, shop, and learn more about your services.

Like makeup artists, hairstylists can use Instagram to promote their work by posting pictures of their best hairstyles. When starting out, you can post pictures of the designs you’ve made and how you’re getting customers.  

Pre-loved Selling

No matter how many outfits we have, we need to be more. But the other half uses it once or twice, or never. So why not sell at least half the price and make money??

It is also sustainable living. Bring clothes, shoes, furniture, and other items in good condition. Use Instagram as a platform to sell vintage or used goods. Then let the buyers offer if they want to buy.

Brand representation

Brand representation is the art of conveying a company’s identity, values, and personality to its target audience. It encompasses every touchpoint a customer has with a brand, from logos and messaging to customer service interactions.

Effective brand representation creates a strong, consistent image that resonates with customers, fosters trust, and sets a brand apart from competitors.

Whether through visual design, storytelling, or customer experiences, successful brand representation is integral to building brand loyalty and attracting new customers in today’s competitive marketplace.


Confectionery is a delightful world of sweet treats and confections, ranging from delectable chocolates and chewy candies to sugary pastries and mouthwatering desserts.

These tempting creations come in a plethora of flavors, shapes, and sizes, making them a source of joy for people of all ages.

Whether it’s a simple pleasure or an elegant gift, confectionery has a universal appeal that transcends borders. It’s a blend of artistry and culinary expertise, crafting sugary wonders that bring smiles to faces and make special occasions even sweeter.

Lettering service

A lettering service is a valuable creative resource that specializes in crafting visually stunning and personalized lettering designs for various purposes.

Whether it’s custom calligraphy for wedding invitations, hand-drawn signage for businesses, or decorative typography for artwork, lettering services excel in transforming words into art.

These experts possess a keen eye for typography, design aesthetics, and attention to detail, ensuring that each project reflects the client’s unique vision.

Lettering services can elevate branding, events, and personal projects by infusing them with distinctive, eye-catching letterforms and expressive flair.

Online educator

Online educators are at the forefront of modern education, leveraging technology to empower learners worldwide. Through virtual platforms, they bridge geographical gaps, offering a diverse array of courses and knowledge.

These dedicated individuals use various tools, such as video lectures, interactive quizzes, and discussion forums, to engage and inspire students of all ages.

Whether teaching academic subjects, professional skills, or hobbies, online educators provide accessible, flexible, and personalized learning experiences, revolutionizing the way we acquire knowledge in the digital age.

Animal influence r

A photo transfer program is available as long as pet photos are online. But on Instagram, monetizing pet photos has always been challenging.

Dogs and rabbits are not the only ones with animal nature. Targeting your posts to an exotic animal like a fox can give you an advantage.  

Magicians are captivating performers who specialize in creating illusions and magical experiences that leave audiences spellbound.

With their sleight of hand, misdirection, and clever props, magicians have the ability to make the impossible seem possible.

Whether performing on stage, at events, or even up close, magicians use their skills to astound and entertain, leaving spectators in awe of their seemingly supernatural abilities.

Beyond their tricks, magicians often possess a deep understanding of psychology and showmanship, enhancing the overall mystery and allure of their craft.

A web host is a critical component of any online presence. It’s essentially a service that provides the necessary infrastructure for websites to be accessible on the internet.

Web hosting companies store website files, databases, and applications on powerful servers, ensuring they are available to users 24/7.

These hosts offer various types of hosting, from shared hosting for small websites to dedicated servers for large enterprises. Reliability, speed, and security are key considerations when selecting a web host, as they directly impact a website’s performance and user experience.

Instagram poet

If you enjoy writing, consider Instagram poems as a way to make cash. This can not be the first thing people think of when they think of Instagram marketing. But the early pioneers made it a good business model.

Being a blogger on Instagram is like running any other business on the platform. A strong personal brand, better audience engagement, and a constant flow of content are the keys to winning a fan base.   

Creative Instagram Posts for Businesses

Artists are individuals who possess a unique talent for expressing themselves through various forms of creativity. Whether it’s through painting, sculpture, music, or any other medium, artists bring their visions to life, often inspiring and provoking emotions in others.

They dedicate countless hours honing their skills, exploring their imaginations, and pushing the boundaries of their chosen art form.

Artists play a crucial role in society, shaping culture, documenting history, and challenging perspectives. Their work serves as a testament to human creativity and the boundless possibilities of the human mind.

Makeup artist

As a photo-sharing platform, Instagram is a great place to promote your work as a makeup artist. Whether you’re a retail beauty brand, an independent makeup artist, or a beauty influencer, you can use Instagram to build and build your community.

People want to see the makeup process, so consider using Instagram Live to show the entire process or upload a full tutorial video to IGTV. You can also add to your YouTube channel or sell makeup tutorials on your website.

Digital product seller

You can sell countless digital products on Instagram. One of the biggest advantages of selling digital products is that they become passive income. Try creating a product, integrating your online store, and vending it to your Instagram community.

Digital products can include, for example, music, videos, picture frames, online courses, photos, activities, and so on. If you have a product idea, do market research to see if it’s viable. 

Lifestyle blogger

Writing lifestyle content can take many forms, so start by deciding what topics you want to focus your blog posts on. For example, you can be a travel writer, or street photographer, or share your personal life. Think about topics you know a lot about and want to talk about.

Once your blog is online, use Instagram to engage your audience. While on your site, you can earn money with advertising space, marketing links, sponsored content, or selling your products.

Fitness Coaching

If you love working out and want to turn it into a passionate career, there are many ways to make money with a fitness Instagram account. Start by defining your health goals.

You can work out at home, create workout videos on your YouTube account, or partner with brands to become fitness trainer or affiliate. It would be best to decide which method will help you create content, who your ideal customers are, and which brands you want to reach.

Sell Art and Handcrafted Items

Many people have started selling what they normally do as a hobby on Instagram. It can be art, paintings, photographs, sculptures, or handmade jewelry. You can sell these items on eBay, crafts on Amazon, and more.

Here you can list your products and then use your Instagram page to advertise, promote, and sell your crafts to the world. You can also download product videos and more.  

Food Blogging

If you are a foodie ?, you like exploring different foods and making money.

You can post all your favorite food from restaurants, bars, and cafes, share information about the biggest and greatest places to eat, and then join these food brands and earn directly from your Instagram account.  

Instagram is also a significant platform for photographers to start their businesses. You can sell your photos whether you’re a professional photographer or a beginner. If you have numerous photos on your phone, you can sell them in the app or promote them on your Instagram account.

If you are an event photographer, One of the best Instagram marketing tips is to post pictures of your events and add your email address in the description so new customers can visit and interact with your page.

Visual artist

Digital photography is the easiest art form to upload to Instagram. However, all media benefit from the platform’s visual user interface.

Painters, Illustrators, and “other” artists can sell their creations using Instagram.  

Tattoo artist

Back in the day, if you desired to do a comic, you had to go to a cartoonist and look at the book to see if the artist was good enough to qualify.

But platforms like Instagram have prevented would-be tattoo artists from finding artists who can bring their idea to life. Now you can see cartoonists at work on your mobile device.

Influencer chef

The restaurant world is changing. And with Instagram’s video-sharing options, you can diversify how you reach your audience.

Short videos can be published as reels or in stories. With Live, you can use Instagram to show multiple cooking sessions in real-time. You can monetize your influence as a chef on Instagram by promoting food brands. But you can use it to sell cookbooks or other items.

Advertising expert

An advertising expert is a seasoned professional with a deep understanding of the intricacies of promoting products, services, or ideas through various marketing channels.

These experts are well-versed in market trends, consumer behavior, and the latest advertising technologies. They craft compelling campaigns, strategically allocate budgets, and analyze data to optimize results.

Advertising experts are essential for businesses seeking to maximize their reach and ROI, as they bring expertise in creating impactful messages that resonate with target audiences, ultimately driving growth and success in today’s competitive market landscape.

Instagram competitive service

Instagram, a social media giant, faces competition from various platforms striving to capture users’ attention.

One such competitive service is TikTok, known for its short-form video content. TikTok’s rapid rise has compelled Instagram to introduce features like Reels, a similar short-video format.

Additionally, Snapchat poses a challenge with its ephemeral content, driving Instagram to enhance its Stories feature.

The battle for user engagement also extends to Facebook and Twitter, prompting Instagram to constantly innovate and adapt to evolving trends to maintain its competitive edge in the dynamic social media landscape.


For those who want to show off, Instagram can let them showcase their talents and bring joy to people in their daily lives. Instagram party marketing ideas include: ?

  • Singer and musician

Digital production company

A digital production company is a dynamic entity specializing in creating a wide range of digital content, from videos and animations to interactive websites and mobile apps.

These companies employ skilled professionals, including videographers, animators, designers, developers, and project managers, to craft engaging and innovative digital experiences for businesses and individuals.

Digital production companies play a crucial role in today’s digital landscape, helping clients tell their stories, market their products, and engage with their audience effectively through the power of multimedia and technology.

Second-hand good service  

A second-hand goods service offers a sustainable and cost-effective way for individuals to buy and sell pre-owned items.

Whether it’s clothing, electronics, furniture, or collectibles, these services provide a platform for people to declutter their homes while giving new life to used products.

This not only helps reduce waste and minimize environmental impact but also allows budget-conscious consumers to access quality items at a fraction of the price.

Second-hand goods services have gained popularity due to their contribution to a more eco-friendly and budget-friendly lifestyle.

Product Placement and Sponsored Posts 

Once you have created an Instagram account with enough followers to like and comment on your content, you can start selling sponsored content.

Sponsored publishing is creating content for brands and companies to encourage a product or service. It’s like advertising. Many companies are willing to pay to publish branding messages.

Networks can also provide links to companies that offer sponsored posts or product placement. It can be a valuable tool if you are an influencer or want to run a campaign.  

Cars for Sale

In addition to eBay Motorcycles, and car dealerships, where you can list your vehicles for sale, you can also use Instagram.

You can visit your customers’ feeds and show them the latest car sales. You can also send pictures of previous car sales to increase credibility.

Reels dancer 

A Reels dancer is an artist who thrives on Instagram’s dynamic video platform, Instagram Reels. These talented individuals utilize their creativity, choreography, and music selection to craft engaging and entertaining short dance videos.

With a focus on capturing attention within a few seconds, Reels dancers are experts at storytelling through dance.

They often gain a substantial following and collaborate with brands to promote products or services, showcasing the immense potential for creativity and entrepreneurship within the realm of short-form video content.

Sell Home Décor 

Selling home décor is a thriving venture that offers a world of creative possibilities. Whether you’re an artisan crafting unique pieces or an entrepreneur curating a selection, the demand for home décor is evergreen.

From handmade furniture and bespoke artwork to trendy accents and vintage finds, the market is diverse. With the growth of e-commerce platforms and social media, showcasing and selling home décor has never been easier.

It’s a business where personal style and aesthetics can shine, making it a rewarding and profitable endeavor for those with a passion for interior design.

Cute Business Names for Instagram

Launch your own life coaching venture..

Launching your own life coaching venture is an exciting journey towards making a positive impact. As a life coach, you’ll guide individuals on their path to personal growth and fulfillment.

Begin by honing your coaching skills, defining your niche, and crafting a unique coaching approach. Establishing a strong online presence and networking within your industry are vital steps.

With dedication and empathy, you can empower others to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential, while building a rewarding career for yourself. Start your life coaching venture and help others thrive.

Transition Into a Business Coaching Role.

Transitioning into a business coaching role can be a transformative journey. It entails shifting from conventional job responsibilities to guiding and empowering individuals or teams to reach their full potential.

This transition demands honing interpersonal and leadership skills, as well as acquiring in-depth knowledge of organizational dynamics.

Successful business coaches inspire growth, facilitate problem-solving, and drive results. Embracing this role offers the chance to positively impact careers and organizations, making it a rewarding path for those passionate about fostering professional development and success.

Embark on An Animation Startup Journey.

Embarking on an animation startup journey is a thrilling adventure into the world of creativity and innovation. In this exciting endeavor, you’ll harness your artistic vision and technical skills to bring captivating characters and stories to life.

From developing a unique style to mastering cutting-edge software, the path is filled with challenges and rewards.

With determination and passion, your animation startup can carve a niche in the industry, enchanting audiences and leaving a lasting mark on the world of entertainment.

Establish a Business Specializing in Product Photography.

Launching a business specializing in product photography can be a lucrative venture in today’s visually driven market. With e-commerce booming, businesses require high-quality images to showcase their products effectively.

Offering professional photography services, including product styling, lighting, and post-production editing, can help businesses stand out and attract customers.

Building a strong portfolio, investing in top-notch equipment, and marketing your expertise can pave the way for a successful career in this niche, catering to the ever-growing demand for captivating product visuals.

Transform Into an Online Fitness Coaching Authority.

Becoming an online fitness coaching authority is a journey of expertise and influence. To transform into such an authority, start by honing your knowledge in fitness, nutrition, and wellness.

Share valuable content consistently through blogs, videos, and social media. Build a strong online presence and engage with your audience to foster trust and credibility. Offer personalized coaching services, backed by results and testimonials.

Embrace innovation and adapt to evolving fitness trends, establishing yourself as a trusted source of guidance and motivation in the digital fitness world.

Dive Into the World of Stock Photography Entrepreneurship.

Dive into the world of stock photography entrepreneurship and unlock your creative potential. As a stock photographer, you can turn your passion for photography into a thriving business.

Capture captivating images, cater to diverse markets, and earn a steady income by licensing your work to individuals and businesses worldwide.

With the right strategy, you can build a portfolio that generates passive income and allows you to explore your artistic vision while pursuing a rewarding entrepreneurial journey in the dynamic realm of stock photography.

Initiate a Dropshipping Enterprise.

Starting a dropshipping enterprise can be a lucrative venture for aspiring entrepreneurs. This business model eliminates the need for inventory storage and upfront product costs.

To begin, select a niche, research trending products, and establish partnerships with reliable suppliers. Create a user-friendly e-commerce website, optimize it for search engines, and integrate secure payment gateways.

Marketing and customer service are key to success, so invest in digital marketing strategies and excellent customer support. With dedication and strategic planning, a dropshipping business can thrive in today’s competitive online market.

Create an Instagram Fan Account.

Creating an Instagram fan account is a fantastic way to express your admiration for your favorite celebrity, brand, or interest. Start by selecting a captivating username and profile picture that reflects your passion.

Share engaging content, such as photos, videos, and stories related to your subject. Interact with fellow fans by following and commenting on their posts, and use relevant hashtags to increase your account’s visibility.

Building a loyal following and connecting with like-minded enthusiasts can make your fan account a vibrant and enjoyable online community.

Kickstart a Blog Dedicated to Diy and Crafts.

Embark on a creative journey by kickstarting a blog dedicated to DIY and crafts. Unleash your inner artisan and share your passion for crafting with the world.

Whether it’s homemade home decor, intricate knitting projects, or innovative upcycling ideas, your blog can inspire others to embrace their creative side.

Provide step-by-step tutorials, tips, and a platform for fellow craft enthusiasts to connect and exchange ideas. With dedication and enthusiasm, your DIY and crafts blog can become a vibrant community of makers and a source of endless inspiration.

Pivot Into a Career as A Social Media Consultant.

Pivoting into a career as a social media consultant offers exciting prospects in the digital age. With the ever-growing importance of online presence, businesses seek experts to navigate the complex world of social media.

As a consultant, you can leverage your knowledge of platforms, content strategies, and analytics to help clients build their brand, engage audiences, and drive growth.

This dynamic field allows for flexibility, creativity, and the opportunity to stay at the forefront of evolving trends, making it an attractive choice for those looking to explore new career horizons.

Begin a Blog Focused on Product Reviews.

Starting a blog centered on product reviews is an exciting venture. With a passion for testing and evaluating various products, you can provide valuable insights to consumers seeking trustworthy recommendations.

Choose a niche that aligns with your interests, whether it’s tech gadgets, beauty products, or home appliances. Create engaging, informative content that helps readers make informed purchasing decisions.

Building a loyal audience takes time, but your dedication to honest and thorough reviews will ultimately establish your blog as a go-to resource in the world of product recommendations.

Set up A Mobile Photography Enterprise.

Setting up a mobile photography enterprise can be a lucrative venture in today’s digital age. With the proliferation of smartphones equipped with high-quality cameras, the demand for professional mobile photography services is on the rise.

To get started, invest in top-notch equipment and hone your photography skills. Create a portfolio showcasing your work and offer a range of services, from portrait sessions to event coverage.

Establish a strong online presence and marketing strategy to attract clients. With dedication and creativity, your mobile photography enterprise can capture moments and memories for clients while thriving as a business.

Cultivate a Presence as A Social Media Influencer.

To become a successful social media influencer, it’s crucial to cultivate a strong and authentic online presence.

Start by identifying your niche and target audience, then consistently create and share valuable content that resonates with them. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages, and collaborate with other influencers or brands to expand your reach.

Building trust and credibility through transparency and authenticity is key. Remember, it’s not just about numbers; it’s about making a meaningful impact on your audience.

Commence a Personal Styling Service.

Starting a personal styling service can be a rewarding venture. This business allows you to help clients discover their unique fashion identity while curating outfits that boost their confidence.

Begin by honing your fashion expertise and building a diverse wardrobe collection. Develop a strong online presence through social media and a user-friendly website.

Effective communication and understanding your clients’ preferences are key to success. Providing a personalized, enjoyable shopping experience will ensure your personal styling service thrives in the competitive fashion industry.

Market and Sell Digital Products.

To market and sell digital products effectively in today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses must employ a strategic approach.

This involves identifying target audiences, creating compelling product listings, utilizing digital advertising channels, and optimizing user experiences.

Leveraging social media, email marketing , and search engine optimization (SEO) can boost visibility and engagement.

Furthermore, fostering customer trust through transparent pricing, strong customer support, and regular updates is vital for long-term success.

Embracing data analytics to refine strategies and adapt to changing market trends is essential in this dynamic digital marketplace.

Pursue a Career as A Videographer.

Choosing to pursue a career as a videographer is an exciting and creative path. Videographers have the unique ability to capture moments, tell stories, and evoke emotions through the lens of a camera.

Whether it’s in the world of film, documentaries, weddings, or corporate events, videographers play a crucial role in visually communicating messages.

With the constant evolution of technology and the growing demand for video content, this career offers endless opportunities for growth and self-expression. Embrace your passion for visual storytelling and embark on a rewarding journey as a videographer.

Launch an Ecommerce Reselling Operation.

Launching an ecommerce reselling operation can be a lucrative venture in today’s digital landscape. With the increasing popularity of online shopping, aspiring entrepreneurs have a vast market to tap into.

To start, research trending products, establish supplier relationships, and create a user-friendly website. Effective marketing and customer service are key to success.

As you build your brand and expand your product range, the potential for profitability and growth is substantial in the dynamic world of ecommerce reselling.

Best Instagram Business Ideas

Start an online cooking enterprise..

Starting an online cooking enterprise can be a rewarding venture in today’s digital age. With a passion for culinary arts and a strong online presence, you can share your cooking expertise, recipes, and tips with a global audience.

Utilize social media platforms, create engaging cooking tutorials, and consider offering virtual cooking classes or selling homemade culinary products.

The possibilities are endless, allowing you to turn your love for cooking into a thriving online business while connecting with food enthusiasts worldwide.

Establish a Professional Organizing Service.

Starting a professional organizing service can be a rewarding venture. With a keen eye for order and efficiency, you’ll help clients declutter and optimize their spaces, whether it’s their homes or offices.

Begin by honing your organizational skills, understanding client needs, and creating a business plan. Services may include decluttering, space planning, and storage solutions.

Building a strong online presence and networking within your community can help establish credibility. As people seek simplicity in their lives, your professional organizing service can make a significant impact.

Build a Travel Influencer Brand.

Building a travel influencer brand requires a strategic blend of creativity, authenticity, and consistency. Begin by identifying your niche within the vast travel landscape, whether it’s luxury, adventure, or budget travel.

Create captivating content that showcases your unique perspective and experiences. Engage with your audience through social media, sharing travel tips, stories, and stunning visuals.

Collaborate with brands that align with your image, and don’t underestimate the power of a strong personal brand. Ultimately, building a travel influencer brand involves sharing your passion for travel while connecting with and inspiring your audience.

Transition Into a Graphic Design Profession.

Transitioning into a graphic design profession can be a rewarding journey for creative individuals. Aspiring designers often start by honing their skills in software like Adobe Creative Suite and building a strong portfolio showcasing their artistic flair.

Networking within the design community, attending workshops, and seeking freelance opportunities can also be pivotal.

Staying updated with design trends and constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity will help one thrive in this dynamic field, where innovation and visual storytelling are paramount for success.

Pursue a Mobile Makeup Artist Career.

If you have a passion for beauty and a flair for creativity, consider pursuing a mobile makeup artist career.

This exciting profession allows you to bring your makeup artistry skills directly to clients’ doorsteps, providing convenience and personalized beauty experiences.

With the flexibility to work independently or with agencies, you can cater to weddings, special events, or everyday makeup needs.

As a mobile makeup artist, you’ll not only enhance people’s beauty but also boost their confidence, making it a rewarding and fulfilling career choice.

Initiate a Data Analysis Service.

Initiating a Data Analysis Service is the first step towards unlocking valuable insights from your data.

Whether you’re a business looking to optimize operations or a researcher exploring new trends, our service offers expertise in data collection, cleaning, and advanced analysis techniques.

We harness the power of cutting-edge tools and experienced analysts to transform raw data into actionable information, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive success.

Start your data-driven journey today with our Data Analysis Service and uncover the hidden potential within your datasets.

Embark on A Journey as An Event Promoter.

Embarking on a journey as an event promoter is an exhilarating adventure filled with creativity and excitement.

As an event promoter, you have the power to transform ideas into unforgettable experiences, from concerts and festivals to corporate gatherings and charity events.

Your role involves crafting engaging marketing strategies, connecting with clients and artists, and ensuring seamless execution.

It’s a dynamic field that demands adaptability and innovation, offering endless opportunities to make a mark in the world of entertainment and hospitality. So, step into this thrilling world and let your imagination run wild as you bring people together through memorable events.

Found a Fashion Blogging Business.

Starting a fashion blogging business can be an exciting venture in the ever-evolving world of style and trends.

With a passion for fashion, creativity, and a knack for captivating content, you can create a platform to showcase your unique style perspective.

From outfit inspiration to beauty tips and product reviews, fashion blogging allows you to share your expertise with a global audience.

Monetizing your blog through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and collaborations can turn your passion into a profitable venture, making it a fulfilling entrepreneurial endeavor.

Begin an Online Bakery Venture.

Starting an online bakery venture is an enticing business opportunity in today’s digital age. With a delectable range of pastries, cakes, and artisanal bread, you can cater to a broad customer base.

Establishing a user-friendly website, promoting your delectable creations on social media, and offering convenient online ordering and delivery options will be crucial.

Moreover, maintaining quality, consistency, and customer satisfaction will help your bakery flourish in the competitive online marketplace. It’s a sweet journey waiting to be embarked upon!

Commence a Portrait Photography Studio.

Starting a portrait photography studio is an exciting venture for aspiring photographers. It begins with a passion for capturing people’s unique personalities and moments.

To commence, you’ll need essential equipment like cameras, lighting, and backdrops. Create a welcoming studio space that reflects your style and appeals to clients.

Develop a strong online presence through a website and social media to showcase your portfolio. Building a reputation for delivering high-quality, personalized portraits is key to success in this creative and fulfilling business.

Open a Business Selling Products on Etsy.

Opening a business selling products on Etsy can be a rewarding venture for creative entrepreneurs.

Etsy provides a global platform for artisans, crafters, and small businesses to showcase their unique offerings, from handmade crafts to vintage treasures.

With its user-friendly interface and built-in customer base, it offers a prime opportunity to turn your passion into profit.

Success on Etsy often hinges on product quality, stellar customer service, and effective marketing. So, if you have a penchant for crafting or curating one-of-a-kind items, Etsy might be your gateway to entrepreneurial success.

Cultivate Your Skills as A Magician.

Cultivating your skills as a magician is a captivating journey that transcends mere entertainment. It requires dedication, practice, and a deep understanding of psychology, misdirection, and sleight of hand.

As you hone your craft, you’ll not only dazzle audiences with mesmerizing tricks but also unlock the secrets of perception and wonder.

Embrace the art of illusion, and you’ll discover the limitless potential to enchant and inspire those who witness your magic, making every performance a truly magical experience.

Launch a Secondhand Products Business.

Starting a secondhand products business is a smart venture in today’s sustainable economy. It involves selling pre-owned items like clothing, electronics, furniture, and more.

By offering quality used goods, you not only reduce waste but also provide affordable options for budget-conscious customers.

Begin by sourcing items from thrift stores, garage sales, or online platforms, and then market your products effectively.

Building trust, ensuring product quality, and embracing eco-friendly practices will help your secondhand business thrive in an environmentally conscious market.

Start a Business Specializing in Brand Promotion.

Starting a business specializing in brand promotion can be a lucrative venture in today’s competitive market.

With a focus on enhancing a company’s visibility and reputation, you’ll help clients connect with their target audience. Services may include social media marketing, content creation, and branding strategies.

Success in this field requires creativity, digital marketing expertise, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. As you build your brand promotion business, staying up-to-date with industry trends and delivering measurable results will be key to long-term success.

Found a Photo Editing Service.

I recently stumbled upon an incredible photo editing service that has transformed my photography game. Their skilled team of editors works magic on my photos, enhancing colors, fixing imperfections, and adding artistic flair.

The quick turnaround time and affordable pricing make it a go-to for both amateur and professional photographers.

It’s a game-changer for anyone looking to elevate their visual content. I’m thrilled to have found this photo editing gem, and it’s become an indispensable tool in my creative toolbox.

Establish a Business as A Social Media Advertising Specialist.

Establishing a business as a Social Media Advertising Specialist offers exciting opportunities in today’s digital landscape.

By leveraging your expertise in platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can help clients amplify their online presence and reach their target audience effectively.

Crafting compelling ad campaigns, analyzing data, and staying ahead of industry trends are key components. With businesses increasingly relying on social media, your specialized services can pave the way for a thriving entrepreneurial journey.

Transition Into a Career as A Public Speaker.

Transitioning into a career as a public speaker is an exciting journey that requires passion, preparation, and perseverance.

To succeed, individuals must cultivate strong communication skills, build a unique message, and overcome stage fright. Networking and seeking mentorship from seasoned speakers can provide invaluable guidance.

Aspiring speakers should also embrace continuous learning, refine their storytelling abilities, and utilize technology for outreach. The path may be challenging, but with dedication and authenticity, one can turn their passion for speaking into a fulfilling and impactful career.

Catchy Instagram business ideas

Begin an instagram contest management service..

Starting an Instagram Contest Management Service can be a lucrative venture in today’s social media-driven world.

With businesses and influencers constantly seeking to engage their audiences, your service can help create and execute exciting contests. Offer comprehensive solutions, from strategy development and content creation to rule enforcement and winner selection.

Leveraging your expertise in Instagram’s algorithms and trends, you can provide clients with valuable insights and boost their online presence.

As Instagram continues to grow, your contest management service can be the key to unlocking success for many aspiring brands and individuals.

Create and Sell Online Courses.

Creating and selling online courses has become an increasingly popular avenue for individuals and businesses alike.

With the digital age in full swing, the demand for accessible and comprehensive learning experiences is higher than ever.

By leveraging your expertise in a particular subject or skill, you can craft engaging courses that cater to a global audience.

Online platforms provide the infrastructure to market and monetize your courses, offering a flexible and lucrative opportunity to share knowledge and generate income simultaneously.

Pursue a Career as A Dance Choreographer.

Pursuing a career as a dance choreographer is a thrilling and creative path for those passionate about dance and movement.

Choreographers have the unique opportunity to translate emotions, stories, and music into captivating dance performances. They work closely with dancers, guiding them in executing intricate moves and crafting mesmerizing routines.

To succeed, one must have a deep understanding of various dance styles, excellent communication skills, and a keen eye for detail. It’s a challenging yet immensely rewarding journey, where every dance becomes a canvas for artistic expression and storytelling.

Start an Online Art Prints Store.

Starting an online art prints store can be a rewarding venture for art enthusiasts and entrepreneurs alike. It offers a platform to showcase and sell unique artworks to a global audience.

Whether you’re an artist looking to monetize your creations or a curator with an eye for exceptional art, this endeavor allows you to tap into the growing demand for art in the digital age.

With e-commerce platforms and marketing strategies, you can turn your passion for art into a thriving online business, connecting artists and art lovers worldwide.

Become a Celebrity Hair Stylist.

Becoming a celebrity hair stylist is a dream for many in the beauty industry. It’s a path that combines skill, creativity, and networking prowess.

To achieve this status, you’ll need to hone your craft to perfection, staying updated with the latest trends and techniques. Building a strong portfolio and establishing a personal brand are essential.

Networking with celebrities and industry insiders can open doors to glamorous opportunities. Remember, it’s not just about styling hair; it’s about creating a signature look that sets you apart in the competitive world of celebrity hairstyling.

Venture Into Meme Marketing.

Venture into meme marketing to harness the viral power of internet culture. Memes, humorous images or videos accompanied by clever captions, have become a formidable marketing tool.

By creating memes that resonate with your target audience, you can increase brand awareness and engagement in a fun and relatable way.

Meme marketing offers a unique opportunity to connect with younger, tech-savvy audiences who appreciate humor and authenticity.

However, it’s essential to tread carefully and ensure your memes align with your brand values to avoid potential backlash. So, dive into meme marketing, but do so with a strategic approach to maximize its benefits.

Establish an Instagram Food Channel.

Creating an Instagram food channel is a delectable way to share your passion for cuisine with a vast online audience.

Through captivating food photography, engaging videos, and insightful captions, you can showcase your culinary expertise.

Whether you’re a home cook, a restaurant owner, or a foodie, this platform allows you to whip up a visual feast for your followers, sharing recipes, food experiences, and even collaborating with other food enthusiasts.

With Instagram’s visual appeal, you can tantalize taste buds and build a dedicated community of food lovers from around the world.

Launch a Culinary-Focused Instagram Channel.

Launching a culinary-focused Instagram channel is an enticing venture for food enthusiasts and aspiring influencers. This platform provides an excellent canvas to showcase your culinary skills, share mouthwatering recipes, and connect with a like-minded foodie community.

With visually appealing food photography, engaging captions, and strategic use of hashtags, you can pique the interest of food lovers worldwide.

Whether you’re a home cook, chef, or a food blogger, this Instagram journey offers a delectable opportunity to share your passion for gastronomy and explore new culinary horizons. Start today and savor the flavor of culinary creativity!

Initiate a Prop Styling Business.

Initiating a prop styling business is a creative venture that involves curating and arranging props to enhance the visual appeal of photographs, events, or interior spaces.

Aspiring prop stylists can tap into their artistic flair to transform ordinary settings into captivating, eye-catching scenes.

This business offers a wide range of opportunities, from working with photographers and event planners to collaborating with businesses for branding purposes.

Successful prop styling relies on attention to detail, a keen sense of aesthetics, and a knack for storytelling through props, making it a promising entrepreneurial avenue for those with a passion for design.

Commence a Custom Illustration Service.

Starting a custom illustration service can be a rewarding venture for those with artistic talent and a passion for creativity.

This business allows you to turn your artistic skills into a profitable endeavor, catering to a diverse range of clients seeking unique and personalized artwork.

Whether it’s designing custom portraits, logos, or illustrations for various purposes, offering a bespoke illustration service can fulfill your artistic ambitions while providing clients with one-of-a-kind visual content tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Create an Instagram Growth Agency.

Creating an Instagram Growth Agency can be a lucrative venture in today’s digital landscape. As social media continues to shape the marketing world, businesses are seeking experts to help them expand their presence on platforms like Instagram.

Your agency can offer services such as content creation, engagement strategies, and analytics to help clients gain followers and increase their brand’s visibility.

With the right expertise and a well-executed plan, you can tap into the growing demand for Instagram growth services and build a successful agency that delivers real results for your clients.

Begin a Career in Comedy.

Beginning a career in comedy can be an exhilarating journey into the world of laughter and entertainment. Whether you’re a seasoned funny bone or a novice humorist, the comedy scene offers a diverse array of opportunities.

Stand-up comedy, improv, writing, and even comedic acting are avenues to explore. Crafting your unique comedic voice and honing your timing are essential.

Open mic nights, comedy clubs, and social media platforms provide platforms to showcase your talent. With dedication, resilience, and a touch of humor, you can embark on a rewarding career path that brings joy and laughter to audiences.

Offer Instagram Contest Management Services.

Are you ready to take your brand’s social media presence to the next level? Our Instagram Contest Management Services can help you engage with your audience like never before.

We specialize in creating exciting and interactive Instagram contests that not only boost your followers but also drive real results for your business. From concept to execution, we handle it all, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your participants.

Let us turn your Instagram into a dynamic platform for growth and brand awareness. Elevate your social game with our expert contest management today!

Start a Business Providing Live Workshop Instruction.

Starting a business providing live workshop instruction is an exciting entrepreneurial endeavor. Offering hands-on, interactive learning experiences in various fields such as arts and crafts, cooking, or professional development, can be a lucrative venture.

By harnessing your expertise and passion, you can engage with a diverse audience eager to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Whether you choose to operate in person or virtually, creating a business that offers valuable, immersive learning opportunities can open doors to personal fulfillment and financial success.

Establish Yourself as A Topic Expert.

Becoming a topic expert is a journey of knowledge and credibility. To establish yourself as an authority in a specific field or subject matter, you must consistently share valuable insights, research, and opinions related to that topic.

Engaging in discussions, offering solutions, and providing unique perspectives will help you gain recognition and trust from your audience.

Demonstrating expertise through well-researched content, speaking engagements, or published works can solidify your reputation as a trusted source of information, paving the way for professional opportunities and influence in your chosen field.

Develop Your Skills as A Food Photographer.

Embarking on a journey to develop your skills as a food photographer is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. In this visually-driven era, capturing delectable dishes is an art form.

It involves mastering lighting, composition, and presentation to make food come alive on camera.

Whether you’re an aspiring professional or just a passionate foodie, honing your skills can lead to captivating food imagery that’s perfect for social media, blogs, or even culinary publications.

With dedication and practice, you can create mouthwatering visuals that truly showcase the essence of cuisine.

Begin a Photoshoot Styling Business.

Starting a photoshoot styling business can be a fulfilling endeavor for those with a keen eye for fashion and aesthetics. This venture involves curating and coordinating outfits, props, and settings to create stunning visual stories.

As a stylist, you’ll work closely with photographers and clients to bring their visions to life. Whether it’s fashion, product, or lifestyle photography, your expertise in crafting compelling visuals can make a significant impact.

With the rise of social media and e-commerce, there’s a growing demand for skilled photoshoot stylists, making it an exciting and viable business opportunity .

Instagram is a goldmine for business ideas. With appealing content and smart marketing, you can turn your instagram into a money-making venture. Be flexible, connect with your audience, and keep innovating. Your success on instagram is closer than you think!

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Rahul Panchal

Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.

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Small Business Trends

50 instagram business ideas.

instagram business ideas

Why Starting an Instagram Business is a Good Idea

How to choose the perfect instagram business idea: our methodology.

Audience Engagement (5/5) : Instagram is known for its highly engaged user base. It’s crucial for your business because a more engaged audience means better chances of connecting with potential customers.

Advertising Options (4/5) : Instagram offers a variety of advertising options, including sponsored posts and stories, which can help boost your business’s visibility.

Competition (3/5) : Consider the level of competition in your industry on Instagram. A highly saturated market might require more effort to stand out.

Types of Instagram Business Ideas

TypeBusiness IdeasDescription
Influencer & Content CreationInstagram Influencer, Product Reviewer, Instagram Food Channel, Fashion Blogger, Food Blogger, Travel Blogger, Lifestyle BloggerFocus on building a niche-specific audience and collaborate with brands to share content, reviews, or promotions.
Management & ConsultancyInstagram Manager, Social Commerce Seller, Affiliate Marketer, Instagram Consultant, Advertising Specialist, Instagram Contest ServiceOffer specialized services to brands or individuals, ranging from managing accounts, curating content, or creating effective advertising strategies.
Art & DesignMakeup Artist, Hair Stylist, Illustrator, Custom Portrait Artist, Graphic Designer, Infographic Designer, Lettering ServiceShowcase artistic talent, be it through makeup, illustrations, graphics, or custom artwork. Potential to sell services or digital products.
PhotographyEvent Photographer, Stock Photographer, Product Photographer, Portrait Photographer, Printed Products Seller, Prop StylistUse Instagram as a visual portfolio. Offer various photographic services or sell prints and products.
Education & CoachingDIY Expert, Business Coach, Life Coach, Fitness Coach, Online Course Creator, Live Workshop InstructorShare knowledge, tutorials, or training in specific domains. Offer personal coaching or online courses.
Specialized ServicesAnimator, Videographer, Musician, Magician, Comedian, Public Speaker, Webinar Host, Event Organizer, Live Event PromoterCater to niche markets by showcasing unique skills or services. Potential to book gigs or collaborate with brands.
Selling & CommerceDigital Product Seller, Handmade Business Owner, Secondhand Goods Seller, Social Commerce Seller, Brand Ambassador, Pet PersonalityUtilize Instagram as a storefront or platform to sell products, both digital and physical. Build a brand around unique products or personas.
MiscellaneousMeme Maker, Photo Editing App, Event Organizer, Fitness Coach, BakerBroad range of opportunities, from developing apps to organizing events or baking. Variety ensures there's a niche for every entrepreneur.

Instagram Business Ideas

While many businesses will eventually require you to have a website or other offerings, there are plenty of different businesses you can get started with nothing more than an Instagram account. Here are 50 of those Instagram business ideas.

Instagram Influencer

Product reviewer, instagram manager, social commerce seller, affiliate marketer.

You can also use your Instagram account and Instagram Story to share affiliate links to specific products or services and then earn a commission on each sale.

Digital Product Seller

Event photographer, stock photographer, product photographer.

Or you can offer a service where you take photos of products for ecommerce businesses to use on their websites and social media accounts.

Portrait Photographer

Printed products seller, prop stylist, instagram food channel.

Foodies, you can post about all of your favorite dishes and restaurants and then work with those food brands to build an income directly from your Instagram account.

Fashion Blogger

Personal stylist.

Instagram is also a great place to show off your baking skills, especially if you offer cookies or items that have cool decorative elements. You can post your creations and let customers place orders with you directly.

Food Blogger

Travel blogger, lifestyle blogger, makeup artist.

Being a makeup artist is all about showcasing transformation and creativity. Instagram, being a visual platform, provides the perfect opportunity for this.

Hair Stylist

Handmade business owner.

Instead of relying on a platform like Etsy or setting up your own ecommerce site, you can post photos of handmade products and let customers claim or bid on them in the comments.


Custom portrait artist, graphic designer, infographic designer.

Or you can get even more specific and offer infographic design services, using Instagram to post interesting examples of your work.

Lettering Service


Whether it’s character designs, short animated clips, or intricate storyboards, by regularly uploading your work, you can build a following and attract businesses or individuals looking for animation services.

Even More Instagram Business Ideas

You can also show off short bits of a stand-up comedy routine on Instagram and share your funny personality with people who might be interested in booking your services.

Secondhand Goods Seller

Brand ambassador, pet personality, public speaker.

For those looking to offer services as a public speaker, you can use your Instagram account to share your expertise and even offer examples of your talks through Instagram Live.

Webinar Host

Live event promoter, event organizer.

Brands will sometimes pay for people to make memes as a way of creating some buzz. So you can use Instagram as a way to make and share memes.

Photo Editing App

Instagram consultant, advertising specialist.

By showcasing successful campaigns and highlighting your strategies, you can attract businesses wanting to amplify their reach. Instagram’s diverse advertising options mean there’s a niche for everyone, making it a promising venture for those keen on diving into the world of social media marketing.

Instagram Contest Service

Business coach.

You can also use Instagram to offer more general consulting services to other businesses, simply using the platform to share your knowledge and build up your credibility with potential clients.

Fitness Coach

Online course creator, live workshop instructor.

Or you can focus on teaching live classes on a specific subject, using Instagram to promote your offerings and book students.

A woman holds a large blue hashtag symbol in an office, smiling at the camera, while a man works on a laptop beside her and other people are in the background, illustrating a collaborative environment for a social media planner | plannthat.com

Instagram Business Planning – What You Need To Know

Are you looking to launch a new brand or blog? Now is the perfect time to sit down and begin your Instagram Business Planning.

cute instagram business plan

Things to Organise for Your New Instagram Business

A professional profile picture, an enticing instagram bio, here are some ideas for each potential goal:, an optimized bio link, an instagram business profile, things to invest in for your instagram business, share this story.

If you have been thinking about launching a business but don’t know where to start with your marketing , it’s well worth sitting down for a full-on Instagram business planning session .

No kidding! Grab yourself a notepad and pen, a nice drink (preferably non-alcoholic but it’s up to you) and let’s get right into a few juicy tips for planning out the launch of your Instagram business.

The Science of Social Media Marketing

Advanced analytics help you identify what works, discard what doesn’t and build your brand without the guesswork.

You’re going to smash this one out of the park!

Instagram Business Planning

When you are using Instagram for business it is incredibly important that your profile picture is professional, high-resolution, and consistent with the profile picture used across all branded social media platforms (and even your email display picture!).

Instagram Business Planning

Ideally, your profile picture should be your logo (if you have one). Or if you have a personal brand , it should be a high-resolution headshot that has your face towards the camera. It should be close enough so that when someone sees your profile picture on Instagram they can make out what your eye color is and your facial expression.

Before you start writing your Instagram bio description, can I ask you to do this?  Ask yourself an important question…

What is your main goal with Instagram?

No seriously… why have you decided to start an Instagram account for your business, apart from the fact that Instagram is booming with over 1 billion users across the world?

Is it because you want to increase visits to your e-commerce store and sales? Are you trying to grow your email list or waitlist for when you launch? Or are you simply looking to increase brand awareness?

Depending on your goal of launching an Instagram business profile, your Instagram bio will need to have a different key message.

The Ultimate Strategy Guide

How to reverse engineer your way social media success

✔ Business Awareness – Make what your business is providing very clear in your bio, mention your signature product or service that you are launching.

✔ Website Visits/Sales – Mention something enticing about your website that will draw them in. For example, a limited edition offer, a brand new collection of products, or a seasonal service.

✔ Email List Growth – Mention the benefit of signing up to your email list before mentioning the email list part, i.e. “Get $10 off your first order – join our VIP list”

PSSST-> Here’s how you can prioritize your business growth in 2019

Something that has really set us up for success at Plann is an optimized bio link. Rather than linking out to just one place on our website we use Linktr.ee to make sure we can link to multiple different web pages at once.

Instagram Business Planning

This helps your Instagram audience to choose their own adventure, and get to where they want to go without having to navigate through your website on their own or worse, making them look up your brand on Google!

By simplifying the journey for your Instagram audience you are far more likely to convert curious people into paying customers.

Finally, once you’ve set up your Instagram profile it’s time to switch over to an Instagram business profile.

As of December 11th in order to use any Instagram Scheduling tool (and to get the most business benefit from IG), you’ll need to have an Instagram business profile setup.

In order to do this, you will need to link your Instagram to a Facebook business page, so make sure you’ve got that at the ready!

To make the switch just go to the settings of your Instagram account and scroll down until you see the words “Switch to Business Profile”.

After you’ve completed this you’ll be the proud owner of an Instagram business account, hurrah!

Polished Photography

This may seem obvious as Instagram *is* a visual social media network. But it really does help to go out and invest in professional photography for your account.

PSSST-> Are you thinking of outsourcing your Instagram Marketing?

Professional Videography

On the same track as professional photography, with the increase in video content on Instagram and all social networks it is definitely worth getting some videos of you and your products to share.

Even better if you can have a few customers of yours agree to be filmed for a video testimonial!

Some other ideas for video content are:

✔ Interviews with your founder

✔ Addressing frequently asked questions about your niche

✔ Answering common questions about your product/service

Have you found this Instagram business planning blog helpful? Be sure to share it with a fellow business owner who is getting ready to launch.

cute instagram business plan

Author:  Christy

Christy Laurence is the multi-award-winning Founder of Plann, an app she created after watching hugely talented people around the world give up on making an income from their passion due to lack of marketing help. After winning ‘Australasian Startup Founder of The Year’ for her achievements helping businesses grow using Instagram, she now splits her time between Silicon Valley and Sydney to grow her own software business, and help others grow their businesses too. She has a strong pun game and loves a good chat, connect with her directly at @christyladylaurence

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Instagram for Business: 8 Tips to Grow Your Audience

Ash Read

Instagram is the go-to place for hundreds of millions of people to share their photos, videos, and stories every single day. In this post, we'll dive head first into how you can use Instagram for your small business and show you how you can connect with your audience on the platform.

You will learn

  • How to set up an eye-catching Instagram profile
  • How to post great content on a consistent basis
  • Growth tips to help you build an engaged follower base

If you want to use Instagram for business, think about your own experience on the app.

You’re scrolling through Instagram and enjoying your curated feed. It’s a mix of your personal friends, content creators, cute animals, and brands.

No one made you follow those business accounts; you chose to. And every time you see one of their posts or Instagram Stories, you actively choose to continue following them.

When you use Instagram for business, that’s the question you need to answer for your potential customers—why should they keep coming back for more?

We’ve put together our top Instagram for business tips to help you promote your business on the app.

1. Decide why you are using Instagram for business

When using any marketing channel, it’s important to have goals you want to achieve. Instagram is no different. If you’re going to invest your time and money in Instagram marketing, ask, “What do we want to achieve?”

Common Instagram business goals include:

  • Increase brand awareness;
  • Build a community;
  • Showcase company culture and values; and
  • Sell products and services.

Write your goals down and continuously monitor them. Think of your written goals as a formalized gut check. It encourages you and your team to be more intentional with your Instagram content because you can always refer back and ensure everything you share serves those goals.

2. Optimize your profile

If you’re using Instagram for business, think of your profile as your homepage. You get 150 characters, one link, and a few action buttons to win over potential customers—so be sure your profile makes a good impression.

First, make sure you switch to an Instagram business profile . Business accounts offer extra features that allow you to expand your profile, track content performance, and sell on Instagram .

Next, write a killer Instagram bio. Your profile should include:

  • A quick description of what your company does;
  • Your category/industry (Shopping & Retail, Business Service, Restaurant, etc.);
  • A tone that shows off your brand’s personality;
  • Contact information (phone number, email, address, etc.); and

The only place on the Instagram app where you can share a clickable link is in your bio, so this is valuable real estate. You can keep a static link to your homepage or frequently change the link to reflect current content. However, link-in-bio tools such as Buffer’s Start Page help you use the link more strategically by turning the single link into a catalog of resources.

cute instagram business plan

Instagram business accounts also have access to Action Buttons—additional clickable buttons for specific calls to action such as Book Now, Contact, View Shop, etc. Action Buttons are a great way to get more links into your profile and make it easier for your fans to interact with you.

Lastly, don’t forget to consider your grid. When people visit your profile, they’ll see your recent posts in grid form. Avoid sharing visually similar posts back-to-back, so your grid always looks appealing.

Bonus: Use a recognizable profile image

When it comes to choosing a profile picture, it’s important for people to instantly recognize it when they visit your Instagram profile. For most businesses, this means choosing one of the following options:

  • Logomark (the logo, minus any words)

There’s definitely no right or wrong here and don’t feel you must limit yourself to one of these options, but think about what will help people who visit your page to recognize your brand the quickest.

3. Find your visual aesthetic

On Instagram, it’s all about the visuals. But what works for one business might not be right for yours. Think about what aesthetic you want to present on your business page, then design branding guidelines so you can stay consistent.

Pay attention to your color palette. Some of the most successful Instagram accounts tend to use a select color palette for their photos, helping them to create a distinct style. For example, Oneika Raymond favors bright colors with high contrasts.

cute instagram business plan

If text plays a key role in your Instagram content, it’s important to also think about the font you’re using and how it relates to the fonts used on your website or other marketing materials. Shine with Natasha , for instance, keeps a consistent look with her bright yellow and white colors along with a standard font across Instagram posts.

cute instagram business plan

4. Post consistently

Sticking to a regular posting schedule helps you show up in your target audience’s timelines. Instagram strives to show each person the content they’re most likely to enjoy, so it looks for content that is recent and relevant to each person’s interests.

Instagram’s algorithm uses machine learning to continuously study each person’s activity and customizes their timeline accordingly. People can’t like what they don’t see—posting regularly helps you show up in people’s feeds and give them more chances to engage with you. The more they interact with your content, the more often they’ll see it in their Instagram feed.

You can stay on top of your content by scheduling posts in batches so your account never goes dark if you get busy. Plus, scheduling makes it easier to experiment with posting times. While there’s no single best time to post on Instagram , there may be ideal times to post to reach the majority of your audience. With Buffer you can set up preferred time slots, so all you have to do is add content to your queue and the posts will automatically be placed into the next available slot.

Then, you can check back to see if posts slotted at specific times get higher engagement rates than others.

5. Leverage hashtags to reach new audiences

Hashtags have become a uniform way to categorize content on many social media platforms . Hashtags allow Instagrammers to discover content and accounts to follow. Research from Track Maven found that posts with over 11 hashtags tend to get more engagement.

cute instagram business plan

But it can be difficult to organize, group and save hashtags — with many people saving groups on their phone ready to copy and paste to each post before publishing. With Hashtag Manager Buffer customers can create and save groups of hashtags directly within the Buffer composer.

cute instagram business plan

6. Engage with your community

Using Instagram for business doesn’t mean turning your profile into a nonstop sales pitch. Instagram is a social media platform, so learn to socialize. If someone takes the time to share their thoughts with you, it’s important to respond to them and show that you’re listening. Responding to comments is a great way to build a strong community on Instagram. With Buffer's engagement features you can respond to comments on Instagram posts directly within the Buffer platform—no need to tap out lengthy responses on a tiny phone screen. Engagement prompts are a great way to encourage interaction as well. Play around with interactive stickers in Instagram Stories such as polls, questions, or sliding scale rankings.

cute instagram business plan

For posts, use your caption to ask questions and tell people to share their thoughts in the comments. It may feel cheesy but think of it as a real-life conversation. How weird would it be for you to talk at someone instead of with them?

cute instagram business plan

Just because you’re using Instagram for business doesn’t mean everything has to come from you. User-generated content (UGC)—any form of content created by a fan or contributor—is a great way to give your fans some love and inspire more people to engage with you. Encourage your community to share memorable moments and experiences they have with your brand across Instagram and ask permission to repost some of the best content to your own channels. At Buffer, we tried this Instagram marketing strategy and it helped to grow our audience by 400% . Remember, your community is unique, so you’ll need to cater your content to your fans’ interests. Learn how to calculate and track your Instagram engagement rate so you can keep an eye on what’s working.

8. Experiment with different content types

Instagram is so much more than photos. There are now a huge range of content types on the platform, including:

And if you want to increase your reach and engagement on the platform, it's important to share a mix of content types. As we shared in our Instagram growth guide :

"The algorithm looks at interest and strives to show people the content types that they interact with most often. So, if one person likes and comments on Instagram Reels more often than other post types, they’re likely to see more Reels in their Instagram feed."

cute instagram business plan

Each type of content has advantages and everyone has their own preferences on Instagram — some people love Reels, whereas others don't use the feed and only check Stories. So if you want to maximize your reach and engagement, the best strategy is to use a variety of content types.

Struggling for content ideas? Our guide on social media content might give you some inspiration .

Bonus: Write great captions

Captions are a chance to enhance your content further and there are plenty of ways brands use them. Some choose to treat captions as a place for sharing stories and micro-blogging. Others use them to add a short, snappy headline to a post. Still others use captions to ask questions and encourage replies. The possibilities are endless. What’s important is to ensure the copy is aligned with your brand.

Good to know: Instagram captions are limited to 2,200 characters, and after three lines of text they become truncated with an ellipsis.

8. Analyze your results

One of the best Instagram for business tips we can give you is to dig into your Instagram analytics regularly. If you want to gain more followers , keep your audience engaged, and promote your business on Instagram, you have to monitor how your content performs.

Instagram’s built-in analytics tool, Instagram Insights, is a solid start but can only be accessed via mobile. Plus, you’ll need to open up each individual post to check on key metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and saves.

If you want to dig deeper and look at the analytics on a desktop, you’ll need third-party tools. For example, Buffer 's analytics can help you track trends, compare post performance, and build custom reports around the metrics you care about the most. Remember those goals we talk about earlier? Custom reports can help you keep an eye on them.

cute instagram business plan

Keep in mind that metrics only matter if they tell you something valuable. Likes are great for an ego boost, but is that why you’re using Instagram for business? You’ll gather more actionable insights if you look at metrics that tell you what motivates your fans to keep coming back to your content and paying for your products or services.

Let’s say you create a tutorial video on IGTV. Saves and shares tell you that people find the tutorial useful and want to return to it, while likes are more passive. However, if you’re running a brand awareness marketing campaign, likes and new followers are valuable success metrics. When analyzing results, you have to put them into the context of what you hope to achieve.

Make the most of Instagram for business

It’s easy to get your friends to like photos of your fancy brunch or win views with a video of a puppy. Building up a business account isn’t as simple, but we’re willing to bet you still follow quite a few brands from your personal account— 90% of Instagram users do . We’re not saying you should copy your favorite companies, but you should think about what makes those business accounts worth following and let that inspire you. Then, combine that inspiration with the guidance we’ve laid out here to create an Instagram marketing strategy that’s specific to your company. Regardless of your business goals, Instagram is a powerful tool that can connect you with millions of potential customers. Get started with Buffer today and start managing everything from scheduling to reporting all in one place.

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How to Create an Instagram Content Plan for Your Business

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Do you want to improve your organic Instagram content? Looking for an Instagram content marketing guide to follow?

How to Create an Instagram Content Plan for Your Business by Anna Sonnenberg on Social Media Examiner.

#1: Set Goals for Instagram

Another business' perfect Instagram content might not work for yours. That's because creating the right content for your business starts with clarifying what you want to accomplish.

Take a look at some common Instagram goals and how you can achieve them:

  • Grow your audience : Post compelling content with Instagram hashtags that help expand your reach and gain more followers.
  • Build a community : Get to know your target audience and post content that feels genuine and enhances trust.
  • Get more engagement : Ask questions, inspire followers, and invite them to interact to get more comments and likes. For example, this @HubSpot reel drives engagement by asking users to offer their own insights.

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  • Drive website traffic : Create content that piques interest and encourages followers to click your bio link or swipe up on your stories.
  • Generate more sales : Add a shopping link in your Instagram bio or set up Instagram Shopping so you can tag and promote products in your posts and stories.

The @ommushrooms post below highlights a rave review from a happy customer, while the caption incorporates a soft sales pitch for a popular product.

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#2: Review Your Marketing Calendar

Now you know what you'd like to achieve on Instagram. But what should you post to reach those goals? Use your company's marketing calendar as a framework. Make note of events like these:

  • New product or service launches
  • Online or offline events
  • Seasonal sales and discounts
  • Holidays and celebrations
  • New content like blog posts, eBooks, or case studies

Pencil these events on your Instagram calendar and brainstorm some goal-focused content ideas for your marketing initiatives. Take care to leave ample time for posting multiple pieces of content leading up to major events. A major product launch may warrant weeks of teasers rather than a single post.

For example, this @mailchimp post spotlights a new case study using a mix of statistics, quotes, and eye-catching images to encourage users to swipe through and learn more.

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#3: Decide on Content Themes for Instagram

Your company's marketing initiatives may inform many of your Instagram posts but not every Instagram post needs to focus on events, products, or sales. Naturally, your followers are likely to get tired of constant pitches.

How should you fill in the rest of your Instagram calendar?

Choose some content themes that relate to your business. Then pencil them in on your Instagram calendar, taking care to plug in different types of content throughout the week or month. Consider content themes like:

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  • Testimonials that offer social proof and show how much customers love your brand
  • Educational posts that teach your audience something new
  • Behind-the-scenes content that helps followers get to know your business
  • Fill-in-the-blank posts that encourage followers to interact with your content
  • Inspirational quotes that resonate with your target audience

The @todoistofficial post below features a Marie Kondo quote that hits home with the account's organization-loving followers.

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#4: Get to Know Your Audience on Instagram

Although your Instagram page should be all about your business, your audience is the real star of your content. After all, you want your content to speak to your followers and urge them to engage, save, click, and ultimately convert.

So how do you create content your audience wants to see?

Start by getting to know them. Open Instagram Insights in the app or Facebook Business Manager, and navigate to audience analytics. There you can see your followers' age ranges, genders, and locations—all stats that can help you create more relevant content.

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In the Instagram app, take a closer look at your audience. Search for the users who engage with your content the most, or scroll through your list of followers and tap on a few.

Read their bios to get a sense of who's following your brand. Are they businesses or consumers? Do they have similar job titles or professional fields? Are they parents or empty-nesters? Do their profiles use similar phrases or emojis? You can use all of your findings to create content your audience will love.

#5: Clarify Your Brand's Visual Style on Instagram

As a photo and video publishing platform, Instagram is a highly visual app. It's essential to develop a visual style that captures your brand and appeals to your audience.

Don't let your business' Instagram aesthetic happen unintentionally. Clarify your look up front so your team can create content that fits your brand perfectly

Here are a few elements to think about as you develop a visual style:

  • Colors : Does a cool or warm color scheme fit your brand better? Should your posts include your brand colors?
  • Grid : Will all of your Instagram posts stand on their own? Or would you prefer posts that fit into a themed grid?
  • Text : Should your posts include images only? Or will your content typically include text overlays?
  • Templates : Would you prefer that all of your posts look completely original? Or do you want to use templates for different post categories?

#6: Create or Update Your Instagram Style Guide

Your brand's style goes beyond visuals alone. It's also important to clarify how your Instagram captions should look and sound . Naturally, you want your Instagram captions to convey your brand voice and use a consistent tone that followers find familiar.

Whether you already have a style guide or you need to update yours for Instagram, take these aspects into account:

  • Style : What do you say to your audience? Do you make statements or ask questions? Do you use specific words, phrases, abbreviations, or slang?
  • Tone : How do you speak to followers? Does your tone sound friendly, sassy, authoritative, or another way?
  • Formatting : Does your entire caption go into a single text block? Or do you use line breaks for longer captions?
  • Emojis : Is your brand pro- or anti-emoji? Are there emojis you want to include in every post—or some you want to ban completely?

In this @freshly post, the caption perfectly captures the brand's short and playful writing style.

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#7: Use a Variety of Content Types on Instagram

Instagram started out as a photo-based social platform but today it offers tons of options to showcase your creativity. Do you need an added incentive to try a new type of content? You're likely to get better engagement if you publish a wider range of media on Instagram . Make space in your calendar for as many kinds of content as possible including:

Photo posts are great for showing product images, sharing quotes and inspiration, or educating followers.

The @canva post below encourages users to get design inspiration from colorful images.

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When you want to show your products, team, or business in action, videos are a great pick. Instagram supports videos in the classic square format, as well as landscape and vertical videos up to 2 minutes in length.

If you have something shorter in mind, create Instagram reels , which are 15-second videos that can include multiple clips. For example, this @latermedia reel uses creative tools like audio and animated text overlays to create entertaining content.

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If you have much more to show, consider IGTV instead. As Instagram's long-form video option, IGTV posts can be up to 60 minutes long. That makes these videos ideal for TV series and podcasts.

If you run an eCommerce brand, you can use Instagram's shopping tools to sell right from your posts in the mobile app. For example, this @allmodern post features a handful of tagged items so users can tap on products to shop instantly.

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When you want to share something in the moment, Instagram stories are a smart choice. Although stories typically have a lifespan of just 24 hours, you can save your stories as highlights so they'll appear on your profile permanently.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Do your customers create amazing content that features your brand? Sharing UGC on Instagram (while giving credit to the creator) can add a more genuine feel to your Instagram page.

In the post below, @tuftandneedle pairs UGC with an original caption to highlight a seasonal event.

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#8: Write Instagram Captions

Technically, you can post Instagram content without a caption. But why waste an opportunity to make a statement, ask a question, or encourage your audience to take an action?

To craft the ideal Instagram caption , clarify the point of your post. Do you want to share a tip, offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse, or show followers how to use your products?

Then use your style guide to get the language, tone, and format right. Finally, consider whether a call to action (CTA) would improve your post or generate better results. Common CTAs include:

  • Swipe up to see more!
  • Tap to shop.
  • Click our bio link to browse.
  • Tell us what you think!

There's no perfect length for an Instagram post. What you say and how you say it depends on your brand and your followers. Experiment to see what works best for your target audience.

In some cases, short and sweet captions are great matches for the content. For example, this @bluehost post uses a simple but effective CTA to invite users to share their web development tips.

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In other cases, longer captions like the one below are more effective. This @goodiegirlcookies post combines product features, cultural references, and a fun CTA to inspire engagement.

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#9: Add Hashtags to Instagram Posts

Before posting Instagram content, add the final piece of the puzzle: hashtags. By adding Instagram hashtags, you can increase the reach of your posts, which means you can grow your audience and get more engagement.

Instagram posts support up to 30 hashtags and stories allow up to 10. You can add anywhere from zero to the maximum number of hashtags on each piece of content. So how many should you add? Test different numbers to see what gives you optimal results.

No matter how many you include, it's best to use a mix of Instagram hashtag types :

  • Branded hashtags : Include your company's name or slogan.
  • Campaign hashtags : Feature a phrase related to a marketing campaign.
  • Event hashtags : Highlight holidays and seasonal events.
  • Phrase or keyword hashtags : Describe what your post shows.
  • Location hashtags : Specify your business' location or service area.
  • Viral hashtags : Leverage popular terms to expand your reach even more.

You can place hashtags in the caption, in a comment, or both. The @pamelasproducts post below uses a mix of branded, viral, and phrase hashtags in the caption and the comments.

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#10: Schedule Instagram Content in Advance

If you're accustomed to publishing Instagram content in the moment, then you might not think to queue it up ahead of time. But scheduling your Instagram content in advance is ideal because you can:

  • Share posts at the best time : Do you always post in the middle of the workday simply because it's convenient? If you schedule content, you can be sure to publish when your audience is online and active. That way, you can drive more engagement and get better results.
  • Reduce disruptions : Taking time to post on Instagram can be distracting, whether it's during the workday or on a weekend. Scheduling content helps you stay focused so you can get more done with fewer disruptions.

How to Find the Best Time to Post on Instagram

The Instagram app makes it easy to decide when to post. Open your Audience Insights and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Identify your audience's most active days or times so you can get maximum engagement when you post.

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Best Tools for Scheduling Instagram Content

Now you know the best times to post. To schedule content at the optimal times, take your pick from these Instagram tools:

  • Creator Studio : This native Facebook tool is your best bet for scheduling IGTV, photo, and video posts. It's free to use and has helpful features like branded content, mentions, and location tags.

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  • Preview : When you want to plan reels, Preview has you covered. This app lets you map out your feed, preview reels, and choose a cover image before publishing—all for free.
  • Later : One of the few apps that supports scheduling stories, Later makes it easy to publish ephemeral content. Starting at $15 per month, you can plan stories and publish them via mobile notifications.

#11: Measure Results and Optimize Your Instagram Content

Once you implement your Instagram content plan, watch the results closely. That way, you can ensure your efforts are paying off or adjust your approach as necessary.

Which results matter the most? Review your team's goals and identify the corresponding metrics. Some of the most common Instagram metrics to follow include:

  • Impressions

Then check Instagram analytics to assess your progress. You can access analytics with tools like these:

  • Instagram app : View top posts and content interactions to see what drove the most engagement. You can also check reach, impressions, profile visits, and website taps to get a better idea of what you've accomplished.

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  • Facebook Insights : Find your top-performing Instagram posts so you know what to emulate in the future. You can also sort results by reach or engagement for more in-depth insights.

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  • Paid tools : If you use paid apps to manage Instagram, you get access to more advanced analytics. For example, some tools let you color-code results so you can identify top-performing content quickly.

Did your Instagram content resonate the way you hoped it would? Analyze your top content to determine why it performed so well, and then plan more with similar qualities. Don't hesitate to experiment to find what works as you progress toward your goals.

Your business' social media content doesn't have to be an afterthought. With a little preparation, you can create an Instagram content plan that lets you hone your brand's image, build an engaged community, and achieve more ambitious goals.

Get More Advice on Instagram Marketing

  • Attract the right followers on Instagram .
  • Increase your Instagram reach .
  • Create an organic Instagram marketing strategy from scratch .

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About the author Anna Sonnenberg

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37 Engaging Instagram Feed Ideas for Small Businesses

Need some ideas for fantastic Instagram Feed posts that will generate interest and boost your small business? We’ve got your back. Below you’ll find 37 concepts that can help you craft engaging content for your Instagram business account.

1. Showcase your product or service in action

If you want your Instagram followers to turn into satisfied customers, they’ll need to know what your product or service can do for them. Take some great shots of someone using your product or enjoying your service and choose your favorite to post on your feed.

This post from @ PuraVidaBracelets , for example, not only shows off their pretty jewelry, but also shows someone having a great time while wearing them:

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2. Go behind the scenes

Help your customers get to know you a little better by showing them what happens behind the scenes in your work environment. Show them your messy studio, your workspace, or even create a short video clip that shows you at work.

3. Customer Review

Have you received a review or DM that praises your product? Screenshot it and post it on your feed — just make sure to get the reviewer’s permission if you’re going to include identifying details. This is a great way to boost word-of-mouth and show appreciation for people who take the time to write a positive review. Here’s some inspiration from @ brambleprints , a local print studio:

4. Support a social cause you care about

Supporting a social cause shows your followers what’s important to you, and positions you as a business that cares about public good.

For example, you can make a quick video showing your support for small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. It’s super easy using a template like this from Boosted :

Boosted allows you to create professional-looking videos in just a few minutes with stock images and footage, royalty-free music, and text.

5. Contest or Giveaway

Contests and giveaways are an easy and fun way to generate buzz and gain new followers. To create an eye-catching post, you can create a fun video with text briefly explaining the rules, or post a photo of the prize you’re planning to give away with the rules outlined in the caption.

Learn more in our post on How to Run a Successful Instagram Giveaway .

6. Instagram-exclusive promotion

Offer an exclusive discount or deal to your Instagram followers. You can provide them with a special coupon code, or tell them to mention the Instagram post when checking out or booking your service. For example, home decor service @ decoristofficial offered a 50% discount to their Instagram followers and included a promo code they could add at checkout:

7. Seasonal Content

Tap into the festive mood of the moment by creating a special post for an upcoming holiday or other special occasion. For example, see our posts on content ideas for July 4th , Mother’s Day , St. Patrick’s Day and Valentine’s Day .

8. How-tos, tutorials & recipes

How-to posts position you as an expert in your field and provide valuable information for your customers. For a Feed post, you can create a quick one-minute tutorial video, or a still image of the final product with written instructions in the caption. You could also do a before/after or step-by-step carousel post (see below).

9. Before and after or step-by-step carousel posts

Carousel posts are fantastic for showing the steps of a process. For example, @ TheContainerStore used this before and after post to show how their containers can help organize your fridge. They used 6 slides, starting with an intro slide that made it clear what the purpose of the post was:

They included a clearly-marked “before” slide, as well as an “after” slide in the same format. This is an extremely effective way to show customers what this company’s products can do for them.

You can use before/after or step-by-step posts for how-tos and tutorials, or to take your followers behind the scenes and show them your work process.

10. Explainer video

Explainer videos are also a great way to position yourself as an expert and share valuable information with your customers. You can make a 1-minute clip explaining how something works, giving advice and tips, or otherwise imparting information related to your area of expertise that your followers might find useful. All you need to do is film yourself talking and cut it down to 1 minute.

11. Inspiring or funny quote

Quotes are an extremely popular genre on Instagram. Simply find a relevant quote and make a clean graphic or video featuring it. In the caption, you can write about what the quote means to you and how you apply it to your business.

This one from media company Brit+Co (@ britandco ) really taps into the current mood in a humorous and relatable way:

12. Fun fact

Offer your followers an interesting, little-known tidbit on something relating to your brand, a current trending topic, or ideally both! You can either post a relevant photo and include the fun fact in your caption, or post a graphic that incorporates the text of the fact. Just make sure it’s not too wordy or visually cluttered — you want it to be easy to read.

13. Tip of the day (or week)

Share a useful tip with your followers. As with the fun fact, you can add the tip to your caption or create a graphic that features it. The popular #TipTuesday hashtag makes Tuesday a particularly good day to post a tip! Creator @ lovelyleeellen recently shared some fitness tips for #TipTuesday:

14. Snapshots from your life

Go ahead — post a selfie! It could be a photo of you at work, at home, traveling, or just chilling. Photos with faces are 38% more likely to receive likes and 32% more likely to receive comments.

15. Review someone else’s product

Posting positive reviews of your own product is one thing, but reviewing someone else’s product is both good karma and an excellent content idea. This post from @ BossProject combines this concept with #14: a snapshot from her life with a new baby, and a recommendation for a product that makes her life easier as a busy mom:

16. Promote an Event

Events, both online and offline, are a great way to connect with your customers and share your knowledge and expertise. You can hold a class or performance, or host a lecture or discussion. Post a graphic or video on Instagram with the basic details listed to spread the word.

17. Familiar landmarks

If you run a local business, it’s a great idea to post photos of local, beloved landmarks that your customers are likely to recognize. It will catch their eye and help them instantly identify with your business.

If you’re in the travel or tourism industry, post stunning photos of landmarks from various destinations and ask your followers to tell you if they’ve been there or if they’d like to see it.

Bonus points if you can show an unusual perspective. For example, this post from @ IntrepidTravel shows the famous Baha’i Gardens in Haifa, not from the bottom of the hill as is usually shown, but from the top, overlooking the bay:

18. Preview of a longer IGTV video

Did you know you can post a 1-minute clip of your longer IGTV videos on your feed? If you have an IGTV channel, don’t forget to use this feature to draw your Feed audience to your channel. For more on using IGTV, see our post Should You Use IGTV for Your Business?

According to Instagram’s @ creators , doing so has many benefits:

Who doesn’t love food? Even if your business isn’t food-based, it can’t hurt to post a shot of a particularly well-plated breakfast or the perfect heart your barista crafted in your coffee foam. But these posts are especially effective for businesses in the lifestyle, food, and nutrition industry. Just make sure you get good lighting for your shot, because bad lighting can make even super delicious food look unappealing.

On a similar note, who doesn’t love cute animals? Leverage your pet’s adorable factor and let it star in a post or two — or even make it your mascot! Here’s some inspiration from creator @ sophmonks :

21. User-generated content

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel! Found someone else’s content that you just love and think would look great on your feed? Ask their permission to repost it! You can also ask your customers to send you photos of themselves enjoying your product for you to post on your feed. Read more about using user-generated content in this post on What Is UGC (User-Generated Content) and How Can It Help Your Business on Instagram ?

Here’s a recent example from @ Boosted_Social :

22. Repurpose other content

If you post a lot of content elsewhere — on a blog, for example, or on YouTube — you can use your Instagram feed to promote that content and draw people to it. For example, create a simple graphic with a quote from your blog post, or a 1-minute clip from your YouTube video. Provide a teaser for the rest of the content in the caption, and invite followers to click the link in your profile to view it. (Don’t forget to change the link in your profile to lead to it!)

23. Ask a question

There’s no better way to start a conversation than to ask a question. There are a few ways you can ask a question with a Feed post: one is to create a graphic that features a question and invite followers to answer in the comments. Another is to post a photo of something and ask a question about it. For example, if you make jewelry, you could post a photo of two sets of earrings and ask your followers which one they like better.

When asking an open question, be sure it’s something related to your brand that is not too involved to answer. People don’t want to tap out a whole personal essay in the comments!

24. AMA (Ask Me Anything) post

Invite your followers to ask you any question they like. If you have many followers, set a specific time period where you will be responding to comments — say, on Tuesday between 6 and 8 p.m.

In this post, makeup artist Akeema Crabbe (@ theakeemacrabbe ) invites her followers to ask questions, and says she’ll create an IGTV video answering them:

Make sure to use this only if you’re sure you’ll get some questions — or if you can “plant” some questions (get your friends to ask some). It won’t look great if you invite people to ask you anything and get crickets in the comments.

25. Collaborate with another brand

Cross-promotion is a win/win situation: it gives you interesting content to post, exposes your content to a new and relevant audience, and provides the brand or influencer you’re collaborating with an opportunity to expose their content to your audience.

So how do you collaborate? There are lots of options. You can simply post a photo of both of you working together, or combine your products on display. You could review a product of theirs and have them review yours, interview them, or post a quick video with tips and advice from them.

26. Social media takeover

This is another way to collaborate with another account: invite someone else to take over your account for a week and post their own content.

@ NewYorkerPhoto , the Instagram account of the New Yorker’s photography department, gives the spotlight to a different photographer every week. This gives them fresh and interesting new content to post, and gives the photographer some excellent exposure:

27. Update your audience

Introducing a new product? Attending a conference or event? Snap a photo and post it to let your audience know what your business is up to. This helps them feel involved and shows them that you’re active and moving forward with your business.

28. Sneak peek

Offering a sneak peek of something you’re working on builds anticipation and helps your audience feel that they’re “in” on something! Show them part of a project you’re not quite finished with, and don’t forget to update your followers with another post when it’s done.

Memes are always fun, and are relatively easy to put together. In this post, @ Chipotle gave its audience a little tongue-in-cheek content that’s right on brand:

One tricky part about making your own memes is that you need to be sure they’re funny and tasteful. It’s always a good idea to get some feedback from other people before you post.

Another tricky part is that you need to be careful about copyright — many people aren’t aware that they’re using an image illegally. Frames from movies are generally fine because they fall under “fair use,” but photos and cartoons may be under copyright, and you should look into it before you post. Additionally, if you’d like to take an existing meme someone already made, be sure to ask permission first.

30. Time-sensitive and trending topics

Is there a hot topic everyone’s talking about that has relevance to your brand? Jump on the bandwagon and weigh in with a post of your own. That way, you’ll join a larger conversation that’s already engaging lots of Instagram users.

31. Tag-a-friend

Asking your followers to tag another Instagram user is an ingenious way to grow your following, and you can do it on lots of different types of posts. For example, in this post, jewelry brand Alex and Ani (@ alexanddani ) posted some special bracelets for sisters, and asked followers to tag their siblings in honor of National Siblings Day.

32. Share a milestone

5-year anniversary of opening your business? Reached 10K followers? Create a graphic or video that describes the milestone and share your news with your audience like @ storiesforcoffee did here:

33. #ThrowbackThursday

ThrowbackThursday is a great opportunity to dig up old photos and get nostalgic! Show your followers one of your earlier works, or a photo of yourself as a kid doing something related to your brand.

34. Game post

Challenge your followers with a game post! A few ideas:

  • Spot the differences: Post two images that are almost identical, with a few small differences for your followers to find.
  • Guess the number: Fill a jar with beads, jelly beans, or any other small object, and count how many there are as you’re putting them in. Ask the audience to guess how many there are. Offer a prize to the follower who makes the closest guess.
  • Word puzzles or visual puzzles.

In the post below from mattress company @ Casper , a mattress company, followers were challenged to a word puzzle that had to do with sleep and counting sheep:

35. Show your involvement in the community

Showing how your company helps out your community is great for your image and creates a sense of solidarity. If you’re involved in volunteer work or charity, post a photo of you or your staff at work or of someone you’ve helped.

36. Conduct an interview

Is there an expert in your field that you admire? Or a client of yours with a particularly interesting story? Create a quick 1-minute video interview you can post on your feed, or post a photo of the interviewee and include the text of the interview in the caption.

37. Share a mistake

Nothing humanizes your business and helps people relate to you more than being honest about goofing up. Instagram is sometimes criticized as being too curated and picture-perfect, and it’s refreshing when a brand or influencer keeps it real. Show a project that turned out less than perfect and share what you learned from the experience.

Action Items:

  • Make a list of ideas from this post that spark your imagination.
  • Add some notes to each one on a specific idea for each.
  • Refer to the list when building your social media calendar. Remember, each idea can inspire countless posts — you can always revisit your favorites!

37 Instagram Feed Ideas

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11 Creative First Post ideas to Introduce your Business on Instagram

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Congratulations on launching your business!

Let’s look at how to introduce your business on Instagram and first instagram post ideas.

I will give examples and caption ideas too.

First Instagram post ideas for business:

  • Introduction
  • Your business story
  • Problem and solution
  • Puzzle Grid
  • Your uniqueness
  • Set the vibes
  • Special series
  • Quote / Company value
  • BONUS #1 : Preview your feed before you post

BONUS #2: Captions for your business

Let’s start.

Post idea #1. Introduction

The first post idea is obvious:

Introduce yourself.

Photo / video:

  • Yourself and/or team

Caption ideas:

  • Write a “Welcome” message
  • What people can expect to see on your account (what you’re going to post about)
  • Write things like: Your name, where you’re from, what you do, who you help, why you love what you do, and a fun personal fact (like your favorite food or what you do in your spare time)
  • 3 fun facts about you (or your product / service)
  • 2 truths and a lie (let people guess what the lie is)

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #2. Your business story

Share your story.

Photo or video ideas:

  • You in your workplace, studio or element
  • A timelapse of you doing your work
  • A photo of your finished product
  • What / who inspired you to start this business?
  • How did you get the idea and get started?
  • What / who motivates you?
  • What is your dream / goal?

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #3. Problem and solution

Did you start your business to solve a problem?

If so, which one?

Write about the problem and say how you help (the solution).

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #4. Sneak Peek

Are you going to launch a product? Or service?

And you want to make a fun reveal ?

Share a sneak peek.

The sneak peek can be:

  • A single photo with a hidden clue, or
  • A series of photos that will reveal your new product
  • Clue #1: Can you guess what’s coming soon?
  • Clue #2: Who can see the new product in this picture?
  • Clue #3: You use it in the kitchen. Can you guess what it is?

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #5. Puzzle Grid

This is a SUPER popular introduction post for businesses.

Because you start with a BANG !

How to do it?

  • Take a big photo that represents your business or shows your products.
  • Use Preview App to split this big photo into multiple posts.

Here’s an example:

first instagram post ideas

Tip : How to split a big image into a grid for Instagram – using Preview App.

Post idea #6. Your uniqueness

Ask yourself:

  • What makes you unique?
  • How are you different from others in your industry?
  • How is your product or service different?

Write about this in your caption, or create a Reels with these facts.

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #7. Countdown

Are you going to launch your new product or service soon?

But want to start posting on Instagram now?

Do a countdown to build the hype.

Here is an example of a countdown feed I planned with my Preview App :

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #8. Game

Want a fun way to introduce your business on Instagram?

Create a game!

Here are 2 game ideas:

  • Hide and Seek : Get your followers to find a hidden clue in your photo(s).
  • Anagram : Get your followers to find letters in each post. Each letter will form a word. This word can reveal the name of your new product or a secret password they can use to have early access to your online shop.

Here is an example:

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #9. Set the vibes

Don’t want to post photos of your product yet?

But want to start posting to build your Instagram presence – before you launch?

The solution:

Create a visual theme using lifestyle photos.

These photos will set the vibes for your brand.

For example, if you sell swimwear, you can post beach and summery photos. 

first instagram post ideas

Tip: Download beautiful FREE photos and videos here.

Post idea #10. Special series

Want to build a community and get new followers?

Provide value!

An awesome way to do this:

Create a special series.

It can be a series of tips you give (as Reels, carousels or single posts).

first instagram post ideas

For example:

  • If you have a service-based business : You can do a 30 days of tips / hacks
  • If you have a painting business : 30 days of speed painting
  • If you have a jewelry business : 30 days of styling or 30 ways to wear your jewelry
  • If you have a fashion business : 30 days of outfit ideas
  • If you have a skincare business : 30 days of skincare tips

This will build momentum for your business.

Here is a feed I planned using Preview :

first instagram post ideas

Post idea #11. Quote / Company value

I love this first Instagram post idea for business.

Use it if you want to keep it simple, yet impactful.

Share a quote that:

  • Resonates with you, or
  • Represents your values

first instagram post ideas

And here are 2 bonus tips:

BONUS #1: Preview your feed before you post

Be in love with what you’re going to post.

Use Preview App (on your phone or computer), and see EXACTLY how your feed is going to look like BEFORE you post:

first instagram post ideas

You can schedule your photos, videos, carousels , Reels and Instagram Stories .

first instagram post ideas

Choose the perfect Reels thumbnail before you post:

first instagram post ideas

Edit your photos:

first instagram post ideas

Find the best hashtags for your business:

first instagram post ideas

Need more caption ideas for your first post?

There are over 3,000 captions in Preview App too.

I recommend these categories (depending on your industry):

first instagram post ideas

  • Starters : The best hooks to start your caption and catch people’s attention
  • Get Comments : to get more comments naturally
  • Service-Based Business: to boost your expertise and trust in eye of your potential clients
  • Shop : To encourage your followers to shop
  • Handmade Business : if you have a handmade business and you’re not sure what to write
  • Behind the Scenes : if you’re not sure what to write for behind the scenes shots
  • Restaurant and Food: for foodies, café and restaurants
  • Personal : Fun ways to introduce yourself on Instagram

And many more.

That’s it!

I hope this blog post helped you. 

Now you have all the tools to plan your first Instagram posts – and beyond.

Click here to use Preview.

And as always:

Best Instagram Feed Preview App

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50+ Instagram bio ideas to get inspiration for your business profile

As a business looking to build its online presence, you likely have a profile — or several — on Instagram. But is your profile catching the attention of your target audience and converting them to followers? With so much competition, you need a killer bio in your profile if you want to grow your Instagram followers and boost engagement. 

In this guide, you’ll learn why a good Instagram bio is essential for your business profile, along with tips for how to write one. You can also take inspiration from 50+ examples and templates for your Instagram bio to garner the results you want. 

What is an Instagram Bio?

How to write a good instagram bio, 10 instagram bio hacks to stand out, funny instagram bios, aesthetic instagram bios, cute instagram bios, classy instagram bios, motivational instagram bio ideas, creative instagram bio ideas, instagram bio ideas with emoji, cool instagram bio ideas, instagram bio quotes, short bio for instagram, instagram spacing bio.

An Instagram bio is a short piece of text at the top of a profile page that introduces your brand’s page and grabs users’ attention. It’s the first impression potential new followers (and customers) have of your brand and profile. 

Now we know the bio meaning, here are some of the important things to bear in mind. Firstly, Instagram bios can be a maximum of one hundred and fifty characters, so choose your words wisely. As well as your business name, username, and description, you can also include one link to your website, landing page, or other social media account. 

Now let’s look at why your brand’s Insta bio matters.

Why is your Instagram bio so important?

Your Instagram bio doesn’t take up much space, but it has a big impact. It’s the first thing your potential customers see when they go to your profile. They’ll decide whether or not your brand has what they’re looking for in the first few seconds it takes to read your bio. So you want it to be good. 

An Insta bio is the prime location to establish a connection with your audience. They’ll be looking for information about who you are and what you do, as well as any contact info like a website or other social handles. In your bio, you can tell your target customers why your business solves their problems. 

Showing off your brand personality is also important on Instagram. Whether you’re quirky and laid-back or ultra-cool, communicate your tone with a well-written bio. Potential customers will show more interest in your business if you express your brand identity.

What makes a good Instagram bio? You probably know a good one when you see one, but that doesn’t help much when it comes to writing your own. It can be hard to boil your whole business down to 150 characters! Just think of it as the ultimate marketing challenge and ask yourself some questions about your business to get started:

  • What makes your brand unique? Write a bio that describes how you stand out from your competitors.
  • What’s your brand tone or style? Are you funny, formal, offbeat, cute, or something else? Use the same tone and style you have on your website and other communication channels.
  • Where are you located? If you’re trying to appeal to local customers, make sure you include the location of your brick-and-mortar shop or business.
  • What action should people take after visiting your profile? Your bio should always prompt users to take action after reading — usually, it’s heading to your website.

Asking yourself questions about your brand is a good start, but you’ll need to do a little more legwork if you want a high-converting bio. Try these actionable hacks to help you craft the perfect bio. 

1. Add hashtags

Instagram lets you add hashtags to your bio, making it a great place to promote your company’s branded hashtags. This encourages followers to use your brand’s hashtags in their posts, boosting visibility and online presence. 

Note that adding hashtags to your bio doesn’t make your profile searchable with those hashtags, so it’s best used for your company-specific tags.

Activewear brand LuLuLemon encourages its followers to post pictures of themselves in their sportswear using its branded hashtag #thesweatlife.

Instagram bio hacks - Add hashtags

Bonus Article s

👉 Debunking 6 Instagram Hashtags Myths

👉 How to use hashtags on Facebook and do they really work?

2. Use a CTA

Want Instagram users to navigate to your website? Do you have a sale or promotion going on? Perhaps you want more subscribers to your newsletter? Your bio is the perfect place to add a compelling CTA that encourages users to take action.

We like this compelling call-to-action from jewelry maker Patrick Adair Designs. I mean, who doesn’t want free stuff, right?

Instagram bio hacks - Use a CTA

3. Show off company personality with emojis

You want your Instagram bio to express your brand personality, and emojis help get the message across. They’re also a creative way to save space in your bio and break up chunks of text.  The key is to use them strategically and sparingly. Too many emojis are overkill.

4. Keep it short and sweet

You get 150 characters, but you don’t have to use them all. Make your bio snappy and easy to read. Remember that your bio should tell users what your brand’s unique selling point is as quickly as possible, so get to the point and avoid overly complicated language. It pays to be concise. 

5. Display company info

Put your company’s contact info in your Instagram bio to make it easier for people to find you. If you’re a local business with a brick-and-mortar store, add your address too. It also helps to build your brand credibility online and spark trust.

6. Add multiple links with Linktree

Linktree is a handy tool that lets you add multiple links that users can access from your bio. When they tap the link, they go to a page with several links you’ve added, such as your blog, YouTube channel, email signup list, or whatever else you want to add. 

Instagram bio hacks - Add multiple links with Linktree

Find out more: How to add a link to TikTok bio to drive traffic?   

7. Choose a category

If you have a business account on Instagram, you can choose a category for your business. A category helps users know what kind of business you are and tells Instagram’s search algorithm to display your profile when people search for businesses in your area and category.

8. Use keywords

Using relevant keywords that your target audience may search for will make it easier for users within your demographic to find your profile. Don’t overdo it, but a couple of well-placed keywords in your IG bio could land you a new following. 

Use a social media management tool like Sociality.io to discover the top keywords users are searching for in your niche.

9. Social proof your bio

Building credibility and trust is a surefire way to get users to stop scrolling and hit the follow button. Down the line, that could lead to sales and viral status. So how do you build credibility quickly and in just 150 characters?

Social proof your bio by including any awards, accolades, or media mentions like this bio from Johnny Cupcakes.

Instagram bio hacks - Social proof your bio

You may also be interested in: How to Align Twitter Bio with Your Branding

10. Keep it updated

Your Instagram bio isn’t a do-once-and-forget type of thing. It needs to be updated routinely to reflect changes to your business, brand, or cultural shifts. 

Make it a point to review your Instagram bio regularly to make sure it’s still performing well.

50 Instagram bio ideas to get inspiration

Need some inspiration? We’ve rounded up 50 sensational IG bio ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Whether you’re all about aesthetics or comedy, these 50 bio ideas for Instagram will give you some food for thought.

Humor can be a great way to encapsulate your brand. Try a pun or joke to break the ice in your bio, like one of these funny bio ideas: 

Let’s start with everybody’s favorite rainbow-colored snack. Skittles is known for its fun and light-hearted branding, and this is reflected in its funny bios. In just three short sentences, Skittles manages to add humor, make a play on its iconic “Taste the Rainbow” tagline, and convince users to hit that follow button.

Funny Instagram bios - Skittles

Innocent isn’t just known for its deliciously healthy drinks, fans of the brand will know it also has some pretty funny bios. The brand’s current bio is a tongue-in-cheek call-to-action that compels users to buy its drinks in an irreverent way, proving it’s not so innocent. 

Funny Instagram bios - innocent

It’s no surprise that funny card-game brand Cards Against Humanity would take a comedic route for its IG bio. The brand knows exactly who its target audience is and wastes no time poking fun at them in the bio. Cheeky and a little silly; very on brand. 

Funny Instagram bios - Cards Against Humanity

Don’t worry; you don’t need to be a world-famous company like these brands to flex your funny bone in your Instagram bio. If you want to add a splash of humor to your bio, try to think of a play on words related to your brand name or niche. 

Poo-Pourri is a great example of how a relatively small brand can harness humor to make its IG bio pack a punch. As well as lightening the mood with a little toilet humor, it even tells followers where to find its product in stores. 

Funny Instagram bios - Poo-Pourri

Instagram is all about aesthetics, so your bio should reflect that. Opting for a stylish and visually appealing bio will enhance your IG profile, represent your brand, and help you stand out for all the right reasons.

Here are some Instagram bio ideas aesthetics.

  • Interesting fonts that catch users’ eyes
  • Bold or italic writing
  • Pastel-colored emojis to fit your color palette
  • Kaomojis for a fun and quirky vibe, like these smileys: (*^‿^*) (◕‿◕) (*^‿^*) ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ

Sustainable Australian clothing brand Spell has an aesthetic IG bio that aligns with its style, values, and audience. Using italics and a carefully-placed emoji, Spell’s bio looks great and is totally on brand.

Aesthetic Instagram bios - Spell

Aussie bedding specialists Moderna Australiana uses the same green emoji to create a tidy and original bulleted list that is totally in line with its look and feel. 

Aesthetic Instagram bios - Moderna Australiana

Cute bios make people smile or feel good, and if that’s your brand identity, then use it in your bio. Here are some cute Instagram bio ideas to play with:

  • Grateful to be sharing our world with you
  • Sprinkling kindness everywhere we go
  • Every day might not be a good day, but there is good in every day
  • Adding a little sparkle to your day
  • Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who recommend things
  • Sharing happy thoughts
  • Always be the rainbow at the end of the thunderstorm

This craft brand in Vancouver has a cute bio that plays on its brand identity as a craft store and workshop. 

Cute Instagram bios - Vancouver

If you’re looking for cute bio ideas, this candy store showcases its joyful mindset with a simple message and a few emojis.

Cute Instagram bios - Candynessco

Keeping your IG bio chic and classy is a great way to position your brand as a luxury one. Take the luxury brand, Chanel. It doesn’t need to say anything in its bio; the iconic logo says it all. In other words, keep it classy and minimal and let your brand do the talking.

Classy Instagram bios - Chanel

Jo Malone is a brand known for its opulent perfumes and a rather dreamy Instagram grid. Rather than overdo it with too much going on, its IG bio is simple, classy, and timeless, just like its fragrances. The short text is totally in keeping with the dreamy feel of the page. 

Classy Instagram bios - Jo Malone

In fact, if you scroll through the IG profiles of all your favorite luxury brands, you’ll notice that simplicity is the common theme. So, if you want to position your company as a classy, high-end brand, this may be the way to go.

Classy Instagram bios - Gucci

Designer brand Givenchy simply includes a link in its Insta bio.

Classy Instagram bios - Givenchy

And perfume legend Tom Ford keeps it classy with a single sentence and link. 

Classy Instagram bios - Tom Ford

If your brand is all about compelling your customers to take action, a motivational Insta bio makes a lot of sense. Whether it’s to take the plunge, love themselves, or make the first move, these motivational Insta bio ideas will inspire and empower users.

Take the dating site Bumble. Its bio simply reads, “Make the first move,” encouraging users to put themselves out there in the pursuit of love.

Motivational Instagram bio ideas - Bumble

The Body Shop has long been a part of the ethical beauty movement and uses its bio real estate to promote this and motivate users to love themselves. This is a powerful message from a business in the beauty industry, which is often criticized for setting unrealistic beauty expectations that damage self-esteem.

Motivational Instagram bio ideas - The Body Shop

Adidas keeps it simple in its Instagram bio with the motivational hashtag #ImpossibleisNothing, encouraging users to achieve their fitness goals (while wearing Adidas products, of course).

Motivational Instagram bio ideas - Adidas

There’s a reason why people love creative brands. As well as being more innovative, they know how to keep audiences engaged with fresh content and ideas. So, don’t waste an opportunity to think outside the box with your Instagram bio.

Here are a few ideas to help you get your creative juices flowing.

Adding a pun or play and words can show users that you’re a smart brand that isn’t short on wit. Shoe brand John Fluevog Shoes has a punny bio that shows off its originality.

Creative Instagram bio ideas - John Fluevog

Media company Betches gets creative and brings the humor with the line “POV: You’re the funniest one in the group chat.” Not only does this immediately let users know that Betches is all about the humor, but it tells them exactly who its target audience is. That’s a smart and creative way to connect with the right people right away.

Creative Instagram bio ideas - Betches

Most of the time, simplicity is the hardest and most creative approach. That’s why we love Zappos’s simple and creative bio, which showcases exactly what it does and how often it does it.

Creative Instagram bio ideas - Zappos

Shoe brand Crocs makes a risky move with this bio which reads, “Follow if you’re a real fan.” But, judging by its 1.6 million followers, it paid off.

Creative Instagram bio ideas - Crocs

When used properly, emojis are a fun way to break up text, get your message across, and show off your brand’s personality. After all, a picture paints a thousand words. With that in mind, you want to choose emojis that really reflect what you’re trying to say and that enhance rather than distract from your message.

Here are a few Instagram bio emoji ideas to inspire you.

Fast Food chain Wendy’s is known for its funny social media posts, and this emoji-only bio is no different. It perfectly sums up what the brand is all about by using just a couple of strategically curated emojis. In fact, we’d go as far as saying this is the best Instagram bio with emoji we’ve ever seen.

Instagram bio ideas with emoji - Wendys

Alternatively, you could take a leaf out of Sharlene Robertson’s book and create a uniform look by using the same emoji that reflects your business.

Instagram bio ideas with emoji - Sharlene Robertson

We’re big fans of how toy company GoldieBlox uses emojis in its bio. Simple, creative, and clear, it delivers.

Instagram bio ideas with emoji - GoldieBlox

Creating an Instagram cool bio will make your profile shine in a sea of competitors, allowing your brand identity to come through. However, it can be tough to find ways to make your IG bio cool and relevant.

Here are a few examples of brands with unique and cool Instagram bios.

Baby goods company Tasty Tie takes an interesting approach with its IG bio. On top of some well-placed emojis to give it a cohesive look and feel, Tasty Tie does something most other brands don’t. Can you see what?

That’s right! Next to the CTA (tag your little one @tastytie), it says that the brand follows users back. That’s a clever way to grow your following and build an engaged audience.

cute instagram business plan

Of course, not all brands can follow every one of their followers back. So, bigger companies will need to find other ways to stand out and connect with users. Another hack for doing this is to keep your company’s bio short and value-driven. Focusing on your brand’s raison d’etre will give you heaps of credibility and spark trust.

Ethical footwear company Toms does exactly that with a short bio that says a lot.

cute instagram business plan

Sometimes, the best way to demonstrate your brand personality is with someone else’s words. Quotes can be inspirational, quirky, or humorous. Any of the following bio short quotes would work well for a business on Instagram:

  • Energy and persistence conquer all things – Benjamin Franklin
  • If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one – Dolly Parton
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge – Albert Einstein
  • The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing – Walt Disney
  • Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts – Winston Churchill
  • Play by the rules, but be ferocious – Phil Knight
  • Every problem is a gift—without problems, we would not grow – Anthony Robbins 

A word of warning, though. When it comes to choosing a quote, it’s vital that you go for something on-brand, unique, and relevant. Adding a quote just for the sake of it won’t garner the results you’re looking for.

For instance, if you’re a lifestyle brand, you should look for positive aesthetic quotes that fit with your products and services and look and feel. A travel provider will probably want to add aesthetic short quotes about the benefits of seeing the world, whereas a sustainable fashion company may want something related to saving the world. 

Just because you have 150 characters to play with doesn’t mean you should use all of them. In fact, as you’ll see in the examples below, sometimes the shorter, the better. Users are short on time, so tell them the essential information in as few words as possible. Trust us, they’ll thank you for it.

Dunkin’ Donuts keeps its Insta bio short and sweet, just like its delicious donuts. Not only does it play off its “American runs on Dunkin’” tagline, but it uses emojis of a donut and coffee to let potential followers know exactly what the brand does right away. Proof that you don’t need to use the full one hundred and fifty words to make something impactful and on brand.

Short bio for Instagram - Dunkin

It couldn’t get much more concise than makeup mogul Anastasia Beverly Hill’s bio. In just a few words, it tells us what the brand does, gives us social proof, offers a branded hashtag, and has a clear CTA. Low fuss, high impact.

Short bio for Instagram -Anastasia Beverly Hill’s

Ice cream makers Ben and Jerry’s say a lot in a few words with their “Peace, Love, & Ice Cream” bio line. 

Short bio for Instagram -Ben and Jerry

Playing around with line spacing in your bio doesn’t just make your content easier to read, it showcases your brand’s personality too. If you haven’t already, get creative with your bio and use punctuation, emojis, or symbols to make a unique-looking bio that’s easy on the eyes.

Alternatively, you can use the IG line break generator or the notes app on your phone to create space in your bio. The best scheduling software will also allow you to create line breaks to highlight key information and make your bio more readable and polished.

Roadside burger joint Shake Shack uses a simple period to create a line break in its IG bio. This breaks up the text nicely, giving the bio a clean and crisp appearance.

Instagram spacing bio

In closing…

Getting your Instagram bio right could be just the thing to boost brand credibility and visibility and win new followers. However, you need to have a strong brand identity. Knowing who your brand is for and what you offer allows you to engage your target audience. And when in doubt, keep it short and state your company’s mission. The most important thing to remember about an Instagram bio for your business profile is that it should provide value for your potential customers.

Of course, your bio is only one integral part of managing your Instagram business account . You also have to engage with followers, publish awesome content, and even analyze what your competitors are doing on the platform to truly grow your presence on Instagram.  With the Sociality Engage , Publish , and Competitor Analysis modules, you and your team can easily manage multiple accounts and get all the insights you need to create an effective Instagram strategy. See how they can help your brand up its social media game today.

Sociality.io Instagram management

Courtney is a Brussels-based freelance content writer who helps Sociality.io 🚀 She mentions her interests and expertise as in three very different niches: digital marketing, travel, and politics.

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32 Instagram Story Ideas for More Views and Engagement

These ready-to-copy creative Instagram story ideas will help you fill up your content calendar and delight your audience.

cover image

Once you post an Instagram story, it’s only up for 24 hours… but in internet time, that’s plenty. Ask any social media manager who’s posted something by accident: every minute matters.

500 million users access Instagram stories every day. That means that Instagram stories are an excellent opportunity for businesses ( 58% of users say they’re more interested in a brand after seeing them post a story, and stories generate a quarter of the platform’s total ad revenues) to make some serious cash.

Whether you’re using Instagram for your company or just for fun, stories are a key part of growing your audience. Posting a story is easy enough. But you don’t want viewers to just tap through your stories—you want them to hit that link button, answer your poll, maybe go to your Instagram shop and treat themselves or listen to your new song on Spotify.

Here are 32 Instagram story ideas you can copy to create high-quality, effective content that will get you more views and engagement .

Table of Contents

Bonus: Claim your  free pack of 30 Instagram Story background templates created by Hootsuite’s professional graphic designers. Easily customize them in Canva, and take your Story game to the next level today.

32 Instagram story ideas for more views and engagement

Cute instagram story ideas, 1. share a reel or feed post with a “new post” sticker.

You might notice that your stories are getting more views, likes and overall engagement than your Instagram feed posts are. Some users only view Instagram stories and don’t scroll through their feeds at all.

To make sure your content is still reaching those people, you can share new posts (or Instagram Reels) to your story — ideally, adding something like text or a sticker to make it more engaging. There’s plenty of “New Post” stickers that perfectly sum up that action.

share a post with new post sticker

Source: @happybudsbrooklyn on Instagram

Reels are cut off after 15 seconds, but if you want to learn how to share a whole 60-second Reel to your Story, you can check out this video:

2. Hide a new post with a sticker

Similar to the above, you can use a sticker to obscure a photo that you’ve posted or shared to your feed. This creates an intriguing image that is tempting to click on and learn more about—like a lift-the-flap book.

block a photo with a sticker

Source: @gggraphicdesign on Instagram

3. Share UGC with a sticker

Life hack: you don’t even have to make your own content to post a cute Instagram story.

UGC, or user-generated content, is a rich source of engaging content for brands and creators alike. For example, a fashion blogger that takes photos in a cool pair of shoes and then tags the shoe company has provided UGC for the shoe company. It only takes a second for the business to share the post, and it’s a nice change from the polished brand-generated content that’s usually on a company’s Instagram.

This kind of content doesn’t have to be too pretty, either. After a user shared a photo taken in IKEA Canada’s cafeteria and tagged them, the brand reshared the post with a fun sticker. It’s not the Scandi-cool vibe that IKEA is known for, but it’s fun and genuine. It also acts as social proof, subtly letting followers know that other users love Ikea’s meatballs.

share UGC with a sticker

Source: @ikeacanada on Instagram

4. Make a poll

Asking your followers to vote or state their preference using a poll is a great way to engage them, and it’s easy with Instagram’s built-in poll sticker. If your poll references a product, you can link to that product in the same story.

make a poll

Source: @cocokind on Instagram

5. Make a quiz about your content

Test your diehard followers (and get some valuable engagement) by using a quiz sticker and asking them questions about your brand. It’s a fun way for your audience to interact with you as a creator—and answering a question correctly gives all of us a little boost of serotonin, right?

For example, New York Magazine made a quiz about one of their feature stories: you’d have to read the story in order to get the answers. This is an awesome way to encourage followers to read the feature (and hopefully, other posts on the website, too).

make a quiz

Source: @nymag on Instagram

6. Say thank you to your followers

Without your followers, you’re just shouting into the void (which has its place, for sure, but is not really what we are going for from a social media marketing perspective). Show them some love by saying thank-you via your story.

say thank you

Source: @muchable.nl on Instagram

7. Share a coupon code and link

Saving money is cute, right? Sharing a coupon code on your Instagram story as well as a link directly to that product gives followers an incredibly easy route to getting a discount (and you, an incredibly easy route to getting some money).

share a coupon code and linkshare a coupon code and link

Source: @florianlondonuk on Instagram

8. Share content that inspires you

Whether you’re a business or a creator, chances are that you find inspiration somewhere—from a walk in the park, from an indie song, a cool vase you once saw, etc.

Sharing photos or videos of things that make you, you (and make your brand, your brand) is an effective way to communicate a genuine humanity to your followers. You’re not a bot, prove it.

This fashion brand shared photos from the founder’s trip to the fabric store—it’s interesting to see the behind-the-scenes and not just the final product.

share inspiration

Source: @by.ihuoma on Instagram

Cool Instagram story ideas

9. share a great product photo with a product link.

Text, stickers and emojis have their place, but there’s something to be said for a plain, clean, high-quality photo. If you have a great lifestyle shot of one of your products, consider simply sharing that with a link to the product. Effortlessness screams cool.

Hint: Fill in the “text” field when adding a link in your Instagram story to replace the hyperlink. Instead of your website, the tappable sticker can say something like “READ THIS,” “LEARN MORE” or “SHOP NOW.”

link to a product

10. Share an aesthetic photo with a tiny tag

Similar to the above, sharing a single photo that’s not so polished can also be super engaging. There’s a lot of visual pollution on Instagram—buttons, notifications, text, etc.—and creating a moment of peace as users tap through.

Adding a tiny link or tag is cool, too. Like a virtual Where’s Waldo .

share a single cool photo

Source: @savantvision on Instagram

11. Post your out of office message

When you’re going on vacation (you deserve it) you can let your followers know via an Instagram story. It’s an opportunity to share a more personal side of your brand, and to show off a cool vacation photo.

share your out of office message

Source: @mongeyceramics on Instagram

12. Share a photo from another Instagram account

It doesn’t always have to be about you. Sharing content from other accounts (with proper credit, of course) helps you to provide your followers with a more holistic experience, and might even foster some good relationships with other creators.

share something from another account

Source: @ocin on Instagram

13. Use a simple interactive sticker

Different interactive stickers require different amounts of brainpower (and overall effort) to engage with. For example, a question sticker is high-effort — it involves the user thinking of an answer and typing it out. A poll is slightly lower, as the user just has to read the answers and tap one.

A simple emoji reaction sticker like the example below is even easier to interact with. It doesn’t provide a lot of information to you as a creator, but it’s a fun and nearly effortless way for your audience to engage with you.

interactive stickers

14. Make a countdown for an event

Instagram’s countdown stickers are engaging because they’re dynamic—the clock changes every second. The countdown also generates a sense of urgency, encouraging your followers to get excited about the event.


15. Call out specific customers

It’s good to ask permission before doing things like this (some folks might not want to be tagged publicly), but calling out specific customers helps you create a connection with your audience.

This ceramicist tagged the person who ordered a specific piece in a progress photo, sharing cool behind-the-scenes look into her practice.

show progress pics

Source: @katpinoceramics on Instagram

Creative Instagram story ideas

16. give a sneak peek of a sale or special event.

Everyone likes feeling like an insider, and providing your followers with a little pre-event content helps to hype them up. This kind of story doesn’t have to be polished: give your audience an authentic look at what kind of preparation goes into your work.

For example, this vintage store owner took a video of themselves making posters for an upcoming sale.

Source: @almahomevintage on Instagram

17. Announce a contest winner

Hosting a contest or giveaway on Instagram is a great way to gain followers—but you can also create effective engagement when you’re announcing the winners.

Posting a contest winner on your stories is good for two reasons. First, it can help notify a contest winner that they’ve won, and second, it helps to prove the legitimacy of your contest to your followers. After all, how many contests have you entered and never heard back from?

Non-winners (or folks who didn’t enter in the first place) will be more likely to enter future contest when they are reminded that there’s actually a winner.

announce a contest winner

18. Share a positive review

You can advertise all you want, but nothing hypes your business up quite like a positive review. Share one on your Instagram story to humbly show your followers how terrific you are.

share a review

Source: @michellechartrandphotography on Instagram

19. Show off your craft

If you work in a creative industry, you can use the story sticker to flaunt your skills. This works best if you’ve got some time on your hands. (Binging a mindless reality show? This might be the time to get busy.)

For example, this artist devoted some time to doodling their followers’ suggestions, creating a really engaging lineup of Instagram stories.

show off your craft

Source: @vaish.illustrates on Instagram

20. Share progress photos

Rome wasn’t built in a day, they say, and if Romans had Instagram you can bet they would have been showing progress pics. Sharing several photos of the same thing in different stages can be super compelling (like this Porche illustrator ’s story).

show progress 1

Instagram story question ideas

21. ask for followers’ suggestions.

Take advantage of your follower’s wealth of knowledge and connections by asking them for suggestions. This can be something that’s related to your business or brand ( “What scent of candle should I make next?” ) or something personal ( “Hairdresser recommendations in Chicago?” ).

On top of gathering valuable insight, this has the added bonus of making your followers feel like you value their input—which, of course, you do.

ask for user suggestions

Source: @yelpmsp on Instagram

22. Encourage followers to ask questions about your event

If you have an event coming up, in-person or online, you can generate some buzz by asking your followers if they have any questions about it. This is also an effective way to gauge how well you’ve been delivering information (if you get lots of questions about what time it starts, for example, you might want to check that you made that info public in the first place).

Source: @greyscollective on Instagram

23. Create a specific “ask me anything”

“Ask me anything” or “AMA” is often used when creators ask questions on their Instagram stories.

But such a broad request can yield fewer responses. It’s better to be specific in your ask. For example, this artist challenged followers to ask his “Top 4 Anything,” which encourages them to really think about a question. (Top 4 dog breeds? Top 4 pizza toppings? Top 4 seasons?)

ask a question

24. Ask for anonymous questions or feedback

Full disclosure: the internet can be a very mean, very angry place, so make sure you’re in a good mental state when embarking on this sort of Instagram story question adventure.

Through the new NGL app , you can add a question sticker that allows anyone to submit a message anonymously. This can be fun for your followers and might result in some surprising (and brutally honest) feedback. It’s also an opportunity for your audience to ask questions without judgement.

answer anonymous questions

Source: @eunicechanphoto on Instagram

Instagram story layout ideas

25. share an aesthetic collage.

Not every story you post has to have an actionable component—in fact, posting too many stories with polls, question stickers and links can get a little exhausting for your followers.

Break it up by posting a beautiful collage (lifestyle photos of your brand, if you like, or even just a few pretty pictures from your camera roll).

share an aesthetic collage

Source: @tofinosoapco on Instagram

If you want to learn how to add multiple photos in an Instagram Story , this video will help:

26. Use a photo editing app to create a cool layout

There are thousands of photo editing apps that are designed specifically for Instagram. The options can be overwhelming (and expensive) but we’ve done a rundown of the best tools for Instagram in a handy dandy blog post .

use a program to make a graphic

27. Gather old posts under a new theme

Think of this like a quick and dirty Instagram Guide — you can share a bunch of your past content under a new theme for a fun, visually compelling story.

For example, Canada’s Drag Race shared past photos of drag queens under the theme of elements (Au for a gold look, etc).

combine posts into a theme

Source: @canadasdragrace on Instagram

Instagram story design ideas

28. layer one photo on top of another.

By using a pretty background photo and then choosing another picture from your phone’s album to layer on top of it (do this by finding the Camera Roll sticker), you can get a two-in-one look.

This is a great way to share tweets via Instagram—it’s much more interesting than the screenshot alone.

layer one photo on top of the other

Source: @thefilmscritic on Instagram

29. Share an informative graphic

Using Hootsuite’s free Instagram stories templates , you can combine photos and text into beautiful graphics that communicate valuable information to your followers (like what’s for breakfast).

share an informative graphic

Source: @thebeaulab on Instagram

30. Share multiple stories under one theme

If you have lots of photos to share, consider sharing them as separate stories instead of making a collage. The user experience is sort of like flipping through a book—your followers have to turn the page (tap the screen) to find out what’s next.

This vintage-inspired clothing brand showed off an outfit that can be worn four different ways by posting a separate story for each style. They introduced the quartet of stories with a cover, which is a clean way to ease your followers into the narrative you’re constructing.

share multiple stories under one theme

Source: @shop.lovefool on Instagram

31. Use an emoji to suggest tapping to the next slide

An emoji or sticker pointing to the right is a helpful hint to users that there’s more in store. This is a good strategy to use if you have a lot of information to communicate in your stories. It’s better to share info in small chunks, so your stories don’t get overwhelming.

use an emoji to suggest the next slide

Source: @poshmarkcanada on Instagram

32. Share a single photo with some educational text

This is an excellent way to share digestible bits of information with your followers. It’s simple and clean, so it’s pleasing to the eye. Pick a single photo and choose a few sentences to accompany it.

If the message you want to convey is too long, use several photos as separate stories, so the viewer has to tap through to read—that’s what Patagonia does in this story.

share company history

Source: @patagonia on Instagram

Schedule Instagram posts, reels and stories, and manage all your social networks from a single dashboard. Try Hootsuite for free.

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Alyssa Hirose is a magazine editor, playwright, comedian and comic artist based in Vancouver, B.C. She attributes her great sense of humour to 9 years of braces and good ol' elementary school bullying (unrelated, unfortunately).

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How to craft an impactful Instagram bio for business (+ examples)

Written by by Chloe West

Published on  January 4, 2023

Reading time  8 minutes

While your Instagram content might be what draws someone over to your profile initially, your Instagram bio is one of the major components that will keep them there—and maybe even earn your brand a follow.

Think about this: if you like a photo or video on Instagram and then go to the profile and their bio is completely blank (or lacks vital information) you’re going to immediately lose interest or think the account is a fake and leave. No follow and no looking back.

Others do the same, so it’s important to fully optimize your Instagram strategy —bio and all.

Table of Contents

What is an Instagram bio?

Why an instagram business bio matters, what to put in an instagram bio, tips for writing the best instagram bios for business (+ examples), create a compelling instagram bio for your business.

An Instagram bio is a description of your business that sits at the top of your Instagram profile. It can only be up to 150 characters, so you want to be concise, sharing what your business does and who it serves in as few words as possible.

Take a look at our own Instagram bio to get an idea of what this might look like:

An Instagram bio example from Sprout Social

We’ll get into each of these more thoroughly later, but our full bio includes:

  • Our Instagram handle
  • Our brand name
  • Bio description

There are a few more things you can consider including within your own bio to further share what your business does.

First of all, why does your Instagram business profile bio matter so much? As simple as it may seem, an Instagram bio plays a critical role in establishing your brand presence. It shows people who you are and what you sell. You can also use the same space to tell them why they should care about your business and its offering.

In many cases, your Instagram profile may be the first point of contact whether someone finds you through an Instagram hashtag or by clicking through from a paid post or sharing on Stories. Your bio is an important first impression while clarifying why they should follow you.

That’s why you should focus on creating an Instagram business bio that effectively portrays your brand personality and establishes your unique value proposition. In other words, it should factor into your overall  Instagram business strategy .

Writing your Instagram bio for business is one key part of  creating the perfect Instagram business profile . Here are the essential elements that go into your Instagram bio:

1. Name and username

Your Instagram username is your @handle and your Instagram identity. It’s a part of your Instagram profile URL (instagram.com/myusername) and holds a prominent location at the top of your profile page.

On the other hand, your name is your real or full brand name. Depending on data sources like audience and  keyword research , you may know of abbreviations or name variations commonly used for your brand name. You might consider using those in one spot in your Instagram bio, such as in your username.

For instance, in the following Instagram business profile example, the username for Sprouts Farmers Market is just @sprouts but the name section has the full name of the business.

An Instagram bio example from Sprout's Farmers Market

2. Profile photo and branding

This should be relevant to your  brand’s visual identity . Best practices dictate that you should use a high-res image of your logo in order to improve brand recognition and keep all of your social media profiles on brand. However, solopreneurs and public figures often use headshots, and that’s a perfectly acceptable alternative.

For brands with a widely-recognized visual identity like National Geographic TV, the iconic yellow rectangle logo makes for a great profile photo.

An Instagram bio example from National Geographic

Another way to brand your Instagram profile is through your Instagram highlight covers . While not necessarily a part of your bio, these still show up at the top of your profile and give you an opportunity to inject even more color into your Instagram.

An Instagram bio example from Bliss

3. Instagram bio copy

This is the section under your name, where you get to express yourself (or in this case, your brand personality). You have 150 characters to tell people what your Instagram profile is about, what your brand offers and why they should follow you. So you don’t have much to work with, which makes it even more crucial to plan ahead and perfect your Instagram business bio.

Here’s an example of great bio copy from BarkBox. They start with a simple sentence that explains exactly what their business does. They tag their parent company. Then they even include a couple of hashtags that BarkBox customers can use when showing off their boxes.

An Instagram bio example from BarkBox

4. Bio links

This is the only section that allows you to add clickable links on Instagram to your website, so make sure you use this space wisely. While you can always add a URL to your homepage, you can also add up to five links more frequently by posting new products, new content, new projects and more.

Many brands use a link-in-bio tool to maximize the five link limit by taking the user to a landing page with shortcuts to featured content and product pages.

An Instagram bio example from Away

5. Category

Instagram also allows you to specify which category your brand falls under—whether you run a restaurant or a media and entertainment company. This shows up right under your business name if you choose to enable it, so it helps free up space in your Instagram bio for other important details.

As we can see below, Bloomscape has selected “Patio/Garden” as their brand category.

An Instagram bio example from Bloomscape

6. Call-to-action and contact buttons

You could further free up space in your Instagram bio if you make the most of the call-to-action buttons available for Instagram Business accounts. This allows people to take action straight from your Instagram profile when on the mobile app, making it easier for customers to convert on actions—from buying tickets to booking tables.

Keep in mind that these are only accessible on the mobile app, and they’ll look something like the “View Shop,” “Message,” and “Call” buttons below:

An Instagram bio example from Elemis

Now that you know what goes into an Instagram bio, let’s take a look at tips on how to write the best Instagram bios for business.

1. Know what your goal is

Since you have to stay within the 150-character limit, it’s crucial that you have a clear sense of direction when writing your Instagram bio. Knowing exactly what you want out of your bio will help you narrow down what to say.

For instance, you could simply use it to convey your brand’s personality and announce your Instagram presence. You could also use it to promote your latest products and offers or inform people about what your business does. If you do promote sales and recent products, be sure your team is ready to regularly refresh your Instagram bio and ensure this info is up to date.

Some businesses also use this section to express their  brand mission and what they stand for. Check out the following Instagram business profile example from Grove Collaborative. The company’s bio tells us a little bit about what the business sells and what its overall mission is.

An Instagram bio example from Grove Collaborative

Here’s another great example of a basic bio that’s straightforward and explains exactly what the company (Slack in this instance) does:

An Instagram bio example from Slack

2. Let your brand personality shine through

Make the most of your Instagram business bio to express your brand personality. This includes the language and tone you use or what you say, in general. For instance, Reese’s uses a fun and friendly tone in its bio while using the opportunity to establish its brand authority.

An Instagram bio example from Reese's

Some businesses may also add relevant emojis if that kind of approach fits the brand personality. But note that special characters and emojis may not translate well on a screen reader. Be sure to keep  accessibility best practices  in mind for all your followers and avoid filling your entire bio with characters that are hard to read or understand for customers using screen readers.

3. Include relevant hashtags and profile links

Instagram lets you add clickable hashtags and profile links in your bio. So make the most of this to direct customers to your other Instagram handles or to relevant, tagged content.

The option to add profile links is great for businesses that  manage multiple accounts . See how Madewell added a link to their Instagram account for menswear.

An Instagram bio example from Madewell

Brands can also take a page out of Weezie’s book, tagging the accounts of their founders as well as their brick-and-mortar store (ideal when you have two different social media strategies for your retail versus ecommerce avenues).

An Instagram bio example from Weezie Towels

As for hashtags, adding them to your bio will let you direct your audience to stunning tagged user-generated content. You could use a branded hashtag to collect user-generated content like Cupshe. The swimsuit brand included several hashtags they track for content to feature on their own account.

An Instagram bio example from Cupshe

4. Make sure it’s easy to read

As mentioned earlier, your Instagram bio should be able to convey what your business does or what it offers. So it’s crucial that people can easily read and process the information without too much trouble. Formatting such as line breaks and spacing makes it easier to read and emphasize important information at a glance.

You could use a pipe or vertical bar character to space out your info like in the following Instagram business profile example from Leder Games. They used the symbol to separate their most popular game offerings.

An Instagram bio example from Leder Games

You could also use line breaks to style your info in a list format. See how this bio skillfully uses lists, incorporating emojis as a kind of bullet point.

An Instagram bio example from Kundalini Candles

Keep in mind that these characters and line breaks will factor into your total character count. So make sure you use them sparingly and strategically to avoid going over the character limit. You could also test different formatting to see how they impact your overall profile engagement. Use a tool like  Sprout Social’s Instagram analytics suite  to measure how your profile engagement changes as you update.

sprout social social media analytics dashboard

5. Include a compelling call to action

While the call-to-action buttons frees up a lot of space in your bio, it doesn’t hurt to get more direct with your CTA. Make sure people know exactly what they need to do when they visit your profile by including a CTA in your bio.

Get very specific with this depending on the goal of your Instagram business account. You could invite them to visit your website, shop your feed, check out your latest blog post, download your new guide or even share their own photos using your branded hashtag. If you want to  grow your Instagram following , you could even add a CTA to “follow us” for your regular content such as daily recipes, fashion updates and so on.

For example, Ahrefs uses their bio text to create a CTA that points (literally, thanks to their use of emoji) to their latest feature release.

An Instagram bio example from Ahrefs

Dress Up uses its bio to direct people to sign up for SMS marketing messages by offering a discount right inside the bio. This is a great way to get people to take immediate action  and increase your text marketing list.

An Instagram bio example from Dress Up

Your Instagram bio could make all the difference in boosting your social presence. It’s the perfect place to exhibit your brand identity and show off your creative side. It could also help you showcase your uniqueness and entertain your audience.

Plus, by strategically using a link in bio tool, your bio can help increase clicks and conversions and improve your Instagram analytics by helping you reach your goals.

Instagram bio FAQs

When you edit your profile, you’ll add your bio link into the field next to “Website.” You only get one link here, which is why many brands prefer to use a link-in-bio tool that helps them create an Instagram-specific landing page.

Edit your profile and paste your preferred link into the “Website” field. Simple as that!

The Instagram bio character limit is just 150 characters, so use them wisely.

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    Or switch it up and put your emojis at the end—it's a less organized look, but also creates a cartoony vibe. Source: Instagram. You can also use an Instagram font generator to change the look of the font in your bio, creating an aesthetic that stands out immediately. Source: Instagram.

  3. 26 Instagram Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

    Instagram business ideas of this kind don't make money directly from their followers. They make money by selling themselves to advertisers who want to reach their followers. 26 Instagram business ideas Photographer. Instagram has added more and more new features over the years. But at its core, it's still a photo-sharing app.

  4. 18 Amazing Instagram Business Ideas to Earn Extra Money

    Influencer. While "influencer" might sound like a fictional job title, with an engaged audience of 10,000 or fewer followers, you could make around $88 USD per post. With 100,000 or fewer followers, you're probably looking at around $200 USD per post. This isn't McMansion money.

  5. Cute Instagram Business Plan by Slidesgo

    Cute Instagram Business Plan by Slidesgo - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  6. 17 Ideas For Starting A Successful Instagram Business

    Here's a breakdown of the simple steps involved in setting up an Instagram Ad: -Connect your Instagram Business account with your Facebook Page. -Create a new campaign within Facebook Ads Manager. Here, you can set your ad objective, target audience, and ad format.

  7. 5 Small Businesses with a Great Instagram Aesthetic

    Over 1 million brands and advertisers are on Instagram, so finding a unique and great Instagram aesthetic for yours can be difficult.. Luckily, you don't have to start from scratch, since there are so many great accounts to learn from. These 5 small businesses have done an incredible job establishing visual strategies and then consistently posting within that art direction.

  8. 111+ Instagram Business Ideas: Creative Ways to Boost Your Brand

    Cute Business Names for Instagram ... Best Instagram Business Ideas Start an Online Cooking Enterprise. ... Begin by honing your organizational skills, understanding client needs, and creating a business plan. Services may include decluttering, space planning, and storage solutions.

  9. Instagram Business Planning Course

    Before you create content for your business on Instagram, develop a plan. A plan can help you strategize and align your posts with your business goals, determine the look and feel of your content and create a posting schedule. Lucky Shrub. Maria is the owner of Lucky Shrub, a garden design store and nursery. Maria manages the marketing and has ...

  10. 50 Instagram Business Ideas

    It's crucial for your business because a more engaged audience means better chances of connecting with potential customers. Visual Content (4/5): If your business relies heavily on visuals, such as fashion, food, or art, Instagram's image and video-focused platform is a strong choice. Demographics (4/5): Understanding your target audience ...

  11. Instagram Business Planning

    Here are some ideas for each potential goal: Business Awareness - Make what your business is providing very clear in your bio, mention your signature product or service that you are launching. Website Visits/Sales - Mention something enticing about your website that will draw them in. For example, a limited edition offer, a brand new ...

  12. Instagram for Business: 8 Tips to Grow Your Audience

    8. Analyze your results. One of the best Instagram for business tips we can give you is to dig into your Instagram analytics regularly. If you want to gain more followers, keep your audience engaged, and promote your business on Instagram, you have to monitor how your content performs.

  13. How to Create an Instagram Content Plan for Your Business

    Open Instagram Insights in the app or Facebook Business Manager, and navigate to audience analytics. There you can see your followers' age ranges, genders, and locations—all stats that can help you create more relevant content. In the Instagram app, take a closer look at your audience. Search for the users who engage with your content the ...

  14. 37 Engaging Instagram Feed Ideas for Small Businesses

    Below you'll find 37 concepts that can help you craft engaging content for your Instagram business account. 1. Showcase your product or service in action. If you want your Instagram followers to turn into satisfied customers, they'll need to know what your product or service can do for them.

  15. 11 Creative First Post ideas to Introduce your Business on Instagram

    Write things like: Your name, where you're from, what you do, who you help, why you love what you do, and a fun personal fact (like your favorite food or what you do in your spare time) 3 fun facts about you (or your product / service) 2 truths and a lie (let people guess what the lie is) Post idea #2. Your business story.

  16. Free Cute Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Cute Instagram Business Plan Through Instagram, a business can generate a lot of revenue, in addition to gaining visibility in the market. To organize your business plan and prepare how you are going to use Instagram to increase your capital, Slidesgo has designed a special business plan template. To top it off, the slides...

  17. How to Use Instagram for Business and Drive Results in 2024

    Using Instagram for business is a bit different than using a personal account. But don't worry, it's not rocket science! Follow these 4 simple steps to get your brand up and running on Instagram. 1. Switch to an Instagram business account. Before you start using Instagram for business, you need to create an Instagram account for business.

  18. 50+ Instagram bio ideas to get inspiration for your business profile

    Try these actionable hacks to help you craft the perfect bio. 1. Add hashtags. Instagram lets you add hashtags to your bio, making it a great place to promote your company's branded hashtags. This encourages followers to use your brand's hashtags in their posts, boosting visibility and online presence.

  19. 73 Super-Creative Instagram Story Ideas to Attract Followers

    Entertain and impress your followers with these creative Instagram Story ideas: Be ridiculous. Imitate emojis. Mix your media. Be relatably uncreative. Get more engagement with your content with these new post Instagram Story ideas: Share a weekly roundup. Create a new post template. Link to a Feed post.

  20. 32 Instagram Story Ideas for More Views and Engagement

    27. Gather old posts under a new theme. Think of this like a quick and dirty Instagram Guide — you can share a bunch of your past content under a new theme for a fun, visually compelling story. For example, Canada's Drag Race shared past photos of drag queens under the theme of elements (Au for a gold look, etc).

  21. Cute Instagram Business Plan

    Cute Instagram Business Plan File Size: 7.43MB Download times: 42. Through Instagram, a business can generate a lot of revenue, in addition to gaining visibility in the market. To organize your business plan and prepare how you are going to use Instagram to increase your capital, Slidesgo has designed a special business plan template. ...

  22. 5 Instagram Bio Ideas for Business (+ Examples)

    You might consider using those in one spot in your Instagram bio, such as in your username. For instance, in the following Instagram business profile example, the username for Sprouts Farmers Market is just @sprouts but the name section has the full name of the business. 2. Profile photo and branding.