How To Write a USCIS Cover Letter

Preparing an immigration application for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires filling out complex paperwork and gathering supporting documents. Using a cover letter is a great way to keep your application materials organized and make sure you don’t miss any required documents. It’s also a good opportunity to highlight anything you want USCIS to know about your application. This article explains what a cover letter is and the elements it should include. It also includes a template you can use to write your own.

Jonathan Petts

Written by Jonathan Petts .  Updated May 4, 2023

What Is a USCIS Cover Letter?

A cover letter is a document that helps USCIS officers navigate your application materials. You can place a cover letter at the top of your citizenship , permanent resident , DACA , or visa application package. By outlining your reasons for applying and the contents of your application in a cover letter, you give your USCIS officer a useful overview of your case. You can also use your cover letter as a personal checklist to make sure you’ve included all necessary documents in your package.

You may also use a cover letter to explain any special circumstances you want the USCIS officer to be aware of before they start reviewing your application. If you have a unique or complicated background, it is especially helpful to supplement your application with a cover letter. It will ensure that USCIS becomes aware of any special circumstances and can consider your application with this in mind.

Is a Cover Letter Required for My USCIS Application?

USCIS does not require you to submit a cover letter for any immigration benefit or visa application. Many immigration attorneys include cover letters for their clients to prevent any misunderstandings or missing paperwork. Immigration officers read through a lot of paperwork, so any guidance or organization you can offer them will be helpful. 

Cover letters may be especially helpful when you are in a unique situation. Suppose you are applying for a marriage green card with Form I-130 : Petition for Alien Relative, and you and your spouse have lived apart for some time. You and your U.S. citizen or green card holder spouse can use a cover letter to explain this or any other unusual circumstances behind your marriage. 

USCIS will want to know the reasons behind an unusual living or marriage situation when evaluating your adjustment of status application. A cover letter can help you address any major concerns at the beginning of the process.

What Should My USCIS Cover Letter Include?

When submitting a cover letter with your application, be sure to include the following:

The USCIS filing location or lockbox address to which you’re sending your application

The date of filing

An appropriate subject (re:) line

A short introductory paragraph to describe the contents of your letter and package

If applying for a marriage-related benefit, information about the marriage date and location for yourself (the beneficiary) and your spouse (the petitioner)

An ordered list of the content in your application package, including all supporting documents and filing or biometrics fees included

A closing paragraph including your contact information

Your signature and full printed name

Your supporting documents for an application will depend on which forms you’re filing. You can determine which documents are necessary by reviewing USCIS’ webpage for your specific form. For example, USCIS lists the required supporting evidence on its webpage for Form N-400 applicants.

You’ll also need to identify the right mailing address for your application. To do so, you should consult the USCIS website. For example, naturalization applicants can review USCIS’s webpage for Form N-400 direct filing addresses .

Your filing fees will depend on your specific application type. You can use the USCIS Fee Calculator to determine your costs. For example, suppose you are filing for naturalization with Form N-400. You should select Form N-400 on the Fee Calculator and enter your age. USCIS may ask for additional information, such as your specific application category.

USCIS Cover Letter Template

You may use the sample cover letter below as guidance when writing your cover letter. This specific cover letter sample is for a naturalization application, intended for submission alongside Form N-400. Be sure to personalize this template to reflect your application type and circumstances. If you’d like to use the following template, you may also make a copy of this document to start writing.

[Petitioner’s Street Address]

[Petitioner’s City, State  ZIP code]

[Relevant USCIS mailing address]

RE: [Naturalization Application]

Beneficiary: [Immigrant’s Full Legal Name]

To Whom It May Concern:

Enclosed, please find the Naturalization Application for [Immigrant’s Full Legal Name].

The following documents accompany and support this application:

Filing Fee Payments

[Check or Money Order] in the amount of [Current Fee Amount] for Form N-400

Form G-1450 authorizing payment of the filing fee for Form N-400 (credit card charge authorization if you completed one)

[Form G-1145 (e-notice authorization if you requested them in our system)]

[OPTIONAL Beneficiary’s Form I-912 Fee Waiver Application]

[List of supporting documents]

Beneficiary’s Form N-400 Application for Naturalization

If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at [Phone Number]. Thank you very much for your prompt consideration of my Naturalization Application.

[Immigrant’s Full Name]

[Immigrant’s Signature]

[Signature Date]

Tips for Writing Your USCIS Cover Letter

When writing a USCIS cover letter, be sure to type your letter in English on a computer. Keep your letter concise and only include necessary information. A long cover letter will not be as helpful to a USCIS officer as a brief letter. If possible, keep your letter to one page. Be sure to proofread your letter before submitting your application package.

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  • Adjustment of Status
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  • I-130 Petition

Learn About I-130 Petition Process And Documents

  • 1. I-130 Overview
  • 2. I-130 Process

Filing The I-130 Immigrant Visa Petition

STEP 1: File The I-130 Petition

The U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident must prepare and assemble the following forms and supporting documents and mail it to the U.S Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) with the appropriate fee. Remember that a separate Form I-130 must be submitted for each qualifying relative.

A. Supporting Documents And Forms To Be Submitted Along With The I-130 Petition

1. Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative.

2. Filing fee, as required by USCIS. The fee can be paid with a personal check, bank draft or money order made out to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Fees cannot be paid in cash. The use of checks or money orders will allow the petitioners to track their payment.

3. Cover Letter. The petition and documents should include a cover letter that contains a description of what petition or application is being submitted (Form I-130), and a complete list of everything that is sent in the packet to USCIS. It should also include an explanation of any special circumstances involved.

NOTE: If additional room is needed to explain the case, attach a separate sheet (list the attachment on the cover sheet). Make sure to sign and date the cover sheet.

4. Proof of U.S. citizenship or permanent residence of the Petitioner (the individual filing the Form I-130).

i. Proof of U.S. citizenship includes but is not limited to the following documents:

a) If born in the U.S., a copy of the long form Birth certificate (must include the names of parents) (front and back) issued by the appropriate civil agency

b) Copy of the biographic pages of a valid unexpired U.S. passport

c) Copy of the naturalization certificate or certificate of citizenship issued by the USCIS or the former INS

d) Copy of the FS-240, Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States, issued by a U.S. Embassy or consulate

ii. Proof of U.S. Legal Permanent Residence includes but is not limited to the following documents:

a) Copy of the front and back of the I-551, Permanent Resident Card (green card)

b) Copy of the foreign passport which includes a copy of the biographic page, the I-551 stamp issued by the U.S. Consulate and the page showing admission to U.S. as a permanent resident

5. Proof of relationship:

i. If filing for spouse, a copy of the marriage certificate (with English translation, if necessary)

ii. If filing for a parent, child, or brother/sister, a copy of the birth certificate(s) and/or marriage certificate(s) tracing the relationship

iii. If filing for an adopted child, a copy of the adoption decree

iv. If filing for a step-child/step-parent, a copy of the marriage certificate and appropriate birth certificate(s)

6. If filing for a foreign national spouse:

i. Either the petitioner or the beneficiary (the foreign national spouse) were previously married, submit copies of the documents showing that all prior marriages were legally terminated (court certified copies of the petitioner’s and/or intending immigrant’s divorce documents or death certificate of the prior spouse)

ii. Form G-325A is completed by the U.S. citizen spouse (signed and dated) with a passport style photo attached

iii. Form G-325A is completed by the foreign national spouse (signed and dated) with a passport style photo attached

iv. Evidence of a bona fide marriage (including but not limited to pictures, joint ownership of property, lease in both names, etc.)

B. Submitting The Petition

Upon compiling the form, supporting documents and filing fee, the petition package should be mailed to the appropriate “Lockbox” in Chicago. Petitions are no longer sent directly to a service center but are routed there by the lockbox.

C. After Mailing The Petition

Generally, within a few days after the U.S. citizen petitioner sends the petition to the USCIS lockbox, he or she will receive a Form I-797, Notice of Action (“receipt notice”) indicating that the USCIS has received the I-130 application and indicating the service center the petition was routed to. If the petitioner does not receive a receipt notice within one to two weeks of filing the petition, contact USCIS to follow up.

If the petition package is missing any documents or the service center needs further clarification or additional documents, it will use a “Request for Evidence” detailing the additional documents or information needed for the case to proceed.

D. Approval of The Petition

Once the I-130 immigrant visa petition is approved, the USCIS service center that processed the petition will send the U.S. citizen petitioner another I-797, Notice of Action (“approval notice”) letter indicating the approval. The service center will then forward the approved petition to the National Visa Center (unless the petition is for an immediate relative who is in the U.S. and it was filed with an application for adjustment of status (see STEP 2 below).

E. Processing Time

The time it takes the USCIS service center to process the I-130 depends on what preference category the foreign national relative falls into. The lower the priority of the preference category (i.e., 3rd or 4th preference) the longer it takes for processing. Since visa numbers are not immediately available these petitions receive lower priority for processing.

STEP 2: Adjustment of Status If The Beneficiary Is Already Inside The U.S.

If the beneficiary (the person form whom the immigrant petition is filed) of the I-130 petition is in the U.S. when the petition is approved and a visa number is available, he or she may be able to file for Adjustment of Status using Form I-485, Application to Adjust Status.

NOTE: To adjust of status inside the U.S. the beneficiary must meet certain conditions: they must have entered the U.S. legally and must have maintained their status throughout their stay in the U.S. There are certain limited exceptions to these provisions for immediate relatives.

Click here to learn more on Adjustment of Status.

STEP 3: Consular Processing If Beneficiary Is Outside The U.S.

If the beneficiary of the I-130 immigrant visa petition is outside the U.S. or has chosen Consular Processing when the petitions is approved and a visa number is available, he or she must complete consular processing and obtain their immigrant visa at a U.S. Consulate abroad before they can enter the U.S. as a legal permanent resident.

NOTE: The Beneficiary of the I-130 petition cannot enter the U.S. unless he or she has an immigrant visa or has obtained another type of non-immigrant visa.

Click here to learn more on Consular Processing of immigrant visas.

I-130 For Dependents of The Alien Relative

Only U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents can file an immigrant petition for their direct relatives. Dependents of only some of those relatives, however, may immigrate with the foreign national.

A. Dependents of Immediate Relatives

Each immediate relative of a U.S. citizen (spouse, children under 21 and parents- those who are not subject to visa quota availability) must have a petition filed on his or her behalf by the U.S. citizen petitioner. Dependents of the foreign relative (e.g., minor children of the parents or children of the spouse) cannot be included in the petition or “follow-to-join” . The dependents must have a separate petition filed on their behalf by the U.S. citizen petitioner or by the immediate relative beneficiary after he or she becomes a permanent resident.

B. Dependents of Preference Relatives

Dependents (spouse and children under 21) of beneficiaries who are in a preference category (spouse, children under 21 and unmarried sons and daughters of a legal permanent resident and unmarried/married children over 21 and brothers/sisters of U.S. citizens) are eligible for derivative status or are eligible to “follow-to-join.” This means that they are eligible to receive an immigrant visa in the same preference category as the relative and be able to immigrate with the principal relative without having to be the beneficiary of a separate petition.

  • If the petitioner is a legal permanent resident and files for his or her spouse, the spouse’s unmarried children will be eligible for an immigrant visa as long as they are under 21 (real age or CSPA age) when the visa becomes available. If, however, the child is over 21, a new petition will have to be filed for the son or daughter. If the petition is filed by the same petitioner, the son/daughter’s I130 petition will be able to retain the priority date of the first petition.
  • If the petitioner who was a permanent resident at the time an I130 petition was filed for a spouse and/or children under 21 becomes a citizen, the petition is automatically upgraded to an immediate relative petition. When this occurs, a separate petition must then be filed for the child of the foreign national spouse because he or she will no longer be permitted to “follow-to-join”. This may have serious repercussions if the son or daughter was protected by CSPA as he or she loses this protection if a new petition is filed.

I-130 Petition Possible Problems

A. Missing Documents

All petitions are screened by USCIS when they are initially submitted to see that all required forms, fee and initial supporting documents are included. If the initial screening finds the petition to be deficient, it may be returned to the petitioner depending on the deficiency.

At the time of the final review, if the reviewing officer has questions or needs additional supporting documentation, a Request for Evidence (RFE) will be issued. The RFE will state what questions the officer has and what additional information documents are needed to complete the review of the petition. USCIS is required to give respondents at least 84 days to respond and an additional 14 days if the information or documents must be obtained from abroad.

If important initial documentation or information is missing, or if there is an indication that there may be fraud, USCIS may issue a Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) in lieu of an RFE. In most instances, USCIS gives respondents only 30 days to respond to a NOID.

B. Denial of The I-130 Petition

If a petition is denied, the petitioner has the right to have the petition reopened/reconsidered and/or appealed. When a decision is issued denying an I130 petition, USCIS must give the specific reasons for the denial. It must also give the petitioner instructions on where and how to file a motion to reopen/reconsider or appeal. You have the right to have an attorney represent you on either.

1. Motion to Reopen/Reconsider

If the petitioner wishes to have the decision reviewed once more by the service center that rendered the decision and/or the petition has additional evidence that can be submitted, a Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion must be filed with USCIS in order to submit a Motion to Reopen and/or Reconsider (MTR). Additional or new evidence in existence at the time of filing or containing information that was in existence at the time of filing can be submitted with an MTR.

a. The I-290B must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the decision (or when the decision is mailed, if applicable).

b. It must contain a clear statement of why the petitioner thinks the decision is erroneous. The petitioner can also submit a brief with the reasons why the decision was wrong, citing any law that supports the position or including new evidence.

c. The brief, if filing one, must be submitted with the I-290B.

d. The Form I-290B is filed with the appropriate filing fee and brief, if applicable, to the USCIS Phoenix Lockbox and will be forwarded to the service center or office that rendered the decision.

If the Petitioner wishes to have the decision reviewed by a higher decision-making body or an MTR has already been submitted and denied, Form EOIR-29 Notice of Appeal to the Board of Immigration Appeals from the Decision of a USCIS Officer must be filed with the Board of Immigration Appeals.

a. The EOIR-29 must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the decision (not the date you receive the decision).

b. It must contain a clear statement of why the petitioner thinks the decision is erroneous. The petitioner can also submit a brief with the reasons why the decision was wrong, citing any law that supports the position

c. The brief, if filing one, can be submitted with the EOIR-29, or within 30 days of filing the EOIR-29.

d. The EOIR-29 is filed with the appropriate fee and brief, if applicable, to the USCIS office that made the decision on the case. The EOIR-29 should not be filed directly with the BIA.

When the USCIS office that made the decision to deny the I-130 receives a MTR or appeal, that office will review the case based on the appeal and any brief that is submitted with it. In the case of an MTR, USCIS can also review any additional evidence submitted with the MTR. The USCIS can reverse their decision and approve the I130 petition or uphold their decision. In the case of an MTR, if they uphold their decision, a new decision affirming the denial of the petition is written and sent back to the petitioner. In the case of an appeal, the file must be forwarded to the BIA. Once the BIA decides on the case, the petitioner will receive a notification with the decision. A decision from the BIA can take 6 months or longer.

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Vispro professionals helped us through multiple steps from getting a K1 visa to US green card, and ultimately US citizenship for my husband. Although their services were remote for us (we are in CA and they are in DC), they provided excellent support and communication through email, phone calls, and skype. We are very pleased with their services and personal attention and are grateful for all their help guiding us along this process.

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How to Write a Form I-130 Cover Letter

Drafting a cover letter for a family-based green application, plus sample templates, in this guide.

  • Form I-130 Cover Letter Template
  • Is the Cover Letter Mandatory?
  • What Should the Cover Letter Say?
  • Related Information

What is a Form i-130 cover Letter?

When filing a marriage green card application with the U.S. government, some applicants choose to include a cover letter in front of Form I-130 (“Petition for Alien Relative”) in their application package. The cover letter (which is not mandatory as per government requirements) acts as a table of contents for all of the forms and supporting documents included in a marriage green card application. The letter can also be used to explain unique circumstances or provide further context so that immigration officers may have a more holistic understanding of a couple’s application.

In this guide, we’ll explain when it’s best to include a cover letter and what information it should contain . We’ve also prepared free downloadable cover letter templates you can use as a starting point for your application.

Not sure if you qualify for a marriage-based green card? Start by checking your eligibility.

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Boundless helps you avoid common problems, such as forgetting to include important documents or placing documents in the wrong section of the application package, which can cause delays or even denial. Learn more , or get started now .

Including a cover letter for your marriage green card application is optional , although some immigration attorneys choose to include one for their clients. Cover letters can be helpful when couples want to provide USCIS with additional information or context about their application. They can also be used to clarify details in the petition and provide adjudicating officers with a clear picture of each supporting document included.

With Boundless, you get the confidence of an independent immigration attorney who will review all of your forms and documents and answer any questions you have — for no additional fee. Learn more about how Boundless can help you , or start your application today .

Although there’s no specific format required for the Form I-130 cover letter, it’s important to include a general introduction and a detailed list of all of the forms and documents you are submitting to the government.

The cover letter should be properly dated and signed, and it should include the following key information:

  • Date of filing
  • USCIS filing location
  • Introduction paragraph
  • List of all forms and filing fees included in the application
  • Detailed list of supporting documents included for each form
  • Marriage date and location of petitioner and beneficiary
  • Conclusion paragraph with petitioner’s contact information
  • A signature line showing the petitioner’s signature and full printed name

The contents of the cover letter may vary depending on where you are applying from , and whether the sponsor of the application is a U.S. citizen or green card holder. Your application may also include documents that are specific to your situation, so it is important to personalize the cover letter and use the template only as a starting point.

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I-130 Cover Letter Guide: Crafting Your Path to Success

A cover letter for Form I-130, officially known as the Petition for Alien Relative, is a personalized document to accompany the petition. This letter provides the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with a clear understanding of the sponsor’s intent to initiate the immigration process for a family member. The cover letter’s purpose is to outline the nature of the relationship, list the documents included in the application, and highlight any unique circumstances that might need additional attention.

The importance of a well-crafted cover letter cannot be overstated, as it helps set the tone for the petition and can clarify any complexities within the application package. It is not a mandatory component when submitting Form I-130, but it is a recommended practice. A meticulous cover letter reflects the sponsor’s commitment and ability to organize documentation, which may

cover letter for form i 130

expedite USCIS’s review process. It also presents an opportunity to distinguish the application from others, potentially leading to a smooth sponsorship process for the relative seeking a green card.

Purpose of the I-130 Cover Letter

When filing an I-30 Petition for Alien Relative, the cover letter is pivotal in guiding United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) through the petition’s purpose and contents.

Clarifying the Relationship

The cover letter for Form I-130 should clearly state the relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary. It is crucial to establish this connection as the I-130 is a family-based petition. The relationship must fall into an eligible category defined by the USCIS, such as spouse, child, or parent.

Validity of the Petition

The cover letter must also affirm the validity of the petition . This includes mentioning the essential documents provided that support the petition’s claims. For instance, this could involve marriage certificates, joint financial statements, and evidence of a genuine relationship for spousal relationships. It is meant to demonstrate to the USCIS that the requirements for the petition have been met understandingly and correctly.

Petitioner’s Information

In an I-130 cover letter, providing accurate petitioner’s information is crucial. It personalizes the petition and clarifies the petitioner’s eligibility and capability to sponsor the immigrant applicant.

Personal Details

The petitioner must include their full legal name , date of birth , and contact information . Additionally, it’s important to state the relationship to the beneficiary , establishing the petition’s basis.

  • Full Name: John A. Doe
  • Date of Birth: January 1, 1980
  • Address: 123 Main St, Anytown, USA
  • Relationship to Beneficiary: Spouse

Employment Status

This subsection should clearly state the petitioner’s current job title , employer , and length of employment . Employment is a key consideration in showing the ability to support the immigrant.

  • Job Title: Software Engineer
  • Employer: Tech Solutions LLC
  • Employed Since: June 2014

Financial Stability

The petitioner should outline their financial stability, including an annual salary , savings , and assets . This information reassures USCIS that the petitioner can support the beneficiary.

Annual Salary: $80,000 Savings: $20,000 Assets: Homeownership, 2018 Model Car

Beneficiary’s Information

Detailing the beneficiary’s information is critical in preparing a cover letter for Form I-130. It provides USCIS with the necessary context to assess the beneficiary’s eligibility for immigration benefits based on their relationship with the petitioner.

The beneficiary must include personal details that verify their identity. This includes:

  • Full Name : Must match the name on official identification.
  • Date of Birth : Presented in MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • Place of Birth : City and country of birth.
  • Alien Registration Number (A-Number, if applicable): A unique seven to nine-digit number assigned by USCIS.
  • Social Security Number (if applicable).

Residence Status

Information concerning the residence status of the beneficiary is another requirement:

  • Current Physical Address : Where the beneficiary currently resides.
  • Address History : Locations where the beneficiary has lived over the past five years, including start and end dates at each residence.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria subsection verifies the beneficiary’s relationship to the petitioner and their admissibility:

  • Relationship to Petitioner : Clarify the nature of the relationship (e.g., spouse, child, parent).
  • Immigration Status : If the beneficiary is in the U.S., the current immigration status or visa category should be indicated.
  • Prior Immigration Proceedings : Disclose any past immigration proceedings in which the beneficiary has been involved.

Supporting Documents

In preparing the I-130 Petition, it is crucial to include the appropriate supporting documents that substantiate the relationship between the petitioner and the beneficiary. Applicants must be familiar with Form I-130 requirements and all the documents should be well-organized and clearly labeled to assist in efficiently processing the petition.

Legal Proofs

Marriage Certificate: For spouses, a government-issued marriage certificate is mandatory to verify the legitimacy of the marriage.

  • Divorce Decrees: If applicable, provide divorce decrees from previous marriages of both the petitioner and the beneficiary.
  • Birth Certificates: When petitioning for a child or parent, submit the birth certificates that establish the relationship.

Financial Evidence

  • Employer Letters and Pay Stubs: Evidence of the petitioner’s stable employment can include recent pay stubs and employer letters.
  • Tax Returns: Copies of the last three years of federal tax returns demonstrate financial stability.

Cultural and Social Ties

  • Photographs: Recent photographs of shared social and cultural experiences help convey the genuine relationship between the petitioner and beneficiary.
  • Social Media Exchanges: Printouts of communications can show ongoing interaction and shared life events.

Procedural Compliance

Procedural compliance in the context of an I-30 cover letter involves adhering to the specific filing requirements set by USCIS and ensuring all other relevant immigration regulations are met.

Form I-30 Filing

When filing Form I-30, petitioners must follow the specific guidelines outlined by USCIS. The form itself should be typed or printed in black ink. They must:

  • Provide all the required information: Full name, address, date of birth, and other personal details as prompted.
  • Include all necessary supporting documents: Evidence of the relationship, such as marriage or birth certificates, should be attached.

Other USCIS Requirements

Adherence to other USCIS requirements is necessary for a successful application process:

  • Fee payment: The correct processing fee, as dictated by the most recent USCIS fee schedule, must accompany the Form I-30.
  • Sign the form: The petitioner’s original signature is required; USCIS will not accept stamped or typewritten signatures.

Applicants should consult the latest USCIS instructions for any updates to these requirements before submission.

In any cover letter, the conclusion serves as the candidate’s final opportunity to reinforce their interest in the job and leave a lasting impact on the hiring manager.

  • Express Gratitude : Always thank the reader for considering the application.
  • Clear Call to Action : The hiring manager must initiate the next step.

Example : She appreciates the reader’s time and looks forward to discussing her application in further detail.

A candidate should:

  • Highlight their enthusiasm for the role.
  • Summarize their relevance by reiterating how their skills make them the ideal fit for the position.

A concise yet powerful closing increases the likelihood of securing an interview, ensuring the candidate stands out in the recruitment process.

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Disclaimer: Citizen Concierge is an independent firm that supplies self-governed immigration services. We are not associated with USCIS or any government agency and the data provided on this website is for general guidance about common immigration matters only – it should not be taken as legal advice. Additionally, we cannot offer lawful consultation whatsoever since we are not a law practice of any kind. If you have questions that require professional legal expertise then please contact an attorney instead.

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How to Write an I-130 Cover Letter- Sample & Tips

The I-130 form is a form to petition for an alien relative. It's a form that you usually submit to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to petition for a close relative who is intending to immigrate to the US. A cover letter for I-130 forms is not always needed, but when concurrent filing I-130 and I-485, cover letter documents can be helpful to explain the situation. The same can be said when you're only filing one of the two sets of paperwork.

If you're thinking about writing a cover letter for I-130, this article should be able to help point you in the right direction.

  • # I-130 Cover Letter Sample
  • # I-130 Cover Letter Structure
  • # Tips for Writing I-130 Cover Letter
  • # How to Edit I-130 Cover Letter Template

I-130 Cover Letter Template

i 130 cover letter

This is a free cover letter template for i 130. Free Download and customize it according to the sample text below.

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I-130 cover letter sample (text).

Below you'll find a sample cover letter for I-130, this is the most basic form of an I-130 cover letter, which should always be included in the document package, with the addition of a small amount of detail outlining the circumstances:

Your address City State Zip Code Month Day, Year

USCIS Attn: I-130 Address of place of filing City State Zip Code

Re: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative Petitioner: Your full name Relative: Their full name

Dear Sir/Madame,

I am writing to inform you that I have enclosed Form I-130 to petition on behalf of (Relative's full name). I, (Your full name), am a United States citizen, and (Relative's full name) is my (name your relationship type).

Included in this package are the following supporting documents for the I-130 petition:

  • A check payable to the USCIS for the amount of (Amount in USD) to cover the filing fee for this petition.
  • A completed I-130 form to petition for my alien relative.
  • A Naturalization certificate for myself, the petitioner.
  • A copy of my birth certificate.
  • A copy of my U.S. passport.
  • A copy of my U.S. driver's license.
  • The birth certificate of my relative.
  • A certified translation of my relative's birth certificate.

If you have any further questions, please contact me at (Your phone number). Thank you for your consideration regarding this I-130 petition.

Yours sincerely, (Sign your name) (Print your full name)

Now, on a separate page, if you had certain circumstances you wished to explain, you would write something like this:

Re: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative circumstance explanation Petitioner: Your full name Relative: Their full name

To give you some insight into the details of why I am petitioning for my relative, please allow me to say this:

The relative in question is my mother, and she has fallen under some difficult times. She is currently positioning to immigrate to the United States following a job offer after the last company she worked for was brought out. She is a hard-working, dedicated person, and I know that she is already well under way to applying for citizenship.

I am hoping that by filling in the I-130 petition, I might be able to help her case.

Thank you for your time. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns.

Structure of an I-130 Cover Letter

The structure of an I-130 cover letter can be a little confusing, but we've put together a short guide for you in bullet points, so you can see exactly what you need to include:

  • Include your current postal address.
  • Date the letter.
  • Name the USCIS and note the petition number. (Line 1: "USCIS", line 2: "Attn: I-130".)
  • Add a subject line that notes the full title of the petition ("RE: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative"), your full name, and the full name of the relative in question.
  • Start your letter with a salutation.
  • Explain why you're writing to the USCIS.
  • Note the documents that are included in the package with the I-130 form.
  • Give a phone number for the USCIS to contact you on for further questions.
  • Thank the department for their time.
  • Closing salutation.
  • Sign-off with your full name, and sign.

If your relative's case is peculiar in any way, you may attach a secondary sheet explaining the circumstances. Start and end this letter the same way as the official I-130 cover letter.

Tips for Writing I-130 Cover Letter

  • The cover letter can have two parts. As shown above, if your relative has particular circumstances, you may include a separate cover letter.
  • The first cover letter is always needed. It highlights what is contained in the document package.
  • When providing details, keep your second letter short.
  • Do not plead, and do not waste the USCIS's time.
  • Always use full names as shown on birth certificates.
  • Always sign and date all documents.
  • Explain your current situation clearly. If it's a job you're relocating for, explain why you want to relocate. If it's a job requesting relocation, explain why you're happy to move.

With these tips and both cover letter for I-130 samples, you should easily be able to finish your I-130 filing.

How to Edit I-130 Cover Letter Template

To make a strong i-130 cover letter, you can download the PDF cover letter template in this page and then edit it with Wondershare PDFelement - PDF Editor Wondershare PDFelement Wondershare PDFelement . This great PDF editor will help you customize the texts, images, forms in the template and make it fit your experience perfectly.

cover letter for i 130 petition

Step 1. Open the I-130 Cover Letter Template

concurrent filing i 130 and i 485 cover letter

Step 2. Click on "Edit" and Enter Your Text as You Like

cover letter for i 130

Step 3. Complete and Save Your I-130 Cover Letter

i 130 cover letter

Posted by Elise Williams to Updated: 2024-09-10 14:32:55


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Home » Blog » Form I-130 Checklist for Spouses: Starting the Immigration Process

Form I-130 Checklist for Spouses: Starting the Immigration Process

January 31, 2023 Apply for Green Card

Happy couple after using an I-130 checklist for spouses

The requirements for petitioning a foreign citizen spouse for permanent residence (green card) are more exhaustive than any other relationship. When filing Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, the petitioner must also submit other supporting documents to evidence the relationship. We’ve developed an I-130 checklist for spouses to help you through this process.

Immigration officials, from the U.S. Department of State and also U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), have an additional layer of scrutiny for spousal relationships. After all, sham marriages are one of the most common ways to commit green card fraud. Immigration officials want to be sure that your spouse is obtaining a green card based on a genuine relationship.

I-130 Checklist Before You Begin Preparing the Petition I-130 Checklist of Items to Submit with Spousal Petition Different Supporting Documents for Different Cases What about Form G-325A? Visa Overstays and Unlawful Presence Automate Your Checklist

This I-130 checklist assumes that you are filing the petition only. In most cases, foreign national spouse who are also physically present in the United States can "adjust status" to permanent resident. If you are filing Form I-130 as part of the adjustment of status process , you'll need to file additional forms and additional requirements may apply. If you are using CitizenPath’s services to prepare an adjustment of status application, our filing instructions will detail the necessary supporting documents for your situation.

I-130 Checklist Before You Begin Preparing the Petition

Before you begin preparing Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative , it’s helpful to review an I-130 checklist of items that you’ll need to prepare the form.

Petitioner’s Information

The petitioner is the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident who is filing the petition. The petitioner preparing Form I-130 must provide details about:

  • Address history for the past five years
  • Dates that previous marriage(s) ended (if any)
  • Employment history for the past five years
  • Details about previously filed petition for the beneficiary or any other foreign nationals

Beneficiary’s Information

The beneficiary is the intending immigrant who will apply for permanent residence (green card) in the United States. The beneficiary must provide details about:

  • Form I-94 record (if presently in the U.S.)
  • Any previous immigration proceedings

Featured image for “Reasons for I-130 Denial and How to Avoid Them”

Reasons for I-130 Denial and How to Avoid Them

I-130 checklist of items to submit with spousal petition.

When filing Form I-130, it’s extremely important to prepare a complete petition package that includes all of the necessary supporting documents. USCIS may have to send a Request for Evidence (RFE) if any information is missing. This additional step will likely lengthen the time it takes USCIS to approve the petition. On the other hand, a well-prepared petition package will improve you chances of a quick I-130 processing time.

CitizenPath customer using checklist

USCIS Filing Fee

Submit the I-130 filing fee . Make the check or money order payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security or by with credit card using Form G-1450 .

Cover Letter (optional)

USCIS does not require a cover letter. However, a cover letter can help itemize the documents that you are submitting and clarify any extraordinary circumstances that you may have. Review an example I-130 cover letter .

Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative

Submit an accurately prepared petition. The best way to keep your case on schedule is to fill out the form correctly and neatly. Don’t forget to sign.

Form I-130A, Supplemental Information for Spouse Beneficiary

USCIS requires this supplement, only if the beneficiary is a spouse. If your spouse is outside the United States, he or she is not required to sign Form I-130A.

Proof of Status

If you are a U.S. citizen, submit a photocopy of a birth certificate (if U.S. born), U.S. passport, naturalization certificate, certificate of citizenship, or consular report of birth abroad. If you are a lawful permanent resident, submit a photocopy of both sides of your green card or other proof of permanent residence.

Marriage Certificate

Include a copy of your marriage certificate to prove that there is a legal spousal relationship recognized by the governmental body where the marriage was performed.

Proof of Previous Marriages Terminated

If either you or your spouse were previously married, submit copies of documents showing that all prior marriages were legally terminated such as a divorce decree or death certificate (if the marriage was terminated due to the death of a spouse).

Passport-Style Photos

Submit two passport-style color photos of yourself and two passport-style color photos of your spouse taken within 30 days of filing the petition. (The requirement is waived for the beneficiary if they are residing outside the United States.)

Evidence of a Bona Fide Marriage

Include evidence that you have a bona fide marriage. It’s important to demonstrate you married for genuine reasons, not to evade U.S. immigration laws for the purposes of obtaining a green card. You’ll need to submit copies of documents that show evidence of shared financials liabilities, assets, insurance, tax filings, birth certificates of child born in to the marriage, or other documents that you feel shows your bona fide relationship. Read Evidence of Bona Fide Marriage to Support a Spousal I-130 Petition for more extensive information and example evidence.

Different Supporting Documents for Different Cases

The example I-130 checklist described above is for a typical case. Depending on your specific case and how you answers questions on the petition, additional documents and/or evidence may be required at the time of filing.

Upon completing the Immigrant Visa Petition Package on you will receive a more detailed I-130 checklist of items to submit with the spousal petition. The personalized instructions are based on your answers in the petition. Therefore, special considerations for factors like children, visa overstays and other questions will be addressed (if they apply to you).

What about Form G-325A?

Prior to the 02/27/2017 edition of Form I-130, USCIS required petitioners to submit a completed Form G-325A, Biographic Information, for both spouses (petitioner and beneficiary) with the Form I-130. However, USCIS no longer requires this form. That’s because the biographic information questions are now a part of Form I-130 and Form I-130A. The petitioner’s biographic information is on the Form I-130, and the beneficiary’s information is on the Form I-130A. Do not submit Form G-325A with your petition.

Visa Overstays and Unlawful Presence

  • Who entered the U.S. without inspection and admission or parole; or
  • Whose lawful immigration status expired or was rescinded, revoked, or otherwise terminated.

Therefore, any time spent in the U.S. beyond what is authorized on an I-94 record is a period of unlawful presence. This is also known as a visa overstay. As a general rule, persons that have a period of unauthorized stay should seek the assistance of an immigration attorney when applying for a green card.

There is an exception for the immediate relatives of U.S. citizens. Therefore, if you are a U.S. citizen petitioning a spouse that’s currently in the United States with an overstayed visa, your spouse may be able to adjust status.

Featured image for “Applying for a Green Card After a Visa Overstay”

Applying for a Green Card After a Visa Overstay

Automate your checklist.

CitizenPath provides simple, affordable, step-by-step guidance through USCIS immigration applications. Individuals, attorneys and non-profits use the service on desktop or mobile device to prepare immigration forms accurately, avoiding costly delays. CitizenPath allows users to try the service for free and provides a 100% money-back guarantee that USCIS will approve the application or petition. We provide support for the Petition for Alien Relative (Form I-130) , Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) , and several other immigration services .

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  • IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures

I-130 Cover Letter - Everything To Send + Marriage Evidence

By jagsfl June 1, 2019 in IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures

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3 posts in this topic

Recommended posts, jagsfl   14.

Through my time here of reading and asking questions, I believe I've got everything I need to send to USCIS. From what I was told on here, I do not need to add Proof of Permanent Residency (even though it states to add it in the Checklist here:  

I did some research myself for the evidence of bonafide marriage, and I believe that what I am going to include will be enough proof for them.  I understand that the cover letter is not mandatory, and it's really just for us. Could you please look at mine and let me know if what I've got here is all good? Thank you!!


August 15, 2019: Submitted Date September 09, 2019 (around this date): Received NOA1

April 15, 2020: USCIS approved. Sent to National Visa Center

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Ryan H

Ryan H   3,809

Don't bother with the affidavits, they carry little to zero weight in the overall evaluation of the file, focus on your evidence of time spent together in-person, that will be your strongest evidence.

Our journey:

September 2007: Met online via social networking site (MySpace); began exchanging messages. March 26, 2009: We become a couple! September 10, 2009: Arrived for first meeting in-person! June 17, 2010: Arrived for second in-person meeting and start of travel together to other areas of China! June 21, 2010: Engaged!!! September 1, 2010: Switched course from K1 to CR-1 December 8, 2010: Wedding date set; it will be on February 18, 2011! February 9, 2011: Depart for China February 11, 2011: Registered for marriage in Wuhan, officially married!!! February 18, 2011: Wedding ceremony in Shiyan!!! April 22, 2011: Mailed I-130 to Chicago April 28, 2011: Received NOA1 via text/email, file routed to CSC (priority date April 25th) April 29, 2011: Updated May 3, 2011: Received NOA1 hardcopy in mail July 26, 2011: Received NOA2 via text/email!!! July 30, 2011: Received NOA2 hardcopy in mail August 8, 2011: NVC received file September 1, 2011: NVC case number assigned September 2, 2011: AOS invoice received, OPTIN email for EP sent September 7, 2011: Paid AOS bill (payment portal showed PAID on September 9, 2011) September 8, 2011: OPTIN email accepted, GZO number assigned September 10, 2011: Emailed AOS package September 12, 2011: IV bill invoiced September 13, 2011: Paid IV bill (payment portal showed PAID on September 14, 2011) September 14, 2011: Emailed IV package October 3, 2011: Emailed checklist response (checklist generated due to typo on Form DS-230) October 6, 2011: Case complete at NVC November 10, 2011: Interview - APPROVED!!! December 7, 2011: POE - Sea-Tac Airport

September 17, 2013: Mailed I-751 to CSC

September 23, 2013: Received NOA1 in mail (receipt date September 19th)

October 16, 2013: Biometrics Appointment

January 28, 2014: Production of new Green Card ordered

February 3, 2014: New Green Card received; done with USCIS until fall of 2023*

December 18, 2023:  Filed I-90 to renew Green Card

December 21, 2023:  Production of new Green Card ordered - will be seeing USCIS again every 10 years for renewal

12 hours ago, Ryan H said: Don't bother with the affidavits, they carry little to zero weight in the overall evaluation of the file, focus on your evidence of time spent together in-person, that will be your strongest evidence.

Cool, will do! Thanks for that

cover letter for form i 130

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I-131, Application for Travel Document

ALERT: If you are filing a request under the Keeping Families Together process, do not use Form I-131 . For Keeping Families Together, please file Form I-131F, Application for Parole in Place for Certain Noncitizen Spouses and Stepchildren of U.S. Citizens , with USCIS. Additional information is available on the Keeping Families Together page.

ALERT: On Feb. 27, 2024, we  announced a process for eligible Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members to apply for re-parole so they can continue to temporarily remain in the United States.

We encourage eligible Ukrainian citizens and their immediate family members to submit their re-parole requests to us no earlier than 180 days (6 months) before the expiration of their current period of parole . You can find your parole expiration date on your  Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record , issued by U.S. Customs and Border Protection when you were paroled into the United States.

Filing during this window reduces the risk that your current period of parole and employment authorization will expire before you receive a decision on your re-parole request.  If you submit a request for re-parole more than 180 days before the expiration of your current period of parole, we may reject or deny your re-parole application without refunding the filing fees . Please note that filing earlier than 180 days before your current parole expiration date will not result in a faster decision.

ALERT:  Beginning July 1, 2022, we will issue a new travel authorization document to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries: Form I-512T, Authorization for Travel by a Noncitizen to the United States, at our discretion if we find the beneficiary merits this authorization. We will no longer issue advance parole documents as evidence of our prior authorization for a TPS beneficiary to be permitted to reenter the United States if the beneficiary travels outside the United States.

Beginning July 1, 2022, we will issue a new travel authorization document to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries: Form I-512T, Authorization for Travel by a Noncitizen to the United States, at our discretion if we find the beneficiary merits this authorization. We will no longer issue advance parole documents as evidence of our prior authorization for a TPS beneficiary to be permitted to reenter the United States if the beneficiary travels outside the United States.

If you are a TPS beneficiary with an existing, unexpired advance parole document, you may continue to travel and seek reentry to the United States after a trip outside the United States through the period of validity printed on your advance parole document.

If you are a TPS beneficiary applying for a new travel authorization document, you should continue to use Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. If you have a pending Form I-131, you do not need to file a new application.

We will continue to issue advance parole documents to noncitizens with pending initial applications for TPS (Form I-821).

TPS beneficiaries and individuals with pending initial TPS applications should carefully read the Form I-131 Instructions which contain warnings about certain risks an individual may face if they are outside of the United States while USCIS is considering their TPS reregistration or initial application, such as missing important request for evidence or other notices or being denied TPS while outside the United States.

ALERT: Court decisions regarding DACA.

On Sept. 13, 2023, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued a decision finding the DACA Final Rule unlawful and expanding the original July 16, 2021, injunction and order of vacatur to cover the Final Rule. However, the court maintained a partial stay of the order for “all DACA recipients who received their initial DACA status prior to July 16, 2021.” See the Memorandum and Order (PDF, 1.35 MB)  and Supplemental Order of Injunction (PDF, 72.53 KB) .

Accordingly, current grants of DACA and related Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) remain valid until they expire, unless individually terminated.  In accordance with this decision, USCIS will continue to accept and process DACA renewal requests and accompanying applications for employment authorization under the DACA regulations at 8 CFR 236.22 and 236.23, as it has since October 31, 2022. We will also continue to accept initial DACA requests, but in accordance with the District Court’s order, we will not process initial DACA requests.

Current valid grants of DACA and related EADs will continue to be recognized as valid under the Final Rule. This means that individuals with DACA and related EADs do not have to submit a request for DACA or employment authorization until the appropriate time to seek renewal.

Please see the  DACA Litigation Information Page  for important updates and information related to court rulings on the DACA policy.

Use this form to apply for a reentry permit, refugee travel document, TPS travel authorization document, advance parole document (including parole into the United States for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit), or advance permission to travel for Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) long-term residents.

For information on travel documents, including potential immigration-related consequences of traveling outside the United States, see our Travel Documents page. If you are in the United States and you have an urgent need to travel outside the United States, see our Expedite Requests page and  Emergency Travel  page.

If you file this form to request an Advance Parole Document authorizing you to seek parole in the United States when you return to the United States after temporary travel abroad, and you depart the United States before we issue your Advance Parole Document, we will consider your Form I-131 abandoned unless you were previously issued an Advance Parole Document that remains valid for the entire time you are outside the United States.

If you file this form to request an advance permission to travel for CNMI long-term residents document, and you leave the CNMI without having an advance permission to travel document, your status will automatically terminate.

File Online    

Form Details

Form I-131 (PDF, 526.69 KB)

Instructions for Form I-131 (PDF, 285.07 KB)

04/01/24 . You can find the edition date at the bottom of the page on the form and instructions.

Dates are listed in mm/dd/yy format.

If you complete and print this form to mail it, make sure that the form edition date and page numbers are visible at the bottom of all pages and that all pages are from the same form edition. If any of the form’s pages are missing or are from a different form edition, we may reject your form.

If you need help downloading and printing forms, read our instructions . 

Please check our Filing Addresses for Form I-131  page for information on where to mail your application. Applications that are not submitted to the appropriate direct filing address may experience processing delays.

You can find the filing fee for Form I-131 by visiting our Fee Schedule page.

You can pay the fee with a money order, personal check, or cashier’s check, or pay by credit card or debit card using Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions . If you pay by check, you must make your check payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

When you send a payment, you agree to pay for a government service. Filing fees are final and non-refundable, regardless of any action we take on your application, petition, or request, or if you withdraw your request.  If you pay by credit card or debit card, you cannot later dispute the payment. Use our Fee Calculator to help determine your fee.

If you are submitting multiple forms, pay each filing fee separately. We are transitioning to electronically processing immigration benefit requests, which requires us to use multiple systems to process your package. We may reject your entire package if you submit a single, combined payment for multiple forms.

Payment if you file at a field office: You cannot pay fees with a money order or cashier’s check when filing at a field office. You can only pay with a personal check, debit card, credit card, or reloadable prepaid credit or debit card.

You do not need to pay an additional fee for Form I-131 if:

  • You are filing Form I-131 Application Type B or D;
  • You filed a Form I-485 with a fee on or after July 30, 2007, and before April 1, 2024; and
  • Your Form I-485 is still pending.

For refugee travel document applications filed from outside of the United States, you must pay the applicable fee(s) to the cashier at the USCIS overseas office or U.S. embassy or consulate with jurisdiction over your location. Please see the website of the appropriate  embassy or consulate  to confirm acceptable forms of payment. Include the fee receipt from the U.S. embassy or consulate when you file your application package.

Please do not mail cash, personal checks or traveler’s checks. If you do not include a fee receipt with your filing, we will reject your application.

Please do not submit this checklist with your Form I-131. The checklist is an optional tool to use as you prepare your form, but does not replace statutory, regulatory, and form instruction requirements. We recommend that you review these requirements before completing and submitting your form. Do not send original documents unless specifically requested in the form instructions or applicable regulations.

If you submit any documents (copies or original documents, if requested) in a foreign language, you must include a full English translation along with a certification from the translator verifying that the translation is complete and accurate, and that they are competent to translate from the foreign language into English.

Did You Provide the Following?
If you are applying for:Then you must submit:
A refugee travel document , and
A reentry permit
An advance parole document if you are currently in the United States
An advance parole document for someone outside the United States (for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit)

Read more information about the types of evidence that may be relevant to specific parole requests on our  Humanitarian Parole  page.

Complete all sections of the form. We will reject the form if these fields are missing:

  • Family Name
  • Physical Address
  • Date of Birth
  • 1.a. – 1.f.
  • Family Name (If 1.f. selected)
  • Physical Address (If 1.f. selected)

Filing Tips:  Review our  Tips for Filing Forms by Mail  page for information on how to ensure we will accept your form.

Don’t forget to sign your form. We will reject any unsigned form.

E-Notification: If you want to receive an e-mail and/or text message that we have accepted  your form at a USCIS lockbox, complete  Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance , and clip it to the first page of your form.

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  1. How To Write a Cover Letter for Your Form I-130 (Petition for Alien

    Checklist of Information To Include in Form I-130 Cover Letter. USCIS will find it most helpful if you include the following information in your cover letter: Your contact information. The USCIS address to which you're sending this letter. Your full name as the petitioner. Your relative's full name as the beneficiary.

  2. USCIS Cover Letter for Immigration Benefits

    Immigrant Visa Petition for a Spouse: Start with this I-130 cover letter template when you are filing Form I-130 to petition a spouse for a green card. Refer to the sample as an example. Immigrant Visa Petition for Other Relative: If your beneficiary is a relative other than a spouse, use this I-130 cover letter.

  3. How To Write a USCIS Cover Letter

    Cover letters may be especially helpful when you are in a unique situation. Suppose you are applying for a marriage green card with Form I-130: Petition for Alien Relative, and you and your spouse have lived apart for some time. You and your U.S. citizen or green card holder spouse can use a cover letter to explain this or any other unusual ...

  4. USCIS I-130 Process And Documents Checklist

    Cover Letter. The petition and documents should include a cover letter that contains a description of what petition or application is being submitted (Form I-130), and a complete list of everything that is sent in the packet to USCIS. It should also include an explanation of any special circumstances involved.

  5. How to Write a Form I-130 Cover Letter

    When filing a marriage green card application with the U.S. government, some applicants choose to include a cover letter in front of Form I-130 ("Petition for Alien Relative") in their application package. The cover letter (which is not mandatory as per government requirements) acts as a table of contents for all of the forms and supporting ...

  6. I-130 Cover Letter

    A cover letter for Form I-130, officially known as the Petition for Alien Relative, is a personalized document to accompany the petition. This letter provides the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) with a clear understanding of the sponsor's intent to initiate the immigration process for a family member. The cover ...

  7. How to Write an I-130 Cover Letter

    Name the USCIS and note the petition number. (Line 1: "USCIS", line 2: "Attn: I-130".) Add a subject line that notes the full title of the petition ("RE: I-130, Petition for Alien Relative"), your full name, and the full name of the relative in question. Start your letter with a salutation. Explain why you're writing to the USCIS.

  8. How to Write a Form I-130 Cover Letter

    When filing for a marriage green card, some applicants will include a cover letter in front of Form I-130 in their application package. While not required, s...

  9. How to Write a Form I-130 Cover Letter

    Although there's no specific format required for the Form I-130 cover letter, it's important to include a general introduction and a detailed list of all of ...

  10. Form I-130 Guide (Petition for Alien Relative)

    U.S. citizens, U.S. nationals, and permanent residents can file Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, to help a foreign citizen family member obtain permanent residence in the United States (green card status). Form I-130 starts the process of family-based immigration by establishing the existence of a qualifying relationship to a foreign ...


    SAMPLE 1: 2 (FOR THOSE WHO FILED I-130 ONLINE):[You can copy any in...

  12. DOCX I-130 Cover Letter for Relative

    Relative. LAST NAME, First Name. Dear Adjudicating Officer, I am filing the enclosed Form I-130 on behalf of [Your Spouse's Full Name], the beneficiary. I, [Your Full Name], am a U.S. citizen petitioner, and [Your Spouse's Full Name] is my [Type of Relationship]. My petition package contains the following forms and supporting documents:

  13. I-130 Cover Letter

    Chicago, IL 60603-5517. To whom it may concern: I am the proud US Citizen husband of Mrs. Jane Doe. I am applying for I-130, Petition for Alien Relative (spouse), for her. I attach the following to this application. 1. I-130 Petition for Alien Relative with attached filing fee of $535.00. a. John Doe Birth Certificate.

  14. I 130 Cover Letter Sample

    An I-130 cover letter sample is provided to help those sponsoring a family member for immigration to the United States smoothly navigate the process. The sample outlines the key components to include in a cover letter for an I-130 petition, such as introductions of the petitioner and beneficiary, their relationship details, supporting documents, a declaration of intent to sponsor, and a ...

  15. Cover Letter for concurrent filling of i-130 & i-485

    The contents are as follows: Form G-1145 E-Notification of application/petition acceptance. Check for $535 (Filing fee for I-130). Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. Copy of Petitioner's Birth Certificate. Copy of Petitioner's Driver License. G-325A, Biographic Information filed by Petitioner with one recent passport-style picture.

  16. Putting together cover letter for I-130, I-485, I-765, I-131

    I-130 Petition For Alien Relative. 1. Personal check of $420 for I-130 Filing Fee. 2. Cover letter of the contents for I-130 packet. 3. Form G-1145, E-Notification Application/Petition (Petitioner) 4. Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. 5. Copy of US Citizen's birth certificate. 6. Copy of US citizen's passport of all pages. 7.

  17. Good examples of cover letters for I-130, I-485, "overall", etc.?

    Make sure the cover sheet indicates the package is an Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application with a concurrent I-130 filing. List the major contents of the package (i.e. I-485 and evidence, I-130 and evidence, I-765, I-131,etc)." This all SEEMS pretty straightforward to me but I'd still like to see some ...

  18. PDF Sample Form I-130

    Form I-130 OMB No. 1615-0012 Expires 02/28/2021 Attorney State Bar Number (if applicable) Select this box if Form G-28 is attached. Volag Number (if any) Attorney or Accredited Representative USCIS Online Account Number (if any) To be completed by an attorney or accredited representative (if any). ySTART HERE - Type or print in black ink. A ...

  19. I-130 cover letter : r/USCIS

    I-130 cover letter. I sent this cover letter with all my application Do you think anything else should I add? To Whom It May Concern: Enclosed, please find my Adjustment of Status Application for , the beneficiary, and, the petitioner and U.S. citizen spouse of the beneficiary. The following documents accompany and support this application:¬¬¬.

  20. Form I-130 Checklist for Spouses of USCs and LPRs

    USCIS does not require a cover letter. However, a cover letter can help itemize the documents that you are submitting and clarify any extraordinary circumstances that you may have. Review an example I-130 cover letter. Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. Submit an accurately prepared petition.

  21. AOS I-485 (Family-based I-130) Cover Letter and Supporting ...

    Letter from Petitioner's employer stating current pay rate and annual salary Beneficiary's Form I-693 Medical Exam Report (signed and sealed) Beneficiary's Form I-765 Copy of Beneficiary's valid passport ID page Copy of Beneficiary's U.S. visa stamp page Printout of Beneficiary's electronic I-94 record

  22. I-130 Cover Letter

    I-130 Cover Letter - Everything To Send + Marriage Evidence I-130 Cover Letter - Everything To Send + Marriage Evidence. By ... October 3, 2011: Emailed checklist response (checklist generated due to typo on Form DS-230) October 6, 2011: Case complete at NVC November 10, 2011: Interview - APPROVED!!! December 7, 2011: POE - Sea-Tac Airport

  23. Application for Travel Document

    ALERT: Beginning July 1, 2022, we will issue a new travel authorization document to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) beneficiaries: Form I-512T, Authorization for Travel by a Noncitizen to the United States, at our discretion if we find the beneficiary merits this authorization.We will no longer issue advance parole documents as evidence of our prior authorization for a TPS beneficiary to be ...