What causes blushing? Science finally reveals the answer.

A new study harnessed Mariah Carey karaoke and brain scans to reveal the neuroscience behind blushing.

Teenage girl with brunette hair, wearing a red top and gold hoop-earrings is shown giggling with her left hand over her mouth. Behind her is a man who is wearing a black t-shirt. The top half of his face is cut off. The background is blurry but the faint outline of trees can be seen.

Scientists have finally figured out what causes blushing — and they cracked the code by intentionally placing their study volunteers in embarrassing situations.

In an unconventional new study, published July 17 in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B , researchers asked 40 teenage girls and young women to sing karaoke while being filmed. The study volunteers sang four notoriously difficult-to-sing tunes: "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey; "All the Things You Said" by t.A.T.u.; "Hello" by Adele; and "Let It Go" from Disney's "Frozen."

After the recording session, the researchers scanned the volunteers' brains using function magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which indirectly measures brain activity by tracking blood flow through the organ. During the fMRI, the participants were shown the recordings of their singing, as well as that of another participant who sang at a comparable level to them. They also watched recordings of a professional singer of a similar age performing the songs.

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To make things potentially more awkward, researchers also told the participants that an audience would watch their own recording with them.

In addition to monitoring the activity of neurons in the participants' brains , the researchers measured how much the temperature of the volunteers' cheeks increased — an indicator of their level of blushing.

The team found the volunteers blushed more when they were watching themselves versus other people singing. And overall, the more a person blushed, the greater the activity of neurons in their cerebellum. The cerebellum is a region of the brain that controls movement and coordination . However, recent research suggests it may also be involved in emotional processing , among other functions. Specifically, the researchers saw high activation in part of the cerebellum called lobule V, which has previously been shown to play a role in emotion .

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Another brain region that lit up in participants who blushed while watching themselves was one involved in the early stages of visual processing. The researchers say this implies that blushing is tied not only to emotional processing but also to brain circuits that help direct a person's attention. In other words, blush-inducing videos of a given participant seemed to pique that person's attention more than videos of others, they theorized.

On the flip side, the team didn't find any association between blushing and the activation of so-called high-order brain regions — the parts of the brain that enable us to complete complex cognitive tasks, including making sense of oneself and others .

"Based on this we concluded that thinking about others' thoughts may not be necessary for blushing to occur,'' lead study author Milica Nikolic , an assistant professor in developmental psychopathology at the University of Amsterdam, said in a statement . "Blushing may be a part of the automatic arousal you feel when you are exposed and there is something that is relevant to the self," Nikolic said.

The researchers added in their paper that blushing may be "triggered by a sudden surge of alertness when socially exposed." They argued that it's likely a spontaneous emotional reaction rather than something that arises from higher self-reflection, such as actively thinking about how others perceive you.

The team acknowledged several limitations of the study. For instance, they evaluated blushing only by looking at changes in cheek temperature. Using additional metrics, such as measuring blood flow in the face, could provide more detail about this process.

Going forward, the team wishes to study blushing under different scenarios and in more diverse cohorts. One potential research avenue would be to see whether the same findings can be replicated in younger children who have not yet developed more-complex cognitive skills.

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Understanding more about how blushing arises may also shine a light on why some people with anxiety disorders develop a fear of blushing, they said.

"When we understand the mechanisms of blushing, we can target the fear of blushing better as well," Nikolic said.

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Emily is a health news writer based in London, United Kingdom. She holds a bachelor's degree in biology from Durham University and a master's degree in clinical and therapeutic neuroscience from Oxford University. She has worked in science communication, medical writing and as a local news reporter while undertaking journalism training. In 2018, she was named one of MHP Communications' 30 journalists to watch under 30. ( [email protected]

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assignment blushing meaning

Why Do We Really Blush? Brain Scans Reveal It's Not What You Think.

A person holding a hand to mouth blushing

Uncontrollable yet predictable, obvious yet inexplicable, blushing can be agony when we're made to feel mortified, ashamed, or simply self-conscious.

A new study suggests that a key trigger of blushing is more about that heightened sense of self-awareness, of feeling seen or exposed, rather than some cognitive computation of what other people think of us.

Helpful to know, thanks to a bunch of 40 teenagers and 20-year-olds made to watch footage of themselves singing karaoke whilst lying in an MRI machine. Although having more evidence of the link between blushing and self-awareness doesn't necessarily mean we can stop it from happening.

In 1872, Charles Darwin aptly described blushing as "the most peculiar and most human of all expressions". It only intensifies when someone points out that you're turning a shade of crimson, while being accused of the act can make you do so too, regardless of whether you're guilty or not .

Explanations of the physiological response are straightforward enough; a rush of blood to the face that reddens the cheeks, and sometimes also the ears, neck, upper chest and forehead.

But as to why someone blushes, that's been puzzling people for years . Is it shame or embarrassment over a clumsy mistake or what could be a well-deserved compliment, or a feeling of being exposed for all to see?

Do people blush because they're suddenly concerned about what others think of them and feel judged? Or is it an involuntary, emotional response that arises before we've had a moment to think it through?

A 2004 study found that blushing could be more intense on one side of the face compared to the other – if someone was staring at the person side-on while they sang. But many of these past studies, like the most recent one, are so small no strong conclusions can be drawn.

"Whereas the pallor of fear is explicable in terms of redirection of blood flow from the skin to the skeletal muscles, it is less obvious why embarrassment over certain kinds of social predicaments should be accompanied by increased blood flow to the facial region," psychologist Ray Crozier wrote in 2010 , for the British Psychological Society.

In this new study, Milica Nikolic, a psychology researcher at the University of Amsterdam, and her colleagues tried to untangle some of these questions about blushing with brain scans of their karaoke singers, shown footage of themselves or other people singing.

Surprisingly, only a handful of studies have mapped patterns of brain activity in people made to feel embarrassed or self-conscious , and while they have noted physiological signs of increased arousal, none measured indicators of blushing, specifically.

Nikolic and colleagues found that the cheeks of female volunteers became hotter as they watched themselves versus others sing, which isn't all that surprising.

The functional MRI (fMRI) brain scans were more revealing. They showed that blushing activated brain areas involved in emotional arousal and attention, whereas regions involved in mentalizing – that is, imagining or thinking about your own or someone else's behavior, thoughts or intentions – were "conspicuously absent".

"These findings contribute to ongoing theoretical discussions regarding the nature of blushing and provide support for the idea that higher-order socio-cognitive processes may not be necessary for blushing to occur," Nikolic and colleagues conclude .

However, the team says their results should be "interpreted with due care" because patterns of brain activity associated with mental processes "as complex and pervasive as arousal, attention and mentalizing are not entirely distinct."

Whether or not these results can be replicated in a larger, more diverse group of people – not just female university students – also remains to be seen. The so-called replication crisis has plagued psychology research for decades, partly a reflection of the types of people these studies tend to recruit as volunteers.

The study has been published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences .

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assignment blushing meaning

Ways to Say “Blush” in Writing: A Word List for Writers

Blush Words

Why Do People Blush?

Writers should know their characters’ motivations. Then, readers should be shown the cause of each blush. Occasional flushes, reddening of the cheeks, or flaming faces serve a function. However, overuse of these or any other physiological responses will aggravate readers.

Emotion Beats and Physical Manifestations

Actions speak louder than blushes. A blush could be caused by:

adulation, arousal, embarrassment , fear, insecurity, receiving a compliment, remorse, repressed hatred, shame, shyness

A well-placed gesture or action draws readers into narrative. Here are a few ways to show motivation without a single blush.

Adulation parted lips enlarged pupils hanging on every word spoken by subject complimenting the subject of adulation

Arousal sparkling eyes flirtatious dialogue running tongue over one’s lips heavy breathing, accompanied by racing pulse

Embarrassment trembling shuffling feet biting fingernails fidgeting or picking fluff off one’s clothing

Fear pacing trembling hands holding one’s breath accelerated breathing

Insecurity slumped posture focusing one’s gaze on floor or toes fidgeting with jewelry or clothing clenching bottom lip between one’s teeth

Receiving a compliment speechlessness expressing thanks verbal denial of self-worthiness flattering the person who bestowed the compliment

Remorse stuttering frequent swallowing nausea and/or minimal appetite looking away from wronged person

Repressed hatred bared teeth folded arms narrowed eyes lips pressed together in a thin line

Shame trembling stooped shoulders minimal eye contact biting one’s fingernails or chewing on pen

Shyness bowed head stammering pinched lips limp handshake

If you need additional beats, consult a body language dictionary . (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.)

When Is a Blush not a Blush?

A protagonist’s face might be red due to fever, sunburn, windburn, an allergic reaction, or a response to external temperature. But this redness wouldn’t be a true blush. Likewise for a protagonist whose face seethes with red , an appropriate phrase to demonstrate anger .

Analyze motivations as you write or edit. Many blushes may be out of place.

Similes and Metaphors Stimulate the Imagination

You could compare the color in a person’s cheeks or face to one of the following.

A to W an apple, a cardinal, a carnation, a cayenne pepper, a chili pepper, an Elmo doll, fire, flames, ketchup, a ladybug, a lobster, a poppy, raspberries, a rose, a stop sign, strawberries, tabasco sauce, a tomato, a wagon, a watermelon

Find more red objects by searching the internet for things that are red .

Similes usually incorporate as or like :

The toddler rushed toward her mother, her chubby cheeks as red as an Elmo doll . “Mummmy, Mummmy, pwease don’t go.”

When Kristy accused Reynaldo of cheating on her, he pulled at his collar, and his face flared red like the ketchup slathered all over his steak and fries .

Metaphors rely on indirect comparisons. They compare actions or objects that are not normally considered comparable. For instance:

The fire of passion flamed in Elena’s face.

Fire of passion is a tell as well as a metaphor, acceptable if Elena is the POV character. However, anyone interacting with her wouldn’t know her motivation.

It’s Unwise to Make Your POV Character Blush

Pretend you’re embarrassed. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the situation before reading the next paragraph.

Back in the real world again?

If you blush, you might feel heat spread throughout your chest and into the roots of your hair , but you won’t see your appearance unless you’re looking into a mirror.

Likewise with your POV character.

Let’s Try a Few Edits

When Aaron presented Alicia with the Employee of the Month award, she blushed .

Since Aaron is introduced by just his first name, readers might assume that these two characters have a relationship. But why does Alicia blush?

When Aaron presented Alicia with the Employee of the Month award, she remained speechless .

Alicia is probably speechless because she has no foreknowledge of the award. In context, other reasons might prove valid.

Marian blushed as she stared at Jeremy’s coffee mug. “I’m sorry.”

Why is Marian staring at the mug?

Marian didn’t reciprocate Jeremy’s gaze . “I’m sorry. Give me your mug, and I’ll make you another coffee. Milk. No sugar.”

The second snippet provides a meaningful description. Marian’s dialogue and avoidance of eye contact show that she’s ashamed, maybe even intimidated. We don’t need to stack body language with a blush.

Zane ogled Melissa’s tanned legs , and she blushed .

Ogled is a strong verb that suggests a lecherous intent. Why would Melissa blush?

Maybe she doesn’t like Zane or his attitude:

Zane ogled Melissa’s tanned legs. She pressed her lips into a thin white line .

Now, readers will know that Melissa doesn’t approve of Zane’s attention.

Shawn blushed when Carrie touched his elbow.

Perhaps Shawn has a secret crush on Carrie?

When Carrie touched Shawn’s elbow, his heart raced .

This approach works if Shawn is the POV character. Blushing could be caused by many emotions. A racing heart, however, is a good indication that Shawn has feelings for Carrie.

Carrie touched Shawn’s elbow. He blushed .

Same situation as before, with a slight change in wording, but no clear POV. Let’s revisit from Carrie’s perspective:

Carrie touched Shawn’s elbow . His heavy breathing stirred the tiny hairs on her neck, sending a shiver into every cell of her body.

Carrie’s response shows that she reciprocates Shawn’s affection. Her reaction is direct, rather than filtering through a phrase such as She felt his heavy breathing stirring the tiny hairs on her neck.

Daniel could see Estela blush and fidget with her top button .

Estela’s motivation might be clear in context — insecurity, perhaps? However, could see filters this sentence through Daniel’s sense of sight.

Estela’s face glowed red . She fidgeted with her top button .

Daniel’s name isn’t needed. Since he’s the POV character, readers see through his eyes.

Bonnie blushed to herself whenever she thought of William’s washboard abs.

Yes, some authors sprinkle their writing with phrases like blushed to herself . The last two words are redundant . Everyone can see a blush, and who else would Bonnie blush to? Since she’s the POV character, she can’t see herself.

Whenever Bonnie thought of William’s washboard abs, the heat of desire rushed into her face .

For variety, this sentence changes word order. Heat rushes into Bonnie’s face: a show. The words also tell about her motivation.

Doug blushed scarlet when Ms. Pringle sent him to the principal’s office. He was embarrassed because he had been caught peeking into the girls’ washroom.

A blush of embarrassment might work here, but we’re trying to eliminate an overused word. Besides, Doug is the POV character, and it’s best not to have him blush, especially when the degree of his blush is depicted as scarlet . He can’t see his own color.

A different approach:

Doug trembled when Ms. Pringle sent him to the principal’s office. Why had he allowed himself to be caught peeking into the girls’ washroom?

Doug’s trembling shows his embarrassment, and the second sentence, posed as a question, plants us in the midst of his internal monologue.

Quick Alternatives for Blush

Note subtle connotations in the following list. Tear-soaked cheeks might glisten red. Slight embarrassment could pinken the face and neck.

Wherever the word red appears, it could be replaced with colors such as:

A to V apple-red, baby-pink, beet-red, blood-red, candy-red, cherry-red, coral, crimson, cupid-pink, devil-red, flame-red, hydrant-red, kiss-red, mango-pink, peach-pink, pink, scarlet, siren-red, valentine-red

Choose a shade that suits your character’s personality and circumstances.

Verbs and Verb Phrases to Replace Blush

B to F blaze, blaze red, bloom red, blossom with fire, blossom with red, burn red, color with red, crimson, erupt with red, explode in red, flame, flare red, flash red, flood with red, flush

G to T gleam red, glisten red, glow red, go red, go red in the face, pinken, radiate red, redden, rubify, seethe with red, shine red, suffuse with red, tinge with red, turn red, turn rosy, turn ruddy

Can you edit away all the blushes?

In spite of his efforts to control his emotions, Avery blushed crimson when his name was called by Principal Beck. He shuffled to the front of the auditorium and plodded onto the stage, trying to ignore the catcalls and hisses from other students.

Mr. Beck glared down at him. “This is the second time in three weeks. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Avery blushed . “Um …”

[Uh oh. What has Avery done? We know by the principal’s glare that it’s a no-no. Can you turn this into humor? horror? sci-fi?]

The buzzing stopped. Kyle’s gaze darted around the room, and he blushed , hoping no one would discover his secret. At least not until __________.

Madalyn blushed and turned red from the roots of her hair, to her ears, into her generous cleavage . How could she have let this happen again?

[Can Madalyn see her own blushing? What did she allow to happen? Was it something bad? Good?]

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8 thoughts on “ Ways to Say “Blush” in Writing: A Word List for Writers ”

Thank you so much Kathy for your list and elaboration on describing facial expressions! I am sharing these with my students and they, like, saw the light! Thank you again and God bless!

I’m so glad you found this post useful, Baizah.

Good luck with your students, and please stay safe!

god all of these 100-300+ ways to say articles have helped me so much when writing my new story. It’s so hard to find alternatives to blush, shrug, and raise eyebrows (three things I say A LOT) and so these have been a miricale to find!

I’m so glad you found them helpful, Rosen.

Thanks for stopping by — and stay safe!

I can’t imagine anyone’s face turning as red as ketchup. Even a bad sunburn isn’t that color. I’d stop reading that book as soon as I saw that description.

Same for some of the others descriptors. Striving for uniqueness in your facial descriptions might only serve to pull the reader out of the story, especially if they’re strange.

Thanks for stopping by, Debra.

You raised an excellent point. However, over-the-top comparisons are often made in expressions like as red as a beet . Readers don’t see a beet-red face, but they understand the exaggeration.

My pleasure, David!

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The Psychology Behind Blushing: Why Do People Blush?

assignment blushing meaning

Blushing is a common and natural response that occurs when we feel embarrassed, shy, or experience strong emotions.

But have you ever wondered why we blush?

In this blog post, we will delve into the science and psychology behind blushing, exploring the physiological processes involved, the role of emotions, and the social implications of this fascinating phenomenon.

The Physiology of Blushing

Blushing occurs when the blood vessels in the face dilate, allowing more blood to flow through them and causing the skin to appear red.

This process is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, digestion, and perspiration.

The autonomic nervous system is divided into two branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

  • The sympathetic system is responsible for the “fight or flight” response, preparing the body for action in response to a perceived threat.
  • The parasympathetic system, on the other hand, is responsible for the “rest and digest” response, helping the body to relax and recover.

Blushing is primarily controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, which releases adrenaline in response to certain stimuli.

This adrenaline causes the blood vessels in the face to dilate, resulting in the characteristic reddening of the skin.

The Role of Emotions in Blushing

Blushing is closely linked to our emotions, particularly those associated with self-consciousness, embarrassment, and shame.

When we experience these emotions, our body perceives them as a threat, triggering the sympathetic nervous system and causing us to blush.

Some researchers believe that blushing serves as a nonverbal form of communication, signaling to others that we recognize our social faux pas and are experiencing feelings of embarrassment or shame.

This display of vulnerability can help to diffuse tension and elicit empathy from others, potentially strengthening social bonds.

Social Implications of Blushing

Blushing can have both positive and negative social implications, depending on the context and the individual’s perception of the situation.

On one hand, blushing can be seen as a sign of honesty and sincerity, as it is difficult to fake and often occurs involuntarily.

In this sense, blushing can help to build trust and rapport with others.

On the other hand, blushing can also be perceived as a sign of weakness or insecurity, particularly in competitive or high-pressure situations.

Individuals who blush easily may be more prone to feelings of self-consciousness and social anxiety , which can negatively impact their self-esteem and overall well-being.

Why Some People Blush More Easily Than Others

There is considerable variation in how easily and frequently individuals blush, with some people turning red at the slightest provocation, while others rarely blush at all.

This variability can be attributed to a combination of genetic, physiological, and psychological factors.

Studies indicate that blushing may have a genetic basis, meaning some people may inherit a tendency to blush more readily than others.

This genetic component is believed to be intricate, involving a combination of genes and interactions with the environment.

Physiological Factors

Blushing can vary due to differences in the structure and function of blood vessels and the autonomic nervous system among individuals.

People with more sensitive blood vessels or a highly reactive sympathetic nervous system may blush more easily.

Psychological Factors

Psychological factors such as personality traits and coping mechanisms can also influence how easily a person blushes.

People who have higher levels of self-consciousness, social anxiety, or a tendency towards introspection may be more prone to blushing.

How to manage to blush?

For those who find their blushing to be a source of distress or embarrassment, there are several strategies that can help to manage and reduce the frequency of blushing episodes:

Relaxation techniques

Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation, can help to calm the sympathetic nervous system and reduce the likelihood of blushing.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a type of talk therapy that aims to target and modify negative thoughts and behaviors. It can be beneficial for people who blush excessively because of social anxiety or feeling self-conscious.

Exposure therapy

Exposure therapy involves gradually facing and confronting situations that trigger blushing in a controlled and supportive environment.

This can help to desensitize the individual to the triggers and reduce the intensity of their blushing response.

Pharmacological treatments

In some cases, medications such as beta-blockers or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to help manage excessive blushing.

These medications should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and may not be suitable for everyone.

Alternative therapies

Some people find relief through alternative therapies like hypnosis, acupuncture, or herbal remedies.

However, it’s important to speak with a qualified health professional before pursuing any alternative treatments.

Blushing is a complex and intriguing phenomenon that is influenced by a combination of physiological, emotional, and social factors.

While blushing can sometimes be a source of embarrassment or discomfort, it is important to remember that it is a natural and universal human response.

By understanding the science and psychology behind blushing, we can develop a greater appreciation for this unique aspect of human behavior and learn to manage it more effectively when necessary.


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Cambridge Dictionary

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Meaning of blushing in English

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  • I blush whenever I think about it - it was awful !
  • Even the mention of her name makes him blush.
  • She blushed with embarrassment .
  • Here comes your favourite person now - look , you're blushing!
  • The poor boy was blushing when the headmistress made him come up to collect his prize .
  • articulation
  • be in/get into a state idiom
  • beat your breast/chest idiom
  • fling up your hands idiom
  • freak (someone) out
  • roar with something

Examples of blushing

In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives. Some of these examples may show the adjective use.


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[ bluhsh -ing ]

All eyes were on the blushing bride—the star of the evening!

At the mayor’s request, they serenaded the blushing councilor with a rendition of “Happy Birthday.”

The author plows ahead with a disarmingly blushing work about trying to embrace her queer identity, her marriage, and motherhood simultaneously.

This chocolate Valentine cake is delicious—and the blushing raspberry frosting is the perfect pink.

Other Words From

  • blush·ing·ly adverb

Word History and Origins

Origin of blushing 1

Example Sentences

That failure has the reddest state in the nation blushing blue.

Chuck Todd solemnized his marriage to Meet the Press, NBC News's 67-year-old public affairs program, much like a blushing bride.

Watts does a good, blushing sideways glance and has her flat upper class intonations off to a tee.

She was a blushing bride of seventeen, a sad and stoic wife, a loving mother, an embittered chaperone, and a daughter pushed away.

Audience members could ask earnest, unselfconscious questions like whether e-books were real books without blushing.

Nature seems still to wish to keep the young and blushing girl apart from that connection which entails grave and arduous duties.

At this poem Mary professed herself delighted; for she was long past blushing at lip service.

He has often come to ask after you,” she said blushing, “but he is afraid to see you, lest it should do you harm just now.

"I have not sent for you for nothing, Oswald," she said, blushing a little as if it were a hard matter she had to speak of.

Another titter through the court-room, the colonel and the squire blushing redder than ever.

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Policy Statement

Students at Hofstra University are expected tmeet deadlines for assignments and tests. However, some students may have a disability that impacts their ability tdso, including conditions that are episodic, variable in symptoms, and requiring treatment or hospitalization.

Hofstra University recognizes that an extension of assignment deadlines may be a reasonable accommodation in these situations. This accommodation is intended for short-term assignments, not long-term projects listed on syllabi.

It does not address time management issues unrelated ta student's disability. Students must manage their time effectively and meet assignment deadlines as expected. However, if a disability prevents timely completion of assignments, the accommodation allows flexibility. Extension duration depends on disability severity and impact on assignment completion time. Documentation from a licensed professional is required, and extensions must not compromise course integrity.

Student Procedure:

  • Students must complete and submit a Request for Reasonable Accommodations form and provide documentation of a disability from a qualified professional, as defined in the ADA Guidelines for Documentation, tStudent Access Services (SAS) office
  • Each request is reviewed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and a determination is made tverify that the disability may cause the student tmiss classes that exceed the specified attendance policy.
  • Students approved for assignment extensions by Hofstra University's Student Access Services (SAS) must present the Letter of Accommodation (LOA) ttheir instructor and discuss the approved adjustments.
  • Student must provide timely notification tthe professor with SAS copied on it, in each instance that the accommodation is being requested for use. Assignment deadlines must be coordinated with both the instructor and SAS according tthe approved accommodation and cannot be submitted at any time.
  • Under normal circumstances, assignments cannot be turned in after the semester concludes and grades are posted (whichever comes first).
  • Accommodation requests can be made at any time during the semester but are not retroactive. Missed assignments before the instructor receives the LOA may be handled based on the course's assignment policy, at the instructor's discretion.

SAS Responsibilities

  • Review student petitions for extended assignment time.
  • Assess disability impact, educational needs, and submitted documentation
  • Consider course requirements and student accommodations.
  • Determine if extensions alter course fundamentals.

Faculty Responsibilities

  • Acknowledge LOA-listed accommodations.
  • Consider assignment relevance, timing, and syllabus adherence.
  • Participate in SAS discussions on extension appropriateness.

Additional Factors

  • Evaluate assignment necessity, syllabus deadlines, participation requirements, and sequential learning impact.
  • Consider alternative assignment submission methods and exam policies.
  • Assignment's purpose and timing relative texams or class discussions.
  • Course syllabus deadlines and participation requirements.
  • Interaction expectations among students (e.g., in-class, group work, online platforms).
  • Sequential learning nature and continuity of course material.
  • Availability of alternative class sections for catching up.
  • Policies for makeup exams, quizzes, and late submissions.
  • Use of Canvas or other online platforms for assignments.

For further assistance, please contact Student Access Services.

  • Essay Editor

College Assignment Heading: A Simple Guide for Formatting

College Assignment Heading: A Simple Guide for Formatting

Crafting an effective college assignment heading is key to making a strong first impression on professors. The title serves as the face of your paper and reflects your focus on precision and adherence to academic standards. Curious about how to create a proper title? This guide provides clear instructions on creating an impressive college paper heading, guiding you to comprehend what a header in writing is, and the appropriate way to format it. By applying these tips and guidelines, be confident your prep aligns with the required scholarly standards. 

Basic Rules for an Assignment Header

A well-organized college assignment heading is crucial for clearly identifying your assignment and presenting it professionally. Adhering to the basic rules will help you craft a carefully designed title:

  •  Include Crucial Information: A typical heading generally features the student and teacher’s name and surname, the due date, and the current course name. Clearly display and align the project’s title to the document’s left margin. 
  •  Use the Correct Font and Size: Standard academic papers require a legible font like Times New Roman or sometimes Arial and 12-point size. Avoid choosing decorative fonts that may undermine the professional quality of your composition. 
  •  Follow Proper Spacing Guidelines: Your prep’s heading needs to be double-spaced, and coherent with the remainder of the writing. This maintains uniformity and readability within the document. 
  •  Add Page Numbers (if indicated): Some teachers might ask for page numbers to be positioned in the header section. So, format them as per the given instructions. 

A well-crafted essay title guarantees your assignment recognition for clarity and compliance with academic standards, paving the way for successful submission.

How to Head an Assignment?

Understanding what is a heading in an essay and grasping how to head a paper correctly are foundational skills in scholarly writing. A proper essay header normally contains the instructor’s and student’s details, the course code or title, the current date, and the prep’s title. Most colleges follow APA, MLA, or Chicago-style guidelines, so familiarize yourself with these standards. Your header needs to be aligned correctly and placed where it doesn’t interfere with your work’s content. Adhering to these guidelines ensures your college paper heading is both succinct and polished.

Formatting Rules for a Heading

Following these guidelines guarantees your heading format meets academic expectations:

  •  Ensure Consistent Alignment: Align all components of your header close to the left margin, maintaining uniformity in the paper. 
  •  Use Double-Spacing: Keep double-spacing between the lines of your prep’s heading. 
  •  Avoid Unnecessary Information: Keep the college heading concise, avoiding any extra text or embellishments. 
  •  Capitalization and Punctuation: Properly capitalize and punctuate your essay heading consistent with style guidelines, ensuring consistency across the prep. 
  •  Consistency: Use identical size, font, and style for all components in your header. 

Adhering to these rules will give your composition a polished look. This simplifies it for the lecturer to move through your composition.

Why Is a Good College Assignment Heading Important?

A skillfully designed paper heading gives your assignment a sophisticated look and helps to clearly organize the essentials for your readers. It signals to your lecturer that you have carefully followed educational standards and put thought into every aspect of your project. In addition, a proper heading for an essay guarantees that all relevant data is easily accessible. That’s specifically useful in larger classes where preps are handled by multiple lecturers or TAs. By concentrating on a succinct and accurate essay heading, you set a strong foundation for the rest of your home tasks.

Tips for Refining Your College Paper Heading

Refining your college paper heading is vital to guarantee it meets academic criteria and effectively represents your paper. By carefully focusing on the particulars, you can elevate the expertise and coherence of your home assignment. See some practical tips to consider:

  •  Review institutional guidelines: Always verify your institution's detailed formatting instructions or templates to ensure adherence. 
  •  Keep it simple: Steer clear of irrelevant information in your heading; a clean, straightforward format is best. 
  •  Maintain consistency: Make sure that the font, size, and alignment are uniform across your header. 
  •  Double-check accuracy: Verify that all components in your title, comprising your name and surname, course name, and submission date, are correct. 
  •  Align with your prep's style: Confirm the header complements the overall tone and style of your written work. 

By applying these suggestions, you can develop an assignment title that fulfills academic standards and improves the overall appearance of your prep.


A well-formatted college paper heading is a minor but vital part of academic composition. From understanding what a title is to mastering how to head a text, focusing on these details can make a notable difference in the overall presentation of your composition. Always stick to the fundamental formatting standards and each time confirm that you follow the heading format specified by your educational institution's guidelines. To further enhance your writing, consider utilizing our tools at AI Essay Detector and College Essay Generator to help you create outstanding essays with ease.

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Mary C. Lamia Ph.D.


How blushing exposes you, and benefits you, our face gives us away and helps us build trust..

Posted December 23, 2014 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

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You may have blushed at times when you were embarrassed, humiliated, discouraged, or mortified. Although blushing is an innately patterned emotional response, it can be conceived most simply as a reaction to heightened self-consciousness. 1

Blushing occurs in situations that you perceive as involving a social transgression; however, it can happen in an exciting situation as well, such as in the self-consciousness of being physically attracted to another person. Such "exposure experiences" cause you to blush because they activate feelings of shame 2 —you think of yourself as “caught” in the eyes of others, and you may feel as though you are inadequate, lacking, or vulnerable in terms of any number of important attributes.

To make matters worse, shame creates a heightened awareness of your own face, and blushing then leads to even greater face-consciousness and self-consciousness. 3 When you blush, you will have a desire to hide your face from being seen. However, rather than decreasing what you are broadcasting via your facial expression, you increase it by blushing. Specifically, the effect of blushing is an increase in facial communication and that, consequently, increases shame. 4

Although such self-consciousness may lead you to avoid eye contact, some researchers maintain that in these situations individuals actually look for emotional feedback from their audience. 5 Thus, although you may shift your gaze and glance down, you may also seek cues about the emotional reactions of others by glancing at the expressions conveyed through their eyes. 6

The face expresses all emotions. However, the face is experienced most prominently in self-conscious shame responses. 7 Blushing occurs most commonly in the face, given it is the primary source of communication and emotion . “The face and the eyes are where the self lives,” notes affect theorist, Silvan Tomkins, “where it exposes itself and where it receives similar exposures from others.” 8 So the positive side of your blush is that you are communicating something important about what you feel. Blushing is an honest response, whether it is because you feel “caught” being sexually excited about another person, or mortified about being observed in social wrongdoing or in an accident, such as spilling something all over yourself at an important event.

Physiologically, blushing occurs when an emotional trigger causes your glands to release the hormone adrenaline in your body. Adrenaline's effect on your nervous system causes the capillaries that carry blood to your skin to widen. Since blood is then brought closer to the surface of the skin, it causes you to blush. Blushing does not only occur on the face—you may blush in any part of the body to which attention is directed. 9 What’s interesting about blushing is that receptors in the veins of human necks and cheeks dilate in response to social threat. 10 What’s threatened in the case of such a shame response is not only your self -acceptance, but your social acceptance as well.

Blushing can be to your advantage because it is a distinct signal of sincere regret; it signals to others that you acknowledge your shame, mishap, or social wrongdoing, and in doing so, it promotes trust and positive judgments by observers. 11 In other words, if you show embarrassment by blushing at your transgressions then you are more prone to be liked, forgiven, and trusted than those who do not. As a result, your blush may help you save face. 12

1. Tomkins, S.S. (1962/2008). Affect Imagery Consciousness. New York: Springer. 2. Nathanson, D. Nathanson, D.L. (1992), Shame and Pride: Affect, Sex, and the Birth of the Self. New York: Norton. 3. Tomkins, S.S., cited above. 4. Tomkins, S.S., cited above. 5. Darby and Harris 6. Darby and Harris 7. Tomkins, S.S., cited above. 8. Tomkins, S.S., cited above. 9. Tomkins, S.S., cited above. 10. Drummond, P., & Lance, J. (1997). Facial flushing and sweating mediated by the sympathetic nervous system. Brain, 110, 793–803. 11. Dijk, C., Koenig, B., Ketelaar, T., & de Jong, P. (2011). Saved by the blush: Being trusted despite defecting. Emotion, 11(2), 313–319. 12. Keltner, D., & Anderson, C. (2000). Saving face for Darwin: The functions and uses of embarrassment. Current directions in psychological science, 9(6), 187–192.

Mary C. Lamia Ph.D.

Mary C. Lamia , Ph.D. , is a clinical psychologist in Marin County, California.

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Sentence examples for blushing from inspiring English sources

Showing blushes; rosy red.

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But what of the person who all her life had blushed and feared blushing and had been made embarrassed and self-conscious at the slightest scrutiny?

Blushing signifies one of a small number of mental states because blushing is caused by events of embarrassment, anger, or romantic stimulation.

"A man may feel thoroughly ashamed at having told a small falsehood, without blushing ," he wrote, "but if he even suspects that he is detected he will instantly blush, especially if detected by one whom he reveres".

She does do an awful lot of that blushing "Ooh, Sir Alan" blarney, but it's impossible to get aerated about it because she overdoes it so much.

And America needs a dose of Nordic pragmatism if it is to have any chance of reining in entitlements and reforming the public sector.The Nordics are hardly blushing violets when it comes to advertising the virtues of their model.

Bulgaria needs a new system, that will send these people to the right place".But here is the bit that left me blushing inwardly, and contemplating how very much Britain has changed in the last few months.

Aid workers are still blushing over blunders they made after the 2004 tsunami.

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Why do we blush, and what are the underlying mechanisms of blushing? Research aims to find out

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Vijay Kumar Malesu

In a recent study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences , a group of researchers investigated the neural substrates and mental processes underlying blushing in response to self-observation.

Study: The blushing brain: neural substrates of cheek temperature increase in response to self-observation. Image Credit: sun ok/Shutterstock.com

Blushing, an involuntary reddening of the face linked to self-conscious emotions like embarrassment and pride, was deemed by Darwin as 'the most human of all expressions.' Despite this, its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Theories diverge on whether blushing is a higher-level cognitive process involving self-reflection or an automatic response to social exposure. Further research is needed to fully understand the specific neural pathways and cognitive processes that contribute to blushing and self-awareness.

About the study 

Sixty-three female adolescents aged 16-20 years from Amsterdam participated in the present study, recruited via social media and the University of Amsterdam's student pool. Unaware they would sing karaoke, participants were informed only of a social task involving video watching in a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. Initial recruitment included an online social anxiety symptoms questionnaire, inviting those with high or low scores.

Out of 63, 49 participated in the MRI session; others were ineligible due to factors like piercings or Intrauterine Devices (IUDs). Nine were excluded due to Functional (f) MRI data errors, leaving 40 participants (Mage = 19.3 years, s.d. = 1.10). One participant had missing cheek temperature data, and another had missing self-reported embarrassment data. Participants were compensated with travel expenses and 30 euros or three student credits. The Ethics Review Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam, approved the study.

Participants visited the laboratory twice. The first visit involved singing karaoke while being recorded. The second visit involved watching these videos, plus videos of another participant and a professional singer, in an MRI scanner while cheek temperature was measured to assess blushing. Behavioral and physiological data were analyzed using mixed-effects regression and Bayesian repeated-measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). fMRI data were pre-processed using Analysis of Functional NeuroImages (AFNI), with analyses capturing neural substrates associated with cheek temperature changes and task-evoked activity, employing inter-subject correlations to measure brain activity similarities.

Study results 

The study examined the effects of different viewing conditions on blushing, finding significant differences in cheek temperature. Mixed-effects models revealed a notable increase in blushing in the Self-viewing condition (watching oneself sing), with cheek temperature significantly higher compared to the Professional-viewing and Other-viewing conditions.

The Self-viewing condition elicited the highest blushing response (β = 0.022, p = 0.0049), while the Professional condition showed a slight decrease in temperature, and the Other condition showed no significant change. Paired tests within the model confirmed that blushing responses were significantly higher in the Self condition compared to the Professional condition (β = 0.033, p = 0.003). A Bayesian repeated-measures ANOVA supported these findings, showing strong evidence for the Self condition's impact on blushing (BF10 = 17.3), while other conditions remained closer to zero.

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In terms of brain activity, task-dependent analyses revealed that watching oneself sing activated regions associated with emotional arousal and salience (mid-cingulate cortex, anterior insula, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) and reduced activity in default mode network regions (posterior cingulate cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, and inferior parietal lobule). The Professional condition primarily activated auditory regions. Trial-by-trial analysis showed that cheek temperature increases were linked to activity in cranial nerve nuclei and the raphe nucleus, indicating a neural basis for blushing.

Further analysis revealed that participants who blushed more showed stronger activity in the cerebellum (lobule V) and the left paracentral lobule. Conversely, negative associations were found in the angular gyri and right fusiform. The interaction between blushing and condition indicated that the cerebellum's response was more pronounced in the Self condition, and the left paracentral lobule's response was stronger in the Self than in the Professional condition.

Additionally, participants who blushed more exhibited higher inter-subject correlation (ISC) in early visual cortices, indicating synchronized neural activity time-locked to the video's content. 


To summarize, to examine the neural correlates of blushing, participants watched videos that were pre-recorded of themselves singing karaoke while their physiological blushing and brain activity were measured. Blushing was higher when participants saw themselves sing compared to others. Those who blushed more showed increased activation in the left paracentral lobe and cerebellum (lobule V) and more time-locked processing in early visual cortices.

These findings suggest that blushing is associated with self-related processing and activation in brain areas involved in emotional arousal and attention to self-relevant stimuli. This supports the idea that blushing may be triggered by pre-reflective emotional processes rather than mentalizing. The study highlights the role of emotional arousal and attentional engagement in blushing, contributing to the understanding of self-awareness.

  • Nikolić M, di Plinio S, Sauter D, et al. The blushing brain: neural substrates of cheek temperature increase in response to self-observation. Proc. R. Soc. B (2024).  DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2024.0958   https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2024.0958    

Posted in: Medical Science News | Medical Research News | Miscellaneous News

Tags: Adolescents , Anxiety , Brain , Cortex , Imaging , Laboratory , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Nerve , Research , Singing

Vijay Kumar Malesu

Vijay holds a Ph.D. in Biotechnology and possesses a deep passion for microbiology. His academic journey has allowed him to delve deeper into understanding the intricate world of microorganisms. Through his research and studies, he has gained expertise in various aspects of microbiology, which includes microbial genetics, microbial physiology, and microbial ecology. Vijay has six years of scientific research experience at renowned research institutes such as the Indian Council for Agricultural Research and KIIT University. He has worked on diverse projects in microbiology, biopolymers, and drug delivery. His contributions to these areas have provided him with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and the ability to tackle complex research challenges.    

Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report:

Kumar Malesu, Vijay. (2024, July 22). Why do we blush, and what are the underlying mechanisms of blushing? Research aims to find out. News-Medical. Retrieved on September 07, 2024 from https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240722/Why-do-we-blush-and-what-are-the-underlying-mechanisms-of-blushing-Research-aims-to-find-out.aspx.

Kumar Malesu, Vijay. "Why do we blush, and what are the underlying mechanisms of blushing? Research aims to find out". News-Medical . 07 September 2024. <https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240722/Why-do-we-blush-and-what-are-the-underlying-mechanisms-of-blushing-Research-aims-to-find-out.aspx>.

Kumar Malesu, Vijay. "Why do we blush, and what are the underlying mechanisms of blushing? Research aims to find out". News-Medical. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240722/Why-do-we-blush-and-what-are-the-underlying-mechanisms-of-blushing-Research-aims-to-find-out.aspx. (accessed September 07, 2024).

Kumar Malesu, Vijay. 2024. Why do we blush, and what are the underlying mechanisms of blushing? Research aims to find out . News-Medical, viewed 07 September 2024, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240722/Why-do-we-blush-and-what-are-the-underlying-mechanisms-of-blushing-Research-aims-to-find-out.aspx.

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assignment blushing meaning

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM): definition, template, and examples


Have you ever been caught in a project where tasks slip through the cracks or team members aren’t clear on who’s in charge? This is a common hurdle in project management, but it doesn’t have to be. The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a game-changing tool that brings order to the chaos. RAM ensures that everyone knows their role and projects run smoothly by clearly defining who is responsible for each task, who makes the final call, and who needs to be kept in the loop.  

In this article, we’ll see how RAM can help you overcome confusion, improve team collaboration, and keep your projects on track from start to finish.

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) in project management?

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), also sometimes referred to as a resource assignment matrix, is a project and resource management tool that helps you define the roles and responsibilities of your team members for each task or deliverable within a project. Also known as a RACI Matrix (where RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed), the RAM is a simple grid that maps tasks on one axis and team members or roles on the other. By filling in the matrix, you clarify who is responsible for executing tasks, who is accountable for ensuring they are completed, who needs to be consulted before decisions are made, and who should be kept informed throughout the process.

Types of Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

This structured approach is invaluable in complex projects, where clear communication and understanding of roles are essential to avoid bottlenecks, overlapping responsibilities, and missed deadlines.

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) comes in several variations, each designed to fit different project needs and organizational structures. While the core purpose remains the same–defining and assigning responsibilities–different types of RAMs allow for flexibility depending on the complexity of the project or the level of detail required. Let’s take a look at the most common types of RAMs.

RACI Matrix :

  • Responsible : The person or team responsible for completing the task.
  • Accountable : The individual ultimately answerable for the task’s completion. There should only be one accountable person per task.
  • Consulted : Those whose opinions are sought (subject matter experts, for example) before a task is completed.
  • Informed : People who are kept up-to-date on progress, but do not need to be consulted or directly involved.

Example: A company running a new product launch campaign can use a RACI Matrix to assign roles. The marketing manager (A) is accountable for the overall success of the campaign, while the content team (R) is responsible for creating promotional materials. The legal team (C) is consulted for compliance with advertising regulations, and the CEO (I) is kept informed of key campaign milestones.

assignment blushing meaning

RASCI Matrix :

  • Adds Support : The role that provides resources or assistance to the person responsible.

Example : In a software development project, the lead developer (A) is accountable for delivering the final product. Junior developers (R) are responsible for writing the code, while the UI/UX designers (S) support the process by providing design resources. QA testers (C) are consulted during the testing phase, and the client (I) is informed of progress.

CAIRO Matrix :

  • Includes Omitted : Roles or individuals who are intentionally excluded from a particular task or decision.

Example : In a construction project, the project manager (A) is accountable for overseeing all stages. The structural engineer (R) is responsible for designing the foundation, while the architect (C) is consulted on the overall design. The electrical contractor (O) is omitted during the foundation stage but will be involved later. The local government (I) is kept informed about permits and inspections.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix benefits

Implementing a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) can make a significant impact on the way your project team operates. Whether your project involves a few individuals or multiple teams across different departments, a resource assignment matrix brings structure and clarity to task delegation, helping you avoid common pitfalls like missed deadlines, unclear responsibilities, and inefficient resource allocation. Here are some of the key benefits of using RAM in your project:

  • Clarity and transparency

A RAM provides a clear understanding of who is responsible for each task, eliminating ambiguity. Everyone knows their role, which helps streamline decision-making and prevents misunderstandings about who owns a specific task.

  • Improved communication

By mapping out who needs to be consulted or informed, a resource assignment matrix ensures that the right people are involved in discussions, reducing unnecessary communication and ensuring that key stakeholders stay in the loop at the right times.

  • Enhanced accountability

With a designated person accountable for each task, the RAM ensures that there’s a clear point of contact for progress updates and issue resolution. This creates a sense of ownership, helping tasks move forward without unnecessary delays.

  • Efficient resource allocation

The RAM helps you allocate tasks based on team members’ roles, expertise, and availability. This prevents overallocation or misallocation of resources and helps you ensure that work is assigned to the right people.

  • Reduced risk of overlap or gaps

By outlining each person’s responsibilities, a resource assignment matrix minimizes the risk of work being duplicated or, worse, tasks being overlooked. This leads to a more efficient workflow and reduces the likelihood of last-minute surprises.

How to create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Creating a Responsibility Assignment Matrix is a straightforward but critical process for ensuring the success of your project. A well-constructed RAM provides a clear, visual representation of roles and responsibilities, helping your team understand who is responsible for each task, who has the final say, and who needs to be consulted or informed.  

While creating a RAM may seem simple, attention to detail is crucial in ensuring that every task and role is accurately defined. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating a resource assignment matrix that will keep your project organized, on track, and aligned with its goals.

  • Identify project tasks : Start by listing out all the tasks, deliverables, or milestones that need to be completed. These should be the key activities required to achieve the project’s goals.
  • Determine roles or team members : Identify the individuals or roles involved in the project. Depending on the size of the project, this might include project team members, external stakeholders, or departments.
  • Assign responsibilities : Using the chosen RAM framework (e.g., RACI), assign the appropriate responsibilities for each task. Make sure there is one accountable person for each task and clarify who needs to be consulted or informed.
  • Review and validate : Once the matrix is filled out, review it with the team to ensure everyone agrees with their roles and responsibilities. This step ensures that no roles are missed and that there is a clear understanding across the board.
  • Update regularly : As the project evolves, so will the responsibilities. Make sure to update the RAM to reflect changes in the project scope, team composition, or responsibilities to keep it accurate and relevant.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix template

To help you get started, here’s a simple template for a RACI Matrix. You can customize this template to fit the needs of your project.

assignment blushing meaning

Download RAM template

Responsibility assignment matrix example

Case study 1: how a raci matrix was used in a software development project.

In a mid-sized software development project, the team used a RACI matrix to streamline the development and deployment of a new application. The project had several critical phases, including requirements gathering, coding, testing, and deployment.

  • Requirements gathering : The business analyst was responsible (R), with the project manager accountable (A). Developers were consulted (C) for technical feasibility, and the client was kept informed (I).
  • Coding : Developers were responsible (R) for writing the code, with the lead developer accountable (A). The QA team was consulted (C) to ensure testability, and the project manager was informed (I) of progress.
  • Testing : The QA team took responsibility (R), with the lead developer accountable (A). Developers were consulted (C) to fix issues, and the project manager and client were informed (I).
  • Deployment : The DevOps team was responsible (R) for deployment, with the project manager accountable (A). The QA team was consulted (C) for post-deployment checks, and all stakeholders were informed (I).

This matrix helped the team avoid miscommunication, ensured everyone knew their role, and kept the project on track.

Requirements Gathering










Case study 2: How a RACI matrix was used in a construction project

In a small office renovation project, a RAM was used to effectively manage the coordination between the key stakeholders and ensure the project was completed on time and within budget.

  • Design and Layout : The interior designer was responsible (R) for creating the office layout and design, with the project manager accountable (A) for overseeing the project. The office manager was consulted (C) to ensure the design met the company’s functional needs, while the contractor was informed (I) about the final design plans.
  • Material Procurement : The contractor was responsible (R) for procuring materials needed for the renovation, with the project manager accountable (A) for budget adherence. The interior designer was consulted (C) to ensure the materials matched the design specifications, and the office manager was informed (I) of progress.
  • Construction and Execution : The contractor was responsible (R) for executing the renovation, with the project manager accountable (A) for ensuring the project stayed on schedule. The interior designer was consulted (C) during the renovation for design adjustments, and the office manager was informed (I) of the project’s progress.

This RAM ensured that each stakeholder’s role was clearly defined, reducing the risk of miscommunication and keeping the project on track.

Design and Layout




Material Procurement




Construction and Execution




How to manage resources and their responsibilities with Birdview

Using a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a proven method for bringing clarity, accountability, and efficiency to any project. By defining who is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for each task, you can avoid confusion, streamline communication, and ensure smoother project execution. Whether you’re managing a complex software development project or coordinating teams on a construction site, a resource assignment matrix can be an invaluable tool for ensuring success.

However, creating and maintaining a RAM can become challenging, especially in larger projects with many moving parts. This is where advanced project management tools like Birdview project and resource management software come into play. Birdview not only helps you to track resources, monitor task progress, and ensure that responsibilities are aligned with capacity and availability. With Birdivew, you can enhance your project planning, manage resources more effectively, and keep your team on track–all in one platform.  

Birdview streamlines the process by offering a suite of advanced functionalities tailored to make resource planning and management simpler, smarter, and more efficient. With Birdview, you get:

  • Real-time resource tracking

Birdview allows you to monitor resource availability and utilization in real time, ensuring that tasks are assigned to the right people based on their current workload and capacity.

assignment blushing meaning

  • Comprehensive project visibility

With Birdview’s intuitive dashboards, you get a holistic view of your project progress, including who’s working on what, task statuses, and potential bottlenecks.

assignment blushing meaning

  • Role-based resource allocation

Birdview helps you allocate resources based on skills, roles, and availability, ensuring the right team members are assigned to the right tasks. With its AI-powered resource suggestion feature, Birdview goes a step further by recommending the best staff options for each task, taking into account their expertise and current workload.

assignment blushing meaning

  • Capacity planning

Birdview’s capacity planning tools help you forecast resource needs and plan ahead to avoid overloading your team or underutilizing key personnel.

assignment blushing meaning

  • Collaboration tools

Integrated communication features make it easy to consult and inform stakeholders, ensuring that everyone stays on the same page throughout the project lifecycle.

assignment blushing meaning

Explore how Birdview can fit your needs. Sign up for a free trial to test the platform yourself, or schedule a demo where a dedicated manager will guide you through the features and help you get the most out of the software.

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blushing adjective

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What does the adjective blushing mean?

There are four meanings listed in OED's entry for the adjective blushing . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

Entry status

OED is undergoing a continuous programme of revision to modernize and improve definitions. This entry has not yet been fully revised.

How common is the adjective blushing ?

How is the adjective blushing pronounced?

British english, u.s. english, where does the adjective blushing come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the adjective blushing is in the late 1500s.

OED's earliest evidence for blushing is from 1597, in the writing of William Shakespeare, playwright and poet.

It is also recorded as a noun from the late 1500s.

blushing is formed within English, by derivation.

Etymons: blush v. , ‑ing suffix 2 .

Nearby entries

  • blurting, n. 1598–
  • blurting, adj. 1844–
  • blush, n. & adj. c1390–
  • blush, v. ?a1400–
  • blusher, n. 1665–
  • blusher veil, n. 1936–
  • blushet, n. 1616–31
  • blushful, adj. 1611–
  • blushiness, n. 1865–
  • blushing, n. 1581–
  • blushing, adj. 1597–
  • blushingly, adv. 1598–
  • blushless, adj. 1566–
  • blush-rose, n. 1629–
  • blushy, adj. 1626–
  • bluster, n. 1582–
  • bluster, v. 1377–
  • blusteration, n. 1805–
  • blustered, adj. 1638
  • blusterer, n. 1609–
  • blustering, n.¹ a1494–

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, compounds & derived words, entry history for blushing, adj..

blushing, adj. was first published in 1887; not yet revised.

blushing, adj. was last modified in March 2024.

Revision of the OED is a long-term project. Entries in oed.com which have not been revised may include:

  • corrections and revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations which have been added in subsequent print and online updates.

Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into blushing, adj. in March 2024.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1887)

  • Find out more

OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View blushing, ppl. a. in OED Second Edition

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Citation details

Factsheet for blushing, adj., browse entry.

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Definition of blush verb from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

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As languages change, so do pronunciations. Here are some words that have gone through relatively recent shifts in pronunciation or whose spelling is a mystery unless one knows a bit about the history of how they were pronounced. There are also a few words where the only thing that has changed is the stress of the syllables. In most cases, rhyming words or phrases, which are just useful for their sound and are not intended to mean anything, are given to provide a sense of how these different pronunciations sounded.

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'; audChoice = audChoice.replace(/ selected=["']selected["']/gm, '');var audT = document.getElementById('audT');if ((audT) && (audPref)) { //Parse the content if(audPref.indexOf(':') > -1) { var audPrefAccent = audPref.split(':')[0]; var playbackRate = audPref.split(':')[1]; } else { var audPrefAccent = audPref; var playbackRate = 1; } var re = new RegExp('( UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈblʌʃɪŋ/ | | | | | | |
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
blush      v. [no object]
n.  * usually singular]A quick blush rose on her face. (def. 2):[ ]She put some blush on her face to cover her paleness. Idioms at first glance:At first blush we might think the problem is very simple.
adj.: the blushing bride.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
blush    v.i.  or ):Your behavior makes me blush for your poor mother.
n.  blusher (def. 2). wine .  , without previous knowledge or adequate consideration;
at first glance:At first blush, the solution to the problem seemed simple enough. Old English to redden; akin to Old English Old Norse Middle Low German torch, to blaze; (noun, nominal) Middle English derivative of the verb, verbal ful, adj. 
ful•ly, adv. 
ful•ness, n. 
ing•ly, adv. 
less, adj. 
flush, color. pale, blanch.
blush,  +n.  wine . 
/blʌʃ/ vb ) to become suddenly red in the face from embarrassment, shame, modesty, or guilt; redden nwhen first seen; as a first impressionEtymology: Old English ; related to to burn, Middle Low German to light a fire
' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): - - - - - - - - , , , , , ,

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    Stress and the sympathetic nervous system. It is thought that blushing is the result of an overactive sympathetic nervous system, the branch of the nervous system responsible for the "fight or ...

  2. How Blushing Exposes You, and Benefits You

    Blushing can be to your advantage because it is a distinct signal of sincere regret; it signals to others that you acknowledge your shame, mishap, or social wrongdoing, and in doing so, it ...

  3. What causes blushing? Science finally reveals the answer

    The researchers say this implies that blushing is tied not only to emotional processing but also to brain circuits that help direct a person's attention. In other words, blush-inducing videos of a ...

  4. Why Do We Really Blush? Brain Scans Reveal It's Not What You Think

    A new study suggests that a key trigger of blushing is more about that heightened sense of self-awareness, of feeling seen or exposed, rather than some cognitive computation of what other people think of us. Helpful to know, thanks to a bunch of 40 teenagers and 20-year-olds made to watch footage of themselves singing karaoke whilst lying in an ...

  5. Ways to Say "Blush" in Writing: A Word List for Writers

    This approach works if Shawn is the POV character. Blushing could be caused by many emotions. A racing heart, however, is a good indication that Shawn has feelings for Carrie. Carrie touched Shawn's elbow. He blushed. Same situation as before, with a slight change in wording, but no clear POV. Let's revisit from Carrie's perspective:

  6. Blushing Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of BLUSHING is marked by blushes —often used conventionally to suggest (sometimes ironically) an appearance of youthful innocence. How to use blushing in a sentence.

  7. The Psychology Behind Blushing: Why Do People Blush?

    Blushing is closely linked to our emotions, particularly those associated with self-consciousness, embarrassment, and shame. When we experience these emotions, our body perceives them as a threat, triggering the sympathetic nervous system and causing us to blush. Some researchers believe that blushing serves as a nonverbal form of communication ...


    BLUSHING definition: 1. present participle of blush 2. to become pink in the face, usually from embarrassment: . Learn more.

  9. Blushing

    Blushing or erubescence is the reddening of a person's face due to psychological reasons. [1][2][3] It is normally involuntary and triggered by emotional stress associated with passion, embarrassment, shyness, fear, anger, or romantic stimulation. Severe blushing is common in people who have social anxiety in which the person experiences ...

  10. BLUSHING Definition & Meaning

    Blushing definition: reddening, as from embarrassment or self-consciousness. See examples of BLUSHING used in a sentence.

  11. Blushing

    having a red face from embarrassment or shame or agitation or emotional upset

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  14. How Blushing Exposes You, and Benefits You

    Blushing can be to your advantage because it is a distinct signal of sincere regret; it signals to others that you acknowledge your shame, mishap, or social wrongdoing, and in doing so, it ...

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    Definition and high quality example sentences with "blushing" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English

  16. Why do we blush, and what are the underlying mechanisms of blushing

    Blushing was higher when participants saw themselves sing compared to others. Those who blushed more showed increased activation in the left paracentral lobe and cerebellum (lobule V) and more ...

  17. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM): definition, template, and examples

    The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) comes in several variations, each designed to fit different project needs and organizational structures. While the core purpose remains the same-defining and assigning responsibilities-different types of RAMs allow for flexibility depending on the complexity of the project or the level of detail ...

  18. blushing, adj. meanings, etymology and more

    late 1500s. The earliest known use of the adjective blushing is in the late 1500s. OED's earliest evidence for blushing is from 1597, in the writing of William Shakespeare, playwright and poet. It is also recorded as a noun from the late 1500s. blushing is formed within English, by derivation.

  19. blush verb

    Definition of blush verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ... He looked away, blushing. + adj./noun He blushed crimson at the thought. Definitions on the go. Look up any word in the dictionary offline, ...

  20. Blushing Definition & Meaning

    Blushing definition: Present participle of blush . I thought you were in your room, she said, for some reason blushing and dropping her eyes.

  21. What Does 'I Understand The Assignment' Mean And Why Is It Being Used

    Project Coconut is hitting all gears for the presidential campaign of Vice President and potential Democratic candidate Kamala Harris.The newest trend established by her supporters features a series of posts with the catchphrase I Understand The Assignment' with the hopes of getting the endorsement from the Gen X and Boomers.. Although the phrase shares the same chorus as the 2021 music The ...

  22. Blush

    When you blush, you turn red because you are embarrassed. And, oddly enough, women wear the make-up variety of blush to add color to their cheeks — not to appear embarrassed but to appear attractive.

  23. blushing

    blushing - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.