
  • Analytical Paragraph Class 10...

Analytical Paragraph Class 10 English

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CBSE introduced analytical paragraph writing in the English question paper of class 10 board exams in recent years. The question would carry 5 marks and would enhance the analytical and reasoning skills of the students. Students can download the latest Analytical Paragraphs from the myCBSEguide App and our Student Dashboard . 

The question would require the students to:

the given data/information in the mentioned format.

What is an analytical paragraph?

An analytical paragraph is a form of descriptive writing used to test the analytical skills of students by providing them with a hypothetical chart, graph, table, data etc. It requires an in-depth comprehensive analysis of the given data. CBSE introduced the concept of analytical passage in the writing section so as to enhance the analytical and reasoning skills of the students. The motive to write analytical paragraphs is to analyze and explain a text or data and then describe it in simple and clear language. Analytical writing should be lucid and crisp.

Key Characteristics Of An Analytical Paragraph

  • It should be brief; around 120-150 words.
  • It should be precise and well directed
  • Clear and crisp language should be implemented
  • The entire paragraph should be written using a single tense
  • Personal opinions should not be included in the paragraph
  • It should clearly portray the stated facts
  • The use of first-person pronouns should be omitted

Types of Analytical Paragraphs


Here, the class 10 students would be required to carefully comprehend and analyze the information that is presented in the form of graphs, pie-chart or a table. The students would do the comparative analysis and draw a conclusion from it.

Map oriented

Here two maps with considerable differences would be provided. One has to meticulously analyze the variations and finally summarize them in the form of a paragraph.


This revolves around comprehending and processing the provided information that is presented as input and eventually describing it in the form of a paragraph.


Here a problem would be depicted and students would be required to think rationally and suggest some solution based on some logic backed by data.

Process description oriented

The information is given in the form of a flow chart, diagram, or infographic. Again the student has to carefully analyze the information and well summarize it in the form of the passage.

Format of an Analytical Paragraph (class 10)

The content should be well summarized and should comprise the following components:


This should well direct and explain briefly the principle content that is highlighted in the graph or table. It should be no more than two or three lines.

It focuses on the key areas of the information/data that is given in the question asked by CBSE. It clearly portrays the significance of the graph. The following requirements should be covered as part of the body:

  • It should be well presented
  • Can divide it into sub-paragraphs; breaking the body facilitates comprehension for the reader
  • Use simple and clear language
  • Explain the graph/diagram in detail
  • Highlight the comparisons and variations observed using appropriate words
  • If mentioning numbers and figures, their accuracy must be ensured
  • The sentences should be rationally framed and connected

It should cover the entire summary of the given chart, graph, or diagram. This is the closing paragraph, so should be concluding in nature.

How to write an Analytical Paragraph?

The perfect way of writing an analytical paragraph in the English class 10 CBSE examination is to primarily select the key information, organize it systematically, state facts accurately, and well summarize the paragraph. Keep the following points in mind for scoring well:

  • Carefully analyze the provided information
  • Try to comprehend the literal and surface meaning of the data given
  • The facts and data should be accurate
  • Follow a sequential and logical pattern while writing the content
  • Use simple and lucid language
  • To depict the comparisons, variations and withdraw the conclusion implement functional language
  • Do proofread to avoid any grammatical and structural errors
  • Present the factual information in the best possible manner
  • Try to cover every little piece of information that is provided by the charts/diagrams/graphs etc.

Analytical Paragraph class 10 English

Here we are providing examples of some analytical paragraphs in accordance with the latest English class 10 CBSE curriculum. You can download more such paragraphs from the myCBSEguide App and our Student Dashboard . 

Analytical Paragraph – 1

Answer: The pie chart provides information about the amount of money a family has spent on different items in a month. On an average, the family has spent majorly on grocery which is twenty-three percent of the total expenses. Whereas it has spent 20 percent on education which shows that it’s the second priority for the family. The other item on which it has spend the most is clothes and transportation which levels off 19 and 18 percent respectively. Fifteen per-cent of their expenses were on other items that might include stationery, cosmetics, accessories, etc. and the least they had spent was on their rent. The maximum amount was spent on grocery, education, transportation and clothes. Overall the data shows that they have not spent much on the unnecessary items or miscellaneous. After spending on grocery which is of utmost importance they have spent a significant amount on education. The least money is spent on miscellaneous items after spending on their rent which is their liability. Thus, it is evident that 85% of their total amount of money was spent on their liabilities whereas only 15 percent was spent on other items that might not be necessary to spend on.

Analytical Paragraph – 2

The given bar graph shows the usage of skin care products by men and women over the time of three months. The products used are facewash, toner and sunscreen. The bar graph of men shows that the most used product by men is facewash. In the month of June the facewash was used around 33 times, in July 30 times and in August 35 times. The toner was used around 27 times in the month of June, 20 times in July and around 33 times in the month of August. The sunscreen was used 29 times in the month of June, 25 times in July and 32 times in August. The bar graph of women shows that the most used product is sunscreen. In the month of June the facewash was used 25 times, in July 22 times and in August 24 times The toner was used 22 times in the month of June, in July 25 times and in August 27 times. The Sunscreen being the most used product was used 34 times in June, 29 times in July and 35 times in August. To conclude the given information, the usage of facewash by man saw a rise in the month of August and reached its peak and usage of sunscreen by women saw its rise in the Month of August too, reaching its peak of 35 times of usage.

Analytical Paragraph – 3

The given double bar graph shows the preferences of children in a school in playing different games over the period of six years i.e., from 2014 to 2019. The graph shows that the highest number of children interested in playing volleyball is in the year 2016 whereas in the year 2019, very less number of children preferred volleyball. The graph shows a hike in the game of volleyball again in the year 2018. The data shows that the preference of people in basketball is almost constant, like in the years 2014, 2017, and 2018 same number of children showed interest in it. Basketball got a slight hike of interested children in the year 2016 but a decline has been seen in it in 2019 which is equal to 2015. If we observe the graph we can see that childrens preference related to volleyball is continuously changing every year. Although initially 200 children were interested in volleyball in 2014. Then it reached 300 in 2015, the greatest hike of 450 in 2016, but it again declined to 250 children in 2017, it again showed a hike of 400 children in 2018 and the lowest number of children i.e., only 150 in 2019. Whereas basketball was much preferred in 2014 than volleyball. It shows a decline of 100 children in 2015 but again reached 400 in 2016 and then remained same in 2017 and 2018. To conclude the data shows that throughout the six years basketball was more preferred in comparison to volleyball. Although data shows that volleyball has got the highest number of interested children in 2016 but the numbers are constantly flickering which reached the lowest and is less preferred by the children in the year 2019 also.

The Analytical paragraph in general has to be written in around 100-120 words. It should manage to provide a detailed account of the chart given. The entire paragraph must implement crisp and lucid language. An internal choice is generally given i.e, the grade 10 students are supposed to attempt one question out of the two questions of Analytical paragraphs that are asked in the CBSE English examination. The question usually carries 5 marks

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80 thoughts on “Analytical Paragraph Class 10 English”

vey good helpfull and very easily understandable

not helpfull at all

this is very very helpfull and it was good for understanding

helpfuland easy to comprehend

This is very helpful to me. I suggest everyone to read ones it should help you.

Anyone wants any type of help regarding 10 class any subjects notes, question/answer, summary message me in my watsapp no. 7903421535

Good keep it up

It was really helpful to me for exam purpose

2 paragraph me sunscreen nahu toner use Kiya ha

2 paragraph mistake that is toner not sunscreen.toner is used the most.

Good as enough

almost all the info. is wrong…this was the worst exercise of AP I will not recommend.

I hate second paragraph because it shows men are most use cosmatic product but it not true everyone knows who much use face wash and other cream


Very helpful and easily understandable. Made it easy by giving a detailed pattern of the analytical paragraph and gave examples of it which made it clear for understanding.

Very gandua gandua gandua app or website

It’s helpful for me and those who are just coming here before the exam day ????

I love you Anushka pls marry me

Yo!!! Is that a supra !!?

🙂 this so helpful!!!! 🙂 i am happy now!!!

🙂 suscribe to qukoofficials . see you next time if you not suscribe i will sed like this= 🙁

gurdit loves anuskha secret ??


The second analytical paragraph was wrong …





It is good but i don’t think that this much easy paragraph will come in our paper but although from. Here i got to know about this i got an idea to write analytical paragraph so yeah it is good for me???

It is good but i don’t think that this much easy paragraph will come in our paper but although from. Here i got to know about this i got an idea to write analytical paragraph so yeah it is good for me??????????

@anonymous amateurs, iam here on the exam day and you’re asking about one day before exam btw it looks like bro spends all his time here commenting. If you’re that bored here’s an idea my bro. Go telegram create a channel named ‘iam bored’ and enjoy yourself nicely. Iam pretty sure many people are just as bored as you and will be ready to join it just to chat casually. Who knows this could even become a big thing

Btw great analytical paragraphs All the best for exams guys!

stay in school kids

samaj nahi bsdk

The information above helps majorly to understand about analytical paragraph….. This information found me helpful??????

Thank you for all the English MCQ Questions

Not Too understandable, add more examples

fuck you this non sense maker

You must read whatever you wrote here. Don’t provide incorrect datas.

Class 10 Science MCQ

This thing is hella useful this is much more useful that sex


Fucking bullshit

Very good explanation son

Ishq ma toba toba hogya meri jann ???

Thank you for all the Science MCQ Questions


Some people will say that your dream is impossible. Some people will say that you’re not good at studies. Some people will say that you’re not clever at being smart. Some people will say you’ve got bad breath. Well to those people I say- lay down and have some tap water and lay down and achieve your dream and lay down and have some cigarettes you see life is not about getting coins or doing drugs or how many fingers you can fit in or getting a job or playing games. Life’s about being a decent human and achieving a dream and life is like a tightrope and if you fall off you’re just a bag of shit and life is your chance to do a dream for free and here is a quote from nirvana’s kirt cuban “if you’re not there for me at my best then you not deserved for me to be there for my lowest”. Sometimes we all need to look at the stars in the sky and throw our wii remotes on the ground and shout “I CAN DO IT FOR FREE” so stop drinking apple juice and stop flushing the toilets and stop going to work and school and stop having showers and baths and stop counting the volcanoes and start counting the students because you can only live this day once do something epic like throw a hedgehog down the stairs. Today is the day to start living your life today. Is your dream to be a boxer? Go and punch someone. Is your dream to be a zookeeper? Go steal some pets. Is your dream to be a real gamer then watch my vids. Sometimes we let emotions control us and sometimes we sneeze, sometimes we have diarrhoea, sometimes we break our spine but today you will change you will reach your goals you will be the man on the TV you will be the winner of the lottery you will be the stain on the carpet you will be the man who sells worms you will be a millionaire and you will have a chest infection you can achieve this goal! This dream and this fantasy you’ve just got to have faith and never give up, never stop trying and never question yourself and n-n-n-n-never wash your hair and never use protection. Ladies squeeze your boob, men squeeze your balls we can do this together we can be the greatest students in the world all it takes is your heart and mind and soul.

Thanks for sharing. When I saw this, a spark was ignited inside me, all my past trauma, bad experiences, were all nullified, due to this truly inspiring thing you have just shared, it has truly brought out the best in me, for it is words of wisdom that I will never forget. Legit, the only way I’ll forget this is if I die a painful death under obamas legs, his juicy thighs and plump cheeks will suffocate me as the knowledge of what you’ve shared squeezed out along with my internal organs, but that’s never gonna happen. What you shared today will remain with me from now till they day I die, in fact, no, in heaven when I’m asked to choose memories to keep. While others choose core memories with their family, friends, I’ll choose what you’ve shared today, because it’s the only thing I need, ever, what you’ve shared today will truly be sufficient to fuel me for the entirety of the remainder of my life, and the entirety of my after life, however if it works by reincarnation instead, well, as i slowly regain memories from my past lfie, I’ll definetly remember what you’ve shared today, as what you’ve shared is truly the most inspirational and important thing in the existence of the earth ever, if is more important than fundamental events like the big bang itself, what’s you’ve said holds more genius than anything alert Einstein and millions of other scientists have said all together, truly, what you’ve shared today is the most important thing ever in the history of the history of the history of the history of the world. In the history of the universe. In the history of the multiverse, in the history of the galaxy of universes, in the history of the cosmos, in the history of the big bang, in the history of the time before the Big bang, that’s hiw important what you’ve shared today is, it transcends the very creation, the very fabric of time and space as a concept. Even as you die, even before you were born, this remains true. What you’ve said has immortalised you.

I would like to express my thanks to you, My gratitude for your indisputably magnificent assistance is almost infinite. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed. I really like your contribution that you have in our society, you really make a difference and help others out, the world could always use more people like you. Gosh, what a polite and humble fellow. It is such a kind honour for someone as low as me to be in contact with someone of a level such as yours. I thank you once again my good friend. A world without you, would be a world I would not be able to live in, and I believe I share that opinion with most people. I can rest easy tonight knowing you helped. I appreciate you and everything you stand for and on behalf of everyone on planet earth, thanks.

Bro itne se ghanta kuch hoga… dhang se nahi likha hai… mereko bhi dhang se yaad nahi aaraha isliye search kiya tha lekin ??

Maybe students are comming here to do comments like waeeeee this is ridiculous My pass time is to read the comments and laugh My fav were Devil_boy and Chavi_Rathor And ofc Anonymus

chad devil boy ?

sigma devil_boy ??

emojis despise me 🙁 but either ways w devil boy

Hey Anonymous u becoming my favorite Hunger listen Scroll up u will see two ppl devi boy and Chavi rather This girl proposed devil boy And he politely rejected her That was my fav

Nice ??????

most probably devil girl was not real

devil boy was extremely chad to reject her and direct her to her studies

w devil boy

w devil boy my bro was on fire

people here are scawyyyy

I had taken help from this for my tuition tests. The result came out to be good. However I didn’t see the answers. I just saw the questions.


stfu you witch, dont disrespect our great authors who spent years trying to do this for us, i hope your toes shrivel off and fall off

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Analytical Paragraph Writing Class 10 with Examples and Solved Questions

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What is an Analytical Paragraph

An analytical paragraph is a key element in academic writing, especially for students in class 10. This type of paragraph involves dissecting a topic to understand its various components. Analytical paragraph class 10 focuses on teaching students to structure their analysis coherently. When learning how to write an analytical paragraph , students must focus on clarity and precision.

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Analytical paragraph class 10 examples and analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples pdf are valuable resources for understanding this format. These examples often include tasks like writing an analytical paragraph on a bar graph or an analytical paragraph pie chart , which are common in analytical paragraph class 10 CBSE syllabus.

The analytical paragraph class 10 format typically includes an introduction, evidence or examples, and a conclusion. This paragraph writing format is essential for students to articulate their thoughts clearly.

For diverse educational contexts, resources like analytical paragraph kaise likhen provide region-specific guidance. Additionally, analytical paragraph class 10 questions and analytical paragraph class 10 worksheet are useful tools for exam preparation.

Overall, mastering the analytical paragraph format is crucial for students in class 10th, as it enhances their critical thinking and writing skills.

Types of Analytical Paragraphs

In educational settings, particularly in analytical paragraph class 10 , students are introduced to various types. For instance, an analytical paragraph on a bar graph or an analytical paragraph pie chart are common types where students analyze graphical data. These forms are integral to the analytical paragraph class 10 CBSE curriculum.

  • Text Analysis : This type of analytical paragraph involves dissecting a piece of writing, such as a poem, story, or article. Students analyze elements like theme, character development, or author’s intent. For example, in analytical paragraph class 10, students might explore the symbolism in a poem or the argument in an editorial.
  • Graphical Data Analysis : This includes analytical paragraphs on bar graphs and analytical paragraphs on pie charts. Students interpret and discuss the data presented in these graphical forms. In analytical paragraph class 10 CBSE, such assignments help students learn to derive and articulate insights from visual data.
  • Literary Analysis : Common in class 10 analytical paragraph, this type requires students to delve into literature, examining aspects like plot, setting, and literary devices. Analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples often include analyses of famous literary works.
  • Historical Analysis : Here, students analyze historical events or periods. This type of paragraph might discuss causes and effects of an event or compare different historical periods. It’s a common assignment in analytical paragraph class 8 and analytical paragraph class 9.
  • Scientific Analysis : Involving the examination of scientific concepts or experiments, this type of analytical paragraph is often found in science subjects. Students might analyze a scientific theory or the results of an experiment.
  • Persuasive Analysis : This involves analyzing persuasive texts or speeches, focusing on techniques used to persuade the audience. It’s a key skill developed in analytical paragraph writing .

Each type of analytical paragraph requires a specific approach but follows a general analytical paragraph format . Understanding these types is crucial for students, especially in class 10th , as they provide a foundation for critical thinking and effective communication.

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How to Write an Analytical Paragraph

To write an analytical paragraph , it’s essential to understand its structure and purpose. An analytical paragraph focuses on breaking down a topic into its key elements and discussing each one in detail. This type of paragraph is especially important in educational settings, such as in class 10, where students are often required to analyze texts, data, or graphs.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to how to write an analytical paragraph :

  • Introduction : Start your paragraph with a clear topic sentence. This sets the stage for your analysis. For example, in a class 10 analytical paragraph, you might introduce a theme from a novel or a trend shown in a graph.
  • Evidence and Analysis : Include specific examples or data to support your topic. This could be quotes from a text in analytical paragraph class 10 CBSE or data points from an analytical paragraph on bar graph. Explain how these examples support your main point.
  • Explanation : Elaborate on how your evidence relates to your topic. This is where you analyze the evidence and show your understanding. In class 10th, this part is crucial to demonstrate your analytical skills.
  • Conclusion : End with a statement that summarizes your analysis and ties it back to your topic sentence.

For more guidance, students can refer to analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples or analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples pdf. These resources provide practical examples that follow the analytical paragraph format and paragraph writing format.

Analytical Paragraph Format

The analytical paragraph format is a structured approach to writing that focuses on breaking down a topic to understand and explain its various components. For practical understanding, analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples and analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples pdf are excellent resources. These examples show class 10 analytical paragraph in action, often including tasks like writing an analytical paragraph on a bar graph or an analytical paragraph pie chart, as found in the analytical paragraph class 10 CBSE syllabus.

Analytical Paragraph Class 10 Format

  • Introduction : Begin with a clear statement of the topic or argument. This sets the stage for the analysis.
  • Present your analysis of the topic.
  • Include evidence or examples to support your points.
  • This may involve discussing data from sources like texts, bar graphs, or pie charts, especially in the context of analytical paragraph class 10.
  • Summarize your analysis.
  • Tie back to the introduction and restate the main point or argument.

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Features of an Analytical Paragraph

  • Structure and Clarity : An analytical paragraph should have a clear structure. This includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The analytical paragraph format ensures that the analysis is coherent and easy to follow.
  • Focused Analysis : In analytical paragraph writing, the focus is on breaking down a subject into its essential elements. This is especially evident in class 10 analytical paragraph, where students analyze texts or data like in analytical paragraph on bar graph.
  • Evidence-Based : A hallmark of a good analytical paragraph example is the use of evidence or examples to support the analysis. Analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples often demonstrate how to effectively use evidence in your writing.
  • Relevance to Topic : Everything written in the paragraph should be relevant to the main topic. In class 10 analytical paragraph, for example, students learn to stay focused on the topic, whether they’re answering analytical paragraph class 10 questions or analyzing a pie chart .
  • Logical Progression : The ideas in an analytical paragraph should flow logically. This is a key aspect of how to write an analytical paragraph and is emphasized in analytical paragraph class 10 CBSE.
  • Conciseness : The paragraph should be concise and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details. This is evident in the analytical paragraph class 10 format, where brevity is valued.
  • Appropriate for Audience : The language and style should be suitable for the intended audience. For younger students like in class 8 and class 9 , the language is simpler compared to class 10th.
  • Educational Resources : There are many resources available for learning and practice, such as analytical paragraph class 10 worksheet, analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples pdf, and guides like analytical paragraph kaise likhen for diverse learning contexts.

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Analytical Paragraph Example

For students seeking guidance, analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples or analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples pdf can be excellent for class 10 CBSE students requirements and help in understanding the analytical paragraph format. Here are more than 10 examples of analytical paragraph for class 10

Analytical Paragraph Class 10 Solved Examples

Below we have discussed analytical paragraph solved examples for class 10 students

Eg: 1 The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in poverty in the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the information in 100-120 words.

analytical paragraph 10 solved examples

Answer: The pie chart provides a clear depiction of poverty distribution among different household types in the UK in 2002. Notably, single-parent households represent 26% of all poverty-affected families, marking them as the most vulnerable group. Following closely are single individuals without children, making up 24% of the impoverished households. This contrasts sharply with couples without children, who constitute a smaller segment at 9%, while families with children make up 15% of the poverty demographic. Additionally, single elderly individuals and elderly couples together account for 12% of households in poverty.

Eg: 2 The given line graph provides information about changes in birth and death rates in New Zealand between 1901 and 2101. Write an analytical paragraph summarizing the information and make comparisons where relevant in about 100-120 words.

analytical paragraph 10th

Answer: The line graph outlines the trajectory of birth and death rates in New Zealand from 1901 and projects trends up to 2101. Initially, the birth rate was substantially higher than the death rate, beginning at 20,000 in 1901 and peaking near 65,000 in 1961. After the peak, birth rates have seen ups and downs but remained within the 50,000 to 60,000 range. A notable decline in births is anticipated, dropping to about 42,000 by 2101. The death rate, in contrast, started around 10,000 in 1901 and has shown a steady rise. A significant surge in death rates is predicted post-2021, stabilizing around 60,000 between 2061 and 2081, with a slight decrease by 2101. The earlier wide gap between births and deaths is expected to narrow significantly, leading to an unprecedented shift where deaths may surpass births towards the end of the century.

Below is the list of all other paragraph on different topics available at IL

Analytical Paragraph Class 10 Questions

Below discussed questions is from analytical paragraph class 10 PYQ which will help you to prepare for your class 10 CBSE exam.

Q.1 The graph given shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph describing the line graph in around 150 words.

analytical paragraph 10 questions

Answer: The line graph presents an analysis of gold sales in Dubai over the course of 2002, measured in millions of Dirhams. The year opened with sales at around 200 million Dirhams and displayed a rising trend, reaching a crest at 350 million Dirhams by March. This peak signifies a robust period for the gold market in Dubai. Subsequently, a decline was observed, with sales dipping to a low of 110 million Dirhams by July, illustrating a sharp fall in the market. Interestingly, there was a significant rebound in August, where sales momentarily doubled, only to fall back to the July figures in September. The remainder of the year saw the sales stabilize at 180 million Dirhams before a modest uptick in December.

Overall, the graph indicates a volatile year for the gold industry in Dubai, with peaks and troughs aligning with various economic factors or seasonal trends. The highest sales occurred in March, while July and September experienced the lowest. The year concluded with sales figures aligning closely to those at the commencement of the year, signifying a full-circle journey for the market within the twelve-month period.

Q.2 The chart shows the division of household tasks by gender in Great Britain. Write an analytical paragraph describing the chart given in not more than 200 words.

analytical paragraph 10 cbse

Answer: The chart delineates the gender-specific allocation of household duties in Great Britain, revealing a traditional division of labor. Women dedicate significantly more time to household chores, averaging around four hours daily, which is notably higher than the less than two and a half hours contributed by men.

Women lead in activities such as cooking, cleaning, childcare, and laundry, devoting roughly 200 minutes daily—triple the time men allocate to these tasks. Conversely, men exhibit a preference for outdoor and maintenance work, investing double the time compared to women in activities like gardening and various house repairs.

Interestingly, men’s highest time investment peaks at nearly 50 minutes on gardening and pet care, while women allocate about 30 minutes to these tasks. A stark contrast appears in clothing care: men spend a mere 2 minutes per day on washing, ironing, and sewing, whereas women spend about 25 minutes.

In essence, the chart illustrates a pronounced disparity in the distribution of household responsibilities by gender, with women shouldering the bulk of indoor chores and men tending towards outdoor and maintenance-related tasks.

Q.3 You asked people what they thought was the most valuable thing. The given pie chart shows the analytics of the different answers you received. Write an analytical paragraph for a research project in 150-200 words.

analytical paragraph 10 pyq

The pie chart in question offers a visual representation of people’s perceptions of what constitutes the most valuable entity in life. This chart is a kaleidoscope of values, sliced into five distinct categories, each representing a different element deemed as most precious by the respondents.

Notably, ‘Knowledge’ emerges as the predominant value, claiming a 48% majority of the chart. This illustrates a significant inclination towards intellectual assets over materialistic or social standings, with nearly half the participants affirming that knowledge surpasses all other forms of value. In stark contrast, ‘Power’ appears to be the least favored, occupying the smallest section, suggesting a minimal number of individuals regard it as the pinnacle of value.

‘Fame’ treads closely behind ‘Power’, indicating a slightly higher but still limited endorsement as a valuable asset. Meanwhile, ‘Love’ and ‘Money’ demonstrate a near equal distribution, capturing 20% and 18% respectively. This balance suggests a common perception that emotional fulfillment and financial security are nearly equally significant, yet fall behind the intellectual prowess represented by ‘Knowledge’.

In essence, the chart paints a picture of a society that places the highest worth on enlightenment and understanding, with ‘Knowledge’ at the vanguard. It indicates a moderate valuation of emotional and monetary fulfillment, while ‘Power’ and ‘Fame’ are perceived as lesser in the hierarchy of values. This data provides an insightful snapshot into the collective mindset, valuing wisdom as the paramount treasure.

Q.4 The given double bar graph shows the preferences of children in a school in playing different games over the span of six years. Write an analytical paragraph about the given information.

analytical paragraph 8

Answer: The double bar graph provides insight into the shifting game preferences among schoolchildren across a six-year span. Volleyball’s popularity peaked in 2016 but notably dipped by 2019. In contrast, basketball maintained a steady interest level throughout the years, with minimal fluctuations. The graph indicates that volleyball saw a dramatic increase in interest in 2016, with a sudden rise in the number of children playing the game, yet this interest did not sustain and saw a drop in subsequent years.

Basketball, on the other hand, displayed remarkable consistency in popularity, with a slight increase in 2016, mirroring volleyball’s peak year, before stabilizing. This consistent preference suggests basketball’s enduring appeal among the children.

In summary, while volleyball experienced more significant highs and lows in popularity, basketball remained a constant favorite throughout the six years. The data suggests that despite volleyball’s brief surge in popularity, basketball was the more consistently chosen sport among the schoolchildren by the end of the six-year period.

Q.5 The given pie chart represents the amount of money spent by a family on different items in a month. Write an analytical paragraph using the information given in the chart.

analytical paragraph 10 worksheet

Answer: The pie chart in question details the monthly expenditure pattern of a family, highlighting their financial priorities and spending habits. The chart indicates that groceries constitute the largest expense at 23%, underscoring the family’s emphasis on home-cooked meals and the importance of nutrition. Education follows close behind at 20%, reflecting the family’s commitment to learning and academic growth.

Clothing and transport are also significant expenses, accounting for 19% and 18% respectively, which suggests a balance between necessity and personal care. Meanwhile, 15% of the budget is allocated to assorted items, possibly encompassing leisure and lifestyle products like stationery and cosmetics. Interestingly, the least portion of their budget goes towards rent, which may imply a strategic decision to minimize fixed living costs.

In essence, the family’s budgeting choices show a strong inclination towards essential spending, with most of their outgoings directed at fundamental needs and responsibilities. The limited expenditure on miscellaneous items hints at prudent financial management, with the majority of the budget being conscientiously allocated to areas that support their sustenance, education, and mobility. This careful allocation suggests a disciplined approach to budgeting, with discretionary spending kept to a minimum in favor of essential expenses and long-term investments in education.

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Tips for Writing an Analytical Paragraph

  • Understand What an Analytical Paragraph Is : Before you start writing, know that an analytical paragraph involves breaking down a topic and explaining its elements clearly.
  • Follow Format : If you are working on a class 10 analytical paragraph, stick to the analytical paragraph class 10 format. This format usually includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Use Examples for Guidance : Look at analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples or analytical paragraph class 10 solved examples pdf to get a feel for how to structure your writing.
  • Choose Your Topic Wisely : Whether it’s an analytical paragraph on a bar graph or any other topic, pick something you can break down into manageable parts.
  • Start with a Clear Thesis Statement : In analytical paragraph writing, your first sentence should clearly state what you’ll analyze.
  • Support Your Analysis with Evidence : Use examples from the text, graph, or data you’re analyzing. This is especially important in analytical paragraph class 10 CBSE syllabus.
  • Organize Your Paragraph Well : Stick to the analytical paragraph format. Each part of your analysis should flow logically into the next.
  • Practice with Different Topics : Try writing an analytical paragraph class 8 or analytical paragraph class 9 level before advancing to more complex topics.
  • Use Worksheets and Practice Questions : Utilize resources like analytical paragraph class 10 worksheet and analytical paragraph class 10 questions to hone your skills.
  • Seek Feedback and Improve : After writing, compare your work with analytical paragraph solved examples or ask a teacher to review it.

Remember, effective analytical paragraph writing involves clear expression of ideas and structured analysis. Practice regularly, and refer to various examples of analytical paragraph to improve your skills.

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FAQs on Analytical Paragraph

What is an analytical paragraph.

An analytical paragraph breaks down a topic into parts, explains each part with evidence, and shows how they connect to the overall theme.

How do you write an analytical passage?

To write an analytical passage, start with a clear thesis, then provide evidence or examples for each point, and conclude by linking everything back to your main argument.

How can I get full marks in an analytical paragraph for Class 10?

For full marks in a class 10 analytical paragraph, follow the format, use clear and concise language, back your points with solid evidence, and ensure your paragraph flows well.

How to write an analytical paragraph for Class 10?

In class 10, write an analytical paragraph by stating your main idea, using examples from the text or data for support, and concluding by tying your analysis back to the main point.

What is an analytical paragraph for CBSE Class 10?

An analytical paragraph for CBSE class 10 involves examining a topic in detail, using evidence to analyze each part, and presenting it in a structured and clear format.

What words should be used in an analytical paragraph?

Use clear, precise words in an analytical paragraph. Keywords related to your topic, along with analytical terms like 'evidence', 'analysis', and 'conclusion' are helpful.

How do you write an analytical paragraph for Class 8?

To write an analytical paragraph in class 8, start with a topic sentence, provide details and examples to analyze your topic, and conclude by summarizing your analysis.

What are the 5 parts of an analytical paragraph?

An analytical paragraph consists of an introduction, evidence and analysis, explanation, conclusion, and a clear topic sentence. These parts help structure and convey your analysis effectively.

How do you write a good analytical paragraph in English?

To write a good analytical paragraph in English, start with a clear topic sentence, provide evidence to support your analysis, explain how the evidence relates to your topic, and conclude by summarizing your analysis effectively. Stick to the format and use clear language.

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analytical essay grade 10

Analytical Paragraph Writing, Format, Examples, Samples and FAQ

analytical paragraph writing class 10

Analytical Paragraph Writing Class 10 | Paragraph writing Format, Topics, Examples, Samples and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

CBSE has introduced writing analytical paragraphs as a part of the revised curriculum under the writing section.

What is an analytical paragraph?

Analytical paragraph writing video, analytical paragraph writing format, useful tips for writing an analytical paragraph, analytical paragraph examples, samples.

  • Analytical Paragraph FAQs
  • 6 Common Mistakes in Analytical Paragraph Writing for Class 10
  • 10 Examples of Analytical Paragraph Class 10

Analytical Paragraph writing – An analytical paragraph is a form of descriptive writing which is written on the basis of a given chart, graph, data, outline, clues, table, etc. When writing an analytical paragraph , one should remember to describe the facts in the best possible manner and to cover the information provided.

The analytical paragraph has to be written in around 100-120 words. So the paragraph must use clear and crisp language along with providing complete details of the chart given in the question. There will be an internal choice given.

You need to attempt one question out of the two questions of analytical paragraphs given as a choice. The question carries 5 marks.

Related – Notice Writing, Format, Topics, Examples

Features of an analytical paragraph writing-

  • It describes the given chart, table, data, graph, cues etc.
  • It should be brief and comprehensive (include complete information) at the same time.
  • It should state facts that are provided by the chart.
  • It is necessary to make use of simple and accurate language.
  • It should mention figures and quantities appropriately.
  • It is appropriate to use the same tense throughout the analytical paragraph.
  • No personal observation or response should be provided.
  • It would be preferable to use the passive form of the verb.

An analytical paragraph shall be divided into three parts-

  • Introduction
  • Body of the paragraph and;

Format of Analytical paragraph writing

Introduction (explain in one or two lines the subject of the graph given)

Body (explain in detail what the graph is about, use relevant figures, explain trends, make comparisons and contrasts, divide into sub paragraphs, if required)

Conclusion (conclude the paragraph giving the overall view or summary of the graph)


format of analytical paragraph

Related – Report Writing, Format, Topics, Examples

Let us discuss each of these in detail –

1.  How Do You Start An Analytical Paragraph?

The introduction

The introduction is the first paragraph that should describe in brief what the graph is about. It should be like an opening paragraph that introduces the reader to the context of the chart given. When writing the introductory paragraph, you need not go into the details. You just need to mention what is clearly evident from the chart or the graph given in the question. It is best to write the introduction in one or two lines.

2. The body of the paragraph

This part of the analytical paragraph should contain details of the graph/chart given in the question. It should contain all the important information. It is extremely important to choose the significant details that should be included in the paragraph. The body can be broken into two or three sub-paragraphs depending on the information extracted from the graph. Breaking the body into subparagraphs makes it easy for the reader to understand. i. Organizing information: You should look for the large differences that are very prominent. You can mention the aspect which is the smallest or the largest in the data given. Any aspects that are similar should be mentioned next. You should further mention about the aspect that has remained unchanged or constant throughout. ii. Comparing information: If the chart mentions two different parties, for example, men and women, refer to both of them in the analytical paragraph. If there is any contrast or comparison that could be drawn, you must present it effectively. If the chart is about a particular time period or highlights trends of several years, mention each year in a concise manner. If any comparison or contrast can be done for two or more years, you should write about it too. iii. Mentioning quantities: When including numbers and figures, their accuracy must be ensured. There are a number of ways that can be used to describe quantities, for example- percentage, fraction, ratios, etc. iv. Connecting sentences: If different information or ideas are there, you should use connectors or linking phrases to link them logically. The sentences of the paragraph should be sequential and connected rationally.

3. The conclusion

The last paragraph should summarise the idea mentioned and the information in general. It should be concluding in nature and act as the closing statement. One should keep in mind that one must not include any personal opinions, conclusions, or observations. You should simply stick to the facts. You need not dispose of the information to write a good analytical paragraph. The key is to choose wisely the important information, organize it well, state correct facts and summarise it properly.

How To Write A Good Analytical Paragraph?

  • The chart given above describes
  • The table suggests
  • The line graph shows
  • The data given provides information about
  • The pie chart illustrates, etc.
  • For describing trends , use phrases and words like- a pattern of growth, rapidly doubled, skyrocketed, striking increase, peaked, soaring rates, declined, plummeted, leveled off, stagnated, fluctuate, starting to rise, starting to fall, drop down, slightly, etc.
  • For describing quantities , use various styles like- 48% of, one-third of, nearly one-fourth of, almost 80%, majority, on average, twice as much, almost equal, the highest, the lowest, very close to 2%, roughly, approximately 5% of, just under three percent, etc.
  • For establishing a relationship or contrast , use phrases and words like- relationship between, similarly, in contrast with, in comparison to, but in the opposite case, however, whereas, when it comes to, as opposed to, while, striking difference, noticeable difference, etc.
  • For the conclusion and other connecting phrases use- overall, subsequently, in all, in a nutshell, for the chart given, in short, striking changes, including, therefore, etc.

Analytical Paragraph Doubts Session Video

Example Question 1 : Below is a graph given showing birth and death rates in a country from 1901 to 2101. Write an analytical paragraph (100-150 words).


The graph shows birth and death rates starting from 1901 till 2101.

Since 1901, the birth rate has remained more than the death rate until 2041. Birth rate was 20000 in 1901 and started increasing gradually. It peaked in 1961 to around 65000. From 1961, birth rate has fluctuated multiple times between 50000 and 60000. It is expected to decline for the coming years reaching approximately 42000 by 2101.

On the other hand, the death rate stood at around 10000 in 1901 and then has increased steadily. It is expected to rise strikingly from 2021 before levelling off to approximately 60000 between 2061 and 2081. The graph indicates a slight decline in deaths in the year 2101.

The graph shows the huge gap between birth rate and death during 1961 to 2001. However, this gap is expected to reduce in the later years. Overall, as opposed to the prevailing trends, the death rate will be more than the birth rate in the later half of the 21st century.

Example Question 2: The chart shows the division of household tasks by gender in Great Britain. Write an analytical paragraph describing the chart given in not more than 200 words.

the house

The chart shows the number of minutes per day spent by British men and women in doing household tasks. On an average, the women spend about four hours doing household tasks whereas the men spend less than two and half hours.

The tasks on which women spend more time than men include cooking, cleaning house, taking care of the children and laundry. In doing all these tasks, women spend approximately 200 minutes which is almost three times the time spent by men in these tasks. On the other hand, men spend twice the time than women in doing tasks like gardening and maintenance of odd jobs in the house. Men spend the highest time, almost 50 minutes, in gardening and petcare. While the women spend only 30 minutes for these tasks. The time spent by men in washing, ironing and sewing clothes is as low as 2 minutes per day as opposed to 25 minutes spent by women.

In short, women spend far more time doing household chores than men whilst men prefer to do gardening, petcare and maintaining odd jobs.

Example Question 3: The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in poverty in the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the information in 100-120 words.

analytical paragraph writing examples

The given pie chart illustrates seven different categories of households living in poverty in the UK in 2002.

It is clearly evident from the pie chart that 26% of the total poverty-stricken households are those of sole parents. Single people without children account for the second highest proportion with 24%. In contrast to couples without children that accounts for just 9%, couples with children account for 15% of the poor households. Single aged persons and aged couples proportion for 12% together for poor households.

Overall, 14% of all households in the UK were living under poverty. The younger generation had a greater poor percentage than their aged counterparts. Couples without children had better economic conditions than those with children.

Example Question 4: The following table shows details about the internet activities for six categories for different age groups. Write an analytical paragraph for the table given in around 150-200 words.

age group

The given table suggests the internet activities of seven age groups ranging from teens to those in their seventies for six different kinds of activities. The table shows that the younger generation is more interested in online games and news, while the older generation spends time on the internet to research and buy products.

It is evident from the table that teens mainly use the internet for games (as high as 81%), news and downloads and are interested in searching for people or friends or doing any product research. The middle-age group (people in 20s to 60s) is highly interested in getting news, doing product research and buying products, the percentage ranging from 70-80%. The internet activity which gets the least time is searching for people. All the age groups spend less than 30% of their internet time on the same. The amount of time spent on downloads decreases with age and gets as low as 6% (for people in 70s).

Overall, the table suggests that teenagers are most likely to spend time playing games and doing downloads. On the other side, older people are interested in researching and buying products. People spend the least amount of time searching for other people online.

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Question 5: Below given are three pie charts showing consumption habits of India, China and World overall in 2008. Write an analytical paragraph describing the pie charts (100-120 words).

types of food

The three given pie charts depicts types of food consumption in 2008 as compared in two countries- India and China. In general, processed food is the major type of food eaten.

Processed food comprises as high as 41% of the global consumption. In China and India as well, processed foods are consumed the most, the rate of consumption being 34% and 39% respectively. On an average, vegetables and fruits constitute 29% of consumption. In China, vegetables and fruits comprise 32% of food consumption which is 9% more than that of India. For Indians, animal food accounts for 27% of their diet, exceeding Chinese food consumption by a striking 12%. However, nuts and seeds comprise almost one-fifth of Chinese food habits. This is way more than the global consumption of 4% and 11% of India.

Overall, world food consumption largely comprises processed food. Chinese consumption of nuts and seeds is unbelievably higher than the average percentage.

Question 6: The graph given shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph describing the line graph in around 150 words.

millions of dirharms

The line graph depicts the estimated sales of gold in Dubai for a period of twelve months in 2002 in millions of Dirhams.

In January 2002, the sales stood at 200 million Dirhams. It steadily increased through the next month and peaked to 350 million Dirhams in the third month of the year. However, the gold sales started to plummet over the next three months and hit 110 million Dirhams in the month of July. Unexpectedly, the sales doubled in August before coming down to the same level as in July for the month of September. For the next two months of the year, the gold sales levelled off to 180 million Dirhams and then slightly increased in December.

Overall, the estimated gold sales fluctuated in 2002. The sales were the highest in the month of March and lowest in the months of July and September. The sales at the end of the year were almost the same as they were in the beginning of the year.

Here we conclude the topic of Analytical paragraphs. As it is a new topic added to the syllabus of Class 10, students need to prepare it well.

Analytical Paragraph writing FAQs 

Q1. Define an analytical paragraph. Ans. An analytical paragraph is a type of descriptive writing piece in which one presents information from pie and bar graphs, charts, tables, and other types of analytical data in the form of a paragraph.

Q2. What are the key characteristics of an analytical paragraph? Ans. The key characteristics of an analytical paragraph are as follows: 1. It conceptualizes the information given in graphs, tables, and charts. 2. It should contain only the analytical information – nothing more or less. 3. The information in the paragraph should match the given information. 4. The language need not be complex. 5. The same tense is preferred throughout the analytical paragraph. 6. The paragraph should not have the personal opinion or observation of the writer.

Q3. Describe briefly the different types of analytical paragraphs. Ans. The different types of analytical paragraphs that can be asked in the examination are as follows: a) Data-orientated – In this, students need to analyze and understand the information given in charts, tables, and graphs. This is the most common type of analytical paragraph.

b) Information-orientated – In this, students need to analyse information given in a short paragraph along with some analytic data like charts, graphs, and tables.

c) P rocess-description-orientated – In this, students need to analyze information given in flowcharts, diagrams, and infographics and convert it into a brief paragraph.

Q4. What is the format of an analytical paragraph? Ans. An analytical paragraph has three sections – Introduction, body, and conclusion.

Introduction ————————————— ————————————–

Body —————————————- —————————————- —————————————

Conclusion —————————————- —————————————-

Q5. What should the introduction of an analytical paragraph contain? Ans. The introduction of an analytical paragraph contains the subject of the analytical paragraph and its purpose. It can be written in just one or two lines.

Q6. What should the body of an analytical paragraph contain? Ans. The body of an analytical paragraph contains the necessary details of the given data. It explains trends, compares two aspects or objects, and establishes a relationship between them. It gives the same facts as in the question in a descriptive and analytical manner.

Q7. What should the conclusion of an analytical paragraph contain? Ans. The conclusion of an analytical paragraph, as the name suggests, concludes the paragraph by giving an overall statement about the given data. We can use phrases like – overall, in all, in a nutshell, in short, therefore, etc. Be careful not to give any personal observations or opinions.

Q8. Mention what phrases one can use to describe trends in analytical paragraphs. Ans. One can use these phrases and words to describe trends in an analytical paragraph: – A pattern of growth/decline – Skyrocketed – Stagnated – Fluctuate – Levelled off – Plummeted – Peaked

Q9. Mention what phrases one can use to describe quantities in analytical paragraphs.

Ans. One can use these phrases and words to describe quantities in an analytical paragraph: – One-third of – Majority of/minority of – Twice/thrice – Highest/lowest – Very close to/just under 2% – Roughly/approximately

Q10. Mention what phrases one can use to establish a relationship or comparison between two trends or quantities in analytical paragraphs. Ans. One can use these phrases and words to establish relationships or compare two trends or quantities in an analytical paragraph:

– Similarly – In contrast with – In comparison to – But in the opposite case, – However – Whereas – Stricking/noticeable difference

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Analytical Paragraph Writing Samples For Class 10 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Analytical paragraph writing is an essential skill for Class 10 students. It involves analyzing a given topic or concept, breaking it down into smaller parts, and providing a detailed analysis of each part. Analytical writing is a critical tool for students as it helps them understand complex concepts, develop critical thinking skills, and communicate their ideas effectively. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises for analytical paragraph writing for Class 10 students.

Format For Analytical Paragraph Writing Samples For Class 10:

Analytical paragraphs follow a specific format. It comprises the following elements:

1. Topic Sentence: The topic sentence provides an overview of the main idea of the paragraph. 2. Evidence: The evidence supports the main idea of the paragraph. It can be in the form of a quotation, statistic, or example. 3. Analysis: The analysis is the most crucial part of the paragraph. It involves breaking down the evidence and providing a detailed analysis of it. 4. Concluding Sentence: The concluding sentence summarizes the main idea of the paragraph and connects it to the thesis statement.

Also Read: Analytical Writing Class 10 

Examples Of Analytical Paragraph Writing Samples For Class 10:

Topic: The Effects of Social Media on Teenagers

Social media has become an integral part of teenagers’ lives, and its effects on them cannot be overlooked. Research shows that excessive use of social media can have negative effects on teenagers’ mental health. For instance, social media use can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Teenagers who spend a lot of time on social media tend to compare themselves with others and develop feelings of inadequacy. Moreover, social media can lead to addiction, resulting in poor academic performance and a lack of focus. Therefore, it is essential to monitor teenagers’ social media use to ensure it does not affect their mental health negatively.

Topic: The Impact of Climate Change on the Environment

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges the world is facing today. The effects of climate change on the environment are widespread and far-reaching. The rise in global temperatures has resulted in melting glaciers, rising sea levels, and more frequent and intense natural disasters. Moreover, climate change has led to the extinction of several plant and animal species, causing a loss of biodiversity. Climate change also has significant economic impacts, such as reduced agricultural productivity and increased healthcare costs. Therefore, it is crucial to take immediate action to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Topics For Analytical Paragraph Writing Samples For Class 10:

1. The Benefits of Exercise 2. The Impact of Social Media on Relationships 3. The Importance of Education in a Person’s Life 4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning 5. The Effects of Junk Food on Health 6. The Role of Technology in Modern Society 7. The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace 8. The Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries 9. The Causes and Effects of Cyberbullying 10. The Benefits and Drawbacks of Social Networking

Exercises For Analytical Paragraph Writing Samples For Class 10:

1. Choose a topic from the list above and write an analytical paragraph using the format discussed earlier. 2. Analyze a book, movie, or TV show that you recently watched or read. 3. Write an analytical paragraph on a current event. 4. Choose a social issue, such as poverty or homelessness, and write an analytical paragraph on its causes and effects. 5. Analyze a controversial topic, such as gun control or abortion, and provide an objective analysis of both sides of the issue.

Conclusion On Analytical Paragraph Writing Samples For Class 10:

Analytical paragraph writing is a critical skill that Class 10 students need to master. It helps them understand complex concepts, develop critical thinking skills, and communicate their ideas effectively. By following the format discussed above and practicing with the examples and exercises provided, students can improve their analytical writing skills and become more effective communicators. It is essential to choose relevant and engaging topics for analytical writing to keep the reader interested and engaged.

Moreover, students must learn to analyze different types of evidence, such as statistics, examples, and quotations, and provide a detailed analysis of them. They should also be able to connect the main idea of the paragraph to the thesis statement and provide a compelling concluding sentence.

Analytical paragraph writing is a crucial skill that Class 10 students must learn to become effective communicators. By following the format, practicing with examples and exercises, and choosing relevant and engaging topics, students can develop their analytical writing skills and become proficient in analyzing complex concepts and communicating their ideas effectively.

Analytical Paragraph Class 10 Format, Examples

The present generation is well updated in the use of the internet and computers. Let’s look at the data arising out of a recent survey that was done to ascertain the time spent on the utilisation of the computer and internet for varied purposes. Write an analytical paragraph for the above bar chart in 100-120 words.

Analytical Paragraph examples class 10

It is a sample question on analytical paragraph writing for class 10 to improve writing and analysing skills. You should first write your own answer, then self check with our sample answer given below.

Analytical Paragraph Class 10 CBSE Format/Example

To score full marks it is important that you follow the right format while writing an analytical paragraph in your exams. Students are asking- What is the format of an analytical paragraph? CBSE has prescribed the following format to write an analytical paragraph for class 10.

  • It should be written in a single paragraph containing 100-120 words only.
  • Paraphrasing
  • use of appropriate functional language (more/less/ increase/ decrease/stable etc.) to achieve cohesion-
  • accuracy in analysis- at least 4 clearly identified trends
  • 3 marks for content and 2 marks for Expression

Analytical Paragraph Sample Answer 1

The bar graph illustrates the time spent on the utilisation of computer and internet. It was observed in a recent survey that 50% of the population use the internet and computer every day. The usage includes academic, personal, official and leisure activities. The usage pattern of the e-mail was also illustrated. The maximum usage accounts for approximately 58% which is equal for official work and for leisure activity. Academic activities are successful in attracting only 8-9% of students once in a month. E-mail is still not the common medium for written communication. To conclude, 5% of people never use a computer and related activities besides its popularity and usefulness.

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Analytical Paragraph Sample Answer 2

The bar graph illustrates the time spent on the utilisation of the computer and the internet by people in a month. According to the survey, all five usage reasons – academics, personal use, e-mail access, work, and leisure – witness at least 50% daily activity. It was observed that almost everyone use these facilities at least once a month for leisure, with 30% saying they use them once a week. The data revealed that people use computers for work at least once and very few (less than 10%)  never used e-mail. Computer and the internet for academic reasons on a daily basis are used by 50% of students and over 20% stated doing so 2-3 times a week. There were only 2% who never used these services for academics. In short, it can be stated that the internet and computer are slowly penetrating every field of life.

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The given bar graph is a comparative study that was conducted to ascertain the time spent on utilization of the internet for various activities. Exactly 50% surveyees utilize the computer for academic purposes everyday, while we observe a steady decline to just abut 3% who said they never used it for that purpose. Email is also used by exactly 50% individuals everyday, while around 2% never use it. For personal use, around 52% sureveyees use their computer everyday which witnesses an unsteady decline to about 5% who never use it for personal use. A towering 58% individuals use the internet for work everyday and no one in the survey said otherwise. For leisure purposes, an equivalent 58% individuals have opted for everyday usage while only about 1% never use it. All in all, we can say that the youth is well acquainted with the internet.

Please correct this

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Error Analysis: Essayshout wholeheartedly gives you 5 out of 5 marks. 💯 you are a wonderful writer. I wish you get 40 out of 40 marks. Good Luck!

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nice explain

Thanks for commenting.

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In this technologically bounded world , people waste their valuable time on social media . The pie chart illustrates the percentage of social media users of different age groups . The largest social media users in India belongs to age group between 13- 25 . The youngsters of this age group are mainly indulge in seeking academic helps . The people of above age of 55 uses the social media the least . The second largest proportion of social media users belong to age group between 26 -35 . there is huge gap between the age group 26 – 35 and 36 – 45 in using social media . In the nutshell people of younger are using social media more as compared to older people . MAM I AM UNABLE TO FIND COMMENT BOX OF THIS TOPIC. SO MAM I AM WRITING IT HERE.

Essayshout gives you 3.5 marks. You are not expected to write your personal opinion here- 1st line is not needed. Many grammatical mistakes that are difficult to list here.

mam i am writing the answer of educart sample paper 4 here because i am not able to find there the comment box . sorry mam for the inconvience… The bar graph shows the performance of students in the terminal examination . The students have showed improvement in the second term . The students have increased their performance in all the subjects except in Hindi . The marks of students in Hindi dropped about 10% in comparison with first term to second term .The performance of students have been good in Maths in both the terms . In Maths students have increased their marks from about 90% to 95% . In subjects like Maths, Science, Sst an increment of 5% is seen in second term .The performance of students in English have only shown a little increment of about 2% to 3% . In the nutshell it should be concluded that students are good in problem solving subjects like Maths but a sincere hardwork is required in the language subjects like English and Hindi .

Essayshout gives you 3.5 marks. You need to focus on improving basic English writing. correct the following sentences: The students … Hindi– Performance is improved…. ‘In the nutshell it ….concluded— Write either in the nutshell or it should be concluded.

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The bar graph illustrates the time spent on utilisaition of the computers and internet for the varied purposes.Every activity shows a sharp decline in percentage of users using internet and computers from everyday scenario to 2-3 days a week. On daily basis,most of the people nearly 60% use internet for work and leisure.Maximum people checks their email and use internet for work once in 2-3 days..Academic activities accounts for approximately 10% people who utilize computer for the same in once a month In contrast to all other activities there is no one who had never used the internet for work.In a Nutshell,use of Internet is quite high than that of computers and internet has become an important tool for everybody to complete their work.

You need to learn again from sample answers. 2nd sentence and conclusion are contradictory.

Now a days , In this technologically bounded world, people spend their most of the time on computer and internet for varied purposes. The given bargraph shows the time spent by the people on computer and internet for varied purposes. About 60% humans utilize computer everyday for official work and leisure activities. About 50% students use internet for academic activities . The bargraph also illustrates that people have to use internet for their office work very often .50% people use internet for written communication everyday . the rest 50% people not use e mail very rampant. In the nutshell I conclude that people should minimize the browsing activities for leisure work .

Essayshout gives you 3.5marks.

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The bar graph depicts the time spent in the utilization of computers an internet by the people for various actives. It can be observed that everyday, 50% people use computers for academic activities whereas more than 50% people use it for their personal use. There are only 3-5% of the total people who have never used computers not only for academic work but also not for their personal use. When it comes to the usage of internet the graphs peaked. Nearly, 59% people use internet for work and also the same number of the people use internet for spending their leisure time everyday. There is no one who have never used internet for work or for leisure. Not only this, half of the people use e-mails regularly. The people who use computers internet and e-mails 2-3 days in a week fluctuates between 20-30%. The people who use it once in a week fluctuates between 10-20% whereas people who use them once in a month constitutes not even 10% of the population. Overall more than half of the population likes to use computers internet and e-mails everyday, and internet is more popular among users. There is nobody who haven’t used it.

Stay within the word limit. Your word count is 200 words. What is actives? Variour ACTIVITIES. Read sample answer and watch the videos for proper understanding. You will get 2.5 marks for the above answer.

' src=

Introduction- The above bar graph illustrates the time spent on the utilization of the computer and internet for academic, official, personal and entertainment activities. Body- It is observed that people spend most of their time on the internet for all of the activities mentioned for around 50-60% everyday. People tend to spend an equal time for all the activities for about 20-30% of 2-3 days a week. Some people rarely use the internet once in a blue moon, as less than 10% once a month to check on all the activities and the least time for leisure purpose. Hardly 2-3% of people seldom make use of the internet. Conclusion- In a nutshell, most of the people spend half an hour on internet on a daily basis, the usage of internet varies significantly in terms of time, age-group and requirements.

Error Analysis: 1. Essayshout gives you 4 marks. 2. do not mention- introduction…body..conclusion.. 3. Write either ‘Rarely’ or ‘Once in a blue moon’. Some people use the internet once in a blue moon only. 4. Similarly, ‘Hardly’ and ‘Seldom’ mean the same.

Thank you so much ma’am for checking my answer and pointing out the errors. I will definitely keep in mind and will be careful while writing analytical paragraphs next time!

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Thank you for the answer. Do we have to put the answer in a box? Please Reply

No, it is not to be put inside a box. Just stay within the word limit. Happy Writing!

' src=

The pie chart illustrates that the present generation is well versed with use of computer and internet.

It was observed that 50% is the highest percentage of the every day usuers of computer and internet.The usage includes for acedmic activities,personal usage,for work, for lesiure. There is a huge decline in the poplulation of those people who had never used internet.people who uses internet and computers twice or thrice in a week remains constant.

In short it can be stated thst the internet and computers are slowly penetrating in every feild of life.

Read the sample answers given and include 2-3 more points. For the above answer, you will get 2.5 marks.

' src=

Its good to explain.

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The Ultimate Guide to Analytical Essay Writing: How to Craft an A-Grade Paper?

25 January, 2021

17 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

An analytical essay is often considered the most challenging piece of writing. However, those who have dealt with it at least once are a step closer to calling themselves masters of essay writing. This type of paper requires plenty of analytical skills to carry out an in-depth analysis of the assigned topic. Yet, the main goal of an analytical essay is not only to demonstrate your ability to learn the basics of the theme.

Analytical Essay

You also need to think critically, analyze facts, express your standpoint, and clearly show a deep understanding of key concepts. In short, your main task as an author is to prove the validity of your views by coming up with strong arguments that do not beg any questions.

how to write an analytical essay

The given guide provides a full analytical essay definition, as well as specifies its features and structural aspects. The following information will help you properly start your paper, choose a relevant topic, and come up with compelling conclusions. 

What is an Analytical Essay?

An analytical essay is a piece of writing aimed to provide a thorough analysis of a definite phenomenon using persuasive arguments and supporting assertions. Analysis in the analytical essay writing process stands for a method of research that allows one to study specific features of an object. Analytical papers also have to do with analysis of a specific problem; that is consideration of the problem itself and identification of its key patterns. The subject matter of analysis can be a well-known or little-studied scientific phenomenon, artistic work, historical event, social problem, etc.

The content of an analytical essay will totally depend on the object that has been chosen for analysis. Thus, when shedding light on any kind of scientific work, an analytical essay can be devoted to the analysis of research credibility, its relevance, or the adequacy of conclusions. When considering a work of art, an essay writer can focus on the analysis of the author’s artistic techniques or issues raised in the book. For this reason, it is essential to accurately determine the topic and subject matter of your future analytical essay.

Steps to Take Before Writing

The preparational stage of analytical essay writing cannot be omitted. It lays the basis for the A-grade paper and should be carefully completed. If you don’t know how to start an analytical essay, read a few handy tips that will ensure a solid foundation for your paper.  

Define a subject matter

You first need to clearly understand the issue you will base your essay on. Since analytical essays imply an in-depth analysis of a specific problem, you need to define its core. Try to split the analysis into several components and provide arguments taken either from a book, a research, a scientific work, or a movie (depending on the subject matter of your analysis), and support your views comprehensively.

Decide on the content of your analytical essay

If you are a student who was given an analytical essay topic, read the task several times before you are 100% sure that you clearly understand the requirements as to the analytical essay format. In case you were lucky to choose the topic of the analytical paper by yourself, make sure the theme you will be dealing with is familiar or at least seems interesting to you. 

Remember that different subject matters require a different approach to their analysis. If you examine some literature work, you can prove your opinion based on the deeds of a certain or several characters. But if you have been assigned the task to elaborate on some historic events, analyze their main causes, driving forces that have affected their course, and their global consequences.  

Take care of the proper start

Don’t forget to start your analytical essay with a thesis statement. It is a sentence or a couple of sentences that aim to summarize the key statements of your paper. A thesis statement should provide readers with a preliminary idea of what your essay is all about.  

Find extra reasoning

Make sure your thesis is supported by compelling arguments. To find enough evidence, you should carry out a thorough analysis of the assigned topic. List the crucial points of your research and ponder over the ways they can be used to prove your final opinion. 

Elaborate the outline

A sound outline elaborated at the preparation stage will help you ensure a proper analytical essay structure and make the overall writing process easier. As a rule, an analytical essay consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your outline plan should include the key arguments you want to discuss in each paragraph. 

Analytical Essay Thesis

A thesis statement represents the central idea of your paper and must serve as strong proof of your standpoint. While elaborating your thesis statement, it is crucial to include it at the end of the first paragraph and thus set a direction for the overall paper. 

Analytical Essay Outline

An outline is not a required element of analytical essays writing and should not be included in the text, but it can greatly facilitate the whole process of paper writing.

The analytical essay structure looks as follows:


In the introduction of an analytical essay, you will need to identify your paper’s subject matter. Mention the purpose of your work and specify its scope of research. Don’t forget to include a thesis to let readers know what your work is about.

Body Section

As has already been mentioned, the body section covers three or more main paragraphs, each being supported with arguments and details. Besides, you need to provide a small conclusion to each statement to make your essay sound professional and persuasive. 

At this stage, you need to summarize the points elucidated in your paper and make sure there is a smooth and logical transition from the body section to the concluding part of the text. If you don’t know how to conclude an analytical essay, try to restate the thesis statement without copying it word for word.  

Analytical Essay Examples

Writing an analytical essay may seem to be a thorny way. If you are still not sure how to properly craft one, try to find some examples that will help you go in the right direction. Below, there are some great examples of analytical essays. Take a look at their structure and try to write something similar based on your views and ideas:


30 Analytical Essay Topics

If you were allowed to choose the theme for your paper by yourself, check on the following analytical essay topics. Each of them can bring you the highest score:

General topics

  • The influence of social networks on the life of teens
  • Are salaries of football players too high?
  • Wearing uniforms in schools should be banned
  • A person in society: the problems of loneliness and privacy
  • Sociology of corporate relationships
  • Does the observation of space need more investments?
  • Should the voting age in the UK be decreased?
  • Reasons why capital punishment should be brought back in the UK
  • A world with no rules: a new human era or a road to the global collapse?
  • Life without technologies: will modern people survive?
  • Should scientists test drugs on animals to fight cancer?
  • The problem of keeping the balance between career and family life
  • The importance of listening to your body 
  • Problems caused by the lack of communication
  • Food addiction and the problems it causes
  • Problems of vaccination in the XXI century
  • Does evil really rule the world?
  • How does body size affect life quality?
  • Pros and cons of video games 
  • The role of a family model in the life and career of a person

Analytical Essay Topics on Literature

  • “Robinson Crusoe”: fantasy vs reality
  • Observation of the artistic uniqueness in the comedy by W. Shakespeare “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” 
  • Observe the social problems in the novel by John Steinbeck “The Grapes of Wrath”
  • Convulsions and death of the “little man” in the networks of impersonal, alienated forces in the novel “The Metamorphosis”
  • Observation of the problems of a man on a plagued land in the novel “The Plague”
  • Revolt of the protagonist in the novel by J. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”
  • Observation of friendship and love in the fate of humanity in the XX century
  • The triumph of immorality in the novel by F. Sagan “Hello Sadness”
  • Observation of the personality of an American student in the novel by J. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”
  • Eternal tragedies of humanity in the tragedy by W. Shakespeare “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

How to Write a Well-Structured Analytical Essay With a Solid Argument

Writing an analytical essay with a clear structure might be challenging unless you are thoroughly prepared. We decided to help you out and create a detailed guide listing the main things to consider when creating an analytical essay outline. You need to explain your main idea in a concise way to bring your point across. As analytical writing has high requirements, it pays off to find an analytical essay example and analyze how this text was written. It will allow you to understand the analytical essay format better and learn how to provide substantive analysis on various topics. Read on to learn how to write a top-level analytical paper and submit it on time.

Main Tips for Writing an Analytical Essay

An analytical essay should provide a comprehensive analysis of a chosen topic. What makes an analysis essay different from other assignments is that it includes a personal opinion of an author. This is why analytical writing should be persuasive.

Below, we have rounded up the key tips you need to follow when producing an analytical essay outline and the main body of your text. Read on to learn more about the analytical essay format and create a text that will fully meet the requirements.

Select an Analytical Essay Topic

Before creating an analytical essay outline, make sure to pick a topic that you are interested in. It should be provocative enough to engage your readers. A widely-debated topic will help you write an analytical essay that grabs the attention of a wide audience.

Consider your goals and conduct thorough research to see if you have enough sources to support the main thesis of your analysis essay.

Come Up With a Strong Analytical Thesis Statement

When writing an analytical essay, start by formulating a thesis statement that includes the topic and the main goal of your text. It will help you create an analytical essay outline and show your readers what you will discuss in your analysis essay.

Add it to the last paragraph of your analytical essay introduction. Due to this, your analytical essay outline will look better structured. Look at any analytical essay example to see how you can introduce your subject. In most cases, one sentence will suffice to state your analysis essay’s goal. However, a complex analytical essay outline might require you to use two sentences for a thesis statement.

Write an Analytical Essay Body with a Clear Structure

Your analytical essay outline should include 3-4 paragraphs. However, a literary analysis essay usually consists of 5 paragraphs. When it comes to analytical writing, it is important to cover a different point in each section of the main body of an analysis paper.

After writing an analytical essay, check whether each paragraph contains an introduction and the main point. Besides, it should contain evidence. An expertly written analytical essay outline will help you reach out to your target audience more effectively.

Conduct Research Before Writing an Analytical Essay Outline

While this step is preparatory, it is a must for those who want to write a well-grounded analytical paper.

  • First, select the best ideas for your essay
  • Then, emphasize the problems with works written by other researchers
  • Finally, write your analytical essay outline to demonstrate what approach you want to take

Examine the context and find examples to illustrate the scope of the issue. You may draw parallels to emphasize your point and make your topic more relatable.

Analyze the Implications of the Evidence

After listing your pieces of evidence and demonstrating how it is related to your thesis, show why it is important. You need to explore it deeply and use it to support your argument. It will make your analytical essay outline well-grounded facts.

Write an Analytical Essay Conclusion

Whether you write a literary analysis essay or other types of assignments, there is no need to add any new data at the end of your analysis paper. Instead, summarize the arguments you mentioned in your analytical essay outline. The conclusion of your analysis essay should be short and clear. Here, you need to demonstrate that you have achieved your goals.

Analytical Essay Writing Tips

If you want to get the highest grade for your analytical essay, you need to know a little bit more than just the basics of paper writing. Read these handy tips to write a perfect essay you will be proud of:

  • Double-check your paper for spelling and grammar mistakes. In case your essay contains too many errors, neither an in-depth analysis nor the elaborate writing style will make it look any better. Situations when essays of great value in terms of research and a message they convey are poorly assessed because of the abundance of mistakes are not rare. Make sure you have enough time to proofread your paper before submission. Also, you may consider asking somebody to take a fresh look at your essay and check it for you.
  • Reading your analytical essay out loud helps you discover all types of errors or weak phrases. This method might seem a bit uncomfortable, but it has proved to be very effective for many students. Note that silent reading of your paper isn’t even half as helpful as reading it aloud. 
  • Another great idea to check on the rhythm and flow of your paper is to ask someone to read it for you. While listening to the text, you could perceive it from another perspective and discover even more inconsistencies and mistakes.  
  • Double-check the facts you use in your analytical essay. The names of people, books, research, publications, as well as dates of historical events are too important to be misspelled. Things like these show your professionalism and the way you treat your readers.

Write an Analytical Essay with HandmadeWriting

Writing an analytical essay requires time, strong writing skills, great attention to detail, and a huge interest in the assigned topic. However, life can be unpredictable sometimes, and students might find themselves at risk of failing their creative assignments. Stress, family issues, poor health, and even unwillingness to work on a certain topic may become significant obstacles on their way to the A-grade work.

If you have similar problems, there is no need to compromise your reputation and grades. You can always refer to HandmadeWriting professionals who are ready to help you with a paper of any type and complexity. They will understand your individual style and totally devote themselv

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Analytical Essay Guide

Analytical Essay Writing

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

How to Write an Analytical Essay - Step-by-Step Guide

By: Dorothy M.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Nov 12, 2019

Analytical Essay

An analytical essay is a common assignment that high school and college students often need to do. It is the most difficult type of essay that requires a thorough investigation of a topic and its substantial analysis.

Are you having difficulty writing a good analytical essay?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write an analytical essay.

This blog will help you understand the core basics of an analytical essay. Once you are done reading it, you will be ready to write your essay easily.

Analytical Essay

On this Page

What is an Analytical Essay?

According to an analytical essay definition, ‘it is a piece of writing in which the writer analyzes, interprets and critiques a work of art, situation, issue, or a particular event.’ Such essays aim to break down a topic into several subparts and dissect and analyze them in detail and find out the main points.

Analytical essay writing significantly differs from other types of essays. High school students often confuse this type of essay with argumentative essays. However, there is a sharp contrast between them.

The main goal of an analytical essay is to analyze the main topic and convince the reader about your viewpoint. On the contrary, an argumentative essay aims to present a claim about the topic and prove it written with evidence.

How to Start an Analytical Essay?

To write a good analytical essay, you must first spend your time planning for it. Let’s take a look at what the prewriting stage looks like.

  • Find the Focus

Students can write an analysis essay on a literary work, a film or a play, or even an issue or problem faced by society.

So the first step is figuring out the core focus of your essay and presenting relevant facts. The evidence can be collected from a novel or film, or it could be the findings of your research that back up your point of view.

  • Choose Your Topic

You can only start writing your essay once you have a topic in mind. Most professors like to assign a topic themselves; however, if you are allowed to pick the topic yourself, you have an edge.

You can go with the idea that you are passionate about and find interesting. It will make researching and writing the essay itself a fun and simple process for you.

  • Form a Thesis Statement

Once you have chosen the topic for your essay, the next step is crafting the analytical essay thesis statement. A thesis statement is the basis of your overall essay.

The purpose of a thesis statement is to inform the readers about the purpose of your essay and the rhetorical question discussed throughout the paper.

  • Find Supporting Evidence

The next step is finding evidence that supports your argument. You can opt for primary or secondary sources, depending on the requirements of your assignment. Look for evidence that is authentic yet persuasive and directly related to the thesis to support your claim. Use transition words to create proper linkage in the provided information.

  • Add Contextual Evidence

Besides adding facts and evidence from credible and relevant sources, you should add quotes and paraphrased passages from the text. In an analytical essay example on a book, it is necessary to add phrases and quotes from the text as the main evidence. Reading the text from books or credible sources will help you collect relevant examples.

Adding textual examples build credibility as the reader would know that you know your work inside out. It will also help you support your thesis statement and the main claim of the essay.

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How to Write an Analytical Essay?

Analytical writing can prove to be a difficult task for students but certainly not impossible. To learn how to write an analytical essay step-by-step, follow the guidelines given below.

The goal of analytical essay topics and essays is to explain a topic in detail. It aims to increase the reader’s understanding.

Create an Analytical Essay Outline Worksheet

The first step to write a compelling and strong analytical essay is to craft a detailed outline worksheet for your essay. Preparing a good and detailed outline will help you in focusing on the main topic.

The outline includes the following key sections:

  • Introduction

1. Write an Impressive Analytical Essay Introduction

The essay introduction aims to provide the reader with basic background information on the issue. An introduction section starts with a hook, an interesting and engaging fact or statement. Consider it first and probably the last chance to impress your readers.

The introduction should be exciting and leave the reader wanting to know more. However, be specific and keep everything brief. Do not overwhelm your readers with tons of information, and keep the details for the latter part of the essay.

2. Write a Concise Thesis Statement

The thesis statement comes after the introduction, and it is usually a one or two-liner. It is the core essence of the entire essay, and this is why it should be brief and to the point. It is usually written at the end of the introduction and is a small section.

To make it impressive, mention the main theme of the essay briefly.

3. Write Analytical Essay Body Paragraphs

The body of any essay is the main part that consists of the flesh of the essay. Writing an analytical essay, the number of body paragraphs varies, depending upon the complexity of the topic.

Generally, each paragraph comprises a topic sentence, analysis of the original text, and evidence from the text that proves your opinion. Use this opportunity to compare and contrast different views about the topic and then present your perspective.

Please remember that each paragraph must present a single idea or topic. Do not try to add multiple ideas into a single paragraph.

4. Write Analytical Essay Conclusion

Want to know how to conclude an analysis paper strongly?

Writing a conclusion has the same importance as the introductory paragraph. Use the conclusion to prove how and why your point of view was correct. Summarize all the main points, bring the discussion closer, and restate the thesis in a global context.

However, don’t introduce new ideas at this stage. It will only confuse your reader further. Explain the importance of the issue and your stance on it to the reader.

How to Perfect Your Analytical Essay?

Once you have finished the writing process, the next step is to perfect your draft. To do so, you must practice the following techniques.

  • Make it Error-Free

If your essay tackles an important issue and presents a solid argument, but at the same time, if it has grammatical or spelling errors, then it won’t come across as a well-written piece of writing.

Before the final submission, make sure that your essay is completely error-free. Check for spelling and grammar and make sure that everything is in line with your analytical essay structure.

Make it your habit to get rid of any mistakes before handing in your paper. You can do this easily by using spelling and grammar check software.

  • Read the Essay Out Loud

It may sound weird, but reading the paper aloud will help you identify your paper’s shortcomings. When writing, you may not be able to identify any complex or vague words and phrases. Reading it out loud will help you in picking such words and rectifying them before submission.

Reading it this way will also help you notice the readability of your text. In case something is not falling in place, you can change it at this stage.

  • Make Sure that You Have Added All the Necessary Details

Every assignment has specific guidelines and requirements, and as a student, you need to follow all of them. Some details include the analytical essay format, the required number of references, the required number of pages and words, etc. Other details include the correct mentioning of the characters’ names and location, as mentioned in the novel, or your chosen subject.

  • Ask a Friend or Sibling to Read it For You

Sometimes we miss minor mistakes and errors, and it is natural. This is why having someone else read it for you will help you in rectifying those mistakes. Ask your friend or a sibling to read it for you and point out structural or any other types of errors.

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Analytical Essay Examples

To help you further, we have added some interesting analytical essay examples and essay samples here. You can download them and use them as a guide for your essay writing process.



Analytical Essay Topics

The range of analytical essay topics is almost limitless. You can write an analytical essay on topics as wide-ranging as the arts, political movements, social phenomena, scientific methods of discoveries, and current events.

To help you choose a topic for your essay, we have presented some topic ideas below:

  • How does fashion influence the lives of teenagers?
  • Do you think that footballers are overrated in terms of pay? If yes, then why?
  • Can you imagine a world without technology? Prove your arguments with strong evidence.
  • Express your views on having school uniforms mandatory. Provide strong arguments and proof.
  • The voting age in the US should be revised. Agreed?
  • Analyze ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and the theme of fate.
  • Explain and analyze different literary terms.
  • Discuss and analyze the theme of Ambition in the play ‘Macbeth.’
  • Analyze the role of different female characters in ‘Hamlet.’
  • Analyze Twain’s ‘Huckleberry Finn’ and discuss the themes of white supremacy and black slavery in the book
  • Analyze the concept of ‘Power Corrupts’ in Marlowe’s ‘Doctor Faustus.’
  • Identify and analyze different symbols in Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot.’
  • How does the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ discuss the era of the Great Depression?
  • Discuss the elements of fantasy and reality in the play ‘A Streetcar Named Desire.’
  • Analyze the various symbols in the play ‘The Glass Menagerie.’
  • Is higher education directly related to a higher quality of life?
  • Are high school and college exams necessary?
  • Is peer pressure affecting students today?
  • Analyze the latest presidential speech.
  • Analyze the differences between identical twins.

If you don’t consider yourself a good writer or you simply don’t have time to complete your assignments, then we have the solution for you.

Hire a professional analytical essay writer at’s ‘ write my essay ’ service. While working with us, you can get help from an expert essay writer who uses his skills to provide excellent writing service.

Place your order and enjoy a well-written piece at amazing prices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of an analytical essay.

An analytical essay is a type of writing where the author explains an idea, describes a process or analyzes the text. It differs from summary in that it focuses on critical analysis instead of just retelling what happened without explanation.

What is the difference between an essay and an analysis?

The sole difference is in the definition and the way both of these are conducted. An analysis could be both verbal and written while an essay could be in written form only.

What is an analytical paragraph?

An analytical paragraph writes down and explains a topic by breaking down the information given in charts, clues, outlines, and other material.

Is academic writing analytical?

Not always but most of the time, academic writing is analytical. It breaks down and analyzes a subject and explains it in detail.

What is analysis in simple terms?

An analysis is the breaking down of a theme, a topic, or an idea to understand it in a better manner.

Dorothy M.

Economics, Marketing

Dorothy M. is an experienced freelance writer with over five years of experience in the field. She has a wide client base, and her customers keep returning to her because of her great personalized writing. Dorothy takes care to understand her clients' needs and writes content that engages them and impresses their instructors or readers.

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Analytical Essay Guide

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15 Analytical Essay Samples to Learn From - Tips Included

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Analytical Essay Step by Step Writing Guide

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How to Craft Analytical Essay Outline? An Easy Guide

Writing an analytical essay can be tough for students. It requires a deep understanding of the topic and the ability to break it down into smaller parts. This can cause stress, lower grades, and frustration among students.

But don't worry! We have a solution for you. In this blog, we'll give you great analytical examples and simple tips for writing amazing analytical essays.

Ready to tackle the analytical essay? Let's get started!

Arrow Down

  • 1. Understanding Analytical Writing
  • 2. Analytical Essay Examples
  • 3. Analytical Essay Outline Example
  • 4. Analytical Essay Topics Examples 
  • 5. Tips to Write an Effective Analytical Essay

Understanding Analytical Writing

An analytical essay is a type of academic writing that looks into a specific subject, dissecting it into its various components and examining how they interrelate.

It requires the writer to not only present a clear understanding of the topic but also to analyze and evaluate it critically. 

Unlike a descriptive essay , an analytical essay demands a more in-depth exploration, often involving an argument or thesis statement that guides the critical analysis. 

Analytical Essay Examples

To truly understand the art of analytical essay writing, one of the most effective methods is to examine practical examples. 

Analytical essay examples provide a clear blueprint of how to approach this type of essay successfully. So, read the examples below to find inspiration for writing a clear analytical essay.

Analytical Essay Example PDF For Students

Here are some analytical essay examples for students in PDF form that you can read and download for free:

Analytical Essay Example (Pdf)

Analytical Essay Example Sample

Analytical Essay Structure

Analytical Essay Example University

Analytical Essay Example College

Analytical Essay Examples For High School

Short Analytical Essay Example

If you are still having difficulty, here are some more examples of analytical essays to help you get inspired.

How To Write An Analytical Essay - Example

APA Analytical Essay Example

Analytical Essay Example APA Format

Analytical Essay Example on A Book

Macbeth Analytical Essay Example

Analytical Essay Example Movie

Analytical Essay Outline Example

When tackling an analytical essay create an outline that is well structured. This outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the essay-writing process. The proper structure ensures you don't miss vital elements. 

Let's break down the essential sections of an analytical essay outline with examples: 

Introduction - Setting the Stage

In the introduction , your aim is to set the stage for your analysis. This section should introduce the topic, provide context, and present a clear thesis statement that outlines the main argument or focus of your essay.

In George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984," the author paints a bleak picture of a totalitarian society where the government exerts complete control over its citizens' lives . Through the protagonist Winston Smith, Orwell explores themes of surveillance, manipulation, and the suppression of individuality . By analyzing Orwell's portrayal of technology, language, and power dynamics, this essay will look into the ways in which the Party maintains its grip on society. Furthermore, it will examine the implications of such control on personal freedom and the human psyche. Through a close examination of key passages and literary devices, this essay aims to shed light on Orwell's warning about the dangers of unchecked authoritarianism and the importance of safeguarding individual liberties .

Let’s take a look at another thesis statement for an analytical essay example:

In Shakespeare's "Hamlet," the protagonist's tragic flaw of indecision, compounded by the complexities of revenge and morality, ultimately leads to his downfall. Through an analysis of Hamlet's soliloquies, interactions with other characters, and the play's themes, this essay will explore how Hamlet's internal conflict shapes the narrative and contributes to the overarching tragedy of the story.

Body - Analyzing Key Points

The body paragraphs of your analytical essay typically are where the real analysis takes place. This section can be divided into multiple paragraphs, each addressing a specific point or aspect related to your thesis. 

Here, you should provide evidence, examples, and critical analysis to support your argument.

Orwell's depiction of surveillance in "1984" reveals its role in fostering fear and paranoia . The omnipresent telescreens and Thought Police monitor citizens' every move, symbolizing the Party's control . This surveillance extends to thought itself, exemplified by the concept of thoughtcrime, showcasing the Party's desire for absolute control .

Orwell highlights the Party's manipulation of language to control thought and erase individuality . Newspeak limits citizens' ability to express dissent, while doublethink perpetuates contradictory beliefs . Through Newspeak and doublethink, Orwell underscores language's power in perpetuating totalitarianism and suppressing resistance .

Conclusion - Summarize Key Points

As you reach the essay conclusion , it's time to tie it all together. Summarize your main points, restate your thesis statement, and underscore the importance of your analysis. 

Remember, this is not the place to introduce new background information. Instead, offer insights and an impactful recap of your discoveries.

Conclusion for analytical essay example: 

In conclusion, George Orwell's "1984" serves as a chilling warning about the dangers of unchecked government control and the erosion of individual freedoms. Through the lens of surveillance technology and linguistic manipulation, Orwell paints a dystopian world where conformity is enforced through fear and oppression. By examining the Party's use of surveillance to monitor citizens' every move and manipulate language to control thought, it becomes clear that Orwell's message transcends time and remains relevant in today's society. The novel underscores the importance of safeguarding personal liberties and remaining vigilant against encroachments on individual autonomy. In an era marked by technological advancements and growing concerns about privacy, Orwell's cautionary tale serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring struggle for freedom in the face of tyranny.

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Analytical Essay Topics Examples 

Choosing the right type of essay topic is an important first step when writing an analytical essay. The topic you select should be engaging, relevant, and suitable for in-depth analysis. 

Here are some thought-provoking analytical essay topics to consider:

  • The Symbolism of the "Green Light" in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby"
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • Analyzing the Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality
  • The Role of Nature in Shakespeare's Sonnets
  • Analyzing the Historical Significance of the Industrial Revolution
  • The Influence of Technology on Education
  • The Psychology of Marketing and Consumer Behavior
  • The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity
  • Analyzing the Ethical Dilemmas in Artificial Intelligence
  • The Evolution of Environmental Policies and Their Impact on Conservation

Are you still having trouble coming up with a good analytical essay topic? Check out this blog for more than 150 compelling analytical essay topics .

Tips to Write an Effective Analytical Essay

Writing an effective analytical essay requires a structured approach and attention to detail. Here are some valuable tips to help you craft a compelling analytical essay:

  • Focus Your Topic: Select a specific topic or aspect for in-depth analysis rather than a broad subject matter.
  • Research Thoroughly: Gather reliable sources and evidence to support your analysis.
  • Create a Well-Structured Outline: Plan your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Analyze, Don't Summarize: Avoid summarizing the subject; instead, critically evaluate and interpret it.
  • Use Clear Topic Sentences: Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates to your thesis.
  • Provide Evidence: Support your analysis with quotes, examples, and data from your research.
  • Critical Thinking: Engage in critical thinking to question assumptions and explore alternative perspectives.
  • Maintain Clarity: Use clear and concise language to convey your points effectively.

In conclusion, the analytical essay stands as a potent tool for honing your skills and conveying your understanding of complex subjects.

Through this guide, we've explored the essence of analytical essays and the essential steps to compose a compelling piece.

If you are assigned to write an analytical essay, take help from the above-mentioned examples. Another option is to get assistance from a professional analytical essay writer. 

The top analytical essay writing service at can assist you and provide customized written essays and papers for every academic level. We offer the best essay writing service.

So, why wait? Get expert help from our essay writing service for students now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of an analytical sentence.

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A concise example of an analytical sentence is: In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Harper Lee uses the character of Atticus Finch to explore themes of morality and justice in the face of racial prejudice.

What is an example of analysis?

Here is an example of analysis: Through Atticus Finch's unwavering commitment to defending Tom Robinson, despite facing societal backlash, Lee highlights the importance of integrity and standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

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Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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analytical essay guide


Analytical Essay

Analytical essay generator.

analytical essay grade 10

There are different types of essays which I would assume most of you are already familiar with. Persuasive essays , reflective essays , and descriptive essays  are just among the few examples. Essays are rather seen important especially in the life of a student, because it is often what your grades are based on.

Knowing how to start an essay is an important in key in writing effective essay . In addition to that, your point of view will determine the kind of essay you are writing. This article will be able to help you in understanding another kind of essay, which is the analytical essay.

What is an Analytical Essay?- Definition

An analytical essay is a type of academic writing where the writer breaks down a topic or argument into its component parts, evaluates the issue or idea, and presents this breakdown and evaluation to the audience. It aims to convey a deeper understanding and insight into the subject being analyzed. Analytical essays require critical thinking and a clear argumentative structure, often addressing questions of “how” and “why.”

Structure of an Analytical Essay

An analytical essay is structured to break down and examine a specific topic, idea, or argument in depth. The goal is to present a comprehensive analysis that offers insights and a deeper understanding of the subject. Here’s how it’s typically structured:


Hook: Start with an engaging sentence to draw in the reader. Background Information: Provide context or background necessary to understand the topic. Thesis Statement: Present a clear, concise statement that expresses the main argument or analysis that the essay will support.

Body Paragraphs

Topic Sentence: Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Analysis: Present detailed analysis of the evidence. This includes interpreting the evidence, explaining how it supports the thesis, and discussing its implications. Evidence: Include specific examples, quotations, or data that support the analysis. Make sure to properly cite sources. Link: Conclude each paragraph by linking its main idea to the thesis statement, ensuring the essay remains focused on the analysis.
Summary: Briefly summarize the key points made in the essay, reaffirming how they support the thesis. Thesis Restatement: Restate the thesis in a new way, reflecting the insights gained through the analysis. Final Thoughts: Offer final insights, reflections, or a call to action, suggesting the implications of your analysis or areas for further exploration.

Works Cited (if required)

Sources: List all sources cited in the essay in the appropriate format.

How to Write an Analytical Essay: Key Steps

  • Choose Your Topic: Select a specific, analyzable topic that interests you.
  • Conduct Thorough Research: Gather information from credible sources to support your analysis.
  • Formulate a Thesis Statement: Develop a clear, concise thesis that outlines your essay’s main argument.
  • Create an Outline: Organize your main points and evidence in a logical structure.
  • Write the Essay:
Introduction : Start with a hook, provide context, and present your thesis. Body Paragraphs : Each should include a topic sentence, evidence, analysis, and a concluding sentence linking back to the thesis. Conclusion : Summarize the analysis, restate the thesis, and highlight the importance of your findings.
  • Revise and Edit: Review your essay for coherence, accuracy, and errors. Ensure clarity in argumentation and evidence presentation

Analytical Essay Samples

  • Essay on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Essay on Cyber Bullying
  • Essay on Deforestation
  • Essay on Discipline
  • Essay on Education Rules

Analytical Essay Examples

Critical analytical.

Critical Analytical

Poetry Analytical Example

Poetry Analytical Example2

Literary Analytical Essay

Literary Analytical Essay1

Persuasive Analytical

Persuasive Analytical2

Short Analytical Sample

Short Analytical Sample1

Comparative Analytical Example

Comparative Analytical Example1

High School Analytical

High School Analytical1

What is the Purpose of an Analytical Essay?

The purpose of an analytical essay is to break down and examine a piece of literature, film, event, or any other subject, in order to present a thorough understanding and insightful interpretation of it. This type of essay focuses on analyzing the subject’s structure, components, and underlying themes or messages. It aims to reveal deeper meanings, relationships, and complexities within the subject, encouraging readers to see beyond the surface level. Additionally, an analytical essay seeks to support its analysis with evidence, thereby fostering critical thinking and enhancing the reader’s comprehension and appreciation of the subject matter. Through this detailed examination, the essay not only contributes to academic discourse but also aids in developing the writer’s analytical and evaluative skills

Analytical Essay vs. Descriptive Essay: What’s the Difference?

The main difference between an analytical essay and a descriptive essay lies in their purpose and approach to the topic. Each serves a unique goal and employs distinct methods to achieve its objectives.

Feature Analytical Essay Descriptive Essay
To analyze and interpret various aspects of a topic. To describe a person, place, object, or event vividly.
Involves critical thinking and structured argument; answers “how” and “why”. Focuses on sensory details to paint a vivid picture for the reader.
Breaks down the subject into components; uses evidence to support analysis. Uses figurative language, adjectives, and adverbs for sensory descriptions.
To provide a deep understanding or argument based on analysis. To evoke senses and emotions, making the reader experience the subject.
Gains comprehensive insights into the complexities and nuances of the topic. Feels they have a clear, sensory understanding of the described subject.

Importance of Analytical Essay

The aim of analytical essay to start is not to present a story but to analyze and it to make readers understand what the writer intends to accomplish with the essay. Some students who are asked to write an analytical essay tend to tell the readers the next scenario of the story instead of analyzing it. Remember that it is not a narrative essay, rather an essay which is aimed at analyzing the subject.

The importance of analytical essay is to provide readers a more comprehensible understanding of a story or a book by assessing all its important elements. It is a good way of practicing critical thinking by looking at a story from different angles.

How to Conclude an Analytical Essay

The conclusion of any essay, like in an expository essay , is to recap the main point in order for the readers to get a gist of the essay. This process of making a conclusion can also be applied to an analytical essay, except the writer should be able to present two important factors: the analysis and the argument .

  • The analysis is the study of the main issue that is presented with its supporting elements, like the plot of the story and the characters.
  • The argument is your personal response to the subject and line of reasoning based on the analysis.

How Do You Write a Text Analysis Essay?

To write a text analysis essay, start by reading the text critically to understand its themes, characters, and plot. Develop a thesis that makes a claim about the text, then organize your essay into an introduction, several body paragraphs that support your thesis with evidence from the text, and a conclusion that summarizes your analysis and reiterates the thesis.

What is the Pattern of an Analytical Essay?

The pattern of an analytical essay typically includes an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs that present evidence and analysis to support the thesis, and a conclusion that summarizes the analysis and reinforces the thesis. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of the analysis.

Is an Analytical Essay a Persuasive Essay?

An analytical essay is not inherently a persuasive essay, but it can contain persuasive elements. While an analytical essay focuses on breaking down and interpreting information, a persuasive essay aims to convince the reader of a particular viewpoint. However, both may use evidence and reasoning to support their purposes.

What is the Hardest Type of Essay to Write?

The hardest type of essay to write can vary depending on the writer’s skills and interests, but many find persuasive essays challenging due to the need to effectively argue a point of view, using logic, reasoning, and evidence to convince readers to agree with a specific stance.

What is an Analytical vs Descriptive Essay?

An analytical essay breaks down and interprets various aspects of a topic to provide in-depth understanding or argument, focusing on the “how” and “why.” In contrast, a descriptive essay vividly describes a person, place, object, or event, focusing on creating a sensory experience for the reader.

Is an Analytical Essay an Expository Essay?

Yes, an analytical essay can be considered a type of expository essay. Both aim to explain or inform. However, an analytical essay specifically analyzes and interprets elements of a subject to provide deeper insight, while expository essays can also define, explain, or instruct without necessarily analyzing.


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Key Steps for Writing an Analytical Essay

Crafting Thesis Statements for Analytical Essays

Analytical Essay Outline: Structure Your Thoughts

Transition Words for Cohesive Analytical Essays

Analyzing Themes: Tips for Analytical Essays

Comparing and Contrasting in Analytical Essays

Using Evidence Effectively in Analytical Essays

Concluding Your Analytical Essay with Impact

Analytical Essay on Historical Events: How-To

Literary Analysis: Dissecting Symbolism in Texts

How To Write an Analytical Essay

analytical essay grade 10

If you enjoy exploring topics deeply and thinking creatively, analytical essays could be perfect for you. They involve thorough analysis and clever writing techniques to gain fresh perspectives and deepen your understanding of the subject. In this article, our expert research paper writer will explain what an analytical essay is, how to structure it effectively and provide practical examples. This guide covers all the essentials for your writing success!

What Is an Analytical Essay

An analytical essay involves analyzing something, such as a book, movie, or idea. It relies on evidence from the text to logically support arguments, avoiding emotional appeals or personal stories. Unlike persuasive essays, which argue for a specific viewpoint, a good analytical essay explores all aspects of the topic, considering different perspectives, dissecting arguments, and evaluating evidence carefully. Ultimately, you'll need to present your own stance based on your analysis, synthesize findings, and decide whether you agree with the conclusions or have your own interpretation.

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How to Structure an Analytical Essay

Crafting an excellent paper starts with clear organization and structuring of arguments. An analytical essay structure follows a simple outline: introduction, body, and conclusion.

Body paragraph 1
Body paragraph 2
Body paragraph 3

Introduction: Begin by grabbing the reader's attention and stating the topic clearly. Provide background information, state the purpose of the paper, and hint at the arguments you'll make. The opening sentence should be engaging, such as a surprising fact or a thought-provoking question. Then, present your thesis, summarizing your stance in the essay.

Body Paragraphs: Each paragraph starts with a clear topic sentence guiding the reader and presents evidence supporting the thesis. Focus on one issue per paragraph and briefly restate the main point at the end to transition smoothly to the next one. This ensures clarity and coherence in your argument.

Conclusion: Restate the thesis, summarize key points from the body paragraphs, and offer insights on the significance of the analysis. Provide your thoughts on the topic's importance and how your analysis contributes to it, leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Meanwhile, you might also be interested in how to write a reflection paper , so check out the article for more information!

How to Write an Analytical Essay in 6 Simple Steps

Once you've got a handle on the structure, you can make writing easier by following some steps. Preparing ahead of time can make the process smoother and improve your essay's flow. Here are some helpful tips from our experts. And if you need it, you can always request our experts to write my essay for me , and we'll handle it promptly.

How to Write an Analytical Essay in 6 Simple Steps

Step 1: Decide on Your Stance

Before diving into writing, it's crucial to establish your stance on the topic. Let's say you're going to write an analytical essay example about the benefits and drawbacks of remote work. Before you start writing, you need to decide what your opinion or viewpoint is on this topic.

  • Do you think remote work offers flexibility and improved work-life balance for employees?
  • Or maybe you believe it can lead to feelings of isolation and decreased productivity?

Once you've determined your stance on remote work, it's essential to consider the evidence and arguments supporting your position. Are there statistics or studies that back up your viewpoint? For example, if you believe remote work improves productivity, you might cite research showing increased output among remote workers. On the other hand, if you think it leads to isolation, you could reference surveys or testimonials highlighting the challenges of remote collaboration. Your opinion will shape how you write your essay, so take some time to think about what you believe about remote work before you start writing.

Step 2: Write Your Thesis Statement

Once you've figured out what you think about the topic, it's time to write your thesis statement. This statement is like the main idea or argument of your essay.

If you believe that remote work offers significant benefits, your thesis statement might be: 'Remote work presents an opportunity for increased flexibility and work-life balance, benefiting employees and employers alike in today's interconnected world.'

Alternatively, if you believe that remote work has notable drawbacks, your thesis statement might be: 'While remote work offers flexibility, it can also lead to feelings of isolation and challenges in collaboration, necessitating a balanced approach to its implementation.'

Your thesis statement guides the rest of your analytical essay, so make sure it clearly expresses your viewpoint on the benefits and drawbacks of remote work.

Step 3: Write Topic Sentences

After you have your thesis statement about the benefits and drawbacks of remote work, you need to come up with topic sentences for each paragraph while writing an analytical essay. These sentences introduce the main point of each paragraph and help to structure your essay.

Let's say your first paragraph is about the benefits of remote work. Your topic sentence might be: 'Remote work offers employees increased flexibility and autonomy, enabling them to better manage their work-life balance.'

For the next paragraph discussing the drawbacks of remote work, your topic sentence could be: 'However, remote work can also lead to feelings of isolation and difficulties in communication and collaboration with colleagues.'

And for the paragraph about potential solutions to the challenges of remote work, your topic sentence might be: 'To mitigate the drawbacks of remote work, companies can implement strategies such as regular check-ins, virtual team-building activities, and flexible work arrangements.'

Each topic sentence should relate back to your thesis statement about the benefits and drawbacks of remote work and provide a clear focus for the paragraph that follows.

Step 4: Create an Outline

Now that you have your thesis statement and topic sentences, it's time to create an analytical essay outline to ensure your essay flows logically. Here's an outline prepared by our analytical essay writer based on the example of discussing the benefits and drawbacks of remote work:

Benefits of Remote Work
Drawbacks of Remote Work
Solutions to Challenges of Remote Work

Step 5: Write Your First Draft

Now that you have your outline, it's time to start writing your first draft. Begin by expanding upon each point in your outline, making sure to connect your ideas smoothly and logically. Don't worry too much about perfection at this stage; the goal is to get your ideas down on paper. You can always revise and polish your draft later.

As you write, keep referring back to your thesis statement to ensure that your arguments align with your main argument. Additionally, make sure each paragraph flows naturally into the next, maintaining coherence throughout your essay.

Once you've completed your first draft, take a break and then come back to review and revise it. Look for areas where you can strengthen your arguments, clarify your points, and improve the overall structure and flow of your essay.

Remember, writing is a process, and it's okay to go through multiple drafts before you're satisfied with the final result. Take your time and be patient with yourself as you work towards creating a well-crafted essay on the benefits and drawbacks of remote work.

Step 6: Revise and Proofread

Once you've completed your first draft, it's essential to revise and proofread your essay to ensure clarity, coherence, and correctness. Here's how to approach this step:

  • Check if your ideas make sense and if they support your main point.
  • Make sure your writing style stays the same and your format follows the rules.
  • Double-check your facts and make sure you've covered everything important.
  • Cut out any extra words and make your sentences clear and short.
  • Look for mistakes in spelling and grammar.
  • Ask someone to read your essay and give you feedback.

What is the Purpose of an Analytical Essay?

Analytical essays aim to analyze texts or topics, presenting a clear argument. They deepen understanding by evaluating evidence and uncovering underlying meanings. These essays promote critical thinking, challenging readers to consider different viewpoints.

They're also great for improving critical thinking skills. By breaking down complex ideas and presenting them clearly, they encourage readers to think for themselves and reach their own conclusions.

This type of essay also adds to academic discussions by offering fresh insights. By analyzing existing research and literature, they bring new perspectives or shine a light on overlooked parts of a topic. This keeps academic conversations lively and encourages more exploration in the field.

Analytical Essay Examples

Check out our essay samples to see theory in action. Crafted by our dissertation services , they show how analytical thinking applies to real situations, helping you understand concepts better.

With our tips on how to write an analytical essay, you're ready to boost your writing skills and craft essays that captivate your audience. With practice, you'll become a pro at analytical writing, ready to tackle any topic with confidence. And, if you need help to buy essay online , just drop us a line saying ' do my homework for me ' and we'll jump right in!

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How to Write an Analytical Essay?

What is an analytical essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

analytical essay grade 10

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Class 10 Essay Topics | Grade 10 Essay Writing Topics in English for Students

May 2, 2023 by Veerendra

Writing an Essay broadens your thought process and helps in improving analytical skills. To help you out we have compiled the Essay in a simple and compelling language. Class 10 Essays have been curated by subject experts to encourage learners in their thinking capability. We have a large collection of Essay Writing Topics for 10th Std belonging to different categories. 10th Std Essays can be a great opportunity to express your views or opinions.

To help you out we have provided the Most Common 10th Std Essay Topics. Read and Practice using them and try to write any Kind of Essay on your own. Enhance your mental ability with the Grade 10 Essays provided and bring out your thinking power and showcase your writing skills.

List of 10th Grade Essay Writing Topics for Students

Become more competent and proficient in different categories of Essays by reading and practicing 10th Class Essays in English. You can use these huge varieties of 10th Class Essay Topics during your preparation for competitions or speeches. Encourage your kids to learn and practice using these 10th Std Essays in English and improve your writing skills. Tap on the links available for various subjects of 10th Class and enhance your vocabulary and write essays on your own

  • Essay on School’s Surroundings and Examinations
  • Essay on Festivals
  • Essay on Persons We Come Across
  • Essay on About Myself
  • Essay on Relationships
  • Essay on Visits
  • Essay on Scenes, Sights, and Journeys
  • Essay on Health and Fitness
  • Essay on Personalities/People
  • Essay on Events
  • Essay on Monuments
  • Essay on Vacation/Holidays
  • Nature Essay
  • Essay on Sports
  • Essay on Cities
  • Essay on Life
  • Essay on Animals
  • General Essays
  • Global Warming
  • Essay on Environmental Issues & Awareness
  • Essay Topics Based on Proverbs
  • Essay on Moral Values
  • Education Essay
  • Essay on India
  • Essay on Science & Technology
  • Essay on Social Issues & Social Awareness
  • Argumentative Essay Topics

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You can get Subject Specific 10th Class Essay Writing Topics on our page.

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Grade 10 Essay Writing Topics are provided by subject experts and encourage your kids to use their creative minds and imagination.

We wish the knowledge shared regarding the 10th Class Essay Topics has enlightened you. In case of any other interests, you can feel free to ask us via the comment section and we will get back to you. Stay tuned to this site for the latest updates on Subject-Specific and Class Specific Essays in no time.

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Text Analysis: Discover an extensive collection of free printable ELA worksheets for Grade 10 students, carefully crafted by Quizizz to enhance their reading comprehension and analytical skills.


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Text Analysis worksheets for Grade 10 ELA are an essential resource for teachers looking to help their students develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills. These worksheets cover a wide range of topics, from literary analysis to understanding the structure and organization of various text types. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can provide their Grade 10 students with engaging and challenging activities that will not only improve their comprehension and interpretation of texts but also prepare them for more advanced ELA coursework. With the right selection of Text Analysis worksheets for Grade 10 ELA, teachers can ensure that their students are well-equipped to tackle complex texts and develop a deeper appreciation for the power of language.

In addition to Text Analysis worksheets for Grade 10 ELA, teachers can also take advantage of digital platforms like Quizizz to enhance their students' learning experience. Quizizz offers a wide range of interactive quizzes and activities that can be easily integrated into lesson plans, providing students with a fun and engaging way to test their understanding of various text analysis concepts. Furthermore, Quizizz allows teachers to track their students' progress and identify areas where they may need additional support or practice. By combining the use of Text Analysis worksheets for Grade 10 ELA with innovative tools like Quizizz, teachers can create a dynamic and effective learning environment that caters to the diverse needs of their Grade 10 students, ensuring their success in ELA and beyond.

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Dread writing an essay? It’s probably one of the toughest aspects of student life. Students worldwide face the difficult task of gathering their thoughts and penning them down on paper to draft an essay that gets them an A. But won’t it be great if you can find out whether your essay is impressive before your teacher grades it? Essay graders can help you do exactly that! 

We have compiled a list of the best essay graders in this article, including some artificial intelligence (AI) essay graders. If you search “ai essay grader free”, you’ll be swamped with options, but here are the 10 best essay graders you can use for free. 

Here are 10 popular essay graders: 

  • Class X’s AI Essay Grader
  • Grammarly Free Essay Checker
  • QuillBot’s Free AI-powered Essay and Paper Checker
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  • Perfect Essay
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Let us review these free essay graders in detail. 

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Ten popular essay graders of 2024

1. paperrater.

PaperRater is a free online essay grader that helps students improve their writing by checking essays and papers. It corrects grammar mistakes , including spelling and punctuation . It also gives suggestions to improve word choice and style, providing an overall assessment.

To use the essay grader online, paste your text into their online tool or upload a file, select the right options, and click “Get Report”. The tool then analyzes the text and provides a detailed report with feedback. 

For those who need advanced features, PaperRater offers a premium service at $11.21/month or $71.55/year.

2. Class X’s AI Essay Grader

Class X offers a free essay grader where students can paste their essays, stating the class in which they study along with the essay’s subject line. The tool grades their essay at the click of a button, giving them detailed feedback on the write-up. It also displays the score, showing the “Criteria”, “Score”, and “Explanation” for each element. 

Class X’s premium essay grading services are chargeable but offer extensive services to support the educational endeavors of both students and teachers. With a Premium or Pro membership, you can get rid of advertisements and enjoy multiple benefits, including interactive exercises and media. 

Premium services are available for $72/year, while Pro can be purchased for $152 annually. 

3. Grammarly Free Essay Checker

Grammarly’s free essay checker is a great college essay grader that can help you polish your essay before submitting it for your teacher’s final review. All you need to do is paste the content of your essay and check Grammarly’s suggestions. 

The free version masks some suggestions, which are only available through Grammarly Premium. It costs $12/month, while Grammarly Business is available for $15/member/month. 

4. QuillBot’s Free AI-powered Essay and Paper Checker

QuillBot’s free essay checker is a game-changer for students. Apart from the standard grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks , it offers a suite of benefits to elevate your writing, including detailed feedback. 

Using QuillBot is simple! Paste your content in the space provided upon clicking the “Essay Checker” option and get suggestions for modifications and language corrections. You can accept or ignore the suggested changes. You can even write your essay on the website directly and have it formatted, too. 

The company also offers Premium service options, with a best-value annual plan costing $8.33/month.

5. Essay-Grader.AI

If you are a teacher struggling to grade essays due to the sheer number of submissions every month, Essay-Grader.AI is your chance to leave the stress behind. Essay-Grader.AI offers a host of services that help teachers perform several key tasks to empower students on their academic journey. 

The platform’s AI-enabled grading tools assist teachers in sharing comprehensive feedback with students. Teachers can focus on student development, offering personalized guidance and instruction through a quality feedback mechanism across various teaching modes.  

While the free version is quite useful and effective, Essay-Grader.AI has Premium and Pro versions that cost $12.99/month and $7.99/month, respectively. The Premium version offers the maximum benefits, such as the facility to grade 250 essays every month with a word count limit of 5000 words per essay.

6. Perfect Essay

This online essay grader is perfect for high school, college, master’s, and doctoral students. Once you paste your essay in the textbox provided on the platform and hit “Generate”, it will offer a detailed report on how your essay might fare upon submission. 

For a comprehensive assessment of your essays with detailed input on structure , clarity, and grammar, Perfect Essay is a great tool! 

You can also hire a writer using the “Hire Human Writer” option available on the site. It costs $11 to get a one-page essay (around 300 words) written by a human writer. These writers take care of formatting, bibliography, and proofreading , among other things. 

7. ProWritingAid’s Essay Checker

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If you are looking for unlimited word count usage, style guide input, citations , unlimited storage capacity, and critique, among other services, the website also offers Premium and Premium Pro packages. To get the Premium package, you will need to pay $10/month; it will cost you $12/month for Premium Pro services. 

8. EduBirdie’s Essay Grader

EduBirdie is a comprehensive writing platform that offers various services like essay writing , dissertation writing and editing, research paper editing , application essay writing , term paper writing, etc. The site has a very easy-to-use interface, making essay grading a cakewalk. 

Like Perfect Essay, you can hire a human writer. The best part is that you can select one after reading reviews and considering their finished paper numbers. Depending on the writer you select and the writing specifications (word count, essay type , etc.), the platform will charge your account upon placing an order. 

9. PlagiarismSearch’s Free Essay Grader

This free online essay grader allows you to upload files from Dropbox, OneDrive, or your computer, or you can paste content directly into the textbox for analysis. It can help students at different levels, including high school, college, university, master’s, and doctoral. 

Teachers, universities, and organizations will find these services useful and reasonable as they boost productivity. 

The paid version of this service under “Paper Analysis” starts at $4.50 and goes up to $9.50 or more based on different specifications entered while ordering these services. 

The website rates papers from any discipline and offers round-the-clock support. Qualified writers deliver polished documents to ensure your paper receives the best grade possible. 

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While the platform has paid plans for plagiarism detection , the essay checker feature is free for all users. If you are interested in the paid version, try the Basic plan that costs $20/month and allows you to check around 72,000 words. 

Why should you use a free essay grader online? 

A Pew Research Center report says that almost 19% of students acquainted with ChatGPT have used it while working on school assignments. So, is it possible to keep AI away from academics? It does not seem so! Besides, AI has been helping students and teachers learn faster and perform better than before. 

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Still worried that your essay might not receive a good grade? Check out PaperTrue’s essay editing and proofreading services and get your essay edited by experts. Here are some other articles that might interest you: 

  • Top 10 Essay Checkers in 2024 (Free & Paid)
  • Top 10 Essay Writing Tools in 2024 | Plan, Write, Get Feedback
  • Top AI Essay Writers in 2024: 10 Must-Haves
  • How to Write a Conclusion for an Essay (Examples Included!)
  • Essay Proofreading | Options, Cost & Checklist

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate are ai essay graders, how much do essay graders cost, can essay graders edit my essay.

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Learn to write college-level essays, expand your vocabulary, and prepare to take the Advanced Placement® Exam in English Language and Composition during this intensive 12-week course. We’ll study a variety of nonfiction texts to understand the interplay between author’s purpose, message, and audience expectations. You’ll also write your own arguments and research-based and rhetorical analysis essays while developing your skills at analyzing diction, syntax, persuasive appeals, methods of development, and more. After each essay, you will write a reflection explaining and evaluating your writing process. You’ll receive feedback from your instructor and often from your peers, revising your work along the way. You will also practice answering multiple-choice questions similar to those on past AP® exams, and develop strong essay test-taking skills like organization and time management. Through written collaboration with classmates from around the world, you’ll explore new perspectives and develop your own ideas. This writing course has been reviewed and approved by the College Board to use the AP® designation.

Time Commitment: 6-10 hours of independent work per week.  

Course Overview

What we'll do

Over 10 course units, we will develop key reading and writing skills and apply them in activities, workshops, writing assignments, and revisions. We’ll hone our text comprehension and analysis skills with multiple-choice questions based on nonfiction passages. In addition, we’ll write 13 full essays, including three for a final practice exam that mimics a full AP exam. Through our reading and writing, we’ll explore how people communicate their ideas and feelings through language, how readers understand those ideas and feelings, and what types of communication are most effective for each situation. You will continually improve by applying instructor and classmate feedback on your own writing.

What we’ll learn

  • To analyze an author’s use of diction, tone, syntax, comparisons, methods of development, figurative language, audience appeals, and formatting
  • To write persuasively on a variety of topics based on given evidence and your own knowledge and experiences
  • To effectively use strategies such as introducing and concluding an essay, writing strong thesis statements, seamlessly embedding quotations, qualifying arguments, rebutting counterarguments, and creating cohesion in an essay

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how writers’ choices reflect the components of the rhetorical situation
  • Make strategic choices in a text to address a rhetorical situation
  • Identify and describe the claims and evidence of an argument
  • Analyze and select evidence to develop and refine a claim
  • Describe the reasoning, organization, and development of an argument
  • Illuminate the line of reasoning in an argument with organization and commentary
  • Explain how writers’ stylistic choices contribute to the purpose of an argument
  • Select words and use elements of composition to advance an argument
  • Annotate texts, narrow multiple-choice options, and outline essays to prepare for timed tests
  • Communicate effectively and empathetically about topics that affect all people

How we'll measure learning

The objectives for this course align exactly with those released by the College Board for this exam, and course lessons cover all of these objectives. You will demonstrate mastery of course skills with multiple-choice quizzes in every unit and three different types of essays. All multiple-choice questions and essay prompts either appeared on a previous AP exam, or closely mimic AP style and format. In this graded course, each assignment will be assessed using a rubric aligned to AP grading standards.

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Application fee.

  • Nonrefundable Application Fee - $15 (Waived for financial aid applicants)
  • Nonrefundable International Fee - $20 (outside US only)

Financial Aid

We have concluded our financial aid application review process for Academic Year 2023-2024 Online Programs (Courses with start dates July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024). Our application for Academic Year 2024-2025 Online Programs is expected to open in January. We encourage those who may need assistance in the future to apply for aid as early as possible.

Course Materials

Please acquire all course materials by the course start date, unless noted as perishable. Items marked as “perishable” should not be acquired until the student needs them in the course . If you have questions about these materials or difficulty locating them, please contact [email protected] .  

No textbooks are required for this course

Technical Requirements

This course requires a computer with high-speed Internet access and an up-to-date web browser such as Chrome or Firefox. You must be able to communicate with the instructor via email. Visit the Technical Requirements and Support page for more details.

This course uses a virtual classroom for instructor-student communication. The classroom works on standard computers with the Zoom desktop client , and on tablets or handhelds that support the Zoom Mobile app . Recorded meetings can only be viewed on a computer with the Zoom desktop client installed. The Zoom desktop client and Zoom Mobile App are both free to download.

Terms & Conditions

Students may interact in online classrooms and meetings that include peers, instructors, and occasional special guests.

After a you complete a course, your projects may be used to illustrate work for future students. 

You will need to create an account on a third-party site to access course resources.

About Language Arts at CTY

Enhance your skills in creative writing and critical reading, learn to craft effective sentences, and develop an analytical approach to reading and writing through our Language Arts courses. Guided by our expert instructors, you can further develop your communication skills in our interdisciplinary visual fluency courses, and explore topics in communication theory, design theory, and cognitive psychology. Through coursework and online discussions with classmates from around the world, you’ll elevate your writing structure and style, hone your craft, and become an adept wordsmith fluent in the language of literary arts. 

Write, Edit, Publish

Walk in the shoes of a writer, editor, and publisher this fall in Master Class I: Writing, Editing, and Publishing , and then collaborate with peers to create the next issue of our CTY Online student-developed literary journal, Lexophilia , in Master Class II: Writing, Editing, and Publishing , offered in the winter.

Explore Greek Myths

Newly revised for fall 2021, you'll read, discuss, and write about Greek myths in Young Readers’ Series: Greek Myths Revisited , studying exciting, heroic characters and ancient narratives that continue to teach us all valuable lessons about life, love, and family.

Meet our Language Arts Instructors

Headshot image of Yvonne Borrensen

I realize that I love teaching on an almost daily basis. It comes to me in the form of a student's 'ah-ha' moment, when everything clicks and the student understands a challenging concept. I get goose bumps just thinking about it!

Yvonne Borresen

Language Arts Instructor

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Analisis Kesalahan Afiksasi dalam Karangan Narasi Peserta Didik Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

[1] P. Riansyah, E. Boeriswati, and A. Rahmawati, 2016, “Afiksasi Pada Karangan Anak Usia 10 – 12 Tahun di Kuningan, Jawa Barat: Sebuah Kajian Morfologi,” Arkhais - J. Ilmu Bhs. dan Sastra Indones. , doi: 10.21009/arkhais.072.01.

[2] M. E. Pratama, J. Daryanto, and S. B. Kurniawan, 2023, “Analisis keterampilan menulis menggunakan unggah-ungguh basa jawa kelas V Sekolah Dasar,” Didakt. Dwija Indria , 11 (6), doi:

[3] H. G. Tarigan, 2008, Menulis Sebagai Suatu Keterampilan Berbahasa . (Bandung: CV Angkasa).

[4] H. N. A. Prabowo, 2020, “Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Kata Depan Di Dan Afiksasi dalam Karangan Siswa Kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Simo Boyolali,” UMS. [Online]. Available:

[5] D. R. Suryandari and Haryadi, 2022, “Analisis Penggunaan Bahasa Baku pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Melalui Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Narasi,” J. Elemantary Sch. , 5 (2), pp. 259–268, doi: DOI :

[6] H. D. Brown, 2007, Learner Characteristics , Fifth. (New York: Pearson Longman). doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_347.

[7] A. Rahmawati, S. Y. Slamet, and A. Surya, 2022, “Analisis Kesalahan Sintaksis Bahasa Indonesia dalam Karangan Narasi Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar,” Didakt. Dwija Indria , 10 (3), doi:

[8] D. Kartika, P. Rahayu, and E. Hidayat, 2021, “Analisis Kesalahan Afiksasi dan Reduplikasi pada Karangan Narasi Siswa Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar,” in Renjana Pendidikan 1: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Dasar , 2 (1), pp. 868–878. [Online]. Available:

[9] G. M. Johan, 2018, “Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia Dalam Proses Diskusi Siswa Sekolah Dasar,” J. Pendidik. Bhs. dan Sastra , doi: 10.17509/bs_jpbsp.v18i1.12153.

[10] O. Aprilia, A. Nuur Qoryah, and O. Yahya Aprilia, 2020, “Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Bidang Morfologi Pada Portal Radar Solo Tema Covid-19,” Imajeri J. Pendidik. Bhs. dan Sastra Indones. , 3 (1), pp. 82–92, doi: 10.22236/imajeri.v3i1.4996.

[11] M. Rohmadi, Y. Nasucha, and A. B. Wahyudi, 2012, Morfologi: Telaah Morfem dan Kata . (Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka).

[12] N. Setyawati, 2017, Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia: Teori dan Praktik . (Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka).

[13] Y. Indra, 2014, “Kesalahan Afiksasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia Tulis Murid Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat,” Salingka Maj. Ilm. Bhs. dan Sastra , 11 (1), pp. 131–140, [Online]. Available:

[14] B. D. Milandari, S. Muhdar, and Nurmiwati, 2020, “Kesalahan Pemakaian Afiksasi pada Berita Politik di Surat Kabar Lombok Post,” J. Ilm. Telaah , 5 (2), pp. 71–78, [Online]. Available:

[15] H. G. Tarigan and D. Tarigan, 2021, Pengajaran Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa . (Bandung: CV Angkasa).

[16] A. Hafid, Asriadi, and Megawati, 2023, “Analisis Kesalahan Morfologi dalam Menulis Narasi Siswa Kelas V SDN 216 Telungeng Kecamatan Berebbo Kabupaten Bone,” Glob. J. Teach. Prof. , 2 (1), pp. 7–16, doi: 10.35458.

[17] B. A. Pratama, 2018, “Kesalahan Afiksasi dan Proses Reduplikasi Cerpen Kelas XI Bahasa Serta Relevansinya di MA Bidayatul Hidayah,” Matapena J. Keilmuan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya , 1 (2), pp. 21–39.

[18] M. Maulina, 2018, “Analisis Kesalahan Afiksasi Pada Karangan Argumentasi Siswa BIPA Tingkat Menengah,” in Seminar Internasional Riksa Bahasa XII , p. 883.

[19] Y. Pratiwiningrum, R. Rukayah, and R. Ardiansyah, 2022, “Analisis Penyebab Kesalahan Penggunaan Kalimat Efektif dalam Teks Narasi Peserta Didik Kelas V Sekolah Dasar,” Didakt. Dwija Indria , 10 (6).

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  • Open access
  • Published: 26 August 2024

Paramedics’ experiences and observations: work-related emotions and well-being resources during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic—a qualitative study

  • Henna Myrskykari 1 , 2 &
  • Hilla Nordquist 3  

BMC Emergency Medicine volume  24 , Article number:  152 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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As first responders, paramedics are an extremely important part of the care chain. COVID-19 significantly impacted their working circumstances. We examined, according to the experiences and observations of paramedics, (1) what kinds of emotions the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel experienced in their new working circumstances, and (2) what work-related factors became resources for the well-being of EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This qualitative study utilized reflective essay material written by experienced, advanced-level Finnish paramedics ( n  = 30). The essays used in this study were written during the fall of 2020 and reflected the period when Finland had declared a state of emergency (on 17.3.2020) and the Emergency Powers Act was implemented. The data was analyzed using an inductive thematic analysis.

The emotions experienced by the EMS personnel in their new working circumstances formed three themes: (1) New concerns arose that were constantly present; (2) Surviving without proper guidance; and (3) Rapidly approaching breaking point. Three themes were formed from work-related factors that were identified as resources for the well-being of the EMS personnel. These were: (1) A high level of organizational efficiency was achieved; (2) Adaptable EMS operations; and (3) Encouraging atmosphere.


Crisis management practices should be more attentive to personnel needs, ensuring that managerial and psychological support is readily available in crisis situations. Preparedness that ensures effective organizational adaptation also supports personnel well-being during sudden changes in working circumstances.

Peer Review reports

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare personnel across the globe faced unprecedented challenges. As initial responders in emergency healthcare, paramedics were quickly placed at the front lines of the pandemic, dealing with a range of emergencies in unpredictable conditions [ 1 ]. The pandemic greatly changed the everyday nature of work [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]. Those working on the front line were suddenly forced to adjust to personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements [ 9 , 10 ] and rapidly changing instructions that caused significant adjustments to their job description [ 11 , 12 ]. For instance, it has been reported that during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel, including paramedics working in prehospital emergency care, experienced a significant increase in stress [ 10 , 13 ] due to several reasons, such as the lack of protection and support, increased demands, lack of personnel, fear of exposure to COVID-19 during missions, concerns of spreading the virus to family members, and frustration over quickly changing work policies [ 11 , 14 , 15 ].

With the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, some research has been directed toward identifying available resources that help in coping with such situations. For example, Sangal et al. [ 15 ] underscored the association between effective communication and reduced work stress and burnout, and emphasized the critical need for two-way communication, consistent messaging, and the strategic consolidation of information prior to its dissemination. In parallel, Dickson et al. [ 16 ] highlight the pivotal role of leadership strategies in fostering a healthful work environment. These strategies include being relationally engaging, visibly present, open, and caring for oneself and others, while embodying core values such as compassion, empathy, courage, and authenticity. Moreover, Awais et al. [ 14 ] identify essential measures to reduce mental distress and support EMS personnel’s overall well-being in pandemic conditions, such as by providing accessible mental health and peer support, ensuring a transparent information flow, and the implementation of clear, best-practice protocols and guidelines. As a lesson learned from COVID-19, Kihlström et al. (2022) add that crisis communication, flexible working conditions, compensation, and allowing for mistakes should be part of crisis management. They also emphasize the importance of psychological support for employees. [ 12 ]

Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic had a multifaceted impact on EMS personnel, highlighting the necessity for comprehensive support and resilience strategies to safeguard their well-being [ 11 , 17 , 18 ] alongside organizational functions [ 12 , 19 ]. For example, in Finland, it has been noted in the aftermath of COVID-19 that the availability and well-being of healthcare workers are key vulnerabilities of the resilience of the Finnish health system [ 12 ]. Effective preparedness planning and organizational resilience benefit from learning from past events and gaining a deeper understanding of observations across different organizational levels [ 12 , 19 , 20 ]. For these reasons, it is important to study how the personnel experienced the changing working circumstances and to recognize the resources, even unexpected ones, that supported their well-being during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic [ 12 , 19 ].

The aim of this study was to examine the emotions experienced and the resources identified as supportive of work well-being during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, from the perspective of the paramedics. Our research questions were: According to the experiences and observations of paramedics, (1) what kinds of emotions did the EMS personnel experience in the new working circumstances, and (2) what work-related factors became resources for the well-being of EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic? In this study, emotions are understood as complex responses involving psychological, physiological, and behavioral components, triggered by significant events or situations [ 21 ]. Resources are understood as physical, psychological, social, or organizational aspects of the work that help achieve work goals, reduce demands and associated costs [ 22 ].

Materials and methods

This qualitative study utilized reflective essay material written in the fall of 2020 by experienced, advanced-level paramedics who worked in the Finnish EMS during the early phase of the pandemic, when Finland had declared (March 17, 2020 onward) a state of emergency and implemented the Emergency Powers Act. This allowed for new rules and guidelines from the government to ensure the security of healthcare resources. Some work rules for healthcare personnel changed, and non-urgent services were limited.

Data collection procedures

This study is part of a broader, non-project-based research initiative investigating the work well-being of paramedics from various perspectives, and the data was collected for research purposes from this standpoint. The data collection for this study was conducted at the South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences as part of the Current Issues in EMS Management course. The course participants were experienced, advanced-level Finnish paramedics who were students of the master’s degree program in Development and Management of Emergency Medical Services. A similar data collection method has been utilized in other qualitative studies [for example, 23 , 24 ].

The South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences granted research permission for the data collection on August 20, 2020. The learning platform “Learn” (an adapted version of Moodle [ 25 ]) was used to gather the data. A research notice, privacy statement, and essay writing instructions were published on the platform on August 21, 2020. The paramedics were asked to write about their own experiences and observations regarding how the state of emergency impacted the work well-being of EMS personnel. They were instructed not to use references but only their own reflections. Three guiding questions were asked: “What kind of workloads did EMS personnel experience during the state of emergency?” “How has this workload differed from normal conditions?” and “What effects did this workload have on the well-being of the EMS personnel?”. The assignment did not refer solely to paramedics because the EMS field community may also include individuals with other titles (such as EMS field supervisors or firefighters performing prehospital emergency care); hence the term “EMS personnel” was used.

The essay was part of the mandatory course assignments, but submitting it for research purposes was voluntary. The paramedics were informed that their participation in the study would not affect their course evaluations. They had the freedom to decline, remove parts of, or withdraw the essay before analysis. None of the paramedics exercised these options. They were also informed that the last author removes any identifying details (such as names, places, and organizational descriptions that could reveal their workplace) before sharing the data with other, at the time unnamed, researchers. The last author (female) is a senior researcher specializing in EMS and work well-being topics, a principal lecturer of the respective course, and the head of the respective master’s program, and familiar to all of them through their studies. The paramedics were aware that the essays were graded by the last author on a pass/fail scale as part of the course assessment. However, comprehensive and well-reasoned reflections positively influenced the course grade. The evaluation was not part of this study. The paramedics had the opportunity to ask further questions about the study directly from the last author during and after the essay writing process and the course.

The paramedics wrote the essays between August 23, 2020, and November 30, 2020. Thirty-two paramedics (out of 39) returned their essays using the Learn platform during this timeframe. Thus, seven of the course completions were delayed, and the essays written later were no longer appropriate to include in the data due to the time elapsed since the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

All 32 gave their informed consent for their essays to be included in the study. Essays written by paramedics who had not actively participated in EMS field work during exceptional circumstances were excluded from the material ( n  = 2), because they wrote the essay from a different perspective, as they could not reflect on their own experiences and observations. Thus, a total of 30 essays were included in the study. The total material was 106 pages long and comprised 32,621 words in Finnish.

Study participants

Thirty advanced-level paramedics from Finland participated in this study. They all had a bachelor’s degree in emergency care or nursing with additional emergency care specialization. At the time of the study, they were pursuing their master’s studies. Thirteen of them were women, and seventeen were men. The average age of the participants was 33.5 years among women and 35.9 years among men. Women had an average of 8.7 years of work experience, and men had 8.8 years. All the participating paramedics worked in EMS in different areas across Finland (except northern Finland) during their studies and the early phase of the pandemic.

Data analysis

The data was analyzed with a thematic analysis following the process detailed by Braun & Clarke [ 26 ]. First, the two researchers thoroughly familiarized themselves with the data, and the refined aim and research questions of the study were formulated inductively in collaboration based on the content of the data (see [ 26 ], page 84). After this, a thorough coding process was mainly carried out by the first author (female), who holds a master’s degree, is an advanced-level paramedic who worked in EMS during the pandemic, and at the time of the analysis was pursuing her doctoral studies in a different subject area related to EMS. Generating the initial codes involved making notes of interesting features of anything that stood out or seemed relevant to the research question systematically across the entire dataset. During this process, the original paragraphs and sentences were copied from the essay material into a table in Microsoft Word, with each research question in separate documents and each paragraph or sentence in its own row. The content of these data extracts was then coded in the adjacent column, carefully preserving the original content but in a more concise form. Then, the content was analyzed, and codes were combined to identify themes. After that, the authors reviewed the themes together by moving back and forth between the original material, the data in the Word documents, and the potential themes. During this process, the authors worked closely and refined the themes, allowing them to be separated and combined into new themes. For example, emotions depicting frustration and a shift to indifference formed their own theme in this kind of process. Finally, the themes were defined into main, major and minor themes and named. In the results, the main themes form the core in response to the research questions and include the most descriptions from the data. The major themes are significant but not as central as the main themes. Major themes provide additional depth and context to the results. One minor theme was formed as the analysis process progressed, and it provided valuable insights and details that deepened the response to the research question. All the coded data was utilized in the formed themes. The full content of the themes is reported in the Results section.

The emotions experienced by the EMS personnel in their new working circumstances formed three themes: New concerns arose that were constantly present (main theme); Surviving without proper guidance (major theme); and Rapidly approaching breaking point (major theme) (Fig.  1 ). Work-related factors identified as resources for the well-being of EMS personnel formed three themes: A high level of organizational efficiency was achieved (main theme); Adaptable EMS operations (major theme); and Encouraging atmosphere (minor theme) (Fig.  2 ).

figure 1

Emotions experienced by the EMS personnel in their new working circumstances

Main theme: New concerns arose that were constantly present

The main theme included several kinds of new concerns. In the beginning, the uncertainty about the virus raised concerns about work safety and the means to prevent the spread of the disease. The initial lack of training and routines led to uncertainty. In addition, the decrease in the number of EMS missions raised fears of units being reduced and unilateral decisions by the management to change the EMS personnel’s work responsibilities. The future was also a source of uncertainty in the early stages. For example, the transition to exceptional circumstances, concerns about management and the supervisors’ familiarity with national guidelines and lack of information related to sickness absence procedures, leave, personal career progression, and even the progress of vaccine development, all contributed to this feeling of uncertainty. The initial uncertainty was described as the most challenging phase, but the uncertainty was also described as long-lasting.

Being on the front line with an unknown, potentially dangerous, and easily transmissible virus caused daily concerns about the personnel’s own health, especially when some patients hid their symptoms. The thought of working without proper PPE was frightening. On the other hand, waiting for a patient’s test result was stressful, as it often resulted in many colleagues being quarantined. A constant concern for the health of loved ones and the fear of contracting the virus and unknowingly bringing it home or transmitting it to colleagues led the EMS personnel to change their behavior by limiting contact.

Being part of a high-risk group , I often wondered , in the case of coronavirus , who would protect me and other paramedics from human vanity and selfishness [of those refusing to follow the public health guidelines]? (Participant 25)

The EMS personnel felt a weight of responsibility to act correctly, especially from the perspective of keeping their skills up to date. The proper selection of PPE and aseptic procedures were significant sources of concern, as making mistakes was feared to lead to quarantine and increase their colleagues’ workloads. At the same time, concerns about the adequacy of PPE weighed on the personnel, and they felt pressure on this matter to avoid wastage of PPEs. The variability in the quality of PPE also caused concerns.

Concerns about acting correctly were also tied to ethical considerations and feelings of inadequacy when the personnel were unable to explain to patients why COVID-19 caused restrictions on healthcare services. The presence of students also provoked such ethical concerns. Recognizing patients’ symptoms correctly also felt distressing due to the immense responsibility. This concern was also closely tied to fear and even made some question their career choices. The EMS personnel were also worried about adequate treatment for the patients and sometimes felt that the patients were left alone at home to cope. A reduction in patient numbers in the early stages of the pandemic raised concerns about whether acutely ill individuals were seeking help. At the same time, the time taken to put on PPE stressed the personnel because it increased delays in providing care. In the early phase of the pandemic, the EMS personnel were stressed that patients were not protected from them.

I’m vexed in the workplace. I felt it was immediately necessary to protect patients from us paramedics as well. It wasn’t specifically called for , mostly it felt like everyone had a strong need to protect themselves. (Participant 30)

All these concerns caused a particularly heavy psychological burden on some personnel. They described feeling more fatigued and irritable than usual. They had to familiarize themselves with new guidelines even during their free time, which was exhausting. The situation felt unjust, and there was a looming fear of the entire healthcare system collapsing. COVID-19 was omnipresent. Even at the base station of the EMS services, movement was restricted and social distancing was mandated. Such segregation, even within the professional community, added to the strain and reduced opportunities for peer support. The EMS personnel felt isolated, and thoughts about changing professions increased.

It was inevitable that the segregation of the work community would affect the community spirit , and a less able work community has a significant impact on the individual level. (Participant 8)

Major theme: Surviving without proper guidance

At the onset of the pandemic, the job description of the EMS personnel underwent changes, and employers could suddenly relocate them to other work. There was not always adequate support for familiarizing oneself with the new roles, leading to a feeling of loss of control. The management was described as commanding and restricting the personnel’s actions. As opportunities to influence one’s work diminished, the sense of job satisfaction and motivation decreased.

Some felt that leadership was inadequate and neglectful, especially when the leaders switched to remote work. The management did not take the situation seriously enough, leaving the EMS personnel feeling abandoned. The lack of consistent leadership and failure to listen to the personnel caused dissatisfaction and reduced occupational endurance. In addition, the reduced contact with colleagues and close ones reduced the amount of peer support. The existing models for psychological support were found to be inadequate.

Particularly in the early stages, guidelines were seen as ambiguous and deficient, causing frustration, irritation, and fear. The guidelines also changed constantly, even daily, and it was felt that the information did not flow properly from the management to the personnel. Changes in protection recommendations also led to skepticism about the correctness of the national guidance, and the lack of consistent guidelines perplexed the personnel. Internalizing the guidelines was not supported adequately, but the necessity to grasp new information was described as immense and cognitively demanding.

At times , it felt like the work was a kind of survival in a jungle of changing instructions , one mission at a time. (Participant 11)

Major theme: Rapidly approaching breaking point

Risking one’s own health at work caused contentious feelings while concurrently feeling angry that management could work remotely. The arrogant behavior of people toward COVID-19 left them frustrated, while the EMS personnel had to limit their contacts and lost their annual leave. There were fears about forced labor.

Incomplete and constantly changing guidelines caused irritation and indifference, as the same tasks had to be performed with different levels of PPE within a short time. Some guidelines were difficult to comply with in practice, which was vexing.

Using a protective mask was described as distressing, especially on long and demanding missions. Communication and operation became more difficult. Some described frustration with cleaning PPE meant for single use.

Ensuring the proper implementation of a work pair’s aseptic and equipment maintenance was burdensome, and explaining and repeating guidelines was exhausting. A feeling of indifference was emphasized toward the end of a long shift.

After the initial stage, many began to slip with the PPE guidelines and found the instructions excessive. COVID-19 information transmitted by the emergency center lost its meaning, and instructions were left unheeded, as there was no energy to believe that the patient would have COVID-19, especially if only a few disease cases had been reported in their area.

It was disheartening to hear personnel being labeled as selfish for demanding higher pay during exceptional circumstances. This lack of recognition eroded professionalism and increased thoughts of changing professions.

However , being a doormat and a human toilet , as well as a lack of appreciation , undermines my professionalism and the prolonged situation has led me to seriously consider a different job , where values other than dedication and constant flexibility carry weight. I have heard similar thoughts from other colleagues. None of us do this for money. (Participant 9)

figure 2

Work-related factors identified as resources for the well-being of EMS personnel

Main theme: A high level of organizational efficiency was achieved

The main theme held several different efficient functions. In the early stages of the pandemic, some felt that the information flow was active. Organizations informed the EMS personnel about the disease, its spread, and its impact on the workplace and emergency care activities.

Some felt that managers were easily accessible during the pandemic, at least remotely. Some managers worked long days to be able to support their personnel.

The response to hate and uncertainty was that one of the supervisors was always present in the morning and evening meetings. Supervisors worked long hours so as to be accessible via remote access. (Participant 26)

The organizations took effective steps to control infections. Quick access to COVID-19 tests, clear guidelines for taking sick leave, and permission to take sick leave with a low threshold were seen as positive things. The consideration of personnel belonging to risk groups by moving them to other work tasks was also perceived as positive. In addition, efforts were made to prevent the emergence of infection chains by isolating EMS personnel in their own social facilities.

Established guidelines, especially on the correct use of protective measures, made it easier to work. Some mentioned that the guidelines were available in ambulances and on phones, allowing the protection guidelines to be checked before going on a mission.

The employers took into account the need for psychological support in a diverse manner. Some organizations provided psychological support such as peer debriefing activities, talking therapy with mental health professionals, actively inquiring about their personnel’s feelings, and training them as support workers. The pandemic situation also caused organizations to create their own standard operating models to decrease mental load.

Fortunately , the problem has now been addressed actively , as a peer-to-peer defusing model was built up at our workplace during the crisis , and group defusing has started , the purpose of which is to lighten the work-related mental load. (Participant 3)

Major theme: Adaptable EMS operations

There were several different resources that clarified mission activities. The amount of protective and cleaning equipment was ramped up, and the treatment equipment was quickly updated to meet the demands brought about by the pandemic and to enable safety distances for the EMS personnel. In addition, various guidelines were amended to reduce exposure. For example, personnel on the dedicated COVID-19 ambulances were separated to work without physical contact with others, and field supervisors joined the EMS missions less often than before. Moreover, people at the scene were contacted by phone in advance to ensure that there would be no exposure risk, which also allowed other occupational safety risks to be identified. New practices resulted from the pandemic, such as cleaning communication equipment during shift changes and regularly using PPE with infected patients. All of these were seen as positive resources for efficient work.

At the end of each shift , all keys , telephones , etc., were cleaned and handed over to the next shift. This practice was not previously established in our area , but this will become a permanent practice in the future and is perceived by everyone in our work community as a positive thing. (Participant 10)

Some stated that access to PPE was sufficient, especially in areas where the number of COVID-19 infections was low. PPE was upgraded to make it easier to wear. Further, organizations acquired a variety of cleaning equipment to speed up the disinfection of ambulances.

Organizations hired more employees to enable leave and the operation of dedicated COVID-19 ambulances. The overall number of ambulances was also increased. Non-urgent missions were handled through enhanced phone services, reducing the unnecessary exposure of EMS personnel to COVID-19.

Five extra holiday substitutes were hired for EMS so that the employer could guarantee the success of agreed leave , even if the Emergency Preparedness Act had given them opportunities to cancel or postpone it. (Participant 12)

Minor theme: Encouraging atmosphere

Peer support from colleagues, a positive, comfortable, pleasant work environment, and open discussion, as well as smooth cooperation with other healthcare employees were felt to be resources for work well-being by reducing the heavy workload experienced. Due to the pandemic, the appreciation of healthcare was felt to increase slightly, which was identified as a resource.

One factor affecting resilience in the healthcare sector is certainly that in exceptional circumstances , visibility and appreciation have somewhat increased. (Participant 23)

This study examined, according to the experiences and observations of paramedics, (1) what kinds of emotions the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) personnel experienced in their new working circumstances, and (2) what work-related factors became resources for the well-being of EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each research question was answered with three themes.

Previous studies have shown that the pandemic increased the workload of paramedics, prompting changes in their operating models and the function of EMS to align with new pandemic-related requirements [ 9 , 27 ]. Initially, the paramedics in the current study described facing unclear and deficient guidelines and feeling obligated to follow instructions without adequate support to internalize them. Constantly changing instructions were linked to negative emotions in various ways. Moreover, the overwhelming flood of information was heavily connected to this, although the information flow was also perceived as a resource, especially when it was timely and well-structured. The study by Sangal et al. [ 15 ] has raised similar observations and points out the importance of paying special attention to the personnel working in the frontline, as in EMS, who might be more heavily impacted by too much information and anxiety about it. They also discovered that three factors are crucial for addressing the challenges of information overload and anxiety: consolidating information before distributing it, maintaining consistent communication, and ensuring communication is two-way. McAlearney et al. [ 11 ] found that first responders, including EMS personnel, reported frustration regarding COVID-19 information because of inconsistencies between sources, misinformation on social media, and the impact of politics. A Finnish study also recognized that health systems were not sufficiently prepared for the flood of information in the current media environment [ 12 ]. Based on these previous results and our findings, it can be concluded that proper implementation of crisis communication should be an integral part of organizations’ preparedness in the future, ensuring that communication effectively supports employee actions in real-life situations. Secondly, this topic highlights the need for precise guidelines and their implementation. With better preparedness, similar chaos could be avoided in the future [ 17 ].

Many other factors also caused changes in work. The EMS mission profile changed [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ], where paramedics in this study saw concerns. To prevent infection risk, the number of pre-arrival calls increased [ 7 ], the duration of EMS missions increased [ 8 , 9 ], and the continuous use of PPE and enhanced hygiene standards imposed additional burdens [ 9 , 10 ]. In Finland, there was no preparedness for the levels of PPE usage required in the early stages of the pandemic [ 12 ]. In this study, paramedics described that working with potentially inadequate PPE caused fear and frustration, which was increased by a lack of training, causing them to feel a great deal of responsibility for acting aseptically and caring for patients correctly. Conversely, providing adequate PPE, information and training has been found to increase the willingness to work [ 28 ] and the sense of safety in working in a pandemic situation [ 29 ], meaning that the role of precise training, operating instructions and leadership in the use of PPE is emphasized [ 30 ].

The paramedics in this study described many additional new concerns in their work, affecting their lives comprehensively. It has been similarly described that the pandemic adversely affected the overall well-being of healthcare personnel [ 31 ]. The restrictions implemented also impacted their leisure time [ 32 ], and the virus caused concerns for their own and their families’ health [ 11 , 28 ]. In line with this, the pandemic increased stress, burnout [ 10 , 33 ], and anxiety among EMS personnel and other healthcare personnel working on the frontline [ 11 , 14 , 34 , 35 ]. These kinds of results underscore the need for adequate guidance and support, a lack of which paramedics reported experiencing in the current study.

Personnel play a crucial role in the efficient operation of an organization and comprise the main identified resource in this study. Previous studies and summaries have highlighted that EMS personnel did not receive sufficient support during the COVID-19 pandemic [ 11 , 14 , 17 , 18 ]. Research has also brought to light elements of adequate support related to the pandemic, such as a review by Dickson et al. [ 16 ] that presents six tentative theories for healthful leadership, all of which are intertwined with genuine encounter, preparedness, and information use. In this current study, the results showed numerous factors related to these contexts that were identified as resources, specifically underlined by elements of caring, effective operational change, knowledge-based actions, and present leadership, similarly described in a study by Eaton-Williams & Williams [ 18 ]. Moreover, the paramedics in our study highlighted the importance of encouragement and identified peer support from colleagues as a resource, which is in line with studies in the UK and Finland [ 12 , 23 , 37 ].

In the early stages of the pandemic, it was noted that the EMS personnel lacked adequate training to manage their mental health, and there was a significant shortage of psychosocial support measures [ 14 ], although easy access to support would have been significant [ 18 ]. In the current study, some paramedics felt that mental health support was inadequate and delayed, while others observed an increase in mental health support during the pandemic, seeing it as an incentive for organizations to develop standard operating models for mental support, for example. This awakening was identified as a resource. This is consistent, as providing psychological support to personnel has been highlighted as a core aspect of crisis management in a Finnish study assessing health system resilience related to COVID-19 [ 12 ]. In a comprehensive recommendation commentary, Isakov et al. [ 17 ] suggest developing a national strategy to improve resilience by addressing the mental health consequences of COVID-19 and other occupational stressors for EMS personnel. This concept, applicable beyond the US, supports the view that EMS organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the need to prepare for and invest in this area.

A fundamental factor likely underlying all the described emotions was that changes in the job descriptions of the EMS personnel due to the pandemic were significant and, in part, mandated from above. In this study, paramedics described feelings of concern and frustration related to these many changes and uncertainties. According to Zamoum and Gorpe (2018), efficient crisis management emphasizes the importance of respecting emotions, recognizing rights, and making appropriate decisions. Restoring trust is a significant challenge in a crisis situation, one that cannot be resolved without complete transparency and open communication [ 38 ]. This perspective is crucial to consider in planning for future preparedness. Overall, the perspective of employee rights and obligations in exceptional circumstances has been relatively under-researched, but in Australia, grounding research on this perspective has been conducted with paramedics using various approaches [ 39 , 40 , 41 ]. The researchers conclude that there is a lack of clarity about the concept of professional obligation, specifically regarding its boundaries, and the issue urgently needs to be addressed by developing clear guidelines that outline the obligation to respond, both in normal day-to-day operations and during exceptional circumstances [ 39 ].

Complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory recognizes that in a resilient organization, different levels adapt to changing environments [ 19 , 20 ]. Barasa et al. (2018) note that planned resilience and adaptive resilience are both important [ 19 ]. Kihlström et al. (2022) note that the health system’s resilience was strengthened by a certain expectation of crisis, and they also recognized further study needs on how effectively management is responding to weak signals [ 12 ]. This could be directly related to how personnel can prepare for future changes. The results of this study revealed many negative emotions related to sudden changes, but at the same time, effective organizational adaptation was identified as a resource for the well-being of EMS personnel. Dissecting different elements of system adaptation in a crisis has been recognized as a highly necessary area for further research [ 20 ]. Kihlström et al. (2022) emphasize the importance of ensuring a healthy workforce across the entire health system. These frameworks suggest numerous potential areas for future research, which would also enhance effective preparedness [ 12 ].

Limitations of the study

In this study, we utilized essay material written in the fall of 2020, in which experienced paramedics reflected on the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic from a work-oriented perspective. The essays were approached inductively, meaning that they were not directly written to answer our research questions, but the aim and the research questions were shaped based on the content [ 26 ]. The essays included extensive descriptions that aligned well with the aim of this study. However, it is important to remember when interpreting the results that asking specifically about this topic, for instance, in an interview, might have yielded different descriptions. It can be assessed that the study achieved a tentative descriptive level, as the detailed examination of complex phenomena such as emotions and resources would require various methods and observations.

Although the essays were mostly profound, well-thought-out, and clearly written, their credibility [ 42 ] may be affected by the fact that several months had passed between the time the essays were written and the events described. Memories may have altered, potentially influencing the content of the writings. Diary-like material from the very onset of the pandemic might have yielded more precise data, and such a data collection method could be considered in future research on exceptional circumstances.

The credibility [ 42 ] could also have been enhanced if the paramedics who wrote the essays had commented on the results and provided additional perspectives on the material and analysis through a multi-phase data collection process. This was not deemed feasible in this study, mainly because there was a 2.5-year gap between data collection and the start of the analysis. However, this also strengthened the overall trustworthiness of the study, as it allowed the first author, who had worked in prehospital emergency care during the initial phase of the pandemic, to maintain a distance from the subject, and enabled a comparison of our own findings with previously published research that investigated the same period in different contexts. The comparison was made when writing the discussion, with the analysis itself being inductive and following the thematic analysis process described by Braun & Clarke [ 26 ].

When evaluating credibility [ 42 ], it should also be noted that the participants who wrote the essays, i.e., the data for the study, were experienced paramedics but also students and one of the researchers was their principal lecturer. This could potentially limit credibility if the students, for some reason, did not want to produce truthful content for their lecturer to read. However, this risk can be considered small because the essays’ topics did not concern the students’ academic progress, the essays’ content was quite consistent, and the results aligned with other studies. As a strength, it can be considered that the students shared their experiences without holding back, as the thoughts were not for workplace use, and they could trust the data privacy statement.

To enhance transferability [ 42 ], the context of the study was described in detail, highlighting the conditions prevailing in Finnish prehospital emergency care during the early stages of the pandemic. Moreover, including a diverse range of perspectives from paramedics working in different regions of Finland (except Northern Finland) contributes to the transferability of the study, indicating that the results may be applicable and relevant to a wider context beyond a single specific region.

Dependability [ 42 ] was reinforced by the close involvement of two researchers from different backgrounds in the analysis of the material, but a limitation is that no separate analyses were conducted. However, the original data was repeatedly revisited during the analysis, which strengthened the dependability. Moreover, the first author kept detailed notes throughout the analysis process, and the last author supervised the progress while also contributing to the analysis and reporting. The research process is also reported in detail.

This study highlighted numerous, mainly negative emotions experienced by EMS personnel during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic due to new working circumstances. At the same time, several work-related factors were identified as resources for their well-being. The findings suggest that crisis management practices should be more attentive to personnel needs, ensuring that personnel have the necessary support, both managerial and psychological, readily available in crisis situations. Effective organizational adaptation in a crisis situation also supports personnel well-being, emphasizing the importance of effective preparedness. Future research should particularly focus on considering personnel well-being as part of organizational adaptation during exceptional circumstances and utilize these findings to enhance preparedness.

Data availability

The datasets generated and analyzed during the current study are not publicly available due to the inclusion of sensitive information and the extent of the informed consent provided by the participants.


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Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Henna Myrskykari

Emergency Medical Services, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland

Department of Healthcare and Emergency Care, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Kotka, Finland

Hilla Nordquist

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Myrskykari, H., Nordquist, H. Paramedics’ experiences and observations: work-related emotions and well-being resources during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic—a qualitative study. BMC Emerg Med 24 , 152 (2024).

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Received : 25 April 2024

Accepted : 13 August 2024

Published : 26 August 2024


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  • Emergency medical services
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BMC Emergency Medicine

ISSN: 1471-227X

analytical essay grade 10


  1. Analytical Essay

    analytical essay grade 10

  2. Analytical Essay Analytical Paragraph Examples Class 10

    analytical essay grade 10

  3. SOLUTION: Analytical paragraph writing class 10 cbse english

    analytical essay grade 10

  4. Analytical paragraph class 10 || Format of analytical paragraph with example 2023

    analytical essay grade 10

  5. Analytical Essay Examples to Score Well in Academics

    analytical essay grade 10

  6. Data Interpretation Analytical Paragraph Examples Class 10

    analytical essay grade 10





  4. Analytical Essay




  1. 10 Examples of Analytical Paragraph Class 10

    Are you looking for examples of Analytical Paragraph for Class 10, no worries, you've come to the right place! Our post provides 10 Story Writing samples based on previous years' exam question papers. These examples of Analytical Paragraph can help you understand the format, tone, and language used in such paragraphs.

  2. Analytical Paragraph Class 10 English

    CBSE introduced analytical paragraph writing in the English question paper of class 10 board exams in recent years. The question would carry 5 marks and would enhance the analytical and reasoning skills of the students. Students can download the latest Analytical Paragraphs from the myCBSEguide App and our Student Dashboard .

  3. Analytical Paragraph Writing Class 10 Examples and Solved Questions

    Score high in analytical paragraph Class 10 by learning what is analytical paragraph, solving analytical paragraph Class 10 questions of previous year.

  4. Analytical Paragraph Writing, Format, Examples, Samples, FAQ

    Analytical Paragraph Writing Class 10 | Paragraph writing Format, Topics, Examples, Samples and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) CBSE has introduced writing analytical paragraphs as a part of the revised curriculum under the writing section.

  5. How to Write an Analytical Essay in 6 Steps

    Learn all about analytical essays, including how to write and structure one in 6 steps, with examples of analytical essay outlines.

  6. Analytical Paragraph Writing Samples For Class 10 Format, Examples

    Analytical paragraph writing is a crucial skill that Class 10 students must learn to become effective communicators. By following the format, practicing with examples and exercises, and choosing relevant and engaging topics, students can develop their analytical writing skills and become proficient in analyzing complex concepts and ...

  7. Grade 10 English Module: Using a Variety of Persuasive and

    3. write a persuasive or an argumentative essay employing the techniques learned. By the way, use a sheet of paper as your answer sheet to write your answers of the different activities presented in this learning module.

  8. Analytical Paragraph Class 10 Solved Examples

    Analytical Paragraph Class 10 Solved Examples What is Analytical Paragraph writing for class 10 exams ?- Although paragraph writing has nothing to do with essay writing, it can still be understood as a descriptive paragraph based on charts, tables, or graphs. Analytical Paragraph writing is a relatively new concept for the class 10th English exam.

  9. Analytical Paragraph Class 10 Format, Examples

    Analytical Paragraph Class 10 CBSE Format/Example To score full marks it is important that you follow the right format while writing an analytical paragraph in your exams. Students are asking- What is the format of an analytical paragraph? CBSE has prescribed the following format to write an analytical paragraph for class 10.

  10. How to Write an Analytical Essay

    The Ultimate Guide to Analytical Essay Writing: How to Craft an A-Grade Paper? An analytical essay is often considered the most challenging piece of writing. However, those who have dealt with it at least once are a step closer to calling themselves masters of essay writing. This type of paper requires plenty of analytical skills to carry out an in-depth analysis of the assigned topic. Yet ...

  11. A Comprehensive Guide on How to Write an Analytical Essay

    An analytical essay is a common assignment that high school and college students often need to do. It is the most difficult type of essay that requires a thorough investigation of a topic and its substantial analysis. Are you having difficulty writing a good analytical essay? Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write an analytical essay.

  12. What Is an Analytical Essay? A Writing Guide With Examples

    An analytical essay is a type of essay that involves looking at a subject of interest and explaining what it is saying. Whatever topic you choose, your writing better dissect, dissect, dissect.

  13. 15 Excellent Analytical Essay Examples for Students

    2. Analytical Essay Examples 3. Analytical Essay Outline Example 4. Analytical Essay Topics Examples 5. Tips to Write an Effective Analytical Essay Understanding Analytical Writing An analytical essay is a type of academic writing that looks into a specific subject, dissecting it into its various components and examining how they interrelate.

  14. PDF Quarter 3 Module 2A Using Informative Writing Techniques

    English - Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 Module 2: Using Informative Writing Techniques First Edition, 2021

  15. Analytical Essay

    Analytical essay is a kind of an essay which focuses on the detailed interpretation or examination of a certain subject such as a book, an event, or any work of art or literature.

  16. How To Write an Analytical Essay

    Learn all the fundamentals of an analytical essay! Check out six easy-to-follow writing steps, practical analytical essay examples and an effective outline!

  17. Class 10 Essay Topics

    Writing an Essay broadens your thought process and helps in improving analytical skills. To help you out we have compiled the Essay in a simple and compelling language. Class 10 Essays have been curated by subject experts to encourage learners in their thinking capability. We have a large collection of Essay Writing Topics for 10th […]

  18. Free Printable Text Analysis Worksheets for 10th Grade

    Explore printable Text Analysis worksheets for 10th Grade Text Analysis worksheets for Grade 10 ELA are an essential resource for teachers looking to help their students develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills. These worksheets cover a wide range of topics, from literary analysis to understanding the structure and organization of various text types. By incorporating these ...


    HOW TO WRITE A LITERARY ANALYSIS ESSAY The purpose of a literary analysis essay is to carefully examine and sometimes evaluate a work of literature or an aspect of a work of literature. As with any analysis, this requires you to break the subject down into its component parts. Examining the different elements of a piece of literature is not an end in itself but rather a process to help you ...

  20. The Best Essay Graders of 2024 That You Can Use for Free!

    If you are a teacher struggling to grade essays due to the sheer number of submissions every month, Essay-Grader.AI is your chance to leave the stress behind. ... The paid version of this service under "Paper Analysis" starts at $4.50 and goes up to $9.50 or more based on different specifications entered while ordering these services.

  21. AP® English Language and Composition (Intensive, NCAA Approved)

    Learn to write college-level essays, expand your vocabulary, and prepare to take the Advanced Placement® Exam in English Language and Composition during this intensive 12-week course. We'll study a variety of nonfiction texts to understand the interplay between author's purpose, message, and audience expectations. You'll also write your own arguments and research-based and rhetorical ...

  22. Trump v Harris: The Economist's presidential election prediction model

    Our forecast shows the Democrats are back in the race

  23. JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia): Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan

    First, the results of document analysis of narrative essays of fifth grade students show that the affixation errors found in the students' narrative essays are 146 errors (23.4%) out of 624 affixations found in the students' narrative essays. The affixation errors found in the students' narrative essays consist of 124 prefixation errors (19.87% ...

  24. Paramedics' experiences and observations: work-related emotions and

    This qualitative study utilized reflective essay material written by experienced, advanced-level Finnish paramedics (n = 30). The essays used in this study were written during the fall of 2020 and reflected the period when Finland had declared a state of emergency (on 17.3.2020) and the Emergency Powers Act was implemented.