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a&m engineering essay examples

How to Write the Texas A&M University Essays 2021-2022

a&m engineering essay examples

Texas A&M University is a large public research institution and one of the biggest attractions in the city of College Station. As the flagship university of the Texas A&M University system, the school is one of the business, agriculture, and engineering giants of the South.

With a total undergraduate population of over 50,000, Texas A&M’s size has created the famous Aggie Network, otherwise known as the Association of Former Students of Texas A&M. This organization of over 640,000 Texas A&M alumni opens up a host of post-grad job opportunities through an extensive network of alumni known for sporting the golden Aggie Ring.

Long-held traditions further strengthen Aggie Pride. In accordance with their saying: “If it happens twice, it’s tradition!” come customs like the Midnight Yell, a gathering held the midnight before each home game, and the 12th Man, in which all spectators are expected to stand throughout football games.

Its 5 8% acceptance rate makes the university selective, though Texas students whose GPAs are at the top 10% of their high school class receive automatic admission. The rest of the student body must show that they have what it takes to be an Aggie through writing fantastic supplemental essays. Want to know your chances at Texas A&M? Calculate them for free right now !

Want to learn what Texas A&M will actually cost you based on your income? And how long your application to the school should take? Here’s what every student considering Texas A&M needs to know.

Texas A&M Supplemental Essay Prompts

All applicants , tell us your story. what unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today (unspecified word count, so we recommend responding within 1.5 pages or between 500-750 words), applicants to the college of engineering:, describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). what and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals (no word count was specified, so we recommend aiming for ~500 words).

Notice how you are encouraged to speak about an opportunity or a challenge. Many students believe that they must talk about a tragedy in order to grab the attention of admissions officers, but this isn’t true. An essay can easily be thoughtful, insightful, and an engaging read without utilizing this specific emotional appeal.

Still, stories about difficult circumstances are often memorable. They are most effective when focused primarily on the student’s journey of working through the challenge instead of the challenge itself. Check out Collegevine’s article if you would like more tips on writing about challenges .

You’re trying to stand out, so beware of overused tropes like the following:

  • Mental illness: It takes enormous strength to heal from and learn to manage a mental illness. Still, they may be tricky to write about. Read our article for more information on covering mental illness and disabilities within your application .
  • Getting a bad grade in a class but then working hard to raise it.
  • Sports stories such as winning/losing the “big game” or getting injured.
  • Death of a pet or family member.
  • Mission trip which made you realize how lucky and privileged you are.

Side note : Sometimes students face challenges that are outside of their control and which have negatively impacted their academic and/or extracurricular performance. If this has been your experience, and you don’t plan to explain them within this essay response, you may ask one of your recommenders to do so through their letter of recommendation.

Now, there’s no such thing as a “bad” or “good” essay topic; students have gotten into top schools with essays about Costco, pizza deliveries, and sparkling water. It often matters less so what you write about than how you write about it! 

These common essay topics are only doable when well-written, specific, and featuring a fresh take. The story of how fixing your Calculus grade taught you the value of hard work is not nearly as interesting as that of a student who is diagnosed with dyscalculia—a disability which creates a difficulty in understanding and working with math and numbers—and then opens up a dyscalculia awareness club with plans to become a special education teacher. The latter story would demonstrate the student’s ability to turn preconceived weaknesses into strengths, and admissions officers will quickly see that though he may initially struggle with long division, this student is nonetheless a creative problem-solver.

Please be aware that although it is possible to make a “common” topic interesting, it is easier to write about a situation that is unique to begin with. Also, don’t feel pressured to write about a challenge, especially if the situation has happened so recently that you haven’t fully finished processing or growing from it.

With all of this in mind, let’s get into brainstorming! Many people begin their ideation process through writing long lists or even talking into their phones in an untethered stream-of-consciousness. Do whatever it takes to get your creative juices flowing! 

As you reflect, you may consider these questions:

  • Which values and skills do you hold closest to your heart? Honesty? Hard work? Clear communication? Diversity? Environmental stewardship? Activism? Where did these priorities come from?
  • What are you most grateful for? What are you most proud of? What risks have you taken which have paid off?
  • What do you like to do? When and how did you get into it?
  • How would your family and friends say you have changed for the better over the years, and why?
  • Look back at your list of extracurricular activities. Which ones were challenging and/or special opportunities? When have you tried something new?

Practice self-compassion while considering topics, and know that none are too big or too small. You can write about anything from taking a summer math class (even though you’re more of an English person) to being a camp counselor to giving your first speech in front of a crowd.

Overall, the admissions officers are looking for growth. They want to see the circumstances you turned into opportunities for improvement. You may even reflect upon a situation that initially seemed like an unpleasant challenge but later revealed itself as a hidden opportunity. For example, you may have reluctantly let your friend drag you to a business club meeting before discovering a passion for economics and rising as a club leader.

Ideally, your story will be unique and offer a fresh perspective. Be specific about the challenge or opportunity you were presented with, and think about how it changed you for the better. 

Remember, they are literally asking for you to “tell [them] your story,” so consider using a narrative format, especially if storytelling is a talent of yours. 

Here’s a general outline: 

  • If you choose to go with a traditional storytelling format, we recommend beginning with a vivid anecdote featuring rich imagery to draw the reader in or an unexpected premise which makes one have to read on in order to fully understand. 
  • From there, you may dive into who you were at the time, how you felt and how you acted, before moving towards your turning point—the challenge or opportunity—from which you decided to grow. 
  • Explain how, exactly, the turning point influenced you. Ask yourself: How did it make you feel? Excited and ready for more, or initially anxious? How did it impact you? Perhaps you learned something new about yourself, or maybe now you’re kinder, more confident, or a harder worker. 
  • To mix it up a bit, you could even play with sequencing, perhaps starting with a moment of success before reflecting on all of the growth you had to complete to get to that point.

Finally, you are human, so you don’t have to portray yourself as perfect in the end. You are using this essay to talk about what may be one of your greatest strengths or sources of pride, but make sure to stay balanced with a humble tone.

This prompt is your opportunity to show Texas A&M you are a good fit for both the university and its programs. You are asked to cover a lot of ground here, so it is important to be specific throughout your essay. Use precise wording and double-check that each word, phrase, and detail has a place in your piece.

Let’s start by breaking down the academic and career goal components of this prompt. If you don’t have a clear plan for your future, don’t worry; most high schoolers don’t! Also, you aren’t tied down to whichever path you decide to write about, so feel free to get specific.

If it helps, think of the research you will perform for this prompt as an exercise in thinking about your future. Follow your natural curiosity while reading about the academics within the College of Engineering and the careers graduated Aggies often pursue. Hone in on the programs and opportunities which appeal to you most, many of which are featured on Texas A&M’s website .

Academic goals aren’t limited to getting good grades in school. These accomplishments may take many forms, including the following:

  • Research opportunities! These are readily available to undergraduates, especially through the competitive Undergraduate Research Scholars Program. Texas A&M offers potential research goals through independent research-based courses, employment, summer programs, special honors and awards, and more. Check out current research programs and see which professors and projects you resonate with most. 
  • Graduating with a specific major(s)/minor(s)
  • Continuing to a graduate school or program
  • Receiving specific academic honors or scholarships 
  • Entering the Honors Program, which will create special opportunities that are in line with your academic and personal priorities.

A solid engineering degree such as the one you will receive at Texas A&M will likely open up to a fascinating and challenging career within any of a multitude of given specialties. The engineering umbrella is broad, but you have to pick one to focus on for this prompt when describing your career interests. What’s your dream engineering job, or your target field? What type of engineering most interests you and why?

When discussing your aspirations both within your career and academic world, directly connect them to opportunities offered by Texas A&M to demonstrate that you’re a strong fit. Don’t just say that you would like to perform research; say that as a prospective aerospace engineering major and computer science minor, you hope to join Professor Jacques Richard in his aero-propulsion studies under the Aero-U program. Due to circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic, some opportunities may be delayed, canceled, or altered, so be aware of this and look deeply into each option.

Now that we’ve covered which goals you would like to pursue, let’s get into explaining why these goals matter to you. Instead of focusing on relatively superficial aspects of your aspirations, like prestige and pay, think about what makes it interesting, worthwhile, or personally fulfilling. This may be linked to your description of the “whats or whos” which have influenced you to pursue these goals. 

Finding a “who” to write about is relatively straightforward, as many of us can point to the people in our lives who have pushed us in the right direction. Think back on your family members, friends, mentors, and teachers who believed in your ability to succeed academically or in the general world of engineering. This could be anyone, but most importantly, this person somehow pushed you to work harder or simply led by example.

For example, having a mechanic as a father may have sparked your fascination with deconstructing and reconstructing mechanical systems for maximum efficiency, leading you to a path in manufacturing and mechanical engineering. 

The “What,” our second potential motivator, is much more open-ended. Yours may be an event, background, special interest, closely-held value, childhood fascination turned adult aspiration, or even an innate personality trait. 

For example, your childhood fascinations with puzzles and remote-controlled robots, followed by your later software position with your high school’s Robotics Team, may all be indicative of your inclination towards problem-solving, which influenced your decision to major in Computer Science.

As you’re tying all the aforementioned aspects of your response together, make sure to maintain cohesive links between all of them. Your academic and career goals should be aligned with your professed personal qualities as well as the influences you claim the people and things in your life have had on you. Through writing clearly and concisely, you’ll paint a compelling portrait of your character as someone with direction, drive, and a future as a fantastic asset to Texas A&M’s vibrant community. 

Want help with your college essays to improve your admissions chances? Sign up for your free CollegeVine account and get access to our essay guides and courses. You can also get your essay peer-reviewed and improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays.

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Texas A&M Supplemental Essays 2023-24

Texas a&m supplemental essays 2023-24.

If you’re thinking about how to get into Texas A&M, you’ve probably come across the Texas A&M supplemental essays. Texas A&M is one of the top public universities in the country (currently ranked #20 by U.S. News). As such, the Texas A&M application is comprehensive, requiring students to respond to multiple Texas A&M essay prompts. The Texas A&M admissions essays are a critical part of your application narrative. The prompts allow you to provide valuable information to Admissions about why you would be a good candidate for admission.

Writing strong responses to the Texas A&M admissions essays can be tough. Throughout this article, you’ll find tips for how to respond to each of the Texas A&M supplemental essays. This includes specific details about each of the Texas A&M essay questions and things to keep in mind when writing. We’ll also discuss what the Texas A&M admissions committee is looking for when it comes to reviewing these essays. And finally, we talk more generally about how to get into Texas A&M beyond just the Texas A&M supplemental essays. We’ll give you key information about application deadlines and other Texas A&M admission requirements.

Ready to learn more about the Texas A&M admissions essays? Let’s dive in! 

Texas A&M Admission Requirements Quick Facts:

Texas a&m admission requirements: quick facts.

  • Texas A&M Acceptance Rate: 63% – U.S. News rates Texas A&M as a more selective school.
  • One long essay (max. 750 words)
  • Two short answer questions (max. 250 words each)
  • One Optional Essay (max. 250 words)
  • Common Application
  • Engineering Early Action Deadline: October 15th
  • Regular Decision Deadline: December 1st
  • Texas A&M Essay Tip: Start Early! There are many Texas A&M supplemental essays to complete for the Texas A&M admission requirements. The more time you give yourself to work on them, the better your essays will be.

Please note that essay requirements are subject to change each admissions cycle, and portions of this article may have been written before the final publication of the most recent guidelines. For the most up-to-date information on essay requirements, check the university’s admissions website.

How many essays does Texas A&M require?

For the 2023-2024 application cycle, there are three required Texas A&M admissions essays. In addition to the required essays, the Texas A&M essay prompts include one optional question. Students may answer if they feel the prompt is relevant to their life experience.

We will go into more detail with each of the Texas A&M essay prompts later on in this article. And, we’ll offer specific tips for how to answer each of the different Texas A&M essay prompts. 

How long do the essays for Texas A&M have to be?

Each of the Texas A&M essay prompts has a certain maximum word count that you must stay within. The first of the Texas A&M essay prompts has a maximum word count of 750 words. This means that your response to this Texas A&M essay should be absolutely no longer than 750 words. You don’t need to get as close to 750 words as possible in your long Texas A&M essay. However, you should also not submit a Texas A&M essay that is too short either. About 600-750 words is a good length to shoot for in this Texas A&M essay.

The shorter Texas A&M admissions essays have more strict word counts. Responses to these Texas A&M supplemental essays should not be more than 250 words. For these shorter Texas A&M essays, using as much of the word count as possible is beneficial. At the same time, make sure the words you use have purpose in providing new and relevant information. When writing a personal essay for college, be sure to pay close attention to maximum word counts.

Texas A&M Essay Prompt – Tell your story

Texas a&m university essay prompt #1, tell us your story. what unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today.

The first of the Texas A&M supplemental essays asks students to share some opportunities or obstacles that they’ve faced. The purpose of this Texas A&M essay is to help the admissions committee learn more about the writer’s resilience. They want to see how they behave in the face of adversity, specifically during their high school years. While exciting, college represents a significant challenge in a student’s life. The Texas A&M supplemental essays provide students the opportunity to demonstrate how they have overcome challenges in their lives.

Brainstorming Ideas

The most important step in writing the Texas A&M supplemental essays is the brainstorming phase. Start by coming up with a list of challenges you have faced in your life. Then determine which one or two topics you want to focus on for your Texas A&M supplemental essays.

It can be very tempting to write your Texas A&M essays about all of the challenges you have faced. But in fact, it is better to focus on one or two specific examples. That way you can provide more engaging details and evidence about the moments you choose. And, you can avoid simply recycling information from the rest of your application. 

Connecting to Character Traits

Here’s another helpful way to brainstorm for your Texas A&M essays. Think of three character traits you would like for your Texas A&M admissions essays to say about you. Then, use the challenges you thought of earlier to illustrate those characteristics.

For example, maybe you would like to demonstrate strong leadership qualities in your Texas A&M essays. So, you may describe how, despite setbacks, you put on a successful school dance as head of the prom committee. Or maybe you want your Texas A&M supplemental essays to showcase your interest in community service. In that case, you may write about how you organized a fundraiser after a natural disaster struck your neighborhood. 

Telling a Story

So, you’ve determined what you want to write about in your Texas A&M essay. Now you need to think about how you want to tell the story of these challenges to your reader. Remember that your reader does not know you or your background outside of what you write in your Texas A&M essays. Be sure to pick the details that are most relevant to write about.

Make sure the focus of your Texas A&M essays is on you and what you felt and accomplished.

Avoid simply listing facts that your reader can find elsewhere in your application. Instead, think about showing the reader your character through the actions you describe.

Texas A&M Essay Prompt #2 – Life Event

Texas a&m university essay prompt #2, describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college..

The second of the Texas A&M supplemental essays asks students to reflect on a single life event. Specifically, one that has helped them to prepare for and be successful in college. This event can be anything you want it to be. However, make sure it’s a different experience than the one you wrote about in the other Texas A&M essays. This event should also demonstrate your college readiness by showcasing your maturity, academic skills, leadership, or resilience. 

As with the other Texas A&M admissions essays, your writing should focus on one defining event. Remember, this is one of the Texas A&M essays with a more limited word count. So, be sure to focus on telling a specific story of the specific moment in your life. You want your reader to feel like they’re experiencing the life event with you, so illustrate your points with vivid information.

Concurrently, use the details to illustrate the larger point that you would be a good fit for Texas A&M. No matter what the prompt for a personal essay for college actually says, they’re all asking “are you a good fit?” Each of your Texas A&M admissions essays should provide the reasons why you deserve admission to Texas A&M.

Choosing a topic for your Texas A&M essay

Deciding your topic for your Texas A&M supplemental essays is your first hurdle. For your Texas A&M essays, it is important to choose a moment that is personal and meaningful to you. With open-ended Texas A&M essay prompts, it’s tempting to write about what you think the admissions committee will find impressive. However, it’s always better to write about your authentic interests and let your true character shine through in your writing.

There is no specific formula for choosing your topic for the Texas A&M supplemental essays. Just make sure your topic is new and has not been discussed already in other parts of your application. And make sure you are writing about your passions in your Texas A&M supplemental essays.

Any experience can be compelling, so long as you make it clear why you’ve chosen to discuss it. For example, you may describe how an improv comedy show going badly wrong taught you how to handle adversity, think on your feet, and use creativity in a difficult situation.

Still need help coming up with a topic for your Texas A&M supplemental essays? Check out this webinar or this article for additional resources.

Texas A&M Essay Prompt #3 – Impactful Person

Texas a&m university essay prompt # 3, tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why..

This is arguably the hardest of the required Texas A&M essay prompts. That’s because it asks students to write about a topic other than themselves. The Texas A&M supplemental essays are all about getting to know the applicants on a more personal level. However, this is not easy to do when you’re writing about someone else. Therefore, it is important to both answer the prompt while keeping the focus on you.

The first step to writing this essay is choosing the person that it is going to be about. This is not about finding the most famous or well-recognized person you know. It’s about examining your life and identifying those who have genuinely pushed you to be the best version of yourself. You also want this person to have impacted your life recently so you can show details from your high school years. Or, if they are from your childhood, show how their influence has stayed with you during your high school years.

Let’s say you’ve found the person you will write about. Think about what you need your reader to know about this person in order to understand who they are. Remember that you have limited space in your Texas A&M supplemental essays. Avoid using too much of it simply describing who your person is. The central focus of your Texas A&M essays should be on you, the applicant. So, your job is twofold. Describe the person who has most impacted your life in your Texas A&M essays. Then, focus on what you learned from them and how you’ve used their influence in your academics, extracurriculars, or school community. 

How do I write the Texas A&M essay?

The Texas A&M supplemental essays will take time to complete. So, the best advice we have is to start your Texas A&M essays early. The Common App opens on August 1st, which is also when the Texas A&M essay prompts become visible. It’s never too early to start planning your responses to the Texas A&M essays! Often picking the topics for your Texas A&M essays can be the most difficult part of the process. Give yourself plenty of time to choose what your Texas A&M supplemental essays will be about.

We also recommend writing multiple drafts of your Texas A&M supplemental essays. And, it’s beneficial to seek help from others throughout the writing process from a teacher, parent, or college advisor. Sharing your Texas A&M essays can help you clarify your ideas and improve the grammar of your writing. And, a trusted editor may catch errors you did not see or offer insights you had not previously thought of. For additional tips and help on writing college essays, check out tips for writing better essays!

Optional Texas A&M Essay

Texas a&m university optional essay prompt, if there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities (including covid related experiences) that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, which you have not already written about , please note them in the space below..

In addition to the required Texas A&M supplemental essays, there is also an optional Texas A&M essay. This is the most open-ended of the Texas A&M essay prompts. It asks students to describe any challenges they have faced, particularly those which may have negatively impacted their academic performance. This is the only one of the Texas A&M supplemental essays that is optional. However, it could still be well worth writing for many students.

The optional prompt for the Texas A&M essays is a great place to explain worrisome aspects of your application. Here, you can address any potential red flags directly with the admissions committee. Perhaps your extracurricular resume is not as strong as those of other applicants. But, that’s because you need to spend time after school taking care of younger siblings while your parents work late. Or, perhaps your grades dipped towards the C-range for a semester while you were dealing with a close personal loss.

This optional choice in the Texas A&M essay prompts gives you the opportunity to provide context. Providing details regarding these unflattering parts of your application can only benefit you. Don’t hesitate to show Texas A&M Admissions why they should still consider you for admission despite these facts.

Is this optional essay really optional?

Many students wonder whether the optional Texas A&M essay is truly optional. We recommend that you complete all the required Texas A&M supplemental essays and also the optional essay if you have a personal challenge that applies to the prompt. Do the optional essay only after you have finished all of the other required Texas A&M supplemental essays. Starting with these essays ensures you are prioritizing the Texas A&M admissions essays that are required for your application. The optional Texas A&M essay can be a helpful addition to your other Texas A&M essays. Especially if you have some extenuating circumstances that affect other areas of your application. 

So yes, the last of the Texas A&M essay prompts is truly optional. But, responding to this prompt is a good way to communicate additional details about your personal situation to the admissions committee. Completing all the Texas A&M essay prompts not only shows the school that you are a hard worker. It can also help them get to know you better and explain any anomalies in your otherwise stellar application.

Are the Texas A&M supplemental essays important?

The Texas A&M supplemental essays are an important part of your Texas A&M admissions application . Your Texas A&M essays are your only opportunity to give Admissions information beyond your grades and extracurricular activities. The Texas A&M essays also provide important information to the admissions committee about your readiness for college. And whether you would be a good fit for the culture of Texas A&M.

Strong responses to the Texas A&M supplemental essays can help increase your chances of admission to Texas A&M. These Texas A&M admissions essays are your golden opportunity to stand out from the rest of the applicants. Plan to spend ample time on your Texas A&M supplemental essays. They’ll likely be the most time-consuming portion of crafting your application.

When are essays for Texas A&M applications due?

Students need to submit their Texas A&M supplemental essays by December 1st. So, be sure to satisfy all of the Texas A&M admissions requirements ahead of the deadline. The deadline is different for students applying for the Early Admission Deadline for the College of Engineering. If that’s you, your Texas A&M admissions essays must be in by October 15th. For more information about the timeline and deadlines for your application, check out their admissions website !

Five Tips for Writing the Texas A&M Essays

Texas a&m university essay writing tips, 1. start early.

Because there are so many Texas A&M supplemental essays, get started on them as early as possible. This is especially true if you want to complete all of the Texas A&M essay prompts, including the optional one. You’re probably not going to put all of your best ideas into your first draft of the Texas A&M supplemental essays. Setting aside time for multiple drafts will help strengthen the writing of your Texas A&M admissions essays. 

2. Brainstorm ideas before writing

The Texas A&M admissions essays require personal reflection and thought to answer effectively. Because of this, take time to write down some of the most important events and people in your life. That way, you have a bank of topics from which to pull for your Texas A&M supplemental essays. (And you can choose the very best ones to answer the Texas A&M essay prompts). The Texas A&M essays are not long enough to capture every one of your unique life experiences and qualities. Choosing a few to focus on will help streamline your essays!

3. Show, don’t tell

Following this guideline can strengthen not only your Texas A&M admissions essays but also your writing in general. The idea is to use relevant examples to demonstrate the qualities showcased in your Texas A&M essays. These stories are powerful tools because they do two things. One, they help your reader see the kind of person you’ve become. Two, they provide perspective into the kind of student you would be at Texas A&M.

4. It’s all in the details 

This tip is related to the last, because no personal essay for college would be complete without vivid, specific details. These details help separate your essay from the crowd and allow the reader to transport themselves into your memories. The more descriptive and specific your language, the better your message will come across to your readers. Avoid stringing together several different stories with only surface-level descriptions for each one. When responding to the Texas A&M essay prompts, use as much descriptive language as possible!  

5. Ask for help

The Texas A&M supplemental essays are not easy. Writing college essays is a skill and is very different from writing a paper for class. So, it can be helpful to have some other people that you trust edit and review your essay. They might even catch mistakes in your Texas A&M supplemental essays or see improvements that you would not have considered. Just make sure that anyone you ask for help is not writing the Texas A&M supplemental essays for you! Admissions officers are trained to look for essays written by parents or siblings. Nothing someone else writes will come close to the power of your original, authentic voice.

Texas A&M Supplemental Essays – Final Takeaways

The Texas A&M essays are one of the most difficult parts of the Texas A&M admission requirements. However, with the proper preparation and guidance, anyone can write strong responses to the Texas A&M essay prompts. Any personal essay for college is important. So be sure to put your best foot forward in your Texas A&M supplemental essays. 

We at CollegeAdvisor are here to help you with your Texas A&M admissions essays. Our advisor network includes Texas A&M graduates who have personal experience with writing Texas A&M essays. By signing up for a CollegeAdvisor.com account, you get access to individual coaching for your personal essay for college. (And help from admissions experts and our Essay Editing team!) To register for an account and get help with your Texas A&M supplemental essays, click here .

This essay guide was written by senior advisor, Alex Baggott-Rowe . Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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Undergraduate Application Process

Due to the continued increase of competitive applications, the Texas A&M University College of Engineering has moved to a total holistic review process. This policy applies to all engineering applications, including Texas A&M automatic admits, and is handled entirely by the Office of Admissions — not  the College of Engineering.

Factors that are considered during the review process include the following:

  • Academic achievements — class rank and SAT and/or ACT scores, as well as completion of Texas A&M's  recommended high school coursework . NOTE: Submission of SAT/ACT scores is optional for students applying for the spring and fall 2023 semesters. 
  • Personal achievements — involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, leadership, employment and summer activities, as well as any talents, awards and honors.
  • Information shared in the Essay and Short Answer Questions on the application.
  • Note: The Engineering Essay/Short Answer Question is no longer part of the freshman application effective August 1, 2024.

Engineering applicants will be considered for the following programs:

  • General Engineering at College Station
  • Texas A&M Engineering at Blinn  (general deadline only)
  • Engineering at Galveston (general deadline only)
  • Engineering at McAllen

Admission to Texas A&M University  will continue to be achieved in one of two ways — top 10% admits or holistic review admits — and admission decisions will continue to be communicated on a rolling basis.

Admissions Checklist

Alternative Pathway: Engineering Academies

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Writing a Standout Response to Texas A&M's Engineering Application Prompt

A&m requires 3 short answer prompts this year - learn the k eys to writing them here ..

The Texas A&M University College of Engineering is the biggest college at the university and one of the largest engineering schools in the country, with more than 20,000 students across 14 departments. According to the American Society for Engineering Education, it ranks second in undergraduate enrollment and eighth in graduate enrollment.

As part of the application to A&M’s College of Engineering, students are asked to write a short answer to the following prompt.

Texas A&M Engineering Short-answer prompt

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals?

How to approach this question

In responding to the prompt, the students’ goal should be to communicate to the admissions committee what makes their proposed field of study engaging and exciting to them. The committee doesn’t expect students to be an expert in the field, or to have their career mapped out in advance. What it does want is to understand why students want to pursue studies in the field—and to see that they’ve thought carefully about academic and career goals and are prepared to devote four or more years to studying engineering.

  • To stand out, students’ responses should demonstrate the following: They’ve already begun exploring their proposed field of study, either through independent study or through organized opportunities like classes, summer programs, and internships.
  • They have a sense of purpose about becoming an engineer and can articulate how their interest in engineering has grown over time and the program they’re applying to will help them meet long-term career goals.
  • They’ve thought about what makes Texas A&M the right place to pursue their proposed field of study.

Remember: Students should show how and why they, specifically, are eager to take advantage of the opportunities that A&M offers, not about what some generic student might get from A&M.

Questions for reflection and freewriting

It’s not enough to answer this prompt with a list of classes, extracurriculars, and awards pulled straight from a resume. Instead, students should identify two or three experiences that have been especially meaningful for them, and reflect on how those experiences helped inspire and shape their interest in engineering. 

How did these experiences shape your interest in the field of study you want to pursue? Did they expose you to issues or problems that you hadn’t been aware of, or help you gain new perspective on your life, culture, or community? Did they help you learn new skills or approaches to solving problems?

How did you grow through these experiences? Did they help you understand something important, or spark you to take action of some kind? Clarify or deepen existing interests? Open doors to careers or fields of study you hadn’t previously considered?

Personalizing your answer

Students who haven’t participated in summer programs or taken directly relevant courses might need to get a little more creative here. Remember: learning experiences take place in all areas of life, not just in formal classroom settings. If students have taken the initiative to explore a topic independently, it can demonstrate that they’re self-motivated and intellectually curious—just the type of applicants that Texas A&M is looking to admit. Here are some ways that students may have independently explored their interests:

  • Reading books or other publications
  • Watching lectures on YouTube
  • Listening to podcasts
  • Having conversations about what they’re learning with friends, family, or classmates
  • Finding ways to incorporate their interests into school assignments 
  • Applying classroom knowledge or practical skills from one area of life to solve problems or tackle challenges in other areas
  • Talking with teachers or reaching out to professionals in their field of interest
  • Gathering information from real-world experiences, even if they don’t seem directly connected to students’ field of interest

Bottom line: For a student’s application to stand out from others in the stack that the admission committee will be reviewing, his or her answer to this prompt can’t just regurgitate information from a resume or personal essay. Instead, students should focus on and offer new insight into their connection with and passion for engineering. 

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How to Respond to the 2024-2025 Texas A&M University Essay Prompts

Cece Gilmore

Cece Gilmore is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cece earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Arizona State University. While at ASU, she was the education editor as well as a published staff reporter at Downtown Devil. Cece was also the co-host of her own radio show on Blaze Radio ASU.

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Bill Jack

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Student writing his Texas A&M supplemental essays

Texas A&M is located in warm and sunny College Station, Texas. If you are set on becoming an “Aggie,” then crafting winning responses to the Texas A&M supplemental essays will help your application stand out from all other applicants. Keep reading our guide to learn how to best respond to the Texas A&M prompts! 

Breaking down the Texas A&M supplemental essay prompts

The Texas A&M supplemental essays may seem overwhelming at first. There is one optional prompt as well as a prompt just for engineering majors. So, be sure to know which prompts to respond to. 

Here is a breakdown of the Texas A&M prompts : 

  • Essay Prompt 1

Short answer #1

Short answer #2.

  • Short answer #3 (optional) 
  • Prompt for College of Engineering only 
Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today? 

This prompt is an extremely open-ended and broad question. Therefore, you can take this as an opportunity to elaborate on anything you are proud of that was not included in your Common Application or Coalition Application . 

To begin, you should create a list to brainstorm ideas. Write down the most impactful opportunities and challenges that you encountered while in high school. Once you have narrowed down your list to two or three  of the most important and influential events, it is time to write your response! 

The important thing to do when responding to this prompt is not to just simply state the events but expand on the “why” of your prompt. 

Think about the following questions to help expand upon the prompt : 

  • Why is it important to share these experiences? 
  • What did you learn from this experience? 
  • Did you grow from this event? 
  • Why were you proud of yourself during this experience? 
  • How has this experience shaped you into the person you are today? 

Whatever you write, be sure that you are telling your story. You want to be truthful and true to yourself and your interests. Being authentic will help the Texas A&M admissions officers see just how unique you are.

One important thing to remember throughout your response is that you are not just listing facts and details. Rather, you should weave together your thoughts in an organized and easy-flowing way. Your perspective and interpretation of the events that quite literally changed your life is what the admissions officers are looking for. 

Before submitting your answer to this prompt be sure to ask yourself these questions : 

  • Does this prompt tell a story about opportunities or challenges you face while at high school? 
  • Is this prompt response told in an organized way? 
  • Did you show how your experience shaped who you are today? 

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Short answer section.

With a 10 to 250 word limit , these are true “short answer” questions. Therefore, be sure to stay short and sweet with your answers! Your response can be anywhere from a few sentences to a few paragraphs .

Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college.

This is an extremely broad question. Therefore, try to narrow down your most influential life event. 

Consider the following questions when brainstorming for this prompt’s response:

  • What challenges have you faced that have changed your life? 
  • How have you overcome obstacles in your life? 
  • What are your most dominant traits?
  • How are you prepared to become successful in college? 
  • What do you want to do in the future? 
  • What skills have you developed over the years? 
  • How will you thrive at Texas A&M? 
  • Who has helped you through your academic and social journey in high school?

Once you have narrowed down to your most influential life event, you should then describe this event in a narrative way. After describing said event, detail how it has impacted you. What have you learned that will make your college experience more successful?

Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why.

Right after reading this prompt, someone popped into your mind. Who was it? However, if you are not content with this person try brainstorming impactful people in your life. 

Think about the following to help you brainstorm people: 

  • Family members
  • Celebrities
  • Historical figures

Once you have determined who has had the greatest impact on your life, describe them and your relationship with them. Are they a friend? Did you read their book every night? Are they still alive? Once you have introduced this person and your relationship to them, highlight how they impacted your life. 

Questions to consider: 

  • Did this person teach you anything? 
  • Would you be the person you are today without this person’s influence? 
  • How exactly was this person impactful in your life? 

Short answer #3

If there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities (including COVID related experiences) that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials,  which you have not already written about , please note them in the space below.

This question is completely optional, so therefore, do not feel pressured to answer. Only answer this question if you have suffered academic or other types of hardships from COVID. 

Make sure you are not repeating anything that you have already written about in your application. This prompt is the opportunity to elaborate on circumstances that may have affected your grades, clubs, or anything else found on your application. 

If you choose to respond to this prompt, make sure that you are divulging the full truth. Do not beat around the bush and be specific with facts.  Explain any COVID-related hardships you may have experienced and how they negatively affected you. 

Engineering majors only prompt

“Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals? It is important to spend time addressing this question as it will be considered as part of the engineering review process. If you have chosen an engineering major for both your first and second choice majors, you will see the same question twice and may provide the same response to both questions.

Ultimately this question asks you to narrow down your engineering goals for a better understanding of you as an engineering student. Think about which field of engineering you specifically want to pursue and then think about what future goals you have for yourself. 

Consider the following questions:

  • What career do you see yourself thriving in? 
  • Why do you want to pursue this field? 
  • What has influenced you to fulfill these goals? 
  • Do you have any figures you look up to in this field? 
  • How will your interests and talents be put to use in this field? 

After addressing the answers to a few of these questions, it is then important to address any experience you have had in this engineering field. 

Consider the following questions: 

  • How did you become interested in this field? (YouTube video, teacher, parent, etc.) 
  • Were you in any engineering or related clubs in high school? 
  • Have you volunteered anywhere in the engineering community? 

Lastly, you should tie your response back to Texas A&M. 

Think about the following questions to help you tie your response back to Texas A&M

  • What resources does Texas A&M have to help you reach your future and career goals?
  • Are there any organizations you are looking to join?
  • What specific classes are you excited to take? (Use the actual names of these classes!) 
  • How will Texas A&M help you better than other schools? 

Final thoughts on the Texas A&M supplemental essays

The Texas A&M supplemental essays might seem a little daunting at first. However, there is no need to worry if you read every prompt carefully and outline your responses prior to writing. This will help you narrow down what to discuss in your prompt responses.

The most important thing is to be authentically you. Texas A&M is looking for unique, creative, and ambitious students to join their incoming freshman class to become part of their Aggie community. So, just be yourself!

Once you complete your Texas A&M supplemental essays, be sure to check over your writing for any mistakes and that you are answering the questions completely. Best of luck on your academic journey, and make sure that you apply for all the scholarships you qualify for!

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Additional resources

At Scholarships360, we offer free college admissions information at your fingertips. We understand that the college admissions process is challenging, and have tried our best to provide resources that can help you. 

Check out our following guides to help you navigate through college admissions: 

  • How to write a 500 word essay
  • How to answer the Common App Essay Prompts
  • How to write an essay about yourself

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Texas Am Admission Essay Writing Guide


Application Guide

Essay examples, texas application letters and application process.

Texas A&M university has taught students since 1876, becoming the first high education institution in the state. For now its main campus harbors almost 70 000 students. The university offers 133 programs for bachelors and 175 programs for master degrees. Its five programs for professors are considered one of the best in the country.

If you're applying to Texas A&M University and find yourself under time constraints to produce a high-quality essay , StudyMoose offers a fast and dependable academic writing service tailored to your specific needs.

Despite being such a renowned university, Texas A&M has a relatively simple admission process. All you need to do is to gather your documents and write one short paper if you are applying via Common Application with its standard “Why Texas A&M” essay. You also can apply via the local ApplyTexas portal with a broader essay prompts choice. But generally, all the Texas A&M admission essays are relatively easy compared to most of the other universities. It doesn’t mean that it’s easy to get enrolled: the university of such a level has a very high demand for your grades and education level. Still, if you prefer to show off your practical skills, not your essay-writing mastery, it’s one of the best variants for you.

You may use a wide collection of our Texas A&M essay examples to get inspired by their stories. Or, if you don’t have time to write essays, you may focus on gathering other documents and let our professional writers make a perfect Texas A&M admissions essay using the information you provide. Texas A&M university asks for only one general essay to be written, but it doesn’t mean that you may not take it seriously. The personal essay seems easy, but if you remember the high competition between the applicants, you’d understand that your admission essay should be polished to perfection.

University Admission Documents

To enter this university you need to gather the following documents:

Obligatory ones:

  • ApplyTexas or Coalition Texas A&M application essay
  • $75 application fee (the e-mail or receipt that proves that you paid the fee). Keep in mind that the fee is non-refundable even if you aren’t enrolled.
  • Self-reported academic record. Each applicant shall prepare it by themselves. The SRAR should be based on high school transcripts and contain all the courses (obligatory and facultative) with corresponding grades and credit score. It is the most important document, so we highly recommend to check the accuracy twice before submitting your SRAR. Corrections may rob you of the precious time and heavily influence your chances for application. Please check the specific requirements to SRAR at the Texas A&M site.
  • Official SAT or ACT scores sent through the agency. You may use the highest total score, so try all the options possible to raise your chances. You may also use the scores from the previous year, because the tests expire after 5 years only.

Desirable ones:

  • A copy of the high school transcript for the application committee to check the accuracy of your SRAR. This document may speed up the process greatly.
  • Engineering short answer question. It’s a kind of extremely short Texas A&M engineering essay that describes your experience in the field of engineering, your academic plans and career goals. It has a very small word limit, so try to be as specific as possible here.
  • High school curriculum requirements. Only for students of Texas private high schools. All the other students should provide Exemption Form 3.
  • Permanent Resident Card for non-US citizens.
  • Letters of recommendation. A maximum of two letters is allowed. They are not very important for the application process, but if you have a valuable recommendation it may play its part when you have an equal total score with the other applicant.

ApplyTexas and Common Application admission essays

The ApplyTexas app is the local version of the Common Application portal. The main difference between them is thaa CA allows you to apply to the universities all over the USA, and AT is state-specific. Usually you have the one essay prompt for the Texas A&M Common App version and several prompts for the AppTexas application. The Common Application essay theme is always the same: “Why this university?” You are supposed to write a personalized paper describing the benefits of the university chosen. This essay is required to prove that you do care, not just applying to any university available. The Common App Texas apply essay should be no more less than 250 and no more than 650 words. It may seem like a lot of space, but you don’t have to use all the words up to the limit. Actually, some admission committee members prefer shorter essays and give you more points for your ability to express yourself precisely and laconically.

The minimum word limit is obligatory though, the system just won’t accept the papers that are shorter than 250 words. ApplyTexas, on the contrary, has four prompts for the first-time admissions and three topics for transfer admissions. All the different universities have different requirements, so they may specifically ask you to work with A, B, C or D prompt if you are a freshmen or with a slightly changed variation for transferred students.

It’s tricky to understand the system for the first time, but usually the Texas A&M essay prompts are mentioned at the university site. The Texas A&M applicants need to write an essay on Topic A. The future engineers should also write a short discipline-specific answer. They are usually easy and change only slightly from year to year. You may check our Texas A&M engineering essay examples on our site to get the idea of what the admission committee wants to hear from you. The Topic A is usually the most specific of all. It doesn’t require lots of imagination and is focused on your own story, your background and choice of the particular university. This is the case when TexasApp and Common App essays do have a lot in common. Actually, they are pretty similar, so you may choose any application portal, the essay writing task will be equally easy.

Writing a perfect entrance essay

Despite being a simple topic, this broad range of variants make this paper one of the hardest to write properly. You should carefully balance facts and emotions, show that you did your research and learned a fact or two about Texas A&M university. Also, the uniform topic means that the admission committee members will read plenty of similar essays. So you have to make yours truly outstanding. Here are some simple tips that will help your paper shine:

Use unconventional knowledge sources

Everyone can open the university’s site and read the general information about it. Show that you spent a bit more time to decide that it’s the best place for you to be next years. Mention reading the open university forums, talking to the alumni community, attending open lectures and events or reading the professors’ works. You don’t have to, if you never did that, but if you have something to show off, do it! This essay isn’t for your logical thinking and writing evaluation only. It also shows your motivation, and motivated students are always the first to get enrolled.

Don’t try to use all the word limit

The admission officers are people, too, and they may get tired of reading long papers. You never know when they’d get your paper: in the morning or later, when they are reading them inattentively. Try to make each sentence as sharp as possible. It’s your presentation, the first impression of you as a student-to-be, so take it seriously. Ask someone to read your essay (bonus points for asking someone who was an admission officer themselves, or at least was an author of one of the Texas A&M essays that worked. Check if your paper is specific enough to not look like a general application insert-name-here text. A good test is to change the university’s name to the other one and check if the paper still can be sent as a valid application essay.

Use standard structure and the non-standard approach

Usually the admission committee expects to see the answers to such questions:

  • What areas of study are appealing to you? What do you truly want to learn in university?
  • What is the difference between the chosen university and others with the same major programs?
  • What extracurricular activities you love and want to see in the university? What will you participate in?
  • What are your goals in the university? What do you plan to do as a bachelor? Possibly, get a job in your dream company or stay a bit longer to get a master’s degree or become a postgraduate? Are you more interested in science or practical reasons?

Do not try to get a “right” answer

The admission officers will see enough of the perfectly polished application essays that show only the bright sides bordering with flattery. Don’t create the image of a wide-eyed idealist if you just want to make a decent career and provide a comfortable lifestyle for you and your family. Honesty is your best option here: the admission committee wants to see real people they would work and live with, not the images these people pretend to be.

Be realistic

It’s okay to set high and challenging goals, but they still should be practical and realistic enough. You can choose to work on a scientific frontier, offer a bold interdisciplinary project or plan to establish a successful startup as a sophomore. But winning a Nobel Prize doesn’t sound like a mature goal and, moreover, doesn’t sound like a goal that can be achieved with the help of your university (at least not for the bachelor). Be university-specific. It isn’t enough to just say you love biology or science.

Try to explain why you want to achieve your goals here

Take a more narrow approach, talk about the courses that are particularly strong and effective, and plan your progress. The more your plan corresponds with the university’s curriculum, the more chances you have to get noticed as a promising student.

Mention the university’s core values. It’s all about people and perspectives. If your ethics and mindset is aligned with the university’s principles, don’t forget to tell the admission officers about it. There are plenty of talented young people, but each university tries to pick the ones who will get along with the rest. Show yourself as a friendly and tolerant person and you’ll possibly win some extra points in the admission committee’s eyes.

Wrapping Up

We gathered a broad collection of Texas A&M essay examples for you, both general and engineering ones. We do hope that they will help you to create your own perfect paper with a personal touch and ambitious plans. If you are struggling or hesitating, our authors are here to help. They have dozens of “Why Texas A&M” essays written and successfully used, so they will write that exact paper that will make your credits and grades shine even brighter.

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How did y’all (TAMU engineering students) why your engineering essays?

Corrected Title: “How did y’all (TAMU engineering students) write your engineering essays?”

Hello from a former college stationer! I’m applying to TAMU engineering ( 31 ACT, 3.6-3.7 ish GPA, OOS D: ) and I was wondering what did you guys wrote? What should I ideally talk about? I really could use some help lol. Anyway regardless, thanks for reading :)

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Texas A&M University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Regular Decision: 

Regular Decision Deadline: Dec 1

Texas A&M University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanation

The Requirements: Two required essays of 250 words each; one optional essay of 250 words

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball , Additional Information

Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college. (250 words)

This prompt is incredibly vague, which is kinda awesome because it sets you up to talk about almost anything you want. Which life event has sparked personal growth? What do you think it takes to be successful and how do you embody those qualities? Maybe a parent’s fragile health situation challenged you to take on more responsibilities than the average teenager, preparing you for the hard work ahead. Or perhaps you learned to love your football team’s playback sessions, as they forced you to routinely examine your mistakes, welcome constructive criticism, and guide you toward self-improvement. Whatever story you choose to tell, be sure to infuse it with personal details that no one else could include in their essay.

Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why. (250 words)

Who is the first person to come to mind when you read this prompt? The person you write about can be someone in your immediate circle, larger network, or on the world stage. Remember that the person you choose is going to say a lot about what you value and respect in others. Maybe an adult in your life has served as a mentor and role model for you, or perhaps the person who has impacted you most is a close friend and confidant. Once you identify the person you’d like to write about, be sure to summarize who they are to you, how they have impacted your life, and how you’ve changed as a result of knowing them.

If there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities (including COVID related experiences) that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, which you have not already written about, please note them in the space below. (250 words)

Let us start by saying: this prompt is not for everyone. If your GPA has not dramatically increased or decreased during your high school career, move along. If, on the other hand, you’re thinking, “Yes! An opportunity for me to explain!” then read on.  Your transcripts are like Garfield Minus Garfield . Sure, we can see that something’s changed from frame to frame, but we don’t know why. Grades need context. Admissions doesn’t know why or how things happened—good or bad—so ake a look at your grades and note any anomalies or odd jumps/drops. Think back to that time in your life and tell your story. Maybe your family struggled with financial instability or the loss of a loved one. Maybe you started meeting virtually with a tutor and climbed from a fall semester C in geometry to a spring semester A. No matter your story, you are not alone in your journey of ups and downs—high school is a veritable war zone of distractions and possibilities. And, remember, everyone loves a comeback. 

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a&m engineering essay examples

Texas A&M University

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Texas A&M University’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Impactful person short response.

Tell us about the person who has most impacted your life and why.

Opportunities and Challenges Essay

Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?

Life Even Short Response

Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college.

Overcoming Challenges Short Response

If there are additional personal challenges, hardships, or opportunities (including COVID related experiences) that have shaped or impacted your abilities or academic credentials, which you have not already written about, please note them in the space below.

College of Engineering Essay

Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals? It is important to spend time addressing this question as it will be considered as part of engineering review process.

ApplyTexas Essays

Schools using ApplyTexas will have specific guidelines for how many of the following essays are required, if any. Some schools are also on the Common App, so you may respond to those prompts instead in that case.

Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way. Tell us about yourself.

You’ve got a ticket in your hand – Where will you go? What will you do? What will happen when you get there?

(specific to majors in architecture, art history, design, studio art, visual art studies/art education): Personal interaction with objects, images and spaces can be so powerful as to change the way one thinks about particular issues or topics. For your intended area of study (architecture, art history, design, studio art, visual art studies/art education), describe an experience where instruction in that area or your personal interaction with an object, image or space effected this type of change in your thinking. What did you do to act upon your new thinking and what have you done to prepare yourself for further study in this area?

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?


  1. Engineering Essay Example Free Essay Example

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  2. Mechanical engineering Essay Example

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  3. Mechanical Engineering Career Essay Example

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  4. Why I Am Studying Engineering

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  5. 011 Mechanical Engineering Essay Topics Example Essays Goals Civil

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  6. Mechanical Engineer Essay Example for Students

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  2. M.A.M. engineering college Trichy free admission helpline DM or call:6382747455

  3. Texas A&M Engineering

  4. 2016 Engineering Project Showcase

  5. Things I wish someone told me during my engineering

  6. Project Management for Engineers: The Process of Building a New House


  1. Entry to a Major Essays

    There are three essay portions to the application: "Statement of Purpose," "Outstanding Achievements" and "Additional Information.". Although "Outstanding Achievements" and "Additional Information" are optional, it is highly recommended that you complete these essays. This application uses plain text formatting.

  2. How to Write the Texas A&M University Essays 2023-2024

    Texas A&M University has three required essay prompts on its application. You are asked to write about your personal story, a life event that has prepared you for success in college, and a person who has profoundly impacted your life. There is also an optional essay prompt about any additional challenges or opportunities you have had to ...

  3. How to Write the Texas A&M Supplemental Essays: Examples + Guide 2023/2024

    how to write Texas A&M Supplemental Essay Prompt #2. Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college. (10-250 words for Common App; max 592 for ApplyTexas) You might panic at the two different (like, really different) word counts for the same essays in the different portals.

  4. Texas A&M Engineering and Computer Science Supplement Essay Tips and

    Example of Texas A&M Engineering Supplement: Clean Energy. "The turbine converts the energy of flowing water into mechanical energy," my dad explained, pointing to our newly finished water turbine model. For my fourth-grade science project, I wanted to demonstrate various clean energy processes. My dad and I spent hours developing model ...

  5. 2 Terrific Texas A&M Essay Examples by an Accepted Student

    Essay Example 1 - Success in College. Prompt: Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college. (250 words) "How much are you looking to make.". This was the question I had feared; a wrong answer could've meant I wasn't ready for the job, and I'd look like a fool, but if I answered wrong for myself ...

  6. Examples of successful Texas A&M engineering essays?

    5. Personal qualities: Showcase the qualities that make you a strong fit for Texas A&M engineering programs -- qualities like resilience, creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership. Highlight specific examples of how you have demonstrated these qualities through your academic and extracurricular activities.

  7. A&M Engineering Essay Tips

    It's great that you're applying to the engineering program at Texas A&M. Crafting a strong engineering essay mainly involves focusing on your passion, experiences, and future goals related to engineering. Here are some tips and insights on what they might be looking for in applicants: 1. Highlight your engineering passion: Start by explaining ...

  8. Application Process and Guidelines

    Application Guidelines. Below are guidelines for completing your Entry to a Major (ETAM) application. Students are required to apply to three majors with the option of applying to up to five majors. Major selections must be ranked in order of preference. You cannot select the same major twice. It is important to be mindful and intentional with ...

  9. How to Write the Texas A&M University Essays 2021-2022

    Texas A&M University is a large public research institution and one of the biggest attractions in the city of College Station. As the flagship university of the Texas A&M University system, the school is one of the business, agriculture, and engineering giants of the South. With a total undergraduate population of over 50,000, Texas A&M's ...

  10. Advice on writing Texas A&M engineering essay?

    Writing an essay for Texas A&M's engineering program can seem daunting, but with the right approach, you'll be able to create a strong piece. Here are some tips to help you structure your essay and ensure you showcase your strengths: 1. Understand the prompt: Make sure you thoroughly understand the prompt and that your essay directly addresses ...

  11. Any tips for ETAM essays? : r/aggies

    I'll do my best to help out here! In case you don't know. Only your GPA at A&M counts for ETAM, but if you have a 3.4 at A&M, that's really good, and it gives you an exceptional shot to get into CVEN, so great job! Secondly, So, if you are part of ASCE, you're pretty much an auto admit to civil engineering. You can join as a general ...

  12. Texas A&M Essay Guide 2021-22

    According to the Texas A&M essay requirements, all applicants to the School of Engineering must respond to a second prompt and write a total of two Texas A&M admissions essays. Neither of the Texas A&M essay prompts has word counts, so there is no specific word limit for your Texas A&M essays. Because this question is more straightforward, we ...

  13. Texas A&M Supplemental Essays 2023-24

    About 600-750 words is a good length to shoot for in this Texas A&M essay. The shorter Texas A&M admissions essays have more strict word counts. Responses to these Texas A&M supplemental essays should not be more than 250 words. For these shorter Texas A&M essays, using as much of the word count as possible is beneficial.

  14. Apply Now

    Engineering applicants will be considered for the following programs: Admission to Texas A&M University will continue to be achieved in one of two ways — top 10% admits or holistic review admits — and admission decisions will continue to be communicated on a rolling basis. Admissions Checklist.

  15. Texas A&M Engineering Short-answer prompt

    A&M requires 3 short answer prompts this year - learn the k eys to writing them here. The Texas A&M University College of Engineering is the biggest college at the university and one of the largest engineering schools in the country, with more than 20,000 students across 14 departments. According to the American Society for Engineering ...

  16. How to Respond to the 2024-2025 Texas A&M University Essay Prompts

    Breaking down the Texas A&M supplemental essay prompts. The Texas A&M supplemental essays may seem overwhelming at first. There is one optional prompt as well as a prompt just for engineering majors. So, be sure to know which prompts to respond to. Here is a breakdown of the Texas A&M prompts: Essay Prompt 1; Short answer #1; Short answer #2

  17. How to Write Texas A&M (TAMU) Honors Essays

    Texas A&M University, or TAMU, has a separate honors program application for college admissions. For the application, you have to answer a few short honors essay prompts. Today I will provide you some strategies and outlines for writing the best TAMU honors essays. Prompt #1: Thousands of non-honors graduates of Texas A&M are well prepared for and obtain their first choice medical school, law ...

  18. Texas A&M Statement of Purpose Examples

    Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling statement of purpose: 1. Start by introducing your interest in Texas A&M and your intended major: Explain what specifically draws you to the university and your field of study. For example, you might mention Texas A&M's strong engineering program, the prevalence of cutting-edge research, or the ...

  19. My Journey to Electrical Engineering at TAMU : r/aggies

    Hi, I'm an upcoming high school senior and am currently filling out my application for TAMU and have kind of hit a writer's block when it comes to my engineering essay. I'm trying to apply for an electrical engineering major but don't really know what to write about. I never really thought about what my "goals" were for engineering besides the ...

  20. Texas A&M University 2022-23 Application Essay Examples

    The Texas A&M applicants need to write an essay on Topic A. The future engineers should also write a short discipline-specific answer. They are usually easy and change only slightly from year to year. You may check our Texas A&M engineering essay examples on our site to get the idea of what the admission committee wants to hear from you.

  21. How did y'all (TAMU engineering students) why your engineering essays

    Do it because you have a passion for it, and A&M will be able to see the engineer in you when they read an essay full of passion and enthusiasm. It was hard to start at first, but just write, brainstorm and type away and eventually it all come together. Good luck and Gig 'Em! 7. Reply.

  22. 2024-25 Texas A&M Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Texas A&M University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanation. The Requirements: Two required essays of 250 words each; one optional essay of 250 words. Supplemental Essay Type(s): Oddball, Additional Information. Describe a life event which you feel has prepared you to be successful in college. (250 words)

  23. Texas A&M University's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    College of Engineering Essay. Required. 500 Words. Describe your academic and career goals in the broad field of engineering (including computer science, industrial distribution, and engineering technology). What and/or who has influenced you either inside or outside the classroom that contributed to these goals?