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Scripting error caused by a conflict with thesis 185

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I’m using WordPress Thesis 185 and when I added some code to the custom.php file my website went completely blank. The plugins I’m running are :

All in One SEO Pack Blog Copyright (by BTE) Copyright Proof Jetpack by WordPress.com WishList Member

I tried removing any offending code using Filezilla, but this had no effect. I then contacted Bluehost, my server provider and this is the info they gave me:

Your site was hitting a scripting error caused by a conflict with the theme. I have changed the theme from “thesis_185” to the default “twentyten”. Your site now loads and you can choose activate or install another theme in your WP Dashboard. If you activate the thesis_185 theme again, your site will probably go back to the white screen.

If you wish to use the thesis_185 theme, I recommend working with a developer or someone with experience in PHP to modify the conflict in the theme’s code, or find and disable the plugin that is conflicting with the theme.

Can you help or advise further on this as I would prefer to continue to use Thesis.

Thanks. Blog url: http://jozahn.wordpress.com/

The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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Good day to you, I’m sorry to report that you have accidentally posted to the wrong support forum. We cannot help you here at WordPress.com with that site as it’s not being hosted by WordPress.com and we run on different software. This is the correct forum for your software http://wordpress.ORG/support/ WordPress.com vs WordPress.org: The Differences http://support.wordpress.com/com-vs-org/ Best wishes with your site.

  • The topic ‘Scripting error caused by a conflict with thesis 185’ is closed to new replies.

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The Art of WordPress Theme Design

S ince 2006, I’ve been on a mission to improve and perfect the WordPress theming process. This journey continues today with my two flagship projects— Thesis , which is a WordPress Theme engine, and Focus , which is a Thesis Skin.

What’s a Thesis Skin, you ask? Well…

With traditional WordPress Themes, the designer must consider far too many technical things like standardized HTML markup, SEO concerns, and WordPress and Plugin compatibilities.

Thesis Skins eliminate the need for website owners, designers, and developers to consider hardcore technical stuff.

Even better, they open the door to amazing new possibilities thanks to a deep WordPress integration and a powerful API that makes it easy to do anything with your website.

Below you’ll find the original introductory articles to my WordPress Themes. For current information on Thesis and Focus , please check out my business website, DIYthemes .

  • 📖 Cutline and PressRow Removed from WordPress.com
  • 📖 Thesis Theme for WordPress
  • 📖 The Neoclassical 3-Column Theme for WordPress
  • 📖 Copyblogger Theme for WordPress
  • 📖 Cutline Theme for WordPress
  • 📖 PressRow Theme for WordPress

© Chris Pearson 2005-2024. All rights reserved.

Free guide: 👀 The internet has changed— has your site changed with it?

What’s New in Thesis 1.8.5, and What’s the Deal with Thesis 2?

This article is deprecated! Any technical information refers to software versions that are now obsolete. Please visit the DIYthemes Blog for current updates, or check out the old Thesis Blog for a treasure trove of website marketing insights.

It’s that time again, folks. Last week, WordPress dropped version 3.4, and today, we’re releasing Thesis 1.8.5 to keep you on the cutting edge.

Of course, we’ve also been extremely busy with Thesis 2, and at the end of this post, I’ll share an update on our progress. But first, let’s take a look at Thesis 1.8.5.

Our team has been working hard to ensure Thesis has the best WordPress Multisite integration in the business, and many of the changes in 1.8.5 improve on an already-awesome multisite experience. Here’s what’s new on that front:

  • Fixed theme preview in WordPress 3.4 for normal and multisite installations
  • Improved multisite post thumbnail handling on a wider variety of server setups
  • Resolved layout.css error message in multisite that appeared (wrongly) due to certain user permissions

Next, we’ve made three small modifications that will help you keep search engines happy while providing some additional layout flexibility:

  • Updated the author microformat in post bylines so it passes the Google Rich Snippet Tool without any warnings
  • Basic HTML tags are now allowed inside widget titles, so you have more presentational flexibility in those areas
  • In previous versions, if you added a nav menu via a widget, it would display horizontally like the default nav menu. Now, menus added via widgets will display just like a normal vertical list of links, so you won’t have to waste time undoing undesirable styles.

Also, WordPress improved image captioning in version 3.4, and this affected the way Thesis displayed captions. In previous versions, we used a shortcode hack to get them to display properly, but thanks to WordPress 3.4, we no longer need that shortcode.

By upgrading to Thesis 1.8.5, you’ll be able to ensure that your image captions will display just as they always have.

An Update on Thesis 2…

There are a zillion reasons why I’m excited about Thesis 2, but the biggest reason by far has nothing to do with Thesis 2 itself.

Instead, I’m excited about what Thesis 2 is going to allow us to do for you.

Since we released version 1.7, we’ve averaged one update every four months or so, and most of those updates have been minor (by our standards).

However, once Thesis 2 is out, we’re going to increase this pace by offering new skins and other features that you can add to Thesis any time you like.

With all these new parts available, Thesis will turn into a “living” piece of software that you can enhance regularly rather than something you can only update on an infrequent basis.

Best of all, we’ll be releasing skins and add-ons all the time, so there will always be something new from us that you’ll be able to check out and sink your teeth into. It’s gonna be a heck of a ride.

Now, with that out of the way, I’ll answer the only question that matters right now: When can you get your hands on Thesis 2?

We’ve got about 120 hours of development and testing left before the alpha (only available to DIYthemes staffers) will be ready. Based on experience, I think we’ll probably have another 60 hours of development on top of that plus a couple of weeks out in the wild before the beta is ready for release.

With that information in mind, I think Thesis 2 will probably make its world debut in August.

And it will be one hell of a debut 😀

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Thesis WordPress Theme Review – Why We Use It

Thesis Theme for WordPress:  Options Galore and a Helpful Support Community

Almost every blog I comment on that belongs to my favorite bloggers uses Thesis. It is the first theme I recommend to small businesses and clients and there is only one other theme I even suggest they consider: the Genesis Framework.


Thesis and Genesis are different.  I prefer Thesis for my blogs and believe you might want to consider Genesis for a more product oriented blog.

We Recommend Serious Bloggers and Businesses Use ONLY Either Thesis Or  StudioPress Genesis for their blogs.

If you want to know more about Genesis or to compare the Genesis Framework to Thesis use these links:

  • WordPress: StudioPress Genesis Framework
  • See Ron Cripps’ @AffiliateXFiles WP Genesis Review
  • See Kristi Hines @Kikolani Thesis vs Genesis – Comparing Premium WordPress Themes

Both of these themes are on my AAA Recommended Brands list that is linked from the top of the center column on every page of this blog and they are the only two I would seriously recommend anyone consider.

Why I NEVER Recommend Using Free WordPress Themes:

I’ll let these other experts explain the myriad reasons (that means too many to count!) for avoiding free WordPress Themes:

  • ReadWriteWeb: The Hidden Dangers of Free WordPress Themes by Audrey Waters
  • WPMU.org: Why You Should Never Search For Free WordPress Themes in Google or Anywhere Else By Siobhan McKeown


Less down time (and tech support can be really expensive).

Whenever WordPress or a plugin gets updated there is a risk that the new version will not be compatible with WordPress,  your theme, or one of the plugins you’re using.

The more plugins you run and the more advanced your skills the higher the risk of conflicts.

There is an entire team behind Thesis that makes sure commonly used plugins are compatible and continue to be compatible BEFORE they roll out a new version.

They know when WordPress is going to be updated and they ensure that Thesis and common plugins are still going to work as expected. That means our blogs running Thesis will keep running.

Use a free theme and the next WordPress update may take you down – or worse – take the entire server you are on down – along with dozens of other sites.

Your hosting company will be VERY UNHAPPY and the first thing they will do is delete all your plugins. Hostgator has been known to flat out tell bloggers they can’t reinstall CommentLuv because they blamed it for a problem.

Hosting companies don’t want to diagnose the problem – they just want to make it go away. They are far more likely to tell you not to run your favorite plugins than to assist you in figuring out where the conflict is or even let you do it yourself because they don’t want to risk your blog taking down the server. They may want to charge you for tech support which could run into $100s or $1000s.

Running the Thesis Theme on your WordPress install = priceless peace of mind, tons of hours and aggravation saved, and a blog that stays online.

I have NEVER in ANY blog had a Thesis update cause a problem. I am NOT saying that could never happen because anything humans do is not infallable – but the team behind Thesis is super-sharp and they test thoroughly BEFORE our blogs are exposed to potential conflicts. That is priceless.

Free Themes Can Be Used for Nefarious Purposes Such as Including Security Exploits, replacing YOUR links with someone else’s affiliate links or linking your blog to bad neighborhoods and getting you banned.


Advanced themes like Thesis manage much of what goes on behind the scenes in a blog such as no-following unimportant links, how comments are displayed and how the blog operates and is laid out.


Thesis automatically formats your blog for different devices, monitor sizes and browsers. You need your blog (or what looks like a static site but is actually running on WordPress using Thesis) to display perfectly on EVERY visitors screen.

If you don’t use Thesis someone should be testing every resolution, browser, monitor size, device – that is a nightmare I don’t even want to think about – and because the Thesis Team does this so well I don’t have to worry about it!


Thesis automatically formats your blog for every device so you don’t have to use something else to make that happen.

I know Thesis does this well because when I’m in direct contact with someone I ask them what they are using and how well this blog displays and navigates on THEIR device. In every case they say the formatting is fine, they can navigate the site, and read and leave comments.


Thesis has built in SEO fields that allow you to optimize every page and post individually. This eliminates the need for plugins like All-in-one-SEO, Platimum SEO, etc. that are really necessary if you use a less advanced theme and want as much organic traffic as possible.


Thesis has exceptional people who provide tech support, a strong community who helps each other in their forum, and with almost all of our favorite collaborators using Thesis if you run into trouble we can help you get it fixed -fast!

I have asked for assistance for a blogger who accidentally broke something or got hacked or couldn’t get into their WP install and tagged a few people on Twitter and had 3-4 bloggers IMMEDIATELY offer to drop everything and assist!

I can’t guarantee that will always happen because even we have to eat and sleep sometime, but the odds are good other bloggers will come to your aid and if you’re running Thesis they will more easily be able to assist you.

If you are considering upgrading your theme we highly recommend Thesis .


Thesis allows you to use ONE theme but make every site totally unique.  This blog, our golf store blog , our gift store blog , and thousands of other blogs use Thesis and no two look alike.

If you aren’t a designer or don’t have the time or desire to learn to customize Thesis do what we do – get a talented Thesis savvy blogger to do it for you! 

We know many bloggers who can do basic Thesis customization and if you need a real designer for a fancy custom graphic like the one in the image below, click that image to see what the best all-around WordPress expert we know and Thesis Skins provider Derek Semmler   can do for you.

Since we’re on the subject you might be interested in checking out all the cool blogs that are based on Thesis. Here are two galleries you can visit to see more customized Thesis themes:

  • Thesis WordPress Theme Showcase Gallery – Almost 200 sites – all very different – based on Thesis
  • Thesis Gallery Showcase – Here are 46 featured sites (some are on both lists).
  • Official Thesis Web Site – Disclaimer: This link contains OUR affiliate link as does the yellow ad in the left column of our blog.


Most of the major blogs about blogging that we frequent have selected it as “ THE ” Theme to use including these:

  • Kristi Hines – @KristiHines 12 12 12 / @Kikolani 52 52 52 – Kristi knows and uses both Thesis and Genesis and has Thesis running on Kikolani.com – see her posts on Getting Started with Thesis (which covers how to actually hand code AND use Thesis), her three part series on WordPress Thesis Theme Customization , and her Thesis versus Genesis comparison .
  • Kimberly Castleberry @AskKim WordPress Thesis 2.0 Release 
  • Michael Gray – @GrayWolf – GrayWolf’s Wolf-Howl SEO Blog – His Take on the Benefits of Thesis


  • ProBlogger interview with Chris Pearson about Thesis


The ONLY bloggers I have ever run across who do NOT like Thesis are those who are programmers and like to write their own code to control every aspect of their blogs. If that isn’t you, you can skip this section.

  • WassupBlog – My First Impression of the Thesis Theme + Thesis Theme is Just Not Flexible Enough


  • SugarRae – @SugarRae 49 49 49 49 49 – Review of the Thesis WordPress Theme
  • PremiumThemesReview – Thesis WordPress Theme Review
  • Binary Turf @BinaryTurf 11 11 11 11 11 – Thesis WordPress Theme – A Critical Take
  • Logos for WebSites – Recommends Thesis WordPress Template
  • I’m sure I’ve forgotten some in my niche so if I forgot you don’t stress – just let me know and I’ll add your link


  • 4 Great Ways to Customize a Thesis Theme


If you have or plan to build many blogs get the developer’s license. If you only need it for one blog now, buy the personal license. You can always upgrade later.

If you plan to have someone else install your blog for you, obtain your license to use Thesis through them. You pay them and they pay DIYThemes for an additional blog under their developer’s license.


[DISCLAIMER: The links to Thesis in this post are affiliate links. Any blogger using Thesis probably has an affiliate link to Thesis so if decide to buy it you can support your favorite blogger by clicking on the link in their blog just before you buy. It does not cost you any more money to do this and bloggers are using it because it is that good – not because they might receive a commission.  ]

Published by

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Gail Gardner

Founder of GrowMap, Small Business Marketing Strategist, freelance writer and BizSugar Mastermind Community Manager. View all posts by Gail Gardner

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WordPress theme Thesis - WordPress site: presentationdynamics.org

WordPress theme Thesis - presentationdynamics.org

Last updated Aug 2024

Page title: Presentation Dynamics — Grabbing your audience's attention and putting it on your message

Page description: Grabbing your audience's attention and putting it on your message

Detected WordPress theme (1x)

WP theme Thesis

Theme name:
Theme used on:564 websites
Theme folder:thesis_185
Last version:1.8.5*
Author homepage:
Theme homepage:

WP theme Thesis by Chris Pearson. A website framework so flexible and extensible that you will never have to change your theme again. Seriously. Check out the Site Options and the Design Options to begin your Thesis experience! [ver. 1.8.5]

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NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster free WordPress plugin

NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster

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Other WP theme Thesis websites

WordPress website theme Thesis - drtayfour.com

Other WP theme

WP theme Author Cats

thesis_185 wp theme

Thesis 1.8.5 WordPress Theme

the greatest website template Thesis 1.8.5

thesis, diythemes

More Details for Thesis 1.8.5

All themes by diythemes.com

Related themes for Thesis 1.8.5 by similar count of domains

The list of related themes is built with the evaluation popularity of themes in the WordPress community. Comparing multiple WordPress themes is a crucial step in selecting the right theme for your website. Choose out some of the following themes that have similar active website counts.

The list of themes related to Thesis 1.8.5 by popularity

Virtue Premium website example screenshot

Virtue Premium

Magazine Pro website example screenshot

Magazine Pro

Nexus website example screenshot

Chart of Usage Thesis 1.8.5 theme

The change in the number of websites in the last monthly update -85 websites

Recent changes in the number of sites for the Thesis 1.8.5 theme

Chart of usage and recent updates of Thesis 1.8.5 theme. Active site count was updated in September, 2024

How has the number of active sites using Thesis 1.8.5 changed?

We conducted an analysis of Thesis 1.8.5 wp theme alongside other popular WordPress themes to compile an independent research report on recent usage statistics. This study covers the period from May, 2023 - September, 2024

From May to June, the number of websites using the Thesis 1.8.5 WordPress theme decreased by -17 , representing a -0.72% decline.

From June to July, Thesis 1.8.5 website count was a further decreased of -14 websites, a -0.60 % reduce.

However, from July to August, the number of websites using Thesis 1.8.5 decreased by -52 , representing a -2.24% decline .

From August to September, the number of websites decreased significantly by -96 , a -4.23% reduction .

From September to October, there was a sharp decline of -70 websites built with Thesis 1.8.5, a decrease of -3.22% .

From October to November, there was a decrease of -18 websites , a -0.86% drop.

However, from November to December, the number of websites decreased by -99 , representing a decline of -4.74% .

From December to January, the number of websites using the Thesis 1.8.5 wp theme decreased by -172 , a significant reduction of -8.65% .

From January to February, the number of websites decreased again, this time by -26 , marking a -1.43% decline.

From February to March, the number of websites using the Thesis 1.8.5 WordPress theme decreased by -181 , a decline of -10.11% .

However, from March to April, the number decreased significantly by -32 , reflecting a -1.99% reduction .

From April to May. 2024, the number grew by 0 websites , indicating a 0.00% increase .

20 WordPress plugins related to Thesis 1.8.5 theme

  • Check Plugin Compatibility with WordPress version;
  • Use Reputable Sources for plugin download.
  • Always backup your website before adding new plugins.

If you're looking for WordPress plugins that work well with Thesis 1.8.5 theme, we provide statistics about popular plugin examples compatible and suitable for use with Thesis 1.8.5 theme. Here is the list of 20 WordPress plugins that are detected as most used on websites built with Thesis 1.8.5 theme

# Plugins (folder name)
# Plugins (folder name)

Showcase of 100 random site samples built with Thesis 1.8.5 WordPress theme

Full website collection using Thesis 1.8.5 theme View more examples

Thesis 1.8.5 theme site design template sample


Thesis 1.8.5 theme site design template sample


Thesis 1.8.5 theme site design template sample


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Thesis WordPress Theme Review

thesis_185 wp theme

Before starting the review I want to make a few things clear. First, I have worked with Thesis many times for client websites and Second, wpexplorer.com is an affiliate of Thesis which means that I make a commission from any Thesis sale generated through my affiliate link. This said, I wanted to let you know that this is not your average bs review that sounds more like an advertisement. Rather I wanted to create an Informative Review of Thesis so you can better understand everything about the theme.

I could sit here for hours and write about how awesome thesis is, however, you probably rather read about the factual in-and-outs of this theme.

There is a lot to read on this Thesis Review…This is why I have provided these nice big headers so you can skip to whatever sounds interesting. Enjoy!

Visit Thesis

What is the Thesis WordPress Theme Framework?

Thesis is a Premium WordPress Theme Framework developed by Chris Pearson and has become one of the most popular and downloaded/purchased Premium themes out there. In fact, I can not go a single day without browsing the web and seeing a site running on thesis. It is unbelievable.

You have probably encountered many blogs or sites that are using thesis and possibly recognized their similar appearances. At the same time, you may have also seeing many sites that were using this framework and you had no idea. The reason for this, is that Thesis is an awesome theme right “out-of-the-box” but it can also be customized really easily too look like “anything”.

But what actually is Thesis? I guess you could call Thesis a WordPress Theme, however, it is much more then that. It is a code and design Framework built around WordPress that delivers a rock-solid SEO website code plus design flexibility that requires no knowledge of HTML or CSS to make customizations to your website’s design.

Thesis Admin Control Panel

The Thesis Admin Panel is what makes this platform truly stand out (in my opinion). Sure many themes out there let you customize your twitter account or upload a logo for your header, but Thesis is different. This powerful platform will allow you to make tons of adjustments from including pages in the navigation bar to selecting a custom CSS style-sheet. You will have the power to customize your site completely, right through your WordPress administration area.

The admin panel makes it really easy for bloggers that do not want to get their hands dirty with any code but still want to do some basic editing to their website design and make customizations to their on-page Search Engine Optimization.

Admin Panel Screenshot

Here is a quick screenshot of one of the admin setting pages so you can see more or less what they look like. The control panel is really clean and makes use of drop down containers so everything is nicely organized and you can find what you need without having to scroll down forever.

Thesis Theme Panel

Customizing Thesis & Thesis Skins

As mentioned earlier, one of the best things about the DYI Thesis Theme is the ability to customize the look and function of your site via theme control panel which is easy to use and very intuitive. But you can also customize the look of your site via what are called “child themes”, which are themes designed to work with the Thesis Framework and can be uploaded via your theme panel and they will automatically add a new style/design to your site. There are many places where you can find Thesis skins and they are available both for free and for purchase. This ability makes Thesis great for bloggers who don’t want to spend anytime customizing their site or need some extra features that are available via other skins. And it is also a great for web designers who are looking to use the Thesis Framework for all their clients.

Is Thesis Really That Awesome for SEO?

While any theme or site can be edited for Search Engine Optimization many are not optimized to start with. This can be a real hassle for amateur/inter-mediate bloggers which is why the Thesis Framework has been designed to be search engine friendly right out-of-the-box. In fact, most people download external plugins such as “All In One SEO”. But what if you could have your SEO built into your theme? This would make everything run more smoothly with cleaner code and it will make it much easier for you to make overall SEO changes to your site. Plus, Thesis is already very SEO-Friendly right out-of-the-box, so you can install it and feel comfortable that your site will be indexed.

Some of the key components that makes this framework good for SEO purposes are:

  • Title tags and Meta Description fields on pages/posts
  • Noindexing options for pages and psots
  • Alt text for images
  • Clean and simple back-end code
  • Simple design – faster loading (google has added speed as a measure of search engine rankings)

You must remember that simply by installing Thesis on your site you will not automatically rank number 1 on Google, rather the framework provides a very good base and clean code to help make your SEO efforts easier and possibly more successful.

Target Advertisement with Thesis & Thesis For Affiliates

Now here is a really neat feature about Thesis you are going to love: “The Multimedia Box”. This is a 300px by 250px (size can be changed) advertisement block that is by default on the top of the sidebar and it will allow you to rotate between different media (images, video, adsense).

So what? A rotating media box. Sure this is true, but what makes the multimedia box of Thesis so unique is that you can edit what appears in that area for every page. This means that you can provide better targeted advertisement based on your page content. So for example on a Thesis Review post you could have an affiliate banner for DIY Themes and on a post about WordPress SEO you may want to have an amazon link to a corresponding SEO book. For posts that you do not have any affiliate links to post you may consider using that spot for adsense.

Ultimately with the media box you will be able to provide relevant advertisement to your visitors and help increase your affiliate sales.

With the latest version of Thesis (1.7) there is a new feature that affiliate marketers will love and it is the ability to easily create 301 redirect links out of your affiliate links. This means that you can transform all your ugly affiliate links into ones that look like they are on your site and with pretty slugs. This way people will not be discourage to click on them and you can help increase your click-through rates.

How Unique is Thesis?

Uniqueness is very important to generate visitor loyalty and help encourage a community on your site. The problem is that many people are using the same WordPress Themes as everyone else, so when you browse the web you find sites that look just like every other site. At least for me, this is a real turn-off.

There are currently thousands of people using Thesis and many people are using thesis with the basic settings applied and nothing customized. The beauty is that this framework is so easy to customize that you can make your site look 100% unique in just minutes. Ultimately it is up to you…You can go for the plain and basic design or you can edit it a bit and no one will even know you are using the Framework.

This is what makes Thesis so great. Unlike many other themes out there you will have to do a lot of CSS and XHTML editing to make your site look unique, but with Thesis you can log into your admin panel the second you activate it and make some changes really quickly and easily. Or you can upload ad use your own custom style-sheet.

Is Thesis The Perfect Theme?

No theme is “Perfect”, as any theme can virtually be improved in one way or another, however, there are probably many users out there that would argue that Thesis is very close to being a perfect theme. Below I highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages of Thesis so you can see what things are awesome and what could be improved.

Thesis WordPress Theme Advantages

  • Clean code and minimalistic design
  • Search Engine friendly and optimized
  • Make easy theme customizations without touching any code
  • Streamlines with custom child themes
  • Relatively cheap developer license

Thesis WordPress Theme Disadvantages

  • Plain and simple default design
  • Blogger layout – may not be as good for businesses without a child theme
  • CSS knowledge is still highly recommended to be able to make design changes to your site

How Much Does It Cost and Is It A Good Deal?

There are 2 pricing options for Thesis, the Developer option and the Personal option. The developer license costs $164 while the personal one is only $87. And while this may seem expensive, especially in comparison to the price of other themes, it is in fact a very good deal for what you are getting. You could spend over $500 paying someone for a custom designed website or you can buy this theme for $87 and customize it yourself. If you want your site to look and function great as well as rank on search engines, then it may be worth the money.

Below you can see what each of the different plans comes with…As you can see, if you are planning on using this theme on multiple sites, the Developer option is still cheaper then purchasing 2 personal option licenses!

Developer’s Option $164

  • Unlimited use of Thesis on sites that you own1
  • Access to all-new beta versions of Thesis before final release!2
  • Access to Client Site Options, which allow you to deploy Thesis on sites for clients3
  • Access to members-only Answers and Forums
  • Lifetime Thesis upgrades
  • 30-day money back guarantee

Personal Option $87

  • Use of Thesis on one live website and one localized development server
  • Access to the Developer’s Option Upgrade for only $774

Paying For A WordPress Theme

I remember when I first started with WordPress I was very skeptical and reluctant to buy any template and there are thousands of people out there that currently do not like the idea of paying for a theme when there are thousands if not millions of free themes out there. However, I have changed and hopefully I have somewhat convinced you other wise as well.

When you think about the TONS of extra features you will get by paying a little but for a Premium template. Think about it…If purchasing a premium theme helps your search engine rankings and increases even just a few more conversions from your site’s advertisements or products than it has been totally worth it.

And best of all with Premium Themes you do not need to worry about having to keep any footer links, spam that could have been added to a free theme, and most importantly you will be able to edit your site much more easily so you can avoid tons of hardship when trying to customize your site.

Should I Buy Thesis?

Of course since I am trying to make some affiliate sales here I would say YES click on the link below and buy this wicked-awesome theme. However, instead I want to give you a list of some things you can think about and possibly write down your answers so you can see if it really is worth it for your. And if you do consider purchasing this theme, you can do so through my links and I will get my respective commission. Thanks!

Things To Think About Before Purchase

  • $87 for a theme you can easily customize and make it look like anything, is that a good deal?
  • If you are a developer could Thesis make your life easier by providing you with a faster way to create client sites?
  • Thesis has some great SEO features and comes with a nice clean code. Is SEO a concern for you?
  • Would editing one theme over and over again be more efficient that buying or finding a new free theme for every new site or whenever you want to change the look of one.
  • Will Thesis make your life easier? (it has for many)
  • “22,100 savy webmasters rely on this framework” would you care to join?
  • If you buy it and it wasn’t as cool as you thought it would be, was $80 worth the try? (there is a 30-day money back guarantee)

Thesis Now With A Split License

For those of you concerned about the GPL license of WordPress, DYI Thesis announced just a couple weeks ago that they have added a split license to their theme making everything to do with WordPress GPL and all the Thesis Framework code to be the property of DYI Themes.

Visit Thesis To Learn More & Purchase Today

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When I first uncovered Thesis about 10 years ago, it really was the best. Mostly it was easy to use. But now, Thesis is extremely user-UNfriendly. For reasons I cannot imagine, Thesis has been redesigned to make the easiest things impossible to accomplish. I found myself Googling for how to do things that were so simple in earlier versions. For example, what did happen to the “Admin Panel Screenshot” where a user could define columns and widgets and search bars and colors, etc.? Everything was nicely in one place. Now, a user must go back and forth all over the Theme for perhaps hours trying to accomplish what once was done in 10 minutes. It looks like an intentional effort to make the Theme complicated. But why? After several hours of looking, I was never able to find how to remove the widgets from the sidebar, despite the fact that my site was one column. How can there be widgets in the sidebar when I should not have a sidebar? I had no choice but to use another theme. So extremely disappointed.

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Thesis – a WordPress Theme Design Worth Considering


Not it’s not the start to a bad joke and yes the answer could be many things – but today I’m excited because one of my favorite blog designers, Chris Pearson has teamed up with one of my favorite bloggers, Brian Clark from CopyBlogger to put together a fantastic Premium WordPress theme called Thesis .

This theme is already getting some great reviews around the blogosphere (you can see some testimonials here ) and it is no wonder – because it’s got some great things going for it including:

  • SEO – WP is generally pretty well optimized to start with but Thesis takes it a step further and gives you every chance of ranking well in Google.
  • Accessibility – this theme will be able to be accessed by those using all kinds of browsers, mobile browsing and those with special needs
  • Customizable – you don’t want a design that looks exactly the same as everyone else’s – Chris has put together a theme that can have different backgrounds, has support for custom CSS and more. You can have rotating images to make your design even more unique. Alternatively you can use this multimedia box show six 125×125 ads, a video or even disable it. All this is done from within WP’s admin (see picture below) – very cool. Check out the ‘ showcase ‘ page on the Thesis site to see how others have been using the theme already.
  • Feature Rich – it plays nicely with Google Analytics and Mint, manages your RSS feed for you, separates comments and trackbacks, gives you lots of control over whether to show dates and author bylines on posts and much more.
  • Well Laid Out Design – Thesis is easy to get around and quite intuitive for those arriving on your site of all levels of web experience
  • Simple to Use – Thesis is easy to use and while I’m sure Chris will continue to add features and ways to use the theme it’s quite intuitive to get up and running and looking the way you want it.
  • Support – one thing that I love about Thesis is the support forum that Chris has built for those who invests in this theme. It’s already pretty active and covers a lot of the questions that you’d have as someone using it.
  • Free Upgrades – Chris has already released an update to Thesis which gives an indication that he’s still

You’ll want to check out Thesis for yourself – a good place to start is on it’s About Page .

Thesis comes with two license options. The personal license is $87 and the developer’s license is $164. The main difference is that the dev license allows you unlimited use of the theme across as many sites as you like.

If I were starting out today with a new blog and didn’t have the budget to get a custom design or the ability to design my own – Thesis would be something I’d serious look at investing in. In fact if I were starting a blog network today it’d be an ideal investment to grab the dev license as it is a great way to have a variety of blogs that share a similar look yet are customizable.

PS : here’s a look at the fantastic options panel that gives you control over many aspects of this theme (click to enlarge).


I’d like to say that the Thesis theme is damn amazing. Its typography and SEO is mouth watering. I’m going to use it for my next blog.

@Ganesh – Be sure to check out the new features in the 1.2 release. I posted about it on my Thesis Theme blog here:

Thesis Theme 1.2 Revealed

There are so many new options that I’m having to do a series of blog posts to cover them all. :-)

Yep, this is the one. I love the fact that you can purchase a personal license then upgrade by throwing another $87 to clench the dream deal on this theme steal. Love it… Just Love it!

Keep Shining

thanks for suggesting thesis. It doesn’t do everything but it is very helpful. Building a website requires A LOT of effort, learning and time. Thesis reduces a lot of that.

thesis_185 wp theme

Just what I need. I’m looking for a good wordpress designer for weeks….I will check these guys out…

thesis_185 wp theme

Rich options, but too expansive for me.

thesis_185 wp theme

Love you blog by the way!!

I recently have been working as a consultant to hep expand a clients business. I decided a blog was absolutely the way to go in her case in particular. I researched various blogs, and decided that i liked WordPress features the best, but eventually went with Blogger because WordPress wouldn’t allow forms, and i really wanted to include the Feedburner email sign up form, and have the option of perhaps others in the future.

Now i’m confused… i take it this ‘Thesis’ template is in WordPress, and i see you have forms on your page here. Grrrr… was i mistaken/mislead? My client has already posted several successful post on her Blogger blog….

I find the Blogger tempaltes very limited, and the features also…

Any thoughts/advice?

I bought Thesis and am running on my Load of BS blog. Not at all what I expected. I thought it was supposed to be easy to configure but unless you are good with CSS and Hooks it isn’t.

I had earlier heard of Thesis so much.. from so many people that it seemed like a damp marketing squib. But now I stand convinced that Thesis is the best thing to have happened to WP. It is indeed a great piece of code for churning out websites in no time.

My blog looks cleaner with Thesis. It is simply wonderful that a new-bee like me got started on it in no time. The extent of customisation one can do is great. Kudos to CP!

thesis_185 wp theme

The thesis site itself needs work. I have been looking for hours for a screenshot of the admin options page, and finally I find it here on problogger!

Thesis’ features look amazing. However, I’m turned off by the price tag. If they can reduce it a bit, then I’ll consider paying for it.

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Bill Erickson

Clickable logo in header in thesis.

Written by Bill Erickson Published on January 20, 2010 Updated on October 29, 2011

This post has been marked as old . The code might no longer work. Comments have been disabled as this is no longer maintained. Use the search on the right to find a newer tutorial.

Update: As of Thesis 1.8, you can use the new Header Image option in the Thesis menu. In the admin area just go to Thesis > Header Image to upload your image. The way described below still works (and is what I do), but this new way will let you add a logo without editing code.

One of the most common modifications to the Thesis theme is replacing the header text with your own custom logo or image. What a lot of people forget to do is add a bit more code to make that logo clickable.

  • First, upload your logo to the   /custom/images folder.
  • Go to Thesis Options, and click “Header” under Display Options. Make sure “Show site name in header” is selected (it is by default).
  • Open custom.css, and paste the following code. Make sure you change the height and width to match your logo’s dimensions:
.custom #logo {background-image: url('images/logo.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 170px; height: 145px; text-indent: -9999px; } .custom #logo a {width: 170px; height: 145px; display: block; outline: none;}

That second line is what a lot of people forget. If you don’t include it, you’ll have the logo up there but it won’t be clickable. Now, when someone clicks it they are sent to the homepage.

And that’s it!

WordPress Development

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Bill Erickson is the co-founder and lead developer at CultivateWP , a WordPress agency focusing on high performance sites for web publishers.

Ready to upgrade your website?

I build custom WordPress websites that look great and are easy to manage.

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Reader Interactions

Comments are closed. Continue the conversation with me on Twitter: @billerickson

Moviemath says

November 13, 2010 at 12:12 am

My humble apologies good sir, on reinvestigation of my css .custom #logo a , I had inadvertently sourced my custom #logo code elsewhere… and not from your blog. To all those who visit here, the above code on this blog works as stated for all browsers and the entire image is clickable. Save this code and seek no further… haha. Cheers.

Joshua Dorkin says

February 1, 2011 at 6:53 pm

Bill – Perfect – just what the doctor ordered! This was very helpful. Thanks!

Petunia GreenBeans says

March 5, 2011 at 5:17 am

Woohoo!! The best. Works perfectly in every browser. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your knowledge!!!

soferet says

April 3, 2011 at 2:39 am

Worked like a charm the first time! (I cannot code without breaking something.) Thank you!

Matt Crenshaw says

August 2, 2011 at 3:04 pm

Thanks for the tutorial. Made for an easy fix. I haven’t done this on very many sites since I started using Thesis because I usually just text-indent: -9999px; and forget about display: block; which makes the link work.

I miss the old days when everything was hand coded but I guess Thesis is about as close to manual control as you can get, especially for being built on WP.

Btw, I’ve never really thought about it but someone mentioned it above: will this affect any onpage SEO I’ve got going? I’d hate to screw something up over a small convenience alteration like this.

Thanks again, Matt

Bill Erickson says

August 2, 2011 at 3:09 pm

I’m not an SEO guy so I can’t say for sure, but my guess is that this does not affect SEO. Almost every website uses an image for a logo rather than straight text, and I can’t see why Google would penalize it.

Adam Ring says

October 17, 2011 at 9:16 pm

Thanks for that code, good for the context of WordPress and Thesis. And, no, definitely no problem using this technique with Google. If one wanted one’s text indexed one would use a different technique such as a background graphic with cufoned text on top, or some such, but often one’s logo has to be all graphics because the text is too complex/difficult to render reliably. Google will treat your technique, as you say common, like it treats all graphics – which it is. Liked your bio too.

Cheers, Adam Ring

How to Update Thesis?

I’m new to Wordpress, and I’m trying to take over maintenance of an existing blog. It uses the Thesis theme.

However, it appears that Thesis has been retired, or sold, or something. The only site I can find is -

  • which states confusingly:

“We do not sell Thesis directly, but you’ll be happy to know that **Thesis technology is included in the Focus WordPress Theme”

Is Thesis dead? Can I use Focus to update my Thesis blog?

Would appreciate some help on this. Thanks in advance.

I’ve never used Thesis, but it looks like some kind of abstraction layer built on top of WordPress.

Since it looks like a custom way of interacting with WordPress content, I’d recommend reaching out to the Thesis community. From the website homepage, it looks like whoever purchased the Focus theme (the original developer? the site owner?) should have a login for that forum:

Once you become a Focus customer, you’ll gain access to the DIYthemes forums and an entire community of people who are focused on getting the most out of their websites. – https://diythemes.com/

Thank you - I’m a Wordpress novice, but I’m pretty sure Thesis is (was?) a “custom theme,” as I understand that concept. Note that Thesis is reviewed (and described) in detail here:

However, Thesis seems to have vanished as a purchasable custom theme, and perhaps has been superseded by “Focus”? That’s what I’m trying to get a handle on. I’m not sure I want to spend $87 for a license to Focus just to get that question answered, and I’m not sure I want to use Focus as the “new” theme when I update Thesis on my current site.

I just want to understand - what the heck happened to Thesis?

Note that this page states “This is the Thesis pricing page that was active from March 29, 2008, through January 25, 2019,” which suggests that it was no longer updated/sold after January 2019. https://diythemes.com/plans/

Any additional help on this would be appreciated, since I’m really struggling!

I think that it doesn’t really exist as a business entity due to various licensing questions. For more backstory, you might take a look a this blog post by Mark Jaquith:

I can’t really say what the best way to go is for you and this site. I know that you’re just dipping your toes into WordPress, and this site sounds like it might be a tricky one to be given.


My gut reaction would be to try and move away from the theme for this site, but that will be dictated by a bunch of external factors.

I would start by asking yourself a few things about this project:

As the new maintainer of the site, what does that entail? Simple things like writing new blog posts, or more advanced things like updates to the theme, or integrating more advanced features?

If you’re just writing new posts, maybe you can get away with the status quo. If you are doing more advanced things, then eventually the lack of theme support will likely trip you up.

I’m assuming this is for a paying client – do you think they have the bandwidth to pay for a re-design? Are you able to pitch and sell them on the work needed to make the site not rely on Thesis?

You might be able to work on the site for a while and get a feel for where the pain points are and then use that to make the case for a re-design. Something like “I did this work which should have taken only an hour, but because of ___ it ended up taking 3 hours.”

Hope that helps give you more to think of! Good luck!

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Home / Fixing WordPress / Posts with TAGS are not displaying

Posts with TAGS are not displaying

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2 years, 7 months ago

Our host moved server, so different IP address. We re-installed everything and installed https certificates. Everything is working fine accept for one issue. Any post that has a TAG (old or new) will not display. If you remove the TAG it displays fine. They all worked before changing server.

e.g. Post with TAGS – not displaying https://blog.lescaves.co.uk/2021/11/01/spotlight-on-domaine-maupertuis/ https://blog.lescaves.co.uk/2021/10/28/crazy-crazy-wines/

Post with no tags – displaying fine. https://blog.lescaves.co.uk/2021/12/06/can-biodynamic-wines-ever-be-truly-vegan/

Any help would be appreciated.

The page I need help with: [ log in to see the link]

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Hi! I had a look at the source code of one of the problematic posts and saw that effectively, there’s no HTML inside. Could you temporarily remove the tags for that post to see if the content appears?

Also some extra questions: have you updated your theme or installed/updated plugins that could be related to the management of tags?

Hi, I removed the two tags: domaine maupertuis from the post https://blog.lescaves.co.uk/2021/11/01/spotlight-on-domaine-maupertuis/

Nothing new, just a straight clone from one server to another.

Regards Mark

Thanks for the test!

Maybe the PHP version in the new server is different now and there’s something in the way tags are rendered that is causing an error. Could you check the versions?

Also, could you enable debugging? There’s information for that in this page . After that is enabled, add the tags to your post again and visit the page.

Current version is native s 7.4 (ea-php74 in cPanel). Not got access to older server so not sure what it was running.

Debug mode enabled Added tag back to post https://blog.lescaves.co.uk/2021/11/01/spotlight-on-domaine-maupertuis/

Not displaying

If the debug mode is working fine, that means that the page is not generating code errors. Can you check if there’s a file called debug.log inside /wp-content/ . I imagine that it won’t be there, because the page is not throwing errors… but just in case.

Also, in this post there are other things you could try that I think are related to your problem.

Yes it has debug.log, I have copied it and uploaded it to https://lescaves.co.uk/debug.txt

Oh, nice! I see a fatal error that could be related (it happens inside the head.php file, so that could explain why nothing gets rendered on your page):

I think that it could be related to your thesis theme in combination with your current PHP version (but it’s just a guess). Would it be possible to switch themes to test this idea?

Yes we could try. Thesis says v1.8.5 Active. I have the three standard 2014,2015,2013 themes i could switch to one of them? Simply press ACTIVATE?

Presume easy enough to go back to thesis?

Just a side test. I made the last post (Orange wines & tasting in 3D) not work by adding a TAG.

I then went to themes and did a live preview, the standard themes showed it. I clicked customize on Thesis…which showed home page and clicked the post and it would not display it.

That might help investigate problem

regards Mark

I then went to themes and did a live preview, the standard themes showed it.

I’m not sure how precise is the live preview, but that could be a good indication that the problem was in the current theme.

I have the three standard 2014,2015,2013 themes i could switch to one of them? Simply press ACTIVATE? Presume easy enough to go back to thesis?

Generally yes, but before doing that I’d recommend you to do a backup to be extra safe: How To Safely Change Your WordPress Theme

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    SEO - WP is generally pretty well optimized to start with but Thesis takes it a step further and gives you every chance of ranking well in Google. Accessibility - this theme will be able to be accessed by those using all kinds of browsers, mobile browsing and those with special needs

  18. Thesis 185 Theme

    Thesis 185 Theme - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing a thesis. It states that writing a thesis requires dedication, expertise in the subject matter, strong research skills, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas. It is an extensive process that can take months or years, and involves difficulties at ...

  19. Clickable Logo in Header in Thesis

    A starter theme for building Hybrid WordPress Themes. May 29, 2023. A hybrid WordPress theme uses theme.json to define styles and customize the block editor while also using traditional PHP template files. Hybrid themes leverage the block editor for content but… Custom recipe templates for WP Recipe Maker. October 7, 2019

  20. How to Update Thesis?

    Mark on WordPress - 17 Jul 10 Why WordPress Themes are Derivative of WordPress. In the past few days, WordPress has become entangled in a debate about WordPress theme licensing. It was specifically centered around Thesis, one of the last notable proprietary theme holdouts. Chr…

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    Posts with TAGS are not displaying. vrpunk. (@vrpunk) 2 years, 7 months ago. Our host moved server, so different IP address. We re-installed everything and installed https certificates. Everything is working fine accept for one issue. Any post that has a TAG (old or new) will not display. If you remove the TAG it displays fine.

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