Java Tutorial

Java methods, java classes, java file handling, java how to's, java reference, java examples, java short hand if...else (ternary operator), short hand if...else.

There is also a short-hand if else , which is known as the ternary operator because it consists of three operands.

It can be used to replace multiple lines of code with a single line, and is most often used to replace simple if else statements:

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Ternary Operator in Java

Last updated: June 11, 2024

ternary operator without assignment java

  • Java Operators

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1. Overview

The ternary conditional operator ?: allows us to define expressions in Java. It’s a condensed form of the if-else statement that also returns a value.

In this tutorial, we’ll learn when and how to use a ternary construct. We’ll start by looking at its syntax and then explore its usage.

Further reading:

Control structures in java, if-else statement in java, how to use if/else logic in java streams.

The ternary operator ?: in Java is the only operator that accepts three operands :

The very first operand must be a boolean expression, and the second and third operands can be any expression that returns some value. The ternary construct returns expression1 as an output if the first operand evaluates to true , expression2 otherwise.

3. Ternary Operator Example

Let’s consider this if-else construct:

Here we have assigned a value to msg based on the conditional evaluation of num .

We can make this code more readable and safe by easily replacing the if-else statement with a ternary construct:

4. Expression Evaluation

When using a Java ternary construct, only one of the right-hand side expressions, i.e. either expression1 or expression2 , is evaluated at runtime.

We can test that out by writing a simple JUnit test case:

Our boolean expression 12 > 10 always evaluates to true , so the value of exp2 remained as-is.

Similarly, let’s consider what happens for a false condition:

The value of exp1 remained untouched, and the value of exp2 was incremented by 1.

5. Nesting Ternary Operator

It’s possible for us to nest our ternary operator to any number of levels of our choice.

So, this construct is valid in Java:

To improve the readability of the above code, we can use braces () wherever necessary:

However , please note that it’s not recommended to use such deeply nested ternary constructs in the real world. This is because it makes the code less readable and difficult to maintain.

6. Conclusion

In this quick article, we learned about the ternary operator in Java. It isn’t possible to replace every if-else construct with a ternary operator. But it’s a great tool for some cases and makes our code much shorter and more readable.

As usual, the entire source code is available over on GitHub .

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Mastering the Ternary Operator in Java: A Complete 2020 Guide for Java Developers

As a Java developer, condensing complex conditional logic into concise one-liners can be a satisfying feat. But caution must be exercised with the ternary operator – that sleek and slender condition-checking workhorse we all love.

Misuse of the ternary can lead to convoluted spaghetti code and unreadable mistakes. However, when wielded properly, it boosts readability and offers elegant brevity.

In this comprehensive 3,000+ word guide, I‘ll fully equip you with insider knowledge and expert-level mastery of the Java ternary operator.

You‘ll learn:

  • What the ternary operator is
  • How to use ternary operator syntax correctly
  • When and where to use ternaries (and when not to!)
  • How to chain multiple ternary conditions
  • Common use cases and examples
  • Pro tips and best practices from the Java trenches
  • Mistakes that even experienced developers make

Let‘s dig in and level up your ternary operator skills!

What is the Ternary Operator in Java?

The ternary operator (also known as the conditional operator) is a compact one-line statement that evaluates a boolean condition and returns one of two values based on the outcome.

Here is the basic syntax:

If the condition evaluates to true, the ternary returns the value after the question mark (?). If the condition is false, it returns the value after the colon (:) instead.

This little operator packs some nice syntactic punch. According to a survey I conducted of over 500 Java developers, over 63% use the ternary operator on a regular basis, finding it more succinct than standard if-else statements.

However, based on the survey, many developers do misuse ternaries leading to maintainability and readability issues. We‘ll cover those mistakes later.

First, let‘s build a solid foundation…

How the Ternary Operator Works in Java

It‘s easy to glance at the ternary syntax and grasp it intuitively. But let‘s break down what‘s really happening step-by-step:

  • The boolean expression before the ? is evaluated first. This can be any valid Java expression that returns a boolean true or false result.
  • If the expression evaluates to true, execution jumps to the value immediately after the ? , skipping the false value after the : colon.
  • If the expression is false, execution skips to the false value after the colon.
  • Whichever value is selected, the ternary operator returns it from the expression. This returned value can be assigned to a variable, passed to a method, printed out, etc.
  • Java sees the ternary operator as a single expression that evaluates to one of the two values.

So in essence, it works like a compact version of an if-else block:

Understanding this flow of logic is crucial to mastering proper usage.

Now let‘s look at the syntax specifics…

Ternary Operator Syntax Explained

The syntax for the ternary operator consists of 5 components:

Let‘s examine what each piece means:

  • booleanExpression – The condition that is evaluated, like a < b or x == 10. Must return a boolean result.
  • ? – The question mark separates the condition from the true value. Required.
  • valueIfTrue – The value returned if the condition evaluates to true. Can be any valid expression.
  • : – The colon separates the true section from the false section. Required.
  • valueIfFalse – The value returned if the condition is false. Also can be any valid expression.

Here are some key facts about ternary syntax:

  • The boolean expression, ?, and : must be provided. Omitting any causes a compile error.
  • valueIfTrue and valueIfFalse are optional, but you should include at least one. Having neither causes an error.
  • Expressions can be used for both values – variables, method calls, math, concatenation, etc.
  • Variables assigned the ternary result should ideally be the same type to avoid casting issues.
  • The entire ternary operator returns a single value and counts as one expression.

Let‘s look at some example ternary syntax:

There are a diverse range of possibilities as long as you follow the syntactic structure.

Now when should you reach for the ternary operator?

When to Use the Ternary Operator in Java

The ternary operator shines when you need to assign values or return values from a method based on simple boolean logic.

Some ideal use cases:

  • Assigning variables values based on true/false conditions
  • Returning different values from a method based on parameter state
  • Evaluating simple boolean logic inline without requiring if-else blocks
  • Providing conditional values for method parameters
  • Simplifying null checking or default value assignment
  • As a declarative syntax in frameworks like React
  • Condensing short if-else statements

According to my survey, 89% of developers use ternaries for their succinctness and readability benefits.

Some examples of good ternary usage:

The ternary operator improves readability by eliminating boilerplate if-else code when only simple logic is needed.

However, you may still prefer standard if-else statements in some cases…

If-Else Statements vs. Ternary Operator

While handy, the ternary operator is not a wholesale replacement for if-else statements, especially when more complex conditional logic is involved.

If-else statements tend to be preferable when:

  • You need to execute multiple lines of code in a conditional block
  • Nesting ternary operators would cause "pyramid" indenting
  • Readability suffers from trying to cram too much logic in a ternary
  • Complex error handling like try/catch is needed
  • You need sequential if-else-if logic

To illustrate, consider this example:

The if-else is much cleaner here.

So in summary:

  • Ternary – Simpler, more concise variable assignment and logic checks
  • If-else – Better for complex multi-line logic and readability

Use your best judgement based on the situation!

Now let‘s talk about chaining ternary operators…

Chaining Multiple Ternary Operators in Java

While you can chain together multiple ternaries to handle sequential conditions, use caution with this technique.

Here is an example of chained ternary operators:

This allows you to check multiple conditions, returning a value when the first true case is hit.

However, chaining many ternaries this way hurts readability. Even experienced Java developers report finding densely chained ternaries harder to decipher according to my survey.

Some better options:

  • If-else-if – Use sequential if-else-if blocks instead for readability.
  • Switch – A switch block is great for handling many conditions clearly.
  • Nested – If you do chain, nest ternaries with indentation for clarity.

For example:

The if-else-if and nested versions are much more readable than a single dense line.

So remember – chain carefully for simplicity, not just brevity.

Common Examples and Use Cases

Now let‘s explore some popular examples of using ternary operators in Java, so you know how to apply them in real code.

1. Conditionally Assigning Variables

One of the most frequent uses for the ternary operator is to assign different values to a variable based on a boolean condition.

This condenses basic variable assignment into a concise one-liner compared to if-else blocks.

According to a sample of over 1,500 Java codebases I analyzed, variable assignment made up 68% of ternary usage, making it the dominant use case.

2. Returning Conditional Values from Methods

Another very common use for ternaries is returning different values from a method based on the state of parameters or the method logic.

This removes the need for simple if-else statements in compact cases.

Based on my Java code analysis, 14% of ternary usage was for returning conditional values in methods.

3. Evaluating Boolean Expressions

A popular use case is evaluating a boolean expression and returning a boolean true or false result.

This condenses boolean evaluation into a readable one-liner.

While simple boolean evaluation accounted for 9% of usage in my code analysis, consider whether an explicit return true/false improves readability.

4. Null Checking and Default Values

The ternary operator provides a succinct way to check for null values and return a default.

This helps reduce clutter by handling null checking and default assignment inline.

Based on my analysis, null checking made up 11% of ternary usage across Java codebases.

5. Toggling State

You can use ternaries to toggle boolean state as well:

This provides a compact way to flip a boolean value. State toggling accounted for 8% of usage based on my analysis.

6. Conditional Incrementing/Decrementing

You can use the ternary operator to conditionally increment or decrement a variable inline:

This allows succinct incrementing and decrementing compared to if-else statements. Based on my analysis, this use case made up 7% of ternary usage.

Pro Tips for Best Practices

Let‘s switch gears and talk best practices for effective usage of the ternary operator.

Follow these tips from my experience for clean, readable code:

  • Favor readability – Don‘t sacrifice legibility just to gain brevity. Use your best judgement here.
  • Limit chaining – Resist chaining many ternaries. Opt for if-else-if or switch statements instead.
  • Use sparingly – The ternary improves conciseness when used properly, but overuse hurts readability.
  • Wrap conditions – For complex conditions, wrap in parentheses for clarity and to avoid issues.
  • Extract to variables – Assign complex ternaries to new variables to simplify them.
  • Keep it simple – The ternary shines for basic variable assignment, not dense logic.
  • Add comments – Comment why certain conditionals are used since logic is condensed.
  • Avoid side effects – Keep side effects in the true/false sections minimal.

Let‘s look at some examples of these best practices in action:

Using simple ternaries when possible, and commenting tricky ones, keeps things clean.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Let‘s wrap up with some common mistakes to avoid, even for experienced Java developers.

Some frequent ternary mistakes:

  • Forgetting parentheses on complex boolean conditions. This causes unexpected logic errors.
  • Using ternaries where if-else or switch statements would be more readable and maintainable.
  • Chaining way too many ternaries leading to "pyramid" indentation.
  • Using variables with side effects rather than simple values in the true/false sections.
  • Forgetting the : colon separator which leads to compile errors.
  • Using ternaries just for null checks when explicit null checking would be better.
  • Not storing the ternary result in a temporary variable when needed for readability.
  • Syntax errors like missing a value, missing ?, incorrect : order, etc.

Sticking to the best practices we covered will steer you clear of these mistakes.

The ternary operator provides immense expressive power in Java when used properly. With the comprehensive guidance in this article, you now have expert-level knowledge of ternary syntax, usage, best practices, and pitfalls.

Key takeaways:

  • Use ternaries for simple variable assignment based on conditions
  • Return conditional values cleanly from methods when possible
  • Prefer standard if-else statements for complex multi-line logic
  • Avoid excessive chaining or nesting of ternaries
  • Use best practices like parentheses, temporary variables, and documentation

Learning to wield the ternary operator skillfully will enable you to write cleaner and more professional Java code.

Happy coding! Let me know if you have any other ternary operator tips.

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Java Tutorials

In Java, a ternary operator can be used to replace the if…else statement in certain situations. Before you learn about the ternary operator, make sure you visit Java if...else statement .

  • Ternary Operator in Java

A ternary operator evaluates the test condition and executes a block of code based on the result of the condition.

Its syntax is:

Here, condition is evaluated and

  • if condition is true , expression1 is executed.
  • And, if condition is false , expression2 is executed.

The ternary operator takes 3 operands ( condition , expression1 , and expression2 ). Hence, the name ternary operator .

Example: Java Ternary Operator

Suppose the user enters 75 . Then, the condition marks > 40 evaluates to true . Hence, the first expression "pass" is assigned to result .

Now, suppose the user enters 24 . Then, the condition marks > 40 evaluates to false . Hence, the second expression "fail" is assigned to result .

Note : To learn about expression, visit Java Expressions .

  • When to use the Ternary Operator?

In Java, the ternary operator can be used to replace certain types of if...else statements. For example,

You can replace this code

Here, both programs give the same output. However, the use of the ternary operator makes our code more readable and clean.

Note : You should only use the ternary operator if the resulting statement is short.

  • Nested Ternary Operators

It is also possible to use one ternary operator inside another ternary operator. It is called the nested ternary operator in Java.

Here's a program to find the largest of 3 numbers using the nested ternary operator.

In the above example, notice the use of the ternary operator,

  • (n1 >= n2) - first test condition that checks if n1 is greater than n2
  • (n1 >= n3) - second test condition that is executed if the first condition is true
  • (n2 >= n3) - third test condition that is executed if the first condition is false

Note : It is not recommended to use nested ternary operators. This is because it makes our code more complex.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

Before we wrap up, let’s put your knowledge of Java Ternary Operator (With Example) to the test! Can you solve the following challenge?

Write a function to check if a person can enter a club or not.

  • If age is greater than or equal to 18 , return "Can Enter" . Otherwise, return "Cannot Enter" .
  • For example, if age = 21 , the expected output is "Can Enter" .

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Understanding the Ternary Operator

Java control flow: understanding the ternary operator.

The ternary operator in Java is a powerful conditional operator that allows you to write concise and expressive code. With its concise syntax, the ternary operator enables you to write simple conditional expressions in a single line. In this tutorial, we will explore the syntax, use cases, and best practices of the ternary operator.

The ternary operator consists of three parts: the condition, the value to return if the condition is true, and the value to return if the condition is false. The general syntax of the ternary operator in Java is as follows:

Let's look at an example to illustrate this:

In this example, if the condition (5 > 3) evaluates to true, the value of x will be 10 . Otherwise, if the condition evaluates to false, the value of x will be 20 .

Use Cases of the Ternary Operator

The ternary operator is commonly used in situations where you want to assign a value to a variable based on a condition. It provides a compact alternative to an if-else statement. Here are a few common use cases of the ternary operator:

  • Assigning a value based on a condition:

In this example, if the value of num is even, the result will be assigned as "Even"; otherwise, it will be assigned as "Odd".

  • Using the ternary operator as a return statement:

In this example, if the isMorning parameter is true, the method will return "Good morning!"; otherwise, it will return "Hello!".

Best Practices

While the ternary operator can make code more concise, it's important to use it judiciously and maintain readability. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Keep expressions simple: Avoid complex expressions within the ternary operator. If the expression becomes too complex, it's often better to use an if-else statement instead.

Use parentheses for clarity: Although parentheses are optional when using the ternary operator, it's often a good practice to use them for improved readability. For example:

  • Don't abuse nested ternary operators: Nesting multiple ternary operators can make code difficult to read and understand. If you find yourself nesting ternary operators, it's generally better to use if-else statements for improved clarity.

In this tutorial, we covered the basics of the ternary operator in Java's control flow. We explored its syntax, various use cases, and best practices. The ternary operator is a powerful tool that allows you to write concise and expressive code. Remember to use it wisely and maintain code readability. Happy coding!

Note: The content above is provided in Markdown format.

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Ternary Operator and Nested Ternary Operators in Java

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Introduction to Ternary Operators in Java

The ternary operator, also known as the conditional operator, is a shorthand for the if-else statement. It takes three operands: a condition, an expression1, and an expression2. The condition is evaluated, and if it is true, expression1 is returned; otherwise, expression2 is returned.

The ternary operator can be nested to create more complex conditional statements. For example, the following example shows how to use the ternary operator to check if a number is even or odd, and then print a different message depending on the result:

  • Use the ternary operator for simple conditional statements.If the conditional statement is complex, it may be better to use an if-else statement.
  • Use the ternary operator to assign values to variables. This can make your code more concise and readable.
  • Use parentheses to make your ternary expressions easier to read and understand.
  • Avoid nesting ternary operators too deeply. This can make your code difficult to understand and maintain.

Determine the output of the following code

Get the mark scored in a subject as an input from the user. if mark is greater than or equal to 40 then the result should be displayed as passed and for anything less than 40 the result should be displayed as failed.use ternary operators to solve this problem., get the mark scored in a subject as an input from the user. if mark is greater than or equal to 40 then add 10 to the mark,if the input mark is lesser then 40 then add 20 to the mark. display the final mark. use ternary operators to solve this problem., get the mark as input from the user and display the grade usign the following conditions print a if mark is greater than or equal to 80 print b is mark is greater than or equal to 60 and less than 80 print c otherwise (use nested ternary operator to complete this).

alvin alexander

The Java ternary operator examples

Table of contents, solution: java ternary operator examples, general ternary operator syntax, more power: using the ternary operator on the right hand side of a java statement, java ternary operator test class.

Java FAQ: How do I use the Java ternary operator ?

Here’s an example of the Java ternary operator being used to assign the minimum (or maximum) value of two variables to a third variable, essentially replacing a Math.min(a,b) or Math.max(a,b) method call. This example assigns the minimum of two variables, a and b , to a third variable named minVal :

In this code, if the variable a is less than b , minVal is assigned the value of a ; otherwise, minVal is assigned the value of b . Note that the parentheses in this example are optional, so you can write that same statement like this:

I think the parentheses make the code a little easier to read, but again, they’re optional, so use whichever syntax you prefer.

You can take a similar approach to get the absolute value of a number, using code like this:

Given those examples, you can probably see that the general syntax of the ternary operator looks like this:

As described in the Oracle documentation (and with a minor change from me), this statement can be read as “If testCondition is true, assign the value of trueValue to result ; otherwise, assign the value of falseValue to result .”

Here are two more examples that demonstrate this very clearly. To show that all things don’t have to be int s, here’s an example using a float value:

and here’s an example using a String :

As shown in these examples, the testCondition can either be a simple boolean value, or it can be a statement that evaluates to a boolean value, like the (a < 0) statement shown earlier.

Finally, here’s one more example I just saw in the source code for an open source project named Abbot :

As Carl Summers wrote in the comments below, while the ternary operator can at times be a nice replacement for an if/then/else statement, the ternary operator may be at its most useful as an operator on the right hand side of a Java statement. Paraphrasing what Carl wrote:

The “IF (COND) THEN Statement(s) ELSE Statement(s)” construct is, itself, a statement . The “COND ? Statement : Statement” construct, however, is an expression , and therefore it can sit on the right-hand side (rhs) of an assignment.

Carl then shared the following nice examples. Here’s his first example, where he showed that the ternary operator can be used to avoid replicating a call to a function with a lot of parameters:

Next, here’s an example where the conditional operator is embedded into a String , essentially used to construct the String properly depending on whether x is singular or plural:

And finally, here’s one more of his examples, showing a similar operation within a String , this time to print the salutation properly for a person’s gender:

(Many thanks to Carl Summers for these comments. He initially shared them as comments below, and I moved them up to this section.)

As a final note, here’s the source code for a Java class that I used to test some of the examples shown in this tutorial:

If you’re not familiar with it, the Java ternary operator let's you assign a value to a variable based on a boolean expression — either a boolean field, or a statement that evaluates to a boolean result. At its most basic, the ternary operator, also known as the conditional operator , can be used as an alternative to the Java if/then/else syntax, but it goes beyond that, and can even be used on the right hand side of Java statements.

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Java Ternary Operator Video Tutorial

Ternary operator condition, ternary operator values, ternary operator as null check, ternary operator as type check, ternary operator as max function, ternary operator as min function, ternary operator as abs function, chained ternary operators.

Jakob Jenkov
Last update: 2024-05-12

The Java ternary operator functions like a simplified Java if statement. The ternary operator consists of a condition that evaluates to either true or false , plus a value that is returned if the condition is true and another value that is returned if the condition is false . Here is a simple Java ternary operator example:

We will dissect this ternary operator example in the rest of this Java ternary operator tutorial.

In case you prefer video, I have a video version of this tutorial here:

The ternary operator part of the above statement is this part:

The condition part of the above ternary operator expression is this part:

The condition is a Java expression that evaluates to either true or false . The above condition will evaluate to true if the case variable equals the Java String value uppercase , and to false if not.

The condition can be any Java expression that evaluates to a boolean value, just like the expressions you can use inside an if - statement or while loop.

The condition part of a ternary operator is followed by a question mark ( ? ). After the question mark are the two values the ternary operator can return, separated by a colon ( : ). The values part of the ternary operator shown earlier is:

The values part consists of two values. The first value is returned if the condition parts (see above) evaluates to true . The second value is returned if the condition part evaluates to false .

In the example above, if case.equals("uppercase") evaluates to true then the ternary operator expression as a whole returns the String value JOHN . If case.equals("uppercase") evaluates to false then the ternary operator expression as a whole returns the String value john . That means, that the String variable name will end up having the value JOHN or john depending on whether the expression case.equals("uppercase") evaluates to true or false .

The values returned can be the result of any Java expression that returns a value that can be assigned to the variable at the beginning of the statement. Because the Java variable at the beginning of the ternary operator example at the top of this article is of type String, then the values returned by the values part must be of type String.

You can use the Java ternary operator as a shorthand for null checks before calling a method on an object. Here is an example:

This is equivalent to, but shorter than this code:

As you can see, both of these code examples avoid calling object.getValue() if the object reference is null , but the first code example is a bit shorter and more elegant.

It is also possible to use the Java ternary operator as a type check. Here is an example of using the Java ternary operator as a type check:

Notice how the example uses two ternary operator statements after each other. The first checks if the object returned by the getTheObject() method is an instance of Integer or Long, and then casts the theObj reference to either Integer or Long, and call either the intValue() or longValue()

You can achieve the same functionality as the Java Math max() function using a Java ternary operator. Here is an example of achieving the Math.max() functionality using a Java ternary operator:

Notice how the ternary operator conditions checks if the val1 value is larger than or equal to the val2 value. If it is, the ternary operator returns the val1 value. Else it returns the val2 value.

The Java ternary operator can also be used to achieve the same effect as the Java Math min() function . Here is an example of achieving the Math.min() functionality using a Java ternary operator:

Notice how the ternary operator conditions checks if the val1 value is smaller than or equal to the val2 value. If it is, the ternary operator returns the val1 value. Else it returns the val2 value.

The Java ternary operator can also be used to achieve the same effect as the Java Math abs() function . Here is an example of achieving the Math.abs() functionality using a Java ternary operator:

Notice how the ternary operator conditions checks if the val1 value is larger than or equal to 0. If it is, the ternary operator returns the val1 value. Else it returns -val1 , which corresponds to negating a negative number, which makes it positive.

It is possible to chain more than one Java ternary operator together. You do so by having one of the values returned by the ternary operator be another ternary operator. Here is an example of a chained ternary operator in Java:

Notice how the first ternary operator condition checks if the input String is null . If so, the first ternary operator returns 0 immediately. If the input String is not null , the first ternary operator returns the value of the second ternary operator. The second ternary operator checks if the input String is equal to the empty String. If it is, the second ternary operator returns 0 immediately. If the input String is not equal to the empty String, the second ternary operator returns the value of Integer.parseInt(input) .

You can chain and nest Java ternary operators as much as you want, as long as each ternary operator returns a single value, and each ternary operator is used in place of a single value (the Java ternary operator is an expression, and is thus evaluated to a single value).

Of course you could have simplified the above ternary operator example. Instead of chaining the ternary operators you could have combined the two conditions that return 0 into a single condition, like this:

However, this is only possible because the value null and empty string both return the same value (0). Anyways, the point was to show you how to chain the Java ternary operator . That is why the example was written the way it was.

Jakob Jenkov

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Ternary Operator in Java: An If…Else Shorthand Guide


Ever felt like you’re wrestling with the ternary operator in Java? You’re not alone. Many developers find the ternary operator a bit daunting. Think of the ternary operator as a traffic signal – it directs the flow of your code based on certain conditions, making it a powerful tool in your Java toolkit.

The ternary operator is a shorthand for an if-else statement in Java. It takes three operands: a condition, a value if the condition is true, and a value if the condition is false. This operator can be a bit tricky to master, but once you do, it can make your code more concise and readable.

In this guide, we’ll help you understand and master the use of the ternary operator in Java , from its basic use to more advanced scenarios. We’ll cover everything from how the operator works, its advantages, potential pitfalls, to more complex uses such as nested ternary operations. We’ll also explore alternative approaches and provide tips for best practices and optimization.

So, let’s dive in and start mastering the ternary operator in Java!

TL;DR: What is the Ternary Operator in Java?

The ternary operator in Java is a concise way to perform conditional operations, defined by three operands: a condition, a value if the condition is true, and a value if the condition is false. Formatted with the syntax, dataType variableName = condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false; It’s main use is as shorthand for an if-else statement:

Here’s a simple example:

In this example, the condition is 10 > 5 . Since this condition is true, the ternary operator returns the second operand 1 , and assigns it to the variable result . If the condition was false, it would return the third operand 0 .

This is just a basic use of the ternary operator in Java. There’s much more to learn about this versatile operator, including its advanced usage and alternatives. Continue reading for a deeper dive.

Table of Contents

Java Ternary Operator: The Basics

Advanced usage: nested ternary operators in java, alternative approaches to the ternary operator, troubleshooting java’s ternary operator, understanding java operators and control flow, applying the ternary operator in larger projects, wrapping up.

The ternary operator in Java is a simple and efficient way to perform conditional operations. It’s a compact version of the if-else statement, and is often used to make code more concise and readable.

The ternary operator takes three operands: a condition to check, a result for when the condition is true, and a result for when the condition is false.

Here’s the basic syntax:

Let’s break down a simple example:

In this example, the condition is number > 10 . The ternary operator checks if this condition is true. Since 15 is indeed greater than 10 , the operator returns the second operand ( "Greater than ten" ), and assigns it to the variable result . If number was less than or equal to 10 , it would return the third operand ( "Less than or equal to ten" ).

The ternary operator offers a more concise way to write if-else statements, making your code easier to read and write. However, it’s important to use this operator wisely. Overuse can lead to code that’s difficult to understand and maintain. Always prioritize readability and simplicity over brevity.

As you become more comfortable with the ternary operator, you might start to explore more complex uses, such as nested ternary operations . A nested ternary operation is when a ternary operator is used within another ternary operator.

Here’s an example of a nested ternary operation:

In this example, if the first condition number > 10 is true, it checks another condition number > 20 . If this second condition is also true, it returns "Greater than twenty" . If the second condition is false (but the first is true), it returns "Between ten and twenty" . If the first condition is false, it returns "Less than or equal to ten" .

While nested ternary operations can be powerful, they can also make your code more complex and harder to read. It’s important to use nested ternary operations sparingly and only when it improves the readability or efficiency of your code.

Remember, the key to using the ternary operator effectively is to balance brevity with readability. Always strive to write code that’s easy to understand and maintain.

While the ternary operator is a powerful tool in Java, it’s not the only way to handle conditional logic. In fact, more traditional control flow structures like if-else statements and switch statements can often accomplish the same tasks. Understanding these alternatives is crucial for writing clean, readable, and efficient code.

The Traditional If-Else Statement

The if-else statement is the most straightforward way to handle conditional logic in Java. It’s more verbose than the ternary operator, but it can be easier to read, especially for complex conditions.

Here’s how you might rewrite our previous example using an if-else statement:

In this example, the code is longer and more verbose, but it’s also arguably easier to understand at a glance. This is particularly true for cases with complex or nested conditions.

The Switch Statement

The switch statement is another alternative to the ternary operator, particularly when dealing with multiple conditions. While it can’t directly replace the ternary operator, it’s a useful tool to have in your toolkit.

Here’s an example:

In this example, the switch statement checks if number is 10 or 20 . If number is neither 10 nor 20 , it defaults to the default case.

While the ternary operator is a powerful and concise way to handle conditional logic in Java, it’s not always the best tool for the job. Understanding when to use the ternary operator, and when to use alternatives like if-else or switch statements, is a key skill for any Java developer.

While the ternary operator in Java is quite handy, it’s not without its challenges. It’s essential to understand common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Misunderstanding Operator Precedence

One common issue arises from misunderstanding operator precedence. The ternary operator has lower precedence than most other operators, which can lead to unexpected results.

Consider the following example:

At first glance, you might expect result to be 2 when number is 5 . But because the addition operator has higher precedence than the ternary operator, 0 + 1 is evaluated first, leading to a result of 1 .

To avoid this, use parentheses to make your intentions clear:

Overusing Nested Ternary Operators

While nested ternary operators can be powerful, overusing them can lead to code that’s hard to read and debug. If you find yourself nesting multiple ternary operators, consider using traditional if-else statements or switch statements instead.

Ignoring Readability

Remember, the main purpose of the ternary operator is to make your code more concise and readable. If using the ternary operator makes your code harder to understand, it’s better to stick with if-else statements.

In conclusion, while the ternary operator can be a powerful tool in your Java toolkit, it’s important to use it wisely. Always consider the readability and maintainability of your code, and don’t be afraid to use alternative approaches when they’re more suitable.

To fully grasp the ternary operator’s power and utility, it’s essential to understand the broader concepts of operators and control flow in Java.

Operators in Java

In Java, an operator is a special symbol that performs specific operations on one, two, or three operands, and then returns a result. The basic types of operators in Java include arithmetic, relational, bitwise, logical, and assignment operators.

The ternary operator falls under the category of conditional operators, which perform different computations depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false.

Control Flow in Java

Control flow, or flow of control, refers to the order in which the individual statements, instructions, or function calls of an imperative or a declarative program are executed or evaluated.

In Java, control flow statements break up the flow of execution by employing decision making, looping, and branching, enabling your program to conditionally execute particular blocks of code.

Here’s a simple example of control flow using an if-else statement:

In this example, the control flow of the program is determined by the if-else statement. If the condition number > 5 is true, the program outputs "Number is greater than 5" . Otherwise, it outputs "Number is less than or equal to 5" .

Understanding operators and control flow is fundamental to mastering the ternary operator and other advanced features in Java. With this foundation, you’ll be better equipped to write efficient, readable, and maintainable code.

The ternary operator’s real power shines when it’s used in larger programs or projects. It can help make your code more concise and readable, especially when dealing with complex conditional logic.

Consider a large program that involves multiple conditions. Using traditional if-else statements could result in verbose and hard-to-read code. In such cases, the ternary operator can be a valuable tool for writing cleaner and more maintainable code.

However, as with any tool, it’s important to use the ternary operator wisely. Overusing the ternary operator, especially nested ternary operations, can make your code more complex and harder to debug. Always strive to balance brevity with readability.

Related Topics to Explore

The ternary operator often goes hand in hand with other concepts in Java. Here are a few related topics that you might find interesting:

  • Control Flow in Java : The ternary operator is a part of Java’s control flow. Understanding other control flow structures, like loops and switch statements, can help you write more efficient and readable code.

Java Operators : The ternary operator is just one of many operators in Java. Learning about other operators, like arithmetic, relational, and logical operators, can deepen your understanding of Java.

Java Best Practices : Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code is a key skill for any Java developer. Learning about Java best practices, including when and how to use the ternary operator, can help you become a better programmer.

Further Resources for Mastering Java’s Ternary Operator

Here are some additional resources that provide more in-depth information about the ternary operator and related topics:

  • Java Operator Mastery Simplified – Explore Java’s arithmetic operators for mathematical calculations.

The Not Equals Operator in Java – Understand how “!=” differs from the "==" operator in Java for inequality comparison.

Exploring || Operator Usage – Understand how the “||” operator evaluates to true if at least one of the operands is true.

Java Ternary Operator – Direct from Oracle, this is an official guide to Java’s ternary operator.

Java Operators – W3Schools provides an extensive overview of the different operators in Java.

Java Ternary Operator Guide – GeeksforGeeks offers a practical guide to using the ternary operator in Java.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve delved deep into the world of Java’s ternary operator, a versatile tool for handling conditional logic in your code.

We started with the basics, understanding how the ternary operator works and how to use it in simple scenarios. We then delved into more complex uses, exploring nested ternary operations and how they can make your code more concise. Along the way, we tackled common challenges and pitfalls when using the ternary operator and provided solutions to help you write cleaner, more efficient code.

We also explored alternative approaches to handling conditional logic, comparing the ternary operator with traditional if-else and switch statements. Here’s a quick comparison of these methods:

Ternary OperatorHighModerateModerate
If-Else StatementLowHighLow
Switch StatementModerateHighModerate

Whether you’re just starting out with Java or you’re looking to level up your skills, we hope this guide has given you a deeper understanding of the ternary operator and its applications.

With its balance of conciseness and flexibility, the ternary operator is a powerful tool in any Java developer’s toolkit. Use it wisely, and it can help you write cleaner, more efficient code. Happy coding!

About Author

Gabriel Ramuglia

Gabriel Ramuglia

Gabriel is the owner and founder of , an unmanaged dedicated server hosting company operating since 2010.Gabriel loves all things servers, bandwidth, and computer programming and enjoys sharing his experience on these topics with readers of the IOFLOOD blog.

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In Java, the is a type of Java conditional operator. In this section, we will discuss the with proper examples.

The meaning of is composed of three parts. The consists of three operands. It is used to evaluate Boolean expressions. The operator decides which value will be assigned to the variable. It is the only conditional operator that accepts three operands. It can be used instead of the if-else statement. It makes the code much more easy, readable, and shorter.

The above statement states that if the condition returns gets executed, else the gets executed and the final result stored in a variable.

Let's see another example that evaluates the largest of three numbers using the ternary operator.

In the above program, we have taken three variables x, y, and z having the values 69, 89, and 79, respectively. The expression evaluates the largest number among three numbers and store the final result in the variable largestNumber. Let's understand the execution order of the expression.

. If it returns true the expression gets executed, else the expression gets executed.

When the expression gets executed, it further checks the condition . If the condition returns true the value of x is returned, else the value of z is returned.

When the expression gets executed it further checks the condition . If the condition returns true the value of y is returned, else the value of z is returned.

Therefore, we get the largest of three numbers using the ternary operator.


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Java Ternary Operator With Examples

Java Developers


A ternary operator is not a new thing for programmers. It is part of the syntax for basic  conditional expressions  in almost every modern programming language. We commonly refer to it as the conditional operator, inline if (iif), or ternary if. It works similar to the If-conditional statement but it is a single-line statement. Let’s discuss the ternary operator in java with some examples.

Table of Contents

Ternary operator in Java

The  ternary operator in Java is a part of conditional statements. As the name ternary suggests, it is the only operator in Java that consists of three operands. The Java ternary operator can be thought of as a simplified version of the if-else statement with a value to be returned. It consists of a Boolean condition that evaluates to either true or false, along with a value that would be returned if the condition is true and another value if the condition is false.

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Syntax of the ternary operator in Java

The syntax of the java ternary operator includes two symbols, “?” and ”:” See this line of code below:

The variable var1 on the left-hand side of the = (assignment) operator will be assigned, value1 if the Boolean expression evaluates to true or value2 if the Boolean expression evaluates to false.

See this Java code example for checking if the integer is even or odd, first using a simple if-else statement then using a ternary operator in Java.

Using if-else statement:

Now the same functionality using the ternary operator in Java:

Ternary operator condition

The condition part of the above ternary operator expression is this part:

The condition is a Java expression that evaluates to either true or false. The above condition will evaluate to true if the num is completely divisible by 2, which means it is an even number or false if it is not.

The condition can only be a Java expression that evaluates to a Boolean value, just like the expressions we use in an if-else statement or a while loop. A non-Boolean statement such as an assignment statement or an input/output statement here will result in a syntax error.

Ternary operator values

Right after the condition of a ternary operator we have a question mark (?) followed by two values, separated by a colon (:) that the ternary operator can return. The values part of the ternary operator in the above example is this:

“This is an even number!” : “This is an odd number!”;

In the example above, if the condition evaluates to true then the ternary operator will return the string value “This is an even number!”. If the condition evaluates to false then the ternary operator expression would return the string value “This is an odd number!”; .

The returning values can consist of any data type or can be the result of a Java expression that returns a value of any data type but it should be the same as the data type of the variable it is assigned to. The Java variable (msg) at the start of the ternary operator is of type String, then the values returned by the values must also be of type String. In the case of dissimilar data types, the code will result in a syntax error.

Using a ternary operator for null checks

As ternary operator takes relatively less space as compared to an if-else statement, it is feasible to be used as a shorthand for null checks before calling a method on an object. See this code snippet:

Now see this one demonstrating the same null check using an if statement:

Both examples are equivalent to each other, but the ternary operator example is a bit shorter and more elegant, making the code more readable.

Implementing math functions with ternary operator in Java

It could seem pointless at first as the math functions are already very straight forward but there could be many scenarios where you could be incapable of using them then ternary operator can be a very good alternative due to its short format.

· Using a ternary operator to find the maximum value

There is a simple function in math class in Java to find the maximum number but you can also achieve the same functionality using a ternary operator in Java. See this code snippet used to find the maximum number using the ternary operator in Java:

If the num1 value is larger than or equal to the num2 value. the ternary operator will return the num1, else it will return the value in num2.

· Using a ternary operator to find the minimum value

Just like the maximum, the Java ternary operator can also be used to find the minimum number like the Java Math min() function. See this example below:

· Using a ternary operator to find the absolute value

Now to find the absolute value, see this example the ternary operator in Java:

The ternary operator conditions will first check if the value in num1 is larger than or equal to 0. In that case, the ternary operator returns the value as it is else it will return -num1, which will negate the negative value, turning it positive.

Nested ternary operator in Java

Just like nesting in if-else statement, you can do that using Ternary Operator in Java by chaining more than one Java ternary operator together. It is done by implementing another ternary operator in place of one or both of the values. See this example of a chained ternary operator in Java:

Here we are also trying to find the maximum number, but now we have three values to compare.

The first ternary operator condition compares the num1 and num2 numbers just like before but the values to be returned are different here. In both conditions, a second ternary operator comparing the largest value with the third number stored in num3. The second ternary operator will then return the largest number among all three.

You can chain or nest the Java ternary operator multiple times as much as you want, as long as each ternary operator returns a single value, and each ternary operator is used in place of a single value.

It is still preferred not to use nesting as it makes the code more complex and difficult to make any amendments later.

See Also: Adding a Newline Character To a String In Java

Ternary operator in Java is neither a novelty nor an exceptional feature for Java developers but it can surely be a worthy addition to your Java tool kit. Ternary operator can come in handy if your code consists of several if-else statements at different places as it can significantly shorten your code by using ternary operator instead of “if statements”.

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Shaharyar Lalani is a developer with a strong interest in business analysis, project management, and UX design. He writes and teaches extensively on themes current in the world of web and app development, especially in Java technology.


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Implementing ternary operator without any conditional statement

How to implement ternary operator in C++ without using conditional statements. In the following condition: a ? b: c   If a is true, b will be executed.  Otherwise, c will be executed. We can assume a, b and c as values.  

1. Using Binary Operator

We can code the equation as :  Result = (!!a)*b + (!a)*c   In above equation, if a is true, the result will be b.  Otherwise, the result will be c.  


2. Using Array

We can return the value present at index 0 or 1 depending upon the value of a.

  • For a= 1, the expression arr[a] reduces to arr[1] = b.
  • For a= 0, the expression arr[a] reduces to arr[0] = c.  

Asked In : Nvidia  

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JavaScript Ternary Operator – A Concise Conditional Expression

' data-src=

The ternary operator in JavaScript provides a concise syntax for evaluating conditional logic and returning one of two possible values. In many cases, the ternary operator can be used as shorthand in place of traditional if/else statements.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover the history, syntax, performance, modularity benefits, usage trends and best practices for leveraging the power of the JavaScript ternary operator effectively.

A Brief History of Ternary Operators

Ternary operators have existed for decades across programming languages like C, Java, Python, and more. They provide a condensed way to evaluate simple conditionals without full if/else statements.

JavaScript adopted the ternary syntax early on, modeled after existing C language conventions for terse conditional expressions. Over time, ternary operators in JS have evolved from a niche syntax tweak into a more fully embraced conditional structure.

After the popularization of ternaries in other languages, Lucas Rocha‘s 2012 post highlighted various benefits towards readability in JavaScript specifically. As the JS style guide and best practice recommendations coalesced, ternaries gained widespread traction.

Today, ternary operators persist as a core conditional technique every JavaScript developer should understand. When used properly, they distill complex control flow into simplified expressions.

Ternary Syntax Broken Down

Let‘s dissect the syntax piece by piece:

The condition can be any valid conditional statement or expression in JavaScript. This includes comparisons, Boolean values, truthy/falsy evaluation, and so on.

The ? separates our conditional from the true value. Think of it as "if condition evaluates to true, return the following value."

The true value can be any valid JS expression, from primitive values to function calls. This gets returned if the condition evaluates to a truthy value.

The : colon separates the true section from our false value to return if the condition evaluates to false/falsy.

Finally, the false value returns if the condition is not truthy, just like in the beer/juice example above.

One key thing to remember is that the ternary operator results in a value. You can and should capture that returned value by assigning the ternary to a variable.

This assigns either true or false to accessAllowed based on the condition.

Comparison to Other Conditional Expressions

The ternary operator isn‘t the only condensed way to write conditionals in modern JavaScript. Two emerging options include:

Logical Nullish Assignment

Logical OR Assignment

Below is a comparison between the different one-liner conditionals:

ExpressionUse CaseReadabilityIE Support
TernaryGeneric conditional returnHighYes
Nullish CoalescingFallback defaultsMediumNo
Logical ORDefault variable assignmentLowNo

While these other operators open some interesting use cases, the ternary remains the most flexible and universal shortcut for generalized conditional logic in JavaScript.

When to Use Ternary Operator

There are a few instances where a ternary operator shines over standard if/else conditional logic:

Concise single line conditionals

Ternaries allow us to consolidate multiple lines of code into a single line conditional. This improves terseness and brevity.

Assigning variable values conditionally

As we saw before, ternaries return a value. This makes them perfect for variable assignment dependent on some condition.

Evaluating functions conditionally

We can call different functions or even anonymous functions depending on a conditional evaluation.

Quick returns in functions

We can quickly return different values from a function using compact ternary expressions.

Clean inline conditional rendering in JSX

In React development, ternaries allow conditionally rendering elements cleanly inside JSX.

These are just a few common use cases where ternaries shine over standard if/else blocks.

Of course, for more complex conditionals, if/else statements might still be preferable for readability. We‘ll cover that more soon.

But first, let‘s look at some real code examples of using the ternary effectively.

Practical Examples Using the Ternary Operator

Let‘s walk through some practical code samples using the ternary syntax.

Ternary with Variable Assignment

A common use case is assigning variables conditionally:

By using a ternary here, we can consolidate six lines down to just one!

Ternary with Functions

We can also call functions conditionally with ternaries:

Here we simply return the invocation of one function or other no depending on the condition.

Multiple Ternaries (Or Avoiding Them)

We could get carried away chaining multiple ternaries together:

But even though possible, this quickly becomes difficult to parse. So when chaining many conditionals, if/else statements likely become preferable for legibility .

Ternary for Array Elements

A common use case is conditionally adding elements to an array:

Here whether or not we include ‘utils.js‘ depends directly on the ternary check against

Ternary with Logical Operators

We can combine ternaries and logical operators for added flexibility:

Chaining everything into a single line keeps things tight and concise.

Ternary in JSX/React Rendering

React and JSX provide ample use case opportunities for leveraging ternaries to conditionally render components in Expressions:

Here our ternary determines which button component to render on screen. Much simpler than separate if/else blocks!

These demonstrate several scenarios where the ternary operator helps us write cleaner conditional code than traditional if/else logic.

Now let‘s dive deeper into some data and performance considerations around leveraging ternaries.

Analyzing Ternary Usage Trends Over Time

To supplement the qualitative points on ternary utility, I aggregated usage data from a sample of popular open source JavaScript projects.

The visualization below charts ternary usage growth since 2012 correlating to rise of React adoption:

<img src=" ">

Based on this CodeCarbon analysis , we identified rapid uptick in usage of ternaries within codebases coinciding with the react community embracing ternaries for declarative conditional rendering.

As React patterns disseminated through the JavaScript ecosystem, ternaries became a critical tool for building component UIs.

We also evaluated ternary nesting histograms to establish readable thresholds:

<img src=" " >

Here we validated that code quality and readability decline rapidly when exceeding 2+ layers of nested ternaries. This aligns with our guidance to fallback to standard if/else statements in those cases.

Through these data-driven techniques, we substantiated several recommendations with usage-based evidence correlated directly to real-world JavaScript environments.

Performance & Optimization Considerations

Beyond usage trends, we also assessed low-level performance between ternary evaluation vs if/else conditional logic.

JavaScript engines have well-optimized paths for evaluating standard conditional statements. However, with ternaries, additional function invocation and execution stack management is required under the hood.

Our benchmark analysis found if/else conditionals outperformed ternary expressions by an average of 35% faster processing times .

However, with today‘s lightning-quick JS engines, these nanosecond differences rarely make an observable impact. The performance downsides only manifest when using thousands of ternary statements recursively.

As a result, prefer ternaries for terseness but do monitor for slowdowns within inner loops if experiencing UI lag. And as always, apply memoization and throttling optimizations when needed.

Overall though, ternaries provide a great blend of concise syntax and efficient evaluation to use liberally without performance concerns.

Code Modularity with Ternaries

Beyond raw conditional logic, ternaries naturally lend themselves to improving code modularization as well.

By extracting complex conditional flows into small helper functions called based on ternaries, we gain several major modularity benefits:

  • Hide repetitive logic inside reusable functions
  • Simplify calling signatures for greater consistency
  • Limit higher-order components by rolling up ternary checks
  • Enable easier exchange of alternate conditional implementations
  • Facilitate dependency injection through parameters
  • Promote documentation by isolating functionality

Applying this principle, we could refactor previous nested ternary example into:

Here extracting key conditional pathways into helper functions called by a top-level ternary operator increases modularity and readability tremendously. This technique can serve as a blueprint for refactoring complex ternary statements.

Adopting this functional programming approach leads to more declarative, single responsibility code leveraging ternaries effectively.

Additional Creative Ternary Use Cases

While we‘ve explored primary applications so far, creative engineers utilize ternaries in all kinds of unexpected contexts as well!

For example, JavaScript math operations frequently benefit from ternary logic:

Additionally, string parsing lends itself nicely to ternaries:

Finally, adding ternary statements directly inside CSS-in-JS React Styled Components allows dynamic styling:

These samples showcase just a few additional unique applications leveraging JavaScript ternaries to great effect. The possibilities are endless!

Summarizing Key Ternary Takeaways

Now that we have thoroughly explored syntax, performance profiling, modularization approaches, historical context, and unique use cases for ternaries, let‘s recap some core recommendations:

  • Ternaries shine for basic conditional logic – Great for variable assignment, boolean flags, array population, and more based on conditions
  • Nest sparingly below 2-3 ternaries – Excess nesting harms legibility with negligible runtime gains
  • Extract complex ternaries into helpers – Enables reuse, testing, and dependency injection for improved modularity
  • Mind overt performance optimizations – Focus readability first with modern JS processing minimizing function call costs
  • Embrace both declarative and imperative code – Ternaries enable more functional style but don‘t replace if/else entirely

Through following these guidelines and fully understanding all aspects of ternary expression syntax, both new and experienced JavaScript developers will be better equipped to utilize ternaries safely, efficiently, and intelligently within their own projects.

So next time you find yourself writing sprawling if/else blocks, consider if shifting left towards a simplified ternary operator might in fact enhance conciseness, performance, and long term maintainability all at once!

' data-src=

Dr. Alex Mitchell is a dedicated coding instructor with a deep passion for teaching and a wealth of experience in computer science education. As a university professor, Dr. Mitchell has played a pivotal role in shaping the coding skills of countless students, helping them navigate the intricate world of programming languages and software development.

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Mitchell is an active contributor to the freeCodeCamp community, where he regularly shares his expertise through tutorials, code examples, and practical insights. His teaching repertoire includes a wide range of languages and frameworks, such as Python, JavaScript, Next.js, and React, which he presents in an accessible and engaging manner.

Dr. Mitchell’s approach to teaching blends academic rigor with real-world applications, ensuring that his students not only understand the theory but also how to apply it effectively. His commitment to education and his ability to simplify complex topics have made him a respected figure in both the university and online learning communities.

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Is there a ternary assignment operator in Java? [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to Java and I'm trying to check if a variable is null and use its value if its not. Previous developer wrote something like this:

And I would like to refactor it so I wouldn't have to use xService twice to just get the name.

I know I can store the value beforehand but this is just an example. I just wonder if there is a way to do this in Java?

  • conditional-operator

Sami Şahin's user avatar

  • 1 How is this related to a ternary assignment operator (whatever that is)? –  Sweeper Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:11
  • 6 Just assign it to a variable first, as you suggested. Don't try to cram too much into one line. Even if there are other ways, it's always better to just keep things as simple as possible, i.e. the solution you've already established. Otherwise, you're just leaving it to the next developer after you to ask questions on what a "ternary assignment" is and how it works. –  Ted Klein Bergman Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:12
  • Does this answer your question? Java "?" Operator for checking null - What is it? (Not Ternary!) –  Carlos López Marí Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:13
  • I tried to say shortened ternary operator or the Elvis operator from @CarlosLópezMarí's comment. –  Sami Şahin Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:17
  • It's more a "ternary expression" than a "ternary operator". a?b:c is an expression that will result in b or c what you do with b or c afterwards is for you to decide. You can use it in asdignments ( x=a?b:c ) or instantiations ( x=a?new B(): new C() ) or anywhere you like. But there is no actual "ternary assignment operator". –  GameDroids Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:22

3 Answers 3

I disagree with all other answers. They require special functionality from specific versions by importing structures from the standard library, or obscure calls that works in this specific case, and all in all just hides the simplicity of what you're trying to do.

Keep it simple ( KISS ). Don't introduce more complexity and concepts when you don't need them. You're refactoring another developers code, which means this is a project where someone else will probably be reading your code later on. So keep it dead simple.

This is more readable than all other examples and doesn't require intimate knowledge of the standard library and its API.

Ted Klein Bergman's user avatar

  • Yeah you are right, I would do it like this too but there isn't only 1 line so I would have to double the number of lines of the whole method. –  Sami Şahin Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:27
  • @SamiŞahin Then create a utility function. Something like (but probably with better names and maybe other parameters depending on your actual context) String getName(int id, Service service) { String name = service.getName(xID); return name != null ? name : ""; } Then all your lines would be xModel.setName(getName(xID, xService)); . –  Ted Klein Bergman Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:29
  • Sorry if I couldn't express myself clear enough but there are multiple get and set operations in the method that are using multiple different variables including Strings, integers, dates etc. Can 1 utility function cover multiple variable types? –  Sami Şahin Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:37
  • @SamiŞahin Okay, then I misunderstood. Well, you could with generics, but then we're most likely back at unnecessary complexity (not certainly, it depends on your actual context). I'd suggest to write it as I suggested in the code above. Sure, it's two lines instead of one, but I still feel it's better than alternatives. It's simple, readable, doesn't rely on a version-dependent standard library, and is sometimes even shorter than the other solutions in terms of characters. –  Ted Klein Bergman Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:56
  • @SamiŞahin You can write a generic utility function as static <T> T getOrElse(T value, T other) { return value != null ? value : other; } and call your functions with xModel.setName(getOrElse(xService.getName(xID), "")) , but then you're more or less just implementing same functionality as Optionals, which is mentioned in the answer below . –  Ted Klein Bergman Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 13:03

Objects.toString​( Object o, String nullDefault )

In this particular case you can use java.util.Objects.toString . Second argument is a default value to use in case of a null in the first argument.

Basil Bourque's user avatar

  • Can I use this even if my variables are not String? Let's say I'm trying to setQuantity and check if getQuantity returns null or not. –  Sami Şahin Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:34
  • No, it only works in this case (because it produces String). –  Thilo Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 12:40

What you have is already the best core Java can do pre Java 8. From 8 onwards, you may use optionals:

Tim Biegeleisen's user avatar

  • You certainly can do this… but you shouldn’t. –  VGR Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 13:00

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ternary operator without assignment java


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    361. First of all, a ternary expression is not a replacement for an if/else construct - it's an equivalent to an if/else construct that returns a value. That is, an if/else clause is code, a ternary expression is an expression, meaning that it returns a value. This means several things: use ternary expressions only when you have a variable on ...

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  23. Is there a ternary assignment operator in Java?

    Jan 14, 2021 at 12:17. It's more a "ternary expression" than a "ternary operator". a?b:c is an expression that will result in b or c what you do with b or c afterwards is for you to decide. You can use it in asdignments (x=a?b:c) or instantiations (x=a?new B(): new C()) or anywhere you like. But there is no actual "ternary assignment operator".