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presentation set 9 tft

TFT Set 9 Cheat Sheet: All champions, traits, updated stats, and abilities

Image of Danny Forster

Riot Games has elevated Teamfight Tactics once again with Set Nine Runeterra Reforged , showcasing 28 traits and 60 champions, mashing together returning and new mechanics. 

The TFT Set Nine cheat sheet breaks down all 28 traits and 60 champions within the Runeterra Reforged set. Several returning mechanics are included in the set with some having a new twist added to them. Working in conjunction with the TFT Set Nine champions and traits are Augments, Region Portals, and Legends. 

All TFT Set 9 traits and champions, abilities, and stats

TFT K'Sante in Set 9

Champions and their spells are repeated under each trait that is assigned to them, providing players with a better understanding of how the Set Nine champions function within each trait. Some champions have up to three assigned traits. 

Updates will take place throughout PBE testing after major updates, along with regular patches once the Runeterra Reforged set drops into live servers on June 14.

Bastion (2/4/6/8)

All Bastion units gain armor and magic resistance at each breakpoint, which is increased by 100 percent for the first 10 seconds of combat.

  • Two: +25 Defense
  • Four: +55 Defense
  • Six: +100 Defense
  • Eight: +240 Defense

Bastion TFT Set 9 champions

Bastion units are Maokai (one-cost) Poppy (one-cost), Kassadin (two-cost), Taric (three-cost), Shen (four-cost), and K’Sante (five-cost)

  • Maokai Sap Magic : Maokai has a passive that gains Maokai five mana whenever an enemy uses their ability. The active has Maoki heal on the next attack. 
  • Poppy Steadfast Hammer : Gain a shield for three seconds, dealing magic damage to the current target. Four-star upgrade —Knock the target into the largest clump of enemies, dealing 40 percent of the target’s maximum health as magic damage to the target and 25 percent of that amount to the clump. Stun enemies for one second. 
  • Kassadin Force Pulse : Gain a shield for four seconds, dealing magic damage to enemies in a cone and Disarm them for 1.5/1.8/2 seconds. Units disarmed can’t move or attack but can cast spells.
  • Taric Radiance : Gain a shield for six seconds. It absorbs damage received by adjacent allies. 
  • Shen Ki Barrier : Gain a shield and grant a shield to the two lowest health allies for four seconds. After shielding allies, Shen’s shield refreshes with a burst, dealing magic damage to adjacent enemies. Ionia bonus —+10 percent damage reduction. 
  • If the target can’t be pushed any further, they are knocked off the battlefield. If the target is still alive, K’Sante will chase after them.  

Bruiser (2/4/6)

All units on your team gain 100 health. Bruiser units gain additional health at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: +10 percent
  • Four: +40 percent
  • Six: +70 percent

Bruiser TFT Set 9 champions

Bruiser units are Cho’Gath (one-cost), Renekton (one-cost),  Vi (two-cost), Rek’Sai (three-cost), Sejuani (four-cost), and Sion (five-cost).

  • Cho’Gath Feast : Deal magic damage to the lowest adjacent health enemy. If this eliminates them, devour them and permanently gain 35/35/35 maximum health. There is bonus health. Spell health ratio is 12 percent.
  • Renekton Cull the Meak : Deal magic damage to adjacent enemies. Heal for the first enemy hit and another for each additional hit. 
  • Vi Blast Shield : Gain a shield for four seconds, dealing physical damage to enemies within one Hex of the current target and Sunder them for four seconds. Sunder reduces a target’s armor by 40 percent. 
  • Rek’Sai Furious Bite : Deal physical damage to the current target. If they are below 60 percent health, this damage is converted to true damage and increases. If this eliminates the targe,  Rek’Sai rips through them one Hex and heals. 
  • Sejauni Fury of the North : Whenever an ally attacks a Chilled enemy, they deal bonus true damage. Sejuani gains a shield for four seconds and deals magic damage to nearby enemies and Chills them for a total of four seconds. Chill refuses the target’s attack speed by 30 percent. 
  • Sion Glory in Death : Upon death, Sion reanimates with 100 percent health, decaying at 7/5/0 percent maximum health per second. Sion can no longer use his ability but is immune to crowd control and gains attack speed. Ability—Charge towards the most enemies, dealing a percent of attack damage to enemies on the way and stunning them for 1.25/2/15 seconds. 

Challenger (2/4/6/8)

Challenger units gain bonus attack speed at each breakpoint. When a Challenger unit’s target is eliminated, the Challenger unit will dash to a new target and increase its attack speed by 50 percent for 2.5 seconds.

  • Two: 30 percent
  • Four: 60 percent
  • Six: 95 percent
  • Eight: 140 percent

Challenger TFT Set 9 champions

Units with the Challenger trait are Irelia (one-cost), Samira (one-cost), Warwick (two-cost), Kalista (three-cost), Kai’Sa (four-cost), and Yasuo (four-cost).

  • Irelia Defiant Dance : Irelia enters a defensive stance and gains a shield that rapidly decays over three seconds. When the shield breaks, Irelia deals magic damage plus 30 percent of the damage absorbed by enemies around and in front of Irelia. Ionia bonus —Plus 25 armor and magic resistance. 
  • Samira Flair : Shoot at the current target and deal magic damage to the first enemy hit. Reduce. This also reduces their armor. Spell attack damage ratio is 165 percent.
  • Warwick Primal Howl: Warwick has a passive that restores health during attacks. Attacks for the next 2.5 seconds increase passive healing by 50 percent. Adjacent enemies are then stunned for 1.2/1.5/2 seconds. 
  • Kalista Pierce and Rend : Kalista has a passive that has her attacks impale six spears per cast at the target which deals true damage when removed. Kalista rips the spears out if would terminate the target. Kalista’s active attacks impale five spears at the current target. Kalista’s post-cast mana lockout scales with attack speed.
  • Kai’Sa Icathian Rain : Dash away from all enemies and then fire 15/15/25 missiles split across the four nearest enemies. Each missile deals magic damage. 
  • Yasuo Last Breath: Send a whirlwind at the furthest enemy within three Hexes, stunning all enemies hit. Then Yauso dashes and slashes the original target, dealing physical damage to them and slamming them into the ground, dealing a percent attack damage as physical damage to enemies within one Hex. 

When Aatrox or the holder of the Darkin Blade dies, the Darkin Blade is equipped to the nearest ally champion, granting them 500 health and 20 percent Omnivamp. After being equipped to a champion for four seconds, Aatrox will revive upon their death instead. 

  • Aatrox World Ender : Transform for 10 seconds, gaining Omnivamp and converting all bonus attack speed to attack damage. While transformed, Aatrox’s attacks deal physical damage. 
  • Darken bonus health : 400
  • Darkin Omnivamp : 15 percent
  • Darkin Respawn time : Five seconds

Deadeye (2/4/6)

Deadeye units have an innate bonus range. Every three seconds, Deadeye champions attack the enemy with the highest percent health and deal bonus damage at each breakpoint.

  • Two:+25 percent damage
  • Four: +70 percent damage
  • Six: +150 percent damage

Deadeye TFT Set 9 champions

All Deadeye champions are Jhin (one-cost), Ashe (two-cost), Akshan (three-cost), Aphelios (four-cost), and Urgot (four-cost). 

  • Jhin Curtain Call : Jhin takes aim at the target and deals physical damage to enemies in a line, with each hit enemy having damage reduced by 40 percent. Ionia bonus —+20 percent attack damage. 
  • Ashe Volley : Ashe fires eight arrows in a cone, with each dealing physical damage to the first enemy hit and Chilling them for ‘X’ seconds. Chill —Reduces the attack speed of the target by 30 percent. 
  • Akshan Comeuppance : Akshan locks onto the farthest enemy and unleashes a hail of six shots toward them. Each deals physical damage to the first enemy hit. 
  • Aphelios Moonlight Vigil : Aphelios fires a moon blast at the largest group of enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies within two Hexes. Equip Three Chakram —Plus-one more for each enemy hit by the moon blast. Aphelios attacks deal bonus physical damage for each Chakram equipped for a total of seven seconds. Damage dealt by Chakrams heals Aphelios. 
  • Urgot Disdain : Urgot has a passive that whenever an enemy enters attack range, fires a blast from the leg facing that direction, dealing physical damage to them. Each of Urgot’s six legs has a 4/4/1 second cooldown. The active gains a shield for five seconds and has Urgot dash behind the current target. Then all leg cooldowns are reset. 

Demacia (3/5/7/9)

During the planning phase, your strongest Demacia unit becomes an Elite and is equipped with a random Radiant item for the next combat. Elites grant armor and magic resistance to themselves and adjacent allies. Granted armor and magic resistance do not stack. The number of Elite units possible is increased at each breakpoint. 

  • Three: One Elite with +5 armor and magic resistance
  • Five: Two Elite units with +30 armor and magic resistance
  • Seven: Four Elite units with +50 armor and magic resistance
  • Nine: Six Elite units with +100 armor and magic resistance

Demacia TFT Set 9 champions

The champions with the Demacia trait are Kayle (one-cost),  Poppy (one-cost), Galio (two-cost), Garen (thee-cost), Sona (three-cost), Jarvin IV (four-cost), and Lux (four-cost).

  • Level one: Attacks deal bonus 30/45/65 magic damage
  • Level six: Every third attack launches a wave that deals magic damage and Shreds enemies for four seconds.
  • Level nine: Every attack launches a wave and they travel farther. 
  • Galio Shield of Duran : Reduce damage taken by 30 percent and heal over the duration of four seconds. Galio then deals magic damage to adjacent enemies. Galio heal is 250/290/330.
  • Garen Judgement : Garen spins ‘X’ times every second for the next ‘X’ seconds. Each spin deals physical damage to adjacent enemies. The spin won’t multi-stack Guinsoo’s Rageblade on multiple targets.
  • Sona Crecendo : Sona sends a wave of sound at the largest clump of enemies and deals magic damage to enemies hit. Allies hit by the wave gain 25/30/40 percent attack speed for five seconds. 
  • Javin IV Cataclysm : Javan leaps on a nearby enemy dealing magic damage to enemies within two Hexes and stuns them for 2/2.5/8 seconds.
  • Lux Torrent of Light : Luc channels a barrage of light at the current target that deals magic damage over 3/3/3 seconds, reducing the target’s magic resistance by 10/10/30 every second. If the target is terminated, Lux shifts to a new target.

Empress (1)

When Bel’Veth terminates an enemy, they leave behind a Void Coral that she will consume. The first Void Coral increases her maximum health by 50 percent. Additional Void Corals heal Bel’Veth 20 percent of maximum health. When a Void Coral is consumed, Bel’Veth deals 10 percent maximum health as magic damage to enemies within two Hexes. 

  • Bel’Veth Royal Maelstrom: Bel’Veth lashes out at the lowest health enemy in range ‘X’ number of times. Each lash deals physical damage one percent of the target’s maximum health as true damage. 

Freljord (2/3/4)

Having the Freljord trait active on the battlefield produces an ice storm that strikes the battlefield after five seconds. Enemies take a percentage of their maximum health as true damage and gain debuffs for 15 seconds. Effects increase at each breakpoint, adding to the previous effect. 

  • Two: Five percent health and enemies are 40 percent Sunderderd (reduce armor) and Shredded (reduce magic resistance).
  • Three: 12 percent health and enemies are also 50 percent Mana Reaved (increase maximum mana until the next cast).
  • Four: 20 percent health and enemies are also stunned for 1.5 seconds. 

Freljord TFT Set 9 champions

Champions with the Freljord trait are Ashe (two-cost), Lissandra (three-cost), and Sejuani (four-cost). 

  • Lissandra Frozen Tomb : Lissandra stuns the current target for two seconds and deals magic damage to enemies within two Hexes of them. They take 10 percent more damage for the next four seconds. 
  • Sejauni Fury of the North: Whenever an ally attacks a Chilled enemy, they deal bonus true damage. Sejuani gains a shield for four seconds and deals magic damage to nearby enemies and Chills them for a total of four seconds. Chill refuses the target’s attack speed by 30 percent. 

Gunner (2/4/6)

When Gunner units attack, they gain bonus attack damage that increases at each breakpoint, up to eight stacks. 

  • Two: Six percent attack damage per stack
  • Four: 12 percent attack damage per stack
  • Six: 22 percent attack damage per stack

Gunner TFT Set 9 champions

Gunner units are Tristana (one-cost), Jinx (two-cost), Jayce (three-cost), Zeri (four-cost), and Senna (five-cost).

  • Tristana Rapid Fire : Tristana gains attack speed for a total of four seconds. During the duration, attacks explode on impact and deal physical damage to enemies within one Hex. Four-star upgrade —Every eighth attack deals bonus physical damage and ricochets to the largest clump of enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies within one Hex. 
  • Jinx Fishbones : Jinx fires five rockets at random enemies within two Hexes of the current target. Each rocket deals a percent attack damage as physical damage. 
  • Jayce Acceleration Blast : Grant attack speed to Jayce and adjacent allies on his left and right for three seconds. Fire a blast at the current target, which explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing physical damage to enemies near the blast. 
  • Zeri Surge : Zeri has a passive that executes enemies below ‘X’ health. Terminations reset the duration of Surge. Zeri’s active has a duration of five seconds where attacks chain lightning to 3/3/5 additional enemies, dealing physical damage.
  • Senna Dawning Shadow : Senna fires a massive beam at the furthest enemy, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit. Any allies hit gain a shield for a total of four seconds.

Invoker (2/4/6)

Allies restore mana every three seconds. Mana restored for allies and Invoker units vary at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: Five mana for all allies
  • Four: And an additional 15 mana for Invoker units
  • Six: 20 mana for all allies and 15 additional mana for Invoker champions

Invoker TFT Set 9 champions

Champions with the Invoker trait are Cassiopeia (one-cost), Galio (two-cost), Soraka (two-cost), Karma (three-cost), Lissandra (three-cost), and Shen (four-cost).

  • Cassiopeia Twin Fang : Cassiopeia deals magic damage to the current target and Wounds them for five seconds. If they are already Wounded, Cassiopeia deals bonus magic damage. Wound —Reduce healing by 50 percent. 
  • Garen Judgement : Garen spins ‘X’ times every second for the next ‘X’ seconds. Each spin deals physical damage to adjacent enemies. 
  • Soraka Astral Infusion : Soraka heals the lowest health ally for ‘X’ amount. If the ally is below 50 percent health, increase the amount healed by 50 percent. The ally is infused for five seconds, calling down five Stars over the duration that deals magic damage to the closest enemy. Transform and gain maximum health for eight seconds. While transformed, enemies within one Hex are Wounded and take magic damage over three seconds. 
  • Karma Inner Flame : Karma fires a burst of energy at a target that explodes upon impact, dealing magic damage to adjacent enemies. Every third cast launches three bursts of energy. Ionia bonus —+20 percent ability power.  

Ionia (3/6/9)

Every four seconds, your strongest Ionia champions are enlightened to their spirit form and gain 20 mana. Each Ionia unit has a unique bonus within its ability, which doubles when in spirit form. Ionia bonuses and enlightened champions increase at each breakpoint. 

  • Three: 100 percent Ionia bonus and one enlightened champion
  • Six: 200 percent Ionia bonus and two enlightened champions
  • Nine: 325 percent Ionia bonus and three enlightened champions

Ionia TFT Set 9 champions

Ionia champions are Irelia (one-cost), Jhin (one-cost), Sett (two-cost), Zed (two-cost), Karma (three-cost), Shen (four-cost), Yasuo (four-cost), and Ahri (five-cost).

  • Irelia Defiant Dance : Irelia enters a defensive stance and gains a shield that rapidly decays over three seconds. When the shield breaks, Irelia deals magic damage plus 30 percent of the damage absorbed by enemies around and in front of Irelia. Ionia bonus —+40 armor and magic resistance. 
  • Jhin Curtain Call : Jhin takes aim at the target and deals physical damage to enemies in a line, with each hit enemy having damage reduced by 40 percent. Ionia bonus —+30 percent attack damage. 
  • Sett Facebreaker : Sett pulls in an enemy on either side and slams them together, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 2/2.2/2.5 seconds. If only one enemy is grabbed, the damage and stun duration are increased by 50 percent. Ionia bonus —+180 maximum health. 
  • Zed Living Shadow : Zed creates a shadow at the furthest enemy within three Hexes. Then Zed and his shadow slash adjacent enemies, dealing physical damage. Ionia bonus —+15 critical chance and critical damage. 
  • Karma Inner Flame : Karma fires a burst of energy at a target that explodes upon impact, dealing magic damage to adjacent enemies. Every third cast launches three bursts of energy. Ionia bonus —+30 percent ability power. 
  • Yasuo Last Breath : Send a whirlwind at the furthest enemy within three Hexes, stunning all enemies hit. Then Yauso dases and slashes the original target, dealing physical damage to them and slamming them into the ground, dealing a percent attack damage as physical damage to enemies within one Hex.  Ionia Bonus —+15 percent omnivamp.
  • Ahri Essence Theft: Ahri steals essence from enemies around her target, dealing magic damage and 35 percent Mana Reaving (increase maximum mana until the next cast) them. Every two casts unleash a wave that deals magic damage to all enemies hit. This deals 33 percent more damage to enemies whose essence has been stolen. Ionia Bonus —Plus-three mana per second. 

Juggernaut (2/4/6)

Juggernaut champions take less damage as their health decreases. Damage reduction increases at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: 15 to 25 percent damage reduction
  • Four: 25 to 40 percent damage reduction
  • Six: 35 to 50 percent damage reduction

Juggernaut TFT Set 9 champions

Champions with the Juggernaut trait are Sett (two-cost), Warwick (two-cost), Darius (three-cost), Garen (three-cost), Nasus (four-cost), and Aatrox (five-cost).

  • Warwick Primal Howl : Warwick has a passive that restores health during attacks. Attacks for the next 2.5 seconds increase passive healing by 50 percent. Adjacent enemies are then stunned for 1.2/1.5/2 seconds. 
  • Darius Noxian Guillotine : Darius deals physical damage to the current target. If they perish, immediately cast this again with “81/85/89″X” percent damage. 
  • Garen Judgement : Garen spins ‘X’ times every second for the next ‘X’ seconds. Each spin deals physical damage to adjacent enemies. Each spin deals physical damage to adjacent enemies. 
  • Nasus Soul Eater : Nasus steals 5/5/15 percent maximum health, 10 percent attack damage, and 5/5/15 Defense from the nearest 4/5/9 enemies for eight seconds. 

Multicaster (2/4)

Multicaster champions cast their ability multiple times. Bonus casts have 66 percent reduced effectiveness. Extra casts increase at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: One extra cast
  • Four: Two extra casts

Multicaster TFT Set 9 champions

Multicaster champions are Taliyah (two-cost), Teemo (two-cost), Vel’Koz (three-cost), and Sona (three-cost).

  • Taliyah Seismic Shove : Talyah has a passive for whenever an enemy is knocked up by anything, she throws a boulder at them, which deals magic damage: Taliyah’s active knocks up the current target for two seconds. 
  • Teemo Noxious Trap : Teemo hurls an explosive mushroom at the current target. When it detonates, enemies within one Hex are Wounded and take magic damage over the course of three seconds. Wounded reduces healing received by 50 percent. Four-star upgrade —Increase the explosion radius by one Hex.  
  • Vel’Koz Plasma Fission : Vel’Koz fires a plasma bolt toward the current target that deals damage to the first enemy hit. It then splits in two, dealing 50 percent less damage whenever it passes through an enemy. 

Noxus (3/6/9)

Noxus champions gain health, ability power, and attack damage that increases at each breakpoint. The three also increase by five percent for each different opponent that either you have Conquered in combat or is already perished. The maximum stat increase is 35 percent.

  • Three: 170 health, 17 ability power, and 17 percent attack damage
  • Six: 340 health, 34 ability power, and 34 percent attack damage
  • Nine: 600 health, 60 ability power, and 60 percent attack damage

Noxus TFT Set 9 champions

Units with the Noxus trait are Cassiopeia (one-cost), Samira (one-cost), Kled (two-cost), Swain (two-cost), Darius (three-cost), Katarina (three-cost), and Sion (five-cost).

  • Samira Flair : Shoot at the current target and deal magic damage to the first enemy hit. Reduce. This also reduces their armor. 
  • Kled Skaaaaaaar : Kled passive has him start combat with a shield. When it breaks, Kled dismounts and gains stacking attack speed for the rest of combat. The active has Kled remound and gain a shield. Four-star upgrade —Execute enemies under 20 percent health. 
  • Swain Demonflare : Swain transforms and gains maximum health for eight seconds. While transformed, he deals magic damage to enemies within two Hexes every second. 
  • Darius Noxian Guillotine : Darius deals physical damage to the current target. If they perish, immediately cast this again with “X” percent damage. 
  • Katarina Voracity : Katarina throws three daggers that land next to enemies with two Hexes. Then teleport to each to deal magic damage to adjacent enemies and Wound them for six seconds. Wound —Reduce healing received by 50 percent. 
  • Sion Glory in Death: Upon death, Sion reanimates with 100 percent health, decaying at 7/5/0 percent maximum health per second. Sion can no longer use his ability but is immune to crowd control and gains attack speed. Ability—Charge towards the most enemies, dealing a percent of attack damage to enemies on the way and stunning them for 1.25/2/15 seconds.  

Piltover (3/6)

A major rework was applied to the Piltover trait through Patch 13.15. Upon activating the trait, players gain a T-Hex. Losing consecutive rounds adds Power Chargers to the T-Hex and increases the amount of possible loot. Winning a round rewards loot from the Piltover loot table .

Players can no longer sell the T-Hex. The T-Hex has its own breakpoints following Patch 13.15. And a combat round win with no Chargers on T-Hex will result in a reward of one gold.

  • Three: Gain the T-Hex
  • Six: Each loss counts as two losses instead. Winning grants bonus loot

T-Hex breakpoints

  • 20 Power breakpoint increases T-Hex to two-star and unlocks Hextech Breath
  • 40 Power breakpoint advances T-Hex to three-star
  • 80 Power breakpoint advances T-Hex to four-star

Piltover TFT Set 9 champions

Champions are Orianna (one-cost), Vi (two-cost), Ekko (three-cost), Jayce (three-cost), and Heimerdinger (five-cost). 

  • Orianna Command Protect: Grant the lowest health ally a shield for four seconds. When the shield expires, it deals magic damage to adjacent enemies and Chills them for three seconds. Chill —Reduce attack speed by 50 percent. 
  • Ekko Phase Dive : Ekko heals 34 percent of damage taken in the last four seconds and deals magic damage to the current target. 
  • Jayce Acceleration Blast : Grant attack speed to Jayce and adjacent allies on his left and right for three seconds. Fire a blast at the current target, which explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing physical damage to enemies near the blast.
  • Heimerdinger CH-3X Lightning Grenade : Heimerdinger hurls a grenade toward the largest group of enemies dealing magic damage to enemies in a large area and stunning them for 1.5/2/15 seconds. Four-star upgrade —Yes it works!

Redeemer (1)

Whenever an ally gains a shield, grant them seven percent stacking attack speed for the remainder of combat. 

  • Senna Dawning Shadow: Senna fires a massive beam at the furthest enemy, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit. Any allies hit gain a shield for a total of four seconds.

Rogue (2/4)

Rogue champions gain effects at breakpoints. 

  • Two: The first time Rogue champions fall below 50 percent health they briefly become untargetable and dash toward an enemy within four Hexes, preferring backline units. 
  • Four: Additionally, attacking an enemy for the first time causes that enemy to bleed, dealing 40 percent of their maximum health as magic damage over the course of five seconds. 

Rogue TFT Set 9 champions

Rogue units are Viego (one-cost), Ekko (three-cost), and Katarina (three-cost).

  • Viego Blade of the Ruined King: Viego deals magic damage to the current target. For the remainder of combat, Viego’s attacks deal bonus stacking magic damage. 
  • Ekko Phase Dive: Ekko heals 34 percent of damage taken in the last four seconds and deals magic damage to the current target. 

Shadow Isles (2/4/6)

After dealing or receiving damage eight times, Shadow Isles units gain a shield for 15 seconds and become Spectral for the remainder of combat. Spectral units gain mana every second. Shield percentage and mana increase at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: 45 percent shield and six mana
  • Four: 80 percent shield and 12 mana
  • Six: 115 percent shield and 18 mana

Shadow Isles TFT Set 9 champions

Units are Maokai (one-cost), Viego (one-cost), Kalista (three-cost), Gwen (four-cost), and Senna (five-cost).

  • Viego Blade of the Ruined King : Viego deals magic damage to the current target. For the remainder of combat, Viego’s attacks deal bonus stacking magic damage. 
  • Kalista Pierce and Rend : Kalista has a passive that has her attacks impale a spear at the target which deals true damage when removed. Kalista rips the spears out if would terminate the target. Kalista’s active attacks impale five spears at the current target. 
  • Gwen Snip Snip : Gwen dashes around the current target and snips three times in a cone, each dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Every three casts, Gwen gains 150/150/300 armor and magic resistance for 2/2.5/4 seconds. 

Shurima (3/5/7/9)

Every four seconds, Shurima units heal at seven percent maximum health. After eight seconds, select Shurima champions Ascend, gaining 33 percent maximum health and 45 percent attack speed. 

  • Three: The strongest Shurmina unit ascends
  • Five: All Shurima units ascend
  • Seven: Only ascend at the start of combat
  • Nine: +125 percent ascension bonus

Shurima TFT Set 9 champions

Champions are Cassiopeia (one-cost), Renekton (one-cost), Taliyah (two-cost), Akshan (three-cost), Azir (four-cost), Nasus (four-cost), and K’Sante (five-cost). 

  • Azir Arise : Azir has a passive that after every third attack, a sand soldier deals magic damage to their target. Azir’s active summons a sand soldier to attack your target. If Azir has three soldiers, they all immediately deal magic damage instead. 

Slayer (2/3/4/5/6)

Slayer champions gain 12 percent Omnivamp. Additionally. Slayer units deal bonus damage, doubled against units below 66 percent health. Bonus damage increases at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: Plus-five percent bonus damage
  • Three: +10 percent bonus damage
  • Four: +25 percent bonus damage
  • Five: +35 percent bonus damage
  • Six: +50 percent bonus damage

Slayer TFT Set 9 champions

Champions are Kayle (one-cost), Kled (two-cost), Zed (two-cost), Gwen (four-cost),  and Aatrox (five-cost). 

  • Level one: Attacks deal bonus magic damage
  • Gwen Snip Snip : Gwen dashes around the current target and snips three times in a cone, each dealing magic damage to enemies hit. Every three casts, Gwen gains armor and magic resistance for 2/2.5/4 seconds. 

Sorcerer (2/4/6/8)

When Sorcerer units help terminate an enemy, they trigger an arcane shock that deals a percent of the enemy’s maximum health to other enemies. Sorcerer champions also gain bonus ability power. 

  • Two: 25 ability power, shock one enemy for 10 percent health
  • Four: 50 ability power, shock one enemy for 10 percent health
  • Six: 80 ability power, shock two enemies for 12 percent health
  • Eight: 120 ability power, shock two enemies for 20 percent health

Sorcerer TFT Set 9 champions

Units are Orianna (one-cost), Malzahar (one-cost), Swain (two-cost), Taric (three-cost), Vel’Koz (three-cost), Lux (four-cost), and Ahri (five-cost).

  • Orianna Command Protect: Grant the lowest health ally a shield for four seconds. When the shield expires, it deals magic damage to adjacent enemies and Chills them for three seconds. Chill —Reduce attack speed by 30 percent.
  • Malzahar Call of the Void: Malzahar opens two portals near the current target and destroys 34 percent of shields and deals magic damage to all enemies caught between the portals. 
  • Lux Torrent of Light : Luc channels a barrage of light at the current target that deals magic damage over 3/3/3 seconds, reducing the target’s magic resistance by every second. If the target is terminated, Lux shifts to a new target.
  • Ahri Essence Theft : Ahri steals essence from enemies around her target, dealing magic damage and 35 percent Mana Reaving (increase maximum mana until the next cast) them. Every two casts unleash a wave that deals magic damage to all enemies hit. This deals 33 percent more damage to enemies whose essence has been stolen. Ionia Bonus —Plus-three mana per second. 

Strategist (2/3/4/5)

At the start of combat, allies in the front two rows gain a shield for eight seconds. Allies in the back two rows gain ability power. Shields and ability power increase at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: 200 shield and 15 ability power
  • Three: 350 shield and 25 ability power
  • Four: 500 shield and 40 ability power
  • Five: 800 shield and 60 ability power

Strategist TFT Set 9 Champions

Champions are Teemo (two-cost), Swain (two-cost), and Javin IV (four-cost). 

  • Teemo Noxious Trap : Teemo hurls an explosive mushroom at the current target. When it detonates, enemies within one Hex are Wounded and take magic damage over the course of three seconds. Wounded reduces healing received by 50 percent. Four-star upgrade —Increase the explosion radius by one Hex. 
  • Swain Demonflare : Swain transforms and gains maximum health for six seconds. While transformed, he deals magic damage to enemies within two Hexes every second. 

Targon (2/3/4)

Your healing and shielding are increased at each breakpoint. 

  • Two: 20 percent increased healing and shielding
  • Three: 40 percent increased healing and shielding
  • Four: 70 percent increased healing and shielding

Targon TFT Set 9 champions

Targon units are Soraka (two-cost), Taric (three-cost), and Aphelios (four-cost).

  • Taric Radiance : Gain a shield for six seconds. It absorbs damage received by adjacent allies.  
  • Aphelios Moonlight Vigil : Aphelios fires a moon blast at the largest group of enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies within two Hexes. Equip Three Chakram —Plus-one more for each enemy hit by the moon blast. Aphelios attacks deal bonus physical damage for each Chakram equipped for a total of seven seconds. Damage dealt by Chakrams heal Aphelios. 

Techogenius (1)

Gain a placeable Apex Turret with three upgrade slots. Upgrades to the Turret will show up in your shop for six gold. You may only have one Apex Turret. Self-repair duration is 9/7/5 seconds.

  • Heimerdinger CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Heimerdinger hurls a grenade toward the largest group of enemies dealing magic damage to enemies in a large area and stunning them for 1.5/2/15 seconds. Four-star upgrade —Yes it works!

Void (3/6/8)

Gain a placeable Void egg. At the start of combat, it hatches into an unspeakable horror and knocks up adjacent enemies. Each Void star level increases the horror’s health and ability power by 25 percent. The bonus health from the Void trait scales with Stage.

  • Three: Void Remora
  • Six: Rift Herald
  • Eight: Baron Nashor

Void TFT Set 9 champions

Champions are Cho’Gath (one-cost), Malzahar (one-cost), Kassadin (two-cost),  Rek’Sai (three-cost), Vel’Koz (three-cost), Kai’Sa (four-cost), and Bel’Veth (five-cost).

  • Cho’Gath Feast : Deal magic damage to the lowest adjacent health enemy. If this eliminates them, devour them and permanently gain maximum health. There is bonus health. Spell health ratio is 12 percent.
  • Malzahar Call of the Void : Malzahar opens two portals near the current target and destroys 34 percent of shields and deals magic damage to all enemies caught between the portals. 
  • Bel’Veth Royal Maelstrom : Bel’Veth lashes out at the lowest health enemy in range ‘X’ number of times. Each lash deals physical damage one percent of the target’s maximum health as true damage. 

Wanderer (1)

Ryze (five-cost) spells change depending on the region portal players voted for at the start of the game. 

  • Bandle City : Ryze creates a portal to Bandle City underneath a random unit on your bench, granting a shield. After a brief delay, they arrive on the battlefield with bonus mana and are smaller.
  • Demacia : Ryze creates a portal to Demacia underneath a cluster of injured allies, granting a shield. If an ally leaves the safety of the portal, they are healed. 
  • Freljord: Ryze creates a portal to Freljord underneath a random group of enemies. The freezing winds deal magic damage to enemies within two Hexes over the duration and apply Permafroms (attack slow speed). 
  • Ionia : Ryze creates a portal to Ionia, summoning forth a spirit tree that affects the closes units. Allies are invigorated, gaining bonus attack speed, buffs, and healing over the duration. Enemies are pacified, causing them to dance for ‘X’ seconds. 
  • Noxus : Ryze creates a portal to Noxus’ armory that spews out a torrent of weapons and armor, granting completed items to random allies with open slots and throwing axes toward enemies that deal magic damage. If an ally receives an item while all slots are full, they gain a stacking damage amplification that increases for the remainder of combat.
  • Piltover : Ryze creates a portal to Piltover that launches out an enforcer grenade toward his target dealing magic damage to enemies within two Hexes and creating a containment area for ‘X’ seconds. Enemies are unable to leave the area and a percent of shared damage is dealt to all enemies within. 
  • Shadow Isles : Ryze creates a portal to the Shadow Isles, reclaiming lost souls. They return to the battlefield with a modified version of their maximum health. If no allies have perished yet, the portal remains open, waiting on an ally to get terminated. Ryze can’t resurrect himself. 
  • Shurima : Ryze creates a portal to Shurima, summoning a gigantic sand tornado that travels across the battlefield, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and knocking them up briefly. The tornado has a chance to unearth buried treasures and gold as it travels. 
  • Targon : Ryze creates a portal to Targon that beckons his target. After a few seconds, they descend from the heavens as a meteor toward the largest cluster of enemies, dealing a percent of the target’s maximum health as magic damage and knocking up enemies in the epicenter.
  • Wound gold: Portals fire a bolt that applies 50 percent Wound
  • Shred gold: Portals throw an axe, applying 40 percent Shred and Sunder 
  • Splash gold: Portals fire a rocket that deals half damage to a one-Hex radius
  • Additional Portal start gold: Summon an additional portal and one more for every gold per portal

Yordle (3/5)

Allies gain 10 percent attack speed per star level. Yordles can become a four-star, gaining a wacky spell upgrade. 

  • Three: If you have three-star champions, your strongest three-star Yordle champion becomes a four-star
  • Five: Two three-star Yordles champions can become four-star

Yordle TFT Set 9 champions

Champions are Poppy (one-cost), Tristana (one-cost), Teemo (two-cost), Kled (two-cost), and Heimerdinger (five-cost).

  • Kled Skaaaaaaar: Kled passive has him start combat with a shield. When it breaks, Kled dismounts and gains stacking attack speed for the rest of combat. The active has Kled remound and gain a shield. Four-star upgrade —Execute enemies under 20 percent health. 

Zaun (2/4/6)

Zaun champions create random chem-mods that only they can use. Champions can be modded once and mods can only be removed by selling the champion. 

  • Two: Gain one chem-mod
  • Four: Gain two chem-mods
  • Six: Gain three chem-mods

Zaun TFT Set 9 champions

Champions are Jinx (two-cost), Warwick (two-cost),  Ekko (three-cost), Urgot (four-cost), and Zeri (four-cost). 

  • Jinx Fishbones : Jinx fires five rockets at random enemies within two Hexes of the current target. Each rocket deals physical damage. 

Update June 6 11:30am CT : All TFT Set Nine traits and stats were updated following June 6 PBE Patch .

Update June 13 10:45am CT : All TFT Set Nine traits and stats were updated for the live launch of Runeterra Reforged through Patch 13.12 through the last PBE balance changes .

Update June 27 1:40pm CT : All TFT Set Nine traits and stats were updated for Patch 13.13 .

Update July 19 8:30am CT : All TFT Set Nine traits and abilities were updated for Patch 13.14 .

Update Aug. 2 10:45am CT : All TFT Set Nine traits and abilities were updated for Patch 13.15 .

Update Aug. 16 1:15pm CT : All TFT Set Nine traits and abilities were updated for Patch 13.16 .

TFT set 12 Jinx skin

Introducing Runeterra Reforged Competitive Events and Format for North American TFT Esports

The North American TFT esports team is proud to announce TFT Set 9, Runeterra Reforged . We’re teaming up again with Wisdom Gaming as the exclusive broadcast production and tournament organization partner for Runeterra Reforged. This set will see players compete through all the regions in Runeterra and challenge the legends who defend them.

We’re excited to discover the best NA representatives for the Runeterra Reforged World Championship, with players fighting for a total prize pool of $100,000 across the NA competitive set.

Keep reading to learn about each competitive event, including dates and format info.

Freljord Cup and Shurima Cup

Freljord Cup: July 8th - 16th

Shurima Cup: August 5th - 13th

The Freljord Cup and the Shurima Cup will kick off the competitive scene this summer! For full format details, visit the official NA TFT esports website .

Each Cup will be a 4-day, 2-weekend event with the Top 160 ranked sign-ups receiving an invite. 128 of the 160 players will participate in play-ins on Day 1. The Top 64 players from Day 1 will move onto Day 2 of play-ins.

The Top 32 sign-ups will automatically qualify for Day 3 where they’ll be joined by the remaining 32 players from play-ins.

The Top 4 players from each Cup will qualify for the Runeterra Reforged Mid-Set Finale. Every participating player will also have the chance to earn Qualifier Points based on their final placement.

Runeterra Reforged Mid-Set Finale

August 25th - 27th

The best players will be showing off their skills and superpowers at the Runeterra Reforged Mid-Set Finale.

Over 3 days of gameplay, this event will feature the Top 4 players from both the Freljord Cup and the Shurima Cup and the Top 24 players from Qualifier Points.

The Top 8 players will automatically qualify for Day 3 of the Noxus Cup in Set 9.5. The 1st-4th place players will directly qualify for the Runeterra Reforged NA Regional Finals.

First place will receive an invite to the Runeterra Reforged Championship.

September 30th - October 8th

The Noxus Cup is our first competitive event in North America for Set 9.5. It will follow the same format as the first 2 cups: 2 days of play-ins followed by semifinals and finals the next weekend.

The Top 4 players from the Noxus Cup will directly qualify for the Runeterra Reforged NA Regional Finals. Players will receive Qualifier Points based on their final placement.

North American Last Chance Qualifier

October 14th - 15th

At the North American Last Chance Qualifier, invited players will have one last shot at qualifying for the Runeterra Reforged NA Regional Finals.

Invites will be extended to the Top 12 player sign-ups based on a leaderboard snapshot and 4 players that have not already qualified from Qualifier Points. The Top 2 players from this event will qualify for the NA Regional Finals.

Runeterra Reforged NA Regional Finals

October 27th - 29th

Our final event for the NA competitive scene will determine who represents North America at the Runeterra Reforged World Championship.

24 players will compete in a 3-day tournament. Invites will be extended to the Top 10 players from Qualifier Points, the Top 2 leaderboard point earners from each of the Set 9 and Set 9.5 leaderboard snapshots, the Top 4 players from the Mid-Set Finale, the Top 4 players from the Noxus Cup, and the Top 2 players from the Last Chance Qualifier.

Due to being the reigning champion, North America will be receiving an extra slot to the Runeterra Reforged Championship! That means that this time around, the top 3 players will qualify for the Championship. The player with the highest average placement across the entire event will also receive a spot at the World Championship.

Qualifier Points

Qualifier Points are here to stay for Runeterra Reforged competitive events. Players can earn Qualifier Points from all 3 Cups, with increasing point values in later tournaments.

Visit our Qualifier Points page to see the point values for each Cup and the current player standings.

Prize Pools

The total prize pool across the NA competitive set is $100k!

Here’s a breakdown of the prizing:

  • Qualifier Point Cups - $12.5k each
  • Mid-Set Finale - $25k
  • NA Regional Finals - $35k
  • NA Last Chance Qualifier - $2.5k

Official Leaderboard Snapshots

Finally, leaderboard snapshots are once again returning to reward players who consistently maintain a high rank on the TFT leaderboard.

In Set 9, snapshots will be taken weekly on Wednesdays at 12:01 AM PDT starting on June 28th and ending on August 23rd. In Set 9.5 (after a point reset), snapshots will be taken weekly on Wednesdays at 12:01 AM PDT starting on September 20th and ending on October 4th.

To be eligible, players must have at least 10 ranked games on the same account each week a snapshot is taken.

And that’s it for our Runeterra Reforged NA competitive overview. We hope to see you either competing or cheering on your favorite players at the first official event in July.

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Set 9.5 Update - Horizonbound

Teamfight tactics - aug 2023.

presentation set 9 tft

What's new?

Here is a sneak peek into TFT Horizonbound mid-set update! This update will be available on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) on Tuesday, August 29. The official release is on Wednesday, September 13 with Patch 13.18.

Runeterra Reforged: Horizonbound brings players to the edges of Runeterra, with destinations in the dangerous smuggler haven Bilgewater and the reclusive jungle lands of Ixtal. Champions from both regions will be joining the action in Horizonbound.. Players can battle it out for superiority in four new nautically themed arenas while reacting to ever-changing team dynamics and portals that change the core rules in surprising new ways.

  • New Units - including Milio, Silco, and Naafiri!
  • New Augments
  • New Region Portals

Fire the cannons! Bilgewater (3/5/7/9) locals mark their foes for periodic barrages from their waterborne artillery!

  • Twisted Fate

Miss Fortune

Each game, Ixtal units create different elemental hexes that empower whoever's on them, and empower Ixtal units even more!

Damage from Vanquisher Abilities can critically strike. Vanquishers gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and Damage (2/4/6).


A single target damage carry, Naafiri can grant her Darkin Passive to allies upon falling in battle, calling packmates to attack the user's target.


Call the Dreadway, distributing citrus to allies, and exploding into enemies. Use his cutlass or his pistol to ignite your foes or cast faster!


Silco slings Shimmer at a foe, damaging them and enemies nearby. Allies in the contamination zone are healed.


Waltz through battle with Fiora, a Challenger who strikes her enemies while untargetable and heals for a portion of the damage dealt.



Mordekaiser hits slow, but hard. The hits get harder as he slays foes.


Xayah & Nilah

Shred your foes' armor with razor-sharp feathers. Xayah has a new class, Vanquisher, which increases critical strike chance against tankier enemies. Nilah's attacks strike in an AOE. She dives the enemy donning a shield, and gaining attack speed.


Milio’s Ultra Mega Fire Kick launches a fiery ball that stuns the first enemy hit, then bounces to the closest enemy behind them.


Miss Fortune calls down an X-shaped rain of bullets, dealing damage and wounding her foes.


Nautilus summons a whirlpool pulling unlucky swimmers (or sinkers?) together and knocking them up.


Graves & Illaoi

Graves' modified Smoke Grenade chills enemies who enter the smoke. Illaoi teaches Harsh Lessons, healing from damage taken by her target.

New Portals

Ixtal - Ixaocan

Ixtal - Ixaocan

Take a portal to Ixaocan, where starring up a set number of units means all players will gain increasingly valuable loot.

Bilgewater - Rat Town

Bilgewater - Rat Town

Lucky Shops can appear randomly, featuring units tailored to your army.

New Item Types

Core Items

Items built from components. There are 6 new core items!


Unique items with interesting outputs that also always make the wearer stronger. They have a red border. Some Shimmerscale items are now Artifacts!

Support Items

Support Items

Items that powers up the team in a unique way. They have a new silver border.

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Teamfight Tactics — All New Items in Set 9.5, Ranked

  • Author: Warren Younger

The new Teamfight Tactics mid-set expansion brings the biggest change to items the game has ever seen. With support items being moved into a seperate, non-craftable class, items like Zeke’s Herald and Zephyr were replaced with brand new items that better fit Riot Games’ goal of what items should be, creating carries and tanks.

TFT Set 9.5 introduced six brand-new items into the game with unique effects that are bound to change how players craft items forever. And with that said, Esports Illustrated’s TFT expert broke down which new items are staples and which new items are better left unused.

Here are all the new TFT items ranked in Set 9.5.

Steraks Gage

The clear star of the new items, Steraks Gage is the only item on this list that is a staple item on multiple champions. For mobile champions that just need a little more survivability without needing an actual healing item, Steraks Gage does everything as it gives champions bonus health in a pinch but more importantly, the backloaded damage those attack damage carries crave.

This item will be a staple on champions like Fiora and Darius

Nashors Tooth

While Nashor’s Tooth is really only a staple on Azir in 9.5, Nashor's Tooth has practical use that really no other item has. It's the perfect item for magic damage casters that benefit from some extra attack speed. It's not a must have item on attack speed carries but those carries won't hate having this item as a secondary or last item on them.

Outside of Azir, Nashor’s Tooth is a good option to build on champions like Mordekaiser

Evenshroud does have its place in the TFT metagame as one of only two items that shred armor but with the other item being a staple on attack damage carries anyways, evenshroud is not quite staple tier in attack damage compositions. But in a pinch, Evenshroud is definitely still a good item just not a necessary one.

A good tank item that can be built on champions like Sejuani and Shen

Adaptive Helm

Another item that isn't quite staple but good, adaptive helm is a very good flex item that is a fantastic slammable item in the early game as its good on front and backline. However, its never a champion's first or second choice when it comes to optimal itemization. A decent “I guess” option for almost every champion though.

Good for champions that like passive mana gain like Silco and Gangplank

Crownguard is an item on paper that seems broken. This item was built for magic tanks with powerful abilities. However, there really isnt any magic tanks in the set that also double has pseudo-carries. With that said, the massive HP shield still makes this a decent tank item to slam.

A good item to build on champions like Neeko and Cho’Gath

Night Harvester

Night Harvester is good on paper but it just falls flat when it comes to putting it into practice. When it comes to conditional damage amplifiers, Night Harvester is competing with items like Giant Slayer and Guardbreaker and the big issue is that Night Harvester is the less consistent condition to hit. 

Night Harvester requires the wearer to be below 60% health while the other two items just require hitting high health or high shield champions. But since almost every carry champion is ranged, being below 60% and still dishing out damage is not very viable.

Only good on Rogue champions like Qiyana and Ekko. 

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Set 9 de TFT : Les nouveaux champions, toutes les infos

Pour plus d'informations sur le Set 9 de TFT, n'hésitez pas à jeter un oeil aux nouvelles classes et origines , ou encore à la nouvelle mécanique de Légendes .

Instant Gaming x Breakflip

Les nouveaux champions du Set 9 de TFT

Les champions à 1 po.

Caster magique / : 4

: Inflige 170 / 255 / 380 dégâts magiques et blesse sa cible, réduisant ses soins de 50 % pendant 5 secondes. Si la cible est déjà blessée, le sort inflige 30 % dégâts supplémentaires.

Tank magique / : 1

: Inflige 200 / 270 / 690 + 15 % PV max dégâts magiques à l'ennemi adjacent qui a le moins de PV. S'il tue sa cible, Cho'Gath gagne 45 / 50 / 60 PV de façon permanente.

Tank magique / : 1

: Irelia entre en position défensive et gagne un bouclier de 350 / 400 / 450 PV qui se détériore sur 3 secondes. Lorsqu'il se brise, elle inflige 70 / 100 / 150 + 30 % des dégâts absorbés dégâts magiques aux ennemis autour d'elle et devant elle.

: +25 armure et résistance magique

: Carry physique / : 3

: Jhin vise vers sa cible et inflige (744 % AD + 60 / 90 / 135) dégâts physiques aux ennemis en ligne. Chaque coup réduit les dégâts de 40 %.

: 20 % AD

: Carry magique / : 4

: Kayle gagne de nouveaux passifs selon votre niveau de Tacticien.
Niveau 1 : Les attaques infligent 50 / 75 / 100 dégâts magiques bonus.
Niveau 6 : Toutes les 3 attaques, Kayle lance une vague qui inflige les dégâts de son passif en zone et shred les ennemis (réduit leur MR de 50 %)
Niveau 9 : Kayle lance une vague à chaque attaque et elle va plus loin.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Malzahar ouvre deux portails près de sa cible. Il détruit 35 % des boucliers et inflige 165 / 270 / 405 dégâts magiques aux ennemis entre les deux portails.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Quand un ennemi lance un sort, Maokai gagne 5 Mana.
: La prochaine attaque de Maokai lui rend 220 / 260 / 300 PV.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Orianna donne à l'allié qui a le moins de PV un bouclier de 225 / 250 / 275 PV pendant 4 secondes. Quand le bouclier expire, il inflige 200 / 300 / 450 dégâts magiques aux ennemis à proximité et les refroidit (réduit leur vitesse d'attaque de 50 %).

: Tank magique / : 1

: Poppy gagne un bouclier de 270 / 300 / 330 / 360 pendant 3 secondes. Elle inflige 140 / 210 / 315 / 315 dégâts magiques à sa cible.

: Propulse sa cible vers le plus gros groupe d'ennemis, leur infligeant 40 % de ses PV max en dégâts magiques à la cible, et 25 % de ces dégâts aux autres ennemis, les étourdissant pendant 1,5 secondes.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Inflige 180 / 270 / 400 aux ennemis adjacents. Renekton se soigne 220 / 270 / 320 PV pour le premier ennemi touché, + 30 PV pour chaque ennemi additionnel.

: Carry physique / : 4

: Samira tire sur sa cible, infligeant (150 % AD) dégâts physiques au premier ennemi touché, et réduisant son armure de 10 / 15 / 20.

: Carry physique / : 4

: Tristana gagne 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 % vitesse d'attaque pendant 4 secondes. Pendant la durée, ses attaques explosent à l'impact infligeant (40 % AD) dégâts physiques aux ennemis autour.

: Toutes les 8 attaques, inflige (100 % AD) dégâts physiques bonus, et l'attaque rebondit vers le plus gros groupe d'ennemis, infligeant (50 % AD) en dégâts physiques aux ennemis touchés.

: Assassin magique / : 1

: Viego inflige 160 / 240 / 360 dégâts magiques à sa cible. Pour le reste du combat, ses attaques infligent 20 / 30 / 45 dégâts magiques bonus. Ces dégâts peuvent s'additionner.

Les champions à 2 PO

: Carry physique / : 5

: Ashe lance 8 flèches en cône, chacune infligeant (110 % AD) dégâts physiques au premier ennemi touché et le refroidissant (réduit sa vitesse d'attaque de 30 %) pendant 2  secondes.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Réduit les dégâts subis de 30 % et se soigne de 300 / 350 / 400 PV sur 4 secondes. Après, inflige 200 / 300 / 450 dégâts magiques aux ennemis à proximité.

: Carry physique / : 4

: Lance 5 missiles vers des ennemis aléatoires dans un rayon de 2 cases autour de sa cible. Chaque missile inflige (110 / 110 / 115 % AD + 10 / 15 / 25) dégâts physiques.

: Combattant magique / : 1

: Gagne un bouclier de 250 / 300 / 350 PV pendant 4 secondes. Inflige 150 / 225 / 325 dégâts magiques aux ennemis en cône et les désarment pendant 1,5 / 1,75 / 2 secondes.

: Combattant physique / : 1

: Commence le combat avec un bouclier de 40 % de ses PV max. Lorsqu'il se brise, Kled descend de sa monture et gagne un bonus de 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 vitesse d'attaque jusqu'à la fin du combat. Ce bonus peut s'additionner.

: Kled remonte en selle et gagne à nouveau le bouclier.

: Kled exécute ses ennemis en-dessous de 20 % PV.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Attire un ennemi de chaque côté et les frappe ensemble, infligeant 200 / 300 / 465 dégâts magiques et les étourdissant pendant 2 / 2,25 / 2,5 secondes. Si un seul ennemi est attrapé, les dégâts et la durée de l'étourdissement sont augmentés de 50 %.

: 150 PV

: Caster magique / : 4

: Soigne 200 / 240 / 280 PV à l'allié qui a le moins de PV. Si cet allié a moins de 50 % de ses PV, le soin est augmenté de 50 %. L'allié est infusé pendant 5 secondes, appelant 5 étoiles pendant la durée qui infligent 95 / 140 / 220 dégâts magiques à l'ennemi le plus proche.

: Combattant magique / : 2

: Swain se transforme et gagne 360 / 400 / 440 PV pendant 8 secondes. Lorsqu'il est transformé, il inflige 30 / 45 / 70 dégâts magiques aux ennemis autour de lui dans un rayon de 2 cases chaque seconde.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Quand un ennemi est propulsé en l'air par quoique ce soit, Taliyah lui lance un rocher infligeant 200 / 300 / 450 dégâts magiques.

: Taliyah propulse sa cible en l'air pendant 2 secondes.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Teemo lance un champignon explosif sur sa cible. Lorsqu'il explose, les ennemis dans un rayon d'1 case sont blessés (soin réduit de 50 %) et subissent 240 / 360 / 555 / 500 dégâts magiques sur 3 secondes.

: La taille de l'explosion passe à 2 cases de rayon.

: Tank physique / : 1

: Vi se donne un bouclier de 325 / 350 / 400 PV pendant 4 secondes, et réduit l'armure des ennemis à proximité de 40 % pendant 4 secondes en leur infligeant (200 % AD) dégâts physiques.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Les attaques de Warwick lui rendent 35 / 50 / 75 PV.

:Pour les prochaines 2,5 secondes, le soin passif est augmenté de 50 %. Après, Warwick étourdit les ennemis adjacents pendant 1,25 / 1,5 / 2 secondes.

: Assassin physique / : 1

: Zed crée une ombre vers l'ennemi le plus éloigné dans un rayon de 3 cases. Zed et son ombre frappent les ennemis autour, infligeant (150 / 150 / 160 % AD + 30 / 45 / 75) dégâts physiques.

Bonus Ionia : 15 % chance de critique et dégât critique

Les champions à 3 PO

: Carry physique / : 4

: Akshan verrouille l'ennemi le plus éloigné et jette une pluie de 6 balles vers lui. Chaque balle inflige (125 % AD + 20 / 35 / 60) dégâts physiques au premier ennemi touché.

: Combattant physique / : 1

: Darius inflige (350 % AD + 100 / 120 / 150) dégâts physiques à sa cible. Si elle meurt, il relance instantanément son sort qui inflige 82 / 85 / 90 % de ses dégâts.

: Assassin magique /  : 1

: Ekko se soigne de 35 % des dégâts qu'il a subi dans les 4 dernières secondes et inflige 350 / 480 / 790 dégâts à sa cible.

: Combattant physiqye / : 1

: Garen tourne 2 (+1 par 40 % vitesse d'attaque bonus) fois sur lui-même chaque seconde pendant les 4 prochaines secondes. Chaque tour inflige (70 / 75 / 80 % AD) dégâts physiques aux ennemis adjacents.

: Caster physique / : 4

: Donne 30 % vitesse d'attaque à Jayce et ses alliés adjacents à sa droite et à sa gauche pendant 3 secondes. Il lance un projectile vers sa cible, qui explose au premier ennemi touché et inflige (250 / 250 / 260 % AD) dégâts physiques aux ennemis à proximité de l'explosion.

: Carry magique / : 4

: Les attaques de Kalista empalent une lance dans sa cible, qui inflige 16 / 24 / 40 dégâts purs lorsqu'elles sont retirées. Kalista retire ses lances si cela devrait tuer la cible.

: Kalista empale 5 lances dans sa cible.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Karma lance un éclat d'énergie vers sa cible qui explose à l'impact, infligeant 135 / 200 / 340 dégâts magiques aux ennemis adjacents. Tous les trois lancers, elle lance 3 éclats d'énergie.

: 20 puissance

: Assassin magique / : 1

: Katarina lance 3 dagues qui tombent près des ennemis dans un rayon de 2 cases. Ensuite, elle se téléporte sur chacune des dagues pour infliger 175 / 260 / 425 dégâts magiques aux ennemis adjacents et les blesser (soin réduit de 50 %).

: Combattant magique / : 2

: Lissandra étourdit sa cible pendant 2 secondes et inflige 190 / 280 / 470 dégâts magiques aux ennemis autour dans un rayon de 2 cases. Ils subissent 10 % dégâts supplémentaires pendant 4 secondes.

: Combattant physique / : 1

: Rek'Sai inflige (325 / 325 / 350 % AD) dégâts physiques à sa cible. Si la cible a moins de 60 % de ses PV, ces dégâts sont convertis en dégâts purs et sont augmentés de 20 %. Si la cible meurt, Rek'Sai passe à travers sur 1 case et se soigne de 15 % de ses PV max.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Sona lance une vague de son vers le groupe avec le plus d'ennemis, infligeant 115 / 175 / 285 dégâts magiques aux ennemis. Les alliés touchés gagnent 25 / 30 / 40 % vitesse d'attaque bonus pendant 5 secondes.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Taric gagne un bouclier de 350 / 400 / 450 PV pendant 6 secondes. Il absorbe les dégâts reçus par ses alliés adjacents.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Vel'Koz lance un éclair de plasma vers sa cible, infligeant 170 / 255 / 420 dégâts magiques au premier ennemi touché. Il se sépare ensuite en 2, infligeant 50 % de dégâts de moins aux ennemis qu'il traverse.

Les champions à 4 PO

: Carry physique / : 4

: Aphelios lance une explosion de la lune vers le groupe avec le plus d'ennemis, infligeant (200 / 200 / 450 % AD) dégâts physiques aux ennemis dans un rayon de 2 cases. Il équipe 4 Chakrams +1 pour chaque ennemi touché.

Pendant 7 secondes, ses attaques infligent (10 % AD) dégâts physiques bonus pour chaque Chakram équipé. 50 % de ces dégâts bonus soignent Aphelios.

: Carry magique / : 4

: Toutes les 3 attaques, un soldat de sable inflige 105 / 165 / 800 dégâts magiques à sa cible.

: Azir invoque un soldat de sable qui attaque sa cible. Si Azir a déjà 3 soldats, ils infligent immédiatement 85 % des dégâts du passif chacun.

: Combattant magique / : 2

: Gwen se déplace autour de sa cible, et coupe 3 fois en cône, chaque coupure infligeant 100 / 150 / 400 dégâts magiques aux ennemis touchés. Tous les 3 lancers, Gwen gagne 150 / 150 / 300 armure et résistance magique pendant 2 / 2,5 / 4 secondes.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Jarvan IV se jette sur son ennemi. Il inflige 140 / 210 / 800 dégâts magiques aux ennemis dans un rayon de 2 cases et les étourdit pendant 2 / 2,5 / 8 secondes.

: Carry magique / : 4

: Kai'Sa s'éloigne de tous les ennemis et lance 15 / 15 / 25 missiles répartis entre les 4 ennemis les plus proches. Chaque missile inflige 85 / 125 / 400 dégâts magiques.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Lux canalise un barrage de lumière vers sa cible, infligeant 800 / 1200 / 9001 dégâts magiques sur 3 / 3 / 6 secondes en réduisant sa résistance magique de 10 / 10 / 30 chaque seconde. Si la cible meurt, elle passe sur une autre cible.

: Tank physique / : 1

: Nasus vole 5 / 5 / 15 % des PV max, 10 % de l'AD et 5 / 5 / 15 armure et résistance magique des 4 / 5 / 9 ennemis les plus proches pendant 8 secondes. Tant qu'il est sous cet effet, toutes les 3 attaques il inflige (350 % AD) dégâts physiques.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Lorsqu'un allié attaque un ennemi refroidi (vitesse d'attaque ralentie de 30 %), il inflige 2 / 2 / 5 % des PV max de Sejuani en dégâts purs bonus.

: Sejuani gagne un bouclier de 600 / 700 / 2000 PV pendant 4 secondes. Inflige 150 / 225 / 1000 dégâts magiques aux ennemis à proximité et les refroidit pendant 4 secondes.

: Tank magique / : 1

: Shen gagne un bouclier de 350 / 450 / 2000 PV et donne un bouclier de 250 / 350 / 1500 PV aux 2 alliés les plus bas en PV pendant 4 secondes. Après avoir donné un bouclier à un allié, Shen inflige 225 / 355 / 1600 dégâts magiques aux ennemis adjacents.

: 10 % de réduction de dégâts

: Combattant physique / : 1

: Quand un ennemi entre à portée d'attaque, Urgot lance une explosion depuis sa jambe qui est dans sa direction, lui infligeant (275 % AD + 50 / 75 / 400) dégâts physiques. Chacune des 6 jambes d'urgot a un temps de récupération de 4 secondes.

: Urgot gagne un bouclier de 250 / 350 / 700 PV pendant 5 secondes et se jette derrière sa cible. Il réinitialise les temps de récupération de toutes ses jambes.

: Combattant physique / : 1

: Yasuo lance une tornade vers l'ennemi le plus éloigné dans un rayon de 3 cases, étourdissant tous les ennemis touchés. Il se jette ensuite vers la cible originelle, infligeant (450 / 450 / 1000 % AD + 50 / 75 / 300) dégâts physiques. Il la frappe ensuite au sol, infligeant (200 / 200 / 500 % AD) dégâts physiques aux ennemis à proximité.

: 15 % omnivampirisme

: Carry physique / : 4

: Zeri exécute ses ennemis sous 12 % de PV. Les éliminations réinitialisent la durée du sort actif

: Pour les 5 prochaines secondes, les attaques de Zeri lancent des éclairs en chaîne vers 3 / 3 / 5 ennemis, leur infligeant (65 / 65 / 100 % AD) dégâts physiques.

Les champions à 5 PO

: Combattant physique / : 1

: Quand Aatrox ou le porteur de la Lame Darkin meurt, la Lame Darkin est équipé au champion allié le plus proche, lui donnant 500 PV et 20 % omnivampirisme. Après avoir été équipé sur un champion pendant 4 secondes, Aatrox revient à la vie lorsque le champion meurt à la place.

Aatrox se transforme pendant 10 secondes, gagnant 20 % omnivapirisme et convertissant toute sa vitesse d'attaque bonus en dégâts d'attaque. Tant qu'il est transformé, ses attaques infligent (80 % vitesse d'attaque bonus + 275 / 280 / 3000 % AD) dégâts physiques.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Ahri vole l'essence des ennemis autour de sa cible, leur infligeant 120 / 180 / 1000 dégâts magiques et augmentant leur mana max de 35 % jusqu'à leur prochain sort.

Tous les 3 lancers de sort, à la place, Ahri libère une vague qui inflige 235 / 400 / 9001 dégâts magiques aux ennemis touchés. Ce sort n'inflige que 33 % des dégâts aux ennemis dont l'essence a été volée.

: 2 mana par seconde

: Combattant physique / : 2

: Quand Bel'Veth tue un ennemi, il laisse derrière lui un Corail du Néant qu'elle consomme. Le premier Corail augmente ses PV max de 50 %, les suivants la soignent de 20 % de ses PV max.

Quand un Corail est consommé, elle inflige 10 % de ses PV max en dégâts magiques aux ennemis dans un rayon de 2 cases.

: Bel'Veth frappe l'ennemi avec le moins de PV à portée 6 / 6 / 20 (+ 6 par 100 % vitesse d'attaque bonus) fois. Chaque coup inflige (75 % AD + 20 / 30 / 200) dégâts physiques et 2 % des PV max de la cible en dégâts purs.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Heimerdinger gagne une Tourelle Apex à placer sur votre plateau, avec 3 emplacements d'amélioration. Les améliorations apparaîssent dans votre boutique et coûtent 6 PO. Vous ne pouvez avoir qu'une seule Tourelle Apex.

: Heimerdinger lance une grenade vers le groupe avec le plus d'ennemis, infligeant 200 / 300 / 314159 dégâts magiques aux ennemis dans une large zone et les étourdissant pendant 1,5 / 2 / 15 secondes.

: La Tourelle lance un laser dans la direction de sa cible qui inflige 200 / 300 / 5000 dégâts aux ennemis qu'il traverse.

: Tank magique / : 1

: K'Sante frappe le sol, propulsant sa cible en l'air. Ensuite, il la frappe pour l'envoyer vers le bord du plateau, infligeant 250 / 400 / 1000 dégâts magiques et étourdissant pendant 2 / 2,5 / 10 secondes. Les ennemis qui rentrent en collision avec la cible subissent la moitié des dégâts.

Si la cible ne peut pas être poussée davantage vers le bord du plateau, elle est directement propulsée hors du plateau.

Si sa cible est toujours en vie après son sort, K'Sante la suit.

: Caster magique / : 4

: Le sort de Ryze change en fonction de la région d'origine du Portail choisi en début  de partie. Il a donc 11 sorts différents.

Caster physique / : 4

: Quand un allié reçoit un bouclier, il gagne 8 % vitesse d'attaque pour le reste du combat. Ce bonus peut être additionné.

: Senna envoie un rayon massif vers l'ennemi le plus éloigné, infligeant (190 / 200 / 2000 %) AD dégâts physiques aux ennemis touchés. Les alliés touchés reçoivent un bouclier de 285 / 375 / 2000 PV pendant 4 secondes.

: Tank physique / : 1

: Lorsqu'il meurt, Sion est réanimé avec 100 % de ses PV, mais il perd 8 / 5 / 0 % de ses PV max chaque seconde. Sion ne peut plus utiliser son sort, mais est immunisé aux contrôles de foule et gagne 150 % vitesse d'attaque.

: Sion charge vers le groupe avec le plus d'ennemis dans un rayon de 3 cases. Il inflige (240 / 250 / 3000 % AD) dégâts physiques aux ennemis touchés et les étourdit pendant 1,5 / 2 / 15 secondes.

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presentation set 9 tft

Item Recipes

presentation set 9 tft

Items Table


Items Table (By Items)

B.F. Sword

Name DescriptionCombination
+10% Attack Damage
+10% Attack Speed
+20 Armor
+20 Magic Resist
+10 Ability Power
+15 Mana
+150 Health
+20% Critical Strike Chance
It must do something...
Grant 66% bonus Attack Damage.
Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health.
Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, gain 15% bonus Attack Speed.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Grant 20% Omnivamp.

Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.

Omnivamp: heal for a percentage of damage dealt
Grant 22% Omnivamp. Damage heals the lowest percent Health ally for the same amount.
Attacks restore 5 additional Mana.
Combat start: Grant 15% Attack Speed to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

[Aura item]
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
Grant 1 bonus Attack Range and your attacks cannot miss.
Grant 2% Attack Damage and 2 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times.

At full stacks, grant 25 Armor and Magic Resist.
Attacks fire a bolt at a nearby enemy, dealing 50% Attack Damage as physical damage.

[Direct damage item]
Attacks grant 4% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.
Every 3rd attack unleashes chain lightning that bounces to 4 enemies, dealing 30 magic damage and 50% Shredding them for 5 seconds.

[Direct damage item]
Shred: reduce Magic Resist
Combat start: Taunt.

On death, a Voidspawn arises, Taunting nearby enemies. The Voidspawn has massively reduced effectiveness when created by a summoned unit.

Taunt: enemies that are able and in range must attack the taunter
Any physical damage dealt 50% Sunder the target for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Sunder: reduce Armor
Negates 75% bonus damage from incoming critical strikes. When struck by an attack, deal 75/100/150 ★ magic damage to all nearby enemies (once every 2 seconds).

[Direct damage item]
Grant 15 Armor and 15 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.
Every 2 seconds, an enemy within 2 hexes is 1% Burned and 33% Wounded for 10 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Burn: deals some of the target's maximum Health as true damage
Wound: reduces healing received
Combat start: Shoots a beam that 30% Mana Reaves enemies.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Mana Reave: increase maximum Mana until the next cast
Every 2 seconds, regenerate 5% maximum Health.
Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 5 seconds.

[Ignores crowd control immunity.]
[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Combat start: Grant immunity to crowd control for 18 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Combat start: Shield the holder and allies within 1 hexes in the same row for 275/325/375/425★ damage for 8 seconds.

[Aura item]
50% Shred enemies within 2 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, they are also zapped for magic damage equal to 160% of their maximum Mana.

[Direct damage item]
Shred: reduce Magic Resist
Grants 70 bonus Ability Power
Combat start: Grant 20 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
Damage from an Ability 1% Burns and 33% Wounds enemies for the 10 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Burn: deals some of the target's maximum Health as true damage
Wound: reduces healing received
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 25% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds and 25 Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.

​​[Aura item]
Combat start: Grant 20 Ability Power to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

[Aura item]
Abilities cost 10 less Mana to cast.

If the holder gets at least 1 takedown within 3 seconds of casting, gain 10 Mana.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Heal allies within 1 hex for 15% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They also take 25% less multi-target damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).

[Aura item]
Grant 2 effects:
- +15% Attack Damage and +15 Ability Power.
- 15% Omnivamp.

Each round, randomly double 1 of these effects.

Omnivamp: heal for a percentage of damage dealt
Grant 800 bonus Health.
After damaging a shielded enemy, Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage for 3 seconds.
Each round: Equip 2 random items.

[Consumes 3 item slots.]
Your team gains +1 maximum team size.
If the wearer starts combat in the front 2 rows, regenerate 2-7% maximum Health per second (based on stage). If they start in the back 2 rows, gain 1-7% AD and AP every second instead. If the wearer of this item dies, you instantly lose the fight.You can remove this item by benching the wearer.
Use on a unit to open an armory containing Radiant versions of that unit's craftable completed items. Upgrade the item you choose to its Radiant equivalent, and unequip it.
Use on a unit to open a special armory that offers every available emblem that matches that unit's inherent traits.
If the holder of this item gets a takedown, they will be consumed and Aatrox will be reborn!
Regenerates 2.5% maximum health each second.
Each round: Equip 2 random Ornn Artifacts.

[Consumes 3 item slots]
50% of the damage the holder receives is instead dealt over 4 seconds as non-lethal damage. The holder's Attacks and Abilities also heal for 25% of damage dealt.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Combat start: the holder fires a blast of energy at their target, marking them and dealing 20% of their maximum health as magic damage.

For the next 10 seconds, the holder's abilities and attacks deal 35% increased damage to the marked target, and 25% increased damage to other targets.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Enemies who damage the holder have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 1.5 seconds. After being slowed this way 7 times, the attacker is Stunned instead, but only once every 15 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Attacks and Abilities execute enemies below 12% of their maximum Health. Executions have a 40% chance to drop 1 gold .

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
If this unit has no adjacent allies at combat start, gain an additional 600 Health.
Health +250, Mana +25, Attack Damage +25%, Ability Power +25, Armor +25, Magic Resist +25, Attack Speed +25%
Once per combat: After casting an Ability, restore 120 mana over 5 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Attacks and Abilities shred enemy armor and magic resistance by 50% for 5 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Combat start: Grant 40 Armor and 40 Magic Resistance to the holder and their adjacent allies.

[Aura item]
The holder's attacks and abilities deal 10% increased damage for each hex between them and their target. Gain +1 Attack range.
Summon a clone with 70% maximum Health and 30% increased maximum Mana. You cannot equip items to the clone.
Once per combat: At 40% Health, become invulnerable for 3 seconds.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Heal allies within 2 hexes for 25% of their missing Health every 5 seconds. They take 25% less multi-target damage for 5 seconds (damage reduction does not stack).

[Aura item]
Grant: 40% Omnivamp.

Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 40% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
Abilities cost 10 less Mana to cast.

If the holder gets at least 1 takedown within 3 seconds of casting, gain 20 Mana.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Once per combat: At 60% Health and again at 30% Helath, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, gain 50% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.
Once per combat: At 40% Health, gain a 70 Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat, and a 50% maximum Health shield that lasts up to 10 seconds.
Combat start: Grant 45 Ability Power and 10% Omnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.

[Aura item]
50% Shred enemies within 3 hexes. When enemies cast an Ability, they are alsol zapped for magic damage equal to 250% of their maximum Mana.

Also, regenerate 1% maximum Health per second
Abilities and attacks deal 60% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health.
Every 1.5 seconds, regenerate 10% maximum Health.
Grant 30 Armor and 30 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting holder.

Also, regenerate 2% maximum Health each second.
Any physical damage dealt the 50% Sunders the target for the rest of combat. This effect does not stack.

[Unique - only one per champion]
Sunder: reduce Armor
Grant 2 effects:
+50% Attack Damage and +50 Ability Power.
30% Omnivamp.

Omnivamp: heal for some of damage dealt
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
Attacks grant +10% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.
The holder's damage heal them for 35% of the damage dealt. The holder also heals their lowest health ally for the same amount.
When combat begins, the holder and all allies within 3 hexes in the same row gain a shield that blocks 275/325/375★ damage for 25 seconds.

Radiant Bonus: Grants 200 Health for all allies at the start of combat.
It glows in the presence of enemies. Or friends. Or anything alive, really.
Combat start: Summon a whirlwind on the opposite side of the arena that removes the closest enemy from combat for 8 seconds.
Your team gains 15% Attack Speed.

[Ignores crowd control immunity]
[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Damage from the holder's Ability 3% Burns and 33% Wounds enemies for 30 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Burn: Deals a percent of the target's maximum Health as true damage every second
Wound: Reduces healing received
Combat start: Grant immunity to crowd control for 30 seconds.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
It's witnessed - and unleashed - miracles and calamities both.
Grant 2 bonus Attack Range and 125% Attack Speed, your attacks cannot miss.
Each round: Equip 2 random Radiant items.

[Consumes 3 item slots]
Negates all bonus damage from incoming critical strikes. On being hit by an attack, deal 125/175/225★ magic damage to all nearby enemies (once every 2 seconds).
Attacks fire a bolt at another nearby enemy, dealing 100% Attack Damage as physical damage.

[Direct damage item]
Combat start: Shoot a wider beam that 50% Mana Reaves enemies. Your team gains 25 starting Mana.

[Unique - only 1 per champion]
Mana Reave: increase maximum Mana until the next cast
Attack restore 10 additional Mana.
Every third attack unleashes chain lightning that bounces to 8 enemies, dealing 65 magic damage and reducing their Magic Resist by 50% for 5 seconds.
After damaging a shielded enemy, Abilities and attacks 50% deal more damage for 3 seconds.
Every 1.5 seconds, a random enemy within 3 hexes is burned for 60% of their maximum Health as true damage over 30 seconds. Any healing they receive is reduced by 33%.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
Grant 3% Attack Damage 3 Ability Power when attacking or taking damage, stacking up to 25 times.

At full stacks, gain 60 Armor and Magic Resist.
Combat start: Gain 30 Ability Power every 4 seconds.
Regenerate 1% max Health per second
Combat start: Grant 35% Attack Speed and 10% Omjnivamp to the holder and allies within 1 hex in the same row.
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
Combat start: A Radiant Voidmother with bonus Health and Attack Damage arises and Taunts nearby enemies.

Taunt: enemies that are able and in range must attack the taunter
The holder gains the Bastion trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Bruiser trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Challenger trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Deadeye trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Demacia Trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Freljord trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Gunner trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Invoker trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Ionia trait.

Ionia Bonus: 33% Attack Speed.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Juggernaut trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Noxus trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Piltover trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Rogue trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Shadow Isles Trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Shurima trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Slayer trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Sorcerer trait.
The holder gains the Strategist trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Targon Trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Void trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
The holder gains the Zaun Trait.

[Unique - Only One Per Champion]
After dying during combat 8 times, this item is destroyed. Upon destruction, grant the item Diamond Hands, 1 Champion Duplicator, and 5 gold.
Once per combat: At 50% Health, become invulnerable for 1.5 seconds and grant 2 gold.
Gain 1% Attack Damage per gold in your bank (up to 60 gold).Attacks grant 1 stack, up to 100 times. At full stacks, grant 9 gold.
Grant 1% bonus Attack Speed per gold in your bank (up to 60 gold).Each attack has a 6% chance to drop 1 gold.
Grant 1 Ability Power per gold in your bank (up to 60 gold) and a 40% chance to drop 2 gold on enemy kill.
Grants 1 Armor, 1 Magic Resist, and 6 Health when taking damage, stacking up to 40 times. At full stacks, grant 2 gold.
Once per combat: If the holder is alive after 15 seconds of combat, grant 1 gold per 2 living allies, and each living ally deals 1% more damage per gold in your bank (up to 60 gold).
Mod: While above 50% health, gain 30% attack damage and 30 ability power. While below, gain 30% omnivamp.

Overcharge: Always gain both effects, and their power is increased by 60%
Mod: Gain 30 armor and magic resistance. Every 5 seconds, cleanse all negative effects and heal for 12% of your max health.

Overcharge: Each time the wearer heals, deal 150% of the heal amount as damage to all nearby enemies.
Mod: Attacks have a 40% chance to trigger 1 additional attacks.

Overcharge: Attack deal 50% Attack Damage as bonus true damage.
Mod: Gain 25% attack speed. The first time you would be reduced to 1 heath, increase the attack speed by 100% and heal for 35% of your max health.

Overcharge: Instead increase the attack speed 400% and heal 100% of your max health.
Mod: Gain 33% bonus max health and explode on death, dealing 35% of your maximum health as magic damage to nearby enemies.

Overcharge: Explosion gets larger and damage increases to 45% of your maximum health.
Mod: Release a virulent plague whenever you deal Ability damage, causing enemies within 1 hex of the target to take 20% more damage for 4 seconds.

Overcharge: Plague duration is 10 seconds and plague deals 5% max health magic damage per second.
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Subject: Music

Age range: 14-16

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Last updated

8 September 2024

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For all teachers and students undertaking the Pearson Edexcel GCSE 9-1 course, this presentation is a great starting point to give you some ideas for your composition to a set brief.

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The best moments as seen by Andrew Parsons

The best moments as seen by Andrew Parsons

The closing speech by Tony Estanguet, President of Paris 2024, in full

The closing speech by Tony Estanguet, President of Paris 2024, in full

Multi-gold medallists, they left their mark on the competition

Multi-gold medallists, they left their mark on the competition

“I’m on top of the world, I’m just waiting to wake up” The golden couple of athletic...

“I’m on top of the world, I’m just waiting to wake up” The golden couple of athletic...

Para powerlifting: Strength comes in all forms at the women's over 86kg final

Para powerlifting: Strength comes in all forms at the women's over 86kg final

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Paris 2024 Paralympics Crew Sweat - Grey

Paris 2024 Paralympics Plush Mascot 15cm

Paris 2024 Paralympics Plush Mascot 15cm

Paris 2024 Paralympics Tech T-Shirt - White

Paris 2024 Paralympics Tech T-Shirt - White

Paris 2024 Pins

Paris 2024 Pins

The Olympic Collection Bobble Beanie - White

The Olympic Collection Bobble Beanie - White

The Olympic Collection Sporty Plush Doll - Skating

The Olympic Collection Sporty Plush Doll - Skating

The Olympic Collection Pierre de Coubertin T-Shirt - Red - Unisex

The Olympic Collection Pierre de Coubertin T-Shirt - Red - Unisex

The Olympic Collection - Classic Records Long Sleeve Shirt - Black

The Olympic Collection - Classic Records Long Sleeve Shirt - Black

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What sports will be featured at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games?

The Paralympic Games programme includes 22 sports and 23 disciplines with 549 events taking place across 269 sessions from 28 August to 8 September. The 23 disciplines are blind football, boccia, goalball, Para archery, Para athletics, Para badminton, Para canoe, Para cycling road, Para cycling track, Para equestrian (Para dressage), Para judo, Para powerlifting, Para rowing, Para swimming, Para table tennis, Para taekwondo, Para triathlon, shooting Para sport, sitting volleyball, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis.

Where will the 2024 Paralympic Games be held?

The Paralympic Games will be held in Paris and its suburbs such as Clichy-sous-Bois, La Courneuve, Versailles, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Vaires-sur-Marne. Outside of Paris, para shooting will be held in Châteauroux.

How many venues will there be at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games?

There will be 20 competition venues, including iconic sites such as the Grand Palais, the Champs de Mars, the Eiffel Tower, Roland-Garros and the Pont Alexandre III.

When will the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games take place?

The Paralympic Games Paris 2024 will be held from 28 August to 8 September 2024, with over 11 days of competition.

How many athletes will participate in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games?

Around 4,400 athletes are expected to participate in the Paralympic Games Paris 2024.





THE BEST Things to Do in Fokino, Russia

Places to visit in fokino.

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  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, number of page views, and user location.

1. Interactive Museum-workshop of Folk Crafts Firebird


  1. Guia TFT: Todas as combinações de itens do conjunto 9 de Teamfight

    presentation set 9 tft

  2. Guide des portails et légendes TFT du set 9

    presentation set 9 tft

  3. Everything You Need To Know About the New TFT Set 9 Mechanics: Portals

    presentation set 9 tft

  4. Mejor Composición Noxus TFT Set 9

    presentation set 9 tft

  5. TFT : Les portails des régions du set 9

    presentation set 9 tft

  6. TFT : Comment jouer la composition Zaun ? (Set 9)

    presentation set 9 tft


  1. BMC Video Presentation

  2. THE CREEPY PUPPET PROJECT: a promotional presentation by Matt Ficner

  3. TFT Set 12: Easy Method to Max Out Any 5-Cost Unit

  4. All the Legends and What They Do! New TFT Set 9 Mechanic

  5. NERF Ahri NERF Pyro



  1. TFT SET 9: Runeterra Reforged

    From December 9th to 11th, strategists from all over the world will compete for the first time on the spot at MGM Grand on the Las Vegas Strip. The tournament will be held in an open bracket format and can accommodate up to 512 participants. Participation rights are given priority based on the Set 9 rank. View Tournament Details.

  2. All TFT Set 9 champions, traits, updated stats, and abilities

    Targon TFT Set 9 champions Targon units are Soraka (two-cost), Taric (three-cost), and Aphelios (four-cost). Soraka Astral Infusion : Soraka heals the lowest health ally for 'X' amount.

  3. How to Play Every New Unit in Set 9.5

    TFT New Set 9.5 Guide - The new set is here and these are all the new champions and how to play them for a top finish.Legend Guide on https://www.metatft.com...

  4. TFT SET 9.5: Horizonbound

    Check out the details of the new season of TFT Set 9.5 on LoLCHESS.GG! Set 9.5 Team Builder Set 9.5 Meta Set 9.5 Champions Set 9.5 Traits Set 9.5 Items Set 9.5 Augments. * Data on this page was provided by Riot Games. When updating the PBE server, some contents may be different. * The update contents are materials provided in advance by Riot ...

  5. Introducing Runeterra Reforged Competitive Events and Format for North

    Noxus Cup. September 30th - October 8th. The Noxus Cup is our first competitive event in North America for Set 9.5. It will follow the same format as the first 2 cups: 2 days of play-ins followed by semifinals and finals the next weekend. The Top 4 players from the Noxus Cup will directly qualify for the Runeterra Reforged NA Regional Finals.

  6. TFT Set 9 Synergies :: TFT Stats, Leaderboards, League of Legends

    Synergies of champion class, origin for LoL TFT. HOME. WCG. GCL. English. League of Legends TeamFight Tactics Valorant PUBG Eternal Return Genshin Impact. LoLCHESS.GG. KR. KR. Comps. Comps. Guides. Patch Notes PBE Patch Notes Rounds Exp/Gold Re-Roll Damage Formula HotKeys. ... Builder/Tools SET Report Synergy Builder Mobile Widget. LFG.

  7. Everything You Need To Know About the New TFT Set 9 Mechanics ...

    In TFT Set 9, portals will play a crucial role in shaping the gameplay experience. At the start of each game, players are presented with three portals, representing different regions in the world of Runeterra. These portals can significantly impact how the game unfolds. Which portal is chosen will be determined by a player vote.

  8. Runeterra Reforged: TFT Set 9 Champions and Traits

    TFT Set 9: Runeterra Reforged has 12 origins and 16 classes, for a total of 59 champions. The new Teamfight Tactics set is going to hit the PBE today, and live servers in just two weeks. Asa always when a brand new set drops, there are a lot of things to get familiar with before players hop onto a game, starting with champions themselves.

  9. Best TFT Team Comps for Set 9 Patch 13.12

    Help yourself climb the ranks with these meta team comps performing the best on TFT patch 13.12. TFT Set 9: Runeterra Reforged launched with a very exciting set of three and four cost carries. A couple of these champions like Aphelios and Zeri have been dominating lobbies since PBE, and they are still top tier despite getting some nerfs on the ...

  10. Teamfight Tactics

    The big new vertical trait in TFT set 9.5, Bilgewater brings in seven new champions, almost all with carry potential and a damage-loaded trait bonus. But while the trait does benefit from many ...

  11. Teamfight Tactics

    The right Legend in TFT set 9.5 is usually the difference between consistently placing bottom four and top two. Warren Younger. Sep 15, 2023 9:34 PM EDT. It was announced at the beginning of the ...

  12. TFT Meta Team Comps Tier List · Teamfight Tactics

    Discover the best TFT team comps and builds in TFT's set 12. Discover the best TFT team comps and builds in TFT's set 12. Set 12. Set 12. NA. BR EUNE EUW JP KR LAN LAS NA OCE TR RU VN SG PH TH TW. Download TFTactics. Navigation. Team Comps; Meta Report ... Set Skins. TFTACTICS.GG isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or ...

  13. TFT Set 9.5 Horizonbound Update

    Here is a sneak peek into TFT Horizonbound mid-set update! This update will be available on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) on Tuesday, August 29. The official release is on Wednesday, September 13 with Patch 13.18. Runeterra Reforged: Horizonbound brings players to the edges of Runeterra, with destinations in the dangerous smuggler haven ...

  14. Teamfight Tactics

    TFT's bold new items are sure to switch up the metagame in set 9.5. Warren Younger. Sep 10, 2023 7:36 AM EDT. The new Teamfight Tactics mid-set expansion brings the biggest change to items the ...

  15. Tft Set 9 : Tout Ce Qu'Il Faut Savoir ! Guide Complet

    Analyse du Set 9 de TFT !00:00 Nouvelles mécaniques Région & Légendes01:56 Unités 1 cost20:42 Unités 2 cost32:21 Unités 3 cost44:56 Unités 4 cost01:00:14 Uni...

  16. TFT : Tous les champions du set 9

    Retrouvez tous les champions qui composent le set 9 de Teamfight Tactics. Le set 9 de Teamfight Tactics devrait être déployé d'ici quelques semaines et a été officiellement présenté par Riot Games ce mercredi 31 mai 2023. Si vous possédez un compte PBE, vous pouvez dès à présent tester toutes les nouveautés du set.

  17. Set 9 de TFT : Les nouveaux champions, toutes les infos

    Il amène avec lui 59 nouveaux champions dont voici toutes les informations sur leurs sorts, leurs statistiques et leurs synergies. Pour plus d'informations sur le Set 9 de TFT, n'hésitez pas à jeter un oeil aux nouvelles classes et origines, ou encore à la nouvelle mécanique de Légendes. League of Legends 15 EUR - 1895RP.

  18. First Look at the New TFT Set 9: Runeterra Reforged

    Teamfight Tactics is going back to the roots of the League of Legends universe with the new set Runeterra Reforged. TFT Set 9: Runeterra Reforged will be available to play on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) server with the release of LoL patch 13.11, which is on May 31. The set itself goes live on the next patch, June 14, so with only two ...

  19. Here's everything Apple just announced: iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro, Apple

    Apple announced the new iPhone 16, the new Apple Watch Series 10, AirPods 4 and more on Monday. CNBC's live blog coverage is below.

  20. TFT Set 9 Item Table

    Items Table (By Items) B.F. Sword +10% Attack Damage. Grant 66% bonus Attack Damage. Abilities and attacks deal 25% more damage to enemies with more than 1600 maximum Health. Once per combat: At 60% Health, briefly become untargetable and shed negative effects. Then, gain 15% bonus Attack Speed.

  21. Edexcel Gcse Music 9-1

    For all teachers and students undertaking the Pearson Edexcel GCSE 9-1 course, this presentation is a great starting point to give you some ideas for your composition to a set brief.. Contains the exact wording from the September 2024 set brief released by Pearson*. Through more than fifty slides, over 30 suggested listening examples, links and tutorials relating to each off the four areas of ...

  22. THE BEST Cheap Eats in Fokino

    Best Cheap Eats in Fokino, Primorsky Krai: Find Tripadvisor traveler reviews of THE BEST Fokino Cheap Eats and search by price, location, and more.

  23. Fokino

    Fokino (Russian: Фокино) is a closed administrative territory in Primorsky Krai, Russia, situated on the coast of the Gulf of Peter the Great between Vladivostok and Nakhodka. It is closed because the Russian Pacific Fleet is based there. Foreigners must have a special permit to visit the town. However, the Islands of Putyatin and Askold, part of the town's administrative unit, are open ...

  24. Partizansk, Primorsky Krai, Russia Weather

    Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Partizansk, Primorsky Krai, Russia with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and Weather.com

  25. Apple iPhone 16, AirPods 4 and the Apple Watch 10: Everything you ...

    Apple on Monday unveiled a host of new technology, including the iPhone 16, which features some impressive updates the company hopes will convince customers - many of whom have been holding onto ...

  26. Paris 2024 Olympics

    Welcome to the Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games website. Follow the world's top athletes as they go for gold in France (Jul 26-Aug 11, 2024).

  27. THE BEST Places to Visit in Fokino (UPDATED 2024)

    Top Things to Do in Fokino, Russia. Places to Visit in Fokino. Enter dates