Top 12 Presentation Specialist Skills to Put on Your Resume

A compelling resume is essential for landing a job as a presentation specialist, where showcasing your unique skill set can set you apart from the competition. Highlighting the top presentation specialist skills on your resume demonstrates to potential employers your ability to create engaging and informative presentations that captivate audiences and convey complex information effectively.

Top 12 Presentation Specialist Skills to Put on Your Resume

Presentation Specialist Skills

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Storytelling
  • Data Visualization
  • Infographics
  • Public Speaking
  • Audience Engagement
  • Slide Design
  • Video Editing

1. PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a presentation software developed by Microsoft, used for creating and displaying slide shows to support a presentation, incorporating text, images, animations, and multimedia elements.

Why It's Important

PowerPoint is essential for a Presentation Specialist as it provides a versatile platform for creating visually appealing and structured presentations, enabling effective communication of ideas and information to audiences.

How to Improve PowerPoint Skills

Improving PowerPoint presentations as a Presentation Specialist involves focusing on design, content, and engagement. Here are concise tips:

  • Design: Keep slides visually appealing yet simple. Use high-quality images and consistent fonts. Canva's Design School offers great design tips.
  • Content: Make content concise and to the point. Use bullet points to break down information. The Better Presenter provides insights on crafting impactful content.
  • Engagement: Use animations and transitions sparingly to maintain audience interest without distraction. Duarte has resources on engaging presentations.
  • Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery. Toastmasters International offers tips on public speaking and rehearsing.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from peers before the final presentation to identify areas for improvement. Harvard Business Review discusses the importance of feedback in presentations.
  • Technology: Stay updated with the latest PowerPoint features and plugins for enhanced presentations. Microsoft's PowerPoint Blog is a good resource.

By integrating these strategies, Presentation Specialists can significantly enhance the effectiveness and impact of their PowerPoint presentations.

How to Display PowerPoint Skills on Your Resume

How to Display PowerPoint Skills on Your Resume

Keynote is a presentation software developed by Apple Inc. that allows users to create and deliver visually appealing presentations, incorporating text, images, charts, and multimedia elements.

Keynote is important for a Presentation Specialist as it provides advanced tools for creating visually compelling and engaging presentations, enabling effective communication of ideas and information to audiences.

How to Improve Keynote Skills

To improve your Keynote presentations, follow these concise strategies:

Design Consistency : Use a consistent theme, font, and color scheme throughout your presentation. Apple's Keynote User Guide on Themes provides insights into selecting and using themes effectively.

Visual Hierarchy : Organize information using size, color, and layout to guide the audience's attention. Canva’s Design School offers principles that can be applied to Keynote slides.

Engaging Visuals : Use high-quality images, graphics, and animations sparingly to support your message. Unsplash and Pexels are great sources for free, high-quality images.

Clear and Concise Text : Keep text minimal, using bullet points or short sentences. Grammarly can help ensure clarity and conciseness.

Data Visualization : Use charts, graphs, and infographics to present data clearly. Keynote’s own tools can be leveraged, but also consider external tools like Infogram for more complex visualizations.

Interactive Elements : Incorporate videos, links, and interactive charts to make your presentation more engaging. Learn how to add and manage these elements in Keynote here .

Practice and Rehearse : Use Keynote’s Presenter Notes and Rehearse Mode to practice your delivery. Check out Apple's guide on rehearsing for more tips.

Feedback and Iterate : Share your presentation with colleagues or friends for feedback. Keynote’s collaboration features make it easy to work together and make revisions.

By implementing these strategies, you'll enhance the effectiveness of your Keynote presentations, making them more engaging and impactful for your audience.

How to Display Keynote Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Keynote Skills on Your Resume

Prezi is a cloud-based presentation software that allows users to create visually dynamic and interactive presentations through a zoomable canvas, offering a more engaging alternative to traditional slide-based formats.

Prezi is important for a Presentation Specialist because it offers a dynamic, zoomable canvas that enables the creation of engaging, visually compelling presentations that can better captivate and retain the audience's attention compared to traditional slide-based formats.

How to Improve Prezi Skills

To enhance your Prezi presentations as a Presentation Specialist, focus on these concise strategies:

Design Consistency : Maintain a consistent theme with fonts, colors, and imagery. Prezi's design tools help unify your presentation's look.

Clear Structure : Organize your content logically. Use Prezi's path feature to guide your audience through the presentation smoothly.

Engaging Visuals : Incorporate high-quality images and videos. Prezi supports embedding YouTube videos directly into presentations for dynamic content.

Interactivity : Use zooming to focus on details and the overview effect to provide context. Explore Prezi's zoom reveal feature to make your presentation more interactive.

Concise Content : Keep text brief and to the point. Use bullet points or icons as visual cues to deliver your message efficiently.

Practice and Feedback : Rehearse your presentation and seek feedback. Prezi Analytics ( Prezi Analytics ) can offer insights into how your audience engages with your presentation.

Use Templates : Start with Prezi's template gallery for inspiration and customize to fit your needs.

By implementing these strategies, you'll create more effective and engaging Prezi presentations.

How to Display Prezi Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Prezi Skills on Your Resume

4. Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a professional vector graphics software used for creating and editing complex illustrations, logos, and graphics, ideal for Presentation Specialists to craft visually compelling presentations.

Adobe Illustrator is essential for a Presentation Specialist because it provides advanced vector graphics tools to create scalable, high-quality visual content, ensuring professional and engaging presentations.

How to Improve Adobe Illustrator Skills

To improve your skills in Adobe Illustrator as a Presentation Specialist, focus on these key areas:

Master the Basics : Ensure you have a strong foundation in Illustrator's core tools and functions. Adobe's official tutorials are a great starting point.

Learn Typography : Effective text handling can elevate your presentations. Explore Adobe's typography tutorials to refine your skills.

Use Templates : Streamline your workflow by utilizing Illustrator templates. Adobe Stock offers a wide range of options.

Incorporate Infographics : Visual data representation is key in presentations. Improve your infographic skills through dedicated infographic tutorials .

Stay Updated : Adobe Illustrator is constantly updated. Keep abreast of new features and tools via the Adobe Blog .

Practice Design Principles : Apply basic design principles to your work. Websites like Canva’s Design School offer free resources to enhance your design sense.

Get Feedback : Join online communities like Behance to showcase your work and receive constructive feedback.

By focusing on these areas, you'll enhance your Adobe Illustrator skills, making your presentations more engaging and effective.

How to Display Adobe Illustrator Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Adobe Illustrator Skills on Your Resume

5. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a powerful digital imaging software used by Presentation Specialists for creating, editing, and enhancing visual content, including photos and graphics, for impactful presentations.

Adobe Photoshop is crucial for a Presentation Specialist because it provides advanced tools for creating, editing, and enhancing visual content, ensuring high-quality, professional-looking presentations that effectively communicate and engage audiences.

How to Improve Adobe Photoshop Skills

Improving your Adobe Photoshop skills as a Presentation Specialist involves several key strategies focused on enhancing both your technical abilities and creative prowess. Here are concise tips to help you elevate your Photoshop expertise:

Master the Basics : Ensure you have a strong foundation in Photoshop's tools and features. Adobe's official tutorials are a great starting point.

Learn Keyboard Shortcuts : Efficiency is key in presentation design. Familiarize yourself with Photoshop's keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow. Adobe offers a comprehensive list of shortcuts .

Experiment with Advanced Techniques : Dive into advanced features like Layer Masks, Blending Modes, and Smart Objects to create more sophisticated designs. Tuts+ offers advanced Photoshop tutorials for deeper learning.

Stay Updated : Adobe regularly updates Photoshop with new features and improvements. Keep your software up to date and explore new features as they are released. Visit the Adobe Blog for the latest updates.

Practice Regularly : Like any skill, proficiency in Photoshop comes with practice. Challenge yourself with personal projects or take on varied assignments to apply your skills in different contexts.

Seek Inspiration : Inspiration can fuel creativity and introduce you to new design possibilities. Websites like Behance showcase professional creative work that can inspire your presentation designs.

Join Online Communities : Engaging with other professionals can provide valuable insights and feedback. Join Photoshop forums or social media groups such as the Adobe Photoshop Facebook group to connect with peers.

Attend Workshops and Webinars : Live sessions can offer real-time learning and interaction with experts. Keep an eye out for Photoshop workshops and webinars hosted by design institutions or Adobe itself.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly enhance your Photoshop skills, making you a more proficient and creative Presentation Specialist.

How to Display Adobe Photoshop Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Adobe Photoshop Skills on Your Resume

6. Storytelling

Storytelling, in the context of a Presentation Specialist, is the art of conveying a message or information through a compelling narrative structure to engage and connect with the audience effectively.

Storytelling is crucial for a Presentation Specialist because it engages the audience, makes complex information digestible, and creates a memorable emotional connection, enhancing the impact and retention of the presented message.

How to Improve Storytelling Skills

Improving storytelling, especially for a Presentation Specialist, involves enhancing the way you convey information to captivate and engage your audience. Here are concise tips with relevant resources:

Know Your Audience : Tailor your story to the interests and understanding level of your audience. (Forbes)

Structure Your Story : Use a clear beginning, middle, and end to provide a coherent and compelling narrative. ( TED )

Use Visuals : Incorporate relevant visuals to support and enhance your story. (Harvard Business Review)

Be Authentic : Authenticity creates a connection with your audience. Share personal stories or experiences when appropriate. (Forbes)

Practice Delivery : Work on your pacing, tone, and body language to make your storytelling more engaging. (Toastmasters)

Engage the Senses : Describe scenes, sounds, or feelings to make your story more immersive. (The Muse)

Simplify Complex Ideas : Break down complex ideas into simple, relatable elements. (Harvard Business Review)

By focusing on these areas and leveraging the advice from the linked resources, you can elevate your storytelling skills for more impactful presentations.

How to Display Storytelling Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Storytelling Skills on Your Resume

7. Data Visualization

Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data to communicate insights clearly and efficiently, using elements such as charts, graphs, and maps. It enables Presentation Specialists to present complex data in a way that is easy to understand and visually appealing for the audience.

Data visualization is crucial for a Presentation Specialist because it transforms complex data into clear, visually engaging formats that facilitate easy understanding, quick insights, and impactful storytelling, enhancing audience engagement and decision-making.

How to Improve Data Visualization Skills

Improving data visualization requires focusing on clarity, simplicity, and audience engagement. Here are concise tips for a Presentation Specialist:

Know Your Audience : Understand the audience's background and tailor the visualization complexity accordingly. Ensuring the data speaks their language increases engagement and comprehension.

Choose the Right Chart Type : Match the chart type to your data's story. Use Bar charts for comparisons, Line charts for trends, and Pie charts for proportions. Consult resources like Data to Viz for choosing effectively.

Simplify : Avoid clutter. Minimize chart junk (unnecessary labels, colors, and textures) to focus attention on the data. The Gestalt Principles can guide in making visuals appear clear and organized.

Consistent Design : Use a consistent color scheme and style throughout your presentation. Tools like Adobe Color can help select complementary colors.

Highlight Key Information : Use colors, arrows, or annotations to draw attention to the most important parts of your data. This helps in guiding the audience's focus to significant insights.

Storytelling with Data : Narrate a story around your data to make it more relatable and memorable. Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic’s Storytelling with Data offers excellent insights into weaving narratives with data.

Accessibility : Ensure your visualizations are accessible to all audience members, including those with color blindness. Tools like Color Oracle can simulate how your visuals appear to those with color vision deficiencies.

Feedback and Iterate : Before finalizing, seek feedback from peers to identify any confusing elements or missed opportunities for clarity. Revise based on the feedback for improved understanding.

Remember, the goal of data visualization is not just to show numbers but to tell a story that resonates with the audience, driving the message home effectively.

How to Display Data Visualization Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Data Visualization Skills on Your Resume

8. Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. For a Presentation Specialist, they are a tool to enhance audience engagement and understanding by summarizing and illustrating key messages in a visually appealing and accessible manner.

Infographics are crucial for Presentation Specialists because they transform complex information into clear, engaging visual representations, enhancing audience understanding and retention.

How to Improve Infographics Skills

To enhance infographics for presentations, follow these concise tips:

Simplify Data : Use tools like Canva to create clear, easy-to-understand visuals. Avoid overcrowding your infographics with too much information.

Consistent Style : Ensure a uniform style (fonts, colors, icons) across your infographics for a professional look. Tools like Adobe Spark offer pre-designed themes to help maintain consistency.

Use Color Wisely : Apply color to direct attention and organize information. Coolors can help you choose a harmonious palette.

Focus on Hierarchy : Structure your information to guide the viewer’s eye through the infographic. Use size and positioning to highlight key points.

Tell a Story : Make your infographic narrative compelling. Tools like Piktochart offer storytelling templates.

Incorporate Visuals : Use icons and images to represent concepts visually, making them easier to understand at a glance. Flaticon provides a vast selection of icons.

Interactive Elements : If applicable, make your infographics interactive for deeper engagement. Visme allows the creation of interactive infographics.

Feedback and Revise : Seek feedback from colleagues or your target audience and be prepared to revise your infographic for clarity and impact.

By applying these tips, presentation specialists can create compelling, informative, and visually appealing infographics.

How to Display Infographics Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Infographics Skills on Your Resume

9. Public Speaking

Public speaking, for a Presentation Specialist, involves delivering oral presentations to an audience with clear, engaging content and visuals to inform, persuade, or entertain, utilizing effective communication skills and presentation tools.

Public speaking is crucial for a Presentation Specialist as it enhances the ability to effectively communicate ideas, engage the audience, and convey the intended message with clarity and confidence, thereby amplifying the impact of the presentation.

How to Improve Public Speaking Skills

Improving public speaking, especially for a Presentation Specialist, revolves around enhancing both the content and delivery of presentations. Here are concise steps for improvement:

Understand Your Audience : Tailor your message to their interests and level of understanding. Know Your Audience .

Practice : Rehearse your presentation multiple times to gain confidence. Use tools like Toastmasters for structured practice environments.

Engage with Stories : Incorporate relevant stories to make your presentation more engaging. Learn storytelling techniques from TED Talks .

Visual Aids : Use visual aids effectively to enhance understanding. Canva offers insights on Creating Effective Presentation Designs.

Body Language : Be mindful of your body language to convey confidence and openness. Amy Cuddy’s TED talk on body language provides valuable insights.

Feedback : Seek constructive feedback from peers or mentors to identify areas for improvement. Consider joining a local Toastmasters club for regular feedback.

Continual Learning : Stay informed about the latest trends in presentation design and public speaking by following platforms like Presentation Zen for insights on presentation design and delivery.

Remember, effective public speaking is a skill that improves with practice, feedback, and a willingness to learn from every speaking opportunity.

How to Display Public Speaking Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Public Speaking Skills on Your Resume

10. Audience Engagement

Audience engagement refers to the degree of attention, interaction, and involvement an audience exhibits during a presentation, aiming for active participation and interest from the viewers.

Audience engagement is crucial for a Presentation Specialist because it ensures the message is effectively communicated, retains the audience's attention, promotes understanding and retention of information, and encourages active participation, making the presentation more impactful and memorable.

How to Improve Audience Engagement Skills

Improving audience engagement, particularly for a Presentation Specialist, involves a blend of strategy, content design, and delivery techniques. Here's a concise guide:

Understand Your Audience : Tailor your content to meet their interests, knowledge level, and needs. Pre-event surveys can help customize your presentation.

Interactive Elements : Incorporate polls, Q&A sessions, or live quizzes. Tools like Mentimeter or Slido facilitate real-time interaction.

Compelling Visuals : Use high-quality images, infographics, and minimal text. Tools like Canva or Prezi offer dynamic design options.

Storytelling : Weave your information into a narrative. Stories are memorable and can make complex information accessible.

Clear and Concise Content : Focus on key messages. Use simple language and avoid jargon.

Energetic Delivery : Your enthusiasm is contagious. Practice your pacing, tone, and body language to maintain energy and engagement.

Feedback and Follow-Up : Post-event surveys can provide insights for future improvements. Tools like SurveyMonkey are useful for gathering audience feedback.

By integrating these strategies, you enhance the audience's engagement, making your presentations more effective and impactful.

How to Display Audience Engagement Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Audience Engagement Skills on Your Resume

11. Slide Design

Slide design involves the creation and arrangement of visual elements on a presentation slide to effectively communicate information, engage the audience, and enhance the overall message, focusing on layout, color, typography, imagery, and branding consistency.

Slide design is crucial for a Presentation Specialist as it enhances audience engagement, ensures clear communication of ideas, and reinforces the speaker's message, ultimately making the presentation more effective and memorable.

How to Improve Slide Design Skills

Improving slide design involves a blend of aesthetics, clarity, and audience engagement. Here are concise tips:

Keep it Simple : Use a clean layout with a lot of white space. Avoid clutter SlideModel .

Consistent Theme : Stick to a consistent color scheme and font style throughout your presentation. Tools like Adobe Color can help choose a palette.

Use High-Quality Images : Opt for high-resolution images that enhance your message. Websites like Unsplash offer free, high-quality photos.

Focus on Readability : Ensure text is easy to read by using large, sans-serif fonts. Keep text minimal per slide.

Data Visualization : Use graphs and charts to present data clearly. Tools like Canva provide easy ways to create them.

Hierarchy and Contrast : Use size, color, and placement to signify the importance of elements on your slide.

Engage with Visuals : Incorporate videos or animations when relevant. Giphy is great for finding short, appropriate clips.

Practice Consistency : Use slide masters in PowerPoint or layouts in Google Slides to maintain consistency Google Slides .

Interactivity : Incorporate polls or Q&A sessions if your platform supports it, adding a layer of interaction Mentimeter.

Feedback and Iterate : Seek feedback from peers and adjust your slides accordingly. Continual refinement is key.

Each of these steps contributes to a compelling, visually appealing presentation that can keep your audience engaged and convey your message effectively.

How to Display Slide Design Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Slide Design Skills on Your Resume

12. Video Editing

Video editing is the process of manipulating and rearranging video clips to create a new work, involving cutting, adding effects, and assembling clips in a coherent sequence to effectively convey a message or story, crucial for a Presentation Specialist in enhancing storytelling and engaging the audience.

Video editing is crucial for a Presentation Specialist as it enables the precise shaping and refinement of video content to effectively communicate messages, engage audiences, and ensure a professional, polished delivery that aligns with the presentation's objectives and brand standards.

How to Improve Video Editing Skills

To improve video editing as a Presentation Specialist, focus on mastering these key aspects:

Learn the Basics : Understand the fundamentals of video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro . Explore online tutorials to get a solid foundation.

Storytelling : Enhance your storytelling skills. Crafting a compelling narrative is crucial. Check out resources like TED Talks on storytelling for inspiration.

Color Grading : Improve the visual appeal of your videos with color correction and grading. Use tutorials from Color Grading Central to learn more.

Sound Design : Good audio is half the experience. Learn to improve your sound design at Sound Design 101.

Transitions and Effects : Use transitions sparingly and focus on those that enhance the storytelling. Learn about effective transitions on Skillshare or LinkedIn Learning .

Keep Practicing : Regular practice and experimentation with different techniques and styles will help you improve over time. Join communities like Videomaker for feedback and support.

Stay Updated : The video editing landscape is always changing. Stay updated with the latest trends and software updates through blogs and forums like Creative COW .

By focusing on these areas and continually seeking out new learning resources and community feedback, you can significantly improve your video editing skills for presentations and beyond.

How to Display Video Editing Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Video Editing Skills on Your Resume

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Presentation skills: how to improve yours and put them in the CV

a woman standing in front of a group of people.

Presentation skills are key  to most jobs. Many people think that excellent public speaking skills are limited to professionals such as teachers and PR experts.

However, companies always look for employees who can deliver clear and engaging presentations, no matter what the role is. Knowing how to describe presentation skills on a CV is  an asset that comes in handy in many levels of an organisation’s operations , from customer service to teamwork.

But what if you’re shy? Or haven’t had any formal training in presentation skills? Chances are, you already have what it takes. You just need some  help getting your abilities across in your CV.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What the most important presentation skills for the workplace are
  • How to improve your presentation skills
  • How to give evidence of your presentation skills as you  write a CV
  • Presentation skills examples that have worked for other job seekers

What presentation skills do you need?

As mentioned before, virtually every prospective employee must show a good level of communication and presentation skills.

Let’s say, for example, that you must  update clients on the development of a project  that you are working on for them. It’s key to make them understand in simple and attention-grabbing terms the technical side of your tasks.

This way, it’s more likely that you’ll be on the same page when it comes to setting deadlines, achievable results, and costs.

Even those who don’t deal with the public on a daily basis  must be able to communicate effectively.  For example, if they train a new team member who needs to be introduced to their role, the main objectives of the project, and the use of new tools.

A good presentation  is made up of many parts. It’s not only what you say but also:

  • The tone you use
  • Your body language
  • The supporting material (such as slides or models) you create
  • The ability to keep within the time constraints that were set.

That’s why we could divide almost all presentations into  3 parts :

  • Preparation  and research. This is when you gather the information you’ll use to support your words, write your notes and prepare your materials. Depending on the specific circumstances, you may even need to book the venue or practice your speech.
  • Delivery . This is the public side of your presentation, what the people in the meeting or conference room will actually hear and see. An effective delivery consists of a confident, positive tone, carefully-placed pauses, clarity, and a final summary and question time.
  • Follow-up . Presentations don’t end with the meeting. You may still need to carry out a series of tasks such as collecting and storing contact information, sending emails to the attendants, taking in feedback, and more.

What presentation skills do recruiters look for?

As you can see, ‘presentation skills’ is a broad description that covers a wide range of abilities. Often, the term isn’t even used on job descriptions.

Alternatives include:

  • Communication skills . Companies will write phrases such as “excellent spoken and written English”, “explain complex concepts in a clear manner”, or “communicate with a wide range of people”. Basically, they are looking for employees with impressive presentation skills.
  • Analytical skills . Most people won’t think of public speakers as analysts. However, without the ability to gather, understand, and break down data, you won’t be able to deliver a compelling presentation.
  • Great organisation . Presentations that make a difference often take a long time to design and organise. You want everything to go smoothly, from the A/C to the TV cable, and you want to arrive prepared at your best.
  • Knowledge of presentation software . It’s easy to read between the lines when PowerPoint is among the job requirements. Other popular tools include Keynote, Google Slides, Adobe Presenter.

How can I improve presentation skills?

Not everyone is a natural communicator. Some may fall victim to stage fright when asked to speak in a meeting. Others may get nervous and use too many words to express themselves, losing the attention of the audience in the process.

Fortunately, there are  simple ways to boost your presentation skills  and confidence so you can see results before your next job interview.

Improving your writing

Whether you’ll be jotting down notes, a full speech, or just a few slides, writing is an important part of any presentation. If you’ve always been a better communicator in person, it may be time to work on your weaknesses. Here are some tips:

  • Read more . Avid readers often become excellent writers. Start by reading more of something you’re passionate about, from the news on your commute to that novel on your bedside table. If you feel like it, you can also read manuals and other technical material to interiorise the lingo of your dream job.
  • Give yourself tasks . Imagine writing an email for a client, a recipe for a family member, a guide for your coworkers. Now do it. Practice different writing styles for different audiences and maybe ask for help and feedback from a friend.
  • Start writing for the public . When you feel more confident, you can publish a blog or write articles for specialised magazines.

Improving your oral communication

If you feel uneasy when speaking in public or don’t think you are as effective as you wish, you can try to:

  • Practice , and then practice more. Try to debate with a friend and change their mind to work on your negotiation skills, or explain to a family member how to set up their new phone to learn how to give clearer instructions.
  • Boost your confidence . Start speaking up more in groups where you feel comfortable, like the sports team or volunteer group you’re part of. Offer to take on more public roles to practice your speaking and presentation skills in a friendly environment.
  • Focus on body language . Whenever you can and whatever the setting, keep in mind your body language. Are you making eye contact? Are you keeping your hands and feet still in a relaxed and natural manner?

How do you write presentation skills on a CV?

Simply putting down “excellent presentation skills” on your CV will not leave a good impression on potential recruiters. The  skills section  is extremely important, and you should dedicate special attention and time to it.  Avoid trite phrases and simple copy-pasting  from the job descriptions.

But how can you convince HR managers that you are a stellar public speaker? Here are ways to  make your presentation skills shine  on your CV:

  • Be specific . Have you organised and/or led workshops? Have you participated as a panel member in conferences and seminars? Are you responsible for the training of new colleagues?
  • Use numbers . Numbers and percentages speak volumes in a CV. Virtually every impact you have made can be turned into data, from the number of coworkers you have mentored to your lectures’ attendance rate.
  • Show your technical skills . If you can use specific presentation software and other tools that clearly speak for your expertise, don’t hesitate to write them down. It will prove in a few bulleted items that you know what you’re talking about.

Examples of Presentation Skills on a CV

Now we’ve gone over the theory, let’s delve into specific presentation skills  examples in different sections of your CV , from the summary to job descriptions and the skills section.

A well-crafted CV summary encapsulates your top achievements, skills, and career goals. Incorporating your presentation skills here can  make a strong first impression.

Here are two examples:

  • Results-driven Marketing Manager with 10+ years’ experience. Proven ability to deliver compelling presentations, having led a cross-functional team to a 25% increase in product adoption rates. Excellent skills in data analysis and strategy development.
  • Accomplished educator with over 15 years in the academic field, specializing in curriculum design and student engagement. Exceptional presentation skills, consistently receiving high feedback scores for clarity and creativity in lecture delivery.

CV Objective

A CV objective takes the place of a summary  for entry-level job-seekers.  It should outline your career goals while emphasizing how you can contribute to the prospective company.

Here’s  how you could incorporate presentation skills  into an objective for your  first CV :

  • Highly motivated Business Graduate seeking a sales position at Parker Corp. Strong presentation and communication skills, honed through university projects and internships, where I effectively pitched ideas and strategies to diverse audiences.
  • Detail-oriented IT Specialist looking to join Swindell Tech. Proficient in presenting complex technical information to non-technical stakeholders, aiming to improve system understanding and drive informed decision-making.

In Job Descriptions

Every role you’ve held provides an opportunity to describe presentation skills on your CV.  Use specific examples in each of your job descriptions  to illustrate how your presentations delivered value.

February 2018 – Present Financial Analyst

DEF Finance , London, UK

  • Presented monthly budget forecasts to the executive team, offering insights that informed strategic decision-making.

November 2019 – Present Team Lead

GHI Retail , Sheffield, UK

  • Regularly conducted team meetings, presenting performance metrics and motivational talks that boosted team productivity by 15%.

Each of these examples not only mentions the presentation skills. They also  lay out the positive impact they created.  This makes your CV more persuasive and impactful to potential employers.

In the Skills Section

In this section, you can include presentation as a standalone skill or  break it down into more specific abilities.  For instance:

  • Public speaking
  • Data visualization
  • Interactive communication
  • Slide creation

When you’re  constructing your CV , it’s crucial to remember that  stating “good presentation skills ” is not enough. You need to provide clear examples and context to demonstrate your abilities effectively.

As a final piece of advice, make sure to choose a  cv template  or  come up with a design that is suitable for your industry  and audience and highlights the right sections of your professional profile.

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Important Presentation Skills for Workplace Success

presentation competence cv

  • What Are Presentation Skills?

Steps To Create a Presentation

Skills that help make an effective presentation, how to make your skills stand out.

xavierarnau / Getty Images

Whether you’re a high-level executive or an administrative assistant, developing your presentation skills is one key way to climb in an office-based job. Leaders make decisions based on information shared in presentation format, and hardly any business changes its mind without first seeing a persuasive presentation.

It is important for any office employee to know what steps go into creating an effective presentation and what presentation skills are most important to employers. Highlighting these skills will also help you stand out during your job search.

Key Takeaways

  • Presentation skills are what you need to know to be able to give an engaging, effective presentation.
  • The steps to creating a successful presentation are preparation, delivery, and follow-up.
  • Employers want to know you have the necessary skills to research, analyze, and create a presentation, plus the communication skills needed to deliver it and field questions afterward.
  • You can highlight your skills to employers through your resume, cover letter, and interview.

What Are Presentation Skills? 

Presentation skills refer to all the qualities you need to create and deliver a clear and effective presentation. While what you say during a presentation matters, employers also value the ability to create supporting materials, such as slides.

Your prospective employer may want you to deliver briefings and reports to colleagues, conduct training sessions, present information to clients, or perform any number of other tasks that involve speaking before an audience.

Giving engaging and easy-to-understand talks is a major component of the strong  oral communication skills  that are a  job requirement  for many positions. Not all presentations take place in a formal meeting. Many presentation skills are relevant to one-on-one consults or sales calls.

Any presentation has three phases: preparation, delivery, and follow-up. All presentation skills fit into one of these three phases.


Preparation involves research and building the presentation. Consider the audience you'll be presenting to and what most interests them. This may mean crafting the entire text (or at least writing notes) and creating any slides and other supporting audio/visual materials.

You will also have to make sure that the appropriate venue is available, properly set up beforehand, and ensure the projector (if you'll need one) works and connects with your laptop.

You'll also want to practice your presentation as many times as you need to to feel comfortable delivering it with ease and confidence within the time allotted for the presentation.

Skills related to preparation include conducting research related to your presentation topic, devising charts and graphs depicting your research findings, and learning about your audience to better tailor your presentation to their needs. You'll also need to create digital slides, using statistics, examples, and stories to illustrate your points and effectively to persuade the audience.

Preparing handouts or digital references is an added courtesy that will help the audience pay attention because they won't be preoccupied with note-taking.

Your delivery is the part of the presentation that the audience sees. A good delivery depends on careful preparation and confident presentation and requires its own distinctive  skill set . 

Skills related to delivery include giving an attention-grabbing opening for a talk, providing a summary of what will be covered to introduce the presentation and provide context, and using  body language  and eye contact to convey energy and confidence.

Make sure you pause to emphasize key points, modulate your vocal tone for emphasis, and articulate your speech clearly and smoothly.

Don't be afraid of injecting humor or speaking with enthusiasm and animation—these techniques can help you in projecting confidence to your audience.

Summarize key points at the conclusion of the presentation, and be sure to have a plan for how you'll field any audience questions.

Presentation follow-up includes properly breaking down and storing any equipment, contacting any audience members with whom you agreed to communicate further, and soliciting, collecting, and analyzing feedback.

In some presentations, you may collect information from audience members—such as names and contact information or completed surveys—that you also must organize and store.

Skills related to follow-up include creating an evaluation form to solicit feedback from attendees, interpreting feedback from evaluations, and modifying the content and/or delivery for future presentations. Other follow-up skills include organizing a database of attendees for future presentations, interviewing key attendees to gain additional feedback, and emailing presentation slides to attendees.

To create and deliver the most effective presentation takes a variety of skills, which you can always work to improve.

You must be able to look honestly at your performance, assess the feedback you get, and figure out what you need to do to get better. That takes  analytical thinking .

More importantly, you need to have a firm grasp of the information you are about to communicate to others. You need to analyze your audience and be prepared to think quickly if asked questions that force you to demonstrate that you are fully aware of the material and its implications.

The kind of analytical skills you need to be an effective presenter include problem sensitivity, problem-solving , reporting and surveying, optimization, and predictive modeling. It also helps to be adept at strategic planning, integration, process management, and diagnostics. With these skills, you'll be better able to objectively analyze, evaluate, and act on your findings.


You do not want to be the person who spends half of their presentation time trying to find a cable to connect their laptop to the projector. Many things can and do go wrong just before a presentation unless you are  organized .

Presentation preparation also means keeping track of notes, information, and start/stop times. You will want to proofread and fine-tune all the materials you plan to use for the presentation to catch any mistakes. Make sure you time yourself when you rehearse so you know how long it will take to deliver the presentation.

A presentation that's finished in half the time allotted is as problematic as one that's too long-winded.

Some key organizational skills to work on include event planning, auditing, benchmarking, prioritization, and recordkeeping. Make sure your scheduling is on point and pay close attention to detail. Quick thinking is an important skill to have for when things inevitably go wrong.

Nonverbal Communication

When speaking to an audience, the way you present yourself can be just as important as how you present your information. You want to appear confident and engaging. You can do this through good posture, the use of hand gestures, and making eye contact with the audience.

Practice your  nonverbal communication  by filming yourself doing a practice presentation and observing your body language carefully. Your physical bearing and poise should convey a degree of comfort and confidence in front of an audience, while active listening , respect, and emotional intelligence will help you in facilitating group discussions.

Presentation Software

Microsoft PowerPoint is the dominant software used to create visual aids for presentations. Learn to use it well, including the special features outside of basic templates that can really bring a presentation to life. Even if someone else is preparing your slideshow for you, it will help to know how to use the software in case of last-minute changes.

Other software that is good to learn includes Microsoft Office, Apple Keynote, Google Slides, and Adobe Presenter.

Public Speaking

You need to appear comfortable and engaging when speaking before a live audience, even if you're not. This can take years of practice, and sometimes  public speaking  just isn't for certain people. An uncomfortable presenter is a challenge for everyone. Fortunately, public speaking skills can improve with practice . Some skills to work on include articulation, engagement, and memorization. You should be able to assess the needs of the audience and handle difficult questions. Controlling your performance anxiety will help you communicate more effectively.

Research is the first step in preparing most presentations and could range from a multi-year process to spending 20 minutes online, depending on context and subject matter. At the very least, you must be able to clearly frame research questions, identify appropriate information sources, and organize your results. Other useful skills include brainstorming, collaboration , comparative analysis, data interpretation, and deductive and inductive reasoning. Business intelligence is a skill that will help you evaluate what information you need to support the bottom line, while case analysis and causal relationships will help you parse and evaluate meaning.

Verbal Communication

Public speaking is one form of  verbal communication , but you will need other forms to give a good presentation. Specifically, you must know how to answer questions. You should be able to understand questions asked by your audience (even if they're strange or poorly worded) and provide respectful, honest, and accurate answers without getting off-topic. Use active listening, focus, and empathy to understand your audience. Skills such as assertiveness, affirmation, and enunciation will help you restate and clarify your key points as it relates to their questions or concerns.

You may or may not need a written script, but you do need to pre-plan what you are going to say, in what order you will say it, and at what level of detail. If you can write a cohesive essay, you can plan a presentation.

Typical writing skills apply to your presentation just as they do to other forms of writing, including grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and proofreading. The ability to build outlines, take notes, and mark up documents will also be useful.

More Presentation Skills

In addition to the skills previously mentioned, there are other important skills that can apply to your presentation. The other skills you need will depend on what your presentation is about, your audience, and your intended results. Some of these additional skills include:

  • Summarizing
  • Providing anecdotes to illustrate a point
  • Designing handouts
  • Recognizing and countering objections
  • Posing probing questions to elicit more detail about specific issues
  • Awareness of ethnic, political, and religious diversity
  • Receiving criticism without defensiveness
  • Refraining from speaking too often or interrupting others
  • Anticipating the concerns of others
  • Product knowledge
  • SWOT analysis format
  • Supporting statements with evidence
  • Multilingual
  • Working with reviewers
  • Consistency
  • Developing and maintaining standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Developing a proposition statement
  • Creating and managing expectations

Include skills on your resume. If applicable, you might mention these words in your  resume summary  or  headline .

Highlight skills in your cover letter. Mention one or two specific presentation skills and give examples of instances when you demonstrated these traits in the workplace.

Show your presentation skills in job interviews. During the interview process, you may be asked to give a sample presentation. In this case, you will want to embody these skills during the presentation. For example, you will want to demonstrate your oral communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely throughout the presentation.

PennState. " Steps in Preparing a Presentation ."

Harvard Division of Continuing Education. " 10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills ."

Northern Illinois University. " Delivering the Presentation ."

30 Best Core Competencies For Your Resume (+ Examples)

Melanie Lockert

3 key takeaways 

  • Core competencies are broad strengths and capabilities unique to you. 
  • Identifying your core competencies makes it easier for hiring managers to find you. 
  • Teal’s Resume Builder helps you add the right core competencies as you build your resume . 

When hiring managers look at your resume, they’re not just looking at your GPA, degree, or previous experience. Many employers are moving toward skills-based hiring, evaluating your core competencies. In fact, according to Salesforce’s 2023 digital skills survey , 82 percent of leaders surveyed stated that skills are the most important attribute when evaluating candidates. 

Your core competencies refer to your hard and soft skills , abilities, and personal qualities. If the competencies on your resume match the key qualifications listed in the job description, you have a better shot of grabbing a hiring manager’s attention.

Systematically listing your core competencies on your resume communicates that you have the skills and attributes required for the role.

This guide on adding core competencies to a resume covers how to identify your core competencies and how to list core competencies on your resume.

Struggling to land interviews with your resume? Get started with Teal’s AI Resume Builder for free.

What are core competencies?

Core competencies are attributes that show your proficiency in a particular skill or ability. Your core competencies are made up of your unique personality traits, professional experience, and key skills. These are broad one- or two-word terms that highlight what you bring to the table. 

For example, a manager might list “Leadership” as a core competency. An event coordinator could list “Problem-solving.” A sales professional could list “Persuasion.” When done right, resume core competencies quickly illustrate your professional assets and knowledge.

What do core competencies mean on a resume?

Core competencies on a resume are typically a short list of the main attributes and strengths a candidate brings to the role. You might have a range of core competencies, but because your resume offers limited real estate, only list the ones that directly pertain to the position. 

Another word for core competencies on a resume is core capabilities. Other near synonyms for core competencies include core qualifications, strengths, specialty, expertise and talent.

Core competencies vs skills on resume

When you’re job hunting, there’s an emphasis on putting your best skills on your resume. While eerily similar, core competencies are different from skills. So what does core competencies mean on a resume compared to skills?

Alexandria Agresta , a leadership development expert and employee retention and wellbeing consultant explains that:

“Core competencies encompass a broader range of attributes, including attitudes and behaviors, that are essential for organizational success often known as the ‘soft skills.’”

In comparison, she describes skills as:

“Specific abilities or expertise that are often technical or task-oriented, such as proficiency in software, languages, or processes.”

Core competencies and skills are different, though the two overlap in some ways.

core competencies definition vs skills definition

Here are a few examples that illustrate the differences between competencies vs. skills.

Study the nuances between core competencies and skills to use each correctly on a resume

To understand the difference between core competencies and skills, check out this post on the resume skills section .

Importance of core competencies in a resume

Resume core competencies distill your professional attributes and strengths in a couple of words or less. Including core competencies in a resume is important because they succinctly showcase your strengths.

When a hiring manager is scanning resumes in seconds , your core competencies can pop out and make you stand out from other candidates.

Having a list of core competencies can also get your foot in the door. Many companies use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) as part of the hiring process. ATS software can pick up on specific keywords. So if your resume has competencies that match what’s in the job ad, you may have a higher chance of moving forward to the next step. 

Understanding which core competencies to add comes down to understanding the job description. Teal’s Matching Mode helps you add relevant keywords from the job description to your resume. Having keywords that match the role can show your core competencies to a hiring manager. 

use keywords in the job description to determine the best core competencies to add to each resume

As a job seeker, you know there are many stages between submitting an application to getting hired. The goal of an application is to score an interview. Having the right core competencies listed could make your application rise to the top. 

Knowing which competencies to highlight when can make the difference between recruiters seeing you as a strong candidate or an average one.

How to identify your core competencies

It might be easier to identify your skills or achievements, which seem more specific and tangible. Core competencies can be more difficult to pinpoint, as they’re overarching and broader. Here’s a step-by-step guide on identifying your core competencies for your resume.

Step 1: Take an inventory

Start by taking an inventory of your personal traits that help you succeed in the workplace. Consider your unique capabilities and skills and how they’re used at work. 

To identify your core competencies, Agresta shares her expertise, providing these three tips to get started:

1. Self-Assessment: Reflect on your strengths, achievements, and feedback received from peers and supervisors. Consider the aspects of your work where you consistently excel and feel most engaged. 2. Feedback: Seek input from colleagues, mentors, and supervisors who can provide insights into your strengths and areas of excellence. 3. Professional Development: Engage in training, workshops, and educational opportunities to enhance and recognize your core competencies.

Using these tips, you can look both internally and externally to help guide you to make your own list. 

Step 2: Create a list

After taking an inventory, create a list of all of your core competencies. They are typically only one or two words, not full sentences or explanations. Some core competencies examples include:

  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Team-building 
  • Cultural competency
  • Technical skills
  • Conceptual thinking

Jotting down your core competencies gives you a list to choose from and return to for other job applications.

Step 3: Narrow down options

Here’s the tough part. Once your list is complete, narrow down your options. Since your resume has limited space, it’s generally recommended to include a maximum of five core competencies on your resume.

Dirk Matthews , senior director of Alumni Relations at Columbia College Chicago and President Elect-Elect (president in 2025) at the National Career Development Association (NCDA), recommends adding core competencies that are in demand by prospective employers. 

“When I work with students or adults in developing their careers, I have them focus on their skills and how they fit into competencies desired by employers. For example, one of the key competencies employers look for [in job seekers] is communication. Various skills make up [communication], including writing or public speaking.”

There’s data to back that up, too. According to The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2024 report , out of eight career readiness competencies communication was rated the most important. Teamwork and critical thinking came in second and third place, respectively. 

So while you narrow down your options, look at which core competencies are in demand. 

Step 4: Compare competencies to job descriptions

Once you have your short list of five core competencies, compare them to what the job requires and what the company is looking at in a candidate. Core competencies might be listed in the job description or on the company website. 

If your competencies don’t match, you may want to swap some out, replacing with options from your comprehensive list that are a better fit. 

And what if your core competencies don’t match at all? It might mean the position or the cultural fit isn’t ideal for you at the moment. 

In addition to surfacing the right skills with Teal’s Matching Mode, Teal’s Resume Skills Management feature can help identify and manage your best core competencies and group them according to job families, so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for every application.

Examples of core competencies

What are core competencies on a resume and why are they important? Core competencies include your personal strengths, certifications, and expertise. They can differentiate you from other candidates 

There are many different types of core competencies and each company may be looking for something different. But there are some competencies that recruiters and hiring managers look for when vetting candidates. 

Here is a list of core competency examples for your resume that are in demand:

  • Communication: Shows your ability to share ideas and information clearly in a variety of ways (writing, speaking) to many different people (managers, customers, stakeholders). 
  • Adaptability: Highlights your ability to shift and make changes quickly in an evolving environment. 
  • Problem-solving: When presented with challenges, the ability to find solutions to problems when they arise. 
  • Strategic planning: The ability to identify a company’s long-term goals and how to reach them.
  • Leadership: The skills required to inspire, motivate, and manage a team successfully. 
  • Teamwork: The ability to work well with others to accomplish larger goals and objectives.
  • Decision-making: Navigating the complexities of making an informed decision on important matters. 
  • Initiative: The innate drive to pursue or complete tasks and projects without direction. 
  • Empathy: Being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and behave in a way that takes others into consideration. 
  • Conflict resolution: The ability to work towards a resolution among conflicting parties in a diplomatic and empathetic way.
  • Customer-centered: Working in a way that prioritizes customer satisfaction to build long-term relationships and achieve company goals. 
  • Relationship building: The ability to connect with others and build organic relationships with customers, staff, stakeholders, community, etc.
  • Analytical: Using critical thinking to process data and evaluate challenges and potential solutions.
  • Results-driven: The ability to stay focused and motivated to achieve results with excellence.
  • Integrity: Working and behaving in a manner that upholds morals and ethics. Being honest and forthcoming, with a high level of discretion. 
  • Diversity: Valuing and promoting diverse communities and experiences in the workplace. 
  • Flexibility: The ability to go with the flow and not hold too tightly to ways of working or outcomes. 
  • Creativity: Generating ideas and possibilities that are outside of the box. Additionally, may refer to a person with an artistic skill set such as design, writing, photography, etc. 
  • Time-management: Demonstrates the ability to establish project timeframes and meet deadlines. 
  • Detail-oriented: The ability to look at things on a micro-level—always dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.

If you’re looking for core competencies for your resume, this list is a start. You can add your own or take some from the list. Just make sure your professional experience and abilities back up your stated competencies.

30 examples of core competencies by position

The list of core competencies above can provide inspiration and a starting point. But here you can see some examples of core competencies by position. 

1. Web designer

  • Detail-oriented
  • Customer-centered
  • Results-driven

2. Marketing professional

  • Time-management
  • Flexibility
  • Problem-solving
  • Decision-making 

3. Nonprofit program director

  • Strategic planning

4. Sales executive 

  • Relationship building
  • Adaptability

5. Human Resources manager 

6. Project manager

7. Medical assistant 

8. Construction worker 

  • Decision-making

9. Music teacher 

10. Customer service representative

  • Initiative 

11. Engineer 

12. Accountant 

  • Problem-solving 

13. Hair Stylist 

  • Relationship building 

14. Journalist 

15. Manager 

  • Conflict resolution

18. Editor 

19. Banker 

20. Administrative assistant 

  • Customer-centered 

22. Pharmacist

  • Flexibility 

23. Psychologist 

  • Conflict-resolution
  • Adaptability 

24. IT manager 

25. Real estate agent 

26. Librarian 

27. Food service worker 

28. Career counselor 

  • Leadership 

29. Financial advisor 

30. Massage therapist 

These positions make up a wide range of industries and each has a different set of core competencies. If you don’t see your role listed, you can use a position that’s skill-adjacent to help you identify your core competencies.

How to list core competencies on your resume

After you identify core competencies, narrow them down based on the position. Once you have the list ready, here’s how to list core competencies on a resume:

Create a resume core competencies section 

Many people wonder where to put core competencies on a resume and the place that makes the most sense is under your name and contact information. You want them front and center so potential employers can see them right away. 

Choose a format

Remember, your core competencies should be short and sweet. When you add them, choose a format and be consistent. You can use either bullet points or vertical lines to separate them. 

Core competencies on a resume example #1

  • Strategic Planning

Core competencies on a resume example #2

Communication | Leadership | Strategic Planning 

Add them to your resume 

The final step is to put your competencies on your resume. Double-check the spelling and formatting. Review the job description again so you can feel confident you’re adding the best ones. 

Pro tip: some organizations actually publish the core competencies they’re looking for, removing the guesswork. That way everyone is on the same page with what’s needed to excel and serve in the role. Of course, you should only list the core competencies that match your strengths, so you’re not starting the relationship with a lie or getting caught in an awkward moment. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) outlines the top eight core competencies required for special agents to excel, including: 

  • Flexibility and Adaptability
  • Interpersonal Ability
  • Problem Solving and Judgment
  • Organizing and Planning

If you want to apply for a role with the FBI, identify what items on the list match your core competencies. Then you can create an FBI core competencies resume section. 

Some examples might look like:

Or, you could use vertical bars to keep core competencies to one line: 

Collaboration | Initiative | Problem Solving | Flexibility

To see if you can find any intel, search the name of the company you’re applying to and “core competencies.”

It’s not just companies that use core competencies either. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) published the 15 core competencies for medical students entering school:

  • Service orientation
  • Social skills
  • Cultural competence
  • Oral communication
  • Ethical responsibility to self and others
  • Reliability and dependability
  • Resilience and adaptability
  • Capacity for improvement
  • Critical thinking
  • Quantitative reasoning
  • Scientific inquiry
  • Written communication
  • Living systems
  • Human behavior

After graduation, doctors are in a public-facing role where quick thinking and adaptability are key. They work with a range of people and handle sensitive information. AAMC clearly communicates the core competencies required to excel in this position. 

You don’t need to work for the FBI or become a doctor for core competencies to be relevant. Every organization has them whether they publish them or not.

Using the Resume Skills Management feature inside Teal’s Resume Builder can streamline this process for you. 

Why you need to add core competencies to your resume 

Having a core competency section on your resume makes it easier for hiring managers to assess your strengths and identify whether you’re a good fit. Tailor your resume and core competencies for every job so it's specific to each role and company. 

Companies want a candidate whose core competencies can help them fill the gaps and drive results. Your goal is to communicate how and why you’re the person who can do that best. 

Revising your resume is easy to do with Teal’s AI-powered Resume Builder and its Resume Skills Management feature. Try it out for free and create new resumes in a few simple steps. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s another word for core competencies on a resume.

Core competencies are included in a resume, but you may not call them that. Another word for core competencies on your resume could be “strengths,” “capabilities,” or “proficiencies.”

What are the seven core competencies?

Core competencies can be used in business. The seven core competencies for business are business acumen, agile frameworks, organizational ability, efficient processes, continuous learning, product and technology development, and customer focus.

What are the four common competencies?

Four common competencies desired by employers include communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and professionalism, according to The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2024 report. 

What are the three core competencies describe them?

There are a variety of core competencies, but some of the top three are communication, creativity, and collaboration. Communication can include writing and speaking, creativity is the potential for ideas, and collaboration is the ability to work together with others on a project or toward shared goals. 

What are the three levels of competence?

There are different levels of competence and ways they are described. In one example, the three levels of competence can illustrate skill and expertise levels. These include working, journey, and expert.

presentation competence cv

Melanie Lockert

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50+ best examples of CV skills to put on your CV


Recruiters do not hire people because of their looks, to help them earn a living, or because of their great sense of humour. The only reason recruiters hire people is because of the skills, abilities and talents they bring to the organisation.

That is it!

The best way to demonstrate your key skills and abilities to the recruiter is by putting them on your CV. Your CV skills will tell the prospective employer that you have the relevant expertise, abilities and know-how to do your job well.

Example of a skills section of a CV (IT professional):


In this article you will find out:

  • What skills are and its different types
  • Examples of skills that you can put on your CV (from all industries)
  • How to write your CV’s skills section and supercharge it for winning interviews!

The 2 different types of skills

Before we dig a lot deeper, let us get to grips with the basics.

Skills can generally be divided into two parts:

  • Soft skills: Personal qualities , attributes, characteristics, abilities or traits that enable one to interact and work with others. Examples of soft skills include leadership and interpersonal skills, professional attitude, work ethic and flexibility. Skills that fall under this category are intangible and difficult to quantify, but still very much sought after by employers.
  • Hard skills: Specific, quantifiable and teachable skills that enable one to do their job to a good standard. Examples of hard skills include the ability to code, service a car or do complex math calculations. Job-related skills generally fall under this category.

The importance of putting skills in your CV

Some candidates only list down their qualifications and job responsibilities without mentioning any competencies that they possess.

Big mistake!

As previously stated, the only reason employers are interested in you is because of your abilities that add value to their business or organisation.

Your CV is your personal marketing brochure and its aim is to convince the employer that can make a valuable contribution to their organisation. How will you be able to convince the employer of this if you do not include your core skills in your CV?

Your CV is supposed to “sell” you to the employer!

It becomes glaringly clear that if you want to impress the employer your CV should be packed with examples of your skills and abilities that will add value to their organisation. This is the only way of securing a job interview.

Examples of skills to put on your CV

Below you will find lists of key skills that you can write in your CV.

These examples of skills include job-related skills (which are specific to the job), as well as transferable skills (which are applicable to multiple jobs).

Skill or competencyDescription
The ability to communicate effectively with clients, colleagues and external stakeholders.
Having a long-term vision and leading a team of other professionals.
Working effectively within a team to accomplish key objectives.
The ability to appropriately delegate or assign work and tasks to others.
Managing other people according to the key principles of leadership and management.
Supervising junior staff members.
Providing outstanding customer service at all times and to all customers, including dealing with customer queries and complaints.
Managing workload, meeting deadlines and being organised at all times.
Dealing with others in a courteous and professional manner.
Using appropriate techniques to move others to action or to gain agreements.
Skill or competencyDescription
The ability to write clear and concise reports, documents, emails and letters.
Typing with great speed and high accuracy.
Ability to type-up large amounts of data into electronic systems without mistakes.
Being able to organise folders, documentation, projects, tasks and business activities.
Having the ability to make phone calls by speaking clearly and slowly in a professional manner.
Photocopying, scanning, organising folders, answering customer queries, etc.
Ensuring that no “small details” are overlooked during tasks, activities and projects.
Skill or competencyDescription
Using appropriate persuasion techniques to make customers and clients purchase the organisation’s products or services.
Ensuring that the needs of the customers are always put first and that they are provided with excellent customer service at all times. Living by the motto, “The customer is king.”
Managing one’s time effectively, especially when working on multiple projects or with various clients at the same time.
Having the ability to communicate and interact well with others around you.
Thinking outside the box and coming up with valuable and innovative ideas.
Having excellent knowledge of the selling process and having the ability to sell products and services to prospective clients.
The ability to speak comfortably in front of a group of people.
Negotiating effectively with clients or suppliers.
Working with numbers and figures.
Using Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to improve a website’s ranking in the search engines.
Devising and managing marketing campaigns.
Skill or competencyDescription
Dealing with numbers, figures and calculations in a financial context and keeping records of all the financial affairs of the business.
Having a sound commercial awareness and knowledge of business conventions, practices and strategies.
The ability to analyse business finances, market information, accounts and investment opportunities and risks.
Doing investigations into the wider economy, job sectors, individual companies or market trends.
Ensuring that no “small details” are overlooked when performing financial analysis.
Having excellent knowledge of information technology (IT), including Microsoft Office and financial software & systems.
Solving key business or finance issues for both companies and individuals.
Producing detailed financial statements related to the organisation’s income and expenditure for a given period in the future.
Producing detailed financial reports, statements, audits and presentations.
Skill or competencyDescription
Having in-depth knowledge and experience of computers, IT systems and networks.
The ability to identify and solve hardware or software problems as a matter of urgency.
Expert knowledge in the technical aspects of the job and being able to communicate it effectively to both technical and non-technical audiences.
Working with cables, extensions, devices, projectors and other IT or audiovisual (AV) equipment on a daily basis.
Being able to code in multiple programming languages including C, Java and PHP.
Creating and managing databases using appropriate data management techniques.
The ability to test software to determine its correctness, completeness and functionality.
The ability to set-up, upgrade, maintain and manage IT networks.
Possessing sound knowledge of media production and having the ability to work with media equipment including AV devices, recording equipment, lighting, studio sets, etc.
Skill or competencyDescription
Having the ability to “think outside the box” and come up with novel ideas, concepts or designs.
Using design software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and AutoCAD programs to produce excellent designs that meet user requirements.
Being able to identify and specify a measurement, lines and borders with precision and working with it accordingly.
Working with people of diverse skill sets and professional backgrounds to achieve a common goal.
Skill or competencyDescription
Having the ability to speak in front of a large audience (i.e. students, parents or clients) in a clear and audible fashion.
Caring about the needs of the students and ensuring that they receive the best possible education to thrive, grow and reach their full potentials.
Excellent communication skills to interact with students, parents, staff and other professionals.
Having the ability to listen to the needs, questions, concerns and ideas of students or clients.
Producing written handouts, PowerPoint presentations and class activities that are free from spelling and grammar mistakes.
Having the ability to read selectively and with focus.
Planning lessons, class exercises, outdoor trips, events and other activities.
Allocating one’s own time in a systematic manner to complete work efficiently.
Observing students or clients during their examinations or class/training activities.
Reviewing and marking exams, homework and class activities.
Having the ability to lead, support and inspire students or clients to reach their full potentials.
Skill or competencyDescription
Possessing strong knowledge of science and scientific methods.
The ability to use scientific methodologies and procedures to investigate problems and propose meaningful and practical solutions.
Analysing and processing a great variety of scientific data, statistics and information.
The ability to conduct scientific research into a variety of subjects and issues.
Skill or competencyDescription
Lifting and handling heavy goods, equipment and building materials.
Methodically planning different projects and meeting deadlines ahead of schedule.
Keeping a close eye on the projects, materials, workers and third-party contractors while also ensuring that no “small details” are overlooked when working on construction projects.
The flexibility to handle different jobs, tasks and projects when required.
Managing building and construction projects, sites and workers.
Bricklaying, digging trenches and ditches, fixing steel sheets, bending and fixing metal bars and laying kerbs.
Skill or competencyDescription
The ability to speak a foreign language. Particularly useful when working in large international organisations, politics or in the public sector. It demonstrates to the employer that you are a learner and that you can easily deal with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Driving shows that you are skilful and that you won’t have any problems with work-related travels (if and when required).

How to select the best skills to put in your CV

Decision time!

The best way to determine which key skills to include in your CV is to read the job’s specification or description and identify the competencies that the job requires.

Below is a typical job vacancy with the professional skills identified and highlighted:


A job description is an absolute goldmine of information about the key skills, competencies and abilities that are required for the job!

Once you have identified them, you can now start to write your CV skills section by matching your own abilities with the competencies required for the job.

How to write the skills section of your CV

What not to do.

Some candidates wrongly list down their abilities as follows:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Excellent eye for detail
  • I can work independently as well as in a team

This is kind of vague and boring, right?

There is a far better more effective way of doing it!

Each entry of your CV skills section should ideally:

  • Be constructed in meaningful and descriptive sentences
  • Contain facts such as numbers, figures and statistics (if possible)
  • Contain real-world examples

Examples of how to write your professional skills on your CV

  • IT skills: Experienced in using Microsoft Office, Outlook and Lotus Notes. Having worked with IT organisations before, I am familiar with the latest trends in the industry.
  • Sales: I am an excellent sales professional, demonstrated in my previous role as a Sales Representative where I exceeded my sales targets by at least 25% for six consecutive months.
  • Advanced communication skills: Reflected in my ability to explain complex design systems to colleagues and clients, and liaising effectively with a range of departments.
  • Attention to detail: Adept at dealing with multitudes of information and data, some nearly identical, without any mistakes or omissions.

That is better much better!

Where in your CV do you include your key skills and competencies?

Location on a CV + examples

There are two places in your CV where you should add your skills and abilities:

This is a dedicated section on the second page of your CV:


This is the CV format and location that we recommend because it makes it easier for the employer to find your competencies without having to read every single sentence of your CV, line-by-line, to search for it.

In fact, research has shown that employers tend to skim or scan the candidate’s CVs rather than thoroughly read them.


Another popular place where you should mention your key skills is in the personal profile section of your CV :

The personal profile statement is at the top of your CV (on the first page). This makes it prominent and will less likely be overlooked by recruiters.

  • Prospective employers are only interested in the skills, talents and abilities that you bring to the table.
  • An effective way to drastically improve the impact of your CV is to include your key skills on it.
  • Only include those professional skills that match the competencies on the job description of the job that you are applying for.
  • There are two locations where you can do this; in the personal profile section and in the CV skills section. Both these parts should complement (not repeat) each other.
  • Ideally, you should aim to write all your skills and competencies in descriptive sentences, backed by facts, figures and real-world examples.

Working on your CV? Awesome!

  • How Long Should a CV Be? (The Definitive Guide – 2024)
  • What personal details to put on a CV (2024 Guide + Examples)
  • 18 CV Templates | CV Template Word Downloads + Tips
  • What is a CV? (Definition + 2024 Guide)

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25 Compétences à Mettre dans un CV en 2024 [+35 Exemples]

25 Compétences à Mettre dans un CV en 2024 [+35 Exemples]

Vos compétences professionnelles sont ce qui intéresse le plus le recruteur. C'est que ce vous savez faire. C'est la valeur ajoutée que vous apportez à l'entreprise. Il est donc crucial de bien indiquer vos compétences dans votre CV si vous voulez obtenir un entretien d'embauche !

Mais comment faire ? Faut-il une rubrique à part ? Faut-il ajouter ses qualités et compétences personnelles dans son CV ? Et surtout, quelles sont les compétences professionnelles à mettre dans un CV en 2024, que ce soit pour un poste de responsable commercial, de chef de produit marketing, de chargé de communication ou encore de comptable ?

Voici un guide pratique avec plein de conseils, d'astuces et d'exemples concrets pour vous aider à mettre en valeur vos compétences dans votre CV !

🚀 Envie de décrocher plus d'entretiens ?

3 Conseils en 3 jours pour faire un CV gagnant.

Quelles sont les compétences à mettre dans un CV ?

Il existe plusieurs types de compétences personnelles et professionnelles :

  • les compétences personnelles que l'on appelle les soft skills et qui correspondent aux qualités personnelles et relationnelles, au savoir-être.
  • les compétences techniques : votre expertise dans un domaine précis en précisant éventuellement votre niveau et votre expérience.
  • les compétences informatiques comme par exemple votre niveau dans un langage de programmation ou votre maîtrise d'un outil informatique.
  • les compétences linguistiques : votre niveau en anglais et dans d'autres langues étrangères.

Les qualités et compétences personnelles doivent figurer dans votre lettre de motivation mais il est possible (et recommandé) de les valoriser dans votre CV (➜ Les qualités à mettre dans un CV avec 25 Exemples ).

Quant à vos compétences professionnelles, il faut bien sûr les mentionner dans votre curriculum vitae et nous allons voir comment dans le paragraphe suivant.

Comment présenter ses compétences dans un CV ?

Voici 3 manières (qui s'additionnent) de mettre en valeur vos compétences dans votre CV (par ordre d'importance) :

  • Ajoutez vos compétences clés dans le profil de votre CV. Choisissez 2 à 3 compétences clés et ajoutez-les dans l'introduction de votre CV ou dans la rubrique A propos de moi (➜ 28 exemples de phrase d'accroche pour CV ).
  • Intégrez vos compétences dans vos expériences professionnelles. Vous pouvez ainsi mettre en contexte votre savoir-faire et votre expertise, ce qui est plus convaincant, et faire le lien avec les compétences requises telles que décrites dans l'offre d'emploi.
  • Ajoutez vos compétences dans une rubrique spécifique. Dans une rubrique "Compétences", "Savoir-faire" ou "Expertise" dans laquelle vous pouvez inclure vos compétences informatiques et autres compétences.

Pour être plus convaincant, soyez précis et ajoutez des chiffres pour décrire vos compétences.

Par exemple, au lieu d'écrire :

❌ Organisation de différents séminaires d'entreprise

Écrivez plutôt :

Collaboration avec un groupe de 4 personnes pour planifier et organiser le séminaire annuel de l'entreprise réunissant 200 employés.

Le deuxième exemple est beaucoup plus convaincant ! Il montre aussi que vous avez collaboré avec d'autres personnes pour l'organisation d'un grand évènement. Cela témoigne de vos compétences sociales : esprit d'équipe, travail en collaboration, talents d'organisation et de planification.

De même, au lieu de se contenter d'écrire :

❌ Participation aux réunions de vente mensuelles

Pourquoi ne pas mettre en valeur vos compétences en communication et vos qualités de présentation à l'oral de cette manière :

Présentation orale des nouveaux produits à 12 clients lors des réunions de vente mensuelles

Que mettre dans la rubrique compétences ? Exemple !

Pour savoir quelles compétences mettre en avant, lisez attentivement l'offre d'emploi, en particulier le paragraphe concernant les qualités et compétences requises.

Une astuce pour bien mettre en valeur vos compétences consiste à les regrouper par thème ou par catégorie, comme dans cet exemple :

SEO Semrush, Sistrix, Techniques de Linkbuilding (Skyscraper) Google Ads, Analytics, Tag Manager Email Marketing Mailchimp, Sendgrid, Mautic

Cette manière d'organiser vos compétences est non seulement plus lisible pour le recruteur mais présente en plus l'avantage de donner de vous l'image d'une personne structurée et efficace.

🪄 Notre conseil : Mentionnez tout ce qui peut ajouter de la crédibilité, comme par exemple une certification, une formation ou un cours en ligne.

Comment décrire ses compétences informatiques dans un CV ?

Quel que soit votre profession, il est aujourd'hui pratiquement indispensable d'avoir des connaissances et des compétences informatiques. C'est une chose à laquelle les recruteurs prêtent attention et qu'il faut mettre en avant dans son curriculum vitae.

Voici un exemple de présentation des compétences informatiques pour un CV en marketing ou en communication :

Bureautique Excel (macros), Rows, PowerPoint, Pitch Design Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign Web CMS (Wordpress, Shopify), CRM (HubSpot), Landing Pages (Unbounce)

Le fait de mentionner des logiciels que le recruteur ne connaît peut-être pas est un moyen astucieux d'attirer son attention sur votre profil ! S'il a la curiosité d'aller voir et que cela peut être utile à l'entreprise, votre expertise sur le sujet est un atout indéniable pour votre candidature.

Attention : Ne précisez pas les logiciels ou outils informatiques trop simples par rapport à votre qualification ou à ce qui est attendu du recruteur. Si vous êtes programmeur web, ne précisez pas que vous maîtrisez Word, PowerPoint ou Windows car c'est une évidence. Écrire cela pourrait faire croire que vos compétences informatiques ne sont pas très élevées.

Voici un exemple de présentation des compétences informatiques pour un CV de développeur web :

Frontend HTML/CSS ● ● ● ● ● ● Javascript ● ● ● ● ● ○ NodeJS ● ● ● ● ○ ○ Backend Django ● ● ● ● ● ○ MongoDB ● ● ● ○ ○ ○ MySQL ● ● ● ● ● ○ Frameworks Symphony, GitLab, Django

Des icônes, des étoiles ou des barres de niveau sont un moyen efficace de représenter votre niveau de compétences informatiques (➜ 150 Icônes pour CV à télécharger ou à copier-coller )

Pour plus d'idées, de conseils et d'astuces, je vous conseille de lire cet article : 5 exemples efficaces pour présenter ses compétences informatiques dans son CV .

🪄 Notre conseil : Au lieu de lister tous les logiciels que vous maîtrisez, organisez-les par catégorie. Ce sera nettement plus lisible pour le recruteur.

Comment décrire ses compétences linguistiques dans un CV ?

Pour de nombreux métiers, être capable de communiquer à l'écrit et à l'oral en anglais et dans d'autres langues étrangères est un atout considérable.

Lorsque vous précisez votre niveau de langue, soyez précis et mentionnez tous les éléments ajoutant de la crédibilité (certificat, cours, stage à l'étranger).

Par exemple, au lieu d'écrire simplement :

❌ Anglais : Bon niveau

Anglais : Excellente compétence professionnelle, TOEIC (2018) : 840/990, stage de 3 mois à Londres (06.2018-09.2018)

Plus convaincant, non ?

Pour plus de conseils, allez voir cet article : Comment Indiquer son Niveau de Langue sur un CV ?

Passons maintenant à la liste des compétences pro à mettre sur son CV.

Liste des 10 compétences professionnelles préférées des recruteurs à mettre sur son CV en 2024

Voyons d'abord quelles sont les qualités personnelles et relationnelles les plus importantes pour les recruteurs en 2024 :

  • Gestion du temps et des priorités
  • Communication
  • Adaptabilité
  • Proactivité et résolution de problèmes
  • Travail d'équipe
  • Compétences interpersonnelles
  • Éthique du travail, professionnalisme et respect des engagements
  • Souci du détail et travail consciencieux

Ces qualités varient selon votre profession. Autant le fait d'être méticuleux est extrêmement important pour un comptable, autant cette qualité n'est pas primordiale pour un poste de vendeur. De même, la créativité est un atout indispensable pour un poste de designer mais peut effrayer un recruteur s'il s'agit d'un poste d'infirmier ou d'infirmière.

Voyons maintenant quelles sont les compétences et les aptitudes les plus importantes pour les recruteurs en 2024 selon le poste auquel vous postulez.

🪄 Notre conseil : Plus vous serez précis, plus vous serez crédible et plus vous vous différencierez des autres candidats. N'écrivez pas "Communication" mais plutôt "Capacité à présenter simplement des idées complexes".

Exemples de compétences à mettre sur son CV par métier (pour 10 métiers)

Que ce soit pour une formation, un master, un stage étudiant ou un emploi, voici les compétences et qualités professionnelles à inclure sur votre curriculum vitae en fonction du domaine dans lequel vous postulez : vente, communication, marketing, management, design, restauration, santé, comptabilité, etc.

1. Compétences pour un CV de téléconseiller

Le service client est le domaine par excellence où les qualités personnelles et relationnelles comptent encore plus que les compétences techniques car il s'agit d'être en contact avec les clients et de les aider à gérer des problèmes, tout en sachant garder son sang-froid.

Voici un exemple pour présenter vos compétences dans une rubrique dédiée dans votre CV de téléconseiller en centre d'appel ou de conseiller clientèle :

CRM Zendesk, Salesforce, HubSpot Logiciels de bureautique Word, Excel, PowerPoint Savoir-faire - Parfaite maîtrise des techniques de gestion des appels téléphoniques - Excellente aisance à l'oral (pour expliquer simplement des instructions complexes) - Capacité à gérer des situations difficiles et à rester patient en toute circonstance

Voici une liste de compétences à mettre sur un CV en centre d'appel et en service client :

  • Maîtrise des techniques de gestion des appels téléphoniques
  • Capacité à analyser les besoins des clients et à trouver rapidement la solution la plus adaptée
  • Connaissances en psychologie et gestion des personnalités difficiles
  • Gestion des emails et des réclamations
  • Maîtrise des outils de bureautique (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Email)
  • Maîtrise des outils de CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tels que Axonaut, Salesforce ou encore HubSpot

Quant aux qualités appréciées chez un téléopérateur, voici quelques exemples :

  • Communication écrite et orale
  • Capacité d'écoute
  • Patience et maîtrise de soi
  • Gestion de conflits et des personnalités difficiles
  • Capacité à adapter son comportement en fonction de son interlocuteur
  • Empathie et capacité à ne pas prendre les choses personnellement
  • Prise de responsabilité et proactivité
  • Professionnalisme

Les compétences linguistiques peuvent être un atout à bien mettre en avant si vous avez à gérer des clients internationaux.

2. Compétences pour un CV de vendeuse / vendeur ou de responsable commercial

La vente a une composante humaine et sociale éminemment importante mais requiert aussi une expérience et un savoir-faire dans les techniques de vente et de négociation.

Voici un exemple efficace de présentation des compétences :

CRM HubSpot, Salesforce, Monday Outils de bureautique Word, Excel, PowerPoint Compétences techniques - Maîtrise des techniques de vente (écoute active et méthode SPIN Selling) - Gestion des encaissements et des retours (logiciel SumUp) - Gestion des stocks et des inventaires

Voici une liste de compétences à mettre en avant sur un CV en vente, pour un poste de directeur ou d'assistant commercial :

  • Connaissance du marché (prêt-à-porter, mode, luxe, hôtellerie-restauration, etc.)
  • Connaissance des types d'argumentaire de vente
  • Maîtrise des techniques de vente et de négociation
  • Logiciels d’encaissement (SumUp, LinéoSoft, Addictill, Zettle)
  • Outils de gestion d’un point de vente (Fastmag, Hiboutik, Hangers)
  • Plateformes de programme de fidélité (Jeudi Merci, ReferralCandy, Qoodos)
  • Outils de bureautique (Microsoft Office, Word, Excel)
  • Comptabilité (gestion des factures)
  • Gestion des stocks et des inventaires
  • Connaissance des normes d’hygiène et de sécurité (pour la restauration)

Certaines qualités relationnelles et sociales sont requises si vous voulez travailler dans la vente, notamment l'aisance à l'oral, le fait d'être sociable voire extraverti (et pas timide), la capacité d'écoute ainsi que des talents de persuasion et de négociation.

Voici une liste de qualités qu'un recruteur attend d'un vendeur ou d'une vendeuse ou d'un responsable commercial :

  • Sociabilité / Sens du relationnel
  • Communication orale et prise de parole en public
  • Négociation / Persuasion
  • Charisme et confiance en soi
  • Dynamisme et Optimisme
  • Enthousiasme et Détermination
  • Persévérance / Ténacité / Opiniâtreté
  • Entreprenant et audacieux
  • Esprit d'équipe
  • Résolution de problèmes

3. Compétences pour un CV de chargé de communication

Pour un poste de chargé de communication, d'assistant ou de chef de projet débutant dans une agence, il est important d'avoir des compétences rédactionnelles, des compétences dans des logiciels de graphisme, des compétences dans la publicité en ligne mais aussi d'avoir de l'expérience dans l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux pour promouvoir un produit ou une marque.

Voici un exemple :

CMS Wordpress, Contentful, Strapi Design Suite Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Canva, PowerPoint Autres compétences - Techniques d'optimisation de la publicité en ligne (Facebook, Instagram) - Stratégies de communication de marque sur LinkedIn et Twitter - Très bonne aisance à l'oral (capacité à enthousiasmer autrui pour mes idées)

Voici quelques exemples de compétences professionnelles très utiles pour un poste de chargé de communication ou de chef de projet :

Logiciels CRM (HubSpot, Monday, SalesForce, Zendesk) Logiciels CMS et E-Commerce (Wordpress, Contentful, Shopify, WooCommerce) Outils de gestion de projet (Monday, Teamwork, Asana, Zoho, Trello) Logiciels de design (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Canva) Logiciels de bureautique (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Pitch, beautiful AI) Logiciels de newsletter (MailChimp, Sendinblue, Sendgrid) Techniques d'optimisation de la publicité en ligne A/B Testing (publicités en ligne, newsletter) Techniques de copywriting Rédaction de contenus accrocheurs Création de contenus qui font le buzz Optimisation des Facebook Ads (Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads) Gestion des relations influenceurs (Instagram, TikTok)

Voici les qualités relationnelles et sociales requises pour un poste de chef de produit, d'assistant ou de responsable communication :

  • Créativité, curiosité et ouverture d'esprit
  • Sens de l'esthétique et attention au détail
  • Esprit d'analyse / Esprit de synthèse
  • Écoute attentive / Autocritique / Feedback constructif
  • Copywriting / Storytelling / Qualités rédactionnelles
  • Prise de parole en public / Présentation orale
  • Capacité d'argumentation et de persuasion
  • Esprit d'équipe / Sens de la collaboration
  • Enthousiasme, Dynamisme et Positivité

4. Compétences pour un CV d'assistant ou responsable marketing

Un poste de chef de projet débutant ou confirmé, d'assistant, de responsable ou de directeur marketing, requiert des compétences professionnelles qu'il faut mettre en avant sur son CV.

Voici un très bon exemple :

SEO SemRush, Sistrix, Google Analytics, Linkbuilding Design / Web Design Adobe Photoshop, Canva, PowerPoint, Unbounce, Webflow Compétences techniques - Techniques d'optimisation du taux de conversion des publicités Facebook et Instagram - Stratégies d'inbound Marketing avec création d'un funnel de conversion - Très bonne communication orale (capacité à enthousiasmer autrui pour mes idées)

Voici une liste de compétences que vous pouvez ajouter à votre CV de chef de projet ou de responsable marketing :

  • Logiciels CMS et E-Commerce (Wordpress, Contentful, Shopify, WooCommerce)
  • Outils de gestion de projet (Monday, Teamwork, Asana, Zoho, Trello)
  • Logiciels CRM (HubSpot, Monday, SalesForce, Zendesk)
  • Logiciels de design (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Canva)
  • Création de sites web et de landing pages (HTML & CSS, Wordpress, Unbounce, Webflow, Wix)
  • Logiciels de bureautique (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Pitch, beautiful AI)
  • Logiciels de newsletter et de marketing automation (MailChimp, Sendinblue, Sendgrid)
  • Techniques d'optimisation de la publicité en ligne
  • A/B Testing (publicités en ligne, newsletter)
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Content Marketing
  • Techniques de copywriting
  • Rédaction de contenus accrocheurs
  • Création de contenus qui font le buzz
  • Optimisation des publicités sur Facebook, Instagram et LinkedIn

Voici les qualités à mettre sur son CV pour un poste en marketing :

  • Créativité et curiosité d'esprit
  • Goût pour les nouvelles tendances
  • Innovant / Créatif / Entreprenant
  • Esprit d'équipe / Esprit collaboratif
  • Esprit de synthèse / Esprit d'analyse
  • Capacité à convaincre et à persuader
  • Capacité à motiver son équipe
  • Communication orale, visuelle et écrite
  • Accepte la critique et sait se remettre en cause
  • Capacités d'adaptation et proactivité
  • Sens de l'esthétique
  • Gestion des priorités

5. Compétences en management pour un CV de chef de projet ou de responsable d'équipe

Un chef de projet, un responsable d'équipe, de même qu'un directeur ou un manager, doit savoir manager et diriger des équipes en vue d'atteindre un objectif commun. Il doit donc disposer de qualités humaines, sociales et interpersonnelles.

Voici un exemple de présentation des compétences pour un CV de chef de projet :

Gestion de projet Monday, Trello, Zoho, Notion CRM Zendesk, Salesforce, HubSpot Autres compétences - Méthodes de gestion de projet (SCRUM, Lean, Scrumban) - Création de plannings précis avec échéances pour des équipes de 10-15 personnes - Très bonne aisance à l'oral (capacité à enthousiasmer autrui pour mes idées)

Voici les les compétences que doit posséder un chef de projet ou un manager :

  • Logiciels no-code / low-code d'automatisation des process (Airtable, Notion, Make, Zapier)
  • Maîtrise des méthodes de gestion de projet (Agile, SCRUM, Lean, Kanban, Scrumban)
  • Création et Suivi des KPI
  • Plannification, suivi des échéances
  • Compétences rédactionnelles

Si vous êtes chef de projet IT, vous devez montrer que vous possédez des connaissances informatiques et êtes capable de gérer une équipe de développeurs.

Voici les qualités en management à mettre sur un CV de manager ou de directeur de département :

  • Leadership & Prise d'initiatives
  • Capacité à donner des instructions claires et à déléguer
  • Communication verbale / Sait communiquer avec pédagogie
  • Capacité à motiver et à créer une dynamique de groupe
  • Gestion des priorités / Planification rigoureuse
  • Sens de l'organisation / Esprit structuré / Capacités de planification
  • Dynamique et Enthousiaste
  • Visionnaire & Entreprenant
  • Esprit d'analyse et de synthèse
  • Proactivité & Capacité à rebondir
  • Sens des responsabilités
  • Sens de l'écoute, Tact et Diplomatie
  • Résolution proactive des problèmes
  • Agilité et Adaptabilité
  • Persuasif et convaincant
  • Ambitieux, Déterminé et Persévérant

L'autorité, le leadership, la détermination ainsi que la gestion des conflits interpersonnels sont autant de qualités requises lorsque l'on doit gérer une équipe.

6. Compétences pour un CV de développeur web, d'informaticien ou d'ingénieur informatique

Les atouts d'un programmeur, développeur web ou informaticien sont ses compétences informatiques, sa maîtrise des langages de programmation et ses connaissances dans les outils et stacks techniques. Il faut donc mettre en avant ces compétences et préciser son niveau.

Une entreprise utilisant un certain stack recherchera de préférence un développeur connaissant voire utilisant déjà le même stack. Il est donc important d'avoir une rubrique compétences informatiques très lisible.

Voici un exemple de rubrique compétences informatiques bien structurée :

compétences informatiques CV développeur web

➜ Modèle de CV Développeur Web Front End

En plus des compétences techniques en informatique, un programmeur ou développeur web doit aussi posséder des qualités intellectuelles telles que l'esprit d'analyse, la rigueur intellectuelle, la logique, l'organisation et la persévérance.

Voici les compétences à mettre sur un CV informatique :

  • langages de programmation (en précisant bien votre niveau)
  • logiciels utilisés
  • Outils informatiques de gestion de projet (Asana, Jira, Airtable)
  • Votre manière de coder / vos principes de programmation (DRY par exemple)

Voici les qualités à mettre sur un CV en programmation ou pour un poste de développeur informatique :

  • Esprit analytique et logique
  • Rigoureux et Perfectionniste / Souci du détail
  • Structuré / Organisé
  • Capacité d'apprentissage rapide
  • Curiosité d'esprit / Passionnée par les évolutions technologiques
  • Patient et Persévérant
  • Gestion du stress

🪄 Notre conseil : Ajoutez à l'intérieur de vos expériences professionnelles les langages de programmation et outils que vous avez utilisés (par exemple sous forme de tags).

7. Compétences pour un CV comptable

Un bon comptable doit non seulement avoir des compétences techniques, de l'expérience mais aussi posséder des qualités humaines.

Indiquez sur votre CV les logiciels de comptabilité que vous utilisez. Vous pouvez les préciser lorsque vous listez vos expériences professionnelles et les missions accomplies.

Logiciels de comptabilité SAGE, Quickbooks, PeopleSoft Excel Tableaux croisés dynamiques, RechercheV, Macros Logiciels de BDD Oracle, Microsoft Access

Voici des exemples de compétences à mettre sur un CV de comptable :

  • Maîtrise des logiciels de comptabilité (Quickbooks, Sage, Regate, Salesforce Billing, Netsuite, PeopleSoft, etc.)
  • Intégration ERP (SAP, Salesforce)
  • Opérations de comptabilité générale
  • Prévisions budgétaires
  • Analyse des flux de trésorerie
  • Optimisation de la gestion des flux de trésorerie
  • Comptabilité analytique
  • Gestion du crédit et de la dette
  • Comptabilité financière
  • Conformité financière
  • Rapports financiers (mensuels et annuels)
  • Clôture mensuelle et annuelle
  • Préparation de comptes et suivi (hebdomadaire, mensuel, annuel)
  • Comptabilité légale
  • Planification de l'impôt sur le revenu
  • Comptabilité de gestion
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Gestion de la paie
  • Rapprochements bancaires
  • Facturation clients
  • Prévision des recettes
  • Préparation des impôts
  • Déclarations fiscales et sociales
  • Déclaration de TVA / Calcul de la TVA intracommunautaire

Outre ces compétences techniques, il faut également avoir des qualités personnelles pour un poste en comptabilité :

  • Organisation et rigueur
  • Précision / Souci du détail / Méticuleux
  • Esprit analytique / Raisonnement déductif
  • Vivacité d'esprit

8. Compétences pour un CV infirmière - infirmier

Les métiers de la santé, médecin, infirmier ou encore aide-soignant, requièrent de longues études et l'acquisition de nombreuses compétences techniques. Les compétences sociales sont toutefois aussi très importantes dans la relation avec les patients.

Voici un exemple de rubrique compétences pour un CV d'infirmière ou d'infirmier :

Logiciels informatiques Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Doctolib Compétences techniques - Respect de l'hygiène et de la réglementation - Accompagnement des personnes atteintes de pathologies chroniques - Gestion du planning de soins médicaux pour faciliter les tâches des médecins - Éducation des patients sur les bonnes pratiques de santé

Voici les compétences à mettre sur un CV d'infirmier ou d'infirmière (ou d'aide-soignante / aide-soignant) :

  • Gestion des tâches administratives : suivi du dossier médical, gestion des plannings de soins, organisation des entrées et sorties des patients
  • Suivi des stocks de médicaments et de matériel de soins
  • Connaissances des règles d’asepsie
  • Gestion du planning de soins médicaux pour faciliter les tâches des médecins
  • Suivi des dossiers médicaux des patients et évaluation des patients
  • Administration de médicaments et intraveineuses
  • Suivi pré et postopératoire des patients
  • Suivi de l’état du patient pendant son traitement (effets secondaires, pansements)
  • Éducation des patients sur les bonnes pratiques de santé
  • Suivi des aides-soignants et accompagnement des soins prodigués
  • Communication avec les équipes du corps médical et coordination de la chaîne de soins

Pour plus d'exemples et de conseils, voir notre article : 10 Compétences d'Infirmière (IDE) à mettre sur son CV

Voici les qualités à mettre dans un CV d'infirmier ou d'infirmière (ou d'aide-soignante / aide-soignant) :

  • Éthique du travail
  • Travail d'équipe et Attitude positive
  • Gestion du temps et des priorités / Gestion du stress
  • Confiance en soi
  • Sens de l'écoute / Attitude réceptive
  • Empathie / Intelligence émotionnelle
  • Capacité à communiquer avec tact et diplomatie
  • Capacité à mettre en confiance
  • Perfectionniste / Souci du détail

9. Compétences pour un CV d'aide-soigante ou d'aide-soignant

Peut-être plus encore que l'infirmier, l'aide-soignant est un métier dans lequel l'humain est au coeur. Les compétences personnelles y sont par conséquent primordiales.

Voici un exemple de rubrique compétences pour un CV d'aide-soignante ou d'aide-soignant :

Logiciels informatiques Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Doctolib Compétences techniques - Très bonnes connaissances des règles d’hygiène et d'asepsie - Accompagnement des malades impotents et soutien dans leur déplacement - Gestion des plannings des aide-soignants, organisation des visites des familles de patients - Soutien psychologique aux patients et à leurs proches

Voici quelques exemples de compétences à mettre sur un CV d'infirmier ou d'infirmière (ou d'aide-soignante / aide-soignant) :

  • Accompagnement des patients dans la réalisation de leurs soins quotidiens
  • Très bonnes connaissances des règles d’hygiène et d'asepsie
  • Mesure de la pression artérielle et du rythme respiratoire
  • Vérification de l'état des pansements et des drains
  • Suivi de la prise de médicaments par les patients
  • Aide à la toilette et à l'habillage
  • Préparation des repas et suivi des régimes alimentaires spécifiques
  • Gestion de malades impotents et soutien dans leur déplacement ou changement de position
  • Observation de l'état de santé psychologique des patients (ou des résidents d'un EHPAD)

Pour plus d'exemples et de conseils, voir notre article : 10 Compétences d'Aide-Soignante à mettre dans son CV .

Voici les qualités à mettre dans un CV d'aide-soignant ou d'aide-soignante :

  • Sens de l'écoute / Qualités d'écoute
  • Qualités d'écoute, de patience et d'empathie
  • Sens de l'observation
  • Communication avec tact et bienveillance
  • Capacité à créer une relation de confiance
  • Qualités pédagogiques

10. Compétences pour un CV dans la restauration ou l'hôtellerie en tant que cuisinier, serveur ou serveuse

Le métier de la restauration exige une maîtrise, un savoir-faire et des aptitudes certaines mais aussi des qualités personnelles ainsi qu'un savoir-être irréprochable, atouts qu'il faut mette en avant dans son curriculum vitae !

Voici un exemple de mise en valeur de ses compétences dans un CV de cuisinier :

Logiciels informatiques Word, Excel, SumUp (gestion de caisse), Référencement de sites web sur Google Compétences techniques - Connaissances en œnologie (Master of Wine Niveau 2) - Connaissances en cuisine végétarienne indienne - Gestion du planning des équipes en cuisine - Connaissance des normes hygiène (Formation HACCP)

Voici les compétences à valoriser dans un CV dans la restauration, en tant que cuisinier, serveur ou serveuse :

  • Préparation de salle / Préparation des couverts
  • Connaissance des produits (préciser selon la spécialité du restaurant)
  • Connaissance des normes d’hygiène et de sécurité alimentaire (HACCP)
  • Prise de commande et encaissement (précisez les logiciels que vous savez utiliser)
  • Confection de plats, entrées ou desserts (en précisant à l'aide d'exemples) en conformité avec les instructions du chef de cuisine
  • Gestion des stocks et des approvisionnements
  • Gestion des réseaux sociaux (Instagram)
  • Connaissances en optimisation du référencement de sites Internet sur Google

Voici les qualités à indiquer sur un CV dans la restauration, en tant que cuisinier, serveur ou serveuse :

  • Organisation
  • Précision & Efficacité
  • Maîtrise de soi
  • Attitude positive
  • Passion pour le métier
  • Gestion des conflits
  • Professionnalisme & Prise de responsabilité
  • Fiable et Respectueux des consignes
  • Ponctualité / Assiduité

Pour vous démarquer des autres candidats et sortir du lot, pas besoin de mettre des compétences originales sur votre CV. Suivez ces 3 conseils :

  • Soyez précis dans la description de vos compétences et organisez-les par catégorie
  • Ajoutez des compétences liées (plus ou moins directement) au poste comme par exemple des logiciels de graphisme pour un poste en marketing ou en communication
  • Incluez des logiciels récents ou nouveaux

Avec tous ces exemples, vous devriez réussir à présenter et bien mettre en valeur sur votre CV vos compétences professionnelles et vos qualités personnelles et relationnelles !

Jérôme Feys

Jérôme Feys

Fondateur de Jobimpact

Fondateur de Jobimpact, expert en recrutement et diplômé de l'ESCP Europe, j'ai corrigé plus de 1500 CV. Depuis 2015, je partage mon expertise, livre des astuces et conseils pratiques sur la rédaction de CV et de lettre de motivation ainsi que sur les techniques pour réussir son entretien d'embauche.

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5 data entry skills to put on your resume in 2024.

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Communication and presentation skills remains the most essential skill set needed by knowledge ... [+] workers, especially in remote settings

Data entry professionals, and word processors and typists are ranked among the fastest declining occupations in 2024, plummeting by 38% and 25% respectively, according to data by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics .

So do we still need data entry skills? And if so, why?

The answer is yes—but not in the way you might have imagined. Although data entry jobs are disappearing per se, the skills needed for them are essential foundations for most white-collar jobs. Additionally, some of the data-focused jobs that have emerged as in-demand in the past couple of years, such as data scientists and data analysts, require skills that, if included within your resume, would set you apart from other candidates and improve your chances of landing your desired role.

For example, adding a technical skill such as Python or Tableau to your resume demonstrates to employers that you are committed to ongoing professional development, as these go beyond the everyday typing skills that office workers are all familiar with.

This also increases the likelihood of your employer putting you forward for promotions, transferring to a new department or role for career progression, or even, in some instances, creating an entirely new position for you, relevant to the skills you have gained.

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So, the question is, what data entry skills which are relevant and needed by employers today, should you put on your resume?

1. Communication And Presentation Skills

Out of all the skills in demand within the workforce today and especially amongst white-collar professionals, communication and presentation skills are one of the most essential. In fact, LinkedIn listed communication skills as being the number one needed skill in the workplace in its In-Demand Skills 2024 report .

Especially if you are aspiring towards leadership or management roles, you should highlight your ability to communicate information clearly and concisely, convey critical data and liaise effectively with stakeholders at multiple organizational levels, and also include any experience delivering reports and presentations in meetings.

Any experience you have in remote working will also prove advantageous because you can use this to demonstrate your skills in collaborating and sharing data with teams and clients using remote collaboration software.

2. CRM Skills

Another critical data entry skill to include in your resume is your familiarity and expertise level with CRM software. It could be a software that is industry-specific, (for example, Oracle Hospitality OPERA for hotels), or it could be Salesforce or another CRM. Gaining appropriate certifications in these software tools (for example, Salesforce Administrator) can boost your resume and you can add these to your skills and/or certificates section.

Add certifications for industry-specific software and CRMs to your resume

3. Data Analysis Skills

Data analysis is one of the most in-demand skills of 2024, being ranked as the number one most-needed technical skill by Springboard in their 2024 State of The Workforce Skills Gap report . Analytics was also included in LinkedIn's round-up of in-demand skills for this year.

Whether you work or desire to work directly in data analytics or not, it helps to have this listed on your resume, as data analysis skills can be an asset in several roles, such as:

  • Digital marketing manager
  • Social media marketing manager
  • Social media marketing coordinator
  • Sales manager/director
  • UX/UI designer

4. Advanced Excel Skills

Whether your organization uses Google Sheets or Excel, having an advanced knowledge of Excel can be helpful to your career and align you with more job opportunities of listed on your resume. You can also include any advanced training or Microsoft Excel certifications you have received in your resume's certifications section as well.

With advanced Excel skills, you can take tables of data from a CRM and analyze them, create tables or other visual representations for report-writing and presentation purposes, and undertake analysis to recognize patterns, trends, and themes.

5. Critical Thinking Skills

Finally, adding critical thinking is another must-have skill to add to your resume. After all, being able to manage and input data is not enough if you don't know how to act on your analysis. Forming conclusions and making data-backed decisions from the array of data you have available, takes data entry skills to an entirely new level, and enables you to not only make sense of the data, but actually put it to good use and transform business operations—a skill needed in leadership and management roles.

Learning advanced Excel skills is useful, even if you use Sheets

If you can do all three—arrange and enter data, compare and analyze it, and form conclusions based on the data findings presented—you will be an asset to any employer. Including the above five skills on your resume, alongside examples of them in practice, will help you to secure your dream job.

Rachel Wells

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Que mettre sur son CV lorsqu’on est sans expérience professionnelle ?

Pas d’expérience professionnelle ? Pas de panique ! Apprenez à mettre en avant vos compétences et vos expériences académiques sur votre CV pour réussir votre recherche de stage ou d’alternance voire même pour postuler à un nouvelle formation.

Rédiger un CV sans expérience professionnelle est à la fois un défi à relever, et une opportunité de montrer vos compétences et vos atouts sous un autre jour. Crédit photo : Ecole SKEMA.

Lorsque vous débutez votre cursus, votre expérience professionnelle n’est pas très importante mais il est toujours possible de développer vos multiples autres expériences pour valoriser votre personnalité.

Quels éléments mettre en avant sur un CV sans expérience ?

Rédiger un CV sans expérience professionnelle est à la fois un défi à relever, et une opportunité de montrer vos compétences et vos atouts sous un autre jour. Voici les éléments à mettre en avant pour capter l’attention des recruteurs :

  • Les formations académiques : Mettez en avant vos diplômes, certifications et formations suivies. Précisez les matières principales étudiées, les projets notables réalisés, et toute mention ou distinction obtenue. Si vous avez effectué des travaux de recherche, des mémoires ou des projets en groupe, décrivez-les brièvement en soulignant les éventuelles compétences acquises ;
  • Les stages et projets scolaires : Même si ce ne sont pas des emplois rémunérés, les stages et projets scolaires sont des expériences précieuses (stage de troisième et stage de seconde). Détaillez les missions réalisées, les compétences développées et les résultats obtenus. Mentionnez les logiciels utilisés, les méthodes de travail adoptées et les collaborations avec d’autres étudiants ou professionnels ;
  • Les compétences techniques et informatiques : Listez l’ensemble de vos connaissances techniques, qu’il s’agisse de logiciels spécifiques, de langages de programmation, ou de connaissances en analyse de données. Soyez précis et indiquez votre niveau de maîtrise pour chaque compétence ;
  • Les compétences comportementales (soft skills) : Les recruteurs apprécient les candidats dotés de compétences comportementales telles que la communication, le travail en équipe, la gestion du temps et la résolution de problèmes. Intégrez des exemples concrets illustrant comment vous avez développé et mis en pratique ces compétences dans un contexte académique ou autre ;
  • Les activités extrascolaires et le bénévolat : Les engagements associatifs, sportifs ou artistiques tendent à démontrer votre esprit d’équipe, votre leadership, et votre sens des responsabilités. Décrivez tout ce que vous avez retiré de ces activités.

Comment valoriser ses formations dans un CV sans expérience ?

Pour valoriser vos formations dans un CV sans expérience, il convient de les présenter de manière claire et stratégique. Créez de préférence une section dédiée intitulée « Formations » ou « Éducation ». Listez vos diplômes du plus récent au plus ancien, en mentionnant le nom de l’établissement, le titre du diplôme, et les dates de début et de fin.

Au sein de cette section, mettez en avant les matières principales et les projets significatifs réalisés durant vos études. Par exemple, si vous avez effectué un projet de recherche, décrivez brièvement son sujet, les méthodes utilisées et les résultats obtenus. Soulignez également les compétences spécifiques développées, telles que la gestion de projet, la rédaction de rapports ou l’utilisation de logiciels spécialisés. Valorisez aussi les projets ou travaux à plusieurs : pour montrer votre capacité à travailler à plusieurs, un pré-requis pour n’importe qu’elle entreprise ou future formation visée.

Si vous avez reçu des distinctions académiques, telles que des mentions ou des prix, n’hésitez pas à les inclure. Elles témoignent de votre excellence et de votre engagement dans vos études. Enfin, si vous avez participé à des activités parascolaires, comme des clubs universitaires ou des compétitions académiques, intégrez-les dans cette section pour montrer votre dynamisme et votre implication au-delà des cours.

Comment mettre en avant ses expériences personnelles dans un CV ?

Mettre en avant vos expériences personnelles dans un CV peut compenser l’absence d’expérience professionnelle et démontrer vos compétences et qualités !

  • Activités bénévoles et associatives : Si vous avez participé à des activités bénévoles ou fait partie d’associations, mentionnez-les en détaillant vos rôles et responsabilités. Soulignez au passage les qualités professionnelles développées, telles que le leadership, la gestion de projets ou la communication ;
  • Projets personnels : Les projets personnels, qu’ils soient techniques, artistiques ou entrepreneuriaux, montrent votre initiative et votre passion. Décrivez ces projets, les objectifs atteints et les compétences acquises. Par exemple, la création d’un blog peut illustrer vos compétences en rédaction et en gestion de contenu ;
  • Compétences linguistiques et certifications : Indiquez vos capacités linguistiques et toute certification obtenue (TOEFL, DELF, etc.). C’est un atout considérable, pour des postes nécessitant une maîtrise de langues étrangères ;
  • Loisirs et centres d’intérêt : Les loisirs peuvent révéler des compétences et des qualités personnelles pertinentes pour le poste. En effet, la pratique d’un sport d’équipe peut démontrer votre esprit d’équipe et votre persévérance ;
  • Cours en ligne et formations informelles : Mentionnez les cours en ligne ou les formations informelles suivies sur des plateformes spécialisées. Ces initiatives montrent votre volonté d’apprendre et de vous perfectionner en continu.

Comment valoriser ses centres d’intérêt dans un CV ?

Pour valoriser vos centres d’intérêt dans un CV sans expérience, sélectionnez ceux qui sont les plus pertinents pour le poste visé, les plus en adéquation avec vos ambitions. Créez une section « Centres d’intérêt » et soyez précis dans vos descriptions. Ne vous contentez pas de juste énumérer vos hobbies, expliquez brièvement ce que chaque activité révèle sur vous.

Par exemple, si vous êtes passionné par la lecture , indiquez les types de livres que vous lisez et comment cela développe votre pensée critique. Les activités comme la musique ou le dessin peuvent démontrer votre créativité et votre capacité à penser différemment. De même, les voyages peuvent illustrer votre ouverture d’esprit et votre capacité d’adaptation. En mettant en avant vos centres d’intérêt de manière réfléchie, vous montrez aux recruteurs des qualités personnelles et des compétences transférables qui enrichissent votre profil.

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Upcoming! NYPL’s Free 2024 Bronx Job Fair and Expo

job fair attendees talk with a woman seated at a table

The New York Public Library’s annual Bronx Job Fair and Expo for Adults, is scheduled for Friday, September 6, at the Bronx Library Center. Please note that registration is required and the event is almost sold out. However, a waitlist will be available, and we encourage interested attendees to explore other opportunities and resources throughout the year. Visit  Career Services at NYPL to learn more. 

Who Should Attend?

  • Adults over the age of 18 looking to explore different job paths.
  • Recent college graduates looking to kickstart their careers.
  • Adults over the age of 55 seeking new challenges or career changes.
  • Migrants eager to integrate and succeed in the local job market.
  • Individuals who have been previously incarcerated and are looking for a fresh start in the workforce.

Polish Your Resume: Stand Out at the Job Fair & Expo!

NYPL's Career Services team can print a limited number of resumes free of cost for all Job Fair and Expo attendees. Get your free resume copies at the Library before the event in two easy ways:

Attend Printing Sessions 

From Tuesday, September 3 to Thursday, September 5, email your ready-to-print resume to Career Services ( [email protected] ) for free printing! For more details and submission instructions, select a preferred location:

Bronx Library Center

  • 09/03-09/05: 10 AM to 12 PM

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL)

  • Extended hours on 09/04 and 09/05: 5 PM to 7 PM

Workshops & Presentations

Join us for our presentations about public sector jobs in New York City and State, unionized positions within city agencies, and ways to use job search databases to find the right city and state government jobs for you. 

BLC Auditorium Workshops

Deborah Allman

.css-1t84354{transition-property:var(--nypl-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--nypl-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--nypl-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:var(--nypl-colors-ui-link-primary);text-decoration-style:dotted;text-decoration-thickness:1px;text-underline-offset:2px;}.css-1t84354:hover,.css-1t84354[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;color:var(--nypl-colors-ui-link-secondary);text-decoration-style:dotted;text-decoration-thickness:1px;}.chakra-ui-dark .css-1t84354:hover:not([data-theme]),.chakra-ui-dark .css-1t84354[data-hover]:not([data-theme]),[data-theme=dark] .css-1t84354:hover:not([data-theme]),[data-theme=dark] .css-1t84354[data-hover]:not([data-theme]),.css-1t84354:hover[data-theme=dark],.css-1t84354[data-hover][data-theme=dark]{color:var(--nypl-colors-dark-ui-link-secondary);}.css-1t84354:focus,.css-1t84354[data-focus]{box-shadow:var(--nypl-shadows-outline);}.chakra-ui-dark .css-1t84354:not([data-theme]),[data-theme=dark] .css-1t84354:not([data-theme]),.css-1t84354[data-theme=dark]{color:var(--nypl-colors-dark-ui-link-primary);}.css-1t84354:visited{color:var(--nypl-colors-ui-link-tertiary);}.chakra-ui-dark .css-1t84354:visited:not([data-theme]),[data-theme=dark] .css-1t84354:visited:not([data-theme]),.css-1t84354:visited[data-theme=dark]{color:var(--nypl-colors-dark-ui-link-tertiary);}.css-1t84354 a:hover,.css-1t84354 a[data-hover]{color:var(--nypl-colors-ui-link-secondary);}.css-1t84354 screenreaderOnly{clip:rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);height:1px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute!important;width:1px;word-wrap:normal;} 11:00–11:30 AM | What Are Union Jobs and How Do I Get One?

What does it mean to belong to a union? What’s the difference between a union and a non-union position? What sort of protection can a union offer to workers in civil service?

About Deborah Allman:  Deborah D. Allman is the current President of Local 1930, a role that she has served in since 2021. She is an active member of the American Library Association, and is also the Chair of the DC37-Black History Committee and former treasurer of The  Coalition of Black Trade Unionists-CBTU-NYC Chapter. Learn more about Deborah . 

DC37 Logo

11:45 AM-12:15 PM | Working Within DC37: Job Opportunities With the Largest Municipal Public Employee Union

Join two longtime civil servants as they discuss the positive impact that DC37, the largest municipal public employee union, had on their careers. 

About Kenneth Greene: 

Kenneth Greene is the Vice President of Local 376, a position he has held with dedication for over 35 years with Union DC 37. His extensive career with the Department of Transportation has been marked by a steadfast commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of union members. Learn more about Kenneth . 

About Supreme Allah:

After more than 35 years of service with the New York City Department of Transportation, where he began as an Assistant Highway Repairer and rose to the position of Supervisor, Supreme retired but remains actively involved with DC37 Union's Retirees Association. His ongoing mission is to continue teaching, mentoring, and serving the communities of New York City and Nassau County. Learn more about Supreme . 

Dr. Scyatta Wallace

12:30-1:20 PM | Planning for Success: Tips for Career Planning and Your Job Search

Join Dr. Scyatta Wallace for a workshop on the connection between career planning and successful job searching. Participants will learn how to create a personalized career plan, gain tools for using the career plan to improve the job search, and learn strategies to overcome challenges often in the job search or new job setting.   

About Dr. Scyatta A. Wallace:  Dr. Wallace is an award-winning psychologist and social entrepreneur. She is CEO/Founder of Janisaw Company, LLC, which creates career readiness and leadership development programs for organizations and schools supporting individuals entering the workforce.

Vicky Xu

1:30-2:20 PM | Job Search 101: How To Land a Great Job in NYC’s Public Sector

Ready to find a new job in the public sector but unsure where to start? With over 50,000 online job boards, hundreds of recruiting agencies, and thousands of career pages, navigating the job search can be overwhelming. Add in  job fairs, recruiting events, and government services, and it’s easy to feel lost. Join us as we explore the the top FREE job search resources around the city to help you land a great job.

About Vicky Xu:  Vicky Xu runs community at  Bandana , a job search platform built to help New Yorkers find better jobs. She loves helping people tap into their networks and local resources to unlock new opportunities. 

BLC Room C21 Workshops

Jocelyn Morales

10:30-11:15 AM; 1:30 to 2:15 PM | Demystifying the Civil Service Merit System: Careers in Public Service

Did you know that under the New York Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement Program Statewide or  NY HELPS Program, the civil service examination is temporarily waived for nearly all state jobs? Right now, job seekers who meet minimum qualifications, and any other conditions of employment can apply directly without taking a civil service exam, making it ideal to explore opportunities in public service! Attend this information session to learn about job opportunities available across New York State agencies, the application process, merit system, benefits, and much more!

About Jocelyn Morales:  Ms. Morales works for the Department of Civil Service, where she provides job seekers with information about career opportunities in public service, as well as the application process and benefits of working for NYS. She aims to educate job seekers on the civil service merit system so they gain a better understanding of the hiring process for NYS jobs and can take advantage of all their career options.

Don’t Miss Out: Enjoy Giveaways & Win Prizes!

Join us for an exciting day of opportunities and surprises! Every attendee will receive a complimentary tote bag with branded stationary and a raffle ticket at check-in. Earn more tickets by participating in workshops, completing surveys, and visiting select tables. Raffle drawings will happen at 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM, and 2:30 PM. Prizes will include a variety of different items from the Library’s Shop, including bags, keychains, pins, pencil sets, and mugs. 

Please contact Career Services at  [email protected] with any questions. Please submit press inquiries at least 48 hours before the event to  [email protected]

Participating Organizations

Connect with recruiters and HR managers to find open positions, network with companies and organizations, and get valuable job training information. More than 25 employers and community-based workforce development organizations have confirmed. Click the links below to see more information about employment opportunities and resources at each agency. 

Employer Agencies

  • Workforce1 Career Center (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish and French) | open positions: 10+
  • Ultimate Care (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish) | open positions: 10+Fancy Foods Inc. (Spanish-speaking)
  • NYC Administration for Children’s Services (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish) | open positions: 10+
  • Duet Care at Home   | open positions: 10+
  • Part of the Solution (POTS) (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish) | open positions: 4
  • Services for the Underserved    (Spanish-speaking) | open positions: 10+
  • Mulligan Security   (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish) | open positions: 10+
  • TrueCare Home Care Agency   (Multilingual-speaking, materials in Spanish)   | open positions: 10+
  • AHRC NYC (Association for Habilitation and Residential Care) | open positions: 10+
  • The New York Foundling | open positions: 10+
  • First Student | open positions: 10+
  • The New York State Department of Civil Service - Center for Careers in Government (Spanish-speaking) | open positions: 10+
  • Fire Department of NY   (Spanish-speaking)   | open positions: 10+ 
  • The New York State Police (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish and Mandarin) | open positions: 10+ 
  • WB Mason Co   (Spanish-speaking)   | open positions: 10+ 
  • Sunnyside Community Services (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish) | open positions: 10+ 
  • NYC Department of Correction   (Spanish- and Bangalee-speaking, materials in Spanish)   | open positions: 10+ 
  • Metropolitan Transportation Authority | open positions: 10+ 
  • West Harlem Head Start & Family Child Care    (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish) | open positions: 10+ 
  • NYS Office of Children’s and Family Services  (Spanish-speaking) | open positions: 10+ 

Resource Agencies (will be onsite to provide information and materials about their training and educational opportunities)

  • Per Scholas   (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish)
  • Hot Bread Kitchen (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish) 
  • Carroll Gardens Association (Spanish-speaking, materials in Spanish)  
  • SUNY Bronx EOC (Spanish-speaking)
  • NY State Cannabis Workforce Initiative   (Materials in Spanish) 
  • “Made in NY” PA Training Program, Brooklyn Workforce Innovations  
  • STRIVE    

*Updated 08/28/24: Additional updates may occur until the day of the event.


  1. CV de commercial avec exemples de compétences

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  1. Presentation Skills [25+ Examples for Your Resume]

    Strong organizational skills can make your presentations more efficient and compelling. Consider these organizational skills for your resume: Setting and meeting presentation objectives. Gathering data, facts and materials. Preparing speaker notes and cue cards. Structuring content logically. Time management during presentations.

  2. Presentation Skills: Examples + 25 Ways to Improve Yours

    Built strong presentation skills and competency with AutoCAD, Photoshop, & SketchUp, creating 25+ presentations which were responsible for $500,000 in sales revenue. ... Here's an example of how to include presentations on a resume: Presentations & Talks. 2018-04-01 TED Talk, How to Use the Higgs Boson to Locate an Italian Restaurant. City ...

  3. Top 9 Presentation Skills to Help Level Up Your Resume

    Notable presentation skills you can add to your resume include research, software knowledge, verbal communication, body language, writing skills, and more. There are many ways to improve your presentation skills, including practicing, taking courses, working on understanding your audience, paying attention to body language, and using ...

  4. What Are Effective Presentation Skills (and How to Improve Them)

    Presentation skills are the abilities and qualities necessary for creating and delivering a compelling presentation that effectively communicates information and ideas. They encompass what you say, how you structure it, and the materials you include to support what you say, such as slides, videos, or images. You'll make presentations at various ...

  5. Top 12 Presentation Specialist Skills to Put on Your Resume

    How to Display Infographics Skills on Your Resume. 9. Public Speaking. Public speaking, for a Presentation Specialist, involves delivering oral presentations to an audience with clear, engaging content and visuals to inform, persuade, or entertain, utilizing effective communication skills and presentation tools.

  6. How to List Your Presentation Skills on a Resume/CV

    1. Include the presentation title. First and foremost, start by including the presentation title. You could also distinguish the text by using boldface, to make it stand out more on your resume/CV. If the presentation has a long title, you could shorten it to briefly illustrate what your presentation is about. 2.

  7. Effective Presentation Skills & How to Improve Them

    Presentation skills in the CV summary. Personal Statement. Engaging Account Manager adept at representing the business and capturing new business for 6+ years in the marketing industry. Gaining 7+ six-figure accounts and 2-3 seven-figure accounts annually on average through methodical and consistent presentation and sales skills. Implemented ...

  8. Presentation skills: how to improve yours and put them in the CV

    Regularly conducted team meetings, presenting performance metrics and motivational talks that boosted team productivity by 15%. Each of these examples not only mentions the presentation skills. They also lay out the positive impact they created. This makes your CV more persuasive and impactful to potential employers.

  9. How to Write a Resume With Presentations (With Tips, Templates and

    The following steps show you how to write your resume to include presentations, public speaking events and other conferences you participated in: Create a section for presentations. Place the most relevant presentation first. Include the presentation title in italics. List the name and date of the conference.

  10. Important Presentation Skills for Workplace Success

    Presentation skills are what you need to know to be able to give an engaging, effective presentation. The steps to creating a successful presentation are preparation, delivery, and follow-up. Employers want to know you have the necessary skills to research, analyze, and create a presentation, plus the communication skills needed to deliver it ...

  11. 17 Core Competencies To Include on Your Resume

    17 core competencies Here are 17 examples of typical skills and qualifications you will find in a core competency section: Leadership: Shows your ability to assemble and lead a team Flexibility: Shows that you're willing and able to adapt to any situation Communication: Demonstrates your ability to work with clients, coworkers and managers Time management: Shows your skills in developing ...

  12. 30 Best Core Competencies For Your Resume (+ Examples)

    2. Feedback: Seek input from colleagues, mentors, and supervisors who can provide insights into your strengths and areas of excellence. 3. Professional Development: Engage in training, workshops, and educational opportunities to enhance and recognize your core competencies.

  13. 10 Best Skills To Put On Your Resume (With Examples and FAQ)

    Here are 10 examples of the best resume skills employers may be seeking: 1. Active listening skills. Active listening refers to the ability to focus completely on the person who you're communicating with. Active listening helps you to understand their message, comprehend the information and respond thoughtfully.

  14. Core Competencies on a Resume (79+ Examples + How to List)

    Core competencies in your resume that demonstrate adaptability are especially valuable in industries like tech or media, where new technology and current events can have sudden, unexpected impacts. List on your resume: Fast Learner, Problem Solving, Communication, Analytical Thinking, Strategic Planning.

  15. 50+ best examples of CV skills to put on your CV

    The ability to set-up, upgrade, maintain and manage IT networks. Media skills. Possessing sound knowledge of media production and having the ability to work with media equipment including AV devices, recording equipment, lighting, studio sets, etc. List of design skills.

  16. 100 Key Core Competencies Examples to Put on Your Resume [w

    They are a list combining your skills, abilities, and qualifications that make you a good fit for the position. For example, below are 5 examples of core competencies in business: Research skills. Conflict resolution. Communication skills. Forecasting. Task delegation.

  17. 25 Compétences à Mettre dans un CV en 2024 [+35 Exemples]

    Voici des exemples de compétences à mettre sur un CV de comptable : Maîtrise des logiciels de comptabilité (Quickbooks, Sage, Regate, Salesforce Billing, Netsuite, PeopleSoft, etc.) Intégration ERP (SAP, Salesforce) Opérations de comptabilité générale. Prévisions budgétaires.

  18. Présentation CV : exemples et mise en page en 2024

    Présentation CV : mise en forme et exemples. Découvrez nos exemples de présentation de CV efficaces et apprenez l'importance d'une mise en page lisible et structurée. Obtenez des conseils pratiques pour maximiser l'impact de votre CV et vous démarquer dans votre recherche d'emploi. Par Dorian Apr 25, 2024 10 minutes de lecture.

  19. Compétences à inclure dans votre CV (avec des exemples!)

    Un analyste d'affaires porte plusieurs chapeaux : spécialiste des données, professionnel de la finance et expert en résolution de problèmes. Voici les compétences qu'un analyste d'affaires pourrait inclure dans son CV : Sens des affaires. Extraction de données. Relations avec les clients. Réflexion stratégique.

  20. Quelles compétences à ajouter sur son CV ? Liste et exemples

    Quelles sont les compétences de CV clés à mettre dans son CV en 2024 ? Découvrez des listes d'exemples de compétences pour CV étudiant ou autre candidature. CV. ... Notez mon article: competences cv. Moyenne: 4.73 (77 votes) Merci d'avoir donné votre avis. Timothé Ameline.

  21. Retirement Systems Information Representative 1 & Trainees

    Desired Competencies. Exhibits excellent interpersonal skills with staff and customers, both over the telephone and in-person; Possesses effective oral and written skills; Performs tasks accurately and within specific time frames

  22. How To Prove You're A Good Leader On Your CV

    This could be through examples of presentations to stakeholders, leading meetings, or managing conflict within your team. Describe situations where your clear and concise communication facilitated ...

  23. 5 Data Entry Skills To Put On Your Resume In 2024

    Add certifications for industry-specific software and CRMs to your resume. getty 3. Data Analysis Skills. Data analysis is one of the most in-demand skills of 2024, being ranked as the number one ...

  24. Que mettre sur son CV lorsqu'on est sans expérience professionnelle

    Rédiger un CV sans expérience professionnelle est à la fois un défi à relever, et une opportunité de montrer vos compétences et vos atouts sous un autre jour. Crédit photo : Ecole SKEMA.

  25. Upcoming! NYPL's Free 2024 Bronx Job Fair and Expo

    The New York Public Library's annual Bronx Job Fair and Expo for Adults, is scheduled for Friday, September 6, at the Bronx Library Center. Please note that registration is required and the event is almost sold out. However, a waitlist will be available, and we encourage interested attendees to explore other opportunities and resources throughout the year.