Why People Should Play Soccer

The Introduction to Persuasive Essay about Soccer

There are many people in the world who are obsessed with soccer. It seems that it is a result of its popularity around the world and the willingness of people to make money on it. This argument has the right to go on. However, in fact, the reasons lie much deeper. People from the beginning of life on the Earth try to find a good means that can help them to be of the sound mind and body. They tried different things starting from ancient magical rituals to neoplasty. However, in the course of this searching, they understood that the most helpful one is a sport. Soccer has become an integral part of the social and cultural life in many countries and has been considered not only as a branch of sport but also as a good means to improve health. Soccer has a positive influence on the physical and mental state of a person and is a way to make the players as fit as a fiddle.

Thereby, it is obvious that the first functions of this game were to improve the physical and mental states of health. However, from that period soccer has undergone different transformations before it has become soccer that is now popular around the world. That is why it is necessary to return to the initial function of soccer and consider it not only as a good way to make money but a good way to physical and mental well-being.

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Soccer Has a Great Influence on the Health of Children

Soccer has a great influence on the health of children. Narula Shelley states that with the help of soccer young people can improve their health and gain such benefits as “enhanced cardio-respiratory fitness, increased muscular strength and endurance, and favorable cholesterol and other profiles, which further prevent heart diseases” (Shelley n.p.). Jordan Rubin supports this position and adds: “Soccer demands lung-bursting running that’s great for kids’ cardiovascular system and burning up calories” (Rubin 111). Narula Shelley presents a couple of examples to prove it.

One of them is the results of research published by the American College of Sports Medicine. “Researchers recruited a large group of prepubertal Spanish boys and followed them for more than three years. Those who regularly played soccer for at least three hours a week were compared to those who only engaged in regular in-school physical education of two, 45-minute sessions per week. … The results of the study showed that the soccer group not only increased whole-body bone mineral density but also had higher regional measures in areas such as the lumbar spine (13 percent) and the femoral neck in the hip (10 percent). These increases correlated statistically to increases in other fitness factors such as anaerobic capacity and force generated during jumping” (Shelley n.p.).

Thereby, it is obvious that soccer has a positive effect on children’s health. However, soccer improves adults’ state of health too. It requires from players a great physical training to become an elite soccer player. It is necessary to follow biological requirements (nutritional requirements, training activities and recovery strategies), the behavioral and social requirements (“skills, processes, and mechanisms underpinning the superior ability of elite players to “read the game”), performance analysis, biomechanics and coaching requirements (the methods available for undertaking match and motion analysis) and so on (Williams 10). All these requirements altogether contribute to the physical well-being of players.

Soccer Improves the Mental Health

Soccer improves not only the physical state of health but also mental. Firstly, it contributes to the socialization of a person. Narula Shelley admits that soccer is helpful for the improvement of social position because it is a great way to socialize with friends through working as a team and doing all to gain a victory (Shelley n.p.). Secondly, soccer is a source that teaches how to cooperate with other people in order to achieve a common goal. Playing soccer, a person sacrifices himself and his interests for the benefit of the team. It builds thankfulness relationships between the players. Thankfulness creates a positive team relationship. When teammates feel one appreciates their efforts, they will work with enthusiasm to help this one, and it will contribute to the harmony in the team.

Moreover, soccer teaches people to become selfless because to achieve a common goal, players have to become one entire organism (Jones and Sanders). All these can be applied in real-life practice. Thereby soccer teaches how to live properly. Thirdly, soccer brings many benefits to the person who plays it. Those benefits are an improvement in academic performance, coordination, discipline, concentration, and self-regulation. In addition, it helps to reduce anxiety and reject all the prejudices about the weakness of women as girls and boys play soccer together.

“Happy Like Soccer” by Maribeth Boelts

However, without real examples, all the benefits of soccer seem very abstract. As almost all literary works are based on real-life experience, a good way to understand whether soccer can improve physical and mental health is to find the answer in literary books. “Happy Like Soccer” is a children’s picture book written by Maribeth Boelts. It has gained unparalleled popularity among young readers throughout the world.

It deals with the story of a little girl, Sierra, who likes to play soccer. This game is a mix of joy and sadness for her. It is a joy because nothing brings Sierra more pleasure than playing soccer with her new team where she is one of the best players. It is sad because Sierra’s aunt is not able to attend her games. However, one day she manages to do it. It makes the girl the happiest person in the world. Returning to the theme of soccer, from this book, it is clear that soccer is an opportunity for children to start new friendships, overcome loneliness, hardships of a poor family and disappointment, gain the courage to change a bad event into a positive one, and understand the importance of the nearest and dearest (Boelts).

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“Breathing Soccer” by Debbie Spring

All these are proved by the example described in another book “Breathing Soccer” by Debbie Spring. This book deals with the story of a young girl Lisa who is forbidden to play soccer because of her illness. Liza has asthma and continuation of the soccer career may have lethal consequences for her. However, girl risks because she cannot imagine her life without soccer. To the surprise of all, she recovers and brings her dream into life. From this book, it is clear that soccer brings benefits to health. Moreover, it gives hope and power to stand against all the difficulties (Spring).

The Summary to Persuasive Essay about Soccer

To sum up, soccer is a play with a long history. Firstly soccer was played in China, and it reflected the social and spiritual beliefs of this country. Now it is deeply ingrained in popular culture as it helps to improve both the physical and mental state of a person. The benefits of soccer are not only abstract things that no one can achieve, but they are proved by the real examples described in literary works such as “Happy like Soccer” and “Breathing Soccer”.

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Soccer is the Best Sport in the World: 15 Reasons Why

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Here’s a controversial statement: Soccer is the best sport in the world. If you’re reading this article, you likely agree with this statement, but how can we convince those who are coming from other sports to even consider the argument as valid?

There’s no single argument that can convince you or prove that soccer is actually the best sport on the planet. This is why this entire text is dedicated to answering the question of what makes soccer the best sport in the world.

Here are our 15 arguments that should be more than enough to convince anyone that soccer is where it’s at:

1. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world

A total of over 3.5 billion people have tuned in to see the last FIFA World Cup Finals , with 1.12 billion seeing the game live on their TVs.

This still isn’t the entire soccer fan base: Estimations show that soccer has around 4 billion fans around the world, which is more than half of the Earth’s population.

Admittedly, there are more popular sports in the US, with football, baseball, basketball, and hockey all having a larger viewership base than the MLS. However, there’s a piece of data that commonly surprises sports fans across the US:

According to FIFA, there are more than 240 million active soccer players in the world and around 18 million of them in the US. For comparison, there were just over 5 million football players in the US in 2018 .

This data shows that soccer is not only the most popular sport in the world by viewership but also by active participants.

Is being the most popular sport in the world enough for soccer to be considered the best sport? Probably not, so let’s take a look at 14 more reasons that we find to be the key aspects that contribute to this title.

2. Soccer can be played anywhere

We don’t need a regulation soccer field to enjoy this game, as it can be played anywhere where there’s space . All you need is a ball, a couple of friends, and a few objects to use instead of goalposts.

This is, in fact, how most of us first started playing soccer: For older millennials, our first real contact with the sport was on a bumpy field, with two trees as posts, and a ton of happy memories that came from running around those fields.

We all remember the first AstroTurf that we played on, and the smell of rubber and artificial grass that lingered for hours on a hot summer day.

Another great thing about soccer is that it’s not strictly an indoor sport. Who among us wasn’t yelled at by their mom for kicking the ball around the house and braking, or almost braking, a vase?

We’re not kids anymore, so, when the cold weather hits, we keep away from playing soccer in the house and move into the gyms and indoor soccer pitches to continue enjoying the game.

The fact that you can have access to the best soccer field in the country or be playing on a field in the middle of nowhere and have the same amount of fun shows that soccer is the best game in the world that we can enjoy anywhere.

Everyone can play soccer, whether it’s in a mud pile behind their house, or someplace drier. The best thing is, everyone has a chance to succeed in soccer:

3. Everyone can play soccer

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

Soccer doesn’t discriminate based on religion, the color of the skin, gender, or any other feature that makes us physically different.

Every talented player has an equal chance of succeeding, whether they’re coming from the slums of Argentina or from the fancy suburbs of London. When it comes to amateur players who indulge in soccer just for fun, the situation remains the same; everyone can play soccer:

Soccer is a game that doesn’t require much to be enjoyed in terms of talent; all you need is a positive attitude and a will to enjoy the game. Even the worst player on the planet can kick the ball around and have the time of their life out on the field. 

Playing soccer also doesn’t require as much physical strength as some other sports. You can’t play football if you’re tiny, but for soccer, this can be an advantage.

Just remember how tall Messi is, and he is one of the best players of all time. Even the rules of soccer aren’t confusing for new players; beginners can easily grasp the key concepts and rules with ease. Granted, some rules, such as the offside one, can take longer to fully comprehend.

One of the key reasons why soccer is the best sport in the world is the fact that it’s available to everyone, regardless of the amount of money they can spend on it.

Playing this sport doesn’t require much in terms of investment; all you need is a soccer ball that a few friends can chip in a few bucks each to buy.

On the other hand, you can also spend thousands of dollars on the latest and best soccer cleats and other equipment, if you feel so inclined.

4. National championships

Every nation in the world has its own soccer championship. For us, that championship is the MLS . Unfortunately, the MLS isn’t the most popular league in the world.

Its popularity among Americans started rising when European players transferred here: Starting with David Beckham in 2007, more and more superstar European players have made the move to the MLS, attracting more viewers than this championship has ever had.

For most of the true soccer enthusiasts, following European national competitions is where it’s at. This all starts with England’s Premier League, arguably the best soccer league in the world.

There’s also the Spanish La Liga with its El Classico, which might be the most highly anticipated soccer game of the soccer season.

There’s always the German Bundesliga, as well as the Italian Serie A, both of which start in September and help us get through and dark winter months.

What can be better than closely following national soccer competitions? The answer, of course, is when the best teams from those competitions clash internationally.

5. International competitions

Whether it’s Olympic Games or the World Cup, as soccer fans, we eagerly wait for the 4-year period between these competitions to pass so we can see our national team battle the best teams that the world has to offer on the soccer field.

In addition to these, soccer offers numerous sources of fun for every single one of its fans on a yearly basis: While some prefer watching their national team and league, there’s no competition that matches the popularity of the UEFA Champions League.

While regular soccer enthusiasts wait for a few selected international competitions, true fanatics have their year planned in advance based on when the competitions are played.

They look forward to the UEFA European Championship, Copa del Rey, The Confederations Cup, FA Cup, Copa Libertadores, and numerous other competitions held across the planet.

International competition is why we love soccer and it is one of the things that doesn’t just make this port our favorite, but also the best one in the world.

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

We’ve already mentioned the European El Classico as one of the high points of every soccer season, however, it’s not the only match that we spend most of the year waiting for.

There’s the MLS equivalent of this, commonly referred to as the California Classico: LA Galaxy vs. San Jose Earthquakes. There’s also the game that even further slows down the traffic in the Los Angeles Area, the wittily named El Trafico between Los Angeles FC and LA Galaxy.

Houston Dynamo vs. FC Dallas is another example of the MLS rivalry that we all love to witness.

The rivalry is what soccer revolves around. It is what both players and fans love and can’t wait for. Unfortunately, we’re treated to just a few of these games each season.

Maybe that’s what makes them so special. Rivalry and competition is how we make progress as a society, whether we like this fact or not.

Even though the rivalry is something that outsiders might consider to be a downside, real soccer fans know this is not the truth.

As many hooligans as are there to ruin these special games, there are at least ten times as many soccer fans who are just there to enjoy themselves. Real soccer fans are there to support their team, have a good time, and avoid getting in trouble.

7. Tradition and passion

Soccer is considered to be the number one sport in the world both in terms of the number of fans and in terms of their passion for the game.

Sunday games have become a religion in their own right, and fans around the world spend the entire week anticipating those 90 minutes of play. Tradition and passion are what make soccer the best sport in the world.

In many countries around the globe, you don’t get to choose your favorite soccer team – before babies are even born, their parents, most commonly fathers, have already bought them a jersey of their favorite team.

That baby is brought up with the team from day one, which, inevitably, turns into a great passion once they grow up. It’s not uncommon to have multiple generations of the same team supporters in one family, especially in countries such as Argentina, Mexico, Spain, and England.

We’ve seen multiple generations of soccer fans who, dictated by tradition, have been following soccer their entire lives.

This doesn’t only include following their favorite team’s games on TV but also investing in season tickets, team merch, and spending countless hours on the bleachers both in the hottest and coldest conditions, cheering their team on, win or lose.

Soccer has had a really long time to develop as a sport and to build an immense follower base. The first official soccer club was Sheffield FC, and it was founded in England back in 1857.

Just 16 years later, there were so many teams that the first official competition, the FA Cup, was started. The first World Cup game was played in 1930 in Uruguay.

However, soccer has been evolving long before the first club, the first competition, and the first World Cup games were played: Experts suggest that ball games similar to soccer as we know it today were played in the UK as early as 300 BC.

Before that, similar variations of the sport have existed in Japan, as well as in ancient Greece and Rome.

Humankind has done a few things for as long as it’s been around. In addition to the basics such as hunting for food, we’ve always indulged in social games.

One of those games is kicking the ball around. At first, that ball was made of straw, then out of animal intestines, until we’ve reached the point of making them out of artificial materials. Soccer is and has been for a few thousand years, built into human DNA.

9. Marketing

Marketing has been a huge part of soccer for a couple of decades now. All major brands have invested in marketing through soccer, making both the sport and their brand more known.

Without marketing, soccer, as we know it probably, wouldn’t exist. Why and how has marketing helped soccer become the best sport in the world?

The answer to this question is simple: Marketing experts saw the potential that soccer holds early and jumped to exploit it.

Investing billions of dollars, they helped the sport reach its current popularity while ensuring that its investment pays off.

There wouldn’t be a World Cup without marketing and sponsors, and those sponsors are in turn rewarded with numerous new customers that start using their services after first seeing them during a game.

The World Cup and international leagues aren’t the only marketing beneficiaries; all soccer clubs and most of the professional players are endorsed by big brands.

Barcelona and Real Madrid have both receive over 200 million dollars from sponsors last year, which stands as proof of how effective using soccer for marketing purposes has become.

Some national leagues even change their names to include and mention their main sponsor.

10. No age restrictions

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

You can be a five-year-old and enjoy soccer. You can also be living in a nursing home and experience the same amount of joy. There are no age limits when it comes to enjoying soccer, for the fans, as well as for the players:

Soccer has no age restrictions when it comes to the age of the players. In the US, the majority of professional sports have rules that forbid younger players from playing before reaching a certain age or specific criteria.

Soccer players in the US are typically drafted out of college. All of this might be too late, as age restriction rules can significantly inhibit the player’s potential for growth.

European soccer has no such rules. That is why soccer teams are able to recruit players as soon as they show a spec of predisposition for the sport.

Recruited as early as when they’re 12, soccer teams develop their talent and put them in a first-team game as soon as they are ready.

This means that we can sometimes watch players that are no older than 17 years play alongside legends of the sport and kick their behinds.

The same applies to the other end of the scale; players can keep playing soccer as long as they feel adequate to. While the majority of soccer players reach the peak of their performance in their early twenties, some are late bloomers.

Antonio Di Natale, Luca Toni, and even Zlatan Ibrahimovic all played their best after they reached the age of 30.

11. Soccer is a fairly safe sport

As with any other sport, injuries occur in soccer and they can be devastating. Still, research shows that soccer players are much less likely to be injured in the line of duty than their peers from other sports.

Being a much less physical sport than football or hockey is one of the main reasons behind this.

The fact that injuries are less likely to occur in soccer is what makes it suitable for kids. According to Stanford’s research , around 88,000 kids aged 5-14 are hospitalized every year for soccer-related injuries.

Almost 215,000 kids of the same age end up in an emergency room for injuries obtained while playing football every year. The research shows that soccer is safer than most sports, including cycling, baseball, softball, and skateboarding.

The situation is similar among adults: Research shows that there are around 10-35 injuries per 1,000 game hours in adult soccer among male players.

For female players, that number drops down to 2-24 injuries per 1,000 hours of soccer played. For adult football players , that number is at 83 injuries per 1,000 hours of playtime.

This is why soccer players typically have a longer career than professional athletes in other sports. The average soccer player retires at 35, having played for 8 years. In football , which is a much more aggressive sport, the average career lasts for just 3.3 years.

If you’re torn between signing your kid up for soccer or football, there’s a clear winner here. Safety is just another one of the reasons we love soccer and consider it to be the best sport in the world.

12. Soccer games are relatively short and easy to follow

Soccer is not only undemanding to play, but it’s also an undemanding sport to follow.

This, of course, applies to novice players and viewers who don’t care for advanced techniques and tactics and who are there just to have fun.

Those who decide to delve deeper into the game have to spend years learning about soccer.

When it comes to watching a soccer game, they are relatively short and easy to follow, as the title of this paragraph states.

A soccer game’s playtime is 90 minutes, which translates to around two hours of total watch time, including the halftime and added time.

Most of the time, those 90 minutes are tense and action-packed. While two hours is not an insignificant amount of time to dedicate to watching a sport, soccer is one of the best sports in the world in terms of time economy:

A baseball game lasts for 3-4 hours, with less than 20 minutes of action. Spending this much time in front of a TV and not getting much in return can be considered wasteful by those who are not fans of baseball.

All-in-all, soccer has become the most popular sport for a reason – the viewers appreciate the fact that the time they invest in watching soccer feels rewarding rather than wasted.

13. Soccer builds team spirit

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

A sense of community and belonging is not easy to instill in children, regardless of how much love we provide them as parents.

Soccer is a thing that helps with that, both in children and adults. This sport teaches us how to function as a part of something that is bigger than ourselves and work with others to achieve a common goal (pun intended). 

Soccer doesn’t only offer this benefit to the players, but to the fans as well. Coming together as one to support our favorite team has been a tradition that we’ve maintained for decades, all around the world.

While wearing our teams’ colors, there’s nothing that separates us. It’s a thing that beats racism, hate, and prejudice. Soccer, and sport in general, builds friendships and connections that can last a lifetime, both among players and observers.

Even watching soccer at home can be a bonding experience. Those of us who grew up watching soccer with our fathers know just how close this sport has brought us with them.

While individual sports can be fun, they can never be even remotely thrilling as the feeling you get when you’re playing, and winning, as a team.

Soccer, and most other sports for that matter, is a great way to get the kids used to physical activity, formwork habits, and set them up for success in other life fields.

14. Soccer is connected to the gaming world

Every major sports franchise in the US is represented in the gaming world. NBA, NFL, and NHL have all become extremely successful games, but there’s no MLS representative among them.

Due to the number of leagues involved in the global soccer scene, making a game-specific to a single one just doesn’t seem reasonable.

This is why games such as FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer exist; they connect the world of soccer with the gaming world, and they include all of the major national and international soccer leagues.

Both of these games have seen more than 20 different iterations, each more popular than the previous one.

The popularity of games such as FIFA and PES can be credited to the overall popularity of the sport. In the same vein, soccer as a sport owes these games a debt of gratitude for the thousands of new players and viewers that they’ve brought to real-world soccer.

These games have brought fun and joy to millions of people, and taught an insane number of players to love soccer:

There are currently over 37.6 million people playing the already old version of FIFA and 5.1 million Pro Evolution Soccer players, and we can safely say that they can all be counted as fans of soccer.

15. Soccer is more than just a game

There’s one reason why soccer is the best sport in the world, and it unites all of the previously listed ones: Soccer is more than a game – it’s a lifestyle.

There are millions of people who’ve dedicated their entire lives to soccer, and not all of them are players or otherwise professionally involved with the sport.

Millions of soccer fans literally live for the sport, and they do so because it fulfills their day and their soul.

Soccer has the ability to unite the most different people, it unites different communities, and has been at the forefront of inclusion, intersectionality, and humanity for decades.

This is a sport in which the poorest country in the world can run circles around the one with the most resources.

It’s also a sport that provides talented players who are coming from either of those countries with a chance to succeed and make a name for themselves while giving the fans endless hours of fun and joy.

Soccer has given us all so much, and it asks nothing in return, except for a few hours of our time.

The majority of us never have to spend a penny for the privilege of watching some of the best athletes in the world perform and compete against each other. This is what makes soccer the best sport in the world.

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

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Why we love soccer: why it’s the best sport and how it came to be so.

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It can be hard, being a soccer fan in the United States. It’s the land of the free — freedom to watch countless different sporting events of varying quality. Just the other day cornhole (yes, the lawn game mainly played at tailgates) was on ESPN. So with all the options available, it’s important to remember why soccer is the best sport. 

Or, at least, why we love soccer. 

Best sport, of course, is mostly subjective, not objective. Subjective, for those of you unfamiliar with how objective news outlets like the failing New York Times work, means its based on personal viewpoints. What’s best for one person may not be best for someone else. 

In the U.S., there are so many different sports to enjoy. We’ve got American football, basketball, baseball/softball, ice/field hockey, volleyball, eSports, golf, tennis, auto racing, horse racing, track and field, rugby, MMA/boxing, bowling, cricket, darts, cornhole, horseshoes and the countless variations of Olympic sports, from bizarre race-walking to mundane different ways you can skate circles around a rink. 

In the U.S., potbellied, nacho-grubbing, Busch Beer-drinking American football fans often look down upon soccer fans. So let’s examine why soccer is the best sport.

Why Soccer Is The Best Sport

First, if we look strictly at numbers, we can definitively say soccer is the most popular sport . Thus, it’s easy to conclude it is therefore the best sport. However, we want to dig deeper at the why.

Explaining why soccer is the best sport comes down to one unassuming fact: Soccer is the simplest, cheapest, easiest sport for anyone to play. All it takes is one round object and you can play soccer. This low barrier for entry makes soccer an objective choice as the best sport in the world. (Running competitions technically have lower barriers for entry, but the dearth of teamwork and creativity knock them out of the running for best sport.)

Because it is so easy to play soccer in various forms, kids (and adults) from around the world can play regardless of their socioeconomic standing. Players in developing nations need only fashion a ball out of whatever they can find and start playing the game. Other major sports require extensive requirements, such as a bat for baseball/cricket, hoop for basketball, oddly shaped egg for football (plus the expensive pads and helmets) and ice skates (and ice or another hard, flat surface) for hockey. No sport can be simplified better than soccer. 

This, combined with the fact the women’s game is identical to the men’s game, makes soccer egalitarian and inclusive, allowing everyone to enjoy the world’s game regardless of gender, race, religion or sexuality.

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In addition to its simplicity, soccer combines all the best facets of a number of different sports. Looking at why soccer is the best sport in comparison to others, you can take some of the best traits of other major sports and find an equivalent in soccer.

Soccer has the free-flowing nature of hockey, the creativity and freedom of movement of basketball, the skill and precision of baseball and the athleticism and tactics of American football. What more could you want?

Soccer has the tension of golf or playoff baseball, building up to the crescendo of a goal-scoring opportunity that’s more intense than anything American football or basketball can produce. It has the fan bases of college American football, where rivalries burn deep inside the culture. 

It’s also the perfect spectator sport, always easy to follow no matter your interest. Whether you’re at the match or following on TV, it’s not hard to keep track of like tennis with its convoluted scoring or American football with its obscure rules. When you’re watching at home, it’s just as easy to watch from the edge of your seat as it is to watch while doing chores, looking up only when the announcers’ volume raises in excitement and anticipation. No sport has bigger watch parties than soccer, and because it’s so simple, everyone understands what the object of the game is, unlike cricket or baseball. 

This is a soccer website, so of course we’re going to have plenty of reasons why soccer is the best sport. But it really comes down to what suits the individual. 

Many soccer fans picked the game up from a family member or a close friend. Some started following the sport because of their love for the FIFA videogame series. Others just like the fitness aspect to stay in shape. There’s no wrong reason.

Likewise, if someone tries to tell you soccer is not the best sport, they’re more than entitled to their opinion. But we here at The18 will vehemently disagree. (And if someone says it’s football, not soccer, they can STFU because we don’t discriminate based on vocabulary.)

If you want to know why each of us at The18 loves the sport, check out our team page where each of us give our take.

How Soccer Became The Best Sport

So now that we’ve determined why soccer is the best sport, let’s examine how it came to be so. To do this, we must look at the history of sport in general.

While many associate soccer as a game invented by the British, similar sports sprung up independently in China and Greece. Ultimately, however, the game as we know it today began in 1863, when the first football association rules were written down, though they’ve changed plenty over the decades . 

The era during which the game of association football (soccer) developed coincided with England as a world colonial power and the Industrial Revolution. As more people had more leisure time, sports like soccer grew in popularity. Then, the combination of England’s imperialism and its strong navy/economy meant soccer, the most popular sport in the British Isles, spread throughout the globe. 

This is a major simplification, but you get the point — England had the money and the means and the world fell into line. Of course, much of the world got sick of the British countries lording over the game and had no problem starting the World Cup without them. 

It may actually be easier to explain why soccer isn't the most popular sport in some areas, which this video does quite well . 

The point is, when it comes to why soccer is the best sport, it’s subjective and complicated.

In the end, it comes down to the simplicity of the beautiful game.

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Top 15 reasons soccer is the world's best sport.


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Sports fans are an interesting people. They appreciate sports and the spirit of competition in general, but will always have a favorite, and they’ll always valiantly explain why their sport is the best sport to ever grace this earth. People like different sports for different reasons. But today, I am a sports fan that is going to explain why soccer is simply the greatest sport in the world.

You may say I’m wrong, that it’s just a game. But soccer is so much more than just a game. It’s become a medium; a way for the poor to escape the reality of their lives, a game played by hundreds and millions people around the world. It’s a game that breaks down social boundaries like nothing else in the world can and connects people of opposite cultures.

All you need to play a game of football is a ball and a pair of shoes. You can put a net together yourself if need be. You can practice dribbling by yourself, or find a buddy to kick the ball around with. Joining a league only requires a pair of cleats and shin pads. It's so accessible to everybody.

For an abundance of other reasons, soccer is 10 steps ahead of any other sport at all times, and generates the most fans since it’s modest beginnings. Albert Camus, a French Nobel Prize winning author once said, “everything I know about morality and the obligations of men, I owe it to football (soccer).”

Despite FIFA constantly giving the sport a black mark, FIFA does not embody what the sport is about. This list is all about telling you why the sport is the beautiful game and shouldn't be judged by what FIFA is doing.

Here is why soccer is the world’s best sport.

16 15. Skill and technique

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

To play soccer, skill on the ball and great technique are absolutely necessary if you hope to play the game right. For some people, mastering the art of controlling the ball with your feet and making it move how you want it to move is extremely difficult. It requires a light yet confident touch of the ball, and assertiveness when passing in tight quarters. Soccer, when approaching the net, becomes a game of inches, and that’s when the real talent emerges.

Soccer fields are pretty big, and having the vision and ability to see the field and the passing opportunities is also a skill that many people argue people are born with. All in all, a player with this skill is amazing to watch, and watching soccer professionally is a feast of amazing skill and technique.

15 14. Safety

Like any sport, injuries in soccer happen, and they can be brutal. However, studies have found that soccer players are less prone to injury when compared to other sports. Of course, it is also less physical than sports like football and hockey, and requires less raw athleticism than sports like basketball.

In 2009, according to John Hopkins Medicine, about 88,000 children aged 5-14 were treated for soccer related injuries in the US. Nearly 110,000 were treated for baseball related injuries, 170,000 for basketball injuries, and an astounding 215,000 for football related injuries. Compared to other sports, soccer fares much better, making it a safer option for kids that want to play a sport.

14 13. Coaches are geniuses

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

Although I don’t think soccer is the only sport to boast extremely intelligent coaches, I think it’s a factor in what makes soccer so beautiful to watch. There are so many different formations one can choose, and choosing the one best for your team is a massive task in itself. Then comes positioning, changes in formation depending on where the game stands, and identifying the opposing teams weakness and adjusting.

A soccer manager is viewed as a sort of Churchillian psychologist. His job is to motivate and find a specific role for every single player. Different managers have different approaches as well, but the best managers always have the utmost respect of their players and their trust as well.

13 12. The best announcers in sport

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

If you’ve never heard a Mexican commentator comment on a Mexican League match, then you’ve never truly heard match commentating at its best. The way they hold the word GOL, screaming into the microphones and getting everybody riled up, is something people should witness at least once in their lives. To be a soccer commentator, you need to be as knowledgeable as you are passionate about the game.

Of course, great soccer commentating isn’t limited to Mexican ones. Most Arab commentators are amazing to hear, and follow the game with immense passion as well, praising God when a beautiful goal is scored. Ray Hudson, the English commentator for the Spanish League and perhaps one of my favorites ever, commentates on the game like no other.

But looking at the big picture, English commentators are some of the best in the world. Combining their knowledge, passion for the game, and their striking English charm that resonates to million of homes around the world, they make up some of the best commentators in the world of sport.

12 11. Normalcy in physique

A lot of sports nowadays have become so advanced and competitive, that you need to have a physique to go with that. In basketball, men and women with a height advantage have a major advantage over people that are less tall. According to the New York Times, people less than six feet tall have a one in 1.2 million chance of making the NBA. It applies for the NFL, where most players need to be physical beasts to ever dream of a career in the NFL.

Soccer is different. Agility, speed and footwork are worth more than physique. Don’t get me wrong, soccer players need to be in the best shape of their lives, but the size of their body is much less a factor than in other sports. All you need to do is look at some of the greats, including Lionel Messi, who is 5-foot-7, to realize that even smaller players have a chance of being great.

11 10. Easy to learn

Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to explain the rules of a sport to someone and failing miserable while they aimlessly stare into your eyes? There’s a reason that happens; sports are complicated. They’re littered with rules and norms that can take a while to understand.

Compared to other sports, soccer is as simple as it gets. Don’t touch the ball with your hands and try to get it into the other net. Don’t foul anyone without touching the ball first. Throw the ball back in when it goes out. Once you’ve explained the offside concept, the yellow and red cards, and corners, you have yourself a game. Of course, technique and structure are a different story.

9 9. The rivalries

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

Rivalries make for exciting sports. They’re the result of a passionate history between two teams that often constantly competed for the top prize. In soccer, rivalries tend to be passionate and nasty, but also based and influenced by politics and geography of course. It’s often during these rival matches that legends are made, and where you see the true, mad passion of soccer fans.

Some of the bigger rivalries include Barcelona against Real Madrid, the two Spanish giants always competing for the top prize. It doesn’t help that they have arguably the best players in the world playing opposite each other, only accentuating the rivalry.

8 8. Fluid play

Let’s be honest folks, unless it’s Super Bowl Sunday, we pretty much all hate commercials. So much so that we incessantly flip through channels for the two minutes of pain we must endure before watching whatever it was we were watching. In the NFL, a game is said to last on average 3 hours and 12 minutes. In that span, it is said that the ball is only in play for an average 11 minutes, the rest littered with commercials and stoppages. Sports like hockey and basketball have a similar fate. Baseball, in general, is just a slow game.

Soccer is the only sport where the clock will run no matter what the issue. Where a foul is settled by letting the other team have the ball and letting play continue. There are no commercial breaks other than on the 15-minute halftime, and whatever time was wasted during the game is added on at the end of every half. Soccer’s fluidity and lack of stoppages give them an important edge compared to other sports.

7 7. History

The simplicity of soccer means that historians found early traces of similar forms of the game being played as early as the 2 nd and 3 rd century BC in China. It was during the Han dynasty that people would dribble with leather balls and kick them into small nets. It was also reported that the Romans and Greeks would kick the ball for fun, and in Kyoto, where kicking the ball was a popular sport.

The history of the modern game is a little more recent yet still historic. The evolution of soccer as we’ve come to know it today should rightly be given to Britain. It was in 1863 that the Football Association was established and legitimate rules were applied to the game.

6 6. There’s no offseason

This is perhaps one of my favorite things about the beautiful game. Most seasons in Europe go from August to May, with games running about once a week, with Champions League games and other Cup games to be played in between. If that doesn’t cut it, then there are years that fans can feast their eyes and watch their best players play internationally in major tournaments every two years. Of course, I’m talking about the Word Cup and the Euro Cup.

Other international competitions run year long as well such as the African Cup of Nations and the Copa America, as well as the CONCACAF Champions League, Major League Soccer (MLS) that runs through the summer, and also qualifications games for all the major international tournaments. Like I said, the soccer is endless.

5 5. International competition

Although other sports have competitive leagues that generate millions of dollars and fans, there’s nothing that compares to soccer on the international scene. Because soccer is a sport that has an international fan base, tournaments like the FIFA World Cup, the Euro Cup, and many, many more are made possible year after year. These tournaments mean a lot to the teams playing but also to the countries that are being represented. So much so that during international tournaments, countries' flags can be seen everywhere, representing people’s passion and love of the game.

The FIFA Word Cup is the biggest of such events, and the biggest sporting event in the entire world. Brazil in 2014 generated over a billion viewers worldwide, and over 5.1 million people visited Brazil during that time. Other than FIFA, every other continent has some form of international competition, the closest one to us being the Gold Cup.

4 4. Diversity

Are you a 60-year old man or a five-year old girl? No matter, what these two opposite age groups have in common is that they can both still play soccer. It’s so simple and easy to play that pretty much anyone can do it and enjoy themselves. There are organized leagues for every age group, parks with nets all over the world, and willing people that love the game in abundance.

According to a survey done by FIFA, there are over 270 million people playing soccer regularly around the world; in other words, four per cent of the world’s population. The study was also scientifically monitored by a leading social studies organization. No other sport in the world comes close to soccer’s popularity internationally and that is because anybody can play the game.

3 3. Poverty is not an obstacle

What is necessary to play soccer? You need two players (although you can still do many things by yourself as well), two nets, made up of anything from stones to schoolbags to shoes if you’re really desperate, and a ball. Of course, a round object that can roll and is of decent size can apply as well. Equipment is kept to bare minimum as well, as opposed to sports like hockey or football, where good equipment can cost thousands of dollars.

Soccer is played on the poorest streets of third world countries as much as it's played in rich countries. It gives the poor hope and something that will connect them to one another, and teaches them the value of the beautiful game. A nice example of soccer’s power to ease poverty is in India, where a league gathering slum dwellers and homeless people called Slum Soccer was created.

“We start with the language of football. Values like team spirit, truthfulness, fellow feeling are given utmost priority," explains the head of Slum Soccer and son of the organization's founder, Abhijeet Barse.

2 2. Passion

In soccer, passion is everywhere. It engulfs you and surrounds you. It’s seen at the park next door, when someone scores the winning goal, it’s seen in leagues everywhere, and it's seen at the biggest stage as well. Soccer burns a fiery heart in people’s souls that they can’t get enough of. There’s no sport quite like it.

That’s what passion does. It brings people together and lets them enjoy the sport they love. You feel the passion in your veins when you play and watch the game, when you watch Camp Nou bowing to Messi after scoring a spectacular goal, or when the Bernabeu salutes Ronaldo after yet another hat-trick. In soccer, passion is synonymous with the game.

1 1. It’s the beautiful game

Often you’ll hear soccer being referred to as the beautiful game. It’s such a phenomenon that two Harvard professors have even started a class asking students to explain why soccer is called the beautiful game. When I get asked this question, my mind immediately goes to Wavin' Flag montages from 2010 ( see link here ).

A passionate commentator explains the passion of soccer, alludes to the roar of the crowd and the noise of the people. What a skilled player can do with the ball is unthinkable, impossible, making it all the more beautiful. A succession of passes leading to an easy goal is beautiful; everything about the game is simply beautiful.

But what really makes it the beautiful game is the fact that it takes people from thousands of different countries, cultures, and dialects, and brings them together under one simple language: soccer.

Building educators' capacity to produce college-ready performance for all students.

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

Is Soccer the Best Sport in the World? (Part 1)

I’d like to start this post by declaring that I am not myself a fan of the sport that America calls soccer and the rest of the world calls football.  But after I listened and made a minor contribution to a friendly dispute at a family function about the merits of soccer in comparison to other sports more popular in this country, I recognized that this issue could be useful in my work with teachers, building their professional capacity to teach their students to think critically and make college-directed arguments on the key questions in their curriculum content.  A debatable question that I have been using often of late with partner teachers is:

Is soccer the best sport in the world?

This debatable issue is obviously arguable; it is clearly not a closed question.  Some people might think it is too open, that it is simply subjective.  But academic argument takes place all the time on questions that the writer or speaker tries to make a case can be addressed rationally with evidence and reasoning.  Evidence-based argument often in effect attempts to covert a matter that is considered subjective into something more objective.  Was the United States justified in using atomic weapons on Japan in World War II?  This isn’t a closed question, and its solution will never look like a math problem.  But those who argue that the U.S. was justified cite fact-based evidence that an invasion of Japan would have cost far more lives (both American and Japanese) than were lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 1945.  These advocates invoke a utilitarian principle that the most ethical decision in a case like this is the one that saves the greatest number of lives.  On the other side, historians reference documents to show that the Japanese were close to surrender and would have been persuadable through methods short of invasion or atomic decimation.  They often cite moral principles that the U.S. has long stood behind to protect innocents even in wartime.  The point here is that argumentation is inherently the process of bringing facts and reasoning together to make the case that one position on an open question is more valid, more defensible, than the alternatives.

On the soccer issue, partner teachers have been working on calibrating what a good argument looks like, built around a given piece of evidence, supporting different positions on the issue.  After we converge on our argument and counter-argument models, we discuss teaching strategies to lead their students closer to exemplary argument and counter-argument construction of their own.

Argument Building Exercise

This professional development exercise begins with the evidence teachers are given to build two arguments, on supporting the position that soccer is indeed the best sport in the world, and one supporting the opposing position that it is not.  For shorthand purposes we can call the former position “affirmative” (i.e., yes, soccer is the best sport) and the latter position “negative” (no, soccer is not the best sport).

Affirmative Position Evidence

For the World Cup soccer championship in 2014, there were 909.6 million viewers for at least 30 minutes of the games. That same year, There were 111.5 million viewers around the world for the Super Bowl (Charles Doty, Beutler Ink website, an international marketing firm, accessed June 18, 2018).

Negative Position Evidence

In 1900 the average number of goals in a World Cup soccer game was 4.6.  By 2010, that number had fallen to 2.4.  “This is a worrying trend. Due to advances in defensive strategies, it is possible that we may witness goals dying out altogether” (Chris Anderson, professor of statistics, Cornell U., Slate.com, May 13, 2013).

Teachers have used these argument builders to build their own model arguments, on both sides of the issue, using these pieces of evidence.

Teachers have typically worked in pairs to share with each other the arguments they have built.  We focus on the formulation of the argumentative claim, seeking as always an “equidistance” between the generality of the position statement and the granular detail of the evidence, and (even more so) on the argumentative reasoning, about which I’ll say more below.  I then post my model, and teachers compare it to their own, focusing on and analyzing points of difference.

Argument Building Models

I have brought together the two argument models on the affirmative and negative sides of the soccer issue in a single document, one that indexes by color the elements of an argument that they comprise.

Color-Indexed Elements of Argument

Black font is for the argumentative claim. 

Blue font is for evidence. 

Green font is for reasoning which (A) analyzes the evidence. 

Gray font is for reasoning which (W) warrants the evidence.

Red font is for reasoning which (E) emphasizes the importance of the evidence for the claim and/or for the overall position.

I will be posting over the summer on the AWE-some steps and sequence of argumentative reasoning included in this argument model indexing.  But here is a short-form explication. The first step in argumentative reasoning is to analyze the evidence.  This is often confused by students for paraphrasing, but it is actually “paraphrasing with a point,” or “pointed paraphrasing.”  The point, of course, is to accentuate (A) what in the evidence is most directly and authoritatively supportive of the claim.   Next, the evidence needs to be warranted (W), in Stephen Toulmin’s language.  This means that the writer or speaker should identify the principle, standard, criterion, or point of logic that justifies for the reader or listener that the evidence actually substantiates the claim, and that the claim actually substantiates the overall position.  Finally, argumentative reasoning should include emphasis (E) of the importance of either the evidence or the full argument to the overall position.  In other words, the writer or speaker should include a response to the unstated So what? question that they should expect the critical reader or listener to harbor.

Counter-Argument Building Exercise

We then conduct together a similar exercise on the flip side, building counter-arguments against the arguments we just created.  Teachers use these adapted counter-argument builders to create two counter-arguments to each of the arguments they created on the soccer issue.

Teachers are encouraged to build each of the two kinds of counter-arguments against each argument.  One kind of counter-argument is critical .  Critical counter-arguments critique the evidence and reasoning of the argument and typically do not include their own evidence and reasoning.  The other kind of counter-argument is independent .  Independent counter-arguments do contain their own evidence and reasoning.  Their counter-claims sometimes are pointed more at the other’s side’s overall position than at the original argument’s claim.  To build independent counter-arguments, teachers need to do a little research themselves to find evidence that would support separate counter-claims contradicting their original arguments.

Counter-Argument Models

Just as with the built arguments, teachers share their counter-arguments in pairs, discussing which features of their respective work is more successful, and homing in on differences between their counter-arguments.  I then project my counter-argument models

I’ve brought together the counter-argument models into a single-page document, adding transition phrases to create full refutation paragraphs.  This model document includes its own color indexing.  The colors are the same as with the argument models, but they represent different elements, so use of this document needs to be carefully explicated.

Color-Indexed Elements of Counter-Argument

Black font is for the summary of the argument.

Blue font is for an independent counter-argument’s evidence.

Green font is for the counter-claim.

Gray font is for an independent counter-argument’s reasoning.

Red font is for a critical counter-argument’s critical reasoning .

This post is already plenty long, so my sharing of some of the analytical discoveries that partner teachers and I have been making as we work through their argument and counter-argument building and compare it to the models above will have to wait until my next post on  The Debatifier .

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193 Sports Persuasive Essay Topics [with Tips & Examples]

persuasive essay why soccer is the best sport

For many of us, physical activity is an essential part of life. From morning yoga to professional soccer, it helps us stay fit and healthy. Besides, it’s a source of entertainment that can relax us and calm us down.

Writing or talking about sports can be as enjoyable as doing or playing them. Are you passionate about some game or event? Do you have a favorite player? Have you ever participated in a championship? Watched the Olympic games? All these aspects can be explored in a paper, and a good sports persuasive essay topic will help you with that.

Whether you need a subject for public speaking or you are writing a persuasive text, you will find the right idea here. Our professional writers prepared gathered sports persuasive speech topics and essay ideas. So, check out our list to find something you can convince your audience of.

  • ✍️ How to Start?
  • ⭐ Stellar Sports Topics
  • ❄️ Winter Sports
  • ☀️ Summer Sports
  • 🏈 American Football
  • 🏀 Basketball
  • 🏋 Olympics Topics
  • 🏆 NBA Topics
  • 🏃 NFL Topics
  • 🏒 NHL Topics
  • 🤸 Exercises Topics

🍏 Fitness Topics

  • 💃 Dance Topics
  • 📝 Writing about Sports

✍️ How to Start a Sports Persuasive Essay?

You may be familiar with the term “hook” concerning the essay writing. If not, well, it’s a catchy sentence or two at the beginning of the paper. It’s supposed to intrigue the reader and grab their attention so that they follow your train of thought.

The writer places a hook before the thesis statement of their paper. This way, the reader will be more focused on the core message.

Let’s be real:

Not everyone is interested in sports. Or not in the particular game that you center your paper around. So, in the persuasive essay on sports, a catchy hook is essential. You need an attention grabber to make anyone engaged. Plus, it helps to get a clear understanding of your thesis later. You can check out some college essay examples to better understand what we’re talking about.

Starting an essay with a hook ensures that your audience will want to keep reading.

So, how can you intrigue from the start?

There are several popular hooks for sports-related essays:

  • Quotations . A quotation is an engaging way to introduce your reader to the topic. Make sure the quote is relevant to the rest of the essay. “You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” – Michael Jordan
  • Fun Facts . Use some fun or unexpected info about sports to surprise a reader. It can be a great attention-grabber, especially if a reader is not knowledgeable on the subject. A record 202 countries participated in the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens.
  • Personal Experience. Using personal experience in a hook is smart in several ways. First, it gives the reader a sense of the author’s presence. Second, it provides information in an engaging, conversational style. I couldn’t stand the idea of working out when I was younger.
  • Anecdotes . Similar to personal experience, anecdotes are entertaining stories. They can be based on a real narrative or be entirely made-up. Your task is to make them humorous. Do you know Jim Thorpe’s response when he received the gold medal for the Decathlon? When the King of Sweden said that Thorpe was the greatest athlete in the world, he said, “Thanks, King.”
  • Rhetorical Questions . Rhetorical questions don’t require an answer. They either state the obvious or encourage one’s thinking. Use them in a hook to immerse the reader into the subject. If LeBron James ends up taking the Cleveland Cavaliers to the playoffs now, and Carmelo Anthony can’t take the Denver Nuggets to the playoffs, what do you think that does to the Rookie of the Year voting?
  • Useful Definition . Starting the first paragraph with a definition sets the tone for your essay. It is an informative, specific lead to your topic. Deck work is the mood-setting moves performed on the deck once the music starts before the swimmers enter the water.
  • Controversial statement . There are usually two sides to any controversy. Your reader will either agree or disagree with a given statement but will stay invested. The U.S. men’s soccer team won’t win a World Cup in the foreseeable future.

Make sure not to make baseless assumptions and statements.

⭐ 12 Best Sports Persuasive Speech Topics

  • College Basketball.
  • Sports Psychology.
  • Ticket Prices.
  • American Football.
  • Student-Athletes.
  • Soccer Championships.
  • Sports Education.
  • Controversial Matches.
  • 2022 Olympics.
  • Cheerleading.
  • Youth Sports.

🍂 Persuasive Essay Topics: Seasonal Sports

Some sports activities differ from one time of the year to another. Here is a list of good persuasive essay topics about seasonal sports:

❄️ Winter Sports Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The launch of The Winter Dew Tour has greatly Improved Snowboarding Culture in the US .
  • Recent Climate Change Trends pose a significant threat to the winter sports industry.
  • Cross Country Skiing is the least dangerous of all winter sports.
  • Figure skating judges are biased .
  • Violence in hockey is often encouraged by fans.
  • Ski jumping is better than snowboarding.
  • North Korea stole the show during Pyongyang winter Olympics.
  • The Winter sports apparel market will keep growing regardless of the global crisis.
  • Fake snow should not be used for winter sports.
  • Bobsleigh is not a serious sport.

☀️ Summer Sports Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Golf is a rich man’s favorite sport.
  • Horse showing is underrated in the US .
  • Boxing is better than MMA. Are boxers better athletes than MMA fighters?
  • More American Universities should invest in organizing summer sports camps.
  • It’s time to cancel the NBA summer league.
  • Gymnastics is the most aesthetically pleasing sport.
  • Wimbledon is not as prestigious anymore.
  • Skateboarding should not be a part of the Olympics.
  • Alcohol consumption should be prohibited during the Tour de France.
  • Martial arts are practiced only for defense purposes .
  • Nike is the best producer of golf equipment .
  • Badminton is harder to play than tennis.
  • Lacrosse and field hockey are the same sport.
  • Swimming should be a mandatory skill for everyone.
  • Surfing is the most difficult of all water sports.

🏏 Sports Persuasive Essay Topics: Games

Games can be one of the most exciting things about sports. Take a look at the persuasive essay topics about team sports:

🏈 American Football Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Football is too dangerous for its players . Concussions and other brain injuries are common in American football.
  • American football philosophy is inseparable from American identity .
  • American football is more profitable than baseball .
  • Companies should stop placing ads on the player’s uniform. Elaborate on the distracting factor. Can it lead to more injuries among the players?
  • College athletes who play American football should get a better insurance plan.

Some insurance policies are only of value to college players.

  • The Canadian football league is more fun to watch than the NFL.
  • Rugby is harder to play than American football.
  • College football players should get higher scholarships.
  • More awareness should be raised about racist team names in football.
  • The football helmet is an essential part of the equipment.
  • Of all contact team sports, American football is the most dangerous .
  • There should be an age limit for young kids to start playing football.
  • The tradition of American football has created a tightly-bound community.
  • American football cultivates unnecessary violence and aggression.
  • American football conveys a wrong image of masculinity.

⚽ Soccer Persuasive Essay Topics

  • FIFA World Cup is the most profitable yet corrupt soccer event in the world . Should its policies be reconsidered?
  • FIFA’s primary mission is to promote peace and intercultural communication .
  • Soccer World Cup is not well adjusted for the international crowd.
  • Women’s soccer gets fewer media coverage than men’s soccer.
  • Virtual reality is soccer training that can replace conventional training methods.
  • The World Cup events bring severe damage to the countries that host them.
  • Soccer drills are the most effective training strategy.
  • Different techniques for kicking a soccer ball are a critical element of the game.
  • Despite all the risks, soccer is the best investment in the sports industry .
  • Soccer has become an integral part of Saudi culture .
  • The World Cup bidding system is too corrupt.

There are too many scandals concerning the World Cup corruption.

  • Girls soccer teams should be allowed to compete with boys soccer teams.
  • Karl Henning is a better businessman than a soccer player.
  • Soccer coaching ethics should be stricter.
  • Soccer is the most popular team sport of the century .

🏀 Basketball Persuasive Essay Topics

  • UCR’s Women’s Basketball uses inefficient marketing strategies .
  • We should reconsider the age range for basketball game players.
  • There should be a female version of the Big East conference.
  • Racial prejudices are a prominent issue in basketball.
  • College basketball players should get paid for each game.
  • Michael Jordan and LeBron James should not be compared.
  • Basketball is the least traumatic team sport.
  • Schools should encourage and support girls’ basketball teams more.
  • Basketball is a more exciting game than soccer.
  • Height is not a decisive factor in basketball.
  • There is a link between basketball and hip-hop.
  • The use of Native American imagery for basketball mascots is offensive.
  • Basketball is a more American game than football.
  • Basketball used to be more accessible.
  • Basketball games in movies are not realistic.

⚾ Baseball Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Baseball is more profitable than football.
  • Baseball games should incorporate instant replays.
  • Major League Baseball should carry out tests on steroid use among players .
  • MLB should invest more in seeking out young talents .
  • Pitchers play the most influential role in baseball.
  • Princeton University Youth Baseball and Softball Association is a great initiative.
  • Baseball is more interesting to watch than cricket.
  • Data collection methods in MLB are not objective .
  • The rules in baseball are too complicated for spectators to follow.

There is an entire subculture of unwritten rules in baseball.

  • Baseball used to be more exciting as a game.
  • International players in baseball teams attract new audiences.
  • American Legion Baseball coaches should get higher salaries.
  • MLB should have a set salary cap.
  • Baseball salary caps are, in fact, a bad idea.
  • Houston Astros players should’ve been penalized after the sign-stealing scandal.

🥇 Professional Sports Persuasive Essay Topics

We honor a variety of sports on different large-scale events. Here are persuasive essay topics about professional sports:

🏋 Olympics Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Ancient Greek Olympics held more sense and symbolism compared to the modern Olympics.
  • Skill and greatness shouldn’t be ultimately measured by the number of gold medals.
  • The Summer Olympics are more entertaining than the Winter Olympics.
  • We should abolish the Olympic games . Explain that they cause severe economic and social issues. Elaborate on the harm to the environment due to the games.
  • The Olympics are great at promoting values of peace and international communication.
  • The Olympic games bring more damage than benefits to a hosting country.
  • Medicine dealing is the most problematic aspect of the Olympics.
  • Jesse Owens is the greatest athlete in Olympics history.
  • The Olympics ticketing system will significantly benefit from IT development .
  • The Olympics Committee should reconsider the use of anabolic steroids.
  • Money spent on the Olympics could serve better causes .
  • Special Olympics should get more media coverage.
  • The Summer Olympics list should include cricket.
  • We shouldn’t ban blood doping during the Olympics.
  • Tokyo 2020 Olympics should be postponed until 2022.

🏆 NBA Persuasive Essay Topics

  • If not his multiple injuries Ralph Sampson could’ve become the player of the century.
  • The WNBA is underrated compared to the NBA . Why do female players have significantly smaller salaries than male players?
  • The NBA has one of the most loyal fan bases of all.

By the early 1980s the NBA was plagued by money-losing franchises.

  • The NBA All-Star games are more entertaining than Super Bowl events.
  • The NBA age limit is too small.
  • Investing in an NBA team is too risky .
  • The NBA draft does not provide equal chances for all teams.
  • Joel Embiid owes part of his success to Kobe Bryant.
  • Is NBA the most successful of North America’s sports leagues?
  • Charlotte Hornet’s value rose because Michael Jordan bought it.
  • Toronto Raptors and Milwaukee Bucks are equally good teams.
  • The rivalry between Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors developed after the 2015 NBA Finals.
  • The NBA’s dress code should be reconsidered.
  • The NBA 2011 lockout has significantly worsened the owners-players relationship .
  • Michael Jordan is overrated.

🏃 NFL Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Super Bowl uses an extremely efficient marketing strategy .
  • The NFL concussion rules are too disruptive for the game.
  • Tony Romo is the best player in Dallas Cowboys.
  • The NFL is more profitable than MLB.
  • NFL’s Michael Vick case . Explain that the legal justice system does not treat celebrities equally as other individuals. Provide more examples from real life to support your arguments.
  • Does NFL cultivate violence and aggression?
  • NFL UK will be able to compete with the original NFL in the foreseeable future.
  • The NFL should pay more attention to head injuries.
  • Dak Prescott is the best quarterback.

Dak Prescott entered the 2019 season with some of the same lingering doubts he’s faced throughout his young career.

  • Is Tua Tagovaiola overrated? He went straight from Alabama football team to Miami Dolphins. That’s when Tagovailoa started as a promising quarterback. But what happened after?
  • We should end the NFL Preseason tradition as it’s unnecessary.
  • Chicago Bears is the most successful NFL team.
  • New Orleans Saints was a revolutionary team for the NFL.
  • Antonio Brown should be able to return to playing in NFL regardless of his criminal record.
  • The NFL is the best football association in the world, and here’s why.

🏒 NHL Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The NHL is not doing enough to control violence during the game.
  • Fighting should be banned as it can result in player’s life-long injuries.
  • Edmonton Oilers’ Connor Mcdavid is the best NHL player.
  • Canadians are better at playing hockey than Americans.
  • The NFL should consider reducing contract length.
  • Florida Panthers have a long way to go to become a good team.
  • Gary Bettman is the worst NHL commissioner.
  • Tickets for the NHL winter classic games should be less expensive.
  • Victor Hedman is the all-time best defenseman in Tampa Bay Lightning.
  • Regardless of their efforts, referees are always the scapegoats on ice.
  • The NHL All-Star games are more exciting than the NBA ones.

🚴 Physical Activities Persuasive Essay Topics

Sport is not always about competing. For many of us, it is a way to stay active and get that good old endorphin rush.

🤸 Persuasive Essay Topics on Exercises

  • Daily exercise ensures better mental and physical health . Seems obvious, right? Give this sports persuasive essay topic a scientific twist by describing its impacts on physiology.
  • The gym is the best place for physical activity .
  • Yoga is the best practice for stress-management .
  • Children should not be assessed for their physical training at school.
  • All children should have a certain level of physical activity a week.
  • Companies should let their employees exercise during work hours .
  • Everyone should know how to play at least one sport.
  • Personal trainers can improve your exercise routine significantly.
  • CrossFit is not the healthiest way to exercise .
  • Swimming is one of the healthiest workouts.

Swimming is a healthy activity that you can continue for a lifetime.

  • At-home workouts are as efficient as gym workouts.
  • Exercise rehabilitation is essential for injury recovery.
  • Physically active children have more chances to grow into dynamic adults.
  • Physical exercise can battle depression.
  • Proper stretching activities are essential to prevent injuries.
  • Obesity and weight loss are some of the most burning issues in the US .
  • Vegetarianism can damage health . Discuss the controversy of vegetarianism as a lifestyle concept.
  • Fitness obsession is not that harmful.
  • Poor sleeping pattern is one of the most health-damaging factors.
  • All restrictive diets are bad for human’s health.
  • Health and wellness programs have a positive impact on employees’ performance .
  • Excessive salt consumption is hugely harmful.
  • It is a myth that gluten can negatively affect one’s health.
  • Schools should take better care of children’s nutrition plan.
  • Food supplements can’t replace actual vitamin intake.
  • Most people who are trying to lose weight approach dieting in the wrong way.
  • Nutrition is more important than physical exercise.
  • Healthy food should be more affordable.
  • Social media plays a crucial role in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Diet pills can put your life in danger.

💃 Dance Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Dance is more of a sport than an art.
  • Zumba is a better workout than pilates and aerobics.
  • Hip-hop will never become outdated.
  • Ballet schools require one of the most intense physical training.
  • Dancing provides physical and mental relaxation .
  • Learning how to dance is one of the less obvious confidence boosters.
  • Capoeira is an underrated martial art .
  • Should dance be included in major sports events like the Olympics?
  • The right amount of training can make a good dancer out of anyone.
  • Dancing can be as good of a workout as any other sport.

📝 Writing a Persuasive Essay about Sports

Now that you’ve seen the topics let’s talk about writing. Persuasive essays differ from the other academic papers in both the goal and structure. You have to keep in mind that you’re composing not for yourself but for the reader. That’s why you have to present your arguments logically and coherently.

You should outline the persuasive essay before writing.

Here are some tips on writing a killer persuasive essay about sports:

  • Choose a topic that you can handle. Don’t try to compose a paper on the game that you know nothing about. It’s too tiring and time-consuming. Remember that it takes months for a fan to learn everything about their favorite sport. If you don’t have such years-long passion, focus on the more straightforward aspects of your topic.
  • Research beforehand . Even if you’re a sports fan, and especially if you’re not. There are plenty of rules and scandals that you need to consider to sound convincing. Look up some fun facts or entertaining stories. Sports topics usually give you plenty of material to play around with.
  • Take notes. The more notes you take while researching, the less work you’ll have to do after. And you won’t have to reread the materials to find that one sports event that you’ve forgotten about. The industry is quite vibrant with exceptional cases. Make sure you keep track of all the information that might be useful.
  • Pick the issues to discuss according to the evidence . If you can’t support an argument with enough credible proof, don’t include it in your essay. Both argumentative and persuasive essays require you to stay on top of your argumentation.
  • Outline and draft your paper before writing the final version. When you’re writing on recent events, you may get new information at any moment. So, draft before composing. In case you decide to include some new evidence or improve an argument, it won’t be messy. Outlining will help to organize your thoughts comprehensively and concisely.

Read the sports news before writing the final version of the essay.

Thank you for your attention. Share this sport related persuasive essay article with a friend. And don’t be shy to convince everyone your opinion is the right one!

  • Good Topics for an Argumentative Essay on Sports: Tasos Vossos, Pen and the Pad
  • Essay Structure: Elizabeth Abrams, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Writing the Introduction: Monash University
  • The Basics of Essay Writing: UNSW Current Students
  • English II Persuasive Essay [10th grade]: Brianna Johnson, Trinity University
  • Write an Attention-Grabbing Opening Sentence for an Essay: Grace Fleming, ThoughtCo
  • Online Guide to Writing and Research — UMGC
  • Taking Notes from Research Reading: Margaret Procter, Writing Support, University of Toronto
  • Basic Guide to Essay Writing: Kathy Livingston
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Sport is an Important Part of Life

Here I shall persuade you that sport is an important part of life and one that would severely damage our country if it were removed. I explain how competition is important because of the many functions it serves within our country and our community.

Sport offers competition without violence

This is true for most sports, although there are a few sports where violence is expected such as hockey. Otherwise sport is about matching physical fitness and wit with other participants. That is one of the great things about sport and is why it is an important part of life and our society.

Sport can bring people together

It brings together teams of people who would not have usually been seen together. This includes people in teams and includes people who go to watch sports. Teams tend to have supporters that are there together as a big group supporting what they love. Sport is able to bring people together which is why it is important within our lives.

Sport makes people feel as if they belong

Some people may be socially awkward and have no friends, but if they have a little sporting ability then they will be made welcome in sports. Even if they have no friends they will not be picked last in a team, they will be made to feel like part of the group.

Sport encourages good health

It is a great motivator and has people going out and taking exercise. It is something that even makes spectators want to get into shape. It is quite common for more people to join gyms and start taking more exercise when big sporting events exist.

Sport has been around as long as homo-sapians have

All types of sport are important to us because they have been around since humans first started to walk upright. They are a deep part of our competitive and playful base instincts. It is no coincidence that infant animals play with each other and compete. It is because such behavior is genetically programmed into them. The same is true of humans and we may enjoy such activities because we have sports.

Sports are a good thing because they help to stop violence and help people come together in harmony. Sports help us to release our competitive urges and help us get more exercise. Sport is a great motivator for people to get into shape and is also a business that generates millions for our country. Sport provides a lot of jobs for people and the elements within sport such as competition, exercise and working as a team have been around for a long time. Sport embodies the ideas of friendly competition and may work on a very healthy team basis. Joining a group so that the group may complete a task or a goal is a very good thing for humans as humans are pack animals. It helps to build interpersonal bonds and often has elements of wish fulfillment within, not to mention elements of camaraderie.

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