
How to Start a Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Company – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

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Are you interested in starting a palm kernel oil extraction business? Do you need a sample palm kernel oil extraction business plan template or feasibility study report ? Then I advice you read on. Palm kernel oil is used domestically for cooking, and it is used in almost every African home for this purpose. It is also used industrially as a major ingredient in the manufacture of soap, cosmetics, processed foods, and so on.

Its industrial demand is derived from its varied and broad use in the food and chemical industries. If you live in a country like Nigeria , Malaysia, etc where palm kernel oil is in huge demand both domestically and industrially, then you can consider venturing into the palm kernel oil production business.

All this business requires is basic education and training in the process technology, which you can easily obtain by consulting a veteran in the business or searching online for helpful resources that can guide you. This article is a brief guide that explains all you need to know about starting a palm kernel oil extraction business. If you seem to be interested in the business, then read on to find out more about what it entails.

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Starting a Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Company – Sample Business Plan Template

1. start by writing your business plan.

Writing a good business plan is an important part of starting a business. It helps you know upfront, if you are capable of starting the business or you don’t have the requirements yet; since it highlights all the startup requirements in terms of cash.

It also includes the market analysis, financial summary, and other details that help you plan your business perfectly from the start. Even after starting the business, your business plan will help you stay focused to achieve your goals. Although having and following a business plan will not guarantee that your business will succeed, not having one usually results in a fiasco.

2. Source for funds

Well, truth be told; this business is capital intensive. A palm kernel production business will require between N5,000,000 and N10,000,000 ( between $30,000 and $60,000 ) depending on the size of your business, your chosen location, and many other factors.

You will need about N750,000 ( about $5,000 ) to cover startup expenses, which include the rent for at least 3 years, business registration and agency fees, insurance, and others.

Startup assets usually make up the rest of the needed capital. These include the cash needed for recurrent expenses (one year forecast), startup inventory and stock (for six months), and the cost of other assets required at startup, such as office furniture, processing equipment and machinery, office fittings, and so on.

If you can afford all the required funds, then you can run the business as a sole proprietorship . However, if you would need more funds from third parties, then you should consider involving one or more other individuals and going into a partnership. Better yet, you can source for either equity funding (by approaching angel investors ), debt funding (by taking bank loans ) or by taking small business grants , if available.

3. Find a good location

Before choosing a location for your palm kernel oil production business, you will need to consider the availability of raw materials as well as the target market. An ideal location will be very close to the market, as well as the source of raw materials.

4. Acquire the needed equipment

Palm kernel production involves cleaning, breaking, flaking, steam condition, screw pressing, and filter pressing stages. And most of these processes require the use of machines for faster production. So, you will need to acquire the machines needed for each process.

However, you must bear in mind that high quality machines will be more productive and will save you huge repair and maintenance costs in the long term. So, it’s very important that you choose your machines carefully.

5. Hire the required staff

For the effective day-to-day running of your palm kernel oil production business, you will need to hire competent individuals to man certain positions. Aside the manager ( which may be you, the owner ), you will need to hire a technical assistant, a storekeeper, about 5 production staff members, a quality control staff, security officers, as sales and administrative staff. In all, you will need between 10 to 15 staff members to run your palm kernel oil production business effectively.

6. Start production and market your business

Once you have everything in place, you can start production. Since your business is still very new, you will need to adopt marketing strategies in order to spread word about it and attract customers . Your customers include households, restaurants, food industries, soap and cosmetics industries, and so on. If you have a good number of them around you, then you can easily approach them and convince them to buy from you.

In conclusion , the time of developing your business plan to the time you will start operation typically spans between 3-4 months. It could take shorter or longer, depending on your enthusiasm, availability of capital, and other factors.

2 Challenges of Starting a Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business

a. It is a capital intensive project, as you will need to erect a production structure ( factory ) and the machines doesn’t come cheap either.

b. It is management intensive, as you will need several people to man the various production stages.

[Pdf Sample] Palm Oil Farming & Production Business Plan Docx

In the journey of palm oil production, starting from the nursery stage all the way to planting, oil extraction, processing, and eventually selling, the palm oil industry has garnered significant attention. Entrepreneurs and investors alike are increasingly drawn to this versatile and widely-used commodity.

By understanding these key elements, you can lay a solid foundation for your palm oil production venture and maximize its potential for success.

[Pdf Sample] Business Plan Proposal  For Palm Oil Production Docx

Table of Contents

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Executive Summary

The executive summary serves as an introduction to your business plan , providing a concise overview of your palm oil production venture. It should highlight the key aspects of your business, such as the mission statement, objectives, target market, competitive advantages, and financial projections.

Company Overview

In this section, provide a detailed description of your palm oil production company. Include information about its legal structure, location, history, key personnel, and any unique features or innovations that set your venture apart from competitors. Emphasize the vision and values that drive your business.

Market Analysis

Conducting a thorough market analysis is crucial to understanding the palm oil industry and identifying opportunities for growth . Assess the demand and supply dynamics of the market, analyze the competitive landscape, and identify key trends and drivers affecting the industry. Additionally, determine your target market segments and outline your marketing strategies to effectively reach and engage customers.

Production Process

Detail the production process involved in palm oil production. Explain the cultivation and harvesting of oil palm trees , the extraction methods used to obtain palm oil, and the processing techniques for refining and packaging the final product. Highlight any sustainable practices or certifications that you plan to incorporate into your production process, as environmental considerations are gaining increasing importance in the industry.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Developing an effective marketing and sales strategy is crucial for positioning your palm oil brand in the market and attracting customers. Identify your target audience, outline your unique selling propositions, and describe your pricing strategy. Additionally, explore various distribution channels, such as wholesalers, retailers, and online platforms, to reach a wide customer base.

Operational Plan

The operational plan outlines the day-to-day activities and resources required to run your palm oil production venture efficiently. Define the roles and responsibilities of key personnel, describe the equipment and infrastructure needed, and establish quality control measures. It is also essential to consider sustainability practices, waste management , and compliance with local regulations and certifications.

Financial Projections

Provide comprehensive financial projections for your palm oil production business. This section should include income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow forecasts. Highlight the initial investment required, expected revenue streams, production costs, and operating expenses. Conduct a break-even analysis and assess the profitability and return on investment potential of your venture.

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Here is the Download Link To Business Plan For Palm Oil Farming And Oil Production Proposal Pdf

What are the main components of a business plan for palm oil production?

A business plan for palm oil production typically includes an executive summary, company overview, market analysis, production process, marketing and sales strategy, operational plan, financial projections, and risk assessment.

How can I identify my target market in the palm oil industry?

What certifications are important for sustainable palm oil production.

Certifications such as Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) are important for sustainable palm oil production. They demonstrate your commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

How can I mitigate risks in palm oil production?

Where can i find more information about starting a palm oil production venture.

In conclusion, a well-crafted business plan is essential for anyone looking to establish a successful palm oil production venture. It provides a roadmap for your business, ensuring that you have a clear vision, defined strategies, and a thorough understanding of the market and operational requirements. By incorporating sustainable practices, embracing innovation, and addressing potential risks, you can position your palm oil production business for long-term growth and profitability .

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How to Start a Palm Oil Production Business?

Explore our guide on starting a palm oil production business. Dive into each step, from extraction to purification, for a clear understanding of Starting a Business in Palm Oil Manufacturing.

Discover essential steps to launch a successful palm oil production business. From understanding market trends to setting up processing units, get insights and tips on starting a lucrative palm oil venture.

Palm oil derived from the fruits of African oil palms that thrives in tropical rainforest areas. They are similar to sunflower or rapeseed oil but more widely used.

These oil palms flourish in the humid tropics, especially 10 degrees north and south of the equator. Originally from West and South-West Africa, they're now cultivated and farmed to increase the production of palm oil. You'll find palm oil in many African and Brazilian dishes, as well as in cookies, margarine, and chocolate.

By the way, do you know why palm oil is good for cooking? It's not excessively saturated, contains no linolenic acid, and is high in natural vitamin E – making it ideal for frying and grilling. Hence, it's a top choice in kitchens.

The oil extracts from the pulp of the oil palm tree's fruit, which is reddish due to beta-carotene. The fruit is similar to the size of a large olive, contains a single seed, used to make palm kernel oil. Each palm fruit contains about 30-35% oil.

Palm oil is the second most produced edible oil globally. Australia imports around 130,000 tons annually. Indonesia and Malaysia lead in exporting, while India, China, the United States, European Union, and Pakistan are major importers.

Besides cooking, palm oil has medicinal uses, like relieving stomach upsets and promoting eye health with its vitamin A. However, be cautious – studies link palm oil to cholesterol.

Now, let's talk business. The palm oil industry is a money-making machine. While many chase white-collar jobs, the wise ones tap into the agricultural sector's potential. If you're seeking a step-by-step guide to palm oil success, keep reading. Your journey into the palm oil business is about to begin.

So let's start with the market research!

Palm Oil Industry Market Research

India palm oil market (2015).

  • Overview : Valued at USD 5.16 billion, driven by population growth and economic advancements.
  • Growth Factors : Massive potential with 100% FDI, financial aid, and 95% import reliance.
  • Consumption Landscape : Palm oil holds a 40% consumption share in India.

Global Palm Oil Market

  • Market Size (2021) : USD 63.65 Billion.
  • Revenue forecast (2030) : USD 96.95 Billion
  • CAGR : 5.0% from 2022 - 2030
  • Projections (2024) : Expected to exceed 85 million metric tons, driven by sustainability and global demand.
  • Challenges : Environmental concerns and deforestation impact expansion.

Global Consumption Trends

  • Global Consumers : India, Indonesia, and China are major consumers.
  • Diverse Applications : Rising demand in food, non-food sectors, and a shift to sustainable production.

Business Preparation and Market Investigation

  • Preliminary Stage : Early market investigation for turnkey palm oil factory establishment.
  • Success Factors : Research, understanding business nature, competitor analysis, and price awareness are vital.
  • Influence of Income and Population: Demand rises with income and population growth.
  • Competitor Insight : Essential for project reports and business plans.

Ideal site for a palm oil production plant?

Finding the location to start your palm oil production doesn't require a huge space – it depends on how much palm oil production you're planning.

Aspect Details
Space Requirement Small-scale palm oil refinery machine setup needs around 100 sqm, larger setup 3-15 acres.
Essentials Ensure water and electricity at your chosen spot. Power: 500-2000 KVA for machines.
Manpower Crew of 20-150 people depending on plant size.
Water Usage Aim for 15-50 tons per hour for smooth operations.

A small scale palm oil mill plant may consist of only a few palm oil milling machines, while a larger scale palm oil processing plant may include a larger number of machines, as well as additional equipment such as conveyor belts and storage tanks .

In some cases, a complete palm oil processing machine may require a separate space to house the machinery and equipment.

Furthermore, To thrive in this business, start by reaching out to various equipment suppliers. Once you've gathered contacts, delve into preliminary discussions with the palm oil milling equipment and industrial spares manufacturer . Confirm the product prices, grasp the land space required, and understand the specifications for Starting a palm oil processing company.

Palm Oil Extraction Machine

Now, let's talk about picking the right machine to get palm oil. Once you've decided on the location, the next big thing is choosing a palm oil extraction machine. This step is crucial in the palm oil production business plan .

There are different machines out there, so take your time comparing prices and getting feedback from others in the industry before making your final choice. The best palm oil comes from using the right equipment for pressing and refining.

Below we have combined a table presenting machines/equipment used in the palm Oil extraction process.

Machine/Equipment Function
Fruit Reception Temporary storage and unloading of fresh palm fruit bunches from palm plantation.

Softens and sterilizes fruit bunches using high-temperature steam (145°C).

Burns hot water to generate steam, sterilization time 90-120 minutes. heated by steam, fermentation time 60-90 minutes.
heated by a peripheral heating coil, sterilization time 60-90 minutes.

Palm Fruit Thresher

Separates palm fruit from bunches;

Capacity of 500kg/h Capacity ranges from 1-2t/h to 15t/h.
Digester Crushes palm pulp and breaks cell structure for effective oil extraction; horizontal and vertical options available based on factory design.
Presser Screw palm oil press machines extract oil from palm fruit; options include single and double screw machines based on processing capacity.
Employed after pressing to dissolve remaining oil from palm fruit residue using solvents like hexane, ensuring a thorough extraction for high-quality palm oil.
Oil Clarification Station Includes vibrating screen, crude oil clarification tank, and plate filter to filter impurities and provide clean crude oil for storage.
Bleacher Removes color pigments and impurities during the refining process, enhancing the appearance and purity of the oil.
Deodorizer Eliminates unwanted odors and flavors, resulting in a neutral and pleasant final palm oil product.
Plate Type Heat Exchanger Efficiently regulates temperatures during various processing stages, contributing to the overall efficiency of the process.
Crystallizers Aids in crystallizing certain components during refining, enhancing the quality of the final palm oil product. For specific palm oil fractionation, a palm oil Dry Fractionation Plant is often used after this stage.
Membrane Filters Used to further refine and purify the palm oil by separating smaller particles, ensuring a high-quality end product.

Investing in high-quality palm oil processing machines is crucial for long-term time and cost savings. Carefully choose machines for each step, and for effective plant operations, hire competent employees with experience in the palm oil processing industry.

Typical Palm Oil Manufacturing Processes

Embarking on the journey of typical palm oil manufacturing involves intricate steps

The crucial first step treats fruit bunches with steam, eliminating bacteria and arresting enzyme activity. This ensures the cessation of fruit degradation.

The steamer softens oil palm fruits, facilitating the release of natural oil. Post-steam treatment, the fruit masses, containing water, oil, fibers, and palm kernel, undergo a meticulous separation process.

Under high pressure, the natural fruit yields a water-oil mixture. Over time, the distinct layer of palm oil forms, allowing extraction from the water. These initial drops result in natural crude palm oil, necessitating further processing at the edible oil refinery.

Utilizing Bunches and Kernel

Remaining empty fruit bunches fuel steam boilers .

These empty bunches are composted, enriching soil fertility with nutrients for oil palm plantations.

The kernel is transported to a seed crushing plant , which crushes the hard kernel to extract the oil oil using palm kernel oil press machines.

Refining Palm Oil

In an edible oil refinery , crude oil undergoes a meticulous water wash to ensure intensive contact for the removal of water-soluble compounds. This process results in an oil-water mixture from which the lighter, refined edible oil distinctly separates and forms a top layer, ready for further purification and processing.

The oil undergoes a crucial bleaching step, employing natural earth to bind and remove impurities.

Volatile components are removed through steam, transforming into gas that exits the oil. The result is a refined and healthy vegetable oil.

Final Manufacturing

Post-refining, the oil undergoes fractionation, separating into distinct fractions based on specific properties, particularly melting points. A dry fractionation plant , also known as a palm oil fractionation plant, further refines palm oil by separating it into two distinct fractions:

  • Palm olein oil and
  • Palm stearin oil

This precision allows for the creation of palm oil fractions tailored to diverse applications

Each fraction finds application in a variety of products, from margarine and cookies to creams. Palm oil, post-fractionation, becomes a versatile ingredient in an array of manufacturing processes.

Challenges and Solutions in Palm Oil Production Business

Starting a business in palm oil manufacturing brings both challenges and opportunities. Here's a breakdown of key challenges and practical solutions to navigate this dynamic industry

Challenges Solutions
Financial Difficulty Explore alternative financial sources due to the capital-intensive nature of the palm oil processing industry.
Labour and Management Intensity Be prepared for the labor and management demands by ensuring a skilled and well-trained workforce.
Location Selection Overcome the challenge of finding a perfect location by conducting thorough research and considering factors like accessibility, infrastructure, and cost-effectiveness.
Transport and Power Issues Address transportation and power supply challenges by setting up your own generators and establishing efficient transportation systems.
Raw Material Supply Mitigate raw material supply issues during scarcity seasons by establishing your own palm tree farm to ensure a consistent and reliable source of raw materials.
Transportation of Palm Bunches and Oil Plan for efficient transportation solutions, both from the farm to the plant and from the plant to the market, to streamline the logistics process and reduce potential delays.

Cost of Palm Oil Production Business

Embarking on the journey of setting up a palm oil production business demands a grasp of the costs involved.

Scale Cost Range
Small Scale (10-50 TPD) $20,000 - $260,000
Medium Scale (100-500 TPD) $1.4M - $ 6.5M
Large Scale (1000-2000 TPD) $7.5M - $15M

Licenses And Certification For Palm Oil Mill Business

In the context of a sustainable palm oil production line, various certifications ensure adherence to ethical and environmentally friendly practices. Here are some prominent certifications and licenses associated with sustainable palm oil

License/Certification Description
Business License Obtained from local authorities, permitting the legal operation of the palm oil mill business.
Land Use Permit Required to use a specific area for the palm oil mill and cultivation of oil palm plantations.
Palm Oil Mill License A specific license for palm oil mill operations, ensuring compliance with industry regulations.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

One of the most widely recognized standards for sustainable palm oil.

International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC)

A global certification system covering various sectors, including palm oil.

Rainforest Alliance Certification Focuses on promoting environmental sustainability and social responsibility in agriculture, including palm oil.
Fair Trade Certification Ensures fair wages, ethical labor practices, and community development in palm oil production.
UTZ Certification Emphasizes responsible and sustainable farming practices, covering aspects such as environmental protection and social welfare.
Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) Not a certification but a collective commitment by companies to adhere to higher sustainability standards in palm oil production.

It's essential for businesses in the palm oil industry to obtain relevant certifications to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. These certifications not only enhance credibility but also contribute to a positive environmental and social impact.

Seizing Success : Path to Effective Palm Oil Production Business

Starting a palm oil production business is a promising opportunity with the potential for significant profits. With the continuous growth in Africa's population, the demand for palm oil is increasing, making it an opportune time to enter this industry.

The relatively low initial investment makes it accessible for a wide range of entrepreneurs. By getting involved in this thriving business, individuals can not only meet the rising demand for palm oil but also position themselves for substantial financial gains.

We are committed to excellence in the field, and stand ready to support you at every step. With a track record of providing top-notch palm oil processing equipment, tailored solutions, and impeccable services, we ensure your venture is set up for success.

Choose Nandt Engitech as your trusted partner, and let's cultivate success together in the flourishing palm oil industry.


Riyaz Tunvar

Riyaz Tunvar, Sales and Marketing Director at N&T Engitech Pvt. Ltd., excels in transforming the edible oil sector. With deep expertise in oilseeds, oils, and fats technologies, he leads strategic initiatives, driving growth and innovation in cutting-edge edible oil plant and machinery solutions.

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Are you interested in the agro-allied or food processing sector?

Do you need a standard palm oil processing business plan?

Then here’s an in-depth guide on how to start a palm oil processing company here in Nigeria.

Though among very lucrative businesses in Nigeria, the palm oil business is commonly overlooked. Palm oil is the most consumed edible oil worldwide, as it is a popular food ingredient in Africa and some parts of Asia (such as Malaysia and Indonesia).

Palm oil is in greatest demand in West Africa, where it is used in almost every home for cooking and a few other purposes. But in spite of this, the region produces less than 5% of the palm oil produced worldwide. Malaysia and Indonesia are the world’s largest producers and exporters of the commodity, and West Africa is one of their biggest export markets because countries in the region are not producing enough palm oil to meet the demands of their local markets.

Presently, the global palm oil market is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and it only keeps growing. You can make a lot of money by tapping into this lucrative market. There are many opportunities in palm oil production for interested entrepreneurs.

There are many ways to make money from palm oil, depending on how much capital you have. If you have little capital, you can buy and sell palm oil in bulk quantities. But if you have huge capital, you can start a palm oil processing company or a palm kernel extraction plant, which is by far the most lucrative palm oil business. If you are interested in setting up a palm oil processing company, the following are the steps you need to take.

OUR STANDARD PALM OIL BUSINESS PLAN is a comprehensive business plan that will assist you with all the needed ideas and plans to start a successful PALM OIL business. It will also give you all the needed guides to start an ultra-modern palm oil processing company.

PROCESSING business anywhere in the world is a viable business and can be done on a large scale or small scale.

Starting PALM OIL PROCESSING business in Nigeria is usually for two major investment purposes; To produce processed palm oil for the local market and export purposes and to produce kernel for marketing purposes to other companies who will later process it into palm kernel oil.

The PALM OIL business plan is fully updated with current research on how to start a PALM OIL business, get the attention of the market, retain them, and make huge profits.

The business plan has a full analysis of PALM OIL business in Nigeria, PALM OIL large composite machines and equipment (MILL), and PALM OIL design and installation, the cost of PALM OIL, PALM OIL dealers. The PALM OIL business plan also has an in-depth analysis of oil palm processing equipment.

3 Years of Automated Financial Model in MS Excel with complete industry research.

To get this standard PALM OIL business plan only for N10, 000

Let me give you an idea of what you should expect from the business plan:

1)      Table of Contents

2)      Executive Summary: The summary includes an introduction, products and services description, marketing and sales among others

3)      Company Overview : this includes

  • Mission Statement
  • History and Current Status
  • Markets and Products
  • Keys to success
  • Cost summary

4)      Product description : All our products are described including other unique features.

5)      Industry and Market Analysis

  • Introduction
  • Industry analysis
  • Market analysis
  • Customer analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • SWOT Analysis

6)      Marketing Strategy

  • Target Market Strategy
  • Product/Service Strategy
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Distribution Strategy
  • Advertising and Promotion Strategy
  • Sales Strategy
  • Marketing and sales Forecasts

7)      Operations

  • Operations Strategy
  • Scope of Operations
  • Operating Expenses

8)      Development

  • Development Strategy
  • Development Timeline
  • Development Expenses

9)      Management

  • Company Organization
  • Management Team
  • Administrative Expenses

10)   Summary of Financials

  • Financial Assumptions
  • Financial Forecasts
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Income statement

iii.      Balance sheet

  • Profit and loss
  • Profit Margin, chart etc
  • Financial Risks

11)   Appendices

Support for Product/Service Description (e.g., diagrams, pictures, etc.)

Support for Marketing and Sales Plan

Support for Development Plan

Support for Operations Plan

Resumes of Management Team

Financial Statements

  • Income Statement [3 years]
  • Balance Sheets [3 years]
  • Cash Flow Statements [3 years]
  • Ratio Analysis [3 years]
  • Other supporting financial statements

What is the cost of the Palm Oil Business Plan?

Well if I say N30,000 it worth it but I won’t give you for that amount and not even N20,000.

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To access this standard palm oil business plan, pay N10,000 into any of the accounts below:

You can order for the palm oil processing business plan from our store here

You can pay into any of the following accounts:

Account Name: Etimate Global Services Account Number: 1150007557 Bank: Skye Bank or

Account Name: Utibe Etim Account Number: 0007852498 Bank: GTB or Account Name: Utibe Etim Account Number: 2012483183 Bank: UBA

AFTER PAYMENT: Please text or email your name, phone number, payment details and your email address to 07031542324 or [email protected] and your palm oil business plan will be sent to you


  • Standard Poultry Business Plan with 3 Years Financial Analysis
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firefox 29/12/2015 , 04:52:47 PM Poultry Business Plan - - Gmail - Mozilla Firefox

I want to say a big thank you for the business plan you sent. The plan is rich and detailed and professionally developed as explained on your web page. In fact the plan worth more than price. I have gone through the financial template and I have made some changes to suit my needs and would present it to my banker next. Am I going to present it together with the financial template or should I only present the business plan?

I have gone through the financial template and I have made some changes to suit my needs and would present it to my banker next. Am I going to present it together with the financial template or should I only present the business plan?

Can I also send it for you to help me review the financial before I submit?

Mrs. Esther Enudi

If you have any question, don’t hesitate to call me on 07031542324

Utibe Etim



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palm kernel oil extraction business plan

palm kernel oil extraction business plan

Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Machines - Key Factors of Production Business Plan

There are many palm oil factories and palm kernel oil factories in Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria and many other places where palm trees are planted in abundance. Referring to the current situation of palm kernel oil extraction, small oil extraction plant by using screw oil press is in the majority. However the process of the oil plant is different which is based on many factors including production output, cost budget, degree of automation, factory conditions, client requirements, etc.  (Read more about small scale oil mill plant for palm oil )

Star Your Own Palm Kernel Oil Production Business

small palm kernel oil extraction plant and machine

For palm fruits, the proportion of pulp, kernel shell and kernel changes according to variety, place of origin, fertilization, fruit age, etc, which is roughly 35% ~ 80% of pulp, 8% ~ 20% of kernel shell and 6%~15% of kernel. The oil content in palm pulp is 46% ~ 50% and in kernel is 50% ~ 60%.

Twice Pressing Process of Palm Kernel Oil

Twice pressing (secondary pressing) is one of the common process for palm kernel oil extraction , especially for mini and small scale oil plant. This process can ensure that the residual oil in palm kernel cake is between 5% and 7%. 

palm kernel oil extraction process design

Due to the limited by small capacity of screw oil press, this process is not suitable for large production line. The capacity of screw oil press is generally 15 t/d. It means that 150 sets of oil press machine is needed for setting up a 1000 t/d palm kernel oil extraction factory. So, if you are planning to start an industrial scale palm kernel oil mill, prepressing and solvent extraction process is suggested, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for detailed and customized business plan!

how to start your own production line with best business plan

Palm Kernel Oil Refining & Fractionation

palm kernel oil refining and fractionation process

Read more about " physical refining of palm oil " and " cost of oil refinery plant "

Through palm kernel oil fractionation machine and plant , palm kernel oil can be divided into two products: stearin and olein. The following table shows the physical properties of palm kernel oil, stearin and olein:

Characteristics Palm Kernel Oil Palm Kernel Stearin Palm Kernel Olein
Iodine Value 16.9~19.6 5.8~8.1 20.6~25.3
Slip Melting Point ℃ 25.9~28.0 31.8~33.1 23.0~25.4

The purpose of fractionation is to obtain precious stearin, which costs about 2 to 2.5 times as much as palm kernel oil. Palm kernel stearin is the ideal substitute for cocoa butter, used to produce chocolate products. Palm kernel olein (palmitin) is a kind of by-product, and the price is about 5% lower than palm kernel oil. Read more about the palm kernel oil fractionation machine and process!

We have been gained a wealth of experience in setting up palm oil mill plant and palm kernel oil extraction plant for at least 20 years. Meanwhile, we have highly professional teams for the design and manufacturing of palm oil processing machines. With the help of our company, you can easily start your palm kernel oil production business and further make a profit through efficient palm kernel oil extraction machine. It's sure you will have a perfect palm kernel oil production business plan at our company.  Please feel free to contact us!

How to Plan the Palm Kernel Oil Production Business with Ease?

Worldwide Oilseed Production in 2017~2018
Oilseeds Soybeans Rapeseed Sunflower Seeds Peanuts Cottonseed Copra
(in million metric tons)
336.7 74.71 47.31 45.45 45.04 5.73
  • Get a good business proposal plan

A perfect business plan should include practical market analysis, financial summaries and other necessary details that can make the palm kernel oil production business a success . The business plan will help to focus on and achieve set business objectives.

  • Find start-up funds

Outsourcing for funds, one of the most important parts of palm kernel oil production business plan, plays a key role toward the final success. Generally, the palm kernel oil production business will require at least about $3,000. Depending on the size and capacity, the cost of the palm kernel oil production will vary differently (read more about the palm oil processing plant cost ). And most of money is spent on the starting up. The following table shows the production costs of several major oil crops, which vary greatly due to different production conditions. As can be seen from the table, the production cost of palm oil is much lower than that of soybean oil and rapeseed oil.

 Production Costs Comparison of Several Oil Crops
Oils The Country of Production Cost for processing per ton of oil ($)
Palm Kernel Oil Indonesia 185
Palm Kernel Oil Malyasia 240
Soybean Oil the United State 400
Rapeseed Oil Canada 648
Rapeseed Oil European Community 900
  • Look for a good location

Getting a good business site for the palm kernel oil production business is one of the important indicators about the success of the business plan. When decided to start a palm kernel oil extraction business , there are two key factors must be taken into consideration, one is the availability of the raw material - oil palm, the other is target market - where you can sell the palm kernel oil. The perfect site for a palm kernel oil production business will be next to the market as well as near to the source of raw materials.

perfect palm kernel oil production plan

  • Acquire palm kernel oil extraction machine

The process of palm kernel oil production involves a series of professional palm kernel oil extraction machine for cleaning, screw pressing, breaking, filtering and storage. Acquiring efficient and high-quality palm kernel oil extraction machine will save costs on the maintenance and repairs of these processing machines.

  • Hire competent and qualified staff

Hiring higher competent and highly qualified individuals for the palm kernel oil processing will be also important. Apart from the manager, the qualified work force in quality control, technical assistants, production personnel, security personnel and administrative staff should be strictly chosen.

  • Management and marketing of the business plan

Once all the requisite factors have been put into place, the palm kernel oil production process is ready to operate. but, please note that when the plan is carried on the start-up stage, it is essential to adopt effective marketing strategies to attract customers.

In conclusion, the time from preparation to operation will last about 3 to 4 months. However, it will take longer or shorter, which is depending on the availability of capital, the delivery and installation of the palm kernel oil extraction machines and other possible factors.

Challenges for Complete Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Plant

sucessful palm kernel oil extraction production plant  with cost-effective machines

Coconut oil and palm kernel oil are the main sources of lauric acid today. Because of their close physical and chemical properties, these two oils can basically replace each other. Therefore, palm kernel oil and coconut oil belong to the same application area. The difference is that the production of coconut oil production is slow and volatile for a variety of reasons. In contrast, palm kernel oil, as a byproduct of palm oil, has a steady increase in output and a guaranteed resource supply. The followings are two challenges for setting up a complete palm kernel oil extraction plant:

  • Complete palm kernel oil extraction plant is capital oriented business, so both the design of palm kernel oil plant and the extraction machine of palm oil will take up a large part of the business investment.
  • Full scale palm kernel oil extraction factory requires various professional forces for different processing or production stages.

Palm kernel oil is widely used for cooking purposes and industry production. For instance, it is often used as a core ingredient in the manufacturer of soaps, margarine and non-dairy creamers. Therefore, there are great demands for palm kernel oil for industries usage and cooking purpose. If you are fortunately living in the country where is the major place of oil palm plantation and major processor of palm oil production, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Nigeria or other countries, it is a great idea to venture a  palm kernel oil production business . 

  • Would you pls send me quatation for big type palm kernel oil production equipment. I am in Indonesia.
  • Hi, dear. Tks for your enquiry! We are the leading supplier of palm kernel oil production machine and have various types for different production capacity. So, pls kindly inform us what's your desired capacity per day, so that we could suggeset and design for you accordingly.
  • I need a small scale PKO processing plant. for about 2 to 3 tones per day. precisely direct screw pressing design, of a multi-purpose unit pressing machine and a filter unit. please I need the cost for purchase and shipment.
  • Hello, sir/madam, Our small-scale palm kernel oil processing plant is equipped with screw oil press machine. If you prefer multi-purpose oil press machine with oil filter machine. We can also provide it. The final price at the equipment and shipment will be offered as soon as you confirm the equipment and capacity.
  • - Small Palm Oil Press
  • - 1-10 ton/day Mini Palm Oil Mill
  • - 1-20 ton/day Small Palm Oil Mill
  • - Small Palm Oil Refining Machine
  • - fruit reception system
  • - sterilizing system
  • - threshing system
  • - digesting system
  • - pressing system
  • - crude palm oil clarification system
  • - bulk oil storage system
  • - palm kernel recovery plant
  • - screw oil pressing plant
  • - solvent extraction plant
  • - Degumming Process
  • - Deacidification Process
  • - Bleaching Process
  • - Deodorization Process

mini and small scale palm oil processing plant cost

  • How to Make Palm Oil Production Process Design for Starting Business?
  • Start Palm Oil Processing Machine Selection for Business Plan
  • Business Plan Guideline: Palm Oil Mill Plant Factory Layout Design
  • How to Make Project Cost Budget for Palm Oil Processing Business Setup?

palm kernel oil extraction business plan


Looking for a resource or guide on “How to Start a Palm Kernel Oil business In Nigeria”?

This article comes with a free  business plan outline for Palm Kernel Oil business in Nigeria .


The palm kernel is gotten from the palm tree. The palm kernel has a wide range of benefits which can fetch money if it is properly managed and monetized, one of the most profitable of all its benefits is the derivation of palm kernel oil.

The palm kernel oil extraction business is capital intensive, it involves a range of processes which will need labor, which is one of the reason of its capital intensiveness the kernels will have to be collected or bought, and then it also has to be broken to get the nuts out of the shells before it can be taken to the factory to extract the oil, these stages definitely require labor, also, an array of machinery has to be acquired, thus money should not be the issue when considering this venture.

As stated in the previous paragraph, the venture is capital intensive, and here is a list of necessities that has to be in place prior to starting;

This is an important factor of production, for any production business, there has to be a land where all processes are executed. The land should house a store where products must be stored and a production unit where all processes of production will be carried out.

Clearly stated earlier in this article, the emphasis should make it known by now that this cannot be overlooked. The labor can either be full time or part-time; it is really up to the manager or business owner. But labor definitely has to be in place.

c. Machines

Also, this was stated in the introductory paragraphs and was identified as one of the reasons the venture is capital intensive, the machines needed in this business are;

  • Crusher- This crushes the nuts and reduces it to sizes that will enhance the smooth operation of getting the oils out of them, it costs around #350,000 to #400,000.
  • Fryer- This fries or roasts the nuts got from the palm kernel, this process subjects the nut to so much heat that it allows the oil in them easy to extract. A fryer can dry 2.5 to 5 tons of nut in a day depending on the size of the fryer. It has a minimum cost of #500,000 and this depends on its size too.
  • Press- This presses the heated nuts from the fryer and gets the oil out of them, it can only work on 2 tons of nuts per day.

d. Storage Facilities

This will house the oil after it has been extracted, it must be in conditions that are not detrimental to the product and should be neat at all times.


How To Download The Palm Kernel Oil Plan Template PDF (with financial analysis)

Above is a part of the Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan template in Nigerian. IF you need the complete business plan, follow the procedures to download it.

Pay the sum of N8000 (Eight thousand naira only)  to the account detail below: Bank: GTBank Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us) Ac/No: 0238933625 Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to  +234 701 754 2853 .  The text must contain the title of the Palm kernel oil business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the palm kernel extraction business plan template in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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Dr. Abi Demi is a skilled technical writer and author with specialties in the martech and fintech space. Featured on Tekedia, Coin Review, Business Insider, Fintechna,, Date 360 and several other sterling online publications, Demi is an astute technical writer that specializes in finance, marketing and technology - with over 500 published pieces across the internet ecosystem. Contact Abi Demi - [email protected]


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Business Plan

Palm Kernel Oil Production Business Plan in Nigeria

by BusinessPlan Leave a Comment

Palm kernel oil production is a very lucrative business. This is because the oil from this process can be used for several purposes. From cooking to making cosmetics, the uses are numerous.

You can start this business in Nigeria and enjoy a lot of profits. If you have been looking for a way to start, look no further. We have a total package for you in this post.

Also Read: Palm Oil Business Plan in Nigeria

You will not just learn how to start this business, you will see how profitable it is. Let’s look at a sample business plan first before stepping further.

Sample Business Plan for Palm Kernel Oil Production

You are probably wondering why there is a need for a business plan for palm kernel oil production. Every business needs a business plan. A business plan has several uses including raising capital from grants and loans and running your business.

This business plan is a sample so it is abridged. You can reach out to us to get the full plan at an affordable price. Now to the business plan.

Business Name: Jules Oil

Location: Cross-Rivers State

Industry: Agro-Allied Manufacture

Jules Oil is located in Cross-Rivers State, Nigeria. This location is known for its abundance of palm kernel, the main raw material for our processes. We intend to cater to both domestic and commercial needs of our clients.

Clients have different requirements. This is why we will focus our efforts on both crude and refined oil after extraction is complete. Asides extracting and refining the oil, we will also sell the by-products. Finally, we intend to offer consultancy services and training programs for young individuals.

To provide the best services to our clients, it is important to invest in research and development. This will give us a clear picture of the current expectations in the industry and the latest trends. It will also give us a heads up regarding the direction of the industry and new milestones.

Having efficient machines and the right hands to man them is very important in this line of business. We will invest in extraction, crushing, and refining machines to make our production process top-notch. In line with this, we will ensure that our production facility will maintain the required hygiene.

Packaging is a very important aspect of this process. This is why we will invest in the best packaging methods attainable in the country. We believe that this will set us apart from the competition and will be a major force of attraction for our business. There are so many opportunities in this business. To this end, we know that if we channel our efforts in the right direction, we can become a force to reckon with.

Some of our customers include makers of butter, margarine, mayonnaise, waxes, polish, and soaps. Others include dairy companies, pharmaceutical companies, and makers of ice cream, cheese, and filled milk. The oil extracted from palm kernel is also useful in the production of lubricants and tin plating.

Jules Oil will source its palm kernel from trusted vendors. This is necessary because it is the key to producing oil of high-quality.

Business vision

To become an A-list palm kernel oil production company within and outside Nigeria.

Business mission

To build a palm kernel oil production empire that will be recognized globally. We intend to achieve this by using the best practices in the industry and investing in research and development.

Business objectives

Business objectives are very important for achieving the vision and mission of any business. After much research, we have come up with the following objectives:

  • To ensure that our sales increase to above N30 million in the first two years of operation.
  • To ensure that our business maintains a profit margin of between 20% and 25% yearly. We will need to pay close attention to the cost of production and our production methods to achieve this.
  • Drive publicity through a highly motivated team.

Keys to success

If we are going to achieve all that we are set out to do, we need a clear cut plan. We believe that these keys to success will drive us to achieve our goals.

  • Consistent production at the highest possible quality.
  • Investment in research and development to constantly improve our production methods and processes.
  • Investment in quality machines and skilled staff.
  • Ensuring that the production environment is hygienic and healthy.
  • Acquisition of the necessary licenses.
  • Setting up a highly motivated sales team that will drive sales volume by at least 20% yearly.

Our products and services

Jules Oil will focus on the extraction of oil from palm kernel nuts. We intend to service both the commercial and domestic needs of our clients. To this end, we will provide the following products and services.

  • Refined Palm Kernel Oil
  • Crude Palm Kernel Oil
  • Palm Kernel Cake
  • Palm Kernel Sludge
  • Crushed Palm Kernel Shell for bio-fuel
  • Consultancy and training services

Competitor analysis

Currently, there are several big companies in this sector. This means that we have to fight hard to stay afloat. After a careful study of the market, we have discovered reasons why we can take over the market. They include:

  • Production of high-quality products.
  • Competent and skilled hands to man our equipment.
  • Competitive prices on all products and services.
  • Quality unique packaging that will set us apart from the competition.
  • The use of social media and SEO in our online marketing.

You can reach out to us for the remaining part of this business plan. We will make it available at a very affordable price. Now let’s learn about starting this business.

Get your Palm Kernel Oil Production Business Plan in Nigeria and feasibility study. pay N10,000 to:

Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)

Account Name:  Chibuzor Tochi Onyemenam

Account Number: 0044056891

After payment, send your name, email address and “Palm Kernel Oil Production Business Plan in Nigeria pdf” to  07033378184

Starting a successful palm kernel oil extraction business in Nigeria

Without a doubt, there is a very high demand for palm kernel oil within and outside Nigeria. What this implies is that whoever is willing and able to invest in this business will take the spoils. In this section, we will show you how to start this business and make it successful.

Feasibility study and business plan

Just like for most businesses, this is the first thing you must do. Some individuals carry out a feasibility study unknowingly so they don’t write anything down. We encourage you to be deliberate about your feasibility study as it holds the key to success.

From your feasibility study, you get information that helps you to develop a detailed business plan. This will be the key to running your business and also raising funds for your business. you don’t have to go through the stress of carrying out any of this. We can do both for you at an affordable price.

Raise capital

This business cannot run without sufficient capital. The reason for this is that you need funds to purchase the raw materials as well as the production equipment. From your feasibility study, you will have an estimate of what you need for this business.

You can raise money for the business in several ways. Some of these include personal savings, gifts, loans, and grants. A business plan is very important if you will be using the last two methods of raising capital for your business.

Find a perfect location

The truth is that there is no perfect location. However, you can find a location that is close to perfect. This location is one that is close to where you source your raw materials.

It should also be easily accessible to the target market. Make sure that you study the location properly before acquiring it.

Acquire the needed machinery

There are several pieces of equipment you need to run this business successfully. This equipment cost money. But more than this, you must ensure that you get quality equipment from a trusted supplier. If you acquire substandard equipment, then your business will end up suffering a lot.

Find a reliable supplier

There is no need to start your palm kernel farm. The best way to get raw materials is to find a reliable supplier. This is a very important step as subscribing to a bad supplier can ruin your business. Run background checks on a list of suppliers and pick one that will offer great prices for quality kernels.

Hire skilled and competent staff

It is one thing for your staff to be skilled, it is another for them to be competent. You cannot handle the business on your own so you need hands to help you out. Before you hire anyone to conduct a proper interview and check to see that they support your values. Bad staff will give your business a bad image which will ruin the business.

Market your products

This is a challenge for most businesses. You cannot rely on fate to sell your products. It is important to be aggressive in marketing your products. There are several methods of marketing. Find out the best ones for your products and develop an efficient marketing strategy.

Profitability of the palm kernel oil extraction business in Nigeria

Do you know that it is possible to make up to N300,000 each day from this business? One ton of the oil sells at N120,000, one tone of the cake sells at N100,000, and one ton of sludge sells at N100,000.

Ten tons of palm kernel will produce five tons of oil, four tons of cake, and a ton of sludge. On the market, ten tons of palm kernel costs N800,000.

This will yield N600,000 of oil, N400,000 of cake, and N100,000 of oil totaling N1,100,000. When you take out the cost of the cost of the kernel from this you have N300,000 as your profit.

Do you now see how profitable the palm kernel oil extraction business is in Nigeria? Contact us for a detailed business plan at an affordable price.

Get your Palm Kernel Oil Production Business Plan in Nigeria in Nigeria and feasibility study. pay N10,000 to:

Palm Kernel Oil Production Business Plan in Nigeria ©

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Get Complete Business Plan File(s) Now! »

 The Palm Kernel Oil Production Business plan 2018 is a comprehensive palm kernel oil processing business plan and feasibility study that will assist you with all the needed ideas and plans to start a successful Palm Kernel Oil Processing business.

This Palm Kernel Oil Business plan will help you with:

  • Contacts of Palm kernel oil extraction machine in nigeria required for the palm kernel oil extraction business at a very affordable price
  • Under the Products heading, The palm kernel oil production business plan will teach you step by step production process involved in palm oil production
  • under the Market Analysis Summary of the PKO Processing business, we exposed over 30 companies that buy palm kernel in Nigeria . It should be noted that in south eastern Nigeria alone vegetable oil producers who are the highest palm kernel oil buyers in Nigeria demand about 300 metric tons per day while all the producers at Region cannot produce up to 20 metric tons per week. However this palm kernel oil buyers in nigeria pay in advance and book up all the palm kernel oil produced from the region even before they are produced
  • The PKO Processing business plan under the financial analysis and feasibility studies section calculates the break even analysis ( product quantity and amount) based on given figures.
  • The cost of starting the palm kernel oil extraction business in nigeria is about 10.5 Million Naira only
  • On a small scale base of 48 ton per month only the gross profit stands at 6 million Naira per month.
  • The complete business plan is bank ready to help you access capital loan from a bank or other investors for your new Palm Kernel Oil business.

WHY YOU NEED THIS Palm Kernel Oil Production Business plan

A Palm Kernel Oil Production business anywhere in the world is a viable business and can be done on large scale or small scale.

The Palm Kernel Oil Production Business plan is fully updated with current research on how to start a Palm Kernel Oil manufacturing business, get the attention of customers, retain them and make profits.

Also, this Palm Kernel Oil Production Business plan will not only help you start your Palm Kernel Oil but will also give you a free guide and feasibility on how to start a Palm kernel cake (PKC) business.

The Palm Kernel Oil Business plan will give you a guide to profitability as all necessary financial projection for the business has been made such as Palm Kernel Oil business break even analysis, Palm Kernel Oil Manufacturing business marketing analysis, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis for your Palm Kernel Oil business, sales forecast, etc. The business plan has full analysis on Palm Kernel Oil Processing business in nigeria, Palm Kernel Oil machine design and installation, cost of Palm Kernel nut, list of Palm Kernel Oil Manufacturing dealers who will buy palm kernel oil from you. The Palm Kernel Oil Processing Business plan also has in-depth analysis on best PKO processing equipment manufacturers

The Palm Kernel Oil Processing Business plan is a seven(7) chapter business plan of about 41 pages. 5 Years Automated Financial Model in MS Excel. It has a complete industry research. Bank/ Investor/ Grant Ready- The business plan is design to enable you use it to access loan and grants. Exceeds all legal requirements and standards.


Below is the table of content for the Palm kernel oil production business plan pdf

1.0 Executive Summary  for Palm Kernel Oil production business

1.1 Objectives of starting Palm Kernel Oil production business

1.2 Mission

1.3 Keys to Success

2.0 Company Summary for Palm Kernel Oil production business in nigeria

2.1 Company Ownership

2.2 Start-up Summary for Palm Kernel Oil Processing business in nigeria

Table: Start-up

Chart: Start-up

3.0 Products and Services of Palm Kernel Oil business

4.0 Market Analysis Summary of Palm Kernel Oil processing business nigeria

4.1 Market Segmentation

Table: Market Analysis

Chart: Market Analysis (Pie)

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

4.3 Service Business Analysis

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary of Palm Kernel Oil Manufacturing business development

5.1 SWOT Analysis of my Palm Kernel Oil business

5.1.1 Strengths of Palm Kernel Oil business

5.1.2 Weaknesses of Palm Kernel Oil business

5.1.3 Opportunities in Palm Kernel Oil business

5.1.4 Threats in Palm Kernel Oil business

5.2 Competitive Edge

5.3 Marketing Strategy

5.4 Sales Strategy for Palm Kernel Oil buisness in Nigeria

5.4.1 Sales Forecast

Table: Sales Forecast

Chart: Sales Monthly

Chart: Sales by Year

6.0 Management Summary

6.1 Personnel Plan

Table: Personnel

7.0 Financial Plan for Palm Kernel Oil business plan

7.1 Start-up Funding for Palm Kernel Oil Processing business in nigeria

Table: Start-up Funding

7.2 Important Assumptions

7.3 Break-even Analysis

Table: Break-even Analysis

Chart: Break-even Analysis

7.4 Projected Profit and Loss

Table: Profit and Loss

Chart: Profit Monthly

Chart: Profit Yearly

Chart: Gross Margin Monthly

Chart: Gross Margin Yearly

7.5 Projected Cash Flow

Table: Cash Flow

Chart: Cash

7.6 Projected Balance Sheet

Table: Balance Sheet

7.7 Business Ratios

Table: Ratios

This material content is developed to serve as a GUIDE for students to conduct academic research

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Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria

Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria PDF Download

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Purpose of the Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria

Grant Applications
Seeking financial support from grants
Bank Loans
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Proposal Writing
Crafting business proposals
Business Concept Note
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Sustainability Initiatives
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Industry Analysis
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Benefits of the Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria

The Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria is beneficial because

  • It helps in outlining the steps needed to achieve the business goals and ideas.
  • It helps to articulate strategy to stakeholders who support the business.

Importance of the Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria

The Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria is important because

  • It will assist you in making sound decision in the administration of the commercial enterprise which will make a contribution to the success of the business.
  • It will additionally gives distinctive statistics on all components of the business, outlining the business desires and the steps required to achieve them.

Content of the Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria

  • Executive Summary
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  • Sales and Marketing Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
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  • Operational Plan
  • Management plan
  • Financial Plan and Projections
  • Financial Diagnostics

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Palm oil ( elaeis guineensis ): a journey through sustainability, processing, and utilization.

palm kernel oil extraction business plan

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

2. oil palm tree, 3. features of palm oil and its bioactivity.

Bioactive CompoundContent RangeHealth BenefitsReference
Carotenoids600–1000 ppm (E. guineensis)
4000+ ppm (E. oleifera)
Provitamin A activity[ , , , ]
Protection against cardiovascular disease[ , , , ]
Anticancer activity[ , , , , , ]
Antioxidant[ , , ]
Phytosterols100–200 ppmPhytosterols help reduce LDL cholesterol levels[ , ]
Anticancer characteristics[ ]
Tocotrienols and
600–1000 ppmVitamin E activity[ , , , ]
Reduces the risk of high cholesterol, risk of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, brain disorders and increases immunity[ , , , , ]
Antioxidant[ , , , , , ]
Phenolic acids10–50 ppmAnti-inflammatory[ , ]
Phospholipids10–50 ppmImproves nutrient absorption and digestion[ , ]
Energy endurance[ , ]
Brain development[ , ]
Squalene200–500 ppmAnticancer activity[ ]
Protection against cardiovascular disease[ ]
Delay in the production of cholesterol[ , ]
Saturated fatty acidsPalmitic acid: Approximately 44% in E. guineensis and 24% in E. oleifera
Stearic acid: Approximately 5% in E. guineensis [ , , , , , , , , , ]
Palmitic: essential fatty acids in cell membrane, transportation, secretary lipids and part of the human body and energy production[ ]
Vegetable palmitic acid has a negligible effect on blood cholesterol levels[ , , , , , , , , , , ]
Unsaturated fatty acidsOleic acid: Approximately 40% in E. guineensis, 47–69% in E. oleifera, and
55% in interspecific hybrids
Linoleic acid: Approximately 10% in E. guineensis, 2–19% in E. oleifera, and
11% in interspecific hybrids
Modulates physiological functions, inhibits cancer proliferation, reduces inflammation, reduces blood pressure and improves wound healing[ , ]
Beneficial effects on anti-inflammatory and autoimmune diseases[ , , , , , , , , , ]

4. Processing of Crude Palm Oil

Click here to enlarge figure

5. Utilization of Palm Oil

6. impact and sustainability of the palm oil chain.

Key AspectsRef.
International CertificationsRSPO—Round Table on Sustainable Palm OilBehave ethically and transparently
Operate legally and respect rights
Optimize productivity, efficiency, positive impacts and resilience
Respect Community and human rights and deliver benefits
Support smallholder inclusion
Respect workers’ rights and conditions
Protect, conserve and enhance ecosystems and the environment
[ , ]
ISCC—International Sustainability and Carbon CertificationCertification of palm oil used as a feedstock for biofuels
Preservation of natural areas characterized by their high biodiversity or that can store carbon (High Conservation Value = HCV)
Application of good agricultural practices, for example, to maintain soil fertility or preserve water quality and to reduce the use of pesticides
Safe working conditions are maintained, for example, through employee training and the provision of appropriate protective clothing
Compliance with labor and human rights laws and ensuring responsible working conditions that promote health
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
Adherence to good management practices
[ , , ]
POIG—Palm Oil Innovation GroupCreates and promotes innovations in the palm oil industry
Support the RSPO principle
Seeks the adoption of responsible palm oil production practices by key supply chain participants through the development and sharing of a reliable and verifiable benchmark
[ ]
RSB—Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials;
SAN—Sustainable Agriculture Networks
Ensure the inevitable transformation to a biocircular economy is environmentally sustainable and socially fair.
Transforming agriculture for the greater good of all
Positive change across agricultural value chains and working to create lasting impact
[ , , , ]
MalaysiaMSPO—Malaysia Sustainable Palm oilManagement commitment and responsibility
Compliance with legal requirements
Social responsibility, safety and employment conditions
Environment, natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystem services
Best practice
Development of new plantings
[ , ]
MPOB—Malaysia Palm Oil BoardTo enhance and support the well-being of the Malaysian oil palm industry through the dissemination of timely, reliable and comprehensive data and economic research findings as well as market information
To conduct research on the economics of production, downstream processing, and marketing of the Malaysian palm oil industry.
To ensure compliance with conditions imposed on the license regarding the registration of contracts and submission of monthly statements (PL forms).
To disseminate comprehensive, accurate and timely industry and market information.
To provide inputs for the establishment of the national palm oil development policy.
[ ]
IndonesiaISPO—Indonesia Sustainable Palm OilPlantation Management
Protection of the utilization of Primary Forest and Peatlands
Environmental Management
Responsibility for Workers
Responsibility for Social and Economic Empowerment
Continuous Business Improvement
[ , ]
BrazilFederal Law No. 12,651/2012Establishes general rules on the Protection of Native Vegetation, including areas where oil palm can be cultivated; forest exploitation; the supply of forest raw materials; the control of the origin of forest products; the control and prevention of forest fires, and the provision of economic and financial instruments to achieve its objectives.[ ]
Decree n°7172/2010Agroecological zoning of oil palm cultivation in Brazil to be applied from the 2010/2011 harvest
Guide the expansion of Brazilian palm production on a technical-scientific basis, to guarantee sustainability in its economic, social and environmental aspects.
Offer sustainable economic alternatives to rural producers in the region and provide a basis for planning sustainable land use following current legislation.
Promote land use planning in the region’s anthropized areas following each state’s Ecological and Economic Zoning.
Provide a basis for planning development hubs in rural areas that align with the public policies of the different levels of government.
[ ]
European UnionRegulation (EU) 2018/841Relates to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from land use activities and achieving the long-term climate targets of the Paris Agreement
Deals with the European Union’s strategy to combat deforestation and promote the sustainable use of agricultural products
Establishes requirements to ensure that palm oil used in the EU does not contribute to deforestation and forest degradation
[ ]
United StatesLacey ActDeals with the Importation of Products: Prohibits all trade in plants and plant products from illegal sources in any state of the United States and other countries.
Requires importers to declare the country of origin and species name of all plants contained in their products
[ ]

7. Conclusions

Author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Share and Cite

Alhaji, A.M.; Almeida, E.S.; Carneiro, C.R.; da Silva, C.A.S.; Monteiro, S.; Coimbra, J.S.d.R. Palm Oil ( Elaeis guineensis ): A Journey through Sustainability, Processing, and Utilization. Foods 2024 , 13 , 2814.

Alhaji AM, Almeida ES, Carneiro CR, da Silva CAS, Monteiro S, Coimbra JSdR. Palm Oil ( Elaeis guineensis ): A Journey through Sustainability, Processing, and Utilization. Foods . 2024; 13(17):2814.

Alhaji, Adamu Muhammad, Erislene S. Almeida, Camila Rodrigues Carneiro, César Augusto Sodré da Silva, Simone Monteiro, and Jane Sélia dos Reis Coimbra. 2024. "Palm Oil ( Elaeis guineensis ): A Journey through Sustainability, Processing, and Utilization" Foods 13, no. 17: 2814.

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  1. Palm Kernel Oil Business Plan [Sample Template]

    Purchase of truck for palm kernel oil distribution - $50,000. Raw materials (palm kernel nuts) and packaging materials - $20,000. Marketing budget and promotion expenses for the launching of Henai Palm Kernel Oil Inc. as well as for a running period of six months - $10,000. Cost of hiring business consultant - $3,000.

  2. Starting a Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Company

    A palm kernel production business will require between N5,000,000 and N10,000,000 (between $30,000 and $60,000) depending on the size of your business, your chosen location, and many other factors. You will need about N750,000 (about $5,000) to cover startup expenses, which include the rent for at least 3 years, business registration and agency ...

  3. [Pdf Sample] Palm Oil Farming & Production Business Plan Docx

    The operational plan outlines the day-to-day activities and resources required to run your palm oil production venture efficiently. Define the roles and responsibilities of key personnel, describe the equipment and infrastructure needed, and establish quality control measures. It is also essential to consider sustainability practices, waste ...

  4. A Step-by-Step Guide Start a Palm Oil Production Business

    The steamer softens oil palm fruits, facilitating the release of natural oil. Post-steam treatment, the fruit masses, containing water, oil, fibers, and palm kernel, undergo a meticulous separation process. High-Pressure Extraction. Under high pressure, the natural fruit yields a water-oil mixture.


    The raw palm kernel nut is an oil yielding seed which contains between 40% to 55%. of oil, 55% to 40% of cake and 5% of sludge. The raw kernel nuts are bought from the village markets and transported to the factory. On arrival, the bags of kernel nuts are measured and packed ready for processing.

  6. Palm Kernel Oil (Pko) Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria

    We will be selling Palm Kernel cake for animal feeds to 112 feed mills on monthly basis at N 10,000 per sack and in a year that's is N 13,440,000. For more detailed marketing analysis get our template or customized business plan today. OUR TARGET MARKET. SWOT ANALYSIS OF OUR PALM KERNEL OIL BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA.

  7. PDF Palm Kernel Crusher Plant Operation and Economic Feasibility

    The average palm kernel oil extraction rate is 45.63% and Figure 8 shows the palm kernel oil extraction rate trend in Malaysia (MPOB, 2021). ... Thus, project funding for the palm kernel oil production business plan plays a key role towards the final success. However, plants with a small capacity is not able to generate significant economic


    Palm Kernel nuts are oil bearing seeds. They contain between 40% and 48% of oil, 55% and 47% of cake and 5% of sludge and debris. There are different species of palm kernel nuts. Some yield more oil than the others. The percentage of oil in any specie depends on the locality in which the tree comes from.

  9. Palm Kernel Oil Business Plan

    PALM KERNEL OIL BUSINESS PLAN - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides details on conducting a feasibility study for palm oil production in Nigeria. It discusses the components of a feasibility study, including an executive summary, technical feasibility, legal feasibility, operational feasibility, and financial ...

  10. Strategies For Palm Oil Production Business Success

    The palm oil industry has a bright future, with a projected compound annual growth rate of 5.3% from 2021 to 2026. Investing in a palm oil production business can yield high returns, with an average profit margin of 30%. As the demand for palm oil continues to increase, starting your own palm oil milling business is a lucrative opportunity to ...

  11. Standard/Bankable Palm Oil Business Plan With 3-Years Financial Analysis

    The PALM OIL business plan also has an in-depth analysis of oil palm processing equipment. 3 Years of Automated Financial Model in MS Excel with complete industry research. 4) Product description: All our products are described including other unique features. iii.

  12. Ideal Proposal Plan to Start Palm Kernel Oil Production Business with

    The perfect site for a palm kernel oil production business will be next to the market as well as near to the source of raw materials. Acquire palm kernel oil extraction machine; The process of palm kernel oil production involves a series of professional palm kernel oil extraction machine for cleaning, screw pressing, breaking, filtering and ...


    The traditional oil extraction method is to fry palm kernels in old oil or simply heat the dried nuts. The fried kernels are then pounded or ground to a paste in a motorised grinder. The paste is mixed with a small quantity of water and heated to release the palm kernel oil. The released oil is periodically skimmed from the top.

  14. PDF Business Plan for The Establishment of Plantation and Palm Oil

    BUSINESS PLAN FOR AN AFRICAN OIL PALM PLANTATION OF 100 HECTARES AND AN OIL PALM MILL OF 1MT PER HOUR CAPACITY AT BONNY ISLAND, RIVERS STATE, ... in the planting and cultivation as well as the extraction of palm kernel oil. They give quality assistance on processing techniques and other important strategic advice. The most important

  15. How to Start a Palm Kernel Oil Business in Nigeria

    Ac/No: 0238933625. Type: Saving. Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to +234 701 754 2853. The text must contain the title of the Palm kernel oil business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the palm kernel extraction business plan template in ...

  16. Palm kernel oil production business plan

    Palm Kernel Oil Processing Business Plan: Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO) & Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) are the by-products of Palm Kernel Nut(PKN) The crude palm kernel oil is extracted from palm nuts.Palm Kernel Oil/Cake business can be run in a small, medium and large scale depending on the financial capacity of he who wants to set it up.

  17. Palm Kernel Oil Production Business Plan in Nigeria

    After payment, send your name, email address and "Palm Kernel Oil Production Business Plan in Nigeria pdf" to 07033378184. Starting a successful palm kernel oil extraction business in Nigeria. Without a doubt, there is a very high demand for palm kernel oil within and outside Nigeria. What this implies is that whoever is willing and able to ...

  18. PDF Oil Palm Business Models

    artisanal palm oil sector and the domestic red oil consumption in Cameroon, open a window for contracted-farmers not to respect their contract, and process their FFB at home or to sell the fruits to artisanal mills. 2. Industry-smallholders partnerships in Indonesia The main oil palm production system in Indonesia is also based on the NES scheme.


    The cost of starting the palm kernel oil extraction business in nigeria is about 10.5 Million Naira only. On a small scale base of 48 ton per month only the gross profit stands at 6 million Naira per month. The complete business plan is bank ready to help you access capital loan from a bank or other investors for your new Palm Kernel Oil business.

  20. PDF Palm Oil Handbook

    The principal acids from palm oil are stearic and palmitic while palm kernel oil contains lauric acid. The solidification point. .for palm oil ranges from 240 to 300 C and that for palm kernel oil is between 190 and 300 C. 1/ IBRD, Commodity Paper No. 23, 1976. 2/ For more details see Fats and Oils Handbook.

  21. Sample Business Plan Template

    This is best because there should be high level of hygiene around your plant. 2. Get the necessary equipment. In the past, palm oil was processed in "oil pots" made in the ground. The processing then involved rubbing and squeezing the palm kernel fruits until the oil was extracted.

  22. Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria

    The Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Business Plan in Nigeria is important because. It will assist you in making sound decision in the administration of the commercial enterprise which will make a contribution to the success of the business.

  23. PDF An Economic Perspective of Oil Extraction Rate in the Oil Palm Industry

    The national OER in 2002 stands at 19.91%. It is the aspira-tion of the oil palm industry in Malaysia to target an OER of 20% and 21.5% in 2003 and 2005 re-spectively. Subsequently, an OER of 22.5% and 23.5% are targeted in 2010 and 2015 respectively. By then, the peak OER of 25% is hopefully attainable in the year 2020.

  24. Plam kernel oil production business plan

    Therefore, even though you don't have too much money or you are far away from the oil palm plantation site, you can still start your own palm kernel oil production business. In order to ensure smooth palm kernel oil production, there are several things that you must make it clear, the palm kernel oil processing steps and the basic elements ...

  25. Palm Oil ( Elaeis guineensis ): A Journey through Sustainability ...

    Palm oil, derived from Elaeis guineensis, is a critical component of the global edible oil and industrial fat market. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the sustainability of the palm oil chain, focusing on industrial applications, environmental implications, and economic sustainability. The processing of palm oil, from fruit pulp to refined oil, is detailed, highlighting the ...