Warren Averett

International Assignments: Managing Benefits and Taxes for Expatriate Employees

Written on February 28, 2019

international assignments benefits

Given the complexity of the U.S. tax code and the myriad regulations related to ERISA plans, managing benefits for domestic employees is a complicated undertaking. But managing benefits for employees who your U.S. company sends to work overseas—known as expatriates, or expats—adds several layers of complexity.

As globalization continues to be a defining characteristic of the economy, many U.S. companies are finding opportunities to grow abroad. But before their employees ever step on foreign soil, employers need to learn about the various taxes other governments may impose on benefits and compensation and think through the various questions that go into developing a sound policy for managing benefits for expatriate employees. Employers also need to help their employees understand what the foreign assignment means to them with respect to taxes and benefits.

Understand the Basics of Expatriate Taxation

For purposes of this article, an expatriate is a U.S. citizen or green card holder who is sent by their U.S. employer to work at a branch or other linked organization in a foreign country. Assignment duration may vary anywhere from six months to several years. Employees must obtain a work visa, and—depending upon the host country—may be eligible for certain benefits offered by that country while working abroad.

U.S. citizens, green card holders, and their employers need to understand that expatriates will still have an income tax liability and income tax return filing obligation at home regardless of where they work globally. The United States is unusual in this regard with respect to taxing their citizens and permanent residents (green card holders) who are living and working abroad; many foreign governments allow their citizens to fall under the host country’s tax code when working abroad and home country taxation is often suspended until the individual returns to their home country.

The United States’ unusual approach, however, doesn’t mean that U.S. expatriates will always face double taxation. The U.S. tax code looks to offset this, at least partially, by allowing certain foreign tax credits and/or the foreign earned income exclusion. Employers take these credits, the foreign earned income exclusion, and the foreign country’s tax policies into consideration when developing the compensation package for the employee.

In addition to understanding how the U.S. will tax the expatriate’s foreign compensation and benefits, employers also need to understand how the host country will tax this income. Almost every country requires some kind of tax to be paid by foreign workers. While taxation of salary and bonuses may be relatively straightforward, things can get quite complicated when it comes to how benefits—such as retirement matching contributions or profit sharing—are taxed.

Consider Your Options for Making Expatriates Whole

Employers need to study foreign countries’ tax laws and be aware of each country’s nuances so a fair, balanced and competitive compensation package is developed. The good news is that employers have flexibility in navigating these issues and developing their policies.

The first option is to do nothing. Sometimes, in this scenario, the expatriate is responsible for the taxes and other costs incurred while working in the host country. A more common strategy is to equalize the tax burden on the employee. This is a tax-neutral policy, often referred to as tax equalization, where the employee is no worse or better off while working abroad. In this case, the goal of the compensation package is to keep employees whole—which means maintaining roughly the same financial standards they would have experienced at home.

Beware Double Taxation of Retirement Benefits

Expatriates are allowed to participate in U.S.-based retirement plans while working abroad. They can contribute pre-tax dollars to their traditional 401(k) plans, and employers can offer a match to the employee deferral. Unfortunately, many foreign countries consider the deferral to be taxable income.

What’s more, the employer contribution may be considered regular income subject to foreign taxes as well. In this case, the employee is double taxed: first by the host country for the “income” sent to the retirement plan, and then by the United States when it’s time for the participant to withdraw assets. (Double taxation may also happen in a Roth situation, where participants pay taxes up front when making the deferral.)

In these situations, employers will need to decide whether expatriates should be excluded from the plan and possibly compensated outside of the benefit to avoid the double taxation—or utilize a tax equalization policy where the expatriate is made whole. The latter approach would be in keeping with the U.S. system, in which qualified retirement plan contributions are only taxed once when the employee takes a distribution from the plan at or after retirement.

Insight: Take a “No Surprises” Approach to Your Expatriate Benefit Policy  The goal of any expatriate compensation package should be to ensure that neither the employee nor the company encounter any surprises. To achieve this, employers need to think through many issues well before sending an employee abroad.

The first issue is to decide whether or how to make employees whole. After that major issue is resolved, employers need to focus on finer points such as evaluating foreign tax policies, reviewing plan documents to determine eligibility and analyzing foreign tax credit structures to maximize value.

It’s also important to have strong communication strategies and resources for employees. A solid two-way communication plan aids expatriates in clearly understanding what they will be receiving and responsible for, and offering them access to experts who can help them feel that they are not alone in navigating the oftentimes complex tax structures in host countries.

Employees working at different companies often compare notes about their employer’s compensation policy for expatriates with other expatriates they meet abroad, so understand that there are competitive reasons for developing a fair, robust approach.

When sending employees abroad, employers have a lot to manage from a benefits perspective, between adequately rewarding employees, understanding individual countries’ tax rules, filing the appropriate forms in the foreign jurisdictions and keeping costs under control.

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5 Tips for Managing Successful Overseas Assignments

  • Andy Molinsky
  • Melissa Hahn

international assignments benefits

Stay in constant touch and have a plan for their return.

Sending talented employees overseas can be a promising way to leverage the benefits of a global economy. But expatriate assignments can be extremely expensive: up to three times the cost of a person’s typical annual salary, according to some statistics. And despite the investment, many organizations lack the know-how for optimizing the potential benefits, leaving them disappointed with the results. The unfortunate reality is that even companies providing well-crafted relocation packages (including the all-important cultural training) may not have the talent management mechanisms in place to truly leverage the valuable skills expatriate employees gain during their assignments.

  • Andy Molinsky is a professor of Organizational Behavior and International Management at Brandeis University and the author of Global Dexterity , Reach , and Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce . Connect with him on LinkedIn and download his free e-booklet of 7 myths about working effectively across cultures .
  • Melissa Hahn teaches intercultural communication at American University’s School of International Service. Her new book, Forging Bonds in a Global Workforce (McGraw Hill), helps global professionals build effective relationships across cultures.

Partner Center

Delivering A Successful International Assignment

Anne morris.

  • 9 October 2019


  • 8 minute read
  • Last updated: 9th October 2019

Organisations deploy personnel on international assignment for many reasons. Whether you are addressing an internal skills gaps, supporting leadership development or looking to improve working relations across borders, for any international assignment to be successful, there will be a multitude of legal, immigration, tax and pensions risks to manage when sending employees overseas.

This article covers:

International assignment objectives, international assignment structures, employment law.

  • Immigration options 

Assignee remuneration

Professional support for international assignments.

Global mobility programmes have traditionally been developed with a uniform approach, driven largely by cost management and operational efficiencies. However, organisations are increasingly taking a more flexible and bespoke approach to overseas assignments in order to attain advantage in areas such as compliance and talent development and retention.

While a one-size-fits-all approach to the fundamentals of mobility management may be a commercial reality, overlaying this should be areas of specific consideration and capability that can be adapted to the specific needs and risks of each international assignment. This allows for greater focus on the assignment’s commercial objectives and the agility to respond to the organisation’s changing global mobility needs .

From the outset of any successful assignment project, there should be clarity of objectives. Why as an organisation is the decision being made to invest in sending an employee to perform services in a different country?

International assignments can offer value in many areas, many of which typically present in the longer-term.

Internal knowledge transfer is a common assignment objective to address talent or skills shortages within overseas regions. Deploying key talent with specialist knowledge and skills to train and upskill local team members can help to resolve local labour or skill supply issues. The cost/benefit analysis can explore potential missed opportunities or delays resulting from shortages in the local talent market.

International assignments are also highly effective in building relationships and improving intercultural working. This could be relationships within an organisation, with local clients and intermediaries or local authorities. Face to face interaction remains highly effective and valuable in building influence on the ground and can offer significant potential for advantage over competitors.

Beyond relationships, value is also created in the knowledge gained by assignees working overseas, from insight into local customs and culture, improved language capability and a general understanding of how business is ‘done’ within the region and helping to adapt organisational protocol to suit the local environment. Combined with the assignee’s existing market and organisational knowledge, they can offer a global perspective with local details, bringing considerable potential to build competitive differentiation.

With clarity of objective, you can then consider whether an international assignment is the most appropriate solution . Is it possible to hire or promote locally? Would multiple, shorter trips be as effective in performance terms but with lower cost implications? International assignments demand significant investment and it will be important to assess cost projections against expected return and value to the organisation.

As well as clarity of objectives, a successful international assignment also requires clarity of contractual terms, both to manage the expectations and understanding of the assignee, and also for the mobility team to identify support needs and potential risks. 

Now more than ever, organisations are developing portfolios of mobility programmes to enable an agile approach to global mobility that responds to the organisation’s changing needs for international personnel mobility. Assignments come in increasingly different shapes and sizes, from permanent relocations or temporary exchanges, secondments or transfers to a different region or to a different organisation.

While organisations demand greater flexibility and agility from their global mobility programmes, underpinning the activity should be an appropriate assignment structure with a supporting contractual agreement that enables compliance with regulatory and legal duties.

When considering which structure to adopt, organisations will need to consider a range of factors including the type of assignment and the relevant environmental context such as regulatory, immigration, employment law, tax, pension implications. 

For international assignments, where the employee is moving from the home country employer to a host country employer, the employer could consider a number of assignment structures, including:

  • The employee continues to be employed solely by the home employer.
  • The employment contract with the home employer is suspended for the duration of the assignment while the employee enters into a new employment contract with the host employer .
  • The employment contract with the home employer is terminated with a promise of re-employment at the end of the assignment while the employee enters into a new employment contract with the host employer .
  • The employment contract with the home employer is suspended and the employee enters into a contract with an international assignment company (IAC) within the employer group
  • The employment contract with the home employer is suspended and the employee enters into a contract with both an IAC and the host country employer.
  • The employee remains resident in the home country and works in a host country under a commuter assignment.  

Each type of assignment structure offers advantages and disadvantages which should be considered in light of the individual assignment. For example: 

  • Do employment laws in the host country require the assignee to be employed by a local entity? 
  • Would the assignee be agreeable to ending their home country contract and starting a new agreement with a new entity in the host country? 
  • Are there terms in the home country contract that would need protecting in any new agreement, such as restrictive covenants? 
  • Which jurisdiction would prevail, the host or home country? 
  • How would local laws interpret a situation where there is no contract of employment with the employer in the host country? 
  • Issues such as income and corporate tax, pension and employment rights and responsibilities will need to be identified and assessed against the specific assignment objectives and budget and the assignee profile and circumstances. 

Employment law implications come hand-in-hand with selecting an appropriate assignment structure.

Home-country employment contracts for employees on assignment from the UK to an overseas jurisdiction should generally be interpreted under the laws of England and Wales. If a host country contract is used, there should be specific provision in the agreement to determine which jurisdiction would prevail. However, neither position is guaranteed, for example where issues of domicile arise which may supersede any contractual provisions. Again the need is to assess on an individual assignment basis.

As well as explicit contractual considerations, employers should also be aware of any statutory rights or implied terms under UK law that may continue to apply even in the host country.

Specific provisions may also need to be made to ensure confidentiality and appropriate handling of commercial and sensitive information. While this may be standard or expected for senior employees, those on assignment should also be considered for such terms relevant to the type of assignment and the commercial objectives of the project.

Immigration options

Successful international assignments will invariably require careful consideration of the immigration requirements. Governments across the globe are adopting increasingly protectionist stances towards economic migrants, as policies seek to favour domestic workers. This means business travellers and visa holders are now facing greater scrutiny when applying for work visas and when trying to gain entry at the border. 

Visa options and criteria vary between countries and are subject to frequent change. Where permission is required for the assignee to work in the host country, it will be important to ensure the assignee applies for the most appropriate route to meet the assignment need, whether that is a work permit or a business visitor visa. The immigration requirements and options will be determined in most part by the rules of the home and host countries, the nationality of the assignee (and any of their dependants who will be joining them overseas) and the nature of the activities the assignee intends to perform during their time in the host country. 

For example, a British citizen may be eligible to travel to the US to attend sales meetings and work conferences for up to 90 days  without having to apply for a visa but to conduct ‘gainful employment’ they would need to look at a specific work visa, such as the L-1 visa for intracompany  transfers. 

A further factor will be the specific requirements of the visa or permit. Work visas, for example, may require sponsorship of the employee by a local entity with valid sponsor status. The application process for work visas are typically resource-intensive and in many cases will require the employer to provide compelling evidence as to why the role or work cannot be performed by a worker resident in the host country. 

Preparation will, therefore, be critical, ensuring there is sufficient time to consider the relevant immigration options in light of local rules, and to then make the required application. Complications may also arise where the employee does not meet certain requirements under the local rules, for example if they have a past criminal conviction or negative immigration record. This will require careful handling and, depending on the host country’s rules, may require submission of a visa waiver to explain the issue and provide assurances of the employee’s eligibility by requesting a discretionary decision on the application.

Relocation packages are typically the biggest expense associated with an international assignment. While cost control will remain a concern, it is important for employers to ensure they are offering packages that are competitive within the market and that the package will support both the commercial objective of the assignment and compliance with associated legal and tax risks.

Home-based packages remain common, including those which may be markedly above local market compensation levels, particularly in circumstanecs where the assignment need is business-critical.

It may be possible however to look at offering a lower package than the home-based option, by either localising the package to harmonise with host nation levels or to develop a ‘local-plus’ offering that maintains a degree of competition, but this can be challenging to apply consistently across all assignment types and locations.

Again, consideration should be given to the individual assignment and the assignee. Millennial workers for example are generally understood to value international experience and the remuneration package may not be their primary concern where the opportunity for overseas exposure is available.

For organisations with a substantial cohort of international assignees and travellers, it may be more appropriate to build a compensation scheme specifically for globally-mobile personnel.

Importantly, assignees who will remain under an employment contract in their home country may continue to be subject to home country payroll while on assignment. This will also enable pension and benefits to be offered in the same way through the home country. Taxation, however, raises more complex issues, for example where withholding rules apply in the host country. This will require specialist guidance to ensure tax liabilities in the home and host country are correctly managed and met withiin the appropriate timeframes.

International assignments are demanding on the employer and the employee, but have become critical given the business imperatives to meet talent and development needs and achieve competitive advantage . 

Employers should not lose sight of the need to understand the specific risks of each individual assignment, which increasingly demand bespoke solutions. While compliance , efficiencies and cost control should be underpinned by a solid global mobility infrastructure of policies, systems and procedures, the current shift is away from a uniform approach to assignment management, instead moving towards more agile management of each assignment, shaped by the specific assignment objectives, budget and risks in relation to immigration, tax, remuneration and employment law.

DavidsonMorris’ specialist global mobility consultants provide expert guidance to employers on all aspects of international assignments, from programme management and implementation to strategic consultancy to ensure value and return on the mobility investment. We understand the commercial drivers behind mobilising workers and the need to ensure compliance without impacting return on mobility investment.

We work with senior management teams, HR and mobility professionals to develop strategies that ensure effective compliance risk management while supporting delivery of the organisation’s global mobility objectives. For advice on making the most of international assignments, speak to us .

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Founder and Managing Director Anne Morris is a fully qualified solicitor and trusted adviser to large corporates through to SMEs, providing strategic immigration and global mobility advice to support employers with UK operations to meet their workforce needs through corporate immigration.

She is a recognised by Legal 500 and Chambers as a legal expert and delivers Board-level advice on business migration and compliance risk management as well as overseeing the firm’s development of new client propositions and delivery of cost and time efficient processing of applications.

Anne is an active public speaker, immigration commentator , and immigration policy contributor and regularly hosts training sessions for employers and HR professionals

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  • Anne Morris https://www.davidsonmorris.com/author/anne/ UK Standard Visitor Visa: Guide & Requirements
  • Anne Morris https://www.davidsonmorris.com/author/anne/ Working Out Redundancy Pay: Employers' Guide

About DavidsonMorris

As employer solutions lawyers, DavidsonMorris offers a complete and cost-effective capability to meet employers’ needs across UK immigration and employment law, HR and global mobility .

Led by Anne Morris, one of the UK’s preeminent immigration lawyers, and with rankings in The Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners , we’re a multi-disciplinary team helping organisations to meet their people objectives, while reducing legal risk and nurturing workforce relations.

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The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct at the time of writing, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.

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Compensation and Benefits: Essentials of International Assignment Management

  • Reference work entry
  • First Online: 28 April 2016
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international assignments benefits

  • Juergen Czajor 2  

14k Accesses

Internationalization became an essential strategic dimension for companies to ensure profitable growth. International assignments play an important role to implement this strategy. As a consequence the number of international assignees is growing year by year; they work as interface manager between headquarters and branch office, as cultural ambassador, or as technical specialist to transfer knowledge. For ambitious and open candidates, a position in a foreign country and in a different culture can be an interesting step to further develop their professional career. International assignment management first of all needs a policy framework, defining the compensation and benefit package, especially the typical assignment allowances depending on distance to the home country and hardship of the host country. The administration of international assignments secondly requires standardized processes for all phases of an assignment, from selection to reintegration and with clear allocation of roles and responsibilities between all human resources partners involved. Organizations exchanging bigger numbers of specialists and executives between several countries work with centralized assignment management teams, who cooperate with local HR in the host countries and often use external partners for relocation, social security, payroll, and taxation to manage this complex task.

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Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer in Japan (DIHKJ) –Auditor – (2007) Expatriate versus Local, Vor- und Nachteile von Expatriates in japanischen Tochtergesellschaften deutscher Unternehmen. http://japan.ahk.de

Kast S (2010) Mapping the successful expatriation process. Diploma thesis at Eberhard – Karls – Universitaet Tuebingen

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Morlok E, Dolles H (2005) Die Auslandsentsendung aus Sicht der mitreisenden Familie. JAPANMARKT Januar 2005 und Februar 2005

Sedlmayer S (2009) Expatriates – Eine kritische Betrachtung aus organisationaler Perspektive. Thesis at Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen

Weber S (2010) Implementierung westlicher Standards an einem neuen Unternehmensstandort als Voraussetzung fuer den internationalen Mitarbeitereinsatz. Diploma thesis at Hochschule Pforheim

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Czajor, J. (2016). Compensation and Benefits: Essentials of International Assignment Management. In: Zeuch, M. (eds) Handbook of Human Resources Management. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44152-7_73

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44152-7_73

Published : 28 April 2016

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Pros and cons of an international assignment

Will it boost or harm your career.

  • February 1, 2021

There is no suspicion that working abroad is romantic. Living in a culture with different languages, habits, and working styles is an exciting and once-in-a-lifetime experience. It can not only much promote your career development, but also broaden your horizons. However, what many companies now call “global” assignments has some disadvantages. Some parts of the world are indeed dangerous for some visitors, but in most postings worldwide, the challenges are related to different cultures and ways of doing business. Here are some pros and cons of an international assignment to help you decide if it is a smart career move.

Table of Contents

Pros of international assignment, international work experience.

Indeed, the world is growing and becoming more and more mobile and accessible. This is the main driving force. Business leaders today are not geographically constrained. Work experience in an international corporate environment and culture is often described as a prerequisite for most senior positions at major international companies. Instantly add diverse and multicultural elements to your portfolio and experiences to make them more appealing to your position on a global scale.

Global companies are paying more and more attention to international diversity, and there is no sign that this trend stops. Therefore, the overseas experience gained by international mission professionals will help those seeking senior management positions. If you are one of these ambitious professionals, the question should be whether you can afford not to participate in the international assignment?

The company devotes substantial resources to expats international assignments. Allocation itself is usually performed for a specific purpose, and ROI is an important goal. For example, you can transfer assignees with specific skills to a new location to lead a project that is considered essential. Therefore, being selected for a job is usually a compliment, but it is also an opportunity. A successful project overview allows you to prove that you are the assignee and develop your career from the benefits of success. If you can withstand the pressure, then your international assignment can prove beneficial. Are you ready to move forward and succeed?

Experience Different Ways of Doing Business

Learning a particular field and working in that field in the same country means a fairly fixed set of expectations and assumptions. Overall, understanding how other countries treat your industry and business can be an excellent way to open yourself to new ways of doing things. The best part? Wherever you are, you will get these learning outcomes.

Diversify Your Income

When it is difficult to predict what will happen politically, earning income in different currencies is an excellent way to diversify risks and protect the financial future. For example, in the past two years, the pound sterling value has changed 30% from the value of the euro. If you are particularly interested in the domestic economy, relocation is still a way to obtain better salaries and employment opportunities in a more stable business environment.

Explore the world

If you are passionate about traveling, nothing is better than working abroad. Not only you experience the country more deeply, but you can also get rewarded for it. You do not need to spend two weeks to get to know the country’s culture and personality directly. This is also an excellent opportunity to explore neighboring countries. If you are learning a language, immersion in the countryside is also an excellent way to quickly improve your skills.

Cross-Cultural Communication

Cons of an international assignment, emotional problems.

Life as an expat is a rewarding experience. However, it can be challenging. Loneliness, culture shock, and nostalgia usually overwhelm foreigners, and not all migrants are ready to face this strong, perhaps new emotion. The combination of pain and diligence described above has reportedly resulted in high burnout among professional immigrants.

Less Job Flexibility

You love your new country, but do you hate work? Unlike going home, if your position is not suitable for you, you can shop here. Working abroad may mean that your job is linked to your visa. Even if you are not restricted by a visa, your lack of language skills and local experience may limit your escape options.

Interrupted Career Progression

For outsiders, “Out of sight, out of mind” can be a very familiar word. Even if you live in the same company, you do not go out every day or work in different time zones. This means that good impressions are slowly disappearing and are no longer the number one promotion. In the country of visit, it may be necessary to take a junior position due to a lack of local experience or limited language skills, which can feel like a step back professionally.

Cultural and Language Barriers

Among foreigners who cannot establish the necessary business relationships or live daily lives, posting emails in places where there is a tremendous cultural difference or where communication in a new language is required can cause trouble. Non-traditional families, such as gay couples, may face cultural resistance and pressure, making assignment management difficult in the long run

Legal risks

Domestic work laws and regulations regarding wages, taxes, and pensions usually differ between residents and foreigners. As with immigration requirements, compliance with legal requirements must be ensured.

Technological change

Your country’s technology can lag foreign countries for several years. After returning home, it may take several months to digest all the changes.

As global mobility increases, many employees want foreign stamps on their passports to support their personal growth and career development. They are increasingly looking for commuters, rotational, expatriate, or other alternative jobs to build resumes. International assignments are an essential tool for international career development. In this case, employees with international experience are the greater wealth for the organization.

Some potential business traveling international career in which global travel is usually necessary like international accountant, marketing and sales International missions help improve cultural literacy, promote foreign language learning, expand professionals’ network, and broaden their horizons. But of course there are always pros and cons of an international assignment.

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7 Strategies for a Successful International Work Assignment

Published: Oct 08, 2018

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International assignments are exciting for a host of reasons, but having the opportunity to live in another country while finding success in your career at the same time is particularly compelling. Working abroad allows you to gain real-world experience, advance the skills you have, and learn how to thrive in a global environment.

But living and working in a new country with a different culture is a major life change. It’s important to immerse yourself in the experience and remain positive through the ups and downs. Below are 7 tips to make the most of your journey abroad.

1. Keep an Open Mind

Social media and the internet allows us to connect with people from all over the world. Take time to learn about the history of your new home, including any local customs or laws, so you can set more realistic expectations ahead of time.

When you finally touch down in your new destination, keep an open mind. What you think you know about an area or country may end up being turned on its head once you spend more than a few days there.

For Allison Alexander, a participant in Abbott’s Finance Professional Development Program , an international assignment was the ultimate lesson in flexibility. “Going to an international role means you’re stepping into a culture and a set of expectations that are foreign to you,” she explains. “It forces you to be open to the unexpected.”

Unlike traveling for leisure, international assignments allow you to spend months or even years in a location. You can, and should, tap into the global mindset you’ve already developed while leaving room for all the surprises that will come from long-term exposure to a different culture.

2. Set Goals

Maximize the benefits of an international assignment by setting goals for yourself at the beginning. What do you hope to accomplish in the first two weeks? How can you challenge yourself once you’ve settled in? And when you leave, what are the skills you want to take with you? Having clearly defined milestones will help you stay focused on what’s important and define the steps needed to grow your career.

3. Develop Language Skills

You may not become fluent, but practicing the local language can help you build deeper connections within the community and potentially open up new work opportunities in the future. Don’t fret if you stumble through mispronunciations and tenses at first, the more you practice, the more confident you'll become, and the better you'll get.

4. Be Adventurous

When you're abroad, it's great to take advantage of travel. You have a new world at your doorstep! It's also a chance to try activities you've never tried before.

"I've been doing things I thought of all my life but could never muster enough courage to actually do," says Timir Gupta, another member of Abbott's Finance Professional Development Program, who has traveled solo, tried skydiving, and chased the northern lights. "And it's a great conversation starter during an interview," he adds.

5. Apply New Perspectives

Gaining insight into different business practices can help you learn to look at old problems in new ways when you return home. This type of creative problem solving will be an asset no matter what your next assignment is.

"When you finally make your way back to a domestic role, you've now become an expert in two completely different professional structures," says Alexander. "You've seen what works and what doesn't in a global setting, and you can lead the group on new ways of thinking that may lead to more success."

6. Expand Your Network

Get out and build connections, both at your assignment and beyond. "Because of traveling, I have friends all over the world," says Gupta. He now has connections across five continents that he can tap into when looking for a reference or career advice.

Luckily, maintaining the professional network you build abroad is now easier than ever before. Social media, LinkedIn, and apps like WhatsApp can help you stay in contact with your colleagues and mentors.

7. Market Yourself and Build Your Career

When you return home, don't forget to incorporate your experience into your personal branding. You want to make sure prospective employers know how your new skills, perspectives, and connections set you apart. Think: How can I rework my resume and reframe interview answers to showcase what I've learned?

Depending on your experience, you may even refocus your career or choose employers who will use your global mindset. If you want more opportunities to go abroad, many multinational organizations offer international assignments. With offices in more than 150 countries, Abbott has numerous internships and development programs for students in finance, information technology, engineering, manufacturing, environmental health, and quality assurance.

Look for companies expanding in emerging markets, too. This can give you the unique opportunity to get in at the ground level and learn how to evolve a product or service to match the local market.

No matter what you choose or where you go, an international assignment can provide you with the unique opportunity to grow personally and professionally—and hopefully have a little fun along the way too.

This post was sponsored by Abbott .

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Managing International Assignments: A Guide for HR Managers and Employees

international assignments benefits

Expanding globally brings tremendous opportunities for growth. But sending employees abroad also comes with challenges. As an HR manager, you want to ensure a smooth transition so your employees can hit the ground running in their new location. 

And as an employee, you want the relocation to go as seamlessly as possible so you can focus on your new role.

This guide covers key considerations for HR managers and employees to successfully manage international assignments.

For HR Managers

As an HR manager, you play a critical role in ensuring international assignments are a success. Here are some best practices when relocating employees globally:

Identify the Business Need

Before extending an international assignment offer, clearly identify the business need. Typical reasons include:

  • Filling a skill gap
  • Transferring knowledge
  • Expanding to a new market
  • Developing high-potential employees

Understanding the rationale will help determine the assignment length, position level, and candidate selection.

Choose the Right Candidate

Selecting the right person is crucial. Assess both technical qualifications and soft skills like adaptability, cultural sensitivity, and communication.

Look for signals of open-mindedness and flexibility during interviews. Ask questions like:

  • How have you adapted to multicultural environments in the past?
  • What challenges or frustrations have you faced abroad? How did you respond?
  • How do you go about building relationships with colleagues from different backgrounds?

Check references thoroughly to confirm the candidate has the right experience and temperament to succeed.

Offer Cross-Cultural Training

Investing in cross-cultural training helps employees adapt faster once abroad. Training typically covers:

  • Background on the host country culture
  • Tips for communicating across cultures
  • Guidance navigating daily life and etiquette
  • Best practices for mingling with locals
  • Stress management techniques

Employees walk away better prepared and more excited about the assignment. Partner with a relocation specialist like ARC Relocation to provide training.

Help with Visas and Immigration

Securing the proper work permits and visas is one of the most complex aspects of an international assignment. Requirements, paperwork, and processing times vary greatly by country.

To set your employees up for success, provide hands-on support with:

  • Researching visa categories and documents needed. Categories may include work permits, work visas, and dependent visas for family members.
  • Completing lengthy applications accurately to avoid delays. Mistakes can significantly slow down processing.
  • Translating and authenticating necessary documents like bank records, medical history, police certificates, etc.
  • Scheduling appointments and representing the employee in embassy meetings. Navigating bureaucracy is tricky.
  • Covering visa fees and associated costs like document translations and health checks. These add up quickly.
  • Tracking application status and troubleshooting issues if delays arise. Proactively communicating with authorities speeds things up.
  • Coordinating timing with shipment of household goods and temporary accommodations. Visas need to be secured before departure.

Keep in mind that time frames range from two weeks for some work permits to six months or more for residency visas in places like Singapore. Research requirements early and account for the employee’s notice period.

Offer Relocation Services

Relocating is stressful enough without logistical headaches. Offer services like:

  • Home finding trips
  • Household goods shipping
  • Temporary housing
  • School search assistance for families
  • Settling-in services

Work with ARC Relocation to coordinate end-to-end relocation services for a smooth employee move.

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Provide Cultural Training for Family

An employee’s success often hinges on their family’s transition. Offer cultural training for spouses and kids covering topics like:

  • Etiquette and customs
  • Making friends abroad
  • Maintaining mental wellness
  • Finding a job for the spouse

This facilitates better adjustment and improves success rates.

Assign a Mentor

Connecting assignees with a home office mentor prevents “out of sight, out of mind” syndrome. The mentor can:

  • Give visibility into promotions and department changes
  • Offer advice for applying overseas experience
  • Provide a sounding board on challenges

Schedule check-ins during home leaves too. This retains institutional knowledge.

Track Performance Consistently

Set clear expectations before departure and evaluate performance regularly. Account for cultural nuances when setting goals and metrics.

Schedule video check-ins to discuss successes, challenges, and additional support required. This prevents surprises come review time.

Plan a Smooth Repatriation

Start planning the return home well in advance. If not managed carefully, repatriation can spur turnover. Proactively take steps like:

  • Solicit assignees’ job preferences
  • Provide interview opportunities upon home leaves
  • Offer career planning services and resume reviews
  • Host a “welcome home” event for sharing insights

With preparation, you can retain and leverage talent that’s gained international expertise.

ARC Relocation can advise on repatriation best practices to keep global assignees engaged.

By investing upfront in selecting, preparing, and supporting employees, you significantly increase the odds of a successful international assignment. 

Don’t hesitate to enlist help from a relocation specialist like ARC Relocation to handle the heavy lifting. Their expertise will pay dividends through engaged, productive global teams.

For Employees

Receiving an offer to relocate internationally is incredibly exciting, but also challenging. Here are some tips to smooth your transition:

Understand the Assignment Terms

Review the details in your assignment letter thoroughly. Key points to look for:

  • Location and duration
  • Your role and responsibilities
  • Salary, benefits, and incentives
  • Relocation support provided
  • Repatriation expectations

Don’t hesitate to ask questions to clarify anything that’s unclear. Getting aligned early prevents surprises later.

Discuss the Move with Family

Relocating affects your whole family. Have open conversations to understand everyone’s hopes and concerns. Topics to cover:

  • Expected lifestyle abroad
  • Schooling options if you have kids
  • Career impacts for a working spouse
  • Ways to stay connected to existing friends and family

Addressing concerns proactively eases the transition.

Embrace Cross-Cultural Training

Don’t underestimate the value of cultural training. It provides insights on:

  • Etiquette and communication norms
  • Building relationships with locals
  • Daily life in your new home
  • Managing stress and adjustment struggles

Arriving better prepared helps you adapt faster.

Learn the Local Language

Even basic language skills go a long way toward blending into the culture. Use resources like:

  • Online lessons and mobile apps
  • In-person or virtual tutoring
  • Language meetups in your new hometown
  • Labeling common items at home in the local language

Immerse yourself as much as possible before departure and after you arrive.

Network with Alumni

Connect with people in your company who have lived in your destination city before. They can share insider tips on things like:

  • Housing and neighborhoods
  • Schools and childcare
  • Navigating transportation
  • Where to shop for familiar foods and products from home
  • Recruiting bilingual domestic help

Learning from others’ on-the-ground experience accelerates your adjustment.

Seek Out a Mentor

Ask your manager about pairing you with a home office mentor before you depart. Maintaining ties helps avoid feeling “out of sight, out of mind.” A mentor can advise you on things like:

  • Promotion opportunities and organizational changes
  • How to apply your overseas learnings
  • Repatriation preparations

This ensures you stay connected to advance your career.

With preparation and a positive mindset, an international assignment can be a life-changing experience both professionally and personally. Immerse yourself in the culture and local community. 

Maintaining an open and flexible attitude goes a long way toward adaptation and happiness in your new home country.

Transferee Rebate CTA (2)-1

Don’t hesitate to use relocation specialists like ARC Relocation to help with transition details big and small. Their expertise will help you and your family settle in smoothly.

Contact ARC Today for More Expert Relocation Advice and Guidance!

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International Assignments: New Roles and Responsibilities for HR

The crucial role of hr in managing international assignments.

The process of managing international assignments can be complicated. HR departments play a crucial role in making sure they run smoothly. Our managing partner, Stefan Remhof , lays out the specific tasks and challenges in this process, including additional complexities like sensitivity to our rapidly changing world and new roles within a company.

The challenge of international assignments for everyone involved

Sending employees abroad is challenging for everyone involved. From the employees and their families to the employer and company, international assignments are a huge change. More than a geographical shift, there are logistical, operational and operational nuances to consider. Financially, committing to international assignments signifies more than a mere allocation of resources; it symbolises a strategic investment in a company’s human capital. Navigating the complexities of international assignments requires a modern approach. Gain additional perspectives on this topic through the collaborative insights found in LinkedIn’s article on Managing International Assignments Effectively , which explores the challenges and strategies in managing these assignments effectively.

International assignments as part of career development

International assignments are designed to give employees’ careers a boost. Traditionally, they focused on knowledge transfer across borders. But this can now occur in a digital environment. Although international assignments remain an attractive asset, how people approach them has changed. Employees want to further their personal and cultural enrichment, as well as enjoyment. They have a desire to learn from foreign cultures, enhance their educational level and professional development. Their quality of life is more important to them than workplace performance. This modern shift places greater emphasis on employer attractiveness and employee retention.

The Growing Importance of HR’s Role in International Assignments

For a successful company attachment, structured collaboration from all stakeholders is vital. This is where the HR department becomes increasingly important. It’s their job to ensure the entire expat management process occurs without issues. HR helps provide solutions to support employees and their families, allowing them to successfully complete their objectives during the assignment. For a comprehensive understanding of how HR managers can ensure a smooth transition for employees, ARC’s detailed guide offers a Guide for HR Managers and Employees .

7 essential HR responsibilities in managing international assignments

  • Preparing Employees: HR plays a crucial role in properly preparing employees for their expat assignment. This can include simple things like information about the destination country, its culture, lifestyle and work ethic. And it can also include more detailed intercultural training.
  • Visa and Work Permits: This involves the procurement of all necessary visas and work permits, not just for employees but also their families. Here, HR plays a vital role in minimising stress for the employee and ensuring a smooth transition to their international assignment.
  • Legal Issues and Compliance: International assignments can involve complex legal issues. But by closely monitoring legal standards and staying up to date, the HR team works to make sure international assignments align with both global regulations and the company’s internal compliance policies.
  • Housing and Relocation Support: Relocation is complicated and cause unnecessary stress for employees when trying to adjust to a new environment. Taking an active role in supporting employees in the search for suitable housing makes a huge difference to the entire international assignment experience.
  • Health Insurance Support: Ensuring employees and their families receive comprehensive and correct health insurance coverage throughout the entirety of their international assignment relieves the burden of trying to navigate new healthcare systems.
  • Payroll and Taxes: Handling payroll processes and taxation in accordance with local regulation to ensure accuracy and compliance at all times.
  • Post-Assignment Support: Extending support beyond the international assignment by assisting in the repatriation and reintegration process supports employees and reduces challenges upon return.

Naturally, HR departments may not have enough resources to manage all these responsibilities. External service providers can take over some or all of these tasks, with support and coordination from HR. Companies can choose how to delegate these responsibilities but they are nonetheless highly important and should not be overlooked. In order to support and offer international corporate global mobility, companies must develop the structures to offer security to employees and help contribute to their personal learning and professional development.

Developing a Global Mindset

Companies that operate on a global scale face the challenge of trying to maximise opportunities but minimise risks with global mobility. Strategically planning for staffing needs, especially for highly skilled workers, gives them a competitive edge. H2: The Evolving Role of International HR Management International HR management is constantly changing and adapting. Managing a culturally diverse global workforce across countries and cultures is a significant challenge requiring innovative solutions. Developing a global mindset is essential here, as well as ensuring an understanding of leadership among executives.

Sensitivity to a Changing World is essential for HR strategies

As the world undergoes shifts from globalisation to nationalisation once again, public sentiment is changing. Companies are now re-evaluating their global activities. Transparency is vital as companies relocate more of their operations back to their home countries.

Adapting to Changing Needs in International Assignments

The need for and importance of international assignments is changing for global companies. HR professionals and expat management specialists must integrate into different value systems to create a common work environment that encourages effective communication and common goal achievement.

More than ever, global companies need a deep understanding of local business practices and must understand the needs of local customers and stakeholders. Developing a global mindset among leaders and employees is essential. International HR management must take on a new role with different strategies and solutions in order to guide organisations through the uncharted waters of globalisation. This changing and modern role around the global workforce should also be reflected in university and college curricula.

Visit our content page for more information on expat management, international assignments and HR solutions for the global workforce.

Author: Prof. Dr. Stefan Remhof is a Professor of International Management at IU International University and Managing Partner of the People Mobility Alliance. He has many years of professional and management experience in the fields of education management, politics, the consumer goods industry, and financial services.

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Alexia Schmolling Consultant

Alexia joined the pma in 2024 as transformation consultant. her focus lies on international hrm and mental health. she is responsible for content and partner management, and brings valuable insights from her international experience..

international assignments benefits

Stefan Remhof Managing Partner

Stefan joined the people mobility alliance at the beginning of 2023. he brings valuable insights into the academic side of people mobility into the alliance. together with co-founders daniel and mira he is part of the pma management team..

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Mira Pathak Co-Founder

Mira currently works for airinc in germany and has been working in global mobility since 2006. of german-indian origin, she has lived and worked in different countries but spent the majority of her working life in london before moving back to her native germany in 2019. she believes that personal connection and experiences are the key to successful business interactions. and that even in business, it’s the person behind the employee that makes all the difference..

international assignments benefits

Daniel Zinner Co-founder

Daniel is a global workforce consultant, podcaster and investor. cultural diversity and global collaboration have been his passion for more than 20 years. he has worked in global mobility for various corporations in many different countries, but is currently based in berlin, where he enjoys the city’s creativity, diversity and open mindset., the members of the people mobility alliance are united by the same passion: fostering cultural diversity and embracing technological advancement. we welcome everyone who is open to new perspectives, likes to give and receive new ideas and who will therefore help shape this alliance. find like-minded people and exchange ideas about relevant topics, such as hr strategy, digitization, transformation processes and more. most importantly, help drive change in how people mobility is performed. join today..

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Pros and Cons of International Expat Assignment 

Are you trying to work out if a short-term international assignment is for you you may be considering applying for an opportunity or you may have an offer of an overseas role on the table, either way there’s a lot to think about. making the decision to work overseas, even in the short-term, has the potential to have long-term repercussions for your life and career., what is a short-term international assignment [sia].

A short-term international assignment is the deployment of an employee overseas to complete a task usually within a period of three months to a year.

Short-term international assignments became popular early in the millennium as a means of addressing recruitment gaps, talent shortages and focusing on strategic global projects. Their popularity grew during the financial crises as a less expensive form of global mobility.

In the post-Covid world, SIAs are a means of offering increased flexibility to employees who want to gain some international experience without committing to the traditional three to five years overseas.

Like every decision in life, there are positives and potentially some challenges when it comes to moving abroad for work.

What are the pros of a short-term  international assignment?

Opportunity to work overseas, increased experience of global marketplace, leadership potential, improved network.

Working overseas will enable you to broaden your network. While completing a short-term expat assignment you are likely to work with:

·         Global mobility team

·         Human Resources/People Department

·         Senior Management

·         Colleagues at all levels in your new office

·         A new range of stakeholders

·         Customers in a different market

Opportunity to travel 

Opportunity to learn a new language.

Depending on where your short-term assignment is based it may provide an opportunity to learn a new language. You do not necessarily need to be fluent in a language for it to have positive benefits for your career.

Attempting to speak another language allows you to engage with colleagues in your short-term home in a more meaningful and immediate way. It has also been shown to have cognitive benefits too. People who speak more than one language have improved:

·         Critical thinking skills

·         Problem solving skills   

·         Memory

Spouse can retain their career

Children can stay in their current school, what are the cons of a short-term international assignment.

Of course, any kind of change has potential negative side effects to be aware of too. What these are will depend on your circumstances, but some potential downsides may include:

1. Potential for interrupted career progression

Moving overseas may mean you are ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Depending on your company, not being around every day and difference in time zones may mean the good work you are doing is not as visible to centralised management. This isn’t always a difficulty, but it might be something to be aware of depending on your business. 

2. Pressure to deliver 

As a short-term assignee, you are likely to be under pressure to hit the ground running and achieve a lot in a short period of time. You are unlikely to have the luxury of spending the first few months settling in. There may be pressure on you to make changes quickly before you have had a chance to build relationships or get colleagues at a local level on board.

3. Culture shock

The risk of culture shock is even higher with short-term assignees because you may not have the same time to adjust as your long-term counterparts. Comprehensive pre-departure training is important, so you have as much information as possible about life in your temporary home. 

4. Expat loneliness

If you decide leaving family in your home country is the best option then there is a chance you may suffer from expat loneliness while you are away. Building new and maintaining existing relationships while overseas is really important. If you feel lonely , check whether your international health insurance has an expat assistance programme that provides you with access to a trained professional for assistance. 

5. Maintaining relationships at home

Your relationships with friends and family at home are important. Leaving may prove difficult but technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch. 

6. Relationship issues

If you decide to take the assignment, your partner may have to remain at home for work or family commitments. This can impact your relationship . While you struggle with a new role in a new country, they are left carrying the emotional load at home and often completing all the tasks you used to help with. 

7. Repatriation

Do not underestimate the challenge of returning home once your assignment is complete . Particularly if you settled well and enjoyed the work. Changes may have happened in your home office that mean:

• You are not returning to the same role you left

• Goals and objectives may have changed since

• You may have to readjust your ways of working once again 

Agreeing to an international assignment is a big decision for a range of professional and personal reasons. We hope this will help you to work out what yours are so you can make the right decision for your circumstances. 

If you do decide to accept an assignment, don’t forget you will need international health insurance to access private healthcare should you need it while you are away.

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International Assignments: Who's Going Where and Why?

What does the global-mobility landscape look like today?

According to global relocation services provider Cartus’ recent 2013 Trends in Global Relocation Survey, younger employees are most interested in taking international relocation assignments, with career development being the main reason, and sequential assignments are on the rise.

The survey’s findings shed light on who companies are moving (and where), what criteria they are using to select their mobile talent, and how they’re linking talent management to global mobility.

Assignee Demographics

The demographics of the expatriate population appear to be steady in terms of gender, with the percentages of both men (79 percent) and women (21 percent) shifting only slightly from 2012.

Generation X employees (56 percent) represent the largest age group of transferees. Baby Boomers (20 percent) posted a slight increase over 2012, while the youngest group—Millennials, or Generation Y (20 percent)—showed a significant increase.

Married expats with accompanying families are still the most common but have become a smaller percentage of global workers over the past six years. The category of those “married and traveling solo” has gained the most in percentage points over this period.

In general, younger, single male employees are showing the highest interest in global assignments, according to the survey. Women, Baby Boomers and employees with families are showing less interest in working abroad.

This profile holds true when the destination is an emerging market.

“Given the issues with schooling, housing and in many cases security, the lack of interest among assignees with families is not surprising,” the report said.

Some of the respondents’ comments include:

  • “Dubai and the Middle East have their limitations for certain lifestyles. People with family are not so open to move their family to areas with little infrastructure.”
  • “There is low interest in African regions.”
  • “Employees seem to be less interested in going to certain locations if assignment allowances do not properly reflect the hardships that exist in the new work/life environment.”
  • “As the quality of lifestyle in emerging markets can vary when compared to a developed country, it is difficult for entire families to relocate to these types of countries. We have implemented two-year assignments in these regions, which seem to be working, with a limited time in more challenging environments.”
  • “Although Millennials are interested in these types of assignments, we need highly experienced people to go in and develop our emerging markets, so sometimes the interest and the experience needed to be successful are out of sync.”
  • “Employees with families tend to shy away from emerging markets. They look for places with more stable economies and social systems, especially for reasons of safety, security and schooling. They are also concerned about fluctuations in currency and overall earning and savings power.”

Most and Least Desirable Locations for Assignments

When asked which of the developed countries generated the most employee interest for assignments, the clear choices were the U.S., U.K., Australia, Singapore and Canada.

Tier I India and China (developed cities such as Mumbai and Shanghai) ranked as the locations that workers were most resistant to relocating to among the developed countries, indicating these are still perceived as challenging markets.

For emerging-market locations, Brazil topped the list of nations to which employees most wanted to go, followed closely by the United Arab Emirates. Among the emerging-market countries that professionals were reluctant to work in are Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Russia. Notably, Tiers II-IV for both India and China show up as generating significant interest and resistance. “This is likely attributable to the fact that as booming markets, they offer significant opportunities but also major challenges in infrastructure and other areas,” the report explained. “They are likely to be perceived differently depending on the assignee’s experience, appetite for adventure, and perception of the market’s importance to company goals.”

Motivating Factors

When asked for the main reasons why employees accepted an international assignment, companies said that while attractive compensation was named by a third of respondents (34 percent), the main motivating factors for employees were career development and advancement.

“This finding is a clear indicator that now is the time for companies to really start focusing on creating synergies across HR and businesses in order to ensure assignees are no longer ‘out of sight, out of mind’ and they are aware that the company is also focusing on their career. If employees’ value is not recognized, particularly the Gen Y/Millennial population, attrition rates will continue to rise,” according to the report.

Qualifying Criteria

As for the business criteria and qualifications that organizations seek when considering someone for an international assignment, leadership potential (80 percent) and technical skills (75 percent) were cited the most. A significant number of respondents (61 percent) also noted that the criteria depended on the project. Notably, only 33 percent are factoring in minimum performance ratings in selection criteria.

Flexibility and the ability to adapt to fluid circumstances (71 percent) led the list of behavioral characteristics businesses look for when considering an employee for an assignment abroad.

Second and third on the list of behavioral traits were career orientation and the desire to advance (63 percent), and the ability to work productively in an independent setting (57 percent).

Questioned about the family criteria their organization takes into account when considering someone for an international assignment, 68 percent of respondents said family status was not considered, while 25 percent said family criteria depended on the project.

Linking Talent Management and Global Mobility

When asked whether they agreed with the statement “The impact of an international assignment on an assignee’s career is positive,” 82 percent said yes, a 30 percent increase from 2009. “This supports the feeling that companies are paying more attention to, and realizing the importance of, how international assignments support employee growth, business value and retention,” the report said.

Building effective linkages between talent and global mobility will help ensure that assignments truly contribute to company business strategies, the report said.

According to respondents, the most frequently implemented strategies were:

  • Ensuring assignment objectives are incorporated into the employee’s performance review while on assignment (62 percent).
  • Collaborating with HR to ensure that employee performance ratings are considered for all workers on overseas assignments (60 percent).

The top three strategies under consideration:

  • Tracking postassignment employee advancement (63 percent).
  • Tracking postassignment employee retention (57 percent).
  • Developing a global talent pool for future assignments (56 percent).

Sequential Assignments Rising

Not all expatriates get to return home after an assignment. Fifty-eight percent of respondents have either many (13 percent) or a few (45 percent) “global nomads” who are on back-to-back assignments. More than half (57 percent) expect the sequential-assignment trend to stay about the same, and about a third (31 percent) expect the trend to increase.

Of organizations that said they have sequential assignments, 80 percent said they were typically long term, and the most frequent demographic profile was an older employee, Generation X worker or a Baby Boomer. This supports a general trend of companies sending more senior employees on this type of assignment, often with newer employees accompanying them for professional development, the report said.

Repatriation Lacking

Responding organizations ranked repatriation and career development highest among aspects of their relocation programs they most want to improve.

More than half (58 percent) of companies said they did not offer formal repatriation programs. Of those that offer these programs, only a third (33 percent) typically offer repatriation programs for long-term assignments. The most common reasons given for not offering these programs were lack of perceived value by the organization (60 percent) and cost considerations (35 percent).

Roy Maurer is an online editor/manager for SHRM.

Follow him at @SHRMRoy

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Developing an Effective Global Mobility Program , SHRM Online Global HR, August 2013 International Assignments Expected to Increase in 2013 , SHRM Online Global HR, May 2013

Managing International Assignments , SHRM Online Templates and Samples, July 2012

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The Benefits of Using International Nurse Staffing 

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Nursing shortages have plagued hospitals and healthcare facilities for years, and we know this is a top pain point for our clients no matter the size of their healthcare facility. An aging population requires more medical staff to be on payroll, but with too few nursing graduates and nurses leaving the workforce, this has created a deficit in qualified nurses to provide great care. This shortage leads to burnout , excessive overtime, understaffed shifts, and a reliance on travelers, ultimately impacting patient care. 

An issue this big requires a big solution: international nurse staffing. Tapping into a global talent pool allows facilities to operate with proper nurse-to-patient ratios, alleviate burdens put on existing and staff, and ultimately provide better patient care.  

But you’ll need a good talent partner that can find this international nursing talent for you and ensure their success once they’re stateside. We’re a healthcare staffing agency that saw this problem and developed a quality education and deployment pipeline to address the solutions. We’ve seen the hands-on benefits a successful international nursing solution can have: 

  • Addresses critical talent shortages 
  • Reduces a reliance on travel nurses 
  • Alleviates burnout and increases retention of quality nurses 

Let’s dig into each of these a little more. 

WATCH : Unlocking Global Talent: How to Empower International Nurses for Success

Hiring International Nurses Addresses Talent Shortages  

A nurse shortage exists for a multitude of reasons: 

  • Less nurses are graduating from nursing school 
  • There’s less staff to each nurses in school 
  • Many nurses are leaving the workforce, whether that’s due to retirement or pursuing other careers 

This combination leads to a shortage of hundreds of thousands of nurses despite the millions that are already on the front lines providing the best care they can. 

Recruiting international candidates gives healthcare organizations access to a vast global talent pool to build a sustainable pipeline of nurses beyond the United States. Countries like the Philippines, India, South Korea, the Caribbean, and more have an abundance of qualified nursing graduates who can fill openings at U.S. hospitals and make an immediate impact. 

Reduces Reliance on Traveling Nurses  

Travel nurses have been a stop-gap solution over the last half-decade, helping many healthcare organizations provide care during critical times. While they provide the flexibility to fill gaps, this approach is expensive and does not build a sustainable workforce. 

Depending on position and location, travel nurses made more than double permanent nursing staff at the peak of demand from 2020 to 2023. 

In contrast, recruiting international nurses reduces long-term labor expenses. After initial hiring and relocation costs, international nurses receive standard compensation packages. They also provide workforce consistency. Rather than a rotating temporary workforce, hospitals can improve continuity of care and avoid the knowledge drain when a travel assignment ends.

Alleviates Burnout and Increases Retention  

Nursing shortages contribute significantly to burnout among U.S. nursing staff. When organizations are understaffed, nurses are forced to handle higher patient loads and pick up extra shifts, leading to mental and physical exhaustion. That then affects the quality of patient care. 

Research found high numbers of nurses reported feeling the following, either a few times a week or every day: 

  • Emotionally drained (50.8%) 
  • Used up (56.4%) 
  • Fatigued (49.7%) 
  • Burned out (45.1%) 
  • At the end of the rope (29.4%) 

Augmenting staff with international nurses provides relief and a more well-rounded workforce. Higher nurse-to-patient ratios reduce the excessive workload that causes emotional, mental, and physical fatigue. Nurses can focus on providing quality care without becoming overwhelmed. 

Studies show the most effective way to support quality care and clinician well-being is to prevent chronic hospital nurse understaffing and stabilize the hospital nurse workforce. Ensuring nurses have the time off and support they need translates into better job satisfaction and better quality patient care. 

Build a Pipeline of Qualified Global Healthcare Talent  

In the face of debilitating personnel shortages, international nurse staffing offers a pipeline of qualified global talent, reduces overreliance on expensive travel nurses, and creates a more engaged, sustainable workforce. When nurses have proper support and achievable workloads, patients benefit. 

Our global recruitment network offers healthcare organizations a proven solution to staffing challenges. Our process includes: 

  • Identifying, vetting, and recruiting qualified nurse candidates from countries with a surplus of nursing graduates. 
  • Properly educating nurses to work up to your facility’s standards. 
  • Providing visa sponsorship and assisting with immigration requirements. 
  • Matching credentialed nurses with openings at hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other healthcare employers in need of staff. 
  • Supporting their transition by arranging transportation, housing assistance, and getting them settled in their new community. 
  • Ensuring a smooth transition by providing job orientation, cultural training, and setting expectations for the new nursing role. 

Whether you need to hire international nurses or fill any other healthcare role, we ensure you have the right people to deliver quality care.

Access Quality Global Talent Now

Questions? Call us toll-free: 855-485-8853

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Vice President Kamala Harris waves as she boards Air Force Two after a campaign event July 23, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP)

Vice President Kamala Harris waves as she boards Air Force Two after a campaign event July 23, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP)

Maria Ramirez Uribe

'Border czar'? Kamala Harris assigned to tackle immigration's causes, not border security

If your time is short.

In March 2021, President Joe Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with working alongside officials in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to address the issues driving people to leave those countries and come to the United States.

The Biden-Harris administration said it would focus on five key issues: economic insecurity, corruption, human rights, criminal gang violence and gender-based violence.

Border security and management is the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.

Vice President Kamala Harris might soon get a new official title: 2024 Democratic presidential nominee. In the meantime, Republicans have revived a title they gave her in 2021: "border czar." 

Claims that President Joe Biden named Harris the "border czar" and that she is responsible for overseeing U.S. border enforcement gained prominence at the Republican National Convention as the party sought to link her to his immigration policy. 

The refrain intensified once Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Harris. It was echoed in ads and by Trump campaign surrogates, including Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance , the Republican vice presidential nominee.

"Here’s Biden appointing Kamala Harris to be his border czar to deal with illegal immigration," a narrator says in a video the Republican National Committee posted on its X account, @GOP. "And here are a record number of illegal immigrants — 10 million and counting — flooding over the border after Harris was put in charge of stopping illegal immigration."

We’ve repeatedly fact-checked claims about the number of people entering the U.S. illegally under Biden. The federal data tracks how many times officials encountered a person trying to cross the southern border, but it doesn’t reflect the number of people let in. And if one person tries to cross the border multiple times, that counts as multiple encounters, even if it’s the same person. 

For this fact-check, we’re focused on the scope of Harris’ border responsibilities. 

"Border Czar Kamala Harris' reversal of President Trump's immigration policies has created an unprecedented and illegal immigration, humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border," Trump campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told PolitiFact in a statement. 

But Biden didn’t put Harris in charge of overseeing border security.

In a meeting with Harris in March 2021 , Biden said Harris would lead U.S. diplomatic efforts and work with officials in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to stem migration to the U.S. Biden said that when he was vice president, he "got a similar assignment" and that the Obama administration secured $700 million to help countries in Central America.

"One of the ways we learned is that if you deal with the problems in country, it benefits everyone. It benefits us, it benefits the people, and it grows the economies there," Biden said then.

Biden asked Harris "to be the chief diplomatic officer with Central American countries" and address the root causes that make people leave their home countries, said Michelle Mittelstadt, communications director for the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank. 

Managing the border "has always been" the Homeland Security secretary’s role, Mittelstadt said.

Biden tasked Harris with addressing the root causes influencing people’s decisions to migrate to the United States.

"I’ve asked her … to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border," Biden said in March 2021.

Biden held a similar role as vice president to former President Barack Obama. In a 2015 New York Times opinion piece, Biden said he would work with the Northern Triangle’s leaders on security, anti-corruption and investment efforts in the region.

"Donald Trump’s administration didn’t really sustain this strategy, but what Harris sought to revive in 2021 ran along the same lines," said Adam Isacson, defense oversight director at Washington Office on Latin America, a group advocating for human rights in the Americas. 

Within weeks of Biden’s remarks about Harris’ role, Republicans including Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., began calling Harris the " border czar " often in tandem with pointing out she had not yet been to the border.

In April 2021, when a reporter asked Harris whether she would visit the border, she said that her role is addressing the factors that make people leave their home countries, not managing the border.

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"The president has asked (Homeland Security) Secretary (Alejandro) Mayorkas to address what is going on at the border. And he has been working very hard at that, and it’s showing some progress because of his hard work," Harris said at an event . "I have been asked to lead the issue of dealing with root causes in the Northern Triangle, similar to what the then-vice president did many years ago."

Harris said she’d focus on economic struggles, violence, corruption and food insecurity in the countries. 

In June 2021, Harris visited El Paso, Texas, with Mayorkas. They outlined their responsibilities to reporters. Harris said she was addressing "the root causes of migration, predominantly out of Central America," and Mayorkas said, "It is my responsibility as the Secretary of Homeland Security to address the security and management of our border."

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But this distinction didn’t stop critics from linking Harris with U.S.-Mexico border security. 

"The administration’s messaging on this in mid-2021 was not as clear as it should have been," Isacson said. "But at no time did Harris or the White House state that her duties included the U.S.-Mexico border, or border security."

Immigration experts said it’s hard to measure Harris’ success in her role, and that a "root causes" approach implies that the results will be seen long term, not immediately.

In July 2021, the administration published a strategy , with Harris writing the lead message, for confronting the factors that drive migration in Central America. The plan focused on economic insecurity, corruption, human rights, criminal gang violence and gender-based violence.

In March 2024, the administration said it secured more than $5.2 billion in private sector investments to the region. However, only about $1 billion has been distributed, the Partnership for Central America, a group working with the administration, reported .

The White House said the investments have generated more than 70,000 new jobs in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, provided job training to 1 million people and expanded digital access to 4.5 million people. 

"Still, her engagement on this issue has been sporadic," Isacson said. "She has not traveled very often to the region or otherwise sought to make ‘root causes in Central America’ a central theme of her vice presidency."

Illegal immigration at the U.S. southern border from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador has dropped since 2021. Encounters with people from other countries, Venezuela, have risen . 

"But it’s hard to prove that U.S. assistance is a central reason" for the Northern Triangle countries’ decline, Isacson said.

The issues pushing people to leave Central American countries "are extremely complex and require deep restructuring of so much in those societies," said Cecilia Menjivar, a sociology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles who specializes on immigration. "So it’s very difficult for one person to change all that, even if it is a powerful person."

Immigration patterns at the U.S.-Mexico border have more to do with conditions in Latin American countries than "any U.S. policy," Mittelstadt said. 

For example, a humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has displaced nearly 8 million people since 2014, according to the United Nations. Political, economic and security crises in Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti and Ecuador have also led to more migration from these countries, Mittelstadt said. 

In contrast, immigration encounters with people from El Salvador have dropped in past years, partly because of the country’s crime crackdown .

The Republican National Committee said Biden appointed Harris "to be his border czar to deal with illegal immigration...Harris was put in charge of stopping illegal immigration."

Biden tasked Harris with addressing the root causes that drive migration to the United States. He did not task her with controlling who and how many people enter the southern U.S. border. That's the Homeland Security secretary’s responsibility.

Experts say that seeing the results of addressing root causes driving people out of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras  — violence, economic insecurity and corruption — takes time.

The statement contains an element of truth, but it ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False.

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Our Sources

Truth Social, post , July 22, 2024

The Hill, House Republicans tee up vote condemning Harris as ‘border czar’ , July 23, 2024

C-SPAN, Sen. J.D. Vance campaign rally in Radford, Virginia , July 22, 2024

GOP, post on X , July 21, 2024

PolitiFact, Francis Suarez’s misleading claim about millions of migrants getting free cellphones, plane tickets , July 28, 2024

PolitiFact, There aren’t 20 million to 30 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally, as Sen. Marco Rubio claimed , June 11, 2024

The White House, Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris in a meeting on immigration , March 24, 2021

PolitiFact, Central America and the root causes of migration to the US , June 7, 2021

The New York Times, Joe Biden: A Plan for Central America , Jan. 29, 2015

The White House, Remarks by Vice President Harris at virtual roundtable of experts on the Northern Triangle , April 14, 2021

The White House, Remarks by Vice President Harris, Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, Chairman Durbin, and Representative Escobar in press gaggle , June 25, 2021

Fox News, Obama-era DHS secretary: 'There's a real problem' when you have 'bipartisan outrage' , July 23, 2024

The White House, FACT SHEET: Strategy to address the root causes of migration in Central America , July 29, 2021

The White House, FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris announces public-private partnership has generated more than $5.2 billion in private sector commitments for Northern Central America , March 25, 2024

Migration Policy Institute, Shifting patterns and policies reshape migration to U.S.-Mexico border in major ways in 2023 , October 2023

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Venezuela crisis explained , April 17, 2024

PolitiFact, Donald Trump fact-check: 2024 RNC speech in Milwaukee full of falsehoods about immigrants, economy , July 19, 2024

CBS News, The facts about Kamala Harris' role on immigration in the Biden administration , July 23, 2024

Email interview, Michelle Mittelstadt, communications director for the Migration Policy Institute, July 22, 2024

Email interview, Adam Isacson, defense oversight director at Washington Office on Latin America, July 22, 2024

Email interview, Henry Ziemer, research associate for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 22, 2024

Email interview, Cecilia Menjivar, sociology professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, July 22, 2024

Statement, Karoline Leavitt,  Trump campaign national press secretary, July 23, 2024

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More by maria ramirez uribe.


'Border czar'? Kamala Harris assigned to tackle immigration's causes, not border security

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Oregon agency advises caution before signing ‘assignment of benefits’ agreement after fires, other natural disasters

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SALEM, Ore. (KTVZ) – With wildfires raging across the state, the Oregon Division of Financial Regulation wants to make sure people are taken care of in the event of a catastrophe and warned of those who may want to take advantage of a vulnerable situation.

One of those ways is through an assignment of benefits (AOB) agreement, which is a contract between a homeowner and a third party that transfers the insurance claim rights or benefits in an insurance policy to the third party. This allows the third party, which is typically a contractor, plumber, roofer, or other construction professional, to file the claim, make decisions about home repairs, and collect insurance payments without involving the homeowner. 

DFR stresses that you are not required to enter an AOB with a third party to have repairs done – you can file a claim directly to your insurance company.

An AOB can be a useful tool for getting repairs done, as it allows the repair company to deal directly with an insurance company when negotiating repairs. It also allows the insurer to pay the repair company directly. However, an AOB is a legal contract, so policyholders need to understand the rights they are signing away and make sure the repair company is trustworthy. Here are some reminders: 

  • With an AOB, the third party, like a roofing company or plumber, may file your claim, make repair decisions, and collect insurance payments without your involvement. They can also sue your insurer, and you can lose your right to mediation. 
  • Once you have signed an AOB, your insurer only communicates with the third party.
  • It is possible the third party may demand a higher claim payment than the insurer offers and then sue the insurer when it denies the claim.

“It is important for homeowners to know their rights and understand what they are agreeing to with an assignment of benefits,” said Andrew R. Stolfi, Oregon insurance commissioner and director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services. “Importantly, you are signing away your right to control many decisions related to the repair of your home. While this arrangement can be a good thing with the right contractor, it can result in a headache if it ends up in the wrong hands.”

DFR reminds homeowners to be diligent and alert for fraud. Home repair fraud is common after a natural disaster, and some contractors may prey on victims in hopes of making a quick buck. It is usually a good idea to do business with local businesses or trusted companies. Check references and talk to your friends and family. You should also always confirm that a contractor is  licensed in the state of Oregon . Your insurance company may also have recommendations, and you should get more than one bid for your repairs. 

Anyone who has questions or feels they may have been taken advantage of can always contact one of our consumer advocates at 888-877-4894 (toll-free) or through email at  . [email protected]

For more information about AOB agreements, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners offers additional  resources and information . DFR also has  resources  on understanding homeowners insurance and other insurance tips, including a brochure designed to help homeowners avoid  disaster scams .

About Oregon DFR:  The Division of Financial Regulation protects consumers and regulates insurance, depository institutions, trust companies, securities, and consumer financial products and services. The division is part of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, Oregon’s largest consumer protection and business regulatory agency. Visit dfr.oregon.gov and dcbs.oregon.gov.

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    The latest reports from our Worldwide International Assignment Policies and Practices survey (WIAPP), conducted during February and March 2023, help you uncover the current trends in global mobility programs and long-term assignment management to gain actionable insights and benchmark your approaches. ... Allowances and benefits including cost ...

  10. Compensation and Benefits: Essentials of International Assignment

    Along with an international assignment, various foreseeable and unforeseeable low-cost expenses happen. Over time catalogs were developed to decide which items can be reimbursed or not, such as application and renewal of ID documents, bank charges, transportation during relocation, purchase of electrical equipment or missing household goods, fees associated with necessary driver licenses, and ...

  11. Pros and cons of an international assignment

    A successful project overview allows you to prove that you are the assignee and develop your career from the benefits of success. If you can withstand the pressure, then your international assignment can prove beneficial. ... rotational, expatriate, or other alternative jobs to build resumes. International assignments are an essential tool for ...

  12. 7 Strategies for a Successful International Work Assignment

    Below are 7 tips to make the most of your journey abroad. 1. Keep an Open Mind. Social media and the internet allows us to connect with people from all over the world. Take time to learn about the history of your new home, including any local customs or laws, so you can set more realistic expectations ahead of time.

  13. Managing International Assignments for HR Managers

    Managing International Assignments: A Guide for HR Managers and Employees. Expanding globally brings tremendous opportunities for growth. But sending employees abroad also comes with challenges. As an HR manager, you want to ensure a smooth transition so your employees can hit the ground running in their new location.

  14. International Assignments: New Roles and Responsibilities for HR

    7 essential HR responsibilities in managing international assignments. Preparing Employees: HR plays a crucial role in properly preparing employees for their expat assignment. This can include simple things like information about the destination country, its culture, lifestyle and work ethic. And it can also include more detailed intercultural ...

  15. Pros and Cons of International Expat Assignment

    Improved network. Working overseas will enable you to broaden your network. While completing a short-term expat assignment you are likely to work with: · Global mobility team. · Human Resources/People Department. · Senior Management. · Colleagues at all levels in your new office. · A new range of stakeholders. · Customers in a different ...

  16. 10 things to know before sending an employee on an international assignment

    It's also possible to structure the international assignment to eliminate the international assignee's requirement to continue to participate in the U.S. social security system. However, this will limit the international assignee's access to the U.S. company's employee benefits including participation in its 401(k) plan. Returning home

  17. International Assignments: Who's Going Where and Why?

    Motivating Factors. When asked for the main reasons why employees accepted an international assignment, companies said that while attractive compensation was named by a third of respondents (34 ...

  18. Paying Employees on Short-term International Assignments

    Short-term assignments. Short-term international assignments usually last between 3 and 12 months, and allow companies to transfer skills, knowledge and resources quickly and cost effectively, providing a quick response to business needs. However, living costs for short-term assignees are different from other categories of mobile workers.

  19. Southwest to get rid of open seating, offer extra legroom in biggest

    Southwest is under pressure to drum up revenue from an oversupplied U.S. market and an activist investor.

  20. The Benefits of Using International Nurse Staffing

    After initial hiring and relocation costs, international nurses receive standard compensation packages. They also provide workforce consistency. Rather than a rotating temporary workforce, hospitals can improve continuity of care and avoid the knowledge drain when a travel assignment ends. Alleviates Burnout and Increases Retention

  21. Campus Resources for International Students

    Connect with your college's international student office. Take advantage of counseling, writing and legal services centers. Use student union connections to enhance your social life. Navigating ...

  22. Southwest Airlines is getting rid of open seating

    Southwest Airlines is shifting to assigned seats for the first time in its history, a change that will allow the low-fare carrier to charge a premium for some of the seats on its planes.

  23. PolitiFact

    In a meeting with Harris in March 2021, Biden said Harris would lead U.S. diplomatic efforts and work with officials in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras to stem migration to the U.S ...

  24. Oregon agency advises caution before signing 'assignment of benefits

    One of those ways is through an assignment of benefits (AOB) agreement, which is a contract between a homeowner and a third party that transfers the insurance claim rights or benefits in an ...

  25. The US economy is pulling off something historic

    The US economy is on the verge of an extremely rare achievement. Economic growth in the first half of the year was solid, with the economy expanding a robust 2.8% annualized rate in the second ...

  26. Southwest gets rid of open seating in historic boarding process ...

    It marks a major shakeup to its business model. Southwest Airlines is shifting to assigned seating and will offer some premium seating with extra legroom, the low-cost carrier announced on Thursday as part of a significant shakeup to its traditional business model.. Why it matters: The changes come the same day the airline reported second quarter results that beat some expectations following a ...

  27. Division of Financial Regulation : Oregon Division of Financial

    One of those ways is through an assignment of benefits (AOB) agreement, which is a contract between a homeowner and a third party that transfers the insurance claim rights or benefits in an insurance policy to the third party. This allows the third party, which is typically a contractor, plumber, roofer, or other construction professional, to ...