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11.2.1 - five step hypothesis testing procedure.

The examples on the following pages use the five step hypothesis testing procedure outlined below. This is the same procedure that we used to conduct a hypothesis test for a single mean, single proportion, difference in two means, and difference in two proportions.

When conducting a chi-square goodness-of-fit test, it makes the most sense to write the hypotheses first. The hypotheses will depend on the research question. The null hypothesis will always contain the equalities and the alternative hypothesis will be that at least one population proportion is not as specified in the null.

In order to use the chi-square distribution to approximate the sampling distribution, all expected counts must be at least five.

Expected Count

Where \(n\) is the total sample size and \(p_i\) is the hypothesized population proportion in the "ith" group.

To check this assumption, compute all expected counts and confirm that each is at least five.

In Step 1 you already computed the expected counts. Use this formula to compute the chi-square test statistic:

Chi-Square Test Statistic

\(\chi^2=\sum \dfrac{(O-E)^2}{E}\)

Where \(O\) is the observed count for each cell and \(E\) is the expected count for each cell.

Construct a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of groups minus one. The p-value is the area under that distribution to the right of the test statistic that was computed in Step 2. You can find this area by constructing a probability distribution plot in Minitab. 

Unless otherwise stated, use the standard 0.05 alpha level.

\(p \leq \alpha\) reject the null hypothesis.

\(p > \alpha\) fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Go back to the original research question and address it directly. If you rejected the null hypothesis, then there is convincing evidence that at least one of the population proportions is not as stated in the null hypothesis. If you failed to reject the null hypothesis, then there is not enough evidence that any of the population proportions are different from what is stated in the null hypothesis. 


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  3. Testing of Hypothesis,Null, alternative hypothesis, type-I & -II Error etc @VATAMBEDUSRAVANKUMAR

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  1. PDF Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    8.2 FOUR STEPS TO HYPOTHESIS TESTING The goal of hypothesis testing is to determine the likelihood that a population parameter, such as the mean, is likely to be true. In this section, we describe the four steps of hypothesis testing that were briefly introduced in Section 8.1: Step 1: State the hypotheses. Step 2: Set the criteria for a decision.

  2. PDF 9: Basics of Hypothesis Testing

    Hypothesis Testing. Is also called significance testing. Tests a claim about a parameter using evidence (data in a sample. The technique is introduced by considering a one-sample z test. The procedure is broken into four steps.

  3. PDF Statistical Hypothesis Tests

    March 24, 2013. In this lecture note, we discuss the fundamentals of statistical hypothesis tests. Any statistical hypothesis test, no matter how complex it is, is based on the following logic of stochastic proof by contradiction. In mathematics, proof by contradiction is a proof technique where we begin by assuming the validity of a hypothesis ...


    4. HYPOTHESIS TESTING. STEPS IN HYPOTHESIS TESTING. Step 1: State the Hypotheses. Null Hypothesis (H. 0. in the general population there is no change, no difference, or no relationship; the independent variable will have no effect on the dependent variable. o Example. •All dogs have four legs.

  5. PDF Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    the value specified by H0 is called a two-sided (or two-tailed) test, e.g. H0: µ = 100 HA: µ <> 100 I. Whether you use a 1-tailed or 2-tailed test depends on the nature of the problem. Usually we use a 2-tailed test. A 1-tailed test typically requires a little more theory. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing - Page 1

  6. PDF Chapter 8. Statistical Inference

    8.3.2 Hypothesis Testing (Example) There is a formal procedure for a hypothesis test, which we will illustrate by example. There are many types of hypothesis tests, each with di erent uses, but we'll get into that later! You'll see the CLT often appear in the most fundamental/commonly conducted hypothesis tests. 1.

  7. PDF Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    Motivation . . . The purpose of hypothesis testing is to determine whether there is enough statistical evidence in favor of a certain belief, or hypothesis, about a parameter. Is there statistical evidence, from a random sample of potential customers, to support the hypothesis that more than 10% of the potential customers will pur-chase a new ...

  8. PDF Chapter 6 Hypothesis Testing

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  9. PDF Lecture 14: Introduction to hypothesis testing (v2) Ramesh Johari

    o the sampling distribution un. r 0.The hypothesis testing recipeThe basic id. is:If the true parameter was 0...then T (Y) should look like it c. e from f(Y j 0).We compare the observed T (Y) to the sampling distribution under 0.If the observed T (Y) is unlik. ly under the sampling distribution given 0, we reject the null hy.

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    Instead, hypothesis testing concerns on how to use a random sample to judge if it is evidence that supports or not the hypothesis. Hypothesis testing is formulated in terms of two hypotheses: H0: the null hypothesis; H1: the alternate hypothesis. The hypothesis we want to test is if H1 is \likely" true.

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    2. Understand how hypothesis testing procedures are constructed. 3. Understand how to do sample size calculations. 4. Understand the relation between hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, likelihood and Bayesian methods and their uses for inference purposes. II. The Hypothesis Testing Paradigm and One-Sample Tests A. One-Sample Tests

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    Hypothesis Testing and Interval Estimation. With a test of hypothesis we get all the distribution information from the Null Hypothesis, and then determine the "rejection region " for the test statistic based on the test's significance level α (say 5%). Then if the value we get for our statistic is so outrageous that it falls in the reject ...

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    The intent of hypothesis testing is formally examine two opposing conjectures (hypotheses), H0 and HA. These two hypotheses are mutually exclusive and exhaustive so that one is true to the exclusion of the other. We accumulate evidence - collect and analyze sample information - for the purpose of determining which of the two hypotheses is true ...

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  15. PDF Chapter 5 Hypothesis Testing

    Chapter 5 Hypothesis Testing. Chapter 5Hypothesis TestingA second type of statistical inf. rence is hypothesis testing. Here, rather than use ei-ther a point (or interval) estimate from a random sample to approximate a population parameter, hypothesis testing uses point estimate to decide which of two hypotheses (guesses.

  16. PDF Hypothesis Testing

    23.1 How Hypothesis Tests Are Reported in the News 1. Determine the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. 2. Collect and summarize the data into a test statistic. 3. Use the test statistic to determine the p-value. 4. The result is statistically significant if the p-value is less than or equal to the level of significance.

  17. PDF Chapter 8 Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

    Chapter 8 Learning Outcomes 1 •Understand logic of hypothesis testing 2 •State hypotheses and locate critical region(s) 3 •Conduct z-test and make decision 4 •Define and differentiate Type I and Type II errors 5 •Understand effect size and compute Cohen's d 6 •Make directional hypotheses and conduct one-tailed test

  18. PDF Hypothesis Testing

    0. 1. Left-tailed Test. H0 : μ = k H1 : μ < k P-value = P (z < zø) x This is the probability of getting a test statistic as low as or lower than zø x. If P-value ↵, we reject H0 and say the data are statistically significant at the level ↵. If P-value > ↵, we do not reject H0.

  19. PDF Hypothesis Testing for Beginners

    Hypothesis testing will rely extensively on the idea that, having a pdf, one can compute the probability of all the corresponding events. Make sure you understand this point before going ahead. We have seen that the pdf of a random variable synthesizes all the probabilities of realization of the underlying events.

  20. PDF The Logic of Hypothesis Testing in Quantitative Research

    Complete the following steps for each statistical null hypothesis. Select a significance level (alpha). Compute the value of the test statistic (e.g., F, r, t). Compare the obtained value of the test statistics with the critical value associated with the selected significance level or compare the obtained p-value with the pre-selected alpha value.

  21. PDF Chapter (9) Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests

    Solution: Step 1: State the null hypothesis and the alternate hypothesis. H0: = 200 H1: ≠ 200 This is Two-tailed test (Note: keyword in the problem "has changed", "different") Step 2: Select the level of significance. α = 0.01 as stated in the problem Step 3: Select the test statistic Use Z-distribution since σ is known.

  22. 1.2: The 7-Step Process of Statistical Hypothesis Testing

    Step 1: State the Null Hypothesis. The null hypothesis can be thought of as the opposite of the "guess" the researchers made: in this example, the biologist thinks the plant height will be different for the fertilizers. So the null would be that there will be no difference among the groups of plants. Specifically, in more statistical language ...

  23. 11.2.1

    Step 1: Check assumptions and write hypotheses. When conducting a chi-square goodness-of-fit test, it makes the most sense to write the hypotheses first. The hypotheses will depend on the research question. The null hypothesis will always contain the equalities and the alternative hypothesis will be that at least one population proportion is ...