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Updated: November 19, 2023

4 Proven Upwork Cover Letters To Save You Time And Win More Jobs

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This article is about writing effective Upwork cover letters / proposals , so you can spend less time looking for clients and more time doing paid work.

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“Not a week later I have now secured not one but TWO long term contracts due to these templates getting me through the door and my work being up to par! Many many thanks!”
  • 4 Proven Upwork Cover Letter Templates
  • How To Avoid Upwork Scams And Find The Best Jobs
  • What Ivan Did To Beat 50+ Freelancers On Upwork
  • 8 Keys To A Killer Upwork Profile
  • How To Compete With Cheap Freelancers On Upwork
  • How Justin Went From $9 to $50/Hour On Upwork In 12 Months
  • How Susan Earned $1,375 Her First Month On Upwork
  • 81 Best Paying Freelance Jobs On Upwork

Upwork is the largest freelance marketplace online, with thousands of jobs posted every day.

Getting started as a freelancer on Upwork can be tough, because you’re often competing with dozens of other freelancers for a single job, and many of them are well established on the platform, with lots of great ratings and reviews.

So, how can you compete?

Well, it helps to submit A LOT of proposals.

In the words of Wayne Gretzky…

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

And it follows that the more shots you do take, the more likely you are to score.

But you should also ensure that you’re submitting QUALITY proposals, proposals that will help you stand out from the crowd and give you a solid chance of winning the job.


That’s what you should be aiming for.

And that’s where the following list of Upwork sample cover letters can help. They will enable you to apply for more jobs without resorting to obvious copy-and-paste tactics.

Each sample below is derived from a real cover letter that won a real job on Upwork.

I’ve included screenshots of the original job postings and cover letters so you can see exactly what the job was and how it was won.

Below each sample you’ll find a corresponding template you can use to quickly craft your own proposal for ANY job on Upwork.

There are 4 templates in total:

The Short And Sweet

The screencast standout, the honest newbie, the quick lister.

Note that each sample you’re about to see was submitted by a member of our private Freedom Business Builder community. Two of them were responses to job invites, and two were cold pitches.

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Alright, here are the cover letter templates…

This first proposal sample comes from Justin, a freelance web designer and digital marketer.

The Job Description

The cover letter.

Justin was hired for the job at $50/hour.

The Template

Justin explains:

I typically use the same model for Upwork proposals: I ask about 3-4 relevant questions about the job in the first paragraph, and I qualify myself in the second paragraph.

So the template is as follows:

Hello [Client Name] , [If applicable: Thanks for the job invite.] It’s a pleasure to meet you. [Ask 3-4 short but relevant questions about the job here. This shows that you’ve read the description and know your stuff, and also invites the client to begin a conversation with you.] [Qualify yourself briefly here. 1-2 lines that communicate why you’d be a good fit for this job.] Best regards, [Your Name]
  • Justin addressed the client by name at the beginning of his cover letter, even though the client never mentioned their name in the job description. Often you can find the client’s name mentioned in the reviews section of their profile. Going to the effort of finding their name and including it in your proposal will help you stand out from the crowd.
  • Keep in mind that Justin was invited to this job, which gave him a much better chance of being hired. I asked Justin about this and he believes the key to getting hired is his strong profile and track record on Upwork.
  • Justin taught himself web design in a two-month period, then started on Upwork at $9/hour. A little more than a year later he’d also taught himself digital marketing and was earning $45-55/hour consistently. Read more about his journey to Upwork success here .

This next proposal sample comes from Natalia, a freelance copywriter.

Upwork Cover Letter: Natalia Job Description

See Natalia’s screencast here:

Natalia explained to me via email:

This was my very first proposal screencast. It saves time to make a screencast to review a client’s website rather than writing endlessly to explain what you mean. This proposal was an answer to an invite to apply, but he invited a few people so I wanted to stand out.

The client was impressed:

Upwork Cover Letter: Natalia Client Response

Natalia ended up getting paid $350 for this job, but that wasn’t the end of it:

I’m still working for this client, and he is constantly thinking up new jobs I can do for the campaign because he is always happy with my work.

Upwork Cover Letter: Natalia Result

First, a warning:

  • You should be selective including screencasts as part of you cover letter. They are are not always appropriate. Use them if you find yourself trying to explain something to a client in writing that would be more easily explained on screen.

The template is as follows:

Hello [Client’s Name] , [If applicable: Thank you for your invitation.] [Share a link to your screencast and briefly explain what it contains. You want to give the client a compelling reason to click the link and watch. Tell them what benefit they will get from it and note that it will only take up a few minutes of their time.] [1 paragraph explaining why the job appeals to you. Bonus points if you can share why the goals of the client resonate with you personally.] [1 paragraph sharing an example of your work, ideally closely related to the job you’re applying for.] If you want to collaborate with me let’s discuss it in more detail over the chat. Kind regards, [Your Name]
  • Pro Tip Use the free version of Loom to create and share screencasts effortlessly.

This next proposal sample comes from Gray, a freelance graphic designer.

Gray was hired to do the job at a 10% discount, but that was only the beginning. As he explained to me via email:

This also led to ongoing work and was for the guys who I am pricing up that $8,000 job for. Its looking like it is going to be a bit more than that btw. Its for a complete game, and Im currently going through the spec with them bit by bit.

Gray explains:

I came at it with an honest approach and said basically ‘look, I have a lot of experience, but none on upwork, help me out and Ill do it for a 10% discount. Win win.’
Hello [Client’s Name], I’d really like to work with you on this one if possible! I do have a couple of questions, but first I’d like to make you an offer and some background so you can check my work out. [Short paragraph explaining your work experience relevant to the job.] However, I am new to Upwork and looking to get a few clients that I can build upon. If you take a look at my work and feel that I could help you, I’ll do it for a 10% discount. You’ll get all the expected stuff like a great professional service and a fast turn around, at a bit less, and I get a bit more exposure. [If applicable, include a link to your portfolio website here, or invite the client to check out the work samples you’ve attached to your proposal.] [Ask 1-2 short but relevant questions about the job here. This shows that you’ve read the description and know your stuff, and also invites the client to begin a conversation with you.] If the above offer sounds like something you would be interested in, I’d love to hear from you. Regards, [Your Name]

Note that the template above doesn’t contain the word TOKYO, which was included at the top of Gray’s cover letter. Gray added that as a response to the client’s request at the bottom of the job description. Many clients use this trick to quickly determine if you’ve actually read the job description.

So… make sure you actually read the job description!

This next proposal sample comes from Susan, a freelance editor and proofreader.

Upwork Cover Letter: Susan Job Description

Susan explained to me via email:

I bid $125, and it was accepted immediately. This job took me 90 minutes to complete and 30 minutes to double check. As this was a legal document, I was careful to edit in a way that did not change the meaning of any of the sentences. This Swiss lawyer had English that was near perfect. I delivered the files within 2 hours and the client added a $40 bonus to my payment and left me 5-star feedback. $165 for 2 hours is a pretty good rate.

Upwork Cover Letter: Susan Review

Hi [Client’s Name], I would be happy to work on your [document/job/whatever] immediately. [Numbered list covering the most important requirements mentioned in the job description, and how you plan to meet them. This shows that you fully understand what’s needed and have a plan for making it happen.] [1-2 paragraphs detailing your background/expertise, as relevant to the job at hand.] What you’ll receive: [Short list that paints a clear picture of what you will deliver (and by when) should the client hire you to do the job.] Send me a quick message and we can figure out if we are a good fit to work together! [Your Name]
  • Not included in the template: the “Code 833” at the top of Susan’s proposal. This was a response to the client’s request hidden within the job description. Many clients use this trick to quickly determine if you’ve read it thoroughly.
  • Want to know how Susan earned €1,226 in just her second full month working online? Check out an interview with her here .

What To Do Now

Five things:

  • Pick your favorite template above, jump on over to Upwork, find some jobs you like, and use that template to quickly craft and submit effective proposals. (Make sure each proposal counts by learning how to avoid scams and find the best jobs on Upwork .)
  • Report back and share in the comments below what kind of response you receive.
  • If you’re not getting any response at all, screenshot one of the jobs you’ve applied for, and your cover letter, upload both screenshots to imgur , and post the links in the comments below. We’ll take a look and suggest some changes to help you get more responses and win more jobs.
  • Join 23,346 subscribers and sign up for our weekly newsletter below. You’ll receive an email every Friday packed with tips and insights to build your online business.
  • If you’re looking to improve your skills so you can win more jobs on Upwork, check out this list of FREE top-rated courses on Udemy (updated daily).

Get more Upwork success tips

This article is part of an 8-part series:

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7 years as a digital nomad – the riskiest thing you can do.

how to write cover letter for upwork proposal

38 thoughts on “4 Proven Upwork Cover Letters To Save You Time And Win More Jobs”

Hi, I have been an Upworker for the past several years. But of late, only very few clients are contacting me for jobs, and I could not figure out the reason. After going through community discussions, I figured out that rewriting proposals can help a bit. So I am trying to do that. This blog post is really interesting, and I could get some ideas from this. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Confirm that this approach to proposal writing works well. I get about 50% of the answers. Thanks Niall!

Hey, Thank you so much! I read your blog post the previous night and sent a proposal according to your first 1. The short and sweet. I applied it and tomorrow morning I saw a reply from that client. Thank you so much. It is crazy. I am going to subscribe you to get more and more beneficial posts.

Hi Nail, I read this writeup and some other posts (the profile remodeling and scam flags) and I have to say, I was really pumped and I put them to work. A few days later, I got my first gig. I finished in record time and got an excellent review. It’s just that after that, I’ve got nothing else. After a lot of proposals using the techniques above, I get a few responses but nothing serious. Any advice? Thanks for the tips and the first job, tho’ and thanks in advance for any tips. David

It could be a number of things, hard to know just from what you’ve written. But ultimately pitching for jobs on Upwork is a numbers game. You have to keep pitching as much as you can and perhaps even lower your rate to get the first few jobs and reviews. Once you have more reviews it becomes easier to get jobs.

Thanks a lot Niall Doherty,

Your Cover letters really helped me to win more jobs on Upwork.

Thank you again!

Thanks for the helpful tips. I’ve already had some successful contracts on upWork, and do use some of the ideas (such as addressing by name.) I’d like to increase my percentage of contracts won, and hope to do so by following some of your other tips. I’ll report back next week, after I’ve tried a few. Cheers!

Thanks for an excellent resource. For once, Google’s #1 search result truly deserved to be #1

Hi Sir Niall, Good day! I just sent my proposal today and hopefully, I’ll get a response soon. Here’s the link to my cover letter and the job posted. https://imgur.com/a/YOwNZdJ Thank you, Joshie

i won my first client in just 5 minutes thanks a lot

I cannot thank you enough for sharing this information! I used a mix of a The Honest Newbie & The Quick Lister for my very first proposal on UpWork. I got a contract back later that day!

Glad to hear that, Sam. Well done!

Hi Niall, I have been trying to freelance on Upwork for the last few months, but am getting little interest from potential clients. I am an architectural designer with 13 years experience, but have no college degree. I write cover letters offering to help with the problem the clients listed about design or construction, list the services I can give them, attach samples of my previous work, and tell that I am ready to start if they are interested. So far nobody is. It is discouraging to keep submitting offers for work that are ignored, when I try to be friendly, professional, and interested. What am I doing wrong do you think?

It’s hard to know what the issue is based only on what you’ve shared here. But first thing I’d say is that if you’ve submitted less than 20 proposals, you should keep trying. You can keep tweaking and experimenting with your proposals, but ultimately Upwork is a numbers game. Even the best freelancers on there probably win no more than 30% of the jobs they pitch for. And starting out it’s probably more like 5-10%.

Secondly, it might be worth lowering your rate for a while, if you haven’t already. Do that in combination with the Honest Newbie template above and see how you get on.

Thank you Nial.

I combined your two templates No.4 + No. 3 in order to write my proposal yesterday. And I got the first job out of 5 proposals.

I really appreciated it!!!.

Great job, Olivia!

Woow! Niall, this is an amazing content and excellent guides to upwork. Thank you and keep it up.

Thanks, Nicholas 🙂

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. Great work! I will definitely try in this process.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! I was able to get my first job within my first round of sending out only 6 proposals because of these templates! As a student this was such a great feeling.

That’s great, Christine! Well done 🙂

Update, not a week later I have now secured not one but TWO long term contracts due to these templates getting me through the door and my work being up to par! Many many thanks!

You’re crushing it 🙂 Thanks for reporting back!

Hi Niall.. As i am new to upwork.com. I am so.much disturb due to not getting a perfect contract here on upwork. i quit my job as a teacher. But when i started sending proposals here it didn’t worked out. Will these templates of yours help me out in getting the desired job

You’ll do better with these templates than without them, Hussain. Give them a try!

wonderful, i have been much disturbed with this cover letter but now am ok.

Hi Niall Doherty. My name is Jay and Thank you for sharing your great experience Knowledge here. I has just start on upwork. and this will be big help for me. If i says honestly then i was completely tired because there is no activity acting on my profile. i have tried many things to get clients but i just got only one client in a month which is not good. and was looking for guidance and it’s my pleasure that i meet you here on your home(website). I have just read your most of articles and i would like to follow your steps. I am very exciting to leave a screenshot of my next success here on your site by following your words. do you like to give me any suggestions!! great regards, Jay R.

Thanks a lot! This information is so valuable. Hoping to get project soon.

This article really gave a boost to my aspirations. I believe you have just jump started my career on Upwork. Thank you.

Thanks for all the super helpful info!

This article is very helpful, thank you so much for this

Thank you very much!! Valuable info

So, Susan, in her linked interview, mentions a specific course she took with you, Niall (or perhaps it’s one you made?). She mentions that this course was what she believed helped her in her 30-day experiment with Upwork. I’ve clicked around and can find nothing but the Facebook group. What is the course she’s referring to, and are you still offering it?

Yes, I had a course (originally called “3 Months -> $1k” … later rebranded as “Freedom Business Builder”) that was available for almost 3 years but I closed it at the end of November 2018. The Facebook group for the course is still active and our Patreon supporters get access to it.

Are you looking to do similar work to Susan?

Thanks for replying, Niall! Yes I am looking to do the same line of work. I’ve landed a few jobs and would love some tips about how to really take off on Upwork.

Really Good. I strongly recommend this article

Thanks really find this article useful,will try follow the tempelates with my own works,appreciate.

Thank you so much for this, i find very helpful. I will definitely make use of these templates especially the 1st and 4th ones. Thanks once again

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How to Write a Winning Upwork Cover Letter (+Sample)

How to Write a Winning Upwork Cover Letter (+Sample)

Crafting an Upwork cover letter that wins you the job is one of the two things that drive new Upworkers crazy (the other being how to get approved on Upwork ).

This drove me crazy too when I started out. In fact, I must have spent countless hours and sent so many proposals before I started getting replies.

I almost purchased a $300 course just to get access to their community’s Upwork proposal vault.

If you’re in a similar position, you have come to the right place.

In this article, let’s discuss how to write an effective Upwork proposal cover letter that will win you the job.

Let’s get this started!

From Zero to Hero

When I started using Upwork, it was a while until I was able to land a contract.

When I did manage to land my first contract, I thought I had cracked the code and all I had to do was submit the same cover letter again and again.

Here’s what that (cringy and embarrassing) cover letter looks like:

Canned cover letter I used in the early days

(Good thing it happened before Upwork started banning accounts who submit way too many proposals without getting an offer.)

Using that stinky cover letter above, I still receive a few replies. But that’s it — no new offers or whatsoever.

Two realizations hit me:

  • I knew then that I didn’t crack the code.
  • Canned, word for word cover letters don’t work.

After three years, here’s my marketing effectiveness:

The graph shows I was hired more often than my interview rate.

Stick until the end and I will show you an example of an Upwork cover letter I used to land a premium deal with a client.

Now, here’s how to make your cover letters better:

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Answer the Additional Questions First

Many job postings will require you to answer additional questions besides submitting a cover letter.

Here’s a good example:

An Upwork job post with additional questions

As you can see, the cover letter comes first followed by the additional questions you have to answer.

Naturally, you may spend most of your energy trying to make that cover letter flawless and then, answer the additional questions with a one-line sentence only, like an afterthought.

What you may not know is that when the client reviews your proposal, he will see the additional questions first.

I discovered this when I posted a job on Upwork.

A sample Upwork job post looking for a writer

Here’s one of the answers I got:

An Upwork proposal with one-liner answers

As you can see, clients will see the answers to the questions first. The cover letter will be the last element. That’s why when you see questions in the job posts, focus your energy first on the questions.

In a way, additional questions are more important than the cover letter itself.

Address the Client by Name

Whether it’s an Upwork cover letter, a cold email, or a private message on Facebook, addressing the client by name has a great impact.

After all, names are the sweetest and most important sound in any language according to Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People book.

But does it really increase the effectiveness of your Upwork proposal?

Well, calling the client by name is just the first part of making your cover letter more personal.

It shows that you have done your research and most likely, the content of your cover letter isn’t canned.

As an example, let’s say that you’re the client and you need someone to write new articles on your website.

One of the proposals you received is this:

A canned cover without any personalization

Would you hire him? Exactly!

The question is, where will you get the name of the client?

How to Find the Client’s Name

It’s easy enough when the job post has the client’s name.

A job post with the client’s name

Unfortunately, only around 1 of 10 posts has the client’s name.

If this is the case, scroll down to the client’s recent history and find reviews from past contractors that mentioned the client’s name.

For example, this job post doesn’t contain any clue about who the client is.

An Upwork job post without the client’s name

But on the client’s recent history, you will find two mentions of his name there.

Finding the client’s name on his recent history

Sometimes, you may find different names on the client’s history. Some may have addressed the client as Darren, Karen, or John.

To make matters easier, use the name mentioned in a review from a freelancer with similar services as you.

Let’s say that you’re a content writer. A past content writer left a review and addressed the client as John. In this case, use John in your cover letter.

There may also be instances when the client, together with his name, wrote the name of his company. There’s a lot of gold in here simply because you can make even more research.

One of my clients, when he posted the job, only displayed the company name. There was no clue about the recent history of his name. But since the company name was there, I was able to dig deeper.

Here’s a portion of the cover letter I sent that I’m quite sure caught his attention:

Gave a hint to my client that I've read their about me page

This has led to an active partnership. (I can also confirm that working with his particular client’s team is fun and exciting!)

Show Interest

By that, I don’t mean writing a line that says “I’m interested in your job post.”

There are usually two ways to do this:

  • Make a suggestion
  • Or ask a question

Let’s use this job post I found about a client looking for a content writer for his travel website:

A client looking for a content writer for his travel website.

Just because the job description was short, it doesn’t mean you have to put in the same effort and make your cover letter short.

This is often a mistake I see new freelancers do.

But how will you add value to a post as short as this?

If I were to submit a cover letter to do this job post, here’s what I would do:

  • Explain to the client what an awesome about us page is and what it contains. (If you’re not aware, the about us page, in addition to telling your story, is an excellent waypoint to different pages or content on your website.)
  • Include links to show him what I mean.
  • Suggest how I can do the same.
  • Ask him for a link to his website.

You can also show interest by mentioning something that only someone who dug deeper will be able to know. An example of this is the cover letter I showed in the earlier section where I mentioned something about the client’s team.

The Rate Matters

This part isn’t much about the cover letter itself but on what job post you submit your cover letter.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that there could be a mismatch between your rate and how much your client can afford or is willing to spend.

For example, no matter how good your cover letter is, it’s impossible for you to ask a high rate for this project.

A job post with a low rate

How did I know this? Looking at the client’s recent history, he paid someone a measly $25 for an educational blog.

Recent job history of a low rate project

From the client’s recent history, you can be certain that he’s only looking for freelancers with (super) low rates.

One more thing: Avoid low-ballers .

These clients will not pay you for what you’re worth. You will only be wasting six connects which you could have used to submit a proposal to a premium project.

Further reading : There are a few job posts that have a high budget but will actually pay you peanuts — they lure freelancers by posting big budgets. This is one of the things I shared in my tips for Upworkers article . It’s perfect for those who are still starting out in Upwork.

Mention Your Experience

I have read numerous posts from “freelance gurus” that you don’t need experience to land premium contracts.

Although there’s truth to it, it’s not the whole truth.

As a client myself, I would like to make sure that the freelancer has the capability to do the tasks and that he’s willing to learn if he doesn’t have the skills yet.

However, freelancers who have previous similar experience and can prove it will most likely win the contract.

Why? Because it’s more certain that they will be able to do the job better and faster, which is a win for clients who go into hourly contracts with freelancers.

In addition to experience, include samples of related work or outcomes that you know the client will love.

For example, after including relevant samples of my work, this client has responded well to my cover letter and we ended up working together.

How the client responded to my samples in the cover letter

If you don’t have any relevant samples, just create one, and show it to the client.

Include a Call to Action

At the end of your cover letter, invite the client to do something. It’s proven that they will likely do something if you tell them exactly what to do.

It’s tempting to say “Hope to hear from you soon” or “Hoping for your kind consideration”. But it doesn’t really invite the client to do something.

Here are good examples of effective CTA (call to action):

  • Hit that reply button over there to continue our conversation. (Favorite)
  • How about we hop on a five-minute call to discuss your business needs?
  • If you want to collaborate, let’s discuss it more over the chat.

I have been working with different combinations and so far, the first one has worked best for me. However, I don’t think there’s much difference as long as you keep your call to action, clear, specific, and easy to commit to.

Keep a Swipe File of Upwork Cover Letters

If you’re not familiar with what a swipe file is, it’s basically a folder where you keep all awesome ideas, copies, content, and ideas you have encountered.

In this case, keep a swipe file of Upwork cover letters that worked. Then, reverse engineer them and see why they work.

This is actually how I started improving my cover letter. I found and saved the winning cover letters I found online and try to understand why they worked.

I usually have three places where I store them:

  • OneNote (favorite)
  • Google drive
  • Local drive

A piece of advice: save your cover letters that worked.

Here’s mine:

A collection of my own Upwork cover letters that worked.

Since I have a record of what works and what doesn’t, I regularly update and optimize my cover letter to reflect what I recently learned.

That’s how I knew which call to action I thought worked best.

In addition, you may want to include links to your best work too. This makes it easier for you to swap out the samples you want to mention in the cover letter to make sure you only mention the most relevant work samples.

Example of a Winning Upwork Cover Letter

As promised, here is a cover letter I used to land a premium deal with a client.

Note that you can use the pattern I set but make sure you don’t use exact words. This cover letter was designed solely for the certain job post to this cover letter was submitted to.

A cover letter I used to land a premium deal with a client.

In a gist, here’s how I did it:

Hey [name] , I’m sure you’ve got a lot of pitches to deal with so I’ll keep this short. I help [your target industry] [the outcome your client would like to get from your service] . In the past, I helped [a previous client you worked with] [the outcome you helped your previous client achieve – should be similar to the outcome the client would like to get] . Here are links to some of my work: – [link 1] – [link 2] – [link 3] [Ask a question or suggest something] Simply hit that “Reply” button over there so we could continue our conversation. Regards, [Your name]

Feel free to use this template.

Win Premium Clients With a Personalized Cover Letter

Writing a winning cover letter is easier than you think. But it will need a lot of practice and trial and error to finally get it right.

As I said, it took me so much time and proposals before I got a reply. From there, I continued optimizing it and seeing what works for my target clients and industry.

I’m definitely positive that as you practice and write more proposal cover letters, you will get better and win jobs.

And if you get lost, try the template I provided above.

Now it’s your turn. Here’s what to do now:

  • Go back to Upwork and apply what you have learned from this article.
  • Use the template and check my sample for inspiration.
  • Get back here and let us know how it went.

And as always, let me know your thoughts by sharing your comment down below.

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Alan is the founder of Work Pajama and other sites by Content Growers. When he's not writing here, he's busy helping clients generate more qualified leads and increase sales by educating readers with strategic content and writing blogs.

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I am new and wanted to have virtual work ASAP. Thank you for this blog, will surely help me with my application. Wish me luck!

Stay safe always.

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Hey Genera! Glad you find this article helpful to you. I know you can do it! I was able to do it even without experience (or skills) at that time so there’s no way you can’t do it.

Keep it up!

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Hi sir I just want to ask in upwork sometimes it offer milestone in specific job how can i break the budget into milestone and what will a put in the description of each milestone ? Thanks God bless

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Thanks Alan. Let me go back and re-strategize

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Thank you so much for sharing this very informative article. I’m about to start my GVA career… your blog post truly help me a lot. I hope I could make it in this industry.

Good luck on your journey!

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I am inspired by your post and I made some notes out of it. I believe it will go a long way to help. Am a newbie in upwork; am good in data entry, typing and I can handle Microsoft Office. But I do not have any past experience in any company or works done before except personal. How do I start, my first cover letter was rejected. Please help out, I will appreciate it. Thanks

My most regards, Hilary

That is tricky since the skills you have are the same skills that 99% of Upworkers have. If I were you, better learn a better skill and try again. For every job post that needs basic stuff, the client probably gets 100+ proposals, so your chance of even being seen is super low. Hope this helps!

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thanks so much for this awesome reply of you Alan. We’ve same issue with Hilary. I think your reply here will surely help. Better learn a better skill!

Good to know. Thanks for dropping by!

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Thank you for this Allan. This is very useful specially for people like me, just starting careen on being a Virtual Assitant.

Happy to help!

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Wow, great tips on writing an effective Upwork cover letter! I completely agree with you on the importance of mentioning your experience.

Including samples of related work or outcomes is also a fantastic idea. It provides concrete evidence of your skills and expertise, and it gives the client a glimpse of what they can expect from you. If you don’t have relevant samples, creating one specifically for the client is a brilliant approach to showcase your abilities.

I also appreciate the emphasis on including a clear call to action (CTA) in the cover letter. It’s true that clients are more likely to respond when you tell them exactly what to do. Your examples of effective CTAs are spot on, and it’s important to make them clear, specific, and easy to commit to.

Overall, these tips are insightful and practical. Thank you for sharing your expertise and experience in writing Upwork cover letters. I will definitely implement them in my future proposals and strive for better results. Keep up the great work!

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Your style is so unique compared to other people I have read stuff from. Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just bookmark this site.

Thanks Eileen!

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That’s quite an interesting read. Of late I figured out that it is very difficult to get new jobs in Upwork, though clients are viewing my proposal. So I feel the best way is to rewrite the proposals. Thanks a lot for your input.

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Hi Alan, this was very very helpful and am looking forward to learn more from you. I would hope that a Q&A platform will be provided in place for people like us who would wanna feed from your brilliant experience. Thanks!

Thanks, Alin!

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Just discovered your content through Google search. Awesome and unique content. Just about to start freelancing on Upwork and I can tell it is of a great help to me. I believe I’ve just find a good teacher here.☺️

Thank you Allan and God bless you.

Hey Patrick!

Appreciate the compliment. I wish you a good fortune on your journey.

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Thank you Alan! hope it works. Good luck for everyone.

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Hey Alan! Best inspiration tip, Thanks alot.

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Excellent information. This article offers practical tips and a clear structure for crafting effective Upwork cover letters. It’s a valuable resource for freelancers looking to stand out and secure projects on the platform.

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Thank you for this fantastic guide on writing a winning Upwork cover letter! The tips and sample you’ve shared are incredibly helpful for both beginners and experienced freelancers like myself.

The sample cover letter is a valuable resource. It not only demonstrates the principles you’ve outlined but also serves as an excellent template for crafting our own personalized letters.

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Last Updated on September 6, 2023 by Alan Anthony Catantan

How To Write a Cover Letter: Basics and Examples for Upwork Success

Creating a compelling cover letter is crucial for securing jobs on Upwork, the popular freelancing platform. A well-crafted Upwork cover letter can set you apart from the competition and increase your chances of landing your desired projects. This guide will walk you through the basics of writing a cover letter for Upwork, provide examples, and offer tips to make your proposals shine.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Importance of an Upwork Cover Letter

Basics of writing a cover letter for upwork, key elements of an effective upwork cover letter, common mistakes to avoid in upwork cover letters, step-by-step guide to writing an upwork cover letter, upwork cover letter sample for web developers, upwork cover letter sample for graphic designers, upwork cover letter sample for content writers, personalizing your upwork cover letter, using keywords effectively in your upwork cover letter, showcasing your unique selling proposition in upwork cover letters, tips for writing a winning upwork proposal cover letter, how to format your upwork cover letter for maximum impact, follow-up strategies after submitting an upwork cover letter, faq about upwork cover letters.

An Upwork cover letter is your first opportunity to make a great impression on potential clients. It sets the tone for your professional relationship and demonstrates your enthusiasm and suitability for the project. A strong cover letter can significantly increase your chances of being hired.

Writing a cover letter for Upwork requires a clear structure, an appropriate tone, and a personalized approach. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Structure: Your cover letter should include an introduction, body paragraphs highlighting your skills and experience, and a conclusion with a call to action.
  • Tone: Maintain a professional yet friendly tone. Show enthusiasm for the project and confidence in your abilities.
  • Personalization: Customize each cover letter to the specific job post and client. Mention the client's name and address their project requirements directly.

An effective Upwork cover letter should include the following key elements:

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce yourself and mention the job you're applying for.
  • Skills Highlight: Highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job. Use bullet points for clarity.
  • Relevant Experience: Share examples of past work that demonstrate your expertise. Be specific and concise.
  • Call to Action: End with a strong call to action, inviting the client to discuss the project further.

Avoid these common mistakes to increase your chances of success:

  • Generic Openings: Personalize each cover letter. Avoid using generic openings like "To whom it may concern."
  • Overly Long Letters: Keep your cover letter concise. Aim for 200-300 words.
  • Lack of Proofreading: Typos and grammatical errors can make a poor impression. Proofread your cover letter carefully.

Follow these steps to write a compelling Upwork cover letter:

  • Analyzing the Job Post: Carefully read the job description. Identify the key skills and requirements.
  • Crafting the Introduction: Start with a friendly greeting and mention the job title. Introduce yourself briefly.
  • Showcasing Your Skills: Highlight your relevant skills and experiences. Use bullet points for easy reading.
  • Ending with a Strong CTA: Conclude with a call to action. Invite the client to schedule an interview or discuss the project further.

Example Breakdown:


"Hi [Client's Name],

I’m excited to apply for your web development project. With over five years of experience in web development, I have the skills and expertise to deliver high-quality results."

Skills Highlight:

  • Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP
  • Experience with responsive design and cross-browser compatibility
  • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail

Relevant Experience:

"I recently completed a project for a client where I developed a custom e-commerce site that increased their sales by 30%."

Call to Action:

"I would love to discuss your project in more detail. Please feel free to reach out to schedule a call."

I’m thrilled to submit my application for your graphic design project. With a background in graphic design and a passion for creativity, I’m confident I can bring your vision to life."

  • Expertise in Adobe Creative Suite
  • Experience with branding and logo design
  • Strong visual communication skills

"I designed a new logo for a startup that significantly improved their brand recognition and customer engagement."

"I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your project. Let’s schedule a time to chat."

I’m eager to apply for your content writing project. With a strong background in content creation and SEO, I can help you create engaging and optimized content."

  • Proficient in SEO best practices
  • Experience with blog writing and article creation
  • Strong research and editing skills

"I’ve written numerous articles for a tech blog that have consistently ranked on the first page of Google."

"I’d love to discuss your content needs further. Please get in touch to arrange a meeting."

Addressing the Client: Always use the client's name if it's available. It shows attention to detail and genuine interest.

Tailoring Your Proposal: Customize your cover letter to reflect the specific job requirements. Mention details from the job post to demonstrate your understanding.

Keyword Integration: Use relevant keywords from the job post naturally within your cover letter to increase visibility.

SEO for Proposals: Just like SEO for web content, using the right keywords can make your proposal more discoverable and relevant.

Highlight what sets you apart from other freelancers. Whether it’s a unique skill, a specific experience, or a distinctive approach, make sure to emphasize your unique selling proposition.

Clarity: Be clear and concise in your writing. Avoid jargon and overly complex sentences.

Professionalism: Maintain a professional tone while being friendly and approachable.

Enthusiasm: Show genuine enthusiasm for the project and the opportunity to work with the client.

Layout: Use a clean and simple layout. Break your text into paragraphs and use bullet points where appropriate.

Readability: Choose a readable font and size. Avoid large blocks of text.

Professional Appearance: Ensure your cover letter looks professional and polished. Pay attention to spacing and alignment.

Timing: Follow up if you haven’t heard back within a week.

Politeness: Be polite and professional in your follow-up message.

Persistence: Show continued interest without being overly pushy. A gentle reminder can keep you top of mind.

What is the best length for an Upwork cover letter?

Aim for 200-300 words. Keep it concise and to the point.

How can I make my Upwork cover letter stand out?

Personalize your cover letter, highlight relevant skills and experience, and maintain a professional yet friendly tone.

Should I include a portfolio in my Upwork cover letter?

Mentioning your portfolio is a good idea. Provide links to relevant work samples.

How often should I follow up after submitting a cover letter?

Wait about a week before following up. Be polite and express continued interest in the project.

What are common mistakes to avoid in an Upwork cover letter?

Avoid generic openings, overly long letters, and typos. Make sure to customize each cover letter to the specific job post.

Can I use a template for my Upwork cover letter?

While templates can provide structure, always personalize each cover letter to the job and client.

Writing an effective Upwork cover letter is an essential skill for freelancers. By understanding the basics, avoiding common mistakes, and personalizing each proposal, you can increase your chances of success on the platform. Use the provided examples and tips to craft compelling cover letters that will help you stand out to potential clients and win more projects.

Letter Templates & Example

The Perfect Sample Cover Letter for Upwork Proposal: Ace your Freelance Applications

Are you tired of submitting job proposals on Upwork and receiving no response from potential clients? Your cover letter could be the problem. Writing a winning cover letter is crucial in order to grab the attention of the client and showcase your skills and experience. Lucky for you, we have compiled some sample cover letters for Upwork proposals that you can use as a starting point. These examples are fully editable so you can tailor them to fit your own personal style and expertise. With a little extra effort in crafting your cover letter, you can increase your chances of landing your dream job and stand out among the competition.

What Should Be the Structure of Your Sample Cover Letter for Upwork Proposal?

When it comes to creating a proposal on Upwork or any freelance platform, one of the most important elements is the cover letter. Your cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself, showcase your skills, and convince the client that you are the best person for the job. So, what is the best structure for a sample cover letter for an Upwork proposal?

Firstly, it’s important to remember that every proposal is unique, and you should tailor your cover letter to the specific job posting. However, there are some general guidelines to follow.

Start with a friendly greeting and introduction. Address the client by name if possible, and introduce yourself briefly. For example, “Hello [Client Name], my name is [Your Name], and I am a freelance [Your Profession] with [X years/months] of experience.”

Next, address the client’s needs and requirements. Review the job posting carefully and highlight the key skills and responsibilities that the client is looking for. Explain how you can meet and exceed these expectations. For example, “I noticed in your job posting that you are looking for someone who has experience with [Skill]. I have been working in [Your Profession] for [X years/months] and have experience in [Related Skill]. I am confident that my skills and expertise align perfectly with your needs.”

Follow up with some examples of your past work or achievements. Provide links or attachments to your portfolio or website if applicable. This will help the client to visualize your skills in action. For example, “I recently completed a project for [Previous Client], where I [Achievement]. You can see the project and the client’s feedback on my portfolio here: [Link].”

Finally, end your cover letter with a call-to-action and a thank you. Invite the client to contact you with any further questions or to discuss the project in more detail. Express your gratitude for their consideration and time. For example, “Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the project further, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to potentially working with you.”

In conclusion, the best structure for a sample cover letter for an Upwork proposal is one that is personalized, focused, and friendly. By following the guidelines outlined above, you will be able to create a compelling cover letter that showcases your skills and convinces the client to choose you for the job.

7 Upwork Proposal Cover Letter Samples for Different Reasons

Sample cover letter for a content writer job proposal.

Dear [Client Name],

I am excited to submit my proposal for the Content Writer position you posted on Upwork. As an experienced content writer with over three years of experience, I have the skills and knowledge to help you achieve your goals.

My expertise in creating high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and SEO-optimized is something that I believe would be a valuable asset to your team. Whether it’s writing blog posts, articles, product descriptions, or social media content, I have the skills and expertise to create content that your audience will love.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to working with you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Sample cover letter for a Graphic Designer job proposal

I am thrilled to submit my proposal for the Graphic Designer position you recently posted on Upwork. As a skilled graphic designer with five years of experience, I believe that I can provide you with high-quality designs that meet your needs.

Whether it’s creating logos, brochures, business cards, or website designs, I have the skills and expertise to bring your ideas to life. I am proficient in using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, and I have a keen eye for detail and a passion for creating visually appealing designs.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sample cover letter for a Web Developer job proposal

I am excited to submit my proposal for the Web Developer position you posted on Upwork. As an experienced web developer with over six years of experience, I have the skills and knowledge to help you achieve your goals.

Whether it’s building a website from scratch or improving an existing one, I have experience in using HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and WordPress to create websites that are responsive, user-friendly, and visually appealing. I am passionate about coding and staying up-to-date with the latest web technologies, so you can be sure that I will provide you with the best possible service.

Sample cover letter for a Virtual Assistant job proposal

I am excited to submit my proposal for the Virtual Assistant position you posted on Upwork. As an experienced virtual assistant with over four years of experience, I have the skills and knowledge to help you stay organized, save time, and achieve your goals.

Whether it’s managing your emails, scheduling appointments, conducting research, or handling customer inquiries, I have the skills and expertise to provide you with the best possible service. I am highly organized, detail-oriented, and proactive, and I am dedicated to ensuring that you are always satisfied with my work.

Sample cover letter for a Social Media Manager job proposal

I am excited to submit my proposal for the Social Media Manager position you posted on Upwork. As an experienced social media manager with over five years of experience, I have the skills and knowledge to help you grow your online presence and engage your audience.

Whether it’s managing your social media accounts, creating and curating content, analyzing analytics, or developing and implementing social media marketing campaigns, I have the skills and expertise to provide you with the best possible service. I am highly creative, strategic, and passionate about social media, and I am dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Sample cover letter for an SEO Specialist job proposal

I am excited to submit my proposal for the SEO Specialist position you posted on Upwork. As an experienced SEO specialist with over six years of experience, I have the skills and knowledge to help you improve your search engine rankings, drive traffic to your website, and grow your online business.

Whether it’s conducting keyword research, optimizing your website for search engines, developing and implementing link building strategies, or analyzing analytics, I have the skills and expertise to provide you with the best possible service. I am highly analytical, strategic, and dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and best practices.

Sample cover letter for a Customer Service Representative job proposal

I am excited to submit my proposal for the Customer Service Representative position you posted on Upwork. As an experienced customer service representative with over five years of experience, I have the skills and knowledge to provide your customers with excellent service and support.

Whether it’s answering phone calls, responding to emails, handling complaints, or processing orders, I have the skills and expertise to provide your customers with the best possible service. I am highly empathetic, patient, and dedicated to ensuring that your customers are always satisfied with your service.

Tips for Crafting a Winning Upwork Proposal Cover Letter

Creating a strong cover letter for your Upwork proposal can make all the difference when it comes to winning a job and building a successful freelance career. Here are some tips to help you craft a powerful cover letter that shows off your skills and wins over potential clients:

1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your cover letter with a clear and professional introduction that outlines who you are, what you do, and why you’re a good fit for the job. This will help the client understand your experience and qualifications upfront.

2. Highlight your skills: Use your cover letter to showcase your most in-demand skills, including any certifications or experience you have in specific tools or software. Be sure to tie your skills back to the client’s needs and explain why you’re the best candidate to fulfill them.

3. Demonstrate your experience: Use your cover letter to highlight your past work experience, including any projects that are relevant to the job at hand. This will help the client see how your skills and expertise have prepared you for this opportunity.

4. Be specific: Avoid generic language and demonstrate your attention to detail by using specific examples and data points to illustrate your skills and experience. This will help the client understand exactly how you can help them and what sets you apart from other applicants.

5. Be concise: Keep your cover letter brief and to the point, focusing on the most important information and avoiding lengthy explanations or unnecessary details. This will show the client that you value their time and can communicate clearly and efficiently.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling cover letter that showcases your skills, experience, and potential to help clients achieve their goals. Good luck!

FAQs Related to Sample Cover Letter for Upwork Proposal

Why should I include a cover letter in my Upwork proposal?

Including a cover letter in your Upwork proposal can help you stand out from the competition and showcase your skills and experience to potential clients. It’s a great opportunity to introduce yourself, highlight your qualifications, and make a good first impression.

What should I include in my cover letter?

Your cover letter should be tailored to the specific job posting and include information about your relevant skills and experience. You should also highlight any past successes or achievements that demonstrate your ability to deliver high-quality work. Be sure to express your enthusiasm for the job and explain why you’re the best fit for the position.

How long should my cover letter be?

Your cover letter should be concise and to the point, typically no more than one or two paragraphs. You don’t want to overwhelm the client with too much information, but you also want to provide enough detail to pique their interest and make a strong case for why you should be hired.

Should I use a template for my cover letter?

Using a template can be a good starting point for your cover letter, but it’s important to personalize it for each job application. Make sure you customize the language and content to match the specific job posting and highlight how your skills and experience align with the client’s needs.

Can I attach samples of my work to my cover letter?

Yes, if you have relevant samples of your work that demonstrate your skills and experience, you can include them as attachments to your cover letter. This can help the client get a better sense of your capabilities and make a more informed decision about whether to hire you for the job.

Should I mention my rate in my cover letter?

It’s generally not necessary to mention your rate in your cover letter, as this can be discussed later on in the hiring process. Instead, focus on highlighting your skills and experience and making a strong case for why you’re the best fit for the job.

What can I do to make my cover letter stand out?

To make your cover letter stand out, be sure to personalize it for each job application and focus on your relevant skills and experience. Use strong action verbs and concrete examples to demonstrate your past successes and show how you can add value to the client’s project. Finally, be sure to proofread your cover letter for errors and typos before submitting it.

Happy Writing!

I hope you found this sample cover letter for Upwork proposal helpful. Remember to always customize your cover letter to the specific job and client you are applying to. Confidence, enthusiasm, and attention to detail are important elements that employers look for in a cover letter. Thanks for reading and please come back again to read more tips and tricks for successful freelancing. Happy writing!

5 Effective Cover Letter Samples for Upwork Proposal to Win Your Dream Project How to Write an Effective Proposal Letter for Upwork: A Step-by-Step Guide How to Write a Winning Sample Proposal Letter for Upwork 10 Effective Cover Letter for Upwork Proposal Sample Templates You Can Use Today Discover the Best Proposal Letter for Upwork to Win More Projects Top 10 Sample Cover Letter for Upwork Customer Service to Boost Your Chances of Getting Hired

how to write cover letter for upwork proposal

Upwork Proposal Tutorial for Beginners: The COMPLETE Upwork Cover Letter Guide (+ examples)


Now that I am not only a freelancer but also a client on UpWork, I can see how those “Cover letter template tips” hurt you.

That’s why, we are talking about it. I want you to stop sending templated cover letters on UpWork. Save your energy, money and time.

Here’s what you should do instead.

Ok, we are avoiding templates.

What should we do instead?

Firstly, before we talk about what to do, let’s talk about some common mistakes we need to avoid when writing a cover letter on Upwork.

Firstly, it’s essential to understand that not all jobs are right for you. Too many freelancers apply to jobs in a shotgun approach, hoping that the more they apply, the higher their chances of landing a job. But this is a flawed strategy.

Why, you ask?

Because every job is different, every client has unique needs, and every project requires a different skill set.

So, take the time to read the job description thoroughly.

Understand what the client needs and reflect on whether you have the necessary skills and the time to complete the job.

The second mistake I see often is using the same cover letter for every job.

If you were a client, would you hire someone who sends you a copy-pasted, generic letter?

Or would you be more inclined to consider someone who has taken the time to personalize their cover letter, addressing your specific needs and expectations? I bet it’s the latter.

So, make it a point to personalize each cover letter.

Take cues from the job description and incorporate those phrases in your cover letter.

This will not only demonstrate that you’ve read the description carefully but also show your enthusiasm for the project.

A mistake that is often overlooked by freelancers is not checking the client’s details.

Understanding the client’s location can provide insights into their time zone and whether your working hours align.

It’s also important to consider the hiring rate and the average amount they’ve paid to other freelancers.

This will give you an idea of their budget and whether it aligns with your rate.

An extremely valuable but often neglected area is the feedback section.

This little goldmine can reveal critical information about your potential client.

You might even find the client’s name here — a key detail that can help you personalize your cover letter.

Additionally, reviewing the feedback can help you understand the client’s work history, how they interact with freelancers, and what you can expect when working with them.

Finally, the skills section. If the job doesn’t match your skills, it might not be the right job for you.

This seems obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many people ignore this. Your skills should align with the job requirements.

This increases your chances of getting the job and also helps Upwork’s algorithm match you with similar jobs in the future.

Now that you know what to avoid, you are ready to know how to write a winning cover letter.


Start by addressing the client by their name if you’ve managed to find it. It adds a personal touch and shows that you’ve taken the time to understand them. If not, a simple ‘Hi’ works. But make sure to keep it professional.

Your first sentence should grab the client’s attention. Address the most important aspect of the job post first.

For example , if the client has stated, ‘I want it done today’, you can start your cover letter by saying ‘I can deliver the work to you by today’.

This shows the client that you’ve read their requirement and you’re ready to meet their expectations.

Don’t waste your time writing long and boring introductions. It will do you no good.

You can also share relevant experiences and how your skills can bring value to the client and the project.

Make sure it’s short, to the point, and impactful.

Remember, less is more. Nobody wants to read a long cover letter.

Another good idea is to personalize wherever possible.

For example, unstead of saying “this project” say something from the job pots “company logo” or something else the client is looking for.

Finally, there is no need to end with a strong closing sentence .

And a pro tip — double-check your cover letter for spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

They can leave a bad impression.

As a takeaway, here are 2 different examples of cover letters that won the job in no time.

The examples are based on my videos as I asked my friend to test my advice of NOT using cover letter templates. Those are some of the results.

Here, you can see that the freelancer read the job description carefully and addressed the clients’ questions

Part 2 and 3 coming soon #UpWork #upworkproposal Part 1

I promised to share upwork cover letter examples that won jobs. as you know, i am against using cover letter templates….



Written by Sirarpi

Digital marketing manager & freelancer with 6 years' experience. I share only proven advice on remote work and freelancing.

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Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

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In this article, you’ll learn about:

How to Write an Upwork Cover Letter

Cover letter samples for upwork, tips on how to write a cover letter for upwork proposals, upwork cover letter template.

Today's job market is undeniably tough, especially with remote work developing into the “new norm" all over the world. Both freelancers and recruiters/clients now have a lot of platforms to achieve their own purpose. However, Upwork seems to be among the largest and most reliable websites with a reasonable fee and plenty of job opportunities. 

Basically, if you're a freelancer, you will either actively reach out to a client or be invited to take a look at a job offer. Whatever the case, submitting a cover letter for an Upwork proposal is a must. By doing so, you can express your interest in the project/job and present your candidacy. 

To help you craft a top-notch Upwork cover letter, we've put together essential steps and tips, together with the best Upwork cover letter samples from successful hires. Let’s dive in.

To start off, we will walk you through a step-by-step guide on writing a cover/proposal letter for Upwork.

Step 1: Read the job description thoroughly.

In general, freelance jobs don't provide you with standard employee benefits like full-time remote or regular office jobs. The requirements also vary depending on the project and business. Hence, it's important to go over the job post carefully 

For example, you might be asked to deliver the article within 2 days. In this case, your proposal letter for Upwork should confirm the client's request and further demonstrate your quick turnaround. 

Step 2: Adjust each Upwork cover letter to each proposal.

Similar to a resume or CV, a generic cover letter won't be able to create a favorable impression on the hiring manager. They might see that you don't read the job post carefully and put a lot of effort into your application.

Step 3: Address the client’s name.

Instead of using “Dear Hiring Manager" like in regular letters of job application, you should address the client directly to add a personal touch to your Upwork cover letter. To see their name, simply scroll to the bottom of the project page and look for reviews from the freelancers hired previously. 

Step 4: Demonstrate qualifications & experiences related to the job post.

When crafting the content for your cover letter on Upwork, be sure that you keep it concise and highlight relevant information only. Clients don't have plenty of time to go over a memoir that includes all of your details. 

Step 5: Insert a link to your portfolio (even if not required).

Though you can showcase all projects in the portfolio section on Upwork, you can still include a link to your online portfolio, personal website, or shared Google Drive in your cover letter. This can act as a CTA that reminds the client to check out your work samples.

Refer to the best Upwork cover letter samples below that will help your proposal stand out from other applicants and successfully land a job. 

Quick Navigation:

Upwork cover letter sample for beginners

Cover letter for upwork data entry jobs, upwork cover letter sample for web developers, upwork cover letter sample for graphic designers, sample upwork cover letter for virtual assistants, sample cover letter for upwork customer service jobs.

I'm Maya Nguyen - a Vietnamese born and raised in the States. I've just graduated from Texas A&M with a Bachelor's Degree in International Business.  

While looking for freelance jobs, I was elated to see the Personal Assistant job advertised on Upwork. In spite of being a fresher with limited experience in the field, I have a strong passion for content creation, personal branding, and social media marketing. 

During my studies at Texas A&M, I organized 5 welcome parties and 3 career orientation workshops for first-year students. I was also in charge of managing the Facebook page of my department (International Business F12 - Texas A&M). 

These valuable experiences have honed my task management skills, self motivation and discipline as well as the thorough attention to detail. In addition to English, I can also speak Vietnamese fluently, which I believe could add much value to your project since you aim to attract Vietnamese young audiences.  

Please let me know if you need any additional information or questions. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Respectfully, Maya Nguyen

Dear Hiring Manager,

I hope this proposal finds you well.

First off, I would like to express my interest in your job post. Having read all requirements for the Data Entry job at your company, I am confident that I would be the perfect fit and am ready to take an oath to deliver my work. 

For the last 5 years, I have been working remotely in the field of Data entry, Data importing, Data exporting, and Data mining. Please let me further specify my experience as below:

  • Transferring data written on paper into computer files and database systems
  • Importing and exporting data as requested by clients 
  • Creating spreadsheets with large numbers of figures error-free
  • Performing strategic data analysis and conducting relevant research
  • Identifying potential opportunities to improve productivity via the latest statistical modeling. 

I have been proving myself by providing a satisfactory service to my clients, which you can see from the “Testimonial" section on my Upwork profile. In addition to a resume, I’ve also attached my sample work copies so you can take a closer look at my qualifications. 

I can ensure that the work will be delivered on time without any mistakes. Hence, I'm more than happy for the chance to speak further with you about how my skills can assist your company in achieving its goals.

Sincerely, Catherine Conners

Dear Mr. Jonas,

Thank you for reaching out to me. I have read the job posting for the Web Developer job at LedCamp and I’m very interested. I find it is very similar to my previous experience and aligns closely with the career I have been pursuing. 

Please allow me to give a brief summary of my qualifications. I have more than 6 years of experience in web development and UX/UI design with proficiency in JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Besides that, I have engaged in several mobile side projects that require the use of Objective-C and Swift. I also have a good taste in design and demonstrate excellent creativity through various innovative ideas and works.  

In my last role as a Front-end Developer, I developed new user-facing features, determined the structure and design of 8 web pages, built reusable codes, and optimized page loading times. My biggest accomplishment is a 28% reduction in the bounce rate and 33% growth in conversion rates, which are achieved by my effort in creating a more modern and responsive web experience for users. 

I believe my hands-on experience and technical skills will prove relevant for your upcoming rebrand and subsequent website changes. I will be available anytime next Monday to Wednesday for an interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Samuel Huang

With a strong passion for creating visually-stunning designs, I’m eager to join your team as a Graphic Designer. I believe that my 5-year experience will help your brand grow and spread into the SEA market. 

I first started my career as an in-house graphic designer for a fashion brand, and two years later, I decided to be a professional freelancer. I want to travel to as many countries as possible all over the world to explore different cultures, which cultivates the diversity in my design style and allows me to work well with various clients coming from anywhere and in any industry. 

I have worked on a range of print, interactive and digital design projects with the capability of taking sophisticated information and transforming it into a story with eye-catching visuals. I also

provided creative design solutions that attract attention and convey the intended message. Most outstandingly, the “Your Own Boss” campaign in which I designed all communication materials has generated an increase of 25% in the client's annual sales in 2021.  

With superb communication skills, I am an excellent team player and open to feedback. If hired, the works that you will be able to see me deliver for this project will speak volumes of that statement.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to further discussing my qualifications with you at your convenience. 

Sincerely, Casy Luong

Dear Team, 

My name is Shenzhou and I’m writing to express my interest in the Virtual Assistant job advertised on Upwork. As a top-rated freelancer on Upwork, I have virtually assisted 9 clients including both individual clients and corporations within the fields of technology, education, and tourism. 

During 4 years of working remotely as a virtual assistant and office admin, I have handled the following tasks: 

  • Providing personal assistance to several top-level executives
  • Creating reports and presentations
  • Scheduling webinars and company meetings via video conference 
  • Translating documents from Chinese to English and vice versa

My home office is fully equipped with the standard office equipment required for administrative assignments. Besides that, I guarantee a 2-hour response time to any form of communication between 8 am to 10 pm EST. With strong task management and organization skills, I’m confident I would be a great addition to your team. My diligence, flexibility, and reliability also make me a great candidate for this position. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further about my qualifications.

Kind regards, Shenzhou

Dear Mx. Sam,

I’m writing to you regarding your company’s Customer Service Representative job posted on Upwork. A true appreciation for your products and my hands-on customer service experience make me an ideal candidate for this opening job.

I have 3 years of experience in TeleSales and Customer Service within the insurance and education sectors. My key skills include making cold calls to promote relevant goods and services, dealing with agitated or distressed customers, and developing new sales strategies to help the company grow and surpass all goals and objectives. This precious experience has honed my organizational and communication skills, as well as provided me, a go-getter, with extensive knowledge of how to upsell services and goods to potential clients.

Considering the skills and achievements demonstrated above, I believe that I’m a perfect match for your open Customer Service Representative position. I’m excited to connect with you and share more about my qualifications. 

Many thanks, Kristen Huang

✅ Be direct and straight to the point.

One key difference between cover letters for job applications and Upwork proposal cover letters is the tone of voice and writing style. You don't need to be too formal and fancy language is also a don't. 

✅ Answer the questions provided by the client.

When submitting a proposal, you might be asked several screening questions in a separate section, for example:

  • What challenging part of this project do you have the most experience in?
  • What part of this project is most appealing to you?
  • Have you had any jobs or projects that are similar to this one?

Hence, make sure you'll fill all required sections and avoid repeating the same information in your Upwork cover letter.

✅ Focus on your skills and abilities.

Here comes a winning trick when crafting an Upwork cover letter for beginners. Since you have limited experience either in the field or in freelance projects, it's important to focus on the skills and abilities that make you competent and outstanding. This is also a great way to assure the client that you’ll be able to bring more value to their project/team.  

Feel free to use the copy-pasteable Upwork cover letter template below to craft a winning letter for your job hunting on Upwork!

Dear Hiring Manager or Ms./Mr./Mx. [ Hiring Manager’s Name ],

I’m [Your Name] , a [Your Specialization] with [number] years of experience. I'm very much interested in your project and believe that I fulfill all of your requirements for the job as specified on Upwork. 

For the past few years, I have [job task 1] , [job task 2] , and [job task 3] . Please have a look at my work samples that have been posted in my portfolio area and my work history area.

In addition to that, I am adept at using [tool 1] and [tool 2] which help generate a/an [achievement] for my client (or company).

You will also find that I'm a freelancer with [soft skill 1] , [soft skill 2] , and the ability to [soft skill 3] . These allow me to deliver high-quality work to my clients in time. 

I would appreciate an opportunity to further discuss with you about my qualifications and the project in more detail. Thank you for your consideration and please let me know if you have any concerns.

[Your Name]

With Cake, you can easily create a resume online, free download your resume’s PDF formats, and utilize ATS-compliant templates to create a resume. Land your dream job, create your resume online (free download) now!

Create Resume

— Originally written by May Luong — 

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how to write cover letter for upwork proposal

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Feb 2, 2017 09:25:43 AM  by  Saxon L

Sample Cover Letter

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how to write cover letter for upwork proposal

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10 Upwork Cover Letter Samples & Proposal Template

These real time “ Upwork cover letter samples ” and “ Upwork proposal samples ” win 100% job success score. Freelancers who do not know the correct proposal examples and format of Upwork, only they should follow this article. First of all, I suggest you to learn the work first and then apply for the jobs. You may like: Upwork Profile Overview Samples

Here all the upwork cover letters are written for the qualified freelancers. If you are not qualified or if you do not know the online work, please do not follow this cover letter. If you use these cover letter, clients feel happy and give you the job. But if you can not satisfy your clients, you will lose your value.

Let’s see the best upwork proposal samples , examples and format. All the cover letter upwork are highly written by the real time job winners. Firstly, complete your profile and make it 100% writing eye catching upwork profile overview . Then you can follow the correct format including many tips and tricks on How to write a cover letter for Upwork.

Upwork Cover Letter Samples

01. data entry cover letter, 02. article writer cover letter, 03. virtual assistant (va) cover letter, 04. seo expert cover letter, 05. graphics designer cover letter, 06. web developer cover letter, 07. wordpress developer cover letter, 08. ui and ux designer cover letter, 09. digital marketing proposal sample, 10. android developer proposal for upwork.

You may Like:

01. Avoid Upwork Cover Letter Mistakes

02. upwork proposal question and answer, 03. how not to get banned from upwork.

Win Jobs on Upwork

01. Upwork Cover Letter for Data Entry

Hello Thank your very much for your job posting. I have got your job posting on “Data Entry”. Thorough your job description, I have come to know that you need a professional data entry expert. You have mentioned that you need the quick result in your day to day tasks. Also you have mentioned your time schedule in there. I have fully gone thorough your whole job posting.

I want to offer myself as a candidate for this job because I have the required skills that you are looking for. Have been working with data entry, data importing, exporting and data mining for more than 3 years. I have been working for a local NGO here. My typing speed is satisfactory and I know all types of data entry on internet. Also I am interested in your time schedule that you have mentioned. I have no problem with any internal and external facts.

I also request to visit my profile and work history. Also please see my work history areas. I am very much interested in this job and I believe I would be the best one for this project. Please consider my appeal and grant me for your project.

I am always available on Email and Skype. I will be available more than 60 hours per week and able to start your project as soon as possible according to you.

Thank you for your consideration Best Regards Your Name

02. Upwork Cover Letter for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Dear Hiring Manager/Hello I’ve carefully gone through your job posting on “Job title here”. I ’m an expert Search Engine Optimizer with more than 2 years experiences of both “On-Page” and “Off -Page” SEO. I am very much interested in your project with all of your requirements.

Freelancer Success

Recently I have successfully completed a SEO project on “A project name” both on-page and Off- page SEO, Full white hat Complying with Google Panda and Penguin Updates. For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedback. You can see my official site also “Your site link” (If you have not any site, please delete this line)

I am always available on Email and Skype. Please have a voice or video chat if necessary. I will be available more than 60 hours per week and able to start your project as soon as possible according to you. Thank you for your consideration Best Regards Your Name

03. Upwork Cover Letter for Article/Blog/Content Writing

I have got your job posting on “Job Title” and I am very much interested to work in your project. I am a pro blogger and content provider with more than 3 years working experiences of blog writing, Posting and SEO. So, I think you’ll find, I have the skills you’re looking for.

For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedback. Normally, I can write and post a blog content with graphics and all the SEO supplements within two hours.

I am always available on Email and Skype. Please have a voice or video chat if necessary. I will be available more than 60 hours per week and able to start your project as soon as possible according to you.

Thank you for your consideration, Best Regards, Your Name

04. Upwork Cover Letter for Blog/Article Posting

Hello I have got your job posting “Job Title” and I am very much interested to work in your project. I am a pro blogger and have more than 6 years experiences of blog writing, Posting and SEO. So, I think you’ll find, I have the skills you’re looking for.

For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedbacks. Normally, I can write and post a blog content with graphics and all the SEO supplements within two hours.

05. Upwork Cover Letter for SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Dear Hiring Manager I’ve carefully gone through your job posting on “Write Name”. I ’m an expert Social Media Marketer with full internet marketing techniques and I have more than 6 years working experiences in SMM, IM, SEM, SEO, Affiliation, etc. I am very much interested in your project with all of your requirements.

Recently I have successfully completed many of SMM, IM, EM, etc.For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedbacks. You can see my official site also http://www.yoursite.com

06. Upwork Cover Letter for Youtube Channel Optimization/SEO

Hello I’ve carefully gone through your job posting on “Job Title”. I ’m an expert Youtube Channel Optimizer with more than 6 years experiences of both “On Channel” and “Off Channel” Optimization and SEO. I am very much interested in your project with all of your requirements.

Recently I have successfully completed two jobs on youtube channel optimization, http://www.youtube.com/user/muscleinnovations ; http://www.youtube.com/user/PowerfulMagnetsby3p

For more on my skill and successfully finished jobs, please have a look on my Profile, Portfolio, Work history and Feedbacks. You can see my official site also http://www.yoursitename.com

Thank you for your consideration Regards Your Name

07. Upwork Cover Letter for Graphics Design/Logo/Banner

Hello I am Your Name. I have completed my Diploma in Graphics Design and Text Illusion from Any University Name or Training Company Name. For the past few years I have designed many logos, banners, 3D textures, Auto Cad, Cartoons etc. Some samples have been posted in my portfolio area and my work history area. Please have a look to measure my quality.

From your job description area, I have come to know that you need a unique design for your new/existing company. Actually graphics is the soul of a website and permanent branding of a company. I can strongly assure you that I will be able to provide you according to your desire.

You will find so many so called designers in the web who even do not know the color combination and structure. I do not want you to be cheated by them. You are in a right place and person. Hopefully I will be hired in this project as I’ m highly experienced in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, lnDesign, Corel Draw, Text Design Pro

I am waiting for your response. I am able to use all types of communication methods and able to maintain your time schedule during the project is on.

Thank you very much Regards Your Name

08. Upwork Cover Letter for VA / Virtual Assistant

Dear hiring manager I have got your job posting on Virtual Assistant Project. According to your job description you need a fast one for helping you in your tasks. And yes you have mentioned about your time. For your kind information I want to let you know that I have been working with these types of works for more than five years without any single time schedule problem.

I am fully expert in web research, extracting email, data mining, Google, Bing, Yahoo, MS Office (Full), Google Docs, Google Document, Google Spreadsheet, Adwords, Analytics, Webmaster, SEO, SMM, EM, SEM, PR, B2B Marketing, Lead Generation, Directory and other related programs.

I can assure you that I will be able to assist you in your task in time with quality work as I have already completed so many projects. Please have a look on my portfolio and profile. I have listed many successful projects in my work history area.

I am waiting to be hired in this project to show my skills. Regards Your Name

09. Upwork Cover Letter for Web Research / Data Mining / Extraction

Dear hiring manager I have got your job posting on Data Entry Project. According to your job description you need a fast worker for your data mining and web research. For your kind information I want to let you know that I have been working with these types of works for more than five years.

I can assure you that I will be able to submit your task in time with quality work as I ‘ve already completed so many projects. Please have a look on my portfolio and profile. I have listed many successful projects in my work history area.

10. Upwork Cover Letter for Digital Marketing

Hello I have got your job posting for Digital Marketer. According to your job description, I have come to know that you are searching for an expert for this post. Now-a-days very few people can be found who do not use social media. Social media is the second need of the online people. If one organization can capture a large number of smm traffic, success can easily come to the owner. SEM and SEO are a gradual process which results slowly, rather SMM is an instant process which results faster.

Recently I have successfully completed so many SMM projects. For more information will you please visit my work history. Success is my main aim. I gain success by hock or by crook. And I have a strong belief that I will be able to satisfy you in this project. Hope I will be hired.

11. Forum Posting Cover Letter for Upwork

Hello I have been really happy to see a job posting which is 100% fit for my skills. I have got your job posting on Forum Posting. According to your job description, I have come to know that you are searching for an expert forum poster with the updated knowledge of srong backlinking. Now-a-days very few people can be found who knows about the forum posting. Most of the workers are now just doing the spaming, not the forum posting. Forum posting is one of the most important tools of strong backlinking. If one organization can capture a large number of strong forum backlinks, success can easily come to the owner. I have been doing the forum posting with the do-follow backlinking for more than seven years. I know the present condition of the market and the world of forum posting.

Recently I have successfully completed so many Forum Posting projects. For more information will you please visit my work history. Success is my main aim. I gain success by hock or by crook. And I have a strong belief that I will be able to satisfy you in this project. Hope I will be hired.

17 Upwork Cover Letter Mistakes

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    17 Upwork Cover Letter Tips, With Examples

  2. 4 Proven Upwork Cover Letters (Save Time, Win More Jobs)

    Justin explains: I typically use the same model for Upwork proposals: I ask about 3-4 relevant questions about the job in the first paragraph, and I qualify myself in the second paragraph. So the template is as follows: Hello [Client Name], [If applicable: Thanks for the job invite.] It's a pleasure to meet you.

  3. How to Write a Winning Upwork Cover Letter (+Sample)

    Learn how to craft an effective Upwork proposal cover letter that will win you the job. Find out how to address the client by name, show interest, and avoid low-balling clients.

  4. How To Write a Cover Letter: Basics and Examples for Upwork Success

    Step-by-Step Guide to Writing an Upwork Cover Letter. Follow these steps to write a compelling Upwork cover letter: Analyzing the Job Post: Carefully read the job description. Identify the key skills and requirements. Crafting the Introduction: Start with a friendly greeting and mention the job title.

  5. How To Write An Upwork Cover Letter: 5 Tips + Free Template

    Learn how to write a convincing cover letter for your Upwork proposals with this guide. Find out what to include, how to optimize your profile, and see an example and a template.

  6. How To Write a Cover Letter: Basics and Examples

    How To Write a Cover Letter: Basics and Examples

  7. How to Write an Upwork Proposal Cover Letter with No Experience

    Unlock the secrets to crafting compelling Upwork cover letters—even without experience! This tutorial offers step-by-step guidance on how to approach your Up...

  8. ULTIMATE Upwork Cover Letter Guide (7 Steps from $1.8M Freelancer)

    It's time to share the secrets behind high-response Upwork proposals. After sending & reviewing 1000s of effective proposals on Upwork, I made a 7-step ultim...

  9. The Perfect Sample Cover Letter for Upwork Proposal: Ace your Freelance

    Learn how to write a professional and effective cover letter for your Upwork proposal. Our sample cover letter template and tips will help you stand out to clients and win more job opportunities. ... Writing a winning cover letter is crucial in order to grab the attention of the client and showcase your skills and experience. Lucky for you, we ...

  10. Upwork Proposal Tutorial for Beginners: The COMPLETE Upwork Cover

    The COMPLETE Upwork Cover Letter Guide ...

  11. How To Write a Cover Letter For Upwork Proposal

    Begin your cover letter with a powerful and personalized introduction. Address the client by name and express genuine interest in their project. Captivate their attention from the outset with a ...

  12. Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

    Step 2: Adjust each Upwork cover letter to each proposal. Similar to a resume or CV, a generic cover letter won't be able to create a favorable impression on the hiring manager. They might see that you don't read the job post carefully and put a lot of effort into your application.

  13. Cover Letter Templates and Examples for 2024

    3. Win the name game. If possible, address your cover letter to the hiring manager or project manager by name. This personal touch shows your attention to detail—and it's attention-grabbing. If the job post doesn't include a contact name, visit the company website or LinkedIn to try to find the right person.

  14. Upwork Proposals: 8 Golden Rules for Writing Upwork Cover Letters to

    👉 After you've mastered the golden rules of Upwork proposals, visit here to find other cool freelancing resources: https://wlo.link/@freelancemvp To win job...

  15. How to Write a Powerful Proposal to Land a Job on Upwork

    The key is to shift the focus so it's away from you as a freelancer and more towards what your client's goals are. 4. Rephrase the client's problem. Read the job posting carefully and ...

  16. How To Write a Proposal Cover Letter (With an Example)

    How To Write a Proposal Cover Letter (With an Example)

  17. How To Create a Proposal That Wins Jobs in 2024

    How To Create a Proposal That Wins Jobs in 2024

  18. Sample Cover Letter

    Sample Cover Letter

  19. Upwork Cover Letter Guide: Samples and Inside Tips

    Write a better Upwork cover letter with help from: Proposal Tips. Proposal Tips help you surface the skills that a job post specifically calls for and provide details that get you noticed to win work. Proposal tips are available to you as you are submitting a proposal on Upwork. Upwork Chat Pro.

  20. How To Write a Successful Upwork Proposal

    It's all up to your personal preference (and how far apart your time zone is from the client). 5. Follow-up. Immediately after ending our first meeting, I send my prospective new client a high-quality slide deck attached to a thank you message. This deck reiterates key points from my proposal and our call.

  21. 10 Upwork Cover Letter Samples & Proposal Template

    Let's see the best upwork proposal samples, examples and format. All the cover letter upwork are highly written by the real time job winners. Firstly, complete your profile and make it 100% writing eye catching upwork profile overview. Then you can follow the correct format including many tips and tricks on How to write a cover letter for Upwork.

  22. Cover Letter Template

    This general cover letter template is ideal for use when seeking a new job or project. It can be customized for use by professionals at any career stage. Share: Cover letters often give potential clients and employers their first impression of you, and are a space for you to demonstrate your skills and showcase your individuality.