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Family Business Restructuring: A Review and Research Agenda

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  • David R. King
  • Olimpia Meglio
  • Luis Gomez‐Mejia
  • Florian Bauer
  • Alfredo De Massis

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, , , and

, 2022, vol. 59, issue 1, 197-235

Although business restructuring occurs frequently and it is important for the prosperity of family firms across generations, research on family firms has largely evolved separately from research on business restructuring. This is a missed opportunity, since the two domains are complementary, and understanding the context, process, content, and outcome dimensions is relevant to both research streams. We address this by examining the intersection between research on business restructuring and family firms to improve our knowledge of each area and inform future research. To achieve this goal, we review and organize research across different dimensions to create an integrative framework. Building on current research, we focus on 88 studies at the intersection of family firm and business restructuring research to develop a model that identifies research needs and suggests directions for future research.



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  • DOI: 10.1111/JOMS.12717
  • Corpus ID: 236374134

Family Business Restructuring: A Review and Research Agenda

  • David R. King , O. Meglio , +2 authors A. Massis
  • Published in Journal of Management Studies 24 May 2021

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60 Citations

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Family Business Restructuring : A Review and Research Agenda

Year of publication:
Authors: ; ; ; ;
Published in: . - Wiley, ISSN 1467-6486, ZDB-ID 1473770-X. - Vol. 59.2021, 1 (24.05.), p. 197-235
Publisher: Wiley
Type of publication: Article
Language: English
Other identifiers:
  • EndNote - Citavi, Endnote, RefWorks, ...
  • Zotero, Mendeley, RefWorks, ...

Family business restructuring : a review and research agenda

King, David R., (2022)

The Routledge companion to mergers and acquisitions

Risberg, Annette, (2016)

Acquisitions as programs : the role of sensemaking and sensegiving

Bansal, Anjali, (2022)


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Case Study: Should a Family Business Accept a Returning Daughter’s Radical Proposal?

  • John D. Macomber

family business restructuring a review and research agenda

The founders of an Ivorian conglomerate take stock—with succession in mind.

Two brothers who founded a successful company in Côte d’Ivoire must make a decision about how to bring their daughter and niece—educated in Paris and currently working there—into the family business, a company founded in 1988 and now one of West Africa’s most successful conglomerates. She has surprised them with an ultimatum: She will come back, but only as COO, in charge of some grand expansion plans.

Two experts—both with deep expertise in African family businesses—offer their advice in accompanying commentaries.

Koffi and Yao Assoua and their driver stood together in the back of the arrivals hall at Félix-Houphouët-Boigny International Airport. Though trying to maintain their dignity, the two brothers occasionally rose on their toes to see over the heads of the crowd. Koffi’s daughter, Aminata—or “Amina,” as they affectionately called her—was coming back home to Côte d’Ivoire, and they were hoping to offer her a role in the family business.

  • JM John D. Macomber is a senior lecturer in finance at Harvard Business School. He is also the coauthor of Healthy Buildings: How Indoor Spaces Drive Performance and Productivity (Harvard University Press), with Joseph G. Allen.

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Family Business Restructuring: A Review and Research Agenda

Profile image of Olimpia Meglio

2021, Journal of Management Studies

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  3. Family Business Restructuring: A Review and Research Agenda Family

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    Abstract Although business restructuring occurs frequently and it is important for the prosperity of family firms across generations, research on family firms has largely evolved separately from research on business restructuring. This is a missed opportunity, since the two domains are complementary, and understanding the context, process, content, and outcome dimensions is relevant to both ...

  13. Family Business Restructuring : A Review and Research Agenda

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  22. PDF Family Business Restructuring: A Review and Research Agenda

    To achieve this goal, we review and organize research across different dimensions to create an integrative framework. Building on current research, we focus on 88 studies at the intersection of family firm and business restructuring research to develop a model that identifes research needs and suggests directions for future research. Keywords ...

  23. Family Business Restructuring: A Review and Research Agenda

    AbstractAlthough business restructuring occurs frequently and it is important for the prosperity of family firms across generations, research on family firms has largely evolved separately from research on business restructuring. This is a missed opportunity, since the two domains are complementary, and understanding the context, process, content, and outcome dimensions is relevant to both ...

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