essay about precision farming





Why is Precision Agriculture Important?

Bernt nelson.

essay about precision farming

photo credit: AFBF

When agriculture began at the end of the Stone Age, the world had approximately 5 million people to feed, and few, if any, farmers were feeding people beyond their extended family. Farmers today use technology to plant and harvest mile-long fields with equipment guided by satellites for sub-inch accuracy, allowing them to feed nearly 8 billion people across the world with fewer resources than ever before.

The term “precision agriculture” means managing, tracking or enhancing crop or livestock production inputs, including seed, feed, fertilizer, chemicals, water and time, at a heightened level of accuracy to improve efficiencies and commodity quality and yield, while positively impacting environmental stewardship.

To understand advancements in precision agriculture technology, we have to start at the beginning when precision agriculture wasn’t yet guided by GPS. Dr. Pierre Robert, sometimes referred to as “the father of precision agriculture,” conducted some of the earliest research on soil variability. In 1983, Dr. Robert was the first to research variable rate fertilizer spreading, which acknowledges that different areas of a field have different crop yields and thus have different nutrient requirements to obtain optimal yields. This understanding eventually led to the variable rate field management systems that farmers use today. According to a publication by USDA’s Economic Research Service, variable rate technology is used to plant between 5-25% of total U.S. planted acreage for winter wheat, cotton, sorghum and rice.

Through much of the 1990s, data was gearing up to become the new crop of the 21st century. Now farmers just needed a method to gather information more efficiently. The first yield monitor, created in 1992, did just that. Yield monitors allowed farmers to record observable changes in crop yields throughout an entire field. This data could be paired with grid sampling, taking soil samples from grid points mapped out on a field, to create a map of input adjustments needed to improve yields.

Precision agriculture allows farmers to deliver exactly what a plant needs, exactly when and where it needs it and in the exact amount.


The remaining piece of the puzzle was how to make applying variable rate technology more efficient. GPS auto-guidance systems revolutionized the way farmers operate machinery. The first GPS auto-guidance system was used on a salt harvester in 1996. By the early 2000s precision farming began to pick up speed. According to the previously referenced ERS report, today, the majority of corn, cotton, rice, sorghum, soybeans and winter wheat acres are planted using auto-guidance. These guidance systems are the foundation of precision agriculture across all brands of equipment and electronics that are used to produce food, fiber and renewable fuel for the world.

GPS systems are environmentally friendly and allow for more efficient use of inputs. These technologies deliver exactly what a plant needs, exactly where it’s needed, reducing waste and runoff that would be the result of excessive use. Thanks to auto-guidance systems that allowed a GPS signal to steer tractors with pinpoint accuracy, this can all be done while simultaneously gathering and recording field data.

Most precision agriculture systems operate today using real-time kinematic positioning signals. These satellite signals use measurements from the signal’s carrier wave in addition to information sent from a base station to correct errors in positioning for sub-inch or even sub-centimeter accuracy. These systems are also capable of using a wide-area augmentation system signal with 6- to 8-inch accuracy as a backup if RTK is having problems.

RTK can be used for field operations such as tillage, planting, harvesting, spraying and a wide range of other field activities. This technology is used to collect data relating to soil temperature, soil moisture, seeding depth, seeds per acre, yield and more while a farmer carries out normal operations. This data is accumulated and can be used to provide production performance over time. Topography data can even be gathered and used to design tile drainage systems that help more efficiently manage water.

Precision agriculture allows farmers to deliver exactly what a plant needs, exactly when and where it needs it and in the exact amount. This increases efficiency for chemical and fertilizer use and helps avoid excess application, making it more environmentally friendly. Chemicals aren’t wasted and fertilizer is utilized by the plant rather than empty space where roots are not able to reach.

Bernt Nelson is an economist at the American Farm Bureau Federation. This column is a condensed version of a previously published Market Intel piece .

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  • Published: 27 April 2017

Technology: The Future of Agriculture

  • Anthony King  

Nature volume  544 ,  pages S21–S23 ( 2017 ) Cite this article

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  • Agriculture

A technological revolution in farming led by advances in robotics and sensing technologies looks set to disrupt modern practice.

Over the centuries, as farmers have adopted more technology in their pursuit of greater yields, the belief that 'bigger is better' has come to dominate farming, rendering small-scale operations impractical. But advances in robotics and sensing technologies are threatening to disrupt today's agribusiness model. “There is the potential for intelligent robots to change the economic model of farming so that it becomes feasible to be a small producer again,” says robotics engineer George Kantor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

essay about precision farming

Twenty-first century robotics and sensing technologies have the potential to solve problems as old as farming itself. “I believe, by moving to a robotic agricultural system, we can make crop production significantly more efficient and more sustainable,” says Simon Blackmore, an engineer at Harper Adams University in Newport, UK. In greenhouses devoted to fruit and vegetable production, engineers are exploring automation as a way to reduce costs and boost quality (see ‘ Ripe for the picking ’). Devices to monitor vegetable growth, as well as robotic pickers, are currently being tested. For livestock farmers, sensing technologies can help to manage the health and welfare of their animals (‘ Animal trackers ’). And work is underway to improve monitoring and maintenance of soil quality (‘ Silicon soil saviours ’), and to eliminate pests and disease without resorting to indiscriminate use of agrichemicals (‘ Eliminating enemies ’).

Although some of these technologies are already available, most are at the research stage in labs and spin-off companies. “Big-machinery manufacturers are not putting their money into manufacturing agricultural robots because it goes against their current business models,” says Blackmore. Researchers such as Blackmore and Kantor are part of a growing body of scientists with plans to revolutionize agricultural practice. If they succeed, they'll change how we produce food forever. “We can use technology to double food production,” says Richard Green, agricultural engineer at Harper Adams.

Ripe for the picking

The Netherlands is famed for the efficiency of its fruit- and vegetable-growing greenhouses, but these operations rely on people to pick the produce. “Humans are still better than robots, but there is a lot of effort going into automatic harvesting,” says Eldert van Henten, an agricultural engineer at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, who is working on a sweet-pepper harvester. The challenge is to quickly and precisely identify the pepper and avoid cutting the main stem of the plant. The key lies in fast, precise software. “We are performing deep learning with the machine so it can interpret all the data from a colour camera fast,” says van Henten. “We even feed data from regular street scenes into the neural network to better train it.”

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In the United Kingdom, Green has developed a strawberry harvester that he says can pick the fruit faster than humans. It relies on stereoscopic vision with RGB cameras to capture depth, but it is its powerful algorithms that allow it to pick a strawberry every two seconds. People can pick 15 to 20 a minute, Green estimates. “Our partners at the National Physical Laboratory worked on the problem for two years, but had a brainstorm one day and finally cracked it,” says Green, adding that the solution is too commercially sensitive to share. He thinks that supervised groups of robots can step into the shoes of strawberry pickers in around five years. Harper Adams University is considering setting up a spin-off company to commercialize the technology. The big hurdle to commercialization, however, is that food producers demand robots that can pick all kinds of vegetables, says van Henten. The variety of shapes, sizes and colours of tomatoes, for instance, makes picking them a tough challenge, although there is already a robot available to remove unwanted leaves from the plants.

Another key place to look for efficiencies is timing. Picking too early is wasteful because you miss out on growth, but picking too late slashes weeks off the storage time. Precision-farming engineer Manuela Zude-Sasse at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy in Potsdam, Germany, is attaching sensors to apples to detect their size, and levels of the pigments chlorophyll and anthocyanin. The data are fed into an algorithm to calculate developmental stage, and, when the time is ripe for picking, growers are alerted by smartphone.

So far, Zude-Sasse has put sensors on pears, citrus fruits, peaches, bananas and apples ( pictured ). She is set to start field trials later this year in a commercial tomato greenhouse and an apple orchard. She is also developing a smartphone app for cherry growers. The app will use photographs of cherries taken by growers to calculate growth rate and a quality score.

Growing fresh fruit and vegetables is all about keeping the quality high while minimizing costs. “If you can schedule harvest to optimum fruit development, then you can reap an economic benefit and a quality one,” says Zude-Sasse.

Eliminating enemies

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that 20–40% of global crop yields are lost each year to pests and diseases, despite the application of around two-million tonnes of pesticide. Intelligent devices, such as robots and drones, could allow farmers to slash agrichemical use by spotting crop enemies earlier to allow precise chemical application or pest removal, for example. “The market is demanding foods with less herbicide and pesticide, and with greater quality,” says Red Whittaker, a robotics engineer at Carnegie Mellon who designed and patented an automated guidance system for tractors in 1997. “That challenge can be met by robots.”

“We predict drones, mounted with RGB or multispectral cameras, will take off every morning before the farmer gets up, and identify where within the field there is a pest or a problem,” says Green. As well as visible light, these cameras would be able to collect data from the invisible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that could allow farmers to pinpoint a fungal disease, for example, before it becomes established. Scientists from Carnegie Mellon have begun to test the theory in sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ), a staple in many parts of Africa and a potential biofuel crop in the United States.

Agribotix, an agriculture data-analysis company in Boulder, Colorado, supplies drones and software that use near-infrared images to map patches of unhealthy vegetation in large fields. Images can also reveal potential causes, such as pests or problems with irrigation. The company processes drone data from crop fields in more than 50 countries. It is now using machine learning to train its systems to differentiate between crops and weeds, and hopes to have this capability ready for the 2017 growing season. “We will be able to ping growers with an alert saying you have weeds growing in your field, here and here,” says crop scientist Jason Barton, an executive at Agribotix.

Modern technology that can autonomously eliminate pests and target agrichemicals better will reduce collateral damage to wildlife, lower resistance and cut costs. “We are working with a pesticide company keen to apply from the air using a drone,” says Green. Rather than spraying a whole field, the pesticide could be delivered to the right spot in the quantity needed, he says. The potential reductions in pesticide use are impressive. According to researchers at the University of Sydney's Australian Centre for Field Robotics, targeted spraying of vegetables used 0.1% of the volume of herbicide used in conventional blanket spraying. Their prototype robot is called RIPPA (Robot for Intelligent Perception and Precision Application) and shoots weeds with a directed micro-dose of liquid. Scientists at Harper Adams are going even further, testing a robot that does away with chemicals altogether by blasting weeds close to crops with a laser. “Cameras identify the growing point of the weed and our laser, which is no more than a concentrated heat source, heats it up to 95 °C, so the weed either dies or goes dormant,” says Blackmore.

essay about precision farming

Animal trackers

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Smart collars — a bit like the wearable devices designed to track human health and fitness — have been used to monitor cows in Scotland since 2010. Developed by Glasgow start-up Silent Herdsman, the collar monitors fertility by tracking activity — cows move around more when they are fertile — and uses this to alert farmers to when a cow is ready to mate, sending a message to his or her laptop or smartphone. The collars ( pictured ), which are now being developed by Israeli dairy-farm-technology company Afimilk after they acquired Silent Herdsman last year, also detect early signs of illness by monitoring the average time each cow spends eating and ruminating, and warning the farmer via a smartphone if either declines.

“We are now looking at more subtle behavioural changes and how they might be related to animal health, such as lameness or acidosis,” says Richard Dewhurst, an animal nutritionist at Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) in Edinburgh, who is involved in research to expand the capabilities of the collar. Scientists are developing algorithms to interrogate data collected by the collars.

In a separate project, Dewhurst is analysing levels of exhaled ketones and sulfides in cow breath to reveal underfeeding and tissue breakdown or excess protein in their diet. “We have used selected-ionflow-tube mass spectrometry, but there are commercial sensors available,” says Dewhurst.

Cameras are also improving the detection of threats to cow health. The inflammatory condition mastitis — often the result of a bacterial infection — is one of the biggest costs to the dairy industry, causing declines in milk production or even death. Thermal-imaging cameras installed in cow sheds can spot hot, inflamed udders, allowing animals to be treated early.

Carol-Anne Duthie, an animal scientist at SRUC, is using 3D cameras to film cattle at water troughs to estimate the carcass grade (an assessment of the quality of a culled cow) and animal weight. These criteria determine the price producers are paid. Knowing the optimum time to sell would maximize profit and provide abattoirs with more-consistent animals. “This has knock on effects in terms of overall efficiency of the entire supply chain, reducing the animals which are out of specification reaching the abattoir,” Duthie explains.

And researchers in Belgium have developed a camera system to monitor broiler chickens in sheds. Three cameras continually track the movements of thousands of individual birds to spot problems quickly. “Analysing the behaviour of broilers can give an early warning for over 90% of problems,” says bioengineer Daniel Berckmans at the University of Leuven. The behaviour-monitoring system is being sold by Fancom, a livestock-husbandry firm in Panningen, the Netherlands. The Leuven researchers have also launched a cough monitor to flag respiratory problems in pigs, through a spin-off company called SoundTalks. This can give a warning 12 days earlier than farmers or vets would normally be able to detect a problem, says Berckmans. The microphone, which is positioned above animals in their pen, identifies sick individuals so that treatment can be targeted. “The idea was to reduce the use of antibiotics,” says Berckmans.

Berckmans is now working on downsizing a stress monitor designed for people so that it will attach to a cow's ear tag. “The more you stress an animal, the less energy is available from food for growth,” he says. The monitor takes 200 physiological measurements a second, alerting farmers through a smartphone when there is a problem.

Silicon soil saviours

The richest resource for arable farmers is soil. But large harvesters damage and compact soil, and overuse of agrichemicals such as nitrogen fertilizer are bad for both the environment and a farmer's bottom line. Robotics and autonomous machines could help.

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Data from drones are being used for smarter application of nitrogen fertilizer. “Healthy vegetation reflects more near-infrared light than unhealthy vegetation,” explains Barton. The ratio of red to near-infrared bands on a multispectral image can be used to estimate chlorophyll concentration and, therefore, to map biomass and see where interventions such as fertilization are needed after weather or pest damage, for example. When French agricultural technology company Airinov, which offers this type of drone survey, partnered with a French farming cooperative, they found that over a period of 3 years, in 627 fields of oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ), farmers used on average 34 kilograms less nitrogen fertilizer per hectare than they would without the survey data. This saved on average €107 (US$115) per hectare per year.

Bonirob ( pictured ) — a car-sized robot originally developed by a team of scientists including those at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences in Germany — can measure other indicators of soil quality using various sensors and modules, including a moisture sensor and a penetrometer, which is used to assess soil compaction. According to Arno Ruckelshausen, an agricultural technologist at Osnabrück, Bonirob can take a sample of soil, liquidize it and analyse it to precisely map in real time characteristics such as pH and phosphorous levels. The University of Sydney's smaller RIPPA robot can also detect soil characteristics that affect crop production, by measuring soil conductivity.

Soil mapping opens the door to sowing different crop varieties in one field to better match shifting soil properties such as water availability. “You could differentially seed a field, for example, planting deep-rooting barley or wheat varieties in more sandy parts,” says Maurice Moloney, chief executive of the Global Institute for Food Security in Saskatoon, Canada. Growing multiple crops together could also lead to smarter use of agrichemicals. “Nature is strongly against monoculture, which is one reason we have to use massive amounts of herbicide and pesticides,” says van Henten. “It is about making the best use of resources.”

Mixed sowing would challenge an accepted pillar of agricultural wisdom: that economies of scale and the bulkiness of farm machinery mean vast fields of a single crop is the most-efficient way to farm, and the bigger the machine, the more-efficient the process. Some of the heaviest harvesters weigh 60 tonnes, cost more than a top-end sports car and leave a trail of soil compaction in their wake that can last for years.

But if there is no need for the farmer to drive the machine, then one large vehicle that covers as much area as possible is no longer needed. “As soon as you remove the human component, size is irrelevant,” says van Henten. Small, autonomous robots make mixed planting feasible and would not crush the soil.

In April, researchers at Harpers Adams began a proof-of-concept experiment with a hectare of barley. “We plan to grow and harvest the entire crop from start to finish with no humans entering the field,” says Green. The experiment will use existing machinery, such as tractors, that have been made autonomous, rather than new robots, but their goal is to use the software developed during this trial as the brains of purpose-built robots in the future. “Robots can facilitate a new way of doing agriculture,” says van Henten. Many of these disruptive technologies may not be ready for the prime time just yet, but the revolution is coming.

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King, A. Technology: The Future of Agriculture. Nature 544 , S21–S23 (2017).

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Published : 27 April 2017

Issue Date : 27 April 2017


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Smart sensors and smart data for precision agriculture: a review.

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1. Introduction

2. types of smart sensors in precision agriculture, 3. data collection and management techniques, 4. applications and case studies, 5. challenges and future directions, 6. conclusions, author contributions, conflicts of interest, abbreviations.

ADCAnalog-to-Digital Converter MLRMultiple Regression Analysis
AIArtificial Intelligence NNitrogen
ANFISAdaptive Periodic Threshold-sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network protocolNCNetwork Coordinator
APTEENAdaptive Periodic Threshold-sensitive Energy Efficient sensor Network protocolNCSNeural Compute Stick
AWSAmazon Web Services NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index
BOPBeacon Only PeriodOASNDFAOptimized Algorithm of Sensor Node Deployment for intelligent Agricultural monitoring
CDCComplex Dielectric Constant OSRSOpen-Source Remote Sensing
CNNConvolutional Neural Network PAPrecision Agriculture
CNSVMCConvolutional Neural Support Vector Machine Classifier PAFPrecision Agriculture and Farming
CRFControlled-Release Fertilizer PARPhotosynthetically Active Radiation
D-ATRDiamond Attenuated Total Internal Reflectance PCRPrincipal Component Regression
DCTADynamic Converge cast Tree AlgorithmPISPassive Infrared Sensor
DSSDecision Support SystemsPLCProgrammable Logic Controller
ECElectrical Conductivity PLSRPartial Least Squares Regression
ETEvapotranspirationPWMPulse-Width Modulation
FLFLFive-Layer, Fifteen-LevelreNDVIred-edge NDVI
FTIRFourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy RFEHRadio Frequency Energy Harvesting
GCPsGround Control Points RMSERoot Mean Square Error
GDGradient DescentRNNRecurrent Neural Network
GHSGreenhouse Gas RTURemote Terminal Unit
G-IoTGreen IoTSDGsSustainable Development Goals
GISGeographic Information SystemsSIS-PAFSmart Irrigation System for Precision Agriculture and Farming
GNDVIGreen Normalized Difference Vegetation IndexSNRSignal-To-Noise Ratio
GPRGaussian Process RegressionSPADSoil Plant Analysis Development
GPSGlobal Positioning SystemsSSIMStructural Similarity Index
GPUGraphics Processing Unit SVMSupport Vector Machines
IASIrrigation Advisory Services TAKTitle, Abstract, and Keywords
IoEInternet of Everything TVWSTV Whitespace
IoTInternet of ThingsUAVsUnmanned Aerial Vehicles
IWUEIrrigation Water Use EfficiencyUWBUltra-Wide Band
LassoLeast absolute shrinkage and selection operator regressionVLRGDVariable Learning Rate Gradient Descent
LCISLow-cost System for agricultural Irrigation Support VWCVolumetric Water Content
LDRLight-Dependent ResistorWi-FiWireless Fidelity
LIBSLaser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy W-ModWater balance simulation Modeling
LoRaLong-RangeWSWeb Server
LPWALow-Power Wide-AreaWSANWireless Sensor and Actuator Network
LTMNLong Short-Term MemoryWSNsWireless Sensor Networks
MAPEMean Absolute Percentage ErrorWUSNWireless Underground Sensor Networks
MCMoisture Content ZigBeeZonal Intercommunication Global standard
MLMachine Learning
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IoT PlatformApplicationReference
Phytoprove (2019)Develop tools for early, rapid, and non-destructive determination of the nitrogen and water supply status of plants.
(accessed on 1 March 2024)
Telemetry2uProvides an integrated hardware and software system for measuring integrated temperature and irrigation control.
(accessed on 1 March 2024)
SensoterraProvides an integrated hardware and software system for measuring soil moisture.
(accessed on 1 March 2024)
Cropx (2013)Offers an integrated hardware and software system designed for the precise measurement of electrical conductivity, soil moisture, and temperature.
(accessed on 1 March 2024)
ONFARMEasily accessible critical information can be viewed in the office or on the go through a user-friendly dashboard.
(accessed on 1 March 2024)
PhytechOptimizing irrigation through data-driven insights for enhanced plant health and resource management.
(accessed on 1 March 2024)
Semios (2020)Tool for enhancing yields by providing real-time assessments and responses to insect activity, disease, and overall plant health conditions.
(accessed on 1 March 2024)
ParametersStandardFrequencyData RateTransmission RangeEnergy ConsumptionCostLimitations
Wi-FiIEEE 802.11 [ ] 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands11–50 and 150 Mbps20–100 mHighHighHigh power consumption, limited range compared to other long-range technologies, and susceptibility to interference.
ZigBeeZigbee Alliance IEEE 802.15.4 [ ]2.4 GHz and 868/915 MHz bands20, 40, and 250 kbps10–100 mLowLowLine-of-sight connectivity should exist between the sensor node and the coordinator node.
Long-Range (LoRa)Lora Alliance IEEE 802.15.4 [ ]Unlicensed ISM bands 868/915 MHz50 kbps<30 kmVery lowHighLow data rates, not suitable for high-bandwidth applications, scalability of the network, and capacity for messages.
SigFoxIEEE 802.15.4 [ ]Unlicensed ISM bands 868/915/433 MHz100 bps10–40 kmLowMediumVery low data rates, limited uplink capabilities, and a low payload limit for transmitted messages.
RFIDISO/IEC 14443, ISO/IEC 15693. [ ]25 kHz, 13.56 MHz, and 860–960 MHz40 to 160 kbp/s1–5 mLowLowShort-range, limited data storage on passive RFID tags, and potential for signal reflection and interference.
Mobile communicationN/ALicensed bands 900–1800 MHzUp to 170 kbps1–10 kmMediumMediumRelatively high power consumption, especially for mobile devices, and may not be cost-effective for certain IoT applications.
BluetoothIEEE 802.15.1 [ ]2.4 GHz ISM band1 to 3 Mps1 to 10 mLowLowModerate range, higher power consumption compared to low-power technologies, and potential interference in crowded areas.
NB-IoT3GPP release 13 [ ]LTE frequency bands200 kbps11–0 KmMediumHighLimited data rates, not suitable for applications requiring high bandwidth, and potential latency in communication.
Satellite NameApplication in PA
ECOSTRESSEvapotranspiration (ET) [ ]
TERRA-ASTERWater management [ ]
Sentinel-1ASoil Moisture [ ]
Sentinel-2 Crop management [ ]
Terra/Aqua MODISCrop yield [ ]
KOMPSAT-2Crop yield [ ]
RapidEye Crop yield [ ] Soil water [ ]
GeoEye-1Nutrient management [ ]
Sensor NameParametersReference
SDI-12 SensorSoil Moisture[ ]
Hydra probe II soil sensorSoil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Conductivity and Salinity level[ ]
ECH2O-5TE SensorSoil Moisture content levels, Soil Electric Conductivity, Soil Temperature, Soil Organic Content, Soil Texture, and Soil Bulk Density[ ]
ECH2O EC-5 SensorSoil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Soil Water[ ]
EC250 sensor Soil Temperature, Soil Moisture, Salinity level, and Conductivity[ ]
SKU: SEN0193 sensorSoil Moisture, Soil Temperature[ ]
VH-400 sensorSoil Moisture sensor, Soil Temperature[ ]
DHT11/DHT22 sensor Temperature and Humidity sensor[ , ]
SHT31 SensorTemperature and Humidity sensor[ ]
SHT71, SHT75 Temperature and Humidity sensor[ ]
TAOS TSL262RLuminosity sensor[ ]
TGS4161CO sensor[ ]
S-THB-M002 sensorTemperature and Humidity sensor[ ]
TCS3472 RGB sensor Light sensor[ ]
Sense H2 sensorHydrogen, Plant Wetness, Plant Temperature, and CO [ ]
MP406 sensorSoil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Soil Dielectric Permittivity[ ]
Cl-340 photosynthesisPlant Moisture, Photosynthesis, Plant Wetness, Hydrogen level, Plant Temperature and CO [ ]
PTM-48A photosynthesis monitorPlant Moisture, Photosynthesis, Plant Wetness, Plant Temperature and CO [ ]
YSI 6025 and YSI 6131 chlorophyll sensorsPhotosynthesis[ ]
HMP45C sensorAir Humidity, Air Temperature, and Air Pressure[ ]
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Share and Cite

Soussi, A.; Zero, E.; Sacile, R.; Trinchero, D.; Fossa, M. Smart Sensors and Smart Data for Precision Agriculture: A Review. Sensors 2024 , 24 , 2647.

Soussi A, Zero E, Sacile R, Trinchero D, Fossa M. Smart Sensors and Smart Data for Precision Agriculture: A Review. Sensors . 2024; 24(8):2647.

Soussi, Abdellatif, Enrico Zero, Roberto Sacile, Daniele Trinchero, and Marco Fossa. 2024. "Smart Sensors and Smart Data for Precision Agriculture: A Review" Sensors 24, no. 8: 2647.

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Handbook of precision agriculture: principles and applications

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Precision Agriculture

An International Journal on Advances in Precision Agriculture

  • Addresses within-field natural resources variability, including soil and crop variability and characteristics.
  • Explores engineering technology, focusing on sensor systems, computational techniques, positioning systems and control systems.
  • Present content on Managing variability, including sampling techniques and methods, nutrient and crop protection chemicals recommendation and crop quality
  • Covers topics on engineering technology, focusing on sensor systems, computational techniques, positioning systems and control systems for site-specific application
  • Encourages submissions on measurement, management, technology and impact of spatial variability at the within-field scale.
  • Prioritizes environmental coverage including sediments, leaching, runoff and drainage related to within-field spatial variability.
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Volume 25, Issue 4

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Mangodetnet: a novel label-efficient weakly supervised fruit detection framework.

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Integrating NDVI and agronomic data to optimize the variable-rate nitrogen fertilization

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  • Leonardo Ercolini
  • Massimiliano Ruggeri

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Evaluation of the PROMET model for yield estimation and N fertilization in on-farm research

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Combining 2D image and point cloud deep learning to predict wheat above ground biomass

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Special issues in plant sciences, precision ag definition.

The International Society of Precision Agriculture ( ) adopted the following definition of precision agriculture in 2019: 

‘Precision Agriculture is a management strategy that gathers, processes and analyzes temporal, spatial and individual data and combines it with other information to support management decisions according to estimated variability for improved resource use efficiency, productivity, quality, profitability and sustainability of agricultural production.’

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H.R.1339 - Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act 118th Congress (2023-2024) | $(document).ready(function () { $('#alert-BILL-437258-191').congress_Alert({ type: 'BILL', id: '437258', buttonDivId: 'alert-BILL-437258-191', buttonText: 'Get alerts', buttonTextIfLoggedIn: 'Get alerts', buttonTextIfHasAlert: 'Cancel Alerts', buttonTextIfHasDialog: 'Edit Alerts', dialogDivId: 'alert-dialog-BILL-437258-191', titleText: 'To get email alerts ', alertSourceType: ' legislation', alertMessageText: "You will receive an alert for any updates to actions, bill text, cosponsors, or summaries.", titleTextIfLoggedIn: 'Get email alerts ', titleTextAddendum: 'for this', titleTextIfHasAlert: 'Cancel this alert?', showEditDialogue: 'true', editAlertDialogTitle: 'Track Changes - Choose one or more (Optional) Help ', hideEditLink: 'false', dataSet: '', countLimitReached: 'false', cannotAddNewAlertDialogTitle: 'Cannot add new alert', cannotAddNewAlertDialogMessage: '' }); });

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Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act

This bill requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to review, and recommend changes to, its rules for fixed, mobile, and earth exploration satellites to promote precision agriculture (an information- and technology-based management system used to identify, analyze, and manage variability in agricultural production for optimum profitability, sustainability, and environmental protection).

In conducting its review, the FCC must consult with a task force that advises the FCC on ways to assess and advance broadband internet on unserved agricultural land and promote precision agriculture.


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    Precision-farming engineer Manuela Zude-Sasse at the Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy in Potsdam, Germany, is attaching sensors to apples to detect their size, and ...

  8. How can precision farming work on a small scale? A systematic

    The agri-food industry faces a great challenge due to the growing global population. When considering land scarcity, this can be solved only by a higher production efficiency. Precision agriculture (PA) provides a potential answer. Most farms, especially in developing countries, are small-scale units that have difficulties in applying precision agriculture technologies. On the basis of the ...

  9. Precision Agriculture

    Precision agriculture or satellite farming or site-specific crop management is a farming based on observing, measuring, and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. Or. PA is an information- and technology-based farm management system to identity, analyze, and manage variability within fields for optimum profitability ...

  10. A vision of precision agriculture: Balance between agricultural

    Precision agriculture (PA) has become an increasingly popular approach to sustainable intensification in agriculture, with the intent of a balance between agricultural productivity and environmental stewardship. Sustainable intensification aims to increase agricultural productivity while minimizing negative environmental impacts.

  11. A systematic review on the factors governing precision agriculture

    This study elucidates the multi-faceted determinants that influence the adoption of precision agriculture within the small-scale farming sector. The study adopts a systematic literature review approach, meticulously selecting and analysing 29 relevant papers.

  12. Precision Farming: The Future of Indian Agriculture

    Precision Farming or Precision Agr iculture is generally defined as informat ion and technology based farm. management system to identify, analyse an d manage spatial and temporal variability ...

  13. Smart Sensors and Smart Data for Precision Agriculture: A Review

    Precision agriculture, driven by the convergence of smart sensors and advanced technologies, has emerged as a transformative force in modern farming practices. The present review synthesizes insights from a multitude of research papers, exploring the dynamic landscape of precision agriculture. The main focus is on the integration of smart sensors, coupled with technologies such as the Internet ...

  14. Precision Agriculture Research

    PLOS' precision agriculture research explores and assesses the very latest agricultural technologies. Whether in controlled environments or directly in the field, our research highlights new methods and technologies for agricultural surveillance and intervention, such as sensors and chemical testing, or high-tech farm machinery and machine learning that measures, analyses, and improves crop ...

  15. PDF Historical Evolution and Recent Advances in Precision Farming

    The combined use of geostatistics and GIS for precision farming was detailed in a series of papers by Mulla (1989, 1991, 1993). The use of geostatistics in precision agriculture is extensively documented by Oliver (2010). 1.4 FARMING BY SOIL Pierre Robert is often regarded as the father of precision farming because of his active promotion

  16. (PDF) The Role of Precision Farming in Sustainable Agriculture

    The central premise of precision farming lies in the collection, analysis, and application of vast amounts of data related to agricultural fields. Through sophisticated technologies such as GPS ...

  17. Handbook of precision agriculture: principles and applications

    The Role of Technology in the Emergence and Current Status of Precision Agriculture (John V. Stafford) The Beginnings of Precision Agriculture The Basis for Precision Agriculture: Information Technology Spatial Location Basics of GPS Information Acquisition: Sensors Crop Condition Weed Detection Grain Yield Grain Quality Environment Assembling ...

  18. Systematic literature review of implementations of precision agriculture

    Precision agriculture is a management strategy that utilizes information technologies to collect useful data from distinct sources, with the aim of supporting the decisions associated to the production of crops. ... CCTA 2009, Beijing, China, October 14-17, 2009, Revised Selected Papers. Vol. 317. Springer Science & Business Media. Google ...

  19. PDF Precision Agriculture: Where do We Stand? A Review of the ...

    precision agriculture technologies because of their capacity to invest in relatively expensive tools (compared to farms in developing countries), and because of their large field ... The 17 papers provided numbers for the adoption rate of one or more precision agriculture technologies for 73 observations, each observation being defined by two ...

  20. Artificial intelligence in farming: Challenges and opportunities for

    Precision agriculture (PA) is one such "data-driven strategy" to improve soil and resource management plans, and manage crops and livestock (Botta et al., 2022, p. 831). PA integrates information technology into farm machinery and farm management using innovations such as satellites, drones, sensors, and AI systems to help farmers make site ...

  21. PDF Precision Agriculture A Modern Approach To Smart Farming

    Precision livestock farming (PLF) is defined as the application of precision agriculture to the management of livestock production. Processes of precision livestock farming approach focus on animal growth, egg and milk production, detection and monitoring of diseases and aspects related to animal behavior. Systems include monitoring of milk to ...

  22. Home

    Precision Ag definition. 'Precision Agriculture is a management strategy that gathers, processes and analyzes temporal, spatial and individual data and combines it with other information to support management decisions according to estimated variability for improved resource use efficiency, productivity, quality, profitability and ...

  23. (PDF) Precision Agriculture and Its Future

    The term "precision. farming" describes the integration of GIS and GPS tools to provide extensive detailed information. on crop growth, crop health, crop y ield, water absorption, nutrient levels ...

  24. H.R.1339

    Shown Here: Passed House (04/26/2023) Precision Agriculture Satellite Connectivity Act. This bill requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to review, and recommend changes to, its rules for fixed, mobile, and earth exploration satellites to promote precision agriculture (an information- and technology-based management system used to identify, analyze, and manage variability in ...