S. Rufus

This Is the Year of Broken Dreams

What is 2020's onslaught of death and disappointment doing to our minds.

Posted August 18, 2020

What's that sound?

Sobs. The click of locks. Echoes in empty stadiums. The syncopated whoosh and thwap of ventilators. Children being told "No." Coughs.

It's hammers hitting nails, boarding up businesses. It's footsteps pacing floors at 3 a.m.

Collectively, it is the bump and shriek of shattered dreams.

Before this year, we thought of broken dreams as singular: one individual, one dream — then bang. Breakup. Collision. Stroke.

But now, from near and far, we witness heartbreak constantly, sequentially, as one hears drum machines. By summer, we are already burnt out on broken dreams.

They have become a mass phenomenon, a syndrome. Rife. Not just one raging fever. Not just one shut shop. Not just one layoff notice, pawned ring, unpaid rent. Not just one cancelled wedding, exhibition, concert, tournament. Not just one oboeist or chef or tattoo artist unemployed. Not just one player sidelined for one game.

More, more, more, more: Remember exponential notations from algebra? Those abstract, anodyne, cute little numerals floating alongside bigger ones like birds?

This year, dreams break around the world in sheaves, cascades, biblical-plague waves, savaging families, streets, schools, cities, industries, traditions, nations.

Their cost is not just financial or medical but also emotional. Watching dreams shatter left and right, knowing ours might be next, how can we comprehend, much less process, such loss? Studies show that even hearing about fearsome circumstances raises the likelihood of developing PTSD .

This year, we hear:

About the man who spent his life savings creating a café he had to close in March. The archeologist whose dig was meant to start this spring. The pair who booked, then cancelled, what they knew would be their last trip home.

The artist set to debut at a now-cancelled-forever festival. The high-school debater for whom this would have been The Year. The owner of that motel chain. The grieving newlywed. The would-have-been Olympian.

Like seven billion sudden conscripts, we march through broken-dream battlefields strewn with the sick, the dead, the doomed, the destitute, past shuttered storefronts, and sealed schools.

Can our shock-blistered brains calculate not only the multiplicity of broken dreams but their lengths, depths, breadths, concentricities — outwards and upwards, down the generations, down the years?

Shattered dreams shatter more than just their dreamers. For each cancelled class, count each measure of French or chemistry unlearned and friends unmet and social skills ungained, each measure killing a parade of possibilities. Count those dreams slain before their would-be dreamers knew themselves as such. For each closed business, count its owner, staff, and loyal, trusting customers.

We cannot simply stand and watch, unmarked. We cannot help but hurt, not just because empathy burns, but because this crisis — its literal contagiosity, its as-yet-unknown end — triggers our mortal fear while corroding the ostensible insulative power of the bystander effect .

It forces us to feel. It forces us to learn whole new emotional arithmetics, this history-book-worthy horror, this Mad Max ian reality, this exponentiality enfleshed. Are we changing? Will all this witnessing echo in us eternally? Is trauma rewiring our brains right now?

We will remember this year like medieval tapestries chronicling tragedies, in which decaying corpses litter hillsides while angular soldiers shake their fists and swords at God uncomprehendingly.

Fancy machines cannot deliver us from daily scenes — seen, televised, imagined — of death and debacle and decay. The globalness and constancy of watching others fall keeps rekindling our fear.

essay about broken dream

Also our grief . Sorrow. Anxiety . Panic, distraction, 2020-isms such as shame regarding shattered dreams that we are mocked for mourning because some say they were inessential to begin with.

Boredom . Mistrust . Helplessness that feels foreverish. Yearning. Anger . Uncertainty. Regret. Nostalgia for 2019.

And yes, faint hope. Resilience . Ingenuity . Charity . Kindness. Diligence.

Dread. Xenophobia . Frustration. Isolation. Guilt : for spreading germs and/or surviving . Disconnect. Compassion — then its overload, that cauterizing short-circuit we mistake for ennui.

We are the ones they will study someday after the universities reopen and space-suited scholars wonder how we braved such fear and witnessed such destruction so unprecedentedly and for so long.

S. Rufus

S. Rufus is the author, under the byline Anneli Rufus, of books including Party of One and Stuck.

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Broken Dreams

By: Kevin   •  Essay  •  1,002 Words  •  November 16, 2009  •  2,934 Views

Essay title: Broken Dreams

Luke is jogging down the ground, followed closely by a stalker. He feels the hot, heavy breath of his follower on his neck, and can see his large shadow looming in front of him. He tries to fun faster to get away, dodging and weaving, but cannot seem to shake him; he is with him every step of the way. There is no escape. A call from a mate is an enormous relief; Luke has been rescued. He passes the ball to his mate, and continues running towards goal. Ryley lines up for goal about forty meters out, and with a superbly executed drop punt, sends the ball sailing through the goal posts. He kicks the first goal of the 2005 premiership season, and puts the Falcons six points in front, after only three minutes into the first quarter. The crowd erupts into applause and begins to chant, ‘Falcons, Falcons!’ Luke knew that this season would be a lot better than the last. This year he is going to be injury free and the critics have already ranked him highly in the running for the best and fairest player at the end of the season. The Falcons were also tipped to finish in the top four this year, even though they did not have a full coaching staff.

The game continued with a bounce from the umpire in the centre of the oval. The ruckmen battle it out, wrestling each other to get the tap needed for a break out of the centre. The football falls to the ground and is immediately smothered by desperate players trying to help their team. The umpire blows the whistle and signals another bounce. Again, the ruckmen struggle against each other, but this time the ball is punched forward. Luke jumps high into the air to seize the football, however comes crashing down and lands awkwardly, with other players falling in a pile on top of him. Everyone quickly jumps up and chases the pack of players following the ball. Luke is left lying on the ground, curled up in excruciating pain, holding his knee. The Falcon’s team runners come sprinting onto the field to attend to the injured player, signaling for the stretcher. Luke stands up, ignoring the stretcher, and is helped off the ground by two trainers. He is carried down into the clubrooms, where a physiotherapist attempts to identify the severity of the injury. Luke is in shock. Everything is a blur. The physio is testing the strength of all the ligaments in his knee, and has a very worried look on his face. Luke does not even need to ask what the diagnosis is, he already knows, and it is all too familiar.

Luke lingered in the clubrooms for the remainder of the game, not wanting anyone to see how upset he was. He had torn the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee for the third time in the last four years, and required yet another full knee reconstruction. This meant another season off football. Luke knew his career and his life dream was over. Not many players had ever returned to football after three reconstructions, and he is only 23 years old.

After the game, Luke’s teammates flooded into the change rooms, chatting away happily, congratulating each other on a great game. Beating the Magpies had never been a challenge for the Falcons, especially when they had a home ground advantage. The players staggered into a formation somewhat resembling a circle and belted out the clubs song. ‘…it’s the emblem of, the team we love, the team of the red

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The Mystery of Broken Dreams: Decoding Their Symbolism

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Have you ever experienced a broken dream? The feeling of disappointment and despair when something you have longed for and worked towards shatters like fragile glass can be overwhelming. Many of us have encountered broken dreams in our lives, whether it’s a failed relationship, an unrealized career aspiration, or a missed opportunity. But what does it really mean to have a broken dream? In this article, we’ll explore the significance and implications of broken dreams, and how we can find meaning and purpose in the aftermath.

The Nature of Dreams

essay about broken dream

Before delving into the meaning of broken dreams, it’s essential to understand the nature of dreams themselves. Dreams are the aspirations, hopes, and ambitions that drive us forward in life. They are the visions of a future that we desire, the goals we set for ourselves, and the fuel that propels us to strive for more. Whether it’s a dream of success, love, financial stability, or personal fulfillment, our dreams shape our actions and decisions, giving our lives purpose and direction.

The Significance of Dreams

Dreams are not merely whimsical fantasies; they hold significant psychological and emotional importance. They provide us with a sense of purpose, motivating us to overcome obstacles and pursue growth and improvement. Dreams give us something to look forward to, inspiring us to work hard and persevere through challenges. They can also be a source of identity, shaping our self-perception and contributing to our overall well-being. When a dream is shattered, it can have a profound impact on our psyche, leaving us feeling lost and disillusioned.

Types of Broken Dreams

Broken dreams come in various forms, each with its unique emotional and psychological consequences. A broken romantic relationship can leave us feeling heartbroken and betrayed, questioning our worth and capacity for love. A failed career aspiration can lead to feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty about the future, and a sense of lost identity. Missing out on a long-cherished opportunity can evoke regret, disappointment, and a sense of being unfairly deprived. Regardless of the specific nature of the broken dream, the experience can be deeply distressing and challenging to navigate.

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The Meaning of Broken Dreams

The experience of a broken dream can be profoundly disheartening, but it also offers an opportunity for introspection and growth. Understanding the meaning of broken dreams involves examining the underlying messages and lessons embedded in the experience. It requires acknowledging the pain and disappointment while also seeking to uncover the potential for personal development and resilience.

Reflection and Self-Discovery

When a dream is shattered, it prompts us to reflect on our values, priorities, and motivations. It forces us to reevaluate our aspirations and consider whether they align with our authentic selves. This process of self-discovery can lead to a deeper understanding of our desires, strengths, and areas for growth. It presents an opportunity to realign our goals with our true passions and purpose, paving the way for a more fulfilling and authentic path forward.

Resilience and Adaptability

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Navigating a broken dream requires resilience and adaptability. It demands that we summon the strength to cope with disappointment and find the courage to chart a new course. The ability to bounce back from setbacks, learn from failure, and adapt to unforeseen circumstances is a hallmark of resilience. It is through these challenges that we cultivate inner strength and develop the capacity to overcome adversity, making us more resilient and resourceful individuals.

Reevaluation of Priorities

A broken dream can serve as a catalyst for reevaluating our priorities and reconsidering our definition of success and fulfillment. It prompts us to question whether the dream we pursued truly aligned with our core values and well-being. It encourages us to explore alternative paths and redefine our goals in a way that honors our authentic selves. This process of reevaluation can lead to a more balanced and holistic approach to life, one that prioritizes well-being, relationships, and personal growth alongside external achievements.

Finding Meaning and Purpose

While the experience of a broken dream can be painful and disorienting, it also holds the potential for finding renewed meaning and purpose. It invites us to engage in a process of introspection and self-discovery, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of our true desires and aspirations.

Embracing the Journey

Finding meaning in the aftermath of a broken dream involves embracing the journey of healing and growth. It requires acknowledging the pain and disappointment while also recognizing the resilience and strength that emerge from adversity. By accepting the reality of the situation and allowing ourselves to grieve, we create space for emotional healing and eventual renewal.

Cultivating Resilience

The process of finding meaning in a broken dream entails cultivating resilience and fortitude. It involves recognizing that setbacks and disappointments are an inherent part of the human experience, and that our ability to bounce back from them shapes our character and strength. By embracing the challenges and viewing them as opportunities for growth, we develop resilience that serves us in all areas of our lives.

Aligning with Authenticity

Ultimately, finding meaning in a broken dream leads us to align with our authenticity and true purpose. It prompts us to reassess our goals and aspirations, ensuring that they are in harmony with our genuine values and passions. This alignment fosters a sense of fulfillment and purpose that transcends external circumstances, guiding us towards a more meaningful and enriching life path.

Embracing New Possibilities

As we navigate the aftermath of a broken dream, it’s crucial to remain open to new possibilities and opportunities. While the pain and disappointment may feel all-encompassing, they do not define our future. Embracing new possibilities involves cultivating a mindset of optimism, curiosity, and openness to change.

Cultivating Optimism

Embracing new possibilities requires cultivating optimism and hope for the future. It involves acknowledging the pain of the past while actively seeking out silver linings and potential avenues for growth. By maintaining a positive outlook and believing in the potential for new beginnings, we create space for transformation and renewal.

Exploring New Horizons

Embracing new possibilities also involves embracing a spirit of exploration and curiosity. It requires stepping outside of our comfort zones, being open to new experiences, and considering alternative paths that may lead to unexpected fulfillment. By remaining open-minded and receptive to change, we expand our horizons and create the potential for new and enriching opportunities.

Seizing Opportunities

Finally, embracing new possibilities means being proactive in seizing opportunities for growth and development. It involves taking calculated risks, pursuing new interests, and leveraging our experiences to propel us forward. By actively seeking out opportunities for learning, connection, and personal evolution, we empower ourselves to transcend the limitations of a broken dream and move towards a future filled with renewed purpose and potential.

Dreaming of broken objects can be a powerful symbol in the world of dream interpretation. If you’re curious about the significance of broken dreams, you may also find our articles on broken TV dream meanings , broken jaw dream meanings , and broken gun dream meanings illuminating. Exploring these different interpretations can provide insight into the fascinating world of dreams!

In conclusion, the experience of a broken dream is a profound and often painful journey, but it also holds the potential for growth, resilience, and renewed purpose. It prompts us to reflect on our values, cultivate resilience, and align with our authentic selves. By embracing new possibilities and remaining open to the potential for renewal, we can navigate the aftermath of a broken dream with strength and optimism. Ultimately, the meaning of a broken dream lies not in its shattering, but in the transformative journey it sets in motion.

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The Creative Exiles

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essay about broken dream

Broken Dreams

Broken Dreams -From that first moment in time that we can form our own thoughts – we start to dream of better things for our future. Living life to the fullest is all about the quest to follow our hearts desires and dreams of what will be.

Some of us in this human condition only think that our lives are accomplished if we set out and achieve whatever dreams you have dangled in front of yourself like the proverbial “carrot on a stick.”

The truth of the matter is that more likely than not you will fall short of achieving that much sought after dream. For whatever reason – be it your fault or simply fate we fall short of completing and achieving them – and your dream becomes shattered and broken.

I would like to suggest to you – the reader – that dreams are made to be broken. Living life to the end of our existence is not about achieving those dreams. If you do, the world is yours, but if you don’t the world still is yours. The key is not the end result of those dreams, but the quest and everything in between is what life is all about. So when a dream becomes broken – do not despair – find another and dream again.

“Broken Dreams” Down through my life cemented in my past, Broken dreams scattered, pieces of shattered glass.

Some dreams were never truly meant to be, Some broken dreams were meant to set me free.

Cannot break me, a lifetime of broken dreams, I am willing and stronger than most or so it seems.

From my past – broken dreams that cannot break me, Not jaded, and daring to dream again is the key.

My broken dreams are not the end of the road, For another dream comes along – waiting to be saddled and rode.

Broken dreams can mean life has a new direction, For a new acquired dream for my reflection. By Kurt James

Kurt James © 2017 Kurt James Novels available on Amazon

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Kurt James was born and raised in the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Kurt’s family roots were from western Kansas and having lived in South Dakota for 20 years, Kurt naturally had become an old western and nature enthusiast. Over the years Kurt has become one of Colorado’s prominent nature photographers through his brand name of Midnight Wind Photography. The Denver Post, PM Magazine, and 9NEWS in Denver, Colorado featured his poetry. Kurt is also a feature writer for HubPages and Creative Exiles with the article’s focused on Colorado history, ghost towns, outlaws, and poetry. Inspired at a young age by writers such as Jack London, Louis L’Amour, and Max Brand have formed Kurt’s natural ability as a storyteller. Kurt has published 16 books all based in and around the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Using the Midnight Wind Publishing brand, Kurt James novels, short stories, reference books, and poetry, are available in print or download on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, and other fine bookstores. And a few shady bookstores as well. Kurt has 3 books that he is currently writing. The 8th book in his Rocky Mountain Series - Raphael Eye for an Eye. His third ghost town reference book, Kansas Ghost Towns, Hauntings, Treasure Tales, and Other BS. And a western/horror novel - Devil’s Tower Spirit of Chiha Tanka. Kurt is a proud member of Western Writers of America.

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13 thoughts on “ broken dreams ”.

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Nicely penned and so true Kurt, its always the journey that defines who we are, never the destination. Dreams can be our motivation but its their experience in movement that gives us happiness and contentment. Cheers!

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Thanks for stopping by Tony, you are always welcomed at my table or campfire…

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I agree with Tony. It is the journey that defines who we are. Very nice work on this life lesson verse, Kurt.

As you know Phyllis some of us quest for our dreams by climbing a mountain – others such as poets do it with a pen or keyboard. Thanks for stopping by.

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This is a profound message, and one that I have written about, too. This is outstanding advice, and your lovely poetic words convey your meaningful, and positive statement perfectly.

Thanks Tamara for stopping by, I would like to read your poem on the subject. Is it here on TCE?

It is so sweet of you to ask 🙂 this is the poem, here:


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Kurt, I have had a lot of dreams broken in my life. At one stage I even stopped dreaming and setting goals, but fortunately, that was short lived and I once again have dreams to follow. Great writing here.

Thanks John – always look forward to any comment from you my friend. I think one cannot live their life without failing more than once. Having said that I am glad you confirmed it – so I don’t feel all alone on that…lol..

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A compelling beautiful verse about something every single human being has in common. “Dreams” we’ve been told to follow them, have faith in them, cherish them and strive to become part of them. Like John, I too have had many of them over my lifetime, broken and got lost up in them. But like you state in your poem, accept them for what they are, cherish them for the moment, live in them and enjoy. Never build up your hopes on them. Kurt, at his stage of the game in my life, my only dream is to wake up in the morning plant my healthy feet and body on the floor and welcome day with a “good morning world” I’m still here, what do you have to surprise me with today? There are many daydreamers out there and build their lives around reaching their dream. I don’t think we should ever attempt to diminish their hopes of achieving them. But for me skepticism can lead many to shattered dreams. Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts with us here, may we all continue to have dreams, for without them, many are lost.

My – oh my, you Vincent are the greatest commentator of all time. I am going to skip your poetry and just go to your comments. Thank you my new friend for taking the time to stop by and read some of my writings…

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Hey Kurt no matter who you are, your dreams are valid, and if they shatter into pieces right in front of you, it is always good to brush off the ground you walk on, and take the next beaten path towards another. It is always good to have dreams and aspirations. Great piece.

Paul – thank you for stopping by. I know my words and poem are not mine alone, that we all have experienced “Broken Dreams.” What matters is what we do after they become broken.

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Broken Dreams Essay

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How to answer “Broken Dreams Essay” correctly?

Let us look at the magic term: Essay . When a question asks a student to write an “essay,” they (students) are expected to provide a structured and well-organised piece of writing that presents and supports a main idea or a position. The essay should have an introduction that introduces the topic and states the position or a side of the writer, body paragraphs that support the thesis or position with evidence and examples based on their country of South Africa, and a conclusion that summarises the main points and restates the position (good/bad). For higher marks, the essay should demonstrate critical thinking, a paragraph with history or background of the topic, and all should be written with clarity and simple english for better understanding.

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Yeats' Broken Dreams: Love, Loss, and Time Unveiled. (2016, May 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/an-analysis-of-broken-dreams-by-w-b-yeats-essay

"Yeats' Broken Dreams: Love, Loss, and Time Unveiled." StudyMoose , 24 May 2016, https://studymoose.com/an-analysis-of-broken-dreams-by-w-b-yeats-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Yeats' Broken Dreams: Love, Loss, and Time Unveiled . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/an-analysis-of-broken-dreams-by-w-b-yeats-essay [Accessed: 30 Aug. 2024]

"Yeats' Broken Dreams: Love, Loss, and Time Unveiled." StudyMoose, May 24, 2016. Accessed August 30, 2024. https://studymoose.com/an-analysis-of-broken-dreams-by-w-b-yeats-essay

"Yeats' Broken Dreams: Love, Loss, and Time Unveiled," StudyMoose , 24-May-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/an-analysis-of-broken-dreams-by-w-b-yeats-essay. [Accessed: 30-Aug-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Yeats' Broken Dreams: Love, Loss, and Time Unveiled . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/an-analysis-of-broken-dreams-by-w-b-yeats-essay [Accessed: 30-Aug-2024]

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Yeats' Broken Dreams: Love, Loss, and Time Unveiled essay

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The essay says the broken dreams .


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Broken Dreams

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Essay Preview: Broken Dreams

Luke is jogging down the ground, followed closely by a stalker. He feels the hot, heavy breath of his follower on his neck, and can see his large shadow looming in front of him. He tries to fun faster to get away, dodging and weaving, but cannot seem to shake him; he is with him every step of the way. There is no escape. A call from a mate is an enormous relief; Luke has been rescued. He passes the ball to his mate, and continues running towards goal. Ryley lines up for goal about forty meters out, and with a superbly executed drop punt, sends the ball sailing through the goal posts. He kicks the first goal of the 2005 premiership season, and puts the Falcons six points in front, after only three minutes into the first quarter. The crowd erupts into applause and begins to chant, 'Falcons, Falcons!' Luke knew that this season would be a lot better than the last. This year he is going to be injury free and the critics have already ranked him highly in the running for the best and fairest player at the end of the season. The Falcons were also tipped to finish in the top four this year, even though they did not have a full coaching staff.

The game continued with a bounce from the umpire in the centre of the oval. The ruckmen battle it out, wrestling each other to get the tap needed for a break out of the centre. The football falls to the ground and is immediately smothered by desperate players trying to help their team. The umpire blows the whistle and signals another bounce. Again, the ruckmen struggle against each other, but this time the ball is punched forward. Luke jumps high into the air to seize the football, however comes crashing down and lands awkwardly, with other players falling in a pile on top of him. Everyone quickly jumps up and chases the pack of players following the ball. Luke is left lying on the ground, curled up in excruciating pain, holding his knee. The Falcon's team runners come sprinting onto the field to attend to the injured player, signaling for the stretcher. Luke stands up, ignoring the stretcher, and is helped off the ground by two trainers. He is carried down into the clubrooms, where a physiotherapist attempts to identify the severity of the injury. Luke is in shock. Everything is a blur. The physio is testing the strength of all the ligaments in his knee, and has a very worried look on his face. Luke does not even need to ask what the diagnosis is, he already knows, and it is all too familiar.

Luke lingered in the clubrooms for the remainder of the game, not wanting anyone to see how upset he was. He had torn the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee for the third time in the last four years, and required yet another full knee reconstruction. This meant another season off football. Luke knew his career and his life dream was over. Not many players had ever returned to football after three reconstructions, and he is only 23 years old.

After the game, Luke's teammates flooded into the change rooms, chatting away happily, congratulating each other on a great game. Beating the Magpies had never been a challenge for the Falcons, especially when they had a home ground advantage. The players staggered into a formation somewhat resembling a circle and belted out the clubs song. '...it's the emblem of, the team we love, the team of the red

Broken Dreams and Fallen Themes: The corruption of the american dream in the Great Gatsby

Gatsby exemplifies the American dream in his ideals, in this case the desire for success and self-substantiation; however, this dream become corrupted because he is not able to distinguish the acquisition of wealth from the pursuit of his dream, embodied by Daisy, and is tainted by the illicit foundations of his wealth as well as his desires for an unsuitable married woman. Fitzgerald uses the symbol of the green light at the beginning of the novel to represent Gatsby’s dream and even uses the light to introduce him for the first time.

In his essay “Money, Love, and Aspiration”, Roger Lewis discusses the means by which Gatsby amasses his wealth and poisons his dream. Gatsby’s money does not “smell” right- however explicitly tacitly condoned by the denizens of Gatsby’s world illegal and shifty means (bootlegging, stolen securities) have been used to make that wealth. Gatsby does not see that the corruption at the base of his fortune in effect compromises his vision of life with Daisy Obviously, Gatsby builds the foundations of his dream upon a structure of crime and deceit thus negating any nobility his dream once had.

Throughout the book Gatsby continually throws outlandish parties where scores of people, whether invited or not, attend and revel in his hospitality; he later reveals his purpose in throwing these overly grandiose festivals, when Nick and he are talking after a party which Daisy has just attended. “‘She didn’t like it Gatsby} said immediately… She didn’t have a good time'” (Fitzgerald 116) fully expresses that his entire life at West Egg has been spent in pursuit of a woman who could never possibly fulfill his dream.

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — Death of a Salesman — The American Dream of Willy Loman: A Broken Promise


The American Dream of Willy Loman: a Broken Promise

  • Categories: Death of a Salesman

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Words: 609 |

Published: Aug 1, 2024

Words: 609 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

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The illusion of success, the cost of the american dream, the broken promise, bibliography.

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