English Tenses – Graphic Comparison

Problems with the English tenses? Have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense. As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind.

If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions.

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The verb tenses in English

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English Verbs Conjugation Infographics

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This is the ultimate template for English teachers! This set of infographics has all the resources you need so that your students master all 12 verb tenses. They are so easy to use that they will alleviate the TENSion of preparing the lessons, and your students will be PERFECT English speakers. Move PAST the boring language books and start making English lessons with visual content that will make students love the language, rather than just learning it!

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Visual Explanations of Each English Tense

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Present Simple

The present simple is used to express daily routines and habits. Adverbs of frequency such as 'usually', 'sometimes', 'rarely', etc. are often used with the present simple.

This tense is often used with the following time expressions:

always, usually, sometimes, etc. ... every day ... on Sundays, Tuesdays, etc.

Basic Construction

Subject + Present Tense + object(s) + time Expression

Frank usually takes a bus to work.

Subject + do / does + not (don't / doesn't) + verb + object(s) + time Expression

They don't often go to Chicago.

(Question Word) + do / does + subject + verb + object(s) + time Expression

How often do you play golf?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on how to teach the present simple .

Present Continuous for Action at the Moment

One use of the present continuous tense is for action that is occurring at the moment of speaking. Remember that only action verbs can take the continuous form.

... at the moment ... now ... today ... this morning / afternoon / evening

Subject + be + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

She's watching TV now.

Subject + be + not (isn't, aren't) + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

They aren't having fun this morning.

(Question Word) + be + subject + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

What are you doing?

Present Continuous for Current Projects

Use the present continuous to describe projects and actions that are happening around the present moment in time. Remember that these projects have begun in the recent past and will end in the near future. This usage is popular for talking about current projects at work or hobbies.

... at the moment ... now ... this week / month

We're working on the Smith account this month.

He isn't studying French this semester.

Which account are you working on this week?

Present Continuous for Scheduled Events

One use of the present continuous tense is for scheduled future events. This usage is especially useful when talking about appointments and meetings for work.

... tomorrow ... on Friday, Monday, etc. ... today ... this morning / afternoon / evening ... next week / month ... in December, March, etc.

I'm meeting our CEO at three o'clock this afternoon.

Shelley isn't attending the meeting tomorrow.

When are you discussing the situation with Tom?

If you are a teacher, use this guide on how to teach the present continuous .

Past Simple

The past simple is used to express something that happened a past point in time. Remember to always use a past time expression, or a clear contextual clue when using the past simple. If you do not indicate when something happened, use the present perfect for unspecified past.

... ago ... in + year / month ...yesterday ...last week / month / year... when ....

Subject + Past Tense + object(s) + time Expression

I went to the doctor's yesterday.

Subject + did + not (didn't) + verb + object(s) + time Expression

They didn't join us for dinner last week.

(Question Word) + did + subject + verb + object(s) + time Expression

When did you buy that pullover?

Past Continuous for Exact Times in the Past

The past continuous tense is used to describe what was happening at a specific moment in the past. Do not use this form when referring to longer periods of time in the past such as 'last March', 'two years ago', etc. 

... at 5.20, three o'clock, etc.

Subject + was / were + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

We were meeting with Jane at two o'clock yesterday afternoon.

Subject + was / were + not (wasn't, weren't) + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

They weren't playing tennis at five o'clock on Saturday.

(Question Word) + was / were + subject + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

What were you doing at two-thirty yesterday afternoon?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on how to teach the past continuous tense.

Past Continuous for Interrupted Action

Use the past continuous to express what was happening when something important happened. This form is almost always used with the time clause '... when xyz happened'. It is also possible to use this form with '... while something was happening' to express two past actions that were occurring simultaneously.

... when xyz happened ... while xyz was happening.

Sharon was watching TV when she received the telephone call.

We weren't doing anything important when you arrived.

What were you doing when Tom gave you the bad news?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on how to teach the past simple tense.

Future with Going to for Future Plans

The future with 'going to' is used to express future plans or scheduled events. It is often used instead of the present continuous for future scheduled events. Either form can be used for this purpose.

... next week / month ... tomorrow ... on Monday, Tuesday, etc.

Subject + be + going to + verb + object(s) + time Expression

Tom is going to fly to Los Angeles on Tuesday.

Subject + be not (isn't, aren't) + going to + verb + object(s) + time Expression

They aren't going to attend the conference next month.

(Question Word) + be + subject + going to + verb + object(s) + time Expression

When are you going to meet Jack?

Future with Will for Promises and Predictions

The future with 'will' is used to make future predictions and promises. Often the precise moment the action will occur is unknown or not defined.

... soon ... next month / year / week

Subject + will + verb + object(s) + time Expression

The government will increase taxes soon.

Subject + will not (won't) + verb + object(s) + time Expression

She won't help us much with the project.

(Question Word) + will + subject + verb + object(s) + time Expression

Why will they reduce taxes?

Future with Going to for Future Intent

The future with 'going to' is used for future intent or plans. You can express a future intent without expressing the exact time that something will occur. 

Anna is going to study medicine at university.

They aren't going to develop any new projects for the next few years.

Why are you going to change your job?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on how to teach future forms .

Present Perfect for Past to Present States and Actions

Use the present perfect to express a state or repeated action that began in the past and continues into the present. 

... for + amount of time ... since + specific point in time

Subject + have / has + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

I have lived in Portland for four years.

Subject + have / has not (haven't, hasn't) + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

Max hasn't played tennis since 1999.

(Question Word) + have / has + subject + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

Where have you worked since 2002?

Present Perfect to Express Recent Events

The present perfect is often used to express recent events that affect the present moment. These sentences often use the time expressions 'just', 'yet', 'already', or 'recently.' If you give a specific time in the past, the past simple is required.

just yet already recently

Subject + have / has + just / recently + past participle + object(s)

Henry has just gone to the bank.

Peter hasn't finished his homework yet.

Have you spoken to Andy yet?

Present Perfect for Unspecified Past Events

The present perfect is often used to express events that occurred in the past at an unspecified moment or cumulative life experiences up to the present. Remember that if you use a specific past time expression, choose the past simple.

twice, three times, four times, etc. ever never

Subject + have / has + past participle + object(s)

Peter has visited Europe three times in his life.

I haven't played golf many times.

(Question Word) + have / has + subject + (ever) + past participle + object(s)

Have you ever been to France?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on how to teach the present perfect tense.

Present Perfect Continuous

The present perfect continuous is used to express how long a current activity has been going on. Remember that continuous forms can only be used with action verbs.

...since + specific point in time ... for + amount of time

Subject + has / have + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

He's been cleaning house for two hours.

Subject + has / have not (hasn't / haven't) + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

Janice hasn't been studying for long.

(Question Word) + has / have + subject + been + verb + ing + object(s) + (time Expression)

How long have you been working in the garden?

Take this present perfect continuous quiz to check your understanding.

If you are a teacher, see this guide on how to teach the present perfect continuous tense.

Future Perfect

Use the future perfect tense to express what will have happened by a certain time in the future.

... by Monday, Tuesday, etc. ... by the time ... ... by five o'clock, two-thirty, etc.

Subject + will + have + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

They will have finished the report by tomorrow afternoon.

Subject + will not (won't) + have + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

Mary won't have answered all the questions by the end of this hour.

(Question Word) + will + subject + have + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

What will you have done by the end of this month?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on  how to teach the future perfect  tense.

Future Perfect Continuous

The future perfect continuous is used to express the duration of an action up to a future point in time. This tense is not commonly used in English.

... by / ... by the time ...

Subject + will + have + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

We will have been studying for two hours by the time he arrives.

Subject + will not (won't) + have + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

He won't have been working long by two o'clock.

(Question Word) + will + subject + have + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

How long will you have been working on that project by the time he arrives?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on  how to teach the future perfect continuous  tense .

Past Perfect Continuous

The past perfect continuous is used to describe how long an activity had been going on before something else happened.

... for X hours, days, months, etc ... since Monday, Tuesday, etc.

Subject + had + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

She had been waiting for two hours when he finally arrived.

Subject + had not (hadn't) + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

They hadn't been working long when the boss asked them to change their focus.

(Question Word) + had + subject + been + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

How long had Tom been working on that project when they decided to give it to Pete?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on  how to teach the past perfect continuous  tense .

Past Perfect

The past perfect is used to express something that happened before another point in time. It is often used to provide context  or an explanation.

... before already once, twice, three times, etc. ... by the time

Subject + had + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

She had already eaten by the time the children came home.

Subject + had not (hadn't) + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

They hadn't finished their homework before the teacher asked them to hand it in.

(Question Word) + had + subject + past participle + object(s) + time Expression

Where had you gone before the class began?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on  how to teach the past perfect  tense .

Future Continuous

The future continuous is used to talk about an activity that will be in progress at a specific point in time in the future.

...this time tomorrow / next week, month, year ...tomorrow / Monday, Tuesday, etc. / at X o'clock ... in two, three, four, etc. / weeks, months, years time

Subject + will + be + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

Peter will be doing his homework this time tomorrow.

Subject + will not (won't) + be + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

Sharon won't be working in New York in three weeks time.

(Question Word) + will + subject + be + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression

What will you be doing this time next year?

If you are a teacher, see this guide on  how to teach the future continuous  tense .

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  • How Many Verb Tenses Are There in English?
  • Future Tenses Review Quiz for ESL
  • English Tenses Timeline Reference
  • Time Expressions and Tenses
  • Simple vs. Progressive Tenses
  • Example Sentences With the Verb "Give"
  • Know your Auxiliary Verbs
  • Guide to Expressions of Quantity
  • Master Verb Tenses With This Sentence Structure Chart
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  • English Tense Review for Advanced Level Learners
  • Expressing the Future With 'Will' and 'Going to'
  • Asking for Information
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  • Adjective Placement Patterns for English Learners


A Collection of English Tenses – With timelines and images

You can find the timeline charts of English tenses as images below. The timelines show the tenses with images and example sentences. These images can help you understand the usage of the tenses in a practical way.

⬤ Simple Present Tense Timeline Graphic

simple present tense - grammar timeline

⬤ Present Continuous Tense Timeline Graphic

present continuous tense - grammar timeline

⬤ Future Simple Tense Timeline Graphic

Future Simple Tense - grammar timeline

⬤ Simple Past Tense Timeline Graphic

Simple Past tense - grammar timeline

⬤ Past Continuous Tense Timeline Graphic

Past Continuous Tense - grammar timeline

⬤ “Be going to” Future Tense Timeline Graphic

Be going to future tense - grammar timeline

⬤ Present Perfect Tense Timeline Graphic

Present perfect tense - grammar timeline

Similar pages: >> Forms of English tenses with tables. >> Formation of tenses with animated sentences.

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Published by Megan Douglas Modified over 6 years ago

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the english tenses

The English Tenses

Jan 01, 2020

900 likes | 1.85k Views

The English Tenses. Intermediate and up. The Present. There are 4 possibilities: Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous. Present Simple (1). When to use : Routines and habits Permanent situations or facts States Adjuncts :

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Presentation Transcript

The English Tenses Intermediate and up

The Present • There are 4 possibilities: • Present Simple • Present Continuous • Present Perfect • Present Perfect Continuous

Present Simple (1) • Whentouse: • Routines andhabits • Permanent situations or facts • States • Adjuncts: • always - sometimes • (n)ever - seldom • usually - often • on Mondays - in weekends • everyday/week/month/year

Present Simple (2) • Form: • I, you, we, they work / dress / carry • He, she, it works / dresses / carries • In questions and negative sentences + do(n’t)/ does(n’t) • Examples: • Water boils at 100 degrees. • It often rains in Holland. • I go to school by bike every day. • He doesn’t work in weekends.

Present Continuous (1) • When to use: • Actions in progress now • Temporary actions around now • Change and development • Adjuncts: • now - today • at the moment - this weekend • Look, …. - this year

Present Continuous (2) • Form: • I am working • He, she, it is leaving • We, you, they are lying • Examples: • Look, he is wearing a new sweater. • She is always talking during class!!! • I am visiting my aunt tomorrow. • I am studying for my English test today.

Present Perfect (1) • When to use: • Actions and states that began in the past and continue up to now • Actions completed at an unspecified time in the past • Adjuncts: • Just, (n)ever, already, yet, recently, lately • since …, for …

Present Perfect (2) • Form • I, you, we, they have walked / gone (3rd row) • He, she, it has loved / sent (3rd row) • Examples • He has lived in Sleeuwijk since 2001. • How long have you known her? • They have never watched a James Bond movie. • I can’t come, I have broken my leg.

Present Perfect Continuous • When to use: • Actions in progress over a period of time up to now • Form: • I have been drinking/ he has been working • Examples: • I have been working for this company for 20 years. • He hasbeen studying for hours.

The Past • There are 4 possibilities • Past Simple • Past Continuous • Past Perfect • Past Perfect Continuous

Past Simple (1) • When to use: • Actions completed at a specific time in the past • Adjuncts: • yesterday - two days ago • during the war - this morning • last week/month/year - in 1998 • when I was young

Past Simple (2) • Form: • I worked • We went (2nd row) • With questions and negative sentences + did(n’t) • Examples: • He worked for the government 10 years ago. • They didn’t teach English in the 19th century. • John lost his legs during the war. • When did you go to France?

Past Continuous (1) • When to use: • Actions in progress in the past • Actions in progress when something else happened • Adjuncts: • While … • When ….

Past Continuous (2) • Form: • I, he, she, it was walking • We, you, they were listening • Examples: • While I was reading, my mother came home. • When I was driving home, a car bumped into me.

Past Perfect (1) • When to use: • The earlier of two past actions. • Adjuncts: • before • after • Most adjuncts of the Present Perfect can be used as well

Past Perfect (2) • Form: • I had worked • We had seen (3rd row) • Examples: • When I entered the house, the thief had already gone. • I had locked the front door before I left. • After he had told me the story, I went to the police office to check.

Past Perfect Continuous • When to use: • Actions in progress over a period of time in the past • Form: • I had been lying • Examples • I had been workingforthatcompanyfor 20 yearsbefore I was fired. • I had been studyingforhoursso I decided I deserved a break.

The Future (1) • There are 4 possibilities: • Present Simple • Present Continuous • Shall / will • Be + going to + infinitive

Present Simple (Future) • When to use: • timetables • Examples: • The train for Amsterdam leaves at 10 o’clock. • School starts at 8.30. Be there.

Present Continuous (Future) • When to use • Arrangements such as appointments, meetings or events in the near future. They suggest the future is as sure as the present • Examples • I am leaving tomorrow, my bag is packed. • He has been working hard because he is spending a year in Australia after his exams.

Shall / will • When to use: • Spontaneous decisions • Predictions based on opinions • Shall must be used in questions with I / we, in other sentences will can be used in all cases. • Examples: • I hear the door bell. I will answer it! • I think he will pass the test, he studied hard. • Shall I help you with your homework?

Be + going to + ww • When to use: • Predictions based on evidence that we can see, hear or feel. • Plans, intentions and ambitions • Examples: • Look at the clouds. It is going to rain. • I am going to leave tomorrow. • My dad is going to work at the office next week.

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  2. 12 Timeless Tenses in English and How to Master Them

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  3. Verb Tenses: How to Use The 12 English Tenses with Useful Tenses Chart

    english tenses graphic presentation

  4. PPT

    english tenses graphic presentation

  5. Verb Tenses English Tenses Chart With Useful Rules

    english tenses graphic presentation

  6. All english tenses infographic by Contrabasa

    english tenses graphic presentation


  1. tenses in english grammar

  2. 5 Top English tenses

  3. Tenses Chart || English Tenses || #grammar

  4. Tenses (Part 1)Present tense PPT description English Grammar

  5. Present simple tense

  6. Tenses Practice in English Grammar with Examples


  1. English Tenses

    action that takes place once, never or several times. actions that happen one after another. actions that suddenly take place. period of time. action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment. actions taking place at the same time. Result. action taking place before a certain moment in time. puts emphasis on the result.

  2. Verb Tenses.ppt

    There are three basic forms of verb tenses: past, present, and future. Simple and Perfect forms of these verbs are also used. The simple form of a verb demonstrates an action that has a specific time duration. The action has occurred, is going on now, or will happen in the future. The perfect form of a verb is used to show variations in time.

  3. Graphical representation of the English verb tenses

    List of exercises: past tenses. Future tenses. Ways to express the future. Future simple (will future) Forming the future with 'will'. The planned future (to be going to) Forming 'be going to'. The future with 'be about to'. The future with 'to be on the point of'.

  4. Complete Simple Guide to English Tenses with Infographics

    Download your guide here. The tenses in English can be a little difficult to understand. Here is a complete guide to all 12 major verb tenses in the English language, and the conditional forms. Each verb tense has Infographics to help you understand how the verbs are changed in that tense, and what time each tense is for.

  5. Verb Tense Timeline: English ESL powerpoints

    This is a visual representation of the main verb tenses in English. Students find it useful to be able to visualise the tenses in terms of a period of time and the time relationship between each tense. This can be sued to discuss the tenses, to learn new tenses or as a classroom poster

  6. Basics-of-English-Grammar.ppt

    Help. 1 BASICS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR PRESENT TENSE BE, DEMONSTRATIVES, POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES, PRESENT CONTINOUS, CAN, PREPOSITIONS 2 PRESENT TENSE BE The verb BE has three forms: AM, IS, ARE. , which we have to use according to the pronoun or subject. TO BE Occup ations Nouns Adject ives Place.

  7. English Verbs Conjugation Infographics

    English Verbs Conjugation Infographics. Premium Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. This is the ultimate template for English teachers! This set of infographics has all the resources you need so that your students master all 12 verb tenses. They are so easy to use that they will alleviate the TENSion of ...

  8. English Tenses.ppt

    1 English Tenses 2 Contents SYSTEM FORMATION USE I. Present Tenses II. Past Tenses III. Future Tenses I. Present Simple II. Present Progressive III. Present Perfect IV. Present Perfect Progressive V. Past Simple VI. Past Progressive VII. Past Perfect VIII. Past Perfect Progressive IX.

  9. 716 Tenses English ESL powerpoints

    ppt to teach future tenses. You can use it in high shcool and elementary school. It is going to help you to study grammar structure and to practice sentences. Enyoy it! 3169 uses.

  10. Visual Explanations of Each English Tense

    Subject + Present Tense + object (s) + time Expression. Subject + do / does + not (don't / doesn't) + verb + object (s) + time Expression. (Question Word) + do / does + subject + verb + object (s) + time Expression. One use of the present continuous tense is for action that is occurring at the moment of speaking.

  11. Introduction to tenses grammar guide: English ESL powerpoints

    Monika180. 68. 0. 0. 0. 1/7. Let's do English ESL grammar guide. An introduction to the basic rules of tenses. With a focus on the three categories of past, present and future tenses.

  12. A Collection of English Tenses

    You can find the timeline charts of English tenses as images below. The timelines show the tenses with images and example sentences. These images can help you understand the usage of the tenses in a practical way. ⬤ Simple Present Tense Timeline Graphic ⬤


    Presentation transcript: 3 INTRODUCTION The word Tense is derived from latin word "tempus" which means time. A verb indicates the time of an action, event or condition by changing its form. 5 Present Tense :--- Present tense expresses an unchanging, repeated, or reoccurring action or situation that exists only now.

  14. 12 Tenses in English Grammar Verb Tenses

    The document discusses English tenses and their usage. There are 12 tenses in English categorized into past, present and future tenses. Each tense indicates the time frame of the action or situation referred to in the statement. For example, the simple present tense represents a present or habitual action; the past progressive tense indicates an ongoing past action; and the future perfect ...

  15. Tenses English Grammar Presentation

    Tenses English Grammar Presentation - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. There are three main tenses in English: present, past, and future. Each tense has four forms: simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous. The document then explains the usage of each tense form with examples.

  16. 171 Verb tenses English ESL powerpoints

    171 Verb tenses English ESL powerpoints. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. paradise092. Jeopardy Game # 2 - Update of a famous q. 88629 uses. Sonn. Mixed Tenses Quiz. A quiz to practise t. 22431 uses. estrelapolar. PAST SIMPLE. ... It is a game in ppt, 4192 uses. Kelz1. past simple vs prese.

  17. PPT

    ENGLISH TENSES. The different structures Simple : Continuous (Progressive) : Perfect : The Tenses Present : Past : Future : . infinitive be + -ing have + past participle Present Simple Present Continuous (Progressive) Present Perfect Slideshow 4907123 by varden ... An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy

  18. English Tenses

    English Tenses- 6 pages - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document provides a graphic comparison of English tenses, outlining their uses through examples. It compares and contrasts the simple present, present progressive, simple past, past progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect ...

  19. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. The English Tenses Intermediate and up. The Present • There are 4 possibilities: • Present Simple • Present Continuous • Present Perfect • Present Perfect Continuous. Present Simple (1) • Whentouse: • Routines andhabits • Permanent situations or facts • States • Adjuncts: • always - sometimes ...

  20. 16 Revision of tenses English ESL powerpoints

    Tenses revision (Present Simple, Present Continuo... Using this PowerPoint presentation students can revise the tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple) by making up different types of ... 293 uses. A selection of English ESL revision of tenses ppt slides.