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How to Write a Cover Letter for a CV (With Examples)

cv include cover letter

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for a CV

Proofread before sending, cover letter template, cover letter sample, sending an email cover letter, more cover letter examples.

When you apply for a job with a curriculum vitae (CV), it's important to include a cover letter, also sometimes referred to as a covering letter. This letter allows you to make a favorable first impression, using narrative in your own tone of voice to catch the reader’s attention and encourage them to seriously review your attached CV.

Like a resume, a CV summarizes your skills and experience. The  difference between a CV and a resume  is length, the focus on credentials, and what the documents are used for. Typically, a CV is required to apply for roles in academia, scientific research, and medical fields. 

While your CV provides a detailed—and often lengthy—look at your experience and credentials, the cover letter is an opportunity to call out your most important qualifications and make a compelling case for your candidacy for the role at hand. Here's what you need to know to write a successful curriculum vitae cover letter. 

Tailor the Letter to Fit the Organization

The CV cover letter should be  tailored to respond to the unique and specific requirements  requested by each organization you are approaching. 

Do not use the same cover letter for every job you apply to—even though it may seem like a timesaver. 

Each letter needs to provide detailed information about why you are qualified for the specific job in question, and it should outline the reasons for your interest in the company or organization. Being specific is advantageous. Even if you're applying for two similar roles in two different hospitals, the two hospitals may serve different populations or require slightly different responsibilities for people in the role. Your letters to each hospital should reflect that. 

Use your cover letter to identify the skills or experiences most specific to the job, rather than copying directly the information in your CV.

What to Include

As a candidate, it's tempting to feel like the cover letter is unnecessary since it is likely that all the pertinent information is included in your CV. Still, as you can see, the cover letter is a helpful tool in your application. Here's what to keep in mind as you write a cover letter. 

Format Matters

The content of your cover letter should be brief and structured. Aim for three to five paragraphs in your letter. Start with a salutation. Your letter should address the relevant contact, whose name often appears in the job advertisement. Avoid “Sir” or “Madam” if possible.

If the letter recipient's name isn't provided, try these  tips to determine the correct contact person . 

Start With an Introduction

Typically, the first paragraph will be an introduction—if you are applying to a job ad, mention it here. Mention the job title, any reference number, and where and when you saw it. The first paragraph is also where you should mention if someone referred you to the position. 

The Body of the Cover Letter

The body of the letter—the second and third paragraphs—should highlight your relevant skills and experience. Highlight your  transferable skills , achievements, and versatility. Explain what you can contribute and what makes you stand out from your competition. Include mention of your current or last job, qualifications, and professional and academic training, tailoring your information to make it as relevant as possible to the organization or job applied for.

In the body of the cover letter, you can mention personality traits relevant to the role at hand. You can also use this space to call out why you're interested in this specific role, at this specific company. Potential employers and hiring managers will appreciate it if you can show you've read the job ad and researched the company. 

Avoid lengthy repetition of information covered in your CV. Unlike a CV, it is acceptable to write a cover letter in the first person.

Conclude the letter by succinctly summarizing why an employer may want to meet and employ you. Include a polite expression of interest in further dialogue with the recruiter. Do mention that you would like the opportunity to discuss your suitability further in a personal interview and that you await a response in due course.

Follow Instructions 

In some cases, an advertisement will indicate that a more substantial letter is required. 

Always follow specific instructions and include any information if it is specifically requested. For instance, some employers may ask you to include your current salary or your desired salary range. 

Make Sure the Letter Reads Well 

Ensure that your CV cover letter flows freely. You do not need to precisely match every point on the job description. The reader should be left with an overall impression that you are a potentially valuable addition to the workforce.

The letter should be readable and engaging. 

Negative information of any sort should be avoided in your cover letter, as well as on your CV.

You'll want to be sure your letter is free from grammar or spelling errors. It should also be clearly presented—that means using standard formatting, and common  readable fonts  (such as Times New Roman or Verdana) in an appropriate size. 

This is a cover letter example. Download the cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or see below for more examples.

Depending on the employer's submission requirements, cover letters can be submitted online with your CV, uploaded online, or mailed. Be sure to follow the application instructions and follow the directions on how to apply. Consider this template for how to structure your letter: 

Belinda Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 belinda.applicant@gmail.com

October 25, 2024

Clark Lee, PhD Biology Department Chair Northwestern University 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Dr, Lee:

I am writing to apply for the position of assistant professor in the Biology department, as described on the Northern University website. The opportunity to teach biology appeals to me, and I believe I can be an asset to the department due to my experience as a field biologist, as well as my work as an adjunct professor at Southern State University. In accordance with your job description, I have the following skills:

• Experience lecturing to large audiences

• Experience with learning management systems and course design

• Ability to assist with labs for other professors

• Experience with grant writing and research

I have enclosed my curriculum vitae so you may examine my work and research experience, the papers I’ve published, and my educational background.

I can be reached anytime by email at Belinda.applicant@gmail.com or my cell phone, 555-555-5555. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this position.

Signature (hard copy letter)

Belinda Applicant

When you are sending your cover letter by email, list your contact information in your signature rather than at the top of the letter. List your name and the job title in the subject line of the message. 

Here are more examples of cover letters that you can use as a starting point for your own correspondence.

StandOut CV

How to write a cover letter for your CV

Andrew Fennell photo

If you want to land the best jobs, you need to accompany your CV with a strong cover letter.

In this guide, I will show you how to write a cover letter that will get you noticed by employers and ensure you land plenty of interviews.

Starting with a basic overview…

To write an effective cover letter you must:

  • Apply a professional format and layout
  • Address the recipient by name
  • Explain why you are suitable for the job you are applying for
  • Explain why you are applying for the job
  • Encourage the recruiter to open your CV

What is a cover letter?

Before you delve into this guide, it’s important to understand what a cover letter is, and what it’s purpose is.

Having a good understanding of these 2 factors will help you to create a really effective cover letter.

A cover letter is simply an introductory note which you send to recruiters and employers, when sending your CV

Here’s an example of a typical cover letter

Administrator Cover Letter 1-1

What’s the purpose of a cover letter?

The purpose of your cover letter is to do the following 3 things;

  • Introduce yourself
  • Build rapport with the recruiter or employer
  • Encourage them to open your CV

Cover letter format

Before you start to write your cover letter, you need to understand the basics of formatting one, and the structure to follow.

Using the correct format will ensure that your cover letter is easy for busy recruiters to read, and that you can highlight the important information that they want to see.

Use the following tips to format and layout your CV for best results.

Write your cover letter in the body of your message or email

The number one cover letter formatting rule to remember is, write your cover letter in the body of your email (or messaging box if you are sending via a job website ).

Write cover letter in body of email

Never attach your cover letter as a separate document.

You want your cover letter to be instantly visible to recruiters and employers, form the moment they open your application.

If you attach it separately, you simply slowing down the process, and run the risk of having your application ignored (especially if it takes a long time for the document to open).

So, always write your cover letter in the body of your application message if you want to make an instant connection with the recipient.

Quick tip: If you are writing your cover letter in an email, use an eye-catching subject line that tailors your skills to the jobs. E.g. Developer with 5 years web app experience

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Cover letter layout

Every cover letter will be different of course, but try to stick to this basic layout as much as possible, in order to provide the right information, in a logical order.

This will help you to build rapport with readers, and sell yourself to them in the short window of their attention you have.

Start by addressing the recipient

The first thing you need to do in your cover letter, is address the person you are approaching.

Cover letter greeting

Follow with a friendly greeting

You want to appear professional when applying for jobs, but you also need to be friendly and personable.

So, follow with a friendly greeting such as;

  • Hope you’re well
  • I hope this email finds you well

Always remember that your message will be read by a real person, and they will appreciate being treated well.

Explain which job you are applying for

Once you’ve greeted and warmed up the recruiter with a friendly opening, it’s time to get to the point.

Let the recruiter know exactly which job you are applying for.

Cover letter for job

Remember that some recruiters will be working scores of vacancies, so be as specific as you can.

Explain why you are suitable for the job

In the body of your cover letter, you should provide a brief explanation of what makes you suitable for the job you are applying for.

This is ultimately what will encourage a recruiter or hiring manager to open your CV .

Cover letter sell yourself

I will cover how to do this in more detail in the “W hat to include in a cover letter ” section of the guide.

Sign off in a friendly and professional manner

Remembering that your cover letter is a means of communication with the person receiving it – sign off in a friendly yet professional way.

Use a term like;

  • Kind regards
  • Look forward to hearing from you

Finish with a professional signature

Finally, at the very bottom of your cover letter, add a professional signature .

This will ensure it looks professional, and provide the reader with instant access to your contact details.

Email signatures

Quick tip: If you are writing a cover letter in email, format your signature to make it look extra-professional, and save it as your default signature for all of your outgoing mails.

How to start a cover letter

To start a cover letter, you should always aim to address the recipient by name – this is the best way to start building rapport.

Address recruiter by name

But you are probably thinking, “How do I find their name??”

There are a few ways you can find the name of the person handling the vacancy

  • On the job advert – sometimes the name and email address will be on the job advert itself
  • Company website – If you’re applying directly to a company, you can often find the recruitment team or head of department on the company About us section
  • LinkedIn – If you can determine the company and team for the vacancy, a search on LinkedIn can often uncover the most likely person to be handling the applications.

“What if I can’t find a name?”

If you can’t find a name, don’t panic – you won’t always be able to.

Simply address the recruiter with the word “Hi” – that’s all you can do in that instance.

Don’t use the phrase “ Dear sir or madam” – It’s very old-fashioned and impersonal.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be short and sweet.

The purpose of a cover letter, is simply to persuade recruiters to open your CV, so it doesn’t need to be long .

You only need 3 – 6 sentences to write a good cover letter.

You have to bear in mind that recruiters and hiring managers are busy people, so you need to move them on to opening your CV quickly – or you might lose their attention.

What to include in a cover letter

The content you include in your cover letter will determine whether or not the recruiter is impressed by you, and if they will go on to open your CV.

So, it’s crucial that you include the information they want to see.

Here’s what to include…

Firstly, read the job advert properly

Before you start writing your cover letter, you must ensure that you understand what the recruiter wants from applicants.

Study the job advert carefully, and pick out the most important candidate requirements.

Key words in job adverts

Focus mainly on hard skills such as languages, IT systems, industry experience etc.

Don’t focus on personal skills (such as adaptability, teamwork etc,) as they are needed for most jobs and won’t make you stand out.

Once you know what the recruiter wants from a successful candidate, try to reflect those attributes when writing the below points.

Industry skills

If you’re an experienced candidate, employers will mainly be interested in the work you have done in your industry, tools you are familiar with, type of projects you have worked on etc. so make these a focal point of your cover letter.

If you are less experienced (like a graduate or school leaver) focus on adding transferable skills from your studies, that can be carried over to the workplace.

Length of experience

Recruiters will need to know how much experience you have.

  • Are you a graduate?
  • Senior with 15 years of experience?


If the role you are applying for requires certain qualifications, then it’s crucial to mention them in your cover letter.

However, if the job advert doesn’t ask for them, or you simply know qualifications aren’t important to perform the role – then you can leave them out.

What you are currently doing

Recruiters will want to know what your current situation is, so be sure to inform them.

  • Are you currently working in a similar role?
  • Have you just left school?
  • Are you immediately available, or do you have to work notice?

Your motivation for applying

One question that recruiters will often ask when they receive an application is, “ why is this person applying for the role ?”

And you need to answer that question in your cover letter.

Your reasons for applying should be positive, and suggest that you are looking to make a firm commitment to the employer.

Do write:  “After spending 2 years as senior manager at my current firm, I am looking to take a step up to manage a bigger team in a more specialist market”

Don’t write:  “ I’ve recently been fired from my old job, so I need a new one quickly”

Results you’ve achieved for employers

If you’re an experienced candidate, it’s a good idea to allude to the kind of results you have achieved for your current or previous employers.

Maybe you have;

  • Saved them money
  • Brought on new customers
  • Improved processes
  • Made plenty of sales

Only give an overview in your cover letter to keep things brief – save the detail for your CV .

How to end a cover letter

To end a cover letter , you should do 2 things; provide a strong call-to-action, and sign of professionally.

Provide a strong call to action

What is a call to action?

It’s simply a request to the reader to take a specific action…

In the case of your cover letter, the action you want the recruiter to take is open your CV.

So it can be helpful to write a line like,

“Please find my CV attached” near the bottom of your cover letter, to encourage readers to do so.

Sign off professionally

Finish your cover letter with a friendly term such as, “kind regards” followed by your name.

Then add a professional signature to the bottom, like the one below;


This makes the cover letter look professional and ensures that recruiters have;

  • Your full name
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Cover letter samples

To give you some ideas and inspiration for writing your cover letter, here are 6  example cover letters .

Customer service cover letter

Customer service short cover letter sample

This customer service cover letter is short and to-the-point – it quickly delivers a host of reasons why this candidate would be valuable in a customer service role.

See also: sales assistant cover letter example

Finance cover letter

Finance Cover Letter

This cover letter outlines the candidate’s finance knowledge, and how they could apply it in the workplace

Graduate cover letter

cv include cover letter

Graduate’s cover letters are a little longer than most, as they don’t have as much experience, so need to describe their education and transferable skills.

Sales cover letter

Sales cover letter

This cover letter boasts the candidate’s ability to make sales and drive revenue.

Project management cover letter

cv include cover letter

An overview of the candidate’s project manager skills and the types of projects they deliver, are enough to entice recruiters here.

Teacher cover letter

Teacher Cover Letter 1-1

This teacher cover letter provides a brief synopsis of the candidate’s teaching abilities and the types of lessons they teach.

Cover letter mistakes

When writing your cover letter, be sure to avoid some of these common mistakes…

Don’t attach your cover letter as a separate document

You want the contents of your cover letter to instantly greet and connect with the recruiter opening it – so attaching it as separate document will slow that process down.

It doesn’t make sense to attach it as a separate document when you can write in the body of your email or message.

Don’t write a whole side of A4

Your cover letter should be a brief introduction and overview of your suitability for the job.

If you write too much, you risk boring the reader and they might skip past your application.

Save the in-depth details for your CV.

Don’t copy and paste the same cover letter

When your applying for lots of jobs, it can be tempting to simply copy and paste your cover letter into every application.

Whilst this will save you time, it will have a negative effect on your applications.

If you don’t take the time to tailor your cover letter for every job, it’s likely that you will miss some of the key requirements for each job, and therefore you will not make as good as impression as you could have.

It’s OK to work from a template, to keep the structure and some important points that you might repeat for most applications – but always tailor each cover letter to the job spec, for best results.

Don’t use “Dear sir or Madam”

This greeting many have worked well in the 1800’s, but it’s dated and impersonal now.

A simple “Hi” is a friendly and professional way to start your cover letter nowadays.

How to write a cover letter – conclusion

Your cover letter is a crucial tool in the quest to land interviews in the job market.

If you follow the advice above, you should be able to create a concise and powerful cover letter that will excite recruiters, and take you one step closer to landing that dream job

Good luck with your job search!

Additional Information on Your CV: A Guide

Additional information can help to show employers you have the skills and experience for the job. While work experience, skills and education are the traditional main sections of a CV, additional information sections are just as valid a way of showcasing relevant achievements and activities, particularly if you don’t have much work experience. In this article, we’ll discuss what to include in your CV’s additional information, with tips on making the most of these sections.

Types of Additional Information to Include on Your CV

There are various types of additional information you can add to your CV to give you the edge over other applicants and help convince hiring managers you’re right for the job. Take a look at the sections below to see what information you can use to prove your credentials:

Certifications, Training and Licences

Any type of certification, training or licence that’s relevant to the job you’re applying for can be useful to include in your CV. These can supplement the main qualifications in your education section and show you’ve gained a strong skill set, while possessing a proactive approach to learning and career development.

Consider adding any certifications and licences required for your job, or any that can help show you’re well-qualified for the position. If you have any certifications from accredited institutions such as the Project Management Institute or the Institute of Chartered Accountants, these can be particularly powerful. You might also consider adding short courses and online certifications, such as IT skills training, health and safety, customer service or any other relevant courses you’ve attended.

Expert tip:

The additional information section gives you the chance to showcase things that truly make you unique from other candidates, so don’t overlook this valuable CV section. Think of key achievements and activities outside your main work experience that offer something different, but remember to keep it relevant to the job description at all times.

Achievements and Awards

If you’ve received any awards during your career, these can show employers you’ve reached a high level and been recognised by your peers or industry experts. Industry-based awards or awards from professional associations are particularly powerful, as these show you’ve reached a level of expertise and achievement in your chosen industry. You might also consider adding a section for your various career achievements and milestones, if you haven’t mentioned these elsewhere in your CV.

Relevant Hobbies and Interests

Hobbies and interests can be particularly useful for your CV if you lack work experience or you’re applying for an entry-level role. Think about any hobbies or interests you have that use the key skills required for the job, or that have helped you develop knowledge in your chosen industry. For example, pottery, drawing or photography can show you have a creative mindset, patience and an eye for detail, while playing for a local sports team can show teamwork, commitment and resilience.

Every section of your CV should be well-structured, with the content focused on showcasing exactly why you’re right for the role. The additional information section is no different.

Language skills can give an edge over other candidates in plenty of different industries. Regardless of whether this is listed as a requirement in the job description, speaking a foreign language can showcase various skills to set you apart from other candidates. Mention the languages you speak (not including your main language) and your level of proficiency. If you know the official CEFR level of your skills in speaking, reading and writing, it’s useful to mention these.

Volunteer work

Voluntary work is perfect for your CV if you don’t have much real-world work experience. These unpaid roles can help you showcase valuable skills and experience to employers that you might not have yet gained in the world of paid work. Even if you’re experienced in your field, there’s merit to listing volunteer positions because they can show your dedication and commitment to wider causes.

Best Practice for Including Additional Information

Follow the guide below to create a CV with additional information that really makes an impact with recruiters and hiring managers:

Creating a Clear and Concise Additional Information Section

Clarity is essential for your additional information section. This applies to both the presentation and content. Every section of your CV should be well-structured, with the content focused on showcasing exactly why you’re right for the role. The additional information section is no different.

Use bullet points in this section to ensure the information you present is clear and concise. Bullet points can help you focus each entry on a particular skill or achievement while keeping them as brief as possible.

Make sure everything you add to this part of your CV is relevant to the job description. If the information helps you prove a skill or experience that you haven’t been able to showcase in the main sections of your CV, it’s worth including. If, however, you’re repeating skills and experience in your additional information that you’ve already shown elsewhere, you can leave it out.

Finally, use a simple, descriptive heading for the section, such as ‘Additional Information’ or ‘Relevant Skills and Experience’. This not only makes your CV easier to read for hiring managers, it makes it more easily scannable by ATS software. CV templates that have clearly defined, well-structured and formatted sections make for the most readable documents for both humans and automated systems.

Showcasing Relevant Skills and Experience

Anything you include in your additional information section should be tailored to the role you’re applying for. You might wish to create a draft CV that includes all the information you may need for any given job application, and then create your CV from that base, tailoring and adapting the information to match the job description.

Think about anything you can add to your CV that’s not covered by your work experience, education and skills sections, but that adds value to your credentials and shows you have what it takes to do the job. Keep your additional information as brief as possible – the main sections of your CV should do most of the heavy lifting of proving you’re a suitable candidate. However, additional information can help to push your CV into the top bracket and past candidates with otherwise similar levels of experience.

Additional Information on Your Cover Letter

If you don’t have space on your CV for additional information that you feel is relevant to your application, you could consider adding it to your cover letter . The cover letter can be suitable for mentioning voluntary work, hobbies and interests, certifications or awards, depending on your level of experience and seniority. If you’re using an online CV and cover letter maker, choose cover letter templates that match your CV and help your applications stand out.

Examples of Effective Additional Information

These CV examples show two different approaches to the additional information section. Your approach to adding this information to your CV will differ depending on your experience levels. Take a look below at examples for experienced candidates and junior candidates with no experience:

Experienced Candidate

For a senior candidate, it’s important to draw attention to significant achievements and milestones that only someone with a wealth of industry experience could achieve. Include advanced qualifications, awards you or your company have won, publications, conferences or events you’ve spoken at, and any other high-level activities that can set you apart. For example:

Additional Information


  • Advanced Certificate in Managerial Accounting and Analysis, London School of Business & Finance, 2015
  • PMI Professional in Business Analysis, Project Management Institute, 2014
  • Practice Leader of The Year, Accounting Excellence Awards, 2022
  • Tax Advisory Team of The Year, UK Business Awards, 2018
  • Firm rated ‘Outstanding’ by the Social Inclusion Institute, 2020


  • ‘The Future of Tax Accounting: Embracing AI and Automation for Competitive Advantage’, Accounting Age, November 2023
  • ‘Reshaping the Accounting Profession: Trends in Talent Management and Client Services for 2022’, The Financial Accountant, January 2022

Junior Candidate with No Experience

If you’re applying for entry-level or graduate roles, employers won’t necessarily expect you to prove all your skills through paid work experience. There are plenty of ways to still prove you have the necessary skills for the job. For example:

Additional information

Volunteer Work

Activity Organiser, Gateshead Active Communities, 2022 — present

  • Organising physical activity and sports sessions for young people aged 12 to 18 in some of Gateshead’s most deprived areas
  • Developing physical activity skills and fitness to help give young people a sense of purpose
  • Connecting young people to local services, education and employers to help them gain skills and transition into employment

Hobbies and Interests

  • Vice-captain of local basketball team, competing in the Women’s North East League Division 1
  • Active interest in local politics, acting as a polling station attendant at three local and two general elections
  • Community First Aid Training, Gateshead Council, 2021
  • Introduction to Youth Work, National Youth Agency, 2022
  • Enhanced DBS Check, 2023
  • UK Driving Licence, category D1 (minibus)

Key Takeaways for Including Additional Information to Your CV

Your additional information section can give your job applications the edge over other candidates. Tailor the information according to the role and your seniority, and make sure everything you add is relevant for the job. Jobseeker’s tools and CV articles can help your applications stand out in a competitive field. You can also find cover letter articles to help you make a strong impression with employers. Sign up today to get started.

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Tell your story

You have a less than one page to convey your interest and qualifications. Tailor your message and be specific.

Cover letters are a tool to introduce yourself, serving as a bridge between your resume and the specific job to which you are applying. Therefore, there isn’t a “one size fits all” cover letter. A cover letter is also a reflection of your writing skills, so take time and care to proofread and review your document. It needs to be specific to the organization and position --  a generic cover letter will not help you.

When should I send a cover letter?

  • Applying through Handshake  or another online database and the employer has requested it
  • Responding to a job posting
  • Sending a response to a referral provided by an alum, friend, or acquaintance

What content should I include in a cover letter?

An effective cover letter includes three paragraphs:

  • Responding to an advertised opening
  • Inquiring about a possible opening
  • States WHY you are applying to, or are interested in, this employer
  • Company’s training program
  • Company’s product or service
  • Demonstrate your company research
  • Mention your contact/referral if you have one
  • Highlights two or three experiences or academic achievements that directly relate to the qualifications the employer is seeking
  • Proves through examples of experiences and activities that you have key skills for the position—i.e., leadership, communication, problem-solving ability, and analytical skills
  • May close with a summary sentence of your qualifications and a confident statement that you can make a contribution to the organization
  • May reference your enclosed or attached resume
  • Thanks the person and indicates that you look forward to speaking to or meeting with him/her, but indicates flexibility as to time and place
  • Optional: You may want to share that you will call the contact person at a certain time/day to discuss scheduling a meeting or an interview

Sample Cover Letters

Examples 1-2:   Mary Flint and Peter Smith

Examples 3-4:  Julie Smith and Anthony Hermann

cv include cover letter

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How to Write a Cover Letter That Sounds Like You (and Gets Noticed)

by  Elainy Mata

May 10, 2022

I hate cover letters. They add so much stress to the already uncomfortable and grueling job hunt. Every time I’m writing one, I find myself wondering: Do people even read these?

Unfortunately, the answer is “yes.” But, there are some ways to make the process a little less terrible. I asked Amy Gallo, Harvard Business Review editor and author of “ How to Write a Cover Letter ,” for her advice. From doing the research, to starting off strong, to emphasizing your value — Gallo taught me exactly what I need to do to get my cover letters noticed by hiring managers. I even wrote a new cover letter that has her blessing. (Scroll down if you’re in need of an expert-approved example.)

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ELAINY MATA: So you want to know how to tackle the cover letter. I do too. I actually really hate cover letters. I hate cover letters. I hate cover letters.

But the cover letter is important. It’s time to face our fears, and just figure out how in the world we are actually going to write it.

I got you, and we’re going to do this together. These tips are going to help you go through the process a lot easier. So if you are ready to tackle the cover letter, stick around and keep watching.

In front of me right now are three cover letters that I’ve written in the past, for three different jobs. And I’m just embarrassed. I’m embarrassed to read these.

To whom it may concern, to whom it may concern, to whom it may concern.

I would like to respectfully submit this cover letter.   I would like to respectfully submit this cover letter.

I am a passionate, detail-oriented person. I am passionate, detail-oriented person.

This sounds like I’m — this doesn’t sound like me at all. I think you want me to talk this way. Here we go like. Hire me.

I talked to Amy Gallo, an HBR editor, and the author of one of our most popular articles, “How to Write a Cover Letter.”

AMY GALLO: First of all, you’re not alone. I write about how to write cover letters, and I also hate them.

ELAINY MATA: She’s done the research. She’s talked to the experts. And I’m going to tell you exactly what she told me.

Make it one page

ELAINY MATA: So how long does a cover letter actually have to be? Just one page, one.

AMY GALLO: Don’t play with the font, and make it like eight point font, and like make your margins really wide. Just really figure out what is the most essential things that need to go on one page.

Do research, find a name

ELAINY MATA: This should be a no-brainer, but let’s get specific. Let’s say you’re applying for a job here, at Harvard Business Review. Go on the company’s website, go to their “About Us” section, and read what they’re about, see their mission statement, see their tone, see what that company is actually looking for, and what they stand for.

So you’ve got the broad stuff, but let’s dig a little bit deeper. What is the company that you’re applying for talking about now? You should actually go into their LinkedIn, their Twitter, see what they’re sharing, see who are they’re talking to, see what they’re talking about, so you can get a sense of what is currently happening. Lastly, find that hiring manager. It is so much better to address your cover letter to an actual person and a name rather than, to whom it may concern. So I have to kind of creep a little bit, and be like a private investigator.

AMY GALLO: Yeah, creeping is definitely part of the process. Usually, with LinkedIn, you can see who’s posted the job, who is sharing it with their network. You may not know for sure that that’s the hiring manager, but at least it’s a little more personable. Sometimes, I’ve heard people just reach out and say, “Who’s the hiring manager for this job? I’d like to address my cover letter to that person.”

Start strong

ELAINY MATA: You’ve probably written this 100 times before. “Hi, my name is this. I’m based here, and I’m applying for this job.” No, no, no, no, don’t do that. The hiring manager has a stack of cover letters. So you have to write yours to grab their attention. Amy, can you please give me an example of a strong, bold, opening line for cover letter. I promise I won’t steal it.

AMY GALLO: You’re allowed to steal it. Anyone should be able to steal it:

“I saw your listing on this website, and I was thrilled to see it, because it’s exactly the kind of job I’ve been looking for to apply my skills in X.”

Write something that’s short, to the point, but shows both enthusiasm, as well as experience that’s relevant to the job.

Emphasize your value

ELAINY MATA: Figure out what problem the company is facing. They’re hiring for a reason. Figure out what that reason is, and how you can best solve that problem. Amy also found the top two qualities that people generally look for is adaptability, and the ability to learn quickly.

How about if I just got out of college, and I’m looking at these jobs that are asking for three to five years or more of experience. How can I write a cover letter if I feel like I don’t have enough to write about?

AMY GALLO: Yeah, so that’s a good question, because the cover letter shouldn’t be focused so much on the past. That’s the resume’s job. The cover letter is really about the future. So how are you going to take what’s in that resume, your past, and apply it to where you’re going.

Convey enthusiasm, not desperation

ELAINY MATA: This is really hard to balance. You want to show them that you’re excited to work there, and that you’re going to bring a lot of energy to the team. But don’t be too strong, because over eagerness can actually work against you.

Find a proofreader

AMY GALLO: Write the letter you want to write. Then share it with someone else, someone who knows you well, but someone who also will tell you like it is. We’re not good judges of our own writing.

ELAINY MATA: So getting a second pair of eyes will help you look for any errors, typos, and most importantly, they can tell you if you make sense.

Amy, this sounds like a lot. Is there even like a sort of a shortcut to this, or a sort of scalable way that I can do this for multiple different jobs?

AMY GALLO: I mean, you’ve probably heard the phrase looking for a job is a full-time job. It does take a lot of time. You’re tweaking some things. You’re not writing a whole new letter. So you’re going to have a template. Write your best cover letter for the first job you apply for. Share that with your friend to check the tone. Do the research on the company, right? Do that the first time. Then and adjust the cover letter accordingly. Does that seem more reasonable?

ELAINY MATA: Yes, much more reasonable.

So my task is to apply for a job here at HBR, and to write a new cover letter using the advice that Amy gave me. Let’s do it.

This is hard. I never said it was going to be easy, maybe easier than what you were doing before, but definitely not easy.

The first draft

Dear Maureen and hiring team,

I saw your listing on Linkedln and am excited because this is exactly the job that I’ve been looking for to showcase my skills in video production and production management to assist the creative center in producing compelling content.

Working in news and movie production has taught me to hear an idea and a concept and be able to fully plan out the logistics needed to make the desired final visual product. I have been able to work with software like Adobe Creative Suite and TriCaster, and have worked with other team members to write scripts and compose story boards.

Being part of the Creative Center team will give me the challenges to grow as a skilled producer and assist in production, help the production planning process, create a quick tum around for video publication, and manage content.

AMY GALLO: You did well on length. It is very short. That’s good.


AMY GALLO: I read this, I’m like, that first sentence is spot on. And then it gets a little bit stilted. And then it goes into what’s probably on your resume. And I want a little more personality.

The final draft

ELAINY MATA: So Amy, after many back and forths — How do you think I did?

AMY GALLO: All right. So I’m looking at it right now. And I think you did a really good job.

You’ve got the main components here. There’s some personality in it. There’s some flattery in it about the company you’re applying to, but it’s not like over the top. I have to tell you, I would have you in. I think it’s a great letter.

ELAINY MATA: That’s it for me. I wrote the cover letter. You got to see the whole process. And I feel like I definitely have a better outlook on how to approach it. These are not easy to write, so good luck out there. Watch as many times as you can. Practice makes perfect. I’ll see you soon.

Cover letter example 

I was so excited to see your post on LinkedIn because it’s exactly the type of job I’m looking for: an opportunity to bring my experience with video production and enthusiasm for storytelling to an organization that sets the standard for high-quality management content.

In addition to five years of experience in broadcast journalism, research, and video production, I would bring an organized and systems-level perspective to this role. I view video production as a puzzle, and like to think about which parts need to come together in order to make a great final product. My approach is to have in-depth conversations with my team members, and the various stakeholders, before each project. This helps me nail down the logistics — from location to talent.

From there, the fun begins: fleshing out the concept and identifying what visuals will best represent it. Ideation and storyboarding are essential in this step. I know I’m not right all the time, so I enjoy working with a diverse team that can bring in new perspectives, brainstorm, and pitch ideas that will make the final product stronger. Whenever possible, I also try to seek out other sources for inspiration, like magazines, which allow me to observe different ways of expression and storytelling. This approach has served me well. It’s what has allowed me to enter the film industry and grow as a creator.

On my website, you can see examples of how I use the above process to create fun, engaging content.

Given this experience and my enthusiasm for the work you do, I believe I’d make a great addition to your team. I recently had a chance to try out your Patient Zero product at my current organization. The simulation is both challenging and engaging. I was impressed by your ability to apply  different storytelling methods to an online training course (which, let’s admit, can often be a little dry). Your work exemplifies exactly what I believe: There’s an opportunity to tell a compelling story in everything — all you have to do is deliver it right.

I’d love to come in and speak with you more about what I’d be able to offer in this role. Harvard Business Publishing is my top choice and I believe I’d make valuable contributions to your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internal Position (With Examples and a Template!)

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Applying for an internal position isn’t just a matter of submitting a resume and hoping for the best. It’s about strategically positioning yourself as the perfect candidate for a role within a company that already knows you.

The prospect of new challenges, career growth, and the chance to contribute in different ways can be highly motivating. But with that comes the need to navigate office politics , manage relationships, and ensure that your application stands out.

We’ll explore what makes a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter , why it’s crucial to write a good one, and how to do it effectively. We’ll also include examples and a template to help you get started.

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Is a cover letter for an internal position different from a traditional cover letter?

Yes! When you're applying for a job within the same company, you're not starting from scratch. The hiring manager already knows you and has very easy access to a reference check, so your cover letter must reflect proximity. Balancing familiarity with professionalism is key.

Unlike a traditional cover letter, where you introduce yourself and explain your interest in the company, a cover letter for an internal position should focus on your achievements , your understanding of the company culture, and your vision for how you can contribute to this new role.

“The process might be less formal but is often more competitive because you’re up against colleagues,” says Kenan Acieklly, CEO of Workhy , who has nearly a decade of experience in HR and business management. “Decisions may weigh heavily on your internal reputation, past performance, and ability to articulate your future potential within the company.”

Why should I write a cover letter for an internal position?

Writing a cover letter for an internal position is crucial for several reasons. You might think that since you're already an employee, a cover letter is just a formality. However, skipping it or writing a generic one could really hurt your chances.

This cover letter should highlight why you’re the best candidate for this different role, even if your managers and colleagues already know your work ethic and contributions. You’re making the case that you're not just a good employee, but the right person for this specific job.

Writing a cover letter underscores your seriousness about the role. “It’s an opportunity to articulate your vision and demonstrate continued commitment to the company’s success,” Acikelli says. And it serves many important functions:

  • It reaffirms your interest in the company: Even though you already work there, this shows that you're still committed to the company's mission and values.
  • It highlights your achievements: This is your chance to remind the hiring manager of your successes within the company—things they might not remember or know about if they weren’t directly supervising you.
  • It shows your initiative: Applying internally demonstrates that you’re eager to grow and take on new challenges. A well-crafted cover letter underlines your proactive approach to your career.
  • It provides a tailored narrative: This letter allows you to connect your current role with the new one, explaining how your skills, experience, and knowledge of the company make you the ideal candidate.

How to apply for an internal role

Let's go over some of the most common questions about applying for an internal position:

Is it OK to apply for an internal position?

Yes, it is absolutely OK to apply for an internal position. Companies generally encourage internal mobility as it allows them to retain talent and leverage existing employees’ skills and institutional knowledge. Applying for an internal position shows that you are committed to the company and interested in furthering your career within the organization.

How to express interest in an internal position?

It's important to be both professional and enthusiastic. Start by scheduling a meeting with your current supervisor to discuss your career goals and explain why you're interested in the new role. During the conversation, emphasize your desire to continue growing within the company and explain how the new position aligns with your career aspirations. Make sure to follow any formal application procedures, such as submitting an updated resume and a strong cover letter.

How do you tell your boss you are applying for an internal position?

Schedule a private meeting with your boss to discuss your plans. Be upfront about your intentions, explaining why you’re interested in the new role and how it aligns with your long-term career goals . Emphasize that this move isn’t a reflection of dissatisfaction with your current position, but rather a desire to grow and take on new challenges within the company. It’s important to assure your boss that you remain committed to your current responsibilities and that you will help ensure a smooth transition if you’re selected for the new role.

Do I need a CV for an internal job?

Yes, you typically need a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume when applying for an internal job. While the hiring managers might already know you, a CV provides a formal document that highlights your relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments. It also helps you present your qualifications in a structured way that aligns with the job requirements. Make sure to tailor your CV to the specific role you’re applying for, emphasizing the experience and achievements that are most relevant to the new position.

How do you message a hiring manager for an internal position?

Keep the tone professional and concise. Start by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in the position. Mention that you are currently working in the company and explain why you believe you are a good fit for the role. Offer to provide more information or discuss your qualifications in detail at their convenience. Close the message by thanking them for considering your application and expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

“Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that was recently posted. I have been with [Company Name] for [X years] as [Your Current Position], and I believe that my experience and skills align well with the requirements of this role. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to the team in this new capacity. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards, [Your Name]”

How to write a cover letter for an internal position (examples included!)

Now that you already know the basics of how to apply for a role within your current company, let's focus on how to write an impressive cover letter for an internal position.

Think of it as a way to remind decision-makers why you're the right person for the job—because of your qualifications, your understanding of the company’s goals, and how you can contribute to its success in a new capacity. Your cover letter for an internal position should convey your enthusiasm for the position, reflect on what you've achieved so far, and outline how you plan to make an even bigger impact if given the opportunity.

Follow this structure to make an impressive cover letter for an internal position:

1. Start with a strong opening

Begin by expressing your excitement about the new role and your commitment to the company. Mention how long you’ve been with the company and briefly describe your current position.

“I am thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] position. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have developed a deep understanding of our operations and have consistently strived to contribute to our success in meaningful ways.”

2. Highlight your accomplishments

This is where you shine a light on what you've achieved in your current role. “Start with your accomplishments in your current role, then connect those successes to the value you’ll bring to the new position,” Acikelli says.

“In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I successfully led [Project Name], which resulted in [specific achievement, e.g., a 20% increase in sales]. This experience has given me invaluable insights that I am eager to apply in the [New Job Title] role.”

3. Showcase your knowledge of the company

Use your insider knowledge to your advantage. “Mention any cross-departmental collaborations to show your versatility and readiness for broader responsibilities,” Acikelli says. Discuss how your understanding of the company’s culture, goals, and challenges makes you a good fit for the new role.

“Having worked closely with [Department/Team], I am well-versed in the challenges we face in [specific area]. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific initiative or project related to the new role], as I believe my experience and knowledge could greatly benefit our efforts.”

4. Align your skills with the new role

Clearly explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the new position. Be specific about what you bring to the table that will help you succeed in this role.

“My experience in [specific skill or area] has equipped me with the [specific abilities] needed to excel in the [New Job Title] role. I am confident that my background in [relevant experience] will allow me to [specific contribution].”

5. Express your commitment to growth

Demonstrate that you're eager to learn and grow within the company. Mention any relevant training or development you’ve pursued and how you plan to continue growing in the new role.

“I am committed to continuous professional development, as evidenced by my completion of [relevant training or certification]. I am eager to further develop my skills in [specific area] and contribute to [Company Name] in new and impactful ways.”

Cover letter template for internal position

Use the following cover letter template for internal position as a guide. This structure will help you effectively communicate your enthusiasm for the position while leveraging your internal experience to stand out as the ideal candidate.

[Your Name] [Your Current Job Title] [Company Name] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Hiring Manager’s Name] [Hiring Manager’s Job Title] [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position that recently opened up in [Department Name]. Having been with [Company Name] for [X years], I have gained a deep appreciation for our company’s mission and values, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [specific department or project related to the new role] in this new capacity.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I have had the privilege of [mention your key achievements]. This experience deepened my understanding of [specific area or department] and inspired me to seek new challenges within [Company Name]. I am particularly drawn to the [Job Title] position because [specific reason related to the new role].

One of the aspects of [Company Name] that I value most is our commitment to [specific company value or mission], and I am eager to contribute to [specific project or initiative related to the new role] in a more direct way. I believe that my background in [relevant experience or skill] aligns perfectly with the needs of the [Job Title] position, and I am confident in my ability to [specific contribution or goal].

I am also committed to continuous growth and development, as evidenced by [mention any relevant training or certifications]. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to the [Job Title] role, and I look forward to the possibility of continuing to grow with [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to further discuss how I can contribute to the success of [Company Name] in this new role.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Bottom line

By carefully crafting your cover letter, you can position yourself as the ideal candidate for the role. Remember, your cover letter for an internal position is your chance to highlight your achievements, showcase your understanding of the company, and demonstrate your commitment to growth. With the right approach, you can successfully transition into a new role within the same company, taking your career to the next level. Good luck!

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Review first draft, receive your resume, frequently asked questions, what are the benefits of a professionally written resume .

When you work with a resume writing service, you’re investing in a quicker job search and a more fruitful and satisfying career. To have job search success, your resume has to appeal to both the  resume scanning software and the hiring manager — or else you risk getting lost in the resume black hole where your job application is dismissed without consideration because of your resume .

How does the resume process work?

The resume process begins with us getting to know you and learning about your history and career goals. Once we’ve learned more about you, we’ll match you with a writer knowledgeable about your industry.

The resume process is simple! First, submit your existing resume or provide your career details. You’ll fill out an intake survey to provide your writer with accurate elements for your document. Then you’ll collaborate with a professional writer to craft a tailored resume . Finally, you’ll review and refine the draft to ensure it aligns with your career goals. Leaving you with a polished resume that showcases your strengths and maximizes your job search potential!

What qualifications do TopResume writers have?

We have a network of over 1,200 writers, including certified career coaches, former and current hiring managers, HR professionals, recruiters and professionals with specialized experience in over 65 industries. This ensures we can match each client with an expert who is a strong match for their needs. TopResume recruits and vets our writers based upon the value they can bring to our clients.

How do I collaborate with my resume writer?

Our resume process is completely confidential and collaborative between the writer and the client.

All communication with your writer is done via our secure dashboard. If you would prefer telephone communication with your writer, you can add it on to your resume package for an additional fee.

The resume process begins with us getting to know you and learning about your history and career goals. Once we've learned more about you, we'll match you with a writer knowledgeable about your industry.

Your writer collaborates with you on a first draft, which will be delivered to you in about a week. Then, you'll have another week to provide feedback to your writer, with up to two rounds of revisions.

Overall, the resume process typically takes one to two weeks. You can learn more about what to expect when working with a TopResume writer here.

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Professionally written resume get results. Our team of professional resume writers are trained to position you as an achiever, which will help you find a job faster.

If you are not receiving two times more job interviews within 60 days of receiving your professionally-written resume, we will write it again one time, free-of-charge. You must notify us in writing within 180 days of receiving your final copy. Only certain packages are eligible for our guarantee.

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Government and academic positions often have needs that go above and beyond the usual resume. If you need a  federal resume  or an  academic CV , we offer special services dedicated to fulfilling your needs.

What is Affirm?

TopResume has partnered with Affirm to offer our customers the option of paying over three, six, or 12-month periods with rates from 0% to 36% APR. For example, on a $349 purchase, you may pay $31.50 a month for 12 months with a 15% APR. Make sure to check and see if you qualify! Click on the following link if you want to know more about Affirm .

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30-Second Resume Rule | Transform Your Job Hunt in 2024

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No matter how long it takes to perfect your resume, you only have a moment to convince the hiring manager to interview you.

And that moment is about 30 seconds long.

It sounds intimidating but it's the truth.

Even if you're the most well-qualified candidate, if your resume doesn't clearly reflect that, you don't stand a chance.

But there's no need to stress out over it!

Thirty seconds might not seem like much, but if you know the ins and outs of the 30-second resume rule, you can make that window of opportunity count.

In this article, we're going to cover:

What Is the 30-Second Resume Rule?

  • 30-Second Vs. 10-Second Resume Rule
  • 8 Steps to Applying the 30-Second Resume Rule

...and more!

Let's jump right in.

The 30-second resume rule is a concept you've probably never heard of before, but it's crucial for your job search .

Here's the deal: hiring managers decide if you're worth interviewing within the first 30 seconds of reading your resume.

Sounds harsh, right? But the numbers don't lie.

According to resume statistics , 1 out of 5 recruiters will reject a candidate in under 60 seconds without even finishing their resume.

And it gets worse - a further 25% of hiring managers spend less than 30 seconds reviewing an applicant's resume.

That means that you have less than a minute to convince the hiring manager that you’re the right person for the job and that they should call you in for an interview.

30-Second vs 10-Second Resume Rule

The 30-second resume rule isn’t all that different from the 10-second resume rule that we’ve also covered.

Both tell us that hiring managers don't spend a lot of time looking at each individual's resume.

So why are they in such a rush with hiring decisions?

Mainly, that’s because hiring managers are basically drowning in resumes these days. We're talking about hundreds of applicants per single job opening.

They just don't have the time to read every word of every application.

Instead, they quickly skim through each resume, and they skim fast.

If a resume catches their eye within the first few seconds of glancing at it , it’s that much closer to making it to the job interview stage.

And if they keep reading it and like what they see, the next 30 seconds determine if you make it to the interview stage or not.

Let’s break it down like this:

  • 10-second resume rule. The hiring manager skims over your resume and decides if it’s worth reading at all. Crucial elements here are the resume’s length , adding an eye-catching resume headline, and using a professional resume template.
  • 30-second resume rule. The hiring manager actually starts reading your resume and decides if you’re a good candidate for the job. The contents of your resume do the heavy lifting here, such as your work experience, skills, and your resume’s formatting.

8 Steps to Apply the 30-Second Resume Rule

Now that you understand what the 30-second resume rule is all about, let's dive into how you can make it work for you.

We've broken down the process into several steps to help you along the way.

Ready to make every second count? Let's go!

#1. Approach It from the Reader’s Point of View

When making your resume , it's easy to get caught up in your own perspective.

But if you want to apply the 30-second rule, you need to step into the hiring manager's shoes.

Think about it. You’re sifting through piles of resumes, looking for someone just right for the job. What do you want to see?

Here are three things you’d likely consider:

  • Resume format. Hiring managers want to find what they're looking for easily and this is where your resume’s format comes in. Stick to a reverse-chronological resume format since it’s the most popular format worldwide and it’s what hiring managers tend to expect.
  • Work experience. This is often the first thing hiring managers read in depth. List your job roles in reverse chronological order and focus on achievements instead of responsibilities whenever possible.
  • Relevant skills. Your skills show the hiring manager what you can do and how much training you might need, so, naturally, they read this section very carefully.

#2. Start Strong

You want your resume to give the hiring manager the most important information right away.

Like with the 10-second resume rule, start by writing a great resume summary or resume objective .

This is a brief paragraph that tells the hiring manager who you are, what you’re good at, and why you’re great for the role.

A resume summary is perfect if you've got some work experience already - it's a brief overview of your professional journey and top achievements. For example:

"Marketing professional with 5+ years of experience driving client ROI, specializing in digital campaigns and brand strategy."

A resume objective, on the other hand, is better for recent graduates or candidates looking for a career change . It should state your career goals and what you bring to the table. Like this:

"Recent marketing graduate seeking to leverage strong analytical and creative skills to drive growth for the innovative team at XYZ Startup."

Next, it’s time to dive into the most crucial sections of your resume.

For most, that's work experience .

List your roles in reverse chronological order and make sure to emphasize your achievements over daily tasks. Hiring managers already know what your responsibilities are, so they’d rather read about how you can bring results as part of their team.

Keep in mind that if you're in a skills-based field like tech, you should consider putting your skills section first, then follow it with your work experience.

#3. Customize It

Your resume should perfectly match the job you’re applying for.

Instead of sending out the same generic document for every job opening out there, you should create a tailored resume for each application.

Start by carefully reading the job description. Look for any keywords and specific qualifications the employer is looking for in a candidate. Then, adjust your resume to highlight the qualities you have that match their requirements.

Make sure to tailor every section of your resume this way. For example, in your skills section, you should focus on the skills that matter most for the job, not all your skills.

tailor resume to the job ad

#4. Be Specific

When it comes to applying the 30-second resume rule, vague statements won't cut it.

Hiring managers want concrete details that show exactly what you can do. This is why listing your impressive achievements does a lot more than mentioning your responsibilities.

But don’t just say how you "improved sales” – give specific numbers.

Did you increase sales by 20% or by 0.1%? Did you bring in five or 55 new clients in a quarter? These numbers paint a completely different picture.

So, quantify your accomplishments whenever possible. If you managed a team, how many people were on it? If you worked on projects, what was their value? If you saved the company money, how much?

For example, instead of "Managed social media accounts," try "Grew Instagram following from 5,000 to 50,000 in 6 months, increasing engagement by 300%."

Being specific doesn't just apply to numbers either.

Make sure you use precise job titles, software names, and industry-specific terminology. This shows you know your field and helps your resume pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS).

#5. List Transferable Skills

The 30-second resume rule is less about piquing the hiring manager’s curiosity and more about showing them that you've got what it takes to excel in the role.

One way you can do this is by showing off your transferable skills .

These are skills you can use across various jobs and industries. They're especially important if you're changing careers or you’re a graduate with no work experience .

Most of the time, your transferable skills are likely to be soft skills instead of hard skills. These include:

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time management

Make sure to list the ones that apply to you in your resume. But don't write long descriptions about how you have “ effective communication skills that lead to tangible outcomes” - just keep it short and simple. Listing the name of the skill is more than enough for the hiring manager.

#6. Include Only the Relevant Content

Every word counts if you want the hiring manager to choose you in under a minute.

This means your resume isn't supposed to be your full life story - it's a targeted document showcasing why you're perfect for this specific job.

So, focus on including information that directly relates to the position you're applying for. This includes carefully selecting which experiences, skills, and achievements to highlight.

When it comes to your work experience, stick to what's relevant. Highlight your most recent and related experiences, typically from the last 10-15 years at most. For each role, emphasize the achievements and responsibilities that align best with the job you're targeting.

If you have an extensive work history, you can probably omit older or irrelevant positions, so long as they aren’t directly related to the role you're applying for. No one’s going to mind that you skipped over your part-time job as a teenager .

The same goes for other resume sections , such as your skills, education, and personal projects.

Only include degrees, certifications, and skills that are relevant to the job. If you have multiple degrees, focus on the most relevant one and skip generic information like where you went to high school .

#7. Answer Their Possible Questions

Your resume should be more than a list of experiences and skills.

Consider it a strategic way to present yourself so that you anticipate and address the hiring manager's concerns immediately.

What might make them hesitate about your application? Are there potential red flags you can proactively explain? Your goal is to clear up any doubts before they become obstacles.

For example, if the job requires a specific degree, make sure it's listed in your education section . If you took any classes that are relevant to the industry or job, make sure to mention them.

Also, never leave employment gaps unexplained. If you took time off, whether to further your education or to care for a family member, briefly address it. This prevents the hiring manager from filling in the blanks with possible worst-case scenarios.

If you're changing careers, explain why and how you’re a good fit. To make your case, highlight any transferable skills, relevant training, or volunteer work you've done.

By taking the time to proactively answer the questions hiring managers are most likely to have, you’re making it easy for them to see you as a strong candidate and invite you for an interview.

how to write a resume 30 seconds rule

In those crucial 30 seconds, hiring managers are likely to toss your resume aside if it’s a messy, cluttered document. That’s no matter how impressive your qualifications are.

So, here are some tips to prevent that:

  • Use white space. Don't try to cram everything onto one page if it means sacrificing readability.
  • Set the page margins. Use margins of 1.0 inch on all sides to make sure your document is neat.
  • Opt for bullet points over paragraphs. This goes double for your work experience section. Bullet points are easier to skim over and help break up dense text.
  • Choose a professional font. Stick to something stylish but professional like Lora, Roboto, or Ubuntu. Your font size should be between 10 and 12 points for body text, with headers going from 14 to 16 pt.
  • Use consistent formatting throughout. If you bold the job titles, do it for all of them. Keep your line spacing consistent too - between 1 and 1.15 is usually ideal.
  • Add clear section headers. Use bold or slightly larger font to make section headers stand out and organize the sections in your resume. If you choose a resume template from an online resume builder, you can do this automatically and save time.
  • Maximize space. A multi-column resume layout might be the best choice if you want to maximize space, but don't overdo it - two columns are usually enough.
  • Proofread carefully. Some of the biggest no-gos for hiring managers are typos and grammatical errors, so make sure you run your resume through a grammar-checking tool and read it carefully before sending it.

Key Takeaways

Hurray! You’ve made it to the end of our article!

Now you know how to make your resume shine in just under 30 seconds.

Before you go, let’s recap the main points we covered:

  • Start strong and customize your content according to the job application. Tailor your entire resume to match what the employer is looking for.
  • Be specific and focus on relevant information. Quantify your achievements whenever possible and include only the most relevant skills and experiences you have.
  • Highlight any transferable skills and answer potential questions the hiring manager might have about you, such as about your abilities to perform the job, your education, or any employment gaps on your resume.
  • Make sure your resume is easy to read. Use clear formatting, appropriate fonts, and enough white space. Stick to bullet points over paragraphs to make information easy to skim and keep your resume concise.

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3 tips for including internship experience in a cover letter.

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How to stand out from the crowd as a new grad with internship experience

If you are a fresh graduate looking for a new job, a cover letter can help paint a helpful context of who you are and why you would be an excellent fit for the company. For seasoned professionals with considerable career milestones, resumes are often adequate to show their skillsets and how they would perform at a new job. Indicators like the type of company, pace of promotion, and scope of responsibilities paint a picture for the hiring managers of how they can expect the candidate to perform even before the interviews.

The good news for new graduates is that they are on an even playing field as they embark on a new career path with their peers. The downside is the need for additional information for the candidate to stand out from the crowd. Internship experience can be an advantage if leveraged and narrated correctly. When a company hires a new graduate, it knows the lack of experience and proof points to consider in the candidate. They are therefore looking for genuine interest, willingness to learn, and potential in new grads. If you have internship experience, including them in your cover letter is an excellent opportunity to feature these qualities. Here are a few tips on how to do this best.

Showcase Your Decision-making Process

One risk of hiring new graduates is that they may quit quickly if they find that the industry or the job function is not what they expected. If you have interned at a similar company, you can explain how that experience solidified your interest in the field and helped you narrow down the jobs you are genuinely interested in. By discussing your decision-making process and how the internship provided real-life perspective, you can demonstrate that you are a knowledgeable decision-maker rather than someone who is simply influenced by outside perspectives.

On the other hand, if you interned in an entirely different industry and position, you can use this experience to demonstrate that you discovered what you truly want to pursue. Highlight the positive lessons learned during the internship and avoid speaking negatively about past opportunities. The crucial point is to showcase what you gained from the experience and how it has strengthened your interest in the current company and role.

Be Truthful About The Scope Of Your Experience

Internship experiences can vary widely depending on the company, from simply shadowing an employee to conducting in-depth analysis or participating in structured rotational programs. However, it's important to note that internships typically don't involve holding leadership positions or having significant decision-making authority. It's essential to be honest about your role and responsibilities during an internship, as exaggerating or misrepresenting your experience will likely be noticed by hiring managers.

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In addition, you should not disclose any confidential information about the company at any time. Keep your account of the experience brief and truthful.

Highlight Relevant Skillsets And Potential

If your previous internship provided you with the skills described in the job requirements for the position you are applying for, be sure to emphasize this and explain how you used those skills, as well as your eagerness to further develop them. For example, if you gained experience in analyzing complex datasets during your internship, highlight how you enhanced the company's training through your independent learning efforts, express your enthusiasm for the skill, and illustrate how it contributed to the team's goals to demonstrate your understanding of the practical application of your work. This can show your potential for growth, desire to learn, and proactive orientation towards your job, attributes all hiring managers seek.

When hiring recent graduates, hiring managers are aware that the candidates do not have extensive pre-existing skill sets or decision-making experience. They are hired with the expectation to learn quickly, contribute enough to offset the onboarding and training efforts, and hopefully grow within the company. Including an internship experience in your cover letter can help alleviate any concerns the hiring manager may have about your genuine interest in the company and role, and your desire to learn. It also provides a context for the kind of employee you will be, in ways a resume cannot for new grads.

Juliette Han, PhD

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  28. 30-Second Resume Rule

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    A cover letter is a short introduction to you that concisely communicates your interest in a job opportunity along with your top skills and relevant experience. It's important to customize your cover letter for each role to demonstrate that you've researched the organization's mission and values. — Genevieve Northup, MBA, SHRM-CP, HCI-SPTD.

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