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What Is a SWOT Analysis and How to Do It Right (With Examples)

Posted february 2, 2021 by noah parsons.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

A SWOT analysis is an incredibly simple, yet powerful tool to help you develop your business strategy, whether you’re building a startup or guiding an existing company.

What is a SWOT Analysis?

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to your company—things that you have some control over and can change. Examples include who is on your team, your patents and intellectual property, and your location.

Opportunities and threats are external—things that are going on outside your company, in the larger market. You can take advantage of opportunities and protect against threats, but you can’t change them. Examples include competitors, prices of raw materials, and customer shopping trends.

A SWOT analysis organizes your top strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats into an organized list and is usually presented in a simple two-by-two grid. Go ahead and download our free SWOT analysis template  if you just want to dive right in and get started.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analyzed in a 2 by 2 grid to define them for your business.

Why do a SWOT Analysis?

When you take the time to do a SWOT analysis, you’ll be armed with a solid strategy for prioritizing the work that you need to do to grow your business.

You may think that you already know everything that you need to do to succeed, but a SWOT analysis will force you to look at your business in new ways and from new directions. You’ll look at your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can leverage those to take advantage of the opportunities and threats that exist in your market.

Who should do a SWOT Analysis?

For a SWOT analysis to be effective, company founders and leaders need to be deeply involved. This isn’t a task that can be delegated to others.

But, company leadership shouldn’t do the work on their own , either. For best results, you’ll want to gather a group of people who have different perspectives on the company. Select people who can represent different aspects of your company, from sales and customer service to marketing and product development. Everyone should have a seat at the table.

Innovative companies even look outside their own internal ranks when they perform a SWOT analysis and get input from customers to add their unique voice to the mix.

If you’re starting or running a business on your own, you can still do a SWOT analysis. Recruit additional points of view from friends who know a little about your business, your accountant, or even vendors and suppliers. The key is to have different points of view.

Existing businesses can use a SWOT analysis to assess their current situation and determine a strategy to move forward . But, remember that things are constantly changing and you’ll want to reassess your strategy, starting with a new SWOT analysis every six to 12 months.

For startups, a SWOT analysis is part of the business planning process. It’ll help codify a strategy so that you start off on the right foot and know the direction that you plan to go.

How to do a SWOT analysis the right way

As I mentioned above, you want to gather a team of people together to work on a SWOT analysis. You don’t need an all-day retreat to get it done, though. One or two hours should be more than plenty.

1. Gather the right people

Gather people from different parts of your company and make sure that you have representatives from every department and team. You’ll find that different groups within your company will have entirely different perspectives that will be critical to making your SWOT analysis successful.

2. Throw your ideas at the wall

Doing a SWOT analysis is similar to brainstorming meetings, and there are right and wrong ways to run them. I suggest giving everyone a pad of sticky-notes and have everyone quietly generate ideas on their own to start things off. This prevents groupthink and ensures that all voices are heard.

After five to 10 minutes of private brainstorming, put all the sticky-notes up on the wall and group similar ideas together. Allow anyone to add additional notes at this point if someone else’s idea sparks a new thought.

3. Rank the ideas

Once all of the ideas are organized, it’s time to rank the ideas. I like using a voting system where everyone gets five or ten “votes” that they can distribute in any way they like. Sticky dots in different colors are useful for this portion of the exercise.

Based on the voting exercise, you should have a prioritized list of ideas. Of course, the list is now up for discussion and debate, and someone in the room should be able to make the final call on the priority. This is usually the CEO, but it could be delegated to someone else in charge of business strategy.

You’ll want to follow this process of generating ideas for each of the four quadrants of your SWOT analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Questions that can help inspire your analysis

Here are a few questions that you can ask your team when you’re building your SWOT analysis. These questions can help explain each section and spark creative thinking.

Strengths are internal, positive attributes of your company. These are things that are within your control.

  • What business processes are successful?
  • What assets do you have in your teams? (ie. knowledge, education, network, skills, and reputation)
  • What physical assets do you have, such as customers, equipment, technology, cash, and patents?
  • What competitive advantages do you have over your competition?

Weaknesses are negative factors that detract from your strengths. These are things that you might need to improve on to be competitive.

  • Are there things that your business needs to be competitive?
  • What business processes need improvement?
  • Are there tangible assets that your company needs, such as money or equipment?
  • Are there gaps on your team?
  • Is your location ideal for your success?


Opportunities are external factors in your business environment that are likely to contribute to your success.

  • Is your market growing and are there trends that will encourage people to buy more of what you are selling?
  • Are there upcoming events that your company may be able to take advantage of to grow the business?
  • Are there upcoming changes to regulations that might impact your company positively?
  • If your business is up and running, do customers think highly of you?

Threats are external factors that you have no control over. You may want to consider putting in place contingency plans for dealing with them if they occur.

  • Do you have potential competitors who may enter your market?
  • Will suppliers always be able to supply the raw materials you need at the prices you need?
  • Could future developments in technology change how you do business?
  • Is consumer behavior changing in a way that could negatively impact your business?
  • Are there market trends  that could become a threat?

SWOT Analysis example

To help you get a better sense of what at SWOT example actually looks like, we’re going to look at UPer Crust Pies, a specialty meat and fruit pie cafe in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. They sell hot, ready-to-go pies and frozen take-home options, as well as an assortment of fresh salads and beverages.

The company is planning to open its first location in downtown Yubetchatown and is very focused on developing a business model that will make it easy to expand quickly and that opens up the possibility of franchising. Here’s what their SWOT analysis might look like:

SWOT analysis for UPer Crust Pies

UPer Crust Pies SWOT analysis example

How to use your SWOT Analysis

With your SWOT analysis complete, you’re ready to convert it into a real strategy. After all, the exercise is about producing a strategy that you can work on during the next few months.

The first step is to look at your strengths and figure out how you can use those strengths to take advantage of your opportunities. Then, look at how your strengths can combat the threats that are in the market. Use this analysis to produce a list of actions that you can take.

With your action list in hand, look at your company calendar and start placing goals (or milestones) on it. What do you want to accomplish in each calendar quarter (or month) moving forward?

You’ll also want to do this by analyzing how external opportunities might help you combat your own, internal weaknesses. Can you also minimize those weaknesses so you can avoid the threats that you identified?

Again, you’ll have an action list that you’ll want to prioritize and schedule.

UPer Crust Pies — Potential strategies for growth

Back to the UPer Crust Pies example: Based on their SWOT analysis, here are a few potential strategies for growth to help you think through how to translate your SWOT into actionable goals.

  • Investigate investors. UPer Crust Pies might investigate its options for obtaining capital.
  • Create a marketing plan. Because UPer Crust Pies wants to execute a specific marketing strategy —targeting working families by emphasizing that their dinner option is both healthy and convenient—the company should develop a marketing plan.
  • Plan a grand opening. A key piece of that marketing plan will be the store’s grand opening, and the promotional strategies necessary to get UPer Crust Pies’ target market in the door.

Next steps with your SWOT Analysis

With your goals and actions in hand, you’ll be a long way toward completing a strategic plan for your business. I like to use the Lean Planning methodology for strategic plans as well as regular business planning. The actions that you generate from your SWOT analysis will fit right into the milestones portion of your Lean Plan and will give you a concrete foundation that you can grow your business from. You can download our free Lean Plan template to help you get started.

If you have additional ideas for how a SWOT analysis can help your business and how it fits into your regular business planning, I’d love to hear from you. You can find me on Twitter @noahparsons .

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Noah Parsons

Noah Parsons

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SWOT Analysis: How To Do One [With Template & Examples]

Caroline Forsey

Updated: August 02, 2024

Published: August 01, 2024

“ Our business is absolutely flawless and we have nothing to improve upon ” — said no business owner ever. Instead, we business owners often think of all the ways we could potentially grow our businesses and guard against threats.

man conducting swot analysis for his business

I often hear things like:

“Why are my customers not increasing?”

“If only there was a way to find out how to establish my business.”

“My competitors are doing so well, what am I doing wrong?”

The solution lies in one word: SWOT analysis. Well that’s two words, but you get my drift.

I recently conducted a SWOT analysis for my law firm marketing business and it changed everything. In this post, I’ll share my findings.

In this article:

What is a SWOT analysis?

Importance of a swot analysis, parts of a swot analysis, external and internal factors of a swot analysis, how do you write a good swot analysis.

  • Swot Analysis Chart

SWOT Analysis Examples

How to act on a swot analysis, 6 swot analysis tips from real professionals, when to use a swot analysis.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Free SWOT Analysis Template

5 Research and Planning Templates + a Free Guide on How to Use Them in Your Market Research

  • SWOT Analysis Template
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A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that puts your business in perspective using the following lenses: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Using a SWOT analysis helps you identify ways your business can improve and maximize opportunities, while simultaneously determining negative factors that might hinder your chances of success.

While it may seem simple on the surface, a SWOT analysis allows you to make unbiased evaluations on:

  • Your business or brand.
  • Market positioning.
  • A new project or initiative.
  • A specific campaign or channel.

Practically anything that requires strategic planning, internal or external, can have the SWOT framework applied to it, helping you avoid unnecessary errors down the road from lack of insight.

You may have noticed by now that SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The framework seems simple enough that you’d be tempted to forgo using it at all, relying instead on your intuition to take these things into account.

As a small business owner, I was tempted to forgo using it, thinking I knew everything about my business anyway. I was wrong. Doing a SWOT analysis is important. Here’s why.

1. SWOT gives you the chance to worry and to dream.

A SWOT analysis is an important step in your strategic process because it gives you the opportunity to explore both the potential risks and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. You’re giving yourself the space to dream, evaluate, and worry before taking action.

Your insights then turn into assets as you create the roadmap for your initiative.

For instance, making a SWOT analysis for my business allowed me to consider the weaknesses and threats that my business might face in the future, which in turn led me to address any concerns or challenges and strategize on how to mitigate those risks.

At the same time, I was able to identify strengths and opportunities which helped inspire innovative ideas and helped me dream big. Both are equally important.

2. SWOT forces you to define your variables.

Instead of diving head first into planning and execution, I had to first take inventory of all my assets and roadblocks. This process helped me develop strategies that leverage my strengths and opportunities while addressing and mitigating the impact of weaknesses and threats.

As a result, I gained a comprehensive understanding of my current situation and created a more specific and effective roadmap. Plus, a SWOT analysis is inherently proactive. This means I was better equipped to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and set realistic goals.

3. SWOT allows you to account for mitigating factors.

As I continued to identify weaknesses and threats, I was better able to account for them in my roadmap, thereby improving my chances of success.

Also, accounting for mitigating factors allows me to allocate my resources wisely and make informed decisions that lead to sustainable growth. Using the SWOT analysis as a guide, I can confidently face challenges and seize opportunities.

4. SWOT helps you keep a written record.

As my organization grows and changes, I’ll be able to strike things off my old SWOTs and make additions. With this I can look back at where I came from and look ahead at what’s to come.

In other words, SWOT analyses serve as a tangible history of your progress and provide a reference point for future decision-making. With each update, your SWOT analysis becomes a living document that guides your strategic thinking and helps you stay agile and adaptable in an ever-changing business landscape.

By maintaining this written record, you foster a culture of continuous improvement and empower your team to make data-driven decisions and stay aligned with your long-term vision.

Conducting a SWOT analysis will help you strategize effectively, unlock valuable insights, and make informed decisions. But what exactly does a SWOT analysis include?

Let’s explore each component: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

SWOT strengths are the unique advantages and internal capabilities that give your company a competitive edge in the market. A strong brand reputation, innovative products or services, or exceptional customer service are just a few examples.

I have discovered that by identifying and capitalizing on your strengths, you can build a solid foundation for growth. You can also use those strengths in other areas that might need additional support, for instance, increasing customer satisfaction .

When asked how conducting a SWOT analysis on his business helped him, Rahul Vij , managing director of WebSpero Solutions replied that the analysis identified “a key strength in our customer service, which we then promoted more heavily in our marketing campaigns, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores.”

When I was looking into the strengths of my own business, here are some questions that I asked myself:

  • How satisfied are our current clients with our services?
  • What is our reputation within the industry?
  • What unique skills or expertise does the team possess?
  • Do we have any advantages over our competitors?

swot analysis example questions to ask about strengths

– Zeeshan Akhtar , head of marketing at Mailmodo

“It's easy to fall into a groupthink because usually, SWOT analysis is conducted by management. What we did differently in this case, given the issue we wanted to tackle, was involve an external consultant as well as internal employees to get more diverse perspectives and creative solutions.”

– Zach Dannett , cofounder at Tumble

“ During a SWOT analysis, delving deep into competitors' operations to uncover their vulnerabilities can be invaluable. For instance, discovering a key competitor struggling with customer service inefficiencies through reviews and market feedback can highlight an opportunity for differentiation.”

– Harrison Tang , CEO of Spokeo

“Set priorities and focus on the most impactful areas first. Allocate resources strategically, prioritizing initiatives that promise the greatest returns.”

Arham Khan , CEO of Pixated

“ In terms of leveraging the results, businesses need to be proactive. Don't just see it as a one-time report - use it as a roadmap. Whether reinforcing strengths, addressing weaknesses or pursuing opportunities, SWOT should influence strategic planning and product roadmaps. Revisit it annually too, as situations evolve. ”

– Kelly Indah , editor-in-chief at Increditools

Ultimately, a SWOT analysis can measure and tackle both big and small challenges, from deciding whether or not to launch a new product to refining your social media strategy.

When conducting your own SWOT analysis, you may face problems like data overload, differing opinions, and actionability. I certainly did. However in my experience, these problems can be solved by:

  • Focusing on the most relevant information and filtering out the noise.
  • Facilitating discussions to reach an agreement or using a neutral moderator.
  • Ensuring each point is specific and actionable, providing clear direction for your strategies.

I will conclude this piece by saying don‘t underestimate the power of taking a step back from time to time to assess where you’ve been, where you‘re at, and where you’re going.

I firmly believe that regularly conducting a SWOT analysis is critical for any entrepreneur looking to grow.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in May 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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SWOT analysis: Examples and templates

Alicia Raeburn contributor headshot

A SWOT analysis helps you identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for a specific project or your overall business plan. It’s used for strategic planning and to stay ahead of market trends. Below, we describe each part of the SWOT framework and show you how to conduct your own.

Whether you’re looking for external opportunities or internal strengths, we’ll walk you through how to perform your own SWOT analysis, with helpful examples along the way. 

What is a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a technique used to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your business or even a specific project. It’s most widely used by organizations—from small businesses and non-profits to large enterprises—but a SWOT analysis can be used for personal purposes as well. 

While simple, a SWOT analysis is a powerful tool for helping you identify competitive opportunities for improvement. It helps you improve your team and business while staying ahead of market trends.

What does SWOT stand for?

SWOT is an acronym that stands for: 


Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats

When analyzed together, the SWOT framework can paint a larger picture of where you are and how to get to the next step. Let’s dive a little deeper into each of these terms and how they can help identify areas of improvement. 

Strengths in SWOT refer to internal initiatives that are performing well. Examining these areas helps you understand what’s already working. You can then use the techniques that you know work—your strengths—in other areas that might need additional support, like improving your team’s efficiency . 

When looking into the strengths of your organization, ask yourself the following questions:

What do we do well? Or, even better: What do we do best?

What’s unique about our organization?

What does our target audience like about our organization?

Which categories or features beat out our competitors?

 Example SWOT strength:

Customer service: Our world-class customer service has an NPS score of 90 as compared to our competitors, who average an NPS score of 70.

Weaknesses in SWOT refer to internal initiatives that are underperforming. It’s a good idea to analyze your strengths before your weaknesses in order to create a baseline for success and failure. Identifying internal weaknesses provides a starting point for improving those projects.

Identify the company’s weaknesses by asking:

Which initiatives are underperforming and why?

What can be improved?

What resources could improve our performance?

How do we rank against our competitors?

Example SWOT weakness:

E-commerce visibility: Our website visibility is low because of a lack of marketing budget , leading to a decrease in mobile app transactions.

Opportunities in SWOT result from your existing strengths and weaknesses, along with any external initiatives that will put you in a stronger competitive position. These could be anything from weaknesses that you’d like to improve or areas that weren’t identified in the first two phases of your analysis. 

Since there are multiple ways to come up with opportunities, it’s helpful to consider these questions before getting started:

What resources can we use to improve weaknesses?

Are there market gaps in our services?

What are our business goals for the year?

What do your competitors offer?

Example SWOT opportunities:

Marketing campaign: To improve brand visibility, we’ll run ad campaigns on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Threats in SWOT are areas with the potential to cause problems. Different from weaknesses, threats are external and ‌out of your control. This can include anything from a global pandemic to a change in the competitive landscape. 

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to identify external threats:

What changes in the industry are cause for concern?

What new market trends are on the horizon?

Where are our competitors outperforming us?

Example SWOT threats:

New competitor: With a new e-commerce competitor set to launch within the next month, we could see a decline in customers.

SWOT analysis example

One of the most popular ways to create a SWOT analysis is through a SWOT matrix—a visual representation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The matrix comprises four separate squares that create one larger square. 

A SWOT matrix is great for collecting information and documenting the questions and decision-making process . Not only will it be handy to reference later on, but it’s also great for visualizing any patterns that arise. 

Check out the SWOT matrix below for a simple example. As you can see, each of the quadrants lists out the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

[Inline illustration] SWOT analysis (Example)

When used correctly and effectively, your matrix can be a great toolkit for evaluating your organization’s strengths and weaknesses. 

How to do a SWOT analysis, with examples 

A SWOT analysis can be conducted in a variety of ways. Some teams like to meet and throw ideas on a whiteboard, while others prefer the structure of a SWOT matrix. However you choose to make your SWOT analysis, getting creative with your planning process allows new ideas to flow and results in more unique solutions. 

There are a few ways to ensure that your SWOT analysis is thorough and done correctly. Let’s take a closer look at some tips to help you get started.

Tip 1: Consider internal factors 

Often, strengths and weaknesses stem from internal processes. These tend to be easier to solve since you have more control over the outcome. When you come across internal factors, you can start implementing improvements in a couple of different ways.

Meet with department stakeholders to form a business plan around how to improve your current situation.

Research and implement new tools, such as a project management tool , that can help streamline these processes for you. 

Take immediate action on anything that can be changed in 24 hours or less. If you don’t have the capacity, consider delegating these items to others with deadlines. 

The way you go about solving internal factors will depend on the type of problem. If it’s more complex, you might need to use a combination of the above or a more thorough problem management process.

Tip 2: Evaluate external factors

External factors stem from processes outside of your control. This includes competitors, market trends, and anything else that’s affecting your organization from the outside in. 

External factors are trickier to solve, as you can’t directly control the outcome. What you can do is pivot your own processes in a way that mitigates negative external factors. 

You can work to solve these issues by:

Competing with market trends

Forecasting market trends before they happen

Improving adaptability to improve your reaction time

Track competitors using reporting tools that automatically update you as soon as changes occur 

While you won’t be able to control an external environment, you can control how your organization reacts to it. 

Let’s say, for instance, that you’re looking to compete with a market trend. For example, a competitor introduced a new product to the market that’s outperforming your own. While you can’t take that product away, you can work to launch an even better product or marketing campaign to mitigate any decline in sales. 

Tip 3: Hold a brainstorming session

Brainstorming new and innovative ideas can help to spur creativity and inspire action. To host a high impact brainstorming session, you’ll want to: 

Invite team members from various departments. That way, ideas from each part of the company are represented. 

Be intentional about the number of team members you invite, since too many participants could lead to a lack of focus or participation. The sweet spot for a productive brainstorming session is around 10 teammates. 

Use different brainstorming techniques that appeal to different work types.

Set a clear intention for the session.

Tip 4: Get creative

In order to generate creative ideas, you have to first invite them. That means creating fun ways to come up with opportunities. Try randomly selecting anonymous ideas, talking through obviously bad examples, or playing team building games to psych up the team.

Tip 5: Prioritize opportunities

Now, rank the opportunities. This can be done as a team or with a smaller group of leaders. Talk through each idea and rank it on a scale of one through 10. Once you’ve agreed on your top ideas based on team capabilities, competencies, and overall impact, it’s easier to implement them.

Tip 6: Take action

It’s all too easy to feel finished at this stage —but the actual work is just beginning. After your SWOT analysis, you’ll have a list of prioritized opportunities. Now is the time to turn them into strengths. Use a structured system such as a business case , project plan, or implementation plan to outline what needs to get done—and how you plan to do it.

SWOT analysis template

A SWOT analysis template is often presented in a grid format, divided into four quadrants. Each quadrant represents one of the four elements. 

Use this free SWOT analysis template to jump-start your team’s strategic planning.

Identify the strengths that contribute to achieving your objectives. These are internal characteristics that give you an advantage. Some examples could be a strong brand reputation, an innovative culture, or an experienced management team.

Next, focus on weaknesses. These are internal factors that could serve as obstacles to achieving your objectives. Common examples might include a lack of financial resources, high operational costs, or outdated technology. 

Move on to the opportunities. These are external conditions that could be helpful in achieving your goals. For example, you might be looking at emerging markets, increased demand, or favorable shifts in regulations.

Lastly, let's address threats. These are external conditions that could negatively impact your objectives. Examples include increased competition or potential economic downturns.

Why is a SWOT analysis important?

A SWOT analysis can help you improve processes and plan for growth. While similar to a competitive analysis , it differs because it evaluates both internal and external factors. Analyzing key areas around these opportunities and threats will equip you with the insights needed to set your team up for success.

Why is a SWOT analysis important?

A SWOT analysis isn’t only useful for organizations. With a personal SWOT analysis, you can examine areas of your life that could benefit from improvement, from your leadership style to your communication skills. These are the benefits of using a SWOT analysis in any scenario. 

1. Identifies areas of opportunity

One of the biggest benefits of conducting an analysis is to determine opportunities for growth. It’s a great starting point for startups and teams that know they want to improve but aren’t exactly sure how to get started. 

Opportunities can come from many different avenues, like external factors such as diversifying your products for competitive advantage or internal factors like improving your team’s workflow . Either way, capitalizing on opportunities is an excellent way to grow as a team.

2. Identifies areas that could be improved

Identifying weaknesses and threats during a SWOT analysis can pave the way for a better business strategy.

Ultimately, learning from your mistakes is the best way to excel. Once you find areas to streamline, you can work with team members to brainstorm an action plan . This will let you use what you already know works and build on your company’s strengths.

3. Identifies areas that could be at risk

Whether you have a risk register in place or not, it’s always crucial to identify risks before they become a cause for concern. A SWOT analysis can help you stay on top of actionable items that may play a part in your risk decision-making process. 

It may be beneficial to pair your SWOT analysis with a PEST analysis, which examines external solutions such as political, economic, social, and technological factors—all of which can help you identify and plan for project risks .

When should you use a SWOT analysis?

You won’t always need an in-depth SWOT analysis. It’s most useful for large, general overviews of situations, scenarios, or your business.

A SWOT analysis is most helpful:

Before you implement a large change—including as part of a larger change management plan

When you launch a new company initiative

If you’d like to identify opportunities for growth and improvement

Any time you want a full overview of your business performance

If you need to identify business performance from different perspectives

SWOT analyses are general for a reason—so they can be applied to almost any scenario, project, or business. 

SWOT analysis: Pros and cons

Although SWOT is a useful strategic planning tool for businesses and individuals alike, it does have limitations. Here’s what you can expect.

The simplicity of SWOT analysis makes it a go-to tool for many. Because it is simple, it takes the mystery out of strategic planning and lets people think critically about their situations without feeling overwhelmed. 

For instance, a small bakery looking to expand its operations can use SWOT analysis to easily understand its current standing. Identifying strengths like a loyal customer base, weaknesses such as limited seating space, opportunities like a rising trend in artisanal baked goods, and threats from larger chain bakeries nearby can all be accomplished without any specialized knowledge or technical expertise.


Its versatile nature allows SWOT analysis to be used across various domains. Whether it’s a business strategizing for the future or an individual planning their career path, SWOT analysis lends itself well. 

For example, a tech start-up in the competitive Silicon Valley landscape could employ SWOT to navigate its pathway to profitability. Strengths might include a highly skilled development team; weaknesses could be a lack of brand recognition; opportunities might lie in emerging markets; and threats could include established tech giants. 

Meaningful analysis

SWOT excels in identifying external factors that could impact performance. It nudges organizations to look beyond the present and anticipate potential future scenarios. 

A retail company, for example, could use SWOT analysis to identify opportunities in e-commerce and threats from changing consumer behavior or new competitors entering the market. By doing so, the company can strategize on how to leverage online platforms to boost sales and counteract threats by enhancing the customer experience or adopting new technologies.

Subjectivity and bias

The subjective nature of SWOT analysis may lead to biases. It relies heavily on individual perceptions, which can sometimes overlook crucial data or misinterpret information, leading to skewed conclusions. 

For example, a manufacturing company might undervalue the threat of new entrants in the market due to an overconfidence bias among the management. This subjectivity might lead to a lack of preparation for competitive pricing strategies, ultimately affecting the company's market share.

Lack of prioritization

SWOT analysis lays out issues but falls short on prioritizing them. Organizations might struggle to identify which elements deserve immediate attention and resources. 

For instance, a healthcare provider identifying numerous opportunities for expansion into new services may become overwhelmed with the choices. Without a clear way to rank these opportunities, resources could be spread too thinly or given to projects that do not have as much of an impact, leading to less-than-ideal outcomes.

Static analysis

Since SWOT analysis captures a snapshot at a particular moment, it may miss the evolving nature of challenges and opportunities, possibly leading to outdated strategies. An example could be a traditional retail business that performs a SWOT analysis and decides to focus on expanding physical stores, overlooking the growing trend of e-commerce. As online shopping continues to evolve and gain popularity, the static analysis might lead to investment in areas with diminishing returns while missing out on the booming e-commerce market trend.

SWOT analysis FAQ

What are the five elements of swot analysis.

Traditionally, SWOT stands for its four main elements: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. However, a fifth essential element often overlooked is "actionable strategies." Originally developed by Albert Humphrey, SWOT is more than just a list—it's a planning tool designed to generate actionable strategies for making informed business decisions. This fifth element serves to tie the other four together, enabling departments like human resources and marketing to turn analysis into actionable plans.

What should a SWOT analysis include?

A comprehensive SWOT analysis should focus on the internal and external factors that affect your organization. Internally, consider your strong brand and product line as your strengths, and maybe your supply chain weaknesses. Externally, you'll want to look at market share, partnerships, and new technologies that could either pose opportunities or threats. You should also account for demographics, as it helps in market targeting and segmentation.

How do you write a good SWOT analysis?

Writing an effective SWOT analysis begins with research. Start by identifying your strengths, like a strong brand, and your weaknesses, like a small human resources department. Following that, look outward to find opportunities, possibly in technological advancement, and threats, like fluctuations in market share. Many businesses find it helpful to use a free SWOT analysis template to structure this information. A good SWOT analysis doesn't just list these elements; it integrates them to provide a clear roadmap for making business decisions.

What are four examples of threats in SWOT analysis?

New technologies: Rapid technological advancement can make your product or service obsolete.

Supply chain disruptions: Whether due to natural disasters or geopolitical tensions, an unstable supply chain can seriously jeopardize your operations.

Emerging competitors: New players entering the market can erode your market share and offer alternative solutions to your customer base.

Regulatory changes: New laws or regulations can add costs and complexity to your business, affecting your competitiveness.

How do you use a SWOT analysis?

Once you've completed a SWOT analysis, use the results as a decision-making aid. It can help prioritize actions, develop strategic plans that play to your strengths, improve weaknesses, seize opportunities, and counteract threats. It’s a useful tool for setting objectives and creating a roadmap for achieving them.

Plan for growth with a SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis can be an effective technique for identifying key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Understanding where you are now can be the most impactful way to determine where you want to go next. 

Don’t forget, a bit of creativity and collaboration can go a long way. Encourage your team to think outside of the box with 100+ team motivational quotes .

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What Is A SWOT Analysis? A Thorough Explanation With Examples

What Is A SWOT Analysis? A Thorough Explanation With Examples

Ted Jackson

Ted is a Founder and Managing Partner of ClearPoint Strategy and leads the sales and marketing teams.

Know the strengths and weaknesses of your organization, internally and externally.

Table of Contents

Historically, corporate planning has always been difficult. Many organizations have failed at trying to get everyone on the same page and agree to the details of a plan—more often than not, their efforts proved to be both ineffective and time consuming. Something had to be done.

What is a SWOT analysis?

Albert Humphrey of the Stanford Research Institute determined in the 1960s to identify why corporate planning consistently failed. Thus the origination of the SWOT analysis. Today, the SWOT analysis is one of the most important concepts in the business world and is widely used by all types of organizations to help build a strategic plan.

So, what is a SWOT analysis, how do you create one, and what do you do with it? In this article, we’ll explain it all (and share some SWOT analysis examples to boot) from start to finish.

A SWOT analysis is a high-level strategic planning model that helps organizations identify where they’re doing well and where they can improve, both from an internal and an external perspective. SWOT is an acronym for “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

SWOT works because it helps you evaluate your business by considering multiple factors:

  • Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors (things you can control), like team members, software, and geographic location.
  • Opportunities and threats represent external factors (things you can’t control), such as competitors, regulations, and economic trends.

Organizations use SWOT to plot out a future course that plays on their strengths and minimizes risks. Taking the time to look at your organization from different perspectives and honestly assess your future prospects is a worthwhile activity; the insights you glean as a result you should then use constructively as part of the strategic planning process.

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How to do a swot analysis.

To help you get started, we’ve created this step-by-step SWOT analysis template. The examples below are specific to the airline industry (since that’s the example we use in our grid), but the SWOT analysis exercise is applicable to all businesses.

You’ll notice we divided our hypothetical examples for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats based on the four Balanced Scorecard perspectives. You don’t have to use the Balanced Scorecard to be successful with your SWOT analysis, but this method does provide a strong framework for your discussion.

Not using the Balanced Scorecard? Look to the guiding principles of whatever strategic management framework you are using for ways to think about your business. For example, the VRIO framework emphasizes value, rarity, imitability, and organization; you can conduct a SWOT analysis through the lens of these criteria instead.

1. Create a SWOT matrix

This is the grid-like matrix that will house the information you gather. As you can see in the SWOT analysis template below, each quadrant features one of the four elements you’ll be focusing on—strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Using a matrix helps present your findings in a clear, easy-to-understand way.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

2. Gather the right participants

Pull people from all departments to participate in the analysis. Your entire leadership team should be involved because they can provide a broad view of the organization and offer insight into the competitive landscape.

But having lots of different perspectives is beneficial, and that means including leaders from every department—and anyone else you think might have valuable input. The more diverse the group, the better insights you’ll generate.

Not all ideas will make it to the final list, but it’s important to consider them all.

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3. list your strengths.

Ask the group: What are we good at? How are we better than our competitors? These are broad questions, but in the beginning stages of your discussion, you should accept all answers.

Examine these questions in relation to the Balanced Scorecard perspectives. For the fictional company Upward Airlines, the discussion might look like this:

  • Financial strengths: What is our most reliable source of financial growth? Is it our service destinations? A large fleet size? Our customer loyalty program?
  • Customer strengths: Where is our customer growth coming from? Is it due to excellent service ratings or low prices? Why are customers choosing us over our competitors?
  • Internal strengths: What do we do very well as an organization? Are our operations easily scalable? Do we have an exceptionally high employee retention rate? How complex is our maintenance program?
  • Learning & growth strengths: Where do we excel as far as our employees are concerned? Is it our compensation model? Could it be our workforce development program? Are people coming or leaving because of our culture?

Having considered these questions for your own organization, you might come up with multiple responses in some categories. Below is a sample of the strengths portion of the SWOT analysis for Upward Airlines:

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

TIP: As mentioned above, you can use ClearPoint to simplify this and the remaining information-gathering steps. Rather than asking everyone to brainstorm simultaneously in a conference room, give people time to review relevant data (also housed in ClearPoint) that would help identify strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential opportunities. Participants can then input their thoughts into ClearPoint, link to key supporting metrics, and even add contextual information surrounding their thought process.

Doing your analysis within a single tool not only makes it easier to collect the information but also gives you the visibility to see how the various components that make up your SWOT might be linked. Further, ClearPoint has a discussion feature that allows users to @ mention other users, and thus facilitates conversations about your strengths and weaknesses.

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4. list your weaknesses.

Ask the group: What are we not good at? Where can we grow? What are we lacking? The Upward Airlines discussion might look like this:

  • Financial weaknesses: What is our biggest financial weakness? Our destinations are all in the U.S., which may be limiting our growth. Or, we know that a large number of new competitors entering the market are decreasing our market share. Do we have challenges with debt or credit?
  • Customer weaknesses: Where do our customers think we need to improve? This could be related to frequently canceled flights, lost baggage, complexity of the reservation process, or cleanliness, for instance.
  • Internal weaknesses: What do we do poorly? Are we slow at handling customer complaints? Are our maintenance costs above industry average? What about plane utilization?
  • Learning & growth weaknesses: What are our biggest challenges with employees? Is our staff security training proving ineffective, or is there a negative perception of the organizational culture? Do our employee surveys reveal low engagement?

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

5. Identify your opportunities

Ask the group: Where do we see big (and small) possibilities for our organization? What do we see happening in the future?

The Upward Airlines group might discuss the following:

  • Financial opportunities: What is our biggest opportunity to improve our finances? This might mean taking advantage of federal loans in a time of crisis (like COVID-19) or adopting specific technology to lower costs. Maybe there is an opportunity to purchase a weaker competitor.
  • Customer opportunities: Where could we dramatically improve with our customers? Could we enhance our online interface? Can we create and promote new standards of cleanliness? What about finding new ways to engage with customers when travel opportunities are low?
  • Internal opportunities: What processes will drive us well into the future if we could improve upon them? Adopting certain climate initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, for instance, will make us more eco-friendly (and, by extension, more appealing to customers). Maybe now is the time to upgrade a reservation or pricing system.
  • Learning & growth opportunities: What opportunities do we have to leverage staff? For example, do we have cross-training opportunities? Could we make a few tweaks to improve our culture and thus our retention?

Upward Airlines’ opportunities for the foreseeable future might be:

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

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6. identify your potential threats.

Ask the group: What do we see as a threat? What obstacles do we anticipate? What is changing that could hurt us? As a travel-related company in a tough economy, Upward Airlines might uncover a number of potential threats:

  • Financial threats: What threats could seriously impact our financial health? This could be low-cost competitors, ongoing global health issues that prevent travel, or rising oil costs.
  • Customer threats: What is our biggest concern about our customers? Has a competitor created a more attractive loyalty program? Is our number of business clients trending downward?
  • Internal threats: What current areas of our business might harm us later? Is a contract dispute imminent that could disrupt business? Is a potential merger or acquisition on the horizon?
  • Learning & growth threats: What threatens the people within your organization? This could be anything from instability in our customer support department to staff member departures to a department-specific pushback against new technology.

The external threats deemed most imminent for Upward Airlines might be:

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

7. Examine your matrix for connections

In looking at your SWOT matrix, do some of your strengths naturally support the identified opportunities? If you eliminate weaknesses, would that present additional opportunities?

At this point, we recommend running a “brown paper exercise”—print your SWOT matrix in large size, and ask employees to add post-it notes in any or all of the matrix’s four boxes if they feel the leadership team missed something. (You can also ask employees to add their names next to their suggestions so leadership can follow up with them.) Not only is this exercise great for inter-office discussion, but it also gives leaders the chance to consider opinions from staff in the field.

Done correctly, the SWOT analysis is another valuable tool in your toolbox for improving business performance and minimizing threats and weaknesses going forward. It can also prompt organizations to be more innovative with their strategy—new ideas may emerge that leadership would not normally have considered without such a thorough examination of the business from all angles.

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Complement your swot with a pest analysis.

A SWOT analysis is a way of understanding and evaluating all facets of your company so you’re in a better position to make decisions about the future. But there are also external factors that will impact your company’s future; these things are beyond your control but still require consideration as you map out your strategy.

That’s why many organizations choose to complement a SWOT analysis with a PEST analysis—together, they provide a complete picture of your business environment for effective strategic planning.

PEST stands for political, economic, social, and technological—the four key areas outside your business that are likely to impact it. These factors tend to play out over long time frames. An economic slowdown, for instance, could take years to resolve, but you can take action to address staff training issues fairly quickly.

Thus, a PEST analysis is more valuable than SWOT when it comes to formulating longer-term plans and business strategies. Our recommendation is to do a SWOT analysis first, followed by a PEST analysis, to get a complete picture of the business landscape.

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What Should You Do with Your SWOT Analysis?

Congratulations! Hopefully, you understand your business a little better after completing your SWOT analysis; now it’s time to put those insights to good use. Your ideas on how to use your strengths and overcome your weaknesses should inform your strategy.

Developing a strategy is in and of itself a big step. It involves defining objectives for your company to move toward, creating priority initiatives (projects) to help make them a reality, and identifying measures to make sure the strategy is unfolding the way it should.

Our Upward Airlines SWOT analysis example, for instance, lists four weaknesses:

  • High maintenance costs
  • Fewer direct travel routes than our competitors
  • No uniform project management system in place
  • Below-average employee satisfaction

Some of these weaknesses are easier to address than others, such as improving employee satisfaction and your project management practices. Others, like the lack of direct travel routes, may be difficult to address in a time when airlines are still recovering from the COVID-19 fallout and profits are low. Similarly, you want to continue supporting your current strengths.

While you shouldn’t let your excellent training program lapse, it needn’t be a focus if you expect the number of new hires over the next year to be low. However, improving your virtual communication practices will most likely prove to be beneficial moving forward.

Therefore, the Upward Airlines SWOT analysis above might drive strategy in the following ways:

  • An objective might be to “improve employee satisfaction”; to accomplish that goal, the company might initiate new projects that include reevaluating the benefits plan or starting a surveying program for employee feedback.
  • An objective might be to “make flying as safe as possible for customers”; to reach that goal, they might implement a new cleaning regimen and increase communication with customers about new procedures.
  • An objective might be to increase revenue by 10%; to help achieve that goal they might create a problem-solving team whose purpose is to reevaluate the current capacity strategy and recommend changes to offset the rising cost of fuel.

Make sure there is a clear and strong link between your SWOT analysis and your strategy map. For example, if you’re a for-profit organization, your financial perspective will be the top priority—build your analysis into your map in a manner that drives those finances in the right direction.

Maybe your SWOT analysis foretold an opportunity to hit a new line of business or forecast that a line of business would dry up. Your strategy needs to reflect that information.

If you’re using ClearPoint for strategy execution, you can make sure the projects you initiate as a result of your SWOT will actually have an impact by a) creating links within the software to show clear connections between projects and objectives, and b) tracking progress on your goals and initiatives over time.

That way, you’ll be able to see if, for example, your revised capacity plan positively impacted revenue in any substantial way—or if it had a negative effect on the bottom line. If you’re continuously monitoring progress, you’ll be able to adjust your course of action in a timely manner if needed.

Those insights will also be useful for your next SWOT analysis.

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Real-world swot analysis examples.

Still uncertain as to how your team can use the information produced by a SWOT analysis? We reached out to the business community to ask about their experiences with SWOT.

Their answers, listed below, show that SWOT can be applied to any number of business activities, from developing a long-term overall strategy to launching campaigns, new products, and more.

Seize New Opportunities

"We focus on the opportunity aspect of SWOT. We are always looking to find new ways of growing our company, and we use this analysis to show us areas where our business might thrive. A SWOT analysis showed us how important it would be for us to partner with over 15 different insurance companies, so that we can freely match each client with whichever one is best for them. Most companies like ours only work with one or two companies, but we have seized the opportunity, and we are growing because of it."

—Anthony Martin of Choice Mutual

"We took action to understand that it's not enough to simply have a great product; we need to make sure our customers know how it can help them. By servicing the market, we found ways to add value for our customers and build relationships with them by providing helpful resources on our website and offering free trials. This has helped us to focus on creating and providing value to our customers, rather than just trying to get them to buy our product. As a result, we've created a much more sustainable and successful business."

—Diana Stepanova of Monitask

"One of the most important things that came out of our SWOT analysis was identifying untapped opportunities. After changing the game with our magnetic lashes, we saw a gap in the acrylic nail market. Through a SWOT analysis, we have realized our strength in reimagining highly used beauty products and making them better for the consumer. That has opened up even more opportunities to revolutionize the billion-dollar beauty industry."

—Ann McFerran of Glamnetic

"Our SWOT analysis revealed that we could create additional revenue streams by white-labeling our writing service and marketing it to other agencies. We offered interested parties discounts on our already-competitive rates, which made working with us very attractive and profitable for both sides. This allowed us to effectively double the size of our market. Most of the work we do now is for our agency partners, which means we can spend less time chasing sales and instead focus on ensuring quality in our service."

—Milo Cruz of Freelance Writing Jobs

“The best insight I gained from performing a SWOT analysis of my organization is that we are very good at what we do and have a lot of growth potential. One action that we took because of this insight was to expand our product line. We now offer various [photo] backdrops, including some specifically designed for events. We have also started marketing to new customers, which has helped us grow our business.At first, we didn't think that expanding our product line would help us much, but it has been one of the best things we've done for our business. It's enabled us to attract new customers and grow our sales. Marketing to new customers has also been helpful in terms of growing our business. These actions have made us a more prosperous and well-rounded company. "

—Kate Zhang of Kate Backdrop

Evaluate Your Competitive Advantage

"The SWOT analysis helped us identify potential opportunities that were unique to us in terms of reach. This allowed us to focus on key areas and strategies that would allow us to be the go-to choice of a specific market."Knowing where your company stands in relation to its competitors is crucial for developing strategies that will give you a competitive advantage. It also gives you insight into your unique opportunities that your competitors may not have. This is the kind of information that can help you make decisions that will take your company to the next level."

—Linda Shaffer of Checkr

"There are many roofing contractors competing for business, and it can be difficult for customers to understand what sets us apart from the rest. In order to address this issue, we have revamped our marketing materials to better communicate our unique selling points.As a result, potential customers can now see that our company is the best choice for quality roofing services, and we have experienced a significant increase in sales."

—Marty Ford of BulletpRoof Roof Systems Ltd.

“Owners of startups and small businesses need, but cannot find, a system to start, market, operate, or finance a business. Through our SWOT analysis, we noticed that our competitors left important questions and needs unanswered. For example, a competitor might help you set up a corporation, but have nothing for you after that.You started the business, but now need marketing, operational, or finance help. We strive to be the entrepreneur's best friend by giving you the needed tools."

—James Chittenden of One Click Advisor

Learn Business Strengths

"SWOT analysis was incredibly helpful when it came to understanding the strengths of my business. I was then able to play to those strengths and build on them.One strength was integrity—my business is always honest—and I’ve built that honesty into our brand."

—Keith Terrell of Backpacks Global

"Overcoming our weaknesses doesn't mean we are not keeping an eye on our existing strengths. If there's one thing SWOT analysis has taught us, it’s that we should treasure the things that keep our company strong by being innovative. Our positive attributes can become a weakness if we refuse to adapt to changes. Consistently monitoring our strengths has allowed us to hit all our targets and go beyond our goals. As a result, we have outperformed our competitors by always bringing something new to the table."

—Adam Garcia of The Stock Dork

Address Future Business Challenges

"Two of the issues we identified were the great resignation and the recession. Knowing them in advance gave us plenty of time to make the necessary changes (like retaining your best employees by offering new benefits—remote work, PTO, and unlimited growth opportunities). We also changed our inventory strategy and made sure we had enough to counter the price increases, shortages, and demand.These strategy changes helped us limit the adverse effects of the recession, optimize our stocks, and make sure all our orders were fulfilled on time. The changes were also able to help us retain our best employees; thus, we never even had any problems throughout the great resignation."

—Michael Perry of Fitness Fixed Gear

Shore up Weaknesses

"In our SWOT analysis, we were able to pinpoint areas where our employees may be lacking the skills they needed to succeed in our company. We decided to offer free online learning to our workers to help them add to their skill set.This has helped us not only improve the skill sets of our employees, but it has also increased employee retention. Employees want to stay loyal to a company that helps them grow."

—Mark Daoust of Quiet Light

"Prior to the SWOT analysis, I had always approached marketing from a product-centric perspective; however, the SWOT analysis made me realize that we needed to focus more on customer-centric marketing. We needed to connect with our target audience and build relationships with them.As a result, we've made some changes to our marketing approach, and I believe that these changes will help us to be more successful in the long run."

—Jacob Villa of Authority

"We have always prided ourselves on having good client relationships, but this exercise showed us that we needed to have strong client relationships. We have studied our weakness (why we have monthly policy cancellations or non-renewals) and the results showed that we need to focus on building and maintaining client relationships. After doing that, we have seen a significant increase in the average tenure of our clients and customer satisfaction scores."

—Loran Marmes of Medicare Solutions Team

"One threat we encountered in our business was the sudden and huge dip in our customer satisfaction score, which has never happened in the past five years. To resolve this issue and ensure we eliminate the threat that's harming our relationship with customers, we allocated time to engage with our employees and immediately gave them intensive customer service training.Our urgent action to eradicate this threat has helped our business bounce back and we’ve regained the trust of our customers. It has also taught us to listen to customer feedback seriously and do our best to live up to their expectations."

—Jake Smith of Absolute Reg LTD

See Different Perspectives

"A successful SWOT analysis encourages discussion from employees of different levels, from operational, to managerial, to administrative level. By doing this, everyone contributes their thoughts on the status and standing of the company—it’s not just about how one person sees it. This way, all aspects of the business are considered and addressed from all levels."

—Corey Morgan of Kind Home Painting

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Swot analysis best practices.

To create the most accurate and effective SWOT analysis, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Encourage open and honest conversation. Create an environment that encourages candidness. That might mean using sticky notes to gather anonymous feedback, rather than having people raise their hand to state a company weakness out loud.
  • Promote collaboration. Have everyone write all their ideas on sticky notes, put them on a board, and then walk through them as a group. Combining similar ideas might help people to think of more. You might also consider breaking up a large group into smaller groups of three or four employees to encourage the sharing of ideas.
  • Vote to narrow down ideas. The group will generate lots of ideas. You want to take them all into consideration, but you don’t need to keep every idea; this should be a fairly high-level exercise. Rank the top 10 and list those to focus on. And remember—the SWOT isn’t intended to project 10 years down the road; it should look at where you are now and in the very near future.
  • To identify external factors, look at the competition. In addition to a PEST analysis, another way to identify external threats and opportunities is to look at your competitors. What opportunities are they currently after, and can you use that to your advantage? What threats are they currently facing, and how does that apply to you?
  • Be specific when describing internal factors. For example, “brand image” can be both a strength and a weakness, depending on how you word it. Be specific in your descriptions; ultimately, that specificity will also help you define the right measures and benchmark your performance over time.
  • Keep emotion out of the room. This exercise should be objective, not subjective. If a statement can’t be backed up with facts, it doesn’t count.
  • Try to make your resulting strategy “weatherproof.” Current threats may include the possibility of more political and economic turmoil, but these kinds of obstacles tend to be much more complicated than those you’d see in most SWOT analyses. While it may be difficult to address them fully, try to develop a strategy that will bolster your organization during hard times. For example, a retail store might consider creating an objective to ensure its online and in-person stores perform equally well should either avenue be cut off due to external circumstances.

If you need some guidance with this process, download our free strategic planning booklet. It includes eight of the most popular templates to build strategic plans, including a SWOT analysis template.

The strategic plan you develop from your SWOT analysis is powerful, so once you’ve created it, don’t let it sit! Use strategy execution software like ClearPoint to track your progress over time.

Optimize Your Strategic Planning with ClearPoint

Undertaking a SWOT analysis requires planning and organization; it can also be a lengthy process. For those reasons, we recommend treating it like a project. If you already have project management (PM) software, by all means use it.

If you don’t have software (or if you’re considering making a change), we encourage you to take a look at ClearPoint. It’s ideal for keeping individual projects on track, but it also does much more than that— it shows you how important projects impact your organization’s overall strategy. Are your projects moving the needle when it comes to your larger goals? That’s an important aspect of project management you can’t get with any other PM tool.

Viewing your SWOT analysis as a project within ClearPoint has multiple benefits:

  • You can maintain forward momentum by creating deadlines for each component, assigning responsible “owners” to tasks, and tracking milestones and overall progress.
  • You can simplify the information-gathering portion of SWOT by sending automated messages to relevant team members on when and how to input information.
  • You can facilitate collaboration among all parts of the organization by providing everyone access to a single tool that handles data collection.
  • You can encourage participation and increase engagement by making the SWOT analysis visible to as many or as few people as you like.
  • You can see how your SWOT connects to various parts of your strategy by linking elements to high-level objectives, other projects, measures, etc.—anything that adds context to the analysis.

Another benefit of treating your SWOT analysis as a project in ClearPoint: You won’t have to reinvent the wheel every time you repeat the process. You can just duplicate the framework, make any necessary adjustments, and then repeat the process as before, even comparing your newest SWOT to the previous analysis if necessary.

Below is a screenshot of what it might look like to set up a SWOT analysis as a project within ClearPoint, with some sample milestones shown.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Ready to streamline your SWOT analysis and take your strategic planning to the next level? ClearPoint Strategy is here to guide you. Our comprehensive software solution simplifies the SWOT analysis process, ensuring you gain valuable insights and effectively integrate them into your strategic plan.

Book a personalized demo with our experts and see how our software can help you efficiently conduct SWOT analyses, track progress, and achieve your strategic goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 4 dimensions of swot analysis.

The four dimensions areL strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

When and where should you develop a SWOT analysis?

You need a few uninterrupted hours to conduct a strong SWOT analysis. You should conduct a SWOT analysis around the same time of your strategy refresh. Include key leaders within the company to get comprehensive insights on the current state of your business.

How do you use your SWOT analysis?

Use your SWOT analysis to influence your strategic plan! Don't let the insights from your SWOT analysis just sit in a shelf. Learn how to utilize your strengths to achieve your long-term goals, and make plans to strengthen your weaknesses.

Why should I conduct a SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis offers many benefits for your organization. It allows you to better understand your business. By taking the time to identify where your company succeeds, and where they struggle, you can create plans to leverage your strengths and mitigate risks in your weaknesses.

What's the difference between a SWOT and PESTEL analysis?

A SWOT analysis is conducted to assess internal factors that affect your business. A PESTEL analysis focuses solely on external factors .

What are the benefits of using SWOT analysis?

The benefits of using SWOT analysis include:

  • Identifying Strengths: Helps identify and leverage the organization's internal strengths.
  • Recognizing Weaknesses: Highlights areas for improvement within the organization.
  • Spotting Opportunities: Uncovers external opportunities that the organization can exploit for growth.
  • Understanding Threats: Identifies external threats that could impact the organization’s success.
  • Strategic Planning: Provides a foundation for developing strategic plans and making informed decisions.

How can SWOT analysis help your business?

SWOT analysis can help your business by:

  • Strategic Decision Making: Informs strategic decisions by providing a comprehensive view of the internal and external factors affecting the business.
  • Resource Allocation: Helps prioritize resource allocation based on identified strengths and opportunities.
  • Risk Management: Enables proactive management of potential threats and weaknesses.
  • Competitive Advantage: Identifies unique strengths that can be leveraged to gain a competitive edge.
  • Goal Setting: Aids in setting realistic goals and objectives based on a clear understanding of the business environment.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when conducting a SWOT analysis?

Common mistakes to avoid when conducting a SWOT analysis include:

  • Lack of Specificity: Being too vague or general in identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Ignoring External Factors: Focusing too much on internal factors and neglecting external influences.
  • Overlooking Data: Not using data and evidence to support the analysis, leading to biased or incomplete results.
  • Failure to Act: Conducting the analysis but not using the insights to inform strategic decisions and actions.
  • Infrequent Reviews: Not updating the SWOT analysis regularly to reflect changes in the internal and external environment.

How often should you conduct a SWOT analysis?

You should conduct a SWOT analysis:

  • Annually: At least once a year as part of the strategic planning process.
  • During Major Changes: Whenever there are significant changes in the market, industry, or within the organization.
  • Before Strategic Initiatives: Prior to launching new products, entering new markets, or making major business decisions.
  • Periodically: Regularly reviewing and updating the SWOT analysis ensures it remains relevant and accurate.

What are some tips for getting the most out of a SWOT analysis?

Tips for getting the most out of a SWOT analysis include:

  • Involve Key Stakeholders: Engage a diverse group of stakeholders to gain comprehensive insights and perspectives.
  • Use Data: Base the analysis on accurate and up-to-date data to ensure reliability.
  • Be Specific: Clearly define each strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat to avoid ambiguity.
  • Prioritize Factors: Focus on the most critical factors that will have the greatest impact on the business.
  • Develop Action Plans: Translate insights from the SWOT analysis into actionable strategies and plans.
  • Review Regularly: Regularly revisit and update the SWOT analysis to keep it relevant and useful.

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Written by Mary Kate Miller | June 29, 2021

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A SWOT analysis can help a small business owner or business assess a company’s position to determine the most optimal strategy going forward. This business practice can help you identify what you’re doing well, what you want to do better, and what kinds of obstacles you might encounter along the way.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about a SWOT analysis: what it is, how it works, and how to do it. We’ll also include an example and a template to help guide you as you perform your own SWOT analysis.

What Is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that outlines an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Assessing business competition in this way can help an organization plan strategically and execute more effectively.

The 4 Parts of a SWOT Analysis

Your business’s strengths SWOT section should include anything that your business does differently or better than competitors. Think about your unique value proposition, trends you’ve noticed in positive customer feedback, operational strengths, and company culture. This section is the perfect place to name and celebrate anything you’re already doing well.

Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn (while also remaining objective). Clearly identifying your business’s strengths not only helps you keep your spirits balanced as you address your weaknesses, it will also give you a sense of where to concentrate your resources. It’s easier to build a successful business when you’re working towards something, rather than acting in opposition.

Questions to help you determine your strengths:

  • What is your business’s unique value proposition?
  • What common compliments do you receive from your customers?
  • What does your business do particularly well?
  • How do you operate differently from your competitors?
  • What gives you an edge on the competition ? (This can include something product-related like “better access to raw materials” or “lower cost of goods,” or it can be an internal strength like “strong company culture” or “employee motivation.”)
  • What might your competitors name as your strengths?

Your weaknesses are the areas in which the business has room for improvement. You should include structural weaknesses in this section—those that relate to your systems, procedures, resources, and personnel. This is a great place to look at common feedback from employees (either from exit interviews, anonymous surveys, or other sources) and recurring customer complaints.

Questions to help you determine your weaknesses:

  • What areas of your business could stand to improve?
  • What are common hiccups in your customer experience ?
  • How do you use your resources? Is there room for improvement?
  • What improvements are needed in your employee experience?
  • What weaknesses might your customers see that you tend to overlook?
  • What weaknesses might your competitors think you have?


Your opportunities are the positive, external factors that your business might benefit from… but cannot directly control. That might include market opportunities, consumer purchasing trends, legal or regulatory changes, population changes, the cost of raw materials, and more. For example, businesses that provide accessibility for aging seniors might recognize the forthcoming “silver tsunami” of Baby Boomers entering the target demographic. This would be a clear opportunity to expand their customer base.

Questions to help you determine your opportunities:

  • What trends might affect your industry?
  • How might the right talent create new opportunities?
  • your customers ask for anything you don’t offer (but could)?
  • How might population changes affect your business opportunities? (think: generational shifts)
  • Is there a need in the industry that you’re not creating, but could?
  • Do your competitors have any weaknesses that could be opportunities for you?
  • Is there a way to repackage current products to demand a higher price?
  • Are there any new, or potential, regulatory or tax changes that might provide a new opportunity?

Your threats are the external factors that have the potential to negatively affect your business. A threat can be specific and competitor-based or more structural. buy clomid online buy clomid online no prescription Examples of structural threats could be supply chain challenges, shifts in market requirements, talent shortages, or changes to social media algorithms (especially if your business heavily relies on social media marketing). You might also face a threat (or threats) from your competitors. This can include the way they operate, how they’re marketing, or the products they offer.

Identifying every external threat your business faces is essential for your business to identify how it must adapt in order to meet and overcome these challenges.

Questions to help you determine threats:

  • What happens if a supplier or manufacturer runs out of materials you use?
  • What if a natural disaster (like a pandemic) strikes? buy amitriptyline online buy amitriptyline online no prescription
  • Is your market shrinking?
  • What are your competitors offering? Are they expanding or offering different products?
  • How are your competitors marketing?
  • What technological threats are you vulnerable to (website security, social media algorithm changes)?
  • Are there any businesses that aren’t competitors now but could become competitors in the future?

The Benefits of a SWOT Analysis

SWOT analyses offer a variety of benefits for businesses and personal brands. Here are some of the most common benefits of a SWOT analysis:

  • You can use it to determine a strategic plan.
  • You can use it to drive an innovative, informed marketing plan.
  • It can help you identify external opportunities.
  • It can help you identify external threats.
  • It can reveal environmental factors that might affect your business, either positively or negatively.
  • You can develop a plan for how to tackle internal weaknesses.

How to Do a SWOT Analysis

You can approach SWOT analyses in multiple ways. You can conduct a personal SWOT analysis for yourself as an individual, you can perform a marketing SWOT analysis to determine a competitive advantage in your marketing , or you can use a SWOT analysis as a part of broader strategic planning.

Whatever your end goal for a SWOT analysis, follow these steps.

1. Create a SWOT Matrix

Use a SWOT template or create your own. You can create your SWOT framework on the computer or on a whiteboard—if you choose to do the latter, be sure that someone is in charge of recording the responses so that you don’t lose key insights (you can also take a picture at the end of the SWOT session).

2. Assemble Key Stakeholders

A SWOT analysis is most effective when it collects a variety of perspectives. Gathering key stakeholders with various perspectives will help you see more than you would have seen alone. Marketing leaders might be able to give you a more specific sense of the opportunities and threats related to your content marketing efforts. Your people team is closest to all personnel changes and feedback, so they’ll have the clearest sense of an organization’s strengths and what is driving employee retention (or challenging it). Sales leaders can help translate opportunities into a cohesive business strategy.

It’s simple: when it comes to a SWOT analysis, more heads are better than one.

3. Brainstorm Around Your Companies’ Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Go through each field of the SWOT diagram, spending some time with each one. Ask the group the guiding questions to ensure you’re developing a comprehensive picture of the internal and external environment. There are no bad ideas in brainstorming. You’re just trying to get thoughts flowing. Something that feels like a “bad idea” might lead to discovering a potential threat you’d never thought of before or nuanced analysis of how you stack up to your nearest competitor. The key here is to keep the brainstorm going.

4. Record Relevant Thoughts in Their Respective Sections

As you brainstorm, record points and ideas when they are relevant. At the end of the session, your SWOT analysis should leave you with a clear sense of the organization’s strengths and company’s weaknesses that you can use to guide your strategy formulation.

5. Edit Your List

Revisit the SWOT diagram at a later time and edit it, culling out anything you don’t really need. You can also polish up some of the key insights gleaned in the brainstorming session. This is especially important if you plan to use your SWOT analysis as a more formal document that might be disseminated broadly.

6. Create a More Formal Version (Optional)

The final step, if you choose to do it, is to take your SWOT takeaways and put them together in a polished document that you can share.

A SWOT Analysis Example

It can be easier to understand how to approach a SWOT analysis if you’ve seen a SWOT analysis example. For the sake of this example, we will imagine a hypothetical company and what its SWOT analysis might look like.

The Business

An Instagram-friendly fitness business offering virtual workouts.

  • The business is not limited to a specific geographic area.
  • The company offers great benefits so employees tend to stay.
  • Workouts look really good, so they market well on social media (particularly Instagram).
  • The app experience can be glitchy.
  • High customer churn rate.
  • Competitors let you filter classes by the instructor. Ours doesn’t offer that.
  • There is growing interest in our type of workout.
  • As a result of the pandemic, consumers are more interested in at-home workouts.
  • We could start offering retail products and branded workout equipment like our competitors do.
  • Our app is vulnerable to hacking.
  • If Instagram changes its algorithm, we may become wholly dependent on paid ads instead of organic posts.

A SWOT Analysis Template

Use this template to create your own SWOT analysis.

Strengths Section: What Your Company Does Well

Weaknesses section: what your company could improve, opportunities section: external factors you could use to your advantage, threats section: external factors that could harm your business, owning the hard truths of a swot analysis.

A SWOT analysis can bring up a lot of hard truths. It’s difficult to confront your company’s weaknesses and sometimes looking at threats can make them feel like the existential kind. Overcome these obstacles and give yourself the fortitude to confront business challenges head on with the Mental Toughness mini-course. The best part? It’s free.

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About Mary Kate Miller

Mary Kate Miller writes about small business, real estate, and finance. In addition to writing for Foundr, her work has been published by The Washington Post, Teen Vogue, Bustle, and more. She lives in Chicago.

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business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

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Swot analysis guide: powerful examples and a free template.

Are you looking for an easy way to gain a better understanding of your business, understand what is driving your success, and plan for the future? A SWOT analysis is a great tool for doing all of this. This SWOT Analysis Guide provides examples, a free template, and helpful information to help you create a comprehensive report on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing your organization. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

What is a SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis, standing for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, is a strategic tool that assists businesses in comprehending their current position and future planning. This robust framework plays an essential role in strategic planning and analysis for any organization.

For example, a dip in profit margins for a business can be scrutinized using a SWOT analysis. This tool helps identify internal factors, such as inefficient practices or inflated costs, that might be causing this dip. Using the SWOT pillars – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats – one can derive strategies to rectify the problem and enhance profit margins.

Through a SWOT analysis, businesses can:

  • Identify and assess their strengths and weaknesses : This might include distinct capabilities, resources, or operational inefficiencies within the business.
  • Spot external opportunities : Such as emerging markets or untapped customer segments that can offer growth prospects.
  • Pinpoint potential threats : For example, regulatory changes or competitive pressures that might pose a challenge in the future.

In essence, this analysis delivers a holistic view of the business’s internal and external landscape, paving the way for informed decision-making and strategy creation.

Particularly for startups, employing a SWOT analysis is a crucial aspect of business planning. It aids in strategizing effectively, ensuring a smooth launch, and setting a clear trajectory for the journey ahead. Employing this strategic tool early on can foster a robust foundation for the business, empowering it to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with confidence.

A SWOT analysis serves as a cornerstone for strategic planning, enabling businesses to align their goals with internal capabilities and market realities. Strengths and Weaknesses are introspective elements, helping businesses to capitalize on their unique competencies and address internal shortcomings.

Opportunities and Threats, on the other hand, require an outward focus, assessing market trends, competitive landscapes, and external risks.

Understanding these four elements in unison allows businesses to construct a comprehensive strategy that plays to their strengths, mitigates risks, leverages market opportunities, and avoids potential pitfalls.

Be sure to watch SmartDraw’s insightful video, ‘What is SWOT? Definition, Examples and How to Do a SWOT Analysis.’ It’s a great addition to our comprehensive SWOT Analysis Guide, reinforcing key concepts and showcasing practical examples. This video enhances your understanding and makes the whole process of performing a SWOT analysis more digestible and engaging.

What is the Goal of a SWOT Analysis?

The primary goal of a SWOT analysis is to leverage strengths and opportunities while addressing weaknesses and mitigating threats.

By understanding the internal and external factors that impact the business, organizations can make informed decisions about allocating resources, pursuing growth opportunities, and minimizing risks.

It provides a structured approach to strategic planning and helps businesses align their actions with their goals and aspirations, ultimately increasing their chances of success in the marketplace.

swot analysis

Pros of SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis offers invaluable insight for those making decisions at all levels of the organization, from upper management to individual teams. Here are five key pros of using this powerful tool:

  • Identify Strengths and Weaknesses. A SWOT Analysis can help identify an organization’s internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. This information can help businesses make smarter decisions about how they utilize their resources and plan for the future.
  • Information is Quickly Obtained: A SWOT matrix is designed to be easily skimmed. This facet allows stakeholders and decision-makers to quickly grasp the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the external opportunities and threats faced by the business. This visual representation aids in identifying strategic priorities, facilitating discussions, and guiding the formulation of effective strategies based on the insights derived from the analysis.
  • Focus on Goals. By analyzing factors that could have an impact on achieving a specific goal, businesses are better able to focus their efforts more strategically. This helps ensure that actions are taken in a way that could maximize positive outcomes while minimizing potential risks or drawbacks.
  • See the Big Picture. Having an overall view of what is happening within a business allows those making decisions to take into account more than just immediate consequences but also the long-term effects of certain choices further down the line.
  • Improve Communication and Collaboration. Conducting a SWOT Analysis encourages collaboration between different teams, departments, or individuals within an organization. Doing so helps ensure everyone involved is aligned for collective success by creating a shared understanding of all factors impacting decision-making processes.
  • Gain Insight and Make Informed Decisions. When all relevant pieces of information are taken into consideration, organizations gain valuable insight which can help guide conversations around strategy development, budgeting priorities, and more leading to better-informed business decisions.

Cons of SWOT Analysis

Although a SWOT Analysis is a useful tool, there can be certain drawbacks that should be considered when utilizing this framework. Here are three potential cons of the SWOT Analysis:

  • Time Consumption. Conducting a thorough and accurate SWOT Analysis requires significant time. It can be a lengthy process to collect, analyze, and synthesize all relevant data into actionable insights.
  • Potential for Bias. As with any analysis or assessment, there can be potential bias as to what is included in the process. This could lead to incomplete results or faulty conclusions if too much emphasis is placed on one particular aspect of the analysis over others.
  • Limited Usefulness Over Time. The facts and data used for most SWOT Analyses will change over time, thus making them less effective in predicting future outcomes with certainty. To be successful with SWOT Analyses, they must be regularly updated as new developments unfold in order to remain applicable and accurate.

Breaking Down a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)

Writing a good SWOT analysis is crucial for small businesses looking to expand quickly and maintain a competitive edge over emerging competitors. It serves as a strategic planning tool that enables businesses to assess their internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats.

Conducting a SWOT analysis is about analyzing every aspect of a company and developing potential strategies accordingly.

First, we’ll go through each of the components of a SWOT analysis and what to put down for each section to help you conduct a SWOT analysis. Make sure to research how to do a competitive analysis to get an idea of what your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses are.

Your first step is to identify and list these business strengths. Your strengths are internal factors that are positive and within your control.

To help build your list of business strengths, ask yourself the following:

  • What internal processes of your company are successful? These could be good supplier relations, an advantage in the market over others, marketing, and online presence, additional services offered/value-adds, etc.
  • What assets does your marketing team possess? Examples can be education, skills, knowledge, reputation, networking, and technical expertise.
  • What assets does your company have: Assets can be in the form of location, equipment, software tools, unique selling points, robust processes, intellectual property, patents and other factors contributing to your business’s success.
  • What competitive advantages does your company have? This refers to unique strengths or capabilities that set your business apart from the competition and give you an edge in the market. It could include factors such as proprietary technology, exclusive partnerships, strong brand reputation, superior customer service, efficient supply chain management, or a highly skilled and experienced team.

This is the tough part of the four quadrants since it’s difficult to confront the strengths and weaknesses of a business objectively. But your main priority here is to identify the company’s weaknesses both internally and externally.

Think of this as the building blocks to help you convert weaknesses into strengths.

This could include external environment factors such as pricing, competition, lowered demand, and more. It can also include internal weaknesses that negatively affect the business, such as a lack of budget, small teams, etc.


Now that you’ve done a deep dive into your business’s strengths and your business’s weaknesses, it’s time to identify potential opportunities. Based on the strengths and weaknesses you’ve laid out, where does your company have the advantage?

Are there markets where you’re performing well that can be further expanded? Do you have a strong marketing strategy that you could ramp up to drive demand? Think of the external factors you’ve identified and where your business might have an opportunity to grow.

Research how to create a one-page marketing plan and other business marketing plan tips to help you further develop your strategies.

The threats part of SWOT analyses can also scare off many. Essentially, the goal here is to look at potential threats that could negatively impact your business. Again, this can include internal issues and external threats that you identify.

Internal threats can include lack of staff, budgetary constraints, and other threats. External threats, as an example, can include markets you are not taking advantage of, negative reviews, strong competitors, and supplier issues.

When breaking down the SWOT analysis, businesses should consider questions like: For strengths, what unique resources do we possess? For weaknesses, what areas need improvement to compete effectively?

Opportunities can be identified by analyzing market trends: What new customer needs can we meet? Lastly, for threats, consider external changes like technological shifts: How can these disrupt our business model?

By methodically examining these elements, a business can develop strategies that leverage their strong points, improve weaknesses, reinforce opportunities, and guard against external threats.

External and Internal Factors

When looking at internal versus external factors, it’s important to differentiate between the two and understand how they could impact your business. Let’s take a look at both below…

Internal Factors

Internal factors are crucial components of your business’s internal environment, encompassing various aspects such as team size, resources, budget, processes, equipment, and other internal elements.

These factors are under the direct control of your business and hold the potential to exert a significant impact on your outcomes. By effectively managing and optimizing these internal factors, you can enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall performance.

It is essential to understand your strengths and weaknesses in these areas to make strategic decisions and strengthen your competitive position.

Human resources play a vital role in internal factors. A skilled and motivated team can contribute to higher productivity levels and increased customer satisfaction. Properly allocating resources and implementing well-defined processes ensures smooth operations and streamlined workflows.

Conversely, challenges such as limited budgets can pose constraints on hiring and training, while outdated equipment may impede efficiency and hinder progress. By assessing and addressing the specific needs of your human resources, you can optimize their potential and drive positive outcomes.

Financials are another critical aspect of internal factors. Managing your budget effectively allows for the proper allocation of resources and investment in growth opportunities.

It enables you to make informed financial decisions, such as allocating funds for research and development, marketing campaigns, or infrastructure improvements.

Monitoring and analyzing your financial data provides insights into cash flow, profitability, and overall financial health, allowing you to identify areas of improvement and make strategic adjustments.

External Factors

External factors, in contrast, refer to elements that are outside of your control and exist in the external environment of your business. These factors can include market size, economic conditions, technological advancements, legal and regulatory changes, and consumer trends.

While you may not have direct control over these factors, it is essential to be aware of their potential impact on your business.

External factors can present opportunities or threats to your business. For example, a growing market or favorable economic conditions can create opportunities for expansion and increased demand for your products or services.

On the other hand, factors such as economic downturns or disruptive technological advancements can pose challenges and require adaptation in order to remain competitive.

By closely monitoring and understanding external factors, you can anticipate changes, adjust your strategies, and take advantage of opportunities while mitigating potential risks.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Home Depot Example

One successful instance of SWOT analysis can be observed in the case of Home Depot. The company conducted a comprehensive evaluation of its internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external factors that posed potential threats to its market position and growth strategy.

Home Depot identified several noteworthy strengths, including high-quality customer service, strong brand recognition, and positive supplier relationships. Conversely, its weaknesses were identified as a constrained supply chain, reliance on the U.S. market, and a business model that could be easily replicated.

Aligned with its weaknesses, Home Depot recognized various threats, such as the presence of close competitors, the availability of substitute products, and the condition of the U.S. market.

Through the SWOT analysis and other assessments, the company concluded that expanding its supply chain and global footprint would be essential for its growth and success.

By addressing its weaknesses and mitigating potential threats, Home Depot aimed to capitalize on its strengths and enhance its competitive position in the market.

How do You do a SWOT Analysis?

The following table breaks down the SWOT analysis that follows into simple steps, making it easy to understand and follow. It serves as a concise, clear guide, making the process less overwhelming and more manageable.

Steps for SWOT AnalysisDescription
Step 1: Gather DataGather internal and external data about your company or yourself. This data, which includes financial statements, customer feedback, and industry trends, will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and potential opportunities and threats.
Step 2: BrainstormBrainstorm around the data, breaking it down into categories of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Be open to all ideas and make an exhaustive list as a foundation for further exploration.
Step 3: Analyze StrengthsObjectively analyze the strengths, asking questions about your main advantages, resources, and unique features. The goal is to gain insight into what makes you or your business successful.
Step 4: Analyze WeaknessesAfter analyzing strengths, move on to weaknesses. Identify areas that could be improved and aspects that require more information for better decision-making.
Step 5: Identify OpportunitiesLook towards external factors to find potential opportunities for change and growth. Keep up with current events and developments to open your mind to alternative options.
Step 6: Analyze ThreatsIdentify possible external threats such as competition and disruptions. Regular monitoring of outside forces is essential to make informed decisions quickly when needed.
Step 7: Construct an Action Plan + Implement SolutionsUsing insights from the above steps, construct an action plan with set goals, responsibilities, and timelines. Implement the solutions within your organization to meet your targets efficiently.

A SWOT analysis provides businesses with an outline of the current state and tangible areas to focus on for improved performance or development. Research how to perform a personal swot analysis if you are conducting a SWOT analysis for yourself. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do a successful business SWOT analysis:

Step 1: Gather Data

SWOT Analysis - data collection

The first step in conducting a SWOT Analysis is to gather internal and external data about you or your company. Internal data includes financial statements, customer feedback surveys, and employee reviews, while external data may include industry trends and news reports from around the world.

This data will help identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as potential opportunities and threats in the environment.

Financial Statements

Financial statements are key for any company wanting to conduct a SWOT Analysis. These documents provide insight into your company’s revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Knowing these numbers can help you identify where your company stands financially.

Employee Feedback

Employee feedback is an essential resource for any company looking to conduct an effective SWOT Analysis. This data can provide insight into the issues facing your business, as well as potential solutions that could be beneficial for the company.

Step 2: Brainstorm

Once you have gathered the necessary data, it’s time to start brainstorming around it. Break down the information into categories such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Start by listing out any ideas that come up during the brainstorming process without any judgments or filters.

Don’t worry if some of these seem far-fetched or irrelevant. This list is simply meant as a starting point for further examination into each category.

Some of the strongest areas for your business could include a strong brand, motivated employees, an excellent track record with customers, a presence in multiple markets, and more.

As an illustration, let’s consider a hedge fund that has devised an exclusive trading strategy generating exceptional returns that outperform the market. The fund now faces the task of determining the most effective approach to utilize these outcomes in order to appeal to prospective investors and expand its investor base.

Similarly, for your business, notable strengths may encompass a well-established brand, a highly motivated workforce, a stellar history of customer satisfaction, a strong market presence across multiple sectors, and various other aspects that can help attract new investors.

Areas where you could stand to improve include communication, customer service, lack of employees with specific skill sets, limited resources, etc.

Potential areas of growth could include international expansion, increased market share in a certain region, new products, or a better customer experience.

External factors to keep an eye on could include new competition, changes in the economy, or shifting customer preferences.

Step 3: Analyze Strengths

SWOT analysis - Analyze Strengths

The next step is analyzing the strength category by asking questions such as what are your main advantages, what resources do you have access to, or what makes your company stand out in the market. Looking at these inquiries objectively will allow you to gain insight into what makes you or your company successful.

Some of the main advantages could include a great reputation in the industry, a team of experienced employees, access to capital resources, and more.

What resources do you have access to that others in the market may not? This could include things such as experienced advisors, research and development teams, or reliable suppliers.

Unique Features

What makes your company stand out in the market? This could include a strong brand, state-of-the-art technology, or a diversified product line.

Step 4: Analyze Weaknesses

SWOT analysis - analyze weaknesses

Continuing on from analyzing strengths comes looking at weaknesses within yourself or your organization. What processes could be improved?

Where can decisions be better informed? Allowing yourself and your team time to think about areas that need attention ensures that possible solutions can be discussed further down the line.


Are there any processes that could be improved upon or streamlined? This can include anything from the way customer complaints are handled to the approval process for new projects.


Are decisions being made with enough information? Having access to the right data is key for making informed decisions that will benefit the company.

Do you have access to the right experts that can help make better decisions or provide assistance in certain areas of the business? If not, what steps can be taken to obtain the necessary expertise?

Step 5: Identify Opportunities

SWOT Analysis - Identify opportunities

In order to find potential opportunities for change and growth look toward external factors such as what new technologies are emerging, what regulations are changing, and whether there are gaps in current products or services providing space for improvement. Keeping up with current events opens your mind up to alternative options.

Step 6: Analyze Threats

SWOT Analysis - Identify threats

External factors can also bring along with them possible threats. What competition exists in your market? Does anything pose a risk of disruption within existing services or products being provided? Monitoring all aspects of outside forces should be continuously done in order to optimize decision-making abilities when needed quickly.

Step 7: Construct an Action Plan + Implement Solutions

SWOT Analyis- Action Plan

Applying possible solutions found through each of these steps comes down to constructing an action plan on how they can be implemented within your organization.

Writing out desired goals in regards to members responsible for obtaining them by certain dates set out beforehand coupled with methods of their achievement should lead towards meeting targets quickly and efficiently.

SWOT Analysis Template

Now that we’ve gone through some examples in different industries, how do you get started on creating a SWOT analysis of your own? Luckily, this kind of analysis is pretty easy to structure. You can create one using your computer or even just divide a piece of paper into four quadrants and start writing.

These videos by Starbucks and Tesla show how they performed SWOT analyses on their companies. These examples can give you real-life applications to get you started on your own SWOT analysis.

Watching how established companies like Starbucks and Tesla conduct their SWOT analyses provides valuable insights and practical examples. It can help you understand the intricacies of the process and effectively implement it in your own business scenario.

As a helpful tool, we’ve created a free SWOT Analysis template for different types of businesses. You can use them to get started with your analysis:

SWOT Analysis Examples

When trying to come up with a SWOT analysis for your own business, it’s sometimes easier to see what others in your industry are doing. Before conducting a SWOT analysis for your company, you can look at some examples below to get some inspiration.

SWOT Analysis Example: Small Business

Regardless of industry, it can be difficult for a small business to identify weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Here’s a great example to help you understand how to structure your SWOT analysis:

SWOT Analysis Example: Small Business

Marketing SWOT Analysis

For businesses focusing on improving one specific aspect of the business, such as sales or marketing, here is a marketing SWOT analysis example that you can use as a starting point for your own SWOT analysis.

Marketing SWOT Analysis

3. Company SWOT Analysis Example

For larger companies, it’s sometimes difficult to hone down and focus on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats because there are so many competing aspects. That’s why it can be helpful to look at a SWOT Analysis of a company example to help you structure your own.

Company SWOT Analysis Example

SWOT Analysis Example for a Restaurant

Food service businesses tend to have their own unique challenges, so identifying potential strategies is often difficult. However, using a Restaurant SWOT analysis example, you can build off it and create a SWOT analysis for your business that’s reflective of the market.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Acting on Your Results

A SWOT analysis is a powerful tool for understanding the internal and external factors that are impacting your business and is useful for startups, along with a proper business plan. It’s important to use the results of the analysis to create actionable steps and set realistic timelines for reaching your goals.

By staying focused and organized, you can use a SWOT analysis to make analysis a part of your long-term business strategy to ensure the future success of your business. And if you don’t have a business plan, be sure to research how to write a business plan to help set your business up for success.

While on the subject of planning, make sure to also learn how to create a one-page marketing plan . With all the data you have from your SWOT analysis, you will be able to establish a more effective marketing strategy.

SWOT Analysis Tips

A strong SWOT analysis is about diving deep into your business and collating all the information in an organized way. The more you’re able to tap into what makes your business unique and what needs to improve, the more actionable your SWOT analysis will be.

Here are some tips to ensure you’re getting the most out of a SWOT analysis:

Don’t be Afraid

A good SWOT analysis is about confronting each part of the business: the good, the bad, and everything in between. Of course, it can be difficult to put down everything and objectively confront aspects of the business.

However, it’s important to move past that feeling and be truly objective about your business – that will ultimately help it improve.

Ask for Feedback

To make sure your SWOT analysis truly covers everything, ask for feedback and suggestions. Involving a mix of team members, including more senior and junior stakeholders, can help you spot problems you might not have known about.

Be Systematic

Sometimes, the easiest way to fill out a SWOT analysis is to have a system. That can mean going through internal issues across each quadrant first and then moving to external factors. Or you can choose to do two quadrants at a time, such as strengths and opportunities if that is easier.

Create Timelines

In order for your SWOT analysis to be actionable, you need to create timelines alongside to meet your goals. For all the opportunities you identify, what is a reasonable timeframe to make them happen? For threats, think about how close or far threats are so you can prioritize action items more realistically.

Learn Business Abbreviations and Acronyms

In order to make sure you’re accounting for everything in the business, it’s important to learn any business abbreviations or acronyms that are used in the industry, especially for external factors.

The Takeaways

As you can see, a SWOT analysis is an essential tool for businesses and organizations to evaluate their internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats.

By conducting a thorough SWOT analysis, businesses can gain valuable insights into their current position and make informed decisions to drive success and growth.

Whether it’s identifying areas for improvement, capitalizing on strengths, or mitigating risks, the SWOT analysis provides a structured framework for strategic planning and decision-making.

Utilizing the examples and free template provided in this article, businesses can effectively apply the SWOT analysis to enhance their competitiveness and achieve their goals.

Image: Envato Elements

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What is a SWOT Analysis? (And When To Use It)

Use a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis to grow your business.

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Table of Contents

A SWOT analysis is a planning process that helps your company overcome challenges and determine which new leads to pursue. “SWOT” stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. You should perform a SWOT analysis before you commit to any sort of company action, whether you are exploring new initiatives, revamping internal policies, considering opportunities to pivot or altering a plan midway through its execution.

While there are numerous ways to assess your company, one of the most effective is to conduct a SWOT analysis. Learn all about this approach below.

What is the objective of a SWOT analysis?

The primary objective of a SWOT analysis is to help organizations develop a full awareness of all the factors involved in making a business decision . Albert Humphrey of the Stanford Research Institute created this method in the 1960s during a study conducted to identify why corporate planning consistently failed. Since its creation, the SWOT analysis has become one of the most useful tools for business owners to start and grow their companies.

“It is impossible to accurately map out a small business’s future without first evaluating it from all angles, which includes an exhaustive look at all internal and external resources and threats,” Bonnie Taylor, chief marketing officer at CCS Innovations, told Business News Daily. “A SWOT accomplishes this in four straightforward steps that even rookie business owners can understand and embrace.”

When to perform a SWOT analysis

Employ a SWOT analysis before you commit to any company action, whether that’s exploring new initiatives, revamping internal policies, considering opportunities to pivot or altering a plan midway through its execution. Sometimes it’s wise to perform a general SWOT analysis to check on the current landscape of your business and improve operations as needed. The analysis can show you key areas where your organization is performing optimally and areas where operations need adjustment.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking about your business operations informally, in hopes that they will all come together on their own. If you take the time to put together a formal SWOT analysis, you’ll be able to see the whole picture of your business. From there, you can discover ways to improve or eliminate your company’s weaknesses and capitalize on its strengths.

While the business owner should certainly be involved in creating a SWOT analysis, it is often helpful to include other team members in the process. Ask for input from a variety of team members and openly discuss any contributions made. The collective knowledge of the team will allow you to adequately analyze your business from all sides. 

You can also conduct a personal SWOT analysis in your own life, whether for professional or other purposes. 

What does a SWOT analysis include?

A SWOT analysis focuses on the four elements of the acronym, allowing companies to identify the forces influencing a strategy, action or initiative. Knowing these positive and negative elements can help companies more effectively communicate what parts of a plan need to be recognized.

When drafting a SWOT analysis, individuals typically create a table split into four columns to list each impacting element side by side for comparison. Strengths and weaknesses won’t typically match listed opportunities and threats verbatim, although they should correlate, since they are tied together.

Billy Bauer, owner of ROYCE New York, noted that pairing external threats with internal weaknesses can highlight the most serious issues a company faces.

“Once you’ve identified your risks, you can then decide whether it is most appropriate to eliminate the internal weakness by assigning company resources to fix the problems, or to reduce the external threat by abandoning the threatened area of business and meeting it after strengthening your business,” said Bauer.

Internal factors

Strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) refer to internal factors, which are the resources and experience readily available to you.

These are some common internal factors:

  • Financial resources (funding, sources of income and investment opportunities)
  • Physical resources (location, facilities and equipment)
  • Human resources (employees, volunteers and target audiences)
  • Access to natural resources, trademarks , patents and copyrights
  • Current processes (employee programs, department hierarchies and software systems) [See related articles: Best CRM software of 2024 and The Best Business Accounting Software Services of 2024 ]

External factors

External forces influence and affect every company, organization and individual. Whether these factors are connected directly or indirectly to opportunities (O) or threats (T), it is important to note and document each one.

External factors are typically things you or your company do not control, such as the following:

  • Market trends (new products, technology advancements and shifts in audience needs)
  • Economic trends (local, national and international financial trends)
  • Funding (donations, legislature and other sources)
  • Demographics
  • Relationships with suppliers and partners
  • Political, environmental and economic regulations

After you create your SWOT framework and fill out your SWOT analysis, you will need to come up with some recommendations and strategies based on the results. Linda Pophal, strategic marketing communication consultant and content marketer at Strategic Communications, said these strategies should focus on leveraging strengths and opportunities to overcome weaknesses and threats.

“This is actually the area of strategy development where organizations have an opportunity to be most creative and where innovative ideas can emerge, but only if the analysis has been appropriately prepared in the first place,” said Pophal.

SWOT examples

SWOT analysis table

Bryan Weaver, an in-house advisor to Scholefield Construction Attorneys, was heavily involved in creating a SWOT analysis for his firm. He provided Business News Daily with a sample SWOT analysis template and example that was used in the firm’s decision to expand its practice to include dispute mediation services. His SWOT matrix included the following:

Construction law firm with staff members who are trained in both law and professional engineering/general contracting. Their experience gives a unique advantage.

Small (three employees) — can change and adapt quickly.

No one has been a mediator before or been through any formal mediation training programs.

One staff member has been a part of mediations, but not as a neutral party.

Most commercial construction contracts require mediation. Despite hundreds of mediators in the marketplace, only a few have actual construction experience.

For smaller disputes, mediators don’t work as a team, only as individuals; Scholefield staff can offer anyone the advantage of a group of neutrals to evaluate a dispute.

Anyone can become a mediator, so other construction law firms could open up their own mediation service as well.

Most potential clients have a negative impression of mediation, because they feel mediators don’t understand or care to understand the problem, and rush to resolve it.

Resulting strategy: Take mediation courses to eliminate weaknesses and launch Scholefield Mediation, which uses name recognition with the law firm, and highlights that the firm’s construction and construction law experience makes it different.

“Our SWOT analysis forced us to methodically and objectively look at what we had to work with and what the marketplace was offering,” Weaver said. “We then crafted our business plan to emphasize the advantages of our strongest features while exploiting opportunities based on marketplace weaknesses.”

Blank SWOT analysis table

Additional business analysis strategies

The SWOT analysis is a simple but comprehensive strategy for identifying not only the weaknesses and threats of an action plan, but also the strengths and opportunities it makes possible. However, a SWOT analysis is just one tool in your business strategy. Additional analytic tools to consider include the PEST analysis (political, economic, social and technological), MOST analysis (mission, objective, strategies and tactics) and SCRS analysis (strategy, current state, requirements and solution).

Consistent business analysis and strategic planning is the best way to keep track of growth, strengths and weaknesses. Use a series of analysis strategies, like SWOT, in your decision-making process to examine and execute strategies in a more balanced, in-depth way.

Max Freedman and Nicole Fallon contributed to this article. Some source interviews were conducted for a previous version of this article.


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How to Write a SWOT Analysis for a Business Plan

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  • September 4, 2024
  • Business Plan , How to Write

SWOT analysis

Navigating the complexities of business requires a clear understanding of your strategic position, and a SWOT analysis is an essential tool to help you achieve this clarity. It’s a straightforward method that breaks down into Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, providing a snapshot of where your business stands and guiding your future strategic moves.

With this guide, you’ll learn how to leverage your advantages, address challenges, seize new opportunities, and guard against potential threats. Let’s dive into the process together and set a strong foundation for your business’s strategic planning. Let’s dive in!

What is a SWOT Analysis?

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify and understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to business competition or project planning. This method helps organizations in assessing both internal and external factors that could impact their objectives.

  • Strengths : Positive attributes internal to the organization and within its control. Strengths are resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage.
  • Weaknesses : Factors that are within an organization’s control but detract from its ability to attain the desired goal. These are areas the business needs to improve to remain competitive.
  • Opportunities : External chances to improve performance in the environment. Opportunities reflect the potential you can leverage to grow your business or project.
  • Threats : External challenges to the business’s performance or project’s success. Threats might stem from various sources, such as economic downturns, increased competition, or changes in regulatory landscapes.

Why Use a SWOT Analysis?

We use a SWOT analysis for several important reasons in business and strategic planning:

  • Strategic Overview : It provides a concise and comprehensive overview of the current strategic position of the business or project. By examining internal and external factors, stakeholders can get a clear picture of their situation.
  • Decision Making : SWOT analysis aids in decision-making by highlighting the strengths to leverage, weaknesses to address, opportunities to pursue, and threats to mitigate. It helps in prioritizing actions based on the analysis.
  • Opportunity Identification : SWOT analysis is instrumental in identifying new opportunities for growth and expansion. Opportunities might come from market trends , economic shifts, or changes in technology.
  • Risk Management : By identifying threats, organizations can develop strategies to address or mitigate these risks before they become significant issues. It’s a proactive approach to managing potential external challenges.
  • Resource Allocation : Understanding the organization’s strengths and weaknesses helps in the effective allocation of resources. Resources can be directed to areas where they are needed most or where they will have the highest impact.
  • Competitive Advantage : It helps businesses identify unique features and capabilities that give them a competitive edge in the market. Recognizing these strengths can guide marketing strategies and business development.

How to Write a SWOT Analysis

Writing a strength in a SWOT analysis involves identifying and articulating the internal attributes and resources of a business or project that contribute to its success and competitive advantage. Here’s how to effectively write a strength in a SWOT analysis:

  • Identify Internal Positive Attributes : Focus on internal factors that are within the control of the business. These can include resources, skills, or other advantages relative to competitors. Consider areas like strong brand reputation, proprietary technology, skilled workforce, financial resources, strategic location, and efficient processes.
  • Be Specific and Relevant : General statements like “we have a good team” are less helpful than specific ones like “our team includes industry-recognized experts in X field.” The more precise you are, the more actionable your analysis will be. Ensure that the strengths are directly relevant to achieving the business’s goals and objectives.
  • Use Quantifiable Data When Possible : Whenever you can, back up your strengths with quantifiable data. For example, “a customer satisfaction rate of 95%” or “a 20% lower production cost than industry average” provides concrete evidence of your strengths.
  • Compare to Competitors : Strengths are often relative to the competition. Identify areas where your business outperforms competitors or fills a gap in the market. This might involve superior product quality, a unique service model, or a more extensive distribution network.
Example: Instead of simply stating “Experienced management team” as a strength, you could write: “Our management team has over 50 years of combined experience in the tech industry, including a track record of successful product launches and market expansions. This depth of experience provides us with strategic insights and operational expertise that have consistently resulted in market share growth and above-industry-average profitability.”

Writing a weakness in a SWOT analysis involves acknowledging and detailing the internal factors that limit or challenge your business or project’s ability to achieve its goals. Here’s a structured approach to effectively articulate weaknesses in a SWOT analysis:

  • Identify Internal Limitations : Focus on internal attributes that are within the control of the organization but currently act as disadvantages. Weaknesses might include insufficient resources, lack of expertise, outdated technology, poor location, limited product range, or inefficiencies in processes.
  • Be Specific and Honest : It’s important to be honest and specific about your organization’s weaknesses. Vague statements won’t help in addressing these issues. For instance, rather than saying “we need to improve our marketing,” specify “our current marketing strategy does not effectively reach our target demographic of 18-25-year-olds on digital platforms.”
  • Use Internal Comparisons and Feedback : Compare your performance, processes, and resources against your own past performance or industry benchmarks. Utilize customer feedback, employee insights, and performance data to identify areas of weakness.
  • Keep it Constructive : While it’s crucial to be honest about weaknesses, frame them in a way that focuses on potential for improvement. Consider each weakness as an area for development and growth.
Example: Instead of a broad statement like “Inadequate online presence,” a more effective description would be: “Our business currently lacks a robust online presence, reflected in our outdated website and minimal engagement on key social media platforms. This limits our ability to attract younger demographics who predominantly discover and interact with brands online. Improving our online visibility and engagement could enhance brand awareness and customer acquisition.”


Writing opportunities in a SWOT analysis involves identifying and articulating external factors that your business or project could exploit to its advantage. Opportunities are elements in the environment that, if leveraged effectively, could provide a pathway for growth, improvement, or competitive advantage. Here’s how to systematically approach writing opportunities in your SWOT analysis:

  • Spot External Trends : Focus on the trends and changes outside your organization that could be beneficial. These might include technological advancements, shifts in consumer behavior, market gaps, regulatory changes, or economic trends.
  • Be Relevant and Actionable : Ensure that the opportunities you identify are relevant to your business and actionable. They should align with your business’s strengths and capabilities, allowing you to take practical steps toward capitalizing on them.
  • Use Market Research : Base your identification of opportunities on solid market research. Understand your target market , industry trends, and the competitive landscape to pinpoint where the real opportunities lie.
  • Detail Potential Benefits : Clearly articulate how each opportunity could benefit your business. Whether it’s entering a new market, launching a new product line, or adopting new technology, explain the potential impact on your business growth and success.
Example: Rather than vaguely stating “New market segments,” a more strategic description of an opportunity could be: “With increasing consumer interest in sustainable living, there’s a growing market segment for eco-friendly products. Our business’s strong commitment to sustainability and existing lineup of environmentally friendly products positions us well to capture this emerging market. Expanding our product range to include more items that cater to eco-conscious consumers can tap into this trend, potentially opening up new revenue streams and enhancing our brand’s reputation as a leader in sustainability.”

Writing threats in a SWOT analysis involves identifying external challenges that could pose risks to your business or project’s success. These are factors outside your control that have the potential to harm your operations, financial performance, or strategic positioning. Addressing threats effectively in a SWOT analysis requires a focused approach:

  • Identify External Challenges : Start by pinpointing the external factors that could negatively impact your business. This can include new competitors entering the market, changes in consumer preferences, technological advancements that render your product less desirable, regulatory changes, or economic downturns.
  • Be Precise and Realistic : Clearly define each threat in specific terms, avoiding vague descriptions. Being realistic about the level of risk each threat poses is crucial; not every external challenge is a dire threat, but understanding the potential impact is key for strategic planning.
  • Assess the Impact : For each threat identified, evaluate how it could impact your business. Consider the worst-case scenario and more likely outcomes to gauge the potential severity of the threat. This helps in prioritizing which threats need immediate attention and strategic response.
  • Use Reliable Sources : Base your identification of threats on solid, reliable information. This might include industry reports, economic forecasts, and news sources that provide insights into market dynamics and external conditions.
  • Consider Your Weaknesses : Link potential threats to your identified weaknesses. Understanding how external threats could exploit your vulnerabilities offers valuable insights for fortifying your business against these challenges.
Example: Instead of broadly stating “Economic uncertainty,” a more actionable description of a threat would be: “The looming economic downturn poses a significant threat to discretionary consumer spending. Given our business’s reliance on non-essential luxury products, a reduction in consumer spending could directly impact sales. This economic uncertainty requires us to diversify our product offerings and identify more value-oriented options to maintain customer engagement and spending during tighter economic conditions.”

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 - IMD Business School

SWOT analysis: how to do it + 4 examples

Ever stood at the crossroads of business decisions, the winds of uncertainty howling around you? Illuminate your path with the beacon of SWOT analysis. This revered compass, trusted by entrepreneurs and seasoned executives alike, unveils the landscape of opportunities and hurdles that lie ahead, waiting to be conquered. 

A SWOT analysis is a powerful tool used by business leaders and executives to assess strengths and potential challenges within their operations. 

Think of it as a roadmap for strategic planning processes and smart decision-making. Whether you’re a startup finding your feet or an established company looking to refine your strategies, a good SWOT analysis can guide you toward success. 

In this article, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of conducting a SWOT analysis, when to use this technique, and provide real-world examples to illustrate its effectiveness.

What is a SWOT analysis?

4 swot analysis examples, when to use a swot analysis.

  • Learn how to build a strong business strategy with IMD

The SWOT analysis is an audit framework used by businesses of all sizes. It helps dissect your organization’s present and future outlook. 

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. These are the lenses through which we examine internal factors (the things we’re good at and not-so-good at, under our control) and external factors (circumstances we can’t control).

This analysis is commonly structured into a visual representation made up of four quadrants, each devoted to a category, termed the SWOT matrix.

Analyze internal factor s

When it comes to internal factors, these are things that are specific to your organization and under your team’s control and encompass both strengths and weaknesses. 

Consider various metrics like turnover rates, operational efficiency, financial performance, and customer satisfaction for your analysis. 

These metrics provide insights into the health of your organization, helping you discover what you’re doing well and areas that need improvement.

The human resources team is crucial for managing these aspects. They oversee talent processes, boost an organization’s strengths, and tackle weaknesses like turnover, skill gaps, and conflicts to improve an organization.

To identify your company’s strengths, a good starting point is to brainstorm things that make your company stand out from the competition or highlight areas where you consistently excel.  

Consider the following questions: What areas of our business consistently receive positive feedback from customers, partners, or stakeholders? What assets do we have that competitors lack? How do we uniquely address customer needs?

For example, Amazon recognized its strong infrastructure and customer demand. The company continued to improve its e-commerce operations by investing heavily in its logistics and cloud computer capabilities, as well as expanding into new markets to consistently grow its profitability.

Uncovering your company’s weaknesses involves taking a closer look at areas that might be holding you back. Start by asking: Where do we often run into hurdles or inefficiencies? Are there certain issues that customers frequently raise concerns about? 

You’ll also want to consider whether skill gaps, resource constraints, or internal disagreements affect the performance of your team members. 

For example, Tesla had implemented an overly complex automation strategy in their manufacturing processes, which led to inefficiencies and production bottlenecks, delaying deliveries to customers. 

To address this issue, they focused on identifying specific areas where human labor was more effective and efficient than automation, and they reconfigured their production lines accordingly. 

Explore external factors

External factors can create both opportunities and threats for your business. Addressing these head-on prepares your team for growth and risk management.

Take a look at market trends, demographics, and tech advancements to grasp uncontrollable variables like consumer shifts, demographic changes, tech breakthroughs, and economic fluctuations.

You can monitor these variables through online platforms, industry reports, conferences, following tech blogs, and sending out customer surveys. 

By understanding how the external environment can influence your business, you can adapt strategies and stay competitive in a dynamic market.


When exploring external opportunities, it’s about spotting those areas where the market or industry is offering great conditions for growth.

Think about this: Are there up-and-coming market segments that match our strengths? Could we use new technologies to connect with a broader audience? Is there a gap in the market that we can fill uniquely? 

A prime example of a company capitalizing on external opportunities is Airbnb . In their early days, Airbnb identified a growing desire for unique, affordable accommodations. 

They used technology to connect homeowners with travelers seeking unique lodging experiences. This allowed Airbnb to tap into an emerging market while leveraging its strengths in technology and user-friendly platforms.

Finding external threats means looking for potential challenges that could put a dent in your business. 

Think about it: How might the actions of competitors affect our market share? Are economic signs hinting at downturns? Could changes in rules mess up our operations? Are there any weak spots in our supply chain? 

By getting a grip on these threats and planning for them, you can cook up strategies to stay on course when the going gets tough.

Unfortunately, a notable example of a company addressing external threats is Blockbuster. The emergence of online streaming and competitors like Netflix posed a significant threat to Blockbuster’s traditional video rental business model. 

Blockbuster failed to adapt and plan for these threats effectively, ultimately leading to its downfall, underscoring the need for proactive strategic planning in the face of challenges.

Here are four real-world examples of SWOT analysis of companies to showcase the different perspectives this versatile tool can provide across various sectors.

Peloton is a technology-driven fitness company that offers a range of exercise equipment and interactive workout classes, enabling users to engage in virtual fitness experiences from the comfort of their homes.

  • Strong brand recognition in the home fitness industry
  • Has both hardware and software systems


  • High initial costs of equipment might put off some customers
  • Dependent on continued consumer interest in home fitness


  • Expanding into global markets 
  • New product offerings to reach a broader customer base
  • Potential market saturation and reduced demand for home fitness
  • Economic downturns affecting consumer spending on non-essential items

To address the high initial equipment costs, Peloton introduced financing options, making their products more accessible. They also expanded into global markets, seizing the opportunity for broader customer reach. 

Although they faced the threat of market saturation, Peloton continues to expand its product line and focus on software improvements, such as virtual fitness subscriptions.

Target is a retail corporation known for its wide range of products, including clothing, electronics, and groceries, with a blend of physical stores and e-commerce platforms.

  • Established presence in the retail sector
  • Wide product range catering to various customer needs
  • Competition from both online and brick-and-mortar retailers
  • Limited international presence compared to some competitors
  • Expanding global manufacturing and sales
  • Leveraging customer data for improved customer experience
  • Rapidly changing consumer preferences and shopping habits
  • Economic uncertainty impacting consumer spending

Target effectively addressed the threat of competition by diversifying its offerings. They incorporated food and beverage items and popular makeup brands into their stores to create “mini malls ,” broadening their appeal and convenience. Additionally, they introduced curbside pickup, adapting to evolving shopping habits. 

To mitigate the impact of economic uncertainties, Target diversified its revenue streams by establishing a media company. These strategic moves have allowed Target to thrive in a highly competitive retail landscape. 

Salesforce is a leading customer relationship management (CRM) software provider that offers cloud-based solutions to help businesses manage customer interactions, sales, marketing, and service operations.

  • Strong focus on continuous product development
  • Extensive network of partners and integrations
  • High subscription costs for enterprise-level solutions
  • Dependence on third-party platforms for some functionalities
  • Using artificial intelligence and data analytics for better customer insights
  • Global market expansion to reach untapped regions
  • Data privacy regulations impacting customer data management
  • Increasing competition from established tech giants entering the CRM space

To address high subscription costs, Salesforce introduced flexible pricing models for customers. They have also honed opportunities to increase profitability by expanding their Salesforce Towers in Dublin, Chicago, Sydney, and Tokyo. 

In response to competition from other tech companies, Salesforce maintains a strong core team by offering team-building sessions and focusing on a flexible, employee-centric work environment to boost morale and foster innovation.

Starbucks is a globally recognized coffeehouse chain that not only provides a wide array of coffee beverages but also offers a range of food options and branded merchandise across its vast network of stores.

  • Strong global brand recognition and customer loyalty
  • Diverse product lines beyond coffee
  • High prices compared to competitors
  • Sensitivity to fluctuations in coffee bean prices
  • Launching more plant-based and healthier food options
  • Implementing more digital initiatives to improve ordering and loyalty programs
  • Competition from both local coffee shops and larger chains
  • Changing consumer preferences toward healthier or more sustainable options

To address price competitiveness, Starbucks focused on enhancing customer experiences through loyalty programs and continued expansion. They catered to consumer preferences by introducing plant-based and healthier food options. 

In response to threats from local coffee shops and larger chains, Starbucks expanded globally and prioritized sustainability. Their customer-centric approach and global expansion strategies have allowed them to remain a dominant force in the competitive coffee industry.

A SWOT analysis is not just a one-size-fits-all tool — you can use it in different situations to get the upper hand in decision-making and developing smart strategies. 

Below are some instances where a SWOT analysis can be particularly beneficial. 


Once you’ve determined the areas your organization could improve on, you can use this information to drive decision-making processes in your company. 

Imagine your business is in the retail sector and you conduct a SWOT analysis that reveals a potential weakness in your supply chain efficiency. 

You might choose to prioritize initiatives aimed at streamlining your supply chain operations, such as implementing advanced inventory management systems.

As you create a comprehensive action plan around these initiatives, you’re essentially harnessing the power of SWOT analysis to guide your strategic decisions.

Business strategy

SWOT analysis gives us an in-depth look at what our organization could be doing to position ourselves in a better standing against our competitors. 

When we identify external threats and internal weaknesses and leverage our strengths and opportunities, we can develop business plans so the company can thrive financially and increase customer satisfaction. 

For example, a SWOT analysis helps tailor marketing strategies by highlighting strengths (like unique features) and addressing weaknesses (such as outdated technology).

It can also help us to form partnerships to amplify market presence and use social media to enhance brand visibility and engagement with target audiences.

Start-ups and small businesses

Start-ups and small businesses typically experience a great amount of trial and error when it comes to business strategies, operations, and customer approaches. 

Conducting a preliminary SWOT analysis can identify competitive strategies and help build a strong business model. 

For example, opportunities that have been identified, such as new markets or emerging trends, might guide their expansion efforts.

In addition, they can address weaknesses like limited resources or a lack of brand recognition early on by devising strategies to overcome these challenges.

SWOT for enterprises

Enterprises operating at scale can find SWOT analysis particularly beneficial in strategic decision-making. Assessing internal strengths and weaknesses empowers leaders to fine-tune their operations, leveraging resources and technology effectively. 

Companies can identify opportunities and threats to inform expansion into new markets and customer retention initiatives. For example, recognizing a market shift toward sustainable practices, an enterprise can reposition its product line to align with this trend.


Entrepreneurs, especially in the early stages of their ventures, can harness SWOT analysis to steer their businesses toward success. Identifying personal strengths and weaknesses helps in skill development and resource allocation. 

By spotting opportunities and threats in the market, entrepreneurs can tailor their business models to tap into emerging trends and mitigate challenges proactively. For instance, recognizing a growing demand for eco-friendly products, an entrepreneur can pivot their offerings to meet this need.

Nonprofit organizations

Nonprofit organizations can utilize SWOT analysis to achieve their missions effectively. Identifying internal strengths, like dedicated volunteers, helps in maximizing their impact. Addressing weaknesses, such as limited funding, can lead to improved resource management. 

By recognizing external opportunities, such as partnerships with local businesses, nonprofits can expand their reach. Moreover, understanding potential threats, like changing donor behavior, allows nonprofits to adapt fundraising strategies to sustain their essential work.

Personal SWOT analysis

Completing your own SWOT analysis empowers you to leverage your internal strengths while recognizing weaknesses and opportunities, helping you with career growth and goal setting.

For instance, if you identify a weakness like lacking proficiency in a critical software, you might proactively take online courses or workshops to enhance your skills. 

Similarly, if you recognize a threat such as automation affecting your industry, you could mitigate it by staying updated with industry trends or diversifying your skill set. 

The insights from your SWOT analysis serve as a tool to guide your career decisions and ensure a strategic path toward success.

Learn how to build a strong business strategy with IM D

A SWOT analysis lays the groundwork for your business, ensuring everyone knows where you are and where you want to go. It’s like creating a roadmap to guide your actions. 

If you’re eager to delve deeper into mastering business strategy, consider exploring IMD’s comprehensive learning journeys. Our strategy programs are tailored to provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of strategic management, helping business professionals like you excel in their roles.

These programs offer a rich understanding of competitive advantage, market trends, effective decision-making, and leadership skills. 

By exploring strategy programs that suit your needs, you’ll gain a deep understanding of how to leverage strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and prepare for challenges — just like a SWOT analysis for your career. Discover the program that fits you best and receive personalized feedback from one of our advisors to guide you on your professional journey.

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What Is A SWOT Analysis? Download Our Free Template

Jeff White

Updated: May 28, 2024, 9:59pm

What Is A SWOT Analysis? Download Our Free Template

A SWOT analysis is a framework used in a business’s strategic planning to evaluate its competitive positioning in the marketplace. The analysis looks at four key characteristics that are typically used to compare how competitive the business can be within its industry. A proper SWOT analysis can give you a fact-based analysis to make decisions from, or it could spark your creativity for new products or directions.

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The Four Points of SWOT

The four points of a proper SWOT analysis are Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and Weaknesses focus internally on the business being evaluated, while Opportunities and Threats look at competition and things going on externally. Let’s look at the four points in more detail to determine how you can correctly evaluate each one.

  • Strengths. Your Strengths are internal positives about your company that you can control and that often provide you with a competitive advantage. Some examples might be the quality of your product, the effectiveness of your processes, your access to physical or team assets or other competitive advantages.
  • Weaknesses. A Weakness is an adverse internal attribute about your company that negatively takes away from your Strengths. Some examples might include knowledge gaps on your team, a low-quality product, a lack of money or other tangible assets, bad locations and more.
  • Opportunities. An Opportunity is an external factor that provides promise or is likely to contribute to your potential success. Some examples might include the growth rate in your industry, specific laws or policies that will benefit the need for your product, positive customer feedback or technology advancements.
  • Threats. A Threat is an external factor that you have no control over, which could negatively impact your success. These are typically acknowledged so that you can provide a plan to overcome each one. Some examples include potential future competitors, costs of supply, upcoming market trends, negative technology changes and upcoming regulations or laws.

The key to a strong SWOT analysis is accuracy in your research across all four points. Once you have the right information, you need to display it in an efficient and appealing way so that the data can easily be shared across your organization, with potential investors or with whoever might benefit the most from receiving it.

Downloadable SWOT Template

A SWOT analysis is usually presented in a grid form that provides the most important information from the analysis in each of the four points or areas. We have created a downloadable template that you can use to easily make your own SWOT analysis and include it as part of your next presentation or proposal. If preferred, you can also make a copy in Google Docs.

Download Free Template

How To Do an Effective SWOT Analysis

Every SWOT analysis is somewhat unique to each business but, ultimately, there is a straightforward process that can work for everyone. For example, you’ll have to complete all four points for a proper SWOT analysis but the research and method of getting the information could vary. The depth of each point might also vary depending on the age of your business, and the competition or opportunity in your industry.

The three steps to complete a proper SWOT analysis are:

  • Gather the right stakeholders together. You need to involve more than yourself when going through a SWOT analysis. Key leaders and decision makers in your organization should be involved in going through the exercise. If you’re starting a business, you should include all who are involved in the business at this point in time.
  • Brainstorm and capture SWOT data. The second step is to go through the process of identifying the information related to each of the four points. Everyone should do this independently as well as collectively.
  • Analyze the data. Take all of the information collected through the brainstorming and come to an agreement on what factors should be represented in each of the main points. Then you can plug your information into the SWOT analysis template above and use this to strategically plan for future growth.

Questions To Aide Your Research for Each SWOT Point

When conducting the SWOT analysis, the most important part is making sure you’re as inclusive as possible with the analysis of each point. We’ve compiled a list of questions that you can use to start working through each point in your SWOT analysis so that you don’t leave anything off your list.


Use-case Examples

You can use a SWOT analysis for a number of activities, from deciding whether to invest in a business to helping an individual perform better at a non-profit. The use of SWOT is industry agnostic, as long as there are both internal and external factors that relate to the team, business or person being evaluated.

Some use-case examples for SWOT analysis include:

  • A new business venture. Whenever a new business is launching it is a good idea to create a SWOT analysis to see where your Strengths and shortcomings lie. If you’re looking to raise money, then it will be expected that you’ve completed this analysis.
  • Launching a new product. Whenever you’re launching a new product, you can treat it like a new business and complete the SWOT analysis to ensure success. Not doing your research beforehand could lead to targeting the wrong customers or not preparing for the competitive landscape.
  • Improving team processes. From time to time, it could be beneficial to evaluate the performance of your team and see where you’re succeeding and what Opportunities exist to improve.
  • Product team adding features. Every time a new feature is added to your product, your team can complete a SWOT analysis to see what impact it could have on the competitive landscape.
  • Marketing team launching a campaign. Whenever a new target audience or method for reaching them is considered, the marketing team can complete a SWOT analysis to determine its potential.

As you can see, the sky’s the limit for use cases since you can use a SWOT analysis to determine the potential Strengths or roadblocks for just about anything.

Alternatives To SWOT Analysis

Depending on your situation, or your business, you may want to consider an alternative to a SWOT analysis. There are several options that can give you similar results, but these four alternatives are the most popular amongst businesses and teams looking at SWOT.

  • SOAR analysis. SOAR stands for Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results. This is the most positive analysis on the list and is one of the most popular with those who dislike the SWOT analysis. This method requires you to evaluate the “six Is” of collaboration (initiate, inquire, imagine, innovate, inspire and implement).
  • SCORE analysis. SCORE stands for Strengths, Challenges, Options, Responses and Effectiveness. Many like the “challenges” point of SCORE because it encompasses Threats, Weaknesses and obstacles in a single point while making all of them more of a positive opportunity. The SCORE methodology also focuses on actions you can take to improve instead of just focusing on the information from the analysis.
  • NOISE analysis. NOISE stands for Needs, Opportunities, Improvements, Strengths and exceptions. The needs point focuses on the things your business or team needs to succeed instead of focusing on your shortcomings as things that stand in your way. This approach really trains you to see potential growth instead of roadblocks.
  • Gap analysis. Gap is the only analysis on this list that doesn’t stand for anything. A gap analysis looks at where you’re at right now, where you want to go and how you close the gap between the two.

Check out our full guide to cost benefit analysis .

When To Use SWOT

When you need a broad analysis of your business, department, organizational or team potential, you should look no further than the SWOT analysis. It can provide a good overview of all of the major points that add up to potential success and help you draft a road map for potential growth. A SWOT analysis is also a good fit if you just need a quick comparison of your business to the competitive landscape that is out there.

When To Use an Alternative

If you need to dive deeper into specific factors or points of your business or team potential, then you may want to consider another alternative to the SWOT analysis. Alternatively, many pundits think that the word choices in SWOT are either vague or that they promote defeat. If you agree with that before you begin the SWOT analysis, then another option might be best for you so that the end goal of growing your business or team is met without obstacles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should complete a swot analysis.

Anyone looking to determine how a business or organization matches up against the competition, if there are both internal and external factors involved, should do a SWOT analysis. While a SWOT analysis is mostly used by new businesses or businesses launching a new product, it can also be used for any other type of organization and even for your local economy .

When should you do a SWOT analysis?

If you want to change your strategic positioning or launch a new product or service, then you should complete a SWOT analysis. Some also complete the exercise if they are just curious about their current positioning in their market or industry.

How do you write a good SWOT analysis?

A good SWOT analysis includes a full analysis of each point (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) as well as a clear and concise way of displaying the end results. The three primary steps to writing a good SWOT analysis are:

  • Gather the right stakeholders together.
  • Brainstorm and capture SWOT data.
  • Analyze the data.

What are examples of threats in a SWOT analysis?

Threats are often external influences outside of your control; things that you risk by doing business. Inclement weather is one good example of something that you can’t combat and will have to deal with as it happens. Having a plan in place for dangerous storms will help you be prepared when they inevitably happen. Waiting for permits, supply chain failures and manufacturing errors can all impact your business negatively.

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Jacqueline Nguyen, Esq.

Jeff is a writer, founder, and small business expert that focuses on educating founders on the ins and outs of running their business. From answering your legal questions to providing the right software for your unique situation, he brings his knowledge and diverse background to help answer the questions you have about small business operations.

Cassie is a deputy editor collaborating with teams around the world while living in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. Focusing on bringing growth to small businesses, she is passionate about economic development and has held positions on the boards of directors of two non-profit organizations seeking to revitalize her former railroad town. Prior to joining the team at Forbes Advisor, Cassie was a content operations manager and copywriting manager.

How to Identify Strengths & Weaknesses in a Business Plan

Writing a strong business plan is easier than you might think because most business plans follow the same basic format. If you are reviewing a plan you've already written or taking a look at one for a friend, knowing how to spot the strengths and weaknesses in the business plan helps you create the most accurate plan.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Look for a Comparative Analysis

When you analyze your competition in a business plan, you should include a comparative analysis, not just a competitive analysis. A competitive analysis looks at your direct competition, while a comparative analysis looks at the indirect competition.

This means a fitness center business plan should include a competitive analysis of other gyms and fitness centers. The plan should also include a comparative analysis of other fitness options people choose instead of going to the gym.


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For example, some people don't go to gyms because they jog or play tennis for fitness. A gym business plan should address why people prefer to jog or play tennis (one is solitary, and one is social) and see if they can use those factors to get people to the gym.

More For You

Corporate strategy tools, how to design an effective business plan, basic dimensions of a marketing plan, measurement tools for a sales plan, how to estimate expected profit, check for a broad marketing approach.

Marketing consists of product development, pricing strategies, places of sale and the promotion of a product or service. If a business plan focuses only on the Fourth P of the Four Ps-the marketing mix-it will be weak.

The plan mustn't confine marketing to social media campaigns, advertising, public relations and other promotions. A good business plan should contain separate sections on product development, pricing strategies, distribution channels and promotions.

Anticipate Marketplace Disruption

In addition to analyzing your marketplace as it stands today, your business plan should consider what might happen in the future. You must address new technologies, economic conditions, environmental factors, consumer-buying trends and other factors that might change.

For example, a business plan for a company that makes hard hats for coal miners should address the fact that more and more coal mining is done using machines, not miners, and that environmental laws are making it more difficult for utilities and factories to burn coal. What will that do to the demand for coal miner hard hats in five years?

Reflect Staffing Details

Investors and lenders look at a business plan to see who will be managing the business, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. If you don't know who will be handling your marketing, IT, sales and other functions, you should at least know what positions your business will have.

A business plan should include an organizational chart that shows the chain of command, who will do what work and who will report to whom. If you can, include job descriptions for the positions you plan to fill.

Analyze Financial Projections

The more you can determine the costs to launch and run your business, the stronger your business plan will be. Budget projections should include not only the cost to make a product but also the expense to run the business and sell the product.

You need to anticipate the overhead you must apply to each unit you sell if you want to know how to price your products to reach specific profits at different sales levels. As sales increase, the overhead cost for each unit decreases, increasing your profit margin. Investors and lenders want to see profit projections using conservative and optimistic forecasts.

Don't forget to include your pre-launch expenses, which have to be paid off during the first year or several, advises Smarty Cents.

  • U.S. Small Business Administration: Write Your Business Plan
  • Smarty Cents: How to Write a Business Plan the Right Way

Steve Milano is a journalist and business executive/consultant. He has helped dozens of for-profit companies and nonprofits with their marketing and operations. Steve has written more than 8,000 articles during his career, focusing on small business, careers, personal finance and health and fitness. Steve also turned his tennis hobby into a career, coaching, writing, running nonprofits and conducting workshops around the globe.

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Swot analysis: how to strengthen your business plan.

SWOT Analysis: How to Strengthen Your Business Plan


Every business, big or small needs a solid plan to succeed. A well-constructed business plan takes into account the strengths and weaknesses of a company and the opportunities and threats present in the marketplace. One of the most useful tools for assessing these factors is the SWOT analysis as it provides a comprehensive overview of a company's current situation and potential for growth. In this article, we will discuss what a SWOT analysis is, why it is important for businesses, who should conduct it, and how to conduct it effectively.

What is a SWOT analysis?

Have you ever wondered how businesses manage to evaluate all the internal and external factors that could affect their success? Welcome to the SWOT analysis. It's a strategic planning tool that helps businesses identify their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Strengths refer to internal factors that give a company an edge over its competitors. Think of a strong brand, loyal customer base, experienced employees, or efficient operations. Weaknesses, on the other hand, are internal factors that put a company at a disadvantage. These could be a weak brand, lack of funding, inexperienced employees, or outdated technology .

But what about external factors that could impact a business's success? That's where Opportunities and Threats come in. Opportunities are external factors that could help a company grow and succeed. This could include a growing market, new trends, technological advancements, or changes in regulations. Threats, on the other hand, are external factors that could harm a company's growth and success. Examples of threats could be economic downturns, increased competition, changes in consumer behavior, or natural disasters.

By conducting a SWOT analysis, businesses can make informed decisions about their strategic initiatives. By focusing their resources on areas with the greatest potential for growth and competitive advantage, businesses can increase their profitability, market share, and long-term success. So, whether you're a business strategist, executive, manager, or consultant, SWOT analysis can provide a fresh perspective on your company's current situation and potential for growth .

Why is a SWOT analysis important for businesses?

A SWOT analysis is essential for developing a business plan that maximizes a company's strengths, minimizes its weaknesses, and takes advantage of opportunities while mitigating threats.

Here are some of the reasons why a SWOT analysis is important for businesses:

Why is SWOT analysis important for businesses

  • Identifies key areas for improvement By conducting the SWOT analysis, businesses can gain a better understanding of their internal weaknesses and external threats, which enables them to prioritize areas for improvement. They can then focus their resources and efforts on those areas, which can help them become more competitive and improve their overall performance.
  • Maximizes the strength of businesses In addition to identifying areas for improvement, SWOT analysis also helps businesses identify their strengths. By leveraging these strengths, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and take advantage of their competitive advantages. This can lead to increased market share, improved profitability, and overall success.
  • Mitigates threats SWOT analysis can help businesses identify potential threats to their operations and take proactive measures to mitigate them. This could include diversifying their product or service offerings, investing in risk management strategies, or developing contingency plans to minimize the impact of unforeseen events.
  • Takes advantage of potential opportunities In addition to mitigating threats, SWOT analysis can also help businesses identify potential opportunities for growth and success. By capitalizing on these opportunities, businesses can increase their market share, expand their customer base, and improve their overall performance.
  • Provides a comprehensive overview Finally, SWOT analysis provides a comprehensive overview of a company's internal and external factors. This can help businesses develop a well-informed business plan that takes into account their current situation and potential for growth. By developing a strategic plan based on the SWOT analysis, businesses can increase their chances of success and achieve their long-term goals.

How to conduct a SWOT analysis?

Now that we know what a SWOT analysis is and why it is important for businesses, let's discuss how to conduct a SWOT analysis effectively. Here are the steps involved:

How to conduct a SWOT analysis

  • Define the objective: The first step in conducting a SWOT analysis is to define the objective. What is the purpose of the analysis? What are the specific goals that the analysis aims to achieve? Defining the objective will help focus the analysis and ensure that it is relevant to the specific needs of the business.
  • Gather information: Once you have defined the objective, the next step is to gather information about the business, its industry, and its competitors. This can include things like financial reports, customer feedback, market research, and competitor analysis.
  • Identify strengths: What are the things that the business does well? What advantages does it have over its competitors? This can include things like a strong brand, loyal customer base, experienced employees, and efficient operations.
  • Identify weaknesses: The next step is to identify the weaknesses of the business. What are the areas that need improvement? What disadvantages does it have compared to its competitors? This can include things like a weak brand, lack of funding, inexperienced employees, and outdated technology.
  • Identify opportunities: To identify the opportunities available to the business , you need to address questions such as, What are the trends in the industry? What changes in regulations could benefit the business? What new technologies are emerging? This can include things like a growing market, new trends, technological advancements, and changes in regulations.
  • Identify threats: The final step is to identify the threats to the business. What are the economic, social, and environmental factors that could impact the business negatively? What are the risks associated with the current situation and potential growth opportunities? This can include things like economic downturns, increased competition, changes in consumer behavior, and natural disasters.

Once the SWOT analysis is complete, the next step is to use the information to develop a strategic plan that maximizes the strengths of the business, minimizes its weaknesses, takes advantage of opportunities, and mitigates threats.

Who should conduct a SWOT analysis and what are the benefits?

A SWOT analysis can be conducted by anyone involved in the strategic planning process of a business. This can include business strategists , executives, managers, and consultants. Here are some of the benefits of conducting a SWOT analysis:

6 benefits of conducting a SWOT analysis

  • Provides a fresh perspective on a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, allowing for a more objective view of the situation.
  • Facilitates strategic decision-making that enables businesses to make informed strategic decisions based on their current situation and potential for growth.
  • Helps prioritize action items based on their importance and potential impact to the business.
  • Encourages collaboration among team members, allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of the situation.
  • Enables risk assessment associated with their current situation and potential growth opportunities.
  • Improves communication among team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the current situation and potential for growth.

This information helps businesses to prioritize their key strategic initiatives, focus their resources on areas with the greatest potential for growth and competitive advantage, and develop a strategic plan that aligns with their goals and objectives. Ultimately, a SWOT analysis helps businesses to make more effective strategic decisions that can lead to increased profitability, market share, and long-term success.

Example of a SWOT analysis

To help illustrate the SWOT analysis process, let's take a look at an example of a SWOT analysis for a company in the fashion industry:

Example of a SWOT analysis

  • Strong brand recognition
  • Innovative designs
  • Loyal customer base
  • Experienced and skilled designers and staff
  • Efficient production processes
  • Limited distribution channels
  • Dependence on a few key suppliers
  • High production costs
  • Lack of international presence
  • Limited online presence


  • Growing demand for sustainable fashion
  • Emerging markets in Asia and South America
  • Expansion into e-commerce
  • Partnership with influencers and celebrities
  • Diversification of product offerings
  • Economic downturns and recessions
  • Increased competition from established and emerging brands
  • Shifting consumer preferences and trends
  • Changes in regulations and trade policies
  • Disruptive technologies and innovations

Using this SWOT analysis, the company could focus on expanding its distribution channels and international presence, reducing production costs, and investing in sustainable and diverse product offerings.

Q: Is a SWOT analysis only for large businesses? A: No, a SWOT analysis is beneficial for businesses of all sizes, including small businesses.

Q: Can a SWOT analysis be conducted for a specific project or product? A: Yes, a SWOT analysis can be conducted for a specific project or product to evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Q: How often should a SWOT analysis be conducted? A: It is recommended to conduct a SWOT analysis at least once a year or whenever there are significant changes in the industry, competition, or business environment.

Q: What should I do with the information gathered from a SWOT analysis? A: The information gathered from a SWOT analysis should be used to develop a strategic plan that maximizes strengths, minimizes weaknesses, takes advantage of opportunities, and mitigates threats.

In conclusion, a SWOT analysis is an important tool that can help businesses of all sizes and industries to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By conducting a SWOT analysis, businesses can gain a better understanding of their current situation and potential growth opportunities, enabling them to make informed business decisions and develop effective business strategies. As a strategic leader or business strategist, it is important to conduct a SWOT analysis regularly to stay up-to-date with changes in the industry and competition, and ensure that your business plan is relevant and effective in achieving your business goals.

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SWOT Analysis In Business (With Examples)

SWOT Analysis in business

  • Business Growth

Here is a simple strategic SWOT analysis that you can use as a highly effective method for creating an edge in the market and to insure long term success.

SWOT is an acronym for the Strengths and Weakness of a business and the Opportunities and Threats facing the business. It is used to understand Current and Future, Internal and External factors that may have an effect on a  business results and success.

The Strengths and weaknesses are focused inward to analyze what your company does well and where it could be better. Opportunities and Threats are focused externally towards the industry, which analyze any potential negative effect on the business.

How To Carry Out A SWOT Analysis In Business

To carry out a SWOT analysis for your business, summarize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your business relative to competitors. A SWOT analysis is a simple, yet highly effective method for conducting an analysis on a business, product or service. Before you try writing a business or marketing plan, it is highly recommended that you first complete a SWOT analysis.

A SWOT approach to planning requires owners to look very closely and analytically at every aspect of their operation, so that objectives can be evaluated as achievable, while also building up a clear picture of the strategies that need to be adopted under the constraints that have been recognized.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” 

- Sun Tzu,  The Art Of War -

When completing a SWOT analysis, the aim is to reflect on all aspects of your business’s operations. You may wish to do this exercise alone or include your staff, spouse or business advisor. Whether you choose to do it alone or with others, make sure you allow a solid chunk of time to complete the analysis without being interrupted.

A SWOT analysis is a brainstorming exercise and to get the best results I suggest you allow yourself at least thirty minutes, or preferably an hour. This allows your mind to free itself of the multitude of thoughts and minor details of day to- day living. It takes time to get a flow of ideas going, so be patient and allow yourself time. Once you have allotted sufficient time to focus on this exercise it is time to get started.

SWOT Analysis Template: Excel Download

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Download SWOT Analysis Excel Template

This link will open as an Excel spreadsheet and is ready, and

easy to use but you can follow these video instructions for more information. 

SWOT Analysis Template Video

The SWOT Analysis Goal 

After you have successfully completed the SWOT analysis, take some time to explore ways to consolidate your strengths, minimize your weaknesses, take advantages of the opportunities and be prepared for the threats.

Your priorities should be to:

  • Consolidate a strength
  • Use a strength to address an opportunity or threat
  • Use a strength to minimize a weakness or threat
  • Convert a weakness to strength
  • Convert a threat to an opportunity

SWOT Analysis Template: PDF Download

Download swot analysis pdf.

A SWOT analysis is a simple, yet highly effective method for conducting an analysis on a business, product or service. Before you try writing a business growth or marketing plan, it is highly recommended that you first complete a SWOT analysis.


S WOT Analysis - STRENGTH  

The first step is to reflect on what you do really well. What is working for you at the moment? Can you consolidate on any of these strengths and make them an even bigger advantage for your business? Try asking yourself the following questions

What are your business’s strengths?

  • Attractive shopfront
  • Operating hours
  • Industry experience
  • Follow-up service
  • What do you do well?
  • What unique resources can you draw on?
  • What do others see as your strengths?
  • How are you superior to your competitors?
  • Why are your products or services so good?
  • What is it that makes your business unique?

Potential Internal Strengths Can Be:

  • Adequate financial resources.
  • Well thought of by buyers.
  • An acknowledged market leader.
  • Well-conceived functional area strategies.
  • Insulated from strong competitive pressure.
  • Proprietary technology.
  • Cost advantages.
  • Better advertising campaigns.
  • Product innovation skills.
  • Proven management.
  • Better manufacturing capability.
  • Superior technological skills.

 “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” 

- Sun Tzu, The Art Of War -

S W OT Analysis - WEAKNESS Examples

Weaknesses need to be understood so you can compensate or improve them. This is not the time to start beating yourself up for being less than perfect. Everyone has weaknesses. Your first task is to identify anything you think you need to improve. These could include:

  • Time management
  • Marketing strategy
  • Certain products or services
  • Cleaning up your work environment
  • Follow-up procedures
  • What could you improve?
  • Where do you have fewer resources than others?
  • What are others likely to see as weaknesses?

Potential Internal Weaknesses Can Be:

  • No clear strategic direction.
  • Obsolete facilities.
  • Low profitability because …
  • Lack of managerial depth and talent.
  • Poor track record in implementing strategy.
  • Internal operating problems.
  • Too marrow a product line.
  • Weak market image.
  • Weak distribution network.
  • Below-average marketing skills.
  • Unable to finance needed changes.
  • Higher overall costs relative to key competitors.

Make a comprehensive list and start reviewing which ones you could start transferring into strengths. If you find it difficult to be objective, ask someone you trust for his or her feedback on your perceived weaknesses.

“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”


The third stage of the analysis process is to look at the opportunities that your business has available. Where could you start gaining an advantage over your competitors? The more you know about what your competitors are doing, the easier it will be for you to see opportunities to create something different and compelling. Another great way to discover possible opportunities is to ask your current customers. They will often have all the answers if you are brave enough to ask the question.

  • What external factors can you take advantage of?
  • Are there current resources that are underutilized?
  • How can you turn your strengths into opportunities?
  • What trends could you take advantage of?
  • What good opportunities are open to you?

Potential External Opportunities Can Be:

  • Serve additional customer groups.
  • Enter new markets or segments.
  • Expand product line to meet broader range of customer needs.
  • Diversify into related products.
  • Falling trade barriers in attractive foreign markets.
  • Complacency among rival firms.
  • Faster market growth.

There are always opportunities. Take the time to brainstorm a comprehensive list and don’t sensor your ideas. There will be time to eliminate the most impractical ideas later. For now, just get the ideas down on paper.

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” 

SWO T  Analysis - THREAT  

Finally, you need to assess any current or future threats to your business. All potential threats should be brainstormed. It is better to be aware of problems that might arise than to be hit with them out of the blue. This list could include things like changes in legislation, a multinational competitor opening a store or a lack of products due to importing issues. Whatever the possible threats, list them and assess whether they are real or unlikely. Are there any threats to your current market share? When all areas have been plotted and identified, you will be in a much better position to plan your future.

Take the time to complete this exercise thoroughly as the benefits are very real.

  • What threats do your weaknesses expose you to?
  • What is your competition doing?
  • What trends could harm you?

Potential External Threats Can Be:

  • Entry of lower-cost foreign competitors.
  • Rising sales of substitute products.
  • Slower market growth.
  • Adverse shifts in foreign exchange rates and trade policies of foreign governments.
  • Costly regulatory requirements.
  • Changing buyer needs.
  • Adverse demographic changes.

SW OT Analysis Examples  

  • Sample SWOT Ideas for a Local Restaurant
  • Example SWOT for a Small, Local Coffee Chop Chain

“Who wishes to fight must first count the cost” 

About the Author Hans

Hans had 40 of his own businesses over the last 30 years and is famous for creating fast-growing businesses” He is an author, speaker, coach, and consultant and a specialist in business optimization and turnaround, helping smaller business owners eliminate business limitations, threats, and growth challenges in achieving their sales, profit, cash flow, and income goals with sniper precision.

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How to Do a SWOT Analysis for Better Strategic Planning

Female entrepreneur working in her home office at the computer on a SWOT analysis to discover the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to her business.

6 min. read

Updated October 27, 2023

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Conducting a SWOT analysis of your business is a lot more fun than it sounds. It won’t take much time, and doing it forces you to think about your business in a whole new way.

The point of a SWOT analysis is to help you develop a strong business strategy by making sure you’ve considered all of your business’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces in the marketplace.

YouTube video

  • What is a SWOT analysis?

S.W.O.T. is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis is an organized list of your business’s greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the company (think: reputation, patents, location). You can change them over time but not without some work. Opportunities and threats are external (think: suppliers, competitors, prices)—they are out there in the market, happening whether you like it or not. You can’t change them.

Existing businesses can use a SWOT analysis, at any time, to assess a changing environment and respond proactively. In fact, I recommend conducting a strategy review meeting at least once a year that begins with a SWOT analysis.

New businesses should use a SWOT analysis as a part of their planning process. There is no “one size fits all” plan for your business, and thinking about your new business in terms of its unique “SWOTs” will put you on the right track right away, and save you from a lot of headaches later on.

Looking to get started right away? Download our free SWOT Analysis template.

In this article, I will cover the following:

  • How to conduct a SWOT analysis
  • Questions to ask during a SWOT analysis
  • Example of a SWOT analysis
  • TOWS analysis: Developing strategies for your SWOT analysis

To get the most complete, objective results, a SWOT analysis is best conducted by a group of people with different perspectives and stakes in your company. Management, sales, customer service, and even customers can all contribute valid insight. Moreover, the SWOT analysis process is an opportunity to bring your team together and encourage their participation in and adherence to your company’s resulting strategy.

A SWOT analysis is typically conducted using a four-square SWOT analysis template, but you could also just make lists for each category. Use the method that makes it easiest for you to organize and understand the results.

I recommend holding a brainstorming session to identify the factors in each of the four categories. Alternatively, you could ask team members to individually complete our free SWOT analysis template, and then meet to discuss and compile the results. As you work through each category, don’t be too concerned about elaborating at first; bullet points may be the best way to begin. Just capture the factors you believe are relevant in each of the four areas.

Once you are finished brainstorming, create a final, prioritized version of your SWOT analysis, listing the factors in each category in order of highest priority at the top to lowest priority at the bottom.

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I’ve compiled some questions below to help you develop each section of your SWOT analysis. There are certainly other questions you could ask; these are just meant to get you started.

Strengths (internal, positive factors)

Strengths describe the positive attributes, tangible and intangible, internal to your organization. They are within your control.

  • What do you do well?
  • Positive attributes of people , such as knowledge, background, education, credentials, network, reputation, or skills.
  • Tangible assets of the company , such as capital, credit, existing customers or distribution channels, patents, or technology.
  • What advantages do you have over your competition?
  • Do you have strong research and development capabilities? Manufacturing facilities?
  • What other positive aspects, internal to your business, add value or offer you a competitive advantage?

Weaknesses (internal, negative factors)

Weaknesses are aspects of your business that detract from the value you offer or place you at a competitive disadvantage. You need to enhance these areas in order to compete with your best competitor.

  • What factors that are within your control detract from your ability to obtain or maintain a competitive edge?
  • What areas need improvement to accomplish your objectives or compete with your strongest competitor?
  • What does your business lack (for example, expertise or access to skills or technology)?
  • Does your business have limited resources?
  • Is your business in a poor location?

Opportunities (external, positive factors)

Opportunities are external attractive factors that represent reasons your business is likely to prosper.

  • What opportunities exist in your market or the environment that you can benefit from?
  • Is the perception of your business positive?
  • Has there been recent market growth or have there been other changes in the market the create an opportunity?
  • Is the opportunity ongoing, or is there just a window for it? In other words, how critical is your timing?

Threats (external, negative factors)

Threats include external factors beyond your control that could place your strategy, or the business itself, at risk. You have no control over these, but you may benefit by having contingency plans to address them if they should occur.

  • Who are your existing or potential competitors?
  • What factors beyond your control could place your business at risk?
  • Are there challenges created by an unfavorable trend or development that may lead to deteriorating revenues or profits?
  • What situations might threaten your marketing efforts?
  • Has there been a significant change in supplier prices or the availability of raw materials?
  • What about shifts in consumer behavior, the economy, or government regulations that could reduce your sales?
  • Has a new product or technology been introduced that makes your products, equipment, or services obsolete?
  • Examples of a SWOT analysis

For illustration, here’s a brief SWOT example from a hypothetical, medium-sized computer store in the United States:

SWOT Analysis Example for a Computer Store

See our SWOT analysis examples article for in-depth examples of SWOT analyses for several different industries and business types or download our free SWOT analysis template .

  • TOWS analysis: Developing strategies from your SWOT analysis

Once you have identified and prioritized your SWOT results, you can use them to develop short-term and long-term strategies for your business. After all, the true value of this exercise is in using the results to maximize the positive influences on your business and minimize the negative ones.

But how do you turn your SWOT results into strategies? One way to do this is to consider how your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats overlap with each other. This is sometimes called a TOWS analysis.

For example, look at the strengths you identified, and then come up with ways to use those strengths to maximize the opportunities (these are strength-opportunity strategies). Then, look at how those same strengths can be used to minimize the threats you identified (these are strength-threats strategies).

Continuing this process, use the opportunities you identified to develop strategies that will minimize the weaknesses (weakness-opportunity strategies) or avoid the threats (weakness-threats strategies).

The following table might help you organize the strategies in each area:

SWOT Analysis Template

Once you’ve developed strategies and included them in your strategic plan, be sure to schedule regular review meetings. Use these meetings to talk about why the results of your strategies are different from what you’d planned (because they always will be) and decide what your team will do going forward.

Content Author: Tim Berry

Tim Berry is the founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software , a co-founder of Borland International, and a recognized expert in business planning. He has an MBA from Stanford and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dame. Today, Tim dedicates most of his time to blogging, teaching and evangelizing for business planning.

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business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

SWOT Analysis: Identify Business Strengths and Weaknesses

SWOT Analysis is a simple four-box process that can be applied to all most any business and in any industry. Offering a way to discover and evaluate internal and external strengths and weaknesses. By identifying these factors, a business can develop strategies to take advantage of its strengths and opportunities while also addressing its weaknesses and threats.

This can help a business to improve its performance, competitiveness, and overall success. We will discuss the basics of SWOT analysis, including what it is, how it’s done, and the benefits it can provide to businesses. We will also be providing some examples and case studies to help illustrate the concepts and make it easier for you to understand. So, whether you’re a small business owner or a manager at a large corporation, this will provide valuable information that can help you improve your business.

What is SWOT analysis?

A SWOT analysis evaluates a business’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The is where the name comes from and the acronym SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats . Sometimes reffered to as situational assessment or situational analysis.

A SWOT analysis is a strategic process planning tool that helps businesses evaluate their internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.

A SWOT analysis is used to identify and understand the internal and external factors that can have an impact on the success of a business or organization. By identifying these factors, a business can develop strategies to take advantage of its strengths and opportunities while also addressing its weaknesses and threats.

The creator and inventor of SWOT analysis framework are not fully known but are primarily credited to Albert Humphrey , Stanford Research Institute (SRI), in the late 1960s early 1970s. 

This can help a business to improve its performance, competitiveness, and overall success.

How to perform a SWOT Analysis?

SWOT Analysis is a low-cost way of assessing a business without needing expensive software or an external consultant. You don’t need special training or technical skills to complete the analysis process. 

This makes it easy for anyone and any size business can do this. Simplicity makes it easy for any team member to have input, regardless of their position within the business.

What is SWOT analysis

To conduct a SWOT analysis, a business should follow these steps:

  • STRENGTHS – Identify the business’s strengths. These internal factors give the business an advantage over its competitors, such as a strong brand, skilled workforce, or proprietary technology.
  • WEAKNESSES – Identify the business’s weaknesses. These internal factors put the business at a disadvantage, such as high operational costs, limited target market, or lack of brand recognition.
  • OPPORTUNITIES – Identify external opportunities. These are external factors that the business can take advantage of to improve its performance, such as changes in market conditions, new technologies, or emerging trends.
  • THREATS – Identify external threats. These external factors can negatively impact the business, such as competition, changes in consumer preferences, or economic downturns.

Once the SWOT analysis is complete, the business can use the information to develop strategies to take advantage of its strengths and opportunities while also addressing its weaknesses and threats. This can help a business to improve its performance, competitiveness, and overall success.

It’s worth noting that SWOT analysis can be used for various aspects of the business, like products, services, marketing, finances, processes, procedures and operations. It’s a flexible tool that can be used for different purposes and applied to different levels of the organization.

SWOT Analysis Process

There are number of steps that need to be considered in the SWOT Analysis Process:

  • Personnel Involved  – Who is going to be involved? Make sure it comprises various people representing various positions, departments, demographics, and experiences. The swot analysis team needs a broad selection of people who can offer excellent feedback, but too many can be challenging will so many opinions
  • SWOT Leader  – Someone outside the primary team without biases that could affect the outcome.
  • Objective Strategy  – Why are you carrying out this SWOT analysis? Has some event triggered the need? New competitors, new products, new market? Revenues have reduced; why? What are the circumstances for the SWOT Analysis?
  • Brainstorm SWOT  –Each team member involved in the analysis must discuss the business’s strengths and document people’s opinions. This can be as easy as sitting around a table and everyone having their input, and someone writing down comments. This is not about evaluating every response but documenting everyone’s input. Next, move onto weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • Summary Input  – Discuss the next steps and how to move forward using the information gathered. How are you going to implement the results?
  • Assign Tasks  – This is about getting the right people to implement change. After the improvement steps have been decided, each of the points identified in each stage of the SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats must be implemented.

Why Is a SWOT Analysis Important?

SWOT Analysis makes businesses and their leaders stop what look and assess what direction the business is going. It opens up discussion on the future and the business’s short- and long-term goals.  

Sometimes when we are focused on running a business, it is easy to forget to assess how we are getting on and the opportunities for the business to grow moving forward. 

This can help the business to develop effective strategies for growth and success.

What are the benefits of swot analysis?

SWOT analysis can provide several benefits to businesses, including:

  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses : Help a business identify its internal strengths and weaknesses, which can improve business performance and competitiveness.
  • Identifying Opportunities and Threats : Help a business to identify external opportunities and threats, which can be used to develop strategies to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate threats.
  • Strategic Options : By identifying internal and external factors, you can help a business to prioritize strategic options and make better-informed decisions.
  • Communication and Alignment : The tool aids communication and alignment, as it can help ensure everyone knows the internal and external factors affecting the business.
  • Gaps in Strategy or Planning : Identify potential gaps in strategy or planning which must be addressed.
  • Benchmarking : Comparing the business with its competitors or industry standards and identifying areas of improvement.
  • New Business Opportunities : Identify new opportunities for growth and expansion, such as new markets or products.
  • Risks and Challenges : Help a business identify potential risks and challenges and develop strategies to mitigate them.

In summary, SWOT analysis can provide a comprehensive understanding of a business and its environment, which can be used to develop effective strategies, improve performance and competitiveness, productivity and achieve overall success.

SWOT Examples

Sure, here are a few examples and case studies that can help illustrate the concepts of SWOT analysis and make it easier to understand:

  • Example: A small retail store that specializes in handmade crafts.
  • Strengths: Unique product offerings, a strong reputation in the community, dedicated customer base.
  • Weaknesses: Limited target market, high cost of goods sold, small store size.
  • Opportunities: Expansion into online sales and partnerships with other businesses to increase visibility.
  • Threats: Competition from larger retail chains and changes in consumer preferences.
  • Case Study: Starbucks
  • Strengths: Strong brand recognition, a worldwide market, a wide range of products, diversified revenue streams (e.g. licensing agreements, food offerings)
  • Weaknesses: Dependence on a small number of key markets, high operational costs, and bottlenecks.
  • Opportunities: Expansion into new international markets, increasing demand for convenient and high-quality food and beverages. Be more environmentally friendly.
  • Threats: Intense competition, changing consumer preferences for healthier options, increased labour costs, store overheads.
  • Example: A social media management company
  • Strengths: Strong team of experienced professionals, successful track record of delivering results for clients
  • Weaknesses: Limited focus on a specific industry, reliance on a small number of key clients
  • Opportunities: Expansion into new markets and industries, development of new services (e.g. video content creation)
  • Threats: Rapidly changing technology and algorithms, increased competition from larger companies entering the market

These examples and case studies demonstrate how SWOT analysis can be used to identify internal and external factors that can impact a business’s performance and competitiveness. By identifying these factors, a business can develop strategies to take advantage of its strengths and opportunities while also addressing its weaknesses and threats.

SWOT Overview

A SWOT analysis can be used to evaluate a business’s current position and identify potential opportunities for growth and improvement.

  • A business can build on its strengths to improve performance and competitiveness by identifying its strengths.
  • A business can develop strategies to mitigate or overcome its weaknesses by identifying them.
  • A business can use external factors to improve performance by identifying opportunities.
  • By identifying threats, a business can develop strategies to mitigate or overcome potential negative impacts on its operations.

In summary, SWOT analysis helps a business to identify its internal and external factors that are favourable or unfavourable to achieving its objectives.

Consider then introducing KPIs and OKRs as part of setting business goals from your decisions from SWOT results

How Checkify Help Implement Change from SWOT Analysis?

Checkify is a business process management software (BPMS); wondering what this is. Well, think of checklists with superpowers. Create a new business process to implement your change. Document what you want to be done and how to do it. Like a how-to guide to ensure everyone knows exactly what is changing, why and what the new process will be.

Break each process into individual tasks that can be assigned to different people. This removes the chances for mistakes and offers traceability and tracking of where everyone is within a process.

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How to Write a Business Plan (Plus Examples & Templates)

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Have you ever wondered how to write a business plan step by step? Mike Andes, told us: 

This guide will help you write a business plan to impress investors.

Throughout this process, we’ll get information from Mike Andes, who started Augusta Lawn Care Services when he was 12 and turned it into a franchise with over 90 locations. He has gone on to help others learn how to write business plans and start businesses.  He knows a thing or two about writing  business plans!

We’ll start by discussing the definition of a business plan. Then we’ll discuss how to come up with the idea, how to do the market research, and then the important elements in the business plan format. Keep reading to start your journey!

What Is a Business Plan?

A business plan is simply a road map of what you are trying to achieve with your business and how you will go about achieving it. It should cover all elements of your business including: 

  • Finding customers
  • Plans for developing a team
  •  Competition
  • Legal structures
  • Key milestones you are pursuing

If you aren’t quite ready to create a business plan, consider starting by reading our business startup guide .

Get a Business Idea

Before you can write a business plan, you have to have a business idea. You may see a problem that needs to be solved and have an idea how to solve it, or you might start by evaluating your interests and skills. 

Mike told us, “The three things I suggest asking yourself when thinking about starting a business are:

  • What am I good at?
  • What would I enjoy doing?
  • What can I get paid for?”

Three adjoining circles about business opportunity

If all three of these questions don’t lead to at least one common answer, it will probably be a much harder road to success. Either there is not much market for it, you won’t be good at it, or you won’t enjoy doing it. 

As Mike told us, “There’s enough stress starting and running a business that if you don’t like it or aren’t good at it, it’s hard to succeed.”

If you’d like to hear more about Mike’s approach to starting a business, check out our YouTube video

Conduct Market Analysis

Market analysis is focused on establishing if there is a target market for your products and services, how large the target market is, and identifying the demographics of people or businesses that would be interested in the product or service. The goal here is to establish how much money your business concept can make.

Product and Service Demand

An image showing product service and demand

A search engine is your best friend when trying to figure out if there is demand for your products and services. Personally, I love using because it lets you directly search on a ton of different platforms including Google, Youtube, Twitter, and more. Check out the screenshot for the full list of search options.

With quick web searches, you can find out how many competitors you have, look through their reviews, and see if there are common complaints about the competitors. Bad reviews are a great place to find opportunities to offer better products or services. 

If there are no similar products or services, you may have stumbled upon something new, or there may just be no demand for it. To find out, go talk to your most honest friend about the idea and see what they think. If they tell you it’s dumb or stare at you vacantly, there’s probably no market for it.

You can also conduct a survey through social media to get public opinion on your idea. Using Facebook Business Manager , you could get a feel for who would be interested in your product or service.

 I ran a quick test of how many people between 18-65  you could reach in the U.S. during a week. It returned an estimated 700-2,000 for the total number of leads, which is enough to do a fairly accurate statistical analysis.

Identify Demographics of Target Market

Depending on what type of business you want to run, your target market will be different. The narrower the demographic, the fewer potential customers you’ll have. If you did a survey, you’ll be able to use that data to help define your target audience. Some considerations you’ll want to consider are:

  • Other Interests
  • Marital Status
  • Do they have kids?

Once you have this information, it can help you narrow down your options for location and help define your marketing further. One resource that Mike recommended using is the Census Bureau’s Quick Facts Map . He told us,  

“It helps you quickly evaluate what the best areas are for your business to be located.”

How to Write a Business Plan

Business plan development

Now that you’ve developed your idea a little and established there is a market for it, you can begin writing a business plan. Getting started is easier with the business plan template we created for you to download. I strongly recommend using it as it is updated to make it easier to create an action plan. 

Each of the following should be a section of your business plan:

  • Business Plan Cover Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Company Description
  • Description of Products and Services

SWOT Analysis

  • Competitor Data
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Marketing Expenses Strategy 

Pricing Strategy

  • Distribution Channel Assessment
  • Operational Plan
  • Management and Organizational Strategy
  • Financial Statements and/or Financial Projections

We’ll look into each of these. Don’t forget to download our free business plan template (mentioned just above) so you can follow along as we go. 

How to Write a Business Plan Step 1. Create a Cover Page

The first thing investors will see is the cover page for your business plan. Make sure it looks professional. A great cover page shows that you think about first impressions.

A good business plan should have the following elements on a cover page:

  • Professionally designed logo
  • Company name
  • Mission or Vision Statement
  • Contact Info

Basically, think of a cover page for your business plan like a giant business card. It is meant to capture people’s attention but be quickly processed.

How to Write a Business Plan Step 2. Create a Table of Contents

Most people are busy enough that they don’t have a lot of time. Providing a table of contents makes it easy for them to find the pages of your plan that are meaningful to them.

A table of contents will be immediately after the cover page, but you can include it after the executive summary. Including the table of contents immediately after the executive summary will help investors know what section of your business plan they want to review more thoroughly.

Check out Canva’s article about creating a  table of contents . It has a ton of great information about creating easy access to each section of your business plan. Just remember that you’ll want to use different strategies for digital and hard copy business plans.

How to Write a Business Plan Step 3. Write an Executive Summary

A notepad with a written executive summary for business plan writing

An executive summary is where your business plan should catch the readers interest.  It doesn’t need to be long, but should be quick and easy to read.

Mike told us,

How long should an executive summary bein an informal business plan?

For casual use, an executive summary should be similar to an elevator pitch, no more than 150-160 words, just enough to get them interested and wanting more. Indeed has a great article on elevator pitches .  This can also be used for the content of emails to get readers’ attention.

It consists of three basic parts:

  • An introduction to you and your business.
  • What your business is about.
  • A call to action

Example of an informal executive summary 

One of the best elevator pitches I’ve used is:

So far that pitch has achieved a 100% success rate in getting partnerships for the business.

What should I include in an executive summary for investors?

Investors are going to need a more detailed executive summary if you want to secure financing or sell equity. The executive summary should be a brief overview of your entire business plan and include:

  • Introduction of yourself and company.
  • An origin story (Recognition of a problem and how you came to solution)
  • An introduction to your products or services.
  • Your unique value proposition. Make sure to include intellectual property.
  • Where you are in the business life cycle
  • Request and why you need it.

Successful business plan examples

The owner of Urbanity told us he spent 2 months writing a 75-page business plan and received a $250,000 loan from the bank when he was 23. Make your business plan as detailed as possible when looking for financing. We’ve provided a template to help you prepare the portions of a business plan that banks expect.

Here’s the interview with the owner of Urbanity:

When to write an executive summary?

Even though the summary is near the beginning of a business plan, you should write it after you complete the rest of a business plan. You can’t talk about revenue, profits, and expected expenditures if you haven’t done the market research and created a financial plan.

What mistakes do people make when writing an executive summary?

Business owners commonly go into too much detail about the following items in an executive summary:

  • Marketing and sales processes
  • Financial statements
  • Organizational structure
  • Market analysis

These are things that people will want to know later, but they don’t hook the reader. They won’t spark interest in your small business, but they’ll close the deal.

How to Write a Business Plan Step 4. Company Description

Every business plan should include a company description. A great business plan will include the following elements while describing the company:

  • Mission statement
  • Philosophy and vision
  • Company goals

Target market

  • Legal structure

Let’s take a look at what each section includes in a good business plan.

Mission Statement

A mission statement is a brief explanation of why you started the company and what the company’s main focus is. It should be no more than one or two sentences. Check out HubSpot’s article 27 Inspiring Mission Statement for a great read on informative and inspiring mission and vision statements. 

Company Philosophy and Vision

Writing the company philosophy and vision

The company philosophy is what drives your company. You’ll normally hear them called core values.  These are the building blocks that make your company different. You want to communicate your values to customers, business owners, and investors as often as possible to build a company culture, but make sure to back them up.

What makes your company different?

Each company is different. Your new business should rise above the standard company lines of honesty, integrity, fun, innovation, and community when communicating your business values. The standard answers are corporate jargon and lack authenticity. 

Examples of core values

One of my clients decided to add a core values page to their website. As a tech company they emphasized the values:

  •  Prioritize communication.
  •  Never stop learning.
  •  Be transparent.
  •  Start small and grow incrementally.

These values communicate how the owner and the rest of the company operate. They also show a value proposition and competitive advantage because they specifically focus on delivering business value from the start. These values also genuinely show what the company is about and customers recognize the sincerity. Indeed has a great blog about how to identify your core values .

What is a vision statement?

A vision statement communicate the long lasting change a business pursues. The vision helps investors and customers understand what your company is trying to accomplish. The vision statement goes beyond a mission statement to provide something meaningful to the community, customer’s lives, or even the world.

Example vision statements

The Alzheimer’s Association is a great example of a vision statement:

A world without Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementia.

It clearly tells how they want to change the world. A world without Alzheimers might be unachievable, but that means they always have room for improvement.

Business Goals

You have to measure success against goals for a business plan to be meaningful. A business plan helps guide a company similar to how your GPS provides a road map to your favorite travel destination. A goal to make as much money as possible is not inspirational and sounds greedy.

Sure, business owners want to increase their profits and improve customer service, but they need to present an overview of what they consider success. The goals should help everyone prioritize their work.

How far in advance should a business plan?

Business planning should be done at least one year in advance, but many banks and investors prefer three to five year business plans. Longer plans show investors that the management team  understands the market and knows the business is operating in a constantly shifting market. In addition, a plan helps businesses to adjust to changes because they have already considered how to handle them.

Example of great business goals

My all time-favorite long-term company goals are included in Tesla’s Master Plan, Part Deux . These goals were written in 2016 and drive the company’s decisions through 2026. They are the reason that investors are so forgiving when Elon Musk continually fails to meet his quarterly and annual goals.

If the progress aligns with the business plan investors are likely to continue to believe in the company. Just make sure the goals are reasonable or you’ll be discredited (unless you’re Elon Musk).

A man holding an iPad with a cup of coffee on his desk

You did target market research before creating a business plan. Now it’s time to add it to the plan so others understand what your ideal customer looks like. As a new business owner, you may not be considered an expert in your field yet, so document everything. Make sure the references you use are from respectable sources. 

Use information from the specific lender when you are applying for lending. Most lenders provide industry research reports and using their data can strengthen the position of your business plan.

A small business plan should include a section on the external environment. Understanding the industry is crucial because we don’t plan a business in a vacuum. Make sure to research the industry trends, competitors, and forecasts. I personally prefer IBIS World for my business research. Make sure to answer questions like:

  • What is the industry outlook long-term and short-term?
  • How will your business take advantage of projected industry changes and trends?
  • What might happen to your competitors and how will your business successfully compete?

Industry resources

Some helpful resources to help you establish more about your industry are:

  • Trade Associations
  • Federal Reserve
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics

Legal Structure

There are five basic types of legal structures that most people will utilize:

  • Sole proprietorships
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLC)



  • Franchises.

Each business structure has their pros and cons. An LLC is the most common legal structure due to its protection of personal assets and ease of setting up. Make sure to specify how ownership is divided and what roles each owner plays when you have more than one business owner.

You’ll have to decide which structure is best for you, but we’ve gathered information on each to make it easier.

Sole Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is the easiest legal structure to set up but doesn’t protect the owner’s personal assets from legal issues. That means if something goes wrong, you could lose both your company and your home.

To start a sole proprietorship, fill out a special tax form called a  Schedule C . Sole proprietors can also join the American Independent Business Alliance .

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

An LLC is the most common business structure used in the United States because an LLC protects the owner’s personal assets. It’s similar to partnerships and corporations, but can be a single-member LLC in most states. An LLC requires a document called an operating agreement.

Each state has different requirements. Here’s a link to find your state’s requirements . Delaware and Nevada are common states to file an LLC because they are really business-friendly. Here’s a blog on the top 10 states to get an LLC.

Partnerships are typically for legal firms. If you choose to use a partnership choose a Limited Liability Partnership. Alternatively, you can just use an LLC.

Corporations are typically for massive organizations. Corporations have taxes on both corporate and income tax so unless you plan on selling stock, you are better off considering an LLC with S-Corp status . Investopedia has good information corporations here .

An iPad with colored pens on a desk

There are several opportunities to purchase successful franchises. has a list of companies in a variety of industries that offer franchise opportunities. This makes it where an entrepreneur can benefit from the reputation of an established business that has already worked out many of the kinks of starting from scratch.

How to Write a Business Plan Step 5. Products and Services

This section of the business plan should focus on what you sell, how you source it, and how you sell it. You should include:

  • Unique features that differentiate your business products from competitors
  • Intellectual property
  • Your supply chain
  • Cost and pricing structure 

Questions to answer about your products and services

Mike gave us a list  of the most important questions to answer about your product and services:

  • How will you be selling the product? (in person, ecommerce, wholesale, direct to consumer)?
  • How do you let them know they need a product?
  • How do you communicate the message?
  • How will you do transactions?
  • How much will you be selling it for?
  • How many do you think you’ll sell and why?

Make sure to use the worksheet on our business plan template .

How to Write a Business Plan Step 6. Sales and Marketing Plan

The marketing and sales plan is focused on the strategy to bring awareness to your company and guides how you will get the product to the consumer.  It should contain the following sections:

SWOT Analysis stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Not only do you want to identify them, but you also want to document how the business plans to deal with them.

Business owners need to do a thorough job documenting how their service or product stacks up against the competition.

If proper research isn’t done, investors will be able to tell that the owner hasn’t researched the competition and is less likely to believe that the team can protect its service from threats by the more well-established competition. This is one of the most common parts of a presentation that trips up business owners presenting on Shark Tank .

SWOT Examples

Business plan SWOT analysis

Examples of strengths and weaknesses could be things like the lack of cash flow, intellectual property ownership, high costs of suppliers, and customers’ expectations on shipping times.

Opportunities could be ways to capitalize on your strengths or improve your weaknesses, but may also be gaps in the industry. This includes:

  • Adding offerings that fit with your current small business
  • Increase sales to current customers
  • Reducing costs through bulk ordering
  • Finding ways to reduce inventory
  •  And other areas you can improve

Threats will normally come from outside of the company but could also be things like losing a key member of the team. Threats normally come from competition, regulations, taxes, and unforeseen events.

The management team should use the SWOT analysis to guide other areas of business planning, but it absolutely has to be done before a business owner starts marketing. 

Include Competitor Data in Your Business Plan

When you plan a business, taking into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of the competition is key to navigating the field. Providing an overview of your competition and where they are headed shows that you are invested in understanding the industry.

For smaller businesses, you’ll want to search both the company and the owners names to see what they are working on. For publicly held corporations, you can find their quarterly and annual reports on the SEC website .

What another business plans to do can impact your business. Make sure to include things that might make it attractive for bigger companies to outsource to a small business.

Marketing Strategy

The marketing and sales part of business plans should be focused on how you are going to make potential customers aware of your business and then sell to them.

If you haven’t already included it, Mike recommends:

“They’ll want to know about Demographics, ages, and wealth of your target market.”

Make sure to include the Total addressable market .  The term refers to the value if you captured 100% of the market.

Advertising Strategy

You’ll explain what formats of advertising you’ll be using. Some possibilities are:

  • Online: Facebook and Google are the big names to work with here.
  • Print : Print can be used to reach broad groups or targeted markets. Check out this for tips .
  • Radio : iHeartMedia is one of the best ways to advertise on the radio
  • Cable television : High priced, hard to measure ROI, but here’s an explanation of the process
  • Billboards: Attracting customers with billboards can be beneficial in high traffic areas.

You’ll want to define how you’ll be using each including frequency, duration, and cost. If you have the materials already created, including pictures or links to the marketing to show creative assets.

Mike told us “Most businesses are marketing digitally now due to Covid, but that’s not always the right answer.”

Make sure the marketing strategy will help team members or external marketing agencies stay within the brand guidelines .

An iPad with graph about pricing strategy

This section of a business plan should be focused on pricing. There are a ton of pricing strategies that may work for different business plans. Which one will work for you depends on what kind of a business you run.

Some common pricing strategies are:

  • Value-based pricing – Commonly used with home buying and selling or other products that are status symbols.
  • Skimming pricing – Commonly seen in video game consoles, price starts off high to recoup expenses quickly, then reduces over time.
  • Competition-based pricing – Pricing based on competitors’ pricing is commonly seen at gas stations.
  • Freemium services –  Commonly used for software, where there is a free plan, then purchase options for more functionality.

HubSpot has a great calculator and blog on pricing strategies.

Beyond explaining what strategy your business plans to use, you should include references for how you came to this pricing strategy and how it will impact your cash flow.

Distribution Plan

This part of a business plan is focused on how the product or service is going to go through the supply chain. These may include multiple divisions or multiple companies. Make sure to include any parts of the workflow that are automated so investors can see where cost savings are expected and when.

Supply Chain Examples

For instance, lawn care companies  would need to cover aspects such as:

  • Suppliers for lawn care equipment and tools
  • Any chemicals or treatments needed
  • Repair parts for sprinkler systems
  • Vehicles to transport equipment and employees
  • Insurance to protect the company vehicles and people.

Examples of Supply Chains

These are fairly flat supply chains compared to something like a clothing designer where the clothes would go through multiple vendors. A clothing company might have the following supply chain:

  • Raw materials
  • Shipping of raw materials
  • Converting of raw materials to thread
  • Shipping thread to produce garments
  • Garment producer
  • Shipping to company
  • Company storage
  • Shipping to retail stores

There have been advances such as print on demand that eliminate many of these steps. If you are designing completely custom clothing, all of this would need to be planned to keep from having business disruptions.

The main thing to include in the business plan is the list of suppliers, the path the supply chain follows, the time from order to the customer’s home, and the costs associated with each step of the process.

According to BizPlanReview , a business plan without this information is likely to get rejected because they have failed to research the key elements necessary to make sales to the customer.

How to Write a Business Plan Step 7. Company Organization and Operational Plan

This part of the business plan is focused on how the business model will function while serving customers.  The business plan should provide an overview of  how the team will manage the following aspects:

Quality Control

  • Legal environment

Let’s look at each for some insight.

Production has already been discussed in previous sections so I won’t go into it much. When writing a business plan for investors, try to avoid repetition as it creates a more simple business plan.

If the organizational plan will be used by the team as an overview of how to perform the best services for the customer, then redundancy makes more sense as it communicates what is important to the business.

A wooden stamp with the words "quality control"

Quality control policies help to keep the team focused on how to verify that the company adheres to the business plan and meets or exceeds customer expectations.

Quality control can be anything from a standard that says “all labels on shirts can be no more than 1/16″ off center” to a defined checklist of steps that should be performed and filled out for every customer.

There are a variety of organizations that help define quality control including:

  • International Organization for Standardization – Quality standards for energy, technology, food, production environments, and cybersecurity
  • AICPA – Standard defined for accounting.
  • The Joint Commission – Healthcare
  • ASHRAE – HVAC best practices

You can find lists of the organizations that contribute most to the government regulation of industries on Open Secrets . Research what the leaders in your field are doing. Follow their example and implement it in your quality control plan.

For location, you should use information from the market research to establish where the location will be. Make sure to include the following in the location documentation.

  • The size of your location
  • The type of building (retail, industrial, commercial, etc.)
  • Zoning restrictions – Urban Wire has a good map on how zoning works in each state
  • Accessibility – Does it meet ADA requirements?
  • Costs including rent, maintenance, utilities, insurance and any buildout or remodeling costs
  • Utilities – b.e.f. has a good energy calculator .

Legal Environment

The legal requirement section is focused on defining how to meet the legal requirements for your industry. A good business plan should include all of the following:

  • Any licenses and/or permits that are needed and whether you’ve obtained them
  • Any trademarks, copyrights, or patents that you have or are in the process of applying for
  • The insurance coverage your business requires and how much it costs
  • Any environmental, health, or workplace regulations affecting your business
  • Any special regulations affecting your industry
  • Bonding requirements, if applicable

Your local SBA office can help you establish requirements in your area. I strongly recommend using them. They are a great resource.

Your business plan should include a plan for company organization and hiring. While you may be the only person with the company right now, down the road you’ll need more people. Make sure to consider and document the answers to the following questions:

  • What is the current leadership structure and what will it look like in the future?
  • What types of employees will you have? Are there any licensing or educational requirements?
  • How many employees will you need?
  • Will you ever hire freelancers or independent contractors?
  • What is each position’s job description?
  • What is the pay structure (hourly, salaried, base plus commission, etc.)?
  • How do you plan to find qualified employees and contractors?

One of the most crucial parts of a business plan is the organizational chart. This simply shows the positions the company will need, who is in charge of them and the relationship of each of them. It will look similar to this:

Organization chart

Our small business plan template has a much more in-depth organizational chart you can edit to include when you include the organizational chart in your business plan.

How to Write a Business Plan Step 8. Financial Statements 

No business plan is complete without financial statements or financial projections. The business plan format will be different based on whether you are writing a business plan to expand a business or a startup business plan. Let’s dig deeper into each.

Provide All Financial Income from an Existing Business

An existing business should use their past financial documents including the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement to find trends to estimate the next 3-5 years.

You can create easy trendlines in excel to predict future revenue, profit and loss, cash flow, and other changes in year-over-year performance. This will show your expected performance assuming business continues as normal.

If you are seeking an investment, then the business is probably not going to continue as normal. Depending on the financial plan and the purpose of getting financing, adjustments may be needed to the following:

  • Higher Revenue if expanding business
  • Lower Cost of Goods Sold if purchasing inventory with bulk discounts
  • Adding interest if utilizing financing (not equity deal)
  • Changes in expenses
  • Addition of financing information to the cash flow statement
  • Changes in Earnings per Share on the balance sheet

Financial modeling is a challenging subject, but there are plenty of low-cost courses on the subject. If you need help planning your business financial documentation take some time to watch some of them.

Make it a point to document how you calculated all the changes to the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement in your business plan so that key team members or investors can verify your research.

Financial Projections For A Startup Business Plan

Unlike an existing business, a startup doesn’t have previous success to model its future performance. In this scenario, you need to focus on how to make a business plan realistic through the use of industry research and averages.

Mike gave the following advice in his interview:

Financial Forecasting Mistakes

One of the things a lot of inexperienced people use is the argument, “If I get one percent of the market, it is worth $100 million.” If you use this, investors are likely to file the document under bad business plan examples.

Let’s use custom t-shirts as an example.

Credence Research estimated in 2018 there were 11,334,800,000 custom t-shirts sold for a total of $206.12 Billion, with a 6% compound annual growth rate.

With that data,  you can calculate that the industry will grow to $270 Billion in 2023 and that the average shirt sold creates $18.18 in revenue.

Combine that with an IBIS World estimate of 11,094 custom screen printers and that means even if you become an average seller, you’ll get .009% of the market.

Here’s a table for easier viewing of that information.

A table showing yearly revenue of a business

The point here is to make sure your business proposal examples make sense.

You’ll need to know industry averages such as cost of customer acquisition, revenue per customer, the average cost of goods sold, and admin costs to be able to create accurate estimates.

Our simple business plan templates walk you through most of these processes. If you follow them you’ll have a good idea of how to write a business proposal.

How to Write a Business Plan Step 9. Business Plan Example of Funding Requests

What is a business plan without a plan on how to obtain funding?

The Small Business Administration has an example for a pizza restaurant that theoretically needed nearly $20k to make it through their first month.

In our video, How to Start a $500K/Year T-Shirt Business (Pt. 1 ), Sanford Booth told us he needed about $200,000 to start his franchise and broke even after 4 months.

Freshbooks estimates it takes on average 2-3 years for a business to be profitable, which means the fictitious pizza company from the SBA could need up to $330k to make it through that time and still pay their bills for their home and pizza shop.

Not every business needs that much to start, but realistically it’s a good idea to assume that you need a fairly large cushion.

Ways to get funding for a small business

There are a variety of ways to cover this. the most common are:

  • Bootstrapping – Using your savings without external funding.
  • Taking out debt – loans, credit cards
  • Equity, Seed Funding – Ownership of a percentage of the company in exchange for current funds
  • Crowdsourcing – Promising a good for funding to create the product

Keep reading for more tips on how to write a business plan.

How funding will be used

When asking for business financing make sure to include:

  • How much to get started?
  • What is the minimum viable product and how soon can you make money?
  • How will the money be spent?

Mike emphasized two aspects that should be included in every plan, 

How to Write a Business Plan Resources

Here are some links to a business plan sample and business plan outline. 

  • Sample plan

It’s also helpful to follow some of the leading influencers in the business plan writing community. Here’s a list:

  • Wise Plans –  Shares a lot of information on starting businesses and is a business plan writing company.
  • Optimus Business Plans –  Another business plan writing company.
  • Venture Capital – A venture capital thread that can help give you ideas.

How to Write a Business Plan: What’s Next?

We hope this guide about how to write a simple business plan step by step has been helpful. We’ve covered:

  • The definition of a business plan
  • Coming up with a business idea
  • Performing market research
  • The critical components of a business plan
  • An example business plan

In addition, we provided you with a simple business plan template to assist you in the process of writing your startup business plan. The startup business plan template also includes a business model template that will be the key to your success.

Don’t forget to check out the rest of our business hub .

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  • Business plans
  • SWOT Analysis

Develop your SWOT analysis

You can better understand your businesses strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats by using a SWOT analysis. Identify what your business is doing well and how you can improve with our SWOT analysis template.

On this page

Why you need a SWOT analysis

Download our swot analysis template, complete your swot analysis, use your swot analysis.

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your business.

Developing a SWOT analysis can help you look at your business in a new way and from different directions. It can also help you to:

  • create or fine tune your business strategy
  • prioritise areas for business growth to achieve your business goals.

Our template can help you develop your SWOT analysis.

SWOT template

You can start the process by gathering a group of employees or advisors who have different perspectives on your business. If you don’t have employees, you can ask family members, business advisors or mentors. The key is to have different points of view.

Using the prompting questions below as a guide, you can conduct a brainstorming session to discuss ideas about each SWOT category. After brainstorming, create a final prioritised list of points in our SWOT analysis template. List the factors in each category from highest to lowest priority.

Consider your strengths

Strengths are internal, positive parts of your business. These are things that are within your control. Ask yourself:

  • What do we do well?
  • What do we do better than our competition?
  • What unique assets do we have internally (such as knowledge, background, network, reputation or skills) and externally (such as customers, patents, technology or capital)?
  • What positive aspects of the business give us a competitive advantage?

Consider your weaknesses

Weaknesses are internal, negative factors. These are things that you might need to improve on to be competitive. Ask yourself:

  • What and where can we improve?
  • What do our competitors do better?
  • Where are the gaps in our assets and resources (such as knowledge, cash or equipment)?
  • Is the thing that sets us apart from our competition obvious?
  • How can we improve business processes?

Consider your opportunities

Opportunities are external, positive factors that may give a competitive advantage and contribute to success. Ask yourself:

  • What trends can we use to our advantage to increase use of our product or service?
  • Are there any changes or events that might positively impact us (such as consumer behaviour, regulation, policies or new technology)?
  • Has anything changed in the market that creates opportunity for us?
  • Do the public like us?

Consider your threats

Threats include external factors beyond your control that may put your business at risk. Consider putting in place contingency plans for dealing with them if they occur. Ask yourself:

  • What factors beyond our control could place us at risk?
  • What potential competitors may enter the market?
  • Are our resource and material supplies unstable or insecure?
  • Are there any changes or events that might negatively impact us (such as consumer behaviour, regulation, policies or new technology)?

Once you have completed your SWOT analysis, it can be used to develop strategies for achieving your business goals. You can create a plan to continue building on your strengths while improving on your weaknesses. When using your SWOT analysis to create a strategy, ask yourself:

  • How can we use our strengths to take advantage of our opportunities?
  • How can we use our strengths to minimise our threats?
  • What do we need to do to overcome and minimise our identified weaknesses?

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What Is SWOT Analysis?

Understanding swot analysis, how to do a swot analysis.

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How to Perform a SWOT Analysis

These frameworks are essential to fundamentally analyzing companies

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Ariel Courage is an experienced editor, researcher, and former fact-checker. She has performed editing and fact-checking work for several leading finance publications, including The Motley Fool and Passport to Wall Street.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis assesses internal and external factors, as well as current and future potential. A SWOT analysis is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, initiatives, or within its industry.

Key Takeaways

  • SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that provides assessment tools.
  • Identifying core strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats leads to fact-based analysis, fresh perspectives, and new ideas.
  • A SWOT analysis pulls information from internal sources (strengths or weaknesses of the specific company) and external forces that may have uncontrollable impacts on decisions (opportunities and threats).
  • SWOT analysis works best when diverse groups or voices within an organization can provide realistic data points rather than prescribed messaging.
  • The findings of a SWOT analysis are often synthesized to support a single objective or decision that a company is facing.

SWOT analysis is a technique for assessing the performance, competition, risk, and potential of a business, as well as part of a business such as a product line or division, an industry, or other entity.

Using internal and external data , the technique can guide businesses toward strategies more likely to be successful, and away from those in which they have been, or are likely to be, less successful. Independent SWOT analysts, investors, or competitors can also guide them on whether a company, product line, or industry might be strong or weak and why.

SWOT analysis was first used to analyze businesses. Now, it's often used by governments, nonprofits, and individuals, including investors and entrepreneurs. There is seemingly limitless applications to the SWOT analysis.

Components of SWOT Analysis

Investopedia / Julie Bang

Every SWOT analysis will include the following four categories. Though the elements and discoveries within these categories will vary from company to company, a SWOT analysis is not complete without each of these elements:

Strengths describe what an organization excels at and what separates it from the competition : a strong brand, loyal customer base, a strong balance sheet, unique technology, and so on. For example, a hedge fund may have developed a proprietary trading strategy that returns market-beating results. It must then decide how to use those results to attract new investors.

Weaknesses stop an organization from performing at its optimum level. They are areas where the business needs to improve to remain competitive: a weak brand, higher-than-average turnover, high levels of debt, an inadequate supply chain, or lack of capital.


Opportunities refer to favorable external factors that could give an organization a competitive advantage. For example, if a country cuts tariffs, a car manufacturer can export its cars into a new market, increasing sales and market share .

Threats refer to factors that have the potential to harm an organization. For example, a drought is a threat to a wheat-producing company, as it may destroy or reduce the crop yield. Other common threats include things like rising costs for materials, increasing competition, tight labor supply, and so on.

Analysts present a SWOT analysis as a square segmented into four quadrants, each dedicated to an element of SWOT. This visual arrangement provides a quick overview of the company’s position. Although all the points under a particular heading may not be of equal importance, they all should represent key insights into the balance of opportunities and threats, advantages and disadvantages, and so forth.

The SWOT table is often laid out with the internal factors on the top row and the external factors on the bottom row. In addition, the items on the left side of the table are more positive/favorable aspects, while the items on the right are more concerning/negative elements.

A SWOT analysis can be broken into several steps with actionable items before and after analyzing the four components. In general, a SWOT analysis will involve the following steps.

Step 1: Determine Your Objective

A SWOT analysis can be broad, though more value will likely be generated if the analysis is pointed directly at an objective. For example, the objective of a SWOT analysis may focused only on whether or not to perform a new product rollout . With an objective in mind, a company will have guidance on what they hope to achieve at the end of the process. In this example, the SWOT analysis should help determine whether or not the product should be introduced.

Step 2: Gather Resources

Every SWOT analysis will vary, and a company may need different data sets to support pulling together different SWOT analysis tables. A company should begin by understanding what information it has access to, what data limitations it faces, and how reliable its external data sources are.

In addition to data, a company should understand the right combination of personnel to have involved in the analysis. Some staff may be more connected with external forces, while various staff within the manufacturing or sales departments may have a better grasp of what is going on internally. Having a broad set of perspectives is also more likely to yield diverse, value-adding contributions.

Step 3: Compile Ideas

For each of the four components of the SWOT analysis, the group of people assigned to performing the analysis should begin listing ideas within each category. Examples of questions to ask or consider for each group are in the table below.

Internal Factors

What occurs within the company serves as a great source of information for the strengths and weaknesses categories of the SWOT analysis. Examples of internal factors include financial and human resources , tangible and intangible (brand name) assets, and operational efficiencies.

Potential questions to list internal factors are:

  • (Strength) What are we doing well?
  • (Strength) What is our strongest asset?
  • (Weakness) What are our detractors?
  • (Weakness) What are our lowest-performing product lines?

External Factors

What happens outside of the company is equally as important to the success of a company as internal factors. External influences, such as monetary policies , market changes, and access to suppliers, are categories to pull from to create a list of opportunities and weaknesses.

Potential questions to list external factors are:

  • (Opportunity) What trends are evident in the marketplace?
  • (Opportunity) What demographics are we not targeting?
  • (Threat) How many competitors exist, and what is their market share?
  • (Threat) Are there new regulations that potentially could harm our operations or products?

1. What is our competitive advantage?
2. What resources do we have?
3. What products are performing well?

1. Where can we improve?
2. What products are underperforming?
3. Where are we lacking resources?

1. What new technology can we use?
2. Can we expand our operations?
3. What new segments can we test?

1. What regulations are changing?
2. What are competitors doing?
3. How are consumer trends changing?

Companies may consider performing this step as a "white-boarding" or "sticky note" session. The idea is there is no right or wrong answer; all participants should be encouraged to share whatever thoughts they have. These ideas can later be discarded; in the meantime, the goal should be to come up with as many items as possible to invoke creativity and inspiration in others.

Step 4: Refine Findings

With the list of ideas within each category, it is now time to clean-up the ideas. By refining the thoughts that everyone had, a company can focus on only the best ideas or largest risks to the company. This stage may require substantial debate among analysis participants, including bringing in upper management to help rank priorities.

Step 5: Develop the Strategy

Armed with the ranked list of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, it is time to convert the SWOT analysis into a strategic plan. Members of the analysis team take the bulleted list of items within each category and create a synthesized plan that provides guidance on the original objective.

For example, the company debating whether to release a new product may have identified that it is the market leader for its existing product and there is the opportunity to expand to new markets. However, increased material costs, strained distribution lines, the need for additional staff, and unpredictable product demand may outweigh the strengths and opportunities. The analysis team develops the strategy to revisit the decision in six months in hopes of costs declining and market demand becoming more transparent.

Use a SWOT analysis to identify challenges affecting your business and opportunities that can enhance it. However, note that it is one of many techniques, not a prescription.

Common Mistakes When Preparing SWOT Analysis

When preparing a SWOT analysis, several common mistakes can undermine its effectiveness. Let's take a look at some ways your SWOT analysis may go awry.

One easy error to make when preparing a SWOT analysis is failing to be objective and honest in the assessment. Companies often tend to overemphasize their strengths while downplaying weaknesses, resulting in an overly optimistic and unrealistic analysis. This bias can lead to missed opportunities for improvement and leave the organization vulnerable to unforeseen threats. As difficult as it may be to be honest in your analysis, the validity of underlying assumptions is the cornerstone of how useful the SWOT analysis will be.

Another significant mistake is conducting the analysis in isolation, without input from diverse key stakeholders . You should try get to input from employees at various levels, customers, suppliers, and industry experts. Each may have a unique view of your company, and each may come up with different items to be listed in each quadrant based on how they specifically interact with the company.

Yet another common pitfall is neglecting to prioritize or weight the factors identified in the SWOT analysis. Not all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are equally important or impactful. Failing to distinguish between major and minor factors can lead to misallocation of resources and misguided strategic decisions. It can be easy for the important items to be buried if too many non-material items are identified.

Another frequent error is treating the SWOT analysis as a one-time exercise. You should be prepared to do a SWOT analysis periodically, The business environment is constantly changing, and a SWOT analysis should be regularly updated to remain relevant. In addition, the analysis itself is just the beginning; its true value lies in using the findings to develop and implement strategic actions. You can then check future SWOT analysis to make sure the company is addressing the major points.

Benefits of SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis won't solve every major question a company has. However, there's a number of benefits to a SWOT analysis that make strategic decision-making easier.

  • A SWOT analysis makes complex problems more manageable. There may be an overwhelming amount of data to analyze and relevant points to consider when making a complex decision. In general, a SWOT analysis that has been prepared by paring down all ideas and ranking bullets by importance will aggregate a large, potentially overwhelming problem into a more digestible report.
  • A SWOT analysis requires external considerations. Too often, a company may be tempted to only consider internal factors when making decisions. However, there are often items out of the company's control that may influence the outcome of a business decision. A SWOT analysis covers both the internal factors a company can manage and the external factors that may be more difficult to control.
  • A SWOT analysis can be applied to almost every business question. The analysis can relate to an organization, team, or individual. It can also analyze a full product line , changes to brand, geographical expansion, or an acquisition. The SWOT analysis is a versatile tool that has many applications.
  • A SWOT analysis leverages different data sources. A company will likely use internal information for strengths and weaknesses. The company will also need to gather external information relating to broad markets, competitors, or macroeconomic forces for opportunities and threats. Instead of relying on a single, potentially biased source, a good SWOT analysis compiles various angles.
  • A SWOT analysis may not be overly costly to prepare. Some SWOT reports do not need to be overly technical; therefore, many different staff members can contribute to its preparation without training or external consulting.

SWOT Analysis Example

Let's perform a SWOT analysis together by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Tesla.

  • Strengths: Tesla has a strong position in the EV market because of its strong brand recognition as an industry pioneer. The company's advanced battery technology allows for superior range in its vehicles. Tesla's extensive Supercharger network also provides a significant advantage in terms of charging infrastructure.
  • Weaknesses: Tesla has struggled with production capacity limitations, often failing to meet demand and delivery targets. Quality control issues have also been a recurring problem from time to time. Tesla's vehicles are generally priced higher than those of competitors, which may limit market penetration in more price-sensitive regions.
  • Opportunities: Tesla stands to benefit from the growing global demand for electric vehicles. The company has opportunities to expand beyond automotive into related fields such as energy storage and solar power, leveraging its battery expertise. The development of autonomous driving technology also presents another significant growth avenue, as Tesla has already begun implementing self-driving cars. Additionally, Tesla has the potential to tap into large, emerging markets like China and India where EV adoption could accelerate where it hasn't already.
  • Threats: The competitive landscape for Tesla is intensifying as traditional automakers and new entrants invest heavily in electric vehicle technology. This increased competition could erode Tesla's market share and profit margins. Economic factors such as economic downturns could impact sales of Tesla's primarily luxury-oriented vehicles. The company also faces risks related to supply chain disruptions, particularly for critical materials used in battery production where it may already have manufacturing constraints.

What Are the 4 Steps of SWOT Analysis?

The four steps of SWOT analysis comprise the acronym SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These four aspects can be broken into two analytical steps. First, a company assesses its internal capabilities and determines its strengths and weaknesses. Then, a company looks outward and evaluates external factors that impact its business. These external factors may create opportunities or threaten existing operations.

How Do You Write a Good SWOT Analysis?

Creating a SWOT analysis involves identifying and analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company. It is recommended to first create a list of questions to answer for each element. The questions serve as a guide for completing the SWOT analysis and creating a balanced list. The SWOT framework can be constructed in list format, as free text, or, most commonly, as a 4-cell table, with quadrants dedicated to each element. Strengths and weaknesses are listed first, followed by opportunities and threats.

Why Is SWOT Analysis Used?

A SWOT analysis is used to strategically identify areas of improvement or competitive advantages for a company. In addition to analyzing thing that a company does well, SWOT analysis takes a look at more detrimental, negative elements of a business. Using this information, a company can make smarter decisions to preserve what it does well, capitalize on its strengths, mitigate risk regarding weaknesses, and plan for events that may adversely affect the company in the future.

What Are the Limitations of SWOT Analysis?

While SWOT analysis is a powerful tool, it does have some limitations. It can sometimes oversimplify complex situations and is susceptible to the subjectivity and bias of participants. The analysis also doesn't provide specific guidance on how to address identified issues and can lead to analysis paralysis if not followed by concrete action.

A SWOT analysis is a great way to guide business-strategy meetings. It's powerful to have everyone in the room discuss the company's core strengths and weaknesses, define the opportunities and threats, and brainstorm ideas. Oftentimes, the SWOT analysis you envision before the session changes throughout to reflect factors you were unaware of and would never have captured if not for the group’s input.

A company can use a SWOT for overall business strategy sessions or for a specific segment such as marketing, production, or sales. This way, you can see how the overall strategy developed from the SWOT analysis will filter down to the segments below before committing to it. You can also work in reverse with a segment-specific SWOT analysis that feeds into an overall SWOT analysis.

Although a useful planning tool, SWOT has limitations. It is one of several business planning techniques to consider and should not be used alone. Also, each point listed within the categories is not prioritized the same. SWOT does not account for the differences in weight. Therefore, a deeper analysis is needed, using another planning technique.

Business News Daily. " SWOT Analysis: What It Is and When to Use It ."

Tesla. " Supercharger ."

Reuters. " Tesla Quarterly Deliveries Decline for the First Time in Nearly Four Years ."

Tesla. " Autopilot and Full Self-Driving Capability ."

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UPS SWOT Analysis

UPS SWOT Analysis

UPS, also known as United Parcel Service, is a global leader in logistics and package delivery services. With its extensive network and efficient operations, UPS has established itself as one of the industry’s most trusted and reliable companies. From delivering packages to managing supply chains, UPS plays a crucial role in facilitating the movement of goods worldwide.

Like other companies, UPS encounters an array of strengths, vulnerabilities, opportunities, and external challenges that shape its business landscape.

From its strong brand reputation to its extensive global network, UPS has numerous strengths that have contributed to its success. However, there are also areas where UPS faces challenges, such as increasing competition. In addition, there are several opportunities for UPS to expand its services further and address emerging market trends. On the other hand, external threats, such as regulatory changes, can impact UPS’s operations.

In this UPS SWOT analysis , we will explore the factors that impact UPS’s performance and position in the competitive market. By examining these internal and external factors, we can gain valuable insights into how UPS can leverage its strengths, address its weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate potential threats.

UPS Strengths

UPS Strengths - UPS SWOT Analysis

UPS possesses numerous strengths that have contributed to its success and competitive advantage. These strengths set UPS apart from its competitors and position it as a trusted and reliable partner for businesses and consumers worldwide.

Extensive worldwide delivery network

UPS has a significant advantage with its extensive worldwide delivery network. The company operates in over 220 countries and territories, allowing it to reach customers in even the most remote locations.

UPS maintains a fleet of planes, trucks, and delivery vehicles, enabling it to provide efficient and reliable transportation services for various shipments, including small packages, freight, and even healthcare supplies. This extensive global network gives UPS a competitive edge over its competitors and allows the company to serve diverse customers and industries.

Strong brand recognition and reputation

UPS has established strong brand recognition and a good reputation in the logistics industry. The company is well-known for its reliable and on-time delivery services and commitment to customer satisfaction.

UPS’s distinctive brown color and logo are instantly recognizable, enhancing its brand identity. The company has built customer trust through its consistent performance and commitment to excellence, making it a preferred choice for businesses and consumers. This strong brand recognition and reputation contribute to UPS’s competitive advantage and help attract new customers while retaining existing ones.

Cutting-edge technology and innovations

UPS is at the forefront of technology and innovations in the logistics industry. The company invests heavily in research and development to enhance its operations, improve efficiency, and provide innovative solutions to its customers. UPS utilizes advanced tracking systems, route optimization software, and real-time data analytics to optimize its delivery processes, minimize transit times, and reduce costs.

The company also embraces emerging technologies such as drones and autonomous vehicles, exploring their potential applications in last-mile delivery and other logistics operations. This commitment to technology and innovation allows UPS to stay ahead of the competition and continuously improve its services.

Focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility

UPS is strongly committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company actively seeks ways to minimize its carbon footprint and reduce the environmental impact of its operations. UPS’s alternative fuel and advanced technology fleet , including electric and hybrid vehicles, helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

The company also invests in sustainable packaging solutions and implements recycling programs to promote waste reduction. UPS’s sustainable practices align with global environmental goals and resonate with environmentally conscious customers, giving the company a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Comprehensive range of services and solutions

UPS offers a comprehensive range of logistics services and solutions to meet its customers’ diverse needs. The company provides traditional package delivery and specialized services such as freight transportation, supply chain management, and e-commerce solutions.

UPS’s extensive service portfolio caters to businesses of all sizes and industries, allowing it to serve as a one-stop shop for all logistics requirements. This comprehensive range of services differentiates UPS from its competitors and enhances its value proposition to customers, who can benefit from integrated logistics solutions and streamlined operations.

Strong financial performance

UPS has a solid financial performance track record, demonstrating its ability to generate stable revenue and profits. The company consistently delivers positive economic results, with revenue growth and healthy profit margins.

UPS’s strong financial position allows it to invest in infrastructure, technology, and talent, ensuring continuous improvement and sustaining its competitive advantage. UPS’s financial stability also instills confidence in investors and stakeholders, further supporting the company’s growth and expansion strategies.

Commitment to corporate social responsibility

UPS is committed to corporate social responsibility and actively engages in community initiatives and philanthropy. Through its UPS Foundation and volunteer programs, the company supports various social causes, including education, healthcare, disaster relief, and environmental conservation.

UPS’s corporate social responsibility efforts contribute to the betterment of society and enhance its brand reputation and customer loyalty. By aligning its business values with social responsibility, UPS distinguishes itself as a socially conscious and ethical organization, resonating with customers who value companies positively impacting the world.

Extensive infrastructure and operational capabilities

UPS’s extensive infrastructure and operational capabilities are essential strengths that contribute to its success. The company operates a vast network of distribution centers, sorting facilities, and transportation hubs strategically located to facilitate the efficient movement of packages and cargo.

UPS’s investment in advanced equipment, automation, and logistics technologies optimizes its operations and enables high-volume processing and rapid order fulfillment. This extensive and well-integrated infrastructure allows UPS to handle large-scale logistics operations and respond agilely to fluctuations in demand, enhancing its competitiveness and ability to meet customer expectations.

UPS Weaknesses

UPS Weaknesses - UPS SWOT Analysis

Below, we will focus on exploring the weaknesses of United Parcel Service (UPS). Despite being a global leader in the logistics industry, UPS faces several challenges that could hinder its growth and profitability. By examining these weaknesses in detail, we can understand the areas where UPS needs to improve and the potential risks the company faces.

Reliance on a single business segment

One of UPS’s weaknesses is its heavy reliance on its core package delivery and logistics services segment. While this segment has been the key driver of UPS’s success, it also leaves the company vulnerable to fluctuations in demand for these services and changes in customer preferences.

If demand for package delivery declines or customers shift towards alternative delivery methods, such as drone delivery or digital platforms, UPS could face challenges in maintaining its revenue growth and profitability.

To address this weakness, UPS has been expanding its portfolio of services to include other segments, such as healthcare logistics and e-commerce fulfillment. However, the company still significantly depends on its core business, and any disruptions in this segment could harm UPS’s overall performance.

High reliance on fuel and transportation costs

Another weakness of UPS is its high reliance on fuel and transportation costs. As a logistics company, UPS operates a large fleet of vehicles and aircraft to deliver packages and goods. 

The fluctuation in fuel prices and transportation costs can significantly impact UPS’s operating expenses and profitability. Higher fuel prices or increases in transportation costs can result in increased operating costs, which may be challenging for the company to pass on to customers due to the competitive nature of the industry.

To mitigate this weakness, UPS has been focused on implementing fuel-saving technologies, optimizing routing and delivery processes, and investing in alternative fuel vehicles. However, any significant increase in fuel prices or transportation costs could still pose a risk to UPS’s financial performance.

Competitive pressure from alternative delivery providers

UPS faces intense competition from various alternative delivery providers, including established companies and emerging startups. These competitors offer innovative and disruptive delivery solutions, such as crowdsourced, on-demand, and same-day delivery. With the rise of e-commerce and changing customer expectations, UPS must continually invest in technology and infrastructure to compete effectively in this rapidly evolving landscape.

UPS has significantly invested in cutting-edge technology and digital solutions to overcome its shortcomings. These solutions include advanced tracking and tracing systems, automated warehouse systems, and platforms that optimize routes. By embracing these technological advancements, UPS aims to differentiate itself from competitors and enhance its service offerings.

Potential labor disputes and disruptions

As a company heavily reliant on a large workforce, UPS is vulnerable to labor disputes and disruptions. Strikes, work stoppages, and labor negotiations can affect the company’s operations, disrupting the flow of packages and impacting customer satisfaction. Labor disputes can also result in delivery delays, increase labor costs, and affect UPS’s reputation as a reliable logistics provider.

To address this weakness, UPS has prioritized nurturing positive labor relations, investing in employee training and development programs, and providing competitive employee benefits. These strategies aim to strengthen the company’s workforce and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

Limited presence in emerging markets

While UPS has a significant presence in developed markets, it has a relatively limited presence in emerging markets. This leaves UPS vulnerable to missing out on potential growth opportunities and exposes the company to geographic concentration risks. Emerging markets, such as China, India, and Brazil, offer substantial growth potential for logistics providers, driven by increasing consumer purchasing power and e-commerce adoption.

To overcome this weakness, UPS has been actively expanding its presence in emerging markets through acquisitions, partnerships, and investments. By leveraging its global network and expertise, UPS aims to tap into the growth opportunities offered by these markets and reduce its reliance on its traditional markets.

Environmental impact and sustainability concerns

The logistics industry, including UPS, is under increasing scrutiny due to its environmental impact and sustainability concerns. Operating a large fleet of vehicles and aircraft contributes to carbon emissions and can harm the environment. In today’s environmentally conscious society, UPS must address these concerns and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability to maintain its reputation and attract eco-friendly customers.

In recognition of its shortcomings in sustainability, UPS has taken proactive measures by implementing diverse initiatives. These initiatives include investing in alternative fuel vehicles to reduce emissions, optimizing delivery routes to minimize mileage, and developing environmentally friendly packaging solutions. UPS aims to reduce its carbon footprint and position itself as an ecologically responsible logistics provider.

Dependence on third-party transportation providers

While UPS operates its fleet of vehicles and aircraft, it also relies on third-party transportation providers to support its delivery network, particularly in areas with limited coverage. This dependence on external transportation partners can result in challenges in maintaining consistent delivery service levels and quality across its entire network.

UPS Opportunities

UPS Opportunities - UPS SWOT Analysis

As UPS continues to expand its presence and adapt to changing market trends, it is crucial to identify and capitalize on opportunities to fuel its growth and enhance its competitive advantage.

By seizing these opportunities, UPS can thrive in an increasingly interconnected and fast-paced business environment.

Building further partnerships and expanding branding opportunities

UPS has partnered with other businesses, such as Amazon and Shopify, to enhance its services and expand its customer base. However, UPS still has untapped potential to build further partnerships and branding opportunities. By partnering with more companies across various industries, UPS can offer its customers comprehensive services and solutions.

This could include partnerships with grocery chains for same-day delivery, healthcare companies for specialized medical transport, or technology companies for enhanced tracking and logistics solutions. These partnerships would increase UPS’s revenue streams and strengthen its reputation as a reliable and innovative logistics provider.

Diversifying into new markets

UPS has a strong presence in North America and Europe, but there are still many emerging markets where the company can expand. These include regions such as Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa, which have a growing demand for logistics and supply chain solutions. 

By entering these markets, UPS can tap into new revenue streams and diversify its customer base. However, expanding into new markets requires careful consideration of local regulations, cultural differences, and logistics infrastructure. UPS must adapt its business strategy and operations to meet each market’s demands and needs.

Enhancing customer experience through technology

Technology plays a crucial role in the logistics industry, and UPS has the opportunity to further enhance its customer experience through technological advancements. UPS can invest in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data analytics to optimize its operations and provide customers with real-time tracking and personalized service.

Implementing AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants can improve customer support and streamline communication. Furthermore, UPS can leverage emerging technologies such as drones and autonomous vehicles to enhance its delivery capabilities, especially in rural or remote areas.

Expanding healthcare logistics

The healthcare industry presents significant growth opportunities for UPS. By expanding its healthcare logistics services, UPS can cater to the increasing demand for fast and reliable delivery of medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, and patient samples.

This can involve partnering with healthcare providers, pharmacies, and medical equipment manufacturers to provide specialized, temperature-controlled delivery solutions. Moreover, UPS can invest in advanced tracking and traceability systems to ensure the safe and secure transportation of sensitive medical and pharmaceutical products.

Leveraging data analytics for supply chain optimization

UPS has access to vast amounts of data through its extensive network and operations. By leveraging data analytics, UPS can gain valuable insights into supply chain optimization, transportation planning, and demand forecasting. This data-driven approach allows UPS to identify inefficiencies, optimize routes, reduce costs, and improve delivery times.

UPS can also use data analytics to provide customers with personalized recommendations and proactive shipment updates. By investing in data analytics capabilities, UPS can stay ahead of the competition and provide unmatched service to its customers.

Expanding cross-border trade facilitation

As globalization continues to drive international trade, UPS has the opportunity to play a crucial role in cross-border logistics and trade facilitation. By expanding its services and network in key trade corridors, UPS can provide seamless and efficient solutions for businesses involved in international trade. This can include customs brokerage services, trade compliance consulting, and specialized logistics solutions for cross-border shipments.

UPS can also leverage its global network and expertise to offer end-to-end supply chain solutions for businesses expanding into new markets.

UPS Threats

UPS Threats - UPS SWOT Analysis

Despite being a global leader in the transportation and logistics industry, UPS faces several threats that could impact its market position and profitability.

Increased competition from traditional logistics companies and emerging startups

UPS faces intense competition from both traditional logistics companies and emerging startups in the transportation and logistics industry. Established players like FedEx and DHL are direct competitors, providing similar services and competing for market share.

In addition, startups focusing on innovative delivery models, such as on-demand delivery or last-mile delivery solutions, threaten UPS’s customer base. The increasing competition could lead to pricing pressures, reduced market share, and the need for continued innovation and improvement to stay ahead.

Disruption from e-commerce giants

As e-commerce grows, online retail giants like Amazon pose a significant threat to UPS. Amazon , for example, has been investing heavily in building its delivery network, offering same-day and even same-hour delivery options. This reduces reliance on third-party logistics providers like UPS and pressures UPS to provide competitive delivery speeds, pricing, and customer experience to retain its market share.

Regulatory challenges

UPS operates globally and is subject to various regulatory environments and compliance requirements. Changes in transportation, customs, trade, and labor regulations can impact UPS’s operations and increase costs.

Compliance with local laws and regulations, such as driver safety or environmental regulations, can be complex and costly. In addition, any legal disputes or adverse rulings against UPS could result in reputational damage and financial liabilities.

Continuous technological advancements

The transportation and logistics industry is undergoing rapid technological advancements, such as automation, artificial intelligence, and blockchain. While these technologies can bring efficiencies and cost savings, they threaten existing business models.

UPS must continuously invest in technology and innovation to stay competitive and adapt to changing customer expectations. Failure to adopt or integrate new technologies into their operations may lead to decreased efficiency, higher costs, and loss of market share.

Dependence on fuel prices and environmental concerns

UPS is highly dependent on fuel for its operations, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in fuel prices. The escalating fuel prices pose a substantial risk to UPS’s profitability, particularly if they cannot pass these increased costs onto their customers through higher shipping rates.

In addition, increasing concerns about environmental sustainability and carbon emissions may lead to stricter regulations or consumer preferences for companies with greener operations. UPS must proactively address these issues by investing in alternative fuels, exploring electric vehicle options, and implementing sustainable practices to mitigate these threats.

Natural disasters and supply chain disruptions

Natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes can disrupt UPS’s operations and global supply chain. These disruptions can lead to delivery delays, damaged packages, and increased recovery and resumption costs. UPS must have robust contingency plans to handle such events and ensure business continuity.

Additionally, supply chain disruptions, such as material shortages or labor disputes, can impact the company’s ability to deliver on time, leading to dissatisfied customers and potential revenue loss.

Labor disputes and employee turnover

UPS relies heavily on its workforce, including drivers, warehouse employees, and customer service representatives. Any labor disputes, such as strikes or protests, can disrupt operations and impact customer satisfaction.

Similarly, high employee turnover can affect the company’s ability to provide a consistent customer experience and require additional time and resources for training new employees. UPS needs to focus on employee engagement, retention strategies, fair compensation packages, and positive labor relations to reduce the risk of labor disputes and improve employee satisfaction.

Negative public perception and social media backlash

In today’s connected world, adverse incidents related to package handling, delivery delays, customer service, or environmental impact can spread quickly through social media and significantly affect UPS’s reputation.

Any negative publicity or social media backlash can erode customer trust, discourage potential customers from using UPS’s services, and impact the company’s bottom line. UPS needs to respond promptly and effectively to customer complaints or incidents, implement measures to ensure high-quality service, and proactively engage in transparent communication to mitigate these threats.

UPS has a strong global presence, a well-established brand, and a robust delivery network, positioning it as a logistics industry leader. However, the company also faces challenges such as intense competition, rising fuel costs, and the need to adapt to technological advancements.

Despite these weaknesses and threats, UPS has opportunities to expand into emerging markets, diversify its services, and innovate its operations. By leveraging its strengths and addressing its shortcomings, UPS can capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats to sustain its competitive advantage in the dynamic logistics industry.

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How to use a Business Plan?

Business Plan Template

Business Plan Template

  • Vinay Kevadia
  • September 6, 2024

15 Min Read

how to use a business plan

If you’re entering the entrepreneurial world, you’ve likely been told to start with a business plan.

However, simply creating a business plan isn’t enough. The true powers of a business plan unravel when you use it actively to drive your business forward.

Whether you’re launching a business, securing funding, evaluating growth opportunities, or guiding your team— a business plan is more than just a document. It’s a versatile tool that can support almost every aspect of your business when used consistently.

Want to learn how?

Well, in this blog post, we’ll dive into more details about how to use a business plan . But before that.

Why is a business plan important?

A business plan is an important document, whether you use it for formal or internal use.

Here are a few reasons why this document is important:

  • Gives you a roadmap to achieve your business goals.
  • Offers a framework for making strategic decisions.
  • Outlines the business goals and sets benchmarks for tracking business performance.
  • Secures funding for your business by demonstrating financial sustainability.
  • Helps overcome the challenges by developing mitigation strategies.
  • Aligns the team members and stakeholders by facilitating clear communication.

Now, let’s understand the different use cases of a business plan to launch, grow, and fund your business.

How to use a business plan to start a business

A business plan is a quintessential document that can help you plan and launch your business. Whether you need to validate a business idea, establish your goals, or equip yourself with the understanding of a target market—a business plan helps with it all.

Here’s a more detailed overview of how a business plan can help start a business.

1. Validate your business idea

Before investing money in a business venture, you need to test the viability of your business idea.

You need answers to questions such as:

  • Should I pursue this business venture?
  • Who will be the target audience for my solution?
  • How much sales will it make?
  • What is the scope of scaling my business idea?
  • How is my idea different from that of existing competitors?

A business plan can help you find answers to these critical questions.

Whether it’s the market, competitors, product offerings, expected sales, business objectives, or your finances—a business plan helps you assess each aspect of your business idea to test its overall feasibility.

Evaluating your business idea using a business plan forces you to address the gaps in your business idea.

This validation step ensures you don’t invest time and resources in an idea that may not succeed.

2. Establish business goals and mission

A business plan offers a strategic framework to transform vague business aspirations into concrete goals. It makes it easier for you to communicate what your business stands for and what it aims to achieve with a clearly defined mission statement.

A business plan helps you align the short-term goals of your business with its ultimate mission. It guides you in setting clear KPIs to help you track the progress and success of your goals.

With a well-defined mission, objectives, and value proposition, businesses tend to stay on their path.

3. Navigate market entry

Writing a business plan nudges you to understand the market space in which you will operate. It helps you determine your unique brand position and guides you to target the right set of people for your business.

A business plan details the exact steps of how you will introduce your business to the market. Whether it’s the position of your product, identifying your go-to-market strategy, strategizing the pricing, or securing the distribution channels—a business plan guides you to perfect your market launch.

To summarize, a business plan minimizes the risks associated with a new market by strategizing your market entry.

4. Plan the operations

A business plan turns your vision into an operational roadmap to help you optimize your business operations.

It helps you find answers to questions like these.

  • What will be the SOP (standard operating procedure) of a business function, i.e., manufacturing, marketing, and hiring?
  • Who would look after particular processes?
  • How many people will you require to fulfill a task?
  • Where will you perform the business activity?
  • How will you ensure the quality of your services?

An operational plan outlines everything, helping you allocate the resources and establish clear workflows.

A business plan is further used to identify the gaps and bottlenecks in your operations. A regularly reviewed business plan accommodates the changing market conditions by introducing timely changes to your operations.

In short, an operational plan ensures that the business runs smoothly and is prepared to scale optimally.

5. Identify professional gaps

Even if you’re starting a business as a solopreneur, you will require the expertise of professionals to fulfill your business objectives. This is where a business plan can be of help.

Writing a business plan helps you identify the gaps in your current capacity. With this knowledge, you can determine the skills and people essential to execute your business strategy.

This can be an accountant, product developer, marketing specialist, legal head, or financial expert.

Once you identify a professional gap, a business plan can assist in onboarding the right type of people for your business. It offers you a detailed hiring and training plan to ensure everyone on the team remains aligned to a common goal.

6. Build strategic a. alliances

Entrepreneurs need to build relationships with suppliers, vendors, and other strategic partners early on to accelerate their market growth.

A business plan can help identify potential partners for your business. Besides, it can help you build valuable relationships with your potential partners by outlining the benefits and goals of the partnership for them.

When you approach someone for a partnership, they will have questions about growth, finances, business goals, and your outlook. Having a business plan handy will help you answer them confidently.

Moreover, a business plan will help evaluate the favorable terms of a strategic alliance. This knowledge can be used to guide the negotiations and get a contract that favors your business.

This excerpt by Jonathan Goldberg , the CEO of Kimberfire , demonstrates how they used a business plan to get a significant partner on board.

“ Kimberfire acquired a partnership with the World’s largest diamond manufacturer using a business plan. By clearly outlining our market strategy and growth projections we were able to demonstrate the value of a partnership that offered direct access to high-quality diamonds at competitive prices. This partnership not only bolstered our inventory but also allowed us to pass on significant savings to our customers, thereby enhancing our competitive edge.”

7. Forecast the capital requirement

Lastly, a business plan can help you understand capital requirements for your company. It helps determine the costs to start and run your business.

Such information guides you in evaluating your funding options.

By referring to your startup costs , you would know whether bootstrapping would be enough or if you would need loans and funding from investors.

These are just a few ways in which one can use a business plan to start a business. However, the use cases can be exhaustive depending on the details put into your plan.

How to use a business plan to secure funding

Most businesses may require funding from external sources to launch or grow their business.

Now, it doesn’t matter whether they secure funding through investors, banks, or grants. What’s important is that they have a business plan to prove the financial sustainability of their business.

Here’s how one can use a business plan to secure funding and convince investors:

8. Define funding needs

A business plan can help you determine the funding essential for your business. Moreover, it can also help evaluate the funding source that’s better suited for your business.

By building detailed projections for costs, expenses, sales, and cash flow, your plan helps determine the capital essential to launch or grow your business.

Additionally, a business plan can be used to justify your funding demands. A clear funding plan explains how you intend to use the investor’s money, i.e., buy new machinery, hire new staff, or expand the business operations.

This clarity demonstrates careful financial planning and builds investors’ confidence in your venture.

9. Manage fundings

Your funding plan already includes details about where you intend to use the money. However, you can now use it to create a detailed roadmap.

A well-planned business plan demonstrates how you should delegate the funding to different business departments. Additionally, it guides you in managing the secured funds efficiently by helping you set budgets, financial controls, and performance trackers.

This detailed approach assures investors that their funding is used responsibly and efficiently.

Further, as you update the plan, identify if your execution strategy requires change. If so, you can make the necessary changes and update the investors, keeping them in the loop. This will help them trust you more.

10. Support the loan application

A business plan is compulsory for everyone submitting an SBA loan application. Even private lending firms would require a business plan to make their funding decision.

A well-detailed business plan is sufficient to support your loan application. It demonstrates that you have conducted essential planning to make your business idea viable and sustainable.

A business plan answers all the questions that a lender might have to assess your creditworthiness and repayment capacity.

Questions such as:

  • What will be the profitability of your business?
  • What are the major cost drivers of your business?
  • What will the debt-to-equity ratio be if you approach investors?
  • How stable is your cash flow?
  • What will the ROI and the payback period be?

Lenders can trust you more when they get essential answers backed with data.

That said, let’s understand how a business plan can drive enterprise growth.

How to use a business plan to grow your business

A business plan can be instrumental in testing different scenarios, evaluating growth opportunities, and making strategic decisions. All these help you grow your business and face the challenges efficiently.

Here’s how:

11. Guide strategic decisions

A business plan can help you make strategic decisions that align with your ultimate growth objectives.

Whether you want to launch a business at a new location, invest in new machinery, introduce a new product line, hire new employees, or onboard new technology—a business plan can help.

A business plan provides a framework to assess the risks, opportunities, and financial impact of a strategic decision on your business. It helps determine the right time to launch your growth initiative and demonstrates whether making a particular decision will be fruitful or not.

This way you won’t make a decision that can put you off your long-term goals.

12. Monitor business performance

Once you make a strategic decision, use your business plan to clarify the strategy and outline your execution plan.

A business plan can additionally assist in measuring business performance against set KPIs and performance benchmarks. Regularly evaluating these metrics allows you to identify areas that may need improvement or adjustments.

By using the business plan as a performance management tool, you can make data-driven adjustments to your approach and grow your business sustainability.

13. Adapt to market changes

A business plan isn’t set in stone. It’s a living document that adapts to changing market conditions.

It can be used to adapt your strategies based on new market data and shifts in customer preferences. Such regular updates help you remain competitive and agile in the face of changing market conditions.

Additionally, a business plan can help you develop a response to an emergency crisis.

A business plan accommodates all your strategies, milestones, metrics, tactics, and projections in one place. By using the plan as a performance dashboard, you can anticipate the changes and adjust the priorities to deal with the crisis.

Mark McShane offers a practical example of how he used a business plan to meet contingencies in his company, Cupid PR .

 “When we hit cash flow problems, we followed the financial contingency section of our plan to manage expenses and short-term funding. We were able to quickly implement the cost-saving strategies and secure a bridge loan to stabilize our finances without sacrificing growth. Business plan made it possible to respond to this challenge efficiently which gave us a 40% revenue increase the next year.”

14. Test different scenarios

A business plan can be used as a tool for scenario analysis.

As the regulatory, economic, and competitive landscape of a business evolves, you need to test and plan for different scenarios, like:

  • Entry of a new competitor
  • Regulatory changes
  • Technological advancement
  • Market demand shifts
  • Natural disaster

Businesses can evaluate the financial and operational impact of these scenarios using a business plan. By using business plan forecasts as a base, they can prepare for various worst- and best-case scenarios.

Preparing for different scenarios helps you leverage the opportunities and mitigate the risks whenever they arise.

Those are quite a few ways in which a business plan can assist or facilitate growth. Entrepreneurs can find more ways to use a business plan depending on the depth that their plan covers.

How to use a business plan internally

One of the most essential uses of business plans is to guide your operations, management, and team toward the goal.

Here’s how.

15. Align team and stakeholders

A business plan is an excellent tool for aligning your team and stakeholders toward a common mission.

A well-crafted business plan documents the company’s goals, mission, KPIs, and milestones. With the basics clearly articulated, it gets easier to bring your internal team and stakeholders on the same page.

Now, you don’t need a detailed plan to convey your goals. A simple list of goals and how they contribute to your ultimate objectives is enough for internal use.

This quote from our conversation with Shawn Plummer , the CEO at the Annuity Expert , shows how he used a business plan to drive a 50% revenue increase in 2 years:

“By breaking down our growth strategy into clear, measurable goals, the business plan became more than just a document; it was a tool for uniting our team. Everyone, from marketing to operations, understood how their efforts related to our overall goals. This connection was critical to our success, resulting in a 50% revenue rise in just two years.”

16. Streamline business operations

A business plan can streamline business operations by outlining the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for different business processes. It’s further used to define the responsibilities, resource allocation, and hiring plans for your organization.

Remember, a well-crafted operations plan acts as a guidebook for your business. It details every process, responsibility, and resource essential for running a smooth operation. Referring to it can help increase efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance productivity.

Now if you’re writing a traditional plan, you’ll have a detailed section on business operations. However, if you’re writing a lean plan, we recommend building a separate internal operations plan to guide your business operations.

Simply list the business processes, create an outline, and use ChatGPT to write a business plan . Your internal use operations plan doesn’t need to follow a specific format or structure. It should just distill clarity.

17. Efficient performance reviews

A business plan outlines the KPIs and goals, offering you a benchmark to evaluate the individual performance of team members. These metrics can be used to track actual results and take appropriate actions.

A business plan helps foster the environment for continuous development by linking performance to strategic goals.

That’s a few definite ways to use business plans for internal growth and management. Internal business plans can follow any structure or format, as long as they get the task done.

How to keep your business plan relevant

As we discussed, a business plan is a living document that requires frequent updates and changes to maintain relevancy.

Ideally, one should update their business plan at least once a year to keep it useful. However, businesses in highly volatile or competitive markets should consider reviewing it quarterly.

A business plan must represent accurate market conditions. If that’s not the case, a review should incorporate new market trends into the strategy, adjust the operational realities, and revise the financials. This ensures that your plan remains relevant and realistic to help you achieve your business objectives.

Include your team members in the review process to ensure the strategies address their key concerns and align with the entire organization.

All in all, adopt a flexible planning approach to keep your plan relevant to the dynamic world.

By now, you have a thorough understanding of the different uses of a business plan. However, these use cases are only relevant if you have a realistic and actionable business plan offering a true overview of your business. Only then can you use a business plan to launch, grow, and fund your business.

Now, draft a quick business plan using the Upmetrics business planning app . Its AI planning features, business plan templates, financial forecasting assistance, and detailed guides will help you prepare a reliable business plan in no time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common use of a business plan.

A business plan is most commonly used to secure investments from investors. Additionally, organizations use it to define strategic goals, guide business operations, and evaluate the company’s performance.

How do you use a business plan for a small business?

A business plan offers crucial help to small businesses in the following ways:

  • Idea validation
  • Navigating market entry
  • Planning business operations
  • Building strategic alliances
  • Forecasting the capital requirements

How do I use a business plan to attract investors?

A business plan can be used to prove the financial sustainability of a business idea. Investors can evaluate whether their investment would offer enough ROI, profitability, and growth by referring to your in-depth business plan. When they see that you’re well-prepared to face real market situations, they feel convinced of your ability to run a business.

How often should a business plan be updated?

Ideally, you should update a business plan at least once a year. However, businesses operating in dynamic, competitive markets need more frequent reviews. This can be monthly or quarterly.

Why is it important to review a business plan over time?

A business plan offers a roadmap to achieve your business objectives. But, if not updated often, your plan won’t reflect the current market. This will make your plan irrelevant and distant from your goals. To avoid such situations, it’s important to review your plan regularly.

About the Author

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

Vinay Kevadiya

Vinay Kevadiya is the founder and CEO of Upmetrics, the #1 business planning software. His ultimate goal with Upmetrics is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs create, manage, and execute their business plans. He enjoys sharing his insights on business planning and other relevant topics through his articles and blog posts. Read more

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20 Examples of Employee Strengths and Weaknesses

Are you trying to figure out employee strengths and weaknesses to divide tasks in your company? Read this article, and you’ll know exactly what to do.

20 Examples of Employee Strengths and Weaknesses

Have you ever wondered what truly makes an employee excel or struggle at work? It’s their strength and weaknesses.

Employees' strengths and weaknesses shape their performance and influence the productivity rate, making it crucial for organizations to understand them. By knowing their specific strengths and weaknesses, companies can assign tasks to specific individuals according to their skill sets, leading to team success. 

This article explains the majority of job-related strengths and weaknesses of employees and some effective training programs you can use to turn an employee's weakness into a strength. So, let’s get started.

What are the Employee Strengths?

You might be wondering about what are the employee strengths we've been discussing. They are basically an employee's natural talent, skills and abilities and how they contribute to the overall work environment. 

These strengths include effective communication skills, problem-solving abilities, technical skills, time management, emotional intelligence and leadership competency. When these strengths aren’t utilized properly, employees may feel undervalued and disengaged. 

A Gallup report from July 2020, which surveyed 30,278 employees, revealed that only 36% were actively engaged in their work. The solution to this issue is organizations should focus on recognizing and harnessing their employees' strengths. 

Providing opportunities for employees will create a supportive environment that can lead to increased motivation, higher job satisfaction, and better overall performance.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

‍ Source: Gallup

What Key Strengths Should You Look for in Employees?

Now that you understand the importance of identifying employee strengths, it's crucial to know which key strengths to look for. Identifying the key strengths will help you build a strong and successful team. 

20 Examples of Employee Strengths

Some employee strengths that you should look for while hiring or at the time of appraisal are:

1. Adaptability

The ability to adjust quickly to new situations and challenges. Adaptable employees can thrive in changing conditions and learn new skills as needed.

2. Communication

Strong communication skills are essential for effectively conveying ideas and information. Employees who communicate well can collaborate better.

business plan strengths and weaknesses examples

‍ Source: TextGorilla

3. Teamwork

Being able to work well with others is absolutely essential for achieving common goals. Team players contribute to a positive work environment and support their colleagues. Having teamwork as one of the employee strengths can enhance collaboration, leading to increased productivity and a more successful team.

4. Problem-Solving

The ability to analyze situations and come up with effective solutions is highly valued in any workplace. Problem-solvers can think critically, make decisions quickly, and overcome any obstacle in the workplace, making it a necessary strength for employees.  

5. Leadership

Good leadership involves guiding and inspiring others toward achieving common objectives. Employees with leadership skills can motivate their teams and delegate tasks effectively.

6. Initiative

Taking the initiative means being proactive and seeking opportunities to improve or contribute without needing to be prompted. Employees like this drive progress and bring fresh ideas to the table, enhancing the team's overall success.

7. Attention to Detail

A strong focus on detail ensures high-quality work and minimizes errors. Employees who pay close attention to detail can identify potential issues before they become major problems.

8. Creativity

One of the key employee strengths in any team is creativity. Creativity involves thinking outside the box and coming up with innovative ideas. Employees with strong creative skills come up with unique solutions to challenges, driving innovation and setting the team apart from competitors.

Understanding and sharing the feelings of others is a valuable strength. Empathetic employees are better at building rapport and handling sensitive situations.

10. Work Ethics

Strong work ethics reflect dedication, diligence, and commitment to excellence. Employees with good work ethics often go the extra mile to achieve their goals, demonstrating reliability and a high level of responsibility. 

11. Multitasking

The ability to handle multiple tasks at once is crucial in a busy work environment. If you find an employee who’s a multitasker, you can rely on them for any number of tasks.

12. Analytical Thinking

The ability to break down complex information and draw meaningful conclusions is a valuable asset. Analytical thinkers can help identify trends, solve problems, and make informed decisions.

13. Conflict Resolution

Managing and resolving conflicts is essential for maintaining a positive work environment. Employees skilled in conflict resolution address issues calmly and find mutually beneficial solutions.

14. Resilience 

The ability to bounce back from setbacks and stay focused under pressure is highly regarded in the workplace. Employee strengths like resilience are helpful in high-pressure environments.

15. Time Management

Time management is important for ensuring tasks are completed efficiently, and deadlines are consistently met. Employees with good time management skills are often more productive and less stressed.

16. Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skill is the ability to negotiate effectively to achieve favorable outcomes. Skilled negotiators can find win-win solutions and build stronger relationships.

17. Emotional Intelligence

Understanding and managing one’s emotions, as well as recognizing the emotions of others, is the skill of emotional intelligence. Employees with high emotional intelligence are better at handling stress and resolving conflicts.

18. Decision-Making

Making informed and timely decisions is critical in the workplace. Employees with strong decision-making skills can analyze options quickly and choose the best course of action.

19. Accountability

Taking responsibility for one’s actions and outcomes is essential for building trust and credibility. Accountable employees own up to their mistakes and strive to improve continuously.

20. Public Speaking

The ability to communicate clearly and confidently in front of an audience is a valuable skill. Public speaking can enhance an employee's influence.

What are Employee Weaknesses?

Similar to employee strengths, it's also important to recognize certain weaknesses in your employees. The weaknesses are areas where employees may lack certain skills that can affect their job performance. 

Identifying these weaknesses allows for targeted development and support, helping employees to improve and grow. Companies that don’t address employees' weaknesses and provide training to overcome them experience low productivity and declines in employee satisfaction. 

This is why it’s crucial for organizations to proactively assess and address areas of improvement. With proper training,  mentorship, and constructive feedback, companies can help employees enhance their skills and confidence, leading to team growth. 

Bar showing the %age of employees who don’t feel appreciated at work

‍ Source: WorkLeap

20 Examples of Employee Weaknesses

Let’s take a look at the weaknesses that make an employee less productive while working in a team.

1. Lack of Confidence

Employees who lack confidence may hesitate to speak up or share their ideas. This can limit their growth and contributions to the team.

2. Impatience

Impatient employees get frustrated easily when things don’t go as planned, leading to rushed decisions and conflicts with colleagues.

3. Overconfidence

Overconfident employees often overestimate their abilities. They may take on too much or make decisions without careful thought, which often results in mistakes.

4. Low-Stress Tolerance

Employees with low stress tolerance struggle to perform under pressure. They can become overwhelmed by deadlines and demanding tasks.

5. Negative or Pessimistic Attitude

Employees with a negative or pessimistic attitude focus on the downsides. This can lower team morale and create a less positive work environment.

6. Poor Communication Skills

Employees with poor communication skills struggle to express their ideas clearly. It leads to misunderstandings and weakens teamwork.

7. Reluctance to Delegate

Employees who don’t delegate try to do everything themselves, which is a major weakness. It leads to burnout in the long run.

8. Micromanaging

Micromanaging is beneficial, but micromanagers sometimes control too much and don’t let their team work independently, reducing creativity and lowering team morale.

9. Bias in Decision-Making

Employees with bias let personal preferences affect their choices. Such bias can have a negative impact on the team and its objectives.

10. Lack of Transparency

Employees who aren’t transparent hide important information. This can break down trust and teamwork.

11. Poor Time Management

Employees with poor time management can’t prioritize tasks well. It's unacceptable behavior which leads to missed deadlines and lower efficiency.

12. Procrastination

Procrastinators delay important tasks until the last minute, leading to rushed work and low-quality results.

13. Lack of Focus

Employees who lack focus have trouble concentrating on tasks. With time, this behavior contributes to mistakes and incomplete work.

14. Tunnel Vision

Employees with tunnel vision concentrate excessively on one task. They may miss other important areas, losing sight of the bigger picture.

15. Impatience with Learning New Skills

Employees who are impatient with learning new skills may avoid training, which limits their growth in the workplace.

16. Resistance to Feedback

Employees who resist feedback do not improve easily. They struggle to learn from mistakes or change their behavior.

17. Over-Dependence on Others

Overly dependent employees rely too much on others for help. This reduces their independence and initiative.

18. Lack of Initiative

Employees who lack initiative are always waiting for someone to hand over a new task. They don’t proactively address issues or take on any new tasks.

19. Overcommitting

There are many employees who like to over-commit. While this may initially seem like one of the employee's strengths, it often leads to burnout, missed deadlines, and lower-quality work.

20. Lack of Creativity

Sometimes, employees may have a difficult time thinking outside the box or coming up with innovative solutions because of a lack of creativity. 

Progress ring showing the %age of time employees are productive

‍ Source: Walkme

How to Turn Employee's Weaknesses into Strengths?

The best way to turn employees weaknesses into employees strength is by providing targeted training. According to a report, 74% of employees believe that they are not reaching their full potential because of lack of employee development plans and training programs, emphasizing the importance of investing in employee growth.

You can use employee training materials to create training that specifically addresses skill gaps. Through these programs, employees can learn to overcome their weaknesses, develop new competencies, and ultimately become more productive in their roles.

Bar chart showing reasons employees feel they aren't reaching their full potential

‍ Source: LinkedIn 

To make this concept easier for you, we’ve added a few training programs which you can incorporate in your workplace to make your employees more productive.

Examples of Suitable Training Programs

There are a few training programs that you can set up in your company to help employees eliminate their weaknesses. A few of them include:

1. Technical Skills Training

You can offer a two-day workshop to teach the technical skills required to do the job more efficiently. For instance, it could be for data analysis, so the employees can use data to make better decisions. Or even about software proficiency to teach your employees how your company's software works. It will increase employee strengths by overcoming the weaknesses. 

2. Soft Skills Training

Every company has a few employees who have trouble communicating, resolving conflicts, or working in a team. Now, this can be addressed by offering training programs on soft skills enhancements. These workshops have shown promising results over the years in all industries. 

3. Time Management Seminars

If your employees are having trouble prioritizing tasks and are not able to complete any of them on time, then you need to set up a time management seminar. These seminars equip employees with essential skills for organizing their workload, setting priorities, and managing their time properly. 

4. Cybersecurity Awareness 

Cyberattacks have become a common occurrence, with over 1,351 cyber incidents recorded in December last year. Because of this, it's become mandatory for companies to provide Cybersecurity training for employees so they can identify and respond to potential threats, reducing the risk of data breaches for your company.

Number of cybersecurity incidents and records breached in December 2023

‍ Source: itGovernance

Identifying employee strengths and weaknesses is necessary for creating a healthy and productive work environment. If you find that many employees lack a particular skill, such as time management or negotiation skills, arranging workshops or training sessions can make a big difference.  

These workshops or training sessions can be created using our AI-powered Employee Training Software . It not only helps in conducting training sessions but also assists in developing the curriculum and creating engaging videos and quizzes. 

Why wait? Start enhancing your team's potential with Coursebox today!

FAQs: Employee Strengths

What are the key strengths of employees.

Key strengths of employees include adaptability, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, attention to detail, and flexibility. These qualities will help your company reach its goals and build a strong team. For a leadership role, the candidates should have negotiation skills, decision-making abilities, emotional intelligence, resilience, and public speaking skills.

What are character strengths in the workplace?

Character strengths are personal attributes influencing how employees interact with colleagues and approach their work. Some examples of character strengths include integrity, perseverance, and kindness. It also includes zest, gratitude, team work, love, and curiosity. 

What are the strengths of a working person?

For a working person, reliability is the main strength. It means being dependable in any workplace.  A reliable employee consistently shows up on time, completes their tasks efficiently, and is always ready to assist others when needed.

What are the top three strengths at work?

There are many strengths that can make an employee stand out in a workplace, However, the top three strengths that work in any industry include communication skills, work ethics, and problem-solving abilities. 

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