Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

  • Last updated December 14, 2023

Are you looking for an assignment tracking template? When your tasks begin to pile up into several imaginary towers, it’s easy for you to be overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. Moreover, you might not even be able to keep track of all of them, resulting in missed assignments and potentially bad marks.

Having an assignment tracker to keep every task means you’ll be able to organize, stay on top, and complete all your assignments on time. All you need to do is open our Assignment Tracking Template , hit the  “Make a copy”  button and start sorting out your to-do list.

Access Template

While it’s easy to navigate, make sure you read ahead to discover how to use our assignment tracking template to the fullest. We also have another assignment tracking template  that lets you map out your assignments throughout the semester—a perfect fit for your syllabus.

Table of Contents

What Should a Good Homework Spreadsheet Have?

In general, you’ll want a few fields that will help describe your assigned tasks and some markers for better organization. Here are some essential components to look for:

  • Assignment description: An efficient assignment tracking template will have space so you can jot down assignment notes. This avoids confusion and lets you anticipate the difficulty of your to-dos.
  • Dates:  Having dedicated fields for your due dates lets you plan your schedule better. This way, you know how much time you have to complete a task. Additionally, when paired with your assignment notes, you can sort them according to priority levels.
  • Completion status: Keeping track of task statuses lets you know which tasks have started, are in progress, are accomplished, or need revision. Moreover, it’s also a great way to remember which tasks you need to return to.
  • Subject and type:  You also want to categorize your assignments into their respective subjects. Another way to group them is by assignment type, including papers, lab reports, collaborative work, and similar tasks.

The components above are only a few useful fields in an assignment tracking template. For example, some spreadsheets also include monthly views or trackers for semester-wide assignment lists . Templates such as these will undoubtedly have other categories you’d need to explore.

Basic Assignment Tracking Template

With all the considerations laid out above, we created a simple but effective assignment tracking template you can use for free. While it may only feature a single functional tab, it has nine named columns you can organize according to your tasks.

If you haven’t already, you can download our free assignment tracking template here:

Let’s discuss the template in more detail .

Column A—Days Remaining

This is self-explanatory, but you can refer to this column to see the number of days you have left to do or submit your assignment. Depending on the days remaining, you can also decide which tasks to prioritize according to their deadlines.

The cells under this column are automatically updated using our pre-loaded formulas , so avoid modifying them. Instead, you can change the values under the last two columns of this template.

Assignment tracking template—days remaining column

Columns B to D—Tags for Status, Subject, and Task Type

Under these columns, you can set the categories of your assignments either by their completion status, class, or assignment type. You can select the values from the drop-down lists that come with the template based on the American curriculum.

Additionally, these statuses are associated with specific colors, making them more visual so that you can view and handle multiple ongoing tasks more efficiently. If the subjects listed differ from what you’re currently taking, you can modify the options.

To modify the subject options, follow the steps below:

  • First, click on a cell’s drop-down list and locate the pen icon at the bottom.

Assignment tracking template—drop-down list pen icon

  • Click the pen icon to open the drop-down settings on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Change the values listed on the options, such as editing Math  to Physics.
  • Once you’ve set your preferred selection, click the “ Done” button.

Assignment tracking template—data validation on Google Sheets

  • Upon clicking, a pop-out might appear on your screen asking whether to apply the changes to a wider cell range.
  • Simply click “Apply   to all”  to replicate the changes to the other cells.

Assignment tracking template—apply data validation to all

Another handy feature is the filter option in the “Status”  column. You can use this to view your tasks based on their completion level. For example, you can choose to see only the in-progress tasks. Here’s how you do it.

  • To get started, click on the filter icon next to the “Status”  label.

Assignment tracking template—filter icon on Google Sheets

  • You should see a list of values with checkmarks on their left side once you scroll down.
  • To deselect all of them, click on “ Clear.”

Assignment tracking template—clearing filter values on Google Sheets

  • Next, begin selecting the tasks you want to see per status, such as To start  and In-progress.
  • Finally, click “OK.”

Assignment tracking template—change filter value on Google Sheets

  • To revert the view, simply follow steps one to five, ensuring to select all the categories again.

Columns E to I—Assignment Details

You can start entering the information you know about the tasks at hand. The columns E to G are divided into three categories: Assignment Title, Description, and Files/Links. If your assignment has attachments and URLs, such as resources, you can keep them in the last column mentioned.

Assignment tracking template—assignment details tracker

Meanwhile, columns H to I serve as fields where you can input the dates when your task is given and when you need to submit it. Take note that these are installed with data validation rules—you can’t enter values that aren’t valid dates. These values are also used to calculate the Days Remaining column.

Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

If you are looking to plan your entire semester ahead of time with your potential tasks, this is a helpful assignment tracking template. It’s much simpler than the previous spreadsheet discussed and gives you a semester-wide overview of your assignments.

Get the template here:   Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date , which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.)

Assignment tracking template—semester assignment spreadsheet

The second is the (2) Tags  field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject. As with the other template, these tags are color-coded for an easier view. Lastly, you can also populate the (3) Assignment Details , the blank spaces beside the tags.

Why Use Our Assignment Schedule Templates?

You can virtually make a never-ending list of benefits from using a homework spreadsheet, but to name a few, here are some reasons why they’re beneficial for managing your workload.

  • Organization: As repeatedly emphasized, these assignment tracking templates help you categorize your tasks according to subject, type, and completion status, making it easier to organize your workload.
  • Time Management:  You can keep track of your due dates better with the automated counting of the days remaining for a task. You can manage your time better and learn to prioritize tasks according to deadlines.
  • Easy Access:  Our spreadsheets run on Google Sheets , which you can easily access anywhere, as long as you are connected to the internet. On top of that, they’re also ready to be filled out as soon as you make a copy for yourself.

Wrapping Up

Sticking to your deadlines and organizing your tasks doesn’t need to be complicated. You can easily do this with the help of our assignment tracking template on Google Sheets. Access more of these excellent templates by visiting our other blogs too!

If you want to learn about Google Sheets to the next level, consider checking out relevant courses at Udemy .

  • 5 Useful Google Sheets Project Management Templates [Free]
  • The Free Google Sheets Task List Template [Easy Guide]
  • How to Assign a Task in Google Sheets [Easy Guide]
  • Free Balance Sheet Template for Google Sheets
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  • Volleyball Statistics Spreadsheet: Free Template

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5 Free Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Posted on Last updated: November 18, 2023

It’s that time of year again—assignments are piling up and it feels impossible to stay on top of everything. As a student, keeping track of all your assignments, due dates, and grades can be overwhelmingly stressful. That’s why using a Google Sheet as an assignment tracker can be a total game-changer.

With customizable assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can easily create a centralized place to organize all your academic responsibilities. The best part? These templates are completely free. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets and provide links to some excellent templates that any student can use to get organized and take control of their workload.

The Benefits of Using Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets offer several advantages that can help students stay on top of their work. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Centralized tracking: Rather than having assignments scattered across syllabi, emails, and other documents, an assignment tracking spreadsheet consolidates everything in one place. By leveraging assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can kiss goodbye to hunting for due dates or double-checking requirements.
  • Customizable organization: Students can add or remove columns in the template to fit their needs. Thanks to this, they can effectively track due dates, point values, grades, and other helpful details. They can also color code by class or status for visual organization.
  • Easy access: Google Sheets are accessible from any device with an internet connection. With this, you can easily view, update, or add assignments whether you are on your laptop, phone, or tablet.
  • Shareable with others: For group assignments or projects, assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make collaboration seamless as you can share the sheet with a study group or entire class to coordinate.
  • Helps prioritization: Sort assignments by due date or point value to always know what needs your attention first. With prioritization added to assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can stay on top of bigger projects and assignments.
  • Reduces stress: There’s no better feeling than looking at your assignment tracker and knowing everything is organized and under control. Saves time spent scrambling, too.

Picking the Perfect Assignment Tracking Templates Google Sheets

When choosing assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you’ll want one with specific fields and features that make it easy to stay on top of your work. Here’s what to look for in a homework organizer template:

  • Assignment Details: A column for writing down each assignment’s name, instructions, and notes will help you remember exactly what you need to do.
  • Due Dates: Columns for listing the due dates of assignments, tests, and projects allow you to see what’s coming up and schedule your time wisely.
  • Status Tracker: A place to mark assignments as “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Completed” lets you check on what still needs your attention.
  • Subject and Type: Categories or labels for sorting assignments by subject or type (essay, presentation, etc) keep your spreadsheet tidy.
  • Big Picture View: Some templates include a calendar view or semester schedule to help you plan assignments week-by-week or month-by-month.

The right spreadsheet has the fields you need to fully describe your homework and organize it in a way that works for you. With the perfect template, staying on top of assignments is easy

Top Assignment Tracking Templates

Now that you know the benefits and what to look for in an assignment spreadsheet, we have compiled a list of top assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets that will help you seamlessly track your assignments. 

And guess what? You don’t need robust experience with Google Sheets to maximize these templates, as they are easy to use.

Convenient Homework Planner Template

assignment tracker students

The Convenient Homework Planner Template is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. It’s an excellent fit for students seeking an all-in-one solution to organize their work.

This template includes separate tabs for an overview calendar, assignment list, and weekly schedule. The calendar view lets you see all assignments, tests, and projects for the month at a glance. You can quickly identify busy weeks and plan accordingly.

On the assignment list tab, you can enter details like the assignment name, class, due date, and status.

The weekly schedule tab provides a simple agenda-style layout to record daily assignments, activities, and reminders. This helps you allocate time and schedule focused work sessions for tasks.

Key Features

  • Monthly calendar view for big-picture planning
  • Assignment list with details like class, due date, and status
  • Weekly schedule with time slots to map out days
  • Due date alerts to never miss a deadline

With its intuitive layout, useful visual features, and thorough assignment tracking, the Convenient Homework Planner has all you need to master organization and time management as a student. By leveraging this template, you’ll spend less time shuffling papers and focusing more on your academics. 

Ready to explore this assignment tracking template? Click the link below to get started. 

The Homework Hero Template

assignment tracker students

The Homework Hero is an excellent assignment-tracking template tailored to help students conquer their academic workload. This easy-to-use Google Sheet template has dedicated sections to log critical details for each class.

The Subject Overview area allows you to record the teacher’s name, subject, department, and timeline for each course. This provides helpful context and reminds you of important class details.

The main homework tracking area includes columns for each day of the week. Here, you can enter the specific assignments, readings, and tasks to be completed for every class on a given day. No more guessing what work needs to get done.

At the extreme end of this sheet is a section for additional notes. Use this to jot down reminders about upcoming projects, tests, or other priorities.

Key features

  • Subject Overview section for every class
  • Columns to record daily homework tasks
  • Extra space for notes and reminders
  • An intuitive layout to map out the weekly workload
  • Easy to customize with additional subjects

The Homework Hero assignment tracking template empowers students to feel in control of their assignments. No more frantic scrambling each day to figure out what’s due. With this template, you can approach schoolwork with confidence.

Click the link below to get started with this template. 

The A+ Student Planner Template

assignment tracker students

The A+ Student Planner is the perfect template for students seeking an organized system to manage assignments across all their courses. This Google Sheet template has useful sections to input key details for flawless homework tracking.

The Weekly Overview calendar makes it easy to see your full workload at a glance from Sunday to Saturday. You can note assignments, projects, tests, and other school events in the daily boxes.

The Class Information section contains columns to list your class, teacher, room number, and times. This ensures you have all the essential details in one place for each course.

The main Assignment Tracking area provides space to log the name, description, due date, and status of each homework task, project, exam, or paper. No more scrambling to remember what needs to get done.

  • Weekly calendar view to map out school events and tasks
  • Class information organizer for easy reference
  • Robust assignment tracking with all critical details
  • An intuitive layout to input assignments across courses
  • Great for visual learners

With a structured format and helpful organization tools, The A+ Student Planner provides next-level assignment tracking to ensure academic success. Staying on top of homework has never been easier.

Ready to get started with this assignment tracking template? Access it for free via this link below. 

The Complete Student Organizer Template

assignment tracker students

The Complete Student Organizer is an excellent minimalist assignment tracking template for focused homework management.

This straightforward Google Sheets assignment template includes columns for the date, total time needed, assignment details, and status. By paring down to just the essentials, it provides a simple system to stay on top of homework.

To use this template, just fill in the date and time required as you get assigned new homework. In the assignment details column, outline what needs to be done. Finally, mark the status as you work through tasks.

  • Streamlined columns for date, time, assignment, and status
  • Minimalist layout focused only on crucial details
  • Easy input to quickly log assignments
  • Track time estimates required for assignments
  • Update status as you progress through homework

The Complete Student Organizer is the perfect template for students who want a fuss-free way to track their homework. The simplicity of the grid-style layout makes it easy to use without extra complexity. Stay focused and organized with this efficient assignment tracking sheet.

You can get access to this template by visiting the link below. 

Assignment Slayer: The Ultimate Planner Template

assignment tracker students

Assignment Slayer is the supreme template for tackling schoolwork with military-level organizations. This comprehensive planner is ideal for students taking multiple classes and juggling a heavy workload.

The template includes separate tabs for each academic subject. Within each tab, you can log critical details, including the assignment name, description, status, due date, and associated readings or tasks. With this assignment tracking template, no assignment will fall through the cracks again.

Plus, it has additional columns that allow you to record scores and grades as they are received throughout the semester. This level of detail helps you better understand your standing in each class.

The Ultimate Planner also contains an overview dashboard with calendars for the month, week, and each day. With this, you can visually map out all upcoming assignments, tests, and projects in one view.

  • Individual subject tabs for detailed tracking
  • Robust assignment logging with name, description, status, due date, and more
  • Columns to record scores and grades when received
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily calendar dashboard
  • Visual layout ideal for visual learners

Assignment Slayer equips students with military-level organization. Its comprehensive features give you command over academic responsibilities, resulting in stress-free homework mastery.

Want to explore how this template can make your job easy? Click the link below to access this free assignment tracking template now. 

Why You Should Take Advantage of These Assignment Tracking Templates For Google Sheets

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets we reviewed in today’s guide offer significant advantages that can make managing homework easier. Here are some of the top reasons students love using these digital planners:

Get Organized

The templates allow you to sort all your assignments neatly by subject, type, due date, and status. No more fumbling through papers to find the next thing you need to work on. Plus, the level of organization you get with these templates helps reduce stress.

Manage Time Better

Knowing exactly when assignments are due helps with planning out your week. You can see what needs to get done first and schedule time accordingly. No more last-minute assignment crunches.

Access Anywhere

You can view and update your homework template from any device as long as you have an internet connection. The templates are ready to go as soon as you make a copy – no setup is needed. Easy access keeps you on track.

With useful tools for organization, planning, and accessibility, these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make managing homework a total breeze. Boost your productivity and reduce academic stress today by using these templates for your assignment. 

Final Thoughts

Today’s guide explored some of the most accessible and useful assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. These handy templates make it easy for students to stay organized and on top of their workload.

As a busy student, keeping track of your homework, projects, tests, and other responsibilities across all your courses can be daunting. This is where leveraging a spreadsheet template can make a huge difference in simplifying academic organization.

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets reviewed today offer intuitive layouts and customizable features to create a centralized homework hub tailored to your needs. 

Key benefits include:

  • Inputting all assignments in one place for easy reference
  • Tracking due dates, status, grades, and other key details
  • Customizable columns, colors, and more to fit your study style
  • Easy access to update assignments from any device
  • Helps prioritize your time and tasks needing attention
  • Reduces stress by helping you feel in control

By taking advantage of these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can reduce time spent shuffling papers and focus your energy where it matters – knocking out quality academic work. Make your life easier and get a digital organizational system in place. 

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  • Writing Tips

Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

6-minute read

  • 18th May 2023

If you’re a student searching for a way to keep your assignments organized, congratulate yourself for taking the time to set yourself up for success. Tracking your assignments is one of the most important steps you can take to help you stay on top of your schoolwork .

In this Writing Tips blog post, we’ll discuss why keeping an inventory of your assignments is important, go over a few popular ways to do so, and introduce you to our student assignment tracker, which is free for you to use.

Why Tracking Is Important

Keeping your assignments organized is essential for many reasons. First off, tracking your assignments enables you to keep abreast of deadlines. In addition to risking late submission penalties that may result in low grades, meeting deadlines can help develop your work ethic and increase productivity. Staying ahead of your deadlines also helps lower stress levels and promote a healthy study-life balance.

Second, keeping track of your assignments assists with time management by helping prioritize the order you complete your projects.

Third, keeping a list of your completed projects can help you stay motivated by recording your progress and seeing how far you’ve come.

Different Ways to Organize Your Assignments

There are many ways to organize your assignment, each with its pros and cons. Here are a few tried and true methods:

  • Sticky notes

Whether they are online or in real life , sticky notes are one of the most popular ways to bring attention to an important reminder. Sticky notes are a quick, easy, and effective tool to highlight time-sensitive reminders. However, they work best when used temporarily and sparingly and, therefore, are likely better used for the occasional can’t-miss deadline rather than for comprehensive assignment organization.

  • Phone calendar reminders  

The use of cell phone calendar reminders is also a useful approach to alert you to an upcoming deadline. An advantage to this method is that reminders on your mobile device have a good chance of grabbing your attention no matter what activity you’re involved with.

On the downside, depending on how many assignments you’re juggling, too many notifications might be overwhelming and there won’t be as much space to log the details of the assignment (e.g., related textbook pages, length requirements) as you would have in a dedicated assignment tracking system.

  • Planners/apps

There are a multitude of physical planners and organization apps for students to help manage assignments and deadlines. Although some vow that physical planners reign superior and even increase focus and concentration , there is almost always a financial cost involved and the added necessity to carry around a sometimes weighty object (as well as remembering to bring it along with you).

Mobile organization apps come with a variety of features, including notifications sent to your phone, but may also require a financial investment (at least for the premium features) and generally will not provide substantial space to add details about your assignments.

  • Spreadsheets

With spreadsheets, what you lose in bells and whistles, you gain in straightforwardness and customizability – and they’re often free! Spreadsheets are easy to access from your laptop or phone and can provide you with enough space to include whatever information you need to complete your assignments.

There are templates available online for several different spreadsheet programs, or you can use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets . We’ll show you how to use it in the next section.

How to Use Our Free Writing Tips Student Assignment Tracker

Follow this step-by-step guide to use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets :

  • Click on this link to the student assignment tracker . After the prompt “Would you like to make a copy of Assignment Tracker Template ?”, click Make a copy .

assignment tracker students

Screenshot of the “Copy document” screen

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2. The first tab in the spreadsheet will display several premade assignment trackers for individual subjects with the name of the subject in the header (e.g., Subject 1, Subject 2). In each header, fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for. Copy and paste additional assignment tracker boxes for any other subjects you’d like to track, and color code the labels.

Screenshot of blank assignment template

Screenshot of the blank assignment template

3. Under each subject header, there are columns labeled for each assignment (e.g., Assignment A, Assignment B). Fill in the title of each of your assignments in one of these columns, and add additional columns if need be. Directly under the assignment title is a cell for you to fill in the due date for the assignment. Below the due date, fill in each task that needs to be accomplished to complete the assignment. In the final row of the tracker, you should select whether the status of your assignment is Not Started , In Progress , or Complete . Please see the example of a template that has been filled in (which is also available for viewing in the Example tab of the spreadsheet):

Example of completed assignment tracker

Example of completed assignment tracker

4. Finally, for an overview of all the assignments you have for each subject throughout the semester, fill out the assignment tracker in the Study Schedule tab. In this tracker, list the title of the assignment for each subject under the Assignment column, and then color code the weeks you plan to be working on each one. Add any additional columns or rows that you need. This overview is particularly helpful for time management throughout the semester.

assignment tracker students

There you have it.

To help you take full advantage of this student assignment tracker let’s recap the steps:

1. Make a copy of the student assignment tracker .

2. Fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for in each header row in the Assignments tab.

3. Fill in the title of each of your assignments and all the required tasks underneath each assignment. 

4. List the title of the assignment for each subject and color code the week that the assignment is due in the Study Schedule .

Now that your assignments are organized, you can rest easy . Happy studying! And remember, if you need help from a subject-matter expert to proofread your work before submission, we’ll happily proofread it for free .

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Assignment Trackers

July 13, 2022 by Printabulls Team Leave a Comment


Having once been students ourselves, we know that all students start off the school year with good intentions of keeping track of assignments and due dates and generally staying ahead of all that is required of them. Inevitably, the workload starts to pile up and there are many small assignments in addition to the bigger tests and projects, and it can be quite difficult to keep tabs on everything .

With quite a few assignments up in the air at any given time multiplied by several subjects, we wanted to create something to help every student keep track of it all. The 12 Free Printable Assignment Trackers you’ll see below are intended to accomplish just that!

In these assignment trackers, you’ll find spaces to write in your specific assignment, the due date, and a space to indicate if it was completed or submitted, amongst other details.

To find the assignment tracker that is just right for you or your student(s) all you need to do is look through the options below, click on the image of the one that you think will work just right, download the PDF file to your computer, and print!

We can’t do your homework for you, but we can help you keep it organized! If you want more ways to organize your time better this school year, be sure to check out these other free printables:

Free Printable Calendars

Free Printable 2022 – 2023 Academic Calendars

Free Printable To Do Lists

Free Printable Hourly Planners

Free Printable Weekly To Do Lists

Free Printable Two Week Planners

Free Printable Monthly To Do Lists

Free Printable Note Pages

Free Printable Cornell Note Templates For Studying


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Home » Google Sheets » 7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

Daniel Smith

  • Updated: April 10, 2023

7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

As a student, keeping track of your academic progress can be daunting. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by assignments, deadlines, and grades, leading to stress and frustration. If you’re struggling to stay organized and need a solution to help you stay on top of your studies, look no further than Google Sheets student tracker templates.

With these templates, you can easily input and track your assignments, deadlines, and grades in one convenient location. No more juggling multiple spreadsheets or struggling to manage important dates. Student tracker templates help you stay organized and reduce stress so you can achieve your academic goals.

Whether you’re a high school student, a college student, or working on an online course, student tracker templates are the perfect solution to help you stay on top of your studies.

Read on to discover some of the student tracker templates that are available in Google Sheets so you can choose the template you like most today—and start tracking your academic progress with ease.

1. Free Student Data Tracker

Free Student Data Tracker

Designed by David Jopson

The Student Data Tracker in Google Sheets is an essential tool for educators who want to keep track of their students’ academic progress. 

It allows you to identify patterns and trends in your students’ performance, making it easier to spot areas where they may be struggling so you can provide targeted support. You can also use the tracker to communicate with parents about student progress, setting goals and tracking progress toward those goals.

2. Student Loan Tracker

Student Loan Tracker

Designed by Justin Pritchard 

For anyone who has had to take out a loan for their education, the Google Sheets Student Loan Tracker can keep track of vital loan details such as loan balance, interest rates, and more.

The uses of a Student Loan Tracker are numerous and varied. Students and recent graduates can use the tracker to manage their loans and keep on top of their progress toward paying them off. Parents and other family members can also use it to help their loved ones manage their loans and provide support as needed.

3. Student Attendance Tracker

Student Attendance Tracker

Designed by Amna Aslam

The Student Attendance Tracker by Amna Aslam allows teachers to enter all their students’ names and customize the list as per their preferences.

This tracker is hosted on Google Sheets, which means teachers can collaborate with other teachers in real time and share attendance data with them.

4. Student Progress Tracker

Student Progress Tracker

Designed by Using Technology Better

The Student Progress Tracker in Google Sheets aids teachers in monitoring students’ development. Teachers can easily create a custom tracking system that suits their needs and preferences. 

This template includes columns for class names, grades, and other relevant information. You can also fill cells with color to make the tracker more visually appealing and functional.

5. Student Behavior Tracker

Student Behavior Tracker

Designed by Geana Germana

Teachers can use the Google Sheets Student Behavior Tracker to observe the behavior trends of their students and their advancement and improvement over time.

This template includes the ability to quickly and easily record data so you can identify areas where additional support or intervention may be needed. 

6. Student Assignment Tracker 

Student Assignment Tracker

Designed by Reddit

Students can use the Google Sheets Student Assignment Tracker to plan their time more effectively, allocating time for each task and making sure they have enough time to complete their assignments by the due date.

The template has multiple colored sections for various elements to help identify crucial information at a glance.

7. Student Homework Tracker 

Student Homework

Designed by Spreadsheet Daddy

This Student Homework Tracker in Google Sheets is a straightforward yet useful solution that can assist students in maintaining the organization of their schoolwork. It is easy to use, accessible, and shareable, making it a useful resource for students of all ages and skill levels.

The tracker includes columns for the completion status of the assignment and any additional notes.

How to Create a Student Tracker Template in Google Sheets

In this section, we’ll take a look at how to quickly build a Google Sheets template for homework that will make it simple for you to keep track of your assignments. 

Step 1 . Start by entering the text you need in your template: the header/title at the top, a place for the document date, and the assignment details (due date, task, class, status). Then use the toolbar options to customize your text, such as alignment, color, size, and font.

The Toolbar Menu

Step 2 . Next, if you have cells you need to merge (such as for the title), highlight the cells, click the Merge icon, and select Merge all from the menu.

Merge Cells

Step 3 . To add a border around the data section of your template, highlight all the cells that make up that section, click the Border icon in the taskbar menu, and select the border’s color, style, and type.


Step 4 . To change the color of any of the cells in your document, highlight the cells and choose the Fill color option. Pick a color to alter the coloring scheme of your template.

Fill Color

Step 5 . In the Status column, select the cells where you want checkboxes to appear. Go to the Insert tab and click on the Checkbox option. 


Voila! The result is shown below!

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Student Assignment Tracker

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Track and manage student assignments effectively

What is Student Assignment Tracker Template?

Completing a student assignment is a crucial task that requires attention to detail and thoroughness. To ensure that you complete your assignment effectively and efficiently, use the following comprehensive prompts to guide you through the process:

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Try this template now

Who is this Student Assignment Tracker Template for?

Whether you are a student, educator, or academic institution, the student assignment tracker template is designed to help you track and manage assignments with ease. It is perfect for individuals or teams looking to streamline the assignment process and ensure timely submissions.

Why use this Student Assignment Tracker Template?

1. Stay organized. Keep track of all student assignments in one centralized location, ensuring that no task is overlooked or forgotten.

2. Improve efficiency. Easily monitor assignment progress, deadlines, and submissions to enhance productivity and time management.

3. Enhance collaboration. Facilitate communication between students and educators by providing a transparent overview of assignment status and requirements.

Get Started with Student Assignment Tracker Template.

Follow these few steps to get started with Lark templates:

1. Click 'Use this template' on the top right corner to sign up for Lark

2. After signing up for Lark, you will be directed to the Student Assignment Tracker on Lark Docs. Click 'Use This Template' on the top right corner of Lark Docs to copy a version of the Student Assignment Tracker to your workspace.

3. Change fields of the template to fit your needs

4. Take advantage of the full potential of this Student Assignment Tracker.

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Manage your content creator partnerships with ease.

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Create and manage custom avatars with ease.

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Manage customer feedback effectively and improve customer satisfaction.

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Organize your developer conference schedule with ease.

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Development Milestones

Track your project milestones with ease.

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Dialogue Tree

Create an interactive dialogue tree planner for storytelling adventures.

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Digital Distribution

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Game Localization

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Glitch Fixing

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Online Gaming Community Management

Manage your online gaming community with ease, patch management, manage software patches efficiently and securely.

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Production Pipeline

Track your production pipeline progress with ease.

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Assignment Tracker

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Assignment Tracker

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Our free printable assignment tracker template is a perfect resource for students to achieve academic success. The template is designed to help elementary, secondary, high school, and college students keep track of their assignments in one place so they can stay organized and on top of their workload.

What an Assignment Tracker Does

An assignment tracker provides an easy-to-use format allowing students to see what tasks they must complete at any given time. The template includes columns for a due date, assignment, class, and grade.

This way, students can easily add information to the template without having to remember all the details on their own. This tool makes it easy for students to quickly review upcoming assignments and determine which ones require more attention or need additional work.

How It Helps Students Stay Organized

One of the best things about an assignment tracker is that it helps students stay organized. Having all their assignments laid out in one place makes it easier for them to plan ahead and manage their time more effectively.

For example, if multiple assignments are due on the same day or week, students can prioritize which ones need more attention or focus first so they don’t get overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once.

Additionally, by entering due dates into the template as soon as they are assigned - instead of waiting until just before they are due - students can ensure that they will have enough time to complete each task without feeling rushed or stressed out last minute.

Overall, a free printable assignment tracker template is incredibly useful for helping elementary schoolers , and college-age adults stay organized throughout the school year. Students can quickly review upcoming assignments while also planning so they don’t get overwhelmed by trying to do too much at once.

Parents should encourage their children (or themselves) to use a free printable assignment tracker template to ensure all tasks get done on time and with minimal stress!

Looking for a more organized Student Planner?

Make sure to check out this Printable Student Planner .

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This one comes with 20+ printable pages to organize your student life in school, college, or university.

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  • How To Make An Assignment Tracker In Google Sheets
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Answer any Google Sheets question with Sourcetable AI

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Work smarter with data.

Try sourcetable ai., how to make an assignment tracker in google sheets.

Creating an assignment tracker in Google Sheets is a straightforward process that can help you stay organized and manage your tasks efficiently. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to set up and customize your tracker, ensuring you never miss a deadline.

Google Sheets offers a range of tools and features that can be customized to suit your tracking needs. From conditional formatting to custom formulas, you can create an intuitive and comprehensive tracker.

We will also explore why Sourcetable is a better alternative to using Google Sheets. Sourcetable makes it easy to become an advanced spreadsheet user faster as an AI-first spreadsheet; it simplifies answering questions about your spreadsheets, building formulas and queries, and automating any spreadsheet task.


An assignment tracker in Google Sheets helps students manage their coursework efficiently. It combines functionality like class schedules, assignment tracking, and progress monitoring in one place.

Getting Started

To create an assignment tracker in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

1. Click on the student assignment tracker link.2. When prompted, click "Make a copy" to save the template to your Google Drive.

Setting Up Your Tracker

The first tab in the spreadsheet displays several premade assignment trackers for individual subjects. Customize these by filling in the title of the subjects in the header.

Copy and paste additional assignment tracker boxes for any other subjects needed. Color code the labels for better visual organization.

Adding Assignments

Under each subject header, fill in the title of each assignment in the columns labeled Assignment A, Assignment B. Add the due date for each assignment in the cell below the assignment title.

List the tasks needed to complete the assignment below the due date cell. In the final row of the tracker, select the status of the assignment: Not Started, In Progress, or Complete.

Automated Features

The assignment tracker automatically formats based on assignment status, class, and assignment type. It calculates the percent completed for assignments, both per class and overall.

The tracker warns users when assignments are due soon, specifically within two days. The calendar auto populates due dates from the masterlist, keeping your schedule up to date.

Using the To-Do List

The tracker includes a to-do list feature. Tasks from the masterlist can be transferred with a click of a button to the to-do list, helping you keep track of your priorities effectively.

Creating an assignment tracker in Google Sheets is a straightforward process that offers enhanced functionality. By following these steps, you can stay organized and manage your assignments with ease.

Try Sourcetable For Free

Do anything you want in a spreadsheet using ai. no excel skills required.

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Use Cases for Creating an Assignment Tracker in Google Sheets

An assignment tracker in Google Sheets allows users to add detailed information about classes, schedules, and professors. This feature helps in organizing and managing academic tasks efficiently, providing a centralized location for all course-related information.

The tracker can automatically calculate the completion percentage of assignments, facilitating easy tracking of progress. This feature is beneficial for students aiming to manage their workload effectively and stay updated on their academic performance.

Automatic formatting based on assignment status, class, and type, along with warnings for due assignments in two days or less, ensures that users never miss a deadline. This feature enhances productivity and helps in prioritizing tasks effectively.

The calendar in the assignment tracker auto-populates due dates from a master list, providing a visual representation of upcoming deadlines. This feature is crucial for long-term planning and avoiding last-minute rushes.

The tracker includes a to-do list that allows users to transfer tasks from the master list with a click of a button, streamlining task management. This feature helps in breaking down assignments into manageable tasks, making it easier to stay on top of schoolwork.

With Google Sheets, multiple users can collaborate on the assignment tracker, making it ideal for group projects. Users can assign tasks, track due dates, and receive status updates in real-time, promoting efficient teamwork.

The tracker comes with full instructions and contact information for customization and support. This ensures that users can tailor the tracker to fit their specific needs and get assistance when needed, enhancing usability and user satisfaction.

A pre-made assignment tracker template is available through @HHSStudentLife on Instagram, created by HHS Student Life. This template is free to use and includes unique features not found in other templates, making it a valuable resource for all students, regardless of their affiliation with Purdue.

Comparing Google Sheets and Sourcetable: The AI-First Advantage

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for creating and managing spreadsheets. However, advanced tasks like making an assignment tracker can be time-consuming and require a steep learning curve. This is where Sourcetable excels.

Sourcetable, an AI-first spreadsheet, includes an AI assistant designed to write complex spreadsheet formulas and SQL queries for you. This AI capability simplifies creating detailed assignment trackers without the need for advanced spreadsheet knowledge.

Another key feature of Sourcetable is its integration with over five hundred data sources. This allows users to search and interact with a vast array of data directly within the spreadsheet. The ability to ask any question about your data streamlines the process, making advanced tasks like creating and managing an assignment tracker much simpler.

For users seeking to answer questions about "how to make an assignment tracker in Google Sheets," Sourcetable provides a more efficient and user-friendly solution. Its AI assistant removes the heavy lifting, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of prior spreadsheet experience. Choose Sourcetable for a smarter, more intuitive way to manage your data and assignment trackers.

How to Make an Assignment Tracker in Sourcetable

Sourcetable simplifies the creation of an assignment tracker with its AI-first spreadsheet features. Follow these steps to efficiently manage your assignments.

First, open Sourcetable and start a new spreadsheet. Enter columns like "Assignment Name," "Due Date," "Status," and "Priority." This structure helps in organizing your tracker effectively.

Next, activate the Sourcetable AI assistant by opening the chatbot. You can ask specific questions or request functionalities, such as "How to automate status updates" or "How to set conditional formatting for deadlines."

To auto-populate complex formulas, type your query into the chatbot. For instance, ask "How to calculate days left until due date." The AI assistant will provide and insert the correct formula directly into your spreadsheet.

Sourcetable integrates with over 500 data sources. You can ask the chatbot to pull data from your preferred sources to populate your assignment tracker, enabling seamless data management.

For further customization, you can ask the AI assistant to generate SQL queries. This is helpful for more advanced tracking, like filtering assignments by priority or due date.

Using the Sourcetable AI assistant, you can make sophisticated enhancements and manage assignments without needing advanced spreadsheet skills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Using a basic template is the quickest and easiest way to get started, especially for users who are not familiar with Google Sheets.

To use the template, make a copy of it by going to File > Make a copy. After making a copy, you can start entering information in the provided columns.

The template includes the following columns: Column A: Assignment Name, Column B: Course, Column C: Due Date, Column D: Assigned Date, Column E: Status, Column F: Priority, Column G: Notes.

The assignment tracker has a percent completed calculator for assignments, which can compute per class and overall progress.

Yes, the assignment tracker has automatic formatting based on assignment status, class, and assignment type.

Yes, the assignment tracker provides warnings when an assignment is due in two days or less.

The assignment tracker has a calendar that auto-populates assignment due dates from the masterlist.

Yes, the assignment tracker has a to do list where tasks can be transferred from the masterlist with the click of a button.

Creating an assignment tracker in Google Sheets is a great way to stay organized and manage your tasks efficiently. However, Sourcetable takes data management to the next level.

With Sourcetable, you can integrate with third-party tools to access real-time data in a user-friendly interface that your entire team can use. Sourcetable AI simplifies automating tasks and answering any questions you may have about your data and spreadsheet formulas.

Try Sourcetable today and experience seamless data management.

Do anything you want in a spreadsheet using AI. No Excel skills required.

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Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

Whether you are attending classes, completing your assignments, studying for a quiz, project work, extra-curricular activities, or squeezing some time for friends and family. You’d agree that organizing and planning goes a long way. That’s why a homework organizer or a homework planner app can be a lifesaver to keep track of all your assignments, tests, submission deadlines, and exams. I did the research and shortlisted the perfect homework planner apps for Android and iOS. Let’s check those out.

Read:  Best Notes App for Windows to Increase Productivity

Homework Planner Apps for Students

1. student planner- homework agenda & notes.

The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification. You can mark a task complete and remove it from the pending list.

Courses can be added easily and color-coded as well. The calendar shows any upcoming deadlines so you can prioritize accordingly. The tasks have a progress bar that you can adjust as you make progress which enables you to get a quick summary without actually opening every task.

You can also break your assignments in small chunks as subtasks that would make finishing a task much easier and the progress bar will fill automatically. It also allows you to attach media files to your assignments or projects for easy access to the important information in one place.

homework planner apps- agenda

  • Progress bar
  • Deadline Reminders
  • Calendar View
  • No option to sync data to the cloud

Student Planner is a great app for all the students, it has all the necessary features like Deadline reminders, subtasks, progress bar, color-coded tasks, and courses. It can significantly increase your productivity when used regularly. You can get this app for free in the Play Store.

Install Student Planner- Homework Agenda ( Android )

2. Student Planner

Student Planner is another fast and simple homework management app which is wrapped by a beautiful and intuitive material designed UI. What Student Planner adds to the table is the inclusion of a schedule or time table which you can use to either store your class schedule or it might even be a study schedule for your exams.

You first start by adding your subject and the schedule then you can add an assignment or set a reminder. The due assignments are arranged as separate cards and can be swiped away once done with.

homework planner apps- Student Planner Android

  •  Simple and easy to get started with
  •  Fast and small in size
  •  Beautiful Minimal UI
  •  Option for Schedule
  • No sync/backup
  • Timetable implementation not perfect

I would recommend this app to anyone who is looking for a simple homework management app with timetable support and a minimal UI.

Install Student Planner ( Android )

Egenda is simple. Open the app, add all the classes or subjects to the app, and once that is set up, you have the option of adding a new Homework, Quiz, Project, or Test and choose the respective subject deadlines. The app also arranges the due work in cards that can be swiped away when done. But what I love the most about this app is that the fact it allows you to go subject-wise and view all your upcoming tests, projects, or pending assignments which is a huge convenience for planning your schedule ahead of time instead of the previous day.

Unfortunately, the app doesn’t have a timetable option, but in its latest update, it added a  Calendar View  where you can see your whole month at a glance with your assignments, tests, and projects.

homework planner apps- Egenda Android

  •  Subject-wise sorting
  •  Calendar View
  • No timetable support

Egenda provides some great tools for Homework and Test planning and I am sure anyone would find them extremely convenient and useful. But keeping its single con in mind, go for this app if you are not too keen on having a schedule or timetable.

Install  Egenda  ( Android  |  iOS )

4. ChalkBoard

The next app on our list is ChalkBoard, which I found out to be a pretty smart homework planner app. Chalkboard strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and features.

Although the setup process is a little longer than the previous three apps, as you have to feed meticulous details about the classes, teacher, and schedule. It is worth the effort.

On the home screen, you are shown upcoming classes, events tab, and upcoming tests. ChalkBoard fetches the dates for every subject from the Timetable for your future classes. Little features like these make the app stand out from the rest and give an overall great experience. You can also view classes and assignments subject wise.

homework planner apps- ChalkBoard Android

  • Proper Timetable
  • Ability to add teachers for subjects
  • View tomorrow’s classes as well as assignments/tests/quizzes
  • Smart features
  • Little longer to set up
  • No calendar view

If you are looking for a homework planner as well as a school planner, Chalkboard is the app as it strikes a great ground with almost all the features one might need while not being too bulky.

Install ChalkBoard ( Android )

5. School Planner

School Planner is a full-fledged planning application designed for students to manage their career as a student. Along with your homework and timetables, School Planner offers you to keep track of your grades and attendance, add contacts for teachers, add recorded lectures, and even multiple planners.

The app supports backing up of all your data via Google Drive, Calendar View along with a weekly report, attaching snapshots to your assignment reminders, student accounts from ClassViva, and a lot more. In spite of so many features, the app doesn’t feel slow at all and delivers a powerful performance with its beautiful design.

homework planner apps- School Planner Android

  • Full-fledged student companion
  • Feature-packed and free
  • Supports sync and backup
  • Widget Support
  • Tedious setup procedure
  • Big in size
  • Complex, not so smooth learning curve

While it is not for someone who is looking for a fast and easy way into homework management, School Planner is a great student companion app and serious students will surely get the most out of hit.

Install School Planner ( Android )

6. My Study Life

My Study Life comes with its own web app and syncs with the Android app, essentially making your data accessible from any device as long as it has a browser.

It implements a goal-centric circular tracker that shows your progress. The Calendar view combines your timetable, deadlines, and shows all your classes and assignments, projects in a single place.

homework planner apps- My Study Life Android

  • Refreshingly new UI
  • Access from anywhere through its web app
  • Sync and Backup
  • Lengthy setup process

If you study from your computer or laptop, My Study Life makes it easy to access your homework planner on your phone from your computer, while not compromising on features and being completely free. What more can you ask for?

Install My Study Life ( Android  |  iOS )

7. iStudiez Pro

Like School Planner, iStudiez Pro includes grading and subject wise organization of tasks. iStudiez Pro takes it further with the integration of Google Calendar that allows you to directly get all your holidays, exam schedule, routine from Google Calendar itself.

It also offers separate apps on all platforms including iOS, Mac, and Windows. All the apps sync seamlessly between themselves, so studying on your computer consulting your planner won’t be an issue.

homework planner apps- iStudiez Pro Android

  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Cross-Platform
  • Cumulative Price

If Google Calendar integration and cross-platform support is a must for you, iStudiez Pro is definitely the app you want.

Install iStudiez Pro ( Android   |  iOS )

So this was our roundup of the best homework planner apps for Android. We genuinely think that there is an app for every need and we hope that you found a Homework Planner that suits your need whether you are a high school student or a college senior. So which one was your favorite or did we forget to add yours? Let us know in the comments below.

Also Read:  Take a Picture of Handwriting And Convert to Text – Android Apps

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Assignment Tracker

School Templates

Assignment tracker – keep track of all your assignments.

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Use these assignment trackers to keep track of all of your assignments. These free printables are great for students, parents, and teachers!

Tracking your assignments will help you work towards maintaining or achieving better grades. 

You can also keep a log of your exams too, making sure you don’t miss your important test dates.

The assignment planner is a great way of giving you gentle reminders to work on your assignments or fit studying into your schedule. It will also help you develop time-management skills.

Our assignment trackers make missing assignments a thing of the past!

Assignment Tracker Template

The assignment tracker templates are an important resource for your study life. It will help you track your new assignments, keep on top of assignments and note your homework assignments too.

There are different assignment columns on the template to log all of the important details such as:

  • Assignment titles
  • Class – or lesson, school subjects such as math, art, philosophy, or topics or lecture.

To use our printable assignment tracker, simply click the template you love and save it to your computer.

Simply choose your favorite assignment tracker from the variety of styles that we have here. Click each one to open and save to your device. You can then print, or use it with a tablet.

Assignment Tracker

Various assignment trackers.

How do you keep track of assignments?

Being able to track your assignments is important for any level of learning. Whether you are in middle school, high school, college, or university, you will have multiple assignments, for multiple teachers on multiple days of the week.

So how do you keep your assignments structured, organized, and easy to navigate? You use an assignment tracker!

Using a printable assignment tracker will allow you to quickly see any upcoming assignments you might have, allowing you to see your deadlines and due dates at a glance and keep on top of your school work. It’s definitely a great option for any university or college student!

Get the free printable assignment tracker

To get the assignment tracker as a PDF bundle, that includes all of the styles here for free, just enter your Love & Pixels code below.

If you’re a teacher or a parent and want more useful templates to help your child get the most from their education, then I recommend getting our teacher planner . It’s packed full of useful pages and best of all, it’s completely free!

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About the Authors: Ellie Watson and Don Watson are the creative minds behind World of Printables. They are both professional graphic designers with over 30 years of combined experience in the graphic design industry and have dedicated their careers to crafting beautiful and practical printables. Through their articles, they share their expertise and insights to help readers make the most of these printable designs. Whether it's printable planners, calendars, templates, or educational worksheets, Ellie and Don are passionate about adding value to your life through their printable creations. Stay inspired and organized with Ellie and Don's expert tips and designs at World of Printables. Learn more .

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Free Assignment Tracker Template for Students (PDF, Word, Excel)

  • by newcalendar
  • September 16, 2023 October 4, 2023

Are you here in search for an assignment tracking template ? Your search is over because tracking templates are shared here for all students who wants to track their assignments or projects. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when there are plenty of tasks to take care of, confusion arises when we don’t know where to start, you might be struggling with work planning, or even don’t know how to keep track of all of them, resulting in poor performance and bad marks.

Having an assignment tracker helps you to keep track of every task and remain organized or get hold of all your assignments and complete them on time. Check out the Assignment Tracking Template , download it, use it, and see how helpful it is. Assignment tracking is as important as planning, therefore, you must track your work or tasks properly.

  • 1 Assignment Tracker Template
  • 2.1 Conclusion

Assignment Tracker Template

Assignments are a part of student’s life. You will have to submit your assignments on time in order to secure good marks. We understand the overload of work that’s out there in a student’s life and to help you out we’re providing these templates that will help you in keeping a track of all your assignments.

There are different assignment columns on the template to log all of the important details such as:

  • Title of the assignment
  • Class or lesson or subject such as maths, science, etc

You can download this tracker in PDF by clicking on the download link shared below the template. Take a print-out for your use.

Assignment Tracker Template

Download PDF

The whole purpose of sharing this tracking template is to allow students keep a track of their assignments. It’s easy to use this template but still if you don’t know how to use it properly then read the information shared in the next section.

How do you keep track of assignments?

As mentioned above, assignment are a part of student’s life whether you are in middle school, high school, college, or university. Therefore, it’s better to learn the process of planning and tracking assignments.

Now the question is how to keep your assignments organized and easy to navigate? And the answer is an assignment tracker.

  • Using an assignment tracker allows you to keep a check on assignment you have to work, plan for them, set your work deadlines, and schedule everything as per the due date. Mere planning is not enough, you have to execute the work plan and keep a proper track of it to ensure everything is happening as per the schedule.
  • Use an assignment tracker is definitely one of the great options for school and college students. With the use of template, you get to know about your duties and tasks for specific time frame.
  • Blank template is shared here and you can customize it as per your assignments by adding assignment details and information. A tracker needs to be consistently monitored and updated.
  • The whole purpose of using a tracking is to get organized and to complete or submit before the due date. We advise students to always plan their work and keep a track of them. The use of tracking templates has made the tracking process a lot more easier and more fluent.

Proper planning, execution, disciplined work management, and tracking has to be there in order to ensure successful completion of an assignment on or before the due date. These days there are assignment management and tracking templates which can be downloaded and used in editable and printable format. You can now keep a track of an assignment by using a template available for free download on this page.

An assignment tracker can be used for both small and big assignments. Use these templates to make a proper to-do list wherein you can prioritize the assignment work. We are hoping you find these templates useful, keep checking this site for more planning templates and school calendars.

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7 best student planner apps

The best apps to help students keep track of classes, homework, due dates, quizzes, and more.

Thad Thompson

Thad Thompson Jan 21, 2022

12 min read

Student planner apps - blog - header

Table of contents

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If you're a student, you need a system to organize classwork, exams, and life in general. And it's true, there is an app for everything. But there are lots of apps for planning and time management. Which ones make effective school planner apps?

When deciding on a planner app, you should obviously look for one with features most relevant to your life and your schedule. It should have a distinct purpose. And It shouldn't be thought of as a one-size-fits all productivity app . Here are the qualities to look for in a good student planner app:

Visually clean user experience vs. info-dense

Highly customizable vs. highly structured

Integrated with other apps vs. self-contained, with all the features you'll need in one place

Specialized for students vs. transferrable to post-school life

Here, you can check out just a few of the best school planners currently available. Each is highly rated, affordable, and, in several cases, geared specifically toward school and study. And they’re easy to find. Most are available in the Apple App Store or Google Play store for use on your iPhone, iPad, Android, or other smartphone.

7 great planner apps for high school and college students

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrades available

Todoist is a project planner and to-do list all in one. Used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to executives, Todoist is an app that can carry you through school and beyond.

Although you can pay to upgrade, the free version offers more than most students are likely to need. Todoist includes features that help you: 

 Enter important details or to-dos in a note-taking section before you forget them

Set up projects for each class and any other activities or hobbies you're involved in

Add "next action" items, so you can always look ahead to your next assignment

Cross items off your checklist without losing them for good

Student planner apps - blog - Todoist screenshot

Other helpful features include due dates for individual tasks and reminders that pop up on your phone or email. You can customize every feature, so you won't get lots of notifications without asking for them.

Todoist also allows you to label tasks. You can label by priority, context (laptop work, library, etc.), or any other system you want to create. You can also indicate recurring tasks, like weekly quizzes, so you never miss an assignment.

2. Microsoft To Do

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with Microsoft account

A reworking of the long-appreciated Wunderlist, Microsoft To Do has continued to evolve its features to make it stand out in the field of student planner apps.

Student planner apps - blog - Microsoft To Do screenshot

One feature that stands out in To Do is that things you didn't check off from previous days stay in the “Yesterday” box. That way you can specifically choose which items to transfer to "My day," and plan a better time for those that won't fit in today's schedule.

To Do allows you to sort tasks into basic lists that you set up, such as "Work," "Home," or "Lab." You can then add subtasks to the items on each list. For example, if your list includes, "Presentation for econ class," create subtasks for "Brainstorm subjects," "Find sources," or other project milestones. 

To Do also includes some features that will please visually oriented people. Dark mode is helpful if you're reviewing your day just before sleep or when you first wake up in the morning. You can also change the background for each list, with lots of modern and inspiring designs.

3. Calendly

iOS, Android, and desktop: Free with additional features available on paid plans

Calendly simplifies scheduling with groups and individuals. As group projects have become the new normal, you’ll likely have to set up plenty of meetings with groups and individuals during the course of your time as a student. You can save a lot of time by scheduling and managing those meetings with Calendly.

Here's how it works:

Connect Calendly with your digital calendar, like Google Calendar , Outlook , and others.

Create a meeting request.

Set the parameters. For example, you can let recipients see your availability, so they can pick a day and time, or you can set a day and time and they can either accept it or request a different time.

Select recipients and send.

Calendly will gather responses from the people you want to meet with, and you'll have a meeting set up without the long texting thread that's usually required.

Other helpful features include the options of Round Robin or collective scheduling on the paid plans. If others share their availability, Calendly will show times that work for everyone, so you can pick. Or, you can use its Meeting Polls feature to let people vote on proposed times before setting your meeting . Also, you can set reminders both for yourself and for those who agreed to meet with you.

Calendly streamlines setting up meetings, so you can free up your time and attention for classes and other responsibilities.

Get started with Calendly

Ready to make scheduling easier than ever?

4. iStudiez Pro

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with available paid Full Version upgrade 

iStudiez Pro is one of the highest-rated planner apps designed just for students. Enter your class schedule including the professor's name, contact info, and office hours. Then, you can color code your classes and use icons to make it visually interesting and easy to scan.

Student planner apps - blog - iStudiez screenshot

"Week view" allows you to plan your time and get ready for upcoming classes. "Day view" shows you tasks and scheduled items for today. For each class, you can add assignments, their due dates, and specific tasks associated with them.

If you upgrade to the Full Version of iStudiez Pro, you can even get a regular update on your GPA. As you receive graded assignments back, enter the grade and point value. iStudiez will do the calculating for you with its GPA tracker. It keeps this info from semester to semester, so you can keep the big picture in mind.

5. myHomework

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free or $4.99 per year for Premium

The myHomework student planner is a clean and simple planner app for education. Many teachers have already adopted it for e-learning or online instruction, but it's great for individual use as well.

Student planner apps - blog - myHomework screenshot

It's formatted for several types of class scheduling, such as block, period, or time-based schedules. myHomework allows you to not only input assignments and add tasks required to complete them, it also allows for prioritizing and categorizing tasks, so you can focus on what's most needed at any given time. You can set reminders for upcoming due dates too, so you don’t miss deadlines by accident (or procrastination).

While you do need internet connectivity to sync with other devices, this homework app still has full functionality even when you're not connected to WiFi. The free version has plenty of great features, but the paid version of this homework planner lets you get rid of ads as well as share assignments, add file attachments to assignments, and switch out your theme.

6. Power Planner

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available

Power Planner is a well-established student planner app with many of the same features as myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and exams.

Student planner apps - blog - Power Planner screenshot

Though the app is full of useful features, one element that sets it apart from other similar apps is the responsiveness of the developer. Power Planner is updated regularly, offering continual improvements to its features.

The GPA calculator is more robust in this app compared to others, with its "What if?" feature, which calculates what scores you need on assignments to get an A in a class. It also includes notifications for due dates coming up. The paid version allows you to enter more grades and stores your GPA info from one semester to the next.

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with multiple paid plans starting at $5, and an automatic student discount

ClickUp is the only productivity platform built to tackle everything from complex projects to your daily assignments, all in one screen. With hundreds of customizable features to organize documents, take notes, schedule due dates, and more, ClickUp is a great daily planner for students at every level.

ClickUp's flexible organizational Hierarchy is perfect for breaking down course loads into manageable tasks, subtasks, and Checklists. There are over 15 ways to visualize your schedule in ClickUp including a dynamic Calendar, List, and Everything view for a high-level look at all projects and deadlines. Plus, ClickUp's Home feature syncs with your favorite calendar app to present your classes, reminders, and messages conveniently alongside your upcoming tasks.

ClickUp UI

ClickUp was built to consolidate your work into one centralized hub that can be accessed virtually anywhere, even offline, from your phone, or on your Apple Watch. You can create detailed course notes, format drafts, and everything in between using ClickUp's built-in document editor, then export or share them in seconds with a simple URL.

Access its top daily planner features, ClickUp Docs, unlimited tasks, over 1,000 integrations, and more when you sign up for ClickUp's Free Forever Plan, and automatically save 25% on any paid plan for being a student.

3 tips for getting the most from your student planner app

In addition to finding a great app for students, these tips can help you increase your productivity and keep your schedule running smoothly. No matter which app you choose, you’ll get more out of it if you use it alongside smart planning practices.

1. Treat yourself to a semester review

At the beginning of each semester, set aside a couple of hours to prepare yourself and get everything organized in your app and in your head. Make it fun: Take yourself out for coffee, turn on your favorite music, and turn off your texting and other notifications. This is time to get in the zone.

Give yourself time to look through your new app's features and figure out the best way to use them (or customize them) for you. It's helpful to read reviews, as people will talk about the most useful features. It's also an easy way to learn how to use the app.

Gather your syllabi, work schedules, and any other pertinent calendar info. First, enter all your calendar info for the semester. This helps you understand what your weekly schedule will be like. Then create projects or enter assignments (and due dates) for any big projects  your professors already have planned.

For example, the class may require a video assignment due at the end of the semester. Create a task called "plan out video project," and set the due date for around the time you want to begin the project. You don't want to get bogged down in planning the details of all those projects during your semester review. If you stay focused on the big picture, you may have time for more specific project planning at the end of your review session.

This is also a good time to set goals for yourself. Do you want to turn in more assignments on time or participate more in class? Do you want to learn a new instrument or join a team? Get inspired about doing more than just making it through the semester. With a powerful school planner app on your side, this could be your best semester yet — and there's more to that than just getting good grades.

2. Add a weekly review to your calendar

To keep your planner system functional, you have to keep giving it attention. Set up a time every week — about 30 minutes to an hour — for reviewing your projects and planning out your weekly schedule. Make this appointment as set-in-stone as your class times, so you aren’t tempted to put it off.

You can use this time to input any grades you've received if you've chosen an app with a GPA-tracking feature. Make sure that for every project, assignment or exam, you've entered specific tasks to prepare for them as well. You don't want to just remember that you have something due. You want to have a plan for turning in your best work! 

This is also a great time to set up meetings you'll need for the week. Use an app like Calendly to send out requests for meetings, so you're not scrambling at the last minute to find a time when everyone can meet.

And don't forget to schedule some rest! One of the best ways to stay motivated and stick with your work is to know you have some quality fun time coming.

3. Plan daily check-ins

Every morning look over your daily schedule and your list of things to do. This usually doesn’t take more than five minutes, but it can do a lot to help you bring your best to the things that are important to you.

Improve your learning through great planning

Choosing the student planner app that’s right for you is a great way of keeping your mind focused and your grades high during the semester. A great app will help you stay on top of your classes and work, especially if you keep your app up-to-date with regular reviews. 

A great calendar app can also help you to make the most of the other aspects of your life, for a less stressful, more rewarding student experience. The world needs what you have to give, and these apps can help you give your best.

Webinar: Getting Started with Calendly

Webinar: Getting started with Calendly

Thad Thompson

Thad is a former Content Marketing Manager at Calendly. When not sharing scheduling and productivity insights, you’ll find him hiking trails with his family or thumping a bass with a power pop band.

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🏡 AI Student Assignment Tracker Template

Keep track of all your assignments with this fully customizable template.

Whether you are taking one class or juggling several subjects, it can be a challenge to keep track of all your homework assignments. Keeping up with tasks such as research papers, tests, and weekly assignments can feel like a full-time job without the right tools.

Using pen and paper as an assignment planner takes more time, and isn’t the best method to track due dates.

As a modern-day student, the ideal way to keep on schedule is by using an online homework tracker. Taskade is a free productivity suite that helps you to take notes, and manage your to-do lists and project from anywhere.

Taskade is also available on all devices, meaning that you can take notes and manage your assignments from just about anywhere.

What Is a Student Assignment Tracker?

A student assignment tracker is a tool that allows students to stay organized and on top of their schoolwork. It is designed to help students plan and prioritize their workload by keeping track of assignments, deadlines, and other important information. This can include the assignment name, due date, class, and status of completion. 

The goal of a student assignment tracker is to help students stay organized, avoid procrastination and to avoid missing deadlines. It also helps students to have a clear picture of their workload and to manage their time efficiently.

Taskade being online and accessible across multiple devices also means you can take your assignment tracker with you wherever you go. It even allows for collaboration with classmates for group assignments.

Who Is This Student Assignment Tracker Template For?

A student assignment tracker template is a beneficial tool for any student who is looking to stay organized and on top of their schoolwork. Whether you are a high school student, college student, or graduate student, a student assignment tracker can help you plan and prioritize your workload, ensuring that you never miss a deadline again.

  • High school students can benefit greatly from using a student assignment tracker. With so many assignments and extracurricular activities to keep track of, it can be challenging to stay organized. A student assignment tracker can help high school students plan and prioritize their workload, ensuring that they are able to complete all of their assignments on time.
  • College students also benefit from using a student assignment tracker. With more freedom in their schedules and a larger workload, it can be easy for college students to get overwhelmed. A student assignment tracker can help them plan and prioritize their workload, ensuring that they are able to stay on top of their assignments and avoid missing deadlines.
  • Graduate students can also benefit from using a student assignment tracker. With a more demanding workload and more complex assignments, it can be challenging to stay organized. A student assignment tracker can help graduate students plan and prioritize their workload, ensuring that they are able to complete all of their assignments on time and meet their deadlines.

Overall, a student assignment tracker template is a helpful tool for any student who wants to stay organized and on top of their schoolwork. It can help students of all levels plan and prioritize their workload, ensuring that they are able to meet their deadlines and achieve their academic goals.

Get Started Using Student Assignment Tracker Template in Taskade

  • Click “Use Template” to create a project instantly in your workspace.
  • Click “Save Template” to create a reusable template for you and your team.
  • Customize your project , make it your own, and get work done!


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You can use these stack/templates as starter kits for all your workflows.

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Assignment Tracker Template

Assignments are a significant part of school and university life. No one can deny the significance of assignments in school or colleges! If you are attempting or completing an assignment correctly, chances are that you are going to retain a lot more of what you studied.

However, the real issue regarding assignments is faced by teachers. The problem arises when the students send their assignments through email. A lot of times emails get lost or mixed up with other emails.

This makes assignment tracking a hard process to keep up with. That’s where our Assignment Tracker Template comes in.

Although there are a lot of ready-made solutions for this problem, the best way to keep up with tracking multiple assignments is to stay organized and set a system. Using a customized Assignment tracker template is one of the best ways to keep up with the tracking; you can also use assignment planner templates to plan all of your assignments for multiple classes.

Importance/Advantages of Assignment Tracking Template

There are many obvious and traditional ways through which teachers can keep track of the multiple assignments. Some of them are buying a planner, taking down notes every day on what is assigned to you and the deadline, keeping reminders so that you don’t forget to look at the planner, etc.

However, with Stackby’s Assignment Tracking Template, you don’t have to do all this extra work. Here are some of the advantages of having an assignment tacker:

  • It is easy-to-use and easy-to-understand.
  • Easily keep track of different assignments given to different classes.
  • Easily access different comments or notes you make while checking different assignments from different students. This helps you in giving proper feedback to your students.
  • Since the template is customizable, you can also add categories according to your requirement.
  • You can even upload obtained marks, highlight the students who are performing well and highlight the ones who need more help.

The Assignment Tracker provides a plethora of benefits for both students and teachers alike. Try it out today! Checkout other Related Templates : Study Guides   

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Assignment Tracker

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16 templates

The Assignment Tracker is a simple but powerful academic task manager. Designed for straightforward, efficient students looking to save time and ace their grades.

About this template

Assignment Tracker The Assignment Tracker is a simple but powerful academic task manager. Designed for straightforward, efficient students looking to save time and ace their grades. Featuring a robust task management system with a dynamic "Days Left" function, priority status, assignment types ranging from exams, quizzes, activities, homework, to group presentations, and course details, you will never forget a task ever again. Features Task Tracker: A comprehensive database with priority, assignment type, course, and a dynamic "Days Left" function. Calendar: A simplistic yet informative calendar designed to show critical information at a glance. FAQ What makes Assignment Tracker different from the others? Assignment Tracker is designed to be utterly and completely simple. It is not meant to be a student dashboard or an academic management system. It is meant to quick-add your assignments and track them instantly. Support and Updates? You'll enjoy lifetime access, updates, and support via email.

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Home » Report Templates » Organize Your Study Schedule with this Assignment Planner Template (Excel / PDF)

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Organize your study schedule with this assignment planner template (excel / pdf).

An assignment planner template is a useful tool that enables you to organize your assignments and complete them on time. Having this tool is beneficial for both the students and the people who are assigned to work on a specific project over a specific period.

Furthermore, the assignment planner streamlines your process of planning the assignment and ensures an organized approach to your work. Using this template improves time management, reduces stress, and enhances the quality of your assignment.

Why should you use the assignment planner template?

The assignment planner template provides you with an effective way to manage your assignments. Anyone whose aim is to achieve academic or professional success should use this template. It ensures that your assignment is comprehensive and aligned with the set objectives. The planner helps you improve time management skills and key competencies that are crucial in both academic and professional settings. In addition, it enables you to break down complex tasks into manageable steps so that you can complete your task systematically. Also, it improves the quality of your final product by reducing the last-minute rushes.

Important components of the assignment planer:

The assignment planner should include the following details;

Assignment overview

In this section, you have to specify the assignment’s main topic or question. Describe your assignment precisely to avoid confusion.

Mention the due dates in front of each assignment so that you know how much time you have to complete them. You can organize them according to your priority level.

Completion status

When you keep track of your assignment status, it informs you which work you have started, are in progress, is completed, or require revision.

Subject and type

Classify your assignments into their respective subjects or group them by type.

monthly assignment planner template for student

School assignment planner:

An assignment planner is very important for the students as they are mostly bound to have assignments. It provides them with due dates for different assignments that they have to do. The planner can be used as a timeline that makes sure the students are on time in terms of the assignments.

Assignment Planner Excel Template

weekly assignment planner excel template

Assignment Planner Template Excel

assignment planner template excel

Assignment Schedule Template

assignment schedule template

Free Printable Assignment Planner

free printable assignment planner

Printable Weekly School Assignment Planner Template

printable weekly school assignment planner template

School Assignment Schedule Template

school assignment schedule template

Student Assignment Planner Template

student assignment planner template

Weekly Assignment Planner Template

weekly assignment planner template

Work assignment planner:

Professionals can use the work assignments planner to record special projects if they are assigned to do a lot of tasks daily . Also, they use it to write additional responsibilities that are assigned to them by the company. The planner also helps them in managing their time.

The assignment planner template can be used by students , researchers, and professionals who have been assigned different assignments along with the due dates.

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  • Student Planner Templates

Student Assignment Tracker

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Stay up to date with current assignments in academic subjects. Record and view detailed information about tasks, so you won't miss a single study moment and will be able to complete the work on time by getting a good grade for it.

Sections available in this template:

  • Assignment Information;

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One of my fave monthly printables as it just "works" and looks nice 

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I was able to use this one best to edit and create a university oral presentation rubric. Thanks for having editable templates!

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Free Assignment Tracker With Simple and Detailed Versions

May 28, 2021 By Casey This post may contain affiliate links. For more information please read my disclosure

Free Assignment Tracker With Simple and Detailed Versions

Start off your school year in the most productive way possible with this free assignment tracker printable! It’s important in our household to teach the kids responsibility and organization, even when it comes to simpler things like homework. These printables allow them to write down all their assignments, test, and due dates so they never miss turning something in. If you or your kids need a simple way to stay organized during the school year, check these out! To print them off, just:

  • scroll to the version you like
  • click the link
  • choose the range of pages to print

There are two different versions, simple and detailed. Both let you track homework with due dates. Whether it’s for a first-grader or a college student, these are amazing for anyone! As always, these will always be free to download without having to give your email!

Here are the free printables:

Simple Assignment Tracker

printable assignment tracker template

The first version I created is very simple. This allows you to track your homework for the week. You can organize it by class and write down due dates so that you never miss an assignment or studying for your upcoming quiz! This is perfect if you want something quick and easy to track what you have going on for the week

Detailed Assignment Tracker

homework tracker printable

The detailed version adds a few more items! This version allows you to write down upcoming exams and quizzes so that you can plan your study time. There’s also a place for notes or quick reminders. This is perfect if you want to see your entire week on one page, such as sports games, practices, club meetings, or anything else you have during your busy schedule!

If you found this assignment tracker useful, feel free to share it with your friends who could use some help getting organized! I am always working on new printables for you guys, you can check them out in my Etsy shop … drop me a comment if you want a specific printable that I don’t have yet!

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Stay on top of coursework with an assignment tracker template

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Time management aids are one of many things that can help students increase their chances of success when they attend college or high school. A simple assignment tracker template may not look like much at first, but when used correctly, it can help students manage day-to-day workloads and class schedules. Find out more about assignment tracker templates in this article.

What is an assignment tracker?

Assignment trackers are a must-have addition to any student’s toolkit.

An assignment tracker is a tool that helps learners break down difficult assignments into more manageable chunks. For example, if an assignment asks a student to pick a topic and then write an essay plus make a presentation to the class, the tracker might cover the following tasks:

  • Pick a topic
  • Research the topic
  • Plan/outline the presentation and essay
  • Draft the essay (with a rough number of paragraphs)
  • Draft the presentation (with a rough number of slides)
  • Compile the bibliography

How much time the student would dedicate to each part of that work would depend on the number of credits the module is worth and how much the assignment itself is worth as a percentage of the learner’s grade.

Assignment trackers give students a visual indication of how much work would go into completing the assignment. This can help reduce procrastination and also give those who tend to feel overwhelmed at large projects a way to mark the progress they’ve made.

How can assignment trackers help you manage your time more effectively?

Compared to those in high school, college students have a lot more freedom in terms of their ability to manage their own schedules. A typical high school student will spend around 30 hours in the classroom each week, while college students spend half that time in face-to-face lectures or classroom environments. However, the actual workload in college is higher, with most courses requiring 2-3 hours of self-directed study per hour of contact.

Some students, especially those who are juggling their studies with part-time work or extracurricular activities, may find it hard to adapt to having to do so much self-directed study. Using an assignment tracker can help students stay organized by giving them an easy way to manage their academic life, making those lengthy and in-depth assignments seem more approachable.

Assignment trackers are particularly useful for coursework-heavy subjects because they help students prioritize work based on due dates and break each assignment into smaller pieces, making it easier for them to manage their course load.

Assignment trackers give a measure of progress

Some students experience writer’s block  or find it hard to measure their progress, especially when they spend lots of time brainstorming or mapping out sections of their paper. In their mind, their target is 2,500 words, and after 4 hours of reading and brainstorming, all they’ve managed to write is six headings.

Breaking down an assignment into clear stages is an introduction to the project management skills  students will use when they graduate. Team projects are a great time to learn about Gantt charts , for example.

Online time management tools for digital natives

Today, many college students are working remotely for at least part of their studies. Online lectures and access to digital libraries can save students a lot of time in terms of travel. However, remote learners typically get less face time with their teachers than those who attend in-person lectures.

In some ways, the challenges of working remotely can be a blessing. Students who manage their time effectively and achieve good grades on a course with a significant distance learning element have proven they have self-discipline and the ability to take the initiative when studying at a higher level. These are skills employers appreciate.

Taking advantage of online productivity and collaboration tools such as those provided by doesn’t just help learners complete their studies, it equips them with skills they’ll use daily once they enter the workforce.

Arm your students with productivity tools they’ll use for life

Many of the most valuable skills learners take away from their time at college aren’t subject-specific, but rather are critical thinking skills, organization skills, and an ability to learn independently. As a teacher, you have the chance to help your students learn how to work smarter, not harder. This can come in many forms:

  • Using Pomodoro timers to help them get started with daunting tasks
  • Using an assignment tracker template to break down a large project into smaller ones
  • Creating decision matrices to assess complex issues
  • Using online collaboration tools to make teamwork go more smoothly
  • Maintaining detailed to-do lists and schedules with time-management tools
  • Organizing materials on groupware platforms and keeping accurate records

While the average student may not need a full Work OS, learning about some of the most popular tools for file sharing and collaboration could help your students become more attractive to prospective employers. Show your students the templates available on , and give them examples of how they could use them in their projects to translate project management concepts into the academic world.

A teacher caught students using ChatGPT on their first assignment to introduce themselves. Her post about it started a debate.

  • A teacher said students used ChatGPT for an introductory essay in an ethics and technology class.
  • Professor Megan Fritts shared her concerns on X, sparking a debate on AI's role in education.
  • Educators are divided on AI's impact, with some feeling it undermines critical-thinking skills.

Insider Today

Professor Megan Fritts' first assignment to her students was what she considered an easy A: "Briefly introduce yourself and say what you're hoping to get out of this class."

Yet many of the students enrolled in her ethics and technology course decided to introduce themselves with ChatGPT .

"They all owned up to it, to their credit," Fritts told Business Insider. "But it was just really surprising to me that — what was supposed to be a kind of freebie in terms of assignments — even that they felt compelled to generate with an LLM."

When Fritts, an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, shared the experience on X, formerly Twitter, in a post that has now garnered 3.5 million views, some replies argued that students would obviously combat " busywork " assignments with similarly low-effort, AI-generated answers.

Second week of the semester and I've already had students use (and own up to using) ChatGPT to write their first assignment: "briefly introduce yourself and say what you're hoping to get out of this class". They are also using it to word the *questions they ask in class*. — Megan Fritts (@freganmitts) August 28, 2024

Fritts said that the assignment was not only to help students get acquainted with using the online  Blackboard  discussion-board feature, but she was also "genuinely curious" about the introductory question.

"A lot of students who take philosophy classes, especially if they're not majors, don't really know what philosophy is," she said. "So I like to get an idea of what their expectations are so I can know how to respond to them."

The AI-written responses, however, did not reflect what the students, as individuals, were expecting from the course but rather a regurgitated description of what a technology ethics class is, which clued Fritts in that they were generated by ChatGPT or a similar chatbot.

"When you're a professor, and you've read dozens and dozens of AI essays, you can just tell," she said.

The calculator argument — why ChatGPT is not just another problem-solving tool

Many of the commenters who defended using AI likened ChatGPT for writing to using a calculator for math problems. But Fritts said that viewing LLMs as just another problem-solving tool is a "mistaken" comparison, especially in the context of humanities.

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Calculators reduce the time needed to solve mechanical operations that students are already taught to produce a singular correct solution. But Fritts said that the aim of humanities education is not to create a product but to "shape people" by "giving them the ability to think about things that they wouldn't naturally be prompted to think about."

"The goal is to create liberated minds — liberated people — and offloading the thinking onto a machine, by definition, doesn't achieve that," she said.

Lasting impacts on students

Beyond cheating on papers, Fritts said that students have, in general, become compromised in their thinking ability — and they've noticed.

"They're like, 'When I was young, I used to love to read, and now I can't. I can't even get through the chapter of a book,'" she said. "'My attention span is so bad, and I know it's from looking at my phone, always having YouTube or TikTok on.' And they're sad about it."

Fritts said that technology addiction has affected students' general agency when interacting with information. She  cited a 2015 paper  by the professor Charles Harvey, the chair of the philosophy and religion department at the University of Central Arkansas, which examines the effects that interactions with technology could have had on human agency and concentration.

Harvey wrote that two different eye-tracking experiments indicated that the vast majority of people skim online text quickly, "skipping down the page" rather than reading line by line. Deep reading of paper texts is being snipped into "even smaller, disconnected" thoughts.

"The new generations will not be experiencing this technology for the first time. They'll have grown up with it," Fritts said. "I think we can expect a lot of changes in the really foundational aspects of human agency, and I'm not convinced those changes are going to be good."

Teachers are getting tired

Fritts acknowledged that educators have some obligation to teach students how to use AI in a productive and edifying way. However, she said that placing the burden of fixing the cheating trend on scholars teaching AI literacy to students is "naive to the point of unbelievability."

"Let's not deceive ourselves that students are using AI because they're just so psyched about the new tech, and they're not sure of what the right way to use it in the classroom," Fritts said.

"And I'm not trying to slam them," she added. "All of us are inclined to take measures to make things easier for us."

But Fritts also feels just as "pessimistic" about the alternative solution — educators and institutions forming a "united front" in keeping AI out of the classroom.

"Which isn't going to happen because so many educators are now fueled by sentiments from university administration," Fritts said. "They're being encouraged to incorporate this into the curriculum."

At least 22 state departments of education have released official guidelines for AI use in schools, The Information recently reported . A 2024 survey by EdWeek Research Center found that 56% of over 900 educators anticipated AI use to rise — and some are excited about it.

Curby Alexander, an associate education professor at Texas Christian University, previously told BI that he uses AI to help brainstorm ideas and develop case studies "without taking up a lot of class time."

Arizona State University's Anna Cunningham, a dean's fellow, and Joel Nishimura, an associate professor in the mathematical and natural sciences department, wrote  an op-ed  encouraging having students teach ChatGPT agents with programmed misunderstandings.

"With this, we are on the cusp of being able to give all students as many opportunities as they want to learn by teaching," they wrote.

OpenAI even partnered with Arizona State University to offer students and faculty full access to ChatGPT Enterprise for tutoring, coursework, research, and more.

But many educators remain skeptical. Some professors have even reverted back to pen and paper to combat ChatGPT usage, but Fritts said many are tired of trying to fight the seemingly inevitable. And students are left in the middle of education and AI's love-hate relationship.

"I think it, understandably, creates a lot of confusion and makes them feel like the professors who are saying 'Absolutely not' are maybe philistines or behind the times or unnecessarily strict," Fritts said.

Fritts is not the only professor voicing concerns about AI use among students. In a Reddit thread titled " ChatGPT: It's getting worse ," several users who identified as professors lamented increased AI usage in classrooms, especially in online courses. One commented, "This is one reason I'm genuinely considering leaving academia."

A professor in another post that received over 600 upvotes said that ChatGPT was "ruining" their love of teaching. "The students are no longer interpreting a text, they're just giving me this automated verbiage," they wrote. "Grading it as if they wrote it makes me feel complicit. I'm honestly despairing."

Watch: What is ChatGPT, and should we be afraid of AI chatbots?

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Bridging Classroom Learning to Real-World Emergency Management

Purpose of the Internship

The purpose of the internship is to provide the fledgling emergency manager with the opportunity to gain first-hand experience related to all four phases of Emergency Management. The internship is a key component of the Emergency Administration and Planning program and provides pre-career students an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge and develop professional skills that will lead to a successful career. Moreover, the internship experience frequently provides the student with an entry into a permanent position.

Emergency Administration and Planning students must complete an internship of at least 240 hours of employment. Students must register for EADP 4800, EADP Internship Preparation, and complete the course before beginning an internship appointment. This three hour course meets four times during the semester and prepares students for an internship. Career testing, resume and interview preparation, and discussions of professional and ethical conduct are covered. When the student is ready to begin an internship, the internship coordinator will assist in identifying internships, but the student is ultimately responsible for securing an appointment.

Internships may be completed during the summer months, on a part-time basis during the academic year, or once all course work has been completed.

Internship Resources

Internship Guidelines

Career Center Internship Information

Current EADP Internship Placements

Internship Practicum Testimonials

Internship Waiver Request   - Please include your current resume with this form.

For more information, please contact the EADP Internship Coordinator,   Dr. Ron Timmons .

Internship Details

There are three categories for internships in the EADP program:

Students with NO Professional Work Experience: 48 Hours in Major

Required: Internship Preparation (EADP 4800)

Required: Internship Practicum (EADP 4810) and a 240 hour internship.

Students with Professional Work Experience (but not in EADP field): 45 Hours in Major

Not required: Internship Preparation (EADP 4800)

This change must be approved. Please contact  Dr. Ron Timmons , the EADP Internship Coordinator (Chilton 204J), to request a waiver for EADP 4800.

Students with Three (3) years Professional Work Experience in Emergency Management: 42 Hours in Major

Not required: Internship Practicum (EADP 4810) and a 240 hour internship.

This change must be approved. Please see   Dr. Ron Timmons ,  EADP Internship Coordinator (Chilton Hall 204J) to request a waiver for EADP 4800/4810.

If you choose the 42 hour degree plan, you may not complete an internship for credit.

EADP 4810 (Internship Practicum) is a restricted enrollment course and requires a permission code for registration. You MUST contact the Internship Coordinator prior to your registration date. It is best to acquire your code at least two weeks prior to your registration date. DO NOT wait until the day you are scheduled to register to try to obtain your registration code.

EADP 4800 - Internship Preparation 

During Internship Preparation, students will meet with the internship coordinator to begin arranging their internship. The internship coordinator will assist the student in securing a practicum, but the final responsibility for finding an internship rests with the student.

Enroll in Internship Preparation at least one semester before beginning an internship.

Prerequisites:  Enrollment is restricted to EADP majors who have completed EADP 3010, 3035, and 3045, and consent of the Internship Coordinator.

Topics covered in this course include: career counseling, resume development, professionalism and interviewing skills.

EADP 4810 - Internship Practicum 

Students will meet during scheduled classes to monitor progress, discuss experiences, turn in documentation and resolve concerns. The dates, locations and time for the class will be announced at the beginning of each semester via student email.

Internship Coordinator must approve internship prior to beginning internship. If it is not approved, it will not count.

Pre-requisites: Enrollment is restricted to EADP majors who have completed EADP 4800, 3010, 3035, 3045, plus 3 additional hours of EADP coursework. After a student has arranged for an internship, they must register for Internship Practicum (EADP 4810).

EADP 4810 is a restricted enrollment course and requires a restriction code for registration. You MUST contact the Internship Coordinator prior to registration in order to enroll in this course. It is best to acquire your code at least two weeks prior to your registration date. Do NOT wait until the day you are scheduled to register to try to obtain your registration code.

Obtaining an Internship

Internship opportunities are available with a variety of public agencies and departments, as well as at various levels of government. Students may also serve as interns in the private and nonprofit sectors. Internships complement coursework in the major field with practical, hands on knowledge. Students gain a better understanding of emergency management principles while also obtaining experience, credentials, and identity in the field. EADP internships, therefore, serve a very important step in the student's career preparation and development.

When anticipating an internship, you should begin by thinking about the type of work experience you would like to complete.  For example, consider whether you hope to work in the public, private or nonprofit sector.  Then, narrow the choice further by specific organization (e.g. municipal, state or federal government) and functional area (e.g. planning or response).  The internship preparation course will also help to identify student's strengths and areas of professional interest.  All students enrolled in EADP 4810 must register with Eagle Careers through the UNT Career Center. Students may find an internship searching opportunities posted on Eagle Careers, through networking, and reading professional newsletters.  To qualify for course credit, the internship must be approved by the Internship Coordinator prior to beginning the internship, be related to Emergency Administration and Planning, and supervised by a professional in the field.

If you have any questions about internship requirements or procedures, please contact the Internship Coordinator,  Dr. Ron Timmons.

Internship Waiver Form

Occasionally, students will enter the Emergency Administration and Planning program with professional experience in the field. Students who feel they have a great deal of experience directly related to emergency management can appeal for an internship waiver. Students will need to be able to articulate in a scholarly manner how their full-time professional experiences directly relate to all four phases of emergency management. A faculty committee will carefully review the request. If a student is waived from the internship requirement, their degree plan will be altered.

Additionally, a few students will have sufficient experience in a professional setting although not necessarily related to emergency management. In this situation, students may appeal to be waived from the Internship Preparation class, but still expect to do an internship. In order to be waived from the Internship Preparation Course, students will fill out the Internship Waiver Request. If the student is granted a waiver from EADP 4800, then the student will need to meet with the Internship Coordinator BEFORE accepting an internship for academic credit.


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  2. FREE Assignment Planner for Kids and Teens: Fun and Cute!

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  4. Free Assignment Tracker Printable Template

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  5. Student Assignment Tracker Printable Homework Planner

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  2. School Assignment Tracker Spreadsheet tutorial

  3. How to Use an Assignment Tracker

  4. What I think about my Google Sheets Assignment Tracker now that school is back…

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  6. Student Courses or Packages Management Software


  1. Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

    This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date, which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.) The second is the (2) Tags field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject.

  2. 5 Free Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

    The Complete Student Organizer Template. Copy Template. The Complete Student Organizer is an excellent minimalist assignment tracking template for focused homework management. This straightforward Google Sheets assignment template includes columns for the date, total time needed, assignment details, and status.

  3. Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

    1. Make a copy of the student assignment tracker. 2. Fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for in each header row in the Assignments tab. 3. Fill in the title of each of your assignments and all the required tasks underneath each assignment. 4.

  4. Free Assignment Tracker templates

    Get started. Streamline your academic workflow with our versatile Assignment Tracker templates, ideal for both individual tasks and collaborative group assignments. Effortlessly monitor due dates, progress milestones, and peer contributions, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Notion brings clarity and cohesion to every academic pursuit.

  5. Assignment Trackers

    The 12 Free Printable Assignment Trackers you'll see below are intended to accomplish just that! In these assignment trackers, you'll find spaces to write in your specific assignment, the due date, and a space to indicate if it was completed or submitted, amongst other details. To find the assignment tracker that is just right for you or ...

  6. 7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

    Open in Google Sheets. 2. Student Loan Tracker. Designed by Justin Pritchard. For anyone who has had to take out a loan for their education, the Google Sheets Student Loan Tracker can keep track of vital loan details such as loan balance, interest rates, and more. The uses of a Student Loan Tracker are numerous and varied.

  7. Student Assignment Tracker Template

    Whether you are a student, educator, or academic institution, the student assignment tracker template is designed to help you track and manage assignments with ease. It is perfect for individuals or teams looking to streamline the assignment process and ensure timely submissions.

  8. Assignment Tracker

    What an Assignment Tracker Does. An assignment tracker provides an easy-to-use format allowing students to see what tasks they must complete at any given time. The template includes columns for a due date, assignment, class, and grade. This way, students can easily add information to the template without having to remember all the details on ...

  9. How To Make An Assignment Tracker In Google Sheets

    Click on the student assignment tracker link.2. When prompted, click "Make a copy" to save the template to your Google Drive. Setting Up Your Tracker. The first tab in the spreadsheet displays several premade assignment trackers for individual subjects. Customize these by filling in the title of the subjects in the header.

  10. Download Printable Assignment Tracker Template PDF

    This handy Assignment Tracker is suitable for high school, college, and university students. With its help, you can comfortably track how efficiently you cope with current tasks. Print the paper tracker and attach it to your student planner. Improve your academic performance and successfully cope with classroom affairs. Sections available in this template: Class,; Assignment,; Due Date,; Notes,.

  11. How to Make an Assignment Tracker in Google Sheets

    Step 1: Create a New Google Sheet. Begin by opening Google Sheets and starting a new spreadsheet. You can either use a blank spreadsheet or select from the available templates. For an assignment tracker, a blank spreadsheet is usually the best starting point.

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    Homework Planner Apps for Students. 1. Student Planner- Homework Agenda & Notes. The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification.

  13. Assignment Tracker

    Use these assignment trackers to keep track of all of your assignments. These free printables are great for students, parents, and teachers! Tracking your assignments will help you work towards maintaining or achieving better grades. You can also keep a log of your exams too, making sure you don't miss your important test dates.

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    Use an assignment tracker is definitely one of the great options for school and college students. With the use of template, you get to know about your duties and tasks for specific time frame. Blank template is shared here and you can customize it as per your assignments by adding assignment details and information.

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  16. AI Student Assignment Tracker Template

    A student assignment tracker is a tool that allows students to stay organized and on top of their schoolwork. It is designed to help students plan and prioritize their workload by keeping track of assignments, deadlines, and other important information. This can include the assignment name, due date, class, and status of completion.

  17. Assignment Tracker Template

    You can even upload obtained marks, highlight the students who are performing well and highlight the ones who need more help. The Assignment Tracker provides a plethora of benefits for both students and teachers alike. Try it out today! Monitor multiple assignments and mark them while adding notes and comments to each one using Stackby's ...

  18. Assignment Tracker by Kevechino

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  19. Organize Your Study Schedule with this Assignment Planner Template

    An assignment planner template is a tool used by students, researchers, and professionals to organize and manage their academic or project-based assignments. ... When you keep track of your assignment status, it informs you which work you have started, are in progress, is completed, or require revision.

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  21. Free Assignment Tracker With Simple and Detailed Versions

    Detailed Assignment Tracker. Download Here: Detailed Version. The detailed version adds a few more items! This version allows you to write down upcoming exams and quizzes so that you can plan your study time. There's also a place for notes or quick reminders. This is perfect if you want to see your entire week on one page, such as sports ...

  22. Stay on top of coursework with an assignment tracker template

    An assignment tracker is a tool that helps learners break down difficult assignments into more manageable chunks. For example, if an assignment asks a student to pick a topic and then write an essay plus make a presentation to the class, the tracker might cover the following tasks: Pick a topic. Research the topic.

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  24. A teacher caught students using ChatGPT on their first assignment to

    A teacher said students used ChatGPT for an introductory essay in an ethics and technology class. Professor Megan Fritts shared her concerns on X, sparking a debate on AI's role in education ...

  25. Internships

    Students must register for EADP 4800, EADP Internship Preparation, and complete the course before beginning an internship appointment. This three hour course meets four times during the semester and prepares students for an internship. Career testing, resume and interview preparation, and discussions of professional and ethical conduct are covered.