
5 Examples of an Apology Letter to Mom to Help You Maintain the Bond

By: Author Rita Larsson

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Writing Prompts

5 Examples of an Apology Letter to Mom to Help You Maintain the Bond

If you’ve heard the saying “apologizing makes you weak”, I hope you know it is wrong. In actuality, an apology is a strong tool to show maturity; it shows you are strong enough to take the blame or mature enough to admit your part, so, what do you do when you need to write an apology letter to mom? Read on and find out.

Outline to writing an apology letter to mom

apology essay to mom

Yes, we know you have a lot of things to say but please be as specific as possible about what it is you are apologizing for. This doesn’t only clear the air, but it also shows that you can acknowledge exactly what it was you believe you did wrong.

apology essay to mom

It’s always tempting to let her know you probably had a motive behind whatever you did, however, when writing an apology letter, including your motive would only seem like an excuse. Accept responsibility and leave it at that.  

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apology essay to mom

This is very important in an apology letter, after letting her know how sorry you are for whatever happened, ask her to forgive you. Doing this is sending her a direct and specific signal to let bygones be bygones.

Apology letter to mom for when you said something very hurtful to her:

apology essay to mom

I can’t begin to imagine how much I hurt you when I said I regretted having you as a mom. I know it must have made a big hole in your heart and dented your feelings towards me. I just kept talking and talking, saying all those hurtful and wrong things I should never have said to you in any lifetime, mom.

Saying I wish I was an orphan and watching your reaction made me realize how much of a mistake I made, and I have felt regretful about it ever since.

I am so sorry mom and I am writing this to express how bad I feel and how I wish you would forgive me. None of what I said came from my heart and I promise to make it up to you the best way I can if you would only forgive me.

I know the extent of what I said, and I know they are not things to easily forgive, or forget, but I am here waiting patiently.

I love you mom, I always have and always will; you are the best mom any child could ask for.  

50 Other Ways to Say Sorry without Using the S-Word

Apology letter to mom for when you did something very bad and embarrassed her:

apology essay to mom

I know I am probably the last person you want to hear from right now after I walked out on you at the party last night. I know how much embarrassment I caused you with my unruly behavior.

Honestly, I have nothing to say to excuse my actions – I am not trying to do so, but I cannot find the words to express how ridiculous and apologetic I feel.

You have always been there for me, trying to make my life comfortable and I repaid you with hurt and shame. I know right now you are probably asking yourself where you went wrong with me, what you did to deserve such embarrassment, where you took a wrong turn with me, and if you have failed as a mother. I can only tell you I am sorry mom.

I am sorry for always falling short of your expectations, I am sorry for all the pain I have caused you, and I am begging for your forgiveness. I had no right to act the way I did and I realize it all now. I love you mom and you will always be my bedrock.

Letter for when you regret not listening to your mom’s advice:

apology essay to mom

I know that this is coming late.

I do not know how else to say this Mom but I am so sorry. I am not saying this because I feel bad that I was absolutely wrong, and you were right; I am saying it because even if I really didn’t want your advice, I could have at least done so without offending you or ignoring you.

I realize there is more wisdom in the advice you give me than I know, do forgive me.

I cannot even begin to imagine the hurt you must feel watching me do the very things you warned me of and falling victim to the very scenario you tried to prevent me from.

I love you now, forever and always.

Thank you.  

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Apology letter to mom for being rebellious:

apology essay to mom

There are some things I need to say to you, but I can’t bring myself to say it to your face. I know it is not news to you that I have been arrogant, childish and ego headed.

What effect these actions of mine have on you, or how they make you feel as a mother, I could never understand, at least not until I have kids of my own.

You might be tired of hearing me ask for your forgiveness but, please forgive me. Right now, I feel broken and sad. I acted very childish, and I feel like I have betrayed not only myself, but you. I have decided to go back to school, stay away from those toxic friends, complete my degree and, I promise to make you proud.

Everything you do for me you do out of good thoughts and love. It might take me time to adjust, to realize it and value it, but every day for as long as I live, I will cherish you with the utmost adoration, respect, and love, because I know only a mother like you would be able to love a rebellious child like me.

I am so sorry mom. I am so so sorry.  

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Apology letter to mom for when you made her so mad she doesn’t want to see you anymore:

apology essay to mom

I know over and over I have offended you and over and over I have used the words “I am sorry”. This time even I know that those words do not cut it.

I have seen other parents treat their kids with disdain over little things, and I have watched how the relationship between mother and child can be severed beyond repair; how each party goes their own way and end up not to speaking to each other for decades. Sometimes when one party decides to say “I am sorry” it might be too late.

I do not want to be in that place where I look back and I can’t remember the last time I spoke to you. I know you have said you do not want to see me anymore and yes, I deserve it. If I were in your shoes, I do not know what my reaction would be, or what I would do going forward.

Please know, whether we settle this issue now, or you require some more time, know I would never in my life stop loving you. I am too ashamed to repeat the words “I am sorry”, but I am, so please forgive me.

Whether you are a mother who has been wronged or you are a child who has wronged their mother, if you are reading this, it means you want to mend the situation. To be forgiven is delightful but to forgive is even more beautiful.

Whichever end of the line you find yourself on right now, bear in mind that peace and love between a mother and child are irreplaceable.

Having read these examples of apology letters, I believe you can work on maintaining your bond, in the face of any fight.  


Apology Letter To Mom For Bad Behavior: The Easy Way!

Reflecting on past misbehavior towards our mothers, I share a guide on writing sincere apology letters based on personal lessons and a helpful template.

Key Takeaways

  • Purpose of the Letter : Understand the importance of expressing remorse and making amends.
  • Tone and Honesty : Ensure the letter is sincere, respectful, and reflects genuine feelings.
  • Structure Guide : Follow a step-by-step approach to writing your apology.
  • Personal Touch : Share personal experiences and lessons learned for a heartfelt apology.
  • Template Provided : Use the template as a starting point to craft your message.
  • Follow-up Actions : Recognize the need for behavioral changes beyond the letter.

Understanding the Importance of an Apology Letter

An apology letter to your mom for bad behavior is more than just a means to ease your conscience. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge your mistakes, express your regret, and commit to better behavior in the future. 

Through my journey of penning multiple apology letters, I’ve realized that this act of contrition can significantly strengthen the bond between you and your mom, showing her your maturity and genuine love.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Apology Letter

Start with a Clear Intent : Begin your letter by clearly stating your intention to apologize. This sets a sincere tone for the rest of your message.

Acknowledge Your Mistake : Clearly describe the behavior for which you are apologizing. Avoid generalizations and be specific about what you did wrong.

Express Remorse and Impact : Share your feelings of regret and acknowledge the impact your actions may have had on your mom. This shows empathy and understanding.

Take Full Responsibility : Avoid excuses and take full responsibility for your actions. This demonstrates maturity and sincerity.

Outline Steps for Change : Mention what you are doing or will do to avoid repeating the same mistake. This reassures your mom of your commitment to change.

Ask for Forgiveness : Humbly ask for her forgiveness, understanding that it may take time for her to process your apology.

Close with Love and Affection : End your letter by reaffirming your love and appreciation for your mom. This leaves the conversation open and positive.

Personal Tips from Experience

  • Be Patient : Understand that forgiveness may not be immediate. Give your mom time to process your apology.
  • Follow Through with Actions : Actions speak louder than words. Demonstrate your commitment to change through your behavior.
  • Reflect Before Writing : Take some time to reflect on your actions and truly understand the reasons behind your behavior. This will make your apology more genuine.

Apology Letter Template

I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize for [specific behavior]. I realize now how inappropriate I was and the hurt it must have caused you. It was never my intention to make you feel [emotion], and I deeply regret my actions.

I understand the impact of what I did and am truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused. I take full responsibility for my behavior and am committed to making things right. I am [mention any steps you are taking to improve or rectify the situation].

Please know that I am working on being a better [son/daughter], and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Your love and support mean everything to me, and I am grateful for your understanding and patience as I learn from this experience.

With all my love,

[Your Name]

Conclusion and Comment Request

Crafting an apology letter to your mom is a profound way to address and mend moments of misbehavior. It’s an exercise in humility, empathy, and personal growth. 

I hope this guide and template help you convey your heartfelt apologies and take a step towards healing your relationship.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with apology letters or any additional tips you might have. 

Please share your thoughts and stories in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and grow stronger in our relationships

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

apology essay to mom

Q: What Should I Include in an Apology Letter to My Mom for Bad Behavior?

Answer: From my experience, it’s essential to include a sincere apology, acknowledge the specific behavior that was wrong, express understanding of how it affected her, and offer a commitment to change. It’s not just about saying sorry, but showing you understand the impact of your actions and are willing to improve.

Q: How Can I Make My Apology Letter to Mom More Heartfelt?

Answer: To make your apology more heartfelt, personalize it with specific memories or traits you admire about your mom. Share how much she means to you and express genuine remorse. My most effective letters were those where I opened up about my feelings and showed vulnerability.

Q: Should I Offer an Explanation for My Behavior in the Apology Letter?

Answer: Yes, but with caution. Offer an explanation to provide context, but ensure it doesn’t sound like an excuse. In my apologies, I found it crucial to differentiate between explaining and justifying my behavior. The focus should always be on acknowledging the impact of your actions.

Q: How Long Should an Apology Letter to Mom Be?

Answer: The length isn’t as important as the content. It should be long enough to express your feelings genuinely and address the situation adequately. My letters varied in length, but I always made sure to cover all necessary points without unnecessary rambling.

Q: Is It Better to Write an Apology Letter by Hand or Send It Digitally?

Answer: A handwritten letter often feels more personal and sincere. Whenever I wrote by hand, it seemed to have a stronger impact. However, if circumstances make digital communication more practical, it’s still effective as long as your emotions and sincerity come through clearly.

Q: Can I Include a Gift with My Apology Letter?

Answer: While a gift can be a thoughtful gesture, it should never replace the apology itself. In my experience, a small, meaningful token can complement the apology, but the focus should always be on your words and sentiments. Remember, the intention is to express remorse, not to buy forgiveness.

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thoughtful and practical advice on expressing sincere apologies to our mothers. The example letter is particularly helpful!

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Unique Apology Letter to Mother for Disrespect: [7 Samples]

apology letter to mother for disrespect

Apologizing to your mother for any kind of disrespect is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy and loving relationship with her. Whether you have disrespected her by your words or actions, writing an apology letter to her is a great way to show her that you are sorry for your behavior and that you regret your actions. In this article, we will discuss how to write an apology letter to mother for disrespect and provide you with seven ready samples.

Apology Letter to Mother for Disrespect Basics

Before diving into the apology letter samples, it’s important to understand some of the basic elements of a good apology letter . Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your apology letter:

  • Start with a sincere apology: Begin your letter by acknowledging that you have hurt your mother and that you are sorry for your behavior.
  • Take responsibility: Own up to your actions and make it clear that you understand the impact your actions have had on your mother.
  • Be specific: Mention the specific things that you did to disrespect your mother and explain why they were wrong.
  • Make amends: Offer to make amends for your behavior by doing something specific to make things right.
  • End on a positive note: Express gratitude toward your mother and reaffirm your love for her.

With these basic elements in mind, let’s look at some apology letter samples to give you an idea of how to write your own letter.

For More: Explanation Letter for Mistake at Work: 7 Ready Samples

Apology Letter for Yelling at Mom

Apology Letter for Being Disrespectful to Mom

Apology letter for yelling at mom.

For More: Best Apology Letter for Being Rude with 7 Ready Examples

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For More: Professional Apology Letter: 7 Ready Samples

Apology Letter for Talking Back to Mom

For More: Best Write a Apology Letter for Disrespectful Behavior with [7 Samples]

Apology Letter for Disrespectful Behavior

Apology letter for disrespectful attitude.

For More: Best Apology Letter for Disrespectful Behavior to Parents: 7 Ready Samples

Apology Letter for Disrespectful Words

Apology Letter for Being Disrespectful to Mom

Key Takeaway

Writing an apology letter to your mother for disrespect can be a powerful way to heal your relationship and show her that you are committed to treating her with the respect and love she deserves. Remember to be sincere, take responsibility for your actions, and offer to make amends. By following these tips and using one of the seven ready samples, you can start the process of repairing your relationship with your mother.

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How to Write an Impressive Apology Letter

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Millie Dinsdale

Cover image for article

“I said something I wish I hadn’t.”

“I really messed up.”

“I upset someone and I regret it.”

Humans are not perfect. We make mistakes—but we can also own up to those mistakes to atone for them.

That’s where an apology letter comes in.

Writing an apology letter shows that you recognize your mistake and allows you to ask for forgiveness.

Asking for forgiveness is a difficult but inevitable part of life. But how do you do it? We will break down how to write an effective apology letter in this post.

What Is an Apology Letter?

What should you include in an apology letter, what are the different types of apology letter, how do you write a business apology letter, how do you write a third-party apology, how do you write a mass apology letter, how do you write a personal apology letter.

At its most basic, an apology letter is a letter which says sorry.

But it’s not that simple. Often saying sorry is not enough.

Sorry is not a catch-all phrase for any mistake. If you accidentally spill someone’s drink, sorry is a perfectly acceptable response (you might also buy them a replacement!). But if you inadvertently cause someone to lose their job, the word sorry is not enough.

Image showing definition of an apology letter

In this case you’ll probably need to apologize, own up to your mistake, suggest a solution, and only then ask for forgiveness. Writing an apology letter is a good opportunity to cover that content.

Before we look at the different types of letters, there are a few things that you should do in each one.

Image showing the elements of an apology letter

1) Acknowledge Your Mistake

You should start every letter by explaining why you’re writing. An apology letter is no different.

By acknowledging your mistake, you can both own up to your error and inform the reader what the letter is about.

Acknowledging your mistake will let the reader know that you are sincere and that you are seeking forgiveness. It is important to acknowledge your mistake straight away—by not doing so, you can annoy the other person and make the situation worse.

For example, if you broke your friend’s favorite mug at work, you should go straight to them and explain your mistake instead of squirreling it back into the cupboard for them to find later.

Image showing why you should acknowledge your mistake

2) Apologize for Your Mistake

Now that you have stated your mistake it is time to apologize. Although sorry sums up what you are trying to say, it is sometimes better to be more specific.

Explain why you are sorry and acknowledge any negative outcomes from your mistake.

For example: if you accidentally lost an important document, acknowledge the extra work the person had to do and the stress that this loss must have caused.

Taking full responsibility is the best way to approach an apology, so try not to shift the blame onto anyone or anything else.

It is also best to avoid excuses if you can. Excuses can aggravate the situation and detract from your apology.

Image showing reason to take full responsibility

3) Share Your Plan to Resolve the Issue

It is all well and good to apologize, but what can you do to improve the situation? Let’s look at our previous example. Although there is nothing you can do about the lost document, you can promise that it will not happen again.

To convince your reader that your promise is not just empty words, you could present an action plan, like this:

I will create a physical backup folder for all documents in the future.

In addition to this, I will save all documents to an independent hard drive which I will leave at work. This means that they will stay safe, even if I lose my laptop.

Image showing sample resolution plan

4) Ask for Forgiveness

Asking for forgiveness is very important because it hands control of the situation over to the reader.

It also acknowledges that there are pieces of the relationship which need to be repaired. If you wanted to, you could take the opportunity to invite your reader to suggest their own solution before they forgive you.

This will help the person to feel like their opinions have been heard. It will also help you to understand the effect that the mistake had upon them.

For example:

I want to ask for forgiveness for my error. Are there any further steps I can take to ensure that this never happens again? I hope we can resolve this and continue to work together.

Image showing the importance of asking for forgiveness

There are four main types of apology letter:

Business Apology Letter

Third-Party Apology Letter

Mass Apology Letter

Personal Apology Letter

Each category has multiple usages.

For example, if you needed to write to your neighbor due to a disagreement, that would be a personal apology letter.

If you were writing to your boss after making a mistake, this apology letter would fall under the business category .

Image showing the types of apology letters

A business apology letter could be addressed to a client, a partner, a supplier, another firm, a partnered retailer, or stakeholders.

A business apology letter should be:

Be clear about the purpose of the e-mail and do not skirt around the point. Avoid any vague language as it will undermine the purpose of the letter.

Straight to the point

Business professionals receive multiple e-mails a day. If you waste their time with unnecessary words you may annoy them further rather than placate them.


Match the professional tone normally adopted by your company or business sector. If you are unsure what language to use, err on the side of caution. It is far better to be too formal than not formal enough.

Focused on a solution

Instead of focusing your e-mail on the problem, focus on the proposed solution which will put a positive twist on the letter without ignoring the issue.

As a result your business will be presented in a better light and you will have a higher chance of repairing your professional relationship.

Image showing elements of a business apology letter

Dear [insert customer name], We’re sorry we weren’t able to deliver your product on time. COVID-19 has caused a significant impact to our supply chain and has made restocking difficult. We understand your frustration and we are doing all we can to prevent any future incidences of this kind. While this does not make up for any inconvenience caused, we would like to offer you a 20% discount on your next order Please let me know if you have any other concerns or questions. Sincerely, [Name], [Title]

When Should You Write a Business Apology Letter?

You could address a business apology letter to a colleague, a boss, a customer, a supplier, or anyone else related to your place of business.

Here are a few examples of situations where a letter of apology might be needed:

If you have a problem with your supply chain and need to delay a delivery.

If you forgot an important meeting and arrived unprepared.

If you had to take a day off at the last minute meaning that a colleague has to take up extra work.

A third-party apology letter is one in which the writer is apologizing on behalf of someone else , such as a letter from a manager to a customer on behalf of an employee who behaved rudely.

Image showing what a third-party apology letter

A third-party apology letter should be:

Clearly directed

In the first line, let the recipient know who is writing and on behalf of whom. Explain why you are writing, and not the guilty party.

This may sound obvious but third-party apology letters need to be handled very carefully. Not only do you need to apologize for the actions of the perpetrator, you also need to apologize that the letter is not coming from them and likely apologize for your part in the situation, even unintentionally.

The recipient is not frustrated with you personally, so try to build and maintain a relationship with them. Treat the letter as an olive branch and take full advantage of the fact that you can shift blame.

Image showing the elements of a third-party apology letter

Example of a third-party apology:

Dear [insert name], We’re Chad’s parents, and we would like to apologize for Chad’s behaviour yesterday which resulted in Jen being bitten. We fully intend on having Chad apologize to Jen himself, but as his parents we wanted to add some context to the situation and also say we’re sorry as well. Chad often gets overstimulated, and we think that might have caused yesterday’s tragedy. He looks forward to his playdates with Jen, which leads us to believe that this is a one-off incidence. Nonetheless, his behavior is unacceptable and we have given him a strong talking to on why what he did was wrong. He has also been grounded, and will write an apology letter to Jen. Once again, we are truly sorry for any distress this may have caused. Yours sincerely, Bod and Sharon (Chad’s parents)

When Would You Require a Third-Party Apology Letter?

A third-party apology letter is required in one of two cases:

  • If the person at fault is unable to write an apology themselves.
  • If it is inappropriate for the person at fault to write the letter and it would be better for someone else to write it.

Image showing reasons to use a third-party apology letter

Examples of this second type are:

If a customer at a restaurant was abusive to another customer, the manager may wish to write an apology on behalf of the restaurant.

If a child bit another child at preschool the parent may wish to write an apology to the other parent.

If a dog was noisy and kept waking up next door’s baby, the owner may wish to write an apology to the parents.

A mass apology letter is one in which many people have been affected by a single issue. A mass apology letter should be:

Many people will need to read this letter so it should get to the point as quickly as possible. Make a sincere apology, and then say how you will fix the situation.

Use basic terminology and grammar to ensure that everyone can understand the meaning. You can use ProWritingAid’s Readability Report to identify any hard-to-read paragraphs. To achieve this, you should aim for a reading level that is suitable for a 5th grader or below.

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When Would You Require a Mass Apology Letter?

Mass apology letters are usually written by someone with responsibility for the care or experiences of a large group of people. It's important to strike the right tone so that you can maintain your authority and trust with the recipients.

Here are some instances in which you might need a mass apology letter.

To consumers if one of your products needs to be recalled after an issue was detected.

To residents if there was an avoidable power cut in your housing stock.

To parents if students were given the wrong information about upcoming exams.

Example of a mass apology letter:

Dear People of Townsville, On Friday, November 19, 2021 the city of Townsville was without electricity for four hours as a result of an overloading of the city’s grid. This was not scheduled, and therefore required an emergency response. We understand how difficult this must have been for you the citizens, particularly the business owners. We’d like to offer our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused, as well as any disruptions. We take incidents like this very seriously, and our team is already refining our maintenance schedules in order to avoid similar events in the future. We remain committed to ensuring that we sustain the high standard of service delivery that we hope you expect from us. Best, The Team at ABC Electrical

If you are writing your apology letter to friends, family, neighbors, relatives, acquaintances, or even strangers, and if it doesn’t serve or include a commercial purpose, you’re writing a personal apology letter.

A personal apology letter should be:

Conversational : Keep the tone informal to avoid sounding pompous and false. Make a direct apology to the recipient without hiding behind complex language.

Full of remorse : Unlike in the previous example, it is advised that you express your own emotions about the situation. It is important that the recipient believes you are truly sorry.

Focused on the relationship : The most important thing is to limit the damage that your mistake causes to your personal relationship with the person so make it clear that you care.

Image showing definition of a personal apology letter

When Would You Require a Personal Apology Letter?

A personal apology letter is probably the most versatile type on this list. Almost any apology that is not directly related to your work will require this form of apology.

Examples of when this type of apology might be appropriate are:

When you broke your mom’s favorite ornament with a bouncy ball.

If you lost your friend’s guinea pig whilst looking after it.

If you crashed into your neighbor’s garden wall and damaged it.

Example of a personal apology letter:

Dear Mrs. Steel, I’m really sorry for running over your garden gnomes the other day. My dad was teaching me to drive and I mistakenly touched reverse instead of forward. I’d be happy to replace them, though that may not happen immediately. I’ve taken a summer job at the mall and I’m committed to saving every penny so I can buy them back. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me. Best, Ash

Should You Write a Letter, Text, or Call to Apologize?

When it comes to business, third-party, and mass apologies, letters and e-mails are the only way of doing things professionally.

A personal apology may feel stilted or unnatural as a letter and may be better delivered by text, phone call, or even in person. It totally depends on the situation and your relationship with that person.

The way that an apology is delivered is just as important as the content of it, so give this question some thought.

However as a general rule:

E-mail or letter :

If you are only acquaintances or if there is a large age gap between you and the other person. For example , if a 14-year-old cycled over her 67-year-old neighbor’s flowers, an e-mail or letter apology would be best.

If the mistake was minor and you are friends with the person or a similar age. For example , a student accidentally smashed another student’s mug.

If the mistake was bigger and you are friends with the person. This can also be a good option for family members when you cannot see them in person. For example , someone forgot their grandma’s birthday and the card arrived late.

In person :

If the mistake was major and it is a friend or family member that you can reasonably visit. For example , someone had a big argument with their best friend and realized afterwards that they were totally out of line.

Image showing how to deliver a personal apology

I sincerely apologize that I can’t write your letter for you. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t help. You can always revisit this article if you need a refresher.

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apology essay to mom

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Millie is ProWritingAid's Content Manager. Aa an English Literature graduate, she loves all things books and writing. When she isn't working, Millie enjoys adding to her vast indoor plant collection, dancing, re-reading books by Daphne Du Maurier, and running.

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Free Apology Letters to Mom with Templates

With free samples & examples in pdf / word (doc) format.

As we grow up, we come across many people, making different bonds with them.

The Irreplaceable Person

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As bitter as it may sound, these people are very often replaceable in our lives. You might miss someone after you lose them, but then, at some point in your life, you are going to meet another person who will fill that void. However, there is this one relationship that can never be replaced. It is the relationship that you have with your mother . Ask those who have lost their mothers to the sad, inevitable truth of life; death, and they will tell you how they wish they could spend just another day with their lost beloved, and how life has never been the same again ever since the loss.

You lose friends, you make new friends, but if you lose your parents, there is no one else who can take their place, especially, your mother. No one can love you as your mother does. If you have yours around, you are the luckiest person on this planet. This is the time that you start expressing your love to her, and start caring for her.

The Irreplaceable Person

A mother-child bond is very special. It consists of many emotions including anger when you have done something wrong, her scolding you because you did something that you weren't supposed to do, unlimited bits of advice , but all of this is nothing but the gesture of pure love . There will be arguments, but that doesn't mean that there isn't love and care. There will be days when you would upset her, but that doesn't mean that she would start disliking you. She is your mother, and she will always forgive you no matter what. All that you need to do is let her know that you are guilty and sorry.

Unfortunately, not many people are expressive about their feelings, especially, towards their parents. But if you have done something to upset your mother, and now you want to apologize, not knowing how to, then you are just where you need to be! We are going to make it easy for you by helping you out with writing an apology letter to your mother, asking forgiveness, exclusively, when your mother doesn't live in the same place as you.

But before jumping into the templates of sample letters, let's take a look at how to draft a letter correctly so that it reaches the right person, in case you are planning on sending it via P.O. Box services.

The latest letter pattern that is internationally accepted and followed nowadays is given below:

Sender's Address

Contact Number

Date: ____________________

Recipient's Address

Reference Number (if available)

Salutation (Dear Mother,)

Letter Body

Subscription (Your loving daughter,)

Now, in case you are wondering about what to add in the letter body, pause your thinking, because we are here to answer all of your queries right away!

A letter body in the regarding letter shall consist of mainly three paragraphs. In paragraph 1, you should ask her about her day, tell her about yours, talk about health , etc.

In paragraph 2 , you should add a reference to the incidence that you are apologetic for. Mention why you did it. Accept your mistake.

In paragraph 3 , apologize for your actions, acknowledge that you have hurt her, promise that you will never do it again.

Additionally, if you want to add more details, you can expand the letter body. There is no hard and fast rule for that while writing informal letters .

Sample Letters of Apology to a Mother

We have put together some of the best and unique letter samples for you!

I hope that you are doing good. I miss you and think about you every day. I miss resting my head in your lap, venting about my bad day at work. If you are worried about me, I want you to know that I am doing fine.

I know that you are upset with me because of what I did last Summer. I stole the goods from the supermarket down the lane. I don't know what got over me, but when my friends insisted on me doing it, I couldn't refuse. I had to prove myself, otherwise, they would've bullied me and they would've made fun of me for getting scared.

I know how much my actions have hurt you when you got to know about it from the neighbors. I have let you down, and I am so shameful for it. Now that I think about the stealing, I realize how the bad company influenced me, and how I could've turned down the bet rather than taking it on my egoistic self.

I want to apologize to you, and I mean it when I say that I am sorry. I promise you that it will never happen again. I will always keep my integrity and moral values in check. I would never let you down again. I am very guilty, and I apologize to you with all my heart. I know that you would forgive me because you love me. I love you too, mom! I love you so much that I can't stand the fact that I upset you. I hate myself for it.

I will wait for you to write back. Please, respond to this letter as soon as you read it.

Your loving son,

Adam Jones.

I am very disturbed knowing that I have hurt you by disrespectfully talking to you when you tried to call me last Friday night while I was at work. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, things have been tight at work lately. The supervisor has become very rude and disrespectful towards us employees. I am also doing overtime to meet the company requirements that are increasing day by day. All of this has built up frustration in me, and I find myself getting angry at and frustrated by even the slightest of things.

Similarly, when you called me, I had just gotten away from an argument with my boss, and I was already very pissed off. Upon receiving your call, I couldn't handle my outburst that came at the wrong time. It wasn't meant to be for you, but I couldn't handle it. I shouldn't have talked to you that way no matter what, and I am so sorry about it!

I am very guilty, and I apologize to you with all my heart. I know that you would forgive me because you love me. I love you too, mom! I love you so much that I can't stand the fact that I upset you. I hate myself for it.

There is something that I want to talk about. I have been trying to bring it up for the past few weeks, but I have failed to gather the courage to inform you about it every time that I tried. I have been lying to you about not seeing anyone and going out on dates. I have been seeing someone for quite some time now, and we have been out on several dates. I know that you have always wanted to set me up with our niece, but I can't do it. I have no control over my feelings. I like the girl that I am currently being with.

Her name is Alyna, and she is 2 years younger than me. She is all that you would want for me as a partner. She is a very nice and kind woman with nothing but love to give. I am sure that you will love her after meeting her. But before any of that, I want you to forgive me for lying to you. You are my mother, and I shouldn't ever lie to you, but given the circumstances, I had to, not knowing how you would react to the news.

I hope that you will let me be with someone that I am happy with. I know that you will understand and support my decision. Looking forward to a positive response from you.

As your daughter, I have always looked up to you, trying to follow in your footsteps since you have always been a role model to me. You are by far one of the strongest women that I have ever seen in my life. You are my real-life hero! My world! I want you to be happy. I don't know whether you have realized it or not, but I always try my best to be a good and obedient daughter to you. But sometimes, I fail. I know that I am not perfect, and I do mistakes, silly mistakes. I even disrespect you sometimes, but I never mean to do it, it just happens, and then I spend all day regretting it.

I want to apologize to you for my behavior lately. I am trying, but I am not perfect. I just want you to know that I love you with every ounce of my being, and I would never want to upset you again in my lifetime.

Your loving daughter,

Alyna Pravesh.

Free Templates of Letters of Apology to a Mother

Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom for Stealing

  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom for Stealing in PDF
  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom for Disrespect in PDF
  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom for Lying in PDF
  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom from a Daughter in PDF
  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom for Stealing in Word
  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom for Disrespect in Word
  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom for Lying in Word
  • Free Template of Apology Letter to Mom from a Daughter in Word

By the end of this guide hope that you have acknowledged the importance of a mother in your life. With the sample templates that we have added to help you out, we hope that you will have luck making it up for your actions to your mother.

We assure you, being a mother, she will respond to your letter with the acceptance of our apology, lots of love, and prayers. Till then, share this guide with other people that might need to get help with writing an apology letter to their mother.

Thank you! Best wishes to you and your mother!

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Apology Letter to Mom for Attitude – Sample Letter of Apology for Showing a Bad Attitude to Mother

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Date: __/__/______ (Date)

______________ (Receiver’s Name) ______________ (Receiver’s Address)

My Dear Mom,

Hello mom, I hope you are doing well! I pray for your good health.

I feel sorry for hurting you by showing a bad attitude. After contemplating the situation, I realized that I was wrong and that I shouldn’t have behaved in such an immature manner. Things could have been better if I behaved properly. Thinking about whatever happened yesterday, I get goosebumps and regret the misdeed that I have done and it won’t be easy for you to accept my apologies.

I regret the action and genuinely apologize for the same. I request you to kindly forgive me and accept my sincere apologies. I love you a lot and will prove to be a better son/ daughter.

Your loving son/ daughter, __________ (your name)

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College Aftermath

Examples Of Apology Letter To Mom

There is nothing like a genuine apology. It makes the heart glad. It brings restoration to a broken relationship. The benefits connected to a genuine apology are more than one can fathom. How do you feel when you receive one? One can feel genuine satisfaction that goes down your soul on receiving a genuine heartfelt apology. The person who is asking for it is also satisfied as he/she can feel the weight of the world lift up from their troubled soul. There is no question of whether you should love your mother or not. It is not debatable. Let’s check some examples of apology letter to mom.

Examples Of Apology Letter To Mom

Children ought to show respect to their mother and taking time out to write an apology letter is one way to do it. A letter can express much more things than verbal communication can. Here, you can sit down and choose the right words. It also helps you to contemplate your actions and behaviors that caused the relationship rift with your mom. And writing a letter of apology can help you do just that.

Many times, people take for granted their family members and they hardly think of apologizing to them. One of the many regrets an individual has while growing up is not showing respect and love to their parents. Parents are the pillars of a family but most realize it later in the life of all the sacrifices parents make for their children. This article focuses on how to write an apology letter to your mother. 

While writing an apology letter one has to make sure that it is thoughtful, to the point and it is genuine. Here genuine means not to make an excuse for your mistakes but owning it up and bringing it out in the open of whatever you must have done to your mom to upset her.Mom is the first best friend one ever had. They have nurtured and sacrifice for the well-being of their children so they deserve a well-designed and well-written apology from their children. Don’t you agree? This is the opportunity you have to show her that you value her and deeply care for her. 

Sometimes a letter can be the only way to express deeply all that you are going through and all that you are longing to tell her.

While writing an apology letter to your mom or to anyone you have wronged. These things need to be highlighted. 

  • Your letter should be concise and not all over the place. 
  • It should be written in a humble tone.  
  • It should not give the message of being self-justified.
  • It should bring warmth and a feeling of love to your mother about your relationship with her while she reads your letter of apology. 
  • If writing a letter of apology can help you restore the relationship with your beloved mother, one has to make full use of it as life is short and moments may not last forever.
  • Pride will only bring more damage so kick those away and make this the best relationship you ever had with your mother before it’s too late.

Here are some examples of an apology letter to a mom from her children. These letters are written according to the different situations.  

  • It is for the time you did not pay heed to her advice. Many people fail to recognize the wisdom of a mom until it’s too late. This letter is for those times.

I want to let you know that you were right when you told me not to mingle with that particular friend of mine. I am sorry for the way I yelled at you on the phone. I realized now that you were right about her. My friend is a bad influence and I was caught in trouble last weekend because of her reckless driving. Mom, I had a minor injury and as I am laying in the hospital bed now, streams of tears are flowing down my eyes, thinking about those harsh words of insult I used at you. I regret so much about those words spoken to you. I wish I can take it back but I can’t. I know I have disappointed you big time and I can feel now, contemplating on our last conversation, how upset you must have been. Dad called me up and told me that you were deeply hurt by my harsh words. please forgive me. I will never reject your sound wisdom ever again. I value you more now mom. I will be waiting for your reply. I love you, mom.

  • It is for those times when you made your mom embarrassed. Such situations happen when you tell your mom something in front of her friends and make her seem small. Thus disappointing and embarrassing her in front of others.

Last evening, I regret the way I behaved in front of your friends. You asked me to run a small errand and I could have just said yes but I shouted at you and that too in front of others. Mum, I know I have caused a great embarrassment to you. I realized my mistake when I saw that disappointing look on your face. Mum, I apologize for my arrogance and I know you do not deserve such treatment from your dear boy. Mum, I know the sacrifices you have made for me and you go to any lengths to get my favorite food or anything I ask you. You do all that cheerfully but the way I behaved last evening was utterly selfish. This morning I have realized my mistake. Please read this letter and accept my letter of apology. Mom, I cherish you deeply in my heart and I promise I will make it up to you for this mistake. Love you so much.

  • It’s for those times you did not get good grades because you did not heed your mother’s words. And you failed the test for which you are shameful. So you are writing a letter of apology to your mom asking her to forgive you for taking your responsibility lightly.

Dear mother,

I got my result today and I regret to inform you that I did not pass the exam. Mom, you always taught me to value my time and not to waste it on foolish pursuits. I regret now for not heeding your words. This is a turning point in my life. I know now, the weight of a mother’s guidance. Mom you did not do anything to bring this so please don’t blame it on yourself. It’s me, your son, who did not take his responsibilities seriously. I apologize mom for letting your hard work go wasted because of my foolishness. As a single mom, I know you are working two jobs to let me study and this is how I repay you. Mom, I give you my word that from this day forth, I will study hard and do everything diligently. I have learned my lesson ma. I promise I will prove it to you. Once again I am sorry ma.

  • This is for those times you rebelled your mom so many times that it ended you up in a sticky situation. You are writing this letter to let her know how remorseful you are of your rebellion and desire her forgiveness one last time.

I am writing this letter after deeply analyzing my actions. This is a letter of remorse and hope for reconciliation with you. Mom, I have always been a rebellious kid growing up and you have always put up with me. For that, I am forever thankful. This time is different, I have messed up so badly that I don’t even have the guts to ask for an apology face to face. I cannot bear or have the guts to look into your sorrowful eyes because of the rebellious behavior that has landed me here. That’s why I am resorting to writing letters to ask for your forgiveness. I know now why you were constantly looking out for me. You are caring and full of wisdom but sadly, on my part, I failed to take in all that wisdom you had poured on me. Mom, Please don’t take this out on you because I know you so well, you will be thinking about what went wrong with your parenting but it has nothing to do with it. It is me who had a thick skull and couldn’t understand what you were trying to teach me. Through this incident, I have learned the hard way. I regret now thinking that things could have been much better if only I had listened to you in the first place. Mom, I assure you that I will not repeat my rebellious ways. I have changed for the better. Please give me one last chance to redeem my ways and prove to you that I can be the daughter that you envisioned and desired. I end my rebellious pursuit and I promise to be a better daughter and mend our relationship that has been severed by my actions. I am desperate for your forgiveness. Please forgive me, mom. I will meet you when you are ready to forgive me.

Your daughter

  • This is for those times, you didn’t listen to your mom and made a blunder of your life and your mom doesn’t want to see you anymore.

I know I have messed up. I cannot think of any words that would comfort your broken heart. I have broken your heart over and over again but this time I have shattered your heart. I understand that you don’t want to see me anymore. I deserve all the hate. I don’t expect that you will forgive me but I want to ask for an apology through this letter. I want to let you know that not a single day goes by without thinking of all the hurt I have caused you. My heart breaks thinking of how much pain you must have gone through because of me. Dear mom, I know I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore but I will always hope to see you one day and I will wait for your forgiveness even if I have to wait for a lifetime. I love you mom and I miss you so much.

  • This is a letter for times when you have made a mockery of your mother in front of your friends and now you are ashamed of it and so you want to let your mother know how rude it was of you to make her feel that way.

I am writing this letter to apologize for the time I made fun of you and made a mockery in front of my classmates. I told my friends that you are just a homemaker and that you don’t have any education. These words came out of my mouth and I am truly ashamed of my arrogance, prideful ways that cause you to feel hurt and mocked. What was I thinking? I could never think of living my life without you. Mom is because of you that I have a hot meal to eat every day. I have a clean house to come to and wear clean clothes every day. Today in our class, the teacher taught us about the role of a mother and I realized mom, you are my role model of a great mother. Whenever the teacher says about the role of a great mother, I think of you because you do those exact things that the teacher taught us. Mom, I am ashamed of my deeds. I want to ask for your forgiveness. I know now what a great mom I have. I am blessed to have a mom like you. Please forgive mom.

  • This is a letter of apology for not paying a  visit to your mom. There are times when everybody is caught up in their world and visiting parents becomes the last priority. It is good to send out such a letter to mend the distance and send out love over to your mom.

How are you? I hope you are fine. I have been so busy lately that I couldn’t visit you. Mom, I am so sorry. I always think about you and my thoughts of visiting cross my mind constantly but due to my work schedules, I am unable to make it. Mom, I miss you and I will try my best to see you this Christmas. I won’t miss it for anything this year. Mom, I hope you can forgive this son of yours for letting you spend Christmas alone for four years in a row. Please forgive me. I know you are a loving and gracious mother and I believe you have already forgiven me even before finishing my letter. Mom, I love you and I will see you soon.

Is it necessary to write an apology letter to mom? 

Yes, if you have wronged her in any way, it is good to do that. It is not a waste of time to show your mother the depth of your apology. You may think what good is it to write one? Well, it will strengthen the bond with your mother and this bond will make you have a fuller relationship with her. Your apology will prove to her that you value and appreciate her love. If you can ask forgiveness from your friends, why not your mom. She deserves your hundred percent love. 

Here are some pointers of why it is worth it.

  • Nothing is permanent including mothers
  • You only have one mother so make the best use of it.
  • Mother gave their sweat and tears to bring you into these words. 
  • This should seal the deal of why you need to go the extra mile to love your mother.
  • Never take anyone for granted, including your sweet mother.

In conclusion

There is nothing that can replace a mother’s love and no matter what may happen, a mother is always looking out for their children’s safety and overall well-being. The love between a mother and children is enigmatic. This love is so intense that there has been poetry made, movies produced and many other things are done to portray the love between a mother and their children. No matter how much you may contend with her, mom is the best to forgive and love you unconditionally. This is the power of a mother’s love. Mother is one of the pillars of a family and their children are her prized possession. When children humble down and look for ways to serve their mothers, a mother’s heart is blessed. She has smiles on her face and good health as a result of the respect shown to her by her children. No mother would love to be mistreated by the children of their womb. One must make sure to give respect to whom it is due. And mothers do deserve it big time.

Apology Letter to Parents with Sample & Examples

Apology Letter to Parents: Parents are the ones’ who love and care for us the most. They know you better than anyone in this world. Be it a positive aspect of your personality or a negative one, there is nothing that is hidden from them. From the day, you are born they are the ones’ who are with you and make you feel special and important. They give you birth, raise you, nurture you and make you the person you are in your life. However, many times in life, there come situations when you hurt them intentionally or unintentionally. You also feel bad and hurt when you make them upset or say something that you should not have said in the first place.

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apology essay to mom

These are the times when you need to apologize to them and acknowledge the fact that you were wrong and you made a mistake. However, gathering the courage to apologize when you are wrong is not something that everyone can do easily. So, writing a letter  to parents for an apology is the best way to say that you are sorry for what you have done and regretting the mistake that you have made. 

So, let’s have a look at various samples of apology that can be sent to your parents:

Apology Letter for Stealing to Parents

From, Remedios Hester 487-5787 Mollis St. City of Industry Louisiana 67973 (614) 514-1269

To, Eleanor Jennings 9631 Semper Ave Astoria NJ 66309 (906) 217-1470

Subject: (*******************)

I know that you would never want me to go wrong in life and that’s how you both have raised me. However, recently, you came to know about 1 bad habit in me which is stealing. I know that this is something that you have never taught me and would never want your kid to have this habit in you. I know that it feels bad that your own kid has stolen from you that too when you have been the most loving parents in this world. I cannot say how bad I am feeling and regret the action that has made me steal from my own parents. Since the day you have come to know about it, I have been in a lot of stress and not been able to look straight in your eyes and meet you face-to-face. You have always provided me with everything and have done your best to give me everything that I could ever ask. But, even after all your support, love and care, I still went ahead and stole your ------------------------ (mention the thing/money you have stolen). So, I would like to apologize for this deed that I have done to you and it has made me feel bad and regret the action that I have taken. I would like to apologize to you for the misdeed and for the mistake that I have made in life. I will never repeat this again in life and will be completely honest with you throughout life. 

I hope you will forgive me this time and will give me this one last chance. 

Yours lovingly, (Your Signature) Eleanor Jennings

Apology Letter to Girlfriends’ Parents

From, Ezra Duffy Ap #782-7348 Dis Rd. Austin KY 50710 (203) 982-6130

To, Haviva Holcomb P.O. Box 642 3450 In Road Isle of Palms New York 03828 (896) 303-1164

Subject: (____________)

Respected Haviva Holcomb,

I Ezra Duffy resident of ------------------------ (mention place) studying/working at ------------------------------- would like to apologize to you for ----------------------------- (mention the reason). I would like to apologize to you, if in any way your feelings have been hurt and if ----------------- (name of the daughter) and I have disappointed you. We never meant that to happen and would never ever want to do that in the future. I would humbly request you to forgive me and ------------------ for ------------------------- (mention the reason in detail). You would always be the highest and foremost regarded in our lives. 

Yours sincerely, (Your Signature) Ezra Duffy

Apology Letter to Parents for Behavior

From, McKenzie Hernandez Ap #367-674 Mi Street Greensboro VT 40684 (168) 222-1592

To, Dale Griffin P.O. Box 854 8580 In Ave Revere South Dakota 43841 (639) 360-7590

Dear Mom and Dad, 

I ----------------- (mention your name) being your pampered child has been loved by both of you. Since, childhood, you both have your world to me. I can only remember all the happy moments we all had spent together. Not only you are my parents, but also you are my friend, teacher and everything. So, I just wanted to say that I would never do anything that could hurt you in any way. I would never try to hurt you intentionally .

But, I know that my recent behavior has upset you. But I just wanted to let you know that happened because ----------------------- (mention the reason in detail). I was ----------------------- (mention why that happened). I would request you both to just forgive me this time and I promise you both that I will never repeat this again in life. I love you both from the bottom of my heart and you are the best parents in the world. 

Yours dearly, (Your Signature) McKenzie Hernandez

Apology Letter to Parents for Disrespect

From, Priyam Bati B #367-674 CT Street Greensboro VT 40684 (168) 00090-1592

To, PINK Griffin P.O. Box 84 8580 In Ave Revere South Dakota - USA 43841 (639) 360-7590

I love you, mom and dad. 

I am writing this letter to you because I was unable to express my feelings to you face-to-face. You have been through a lot in life and have spent a lot of your years focusing on growth and giving a good upbringing and future to me. I know that I have not been able to make you proud of myself and I have disappointed you with my disrespectful behavior a lot of times. But, I have realized my mistake and know that this is not good and you do not expect this from me. So, I promise you that I will not repeat this kind of behavior again and will do everything that you expect out of me and that will make you proud of me. I hope you will forgive me this time and will give me this one last chance of changing myself. I love you both and can’t live without you. Please forgive me for everything. 

Yours lovingly, (Your Signature) McKenzie Hernandez

Apology Letter to Parents from Teacher

From, Cara Whitehead 4005 Praesent St. Torrance Wyoming 22767 (725) 757-4047

To, Sonya Ray Ap #315-8441 Eleifend Street Fairbanks RI 96892 (275) 730-6868

Respected Sir,

Hi! Hope you all are doing well. 

I Cara Whitehead teacher of -------------------- (mention student name) working at ------------- (mention school name) and is the teacher of -------------- (mention the subject) would like to apologize to you for ------------------ (mention the reason). --------------------- has been my student since ------------------ and has --------------------------- (mention what has bothered you). Though it was not intentional and I hope thing like this will not happen in future again. I would request you both to consider my written apology and understand that it was just out of the situation and not intentional. 

Yours truly, (Your Signature) Cara Whitehead

Apology Letter to Parents from School

From, Name of the teacher/admin School name Address Contact details 


Name of the parents Address Contact details 

Subject: ---------------

Dear ----------------------, I -------------------- (mention your name) working as ------------------ (mention the designation0 with ------------ (mention the name of the school) at the branch --------------- (mention the location) would like to apologize to you for ----------------- (mention the reason). 

The incident happened on --------------- (mention the date) with -------------- (mention who else is included) and would like to apologize to you for the loss ------------- (mention the reason). 

So, we would like to apologize to you for ------------------ (mention reason) and hope that you would consider this letter as a written apology and will forgive us. 

Yours sincerely, 

Apology Letter Template to Parents in PDF and Word Format

Apology Letter to Parents

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Sorry Letter to Mom

Everyone of us seem to owe an apology to our mom at some point of our lives. A sorry letter to mom is the perfect way to express your apology, as words can reflect a higher sense of in-depth feelings as compared to any other way of communication.

Sorry Letter to Mom

The relationship that we share with mom is as pure, strong and meaningful as the relationship we share with God. She is the one who understood us when no one else did. She was the one who spent sleepless nights to make us feel comforted when we cried. She was the one who gave priority to nothing else when it came to us, and trust me, she is the only person who will be the happiest in this world when you grow successful and happy in your life, even if you end up staying away from her!

For all that our mom has done for us, do we honestly think that we have treated her the way she deserves? Well, a sorry letter can just be the beginning…

Many a time, knowingly or unknowingly, we tend to say or do things that hurts mom to a great extent. Although she doesn’t show it, or react the way she should, but then, the one who taught us to respect others, has been disrespected by us many times.

Writing a letter expressing your sorry to her becomes a must when you realize how you have hurt her emotions while you were busy fulfilling the desires of others and/or your own. If you want to show your mom how much you love her and how much she means to you, write down an apology letter to your dearest mother and speak your heart out.

Sample of a Sorry Letter to Your Mom

At times, no matter how hard you try, sorry seems to be the hardest word to utter…, perhaps, it’s just the shame that stops us from saying sorry to the one who always wished the best for us, but we never understood. Below is a sample which will give you an idea of how to write a apology letter to your mom.

October 21, 2010

It’s really hard for me to express how deeply sorry I am to have hurt you in the past. Words cannot describe how making you feel disrespected and alone has made me feel?miserable and guilty. I wasn’t in my senses then, but that is no excuse! As a child, you always taught me to respect others, even if they were rude to me. How could I hurt you of all people? You, who never gave up on me, you who always saved me from dad when I messed up. You, who always made me realize how special I am when the world forced me to believe that I was worthless; you, who never left me alone when I was upset or afraid.

I remember the times, when no matter how tired you were, you always sat next to me to know how my day at school went, or maybe read out my favorite story. And now I feel horribly guilty of not spending much time with you, blaming my busy schedule as an excuse! Now when I have grown up, I realize the fact that no matter how hard you tried to comfort me in my pain, I pushed you away thinking that you would never understand! But I was so wrong mom. You knew beforehand that things were not right with me, you understood me before I could understand myself, that the path I took, did not have a happy end. I was too busy, and too much engrossed in my own world, that I forgot that my world is nothing without you! I realize that now, and I am terribly sorry for hurting you, for saying words that should have never even crossed my thoughts, for taking your love, your care and your concern for granted.

I am really sorry, dear mom! And what makes me feel more guilty is the unconditional love that you have for me, in spite of behaving in such a disrespectful way, your arms are always open to hug me and make me feel safe, secure and loved. Your smile still tells me that no matter what, you are always happy to see me, your eyes are enough to show the love that you have for me, and I feel I am the worst daughter, for bringing tears to those eyes. I love you mom, and I realize that I am nothing without you. Your love and your blessings are the most important to me in this world. I promise it will never happen again and I will be the daughter you deserve to have.

I really hope that you will forgive me…

I love you mom, Mary

So, this was an example of how you can express your apology in writing. I hope this letter helped you, or even encouraged you to start framing your thoughts and feelings into words. Always remember, no matter how much you hurt your mom, her heart will always be full of love and compassion for you. She did so many things to help us grow into the person we are today. Just a simple sorry letter is no match when compared, but definitely a step towards making your mom feel loved and cared for. Keep her happy, there is no happiness greater than that. 🙂

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Writing an Apology Letter: 15 Sample Letters & Examples for Various Reasons

Writing an apology letter: 15 sample letters and examples for various reasons.

Writing an Apology Letter: 15 Sample Letters & Examples for Various Reasons

When one has wronged someone, a heartfelt apology letter is an effective way to display genuine regret and attempt reconciliation. In this post, we will provide tips for writing various types of apologies to express sincere remorse and seek forgiveness from the person you have hurt through words or actions.

Key Takeaways

  • The art of apologizing involves recognizing mistakes, offering sincere apologies, and providing emotional recovery. 
  •  Crafting a heartfelt apology letter requires clear language to express regret, acceptance of responsibility, and empathy for the recipient’s experience. 
  •  Apology letters should take into account cultural norms, demonstrate sincerity, and adhere to etiquette guidelines to be effective.


Apology letters are an essential tool for mending broken relationships and restoring bonds. Knowing how to write sincere apology letters is of utmost importance when it comes to customers, so below we outline the key steps you need: Begin by offering a heartfelt apology, acknowledge any mistakes made on your part, explain what led up to the issue without assigning blame or making excuses. 

 State clearly what will be done in order to resolve their situation swiftly, avoiding standard apologies, instead taking personal responsibility for all errors. Writing convincing apology letters can make a big difference in terms of putting things right again with friends or clients alike.

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When writing an apology letter, it is essential to make sure that you take full responsibility and express your regret with concise honesty. Show empathy towards the recipient’s experience, which can help them feel heard and understood. Apologize without any conditions or defending yourself – simply accept what happened and explain how your actions have had a negative impact on your life. 

 Include suggestions of improvements for the future so they know proactive measures are being taken to prevent similar issues from arising again. To ensure authenticity when penning apology letters, here are some tips: be mindful of people’s feelings, say sorry without qualification, and show commitment to making amends by offering ideas. Read aloud before sending (adjusting if necessary), which can help give more insight into whether its words come across as sincere or not.


Personal apologies can be a powerful tool in mending relationships and expressing sincere regret . Here are five examples of personal apology letters for various situations, demonstrating how to communicate remorse and a commitment to change effectively. 

  Dear [Friend's Name], 

 I am truly sorry for my actions last night. I let my emotions get the best of me, and I said things I didn't mean. I hope you can forgive me. 

 Dear [Friend's Name], 

 I apologize for not being there for you when you needed me. I realize now how much you rely on my support, and I promise to be there for you in the future. 

 My dearest friend. I am deeply sorry for forgetting your birthday party. I know how important it was to you and I failed to make you feel special on your day. I promise to make it up to you. 

 I apologize for my insensitive comment. I didn't realize how it could hurt you, and I regret my thoughtlessness. I promise to be more mindful of my words in the future. 

 I am sorry for breaking your trust. I understand if you are upset with me, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to rebuild our friendship. I will do better.

Restaurant employee writing


Professional apologies are great for expressing sincere regret. Here are five examples of professional apology letters for various situations, demonstrating how to communicate remorse and a commitment to change effectively. 

 Dear [Recipient's Name], 

 I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the delay in our shipment. We understand the impact this might have had on your operations and are working diligently to rectify the situation. 

 I'd like to apologize for the error in our recent invoice personally. We value your business and understand the confusion this may have caused. We are correcting the error immediately. 

 I regret to inform you that there was an oversight in our product quality control. We take full responsibility and are taking steps to ensure this will not happen again. 

 Please accept our sincere apologies for the misunderstanding during our last communication. We value your perspective and are committed to improving our contact in the future. 

 I am sorry for the delay in responding to your email. We understand the urgency of your request and are working to provide you with a response as soon as possible.

A group of sad, dejected office workers.


When offering an apology to a group or several people, it is essential to consider the collective emotions and worries of everyone involved and each recipient’s individual feelings. Thus, you should deeply regret your actions and include this in your letter when apologizing: conveying remorse, recognizing any mistakes made, and committing yourself to changing behavior patterns going forward. 

 Dear [Group's Name], 

 I deeply regret the misunderstanding during our meeting. My comments were not intended to offend, and I sincerely apologize if they did. I value our relationship and will strive for better communication in the future. 

 To All Our Valued Customers, 

 We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the recent service disruption. We understand the impact of this on your operations and are taking immediate steps to rectify the situation.  

 Dear Team Members, 

 To my multiple friends. I regret my actions at the last team meeting. I understand that my behavior was unprofessional, and I sincerely apologize. I am committed to creating a positive and respectful work environment for all. These are my own words, and I honor them. 

 To Our Esteemed Community Members, 

 We are genuinely sorry for the oversight in our recent community event. We understand that our actions may have caused disappointment, and we are taking steps to ensure this will not happen again. 

 I apologize sincerely for the comments I made in our last group discussion. They were insensitive and inappropriate, and I deeply regret any hurt they may have caused. I am committed to being more mindful of my words in the future.

Woman putting her hand on friend's shoulder to offer support.


In apology letters, expressing empathy is essential for conveying sincere regret to the recipient. It allows the writer of such a letter to show that they are aware and acknowledge their counterpart’s emotions. 

 Examples of statements that demonstrate this include “I completely comprehend your feelings,” “The difficulty you must be experiencing saddens me,” or simply saying, “My apologies for causing hurt.” Expressing sympathy through an apology note can help reestablish trust between both parties and build on existing relationships, hence why it should not be overlooked in these types of communications.


Simply Noted is a platform that facilitates the production of personalized and professional apology letters with little effort. All you have to do is provide pertinent data; then, an expressive and apologetic letter will be created in moments – helping businesses save time while still giving them a heartfelt way to apologize. 

 This tool enables organizations to ensure their expressions of regret are consistently personal and sympathetic – creating stronger connections between themselves, customers, or colleagues without sacrificing sincerity for convenience. Automation does not need to equate coldness; through Simply Noted, one can demonstrate genuine remorse and prove dedication towards rectifying matters correctly.


When it comes to accepting responsibility and being mindful of cultural aspects in writing apology letters, displaying sensitivity towards the specific values and beliefs that are meaningful for the addressee is essential. Investigating appropriate customs or expressions that demonstrate regret according to their culture will help make your amends more sincere. 

 For instance, when writing an expression of contrition aimed at a foreign business partner, researching methods typically utilized by them would be advantageous to include pertinent phrases or symbols that unequivocally portray genuine understanding on your part. Customizing this letter with respect to the recipient’s traditional background offers additional proof of empathy from you as well as a commitment to rectifying any wrongdoings committed previously.

A woman comforting another woman.


It is essential to be aware of the proper ways and wrong methods when apologizing so that your regret can show and make sure people accept it. These are some essential points for a successful apology: recognizing an error, taking full responsibility, being truthful with words showing true repentance about what has happened, and delivering the expression in person if possible, which will increase its value by having actual communication rather than written ones. 

 Some mistakes must be avoided while apologizing, such as devaluing or ignoring any issue regarding this matter, giving excuses instead of holding oneself accountable, not meaningfully expressing hurt caused to other parties involved, or committing something impossible without fulfilling it afterward. 

 By considering these courtesies, one can carry out a useful appropriate atonement from which relationships could heal again once trust is mended between two individuals thanks to practical terms used during the apologetic process entirely genuine.


When sending an apology letter, it’s essential to follow up to keep communication flowing and ensure the recipient is content with your apology. Give a few days before pursuing contact. This allows them time for personal reflection on the matter at hand. 

 Check in once or twice weekly during these first weeks after, then decrease frequency but stay conscious of their response to ensure satisfactory closure was achieved from your regretful message. If they don’t reply or accept remorsefully, maintain patient poise while respecting the feelings expressed, let them take whatever amount of time needed, and be accepted even if there has been no forgiveness.


The feeling can be daunting when you send out an apology letter and get no response or it is rejected. It’s essential to understand that the receiver may need time to think about your words of remorse before deciding if they are ready for forgiveness. So, remain respectful of their reactions and patience while waiting for a response. 

 Reflecting upon what has occurred and going over the to write an apology letter that provides greater insight into how best to handle similar situations in future instances. Take this opportunity to gain personal growth from where mistakes were made so proper apologizing skills can continue developing throughout life’s journey.

A woman being comforted.

Writing a sincere and meaningful apology letter is an excellent approach to repairing damaged relationships, showing remorse for mistakes, and taking accountability for your behavior. A successful best apology letter requires one to be genuine in their regret and have empathy while constructing the words of amends within the letter. Ensuring these components are expressed correctly can help restore trust between parties, whether with friends or colleagues alike.

Frequently asked questions

How do you write a good apology letter.

When writing a good apology letter, it is vital to recognize one’s mistake and express genuine regret for the situation through sincerity. An effective way of showing this remorse is by asking for forgiveness and clearly articulating your plan to fix the problem. Keep these points brief while ensuring that all relevant information about how you will solve things remains in the text.

What is a good apology example?

I profoundly apologize for the words I uttered that caused you so much emotional distress. It is with genuine regret that I recognize now how deeply my careless actions impacted your feelings and humbly ask your pardon for such inconsiderate behavior, which led to this situation.

What is a sincere apology letter?

Apology letters should be composed with genuine regret and humility. They need to reflect on the individual situation while apologizing without any exemptions or excuses given. Responsibility has to be owned up, and repentance for the results of such a mistake is also expressed in it. 

 An effective apology letter also needs to state why this error was committed so that reparation can be made afterward - these words have got to come from deep within. They must genuinely mean what is being said to them, not just serve as empty phrases void of actual remorsefulness. 

 The right keywords Are sincere apologies backed by promises of restoring things where appropriate: responsibility accepted plus regrets over specific outcomes, all stated clearly throughout each correspondence written.

How should I follow up after sending an apology letter?

Allow a few days to pass before getting back in touch, and then stay connected throughout the process. Check regularly to ensure that the written apology is accepted well by the person receiving it. Maintain communication all along to avoid missing any steps of this critical apology journey.

How can I address cultural differences in an apology letter?

To demonstrate sincere understanding, respect the culture of the person receiving your apology by including phrases and gestures that pertain to them. Show gratitude for any customs related to making amends professionally and connecting with your reader. Offer an appropriate expression of regret while expressing admiration for their background or traditions when delivering such an apology.

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How to Say Sorry to Your Mother After a Great Mistake

Last Updated: July 4, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Steven Hesky, PhD . Dr. Steven Hesky is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with over 37 years of experience. He specializes in long-term psychotherapy with adults and adolescents. His training includes Freudian, Jungian, and Existential approaches to psychotherapy, hypnosis, family therapy, marriage counseling, and biofeedback. Dr. Hesky holds a BA in Philosophy from Lake Forest College and an MA and PhD in Existential Clinical Psychology from Duquesne University. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 527,428 times.

Apologies can be difficult. You may not want to apologize out of pride or fear. Your relationship with your mother is important. Apologies are worth the stress they entail. Before you apologize, think things through. Plan what you want to say. Then, sincerely apologize to your mom. Give her time, however. It may take your mom a while to accept your apology.

Sample Apology Texts and Letter to Mother

apology essay to mom

Assembling Your Apology

Step 1 Let go of blame.

  • You may feel the mistake was not 100% your doing. This is probably true. There are few situations in life where the blame completely falls on a single individual. External factors can easily influence a decision and can contribute to a mistake.
  • An apology, however, is not about who or what is to blame. An apology is about taking responsibility, however small, for your actions. Even if your mistake was mostly caused by other people or a situation, it hurt your mother.
  • For example, you were talked into blowing off your mom's birthday party by your brother. While it was your brother's idea, you still blew off the party. You need to take responsibility for that.

Step 2 Think about writing a letter.

  • If you're very nervous or embarrassed, a letter may make more sense. For an apology to be effective, it should be thorough and sincere. If you worry about expressing your feelings fully in person, writing a letter is probably a good option.
  • This also may be a good option if your mom tends to be somewhat difficult to talk to. If you're worried your mom will get angry, and prevent you from talking, send her a thoughtfully written letter. For example, if your mom is still very mad about you blowing off her party, a face-to-face apology could easily turn into an argument. A letter is probably a better route. You want to make sure your words are understood.

Step 3 Strive to be sincere.

  • Think about why what you did was wrong. Consider your role in the mistake, and how it hurt others. Make sure you're ready to admit this. Rehearse what you want to say, watching to make sure you accept your part in the wrongdoing.
  • For example, don't say, "I'm sorry my friend Sarah convinced me to take your car without asking." Instead, say, "I'm sorry for taking your car without asking." You want to make sure your mom sees you sincerely and understands you acted poorly.
  • Do not attempt to apologize until you know you mean your words. You may have to spend some time reflecting, and rehearse your apology several times. Try to empathize with your mother. Consider how you would feel in her position.

Step 4 Figure out concrete ways to make up for your mistake.

  • Expressing remorse will feel empty if you don't let your mom know how you're willing to change. Think about what you did, and write down a few ways you can make sure it does not happen again in the future.
  • For example, you took your mom's car with your friend. Think about the circumstances that led to this. Maybe this friend tends to get you into trouble a lot. Maybe you were consuming alcohol at the time, lowering your inhibitions. You could say something like, "I will try to spend less time with Sarah, especially when I'm drinking. I don't like the person I am when I drink, and I know I shouldn't let her drag me into these things."

Offering a Sincere Apology

Step 1 Begin with a sincere expression of remorse.

  • Remember to strive for sincerity. If you don't genuinely feel sorry, your mom can pick up on this. Make sure to go into the situation with your mom's feelings in mind. Ask yourself how she would feel in the same situation.
  • If you're writing a letter, the same rule applies. You can open the letter with something like, "Dear Mom, I'm sincerely sorry for the way my actions hurt you."

Step 2 Express regret.

  • Always take full responsibility for your actions. While you can certainly explain the circumstances surrounding your actions, do not do so in a way that denies your wrongdoing.
  • For example, say something like, "I was drinking the night we took your car, and Sarah can be very pushy with me. However, there's no excuse for what we did. Even though I was not myself that night, I should have known that behavior was unacceptable."

Step 3 Acknowledge your mother's feelings.

  • Spend a few sentences imagining what your mom may have felt. Express remorse for your part in making her feel this way.
  • For example, "You must have been incredibly worried not knowing where the car was. When you found out I had it, I imagine you felt betrayed and disappointed. I'm sure the whole night was unbelievably stressful for you. I truly regret putting you in that position. I hate that my behavior affected you in this way."

Step 4 Do not assign blame.

  • When explaining yourself, be brief and avoid any explanations that can sound like excuses.
  • For example, "I'm sorry Sarah convinced me to take the car." While your friend may have pushed you into your mistake, you still made it. A more effective apology would be something like, "I'm sorry I did not stand up to Sarah and took the car without asking."

Step 5 Ask for forgiveness.

  • Understand forgiveness takes time, especially when a big mistake is involved. Try to acknowledge this when asking for forgiveness. For example, you can add something like, "I understand it may be a while before you can let go of this hurt. Take as much time as you need."

Avoiding Common Mistakes When Apologizing

Step 1 Give your mom time and space, if necessary.

  • If you're apologizing, understand the words "I'm sorry" will not be enough. If you made a mistake that seriously betrayed your mother's trust, the apology is only the beginning of a healing process.
  • In the weeks that come, avoid using your apology to deny your mother's feelings. She may still be hurt for a while, and if she expresses as much, accept this and be patient. Avoid saying things like, "Well, I apologized a week ago. What more do you want?"

Step 2 Do not use non-apology language.

  • One of the biggest mistakes is saying something like, "I'm sorry, but..." If you feel inclined to add a "but," refrain from doing so. Simply skip to apologizing for your actions.
  • Also, remember you're apologizing for your actions. You are not apologizing for the circumstances or for your mother's feelings. Do not say, "I'm sorry what I did upset you." Say, "I'm sorry for what I did." Do not say, "I'm sorry the situation got out of control." Instead, say, "I'm sorry for my part in the situation."

Step 3 Give your mom space before apologizing, if necessary.

  • If your mom seems very angry, you may not want to apologize right away. If your mom is hurt and upset, she will not be as willing to listen to your side.
  • Don't give it more than a few days, however. Waiting weeks to apologize can make you come off as cold. It may look like you did not feel an apology was necessary. Do not wait more than a few days before attempting an apology.

Step 4 Back up your apology with actions.

  • Think about the potential causes of your actions. How can you go about preventing these actions from occurring in the future? Think of several ways you can change, and follow through on these actions.
  • For example, you borrowed your mom's car without asking while hanging out with a troublesome friend and drinking. You can stop drinking and limit your contact with this friend. You can also be more upfront with your mom about where you're going and who you're with. Strive to be more respectful of her rules.

Expert Q&A

Steven Hesky, PhD

Tips from our Readers

  • Tell her you love her and that she means the world to you. Express that you're truly and honestly sorry, and don't go overboard or fake it. Chances are she'll understand and accept your apology!
  • If she still seems upset with you, consider taking on some extra chores. This takes a few things off her plate and shows her that you care.
  • Try writing her a letter. This is a great option if you the two of you tend to get into verbal arguments when you try to talk things out.
  • If she starts to scold you, don't lose your temper, and resist the urge to argue or talk back.
  • Remember, it may take a while for an apology to be accepted. If you made a serious mistake, you can't expect your mom to forgive you right away. Thanks Helpful 9 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ Steven Hesky, PhD. Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Expert Interview. 2 September 2021.
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About This Article

Steven Hesky, PhD

If you've made a great mistake and want to say sorry to your mother, try to do it in person, or write it down in a letter if you are scared. Begin with a sincere apology, like, "I'm incredibly sorry for what I did and how it hurt you." You should also express regret, so your mom knows you're taking responsibility for your actions. For example, admit your mistake and add something like, "There's no excuse for what I did. I should have known my behavior was unacceptable." From here, be sure to acknowledge your mother's feelings, especially if what you did upset her. Then, ask for forgiveness by including something like, "I hope you will forgive me, but I understand it may be a while before you can let go of this hurt." For more advice, like how to avoid common mistakes when apologizing, read on. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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An apology letter to my mom, i'm sorry, mom..

An Apology Letter To My Mom

Over the past few years I’ve come to the realization that the time I spend with family members has become so minimal – in some cases even nonexistent. Nowadays I'm busy hanging out with my friends, studying, working, or just chilling in my room watching Netflix. Being in college and so distant from home, I seem to have forgotten about the people who have gotten me to where I am today. I’ve especially forgotten about the one person who has shaped me into the person I’ve become — you.

Throughout my teenage years, I know I was a handful. I made your life more stressful than it should have been. But I want you to know that all of the backtalk and all of the sass was a mistake. I should have never treated you how I did, and I want to apologize for all of the hurt I’ve caused and all of the pain I’ve put you through because you sure as hell didn’t deserve any of it.

I am sorry for all the times I was stubborn and impossible when I thought I was right. I should have listened to you when you told me that I shouldn’t do something because in the end you were always right and I was always wrong -- usually.

I am sorry for all the times I got annoyed when you made me check in when I was out with friends. I should have been grateful and realized that you care so much about me — enough to want to make sure that I am safe at all times.

I am sorry for the times I chose to hang out with my friends and to participate in other non-important activities over you. I should have realized that you are the only one who will be by my side until the day I die and you should always come before everyone and everything else.

I am sorry for all the times I didn’t do what you told me to do right when you told me to do it. I should have immediately done everything you ask me to do because now I know that when you said “now” you said it for a reason.

I am sorry for the times that I let you down. You are my number one supporter and you put all of your faith in me. I should have tried harder because I know that you just want what’s best for me.

I am sorry for all of the times I fought with you. I should have just shut my mouth. I never meant to start a fight with you when you told me I couldn’t go out because you wanted to spend some quality time together.

I am sorry for all the times I uttered those dreaded three words — “I hate you.” I never even meant it. I was just mad at you for being right.

Most importantly, I am sorry that I have not said "thank you" and "I love you" enough. I should have told you how much you truly mean to me because you deserve to know that you will always have someone who loves you endlessly. I want to give you the world and show you it all, and one day I hope I can be half as good of a mom as you are. Thank you for inspiring me to be the woman I am today. I love you.

With infinite love,

Your apologetic daughter

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14 invisible activities: unleash your inner ghost, obviously the best superpower..

The best superpower ever? Being invisible of course. Imagine just being able to go from seen to unseen on a dime. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to be invisible? Superman and Batman have nothing on being invisible with their superhero abilities. Here are some things that you could do while being invisible, because being invisible can benefit your social life too.

1. "Haunt" your friends.

Follow them into their house and cause a ruckus.

2. Sneak into movie theaters.

Going to the cinema alone is good for your mental health , says science

Considering that the monthly cost of subscribing to a media-streaming service like Netflix is oft...

Free movies...what else to I have to say?

3. Sneak into the pantry and grab a snack without judgment.

Late night snacks all you want? Duh.

4. Reenact "Hollow Man" and play Kevin Bacon.

America's favorite son? And feel what it's like to be in a MTV Movie Award nominated film? Sign me up.

5. Wear a mask and pretend to be a floating head.

Just another way to spook your friends in case you wanted to.

6. Hold objects so they'll "float."

"Oh no! A floating jar of peanut butter."

7. Win every game of hide-and-seek.

Just stand out in the open and you'll win.

8. Eat some food as people will watch it disappear.

Even everyday activities can be funny.

9. Go around pantsing your friends.

Even pranks can be done; not everything can be good.

10. Not have perfect attendance.

You'll say here, but they won't see you...

11. Avoid anyone you don't want to see.

Whether it's an ex or someone you hate, just use your invisibility to slip out of the situation.

12. Avoid responsibilities.

Chores? Invisible. People asking about social life? Invisible. Family being rude? Boom, invisible.

13. Be an expert on ding-dong-ditch.

Never get caught and have the adrenaline rush? I'm down.

14. Brag about being invisible.

Be the envy of the town.

But don't, I repeat, don't go in a locker room. Don't be a pervert with your power. No one likes a Peeping Tom.

Good luck, folks.

19 Lessons I'll Never Forget from Growing Up In a Small Town

There have been many lessons learned..

Small towns certainly have their pros and cons. Many people who grow up in small towns find themselves counting the days until they get to escape their roots and plant new ones in bigger, "better" places. And that's fine. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought those same thoughts before too. We all have, but they say it's important to remember where you came from. When I think about where I come from, I can't help having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my roots. Being from a small town has taught me so many important lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

1. The importance of traditions.

Sometimes traditions seem like a silly thing, but the fact of it is that it's part of who you are. You grew up this way and, more than likely, so did your parents. It is something that is part of your family history and that is more important than anything.

2. How to be thankful for family and friends.

No matter how many times they get on your nerves or make you mad, they are the ones who will always be there and you should never take that for granted.

3. How to give back.

When tragedy strikes in a small town, everyone feels obligated to help out because, whether directly or indirectly, it affects you too. It is easy in a bigger city to be able to disconnect from certain problems. But in a small town those problems affect everyone.

4. What the word "community" really means.

Along the same lines as #3, everyone is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand when you need one in a small town and to me that is the true meaning of community. It's working together to build a better atmosphere, being there to raise each other up, build each other up, and pick each other up when someone is in need. A small town community is full of endless support whether it be after a tragedy or at a hometown sports game. Everyone shows up to show their support.

5. That it isn't about the destination, but the journey.

People say this to others all the time, but it takes on a whole new meaning in a small town. It is true that life is about the journey, but when you're from a small town, you know it's about the journey because the journey probably takes longer than you spend at the destination. Everything is so far away that it is totally normal to spend a couple hours in the car on your way to some form of entertainment. And most of the time, you're gonna have as many, if not more, memories and laughs on the journey than at the destination.

6. The consequences of making bad choices.

Word travels fast in a small town, so don't think you're gonna get away with anything. In fact, your parents probably know what you did before you even have a chance to get home and tell them. And forget about being scared of what your teacher, principle, or other authority figure is going to do, you're more afraid of what your parents are gonna do when you get home.

7. To trust people, until you have a reason not to.

Everyone deserves a chance. Most people don't have ill-intentions and you can't live your life guarding against every one else just because a few people in your life have betrayed your trust.

8. To be welcoming and accepting of everyone.

While small towns are not always extremely diverse, they do contain people with a lot of different stories, struggle, and backgrounds. In a small town, it is pretty hard to exclude anyone because of who they are or what they come from because there aren't many people to choose from. A small town teaches you that just because someone isn't the same as you, doesn't mean you can't be great friends.

9. How to be my own, individual person.

In a small town, you learn that it's okay to be who you are and do your own thing. You learn that confidence isn't how beautiful you are or how much money you have, it's who you are on the inside.

10. How to work for what I want.

Nothing comes easy in life. They always say "gardens don't grow overnight" and if you're from a small town you know this both figuratively and literally. You certainly know gardens don't grow overnight because you've worked in a garden or two. But you also know that to get to the place you want to be in life it takes work and effort. It doesn't just happen because you want it to.

11. How to be great at giving directions.

If you're from a small town, you know that you will probably only meet a handful of people in your life who ACTUALLY know where your town is. And forget about the people who accidentally enter into your town because of google maps. You've gotten really good at giving them directions right back to the interstate.

12. How to be humble.

My small town has definitely taught me how to be humble. It isn't always about you, and anyone who grows up in a small town knows that. Everyone gets their moment in the spotlight, and since there's so few of us, we're probably best friends with everyone so we are as excited when they get their moment of fame as we are when we get ours.

13. To be well-rounded.

Going to a small town high school definitely made me well-rounded. There isn't enough kids in the school to fill up all the clubs and sports teams individually so be ready to be a part of them all.

14. How to be great at conflict resolution.

In a small town, good luck holding a grudge. In a bigger city you can just avoid a person you don't like or who you've had problems with. But not in a small town. You better resolve the issue fast because you're bound to see them at least 5 times a week.

15. The beauty of getting outside and exploring.

One of my favorite things about growing up in a rural area was being able to go outside and go exploring and not have to worry about being in danger. There is nothing more exciting then finding a new place somewhere in town or in the woods and just spending time there enjoying the natural beauty around you.

16. To be prepared for anything.

You never know what may happen. If you get a flat tire, you better know how to change it yourself because you never know if you will be able to get ahold of someone else to come fix it. Mechanics might be too busy , or more than likely you won't even have enough cell service to call one.

17. That you don't always have to do it alone.

It's okay to ask for help. One thing I realized when I moved away from my town for college, was how much my town has taught me that I could ask for help is I needed it. I got into a couple situations outside of my town where I couldn't find anyone to help me and found myself thinking, if I was in my town there would be tons of people ready to help me. And even though I couldn't find anyone to help, you better believe I wasn't afraid to ask.

18. How to be creative.

When you're at least an hour away from normal forms of entertainment such as movie theaters and malls, you learn to get real creative in entertaining yourself. Whether it be a night looking at the stars in the bed of a pickup truck or having a movie marathon in a blanket fort at home, you know how to make your own good time.

19. To brush off gossip.

It's all about knowing the person you are and not letting others influence your opinion of yourself. In small towns, there is plenty of gossip. But as long as you know who you really are, it will always blow over.

Grateful Beyond Words: A Letter to My Inspiration

I have never been so thankful to know you..

I can't say "thank you" enough to express how grateful I am for you coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you and I know that you will keep inspiring me to become an even better version of myself.

You have taught me that you don't always have to strong. You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. When life had you at your worst moments, you allowed your friends to be there for you and to help you. You let them in and they helped pick you up. Even in your darkest hour you showed so much strength. I know that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should but you are unbelievably strong and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into your endeavors and surpass any personal goal you could have set. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an incredible experience. The way your face lights up when you finally realize what you have accomplished is breathtaking and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have.

SEE MORE: A Letter To My Best Friend On Her Birthday

The love you have for your family is outstanding. Watching you interact with loved ones just makes me smile . You are so comfortable and you are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family and I wish I could see you smile like this everyday. You love with all your heart and this quality is something I wished I possessed.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life.You may be stubborn at points but when you really need help you let others in, which shows strength in itself. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. Thank you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Waitlisted for a College Class? Here's What to Do!

Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life..

Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by time. Like I said, it's a big hassle.

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

Don't freak out

This is a rule you should continue to follow no matter what you do in life, but is especially helpful in this situation.

Email the professor

Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn't mean you shouldn't burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them. Send a short, concise message telling them that you are interested in the class and ask if there would be any chance for you to get in.

Attend the first class

Often, the advice professors will give you when they reply to your email is to attend the first class. The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Keep attending class

Every student is in the same position as you are. They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping." For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces. If you keep attending class and keep up with assignments, odds are that you will have priority. Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman).

Have a backup plan

For two weeks, or until I find out whether I get into my waitlisted class, I will be attending more than the usual number of classes. This is so that if I don't get into my waitlisted class, I won't have a credit shortage and I won't have to fall back in my backup class. Chances are that enough people will drop the class, especially if it is very difficult like computer science, and you will have a chance. In popular classes like art and psychology, odds are you probably won't get in, so prepare for that.

Remember that everything works out at the end

Life is full of surprises. So what if you didn't get into the class you wanted? Your life obviously has something else in store for you. It's your job to make sure you make the best out of what you have.

Navigating the Talking Stage: 21 Essential Questions to Ask for Connection

It's mandatory to have these conversations..

Whether you met your new love interest online , through mutual friends, or another way entirely, you'll definitely want to know what you're getting into. I mean, really, what's the point in entering a relationship with someone if you don't know whether or not you're compatible on a very basic level?

Consider these 21 questions to ask in the talking stage when getting to know that new guy or girl you just started talking to:

1. What do you do for a living?

What someone does for a living can tell a lot about who they are and what they're interested in! Their career reveals a lot more about them than just where they spend their time to make some money.

2. What's your favorite color?

OK, I get it, this seems like something you would ask a Kindergarten class, but I feel like it's always good to know someone's favorite color . You could always send them that Snapchat featuring you in that cute shirt you have that just so happens to be in their favorite color!

3. Do you have any siblings?

This one is actually super important because it's totally true that people grow up with different roles and responsibilities based on where they fall in the order. You can tell a lot about someone just based on this seemingly simple question.

4. What's your favorite television show?

OK, maybe this isn't a super important question, but you have to know ASAP if you can quote Michael Scott or not. If not, he probably isn't the one. Sorry, girl.

5. When is your birthday?

You can then proceed to do the thing that every girl does without admitting it and see how compatible your zodiacs are.

6. What's your biggest goal in life?

If you're like me, you have big goals that you want to reach someday, and you want a man behind you who also has big goals and understands what it's like to chase after a dream. If his biggest goal is to see how quickly he can binge-watch " Grey's Anatomy " on Netflix , you may want to move on.

7. If you had three wishes granted to you by a genie, what would they be?

This is a go-to for an insight into their personality. Based on how they answer, you can tell if they're goofy, serious, or somewhere in between.

8. What's your favorite childhood memory?

For some, this may be a hard question if it involves a family member or friend who has since passed away . For others, it may revolve around a tradition that no longer happens. The answers to this question are almost endless!

9. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

We all have parts of our lives and stories that we wish we could change. It's human nature to make mistakes. This question is a little bit more personal but can really build up the trust level.

10. Are you a cat or a dog person?

I mean, duh! If you're a dog person, and he is a cat person, it's not going to work out.

11. Do you believe in a religion or any sort of spiritual power?

Personally, I am a Christian, and as a result, I want to be with someone who shares those same values. I know some people will argue that this question is too much in the talking stage , but why go beyond the talking stage if your personal values will never line up?

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Even homebodies have a must visit place on their bucket list !

13. What is your ideal date night?

Hey, if you're going to go for it... go for it!

14. Who was/is your celebrity crush?

For me, it was hands-down Nick Jonas . This is always a fun question to ask!

15. What's a good way to cheer you up if you're having a bad day?

Let's be real, if you put a label on it, you're not going to see your significant other at their best 24/7.

16. Do you have any tattoos?

This can lead to some really good conversations, especially if they have a tattoo that has a lot of meaning to them!

17. Can you describe yourself in three words?

It's always interesting to see if how the person you're talking to views their personal traits lines ups with the vibes you're getting.

18. What makes you the most nervous in life?

This question can go multiple different directions, and it could also be a launching pad for other conversations.

19. What's the best gift you have ever received? 

Admittedly, I have asked this question to friends as well, but it's neat to see what people value.

20. What do you do to relax/have fun?

Work hard, play hard, right?

21. What are your priorities at this phase of your life?

This is always interesting because no matter how compatible your personalities may be, if one of you wants to be serious and the other is looking for something casual, it's just not going to work.

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  • Your Apology Letters

To my Parents

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  • I Am Sorry Mom and Dad
  • Apology From Your Daughter
  • To My Parents, Sorry For Being A Failure and A Disgrace
  • An Apology Letter to my Stepmother
  • From Your Daughter, I'm Sorry Dad
  • An Apology Letter to Dad and Donna
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Apology Templates & Examples

Subject: Apologies for the Unintentional Deletion of the Production Database

I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to offer my sincerest apologies for the incident that occurred yesterday, where I accidentally deleted the production database while working on a new feature. I deeply regret the inconvenience and potential damage this may have caused to our operations and the trust you have placed in me.

First and foremost, I take full responsibility for my actions. I understand the severity of the situation and the impact it has on our organization as a whole. Being entrusted with the protection and proper management of our vital data, I recognize that I have let you, my colleagues, and the entire team down.

I want to assure you that this mistake was entirely unintentional and not a result of negligence or disregard for proper procedures. In the process of working on the new feature, I inadvertently swapped the production and staging environments, leading to the accidental deletion of the production database. However, I want to emphasize that we do have backups in place, and our IT team is currently working diligently to restore the database and minimize any potential data loss or disruption to our services.

Moving forward, I am committed to rectifying the situation and taking immediate action to prevent any similar occurrences from happening in the future. I have already begun conducting a thorough review of our development processes, implementing additional safeguards, and enhancing our testing protocols to ensure such a mistake does not recur. Furthermore, I have scheduled a meeting with our IT team to collaborate on measures to strengthen our disaster recovery procedures and further protect our critical data assets.

I understand that my actions have caused inconvenience and may have implications for our business. I want to assure you that I am fully dedicated to resolving this issue promptly and efficiently, and I am prepared to invest the necessary time and effort to rectify and learn from this incident.

Once again, please accept my deepest apologies for this unfortunate incident. I appreciate your understanding and patience as we work toward resolving the situation. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, I am more than willing to discuss them with you at your convenience. Your trust means a lot to me, and I will do everything in my power to regain it.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

[Your Name] [Your Position]

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Apt Parenting

Apt Parenting

Tender and Heartwarming Ways on How to Apologize to Your Mom

Sometimes, even though she's just our mother, apologizing becomes a task that we just can't carry out. Know how to apologize to your mom by reading this article. It will tell you how to say 'SORRY' in some of the sweetest yet simplest ways.

How to Apologize to Your Mom

Sometimes, even though she’s just our mother, apologizing becomes a task that we just can’t carry out. Know how to apologize to your mom by reading this article. It will tell you how to say ‘SORRY’ in some of the sweetest yet simplest ways.

Mother is Showing Red Card to Child

A sorry doesn’t make a dead man alive but it does heal wounds of the heart, if it’s said genuinely. Our mothers are our best friends and it is also said that we fight the most with people closest to us. These fights are due to concern, care and out of love. Sometimes, care can take the form of anger and all of us have noticed this a million times. If you have been angry with your mom and said things you shouldn’t have said, now is the time to apologize and make it up to her. Though we will give you some tips on how you can apologize to your mom, they won’t work unless you really feel sorry for what you’ve done. All a mother wants is for her children to be safe and have a life full of happiness, and for sorrows to never exist in that world. At times, mothers can be wrong too. However, we owe them our lives and an apology is only going to make things better. Having said that, let’s see how exactly you can say sorry to your mom.

How You Can Apologize to Your Mother

An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything. – Lynn Johnston

No matter what caused the fall out, an apology can cure the problem and make the distance disappear in no time. Here are some simple ways you can choose from while apologizing to your mother. However, you must remember it is all about the gesture and the words. Meaningful words will win against an expensive gift that you buy. Your mom knows you the best; make sure you are very genuine when you apologize.

A Meaningful SORRY

A meaningful sorry is the best answer if you want to know how to apologize to your mom. Sometimes, words are all you have and they can really be the best apology ever. Your mom understands you the best and thus, it’ll be a great option if you just talk out stuff with her. Tell her why you behaved the way you did or why you said the things you did and she’ll forgive you for sure. An honest apology is never turned down. Tell her everything that is there in your heart and also tell her how you realized it was your mistake and thought of making it up to her. Promise her you won’t repeat your mistake again. Just say whatever is there in your heart and it’ll be one of the best apologies ever.

Write it Down

If you’re finding it difficult to express what is in your mind verbally, you have the option of writing a sorry letter to your mom. Write down everything you want to say to your mom and tell her how sorry you are. A letter works great in almost all cases as it doesn’t only put forward the apology, it shows the efforts you have taken to make things better. To make your mom feel even better, you can compose a small song or poem for her. She’ll absolutely love this gesture and will forgive you with all her heart in no time.

If it has been a major fight and you have really hurt your mom a lot, you should do more than just saying sorry. More efforts are going to be needed this time around. Make a small video comprising all the photographs and videos of you and your mom. Along with this video, write a small letter to remind her of all the times you’ve made a mistake and she forgave you; how you’ve learned from those mistakes. Tell her how much you love her and how everything that you are today is because of her. A mother falls weak at the mention of her fabulous upbringing. Tell her how you need her to correct you every time you go wrong.

These were some simple ways in which you can show how sorry you are for what you’ve done. Now that you know how to apologize to your mom, don’t waste any time and just do it. Saying sorry immediately shows how much you regret your actions and/or your words. If you delay apologizing, everything will fade away eventually, like it always does, but there will always be some guilt that you won’t be able to get rid of. So don’t waste more time and start planning how you’re going to make your mom happy, NOW!

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Apology Letter to Mom

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Losing the Birds, Finding the Words: Eve Ensler’s Extraordinary Letter of Apology to Mother Earth

By maria popova.

Losing the Birds, Finding the Words: Eve Ensler’s Extraordinary Letter of Apology to Mother Earth

“Our origins are of the earth. And so there is in us a deeply seated response to the natural universe, which is part of our humanity,” the visionary marine biologist and lyrical author Rachel Carson wrote as she was making ecology a household word and getting ready to awaken the modern environmental conscience with her epoch-making book Silent Spring .

Silent Spring was titled after the book’s most chilling chapter, detailing the gruesome mass deaths of songbirds in pesticide-assaulted habitats, inspired by a verse from a classic ballad of heartbreak by Carson’s favorite poet, John Keats — “The sedge is withered from the lake, / And no birds sing!” — for she saw no greater heartbreak than the deadly silencing of Mother Nature. In her bittersweet farewell to the world — Carson never lived to see her work inspire the creation of Earth Day and the Environmental Protection Agency — she beckoned posterity, beckoned us, to face our “grave and sobering responsibility [which] is also a shining opportunity”; to “go out into a world where mankind is challenged, as it has never been challenged before, to prove its maturity and its mastery — not of nature, but of itself.”

apology essay to mom

We have failed to rise to her challenge. We have failed our origins and our very humanity. In the decades since Carson’s death, 3 billion birds have vanished . Just vanished. And as species seem to be falling off the face of the Earth, their names are falling out of the dictionary, out of our consciousness, out of children’s imaginations . If “finding the words is another step in learning to see,” then losing the words is ceasing to see — a willful blindness to our own responsibility, which thrusts us blindfolded on the steep and winding path to redemption.

Playwright, activist, and V-Day founder Eve Ensler — who is perhaps as close as an artist can get to being a cultural superhero: redeemer of the unspeakable, voice of the unspoken, instrument not only of social change but of that “revelation in the heart” (to borrow Leonard Cohen’s lovely phrase) where all change begins — lifts the blindfold in an extraordinary letter of apology to Mother Earth. Ensler composed the letter as an addendum of sorts to her altogether magnificent book The Apology ( public library ), read it at Bioneers , then kindly granted me the honor of premiering it to the Brain Pickings ecosystem.

apology essay to mom

Ensler contextualizes her courageous self-inspection in the disquieting mirror of personal responsibility, where any atonement must begin:

After I finished writing The Apology , a book in which I wrote a letter from my father to myself apologizing and exploring, explaining in detail all the ways he had abused and harmed me, I realized there was an apology I needed to make — an apology that would force me to confront my deepest sorrow, guilt and shame, an apology that I had been avoiding since I moved out of the city to the woods where I now live with the oaks, locust and weeping willows, Lydia the snapping turtle, running spring water, foxes, deer, coyotes, bears and cardinals and my precious dog, Pablo. It is my offering to you. It is my apology to the Earth, herself.

The letter, consonant with Whitman’s insistence that “a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars,” evocative of Thich Nhat Hanh’s poem “Please Call Me by My True Names,” is a masterwork of empathy, that highest measure of consciousness. Its gift is the selfsame gift for which the Trappist monk and teacher Thomas Merton thanked Rachel Carson in his gorgeous letter of appreciation after reading Silent Spring — the gift of civilizational self-awareness.

UPDATE: Ensler read her letter as one of the performances at the 2020 Universe in Verse , themed “Possible Futures” and celebrating fifty years of Earth Day, which was founded in 1970 as a direct consequence of Rachel Carson’s work:

Dear Mother, It began with the article about the birds, the 2.9 billion missing North America birds, the 2.9 billion birds that disappeared and no one noticed. The sparrows, black birds, and swallows who didn’t make it, who weren’t ever born, who stopped flying or singing or making their most ingenious nests, who didn’t perch or peck their gentle beaks into moist black earth. It began with the birds. Hadn’t we even commented in June, James and I that they were hardly here? A kind of eerie quiet had descended. But later they came back. The swarms of barn swallows and the huge ravens landing on the gravel one by one. I know it was after hearing about the birds, that afternoon I crashed my bike. Suddenly falling, falling, unable to prevent the catastrophe ahead, unable to find the brakes or make them work, unable to stop the falling. I fell and spun and realized I had already been falling, that we have been falling, all of us, and crows and conifers and ice caps and expectations — falling and falling and I wanted to keep falling. I didn’t want to be here to witness everything falling, missing, bleaching, burning, drying, disappearing, choking, never blooming. I didn’t want to live without the birds or bees and sparkling flies that light the summer nights. I didn’t want to live with hunger that turned us feral or desperation that gave us claws. I wanted to fall and fall into the deepest, darkest ground and be finally still and buried there. But Mother, you had other plans. The bike landed in grass and dirt and bang, I was ten-years-old, fallen in the road, my knees scraped and bloody. And I realized that even then nature was something foreign and cruel, something that could and would hurt me because everything I had ever known or loved that was grand and powerful and beautiful became foreign and cruel and eventually hurt me. Even then I had already been exiled, or so I felt, forever cast out of the forest. I belonged with the broken, the contaminated, the dead.    Maybe it was the sharp pain in my knee and elbow, or the dirt embedded in my new jacket, maybe it was the shock or the realization that death was preferable to the thick tar of grief coagulated in my chest, or maybe it was just the lonely rattling of the spokes of the bicycle wheel still spinning without me. Whatever it was. It broke. It broke. I heard the howling.    Mother, I am the reason the birds are missing. I am the cause of salmon who cannot spawn and the butterflies unable to take their journey home. I am the coral reef bleached death white and the sea boiling with methane. I am the millions running from lands that have dried, forests that are burning or islands drowned in water.    I didn’t see you, Mother. You were nothing to me. My trauma-made arrogance and ambition drove me to that cracking pulsing city. Chasing a dream, chasing the prize, the achievement that would finally prove I wasn’t bad or stupid or nothing or wrong. Oh my Mother, what contempt I had for you. What did you have to offer that would give me status in the market place of ideas and achieving? What could your bare trees offer but the staggering aloneness of winter or greenness I could not receive or bear. I reduced you to weather, an inconvenience, something that got in my way, dirty slush that ruined my overpriced city boots with salt. I refused your invitation, scorned your generosity, held suspicion for your love. I ignored all the ways we used and abused you. I pretended to believe the stories of the fathers who said you had to be tamed and controlled — that you were out to get us.   I press my bruised body down on your grassy belly, breathing me in and out. I have missed you, Mother. I have been away so long. I am sorry. I am so sorry.    I am made of dirt and grit and stars and river, skin, bone, leaf, whiskers and claws. I am a part of you, of this, nothing more or less. I am mycelium, petal pistil and stamen. I am branch and hive and trunk and stone. I am what has been here and what is coming. I am energy and I am dust. I am wave and I am wonder. I am an impulse and an order. I am perfumed peonies and the single parasol tree in the African savannah. I am lavender, dandelion, daisy, dahlia, cosmos, chrysanthemum, pansy, bleeding heart and rose. I am all that has been named and unnamed, all that has been gathered and all that has been left alone. I am all your missing creatures, all the sweet birds never born. I am daughter. I am caretaker. I am fierce defender. I am griever. I am bandit. I am baby. I am supplicant. I am here now, Mother. I am yours. I am yours. I am yours.   Eve Ensler

Complement with “After Silence” — Neil Gaiman’s stunning poem celebrating Rachel Carson’s legacy and culture-shifting courage — and Ensler on how a tree saved her life , then visit Cornell University’s Ornithology Lab to see what you, my fellow naked ape, can do to help save the birds, whose salvation is inseparable from our own. For, in the poetic words of the naturalist John Muir — one of Carson’s great heroes — “when we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”

— Published October 28, 2019 — —




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