How to Write an Outstanding Study Abroad Application Essay

Dave Harriman

For some students who wish to study abroad, the statement of purpose can be one of the most daunting components of the program application. The good news: it’s not as difficult as it may seem at first! After all, you’ve come this far in the study abroad research process , so chances are you’ve already given thought to what the essay requires you to write about. As long as you don’t rush and take the time to create a solid outline, your study abroad application statement of purpose will truly shine.


Common statement of purpose requirements

Although each program application may have program-specific essay requirements to address, most will ask students to address the following two components:

  • Goals for studying abroad (i.e. academic, career, and personal) – Most likely, you will have to briefly describe your goals, outlining specific ways in which studying abroad will help you achieve these goals.
  • Reason you chose this program/location – This aspect of the statement of purpose is more specific to why, out of all the programs and locations on Earth to study, you’re applying to this one.

Creating an outline

Before rushing into writing out your statement of purpose, make sure you’ve carefully read the instructions and prompts for the essay. The worst way to sabotage an otherwise excellent essay is to miss a key requirement outlined in the instructions. To help keep essay requirements fresh in your mind, consider copying and pasting the requirements at the top of essay document so that they are there for quick reference.

After you fully understand what points you are required to touch on in your statement of purpose, drafting an outline will help keep your essay organized, clear, and succinct. Consider following the steps below to help make this process easy and straight-forward.

Open up a blank Word document, and get down the general essay components:


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Now that you have the foundation laid out, you can complete your outline by creating a couple compelling sentences for each paragraph. Having these sentences drafted will help you quickly move forward after your outline is complete. Let’s take a look at each paragraph, and sample sentences for each.

Introduction – Create a strong thesis sentence that sums up your overall purpose for studying abroad.

  • Example: Studying abroad at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid will be a monumental step in realizing my personal, academic, and career goals to my highest potential.

This thesis sentence portrays to the reader that you have identified personal, academic, and career goals in relation to studying abroad in a specific program, and will describe them below.

Paragraphs 1-3 – Draft a sentence that sums up your response to the each point, then a second sentence that provides a specific outcome that this study abroad program will provide.

Paragraph 1 (e.g. personal reason/goal for studying abroad in this program):

  • Example: My grandfather migrated to the United States from Madrid, and since an early age I’ve wanted to see and experience the city and culture he grew up in. By the end of my study abroad program, I plan to have developed a deeper understanding and appreciation for my family heritage by becoming more fluent in Spanish and familiar with Spanish customs and cultural practices.

Paragraph 2 (e.g. academic reason/goal for studying abroad in this program):

  • Example: As a history major, I plan to utilize my time in Spain to contribute to my overall academic success and focus within the history program at my home university. Throughout my time studying abroad, I will visit historical sites around Spain relevant to my intended topic for my graduate thesis topic: Moorish architectural and cultural influences in modern Spanish society.

Paragraph 3 (e.g. career reason/goal for studying abroad in this program):

  • Example: I plan to one day teach Spanish history and culture at the college level, and this program will give me the first-hand experience I believe necessary to be qualified and successful in this position. By being completely immersed in the Spanish culture, and by having access to a large number of relevant historical sites and resources, I will enter this study abroad experience with my career development in mind.

For the conclusion, come up with a strong sentence to sum-up (again) why this program and location is the best choice.

  • Example: After extensive research of all possible programs, I am convinced that studying history and Spanish culture at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid is an ideal match for my personal, academic, and career goals outlined above.

Drafting suggestions

Now that you have a strong outline, filling in the rest should come easily and naturally. As would be normally expected in college-level essays, it’s important to make sure that each sentence you write relates directly to the main sentences in its respective paragraph you came up with in the outline.

After you’ve written your completed first draft of your study abroad application statement of purpose, save the document and take a break for a week. After you’ve had some time to clear your mind, you’ll likely come back to edit your essay with a fresh perspective and as a result more easily catch mistakes you may not have otherwise caught!

Finally, before you send it off, double (and triple) check to make sure that you haven’t overlooked any requirements for the statement of purpose. Also, consider having at least one other person look at your essay – your campus’s writing center is a great resource you might consider utilizing!

Congratulate yourself

After you’ve sent in your essay, congratulate yourself! You are well on your way to one of the most exciting journeys of your life, and you certainly deserve to be proud of this accomplishment.

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Dave Harriman

Dave Harriman

Dave Harriman, SHRM-CP, has a background in human resources, anthropology, and international education. His experience teaching English abroad during a gap year as an undergraduate student in Spain ignited his passion and advocacy for student travel. As a human resources professional, Dave is interested in helping students prepare for future career growth, and for helping facilitate social & cultural inclusion in the workplace.

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Crafting the Perfect Study Abroad Essay

Follow these tips to make your study abroad essay stand out.

  • Applying to Study Abroad

study abroad application essays

Whether you just want to do a semester or an entire program abroad, it’s likely a study abroad essay will be required. Students are beginning to realize what a great opportunity it is to take their studies abroad. Not only is it a great way to make new friends, practice your language skills, and travel while studying, it’s also great to put on a resume . So, it’s no wonder students are lining up to pick their top destinations and programs to study abroad.

To make sure they pick students who are ready and serious about studying abroad , most schools will, therefore, require a study abroad essay. The essay is a chance to make a great first impression and show the university administration that you’re ready to make the commitment to take your education even further by going abroad.

Consider some of the following tips to really make your study abroad essay stand out!

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1) Explain Why Study Abroad Will Make a Difference for Your Studies

A lot of students want to study abroad just for the experience and the excitement of living and learning abroad. These are important aspects, of course; however, school administration wants to know why going to your top study abroad destination will make a difference to your education.

Be specific! Explain the impact studying abroad will have on your personal and professional growth. Don’t just highlight how you think you will learn a lot. What do you expect to get from the program specifically? Is there a reason you picked one country over another to study in?

The more specific you are the better. It shows the university that you have given serious thought to your studies and that you are ready for the commitment!

2) Let Them Know Why You Picked Where You Want to Study

study abroad

Instead of just saying you will study anywhere, as long as it’s abroad, tell the university why you picked your top study abroad destination. Write with enthusiasm and let admissions know what you are excited to see and do in your new home.

Make sure you do the research in advance! Name some museums you would be interested in exploring or some monument you would be interested in seeing. It’s in your favor if you can also tie these back to your study program!

This will show your school that you will not take your study abroad experience for granted, and that you already have things to do to integrate into your new home easier.

3) Describe Why You’re Qualified

Whether you've recently entered college or are ready to graduate, your experience says a lot about what you will accomplish on your study abroad. If you want to make your study abroad essay stand out, make sure to make mention of your previous experience.

Mention major academic accomplishments, work experience, or skills that you might find useful abroad, such as knowledge of a second language.

The university knows you will learn a lot during your time abroad, but the more you can bring to the program, the better!

4) Show Your Personality


The best study abroad essays are the ones with a little bit of personality! Your essay should still sound professional, but don’t be afraid to let yourself shine through as well. Studying abroad comes with challenges, and if the university gets a sense you are ready for them, you will move to the top of the list.

Add a personal story about something relevant to living and studying abroad. Describe a time you traveled somewhere new or met a friend from a different country. A well-rounded individual with some experience is the perfect candidate for studying abroad.

Showing some enthusiasm while also keeping your expectations realistic is the right way to show the admissions team that you have thought long and hard about your decision to study abroad, and that you are ready to pack up and move abroad.

5) Follow Instructions

It might sound simple, but if you don’t want your study abroad essay to be immediately tossed aside, make sure to read and follow all the instructions given. Some universities will ask specific questions or ask students to format their essays in a particular way.

Don’t ignore these instructions! It’s the first step to making a great impression.

If the essay is open-ended — great! Follow our tips to get inspired. But, if there are specific questions, make sure you answer them clearly and concisely. There might not be any right or wrong answers, but your school will still be looking for students who are able to express themselves and get their point across.

The Perfect Study Abroad Essay

If you followed our advice so far, you’ll be looking at the study abroad essay that’s going to get you into the program of your choice at the study abroad destination of your dreams!

Don't forget to proofread before handing in your essay. If possible, it's great to have someone take a look over it as well, especially if it's a professor or someone who has written a study abroad essay before.

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study abroad application essays

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The Keystone Team is comprised of experienced educators and advisors dedicated to providing valuable resources and advice to students all over the world.

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63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics

Looking for study abroad topics to write about? Studying in another country is one of the most beneficial experiences for students.

  • 🏆 Best Essay Examples
  • 📌 Research Titles
  • 🗺 Topics to Write about

❓ Questions About Studying Abroad

In your studying abroad essay, you might want to write about advantages and disadvantages of being an international student. Another option is to describe the process of making application for a scholarship. One more idea is to share your personal experience. Whether you’re planning to write an argumentative, descriptive, or persuasive essay, our article will be helpful. Here we’ve collected top studying abroad essay samples and research titles ‍‍‍‍for scholarship papers.

🏆 Best Studying Abroad Essay Examples

  • Why Studying Abroad Results in Better Education For most people, especially in developing nations, the only way to gain an education that will satisfy the demands of the international job market is by studying abroad.
  • Should Students Study Abroad? Studying abroad offers students an opportunity to travel to new countries and have new experiences that expand their perceptions of the world.
  • Specifics of Studying Abroad The purpose of this paper is to discuss the most common benefits and drawbacks, as well as overall outcomes that are related to studying abroad and to recommend the ways to handle the drawbacks.
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  • The Criteria and Benefits That Allow Students to Work Abroad The most direct experience that a person gets while studying abroad is the understanding of the business world and economics. There is no doubt that the environments and culture of a country are the major […]
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  • A Benefits of Education Abroad One of the qualitative aspects of the educational reality in today’s world is the fact that, as time goes on, the number of students who decide in favor of studying abroad increases rather exponentially.

📌 Research Titles about Studying Abroad

  • Do Study Abroad Programs Enhance the Employability of Graduates
  • The Effect Of Study Abroad On Studying Abroad
  • Culture and Study Abroad and Some Drawbacks
  • How Does Study Abroad Affect A Student ‘s View Of Professional
  • Analysis Of Some Of The Benefits Of Study Abroad
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  • The Lowering Ages of Students Who Study Abroad
  • Colleges Should Make It Mandatory: For Students To Study Abroad For Specific Major’s
  • Should Students Spend Lots Of Money For Study Abroad

🗺 Study Abroad Topics to Write about

  • The Cultural Shock That Students Face When They Study Abroad
  • Advantages and Dis Advantages of Further Study Abroad
  • Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence in the Study Abroad
  • The Study Abroad Trip On Australia
  • History Of Study Abroad And Exchange Programs
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IvyPanda. (2023, October 26). 63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics.

"63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." IvyPanda , 26 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics'. 26 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics." October 26, 2023.

How to Write a Kick-Ass Application Essay

Pin now for later! If you have an application essay coming up and you don't know where to start, look no further - this post will help you submit a kick-ass essay!

If so, read on – after reading hundreds of essays for applications and scholarships during my career, I can say with enthusiasm what the best essays contain (hint – the answer lies in the essay prompt).

I’ve been thinking about writing this post for quite some time; however, recently I was a reviewer for a national scholarship competition and it’s time that I share the step-by-step process that I wish all students would take for essays.

Step 1: Read the prompt.

No, really.  Read it.  The whole thing.  Yep, even that little bit at the end that describes the formatting.

Yes, there are a lot of words.

We know.  However, all of those words were used for a reason.

Keep in mind that for these kinds of prompts, your essays likely determine a significant part of your future .

All right.  Now that you’ve read the prompt, it’s time to move on to…

Step 2: Re-read and dissect the prompt.

Ah HA!  You thought you were done with the prompt!

This time,  realllllllly  read that sucker.  It maybe looks something like this:

For the blah blah blah program/scholarship/college, describe your personal, professional, and academic goals and how this program will help you achieve those goals. Also, give us some information about your background.

With your favorite highlighting tool, find all of the things that the reviewing committee might be looking for.  This is why you’ve read the prompt at least twice by this time.  Here is what the prompt should look like now:

For the blah blah blah program/scholarship/college, describe your personal , professional , and academic goals and how this program will help you achieve those goals .  Also, give us some information about your background .  

It sounds suspiciously like the reviewers will be looking for 4 things – how the program will help you personally, how the program will help you professionally, how the program will help you academically, and your background.

(Side note: usually essay prompts provide really specific questions that address what the reviewers want to hear about your background.  Keep your response in this part focused on what they ask to hear.)

It looks like you have all of the sections of your essay by now.  Now, it’s time for…

Step 3: Brain dump into your essay sections.

A more sophisticated description of this part is “brainstorm” or “outline.”  I don’t care what you call it – just get your ideas into the appropriate areas.

Let’s say I’m planning on studying abroad in China for an immersive language program because I’m a linguistics major.  My application outline would probably look something like this:

  • Always fascinated by Chinese culture because of my third grade teacher
  • Started studying Mandarin when I was 8 and have wanted to immerse myself in Chinese culture ever since
  • Became a linguistics major to develop a better understanding about the world and international relations
  • Primary language goal is to develop working knowledge of 20,000 Chinese characters
  • Adding an East Asian studies minor
  • Required to have a global component as part of studies; this will fulfill it
  • Hope to work with Chinese immigrants by providing relocation help
  • Plan to move to China or Taiwan after graduation for a year as a translator
  • Ultimately want to develop a bilingual business that works with incoming Chinese students
  • Studying abroad in an unfamiliar context will challenge me in every way
  • Will be better equipped to assist immigrants and refugees, like I currently do as a volunteer
  • I hate being alone; I hope that this experience will allow me to be more comfortable with being alone

Notice that each section is fairly even.  This is important – sometimes it is very easy to provide more details in one section over another (yep, that infamous “tell me about yourself” section).  You don’t want to get distracted from the overall point of the essay.

Now that you have an outline of sorts, you can move on to…

Step 4: Put your brain dump into complete sentences.

Create the sentences!  Use all of the tools you have learned in every writing class you have ever taken to form non-caveman-like sentences.  Use the appropriate writing style for your audience.

Once you feel like you are out of sentences (or you have reached the word limit), you can proceed to…

Step 5: Tear your paper apart (figuratively).

That escalated quickly.

Before you destroy your work, take a breather.  Take some time away.  Grab a coffee (or a beverage of your choosing) and think about things that are not your essay for a little bit.

Then, sit back down and read your essay while pretending like you didn’t write the essay.

Identify the parts where even you felt a little bored (be honest).  Think about the following questions: can you clean up the language to make it less “blah?”  Is this absolutely necessary for the overall essay?  What can you take out?  What should you move around?

If something doesn’t make sense, change it so it does.

I know that it is horrendously hard to edit your own essay.  Everything in your essay feels important to you, but for your own good it’s important to politely break up with some not-so-strong sentences that could bring down your essay overall.

If you need to tell the sentence “it’s not you, it’s me” before you delete it, that’s fine.  Just let go of the sentences that aren’t supporting you in the way that they should.  Be strong.  You can do it.  We all believe in you.  Now…

Step 6: Make the paragraphs!

Realize that, before, I only said to write in complete sentences.  If you already naturally created paragraphs, fabulous!  If you didn’t, think about your future and break your sentence groupings into those paragraphs.

As you read along, are there transitions between your paragraphs, or do things still feel disjointed?  Transitions are sometimes tricky, but are incredibly important – they can make your entire essay seem well-reasoned, while their absence can make you appear unsure about why you should be considered for the program.

Finally, now you can go to…

Step 7: Review your beautiful essay.

Look at the prompt again.  It will always be following you.

After a quick read of your essay, ask – did you answer all of the questions?  Did you  really answer all of the questions?  Did you put similar examples behind each portion, or are you a little heavy-handed at parts?

This is a good time to tweak some of your word choices, review your paragraph order, and double check that everything makes sense.

Generally speaking, application reviewers might cringe at incorrect word choice, grammar, or punctuation, but these errors won’t make or break most applications (unless the application is for a position with an emphasis on attention to detail).  For example, my soul quivers with anxiety when I see the wrong form of to/too/two, your/you’re/yore and other similar words, but that’s the worst that can happen with that.

Reviewers will, however, be able to tell if you skipped large portions of an essay prompt and can remove your application from consideration for not answering part of a question.

This is why, at the end of the day, your success or failure all comes back to the essay prompt and your attention to it.

Some final thoughts:

  • If you are asked at any time to talk about your goals, make sure that they are  SMART : S pecific, M easurable, A ttainable, R elevant and T ime-bound.
  • Use punctuation.  Commas save lives.
  • Transitions between your paragraphs will make your essay fluid (and keep your reviewer happy).
  • Avoid stream-of-conscience writing.  You know, like this entire post.
  • Search your paper for idiomatic phrases.  Change them.
  • Ask a friend, trusted neighbor, stranger on the street, or someone who knows nothing about your program to read your essay (in exchange for something, of course).  If any parts seem unclear to them, retool the parts that are unclear.
  • Proofread all of the things.

Hopefully now you will be on your way to completing a competitive essay!

For more study abroad inspiration and tips, follow me on Pinterest !

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Do you have any tips for writing a kick-ass essay?  Share below!

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  • How to Write an Outstanding Study Abroad Application Essay

in Studying Abroad February 2, 2018 at 9:14:54 AM | Valentin - Nicușor Barbu | 3 minutes, 56 seconds to read | 0 comment

The study abroad application essay is an important part of the college application process.It is a great opportunity to provide valuable information about yourself and your career interests. The content is significant because it gives insight on why you should be selected for a program or school.It provides why you want to participate in the program and why you are the best candidate.Completing the assignment is easy when planning ahead. Here are the basics to help you get started.

Collect Ideas via Brainstorming

How can I write my essay online and get the help I need for my paper? Start by reviewing guidelines and instructions for the paper. Based on the topic information they provide start coming up with ideas for writing.Think about the course or school you are applying. Consider the atmosphere and your career goals and personal interests. Use these aspirations to create original topics for writing.Think about the importance of studying abroad and why it is significant to your learning needs and experience.Narrow down the list of ideas until you find something you can write in full detail.

Develop an Outline

An outline is essential for writing and it breaks up the task into easier segments. Your paper will have an introduction, body, and conclusion. Your outline will have each of these sections but you can mention significant points to discuss. You can focus on developing each one at a time. Your intro will mention your thesis statement. The body will mention three points each having its own paragraph. The conclusion is last summarizing main and supporting points discussed throughout your paper. Essay help through writing tools such as an outline is beneficial for any form of writing.

Explore Supporting Details

As you work on your outline your attention will turn toward supporting statements for your main idea or thesis statement .You'll brainstorm information to support your idea.You will discuss why you want to study abroad and mention experiences or things you have learned contributing to your decision.What you are passionate about should be connected to your main and supporting points to give insight about your educational intentions. Spend time developing a solid thesis statement and supporting details to help your paper come together.

Be Comfortable with Yourself

Comfortable with Yourself

As you provide information about your career goals, be true to who you are and what you aspire to be.It is important to be professional and formal with your content, but don't lose the essence of who you are. Let your personality come through your words.It will help distinguish your application from the others.Sharing who you are lets the school know why you are a match. Be creative to make a connection but at the same time be you.

Provide Proof You Are a Fit

Give a clear reason why you should be considered for the school or program.Detail your self-worth and show why you are deserving of the opportunity.The program wants to make sure they have the best students for what they have to offer. They want assurance whoever they choose will complete the program successfully.Use this essay to highlight your abilities by discussing what you have to offer and how it fits in with the school or program mission. An essay writing service can assist if needed.

Finish Your Paper Strong

Your conclusion will provide a summary of what you discussed earlier in the paper.It is your last chance to make a good impression and bring your paper to a strong close.You should have a few sentences that are solid, clean, and clear about you are and why you qualify.Make these last few words stand out. Use this time to connect the main idea (thesis statement) with supporting points (body paragraphs) to complete your personal statement.

Revise and Edit

revise study abroad application

Did you know it is recommended to review your work at least two or three times before you submit it? Much time and effort was spent developing content for your essay. It deserves to be reviewed for typos and errors.Make necessary changes to improve chances of approval.Take a break after writing your draft and come back to it for review. How can I get help with my essay writing ? Hire an editor to do it for you if don't have time. Whatever you do, don't submit without reviewing it first.

In conclusion, planning your work is easy when familiar with essential steps of the writing process.Brainstorming, outline creation, developing discussion points, and revising your work are all important steps to complete for your study abroad application. The time spent planning and writing will be worth it. Make sure to submit your work on time by the deadline.

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How to Write Impactful Admission Essays for Study Abroad?

Updated on 12 october, 2023.

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

Upgrad abroad editorial team.

upGrad Abroad Team

Applying abroad for education requires the fulfillment of certain criteria that make a candidate eligible for foreign universities. One such document that needs to be submitted is the admission essay. An admission essay can be of many types and usually depends on the university or course you are applying for. Let’s begin with a little introduction about admission essays for study abroad . 

Admission essays or commonly known as application essays are a mandatory part of your application process and are required by universities to get a clear understanding of your personality and interests. The application essay can be based on various topics that will be provided by the university. Admission essays are usually a part of the application process for those universities that do not require a statement of purpose. It is just another way of evaluating candidates for admissions. Universities that seek admission essays usually design their requirements depending on the program. A variety of essay topics are set across for UG and PG courses. 

From a student’s point of view, admission essays create opportunities for the students to set themselves apart from the rest of the candidates by exhibiting their writing skills and intellectual ability. This article provides an insightful understanding of Admission Essays for study abroad.

  • Importance of Admission Essays:

An admission essay is one of the most important documents in your application. It will provide the university with all they need to know about your (personal) background, abilities, experiences, and personality. Admission essays have the potential to make or break the deal when it comes to admissions and hence must be given high priority. To write an impactful essay, the applicant must have his/her thoughts well aligned and maintain a high standard of the English language . A good essay can ensure your admission into the college of your preference.

  • Different Kinds of Admission Essays:

Universities usually seek to understand the applicant’s profile, personality, and purpose through an admission essay. The impression it creates will determine your admission. When it comes to essays for study abroad , there are various types of essays to assess and understand the applicants’ capabilities. 

Mentioned below are the various types of admission essays for study abroad :

  • Admission essays for undergraduate programs.
  • Admission essays for MS programs in different universities.
  • Admission essays for MBA or master’s programs in Management and Business .
  • Admission essays for financial aid or also known as Scholarship essays.
  • In case you have taken a gap year, many universities ask for an essay explaining your gap year.
  • Backlog admission essays are required in case you failed in an exam. The essay will require you to state your reason for failure and your learning experience from the backlog.
  • Admission essays that are situation-specific require you to elucidate on incidents in your life.

Each essay may have a different word count. The word count requirement is usually provided by the university you are applying to. Make sure you stick to the instructions provided and do not write more than the word limit. Mentioned below are some ideal situations of word limits provided by foreign universities for admission essays:

  • An admission essay is usually around 350 to 500 words long.
  • The minimum word requirement is usually around 250 to 300 words.
  • The maximum word limit for most admission essays is around 600 to 650 words.

The three most important details you must keep in mind while writing an admission essay are:

  • The essay under no circumstances can be vague. A vague essay will reflect poorly on your admission application. 
  • Avoid making grammatical mistakes as it is an integral part of the criteria on which your essay will be judged. Punctuations are equally important.
  • Make sure that the essay is of a professional standard as it will aid in making your essay stand out.

Before we dive into the tips and guidelines for writing the admission essays for study abroad, let’s talk about some of the basic points that are worth mentioning in your essay:

Undergraduate program admission essay: 

  • Start by describing yourself and maybe delve a little into your (personal) background.
  • Candidly elucidate your interests in academia and talk a little about your academic achievements.
  • Mention your extracurricular achievements and interests.
  • You must discuss in brief your reason for selecting the college and the country for your education program.
  • You must include your prospects and how the course will help you attain your goals and ambitions.
  • Conclude on an inspirational note.

Admission Essays for MBA programs:

  • Start by providing a short introduction about yourself. Try to make your introduction as interesting as possible to grab the attention of the reader. You can probably include some inspiring quotes or anecdotes to help your cause.
  • It is important to talk about your academic background and professional experiences. 
  • You must talk about your prospect concerning the MBA program.
  • You must talk about your goals and ambitions. Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years? 
  • You must briefly discuss the topic of why you have selected the university and country for your further education.
  • It is important to leave an impact as you conclude your essay. This will help in creating a suitable impression.

Remember that the word count might be less than required to jot down so many points. Hence it is very important to be brief and informative at the same time.

Some essays are based on the applicant’s academic circumstances like scholarship essays and gap year essays. These essays are usually not required by the college unless you mention them in your application. 

Scholarship essay:

These essays are usually written by students looking to get financial aid for their education programs. Usually, only tier 1 students tend to get scholarships based on their academic records. Your scholarship essay plays an integral part in determining your position in getting financial aid. Even students who do not have an excellent academic record can get scholarships depending on their standardized exam scores, extracurricular involvement, and social work .  

  • You need to create an impactful title for your essay. This itself should grab the attention of the reader.
  • You must talk about your personal and family background. 
  • Mention your academic performance and achievements
  • Your involvement in extracurricular activities and social work. Remember that social work is kept in very high regard by foreign universities. 
  • You must elucidate on how the scholarship will help your cause and push you towards your career goals.
  • It is important to mention your reasons for selecting a particular university.
  • You should express yourself on why you deserve the scholarship.
  • Try and write an inspirational conclusion

Gap Year Essay:

Most universities don’t ask for a gap year essay. But in some cases, they might ask depending on how the university wants to assess you. Even though the basic structure of the gap year essay is the same as the above-mentioned essays it is important to mention why you took the gap year and how it has helped you in finding yourself. 

General Tips and Guidelines for Writing an Impressive Admission Essay:

  • Plan your essay – Before you start writing your essay, plan. Consider the essay question/topic and the response you wish to provide. Also, think about what the admissions committee could be looking for in your application essay. Before you start writing your essay try to make a detailed strategy, preferably with the aid of a flow chart. This will help you align your thoughts and avoid confusion.  Building a logical argument by going over each aspect will help maintain coherence and fluidity. Prepare a response that will highlight your abilities.
  • Establish your essay objectives – Establishing your essay objectives will help you create the right impression of yourself in the eyes of the admission committee. The opinion created about you through your essay will be in your hands by highlighting your achievements, skills and portraying a confident tone. 
  • Defining your X-factor – If your goal is to get admission into a top university you will have to set yourself apart from the rest of the candidates. The admission essay is a good opportunity to display your uniqueness and secure admission.  
  • A clear understanding of the essay topic – This point is essential for creating the right impact. A clear understanding of the essay topic will allow you to streamline your thoughts and pen down only relevant points. Being vague may diverge the attention of the reader and will reflect poorly on your application. 
  • Be Specific – This is an equally important point as the previous one. Admission essays require you to provide more with fewer words. You have a word limit of a maximum of 600 words and a lot to talk about. It is important that you remain concise and to the point. Beating around the bush will disinterest the reader and get you nowhere.
  • How will you contribute to the University – An application essay allows you to tell the admissions committee all you want them to know about yourself. One aspect you don’t want them to overlook is how you can contribute to the university. As an international student, you bring a variety of cultures to campus, as well as stories of fresh experiences and potential opportunities. Emphasize how your experience and knowledge may benefit the university and its culture.
  • Focus on Grammar and Language – You need to check and re-check for grammatical errors and punctuations. The university will be judging your language skills and grammar through this essay. Any mistake may hamper your chances of getting admission. 
  • Re-writing and Proofreading – The best way to ensure no mistakes is to write the essay and then re-write it again. This way you can weed out all the problems and ensure an impactful essay. While re-writing you will realize where to edit and omit. This way you can be concise, informative, and confident at the same time. After writing your final draft it is important to proofread the essay to ensure no errors. You can ask others to do this for you. In this way, you can take some constructive feedback as well as ensure no mistakes in grammar or language. 
  • Essay guideline provided by the university – The student must adhere to the guidelines provided by the university concerning the word limit, formatting, and font. 
  • Deadlines – Admission essays take time and effort. You will have to write, re-write, edit, omit and proofread your essay before you send it. You may tend to lose track of time while focusing on other aspects. You need to maintain deadlines. Any form of default may lead to disqualification. So make sure you have all the aspects planned out to maintain efficiency and punctuality.

In short, an admission essay for study abroad can be your ticket to a top-class educational institution abroad. As an international student, you must prove your excellence to get into a prestigious university. Avoid procrastinating over thoughts and take the initiative to formulate a plan of action that will help you create an inspiring essay.

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The Study Abroad Application

While not every school will use the same study abroad application, I am willing to bet that most applications will have pretty similar components. Based on my own experience with the study abroad application process, I’ve compiled a few helpful hints to get you thinking on the right track, as well as provide guidance in case you run into some difficulties.

The study abroad application will look almost like a regular college application. Remember how much work you put into those? Put the same amount of effort into your study abroad application. Unlike the college selection process, there’s no back up or safety net… you only get one shot at this so you need to do it right.

More than likely, it will consist of the following: A personal statement, letters of recommendation, possible course selections, health clearance forms and a general information form.

API programs offer students the opportunity to earn college credit toward their degree programs in the U.S. by completing coursework in a wide variety of disciplines, including such fields as business, the social sciences, medical studies and the arts.

General Information Forms

This will probably be just a generic form requiring the basics like personal information, emergency contacts, degree information, etc. Nothing complicated. Just fill in the blanks.

Study Abroad Health Clearance Forms

You’re going to need to get a complete physical, and the doctor will have to confirm that you’re fit enough to go abroad and that you’re up-to-date on all of your vaccinations. Understandably, no country wants a foreigner bringing in diseases. Your doctor will have to fill-out the forms after your physical and send them to the school study abroad office or wherever instructed, so don’t procrastinate on these! Doctors are always busy, and it could be a while before they get yours done.

Possible Study Abroad Course Selections

This may be called either a home approval form, or course approval form. Make sure you’ve looked at your progress toward graduation. Compare classes from your host school’s course catalogue with those classes you’ll need to complete your major/ minor and fulfill general requirements, and also identify classes that just generally seem interesting.

Letters of Recommendation for Study Abroad Applicants

Depending on how many are required, ask your favorite professors and mentors if they would be willing to write you a letter of recommendation. If you don’t have a close relationship with any professors, it’s ok to choose a few that may have liked you, or in whose class you did particularly well. If they don’t really know you, don’t worry. Professors are used to writing recommendation letters, and will probably have a generic letter that they can use. In this case, if your personal statement is already done, give them a copy along with anything else you think might help them get a better picture of who you are and why you want to go abroad.


Forum-Nexus Study Abroad has a track record of 29 years of successful intensive summer programs around the world. Since 1990, over 3,400 students have participated in Forum-Nexus international multi-country summer programs in 15 countries.The courses are open to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to alumni seeking professional development.

Personal Statement - Study Abroad Essay 101

This is the part of the study abroad application that some people dread, and some people love. Don’t worry; I’ll break it down step by step. You already know the reasons you want to go abroad, now you just have to put them on paper to try and convince your school that you should go. Here’s writing your study abroad essay 101:

First, in a nice intro paragraph, explain your reasons for studying abroad. If you're still deciding your best course of action, review some of our deciding to study abroad resources . Just give a general overview since you’ll be getting into the specifics later in the essay. Include why you want to go abroad, what originally interested you in going abroad, what school you plan on attending, along with anything else that seems relevant.

Academics are always going to be number one in the minds of your deans, advisors and faculty, so it’s not a bad idea to go there next. Explain how going to class in a different culture will expand your capacity to learn and interpret new information. Let them know if by going abroad, you’ll be able to complete certain requirements for your major or just make progress toward your degree in general. Be sure to mention if there are classes offered abroad that aren’t available at your home school.

Next, go into depth about why you chose the location and the school that you did. Does the school have a great reputation internationally? Do you have family roots in a particular country? Really get into the fact that you want to explore the specific culture of that country or region. The more sincere and direct you are about why you want to go where you’re going, the more likely the study abroad admissions staff will approve your application.

Don’t forget to include personal reasons and interests as well. You still need to be selective in what you write – the study abroad admissions office will need to see that you’re mature enough to live in another country, but don’t be afraid to go beyond academics. One of the biggest reasons I went to Scotland was because of golf, and I wrote that in my essay. I didn’t say I wanted to wake up and be lazy on the golf course every day. I explained that golf is a huge aspect of Scottish culture; it holds a different place over there than it does in the States, and it would greatly help me integrate into the local culture.

Studying abroad is more than just an academic experience — it’s a life experience. A CEA education abroad expands the boundaries of your education and transforms the world into your classroom. With destinations in 21 cities across 12 countries, CEA offers a balance of academics and adventure to thousands of students each year. Where will your learning take you?

Writing Tips for Your Study Abroad Application Essay

Sentences like, “I am excited to learn about the culture of Scotland through golf,” are a good start, but something even better might be, “It would be the pinnacle of my golfing career to experience the game of golf in its finest form in its birthplace of Scotland. There, golf is not just considered a sport, but also a vital element of Scottish culture.” Make the effort to write with quality in mind and of course honesty.

End the essay with a strong closing paragraph. Express interest in learning about local culture, such as in Japan where you’ll enjoy both the historic artistry of the culture and the modern amenities of the country. Talk about getting an education, not only in terms of academics, but in life as well. Be specific and explain your desire to pursue those interests and hobbies that you’ve picked up in college, and earlier, in a foreign country.

This is just as important as any other admissions letter you’ve ever written. Use correct grammar and avoid spelling mistakes. Write multiple drafts and have someone competent edit it for you. Better yet, have two. And of course, get it in on time!

Be sincere, be honest, and be smart.

There you have it. Those are my suggested ins and outs of the study abroad application… not as scary as you may have thought.

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Top 18 Study Abroad Tips

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As you prepare for the study abroad adventure of a lifetime, consider our inside study abroad tips to make your experience smoother.  

Follow along as we break down our tips for studying abroad into five categories: Study abroad application tips, study abroad essay tips, studying abroad packing tips, safety tips, and even a few pointers once you’re on program.  

Read More: Your Study Abroad FAQs [Answered!]

Study Abroad Application Tips  

Our CIEE study abroad application is pretty straightforward. You can even watch a few of our application FAQ videos to help you with the process.  

Here, we’ve highlighted a few key tips when filling out your application.

Tip #1: Get expert advice.

Before you start your study abroad application, it’s a good idea to check in with your school’s study abroad office and academic advisor to ensure your study abroad plans align with your academic goals and discuss any additional details. They might even offer some of their own tips for studying abroad!  

Tip #2: Fill out the scholarships and grants portion of your application.  

To assist with the cost of your study abroad program, pay close attention to the scholarships and grants portion of your application. We break down our scholarships and grants into three categories:  

  • Need-Based: Offered to students with demonstrated financial need
  • Merit-Based: Offered to students with strong academic achievement  
  • Other: Offered to students based on alumni status or specific program choice

See what type of financial support you may be eligible for!  

students berlin cafe studying

Read More: Study Abroad Scholarships: Everything You Need to Know

Tip #3: Keep track of important deadlines.  

This is one of our most important study abroad tips: Stay organized throughout the application process; including keeping track of important deadlines. Depending on the study abroad program you choose, your deadlines will vary. Mark them on a calendar, schedule reminders on your phone, and do whatever else to help ensure you fill out your application on time!  

And if you have any questions, feel free to contact us . We’re happy to help.

Tip #4: Obtain your passport and visa as soon as you can.  

If you don’t already have your passport when you start your CIEE study abroad application, take the necessary steps to get one, or renew an existing one as soon as possible. And depending on the length of your study abroad program, you’ll likely need a visa as well. We recommend having your passport and visa in hand six to nine months before you take flight.  

copenhagen biking abroad

Study Abroad Essay Tips  

The essay is an integral part of the CIEE study abroad application. Note a few of our study abroad essay tips to help you craft a meaningful narrative – you got this!  

Read More: How Do I Write a Personal Statement for Study Abroad?

Tip #5: Find your why.  

Before writing your study abroad essay, identify what you’re truly passionate about. Getting to know you and learning more about your interests is important when assessing study abroad applicants, and getting personal will help provide context about how a study abroad experience will benefit you.  

Read More: What are Your Goals for Studying Abroad?

Tip #6: Explore how your passions translate to your future.  

After identifying what you’re passionate about, discuss how you plan on practicing your interests in the future, either as a career or as a meaningful hobby. For example, you might have set your sights on continuing your education and learning more about a specific subject area .  

waterfall monteverde abroad

Tip #7: Align your goals with a CIEE Study Abroad program.  

This is where you put it all together: After detailing your passions and how you want to incorporate them into your future, pinpoint which CIEE study abroad program will help you fulfill your goals.

Read More: Why Study Abroad? Top 7 Benefits of Studying Abroad

Your study abroad essay is really a chance for us to get to know you and learn more about why a study abroad experience will enrich your personal, academic, and even career goals. Our study abroad essay tips will help you assemble your thoughts in one impactful piece!  

Study Abroad Packing Tips  

Before you jet off to your study abroad destination, you’ll want to know what to stuff in your suitcase. Let’s dive into some of our study abroad packing tips.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Your Study Abroad Packing List (10 Essential Items!)

Tip #8: Make copies of the essentials.  

To be extra careful, it’s a good idea to make copies of your essential documents, like your passport, driver’s license, and travel insurance, before you go.  

Tip #9: Pack comfortable walking shoes.  

When you study abroad, you’re going to explore a lot. And that usually means walking nearly everywhere. That’s why one of our top study abroad packing tips is to include comfortable walking shoes to make your treks more enjoyable! Save your nicer pair of shoes for the occasional night out.  

hiking in rabat study abroad student

Tip #10: Look up the country’s currency ahead of time.  

You’ll want to bring some cash along with you for souvenirs, a few meals out, and more. And that means converting your U.S. dollars to the currency available in your study abroad destination. A country’s currency is relatively easy to find online. For example, much of Europe uses the Euro, Japan uses the Japanese yen, and Australia uses the Australian dollar.  

Tip #11: Download a few language learning apps or pack a language book.  

While you’re not required to know the official language of your study abroad destination, it’s a smart idea to at least familiarize yourself with common words and phrases in the language that is widely spoken there so you can better communicate with locals and navigate your new international city while on program.  

Try downloading a few language learning apps or including a language book in your packing list – this will go a long way!  

mandarin lesson study abroad students

Study Abroad Safety Tips  

Just like when you visit any new place, you want to be aware of your surroundings and follow any safety guidelines in an unfamiliar environment. The same goes for your study abroad program. While CIEE offers best-in-class safety and a 24/7 support team , it’s always smart to travel as safely as possible. Note a few of our study abroad safety tips here.  

Tip #12: Avoid traveling alone at night.  

No matter where you visit, it’s always best to avoid traveling alone at night. When you’re exploring after the sun sets, try tagging along with friends, or at the very least, let a few friends know where you’re going and what you’re up to.  

Tip #13: Keep valuable items on your person.  

When you’re adventuring throughout your study abroad location , it’s a good idea to keep valuable and important items, like your driver’s license or cash, in a secure location on your person – like a crossbody bag, fanny pack (also known as a waist pack), or backpack. You can even get a padlock. It’s always best practice, no matter where you are in the world, to keep valuable items close to you and in safe gear.  

gaborone student group traveling

Tip #14: Ensure your tech is always charged.  

Another vital thing to look up before your travels is which type of electrical outlets your new international city has. Y ’ll want to buy some converters to make sure you can charge your electronics, like your cellphone and laptop or tablet, in your new study abroad location.

And as a study abroad safety tip, it’s important to keep your tech charged at all times, just so you’ll always have a way of communicating with others, looking up directions if you get lost exploring, or researching available emergency contact numbers in your new city if ever needed.  

Tips for Study Abroad on Program  

We’ve compiled a few bonus study abroad tips, too – particularly for when you’re actually on your study abroad program!  

Tip #15: Budget as much as possible.  

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a study abroad program; trying delicious new restaurants, spending nights out, and visiting obscure museums with high fees might get out of hand quickly. Try to be mindful of your spending during your program and try to budget as much as possible.  

Utilize the public transportation system in your new international city, grocery shop when you can and try making culturally authentic recipes at home, take advantage of any possible student discounts, and download apps like Ryanair for more affordable plane tickets. You can navigate your study abroad destination in a cost-effective way – it might just take some research ahead of time to find the best deals! 

Read More: Budgeting Tips and How to Afford Studying Abroad  

Tip #16: Get to know the locals.

Studying abroad is an authentic experience; you’ll get to meet people from all over the world and dive into new cultures. And a really great way to deepen your global perspective even further is by getting to know the locals.  

When you find yourself out and about, start conversations with others respectfully and thoughtfully – you’ll learn more about their views and backgrounds, and most importantly, you’ll be making connections throughout the world.  

rabat moroccan tea ceremony study abroad student

Tip #17: Find some hidden gems.  

In addition to the courses and cultural excursions in your CIEE program, when you live and study in a new place, you’ll get to do lots of exploring on your own. Try to find some lesser-known sites and attractions and uncover a few hidden gems during your study abroad adventure. It’ll make your experience even more exciting.  

Tip #18: Document your experience in a travel journal.  

Our last, but certainly not least, tip for studying abroad is to document your study abroad experience in a travel journal or similar log. Journaling your experience will serve as a pretty cool keepsake to look back on and help you reflect on and enrich your experience during your study abroad program. Include photos, postcards, and little mementos like receipts to make it fun!  

Get on Your Way

Studying abroad is the experience of a lifetime, and following our study abroad tips and advice will help you better prepare and enjoy the experience that much more. Use these recommendations – no matter where you decide to travel – as study abroad Europe tips, study abroad Australia tips, and more!  

Bon voyage!  


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study abroad application essays

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Application Essay: Types, How to write Application Essays for Study Abroad

• Study Abroad

by CANAM Group

  • By: CANAM Group
  • Updated On: Aug 11,2023 10:55 AM IST

Admission Essays or Application Essays are necessary part of application process and serve as a clear picture of candidate’s personality and interests. Some universities put forward requirement of Application Essays instead of statement of Purpose. It can be based on any diverse topic given by the university. Universities at times provide students with several essay prompts, out of which any specific topic could be chosen and given instructions could be followed.

Table of Contents

  • • Significance of Application Essay
  • • What is an Application Essay?
  • • Diverse categories of Application essays
  • • How to write Application Essay for study abroad?
  • • Below is an excerpt from one of NYU Application Essay examples:

Significance of Application Essay

Vast majority of students strive to study abroad in top most universities and thus go through the comprehensive process of gathering required important documents according to university’s guidelines. Students need to meet all the academic requirements as well as submit all relevant documents within the deadline in this strenuous and time-consuming process. Number of documents are required for the admission process, such as academic transcripts, visa documents, financial statements, letters of recommendation (LORs) and a statement of purpose (SOP). Admission essay or commonly known as Application Essay is crucial for the admission process. It generously gives elaborative glimpse of one’s background, experiences, abilities as well as various aspects of personality. Admission Essays hold the power to create a powerful impact, either positive or negative, and so must be given high priority during the writing process. These essays are better kept in alignment with one’s thoughts and should be presented in flawless language. All this effort could lead to assured admission in the college of preference. These essays clearly create opportunities for the students to set themselves apart through their unique expressions in the essay.

What is an Application Essay?

Admission or Application Essays are one of the most often asked documents by most universities. It is made clear by universities about the requirements with details. Some essays are asked in the form of answer to the question whereas others may be in the form of a statement of purpose. At times, it might seem as if Application essay is quite similar to Personal statement or Statement of Purpose, but that’s not the case. The essay certainly depicts the authentic personal image of an individual as compared to the statement. It could also be distinguished on the basis of guidelines issued regarding pointers to be utilized in the essay or any given prompt for that matter. Application Essay conveniently extends opportunity for students to bring forth their excellent and articulate writing skills through this. This essay is also expected to reflect student’s determination and existing knowledge of the chosen subject. It thoroughly highlights student’s writing skills, ability to express and unique perspective as well. Prompt questions are very common for graduate essays as personal development questions are more prevalent for undergraduate essay prompts.

Diverse categories of Application essays

Undergraduate Admission Essay

  • Common Application Essay
  • UCAS Application Essay

MBA Admission Essay

  • Career Progression Essay
  • Goals Essay
  • Leadership Essay
  • Culture Shock Essay

Other Admission Essays

  • Scholarship Essay
  • Gap Year Essay

Essays based on genre

  • Argumentative
  • Autobiographical
  • Descriptive

Preparation for Application Essay

  • The word limit for admission essay is around 350 to 500. Each essay may have a different word count. The word count requirement is usually provided by the university. It is suggested to stick to the instructions and not exceed the word limit.
  • The language of essay should never be vague as it will reflect poorly on student’s skills and expression.
  • Grammatical mistakes should be avoided at all costs as an integral part of criteria on which it will be assessed.
  • Formal and relevant language should be used in essay to make it stand out and put forth one’s expression in best manner.

How to write Application Essay for study abroad?

Guidelines for writing Application or Admission essay:

  • Planning and Organizing: One important step is to draft the material of essay and organize according to the given format. Plan it thoroughly into a structure according to given guidelines. To include authenticity, genuine beliefs and real-life experiences and support for ideas with a clearer perspective backed by evidence.
  • Targets determined for comprising essays: Target of the essay is considered to be the unique information that sets one apart from other applicants. One should also share their goals and inspirations and how desired university will help them achieve their dreams.
  • Being Specific counts: Relevant answers according to the topic is appreciated. Appropriate word limit and good vocabulary gets authorities engaged and impressed.
  • Proofreading: Application essay is expected to be concise, informative and confident at the same time. Final draft should be proofread keeping in mind all the above things to make it error free.
  • Deadlines: They are to be followed to avoid any default leading to disqualification. It is always better to maintain efficiency and punctuality.

Below is an excerpt from one of NYU Application Essay examples:

The Bachelor of Science in Business Program excites me, as it entails a well-rounded yet intensive study in core business disciplines. However, what draws me to stern is the emphasis on gaining a global perspective, which is crucial in today’s rapidly changing world economy. Through the International Business Exchange Program, I will be able to gain a first-hand cultural experience that will mould me into a global citizen and business leader. Not only will I be taking courses in the most prestigious business schools across the globe, but I will also have new doors opened for me to network with alumni. Accordingly, application essays should be detailed, specific, and shows the admissions team at any school, college or university, why the writer would enrich campus life- all while answering the college essay prompts.

Have questions? we have all the answers. Find out all the information you need about this program, student visa, work permit, and more.

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Study Abroad Application Questions

Main content.

The study abroad application will consist of four main components:

  • Basic personal information
  • Academic information
  • Three short essays in answer to the questions provided (see essay questions below)
  • One recommendation from faculty, advisor, staff, or supervisor at UW Tacoma or another institution who is familiar with your academic work

Below are essay questions that are asked in the study abroad application.

Essay 1: why is this program a good fit (500-750 words).

Write a statement describing your background and reasons for choosing this program or exchange, and the projected benefits of this experience to your course of study and long-term plans. Include any other information that you feel is relevant to your application.

Essay 2: Adaptability (maximum 250 words)

Describe a time when you had to adapt to a new environment and/or interact with people who were different from you (here in the U.S. or abroad). How has this experience prepared you for studying abroad?

Essay 3: Group Dynamics (maximum 250 words)

The success of the program can depend on the ability of the group to live and study with one another in harmony. Describe a prior experience with a group situation and how you navigated the social dynamics. 

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Essays on Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is more than an academic pursuit; it's a life-changing adventure that broadens horizons and enriches experiences. Writing an essay on studying abroad isn't just about grades; it's a chance to explore the transformative power of international education. Try writing an essay about studying abroad. 🌍🎓

Studying Abroad Essay Topics 📝

Selecting the right essay topic is crucial for a compelling narrative. Here's how to choose one:

Studying Abroad Argumentative Essay 🤨

Argumentative essays on studying abroad require you to defend a viewpoint or argument. Here are ten thought-provoking topics:

  • 1. Argue for the benefits of studying abroad as a life-changing experience that enhances personal growth and global awareness.
  • 2. Defend your perspective on whether international students should be eligible for the same scholarships and financial aid as domestic students.
  • 3. Debate the impact of studying abroad on an individual's career prospects and future employability.
  • 4. Argue for or against the idea that universities should offer more diverse programs and scholarships to encourage underrepresented students to study abroad.
  • 5. Defend the importance of cultural exchange programs and their role in fostering international cooperation and understanding.
  • 6. Debate the ethical implications of universities partnering with foreign governments to establish branch campuses abroad.
  • 7. Argue for the benefits of international students contributing to the cultural diversity and academic excellence of host universities.
  • 8. Defend your perspective on whether studying abroad should be made a mandatory part of higher education curricula.
  • 9. Debate the role of studying abroad in promoting peace and diplomacy among nations.
  • 10. Argue for or against the idea that studying abroad can lead to a disconnect from one's home culture and identity.

Studying Abroad Cause and Effect Essay 🤯

Cause and effect essays on studying abroad explore the reasons behind decisions and their consequences. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Analyze the causes and effects of the rise in international student enrollment in universities worldwide.
  • 2. Examine how studying abroad can influence an individual's language proficiency and communication skills.
  • 3. Investigate the effects of cultural shock and adaptation challenges faced by international students in a foreign country.
  • 4. Analyze the causes and consequences of the brain drain phenomenon in countries that lose talented individuals to international universities.
  • 5. Examine how studying abroad can lead to a broader perspective on global issues and a greater sense of social responsibility.
  • 6. Investigate the impact of studying abroad on an individual's career choices and the industries they enter upon graduation.
  • 7. Analyze the causes of international student mobility trends and the influence of destination countries' policies and scholarships.
  • 8. Examine the effects of cultural exchange programs on fostering cross-cultural friendships and global networks.
  • 9. Investigate the consequences of studying abroad on one's personal identity and sense of belonging.
  • 10. Analyze the causes and effects of reverse culture shock when international students return to their home countries after studying abroad.

Studying Abroad Opinion Essay 😌

Opinion essays on studying abroad allow you to express your subjective viewpoints. Here are ten topics to consider:

  • 1. Share your opinion on the personal and cultural benefits of studying abroad, emphasizing the transformative power of the experience.
  • 2. Discuss your perspective on the ethical responsibilities of universities to provide comprehensive support services for international students.
  • 3. Express your thoughts on the importance of integrating global perspectives and international coursework into higher education curricula.
  • 4. Debate the significance of government-sponsored exchange programs in promoting international cooperation and diplomacy.
  • 5. Share your views on the role of international students in enriching the academic and social environments of host universities.
  • 6. Discuss the impact of studying abroad on an individual's understanding of global challenges and their role in addressing them.
  • 7. Express your opinion on whether studying abroad should be considered a privilege or a fundamental right for all students.
  • 8. Debate the merits of universities collaborating with international partners to offer joint degree programs and research initiatives.
  • 9. Share your perspective on the responsibilities of international students to be cultural ambassadors and bridge builders between nations.
  • 10. Discuss your favorite personal experience or anecdote from studying abroad that highlights the value of international education.

Studying Abroad Informative Essay 🧐

Informative essays on studying abroad aim to educate readers. Here are ten informative topics to explore:

  • 1. Provide an in-depth analysis of the history and evolution of international student mobility trends.
  • 2. Explore the psychological and emotional challenges faced by international students during their adaptation to a new culture.
  • 3. Investigate the impact of government policies and visa regulations on international student enrollment in different countries.
  • 4. Analyze the benefits of studying abroad for career development, including increased employability and higher earning potential.
  • 5. Examine the effects of international student exchanges on diplomatic relations and cultural diplomacy between nations.
  • 6. Investigate the consequences of studying abroad on an individual's sense of identity and self-discovery.
  • 7. Provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of international internships and work experiences for students studying abroad.
  • 8. Analyze the connection between studying abroad and the development of global citizenship and cross-cultural competence.
  • 9. Examine the role of support services, such as cultural orientation programs, in easing the transition for international students.
  • 10. Investigate the therapeutic benefits of sharing and documenting one's study abroad experiences through blogs, vlogs, or social media.

Studying Abroad Essay Examples 📄

Studying abroad thesis statement examples 📜.

Here are five examples of strong thesis statements for your studying abroad essay:

  • 1. "Studying abroad is not just a chapter in one's academic journey; it's a transformative odyssey that shapes individuals into global citizens with a deeper understanding of the world."
  • 2. "The decision to study abroad isn't merely a choice of education location; it's a pivotal moment in a student's life that fosters personal growth, cultural appreciation, and international perspectives."
  • 3. "In a world increasingly interconnected, studying abroad is no longer a luxury but a necessity, as it equips individuals with the skills and insights needed to thrive in a globalized society."
  • 4. "As we explore the myriad benefits of studying abroad, it becomes evident that this experience goes beyond academics; it's a profound journey of self-discovery, resilience, and adaptability."
  • 5. "The pursuit of knowledge knows no borders, and studying abroad is the embodiment of this belief, transcending geographical boundaries and opening doors to a world of limitless opportunities."

Studying Abroad Essay Introduction Examples 🚀

Here are three captivating introduction paragraphs to kickstart your essay:

  • 1. "In a world where textbooks are just the beginning, studying abroad is the next chapter in the adventure of education. As we embark on this essay's exploration, we peel back the layers of international study—a journey that is not just about knowledge but also about self-discovery, cultural immersion, and global perspectives."
  • 2. "Picture a classroom without borders, where the world becomes your textbook, and every interaction is a lesson. Studying abroad isn't just an academic pursuit; it's a transformative voyage that reshapes how we see the world. Join us as we dive into this captivating narrative of education beyond horizons."
  • 3. "Amid the pages of books and lecture halls, there's a world waiting to be explored—a world of diversity, new experiences, and global understanding. As we venture into this essay, we are reminded that studying abroad isn't just about where you go; it's about who you become along the way."

Studying Abroad Conclusion Examples 🌟

Conclude your essay with impact using these examples:

  • 1. "As we close the book on this exploration of studying abroad, we recognize that the pursuit of knowledge transcends borders, and the journey of self-discovery knows no limits. The adventure continues, with each student who embarks on the path of international education, enriching their lives and our global community."
  • 2. "In the final chapter of our studying abroad essay, we stand at the crossroads of academic exploration and personal growth. The world beckons, and the horizon stretches endlessly, offering boundless opportunities for those who dare to embrace the transformative power of studying abroad."
  • 3. "As the echoes of this essay resonate, we find ourselves at the intersection of education and enlightenment. The conclusion marks the beginning of a lifelong journey—a journey of lifelong learning, cross-cultural empathy, and a deeper connection to the world."

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Studying abroad involves pursuing educational opportunities in a foreign country, allowing students to experience different cultures, languages, and academic systems.

  • Cultural Exposure: Students gain firsthand experience of different cultures, enhancing their global awareness and adaptability.
  • Language Skills: Immersive environments accelerate language learning and proficiency.
  • Academic Diversity: Exposure to varied teaching methods and academic curricula broadens educational perspectives.
  • Career Opportunities: International experience is highly valued by employers, improving job prospects.
  • Personal Growth: Living abroad fosters independence, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills.

Exploring Studying Abroad essay topics highlights the transformative impact of international education on personal and professional development. It emphasizes the benefits of cultural exchange, language acquisition, and global networking, preparing students for a competitive, interconnected world. This topic encourages critical thinking about the value of diverse educational experiences and their role in shaping well-rounded, adaptable individuals.

Relevant topics

  • Academic Interests
  • Academic Achievements
  • College Experience
  • Physical Education
  • Importance of Education
  • Critical Thinking
  • School Uniform
  • High School
  • Stem Education

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study abroad application essays

Tips for a Strong Application

Start early.

Learn about the application process and timeline for your program.  Review the program webpage, including any information in the “Apply Now” tab, and note the application deadline.  Use your resources (as outlined below).

When the application for your chosen program and duration is open , start your application as early as you can.

When you start the application and select your program, you will see full instructions for what you need to enter, upload or submit.

By starting the application early, you give yourself more time to prepare your materials.  You also give yourself more time to ask questions, if any come up.

Explain Yourself and Your Program Choice

Use every opportunity in the application to communicate your rationale for applying.

A good place to do this is in your essays or personal statements, particularly when the prompt asks you about your goals.  Review each prompt carefully, and address all parts of the prompt directly in your response.  Be specific to you, and the program you have chosen.

Successful applicants explain how their chosen program will help them achieve their study abroad goals .  Why is this program uniquely suited to help you achieve your academic, professional, and personal goals?

Present a strong rationale for why this specific program is the best fit for you–and why you are the best student for this program.

Demonstrate Your Preparation

Use every opportunity in the application to show how your background and experiences have prepared you to be successful on your chosen program.

Be mindful of the eligibility requirements for the program (listed on the program webpage), and use your application essays and supporting documents to show how you meet or exceed the requirements.

Successful applicants demonstrate how their leadership and involvement have prepared them for a productive study abroad experience .

Describe how you plan to engage with and contribute to your community abroad.  Successful applicants exhibit academic preparedness, strong decision-making skills, and an ability to contribute to their community abroad.

Use Your Resources

Connect with the Enrollment Specialist Advisor:  Enrollment Specialist Advisors can advise on the application process and required materials.  Note: Our staff cannot provide feedback on application materials (such as essays or personal statements) before the official application review.  It would not be fair to do so for one student, when we cannot do so for all students.  However, we are available to help with any questions about what is required and what a reviewer will be looking for.

For help with essays, we highly recommend The Writing Center .

For help with resumes and cover letters, check out resources from SuccessWorks .

If you are a non-Letters and Science major, check your own school or college’s career center , as they often provide guidance on resumes, cover letters, letters of recommendation and more.

For a letter of recommendation, identify an individual you would like to ask for your recommendation and first ask them if they would feel comfortable doing so.  It is generally helpful to ask someone who knows you well.  Be sure to ask well in advance of your program application deadline, to give your recommender as much time as possible to write their letter.  You may want to share a copy of your resume with them, and discuss why you are applying for your chosen program and what you plan to achieve.  That information may help them to write a strong letter on your behalf.

Connect with past program participants via the Returned Student Network , to learn from their first-hand experience.  Note:  There may have been updates to the application process since they applied, so be sure to connect with the program Enrollment Specialist Advisor if you have questions about what you need to complete.

Finish By (or Before) the Deadline

To ensure consideration, be sure to complete and submit your application by the deadline.  Meeting the deadline is critical.  Only complete and submitted applications are reviewed.  If you are applying to a competitive program, your application will not be considered if it is submitted after the deadline.

Remember, you should apply by the UW-Madison study abroad application deadline, even if you are applying to a program where the partner or provider has a later deadline.

Applications are reviewed following the application deadline, unless stated otherwise on the program webpage.

When applications are reviewed following the deadline, there is not necessarily an advantage to applying before the deadline.  However, completing and submitting your application early may give you peace of mind.  It may help you avoid any last-minute challenges – for instance, if you are sick on the day of the deadline.

If the program you are applying to has a rolling review process (if so, it will be noted on the program webpage), you are encouraged to apply as soon as possible and before the deadline.  Applying early may help you secure a place on the program before it fills.

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Georgetown University.

Semester/Full Year Application Resources

Application checklist, eligibility criteria, application essay(s), study proposal, recommendations, back-up, split year, and independent petition.

Your myGUABROAD application consists of:

Electronic Submissions:

  • Alumni Network Questionnaire
  • Passport Copy
  • Digital Photo
  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Statement of Academic Intent (500 Words)
  • Statement of Rationale for Second Site (if applicable, 250 words)
  • Foreign Language Statement of Academic Intent (if applicable, 500 words)
  • Unofficial Transcript
  • Student Conduct Form

Signature Documents :

  • Application Submission 

Recommendation/Language Assessment:

  • 1-2 Faculty Recommendations
  • 1 Language Assessment (if applicable)

Declaration of Major/Minor: To facilitate the transfer of credit from courses taken abroad back to Georgetown, you must declare all of your intended majors prior to submitting your study abroad application. We also encourage you to declare minors and certificates, but there is flexibility with these.


Program requirements, including GPA, language, or other prerequisites can be found on each program’s brochure.

*If your GPA is currently below a 2.5 or if you do not meet the listed prerequisites of the program you are interested in applying for, you are encouraged to speak with an OGE advisor early in the process to learn about options for semester study abroad and to inquire about the Eligibility Addendum form (see below).

Good Academic and Disciplinary Standing

Applicants are expected to be in good standing at Georgetown University or their home university.  To remain in good standing, a student must maintain a strong, consistent academic record, meet the academic standards set forth by the University and exhibit a history of good citizenship and student conduct.  Students are not eligible to participate in a study abroad program while on active academic, housing, or disciplinary probation. Less severe sanctions may also result in loss of eligibility, at the discretion of Georgetown and the Office of Global Education.   For full consideration, students should complete all assigned sanctions prior to submitting an application, and must be in good standing in order to study abroad.

It is important to remember that all nominations are inherently conditional.  A significant decline in academic performance or a disciplinary sanction prior to departure may render a student ineligible for study abroad.  This is true even if the student has already received a nomination from Georgetown or formal acceptance from an overseas institution.

Eligibility Addendum Form

If a student does not meet one or more of the requirements set forth in the program brochure, he/she may submit an Eligibility Addendum Form (EAF) to provide more information for the Selection Committee. This form is available after the mandatory advising appointment from an OGE regional advisor.

Students should begin the advising and application process early if they intend to submit an EAF. Students are also strongly encouraged to review their written EAF proposal with their curricular dean for input and advice. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval for study abroad. Please note that some program GPA requirements may be firm, but we encourage you to talk to your OGE advisor to find a good program fit.

What is the selection committee looking for?

The application essays are of central importance to the selection committee and merit careful thought and preparation. This is your primary opportunity to demonstrate that you have compelling academic rationale for studying abroad, have thought critically about your intended study abroad site, and are a strong candidate for your selected program.

Provide examples to support your statement.

A well-written essay will “show” (and not merely tell) the reasons why the program is a good match for you. A well-written essay will also cover all four of the questions below:

Remember your audience.

Your statement of academic intent will be shared a selection committee made up of OGE advisors and deans. In some cases, your essay will also be given to your host institution. The Selection Committee reserves the right to reject or return applications which, in our judgment, contain incomplete or insensitive answers.

Tips for Completing the Study Proposal

Who will approve my classes?

The Study Proposal is the document which you use to familiarize yourself with the curriculum of the program to which you are applying and to outline, in consultation with your dean and (if applicable) departmental advisors, the parameters within which you plan to take courses abroad.  The details outlined on the form will allow you to see how the coursework you select to take abroad may transfer back to Georgetown.  OGE will provide assistance in finding the coursework for the program that you choose, but ultimately the academic advising staff and faculty of your school will approve or disapprove your proposed coursework.  Therefore, you will want to make sure you read the following tips carefully.

Please note that OGE cannot approve study abroad coursework.  All approvals must be obtained from the appropriate academic advising staff and faculty in your school.

Students in the College can consult their  academic department’s protocol  for transferring credits from study abroad. 

”What is academically appropriate” coursework?

Typically, the selection committee will consider the following when reviewing the Study Proposal:

  • Has the applicant chosen courses that are compatible with the guidelines given by OGE?
  • Does the coursework allow for progression in major/minor requirements?
  • Does the applicant possess the background and requisite knowledge for the chosen coursework?
  • Do the courses selected fulfill the full-time course load requirements?
  • Has the applicant selected enough alternate options in case some of the courses are not available?

Schedule the meetings necessary for course approval well before the application deadline and bring the appropriate documentation to assist those who will be reviewing your academic plan .

In some cases, those reviewing your Study Proposal may ask for additional documentation regarding the classes you have selected. For this reason it’s important to schedule your Study Proposal meetings well before the deadline in case follow up is required.

Supplemental information can often be helpful to those reviewing your Study Proposal too. If they are available, consider bringing course descriptions and/or syllabi to your meeting(s). That way if questions about the classes arise, you’ll have more than just a course title to work from to resolve any outstanding issues.

General Faculty Recommendation: Who should you ask?

Some programs will require that you submit a general faculty recommendation. The recommendation should come from a professor who has taught you at Georgetown and who is familiar with your goals for study abroad. Since faculty recommendations may play an important role in selection for competitive programs, you should be sure to share all relevant documents with your recommender and offer to meet with them to discuss your motivation. As programs have different requirements, please discuss your recommender choice with your OGE advisor, as they will be able to offer advice on the best choice of recommender(s) for your specific program. The best letters will come from people who know you well and who can provide detailed comments about your academic work, and who can speak to how well-suited you are for the study abroad program you have selected. 

Note: even if OGE does not require a general recommendation, you may be required to request one on your host program’s application portal.

Language Assessment : Who should you ask? The Language Assessment is not a recommendation, but rather an assessment meant to gauge your linguistic and cultural preparedness to function effectively abroad.  This assessment should not be confused with the language evaluation (or exam) that some departments administer during the application process.  The Language Assessment will ask your instructor to evaluate your linguistic preparedness in all competencies (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) as they pertain to your intended program.

You should seek a language assessment from your most recent language instructor, as he/she can most accurately assess your current skills as part of the application process.  Be sure to familiarize yourself with the language requirements of your desired program so that you can share them with your instructor.  You may not ask the same person to write both a general recommendation and a language assessment for you. If a significant amount of time has passed (i.e., more than a semester) since you took a language class, your instructor may want to briefly interview you or give you a written assignment to evaluate your current skills.  This step is at the instructor’s discrection.

If you have not taken a language course at Georgetown, you should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) of the appropriate language department.  If applying to a GU summer program, you should contact the faculty director of that program.  In either event, the DUS or the faculty director will review your case and determine how to assess your language skills appropriately.

What does OGE ask the recommender?

Here are the questions on the general faculty recommendation form:

  • What course(s) did the student take with you and in what term(s)? Please list below.
  • Please comment on the applicant’s motivation and academic strengths and weaknesses based on their performance in your course(s).
  • Imagine that you are the faculty director of a study abroad program. Would you want this student to participate on your program? Since study abroad requires that a student be self-reliant and mature in order to successfully navigate a foreign and unfamiliar environment, please include comments on the student’s maturity level, independence, self motivation, and discipline.
  • Please use this section to provide any additional comments about this student that you wish to share with the Selection Committee and the program administrators.

Letter of Recommendation Etiquette

We recommend that, when possible, you contact your recommender at least four weeks prior to your program’s application deadline to ask if they would be willing to write a recommendation for you. Consider stopping by your recommender’s office hours to discuss the recommendation, as well as your plans for study abroad.

We suggest that you provide your recommender with a resume and/or a copy of your statement of academic intent to provide an overview of your activities, experiences and academic goals. This will give your recommender a better understanding of why you have chosen your particular program. This is particularly critical if you do not have a well-established relationship with the recommender.

Once the recommendation has been submitted, write a quick thank-you note to acknowledge the time the recommender has taken to assist you.

How to request a recommendation through the OGE online application system:

  • When you open an online application, you will see a section titled “Recommendations”. Below that, click “Request Electronic Recommendation”.
  • Use the keywords box to enter the last name or GU NetID of your recommender. The system is linked to the Georgetown directory and will automatically locate the contact information for GU faculty. In order to prevent technical issues, please always use the Georgetown email address of the recommender (not a personal email address) when making your request. Click “Next” when you have selected your recommender.
  • Fill in the course(s) you have taken with the faculty member, and add any relevant notes under “Additional Information”.
  • Select whether or not to waive your right to read the recommendation after it is completed.
  • Click save, which will email the request to the recommender.
  • The recommender will complete and submit the form online. Your application will display a check mark when the recommendation has been received by OGE.

I need to resend my recommendation form. How do I do that?

Your recommender may contact you and say he/she did not receive or cannot locate the link to access your recommendation form. If this happens, please email  [email protected]  and include the following information:

  • The program and term to which you are applying
  • Your recommender’s name
  • A request to resend the link

Preparing a Back-Up Application

Most programs do not require students to have a back-up application, and it is therefore only possible to apply for a back-up program after discussing it with your OGE advisor. Your OGE advisor will be able to give you advice on appropriate back-up options. Back-up applications will require many of the same materials as primary choice applications, including the Study Proposal. You are responsible for completing all necessary materials for both applications. Please note that if you are nominated to your first choice, your back-up application will not be considered.

Preparing a Split Year Application

A split year is defined as a full year of study abroad with a different program each semester. Students should discuss the feasibility of their intentions with the OGE advisors for BOTH programs before submitting application materials for each program. Visa timelines and regulations may preclude certain split year combinations. In addition to a Statement of Academic Intent for each program, you are also required to write a Split Year Statement in which you will outline how studying at two different locations will support your academic plans and strengthen your background in a chosen field or fields.

Preparing an Independent Petition Application

In rare cases, a student may have a particular academic need that is not served by the OGE approved programs. In this case, a student may apply to a program that is not on the approved list; this is an Independent Petition. Students choosing to complete an  Independent Petition  must go through the regular application process but will have additional submissions as part of their application, including the Independent Petition application form and the Independent Petition Budget. Please note that Independent Petition applicants should have a higher level of independence and maturity, as often they are participating on a program with whom Georgetown does not have an established relationship.

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Application Essays

There are three essays required as part of the Gilman application: the Statement of Purpose Essay and the two Community Impact Essays, which are the Building Mutual Understanding Essay and the Follow-on Service Project Proposal. For those applying for a Critical Need Language Award (CNLA) or for the STEM Supplemental Award, additional essays are required.

Essay Guidelines

  • Compose your essays first in a word processing program, and then upload the file to your online application. Please use 1-inch margins and Times New Roman 12-point font for each of your essays.
  • The Statement of Purpose Essay is limited to 7,000 characters (including spaces).
  • The Building Mutual Understanding Essay is limited to 3,000 characters (including spaces).
  • The Follow-on Service Project Proposal is limited to 3,000 characters (including spaces).
  • The optional Critical Need Language Award essay has a 2,000 character limit (including spaces).
  • The optional STEM Supplemental Award essay has a 1,000 character limit (including spaces).
  • Ensure that your essays address all the required prompts.
  • Please preview your essays once you have uploaded them into the application to ensure the correct file was uploaded.

Tips for Writing Competitive Essays

  • Have your essay proofread.  One of the most important things to remember for any essay is to have it read by an advisor or professor. Spell check and grammar check are fine, but a good proofreader will find things that your word processing software won’t. In addition, a proofreader can often make suggestions on ways to clarify a point that may not make sense to someone else.
  • Work with your advisors.  It is important to talk with your study abroad advisor prior to completing your essays. Your study abroad advisor may be able to help you develop your Statement of Purpose essay and/or a creative Follow-on Service Project. Remember your advisors may have participated in selection committees for scholarship programs, particularly Gilman, and can give you great insight into what makes an interesting and competitive essay.
  • Work with your writing center on campus.  Take the first draft of your essay to your campus writing center or to a composition professor. These individuals have invaluable expertise in writing essays and can be a great resource on your campus anytime you need to prepare an essay.
  • Be creative. Remember that this is a competitive scholarship program and the selection panelists’ only chance to get to know you is through your essay. The essays are your chance to tell the selection panelists about yourself and your decision to study abroad. It is important to develop an original and creative Follow-on Service Project. The most competitive applications are those that have interesting and original essays.
  • Check for proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.  Before submitting your application, be sure to double check your essay. Did you spell the scholarship name or names of cities correctly? Be sure you have proper punctuation and do not type your essay in all lower case or all upper case letters. Most importantly, check for correct grammar with the support of a proofreader.


5 Questions to Ask Yourself: Statement of Purpose (PDF)


2 Questions to Ask Yourself: Community Impact Essay 1 Building Mutual Understanding (PDF)


5 Questions to Ask Yourself: Community Impact Essay 2 Follow-on Service Project Proposal (PDF)


The Statement of Purpose essay is an important factor in the selection of Gilman Scholarship recipients. We strongly encourage you to read the Gilman Selection Criteria , carefully review your essay, and ask an advisor, faculty member, or others to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission.

In your essay, be specific in describing your individual reasons for studying abroad, keeping in mind that this is a scholarship for academic study abroad or credit bearing international internships. Please address ALL of the questions below, in no particular order: (max of 7,000 characters)

  • How will studying or interning abroad help you achieve your future academic or professional goals?
  • Why did you select your specific program and host country?
  • How are you academically prepared to be a successful scholar abroad? Disclose any significant academic difficulties you have faced.
  • What examples of knowledge, skills, and experiences will you draw on to navigate a different environment abroad?

Community Impact Essays

These two community impact essays are equally important in the selection process. Carefully review your essays, read the Selection Criterion  Community Impact Abroad & Upon Student’s Return Home , and ask an advisor to proofread your essays for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission.

1. Building Mutual Understanding Essay

Gilman Scholars represent the United States as citizen diplomats in their host communities; they reflect a broad range of values, beliefs, and opinions that is fundamental to providing a balanced representation of the United States abroad. Gilman Scholars are expected to contribute to the goal of building mutual understanding by sharing their own background and experiences as a U.S. citizen as well as learning about and building meaningful connections within the host community. Please address ALL of the required prompts below: (max of 3,000 characters)

  • Thinking ahead to your experience abroad, how will you represent the United States and share your own background and experiences as a U.S. citizen during your program?
  • What opportunities will you seek to engage in the culture and build meaningful connections within your host community?

2. Follow-on Service Project Proposal

Gilman Scholars are expected to complete the Follow-on Service Project, which should aim to increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman International Scholarship Program among their peers in their home or campus communities. Please address ALL of the required prompts below: (max of 3,000 characters)

  • In no particular order, describe your Follow-on Service Project in more detail.
  • What is your project and how will it increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman Program among your peers in your home or campus community?
  • Identify and explain why you chose the specific community you will be reaching.
  • How will you integrate the impact of your experience abroad into your project?
  • With which campus departments, student organizations, or community organizations will you collaborate?

Examples of Follow-on Service Projects

Gilman scholars have proposed and carried out a wide range of Follow-on Service Projects. As long as the applicant’s proposal will meet the goals of the Follow-on Service Project, there are no right or wrong projects. However, we encourage all applicants to propose a unique Follow-on Service Project that highlights their individual background, experiences, talents and skills. Listed below are some examples of projects Gilman scholars have carried out. This is by no means an exhaustive list and we look forward to continuing to receive unique, individual proposals from all applicants. Remember, all projects must promote international education and the Gilman Scholarship.

K-12 Outreach

  • Conducting presentations on their country of study to local classrooms.
  • Working with a local teacher to connect with a U.S. classroom while abroad, via photos, letters, emails or Skype sessions, sharing information about their host country, experience abroad and the Gilman Scholarship.
  • Organizing and/or working with their university K-12 outreach program, to present and share information on their experience abroad and the Gilman Scholarship.
  • Participating in their local high school College Night to share information on study abroad opportunities and scholarships.
  • Working with/giving presentations on study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship to high school language or area studies classes.
  • Working with/giving presentations on study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship to programs that mentor high school students, such as Upward Bound.

Academic Department Outreach:

  • Development of a study abroad information page for the department or major website that lists a suggested academic timeline encouraging students to incorporate study abroad into their degree, in consultation with their department and study abroad office.
  • Organizing information on study abroad programs that offer coursework and academic credit in their field of study and links to Gilman and other scholarships and financial aid information that support these opportunities.
  • Presentations on study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship at academic club or honor society meetings.
  • Development of a brochure or informational flyer specific to the student’s academic department or field of study that is then posted in the study abroad office.
  • Serving as a mentor/peer advisor to potential study abroad students in their field of study.
  • Submitting an article to their academic department newsletter on their experiences abroad and the Gilman Scholarship either while the student is still overseas or upon their return.

Campus Office Outreach:

Students often propose to work with a specific on-campus office including the Diversity/Minority Services offices, Disability Services offices, Career Centers, Financial Aid offices, Student Leadership offices, and other campus offices. Examples of these projects include:

  • Promoting and encouraging study abroad opportunities and the Gilman Scholarship through presentations to student clubs and organizations and through office organized events
  • Posting information on the Gilman Scholarship Program in specific campus offices
  • Adding a web page to the official website that highlights study abroad opportunities, the Gilman Scholarship, and information that would be of help/interest to students
  • Serving as an official representative at campus fairs and events by sharing information on study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship

Study Abroad Outreach:

This is the most common type of Follow-on Service Project students propose and can be very beneficial to increase study abroad participation at your home institution. Consider consulting with the study abroad office to address any challenges or needs your home institution faces in order to offer support through your project and positively impact your campus and peers.

  • Volunteering or working in the study abroad office as a Peer Mentor/Advisor to potential study abroad students, sharing information about the Gilman Scholarship.
  • Representing the study abroad office and Gilman Scholarship at presentations/information sessions on study abroad.
  • Ensuring the study abroad office website has a Scholarship Information page and that a link to the Gilman Scholarship Program’s website is provided.
  • Submitting an article on their experiences abroad and Gilman Scholarship to the Study Abroad office newsletter for distribution or publication, either while they are still abroad or upon their return.
  • Developing an informational flyer/brochure on university-specific financial aid procedures for study abroad and available scholarships, including the Gilman Scholarship which is then housed in the study abroad office.
  • Participating in/organizing a Study Abroad Alumni society which assists returned and potential study abroad students, sharing information about the Gilman Scholarship.
  • Serving as a resource person for a specific country/program/field of study that would advise/assist potential study abroad students, sharing information about the Gilman Scholarship.

Other Outreach:

  • Submitting a weekly or monthly article on their experiences overseas to their campus or hometown newspaper while the students are abroad, thereby sharing information with a wide range of readers and including information on the Gilman Scholarship
  • Submitting an article or series of articles on their experiences abroad and the Gilman Scholarship to their campus or hometown paper upon their return to the U.S.
  • Working with another local organization to share information on study abroad and the country they studied in with their members
  • Presenting on study abroad opportunities and the Gilman Scholarship Program at Freshman Orientation or in First-Year Experiences courses thereby encouraging students to consider study abroad earlier rather than later.
  • Hosting a photography exhibit on their campus or in their community, sharing about their experience abroad, international opportunities that exist and the Gilman Scholarship
  • Presenting art created in or focused on their host country on their campus or in their community, including information on international education and the Gilman Scholarship.


Applicants who are studying a critical need language while abroad in a country or location in which the language is predominantly spoken can apply for a supplemental award of up to $3,000. Critical Need Language Awards for a country or location where a language is not predominantly spoken may be considered for applicants who make a strong case for their desired location in the application essay. As only a limited number of Critical Need Language Awards are available, not all students who are studying the identified languages will receive a Critical Need Language Award.

Critical Need Language Award recipients who complete their Gilman requirements may take the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) , which demonstrates language proficiency for educational, professional, or other purposes. The OPI is offered at no cost to all Critical Need Language Award recipients.

In no more than 2,000 characters, including spaces, please address the following questions:

  • What are your motivations for improving your language proficiency academically, professionally, and personally?
  • How do you intend to improve your language skills while studying abroad? How will you increase your proficiency in the language inside and outside of the classroom setting?
  • How do you intend to use the language after you study abroad, and how will the Critical Need Language Award prepare you for this?
  • If you would like to be considered for an exception to our policy of studying a language in a country/location where it is predominately spoken, please explain why you chose your particular location and the benefits and resources for studying the selected language there.
Bahasa Indonesian
Chinese (Mandarin)

*This information is correct as of August 14, 2023.

* You may also use the Critical Need Language Award to study a foreign sign language. Apply for the target language (for instance, Japanese) and explain in your application that you will be studying reading, writing, speaking, and/or Japanese sign language.

** The CNLA for Hebrew language is offered through the generous support of our partners at the Embassy of Israel to the United States.


In support of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, the U.S. Department of State is dedicated to supporting students who are focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematic (STEM). The STEM Supplemental Award is for students conducting research that is already formally integrated into their credit-bearing program abroad and that is related to STEM fields (defined as agriculture, engineering, health professions, math and computer science, and physical and life sciences).

Please address ALL of the required prompts below: (max of 1,000 characters)

  • Please summarize your STEM-related research component and your overall motivation toward this STEM field.
  • Please also share how this will contribute to your future academic and/or career goals.

study abroad application essays

Contact Information: Applicants & Current Recipients Scholars Abroad & Alumni Advisors General Inquiries

study abroad application essays

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE).

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  3. Essay Tips for Study Abroad


  1. How to Write an Outstanding Study Abroad Application Essay

    Open up a blank Word document, and get down the general essay components: Introduction. Paragraph 1. Paragraph 2. Paragraph 3. Conclusion. Now that you have the foundation laid out, you can complete your outline by creating a couple compelling sentences for each paragraph.

  2. 10 Study Abroad Essay Tips

    How to write a unique study abroad essay. Sometimes, the process of studying abroad can feel almost as difficult as applying for college. You have to choose the country you want to study in, compare and contrast programs (hint: MyGoAbroad), collect your transcripts and references and, inevitably, you will have to write a personal statement and study abroad essay for your application.

  3. Crafting the Perfect Study Abroad Essay

    4) Show Your Personality. The best study abroad essays are the ones with a little bit of personality! Your essay should still sound professional, but don't be afraid to let yourself shine through as well. Studying abroad comes with challenges, and if the university gets a sense you are ready for them, you will move to the top of the list.

  4. Scholarship Essay Samples and Tips

    Scholarship Essay Samples Scholarship Essay Sample A Scholarship Essay Sample B Scholarship Essay Tips Here are some great scholarship essay tips! The Writing Center The Writing Center Email: [email protected] Phone: (608) 263-1992 Location: 6171 Helen C. White Hall / 600 North Park Street

  5. Winning Study Abroad Scholarship Essay Tips

    With these scholarship essay tips in mind, you can surely write an award winning study abroad application essay! Avoid "one size fits all" scholarship essays. It's very likely that you're going to be applying for more than one study abroad scholarship. As this is the case, it's tempting to create a scholarship essay that will suit all of ...

  6. How to Write a Personal Statement for Study Abroad

    A study abroad personal statement is a common component of any abroad program or scholarship application. These brief essays touch on an applicant's reasons for studying abroad and the experiences and qualities that make them a good fit. Done right, a study abroad personal statement can set your application apart in the best possible way.

  7. 63 Study Abroad Essay Examples & Topics

    Whether you're planning to write an argumentative, descriptive, or persuasive essay, our article will be helpful. Here we've collected top studying abroad essay samples and research titles ‍‍‍‍for scholarship papers. We will write a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts. 186 writers online.

  8. How to Write a Kick-Ass Application Essay

    Step 3: Brain dump into your essay sections. A more sophisticated description of this part is "brainstorm" or "outline.". I don't care what you call it - just get your ideas into the appropriate areas. Let's say I'm planning on studying abroad in China for an immersive language program because I'm a linguistics major.

  9. How to Write an Outstanding Study Abroad Application Essay

    The study abroad application essay is an important part of the college application process.It is a great opportunity to provide valuable information about yourself and your career interests. The content is significant because it gives insight on why you should be selected for a program or school.It provides why you want to participate in the ...

  10. PDF Learning Abroad's Scholarship Essay Writing Tips

    arity, conviction and passion about your pursuits. Use assertive language such as, "I intend" or ". might" or "I hope." Scholarship Tips (1/2)Summary: Be detailed and able to connect your goals and identity to why you de. ided to go abroad and why you picked your program. While students should be succinct, providing details wil.

  11. How Do I Write a Personal Statement for Study Abroad?

    Simply put, a study abroad personal statement is a component of your CIEE application, specifically in the CIEE scholarships and grants portion (which every student should fill out, by the way). It is a brief essay (300 words) in which you explain how a CIEE study abroad program will impact your college experience and/or your future career ...

  12. How to Write Impactful Admission Essays for Study Abroad?

    The application essay can be based on various topics that will be provided by the university. Admission essays are usually a part of the application process for those universities that do not require a statement of purpose. ... When it comes to essays for study abroad, there are various types of essays to assess and understand the applicants ...

  13. The Study Abroad Application

    Personal Statement - Study Abroad Essay 101. This is the part of the study abroad application that some people dread, and some people love. Don't worry; I'll break it down step by step. You already know the reasons you want to go abroad, now you just have to put them on paper to try and convince your school that you should go. Here's ...

  14. PDF Tips For Writing a Personal Statement

    Always follow the guidelines for the scholarship you are applying for, but generally, your 'Statement of Purpose' should be written in essay format, one page, standard margins and font, typed, single-spaced or double-spaced. Address the Assigned Question. Example: Explain why you chose your study abroad program and how participating in this ...

  15. Top 18 Study Abroad Tips

    The essay is an integral part of the CIEE study abroad application. Note a few of our study abroad essay tips to help you craft a meaningful narrative - you got this! Read More: How Do I Write a Personal Statement for Study Abroad? Tip #5: Find your why. Before writing your study abroad essay, identify what you're truly passionate about.

  16. How To Write a Good Personal Statement for Study Abroad Applications

    Writing an impressive personal statement is a crucial part of the university application process, and a great way of improving your chances of being accepted.. Before you can experience the amazing advantages of studying abroad, you must convince the admissions tutor that you deserve a place at your dream university.. Find your perfect programs today

  17. Application Essay: Types, How to write Application Essays for Study Abroad

    Narrative. Persuasive. Preparation for Application Essay. The word limit for admission essay is around 350 to 500. Each essay may have a different word count. The word count requirement is usually provided by the university. It is suggested to stick to the instructions and not exceed the word limit.

  18. Study Abroad Application Questions

    The study abroad application will consist of four main components: Basic personal information. Academic information. Three short essays in answer to the questions provided (see essay questions below) One recommendation from faculty, advisor, staff, or supervisor at UW Tacoma or another institution who is familiar with your academic work.

  19. ≡Essays on Studying Abroad: Top 10 Examples by GradesFixer

    3 pages / 1322 words. In this essay I will speak on the effects of studying abroad on an individual and their career. Studying abroad is a program offered by colleges to attend a foreign country while attending a foreign university. People ask what the purpose is of studying abroad... Studying Abroad.

  20. Tips for a Strong Application

    Use every opportunity in the application to communicate your rationale for applying. A good place to do this is in your essays or personal statements, particularly when the prompt asks you about your goals. Review each prompt carefully, and address all parts of the prompt directly in your response. Be specific to you, and the program you have ...

  21. College Admission Essay: Samples, Format, Examples, Topics, Questions

    An admission essay is a written document required by abroad universities to assess eligibility for admission. Many top universities abroad ask for college admission essays to evaluate the potential of applicants for admission to top courses. Writing an admission essay to study abroad colleges offers a fair chance for students to convince the admission panel through their authentic voice and ...

  22. Semester/Full Year Application Resources

    The application essays are of central importance to the selection committee and merit careful thought and preparation. This is your primary opportunity to demonstrate that you have compelling academic rationale for studying abroad, have thought critically about your intended study abroad site, and are a strong candidate for your selected program.

  23. Essays

    Application Essays. There are three essays required as part of the Gilman application: the Statement of Purpose Essay and the two Community Impact Essays, which are the Building Mutual Understanding Essay and the Follow-on Service Project Proposal. For those applying for a Critical Need Language Award (CNLA) or for the STEM Supplemental Award ...