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7 best student planner apps

The best apps to help students keep track of classes, homework, due dates, quizzes, and more.

Thad Thompson

Thad Thompson Jan 21, 2022

12 min read

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If you're a student, you need a system to organize classwork, exams, and life in general. And it's true, there is an app for everything. But there are lots of apps for planning and time management. Which ones make effective school planner apps?

When deciding on a planner app, you should obviously look for one with features most relevant to your life and your schedule. It should have a distinct purpose. And It shouldn't be thought of as a one-size-fits all productivity app . Here are the qualities to look for in a good student planner app:

Visually clean user experience vs. info-dense

Highly customizable vs. highly structured

Integrated with other apps vs. self-contained, with all the features you'll need in one place

Specialized for students vs. transferrable to post-school life

Here, you can check out just a few of the best school planners currently available. Each is highly rated, affordable, and, in several cases, geared specifically toward school and study. And they’re easy to find. Most are available in the Apple App Store or Google Play store for use on your iPhone, iPad, Android, or other smartphone.

7 great planner apps for high school and college students

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrades available

Todoist is a project planner and to-do list all in one. Used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to executives, Todoist is an app that can carry you through school and beyond.

Although you can pay to upgrade, the free version offers more than most students are likely to need. Todoist includes features that help you: 

 Enter important details or to-dos in a note-taking section before you forget them

Set up projects for each class and any other activities or hobbies you're involved in

Add "next action" items, so you can always look ahead to your next assignment

Cross items off your checklist without losing them for good

Student planner apps - blog - Todoist screenshot

Other helpful features include due dates for individual tasks and reminders that pop up on your phone or email. You can customize every feature, so you won't get lots of notifications without asking for them.

Todoist also allows you to label tasks. You can label by priority, context (laptop work, library, etc.), or any other system you want to create. You can also indicate recurring tasks, like weekly quizzes, so you never miss an assignment.

2. Microsoft To Do

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with Microsoft account

A reworking of the long-appreciated Wunderlist, Microsoft To Do has continued to evolve its features to make it stand out in the field of student planner apps.

Student planner apps - blog - Microsoft To Do screenshot

One feature that stands out in To Do is that things you didn't check off from previous days stay in the “Yesterday” box. That way you can specifically choose which items to transfer to "My day," and plan a better time for those that won't fit in today's schedule.

To Do allows you to sort tasks into basic lists that you set up, such as "Work," "Home," or "Lab." You can then add subtasks to the items on each list. For example, if your list includes, "Presentation for econ class," create subtasks for "Brainstorm subjects," "Find sources," or other project milestones. 

To Do also includes some features that will please visually oriented people. Dark mode is helpful if you're reviewing your day just before sleep or when you first wake up in the morning. You can also change the background for each list, with lots of modern and inspiring designs.

3. Calendly

iOS, Android, and desktop: Free with additional features available on paid plans

Calendly simplifies scheduling with groups and individuals. As group projects have become the new normal, you’ll likely have to set up plenty of meetings with groups and individuals during the course of your time as a student. You can save a lot of time by scheduling and managing those meetings with Calendly.

Here's how it works:

Connect Calendly with your digital calendar, like Google Calendar , Outlook , and others.

Create a meeting request.

Set the parameters. For example, you can let recipients see your availability, so they can pick a day and time, or you can set a day and time and they can either accept it or request a different time.

Select recipients and send.

Calendly will gather responses from the people you want to meet with, and you'll have a meeting set up without the long texting thread that's usually required.

Other helpful features include the options of Round Robin or collective scheduling on the paid plans. If others share their availability, Calendly will show times that work for everyone, so you can pick. Or, you can use its Meeting Polls feature to let people vote on proposed times before setting your meeting . Also, you can set reminders both for yourself and for those who agreed to meet with you.

Calendly streamlines setting up meetings, so you can free up your time and attention for classes and other responsibilities.

Get started with Calendly

Ready to make scheduling easier than ever?

4. iStudiez Pro

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with available paid Full Version upgrade 

iStudiez Pro is one of the highest-rated planner apps designed just for students. Enter your class schedule including the professor's name, contact info, and office hours. Then, you can color code your classes and use icons to make it visually interesting and easy to scan.

Student planner apps - blog - iStudiez screenshot

"Week view" allows you to plan your time and get ready for upcoming classes. "Day view" shows you tasks and scheduled items for today. For each class, you can add assignments, their due dates, and specific tasks associated with them.

If you upgrade to the Full Version of iStudiez Pro, you can even get a regular update on your GPA. As you receive graded assignments back, enter the grade and point value. iStudiez will do the calculating for you with its GPA tracker. It keeps this info from semester to semester, so you can keep the big picture in mind.

5. myHomework

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free or $4.99 per year for Premium

The myHomework student planner is a clean and simple planner app for education. Many teachers have already adopted it for e-learning or online instruction, but it's great for individual use as well.

Student planner apps - blog - myHomework screenshot

It's formatted for several types of class scheduling, such as block, period, or time-based schedules. myHomework allows you to not only input assignments and add tasks required to complete them, it also allows for prioritizing and categorizing tasks, so you can focus on what's most needed at any given time. You can set reminders for upcoming due dates too, so you don’t miss deadlines by accident (or procrastination).

While you do need internet connectivity to sync with other devices, this homework app still has full functionality even when you're not connected to WiFi. The free version has plenty of great features, but the paid version of this homework planner lets you get rid of ads as well as share assignments, add file attachments to assignments, and switch out your theme.

6. Power Planner

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available

Power Planner is a well-established student planner app with many of the same features as myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and exams.

Student planner apps - blog - Power Planner screenshot

Though the app is full of useful features, one element that sets it apart from other similar apps is the responsiveness of the developer. Power Planner is updated regularly, offering continual improvements to its features.

The GPA calculator is more robust in this app compared to others, with its "What if?" feature, which calculates what scores you need on assignments to get an A in a class. It also includes notifications for due dates coming up. The paid version allows you to enter more grades and stores your GPA info from one semester to the next.

Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with multiple paid plans starting at $5, and an automatic student discount

ClickUp is the only productivity platform built to tackle everything from complex projects to your daily assignments, all in one screen. With hundreds of customizable features to organize documents, take notes, schedule due dates, and more, ClickUp is a great daily planner for students at every level.

ClickUp's flexible organizational Hierarchy is perfect for breaking down course loads into manageable tasks, subtasks, and Checklists. There are over 15 ways to visualize your schedule in ClickUp including a dynamic Calendar, List, and Everything view for a high-level look at all projects and deadlines. Plus, ClickUp's Home feature syncs with your favorite calendar app to present your classes, reminders, and messages conveniently alongside your upcoming tasks.

ClickUp UI

ClickUp was built to consolidate your work into one centralized hub that can be accessed virtually anywhere, even offline, from your phone, or on your Apple Watch. You can create detailed course notes, format drafts, and everything in between using ClickUp's built-in document editor, then export or share them in seconds with a simple URL.

Access its top daily planner features, ClickUp Docs, unlimited tasks, over 1,000 integrations, and more when you sign up for ClickUp's Free Forever Plan, and automatically save 25% on any paid plan for being a student.

3 tips for getting the most from your student planner app

In addition to finding a great app for students, these tips can help you increase your productivity and keep your schedule running smoothly. No matter which app you choose, you’ll get more out of it if you use it alongside smart planning practices.

1. Treat yourself to a semester review

At the beginning of each semester, set aside a couple of hours to prepare yourself and get everything organized in your app and in your head. Make it fun: Take yourself out for coffee, turn on your favorite music, and turn off your texting and other notifications. This is time to get in the zone.

Give yourself time to look through your new app's features and figure out the best way to use them (or customize them) for you. It's helpful to read reviews, as people will talk about the most useful features. It's also an easy way to learn how to use the app.

Gather your syllabi, work schedules, and any other pertinent calendar info. First, enter all your calendar info for the semester. This helps you understand what your weekly schedule will be like. Then create projects or enter assignments (and due dates) for any big projects  your professors already have planned.

For example, the class may require a video assignment due at the end of the semester. Create a task called "plan out video project," and set the due date for around the time you want to begin the project. You don't want to get bogged down in planning the details of all those projects during your semester review. If you stay focused on the big picture, you may have time for more specific project planning at the end of your review session.

This is also a good time to set goals for yourself. Do you want to turn in more assignments on time or participate more in class? Do you want to learn a new instrument or join a team? Get inspired about doing more than just making it through the semester. With a powerful school planner app on your side, this could be your best semester yet — and there's more to that than just getting good grades.

2. Add a weekly review to your calendar

To keep your planner system functional, you have to keep giving it attention. Set up a time every week — about 30 minutes to an hour — for reviewing your projects and planning out your weekly schedule. Make this appointment as set-in-stone as your class times, so you aren’t tempted to put it off.

You can use this time to input any grades you've received if you've chosen an app with a GPA-tracking feature. Make sure that for every project, assignment or exam, you've entered specific tasks to prepare for them as well. You don't want to just remember that you have something due. You want to have a plan for turning in your best work! 

This is also a great time to set up meetings you'll need for the week. Use an app like Calendly to send out requests for meetings, so you're not scrambling at the last minute to find a time when everyone can meet.

And don't forget to schedule some rest! One of the best ways to stay motivated and stick with your work is to know you have some quality fun time coming.

3. Plan daily check-ins

Every morning look over your daily schedule and your list of things to do. This usually doesn’t take more than five minutes, but it can do a lot to help you bring your best to the things that are important to you.

Improve your learning through great planning

Choosing the student planner app that’s right for you is a great way of keeping your mind focused and your grades high during the semester. A great app will help you stay on top of your classes and work, especially if you keep your app up-to-date with regular reviews. 

A great calendar app can also help you to make the most of the other aspects of your life, for a less stressful, more rewarding student experience. The world needs what you have to give, and these apps can help you give your best.

Webinar: Getting Started with Calendly

Webinar: Getting started with Calendly

Thad Thompson

Thad is a former Content Marketing Manager at Calendly. When not sharing scheduling and productivity insights, you’ll find him hiking trails with his family or thumping a bass with a power pop band.

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10 Best Planner Apps for Students (Free & Intuitive)

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Student life can be a wild ride, right?

Homework, assignments, class schedules, upcoming exams – it’s like a never-ending rollercoaster. But guess what? We have solutions for you.

Here are the 10 best planner apps for students, tested and approved, to help you conquer the chaos and ride that rollercoaster like a pro.

Say goodbye to missed deadlines and hello to seamless planning and efficient time management. Let’s dive right in!

I. How to choose the best student planner app for your needs

Here are 4 key factors to consider:

1. Free Version. Money matters, especially for us students. Look for free planner apps with generous feature offerings.

2. User-Friendly Interface. A good student planner app should help you get stuff done, not get lost in itself. Look for apps with clear navigation menus and well-designed icons.

3. Feature Set. Think about what’s essential for your study style, and check if the app has what you need – calendars, to-do lists, collaboration, compatibility with other productivity apps! And hey, the ability to personalize it with categories and labels is a plus.

4. Cross-Platform Compatibility . Make sure your app plays well with the devices you’re frequently using.

We noticed most students are glued to their mobile devices these days, so most planner apps we recommend below are available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

II. 10 Best Planner Apps for Students for 2024

Below are the 10 highest-rated planner apps for students we found for you.

Availability : iOS | Android | web

Imagine having a personal assistant who can keep your class schedules in check, handle your to-do lists like a pro, and make group assignments feel like a walk in the park.

Well, meet Upbase !

It ticks all the boxes: a great free version, a user interface that’s easier to navigate than your campus, and privacy controls.

Whether you’re in high school or college, this trusty sidekick will make your study life a whole lot easier. Here’s why it’s the coolest:

A. Generous Free Version

Upbase’s free version is like finding money in your old jeans – unexpected and awesome. Here’s the good stuff it packs:

  • Unlimited users, tasks, lists, and storage.
  • Daily, monthly, and weekly schedule , with a time-blocking feature.
  • Task priorities, start and due times, durations, etc.
  • Shared/private projects.
  • Real-time chat tool and discussions
  • Collaborative docs, files, calendars, and links.

B. Comprehensive feature set

Upbase is not just a school planner app; it’s a toolkit for academic success that you can easily access from the left-side menu.

i) Schedule

Centralize all your schedules in one place. Easily make plans for the upcoming week, day, and month. That’s what the Schedule page can do for you!

It has four views: Daily Planner, Weekly Planner, Week Calendar, and Monthly Calendar, each integrated with a drag-and-drop feature, making scheduling 2x faster.

And hey, don’t skip these secret weapons if you want to skyrocket productivity:

  • Pomodoro timer.
  • Notepad for taking quick notes.
  • Daily Notes for daily journaling.

Perfect for managing homework, assignments, and group projects. Each list is like a project hub where all information is organized within reach.

For group assignments, you can delegate tasks, add priorities, set deadlines, and attach files. You can also create knowledge bases, organize files, post announcements, communicate with your team, and more.

The cool thing is: you get control of who can access each list .

This is crucial for college students who often work on multiple group projects simultaneously. They can ensure that only the relevant team members have access to a particular list, maintaining privacy and security.

Want to use lists as a solo? Easy-peasy! Just hide the collaborative tools with a few simple clicks.

This tool lets you access Slack-style channels, so you can keep the entire conversation within Upbase.

It also supports direct messages, so you can chat 1-on-1 with anyone on your team.

student planner homework app

This feature allows you to categorize, search, and filter tasks in your workspace. You can filter tasks by one or multiple tags – a capability that other planner apps lack.

Take your task management experience to the next level with filters.

The feature lets you create a custom filter of multiple criteria such as lists, assignees, due dates, tags, priorities, etc.

vi) My Tasks

A private place where you can easily keep track of all assigned tasks and tasks you create. You can show tasks on a list or on a Kanban board and choose how to group them.

C. Great customizability

Make Upbase yours. Tailor it to your preferences and style:

  • Personalize list icons and colors for a tailored look.
  • Group similar lists into folders for intuitive navigation.
  • Choose between List and Board views for tasks.
  • Show/hide tools based on your needs for a clutter-free experience.

This study planning app offers one of the most generous free plans on the market. With the Free Forever plan, you get unlimited tasks, lists, members, and storage . If you’re a student looking for a free planner app, give it a try !

student planner homework app

Availability : iOS | Mac | iPad | Apple Watch | Android | Windows | Web

Todoist is one of the few student planner apps that utilize natural language processing for task creation.

For example, when you jot down “Math assignment due Friday at 5 PM”, Todoist transforms your words into an actionable task named “Math assignment” with a due date at 5 PM on Friday.

Pretty cool, right? But that’s not all!

You can add notes, create a reminder, or add labels to this task.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #4 Todoist

Read Full Review : Todoist Review .

Furthermore, this school planner allows you to create projects, share tasks with your group, and delegate work.

Key Features

  • Due dates & reminders
  • Labels and filters
  • Recurring tasks
  • Natural language processing
  • Available on multiple devices
  • Never miss any important deadlines
  • Easy to sort and filter tasks by your needs
  • Lack of start dates
  • Unable to assign a task to multiple members
  • Only support 5 collaborators per free project

student planner homework app

3. Google Calendar

Availability : Web | Android | iOS | Desktop

Google Calendar is a user-friendly student planner app, thanks to its clean calendar interface with various color-coding options.

For example, you can assign blue for classes, green for homework, and red for exams. So, when you spot blue in your calendar, you’ll immediately recognize it as a class.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #3 Google Calendar

But what truly sets Google Calendar apart from other student calendar apps is its seamless integration with other Google services. This makes it the best planner app for students who are either already part of the Google ecosystem or considering joining.

  • Rich color-coding options
  • Seamless integration with Google apps
  • Day, week, month, and year calendar views
  • Simple to use
  • Manage your to-do list schedules, emails, etc. in one place
  • Easy to distinguish different activities
  • Weak task management capability
  • Not sync well with non-Google apps

This student calendar app is typically included for free as part of Google’s suite of apps.

Availability : Web browsers | Windows | macOS | Android | iOS

Notion is like the cool kid on the block when it comes to study planning apps.

Unlike other apps, it gives you the freedom to design your own school planner, notes, and task lists.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #2 Notion

You can also link related information, keeping your subjects, courses, and projects cohesive.

Working on group projects? Notion allows you to share pages with your classmates, delegate tasks, and more.

student planner homework app

In short, Notion is the best planner app for students who value customization, seek an all-in-one solution, and are comfortable with a slight learning curve.

  • Slash command & rich text format options
  • Databases, tables, and pages
  • Rich template inventory (such as project planner, homework planner, school planner, etc.)
  • Able to create custom workflows, planners, and databases
  • Easy to link related information together
  • Accessible across devices
  • Steep learning curve
  • No real-time chat tool
  • Time-taking for initial setup

student planner homework app

Availability : Web | iOS devices | Android devices | macOS | Windows

Trello is the best planner app for students, and here’s why it rocks.

First off, Trello’s intuitive Kanban-style interface is a breeze to navigate. It’s like digital sticky notes that actually keep you on track of upcoming tasks.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #5 Trello

Read Full Review : Trello Review .

Secondly, it’s got all the features most students might need like due dates, labels, priorities, and reminders.

And if you’re teaming up on a group project, Trello enables you to invite friends, assign tasks, and share files.

student planner homework app

  • Kanban-style interface
  • Easy to track a project’s progress
  • Save time on repetitive tasks
  • Suit different preferences and styles
  • Too basic subtasks (no due dates or assignees)
  • The calendar view is available only on the Premium plan and up

student planner homework app

6. Power Planner

Availability : iOS | Android | Windows

Power Planner is a good college student planner app for both iOS and Android users.

What makes Power Planner special? It’s got your back for all things school-related, such as grade and GPA calculation, homework management with automatic reminders, and schedule tracking.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #6 Power Planner

Plus, Power Planner offers nifty features like widgets for quick task check-ins and offline mode.

But note that while Power Planner is free to download, it includes an in-app purchase for premium features, such as the ability to add more than one semester and five grades per class.

  • Grade and GPA calculation
  • Automatic reminders
  • Quick task check-ins
  • Offline mode
  • Easy to track grades
  • Keep your class schedule in check
  • Able to use when Wi-Fi is unavailable
  • It takes time and effort for the initial setup
  • Occasional synchronization issues
  • Lack of collaboration features

Free with an in-app purchase of $1.99.

7. myHomework – Student Planner App

Availability :

What’s the deal with the myHomework Student Planner App?

Well, it’s super easy to use, with no confusing stuff here. It’s like having a friendly assistant to keep your academic life on track without any tech headaches.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #7 myHomework - Student Planner App

Unlike many student planner apps, myHomework is accessible whether Wi-Fi is available or not. It’s also compatible with multiple devices, including phones, tablets, and computers.

So, whether you’re online or offline, your schedule is right at your fingertips – upcoming events, homework, exams, it’s got you covered.

And it won’t let you forget with those handy reminders.

In short, if you want a friendly, no-fuss solution for tracking assignments and organizing subjects, myHomework is the best planner app you can think of.

  • Reminders & notifications
  • Due date reminders
  • Assignment tracking
  • Upcoming homework widgets
  • Offline access
  • Little to no learning curve
  • Able to access your schedule and assignments offline
  • Simple to keep track of lectures, labs, and assignments.
  • In-app ads in the free version
  • Collaboration features are only available on the paid version

student planner homework app

8. iStudiez

Availability : iOS | macOS | Android | Windows 10

Alright, imagine iStudiez as your digital planner buddy! Why’s it cool?

Well, iStudiez is not just a study planner app, it’s like your academic superhero. You can track your grades, manage assignments, and nail your class schedule. Plus, it sends you handy reminders so you’re always on top of things.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #8 iStudiez

You can access iStudiez offline no matter what device you’re on.

So, if you’re all about keeping your school life organized and stress-free, iStudiez is the study planner app you’ve been looking for.

  • Grade tracking
  • Customizable subjects
  • Tailored specifically for students
  • Easy to keep tabs on your grades and GPA
  • Access your schedule even without an internet connection
  • Learning curve
  • Occasional syncing issues between devices

iStudiez Pro is initially free with no ads. The paid version costs $2.99 USD on mobile and $9.99 USD on desktop, offering full features and synchronization.

Availability : iOS | Android

What makes Egenda stand out from other school planners is its simplicity.

No complex menus or tech mysteries. This planner app for students offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface that even non-experienced students can start using with ease.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #9 Egenda

And guess what? Egenda is accessible offline – only a few study planner apps offer this functionality for free.

So, if you’re seeking the best planner app for students that’s mobile-dedicated and straightforward to use, Egenda is right up your alley.

Note: Unlike other apps, Egenda has no web or desktop versions.

  • Daily reminders
  • Sort by class, completion, and due date
  • Easy to sort tasks by specific needs
  • Accessible in areas with limited or no internet connectivity
  • Unable to use across devices
  • Lack of advanced features available in some other daily planner apps.

This planner app for students is free to download, with in-app purchases ($2.99 per item).

10. My Study Life

Availability : iOS | Android | Windows | Web

My Study Life is like the Swiss Army knife of student planner apps.

It’s got everything a student needs, all wrapped up in one neat package and synced seamlessly across devices, so your schedule and assignments are always up-to-date, no matter where you are.

Homework, exams, class schedules – this study planner app handles it all. It’s like having a personal academic assistant that fits right in your pocket.

If you’re in search of an all-in-one planner app for students, My Study Life is the way to go.

Best Planner Apps for Students: #10 My Study Life

  • Customizable school planner
  • 3 Different types of tasks: Revision, Reminder, & Assignment
  • Class, task, and exam reminders
  • Offer comprehensive academic-focus features
  • Easy to track tasks, exams, and revision progress
  • Accessible even without an internet connection
  • Unable to rearrange tasks
  • No calendar feature for task due dates

III. Which Study Planner App is Best For You?

Alongside smart planning practices, having a good planner app in your arsenal is essential. We’ve introduced you to the 10 best study planner apps for students out there; now, it’s your turn to make an informed decision.

Need our suggestion? Sure, give Upbase a try!

It offers seamless synchronization across devices, intuitive assignment tracking, and a user-friendly interface that simplifies academic organization. With Upbase, you can stay on top of your assignments, never miss a deadline, and make the most of your study time.

So, why wait? Sign up for a free Upbase account and embark on a successful study path. Your future self will thank you!

1. What is a student planner app?

Student planner apps are digital tools designed to help students stay organized, manage their to-do list, view upcoming classes, and improve time management skills.

2. Are student planners worth it?

Student planners are real game-changers to make study life easier. They help with organization and keeping track of homework assignments and upcoming deadlines.

3. What is the best planner for a student?

The best planner apps for students depend on individual needs, but some good choices include apps like Todoist, Upbase, and Google Calendar, which offer user-friendly interfaces and versatile features tailored for students’ organization.

4. What is the best online planner for school?

Here are some of the best online planners for school: Todoist, Upbase, and Google Calendar. They are all free to start, simple to set up, and easy to use, offering a wide array of features to streamline your school life.

5. What is a good free planner app?

One great free school planner app is Upbase. Its free version offers:

  • Built-in calendars for hours, days, weeks, and months.
  • Private and shared to-do lists with unlimited users for group projects.
  • Real-time chat and rich collaboration features for seamless teamwork.
  • Additional features like note-taking, bookmarks, and Pomodoro timers.

Furthermore, Upbase is user-friendly and accessible on web browsers, the Google App Store, and the Apple App Store.

One place for all your work

Tasks, messages, docs, files, chats – all in one place.

student planner homework app

  • Help center
  • Terms of service
  • Privacy policy
  • iOS mobile app
  • Android mobile app

student planner homework app

The Gradcafe

  • Majors & Careers
  • Online Grad School
  • Preparing For Grad School
  • Student Life

The 7 Best Student Planner Apps

Chrissy Kapralos

Disclosure: TheGradCafe is supported by its audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you.

Are you on the lookout for the best student planner app of 2023? We’ve got you covered with the all-inclusive review!

Students have a lot on their plates — exams, coursework, tutorials, and projects all clog up their schedules. Then there’s your social life, familial obligations, and work.

How can you manage everything and still have fun?

Here’s the thing: The more organized you are with your time, the less stressed you’ll be. One study about nursing students found that better time management skills  were linked to reduced stress and anxiety.

So, how do you improve your time management? Of course, you could write everything down, but who carries a physical student day planner these days?

That’s where planner apps for students come in.

Today, you have tons of laptop and mobile software to choose from to keep your entire academic, professional, and personal life organized. A planner app allows you to take your student planner online.

Read on to learn some typical features of the best online planners for students and our top picks, including:

  • myHomework Student Planner App
  • Power Planner
  • iStudiez Pro

Table of Contents

What Is a Student Planner App?

A student planner app is a downloadable tool that helps students manage their calendars and tasks in one place. An entrepreneur or lawyer might have a secretary to keep them organized — planner apps for students work similarly but without the labor costs.

You can conveniently access planner apps from computers and mobile devices, allowing you to customize task details and descriptions from anywhere.

While different apps might have unique features, here are some things the best student planner apps should have:

  • Calendar views
  • Customizable layouts and colors
  • Multiple project views
  • Reminder alerts and notifications
  • Deadlines and due dates
  • Progress and time tracking
  • Tasks and subtasks
  • Recurring tasks

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Are student planner apps worth it.

If you mean “worth the price,” the answer is almost always yes. The best student planner apps have completely free versions, so there’s no harm in giving them a try.

Your personal, professional, and academic lives are demanding, so a helping hand in keeping things organized is worth the download.

But some software might feel more overwhelming than helpful. Here are a few important factors to consider when deciding on an online student planner:

The best planner apps for students should include the following:

  • Customizable views
  • Tag and sorting features
  • Notifications and alerts
  • User-friendly interface
  • Progress insights
  • Time tracking

7 Best Student Planner Apps

Perhaps you’re on a tight budget or can only access apps on your laptop. No problem — we’ve compiled the best student planner apps, complete with pricing, OS compatibility, and features.

Let’s dive in!

1. Calendly

Best student planner app—Screenshot of Calendly's website with a peak into the calendar view

Calendly is a global, omni-channel scheduling app for individuals and teams. Over 10 million people use it, including companies like Google and eBay.

Students can connect Calendly with other apps and calendars, such as Google Calendar and Microsoft 365. It’s particularly helpful for students involved in frequent group projects, as they can use Calendly to toggle invitations and availability in one place.

The free version is more than enough for a college student , but you can really pump up automation with the premium paid version.

While Calendly might be one of the best calendar apps for students, it feels more suitable for professional teams and business owners. The downside — you don’t get as many of the task planning features offered on other apps on our list. Entrepreneurs might need Calendly’s easy collaborative scheduling for clients, but some students wouldn’t need that feature.

  • Features:  Routing forms, workflows, team scheduling, availability preferences
  • Best for: Frequent meetings and group work
  • OS: Desktop, Android, and iOS
  • Basic: Free
  • Essentials: $8/month
  • Professional: $12/month
  • Teams: $16/month

Todoist screenshot showing daily list views for events

There’s something so satisfying about crossing things off a list. The online version of that would be Todoist, a to-do list planning app.

Students can organize their calendar events, projects, and homework in multiple visualizations, like calendar view and Kanban boards. We also love how you can prioritize tasks with highlights.

Todoist isn’t just a place to organize lists.  You can track time for study sessions and view productivity insights to improve your study flows. The app has an impressive 8.9/10 rating on TrustRadius with minimal bad reviews.

The only downside we could think of is that the free version might not be able to manage everything on a student’s plate.

  • Features:  Quick task and subtask adds, recurring tasks, prioritization, notifications, tags, filters
  • Best for: Time tracking and task categories
  • OS: Desktop, Android, iOS
  • Starters: Free
  • Pro: $4/month
  • Business: $6/month

3. myHomework Student Planner App

myHomework app website home page

Don’t be fooled by the basic website. Established in 2009, myHomework Student Planner App has a strong reputation among students and teachers. The app has a 4.5/5-star rating on Apple, with almost 4,000 reviews.

The interface is simple and intuitive , with a calendar view for all your homework and tests that you can filter by teacher or theme. Each task comes with an automatic reminder should you need it, so there’s no need to create separate ones for each task.

Some students lament the app’s lack of integration features with Google Calendar and other apps, though most reviews state the app gets the job done.

Another downside is the free version’s ads, which can get annoying.

  • Features:  Homework widgets, project and task tracking, device syncing
  • Best for: Syncing multiple devices
  • OS: Desktop, Windows, iPad, macOS, Android
  • Premium: $4.99/month

4. Power Planner

Power Planner app views

Power Planner has one of the most visually appealing mobile layouts out of all the apps on our list. The intuitive layout, complementary and customizable colors, and convenient agenda view make it easy to stay on top of all your tasks. We think this is the best planner app for students free of charge — the complimentary version has everything you need.

And if you’re a super planner and predictor? This app has a motivating “what if?” feature that shows you the grades you need to get to reach certain GPAs.  You’ll also enjoy automatic reminders, regular updates, and ultimate organization with Power Planner.

P.S. The app has an impressive 4.6/5 average rating on the Google App Store.

  • Features:  “What if” GPA scenarios, calendar and agenda views, automatic reminders
  • Best for:  Predicting grades
  • Premium: $1.99/month

5. Easy Study

Study insights from Easy Study app

Need help finding the motivation to study? Easy Study is a great way to get in the zone.

All you need to do is add your subjects, plan your study time for each one, and boom — the app creates a tailored, customizable plan for you. The most satisfying part is checking off different tasks for each study session.

The daily statistics are also a serious plus. You can view how much time you dedicated to each subject as a percentage-based circular chart and even add overall goals.

One downside we noticed is the frequent customer complaints about bugs. However, it looks like the company does its due diligence with frequent updates.

  • Features:  Notifications, study history insights, subject categories, goals
  • Best for:  Automatic study plans
  • OS:  Android, iOS
  • Basic : Free
  • Plus Monthly : $2.99
  • Plus Semiannually : $14.99
  • Plus Annually : $26.99

6. Evernote

Evernote home page screenshot

Evernote is a fantastic note-taking app. It’s not as popular for scheduling and calendar management, but hey — a large part of college planning happens within your courses, too.

Evernote helps you plan your notes through efficient templates, to-do lists, web clippings, and more.  Unfortunately, many users complain that the free version leaves much to be desired, with limited devices and a lack of reminders or due dates.

The good news? Students can access either a 50% discount on a one-year Personal subscription plan, including due dates, large storage capabilities, extensive search functions, Google Calendar syncs, and more.

If you’re feeling really fancy and collaborative, splurge on the Teams version (or ask a family member to gift it to you).

We think this is the best student planner app for managing multiple aspects of life — categories like professional and personal goals, vacation planning, and even pets complement your academic plans quite nicely.

  • Features:  Reminders, due dates, integrations, note-taking , web clipping, to-do lists
  • Best for:  Managing notes
  • OS:  Windows, macOS, iPhone, Android
  • Evernote Free: $0
  • Evernote Personal: $14.99/month
  • Evernote Professional: $17.99/month
  • Evernote Teams: $24.99/user/month

7. iStudiez Pro

Screenshot of iStudiez Pro home page

iStudiez Pro is a versatile planner app that helps you see homework, exams, assignments, and course schedules in one clear view. Easy, checkable boxes for tasks are categorized by course — the half-picture views let you manage tasks while still seeing your schedule for the day.

Students love the user-friendly interface for most devices, though some complain the iPhone views aren’t as clear as on the iPad.

You can also track grades for every assignment and task , allowing you to easily keep track of your GPA as you go through the semester.

  • Features:  Alarms, syncing, integrations, calendar, grades, bird’s eye schedule views, GPA tracking
  • Best for:  Managing homework tasks
  • OS:  Windows, macOS, iOS, Android
  • Premium: $2.99/month for mobile
  • Desktop versions: $9.99/month

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Tips for making the most of student planner apps.

There are a few differences between a regular app and the best student planner app for college students — but the most important isn’t the type  of app. It’s how you use it.

Here are some tips to help you maximize organization and efficiency from student planner apps:

1. Plan Out Your Week

Saturday, Sunday, or Monday are all great days to plan your week. Take some time to plug in all of your week’s courses, classes, tasks, projects, and commitments. This should save you the hassle of adding things ad hoc and forgetting important due dates. You might also consider plugging in grades for different assignments if you’re working with an app that tracks your GPA.

2. Sort, Sort, Sort

Most of the apps on our list have categorization, tagging, and sorting features. Take time to categorize every task to search for related items easily.

3. Customize Your Layout and Colors

Who says planning has to be dull? Have fun with your student planner apps by customizing colors, fonts, and layouts.

Are you strictly a calendar-type organizer? Great, leave the app on the calendar view.

Are you more of a visual organizer? Perhaps a Kanban board is more your style!

Being a student isn’t easy, but modern technology offers a helping hand. We’ve given you a comprehensive list of the best student planner apps on the market. This should provide more opportunities for students to embrace remote learning while providing fantastic support for managing school-life balance.

Looking for more ways to stay organized?  Check out our article about How to Prepare for Grad School !

1. Are School Planner Apps Free?

Many student planner apps are free, though they might have premium paid versions with more features. A free student planner app usually has enough features to manage your calendar adequately.

2. What is the Best Student Planner App?

Many students love Power Planner and Todoist, but it’s all subjective. The best student planner app depends on your specific needs and preferences.

You might prefer a super user-friendly, visually appealing app with graph insights on time management. Or, you might be satisfied with a simple calendar view organizing your schedule.

3. Is Google Calendar Good for Students?

Certainly, Google Calendar is a great student planning app due to its widespread familiarity. You’re probably already somewhat versed in Google Calendar if you use Gmail. Moreover, the app is easy to use, allowing you to create new projects or events from your iPhone, Android, or computer with a few easy taps. Google Calendar also gives you push notifications to remind you of approaching deadlines and events.

student planner homework app

Chrissy Kapralos

Chrissy is a freelance writer and editor that takes pride in helping businesses and individuals tell their story. She's worked in a variety of professional writing and communications roles, including as a communications advisor for the Canadian Ontario Ministry of Energy.

Armed with an Honors BA in English and professional editing courses under her belt, Chrissy enjoys writing about the academic world and helping prospective students navigate their education.

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I completely agree with the inclusion of Trello in this list! I’ve been using it for my academic planning and it’s been a game changer. The flexibility of the boards and the ability to set deadlines and reminders has helped me stay on top of my work and stay organized. Would love to hear more about your thoughts on the other apps mentioned in the post!

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Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

Whether you are attending classes, completing your assignments, studying for a quiz, project work, extra-curricular activities, or squeezing some time for friends and family. You’d agree that organizing and planning goes a long way. That’s why a homework organizer or a homework planner app can be a lifesaver to keep track of all your assignments, tests, submission deadlines, and exams. I did the research and shortlisted the perfect homework planner apps for Android and iOS. Let’s check those out.

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Homework Planner Apps for Students

1. student planner- homework agenda & notes.

The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification. You can mark a task complete and remove it from the pending list.

Courses can be added easily and color-coded as well. The calendar shows any upcoming deadlines so you can prioritize accordingly. The tasks have a progress bar that you can adjust as you make progress which enables you to get a quick summary without actually opening every task.

You can also break your assignments in small chunks as subtasks that would make finishing a task much easier and the progress bar will fill automatically. It also allows you to attach media files to your assignments or projects for easy access to the important information in one place.

homework planner apps- agenda

  • Progress bar
  • Deadline Reminders
  • Calendar View
  • No option to sync data to the cloud

Student Planner is a great app for all the students, it has all the necessary features like Deadline reminders, subtasks, progress bar, color-coded tasks, and courses. It can significantly increase your productivity when used regularly. You can get this app for free in the Play Store.

Install Student Planner- Homework Agenda ( Android )

2. Student Planner

Student Planner is another fast and simple homework management app which is wrapped by a beautiful and intuitive material designed UI. What Student Planner adds to the table is the inclusion of a schedule or time table which you can use to either store your class schedule or it might even be a study schedule for your exams.

You first start by adding your subject and the schedule then you can add an assignment or set a reminder. The due assignments are arranged as separate cards and can be swiped away once done with.

homework planner apps- Student Planner Android

  •  Simple and easy to get started with
  •  Fast and small in size
  •  Beautiful Minimal UI
  •  Option for Schedule
  • No sync/backup
  • Timetable implementation not perfect

I would recommend this app to anyone who is looking for a simple homework management app with timetable support and a minimal UI.

Install Student Planner ( Android )

Egenda is simple. Open the app, add all the classes or subjects to the app, and once that is set up, you have the option of adding a new Homework, Quiz, Project, or Test and choose the respective subject deadlines. The app also arranges the due work in cards that can be swiped away when done. But what I love the most about this app is that the fact it allows you to go subject-wise and view all your upcoming tests, projects, or pending assignments which is a huge convenience for planning your schedule ahead of time instead of the previous day.

Unfortunately, the app doesn’t have a timetable option, but in its latest update, it added a  Calendar View  where you can see your whole month at a glance with your assignments, tests, and projects.

homework planner apps- Egenda Android

  •  Subject-wise sorting
  •  Calendar View
  • No timetable support

Egenda provides some great tools for Homework and Test planning and I am sure anyone would find them extremely convenient and useful. But keeping its single con in mind, go for this app if you are not too keen on having a schedule or timetable.

Install  Egenda  ( Android  |  iOS )

4. ChalkBoard

The next app on our list is ChalkBoard, which I found out to be a pretty smart homework planner app. Chalkboard strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and features.

Although the setup process is a little longer than the previous three apps, as you have to feed meticulous details about the classes, teacher, and schedule. It is worth the effort.

On the home screen, you are shown upcoming classes, events tab, and upcoming tests. ChalkBoard fetches the dates for every subject from the Timetable for your future classes. Little features like these make the app stand out from the rest and give an overall great experience. You can also view classes and assignments subject wise.

homework planner apps- ChalkBoard Android

  • Proper Timetable
  • Ability to add teachers for subjects
  • View tomorrow’s classes as well as assignments/tests/quizzes
  • Smart features
  • Little longer to set up
  • No calendar view

If you are looking for a homework planner as well as a school planner, Chalkboard is the app as it strikes a great ground with almost all the features one might need while not being too bulky.

Install ChalkBoard ( Android )

5. School Planner

School Planner is a full-fledged planning application designed for students to manage their career as a student. Along with your homework and timetables, School Planner offers you to keep track of your grades and attendance, add contacts for teachers, add recorded lectures, and even multiple planners.

The app supports backing up of all your data via Google Drive, Calendar View along with a weekly report, attaching snapshots to your assignment reminders, student accounts from ClassViva, and a lot more. In spite of so many features, the app doesn’t feel slow at all and delivers a powerful performance with its beautiful design.

homework planner apps- School Planner Android

  • Full-fledged student companion
  • Feature-packed and free
  • Supports sync and backup
  • Widget Support
  • Tedious setup procedure
  • Big in size
  • Complex, not so smooth learning curve

While it is not for someone who is looking for a fast and easy way into homework management, School Planner is a great student companion app and serious students will surely get the most out of hit.

Install School Planner ( Android )

6. My Study Life

My Study Life comes with its own web app and syncs with the Android app, essentially making your data accessible from any device as long as it has a browser.

It implements a goal-centric circular tracker that shows your progress. The Calendar view combines your timetable, deadlines, and shows all your classes and assignments, projects in a single place.

homework planner apps- My Study Life Android

  • Refreshingly new UI
  • Access from anywhere through its web app
  • Sync and Backup
  • Lengthy setup process

If you study from your computer or laptop, My Study Life makes it easy to access your homework planner on your phone from your computer, while not compromising on features and being completely free. What more can you ask for?

Install My Study Life ( Android  |  iOS )

7. iStudiez Pro

Like School Planner, iStudiez Pro includes grading and subject wise organization of tasks. iStudiez Pro takes it further with the integration of Google Calendar that allows you to directly get all your holidays, exam schedule, routine from Google Calendar itself.

It also offers separate apps on all platforms including iOS, Mac, and Windows. All the apps sync seamlessly between themselves, so studying on your computer consulting your planner won’t be an issue.

homework planner apps- iStudiez Pro Android

  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Cross-Platform
  • Cumulative Price

If Google Calendar integration and cross-platform support is a must for you, iStudiez Pro is definitely the app you want.

Install iStudiez Pro ( Android   |  iOS )

So this was our roundup of the best homework planner apps for Android. We genuinely think that there is an app for every need and we hope that you found a Homework Planner that suits your need whether you are a high school student or a college senior. So which one was your favorite or did we forget to add yours? Let us know in the comments below.

Also Read:  Take a Picture of Handwriting And Convert to Text – Android Apps

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The 10 Best Study Planning Apps for All Students


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Here's how i use dall-e 3 to create the best ai images from text, this task management tool is the best i've found for actually getting things done.

As a student, you're responsible for keeping track of test dates, quizzes, homework assignments, and final exams. On top of that, maybe you partake in after-school activities and sports. This makes it even harder for you to keep track of due dates and tests.

If you feel that you're sinking into a pile of assignments, you need to add some organization to your life. These are some of the best study planner apps for Android and iOS that can help you set times to study and remind you of upcoming exams, so you're not caught off-guard.

Chipper Study App Tasks

Chipper is one of the most popular and best study planners for students. Using Chipper can greatly improve your time-management skills.

This study planning app comes equipped with several tools dedicated to students . Simply add all the courses that you're currently taking, and organize them by time and date in the built-in schedule.

Chipper also allows you to add tests, homework due dates, papers, labs, and quizzes to your calendar to help you stay on top of your coursework. On top of that, you can set reminders that Chipper will send as notifications, so you never miss a deadline. And when you're ready to study, open the Study tab to set a timer for your session.

That means you don't need to download a Pomodoro timer app for such. But if you do, here are the best Pomodoro timer apps .

This app rewards you with earnings in the form of imaginary cash as you complete tasks. You don't actually receive any of these earnings in real life, but it's a good incentive to keep you moving forward.

Download: Chipper for Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

2. Classify

classify study planner home

Use Classify to build an easy-to-read schedule for your homework assignments, projects, quizzes, and other activities. Because it has a clear and simple interface and a lot of useful features, it is a unique study tracker app.

Classify helps you organize your school life by adding everything important in one place. It also provides templates for tasks, homework assignments, and events. For example, you can attach a PDF when you add an assignment, and you can set priorities for tasks.

Simply add this semester's courses, along with assignments and their due dates. Classify will let you know when your assignments are due and give you helpful reminders about upcoming deadlines, making it a great study planner app for students. Additionally, it has a Pomodoro functionality built-in if you fancy using the Pomodoro technique .

Download: Classify for iOS | Android (Free)

3. My Study Life

My Study App Study Dashboard

My Study Life is yet another great study planner app you should try today. With My Study Life, you can easily add tasks, classes, and exams to a weekly schedule template for students. When you add your classes, you can input detailed information about them such as the room number, module, time, and even the teacher.

If you struggle to remember holidays or class rotations, you can input that information in My Study Life as well. Your dashboard displays all your upcoming assignments, exams, and classes. This way, you'll never forget about that assignment that's due tomorrow.

Download: My Study Life for iOS | Android (Free)

4. Power Planner

Power Planner Study App Tasks

Power Planner is a clean and simple study schedule app that's perfect for middle school, high school, and even college students.

As one of the most useful apps for every student , it helps you remember class times, keep track of tests, and can assist you with staying on top of your assignments.

Power Planner integrates with Google Calendar to make your life even easier. Better yet, you can also estimate your GPA by inputting assignment and test grades.

However, if you want to add more than one semester and five grades per class, you'll have to spend a few dollars on the premium version.

Download: Power Planner for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

5. Lessons School Planner

Lessons School Planner daily lesson plan

Lessons School Planner is a study tracking app that is built with simplicity in mind ensuring your energy is focused on increasing productivity and getting work done instead of organization. It can be likened to a simple to-do list tool but for students. When you download the app, you can start by creating a custom lesson plan, or importing one if you have it already on another device.

The app has lessons added already, but you can customize them depending on your needs. It makes organization easier by using a number system to organize lessons.

Tapping on a subject on your daily lesson plan allows you to add activities related to it, like an upcoming assignment submission deadline, exam, test, project, presentation, and more. These activities can then be viewed on a dedicated page. The app also allows you to set reminders for your tasks, ensuring that you don't miss out on anything important.

Download: Lessons for Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

6. Study Bunny: Focus Timer

Study Bunny Study Planner App Timer

Study Bunny is a less conventional study tracker app, but it makes studying a lot more fun. For starters, it introduces you to an adorable cartoon bunny that acts as your study partner.

You can use the app to time study sessions, create awesome to-do lists , make flashcards, and keep track of your progress.

When you start studying, you'll earn coins that you can use to treat the bunny. You can buy items to feed and customize your pal, which will help motivate you to finish a long study session.

Download: Study Bunny: Focus Timer for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

Vaia study planning app home page

Vaia (formerly StudySmarter) is a helpful study-planning app that lets you collaborate with other students from around the world.

To help you save time, the app allows for shareable flashcards. This means that you can search for and use flashcards that other users have already made which makes learning easier. As a study planner app for students, Vaia is also featured in our list of the best flash card apps .

In addition to that handy feature, Vaia lets you upload and annotate documents, as well as create study groups with students from other universities. And when you want to check your progress, you can use the app's built-in charts to visualize your study time and see if you're meeting your weekly goals.

Download: Vaia for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

8. myHomework Student Planner

myHomework Study Schedule

The myHomework Student Planner app is a straightforward way to keep tabs on your studies. To get started, you simply have to input your class schedule and any upcoming assignments.

myHomework Student Planner will then generate a color-coded class schedule, as well as a calendar that organizes your upcoming classes, assignments, and tests. Besides that, it also creates a clean list of homework assignments, which makes it much easier to remember important due dates.

Download: myHomework Student Planner for iOS | Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

9. Smart Timetable

Due events in Smart Timetable app

To get started on Smart Timetable, add your classes as events with how often you want to study for them. When it's time to hunker down, Smart Timetable will send a notification to your phone as a reminder.

The app allows you to input additional information about each class including the type, building and room number, and instructor, and you can even upload class notes. Each day the app's home page has the day's classes, and you can swipe left to view upcoming classes in the follow-up days.

There's also a task tab where you can add your upcoming assignments and tick them off once you're done.

Download: Smart Timetable for Android (Free, subscription available)

10. School Planner

School planner home page

The School Planner app has a ton of versatility when it comes to schedule options. You can input your classes into the app by using the available easy-to-use default templates.

Templates include everything you need to stay on top of your classes, including day, time, teacher, subject, frequency, and room. You also have the ability to add any upcoming events, whether it's a simple reminder, an upcoming exam, or a homework submission deadline.

All the upcoming tasks will show up on the app's home page in a sleek Overview page with a snapshot of any upcoming events in the next seven days, what's on your schedule today, tomorrow, and a detailed outlook of the upcoming week. School Planner's interface and organization make it one of the best study scheduling apps around.

The experience isn't limited to class times and assignments; you can also add grades, teachers, recordings, and days you were absent. Hit the hamburger icon in the top left to get an idea of how much the app offers.

Download: School Planner for Android (Free, in-app purchases available)

Stay on Track With the Best Study Planner Apps for Students

Who needs a messy assignment book when you have a study planner app? Instead of jotting down due dates on your calendar, take them with you on your smartphone.

Moreover, having an app at your fingertips can serve as a reminder to start studying or to complete an important assignment. Better yet, it's much easier to read and visualize when you use a template in an app.

  • Productivity

student planner homework app

The 10 Best Free Study Apps for Students 2024

The 10 Best Free Study Apps for Students 2024

The 10 Best Study Apps for Students to Study Smarter 2024

In an era characterized by the online world, students now have a wealth of technological tools at their disposal to revolutionize the way they learn. Among these tools, study apps have emerged as invaluable companions, offering a diverse array of features that cater specifically to organization, time management, collaboration, and avoiding procrastination . In this article, we delve into the world of six exceptional study apps, each uniquely designed to optimize the student’s journey toward academic excellence.

Here is our list of the ultimate study apps for students:

1. mystudylife.

study app

Elevate your academic game with the ultimate study app : MyStudyLife. This powerhouse of an study companion is not just a class and homework planner – it’s your academic sidekick that keeps you ahead of the curve. Seamlessly blending the best of offline and online worlds, MyStudyLife syncs effortlessly between your laptop and phone, ensuring your study plans are never out of reach. Say goodbye to missed deadlines and disorganized chaos as MyStudyLife empowers you to craft a personalized study schedule that’s as dynamic as your academic journey. With offline access, you’ll stay on track even when the Wi-Fi isn’t. Whether it’s polishing off assignments, acing exams, or juggling extracurriculars, the MyStudyLife student planner is your secret weapon for conquering it all with finesse.

Notion is a versatile all-in-one workspace app that empowers students to streamline their note-taking, organization, collaboration, and project management tasks. Notion’s flexibility lies in its ability to adapt to various needs, making it suitable for creating detailed lecture notes, to-do lists, research databases, and more. Users can seamlessly integrate text, images, files, and even embed music for studying into their notes, allowing for comprehensive and visually enriched content. Notion’s powerful database capabilities enable students to organize information efficiently and retrieve it effortlessly. Whether it’s individual note-taking or collaborative group work, Notion offers a robust platform for students to elevate their organizational and productivity skills.

Quizlet is a powerful study app that focuses on active learning through flashcards, quizzes, and games. Students can create their own study sets or choose from a vast library of existing sets covering various subjects. The app uses active studyin g, spaced repetition, and adaptive algorithms to help students retain information more effectively. With features like audio pronunciation, diagrams, and collaborative study modes, Quizlet enhances memorization and makes studying engaging and interactive.

Forest takes a unique approach to productivity by addressing the issue of smartphone distractions. The app employs a gamified technique to encourage users to stay focused on their tasks, following the well-recognized Pomodoro study technique . When you start a study session, you plant a virtual tree, which grows as long as you remain focused. If you leave the app to use your phone, the tree withers. Over time, you can build a beautiful digital forest while maintaining your concentration. Forest’s playful approach to time management is especially beneficial for students looking to combat procrastination.

free study app

5. Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote is a comprehensive digital notebook that seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft Office applications. Its structure mimics that of a physical notebook, allowing students to organize their notes into sections and pages. With its stylus and touch-friendly interface, OneNote is ideal for both typing and handwriting. The app also facilitates collaborative note-taking, making it an excellent tool for group projects and study groups. Integration with Microsoft Teams further enhances its collaboration capabilities. The only downside is that you need the physical device to work with this software.

6. StudyBlue

StudyBlue is a dynamic study app designed to aid students in mastering various subjects through digital flashcards, quizzes, and study guides. With StudyBlue, students can create their own personalized study materials or access a vast library of existing content covering a wide range of topics. The app employs spaced repetition techniques to reinforce learning and enhance memory retention. Its interactive features, such as audio and images, make studying engaging and effective. StudyBlue also allows users to collaborate with classmates, making it an excellent tool for group study sessions and collaborative learning projects.

Anki is a powerful flashcard app that uses spaced repetition to help you remember information more effectively. You can create your own flashcards or use pre-made decks shared by other users. This app is particularly useful for subjects that require memorization, such as vocabulary or anatomy.

8. Khan Academy

For those seeking high-quality educational content, Khan Academy offers a vast library of video lessons, practice exercises, and quizzes covering a wide range of subjects. It’s a valuable resource for supplementary learning and exam preparation.

9. ScannerPro

Scanner Pro is a handy school app turns your smartphone into a portable scanner. It allows you to scan and digitize documents, textbooks, and handwritten notes, making it easy to organize and access your study materials.

10. Citeulike

For those starting to write longer essays or working on your college thesis, Citeulike is a great school tool that allows users to save references to academic papers, journal articles, conference proceedings, and other scholarly materials from various sources, including websites, databases, and libraries. Users can easily add references to their Citeulike library, creating a centralized and digital repository of their research sources.

school app

Find the best study app for you.

Embracing the rapid evolution of digital tools in education, these six exceptional study apps stand as pillars of innovation and efficiency. From the dynamic planning prowess of the MyStudyLife school organizer to the versatile note-taking capabilities of Notion, and the interactive learning environment of StudyBlue, each app offers a distinct avenue for students to enhance their learning experience. The world of education is evolving, and with these apps and AI tools for school available at your fingertips, you’re equipped to navigate its challenges and triumph in your academic pursuits. Your journey toward excellence just got a whole lot smarter, productive, and engaging.

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myHomework Student Planner

879 ratings

A digital student planner that helps students stay organized.

myHomework is a digital student planner that lets you easily track your classes, homework, tests and projects so you never forget an assignment again! myHomework is available on multiple platforms, so you can always know what's due wherever you are. You can find the myHomework app on the iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows 8, Kindle Fire and the Web. The free app includes: - Track your classes, homework, tests and assignments - Receive homework reminders - Beautiful monthly and weekly calendar display - Supports time, block and period-based schedules - Sync across other platforms - Google Single Sign-On - Access to our website With a paid Premium Account: - Attach files to your homework and classes - Access to over 60 Themes - No Ads - Premium Widgets on iOS and Android myHomework also integrates with Teachers.io, a free website where teachers can share their class due dates, files, links and announcements. If your teacher uses Teachers.io, with just a few clicks in myHomework you can join their class and automatically get their assignments and updates in your planner.

4.4 out of 5 879 ratings Google doesn't verify reviews. Learn more about results and reviews.

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luke Apr 21, 2023

it's very useful

Review's profile picture

William Wu Sep 1, 2022

Been using it for seven years, from freshman in middle school to freshman in college and it's been the only app I use for organization thus far.

Review's profile picture

Makai Tarpley Mar 14, 2022

Im a first year college student and this app is very helpful when it comes to organizing my school work. It allows you to add your classes and homework assignments and even allows you to set a reminder to make sure things are done on time and shows you all your completed work.

  • Version 4.3.29
  • Updated July 31, 2020
  • Report a concern
  • Size 924KiB
  • Languages English
  • Developer 12120 State Line Rd. #161 Leawood 66209 USA Website Email [email protected]
  • Non-trader This developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.

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myHomework Student Planner

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Product features

  • Homework Organizer
  • Class Schedule

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student planner homework app

  • Access coarse (e.g., Cell-ID, Wi-Fi) location
  • Access information about networks
  • Access information about Wi-Fi networks
  • Access the list of accounts in the Accounts Service
  • Open network sockets
  • Read from external storage
  • Read only access to device state
  • Get notified that the operating system has finished booting
  • Request authtokens from the AccountManager
  • Write to external storage
  • Allows sending in-app billing requests and managing in-app billing transactions

Customer reviews

  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 40% 13% 17% 11% 18% 40%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 4 star 40% 13% 17% 11% 18% 13%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 3 star 40% 13% 17% 11% 18% 17%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 2 star 40% 13% 17% 11% 18% 11%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 40% 13% 17% 11% 18% 18%

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers find the mobile application useful, quality, and easy to use. They mention it's the best homework app ever and it helps keep them better organized. Customers also appreciate the simple design and modern look. They appreciate the app size. However, some customers have mixed opinions on accessibility and sync functionality.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers find the app useful. They mention it's easy to use, the best homework app ever, and a total life changer. Some say it works very well for college too. Customers also mention it helps keep them on track and balance out their lives.

"This is we have technology, to make life easier. This app really helps horrible procrastinators like myself...." Read more

"I am in middle school and this app works great for me . There are a couple drawbacks, though...." Read more

"...It worked great for me , and for years I was getting bad grades because I couldn't remember my homework in my head...." Read more

"This app is really helpful and easy to use. you can even program a block schedule...." Read more

Customers like the quality of the app. They say it's brilliant, feature-filled, and simple to use. They appreciate that it puts deadline items in their notifications. Customers also mention the UI is awesome and there are no bugs or glitches.

"...Simple to use. You can input your schedule , classes and assignments to your liking...." Read more

"It's a good app with reminders and it tells you how many assignments are late and how many are upcoming...." Read more

"...Not only does the app let you record homework, but it also has a calendar and let's you record tests. I recommend this app to everyone." Read more

"This app is really helpful and easy to use. you can even program a block schedule ...." Read more

Customers like the organization of the mobile application. They mention it helps them better organize between homework assignments, exam dates, and project and paper dates. They also appreciate the calendar and homework part.

"...all my homework neatly organised keeps me motivated and reminds me to keep on working . Simple to use...." Read more

"...I got this app and I live it! It's a really great agenda . It's takes a minute to write down an assignment, and it has a great, modern look...." Read more

"...It helps me stay on task and organized . One of my pet peeves about it is that it won't let you set a date on the calendar that is not homework...." Read more

Customers find the mobile application easy to use. They mention it's simple to organize notebooks, add homework, and follow templates. They also say the setup is easy and the layout is well organized.

"... Simple to use . You can input your schedule, classes and assignments to your liking...." Read more

"This app is really helpful and easy to use . you can even program a block schedule...." Read more

" Setup is easy enough . I downloaded this before I started winter semester...." Read more

"...app because if middle school students are using this, then it is fairly simple ...." Read more

Customers find the design of the mobile application simple, modern, and functional. They say the layout is nice and easy to look at.

"...It's takes a minute to write down an assignment, and it has a great, modern look ...." Read more

"...Kind of a shame because it's a nice looking homework app . Hope they add sync ability" Read more

"...LOVE the break - down of assignment categoriesThe layout is nice and functional ..." Read more

"...Adding homework is easy too. Everything is laid out well in a clean interface...." Read more

Customers like the size of the app. They mention it's free and great for students or home school parents to plan out their days. Customers also say it'll replace expensive planners that they throw away after a year.

"...plus, its free . u don't even need a membership!..." Read more

"...It is very useful and no more having expensive planners that you throw away after only 1 year." Read more

" Great free ap to use for students or even home school parents to plan out days and what assignments are due ." Read more

"...and what's even better is that its free ." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the accessibility of the mobile application. Some mention they can input everything they need to do, while others say it's difficult to use and can't view all their homework from the calendar.

"...Not only does the app let you record homework , but it also has a calendar and let's you record tests. I recommend this app to everyone." Read more

"...One more thing is that you can't view all your homework /assignments from the calendar, just the ones that are due today...." Read more

"...This wonderful app does all that and more. I'm able to enter all the info I need about my assignments and their due dates, type of assignment, etc...." Read more

"...The app allows to to input your class schedule then assign your homework to each specific class...." Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the sync functionality of the mobile application. Some mention it syncs everything together, while others say it doesn't sync to their calendar and doesn't synchronize between devices.

"...app, she can input her assignments in school or at home, and it synchs to her laptop , as well as to my phone...." Read more

"...I have two major complaints. One, it does not synchronize between devices . I uploaded syllabi and they do not show up on other devices...." Read more

"...There's a lot of reading, papers and research involved. The auto sync feature means I can't lose track of what I've done or need to do because I was..." Read more

"...It's also nice that you can create an account and it syncs across devices-- useful for when I lose a phone! I can even check it from a computer...." Read more

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student planner homework app


myHomework is a digital student planner that lets you easily track your classes, homework, tests and projects so you never forget an assignment again! myHomework is available on multiple platforms, so you can always know what's due wherever you are.

10/5/2012 5:31:44 pm, https://myhomeworkapp.com/terms.

Planit - Student Study Planner 4+

Class timetable tasks homework, root38 limited, designed for ipad.

  • 4.7 • 58 Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases



Planit is a beautifully simple student study planner app. Create your timetable & manage your tasks like homework, coursework, tests, exams and other education deadlines. Planit is a beautifully simple student study planner app for students, teachers, schools, colleges and universities. From the creators of the 5 star rated Exam Countdown app used by millions worldwide. The 'must have' app for ALL students studying at ALL levels! Countdown to important days, dates, exams, tests, coursework and homework deadlines. Lite version: - Store all your tasks, homework, coursework, tests and exam dates in one place - Create unlimited task countdowns - Countdown the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds to deadlines - Colour code your subjects and timetable and choose from 400 icons Planit is free to download and use. Premium Version: - Ad Free - 400 Colour Icons - Notifications - Synchronise tasks and timetable to all your devices - Task result entry Planit Premium is an auto-renewable subscription, charged at £1.49 per year. Each Planit Premium subscription period lasts 1 year and provides access to the following premium features: no ads, 400 colour icons, notifications, cloud sync and results entry. Payment will be charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase. Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Account will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, and identify the cost of the renewal. Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to the user's Account Settings after purchase. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered, will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable. Terms of Use - https://root38.com/terms.html Privacy Policy - https://root38.com.com/privacypolicy.html

Version 1.0

This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon.

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The developer, ROOT38 LIMITED , has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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student planner homework app


5 Amazing Homework Planner Apps For College Students

Homework Planner apps are super helpful tools allowing you to keep track of your homework assignments, quizzes and exams.  Some of these apps sync with external calendars like Google calendar and Outlook and can be used to replace your traditional paper-based agenda books and planners.  

If you are looking for a digital planner to keep your academic life organized, you should check out the following apps.

Popular Homework Planner Apps 

1. power planner: homework grades.

Power Planner Screenshot

Power Planner: Homework Grades is a robust app the enables you to enter classes by time schedule, organize them by color, add your own details to each class (like a professor’s contact info), link it with google calendar and track your overall GPA. You can manage semesters, add assignments and exams and receive notifications about upcoming due dates.  A great feature is the to do/checklist which has an option to slide the progress bar when you begin work and make some progress but have not yet completed the entire task.  The app prioritizes your checklist by due date so that you can always stay on top of your assignments. 

Power Planner: Homework Grades is free and contains a lot of functional features while the paid version (one-time purchase of $1.99) unlocks the ability to add more than five grades per class, use multiple semesters/years, and more. It is purchased through an in-app purchase, and when you buy Power Planner once, you unlock it everywhere. Available on iOS ,  Android and Windows plus it syncs with your desktop using powerplanner.net website.

2. myHomework Student Planner

myHomework Planner screenshot

The myHomework student planner app allows you to track your classes, homework, tests and assignments.  The app syncs across other platforms and you can receive homework reminder notifications.  You can upgrade to a premium version for $4.99 a year which unlocks a number of features including file attachments, enhanced app widgets, external calendar access, ability to share the planner and import homework. Available on iOS , Android and Windows .

3. My StudyLife

My Study Life Planner screenshot

My Study Life is a simple, intuitive cross-platform student planner integrating multiple areas of academic life.  It is described as a turbocharged digital version of a paper planner. You can enter your classes and exams, track homework assignments and receive reminder notifications. The app supports weekly and day rotation schedules and all of the apps data is stored in the cloud so it can be accessed by any device and any location. Available on iOS , Android and Windows platforms.

4. Egenda - School Planner & Assistant

Egenda Planner Screenshot

Egenda is billed as an agenda made by students for students.  It is free with no in-app purchases or subscription fees.  The app allows you to color code classes and homework that appears on the calendar section is coded to match the corresponding class.   You can easily organize and sort by class, due date on task completion.  Egenda is versatile and can be used as a calendar, shopping list and general to do list along with a homework planner.  Available on iOS and Android .

5. Chipper: Free Daily Study Planner for College

Chipper Planner Screenshot

Chipper is a multifaceted app functioning as an organizing tool, to do list and planner.  It can be used to track assignments, due dates, exams and projects. Chipper also allows you to add your job schedule, social events and appointments.  Unlike similar apps, Chipper adds a Pomodoro study timer where you can customize your study time duration and break times. Another unique function offered by Chipper is a study motivation feature whereas you check off your completed events/items, Chipper shows estimated "earnings" for your future salary just for sticking to your study schedule.  It shows how working hard now pays off in the future. Available on iOS and Android.

Homework Planners Apps are Game Changers

Using a homework planner app can ensure you stay organized and less stressed during the school year.  These apps are game changers when it comes to keeping track of your assignments and staying on top of all your academic to do’s.

Photo Credit Header Image: Ready Made  

Homework Planner

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myHomework Student Planner and Digital Hall Pass system

Chromebook app features, quickly add your homework.

myHomework makes it easy to add your homework. It auto detects the type based on description, and with pre-selected priority and reminder options you can enter new assignments in seconds.

Receive homework reminders and never forget an assignment again!

Quick Actions & Filters

myHomework makes it easy to complete and delete assignments. You can also filter them by class, type or priority.

Responsive Interface

myHomework's layout auto adjusts when the window is resized so you can be productive all the time.

Track Classes

You can also track your classes with myHomework. Adding a new class is quick and easy.

Class Schedules - Period based

myHomework supports time, period and block based schedules, so you can easily know when your next class meets.

Class Schedules - Time based

Class schedules - block based.

Quickly switch between block schedule days.

myHomework has a beautiful calendar view that helps you see assignments and classes by month or week.

Teachers.io Class

myHomework integrates with Teachers.io .

If your school or teacher uses Teachers.io you can quickly join your class and have your syllabus, schedule, attachments and announcements downloaded directly to your device.

Schools can also be part of myHomework. By offering myHomework to students, they have the ability to share links, files and announcements.

Customize myHomework to your liking with over 60 themes.

Blue, pink and black themes are free!

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  1. Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

    student planner homework app

  2. Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

    student planner homework app

  3. Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

    student planner homework app

  4. myHomework Student Planner Review

    student planner homework app

  5. Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

    student planner homework app

  6. Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

    student planner homework app


  1. MyStudyLife

    Transform your study habits and get better grades with MyStudyLife's game-changing student planner. Organize your schedule, track homework and achieve success . Revolutionize the way you tackle your academic journey with MyStudyLife, the ultimate high school or college schedule planner and online organizer rolled into one. Seamlessly integrate your academic life with this comprehensive tool ...

  2. myHomework Student Planner & Digital Hall Pass System

    Digital Hall Passes, Flex Period Management, Rewards Points and Planner system. myHomework helps adminstrators improve building performance on many levels. From homework responsibility to hallway management, our system can fill in the pieces missing in your digital ecosystem. With myHomework for schools, administrators get a great value from a ...

  3. myHomework Student Planner

    The myHomework student agenda is today's students favorite way to focused, reduce anxiety and study better. With this school agenda, the information normally hidden in the academic planner is now available everywhere. Using myHomework as a school organizer makes keeping track of what assignments to do easier than ever before.

  4. 7 best student planner apps

    6. Power Planner. Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available. Power Planner is a well-established student planner app with many of the same features as myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and exams. Source: Student-Tutor.

  5. ‎myHomework Student Planner on the App Store

    The free app includes: - Track your classes, homework, tests and assignments. - Beautiful calendar display. - Supports time, block and period-based schedules. - Universal (both iPhone, iPad and iPod touch) - Compatibility for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. With the optional myHomework account, you also get: - Sync across other platforms.

  6. 10 Best Planner Apps for Students (Free & Intuitive)

    1. Free Version. Money matters, especially for us students. Look for free planner apps with generous feature offerings. 2. User-Friendly Interface. A good student planner app should help you get stuff done, not get lost in itself. Look for apps with clear navigation menus and well-designed icons. 3.

  7. The 7 Best Student Planner Apps in 2024

    7. iStudiez Pro. iStudiez Pro is a versatile planner app that helps you see homework, exams, assignments, and course schedules in one clear view. Easy, checkable boxes for tasks are categorized by course — the half-picture views let you manage tasks while still seeing your schedule for the day.

  8. ‎MyStudyLife: Study Planner on the App Store

    MyStudyLife is the ultimate study app for students aiming to enhance their study skills. Stay organised and manage your school timetable, homework, and exams with ease using reminders. ... HOMEWORK ORGANISER AND PLANNER: Keep track of assignments and deadlines and get notification reminders for upcoming homework to avoid last-minute panic ...

  9. Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

    Homework Planner Apps for Students. 1. Student Planner- Homework Agenda & Notes. The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification.

  10. Android App

    myHomework is the leading digital student planner. With highly rated apps in iOS, Google Play, Mac, Windows, Chromebook, Kindle Fire and a great website experience, it's the perfect choice for students, parents, teachers and schools looking to improve student organization.

  11. The 10 Best Study Planning Apps for All Students

    4. Power Planner. Power Planner is a clean and simple study schedule app that's perfect for middle school, high school, and even college students. As one of the most useful apps for every student, it helps you remember class times, keep track of tests, and can assist you with staying on top of your assignments.

  12. iPhone App

    myHomework is the leading digital student planner. With highly rated apps in iOS, Google Play, Mac, Windows, Chromebook, Kindle Fire and a great website experience, it's the perfect choice for students, parents, teachers and schools looking to improve student organization.

  13. ‎myHomework Student Planner on the App Store

    The free app includes: - Track your classes, homework, tests and assignments. - Beautiful calendar display. - Supports time, block and period-based schedules. - Universal (both iPhone, iPad and iPod touch) - Compatibility for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. With the optional myHomework account, you also get: - Sync across other platforms.

  14. The 10 Best Free Study Apps for Students 2024

    1. MyStudyLife. Elevate your academic game with the ultimate study app: MyStudyLife. This powerhouse of an study companion is not just a class and homework planner - it's your academic sidekick that keeps you ahead of the curve. Seamlessly blending the best of offline and online worlds, MyStudyLife syncs effortlessly between your laptop and ...

  15. My Study Life

    This powerful digital school planner offers a range of features that make it easy to manage your classes, assignments, and deadlines, including: • Class calendar and reminders. • Homework planner. • Exam tracker and study reminders. • Life organizer: track your appointments, extracurriculars, holidays, and more using the brand-new "Xtra ...

  16. myHomework Student Planner

    myHomework is a digital student planner that lets you easily track your classes, homework, tests and projects so you never forget an assignment again! myHomework is available on multiple platforms, so you can always know what's due wherever you are. You can find the myHomework app on the iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows 8, Kindle Fire and the Web ...

  17. Power Planner

    Power Planner. Manage your academic life across your Android, iOS, and Windows devices! Keep track of assignments, your class schedule, and even your grades and GPA!

  18. myHomework Student Planner

    Product description myHomework is a student organizer that can help students at any level manage their coursework. The Free Android App: Homework Organizer/Student Planner Homework Widget Class Schedule Homework Calendar With a myHomeworkapp.com account ( Free in many areas): Sync Homework Reminders That Sync Late & Upcoming From Home & Widget In many areas, myHomework accounts with ads are ...

  19. Apps

    myHomework Apps. myHomework is the leading digital student planner. With highly rated apps for iOS, Google Play, Mac, Windows, Chromebook, Kindle Fire and a great website experience, it's the perfect choice for students, parents, teachers and schools looking to improve student organization. myHomework for iPhone See Features.

  20. ‎myHomework Student Planner on the Mac App Store

    The myHomework student agenda is today's students favorite way to focus and reduce anxiety. With this school tracker, the information normally hidden in the academic planner is now available everywhere. Using myHomework as a school organizer makes keeping track of what assignments to do easier than ever before. Download Today!

  21. myHomework

    1543. Free. Get. myHomework is a digital student planner that lets you easily track your classes, homework, tests and projects so you never forget an assignment again! myHomework is available on multiple platforms, so you can always know what's due wherever you are.

  22. Planit

    Planit is a beautifully simple student study planner app for students, teachers, schools, colleges and universities. From the creators of the 5 star rated Exam Countdown app used by millions worldwide. The 'must have' app for ALL students studying at ALL levels! Countdown to important days, dates, exams, tests, coursework and homework deadlines.

  23. 5 Amazing Homework Planner Apps For College Students

    Egenda is versatile and can be used as a calendar, shopping list and general to do list along with a homework planner. Available on iOS and Android. 5. Chipper: Free Daily Study Planner for College. Chipper is a multifaceted app functioning as an organizing tool, to do list and planner. It can be used to track assignments, due dates, exams and ...

  24. myHomework Student Planner and Digital Hall Pass system

    Chrome Web Store. Download on Kindle Fire. myHomework is the leading digital student planner. With highly rated apps in iOS, Google Play, Mac, Windows, Chromebook, Kindle Fire and a great website experience, it's the perfect choice for students, parents, teachers and schools looking to improve student organization.