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Salon Business in Nigeria: Tips for Aspiring Stylists


In Nigeria, the salon industry is not merely a flourishing market but also a vital contributor to the nation’s economy and fashion landscape.

With a staggering estimated worth exceeding $3 billion, the salon business is undeniably a lucrative venture.

This blog post is dedicated to budding stylists and entrepreneurs who aspire to make their mark in the dynamic world of Salon Business in Nigeria.

Here, we’ll provide you with invaluable insights and guidance to not only kickstart your salon venture but also thrive in this competitive arena.

Establishing a salon in Nigeria requires a combination of creativity, business acumen, and a deep understanding of the local market.

Over the course of this blog post, we’ll delve into essential topics such as location selection, customer engagement strategies, and the importance of staying updated with the latest trends.

So, if you’re ready to embark on your journey towards salon success in Nigeria, stay tuned for expert advice that will set you on the path to prosperity.

Overview of the Nigerian Salon Business

Provide a general overview of the salon industry in nigeria:.

  • The salon industry in Nigeria is a thriving and lucrative sector that caters to the grooming and beauty needs of both men and women.
  • It encompasses various services such as hair styling, manicures and pedicures, spa treatments, makeup application, and more.
  • Nigerians place a high value on personal grooming, making the salon business a profitable venture.
  • The industry is highly competitive, with numerous salons and stylists offering their services in urban and rural areas.

Discuss the growth and potential opportunities in the sector

  • The salon business in Nigeria has experienced significant growth in recent years, fueled by the increasing disposable income of the population.
  • There is a growing trend towards embracing natural hair, leading to a surge in demand for stylists who specialize in natural hair care.
  • As more Nigerians become fashion-conscious, opportunities for providing trendy and innovative services have also increased.
  • The wedding and event industry in Nigeria is thriving, creating a vast market for bridal and occasion styling services.
  • Furthermore, the rise of social media has created a platform for stylists to showcase their work and attract a larger client base.

Highlight the challenges faced by aspiring stylists in Nigeria

  • One of the major challenges is the lack of formal training and certification programs for aspiring stylists.
  • Many stylists learn their skills through apprenticeships or self-teaching, which can hinder their professional growth and credibility.
  • The cost of setting up a salon can be prohibitive, especially for individuals with limited financial resources.
  • Access to quality salon equipment and products may also be a challenge, particularly in rural areas.
  • Competition is fierce, and stylists need to constantly invest in their skills and stay updated with the latest trends to stay relevant in the industry.
  • Building a loyal customer base can be difficult, especially in the early stages of starting a salon business.

In review, the salon industry in Nigeria presents both opportunities and challenges for aspiring stylists.

While the demand for grooming services is high, the lack of formal training programs and the competitive landscape can make it tough to succeed.

However, by continuously enhancing their skills, embracing innovation, and providing excellent customer service, aspiring stylists can carve out a successful niche in the thriving Nigerian salon business.

Essential Skills for Aspiring Stylists

Acquiring quality training and education.

  • Invest in quality training and education to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Enroll in reputable beauty schools or academies that offer comprehensive courses in hairstyling.
  • Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to keep up with the latest industry trends and techniques.
  • Obtain certifications and licenses to gain credibility and establish trust with clients.
  • Continuously strive to learn and improve your skills by taking advanced courses and attending refresher programs.

Staying Updated with Latest Trends

  • Follow fashion magazines, blogs, and social media accounts to stay informed about the latest hair trends.
  • Keep an eye on celebrity hairstyles and red carpet events to gain inspiration.
  • Experiment with different styles and techniques to develop your own unique flair and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Regularly attend hair shows and industry events where you can network with fellow stylists and learn about upcoming trends.
  • Consider joining professional organizations to access exclusive resources and training opportunities.

Good Communication and Customer Service Skills

  • Communication is key – listen to your clients and understand their needs and preferences.
  • Ask relevant questions and provide suggestions and advice based on their hair type and face shape.
  • Develop excellent interpersonal skills to build a strong rapport and trust with your clients.
  • Be patient, friendly, and approachable to create a comfortable and welcoming salon environment.
  • Always be professional, punctual, and respectful of your clients’ time.

By acquiring quality training and education, staying updated with the latest trends, and possessing good communication and customer service skills, aspiring stylists in Nigeria can set themselves up for success in the competitive salon industry.

Planning and Setting Up a Salon

Steps to creating a business plan for a salon.

  • Conduct market research to understand the local demand and competition.
  • Define your salon’s unique selling proposition and target market.
  • Determine your salon’s structure, whether it’s a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.
  • Set realistic financial goals and projections for your salon’s revenue and expenses.
  • Develop a marketing and advertising strategy to attract customers and create brand awareness.
  • Outline your salon’s organizational structure, including staff positions and responsibilities.
  • Create a budget that outlines initial expenses and ongoing operational costs.
  • Develop a contingency plan to address unforeseen challenges or changes in the business environment.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Location for the Salon

  • Consider the target market’s demographics and preferences when selecting a location.
  • Choose a location that is easily accessible, has sufficient parking, and is visible to potential customers.
  • Research the neighborhood and ensure it aligns with the salon’s branding and clientele.
  • Analyze the competition in the area and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Negotiate favorable lease terms or purchase a property that meets your salon’s needs.
  • Determine the zoning and permits required for operating a salon in the chosen location.
  • Consider the future growth potential of the area to ensure long-term success.

Essential Equipment and Supplies Needed for a Salon Setup

  • Styling chairs, hair washing stations, and storage cabinets are vital for client comfort and work efficiency.
  • High-quality hair cutting and styling tools, such as scissors, hair dryers, and curling irons, are essential.
  • Salon-grade hair products, including shampoos, conditioners, hair dyes, and styling products, should be stocked.
  • Manicure and pedicure stations equipped with nail care tools, sterilizers, and polishes are necessary for nail services.
  • Professional skin care products, facial equipment, and dedicated treatment rooms are crucial for esthetic services.
  • Reception and waiting area furniture, including comfortable seating and a reception counter, create a welcoming ambiance.
  • Maintain a sufficient supply of towels, disposable salon supplies, cleaning products, and sanitizers for hygiene purposes.
  • Invest in a reliable computer system, salon management software, and POS system for efficient operations.

Setting up a salon requires careful planning, from creating a comprehensive business plan to selecting the perfect location.

By following the steps outlined above and equipping your salon with the necessary equipment and supplies, you can lay the foundation for a successful and thriving salon business.

Remember, finding the right balance between aesthetics, functionality, and customer satisfaction is key to creating a salon that stands out in the competitive industry.

Salon Business in Nigeria: Tips for Aspiring Stylists

Building a Strong Clientele

The significance of networking and building professional relationships.

  • Networking is crucial for aspiring stylists as it helps in expanding their professional reach.
  • Attend industry events, seminars, and workshops to meet potential clients and fellow professionals.
  • Building relationships with other stylists can lead to referrals and collaborations, benefiting all involved.
  • Active participation in online communities and social media can also help in making connections.
  • Nurture professional relationships by offering support, sharing knowledge, and collaborating on projects.

Strategies on Effective Marketing and Advertising for a Salon Business

  • Identify your target market and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.
  • Utilize both traditional and digital marketing methods to reach a wider audience.
  • Have a strong online presence through a well-designed website and active social media accounts.
  • Offer promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs to attract new clients and retain existing ones.
  • Collaborate with local businesses or influencers to expand your reach and gain exposure.

Tips on Creating a Memorable Salon Experience for Clients

  • Design your salon space to create a welcoming and comfortable environment for your clients.
  • Train your staff to provide exceptional customer service, ensuring that clients feel valued and appreciated.
  • Offer personalized consultations to understand the client’s preferences and needs.
  • Provide a range of services and stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in the industry.
  • Pay attention to small details like cleanliness, ambiance, and music to enhance the overall experience.

In the dynamic realm of salon businesses in Nigeria, leveraging the power of lists is pivotal for sustainable growth.

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Networking takes the lead; actively engage in industry events, seminars, and workshops to broaden your professional horizon.

Forge connections with fellow stylists, unlocking a realm of referrals and collaborative opportunities.

In this digital age, marketing prowess is non-negotiable. Define your target market, employing both traditional and digital methods.

A well-crafted website and active social media accounts amplify your salon’s visibility.

Enhance client acquisition and retention through enticing promotions and collaborations with local influencers.

Craft a salon experience that lingers in clients’ memories; focus on a welcoming ambiance, personalized consultations, and staying abreast of industry trends.

Details matter; prioritize cleanliness, ambiance, and music to etch an indelible mark.

By embracing these strategies, budding stylists can seamlessly cultivate a robust clientele, shaping a flourishing salon business in Nigeria.

Read: International Views: Fundraising in Nigeria Compared

Managing Finances and Operations

Necessary financial aspects for a salon business.

  • Start by creating a comprehensive business plan that includes financial projections and goals.
  • Determine the startup costs, including rent, salon equipment, supplies, and licenses.
  • Research and secure funding options such as loans or investors to cover initial expenses.
  • Develop a system for tracking and monitoring financial transactions and expenses.
  • Establish a separate business bank account to manage revenue and expenses effectively.
  • Invest in salon management software to streamline financial processes and keep accurate records.

Tips for Managing Cash Flow, Budgeting, and Pricing Services

  • Maintain a regular cash flow analysis to understand the financial health of your salon business.
  • Implement effective cash management techniques, such as setting aside reserves for unexpected expenses.
  • Create a detailed budget that includes fixed costs (rent, utilities) and variable costs (supplies, payroll).
  • Regularly review and adjust your pricing structure to ensure profitability and competitiveness.
  • Offer bundled services or package deals to encourage repeat business and increase revenue.
  • Consider implementing a membership or subscription model to provide stable cash flow.

Importance of Balancing Daily Operations and Staff Management

  • Develop clear job descriptions and responsibilities for each staff member to avoid confusion and inefficiencies.
  • Regularly assess staff performance to identify any training needs or areas for improvement.
  • Implement a scheduling system that optimizes staff availability while meeting customer demands.
  • Delegate tasks effectively to ensure smooth daily operations and avoid burnout.
  • Invest in training and continuing education for your staff to enhance their skills and provide quality services.
  • Keep open lines of communication with your team to address concerns and maintain a positive work atmosphere.

Managing the finances and operations of a salon business requires careful planning and attention to detail.

By considering the necessary financial aspects, such as creating a business plan and securing funding, aspiring stylists can establish a solid foundation for their salon venture.

Maintaining a positive cash flow is crucial for the sustainability of a salon business.

It is essential to manage cash inflows and outflows effectively by analyzing cash flow patterns and implementing cash management techniques.

Creating a detailed budget helps in understanding the financial requirements and avoids overspending.

Additionally, regularly reviewing pricing structures and offering attractive packages can increase revenue and profitability.

To ensure smooth operations, it is important to strike a balance between daily operations and staff management.

Clear job descriptions and regular performance assessments help in maintaining efficiency and identifying areas for improvement.

Implementing an optimized staff schedule ensures adequate coverage while meeting customer demands.

Delegating tasks and investing in staff training contribute to an effective and motivated team.

In fact, managing finances and operations in the salon business requires strategic planning, budgeting, and effective staff management.

By paying attention to these aspects, aspiring stylists can build a successful salon business in Nigeria.

Read: Building Trust: Transparency in Fundraising in Nigeria

Dealing with Challenges and Competition

Common challenges faced by salon businesses in nigeria.

  • Inconsistent power supply leading to frequent interruptions and difficulties in operating salon equipment.
  • High cost of salon equipment and beauty products, making it challenging for aspiring stylists to afford.
  • Lack of access to affordable and reliable financing options to expand and improve their salon businesses.
  • Limited skilled manpower, with a scarcity of well-trained stylists and beauty professionals in the industry.
  • Intense competition from both established and newly emerging salons, making it difficult to stand out.

Strategies for standing out in a competitive market

  • Offer unique and specialized services that cater to specific target markets, such as bridal or natural hair styling.
  • Focus on providing excellent customer service by creating a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for clients.
  • Build a strong online presence through social media platforms to showcase your salon’s work and engage with potential customers.
  • Collaborate with local influencers, beauty bloggers , and fashion stylists to increase brand visibility and attract new clients.
  • Consistently update and upgrade salon equipment to enhance the quality of services provided and stay ahead of the competition.

Tips on managing and overcoming setbacks and obstacles

  • Stay resilient and maintain a positive mindset, viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth and improvement.
  • Continuously invest in personal and professional development through attending workshops, seminars, and training programs.
  • Build a supportive network of fellow salon owners or industry professionals to share experiences and seek advice from.
  • Implement effective time management strategies to prioritize tasks and maximize productivity.
  • Regularly review and adjust pricing strategies to ensure competitiveness while maintaining profitability.
  • Stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in hairstyling and beauty to offer innovative services to clients.
  • Seek customer feedback and actively respond to their suggestions and complaints to continuously improve and retain customer loyalty.
  • Stay informed about industry regulations and legal requirements to ensure compliance and avoid potential setbacks.

By understanding the common challenges, implementing strategies for standing out, and managing setbacks effectively, aspiring stylists can navigate the competitive salon business landscape in Nigeria with confidence and build successful and thriving businesses.

Read: Hair Styling in Nigeria: A Guide to the Profession

Embracing Continuous Learning and Growth

Highlight the importance of ongoing professional development.

  • Continuous learning is crucial in the dynamic field of salon business in Nigeria.
  • Stylists must stay updated with the latest trends, techniques, and products.
  • Ongoing professional development boosts credibility and keeps clients satisfied.
  • Regular trainings and workshops help in honing skills and gaining new knowledge.
  • Developing specialized skills sets stylists apart from competitors and increases demand.

Provide resources and recommendations for further skill enhancement

  • Joining professional associations like the Hairdressers’ Association of Nigeria provides networking opportunities.
  • Online platforms like YouTube and Instagram offer free tutorials and inspiration for stylists.
  • Attending trade shows and exhibitions exposes stylists to new products and techniques.
  • Investing in advanced courses and certifications helps in mastering specific skills like hair extensions or coloring.
  • Reading industry publications and books written by successful stylists offers valuable insights.

Encourage aspiring stylists to stay motivated and dedicated to their craft

  • Building a successful salon business takes time, effort, and continuous dedication.
  • Acknowledge that challenges and setbacks are part of the journey, but perseverance is key.
  • Seeking inspiration from successful salon owners and stylists can rekindle motivation.
  • Embrace feedback and constructive criticism as opportunities for growth.
  • Networking with fellow stylists and sharing experiences can provide guidance and support.

In the dynamic landscape of the salon business industry in Nigeria, the key to success lies in the commitment to continuous learning.

Aspiring stylists are urged to wield the power of lists, strategically incorporating them into their professional development journey.

Start by curating a list of reputable professional associations such as the Hairdressers’ Association of Nigeria.

Actively participating in these networks opens doors to regular trainings, workshops, and invaluable networking opportunities.

Stay ahead of trends with online resources – compile a list of YouTube channels and Instagram profiles offering free tutorials and inspiration.

Immerse yourself in the digital realm to glean insights from successful stylists.

Trade shows and exhibitions are crucial – maintain a list of upcoming events.

Attendees gain exposure to cutting-edge products and techniques through workshops and seminars.

Bolster your expertise by investing in specialized courses and certifications. Craft a list of areas, be it hair extensions or precision cutting, where you aim to distinguish yourself.

Remember, building a thriving salon business is a gradual process.

Embrace challenges and setbacks as part of the journey. Seek inspiration from successful salon owners and leverage feedback as a tool for growth.

By embracing a mindset of continuous learning, aspiring stylists in the vibrant salon business of Nigeria can ensure not just success, but excellence in their careers.

Read: Becoming a Hair Stylist in Nigeria: What to Know

In this blog post, we have discussed several key points for aspiring stylists in Nigeria to consider when starting a salon business.

Aspiring stylists in Nigeria, remember that success requires hard work and determination.

Do not be discouraged by challenges along the way. Keep pushing forward and believe in yourself.

Take the necessary steps towards establishing a successful salon business in Nigeria.

Start by creating a solid business plan and acquiring the appropriate skills and knowledge. Network with industry professionals and seek mentorship to grow your expertise.

By taking action and staying committed, you can build a thriving salon business in Nigeria. Embrace the opportunities and make your mark in the booming beauty industry.

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This is the most Complete Guide on How to Prepare Your Own Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria:

Brief History on Hair Salon Business:

Table of Contents

Hair salons have a long history dating back to ancient civilizations, Infact in ancient Egypt, people used to shave their heads and wear wigs to protect their scalp from the sun. Barbers and wigmakers were highly respected and often served as advisors to the pharaohs. In the Middle Ages, barbers and hairdressers were usually men, and women were expected to do their own hair at home. In the 18th and 19th centuries, hair salons emerged as a place for fashionable people to socialize and get their hair styled. These salons were often owned by women and were seen as a place for women to gather and discuss social and political issues, As time went on in the 20th and 21st centuries, hair salons became more widely available and offered a wider range of services. Today, hair salons can be found in almost every town and city, offering a variety of services such as haircuts, styling, coloring, and treatments.

Now Every one Wants to start a Hair Salon Business but truth is that to be successful in this business you definitely need a hair salon business plan in Nigeria

Steps on How to Prepare a Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

Here are some steps you can take in order to Prepare write a Hair Salon business plan in Nigeria:

  • Define your Hair Salon target market: Identify the type of customers you want to serve and the location you want to target. Consider factors such as age, gender, income level, and geographic location.
  • Describe your products and services: Detail the types of hair services you will offer, such as haircuts, styling, colouring, and treatments. Also, consider offering additional services such as makeup application or nail services.
  • Develop a Hair Salon marketing plan: Identify how you will reach and attract your target market. This can include advertising, social media, and local partnerships.
  • Create a financial plan : Estimate your startup costs, including rent, equipment, and salaries. Create a budget and forecast future revenue and expenses.
  • Outline your management and organization: Describe the ownership structure of your business and the roles and responsibilities of your staff.
  • Set goals and objectives: Identity specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals for your business. These could include targets for revenue, customer satisfaction, and employee retention.
  • Create an action plan: Develop a step-by-step plan for implementing your business strategy and achieving your goals.

By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive Hair Salon business plan in Nigeria that will help you effectively launch and grow your hair salon business.

Reading this you will Already know that to prepare a Salon Business Plan in Nigeria would definitely be time consuming, Well we have done the Hard work for you. We can help you prepare a hair salon business plan in Nigeria that is very comprehensive and below is the table of content we usually cover in our hair salon business plan in Nigeria, You can copy it to prepare yours if you want or you can contact us NaijaCEO , which ever works for you

Hair Salon Business plan in Nigeria PDF template:

  • Executive Summary
  • Description of Problem and Solution 2.1 Vision 2.2 Mission 2.3 Value Proposition 2.4 Business Objectives 2.5 Critical Success Factor 2.6 Current Status of Business 2.7 Legal Requirement 2.8 Contribution to Local and National Economy 2.9 Contribution to SDG
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis & Risk Analysis
  • Marketing Plan 6.1 Description of Product (S) or Service (S) 6.2   Potential challenges in the business industry 6.3 The Opportunity 6.4 Target Market 6.5 Marketing and Sale Strategy
  • Production Plan/Operational Plan 7.1 Description of the Location/Factory 7.2 Raw Materials/consumables 7.3 Production Equipment/Capital Expenses 7.4 Equipment/Depreciation Table 7.5 Pricing strategy 7.6 Record/Stock Control Process 7.7 Pre-operating Activities and Expenses

8.0  Organization Structure and Responsibilities

8.1 Salary Schedule

9.0  Financial Plan

9.1 Start-Up Capital Estimation (Expansion Capital Estimation)

9.2 Loan Details

9.3 Business Risk and Mitigating Factor

9.4 Financial Projections

9.5 Sales Forecast And Sales Assumption

9.6 Income Statement (P&L) Account

10. Conclusion 

This Everything your Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria should cover and ours actually do follow this format.

What Is the Importance Of getting A Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria?

Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

A good hair salon business plan is the foundation for any successful hair business in Nigeria. It will help you to organize your thoughts and ideas, and it will also help you to set up a realistic budget.

If you are thinking of starting a hair salon business in Nigeria or any where, then it is important that you create a good business plan or get one from us. This will help to organize your thoughts and ideas, as well as set up a realistic budget.

The way to start successful hair business in Nigeria is by first understanding the market and then mapping out a plan. The plan should include what you want to do, how you want to do it, and how you will measure success.


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Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka

About Micah Erumaka

Micah Erumaka is the Founder of LiaonCEM solutions which owns NaijaCEO. He is an Internet Entrepreneur and a content creator. After the failure of his first company at age 18 he started NaijaCEO to help entrepreneurs with the information they need in operating a successful business in Africa

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How to Start a Modern Hair Salon Business in Nigeria: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hair salon.

Starting a modern hair salon in Nigeria can be an exciting business opportunity. It’s all about style, precision, and knowing your audience! It combines creativity, entrepreneurship, and a passion for beauty. From turning your ideas into reality to ensuring your salon is the talk of the town, it’s a glamorous world. 

Your modern hair salon can set new trends and redefine the beauty industry in Nigeria with a perfect blend of sleek design, state-of-the-art equipment, and highly skilled hands. Whether you’re aiming to cater to the latest styles or provide timeless classics with a twist, your salon can become a safe place for those looking to express themselves through their hair. 

With the right approach, your salon can attract a loyal clientele who would trust you for their hair care needs and value the atmosphere you create. Today, we will look at a step-by-step guide to starting a modern hair salon in Nigeria, the equipment needed, and the products to sell.

With no further ado, let’s dive in and explore how you can bring your vision of a modern salon to life!

Table of Contents

A Step-by-Step Guide to Starting a Modern Hair Salon in Nigeria

Create a business plan.

Creating a business plan for a modern beauty salon in Nigeria requires careful consideration of various aspects of your salon business, including your goals, target market, services, marketing strategy, and financial projections. 

You should have a clear executive summary of your plan by providing a concise overview of your beauty salon business, including its mission, vision, objectives, and key highlights. Describe your salon concept, including the types of services you will offer, and your target market. 

Your plan should include how your hair salon will stand out in the market and differentiate itself from competitors. Also, create a detailed financial forecast for your salon, including startup costs, monthly expenses, revenue projections, and break-even analysis.

Would you like to take your business to the next level? No worries! Reach out to us today and let’s help you sponsor your business .

Market research

After creating a business plan, the next step is to conduct thorough market research . This includes clearly defining your goals and objectives for the market research process. Define your target demographic based on the demand for hair salon services in your target area, and factors such as age, gender, income level, lifestyle, and preferences related to hair care and beauty services. 

Another important step is to analyze the competition in your target area. Try to identify existing salons in your target area and analyze their services, pricing, branding, and customer experience. Also, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses to identify gaps and opportunities in the market. Continuously monitor market trends and customer feedback to adapt your salon business accordingly.

Choose a location

You are done with your market research, now it’s time to choose a location. Choosing the right location for your hair salon is important for attracting clients, maximizing visibility, and ensuring the success of your business. When choosing a location for your salon, look out for a location with high foot traffic, such as shopping malls, commercial streets, or busy urban areas. 

Choose a visible storefront with ample signage to send information about what you do and to attract passersby and potential clients. Ensure the location is easily accessible by public transportation and private vehicles. 

Determine your budget for rent and overhead expenses. Select a location that fits within your financial constraints. Lastly, obtain any necessary permits or licenses required to operate a salon in the area.

Design and equip your salon

Designing and equipping a beauty salon involves creating a stylish, functional, and welcoming space that enhances the client experience and supports your business operations. You should aim to define your salon’s concept and style. 

Decide on the overall theme and aesthetic of your salon; it could be chic and modern, or luxurious. This will guide your design choices and ensure that the design reflects your brand’s identity, including your logo, colour scheme, and overall vibe. 

A reception says it all; so make your reception area inviting with a stylish desk, comfortable seating, and a display area for retail products. Allow enough space for stylists to move freely and clients to feel comfortable and each station should have a mirror, chair, and ample storage. 

If offering additional services like facials or massages, include private treatment rooms equipped with the necessary furniture and equipment. Use stylish cabinets and shelves to keep everything organized.

By thoughtfully designing and equipping your hair salon, you can create a space that not only looks great but also functions efficiently, providing an excellent experience for your clients and staff.

Focus on customer service

Focusing on customer service in a modern salon is important for building a loyal client base. Excellent customer service enhances the overall clients’ experience, making your salon stand out. Create a welcoming atmosphere for your clients and greet them warmly as soon as they enter the salon. 

Having a friendly receptionist can set a positive tone for the entire visit. Ensure the waiting area is comfortable with ample seating, reading materials and if possible, refreshments. Try to provide high standards services and regularly review and improve service quality. 

Pay close attention to clients’ requests and concerns. Analyse their needs to ensure understanding. Address any complaints or issues immediately and professionally. Offer solutions and ensure the client feels heard and valued because a valued and satisfied client is a client for another day.

Equipment Needed to Start a Modern Hair Salon in Nigeria

Here is a list of essential equipment and supplies you will need:

  • Styling Chairs: Adjustable, comfortable chairs for clients.
  • Salon Trolleys: Portable carts to hold tools and supplies for easy access.
  • Mirrors: Large, high-quality mirrors for styling stations.
  • Shampoo Units: For washing hair.
  • Hair Towels: Plenty of absorbent towels for washing and drying hair.
  • Hood Dryers: Standing or wall-mounted hood dryers for drying and setting hair.
  • Handheld Hair Dryers: Manual, rechargeable dryers for faster hair drying.
  • Shears and Scissors: For trimming hair and adding finishing touches.
  • Clippers and Trimmers: Electric clippers and trimmers for precision cuts.
  • Combs and Brushes: A variety of combs and brushes for different hair types and styles.
  • Curling Irons and Flat Irons: For stretching hairs.
  • Waiting Chairs or Sofas: Comfortable seating for clients waiting for their appointments.
  • Retail Display Shelves: To display hair care products.
  • Cabinets and Shelving: For storing supplies, products, and personal items.
  • Laundry Equipment: Washer and dryer for cleaning towels and capes.
  • Lighting: Bright, adjustable lighting to ensure good visibility for styling and cutting.

Products to Sell/Display in a Modern Beauty Salon

Here’s a list of products you can sell and display in your hair salon in Nigeria:

  • Shampoos and Conditioners .
  • Styling Products e.g. hair gels, mousses, creams, pomades, and sprays.
  • Hair Tools , eg, brushes, combs, and heat tools such as straighteners and curling irons.
  • Hair Extensions and Wigs : Display different types of extensions and wigs to provide clients with more options.
  • Colouring Products , eg, hair dyes, colour treatments, and root touch-up kits.
  • Hair Accessories , eg, hair ties, clips, headbands, and other stylish accessories.
  • Scalp Care Products: Offer treatments and products for scalp health, such as exfoliating scrubs, tonics, and anti-itch solutions.
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Ready to start your modern hair salon business? Grab your comb and let’s get this stylish show on the road. Little do you know that you’re about to become the hair whisperer of your neighbourhood. With the few tips spotlighted in this guide, get ready to set up one of the best modern hair salon businesses in town.

Edited by Priscilla Ajayi .

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How to Start a Hair Business in Nigeria: The Hair Business Blueprint

How to Start a Hair Business in Nigeria: The Hair Business Blueprint

The hair business refers to a business that specializes in the sale of various hair products and services. This business can range from selling hair extensions, wigs, and other hair-related accessories to offering hair care services such as styling, weaving, braiding, and other hair treatments.

The hair industry in Nigeria, like in many other places, is a thriving market due to the cultural importance placed on hair aesthetics and grooming.

The high demand for a wide variety of hair products and services in Nigeria can be attributed to the distinct hair textures and styles among the diverse ethnic groups, as well as the large number of individuals who enjoy regularly changing their hairstyles and exploring various new looks.

Hair businesses in Nigeria can operate through physical stores, online platforms, or a combination of both. They may also choose to import hair products from different parts of the world or source them locally.

In this article “How to Start a Hair Business in Nigeria” we will explore the intricacies of starting a profitable hair business in Nigeria.

Table of Contents

How much do i need to start hair business.

How much do I need to Start Hair Business?

You need a minimum of N1,000,000 to start a profitable hair business that sells only quality hair products (especially wigs). But if your budget is low and your goal is to start with standard products that are still very much acceptable among customers, then a minimum of N500,000 Naira will suffice; as that will get you enough items including wigs to start with.

The primary costs in this business revolve around your inventory. At the initial stage of starting, you can convert your residence into your store, eliminating the need for rent expenses. You’ll also manage the business solo at the outset until customer numbers grow and necessitate bringing in additional help.

Hair business Ideas

Here are hair business ideas that you should consider starting in Nigeria:

  • Wig and Extensions Boutique: This type of hair business specializes in selling a wide variety of wigs, hair extensions, and hairpieces. If you decide to start the wig and extension boutique, you can offer different styles, lengths, and textures to cater to various customer preferences.
  • Natural Hair Care Products: This hair business involves creating and selling your own line of natural hair care products, including shampoos, conditioners, oils, and treatments. In this line of hair business it is necessary to emphasize the use of organic and natural ingredients to cater to the growing demand for healthier hair care options.
  • Mobile Hair Stylist: This type of hair business doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t have a shop, you definitely should, but your services will include what is normally called home service. Those involved in the mobile hair stylist business offer mobile hairstyling services that mandate them to go or travel to clients’ homes or event locations to provide hairstyling, braiding, and other services. This is convenient for clients who prefer getting their hair done in a familiar environment. The advantage of running this mobile hair styling business is the huge financial benefits that follow it.
  • Hair Accessories Online Store: This hair business is all about selling a wide range of hair accessories, such as hairpins, headbands, scarves, and more online. It is advisable to curate a collection of trendy and unique accessories to attract customers.
  • Salon with a Twist: Just like the name ” salon with a twist”. It is all about giving your salon a twist from the norm. For example, combining hair services with a café or bookstore. This can attract customers looking for a relaxing and multifunctional space.
  • Hair Care Workshops: This hair business idea is all about running hair business workshops and seminars that are focused on educating people about proper hair care techniques, styling, and maintenance. These workshops normally attract both professionals and individuals looking to improve their hair care skills.
  • Bridal Hair Specialist: This hair business idea specializes in creating stunning bridal hairstyles for weddings and other special occasions. In other to promote your bridal hair specialist business with speed, collaborate with wedding planners and photographers.
  • Men’s Grooming Salon: Establish a grooming salon specifically catering to men’s haircuts, beard trims, and grooming needs. Create a masculine and comfortable atmosphere. To know more: The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Profitable Barbing Salon Business in Nigeria
  • Children’s Hair Salon: This type of hair business salon is strictly open and dedicated to children’s haircuts and styling. Making the environment kid-friendly with colorful decor, entertainment, and themed chairs can be a way to always keep them coming. Note that this type of hair business may not excel in Nigeria.
  • Hair Blog or YouTube Channel: Just like Rich Nuggets, if you are an expert or knowledgeable in the hair business, you can create a website where you share your expertise and make money from the blog through ad sharing or by selling hair-related products. You can also include having a YouTube channel where you share videos (including tutorials).
  • Hair Spa Retreat: Combine hair care with relaxation by creating a hair spa retreat that offers luxurious treatments, scalp massages, and aromatherapy in a serene environment. Read more; How to start up a Spa business
  • Hair Braiding Studio: This type of hair salon business specializes only in various braiding styles, catering to individuals who want intricate and stylish braided hairstyles.
  • Hair Repair and Restoration: Mainly about offering specialized hair treatments and services for damaged hair, helping clients restore the health and beauty of their hair.
  • Online Hair Consultations: Provide virtual consultations to clients seeking personalized hair care advice, recommendations, and styling tips based on their specific hair type and concerns.
  • Ethnic Hair Care Shop: Focus on providing products and services specifically tailored to the unique needs of various ethnic hair types and textures in Nigeria or in your locality.

Learn: How to Start a Beauty Salon Business: Tips, and Strategies for Success

No matter the type of hair business idea you decide to invest in, make sure you conduct thorough market research, create a detailed business plan, and tailor your business idea to meet the needs and preferences of your target audience in Nigeria.

How to Start a Hair Business in Nigeria

salon business plan in nigeria

Here is how you can start a hair business in Nigeria:

1. Determine Your Hair Business Niche

The first thing to do when starting a hair business is to define your hair business. You can successfully define your hair business by focusing on a particular niche.

The advantage of focusing on a particular niche is that it makes it easier for your target market to easily differentiate your hair business from your competitors.

You can pick from the numerous types of hair businesses previously mentioned. In choosing the best hair business niche for your hair business some factors must be put in place such as;

  • Who is your Target Audience
  • Do you have Expertise?
  • Do you have a Passion for such niche?
  • Can you be Committed: You can only be committed to what you are passionate about
  • Sustainability and Longevity of the Niche
  • Does it Align with Trends
  • How competitive is it (Competitor Analysis)

By positively analyzing these aforementioned factors, you will be able to pick the best hair business niche, for your hair business

2. Market Research and Business Plan

The next step that follows is the market research and business plan of your chosen hair business niche.

Market research focuses on gathering information about your target market, the demand of your chosen niche, market trends, and competition, all for the purpose of decision-making that will position the hair business for success.

While the Business plan is the document that will contain your market research findings and other key elements such as; Business goals, product and service offerings, pricing strategy, marketing approach, financial projections, and Operations and Management.

The main purpose of the business plan is to help you stay on course as you navigate your way to success. You can simply say; a business plan is a road map that guides you on the path that leads to success.

3. Legal Requirements and Registration

The hair business comes with some legal requirements. Though not much but mandatory by the government if you are going to be operating within the legal framework of the business landscape in Nigeria. The necessary legal requirements to be met are;

  • Business Name Registration
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Apart from that two legal requirements, you might need an additional health and safety certificate if you are going to be running a haircare service on a large scale. But if not, then the aforementioned two legal requirements are enough to run your hair business.

Know more about business registration in NIgeria: How to Register a Business Name in Nigeria in 7 Easy Steps

4. Location and Setup

Location and setup is another key aspect that must be taken with careful consideration. The right location will give your hair business a good level of publicity. But a wrong location will affect your publicity negatively.

The same goes with the setup, a bad setup will affect customers’ experience/ satisfaction negatively. While a good and attractive setup will affect your customers’ experience/satisfaction positively.

Know that a good customer experience will mean more word-of-mouth publicity from them to their friends and family.

In other words, both location and setup can affect publicity and customer retention.

Here are key elements that encompasses both location and setup of your hair business;

The location and setup of your hair business play a significant role in attracting customers, creating a positive customer experience, and maximizing sales. Here’s what you need to consider:

1. Business Model:

  • Determine whether you want to operate a physical store, an online store, or a combination of both (known as a brick-and-click model).
  • A physical store allows customers to see, touch, and try your products in person. An online store provides convenience and accessibility to a wider audience.

2. Physical Store:

  • If you choose to operate a physical store, selecting the right location is crucial. Look for areas with high foot traffic, preferably in commercial or busy areas.
  • Consider factors such as proximity to your target market, competition, and accessibility. A location near shopping centers, malls, or busy streets can help attract potential customers.

3. Online Store:

  • If you opt for an online store, choose a user-friendly e-commerce platform to showcase your products. Ensure that the website is easy to navigate and has clear product descriptions and images.
  • Implement secure online payment options and a streamlined checkout process to enhance the customer experience.

4. Combination (Brick-and-Click):

  • Many businesses choose to have both a physical store and an online presence to cater to different customer preferences. This approach allows customers to shop in-store or online based on their convenience.

5. Store Layout and Design:

  • Plan an appealing and functional store layout. Arrange your products in an organized and aesthetically pleasing manner.
  • Create designated areas for different types of products, such as hair extensions, wigs, and hair care products. Use displays, shelves, and racks to showcase your merchandise effectively.
  • Incorporate branding elements such as your logo, color scheme, and signage to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity.

6. Visual Merchandising:

  • Regardless of whether your business is physical, online, or both, pay attention to visual merchandising. High-quality product images, appealing product descriptions, and consistent branding contribute to a professional and enticing presentation.

7. Customer Experience:

  • Focus on creating a positive customer experience. In a physical store, provide excellent customer service, ensure that staff is knowledgeable about your products, and offer a comfortable shopping environment.
  • For online stores, provide clear and detailed product information, responsive customer support, and hassle-free return and exchange policies.

8. Adaptability:

  • Be prepared to adapt your setup based on customer feedback and changing market trends. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your location and setup and make necessary adjustments.

5. Sourcing Products

This critical aspect has a great impact on your hair business’s success. If not done right then your expectation shouldn’t exceed having a failed hair business.

When deciding sourcing your hair products, these key elements must be put in place rightly;

  • Decide if your suppliers are going to be Local or International Suppliers
  • Ensure that your hair products meet high standards of quality,
  • Ensure that the cost of sourcing and purchasing your hair products are moderately okay and can allow you to set competitive prices while still maintaining profitability.
  • Before committing to a large order, consider requesting samples from potential suppliers. As that will give you an idea of the kind of quality products they have for sale
  • Watch out for “Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs)” and take advantage of the discount that likely follows it.
  • Don’t leave out shipping and logistics cost from suppliers to you, as that could greatly affect setting competitive prices

The whole essence of sourcing products is to strike a balance between quality, variety, cost, and customer preferences to create a product offering that meets the needs of your target market and aligns with your business goals.

6. Marketing and Branding

The goal of marketing and branding is to promote and attract customers to your hair business.

Branding mainly focuses on having an attractive logo, a perfect color scheme, and an excellent brand message (slogan or motto).

While marketing has to do with developing promotional strategies that aim to create awareness about your hair business and be able to convince the heart of your target market to patronize you. Marketing strategies could be online, offline, or both. Here are some marketing strategies that can greatly influence the awareness and publicity of your hair business;

Social Media Marketing (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok) Influencer Collaborations Online Payment Advertising Content Marketing (very powerful if you have an e-commerce website) Organizing and attending hair-related events, promotions, or giveaways to create excitement and awareness among customers.

Effective marketing and branding not only attract customers but also establish a strong emotional connection between your hair business and your target audience.

Challenges of Starting a Hair Business in Nigeria

Challenges of Starting a Hair Business in Nigeria

Here are the common challenges you might face while starting your hair business in Nigeria:

  • Intense Competition
  • Shipping delays, customs regulations, and fluctuating exchange rates can affect the sourcing of hair products internationally
  • Quality control can become an issue especially if you’re dealing with suppliers whose products vary in quality.
  • Flooded counterfeit hair products in the market make it difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake items.
  • Navigating the regulatory landscape, including obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, can be time-consuming and complex.
  • The hair and beauty industry is highly trend-driven. Keeping up with the latest trends and adapting your products and services accordingly can be demanding.
  • Starting a hair business requires a significant upfront investment for inventory, marketing, and setting up a physical store or online platform.
  • Educating customers about the benefits of your products and services, especially if you’re offering unique or innovative solutions, can be a challenge.
  • Customer preferences and trends can change rapidly. What’s popular today might not be in demand tomorrow, requiring you to be agile and adaptable.
  • Building brand awareness and reaching your target audience in a crowded market can be challenging, particularly for new businesses.
  • Ensuring timely and reliable delivery of products, especially if you’re offering an online store, can be challenging due to infrastructure limitations.
  • Finding and retaining skilled hairstylists and staff for salons can be difficult, particularly in areas where there’s high demand.
  • Economic fluctuations, inflation, and changes in consumer spending patterns can impact your business’s performance.
  • Building a loyal customer base takes time and effort. Customers might initially try multiple options before settling on a preferred brand.

There is no need to be afraid of the enormous challenges, as the reward outweighs the challenges. Despite these challenges, with proper planning, research, and a customer-centric approach, you can overcome these hurdles and build a successful hair business in Nigeria.


  • How to Start a Business in Nigeria in 9 Easy Steps
  • How to Get a Loan to Start a Business in 11 Steps
  • How to Register a Business Name in Nigeria in 7 Easy Steps
  • How to Write a Business Plan
  • How to start up a Spa business
  • Starting a Beauty Salon Business: Tips, and Strategies for Success
  • The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Profitable Barbing Salon Business in Nigeria

Final Thoughts on Starting a Hair Business in Nigeria

In conclusion, starting a hair business in Nigeria requires careful planning and strategic execution. By following these steps; defining your niche, market research, legal requirements, location and setup, sourcing products, business plan, and marketing, you can set your hair business up for success in the dynamic and growing hair industry of Nigeria:

Remember that adaptability, customer satisfaction, and a commitment to quality are key factors that will contribute to the longevity and growth of your venture.

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Can I start hair business with 50k?

Yes, you can start a hair business with just 50k. Though it will be challenging at the initial stage. But with a focused niche, profit reinvestment, and the use of online sales channels you can run a profitable hair business in Nigeria with just a N50,000 Naira investment.

Where do Nigerian hair sellers buy from?

Nigerian hair sellers source their products from a variety of suppliers, both locally and internationally (mainly; India, China, Brazil, Peru, Malaysia, and Vietnam). The choice of suppliers depends on factors such as product quality, cost, availability, and customer preferences.

What hair sells for the most?

The type of hair that sells the most are; virgin human hair, remy human hair, raw human hair, unprocessed hair, ethnic hair textures, longer lengths hair, premium hair origins, and customization and styling hair.

How do I find a hair supplier?

You can find hair suppliers for your hair business via online research, industry directories, trade shows and exhibitions, B2B platforms that connect retailers with suppliers (eg Alibaba, AliExpress, and DHgate), networking, and through referrals

Is selling of hair profitable?

Yes, selling hair is a profitable business that has changed the life of so many persons who have engaged in this type of hair business niche. But it is important to note that quality and honesty play a lot when it comes to having a successful hair business that sells hair.

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I am Eghosa Kester Igbinigie, the owner of and As a business enthusiast, writer, and speaker, I hold a degree in Business Administration (BSc) and own several successful businesses

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How to start hair salon business in nigeria.

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If you have been having the thoughts of starting a hair salon business in Nigeria. This article is the ultimate guide for you. In this article on how to start a hair dressing salon in Nigeria, I will be explaining in detail whether the hair salon business is profitable, the cost of starting, the equipment needed, and most importantly the step-by-step guide to starting a profitable hair salon business in Nigeria.

There have been questions if men or guys can be able to start a lucrative hair salon business in Nigeria just like women. This is because, till today, so many women believe it is only women that can make hair. Well, from what I have seen so far men can run hair salons just like they run barbing salons. Women can also run barbing salons perfectly.

Is Hair Salon Business Profitable?

There are so many reasons why the hairdressing business is profitable in Nigeria. The first reason why the business is lucrative is because of the high demand for its services . Nigerian women, ladies, and girls like looking beautiful. For this reason, they spend money to make their hair.

They could either plait it, fix attachments or simply buy wigs to wear to look good. To do all this and stand out they need the service of a hair stylist or hairdresser. Another reason why the hair salon business is profitable is the other services the hair salon business offers.

Hair salons also render services like repair and maintenance of wigs, sales of attachments, fixing of nails, and more.

Capital Needed to Start Hair Salon Business

There are so many questions as to the capital needed to start a hair salon business in Nigeria or the cost of starting a hairdressing salon business in Nigeria. The cost of starting a business like this normally ranges from #500,000 – #2,000,000. How much you will spend as capital to start a profitable hair salon business in Nigeria depends on the area you stay and want to start the business.

For example , it will cost more to start a hair salon business in an urban area than in a rural area. However, you will spend the bulk of your money (starting capital) on equipment needed for your hair salon business and rent for your shop unless you want to start the business from home.

List of Hair Salon Equipment

There are equipment or tools needed to start a hair salon business in a country like Nigeria. These equipment ranges from the most expensive to the cheapest.

1. Hair dryer

2. Salon table

3. Salon Cape

4. Salon Apron

5. Salon towels

6. Salon mirrors

7. Hair clips

8. Hairbrushes

9. Barely brush

10. Scissors (assorted)

11. Curling iron

12. Hair straightener

13. Styling chairs

14. Fans/Air conditioner

15. Generator

Here are steps on how to start hair salon business in Nigeria.

1. Learn How to Make Hair

This is the first step on how to start a hair salon business in Nigeria. The hair salon business is a handwork. If you are going to employ a worker(s) that will make hair for your customers you need to learn how to make hair. Learning to make all types of hair is necessary so your customers will not have any reason to leave your shop for another hair salon.

The average time you need to learn hairdressing handwork is 3 months. But to make sure you learn everything necessary for you to learn you can learn it for 6 months.

2. Write a Business Plan

The second step to starting a profitable hair salon business in Nigeria is to write a hair salon business plan . This is very important especially if you are investing big capital into the business. If you are not investing a huge capital into the business you can just do the market survey for the business, especially in the area you want to start your hair salon business.

Writing a hair salon business plan has different ways or different steps. You can use online business templates to write or simply hire a professional to write the business plan for you. The professional will write the hair salon business plan based on the capital you have at hand. Or based on whether you want a small-scale hair salon or a large-scale hair salon.

3. Get the Required Capital

Depending on the area you want to start your hair salon business you will need huge capital, especially for the shop rent and the hair salon equipment. You need to make sure you have enough money to start the business before you go into the business so that you do not get stuck halfway.

In the meantime, if you do not have all the capital needed you can render home services first till you have saved up for the capital needed. As I said earlier, the capital needed to start a hair salon business ranges from #500,000 – #1,000,000. Read our guide on how to start a business in Nigeria with no capital if you have no clue on how to start a business without capital.

4. Buy your Salon Equipment

Hair salon equipment ranges from original to fake, expensive to cheap, and new to tokunbo. The kind of hair salon equipment you buy for your hair salon business depends on the capital you have at hand. Many people who go into the business buy tokunbo equipment instead of new ones.

However, it depends on you. When it comes to the generating set, you need to buy a generator that can work with your hair dryer and other important electronics in your shop.

5. Rent a Shop for Hair Salon

When it comes to renting a shop for your hair salon business in Nigeria there are a few things you need to put into consideration. You need to consider the size of your hair salon shop. You do not want a place where your customers can not comfortably stay.

You also need the shop to be able to display other things you want to sell to customers like wigs, attachments, and more.

You need to consider the location of your shop. You do not want to rent a shop in a hidden place – a place customers cannot easily locate you. You should consider looking for available shops at bus stops, roundabouts, t junctions, and major streets. Lastly, you must consider the cost of rent. The shop must not be expensive.

6. Furnishing Hair Salon Shop

After renting the shop you need to furnish it with all the equipment you bought. You will also need bright bulbs to light up the shop, especially at night. The electrician will help you to properly install all electronics in the shop while a carpenter will help you install all furniture in the shop. Depending on what you prefer, you can connect your shop to NEPA or simply run your generator all the time.

7. Start the Hairdressing Business

You can start your business immediately if you furnish your hair salon shop. You do not need to wait for a perfect time before starting. To get your first set of customers, you can simply invite your family and friends to come to make their hair in your salon. If you do a good job with their hair, they will refer you to their friends for free.

You can also inform your church members about your hair salon business. And promise them a discount when they come to make their hair.

8. Profits in Hair Salon Business

There are many ways to increase profits in your hair salon business in Nigeria. The first step is to diversify your business – making sure that you are not just making hair in the business. You can also sell wigs, attachments, cosmetics, and other related products alongside your hair salon business. Asides from this, you can render home services for customers that do not want to come to the salon.

Hair salon business is a profitable business in Nigeria because of its high demand. It is no longer a business that attracts women alone as men too now plait their hair. You too can start small today and build your profits slowly and gradually build fame through consistency.


  • How to Start Mini-Importation Business in Nigeria
  • How to Start Barbing Salon Business in Nigeria
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  • 10 Most Lucrative Service Businesses in Nigeria
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Ralph Bamigboye is an Accountant. He is the owner of, and Finance Naija YouTube Channel. He has helped many individuals to start their businesses and make money online. How can he help you?

salon business plan in nigeria

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  • Business and Ideas

Hair Salon Business In Nigeria (Quick Guide on How to Start)

How to Start a Hair Salon Business in Nigeria

want to learn how to start a hair salon business in Nigeria? We’ve created a comprehensive article about starting, running, and making a profit from making hair for others.

Did you know that making hair for people is one of the most profitable business ideas in Nigeria ? Come to think of it; no matter how hard things are, people are always ready to spend on their hair, as they want to look good.

Many of us always want to look smart and sharp. We spend a lot of money and time not only on the type of dress to wear but our entire grooming.

This is especially true of women, in fact, some of them if not all have a mini make-up kit in their handbag whenever they are going out.

Anywhere they get to they always want to look at their best. You see them checking the mirror to see how good-looking they still are after few hours they have stepped out and of course, they would want the image in the mirror to be attractive.

That is why a Beauty salon or hair salon will hardly run out of customers as it is frequently patronized by ladies who delight in looking good at all times.

For the ladies, looking good cannot be overemphasized for that reason the beauty salon is without a doubt one of the most visited centers in almost every society.

There is a popular saying that says “looking good is good business,” the saying has been true whether for those who look good or those making others look good.

Everyone loves looking good and as you have already know making one’s hair is one of the major pillars of looking good.

As mentioned in the article I wrote on how to start and run a successful barbershop , the way we are dressed will determine the way we will be addressed.

The business has been listed as one of those businesses that yield instant revenue on a regular and consistent basis.

So, if you’re thinking of starting one but don’t know how to go about it, just relax and read on to find out what it takes to start the business.

A hair salon business could be a very lucrative business because fashion is an ongoing process. It is one business that brings in money on a daily basis.

One major advantage of this business is that it can be started anywhere, be it in your living room, at the corner of your compound, or in a small rented space.

How to start a Hair salon

Steps On How to Start A Successful Hair Salon In Nigeria

While this business is believed to be dominated by womenfolk recent research shows that guys are starting, managing, and successfully running a hair salon.

And what is more, some ladies prefer to have a guy make their hair! Many hairdressing salons now have men as a stylist who gives better service even than women.

Using this article as a guide, find below the necessary steps to take in order to establish a hair salon business.

Pla nning Stage

The hair salon business is one of the daily income businesses in Nigeria. But don’t just set out without planning. Before you dive into the business, you need to do some extensive and thorough research into the business.  

Ask yourself: Are you planning to run the business personally or are you planning to seek professional help by employing skilled staff?

If you are planning to run the business by yourself, are you well equipped with the necessary skills? If you will be recruiting skilled workers, do you have adequate knowledge to decipher if they are providing customers with top-class services and satisfying their needs adequately?

What is your target customer base? Which locations and areas will be favorable for the business? What is your goal, vision, and capital?

Acquire Adequate Training

Like the counterpart business barbing salon, hair styling is an art. You need to learn the necessary skills to bring out the beauty in your customers.

You must also be able to think and create new styles. So take time out to learn as your personal involvement in the business will determine to a large extent the amount of profit you will make.

Remember that your customer will likely have an event she wants to attend before stepping into your shop. Therefore, your work will be in the face of the public practically all day long, the artistry of your skills speak for you in volumes you might not be able to match with your voice or presence.

People are ready to pay large amounts as long as they know you have the skills to meet up with the charges you are asking for.

Whether you intend to work on the hair yourself or will seek to employ workers while you oversee the running of the salon, it is important that you have in-depth knowledge of making different styles of hair such as fixing of weaves, braiding of hair,

Ghana weaving, retouching, and washing. Even if you are talented naturally, it is advisable to find a reputable hairdresser to learn the trade from.

You will be learning not only how to make hair but also other rudiments necessary to running and managing a successful business.

You cannot rush into the business all in the name of becoming self-reliant. You only get yourself into a bigger problem because if you did not give satisfactory service, you are bound to be shouted at, yelled at and you will be losing customers. Take some time off and learn what the business demands.

Business Plan

Write out a detailed business plan that will give you a clearer view of what you are about to venture into.

This will include making projections, taking surveys, setting up a management plan, coming up with vision and mission statements, determining how far you want to go with the business, how to raise capital, and so on.

The amount of capital to be raised is directly proportional to the projections written in your business plan.

If you were planning to start on a small scale then you will be requiring a lower capital than someone who was planning to start on a mega phase.

The business plan will act in two major ways, firstly helping you as a guide to running the business all through the business’ lifecycle. Secondly, the business plan affords you the business owner the opportunity to get investors or raise loans from banks should there be a need for extra capital beyond your capacity.

It is important to keep this super concise, yet compelling. It’s the very first thing an investor or lender sees. You can request the service of a professional in this regard.

Many people who may decide to start small can use any of the best loan apps in Nigeria to borrow some funds (the likes of FairMoney, Carbon, Branch, etc.).

Secure An Ideal Location

Finding a good location is very important when it comes to starting a beauty salon business. So, you’ll have to think deeply about this.

How easy can my clients locate me? Is the area commercialized enough? Ask yourself questions like this before you finally settle for one.

If you have done a good job at the planning stage you will already have different ideal locations at your disposal. Wherever you set up shop should have good traffic, high visibility, and be near your target demographic.

The surrounding area should be well-lit, safe, and attractive. It’s best if it’s amidst other popular businesses.

It will cost more for a prime location, but it’s better to pay more upfront because you’ll attract more customers and grow your business much faster.

If however, you do not have enough money to rent a shop now, you can actually start from home and offer home services.

Alternatively, you can look for any available shed in your area where you can negotiate with a little amount. It can be started at any available space given the place is neat and well kept. A dirty environment is not ideal for this kind of business.

The location has to be easily accessible. If you go and get a space in a corner or in a hidden location, you may not succeed.

Try as much as possible to stay away from the competition. Don’t situate yourself directly next to a bigger professional salon. Instead, try to stake out a place where you’ll be the only salon for a few blocks.

Make sure that you get a shop space in an area with a constant power supply and ensure that there is a good source of water supply to ensure a smoother running of your business.

Beautify the Shop

Making your business place comely and inviting to your customers goes beyond just putting in chairs and tables.

If you want people to come to your shop and keep coming back, you should ensure a high level of cleanliness, both personal and environmental, your equipment should be neatly arranged, and modern equipment should be used in preference to ‘old school’ equipment.

In setting up your shop, you can make use of an interior designer. Ladies love to look beautiful, come to think of it when they slay in the latest Ankara styles in vogue , and you give a matching hairstyle.

Get a variety of Hair Styling Chairs that come in different colors and forms. Set up a hairstyling station that will have a mirror, storage drawers, tool compartments or tool holders, and an electrical outlet.

There are various designs and amenities provided with the hairstyling station that you can choose from. Arrange neatly the Carts And Trollies.

Hair salon equipment

Purchase Your Equipment

Your initial survey should help you have an idea of the best set of equipment on the market, as well as the prices of the equipment.

It is imperative that you spend wisely at this stage by purchasing top-quality equipment so that you do not keep spending money on purchases and repairs.

To keep up with the different hairstyling demands of your customers, you will need the latest hair styling tools.

Always check some hair styling magazines to get an idea about the latest styling tools that are used in this business. There is a whole lot of equipment needed or a hair salon. It includes:

Standing dryer(s), blow dryers, Towels, Towel warmers, Shampoo, relaxer, Sterilizing machines, rollers, Clippers, Straighteners, trimming scissors, curling iron, curling comb, Brushes, Combs, Wash hair basin, power Generating set, Television sets and Cable TV for entertaining your waiting customers, Air conditioners (optional, standing fan in combination with ceiling fan is an alternative), Manicure kits, Pedicure kits, Refrigerator, etc.

Employ Staff

As your business grows and you expand, you will need to bring in qualified stylists to assist you to manage your growing business.

When seeking staff to work in your shop, you should ensure that the prospective staffs have quite a bit of experience.

It can be disastrous for your business if you have the wrong set of hands and a reputation for poor services by your inexperienced staff.

Take your time in employing staff and provide as much on-the-job training for them so they can provide the best services possible.

Set up rules and regulations for your staff so that there can be decorum at your place of business. If the business is quite large you might need to employ a business manager and an accountant for specialization purposes.

In addition, you must also put together your stylist training program. They need to understand the goal and mission statement of your business and be ready to work accordingly so that there will be uniformity in their approach.

All of your stylists should know the amount of time they have per service, and how much product to use on each customer based on styles of hairdo.

Employees don’t ever notice wastage until you show them how to care about it. It’s not their money they’re wasting, it’s yours. Protect your investment and make sure you have a policy/standard operating procedure for everything.

Providing Security

It is very important to be security-conscious and invest in security for your business as there are several loopholes in this business as you have several people visiting your shop daily that you do not even know or have any details about.

You have a lot of things that could get lost, cash, customers’ properties, work equipment, etc. Customers also want to have a feeling of safety when they come to your business place, the more reason why you should invest in security and be security conscious.

Publicity and Marketing Plan

Publicity is seen as the backbone of any business, any business that refuses to carry out publicity strategies is like operating in the darkness where no one notices you.

That will do no good for the business.  It is important to put your business in the face of the public, let them know what you do in as many ways as you can.

You can make use of popular advertising means like flyers, billboards, posters, handbills, word of mouth, television, and radio, and social media.

You can also create a system that involves your customers in helping you publicize your business while they get benefits from each successful referral they make.

You can run special promotions and competitions as well to attract customers on a large scale especially during festive seasons. Another means of creating awareness is by the work of your hands.

If your work is really good, it would advertise for you as people seeing such a nice hairdo would want to inquire about where it was made and also get theirs made there.

Hair Salon Business Tips

Pricing: An important part of your beauty salon development plan is the appropriate pricing of your services. The price you set should correspond with the economic state of the business location.

If you’re in an urban area with larger homes and other commercial buildings, you can price your services accordingly, and even offer outstanding beauty and spa services.

Regular maintenance: Another operational task that’s required to uphold the image of your salon is regular maintenance.

You have to keep the salon looking and smelling fresh and clean so it’s inviting at all times, no matter how much traffic comes through the door or how bad the weather is.

Ensure you hold to high esteem cleanliness and hygiene in and around your business location.

Customer Satisfaction: Customers expect excellent service when they enter a salon. With tight competition in this industry today, no one can afford to risk losing a client through inappropriate behavior or poor performance.

It is often easy to turn clients off. This client will then circulate complaints with their peers and the bad publicity spreads. This is not good for the business.

That is the very reason why you have to let every individual in your management know how their performance affects the business as a whole.

A hairstylist should be of very good behavior when attending to his or her customers as bad behavior will only chase away your customers and give your business a bad name.

It is also important that you provide quality hair and beauty operations so that your clients will keep coming back for maintenance.

Ensure that you go out of your way to make your clients feel valued and appreciated. And focus on giving them the best possible experience each time.

With their consent, you can get their contact information like WhatsApp number or email address so that you can easily send them updates on new products/services, and any special offers you have.

Offer other services: It is important to note that you do not necessary need to limit your shop space to only be used as a hair salon; other forms of businesses can be run concurrently thereby maximizing profits. Some of these services are listed below:

  • Pedicure and manicure
  • Sales of hair accessories
  • Sales of refreshment
  • Sales of Nail accessories and cosmetics
  • Make up studio
  • Collaborate with a barbing salon

Conclusion On Starting a Hair Salon Business In Nigeria

This business is highly regarded as one which produces a great amount of profit, especially on a daily basis.

Proper investment and management measures will result in gaining a great deal in profits. Despite the fluctuations of the economy, the beauty industry continues to blossom.

Well, this is because many of the services offered by salons simply can be difficult to carry out at home.

You may be faced with some challenges, it is important not to give up until you’ve tried everything possible to make it work.

Most successful businesses today didn’t get to the level they are without facing one obstacle or the other. The challenges when you overcame will make you more stronger and experienced.

Did you find this piece helpful? Let’s have your comments.

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  • 15 Business ideas for ladies in Nigeria
  • How to start a bakery business in Nigeria


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salon business plan in nigeria

How To Start a Hair Salon Business In Nigeria | Hairdressing Business Plan

How To Start a Hair Salon Business in Nigeria – Before deciding to start up your own hair salon business , there is this certainty that when you are able to do a job , you are likely to get huge customer bases and also succeed in the business venture. Hairdressing business is a lucrative business in Nigeria and it comes with a lot of responsibility, responsibility such as taking it upon yourself to make others look good.

Often times, it doesn’t cost much to look good, all that is required is to get to a hairdressing centre and get your hair done. The truth is that the first part of your body that gets noticed at first is your hair. That is why it’s agreeable with the saying that looking good is good business.

On learning how to start a hair salon business in Nigeria, you need to get you a business plan that can help you in setting up yours. A business plan will show you How To Start a Hair Salon Business in Nigeria. There are a whole lot you can do with your business plan, however you get either write your business plan or buy one.

Hair dressing is one activity both men and women engage in, that is one certainty that we really can’t avoid, even our kids are not exempted from the hair dressing syndrome. One thing is certain and that is… everyone wants to always look good.

Things You Can Do With The Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

We have identified that hairdressing yields instant revenue, it does on a regular (daily basis preferably). It is even better when the business is properly set up, you get to have a large contingent of customers trooping in at all the time of the day

  • Bank Loan – You can use the hair dressing salon business plan to source for fund from the bank. most times you need to convince the bank of your business ideas, showing up with the hair & beauty shop business plan gives an edge.
  • Grant – You can as well apply for loan using the business plan . These grants are being made available by different government agencies and external bodies who issue grants. This business plan will make your application look legit.
  • Business proposal – The business plan can be used in place of a business proposal. The proposal will look certain owing to the information contained therein.
  • Academic research or Seminar presentation – The hairdressing business plan has vital information that can be used in research and seminar presentation. This business plan written using verifiable data.

Advantages Of Hairdressing Business

Hairdressing is one business that can be started at different type of location;

  • A major advantage is that hairdressing can be started anywhere
  • You can start using the small space in your house
  • Start in your compound
  • Use a rented space you can afford.

The thing is that, this is venture that can be started easily, all you need is to carry out the background check on the modalities of running a hairdressing shop.

Click to get the full Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria Template Doc + Feasibility Studies PDF.

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  • Business Plan

Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria PDF Download

Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business and Financial Plan

Our Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria is well documented and can also be used for, but not limited to:

  • Grant Applications,
  • Bank Loans,
  • Proposal writing,
  • Business Concept Note,
  • Competitions e.t.c

Purpose of the Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

Grant Applications
Seeking financial support from grants
Bank Loans
Securing loans from financial institutions
Proposal Writing
Crafting business proposals
Business Concept Note
Outlining the core concept of the business
Participating in business competitions
Investor Presentations
Pitching the business to potential investors
Strategic Planning
Developing long-term business strategies
Marketing Initiatives
Planning and executing marketing campaigns
Regulatory Compliance
Ensuring adherence to legal regulations
Expansion Strategies
Planning for business growth and expansion
Partnership Proposals
Proposing collaborations with other businesses
Research and Development
Conducting R&D activities
Employee Training
Training employees on various aspects of the business
Stakeholder Communication
Communicating with stakeholders
Sustainability Initiatives
Implementing eco-friendly practices
Industry Analysis
Analyzing the industry trends and dynamics
Market Research
Gathering data on market trends and consumer behavior
And MoreAdditional uses beyond those listed above

Benefits of the Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

The Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria is beneficial because

  • It helps in outlining the steps needed to achieve the business goals and ideas.
  • It helps to articulate strategy to stakeholders who support the business.

Importance of the Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

The Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria is important because

  • It will assist you in making sound decision in the administration of the commercial enterprise which will make a contribution to the success of the business.
  • It will additionally gives distinctive statistics on all components of the business, outlining the business desires and the steps required to achieve them.

Content of the Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Business Description
  • Keys to Success
  • Products and Services
  • Market Analysis
  • Our Target Market
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Sales and Marketing Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • PEST Analysis
  • Operational Plan
  • Management plan
  • Financial Plan and Projections
  • Financial Diagnostics

Download The Complete Unisex Hair and Beauty Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

List of Business Plans in Nigeria (Samphina Academy)

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Hair Salon & Spa Business Plan

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Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria – Everyone loves to to look good. Whether a woman or man, everyone wants to look good and be complimented.

One of the ways to look good is taking good care of your hair and most women already know know this and that is why hair salons business is one of the most profitable businesses in the day and age.

Hair salon / wig making business can not be compared to what it used to be many years ago so much as changed and some smart men and women are seizing this opportunity to smile to the bank every now and then.

Even though men love to look good as well but not in the same way women does. There are women that visits the salon every week to get a new hair do or get their nails done etc. This sole purpose here is looking good and its a general knowledge that women love to look good more than men and so they are willing to pay for it.

One fantastic thing about hair salon / wig making business that every businessman or woman venturing into this business should note is that it doesn’t have season.

People will always make their hair or get a new wig or get their manicure or pedicure done. It defiles recession. Sometime ago during the great recession lots of businesses ran out.

One of the businesses that was not affected during that time are hair salons. There are young women and girls that don’t joke with their looks and so under any circumstances make their get their hair done and look good.

Just in case you are thinking of venturing into hair salon / wig making business and there are some few question on your mind.

Do not worry, by the time you are done reading this article you would have gotten all the answers to your question and you cant wait to start so you can be making money while enjoying what you are doing.

Thing to Consider Before Starting a Hair Salon Business

Before you jump into this business, there are some key things you must consider. This is vital because you want to go into this business to make money so you must plan and if you don’t you have automatically planned to fail.

Are you running the business yourself? If you are, then that’s a good one, although you will also need extra hands to assist you.

The bottom line is that you will be there to oversee the daily activities of the business. But if you do not have the necessary skill. Its important that you get professionals that will do all the work about hair dressing, wig making, pedicure, manicure, etc. And at the end of the day someone who will oversee all of this and report to you.

What is your target client base? Now this is a good question that you need to ask yourself before going into this business because it will help you narrow down your thinking process to you ultimate goal and objective and that premium service to your customers and making profit.

Identifying your customer base is important because once you have identified them, knowing how to satisfy them will not be difficult.

How To Set Up A Hair Salon

Hair salon business needs to be located in an open place that is easily accessed and people frequent. SO you have to be very strategic on where to located your shop.

This is so important because even though you are very good at what you do, when people find it challenging coming to your business before long you will pack up. So locating your business in a very strategic location will increase your chances of getting more client and thereby making more money.

Whether you are starting a large scale of small scale this is an important aspect of the business that you should not take lightly because a huge part of the success of a business lies on where its located.

Marketing / Publicity

This is another aspect that is very important. Without this your business will not thrive. There are lots of hair salons out there.

Whether or not you are better than all of them no one will know if you do not market yourself. You can get a PR to help with it. This is important and one good thing about this is that there are social media that are at your disposal.

You have to get your work out there for people to see and patronize you. There are lost of ways you can do this.

Even though social media is a good tool but there are lots of ways you can also use to get your services out there for people see and know how good you are.

Get your equipment

This is vital. Getting all the right equipment for your hair salon will help your business a great deal.

People are attracted to shops that has all the necessary equipment they need for their hair. A proper market survey should give you all the list of things you need in your hair salon.

Don’t just be a regular hair salon. Go the extra mile, get equipment that you know your clients will be happy to know you have. Its also better when your clients even get to see something new in your salon. That way they know you are good at what you do and you take it very seriously.

You can run your hair salon all by yourself but you will not make as much as your should when you have extra hands helping you out.

Recruit staffs and in doing so get professionals. Before you recruit them test them. See what they are capable of making before giving them the job so they don’t mess up your clients hair.

Whether or not you are starting or you have been running your reputation should mean a whole lot to you. A good hair do for a customer can bring several customer to your business. So in recruiting staffs ensure you get professionals or better still those with a little experience.

Getting a good business plan is an essential part of this business. Getting a business plan will help you a great deal. A good business plan contains all you need for that business to succeed.

You need a security personnel. This is a way to be cautious. You are expecting different kind of people from all walks of life and its proper to take all precautionary measures so your money, property, or work equipment don’t get stolen. Having security personnel will also make your clients feel safe.

This business plan will act like a road map for the business, like your vision and mission for the business, your financial projection and analysis, your method of operation, your Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT), competitive analysis. All of this should be contained in your business plan so you can know the steps and the road to take to be a head of your competitors.

Hurry now, Get Your Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria. To place an order, pay N10,000 to

GTBank (Guaranty Trust Bank) Account Name – UWADIA EYEMEKA Account No – 0127561472

After payment text your name and your e-mail address to 07036785443 and you’ll receive your Hair Salon Business Plan

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Free Hair and Beauty Salon Sample Business Plan PDF

Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon Glucklich

6 min. read

Updated February 7, 2024

Download Now: Free Business Plan Template →

Looking for a free,  downloadable hair and beauty salon sample business plan Word doc  or  PDF  to help you create a business plan of your own? Bplans has you covered.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to find a sample business plan that exactly matches your business. Whether you’re launching an upscale, full-service salon in a bustling city or a neighborhood barbershop, the details will be different, but the bones of the plan will be the same.

Are you writing a business plan for your salon because you’re seeking a loan? Is your primary concern building a clear roadmap for growth? Either way, you’re going to want to edit and customize it so it fits your particular company.

No two salons are alike. Your business model will be different if you’re renting space to independent hairstylists, rather than taking on employees, for example. So take the time to create your own financial forecasts and do enough market research so you have a solid plan for success.

  • What should you include in a hair and beauty salon business plan?

Your hair and beauty salon business plan doesn’t need to be hundreds of pages—keep it as short and concise as you can. You’ll probably want to include each of these sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Company summary and funding needs
  • Products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Management team
  • Financial plan

One of the things that makes a salon business plan different from some service-based business plans is that you might decide to offer a combination of products and services.

Maybe you’ll sell shampoo, beard oil, or other cosmetics and beauty products, in addition to offering services like haircuts, manicures, or massages. If that’s the case, make sure you include your ideas for upselling products to customers to increase the value of every appointment you book.

Here’s an example of a salon business plan outline.

Hair and beauty salon sample business plan outline.

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  • The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan

1. Executive Summary

The  executive summary  provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

Your salon’s mission statement should describe its purpose and what sets it apart from competitors. For example, you may aim to offer a personalized experience for each customer or provide eco-friendly hair and beauty services.

The keys to success are the factors that will help your salon thrive. These may include a prime location, hiring experienced staff, excellent customer service, or a unique product and service range.

2. Company Summary and Funding Needs

The company summary offers a detailed overview of your salon, including its legal structure , location, and history. Also, it highlights your salon’s funding needs if you are seeking financial support.

Clearly state how much funding you need, what you will use it for, and how it will benefit the salon. For instance, you may need funds to renovate the premises, purchase equipment, or boost marketing efforts.

3. Salon Products and Services

This section should detail the products and services your hair or beauty salon will offer. These may include haircuts, hair treatments, manicures, pedicures, massages, and beauty treatments.

If you plan to retail beauty products such as shampoos, conditioners, or skin care items, include this information too. Highlight any unique services or products that differentiate your salon from competitors.

4. Salon Marketing Plan and Analysis

Your marketing plan should outline the strategies you will use to attract and retain customers. These strategies might include social media advertising, loyalty programs, partnerships with local businesses, and special promotions.

Additionally, you should conduct a thorough market analysis. Understand your target customers, their preferences, and their spending habits. Identify your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can differentiate your salon.

5. Salon Management Team

The management team section provides information about the salon’s key personnel. This could include the salon owner, managers, stylists, beauticians, and other staff members. Highlight their roles, responsibilities, qualifications, and experience.

If you plan to rent chairs to independent stylists rather than hiring employees, describe how this arrangement will work and the advantages it offers for your business.

6. Financial Plan and Forecasts

Your financial plan should present detailed financial projections, including revenue, costs, and profitability. Include a cash flow statement, income statement, and balance sheet. This section should clearly demonstrate the salon’s potential profitability and financial viability.

Also, outline your pricing strategy. How have you priced your services and products, and how do these prices compare with competitors? What are your wage costs, and how will they affect your profitability?

7. Appendix

The appendix includes any additional supporting documents that complement your business plan. This might be market research data, lease agreements, employee contracts, or licensing and permit documents.

While not always necessary, the appendix can provide valuable context and proof to support your business plan’s content.

  • Crafting a Successful Salon Business Plan: Key Considerations

Understanding your target clientele’s needs is crucial to writing a hair or beauty salon business plan that you can put into action. To ensure your business plan is the foundation of a growing operation rather than just checking boxes, ask yourself whether you’re taking these considerations into account.

1. Comprehensive Services Offering

In the beauty industry, customer preferences vary significantly, and staying versatile in your offerings can help cater to a broader clientele. Include a wide range of services that cater to different demographics. You may also consider offering unique or specialized services that distinguish your salon from others.

2. Pricing Strategy

Pricing can make or break your salon. Competitive pricing attracts customers, but your pricing should also cover your costs and ensure profitability. Effective market research can help you understand the average cost of services in your area, which you can use to set your prices competitively.

3. Salon Atmosphere

The ambiance of a salon plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. Consider factors like décor, cleanliness, and customer service when planning your salon.

4. Staff Training and Expertise

Quality service is crucial in the hair and beauty industry since word-of-mouth exposure from existing clients is a major driver of new business. Investing in ongoing staff training ensures that your team stays updated with the latest trends, techniques, and customer service skills.

5. Digital Presence

Although word of mouth is one business driver, many of today’s customers research online before visiting a salon. Having a strong online presence, including a well-designed website, effective search engine optimization and active social media accounts, can significantly boost your business.

  • Download your free hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF

Download this  hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF  for free right now, or visit Bplans’ gallery of more than  550 sample business plans  if you’re looking for more options.

There are  plenty of reasons  salon business owners can benefit from  writing a business plan —you’ll need one if you’re seeking a loan or investment.

Even if you’re not seeking funding, the process of thinking through every aspect of your business will help you make sure you’re not overlooking anything critical as you grow.

Content Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon is a marketing specialist at Palo Alto Software, working with consultants, accountants, business instructors and others who use LivePlan at scale. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Oregon.

Check out LivePlan

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There is one thing that is certain in this life and that is the fact that everyone wants to look good and charming. Looking good they say is good business, whether you are the one looking good or you are the one making others look good. This is why we have so many beauty salon businesses in the country.

When people look in the mirror, it is because they want to check out how they look and of course, they’d want the image in the mirror to be attractive.

Women are ready to go the extra miles just to look attractive in the eyes of men and even to compete with their fellow women and make them envious.

The hair is one of the major parts of the body that can either bring out one’s beauty or hide it, hence a lot of women are very particular about what hairstyle they make and how well it is made.

This is where the hair salon business comes in.

There practically no one that does not patronize the salon, making salon business good business and because everyone loves looking good, it sends a positive signal as to how lucrative it is to venture into the business of salon.

The major advantage of this business over most other businesses is that it can be started anywhere, be it in your living room, at the corner of your compound or a small rented space provided the place is very neat and well kept. A dirty environment is not ideal for this kind of business though.

salon business plan in nigeria

What Is Beauty Salon Business?

A beauty salon business offers men and women with services to improve their beauty, such as hairdressing, manicuring, facial treatment, massage, hair coloring, hairstyling, pedicures, haircut and selling of products to your client.

Gone are the days, when women want to be beautiful by all means. They put their health at risk with some homemade cosmetics. For example, they used chemicals like arsenic, lead, mercury e.t.c .

Funny enough, they used male urine to get rid of pimples. The Yoruba culture places more value on the woman hair, because they regard it as her covering.

Women with long hair attract people most especially men. In the past, Yoruba women, wore different hairstyles to adorn their beauty like Didi (weaving or adimole) and kiko (plaiting).

Nowadays, creative hairstyles have been introduced through the use of the modern weaves, wigs and thread.

Beauty salon business is an industry that supports and promotes beauty, and has gained more and stronger ground.

So, if you’re thinking of starting your own hair beauty salon, but don’t know how to go about it, just relax and read on to find out what it takes to start the business.

Firstly, I will give out the list of services rendered at a hair beauty salon.

Beauty Salon Business Services List

The following services are rendered in a hair beauty salon:

  • Hair Services
  • Hair services in a beauty salon includes:
  • Trims and style (especially for men),
  • Weaving and braids
  • Hair & scalp treatments
  • Hair extensions (including wigs, artificial and human hair)
  • Relaxers and perms
  • Shampoo and conditioning
  • Scalp treatment
  • Naturally textured treatment
  • Nail and Skin Care      

The most common nail and skin care services are:

  • Fixing of artificial nails
  • Sculptured nails
  • Nail repair and hand conditioning treatments.
  • The popular skin care services are facials, body waxing and massage.

Pedicure and Manicure

As we all know, Pedicure and Manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and toes.

Since your hair beauty salon is going to serve mostly the female gender, there are chances your customers will request for pedicure and manicure services which are quite high.

It will no doubt bring in extra cash for you.

Sales of Hair and Beauty Products

Many beauty salons make money through the sales of hair and beauty products. Such products include:

  • Daily and deep treatment conditioners
  • Hair styling products such as mousse
  • Pomades and other specialty hair products

Selling beauty products has become a major source of revenue for most salons, because most customers prefer to buy everything they need in one place.

Spa Services                                          

Spas are also becoming very popular, due to a growing awareness of its beauty, health and wellness benefits.

The common services offered by spas include:

  • Body scrubs
  • Skin lightening
  • Body wrapping
  • Derma abrasion
  • Stretchmark and blemish treatments
  • Facials makeup
  • Waxing and polishing.
  •  Home Services

This category includes all the services mentioned above and is offered to high-profile clients who prefer to have these services in their homes, instead of visiting the salon.


These are usually high-paying customers who are unable, due to time, or other factors, to visit the salon.

How Profitable Is Hair Beauty Business?

Did you know that Hair salons in the United States generate about $44 billion in revenues each year? From 2012-2017, the industry saw an annual average growth rate of 1.8%. ( IBIS World )

Beauty salon business is a lucrative one that on a small scale, you can make between N50,000 to N100, 000 or more weekly. Yes, I mean it.

If your dream is to start hair beauty salon business, for real you can start it. The following guide will really help you.

For Small scale beauty salon business

If you want to open a hair beauty salon business in Nigeria, you should determine the type of business based on how big or little the salon would be.

A hair beauty salon business is a business you can start with any amount you have available. You could start a hair beauty salon business with #10,000 or even less.

Interestingly, you could get a loan online. Yes, it is very possible. You have a house, just clear the front of your house and get a comb, creams, shampoo and some other things, and you will start making your money.

Image of woman running a small-scale hair beauty salon business

small scale hair beauty salon business

Just as you can start with #10, 000, you can also start with #5, 000, 000.

It depends on the area, the location, the kind of people expected, people working for you and the kind of things you have in your salon.

On the average level, you could start with capital between #200,000 – #400,000

Let’s assume you want to invest with #50,000, provided you have a space already, all you need include chair, tables, dryer, fan etc.

Two braids – #1500 X 2 = #3,000

Three retouching – #300 X 3 = #900

Two fixing – #600 X 2 = #1,200

Weaving – #150 X 3 = #450

Nail fixing- #200 X 3 = #600

Total = #6,150

So, in a day you would be making a total of over N5000, depending on how good you are and assuming you are working for 6 days in a week, you will be making over #30,000

For Large scale beauty salon business

You need more capital than those that use the front of their houses. Chairs, sofas, mirrors, fans, generator and a lot of standard equipment would need to be purchased, and this would require much capital.

The good news is when you consider how much you could be making daily; you will realize it’s worth spending the capital on.

Let’s say you make:

Three braids – #2000 X 3 = #6,000

Five retouching – #450 X 5 = #1,350

Three weavon fixing – #800 X 3= #2,400

Manicure and pedicure – #1000 X 3 = #3000

Total = #12,750

So at the end of the day, you’d be making as much as over #10,000 and if you add that up, you’d be happy.

When you expand and start having apprentices, you can be making double of that amount, depending on how many apprentices you have since they will assist you, then your work will be faster.

Don’t forget that you will also collect money from your apprentice. Assuming you have 10 apprentices, you should be collecting at least #30,000 from each depending on your location.

At the end of the year, you will be having a total of #300,000. You can also buy a deep freezer and sell items like soft drinks, pure water, snacks etc. that most customers are likely to buy.

You can also display wears, cosmetics, shoes. These will no doubt bring extra cash for you.

Steps to Follow When Starting  Hair Salon Business In Nigeria

Here is how to start a hair beauty salon business with maximizing profits.

Startup Capital

You need to figure out how much money you need to get started, and where it will be coming from. Is it from personal saving, a loan from a cooperative society, relative or bank?

Beauty salon business is one of those businesses that can thrive irrespective of the economic situation of the country, so you can start from a small scale.

Get Adequate Training If You Have None

You cannot rush into beauty salon business, or else, you get yourself into a bigger problem because if you give a not too satisfactory service to a customer, well, you are on your own.

Ever seen a customer ranting and complaining bitterly about her hairstylist? What effects did you think her complaints will have on other potential customers, they may decide try other stylists.

Be good at what you do, be on the learning curve, and provide top notch service to your customers.

Choice of Location

You want to select a spot with good traffic, high visibility, and it must be located around your clients. Also, try to consider your competitors and try to present something that sets your salon apart.

Make sure that you get a space, in an area with constant power supply. Also, ensure that there is a good source of water supply to ensure a smoother running of your business.

Furnish Your Shop      

You might not need to spend a lot if you don’t have enough capital, a local carpenter can fix a table with a drawer and a standing mirror for an affordable price.

For a large-scale beauty salon business, go for modern and sophisticated items.


Purchase the Necessary Equipment

Beauty salon business is very lucrative if you have the necessary equipment to give optimal service to your clients.

Whether you are operating from home or from a shed or in a big rented shop, you need equipment to start operation.

From your training, you will be able to know the most important ones to begin with, then gradually buy the rest.

The services you decide to render will determine what equipment to buy. Just make sure you purchase quality equipment.

For a large-scale hair beauty business, the business will require a receptionist/financial secretary who will greet customers and receive payment for services and products.

The salon will also include a financial manager /facial and massage technician to oversee all of the expenses, bills, payroll, etc.

There will also be two barber/hair dressers, a cleaner and a part time nail fixer, facial and body massage staff. For small scale only you and your apprentice are good to go.

Marketing is key to the survival of any business; it helps you put your business in front of your target audience.

For a large-scale beauty salon business, you need customers. To attract customer you need a marketing plan. But who is your customer? You should know your customer and then market to them.

Social media is becoming an important component of marketing strategies today, so add this to your marketing plan, but make sure you post regularly and engage your target audience.

You should provide helpful information for your customers, such as hours, location, contact information, and pricing.

How should you price your products?

As you go about your business, make sure you don’t overcharge your customers.

Rendering good services at affordable prices ensures continuous patronage and this will make the customers come back again.

The prices for these services can vary, depending on the kind of customers you intend to target.

If you set up shop in a relatively rural area, price is likely to be a key factor for your customers. High personality customers may not usually bother about prices as long as they get quality of service.

Equipment and Beauty Salon Design

Basically, you should simply look to tailoring your design around your target customer base. Before you start painting the walls and picking out furniture, make sure that your design matches the kind of customers that you want to attract.

Hair salon equipment

You want to make your customers feel comfortable in your salon. Please make it a place they want to visit often.

Create a clean and safe environment and be sure your towels, footbaths, and other equipment are washed, cleaned and free from odor.

Ensure that your sharp objects are disinfected regularly. Make the atmosphere relaxing, and you can as well play soft music.

Below are some of the necessary equipment to run a successful hair beauty salon business·

  • Wash hair basin
  • Standing dryer
  • Trimming scissors
  • Curling iron
  • Hair straightener
  • Carts and trolleys
  • Fan/air conditioner
  • Shampoos and conditioners
  • Comfortable chairs
  • Towels and towel warmers
  • Table with drawers
  • Air conditioners (not compulsory)
  • Flat screen TV and a satellite decoder (not compulsory)
  • Nail accessories
  • Scissors E.t.c.

Implementation Schedule

This refers to hours of operation of the beauty salon business.

Working Days and Working Time Operation

Monday-Friday 8 am – 7 pm
Saturday 8 am – 9 pm
Saturday 8 am – 9 pm

Services and Prices

Item Service Price          (N)

Hair barbing:

Female                          #300

Male                              #250

Barbing with generator:

Female                         #350

Male                             #300

Hair treatment:

Shampoo wash

Female #300

Fixing of weavon #1,000

Dreadlocks #1,500

Sporting waves #600

Facial treatment #3,000

Home services #2,000

Manicure and Pedicure #500

Advantages of Hair Beauty Business

The major advantage of this hair beauty business over most other businesses, is that it can be started anywhere, be it in your sitting room, under the tree, at the corner of your compound or a small rented space.

Beauty hair salon is quite easy to start but it’s very vital that you make some findings, and I’m sure what you’ve read in here is of great help.

Risks and Challenges of Beauty Hair Salon in Nigeria

The following are challenges of hair salon business in Nigeria

Irregular Power Supply 

The main challenge is having inadequate power supply to power the different machines required, cost of fuel and maintenance hence increases.

High cost of Rent

Finding an ideal location for a beauty salon business is expensive in some area. If you want to target the middle class, and you can’t afford to find place within their reach, then this becomes a problem.

Difficulty in Finding Competent Employees

Professional hairstylists mostly are hard to come by. Most times, you will have to make do with apprentices and inexperienced hairstylists which may delay your business growth for a while.

Difficult Customers

Some customers may request frustrating demands. Others may be very rude and aggressive to you and your staffs.

Dealing with such customers can be difficult especially if they have been patronizing you for long time.

High Rate of Low Quality Products

The market has been filled with low quality, cheap imitation of hair extension and hair creams/shampoos, which makes delivery of quality hairstyling difficult and frustrating.

The beauty salon business in Nigeria is worth millions of naira every day, month and year. Especially during weekends, millions of boys, girls, men and women young and old troop to their favorite salons.

I believe that, as long as your hair keeps growing, hair beauty salon business will continue to be a great business opportunity for majority.

Now, you can check out our site on and see more business ideas you can start today. If you enjoyed reading this article, you can start raising capital to start your hair beauty salon business as soon as possible.

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Looking for a solid Hair Salon Business Plan sample in Nigeria for your personal use or to seek grants, and loans from investors, CBN, NIRSAL, and other institutions?

We have created a downloadable Hair Salon Business template for you to use.



Business Description of Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

Business: Hair salon

Industry: Beauty Care (Hair salon Business plan in Nigeria)


HAIR ESSENCE hair saloon is a hair salon based on the border of two commercially bustling states., Lagos and Ogun States, that satisfies the hair needs of different genders and age groups in one visit. Our customers range from grown men and women to kids, our services also include in vogue trends and culture like permanents and hair coloring, tints, dyeing and other styling options that are in vogue. Service is offered on a walk-in basis or by appointment. HAIR ESSENCE hair salon will ensure their services are aimed and directed towards the utter and absolute satisfaction of the customer, where the customer’s needs are always the priority.

HAIR ESSENCE hair saloon will actively combine the sale of hair care products to their services and this is projected to account for 25% of sales. These safe and quality supplies will include shampoos, conditioners, brushes, combs, and other styling aids.

The benefits of our products and services are;

  • Delivering high-quality services
  • Impeccable customer service and flexibility in delivering customer service
  • Provision of trademark quality supplies of hair care products
  • Wide and amazing variety and top-notch quality of hairstyling including haircut, braiding, hair coloring, etc.
  • Sales of hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, brushes, combs, and other styling aids

2.0. The objective for Hair Saloon Business Plan in Nigeria

The objectives for the first two years of operation include:

  • To build a service-based company whose primary aim is to leave the customers wowed by exceeding their perceived expectations
  • To keep the number of clients served rising by at least 15% per year through superior performance which will, in turn, earn us referrals as people will tell people of our quality service
  • To develop a business that will contribute to increased employment of community residents tackling a major problem of the community

3.0. Our Goal for the Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

To be the leading hair salon in the area, it decisive location (based on the border of two states) makes its aim to be the go-to salon and most talked about salon in both states through the provision of excellent sales services and products.

4.0. Vision for the Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

To become a go-to option for delivering quality, affordable and convenient hairstyling in a nice environment.

5.0. The mission for the Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

HAIR ESSENCE hair saloon mission is to provide reasonably priced, convenient hair styling. We exist to attract and maintain customers. When we adhere to this maxim, everything else will fall into place. Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers.

6.0. Management Team of the Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

Florence Adedokun – She has over 4 years’ experience in the hair salon business. She has also been involved in working for a big saloon in Lagos State for the four years. The experience gathered there will prove of substantial value to her in the course of her running the business. She is a graduate of Accounting from the Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos state. She will be in-charge of day to day activities of the business.

7.0. Materials and Machine for Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

The materials and machines required, among others are;

  • Computer with Point of Sale (POS) terminal
  • Computer with the printer for back office
  • Five cutting stations with a barber chair, cabinet, large mirror, blow dryer, curling iron, electric razor, several pairs of scissors, spray bottle, two-sided mirror, and assorted combs and brushes,
  • Desk for the reception area
  • Couches for the reception area
  • Display shelf for sale of retail products

8.0. Competitor Analysis Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

People buy from us because of the following reasons:

  • Delivering quality services and maximum flexibility in delivering customer
  • Undiluted attention to the customer
  • Adept, courteous and professional stylists.
  • Provision of trademark supplies of hair care products
  • Affordable prices and discount offers

Download this business plan for logistics, transportation, and supply chain companies.

How To Download The Hair Styling Business Plan Template PDF (with financial analysis)

Above is a part of the hairstyling business plan template in Nigerian. IF you need the complete business plan, follow the procedures to download it.

Pay the sum of   N8000  ( eight thousand naira only)  to the account detail below: Bank: GTBank Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know we are real people and you can trust us) Ac/No: 0238933625 Type: Saving

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to  +234 701 754 2853 .  The text must contain the title of the hairstyling business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the business plan in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

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Dr. Abi Demi is a skilled technical writer and author with specialties in the martech and fintech space. Featured on Tekedia, Coin Review, Business Insider, Fintechna,, Date 360 and several other sterling online publications, Demi is an astute technical writer that specializes in finance, marketing and technology - with over 500 published pieces across the internet ecosystem. Contact Abi Demi - [email protected]

Copywriter for Logistics, Transportation and Car Shipping Companies

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How To Write A Business Plan In Nigeria (Free Samples And Templates)

This post concludes is the last of the series on “How to write a business plan” . The major challenge when it comes to writing a business plan is knowing where to start from. This most business owners and entrepreneurs don’t always get right. Looking through existing business plan templates gives a clear picture of what your business plan should look like.

This post contains a long list of free sample business plan templates that will give you the easy start you really need to write your own business plan.

1. Catering Business Plan

If you love to cook and are thinking about starting a business, combine the two and start a small catering business. But how do you start a small catering business? It’s by having a great business plan detailing every aspect of the business before you get started.

2. Event Planning Business Plan

Starting a catering business in Nigeria is a lucrative business with very good returns, with thousands of events and parties happening every weekend across the country. Event planning business requires a combination of education if necessary, an experience and excellent networking.

Also Read: How to Write a Business Proposal for Clients in Nigeria.

3. Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan

Salon Business is one of the best and lucrative business in Nigeria right now because it does not cost much and requires little capital to start. Either a barbing salon or beauty salon for women pay a lot because it requires no college degree to start one but skill.

4. Day Care & Child Care Business Plan

Many Nigerian mothers are working at paid jobs or running their own small businesses which consume most of their time. As a result of this trend, there is a growing opportunity for convenience services like child and day care center businesses.

5. Driving School Business Plan

Are you an expert driver? Can you successfully teach others how to drive? If yes, you may be qualified to start a car driving school. There is a great opportunity in this business because most Nigerian are looking forward to owning their own cars. School leavers are also eager to learn how to drive.

6. Agriculture Farm Business Plan

Nigeria is blessed with a favorable soil and climatic condition that can accommodate crops such as onion, carrot, cocoa yam, pear, potatoes, okra, vegetables, beans and so much more. Starting an agriculture farm business is a profitable business opportunity with so much market to serve.

7. Feed and Farm Supply Business Plan

The feed farm production industry has been largely promoted as one of the most profitable agribusinesses to venture into. Africa, especially Nigeria, has a major impact on the worldwide production and distribution of livestock feed.

Also Read:  [PART 1] How to write a business plan – Tips when writing your business plan.

8. Fitness Gym Business Plan

Health they say is wealth; the need for health is the need of all both young and old, both for the rich and the poor alike. Would you like to invest in the fitness business, or are you thinking of a business to invest in? You should consider this business option.

9.Pharmacy Business Plan

Pharmacy or drug store business, whether we like or not, has become an integral part of the Nigerian economy today. In a nutshell, drugstores are described as retail establishments that market drugs, be it prescription-based, proprietary, or nonprescription medicine.

10. Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan

The fast-food business in Nigeria is a very profitable business. Food is something we cannot do without even if it’s once a day. The growing population of Nigeria with over 180 million people is also a high contributing factor to the profitability of fast food business in Nigeria. Amidst the current global crisis, one line of business in Nigeria that continues to promise greater returns on investment is the fast food business.

11. Bakery Business Plan

The consumption of bread and other bakery products such as biscuits, chin-chin, gala and meat pie among others, has created a huge market for the wheat flour industry. This sector has provided a lot of opportunities while more opportunities are still open for interested investors that are willing to invest some cash.

12. Internet Cafe Business Plan

The demand for internet cafe services in Nigeria is high especially in business enabled environments like tertiary institutions, offices and in different work areas. This business is one of the profitable medium scale businesses in Nigeria; the business can give a high-profit margin when managed properly.

13. Clothing Boutique Retail Business Plan

Starting your own clothing shop boutique is a good business idea in Nigeria because the fashion industry is one powerful sector that will always be vibrant in any economy because all over the world, people have a basic need for clothing. Beyond this need, fashion is also evolving on daily basis due to the huge and diverse interest in styles.

Also Read: [PART 2] How to write a business plan – Basic template contents & structure.

14. Automotive Car Repair Business Plan

Nigeria is and will always be a big market for cars, both used and new ones. Compared to other African countries, Nigeria alone spends up to $5 billion dollars every year importing vehicles (especially second-hand) from the USA, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Which makes the industry an area worthy of investing.

15. Car Wash Business Plan

The good aspect of this business is that it does not necessarily require a large amount of capital or funding especially when you intend to start. For those who have enough money to invest, this will be a good decision as with more money invested, the business can grow much better and faster leading to better and profitable returns.

Other business plan samples and templates include;

16. Used Cars Sales Business Plan.

17. Online Print Shop Business Plan .

18. E-commerce Retailer Business Plan .

19. Coffeehouse Business Plan.

20. Night Club Business Plan.

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Business Plan

Barbing Salon Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Study & Manual

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Barbing Salon Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Study & Manual

Barbing salon business plan in Nigeria – The Hair barbing salon business remains one of the rapidly growing industries in Nigeria today.  To some people, this venture is for the 3 rd class citizens therefore, not a serious money making business.  Are you one of those who assume that barbers are low income earners? You are very wrong! Let me take a little of your time to show you the profits you can make if you will own and run a barber shop today.

Read: How To Start a Hair Salon Business in Nigeria

Barbing salon business plan in nigeria

One day, I was having an “at home service” haircut. This conversation ensued between my barber and I:

Me : Bros, do you really make money as a barber?

Barber : ( smiles like there’s something he knows that I don’t know. Keeps quiet for a while and then responds with a question of his own ) Do you know why I love this business?

Me : No! Please tell me

Barber : ( smiles again ) this business is not seasonal. Everyone’s hair will always grow. No matter how the economy is, people need their hair cut and since it’s not something most people can do for themselves, they will always need my services.

Me : (what he said was true so I probed more) if you are implying that you make good money, Ok, so like how much do you make every day from this business?

Barber : ( smiles again) I give a minimum of 20 haircuts each day on regular days. By regular days, I mean from Monday to Thursday. Then from Friday to Sunday, I give about 30 haircuts on each of these days, we call those our peak days. I also have 11 VIP customers who I give “Home Service”. I give all of my VIP clients a haircut once week at the rate of N1500 .

Me : (Am Shocked! Quietly, I pick up my phone, go to the “calculator” app and do the following calculation as a feasibility study on barbing saloon earning potential :

Normal haircut cost: N250

VIP/ Home Service cost: N1500

Regular days: Monday – Thursday (20haircuts each day)

Peek days: Friday – Sunday (30 haircuts each day)

To give a minimum of 20 haircuts each day on regular days: N250 X 20 = N5000

Total haircuts for regular days (i.e. Mon, Tues, Wed and Thurs.): N5000 X 4days = N20, 000

To give a minimum of 30 haircuts each day on Peek days (i.e. Fri, Sat, Sun):  30haircuts X N250 = N7500

Total haircuts for Peek days: N7500 X 3days = N 22,500

VIP/Home Service a week = N1500 X 11 Persons = N16, 500

Therefore, the total amount made in a week: N20, 000 + N 22,500 + N16, 500 = N59, 000

Estimated Total for the month = N59, 000 X 4weeks = N236, 000.00

Let me ask you again, do you think that owning a barbing salon business is really profitable?  Your guess is as good as mine. However, I asked my barber on more question

  Me : So why are entrepreneurs overlooking this business that is capable of making them good money?

Barber : Because it looks dirty and doesn’t blow whistle! People naturally like businesses that make lots of noises even if they don’t bring in as much money as the noise they make.

How to Start a Barbing Business in Nigeria

When you are planning on setting up a profitable barbing salon business in Nigeria, you should put the following factors into consideration.

  • Experience – This is an important step that has to come first to succeed as a stylist/barber in this business. You cannot rush into it all in the name of becoming self-reliant or because you have given a few of your friends good haircuts. You will only get yourself into a bigger problem because if you give a “not too” satisfactory service, you are sure to be shouted on, yelled at or even given a dirty fight.

So take some time off and learn what the business demands. Learn different styles in vogue, hair treatment, health and beauty tips and customer care. Don’t be in a hurry to become a barbing salon owner. Go through training first, even if you won’t be the actual person giving the haircuts in your business! There are many shops out there that will be more than willing to teach you at cheap rate. The internet is also a good resource place.

  • Register your barbing salon business with the corporate affairs commission Nigeria.
  • Choose the right location – A Street that is easily accessible from all parts of your desired area. Busy streets, close to a shopping market/ mall, are an advantage.
  • Offer a clean and safe atmosphere. Salons flourish in clean, safe and relaxing environment where customers can receive quick and professional service. Cleanliness is a very important element that can draw clients again and again. Your patrons must be able to trust that the tools and products that you use on them are of top-notch quality and safe. You can’t afford to put your clients at risk of infections, as it will damage your reputation. Be sure that your tools, work areas, towels and other equipment are washed, clean and odor-free
  • Competition – It is a bad idea to situate your business very close to another salon as you will end up cancelling out each other. Instead, try to look out a place where you’ll be the only barbing salon for a few blocks. However, if you are going to set up your shop in an area where other similar hair services already exists, I advise you expand the range of services you offer. Salons that offer a wide range of services in one setting has added advantage over those who offer only one or two types of services
  • Start Up Capital – The amount of capital you need to start the business depends on the type, choice and quality of salon design, rent, fixtures and leasehold improvements and equipment that you intend to use.

List of barbing salon equipment and the basics items you will need:

  • Salon space (Unless you have ample space at home, you will need to rent a shop)
  • Generator Set (For power outages)
  • One or two styling chairs
  • Quality Hair Clippers
  • A disinfectant container with disinfectant or sterilizing solution
  • Comfortable Seats for the reception area
  • Cabinet for clean towels and supplies
  • Wall Mirrors
  • Sterilizing Unit
  • Hair Treatment Supplies (e.g. Sets of combs, scissors, powder, spirit, lotions etc)
  • Entertainment (TV, DSTV, Sound System, newspapers/magazines)
  • Dust Pan With Whisk Handheld Broom

With these items in place, you can start your barbing salon and expand as you begin to make profit.

How to Make Your Clients Stay!

Keep your clients satisfied – It is important that your business create and maintain the desirable reputation as a quality hair and salon operation.

  • Have the required tools and skill to execute a wide range of hair styles and styles in vogue.
  • Take note of your clients’ preferences and implement them.
  • Be gentle but time conscious while attending to a client.
  • Hire capable and well trained personnel.
  • As much as you need to make profit, do not charge too much or your clients will run away. Find out what other barbing salons around your area charge and fix yours within the same price range.
  • Trill your customers with new offers or special promos. “Half the price off for all new clients” “free haircuts” “barb twice and get one free” promos will make them clients for life.
  • Start Small. People make the mistake of wanting everything in proper place before opening for business. I advise that you start small and grow from there. A saying goes like this: Success builds upon success!

Barbing Salon Business Plan in Nigeria

Get your own barbing salon business plan in Nigeria here. This business plan can be used to apply for bank loan, seek out investors and be used for business plan competitions.

To place order for your sample barbing salon business plan in Nigeria, Pay N10,000 to:



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122

After payment, text your full name, email address and title (hair salon business plan pdf) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 minutes.

Go for it People! Start today!

Barbing Salon Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Study & Manual ©

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Thank you so much

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Thank you very much

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So impressed with your plans. Am a barber, cameroonian and based in Cameroon. Need to learn more skills from But don’t know how can be possible

' src=

God bless u richly for the eye opener….i think av learn n ready to make money….its my long time dream..i love barbing.

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Wonderful Write Up From A Wonderful CEO…..

Success All The Way

' src=

Thanks in a million. I already have a barbing saloon but I don’t know how to barb. I base in Nigeria, I’ll like to learn, do u have any branch here in Nig? How long dose it take to learn? Once again, I appreciate ur lecture.

' src=

Follow me on intragram @og_blackbarber

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same for my brother

' src=

Like how much can someone use in opening a barbing salon?

' src=

At least 150k

pls, can i get a good barber from u ? professional

' src=

Call me with this line if u need my services on barbing. My name is Edeike Enoch Prince but u can call me E.E PRINCE. Thanks

' src=

This is impactful .pls where can I get the price of necessary tools for barbing in Lagos .thanks so much .

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wow I am really bless with this piece. thanks for the education.

managing one (shop) in Kaduna although in a village.

' src=

Very proud of my self bein a barber/stylist. Am located in bauchi state. For mor gist,u can me on 08066574066@Coolcut.

' src=

Thanks alot!

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Thanks so much

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Awesome post, I’m considering opening one soon.

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God bless you richly, for taking out time to educate others… Am grateful

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FEGEOSTOM barbing salon is an exquisite beauty parlor located in the densely populated, residential district of Ogun State – Mowe to be precise. Although we are a growing business, we are careful enough to offer our customers an ideal environment that is serene and entertaining, so they can experience maximum relaxation as we provide our excellent service to them.

We are not only concerned about cutting or trimming the hair of our customers but we are interested in bringing out the beauty in them- through our excellent work of art. Moreover, our services are not limited to the men folks. We also provide services for women and children.

Our location is deliberately planned and strategic, providing an excellent advantage for our business. Mowe is primarily residential and about 90% of the population prefers to have their haircut or hair treatment within their residential area. It makes them more relaxed and gives them the opportunity for a quick overall clean up e.g. bathing. This is the major reason why we decided to have our first location in Mowe. Also, the real estate cost is still relatively cheap in this region.

We have plans to expand and extend our business beyond what it is now and we also hope to have branches in at least 4 south-western tertiary institutions.

To be the number one barbing salon in our locality through excellent service, ideal environment and future extension to other regions.

  • To provide quality service to our customers
  • To provide a comfortable, relaxing and entertaining atmosphere for our customers
  • To establish a 100% customers loyalty.
  • To have a percentage increase in customer base by at least 35% annually through premium service and word of mouth referral.
  • To maintain a fair price for our services.

Products and services

  • Hair cut for both sexes and for all age groups
  • Hair treatment and grooming
  • Dying and coloring
  • Beard shaving, shaping, and treatment
  • Home service

Why you should be patronize us

We are in an easily accessible location with good parking space, our environment is comfortable and entertaining, our services are top-notch and our prices fair.

The importance of our location cannot be over-emphasized in any business. We are aware of the fact that the success of a salon business depends on how easy it is to reach it. That is why we are deliberate about our location. Our location is so strategic such that we are visible to passers-by and easily accessible by vehicles with enough parking space. We believe in creativity; therefore, we made our shop so beautiful and attractive to get the attentions of passers-by.

Competitive strategy for  Barbing salon Business plan in Nigeria

We are not a regular beauty shop. We offer top-quality barbing and grooming services to our clients and we also incorporate entertainment for our clients in our services. We serve as a mini viewing center due to the fact that 80% of our clients are football lovers and we do not charge for this. Our shop is large enough to house 15 people comfortably at a time and we do not restrict this access to our clients only.

This bonus has been very effective in growing our customer base. Additionally, our customer service is top-notch. We maintain a culture of respect and politeness for everyone that visits our shop whether they need our services or not. We are able to achieve this by employing well-groomed and educated individuals.

Equipment for Barbing salon Business plan in Nigeria

Stand-by generator, standard rotatable barber chairs, quality clippers, wall mirrors, cover cloths, cosmetics, air conditioners, standing fan, plasma TV, plastic chairs and satellite. Our current operational cost is about 800,000 naira including goods that are being sold.

However, we hope to expand beyond our current status. We aspire to fully incorporate a standard viewing enter which we can be monetized alongside our current business. We also look forward to having a game center (majorly table tennis and PES). These additions will help us generate more profit and increase our customer base.

The cost of expansion requires a sum of N15 million. This includes the cost of purchasing land and building our own facility. This is to eliminate rental cost and ensure our sustainability in the region in which we are known. The remaining funds will be used to employ more competent hands and get the necessary equipment.


Presently, our quality service and uniqueness have been an excellent market strategy. However, as we expand, we intend to optimize social media marketing (SMM) in order to create awareness beyond our locality. We believe that our uniqueness in incorporating other businesses such as viewing and gaming centers to our beauty shop will enhance curiosity and social media is an effective platform to showcase our uniqueness. In addition, Social media marketing will allow us to easily and effectively promote our business beyond Mowe axis to other parts of the state and by extension, Lagos.

Expected profit

All things being equal, we should generate a profit of 8 million from various services provided in the first year with at least a 30% increase in subsequent years.

Management experience

Our management team has technical and practical experience in the beauty industry and certifications in business management. Therefore, we are capable of handling other arms of the business effectively: viewing and gaming.

Why you should invest in Barbing Salon Business Plan in Nigeria.

The beauty industry will ever remain one of the most profitable industries in Nigeria. With almost half of the population made up of youths who obviously are appearance conscious. You can be certain of making a good profit if you venture or invest in a business such as barbing. Moreover, a barbing salon is not limited to hair cut but involves a variety of beauty services.

In addition, FEGEOSTOM intends to extend her services beyond the salon by including fun and entertainment which will serve as complimentary profit sources. With our competence and strive for excellence, you can be certain about having good returns if you partner with us.


Please call our business plan consultants : +2348147161686

We have a team that can help you write your specific business plans, feasibility studies, Marketing plan,  grant application,  market research, business brand story and so on.

Contact : +2348147161686   for details

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Comment construire le business plan d'un salon de beauté ?

Booksy Team

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Article with ideas for nail business names

Un business plan bien rédigé peut être une excellente feuille de route pour votre salon - une planification et une analyse réfléchies vous permettent de vous assurer que vous construisez votre entreprise sur des bases solides. Que vous veniez de vous lancer ou que vous soyez en activité depuis un certain temps, il n'est jamais trop tard pour créer ce type de guide. Et même si vous êtes seul(e) dans votre entreprise, la rédaction d'un business plan pour un petit salon de beauté ou pour un service à domicile est indispensable !

 Un business plan est essentiellement un recueil de vos principes, objectifs et méthodes. Il s'agit d'un aperçu de votre entreprise qui vous permet d'éviter (ou du moins de minimiser les effets) les perturbations qui surviennent lorsque vous souhaitez mettre en œuvre une nouvelle idée. Nous avons préparé un modèle qui couvre tous les éléments les plus importants. En l'utilisant, vous serez en mesure de préparer un business plan adapté à votre salon de beauté en un rien de temps .

Vue d'ensemble de votre entreprise

Commencez par décrire les éléments les plus essentiels. Indiquez le positionnement et les objectifs de votre salon, et l'approche qu'il adopte y parvenir. Décrivez l'endroit où vous exercez et si vous avez plus d'un emplacement (ou si votre entreprise est mobile), quelle est votre portée. Si vous avez réussi à atteindre un (ou plusieurs) de vos objectifs jusqu'à présent, incluez également cet élément d'information, ainsi qu'une description détaillée des étapes qui vous ont permis d’y parvenir. 

Dans cette partie, incluez :

  • La raison d’être, la mission et la vision de l'entreprise
  • Informations sur la création de l'entreprise
  • Emplacement et marchés géographiques desservis ou ceux sur lesquels vous êtes présent
  • Statut actuel et stade de l'entreprise
  • Toute réalisation notable à ce jour 

Gestion et organisation de votre entreprise

Cette partie est dédiée à toutes les personnes impliquées dans la création de votre entreprise. Indiquez clairement qui est le fondateur, le gérant et l'actionnaire du salon. Si vous avez plusieurs employés, il est utile d'inclure une section consacrée aux membres clés de l'équipe - y compris les chefs d'équipe (si vous en avez) et les employés ayant des compétences uniques.

  • Fondateurs et membres de l'équipe de direction
  • Tout propriétaire et actionnaire
  • Chefs d'équipe et membres clés de l'équipe 

Définition de vos prestations beauté

Il est maintenant temps de décrire en détail ce que vous faites. Quels services fournissez-vous et quels produits utilisez-vous ou vendez-vous ? Vous pouvez également fixer vos tarifs et inclure des plans pour l'expansion future de votre offre de services. 

  • Définition des prestations de base
  • Lignes de produits utilisées
  • Prix actuels
  • Produits et services futurs anticipés que vous espérez développer 

Plan marketing

Dans cette partie, vous réfléchissez davantage à votre public cible et à vos concurrents. Il est préférable de commencer par une analyse SWOT. SWOT est l'abréviation de Strengths (forces), Weaknesses (faiblesses), Opportunities (opportunités) et Threats (menaces) et constitue un moyen de reconnaître vos problèmes internes et externes. Les forces et les faiblesses sont internes et vous pouvez les développer ou les modifier en travaillant dur, tandis que les opportunités et les menaces, dont vous pouvez tirer parti intelligemment ou dont vous pouvez vous protéger, sont externes et donc ne peuvent être modifiées. Il est important de les distinguer et de les nommer afin de pouvoir créer une stratégie marketing consciente et intelligente. 

  • Analyse SWOT
  • Étude du marché cible
  • Étude de la concurrence et du marché
  • Canaux de commercialisation à utiliser
  • Budget marketing

Plan opérationnel

Cette partie du business plan est consacrée à vos projets d'expansion. Voulez-vous obtenir un espace plus grand ? Avez-vous l'intention d’améliorer vos techniques ? Avez-vous l'impression que vous allez avoir besoin de nouveaux équipements ? Incluez vos plans et vos prévisions dans cette partie.

  • Installations et espace nécessaire
  • Besoins en techniques (formations)
  • Besoins en équipement
  • Besoins juridiques et comptables 

Plan financier

Sans doute la partie la plus difficile de la création du plan d'affaires est sans doute de trouver un moment pour rassembler toutes vos données financières. Ce sera beaucoup plus facile à faire si vous utilisez Booksy, car le système offre des fonctions de statistiques et de rapports qui fournissent (et pas seulement) des détails sur les performances de votre entreprise, les commissions du personnel et l'inventaire des produits. 

  • Bilan actuel
  • Projections financières pour l'année prochaine
  • Projections des flux de trésorerie
  • Revenus et dépenses

  La rédaction d'un business plan pour une esthéticienne est basée sur les mêmes principes que ceux utilisés pour la construction d'un business plan pour une grande entreprise - vous devez simplement adapter les points respectifs à votre modèle de fonctionnement. Une description claire de chacun de ces éléments vous sera d'une grande aide chaque fois que vous serez confrontée au défi de prendre des décisions importantes. Votre business plan,, s'il est rédigé correctement, sera votre guide. Vous acquerrez un sentiment de contrôle sur votre entreprise dont vous avez grand besoin. Et si vous voulez en avoir encore plus, essayez Booksy - le meilleur logiciel de gestion de salon dédié à tous les propriétaires d'entreprises de beauté, même ceux qui préfèrent jouer en solo. 

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    The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan. 1. Executive Summary. The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

  15. How to Start a Hair Beauty Salon Business in Nigeria

    small scale hair beauty salon business. Just as you can start with #10, 000, you can also start with #5, 000, 000. It depends on the area, the location, the kind of people expected, people working for you and the kind of things you have in your salon. On the average level, you could start with capital between #200,000 - #400,000.


    HAIR SALON BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA. HAIR SALON BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA. FEGEOSTOM hair salon is a unisex hair salon and we are in the business of making people look good. Whenever there is a talk about a salon, it is a place frequently visited by both men and women. Don't be surprised that men visit the salon more often (from twice a week ...

  17. Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria With Financials

    Vision for the Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria. To become a go-to option for delivering quality, affordable and convenient hairstyling in a nice environment. 5.0. The mission for the Hair Salon Business Plan in Nigeria. HAIR ESSENCE hair saloon mission is to provide reasonably priced, convenient hair styling. We exist to attract and ...

  18. National Open University of Nigeria: Hair and Beauty Salon Business

    The document provides a business plan for a hair salon called Talia Touch. [1] It outlines the services offered such as weaves, braiding, hair relaxing, and barbing. [2] The business structure includes a CEO, manager, receptionist, accountant, barber, hair stylists, cleaner, and greeter/security guard. [3] The plan aims to make Talia Touch a one-stop shop for hair needs and enhance customers ...

  19. Hair Salon

    1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for the hairdressing salon business plan 1.1 The following report and recommendation relate to the proposal by QUINCY to establish a womens' salon at Damija Trans Ekulu Enugu 1.2 The project would require a start up capital of N269800 made up of N 139800 for fixed assets and N 130,000 for working capital.

  20. How To Write A Business Plan In Nigeria (Free Samples And Templates)

    Looking through existing business plan templates gives a clear picture of what your business plan should look like. This post contains a long list of free sample business plan templates that will give you the easy start you really need to write your own business plan. 1. Catering Business Plan. If you love to cook and are thinking about ...

  21. Barbing Salon Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Study & Manual

    To place order for your sample barbing salon business plan in Nigeria, Pay N10,000 to: BANK NAME: FIRST BANK PLC. ACCOUNT NAME: CHIBUZOR TOCHI ONYEMENAM. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 3066880122. After payment, text your full name, email address and title (hair salon business plan pdf) to 07033378184. Your business plan will be sent to your email within 15 ...


    We have a team that can help you write your specific business plans, feasibility studies, Marketing plan, grant application, market research, business brand story and so on. Contact: +2348147161686 for details. Other Business Plans available: Auto Repair Business plan in Nigeria. Barbing salon Business plan in Nigeria.

  23. HAIR Salon

    NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA BUSINESS PLAN AS A PARTIAL REQUIREMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND TOXICOLOGY STUDY CENTRE WUSE 2 ZONE: NORTH CENTRAL TOPIC ... Salon Eco will need to secure a loan for #1,500,000 in order to achieve their budget for start-up which is a total of #2,490,000. Esimai's Eco-friendly Beauty Salon has two ...

  24. Comment construire le business plan d'un salon de beauté

    En l'utilisant, vous serez en mesure de préparer un business plan adapté à votre salon de beauté en un rien de temps. Vue d'ensemble de votre entreprise. Commencez par décrire les éléments les plus essentiels. Indiquez le positionnement et les objectifs de votre salon, et l'approche qu'il adopte y parvenir. Décrivez l'endroit où vous ...