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SEA Report Writing

Try for free, guided writing practice, step-by-step grammar, organization and language, micro-lessons, an interactive workbook.

  • creating appropriate main ideas and supporting details
  • writing clearly defined paragraphs for the introduction/body/conclusion
  • sequencing ideas
  • using transitional words and phrases
  • using formal language
  • using factual language
  • varying sentence structures
  • using appropriate vocabulary and phrases
  • writing with grammatical accuracy
  • matching his/her writing to the requirements stated in the MOE exemplar document.

Carolyn Harnanan

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SEA 2019 – 2023 Framework

The Revised Assessment Framework for the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) 2021-2023 specifies the proposed purpose, components, format and content of the SEA. The revised guidelines acknowledge the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic measures on the education system and propose several adjustments to the framework in terms of content and/or the number of test items.

This document clearly identifies the:

* purpose of the SEA

* subjects to be tested

* duration of the different papers

* objectives that are related to each subject

* thinking processes that underlie each objective

* distribution of marks by test items

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Aleph Educators is an educational consultancy and publishing company. Our aim is to achieve success by helping others achieve theirs. We produce quality educational material for the nation’s children.

Our Services

We are dedicated to helping the children of Trinidad and Tobago succeed. We help our students to expand their knowledge and gain a sense of pride in their work. Our approach is intended to relieve the stress and anxiety associated with the SEA Examination. We prepare our students to approach the exam with confidence.

FREE e-Learning portal (under construction)

Sea practice tests textbooks - available at booksellers nationwide, newsday sea study series - free in the monday newsday, sea workshops.

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Free E-learning Portal

Our material is kept up to date with the current framework and curriculum. Our Free e-learning portal will allow students, teachers and parents to access our material at home, at school, or on the go. The portal facilitates different learning styles with a varied use of media. Children can learn at their own pace in the comfort of their home, at school with their teacher, or even on the go using our mobile app.

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SEA Practice Tests Textbooks

Our pair of SEA Practice Tests Textbooks adhere to the assessment framework for the Secondary Entrance Examination (2019-2023). The SEA Language Arts and Writing Practice Test book consists of twelve English Language Arts and ELA Writing papers each. There is a total of 36 ELA Writing topics covering both narrative and report writing. A prewriting organiser is included with each test. The SEA Mathematics Practice Test book consists of twelve Mathematics papers. These books offer learners the necessary practice to achieve their full potential.

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Our SEA Prep Workshops are geared toward Standard 4 and 5 students and cover all aspects of the curriculum. Our dedicated and experienced tutors use original and engaging material. We use a small student to tutor ratio so we are able to assess the needs of each student and provide a level of individual attention. After all, our mission at Aleph Educators is “helping others achieve!”

Our Philosophy

Each child has a right to an education and a quality one at that. We, at Aleph Educators, want to do our part by giving back to our nation’s children in this way. Our passion for education and youth demands we build our future by helping them succeed.


“My son was very comfortable in the classes and found the staff to be very nice. Having had to face a lot of negative reinforcement in the public schools, this is a refreshing change.”

– Denise Kamal

“ After the first class, our daughter bubbled with enthusiasm and excitement. She passionately spoke about her tutors and the wealth of knowledge she gained.

I could immediately feel the motivation and positivity. Each tutor had a unique style of imparting knowledge along this journey, instilling encouragement in any form or fashion, ensuring that the fullest potential was met. Your kind words, your observations even if in the simplest form mattered to my girl and pushed her further. ALEPH EDUCATORS I highly recommend your service to the wider public…”

-Rehana Rojan

“Hi, good day Ms Torres. Just wanted to let you know he passed for his first choice, St. Benedict’s College. Thanks for all your support, he could not have made it without you guys. Please relay my gratitude to the other teachers.”

-T. Charles

  “Just wanted to say thank you to the wonderful staff at Aleph…my son improved in his last term test after struggling for quite some time. With only a few weeks with you all, his confidence and his interest in his schoolwork have been renewed. Compliments to you all on your high standards and a tremendous level of professionalism….I highly recommend you all to any parent that truly wishes for a marked improvement in their child’s education.”

-Vidya Jairam

“Hi good morning just to let you guys know that my son passed for ASJA Boys’, San Fernando. Thanks once again for your support.”

-Denise Kamal

“My son started the SEA Prep classes in September 2017, I have seen great improvement which was reflected in his end of term test.”

-Dawn Scott

“Hi. Just letting you all know that my son passed for Presentation College. Please extend an extra thank you to Mr Frost, without him it was not possible. His first mock test before one on one with Mr Frost was 20 out of 100. I thought it was impossible for him to understand Maths since we tried so many other people. But week after week I saw a huge transformation, with the end results being Presentation College.”

“Hi, Miss. My son passed for Naps. Thank you for setting the foundation with him.”

“I have been doing the S.E.A. Newsday with my nephew by far it’s the best amongst other newspapers.”

Our E-Learning Portal

Aleph Educators E-Learning

Up to date with current framework and curriculum

Can be used by students, teachers and parents, many workbooks and practice exercises, utilise the technology at your fingertips, facilitate different learning styles, varied use of media, engaging material, convenient app, latest news.

SEA Countdown: Dos and Don’ts for Parents and Guardians

SEA Countdown: Dos and Don’ts for Parents and Guardians

Parenting , SEA , Secondary Entrance Assessment

The Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) is approximately one month away, and the pressure is mounting. Some of us are worried and pulling our hair out because "She's making silly mistakes!" or "He's still having problems with unequal sharing!" We understand the...

Balancing Structure and Fun during the Vacation

Balancing Structure and Fun during the Vacation

From waking up early for school to spending long hours studying and doing homework—our children work hard throughout the school term. For this reason, many of us try to give them the fun and relaxation they deserve over the vacation. However, we also know it’s...

Practical Tips for Encouraging Your Child to Read During the Vacation

Practical Tips for Encouraging Your Child to Read During the Vacation

Inclusive Learning , Reading Strategies

Vacation time offers a fantastic opportunity for kids to explore new books, discover different genres, and improve their literacy skills. Here are some practical tips to help you make reading a fun and engaging part of your child's vacation. 1. Let your child choose...

Unconditional Love: The Best Support for Your Child

Parenting , SEA

“What will they say if my child doesn’t do well?” “What will they think of me as a parent?” “Did I give my child too much playtime?” “Did I pressure them too much?” “Should we have started lessons earlier?” As we approach SEA Results Day, these fears and anxieties...

8 Ways to Support Learners with Diverse Needs

8 Ways to Support Learners with Diverse Needs

Inclusive Education , Parenting , SEA , SEA 2025 , Secondary Entrance Assessment

Many learners need more than the traditional "chalk and talk" method to reach their full potential. This is especially true for students with neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD, autism or dyslexia. Innovative and inclusive approaches to education ensure that every...

S.E.A. 2025-2028: Spelling 

English Language Arts , Newsday , Parenting , SEA , Secondary Entrance Assessment , Spelling

As we continue preparing our students for S.E.A. 2025, let’s review the spelling patterns they need to know. The spelling section has not been changed from the previous 2019-2023 framework. (Note: The 2025-2028 framework can be found on the ministry’s website)....

A Gentle Reminder if You’re Struggling during the Holidays

The Christmas season is not always a time of joy, togetherness and love for everyone. In fact, it can become the most stressful and overwhelming time of year for anyone dealing with The loss of a loved one Illness Loneliness Financial struggles Overwork Family...

Exploring Basic Quadrilaterals and Their Properties

Mathematics , revised framework 2021 , SEA , Secondary Entrance Assessment

Quadrilaterals are geometric shapes that can be found in our daily lives. In this post, we’ll explore the most common quadrilaterals and provide tips for you to help your SEA learners identify and describe the properties of these shapes. What is a quadrilateral? A...

SEA Prep Classes Now Available

SEA Prep Classes

Our SEA Prep Classes are back!  These online classes will be every Sunday, 1-4 p.m., starting Sunday 5th November, 2023.  Please click here to register.   We’ll be doing detailed revision and practice tests. Here’s a breakdown of what will be...

6 Ways to Enhance Understanding and Interest in Maths

6 Ways to Enhance Understanding and Interest in Maths

Mathematics , SEA , Secondary Entrance Assessment

Mathematics provides the building blocks for problem-solving and critical thinking in daily life. However, for some SEA students, maths can become a series of meaningless, challenging tasks they must get through to arrive at the school of their choice. If we’re not...

Now Available: SEA Mathematics and Language Arts & Writing Practice Tests

Now Available: SEA Mathematics and Language Arts & Writing Practice Tests

ELA Writing , English Language Arts , Mathematics , SEA , Secondary Entrance Assessment

We’re pleased to announce that our SEA Mathematics and Language Arts & Writing Practice Tests are back on the market! Note The Ministry of Education has advised that the Revised Assessment Framework (SEA) 2021-2023 will guide the development of the 2024 SEA...



Mathematics , revised framework 2021

NUMBER STRANDWHOLE NUMBERS - NilFRACTIONS- Solve problems involving the multiplication of a fraction by a fraction. Applying- Solve problems involving the multiplication of a fraction by mixed numbers. Applying- Divide a fraction by a fraction. ApplyingDECIMALS- Solve...

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  • Mixed numbers - Subtraction
  • Multiplication of Proper Fractions
  • Multiplication of Whole Numbers and Proper Fractions
  • Multiplication with Mixed Numbers
  • The Reciprocal
  • Calculating the Whole
  • Division of Proper Fractions
  • Division of Proper fractions and Whole Numbers.
  • Decimals Introduction
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • Model Essay 1
  • Model Essay 2
  • Model Essay 3
  • Model Essay 4
  • Model Report 1
  • Model Report 2
  • Model Report 3
  • Model Report 4
  • SEA Resources.

Gareth Mate

Creative Writing Prompts - The Sea


Here is the third list of ideas in my series of Creative Writing prompts.

The purpose of these writing prompts is to encourage both children and adults to be more creative, get outside, be inspired by their natural surroundings and start writing about what they see and experience.

In turn, I would encourage them to write freely about what they feel, see, hear, and share those writing experiences with others. These writing opportunities should enable you to feel comfortable within your surroundings and share good content about natural elements that inspire you.

In this short post, I would like to share some more creative ideas about how you can incorporate the sea and its unique qualities into your writing style.

I live very close to the sea and spend a fair amount of time there. The sea is continually alluring, and it is an ever-changing, awe-inspiring natural landscape that can help stimulate your mind and senses in so many different ways. It motivates many people to produce imaginative pieces of writing, photography , or develop other creative outlets, whereby they capture the sea, the colours and weather conditions in so many different ways.

In my opinion, there seems nothing better than standing at the beach, looking towards the horizon and thinking about what lies beyond or beneath. Hopefully, we can all resonate with this, and by doing so, what you see can provide the perfect stimulus for you to do something new, exciting and unique.

Once again, I encourage you to look through the list of ideas below. Get outdoors, go into your local environment, hopefully to the sea, look around you at different points of the day. Make notes, take pictures about what you see, and understand the differences and how the sea changes with its waves, colours, and sounds.

Then use these natural components as a stimulus to develop your writing ideas and create something unique. Explore, Learn and Create with what you find and let us celebrate all that is wonderful about the sea.


If the sea was a different colour, what colour would it be?

What if your boat was marooned on an uninhabited island. Describe the craft you would build to help you sail away.

Write a story sailing across the sea.

Five items get washed up on the beach. What could they be? Describe them in detail.

Write a poem about a perfect sunset at sea.

You are visiting the sea. Tell a story describing as much as you can remember. Think about adding in information about all five senses.

You buy a submarine that can take you to the ocean's deepest depths, the ocean floor, and the trenches. Describe what the journey to the bottom would be like, and explain what you would see? What would it be like when you finally reached the bottom?

At Skagen in Denmark , two seas meet. Create a conversation between two seas meeting for the first time.

Write a story about riding a colourful seahorse in a seahorse race.

You discover the Blue Whale isn't the largest creature in the sea! Describe what the newest animal is; where did you find it? What does it look like?.

What if a school of fish was actually like a school humans go to? What would it be like? And what would the fish learn?

Tell a story about going out deep sea fishing. What fish are you trying to catch? Are there any dangers? Is it fun?

What is your favourite sea creature? Produce a fact file and describe it and explain more about it.

You find a message in a bottle washed up on the shore. What did the note say?

You find yourself in a raft in the middle of the ocean. How did you get there?

What would it be like if mermaids lived under the sea?

Sit by the sea for about an hour. Look at the sea and then write about what you see.

Describe the differences in what the sea landscape is like during sunrise and sunset.

Take a photograph, or paint a watercolour, then describe what you see.

Write a story about a winter storm at sea.

You are part of a scientific research team, and you discover a new sea creature! Describe it, where it lives, the habitat, its relationship with other sea creatures, etc.

Write a descriptive poem about the waves.

Describe in 20 words what the sand feels like on your feet.

You are a Lighthouse keeper stranded in your Lighthouse, out at sea. Describe your experiences as the roles through.


As a school teacher and outdoor educator, I have a wealth of knowledge, experience, and resources. You can find more of those resources available in my School Resources shop. You can also read a selection of other writing prompts here .

If you require further advice or to draw upon my experience, please get in touch and say [email protected]

Further Writing Links

Creative Writing Prompts - Clouds - Gareth Mate

Creative Writing Prompts - Trees - Gareth Mate

Let's Write About The Outdoors - Gareth Mate

Writing Banner

MOE: Announce the SEA creative writing topic for 2023 and beyond a few months in advance.

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Why this petition matters

Students have been stressed out for too long by large scale and high stake assessments. Announcing the SEA creative writing topic benefits all students across the board. Teachers will teach both expository and narrative writing throughout primary school. Announcing it a few months in advance does not mean that only one type of writing will be taught while the other is abandoned. It simply means that all students can focus on the type of writing being tested and boost their confidence. In 2022, students in our country have performed extremely poorly, especially in creative writing. Based on the results in 2022, do we expect that our students who have been out of school as a result of the pandemic will fare any differently? One can argue that students who are writing SEA in 2023 are even more disadvantaged than their peers who have done the exam in 2020, 2021 and 2022. The reason is that the discrepancy between what students have learned and and what they are expected to learn by March 29th 2023 has only widened. Change is a must. There is a large gap in education that cannot be easily bridged. Concessions must be made! Change is necessary! 

Articles on Creative writing

Displaying 1 - 20 of 46 articles.

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

UK’s creative industries bring in more revenue than cars, oil and gas – so why is arts education facing cuts?

Adam Behr , Newcastle University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

An ode to the social realism of ‘boring’ lyrics – from The Kinks to The Streets

Glenn Fosbraey , University of Winchester

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

How to write a love song – three tips for beginners from a songwriting expert

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

‘ Cli-fi ’ might not save the world, but writing it could help with your  eco-anxiety

Rachel Hennessy , The University of Melbourne ; Alexander Cothren , Flinders University , and Amy T Matthews , Flinders University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

I research the therapeutic qualities of writing about art – here are three steps for trying it yourself

Patrick Wright , The Open University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Creative writing can help improve one’s health: a South African study shows how

Dawn Garisch , University of Cape Town and Steve Reid , University of Cape Town

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Boxing empowered me to express my trauma – now, I help other abuse survivors do the same, combining it with creative writing

Donna Lyon , The University of Melbourne

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

How a poet and professor promotes racial understanding with lessons from history

Quraysh Ali Lansana , Oklahoma State University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

How to understand your grief through writing

Catherine Cole , Liverpool John Moores University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Write what you know: the COVID experience is a rich resource for year 12 English exams

Janet Dutton , Macquarie University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

5 ways to teach the link between grammar and imagination for better creative writing

Brett Healey , Curtin University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Writing can improve mental health – here’s how

Christina Thatcher , Cardiff Metropolitan University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

In an AI world we need to teach students how to work with robot writers

Lucinda McKnight , Deakin University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

To succeed in an AI world, students must learn the human traits of writing

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

‘Lit therapy’ in the classroom: writing about trauma can be valuable, if done right

Yannick Thoraval , RMIT University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Too many adjectives, not enough ideas: how NAPLAN forces us to teach bad writing

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

What my students taught me about reading: old books hold new insights for the digital generation

Kate Flaherty , Australian National University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Life sentences – what creative writing by prisoners tells us about the inside

Dr Michael X. Savvas , Flinders University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Frozen in time, the casts of Indigenous Australians who performed in ‘human zoos’ are chilling

Katherine Johnson , University of Tasmania

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‘I’m in another world’: writing without rules lets kids find their voice, just like professional authors

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Top contributors

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Visiting Fellow, Centre for Cultural and Creative Research, University of Canberra, University of Canberra

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Associate professor, Deakin University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Adjunct assistant professor, University of New England

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

PhD Student, School of Education, Curtin University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of Southern Queensland

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Associate Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Winchester

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Dean of Research (Creative), University of South Australia

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Associate Professor in Media, University of Notre Dame Australia

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Distinguished Professor of Creative Practice, Faculty of Arts and Design, University of Canberra

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing, University of Stirling

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Lecturer in Professional and Creative Writing, Deakin University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Principal Lecturer in Creative Writing, Coventry University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Professor of Creative Arts, Griffith University

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

PhD candidate in Digital Cultures, University of Sydney

s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle

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red square in moscow - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing

The picture had been taken in Red Square, in Moscow. Alex could see the onion-shaped towers of the Kremlin behind the man.

Found in Alex Rider, Skeleton Key , authored by Anthony Horowitz .

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s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics


  1. 💌 Creative writing topics college. 30 Kickass Creative Writing Topics

    s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

  2. Creating a Picture Book

    s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics

  3. 31 Writing Prompts For May 2022

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    s.e.a. 2022 creative writing topics


  1. SEA 2020 Creative Writing Prompts

    SEA 2020 Creative Writing Prompts - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document provides three creative writing prompts. The first prompt is about a person who gets separated from their friends while texting and walking. It asks the writer to describe what they encounter, what they see and feel, and how the experience ends.

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  3. SEA: Report Writing

    An Interactive Workbook. This is an online self-paced course that prepares students specifically for the Report Writing task on the Secondary Entrance Assessment writing paper. An engaging method that makes learning fun! Let's start for free! Your child will build skills in. creating appropriate main ideas and supporting details.

  4. Free SEA Practice Test Printables

    Click on each link to gain access to Download the following ELA and Creative Writing Worksheets. SEA Practice Test - ELA & Creative Writing #1. SEA Practice Test - ELA & Creative Writing #2. SEA Practice Test - ELA & Creative Writing #3. SEA Practice Test - ELA & Creative Writing #4. SEA Practice Test - ELA & Creative Writing #5.

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  6. PDF Creative Writing

    3. Time 50 minutes TOPICS Remember: Write on only one of the following topics. 'We won! We won first prize! Can you believe it?" I screamed, as I dashed into the Write an exciting story that includes the statements above. Remember to was won and what you all felt and did. Write a story about a day when you went to school unwillingly, but when ...

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  8. Finish the S.E.A. Exam on time! Creative Writing Section

    Here is an easy breakdown of how to attempt the SEA paper (Creative Writing Section)For One-on-One or Group Online tutoring, WhatsApp: 1-868-374-4479 or chec...

  9. SEA Creative Writing Tips from Miss Reia Ali.

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  10. SEA Prep in Trinidad and Tobago- Aleph Educators- Home

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  11. PDF Revised Assessment Framework for The Secondary Entrance Assessment 2023

    elling, Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalisation and Reading Comprehension. In. Mathematics, Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics are assessed.The main purpose of the Secondary Entrance Asse. sment is to facilitate the transition from primary to secondary school. The Assessment Framework for SEA 2021 - 2023 is intended to assist teachers and.

  12. S.E.A Time

    Creative WritingS.E.A Time with the Ministry of EducationAir Date: Wednesday 25th March 2020 - 1:15PM

  13. PDF sea practice English 1

    1. inverted basqett, at his grandmother's door, eating, with 2. great satisfraction, a porringer of bread and milk. His 3. little sister Annie, who had allready dispatched her. 4. breakfast, sat on the ground oposite to him, now twisting 5. her flours into garlands, and now throwing them away.

  14. SEA Resources.

    These buttons link you to important sites to assist you with your preparation for SEA 2020. Please make use of ALL of these resources. 2019 Mathematics SEA. 2019 Language Arts SEA. 2019 SEA Creative Writing. 2019 SEA Specimen Mathematics. ELA Specimen document. MOE School learning mgm't system link.

  15. PDF Published in 2019 by the English Unit

    Chapter 1 focuses on application of the Narrative Writing Rubric. It introduces the revised rubric for Narrative Writing and provides detailed guidance for its use as both an assessment and teaching tool. Chapter 2 presents eight stories that have been analysed and scored for illustrative purposes.

  16. PDF Assessment Framework for The Secondary Entrance Assessment 2019-2023

    ing, Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalisation and Reading Comprehension. In Ma. hematics, Number, Measurement, Geometry and Statistics are assessed.The Secondary Entrance As. essment facilitates the transition from primary to secondary school. The Assessment Framework for SEA 2019 - 2023 is intended to assist teachers and al.

  17. Creative Writing Prompts

    You are part of a scientific research team, and you discover a new sea creature! Describe it, where it lives, the habitat, its relationship with other sea creatures, etc. Describe in 20 words what the sand feels like on your feet. You are a Lighthouse keeper stranded in your Lighthouse, out at sea. Describe your experiences as the roles through.

  18. S.E.A Time Creative Writing:...

    TTT Live Online posted a video to playlist S.E.A. Time. · April 2, 2020 ·. Creative Writing: Narrative Writing. S.E.A Time with the Ministry of Education. Air Date: Thursday 2nd April 2020 - 1:15PM. 12.

  19. Petition · MOE: Announce the SEA creative writing topic for 2023 and

    Students have been stressed out for too long by large scale and high stake assessments. Announcing the SEA creative writing topic benefits all students across the board. Teachers will teach both expository and narrative writing throughout primary school. Announcing it a few months in advance does not mean that only one type of writing will be taught while the other is abandoned.

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  21. Muppets in Moscow: The Unexpected Crazy True Story of Making Sesame

    ©2022 Natasha Lance Rogoff (P)2022 Natasha Lance Rogoff. Previous slide of product details. ... the creative writing, the set, character and costume design and building, down the smallest details like the colors being used, the acting, the music writing and producing, and all the other creative roles, all aspects of each category adhering to a ...

  22. Red square in moscow

    Descriptionari has thousands of original creative story ideas from new authors and amazing quotes to boost your creativity. Kick writer's block to the curb and write that story! ... 19,890 quotes, descriptions and writing prompts, 4,964 themes. red square in moscow - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing.

  23. Amazon.com: Muppets in Moscow: The Unexpected Crazy True Story of

    FINALIST - 2023 PUSHKIN HOUSE BOOK PRIZE "A gem of a book! A must read for anyone looking to understand Russia better!" — Clarissa Ward, CNN chief international correspondent and author of On All Fronts. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the timing appeared perfect to bring Sesame Street to millions of children living in the former Soviet Union.