Managed Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Want To See These Words Instead

As a hiring manager, I've seen 'Managed' overused on resumes, often dulling the impact of your achievements. Swapping it for more specific, action-packed verbs can make your experience pop off the page. These alternatives not only show what you did but how you did it, giving me a clearer picture of your skills and impact. Let's explore some powerful replacements that'll make your resume stand out in the stack.

Portrait of Kimberley Tyler-Smith

  • Instead of 'Managed,' try Directed , Oversaw , or Supervised to show your leadership. For a more dynamic touch, use Spearheaded , Orchestrated , or Championed to highlight your initiative. To showcase your hands-on approach, consider Implemented , Executed , or Drove results.
  • Industry-Specific Alternatives
  • Business : In business, replace 'Managed' with verbs that show your strategic thinking: Streamlined operations, Optimized processes, Negotiated deals, Strategized growth plans, and Forecasted market trends.
  • Technology : For tech roles, use verbs that highlight your technical prowess: Architected systems, Engineered solutions, Debugged complex issues, Deployed new technologies, and Programmed innovative features.
  • Healthcare : In healthcare, emphasize patient care with verbs like Diagnosed conditions, Treated patients, Rehabilitated individuals, Counseled families, and Prescribed effective treatments.
  • Education : Educators can showcase their impact by using verbs such as Instructed students, Mentored learners, Evaluated progress, Tutored individuals, and Cultivated young minds.
  • Skill-Specific Alternatives
  • Leadership : Show off your leadership skills by replacing 'Managed' with verbs that inspire: Motivated teams, Delegated tasks, Empowered colleagues, Inspired innovation, and Coached top performers.
  • Project Management : Highlight your project management expertise with verbs like Planned initiatives, Budgeted resources, Scheduled milestones, Allocated tasks, and Tracked progress to show how you drove projects to success.
  • Communication : Emphasize your communication skills by using verbs such as Presented findings, Liaised with stakeholders, Mediated conflicts, Persuaded clients, and Articulated complex ideas clearly.
  • Problem-Solving : Showcase your problem-solving abilities with action verbs like Troubleshot issues, Resolved conflicts, Investigated discrepancies, Analyzed data, and Innovated solutions to replace the generic 'Managed.'

#1: Directed

• Managed team to improve customer service and increase sales performance.

• Directed customer service overhaul, implementing new training programs and performance metrics that increased customer satisfaction by 28% and boosted sales by $1.2M annually across 5 retail locations.

#2: Oversaw

• Managed team and tasks to ensure project completion on time.

• Oversaw cross-functional team of 12, implementing agile methodologies that reduced project timeline by 25% and improved client satisfaction scores from 7.2 to 9.1 out of 10.

#3: Supervised

• Managed team members and ensured projects were completed on time.

• Supervised a team of 12 customer service representatives, implementing a new training program that reduced average call times by 18% and improved customer satisfaction scores from 3.2 to 4.7 out of 5 within six months.

• Managed team to complete projects and improve departmental processes.

• Led cross-functional team of 12 to implement new CRM system, reducing customer response time by 40% and increasing sales efficiency by 25% within 6 months. Developed and executed training program for 50+ staff members.

#5: Coordinated

• Managed team meetings and projects to ensure timely completion of tasks.

• Coordinated bi-weekly team meetings and 5 concurrent projects, resulting in a 28% increase in on-time task completion and a 15% reduction in project turnaround time across a 50-person department.

#6: Spearheaded

• Managed a team to improve customer satisfaction and increase sales.

• Spearheaded a customer-centric initiative, leading a cross-functional team of 12 to implement personalized service strategies, resulting in a 28% increase in customer satisfaction scores and driving a $1.2M boost in quarterly sales.

#7: Orchestrated

• Managed team meetings and projects to improve department efficiency.

• Orchestrated bi-weekly cross-functional team meetings and 5 high-priority projects, resulting in a 30% increase in department efficiency and $200,000 annual cost savings through streamlined processes and improved resource allocation.

• Managed a team of sales representatives to meet quarterly targets.

• Guided a team of 12 sales representatives to exceed quarterly targets by 15%, implementing a new customer relationship management system that increased client retention rates from 75% to 92% over six months.

#9: Steered

• Managed team to complete project and improve overall performance.

• Steered cross-functional team of 12 through a complex ERP implementation, reducing processing times by 40% and saving $500,000 annually in operational costs.

#10: Executed

• Managed team projects and ensured deadlines were met on time.

• Executed 5 high-priority projects simultaneously, streamlining cross-departmental workflows and reducing project completion time by 30%, resulting in $500,000 annual cost savings and improved client satisfaction scores from 7.2 to 9.1 out of 10.

#11: Implemented

• Managed team projects and ensured timely completion of deliverables

• Implemented agile project management methodology, resulting in 30% faster project completion and 25% reduction in budget overruns across 5 cross-functional teams totaling 50 employees

• Managed team to complete projects and improve overall performance metrics

• Drove 30% increase in sales team productivity by implementing new CRM system, streamlining client outreach processes, and conducting weekly performance reviews, resulting in $2M additional revenue over 6 months

#13: Administered

• Managed daily operations and ensured smooth functioning of the department

• Administered hospital-wide Electronic Health Records (EHR) system, reducing data entry errors by 35% and improving patient data accessibility for 200+ staff members across 5 departments. Implemented automated alerts, decreasing medication errors by 20% in 6 months.

#14: Championed

• Managed team projects and implemented new processes to improve efficiency.

• Championed a cross-functional process improvement initiative, reducing project delivery time by 30% and saving $250,000 annually. Led a team of 12 to implement lean methodologies across 5 departments, resulting in a 20% increase in overall productivity.

#15: Facilitated

• Managed team meetings to discuss project progress and address issues.

• Facilitated bi-weekly cross-functional team meetings, resulting in 30% faster issue resolution and a 25% increase in on-time project deliveries across 5 departments.

#16: Streamlined

• Managed team projects and daily operations for the marketing department.

• Streamlined marketing operations, reducing project turnaround time by 30% and increasing team productivity by 25%. Implemented automated workflow systems, saving 15 hours weekly and improving cross-departmental collaboration for 50+ employees.

#17: Optimized

• Managed team and resources to improve business performance and efficiency.

• Optimized supply chain processes, reducing lead times by 30% and cutting inventory costs by $500,000 annually. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement just-in-time inventory system, improving cash flow and operational efficiency.

#18: Negotiated

• Managed client relationships and contracts for the sales department.

• Negotiated 15 high-value contracts with Fortune 500 clients, increasing annual revenue by $2.3M and reducing legal review time by 30% through streamlined approval processes.

#19: Strategized

• Managed team projects and resources to meet company objectives.

• Strategized and implemented a cross-departmental cost-reduction initiative, resulting in 15% decrease in operational expenses and $2.3M annual savings, while maintaining 98% employee satisfaction rate.

#20: Forecasted

• Managed financial projections and budgeting for the sales department

• Forecasted quarterly sales targets with 95% accuracy, resulting in optimized inventory management that reduced carrying costs by $250,000 annually and improved cash flow by 15% for the 50-person sales department

#21: Instructed

• Managed classroom activities and student progress throughout the school year.

• Instructed advanced placement biology course for 120 students, improving average AP exam scores by 18% and increasing college credit attainment rate from 65% to 82% over two academic years.

#22: Mentored

• Managed a group of students for after-school tutoring program.

• Mentored 15 at-risk high school students in after-school tutoring program, resulting in 85% improvement in standardized test scores and 100% college acceptance rate for participating seniors over two academic years.

#23: Evaluated

• Managed student performance and progress throughout the academic year.

• Evaluated 120 students' academic progress, implementing personalized learning plans that resulted in a 25% increase in standardized test scores and a 15% improvement in overall class engagement across three semesters.

#24: Tutored

• Managed after-school program for high school students struggling with math.

• Tutored 30+ high school students in advanced mathematics, improving average test scores by 22% over one semester and helping 80% of students achieve honor roll status.

#25: Cultivated

• Managed a team of teachers to improve student performance metrics.

• Cultivated a collaborative team of 12 teachers, implementing peer mentoring and targeted training programs, resulting in a 23% increase in student test scores and a 15% reduction in teacher turnover within one academic year.

#26: Diagnosed

• Managed patient care and treatment plans for various medical conditions.

• Diagnosed complex medical conditions for 500+ patients annually, reducing misdiagnosis rates by 15% and shortening average treatment time from 14 to 10 days through accurate, early identification of ailments and implementation of targeted treatment plans.

#27: Treated

• Managed patients with various conditions in a busy hospital setting.

• Treated 200+ patients monthly, specializing in chronic pain management, resulting in a 30% reduction in opioid prescriptions and a 95% patient satisfaction rate through implementing personalized treatment plans and non-pharmacological interventions.

#28: Rehabilitated

• Managed patient recovery program for individuals with chronic conditions.

• Rehabilitated 87% of chronic pain patients through innovative physical therapy techniques, reducing opioid dependence by 62% and improving quality of life scores by an average of 3.5 points on a 10-point scale over 18 months.

#29: Counseled

• Managed patient care and provided support to families and staff.

• Counseled 200+ patients and families on complex treatment plans, resulting in a 30% increase in treatment adherence rates and a 25% reduction in hospital readmissions over 12 months.

#30: Prescribed

• Prescribed personalized treatment plans for 200+ patients with chronic conditions, resulting in a 30% reduction in hospital readmissions and improved quality of life scores by 40% over 12 months.

#31: Architected

• Managed the development of a new software platform for clients.

• Architected a scalable, cloud-based software platform that reduced client onboarding time by 40% and increased system reliability to 99.99% uptime, resulting in a 25% boost in customer satisfaction scores.

#32: Engineered

• Managed team responsible for developing and maintaining company software systems.

• Engineered a scalable microservices architecture, reducing system downtime by 40% and improving API response times by 60%, while leading a team of 8 developers to implement continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

#33: Debugged

• Managed software development projects and resolved technical issues for clients.

• Debugged critical system errors in client's e-commerce platform, reducing downtime by 40% and saving $200,000 in potential lost revenue. Implemented automated error detection, cutting bug identification time from 2 hours to 15 minutes.

#34: Deployed

• Managed software development projects for various enterprise clients.

• Deployed cloud-based CRM solution for Fortune 500 client, reducing system downtime by 40% and increasing customer response time by 25%. Led cross-functional team of 8 developers and 3 QA specialists to complete project 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

#35: Programmed

• Managed development of software applications for the company's clients.

• Programmed robust e-commerce platform using Java and Spring Boot, reducing load times by 40% and increasing customer conversion rates by 25% for 5 major retail clients, resulting in $2M additional revenue.

#36: Presented

• Managed weekly team meetings and shared project updates with stakeholders

• Presented bi-weekly project progress reports to C-level executives, resulting in 30% faster decision-making and a 15% increase in project completion rates across 5 departments. Implemented a visual data dashboard that improved stakeholder comprehension of complex metrics by 40%.

#37: Liaised

• Managed communication between different teams for various company projects.

• Liaised between engineering, marketing, and sales teams for 5 major product launches, reducing miscommunication incidents by 40% and accelerating time-to-market by 3 weeks on average.

#38: Mediated

• Managed team conflicts and disagreements within the department as needed.

• Mediated 15 complex interdepartmental disputes, resulting in a 40% reduction in formal HR complaints and a 25% increase in cross-team collaboration on key projects over 6 months.

#39: Persuaded

• Persuaded cross-functional team of 12 to adopt new project management software, resulting in 30% faster project completion and 25% reduction in missed deadlines over 6 months.

#40: Articulated

• Managed communication between team members and external stakeholders for projects.

• Articulated project objectives and milestones to 15 team members and 5 external stakeholders, resulting in a 30% reduction in miscommunication-related delays and a 95% on-time project completion rate across 8 major initiatives.

#41: Motivated

• Managed a team of sales representatives to meet company goals.

• Motivated a 12-person sales team to exceed quarterly targets by 25%, resulting in $2.3M additional revenue and earning the company's top performance award for three consecutive quarters.

#42: Delegated

• Managed team and projects to ensure timely completion of deliverables.

• Delegated responsibilities to a 12-member cross-functional team, resulting in a 30% increase in project completion rate and reducing average delivery time from 6 weeks to 4 weeks across 15 high-priority client projects.

#43: Empowered

• Empowered a team of 12 sales representatives, implementing a mentorship program that increased individual quota attainment by 28% and reduced turnover by 15% within six months.

#44: Inspired

• Managed a team to complete projects and meet deadlines.

• Inspired a cross-functional team of 12 to embrace agile methodologies, resulting in a 40% increase in project completion speed and a 25% reduction in budget overruns across 5 major initiatives.

#45: Coached

• Coached a team of 12 sales representatives, implementing weekly skill-building sessions and one-on-one mentoring, resulting in a 30% increase in average deal size and 95% team quota attainment over two quarters.

#46: Troubleshot

• Managed technical issues for the IT department's daily operations.

• Troubleshot critical network failures, reducing system downtime by 40% and saving the company $250,000 annually in lost productivity. Implemented automated diagnostic tools and trained a team of 5 junior technicians in rapid problem resolution techniques.

#47: Resolved

• Managed team conflicts and worked to improve employee satisfaction levels.

• Resolved interpersonal conflicts among 12-member team, implementing weekly check-ins and conflict resolution training, resulting in a 40% decrease in HR complaints and 25% improvement in employee satisfaction scores over 6 months.

#48: Investigated

• Managed customer complaints and resolved issues in a timely manner.

• Investigated 200+ customer complaints, identifying 3 recurring issues that accounted for 60% of grievances. Implemented targeted solutions, reducing complaint volume by 40% and improving customer satisfaction scores from 3.2 to 4.5 out of 5.

#49: Analyzed

• Managed data and reports for the marketing department's campaigns

• Analyzed marketing campaign data, identifying key performance indicators that led to a 27% increase in ROI across 5 major product lines. Presented findings to C-suite executives, resulting in a strategic shift that boosted customer acquisition by 35% within 6 months.

#50: Innovated

• Managed team to complete projects and meet deadlines for clients.

• Innovated streamlined project management system, reducing delivery time by 30% and increasing client satisfaction scores from 3.5 to 4.8 out of 5 for a portfolio of 15 high-value accounts.

#51: Planned

• Managed team projects and ensured timely completion of deliverables.

• Planned and executed 5 cross-functional projects, reducing delivery time by 30% and saving $200,000 annually through strategic resource allocation and implementation of Agile methodologies.

#52: Budgeted

• Managed project resources and timeline for the company's new initiative.

• Budgeted $1.2M for a 12-month software development project, optimizing resource allocation to reduce costs by 15% while meeting all milestones. Implemented earned value management techniques to track progress and maintain financial control throughout the project lifecycle.

#53: Scheduled

• Managed project timelines and resources for multiple concurrent initiatives.

• Scheduled and optimized project timelines for 5 concurrent initiatives, reducing resource conflicts by 30% and ensuring on-time delivery of all project milestones across a 6-month period.

#54: Allocated

• Managed project resources and team members for company initiatives.

• Allocated $2.5M budget and 15-member cross-functional team across 3 high-priority projects, resulting in 20% faster completion and 15% cost savings compared to previous year's initiatives.

#55: Tracked

• Tracked 12 concurrent projects' timelines and resources, implementing a new project management software that reduced missed deadlines by 30% and improved resource allocation efficiency by 25% across a team of 50.

Quick links

Popular synonyms, coordinated, spearheaded, orchestrated, implemented, administered, facilitated, streamlined, strategized, rehabilitated, architected, communication, articulated, problem-solving, troubleshot, investigated, project management.


11 Synonyms for “Managed” on Your Resume

resume another word for managed

Have you managed a team or budget before and wanted to include it in your resume? Perhaps you’re trying to figure out if “managed” is the most appropriate word.

Luckily, this article is here to help. We’ve gathered some great synonyms for “managed” to help mix up your CVs.

Managed Synonyms

  • Been in charge of
  • Been involved in
  • Watched over
  • Kept tabs on
  • Carried out
  • Worked with
  • Led a team on


  • “Managed” is acceptable on a resume, though you might want a more interesting verb choice.
  • “Overseen” is a great way to show that you have headed a team or operations in the workplace.
  • “Been in charge of” is a great phrasal synonym to show that you are a good leader.

Keep reading to learn more about the best synonyms. There are plenty of great options, but we’ve highlighted the best two to show you how they might work.

“Overseen” is a great one-word alternative. It shows that you were in charge of a team of people. “Oversee” implies you were in control and everyone listened to you.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “overseen” as “to watch over and direct in order to ensure a satisfactory outcome or performance.”

If you say that you “oversaw” projects in a resume, an employer will notice. They’ll view you much more positively because they’ll see your leadership qualities .

It’s certainly worth using “overseen” and “managed” in similar contexts. Both are effective verb choices. It’s up to you to determine which one works better, though we recommend switching between them to keep things interesting.

Here are a few examples to help you:

I have overseen many day-to-day operations in my time with the company. Hopefully, my skills will shine through.

Having overseen many of the budget meetings, I believe I have a better understanding of how these things work than others.

Been in Charge Of

“Been in charge of” is better suited if you want a phrasal alternative. It works quite well because it shows that you’ve led in the past and want to fill a leadership role again.

It’s generally best to include a phrase like “been in charge of” when you’re looking to lead another team. After all, you should demonstrate your team-leader skills to an employer to let them know that you won’t settle just being on a team (as you’d rather lead one).

You can use “been in charge of” and “managed” similarly. However, “managed” might appear slightly more confident and formal. So, you need to watch out for that before using “been in charge of” in the wrong context.

Here are some examples to show you how it works:

I have been in charge of a small team for three years, and I’ve grown them into what you see before you.

I have been in charge of many operations around the office. That’s why I’m proud to accept this role.

Is It Correct to Say “Managed”?

“Managed” is correct to include in your resume. It works very well because it shows you can fill a leadership role . Many employers will look to see if you can run a team, as it shows you have a strong character and are a good team player .

Here are some examples showing you how to include it in a resume:

  • I have managed day-to-day operations for as long as I’ve been working here.
  • I have managed the inventory and taken part in more stock counts than I can remember.

So, be sure to include “managed” or a synonym in your resume. As long as you can back it up with evidence, there’s no reason to leave it out.

Bookmark this page to remind yourself of the best alternatives. It’s always worth impressing a potential employer with your ability to manage others.

  • 12 Synonyms for “Assisted” on Your Resume
  • 12 Synonyms for “Familiar With” on Your Resume
  • 11 Synonyms for “Team Player” on Your Resume
  • 11 Synonyms for “Can-Do Attitude” on Your Resume

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Our mission is to help you choose the right phrase or word for your emails and texts.

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42 Managed Synonyms for Resume

Try out these Managed synonyms for your resume instead. Make your resume concise, sharp and more impactful with these Managed synonyms.

managed synonyms resume

In this article, we will show you:

  • Synonyms for Managed that you should use or avoid.
  • Example of how to use these Managed synonyms on your resume.

Top 42 Managed Synonyms for Your Resume in 2022

  • Call The Shots
  • Superintend
  • Take Care Of

Other Managed Synonyms for Resume that are not a Great Fit (Use With Caution)

Where to highlight managed synonyms on your resume.

Generally, you can add Managed to the following sections of your resume:

  • “Managed” synonym on your resume’s header
  • “Managed” synonym on your resume’s summary or objective
  • “Managed” synonym on your resume’s work history section.
  • “Managed” synonym on your resume skills section

Using Synonyms Instead of Managed on Resume - Examples

Administer instead of managed on resume - example.

  • “Administering SAP ERP, Databases, and Cerner EMR.”
  • “Administer employee benefits enrollment and employee engagement programs.”
  • “Administer and manage ground activities on event sites and ensure smooth operations.”
  • “Administering safety audits.”
  • “Serving as a member of the senior operations management team that administers, directs, coordinates and executes operational plans.”

Conduct Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Conduct HR audit in line with the human resource guidelines and state laws within the budgeted time, adopting the correct audit methodology.”
  • “Conduct employee onboarding process.”

Govern Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Design, implement and govern best practices to optimize clients' portfolio.”
  • “Deliver and govern localization projects for over 15+ countries and across 13 business units.”
  • “Govern the identity and verification program for combating spam, platform development and migration.”
  • “Govern policies, procedures, practices and platforms.”

Guide Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Building out storyboards and survival analysis to facilitate and guide each stakeholder decision process towards the business roadmap.”
  • “Guide and assist in architecting distributed software architectures that could handle processing >2TB of data per day.”
  • “Act as a guide to observe, measure and teach team members on how to…”
  • “Guide territory sales engineers to deliver the right customer service.”
  • “Provides insightful, impactful, and disruptive insights to influence and guide design teams and a product to success.”
  • “Guide, motivate and empower production teams.”
  • “Guide floor cleaning operations and assess their effectiveness.”

Handle Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Handle the branch budget with accurate forecasts and allocation of expenses under various office activities.”
  • “Handle cash flow everyday, making daily, weekly and monthly cash flow finance reports.”
  • “Also handle Facebook ad campaigns and assess the performance.”
  • “CEO appointed me to handle all sales activities.”
  • “Ability to work independently without supervision and handle multiple tasks concurrently.”
  • “I handled all in-patient and out-patient requests.”
  • “Key clients handled…”
  • “Able to handle challenging, complex tasks in a fast-paced environment.”
  • “Handle a team as an Engineering Manager to deliver high quality and bug free mobile applications.”
  • “Handle tenant communications, process maintenance requests, and problem resolution to drive tenant satisfaction.”

Maintain Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Create and maintain various business intelligence tools and data models to support predictive maintenance and allow stakeholders to take proactive decisions.”
  • “Maintain audit files and accounts payable and accounts.”
  • “Maintain and monitor all network and security personnel on ground for high profile events with large footfalls.”
  • “Design, implement and maintain robotic automation processes to ensure smooth warehouse operations.”

Operate Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Operate the hydrochloric acid plant as per compliance with all state and federal regulations.”
  • “Operate commercial real estate projects from concept through launch and operations.”
  • “Operate teams in compliance with HACCP.”

Oversee Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Oversee sales activities and other revenue generation streams.”
  • “Oversee design, development and production of CISCO’s IoT gateway.”
  • “Oversee global operation teams distributed across 14+ countries.”
  • “Responsible for overseeing the following:...”
  • “Overseeing a team of in-house creative designers and copywriters.”
  • “Oversee tax preparation for 10+ clients of TaxBox Inc.”

Run Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Run and maintain the virtual private cloud for our customers at ACME.”
  • “Run, prepare, authorize and issue foreclosure notices.”

Supervise Instead of Managed on Resume - Example

  • “Supervise process execution, evaluate on a daily basis and monitor productivity in the long term.”
  • “Implement and supervise all daily carnival operations.”
  • “Coordinate, follow up and supervise ongoing projects for ACME.”

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Resume Synonyms for Managing

Want your resume to better exhibit your strategic leadership talents? While 'Managing' suggests oversight, more visionary language like 'Steering' reinforces your talents directing teams toward breakthrough outcomes. Let's find empowering alternatives to 'Managing' that can take your management narrative to the next level.

Table of Contents

Using managing on a resume.

When we talk about 'Managing', we're referring to the act of taking charge, overseeing tasks, and guiding a team or project towards its goals. It's about steering the ship, so to speak, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. In the context of a resume, 'Managing' is a term that is often used to denote leadership skills and the ability to handle responsibility. It's a word that communicates to potential employers that you have experience in taking the helm, making decisions, and driving results. It's a powerful term that can speak volumes about your capabilities and your potential value to a company. However, while 'Managing' is a strong term, it's also a common one. Many job seekers use it on their resumes, which can make your application blend into the crowd rather than standing out. Furthermore, 'Managing' is a broad term that can lack specificity. It doesn't necessarily convey the nuances of your experience or the unique skills you bring to the table. That's why it can be beneficial to consider other synonyms or alternative phrases that can more accurately and effectively communicate your abilities and experiences. By doing so, you can make your resume more compelling and increase your chances of catching a potential employer's attention.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

resume another word for managed

Strong vs Weak Uses of Managing

Examples of using managing on a resume.

  • Managing a team of 15 sales professionals, successfully exceeding quarterly targets by 20%.
  • Initiated and managed the implementation of a new CRM system, improving customer relationship management by 35%.
  • Managed a $5M budget, strategically allocating resources and cutting costs by 15%.
  • Managed stuff at the office.
  • Did some managing of people and things.
  • Managed some tasks and projects.

How Managing Is Commonly Misused

"managed a team of employees".

This statement is too generic and does not provide any specific information about the size of the team or the responsibilities involved in managing them. It is better to provide more details, such as "Managed a cross-functional team of 10 employees, overseeing their daily tasks, providing guidance and support, and conducting performance evaluations."

"Managed customer relationships"

While this statement indicates involvement in managing customer relationships, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements or outcomes. Instead, it is better to mention the results or improvements achieved through managing customer relationships, such as "Successfully managed key customer relationships, resulting in a 15% increase in customer retention and a 10% growth in sales."

"Managed projects"

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the projects managed or the outcomes achieved. It is better to provide more details, such as "Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring adherence to timelines, budgets, and quality standards. Successfully delivered projects with an average budget of $500,000, achieving a 95% client satisfaction rate."

"Managed inventory"

While this statement indicates involvement in managing inventory, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements or improvements. Instead, it is better to mention the results or efficiencies achieved through managing inventory, such as "Implemented inventory management system, reducing stockouts by 30% and improving inventory turnover by 20%."

When to Replace Managing with Another Synonym

Overseeing a department.

Instead of using "Managed," job seekers can use synonyms like "Directed," "Supervised," or "Led" to convey their role in overseeing and coordinating the activities of a department. These alternatives highlight their ability to provide strategic direction, make decisions, and ensure the smooth functioning of the department.

Guiding a team

When describing their role in guiding a team, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Coached," "Mentored," or "Facilitated." These terms emphasize their skills in providing support, guidance, and mentorship to team members, showcasing their ability to foster collaboration, develop talent, and achieve team goals.

Controlling budgets

Instead of using "Managed," job seekers can use synonyms like "Controlled," "Oversaw," or "Monitored" to describe their role in managing budgets. These alternatives highlight their ability to monitor expenses, track financial performance, and make informed decisions to optimize resource allocation and achieve financial objectives.

Best Resume Synonyms for Managing

How to replace managing with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing managing in your resume summary.

Using Managing

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Managing in Your Work Experience

  • Managing a team of 15 customer service representatives to improve customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Supervised a dynamic team of 15 customer service representatives, significantly enhancing customer satisfaction ratings.

Powerful Managing Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best managing synonyms for marketing resumes, best managing synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

The best replacement word for 'Managing' on a resume could be 'Leading' or 'Directing'. For example, instead of saying "Managed a team of five sales associates", you could say "Led a team of five sales associates" or "Directed a team of five sales associates". These words convey a similar sense of responsibility and leadership.

It's appropriate to use 'Managing' on your resume when you're describing a role where you had direct oversight or control over a team, project, or resources. For instance, "Managing a team of 5 sales associates" or "Managing a budget of $500,000". It's a powerful word that indicates leadership and responsibility, but should only be used if it accurately reflects your experience.

You can gauge if "Managing" is relevant for your resume by considering if you've had responsibilities where you oversaw projects, teams, or resources. For example, if you've led a team of sales associates, managed a budget, or coordinated a project, "Managing" is a relevant term to use. It's a powerful word that demonstrates leadership skills and responsibility, which are highly valued in many roles.

Which Job Titles use Managing the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of managing on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

administrative assistant resume

Tools to Improve Your Resume Language for Greater Impact


10 Synonyms for “Managed” on a Resume

Alex Velikiy

When writing a resume, using the word “managed” can sometimes feel overused or vague. It’s essential to find different ways to describe your leadership and organizational skills to stand out.

This article lists 10 synonyms for “managed” that can help make your resume more interesting and detailed. Each alternative is explained, showing how and when to use them effectively to highlight your abilities.

Is “Managed” a Good Word to Use on a Resume?

Using “managed” on a resume can be beneficial. It suggests leadership skills and the ability to take charge of situations or projects. This word best fits when you’ve overseen tasks, guided a team, or had any responsibility where you were in charge.

Here is an example:

Let’s look at the pros and cons of using “managed” on your resume.

  • Shows leadership and responsibility.
  • Highlights the ability to oversee projects or teams.
  • Implies successful outcome management.
  • Can be overused, making it less impactful.
  • Might be too vague if not detailed correctly.
  • Does not specify how the management was executed.

Someone might want to use an alternative phrase to “managed” to stand out or to be more specific about their role and achievements.

10 Other Ways to Say “Managed” on a Resume

Here are 10 common synonyms for “managed” that can make your resume stand out:

  • Administered
  • Coordinated

1. Supervised

Compared to “managed,” “supervised” implies a closer watch and guidance on daily tasks and activities. It suggests a hands-on approach to leadership and team guidance. “Supervised” denotes a level of professionalism that focuses more on people than on projects.

This alternative is better suited when you want to emphasize a direct interaction with team members, monitoring their work, and providing feedback. It suggests a leadership style that is both supportive and directive.

Here are two examples:

2. Directed

“Directed” compares to “managed” by suggesting a more strategic role. This word evokes a sense of authority and focus on guiding projects or departments toward long-term goals rather than day-to-day tasks. It’s more formal and often used in creative or strategic roles.

Using “directed” is especially effective when you want to highlight your role in steering a project or department toward success, particularly in creative fields or situations requiring strategic decision-making.

3. Administered

“Administered” is more formal and bureaucratic compared to “managed.” It implies overseeing the functions and compliance of a team, project, or department with a focus on procedures and policies. This synonym suggests an emphasis on ensuring operations run smoothly and according to rules.

It’s better suited for roles that involve a lot of paperwork, compliance, or regulatory responsibilities. It hints at a role that is more about overseeing the practical and procedural aspects of operations.

4. Overseen

Similar to “managed,” “overseen” indicates a supervisory role but with a bit more distance from daily tasks. It implies responsibility for the outcome without being involved in the minutiae. “Overseen” is professional and suggests a higher level of oversight.

This word is more applicable when highlighting responsibilities that involve ensuring the strategic objectives are met by teams or projects without direct involvement in day-to-day activities.

“Guided” compared to “managed,” conveys a more mentor-like approach. It suggests leading by example and offering advice, making it less about authoritative control and more about support and direction. This term has a more informal and supportive connotation.

This is perfect when you aim to emphasize nurturing talent, leading teams through complex projects with a focus on growth and learning.

6. Coordinated

“Coordinated” suggests organizing and synchronizing activities to ensure they run smoothly and efficiently, differentiating from “managed” by focusing more on collaboration and logistics rather than overall control. It implies a professional capability to bring resources together effectively.

This synonym works best when you want to showcase your ability to work across departments or teams to achieve a common goal, ensuring everything comes together at the right time.

7. Controlled

When compared to “managed,” “controlled” has a more authoritative and direct connotation. It implies a strict oversight and regulation of processes, projects, or teams. This word is more formal and suggests ensuring that everything is according to plan and standards.

Best suited for scenarios where strict guidelines and regulations are in place, and a tight grip on processes and outcomes is essential for success.

“Led” is less formal than “managed” but carries a strong sense of leadership and influence. It implies taking charge and guiding a team or project towards success, often with a focus on motivation and vision. This word is great for indicating a personal and dynamic leadership style.

Use this when highlighting your ability to inspire teams, lead by example, and drive projects to completion through leadership rather than just oversight.

9. Organized

“Organized” shifts the focus from overseeing people to orchestrating events, processes, or systems. It reflects a more practical, hands-on approach to bringing about desired outcomes. This synonym is less about people management and more about execution and arrangement.

This alternative shines when detailing your involvement in setting up events, processes, or structures that require meticulous and thoughtful organization.

Lastly, “headed” is similar to “managed” but implies a more prominent leadership role, often at the top of a project or department. It suggests a position of distinction and the responsibility of leading an initiative or group. This word is professional and authoritative.

This is particularly effective when you want to emphasize your role as the leading figure in an endeavor, highlighting a commanding and foremost position.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right words for your resume is crucial in making a strong impression on potential employers. By using synonyms for “managed,” you can show off your leadership and organizational skills in a fresh and compelling way. This approach not only adds variety to your resume but also helps in clearly communicating your role and achievements.

Alex Velikiy

CMO of Rontar. I’m interested in entrepreneurship, sales and marketing. As part of my day-to-day routine I do everything from creating marketing strategy to starting advertising campaigns. Sometimes I write for our marketing blog. When not at work, I do sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and keep up on everything that is connected with this.

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19 Powerful Keywords for Your Life Sciences Resume to Indicate Leadership

Learn some resume action verbs to replace with wea

Learn some resume action verbs to replace with wea

Consider limiting your use of “manage” on your resume, opting instead for more powerful, descriptive synonyms. To help, here are 19 powerful keywords for your resume to indicate you’re a leader.

It’s an often-cited statistic in the job recruitment world: hiring managers typically spend an average of six seconds scanning each resume before deciding whether to discard it or move it along for further review.

This means they’re not pouring over every single carefully chosen word or well-crafted sentence you’re likely spent hour polishing.

Hiring managers are often looking for powerful keywords that align with the job description for the role you’re applying to and indicate that you have the most important skills the position requires. These keywords are also important for getting your resume past “applicant tracking systems” that sort through resumes looking for relevant words, phrases, and terms before they even make it to a live human reader.

If you’re applying to any type of leadership position or if you have past leadership experience, you’ll probably have the word “manage” show up several times throughout your resume , CV, or cover letter. But, “manage” is also one of the most commonly used verbs on resumes to describe past leadership experience, and, as such, you’ll want to take care not to overuse the word.

Instead, consider limiting your use of “manage” on your resume, opting instead for more powerful, descriptive synonyms that more concretely communicate your ability to effectively lead people and projects.

19 Powerful Leadership Keywords to Include on Your Resume

  • Spearheaded
  • Presided over
  • Administered

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11 Good Synonyms For “Managed” On Your Resumé

If you’re applying for a management position, talking about things you’ve “managed” in the past is helpful. However, you don’t want to overuse the word, so it would help to come up with some good alternatives that might create variety.

Good Synonyms For Managed On Your Resumé

The preferred version is “ran.” It works to show that you were previously “running” your own team or project in your workplace. Even though it’s much shorter in length than “managed,” it’s still a perfectly acceptable formal word for many resumés.

“Ran” is the past tense of “run.” In this case, the verb means that you control or manage something or someone. It works well because it’s a versatile verb that means you’ve had a lot of control and practice being a leader in a work environment.

The definition of “ran,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to be in control of something.”

  • I ran the company for six months while the manager was taking a personal break to work on himself.
  • I ran the company for three years. I believe that my skills will translate appropriately to this new role.
  • I ran and managed my own project team. I was given the responsibility, and I think I did a good job taking it into my stride.

“Led” is the past tense of “lead.” It means you were put in a position to “lead” a group of people you work with. This is a great way to demonstrate leadership skills based on previous employment and tasks you might have achieved.

The definition of “led,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to control a group of people, a country, or a situation.”

  • I have led the operations for as long as I can remember. I am made for this role, and I think you should offer me a chance.
  • I have led many tasks over the years. I am good when it comes to demonstrating leadership skills.
  • I led my coworkers through the difficult period when our boss walked out. I have since taught myself how to manage my own business.

“Headed” shows that you were in charge of a company. It typically means that someone has appointed you as the “head” of a company, meaning that they trust your leadership qualities.

The definition of “headed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to be in charge of a group or organization.”

  • I headed the organization for a while. I didn’t think it was the right choice for me, but I’m glad I did it.
  • I headed the business while it was still in the early years. Without me, it wouldn’t have been half as successful.
  • They asked me to head the company from afar. This was due to my many merits as a manager in previous workplaces.

“Directed” works when referring to a team or project. You can “direct” people to do things, or you can “direct” projects to happen in a certain way. This is another great way to show that you have an eye for things that other people might not have.

The definition of “directed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to control or be in charge of an activity, organization, etc.”

  • I have directed many project teams in my time with them. I think it’s time to explore other avenues, though.
  • I directed a few of the projects myself. I’m proud of the work they did under my guidance, and I’d happily do it again.
  • I directed three teams while I worked for them. I think this experience has taught me all I need to know about management.

“Controlled” can work to replace “managed.” However, you should be careful with it as it might sound like you’re choosing to make people do things without the correct permissions in place to decide on this.

The definition of “controlled,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to order, limit, or rule something, or someone’s actions or behavior.”

  • I controlled the flow of operations at my former workplace. They put me in charge of this because they recognized my talents.
  • I controlled many of the different floorplans in the office. If it weren’t for me, it wouldn’t look like this at all.
  • I controlled many teams in my time there. I’m happy to bring across my leadership skills whenever you’re ready.

“Oversaw” means you took a step back from the usual management style. Instead, it implies that you watched over other people while they completed a task. You might offer input here or there, but it works best when you just watched them complete it.

The definition of “oversaw,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly.”

  • I oversaw the day-to-day operations of the business. I was happy to be given the opportunity to take on this responsibility.
  • The day-to-day operations were overseen by myself and one other. I’m looking to be a sole manager for once.
  • I oversaw a few of the projects around the office. I think I can be a valuable asset to your team with my knowledge.

“Supervised” is similar to overseeing. It means you were looking over the tasks to make sure nothing went wrong, but you might not have had much of a say on what to do (unless they went off track).

The definition of “supervised,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to watch a person or activity to make certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc.”

  • I have supervised many teams in my team. Sometimes, I wouldn’t be asked to do so, but I felt like it was my duty.
  • I have supervised a lot of my coworkers. They are always impressed with what I fed back to them.
  • I have supervised my managers in some cases. I think it helps me on a professional level, and I’m eager to show off what I can do.

“Governed” isn’t the most popular choice. You can use it, but it refers to controlling people in a specific way, and some people don’t like how it sounds. It’s still good as a management choice in some cases.

The definition of “governed,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to control and direct the public business of a country, city, group of people, etc.”

  • I governed the office for a few years in between bosses. It was my duty to oversee everything they did.
  • I governed a few of the projects you can see below. I think this has helped me to develop my own sense of management.
  • I governed a lot of these tasks because I was put in control of them. I’m well aware of what that allows me to do now.

“Organized” shows that you had a lot of control over a team or project. Usually, when you organize something, it means you plan for it to happen in a specific way. It’s a good way to show that you have strong leadership qualities.

The definition of “organized,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “planned and arranged for you to do, especially as part of a group.”

  • I organized a lot of the team projects in my time there. I am a team player, and I always know the best ways to tackle projects.
  • I organized a lot of this myself. I think it’s worth you looking into to find out some of the things I did.
  • There were many teams that I organized. Each one would tell you just how much of a success they were.

“Conducted” is a bit more specific. It usually refers to things that you can organize as an activity. For example, you might “conduct a meeting” or “conduct research.” Nevertheless, it’s still good to include in resumés.

The definition of “conducted,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to organize and perform a particular activity.”

  • I conducted a few meetings with the people I worked with. I think this has helped me develop my leadership skills.
  • I conducted a lot of the interviews in my former workplace. That’s why I know so much about the hiring process.
  • I conducted my own team. My boss put me in charge of it, and I learned a lot from experience back then.

“Handled” mainly refers to your control or management over other staff members. You tend to “handle a team” or “handle complaints” from others. Both of these show that you’re able to work well on a team and listen to those around you.

The definition of “handled,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of.”

  • I handled a few of my own team members. They would always come to me for help in these matters.
  • I handled a lot of complaints when I was put in charge. I know how to handle them with assurance now.
  • I handled a few of the teams while I was there. I think I learned a lot about what I need to do in this role.

You may also like: 12 Good Synonyms For “Passionate” On Your Resumé 11 Good Synonyms For “In Charge Of” On Your Resumé 10 Good Synonyms For “Proficient” On Your Resumé

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

  • 9 Good Synonyms for “Conducted” on a Resume
  • 10 Good Synonyms for “Handled” on a Resume
  • 10 Best Synonyms For “Team Player” On Your Resume
  • Work On/In/With A Team – Preposition Guide (With Examples)

500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs

If you’re looking for the perfect word to describe your work experience and skills on your resume, you’re sure to find it on our list of 500 synonyms for the most used power verbs.

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One of the best ways to energize your resume is to use power verbs . These are action words that convey doing , like “supervised,” “operated,” or “analyzed.”

These action words paint a more vivid picture of the accomplishments you have achieved. They also make your resume easier to read.  

The problem is that most job seekers use the same old tired verbs that hiring managers have seen again and again . 

For example, lots of resumes use verbs like “handled,” “worked with,” or “responsible for.” These verbs are vague and unclear, and they don’t really describe your accomplishments and what you’re truly capable of. 

Even if you use the right kind of power verbs, you might get stuck using the same word multiple times when it would be better to mix it up with similar verbs. 

It’s time to get more creative! 

In this article, we list 500 strong, exciting resume synonyms for commonly-used power verbs. By switching up the verbs you use on your resume, you’ll have a better chance of attracting the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. 

To help you find just the right word to use on your resume, we’ve divided our list of synonyms into the following categories: 

Synonyms for Assisted

Synonyms for managed, synonyms for developed, synonyms for created, synonyms for helped, synonyms for worked with, synonyms for led, synonyms for responsible for, synonyms for conducted, synonyms for oversaw, synonyms for prepared, synonyms for maintained, synonyms for worked on, synonyms for improved, synonyms for learned, synonyms for researched, synonyms for communicated, synonyms for collaborated, synonyms for volunteered, synonyms for provided, synonyms for ensured.

  • Synonyms for Experience

If you really want to create a resume that will give you the absolute best chance of landing a job interview, consider using Jobscan’s resume scanner .

This AI-powered software will scan your resume and compare it to the job description of the position you’re applying for. The scanner will then provide you with a “match rate” as well as instructions on how to improve your match rate. 

List of Synonyms for Resume Power Verbs

Using strong, compelling action words on your resume can make it more engaging to read as well as more informative. 

Here is a comprehensive list of 500 resume synonyms, organized by commonly-used power verbs.

Being good at assisting shows that you are organized, detail-oriented, and capable of working productively with others.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for assisted on your resume:

  • Collaborated
  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated

Examples of how to use synonyms for assisted on your resume:

“ Aided the development team with coding projects, increasing productivity by 20%.”
“ Stimulated new collaborations between marketing and sales departments through the implementation of innovative strategies.”
“ Expedited the onboarding process of new employees, reducing the waiting time from two days to one day.”

Want more synonyms for “Assisted”? See this list of additional “Assisted” synonyms we’ve compiled.

Showing that you have effectively managed teams or projects makes you an attractive job candidate in the eyes of potential employers.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for managed on your resume: 

  • Administered
  • Restructured
  • Spearheaded
  • Strengthened

Examples of how to use synonyms for managed on your resume:

“ Supervised team of 5 employees in the customer service department, ensuring all customer requests were fulfilled in a timely manner.”
“ Administered employee onboarding processes and provided onsite training for new hires.”
“ Spearheaded the launch of a new product line, resulting in an increase of 25% in revenue for the company.”

Want more synonyms for “Managed”? See this list of additional “Managed” synonyms we’ve compiled. For the present tense, see this list of “Manage” synonyms .

Development skills are valuable in any industry, as they allow employees to quickly develop strategies to help their company stay competitive.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for developed on your resume:

  • Accelerated
  • Demonstrated
  • Implemented
  • Trailblazed

Examples of how to use synonyms for developed on your resume:

“ Pioneered a comprehensive software solution that streamlined customer service operations, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.”
“ Generated several new marketing strategies to increase the customer base by 25%.”
“ Revamped existing customer service policies and procedures, leading to a 25% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.”

Having creative skills on your resume demonstrates that you are able to think outside the box, solve problems, and come up with innovative solutions.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for created on your resume:  

  • Illustrated
  • Revitalized

Examples of how to use synonyms for created on your resume:

“ Formulated innovative strategies to reduce operational costs by 25% without compromising the quality of service.”
“ Designed a customer loyalty program, resulting in an increase in repeat business.”
“ Conceived a marketing plan for a new product line, resulting in increased sales by 15%.”

Looking for more synonyms for “Created”? See this list of additional “created” synonyms we’ve compiled.

Having a track record of helping others can demonstrate that you are a team player with strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for helped on your resume:

  • Co-authored
  • Contributed

Examples of how to use synonyms for helped on your resume:

“ Supported the CEO in maintaining their busy calendar by organizing meetings, calls, and other commitments.”
“ Counseled team members on best practices for achieving desired results.”
“ Enhanced customer service operations by streamlining processes and reducing average response times from 3 days to 1 day.”

Being able to work with others shows that you can communicate effectively, focus on a common goal, and resolve conflicts in a productive manner.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for worked with on your resume:

  • Communicated
  • Participated

Examples of how to use synonyms for worked with on your resume:

“ Partnered with company leadership to streamline operations and reduce costs by 10%.”
“ Engaged in team-building activities to foster an environment of collaboration and productivity.”
“ Merged diverse teams of professionals to develop groundbreaking products and services for industry-leading employers.”

Leadership skills include being able to take charge, motivate, facilitate change, problem-solve, and guide others.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for led on your resume:

  • Recommended
  • Reorganized
  • Streamlined

Examples of how to use synonyms for led on your resume:

“ Hosted weekly team meetings to align goals, communicate progress and assign tasks.”
“ Mentored underprivileged students in basic algebra, reading, and writing for two years as a volunteer at the local community center.”
“ Empowered a team of five to develop and implement an efficient workflow system that improved employee morale by 10%.”

Showing that you are good at being responsible demonstrates that you have the capacity to take ownership of tasks, handle difficult situations, and be accountable for results.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for responsible for on your resume:

  • Accumulated
  • Administrated
  • Conceptualized
  • Standardized

Examples of how to use synonyms for responsible for on your resume:

“ Officiated numerous corporate events, including conferences and seminars, ensuring adherence to protocols and regulations.”
“ Conceptualized a new customer-service protocol to improve customer satisfaction and reduce complaints.”
“ Navigated complex financial systems to ensure accurate and timely payments for vendors.”

Conducting skills include being able to handle or arrange an event, project, process, or interview. 

Consider using one of the following synonyms for conducted on your resume:

  • Accomplished
  • Investigated

Examples of how to use synonyms for conducted on your resume:

“ Executed the development of new web applications to improve customer satisfaction and facilitate online purchases.”
“ Presided over corporate board meetings and delegated tasks to team members.”
“ Supervised a team of five customer service representatives in responding to customer inquiries, resolving complaints, and managing customer accounts.”

Showing that you have the ability to manage people and resources, define goals, and take action will make you a more valuable job candidate. 

Consider using one of the following synonyms for oversaw on your resume:

  • Orchestrated
  • Prioritized

Examples of how to use synonyms for oversaw on your resume:

“ Moderated the development of a new database system for tracking client information.”
“ Guided new employees through onboarding processes and provided ongoing training sessions.”
“ Directed daily operations of the retail store, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.”

It’s important to show potential employers that you have time management skills and can plan, organize, and manage a project from start to finish.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for prepared on your resume:

  • Distributed
  • Transferred

Examples of how to use synonyms for prepared on your resume:

“ Deployed new CRM system to streamline customer service processes, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.”
“ Rehearsed and presented sales pitches to potential clients, effectively demonstrating product features and benefits.”
“ Processed customer orders for a high-volume catalog, ensuring accuracy and timely delivery.”

Showing that you can keep up with tasks and duties that are assigned to you will make you an attractive job candidate in any field. 

Consider using one of the following synonyms for maintained on your resume:

  • Consolidated
  • Reconstructed
  • Rejuvenated

Examples of how to use synonyms for maintained on your resume:

“ Scheduled weekly meetings with sales teams to review performance metrics.”
“ Regulated production process to ensure efficient workflow and promote quality control.”
“ Sustained an effective workflow in a customer service role, completing more than 100 customer inquiries per day.”

Showing that you are good at working on things gives hiring managers an idea of what kind of employee you could be and how well you work in a team environment.

Consider using one of the following synonyms instead of worked on:

Examples of how to use synonyms for worked on when writing your resume:

“ Operated point-of-sale system to handle customer orders quickly.”
“ Converted client data from Excel spreadsheets into a web-based platform, significantly streamlining workflow and improving accuracy.”
“ Negotiated favorable contracts with vendors to secure cost savings for the company.”

Employers want to hire candidates who can identify areas for improvement and take action to implement change.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for improved on your resume:

  • Centralized
  • Rehabilitated
  • Transformed

Examples of how to use synonyms for improved on your resume:

“ Modernized an inefficient process for tracking customer requests, resulting in a more streamlined approach to customer service.”
“ Upgraded network infrastructure to improve the reliability and security of corporate data.”
“ Renovated a customer database system, implementing new software and improving existing processes for greater efficiency.”

Employers often seek candidates who are able to learn quickly and effectively, take on new challenges, and develop new skills .

Consider using one of the following synonyms for learned on your resume:  

  • Established
  • Interpreted
  • Systematized

Examples of how to use synonyms for learned on your resume:

“ Discovered new cost-saving strategies to reduce operational costs by 10% and improved efficiency through system optimization.”
“ Mastered software development tools to successfully design and implement web applications for various clients.”
“ Interpreted company policies and procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.”

Good research skills show that you are able to go beyond the surface of a problem and uncover more information about it.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for researched on your resume:

  • Scrutinized

Examples of how to use synonyms for researched on your resume:

“ Analyzed customer needs to identify areas of improvement in product design and service delivery.”
“ Studied human resource management principles, policies, and procedures while working as an intern with ABC Corporation.”
“ Identified client needs while managing a team of 10 employees.”

Employers rely on people who can communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, to ensure that their company runs smoothly.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for communicated on your resume:

  • Disseminated

Examples of how to use synonyms for communicated on your resume:

“ Disseminated research findings to university faculty and students through oral presentations, poster displays, and publication in academic journals.”
“ Interpreted customer needs and quickly developed creative solutions to resolve their issues.”
“ Proposed a customer loyalty program that reduced customer churn by 20%.”

Showing a history of successful collaborations allows employers to see that you can handle the responsibility of working as part of a team.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for collaborated on your resume:  

  • Corresponded
  • Represented
  • Volunteered

Examples of how to use synonyms for collaborated on your resume:

“ Contributed to the development of a new customer service strategy, increasing satisfaction by 10% over a 9-month period.”
“ Fostered an effective working relationship between departments to ensure efficiency in organizational projects.”
“ Helped with customer service duties such as taking orders, answering inquiries, and resolving complaints.”

Volunteering can provide evidence of your strong work ethic, problem-solving abilities, and team-building capacity.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for volunteered on your resume:

Examples of how to use synonyms for volunteered on your resume:

“ Enlisted as an intern in ABC Company to gain hands-on experience with the newest technologies in the industry.”
“ Signed up for a volunteer position at a local shelter, providing administrative support and assisting the organization with pet adoption events.”
“ Enrolled in an advanced accounting course to gain a deeper knowledge of financial reporting and analysis.”

Demonstrating your ability to provide to customers, employers, and other stakeholders will help demonstrate your value as an employee.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for provided on your resume:

  • Capitalized

Examples of how to use synonyms for provided on your resume:

“ Delivered weekly reports to management on the progress of projects and initiatives.”
“ Produced marketing materials for a new product launch, resulting in increased sales and improved customer satisfaction.”
“ Supplied customer service assistance to a wide range of clients, resolving issues quickly and efficiently.”

Showing that you can ensure things demonstrates your commitment to meeting expectations and delivering results.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for ensured on your resume:

Examples of how to use synonyms for ensured on your resume:

“ Enforced workplace safety regulations, making certain that all personnel operated machinery in accordance with company policy.”
“ Verified the accuracy of financial documents and accounts payable/receivable.”
“ Guaranteed customer satisfaction and successful resolution of all complaints in a timely manner as a customer service representative.”

Synonyms for Experienced

Experience in a resume refers to the range of skills, knowledge and abilities that you have acquired throughout their career.

Consider using one of the following synonyms for experienced on your resume:

  • Credentialed
  • Familiar with

Examples of how to use synonyms for experienced on your resume:

“ Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, with advanced knowledge of Excel and Word.”
“ Credentialed in EMDR therapy, with a track record of successful outcomes.”
“ Adept at leading teams and working collaboratively to achieve project goals.”

jobscan has helped over 1 million users build and optimize their resume

Frequently Asked Questions About Resume Power Verbs

What are resume power verbs.

Resume power verbs are words that describe an action , such as “achieved,” “spearheaded,” or “delivered.” 

These types of words pack a punch and help to demonstrate your experience, skills, and accomplishments in a way that is clear and concise.

Why should I use power words on my resume?

Using power words to describe your work experience is an excellent way to grab the attention of potential employers and stand out from other candidates. 

Power words not only convey a positive message about your capabilities and expertise, but they show how you successfully accomplished your goals.

What words should I avoid using on my resume?

You should avoid using “buzzwords” or overly technical jargon that might confuse recruiters. Always strive to make your resume clear and easily understood. 

Additionally, try not to use cliches such as “results-driven” or “team player,” as these are overused and unconvincing to potential employers. 

Instead, focus on providing specific, concrete examples of your skills and accomplishments that demonstrate the value you can bring to an organization. 

How do I know if I’ve used resume power verbs?

Once you have completed your resume, take a step back and review it as if you were an employer. 

Look for verbs that are strong and descriptive. These verbs should help your accomplishments stand out and be easily understood by the reader. 

If you find yourself using a lot of weak verbs or simply stating what you did without adding any emphasis, then it’s time to go back and add some different power verbs .

What are the top skills and keywords in your industry?

Power verbs are a great opportunity to incorporate the top skills and keywords for your industry into your resume. Many of these skills and keywords can be found in the job description of the position you are applying for.

Be sure to research what words are important in your field, and then use them appropriately throughout your resume. 

To fully optimize your resume try using Jobscan’s resume scanner . This tool uses AI technology to analyze your resume and compare it to the job description. After scanning you’ll receive a “match rate” and tips for improving your match rate.

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Management Resume Summary: 15 Examples to Help You Write Your Own

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Management Resume Summary: 15 Examples to Help You Write Your Own was originally published on The Muse , a great place to research companies and careers. Click here to search for great jobs and companies near you.

As the first section recruiters see, your resume summary should highlight your top accomplishments and skills, tailored to the specific position you’re applying for. This is especially important for management roles, where a standout management resume summary can help you get noticed in a competitive job market.

Let’s break down what a manager’s summary should include and give you templates and resume summary examples to help you create a standout one for various roles.

What is a resume summary?

A resume summary is a concise section at the top of your resume that offers a snapshot of your professional profile. Unlike a detailed resume experience section , a good summary for a resume provides a high-level overview of your most significant accomplishments , skills , and qualifications.

The goal is to capture the attention of hiring managers and recruiters by highlighting your key strengths and achievements in a few sentences or bullet points. It acts as a quick pitch to persuade employers to continue reading and consider you for the role.

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Resume summary for management: how is it different?

A manager resume summary is a focused version of a resume summary that highlights qualifications and experiences specific to management positions. It emphasizes your leadership skills , strategic thinking, and ability to deliver results in areas like project management, office management, operations, general management, or retail management.

How to write a management resume summary

Your resume summary should not only showcase your qualifications but also set the stage for the rest of your resume, demonstrating to potential employers why you are the ideal candidate for their management position.

Follow these tips when writing your management resume summary:

1. Keep it brief

A resume summary usually has three to five sentences or a few bullet points. It helps hiring managers quickly see if you’re a good fit for the job without having to dig through your whole resume.

2. Highlight your leadership skills

Emphasize your experience in leading teams, managing people, and overseeing projects or operations. This could include examples of how you motivated your team, resolved conflicts, or achieved team goals.

3. Emphasize strategic planning and execution

Highlight your ability to develop and execute strategies that contribute to organizational success. Mention specific strategic initiatives you’ve led or contributed to, and how they impacted the company’s bottom line.

4. Demonstrate operational management skills

Showcase your expertise in managing day-to-day operations, optimizing processes, and ensuring efficient workflow. This could involve experience with budgeting, resource allocation, or process improvements.

5. Include quantifiable achievements

Include quantifiable achievements that demonstrate your effectiveness as a manager. For instance, if you’re writing a project manager summary for your resume, you might mention increases in productivity, revenue growth, or successful project completions.

(Here’s how to quantify your resume bullets —even if you don’t work with numbers.)

6. Personalize industry-specific knowledge

Tailor your resume summary to reflect the industry you’re applying for. This can include specific industry-related skills, certifications, or knowledge of best practices. It should also include keywords and skills relevant to the job description, making it easier for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATSs) to identify your resume as a match.

Resume summary template

Here’s a general resume summary template you can use:

[Adjective] and [adjective] management professional with [number] years of experience in [industry]. Proven ability to [relevant skill] and [relevant skill] to achieve [specific result]. Adept at [specific management activity], with a strong focus on [key area of expertise]. Looking to leverage my expertise in [desired role] at [company name].

15 resume summary examples for management roles

Need more inspiration? Check out these 15 well-crafted management resume summary examples for different types of managers—one of them might be exactly what you’re looking for.

Example #1: Project manager resume summary

Detail-oriented and strategic project manager with 10 years of experience in IT and software development. Proven ability to lead cross-functional teams and manage multimillion-dollar projects to successful completion. Adept at risk management and resource allocation, with a strong focus on meeting project deadlines and budget requirements. Looking to leverage my expertise in agile methodologies at XYZ Tech.

Find project manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #2: Office manager resume summary

Organized and proactive office manager with over 7 years of experience in administrative support and office operations. Demonstrated success in streamlining office procedures, improving communication, and enhancing overall efficiency. Skilled in team management and office software, looking to bring my strong organizational skills to ABC Corp.

Find office manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #3: Operations manager resume summary

Results-driven operations manager with 12 years of experience in manufacturing and logistics. Expertise in optimizing production processes, reducing costs, and improving quality control. Proven track record of leading teams to exceed performance targets and implement continuous improvement initiatives. Seeking to apply my operational leadership skills at DEF Manufacturing.

Find operations manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #4: General manager resume summary

Visionary and dynamic general manager with 15 years of experience in retail and hospitality. Known for driving business growth and enhancing customer satisfaction through strategic planning and team development. Skilled in financial management and operational efficiency, eager to lead the expansion of GHI Retail.

Find general manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #: Retail manager resume summary

Customer-focused retail manager with 8 years of experience in high-end fashion retail. Proven ability to increase sales through exceptional customer service and staff training. Strong background in inventory management and merchandising. Looking to bring my retail expertise to JKL Fashion Store.

Find retail manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #6: Assistant project manager resume summary

Efficient and supportive assistant project manager with 5 years of experience in construction. Known for assisting in the successful completion of projects by managing schedules, coordinating teams, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations. Seeking to contribute to the ongoing success of MNO Construction.

Find assistant project manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #7: Marketing manager resume summary

Innovative and strategic marketing manager with 9 years of experience in digital marketing and brand management. Proven track record of developing and executing marketing campaigns that increase brand awareness and drive sales. Skilled in data analysis and customer segmentation, looking to bring my marketing expertise to PQR Marketing Agency.

Find marketing manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #8: Sales manager resume summary

Ambitious and results-oriented sales manager with 10 years of experience in B2B sales. Demonstrated success in driving revenue growth, developing sales strategies, and leading high-performing sales teams. Adept at relationship building and market analysis, seeking to leverage my sales expertise at STU Corporation.

Find sales manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #9: Human resources manager resume summary

Compassionate and strategic human resources manager with 12 years of experience in employee relations and talent acquisition. Proven ability to develop and implement HR policies that improve employee satisfaction and retention. Skilled in conflict resolution and performance management, eager to join the HR team at VWX Enterprises.

Find human resources manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #10: Financial manager resume summary

Detail-oriented and analytical financial manager with 10 years of experience in corporate finance and accounting. Expertise in budgeting, financial planning, and risk management. Proven ability to optimize financial performance and provide strategic insights. Looking to bring my financial expertise to YZ Finance Group.

Find financial manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #11: Product manager resume summary

Innovative and customer-centric product manager with 8 years of experience in product development and lifecycle management. Proven track record of launching successful products and driving market penetration. Skilled in market research and cross-functional collaboration, seeking to apply my product management skills at ABC Tech.

Find product manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #12: Hospitality manager resume summary

Guest-focused and organized hospitality manager with 10 years of experience in hotel management and customer service. Proven ability to enhance guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. Skilled in staff training and event planning, looking to bring my hospitality expertise to DEF Hotels.

Find hospitality manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #13: Logistics manager resume summary

Proactive and efficient logistics manager with 7 years of experience in supply chain management and distribution. Proven ability to optimize logistics operations, reduce costs, and improve delivery times. Skilled in inventory management and vendor relations, eager to join the logistics team at GHI Logistics.

Find logistics manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #14: IT manager resume summary

Tech-savvy and strategic IT manager with 9 years of experience in IT infrastructure and project management. Proven ability to lead IT teams, manage budgets, and implement technology solutions that drive business growth. Skilled in cybersecurity and network management, looking to bring my IT expertise to JKL Tech Solutions.

Find IT manager jobs here on The Muse

Example #15: Customer service manager resume summary

Empathetic and results-driven customer service manager with 8 years of experience in customer support and team leadership. Proven ability to improve customer satisfaction and reduce response times through effective training and process improvements. Skilled in CRM software and conflict resolution, seeking to join the customer service team at MNO Services.

Find customer service manager jobs here on The Muse

Key takeaways

Your resume summary is a critical component of your management resume, serving as your first impression to potential employers. Use the examples and template provided in this guide to craft a compelling resume summary that showcases your management expertise and sets you apart from the competition.

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

Resume synonyms for led.

Want another word for Led to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Led ".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

To effectively display your leadership skills in terms of managing a team or group of people, you should use the word 'Led' in writing your resume. It shows that you can organize and delegate tasks, motivate people, and set goals—which can make you an asset to any company. 'Led' is a concise way to talk about leadership without going into too much detail. But you shouldn't use the same action verbs in your resume. If a recruiter reads through several of your bullet points that all use the same word to start, they are likely to grow bored and determine that your skills are limited. Instead, you should use other words that describe the same actions and skills as led. Try using synonyms like piloted, planned, programmed, superintended, or steered. Using synonyms is a great way to make your writing more engaging and dynamic. It also helps break up the monotony of reading long paragraphs of text that are all about the same thing. I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Led on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Led :

  • Spearheaded
  • Coordinated
  • Orchestrated
  • Administered
  • Superintended

How to replace Led with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Led, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

• Led Miami office with Director and recruited and managed new team

After: Using a stronger synonym • Launched Miami office with lead Director and recruited and managed new team of 10 employees. Grew office revenue by 200% in first nine months (representing 20% of company revenue).

Replacing Led with Spearheaded ▾

• Led a team to develop new software

After: Spearheaded • Spearheaded a team of 8 developers to create innovative software, which boosted company efficiency by 25%.

The change from 'Led' to 'Spearheaded' provides insight into not only the leadership role but also the energetic pursuit of a project. Furthermore, by including specific metrics and project details, the accomplishment comes to life, making's professional impact more tangible.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Led with Coordinated ▾

• Led national conference initiatives

After: Coordinated • Coordinated logistics for major national conference attended by over 5,000 participants, leading to an increase in company exposure and networking opportunities.

By describing the size and scope of the managed event, it displays your ability to handle big projects. Coordinated implies excellent organizational and planning abilities.

Replacing Led with Orchestrated ▾

• Led operations for the entire department

After: Orchestrated • Orchestrated operations for a bustling department of 50 employees, which led to a 35% increase in productivity within a year.

Orchestrated brings an image of orchestration of many moving parts, suitable for operations. The explicit productivity improvement and department size provides a clear insight into the scope of the accomplishment.

Replacing Led with Managed ▾

• Led team of sales executives

After: Managed • Managed a team of 10 sales executives, thereby increasing annual sales by 30% through strategic planning and coordination.

'Managed' emphasize your ability to maximize individual and team productivity and performance effectively. Moreover, specific numbers signify the scale and direct result of the actions.

Replacing Led with Initiated ▾

• Led a new marketing campaign

After: Initiated • Initiated a fresh marketing campaign, increasing website traffic by 40% within three months.

Initiated implies innovative and forward-thinking abilities. It's essential to quantify results so potential employers understand the impact you could have at their company.

Replacing Led with Championed ▾

• Led company sustainability efforts

After: Championed • Championed company sustainability efforts, resulting in a 60% reduction in waste over two years.

'Championed' refers to advocacy and enthusiasm put into a project. Emphasizing the dramatic reduction in waste quantifies the impact of the effort.

Replacing Led with Administered ▾

• Led payroll department

After: Administered • Administered a payroll department serving over 200 employees, ensuring 100% accuracy and timeliness in payroll distribution.

'Administered' specifically refers to handling administrative work such as payroll. The detail of the department size and payroll accuracy provides a clear image of responsibilities.

Replacing Led with Supervised ▾

• Led manufacturing team

After: Supervised • Supervised a manufacturing team of 25, achieving a 15% increase in output without sacrificing quality.

By choosing 'Supervised' over 'Led', we're implying hands-on, direct oversight. Additionally, specific metrics and team size help potential employers grasp your leadership capacity and achievable results.

Replacing Led with Guided ▾

• Led sales team to meet targets

After: Guided • Guided a sales team of 15, surpassing quarterly targets by 18% through thorough training and motivational tactics.

'Guided' speaks to the leader's mentorship qualities. Stating the sales quota and the exceeded targets provides clear evidence of success.

Replacing Led with Controlled ▾

• Led budgeting procedures

After: Controlled • Controlled budgeting procedures for six departmental projects, reducing overall budget by 10% without sacrificing quality.

'Controlled' is a strong, assertive verb indicating expertise and dominance in one's field. The thorough details show strong financial understanding and efficiency.

Replacing Led with Drove ▾

• Led strategic partnerships

After: Drove • Drove success in establishing strategic partnerships, securing five contracts with Fortune 500 companies in the first quarter.

Used the verb 'Drove' to show determination and focus on results. Indicating the level of partnerships offers insight into the quality of partnerships pursued and achieved.

Replacing Led with Chaired ▾

• Led monthly team meetings

After: Chaired • Chaired monthly team meetings with a team of 30, helping streamline communication channels and increase team efficiency by 20%.

Chaired is a strong term showing leadership in meetings. It's important to illustrate the direct results of these meetings to show your proactive effort.

Replacing Led with Stewarded ▾

• Led fundraising campaign

After: Stewarded • Stewarded a 12-month fundraising campaign which attracted $200K+ in donations, exceeding prior years' donations by 50%.

'Stewarded' indicates cautious, careful handling of a project. Providing exact numbers gives hiring managers a clear picture of what can be expected from your efforts.

Replacing Led with Headed ▾

• Led a new product development initiative

After: Headed • Headed a new product development initiative, cultivating a product that contributed 25% to annual revenue.

Replacing 'led' with 'headed' places a strong emphasis on leadership and authority. Describing the initiative's significant accomplishment demonstrate your capability to drive impactful results.

Replacing Led with Boosted ▾

• Led a team to improve customer support

After: Boosted • Boosted customer satisfaction ratings by 30% within six months by leading a customer support team in implementing strategies for improved service.

'Boosted' indicates not just leadership, but accomplishment and impact, while including metrics shows the tangible result of this improvement to service.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Led.

resume another word for managed

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use developed on a resume:.

• Developed turnaround strategy for leading telecoms provider with annual losses of $50MM; resulted in 10% increase in revenue, or $5MM profit in first year.

How to use Founded on a resume:

• Founded ReferRoom to organize social events for 500 young professionals, and grew it to $20k/year revenue and $8k/year profit..

How to use Earned on a resume:

• Earned expedited promotion to Senior Analyst after one year as Analyst (earned by less than 1% of cohort).

How to use Performed on a resume:

• Performed a gap analysis by conducting a current state assessment to understand the inefficiencies associated with the existing manual business process.

How to use Designed on a resume:

• Designed and implemented an automated system for processing employee timesheets, eliminating the need for manual handwritten timesheets and resulted in a 10/hr per week time saving.

How to use Led on a resume:

• Led consolidation of 8 data systems into 1; resulted in over $55k in annual savings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for led on a resume.

You should vary up your language on your resume, instead of using Led over and over again. Good synonyms to use instead include:

What can I say instead of Led on a resume?

Here are some synonyms for commonly repeated words, like Led, I see on resumes:

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

If you haven't yet, you should probably use the free tool below that's designed to help you update your existing resume. You'll also find out if your resume can be read by resume screeners, as well as if it passes key criteria recruiters look for. Just upload your resume below to start.

Related resume examples

Clinical research.

A well-structured resume for a Clinical Trial Manager showcasing relevant qualifications and technological proficiency.

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A director of research resume sample that highlights the applicant’s career progression and experience.

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A resume for a Laboratory Research Assistant highlighting specific lab and computational skills.

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    To fix it, try replacing 'managed' with these synonyms: led, spearheaded, or executed. This will make your resume stand out from the crowd, especially if the job you're applying for requires an assertive leader who can take charge and get things done. Using synonyms in your resume can help you avoid repetition and adds variety to your writing ...

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    Supervised. Oversaw, directed, or managed tasks, processes, or a team. Directed. Managed or supervised activities, tasks, or a group of individuals. Oversaw. Coordinated various elements to achieve harmonious or desired results. Coordinated. Arranged or combined components in a harmonious and effective manner.

  4. The Best Synonyms for "Managed" to Use on Your Resume

    Upload your resume to see what's missing and get a free match rate. Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan. Resume Synonyms for Managed: Arranged, Developed, Governed, Planned, Unified, Resolved, Navigated, Programmed, Established, Streamlined, Facilitated...

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    Check out these 15 well-crafted management resume summary examples for different types of managers—one of them might be exactly what you're looking for. Example #1: Project manager resume summary. Detail-oriented and strategic project manager with 10 years of experience in IT and software development. Proven ability to lead cross-functional ...

  23. Managing Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    For example, use 'managed' instead of 'managing' unless it's an ongoing role. You can use synonyms (i.e., words with similar meanings) to rectify this problem, but it's essential to ensure that the synonym is still appropriate for the job you're applying for. Words to use on resume instead of 'managing' includes 'streamlined,' 'controlled,' or ...

  24. Port of Ningbo Zhoushan resumes operations after container explosion

    Ningbo Beilun's Phase III terminal has resumed loading and unloading operations following a 60-hour closure after a dangerous goods container exploded on the YM Mobility vessel at the port.. The box contained organic peroxide materials and r ecent hot weather in the city has been considered as a potential cause for the fire.. The explosion did not result in any casualties with all crew ...

  25. Domino Sugar names Tiffany Mathador to lead Baltimore refinery

    See Correction/Clarification at the end of this article. The new arrival managed Domino's plant in Yonkers, New York, before taking the Baltimore role. Domino Sugar has chosen Tiffany Mathador to ...

  26. Led Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Instead, you should use other words that describe the same actions and skills as led. Try using synonyms like piloted, planned, programmed, superintended, or steered. Using synonyms is a great way to make your writing more engaging and dynamic. It also helps break up the monotony of reading long paragraphs of text that are all about the same ...