Upcoming Project Competitions in College Fests, Events in August 2024.

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12 Sep 2024 View More
Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences Engineering

List of Events:
1. Idea Presentation: Present innovative ideas and s.
2. Just A Minute (JAM): Showcase your impromptu speaking skills.
3. Paint: Display your artistic talents.
4. Adzap: Create and present engaging advertisements.
5. Code Debugging: Test your coding and problem-solving skills.
6. Quiz: Participate in a challenging quiz competition.
7. Web Designing: Demonstrate your web design capabilities.

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2022 AIChE Mid-Atlantic Region Student Conference

  • Events & Schedule

Presentation Competition

Regional Student Technical Presentation Competition (STPC):  The subject of each paper is left entirely to the individual student. Presentations often focus on recent advances in some branch of chemical engineering, original research, or plant design. Participation in the Regional Student Paper Competition offers valuable, real-world experience for students. AIChE's Student Chapters Committee supports the competition with prize money, though the regional awards may be augmented from other sources at the discretion of each regional host school.  Learn more:   https://www.aiche.org/community/awards/student-technical-presentation-competition

IMPORTANT :  Due to a low number of applicants, we are currently accepting everyone who applies.

When you buy the General Admission ticket , Eventbrite will ask you whether you want to participate in the poster and paper competitions. And if the answer is "yes", it will give you Google form links for uploading your files.  The files do not have to be uploaded at the time of the registration, but we should receive them by the specified deadlines for the respective competitions.

A nomination is not required.

Since STPC is an individual competition, multiple students cannot present an oral presentation together.  

Although not strictly enforced, It is strongly recommended that you adhere to a 1,500 abstract word limit and 150 character title limit.

Students will be judged on the following Categories: Nonverbal skills (Eye contact, Body language, Poise), Verbal skills (Enthusiasm, Elocution), Logistics (Visuals/Slides/Movies, Timing, Mechanics), Technical Content (Subject knowledge, Student Contribution) and Student Contribution (Student's Personal Contribution to the Presented Work).

Competition Rules & Instructions

Regional Student Technical Presentation Competition (STPC) Instructions:

The subject of each technical presentation is left entirely to the individual student. Presentations often focus on recent advances in some branch of chemical engineering, original research, or plant design. Participation in the Regional Student Technical Presentation Competition (STPC) offers valuable, real-world experience for students.

General Rules:

1. Each entry must be an undergraduate student and a member of one of the participating student chapters. Others may present, but cannot be considered for the top prize.

2. AIChE places no limit on the number of technical presentations submitted for presentation by a participating student chapter. However, any restrictions on the number of technical presentations placed by the host school due to time constraints, space restrictions, or any other factors must be clearly stated on the Call for Abstracts and must be fair and equitable.

3. Co-authorship of technical presentations is permitted. However, only one person shall make the presentation at the Regional STPC, and this person must have been substantially involved in the project or subject of the technical presentation.

4. A panel of three chemical engineers (faculty, industry representative, or AIChE local section member) will judge STPC presentations. The decision of these judges will be final.

5. Time limits are generally 15 minutes for presentation and 3-5 minutes for Q&A.

6. First Place receives a cash award of $200 from AIChE and will be invited to present at the Annual Student Conference STPC.

7. Second Place receives a cash award of $100 from AIChE.

8. Third Place receives a cash award of $50 from AIChE.

9. Only one Student Technical Presentation from each AIChE Regional Student Conference shall be presented at the Annual Student Conference STPC. In the case of a tie for first prize at a Regional Conference, or if two first prizes are awarded, the Region must make a selection and nominate only one Student Technical Presentation for presentation during the Annual Student Conference STPC.

Presentation Tips

Here are some tips for making good slides (these are personal experience and do not reflect the views or AICHE or the rules/rubrics of the competition):

  • Start with something attention grabbing --> Make it clear to the audience why they should care about your particular topic, and why your contribution is novel to the field. In other words, explain the importance of an unsolved problem and explain how your work fits into solving it.  Captivate your audience from the start!
  • Present at a rate of about 1 slide per minute
  • Make sure to have large visible fonts (including labeling graph legends and axes)
  • Don't have a lot of clutter on the slides, but don't leave a lot of white space either
  • Use key phrases instead of full sentences (nobody will have time to read them). And even these phrases are more like reminders for you what to say (as opposed to for the audience to read).  You can always speak the words yourself.  Humans can process pretty visuals a lot easier than a lot of dense boring text going by fast in front of their eyes
  • Don't present many slides in one slide (there should be one take-away message or result per slide)
  • Don't go crazy with animations (a lot of blinking is distracting)
  • Only put something on the slide that you are comfortable being asked about.  For example, if you state that a material is an anisotropic conductive film, someone might ask you what anisotropic conductivity is or how you make something anisotropically conductive.  If you don't want to be asked about it, don't put it on the slide
  • Follow a structure:  intro/background, methods, results/discussion, conclusion/acknowledgements
  • Practice in front of many different people and always time yourself.  It is very frustrating for everyone (including the judges) if you finish way too early, or keep ignoring the overtime warnings

Undergraduate Research Projects Showcase (formerly Project Presentation Day)

Students at Project Presentation Day


Wpi’s annual undergraduate research projects showcase (formerly project presentation day) celebrates every senior student’s thesis. classes are cancelled during the showcase so the entire community can appreciate the breadth and depth of undergraduate research activities—and their potential to change the world.  project sponsors, whether private corporations or public institutions, attend the event to celebrate the remarkable outcomes of students’ major-specific research, design, and creative projects. the public is also welcome to join and learn more about the projects, which mirror the kinds of professional work students will tackle in their careers., a capstone in the university’s distinctive wpi undergraduate curriculum, the wpi senior thesis—the major qualifying project (mqp)—is one of three significant projects required to graduate, and the culmination of a project-based educational experience that prepares students for success both in their first destination after wpi and their career moves across their lives ., the 2024 undergraduate research projects showcase is being held on friday, april 19. the schedule is posted below..

UG Research Projects Showcase Event

2024 Schedule by Department

Department Name Schedule

project presentation competition 2022

The Ultimate STEM Competition.

project presentation competition 2022

Get to Know Future City.

Future City starts with a question – how can we make the world a better place?

To answer it, middle school students imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future that showcase their solution to a citywide sustainability issue.

Find a competition near you. 

project presentation competition 2022

This year’s theme

Warwick Middle School

“Above the Current”

Design a floating city and provide two innovative examples of how your floating city works and keeps its citizens healthy and safe.

Cost to Students.

Participation from girls., title i schools., suitable for all program environments., entire program can be done for less than $100., applies math and science concepts to real-world., access to stem tools, activities and rubrics., proiect-based and hands-on., students explore career options., why future city.

This program allows students to do what engineers do.

Students design a futuristic city with innovative solutions to some of today’s most pressing issues.

How It All Works

project presentation competition 2022

Who Participates

Students, Educators, and  Mentors. More than 45,000 students annually in the US, Canada, China, Egypt, and Nigeria.

project presentation competition 2022

How to Register

Registration is easy. Start here .

project presentation competition 2022

Important Dates

The entire competition can be done over 4 months. See the full schedule here .

project presentation competition 2022

Hear What Participants Have to Say.

project presentation competition 2022

Future City is a program that is essential for building interest in our students for STEM and for future engineering careers.

project presentation competition 2022

This was our first year, and all of the students that participated are planning to return next year.

project presentation competition 2022

I think future city is an easy way to have students have fun and learn about engineering.

We’re Proud of Our Sponsors

project presentation competition 2022

Thank you to EA for providing SimCity software to Future City for more than 30 years.

Top Student Designers Envision the ‘NEXT’ Hybrid Office

9th annual steelcase next student design competition highlights the visions of next-generation designers..

project presentation competition 2022

While designing for an independent, underground fashion line out of a Los Angeles art gallery that doubled as his home, Elliott Beach couldn’t have imagined a new artistic outlet would change the trajectory of his career a short while later.

“In fashion, I was designing in a vacuum,” an emotional Beach said as he reflected on his career evolution. “I was an independent designer making clothes out of my apartment. Now, I’m designing with other people in a studio. I’ve been able to grow so much more as a designer.”

project presentation competition 2022

Beach now stands as the winner of the 9th annual Steelcase NEXT Student Design competition. But, his first place finish wasn’t a slam dunk.

Thanks to one of the most talented crop of finalists to date, judges had the intense task of whittling a winner from the final five. Beach, competing on behalf of Maryville University in St. Louis, was joined in the top tier by Juliana Schwartz from Kansas State University, Molly Taylor from Mississippi State University, and Nevi Keser Gruskin and Morgan James, both from California State-Long Beach. Judges and organizers all agreed, the winning margin was razor thin.

project presentation competition 2022

“The caliber of the top five, the diversity of their submissions, the radically different concepts, the level of execution … It was the best we’ve ever seen as a group of five submissions that were all equally weighted after the first round. And it carried through to the formal presentations,” said Jerry Holmes, Steelcase Design Alliances principal and competition co-leader. “It was so challenging to get the judges to make a final decision.”

Contest co-leader and Steelcase Design Alliances Principal Denise Calehuff was impressed with the way the students were able to manage their projects while taking part in remote education. “This group of designers is just so talented, no matter what kind of learning style is coming at them, they’re going to adapt,” Calehuff said.

The Competition

Nearly 1,000 student designers from 76 interior design programs across the U.S. and Canada were charged with visualizing a new satellite office for a fictional, socially-conscious, minority-owned cosmetics start-up called ‘NEXT.’ Students were asked to conceptualize a plan that would meet the physical and technological demands of a post-pandemic hybrid workplace but also integrate the company’s core values and draw inspiration from the company’s diverse and multicultural New York City neighborhood. The made-up beauty company was founded by a woman who emigrated with her family from Korea as a child, driven to create a more sustainable and culturally-inclusive line of beauty products. The new 15,000-square foot space was to be situated on two floors where employee health and safety, and work mode flexibility were also top priorities.

The Judging

project presentation competition 2022

The competition is decided by a panel of seven esteemed judges from top design firms all across the country. The group spent months deliberating hundreds of designs, culminating in the top five visiting and presenting at the Steelcase Grand Rapids, Michigan campus.

After hearing the presentations, the judges had the unenviable job of choosing a winner. Sequestered away in a lounge area on campus, judges agonized over the selection.

“It’s a five-way tie,” said Bouchey. “This is one of the hardest decisions we had to make, which is a testament to all of the contestants.” They debated for an entire afternoon, before finally arriving at their decision.

project presentation competition 2022

“This shows that the future of design is in great hands,” said competition co-leader Jerry Holmes. “We want to help facilitate that.”

“On behalf of this group, Steelcase gave us this gift of asking us to participate, and it truly is a gift to have come to know you (the contestants) and it’s a gift that you all are truly deserving of,” said Bill Bouchey, HOK design principal.

project presentation competition 2022

Following the announcement of the winner, each student received personalized one-on-one feedback with each of the judges to help them understand what worked and what could be improved upon. The contest is meant to mirror the rigor of a real client presentation, and the judges agreed that performing well in the contest sets students up to be successful in the real world of interior design.

WINNER: Elliott Beach, Maryville University

project presentation competition 2022

Beach’s design emulated not only the uniqueness and vibrancy of New York City, but the NEXT Company as well. Beach framed his project with an emotive and colorful mood board based on New York City’s Fashion Week to demonstrate his palette and texture choices. That set the table for the ‘pride of place’ reflected throughout the design. Beach said the emphasis on natural ingredients within the cosmetic product informed his decision on using organic curves and shapes in the layout. He also focused on building a space that capitalized on the unique uses of the furniture.

“He excelled in two voices, he put himself in the client’s shoes by speaking with empathy” said Holly Christian, design principal at Little Diversified Architectural Consulting. “But he also spoke as an expert to solve problems.”

The judges were impressed not only with Beach’s design but also his smooth presentation and ability to take the judges on a journey through the space via his storytelling. “I did have a very simple, pragmatic concept but it was a direct response to what the client wanted,” Beach said

project presentation competition 2022

Elliott Beach’s Design

Organic forms make up the upper floor where people can socialize, bask in the ample natural light and take in sweeping views of the New York City skyline.

Beach designed the monumental stair as a nod to the ‘great steps’ of old European cities.

The open workspace is bathed in sunlight and encourages workers to gather in the balanced “me + we” spaces.

The most beautiful and awe-inspiring space was reserved for the company’s work cafe to inspire dynamic connections.

This team zone is designed for maximum flexibility, collaboration and productivity.

Molly Taylor, Mississippi State University

project presentation competition 2022

Molly Taylor’s design made no bones about bringing the city into the space, mingling a diverse array of materials, street art, lighting and wall applications to recreate NYC’s eclectic and electric vibe. The design heavily features unique and vibrant street art along with elements of urban life such as crosswalks and ‘traffic areas’ designated by darker floor applications meant to mimic asphalt. Taylor’s design was influenced by the melting pot of cultures in New York, and the physical arrangement of space was informed by the efficiency of the city’s street grid.

“Everyone appreciates beauty in a different way, and I wanted to translate that to the company and the brand as well,” Taylor said.

“We loved the attention she paid to the visitor journey, and the huge amount of background and reasoning behind all the elements of the design,” said Sandi Rudy, senior interior designer for Cushing Terrell. “She really directly addressed the idea of wellbeing throughout the space.”

project presentation competition 2022

Molly Taylor’s Design

This reception area design offers an ADA compliant desk as well as three individual pieces of street art: a wayfinding mural, a reception desk mural and brand-reinforcing stairway art.

This open office space includes a variety of floor coverings to reduce footfall noise and increase acoustic quality, and also features a custom mural to reinforce office inclusivity. Taylor said she wants the space to feel like it represents everyone who works at NEXT.

Taylor situated her design’s work cafe next to the outdoor terrace to give people a choice of a variety of seating options to encourage people to eat lunch together inside or out.

This product display space includes plenty of sinks and mirrors to allow clients to test products, and is situated near the reception/staircase area for ease of access when influencers and guests visit.

This meeting space is equipped with the Steelcase Roam mobile stand and Microsoft Surface Hub 2S to allow for maximum flexibility.

Morgan James, California State University-Long Beach

project presentation competition 2022

Morgan James’ NEXT design was as cerebral as it gets – literally. James centered her design on human biological makeup, for instance, linking NEXT’s brand identity to a fingerprint icon, and designing spaces based on the natural functions of alpha and theta brain waves. Those themes, along with a DNA helix, carried throughout the physical design. As a result, James was able to devise what the judges called a “superb” arrangement of space across the two floors.

“The storytelling was done masterfully and that is such an important part of what we do as professionals. We need to narrate the emotional experience of how the user would interact with the space,” said Mary Cheval, design principal at Ware Malcomb. “The expression of the user experience was absolutely brilliant, particularly as she introduced the concept of a customizable app. She had all of us wanting to download the app right now so we could experience it for ourselves!”

For James, the entire NEXT experience with Steelcase was life changing. “This project easily became my life. It became my passion project and it just brought so much meaning into my life and opened doors I never thought were possible. I thought no one would like it, and I was wrong. It means so much – I feel like I’m just redeemed,” James said.

project presentation competition 2022

Morgan James’ Design

This monumental staircase features elements of social togetherness and the Massaud Lounge by Coalesse offers a place to relax.

James’ use of biological features is evident in this office hallway, with the fingerprint icon in the door and the brain wave design as a ceiling application

James said the ceiling design of the work cafe was an “experiment.” It was one of the last features she added to her project, and her favorite element.

The 8th floor retail store is a place for clients and visitors to relax and try on the NEXT product.

The wild card space in James’ design was an “Expression Experience” where a customer uses an app to allow them to see what they would look like in different cosmetics. This was among the judges’ favorite features.

Nevi Keser Gruskin-California State-Long Beach

project presentation competition 2022

“Weaving Stronger Paths,” was the motto of Nevi Keser Gruskin’s work and the theme was evident throughout. Gruskin took the idea of social interaction braided with racial inclusivity to literal lengths by weaving strands of different materials together to form walls, ceiling applications and other design elements.

“The three big elements that dictated this project were location, Steelcase furniture and the company brand. I didn’t want to just focus on one. I wanted to play on the diversity aspect, the sustainability aspect and I wanted to come up with a clever way to tightly interweave all of them,” Gruskin said.

The judges were attracted to that theme. “There was a sense of belonging and connectedness with all of your staff and to your company mission,” said Erika Moody, design principal at Helix Architecture + Design. “The design really informed the culture. It would drive the culture.”

project presentation competition 2022

Nevi Keser Gruskin’s Design

The “Weaving Strong Paths” idea is evident in Gruskin’s reception/monumental staircase conception.

The interaction lounge is a casual social space where people from different departments cross paths, share information and collaborate.

The work lounge is inspired by nature with plenty of plant life and natural light.

Lagunitas Focus Nooks by Coalesse give people a place for heads down work in these unassigned open spaces.

Gruskin designed the work cafe with a tightly woven net to symbolize the close relationships between employees and their coworkers.

Juliana Schwartz, Kansas State University

project presentation competition 2022

Juliana Schwartz began her project by understanding what made New York City, home of the fictional NEXT company, possible. In short, the bedrock upon which all of its high-rises are built. That research informed Schwartz’ unique design elements, as she incorporated bedrock form, shape and appearance throughout the space.

“It was obvious once I learned that the bedrock below New York City is what allows it to exist. It easily transferred into NEXT as a physical space and perfectly helped support people from a spectrum of neurological abilities,” Schwartz said.

Judges also remarked on her stark and contrasting color themes. “It was really nice to see how the color theory worked with the broader design of the project,” said Steve South, design director of Spectorgroup. “She really thought about the future of work. The way the spaces work together was thoughtful and needful, and felt fresh and new.”

Steelcase Architecture and Design Manager Eydie Voss also loved the design. “She nailed it. It was the right balance of a lot of things. It’s obvious she spent a lot of time figuring that balance out.”

project presentation competition 2022

Juliana Schwartz’s Design

Incorporating the Turnstone Campfire Collection, the monumental stair creates space suitable for discovery, focus and collaboration.

The NEXT reception area in Schwartz’s design features a desk that is a single monolithic form that supports the bedrock theme.

The large meeting room off the monumental staircase includes a grid partition that can allow the space to be open or enclosed.

The open sales office uses the Steelcase Flex Collection to create a space with team boundaries and personal height-adjustable desks.

The work cafe features a ‘resource bar’ and integrated IT help station.

To see all of the work and fine detail that went into the students’ designs, check out the NEXT competition page .

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Artificial Intelligence

Search form, you are here, semester project competition, for spring 2022, this event is canceled., please participate and encourage students in the college of engineering research showcase on april 14th, general information:.

The CSE department will host Semester Project Competition(s) as a showcase of what students can accomplish in their courses during the semester. These events are primarily aimed at MS students, however, PhD students who are not presenting their dissertation-level research, or advanced undergraduates are also encouraged to apply for presentation. Additionally, these presentations were organized as AI/Data-oriented competitions in previous semesters, so students with projects in those domains are encouraged to submit their projects and will also be considered. Depending on the quality of submissions, a limited number of industry representatives may be invited to observe the kind of work occurring in courses at in CSE or data-driven programs at UNT.

Past 2021 Events:

  • Artificial Intelligence Competition  - (Spring 2021 Projects), (College of Engineering - Fall 2021)
  • Data & Information Science Competition  - (Spring 2021 Projects), (College of Information - Fall 2021)

For the student presenters, the goal is to present what they have accomplished in class with little or no additional preparation  - we have these each semester after all. The initial submission of the project can be done quickly, consisting of a short title, names of people involved, and a short description. Selected groups will be given time to refine their submission, and view what other selected groups have entered.

The presentations are only 5 minutes each and generally consist of materials already prepared as part of class project presentations to demonstrate what has been accomplished by the team. At most 8 teams will be selected to present. At the conclusion of each event, those in attendance will vote on the winner, which will be recorded and featured on the Semester Project Presentations event page (this page, or a future page on the CSE website).

Timeline:  Spring 2022

  • Monday, April 4, 2022: Competition application opens [ APPLY HERE ]
  • Friday, April 8, 2022: Deadline to submit the class project description
  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022: Competing teams will be notified. All submissions will be notified of their status by this day.
  • Thursday, April 14, 2022: Deadline for the selected teams to update their information before advertising the event.
  • Tue-Thu, April 19-21, 2022: The events will be hosted. First on Tu, April 19, 3-5pm, and additional competitions as needed depending on number and quality of submissions.

Past events:

  • Artificial Intelligence Project Presentations : Winner:  Resume Recommendation System by   Avinash Kokate, Soumya Bhandari, Amanullah Shareef, Shivam Mishra, Ravi Teja Bonam*
  • Data & Information Science Project Presentations : Winner:  Multi Language Chatbot  by  Jerline Jeyaraj, Truc Nyugen, Surendra Prajapati*
  • Artificial Intelligence Project Presentations : Winner:  Interactive emotion recognition with AWS Sumerian avatar to play a song and uplift mood  by Naga Sumanth Vankadari*, Son Chau, Miguel Quintana, Jongwook Yoon
  • 5 years of Computer Science end-of-semester presentation competition events  similarly organized by Dr. Albert (at Loyola, all but one semester from 2014-2019)

Bustler's Top 10 Architecture & Design Competitions of 2022

By bustler editors |.

project presentation competition 2022

project presentation competition 2022

project presentation competition 2022

project presentation competition 2022

project presentation competition 2022

project presentation competition 2022

project presentation competition 2022

project presentation competition 2022

Would you like to promote an architectural competition that is not yet listed on Bustler? Click here to submit it directly.

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project presentation competition 2022

  • BPA Footprint
  • BPA History
  • Brand Guidelines
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  • Governing Documents
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  • Classroom Educators Advisory Council
  • Executive Council
  • State Association Advisory Council
  • Divisions and Costs
  • Partner Contests
  • Run For National Office
  • Scholarships and Awards
  • Student Certifications
  • Virtual Competitions and NLC National Showcase
  • Torch Awards
  • Advisor Certifications
  • Start a Chapter
  • Fall, Regional, and State Leadership Conferences
  • Growth and Development Summit (GDS)
  • National Leadership Conference
  • Student Leadership Summit
  • Alumni Membership
  • Our National Sponsors

Competitive Event Listing

Our wsap event directory, what can you compete in at bpa, with over 90 categories to choose from, there’s sure to be a competitive event to your interests..

The goal of the Workplace Skills Assessment Program is to provide all students with the opportunity to demonstrate workplace skills learned through business education curricula. Students prepare for and compete in contests under six Assessment Areas including: Finance, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, Digital Communication & Design, Management, Marketing & Communication, and Health Administration.

Business Administration

Management information systems, digital communication and design, management, marketing and communication.

View the competitive events

Health Administration

Middle level, virtual events, finance (100's).

S = Secondary, PS = Post-secondary


Assessment of entry-level accounting principles utilizing manual procedures. Contestants analyze, journalize, post transactions and prepare financial reports/statements.


Assessment of entry-level basic accounting principles utilizing manual procedures.  Contestants analyze, journalize, and update accounts in order to prepare financial reports/statements.


Assessment of intermediate and advanced accounting principles utilizing manual procedure. Contestants analyze, journalize, and update accounts in order to prepare financial reports/statements for partnerships and corporations.


Interpret and analyze sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporate financial accounting data using manual methods.

S | PS

Process payroll data using manual payroll procedures.  Contestants calculate earnings, complete payroll registers, update employee records, journalize payroll entries, and prepare payroll income tax forms.


Focus on strategic decision-making related to cost analysis and cost management.

S | PS

Demonstrate and apply fundamental knowledge of the banking industry.  This entry-level event tests the contestant’s knowledge of bank operations, bank services, loans, credit administration, and customer service.

S | PS

Use analytical and problem solving skills to make decisions and recommendations using financial reports, both internal and external.  The team analyzes and interprets reports from a business case study.  At state and national level, teams will be presented with an additional element to the scenario that requires revision of their final presentation.


One economic research topic is selected by the National Center and provided at the beginning of the school year.  The contestant will conduct research on the topic and present findings in a research paper, an oral presentation, and respond to questions from a panel of judges.


One economic research topic is selected by the National Center and provided at the beginning of the school year.  The team will conduct research on the topic and present findings in a research paper, an oral presentation, and respond to questions from a panel of judges

S | PS

In this contest contestants will answer objective questions dealing with concepts and perform calculations related to the financial topics of credit, saving, investing, personal income tax, risk management and insurance, and retirement planning.  Contestants will analyze financial scenarios to predict outcomes, advise use of financial instruments and determine the proper financial planning.

S | PS

This competition assesses knowledge of math concepts.  Contestants solve practical math problems related to work and consumer issues.

Business Administration (200's)

S | PS

Evaluate entry-level skills in keyboarding and document production.

S | PS

Evaluate intermediate skills in word processing and document production.

S | PS

Evaluate advanced-level skills in word processing and document production.

S | PS

Evaluate advanced-level skills in information technologies and the integration of software applications.

S | PS

Evaluate fundamental skills in office procedures, records and file management, and document production.

S | PS

Evaluate advanced skills in office procedures, records and file management, and document production.

S | PS

Create and design spreadsheet applications that include variables, reports, and formats. Contestants enter and format data, enter and copy formulas, and print full documents or cell contents.

S | PS

Develop effective solutions to business problems using many of the advanced features within the Microsoft® Excel skill standards.

S | PS

Demonstrate database development skills to include: object creation, data analysis, formula creation, and reporting features used in a variety of database scenarios.

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge of legal terminology and skills needed to prepare legal documents and function effectively in a law office.

S | PS

The team will function as an office staff to produce a variety of business documents.


One administrative support topic is selected by the National Center and provided at the beginning of the school year. Contestants will conduct research on the topic and present findings in a research paper, an oral presentation, and respond to questions from a panel of judges.

S | PS

This contest will test the student’s knowledge and skills in the areas of ethics, law, business law, and personal law.

S | PS

Management Information Systems (300's)

S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge in fundamental networking concepts including network architecture, standards, topologies, protocols, and security.

S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge of device configuration, maintenance, and management as a computer technician.

S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental network management and maintenance tasks in a Windows® network.

S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental network management tasks in a CISCO® environment.

S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental security management tasks in Windows® and Linux® networking environments.

S | PS

Analyze existing and planned business environments and develop a strategy for the implementation of a network infrastructure that addresses the business needs of the scenario provided. At state and national level, teams will be presented with an additional element to the scenario that requires revision of their final presentation.

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge of working with C# syntax, programming logic, program development, system design concepts, database, designers and objects.

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge of working with structured designs, algorithms, and OOP methodology using the C++ language.

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge of working with structured designs, algorithms, and OOP methodology using the Java Programming language.

S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental database development and administrative concepts including SQL scripting. Competencies addressed in this event will mandate the contestant use a high-end database product such as MS SQL Server®, the focus of this event, in order to acquire the necessary skills; however, skills sets addressed are transferable to any database product such as Oracle® or MySQL™.

S | PS

Demonstrate your ability in hardware & system configuration, system operation & maintenance, security, automation & scripting, and troubleshooting & diagnostics within the Linux Operating System.

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge of working with structured (procedural), object-oriented, and functional programming using the Python programming language.

S | PS

Demonstrate general knowledge of the computer programming industry.

S | PS

Demonstrate general knowledge of the information technology industry.

Digital Communication and Design (400's)

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge and skills in using desktop publishing software to create a variety of business documents.

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge and skills utilizing Illustrator®, or InDesign®, software to create a variety of interactive documents.

S | PS

Develop a theme, illustrate the theme in a logo design, and then utilize the logo in a promotional flyer.

S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental web design coding and syntax to include CSS.

S | PS

Create a one-to-two (1-2) minute digital media production with consistent theme and slogan based on the assigned topic.


Given a scenario or prompt, Computer Modeling will research the topic, create a profile, concept design(s), prototype(s), and final model and/or scene based upon the assigned topic provided.

S | PS

Create a three-to-five (3-5) minute video production, based upon the assigned topic.

S | PS

The team will work together to create a website based on the assigned topic.


Create a computer-generated visualization animation, not to exceed two (2) minutes, based upon the assigned topic provided.

S | PS

Create a three-to-five (3-5) minute news broadcast, containing two (2) different segments (news stories).

S | PS

Podcasts usually feature one or more hosts engaged in a discussion about a particular topic or current event. Discussion and content within a podcast can range from carefully scripted to totally improvised. Podcasts combine elaborate and artistic sound production with thematic concerns ranging from scientific research to slice-of-life journalism. Team members will demonstrate their ability to engage a target audience by creating a 3:00 – 5:00 minute podcast on the provided topic.

S | PS

Marketing in today’s world spans multiple modes of media delivered to the end user via a combination of digital surfaces inclusive of a web presence suitable for desktop and mobile devices, potentially an app, and a social media presence. This event will focus on prototyping digital experiences for a singular brand, with an emphasis on collaboration, designing the user experience, and rationale for design decisions.

S | PS

Use team based visual design strategies to create a new brand image for a company.

S | PS

This competition assesses knowledge of web design, animation, digital media, desktop publishing, and coding.

Management, Marketing and Communication (500's)


Develop a marketing plan that details pricing strategies and promotional plans for a business.

S | PS

Develop an operating plan and organizational structure to initiate a small business. Competitors are to assume they are presenting their business plan to potential investors at a bank with the objective of securing financing for their business venture.

S | PS

The team will use strategic planning and problem-solving skills to provide solutions to the business case study provided. At state and national level, teams will be presented with an additional element to the scenario that requires revision of their final presentation.

S | PS

Assess proficiency in job search and interview situations.

S | PS

Assess advanced proficiency in job search, interview situations, and portfolio development.


Demonstrate communication skills in arranging, organizing, and effectively presenting information orally without prior knowledge of the topic.


Demonstrate communication skills in arranging, organizing, and effectively presenting information orally without prior knowledge of the topic.

S | PS

Assess interpretation of personnel policies and knowledge of human resource management.

S | PS

Explore the application of ethical frameworks to various aspects used in business today.

S | PS

Demonstrate communication skills in securing, arranging, organizing, and presenting information orally.


Demonstrate the use of correct parliamentary procedure through a chairperson’s ability to conduct a business meeting in a democratic manner that allows the members of the team to effectively participate. Examine the team’s knowledge of parliamentary procedure through oral questions and the objective test.

S | PS

Assess use of current desktop technologies and software to prepare and deliver an effective multimedia presentation.

S | PS

Assess use of current desktop technologies and software to prepare and deliver an effective multimedia presentation.

S | PS

To provide a general competitive event addressing business meeting management which incorporates fundamental concepts accepted as good practices in any business unit including business planning and strategy, organization and execution, trust and transparency.

S | PS

Assess knowledge of management, marketing, and human resources concepts.

S | PS

Assess knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Test questions are based on the National Association of Parliamentarians Study Guide for Registration Examination.


To provide a general competitive event addressing contestant’s knowledge of basic project management practices and terminology that is used independent of a specific methodology.

S | PS

Assess knowledge of digital marketing concepts

project presentation competition 2022

Health Administration (600's)

S | PS

This contest will test the student’s knowledge and skills in the area of medical coding.

S | PS

Assess the student’s knowledge of insurance verification, prior authorization, insurance claim submission, insurance payment posting, and medical billing operations.

S | PS

Evaluate knowledge of medical terminology and skills needed to prepare medical documents and function effectively in a medical office. Tests are written using AHDI guidelines and Taber’s or Dorland’s medical dictionaries.

S | PS

Demonstrate communication skills in securing, arranging, organizing, and presenting information orally on the provided health topic.

S | PS

This contest will assess the student’s knowledge of medical terminology, including but not limited to:  prefix, suffix, word roots, the body's systems, confidentiality, and in-patient/out-patient best practices.

Middle Level (900's)

ML = Middle Level


To develop a basic understanding of finance and accounting skills.


The team will function as an office staff to produce a variety of business documents.


Demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of respectful, responsible and ethical behavior in a digital world.


Evaluate entry-level skills in word processing and document production.


Contestants will enter and format data, enter and copy formulas, and print full documents or cell contents.

Given a specific theme, teams will create a digital game to entertain and educate. Teams may use Scratch®, Tynker®, or other game engines to create the executable game.


Develop a theme, illustrate the theme in a logo design, and then utilize the logo in a promotional flyer.


Create a one to two-minute video based upon the assigned topic.


The team will work together to create a Website based on the topic below.


Use team based visual design strategies to create a new brand image for a company.


To encourage students to have a better understanding of the American free enterprise system, contestants will conduct research on the assigned topic.


Demonstrate communication skills in arranging, organizing, and presenting information orally and effectively without prior knowledge of the topic.


To provide the student an opportunity to demonstrate communication skills in securing, arranging, organizing, and orally presenting information.


Assess use of current desktop technologies and software to prepare and deliver an effective multimedia presentation.


Assess proficiency in career exploration and interview situations.


To develop skills in business communication, including spelling rules, correct spelling of often used business words and correct use of grammar.


To develop an overall familiarity with basic business knowledge skills.


To develop a basic understanding of personal and business-related math skills.


To develop a basic understanding of computer terminology related to operating systems, hardware components, software applications, and digital citizenship.

Virtual Events (V)

ML = Middle Level, S = Secondary, PS = Post-secondary

ML | S | PS

Individual contestants will create a 1:00 to 2:30 minute digital promotion based upon the assigned topic. This national event will be submitted and judged virtually. Awards will be presented at the National Leadership Conference.

ML | S | PS

Teams of contestants will create a 1:00 to 2:30 minute digital promotion based upon the assigned topic. This national event will be submitted and judged virtually. Awards will be presented at the National Leadership Conference.

ML | S | PS

Teams of contestants will collaborate on the engineering of a computer software application that performs tasks and operations as outlined in the provided topic. Project submissions will consist of software source code and assets in addition to a functional executable version of the application. Submissions will be judged on technical merit by software engineering professionals. Teams will be further required to formally present their project to a panel of judges via videoconference, and the presentation will be judged independently of the project’s technical merits.

ML | S | PS

Teams of contestants will create a database-driven Website with server-side functionality. The team is provided with the opportunity to design, build and present a working web application. Teams will be further required to formally present their project to a panel of judges via videoconference, and the presentation will be judged independently of the project’s technical merits.

ML | S | PS

Individual contestants will develop a mobile phone and/or tablet application based upon the given scenario. Permitted platforms include and are limited to Google Android™, Apple iOS™, and Microsoft Windows Phone™. The application will be pre-submitted for technical judging. Contestants will then be required to present their application to a panel of technical judges.

ML | S | PS

Individual contestants will demonstrate their skill and creative vision using a DSLR and image editing. This national event will be submitted and judged virtually. Awards will be presented at the National Leadership Conference.

ML | S | PS

Demonstrate knowledge of computer security and cybersecurity management tasks in multiple computer and mobile platforms.  This national event will be graded and require judged components on-site at the National Leadership Conference.  Awards will be presented at the National Leadership Conference.

ML | S | PS

Teams of contestants will develop an operating plan and organizational structure to initiate a small business. Teams are to assume they are presenting their products/services to potential buyers.

ML | S | PS

Teams (2-4 members) will enter an investment simulation using an online platform provided by a BPA partner. The simulation will provide the students $100,000 initially, to be used to invest in stocks, mutual funds, and/or bonds.

ML | S | PS

Marketing in today’s world focuses on the combination of digital design, social media, virtual mock-ups, and engaging multimedia experiences. This virtual event will evaluate knowledge and skills utilizing cross-medium branding in a team environment.
Teams are recommended to use Adobe Xd®, Adobe Illustrator®, Adobe Dimension®, Adobe Photoshop®, Adobe Premiere (Rush)® or other software that meets the contest specifications.

ML | S | PS

Create a 2–D animation, at least (1:30) and not to exceed (2:30) minutes, based upon the assigned topic provided

ML | S | PS

Develop a social media marketing campaign, following the guidelines outlined in the Style & Reference Manual, that details pricing strategies and promotional plans for a business.

ML | S | PS

This contest will test a team’s ability to research and create strategies to effectively compete in a virtual esports competition. Teams will submit a research paper on the provided esports topic, compete in an esports tournament, and create a presentation highlighting strategies used and lessons learned.

ML | S | PS

This contest will test a team’s ability to research and make decisions on an ethical challenge. Teams will submit a research paper on the provided case study, complete an objective test, and create a presentation highlighting proposed solutions to the ethical challenge and lessons learned.

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ASA Announces Winners of 2022 Data Visualization Poster and Statistics Project Competitions

The poster and project competitions are directed by the ASA/National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Joint Committee on Curriculum in Statistics and Probability. First-place winners received $300, a certificate, and grade-appropriate graphing calculators for the students and advisers provided by Texas Instruments. Second-place winners received $200 and a certificate; third-place winners received $100 and a certificate; and honorable mentions received certificates.

The 2022 ASA Data Visualization Poster Competition leader was Jennifer Broatch of Arizona State University. Michelle Larson of the University of Iowa was the head project competition leader.

Posters , submitted digitally either as photos of physical posters or a digital poster, are due every year on April 1. Projects are written reports submitted by students in grades 7–12 and are due on June 1.

National Project Competition Winners

Each year, the statistical project competition attracts a wide variety of submissions in which students from grades 7–12 conduct creative studies. The competition is especially useful for these students because it provides them with opportunities to apply all the statistical skills they have acquired throughout the school year to solve real-world problems of interest to them.

First Place

Annabelle Lee, Olivia Lucero, Cynthia Zhang, and Lia Zheng Muffin Madness Canyon Crest Academy San Diego, California

Judges’ Comments: This project was a well-designed matched pairs experiment investigating blueberries in the baking of muffins. The judges were pleased with the clear and concise writing and the easy flow of the text. The reflection section is particularly strong and thoughtful. In their reflection, the author addresses several of the shortcomings of the study design and describes methods to address those issues; in addition, the author provides thoughtful suggestions for further investigation. The judges appreciated the discussion of statistical significance vs. practical significance included with the results.

Second Place

Shrey Goel, Andie Gately, and Allison Kim Are Clorox Wipes Really Effective at Killing Bacteria? Canyon Crest Academy San Diego, California

Judges’ Comments: This project was well-written and easily followed. The images of data collection were clear and added to clarity of the paper. The dotplot and boxplot were shown using the same scale and numerically aligned, making this a strong visual component of the project. The judges appreciated the description and perseverance of the authors in the collection of data (describing real issues encountered by researchers!) and the personality of the writing (“a strongly worded review”). The use of “prove” was of concern in the conclusion, however, the project uses sound statistical processes and was scored highly by the judges.

Third Place

Catherine Zhou Effectiveness of Chemical Sunscreen versus Mineral Sunscreen in Water Lynbrook High School San Jose, California

Judges’ Comments: This project was clear and easily read; it discusses a timely topic of interest to the general population. The data collection and reflection show a high level of problem solving, which was necessary to answer the statistical question posed by the student. The judges would have preferred to have the histograms aligned using the same scale to aid in visual comparisons. The result of the hypothesis shows evidence of a difference in treatments but fails to describe the difference in a practical way; a confidence interval and interpretation would be a nice addition to the results. The reflection section was strong and suggested several modifications for further research.

Honorable Mention

Mark Pasacreta The Effect Being in a Group Has on Putting Shopping Carts Away Chatham High School Chatham, New Jersey

Judges’ Comments: This project investigated a timely and interesting research question. The judges found the writing to be complete but would prefer a more succinct presentation. The author correctly states this is an observational study but fails to clearly identify the population of interest which weakens the presentation (e.g. checking of conditions, design of study). The data is presented clearly both numerically and graphically; segmented bar graphs would better align with the hypothesis test conducted. The reflection is strong and demonstrates a very good understanding of collecting data and possible biases in regards to observational studies.

2022 Data Visualization Poster Competition Winners

Zhou Fan, Yale University Connecticut Chapter Statistical Poster Competition

Ananda Jayawardhana, Pittsburg State University Kansas/Western Missouri Statistics Poster Contest

Dan Adrian, Grand Valley State University Michigan Statistics Poster Competition

Elizabeth Harris, Lied STEM Academy Nevada K–12 Statistics Poster Competition

Jerry Moreno, John Carroll University Ohio Data Visualization Poster Competition

Pete Skoner, Saint Francis University Science Outreach Center Pennsylvania Statistics Poster Competition

Dean Johnson, Washington State University Pullman, Washington Statistics Poster Competition

Rebecca Le, County of Riverside and California State University, Long Beach Southern California Statistics Data Visualization Poster Competition

First Place Dr. Petrick’s Third-Grade Class 3rd-Grade Gold-Medal Observations on the Olympics Timmons Elementary School Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Second Place Sana P. Kannan Do You Like Book Battle in School? Uriah H. Lawton Elementary School Ann Arbor, Michigan

Third Place Naomi Tzingounis and Jayden Chen Are 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Graders Scared of Shots? Dorothy C. Goodwin Elementary Storrs, Connecticut

Honorable Mention Sadie Feeney A Study for All Seasons Rydal East Elementary School Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania

First Place Erin Park Location of Quality Universities and Other Contributors to the University O’hara Elementary School Aspinwall, Pennsylvania

Second Place and Best Overall Graph Remi Ella Maloney Most ‘Puppular’ Dog Breeds in the USA Lied STEM Academy Las Vegas, Nevada

Third Place Lilah Korsmo and Clare Petrov Does Your Favorite Color Affect Your Hobbies and Personality? Hawken School Gates Mills, Ohio

Honorable Mention Mubtasim Rafan Are You Aware of Climate Change? Mansfield Middle School Storrs, Connecticut

First Place William Butler and Parker Stusek How Do Students Portray Themselves in the Classroom? Hawken School Gates Mills, Ohio

        Second Place Areli Martin Olivia and Serra Icasa-Soto Aim for the Top Hyde Park Middle School Las Vegas, Nevada

Third Place Siona A. Pramoda A la Carte Cyber Safety: Learning from Teachers and Videos, Going to Parents and Friends When in Trouble Baldwin School of Puerto Rico Guaynabo, Puerto Rico

Honorable Mention Riley Schwartz and Erin Cahalane Climate Change Is Occurring Rapidly Half Hollow Hills High School West Dix Hills, New York

Grades 10–12

First Place Sumira Naroola, Joseph Chen, Jayden Cheung, and Samuel Jebaraj Background: Financial Literacy & Global Economic Health Valley Christian High School San Jose, California

Second Place Bhavya Yarlagadda, Sydney Lynch, Serena Pei, and Olivia Fang Global Warming Valley Christian High School San Jose, California

Third Place Theo Au-Yeung Who Is the GOAT of European Soccer? Burlingame High School Burlingame, California

Honorable Mention Amanda Lee Teen Pregnancy and Sex Education Hawken School Gates Mills, Ohio

Honorable Mention James Roberts Have NBA Teams Improved in Choosing Draft Picks? Westlake High School Austin, Texas

Get Involved Learn how you can start a regional poster competition or mentor students in your area. For additional information or questions regarding how to get involved in the poster or project competitions, contact ASA K–12 Education Coordinator Rebecca Nichols .

project presentation competition 2022


I was wondering if there is a link to the winning 2022 7-12 papers. I can’t seem to find it here on the page. Thanks.

Hi Kathy, All the projects have now been added to the page. Thank you for letting us know.

project presentation competition 2022

Amstat News is the monthly membership magazine of the American Statistical Association, bringing you news and notices of the ASA, its chapters, its sections, and its members. Other departments in the magazine include announcements and news of upcoming meetings, continuing education courses, and statistics awards.

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— Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar

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Graphic Designers / Production Coordinators Olivia Brown Meg Ruyle

Communications Strategist Val Nirala

Advertising Manager Christina Bonner

Contributing Staff Members Naomi Frieman, Elizabeth Henry, Kim Gilliam

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Competitive events program.

As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards in the career clusters of marketing, business management and administration, finance, and hospitality and tourism.

project presentation competition 2022

Earn the DECA Glass

A spark of competition drives DECA members to excel and improve their performance. Whether you have just 10 minutes to put together a creative solution to a case study or 15 minutes to make your pitch, DECA's competitive events let members experience what it's like to be a business professional. DECA’s competitive events can be grouped into three broad categories— role-plays and case studies, prepared events and online simulations. Within each category and type of event, DECA offers a variety of options in each of the four career clusters — marketing, finance, hospitality and management — as well as entrepreneurship and personal financial literacy.

DECA's role-play and case study events involve a multiple-choice career cluster exam and a role-play or case study provided on-site with a judge. They are classified by industry and career cluster. See the DECA Guide for exact offerings and guidelines.

Principles of Business Administration Events

Principles of Business Administration Events are for individual first-year DECA members. The member is asked to explain several core business concepts.

Individual Series Events

Individual Series Events are individual member events that pose business challenges with role-plays set in specialized career areas.

Team Decision Making Events

Team Decision Making Events challenge a team of two participants to analyze a case study in a specific career area and develop a solution.

Personal Financial Literacy Event

The Personal Financial Literacy Event is designed to measure members’ ability to apply reliable information and systematic decision making to personal financial decisions.

DECA’s prepared events require a written project as well as a prepared presentation, and some require participants to take a career cluster exam. All of these events should be started early in the school year because of the preparation involved. See the DECA Guide for exact offerings and guidelines.

Business Operations Research Events

Business Operations Research Events challenge members (individually or in teams of up to three) to design and conduct research to present findings and a strategic plan on a topic that changes annually.

Project Management Events

Project Management Events encourage members (individually or in teams of up to three) to use project management skills to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and close a project.

Entrepreneurship Events

Entrepreneurship Events allow members (individually or in teams of up to three) to explore entrepreneurship at a variety of stages.

Integrated Marketing Campaign Events

Integrated Marketing Campaign Events challenge members (individually or in teams of up to three) to develop an integrated marketing campaign in a specific category.

Professional Selling and Consulting Events

Professional Selling and Consulting Events allow individual participants to demonstrate knowledge and skills needed for a career in sales or consulting.

DECA’s online events challenge members in online business simulations. Using an online program, members compete against other members in their region from their seats in the classroom to earn the opportunity to compete at the international level.

Stock Market Game

Participants in the Stock Market Game develop and manage an investment portfolio. Each participating team manages all aspects of the portfolio including stock selection, buying and selling. The goal of the competition is to increase the value of the beginning portfolio.

Virtual Business Challenge

Participants in the DECA Virtual Business Challenge (VBC) operate a web-based business simulation utilizing a competition version of the Virtual Business software. The VBC qualifying rounds are conducted via the internet, where participants will vie for chartered association, regional and overall rankings.


Featured resources.

project presentation competition 2022

Official Competitive Events

Learn more about each competitive event. Below is the official list of competitive events for DECA’s International Career Development Conference. Please check with your chartered association advisor for competitive events offered in your chartered association.

Accounting Applications Series

Apparel and accessories marketing series, automotive services marketing series, business finance series, business growth plan, business law and ethics team decision making, business services marketing series, business services operations research, business solutions project, buying and merchandising operations research, buying and merchandising team decision making, career development project, community awareness project, community giving project, entrepreneurship series, entrepreneurship team decision making, finance operations research, financial consulting, financial literacy project, financial services team decision making, food marketing series, franchise business plan, hospitality services team decision making, hospitality and tourism operations research, hospitality and tourism professional selling, hotel and lodging management series, human resources management series, independent business plan, innovation plan, integrated marketing campaign-event, integrated marketing campaign-product, integrated marketing campaign-service, international business plan, marketing communications series, marketing management team decision making, personal financial literacy, principles of business management and administration, principles of entrepreneurship, principles of finance, principles of hospitality and tourism, principles of marketing, professional selling, quick serve restaurant management series, restaurant and food service management series, retail merchandising series, sales project, sports and entertainment marketing operations research, sports and entertainment marketing series, sports and entertainment marketing team decision making, start-up business plan, travel and tourism team decision making, virtual business challenge-accounting, virtual business challenge-entrepreneurship, virtual business challenge-fashion, virtual business challenge-hotel management, virtual business challenge-personal finance, virtual business challenge-restaurant, virtual business challenge-retail, virtual business challenge-sports, contact deca staff for more information..

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Become a DECA Insider

Get the latest news, important notifications, weekly case study and more delivered in your inbox with DECA Direct Weekly.

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Become a DECA Insider

Get the latest news, important notifications, weekly case study and more delivered in your inbox.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

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  • Direct Second Year Result Gazette
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  • Scholarship Charitable Trusts

Shah & Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College

“Online Project Poster Presentation Competition 2022” April 2022

Events , EXTC Events

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering in collaboration with IETE-SAKEC conducted “Online Project Poster Presentation Competition 2022″ on 26/04/2022. All the Final Year SAKEC EXTC students participated in this event and around. 10 project groups presented their project work through poster presentations. Each Project Group was given 08 min for the presentation followed by QA session with the Expert Panel and other faculties. This Event was conducted in 2 days 1. 16/4/2022: Subission of poster. 2. 26/4/2022: Presentation of submitted poster in front of External Panel The event was judged by Expert Panel (Prof. Asha Durafe and Prof. Archana Chaugule). Around 50 people witnessed this event which Included all participating students and faculties. The following groups are the winners of the Online Project Poster Presentation 1st Prize: Durgesh Raut, Sahil Chari, Samrat Parab and Harsh Pawar Poster Title: – “Smart Agriculture Crop Monitoring System” Guide: Ms. Gauri Chavan 2nd Prize: Sanjana Suresh, Vibha Manral, Khushi Punmiya and Siddhant Sharma Poster Title: – “Unmanned Aerial Systems” Guide: Mr. Rohan Borgalli 3rd Prize: Siddhi Sakpal, Rinkal Vaje and Nikam Kadambari Poster Title: – “Touch less waste segregation from open space” Guide: Dr. Kalpana Chaudhary. 3rd Prize: Dhyaneshwari Katkar, Mayuresh Gadkari, Shruti Chaudhari and Amey Shirke Poster Title: – “Sign Language Recognition” Guide: Dr. T. P. Vinutha. The event was concluded by Dr. T.P. Vinutha, HOD EXTC & ISF Coordinator with her Motivating words. All Particiants and Winners will be awarded Certificates.

project presentation competition 2022


SAKEC Email Admission Academic Calendar Scholarship Placements Policies


Electronics & Computer Sc. Computer Engg. Information Technology Electronics & Telecomm. AI & Data Science Cyber Security General Science & Humanities Electronics Engg. (VLSI Design & Technology) Electronics & Comm. (Adv. Comm. Technology)

Governing Body College Development Committee (CDC) Anti-Ragging Committee Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) Committee for SC ST Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) Minority Committee

Student Life Leadership Trust Board Committees Placement

project presentation competition 2022

Logo remediation technology

2024 Student Program & Poster Presentation Competition

Recognizing future environmental science and engineering leaders.

Are you studying environmental sciences or engineering and researching groundbreaking information and insights on remediation technologies? If you answered YES then you don't want to miss your chance to participate in the 2024 RemTEC & Emerging Contaminants Summit student program. Showcase your knowledge and have a chance to win!

We are privileged to showcase the important role that partnership with the academic community and private sector organizations can play to promote thought leadership in our industry at the RemTEC & Emerging Contaminants Summit.

2024 Supporting Sponsors


View Past Student Competition Winners Here

Your Student Program Includes:

Poster presentations.

Each student will prepare and present a poster of their research. Students will have the opportunity to showcase their posters and network with attendees in person. Posters will be displayed during show hours.


Student participants will receive 60 seconds to promote their presentation during the general session. This is a once in a lifetime chance to get in front of your potential future employers, colleagues and peers. Addressing all conference participants with a short summary of your poster presentation is just one way you’ll be able to get everyone excited about your research and findings.


Each student will have the opportunity to participate in a one-on-one meeting with a student mentor. Student mentors will range from academic leaders to high level environmental professionals and engineers to government officials and regulatory community leaders.  This unique opportunity gives each student the chance to interact and meet with someone that is putting their education and experience to work in the environmental science and remediation field.

Student Presentation Competition

Up to $500 cash prizes.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, three cash prizes of up to $500 will be awarded to the top three student presentations!  Winners will also be recognized on the RemTEC & Emerging Contaminants Summit website, www.RemTECSummit.com , and certificates will be provided to students for their achievement.

Awards will be given to students who present the best poster and flash presentations at the 2024 RemTEC & Emerging Contaminants Summit. Winners will be announced on Thursday, October 17, 2024.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract submission deadline :  July 26, 2024
  • Registration deadline:  August 21, 2024
  • Submission of presentation:  September 11, 2024
  • Virtual presentation practice: September 16, 2024 – October 4, 2024
  • Final presentation deadline: October 9, 2024
  • In-person practice: October 14, 2024
  • Conference Attendance: October 15, 2024 - October 17, 2024
  • Student winner announcement: October 17, 2024

Evaluation Criteria:

Student presentations will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Delivery of flash presentation
  • Originality of work, including new concepts and innovations
  • Organization and structure of presentation/poster
  • Quality of data and materials (clarity, use of graphics, etc.)
  • Communication of content by presenter
  • Research and analysis techniques
  • Completeness of work or project

2023 Student Competition Judges:

  • Carmen Vida, Arcadis 
  • Andrew Punsoni, Allonnia
  • Jim Fields, Burns & McDonnell
  • Kevin Morris, ERM
  • Chapman Ross FRx
  • Dr. Dan Bryant, Woodard & Curran
  • Dr. Shilai Hao, Colorado Schoool of Mines

Student Competition Guidelines:

  • To enter submit your abstract directly online  (entries accepted any time prior to June 28, 2024)
  • You will receive an email reply, confirming that you are entered in the competition.
  • Contestants must register for the RemTEC & Emerging Contaminants Summit at the student rate and will have access to all aspects of the event.
  • Student must be both the primary author and the presenting author.
  • Student must present their own work.
  • During the Summit, a judging committee will select the three best student presentations.
  • Winners will be announced on Thursday, October 17, 2024.
  • The first place winner will receive an award of $500, the second place winner will receive an award of $350, and the third place winner will receive an award of $250.
  • Proof of student status in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the time of the Summit is required.

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Stay in the know on the latest environmental sciences & remediation news and information..

Mar Baselios College of Engineering And Technology

project presentation competition 2022

Online Project Presentation Competition “TECHNNOVATIONS”

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering in association with the CSI MBCET Student Chapter is organizing an online project presentation competition “TECHNNOVATIONS” for school students of classes 8, 9 and 10 across Kerala to exhibit their creative projects in Science and Technology through a presentation video. Interested candidates can send in their entries before July 25th, 2021. Selected candidates will get an opportunity for live presentation of their projects and win a cash prize worth Rs. 7000/- The details of the event are included herewith.


Exam Notifications New

M.Tech Admissions 2024 New

B. Tech Admissions 2024 New

MBCET e-bulletin New

Breaking competitor Raygun bows out of Paris Olympics without a point for Australia, in a sport that may be one and done

Sport Breaking competitor Raygun bows out of Paris Olympics without a point for Australia, in a sport that may be one and done

With the breaking spun, won and done in an Olympics cameo in Paris, Australia's B-Girl, Rachael Gunn, aka Raygun, bowed out without firing a shot.

The buzz was big around Place de la Concorde with superstar American rapper and Olympics aficionado Snoop Dogg taking to the stage to show off a few of his own moves before opening the event.

There was no doubt about the dynamic skills of the athletes, who are judged on creativity, personality, technique, variety, musicality and vocabulary, which is the variation and quantity of moves.

With two live DJs, competitors engaged in three judged battles, which involved two 60-second routines each, before the elimination round and then medals.


But with competition stretching five-and-a-half hours even Snoop, the unofficial Games mascot, had seen enough and made his departure midway through the competition.

Manizha Talash, a breaker from the Olympic refugee team, who was born in Afghanistan before fleeing the Taliban, made an early political statement by unveiling a cape during her round with the words "Free Afghan Women" and was applauded by her Dutch competitor India Sardjoe.

Gunn's first battle was against American Logistx but the Australian was no match for her international rivals, unable to win a point in any three contests including against 16-year-old B-girl Syssy from France.

A university lecturer with a PhD in cultural studies, the 36-year-old said she knew she couldn't compete athletically with their tricks, spins and strength moves, so she tried to be more creative. 


"What I wanted to do was come out here and do something new and different and creative — that's my strength, my creativity," Gunn said.

"I was never going to beat these girls on what they do best, the dynamic and the power moves, so I wanted to move differently, be artistic and creative because how many chances do you get in a lifetime to do that on an international stage?

"I was always the underdog and wanted to make my mark in a different way."

ABC Sport is unable to show you the performance nor link to posts about it due to broadcasting rights, but social media lit up with critiques of Raygun's efforts.

Gunn was asked whether breaking deserved to be an Olympic sport and responded that it filled the criteria.

"What is an Olympic sport? It's so broad here ... what are the similarities between dressage and artistic swimming and the 100m sprint and the pentathlon," she said.

"Breaking is clearly athletic and it clearly requires a whole level of dedication across a number of different aspects so I feel like it meets that criteria. 

"And it's really bringing a new level of excitement."

While the athletes will compete for medals in Paris, the winners could become obscure trivia questions with Los Angeles not including it in the program in 2028 and Brisbane highly unlikely.

The Oceania champion said it was disappointing the American Olympic organisers had snubbed it, given the roots of breaking were in that country.

"It was disappointing that it was decided before we'd even had a chance to show it, so I think that was possibly a little premature," she said.

"I wonder if they're kicking themselves now, particularly because they've got some great American breakers who could totally be on the podium.

"But it's not the end for breaking, the breaking culture is so strong."

She took to Instagram this morning with a quip for social media users who had mocked her outfit online.

"Looking forward to the same level of scrutiny on what the bboys [male breaking contestants] wear tomorrow," she said.

"Looking forward to the same level of scrutiny on what the bboys wear tomorrow".

Australia's 16-year-old B-boy Jeff Dunne, known as "J Attack", will line up in the male competition on Saturday.


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  • Olympic Games

Tempur Sealy's deal to buy Mattress Firm aims to 'eliminate' competition, document shows

A May 2022 presentation to the board by the company's CEO stated that buying Mattress Firm would enable Tempur Sealy to "eliminate future competition" and "block future competition", the papers showed. The presentation did not name the executive.

Scott Thompson has been Tempur Sealy CEO since 2015, after shareholders ousted Mark Sarvary.

The document, unsealed on Wednesday, is among submissions by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which sued last month to block the cash-and-stock deal announced in May 2023.

The FTC expressed concerns about the deal's impact on competition, higher prices for consumers and potential job losses for manufacturing workers.

The two companies and the FTC did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment.

Through the deal, Tempur Sealy seeks to add Mattress Firm's 2,300-plus brick-and-mortar stores. The combined company will have about 3,000 stores globally, if the deal goes through.

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project presentation competition 2022

Tempur Sealy’s deal to buy Mattress Firm aims to ‘eliminate’ competition, document shows

(Reuters) – Mattress maker Tempur Sealy International’s proposed $4-billion takeover of retailer Mattress Firm is intended to “eliminate future competition”, according to a document unsealed by a Texas judge.

A May 2022 presentation to the board by the company’s CEO stated that buying Mattress Firm would enable Tempur Sealy to “eliminate future competition” and “block future competition”, the papers showed. The presentation did not name the executive.

Scott Thompson has been Tempur Sealy CEO since 2015, after shareholders ousted Mark Sarvary.

The document, unsealed on Wednesday, is among submissions by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, which sued last month to block the cash-and-stock deal announced in May 2023.

The FTC expressed concerns about the deal’s impact on competition, higher prices for consumers and potential job losses for manufacturing workers.

The two companies and the FTC did not immediately respond to Reuters requests for comment.

Through the deal, Tempur Sealy seeks to add Mattress Firm’s 2,300-plus brick-and-mortar stores. The combined company will have about 3,000 stores globally, if the deal goes through.

(Reporting by Anuja Bharat Mistry in Bengaluru; Editing by Pooja Desai)

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  2. Project Poster Presentation Competition 2022

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  4. project presentation competition 2022 for engineering students

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  5. project presentation competition 2022 for engineering students

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  6. project presentation competition 2022 for engineering students

    project presentation competition 2022


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  2. Upcoming Project Competitions, Events Contests in 2024

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  24. Breaking competitor Raygun bows out of Paris Olympics without a point

    With the breaking spun, won and done in an Olympics cameo in Paris, Australia's B-Girl, Rachael Gunn, aka Raygun, bowed out without firing a shot. The buzz was big around Place de la Concorde with ...

  25. Tempur Sealy's deal to buy Mattress Firm aims to 'eliminate

    Mattress maker Tempur Sealy International's TPX proposed $4-billion takeover of retailer Mattress Firm is intended to "eliminate future competition", according to a document unsealed by a Texas judge.. A May 2022 presentation to the board by the company's CEO stated that buying Mattress Firm would enable Tempur Sealy to "eliminate future competition" and "block future competition", the papers ...

  26. Tempur Sealy's deal to buy Mattress Firm aims to 'eliminate

    A May 2022 presentation to the board by the company's CEO stated that buying Mattress Firm would enable Tempur Sealy to "eliminate future competition" and "block future competition", the papers showed. The presentation did not name the executive. Scott Thompson has been Tempur Sealy CEO since 2015, after shareholders ousted Mark Sarvary.