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Research statement, what is a research statement.

The research statement (or statement of research interests) is a common component of academic job applications. It is a summary of your research accomplishments, current work, and future direction and potential of your work.

The statement can discuss specific issues such as:

  • funding history and potential
  • requirements for laboratory equipment and space and other resources
  • potential research and industrial collaborations
  • how your research contributes to your field
  • future direction of your research

The research statement should be technical, but should be intelligible to all members of the department, including those outside your subdiscipline. So keep the “big picture” in mind. The strongest research statements present a readable, compelling, and realistic research agenda that fits well with the needs, facilities, and goals of the department.

Research statements can be weakened by:

  • overly ambitious proposals
  • lack of clear direction
  • lack of big-picture focus
  • inadequate attention to the needs and facilities of the department or position

Why a Research Statement?

  • It conveys to search committees the pieces of your professional identity and charts the course of your scholarly journey.
  • It communicates a sense that your research will follow logically from what you have done and that it will be different, important, and innovative.
  • It gives a context for your research interests—Why does your research matter? The so what?
  • It combines your achievements and current work with the proposal for upcoming research.
  • areas of specialty and expertise
  • potential to get funding
  • academic strengths and abilities
  • compatibility with the department or school
  • ability to think and communicate like a serious scholar and/or scientist

Formatting of Research Statements

The goal of the research statement is to introduce yourself to a search committee, which will probably contain scientists both in and outside your field, and get them excited about your research. To encourage people to read it:

  • make it one or two pages, three at most
  • use informative section headings and subheadings
  • use bullets
  • use an easily readable font size
  • make the margins a reasonable size

Organization of Research Statements

Think of the overarching theme guiding your main research subject area. Write an essay that lays out:

  • The main theme(s) and why it is important and what specific skills you use to attack the problem.
  • A few specific examples of problems you have already solved with success to build credibility and inform people outside your field about what you do.
  • A discussion of the future direction of your research. This section should be really exciting to people both in and outside your field. Don’t sell yourself short; if you think your research could lead to answers for big important questions, say so!
  • A final paragraph that gives a good overall impression of your research.

Writing Research Statements

  • Avoid jargon. Make sure that you describe your research in language that many people outside your specific subject area can understand. Ask people both in and outside your field to read it before you send your application. A search committee won’t get excited about something they can’t understand.
  • Write as clearly, concisely, and concretely as you can.
  • Keep it at a summary level; give more detail in the job talk.
  • Ask others to proofread it. Be sure there are no spelling errors.
  • Convince the search committee not only that you are knowledgeable, but that you are the right person to carry out the research.
  • Include information that sets you apart (e.g., publication in  Science, Nature,  or a prestigious journal in your field).
  • What excites you about your research? Sound fresh.
  • Include preliminary results and how to build on results.
  • Point out how current faculty may become future partners.
  • Acknowledge the work of others.
  • Use language that shows you are an independent researcher.
  • BUT focus on your research work, not yourself.
  • Include potential funding partners and industrial collaborations. Be creative!
  • Provide a summary of your research.
  • Put in background material to give the context/relevance/significance of your research.
  • List major findings, outcomes, and implications.
  • Describe both current and planned (future) research.
  • Communicate a sense that your research will follow logically from what you have done and that it will be unique, significant, and innovative (and easy to fund).

Describe Your Future Goals or Research Plans

  • Major problem(s) you want to focus on in your research.
  • The problem’s relevance and significance to the field.
  • Your specific goals for the next three to five years, including potential impact and outcomes.
  • If you know what a particular agency funds, you can name the agency and briefly outline a proposal.
  • Give broad enough goals so that if one area doesn’t get funded, you can pursue other research goals and funding.

Identify Potential Funding Sources

  • Almost every institution wants to know whether you’ll be able to get external funding for research.
  • Try to provide some possible sources of funding for the research, such as NIH, NSF, foundations, private agencies.
  • Mention past funding, if appropriate.

Be Realistic

There is a delicate balance between a realistic research statement where you promise to work on problems you really think you can solve and over-reaching or dabbling in too many subject areas. Select an over-arching theme for your research statement and leave miscellaneous ideas or projects out. Everyone knows that you will work on more than what you mention in this statement.

Consider Also Preparing a Longer Version

  • A longer version (five–15 pages) can be brought to your interview. (Check with your advisor to see if this is necessary.)
  • You may be asked to describe research plans and budget in detail at the campus interview. Be prepared.
  • Include laboratory needs (how much budget you need for equipment, how many grad assistants, etc.) to start up the research.

Samples of Research Statements

To find sample research statements with content specific to your discipline, search on the internet for your discipline + “Research Statement.”

  • University of Pennsylvania Sample Research Statement
  • Advice on writing a Research Statement (Plan) from the journal  Science

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Graduate School Applications: Writing a Research Statement

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What is a Research Statement?

A research statement is a short document that provides a brief history of your past research experience, the current state of your research, and the future work you intend to complete.

The research statement is a common component of a potential candidate’s application for post-undergraduate study. This may include applications for graduate programs, post-doctoral fellowships, or faculty positions. The research statement is often the primary way that a committee determines if a candidate’s interests and past experience make them a good fit for their program/institution.

What Should It Look Like?

Research statements are generally one to two single-spaced pages. You should be sure to thoroughly read and follow the length and content requirements for each individual application.

Your research statement should situate your work within the larger context of your field and show how your works contributes to, complicates, or counters other work being done. It should be written for an audience of other professionals in your field.

What Should It Include?

Your statement should start by articulating the broader field that you are working within and the larger question or questions that you are interested in answering. It should then move to articulate your specific interest.

The body of your statement should include a brief history of your past research . What questions did you initially set out to answer in your research project? What did you find? How did it contribute to your field? (i.e. did it lead to academic publications, conferences, or collaborations?). How did your past research propel you forward?

It should also address your present research . What questions are you actively trying to solve? What have you found so far? How are you connecting your research to the larger academic conversation? (i.e. do you have any publications under review, upcoming conferences, or other professional engagements?) What are the larger implications of your work?

Finally, it should describe the future trajectory on which you intend to take your research. What further questions do you want to solve? How do you intend to find answers to these questions? How can the institution to which you are applying help you in that process? What are the broader implications of your potential results?

Note: Make sure that the research project that you propose can be completed at the institution to which you are applying.

Other Considerations:

  • What is the primary question that you have tried to address over the course of your academic career? Why is this question important to the field? How has each stage of your work related to that question?
  • Include a few specific examples that show your success. What tangible solutions have you found to the question that you were trying to answer? How have your solutions impacted the larger field? Examples can include references to published findings, conference presentations, or other professional involvement.
  • Be confident about your skills and abilities. The research statement is your opportunity to sell yourself to an institution. Show that you are self-motivated and passionate about your project.

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phd research statement example

Writing a Research Statement (with example)

Much like writing a teaching philosophy , a research statement takes time, energy, and a lot of self reflection. This statement is a summary of your research accomplishments, what you are currently working on, and the future direction of your research program. This is also the place to really highlight your potential contributions to your field. For researchers who are further along in their career, this statement may include information about funding applications that were reviewed, approved, as well as any applications that are going to be submitted within the next year.

When I’ve looked at research statements over the years, helping people prepare for the academic interview cycle, one thing I’ve noticed more than anything is that people tend focus solely on the tangible aspects of their research, essentially rehashing their CV or resume. Although their accomplishments are often great, it can result in a rather boring set of pages full of nitty-gritty details rather than an immersive story about research experiences and potential. If there is one thing you take away from this article, your research path is magical and you want your readers to be invested in your magical story .

Now, I realize in my particular area of research (statistics and numerical reasoning), magical is not the word that most people would use as a descriptor. But therein lies the catch. When you are applying for academic positions, you aren’t selling just your research focus. Rather, you are selling the idea of you, your work, and your potential. Yes, your focus is a part of this, but only one part. You are the truly magical component, and your research is just one aspect of that.

When I did my cycle through academic application season, I wanted the review board to see who I was as a researcher, but I also wanted them to see how I approached my research content. The value my research adds to the field is the icing on the cake. I know my research is valuable. Generally speaking, scientists agree that most research in always valuable. But I needed the review board to see more than just my research value because I was competing against literally hundreds of applications. In such a competitive arena, every component of my application portfolio needed to stand out and grab attention.

As with other aspects of your portfolio, your research statement has some core components:

  • a brief summary of your research program
  • an overarching research question that ties all the individual studies together
  • what you are currently working on
  • where your research program is expected to go

Talking through these core aspects in a serial, linear way can be rather … Boring. You definitely do not want to be placed in the discard pile simply because your portfolio wasn’t engaging enough.  Which brings me to storytelling.   When I say storytelling, I’m not saying academics need to be master weavers of fantasy, complete with plots and characters that draw people out of reality into an imaginary world. Instead, I mean that people need to be walked through a narrative that logically carries the reader from one sentence to the next. This research statements connects the readers to you and invests them in your future research potential. Every sentence should be designed to make them want to keep reading.

Don’t feel bad if this statement takes some time to draft. Not all of us are naturally gifted with the talent for wordsmithing. It, like many other aspects of your portfolio, takes time, effort, energy, and self-reflection. Each aspect should be built with thoughtfulness and insight, and those things cannot be drawn overnight. Take your time and really develop your ideas. Over time, you’ll find that your research statement will evolve into a mature, guiding light of where you’ve been and where you’re going. And your readers will enjoy placing your files in the accept pile.

Alaina Talboy, PhD Research Statement Example

“Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.” – Rosalind Franklin

Research Interests

     Over the last eight years, my research interests have focused on how people understand and utilize information to make judgments and decisions. Of particular interest are the mechanisms which underlie general abilities to reason through complex information when uncertainty is involved.  In these types of situations, the data needed to make a decision are often presented as complicated statistics which are notoriously difficult to understand. In my research, I employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods and analyses to evaluate how people process statistical data, which has strong theoretical contributions for discerning how people may perceive and utilize statistics in reasoning and decision making. This research also has valuable practical implications as statistical reasoning is one of the foundational pillars required for scientific thinking. I plan to continue this research via several avenues in both theoretical and applied contexts.

Statistics and the Reference Class Problem

     It is easy to feel overwhelmed when presented with statistics, especially when the meaning of the statistical data is not clear. For example, what does it mean when the newscaster says there is a 20% chance of showers? Does that mean it will only rain 20% of the day? Or that only 20% of the area will get rain? Or that 20% of the possible rain will actually fall? Without a knowing the appropriate reference class, or group from which the data are drawn, reasoners are often forced to make a decision based on an improper assessment of the numbers provided. (The correct answer is that out of 100 days with these weather conditions, rain occurs on 20 of them.) Although this is a rather benign version of the reference class problem, difficulties with this issue extends well into the very core of understanding statistics.

     Statistical testing involves an inherently nested structure in which values are dependent on the expression of other values. Understanding these relationships are foundational for appropriate use and application of statistics in practice. However, difficulties understanding statistics has been widely documented throughout numerous fields, contributing to the current research crisis as well as patient diagnostic errors (e.g., Gelman & Loken, 2014; Ioannidis, 2005; Ioannidis, Munafò, Fusar-Poli, Nosek, & David, 2014; Pashler & Wagenmakers, 2012). Therefore, research that can improve general statistical literacy is highly sought after. 

     As a stepping stone toward the more difficulty reference classes in statistics, a slightly less complicated version of the reference class problem can be found in Bayesian reasoning tasks (e.g., Gigerenzer, Gaissmaier, Kurz-Milcke, Schwartz, & Woloshin, 2007; Gigerenzer & Hoffrage, 1995; Hoffrage, Krauss, Martignon, & Gigerenzer, 2015; Johnson & Tubau, 2015; Reyna & Brainerd, 2008; Sirota, Kostovičová, & Vallée-Tourangeau, 2015; Talboy & Schneider, 2017, 2018, in press). In these types of reasoning tasks, there are difficulties with representing the inherently nested structure of the problem in a way that clearly elucidates the correct reference class needed to determine the solution. Additionally, computational demands compound these representation difficulties, contributing to generally low levels of accuracy.

     In my own research, we have tackled the representational difficulties of reasoning by fundamentally altering how information is presented and which reference classes are elucidated in the problem structure (Talboy & Schneider, 2017, 2018, in press).  In a related line, we break down the computational difficulties into the component processes of identification, computation, and application of values from the problem to the solution (Talboy & Schneider, in progress). In doing so, we discovered a general bias in which reasoners tend to select values that are presented in the problem text as the answer even when computations are required (Talboy & Schneider, in press, in progress, 2018). Moving forward, I plan to apply the advances made in understanding how people work through the complicated nested structure of Bayesian reasoning tasks to the more difficult nested structure of statistical testing.

Reference Dependence in Reasoning

     While completing earlier work on a brief tutorial designed to increased understanding of these Bayesian reasoning problems through both representation and computation training (Talboy & Schneider, 2017), I realized that the reasoning task could be structurally reformed to focus on the information needed to solve the problem rather than using the traditional format which focuses on conflicting information that only serves to confuse the reasoner. In doing so, we inadvertently found a mechanism for reference dependence in Bayesian reasoning that was not previously documented (Talboy & Schneider, 2018, in press). 

     Reference dependence is the tendency to start cognitive deliberations from a given or indicated point of reference, and is considered to be one of the most ubiquitous findings through judgment and decision making literature (e.g., Dinner, Johnson, Goldstein, & Liu, 2011; Hájek, 2007; Lopes & Oden, 1999; Tversky & Kahneman, 1991). Although the majority of research documenting reference dependence comes from the choice literature, the importance of context in shaping behavior has also been noted in several other domains, including logical reasoning (Johnson-Laird, 2010), problem solving (Kotovsky & Simon, 1990), extensional reasoning (Fox & Levav, 2004)—and now in Bayesian reasoning as well (Talboy & Schneider, 2018, in press).

     I parlayed my previous research on representational and computational difficulties into the foundation for my dissertation, with an eye toward how reference dependence affects uninitiated reasoners’ abilities to overcome these obstacles (Talboy, dissertation). I also evaluated the general value selection bias to determine the circumstances in which uninitiated reasoners revert to selecting values from the problem rather than completing computations (Talboy & Schneider, in progress, in press). I plan to extend this line of research to further evaluate the extent to which a value selection bias is utilized in other types of reasoning tasks involving reference classes, such as relative versus absolute risk.

Advancing Health Literacy

     Although the majority of my research focuses on the theoretical underpinnings of cognitive processes involved in reasoning about inherently nested problem structures, I also have an applied line of research that focuses on applying what we learn from research to everyday life. We recently published a paper geared toward the medical community that takes what we learned about Bayesian reasoning and applies it to understanding the outcomes of medical diagnostic testing, and how patients would use that information to make future medical decisions (Talboy & Schneider, 2018). I also led an interdisciplinary team on a collaborative project to evaluate how younger and older adults evaluate pharmaceutical pamphlet information to determine which treatment to use (Talboy, Aylward, Lende, & Guttmann, 2016; Talboy & Guttmann, in progress). I plan to continue researching how information presented in medical contexts can be more clearly elucidated to improve individual health literacy, as well as general health decision making and reasoning.

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Writing a Research Statement

What is a research statement.

A research statement is a short document that provides a brief history of your past research experience, the current state of your research, and the future work you intend to complete.

The research statement is a common component of a potential student's application for post-undergraduate study. The research statement is often the primary way for departments and faculty to determine if a student's interests and past experience make them a good fit for their program/institution.

Although many programs ask for ‘personal statements,' these are not really meant to be biographies or life stories. What we, at Tufts Psychology, hope to find out is how well your abilities, interests, experiences and goals would fit within our program.

We encourage you to illustrate how your lived experience demonstrates qualities that are critical to success in pursuing a PhD in our program. Earning a PhD in any program is hard! Thus, as you are relaying your past, present, and future research interests, we are interested in learning how your lived experiences showcase the following:

  • Perseverance
  • Resilience in the face of difficulty
  • Motivation to undertake intensive research training
  • Involvement in efforts to promote equity and inclusion in your professional and/or personal life
  • Unique perspectives that enrich the research questions you ask, the methods you use, and the communities to whom your research applies

How Do I Even Start Writing One?

Before you begin your statement, read as much as possible about our program so you can tailor your statement and convince the admissions committee that you will be a good fit.

Prepare an outline of the topics you want to cover (e.g., professional objectives and personal background) and list supporting material under each main topic. Write a rough draft in which you transform your outline into prose. Set it aside and read it a week later. If it still sounds good, go to the next stage. If not, rewrite it until it sounds right.

Do not feel bad if you do not have a great deal of experience in psychology to write about; no one who is about to graduate from college does. Do explain your relevant experiences (e.g., internships or research projects), but do not try to turn them into events of cosmic proportion. Be honest, sincere, and objective.

What Information Should It Include?

Your research statement should describe your previous experience, how that experience will facilitate your graduate education in our department, and why you are choosing to pursue graduate education in our department. Your goal should be to demonstrate how well you will fit in our program and in a specific laboratory.

Make sure to link your research interests to the expertise and research programs of faculty here. Identify at least one faculty member with whom you would like to work. Make sure that person is accepting graduate students when you apply. Read some of their papers and describe how you think the research could be extended in one or more novel directions. Again, specificity is a good idea.

Make sure to describe your relevant experience (e.g., honors thesis, research assistantship) in specific detail. If you have worked on a research project, discuss that project in detail. Your research statement should describe what you did on the project and how your role impacted your understanding of the research question.

Describe the concrete skills you have acquired prior to graduate school and the skills you hope to acquire.

Articulate why you want to pursue a graduate degree at our institution and with specific faculty in our department.

Make sure to clearly state your core research interests and explain why you think they are scientifically and/or practically important. Again, be specific.

What Should It Look Like?

Your final statement should be succinct. You should be sure to thoroughly read and follow the length and content requirements for each individual application. Finally, stick to the points requested by each program, and avoid lengthy personal or philosophical discussions.

How Do I Know if It is Ready?

Ask for feedback from at least one professor, preferably in the area you are interested in. Feedback from friends and family may also be useful. Many colleges and universities also have writing centers that are able to provide general feedback.

Of course, read and proofread the document multiple times. It is not always easy to be a thoughtful editor of your own work, so don't be afraid to ask for help.

Lastly, consider signing up to take part in the Application Statement Feedback Program . The program provides constructive feedback and editing support for the research statements of applicants to Psychology PhD programs in the United States.

  • Personal Statements for PhD Study

Written by Mark Bennett

Universities often ask prospective students to provide a personal statement for PhD study. This is likely to be a key part of your PhD application .

Whereas your research proposal explains the potential of your project, your personal statement (also known as a PhD statement of purpose) demonstrates your suitability for doctoral work in general.

Writing a PhD personal statement can seem challenging, but it’s also a valuable opportunity to state what you have to offer and ‘sell yourself’ as a PhD candidate.

This page explains how to write a PhD personal statement, including suggestions for an effective structure and some additional tips for success.

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On this page

What is a phd statement for.

A personal statement provides additional information on a PhD applicant’s academic background, relevant experience and motivations for undertaking postgraduate research.

It is different from a PhD proposal, which outlines a particular research topic, explaining its aims, methodology and scholarly or scientific value.

Put simply, if a PhD is a unique individual project (and it is) then your personal statement shows that you’re the kind of unique individual who can complete one.

The form it takes can vary. Universities may include a space for a personal statement in their application materials, or they might ask you to submit it as a separate document or in place of a covering letter . Make sure you check what’s required before you start writing.

Will I have to write a personal statement for a PhD programme?

Not necessarily. Some PhD applications don’t actually ask for a separate personal statement. This may be because the admissions tutors want to focus on your research proposal instead (and leave other details for interview questions ).

A personal statement is very likely to be requested if you you’re applying to an advertised project with pre-defined aims and objectives (and aren’t submitting your own PhD proposal). If so, it will be your main chance to say why you’re the best student for this position.

Who will read it?

Your PhD statement may end up being read and considered by various people:

  • Admissions tutors will check that you have relevant experience and qualifications for this programme and that these are up to the standard expected of a PhD candidate.
  • Potential supervisors will be interested in your specific academic background as well as your motivations for working in their department or research group.
  • Interview panellists (who may include admissions tutors and supervisors) will probably consult your personal statement when preparing questions for you .

These people will be interested in slightly different things, but don’t worry: a good statement should be able to satisfy all of them.

What is a PhD statement of purpose?

If you’re applying for a PhD programme at an American grad school , you may be asked to provide a ‘PhD statement of purpose’.

A PhD statement of purpose (SOP) is your chance to demonstrate that you’re an ideal fit for the grad school in question.

It’s essentially the equivalent of a personal statement, but you should check the application details for your preferred institution to make sure you’re covering everything you need to. Always follow the conventions of the country that your prospective programme is in.

What should my PhD personal statement include?

The exact content of your PhD statement of purpose will depend on the kind of project you’re applying for and the requirements set by your university.

You should check the latter carefully. If the admission guidelines ask for your personal statement to refer to specific details (such as motivations, career goals, your choice of university, etc) make sure it does.

In general, your PhD statement should cover the following topics:

1. What is your background?

Keep this relevant (and fairly brief). Admissions tutors and supervisors will be interested in what’s brought you to choose a PhD, but they won’t need to know your life story (and you won’t have time to tell it to them).

If your interest in your subject was inspired in childhood, feel free to say so. But focus on the interest, not the childhood.

2. Why do you want to research this topic?

Every personal statement needs to explain your motivation for taking on a PhD, but what you include here will depend on the kind of PhD you want to take on.

If you’re also submitting a separate research proposal you should probably focus more on why you want to research a PhD than the specific topic you’re proposing to research (that, after all, is what your research proposal is for).

If you’re applying for an advertised project (and not proposing your own research) you should say something about your interest in that PhD: what interests you about it and what you can bring to it.

3. What academic experience do you have?

Your personal statement isn’t a CV, so avoid simply listing qualifications you’ve detailed elsewhere in your application (on your CV , for example).

But your personal statement is a chance to comment on your CV and explain the significance of those qualifications for your PhD application. This is vital if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Most PhD applicants are academically excellent. Be proud of your own results, but explain what those degrees (including specific units and dissertation projects) taught you about the subject you now want to research.

4. What extra-curricular experience do you have?

Another way to build upon your academic qualifications is to include other experience that has also demonstrated (or developed) relevant skills for your PhD.

Again, relevance is key. You may also wish to include one or two examples of your wider experience and achievements, but the focus should be on your suitability for PhD study.

Examples of your character and qualities may be relevant for some projects – particularly those with a charitable focus, human-interest angle or clear social benefits / outcomes. Otherwise, try to stick to relevant skills such as organisation, independent project management, self-motivation, etc.

5. What are your broader goals and motivations?

It’s a good idea to say something about how this PhD fits into your wider aims and career goals.

The specifics of what you plan to do after your doctorate may not matter to your admissions tutors, but the fact that you have plans and can show that a PhD fits them demonstrates that you’ve thought seriously about a doctorate and are likely to commit to overcoming the challenges it involves.

6. Are there any other areas or issues arising from your CV?

Your personal statement is a great opportunity to expand upon your CV.

That could mean providing more detail about academic degrees (as above). But it can also mean explaining any gaps or irregularities and anticipating some of the questions they might raise.

Perhaps you didn’t do as well as you hoped on your undergraduate degree, but went on to find your niche and succeed with a more specialised Masters. It’s OK to acknowledge and explain that if so – particularly if your Masters relates closely to your PhD.

Similarly, if there’s a gap in your CV, it’s better to explain it than leave any begged questions – particularly if there’s a perfectly good reason why you weren’t working or studying at that point.

How to write a PhD personal statement

Crafting a good PhD personal statement requires discipline and planning.

Writing about yourself may not seem particularly hard, but selecting, sequencing and organising your material can be harder than it seems. You know a lot about you, after all, but you only have so much time and space. Speaking of which:

How long should a PhD personal statement be?

A PhD personal statement should be 400-500 words, fitting on one side of an A4 sheet of paper. Your university may set a specific word count or maximum length, so make sure to check the application details.

Either way, you should aim to be disciplined and concise. There are two reasons for this:

One is that the ability to think – and express yourself – clearly is a key PhD skill in all subject areas. There’s no harm in demonstrating it now.

The other is that admissions tutors and prospective supervisors are people. People who may well have a lot of personal statements and applications to assess, besides yours. If you give them a long essay to read, they might not.

How should I structure my statement?

The sequence above actually provides a good ‘spine’ for a personal statement (with roughly a paragraph or two for each section):

Start with a quick introduction, explaining who you are and what your background is. Try to have this progress naturally into your research interests and your choice of PhD and university.

From there you can move on, logically, to expanding on your skills and experience and how these make you a good fit for the PhD in question. If you wish to comment on other areas of your CV, do so at appropriate points here.

Finally, you can conclude with a section on your longer-term goals and aspirations.

What writing style should I use?

The ‘personal’ aspect of your statement should extend to its content (it’s a document about you) but not necessarily to its tone (it’s also a professional document, part of an application for a specific role).

That doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself (your reader will want to see that you’re passionate about your subject and enthusiastic about PhD research) but keep things professional and relevant.

These guidelines should also extend to way you write. Try to stick to short sentences and express yourself with clarity and precision. After all, a personal statement that’s easy to read is more likely to be read.

What extra-curricular experience do you have?

What are your broader goals and motivations, are there any other areas or issues arising from your cv, learn more about phd applications.

There are several components of a PhD application , besides your personal statement or statement of purpose. Our guides cover references , research proposals , academic CVs , cover letters and more.

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Tips for writing your phd personal statement.

Some of the ingredients for a great PhD statement vary from project to project and from student to student (it’s a personal statement, after all).

But the following general tips are still worth bearing in mind:

  • Keep it relevant – Remember that this is a statement about you as a potential PhD student, not just a statement about you.
  • Don’t duplicate your research proposal – A personal statement and a research proposal are two separate things. If you’re submitting both, make sure they cover different (and appropriate) ground.
  • Be honest – If you’re lucky, the content of your personal statement could end up informing questions at your PhD interview . Don’t let embellishments or inaccuracies turn those into awkward questions.
  • Look for guidelines – If your university asks you to cover something specific in your proposal, make sure you do so. The same applies to space limits or word counts.
  • Think of the statement as a beginning, not an end – Resist the temptation to include everything, ‘just in case’. By focussing on the most important elements you’ll improve the clarity of your statement and increase your chance of covering other details at your interview.
  • Address questions arising from elsewhere – If there’s a gap in your CV or an issue with one of your references, your personal statement can be an opportunity to (briefly) explain that.
  • State, don’t plead - This isn’t a letter asking to be given a PhD place. It’s a statement showing why you should be given a PhD place. That’s even more important if there’s funding involved.
  • Be confident – By the same token, don’t be afraid to demonstrate self-belief. Express your skills and achievements honestly, but be proud of what they represent.

Finally, before you submit your statement (and the rest of your PhD application ) ask someone who knows you to read it. They could be a friend, an employer, a current tutor or even one of your referees .

Either way, they’ll have a fresh perspective on your statement and will be able to tell you if it makes sense and comes across effectively. If they know you (and your work) well enough they may also be able to spot any details you’ve missed, or suggest ways to improve what you have included.

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School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies

How to write a phd research proposal.

In order to help you with your application, the information below aims to give some guidance on how a typical research proposal might look.

Your research proposal is a concise statement (up to 3,000 words) of the rationale for your research proposal, the research questions to be answered and how you propose to address them. We know that during the early stages of your PhD you are likely to refine your thinking and methodology in discussion with your supervisors.

However, we want to see that you can construct a fairly rigorous, high quality research proposal.

We use your research proposal to help us decide whether you would be a suitable candidate to study at PhD level. We therefore assess your proposal on its quality, originality, and coherence. It also helps us to decide if your research interests match those of academics in the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS) and whether they would be able to provide suitably qualified supervision for your proposed research.

Format of the research proposal

Your proposal should include the following:

Title. A short, indicative title is best.

Abstract. This is a succinct summary of your research proposal (approximately 200-300 words) that will present a condensed outline, enabling the reader to get a very quick overview of your proposed project, lines of inquiry and possible outcomes. An abstract is often written last, after you have written the proposal and are able to summarise it effectively.

Rationale for the research project. This might include a description of the question/debate/phenomenon of interest; an explanation of why the topic is of interest to you; and an outline of the reasons why the topic should be of interest to research and/ or practice (the 'so what?' question).

Aims and initial research question. What are the aims and objectives of the research? State clearly the puzzle you are addressing, and the research question that you intend to pursue. It is acceptable to have multiple research questions, but it is a good idea to clarify which is the main research question. If you have hypotheses, discuss them here. A research proposal can and should make a positive and persuasive first impression and demonstrate your potential to become a good researcher. In particular, you need to demonstrate that you can think critically and analytically as well as communicate your ideas clearly.

Research context for your proposed project. Provide a short introduction to your area of interest with a succinct, selective and critical review of the relevant literature. Demonstrate that you understand the theoretical underpinnings and main debates and issues in your research area and how your proposed research will make an original and necessary contribution to this. You need to demonstrate how your proposed research will fill a gap in existing knowledge.

Intended methodology. Outline how you plan to conduct the research and the data sources that you will use. We do not expect you to have planned a very detailed methodology at this stage, but you need to provide an overview of how you will conduct your research (qualitative and/or quantitative methods) and why this methodology is suited for your proposed study. You need to be convincing about the appropriateness and feasibility of the approaches you are suggesting, and reflective about problems you might encounter (including ethical and data protection issues) in collecting and analysing your data.

Expected outcomes and impact. How do you think the research might add to existing knowledge; what might it enable organisations or interested parties to do differently? Increasingly in academia (and this is particularly so for ESRC-funded studentships), PhD students are being asked to consider how their research might contribute to both academic impact and/or economic and societal impact. (This is well explained on the ESRC website if you would like to find out more.) Please consider broader collaborations and partnerships (academic and non-academic) that will support your research. Collaborative activity can lead to a better understanding of the ways in which academic research can translate into practice and it can help to inform and improve the quality of your research and its impact.

Timetable. What is your initial estimation of the timetable of the dissertation? When will each of the key stages start and finish (refining proposal; literature review; developing research methods; fieldwork; analysis; writing the draft; final submission). There are likely to overlaps between the stages.

Why Bristol? Why – specifically – do you want to study for your PhD at Bristol ? How would you fit into the School's  research themes and research culture . You do not need to identify supervisors at the application stage although it can be helpful if you do.

Bibliography. Do make sure that you cite what you see as the key readings in the field. This does not have to be comprehensive but you are illustrating the range of sources you might use in your research.

We expect your research proposal to be clear, concise and grammatically correct. Prior to submitting your research proposal, please make sure that you have addressed the following issues:

  • Have you included a clear summary of what the proposed research is about and why it is significant?
  • Have you clearly identified what your proposed research will add to our understanding of theory, knowledge or research design?
  • Does it state what contributions it will make to policy and/or practice?
  • Does the proposal clearly explain how you will do the research?
  • Is the language clear and easy to understand by someone who is not an expert in the field?
  • Is the grammar and spelling correct?

My PhD Application Research Statement

I am committed to making the PhD application process more open and clearer to new students, since it is my view that the unnecessary opaqueness of the status quo mostly serves to discourage minorities from applying and to preserve power in the hands of elites. Therefore, I share below the personal statement I used when applying to graduate school in 2018, in hopes it may help someone down the road. I added some comments in square brackets to explain my intended purpose for each section.

Of course, it must come with a big disclaimer: I am not in any way claiming that this is a good statement, let alone a model for others’ statements, nor making any promises about your success if you follow this advice. Also, note that the fact that I am posting this online means that this text will appear in an online search, so you probably don’t want to copy specific words or phrases ;)

Personal Statement

To whom it may concern,

[This first paragraph is a very brief summary which answers the questions “who am I?”, “what am I applying for?”, “why should you hire me?” The rest of the statement serves as a justification for the pitch made in this paragraph.]

My name is Silvia González Sellán and I am a Mathematics and Physics undergraduate student with experience in Computer Graphics research at a high level. I am writing to apply to the direct entry PhD program, to hopefully begin in Fall 2019. I believe my previous achievements can vouch for my ability to proficiently participate in a world-renowned institution like University of Toronto, and I hope my interdisciplinary training can bring to it an innovative perspective.

[The next three paragraphs are “background”, and they are not specific to which University I am applying to. Their purpose is to show that I have the experience you’re looking for as a recruiter and I am confortable describing and discussing the details of my research. Also, detailing the specific responsabilities I took on with each project.]

By this summer I will be granted two individual Bachelor of Science degrees in both Mathematics and Physics. However, for the past two years I have been dedicating myself mostly to my Computer Graphics research, supervised by professor Alec Jacobson (University of Toronto) and partially funded by several Fields Institute of Mathematics programs. Specifically, I have focused on the subfield of Geometry Processing, working with two or three-dimensional shapes in the form of meshes and using mathematical tools to analyze and manipulate them.

In our latest finished project, we circumvented the problem of achieving solid meshes of complex domains by presenting a new way to define discrete differential operators on simpler meshes that make up the final domain via set operations. The applications of our method are manifold, from shape deformations to data smoothing to the computation of solid geodesic distances in a complicated shape. Our work has so far resulted in one high-level publication of which I am the first author, “Solid Geometry Processing on Deconstructed Domains”, which has been accepted with major revisions in the journal Computer Graphics Forum. I have also presented our results in poster format in several venues, like the 2018 Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing or the Graphics Interface 2018 conference. Lately, I have begun working on a new project, also supervised by professor Jacobson, involving morphological operations and geometric flows on surfaces, which is still on its early stages but the results of which we intend to submit for publication in Spring 2019.

[This ended up happening in Spring 2020!]

As the first author and the only student working on these projects for most of their duration, I took on the main responsibilities associated with them: with my supervisor’s assistance, we produced the necessary code and mathematical results and presented them in the most polished way possible, both in poster and paper form. I also worked on satisfying the reviewers’ comments during our first peer-review phase and submitted an improved version of our paper which complied with the major revisions required and is currently under review.

[This is the vision section. My intention was to tell the reader “You won’t need to worry about figuring out what to do with me, I have a very clear plan that you should be excited about”.]

If given the opportunity of working towards my PhD at University of Toronto, my vision for the program would be two-fold. My most immediate intention is to complete my reading and formal studies in order to achieve a global grasp of Computer Graphics as a field. Attending lectures in different congresses such as SIGGRAPH 2018 has woken me up to the very different avenues one can follow within it, and I would very much love to have a better understanding of these so I can choose my future wisely. Secondly, I would like to continue with my work in Geometry Processing and Discrete Differential Geometry, making use of your laboratory’s resources to collaborate with other scientists in order to produce high-quality research and have the satisfaction that I am significantly contributing to such a young, fast-growing area of knowledge like Graphics is.

[Now begins the institution-specific section of the statement. I thought it important to add concrete facts that relate me to the institution, and start from the bottom up: beginning with the specific supervisor (it is important to name them), then the Department and ending with the University as a whole.]

During the past two years I have cultivated a great relationship with the University of Toronto Department of Computer Science and, more specifically, with the Computer Graphics area of the Dynamic Graphics Project laboratory. Not only have I been directed by professor Alec Jacobson in two Fields Institute of Mathematics research programs, but this has also meant that I have spent a combined time of four months working in the DGP laboratory, directed by professor David Levin. I have also given research-related talks at the Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Summer Research Program (UGSRP) in 2017 and 2018, and even travelled to Toronto in the winter to attend and speak at the Toronto-Montreal Area Graphics Workshop (TOMOGRAPH) in late 2017, which was hosted by the same Department. In the upcoming years, I would be interested in being supervised by professor Jacobson or professor Levin in order to continue with our research together.

My excitement about participating in this Department’s PhD program is only matched by my desire to belong to University of Toronto’s community as a whole. I first visited St. George’s campus as a tourist during my first trip to Canada in 2013 and was captivated by its beauty as much as by its welcoming climate of tolerance. During my academic visits to the University in the following years I was privileged to interact and collaborate with various U of T graduate and undergraduate students, and it was thanks to them that I became determined that I am a great fit for Toronto’s academic and cultural community. The institution’s commitment to tackle gender-based harassment and create a diverse and inclusive environment has convinced me even more that I should present myself as a candidate for this position.

[Closing, standard language.]

I kindly ask that you consider my application for the PhD program to begin Fall 2019. I am looking forward to knowing your decision and remain at your disposal for any additional information you may request, as well as for an interview if you were to deem it helpful.

Yours faithfully,

Silvia González Sellán

WTO / Education / 11 Perfect Academic Research Statement Examples (with Guide)

11 Perfect Academic Research Statement Examples (with Guide)

Academic documents are often needed as we progress through our lives and careers. Among the most commonly used academic documents is the research statement. A research statement is usually a document not exceeding three pages that convince the board or school on a research topic. This document aims at explaining what the research you are about to conduct is about and what you hope to find out by the end of it. The document is, for the most part, short, well defined and robust.

Samples & Examples

Academic Research Statement Examples guide researchers in organizing their thoughts, presenting their ideas effectively, and highlighting the significance of their work. To further enhance convenience, here are free downloadable templates that will enable you to easily access and adapt them to suit their specific needs.

Free Printable Nursing Academic Research Position Statement as Pdf

Purpose of Research Statement

The research statement is as mentioned above aimed at convincing the reader on the essence of the research you are about to start. It usually covers the main points on your plans and expected results in brief. When done properly, it should explain why you think the research is relevant, what you expect to find, what factors you plan to consider during your research, methodologies, and data collection methods, what your motivation is, and how it can benefit other academic subjects or researchers.

How a Research Statement Works for You

A research statement allows your readers to understand your potential, expertise, and skill in the field you may want to conduct your research in. By doing this; you can explain how your research can help them as well as the common good. It is used for various purposes. One common use is in helping in the hiring process.

Once a panel can determine your level of experience and expertise, they can then know whether you are a good fit to work as part of a research project. It is also a good way of gaining funding. The statement is usually an overview of a research proposal . When done right, it has the potential to encourage an investor to fund your research.

How to Write a Research Statement

For a research statement to get its message across, a good format is required, poor formatting may have you lose structure and deliver your points in a disorderly fashion. A great statement should follow the following format:


As any other academic document, a research statement needs a good introduction. The introduction aims at defining your research agenda. This section allows you to convince your reader that you are strong and ready to embark on the research challenge. You can state your previous achievements, foundation, as well as express your passion in the subject matter. This section can detail your expertise on the research topic and any other ongoing research topics that may aid your research.

State your focus

This section works to identify the problem your research aims at solving. You can state what the problem is, why the research has not been undertaken before by other people, how you plan to work on the challenge as well as the approach you plan to use.

Importance of your research and academics

As part of convincing your reader, this section aims at making them understand how your previous experience and interests can help in the research. This section convinces your reader that you are the right person for the job.


As part of your conclusion, this section works to summarize your earlier mentioned points. This includes your research goals and project.

Proper delivery of the statement will convince your reader of your ability to undertake the challenge as well as your long-term goals. Following the above-described flow assures a flow of information that best explains all points needed in a systematic manner.

Format of Academic Research Statements

The objective of the research statement is to introduce yourself to a search committee. Which will most likely contain scientists both in and outside your field of study, and get them excited about your research.

To encourage people to read the statement:

  • Use bullets
  • Make the margins a reasonable size
  • Make it one or two pages long, three at most
  • Use informative section headings and subheadings
  • Use an easy to read font type and size

Writing a great and effective research statement is not as easy as it may sound; even the most seasoned practitioners encounter problems and challenges daily. The statement needed might seem obvious to them but difficult to describe to non-specialists. One may not have thought about how to quantify it or how to justify the required statement concerning other agencies or national priorities. A serious challenge to them might not even be on a decision maker’s radar screen.

If, at first, you fail to succeed, don’t lose hope. If your statement is not selected, try to find out why. If possible, get the reviewer’s comments. Were they able to understand your research statement? If not, what could you have done differently to make it easily understandable to them? Did they consider it as a good statement but not a top priority or high potential payoff? Do not be embarrassed or discouraged by constructive reviews; they are the best guidance you can get to write better statements.

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Alexander Ruiz

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  • Graduate School

Research Interest Statement Samples That Worked

Research Interest Statement Sample

A good research interest statement sample can be hard to find. Still, it can also be a beneficial tool for writing one and preparing for a grad school application or post-graduate position. Your research interest statement is one of the key components of your application to get into grad school . In a few cases, admissions committees have used it instead of an interview, so it is important to write a strong essay. We’ve provided research interest statement samples for you in this blog post. We have also included several tips that will help you write a strong statement to help improve your chances of getting accepted into your dream program. 

>> Want us to help you get accepted? Schedule a free initial consultation here <<

Article Contents 13 min read

What is a research interest statement.

A research interest statement is essential for most graduate school, post-graduate, and academic job applications. Sometimes, it may be referred to it as a " statement of intent " or "description of research interests." While they are similar, research interest statement may require some additional information. Generally, your statement will pride a brief overview of your research background, including your past research experience, the current state of your research, and the future research you'd like to complete, including any required equipment and collaborations. It is usually written in the form of a short essay. Still, of course, different graduate programs can have specific requirements, so make sure to check the program you are applying to and read the particular instructions that they give to ensure your research interest statement meets their requirements. 

Your research statement plays a big role in the committee's decision. Ultimately, they are trying to figure out if you, as a person, and your research, would be a good fit for their program. A strong statement can help you convince them of this by showing your passion for research, your research interests and experience, the connection between your interests and the program, and the extent of your writing skills which is really important for paper and grant writing, and thus for earning money for your research!

Undergraduate programs are centered around classes, but graduate and post-graduate programs are all about your research and what your research contributes to your discipline of choice. That is why a research interest statement is so important, because it is essentially a way for you to share this information with the program that you have chosen.

Writing a strong statement can be helpful to you, as well. Having to explain your research and talk about your goals coherently will give you a chance to define your future research and career plans, as well as academic interests.

What Should Your Research Interest Statement Include?

The exact requirements of the research interest statement can vary depending on where you are applying and for what position. Most faculty positions will need you to produce a separate file for your statement, and most of the time, for an academic program, you can simply include your statement within your CV for graduate school .  

Need to prepare your grad school CV? This video has helpful advice for you:

Unless otherwise stated by the program or faculty that you are applying to, your statement should be one to two pages long or between 600 and 1000 words. If you are including your description of interest statements on your resume, then it would be ideal to keep it between 400 and 600 words. Most programs will give you guidelines for the research interest statement so make sure you follow those. They rarely include a specific question or prompt but they might ask for a particular detail to be included in your interest statement. For example, a university’s requirements may look something like this: “In your statement of interest, you should detail your study and/or research interests and reasons for seeking admission. You must identify a faculty member from the Anthropology of Department with whom you are interested in being your advisor. The length of a statement of intent should be 2 pages in length (single-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12 point)”

Your statement should include a brief history of your past research. It should tell the committee what you have previously set out to answer with your research projects, what you found, and if it led to any academic publications or collaborations. It should also address your current research. What questions are you actively trying to solve? You will need to tell the committee if you’ve made any progress, what you have found, if you are connecting your research to the larger academic conversation and what the larger implications of your work actually are. Finally, you want to talk about the future of your research. What further questions do you want to solve? How do you intend to find answers to these questions? What are the broader implications of your potential results, and how can the institution you are applying to help you?

Before we show you some examples, let's go over a few essential things that you need to keep in mind while writing your research interest statement to make sure it is strong. 


Give Yourself Ample Time: Much like with other components of your application, like your CV or a graduate school interview question , preparation is the key to success. You should give yourself enough time to thoroughly research the program or faculty you are applying to, gather all the information or documents that can aid you in writing, and then write and rewrite as many times as you need to. Give yourself at least 6 weeks to draft, redraft, and finalize your statement. You may also want to consider investing in a graduate school admissions consultant as they have more experience writing these types of essays and may see things that you can’t.

Research the Program/Faculty: The purpose of your research interest statement is to tell the committee all about your research plans, how it will contribute to the field and convince them that not only is their institution is the best place for it, but that you will be an asset to them as a candidate. To do this, you need to know what kind of candidate they are looking for, what kind of research they have been interested in in the past, and if there is anything particular that they require in the research interest statement. Remember, expectations for research statements can vary among disciplines and universities, so it is essential that you write for the right audience.

The Format / Writing Style

Your research statement should be in an academic essay format. It needs to be concise, well-organized, and easy to read. For graduate school, PhD or post-doc positions, your research interest statement will usually be a part of your resume. We recommend that you stick to the following things when it comes to the format:

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The Content

Introduction: This is a functional academic document, unlike college essays or personal statements, so you want to go straight to the point and focus on the key information that needs to be conveyed. You want to use this paragraph to tell the committee why you are writing this statement. In other words, you should clearly state what kind of research you are interested in pursuing at the institution in question and explain why you are drawn to the subject. 

Body: This is your “why and how” paragraphs. In 2 or 3 paragraphs, you should expand on your interest, background, accomplishments, and plans in the field of research. Depending on your level of experience, you may use this time to talk about your previous or current research. If you do not have much experience, then you may use this paragraph to talk about any skills or academic achievements that could be relevant. 

Conclusion: To conclude, you should restate your interest and tie it back to the research you intend to continue at the university. Be specific about the direction you’d like to take the research in, who you’d like to work with, and what the institution has that would help you. We also suggest including a concise statement that reiterates your unique suitability for the program, and what you can contribute to it and your chosen field.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Being Too Personal: Often, students will confuse the statement of purpose and the research interest statement or letter of intent. It is essential to understand the difference between these two documents because some programs will ask for both of these documents. There is quite a bit of overlap between the two essays, so they are very easy to mix up. Both documents ask applicants to focus on their research interests, relevant past academic & professional experiences, and their long-term goals in the field. However, a statement of purpose is more of a personal statement that describes your journey and overall suitability for a program. In contrast, a research interest statement is a more formal academic document specific to the research you intend to pursue in a program. It will include many details such as the faculty members you want to work with, the program facilities and resources you wish to use, etc.

Not Following Guidelines: As mentioned earlier, these statements can vary depending on the discipline and the faculty. It is crucial that you review all the institution's guidelines and follow them. Some schools will have a specific word count, others may simply give you a maximum and minimum word count. Others may even have a specific prompt or question that you will need to answer with your essay. You want to make sure that you are following the instructions provided by the program. 

Using Too Much Jargon: Your statement will be read by people who are most likely knowledgeable, but they might not be from your specific field or specialty. We understand that it may not be possible to be clear about your research without using a few niche words, but try to keep them at a minimum and avoid using acronyms that are not well known outside of your specialty.

Having One Generic Statement: The requirements of your research statement are different from one school to another, and you should tailor your letter to the program you are writing to. We know that the research and experience you are talking about are still the same, but the qualities and aspects of that experience you play up should help you appeal to the school you are applying to. For example, if you are applying to a very collaborative program, you should highlight your collaborations and your experience working as part of a team.

Looking for tips on getting into grad school? This infographic is for you:

Research of Interest Statement Samples

Below are sample research interest statements for reference: 

Research Statement of Interest 1

Jennifer Doe

As the child of an immigrant, I have always been fascinated by the relationship between identity, geographic territory, and economic development. With the rise of globalization, there is a broader effort in the social sciences to study the link between cultural identity, human mobility, and economic development in the contemporary world. I hope that my research will contribute to this as well. I am applying to the X University Global Anthropology program, as it is the best place for me to explore my research interests and channel them towards my long-term goals. I believe that my undergraduate education and the research experience it gave me have prepared me to undertake advanced research projects, thus making me an excellent candidate for this program.

I spent the first two years of undergraduate studies taking psychology courses. I went to university knowing that I wanted to learn about human behavior and culture. I was thirsty for information, but I did not know what kind of information just yet. It wasn’t until I took an elective anthropology class in my second year and started discussing identity in anthropology that something clicked. Unlike many other social sciences, anthropology explores the different ways that cultures affect human behavior and that connected right away with my experience as an immigrant. I have been passionate about the subject ever since, and I intend on spending my career exploring this topic further.

In the long run, I am interested in understanding how geography affects the construction of one’s cultural identity, especially when it comes to immigrants. Literature already exists on the topic, but most of it examines the upper levels of this process of social reproduction, concentrating on the roles of governments and associations in promoting ties between migrants and their homelands. Prof. Jane Doe Smith is one of the anthropologists researching the transnational migration experience, and I hope to have the opportunity to work with her at X University.

I was fortunate to be part of a summer research experience as an undergraduate, which took place in several west African countries, including Mali, Senegal, and Nigeria. Dr. Sam Smith was leading the research, and my time on his team allowed me to gain hands-on experience in research while living abroad. One of the things that I did almost daily was interview the subjects in a controlled environment, and sometimes I got to be a part of traditional ceremonies. I learnt how to observe without being intrusive and how to interact with clinical subjects. The experience only strengthened my curiosity and conviction that today more than ever, we need to understand what identity is and the different factors that can affect it.

I enrolled in several challenging research-oriented courses such as Applied Statistical Inference for the Behavioral Sciences, Principles of Measurement, and more throughout my degree. I was also able to work as a research lab assistant for one of my mentors, Mr. Jonathan Smith. I worked with him while he studied the relationship between identity, culture and “self.” My main duties were to assist in the creating of surveys and other assessment materials, administer written and verbal tests to participants, create literature reviews for potential resources, create summaries of findings for analysis and other office duties such as reserving testing rooms. This particular experience allowed me to get some hands-on experience with data collection, data analysis, report preparation and the creation of data summaries.

I know that there is a lot more that I can learn from the X University. I have seen the exemplary work in anthropology and other social studies done by the staff and alumni of this school. It has inspired and convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt that pursuing my graduate studies in your program meets my personal, academic, and professional goals objectives.

My advanced research skills, passion for anthropology and clinical research, as well as my academic proficiency make me the ideal candidate for X University's Clinical Global Anthropology Master’s program. I believe that X University’s rigorous curriculum and facilities make it the perfect place for me, my long-term career goals and my research commitments. 

Jamie Medicine

I am applying to the brain and development master's program of X university because it is one of the few universities that not only has a program that combines the two disciplines that I majored in my undergraduate studies: Psychology and Linguistics; but also because it is a program that I know would allow me to grow as a researcher, contribute to my chosen fields and achieve my long-term career goals. My research is motivated by two of my favorite things: language and music. To be more specific, hip-hop music. In 20xx, Rollingstone magazine published an article stating that hip hop was now more popular than rock and roll. The rise in popularity of this initially very niche genre has sparked a conversation in specific academic fields such as psychology, sociology, linguistics, and English about the use of language within it but also the effects that it can have on those who listen to it. I hope to one day contribute to that conversation by studying the relationship between hip-hop music and vocabulary development, and I believe that pursuing this particular research interest at X university is the best way for me to do that.

There are many potential places this research may lead me and many potential topics I may explore. Furthermore, there are many things that it would allow us to learn about the effect that music has on our brains and society at large.

I was fortunate enough to work under Dr. Jane D. Smith at the University of X for two years while conducting her recently published study on vocabulary instruction for children with a developmental language disorder. During my time in her lab, I interviewed participants and put together evaluation materials for them. I was also responsible for data entry, analysis, and summarizing. This experience gave me the skills and the knowledge that allowed me to exceed expectations for my final research project in undergraduate school.

One of my undergraduate degree requirements was to complete a small independent study under the supervision of a professor. I chose to study music's effect on children's vocabulary development. Several studies look for ways to decrease the million-word gap, and I wanted to see if this thing that I am so passionate about, music, had any effect at all. I compiled multiple literature reviews and analyzed their results, and I found that there is indeed a correlation between the number of words that a child spoke and the amount of music that they were exposed to. 

This research is currently being explored on a larger scale by Prof. John Doe at X university and learning from him is one of the many reasons I have applied to this program. I took several research methodology courses throughout my degree, and I would love to enroll in the Applied Statistics for Psychology course he is currently teaching to build upon the foundational knowledge I already have. There are several other faculty members in the brain and language department with whom learning from would be a dream come true. In addition to that, working with them is a real possibility because the research they are currently doing and the research I hope to pursue are greatly matched.

I genuinely believe that X university has the curriculum and facilities that I need to meet my long-term goals and research commitments. I also believe that my academic achievements, eagerness to learn, and passion make me the perfect candidate for your program. 

Interested in some tips to help you manage grad school once you're there? Check out this video :

It is essentially an essay that provides a brief overview of your research experience and goals. This includes your past research experience, the current state of your research, and the future research you'd like to complete. It is also sometimes referred to as a "statement of intent" or "description of research interests."

This statement tells the admissions committee more about you as an applicant. It gives you the opportunity to tell them more about your research (past, present, and future) and show them that you are a good fit for their institution.

No. Some graduate school programs might ask for a statement of purpose and a writing sample instead, or they could ask for none of the above. You should always check the requirements of the specific program that you’re applying to.

Generally, your statement should be 400 to 1000 words or about two pages long. That said, most programs will give you guidelines so make sure you check those and follow them.

You certainly can but we do not recommend it. You should always tailor your statement to the program you are applying to. Remember that the aim is to convince the admissions committee that you are a good fit for their school so make sure you highlight the qualities and values that they care about.

We recommend that you doublecheck the information provided by your chosen program as they often have specific instructions for the format of the letter. If none exist, make sure that the format of your document is pleasing to the eye. Stick to easily legible fonts, a decent font size, spacing, margins, etc.  Also, it is best to keep the content of the letter concise and professional.

We recommend giving yourself at least 6 weeks to write your statement. This will give you ample time to brainstorm, write a strong letter, read it again and edit it as many times as necessary. It also gives you enough time to get expert eyes on your letter and work with them to improve it if you wish.

No. Research interest statements are often required for post-graduate school applications and for other positions in academic faculties.

Absolutely! You can always reach out to admissions professionals, such as graduate school admissions consultants or grad school essays tutors .

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BeMo Academic Consulting

You are very welcome, Rasool!

Sadia Sultana

hello, thanks for providing guide line for Research Interest statement, the important aspect of scholarship application. Kindly guide me, What should be the title of the Research Statement. Thanks

Hi Sadia! Check the requirements of your school first. They might provide some info on whether a title is even needed. 

Sadia Tasnim Epa

I'm very pleased that you have mentioned every detail of research interest which helped me to clear all of my doubts.... Thank you very much.

Hi Sadia! Glad you found this helpful!

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phd research statement example

Admit Lab

Flawless Statement Of Purpose For PhD: Samples & Tips

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As an aspiring PhD student, you’ve probably heard it time and time again – your statement of purpose (SOP) is one of the most important elements of your application. In just a few short pages, the admissions committee needs to understand your research interests, fit for the program, and long-term career goals. It’s no small feat to efficiently and powerfully convey all this within the character limit restrictions. That’s why we are here to walk you through everything you need to know to create the perfect SOP and bolster your chances of admissions success. In this post, we’ll unpack the anatomy of a compelling SOP, including essential components and structure. We’ll also share statement of purpose for PhD samples from both real and fictional but effective essays to give you a sense of the different styles and tones you can take.Finally, we’ll provide my top writing and editing tips to help you put your best foot forward and craft the type of polished, punchy statement that makes admissions officers eager to admit you into their program. Let’s dive in and get started on building your application’s most pivotal piece.

Understand the purpose

A statement of purpose for a PhD program is more than just a formal requirement for the application process; it is a critical component that helps the admission committee understand your academic journey, your research interests, and your fit into the program. The SOP serves a dual purpose- it demonstrates your ability to articulate complex ideas clearly and concisely, reflecting your communication skills, and it outlines your intellectual curiosity and dedication to your field of study. The committee uses the SOP to gauge whether your research interests align with those of the faculty, whether you have the potential to contribute significantly to the field, and whether you have the resilience and dedication to withstand the rigors of a PhD program. Essentially, the SOP is your opportunity to convince the committee that you are a compatible candidate for the program and that you have the ambition, curiosity, and academic prowess to succeed.

What your statement of purpose should not do

While your statement of purpose should provide a comprehensive picture of your academic journey, it should not merely rehash what can already be found on your resume or CV. The resume primarily lists your qualifications, the courses you’ve taken, the projects you’ve completed, and the positions you’ve held. Simply repeating these details in your statement does not add any value to your application and can be redundant.

As demonstrated in the statement of purpose for PhD samples below, the aim of the essay is to provide context, explain the motivations behind your academic and professional decisions, and to outline your future research goals and aspirations. Rehashing your resume wastes valuable space that could be used to highlight your research interests, demonstrate your analytical thinking, and elucidate your understanding of the academic field. Moreover, it reflects a lack of creativity and an inability to think critically, traits that are extremely important for a successful PhD candidate. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your SOP goes beyond your resume, offering a deeper insight into your intellectual journey and your commitment to your chosen field of study.

Here is an illustration of how your statement of purpose can provide a comprehensive account of your academic journey without simply echoing your resume or CV:

“As an undergraduate, I was drawn to the complexities and intricacies of molecular biology, a fascination that was kindled during my sophomore year project on DNA replication. This wasn’t simply a course requirement for me, but a thrilling dive into the minuscule yet mighty world of cells and DNA. The project led me to identify my research interest and, subsequently, to choose an internship in a lab specializing in gene editing techniques. This experience allowed me to work with renowned professionals and gain hands-on experience, igniting a desire to contribute meaningfully to this field. My decision to apply for a PhD program in molecular biology stems from this inquisitiveness and the profound desire to delve deeper into the mysteries of genetic codes. If granted the opportunity, my aim is to focus on gene therapy research to combat genetic disorders, a pursuit that I believe can change countless lives. This is not merely an academic endeavor for me; it is my commitment to contribute to a field that holds immense potential for human health.”

girl working on her statement of purpose for PhD

Know your audience

Understanding your audience is central to crafting a compelling statement of purpose for a PhD program. When preparing your SOP, consider the specifics of the program and department you’re applying to — what are their research focus areas, what methodologies do they frequently employ, who are the key faculty members, and what are their contributions to the field? Incorporating these details into your SOP will demonstrate that you’ve done your homework and that you’re genuinely interested in the program.

It’s not about pandering to the department; rather, it’s about showing that you’ve taken the time to understand their objectives and that you see a genuine alignment between their work and your research interests. For instance, if the department is known for its focus on quantitative methods, you might want to highlight your experience with these methods and how you plan to utilize them in your research. Similarly, if a faculty member in the department is doing groundbreaking work in your area of interest, mentioning this work and how it aligns with your research goals could work in your favor.

Remember, the SOP is not just about selling your skills and achievements; it’s about weaving a narrative that shows a deep understanding of the program, a clear vision of your research journey, and a firm belief in your compatibility with the department’s goals and values. Among the statement of purpose for PhD samples provided in this blog post, the following one demonstrates how to do just that:

“As an aspiring PhD candidate, I am drawn to the University of XYZ’s Department of Neuroscience due to its renowned focus on neurodegenerative diseases. I have a particular interest in the methodologies that Dr. Jane Doe employs in her groundbreaking research on Parkinson’s disease. Having utilized quantitative methods extensively during my master’s thesis, I plan to further refine these skills to contribute to this field’s evolving discourse. I am particularly impressed by the department’s innovative approach to integrating molecular biology and computational modeling . This aligns closely with my own vision of utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach to understand the complexities of neurodegenerative disorders. My past research endeavors along with my desire to delve deeper into this particular field have equipped me with a unique perspective and a steadfast determination. I firmly believe that the application of my skills and the alignment of our research interests will significantly contribute to the department’s ongoing projects and overarching goals.”

Focus on your research experience

In your statement of purpose, the articulation of past experiences forms a pivotal part. It lays a foundational layer that demonstrates your abilities, commitment, and growth. Each experience that you narrate should be a reflection of your intellectual curiosity, research acumen, and dedication to your chosen field.

This does not mean that you just sequentially list your experiences. Instead, it is essential to focus on those that had a significant impact on your academic journey or shaped your research interests. Discuss your learnings, illustrate how challenges were addressed and remember to underline your contribution to each experience shared.

The idea is to paint a picture of your capabilities, showcasing not just your technical skills, but also your problem-solving ability, perseverance, and team spirit. When an admissions committee member reads your SOP, they should not only grasp your past experiences but also see your potential to effect meaningful change in the future.

As such, your SOP should be a blend of your present and future – a snapshot of who you have been, who you are, and who you aspire to become. Therefore, invest the time to reflect, compose, and meticulously proofread your SOP, as it serves as a powerful tool that can impress the admissions committee, setting you apart from other candidates.

“During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to be a part of a research team working on nano-sensor technology. This experience ignited my passion for nanotechnology and sensor systems, as I found the potential of these technologies in addressing some of the pressing environmental issues remarkable. I contributed to this project by identifying a novel approach for enhancing the sensor’s sensitivity, which was an outcome of my methodical problem-solving approach and rigorous testing. This experience was not without its challenges, and it was during these trying times that my perseverance shone through. There were instances when our team hit roadblocks, but we resolved them collaboratively, highlighting my ability to work effectively in a team. The knowledge and skills that I gained from this experience have significantly influenced my academic path and future aspirations. Now, I aim to delve deeper into this domain in my graduate studies, with the ultimate goal of developing innovative solutions for environmental challenges. I believe that my dedication, combined with my problem-solving skills and team spirit, will enable me to contribute significantly to the ongoing projects at your esteemed institution.”

Girl looking up statement of purpose for PhD samples on her computer

Highlight your research interests

As shown in the statement of purpose for PhD samples below, general statements about being interested in a broad field, such as ‘molecular biology’ or ‘international relations,’ will not make you stand out. Instead, delve into the intricate aspects of your area of interest, demonstrating your profound understanding and passion for the subject.

For instance, if your research interest lies in the domain of molecular biology, you might specify that you are particularly intrigued by the role of microRNAs in gene regulation and its implications for cancer treatment. If international relations is your field, you might express a keen interest in the interplay of economic sanctions and nuclear disarmament, using specific case studies such as North Korea or Iran.

Back your assertions with evidence of your knowledge and skills – refer to relevant research you’ve done, courses you’ve taken, or seminal literature you’ve read. Tying your research interests to current debates and pressing issues in the field will further underscore your commitment and preparedness for PhD-level work. You also need to mention potential research questions you wish to explore, thereby showcasing your ability to conceptualize and execute research.

Remember, your research interests are the cornerstone of your PhD journey, and the statement of purpose is an opportunity to demonstrate that these interests are informed, well-articulated, and aligned with the department’s expertise.

“My fascination with molecular biology is deeply rooted in the complex world of microRNAs and their potential in gene regulation. I am particularly captivated by the implications this has for cancer treatment, a connection I have explored in my undergraduate research examining the role of microRNA-155 in breast cancer progression. This research, coupled with my advanced coursework in cellular biology and genetics, has equipped me with a robust understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving disease. Furthermore, my keen interest extends to pressing debates in the field, as I am actively engaged in studying the potential of microRNAs as therapeutic targets. Looking forward, I wish to delve deeper into this area during my PhD, with an initial research question centered around understanding the differential expression patterns of microRNAs in various cancer types. I am confident that the department’s expertise in molecular biology, notably the groundbreaking work on microRNA-based therapies, aligns perfectly with my research interests, and I am excited about the possibility of contributing to this pioneering field.”

Emphasize your motivation

Your motivation is the driving force behind your aspiration to pursue a PhD, and it is crucial to articulate this effectively in your statement of purpose . It is not enough to merely state that you are passionate about your subject; you need to demonstrate your commitment and dedication through tangible examples and anecdotes.

For instance, you might talk about a seminal moment or experience that sparked your interest in the field – perhaps a particular course you took or a paper you read that opened up a new perspective. You might recount how you pursued this interest, undertaking independent reading, engaging in research projects, or seeking out mentors in your field. You might discuss how these experiences fueled your passion further, inciting an insatiable curiosity and a determination to contribute to the field.

Convey how your subject has influenced your worldview, shaped your career goals, and ingrained a sense of purpose and direction in your life. This passion should seep into every facet of your statement of purpose, presenting a compelling narrative that resonates with the admissions committee. Ultimately, your motivation should underscore your willingness to embrace the rigors of a PhD program, your readiness to delve deeper into your field, and your ambition to make a profound impact on it.

“My fascination with neurobiology was truly sparked when I took an introductory course in my sophomore year of undergraduate studies. The intricate workings of the human brain and how it influences behavior captivated me. I sought to dive deeper into this subject, undertaking independent reading beyond the scope of my coursework. I also volunteered for a research project under the guidance of a respected professor in the field. This hands-on experience introduced me to the thrill of discovery and the satisfaction of contributing to scientific knowledge. These experiences reinforced my passion for neurobiology, instilling an insatiable curiosity and a determination to delve deeper. Today, this subject has evolved from merely an academic interest to a defining aspect of my life, shaping my career aspirations and directing my purpose. My motivation to pursue a PhD stems from this profound desire to deepen my understanding, participate in groundbreaking research, and ultimately contribute significantly to our understanding of the human brain.”

Hands from a femal writing her statement of purpose for phd

Discuss your qualifications

Your qualifications form a significant part of your application and should be highlighted effectively in your statement of purpose. Start by discussing your academic background, emphasizing the relevance of your degrees, courses, and thesis projects to your proposed area of study.

For example, if you’re applying for a PhD in psychology, you might mention your bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the same field, the psychology courses you’ve mastered, and the dissertation you’ve completed on a related topic.

Next, delve into relevant work experiences, internships, or research projects you’ve partaken in, explaining the insights and skills you’ve gleaned from these opportunities. Be specific about your roles and responsibilities, the methodologies you’ve used, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the results you’ve achieved.

Remember, each aspect of your qualifications should align with your research interests and underscore your readiness for the PhD program.

Show how you can contribute

In the conclusion of your statement of purpose, it’s essential to clearly articulate how you can contribute to the PhD program and the broader academic community. This involves showing how your unique perspectives, experiences, skills, and aspirations can enrich the learning environment, push the boundaries of your field, and address pertinent societal issues.

For example, you might highlight how your innovative research methodology can fill existing gaps in knowledge, how your commitment to mentorship can foster a supportive academic culture, or how your interdisciplinary approach can facilitate collaborations and yield groundbreaking insights.

Be sure to also touch on your long-term career goals, such as becoming a professor, a policy-maker, or a consultant, and explain how these align with the objectives of the PhD program and the institution’s mission. This gives the admissions committee a clear vision of your future trajectory and reassures them of your determination and potential to succeed.

Remember, your conclusion is your final chance to leave a lasting impression, so ensure it’s compelling, coherent, and reflective of your passion, readiness, and potential to excel in the PhD program.

“To conclude, I am keen to join your esteemed PhD program as I see it as a platform where my experiences, skills, and aspirations can have a significant impact. With my in-depth background in environmental science and a passion for data analytics, I intend to explore innovative methodologies that address the pressing issue of climate change. This interdisciplinary approach, I believe, can fill gaps in current research and provide novel insights that could potentially lead to impactful solutions. I am equally committed to fostering a supportive academic culture through active mentorship in the X program, leveraging my experience as a TA during my master’s in Y activities. Looking ahead, my ultimate career goal is to work as a policy consultant, leveraging research to shape powerful environmental policies. I am confident that this aligns with the mission of your institution and the objectives of the PhD program. In summary, I am eager to contribute to the academic community and believe that with my passion, readiness, and potential, I will be a valuable addition to your program.”

Express clearly and concisely

As demonstrated in the statement of purpose for PhD samples above, writing an essay that is clear and concise necessitates a logical structure and a succinct, yet compelling language.

Use simple, direct language, focusing on precision and clarity. Be mindful of wordiness and redundancy, as these can dilute your message and confuse the reader. It’s crucial to use strong, active verbs and to avoid jargon, ensuring that your SOP is accessible and engaging. Breaking down complex ideas into simpler terms not only demonstrates your understanding of the subject but also makes your SOP easier to read.

Each paragraph should flow seamlessly into the next, maintaining a logical progression of ideas. Providing relevant examples and conveying them succinctly can further enhance the clarity and impact of your SOP. Moreover, a well-structured, concise SOP reflects your ability to communicate effectively, a skill integral to any academic pursuit. Whether you’re describing your research interests, academic achievements, or future plans, make every word count.

Remember, your goal is to convince the admissions committee that you are a promising candidate who will contribute positively to their program.

Show, don’t just tell

One of the most persuasive techniques in writing a compelling SOP is to employ a ‘show, don’t tell’ approach. This involves illustrating your claims with vivid examples and stories that demonstrate your qualifications and passion, rather than merely stating them.

For instance, instead of claiming that you have strong research skills, you might describe a complex project that you successfully managed, explaining the strategies you used and the challenges you overcame. You could bring your academic interests to life by detailing the precise moment when you realized your passion for your field of study, whether it was a fascinating lecture, a thought-provoking book, or a groundbreaking research paper.

You can also substantiate your career aspirations by recounting relevant experiences, such as internships, workshops, or leadership roles, that shaped your career goals and prepared you for the future. These narratives not only provide concrete evidence of your attributes but also make your SOP more engaging and memorable.

Be sure to use vibrant language to paint a clear picture and evoke emotions, making your experiences resonate with the reader. Incorporating a personal touch — your unique perspective, insights, or reflections — can give your SOP a distinct voice that stands apart from others.

Through compelling storytelling, you can transform your SOP into a captivating narrative that leaves a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

guy writing his statement of purpose

Warning: The purpose of statement of purpose for PhD samples

When it comes to crafting an impactful statement of purpose, samples can serve as invaluable tools. They offer a glimpse into the structure, content, and tone expected in a well-curated SOP. More than mere templates to be copied, statement of purpose for PhD samples should be viewed as guides for understanding how to articulate your academic and career aspirations effectively. They showcase successful attempts at conveying passion for a field, highlighting academic achievements, and outlining future goals within the constraints of a limited word count.

Despite the benefits of statement of purpose for PhD samples, it’s critical to remember that each SOP is unique and personal. Simply copying a sample would undermine the primary purpose of the SOP: to provide a distinct and authentic narrative of your journey and aspirations. The correct way to utilize these statement of purpose for PhD samples is by analyzing the writing strategies used, deriving inspiration, and then creating an original piece of work that reflects the applicant’s unique story. This approach ensures that the SOP not only meets the formal requirements set forth by the academic institution but also captures the individuality of the applicant, thus making a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

The high stakes of your statement of purpose

Your SOP is much more than a mere component of your application; it is a crucial determinant of your acceptance. This document breathes life into your application, rendering a vivid picture of your past, present, and future aspirations to the admissions committee. Its weight is such that a well-crafted SOP can elevate an otherwise average application, while a poorly constructed one can diminish the impact of an exceptional academic record.

Think of it as a double-edged sword, capable of either bolstering your chances of admission or, alternatively, significantly undermining them. The smallest of errors — be it a grammatical faux pas, a lack of coherence, or a failure to aptly convey your passion — can be detrimental, casting doubt on your abilities and commitment.

On the other hand, a compelling, polished SOP that succinctly encapsulates your journey, goals, and potential can resonate profoundly with the committee, positioning you as a desirable candidate. The stakes, then, are undeniably high. It’s a daunting task to undertake alone, and the margin for error is slim. Assessing your work objectively can be challenging, and subtle nuances may escape your notice. Seeking feedback in this critical endeavor may prove invaluable in ensuring your SOP is not just good, but exceptional.

Let’s recap. As demonstrated through our statement of purpose for your PhD samples, the SOP is one of the most important elements of the application process and needs to distinctly capture your research interests, fit for the program and future aspirations in its few pages. We have provided you with helpful information about components and structure, given real samples to emulate, and shared tips on writing and editing to ensure you submit a top-notch statement that will leave a favorable impression. Now that you know how to write an effective SOP for your PhD application confidently, what are you waiting for? Put your newfound knowledge into action and get started on creating an outstanding SOP that truly speaks for itself. And if you find yourself struggling or needing a bit of guidance along this journey, we offer statement of purpose services – whether it be helping you write your SOP from scratch or providing personalized feedback. Make sure to check them out!

With a Master’s from McGill University and a Ph.D. from New York University, Dr. Philippe Barr is the founder of The Admit Lab . As a tenure-track professor, Dr. Barr spent a decade teaching and serving on several graduate admission committees at UNC-Chapel Hill before turning to full-time consulting. With more than seven years of experience as a graduate school admissions consultant, Dr. Barr has stewarded the candidate journey across multiple master’s programs and helped hundreds of students get admitted to top-tier graduate programs all over the world .

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The Royal Society

University Research Fellowship

This scheme is for outstanding scientists who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field. These long-term fellowships provide the opportunity and freedom to build an independent research career in the UK or Republic of Ireland and pursue cutting-edge scientific research.

Decision by

See our tips for applicants to this scheme  

About the scheme

The University Research Fellowship (URF) programme aims to support the next generation of research leaders to undertake cutting-edge research. The objectives of the URF programme are to enable outstanding early career scientists with the potential to become leaders in their field to:

  • Build an independent research career at a UK university or research institution
  • Gain the freedom, time, and long-term flexible support to pursue high-quality and innovative lines of scientific research
  • Develop as research leaders by offering tailored high-quality professional development, networking and engagement opportunities.

Fellowships are for eight years, with years six to eight being subject to satisfactory progress demonstrated in a mid-fellowship review at the start of year four.

The Royal Society recognises that diversity is essential for delivering excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and wants to encourage applications from the widest range of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences to maximise innovation and creativity in science for the benefit of humanity. We regularly review and revise policies and processes to embed equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) principles in all aspects of the grant making process and ensure all talented applicants have an equitable chance to succeed as per the assessment criteria.

See below for details of adjustments we can provide for disabled applicants.

Changes to the scheme 

Host Organisation Support – More detailed guidance provided to host organisations regarding expectations of their support for the applicant. From this round onwards, the Head of Department statement of support will be visible to applicants. 

We recommend reading the information in full and contacting your host organisation Research Office in the first instance with any questions.

What does the scheme offer?

Applicants can apply for up to a maximum of £1.87 million over eight years. 

Funds can cover:

  • Contribution to the award holder’s salary
  • Indirect and estate costs 
  • Equipment costs and research expenses including consumables, travel, etc. 
  • Contribution towards research assistance salary and associated indirect and estate costs 
  • Support for a new four-year PhD studentship(s)
  • Relocation and visa costs for the applicants and their dependants (partner and children). The total grant cap may be exceeded in order to cover relocation/visa costs if this is well justified in the application.

Full funding details can be found in the scheme notes and in the Royal Society Funding Guidance .

We provide flexibility to accommodate personal circumstances including part-time working, sabbaticals and secondments. There is provision for maternity, paternity, shared parental, adoptive or extended sick leave , as well as financial support for childcare costs  that arise from attending conferences and research visits.

Royal Society Research Fellows also have the opportunity to access a range of career development and engagement opportunities  including training on leadership, science communication and public engagement, and activities coordinated by our science policy and schools engagement teams. For further detail on these additional benefits, read our opportunities page .

Royal Society awards have made a significant impact on many researchers’ careers. Case studies from grant-holders can be found elsewhere on this page, or read an in-depth report on the careers of our alumni on our Career Pathway Tracker page .

This scheme is for you if:

  • You have between three and eight years of research experience, excluding career breaks, since the award of your PhD by the closing date of the round; please refer to the scheme notes for further detail about the review of career breaks
  • You do not hold a permanent post (including proleptic appointment) in a university or not-for-profit research organisation
  • You do not hold, or have not previously held, an equivalent fellowship that provides an opportunity to establish an independent research group and therefore independent researcher status
  • Your research is within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences, which includes but is not limited to biological research and biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, mathematics and physics. For a full list, please see the breakdown of subject groups and areas supported by the Royal Society.

Applicants can be of any nationality and those requiring a visa are eligible to apply for a Global Talent Visa  under the fast-track process of endorsement.

Read the scheme notes or FAQs (PDF) for further information on eligibility. Those applying from Ireland (ROI) are funded by Science Foundation Ireland and will need to read the eligibility requirements in the SFI-specific scheme notes.

Please ensure that you meet all eligibility requirements before applying.

You will apply through our application and grant management system, Flexi-Grant®. 

See the ‘Application and assessment process’ page  for a general overview of the application and selection steps and below for details specific to this scheme.

Assessment of your application will be overseen by one of our five Research Appointment Panels (Standing Committees) based on your research area:

  • Ai: Astronomy, cosmology, physics, earth sciences, environmental physical sciences & geosciences 
  • Aii: Chemistry and engineering
  • Aiii: Pure and applied mathematics, computer science, statistics, communications and computer engineering; the mathematical aspects of astronomy, physics, cosmology, gravitation, theoretical physics
  • Bi: Molecular and cellular biology, zoology, plant sciences and physiology
  • Bii: Biomedical Sciences

Assessment of your application will be overseen by one of the five Research Appointment Panels. Following eligibility checks, applications are initially assessed by a minimum of two panel members who have the most appropriate scientific expertise. A longlist is drawn up, with longlisted applications subject to independent peer review. Following completion of independent peer review, a shortlist for interview is drawn up with oversight from the Panel Chairs. At the end of the interview stage, the Panels will confirm the recommendations for funding.

Further detail on the application and review process is available in the scheme notes.

The Royal Society welcomes applications from disabled scientists and provides support and adjustments to ensure that they can participate fully in the selection process. If you require support or an adjustment when accessing the application form, attending interview, or for any other part of the application process, please contact the Grants team at [email protected] or call +44 20 7451 2666. All requests for adjustments are made in confidentiality. Any request for an adjustment will not normally be shared with panel members unless it becomes relevant to the selection process itself. If we need to share your request with anyone (for example if panel members are required to implement any adjustments during interviews), we will ask for your permission first.

Adjustments can include, but are not limited to:

  • Extension of the deadline
  • Additional support to complete the application form
  • Receiving the application form in a different format, such as on a Word document
  • Support during interviews as required, including technical support for candidates requiring accessibility software or services
  • Additional costs that candidates may incur on account of their particular disability to attend an interview.

For the University Research Fellowship, shortlisted applicants will be invited to an in-person interview at the Royal Society. 

The aim of the interview is for you to demonstrate the importance and scientific validity of your work and for you to also describe how the award will lead to your scientific independence. 

If you have further questions regarding the scheme, please see the FAQs, contact the Grants team on [email protected] or visit our contact us page .

  • University Research Fellowship scheme notes
  • University Research Fellowship scheme notes for Republic of Ireland applicants
  • Conditions of award for Republic of Ireland applicants
  • Conditions of Award

Case study: Dr Amelie Saintonge

Case study: Dr Andy Buckley

Case study: Dr Asel Sartbaeva

Case study: dr jon agirre, case study: dr lauren hatcher, case study: dr lynette keeney, case study: professor rahul raveendran nair, case study: dr ross forgan, case study: dr toby cubitt, case studies.

Dr Amelie Saintonge

Case study of Dr Amelie Saintonge, University Research Fellow

Dr Asel Sartbaeva

Case study of Dr Asel Sartbaeva, University Research Fellow at the University of Bath

Dr Jon Agirre

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Multivariable Mendelian randomization to disentangle the alcohol 1 harm paradox.

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The alcohol harm paradox, whereby low socioeconomic position (SEP) groups experience greater alcohol-related harms despite reporting lower alcohol consumption, is yet to be fully understood through observational studies because key drivers are correlated and share similar confounding structures. Multivariable Mendelian randomization (MVMR) were conducted to estimate the direct causal effect of number of drinks per week (DPW) and years of schooling (YOS) on multiple health outcomes. Previously published genome-wide association summary (GWAS) statistics for DPW and YOS were utilised, and summary statistics were generated from individual-level data from UK Biobank (N = 462,818) for all health outcomes. Inverse variance weighted analyses demonstrated evidence for direct effects of DPW and YOS on liver diseases, mental and behavioural disorders due to alcohol, and stroke, indicating that increasing alcohol consumption increased the likelihood of outcomes whereas increasing years of education decreased their likelihood. There was also evidence for a direct effect of DPW on depression, anxiety, influenza/pneumonia, and heart disease. In contrast, there was evidence of a total, but not direct, effect of DPW on depression, influenza/pneumonia, epilepsy, and injuries when accounting for YOS. Although caution is required when interpreting these results due to weak instruments for alcohol, these results provide some evidence that the alcohol harm paradox is partially due to the protective effect of additional years of education, resulting in a reduced likelihood of higher SEP groups developing many alcohol-related outcomes. Replication with strong instruments would be necessary to draw causal inferences.

Competing Interest Statement

The authors have declared no competing interest.

Funding Statement

GS, HS, MM, LM, and JK are all members of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol. This publication is the work of the authors and they will serve as guarantors for the contents of this paper. GS is supported by a Wellcome Trust PhD studentship in Molecular, Genetic and Lifecourse Epidemiology (ref: 218495/Z/19/Z). For the purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.

Author Declarations

I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.

The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:

Ethical approval for this study was sought from the UK Biobank (project 9142). UK Biobank has approval from the North West Multi-centre Research Ethics Committee (MREC). The REC reference for UK Biobank is 11/NW/0382. Further details about the ethics approval sought for data collection in UK Biobank can be found online (https://www.ukbiobank.ac.uk/learn-more-about-uk-biobank/about-us/ethics).

I confirm that all necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived, and that any patient/participant/sample identifiers included were not known to anyone (e.g., hospital staff, patients or participants themselves) outside the research group so cannot be used to identify individuals.

I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as ClinicalTrials.gov. I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).

I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines, such as any relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material, if applicable.

Data Availability

UK Biobank data is available at www.ukbiobank.ac.uk. GSCAN data is available at doi:10.1038/s41588-018-0307-5. SSGAC data is available at doi:10.1038/nature17671.




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