Careers in Applied Behavior Analysis

Adult man consulting with ABA therapist

Because applied behavior analysts double as both scientists and therapeutic practitioners, there are a variety of applied behavioral analysis jobs in fields ranging from medicine and psychology to marketing and law.

So, what can you do with an applied behavior analysis degree? A lot! As more organizations realize the value that applied behavior analysis has to their industries, the job outlook for ABAs only gets better. Let’s look at the various careers in applied behavioral analysis that are open to you.

What Is a Career in ABA?

ABA careers are as wide-ranging as the discipline itself. Expertise in what motivates people’s actions is valued in diverse settings ranging from classrooms to corporate offices. Although applied behavior analysts are best known for their work with children diagnosed with autism, ABAs also work with other populations to address behavioral problems, influence habits and lifestyle choices, and more.

Even with all this diversity, the methods and desired outcomes remain consistent across all behavioral analysis careers. Working independently or as part of a team, applied behavior analysts examine problems in individuals or populations, develop and implement interventions designed to address those problems, and monitor and document progress.

A day in the life of an applied behavior analyst may include tasks like:

  • Conducting behavioral assessments
  • Providing direct therapy care in one-on-one and group settings
  • Writing and overseeing the implementation of behavior-analytic treatment plans
  • Training registered behavior technicians and assistants
  • Coordinating with psychiatrists, teachers, caregivers, and other professionals for a patient’s treatment plan

There are two main approaches to the work you’ll do as a certified ABA therapist: experimental behavior analysis and applied behavior analysis. Though various applied behavior analysis jobs may lean more heavily on one approach, each of these influences and builds off the other in important ways.

  • Experimental Behavior Analysis

Experimental behavior analysis is the scientific basis of all ABA careers. This means ABAs identify problem behaviors, use behavioral modification methods and techniques to address problem behaviors, and make observations to see what’s working and what isn’t.

Using this approach, the field has amassed a large and well-respected body of research literature that helps reveal how behavior is learned and how it changes over time.

Because behavior change is a dynamic and ongoing process, behavior analysts must constantly document and analyze these changes over time. Experimental analysis is an important part of determining how specific behaviors function in relation to specific environments or environmental events.

Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) involves taking what is learned from research and setting it into motion to solve behavior problems in the real world. In all ABA careers, applied behavior analysts rely on the findings of objective research and analysis when implementing therapies for different populations and different behaviors.

There is a clear, linear connection between experimental and applied behavior analysis: using the findings of experimental behavior analysis, applied behavior analysts can implement behavior change techniques.

The Role of Applied Behavior Analysts in the Implementation of ABA Therapies

Employee getting help from therapist

Depending on the setting, population, skill deficits, or problem behaviors being addressed, applied behavior analysts use ABA therapies to:

  • Increase and maintain healthy behaviors and/or teach new skills (e.g., improve social interactions, increase on-task behavior)
  • Reduce interfering behaviors (e.g., persistent repetition, self-injury)
  • Transfer behavior from one situation to another (i.e., take the skills learned in a controlled environment to the real world)
  • Restrict conditions to eliminate interfering behaviors (i.e., modify the environment to improve behavior)
  • Increase organizational functioning (e.g., improve staff performance or management interventions)

Though behavior analysts work to modify and improve any number of specific behaviors and skills, just about all of them can be categorized under one of these:

  • Adaptive and self-care skills
  • Emotional development
  • Coping and tolerance skills
  • Play and leisure skills
  • Family relationships
  • Language and communication
  • Cognitive functioning
  • Self-management
  • Self-advocacy and independence
  • Safety skills
  • Social relationships
  • Vocational skills

Behavioral Analysis Careers

Male counselor working with young male student

Some of the most popular careers in applied behavior analysis include:

  • Clinical behavioral analyst —This ABA career involves practical therapy and treatment with patients exhibiting behavioral, social, and developmental challenges. Most closely associated with patients suffering from autism spectrum disorder, clinical ABAs also help treat disorders like OCD, ADHD, and more.
  • Social worker —Clinical social workers (CSW) with an ABA degree work with at-risk clients needing behavioral support, especially those coming from situations of abuse or trauma. This might mean working with children that have social disorders or adults suffering from homelessness or addiction.
  • School psychologist or counselor —School psychologists support their student body through various academic, emotional, and social issues, often collaborating with parents and faculty to implement healthy behavioral plans. School counselors also support the community during traumatic or highly emotional events.
  • Life or wellness coach —As a life/wellness coach, your expertise in human behavior will help your clients implement lasting changes to improve their lives. This could be breaking bad habits, achieving career goals, maintaining work-life balance, establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, or becoming more proactive in their relationships.
  • Forensic profiler —A forensic profiler uses their expert behavioral understanding combined with forensic evidence to help law enforcement piece together the motivations and identity of criminal perpetrators.
  • Market research analyst —This ABA career involves helping organizations and businesses understand consumer behavior to increase their customer reach and drive sales. This may involve analyzing purchasing habits, consulting on marketing language, and offering forecasting based on demographic data.

Let’s dive a little deeper into the ABA careers that fall within the two disciplines of behavior analysis.

Experimental Behavioral Analysis Careers

As outlined above, experimental behavior analysis focuses on developing the research and theories that then inform the therapies used by ABAs to enact behavioral change. The result of experimental behavior analysis is the knowledge and understanding itself. If behavioral research is your calling, a career in experimental behavior analysis is a perfect fit.

Many experimental applied behavioral analysis jobs are found in the following fields:

  • Behavioral economics —Behavioral economics studies human behavioral issues like consumer choice, gambling, and drug use. As an ABA in this field, you’d use quantitative tools to identify and measure patterns to understand how naturally occurring events affect socially important behaviors.
  • Behavioral pharmacology —Behavioral pharmacologists research the effects of drugs on conditioned and unconditioned behavior, the relationship between pharmacological and psychological aspects of drug abuse, and the behavioral effects of repeated or chronic exposure to pharmacological agents. ABAs in this research field are often trained as both behavior analysts and pharmacologists.
  • Behavioral toxicology —Behavioral toxicologists investigate how specific toxic exposures change the way people and animals behave, as well as how exposure affects learning, memory, and behavioral characteristics. This area of experimental behavior analysis typically focuses on three classes of behavioral neurotoxicants: metals (most often lead and mercury), solvents, and pesticides.

Applied Behavioral Analysis Careers

Applied behavior analysts usually focus their work on a specific area, such as autism, developmental disabilities, mental health, head trauma, or geriatrics. Therefore, the field of ABA has several well-defined practice areas. Here are some of the top disciplines within which you’ll find applied behavioral analysis jobs.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

Autistic girl working with ABA therapist

Applied behavior analysts working with ASD patients employ a collection of tailored techniques within an individualized treatment plan to foster basic skills, such as looking, listening, and imitating, or more complex skills, such as reading facial expressions and understanding another individual’s perspective. They often work in clinical settings, schools, community organizations, and in patient homes.

  • Organizational Behavior Management

Organizational behavior management (OBM) is a growing sub-discipline of ABA. Applied behavioral analysis jobs in OBM focus on improving individual or group performance within an organizational setting, namely corporate offices, manufacturing plants, and service-oriented businesses.

The goal of applied behavior analysis in an OBM setting is to achieve broad-scale performance improvement and organizational change to produce happier, more productive employees and ultimately a more efficient and effective workplace.

One of the approaches within OBM is behavioral systems analysis. Based on the principle that organizations of any kind are complex systems, the goal of ABA in this context is to create a balanced situation in which poor performance areas are improved, high performance areas are maintained, and employee performance outcomes are directed toward organizational goals.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries affect behavior in many ways. ABA careers working with individuals with brain injuries involve implementing ABA strategies that make a difference in recovery.

Using ABA techniques, applied behavior analysts can help improve:

  • Decision making/planning
  • Organization/sequencing
  • Attention and perception
  • Problem-solving
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Communication
  • Self-perception
  • Safety awareness

ABA therapies can address social skills, emotional control and mood swings, stress, anxiety, frustration, and depression in those with brain injuries. They can also seek to improve visual memory deficits, visual-spatial impairment, verbal memory deficits, impaired logic, and sequencing difficulties, just to name a few.

  • Behavioral Gerontology

Many applied behavioral analysis jobs involve supporting the elderly population through the behavioral effects of aging. ABA therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for behavioral problems associated with late-life depression, anxiety, and dementia.

For example, when working with older individuals with dementia, applied behavior analysts first examine how environmental factors influence the frequency and intensity of dementia symptoms. They then implement ABA techniques and therapies to address the related behavioral issues like aggression, deficits in communication and discrimination skills, and disruptive vocalizations.

  • Special Education

ABA therapies are often an important part of a special education teacher’s repertoire when it comes to working with individual students, as well as for general classroom management. Although ABA therapies have traditionally focused on children with autism spectrum disorder, applied behavior analysts now use the same techniques as part of an effective individualized education plan to improve learning, social skills and other behaviors for children with other developmental or cognitive issues.

ABA careers in special education involve effectively managing behaviors, designing and delivering instruction, and developing and administering educational assessments for students receiving special education services.

Animal Training

Behavioral analysis careers in animal training involve changing the environment and consequences to change an animal’s behavior. Just like in any other type of ABA therapy, applied behavior analysts working in animal training identify antecedents, behavior, and consequence to create a behavior modification program for companion animals, service animals, and even animals in agricultural settings like feedlots.

Focusing on positive, humane, and science-based methods, ABA is now a widely accepted form of animal training.

Language Development

Verbal behavior therapy is a sub-discipline of ABA careers that focuses on the development of functional language skills. It’s all about building on the very things that naturally motivate all people to want to communicate – like needing to convey a need for something like food, to express an emotion, or to alert a caregiver of pain or discomfort.

Using classic ABA techniques and reward systems, ABAs reinforce effective communication to overcome speech and language limitations caused by developmental disabilities, impaired language development, or the social interaction challenges often associated with autism spectrum disorder.

Applied behavior analysts who specialize in verbal behavior therapy use repetition, prompting, and shaping to motivate clients to use their words to get the desired response, or reward. This approach is often used in combination with other forms of therapy, namely speech-language pathology.

  • Mental Health

ABA careers in mental health incorporate a behavior-focused component to the therapies a patient receives.

Working with children and adults with developmental/neurological disabilities and co-existing mental health issues, ABAs working in this capacity typically collaborate with psychologists, psychiatrists and other therapists to provide services that complement the overarching treatment plan and optimize patient outcomes.

ABA Careers By State

  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Massachusetts
  • Mississippi
  • New Hampshire
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • West Virginia

Applied Behavior Analysis Job Outlook

Are behavior analysts in high demand? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , the need for psychologists with a specialty in behavioral disorders is massively growing, with demand rising by a projected 23% over the next decade. Getting into this field means setting yourself up for a stable and highly sought career.

According to 2021 statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a behavioral analyst earns an average annual salary of $102,900. Entry-level analysts can expect an average salary of $73,910, while the top earners with 10 or more years of experience pulled in an average of $133,200 per year. Additional certifications and skill sets can also affect these numbers; for example, having expertise in program management results in a 10% higher pay rate.

With all of this in mind, is ABA a good career? The answer is a resounding, “Yes.” Not only are ABA careers currently in demand with a solid average salary, but the projected growth means that the opportunities—and pay—will only grow from here.

Become an ABA and Make a Difference

Before embarking upon any of these applied behavioral analysis jobs, the first step is finding a state-approved degree program. Your ABA psychology degree will give you the foundation you need to have a lasting impact on people’s lives. Learn more about how to become an applied behavior analyst , and start your journey to a rewarding career today.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures for Psychologists, All Other reflect national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed January 2023.

Back to Top

  • Career Resources
  • ABA Careers
  • ABA Salaries
  • Behavior Analyst Entry Level Jobs
  • Complete Guide to Becoming an ABA Therapist
  • Jobs Related to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • State-by-State Guide to ABA Licensing
  • State-by-State Guide to Autism Insurance Laws
  • Certifications
  • BACB Certification Overview
  • BCBA Certification vs ABA Certification
  • BCBA® Certification
  • Assistant ABA (BCaBA® Certification)
  • Student Resources
  • How George Mason University’s MSPED Pushes ABA Beyond Its Traditional Scope
  • Ethics for Behavior Analysts
  • Behavior Chaining
  • The Versatility of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • BCBA Exam Pass Rate by School
  • Mental Health Resources for Applied Behavior Analysts
  • The AppliedBehaviorAnalysisEDU Scholarship is Now Closed
  • What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
  • Graduate Program Overview
  • Master’s in ABA – Who is it Right for?
  • ABA Master’s Thesis
  • Doctorate in ABA – Who is it Right for?
  • Bachelor’s in ABA – Who is it Right for?
  • Degrees in Education with a Focus in ABA
  • Degrees in Psychology with a Focus in ABA
  • Graduate Programs with Approved Course Sequence
  • Undergraduate Programs with Verified Course Sequence
  • Practicum and Fieldwork
  • FAQ’s
  • Top Lists and Helpful Tips
  • 20 Best Schools Offering ABA Master’s Programs 
  • 23 Best Master’s in Psychology Programs with ABA Emphasis
  • 32 Best Master’s in Education Programs with an ABA Emphasis
  • 35 Top ABA Graduate Programs (Master’s and Doctorate)
  • 57 Best Schools for ABA Assistants (BCaBA)
  • 62 Best Schools with Online ABA Master’s and Certificate Programs
  • ABA Scholarships
  • Domains and Specialties
  • ADD and ADHD
  • Aggression and Impulse Control
  • Alzheimer’s and Dementia
  • Anger Management
  • Animal Behavior Training
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Behavioral Addictions (Gambling, Internet, Sex)
  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • CBT for Insomnia
  • Eating Disorders
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Forensic Behavior Analysis
  • In-Home Care
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Pain Management
  • Pediatric Feeding Disorders
  • Post-Stroke
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Psychotherapy
  • Rehabilitation and Independent Living
  • Social Assistance
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Sports and Athletic Training
  • Substance Abuse
  • Telebehavioral Health
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Verbal Therapy

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Behavior Analysis, Ph.D.

Behavior Analysis, Ph.D.

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The Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis

The behavior analysis graduate program at Florida Tech offers a PhD for students looking to pursue further study in this discipline. PhD graduates become behavior-analytic researchers, instructors, and practitioners. Florida Tech professors expect graduates of the behavior analysis doctorate program to approach the world from the perspective of a behaviorist; to continue to contribute to behavioral research; to inform their practice with current research findings; to obtain academic and professional positions; and to effectively manage other behavior analysts under their supervision.

Flexible Program—Professional Culture

Florida Tech students include a diverse mix of working professionals to students from around the globe seeking to obtain higher-level consultation skills. Students who choose one of Florida Tech's applied behavior analysis programs build the foundation necessary to become a well-respected professional. Students in the Behavior Analysis Ph.D. program can choose to specialize in either clinical applications of behavior analysis or organizational behavior management by conducting research in one of these areas. 

“ Why Choose Florida Tech for a Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis? ”

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The Association for Behavior Analysis International Accreditation Board accredits Florida Tech's School of Behavior Analysis on-campus graduate programs, including the PhD Behavior Analysis.  The BACB® has approved the Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork in Behavior Analysis as meeting the fieldwork requirements for the experiential component of the BCBA® examination.

Florida Tech's on-campus master's-level applied behavior analysis programs (applied behavior analysis, organizational behavior management, and the dual program) provide students with the requirements to take the BCBA examination immediately upon completion of graduate school. If a doctoral student has completed a master's degree but is not a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst® (BCBA) or does not meet the supervision requirements to sit for the BCBA examination, Florida Tech offers coursework in Concentrated Supervised Fieldwork in Behavior Analysis.

Dedicated Faculty

Professors in the applied behavior analysis programs are dedicated, productive researchers and practitioners with a commitment to developing the field of behavior analysis. Training the next generation of behavior analytic researchers and practitioners, the faculty is made up of Board Certified Behavior Analysts. Students receive one-on-one attention from professors who work alongside them in research and through client interaction. A close student-professor culture in the applied behavior analysis programs creates a professional environment where students are viewed as research professionals and colleagues and demonstrate competency in research, teaching, supervision and consultation.

Research Opportunities

Florida Tech professors perform applied research outside of their teaching responsibilities working in settings such as clinical treatment or organizational consulting. Ph.D. students participate in this research, often publishing research articles in respected ABA journals. Leading training sessions for educators on classroom behavior problems and working with children and their families to provide assessment, training and behavior therapy at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment are examples of how Florida Tech's applied behavior analysis programs provide real-world experience.

Facilities & Resources

The School of Psychology houses classrooms, human research areas, observation and treatment rooms, computer facilities, two conference rooms, and a student workroom/lounge. In addition, the Scott Center for Autism Treatment is located directly on Florida Tech's campus providing real-world experience and research with children with autism and related disorders. The Society for Performance Management and Behavior Analysis Student Association are also available resources for students in applied behavior analysis programs.

“ What can I do with a Career in Behavior Analysis? ”

Though behavior analysts are often best known for advances in autism treatment and support, the field offers a variety of options for graduates with a PhD in behavior analysis. Alumni of Florida Tech behavior analysis programs reside around the world, working in businesses, schools, clinics, residential treatment centers, group homes, and private practice.

This same success is seen by the doctoral graduates, who have successfully obtained post-doctoral fellowships at prestigious institutions (such as the University of Nebraska Medical School/Munroe Meyer Institute) or been hired as university faculty members. Other graduates have obtained behavior analysis jobs as consultants or program directors.

These applied behavior analysis jobs involve working with children, individuals with autism, people with schizophrenia or intellectual disabilities. Graduates also work with employees in both for-profit and nonprofit organizations in business, industry, speech-language pathology, animal behavior and training, and special education.

Diverse Career Options

Though applied behavior analysts are often best known for advances in autism treatment and support, graduates find work in a wide variety of fields working as consultants, independent contractors and as Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) professionals. On average, graduates of a behavior analysis graduate program with a PhD have higher salaries and employment rates than those with master's or bachelor degrees, according to the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Some doctoral graduates also continue into academia as professors to teach the next generation of students.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook , published by the BLS, provides detailed information about hundreds of occupations, including, entry-level education, overall working environment, and employment prospects. According to the Bureau, overall employment in psychology careers such as applied behavior analysis jobs are projected to grow 12% through 2022. This includes a higher demand for school psychologists to work with students, particularly those with special needs, learning disabilities, and behavioral issues. Jobs will also include professionals who can assess and counsel students, as well as study how in-school and out-of-school factors affect learning.

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) jobs include:

  • Private practice as a certified ABA providing early intervention services to children with autism
  • ABA in a school district assisting teachers to manage students with problem behavior
  • ABA in a group home
  • ABA consultant to companies focusing on improving employee performance
  • ABA internal consultant to improve employee performance
  • Program manager or director of specialized school
  • ABA for state or federal government

Applied Behavior Analysis Training at the Doctoral Level

The mission of Florida Tech's applied behavior analysis training is to develop PhD behavior-analytic practitioners and consultants who have obtained their BCBA certification and contribute to behavioral research and practice.

Applied behavior analysis training at the doctoral level includes participation in a high-degree of behavior-based research projects under the mentorship of a faculty member. Many professors are published authors and experts on many facets of applied behavior analysis, such as:

  • Behavioral economics
  • Token economies
  • Self-management
  • Sports psychology
  • Organizational behavior management

As noted above, students participate in such research as assessing and treatment behavior problems, teaching methods for individuals with disabilities while working with faculty members in ongoing research at the Scott Center for Autism Treatment.

In addition, teams of faculty and students form to study topics in behavioral analysis, presenting their research at state and national conferences, such as the annual meeting of the Florida Association for Behavior Analysis (FABA) and the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI). Graduates of the applied behavior analysis graduate programs at the doctoral level are well prepared to pursue academic positions, to continue active research programs and to effectively manage behavior analysts under their supervision, both in research and practice. 

Portfolio of Published Articles

Outside of research , ABA students often publish research in respected ABA journals, including the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Behavior Analysis in Practice , and Behavioral Interventions . Organizations and research centers located both on and off campus help students delve deeper into applied behavior analysis training, such as:

  • The Society for Performance Management —Designed to facilitate up-to-date information on the newest research and practices performed by professionals in the field.
  • Behavior Analysis Student Association —MS and PhD students who meet regularly to discuss topics in behavior analysis and hold an annual conference on the field.
  • The Scott Center for Autism Treatment —Specializes in working with children with autism and related disorders.
  • Florida Tech Continuing Education —Professional development courses and certification programs online.

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  • Academic Programs
  • Behavior Analysis (PhD)

Complete your PhD in Behavior Analysis at Simmons University

The 48-credit PhD program in Behavior Analysis is designed to train and position qualified behavior analysts to make significant contributions to the science and practice of behavior analysis. Currently, our PhD in Behavior Analysis program is offered with live online classes providing program access to students across the country, and collaboration opportunities with faculty and peers.

Students sitting in class

What will you learn in the PhD in Behavior Analysis program?

Simmons University’s PhD in Behavior Analysis focuses on developing skills required to design, conduct, and interpret experimental research. To facilitate research skills, each student is accepted into the ongoing Lab meetings of departmental behavior analysis faculty. There, Behavior Analysis PhD students benefit from immersion into the faculty member’s research conducted in collaboration with the doctoral candidates.

Additionally, during enrollment in the Behavior Analysis PhD program each student has access to conduct and publish research in conjunction with our behavior analysis faculty. Areas of faculty research include

  • Stimulus equivalence
  • Conditioned reinforcement
  • The analysis of verbal behavior
  • Induced behaviors
  • Behavioral medicine
  • The analysis and management of negatively reinforced responding
  • Training of BCBAs and caregivers
  • Supervision

Students benefit from the decades-long professional collaboration between behavior analysis department faculty and discipline-specific clinical and research organizations in New England and beyond.

Due to Simmons University's longstanding reputation as a pioneer and enduring presence in the behavior analysis professional and academic community, prominent clinical and research groups in the field welcome the opportunity to collaborate in clinical research with our Behavior Analysis PhD students.

Students in our PhD in Behavior Analysis program have the opportunity to gain experience in the field of academia by working as Simmons University Department of Behavior Analysis teacher’s assistants, course instructors, and tutors for the Master of Science (MS) and Educational Specialist (EdS) degree programs in behavior analysis. The EdS and MS degree programs are for individuals pursuing Board Certification (i.e., BCBA Ⓡ ), and are offered on campus in Boston (MS and EdS degrees) and online (MS degree).

Program Overview

This is a fully remote, online doctoral program. Most classes meet once per week on weekday evenings to accommodate the needs of working professionals. At times, the department will host on-campus and hybrid events that doctoral students are invited to attend.

This program requires completion of 48 semester hours. We offer a self-paced program of study, and most students work full-time while taking two classes per semester (generally a course and a lab enrollment) to graduate in 4-7 years. To be eligible to graduate, students must complete all 6 required courses plus 3 special topics courses, and 12 hours of Dissertation Lab, in addition to successfully completing and defending their dissertation.

Eligibility Requirements

Candidates* eligible for admission should have the motivation and capacity to conduct and disseminate basic and applied behavior analytic research (e.g., presentations at professional conferences and publications in peer reviewed behavior analytic journals).

Eligibility Requirements Include

  • A conferred master’s degree or higher in Behavior Analysis or a related field (i.e., Psychology, Health Science, and Special Education)
  • Must be licensed and/or certified in the country where they clinically practice 
  • Experimental Analysis of Behavior
  • Organizational Behavior Management
  • Animal training
  • Translational research
  • Behavioral Medicine
  • Research experience is preferred

*Please note that the PhD program at Simmons is an online degree-seeking program. We welcome both domestic and international applicants to apply as long as said applicant is eligible based on the criteria detailed above. The PhD program is not eligible for F-1 visa sponsorship, and does not yield in eligibility for the BCBA exam.

What can you do with a PhD in Behavior Analysis?

Post-graduation, most students apply for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst - Doctoral® (BCBA-D®) credential. With a PhD, our graduates accelerate their careers in behavior analysis, and have assumed impactful leadership roles in a variety of settings, including research, education, academia, advocacy, and clinical work, among others.

This program requires 48 credit hours, including six (6) cognate courses, three (3) special topics courses, and twelve (12) dissertation lab credits, in addition to writing and defending a dissertation. Students may enroll on either a full- or part-time basis beginning in the fall, spring, or summer semesters.

Cognate Courses

Group Design and Statistical Analysis 4
Experimental Analysis of Behavior 4
Advanced Single Subject Design 4
History of Behavior Analysis 4
Diversity and Advanced Professional Practice Issues for Behavior Analysts 4
Dissemination 4
Dissertation 1
Dissertation Extension 0

Special Topics Courses

Complex Stimulus Control 4
Verbal Behavior 4
Behavioral Analysis in Higher Education 4
Organizational Behavior Management and Consultation 4
Advanced Functional Assessment & Analysis 4
Behavioral Medicine 4
  • Dan Almeida, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA ('12PhD): Program Director, Applied Behavior Analysis, School of Education, Cambridge College
  • Jessica Alverson, PhD, BCBA ('18PhD): Organizational Clinical Director, Hopeful Journeys Educational Center, Inc.
  • Jescah Apamo-Gannon, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA ('22PhD): Assistant Professor, Graduate Program Chair of the Moderate and Severe Disabilities Program, School of Education, Fitchburg State University
  • Nicole Boivin, PhD, CCC-SLP, BCBA-D ('14PhD): Director of Interdisciplinary Systems, Margaret Mary Centers for Children, Melmark New England.
  • Terri Bright, PhD, BCBA-D, CAAB, ('07MS, '13PhD): Director of Behavior Services, MSPCA-Angell Memorial Hospital
  • Laurel Ciavarri, PhD, BCBA, LABA ('17PhD): Supervisor of Behavioral Support Services, Bridgewell, Inc.
  • Nicole M. Davis, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA ('09MS, '16PhD): Associate Clinical Professor, Director of Applied Behavior Analysis Programs Online, Department of Applied Psychology, Northeastern University
  • Laura Dudley, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA ('15PhD): Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Northeastern University
  • Gretchen Dittrich, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA ( '11PhD): Associate Professor of Practice, Program Director and Chair, Department of Behavior Analysis, Simmons University
  • Elisa Hegg, PhD, BCBA ('16PhD): President-elect, Association for Maine Behavior Analysts (AMeBA); Adjunct Professor and Course Lead, Behavior Analysis Online, Simmons University
  • Brandon Herscovitch, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA ('11PhD): Chief Executive Officer, Partners Behavioral Health
  • Amanda Kelly, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA, ('07MS, '13PhD): Founder, Behaviorbabe
  • Christina King, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, ('04MS, '16PhD): Executive Managing Director & Chief of Research and Application, RCS Learning Center; Associate Professor of Practice, Behavior Analysis Online, Simmons University
  • Amanda Laprime, PhD, BCBA-D, ('13PhD): Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center; Assistant to the Executive Director, Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies
  • Erin McLoughlin, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, ('09EdS, '15PhD): Founder, Chief Executive Officer, South Shore Autism Center
  • Rebecca Markovits, PhD, BCBA-D ('13PhD): Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • Sinead Petersen, PhD, BCBA-D, LABA, ('11PhD): Founder/Executive Director, The Southcoast Autism Center.

Students are actively engaged in professional research, teaming up with Simmons's nationally renowned faculty to implement, write, and publish research, and to present their work at national conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.

Recent student* publications include:

  • Laprime*, A. B., & Dittrich, G. A. (2014). An evaluation of a treatment package consisting of discrimination training and differential reinforcement with response cost and a social story on vocal stereotypy for a preschooler with autism in a preschool classroom. Education and Treatment of Children, 37 (3), 407-430.
  • Davis*, N.M. & Maguire, R.W. (2014). The Interrelationship between behavioral medicine and behavior analysis. In D.I. Mostofsky, The Handbook of Behavioral Medicine (pp. 447- 461). West Sussex, United Kingdom
  • Kelly*, A. N.., Axe, J. B., Allen, R. F., and Maguire, R. W. (2015). Effects of presession pairing on challenging behavior and academic responding for children with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 30 , 135-156.
  • Jadro*, B. V. (2017). The use of an onboard diagnostic device to provide feedback on driving behaviors related to fuel economy. Behavior and Social Issues, 26, 190-193.
  • Almeida*, D., Allen, R., Mannion, C., Maguire, K., & Maguire, R. W. (2018) Identifying community-based reinforcers of adults with autism and related disabilities. Journal of Behavioral Education, 27, 375-394.
  • Yorlets*, C., Maguire, R.W., King, C.M. and Breault, M. (2018) Acquisition of complex conditional discriminations in a child with autism spectrum disorder. The Psychological Record , 68 , 219-229.
  • Dudley*, L.L., Axe, J.B., Allen, R.F., Sweeney-Kerwin, E. (2019). Establishing praise as a conditioned reinforcer: Pairing with one versus multiple reinforcers. Behavioral Interventions, 34 (4), 534-552.
  • Irwin*, C., & Axe, J. B. (2019). Overview of applied behavior analysis and early intervention for autism spectrum disorder. In S. G. Little & A. Akin-Little (Eds.), Behavioral interventions in schools: Evidence-based positive strategies., 2nd ed. (pp. 205-226). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.  
  • Bird*, Z. & Chase, P.N. (2020). Student pacing in a master's level course: Procrastination, preference, and performance. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54 (3),1220-1234.
  • Davis*, C. R., & Axe, J. B. (2021). Analyzing consequence variables within the high probability request sequence for a child diagnosed with CHARGE syndrome. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14 (2) , 352-359.
  • Meleshkevich*, O., Axe, J. B., & Espinosa, F. D. (2021). Effects of time delay and requiring echoics on answering questions about visual stimuli. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis , 54 (2), 725-743.
  • Palmer*, S.K., Maguire, R.W., Lionello-DeNolf, K.M., & Braga-Kenyon, P. (2021). Expansion of Sidman's Theory: The inclusion of prompt stimuli in equivalence classes. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 115(1), 255-271.
  • Frampton*, S. E., Guinness, K. E., & Axe, J. B. (2021). Parallel treatments design: A systematic review. Behavioral Interventions. 36 (4), 941-961.
  • Mias*, J. R., Dittrich, G. A., & Miltenberger, R. G. (2022). Effects of a behavioral coaching treatment package on physical activity and adherence. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, 22 (1), 50–65.


In some sense, the dissertation process begins with admission to the doctoral program. Students are accepted into labs matching mutual research interests between faculty and students during the second semester. With the acceptance of the student into a faculty member’s lab, the requirements and landscape of the dissertation process become clear. Each student begins to discuss their research ideas with their lab faculty (chairperson of their doctoral committee) and literature reading is undertaken and experimental design conceptualized. In general, research is conducted at off-campus clinical, educational, or healthcare sites. Additional members of the student’s doctoral committee are sought and identified. In concert with lab participation, the doctoral proposal will be completed and submitted to the doctoral committee for approval. Following project approval by the Simmons Institutional Review Board (IRB), research proper can be initiated. The writing and defense of the dissertation proper represents the culmination of the student’s doctoral education, and is their gateway to a professional career as a doctor in behavior analysis.

Lab Meetings

To facilitate the shaping of research skills, each faculty member hosts a weekly lab meeting. During this meeting, students engaged in research with that faculty member discuss research progress and problems, and share insights. In addition, methodologies of behavior analytic research and important experimental results from behavior analytic literature are discussed. For each doctoral student, the meeting acts as a verbal community shaping their scientific repertoire.  

Lab Groups:

  • Dr. Ron Allen’s Lab
  • Dr. Judah Axe’s Lab
  • Dr. Phil Chase’s Lab
  • Dr. Gretchen Dittrich’s Lab
  • Dr. Russell Maguire’s Lab
  • Dr. Kylan Turner’s Lab

An overview of the Behavior Analysis program at Simmons University.

Behavior Analysis at Simmons University

Our Behavior Analysis program prepares students for leadership roles in the implementation, evaluation and administration of applied behavioral analytic principles and methods.

Graduate Program Videos

Our Faculty

Russell Maguire photo

Russell Maguire

Adjunct Faculty

Ronald Allen photo

Ronald Allen

Professor of Practice and Director of the Doctoral Program for Behavior Analysis

Gretchen Dittrich photo

Gretchen Dittrich

Associate Professor, Chair of the Behavior Analysis Department, and Director of the Master's Program

Headshot of Judah Axe

Kylan Turner

Philip Chase photo

Philip Chase

The behavior analysis (phd) program in the news.

Dr. Stephanie Keesey-Phelan '13MS, '20PhD, the dog Beacon, and Ran Courant-Morgan '13MS enjoy a spring day at Simmons

Alums Use Behavior Analysis to Bring Joy to Dogs and Their Families

As co-founders and co-owners of The Dog Behavior Institute, Ran Courant-Morgan and Dr. Stephanie Keesey-Phelan have found an innovative application for their behavior analysis specialization. We spoke with them about the mission of the Institute, the intrinsic rewards of their profession, and why they chose Simmons.

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  • PsyD vs PhD

Salary Outlook with Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a method of psychotherapy that stresses the improvement of certain behaviors, including social skills, communication, reading, academics and learning skills, such as hygiene, fine motor dexterity, domestic capabilities, job competence, and punctuality.

ABA is often used as a method of intervention for people who have autism. ABA can help the autistic person enhance their social interactions, learn new skills, and act in a more positive way. ABA also can help to transfer skills and behaviors from one situation to another. ABA is often most successful when it is applied to a patient for more than 20 hours per week before the child is 4. ( )

With a Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis, you will have the skills to work with people who have autism and related conditions so that they can improve the quality of their lives.

Earning this degree will take a minimum of four years, so learning what the salary potential may be at the end of the program is a good step. Learn more about the potential salary with this degree below.

Salary Outlook

First, let us examine the salary potential for psychologists generally. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the median annual salary for all psychologists is $79,000 in 2018. The lowest-paid psychologists earned $43,000 per year. The highest-paid earned at least $129,000 per year. ( ). If you have a Ph.D. in ABA, you may earn towards the higher end of the salary scale.

BLS states as well that all other psychologists, including those specializing in applied behavior analysis, earn a salary of $100,700 per year. states that a Board Certified Behavior Analyst earns an average salary of $62,000 per year, with a range between $60,000 and $77,000. ( )

Salary Growth in Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis Job

The best option for this degree is to work as a private practice Board Certified Behavior Analyst. With a Ph.D., you should be able to earn a salary above $100,000 per year.

Ph.D. Job Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states job demand for all psychologists will rise by a healthy 14% by 2026, which is faster than average. ( ).

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) wrote a comprehensive report on employment demand for behavior analysts between the years 2010 and 2017. ( The report found the demand for behavior analysts with master’s and Ph.D. degrees is rising. Annual demand for Board Certified Behavior Analysts rose 800% from 2010 to 2017. Increases were seen in almost all states.

The increase in demand is similar to the increase in the total number of people that have the certification. Annual demand for professionals holding BCaBA certification also rose in the same period time, with the biggest increases in the last four years.

Also, the report found demand is highest in California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Washington, and Illinois.

Career Opportunities

With a Ph.D . in Applied Behavior Analysis, you can choose from many exciting job titles:

  • Counselor : Counseling is the most common career choice for people with this Ph.D. The career is seeing strong growth in the past four years. Burning Glass Technologies states that one out of five counselor job listings want behavior analyst graduates.
  • Special Education Teacher or Director : Professionals with an ABA degree are very helpful in special education settings. Experience with autism is higher desired in special education environments. You may work in public schools, private schools or residential facilities.
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) : With a Ph.D. you can obtain your BCBA certification to be a private practitioner or behavior analytic services.
  • Social worker : Clinical behavior analysts work in concert with clinical social workers to offer excellent service to clients. With a strong psychological and behavioral science skillset, CBAs can provide clinical social workers with strong behavioral management services, interventions and management based on empirical evidence.

Featured Online Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis Program

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology offers an online Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis that offers students an excellent base of knowledge in the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and radical behaviorism.

You will be equipped with the ABA skills to encourage socially significant behavioral changes via an evidence-based program development. If you complete the MS in ABA requirements during this five year online Ph.D ., you can pursue certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

Students in this online Ph.D. program will experience a transformational educational experience with the flexibility of a Ph.D. program that does not interfere with your personal and professional commitments.

Visit The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

By developing your expert knowledge in behavior analysis theory, research and practice, you will emerge from the Ph.D. program to work as a skilled and competent behavior analyst in academia, education, service delivery, business, nonprofit organizations, and government.

Sample classes for this Ph.D. program are:

  • Critical Analysis of Research in Verbal Behavior
  • Supervision and Consulting in ABA
  • Experimental Analysis of Behavior

If you complete all program requirements of the Ph.D. Applied Behavior Analysis program, you can apply for the award of the Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis, which allows you to be eligible to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, which is awarded by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

The demand is rising for professionals with extensive training in Applied Behavior Analysis, particularly as autism and related disorders are more often diagnosed. With a Ph.D. in this growing field, you have many lucrative employment options where you can make a difference in the lives of others.

  • Things You Can Do With a Doctorate In Psychology Degree. 2019 (N.D.).  Retrieved from:
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Applied Behavior Analysis (Ph.D.)

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Become a leader in the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA).

Ph.d. in applied behavior analysis (60 credits).

The Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Behavior Analysis is a research-based program preparing you to teach at the university level or work as a scientist-practitioner involving business/industry, developmental disabilities (including autism), education, and public policy.

Applied behavior analysis is devoted to the understanding and improvement of human behavior by:

  • Objectively defining and measuring the behavior under question, while
  • Demonstrating a reliable relationship between the procedures employed and the behavioral improvements gained, by
  • Utilizing methods of science, including description, quantification, and analysis.

Program Features:

  • Program can be completed in as little as three years
  • Cohorts begin each September
  • No residency requirement
  • Offered as a synchronous online model
  • 60 semester hours • 30 hours of coursework • 30 hours of research and clinical immersion
  • Expert faculty

Doctoral Admission Requirements

Register for an Info Session


Curriculum Requirements - Total Credits Required: 60

Core courses - 24 credits.

  • ABA 701 - The History of Behavior Analysis (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 705 - Behaviorism and Philosophy of Science (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 710 - Conditioning and Learning (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 715 - Verbal Behavior and the Science of Human Behavior (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 720 - Professional and Ethical Issues in Behavior Analysis (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 730 - Research Methods and Applied Behavior Analysis (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 745 - Experimental Design & Analysis (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 760 - Technology of Teaching Seminar (Cr: 3)

Electives - 6 credits

  • ABA 735 - Advanced Seminar in ABA Research (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 751 - Research in Social Skills Training (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 754 - Behavioral Research on Complex Skill Acquisition (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 758 - Bridging the Gap: The Scientist-Practitioner Model (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 761 - Topical Seminar (Cr: 3) Multiple topics are available

Immersion Experiences - 9 credits

  • ABA 762 - Clinical Immersion (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 765 - Research Immersion Practicum I (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 766 - Research Immersion Practicum II (Cr: 3)

Additional Requirements - 21 credits

  • ABA 855 - College Teaching Practicum (Cr: 0)
  • ABA 865 - Research Tool Demonstration (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 870 - Research Project (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 886 - Qualifying Examinations (Cr: 3)
  • ABA 891 - Doctoral Dissertation I (Cr: 6)
  • ABA 893 - Doctoral Dissertation II (Cr: 6)

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students will:

  • Organizes the knowledge, principles, and skills of Applied Behavior Analysis in the conduct of problem- oriented research
  • Formulate research questions that are in keeping with a problem-oriented model
  • Design problem-oriented research projects to provide evidence-based solutions to socially significant problems
  • Demonstrate skill in planning curriculum and instruction, delivering effective instruction, managing classroom climate, promoting equality and meeting professional standards
  • Analyze and compare previous research solutions to topics within the scope of Applied Behavior Analysis

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5 Great Applied Behavior Analysis Jobs

What can i do with a masters in applied behavior analysis.

phd in behavior analysis jobs

In a way, the field of psychology and behavioral science are trending. There is a nationwide demand for professionals who work in fields surrounding behavior, especially applied behavior analysts (ABA). The job market for ABA specialists is quite strong in 2021, and it is predicted to continue to grow even stronger––at least a 20 percent growth rate between now and 2029. In fact, the demand for individuals with their BCBA/BCBA-D certification increased by 23% from 2021 to 2022 according a study published by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

This is a positive outlook for those who are looking into obtaining a Master’s degree in Applied Behavior Analysis. 

Featured Programs

Resource: Top 10 Best Applied Behavior Analysis Online Programs

The professionals at the Behavior Analysis Certification Board have data from 2010 to 2022 that show United States employment demands for applied behavior analysts. 

Some of their findings are shocking: 

  • There has been an increase each year since 2010 for BCBA’s
  • The number of job postings that required or preferred BCBA/BCBA-D certification rose from just 789 in 2010 to 57,569 in 2022.
  • South Carolina and Indiana both have an increase in over 100% for BCBA/BCBA-D job postings between 2021 and 2022.

Regardless of the reasons why the field of applied behavior analysis has spiked in popularity, the point is that it has significantly increased and it will likely continue to rise as the years progress. There is no denying that the field of behavior analysis is growing as are the employment opportunities. For those who are currently in a program, interested in starting down that path, or are already in an applied behavior analysis-related career, you have an interesting and advantageous career ahead of you. 

You may have asked the question, “ What can you do with a masters in applied behavior analysis ?” We are here to help answer that question with some of the hottest jobs in ABA . The following are the top five BCBA careers that professionals can go into with a Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis. Continue reading to learn more about each. 

  • Psychological Assistant
  • Special Education Assistant
  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
  • Social Work

1. Counselor

Counselor- Careers for Graduates with a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis

By far, counseling is the most common jobs for masters in applied behavior analysis program graduates. This career has experienced steady growth over the last four years and has a projected job outlook that is significantly higher than other fields. Burning Glass Technologies estimates that approximately one in five counselor job listings are seeking behavior analyst graduates.

The ‘counseling’ career field encompasses many different specialties. Counselors can work in public schools, colleges, hospitals, clinics, or residential programs; they can also have their own practice. They can work with:

  • disabled individuals
  • low-income families

Of course, a graduate’s potential pay, job outlook and more vary depending on the specific counseling career they pursue.

How does ABA relate to counseling?

When an individual seeks out a counselor, it is generally because they want to learn how to handle their emotions and feelings, as well as to modify certain behaviors that may be blocking their success. Those who go through a counseling program––or an ABA program––are skilled in the role of behavior modification and developing interventions based on unique needs. No matter the age of the client or the type of issue they are having, a counselor with an applied behavior analysis master’s degree can help determine a solution. 

When working with an ABA counselor or therapist, one might :

  • Determine which behaviors require a change
  • Set goals and expected outcomes
  • Establish ways to measure changes and improvements
  • Evaluate where you are now
  • Learn new skills and/or learn how to avoid negative behaviors
  • Regularly review your progress
  • Decide whether or not further behavior modification is necessary

If you’re looking into working in a counseling-related field, obtaining a Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis might be the best route for you to take. This will open up options you may never have considered before. 

2. Psychological Assistant

Careers for Graduates with a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis- Psychological Assistant

Another of the most popular jobs for applied behavior analysis program graduates is psychological assistant. Graduates who possess a Master’s in Behavior Analysis typically cannot practice as a psychologist unless they obtain a doctorate in Psychology and pass state licensing exams. However, those who are in a psychology program or those who have graduated with a degree in ABA can work as a psychological assistant. Choosing this career path, whether it is temporary or not, can lead to other opportunities opening up later on, as there are several branches of psychology to choose from. Graduates who pursue a career in this field will usually be expected to obtain one of 15 available certifications from the American Board of Professional Psychology to demonstrate their expertise.

The APA Model Act for State Licensure of Psychologists recognizes psychological assistants as:

  • graduate students
  • unlicensed postdoctoral trainees
  • applicants for psychologist licensure

All these individuals are permitted to work under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. 

It is important to understand that psychological assistants work with licensed psychologists who are responsible for the professional actions of those assistants. 

Psychological assistants with a degree in applied behavior analysis typically are responsible for duties such as:

  • being actively involved in behavioral research projects and clinical trials
  • gathering and analyzing data
  • presenting data
  • handling assessments and interventions
  • maintaining patient files

This career option is a good stepping stone for the world of ABA, and most people who are in this position go on to do more with their education and psychological experience.

3. Special Education Assistant

 Special Education Assistant- Careers for Graduates with a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis

Behavior analysts are tremendously helpful in the world of education, especially within special education settings. Students with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities thrive under structured environments with unique accommodations and behavioral interventions that BCBAs and ABA specialists can help teachers create. 

Those who practice ABA in an educational setting have many options. Special education assistants may work in:

  • public schools
  • private schools
  • residential facilities for those with specific needs

They may also work in hospitals or centers, as well as to conduct home visits. 

Instead of teaching children, assistants are generally employed to help teach paraprofessionals, teachers, and parents how to most effectively help the children. Assistants might find themselves working on a county level and be pushed out into schools that have behavioral needs, or they might have a specific school as a home base. They assist in taking data, developing FBAs and BIPs, training others on interventions, and modeling in the classroom. 

Behavior analysts who obtain teaching licensure can become special education teachers. SPED teachers routinely use ABA strategies and interventions, so this might be the best of both worlds for some individuals seeking out career options. 

4. Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)

Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Graduates with a Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis can obtain a BCBA certification to become independent practitioners of behavior analytic services. This is one of the most common routes for students to take when entering an ABA program. 

To qualify for the certification, applicants must complete a graduate program and have the appropriate amount of supervised practical experience working in the field of behavior analysis. This can be obtained by working in a school, clinic, hospital, autism center, or alongside an ABA/BCBA professional who already has their practice. 

After obtaining their initial certification, BCBAs must re-certify every two years.

BCBA-certified analysts are qualified to supervise other behavior analysts, including Registered Behavior Technicians and Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts. All these certified individuals work with clients who exhibit behavior difficulties by:

  • identifying behaviors
  • creating behavior plans
  • managing assaultive and crisis behaviors
  • providing assessments of students with complex or severe behavioral disorders 

Although these are not autism-specific certifications, many people in this field will choose to work exclusively with clients/students with autism and other developmental delays. 

The Behavior Analyst Certification Board has recently come out with the BCBA 2022 Eligibility Requirements if you are interested in viewing them. 

5. Social Work

Careers for Graduates with a Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis- Social Work

Social work is another of the most popular applied behavior analysis jobs . Clinical behavior analysts (CBAs) work closely with clinical social workers (CSWs) to provide superior services to clients. With a solid psychological and behavioral science background, CBAs can provide cognitive-focused CSWs with behavioral management services, interventions, and management based on empirical evidence. These services are especially needed when social workers are assisting clients with autism and other developmental disorders.

Not only do many social workers work hand-in-hand with behavior analysts when they are assigned a tricky case, but sometimes social workers have the right degree to do it themselves. By combining the social work and behavior analysis fields, the issues are focused more holistically while looking at them from all angles. 

Liliana Uribe, DSW, LSCW writes in Social Work Today :  

“Social work and behavior analysis, at first sight, appear to be completely different in respect to modalities of service. However, both professions can work well together. As a current lead analyst for children with behavioral challenges and a licensed clinical social worker, I am realizing the need for analysts to encompass case management and clinical experience. My clients at one point have required case management services and/or a holistic perspective of viewing the client’s and family’s challenges in a bigger picture.”

If you’re interested in working in the field of social work and also want to focus on behavioral interventions, becoming a clinical behavior analyst and working closely with clinical social workers may be the best choice for you. 

Careers for Graduates with a Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis: Conclusion

There are various opportunities for hardworking behavior analysts who want to work in the education, health care, or social work sectors. Some are obvious and yet some are outside of the box. Getting a Master’s in ABA is something that you won’t regret, as the job outlook for this field continues to grow and thrive. This is an excellent time to begin pursuing a graduate degree in this high-demand field.

Brittany Cerny

Master of Education (M.Ed.) | Northeastern State University

Behavior and Learning Disorders | Georgia State University

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  • Top 10 Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis in Massachusetts
  • Top 10 Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis in California
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  • ABA (Master’s)
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  • Ed Psych (Online Master’s)
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  • PhD in Behavior Analysis

Behavior Analysis Doctor of Philosophy in Behavior Analysis

For those who strive to reach the highest levels of academic, research or clinical leadership can seek the challenge they need in a PhD in Behavior Analysis from Capella. Learn to expand beyond the theoretical and perform research that could help you make a positive contribution to your field, potentially developing new or advanced scientist-practitioner repertoires. Completion of this program and a behavior-analytic dissertation allows you to apply for doctoral designation as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA-D). 


Earn additional credentials

Successful completion of the coursework in this program meets the educational requirements to be eligible to apply for the Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral (BCBA-D) designation on your Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) credential.


Scholar-practitioner faculty

Learn the latest in theory and practice from experienced doctoral faculty actively engaged in research and practice.


Relevant, real-world learning

Your behavior analysis coursework allows you to conduct research in consultation with Capella faculty.

Apply today with no application fee.

At a glance

  • 93 Quarter credits
  • 11 Core courses
  • 3 Elective courses
  • 3 Virtual residencies
  • 15 Max transfer credits

Comprehensive exam


Reduce your tuition by $20,000

Enroll in a qualified program and apply for a $20K Capella Progress Reward, a scholarship to help fund your doctoral degree.

Courses and skills

Explore behavior analysis courses.

  • This program requires a total of 93 program credits
  • You’ll need to complete eleven core courses, three elective courses, three doctoral project development seminars, one comprehensive exam and one dissertation

View all courses


In this course, learners expand their foundational knowledge about the basic methods of research used in single-subject research. Learners describe the different methodologies within, as well as the strengths and limitations of, single-subject research. Learners expand on their skills in visual analysis to determine research findings.

5 quarter credits

Learners in this course examine the basic theories and misconceptions of behaviorism and principles of behavior analysis. Throughout the course, learners evaluate the conceptual foundations of the science of behavior and how those concepts relate to clinical applications.

5 quarter credits

In this course, learners investigate the history of, and synthesize the research in, the experimental analysis of behavior. Learners describe the importance of the link between experimental analysis of behavior and the application of the science.

5 quarter credits

In this course, learners describe the field of organizational behavior management and its relationship to the science of behavior analysis. Learners synthesize research in the field of organizational behavior management. Throughout the course, learners apply basic assessment techniques and develop interventions commonly used in the field of organizational behavior management. 

5 quarter credits

In this course, learners evaluate the theories of behavior analysis and how they influence teaching and educational programs. Learners synthesize research related to teaching skills in the field of behavior analysis and explore how they will use principles from theory and research to inform their teaching.

5 quarter credits

Learning outcomes

The PhD in Behavior Analysis is designed for professional behavior analysts seeking to become academic, research, or clinical leaders. Learners integrate the practice of behavior analysis with basic behavior analytic theory and basic and applied research to develop advanced scientist-practitioner repertoires. 

Learners who complete the program with a behavior-analytic dissertation can apply for the doctoral designation as a board certified behavior analyst (BCBA-D).

On successful completion of this program, you should be able to:

  • Synthesize the science behind the behavior of living organisms and the relationship between behavior and environmental variables
  • Apply scientifically supported theories into the practice of behavior analysis for behaviors of social significance
  • Design and conduct research consistent with the basic principles of behavior analysis to contribute to the field of behavior analysis
  • Adhere to ethical expectations of the field in personal and professional interaction
  • Communicate professionally in the field of psychology
  • Critically evaluate cultural humility and compassion in communication, assessment, and interventions in the field of behavior analysis Review the Capella career exploration guide to learn more about this program and career paths to explore.

Review the Capella career exploration guide to learn more about this program and career opportunities.

Tuition and learning format

How much does the phd in behavior analysis cost.

The total cost of your degree will depend on academic performance, transfer credits, scholarships and other factors. See GuidedPath cost information below.

A structured learning format with an active peer community and faculty guidance. We’ll set the schedule, you meet the deadlines.

  • Based on the quarter system; 1-3 courses per 10-week quarter
  • 1 semester credit = 1.5 quarter credits
  • Weekly assignments and courseroom discussions
  • Pay for what you take, price varies by courseload or term

$555  per credit,  78  coursework credits, 15 max transfer credits

Learn more about GuidedPath »

Tuition breakdown

Program phases.

$555 Per quarter credit

78 coursework credits

Per quarter credit

$2,780 Per quarter

Per quarter

Resource kit fee

$175 Per quarter

Coursework phase only; includes eBooks, textbooks, interactive media, software, course packs, articles, and other instructional materials

Application fee

$0 No application fee

No application fee

Tuition and program length are unique to you

Your total tuition and program length depend on a variety of factors:

  • Academic performance
  • Complexity of your dissertation
  • Prior coursework 
  • Scholarships and finances
  • Unexpected life events
  • Employer and/or military benefits

About cost scenarios

The cost scenarios below are examples based on general program pricing and 2024–25 Capella tuition rates and assume the average number of transfer credits a student brings into the program. Pacing and pricing information is current as of Jan. 1, 2024. These rates are the same nationwide and may change depending on factors affecting program length and price. You are responsible for paying your own travel costs related to residencies, including plane, hotel, and food expenses.

To discuss whether the specialization you’re interested in has additional factors that may affect program cost and length, contact a Capella enrollment counselor.

Cost Scenarios

Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each dissertation milestone at the pace of the fastest 25% of students.

Coursework: $555/credit

12 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter



5 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource Kit fee: $175

12 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the median 50% of students.

Coursework: $555/credit

12 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter



6 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource Kit fee: $175

12 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the slowest 75% of students.

Coursework: $555/credit

12 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter



8 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource Kit fee: $175

12 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



*Eligibility rules apply. Connect with us for details.

Get the details

Connect with an enrollment counselor to further discuss the cost of the program and explore your eligibility for scholarships and discounts.

Scholarships and savings

Are there scholarships available for doctoral degrees.

Your education is an investment in your future that’s within your reach. There are  more ways to save  than you might think.


$20K toward your doctorate

Apply for a $20K scholarship Capella Progress Reward, a scholarship to help fund your doctoral degree. Apply now


Employer & association discounts

If your employer or organization is a Capella network partner, you may be eligible for a discount. Ask your employer what offers are available.

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Capella is accredited by the higher learning commission..

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How to apply

Applicants must provide the following information for  admission  to Capella programs and specializations:

  • A master’s degree from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or from an internationally recognized institution
  •  Your official master’s transcripts, with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • A valid, government-issued form of photo identification
  • Current BCBA certification
  • Goal Statement with rationale for seeking a doctoral degree and research interests
  • 2 letters of recommendation completed by professionals who can assess your aptitude for doctoral education in Behavior Analysis
  • Your resume or curriculum vitae (CV)

GRE and GMAT are not required for admission.

International Student Requirements

If you completed your most recent academic coursework, degree, or credential at an institution outside the United States, regardless of your citizenship or where you currently live, you are considered an international applicant.

In addition to the above admission requirements, you will need to submit these materials:

  • Minimum score on acceptable test for proof of English proficiency
  • Transcript evaluation

Learn more about  international student admissions .

Faculty and support

What support does capella offer online students.

Our programs are designed to meet the unique needs of doctoral students. We’ve structured the experience in manageable pieces that build on one another to help you earn your doctorate. You’ll have support from faculty, staff, and online resources along the way.


Doctoral faculty

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Articles and resources

Expand your perspective on academic and career topics with articles and resources from Capella University.

What is the study of human behavior?

What is the study of human behavior?

The study of human behavior centers on the relationship between individuals and groups.

image of Anesa Doyle

Kids Won’t Eat Dinner? Capella University Faculty Member Invents a Fun Fix

Anesa Doyle used ABA principles to invent a product to encourage kids to eat.

Doctoral Journey

What’s it like to be a doctoral student?

What does it take to earn a doctoral degree? Learn more about the experience and explore each step of the journey.

Career exploration

What can you do with a phd in behavior analysis degree.

Your education can help you reach your personal and professional goals. Here are some of the jobs and employment settings to consider with a PhD in Behavior Analysis.

Related job titles to explore*

  • ABA program manager
  • ABA supervisor
  • Applied behavior analyst
  • Assistant/associate/full professor
  • Behavior consultant
  • Behavior intervention specialist
  • Behavior specialist
  • Behaviorist
  • Center director
  • Program director

Employment settings to explore

  • Colleges, universities and professional schools
  • Elementary and secondary schools
  • Residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities
  • Services for the elderly and persons with disabilities
  • Other individual and family services

*These are examples intended to serve as a general guide. Some positions may prefer or even require previous experience, licensure, certifications, and/or other designations along with a degree. Because many factors determine what position an individual may attain, Capella cannot guarantee that a graduate will secure any specific job title, a promotion, salary increase, or other career outcome. We encourage you to research requirements for your job target and career goals.

**Educational and professional requirements for faculty positions vary widely by employer. Understanding your target employers’ particular requirements is key in deciding on a doctoral program.

Take the first step toward earning your degree and achieving your goals. {page-tel}

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  • Behavior Analysis, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Psychology – Behavior Analysis

The PhD program in Behavior Analysis is accredited by the ABAI Accreditation Board through 2025.

Mission: The mission of the PhD program area in Behavior Analysis at West Virginia University is to produce an individual who can function effectively in various academic or applied settings, advance our understanding of the principles of behavior, and apply those principles to socially significant problems.

Training Model:  The behavior analysis program area trains students in basic research, theory, and applications of behavior principles. Through research, course work, and practica, students develop skills in the experimental and applied analysis of behavior, including a strong conceptual background and methods appropriate for developing behavioral technologies. The basic, conceptual, and applied areas are integrated in the curriculum; however, a student may emphasize either basic or applied research.

Admissions Procedures are described here .

Degree Requirements & Learning Outcomes are here and here . Note that students who enter the program with a bachelor’s degree must complete a master’s degree and a master’s thesis en route to the doctoral degree. They have two options: an MS in Psychology or an MS in Behavior Analysis. Information about these options are here and here . The MS requirement normally is waived for students who enter the PhD program with a master’s degree, if their thesis is judged to be equivalent to WVU theses by the Behavior Analysis faculty.

We have been able to provide funding for each student in good standing in our program. Doctoral students gain teaching experience, including opportunities for senior students to design and teach their own courses. Teaching serves as one source of funding for students. Students may also be funded through practicum placements in which they conduct clinical work to support children in the local community. Graduate students may also be hired as research assistants to work on grant-funded studies. In addition to a nine-month stipend, each student in good standing receives a university tuition waiver.

Program History: The Behavior Analysis program area at West Virginia University was created in 1976. Don Hake was recruited to WVU to be the program area coordinator, a position that he held until his untimely death in 1982. 

The founding faculty members of the Behavior Analysis program were Don Hake, Andy Lattal, Kent Parker, and Jim Shafer. Andy Lattal served as area coordinator from 1982-2012. Mike Perone served as area coordinator from 2012-2013 and is the current coordinator. Claire St. Peter served as coordinator from 2013-2023. Of the present faculty, Andy Lattal arrived in 1972, Mike Perone in 1984, Karen Anderson in 2003, Claire St. Peter in 2006, Kathryn Kestner in 2015, Brennan Armshaw in 2022, and Ray Joslyn in 2023. Since its inception, the program area has awarded nearly a hundred doctoral degrees to students who have come from all parts of the United States and from many other countries. 

The Department of Psychology is a recipient of the Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis Award for Enduring Programmatic Contributions to Behavior Analysis. This award is given to an agency, department or facility of an organization that contributes to the ongoing and enduring development of behavior analysis.

Over the years, our faculty members have been recognized through major teaching and research awards given by both the university and by professional societies. Faculty also further behavior-analytic science by serving on as editors and associate editors of major behavior-analytic journals and receiving and managing extramural research grants.

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod: Statistics

Updated: February 29, 2024

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod logo

Position Category
#1817 of 14,131 In
#618 of 2,785 In
#25 of 385 In
#1 of 7 In
#758 of 1,013 For
Top50% For

Quick Review

Acceptance rate & admissions.

Acceptance Rate65%
Admissions RequirementsSecondary school certificate (Attestat o srednem obrazovanii) and entrance examination
Academic CalendarSeptember to June (September - January; February-June)

We've calculated the 65% acceptance rate for Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod based on the ratio of admissions to applications and other circumstantial enrollment data. Treat this information as a rough guide and not as a definitive measure of your chances of admission. Different programs may have significantly varying admissions rates.

Research profile

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod has published 10,100 scientific papers with 65,152 citations received. The research profile covers a range of fields, including Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Quantum and Particle physics, Biology, Materials Science, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Science, Computer Science, and Optical Engineering.

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod majors

by publication & citation count

/ 47,973
/ 44,345
/ 46,854
/ 40,437
/ 38,539
/ 30,930
/ 29,726
/ 21,231
/ 27,242
/ 21,195
/ 11,707
/ 14,925
/ 20,940
/ 20,174
/ 11,634
/ 9,216
/ 12,260
/ 17,227
/ 8,483
/ 10,817
/ 6,836
/ 10,551
/ 9,603
/ 10,884
/ 5,946
/ 9,133
/ 2,472
/ 8,039
/ 2,449
/ 8,765
/ 7,495
/ 6,625
/ 3,397
/ 5,458
/ 5,825
/ 6,394
/ 5,141
/ 5,853
/ 2,266
/ 3,542

Annual publication & citation counts

Year Publications Citations
1991 4 9
1992 15 11
1993 15 16
1994 22 11
1995 21 35
1996 18 39
1997 27 32
1998 38 41
1999 39 63
2000 25 53
2001 77 62
2002 81 71
2003 91 106
2004 75 108
2005 85 140
2006 114 205
2007 90 241
2008 115 227
2009 114 294
2010 133 355
2011 174 427
2012 161 635
2013 268 758
2014 415 1092
2015 625 1903
2016 662 2814
2017 653 3330
2018 723 4220
2019 848 5372
2020 1059 7678
2021 1193 10341
2022 1128 11490
2023 919 12084

The tuition table for Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod gives an overview of costs but prices are approximate and subject to change and don't include accommodation, textbooks, or living expenses. The costs of programs might differ significantly for local and international students. The only source of truth for current numbers is the university's official website.

Program Tuition Cost (per year)
Bachelor's Degree 150,000 RUB
Master's Degree 200,000 RUB
PhD Program 250,000 RUB

The currency used is Russian Ruble (RUB).

The Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod has financial aid programs and on-campus housing.

Programs and Degrees

The table below displays academic fields with programs and courses that lead to Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degrees offered by Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod.

Note that the table provides a general overview and might not cover all the specific majors available at the university. Always visit the university's website for the most up-to-date information on the programs offered.

Programs Bachelor Master Doctoral
Art & Design Yes Yes Yes
Biology Yes Yes Yes
Business Yes Yes Yes
Chemistry Yes Yes Yes
Computer Science Yes Yes Yes
Economics Yes Yes Yes
Engineering Yes Yes Yes
Environmental Science Yes Yes Yes
Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Yes Yes Yes
Mathematics Yes Yes Yes
Medicine Yes Yes Yes
Physics Yes Yes Yes
Psychology Yes Yes Yes
Diplom Spetsialista Biochemistry, Biophysics, Chemistry, Economics, Information Technology, Law, Psychology, Taxation, Telecommunications Engineering
Magistr Administration, Applied Mathematics, Biology, Business Computing, Chemistry, Computer Science, Cultural Studies, Ecology, Economics, Electronic Engineering, Finance, History, Human Resources, Information Technology, International Relations and Diplomacy, Journalism, Law, Management, Mathematics, Philology, Physical Education, Political Sciences, Psychology, Radiophysics, Regional Studies, Social Work, Sociology
Kandidat Nauk Accountancy, Administrative Law, Analytical Chemistry, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Computer Science, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Demography and Population, Developmental Psychology, Ecology, Economic and Finance Policy, Economics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Finance, Germanic Languages, History, History of Law, History of Societies, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Industrial and Production Economics, Inorganic Chemistry, International Economics, Journalism, Labour Law, Literature, Mathematics, Organic Chemistry, Pedagogy, Philosophy, Philosophy of Education, Physical Chemistry, Physics, Political Sciences, Psychology, Radiophysics, Russian, Sociology, Statistics

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod faculties and divisions

Faculty : Biology Biology
Faculty : Chemistry Chemistry
Faculty : Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Computer Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty : Economics Economics
Faculty : Finance Finance
Faculty : History History
Faculty : International Relations International Relations and Diplomacy
Faculty : Law Law
Faculty : Management and Business Business and Commerce, Management
Faculty : Mechanics and Mathematics Mathematics, Mechanics
Faculty : Philology Philology
Faculty : Physical Education and Sports Physical Education, Sports
Faculty : Physics Physics
Faculty : Radio Physics Physics
Faculty : Social Sciences Social Sciences
Institute : Economics and Entrepreneurship Accountancy, Business and Commerce, Business Computing, Economics, Small Business
School : General and Applied Physics Applied Physics, Physics

Location and contacts

Address prosp. Gagarina 22
Nižnij Novgorod, 603022
City population 1,252,000

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod in social media

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Nizhny Novgorod: A ‘Russian Detroit’ from 19th to 21st centuries (PHOTOS)

Dmitrievskaya Tower through the centuries.

Dmitrievskaya Tower through the centuries.

Founded in 1221, Nizhny Novgorod (260 miles east of Moscow) is still one of the most visited and populated Russian cities (it has more than 1.2 million inhabitants). Its ancient kremlin, cozy paved streets with centuries-old buildings (a regular city plan was adopted after Empress Cathrine the Great visited the city in 1767) and scenic views of the Volga River warm the hearts of locals and tourists. By the way, many people confuse it with Veliky Novgorod (established in 859) in the north-west of Russia. In Russian, the word ‘Novgorod’ literally means “new city” and, luckily, there are only two in the whole country: ‘Lower new city’ and ‘Great new city’. One of the oldest and largest automobile plants that produces GAZ cars is still located in Nizhny (Russians often omit ‘Novgorod’) - and that’s why the city is often known as the ‘Russian Detroit’. In Soviet times, it bore the name of main Soviet writer Maxim Gorky , who was born there.

And despite its steel and metal history, today, Nizhny Novgorod has the poetic epithet of the capital of sunsets. We compared some vintage and recent photos of the city.

Dmitrievskaya Tower in 1913 and in 2021.

Dmitrievskaya Tower in 1913 and in 2021.

The stone citadel of Nizhny Novgorod was built in the 16th century around the Chasovaya (Sentry) Hill. Here is the most famous view of the fortress with the Dmitrievskaya Tower. Previously, a moat was dug in front of the tower, which was filled with water. At the end of the 18th century, the moat was filled and the tower sunk about 6 meters into the ground. The tower received its a-la Rus facade only at the end of the 19th century. 

2. National Unity Square 

Skoba square, 1957 / Monument to Minin and Pozharsky nowadays.

Skoba square, 1957 / Monument to Minin and Pozharsky nowadays.

On Moscow’s Red Square, there is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky , who were the leaders of the people’s militia against the Polish intervention of 1611. Interestingly, exactly the same monument stands in Nizhny Novgorod! And all because the militia gathered there. City official Kuzma Minin called on all residents to fight and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as the militia head. The date of Moscow’s liberation from the Poles (November 4) has been celebrated as National Unity Day in Russia since 2005. In the same year, Nizhny Novgorod’s Skoba Square, where the militia gathered, was renamed ‘National Unity Square’ and a monument to the two national heroes was erected there, as well.

3. Chkalov staircase

 View on Nizhny Novgorod kremlin, Dyatlov hills and Chkalov stairs, 1886 and now.

View on Nizhny Novgorod kremlin, Dyatlov hills and Chkalov stairs, 1886 and now.

With 560 steps, these are some of the longest stairs in Russia! The site where this staircase was built was called the ‘Volga Downhill’ and was very popular among locals, since it had one of the most picturesque views of the Volga. The stairs, named after a pilot named Valery Chkalov, connect the upper and lower embankments in the historical center of Nizhny Novgorod. Among the architects was Lev Rudnev , who worked in the Stalinist Empire style and designed the Moscow State University and the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.

4. Kremlin funicular

Kremlin funicular in operation... and in ruins.

Kremlin funicular in operation... and in ruins.

Amazing: At the end of the 19th century, in the center of Nizhny Novgorod, two funiculars operated near the kremlin. They literally worked on water. Imagine a water tank in the car: filled at the upper station, empty at the lower station. When one car went down, the lower one went up under its gravity. They would move at the same time. The funiculars were abandoned in the 1920s, when a tram line was completed. Today, only ruins remain in place of the historical funiculars, although the city administration has already promised to recreate this type of transport. There still is one funicular operating in Nizhny Novgorod, which connects it with the city of Bor on the other side of the Volga River.

5. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street 

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street in 1880s and 2021.

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street in 1880s and 2021.

The main street of Nizhny Novgorod has undergone many changes over the centuries. Before the revolution of 1917, it was the favorite area of nobles to settle. Along the street, you can still see old stone mansions, theaters, churches. One of the most beautiful buildings is the main state bank built in Neo-Russian style. It was opened for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov house in 1913. At the beginning of the 20th century, a tram line passed there - one of the first in Russia. But, since the 1980s, the street has become pedestrian only.

6. Rozhdestvenskaya Street

Rozhdestvenskaya Street in 1890s and 2020.

Rozhdestvenskaya Street in 1890s and 2020.

A historical tram line has been preserved on the other oldest street, Rozhdestvenskaya. However, now it’s a tourist transport and it operates only in summer. The street has also preserved its appearance since pre-revolutionary times. There, you can see almost all the same buildings that were in Tsarist Russia, including the Stroganov and Golitsyn estates, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Blinov Passage - the first shopping center outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Construction of the Burevestnik station, 1996 / Burevestnik station, 2009.

Construction of the Burevestnik station, 1996 / Burevestnik station, 2009.

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the seven Russian cities with its own underground transport. The metro here was opened in 1985: In Soviet times, only cities with the population over 1 million residents had a subway. It consists of only two lines and sees about 115,000 commuters a day, which makes it less popular than ground transports. In the near future, there are plans to build new stations on the other side of the Oka River.

8. Referees Tower

Before and after restoration, 2021.

Before and after restoration, 2021.

The Referees Tower built in the Neo-constructivist style on the embankment of the Grebnoy Canal was built in 1988 for the 2nd All-Union Youth Rowing Games. Over time, it was severely destroyed and only recently restored, for the 800th anniversary of the city. Of course, with cafes and places to relax. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

9. GAZ automobile plant

The first car assembly plant, 1930 / Gorky Automobile Plant, 2021.

The first car assembly plant, 1930 / Gorky Automobile Plant, 2021.

The GAZ (Gorky Automobile Plant) plant in Nizhny Novgorod became one of the first in Russia. Early models of trucks and passenger cars were produced under a Ford license. In the 1920s-1930s, American specialists also helped to build the plant itself and the socialist city for workers In the post-war years, the ‘Volga’ and ‘Chaika’ cars were the most expensive among Soviet cars - a citizen’s dream! These days, the plant still operates, but produces mainly trucks and minibuses.

10. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral 

High water in Nizhny Novgorod, 1890s/ The same district nowadays.

High water in Nizhny Novgorod, 1890s/ The same district nowadays.

The Cathedral Church of Nizhny Novgorod is located in one of the most picturesque places of the city - on the arrow of the Volga and the Oka rivers. People used to call it ‘fair church’, since its parishioners were merchants who came to fairs from all over the country. It also was only open in the summertime. In the Soviet years, the iconostasis was dismantled for firewood to heat houses and then it was even planned to demolish it altogether and build a lighthouse and a monument to Lenin on the same site. Nevertheless, the cathedral was preserved (in the 1980s, it was restored by volunteers) and, in 2009, was reinstated as the city’s main church.

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    PhD Behavior Analysis jobs. Sort by: relevance - date. 14 jobs. Adjunct: Behavior Analysis. University of North Texas. Denton, TX 76203. Pay information not provided. Full-time. Behavior Analysis is a natural science that studies the effects of the environment on the behavior of individuals.

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    Research Methodologist / Psychologist within Behavioral Analysis Research. Leidos. Bethesda, MD 20889. $122,200 - $220,900 a year. Full-time. Demonstrated capacity to lead behavioral science research projects including development, design, data analysis, and reviewing, compiling, writing, and editing…. Posted 25 days ago ·.

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  5. Top 15 PhD in Applied Behavior Analysis

    Points: 4. The top online PhD in Behavior Analysis at Simmons University is a 48 credit-hour program. It's for analysts who want to make significant contributions to the science and practice of ABA. The live, online format allows students to engage with peers and faculty from across the country.

  6. Best PHD Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that jobs in applied behavior analysis will grow about 8% between 2020 and 2030. According to Payscale data from July 2022, the average wage for a board-certified ABA therapist is $66,420 per year. A doctoral degree qualifies professionals for higher-paying roles in the field.

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    According to 2021 statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a behavioral analyst earns an average annual salary of $102,900. Entry-level analysts can expect an average salary of $73,910, while the top earners with 10 or more years of experience pulled in an average of $133,200 per year.

  8. Behavior Analysis, Ph.D.

    The mission of Florida Tech's applied behavior analysis training is to develop PhD behavior-analytic practitioners and consultants who have obtained their BCBA certification and contribute to behavioral research and practice. Applied behavior analysis training at the doctoral level includes participation in a high-degree of behavior-based ...

  9. Best Ph.D. Programs in Applied Behavior Analysis for 2024

    A typical range for a Ph.D. in applied behavior analysis is $10,000 to $30,000 per year, with a total degree cost of $40,000 to $150,000, depending on the length of the program and other factors. This might be higher compared to graphic design online degree or other undergraduate programs.

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    The 48-credit PhD program in Behavior Analysis is designed to train and position qualified behavior analysts to make significant contributions to the science and practice of behavior analysis. Currently, our PhD in Behavior Analysis program is offered with live online classes providing program access to students across the country, and collaboration opportunities with faculty and peers.

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    Assistant Professor - ABA. Oregon Tech. Klamath Falls, OR. $67,232 - $77,093 a month. Full-time. The MS-ABA curriculum focuses on providing a rigorous and thorough foundation in the science of behavior analysis. Salary is commensurate with experience.

  13. Salary Outlook with Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis

    The lowest-paid psychologists earned $43,000 per year. The highest-paid earned at least $129,000 per year. ( ). If you have a Ph.D. in ABA, you may earn towards the higher end of the salary scale. BLS states as well that all other psychologists, including those specializing in applied behavior analysis, earn a salary of $100,700 per year.

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    The Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Behavior Analysis is a research-based program preparing you to teach at the university level or work as a scientist-practitioner involving business/industry, developmental disabilities (including autism), education, and public policy. Applied behavior analysis is devoted to the understanding and improvement ...

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    The professionals at the Behavior Analysis Certification Board have data from 2010 to 2022 that show United States employment demands for applied behavior analysts.. Some of their findings are shocking: There has been an increase each year since 2010 for BCBA's; The number of job postings that required or preferred BCBA/BCBA-D certification rose from just 789 in 2010 to 57,569 in 2022.

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  17. Ph.D. in Psychology

    Mission: The mission of the PhD program area in Behavior Analysis at West Virginia University is to produce an individual who can function effectively in various academic or applied settings, advance our understanding of the principles of behavior, and apply those principles to socially significant problems. Training Model: The behavior analysis program area trains students in basic research ...

  18. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod: Statistics

    Research profile. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod has published 10,100 scientific papers with 65,152 citations received. The research profile covers a range of fields, including Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Quantum and Particle physics, Biology, Materials Science, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Science, Computer Science, and Optical Engineering.

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  21. Nizhny Novgorod: A 'Russian Detroit' from 19th to 21st centuries

    The Cathedral Church of Nizhny Novgorod is located in one of the most picturesque places of the city - on the arrow of the Volga and the Oka rivers. People used to call it 'fair church', since ...

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    Here are 15 jobs you can get in the field of applied behavior analysis: 1. Animal trainer. National average salary: $46,038 per year Primary duties: Animal trainers observe an animal's behavior and use their knowledge of applied behavior analysis to change certain behaviors, which may include eliminating negative behaviors and encouraging new ...

  23. Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

    Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (Russian: Нижегоро́дская о́бласть nee-zhyh-gah-ROHT-skuh-yuh OH-bluhst’) is a region in the Upper Volga, bordering Ryazan Oblast to the southwest, Vladimir Oblast to the west, Ivanovo Oblast to the northwest, Kostroma Oblast to the north, Kirov Oblast to the northeast, Mari El to the east, Chuvashia to the southeast, and Mordovia to the south.