PhD courses

Library courses for PhD students

Aalborg University Library offers three one-day courses for PhD students at AAU:

  • Academic Information Searching: methods, sources, and documentation - a one-day course focusing on systematic and structured information searching and related subjects (1 ects)
  • Health Scientific Information Searching: Hands-on training and methods for conducting a systematic search - a one-day course focussing on systematic and structured information searching and related subjects. The course is prepared in collaboration with the Medical Library at Aalborg University Hospital (1 ects)
  • Scholarly Communication in an Open Science Perspective - a one-day course focusing on the research ecosystem, including publishing, metrics and dissemination (1 ects)

Go to PhD Moodle to check if the course has been set up, or contact us to learn more about the courses and how to participate.

PhD programme

Aalborg University Business School

PhD programme at AAUBS

Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) has a doctoral programme in Business and Management which is governed by Aalborg University's Doctoral School of Social Sciences.

phd courses aalborg university

At Aalborg University Business School we emphasize quality within the areas of research and education, problem-based learning (PBL), participation in the business school’s research groups, cooperation with colleagues, internationalisation and dissemination of research.

For further information about the PhD programme, please contact the PhD coordinator.

Guidelines for Guest-PhDs at Aalborg University Business School

AAUBS offers guest-PhDs office facilities (this can be in a shared office) as well as the possibly to participate in and present their own work at internal research seminars at AAUBS. Guest-PhD can also, but are not required to, collaborate with AAUBS researchers on specific projects during their stay. We do, however, expect that guest-PhDs have an explicit idea of what they expect as outcome of their stay.

As a guest-PhD you will be associated to a research group at AAUBS and will be assigned a main contact person from this research group. Please beware that the contact person will not act as your PhD supervisor during your stay. Thus, we expect that you during your stay at AAUBS maintain contact with your supervisor at your home institution for feedback and guidance on the progress of your PhD project.

Guest-PhDs can participate in internal PhD courses and all other staff-activities relevant for PhD students during their stay AAUBS.

If you are a non-EU-EEA citizen, please familiarize with the general regulations concerning residence and work permits for guest researchers/PhD students at AAU:

  • PhD vacancies
  • Research at AAUBS
  • Industrial PhD student

PhD coordinator

Poul Houman Andersen  Phone:+45 9940 2754 E-mail: [email protected]  

PhD secretary

E-mail: [email protected]  

PhD Programme

Do you want to be a researcher?

phd courses aalborg university

At the PhD school, The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science and Technology, we educate the researchers of the future.

PhD programs

phd courses aalborg university

phd courses aalborg university

phd courses aalborg universityIf you are from outside Aalborg University and you wish to enroll in one of our PhD courses, you must create a profile. This is done by clicking on “ body:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > section:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(4) > fieldset:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(9) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(1) > li:nth-child(1) > a:nth-child(1)" _cssrules="true">create new account ” and filling out the form.
  • body:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > section:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(4) > fieldset:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(9) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(2) > li:nth-child(1)" _cssrules="true">Please observe that it is impossible to register for PhD courses until 4 months before the course commences.
  • body:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > section:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(4) > fieldset:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(9) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > ul:nth-child(3) > li:nth-child(1)" _cssrules="true">If you are from the industry, the fee for participating in the courses on Eng/Tech/Sund is DKK 2,000.00 per ECTS.
  • body:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > section:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(4) > fieldset:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(9) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(4)" _cssrules="true">

    body:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > section:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(4) > fieldset:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(9) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(6)" _cssrules="true">

    body:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > section:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(4) > fieldset:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(9) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(7)" _cssrules="true"> body:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(8) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(4) > div:nth-child(1) > section:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > form:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(7) > div:nth-child(4) > fieldset:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(9) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) > div:nth-child(1) > p:nth-child(7) > br:nth-child(1)" _cssrules="true">

    Course categories

    General courses within the doctoral schools of engineering, tech and medicine (2025), analytical and computational methodology (2025), career planning (2025), courses for supervisors (2025), general phd skills (2025), theory of science (2025), general courses within the doctoral schools of engineering, tech and medicine (2024), analytical and computational methodology (2024) (11), theory of science (2024) (1), general phd skills (2024) (52), career related courses (2024) (1), courses for supervisors (2024) (1), the technical doctoral school of it and design (2024) (1), computer science and engineering (2024) (7), media architecture and design (2024) (4), wireless communications (2024) (4), planning and development (2024) (8), electrical and electronic engineering (2024) (5), the doctoral school in engineering and science (2024), biotechnology, chemistry and environmental engineering (2024) (5), aau energy (2024) (43), mathematics, physics and computational science (2024) (1), materials science, mechanical and manufacturing engineering (2024) (4), civil engineering (2024) (6), the doctoral school of social sciences and humanities (2024) (17), the doctoral school in medicine, biomedical science and technology (2024) (32), workshops, seminars and summer schools (4), summer school – doctoral school of engineering and science 2022 (aug. 22-26, 2022) (4), summer school – doctoral school of engineering and science 2023 (aug. 21-25, 2023) (5), archive 2023 (219), archive 2022 (225), archive 2021 (261), archive 2020 (219), archive 2013-2019, archive 2013 (174), archive 2014 (187), archive 2015 (164), archive 2016 (166), archive 2017 (155), archive 2018 (179), archive 2019 (194).

    Master's programmes at Aalborg University

    As an international student you can study for a master's degree at Aalborg University (AAU) within the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, technical sciences and health sciences.

    phd courses aalborg university

    Study at Aalborg University in Denmark

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    AAU’s master's programmes are well-known for

    • Group- and project work
    • Problem-based learning
    • Research-based education
    • Students are at the centre of learning
    • Professional and social network through groupwork

    Study at AAU

    phd courses aalborg university

    The Doctoral Programme

    The Doctoral Programme Culture and Learning

    The Doctoral programme Culture and Learning is an interdisciplinary research education programme for PhD students at the Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University.

    phd courses aalborg university

    What we work towards

    The Doctoral programme ensures an ongoing contact with PhD students and follow-up regarding supervision, progress reports, research stays, etc. In collaboration with the research groups of the department, the Doctoral programme also organises PhD courses on various subjects relevant to the PhD students.

    The goal of the Doctoral programme Culture and Learning is to establish the best possible professional and social framework for supporting both the course of study and academic development of the PhD students. Every PhD student is assigned a researcher at the department as supervisor for the project, and the PhD student will also be affiliated as member of one of the research groups at the Department of Culture and Learning and be part of its activities and meetings. The affiliation to a research group is meant as a support for the PhD project through involvement in an academic environment, activities, meetings, etc. as well as development of collaboration opportunities.

    Research areas covered by PhD students at the programme include – but is not limited to – culture, education, organisation, media, literature, globalisation, discourse, philosophy, migration, tourism, gender, language, learning, innovation, digital technologies, health, data, consumption, methodologies, or evaluation.

    More about the Doctoral Programme

    The Doctoral programme is one of six programmes under the Doctoral School at the Faculty of Humanities, AAU. For the doctoral school, a PhD study board is elected, where PhD supervisors and PhD students are represented.

    The Doctoral programme on Culture and Learning was established in January 2020, and gathers activities of three former programmes: - the doctoral programme on Culture and Global Studies, - the doctoral programme on Education, Learning and Philosophy, - and parts of the doctoral programme InterDisc, Interdisciplinary Discourse Studies.

    • More about the Doctoral Programme at AAU
    • More about the research groups at Culture and Learning

    The Department of Culture and Learning

    News from the Doctoral Programme

    Opportunities for a PhD at the Aalborg UNESCO PBL Centre

    phd courses aalborg university

    Welcome to Academic Information Searching - Methods, Sources and Socumentation - G CPH (2024)Description:This course is about the various aspects that are important when searching for literature as part of your PhD. Structured literature se

    Aalborg November 2024 1 ECTS

    Welcome to Academic Information Searching : Methods, Sources and Documentation (Tech/Eng) - C 2024Description: The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of the various aspects that are important when searching for literature as

    Aalborg November 2024 1 ECTS

    Welcome to Academic Information Searching : Methods, Sources and Documentation (Tech/Eng) - D 2024Description: The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of the various aspects that are important when searching for literature as

    Aalborg December 2024 3 ECTS

    Welcome to Advanced control for building applicationsOrganizer: Alireza AfshariLecturers: Samira Rahnama, Mahmood KhatibiECTS: 3.0 (28 hours of work load per ECTS)Time: 2-4 December 2024Place: Aalborg UniversityZip

    Aalborg November 2024 4 ECTS

    Description: The aim of this course is to give the participants an idea of how the mathematical vocabulary is used and the strength of using it properly. This is needed by engineering PhD's when reading papers, which will often use the commo

    Aalborg November 2024 3 ECTS

    Welcome to Advanced Natural Language Processing for Industry: Theory and PracticeOrganiser: Assistant Professor, Chen Li, [email protected] Lecturers: Associate Professor, Dimitris Chrysostomou, Department of Materials and ProductionAssocia

    Aalborg October 2024 2 ECTS

    Description: The notion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) dates back approx. 70 years as a research field and even longer if one considers fiction writers. A number of different definitions of AI has been suggested over the yea

    . October 2024 3 ECTS

    Welcome to Microplastic Research – Analytical Methods for Microplastic QuantificationDescription: This PhD course addresses the theory of sampling, sample preparation and state-of-the-art analytical techniques to analyze microplastics in e

    Aalborg November 2024 4 ECTS

    Description: During the last decades, Bayesian statistics has gained enormous popularity as an elegant and powerful computational tool to perform statistical analysis in complex stochastic models as applied in engineering, science and medicine. Bayes

    Aalborg October 2024 4,5 ECTS

    Description: This course on biostatistics will focus on the complexity of data collected in biomedical research. Therefore, the course will focus on topics like sample size estimation, meta-analysis and multi-factorial methods. This course will

    1 of 5 Next >

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    Zheng-Hua Tan

    Zheng-Hua Tan

    • IEEE SPS Election
    • IEEE SPS 选举
    • Publications

    Professor of Machine Learning and Speech Processing Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark 

    He is a Full Professor of Machine Learning and Speech Processing, a Co-Head of the Centre for Acoustic Signal Processing Research ( CASPR ), Machine Learning Research Group Leader in the Department of Electronic Systems, and the Head of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) Doctoral Programme at Aalborg University, Denmark. He is a Co-Lead of Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence , Denmark.

    He was a Visiting Scientist/Professor at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory ( CSAIL ), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, USA (in 2022, 2017 and 2012), an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and a postdoctoral fellow at AI Spoken Language Lab, in the Department of Computer Science at KAIST, Korea.

    He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Hunan University, China, in 1990 and 1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, in 1999. 

    His research interests include machine learning, deep learning, pattern recognition, speech and speaker recognition, noise-robust speech processing, multimodal signal processing, and social robotics (developed interactive iSocioBot ). He has over 250 referred journal and conference publications. His works have been recognized by the prestigious IEEE Signal Processing Society 2022 Best Paper Award and International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) 2022 Best Research Paper Award .

    His teaching has been focusing on machine learning and AI. He established and teaches the Machine Learning PhD course (2007-now), the Deep Learning PhD course (2015-now), the Self-Supervised Learning PhD course (2024), the Machine Learning Master course (2009-now), and the Deep Learning Master course (2023-now), all at Aalborg University. He also teaches Reinforcement Learning and Self-Supervised Learning PhD courses. He established and taught the Introduction to AI course to Bachelor students in 1999 at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

    He has served as an Editorial Board Member/Associate Editor for several journals including IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, Computer Speech and Language, and Digital Signal Processing. He is a Lead Editor for IEEE Journal of STSP Inaugural Special Series on AI in Signal & Data Science – Toward Explainable, Reliable, and Sustainable Machine Learning. He was a Lead Guest Editor of the IEEE Journal of STSP and a Guest Editor of several journals including Neurocomputing.

    He was the elected Chair of the IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee (MLSP TC), is a Member of IEEE MLSP TC from 2018-2023 and is a Member of IEEE Speech and Language Processing TC from 2024-2026. He is a member of the IEEE SPS Conferences Board and was a member of the IEEE SPS Technical Directions Board.

    He is a TPC Vice-Chair for ICASSP 2024, Seoul, Korea, and a Publicity Co-Chair of the Inaugural IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), Santa Clara, California. He was the General Chair of IEEE 28th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2018), Aalborg, Denmark, and was a Program Co-Chair for IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT 2016), San Diego, California, USA. He has served as a Chair, Program Co-chair, Area and Session Chair, and Tutorial Speaker of many international conferences. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.

    • Graduate Programs

    Whether you’re setting out on a course of academic study that will define your professional life, or seeking to build skills to help you land a better job, Santa Clara’s graduate programs offer a range of options to match your needs.

    Many of our graduate students work while pursuing their degrees, so we offer both part- and full-time programs and some online courses, as well as certificate, license, and non-degree options.

    Students in a classroom working on a whiteboard discussion.

    Leavey School of Business

    With the largest MBA program in Silicon Valley as well as specialized Masters degrees, the business school offers a range of options to professionals at different stages in their careers.

    • 4+1 Master of Science Programs

    A teacher and students engaged with a tablet in a classroom.

    School of Education and Counseling Psychology

    Offering masters and credential programs and certificates to those serving their communities in education, counseling, health and human services, and ministry. 

    Master’s Programs

    • M.A.  Applied Psychology
    • M.A.  Counseling
    • M.A.  Counseling Psychology
    • M.A.  Educational Leadership

    Doctor of Education Degree Program

    • Ed.D.  Social Justice Leadership

    Law students collaborating

    School of Law

    In addition to J.D. and LL.M. degrees, the School of Law offers unique combined degree programs in J.D./MSIS.

    • J.D.  Juris Doctor 
    • Hybrid, Part-Time  Flex J.D.
    • J.D./MBA  Master of Business Administration
    • J.D./MSIS  Master of Science in Information Systems
    • LL.M.  Intellectual Property
    • LL.M.  International & Comparative Law
    • LL.M.  United States Law

    A person in a suit talking to another person holding a guitar in a hallway.

    College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries

    Preparing graduates to enter professional ministries. 

    • M.A.  Pastoral Ministries (Online & In-Person)
    • Graduate Certificate in Restorative Justice & Chaplaincy  (Online & In-Person)

    Student working on an engineering project

    School of Engineering

    Offering flexible graduate programs for working engineers in Silicon Valley, as well as traditional full-time programs.

    M.S. Programs

    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Applied Mathematics
    • Bioengineering
    • Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
    • Computer Science and Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Engineering Management
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Power Systems and Sustainable Energy
    • Robotics and Automation

    Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program for Engineering

    • Civil Engineering
    • Computer and Software Engineering
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Engineering Management & Leadership

    Accelerated B.S./M.S. Program for Arts & Sciences

    • Mathematics
    • Computer Science
    • Engineering Physics

    Ph.D. Programs

    Certificate programs.

    • Robotics and Automation (Online)
    • Applied Bioengineering (Online)

    Two students reading on benches in an outdoor garden.

    Jesuit School of Theology

    JST offers a range of Masters degrees (including M.Div.) to students interested in preparing for a broad range of ministries and service to the church and world.

    • Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
    • Hyflex Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
    • Master of Theology (Th.M.)
    • Combined Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (M.Div./M.A.)
    • Master of Arts (M.A)

    Ecclesiastical Degree Programs

    • Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.)
    • Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)
    • Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)

    phd courses aalborg university

    Hybrid and fully online programs that meet students where they are. SCU Online provides increased flexibility while still promising a holistic Santa Clara education.

    • Online MBA
    • Online M.S. Marketing
    • Online M.S. Business Analytics
    • Online M.S. Finance and Analytics

    School of Education & Counseling Psychology

    • Online Catholic M.A. Teaching and Teaching Credential (CATMAT)
    • Online Certificate in Applied Bioengineering
    • Online Certificate in Robotics and Automation 

    College of Arts and Sciences - Pastoral Ministries

    • Online M.A. Pastoral Ministries
    • Online Graduate Certificate in Restorative Justice & Chaplaincy
    • Online Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)

    Pull quote illustration

    "Santa Clara University's location in the heart of Silicon Valley combined with our innovative, flexible graduate programs will help position your career for life-long growth and impact."  

    For all programs, Santa Clara is committed to providing a graduate education in which students will:

    Demonstrate academic competence

    Graduate students will demonstrate broad content knowledge and the ability to integrate and apply concepts from their course of study to professional situations.

    Engage in creative and collaborative learning

    Graduate students will innovate, collaborate, and communicate effectively with professionals and others in their discipline.

    Enhance professional development

    Graduate students will exhibit professionalism, consistent with the university's Jesuit mission that includes attention to ethics, integrity, and responsible engagement with their communities—professionally, locally, or globally.

    International Agreements

    • NorthCap University, India - Application fee waivers for all applicants; two US$9,000 tuition scholarships for underrepresented candidates in Engineering; two $12,000 tuition scholarships in Business programs.
    • Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS), India - Application fee waivers for all applicants; two US$9,000 tuition scholarships for underrepresented candidates in Engineering; two $12,000 tuition scholarships in Business programs.

    The Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX : Santa Clara University does not discriminate in its employment practices or educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender. SCU also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internally or externally. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about noncompliance should be directed to  The Office or Equal Opportunity and Title IX . For a complete copy of the university's policy and more information, contact the university Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Secretary of Education within the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

    For Current PhD students

    Forms, rules and other related material for current PhD students

    Information for current PhD students

    phd courses aalborg university

    Find all required information and forms from the Doctoral School on this part of the website

    Click the topics below for additional information

    Forms and templates, forms applied .

    • Application for Enrollment
    • Template for the PhD Plan
    • Student and Supervisor Agreement - read carefully at the start of the PhD study.

    Forms applied during the PhD

    • Application for financial support to stays abroad
    • Portfolio template - used in connection with progress reports
    • ECTS for conference participation
    • Paradigm for outcome of study circle
    • Application for leave of absence

    Forms applied when finishing the PhD Study

    • Co-author statements
    • Supervisor statement
    • Declaration of Good Scientific Practice

    Information about the PhD plan & The Pre-Defense

    The 2 month phd plan.

    The PhD plan is a crucial step in any PhD study and its importance must not be overlooked. It is a requirement that the PhD plan follows the provided template since it contains information regarding the scope and the content required in the PhD plan - link to the template at the bottom of this page. The Phd plan must be submitted through PhD manager no later than 2 months after the enrollment date.


    The updated PhD plan must ensure a feasible and realistic research approach in line with fulfilment of general rules such as course portfolio and external collaboration. The updated PhD plan requires a great deal of attention from the PhD student and supervisor and unfortunately experience shows that the updated PhD plan is often delayed. This makes it significantly harder to adjust the research strategy for the remainder of the PhD project. The pre-defense seeks to adress this issues by involving external opponents. 


    Before the deadline for the updated PhD plan (11 months after enrolment), it should be presented (pre-defence) at a suitable meeting in the various research groups (e.g. internal research meetings). The form is a 20 min presentation followed by 20 min discussion. If it is not possible to present the PhD plan at a suitable scientific forum due to logistics, the supervisor must organize a meeting where the presentation and discussion can take place.

    The supervisor appoints an internal opponent (eligible as PhD supervisor, but not directly involved in the project) with expertise within the field. The intention is not to invite externals.Based on the presentation and the written Phd plan, the opponent should challenge the PhD plan with focus on scientific content, feasibility, novelty, flow of studies, etc. Questions and comments from the participants of the meeting are also encouraged. If required, the updated PhD plan is revised accordingly.

    A short written evaluation (5-10 lines) is prepared by the opponent and must accompany the updated PhD plan when it is submitted for approval to the head of the doctoral programme. A positive recommendation is a prerequisite for further processing. In case revisions are requested the PhD student also submits a cover letter describing the revisions done based on the suggestions from the opponent.

    PhD student submits the PhD plan no later than after 2 months of enrollment - must be approved by supervisor and head of program via PhD manager - deadline cannot be extempted from.   Updated plan is uploaded along with comments from the predefense after 11 months of enrollment - must be approved by supervisor and head of program via PhD manager.- extemption from the deadline can only be granted by the PhD Study Director.

    External research stay - Information and funding

    Research stay abroad.

    The Doctoral School recommends that you go abroad for your external research stay/collaboration. Going abroad and putting your research into a whole different context allows you to strengthen your international network and gain new perspectives on your research. 

    The main purpose of the stay should be to develope and further your research, develope new ideas in a new setting and of course to expand your network.  It is a requirement that you during your PhD Study have a form of external research collaboration.


    The external research stay can compose of one long stay or a combination of several short stays (minimum duration of one month if you want financial support from the Doctoral School).

    Stays shorter than one month are also viable but you cannot receive financial support from the Doctoral School. 

    If you have questions in relation to the duration, contact your supervisors or AAU PhD. The location needs to have an active research environment - it can be both universities, organizations or other institutions.


    Application for financial support must be sent to the Doctoral School no later than one month prior to the travel. The applied template must be filled out and signed by all required parties.

    The support covers:

    • Own transport (one roundtrip, cheapest way)
    • Tuition fees
    • Own expenses for food and small necessities According to the rules in the Tax Assessment Act (Ligningsloven) Section 9 A.

    5.000 kr pr month with a travel length over 3 months and up to 6 months (the travel can be longer but we can only cover up to 6 months) 3.000 kr pr month with a travel length between 1-3 months When accompanied by spouse/cohabitor AND child(ren) the monthly amount for the PhD student can be increased by 1,000 DKK and 500 DKK per child.

    The monthly grant is paid in advance and calculated relatively according to the whole duration of the study abroad.

    The amount is paid as an advance. Therefore a final settlement with the university must take place immediately upon return (no later than 10 work days after return according to AAU’s guidelines). It is extremely important that this deadline is met in order for AAU to comply with SKAT’s guidelines for correct filing.

    In some cases it is possible to obtain a tax deduction (Differencefradrag). However it is not possible to calculate this before the end of the stay abroad and final settlement with the university. If you wish to take a tax deduction (and are eligible to a deduction) the Doctoral School must be contacted.

    The application for a tax deduction takes place by contacting SKAT directly bringing along the final settlement from AAU (Please do not contact SKAT before talking to the Doctoral School).

    The application for financial support must follow the template and be sent to the Doctoral School ( [email protected] ) 1 month prior to the travel.

    Stays with a minimum duration of 1 month can receive financial support from the Doctoral School.

    Stays shorter than 1 month are approved in relation to the requirements in the ministerial order - but cannot receive financial support.

    Download the template

    Online form (no signatures needed)

    PhD Courses

    Rules concerning PhD courses:

    • 10 ECTS from general PhD courses
    • 10 ECTS from specific PhD courses
    • 10 for free distribution
    • 6 ECTS can be gained from active conference participation and the like
    • ECTS from conferences and the like only needs approval from your supervisors if it counts as part of the 6 ECTS that you can usually use for this purpose. If you want conference participation to count as “regular-ECTS” you need your head of programs approval.

    All courses must be at PhD level at identifiable institutions. In general, no single course should exceed 6 ECTS credit points.

    Finding the right PhD courses:

    • - all PhD courses at Aalborg University
    •  - all PhD courses in Denmark (usually free of charge for PhD students)
    •  - PhD courses in scandinavia (usually free of charge for PhD students)

    It is possible to find courses elsewhere but if they are not listed as PhD courses they may require approval from your supervisor or the head of program.

    • It is your head of program that approves courses that are not PhD couses, study circles and ECTS from conferences that are not part of the 6 ECTS allocated
    • Introduction to the PhD Study
    • Applying the Danish Code of Conduct of Research Integrity to Your Research
    • Active participation in the PhD Day
    • Mandatory program specific course

    Leave of Absence

    A PhD student has the right to apply for leave of absence from the Doctoral School. The application must be signed by the supervisor and forwarded to the Doctoral Shool.

    Leave of absence will normally be granted in cases of:

    • Military service etc.

    Leave of absence means that the applicant’s PhD programme is prolonged by the duration of the leave of absence. If the leave is due to PhD related activities the leave must be for a period of minimum three months. Please note that an application for leave must generally be received by the Doctoral School no later than one month before the beginning of the leave.

    If you are employed as a PhD stipend remember to notify the HR Department.

    Questions in relation to a leave of absence can be sent to Maria Bredvig or the mail below.

    The application must be sent to  [email protected]

    Find the template in forms and templates above.

    Rules and regulations

    • The Ministerial Order on the PhD programme (Danish)
    • The Ministerial Order on the PhD programme (English)
    • Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
    • Points to be aware when using Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies

    Application for extension

    When your PhD study is about to expire you will receive information from the Doctoral School about the application for an extension - you can apply for an extension two times.

    • You do not need to use the full duration of the extension.
    • You can always submit your thesis - also if you are not enrolled.
    • Make sure all signatures are present when submitting the application.
    •  If applicable you also need to renew your work/residence permit.

    Download the application for extension

    Submission of PhD thesis - VBN

    phd courses aalborg university


    1. PhD Stipends in Area of Graph Data Management at University in Aalborg, Denmark

      phd courses aalborg university

    2. PhD and staff in Copenhagen

      phd courses aalborg university

    3. PhD position at Aalborg University in Denmark 2020

      phd courses aalborg university

    4. Become a PhD Student

      phd courses aalborg university

    5. Aalborg University International PhD Scholarships in Music Therapy, Denmark

      phd courses aalborg university

    6. For current PhD Students

      phd courses aalborg university


    1. PhD Studies at Aalborg University

      About PhD studies at AAU. The three-year doctoral degree programme (PhD) at Aalborg University comprises elements that must all be completed for a degree to be awarded. The programme is equivalent to 180 ECTS and is generally planned as a full-time programme.

    2. PhD courses

      Aalborg University Library offers three one-day courses for PhD students at AAU: Academic Information Searching: methods, sources, and documentation - a one-day course focusing on systematic and structured information searching and related subjects (1 ects); Health Scientific Information Searching: Hands-on training and methods for conducting a systematic search - a one-day course focussing on ...

    3. PhD AAU

      PhD courses. Awarding and creating PhD diplomas. Management information. Reports - key figures and statistics. Career developement. Secretariat for the PhD boards at the different Doctoral Schools. Processing Doctoral dissertations (not PhD) E-mail: [email protected]. Phone.: 9940 9638.

    4. Become a PhD Student

      As a standard requirement a Danish master degree or equivalent is required for all PhD students at the Doctoral School of Engineering and Science (120 ECTS points). ... See all vacant PhD stipends at Aalborg University. Vacant PhD stipends at Aalborg University. AAU PhD. Contact. Contact. Kroghstræde 1. 9220 Aalborg. 9940 9638 [email protected].

    5. For Current PhD Students

      PhD courses can also be in the form of study circles or upgraded master courses. ... A final settlement with the university must therefore take place immediately upon return (no later than 10 workdays after return according to AAU's guidelines). ... 9220 Aalborg East - Denmark. Tel.: (+45) 9940 9940 [email protected]. CVR: 29102384. Fredrik Bajers ...

    6. PhD. Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS)

      Aalborg University Business School (AAUBS) has a doctoral programme in Business and Management which is governed by Aalborg University's Doctoral School of Social Sciences. At Aalborg University Business School we emphasize quality within the areas of research and education, problem-based learning (PBL), participation in the business school's ...

    7. PhD programme

      The Faculty of Medicine has a PhD school, The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical science and Technology, that trains the researchers of the future. ... 9220 Aalborg Ø. Phone: 9940 9940 ... University Library (AUB) Vacant positions ...

    8. The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical ...

      The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science, and Technology at Aalborg University has a strong focus on developing research and developing research talents. A full "process" of talent development is seen in the elements covered by the Doctoral School. This ranges from the research year available to master students, the 4+4 PhD program, the Industrial PhD program and the ordinary PhD ...

    9. PhD as a career

      On PhD courses, we learn about the best time and work management principles, but in practice, I feel that it is up to each student to find which working style fits them the best." ... The doctoral schools have the overall responsibility for organising and developing the PhD programmes offered. Aalborg University has 5 doctoral schools, which ...

    10. Home

      Welcome to the PhD programmes at AAU. If you are from outside Aalborg University and you wish to enroll in one of our PhD courses, you must create a profile. This is done by clicking on " create new account " and filling out the form. Please observe that it is impossible to register for PhD courses until 4 months before the course commences.

    11. The Doctoral School of Engineering and Science

      The Doctoral School of Engineering and Science is an independently organized unit established by the Faculty of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University. The aim of the Doctoral School is to develop the Faculty's PhD studies, including further development of existing PhD studies as well as the development of new Doctoral Programmes, and ...

    12. Master's programmes at Aalborg University

      Master's programmes at Aalborg University. As an international student you can study for a master's degree at Aalborg University (AAU) within the fields of natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, technical sciences and health sciences. Your study start at AAU View a list of master's programmes How and when to apply Tuition fees.

    13. The Doctoral Programme Culture and Learning

      The Doctoral programme Culture and Learning is an interdisciplinary research education programme for PhD students at the Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University. What we work towards. The Doctoral programme ensures an ongoing contact with PhD students and follow-up regarding supervision, progress reports, research stays, etc.

    14. PhD

      A PhD project can be shaped and financed in different ways. Apply for one of the announced positions. Industrial PhD in collaboration with a company. Self-funded PhD. For more information on the cost of a PhD at the Aalborg PBL Centre, please contact the centre here. MODE AND GRANTS. A PhD can either be in full, blended or online mode.

    15. Search results

      Copenhagen SV. November 2024. 1 ECTS. Doctoral School of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University. Welcome to Academic Information Searching - Methods, Sources and Socumentation - G CPH (2024)Description:This course is about the various aspects that are important when searching for literature as part of your PhD. Structured literature se.

    16. Aalborg University Postgraduate Courses

      Institution: Aalborg University: Address: Fredrik Bajers Vej 5 Aalborg North Jutland Denmark DK - 9100 Aalborg: Contact telephone (45) 9940 9940: Fax (45) 9815 4522

    17. Zheng-Hua Tan

      His teaching has been focusing on machine learning and AI. He established and teaches the Machine Learning PhD course (2007-now), the Deep Learning PhD course (2015-now), the Self-Supervised Learning PhD course (2024), the Machine Learning Master course (2009-now), and the Deep Learning Master course (2023-now), all at Aalborg University.

    18. Become a PhD Student

      PhD courses - approximately 30 ECTS ... For more information regarding enrolment as a PhD student while beeing employed at Aalborg University Hospital please contact Mette Bjerring; It is possible to submit a thesis for assessment without beeing enrolled as a PhD student - there are requirements that must be met and the requirements for a ...

    19. Bjarke Alexander Larsen

      Mar 2021 - Present 3 years 4 months. Santa Cruz, California, United States. Have TAed throughout my PhD at UC Santa Cruz, on the following courses: - CMPM 80K, Foundations of Video Game Design ...

    20. Ph.D. Program

      Graduate. Ph.D. Program. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is conferred by the School of Engineering primarily in recognition of competence in the subject field and the ability to investigate engineering problems independently, resulting in a new contribution to knowledge in the field. The work for the degree consists of engineering ...

    21. The Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities

      Information for PhD students, supervisors and assessment committees at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities ... 9220 Aalborg East - Denmark. Tel.: (+45) 9940 9940 [email protected]. CVR: 29102384. Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K. 9220 Aalborg East - Denmark. Tel.: (+45) 9940 9940 [email protected]. CVR: 29102384. About AAU. ... University Library (AUB ...

    22. Graduate Programs

      For all programs, Santa Clara is committed to providing a graduate education in which students will: Demonstrate academic competence. Graduate students will demonstrate broad content knowledge and the ability to integrate and apply concepts from their course of study to professional situations. Engage in creative and collaborative learning

    23. For Current PhD students - all PhD courses in Denmark (usually free of charge for PhD students) ... PAU - PhD Network of Aalborg University PhD Coach Scientific Help Desk Career Developement FAIR Data Management. AAU PhD. Contact AAU PhD. Contact AAU PhD. Kroghstræde 1. 9220 Aalborg . 9940 9638 [email protected].