Higher Doctorate Degrees

Graduates of the University of Otago, or people who have a formal academic appointment or association with the University, may apply for a Higher Doctorate in the appropriate field.  The application first involves submission of a curriculum vitae, and an abstract explaining the proposed work to be examined.

The application is considered by the appropriate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, who decides whether the submission should continue.  If so, the applicant collates and generates a digital copy of the work to be examined and pays an examination fee.

Higher Doctorates awarded by the University of Otago are:

- Doctor of Commerce (DCom)

- Doctor of Dental Science (DDSc)

- Doctor of Laws (LLD)

- Doctor of Literature (LittD)

- Doctor of Medicine (MD)

- Doctor of Music (MusD)

- Doctor of Science (DSc)

Regulations for the Higher Doctorate Degrees


  • A degree shall be awarded for published original contributions of special excellence in the appropriate discipline.  An individual shall only ever be entitled to be awarded one Higher Doctorate from the University of Otago – applications for multiple Higher Doctorates are not permitted.
  • Every candidate for a Higher Doctoral degree must have held a degree for at least five years before applying for admission to the degree.
  • A candidate for the degree shall normally be a graduate of the University of Otago, or shall have completed a substantial proportion of the work to be presented while working in an academic or research unit of the University.


  • a curriculum vitae;
  • an abstract and/or brief description of the work including a list of the published original contributions upon which the application is based; and
  • a statutory declaration identifying the submitted work as original and stating that it has not previously been accepted for another qualification at any university or equivalent institution.  Where co-authored work is submitted those parts which are a candidate’s own work should be identified, whereupon the University will review and advise if a case for the award of the degree exists.
  • Where the case for an award exists, every candidate shall submit a digital copy of the work 2 upon which the application is based together with a narrative summary of the body of work of 5000-10000 words, which clearly describes the impact of the work or contribution to the relevant discipline or area of practice, and the required entry fee.
  • In exceptional circumstances, and with the prior approval of the Senate, unpublished material may be submitted as part of the work.
  • Additional work, published or unpublished, may be submitted as appendices in support of the application.

Notes: (1)    The application shall be forwarded to the Dean, Graduate Research School. (2)   Permanently bound copies are acceptable if the work is already in that format.


  • The submitted work shall be assessed by three examiners, appointed by the Senate on the recommendation of the appropriate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, at least one of whom shall be an overseas authority.
  • Resubmission of work shall not be an outcome of the examination.
  • Where the examiners cannot agree on a result, they should so report to the appropriate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, who shall nominate a referee to advise the Senate.
  • Upon the successful completion of the examination process and award of the degree, a final digital copy of the work shall be deposited in the University’s online repository.

Notwithstanding anything in these regulations, the Senate shall have the discretion to vary any provision set down if, in its opinion, special or unusual circumstances warrant such variation.

Note: The Senate has delegated authority over the Higher Doctoral degrees to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise).

Doctor of Commerce (DCom)

A Doctor of Commerce is awarded only to individuals who have published original contributions of special excellence in an area of business and related subjects, including private, public, or non-government sectors.

Doctor of Dental Science (DDSc)

A Doctor of Dental Science recognises the results of substantial and original investigation of relevance to dentistry.

Doctor of Laws (LLD)

A Doctor of Laws is awarded only to individuals who have published original contributions of special excellence in the history, philosophy, exposition, or criticism of law.

Doctor of Literature (LittD)

A Doctor of Literature is awarded only to individuals who have achieved special excellence in their original contributions to linguistic, literary, social, or historical knowledge.

Doctor of Medicine (MD)

A Doctor of Medicine is awarded only to individuals who have achieved special excellence in their original contributions to medicine, or to health sciences.

To be eligible to apply for admission to the Otago Doctor of Medicine, the applicant must be a medical graduate of the University of Otago, or a medical graduate from another University who has completed a substantial proportion of the work to be presented while working in a department of the University.

Doctor of Music (MusD)

A Doctor of Music shall be awarded on the basis of publicly performed or published original contributions of special excellence in musical composition, performance (including conducting), or scholarship.

Every candidate for a MusD shall submit three copies of a portfolio of the work, associated recordings, and supporting material upon which the application is based.  The portfolio should include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

  • In the case of a composer, manuscript or printed scores, details of performances of the works with supporting evidence such as posters and programmes for the concerts, media reviews of the performances, and recordings of musicians performing the works;
  • In the case of a performer (instrumentalist, vocalist, or conductor), details of performances with supporting evidence such as posters and programmes for the concerts, media reviews of the performances, and recordings;
  • In the case of a musicologist, copies of books and articles together with reviews from scholarly journals.

Doctor of Science (DSc)

A Doctor of Science degree is awarded for published original contributions of special excellence, normally in the form of books or papers in scholarly journals, in some branch of science.

This information must be read subject to the statement on our Copyright & Disclaimer page.

Regulations on this page are taken from the 2024 Calendar and supplementary material.

University of Otago PhD Application Process

  • Post author: Botswana
  • Post published: January 18, 2019
  • Post category: University of Otago / University of Otago Admissions

PhD application process

We welcome applications for PhD study and scholarships throughout the year. You may also choose to start your doctoral study at any time during the year.

PhD study at Otago requires some previous substantial research experience. This typically consists of an honours dissertation or master’s thesis (or international equivalent) and/or publications in peer-reviewed academic journals. Students with less substantial research experience are usually advised to complete a research Master’s degree before considering doctoral-level study.

Please note that it is possible to apply for PhD study if you are near to, but yet to complete your qualifying degree, or, in the case of non-native English speakers, have not yet met the English language requirements for entry. In such cases, conditional admission to the PhD programme may be granted, but full admission (required to officially begin PhD study) will only be permitted once the qualifying degree is completed satisfactorily and/or English language requirements are met.

Step 1: finding a supervisor and a department

Make contact with a potential department to see if they have the resources and supervisory expertise to assist you with your proposed research. If a department has a PhD or Postgraduate Coordinator, we recommend contacting that person in the first instance, otherwise it is acceptable to approach a potential supervisor directly. When approaching a department or supervisor, we recommend an email introducing yourself and your research interests and asking if supervision may be possible; you should also attach a brief CV and, if possible, a scanned academic transcript. If English is your second language, we also recommend providing information on your English language competence in your CV, including standards achieved in any formal tests taken.

Read about the required English language standards elsewhere on this website.

The University also has a searchable expertise database, which allows users to enter research-related keywords (e.g. “cancer”) to identify researchers interested in that area. Even if making initial contact with a PhD coordinator, you may want to consider potential supervisors suitable to your interests from the outset, and suggest such potential supervisors when contacting the coordinator.

If a department expresses interest in your proposed study, they will guide you through the next stages of application, which will hopefully culminate in informal departmental acceptance of your PhD project and/or an endorsement to proceed to a formal application for admission. Processes for reaching this stage can vary across departments: some will require reasonably fully developed research proposals, which may need to be assessed by a departmental committee, while others may grant acceptance on the basis of a broad research outline which can be further developed after admission. Note that it is possible to receive supervision from more than one department if this is deemed to be useful or appropriate for your research.

Find out more about completing the formal admission process.

Before proceeding to formal admission it is also important to get a sense of how well you and your proposed supervisor will be able to work together. The supervisory relationship is a key determinant of a successful and enjoyable PhD experience, and so it is important that both parties feel they will be able to have a productive relationship. If possible, we recommend meeting with your proposed supervisor and also asking them about their approach to supervision. If there are any concerns about the ability to work together, these should be addressed now, or alternative supervisory arrangements considered.

Step 2: formal application for PhD study and scholarship funding

View a flow chart showing the PhD application process for domestic candidates.  (PDF, 188KB)

View a flow chart showing the PhD application process for international candidates.  (PDF, 186KB)

Once a department informally accepts your project, you can proceed to formal application for PhD admission. Note that it is also possible to apply for a scholarship to support your studies at the end of the PhD application process.  You will be sent a message asking if you wish to apply for a Scholarship.

Formal application for PhD study should be made online, via the PhD qualification page. Required documents, including a scholarship application form, may be uploaded as part of this process. You will need to provide:

  • Original or certified copies of all tertiary-level academic transcripts and grading schemes
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Preliminary research outline
  • Departmental support letter (should be uploaded by the department (not the student) as part of their assessment)
  • Additional support letters/references – if applying for a scholarship and/or applying on the basis of a non-Otago degree

Depending on your circumstances, you may also need or wish to provide any of the following:

  • A part-time statement indicating that you have sufficient time and intellectual and social support to complete your PhD in a timely manner
  • An off-campus statement if your research will involve substantial periods of time off-campus
  • For international students (if applicable): an original copy of English language results – for non-native English speakers; and a course-by-course Educational Credentials Evaluation (ECE) – for some international candidates.  Find out more on the International postgraduate page.

Find out about particular requirements for international students who are new to the University of Otago.

Processing of PhD and Scholarship applications may take several weeks. Once your application has been considered by the Graduate Research Committee and, if applicable, the Scholarships Committee, the Doctoral and Scholarships Office or the International Office will contact you to inform you of the Committee’s decision(s).

Find out more about the Graduate Research Committee.

Find out more about the Scholarships Committee.

  • If you have further queries about the PhD admission process, please contact the Doctoral and Scholarships Office: email  [email protected] .
  • The Doctoral and Scholarships Office can also help with PhD scholarship enquiries: email  [email protected] .
  • For queries about the international admission process, please complete the online enquiry form at  http://www.otago.ac.nz/international/enquiries/index.html .

See Also:  University of Otago Admissions

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computer science

Opens doors.

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The PhD programme in Computer Science at Otago University attracts outstanding students, to work on a range of topics in Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Computer Theory, Graphics, Vision, Information Retrieval, and Systems.

For more information about the areas we specialise in, please visit the department's research page .

Our department's researchers form a close-knit community, and there are many links between research groups, making it an excellent place for interdisciplinary study. Our PhD programme particularly appeals to students who want to define their own research direction, rather than working as a small cog in a large research team with a fixed agenda. It also appeals to students who have an interest in life outside of work: Dunedin sits on a spectacular harbour, with unspoiled beaches for wildlife and surfing, and lies within a few hours' drive of Queenstown and Wanaka in the Southern Alps.

For more information, see our current PhD students page , and some profiles of recent PhD graduates .

If you are interested in applying for a PhD at our department, you should begin by sending an email to the advisor of studies , including the following information:

1. A brief indication of the field of research you are interested in. 2. A PDF copy of your transcript for your Bachelor's degree (i.e. the official marksheet listing the papers you did, the year in which you did them, and the marks you were awarded). 3. A PDF copy of your Master's transcript (if you have a Masters degree). 4. Evidence of research ability: either a PDF copy of your Master's or Honours thesis, or a PDF copy of your best publication, identifying the conference or journal that accepted it in sufficient detail to allow verification. 5. A CV (optional).

Kindly don't send zipped files, as our antivirus software quarantines them.

N.B. Your email will be assessed for clarity, organisation, and ability to follow instructions.

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Thesis Information: Submitting

  • Introduction
  • Reviewing Literature

The final push

Submitting your thesis for examination, master's dissertation, printing and permanent binding of your final thesis - optional, depositing your electronic thesis copy, surviving your viva.

  • Supervisors
  • Māori Postgraduates

Completion of your thesis will require attention to formatting, printing and binding, for submission for examination; and formatting the e-thesis for final deposit.                         

Updated 12 August 2020

For PhD candidates

About a month before submission, you must email [email protected] for approval to submit. Applications are actioned mid month only. After checking you are eligible for submission, Student Administration (doctoral) will advise you how to submit.

You need to submit:

  • A digital PDF file of your thesis either by email or Mail Express
  • A signed thesis submission declaration form (digital signature is acceptable) emailed to [email protected]. A photocopied or scanned declaration is acceptable as long as the signature is hand written or digital – not typed.
  • Co-Authorship form for a hybrid thesis, if relevant (supplied by the PhD Office)

For Master’s thesis candidates

  • A signed thesis submission declaration form (digital signature is acceptable). A photocopied or scanned declaration is acceptable as long as the signature is hand written or digital - not typed.

Where to submit:

  • in Dunedin, email to the Client Service Administrator in your department/unit
  • in Christchurch, email to the Manager, Academic Programmes, in the Dean’s Department (except for Master of Public Health theses which should be submitted to the Department of Public Health and General Practice
  • in Wellington, email to the Postgraduate Liaison Officer in the Postgraduate Office

Note that you may be asked to produce one or more soft-bound copies for the examiners.


Celebrating your Doctoral thesis submission

Ring the University's bell on the first Tuesday or Thursday of the month, 2-4pm, after you collect your chocolate fish, and hand in your thesis.

phd application otago

Source: ODT 24 July 2019: Human Nutrition PhD candidate Claudia Leong

The Master’s dissertation does not require the same level of research or examination process as a thesis , nor official depositing of that dissertation on record with the University, or Library. It is the research project part of a coursework Master’s degree, hence no Author Declaration Form.

However at department level there may be different procedures, where they may wish to keep your digital dissertation file. If they require a print copy then that is at the department’s, or student’s, own cost to have it bound. 

Dissertations are not required to be added to the Library’s collections. For exceptional dissertations the Supervisor should contact their Subject Librarian to discuss addition to OUR Archive , our university’s research repository, and/or the Library’s print collections. A print copy of an Otago dissertation would be treated as a Library donation, if offered.

A student, and/or department, can add an Author Declaration cover page to their Dissertation, which has been generated by the Library, if they wish. It is usually added before your title page. It will be required for print donations accepted by the Library. 

  • Dissertation Author Declaration Form

From 15 January 2020 print copies of your final thesis are no longer required to be deposited; only a final digital copy is required. However you and/or your department may wish to keep a print copy (from 1 February 2020, at your/department's cost).

Printing services

Uniprint - following corrections to your marked thesis get your final version printed and bound, if you or your department requires a hardbound copy. If you have printed your final thesis elsewhere, you can go straight to Library Bindery .

The Library recommends that you use good quality A4 paper (80-120 gms) with grain running from head to tail, not across the page, for:

  • Theses longer than 200 pages, print your thesis double-sided on 100gms paper.
  • Special or coated papers - discuss your requirements with Uniprint and the Library Bindery first.

See also Final submission and access to the completed thesis .

Library Bindery - offers binding services to Otago students completing theses/dissertations, at competitive prices, with a maximum 10 day turnaround.

You can choose to have permanently bound printed copies of your finalised thesis made for your department, or yourself. Ensure your thesis is formatted correctly for binding.

Author Declaration Form - have this inserted before the title page in your bound thesis.

Binding details - decide on spine title, lettering, and colour, then use the:

  • Bindery Order Form
  • A3 Foldout method - video (38 sec)
  • Where and how do I deposit it?
  • Dissertation or exegesis?

OUR Archive -  deposit an electronic copy of the final approved version of your research thesis, as the copy of record. 

The complete thesis file(s) is required.  The file must be an exact replica of the corrected thesis accepted for your degree.  Deposit the main part of your thesis as a PDF (or PDF/A) file, the Author Declaration Form as a separate PDF file, and any of the following:

  • Any supplementary material files  that you wish to make available with your thesis. Where digitisation is not practicable see  14.4 (c) .
  • A report of third-party copyright protected material  contained within your thesis.
  • Detailed evidence indicating the permissions given to use third-party copyright protected material in your thesis.

Be aware of potential publication contract restrictions with making your thesis fulltext openly accessible in OUR Archive. Deposit in a non-commercial repository such as OUR Archive is usually permitted. 

During e-thesis deposit set the Level of access to:

  • Abstract only (for 12 months from date of deposit) or;
  • Open access (Full text available for download).

If a more restricted level of access than either of the options above is required, candidates need to apply for a formal embargo and have it approved before e-thesis deposit, and any embargo extension must be approved prior  to the expiry of the embargo - see 14.4 (e)   and Final submission and access to the completed thesis .

To deposit your thesis, go to OUR Archive  and click on the Thesis Deposit Guide

  • Step-By-Step Guidance for Thesis Deposit Form (PDF)

For a dissertation or exegesis, contact the OUR Archive administrator for more information 

Oral examination - taken by PhD thesis students after submitting their thesis. For those enrolled from January 2014 this PhD thesis defence is mandatory.  The Convener of Examiners sets up this oral examination for you, also known as a viva. The examination takes place after receiving the examiners' thesis reports.  Check for procedures with your supervisor.

Resources that can support you:

  • Guidelines for the Oral Examination for the PhD Degree
  • Viva-Survivors podcast  from Dr Nathan Ryder
  • How to Survive Your  Viva  : Defending a Thesis in an Oral Examination - e-book
  • Oral Exams : Preparing For and Passing Candidacy, Qualifying, and Graduate Defenses - e-book
  • Stepping Stones to Achieving Your Doctorate : Focusing on Your  Viva  from the Start - e-book
  • Fail your viva: 12 steps to failing your PhD (and 58 tips for passing) - Kindle e-book
  • << Previous: Writing
  • Next: Publishing >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 4:29 PM
  • URL: https://otago.libguides.com/thesisinformation

We have 8 University of Otago PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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University of Otago

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University of Otago PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

How will freshwater acidification impact algal communities, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project is in competition for funding with other projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be successful. Unsuccessful projects may still go ahead as self-funded opportunities. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but potential funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Investigating the Direct and Indirect Impacts of rising CO2 on the Kākahi (New Zealand Freshwater Mussel)

Funded phd project (students worldwide).

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Development of chemical probes to study Phytophthora

Design and synthesis of chemical tools to interrogate cannabinoid receptors - synthetic, medicinal chemistry, superconductors that survive ultra-high magnetic fields: revealing the role of symmetry, cancer epigenetics project, awaiting funding decision/possible external funding.

This supervisor does not yet know if funding is available for this project, or they intend to apply for external funding once a suitable candidate is selected. Applications are welcome - please see project details for further information.

Primordial Cooperative Biological Systems

Synthesis of carbon-rich molecular materials.

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¶ Interested in working with us?

We will consider applications to work with us that meet the following requirements:
  • Provide your CV
  • A referee that we can contact for further information
  • A one page cover letter outlining your particular interests and relevant background in one or more of the following areas:
  • Quantum or theoretical physics (particularly cold atoms or quantum optics)
  • Computational physics

We are always interested in hearing from outstanding applicants in other fields of physics.

Contact Blair Blakie or Ashton Bradley for more information about Hons projects.

¶ Scholarships

On our scholarships page we keep a list of scholarship information relevant to university of Otago students.

¶ Application for scholarships

  • PhD and MSc
  • PhD application
  • English Language

PhD and Masters Scholarships are available for full-time study at the University of Otago.

Before applyiing, please review the admission criteria .

Otago PhD scholarhips offer an annual stipend of $27,000, include a tuition fee waiver, and have a flexible start date.

Students interested in postgraduate research should consult the University of Otago Scholarships pages for the latest application information, and contact Blair Blakie or Ashton Bradley to discuss research projects.

You will need to provide:

  • PhD Admission Application form
  • Doctoral Scholarship Application form for International Applicants

For the application forms, go to this page

You should attach the following with the application forms:
  • Academic Record and your home institution with grading explanation
  • Two Letters of Reference
  • English language certification i.e. IELTS or TOEFL
  • Letter of application
  • Research Proposal (1 page)

and send all documents to [email protected]

To be eligible, the scores of English language tests (IELTS or TOEFL) must reach:
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score of 6.5 in the academic module (with no indivudual band below 6.0)
  • Paper-based TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score of 587 with TWE (Test of Written English) score of 4.5
  • Internet-based TOEFL score of 95 with a minimum writing score of 22
  • CPE Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English with a grade of B or higher
  • University of Otago Foundation Studies Ltd: Completion of “English for Postgraduate Academic Purposes” with a grade of C or higher

¶ Postdoctoral Vacancies

No vacancies at present.

  • Undergraduate
  • Degree Requirements
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  • Thesis Opportunities
  • Course Offerings
  • Extracurricular Involvement
  • Library and Psychology Research Guides
  • Applying to Graduate School
  • Honors Program
  • Graduate 

Apply Online Now

  • Behavioral Science
  • Clinical Science
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Graduate Coordinator's Virtual Office
  • Graduate Student Feedback
  • Graduate Association of Students in Psychology (GASP)
  • Psychology Advocates for Social Change (PASC)
  • The UNT Association of Black Psychologists Student Circle Chapter
  • Scholarships & Awards
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  • Undergraduate Scholarships & Awards
  • Previous Award Winners
  • Clinics and Centers
  • Psychology Clinic
  • Center for Sport Psychology
  • Center for Psychosocial Health Disparities Research
  • Search Type THIS SITE ALL of UNT Search Search
  • Quicklinks:

You can apply to our graduate programs at https://apply.psychology.unt.edu .

The Department of Psychology holds only one Graduate admissions cycle each year. Applications will open on March 5th, 2024 and close on December 1, 2024 for the Fall 2025 semester. There are no Spring admissions.

We are hosting two virtual open house sessions for prospective applicants to our 3 PhD programs, see more details here !

Tips for Applying

Saving vs. Submitting: The save/submit button is only a save button until the application portal closes on December 1. You can still edit your application until the portal closes on the deadline. The information and documents attached to your application when the portal closes are what will be downloaded and reviewed as your application file.

Submitting Letters of Recommendation : If your recommenders are having trouble submitting their letters directly to the application portal, please have them email their letters to [email protected] .

GRE Scores: The Counseling Psychology PhD program required GRE scores for Fall 2024 admissions and Behavioral Science and Clinical Psychology did not require GRE scores. GRE requirements will be updated before the Fall 2025 admissions cycle.

Transcripts: Official transcripts should be sent to UNT's Toulouse Graduate Admissions office. Unofficial copies should also be uploaded to the department application for program faculty to review. For any questions about transcripts, please contact [email protected] .


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NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP)

View guidelines, important information about nsf’s implementation of the revised 2 cfr.

NSF Financial Assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements) made on or after October 1, 2024, will be subject to the applicable set of award conditions, dated October 1, 2024, available on the NSF website . These terms and conditions are consistent with the revised guidance specified in the OMB Guidance for Federal Financial Assistance published in the Federal Register on April 22, 2024.

Important information for proposers

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

Supports institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions by providing funding for graduate fellowships for new or continuing students who received the distinction of NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Honorable Mention within the last three years.

The NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP) provides an opportunity for applicants who received the distinction of GRFP Honorable Mention no more than three years before the proposal due date to be named NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellows and obtain financial support for their graduate education at an institution in an EPSCoR jurisdiction. EGFP aims to enhance the capacity and competitiveness of EPSCoR jurisdictions by providing funding to graduate degree-awarding institutions to support NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellows as they pursue graduate degrees in the disciplines specified by the NSF Directorates and Office that are participating in the EGFP funding program. Fellows may pursue degrees in field that differ from the field or sub-field of study that the GRFP Honorable Mention recipients previously listed in their GRFP application. 

EGFP awards will be made to institutions in EPSCoR jurisdictions. Awards will provide three years of stipend and associated cost-of-education allowance for each NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellow. Stipends must be budgeted at the level of $37,000 per year per Fellow and cost-of-education allowances must be budgeted at the level of $16,000 per year per Fellow. A total of three years of support must be budgeted per Fellow. Each Fellow must be given up to five years to utilize the support. Awardees will administer the awards such that the Fellows receive the full stipend amount and the institution retains the full cost-of-education allowance during the three years that each Fellow receives support. All submissions must request support for a minimum of three Fellows. 

Updates and announcements

Egfp: proposals for fellows in multiple academic programs, interdisciplinary programs and cross program themes, egfp: major field of study specifics for pi institutions, program contacts.

(703) 292-2440
(703) 292-7965 EDU/DGE
(703) 292-7403 TIP/ITE
(703) 292-8623 OD/OIA

Awards made through this program

Related programs.

  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)


  • Directorate for STEM Education (EDU)
  • Division of Graduate Education (EDU/DGE)
  • Office of Integrative Activities (OD/OIA)
  • Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP)
  • Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)
  • Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)
  • Directorate for Engineering (ENG)
  • Directorate for Geosciences (GEO)
  • Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
  • Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)


  • Knowledge Base
  • KA-10000286

Fees for PhD study

The majority of PhD candidates, both international and domestic, pay domestic fees for PhD study. International students must reside in New Zealand during study to qualify for domestic fees. Up to 12 months' overseas research leave may be approved.

Tuition fees guide

Fees for PhD study (Sharepoint training)

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  1. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Overview. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree offered by the University of Otago. It is awarded on the submission of a thesis which must meet rigorous standards. It requires highly developed academic ability, independence and perseverance. Most students take between 3-4 years of full-time study to complete their PhD.

  2. Doctoral scholarships, Graduate Research School

    The University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship is the main doctoral scholarship, open to both international and domestic applicants. In addition there are a number of specialised scholarships which can be applied for online through eVision. University of Otago Māori Doctoral Scholarship. $32,544 plus tuition fee waiver for Māori thesis PhD ...

  3. Apply for a PhD

    To apply for admission as a PhD candidate: Visit the PhD application process page for detailed information. Send an email outlining your research interests along with your academic record and a short CV. If accepted, complete a formal application in eVision. There are no deadlines for applying for PhD study at the University of Otago.

  4. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

    Enrolment is the administrative process which makes you a University of Otago student. Enrolment for first year PhD study is part of the admission application and will be actioned after you have been admitted. You will need to re-enrol for each calendar year. You must submit a thesis (of up to 100,000 words) prepared under supervision.

  5. Doctoral scholarships

    Doctoral scholarships. The University offers a range of doctoral scholarships. These can be applied for at any time of the year and you will be invited to do so when you have submitted an application for admission to the PhD programme. Applications are assessed on a quarterly basis, usually around March, June, September, and November of each year.

  6. Higher Doctorate Degrees

    Graduates of the University of Otago, or people who have a formal academic appointment or association with the University, may apply for a Higher Doctorate in the appropriate field.

  7. University of Otago PhD Application Process

    Formal application for PhD study should be made online, via the PhD qualification page. Required documents, including a scholarship application form, may be uploaded as part of this process. You will need to provide: Original or certified copies of all tertiary-level academic transcripts and grading schemes. Curriculum Vitae.

  8. Department of Computer Science

    Doctoral programme (PhD) The PhD programme in Computer Science at Otago University attracts outstanding students, to work on a range of topics in Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Computer Theory, Graphics, Vision, Information Retrieval, and Systems. For more information about the areas we specialise in, please visit the department's ...

  9. Postgraduate studies

    Our four academic divisions. Postgraduate Business. Postgraduate Health Sciences. Advance your health career. Choose from an outstanding range of options includin... Postgraduate Humanities. More than 500 students study at postgraduate level in the University of Otago's... Postgraduate Sciences.

  10. Submitting

    For PhD candidates. About a month before submission, you must email [email protected] for approval to submit. Applications are actioned mid month only. After checking you are eligible for submission, Student Administration (doctoral) will advise you how to submit. You need to submit: A digital PDF file of your thesis either by email or Mail Express

  11. PhD

    University of Otago. The University of Otago is New Zealand's first university and a vibrant international centre of learning. It was established in 1869 by Scottish settlers with a strong conviction in the transforming power of education. Today the University has about 20,000 students, from all over New Zealand and from nearly 100 countries ...

  12. PhD in Science Program By University of Otago |Top Universities

    Study Mode. On Campus. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree offered by the University of Otago. It is awarded on the submission of a thesis which must meet rigorous standards. It requires highly developed academic ability, independence and perseverance. Most students take between 3-4 years of full-time study to complete their PhD.

  13. Check eligibility for a Doctoral Scholarship

    University of Otago Doctoral Scholarship. All PhD students are able to apply for a Doctoral Scholarship when they have submitted an application to the PhD programme and received an invitation to apply for a scholarship. Applications are assessed on a quarterly basis, usually around March, June, September and November of each year.

  14. PhD in Computer Science Program By University of Otago |Top Universities

    Shortlist. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree offered by the University of Otago. It is awarded on the submission of a thesis which must meet rigorous standards. It requires highly developed academic ability, independence and perseverance. Most students take between 3-4 years of full-time study to complete their PhD.

  15. University of Otago PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    The University of Otago is pleased to offer one PhD studentship funded by the Royal Society of New Zealand to study the theory of unconventional superconductivity in the Department of Physics on a full-time basis. Read more. Supervisor: Dr P Brydon. Year round applications PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)


    APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO PhD STUDYA. UDYDS04IMPORTANT NOTE FOR APPLICANTSThis form should only be completed after a University of Otago supervisor and/or department has advised y. u to formally apply for PhD admission. For full information on the PhD application process at Otago, including what should occur before completing this form.

  17. Opportunities

    Application for scholarships. PhD and MSc. PhD application. English Language. PhD and Masters Scholarships are available for full-time study at the University of Otago. Before applyiing, please review the admission criteria. Otago PhD scholarhips offer an annual stipend of $27,000, include a tuition fee waiver, and have a flexible start date.

  18. Due date for applications

    The due date for applications for most postgraduate diplomas and certificates is 10 December. Postgraduate students. Master's: The due date for applications for programmes for most masters' degrees is 10 December for study beginning at the start of the following academic year, or 1 June for study beginning in semester 2. PhD

  19. Apply Online Now

    You can apply to our graduate programs at https://apply.psychology.unt.edu. The Department of Psychology holds only one Graduate admissions cycle each year. Applications will open on March 5th, 2024 and close on December 1, 2024 for the Fall 2025 semester.

  20. How to apply

    On this page: Step 1 - Select your course or programme. Step 2 - Check entry requirements and deadlines. Step 3 - Apply online. Step 4 - Submit your application. Step 5 - Accept your Offer of Place. Key application dates: - The main international student application period is 1 May-15 November, for studies commencing in semester 1 ...

  21. Apply for a Doctoral scholarship

    The application for a Doctoral Scholarship becomes available by invitation after applying for PhD programme admission. How do I apply for a Doctoral Scholarship. To apply for a Doctoral Scholarship: Complete your admission application in eVision. You will be sent an alert in your eVision portal inviting you to submit a scholarship application.

  22. NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP)

    The NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellowship Program (EGFP) provides an opportunity for applicants who received the distinction of GRFP Honorable Mention no more than three years before the proposal due date to be named NSF EPSCoR Graduate Fellows and obtain financial support for their graduate education at an institution in an EPSCoR jurisdiction.

  23. Apply to enrol at the University of Otago

    1 Archaeology is a specialisation within the Anthropology major. If you wish to specialise in Archaeology, you will need to major in Anthropology. 2 You can take a first year at Otago to satisfy the Intermediate Year for the University of Canterbury's Bachelor of Engineering. It is treated like a major subject for enrolment purposes. 3 Health Sciences First Year (HSFY) is treated like a major ...

  24. Fees for PhD study

    KA-10000286. Print. Fees for PhD study. Views: The majority of PhD candidates, both international and domestic, pay domestic fees for PhD study. International students must reside in New Zealand during study to qualify for domestic fees. Up to 12 months' overseas research leave may be approved. Tuition fees guide.

  25. New species of pāua found

    The naming of a new species of pāua further highlights the importance of biodiversity research in Aotearoa.. Described in a study led by the University of Otago - Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka and the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, the species, Haliotis pirimoana, is only found at Manawatāwhi Three Kings Islands, off the northern North Island. ...

  26. Postgraduate research opportunities

    Genomics of disease and drug responses. Browse postgraduate certficate, diploma, master's, PhD, and postdoctoral research vacancies across all University of Otago campuses.