How to Give a Persuasive Presentation [+ Examples]

Caroline Forsey

Published: December 29, 2020

A presentation aimed at persuading an audience to take a specific action can be the most difficult type to deliver, even if you’re not shy of public speaking.

persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to

Creating a presentation that effectively achieves your objective requires time, lots of practice, and most importantly, a focused message.

With the right approach, you can create a presentation that leaves a skeptical audience enthusiastic to get on board with your project.

In this post, we'll cover the basics of building a persuasive presentation. Let's dive in.

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What is a persuasive presentation?

In its most basic form, a persuasive presentation features a speaker who tries to influence an audience to accept certain positions and engage in actions in support of them. A good persuasive presentation uses a mixture of facts, logic, and empathy to help an audience see an issue from a perspective they previously discounted or hadn’t considered.

persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to

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How to Plan a Persuasive Presentation

Want to make a persuasive presentation that connects with your audience? Follow these steps to win friends and influence people within your audience.

1. Decide on a single ask.

The key to convincing your audience is to first identify the singular point you want to make. A good persuasive presentation will focus on one specific and easy-to-understand proposition. Even if that point is part of a broader initiative, it ideally needs to be presented as something your audience can say "yes" or "no" to easily.

A message that isn’t well-defined or which covers too much can cause the audience to lose interest or reject it outright. A more focused topic can also help your delivery sound more confident, which (for better or worse) is an important factor in convincing people.

2. Focus on fewer (but more relevant ) facts.

Remember: You are (in the vast majority of cases) not the target audience for your presentation. To make your presentation a success, you’ll need to know who your audience is so you can shape your message to resonate with them.

When crafting your messaging, put yourself in your audience's headspace and attempt to deeply understand their position, needs, and concerns. Focus on arguments and facts that speak specifically to your audience's unique position.

As we wrote in our post on How to Present a Compelling Argument When You're Not Naturally Persuasive , "just because a fact technically lends support to your claim doesn't mean it will sway your audience. The best evidence needs to not only support your claim but also have a connection to your audience."

What are the target audience's pain points that you can use to make a connection between their needs and your goals? Focus on those aspects, and cut any excess information. Fewer relevant facts are always more impactful than an abundance of unfocused pieces of evidence.

3. Build a narrative around your evidence.

If you want to persuade someone of something, it’s not enough to win their brain -- you need their heart in it, too. Try to make an emotional connection with your audience throughout your presentation to better sell them on the facts you’re presenting. Your audience is human, after all, so some emotional tug will go a long way to shaking up how they view the issue you’re talking about. A little bit of emotion could be just what your audience needs to make your facts “click.”

The easiest way to incorporate an emotional pull into your presentation is through the use of narrative elements. As we wrote in our guide to crafting pitch decks , "When our brains are given a story instead of a list of information, things change -- big time. Stories engage more parts of our brains, including our sensory cortex, which is responsible for processing visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. If you want to keep people engaged during a presentation, tell them a story."

4. Confidence matters.

Practice makes perfect (it's a cliche because it's true, sorry!), and this is especially true for presentation delivery. Rehearse your presentation several times before you give it to your audience so you can develop a natural flow and move from each section without stopping.

Remember, you're not giving a speech here, so you don't want your delivery to come across like you're reading fully off of cue cards. Use tools like notes and cue cards as ways to keep you on track, not as scripts.

Finally, if you can, try to practice your presentation in front of another human. Getting a trusted co-worker to give you feedback in advance can help strengthen your delivery and identify areas you might need to change or bulk up.

5. Prepare for common objections.

The last thing you want to say when someone in your audience expresses a concern or an outright objection during your presentation's question section is “umm, let me get back to you on that.”

Carefully research the subject of your presentation to make the best case possible for it -- but also prepare in advance for common objections or questions you know your stakeholders are going to ask. The stronger your command of the facts -- and the more prepared you are to proactively address concerns -- the more convincing your presentation will be. When you appear confident fielding any rebuttals during a question and answer session after your presentation, it can go a long way towards making your case seem more convincing.

Persuasive Presentation Outline

Like any writing project, you’ll want to create an outline for your presentation, which can act as both a prompt and a framework. With an outline, you’ll have an easier time organizing your thoughts and creating the actual content you will present. While you can adjust the outline to your needs, your presentation will most likely follow this basic framework.

I. Introduction

Every persuasive presentation needs an introduction that gets the listener’s attention, identifies a problem, and relates it to them.

  • The Hook: Just like a catchy song, your presentation needs a good hook to draw the listener in. Think of an unusual fact, anecdote, or framing that can grab the listener’s attention. Choose something that also establishes your credibility on the issue.
  • The Tie: Tie your hook back to your audience to garner buy-in from your audience, as this issue impacts them personally.
  • The Thesis: This is where you state the position to which you are trying to persuade your audience and forms the focal point for your presentation.

II. The Body

The body forms the bulk of your presentation and can be roughly divided into two parts. In the first half, you will build your case, and in the second you will address potential rebuttals.

  • Your Case: This is where you will present supporting points for your argument and the evidence you’ve gathered through research. This will likely have several different subsections in which you present the relevant evidence for each supporting point.
  • Rebuttals: Consider potential rebuttals to your case and address them individually with supporting evidence for your counterarguments.
  • Benefits: Outline the benefits of the audience adopting your position. Use smooth, conversational transitions to get to these.
  • Drawbacks: Outline what drawbacks of the audience rejecting your position. Be sure to remain conversational and avoid alarmism.

III. Conclusion

In your conclusion, you will wrap up your argument, summarize your key points, and relate them back to the decisions your audience makes.

  • Transition: Write a transition that emphasizes the key point you are trying to make.
  • Summary: Summarize your arguments, their benefits, and the key pieces of evidence supporting your position.
  • Tie-back: Tie back your summary to the actions of your audience and how their decisions will impact the subject of your presentation.
  • Final word: Try to end on a last emotional thought that can inspire your audience to adopt your position and act in support of it.

IV. Citations

Include a section at the end of your presentation with citations for your sources. This will make independent fact-checking easier for your audience and will make your overall presentation more persuasive.

Persuasive Presentation Examples

Check out some of these examples of persuasive presentations to get inspiration for your own. Seeing how someone else made their presentation could help you create one that strikes home with your audience. While the structure of your presentation is entirely up to you, here are some outlines that are typically used for different subjects.

Introducing a Concept

One common type of persuasive presentation is one that introduces a new concept to an audience and tries to get them to accept it. This presentation introduces audience members to the dangers of secondhand smoke and encourages them to take steps to avoid it. Persuasive presentations can also be a good format to introduce marco issues, such as this presentation on the benefits of renewable energy .

Changing Personal Habits

Want to change the personal habits of your audience? Check out this presentation on how to adopt healthy eating habits . Or this presentation which encourages the audience to get more exercise in their daily lives.

Making a Commitment to an Action

Is your goal to get your audience to commit to a specific action? This presentation encouraging audience memes to become organ donors could provide inspiration. Trying to make a big sale? Check out this presentation outline that can encourage someone to buy a home .

Remember: You Can Do This

Anyone can craft a persuasive presentation once they know the basic framework for creating one. Once you get the process down, you’ll be in a better position to bring in sales, attract donors or funding, and even advance your career. The skills you learn can also benefit you in other areas of your personal and professional life as you know how to make a case and influence people toward it.

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9 Essential Elements Of A Persuasive Presentation

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • April 8, 2024

Key Takeaways:

– Start strong: Begin your presentation with a catchy hook and clearly state your main point within 30 seconds to capture your audience’s attention and set the tone.

– Establish the purpose or objective: Clearly define your aim and ensure your message revolves around a single, understandable proposition to maintain focus and clarity.

– Know and connect with your audience: Tailor your message to resonate with your audience’s interests and emotions, fostering a deeper connection and enhancing relatability.

– Organize your content: Structure your presentation logically, employing frameworks like problem-solution-benefit or storytelling to maintain coherence and engagement.

– Tell stories. Make them count: Utilize storytelling to captivate your audience, appeal to their emotions, and make your message more memorable and impactful.

– Visual and design elements: Use visuals thoughtfully , adhere to design principles, and ensure your presentation design complements rather than distracts from your content.

– Practice. Practice. Practice: Rehearse your delivery to boost confidence and fluency, embracing feedback to refine your presentation skills.

– Build credibility with evidence: Support your claims with credible evidence, maintaining honesty and integrity to establish trust with your audience.

– Conclude with a call to action: Energize your audience with a clear and compelling call to action, guiding them toward meaningful next steps based on the information you’ve shared.

Persuasive Presentation: What is it?

What Is Persuasive Presentation

A persuasive presentation is when someone speaks to a group and tries to make them agree with their ideas. It’s about convincing people to think like you and do what you suggest. This type of presentation is hard because you have to get people to approve of your thoughts and take action based on them. You can see examples of persuasive presentations from prominent business leaders worldwide.

In today’s world, being good at persuasive presenting is essential. Whether you’re trying to get a job or win over customers, being persuasive shows that you know your stuff and can be trusted. It might be easier to convince your friends at work, but how do you get a bunch of strangers to believe you? 

Persuasive presenting means clearly and convincingly sharing your ideas with others. It’s about making a strong emotional and intellectual connection with your audience. This skill will be helpful throughout your life and help you and your audience learn more deeply.

In a persuasive presentation, the speaker tries to make the audience agree with them and take action. A good persuasive presentation uses a mix of facts, logic, and understanding to help the audience see things from a new perspective.

Keep reading to learn strategies to get really good at persuasive presenting.

Start Strong

The initial moments of your presentation are pivotal, shaping your audience’s receptiveness to your message. Within the first 30 seconds, seize attention by stating a compelling headline message that succinctly encapsulates your big idea. This sets the tone and expectations for your talk.

Craft a hook, be it a surprising fact, anecdote, or personal story, to draw in your audience and establish credibility. Ensure this hook resonates with your listeners, demonstrating relevance to their lives.

Your introduction should captivate, identify a problem, and connect it to your audience. Open with a catchy hook, then swiftly tie it to your audience’s concerns. Clearly state what you aim to persuade your audience of, setting the stage for your presentation’s focal point.

Define your target audience clearly and address them directly, showing how your presentation addresses their interests and needs. Immediately introduce the value you offer, whether tangible or emotional, providing concrete examples to illustrate its impact.

In essence, start strong to capture attention, establish relevance, and set the tone for a persuasive presentation.

Establish the Purpose or Objective

Before crafting a persuasive presentation, it’s crucial to pinpoint your aim. What do you hope your audience will do, think, or feel afterward? Your objective must be precise, measurable, and feasible, tailored to meet your audience’s needs. For instance, if you aim to convince customers to purchase your new product, demonstrate how it solves their problems, stands out from competitors, and benefits them.

Identify your presentation’s goal—whether it’s making a sale, swaying a vote, or altering perspectives on a topic. This clarity helps you refine your focus.

The essence of persuasion lies in articulating a single, clear point. Keep your presentation centered around one easily understood proposition, as a complex or vague message risks losing your audience’s interest. Additionally, a focused topic lends confidence to your delivery, a vital ingredient in persuasion.

Every persuasive speech needs a distinct objective, whether securing investment or garnering support for an idea. Ensure your speech concludes with a compelling call to action, directing your audience on what steps to take next.

Lastly, distill your message down to one key takeaway. Keep it concise and supported by evidence, avoiding the temptation to cover too much ground. Honing in on a single point makes your presentation more memorable and impactful.

Know and Connect with Your Audience

How To Connect With Audience In a Persuasive Presentation

Understanding your audience members is paramount in crafting a persuasive presentation. Analyze who they are, what they care about, and what they expect from you. Tailor your message, tone, and style accordingly. For instance, if your audience comprises experts, use technical language and provide evidence. If they’re laypeople, simplify language and appeal to emotions.

Put yourself in their shoes. What are their concerns, values, and needs? Shape your message to resonate with them, focusing on relevant facts that address their unique position. To be persuasive, think from their perspective, considering their demographics, beliefs, and motivations.

Building a connection with your audience is critical. Show empathy, understanding, and awareness of their perspective. Engage them through eye contact, smiles, and gestures. Adapt your delivery to their energy and environment. Connect emotionally to help them empathize with your argument. Knowing and connecting with your audience can make your presentation more relatable and compelling, increasing its persuasive impact.

Organize your Content

Organizing your content is essential to ensure your persuasive presentation hits the mark. Structure it logically to support your purpose and maintain a smooth flow. One effective framework is the problem-solution-benefit structure, where you highlight the problem, offer your solution, and outline its benefits. Alternatively, employ storytelling, analogies, or comparisons to enhance engagement and memorability.

Keep slide presentations concise and relevant to your audience’s interests. Focus on key points that address their needs, presented creatively through storytelling or analogies to maintain engagement.

Arrange your content into coherent sections or subsections for a logical flow. Begin with an introduction, setting the stage, and then progress through each point systematically.

Tell Stories. Make them Count.

Storytelling is a potent tool for effective communication and persuasion. Whether you aim to build relationships, make a sales pitch , or deliver a persuasive speech, stories can mesmerize your audience and drive your message home.

Craft your stories strategically, starting with a hook to grab attention and setting up the stakes to create intrigue. Conclude with a clear moral or message to leave a lasting impression.

To persuade effectively, it’s crucial to appeal to the audience’s brains as well as their hearts. Emotional connections foster deeper engagement with your message, making the facts more compelling and memorable.

Incorporate multiple short anecdotes or examples into your presentation, filled with vivid details to make them relatable and engaging. Strike a balance between familiarity and novelty to keep your audience interested and credible.

Remember, humans are primarily emotional beings; storytelling taps into this aspect of our nature. Start your presentation with an emotional story that resonates with your audience’s experiences and concerns. Presenting the narrative from the audience’s viewpoint enhances relatability and increases its impact.

Utilize storytelling techniques to transform abstract concepts into tangible scenarios, taking your audience on a journey they can relate to. Whether through case studies, success stories, or personal anecdotes, weaving narratives into your presentation enhances engagement and retention.

Storytelling is a powerful tool in persuasive presentations, making your message more relatable, memorable, and emotionally engaging. Craft your stories thoughtfully, appeal to your audience’s hearts and minds, and watch as your message resonates and inspires action.

Nail the Visual and Design Elements

Strategies For A Good Persuasive Presentation

Effective visual design is pivotal in crafting a persuasive presentation. Choose visuals that complement your content, reinforce your message, and resonate with your audience. Utilize slides, charts, images, videos, or animations thoughtfully, adhering to basic design principles like contrast, alignment, repetition, and proximity for clarity and consistency. Avoid clutter and distractions while selecting colors, fonts, and icons that align with your topic and tone.

Your presentation’s design should amplify rather than overshadow your content. Opt for high-quality visuals and coherent color schemes, minimizing text to emphasize key points. Remember, visuals should support storytelling, not dominate it.

Incorporating visual aids like charts, diagrams, photographs, or videos can enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your presentation, aiding in illustrating your points persuasively.

Practice, practice, practice.

Practicing your delivery is one of the most crucial steps in preparing a persuasive presentation. Rehearse multiple times, whether in front of a mirror, with a friend, or recording yourself, to boost confidence, fluency, and clarity. Pay attention to your body language, voice, and eye contact to enhance credibility and rapport with your audience. Anticipate potential questions or objections and strategize how to handle them gracefully.

Repetition is key to mastering your delivery. Practice until your presentation flows naturally, avoiding the pitfall of sounding like you’re reading from cue cards. Use notes and cue cards sparingly as guides, not scripts. Seeking feedback from trusted colleagues can refine your delivery and highlight areas for improvement.

Confidence grows with each practice session. Whether in front of a mirror or with an audience, the more you rehearse, the more polished and persuasive your presentation will become. Embrace practice as the pathway to proficiency in delivering a compelling message.

Build Credibility with Evidence

Ensuring accuracy and providing evidence are essential to building credibility in your persuasive presentation. Your credibility, or trustworthiness, directly influences how your audience responds to your message. Just as you trust a friend’s recommendation, your audience must trust what you share, valuing authenticity and integrity.

Supporting your claims with credible evidence is crucial for persuasiveness. Utilize sources, statistics, and real-world examples to bolster your arguments. Concrete evidence reassures your audience about the feasibility and effectiveness of your solutions, fostering trust and confidence.

During Q&A sessions, seize the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and expertise, maintaining concise responses to sustain audience interest. Avoid bluffing if uncertain, as honesty preserves credibility. Credibility is paramount in persuasive presentations, so always back up your claims with evidence, be it facts, data, or expert testimony.

Conclude with a Call to Action

Avoid the common pitfall of ending your presentation with a dull summary. Instead, energize your audience with a clear call to action (CTA), prompting them to take meaningful steps based on the information you’ve shared.

Guide your audience on the next steps after the journey you’ve taken them on. A straightforward CTA provides direction, whether trying a new product, delving deeper into a concept, or reflecting on insights.

Make your call to action easy to act on, reducing friction for immediate engagement. Specify action steps clearly, infuse urgency to motivate prompt action, and remind your audience of the benefits they’ll gain by acting.

Be explicit about what you want your audience to do next, whether making a purchase, supporting a cause, or changing a behavior. Avoid ambiguity and make the desired action straightforward.

Create a sense of urgency by explaining why immediate action is necessary and encouraging prompt responses. Remind your audience of the positive outcomes awaiting them, reinforcing their motivation to act.

Tell your audience precisely what action you want them to take after your presentation. Clarity in your call to action is key, whether it’s signing a petition, donating money, or simply pondering your message.

Crafting an Effective Persuasive Presentation: A Guide to Winning Over Your Audience

As you embark on the journey of persuasive presenting, armed with strategies to captivate and influence your audience, remember that the power lies in your ability to connect authentically, deliver compelling content, and inspire action. From the impactful outset to the conclusive call to action, each component plays a vital role in shaping a persuasive narrative.

Start Strong:   Seize attention, establish relevance, and set the tone for your presentation with a compelling opening.

Establish the Purpose or Objective:   Clarify your aim, craft a focused message, and conclude with a compelling call to action.\

Know and Connect with Your Audience:   Tailor your message, empathize with their perspective, and engage them emotionally to enhance relatability and persuasion.

Organize Your Content:  Structure your presentation logically, focusing on a single, clear point supported by evidence, and guide your audience through a coherent narrative.

Tell Stories. Make Them Count:

  • Leverage the power of storytelling to mesmerize your audience.
  • Appeal to their emotions.
  • Make your message more memorable and impactful.

Visual and Design Elements:

  • Utilize visuals thoughtfully.
  • Adhere to design principles.
  • Ensure your presentation design amplifies rather than overshadows your content.

Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your delivery, refine your speaking skills, and embrace feedback to enhance confidence and fluency.

Build Credibility with Evidence:

  • Support your claims with credible evidence.
  • Maintain honesty and integrity.
  • Back up your assertions to establish trust with your audience.

Conclude with a Call to Action: Energize your audience with a clear and compelling call to action, guiding them toward meaningful next steps based on the information you’ve shared.

By incorporating these elements into your persuasive presentations, you’ll engage and inspire your audience and cultivate a lasting impact that extends far beyond the confines of your speech. Master the art of persuasive presenting, and watch as your ideas transform into action and change.

Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a persuasive presentation? A persuasive presentation is when someone talks to a group and tries to make them agree with their ideas. It’s about convincing people to think like you and do what you suggest. This type of presentation is hard because you have to get people to approve of your thoughts and take action based on them.

2. Why is persuasive presenting essential in today’s world?

Persuasive presenting is vital because it helps you stand out in the workplace. Whether you’re trying to get a job or win over customers, being persuasive shows that you know your stuff and can be trusted. It might be easier to convince your friends at work, but knowing how to persuade strangers is a valuable skill.

3. How do you start a persuasive presentation?

Start strong by capturing attention within the first 30 seconds. Use a compelling headline message and a catchy hook, like a surprising fact or personal story, to draw in your audience and establish credibility. Make sure to connect with your audience by identifying a problem that resonates with them and clearly stating what you aim to persuade them of.

4. How do you structure a persuasive presentation?

To structure a persuasive presentation effectively, establish a clear objective tailored to meet your audience’s needs. Focus on a single, clear point supported by evidence, and guide your audience through a coherent narrative. Use storytelling, visuals, and design elements to enhance engagement and clarity. Finally, conclude with a compelling call to action, prompting your audience to take meaningful next steps based on your message.

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14.3 Functions of the Presentation to Persuade

Learning objective.

  • Identify and demonstrate the effective use of five functions of speaking to persuade.

What does a presentation to persuade do? There is a range of functions to consider, and they may overlap or you may incorporate more than one as you present. We will discuss how to

  • call to action,
  • increase consideration, and
  • develop tolerance of alternate perspectives.

We will also examine how each of these functions influences the process of persuasion.

When you focus on stimulation as the goal or operational function of your speech, you want to reinforce existing beliefs, intensify them, and bring them to the forefront. Perhaps you’ve been concerned with global warming for quite some time. Many people in the audience may not know about the melting polar ice caps and the loss of significant ice shelves in Antarctica, including part of the Ross Ice Shelf, an iceberg almost 20 miles wide and 124 miles long, more than twice the size of Rhode Island. They may be unaware of how many ice shelves have broken off, the 6 percent drop in global phytoplankton (the basis of many food chains), and the effects of the introduction of fresh water to the oceans. By presenting these facts, you will reinforce existing beliefs, intensify them, and bring the issue to the surface. You might consider the foundation of common ground and commonly held beliefs, and then introduce information that a mainstream audience may not be aware of that supports that common ground as a strategy to stimulate.

In a persuasive speech, the goal is to change the attitudes, beliefs, values, or judgments of your audience. If we look back at the idea of motive, in this speech the prosecuting attorney would try to convince the jury members that the defendant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. He or she may discuss motive, present facts, all with the goal to convince the jury to believe or find that his or her position is true. In the film The Day After Tomorrow , Dennis Quaid stars as a paleoclimatologist who unsuccessfully tries to convince the U.S. vice president that a sudden climate change is about to occur. In the film, much like real life, the vice president listens to Quaid’s position with his own bias in mind, listening for only points that reinforce his point of view while rejecting points that do not.

Audience members will also hold beliefs and are likely to involve their own personal bias. Your goal is to get them to agree with your position, so you will need to plan a range of points and examples to get audience members to consider your topic. Perhaps you present Dennis Quaid’s argument that loss of the North Atlantic Current will drastically change our climate, clearly establishing the problem for the audience. You might cite the review by a professor, for example, who states in reputable science magazine that the film’s depiction of a climate change has a chance of happening, but that the timetable is more on the order of ten years, not seven days as depicted in the film. You then describe a range of possible solutions. If the audience comes to a mental agreement that a problem exists, they will look to you asking, “What are the options?” Then you may indicate a solution that is a better alternative, recommending future action.

Call to Action

Figure 14.2

This poster is not...but are you ?

A call to action features a clear response for the audience.

P T – The poster is not…but are you ? – CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

In this speech, you are calling your audience to action. You are stating that it’s not about stimulating interest to reinforce and accentuate beliefs, or convincing an audience of a viewpoint that you hold, but instead that you want to see your listeners change their behavior. If you were in sales at Toyota, you might incorporate our previous example on global warming to reinforce, and then make a call to action (make a purchase decision), when presenting the Prius hybrid (gas-electric) automobile. The economics, even at current gas prices, might not completely justify the difference in price between a hybrid and a nonhybrid car. However, if you as the salesperson can make a convincing argument that choosing a hybrid car is the right and responsible decision, you may be more likely to get the customer to act. The persuasive speech that focuses on action often generates curiosity, clarifies a problem, and as we have seen, proposes a range of solutions. They key difference here is there is a clear link to action associated with the solutions.

Solutions lead us to considering the goals of action. These goals address the question, “What do I want the audience to do as a result of being engaged by my speech?” The goals of action include adoption, discontinuance, deterrence, and continuance.

Adoption means the speaker wants to persuade the audience to take on a new way of thinking, or adopt a new idea. Examples could include buying a new product, voting for a new candidate, or deciding to donate blood. The key is that the audience member adopts, or takes on, a new view, action, or habit.

Discontinuance involves the speaker persuading the audience to stop doing something what they have been doing, such as smoking. Rather than take on a new habit or action, the speaker is asking the audience member to stop an existing behavior or idea. As such, discontinuance is in some ways the opposite of adoption.

Deterrence is a call action that focuses on persuading audience not to start something if they haven’t already started. Perhaps many people in the audience have never tried illicit drugs, or have not gotten behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated. The goal of action in this case would be to deter, or encourage the audience members to refrain from starting or initiating the behavior.

Finally, with continuance , the speaker aims to persuade the audience to continue doing what they have been doing, such as reelect a candidate, keep buying product, or staying in school to get an education.

A speaker may choose to address more than one of these goals of action, depending on the audience analysis. If the audience is largely agreeable and supportive, you may find continuance to be one goal, while adoption is secondary.

These goals serve to guide you in the development of solution steps. Solution steps involve suggestions or ways the audience can take action after your speech. They often proceed from national to personal level, or the inverse. Audience members appreciate a clear discussion of the problem in a persuasive speech, but they also appreciate solutions. You might offer a national solution that may be viewed as unworkable, but your solution on a personal level may be more realistic, such as considering an alternate point of view or making a small donation to a worthy cause.

Increase Consideration

Perhaps you know that your audience is not open to emotional appeals that involve the fear of global warming, so you choose to base your persuasive speech on something they are more open to: the economic argument and the relative cost of car ownership. In this speech, you want to increase consideration on the part of the audience whose members either hold hostile views or perhaps are neutral and simply curious. You might be able to compare and contrast competing cars and show that the costs over ten years are quite similar, but that the Prius has additional features that are the equivalent of a bonus, including high gas mileage. You might describe tax incentives for ownership, maintenance schedules and costs, and resale value. Your arguments and their support aim at increasing the audience’s consideration of your position. You won’t be asking for action in this presentation, but a corresponding increase of consideration may lead the customer to that point at a later date.

Develop Tolerance of Alternate Perspectives

Finally, you may want to help your audience develop tolerance of alternate perspectives and viewpoints. Perhaps your audience, as in the previous example, is interested in purchasing a car and you are the lead salesperson on that model. As you listen, and do your informal audience analysis, you may learn that horsepower and speed are important values to this customer. You might raise the issue of torque versus horsepower and indicate that the “uumph” you feel as you start a car off the line is torque. Many hybrid and even electric vehicles have great torque, as their systems involve fewer parts and less friction than a corresponding internal combustion-transaxle system. You goal is to help your audience develop tolerance, but not necessarily acceptance, of alternate perspectives. A traditional way of measuring speed has always been how fast a car can go from zero to sixty miles per hour.

You are essentially indicating that there are two relevant factors to consider when discussing speed (horsepower and torque), and asking the customer to consider the alternate perspective. Lots of horsepower might be all right for high speeds, but by raising the issue of their normal driving, they might learn that what counts day in and day out for driving is torque, not horsepower. By starting from common ground, and introducing a related idea, you are persuading your audience to consider an alternate perspective.

Key Takeaway

A persuasive speech may stimulate thought, convince, call to action, increase consideration, or develop tolerance of alternate perspectives.

  • Select a commercial for a product or service you do not believe you would ever buy. Evaluate the commercial according to the principles of persuasion described in this section. Does it use more than one principle? Is any principle effective on you as an audience member? If you could change the commercial to increase its persuasive appeal to yourself as a customer, what changes would you make? Discuss your findings with your classmates.
  • Which do you think is a more difficult challenge, discontinuance or deterrence? Why? Give some examples and discuss them with your classmates.
  • Do you think persuasion by continuance is necessary? Or would people continue a given behavior regardless of any persuasive messages? Think of an example and discuss it with your classmates.

Business Communication for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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A Checklist for More Persuasive Presentations

  • Dorie Clark

persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to

Ask yourself these questions.

We all know the basics of good presentation skills: don’t read from a script ; don’t overwhelm your audience with verbose slides; and the like. But for a particular kind of high-stakes presentation — one in which you’re trying to get buy-in from key decision-makers — those basics aren’t enough.

persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to

  • Dorie Clark is a marketing strategist and keynote speaker who teaches at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and has been named one of the Top 50 business thinkers in the world by Thinkers50. Her latest book is The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World (HBR Press, 2021) and you can receive her free Long Game strategic thinking self-assessment .

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10 tips for powerful persuasive presentations

Use this guide as you’re finalizing your presentation and use our checklist to more clearly convey your ideas and get your audience to support your message.

A bearded man leads a presentation in front of a large screen.

You have important ideas to communicate, and presentations are an effective way to deliver them. However, delivering a presentation that succeeds isn’t as simple as getting up and reciting facts — even if those facts are extremely compelling. You need to do more with your presentation: tell a relatable story, design compelling slides, build suspense to engage your audience, and more.

We’ve studied history’s best presentations to understand what makes them so powerful and have pulled together ten tips that will help you craft presentations that persuade.

Learn how to:

  • Choose the right medium for delivering your ideas
  • Get to know your audience before a presentation so that you can communicate in the most effective way
  • Hone in on your presentation’s big idea, so it doesn’t get muddled
  • Address audience resistance and empathize with their challenges, so you convince them to adopt your ideas
  • Prepare before your presentation so the actual delivery goes smoothly
  • Use drama to create suspense and keep listeners gripped during your presentation

Download 10 tips for powerful persuasive presentations

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Module 10: Persuasive Speaking

Approaching audiences.

If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth. – John Cleese

When choosing a topic for your persuasive speech, it is crucial to consider the composition of your audience. Because persuasive speeches are intended to influence or reinforce an audience’s thoughts or behaviors, speakers must consider what and how the audience thinks, feels, and does. Your audience might be ambivalent about your topic, or they may be strongly opposed, in strong agreement, or somewhere along the spectrum. In persuasive speeches, it matters where they fall on this continuum. For instance, if you want to argue that abortion should be illegal and your audience is composed of pro-life advocates, your speech might seem like you are preaching to the choir. But if your audience is made up of staunch pro-choice activists, your speech would be raising a significant objection to a set of beliefs, values, attitudes, and actions the audience was already committed to.

A smiling woman in the middle of a crowd.

“Photo Essay” by United States Armed Force. Public domain.

Decaro, Adams and Jefferis offer advice for carrying out a thorough audience analysis in Chapter 5 of this book. Some questions you might ask before giving a speech include, “Who is hosting the speech?” Often this can provide a great deal of information about who will be in the audience. Audience members at a National Rifle Association gathering probably do not need to be convinced that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution— the right to keep and bear arms—is worth upholding. You should also ask, “Is the audience fairly heterogeneous?” In a public speaking class, you may be able to gauge that through your interactions with your fellow classmates before you make your way to the podium; but in other settings this may not be the case. If an organization is sponsoring or has invited you to speak, this is a question that can be directed to organizational staff with access to demographic information. Some demographics that may be useful as you craft your speech include age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or cultural background, socioeconomic status, religion, and political affiliation. Each of these characteristics is known to influence a listener’s beliefs, attitudes, values, and actions.

Receptive Audiences

Children in Toy Car

“Children Play in Push Car” by Nils Fretwurst. CC-BY-SA .

Persuasive speakers will not generally address an audience that already fully agrees with them and is behaving in the way they would like, because that audience no longer needs to be persuaded. However, you may find yourself in situations that allow you to appeal to a receptive audience which already knows something about your topic and is generally supportive of, or open to, the point you are trying to make. For example, parents are generally interested in keeping their children safe. If you seek to persuade them that they should work with their kids to prevent them from being taken advantage of on social networking sites, they are likely to welcome what you have to say. Although they are already convinced that it is important to keep their children safe, this audience may not yet be persuaded that they have the need or ability to keep their kids safe in an online environment. In order to persuade this receptive audience, you should first attempt to foster identification with them by highlighting things you have in common. If you are a parent you might say something like, “I have two children and one of my biggest concerns is making sure they are safe.” If you are not a parent you might say, “one of the things I appreciate most about my parents is that I know they are always trying to keep me safe.” With these statements, you not only relate to the audience, but also demonstrate that you share a common concern.

If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect. – Benjamin Franklin

Next, offer a clear statement of purpose and tell the audience what you would like them to do in response to your message. If the audience is already likely to agree with your point, they will be looking for ways to act on it. Offer practical steps that they can take. Even if the steps must be carried out later (i.e. the parents in our example may have to wait to get home and start talking with their child about social networking habits), give them a way to respond to the message immediately and show their support. In this case you may have them write down the first thing they will say to their child, or practice saying it to the person next to them. Having them act on your message before leaving reinforces their already favorable response to what you are asking. [1]

I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. – Elie Wiesel

Neutral Audiences

Credit cards

“Untitled” by Petr Kratochvil. CC-0 .

Most of the groups that a persuasive speaker addresses are neutral audiences . These audiences are not passionate about the topic or speaker, often because they do not have enough information or because they are not aware that they should be concerned. Beebe & Beebe explain that the challenge in addressing a neutral audience is to foster their interest in your proposition. [2] They offer a few tips for cultivating interest in a neutral audience. Begin by gaining their attention. To do this you might offer a story or statistic that relates the topic directly to the dominant demographic in the audience. If you are trying to convince first-year college students to avoid credit card solicitors on campus you might start with something like, “I know those t-shirts the credit card vendors are handing out are stylish and, best of all, free! But that t-shirt could cost you thousands of dollars before you even graduate.” Rather than beginning with a diatribe on the evils of debt, which many of them may not yet have experienced, you relate to their desire for a free t-shirt and a common belief they are likely to share, that “free” should not translate to “expensive.” If you cannot relate the topic directly to the audience, another approach is to relate the topic to someone they care about, like a family member or friend. Keep in mind that, while the receptive audience may be eager to respond immediately, the neutral audience may simply be more concerned about the topic or more inclined to consider the behavior change you are advocating. [3] In this case, consider offering resources for more information, or a few minor steps they can take when they are ready.

He who dreads hostility too much is unfit to rule. – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Hostile Audiences

Unfortunately, some audiences may be resistant or even hostile to your persuasive speech. A hostile audience may take issue with your topic or with you as a speaker. In this case, your primary goal is to persuade the audience to listen to what you have to say. [4] Once they are willing to listen, then you will have the ability to change their minds in the future. Later in this chapter we will address ways that you can foster a better relationship with the audience by building your ethos. However, if the audience is opposed to your proposition, there are a few steps that you can take to encourage them to at least hear you out. If the audience is not likely to agree with your proposition, wait until later in the speech to offer it. Opening with a clear statement of purpose, which a receptive audience welcomes, will make an unreceptive audience more hostile to your goals. For example, if you begin by telling business owners that you think they should pay workers more, they are likely to think of all the reasons that will threaten their livelihood rather than listening to your message. Instead, begin by highlighting issues on which you agree. You might open with a discussion of the challenges businesses face in attempting to retain quality workers and increase productivity.

I have spent many years of my life in opposition, and I rather like the role. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Once you have identified areas of agreement, you can offer your proposition as a way of addressing your shared goals. To promote an increase in wages, you might explain that a study of more than 10,000 workers and managers in a variety of industries demonstrated that companies who pay their workers more were also more motivated to invest in new technology, enhance their management techniques, better train workers, and better deliver their services, all of which lead to higher productivity and increased profits. [5] Focusing on areas of agreement will make the audience more receptive to your proposition, but they will still hold some reservations. Acknowledge those reservations and demonstrate that you have given them ample consideration. Cite credible evidence that supports your proposition in light of those reservations. Showing that you understand and respect their opposing position is the most important step toward encouraging a hostile audience to at least hear you out.

  • Beebe, S.A. & Beebe, S.J. (2003). Public Speaking: An Audience Centered Approach (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson. ↵
  • (Beebe & Beebe 2003) ↵
  • Applebaum, E. & Berhardt, A. (2004, December 18). Employers also benefit from a higher minimum wage. Brennan Center for Justice. Retrieved from: ↵
  • Chapter 16 Approaching Audiences. Authored by : Sarah Stone Watt, Ph.D. and Joshua Trey Barnett. Provided by : Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA and Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Located at : . Project : The Public Speaking Project. License : CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
  • Children play in push car. Authored by : Nils Fretwurst. Located at : . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • 1-1204463487cJKy. Authored by : Petr Kratochvil. Located at : . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • photo essay 081112-F-6684S-757. Provided by : United States Air Force. Located at : . License : Public Domain: No Known Copyright

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BUS210: Business Communication

Functions of the presentation to persuade.

This section reviews what persuasive speeches are designed to do: stimulate thought, convince, call to action, increase consideration, or develop tolerance of alternate perspectives. This section also provides a useful breakdown of different types of calls to action. After you read, try the exercises at the end of the section.

Learning Objective

  • Identify and demonstrate the effective use of five functions of speaking to persuade.

What does a presentation to persuade do? There is a range of functions to consider, and they may overlap or you may incorporate more than one as you present. We will discuss how to

  • call to action,
  • increase consideration, and
  • develop tolerance of alternate perspectives.

We will also examine how each of these functions influences the process of persuasion.

When you focus on stimulation as the goal or operational function of your speech, you want to reinforce existing beliefs, intensify them, and bring them to the forefront. Perhaps you've been concerned with global warming for quite some time. Many people in the audience may not know about the melting polar ice caps and the loss of significant ice shelves in Antarctica, including part of the Ross Ice Shelf, an iceberg almost 20 miles wide and 124 miles long, more than twice the size of Rhode Island. They may be unaware of how many ice shelves have broken off, the 6 percent drop in global phytoplankton (the basis of many food chains), and the effects of the introduction of fresh water to the oceans. By presenting these facts, you will reinforce existing beliefs, intensify them, and bring the issue to the surface. You might consider the foundation of common ground and commonly held beliefs, and then introduce information that a mainstream audience may not be aware of that supports that common ground as a strategy to stimulate.

In a persuasive speech, the goal is to change the attitudes, beliefs, values, or judgments of your audience. If we look back at the idea of motive, in this speech the prosecuting attorney would try to convince the jury members that the defendant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. He or she may discuss motive, present facts, all with the goal to convince the jury to believe or find that his or her position is true. In the film The Day After Tomorrow , Dennis Quaid stars as a paleoclimatologist who unsuccessfully tries to convince the U.S. vice president that a sudden climate change is about to occur. In the film, much like real life, the vice president listens to Quaid's position with his own bias in mind, listening for only points that reinforce his point of view while rejecting points that do not. Audience members will also hold beliefs and are likely to involve their own personal bias. Your goal is to get them to agree with your position, so you will need to plan a range of points and examples to get audience members to consider your topic. Perhaps you present Dennis Quaid's argument that loss of the North Atlantic Current will drastically change our climate, clearly establishing the problem for the audience. You might cite the review by a professor, for example, who states in reputable science magazine that the film's depiction of a climate change has a chance of happening, but that the timetable is more on the order of ten years, not seven days as depicted in the film. You then describe a range of possible solutions. If the audience comes to a mental agreement that a problem exists, they will look to you asking, "What are the options?" Then you may indicate a solution that is a better alternative, recommending future action.

Call to Action

In this speech, you are calling your audience to action. You are stating that it's not about stimulating interest to reinforce and accentuate beliefs, or convincing an audience of a viewpoint that you hold, but instead that you want to see your listeners change their behavior. If you were in sales at Toyota, you might incorporate our previous example on global warming to reinforce, and then make a call to action (make a purchase decision), when presenting the Prius hybrid (gas-electric) automobile. The economics, even at current gas prices, might not completely justify the difference in price between a hybrid and a nonhybrid car. However, if you as the salesperson can make a convincing argument that choosing a hybrid car is the right and responsible decision, you may be more likely to get the customer to act. The persuasive speech that focuses on action often generates curiosity, clarifies a problem, and as we have seen, proposes a range of solutions. They key difference here is there is a clear link to action associated with the solutions. Solutions lead us to considering the goals of action. These goals address the question, "What do I want the audience to do as a result of being engaged by my speech?" The goals of action include adoption, discontinuance, deterrence, and continuance. Adoption means the speaker wants to persuade the audience to take on a new way of thinking, or adopt a new idea. Examples could include buying a new product, voting for a new candidate, or deciding to donate blood. The key is that the audience member adopts, or takes on, a new view, action, or habit. Discontinuance involves the speaker persuading the audience to stop doing something what they have been doing, such as smoking. Rather than take on a new habit or action, the speaker is asking the audience member to stop an existing behavior or idea. As such, discontinuance is in some ways the opposite of adoption. Deterrence is a call action that focuses on persuading audience not to start something if they haven't already started. Perhaps many people in the audience have never tried illicit drugs, or have not gotten behind the wheel of a car while intoxicated. The goal of action in this case would be to deter, or encourage the audience members to refrain from starting or initiating the behavior. Finally, with continuance , the speaker aims to persuade the audience to continue doing what they have been doing, such as reelect a candidate, keep buying product, or staying in school to get an education. A speaker may choose to address more than one of these goals of action, depending on the audience analysis. If the audience is largely agreeable and supportive, you may find continuance to be one goal, while adoption is secondary. These goals serve to guide you in the development of solution steps. Solution steps involve suggestions or ways the audience can take action after your speech. They often proceed from national to personal level, or the inverse. Audience members appreciate a clear discussion of the problem in a persuasive speech, but they also appreciate solutions. You might offer a national solution that may be viewed as unworkable, but your solution on a personal level may be more realistic, such as considering an alternate point of view or making a small donation to a worthy cause.

Increase Consideration

Perhaps you know that your audience is not open to emotional appeals that involve the fear of global warming, so you choose to base your persuasive speech on something they are more open to: the economic argument and the relative cost of car ownership. In this speech, you want to increase consideration on the part of the audience whose members either hold hostile views or perhaps are neutral and simply curious. You might be able to compare and contrast competing cars and show that the costs over ten years are quite similar, but that the Prius has additional features that are the equivalent of a bonus, including high gas mileage. You might describe tax incentives for ownership, maintenance schedules and costs, and resale value. Your arguments and their support aim at increasing the audience's consideration of your position. You won't be asking for action in this presentation, but a corresponding increase of consideration may lead the customer to that point at a later date.

Develop Tolerance of Alternate Perspectives

Finally, you may want to help your audience develop tolerance of alternate perspectives and viewpoints. Perhaps your audience, as in the previous example, is interested in purchasing a car and you are the lead salesperson on that model. As you listen, and do your informal audience analysis, you may learn that horsepower and speed are important values to this customer. You might raise the issue of torque versus horsepower and indicate that the "uumph" you feel as you start a car off the line is torque. Many hybrid and even electric vehicles have great torque, as their systems involve fewer parts and less friction than a corresponding internal combustion-transaxle system. You goal is to help your audience develop tolerance, but not necessarily acceptance, of alternate perspectives. A traditional way of measuring speed has always been how fast a car can go from zero to sixty miles per hour. You are essentially indicating that there are two relevant factors to consider when discussing speed (horsepower and torque), and asking the customer to consider the alternate perspective. Lots of horsepower might be all right for high speeds, but by raising the issue of their normal driving, they might learn that what counts day in and day out for driving is torque, not horsepower. By starting from common ground, and introducing a related idea, you are persuading your audience to consider an alternate perspective.

Key Takeaway

A persuasive speech may stimulate thought, convince, call to action, increase consideration, or develop tolerance of alternate perspectives.

  • Select a commercial for a product or service you do not believe you would ever buy. Evaluate the commercial according to the principles of persuasion described in this section. Does it use more than one principle? Is any principle effective on you as an audience member? If you could change the commercial to increase its persuasive appeal to yourself as a customer, what changes would you make? Discuss your findings with your classmates.
  • Which do you think is a more difficult challenge, discontinuance or deterrence? Why? Give some examples and discuss them with your classmates.
  • Do you think persuasion by continuance is necessary? Or would people continue a given behavior regardless of any persuasive messages? Think of an example and discuss it with your classmates.

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Learning Objective

  • Provide examples of four main types of speech to inform.

Speaking to inform may fall into one of several categories. The presentation to inform may be

  • an explanation,
  • a description, or
  • a demonstration of how to do something.

Let’s explore each of these types of informative speech.


Have you ever listened to a lecture or speech where you just didn’t get it? It wasn’t that you weren’t interested, at least not at first. Perhaps the professor used language and jargon, or gave a confusing example, or omitted something that would have linked facts or concepts together. Soon you probably lost interest and sat there, attending the speech or lecture in body but certainly not in mind. An effective speech to inform will take a complex topic or issue and explain it to the audience in ways that increase audience understanding. Perhaps the speech where you felt lost lacked definitions upfront, or a clear foundation in the introduction. You certainly didn’t learn much, and that’s exactly what you want to avoid when you address your audience. Consider how you felt and then find ways to explain your topic—visually, using definitions and examples, providing a case study—that can lay a foundation on common ground with your audience and build on it.

No one likes to feel left out. As the speaker, it’s your responsibility to ensure that this doesn’t happen. Also know that to teach someone something new—perhaps a skill that they did not posses or a perspective that allows them to see new connections—is a real gift, both to you and the audience members. You will feel rewarded because you made a difference and they will perceive the gain in their own understanding.

As a business communicator, you may be called upon to give an informative report where you communicate status, trends, or relationships that pertain to a specific topic. You might have only a few moments to speak, and you may have to prepare within a tight time frame. Your listeners may want “just the highlights,” only to ask pointed questions that require significant depth and preparation on your part. The informative report is a speech where you organize your information around key events, discoveries, or technical data and provide context and illustration for your audience. They may naturally wonder, “Why are sales up (or down)?” or “What is the product leader in your lineup?” and you need to anticipate their perspective and present the key information that relates to your topic. If everyone in the room knows the product line, you may not need much information about your best seller, but instead place emphasis on marketing research that seems to indicate why it is the best seller.

Perhaps you are asked to be the scout and examine a new market, developing strategies to penetrate it. You’ll need to orient your audience and provide key information about the market and demonstrate leadership as you articulate your strategies. You have a perspective gained by time and research, and your audience wants to know why you see things the way you do, as well as learn what you learned. A status report may be short or long, and may be an update that requires little background, but always consider the audience and what common ground you are building your speech on.


Have you ever listened to a friend tell you about their recent trip somewhere and found the details fascinating, making you want to travel there or visit a similar place? Or perhaps you listened to your chemistry teacher describe a chemical reaction you were going to perform in class and you understood the process and could reasonably anticipate the outcome. Describing information requires emphasis on language that is vivid, captures attention, and excites the imagination. Your audience will be drawn to your effective use of color, descriptive language, and visual aids. An informative speech that focuses description will be visual in many ways. You may choose to illustrate with images, video and audio clips, and maps. Your first-person experience combined with your content will allow the audience to come to know a topic, area, or place through you, or secondhand. Their imagination is your ally, and you should aim to stimulate it with attention-getting devices and clear visual aids. Use your imagination to place yourself in their perspective: how would you like to have someone describe the topic to you?


You want to teach the audience how to throw a fast pitch in softball or a curveball in baseball. You want to demonstrate how to make salsa or how to program the applications on a smartphone. Each of these topics will call on your kindergarten experience of “show and tell.” A demonstrative speech focuses on clearly showing a process and telling the audience important details about each step so that they can imitate, repeat, or do the action themselves. If the topic is complicated, think of ways to simplify each step.

Consider the visual aids or supplies you will need. You may have noticed that cooking shows on television rarely show the chef chopping and measuring ingredients during the demonstration. Instead, the ingredients are chopped and measured ahead of time and the chef simply adds each item to the dish with a brief comment like, “Now we’ll stir in half a cup of chicken stock.” If you want to present a demonstration speech on the ways to make a paper airplane, one that will turn left or right, go up, down or in loops, consider how best to present your topic. Perhaps by illustrating the process of making one airplane followed by example on how to make adjustments to the plane to allow for different flight patterns would be effective. Would you need additional paper airplanes made in advance of your speech? Would an example of the paper airplane in each of the key stages of production be helpful to have ready before the speech? Having all your preparation done ahead of time can make a world of difference, and your audience will appreciate your thoughtful approach.

By considering each step and focusing on how to simplify it, you can understand how the audience might grasp the new information and how you can best help them. Also, consider the desired outcome; for example, will your listeners be able to actually do the task themselves or will they gain an appreciation of the complexities of a difficult skill like piloting an airplane to a safe landing? Regardless of the sequence or pattern you will illustrate or demonstrate, consider how people from your anticipated audience will respond, and budget additional time for repetition and clarification.

Informative presentations come in all sizes, shapes, and forms. You may need to create an “elevator speech” style presentation with the emphasis on brevity, or produce a comprehensive summary of several points that require multiple visual aids to communicate complex processes or trends. The main goal in an informative presentation is to inform, not to persuade, and that requires an emphasis on credibility, for the speaker and the data or information presented. Extra attention to sources is required and you’ll need to indicate what reports, texts, or Web sites were sources for your analysis and conclusions.

Here are additional, more specific types of informative presentations:

  • Biographical information
  • Case study results
  • Comparative advantage results
  • Cost-benefit analysis results
  • Feasibility studies
  • Field study results
  • Financial trends analysis
  • Health, safety, and accident rates
  • Instruction guidelines
  • Laboratory results
  • Product or service orientations
  • Progress reports
  • Research results
  • Technical specifications

Depending on the rhetorical situation, the audience, and the specific information to be presented, any of these types of presentation may be given as an explanation, a report, a description, or a demonstration.

Key Takeaway

An informative speech may explain, report, describe, or demonstrate how to do something.

  • Watch a “how-to” television show, such as one about cooking, home improvement, dog training, or crime solving. What informative techniques and visual aids are used in the show to help viewers learn the skills that are being demonstrated?
  • Prepare a simple “how-to” presentation for the class. Present and compare your results.
  • Compare and contrast two television programs, noting how each communicates the meaning via visual communication rather than words or dialogue. Share and compare with classmates.

Business Communication for Success: Public Speaking Edition Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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    persuasive. informative. 5 of 30. Term. which of the following statements about preparing presentations is true? ... persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to. Choose matching definition. lend. sell. tell. buy. Don't know? 1 of 30. Definition. the introduction. Choose matching term.

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    Follow these steps to win friends and influence people within your audience. 1. Decide on a single ask. The key to convincing your audience is to first identify the singular point you want to make. A good persuasive presentation will focus on one specific and easy-to-understand proposition. Even if that point is part of a broader initiative, it ...

  4. Mastering Persuasive Presentation: Essential Strategies

    Key Takeaways: - Start strong: Begin your presentation with a catchy hook and clearly state your main point within 30 seconds to capture your audience's attention and set the tone. - Establish the purpose or objective: Clearly define your aim and ensure your message revolves around a single, understandable proposition to maintain focus ...

  5. HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations

    No matter where you are on the spectrum, this guide will give you the confidence and the tools you need to get results. Written by presentation expert Nancy Duarte, the "HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations" will help you: (1) Win over tough crowds, (2) Organize a coherent narrative, (3) Create powerful messages and visuals, (4) Connect with ...

  6. 14.3 Functions of the Presentation to Persuade

    The goals of action include adoption, discontinuance, deterrence, and continuance. Adoption means the speaker wants to persuade the audience to take on a new way of thinking, or adopt a new idea. Examples could include buying a new product, voting for a new candidate, or deciding to donate blood. The key is that the audience member adopts, or ...

  7. A Checklist for More Persuasive Presentations

    A Checklist for More Persuasive Presentations. We all know the basics of good presentation skills: don't read from a script; don't overwhelm your audience with verbose slides; and the like ...

  8. 9.3 Functions of the Presentation to Persuade

    However, if you as the salesperson can make a convincing argument that choosing a hybrid car is the right and responsible decision, you may be more likely to get the customer to act. The persuasive speech that focuses on action often generates curiosity, clarifies a problem, and as we have seen, proposes a range of solutions.

  9. Persuasive Presentation Overview

    Persuasive Presentation Overview. Remember the introduction of a persuasive presentation must begin with the MORE+E Principle: M=Meaningful. Tell the audience how the speech is meaningful to them. O=Open. Make a statement that shows you are approachable. R=Relates to the past. Refer to a past experience that relates to your topic.

  10. Persuasive Strategies

    This means that what you wear and how you behave, even before opening your mouth, can go far in shaping your ethos. Be sure to dress appropriately for the occasion and setting in which you speak. Also work to appear confident, but not arrogant, and be sure to maintain enthusiasm about your topic throughout the speech.

  11. 14.3: Functions of the Presentation to Persuade

    The persuasive speech that focuses on action often generates curiosity, clarifies a problem, and as we have seen, proposes a range of solutions. They key difference here is there is a clear link to action associated with the solutions. Figure 14.3.1 14.3. 1: A call to action features a clear response for the audience.

  12. 10 tips for powerful persuasive presentations

    Address audience resistance and empathize with their challenges, so you convince them to adopt your ideas. Prepare before your presentation so the actual delivery goes smoothly. Use drama to create suspense and keep listeners gripped during your presentation. Presentation delivery. Presentation structure.

  13. 14: Presentations to Persuade

    A persuasive message can succeed through the principles of reciprocity, scarcity, authority, commitment and consistency, consensus, and liking. 14.3: Functions of the Presentation to Persuade A persuasive speech may stimulate thought, convince, call to action, increase consideration, or develop tolerance of alternate perspectives.

  14. Approaching Audiences

    Approaching Audiences. If I can get you to laugh with me, you like me better, which makes you more open to my ideas. And if I can persuade you to laugh at the particular point I make, by laughing at it you acknowledge its truth. - John Cleese. When choosing a topic for your persuasive speech, it is crucial to consider the composition of your ...

  15. Chapter 13 Quiz #2 Flashcards

    An uninterrupted speech by the speaker. When working on a collaborative presentation, individual speakers should rehearse on their own and avoid rehearsing as a group in order to avoid disturbing each other. False. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The most popular and effective way to give a speech is to, When ...

  16. BUSA 200 Quiz 5

    Persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to. lend. tell. buy. sell. 1 of 30. Term. In which part of a speech do you convey the central topic and make a personal connection with the audience? ... Persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to. Choose matching definition. lend. tell. buy. sell. Don't know? 1 of 30.

  17. BUS210: Functions of the Presentation to Persuade

    Functions of the Presentation to Persuade. This section reviews what persuasive speeches are designed to do: stimulate thought, convince, call to action, increase consideration, or develop tolerance of alternate perspectives. This section also provides a useful breakdown of different types of calls to action.

  18. 8.2 Types of Presentations to Inform

    Learning Objective. Provide examples of four main types of speech to inform. Speaking to inform may fall into one of several categories. The presentation to inform may be. an explanation, a report, a description, or. a demonstration of how to do something. Let's explore each of these types of informative speech.

  19. Persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to: a) Inform the

    Final answer: Persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to convince or influence the audience. They use rhetorical techniques such as emotional appeals, logical arguments, and evidence to persuade the audience to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action.

  20. BUSA quiz 5

    persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to cindy is representing info with complex graphs. to make sure the audience understands, she should explain them which should you avoid when delivering negative feedback

  21. BUS 3382

    Audiences typically expect persuasive presentations to. have an interesting opening and a high level of enthusiasm from the speaker. ... Persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to. sell. An entertaining presentation will likely involve. an uninterrupted speech by the speaker.

  22. Persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to: a) Inform the

    Persuasive oral presentations are primarily intended to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take specific action. This form of speaking targets the audience's beliefs and behaviors, encouraging them to embrace a new perspective or embark on a different course of action.