Angrezi PK

Quotations For Essay My House

My house is an important essay at the matriculation level. Writing about your house and its charms is a good experience. But just prose does not adorn the subject matter of the essay. These are poetic quotes that make it beautiful and make it fascinating for the checker.

Writing just one line as my house essay quote and that too in prose form never suits the essay. Below are given stanzas and some poetry quotes to add to the essay “My House.”

You can put these quotations before or end of the paragraphs.

One thing to remember is to take great care of punctuation marks while writing these quotations in my house essay. The use of a marker or pointer will also highlight the quotations, which is a good move.

If you leave one line blank before and after the quotations on my house essay in English, it will make your quotation more visible.

My House Essay Quotations For 10th Class in Pakistan

Here are the best quotations on my house essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay my house in your test or paper with confidence.

From east to west, Is hole or nest, To take the rest, Home is best. Calym Nush

my house essay quotations for 10 class

As spouse to spouse is home to spouse, While go nowhere we go to house. Calym Nush

quotation for my house essay

As self-done, is the health, Having a house is too wealth, If you have, you are lucky, To the world, you are no ducky. Calym Nush

Quotations For Essay My House

If you look, is cement and wall, But in these, you can stand tall, All are love from big to small, House is heaven, it’s all in all. Calym Nush

best quotations on my house essay in English

In the life in every part, Life keeps moving in the cart, It is written on the chart, Home is there where is heart. Calym Nush

quotation on my house essay in English

Also, Check: Quotations For Essay My Last Day At School

In cursory glance, it is seen, Just four walls and a beam, In my heart my house has been, Twinkling twinkling evergreen. Calym Nush

quotes about essay my house

There is place what I believe, Either I come or I leave, It will welcome, it do receive, I have a house, what to achieve? Calym Nush

quotes about essay my house

Under the roof, among the walls, Here bro shouts, there sis calls, And when nephew also crawls, My house looks like bountyfalls. Calym Nush

Quotations For Essay My House

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My House Quotations Essay For Students

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My house essay quotations.

My house is an important essay for low-level students. Writing about your house and its charms is a pleasant experience. But the prose does not adorn the essay’s subject matter. These are poetic quotes that make it beautiful and fascinating.

Writing just one line as my house essay quote and that too in a prose style never suits the essay. Below are stanzas and poetry quotes to add to the essay “My House.” The quotations can be placed before or at the end of the paragraphs.

Television Essay Quotations For Students

One thing to remember is to take careful care of punctuation marks while writing these quotations in my house essay. The use of a marker or pointer will also highlight the quotations, which is a wise move.

If you leave one line blank before and after the quotations in my house essay in English, it will make your quotations more visible.

My House Quotations

  • From east to west, Is hole or nest, To take the rest, Home is best.
  • As spouse to spouse is home to a spouse. While going nowhere we go to a house.
  • As self-done, is health, Having a house is to wealth If you have, you are lucky, To the world, you are no ducky.
  • If you look, all is cement and wall, But in these, you can stand tall, All are love from big to small. House is heaven, it’s all in all.
  • In life in every part, Life keeps moving in the chart, It is written on the chart, Home is where the heart belongs.
  • In a cursory glance, it is seen, Just four walls and a beam, In my heart my house has been, Twinkling evergreen.
  • There is the place where I believe, Either I come or I leave, It will welcome, it will receive, I have a house, what to expect?
  • Under the roof, among the walls, Here bro shouts, their sis calls, And when nephew crawls, my house looks like bounty falls.

My Home quotations

  • “Home is the starting place of love, hope, and dreams.”
  • “The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.”
  • “Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.”
  • “A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.”
  • “Home is not a place…it’s a feeling.”
  • “With you, I am home.”
  • “What I love most about my home is who I share it with.”
  • “There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home.”
  • “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.”
  • “There’s no place like home.”
  • “Where we love is home- a home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.”
  • “In this home… We do second chances. We do real. We do mistakes. We do I’m sorry. We do loud really well. We do hugs. We do together best of all.”
  • “May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends.”
  • “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
  • “You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”
  • “Bless out a house as we come and go. Bless our home as the children grow. Bless our families as they gather in. Bless our home with love and friends.”
  • “Home is a shelter from storms-all sorts of storms.”-William J. Bennett
  • “Home is where one starts from.” –T.S. Eliot.
  • “Home is where our story begins…”

My Hobby Essay Quotations For Students

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Essay My House in English for Class 10

Nearly everyone dreams of building his own house. First, he plants it in his imagination. Then he speaks of it to his friends. He discusses the detail hundreds of times. A house is an important necessity. Your own house will certainly improve your quality of life. My dreams come into reality through my house.  According to our taste, we decorate our rooms. We look after our plants and flowers with loving care.

“The home is a paradise for all family members.” (Quotation)

I have always been living in the same house for a long time.  It will be unjust, if, I only call it a house because it is more like a home. A house is indeed a great blessing.

  “A house is made up of walls and beams;” (Quotation)

  “A home is built with love and dreams.” (Quotation)

My house is something very dear and near to me. It holds all my childhood memories. It may lay look very ordinary to an outsider but to me, it is my personal paradise. So, the comfort I feel in my house cannot be compared to any other place.

 “East or west-east is the best” (Quotation)

It is situated at a very suitable place with all the facilities nearby. The street that runs by my house is very wide. There are very tall buildings on both sides of my house.

My house is not very large, but it is big enough for my family. It has three stories but we only use the first and the second one. It was specially designed by my father. It has a very beautiful front that attracts the attention of those who pass by.

It has a very nice living room, which has been beautifully decorated by my mother and me. The living room contains all the necessary stuff including a television, couches, lamps, etc. the kitchen of the house is very airy and decent. It is painted in different colors by my mother, which gives it really a majestic look. The walls are up of plywood and so is the floor. My mother’s crockery is placed in a very alluring and captivating cupboard made up of mahogany wood.

‘‘peace- that was the other name for home.” (Quotation)

My parent’s bedroom is carpeted wall to wall and has some wonderfully painted beautiful pictures of hills, forests, and seas. My mother’s contribution to this room is in the form of artistically designed and finely sewn curtains across the window. The dining room has a small dining table made up of glass and metal. As we go upstairs, the steps are covered by a thin carpet. The house has long windows, which make it very cool and light up. There are a lot of flowerpots in the house, which makes it a nice fragrance.

“Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes.” (Quotation)

The part I love the most about my house is my own room. It is the most beautiful room that I own. Every inch of its decorated according to my own choice. The best thing about it is that it has its own balcony from where I can see the garden of my house. My father and I love to work in the garden. We cut the bushes twice a year and we get our fruit trees sprayed once a month. My mother loves roses and lilies and she looks after the flowerbeds herself from time to time. I take extra care to keep the lawn tidy enough by using a lawn mower. There is a small bench in my garden, which I usually use for relaxing.

“A man’s home is his castle.” (proverb)

The front yard is also great. I usually skate and play with brother my in the front yard. Everything is right in its place and perfect for my family. I love everything about my house. My house is the place where I can be myself. Its atmosphere relaxes my thoughts.

Essay My House for 10th Class with Quotations

Apart from this, my house is surrounded by wonderful neighbors. We know our neighbors for a long time. They often come to meet us. They are very gracious people. Our house is located in a suitable area, which makes it quite a great advantage.

Whenever I look at my house, I feel warmth, love, and satisfaction. It gives me the type of comfort I can never feel anywhere else. Even the thought of living away from my house makes me shiver. It is more like a dream house. It is the type of house, which everyone wants and I am very thankful to Allah Almighty for providing me with such a nice shelter. To me my house is out of this world it gives me the necessary shelter from the world.

‘‘There is nothing half as pleasant as coming home again.’’ (Quotation)

I would never want to replace it with anything bigger or better because I think that it is the best house and I can never ask for anything else.

“Every house where love abides,

  And friendship is a guest,

  Is surely home and home sweet home?

  For there the heart can rest.”

Essay My house Quotations

 Published on: Dec 2, 2022, at 10:30

Download  Essay My House in English

Translation of Essay my house for 10th class

Nearly everyone dreams of building his own house.تقریباً ہر کوئی اپنا گھر بنانے کا خواب دیکھتا ہے۔
First, he plants it in his imagination.سب سے پہلے، وہ اسے اپنے تخیل میں لگاتا ہے۔
Then he speaks of it to his friends.پھر وہ اپنے دوستوں سے اس کے بارے میں بات کرتا ہے۔
A house is an important necessity.گھر ایک اہم ضرورت ہے۔
Your own house will certainly improve your quality of life.آپ کا اپنا گھر یقینی طور پر آپ کے معیار زندگی کو بہتر بنائے گا۔
My dreams come into reality through my house.میرے خواب میرے گھر کے ذریعے حقیقت میں آتے ہیں۔
According to our taste, we decorate our rooms.اپنے ذوق کے مطابق ہم اپنے کمروں کو سجاتے ہیں۔
We look after our plants and flowers with loving care.ہم اپنے پودوں اور پھولوں کی محبت سے دیکھ بھال کرتے ہیں۔
“The home is a paradise for all family members.” (Quotation)“گھر خاندان کے تمام افراد کے لیے جنت ہے۔” (اقتباس)
I have always been living in the same house for a long time.میں ہمیشہ ایک ہی گھر میں کافی عرصے سے رہ رہا ہوں۔
It will be unjust, if, I only call it a house because it is more like a home.یہ ناانصافی ہوگی، اگر، میں اسے صرف گھر کہوں کیونکہ یہ گھر کی طرح ہے۔
A house is indeed a great blessing.گھر واقعی بہت بڑی نعمت ہے۔
 “A house is made up of walls and beams;” (Quotation)“ایک گھر دیواروں اور شہتیروں سے بنا ہے۔” (اقتباس)
 “A home is built with love and dreams.” (Quotation)“ایک گھر محبت اور خوابوں سے بنایا گیا ہے۔” (اقتباس)
My house is something very dear and near to me.میرا گھر میرے لیے بہت عزیز اور قریب ہے۔
It holds all my childhood memories.اس میں میرے بچپن کی تمام یادیں محفوظ ہیں۔
It may lay look very ordinary to an outsider but to me, it is my personal paradise.یہ کسی باہر والے کو بہت عام لگ سکتا ہے لیکن میرے نزدیک یہ میری ذاتی جنت ہے۔
So, the comfort I feel in my house cannot be compared to any other place.لہذا، میں اپنے گھر میں جو سکون محسوس کرتا ہوں اس کا کسی اور جگہ سے موازنہ نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔
 “East or west-east is the best” (Quotation)“مشرق یا مغرب مشرق بہترین ہے” (اقتباس)
It is situated at a very suitable place with all the facilities nearby.یہ ایک بہت ہی موزوں جگہ پر واقع ہے جس میں آس پاس کی تمام سہولیات موجود ہیں۔
The street that runs by my house is very wide.میرے گھر کے پاس سے گزرنے والی گلی بہت چوڑی ہے۔
There are very tall buildings on both sides of my house.میرے گھر کے دونوں طرف بہت اونچی عمارتیں ہیں۔
My house is not very large, but it is big enough for my family.میرا گھر بہت بڑا نہیں ہے، لیکن یہ میرے خاندان کے لیے کافی بڑا ہے۔
It has three stories but we only use the first and the second one.اس میں تین کہانیاں ہیں لیکن ہم صرف پہلی اور دوسری کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
 It was specially designed by my father.یہ خاص طور پر میرے والد نے ڈیزائن کیا تھا۔
It has a very beautiful front that attracts the attention of those who pass by.اس کا ایک بہت ہی خوبصورت محاذ ہے جو گزرنے والوں کی توجہ اپنی طرف کھینچتا ہے۔
It has a very nice living room, which has been beautifully decorated by my mother and me.اس میں ایک بہت ہی خوبصورت رہنے کا کمرہ ہے، جسے میں اور میری والدہ نے خوبصورتی سے سجایا ہے۔
The living room contains all the necessary stuff including a television, couches, lamps, etc.لونگ روم میں ٹیلی ویژن، صوفے، لیمپ وغیرہ سمیت تمام ضروری سامان موجود ہے۔
The kitchen of the house is very airy and decent.گھر کا باورچی خانہ بہت ہوا دار اور عمدہ ہے۔
It is painted in different colors by my mother, which gives it really a majestic look.اسے میری والدہ نے مختلف رنگوں میں پینٹ کیا ہے، جو اسے واقعی ایک شاندار شکل دیتا ہے۔
The walls are up of plywood and so is the floor.دیواریں پلائیووڈ کی ہیں اور فرش بھی۔
My mother’s crockery is placed in a very alluring and captivating cupboard made up of mahogany wood.میری والدہ کی کراکری مہوگنی کی لکڑی سے بنی ایک انتہائی دلکش اور دلکش الماری میں رکھی گئی ہے۔
‘‘peace- that was the other name for home.” (Quotation)’’امن – یہ گھر کا دوسرا نام تھا۔‘‘ (اقتباس)
My parent’s bedroom is carpeted wall to wall and has some wonderfully painted beautiful pictures of hills, forests, and seas.میرے والدین کا بیڈروم دیوار سے دیوار تک کارپٹ ہے اور اس میں پہاڑیوں، جنگلوں اور سمندروں کی کچھ حیرت انگیز طور پر پینٹ کی گئی خوبصورت تصاویر ہیں۔
My mother’s contribution to this room is in the form of artistically designed and finely sewn curtains across the window.اس کمرے میں میری والدہ کا تعاون کھڑکی کے پار فنکارانہ طور پر ڈیزائن اور باریک سلے ہوئے پردوں کی شکل میں ہے۔
The dining room has a small dining table made up of glass and metal.کھانے کے کمرے میں شیشے اور دھات سے بنی ایک چھوٹی کھانے کی میز ہے۔
As we go upstairs, the steps are covered by a thin carpet.جب ہم اوپر جاتے ہیں تو سیڑھیاں ایک پتلی قالین سے ڈھکی ہوتی ہیں۔
The house has long windows, which make it very cool and light up.گھر میں لمبی کھڑکیاں ہیں، جو اسے بہت ٹھنڈی اور روشن بناتی ہیں۔
There are a lot of flowerpots in the house, which makes it a nice fragrance.گھر میں پھولوں کی بہتات ہوتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے یہ ایک اچھی خوشبو آتی ہے۔
“Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes.” (Quotation)“گھر وہ جگہ ہے جہاں بغیر جوتوں کے گھومنا مناسب لگتا ہے۔” (اقتباس)
The part I love the most about my house is my own room.مجھے اپنے گھر کے بارے میں جو حصہ سب سے زیادہ پسند ہے وہ میرا اپنا کمرہ ہے
It is the most beautiful room that I own.یہ سب سے خوبصورت کمرہ ہے جس کا میں مالک ہوں۔
Every inch of its decorated according to my own choice.اس کا ایک ایک انچ اپنی مرضی کے مطابق سجایا گیا ہے۔
The best thing about it is that it has its own balcony from where I can see the garden of my house.اس کی سب سے اچھی بات یہ ہے کہ اس کی اپنی بالکونی ہے جہاں سے میں اپنے گھر کا باغ دیکھ سکتا ہوں۔
My father and I love to work in the garden.مجھے اور میرے والد باغ میں کام کرنا پسند کرتے ہیں۔
We cut the bushes twice a year and we get our fruit trees sprayed once a month.ہم سال میں دو بار جھاڑیوں کو کاٹتے ہیں اور ہم اپنے پھلوں کے درختوں پر مہینے میں ایک بار اسپرے کرواتے ہیں۔
My mother loves roses and lilies and she looks after the flowerbeds herself from time to time.میری ماں کو گلاب اور کنول پسند ہیں اور وہ وقتاً فوقتاً پھولوں کے بستروں کی دیکھ بھال کرتی ہیں۔
I take extra care to keep the lawn tidy enough by using a lawn mower.میں لان کاٹنے کی مشین کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے لان کو صاف ستھرا رکھنے کا زیادہ خیال رکھتا ہوں۔
There is a small bench in my garden, which I usually use for relaxing.میرے باغ میں ایک چھوٹا سا بینچ ہے، جسے میں عام طور پر آرام کرنے کے لیے استعمال کرتا ہوں۔
“A man’s home is his castle.” (proverb)“آدمی کا گھر اس کا محل ہوتا ہے۔” ( کہاوت )
The front yard is also great.سامنے کا صحن بھی بہت اچھا ہے۔
I usually skate and play with brother my in the front yard.میں عام طور پر سامنے کے صحن میں اپنے بھائی کے ساتھ اسکیٹنگ اور کھیلتا ہوں۔
Everything is right in its place and perfect for my family.سب کچھ اپنی جگہ پر ٹھیک ہے اور میرے خاندان کے لیے بہترین ہے۔
I love everything about my house.مجھے اپنے گھر کی ہر چیز پسند ہے۔
My house is the place where I can be myself.میرا گھر وہ جگہ ہے جہاں میں خود رہ سکتا ہوں۔
Its atmosphere relaxes my thoughts.اس کا ماحول میرے خیالات کو سکون بخشتا ہے۔
Apart from this, my house is surrounded by wonderful neighbors.اس کے علاوہ میرا گھر شاندار پڑوسیوں سے گھرا ہوا ہے۔
We know our neighbors for a long time.ہم اپنے پڑوسیوں کو ایک عرصے سے جانتے ہیں۔
They often come to meet us.وہ اکثر ہم سے ملنے آتے ہیں۔
They are very gracious people.وہ بہت مہربان لوگ ہیں۔
Our house is located in a suitable area, which makes it quite a great advantage.ہمارا گھر ایک مناسب جگہ پر واقع ہے، جس کی وجہ سے یہ کافی فائدہ مند ہے۔
Whenever I look at my house, I feel warmth, love, and satisfaction.میں جب بھی اپنے گھر کو دیکھتا ہوں، مجھے گرمجوشی، محبت اور اطمینان محسوس ہوتا ہے۔
It gives me the type of comfort I can never feel anywhere else.اس سے مجھے وہ سکون ملتا ہے جو میں کہیں اور محسوس نہیں کر سکتا۔
Even the thought of living away from my house makes me shiver.گھر سے دور رہنے کا سوچ کر بھی کانپ اٹھتا ہے۔
It is more like a dream house.یہ زیادہ خوابوں کے گھر کی طرح ہے۔
It is the type of house, which everyone wants and I am very thankful to Allah Almighty for providing me with such a nice shelter.یہ گھر کی قسم ہے، جسے ہر کوئی چاہتا ہے اور میں اللہ تعالی کا بہت شکر گزار ہوں کہ اس نے مجھے اتنی اچھی پناہ گاہ فراہم کی۔
To me my house is out of this world it gives me the necessary shelter from the world.میرے لیے میرا گھر اس دنیا سے باہر ہے یہ مجھے دنیا سے ضروری پناہ دیتا ہے۔
‘‘There is nothing half as pleasant as coming home again.’’ (Quotation)’’دوبارہ گھر آنے سے آدھی خوشگوار کوئی چیز نہیں ہے۔‘‘ (اقتباس)
I would never want to replace it with anything bigger or better because I think that it is the best house and I can never ask for anything else.میں اسے کبھی بھی بڑی یا بہتر چیز سے بدلنا نہیں چاہوں گا کیونکہ مجھے لگتا ہے کہ یہ بہترین گھر ہے اور میں اس کے علاوہ کبھی بھی کچھ نہیں مانگ سکتا۔

“Every house where love abides,

And friendship is a guest,

Is surely home and home sweet home?

  For there the heart can rest.”

“ہر گھر جہاں محبت رہتی ہے،

اور دوستی تو مہمان ہے

کیا یقیناً گھر اور گھر پیارا گھر ہے؟

کیونکہ وہاں دل کو سکون ملتا ہے۔”

Essay My House in English for Class 10

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Essay on My House in English: Check 300, 500 & 800 Words Essay

Home is where the heart is, and within the sanctuary of our homes lies a special place that holds memories, shelter, and comfort – my house. From the architectural style to the interior design, every aspect of the house speaks volumes about who we are and what we value. But beyond its physical attributes, the house holds a deeper significance in our lives. It’s where we create cherished memories, celebrate milestones, and forge bonds with loved ones. A house is more than just a place to live; it’s a symbol of stability, love, and the countless moments that make life worth living.

In this article, we’ll explore writing an essay on my house, exploring its significance, structure, and the role it plays in shaping our lives.

Table of Content

Important Terms for House

10 lines on my house, 500 word essay on my house, 800 word essay on my house.

Here are some terms that can help you write an essay on my house:

  • House: A building or structure where people live, providing shelter and accommodation.
  • Home: Not just a physical structure, but also a place of belonging, comfort, and emotional attachment.
  • Architecture: The art and science of designing and constructing buildings.
  • Interior Design: The arrangement and decoration of the interior spaces of a house to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.
  • Floor Plan: A diagram showing the layout of rooms and spaces within a house, including dimensions and furniture placement.

Here are 10 lines that can help you write an essay on My House:

1. My house is a cozy place where I feel safe and happy.

2. It has a welcoming door and colorful flowers in the garden.

3. Inside, there’s a living room where my family plays games and watches TV together.

4. The kitchen smells delicious with Mom’s cooking, and I love helping her sometimes.

5. Upstairs, my bedroom is my favorite spot, filled with my toys and books.

6. From my window, I can see the trees and birds chirping in the morning.

7. Outside, there’s a swing where I love to play with my friends.

8. Sometimes, we have a barbecue in the backyard, and it’s so much fun!

9. My house is where I make lots of happy memories with my family.

10. I’m grateful for my house because it’s where I feel loved and cozy every day.

My small house may be tiny in size, but it is bursting with charm and coziness that make it a special place for me. Situated in a quiet corner of the neighborhood, my cute little house stands out with its colorful exterior and welcoming front porch that beckons visitors with its friendly vibe.

As I step through the front door, I am greeted by a snug living room that feels like a warm hug. The space may be small, but it is filled with love and laughter, making it the heart of our home. A comfy sofa sits against the wall, inviting me to sink into its soft cushions and relax after a long day at school. The kitchen, though compact, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are cooked with care and shared with family. Every inch of space is cleverly utilized, from the neatly organized cabinets to the cozy dining nook where we gather for meals and conversations. The aroma of freshly baked cookies or simmering soup fills the air, creating a sense of comfort and warmth. Upstairs, my bedroom is a cozy retreat that reflects my personality and interests. The limited space has been transformed into a magical haven where I can dream, play, and unwind. A colorful bedspread adorns my bed, while shelves filled with books and toys add a touch of whimsy to the room.

One of the most delightful features of my small house is its backyard, a tiny oasis of greenery and tranquility where nature’s wonders unfold. A small garden patch blooms with vibrant flowers and fragrant herbs, attracting butterflies and bees that flit about in the sunshine. A swing set beneath a shady tree offers hours of fun and laughter as I soar through the air with glee. Despite its size, my small house is filled with big memories and moments that make it truly special. From family movie nights in the living room to impromptu picnics in the backyard, every corner of my house is alive with joy, love, and togetherness.

In conclusion, my small house may be petite in size, but it is grand in charm, coziness, and character that make it a cherished haven for me. Its compact layout encourages creativity and imagination in design, while its warm ambiance fosters a sense of comfort and belonging. My cute little house may be small on the outside, but it is mighty in love, laughter, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home.

My house in Delhi is not a grand mansion, but a cozy middle-class home that holds a special place in my heart. Situated in a bustling neighborhood, it stands tall with four floors that offer ample space for my family and me to live, play, and create memories together. Despite its modest size, our house is filled with love, laughter, and warmth that make it a cherished haven for us.

As I walk through the front door of our house, I am greeted by a cozy living room on the ground floor that serves as the heart of our home. The walls are adorned with family photos and colorful artwork, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. A comfortable sofa and a small coffee table sit in the center of the room, inviting us to relax and unwind after a long day at school or work.

The kitchen, located on the first floor, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are prepared with love and care. The aroma of spices and cooking fills the air as we gather around the dining table to share stories and laughter. Despite its compact size, the kitchen is well-equipped with all the essentials needed to whip up our favorite dishes and treats.

Each floor of our house has its own unique charm and purpose. The second floor houses our bedrooms – cozy retreats where we rest and recharge after a busy day. My room is filled with my favorite toys, books, and posters that reflect my interests and personality. From my bed by the window, I can watch the world go by and daydream about adventures yet to come.

The third floor is a versatile space that serves as a family room where we come together to watch movies, play games, or simply spend quality time with each other. The walls are lined with shelves filled with board games, books, and family photos that tell the story of our lives. It is a space where memories are made and bonds are strengthened through shared experiences and laughter.

The fourth floor leads to our rooftop terrace – a hidden gem that offers panoramic views of the city skyline. From here, we can watch the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, listen to the sounds of the city below, or simply bask in the warmth of the sun on lazy afternoons. It is a peaceful retreat where we can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and enjoy moments of tranquility together.

In conclusion, my house in Delhi may not be extravagant or luxurious, but it is filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments that make it truly special. Its four floors offer ample space for us to live, play, and grow together as a family. From cozy bedrooms to bustling kitchens, from family rooms to rooftop terraces, every corner of our house holds memories and experiences that shape who we are and bring us closer together. Our middle-class home may not be grand in size or stature, but it is rich in love, warmth, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home for me and my family.

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My House Essay- FAQs

What is a house.

A house is a structure designed for human habitation, providing shelter, comfort, and privacy. It typically consists of rooms for living, sleeping, cooking, and other activities.

What are the different types of houses?

There are various types of houses, including single-family homes, apartments, townhouses, condominiums, and mobile homes. Each type has its own layout, size, and ownership structure.

What factors influence the design of a house?

The design of a house is influenced by factors such as location, climate, cultural preferences, budget, and the needs of the occupants. These factors determine aspects like architectural style, materials used, and layout.

How does a house contribute to our well-being?

A well-designed house can contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It provides a safe and comfortable environment for rest, relaxation, and social interaction, promoting overall quality of life.

What are some common household maintenance tasks?

Common household maintenance tasks include cleaning, repairs, landscaping, and regular inspections of systems such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. These tasks help ensure the safety, functionality, and longevity of the house.

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Matric English 10th Essay My House with Quotations

Matric English 10th Essay My House with Quotations TCA Notes

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“Home, home, sweet home, There is no place like home.”

My home is situated in the middle of the village. There are six members in our family. They are my father, mother, grand-father, grand-mother, my sister and I. I am the second and the youngest child of my parents. So, being the youngest member, I enjoy love and affection of all. My father is an advocate. My mother is a teacher. She works in the Primary School in our village. My sister is a student. She reads in Women’s College. My grand-mother and grand-father love my parents. I am their favorite grandson.

We live in a thatched house. The house indicates the simplicity of our family. It has mud walls. There are four rooms excluding the drawing room and the kitchen.

My parents share the room adjoining the kitchen. My grand-mother and grand-father share the room near the drawing room. Another room is used as the store room. There is a spacious courtyard. We have also a cowshed with two cows and a little calf.

I respect my parents and old grand-parents. I always obey their commands. My mother and grand-mother do not like to part with me for a moment. When I go to school, my grand-mother accompanies me up to the school. She waits for me at the school gate during the last period.

My mother cooks food for us. As she is a teacher, she prepares food in the morning and preserves it properly for lunch. My sister who stays in the college hostel often comes and helps my mother in her work. I sometimes play interesting jokes with my grand-father and grand-mother.

I am very fond of our garden. I water the flower plants at my leisure. When my grand-father goes to the cowshed, I go with him. I often kiss the little calf. When someone of my home falls ill, I take proper care.

My uncle comes to our family every month. He brings sweets for me. Sometimes the friends of my father come and take dinner here. My father is a good host. On my birthday my mother invites other teachers of her school. They all come and share the joy with us. All the villagers respect my home. They say that ours is an ideal home.

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My House Essay Quotations: Heartfelt Reflections on Home

Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling great. Today, I want to share a PDF of a collection of some beautiful quotes that capture the essence of home and house titled “My House Essay Quotations”. Moreover, the House is more from a physical space. It’s a haven of love, dreams, and comfort. The house is the place where memories are made, where we find peace, and where we feel the most ourselves. Let’s dive into it and explore the importance of the House in our lives.

These quotes are about home and house reminding us of the emotional and sentimental value of our living spaces. They highlight how homes are built not just with materials, but they are made up with the intangible elements of love, hope, and dreams.

My House Essay Quotations PDF:

The PDF includes:

  • 15 amazing and filled with love, quotations about the essence of the House.

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To download the PDF about the joyful quote collection on the essence of the house, click on the “Download” button we provided you above.


In conclusion, These quotes beautifully encapsulate which thing makes a house a home. The quotes remind us that the essence of home lies in the love, comfort, and dreams that flourish within its walls. Whether it’s the warmth of family, the security it provides, or the memories it holds, home is truly where the heart resides.

Thanks for reading and joining us on our journey with these beautiful quotations. I hope you enjoyed our article and PDF and explored a lot of information about the essence of a home, and which things make a house a home. So, don’t forget to share it with your friends, family members, classmates, and everyone who wants to create some unforgettable memories with their houses.

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We have a wide variety of inspiring collections of Quotations, Essays, and Stories on various topics. Please, Be sure to check out other PDFs for more reflections and excitement .

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Let these quotations fill your heart with appreciation for the simple, yet profound joy of home.

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Essay on My House

Students are often asked to write an essay on My House in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My House


My house is my comfort place, a sanctuary that provides me warmth and security. It is a medium-sized bungalow located in the heart of the city.

Inside, there are four rooms, a kitchen, and a living room. My room is my favorite, decorated with posters and my artworks.

My house, though not a palace, is a place I call home. It is where I grow, learn, and create memories.

250 Words Essay on My House

Architectural design.

The architectural design of my house is a blend of modern and traditional aesthetics. The exterior is adorned with a stone facade, while the interior is marked by sleek, minimalist design elements. The house is designed to maximize natural light, with large windows that invite the sun’s rays, enhancing the overall ambiance.

Interior Spaces

The interior spaces of my house are thoughtfully designed, each room serving a unique purpose. The living room, with its comfortable couches and warm fireplace, is a hub for family interactions. The kitchen, a symphony of contemporary appliances and traditional utensils, is where culinary experiments take place. My room, a personal sanctuary, is a reflection of my personality, adorned with books, artwork, and mementos.

Sustainable Features

Sustainability is a key feature of my house. We have solar panels on the roof, rainwater harvesting systems, and a small vegetable garden in the backyard. These elements not only reduce our carbon footprint but also foster a deeper connection with nature.

In essence, my house is more than a physical dwelling; it’s a space that nurtures growth, fosters love, and encapsulates the essence of ‘home’. It’s a testament to our values and aspirations, a constant reminder of our roots and the journey we’ve embarked upon as a family.

500 Words Essay on My House

A house is more than just a physical structure, it is a sanctuary, a reflection of one’s personality, and a testament to one’s journey. My house, nestled in a quaint neighborhood, is a symbol of my family’s love, unity, and memories. This essay aims to delve into the intricacies of my house, exploring its architectural beauty, the emotional resonance it holds, and its role as a space for intellectual growth.

Architectural Aesthetics

Emotional resonance.

My house is a repository of memories and emotions. Each corner tells a story, each wall echoes laughter, and each piece of furniture carries a tale of time spent with loved ones. The dining table, for instance, is not just a piece of furniture, but a symbol of family togetherness. It has witnessed countless family dinners, heated discussions, and joyful celebrations. The cozy reading nook in the corner of my room is my personal sanctuary, a space where I retreat to immerse myself in the world of books. The emotional resonance of my house extends beyond its walls, shaping my identity and sense of belonging.

Space for Intellectual Growth

My house also serves as a space for intellectual growth. The study room, equipped with a vast collection of books and a peaceful ambiance, encourages learning and creativity. It is here that I have spent countless hours engrossed in books or brainstorming for college projects. The walls of the house are adorned with artworks and photographs, stimulating intellectual curiosity and fostering an appreciation for art. The living room often transforms into a space for intellectual discussions, where ideas are exchanged and perspectives are broadened.

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My House Essay in English For 10 Class

House is undoubtedly a necessity of life for shelter and security which is why here we are going to discuss today My House Essay in English For 10 Class. In order to live a comfortable life, a house is very necessary. Nothing in this world is living without a house. Allah doesn’t make any living thing in this world without a house. We may extract an example from animals and birds. Birds and animals are also living in houses in the form of holes and nests. Therefore, the house is mentioned at the top of the list of necessities of life. I have also a very beautiful house which is situated on the bank of the canal. It shows splendid and outstanding views due to the canal. There are so many lush green trees present near my house which adds some extra charm to its beauty.

My house is situated near one of the ideal places such as near the bank of the canal. My house is spread over an area of 700 yards. There are a total of 5 rooms in my house excluding the kitchen and bathroom. Two bathrooms and one kitchen are also available. There is also one storeroom. All rooms are fully furnished with the latest essential goods. Every room has a large airy window. Doors and windows are made up of aluminum metal.

My House Essay in English For 10 Class

There is also a huge garden in my house. So many types of flowers blooming in this garden. The attractive fragrance of these flowers gives a fresh feel in the morning. The lush green grass of this garden gives an awesome charming look to our house. The walls of my house are painted with a unique off-white color. A big yard is also situated inside my house for parking cars.

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There is also a huge tree of guava present in my house. It is 7 feet high and also gives fresh guava in the season of guava. I daily water my house’s garden and grass with fresh water. I am very proud to be a member of this house and family. The beautiful structure of your house ultimately increases the quality of your life and gives you a sense of standard living. There are a total of six members in my family and happily live in my house.

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Undoubtedly I am very blessed that Allah had given me such a beautiful house. I never want to leave this beautiful house ever. My grandfather laid the foundation of this house so many years ago. Finally, I love my house very much and want to live in it happily. I pray to Allah that He blessed everyone with this type of beautiful house full of necessities. That is all from our side about today’s topic My House Essay in English For 10 Class with quotations you can also add some if you want by commenting on this page.

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Essay on My House | 500+ Words

My house is not just a building; it is a place filled with warmth, love, and cherished memories. It is the heart of my family, where we share laughter, support each other, and create a sense of belonging. In this essay, I will argue for the importance of my house and the unique role it plays in my life. By exploring its significance, the memories it holds, and the sense of security it provides, I hope to convey why my house is more than just bricks and mortar; it is a sanctuary of comfort and love.

The Significance of Home

A home, in essence, extends beyond its physical structure; rather, it’s a sanctuary where we find safety and love. Moreover, it not only shields us from the elements but also nurtures a profound sense of security. Furthermore, possessing a stable home is of utmost importance for our overall well-being, as it furnishes a solid foundation for our lives. As indicated by statistics, children raised in stable homes typically excel academically and experience enhanced emotional well-being.

The Memories Held Within

My house is enriched with countless memories that have contributed to shaping who I am today. To illustrate, it’s where I celebrated birthdays, shared heartwarming family dinners, and shared hearty laughter with loved ones. Furthermore, each room holds a unique story, ranging from the living room, which is the venue for our cherished movie nights, to the kitchen, where we bond while baking cookies together. Consequently, these memories can be likened to treasures that infuse my house with an enduring sense of comfort and joy.”

A Sense of Belonging

My house offers me a profound sense of belonging. When I return after a long day at school, I’m reassured that I am loved and welcomed. Moreover, my family’s presence and the familiar surroundings instill in me a profound sense of belonging in this world. In fact, experts concur that a sense of belonging is crucial for our emotional well-being and self-esteem.”

My House as a Safe Haven

My house is a sanctuary where I can be myself without fear of judgment. Furthermore, it’s a place where I can express my thoughts and feelings, knowing that I will be heard and understood. Consequently, the safety and comfort my house provides allow me to grow and develop into the person I want to be. Importantly, research shows that a safe and supportive home environment is crucial for children’s healthy development.

Learning and Growing

My house is not just a place to relax; it’s also a place of learning and growth. It’s where I do my homework, read books, and explore new hobbies. My family encourages me to learn and pursue my passions, which experts say is crucial for personal development and success.

Family Bonds

My house is the glue that holds my family together. It’s where we come together to share our joys and sorrows, to celebrate achievements, and to support each other during tough times. The strong bonds we have formed within these walls are the foundation of our love and unity. Research has shown that strong family bonds contribute to better mental and emotional well-being.

Conclusion of Essay on My House

In conclusion, my house is not just a physical structure; it is the place where I feel safe, loved, and connected. It holds precious memories, provides a sense of belonging, and serves as a safe haven for me to grow and learn.We cannot overstate the importance of a stable and supportive home, as it crucially shapes who we are and how we navigate the world. My house is not just a building; it is my sanctuary of comfort and love, and I am grateful for the warmth it brings to my life.

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Essay on My House for Students and Children in 1000+ Words

Here you will read an Essay on My House for Students and Children in 1000+ Words. This essay gives you a good idea on writing an essay on your house. Also, we have included 10 short lines on my house.

Table of Contents

Essay on My House (1000+ Words)

Many people tend to understand that providing a comfortable place of refuge is a privilege for thousands of people in poverty.

Homes are areas that have a space for resting, dining, and maintaining personal hygiene peacefully. Consequently, these simple requirements for protection become impossible for those who are homeless or expected to live in cramped shelters for individuals like them.

An Underrated Blessing

Getting a house is an understatement of joy. If you haven’t noticed that yet, you should go and ask someone who doesn’t have a home.

I live at my ancestral home of my grandmother, my parents, or my siblings. I thank them for their hard work , including my grandparents, who designed this home. It has four beds, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a patio. My building is nearly fifty years old.

I just like the balcony in my house – it’s next to the kitchen, and overflowing with several species of plants, most of which also have lovely flowers. The balcony is a great place to stand and watch the sun dip far below the sea within the tall buildings.

Houses for everyone

Most residents travel in small houses, houseboats, tents, and campers. Mobility is beneficial for those who do not want to live in a particular location and want a cheaper way to move and work.

However, through considerable media attention and efforts to support the homeless, such people and families continue to rise in percentages.

10 Lines on My House

But none of these aspects dictates what makes the house the home–a house is one in which the entity is at ease, in which they can spend their time with the ones they truly live for.

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  • My House Essay



There are different types of people living in the world. Some are lucky enough to acquire all the amenities while some are not. Specifically, almost 80% of the population live below the poverty line in India. Only a fortunate few can own a piece of land where they can build a house or buy a flat. As far as myself is concerned, I am blessed enough to be surrounded by four walls and a roof. It is a small but beautiful house that we call home. It is the fruit of my parent’s hard work and sacrifice.

House: A Blessing

In this world of uncertainty, having a house is obviously a blessing. This can only be understood when the people who do not have it are asked about it. This is the only way of realising the blessing of owning a house. A house is not always defined as luxurious if it is filled with all the latest amenities. Only a roof over the head can complete a house if there is happiness filled in it. 

But then again, only four walls and a roof always cannot complete a house. It is successfully completed when you are surrounded by your loved ones. The importance and significance of a house must be realised before it is too late. I realised it later. I had started to understand the importance of my house after an incident.

I have grown up with my parents and grandparents and a maid. The maid was from a distant place and she has been staying with us from my childhood days. One thing I noticed was that she did not want to go home. She worked for our house tirelessly. Even when my mother asked her to visit her home she denied every time. This particular thing astonished me. After that, I came to know that she did not have a proper house to live in. She wanted to spend all the time at our house because she was able to access all basic needs like electricity and water. This particular thing made me realise that no house is taken for granted. I am truly blessed to have a house. 

I live in a house made by my parents, with my parents and grandparents. My parents built this house for us with a lot of hard work. It has three rooms, one balcony, one kitchen, two bathrooms, and a terrace. The house is open towards the south and very airy. The balcony is large enough where we can spend a lot of time enjoying the beauty of nature. The house is well-equipped with all the basic amenities. The speciality of our house is obviously the balcony. The location of the house is also very good as it is easily accessible from all parts of the city. 

My house is also a destination for my friends and relatives. Everyone likes the interior decoration and the set-up of our house. The perfect blend of modern facilities and vintage architecture makes our house so special. 

Essay - My House

My mother always said, “The best things in life are free”. I believe that the only thing that really makes a house is the family that lives there. In this essay, I am going to show you why my family means so much to me more than any other thing and why this is the house that I want to live my whole life in.

My father is a carpenter and has worked hard to provide us with the best house, life, and education that we could have asked for. The house my family lives in, is a beautiful three story, ranch style home with a big yard and the perfect views of the surrounding city skyline. The house has one of the largest living areas my family could ever ask for. The house has been built with great workmanship and every room has been planned with the family in mind. 

My father used every cent of the money that he earned building this house to provide us the best life. The house has been remodelled many times over the years, as my parents had different ideas on how they wanted it to look. Some of the updates include new flooring, ceilings, and appliances. My mom spends most of her time cleaning the house, doing laundry, and cooking dinner, even though she has been a homemaker all her life. I was lucky enough to be able to spend every summer as a kid helping my father fix the house up. 

During the school year, I helped him keep the house clean and I got to spend most of my free time doing what I really love, watching action and comedy movies. I was always impressed with how much work my father had to do to build this house and how proud he was when he finally finished. For the past 12 years, I wanted to be a professional basketball player, and have a lot of fun in the process of being a professional basketball player.

I am a very competitive person and I always wanted to beat my opponents to prove how good I am. During my college years, I would go to practice twice a week and play every single game. My teammates always supported me, and my father always encouraged me to do the best I can. When I had to make a decision of which college I wanted to go to, I chose Duke University because I thought that it would be a better opportunity for me to succeed.

The school is where I got my first opportunity to show the world that I am a professional basketball player. My team, Duke Blue Devils Basketball, had a very successful year as they won the ACC Championship. I made the decision to leave my school, North Carolina because I wanted to live in the city and I have more experience playing in front of a home crowd. I did not play as much as I wanted to, because I was hurt during the first season and had to rest my ankle. My dream was to play in the NBA, and I had the opportunity to get drafted when I was drafted number 14 by the Utah Jazz. I have loved my time at Duke and I am thankful to the coaches and teammates I have had. I am going to leave Duke Basketball with more than my high school teammates because of the opportunities I have had during the years I was there.

The house I live in now is my fourth home. It's my "dream house." It's big, and there's room for everything: books and furniture, clothes, pictures, toys, whatever. It's the perfect house for a three-year-old boy. It's even pretty. My sister bought it when she moved in, and we've added lots of stuff since then. It's a good place to live and it's warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and light-filled in the daytime.

But my house is not a house for me. I'm the oldest of four siblings and I'm usually the last one in my family to find a place. The others have homes already and they're busy taking care of their families. I'm not that busy. I don't have children and I don't really have much in my life. Most of the time I just stay home and read or watch television. And I like it like that.

In addition to reading and watching television, I also like to play games. I play a lot of the video games my sister has bought for me, but I also have many other toys and games of my own. My sister's house is a little crowded with the things I use, but I have room for it in my house. My house has a closet full of shoes and clothes and all the toys my brother has brought home since he was a baby. But my house is not a home.

It's too big and too expensive. A one-bedroom apartment in my neighbourhood is much smaller and much cheaper than my house. Plus, I have a little room in my own closet. I can't take everything with me when I move, just like I can't take all the things in my house with me. I have to decide what stays with me and what goes in my basement. I try to make a list of the things I want to take, but sometimes it's too difficult to decide which things are more important. I'm not sure where my house came from.

My mom bought it, but she's not always been around. We live in a three-story house, and it's hard to find anyone to live in our basement. We can't even make any money renting it out, because people don't even want to visit. I've called my dad once in the last few months, and he said he had no idea where we were, but I know the truth. He's not really my dad.

I wonder if my house was always this way and if my mom would still be my mom if I stayed. She was more, my mom, before I was born, and after I came into her life, my dad started to get more important to her. When she met my dad, she got pregnant again, but my mom and I never got to see him. So my mom went back to her old life, and I thought she would never get to know me. I always wondered if I would have had a different life if I had stayed. I know I'd have wanted a better life for my mom, and I would've wanted a better life for myself, but I had to go and make my dad happy.

I know the decision I have to make was hard for my mom, but my dad's the one who didn't want me, and it's not like he's changed his mind. He still doesn't want me around. I just wish my mom had tried harder, but she did the best she could. It was hard for her to keep trying after he told her no more times.


My house is my temple and my cosy corner at the same time. At the end of a tiring day it is the refuge of our house that we seek so fervently. It is certainly painful to think of people spending days and nights under the open sky but at the same time it fills me with the determination that I must grow up to be successful in eliminating their distress.


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Essay on My House for Students in English – Simple Words

January 3, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on My House: My beautiful house is a paradise for my entire family. We have three bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, living room, dining hall and a prayer hall. Our house is beautifully planned with the latest marble flooring and exquisite decorative walls. The architecture of the house looks serene and splendid with eco-friendly patterns. We have allowed provisions for rainwater harvesting and groundwater collection to aid water conservation.

Essay on My House 200 Words in English

Below we have provided My House Essay in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

People live in many different kinds of houses. As for me, I usually live in an apartment on the top floor of a building in the middle of the city. As I live in the heart of my city, it is often bustling with crowds of busy people trying to get to work, get back home, or spend some time with their friends and family. Since I live on the top floor, I am lucky enough not to be disturbed by street sounds like honking, traffic, and roaring motorcycles.

My apartment has three bedrooms – one for me and my brother, another for guests, and a third for my parents. It also has a single kitchen, a living room, multiple bathrooms, a balcony, and a long hallway connecting all these rooms. As someone who has shifted houses multiple times in several years, it can be difficult to develop a strong attachment to a house. Nevertheless, my favourite aspects of the apartment would definitely be the large windows in my room.

Two of the four walls of my room mainly consist of windows, which allows plenty of sunlight to enter and gives me a gorgeous view of the sunset in the evening. I also love the balcony in my home- it’s attached to the kitchen and is filled with many different kinds of plants, some of which even have beautiful flowers. The balcony is also an excellent viewing spot to stand and stare at the sun dip below a sea of tall buildings.

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Just How Demure Are You?

A TikTok trend has breathed new life into a fusty word.

A still from a TikTok video shows Jools Lebron, wearing dramatic false eyelashes, rosy blush and a flowing golden wig, addressing a camera as she sits in the driver’s seat of a car. The onscreen text reads: “How to be demure and modest and respectful at the workplace.”

By The Styles Desk

If you opened TikTok this week and felt that suddenly everyone was using the word “demure” out of nowhere, you’re not alone.

Your morning coffee with just a little half-and-half? Demure. The way you sit down gracefully on the subway? Very demure. The way you floss your teeth after lunch in the office bathroom before returning to your cubicle? Absolutely, totally demure.

Seemingly overnight, an adjective usually reserved for a reserved woman has become the semi-ironic word du jour on social media.

On Aug. 2, a TikTok creator who goes by the name Jools Lebron posted a video with tips about managing makeup and mustache sweat and being demure.

Later that day, she posted another video , which has been viewed four million times, offering tips on how to be demure at work. “Very demure, very mindful," she says, explaining her perfume, clothing and hairstyle choices for the workplace. Ms. Lebron has since posted dozens more such videos discussing how to be demure in all sorts of situations, like nail salons, hotels and drag shows.

Ms. Lebron, who did not respond to requests for comment, is one of several trans creators on TikTok whose playful use of “demure” in recent videos has helped the word catch on with other users.

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