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Comparison of performance rot13 and caesar cipher method for registration database of vessels berthed at p.t. samudera indonesia.

Database security is a very important aspect of an information system. A general information is onlyintended for certain groups. Therefore, it is very important for a company to prevent database leakage sothat the information contained in it does not fall to unauthorized people. Cryptographic technique is an alternative solution that can be used in database security. One way to maintain the security of the database is to use encryption techniques. The method used to secure the database is encryption using the ROTI3 and Caesar Cipher methods. Both of these methods have advantages in processing speed. For thisreason, the author will compare the use of the two algorithms above in terms of the encryption and decryption process time

A Novel Framework for Efficient Multiple Signature on Certificate with Database Security

Abstract PKI gives undeniable degree of safety by transferring the key pair framework among the clients. By constructing, a PKI we combine digital identities with the digital signatures, which give an end-to-end trust model. Basically, PKI is an attempt, which can simulate the real-world human analyzation of identity and reliability in a computerized fashion. In any case, the existing applications are centered on a tight trust model which makes them inadequate as an overall device for trust examination. After years of research, development and deployment, PKI still facing strong technical and organizational challenges such as attacks against Certificate Authorities (CA). CAs are the primitive component of PKIs which plays powerful role in the PKI model. CA must be diligent, creditable and legitimate. In any case, a technocrat who picks up control on a CA can use CA's certificate to issue bogus certificate and impersonate any site, such as - DigiNotar, GobalSign, Comodo and DigiCert Malaysia. In this paper we proposed an approach to reduce the damage of compromised CA/CA’s key by imposing Multiple Signatures (MS) after verifying/authenticating user’s information. One single compromised CA is not able to issue a certificate to any domain as multiple signatures are required. Private key and other perceptive information are stored in the form of object/blob. Without knowing the structure of class no one can access the object and object output stream. Proposed MS achieve better performance over existing MS schemes and control fraudulent certificate issuance with more database security. The proposed scheme also avoids MITM attack against CA who is issuing certificate to whom which is using the following parameters such as identity of Sender, Receiver, Timestamp and Aadhar number.

A guiding framework for enhancing database security in state-owned universities in Zimbabwe

Technique for evaluating the security of relational databases based on the enhanced clements–hoffman model.

Obtaining convincing evidence of database security, as the basic corporate resource, is extremely important. However, in order to verify the conclusions about the degree of security, it must be measured. To solve this challenge, the authors of the paper enhanced the Clements–Hoffman model, determined the integral security metric and, on this basis, developed a technique for evaluating the security of relational databases. The essence of improving the Clements–Hoffmann model is to expand it by including a set of object vulnerabilities. Vulnerability is considered as a separate objectively existing category. This makes it possible to evaluate both the likelihood of an unwanted incident and the database security as a whole more adequately. The technique for evaluating the main components of the security barriers and the database security as a whole, proposed by the authors, is based on the theory of fuzzy sets and risk. As an integral metric of database security, the reciprocal of the total residual risk is used, the constituent components of which are presented in the form of certain linguistic variables. In accordance with the developed technique, the authors presented the results of a quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of the protection of databases built on the basis of the schema with the universal basis of relations and designed in accordance with the traditional technology of relational databases.

Hybrid Security Approach for Database Security using Diffusion based cryptography and Diffie-Hellman key exchange Algorithm

Application of network database security technology based on big data technology, database security in a dynamic it world.

Databases are vulnerable. Public statements by Target, Home Depot, and Anthem following their extremely advertised data breaches are each uniform and succinct on how their breaches unfolded: unauthorized access to those systems that ultimately led to the extraction of sensitive information. A comprehensive strategy to secure a database is over data security. Usually, security events will be related to the later action: illegitimate access to data confidentiality damage, injury to the integrity of knowledge, loss of data accessibility (Discover). Loss of privacy of data, creating them accessible to others without a right of access is not visible within the database and does not need changes deductible database. This paper addresses these events to confirm database security.

A Review of Database Security Concepts, Risks, and Problems

Currently, data production is as quick as possible; however, databases are collections of well-organized data that can be accessed, maintained, and updated quickly. Database systems are critical to your company because they convey data about sales transactions, product inventories, customer profiles, and marketing activities. To accomplish data manipulation and maintenance activities the Database Management System considered. Databases differ because their conclusions based on countless rules about what an invulnerable database constitutes. As a result, database protection seekers encounter difficulties in terms of a fantastic figure selection to maintain their database security. The main goal of this study is to identify the risk and how we can secure databases, encrypt sensitive data, modify system databases, and update database systems, as well as to evaluate some of the methods to handle these problems in security databases. However, because information plays such an important role in any organization, understanding the security risk and preventing it from occurring in any database system require a high level of knowledge. As a result, through this paper, all necessary information for any organization has been explained; in addition, also a new technological tool that plays an essential role in database security was discussed.

Database protection model based on security system with full overlap

Security is one of the most important characteristics of the quality of information systems in general and databases, as their main component, in particular. Therefore, the presence of an information protection system, as a complex of software, technical, cryptographic, organizational and other methods, means and measures that ensure the integrity, confidentiality, authenticity and availability of information in conditions of exposure to natural or artificial threats, is an integral feature of almost any modern information system and database. At the same time, in order to be able to verify the conclusions about the degree of security, it must be measured in some way. The paper considers a database security model based on a full overlap security model (a covered security system), which is traditionally considered the basis for a formal description of security systems. Thanks to expanding the Clements-Hoffman model by including a set of vulnerabilities (as a separately objectively existing category necessary to describe a weakness of an asset or control that can be exploited by one or more threats), which makes it possible to assess more adequately the likelihood of an unwanted incident (threat realization) in a two-factor model (in which one of the factors reflects the motivational component of the threat, and the second takes into account the existing vulnerabilities); a defined integral indicator of database security (as a value inverse to the total residual risk, the constituent components of which are represented in the form of the corresponding linguistic variables); the developed technique for assessing the main components of security barriers and the security of the database as a whole, based on the theory of fuzzy sets and risk, it becomes possible to use the developed model to conduct a quantitative assessment of the security of the analyzed database.

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latest research papers on database security

Scientific and practical cyber security journal | ISSN 2587-4667

Current trends in database security: a comprehensive review, references:.

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  • Published: 20 January 2024

Securing web applications against XSS and SQLi attacks using a novel deep learning approach

  • Jaydeep R. Tadhani 1 ,
  • Vipul Vekariya 2 ,
  • Vishal Sorathiya 2 ,
  • Samah Alshathri 3 &
  • Walid El-Shafai 4 , 5  

Scientific Reports volume  14 , Article number:  1803 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Computer science
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Modern web application development involves handling enormous amounts of sensitive and consequential data. Security is, therefore, a crucial component of developing web applications. A web application's security is concerned with safeguarding the data it processes. The web application framework must have safeguards to stop and find application vulnerabilities. Among all web application attacks, SQL injection and XSS attacks are common, which may lead to severe damage to Web application data or web functionalities. Currently, there are many solutions provided by various study for SQLi and XSS attack detection, but most of the work shown have used either SQL/XSS payload-based detection or HTTP request-based detection. Few solutions available can detect SQLi and XSS attacks, but these methods provide very high false positive rates, and the accuracy of these models can further be improved. We proposed a novel approach for securing web applications from both cross-site scripting attacks and SQL injection attacks using decoding and standardization of SQL and XSS payloads and HTTP requests and trained our model using hybrid deep learning networks in this paper. The proposed hybrid DL model combines the strengths of CNNs in extracting features from input data and LSTMs in capturing temporal dependencies in sequential data. The soundness of our approach lies in the use of deep learning techniques that can identify subtle patterns in the data that traditional machine learning-based methods might miss. We have created a testbed dataset of Normal and SQLi/XSS HTTP requests and evaluated the performance of our model on this dataset. We have also trained and evaluated the proposed model on the Benchmark dataset HTTP CSIC 2010 and another SQL/XSS payload dataset. The experimental findings show that our proposed approach effectively identifies these attacks with high accuracy and a low percentage of false positives. Additionally, our model performed better than traditional machine learning-based methods. This soundness approach can be applied to various network security applications such as intrusion detection systems and web application firewalls. Using our model, we achieved an accuracy of 99.84%, 99.23% and 99.77% on the SQL-XSS Payload dataset, Testbed dataset and HTTP CSIC 2010 dataset, respectively.

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Modern web-based and cloud-based applications have become the primary way individuals access digital services. However, they also present a significant security concern. Vulnerabilities in coding, weaknesses, and the leakage of sensitive data can all be exploited by cybercriminals. A report by McAfee in 2021 1 estimated the cost of cybercrime to be over $1400 billion in 2020. In another report by SonicWall, they showed ransomware attacks, Phishing attacks, File-less attacks and Encrypted malware attacks happened 91%, 76%, 39%, and 66%, respectively 2 . Therefore, security experts must create tools that detect and prevent such attacks. They also design new web-based structures that decrease the opportunity for web-based attacks 3 . Eavesdropping 4 and poisoning attack 5 are also very much severe which may cause confidential information leakage or inaccessible data.

The rapid development of internet usage led to a significant increase in web applications, which are crucial for companies to offer their services. These applications heavily rely on databases that store and transmit the requested data to the users. These databases are often targeted with attacks 6 , the most common being cross-site scripting (XSS) SQL injection 7 . SQLi attacks exploit database security vulnerabilities by injecting malicious code into database queries, granting access to data and allowing modification of it.

XSS attacks function similarly, but the malicious JavaScript code is inserted into web applications and websites, redirecting users to malicious websites. By analyzing massive amounts of data and finding patterns that may point to an attack, deep learning is a potent machine learning approach used to identify web application threats 8 . In intrusion detection systems 9 , deep learning is frequently used to detect web application threats (IDS). These systems use deep learning algorithms to Examine network traffic for odd patterns or abnormalities that might point to an attack. Another use case is in web application firewalls (WAF) 10 , which uses deep learning algorithms to analyze and classify web traffic to identify and block malicious requests. Deep learning techniques have also been applied to detect cross-site scripting attacks SQL injection by analyzing server logs and identifying patterns that may indicate an attack.

Various web application attacks

SQL injection: by inserting malicious SQL code into a web application, an attacker can access a database without authorization and potentially steal sensitive data 11 .

XSS Attack: in this attack, by injecting malicious code into a web page to be viewed by other users, this malicious code can then be executed by the browser, potentially stealing sensitive user information or performing other malicious actions 12 .

Cross-site request forgery: including changing a password or making a purchase, Inadvertent activities on a website might be carried out by a user due to this kind of attack 13 .

File inclusion vulnerabilities: two file inclusion vulnerabilities exist: local file inclusion (LFI) and remote file inclusion (RFI). Unlike RFI, which enables attackers to include and execute distant files, LFI only permits access to local files on the server 14 .

Distributed denial of service (DDoS): by overwhelming a website with traffic from numerous sources, this assault prevents legitimate people from accessing it 14 .

Unvalidated inputs: this vulnerability allows an attacker to input arbitrary data into a web application, potentially allowing them to bypass security controls or gain unauthorized access.

Malicious file execution: it allows an attacker to upload a malicious file to a website, which can then be executed by the server, potentially giving the attacker access to sensitive information.

Cookie poisoning: this attack occurs when an attacker modifies a cookie, potentially allowing them to gain unauthorized access to a website 15 .

Weak session IDs: in this vulnerability, the attacker can use various methods and techniques to predict or guess a user's session ID, potentially allowing them to take over that user's session 15 .

Clickjacking: this attack tricks a user into clicking on a link or button, which can perform an action they did not intend, such as making a purchase or transferring funds 15 .

Phishing: this attack uses social engineering techniques to trick users into providing personal information or login credentials 16 .

Insecure cryptographic storage: this type of vulnerability occurs when sensitive information is not encrypted correctly, potentially allowing an attacker to access it 17 .

Insufficient transport layer protection: this type of vulnerability occurs when data is transmitted over an insecure network, potentially allowing an attacker to intercept and view sensitive information 18 .

SQL injection

A type of cyberattack known as SQL Injection attacks web applications by inserting malicious database code into a website's input fields to obtain access to the back-end database. SQL Injection can be used for stealing sensitive data such as user IDs or passwords, personal information, and financial information. Different kinds of SQLi Attacks 7 , including:

Union-based SQL injection: in this technique, the UNION operator combines the output of multiple SQL statements to access sensitive data.

Boolean-based SQL injection: this method uses true or false statements to determine the database schema and gain access to sensitive data.

Time-based SQL injection: this kind of SQLi method delays the execution of SQL statements to extract information from the database.

Stacked queries SQL injection: this method uses multiple SQL statements separated by semicolons to extract data from the database.

Blind SQL injection: this method does not rely on error messages. Instead, it uses the time delay in the web page's response to extract sensitive information from a database.

Error-based SQL injection: this method is based on error messages generated by the database to extract information about the database structure and sensitive data.

To prevent SQL Injection attacks 7 , 11 , prepared statements, parameterized queries, and validated user input-like methods are used by developers. It is also necessary to secure the database by implementing proper authentication, access control, and encryption. The primary cause of SQLIAs and other security risks is developers' lack of prior consideration of structured security techniques and a flexible, workable policy framework for mitigating risks. Furthermore, when such methods are considered, attackers try to create new strategies that can get around the defenses created by developers; they start using various methods to carry out the SQLIA.

Challenges in SQLi attack detection

Effective input validation can be challenging because attackers can circumvent filters by encoding payloads, exploiting comments, and utilizing other obfuscation techniques. It might be challenging to create and maintain thorough input validation rules 19 .

Compared to regular SQL injection attacks, blind SQL injection attacks are more challenging to identify and counter. In a blind SQL injection attack, the attacker intends to damage web data.

Many web-based applications are constructed on outdated codebases that might not have been security-conscious when they were first created. Finding and resolving SQL injection vulnerabilities in these systems can be difficult and time-consuming.

A cross-site scripting attack 20 is a web application vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious code into a web page that other users can view. This attack can steal sensitive info like session IDs and cookies, redirect users onto malicious sites, or perform other malicious actions. There are several types of XSS attacks, as depicted in Fig.  1 below, which include:

Stored XSS: when the malicious code is kept on the server and run each time a user accesses the compromised web page, an attack of this type occurs.

Reflected XSS: in this attack, the attacker injects malicious code via a URL parameter reflected to the user.

DOM-based XSS: a web page's document object model (DOM) is the target of this attack, which involves injecting malicious script for the browser to run.

Blind XSS: this type of attack occurs when the attacker cannot see the results of the injected code, but the victim's browser still executes the injected code.

Persistent attacks of XSS: this assault interacts with web pages instead of the non-persistent attack, representing a result. This attack also employs an injection script that unavoidably impacts the server's databases in various ways, including comment areas, logs, forums, etc. The victim then requests the previously saved information, and probably contains an injected script.

Non-persistent attacks of XSS: the technique described is a reflective attack because when a user requests a service, the web server responds by reflecting its response. This service might be anything from mirrored messages to search results or any other kind of response that incorporates information sent to the server.

figure 1

Different types of cross-site scripting attacks.

Challenges in XSS attack detection

XSS assaults can be reflected, stored, or DOM-based, among other types. Multifaceted protection solutions are needed to defend against these attack vectors since various countermeasures may be needed for each type.

Understanding the context in which user inputs are used is essential to accurately identifying and combating cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This context can change even within the same application, making it challenging for an automated system to identify 21 .

Multiple origin material on a web page makes XSS assaults more likely to be complicated. Safeguarding security in these situations, particularly when utilizing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), necessitates meticulous configuration to thwart assaults while permitting lawful cross-origin queries.

As discussed, many different tactics are used in SQL injection and XSS attacks. We have reviewed various research or work done in this area. In 22 , the author proposed a solution for SQLi attack detection based on a Fragmented Query parse tree. Herman 21 proposed Vulnerability detection using KNN and the Naïve Bayes method, but the attack detection scenario was not considered in this proposed work. In other research like 23 , 24 , 25 authors have provided solutions for SQLi attack detection using fuzzy technique, LSTM and using generic decryption but these solutions not useful for XSS attack detection. In 26 , 27 authors have proposed various solution and models for SQLi attack detection, but these models or solution also does not address the problem of XSS attack. In work done 28 provided a technique for detection of code injection done via malicious code injection in HTTP request. In 29 , 30 , 31 researchers have proposed solutions for the detection of XSS attacks, but SQLi attack problems are not considered. So, these are the significant challenges, and there is a need to develop a detection approach that can detect XSS and SQLi attacks and provide high accuracy and low false positive rates. In contrast to the conventional utilization of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) models, our approach involves the development of customized feature extraction methodologies using decoding and standardization of SQL-XSS payload and tokenization and standardization of HTTP requests specifically geared to address the unique attributes associated with SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. The characteristics above encapsulate the distinct patterns and structures correlated with these hazards, rendering our methodology specialized and exceptionally efficient within this field.

In the following, the contribution of this research can be summarized:

Developed an approach for the detection of SQL as well as XSS attacks by decoding and standardizing SQL/XSS Payloads or tokenizing HTTP requests.

We have utilized the CNN and LSTM models in our proposed feature extraction and training approach.

For this research, we have created our testbed dataset of normal and malicious HTTP requests using the Burp Suite tool extension Burp Logger.

We have tested our proposed model with Benchmark dataset HTTP CSIC 2010, Sql/XSS Payloads and our testbed dataset and achieved the best accuracy and low false positive rates.

Our model can detect all types of SQL injection and XSS attacks.

The paper organized a Review of relevant studies described in “Review of relevant studies”. The details of the dataset used in the experimental analysis are described in “Dataset”. Our proposed system description is presented in “Proposed approach”. Evaluation study results and performance comparison are shown in “Evaluation metrics and analysis of result”. Conclusion and future scope of work given in “Conclusions”.

Review of relevant studies

Several methods can be used to identify SQL injection attacks, including regular expression matching and ML-based models like Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and Decision Tree. Regular expression matching is widely used among these methods due to its high accuracy rate and fast recognition speed. SQL injection attacks have been a consistent focus of network security research and are ranked as the top risk to network applications by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) 15 . Various methods have been proposed to detect SQL injection in recent years by examining the threats, attack types and modes of attack. Standardizing SQL query statements, which unifies query parameter values, SQL keywords, and symbols, has been utilized as a common preprocessing technique.

One downside of this method is that it cannot be applied directly to URLs. SQL injection statements in production environments are complex and varied, making it difficult to standardize them directly. Preprocessing data through the statistics of every word frequency based on a particular method of query sentence segmentation can result in a loss of sentence information and affect the performance of subsequent classification. Counting special characters, words, and statements is a more practical approach to selecting features. Combined with traditional machine learning methods such as Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Gradient Boosting and Support Vector Machine 22 , it can be used for classification and recognition. Other methods such as regular expression, user behavior and expectation criteria, Hidden Markov Model (HMM) 19 and database table expansion are also used for detecting SQL injection attacks, but all have limitations. Another method that has been used to detect SQL injection attacks is using a Convolutional Neural Network. CNN imitates the way that living things process visual information. It has been applied to computer vision and natural language processing and may be used for supervised and unsupervised learning. In this context, CNN has also been applied for detecting SQL injection attacks in web applications and database servers by analyzing massive web server and database logs and web HTTP requests. The results of this approach have shown to have high accuracy and effectiveness. One advantage of using CNN for SQL injection detection is that unlike image recognition, where a face can be recognized even if features are misaligned, SQL injection can happen anywhere via URL string or Malicious SQL request to the database server, avoiding the drawback of CNN being susceptible to misaligned features. Additionally, this method effectively retains data information through preprocessing methods and improved pooling layers.

Nofal et al. 23 proposed a Fuzzy C-Means and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System method for preventing and detecting SQL-based injection attacks. The authors used a testbed dataset and achieved an accuracy of 98.4%. Li Q et al. 24 used long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for detecting SQLi attacks on intelligent transportation systems. Their research showed an accuracy of 91.53% by using the generation of SQL sample methods and behavior analysis of communication. The method developed by Abaimov and Bianchi 28 uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) for XSS and SQLi attacks. The authors trained the CNN model on a dataset of XSS payloads, which was taken from GitHub. The study results showed that the proposed method had 95.7% accuracy for SQL injection detection and 90.2% for XSS detection. A novel generic decryption method for SQL queries proposed by Archana Devi et al. 25 uses a manual decryption method that achieves reasonable accuracy but requires manual human intervention.

Durai et al. 26 present a novel approach for preventing and detecting SQL Injection attacks using an ontology-based vulnerabilities model. The authors used datasets from the OWASP organization of Open Web Application Security Project and the Database of National Vulnerability to train their model and achieved an accuracy of 92.3% for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and 91.05% for SQL Injection (SQLI). However, it is noteworthy that the model is not automated. Another method proposed by Archana Devi et al. 27 which used query tokenization. The method achieved good results in injecting additional queries and preventing bypass authentication, but it failed to prevent second-order SQL injection, injected union and all union queries and injected alias query. Luo, A. et al. 32 use CNNs to automatically extract features from the input dataset and train a classifier to detect SQL injection attacks. The authors evaluate the proposed method using three datasets: KDD99, UNSW-NB15, and HTTP CSIC 2010. The results show that the proposed method achieved an accuracy of 98.5% in detecting SQL injection attacks. However, it is only able to detect query-based SQL injection attacks.

Krishnan et al. 29 presented a DL-based method for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). They demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a dataset of XSS payloads taken from the GitHub repository and achieve an accuracy of 99.59%. DeepWAF is a prototype implemented by Alaoui 33 for detecting web-based attacks using DL models. This research used LSTM and Word2vec embedding on HTTP CSIC and gained 95.2% accuracy. The novel method was developed by Liu, Z, et al. 30 for detecting XSS attacks b The approach includes techniques like residual network and GCN for extracting the features of XSS payloads. The experimental results showed a high accuracy of 99.6%. However, the approach is unsuitable for webpages with JavaScript and HTML code, and it takes too much time and effort to train the word vectors. Additionally, the research did not cover real-time detection. Zhang et al. 34 presented a multi-hidden deep neural network and claimed to achieve an accuracy of 96% for attack detection and resolving the overfitting issue. Hackett et al. 31 used a based neural network for attack detection on three datasets, namely, HTTP CSIC, FWAF and HttpParams datasets and achieved 99.9%.

The approach proposed by Lodha et al. 35 used the BERT model with a dataset containing 41,770 payloads and achieved 99.9% accuracy. For the detection of XSS and SQLi attacks, Dawadi BR et al. 36 presented a WAF based on LSTM. In this research, the accuracy for detection of DDoS and SQLi/XSS attacks achieved 97.57% and 89.34%, respectively. In Table 1 , we have summarized related studies.

Our approach for SQL Injection and XSS detection using a CNN LSTM hybrid model utilizes the strengths of both CNN and LSTM models to detect and prevent these types of web attacks effectively. The approach starts by preprocessing the input data, which includes decoding, tokenization, and generalization techniques. The preprocessed data is then fed into the CNN model for feature extraction, and the extracted features are used for training the LSTM model for detection. The LSTM model is trained using a dataset of SQL Injection and XSS payloads, which is collected from different sources such as the OWASP and National Vulnerability Database, and we have also created a dataset using Burp Suite and DVWA. We have also used a payload dataset by combining SQL and XSS payloads 37 and benchmark datasets, namely HTTP CSIC2010 38 .


This dataset 38 was developed at CSIC, containing thousands of automatic web-based requests for normal and attack queries. The traffic was generated by sending regular and malicious requests on an e-commerce web application. This dataset considers three types of malicious requests: static, dynamic and Unintentional illegal requests. Tools like W3AF and Paros have been used to generate attack requests. Buffer overflow, SQL Injection, CRLF Injection, XSS, Parameter tampering, server-side and information-gathering types of attack requests are included in this dataset. It comprises more than 61,000 requests, out of which 36,000 requests were standard requests and other malicious requests. As depicted in Fig.  2 , an HTTP request consists of a request line, headers, HTTP-Method, Version of HTTP, Host address and encoding used.

figure 2

Sample HTTP GET request of malicious SQL query of HTTP CSIC 2010 dataset.

SQLI–XSS payload dataset

This dataset 39 is publicly available on the Kaggle for research. It contains various payloads of normal SQL queries and attack-based SQL queries. It contains over 1,00,000 queries labelled 0 and 1 for normal and attack-based payloads. For creating a dataset, we have also used the XSS payload dataset 39 from Git Hub, which contains around 13,000 normal and attack payloads of XSS attack. In Fig.  3 , we can see the t-SNE visualization of features of SQL injection payloads.

figure 3

t-SNE visualization of SQLi–XSS payload dataset.

Testbed dataset

As indicated in Fig.  4 , for the creation of the testbed dataset, first, we need to launch Damn Vulnerable Web Application and the buggy Web Application. DVWA and bWAPP are PHP projects with multiple vulnerabilities and are available for testing and research. In the next step, we used Firefox with local proxy and generated requests for all kinds of SQLi and XSS attacks. We have also generated normal HTTP requests. These traffic requests are intercepted using Burp Suite and collected all requests using the Burp Logger extension. Finally, we labelled the HTTP requests as "attack" or "normal".

figure 4

Step-wise process of testbed dataset creation of SQLi/XSS request.

Using this approach, 11,350 HTTP requests were collected, including SQL injection and XSS attack types. Of the 11,350 requests, 4537 were labelled normal, and the remaining were identified as attacks.

This Testbed dataset has explicitly been curated to evaluate the efficacy of our technique. It serves as a dependable baseline for assessing the success of our methodology.

Table 2 presents the feature list of our testbed dataset. Two characteristics, namely time stamp and Tool, have been removed due to their ubiquity and perceived lack of significance.

Proposed approach

This section provides a detailed summary of our proposed system developed using deep neural networks like CNN and LSTM approach. The proposed method for detecting XSS attacks and SQL Injection attacks using deep learning primarily utilizes text classification techniques. The input data is first preprocessed through decoding, generalization, query standardization and tokenization. The word2vec model is then used to extract features from the input data. These features are then fed into a CNN-LSTM model to train and classify XSS and standard samples. The architecture of the proposed method is illustrated in Fig.  5 . The following subsection can provide further details on the processing steps involved in this method.

figure 5

Proposed model for the attack detection.

Attackers may use encoding techniques like URL encoding, HTML entity encoding, Hex encoding, Unicode encoding, etc., to avoid using regular expressions for traditional filtration or validation. As a result, in this study, we used a decoder for evaluating repeatedly and returning all input data encoding alternatives to their original form. In this phase, hyperlinks are simplified using numbers.

Once the decoded data has been generalized, the following steps are taken to lessen the disturbance of irrelevant and redundant information: Firstly, we used 'https:/website' to replace several of the input data's URLs. Then, "0" is used instead of the data's numbers. The "param string" is added as a functional input instead of the original string. Additionally, extra unique qualities were removed, including control and blank characters. In Fig.  6 , we have shown the process of decoding.

figure 6

Example of Decoding of HTTP request URL with SQL query.


In the next step, tokenization is applied for input data based on features of different scripting languages. Tokenization is used as preprocessing for the XSS attack detection in which we identify starting and ending labels and Windows event and function names, and then unique tokens can be assigned. Each token checked in the vocabulary list. If the token is found, it will be considered else; it will be replaced with a predefined delimiter. For SQL queries, we have used the standardization technique discussed above for the standardization of each element of SQL queries. There are numerous methods for standardization, one of which is depicted in Fig.  7 .

figure 7

Standardization process of SQL query.


After tokenization and standardization, we have used word2vec for word embedding. For word2vec, the first primary step is vocabulary creation, which consists of the most used common words from the data with tokenization done. Then, in word2vec, we utilized a neural network for calculating the probability of a word appearing based on its context with the help of neighboring words. In the next phase, vector embedding is done using the neural network, which maps with vocabulary.

Deep learning model

In this part, we have used two deep learning models, CNN and LSTM, which are described in detail.

Convolutional neural network (CNN)

The convolutional layer performs convolutions utilizing multiple kernels to extract features from the input data. Each kernel contains trainable weight coefficients, and a bias term can be included to give the network more adaptability. A set of feature maps from the convolutional layer's output is sent to additional neural network layers for additional processing.

This layer serves as the fundamental component of the CNN. The primary responsibility of carrying the network's computing workload is assigned to it. The function of this layer involves the computation of a dot product between two matrices. One of the matrices is referred to as a kernel, which consists of learnable parameters. The other matrix represents the limited section of the receptive field.

Here, ReLU is used as an activation function in convolution operation. ReLU is used due to two main qualities: prevention of gradient disappearance and increasing the speed of the training process. The equation of this function is shown below in Eq. ( 1 ).

The function exhibits a behavior where it outputs a value of 0 when provided with any negative input, whereas for any positive input value x, it returns the same value x as the output. Consequently, the output of the system exhibits a continuous range extending from zero to infinity.

After ReLU function in pooling layer max pool function is used. Through down sampling duplicate data, the pooling layer in a CNN seeks to identify invariances and streamline the network. It is accomplished using two basic strategies: maximum pooling, which chooses the pooling outcome to be the maximum value, and average pooling, which chooses the pooling outcome to be the average value.

By reducing the spatial dimensions of the feature maps, these pooling processes increase network efficiency. The neurons inside the fully connected layer exhibit complete connection with all neurons in both the preceding and subsequent layers, similar to what is observed in a standard fully connected neural network (FCNN). Hence, the computation can be performed conventionally using a matrix multiplication, subsequently incorporating a bias factor. The fully connected (FC) layer facilitates the process of establishing a correspondence between the input and output representations.

In above Eq. ( 2 ), the input vector \({x}_{i}\) represents the initial input to the CNN network, along with its corresponding class label. The variable \({y}_{i}\) represents the output of the CNN that is intended to be sent as input to the subsequent Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. The feature vector, denoted as \({x}_{i}\) , is obtained through the application of the max-pooling operation within a Convolutional Neural Network. The LSTM is provided with input in order to acquire knowledge of long-term temporal relationships.

In Fig.  8 , we can see that the CNN model is made up of a Convolution layer, and the ReLU function is used after that, the Pooling layer is shown in which the Maxpool function is used and at last, the fully connected layer is shown, and after that, we can use sigmoid function or softmax function as per required output label class.

figure 8

CNN architecture.

To overcome the problems of vanishing and exploding gradients, LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), an improved variation of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) architecture, was developed. Traditional RNNs can not handle long-term dependencies as well as LSTMs can, outperforming them in this area. Because of this, previous knowledge can be connected to and retained by LSTMs even when it greatly lags behind the present.

A memory block comprises one or more memory cells and acts as a sophisticated processing unit in an LSTM. These memory cells are essential for aiding in the storage and retrieval of knowledge. The input and output gates are two multiplicative gates included in the memory block. These gates are crucial in regulating all processes inside the memory block. The input gate controls the selective acceptance or rejection of the input flow of memory cell activation. It controls how much fresh data is incorporated into the memory cell. On the other hand, the output gate controls the decision-making procedure regarding transmitting or discarding the memory cell's output state to other nodes. This gate is significant in determining whether the memory cell output is shared with the following layers or used as the LSTM's final output. Compared to conventional RNNs, LSTMs are better at addressing long-term dependencies because they may choose to include or ignore information using these adaptive multiplicative gates. This functionality is beneficial for activities where gathering and using data from far-flung time steps in a series is necessary.

The operation of the LSTM is as follows. The initial stage of our Long Short-Term Memory model involves determining the specific information that will be discarded from the cell state. The determination of this outcome is carried out by a specific layer known as the "forget gate layer," which exhibits sigmoidal behavior. The model examines the values of the previous hidden state and the current input and generates a scalar value ranging from 0 to 1 for each element in the previous cell state. The value of 1 signifies the entire preservation of the item, whereas the value of 0 signifies its complete elimination. The following step is to settle what fresh data will be added to the cell state. Two sections make up this. At the outset, a "input gate layer" constructed from sigmoid nodes chooses which values will be modified. Then, a tanh layer generates a vector of potential new state values of the candidate cell state. In the next phase, we'll merge these two to generate an update to the state. In next step to update the previous cell state into the current cell state. we perform the following operations. Firstly, we multiply the old state by the forget gate which allows us to discard information that was deemed irrelevant. Subsequently, we add the product of the input gate, it, and the new candidate values of candidate cell state. These candidate values are scaled by the extent to which we have opted to update each state value. In the final stage of obtaining the output Initially, a sigmoid layer is executed to determine the specific components of the cell state that will be generated as output. Subsequently, the cell state is subjected to the hyperbolic tangent function in order to confine the values within the range of -1 to 1. This transformed cell state is then multiplied by the output of the sigmoid gate, resulting in the selective output of the predetermined components.

Figure  9 shows our proposed model architecture, in which we have used CNN for feature extraction followed by LSTM layers.

figure 9

Proposed hybrid model architecture with CNN and LSTM.

The Structure of the hybrid DL model is shown in Table 3 . In Table 4 , we have shown the hyperparameter setting used for the proposed model. Table 5 displays the environment setup in which experiments have been performed and which libraries and modules have been used.

Evaluation metrics and analysis of result

In this section, we have listed evaluation metrics used during the study and then discussed the result analysis.

Evaluation metrics used in the study

Any machine learning or deep learning model's performance can be evaluated using evaluation metrics, a crucial step in model-building. The type of problem being solved (such as classification or regression) and the objectives of the specific application determine the assessment metric to be used.

Here are some typical evaluation metrics:

Accuracy: this widely used indicator determines the percentage of accurate predictions the model makes. It's outlined as Eq. ( 3 ):

Precision (sensitivity): it is the true positive rate of prediction, which is the proportion of accurately recognized real positives as shown in Eq. ( 4 ).

Recall (specificity): the proportion of positive examples accurately expected to be positive is measured by recall. Defining recall as shown in Eq. ( 5 ).

F1 score: it is defined as a harmonic-based mean of recall and precision. Defining F1 as shown in Eq. ( 6 ).

Analysis and discussion of result

This section thoroughly analyses the outcomes derived from our proposed methodology within the framework of three separate datasets: the Own Testbed dataset, SQL/XSS Payload dataset, and HTTP CSIC 2010 dataset. The datasets above were utilized to assess the efficacy of our methodology in comparison to two widely recognized deep learning methodologies, namely Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. The assessment measures employed in this study encompass Precision, Recall, and F1-Score. These metrics collectively assess our approach's accuracy, comprehensiveness, and balance in identifying SQL injection and XSS attacks.

Figures  10 and 11 show our HTTP CSIC 2010 fraudulent request detection success. After 50 epochs of training, our model achieves 99.77% accuracy. This astonishing result shows the model's ability to identify legitimate and fraudulent dataset requests. The convergence of our model and the decrease of the loss function to 0.0001 demonstrate its ability to capture web application assault patterns and features.

figure 10

Proposed model accuracy (CSIC 2010 dataset).

figure 11

Proposed model loss (CSIC 2010 dataset).

The accuracy of our model on the SQLi–XSS Payload dataset was 99.84%. It demonstrates the efficacy of the model in identifying and detecting harmful payloads. The accomplishment above is demonstrated by the decrease in losses to 0.01, as depicted in Figs.  12 and 13 .

figure 12

Proposed model accuracy (SQLi–XSS payload dataset).

figure 13

Proposed model loss (SQLi–XSS payload dataset).

Additionally, our model exhibited a 99.23% accuracy rate when tested on the Our Testbed dataset, showcasing its proficiency in classifying diverse attack scenarios. The loss measurements depicted in Figs.  14 and 15 provide insights into the learning capacity of the model.

figure 14

Proposed model accuracy (own testbed dataset).

figure 15

Proposed model loss (own testbed dataset).

After 75 epochs, we saw overfitting concerns in our testbed dataset across 200 epochs. The Adam optimizer was employed, and epoch wise average time for the Payload and Testbed data was 206.02 s and 88.70 s, respectively. Figures  16 , 17 , and 18 depict the precision, recall, and F1 score for the three datasets and a comparison with the CNN and LSTM models.

figure 16

Comparative analysis of metrics: performance evaluation of our proposed model in contrast to CNN and LSTM models on the HTTP CSIC 2010 dataset.

figure 17

Comparative analysis of metrics: performance evaluation of our proposed model in contrast to CNN and LSTM models on the SQL–XSS payload dataset.

figure 18

Comparative analysis of metrics: performance evaluation of our proposed model in contrast to CNN and LSTM models on the testbed dataset.

The outcomes of applying the CNN, LSTM and hybrid models to three distinct datasets—own testbed data, SQL–XSS Payload, and HTTP-CSIC 2010 might offer insightful information about how well the models perform on various kinds of data. The proposed method identified assaults with 98.8% precision and low false positives. Our technique had a 99.15% recall rate, indicating its ability to capture most strikes. The method's precision-recall balance was shown by its 98.97% F1-Score. We can see that our proposed model gives good results in terms of precision, recall and F1 Score as compared to CNN and LSTM models in all three datasets. Our model achieved a precision of 99.76, a recall of 99.84, and an F1 Score of 99.72 with the SQLi/XSS Payload dataset. For the HTTP CSIC 2010 dataset, precision has a low false positive rate of 99.76%, protecting real traffic. A 99.21% recall rate suggests a high attack capture rate. The method's 99.48 F1-Score shows its ability to balance precision and recall.

Table 6 summarizes model performance on a dataset. With balanced precision and recall, the "AE-LSTM" model has an F-Score of 81.96 and 87.26% accuracy. The "CNN" model has an F-Score of 99.49 and an accuracy of 99.5% because of its near-perfect precision of 98.98 and lesser recall of 1. With 98.69% accuracy, excellent precision, and recall, the "LSTM" model has a 97.82 F-Score. Meanwhile, the "Proposed" model outperforms all others with 99.84% accuracy, high precision, and recall, earning a 99.82 F-Score. Our model is well-suited to the dataset and job, indicating its potential to improve web application security against the dangers evaluated.


In conclusion, we have identified the problem of detecting all kinds of SQLi and XSS attacks using a single model and securing web applications against XSS and SQL injection (SQLi) attacks has demonstrated promising results when using a hybrid combination of CNN and LSTM approaches. This method effectively detects and categorizes security threats in real time by utilizing the strengths of both the CNN and LSTM models. We have created a testbed dataset using Burp and evaluated our proposed model with three datasets. Our model provided high accuracy and very low false positive rates in all the experiments with all three datasets. Our model has achieved 99.77% accuracy with the HTTP CSIC 2010 dataset, 99.84% accuracy with the SQLi/XSS Payload dataset, and 99.23% with our testbed dataset.

Future studies may look into other architectures and methods for fusing CNN and LSTM models to enhance the precision and resilience of the models. Incorporating additional forms of data, such as network metadata, may offer valuable data for identifying security issues. Extending the models to other security-related activities, such as identifying malicious URLs, phishing attempts, or botnet attacks, is another subject for future research. The hybrid mix of CNN and LSTM models can play a vital role in safeguarding web applications and defending against cyber threats by combining various data types and utilizing cutting-edge machine-learning techniques. With further development and refinement, these models have the potential to become a vital tool for protecting against a wide range of cyber threats. We can use other scaling and normalization methods to reduce the time taken for model training. In future, we can apply this model to another dataset to detect other types of attacks like Zero-day attacks and DDoS attacks.

Data availability

The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

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The authors would like to acknowledge Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R197), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for supporting this work. The authors would like to thank Prince Sultan University for their support.

This work is supported by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2024R197), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

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Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Jaydeep R. Tadhani

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Vipul Vekariya & Vishal Sorathiya

Department of Information Technology, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box 84428, 11671, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Samah Alshathri

Security Engineering Lab, Computer Science Department, Prince Sultan University, 11586, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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Tadhani, J.R., Vekariya, V., Sorathiya, V. et al. Securing web applications against XSS and SQLi attacks using a novel deep learning approach. Sci Rep 14 , 1803 (2024).

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Received : 23 August 2023

Accepted : 30 November 2023

Published : 20 January 2024


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Database Security: Attacks and Solutions

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 05 March 2020
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latest research papers on database security

  • Sarvesh Soni 5 &
  • Rejo Mathew 5  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies ((LNDECT,volume 49))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International conference on Computer Networks, Big data and IoT

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Data is a critical merit resource and due to its importance, data protection is a noteworthy component of database security. Database security refer to the measures and tools used to protect a database from unauthorized laws, spiteful threats and attacks. Data security means protecting data, alike in a database, from malicious and devastating forces of unauthorized and unauthenticated users, such as cybercrime attacks or a data security breach. Since digitalization and rapid progress in technology, web applications and databases are widely used like e-commerce, online payments, online banking, money transfer, social networking, etc. [ 15 ]. For seamless and hustle-free experience which includes risk free operations on databases, defining and implementing database security is utmost important. Security aims that would be applied for data security, includes: CIA triad; Confidentiality for concealment of data and issues of privileges abuse, Integrity for trustworthiness of data and issues of legitimate unauthorized accesses including social engineering attacks. Availability guarantees that resources are available to users when they need them and issues are exposure of backup data and denial of service. It acknowledges the economic, financial and commercial documentation of records and reports related to an organization [ 11 ]. Moreover, security attacks, solutions, comparison table and future work are discussed in this paper.

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Soni, S., Mathew, R. (2020). Database Security: Attacks and Solutions. In: Pandian, A., Palanisamy, R., Ntalianis, K. (eds) Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT (ICCBI - 2019). ICCBI 2019. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 49. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 05 March 2020

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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Database Security: An Overview and Analysis of Current Trend

International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 4(2), 53- 58. ISSN: 2581-6012, 2019

6 Pages Posted: 19 Dec 2019 Last revised: 20 May 2020

Prantosh Paul

Raiganj University

P. S. Aithal

Poornaprajna College

Date Written: October 30, 2019

Information is the core and most vital asset these days. The subject which deals with Information is called Information Science. Information Science is responsible for different information related affairs from collection, selection, organization, processing, management and dissemination of information and contents. And for this information related purpose Information Technology plays a leading role. Information Technology has different components viz. Database Technology, Web Technology, Networking Technology, Multimedia Technology and traditional Software Technology. All these technologies are responsible for creating and advancing society. Database Technology is concerned with the Database. It is worthy to note that, Database is concerned with the repository of related data in a container or base. The data, in Database normally stored in different forms and Database Technology play a lead role for dealing with the affairs related to database. The Database is very important in the recent past due to wider applications in different organizations and institutions; not only profit making but also nonprofit making. Today most organizations and sectors which deal with sensitive and important data keep them into the database and thus its security becomes an important concern. Large scale database and its security truly depend on different defensive methods. This paper talks about the basics of database including its meaning, characteristics, role etc. with special focus on different security challenges in the database. Moreover, this paper highlights the basics of security management, tools in this regard. Hence different areas of database security have mentioned in this paper in a simple sense.

Keywords: Database, Database Technology, Security Technology, IT Management, Information Networking, Privacy and Security Management, Trust Management, Cloud Computing

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Information & Contributors

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1.1 Major Contributions

1.2 research gap and motivation, 1.3 structure, 2 background and related works.

[ ]Parallel server visualization process  \(\checkmark\)   \(\checkmark\)   
[ ]Comprehensive weighted algorithm for visualization \(\checkmark\)   \(\checkmark\)   \(\checkmark\)  
[ ]Interactive decision making procedure  \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)    \(\checkmark\)
[ ]Clustering similarity measures \(\checkmark\)    \(\checkmark\)   \(\checkmark\)
[ ]Application reserved multimedia technology  \(\checkmark\)     \(\checkmark\)
[ ]Big data visualization procedure   \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)   
[ ]Authentication scheme for multimedia applications  \(\checkmark\)   \(\checkmark\)   \(\checkmark\)
ProposedBlock chain and hierarchical clustering for multimedia visualization \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\) \(\checkmark\)

3 Proposed System Model

4 optimization algorithms.

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5 Experimentation, Result and Analysis

5.1 discussions.

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Visualization delayAverage delayPercentage of jitter [ ]Percentage of jitter (Proposed)

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Amount of degreeTime period of visualizationUtilization period [ ]Utilization period (Proposed)

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BandwidthGain (%)Percentage of noiseStorage space [ ]Storage space (Proposed)

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Amount of data weightSmoothness function [ ]Smoothness function (Proposed)

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DistanceError functionsPercentage of density [ ]Percentage of density (Proposed)

5.2 Comparison Metrics

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Best epochPercentage of Complexity [ ]Complexity (Proposed)

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Best epochTime Complexity [ ]Time Complexity (Proposed)

6 Conclusions

6.1 limitations and future work.

  • Vyas R Nappi M del Bimbo A Bakshi S (2024) Introduction to Special Issue on “Recent trends in Multimedia Forensics” ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications 10.1145/3678473 Online publication date: 2-Aug-2024
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  • Rabie O Selvarajan S Hasanin T Mohammed G Alshareef A Uddin M (2023) A full privacy-preserving distributed batch-based certificate-less aggregate signature authentication scheme for healthcare wearable wireless medical sensor networks (HWMSNs) International Journal of Information Security 10.1007/s10207-023-00748-1 23 :1 (51-80) Online publication date: 20-Nov-2023

Index Terms

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Cross-computing tools and techniques


Theory of computation

Design and analysis of algorithms

Data structures design and analysis

Data compression


Improved k- means clustering algorithm for two dimensional data.

Clustering is a procedure of organizing the objects in groups whose member exhibits some kind of similarity. So a cluster is a collection of objects which are alike and are different from the objects belonging to other clusters. K-Means is one of ...

Ant clustering algorithm with K-harmonic means clustering

Clustering is an unsupervised learning procedure and there is no a prior knowledge of data distribution. It organizes a set of objects/data into similar groups called clusters, and the objects within one cluster are highly similar and dissimilar with ...

An Enhanced Security Measure for Multimedia Images Using Hadoop Cluster

Information are generated over the internet for every second. These information are not fully secured. To increase the security of these information send over the internet there are two methods Cryptography and Steganography are combined to encrypt ...


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