Internship Essay: Example & Complete Writing Guide [2024]

Writing an internship essay is a challenging task that plenty of people have to endure. It is essential for gaining useful experience and learning the ins and outs of a given industry. You have probably heard about the “Why do you want this internship?” essay. However, it’s not the only question that you might have to answer.

There are two situations in which you might need internship paper examples and tips:

  • if you are applying for an internship program;
  • if you have already completed one.

In the first case, you will be asked what you expect from this internship. For this, you should write an application essay. In the second, an internship report or a reflection paper.

Our experts will present helpful tips for both cases. Find them and illustrative internship essay examples in the article.

✔️ If You Have Already Completed an Internship Program

Congratulations! This was an essential step towards your career. Now you have a chance to get the job of your dreams. However, right now, you have to write an essay on your internship and talk about yours.

Internship Report Points

Such an end-of-internship essay will include the following points:

  • Place of your internship.
  • Responsibilities you had.
  • Difficulties you faced during your internship.
  • An overall impression of this experience.
  • Self-evaluation of your performance.
  • Appendix with deliverables you created during your internship.

Internship Report Sample

Check out this short internship essay example:

  • As a business administration student at the University of Collegetown, I participated in a three-month summer internship at Internet & More, an IT company based in Collegetown.
  • I was interning at the company’s marketing department, and I primarily interacted with the Internet & More’s content creation and social media marketing specialists.
  • The main task of my internship was to create a LinkedIn marketing strategy for the company, basing my recommendations on extensive market research and using LinkedIn as a promotional tool for both customers and potential employees.

This brief introduction achieves three goals:

  • establishes that this report is an internship experience essay;
  • it introduces the company and department where the internship took place;
  • it describes the intern’s primary task.

Internship Report: Your Impression

The essay continues like this:

  • Overall, the experience proved to be both enjoyable and rewarding. I found the marketing concepts and frameworks that I learned in class to be relevant and useful when working on my practical, real-world assignments.
  • I did, however, encounter some difficulties working on the task. Namely, as an undergraduate student , I was used to receiving very detailed, step-by-step instructions, whereas I was given more flexibility and autonomy during my internship.
  • Secondly, I needed to take some time to familiarize myself with the world of LinkedIn marketing because we never dealt with it in my university classes.

Internship Report Conclusion

This is great:

This part of the internship essay example accomplishes two things. It gives the writer’s overall impression of the internship and discusses its advantages and challenges.

  • During my internship, I was able to generate a 5,000-follower base for the company’s LinkedIn page, which allowed the Internet & More to expand their list of prospects significantly.
  • Moreover, the company was able to fill two vacant positions within a matter of two days, having received over 400 resumes from highly qualified applicants.
  • Thus, I was able to successfully achieve the goals set for me at the beginning of my internship. Attached, you can find the strategy development and implementation report I have created for the Internet & More.

This is the perfect internship essay conclusion!

The student provides a self-evaluation most appropriately: not merely saying that he did a great job, but by demonstrating and even quantifying how he contributed to its goals and development.

Equally crucial, the student offers an opportunity for the reader to examine his work.

Not sure whether you can write such an impressive internship reflection essay? Our writers have mastered the art of internship report writing and will be happy to assist you.

🗺️ If You Are Trying to Get an Internship

If you are applying to an internship program, we also have to congratulate you!

You are on the right path to the career of your dreams. An internship will help you gain additional knowledge and skills , and you will also get to know a lot about your future job’s specifics.

But many students feel lost because they don’t know how to write an essay for an internship.

Internship Application: Main Purpose

Writing internship essays is very similar to writing any other application essay. Your primary purpose is to demonstrate your outstanding talents and prove that you deserve this opportunity. Besides, you should state, “Why do you want this internship”? in an essay.

Before you get down to work, find and look through some samples . You can also read our internship essay example below to learn some specific strategies.

Tips for a Succesful Internship Application

Here are more tips on how to write a successful internship essay:

  • You may start with a bit of information about yourself , but make sure it relates to the internship.
  • Talk about your previous education and experiences. What college did you attend? What was your major? What particular courses did you like the most?
  • Describe your future goals and explain how this internship will benefit you in your essay.
  • Finally, give reasons why you are the perfect candidate for this program. In this part of the internship essay, you can tell about your talents and positive characteristics.

Essentially, the two most critical questions you need to answer in your internship essay are “Why do you want this internship?” and “What do you hope to gain from this internship experience?”

Internship Application Sample

Let’s check out the internship essay example that helped our example student land his internship at Internet & More:

  • I am writing to you regarding the marketing internship opportunity at your company Internet & More. I learned of this opening from your company representatives who attended the job fair at the University of Collegetown.
  • I am a third-year student at the University of Collegetown, majoring in Business Administration with a specialization in Marketing and Digital Communications.
  • My professional interests include content creation and social media marketing and optimization, so this opportunity naturally attracted my attention. I believe that the knowledge I gained from my Marketing Strategy and Social Media Marketing classes will be particularly beneficial for this internship.

This is fantastic:

In a very concise and modest manner , this student explains his interest in the training. He confidently establishes why he makes a great candidate for this position.

What’s next?

Internship Application: Your Career Goals

  • My professional goal is to become a social media marketing specialist so I can help businesses grow their online presence. I believe that this internship is the perfect opportunity for me to apply my skills and knowledge to help a company achieve its strategic goals.
  • I am also particularly excited to immerse myself in the business world and work alongside leading industry experts.
  • My past qualifications and experiences make me a suitable candidate for this position, and I am looking forward to helping the Internet & More grow their LinkedIn presence and visibility.

Don’t you just want to hire this student right away?

He managed to combine professionalism and just the right amount of flattery in his internship application letter. He also did not forget to mention his career goals and objectives. You should say how this internship will benefit you in your essay.

Don’t you feel more confident about your application now that you know how to write an internship essay?

That’s it! Follow these tips, and who knows? Maybe your next internship will be with Google !

Good luck with your internship essay writing! Be sure to check out our blog for more writing wisdom and share the page with your peers.

Further reading:

  • How to Make a Resume: Secrets Your Employer Won’t Tell You
  • College Grad Job Market: 50+ Employment Statistics
  • Top Free Online Courses from the Best Universities
  • Tips for Public Speaking: Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety
  • The New York Times Guide to Article Writing and Useful Tips
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Thanks for the help, the tips are really helpful.

Thank you so much for the help and mostly samples… I just applied for my first Internship, and I’m having high hopes ,,, thank you once again.

These tips are helpful to make an essay. Thank you for helping to write an essay!

These tips are really good and educative. Thanks!

Thanks for the help. Really appreciate.

The tips are helpful… Bravo

It is a real talent to include some many helpful tips in such a short article! This is a real help with my essay on internship. Thanks!

I believe that your post on internship essay writing is invaluable to any student who is working on this academic assignment! Thanks a lot for such help!


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112 Internship Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Internships are a valuable opportunity for students to gain real-world experience in their chosen field and build connections with professionals in the industry. However, one of the biggest challenges of applying for an internship is writing a compelling essay that sets you apart from other candidates. To help you get started, here are 112 internship essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your own application:

  • Why I am passionate about [industry/field].
  • How my academic background has prepared me for this internship.
  • My career goals and how this internship will help me achieve them.
  • A project I completed that demonstrates my skills and abilities.
  • How I plan to contribute to the company during my internship.
  • My experience working in a team and how it has shaped my approach to collaboration.
  • A challenge I faced in a previous internship and how I overcame it.
  • The most important lesson I have learned from past work experiences.
  • How I stay motivated and focused on my goals.
  • Why I am interested in working for [company name].
  • My strengths and weaknesses as a potential intern.
  • How I plan to make the most of this internship opportunity.
  • The value of networking in my career development.
  • A mentor who has inspired and guided me in my professional journey.
  • The impact of technology on the future of [industry/field].
  • The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
  • How I handle stress and pressure in a fast-paced environment.
  • My approach to problem-solving and decision-making.
  • The role of ethics and integrity in my work.
  • How I prioritize my time and manage my workload efficiently.
  • The benefits of continuous learning and professional development.
  • How I adapt to change and embrace new challenges.
  • My experience with conflict resolution and communication skills.
  • The significance of emotional intelligence in the workplace.
  • How I handle feedback and constructive criticism.
  • The impact of globalization on business practices.
  • The influence of social media on marketing strategies.
  • The role of sustainability and corporate social responsibility in modern businesses.
  • The future of remote work and digital nomadism.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a post-pandemic economy.
  • The power of storytelling in branding and marketing.
  • The evolution of customer experience in the digital age.
  • The rise of artificial intelligence and automation in the workplace.
  • The role of data analytics in decision-making and business strategy.
  • The importance of creativity and innovation in problem-solving.
  • The benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • The impact of climate change on industries and businesses.
  • The future of renewable energy and sustainability initiatives.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a circular economy.
  • The role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth.
  • The influence of social media influencers on consumer behavior.
  • The power of storytelling in content marketing.
  • The impact of influencer marketing on brand partnerships.
  • The rise of e-commerce and online shopping trends.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a global supply chain.
  • The future of artificial intelligence and machine learning in business operations.
  • The importance of cybersecurity in protecting sensitive data.
  • The impact of virtual reality and augmented reality on customer experiences.
  • The role of blockchain technology in revolutionizing industries.
  • The benefits of remote work and flexible work arrangements.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a gig economy.
  • The future of work-life balance in a digital age.
  • The importance of mental health and well-being in the workplace.
  • The impact of automation on job displacement and reskilling.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership.
  • The benefits of diversity and inclusion in team dynamics.
  • The challenges and opportunities of cross-cultural communication.
  • The future of hybrid work models in post-pandemic workplaces.
  • The importance of continuous learning and upskilling in a fast-changing world.
  • The impact of remote collaboration tools on team productivity.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in remote leadership.
  • The benefits of mindfulness and self-care practices in a digital age.
  • The challenges and opportunities of virtual team building.
  • The future of virtual events and conferences.
  • The importance of resilience and adaptability in uncertain times.
  • The impact of digital transformation on business models.
  • The role of agile project management in adapting to change.
  • The benefits of flexible work schedules and remote work options.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a distributed workforce.
  • The future of AI-powered chatbots and customer service.
  • The importance of data privacy and security in a digital world.
  • The impact of social media algorithms on content distribution.
  • The role of influencer marketing in brand partnerships.
  • The benefits of user-generated content in marketing strategies.
  • The challenges and opportunities of a mobile-first approach.
  • The future of voice search and conversational AI.
  • The importance of video content in engaging audiences.
  • The impact of personalized marketing on consumer behavior.
  • The role of social listening in brand reputation management.
  • The benefits of interactive content in digital marketing campaigns.
  • The challenges and opportunities of live streaming events.
  • The future of augmented reality and virtual reality experiences.
  • The importance of gamification in customer engagement.
  • The impact of data analytics on personalization strategies.
  • The role of machine learning in predictive analytics.
  • The benefits of sentiment analysis in social media monitoring.
  • The challenges and opportunities of cross-channel marketing.
  • The future of omnichannel customer experiences.
  • The importance of customer journey mapping in marketing strategies.
  • The impact of voice search optimization on SEO.
  • The role of chatbots in customer service automation.
  • The benefits of email marketing automation in lead nurturing.
  • The challenges and opportunities of programmatic advertising.
  • The future of influencer partnerships in brand collaborations.
  • The importance of social media ROI tracking in marketing campaigns.
  • The impact of content personalization on conversion rates.
  • The role of data visualization in storytelling and reporting.
  • The benefits of A/B testing in optimizing marketing strategies.
  • The challenges and opportunities of social media engagement.
  • The future of customer feedback and review management.
  • The importance of social media analytics in measuring campaign performance.
  • The impact of influencer authenticity on brand credibility.
  • The role of micro-influencers in niche marketing strategies.
  • The benefits of affiliate marketing in driving sales.
  • The challenges and opportunities of social media advertising.
  • The future of influencer marketing regulations and transparency.
  • The importance of influencer partnerships in brand storytelling.
  • The impact of influencer fraud and fake followers on brand reputation.
  • The role of influencer marketing platforms in connecting brands and creators.
  • The benefits of influencer collaborations in reaching new audiences.
  • The challenges and opportunities of influencer marketing campaigns.
  • The future of influencer marketing in a post-pandemic world.

By choosing a topic that resonates with your interests and experiences, you can craft a compelling internship essay that showcases your unique perspective and qualifications. Remember to tailor your essay to the specific requirements of the internship program and demonstrate how you can add value to the company. Good luck with your internship application!

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Home Essay Samples Profession

Essay Samples on Internship

An internship serves as a bridge between academic learning and real-world application. It allows you to put theory into practice, giving you a taste of what it’s like to work in a specific field or industry. Through internships, you can explore different career paths, discover your strengths and interests, and make informed decisions about your future.

How to Write an Internship Essay

When writing an internship essay sample, it’s crucial to showcase the skills and experiences you gained during your internship. Here are some useful tips you can consider to write a compelling internship essay example:

  • Start by describing the organization or company where you interned, emphasizing its reputation and influence within the industry.
  • Discuss the specific projects or tasks you were involved in, highlighting the value they brought to the organization and your personal growth.
  • Provide examples of challenges you encountered during your internship and how you overcame them.
  • Reflect on the skills you developed, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork, and explain how these skills are transferable to future professional endeavors.
  • In addition to personal experiences, consider incorporating research and industry trends into your essay.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of the field and discuss how your internship experience aligns with broader industry developments. This will showcase your ability to contextualize your internship within a larger professional framework.

For those seeking inspiration, we offer a range of internship essay examples to guide you in structuring your own essay effectively. These examples can provide insights into different writing styles, organization techniques, and the overall flow of an internship essay.

Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

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Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

Experience in my eyes is a very valuable things in life which give us value because it is not something that we can simply create, but needed us to be brave in taking risks and undergo through it to obtain. By doing my internship in...

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Accounting Education: Reflection on Personal Internship Experience

Nowadays Accounting has become a degree and diploma level education. There are various global institutions which gives a nutritional education on Accounting and offer students degrees and other types of qualifications. This has been commercialized in the modern world. As I have attended the course...

Importance Of Internship Practice In Students' Life

Gaining experience is crucial for students to explore their desired careers so they can gain valuable knowledge related to the job and industry as well as identify different career paths and opportunities suitable for their specific interests and skillset. An internship can provide that experience...

My Internship Experience In The National Security Agency

The internship that I will be applying for is hosted within the National Security Agency (NSA), the intelligence center for the United States Department of Defense. Responsible for the cybersecurity, data collection, monitoring, and protection of networks or information systems. The company has a wide...

  • National Security

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Contribution of Internship to Student Development

Dr. Michael Aamodt, an Industrial-Organizational psychologist, has defined internship as “a situation in which a student works for an organization, either for a pay or as a volunteer, to receive practical work experience.” An internship experience can help students make the connection between their academic...

Internship as a Way to Develop Your Career

Steve Jobs once said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people”. I couldn't agree more, especially after observing the hard work I saw during my internship. During the writer’s research they have discovered that over...

  • Personal Development Planning

The Account of One's Internship Experience

In the field of engineering courses, it is very essential that students not only learn and hone their skills within the four pillars of their classrooms through the theory-based lectures of professors but also acquire experiential learning as well. Engineering requires or demands a lot...

  • Engineering

The Path of Internship: Exploring the Challenges and Outcomes

Students can put what they have learned in class into practice and see what it is like in the real world through the internship because it is one thing to sit in the classroom learning but it is another to be actually doing that. It...

Best topics on Internship

1. Internship Experience in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

2. Internship Report: What I Learned From This Experience

3. Accounting Education: Reflection on Personal Internship Experience

4. Importance Of Internship Practice In Students’ Life

5. My Internship Experience In The National Security Agency

6. Contribution of Internship to Student Development

7. Internship as a Way to Develop Your Career

8. The Account of One’s Internship Experience

9. The Path of Internship: Exploring the Challenges and Outcomes

  • Firefighter
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Police Officer

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Internship Essay: Analyzing the Do’s and Don’ts Through Samples

By: Max Malak

Internship Essay: Analyzing the Do’s and Don’ts Through Samples

The time when you have to get an internship for the first time is both exciting and stressful. After all, a successful internship will bring you one step closer to fulfilling your career goals. But first, you should be selected as an intern. To make your candidacy stand out, you need to write a brilliant application essay, also known as a cover letter for an internship.

Standard Internship Cover Letter Sample

Introduction, your dream internship experience is closer than ever.

In this guide, we will demonstrate to you a sample of a typical internship essay. Then, we will show you how to upgrade it and what to avoid to create an outstanding personal statement that will land you your dream internship.

Here is an example of a personal statement written for an internship application. Read through it carefully:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you in order to apply for the summer internship at Nano IT. My name is Tom Jameson, and I study at the Software Development program of Brooklyn College in New York. I have been actively searching for an internship opportunity, and when I saw your posting, I knew it was perfect for me.

I believe that I am a great fit for the web developer intern position at your company, as I am extremely interested in IT. I am among the top students in the class, and I do a lot of self-study. I would also love to use the experience received throughout this internship as a case study in my upcoming thesis work.

I have heard a lot about Nano IT, and I admire its history and mission. I believe that I could contribute to this company as I fully share its values. I would be extremely grateful for an opportunity to receive practical experience from true professionals.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Tom Jameson

What you have just read is an example of a typical internship essay an HR professional receives on a regular basis. It is not bad, yet it is lacking that so-called X factor, something that will set the applicant apart from the hundreds of other college students applying for the same position. Read on for examples and practical tips on how to bring this essay to a whole new level.

Tips for Improving the Internship Essay

Here you will find an explanation of what can be done to improve your internship application, as well as things to avoid using Tom’s essay as a sample. For your convenience, they are divided according to the application essay’s structure.

The main issue with Tom’s essay that is visible throughout his whole internship application is the fact that it doesn’t really show the reader what kind of person he is. An internship application is not some regular coursework, so make your personal statement strong. Here is how a more memorable introduction would look like:

My name is Tom Jameson; I am a senior year student of the Software Development program at Brooklyn College, neighboring Nano IT’s headquarters in New York. Ever since I discovered my passion for IT, I knew the study place that was right for me. It is hard to explain how pleased I was to find out that the place that is the definition of my career goals is right beside it! So, please, let me elaborate, without further ado, why I am your perfect software development intern candidate.

Notice how this introductory paragraph:

  • makes the essay stand out from the very first sentence
  • shows Tom as a college student who is passionate, inspired, and has a good sense of humor
  • gives the HR staff the association with the college located next to the company’s office

It is a great example of an introduction that will make the reader interested in the applicant. We have gathered some more examples of how to write a good self-introduction to make a good impression.

Here, on the other hand, is an example of the kind of writing you want to avoid:

My name is Tom Jameson. I live in New York and study at the Software Development Program at Brooklyn College, NY. I am 24 years old, and I have loved IT since I was a kid. In high school, I was the best student in the IT class, having won several tech competitions. I believe I will carry my passion for this subject to graduate school and beyond. Nowadays, I am getting ready for the real world of work, and that is why I am applying for the position of a part-time intern at Nano IT.

Look into the nuances that could improve this introductory paragraph significantly:

  • Leave all the details for the main body of the essay. Your goal in the introduction is to hook the readers and make them want to know more about you.
  • “Since I was a kid” is a cliche. Read on for tips on how to personalize it!
  • Sound more confident by including strong motivation and powerful word structures.
  • Be concise. Every sentence of your essay should bring you closer to convincing the reader that you’re a worthy candidate.

When your powerful introduction is ready, it is time to move on to the essay’s main body.

The main body of Tom’s essay is not so good. It needs an upgrade to become noticeable for the company’s HR representatives. It is strongly advisable to structure the essay as follows:

  • write about your relevant learning experience, what makes you love the specialization
  • talk about your career goals and elaborate on how the internship program will help with it

As you can see, Tom’s initial application essay doesn’t include these critical points, which makes it look dull and uninformative in comparison with other students’ cover letters. What we do approve is that he mentioned the thesis as a specific future plan related to the internship opportunity. Smart move, Tom!

Here is our suggested version of Tom’s internship essay’s main body:

I discovered my passion for all things tech when I was rather young. My father taught me how to code a rock paper scissors game when I was nine. Fast forward to my teenage years, when I created my Raspberry Pi project, a time-lapse camera. I have also participated in hackathons annually since the age of 16, which has become a hobby of mine. At college, I won the Tech Project Contest in 2019 and 2020. Besides, I already have some first-hand work experience acquired during a summer job at Guugle I did during my freshman year.

I strongly believe that software development is essential for the well-being of society, as tech is an integral part of real-life nowadays. That is why I never want to stop developing as a professional, and I am ready to put all the hard work needed into acquiring new skills in the IT-sphere. In the future, I would love to work for a tech company strongly connected with sustainable development, such as Nano IT. Me interning at Nano IT would be a perfect match for my career endeavor as I would have the opportunity to learn from niche specialists.

This text tells Tom’s story in relation to the internship’s specialization. It is a great approach to essay writing, as it allows you to connect with the reader. However, make sure you keep the balance of personal and professional throughout the essay and don’t lose the thread of thought.

When you have described your background and stated your future plans, it is time to move on to the final part of your internship application essay.

In the conclusion, describe the important skills you possess and state why you are the best candidate for the position. The final paragraph of Tom’s essay is acceptable. He mentioned the company’s values and mission, which is a wise thing to do. However, he failed to show that he really knows what he is talking about. Here is how an improved version of the conclusion would look:

I can assure you that I have what it takes to fulfill the requirements for this internship opportunity. I will be a strong addition to the team due to my strong interpersonal skills, eagerness to learn, and willingness to help. I always think out of the box, which helps me come up with creative ideas. Having a chance to contribute to Nano IT’s growth is priceless to me, as I share the company’s core values, such as constant improvement and bringing value with care for the future.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration.

As you can see, in this version of the essay, the reader can be sure that Tom knows the company’s values. Besides, he lists his strong sides without obvious exaggeration. The conclusion is consistent with the rest of the essay, demonstrating that Tom has specific goals and expectations set.

Now that you have clear samples of what to do and what to avoid when writing an internship application, you can start chasing your dreams! However, it is a responsible task, so if you are not completely sure about your writing skills, you can leave this job to professionals. Our experts at Studybay will help you with your application essay, internship report, and any other written task you require. We wish you the best of luck with your career endeavor!

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How to Write an Essay for an Internship

Internship: Apply for an Internship to Prepare for College

Internship: Apply for an Internship to Prepare for College

An internship can provide career-building experience and be a stepping stone to your dream job. In order to get an internship, you may be asked to write an essay with your application. This essay gives you a chance to express your personality beyond what can be gleaned from other aspects of the application. Think of it as a written interview and use it as an opportunity to convey your passion for the field and personal motivations. This type of well-crafted "interview" can separate you from the other candidates by demonstrating your strength in written communication.

Hook Your Reader in the Introduction

Start with an attention-grabbing opening sentence. Whoever is reading your essay will likely be reading many of them, so you need to establish yourself as a special individual by revealing a detail that is relevant but interesting and unique. Your introductory paragraph should be specific and directly related to the internship. For example, if you're applying for a veterinary internship, mention your experience as a pet foster parent or your volunteering experience at a shelter.

Create a Thesis Statement

Conclude your first paragraph with a clear thesis statement. Your thesis will guide the rest of your essay, and should be narrowly focused to the internship you want. For example, your thesis might read, "My volunteer experience working with animals has helped me develop compassion and attention to detail, and an internship will help me hone these skills even further."

Share Your Strengths

Focus on why you would be an asset to the company, business, organization or clinic that you want to intern at. Every applicant will be writing what the internship opportunity will do for them, but you can set yourself apart by highlighting what you will be bringing to the internship. Think about the most important qualities you will bring to the table, and make sure to thread these details throughout the entire essay, which should be about a page long unless otherwise noted on the application.

Discuss Your Experience

Relate relevant experience. Remember that experience can be anything from a leadership position on a sports team to a babysitting job. If you are including your resume and/or transcript, don't restate their contents. Instead, use the essay to elaborate on the skills and qualifications you have that make you a good candidate.

Demonstrate Your Work Ethic

Prove you will treat the internship like a job. Whether or not you will be getting paid or working full time, show that you understand an internship is a meaningful professional opportunity and not a “job lite.” You can do this by adopting a mature and professional tone in the essay.

Avoid Stating the Obvious

Avoid cliches or stating the obvious by being as specific as possible. There is no need to say, for example, that you are applying for the internship to gain experience since that’s typically one of the main goals of any internship. Instead, talk about the specific skills you hope to learn and how you will use them in your career.

Follow the Guidelines

Stick to the guidelines. If there are published word limits, writing far more or far less will show that you do not know how to follow directions. If the application does not specify how long the paper should be, use your judgment and try to stick to 400-500 words.

  • Personalize the essay. You do not want the reader to think you wrote a form essay, but that you have done the research on their company and can point to reasons you will be a good fit for the internship.
  • Have someone read over the essay to catch any grammatical or spelling errors you may have missed.

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Based in the Washington, D.C. metro area, Sarah Nyako has been writing professionally since 2008. Her area of expertise is health, fitness and the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently working towards a master's degree in medical writing.

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How to Write an Internship Application Essay Step by Step

Carla johnson.

  • October 12, 2023
  • How to Guides

Securing an internship in the competitive field of nursing can be a pivotal step towards your dream career. However, to stand out in a sea of applicants, you need to present a compelling internship application essay. This essay serves as your opportunity to showcase your passion, skills, and dedication to the field. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss how to write an internship application essay for nursing students. From structuring your essay to nailing the content, we’ve got you covered.

What You'll Learn

I. Understand the Purpose of the Internship Essay

Before you dive into writing, it’s crucial to understand the purpose of the internship application essay. This essay is your chance to convey to the selection committee why you are a suitable candidate for the internship position . It should highlight your qualifications, aspirations, and the specific contributions you can make to the institution. Keep in mind that your essay is your voice, so make it compelling and unique.

II. Research the Institution

To write a standout internship application essay, it’s essential to thoroughly research the institution where you’re applying. Start by visiting the institution’s website, reading about their mission and values, and exploring any specific programs or initiatives they are known for. This knowledge will enable you to tailor your essay to align with their goals, making it clear that you are genuinely interested in joining their team.

III. The Structure of the Internship Application Essay

  • Introduction: Begin your essay with a captivating opening that grabs the reader’s attention. State your purpose for applying and briefly introduce yourself. Highlight your enthusiasm for nursing and the internship opportunity.
  • Personal Background: Share relevant details about your academic background , any prior healthcare experience, and your motivation to become a nurse. Be concise and focus on aspects that directly relate to your qualifications for the internship.
  • Why This Institution: Explain why you are drawn to the specific institution and how it aligns with your nursing career goals. Mention any unique qualities or programs that resonate with your aspirations.
  • Skills and Abilities: This section is your chance to showcase your nursing-related skills and attributes. Discuss your clinical skills, technical knowledge, and interpersonal skills that make you an excellent candidate for the internship.
  • Experiences and Achievements: Describe your past experiences, internships, or academic achievements that highlight your dedication to the field of nursing. Provide examples of challenges you’ve overcome and how these experiences have prepared you for this internship.
  • Professional Goals : Share your long-term career goals and how this internship will help you achieve them. Discuss how your objectives align with the institution’s mission and values.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay, emphasizing your passion for nursing and your readiness to contribute to the institution. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression.

A well-structured essay is easier to follow and more appealing to the reader. Here’s a breakdown of the essential elements to include:

IV. Dos and Don’ts for Writing the Content

When it comes to the content of your internship application essay, there are some essential dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Be Authentic: Be yourself and let your genuine passion for nursing shine through. Avoid using clichés or overly formal language.
  • Be Specific: Provide concrete examples and specific details to support your claims. Show, don’t tell.
  • Proofread: Carefully proofread your essay to eliminate grammatical errors and typos. Consider seeking feedback from professors or peers.
  • Highlight Relevant Experiences: Focus on experiences and skills that directly relate to nursing and the internship position.
  • Address Any Weaknesses: If you have any gaps or weaknesses in your application, such as lower grades in certain courses, address them honestly and explain how you’ve worked to overcome them.


  • Plagiarize: Never copy content from other sources. Originality is key, and plagiarism can lead to rejection.
  • Exaggerate: Be truthful in your essay. Don’t exaggerate your accomplishments or experiences.
  • Ramble: Keep your essay concise and on-topic. Avoid unnecessary details or unrelated anecdotes.
  • Disregard Guidelines: Follow any word limits and formatting guidelines provided by the institution. Failure to do so may result in your essay being disregarded.

Your internship application essay plays a vital role in determining whether you secure the opportunity you desire. By understanding the purpose of the essay, researching the institution, structuring your content effectively, and following the dos and don’ts, you can craft a compelling essay that stands out.

If you find the task of writing an internship application essay daunting, or if you’re seeking to improve your chances of success, consider our professional writing services. Our team of experienced writers can assist you in creating a powerful and persuasive internship application essay that reflects your unique qualities and aspirations. Contact us today to take the next step toward your dream nursing internship. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to shine in a competitive field—let us help you make your application truly outstanding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How do you start an internship essay? To begin an internship essay, start with a captivating introduction that clearly states your purpose for applying, and briefly introduce yourself. Engage the reader by expressing your enthusiasm for the internship opportunity.
  • How do I write an internship application form? To complete an internship application form, carefully read and follow the instructions provided. Be thorough and accurate when filling in personal and academic details, and provide comprehensive responses to any essay questions or prompts.
  • How do you write a good personal statement for an internship? To craft an effective personal statement for an internship, focus on your unique qualities, skills, and experiences that make you a suitable candidate. Be concise, specific, and show how your background aligns with the internship’s goals.
  • How do you start an internship statement of purpose? To initiate an internship statement of purpose, open with a strong and engaging introduction. Clearly state your objectives, discuss your aspirations, and express your dedication to the field or institution you’re applying to.

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