Top Soft Skills for 2024 [90+ Examples for Your Resume]

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Soft skills are core skills sought after in every profession.

Whether you’re a server in a restaurant or a big-shot CEO, your soft skills will be as decisive for your success as your technical know-how. 

Motivation and time management, leadership, and open-mindedness - all of those are widely sought-after soft skills.

And these are just a few out of many! 

But you might be wondering which soft skills are relevant for YOUR career? And which ones should you focus on developing?

This is where this article comes in!

What Are Soft Skills?

  • Soft Skills Vs Hard Skills

Top 10 Soft Skills Employers Love (For Any Profession)

90+ soft skills examples for 10 careers.

  • How to List Soft Skills On Your Resume

Soft skills consist of a combination of people, social, and communication skills, character traits, attitudes, and mindsets, as well as social and emotional characteristics, among others, which are sought for in all professions. 

Some examples of soft skills include:

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving

If you’re applying for a job, soft skills are key in setting apart ideal candidates from adequate ones - especially when recruiters are deciding among applicants with similar work and education experience.  

Studies also attest to it - 97% of employers say that soft skills are either as important or more important than hard skills and that more than half of new employees that fail within 18 months do so because they lack soft skills. 

Soft Skills Vs Hard Skills 

There are two types of skills: hard skills and soft skills . 

Hard skills , also referred to as measurable abilities, include anything from mastering Photoshop to emergency care knowledge. You obtain hard skills through your education, training, certifications, and professional experience. 

Soft skills , also called people skills, are the mix of social and interpersonal skills , character traits, and professional attitudes that all jobs require. Teamwork, patience, time management, communication, are just a few examples. Soft skills can be personality traits or they can be traits obtained through life experiences. 

Usually, you’d include both hard and soft skills in your resume as follows:

skills on resume

But for the most part, skills are something a recruiter learns about you through an interview.

A good resume includes both soft and hard skills. Check our article on How to List Skills in Your Resume to learn how to do it right. 

soft skills

Soft skills can tell a lot about how a candidate will interact in the workplace, how they might react under pressure, or what their professional potential is.

As such, a lot of employers prioritize hiring employees with the right soft skills over hard skills.

But which soft skills are really important, and which ones are less so?

In 2024, the most in-demand soft skills are as follows:

  • Time management
  • Adaptability
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Attention to detail

#1. Time Management

Time management involves the ability to use your time wisely to work as efficiently as possible. Some sub-skills related to time management are: 

  • Stress management
  • Organization
  • Prioritizing
  • Goal setting

#2. Communication

Communication is the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively and it’s among the top soft skills employers require across all fields. 

The most common communication skills are: 

  • Verbal communication
  • Written communication
  • Presentation
  • Constructive feedback
  • Active listening

#3. Adaptability

Your adaptability shows how well you can embrace change and adjust to it. 

Companies and work environments constantly change: new team members come in, old ones leave, companies get bought or sold, and so on.

So, you need to be able to adapt to different situations at your workplace.

Here are some skills related to adaptability: 

  • Self-management
  • Self-motivation

career masterclass

#4. Problem-solving

Being able to analytically and creatively solve problems will come in handy no matter your job. 

After all, there’s no job in the world where you won’t have any problems to deal with. That is why creative problem-solvers are always in high demand. 

These are the skills associated with problem-solving: 

  • Logical reasoning
  • Observation
  • Brainstorming
  • Decision making

#5. Teamwork

Teamwork will never cease to be a must-have soft skill. It helps you work effectively in a group and accomplish tasks. Examples of skills related to teamwork are: 

  • Conflict management and resolution
  • Collaboration
  • Coordination
  • Idea exchange

#6. Creativity 

We’re used to linking creativity with fields like art, or design, but creativity is a broad term that involves several sub-skills from questioning to experimenting. As such, any professional can make just as much use of creative skills as artists. 

Here are some examples of creative skills: 

  • Imagination
  • Mind-mapping
  • Experimentation
  • Questioning

#7. Leadership 

Leadership refers to the ability to mentor, train, or guide. No matter the industry, employers prefer to hire applicants who show they have leadership potential for 2 reasons:

  • Employees with leadership skills show more initiative and are more likely to invest themselves in helping the company grow.
  • The company can eventually promote employees with strong leadership roles to better management positions.

Skills related to leadership include: 

  • Management skills
  • Authenticity
  • Cultural intelligence

#8. Interpersonal Skills 

Interpersonal skills are all about how well you interact with others, tend after relationships, and make a positive impression on those around you. 

#9. Work Ethic 

Work ethic relates to valuing work and putting in the effort to yield results. It’s a soft skill that employers in literally every job you’ll ever apply for will appreciate. Some soft skills related to work ethic are: 

  • Responsibility
  • Dependability
  • Professionalism

#10. Attention to Detail 

Here’s another skill no employer will reject - the ability to be thorough and accurate in your work. Paying attention even to minor details is what sets apart dedicated employees from those who just want to get the job done and go home. 

Some other soft skills related to attention to detail are: 

  • Introspection
  • Critical observation

Now sure which soft skills are good to mention for your profession?

Below, we compiled a list of 90+ best soft skills for 10 different career paths. Just find the one that’s relevant for you and plug the skills into your resume!

#1. Customer Service 

Customer service is all about soft skills, especially since it involves dealing with people. Be it in person, over the phone, or on the internet, your ‘people skills’ need to be on point if you are to work with demanding customers.  

Here are some of the most popular soft skills in customer service:

  • Listening skills
  • Self-control 
  • Positive attitude
  • Assertiveness
  • Conflict resolution
  • Depersonalization
  • Taking responsibility 

#2. Healthcare 

A career in healthcare takes years of studying, a lot of training, and a variety of hard skills. At the same time, healthcare workers also need to be able to work well under pressure or pay close attention to detail. 

Studies pointing to the importance of empathy in providing quality care, for example, are among many highlighting how soft skills are essential in developing a patient-centered approach. 

Here are some other examples of soft skills in healthcare:  

  • Stress management 
  • Positive attitude 
  • Flexibility 
  • Time management 
  • Receptive attitude 
  • Attention to detail 

#3. Digital Marketing

Marketing surely is one of the most popular career choices, but the fast development of new technologies and the transition to online work have brought digital marketing under the spotlight too. 

But just because the industry utilizes digital technologies to market products and services doesn’t mean a career in digital marketing doesn’t require its own set of soft skills. 

Here are 10 essential soft skills for a career in digital marketing:

  • Willingness to learn
  • Multitasking
  • Accepting criticism

#4. Management 

An essential task of a successful manager is to coordinate and administer human resources. This makes soft skills all the more important for any type of management role. 

Here are some examples of what’s required from managers in terms of soft skills: 

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Task delegation 
  • Negotiation 

#5. Education 

Keeping up with the times is essential for a career in education since you mostly get to deal with younger people. This involves continuously upgrading your hard skills, especially when it comes to new teaching methods and online learning. 

The soft skills required from an educator, on the other hand, haven’t changed drastically over time. Here are some of the most popular ones: 

  • Written and oral communication
  • Public speaking
  • Critical thinking 
  • Motivation 
  • Conflict resolution 

Soft skills are vital if you want to succeed in sales. After all, sales involve a combination of soft skills that range from negotiation to persuasion and empathy. It doesn’t matter whether you work over the phone or on the internet - doing sales will always require that your soft skills are on point.  

Let’s look at ten soft skills required for a sales professional: 

  • Negotiation
  • Sociability 
  • Critical thinking

Being a successful designer is about a lot more than just remote design work behind your PC screen. In addition to creativity and attention to detail, a designer needs to be an active listener and open to feedback to bring the client’s vision to life. 

Here are the top soft skills for any designer:

  • Visual communication
  • Creativity 
  • Aesthetics 

#8. Accounting 

Maybe accounting and soft skills don’t feel like the right mix of words, but a career in accounting also requires its own set of soft skills. 

Here’s what they boil down to:

  • Effective written and oral communication
  • Organization 
  • System analysis
  • Deductive reasoning
  • Active learning

#9. Business Analytics 

Another in-demand profession in today’s digital world, business analysts are tasked with balancing and combining business knowledge with advancing technologies. 

Here are the soft skills required from a business analyst:

  • Quality client service
  • Strategic thinking
  • Technical writing
  • Team building
  • Presentation and public thinking

#10. Web Development 

Being good at C++ or Java is not all it takes to make a career in web development. There are several soft skills required from developers too, such as creativity and problem-solving. 

In other cases, developers are required to collaborate with designers to bring an idea to life, and that’s where active listening comes in. 

The top soft skills for web developers consist of the following:

  • Active listening 
  • Open-mindedness 
  • Accountability
  • Time and project management

If you’re looking for more soft skills to put on your resume, get inspired from these 100+ essential skills to put on your resume !

How to List Soft Skills On Your Resume 

The way you list your skills on your resume matters. 

For example, you need to ensure that you’re listing the right soft skills in the first place (and that they’re relevant for the role you’re applying for).

You should also back those soft skills up with experiences - you can’t just say “I’m a great leader” if nothing in your resume supports this claim.

So, here are our top 4 tips on how to list your soft skills in your resume and get an edge over the competition.

#1. Tailor Soft Skills to the Job

The more job-specific you are with the skills on your resume, the better. 

What we mean by this is, you should only list skills that are relevant to the position. 

For example, if you’re applying to be a server, you probably won’t need problem-solving and critical thinking skills as much as effective communication and teamwork. 

Tailoring your soft skills to the job is easier than you think - all you need to do is use the job description as a cheat sheet. Basically, just read the job ad in detail and make a list of the required skills. Then, add them to your resume.

Let’s assume you’re applying for a sales manager position. The requirements are:

  • Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, Communications, or related field.
  • 5 years of experience in sales.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills.
  • Proven ability to lead a team to meet quotas.
  • Excellent leadership skills.
  • Experience setting sales goals.

You just got four skills tailored to the job just by reading the requirements:  

  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Goal-oriented

#2. Back-Up Soft Skills With Other Sections 

Anyone can mention that they have amazing critical thinking and leadership skills in their resume.

Unless they back this up with some facts and experiences, though, the recruiter won’t take you seriously.

Now, this may not be as easy as tailoring them to the job, but there are certainly ways around it. 

Let’s say you’re applying as a creative director for an advertising agency.

Your required soft skills would probably include some of the following: 

  • Oral communication
  • Project management

First things first - you’d mention these skills in the dedicated skills section.

Afterward, you’d back them up as follows:

When listing your work experiences, mention achievements or responsibilities that show off these soft skills.

For example, to show off your project management skills, you can write:

Coordinated 10 people to create a YouTube video ad for a client that resulted in the client’s revenues increasing by over $50,000 within a month.

Or, to showcase your creativity, you can include the following bit:

Conceptualized and pitched an ad idea that went on to win the Epica Award.

There’s a lot more to creating a compelling resume than listing your skills the right way. Check out our complete guide on how to write a resume to learn more.

#3. Use Transferable Skills When Switching Careers

Transferable skills can be particularly useful if you’re switching careers or changing directions within the industry. They include skills that are not job-specific, but still useful to the position. 

Let’s assume you are leaving your job as a news reporter and applying for a Public Relations position. Although the industries are different, both are communications-related professions. 

This means you can list some relevant soft skills acquired as a reporter on your new resume to show you’re not completely unfamiliar with the job. 

As a news reporter, your soft skills can include (but are not limited to): 

  • Communication skills
  • Presentation skills

These are all skills you can easily ‘transfer’ into your PR resume and show you can take on the change. 

Soft Skills FAQ

Still have some questions about soft skills?

Check out our FAQ below!

1. How are soft skills essential for career growth?

Soft skills consist of people and social skills, as well as career attributes, that define how you interact in the workplace, handle the responsibility or seek improvement, among others. As such, they are important for career growth no matter your industry, and employers often prioritize hiring employees with the right soft skills over hard skills. 

2. How are soft skills different from hard skills? 

Hard skills are measurable skills that you obtain through your education, training, certifications, and professional experience. Soft skills, on the other hand, can be personality traits or they can be obtained through life experiences. All professions require a mix of both.

3. What are recruiters' top 10 soft skills?

The top 10 soft skills all recruiters love despite your profession are the following: 

  • Teamwork skills

4. Can soft skills be acquired?

Soft skills are non-technical skills, such as people, social skills, and career attributes, they’re not something that can be taught in an afternoon. 

That said, it IS possible to pick up new soft skills - it’s just going to require a lot of personal development from your end.

5. Can you put soft skills on a resume?

Yep! Soft skills go under the “Skills” resume section .

When listing your skills, we recommend you add a skill level to them (e.g. beginner, intermediate, etc.). This way, the recruiter has a much better idea of how well you know any given skill.

Key Takeaways 

Phew! And that wraps up everything you need to know about soft skills and your career.

Now, let’s do a quick recap of the most important points we covered in this article:

  • Soft skills consist of a combination of people, social, and communication skills, character traits, attitudes, and mindsets, among others, which are sought for in all professions.
  • There are two types of skills: soft skills and hard skills. For the most part, skills are something a recruiter learns about you through an interview, although both go into your resume.
  • Although several soft skills are valued in every profession, each industry requires its own set of soft skills for a successful career in the field. So, when applying for a job, make sure to list soft skills that are relevant for YOU.

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To bag a job in today’s highly competitive job market, you need to possess the right skillset.

Aren’t we all tired of hearing this line on every career-related site?

Well, as much as it is important to possess these skills, you also need to be able to reflect them effectively in your resume.

As you may know, there are two types of skills - hard skills and soft skills.

While it may be easy to list your hard skills directly in your resume, following the same approach while listing your soft skills can get a little tricky.

This is because, as much as employers value soft skills , they don’t just want to see a straight-up list of your soft skills.

Rather, you must demonstrate your soft skills in your resume through examples, with a proven track record through your past experiences, and so on.

Read on to get clarity on the following topics related to listing soft skills in your resume:

  • What are soft skills?
  • What are hard skills vs soft skills on a resume?
  • What are 25 soft skills?
  • How to list soft skills on resume?
  • What are some examples of soft skills on resume?
  • What are some soft skills training courses take you can take?

soft skills list

Source: WikiJob

Also read: What are some top employability skills?

What are Soft Skills

Soft skills are transferable skills that are useful and applicable in almost every job profile.

These skills determine how you work and your ability to meet the demands of a work position.

In technicality, soft skills are the skills that help you make the most out of your hard skills.

They are a part of your personality traits and can directly impact your work performance. That is why some employers value soft skills over hard skills.

This is especially true when it comes to industries like hospitality & service industries and job profiles like managers, sales representatives, customer service representatives, marketing agents, etc.

The following is a list of the top 25 soft skills that employers value:

Accountability Multitasking
Interpersonal Communication
Collaboration & Team Work Compliance
Creativity Critical Thinking
Leadership Problem-solving
Active Listening Empathy
Positivity Emotional Intelligence
Patience Adaptability
Punctuality Perseverance
Integrity Delegation
Logical Reasoning Self-awareness
Attention to Detail Time Management
Self-motivation -

Also read: What are conceptual skills?

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

As opposed to soft skills, hard skills are the prowesses that we learn through education or training.

Some of the examples of hard skills are marketing skills, IT skills, coding, and so on.

So, when it comes to hard skills vs soft skills, which one do employers value more?

The answer in most cases is, both. An ideal candidate in the eyes of an employer has a combination of good soft skills and hard skills.

And while hard skills can be evaluated on paper, soft skills can only be evaluated in-person - when you interact or analyze how a person behaves in real-life scenarios.

That's why during interviews, recruiters ask situational and behavioral questions to gauge a candidate's soft skills.

Also read: What are analytical skills?


Source: ZipJob

Listing Skills on Resume

Now that you clearly understand what soft skills are and the types of soft skills that employers value, you must know how to showcase them smartly in your resume and cover letter.

So, how should you list soft skills on a resume?

Here are some steps that you can follow to do the same:

Make a Soft Skills List

Before you go on to write your resume or cover letter, consider making a list of your skills in the beginning.

Divide your skills into two obvious categories - hard skills and soft skills.

When you compile your soft skills this way, you don’t miss out on anything, and it becomes easy to choose the suitable soft skills you must include in your resume.

Also read: How to list professional communication skills on resume?

Refer to the Job Listing

Now, to choose which soft skills you need to include in your resume, refer to the job listing.

Read and pick up specific keywords that are used to list the requirements of the job profile.

For instance, if the recruiters have listed good communication skills and leadership skills under their requirements, include that keyword in your resume if that stands true to you.

Doing so will also help your resume become ATS (Applicant Tracking System) compliant.

ATS is a software used by the majority of recruiters to select the most relevant resumes for job vacancies.

Hiration Pro Tip: To ensure that the ATS picks up on the skills that you’ve listed in your resume, try to use the exact word used in the job listing to address the skill. For instance, if it says supervision instead of leadership, write that.

Research the Job Profile

Besides filtering out the soft skills that you are going to include in your resume based on the job listing, you can also research the job profile you are applying for.

Identify the crucial soft skills required to qualify as a potential candidate for the same and portray them in your resume or cover letter.

You can even prepare your interview answers based on this research and talk about instances where you utilized the required soft skills.

As stated earlier, simply listing out soft skills in the skills section of your resume won’t do much to impress employers.

Recruiters prefer to see examples and instances wherein you have demonstrated your soft skills.

You can do so by demonstrating your soft skills in the professional experience section. For example:

  • Led a team of 20+ employees to complete a sales target of USD 10 Million
  • Oversaw formulation of budgets, operations, and funding proposals for submitting the same to the Board of Directors
  • Coordinated with logistic vendors to ensure effective ecosystem management

You can also reflect your soft skills in the summary or objective section of your resume like in the following examples:

“Meticulous and organized receptionist with 5+ years of experience in managing complex physical and digital filing systems and providing exceptional customer service. Adept at scheduling appointments and managing office inventory and supplies. Proficient in addressing calls and cultivating robust relationships with key stakeholders.”

“Detail-oriented general manager armed with 3+ years of experience in managing restaurant operations at high-end establishments. Highly skilled in leading a team of high-performing professionals including chefs and servers to ensure quality standards of food & services are met. Adept at managing the inventory & supply and warrant compliance with food safety policies and guidelines while deescalating customer-centric situations for smooth business operations.”

Use Action Verbs

Like in the given examples, try to use action verbs that successfully show your soft skills without having to spell them out in your resume.

Here are some action verbs that can help to highlight your soft skills in the professional experience and summary section of your resume:

  • Coordinated
  • Spearheaded
  • Communicated
  • Strategized

Also read: What are action verbs and power verbs in a resume?

Soft Skills Examples for Resume

To give you more clarity on how you can demonstrate soft skills on resume, here are some examples:


  • Liaised with various advertising agencies and consulting firms to manage production for live shoots
  • Effectively communicated the organizational regulations and SOPs to the recruits as part of facilitating their onboarding process
  • Managed communications with E-Cells across India and ensured allocation of common resources and skills
  • Led and monitored the performance of 8+ team members to ensure efficiency in meeting individual and group targets
  • Supervised the onboarding of 30+ recruits in 6 months to acclimate employees to their roles and company policies
  • Oversaw filing and record-keeping system precisely for all financial transactions adhering to the regulatory guidelines
  • Coordinated with 10+ vendors to ensure optimal quality of components during creation and maintenance of systems
  • Collaborated with the data engineering team of 5 to create 10+ useful plugins for improving user's experience by 22%
  • Coordinated with the management to develop & maintain relationships with 20+ employment and recruitment agencies


  • Formulated design solutions for 10+ software products to optimize efficiency and reduce development costs by 15%
  • Developed high-quality user functionality for 20+ applications to meet user and business requirements
  • Devised technical solutions for 20+ software configuration faults as part of optimizing the end product

Also read: What skills to put in your resume?

Soft Skills Courses List

These days there are plenty of online courses (free and paid) that can help you polish or acquire new soft skills.

Given below are some of the online courses you can consider taking:

  • Teamwork Skills (communicating effectively in groups) - University of Colorado Boulder
  • Creative Thinking (techniques and tools for success) - Imperial College London
  • Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress: Yale University
  • Learning How to Learn (powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects) - Deep Teaching Solutions
  • Agile Leadership: University of Colorado System
  • Emotional Intelligence - University of Michigan
  • Business English Communication Skills - University of Washington
  • Writing Professional Email and Memos (project-centered course) - University System of Georgia
  • Mindware (critical thinking for the information age - University of Michigan
  • Interviewing and Resume Writing in English - University of Maryland

Also Read: List of essential soft skills to advance in your career

  • Rather than directly listing out your soft skills, try to demonstrate them in your resume through examples.
  • Soft skills are transferable skills that are useful and applicable in almost every job profile and help you make the most out of your hard skills.
  • Making a list of your soft skills before writing your resume or cover letter will streamline the process.
  • Refer to the job listing and research the job profile to choose the right soft skills that you must include in your resume.
  • Demonstrate your soft skills in the summary and professional experience section of your resume by using power verbs.

Head on over to our career platform with 24x7 chat support to find expert assistance or write to us at [email protected] .

how to write your soft skills in resume

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How To Demonstrate Soft Skills on Your Resume

Adding soft skills to your resume requires more than just listing them. Here's how to show, not tell, your resume soft skills in a way that recruiters will love.

3 years ago   •   12 min read

A skill is a skill, right? Well — sort of.When it comes to applying for jobs, there are hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are specific and verifiable — think coding in Python, proficiency with digital marketing tools, or degrees and qualifications. On the other hand, soft skills, such as leadership, adaptability, and collaboration, are less tangible but equally important.

So, how do you showcase soft skills on your resume, especially when they're harder to quantify?

In this article, we'll discuss how to demonstrate competitive soft skills, how to determine the best skills to highlight, and provide examples of how to showcase commonly sought-after soft skills.

What are soft skills on a resume?

Soft skills are the skills you pick up from everyday life, like leadership, communication, interpersonal skills, and time management. Unlike hard skills, soft skills are hard to evaluate and even harder to prove. Despite that, most job descriptions list soft skills as “must haves,” meaning they need to be on your resume somewhere.

How have resume soft skills evolved in recent years?

In the contemporary job market, soft skills extend beyond traditional interpersonal skills. Today's remote work environment requires skills like digital literacy, remote team management, digital communication proficiency, adaptability to new tech platforms, and virtual collaboration. Highlighting your proficiency in these emerging soft skills will demonstrate to potential employers that you're not just competent in traditional soft skills but are also equipped for the modern, evolving workplace.

The golden rule of listing soft skills on your resume

There is one golden rule when it comes to resume soft skills: don’t list soft skills directly in your skills section.

That might seem counterintuitive — surely listing your skills is the best way for employers to see them? But soft skills are subjective, so hiring managers want to see proof of these skills rather than just take your word for it. But don’t worry. There are loads of ways to show your soft skills without listing them outright. So, let’s get to it.

How to list soft skills on your resume

The best place to demonstrate soft skills on your resume is in your work experience bullet points through details and well-chosen accomplishments . And remember, the key to soft skills is to show, don’t tell. Here’s how:

Use action verbs and quantified metrics.

To show your skills rather than stating them, start each statement with an action verb that highlights the soft skill in question and use numbers and metrics to substantiate it . For example:

  • Led a remote team of 10, increasing overall project efficiency by 25% through strategic use of digital collaboration tools.
  • Streamlined virtual communication processes, leading to a 30% reduction in email overload and a significant improvement in team satisfaction.

How to show specific soft skills by emphasizing accomplishments in your bullet points

Highlight transferable skills

Soft skills are less industry or role-specific than hard skills, allowing you to demonstrate them using experience from a wide range of fields. Focus on emerging soft skills like digital literacy, virtual teamwork, and online project management, as well more traditional skills such as initiative, leadership, analytical, and communication. Use examples from various fields and emphasize how these skills relate to the job you're applying for.

Choose soft skills that reflect the company culture

Research the company's values, mission, and work environment to understand the best soft skills to add to your resume. For instance, a startup might value adaptability and innovation, while a non-profit organization might emphasize empathy and teamwork.

Reflect this understanding in your resume by highlighting relevant soft skills that align with the company's ethos. This demonstrates not only your capabilities but also your alignment with the company's values and work style, making you a more attractive candidate.

Tailor your resume to the job description

Some roles will require particular soft skills, which will likely be listed in the job description. Management or senior-level roles, for example, require strong leadership and motivation skills, while client-facing roles need communication and customer service skills. Tailor your resume to each application by choosing examples that directly showcase these relevant skills, and remove any experience that isn’t related to your desired field.

What soft skills are employers looking for?

There are two reliable ways of finding the right soft skills to list on your resume:

  • Read the job description. Pay close attention to how the posting describes the ideal applicant and what kind of work you'll do. For each skill in the job ad, include at least one bullet point demonstrating that skill.
  • Browse your industry or enter the job title in our industry-specific keyword finder for targeted skills suggestions to include on your resume.

Here is a list of commonly saught-after soft skills that are a good addition to any resume:


Adaptability, digital literacy, problem-solving.

  • Time management
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Conflict Resolution

To see if your resume showcases the right soft skills for your industry, or find more soft skills to add to your resume, upload your resume to the tool below . It’ll scan your resume and let you know if you’ve shown enough soft skills like communication, leadership, management, and initiative.

Examples of how to showcase top resume soft skills

Here are examples of good soft skills to add to your resume, and how to describe each skill through accomplishments and quantified metrics.

Most roles require some degree of teamwork. Companies want reliable employees who can get along with others and are pleasant and professional to work with. To show teamwork skills , emphasize accomplishments that demonstrate your role in past teams and what you achieved. For example:

  • Collaborated with marketing and web development teams to deliver all projects on time or ahead of schedule.
  • Coordinated with a cross-functional team using tools like Asana and Microsoft Teams to successfully launch a digital marketing campaign.

An example from a resume on how to show teamwork; highlight team projects you worked on or connections you made that improved your work.

The ability to effectively and efficiently use various digital technologies and tools is essential in today's fast-paced and technology-driven work environment. Describe your proficiency with digital tools and platforms, and experience with remote team management, digital communication, and virtual collaboration.

For example:

  • Utilized a suite of digital tools (like Slack, Zoom, and Trello) to manage a distributed team, resulting in a 20% increase in project efficiency.
  • Orchestrated a seamless transition to cloud-based systems, leveraging platforms like Google Workspace and Salesforce, which enhanced team collaboration, leading to a 30% growth in client engagement.

Adaptability is a crucial soft skill to showcase as it demonstrates your ability to adjust to new challenges, environments, and technologies. Highlight specific instances where you successfully navigated changes or challenges in the workplace, demonstrating your flexibility and problem-solving skills.

  • Rapidly adapted to the shift from in-office to remote work, implementing new workflows that increased team productivity by 15%.
  • Quickly adapted to remote working conditions in 2020, implementing innovative workflow adjustments and leading my team to exceed project targets by 15%.

Communication is one of the most frequently listed soft skills in job descriptions. It’s also one of the most challenging skills to evaluate. Point to examples where you communicated professionally, such as organizing an event, speaking at a conference, and spearheading marketing initiatives. Also, focus on virtual communication skills, such as navigating and managing remote interactions and ensuring clear and empathetic communication across digital mediums.

  • Organized and conducted monthly meetings with city council executives and other community leaders to raise funds for city recycling initiative.
  • Facilitated virtual team-building sessions that improved team morale and collaboration in a remote setting.
  • Developed an internal monthly newsletter, enhancing company-wide communication and engagement.

An example from a resume on how to show communication skills; discuss what you did to communicate effectively and the positive impact it had.

When hiring managers are looking for employees who show initiative, they want people who can make decisions, work independently , and be proactive in suggesting solutions. Use action verbs like “Conceived,” “Overhauled,” and “Pioneered” to show how you’ve taken initiative in past projects.

  • Spearheaded the adoption of a remote project management tool, improving team efficiency by 35%.
  • Identified steps to reduce return rates by 10%, resulting in an eventual $75k cost savings.

An example from a resume on how to show initiative; discuss times you acted without needing direction or went above and beyond in your role.

Leadership will likely be your most needed soft skill if you’re applying for a senior-level or management position. In your resume, give examples of teams you’ve led or people you’ve mentored and what they achieved.

  • Led a remote team of 15 in developing a new SaaS product, resulting in a 25% increase in customer acquisition.
  • Taught workshops on team building and cooperation; improved team productivity by 50%.

An example from a resume on how to show leadership skills; discuss how you led a project which resulted in demonstrable impact to your company.

Basic critical thinking and problem-solving skills are used in just about any profession. Recruiters want to see how you approach unexpected hurdles and solve problems before they become issues, especially if you’re in a public-facing position or one working closely with clients.

  • Analyzed user feedback from social media channels using analytics tools to enhance product features, leading to a 40% increase in user satisfaction.
  • Developed an Excel macro and standardized reporting templates, resulting in efficient data collection and a 35% reduction in turnaround time.

An example of how to show problem solving and analysis skills on a resume; discuss how you analyzed data and the impact it had on your company.


Organization doesn't just include the ability to tidy a desk or file a document. Potential employers often look for skills like good time management , multitasking , and organizing projects, people, and events. For example:

  • Managed a virtual conference with over 1,000 attendees, ensuring seamless coordination of speakers and schedules.
  • Coordinated mailing over 40,000 invitations, formal letters, and information packets annually.

An example of how to show organizational skills on a resume; discuss events or personnel you oprganized and the metrics for achieving success.

Creative and design skills

Not all positions require design skills , but if you’re in a creative industry or role , it’s likely to be at the top of the “must-have” list. Choose examples for your resume that show your ability to conceptualize new ideas and see projects to fruition through the entire design process.

  • Redesigned a mobile app’s user interface, which increased user engagement by 30%.
  • Created a new company logo as part of a rebranding initiative that resulted in a 30% increase in brand awareness among the target demographic.

An example of demonstrating creative skills on a resume; discuss what you designed and include hard numbers and metrics.

Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution doesn't always have to be high-stakes. Customer retention, resolving disputes, and ensuring members of your team are happy and productive all fall under the heading of conflict resolution .

  • Assisted customers by addressing their questions and providing information on procedures or policies, continuously exceeding expectations on customer satisfaction.
  • Implemented a customer feedback system to address service issues, reducing complaints by 45%.

An example from a resume on how to show conflict resolution skills; discuss how you resolved conflicts and the measurable success for your company.

Attention to detail

Attention to detail is particularly necessary for administrative and clerical professionals , as well as anyone who works with data, finance, or sensitive documents.

  • Handled all aspects of preparing the weekly payroll and expense reporting for a 200-person office; kept detailed audit records and processed 100% of payments on time.
  • Conducted a detailed analysis of e-commerce transactions to identify and rectify discrepancies, boosting revenue accuracy by 98%.

An example from a resume on showing attention to detail; discuss the scope of data or information you handled and how it positively impacted your company.

How to highlight soft skills on your resume when changing careers

As a career changer , most of your transferable skills will likely be soft skills. If you lack hard skills in the industry you’re moving into, emphasizing soft skills is even more important.

  • Identify universal soft skills : Reflect on your previous roles and identify universal skills, such as adaptability, problem-solving, and effective communication.
  • Showcase transferable achievements : Use your work experience bullet points to highlight how your soft skills contributed to success in your previous roles. This can include examples like leading a diverse team in a non-related industry, which showcases leadership and team management skills transferable to any sector.
  • Highlight adaptability and learning : Emphasize your ability to adapt to new industries quickly. For example, "Successfully transitioned from a healthcare background to a tech startup, leveraging strong learning agility and communication skills to effectively manage cross-departmental projects."
  • Bridge the industry gap : Make a direct connection between your past experiences and the skills required in your new industry. Demonstrate how skills from your previous career can solve problems or add value in your new field.

How to demonstrate your soft skills: The STAR method

A powerful way to demonstrate your soft skills on your resume and during an interview is through the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method. This approach helps you to describe how you've used soft skills in real-world situations. Here’s how it works:

  • Situation : Set the context for your story. Describe the background and the challenge you faced.
  • Task : Explain the task and your responsibilities related to the soft skill you want to highlight.
  • Action : Detail your specific actions to address the situation or task.
  • Result : Explain the outcome, emphasizing how your use of soft skills contributed to the success.

For example, to showcase problem-solving skills, you could say:

  • Situation: Faced with a sudden drop in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Task: Tasked with improving the customer service experience.
  • Action: Conducted a comprehensive analysis of customer feedback and led a series of team workshops to develop new service protocols.
  • Result: Successfully improved customer satisfaction scores by 20% within six months.

By using the STAR method, you can frame your experience to highlight your soft skills in a structured and memorable way. This not only demonstrates your capabilities but also gives employers a clear picture of how you can apply these skills in their organization.

How to demonstrate soft skills in other areas of your resume

Soft skills can be effectively showcased in various resume sections, not just in your work experience section.

In your education section

In the education section of your resume, demonstrate soft skills by mentioning activities or roles undertaken during your studies that reflect these abilities, such as leading a group project, participating in student organizations, or volunteering. Highlight accomplishments or experiences showcasing teamwork, leadership, and effective communication.

Under certifications and training

Certifications and training can highlight soft skills alongside hard skills and qualifications. Include relevant certifications, such as leadership or communication courses, in a dedicated section. Choose certifications that align with your job application and showcase ongoing learning to emphasize your dedication to professional growth.

In your resume summary

In your resume summary, demonstrate soft skills by highlighting essential skills that align with the job requirements, such as adaptability, teamwork, or leadership. Use concise language to describe how these skills have contributed to your professional achievements.

In your cover letter

In your cover letter, illustrate soft skills by providing specific examples of how you've successfully applied them in past experiences, such as leading a team through a challenging project or effectively communicating in high-stress situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between soft skills and hard skills.

Hard skills are like facts — they're objective. Saying that you have a bachelor's degree or that you know how to code in Python is easy to prove. Soft skills are more like opinions in that they're highly subjective. Simply saying you're a brilliant leader doesn't convince other people that you are, hence why you need to provide real examples.

If you’re not sure which skills you can list on your resume, use the skills search tool below to search for the job you’re applying for. It’ll give you a list of hard skills relevant to the job.

Are soft skills the same as personality traits?

Not exactly. Though there is some overlap, personality traits are inherent and hard to change, while soft skills can be learned. That doesn't mean you should start looking for courses on how to be a team player — instead, think about what soft skills you'd like to develop and actively seek out opportunities that allow you to practice them.

Do Applicant Tracking Systems scan for soft skills?

No. Applicant tracking systems (ATS ) do not screen for soft skills. Even if a job description lists “leadership” as an essential skill, there’s no point in simply listing it in your skills section — it isn’t a keyword the ATS is looking for.

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80 Soft skills for resumes

Anna Muckerman

Employment History

Skills section.

It is a myth that soft skills should not be included on a resume. While it may be a waste of space to include a long list in the skills section, your work experience and summary sections should hint at a wealth of behavioural skills. How do you get things done with other people? We all do things differently. These are the resume soft skills that your future employer would like to hear about.

But what exactly are soft skills and how do you incorporate them in your resume? In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know including:

  • The difference between hard and soft skills
  • The best places to include soft skills for resume
  • The most important soft skills employers are seeking
  • List of soft skills examples for resume

Different groups of soft skills

They are not acquired through education or training - your career story should show a progression of increasing proficiency. Which soft skills are most important for your resume?

Many recent studies have demonstrated the importance of resume soft skills in today’s job market. According to LinkedIn ’s 2019 Global Talent Trends report, 92 percent of hiring managers agree that strong soft skills are increasingly important. A study reported by SHRM , an organization for HR professionals, found that almost half of executives thought a lack of soft skills was the biggest proficiency gap in the U.S. workforce.

International demand for soft skills

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are personal traits that affect how you behave and perform in the workplace. The most common examples of resume soft skills are communication skills, time management, attention to detail, leadership and work ethic. 

Soft skills are usually qualities candidates already possess, as opposed to ones that are learned on the job. Employers pay particular attention to soft skills because they can make all the difference when two applicants have similar educational backgrounds or experience levels. While soft skills can only be properly assessed during an interview, your future boss needs to see that you understand which skills are important for success in the role.

Hard vs soft skills - what’s the difference?

Soft skills are often viewed as the opposite of hard skills. While soft skills concern your ability to interact with others and manage your workload, hard skills are much more technical. Software programs, tools and specific industry processes would all fall under the hard skills category. If you need specialized training or a physical object to perform it, it’s almost certainly a hard skill.

Requires specialized knowledge Quality that you’ve always had or developed through social experience
May take years of practice or training to master Hard to train in people who don’t have it already
Often involves a physical object or computer software Often the “ part” of your answer to “What are my strengths and weaknesses?”

In technical industries, soft skills can’t replace the need for hard skills. For example, a graphic designer who doesn’t know Photoshop likely won’t get hired on their positive attitude alone. However, against several candidates with the same technical abilities, the right resume soft skills can quickly push one applicant to the top of the list.

As technology starts to take over the more mundane activities, resume soft skills have become more important than ever. Very few people will sit in a room on their own without any contact with others to get things done.

Soft skills examples for resumes can include:

  • Team management
  • Emotional intellect
  • Bedside manner (for medical professionals)
  • Building customer relationships
  • Timely communication

How do you list soft skills on a resume? Well, you don't list them for a start. Not like the list above, at least. You need to integrate your soft skills into the text of your resume, in your summary, your employment history section and only leave a few of the most unique for the skills section. Employers will understand the soft skills that went into an achievement - simply listing them offers no context.

What soft skills should I put on my resume?

The two most important rules for placing soft skills on your resume are: accuracy and relevancy. This means the soft skills you describe should reflect your work experience and/or achievements, as well as be relevant to the job you’re targeting.

The soft skills on your resume largely comes down to two factors: your actual qualities and the job description. Sure, you can Google lists of top soft skills for resumes, but if they’re not true to your experience or not what the company values, then they might not do you any favors.

Your qualities: Start by creating a master list of all the soft skills you possess and would feel comfortable demonstrating in your next position. Above all, your soft skills should be accurate, with examples to back them up. You need to be able to impress with your stories during an interview - you can be sure that an employer will ask about them. Soft skills are tricky to talk about, so only lead with your strongest examples.

The job description: Once you’re comfortable with your own abilities, take another look at the job description to hone in on what your prospective employer values most. Look for similarities between your own list and the soft skills mentioned in the job description. Do some background research on the company to get more information about the workplace culture. Consider the industry as a whole and where your employer fits in the picture. These insights will help you narrow down your master list to the top 5 soft skills you should include on your resume.

Customizing your resume

You’ll notice that the above approach is centered on the job description and company research. That likely means you’ll have to tweak your resume for each position that you apply to. By investing just a few extra minutes to give an employer exactly what they’re looking for, you can sig

Where do soft skills go on a CV?

Your first instinct might be to jump straight to the CV’s skills section, but soft skills for your resume will actually need to be placed throughout the document, integrated in nearly every resume section in various ways. This includes placing your skills in the Summary, Employment History and (obviously) your Skills list. 

Make sure that you do not go overboard with your resume skills though - accomplishments should always come first.

Where do soft skills go on a CV

Here is a breakdown of how to include soft skills in three different resume sections:

In the summary section , also known as a profile or personal statement, your soft skills will likely take the form of personal adjectives. Since the summary is all about grabbing the hiring manager’s attention, make sure to include only the most relevant soft skills, ones that you know the company is looking for.

CV skills example for the summary: Highly organized and outgoing personal assistant with more than 7 years of experience scheduling some of the biggest names in reality television.

The most important element of the employment history section is that it gives you the space to back up your soft skills with numbers and details. Just about anyone can write that they have great communication skills, but how can they prove it ? Your employment history section is the place to show a hiring manager that your soft skills equal gains for the company.

CV skills example for the employment history: Routinely communicated with more than 30 patients a day in a busy private practice, following up to relay test results in an accurate and timely manner.

While the bullet point nature of the skills section lends itself well to more technical abilities, it would be a mistake to leave off the soft skills entirely. The skills section is a great place for more specific resume soft skills that you weren’t able to expand upon in the employment history section i.e. public speaking, negotiation or mentoring. These abilities can stand on their own, whereas ideas like creativity or communication often benefit from some explanation.

Resume soft skills list example: storytelling, willingness to learn, grant writing, dispute resolution, team management, decision making

What is the most important soft skill? For me, communication has to come at the top of any soft skills list. Very few people work on their own - to get anything done you have to work closely and effectively with others. Great communication means clearer tasks, fewer misunderstandings and increased motivation.

Hard skills vs. soft skills: What they are and how to use them to your advantage

The hard and soft skills that underpin your achievements indicate your suitability for a role. This blog will show you how to highlight them during the recruitment process.

The top 7 soft skills for resumes with examples

Still a little stuck on which soft skills are the best for your resume? Here’s a list of our top 7 soft skills examples for resumes which you can modify for your own needs and experience: collaboration, adaptability, resourcefulness, positive attitude, work ethic, willingness to learn, critical thinking.

Let’s analyze them in detail below and provide some related soft skills for each one.

1. Collaboration

Collaboration is a great catch-all term for several abilities related to working with others. This soft skill implies that you actively listen to your teammates and work with them towards a common goal. It also means that sometimes you might step up to lead, but you also know how to follow instructions when that’s what’s called for. Here are some other soft skills for resume related to collaboration:

  • Interpersonal skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Public speaking
  • Communication
  • Trust building
  • Cultural sensitivity
  • Active listening

"I worked with an extended project team in five functional groups to deliver on the 18-month critical path. We finished 3 months ahead of target and beat our first quarter sales targets by 43%"

2. Adaptability

If 2020 and 2021 taught us anything, it’s that situations can change almost in an instant. Knowing how to adapt and be flexible when new challenges arise is one of the most important traits employers are looking for. This is even more true when it comes to applying for entry-level service jobs like barista or sales associate , where scheduling can change weekly. Here is a list of resume soft skills related to adaptability:

  • Flexibility
  • Follows instructions
  • Improves based on feedback
  • Stress management
  • Can adapt to working independently
  • Learning agility
  • Self-motivation
  • Openmindedness

"The nature of my role changed by 80% after the merger. I was working with different people on entirely different projects, but I thoroughly enjoyed learning a new skill set and was promoted within a year."

3. Resourcefulness

Related to adaptability, resourcefulness is your ability to make the most of what you have and find creative solutions when new problems arise. Many innovative companies are looking for candidates who aren’t just rote machines but who can bring new approaches to difficult situations. Here are some soft skills examples for resume related to resourcefulness:

  • Works well under pressure
  • Creative thinking
  • Troubleshooting
  • Problem-solving
  • Innovative solutions
  • Organization
  • Problem identification
  • Risk management
  • Critical thinking
  • Prioritization

"I created a new on-boarding system for call center staff that meant there were 30% fewer mistakes in the first month and employee retention improved by 25% after a year."

4. Positive attitude

It’s a soft skill as old as time, yet having a positive attitude is just as important as ever. Showing off the ways in which you are pleasant to work with can go a long way in creating a great first impression of yourself. Here is a list of soft skills for resume related to positive attitude:

  • Charismatic
  • Inspires others
  • Constructive communication
  • Mindfulness

"I believe that every problem should be met with a positive attitude - writing award-winning code for a FinTech service does not happen from a place of "this can't be done" negativity.

5. Work ethic

In certain sectors, the ability to come in early and stay late is practically a requirement. Work ethic is all about your commitment to the job and the effort you put in to bring the company results. If you need to prove your interest, soft skills examples for resume relating to work ethic might be your best bet:

  • Physical or mental stamina
  • Perform effectively in a deadline environment
  • Positive work ethic
  • Concentration
  • Accountability
  • Continuous learning
  • Reliability

"I worked until 10pm at night for a week to ensure that the software rollout proceeded without a hitch, being contactable 24/7 for global users throughout the training period. We achieved 96% coverage within four weeks."

6. Willingness to learn

For students, interns and entry-level applicants, a desire to learn new things is one of the most important soft skills to convey on your resume. You’ll likely be facing other candidates with the same education background or hard skills, so being able to prove your commitment to growing in the field is key. Here is a list of soft skills related to willingness to learn:

  • Active listener
  • Ability to follow instructions
  • Accepts feedback well
  • Self-awareness
  • Professionalism
  • Willingness to try new things
  • Growth mindset
  • Information gathering
  • Self-directed learning

"I had never delivered a personal development session before, let alone written training materials, so I worked closely with the L&D team to develop my skills and ensure the content was fit for purpose."

7. Critical thinking

Competition is fierce, so companies are on the lookout for candidates with bright ideas on how to do things better and differently. If your employer values a smart approach, soft skills related to critical thinking are a must. Check out these soft skills examples for resume:

  • Strategic planning
  • Artistic ability
  • Negotiation
  • Critical observation
  • Workflow management
  • Implementing change
  • Data interpretation
  • Problem analysis
  • Risk assessment
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Systematic thinking
  • Contextual understanding

"I created an entirely different order process that allowed for oversight by internal and external stakeholders and reduced order discrepancies by 32%, saving $130k in the process."

Can you put soft skills on a resume? Yes, after having read this blog, you might not believe that anyone would think this, but there is a school of thought that says that a resume should be a factual and technical document, devoid of behavioral elements. That is utter rubbish. Our behavior at work has a direct impact on our productivity, so soft skills are an integral part of any amazing resume. Is your resume soft enough?

25 Essential analytical skills for your resume

Being analytical means seeking a better understanding of the world around us. These abilities are an essential consideration for employers when looking to make their next hire. Here’s how to deliver.

It is possible to think of soft skills in different ways. They can come in various families.

1. Transferable skills

Transferable skills can be soft or hard, but it is the soft transferable skills that an employer are truly interested in. Hard skills can be taught, but soft skills that have been learned at a previous employer are ready to go once you join your new company. Bad habits are hard to break, but good habits will immediately radiate through your new team.

2. Management skills

Rather than think of soft skills individually, consider which types of soft skills would help you in a management situation. If the hiring manager is asking you about how you manage those around you (both sideways and downwards), pick a few examples of your soft skills that demonstrate your proficiency.

3. In-demand skills

It is useful to go into any interview with an idea of which soft skills will be most valued by each specific employer. Think about their culture and the type of work you will be doing. Which skills will your competition lack? Which stories will you tell to highlight those skills?

Key Takeaways

Possessing the technical skills to do the job means nothing if you are terrible at the softer "people" skills. Soft skills are not something that you can learn in a classroom. They take practice, observation and refining - usually over a period of years - until you can be confident that your impact on others is as good is it could be.

Conveying your soft skills on your resume is a crucial way of whetting a hiring manager's appetite for a deeper conversation at interview . Your hard skills are easy to understand (and often at the same level of many other candidates), so it is your soft skills that will help you to stand out.

  • Read the job description and see which soft skills will help with the role.
  • Describe your accomplishments so that your soft skills come to the fore.
  • Highlight skills where others will struggle to match your proficiency.
  • Make sure that you have some compelling stories lined up for the interview.

Follow the advice in this blog and your interview invites will come rolling in.

How to write an entry-level resume objective (with examples)

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How To List Skills On Your Resume Skills Section (With Examples)

  • Most Common Skills
  • Resume Skill Sets
  • Skills For An Entry-Level Resume

The skills section of your resume is your chance to emphasize your qualifications for the job you’re applying to help you stand out from other candidates. Knowing how to list good skills on your resume skills section correctly will help you show hiring managers what you bring to the table.

Whether you need to list hard or soft skills or have to update new skills you’ve learned, we’ll go over how to list skills on your resume section and provide examples of common hard and soft skills, as well as how many skills you should list.

Key Takeaways

You should include 3-10 skills in your resume skills section.

In addition to a standalone skills section, you can and should incorporate your skills throughout the rest of your resume.

Hard skills are your job-specific and technical abilities, while soft skills are the intangible traits and abilities that make you an effective employee and team member.

Match the skills you list on your resume to the job description you’re applying for.

How to List Skills on Your Resume Skills Section

How to list skills on your resume

Where else can you put skills on your resume, 80 hard skills examples for your resume, 30 soft skills examples for your resume, what skills should i put on my resume, how many skills should i put on my resume, what’s the difference between hard skills vs. soft skills, tips for identifying your skills, skills to list on your resume faq, final thoughts, ask the experts.

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You can list your skills section in the chronological resume format, functional resume format, or a combination resume format depending on your resume template and format. Regardless of the format you choose, a stand-alone skills section should be on your resume, so a hiring manager can find it at a glance. Below is a more detailed list of how to list the skills section on your resume:

The chronological resume format is the most popular, and we recommend putting your skills section near the bottom of the page for this format. Your work history is the star of the show, but a recruiter can also easily find your skills and check that they’re relevant.

For a chronological resume, you can separate your skills into hard and soft skills or list them all together. Use a bullet point for each skill. You can also put them side by side to save space, separating each skill with a comma or line.

Additional Skills Hard Skills: Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, etc.) Illustrator UX design Print design Soft Skills: Creativity Adaptability Time management Problem-solving

Here’s an example of a chronological resume with the skills section at the bottom:

For the functional resume format , your skills and qualifications are front and center, while your work history takes a back seat. It’s good for people with gaps in their employment or without formal experience in the field of their target job.

You should still open with your contact info and a resume summary statement , but follow that with your skills section. Make a subheading for each skill, and then explain it further with bullet points or a short few sentences.

Technical Skills Programming Languages Expert with HTML/CSS and Javacript Proficient with Python and SQL Some experience with PHP Security SSL certificate configuration and management FireEye CMS/ETP Juniper Netscreen Operating Systems Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 Linux + CentOS Ubuntu Kali

A combination resume format (you guessed it) combines the above two formats. It’s usually used for senior-level positions and career changes , so we still recommend putting your skills section before your work history.

You should also spend time explaining each skill more fully, as you would with a functional resume format.

Relevant Skills Audit Engagements Audited financial statements for compliance with GAAP under US Audit Standards. Maintained clear lines of communication between management and associates throughout. Worked with CPAs and other staff accountants on the audit team for governmental and nonprofit audits. Financial Statements Prepared and analyzed financial statements along with monthly, semi-annual, and annual reports in accordance with SEC (GAAP) requirements. Researched corporate actions, past due incomes, and income entitlements. Posted income adjustments according to fund policies. Payroll Administered payroll using ADP into QuickBooks with full accountability for hiring, training, and performance assessment. Assisted in the investigation of various outstanding payroll tax liabilities with a team of other contractors. Managed and processed daily payroll and reconciled credit card activity with bank statements.

Regardless of which format you choose or where you put your skills section, make sure that it’s clearly labeled. You can call it “Skills,” “Additional Skills,” “Relevant Skills,” or “Technical Skills” — whatever you think works best with the rest of your resume.

For example, someone in sales might call their section “Additional Skills,” someone in IT might label it “Technical Skills,” and someone making a career change might use “Relevant Skills.”

Just make sure the word skills is in there, because that’s probably what the applicant tracking system (ATS) is looking for to assess your skill set.

One caveat: don’t use the term “Additional Skills” as your section header unless it’s at or near the bottom of your resume, or it will look strange.

You can include skills in your resume summary, in your work history, or in your certifications section as long as they fit. Below is a more detailed list of where else you can include skills in your resume:

Resume summary, profile, or objective. You should try to include 2-3 key skills in your resume summary, profile, or objective. This is your quick pitch, and likely one of the only things the hiring manager will read. Use those keywords that came up multiple times in the job description if you can.

Using action verbs throughout. Additionally, try to incorporate the same sorts of action verbs used in the job posting to give your skills greater relevant context.

Work history section. Your work history section is another place to emphasize your skills. A recruiter who’s impressed with your skills section will turn to your professional history next to see when you actually leveraged these skills.

That’s why you need to make sure that every skill listed in your skills section comes up somewhere in your work history, even if you don’t use the exact wording. Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments .

Volunteer section. Depending on the role you’re applying for and your relevant experience, you may also include some skills in the volunteering or education sections of your resume. This is especially helpful for recent graduates without much more experience who still want to demonstrate their skills in action.

Certifications section. Finally, certain positions might have specific certification requirements. In these cases, it’s usually best to have a separate certification section in addition to your skills section.

Hard skills such as computer skills, management skills, and marketing skills are just what you need to get a competitive edge in the job market. It’s tough to say outright what hard skills are most in-demand because it’s heavily industry-dependent. But to give you a better idea of hard skills you can list on your resume, we’ve broken them down into categories:

Computer skills . Computer skills can range from pretty basic to super advanced, but they all count as hard skills.

Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)

Google Suite (Docs, Sheets, etc.)

Scheduling software

Database management

Billing software

Other coding languages (Python, SQL, PHP, etc.)

Cloud computing

CRM Platforms

Management skills . If you’re applying for a supervisory position, soft skills are important. But it’s equally important to show you have the hard skills required of a manager.

Project management

Agile software

Business analytics

Project management software

Financial planning

Project lifestyle management

Scrum management

KPI tracking

Marketing skills . Marketing may have always been around, but marketing in today’s world is filled with new techniques and technologies that qualify as hard skills.

SEO/SEM (search engine optimization/marketing)

AdWords, Facebook ads

Google analytics

A/B testing

CMS like WordPress

Social media marketing

Marketing campaign management

PPC (pay-per-click)

Graphic design skills

Data visualization

Accounting skills . Hard accounting skills are pretty essential in the daily life of an accountant . But many of these hard skills are applicable for non-accountant jobs as well.

Advanced Excel

Financial statement preparation

Data modeling

Microsoft Visual Basic

Accounting software

Analytical skills . Data has become one of the most important assets in our economy. But it’s not worth very much if you don’t have the right analytical skills to make sense of it.

Data mining

Data presentation


Data engineering

Web analytics

Analytical reasoning

Design skills . Design skills are a must for those in visually creative fields. However, they can be equally important skills for those involved in marketing and web development.

Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, etc.)


User interface design

Video production

Digital product design software

Print design

Hard communication skills . Communication skills usually fall under the soft skill category, but some can be categorized as hard skills.

Language fluency (multilingual)

Press releases



Proposal writing

Technical writing

Academic writing

Medical writing

SEO copywriting

Sales and retail skills. Those who work in sales need a bunch of soft skills to make the client feel comfortable and understood. But these jobs also require hard skills.

CRM software like Salesforce

Referral marketing

Contract negotiation

Customer lifetime value

POS (point of sale) systems

Lead generation and qualification

Product-specific knowledge

Customer acquisition cost

Window display design

Task-oriented skills. Your task-oriented skills help you know how to fulfill your responsibilities or the functions of your job.

Account management

Classroom management


Some examples of soft skills include organizational skills, leadership, and active listening skills. Keep in mind that soft skills are more difficult to prove than hard skills.

With that in mind, make sure the rest of your work experience provides proof of your soft skills in action. After all, anyone can call themselves a “team player,” but having numbers to back up your successful collaborative efforts is much more impressive.

Organizational skills

Written and verbal communication

Active listening

Emotional intelligence


Time management




Conflict resolution



Negotiation skills

Public speaking



The skills you list on your resume should relate to the job description and should be a combination of your hard and soft skills. The ultimate goal is that your skills align so perfectly with what the recruiter is looking for that they have no choice but to call you in for an interview .

Here’s a five-step process for choosing the skills you list on your resume:

Create a master list of all the skills you possess. Not only is it a truly self-affirming experience, but you’ll have a much easier time picking and choosing relevant skills for your customized resume if you have a big list, to begin with.

Brainstorm without judgment and challenge yourself to come up with 50 skills — the last few might be huge stretches, but it’s still a good exercise.

Separate your list into hard and soft skills. As you sort and rearrange your list, also try to loosely organize them based on marketability. You should end up with one list that has your most impressive hard skills at the top, and another your most impressive soft skills.

Edit your list for a specific job title. Remove all the irrelevant skills for the type of job you’re looking for. For example, your customer service skills won’t help you land an accounting job that has no customer interaction. If you’re on the fence about whether a skill is relevant, leave it in for now.

Review the job description. Highlight any skills or action verbs closely related to skills. Use a different color for hard and soft skills.

You may need to read between the lines for some hints, but you can find out what skills hiring managers are looking for in job seekers if you pay attention. Feel free to add new skills to your master list if you pick up on any extras in your research.

Tailor your skills to the job description. Some of your skills might not be an exact match, but it’s okay to bend the truth a bit. In general, try to keep a similar number of hard and soft skills. But the role has a lot to do with your decision. For example, a programmer might list more hard skills, while a waitress might list more soft skills.

If the job description you’re working with doesn’t provide a whole lot of skills to work with, try reading similar job descriptions in the same industry. Similar roles in similar industries usually require the same skills, so it’s a safe bet to use this as a guide .

You can also check company website for a mission statement that might clue you in to what they value.

If all else fails, check out LinkedIn profiles of people who have the job you want. Read their resumes and summaries to find out what sorts of keywords they use to talk about themselves.

You should include anywhere between 3-10 skills, with a healthy mix of hard and soft skills, in the skills section of your resume. For a chronological resume, aim for the higher end of that range, and for a functional resume aim for the lower end.

A functional resume is skills-focused, so you should go more in-depth for each skill and write about how you’ve leveraged that skill for professional success.

If you feel that you have more than 10 skills that align with the job description, use your strongest skills or the skills you feel are most relevant for the job. It’s up to you whether you separate your hard and soft skills.

Additionally, consider putting a proficiency level beside each skill you list. You don’t have to do this, but it can be helpful if you want to emphasize your strongest skills and not mislead a recruiter about skills you only have a basic grasp of.

Hard skills are skills you learn through training and indicate expertise with a job-specific responsibility, while soft skills are your personality traits, interpersonal abilities, and intangible qualities that make you more effective in the workplace.

The best job applicants will demonstrate a healthy mix of hard and soft skills on their resumes. For the best shot at being called in for an interview, your resume should include at least a few hard skills from the job description. After all, those are usually non-negotiable (or at least 1-2 key ones are).

Soft skills are just as important, and more employers are seeking applicants who possess strong interpersonal abilities . Since soft skills are more transferable between industries and positions, you shouldn’t need to customize these for each job application as much. Still, if you notice that a soft skill like communication comes up a lot in the job description, consider adding it.

You should talk to a coworker or think through your awards and achievements if you’re having a hard time determining your skills. Below are more ways to help determine which skills you have:

Talk to a coworker. Ask a coworker you know well what they’d consider some of your top skills to be. Often other people can see your skills more clearly than you can, which can be helpful for identifying what you’re good at.

Think through your awards and achievements. Even the informal ones. If you were recognized for something, it’s likely that it’s related to a skill you have.

Take a skills assessment. These quizzes aren’t always the most accurate, so take them with a grain of salt, but they can help remind you of some skills you forgot you had or help you identify your level of expertise within a skill.

What are good skills to put on a resume?

Communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills are good skills to put on a resume. Some other skills to list on a resume include:

Analytical skills

Computer skills

What are technical skills on a resume?

Technical skills also referred to as hard skills, are skills gained by performing physical or digital tasks. Typically, people working in mathematics, computer science, or mechanics use technical skills. Some examples of technical skills include:

Accounting skills

What are interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skills are traits you rely on when interacting and communicating with others. Some examples of interpersonal skills are:


The skills section of your resume may be small, but it should pack a punch if you want to hear back from hiring managers . Remember to customize your skills section for the position, provide a healthy mix of hard and soft skills, and ensure that the rest of your resume shows your skills in action.

Don’t forget about the power your cover letter has to further emphasize your skill set. It can be tough accurately describe your relevant skills on a one-page resume, but a cover letter gives you a chance to tell a richer story of how you’ve excelled with certain skills in the past.

That’s your skills section done — now it’s time for the other resume sections .

What tips would you give to optimize a resume?

how to write your soft skills in resume

Amanda Traugutt Content Director | Career Coach Elevated Resumes

The best way to optimize your resume is to identify your core values and skills that align with the type of position and industry you are looking to enter.

To do so, start by doing some research on other people who have been successful in that type of role. Identify trends and skills that you often find yourself using in your current or past positions. Then, position your resume around those skill sets and expand on the experience that will help you be successful in your new role.

Keep these core themes consistent throughout your resume by highlighting how you have used these relevant skills throughout your career.

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Ryan Morris was a writer for the Zippia Advice blog who tried to make the job process a little more entertaining for all those involved. He obtained his BA and Masters from Appalachian State University.

Don Pippin is an executive and HR leader for Fortune 50 and 500 companies and startups. In 2008, Don launched area|Talent with a focus on helping clients identify their brand. As a Certified Professional Resume Writer, Certified Digital Career Strategist, and Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Don guides clients through career transitions.

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10 Soft Skills Examples to Elevate Your Resume

Soft skills are personal traits that are crucial to success in any workplace. Here’s how to add them to your resume.

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A study by Wonderlic found that 93% of employers think soft skills are “very important” or “essential.”

But, most job applicants tend to focus on their hard skills. They emphasize their education and experience, not their soft skills. This is a mistake. Employers care about soft skills more than people think.

In this article, you’ll find the top 10 soft skills examples, why they’re important, and how to add them to your resume .

The top 10 soft skills examples:

  • Communication 
  • Organization
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Conflict resolution
  • Time management

What are soft skills?

Soft skills, or people skills, are character traits. They are interpersonal abilities that affect how well you can work and interact with others.

They are often less tangible and harder to measure. Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities like coding or accounting.

an infographic showing the difference between hard skills and soft skills

Above all else, employers want to know they can rely on you to show up and work well with others. Forming interpersonal relationships , managing conflicts, having a positive attitude, and relating to customers and co-workers are crucial in any workplace. 

Read more : Hard Skills vs Soft Skills

Importance of soft skills

According to research conducted by Harvard University , 85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft and people skills, with only 15% attributed to technical skills. This underlines the substantial impact soft skills have on professional success.

Soft skills help in forming relationships. They also help manage conflicts. Really, they can help a person keep a good attitude while relating well to customers and co-workers.

The top 10 soft skills examples

The following are the soft skills examples employers value the most. This is because they can help you get along with your team and tackle work challenges more smoothly.

1. Communication

You’ve probably heard the saying communication is key—and that’s true in any career.

Communication is the ability to convey information effectively and efficiently. It’s an incredibly important skill to have because it makes sure that all processes go smoothly, work flows are transparent, and helps in building strong relationships.

Workplace communication involves articulating concepts concisely during collaborative sessions. It also includes active listening in team discussions, and writing clear emails.

  • Practice public speaking
  • Engage in active listening exercises
  • Take communication courses

Read more : The Top 5 Communication Skills To Include On Your Resume

2. Organization

Prioritizing and completing your daily tasks makes organization one of the top soft skills.

Organization involves the ability to structure and manage tasks and responsibilities effectively. It’s crucial for meeting deadlines and achieving goals.

  • Use planners and to-do lists
  • Set short and long-term goals
  • Regularly declutter your workspace

Read more : The Top 10 Organizational Skills

3. Teamwork

While being able to complete your work independently is crucial, so is working well with others.

Collaborating and brainstorming with a common goal in mind opens you up to different ideas you may have not originally considered. Teamwork is the ability to work effectively and harmoniously with others. It’s important because it promotes collaboration and innovation.

Being an active listener and having compassion are the cornerstones of being a good team player. You should also be receptive to any constructive feedback. This might involve participating in team projects, sharing ideas openly, and supporting colleagues.

  • Engage in team-building activities
  • Practice active listening
  • Be open to feedback

4. Problem solving

Not everything can run perfectly all of the time. When you hit a roadblock, having problem-solving skills helps you find a solution quickly and effectively. It’s the ability to find solutions to challenges and obstacles.

Recognizing what’s not working requires having an open mind and listening to others. You need to be able to take the time to examine and analyze current processes. Once you’ve identified the problem, approach it in a patient, analytical manner. 

For example, troubleshooting means solving technical issues. Resolving conflicts means fixing fights among team members. And, finding ways to improve efficiency.

  • Practice critical thinking
  • Engage in brainstorming sessions
  • Take courses in problem-solving strategies

Read more : The Top 5 Problem-Solving Skills

5. Critical thinking

Thinking critically means taking a look at the bigger picture. Coming up with new ideas and implementing change is part of every job, and you need to be rational when doing so. Analyze carefully, do the necessary research, and be objective in your decisions. 

Critical thinking can involve analyzing data to make decisions. It means evaluating the pros and cons of different approaches and finding risks.

  • Productively debate
  • Take courses in logic and reasoning
  • Practice problem-solving exercises

Read more : 6 Critical Thinking Skills to Supercharge Your Resume

6. Adaptibility

When things don’t go as expected, being adaptable is a crucial soft skill. If you’re suddenly given a new responsibility or there’s a change in management, this makes it possible to adjust and learn with ease. This doesn’t mean you should hesitate to ask questions.

Adaptability includes acting with curiosity, learning from your mistakes, and quick thinking. Try to be flexible and eager to take on different tasks. It might also involve learning new software fast. You’ll need to adjust to changes in project scope and handle unexpected issues well.

  • Embrace change
  • Seek out new experiences
  • Practice flexibility in daily tasks

7. Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is the ability to resolve disputes and disagreements constructively. To become a skilled conflict resolver, you must be willing to get to the bottom of the issue. Listen to all sides, ask questions, and act with empathy toward the situation.

Making others feel heard helps lead to satisfaction from all parties. You should also focus on compromising and communicating in a calm manner. It’s important for maintaining a positive and productive work environment.

At work, conflict resolution means mediating disputes. It also means negotiating solutions and keeping professionalism during disagreements.

  • Learn negotiation techniques
  • Take conflict resolution courses

8. Time management

This soft skill goes hand in hand with organization. Obviously showing up to any job on time is important, but it’s more than that. Time management is the ability to use one’s time effectively and productively.

Planning, preparation, and prioritization allow you to make the most of your time and not waste anyone else’s. It also involves scheduling meetings in a way that works for everyone. It’s important for ensuring timely completion of tasks and projects.

Time management might involve meeting deadlines, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding procrastination. To develop this skill:

  • Use time-tracking tools
  • Set clear priorities
  • Break tasks into manageable steps

Read more : 7 Time Management Skills You Should Include on Your Resume

9. Leadership

Being a leader doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but you can work up to it through experience. Share your ideas, collaborate, and go above and beyond when you can. Leadership is the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others.

Strong leaders also know when to step back and listen. Leading with compassion raises morale and encourages others to reach common goals and meet deadlines. It’s essential for motivating teams.

Leadership might involve leading project teams. It might involve mentoring junior employees. It also involves setting and sharing vision and goals.

  • Take on leadership roles
  • Seek feedback from peers
  • Attend leadership training programs

Read more : Leadership Skills You Need to Include On Your Resume

10. Creativity

Creativity is the ability to think outside the box and generate innovative ideas. It’s important because it drives innovation and engagement. While those with more technical jobs may not place as much value on creativity, it’s a productive soft skill to have in any field.

Coming up with original concepts and ideas requires imagination and curiosity. Being innovative leads to more engagement and excitement, whether it’s among customers or co-workers. It might involve developing new product ideas, finding creative solutions to problems, and improving existing processes.

  • Start creative hobbies
  • Brainstorm regularly
  • Challenge yourself to think differently

A section of Jobscan's match report showing the resume score and missing hard skills.

Power Edit provides tailored recommendations based on the role

Which soft skills should you add to your resume?

If you’re unsure which soft skills you should put on your resume, read the description of the job you’re applying to. It should mention the hard and soft soft skills that are most important for that role.

Here’s a sample job description with the soft skills the employer is looking for highlighted. Try to include these skills on your resume:

A job description with soft skills highlighted.

You can also use an online tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner to identify the most important soft skills to add to your resume.

The scanner compares your resume against the job listing and provides you with a report showing you the hard and soft skills your resume is missing.

Here’s what the soft skills section of the report looks like:

Jobscan's Match Report shows missing soft skills.

By adding the highlighted soft skills to your resume, you increase the chances that a hiring manager will find your resume and offer you a job interview . Try Jobscan’s resume scanner for free here .

How to improve soft skills

You can enhance each soft skill by joining activities. These include public speaking, team sports, and problem-solving games. If you’re looking for more, taking relevant courses or workshops can be a huge help as well.

Continuous learning and development highlight the importance of lifelong learning and continuous improvement. Regularly seeking feedback and reflecting on your progress is the best way to understand your personal progress.

How to highlight soft skills on your resume

List your soft skills on your resume well. Show how they apply to the job.

Here’s a guide on how to list soft skills on your resume:

1. Identify relevant soft skills

Start by identifying the soft skills that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. Note skills like communication, teamwork, work ethic, problem-solving, or active listening.

2. Integrate soft skills with your experience

Instead of just listing soft skills, integrate them into the descriptions of your previous job experiences. For example, under a previous job title, you might include a bullet point like, “Led a team of 12. I fostered clear communication and problem-solving. This increased project efficiency by 15%.”

3. Use specific examples

Provide specific soft skills examples. For instance, “Improved customer satisfaction by 20% through effective communication and active listening.”

4. Include soft skills in your summary

Your resume’s summary or objective is a good place to highlight key soft skills. For example, “XX is a dedicated and empathetic customer service professional”, “XX has strong communication and interpersonal skills”, or “XX looks to improve client relations at A1Media Company.”

5. Quantify your skills where possible

Whenever you can, quantify your achievements related to soft skills. For example, “XX managed a diverse team” and “XX increased their productivity by 30% with good motivational strategies.”

6. Balance soft skills with hard skills

Ensure there’s a good balance between soft and hard skills on your resume. While soft skills are important, employers also look for technical or job-specific skills .

7. Customize for each application

Tailor your soft skills examples for each job application. Different roles might require different soft skills, so it’s important to adapt accordingly.

8. Avoid overused buzzwords

Try to avoid the use of overused buzzwords like “team player” or “hard worker.” Instead, demonstrate these qualities through specific examples.

9. Use action words

Start your bullet points with action verbs that convey the application of your soft skills, such as “collaborated,” “facilitated,” or “negotiated.”

10. Use an online tool to optimize your resume

When listing your soft skills on your resume, you’ll face a couple of challenges. One is knowing which soft skills you should focus on. The other is the amount of time and effort it takes to tailor each resume to the job you’re applying to.

To overcome these challenges, use an online tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . Paste in your resume and the job’s description. Then, click scan. You will get a report on how to improve your resume for that job.

How employers assess and e valuate soft skills

Employers use different ways to check soft skills during hiring. Soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are very important for success. Here’s a detailed look at how to evaluate these skills:

1. Behavioral interview questions

These questions help employers understand how candidates have used soft skills before. Questions like “Tell me about a time you overcame an obstacle” or “Describe a situation where you had to work with a difficult team member” show how candidates handle real-life situations. Candidates should use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for detailed answers.

Read more : How to Answer Common Interview Questions

2. Hypothetical scenarios and role-playing

Using pretend scenarios and role-playing lets employers see how candidates might handle work situations. For example, asking, “How would you handle a project deadline that your team is struggling to meet?” shows problem-solving and time management skills. Role-playing can show how candidates handle conflict, show empathy, and communicate well.

3. Job simulations and situational exercises

Job simulations involve candidates doing tasks they would do in the job. These exercises can check many soft skills, like decision-making, leadership, and teamwork. For example, candidates might lead a team project or resolve a customer complaint to show their abilities.

4. Personality and soft skills tests

Tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Caliper Profile can show a candidate’s personality traits and soft skills. These tests help find strengths and areas to improve, making sure they fit the company culture and job needs.

5. Reference checks

Employee references can certainly paint a picture for a how client’s soft skills stack up. It’s worth noting that if anything is in question, there are other references to provide as well.

Checking references from non-work contexts, like a sports team or volunteer group, can give a full view of a candidate’s soft skills. Talking to someone who knows the candidate outside of work can show their leadership, communication style, and teamwork abilities.

6. Post-Interview activities

Activities after the interview, like a casual lunch or team meeting, can help assess a candidate’s manners and social skills. Watching how they interact in a relaxed setting gives more information on their people skills and self-awareness.

7. Self-Assessment and 360-Degree feedback

Self-assessments let candidates think about their own soft skills. Feedback from colleagues, managers, and direct reports gives a full view of their abilities. This method is useful for checking current employees’ development needs.

Hard skills vs. soft skills

There are two types of skills recruiters look for on resumes: hard skills and soft skills. A combination of the two are needed to form a well-rounded job applicant.

Hard skills are taught skills. They are quantifiable and are often learned in school, through certifications, or in previous work experience. Hard skills are specific to each job and are often the basis of job requirements.

Soft skills are typically interpersonal people skills or desirable personality traits that revolve around character, teamwork, communication, time management, and work ethic. Soft skills tend to be transferable between jobs or industries but are more difficult to quantify on a resume than hard skills.

Soft Skills by Job Title

Understanding which soft skills are essential for specific job roles can help you tailor your resume and prepare for interviews. Below are examples of key soft skills required for different professions, highlighting how these skills are crucial for success in various fields.

Account Manager

Account managers work in a variety of fields. These include sales and marketing, finance and banking, healthcare, advertising, technology, and retail. Key soft skills include communication, negotiation, and relationship management.

  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Relationship building
  • Customer service

Financial Analyst

Financial analyst skills involve helping organizations make sound financial decisions. Analysts examine financial data, create financial reports, and make recommendations based on their findings. Critical thinking, attention to detail, and problem-solving are essential.

  • Analytical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Decision-making

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers create visual content to communicate messages. They combine creativity with technical skills to produce designs for print and digital media. Creativity, time management, and collaboration are vital soft skills for success.

  • Collaboration

Recruiters need to be excellent communicators, both in written and verbal forms, as they interact with job candidates and clients throughout the hiring process. Interpersonal skills, active listening, and organization are crucial.

  • Active listening

Marketing Manager

Being a marketing manager requires a combination of marketing expertise, leadership skills, and a commitment to driving the growth and success of the organization’s brand and products. Leadership, strategic thinking, and creativity are key soft skills.

  • Strategic thinking
  • Project management

Software Engineer

Software engineers need to be analytical, detail-oriented, and proficient in programming languages. They also need to be able to work collaboratively in teams, communicate effectively with colleagues, and manage their time effectively to meet project deadlines. Problem-solving, teamwork, and adaptability are critical.

Data Analyst

Data analysts interpret complex data to help organizations make informed decisions. They must possess strong analytical skills and attention to detail, along with the ability to communicate their findings effectively. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication are essential.

Web Developer

Web developers build and maintain websites, ensuring they are functional, user-friendly, and visually appealing. They need technical expertise and the ability to collaborate with designers and other developers. Technical proficiency, problem-solving, and creativity are key soft skills.

Data Scientist

In the increasingly data-driven world, data scientists play a crucial role. They combine statistical analysis, data management, and advanced technology to turn large amounts of data into actionable insights. Analytical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity are essential.

CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant)

Certified nursing assistant skills, or CNA skills, include caring for people with patience, empathy, and accuracy. Hospitals, long-term care residences, senior living communities, and rehabilitation centers often need CNAs to care for clients and patients. Empathy, attention to detail, and communication are crucial soft skills.

Soft skills examples include effective communication, teamwork skills, problem-solving, adaptability, time management, conflict management, leadership skills, strategic thinking, and interpersonal skills. The right soft skills are essential for career success as they help individuals interact effectively with colleagues, clients, and customers.

Because soft skills pertain mainly to personal attributes, you can’t really learn them by studying or taking classes. Develop soft skills through working on yourself, focusing on improving areas that will help your professional development and job performance. For example, develop time management skills by making a daily schedule, actively keeping track of how much time you spend on a task, and avoiding multitasking. Taking a public speaking course can help you develop good communication skills. Learn about your top soft skills and yourself through self-reflection, journaling, and reading self-help books.

The top 5 soft skills examples are communication, organizational skills, teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Having these skills can contribute to your professional success.

Hard skills are definable, technical skills that can be taught through education and job experience. Soft skills pertain to personal characteristics, social skills, and emotional intelligence. They help you thrive in a professional setting.

Soft skills are important because they enhance your ability to work effectively with others, adapt to change, solve problems, and manage your time efficiently. These skills are essential for building professional relationships, fostering a positive work environment, and achieving career success.

Soft skills training involves structured programs or courses designed to develop interpersonal and intrapersonal abilities. These trainings often include workshops, role-playing, activities, and self-assessment tools to help individuals enhance skills such as communication, leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving.

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Content Writer at Jobscan.

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All the Best Soft Skills on a Resume and How to Prove Them

The top soft skills (like communication, empathy, and adaptability) depend on your role and the company’s needs. Here’s how to write about them on a resume.

how to write your soft skills in resume

The best soft skills for a resume are those that have been explicitly included in the job description. If the job ad doesn’t mention soft skills explicitly, the best ones to put on a resume are those that help you carry out the main job requirements. Soft skills help you excel in any role, but for some positions (for instance, managerial or customer-facing roles), they are absolutely crucial. You can list your soft skills in the skills section of a resume, but the more effective way is to prove how you applied your soft skills to make a direct impact on your previous or current company’s success. Use a clear action verb with metrics to describe the results, then detail your contributions.

Anyone can say they have all the soft skills required for the role. 

Some can provide specific examples to support their claims, while few can prove them with quantifiable results and testimonials that demonstrate their impact.

This guide will show you how to find out what the top soft skills to put on your resume are (it depends on your role, career level, and the company’s job description), and how to highlight them in a way that positions you as an ideal candidate. 

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What Are Soft Skills for a Resume?

Soft skills are the traits and attributes that determine how you interact with others and perform in a professional setting. They’re about how you carry yourself and work with a team. 

Examples of soft skills include communication, teamwork, and adaptability — the kinds of competencies developed not through formal training programs, courses, or education, but, rather, through experiences and personal reflection.

Unlike “hard” or “technical” skills, soft skills aren’t about specific knowledge like software or framework proficiency. They’re about personal and interpersonal abilities that influence an employee’s performance. 

Soft skills are difficult to measure and quantify, but are key for success in the workplace because they affect how well you can perform in your role. 

Why soft skills are important for almost every job 

Good soft skills are the main driver for a thriving work environment and long-term success. They drive employees to take initiative, lead projects forward, and navigate tough challenges with a positive attitude.

Hiring managers love candidates with good soft skills because: 

  • They greatly affect the overall success of an organization, especially in client-facing roles and environments. 
  • Soft skills indicate a potential for professional growth. 
  • AI is continuing to disrupt industries, therefore, the ability to spark genuine human connections is becoming more essential.  

Even in roles where technical skills are the primary requirement, soft skills distinguish a good employee from a great one. 

Below is a Reddit thread discussing high-income skills . One user shares how their communication skills accelerated their career progression in cybersecurity despite not being as confident in their technical skills:

Reddit thread discussing high-income skills and the impact of strong communication

A hiring manager in the cybersecurity space also chimed in the discussion: 

Hiring manager's input on a Reddit thread discussing high-income skills

Bottom line: don’t underestimate the impact of soft skills, especially when applying for technical fields. 

The Best Soft Skills to Put on a Resume 

These are the best soft skills to put on almost any resume: 

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Critical thinking
  • Time management

Many of these align with the most in-demand skills listed on LinkedIn Learning . 

Anything related to people skills is worth showcasing on a resume, especially when highly relevant to the role and manifested by tangible results. Otherwise, listing soft skills on your resume might do more harm than good (more on that later). 

Softskills infographics.

1. Communication

Communication refers to your ability to share and receive information. This can be through speaking, writing, or non-verbal cues. 

Strong communication skills mean you can interact effectively with colleagues, clients, and management, ensuring information is passed along accurately and efficiently. Communication is important for all roles and functions, and absolutely critical for managerial positions. 

Other abilities under the communication skills umbrella include: 

  • Active listening
  • Public speaking
  • Verbal communication
  • Written communication

2. Teamwork

Teamwork is about how well you collaborate with peers and colleagues. In other words, how well can you use each other’s strengths to achieve success? 

Employers value workers that can cooperate with colleagues and contribute to group efforts. It’s crucial for reinforcing overall team performance and nurturing a collaborative, thriving work environment.

3. Leadership

Leadership skills focus on how you guide, motivate, and inspire others. Being a good leader means influencing and transforming the way your team operates for the better by setting a positive example and providing direction. 

This isn’t just important for positions where you’re expected to lead a team. It’s also important for juniors and mid-level candidates because it shows you can take initiative, collaborate well with others, and navigate projects to success—these can lead to better project outcomes and career advancement, which is why they’re so desirable.

And proving leadership skills on a resume can give you a competitive advantage since they show you’re a valuable asset beyond technical skills. 

If you’d like to be specific about a particular leadership skill you excel in, you might mention one of the following:

  • Conflict resolution
  • Decision-making
  • Strategic planning

4. Problem-solving

Problem-solving requires more than just common sense. It means being able to pinpoint issues, come up with solutions, and then implement the best course of action to resolve the problem. 

Hiring managers across all industries value candidates with strong problem-solving skills because it means you can find solutions. This is important when working through obstacles independently or collaboratively.

Empathy refers to how well you can relate to another person. It involves recognizing and appreciating the emotions or perspectives of others. 

Another way to put it is, can you understand and share the feelings of someone else? 

Having empathy allows you to build strong relationships with stakeholders and manage conflicts. Connecting with colleagues and clients alike is a type of skill that will always be valuable. 

6. Adaptability

Adaptability is about adjusting to new situations or conditions. Sometimes, this is also referred to as flexibility. 

An adaptable candidate will embrace change and remain flexible in various circumstances. Companies value adaptable employees as they can navigate through changes in priorities, technologies, and work processes. 

7. Critical thinking

Critical thinking revolves around making reasoned judgements. It means thinking clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between themes, concepts, or ideas. 

Without critical thinking, you’ll struggle to analyze information objectively and analyze different perspectives. Almost any role will require you to process complex information. As such, critical thinking is valuable because it allows you to make informed decisions and contribute innovatively to the organization. 

8. Time Management

Time management focuses on planning, prioritizing, and executing tasks. 

An employee with strong time management skills will have stronger productivity and struggle less with meeting deadlines. 

Demonstrating strong time management skills on a resume shows employers that you can handle multiple tasks, stay on top of deadlines, and maintain productivity. These are all essential components for success in any role.

Top Resume Soft Skills Based on Job Levels

  • Entry-level: focus on foundational soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability. Make it clear that you can collaborate effectively, learn quickly, and fit smoothly into a new work environment.
  • Mid-level: emphasize skills related to problem-solving, time management, and leadership potential. Show that you can handle increased responsibilities, manage projects, and contribute to the strategic goals of the organization.
  • Seniors: showcase leadership, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence. Prove your ability to lead organizations, develop long-term strategies, and maintain strong interpersonal relationships.

We’ll dive into the specifics a bit more below. 

Entry-level resume soft skills

  • Interpersonal abilities
  • Learning agility

Mid-level resume soft skills

  • Leadership 
  • Organization
  • Project management
  • Time Management

Senior resume soft skills

  • Change management
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Negotiation
  • Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Team Management
  • Visionary Thinking

How to Find the Best Soft Skills to Put on a Resume

Here’s how to find the best resume soft skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for: 

  • Check the job description. 
  • Research industry standards. 
  • Refer to credible online reports.

Want an easier way to find relevant soft skills? 

Use Rezi AI Skills Explorer to automatically get a list of soft skills that you could include on your resume—here’s how it works:

  • Select the category of skills you’re after—in this instance, soft skills. 
  • Enter the type of soft skills you’re interested in, e.g., interpersonal, teamwork, and so forth (list as much as you like). 
  • Hit the “enter” key on your keyboard. 

Then that’s that—soft skills made easy. Try Rezi AI Skills Explorer feature for free by signing up here for an account . 

Now, let’s get back to the manual steps to finding the best soft skills to include. 

Check the job description

Some job descriptions will put more emphasis on soft skills than others. Regardless, see what type of qualities the company is looking for in candidates. 

  • Take note of key responsibilities and required skills mentioned for the position. 
  • See what particular soft skills are being brought up, like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. 
  • Identify the essential soft skills and the ones that will help you stand out in your role. 
  • Understand how employers expect you to use and apply certain soft skills. 

Or if you want to instantly get a list of the top keywords from a company’s description (which may also include soft skills), use our AI Keyword Targeting feature—simply enter the job title you’re applying for and copy and paste the company’s job ad. 

Research industry standards

Take the time to understand the common expectations for soft skills in your field. This helps you differentiate between the must-haves and nice-to-haves. 

  • Go through the job ads for your position from the biggest companies in your industry. See if there are any soft skills that have been mentioned a few times. 
  • Look at what certifications, achievements, and experiences are held in high regard. 
  • Get active in industry-specific forums and social media groups to learn what soft skills are emphasized.
  • Talk to mentors, peers, and colleagues to get their insights on essential soft skills in your industry.

Refer to credible online reports

There are online reports that you can usually check out to see what soft skills are currently in high demand. A few good places that I would suggest looking at include LinkedIn Learning and Gartner .

When reviewing these resources, see what’s trending and being talked about the most. 

Keep an eye out for the soft skills that complement the core competencies required for your profession.

What Soft Skills Are High Priorities?

Any resume skill you can prove you excel in that’s also mentioned in the job requirements list is the one to prioritize. 

Don’t just go for what you think looks good. Mention soft skills that make you a more competent candidate for the company’s specific job posting. 

In short, here’s how to tell what soft skills are the most important to mention:

  • Reflect on the soft skills you’re most comfortable with and can demonstrate real-world success in. 
  • Look at what’s been explicitly mentioned in the company’s job description. 
  • Select skills that meet both criteria: you have proven success applying the skill, and it’s a required or desirable competency in candidates. 

Signs You Are and Aren’t Proficient Enough to List Certain Soft Skills

Below are the signs that you’re ready to mention a particular soft skill on your resume: 

  • You have demonstrable experience using the skill. This could come from past work experiences, volunteer work, extracurricular activities, or even academic projects.
  • You can quantify the results of applying the soft skills you have in mind.
  • You’re prepared to provide specific examples of how you used the skill and can elaborate on your experiences. 

On the other hand, these are the signs that you’re not quite ready to list a certain soft skill on your resume:

  • You lack experience using the skill. If you haven't had a chance to develop the skill, it's best to focus on what you can offer.
  • You can't provide concrete examples of how you used the skill to achieve a positive outcome. Being able to back up your claims with specifics is key.

How to Write About Soft Skills on a Resume

The most effective way to write about soft skills is to provide evidence of how you successfully applied them. 

Here’s how this might look on different resume sections : 

  • Summary section: mention top soft skills alongside career highlights or achievements that demonstrate these abilities.  ‍
  • Objective section: outline your career goals in relation to the company’s objectives and how your soft skills will help you achieve them in the role you're applying for. ‍
  • Work experience section: describe a responsibility you carried out, the skills you used, and the outcomes achieved.  ‍
  • Education section: list any particular courses or experiences that helped you develop core soft skills. ‍
  • Projects, volunteering, and extracurricular activities: describe how you applied relevant soft skills in these contexts and any positive outcomes. ‍
  • Certifications section: include any certificates that reinforce your proficiency in soft skills.  ‍
  • Skills section: make a concise list of soft skills that employers value based on their expectations.

Now, understand that writing about soft skills isn’t always necessary. Sometimes, it might even hurt your chances. 

If you can’t connect your soft skills to positive outcomes or key responsibilities, and the job listing doesn’t ask for them, focus more on other things employers want to see. Save talking about your soft skills for the interview, especially when you don't have much experience to back them up and when they’re not labeled as mandatory or desirable for the job you’re applying for.

Still certain that you need soft skills on your resume? Then, keep reading! (If you want examples based on your job title, check out our ATS resume examples library here .)

Summary section

Your resume summary allows you to immediately highlight your top accomplishments and competencies, including soft skills. List your top areas of expertise, a particular task you excel in, or mention a specific example that screams you’re an expert at a particular ability. 

Experienced project manager with excellent leadership and communication skills. Proven track record in leading cross-departmental teams to successfully complete projects on time and within budget. Successfully managed a remote team of 12 to deliver a high-profile project, improving client satisfaction by 25%.

Objective section

The resume objective section establishes your professional goals and how you’ll help the company reach certain objectives. Here, you can write about how you’ll use or develop soft skills for the company’s benefit. 

Seeking a management position to leverage my strong leadership and strategic planning skills to drive team performance and achieve organizational goals.

Work experience section

You can describe your proficiency in soft skills using the work experience section . Start with clear action verbs to depict a task or responsibility, then emphasize the abilities you applied to reach a favorable outcome. 

Led a team of 10 in conducting market research and competitive analysis, resulting in a 20% market share growth.

Education section

Not only can you list academic qualifications in the education section , but you can also include specific details that are relevant to the core competencies of the role you’re applying for. 

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration | University of Technology | May 2024 • Completed coursework in organizational behavior and team dynamics. • Graduated with a GPA of 4.0.

Projects, volunteering, and extracurricular activities section

Use these additional sections to showcase relevant achievements and experience that reinforce your credentials. Similar to the work experience section, start with illustrating the task, followed by the results using data. 

Led a volunteer team to organize a community fundraising event, resulting in a 30% increase in donations compared to the previous year.

Certifications section

List relevant certificates using a certifications section . These are signs of recognition for your knowledge and abilities. 

Certified Team Leader (CTL) | Leadership Institute | April 2021 • Comprehensive certification covering team dynamics, conflict resolution, and leadership strategies.

Skills section

Simply make an organized list of skills you excel in that align with the company’s job description . If you have a lot to add, divide them using categories. 

• Leadership: team management, strategic planning, conflict resolution. • Communication: public speaking, active listening, negotiation. • Problem-solving: analytical thinking, creativity, adaptability. • Teamwork: Collaboration, empathy, relationship building.

Effective Ways to Learn and Develop Soft Skills

The ability to improve team performance, collaborate with others, and solve problems effectively will always be valuable. 

Here are some of the best ways to develop your soft skills: 

  • Get constructive feedback from peers, managers, and mentors.
  • Put more effort into getting to know your colleagues. 
  • Join workshops and seminars focused on communication, leadership, conflict resolution, and public speaking.
  • Try to take on more leadership roles, starting with one-off projects and developing into more formal leadership responsibilities. 
  • Participate more in group-related activities and projects.
  • Grow your network by connecting with people in your industry you can learn from.
  • Practice self-awareness by acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses. 

Let’s recap on how to describe soft skills on a resume: 

  • Immediately mention your best soft skills in the summary section. Include a career achievement with quantitative data to back up your claims. 
  • If you’re using a resume objective, clarify how your goals align with the company’s vision. You can mention soft skills you intend to use or develop. 
  • In the work experience section, start your bullet point with a task you were responsible for. Next, emphasize the soft skills you applied, followed by any positive outcomes achieved using metrics. 
  • List formal qualifications in the education section. Add bullet points when you want to specify any interpersonal skills or qualities you developed from completing a relevant course or minor. 
  • Discuss soft skills further in an additional section, such as projects, volunteering, and extracurricular activities. 
  • Mention certificates that show acknowledgement of your soft skills using a “Certifications” section. 
  • Lastly, make an organized list of soft skills in the skills section. 

Overall, soft skills are heavily slept on. They apply to almost all roles and could be the difference on whether you get promoted to a manager position. 

When in doubt, check the company’s job description. Above all, hiring managers want to read a resume that speaks directly to their company. 

And if there are no soft skills mentioned in the job ad, if you have space on your resume, you can still showcase them when they complement the technical skills required for the role. 

What are some overused soft skills that shouldn't be included on a resume?

The most overused soft skills are usually communication and teamwork. Then again, there’s nothing wrong with including these when you can provide tangible examples of how you applied them to achieve success. What you should avoid is using buzzwords on a resume like “hard worker” and “team player” because they’re a given. 

How many soft skills should I list?

Aim for at least three soft skills and no more than six or seven. Prioritize relevant soft skills that you’re most proficient in. 

What are the best examples of soft skills for a resume?

Communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, empathy, and leadership. Good communication allows you to convey ideas clearly and listen effectively. Strong teamwork improves overall performance and productivity. Problem-solving shows your capacity to identify issues and develop effective solutions. Adaptability highlights your ability to adjust to changing circumstances and new challenges. Empathy means being able to read people’s feelings. Leadership indicates your capability to motivate and guide others towards achieving goals. 

Should I use separate sections for my soft skills and hard skills?

It’s optional. If you have space on your resume, you could create a category for soft skills and hard skills in the skills section. This makes it clearer and easier to scan. 

Could you mention the same soft skills for any job? 

Technically speaking, you could put them on any resume , but that doesn’t mean you should. Employers in all fields keep an eye out for soft skills because they positively impact the organization’s workplace and make you a more well-rounded worker. 

What are the most impressive soft skills to employers?

Communication and interpersonal skills. In general, it’s impressive when you can prove that you’re capable of strengthening workplace productivity and company performance. Hiring managers can take more of an interest in a candidate not just because of their skills, but because of their qualities. It tends to be harder to find candidates with a particular character that aligns with the company’s values than it is to find someone with the skills required for the role.

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Astley Cervania

Astley Cervania is a career writer and editor who has helped hundreds of thousands of job seekers build resumes and cover letters that land interviews. He is a Rezi-acknowledged expert in the field of career advice and has been delivering job success insights for 4+ years, helping readers translate their work background into a compelling job application.

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  • 17 Best Skills to Put on Your...

17 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (with Examples)

20 min read · Updated on September 11, 2024

Ronda Suder

Everything you need to know about adding the right skills to your resume

Whether your resume has been through 19 revisions lately or you're just revisiting it for the first time in years, spending some time taking stock of your skills section can generate more interest in your candidacy and be the key to winning interviews . 

However, there's a lot of conflicting information online and in books about maximizing the effectiveness of this section. 

Do you simply list all of your key skills on the resume? 

What are the right skills to put on a resume? 

What order is best? 

How will a jumble of technical qualifications help you stand out? 

And what about those soft skills ?

Let's tackle those questions one at a time and learn the 17 best skills to put on your resume – starting at the beginning.

Why is the resume skills section there in the first place?

The number one reason to spend a fair amount of time crafting your skills list is employability. Being employable means that you have the right skills to put on a resume – academic skills, applied knowledge, technology skills, vertical and lateral thinking abilities, and interpersonal skills – that employers value and are willing to pay you for. 

When the hiring manager picks up your resume to determine whether you're a fit for the role they have open, one of the first things they'll look at is your skill level. Having the right skills to put on your resume is also important to ensure it pops up in recruiter searches. 

There are three key reasons to include the skills section in your resume and to organize it well:

To list your skills and abilities in one place for easy reference and scanning

To highlight the match between your background and the job requirements for the position you're interested in

To get your well-crafted resume through keyword screening by applicant tracking systems

The right mix of resume skills will get you past the first hurdle and towards a conversation. Here's a blueprint for making the most out of your skills section:

Relevancy is critical

Including a jumble of skills to put on your resume, beefed up with some basics that pretty much everyone knows (like Microsoft Office, as an example), won't help you to stand out. In fact, listing out skills that are considered to be a common baseline can actually hurt your candidacy by making you look like you're scrambling to establish credibility. 

PRO TIP: As a general rule, basic user-level proficiency with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and email applications is assumed to be a given . However, if you have advanced Excel skills (expert-level proficiency with macros and advanced analysis capabilities, for example), you should list those.  

Rather than go back to basics, you'll want to focus only on skills that look good on a resume.

So how can you tell that a skill is relevant? That's easy! Read the job description . 

Interpret the job description

As you dissect the job description to learn what will be required of you if you're hired for the position, pay special attention to the “requirements” and “qualifications” bullets, as that's where you'll find the majority of the keywords your resume will need. Again, the goal is to ensure that your resume speaks to that particular job so you can impress the hiring manager. 

Let's say you're applying for a job as an Account Manager. You may see these bullets under the “requirements” part of the job description:

Build lasting relationships with new and existing clients

Maintain client records, including contract renewals 

Develop sales plans to meet key performance indicators

Understand product offerings to meet customer needs and upsell when available

The keywords you need to focus on in each bullet are:

Client relationships

Client records and contract renewals

Sales plans and KPIs

Product offerings, customer needs, and upsell

The question you then need to ask yourself is, “Do I have the skills to back up these keywords?” If the answer is “Yes,” then these are some of the skills to put on your resume. 

This is called tailoring your resume and should be done with every job that you apply to. For example, if you are applying to be a Floor Manager at a store that sells musical instruments, your proficiency with inventory management and your ability to play guitar would both be relevant for the job.

The four main types of skills for your resume

As a human being, you have technical and interpersonal skills in a broad range of areas. You might be an expert whitewater rafter, or maybe you have advanced a World of Warcraft character all the way to level 80. Both of those accomplishments require dedication, practice, and technical proficiency, but they're probably not going to help you land a job. 

The general recommendation on standout skills for a resume is to only list skills that will, directly or indirectly, help you to be more effective in your job. 

To do this, you have to understand the different types of skills that employers look for. 

1. Hard skills for a resume

These are learned abilities that you've picked up during your career, either through education, training, or experience. They can be honed over time. When you add hard skills to your resume, you'll want to include numbers –  measurable accomplishments – as often as possible. 

2. Soft skills for a resume

Soft skills are characteristics you possess that improve your ability to get along with others, solve problems, and communicate effectively. You'll find that hiring managers love soft skills. 

No matter how technical your position is, it will require interacting with people, dealing with deadlines, and adapting to change. It's not as easy to quantify soft skills as it is hard skills, but employers still want you to prove that you possess these traits.

While most skills can be categorized as hard or soft skills, there are other types of skills, too!

3. Transferable skills for a resume

In addition to hard and soft skills, you might consider whether you have any transferable skills. This becomes especially important if you're changing careers, as they allow you to provide tangible proof of your ability to adapt to new circumstances and use lateral or vertical thinking to apply knowledge about one thing to something else. 

When you're leaning on transferable skills to sell your qualifications to the hiring manager, you must take the time to relay how those skills will benefit them and their new team. So, rather than saying that you have good time management skills, prove it by demonstrating what you do to manage time and how this has benefitted previous employers. 

4. Adaptive skills for a resume

You can also show resiliency through skills in your resume if you're not changing careers. Let's face it, if there's one thing that's certain in life and work, it's that things change. If you're the type of person to leverage change as a learning opportunity, then you should definitely be highlighting your adaptability on your resume. 

When you talk about adaptive skills on your resume, be sure to provide specific examples as they can be the powerhouse statements that win you an interview .

how to write your soft skills in resume

The 17 best skills to put on your resume

Now that we've defined what types of skills to put on your resume, let's explore some specific examples of different skills you can include.

1. Computer skills and programming languages

When the job description wants you to prove that you possess programming skills, you can add “ Proficiency in Python, Java, or HTML, ” for example. This signals to employers that you can do everything from coding to automation and makes you a valuable candidate in the tech space.

Some roles that require an understanding of computer languages include:

Software Engineer

Computer Scientist

2. Data analysis

Saying that you possess data analysis skills allows you to demonstrate that you can interpret raw data and draw actionable insights to fuel change. It's adaptable across industries and can be easily backed by quantifiable data. 

Some roles that require an understanding of data analysis include:

Data Scientist

Marketing Consultant

Senior Accountant

3. Project management

You don't have to be a Certified Project Management Professional to include an ability to manage projects on your resume. If you're good at leading, organizing, and delivering successful outcomes, then you should add that you know how to manage projects. 

Some roles that require an understanding of project management include:

Construction Contractor

Industrial Engineer

IT Project Manager

4. Creativity

Creativity is one of the most highly sought-after skill sets. Not only can you leverage it to create tangible marketing pieces that connect with target audiences, but it can also be used to solve problems and bring fresh perspectives to projects. Creativity also signals that you're adaptable to dynamic environments. 

Some roles that require you to be creative include:

Graphic Designer

Digital Marketing Manager

Brand Manager

5. Languages

The world gets smaller every day, so being able to speak more than one language is a skill that you should definitely include on your resume. Adding multiple languages to your application makes you highly valuable in a globalized, connected working world.

Some roles that require you to be speak other languages include:

International HR Director

Foreign Exchange Investment Banker

Some Teacher roles

6. Communication

Every job everywhere requires employees to have good communication skills. But instead of simply saying that you are a good communicator, be prepared to demonstrate that you understand the value of everything from active listening to properly articulating complex concepts. 

Some roles that require great communication include:

Sales Representative

Public Relations

Nurse Practitioner

7. Teamwork

A lot of people will throw the word “teamwork” into the skills list on their resume without giving it much thought. However, given the vast amount of hybrid and remote working environments, teamwork is more important than ever. A happy team that works together reduces burnout and increases morale. 

Some roles that require good teamwork include:

Sports Fitness Coach

Product Manager

Scrum Master

8. Leadership

If you're applying for a role that will involve guiding others, then including leadership skills is a must. When you add leadership to your resume, you highlight that you're not afraid to take the initiative to make decisions that drive outcomes. 

Some roles that require you to be a leader include:

Director of IT

Sales Manager

9. Critical thinking

When you're known for making well-informed decisions by analyzing information and evaluating situations objectively, you possess critical thinking skills. You may see this pop up in job descriptions where the employer is seeking someone with high emotional intelligence. Basically, if you can navigate your way logically through problems, then critical thinking is probably something you should add to your resume.

Some roles that require critical thinking include:

Data Engineer

Telecommunications Professional

10. Cultural competence

Diversity, equity, and inclusion have become buzzwords in today's workforce. People want a voice and value having a psychologically safe place in which to get things done. This is even more true when you have people coming together from different cultures. 

Some roles that require you to have cultural competence include:


11. Quality assurance

Quality assurance has implications across a number of fields, including software development and cybersecurity. There is an emphasis on quality assurance in roles that require you to maintain compliance with regulations or particular guidelines and best practices. 

Some roles that require an understanding of quality assurance include:

Aviation Mechanic

Cyber Security Specialist

12. Time management

Ranking right up there with creativity as far as top-rated skills go, being able to properly manage time is critical in today's workforce. It's not only something that's found in professional settings, but across industries and jobs worldwide. A simple search of job descriptions will reveal that the majority of them want people who can meet deadlines, at the minimum. 

Some roles that require good time management include:

Administrative Office Assistant

Finance Director

Project Manager

13. Conflict resolution

Being able to de-escalate situations with irate clients by demonstrating empathy and clearly defining options for a resolution means you're probably good at conflict management. However, conflict management isn't only demonstrated in client interactions. You may also be able to showcase conflict resolution skills if you've solved problems within team environments, too. 

Some roles that require conflict resolution skills include:

Retail Merchandising

Insurance Agent

Information Technology

14. Sales and upselling

Sales is all about employing active listening to ascertain customers' needs, to sell the right product or service at the right time. Whether you're connecting with target audiences to get them to buy something through a digital marketing campaign or you're trying to sell someone a product, meeting client needs is critical to demonstrating that you're good at sales and upselling. 

Some roles that require you to be able to sell and upsell include:

Marketing Manager

Consulting Manager

Real Estate Manager

15. Data entry

As you progress in your career, showcasing that you're good at data entry will become less and less important, however, there are still some roles that value candidates who can quickly and accurately input data into a system. 

Some roles that require data entry include:

Recent Graduate

Mid-Career Professionals

16. Tech-savviness 

Being tech–savvy means that you're always on the cutting edge and consistently keep up with emerging technologies. It helps you to deliver innovative solutions that help your company remain competitive in the ever-changing IT landscape.

Some roles that require candidates to be tech-savvy include:

DevOps Engineer

Technical Project Manager

Senior Software Engineer

17. Continuous learning

Today's employers value job seekers and employees who are fastidiously committed to ongoing education and skill development. Most even provide some sort of knowledge bank or in-house professional development courses to allow you to engage in continuous learning. 

Some roles that value a commitment to continuous learning include:

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Electrical Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

How to add skills to your resume

Keep your skills specific and clear.

A common pitfall when it comes to resume skills is to list broad categories of abilities without going into sufficient detail. The problem with that approach is that it won't get your resume found in keyword searches, because they are looking for specific proficiency statements.

So, instead of writing “familiarity with accounting software,” list “Quickbooks, Quicken, Sage, and Xero.” 

Use numbers and descriptive words where appropriate: 

How many projects have you managed using Teamwork Projects? 

How many people have you trained to use Salesforce? 

A few well-placed quantifiers can position you as a serious candidate with supported qualifications.

Organize your skills list

When creating a long list of skills for a resume, consider how you organize everything. Ordering your skills strategically will make your resume easier to read and call the right attention to the right skills in the right place. 

This is especially true considering that our brains look for patterns. A well-organized skill section on your resume will improve the aesthetics and help the hiring manager to skim through it to find just what they're looking for. 

PRO TIP: There isn't a hiring manager alive who is reading your resume. They're scanning through it in just a few seconds . This makes keeping things organized all the more important.

Another organizing tip is to list the most important skills for the job first. Specifics will vary by industry, but think through the critical technical skills that will drive your effectiveness and success in the role and put them at the top.

When you're starting to group the skills to put on your resume together, deciding which is most important depends on the job description. While most employers want employees who are good communicators and can solve problems, you have to take the industry and employer preferences into consideration. 

Job relevance: This goes back to tearing the job description apart to find the relevant keywords

Industry trends: Stay on top of things that may be changing in your industry and highlight any new skills that come into demand

Employer preferences: Take some time to research the company and learn what they do, why they do it, and for whom – this will help you to get a feel for their company culture, so you'll know which soft skills will impress them the most

The best place to put skills on your resume

The placement of the resume skills section itself on the page is up to you. Many people prefer to have it positioned near the top of their resume, but it works at the bottom too.

PRO TIP: If you have a lot of skills to list, consider breaking them up (for example, technical skills at the top and additional skills at the bottom).

No matter where you place the skills section, the layout is critical in catching the eye of hiring managers and showcasing your qualifications in a way that helps you to stand out from the crowd. 

At the top of your resume

Technically speaking, your skills list shouldn't be at the top. The first things on your resume should be your contact information , headline , and summary paragraph . So, when we say “at the top of your resume,” we mean beneath the summary paragraph. 

When you put your skills list at the top of your resume, you call immediate attention to some key selling points. It's an effective technique if you have a strong set of skills that directly align with the job requirements. 

Here's what a skills list at the top of your resume would look like:


City, ST 12345 • LinkedIn URL • [email protected] • 111-222-3333


Operations Management | Project Management | Sales Management | Business Analysis

Innovative and ambitious executive-level management professional offering extensive experience and an accomplishments-driven career in sales, marketing and operations, and key account management. Leverages an entrepreneurial spirit to orchestrate tactical business plans that challenge the status quo, allowing for reformation of process. Intuitive business acumen and skilled strategist who uses the most up-to-date business practices to create, implement, and oversee business continuity. Naturally assumes leadership roles to oversee and achieve organizational success.

Business Development • Executive Leadership • Strategic Business Planning • Data Analysis • Team Training & Development • Policy & Procedure Development • Marketing & Territory Expansion • Procurement, Sourcing, & Negotiation • Relationship-Selling • Customer Relations

This resume example actually has two skills lists. One just beneath the title and then the regular one beneath the summary paragraph. It's an effective way to separate out the skills that are most important – the specialized abilities that you want to call immediate attention to. However, if you do it like this on your resume, the skills listed beneath the title should only be one to two lines max!

At the bottom of the resume

If you've reached a point in your career where your work history and career achievements outshine your skills, then it's a good idea to place the skills list at the bottom of your resume. 

Here's what your skills could look like at the bottom of your resume:


[List your career history in reverse-chronological order, starting with the most recent and working backward about 10 years]

[List the degrees you've earned and the schools where you obtained your degrees. You can also mention any professional development classes you've taken and certifications or licenses you possess]

Core proficiencies:

Project Management | Lean Management | Change Management | Operations Management | 3PL | Inventory Management | Inventory Control | Inventory Planning | Logistics Management | Distribution & Processing | Budgeting | Procurement | Purchase Orders

Soft skills:

Team Leadership | Coaching | Persuasion | Creative Problem Solving | Negotiation

Technical skills:

Epicor | PeopleSoft | XAL(Concorde) | HighStage | Deltek (Costpoint) | KBM | Syteline | Kinaxis | Glovia (Oracle-based) | Oracle | Adept | Workflow | Data Vault (Oracle-based) | Intralink

English |  Spanish |  French

Throughout your resume

Since your resume is more than a list of skills, you should know that your master list of abilities and the keywords you've culled from the job description aren't limited to being placed only in a skills list. You can – and should – include hard, soft, adaptive, and transferable skills throughout your entire resume. 

After your contact information, the first thing that should appear on your resume is a headline. A lot of people will simply put a title, but if you take a moment to spruce it up and turn it into a headline, you'll be able to inject a few keywords on the top line of your resume. 

For example, if you're applying for a role as a Real Estate Broker, here's the difference between a title and a headline:

Title: Real Estate Broker

Headline: Real Estate Broker with Expertise in Property Valuation and Team Management

Put yourself into the shoes of a hiring manager and ask yourself, which of those would give you more information about the job seeker? The headline not only indicates which role you want, but also includes two keywords – property valuation and team management. 

Summary paragraph

As you move on to write your career summary, which appears just beneath the headline, you'll want to continue adding relevant skills from your career that are mirrored in the job description. Doing this will ensure that your resume presents a cohesive and powerful message that your experience and achievements will serve the new company well. 

In sticking with the example of Real Estate Broker, perhaps you find that the new company wants you to coordinate marketing events and client activities, write weekly reports, and have a solid understanding of the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) platform for listing properties. 

The keywords to include in your profile paragraph would be:

Marketing events

Client activities

Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

Thus, your profile paragraph could look like this:

Veteran real estate professional with a strong background in orchestrating impactful marketing events for single and multi-family residences. Specializes in managing client activities that turn passive consumers into active clientele. Proficient in maximizing MLS to enhance property visibility and streamlining documentation and reporting processes. Known for creating a culture of excellence and client satisfaction by maintaining an open-door policy that encourages communication among team members.

As you can see, the profile paragraph isn't a long and drawn-out diatribe of things you've done in your career. Rather, it's a short paragraph that matches your skills to the job you're applying for. 

Work experience

Let's move on to the meat of your resume - the part the hiring manager is going to spend the most time on – your career history . You may be wondering how you can put future-facing keywords into the historical part of your resume, but all it takes is a bit of finesse. 

For example, if you have a history of closing multi-million-dollar deals in high-end neighborhoods, you could work a few keywords into an achievement bullet like this:

Closed 5 multi-million-dollar property sales per month by leveraging MLS for property exposure

While you could stop after you say how many multi-million-dollar deals you closed, because that's a great achievement statement, expanding the bullet to include a keyword makes your overall resume all the more compelling. 

TopResume wants to do more than write your resume. We want to give you the tools you need to succeed in your job search and career. Click on the following link for more resume and career advice .

Stand out from the crowd

When you master including the best skills in your resume, you reach a level of job search preparedness that propels your resume to the top of the pile. The whole idea is to make it easy for potential employers to see how you'll fit within the folds of their organization and team. That's where tailoring the skills to put on your resume comes in – wherever you include them. 

Want to see how your resume stacks up? Try out our free resume review today!

This blog was originally written by Marsha Hebert and has been updated by Ronda Suder.

Recommended reading:

How to Write a Powerful LinkedIn Summary

How to Format a Resume for Multiple Jobs at One Company

The Best Resume Format to Get Hired  

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300+ Resume Skills to Use on Your Resume in 2024

Wondering what skills to put on your resume? Dive into our list of 300+ resume skills we’ve extracted from analyzing over 1,000,000 resumes, learn how to include them in yours, and increase your chances of landing a job interview.


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Have you considered how difficult it is to select the right skills for your resume ?

You have to curate resume skills that:

  • reveal as many details about your proficiency; without going over the two-page limit .

Writing about your skills seems daunting - like you're fighting an uphill battle.

Yet, the potential wins are worth it: from landing an interview to getting a job offer.

So, here's our explicit guide on how to write about your skills on your resume:

  • Over 150 popular niche skills for over 15 industries.

The difference between hard skills and soft skills

Recruiters look for both hard and soft skills in a job application.

Before we get into the details of what both types of skills imply, we'd like to focus on how the skills are acquired, used, demonstrated, and measured.

Skill acquisition

Hard skills are attained via on-the-job experience, education, training, or certification.

While soft skills are obtained in a more intangible manner: via life or work experience.

Skill usage

Hard skills are used directly within your role - you need them to complete specific tasks.

Soft skills are most often related to how your flexible mindset is able to adapt, communicate, and excel within a new (potentially unfamiliar) work environment.

Skill showcase

It's easy to demonstrate your hard skills through various resume sections - showing recruiters what you're capable of.

Soft skills often complement your hard skills, thus providing unique value to your professional resume.

Skill measurement

Hard skills can be quantified based on your achievements, certifications, proficiency level, etc.

While soft skills could be a bit more difficult to pinpoint and could mainly be understood via your resume highlights.

Now, for a more brief definition of the two types of skills.

Hard skills comprise of the technical know-how and capabilities you possess: they are learned through studying and can be measured based on your performance.

Some of the more popular hard skills include:

  • Foreign Languages - opening doors to more international opportunities.

Soft skills are transferable skills: characteristics and habits that are most associated with you as a person. They indicate to recruiters just how well you will adapt, perform, and grow within a new environment.

Recruiters are constantly on the lookout for these types of soft skills:


Why listing skills is important.

Your skills are one of the most important sections, as they help your potential employers to identify whether you would be a good fit for the role.

Consider the whole recruitment process from the recruiter's point of view.

You have a thousand applications for the same role.

You’ll either briefly skim the document to identify relevant skills. Or work with an Applicant Tracker System (ATS) to identify relevant keywords .

So, including a separate skills section, gives recruiters the opportunity to familiarize themselves with:

  • the specific (or unique) potential you'll bring with your in-demand, rare, or relevant skills.

Lack of relevant skills (keywords), placed at the top of their resume, often leads to a rejection from the ATS.

To avoid this, include this separate skills section to hint that:

  • you can bring the desired skill set to the table.

The best skills to put on your resume

Building your skills section would very much depend on the role you're applying for.

For example, say you’re applying for a Cloud computing architect job. In this case, your ability to implement relevant technologies are a prerequisite for recruiters.

But if you do include instances where you've had to present information to stakeholders, this would set you apart from other candidates.

Software Development and Programming

With the rise of technologies, these will continue to be one of the most in-demand hard skills for the next decade or so.

Demonstrating your software development knowledge could be via various resume sections - as long as you've noted the outcome of your use of the particular skill.

As this is a pretty vast field that includes numerous abilities - Web and Mobile Development; Version Control; Various Frameworks and Databases; Agile Methodologies; Software Testing and more - we've listed some of the most popular technologies:

Data Analysis and Statistics

Data has become one of the most valuable assets - those with the ability to understand and interpret it will discover many opportunities ahead.

This field again includes various hard skills, from Data Manipulation and Mining to Big Data and Machine Learning.

Discover a list of some of the most popular Data technologies:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

With the rise of ChatGPT and similar platforms, one thing is evident - AI will continue to expand into uncharted territories.

And as a skill set, both AI and ML will continue to be in demand and take over multiple industries.

So, brush up on your:

Cloud Computing

Your knowledge of cloud platforms could land you the dream job in a dynamic environment.

Make sure you constantly upgrade your skill set with the most recent certificates , as this field is ever-evolving.

Meet job requirements by demonstrating your knowledge of:

  • Azure Functions
  • Cybersecurity

As a cybersecurity professional, it’s important to show on your resume not just your relevant certification, but adaptability in particular skills.

Referencing experience to project labs you’ve experimented with in your free time, can show your knowledge of the industry.

Here is a list of popular cybersecurity hard skills for your resume:

  • Digital Forensics

Project Management

Project management includes a combination of both hard and soft skills you'll need to be able to showcase via your resume.

While the end results are important, highlight instances where you've had to use any of these skills for successfully delivered projects:

  • Project Closure and Evaluation
  • Digital Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses many different roles, responsibilities, and industries.

Our advice is to highlight the skill set that would be most useful for your chosen career path.

For example, if you’re applying for a role in social media, include on your resume your experience with different channels and how your communication strategy succeeded.

Digital marketing skills may include:

  • Influencer Marketing

Graphic Design

While imagination and creativity may be at the center of the graphic designer's work, there are plenty of technologies that are important to success.

The list of graphic design skills includes:

UX/ UI Design

UX/UI design contains multiple skills from research, architecture, and wireframing to design and analysis.

Discover our top picks for your resume:

  • Accessibility Design

Financial Analysis

Plain and simple, financial analysis skills are focused on understanding data to make informed decisions.

They integrate an abundance of hard and soft skills, such as:

  • Data visualization tools

Foreign Languages

When listing foreign languages on your resume, it’s vital you explain your capabilities via your proficiencies and specializations.

It’s not enough to say you know a certain language - you need relevant certification or at least some widely-accepted reference as to your reading, comprehension, listening, and speaking skills.

Make sure to note your:

  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Communication

Perhaps your ability to communicate is one of the most important soft skills you'd need to show to recruiters - for any role.

Make sure that your communication efforts are always linked with relevant achievements.

Popular communication skills include:

  • Cultural awareness
  • Collaboration

Collaboration is your ability to participate within a team environment with the end goal of success.

While collaboration also covers various communication soft skills, here's the list of some other abilities you could list within your resume:


Problem-solving requires demonstrating your analytical abilities and shows the way you think in certain situations.

Can you take time-sensitive decisions or under pressure?

Skills that are linked with problem-solving include:

  • Systematic thinking
  • Critical Thinking

Like problem-solving, critical thinking is another must-have cognitive skill recruiters are on the lookout for.

Apart from your projects , you could also demonstrate your approach by incorporating various achievements through your resume as a result of your critical-thinking skills.

Showcase some of these skills to further prove your critical-thinking abilities:

  • Effective Communication


Within the past three plus years, it has become more and more evident that individuals who can navigate through dynamic environments (and thrive) become the most sought-out professionals.

Showcase you can adapt to new challenges on your resume via these skills:

Effective leaders are able to enable their teams to progress while creating a work environment with a vision.

While your leadership approach may be more evident during the interview stage of your application process, it's a good idea to note cases where you've shown some of the following skills:

  • Fostering a culture of growth


If you're apt at maintaining an organization's efficiency, definitely list your skills within your resume.

Organization skills hint at your abilities as a manager, but also, include:

  • Adaptation to technology
  • Negotiation

Navigating complex discussions, reaching agreements, and building relationships - that's what the ultimate outcome of your negotiation skills is.

Include as many of these relevant soft skills to highlight your negotiation abilities further:

  • Relationship building

The ability to think outside the box, while driving forward-facing initiatives, is surely impressive.

Highlight innovation on your resume with these soft skills:

  • Growth mindset

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills help you to build positive relationships with others: whether those be third-party vendors, stakeholders, or team members.

Demonstrate your interpersonal skills via these abilities:

  • Valuing contributions

The ability to deliver information in a manner that's informative, engaging, and persuasive is one that leaves a lasting impression on recruiters.

Hone your presentation abilities with these soft skills:

  • Visual and verbal communication alignment

Within the next section of this guide, discover more practical advice to writing your resume skills.

How to list skills on your resume

To list skills on your resume, consider what works in light of the job requirements and will match your authentic skill set (and voice).

We've discovered six best practices that highlight strategy, space, and thought process, so you could make the most of your resume skills.

Find skills the company is looking for

First, read the advert job description.

It is most often the case that recruiters include all relevant keywords under the requirements or qualifications section.

As a final step to your research process, check out the company's website for even more gold nuggets related to what the company is all about.

This way, you'll be able to identify if you'll be a good match for the company culture (and vice versa - if it'll match your expectations).

What if the job advert you have doesn't provide enough information?

Search on other popular recruitment platforms for the job advert. The missing link is out there somewhere - you just need to find it.

Another option, in this case, will be to reach out to recruiters on LinkedIn - ask them just a few questions about the desired, specific skill set.

Match your skill set with the company's ideal profile

The ugly truth is that when every single company is hiring, they have an ideal candidate profile in mind. They might make a couple of compromises for an "out of the blue" Cinderella, but...

... practice goes to show that skill alignment is no fairy tale.

Here's where you have to learn to read between the lines of the advert.

Not just because you have to consider the technical capabilities as described, but also because you have to look deeper into the tone of voice, soft skills, and preferred culture.

Aim to synthesize this information for yourself, so you can better understand what is it that the company needs from the specific candidate:

  • A nod to the future - what would my potential be in the job?

Ultimately, your application shouldn't be set to just fill in a tangible (or not) vacancy but it should answer your and the company's expectations.

Here's an example with a job description for a UX Copywriter. We've highlighted the hard skills in green, while the soft skills are in blue. This exercise should help you better understand the preferable skill set of the ideal candidate.

  • Collaborate with Product Managers, UX Designers, UX Program Managers, and other key stakeholders to develop online device setup instructions and engagement pieces.
  • Maintain brand voice and alignment with packaging through copyediting.
  • Create and maintain editorial style guides and master copy documents.
  • Ensure the highest standards of style and writing (e.g., grammar, spelling, syntax, diction, punctuation, brand alignment).
  • Help improve processes for how content is created, delivered, and maintained.
  • Proofread all final documents before print.
  • Work closely with the subject matter experts, advocating for product and documentation innovation on behalf of the customer.
  • Pursue automated content development.
  • Create and maintain standards/guidance for localized translations.
  • 3 years of design experience.
  • An available online portfolio.
  • Degree in English, Technical Writing.
  • Experience in writing and editing technical documentation.
  • Strong written and verbal communications skills.
  • Ability to earn trust, engage, and influence people and teams at every level in the organization.
  • Experience with content management systems and project management tools.
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment.

Want to make your resume stand out even further? Always match each skill with precise role accomplishments.

This would give social proof that you're adept at the skill and that your application is as close to the ideal candidate profile as it can be.

Use the STAR methodology to talk about your skills and experiences

The STAR method is one of the recruiters' favorite tools during behavioral-based interviews.

The acronym stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result(s).

Apart from the interview stage, you can also use the S-T-A-R methodology to describe specific achievements which really stand out.

  • Results or final outcomes: highlight precisely what “fruit” did your efforts bring in? BONUS: if you can add numbers and data to the results stage, then this will make quite an impression on recruiters.

Here are six more reasons why recruiters are huge fans of the STAR method.

These types of responses:

  • show how you'd handle similar situations.

The STAR method also brushes up on your reflection skills - as any professional should be able to look back on their work and highlight what worked.

So, even when writing your resume, it's helpful to think about various situations or projects where you can apply the STAR method .

The outcome should be strong, evidence-based answers that highlight your suitability for the position. Check out this example:

Situation : a DevOps engineer for a finance website

Task : eliminate poor website performance during peak hours (stock opening hours)

Activity : migrated the existing website's database to a more optimal noSQL solution

Result : reduced complaints rate to 3% and 100% website uptime during peak visit hours

Communicate your skills proficiency

Which one sounds more professional to you, when listing your language skills - "French C2" or "French"?

Adding your level of proficiency helps employers better understand just how good you are at using that particular skill.

  • Building trust with the organization from the get-go with transparency and honesty about your unique skill set.

But how can you - all by yourself - evaluate your skill set proficiency?

A popular framework that's used is the National Institutes of Health one; here's how it classifies the different experience levels:

  • Expert - with unparalleled knowledge that surpasses that of most professionals, you're recognized as a thought leader in the industry. With experience that spans years (or decades) on end, you've mastered various challenges and situations to always achieve an outcome. You're able to mentor others to achieve even higher peaks in their skill set.

There are many ways to map your skill proficiency. Our practice has shown us that some of the best ways include visual level bars and charts, used in more creative resumes , and simple labels, used in most modern resumes .

Make a separate resume skills section

A separate skills section serves to improve your score with the ATS - and also helps recruiters understand whether you have the expertise they're searching for.

First, consider the skills that are listed closer to the top of the advert. Those will be most vital for the role.

Next, reflect upon your skill strengths - those should also be listed within the dedicated skills section with more prominence.

Don't forget about including a couple of soft skills - this will help you align your profile even further with the ATS.

If you want to take this activity a step further, create a separate, niche skills section. One that could list, for example, your technology proficiency or specific soft skills.

Back up your skills in other sections of your resume

The more you can integrate skill keywords within your whole resume, the better you’d meet recruiters’ requirements. Here are five other sections that could include your skill set.

  • List accomplishments and skills in the experience section of your resume

Your experience bullets are the perfect opportunity to provide recruiters with some proof of your skill capabilities.

By quantifying your expertise with achievements (and possibly data), you'll provide them with the necessary background to better understand your skill set.

The more impressive your achievements were, the closer they should be to the top of your list (under each experience item).

Also, do consider what the requirements are for the job and use those to qualify your experience and skill set.

For example, if the role requires you to be able to apt in community management, your resume could list that you:

"Implemented communication strategies to attain a feeling of closeness amongst community members to attain a 107% growth and 65% more structured community management"

Let's take a look at a well-structured experience section that communicates the relevant skills of the applicant.

  • • Significantly reduced past due receivables from $7M to $5M within four months, accelerating cash flow
  • • Reduced company costs 50% through centralized purchasing
  • • Trained and supervised more than 4 summer interns each for a period of 3 weeks

Write a summary of qualifications

Going back to the top one-third of your resume, we have the summary and headline .

The resume summary - those brief three-to-five sentences - is the best chance you'd get to integrate your skills.

Once again, go back to the advert at hand and select up to five skills that you feel most confident in (that are important for the job). Use those to structure your resume summary.

Here's an example from our practice:

With your resume headline, you could also make a lasting impression.

Even though it should be short and simple, while matching the job requirements, the headline could integrate one-to-three skills.

Both of these sections provide you with an opportunity to further "stuff" your resume with skill keywords. But you don't want to go over the top with that.

Use the limited space you have wisely to demonstrate your highlights, achievements, and unique skill set.

Use certifications and courses

The hidden gem of the certifications and courses resume sections is that they allow you to further expand on your skill set. They are also a must in certain industries, such as cybersecurity.

Including a certification section on your resume will:

  • showcase your professional recognition.

A courses section is recommended for entry-level roles, where certifications (or more experience) are yet to be attained.

The courses could once again highlight the skills you've learned via your education or in your free time.

Showcase your transferable skills if you’re switching between career fields

Transferrable skills are universal skills you can easily apply from one role or responsibility to another.

They are basically what makes your experience unique and show that you can thrive within any work environment.

150+ Must-Have Skills (for Every Field)


Soft resume skills

Including this category of skills within your resume showcases the transferable skills and unique value you’d bring about as an applicant.

  • Work Under Pressure
  • Flexibility
  • Independent
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Collaborative
  • Strong Work Ethic
  • Decision Making
  • Detail Oriented
  • Organizational
  • Problem Solving
  • Responsibility
  • Interpersonal
  • Team Leadership
  • Time Management
  • Coordinating
  • Reliability
  • Multi-Tasking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Dealing with Ambiguity
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Active Listening
  • Transferable
  • Fast Learner
  • Public Speaking
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Willingness to Learn
  • Dealing with Objection
  • Creating Good Rapport
  • Resource Allocation
  • Goal-Oriented
  • Remote Work Skills

How to List Soft Skills On Your Resume icon

Computer skills for your resume

Computer skills are your technical competencies - basically, your ability to use various computer software and applications.

  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Office
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Database management (e.g., SQL, Oracle, MySQL)
  • Programming languages (e.g., Python, Java, C++)
  • Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js)
  • Back-end frameworks (e.g., Node.js, Django, Laravel)
  • Cloud computing platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • Networking protocols (e.g., TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP)
  • Cybersecurity principles and best practices
  • Virtualization and containerization (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes)
  • Data visualization tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI)
  • Machine learning and data mining
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) concepts and frameworks
  • Natural language processing (NLP)
  • Big data technologies (e.g., Hadoop, Spark)
  • Statistical analysis software (e.g., R, SAS, SPSS)

How to List Computer Skills On Your Resume icon

Design resume skills

With design skills, you have to be able to showcase to recruiters that you’re able to use an array of technology (and/or software), yet also have a creative vision.

Perhaps the strongest asset you have that demonstrates your graphic design skills are your past projects and portfolio. Make those easily discoverable by recruiters with links within the resume header .

  • Videography
  • Graphic design
  • User interface (UI) design
  • User experience (UX) design
  • Branding and identity design
  • Print design
  • Mobile app design
  • Layout design
  • Illustration
  • Icon design
  • Logo design
  • Visual communication
  • Color theory
  • Composition
  • Motion graphics
  • Video editing
  • 3D modeling and rendering
  • Infographic design
  • Data visualization
  • Art direction
  • Photo editing and retouching
  • Virtual reality (VR) design
  • Augmented reality (AR) design
  • Game design
  • Brand guidelines
  • Style guides

How to List Design Skills On Your Resume icon

Business and management resume skills

Show that you’re the top candidate by featuring the right skills on your resume. Explore a list of the most popular business and management skills in 2022 below.

  • Client Relations
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Team Management
  • People Management
  • Procurement
  • Contract Management
  • Implementation
  • Fundraising
  • Sustainability
  • Client Management
  • Crisis Management
  • Manufacturing
  • Performance Management
  • Quality Management
  • Microsoft Project
  • Event Management
  • Report Writing
  • Inventory Management
  • Relationship Management
  • Risk Management
  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Process Improvement
  • Quality Assurance
  • Faciliation
  • Vendor Management
  • Financial Modeling
  • Asset Management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Supply chain management
  • Key performance indicator (KPI) tracking

How to List Management Skills On Your Resume icon

Accounting and finance resume skills

Accounting and finance skills could open your doors to opportunities within various sectors. Your proficiency and technological capabilities would be a definite must for some roles.

These are also transferable skills, as they focus further on growing your analytical thinking and the ability to back up your decisions via data.

The more numbers that pinpoint results you could integrate (e.g. that show how your financial decisions have brought about a 56% increase in ROI), the better you’d be able to demonstrate your success.

  • Budget Management
  • Financial analysis
  • Financial reporting
  • Financial modeling
  • Tax preparation and planning
  • Risk management
  • Cost accounting
  • Managerial accounting
  • Financial statement analysis
  • Cash flow management
  • Revenue recognition
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivable
  • General ledger management
  • Financial planning and analysis (FP&A)
  • Internal controls
  • Financial systems and software (e.g., QuickBooks, SAP, Oracle)
  • Compliance and regulatory knowledge (e.g., GAAP, IFRS)
  • Financial statement preparation
  • Variance analysis
  • Investment analysis
  • Capital budgeting
  • Treasury management
  • Financial risk assessment
  • Cash management
  • Financial operations management
  • Cost control and reduction
  • Financial reconciliation
  • Financial statement consolidation
  • Financial data analysis and interpretation
  • Microsoft Excel proficiency (advanced functions, pivot tables, macros)
  • Financial forecasting and planning
  • Inventory management and costing
  • Financial controls and procedures
  • Debt management and financing
  • Forecasting

How to List Accounting Skills On Your Resume icon

Engineering resume skills

Engineering skills encompass various fields - from mechanical and chemical engineering to aerospace and civil engineering. It's no surprise that there's an array of skills that you could demonstrate across your resume.

Once more, remember to select the ones that are most relevant for the job you're applying for. In this industry, it'll be very often that your technical competencies would serve as your base for getting the job.

Soft skills are also a very good at showing not only your people skills but that you're adaptable to growth.

  • Prototyping
  • Technical drawing and drafting
  • Engineering design and analysis
  • Mathematical modeling and simulation
  • Technical documentation and reporting
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Quality control and assurance
  • Materials selection and testing
  • Manufacturing processes and techniques
  • Electrical circuit design and analysis
  • Mechanical design and analysis
  • Structural analysis and design
  • Thermodynamics and heat transfer
  • Fluid mechanics and hydraulics
  • Control systems and automation
  • Systems engineering
  • Environmental sustainability in engineering
  • Engineering ethics and professionalism
  • Root cause analysis
  • Failure analysis and prevention
  • Statistical analysis
  • Geotechnical engineering principles
  • Engineering

How to List Engineering Skills On Your Resume icon

Marketing resume skills

Marketing encompasses many different activities (e.g. social media, content creation, PPC strategies) all aiming to bring brands closer to audiences.

It's an ever-evolving sector that presents opportunities for professionals with different levels of proficiency.

One of the best things you could do, if you're looking to grow into the field, is to get as much hands-on experience as possible and always stay up to date with relevant technologies.

  • Lead Generation
  • Content Management
  • Storytelling
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Media Management (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.)
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Online Advertising
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
  • Google Analytics
  • Social Media Analytics
  • Marketing Automation
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Campaign Management
  • Market Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Consumer Insights
  • Brand Development
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand Messaging
  • Brand Management
  • Copywriting
  • Content Creation
  • Website Copy
  • Community Management
  • Public Relations (PR)
  • Event Planning
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Customer Retention
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Customer Experience (CX)
  • A/B Testing
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Data Analysis

How to List Marketing Skills On Your Resume icon

Sales resume skills

Demonstrate your sales skills with the actual achievements of your role, like maintaining a 95% positive customer feedback score or the number of units you've sold.

Your resume should also showcase the technology you feel comfortable using (e.g. Salesforce) and put a particular focus on your communication skills.

As in the words of Jeff Gitomer, "Great salespeople are relationship builders..."

  • Telecommunications
  • Cold Calling
  • Product Knowledge
  • Customer Service
  • Prospecting
  • Sales Process Knowledge
  • CRM Software
  • Territory Management
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Team Collaboration
  • Goal Orientation
  • Consultative Selling
  • Rapport Building
  • Objection Handling
  • Value Proposition Development
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Strategic Account Management
  • Cross-Selling
  • Solution Selling
  • Qualifying Leads
  • Pipeline Management
  • Relationship Development
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Sales Presentations
  • Sales Funnel Management
  • Closing Techniques
  • Contract Negotiation
  • Sales Analytics
  • Relationship Building
  • Business Development
  • Customer Engagement
  • Sales Training
  • Key Account Management
  • Territory Planning
  • CRM Administration

How to List Sales Skills On Your Resume icon

IT and Data management resume skills

Data has become the most valuable asset across our digital-driven world. That's why professionals with expertise in data management and information technology will be presented with a multitude of chances for professional growth.

IT careers allow professionals to experience versatile industries with ever so many rising challenges that require a new, more adaptive skill set for creative problem-solving and innovation.

But, as a starting point, make sure you can demonstrate how you can use your knowledge in the real world with projects , experience items , and technical skills .

  • Active Directory
  • Database Management
  • Data Management
  • Penetration Testing
  • Data Warehouse
  • Technical Support
  • Mathematics
  • Machine Learning
  • Integration
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Software Testing
  • Data Modelling
  • Data Collection
  • Data Center
  • Statistical Analysis
  • artificial intelligence
  • data center
  • data collection
  • data management
  • data modelling
  • machine learning
  • microsoft access
  • penetration testing
  • software testing
  • data warehouse
  • microsoft office
  • statistical analysis


Office resume skills

These skills are indispensable in any industry (or sphere) as they prove your ability to communicate and how you handle some office software.

If you're looking to find an admin role, definitely showcase your office skills, supported by relevant strengths, within your resume.

This particular skill set is also a nice-to-have for more entry-level candidates and candidates with less ( or no ) professional experience.

  • Documentation
  • Administrative
  • Data Entry and Management
  • Office Equipment Operation
  • File Management
  • Record Keeping
  • Calendar Management
  • Office Supply Management
  • Office Space Planning
  • Office Decorum and Etiquette
  • Document Sharing and Collaboration Tools (e.g., SharePoint, Google Drive)
  • Presentation Software (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote)
  • Task Management Tools (e.g., Trello, Asana)
  • Web Conferencing Platforms (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams)
  • Customer Complaint Resolution
  • Risk Assessment
  • Performance Tracking
  • Data Reporting
  • Workplace Ergonomics
  • Employee Relations
  • Knowledge of Labor Laws and Regulations
  • Benefits Administration Support
  • Recruitment and Onboarding Coordination
  • Workplace Culture Enhancement
  • Employee Engagement Initiatives
  • Employee Recognition Programs
  • Workplace Wellness Initiatives
  • Diversity and Inclusion Support
  • Business Correspondence Etiquette

How to List Office Skills On Your Resume icon

Food service resume skills

Bring your A-game to the table with your previous experience and food service skills.

The food and beverage industry allows professionals to grow a multitude of unique (and transferable) skills, from customer service to system operations and creativity.

On a side note, your patience and active listening skills should be at a superior level.

  • Food Safety and Sanitation
  • Menu Knowledge
  • Order Taking
  • Food Preparation
  • Food Presentation
  • Cash Handling
  • POS Systems
  • Menu Specials Promotion
  • Food Handling Equipment
  • Cleanliness and Organization
  • Knowledge of Dietary Restrictions
  • Menu Planning
  • Inventory Ordering and Management
  • Quality Control
  • Culinary Skills
  • Recipe Development
  • Food Cost Analysis
  • Portion Control
  • Knife Skills
  • Food Sourcing and Procurement
  • Food Plating Techniques
  • Food Styling
  • Beverage Service
  • Wine and Beer Knowledge
  • Coffee Brewing Techniques
  • Cash Register Operation
  • Cross-selling
  • Table Setting
  • Dining Etiquette
  • Special Event Catering
  • Buffet Setup and Management
  • Food Allergies and Dietary Restrictions
  • Safe Food Handling and Storage
  • Menu Engineering
  • Health and Safety Regulations
  • Food Service

How to List Food Service Skills On Your Resume icon

Medical and healthcare resume skills

From patient care to managing various software, creating a separate resume section to showcase your medical and healthcare skills is always a good idea.

Take the time to consider which medical skills would be most relevant for the job and align those with your experience .

Also, include your healthcare skills within various parts of your resume. This should also be done to showcase your commitment to the industry and the steps you've taken to ensure that you're the most up-to-date with recent R&D.

  • Patient Assessment
  • Administering Injections
  • Patient Care
  • Taking Vital Signs
  • Medical Administration
  • Recording Patient Medical History
  • TB Test Clearance
  • Teamwork Abilities
  • Medical Procedures
  • Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
  • Medical Terminology
  • Diagnostic Testing
  • Infection Control
  • Surgical Assistance
  • Medical Equipment Operation
  • Clinical Documentation
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • Medical Ethics
  • Emergency Response
  • Patient Education
  • Quality Improvement
  • Cultural Competence
  • Healthcare Regulations
  • Patient Advocacy

How to List Medical Skills On Your Resume icon

Legal resume skills

All rise for the honorable legal resume skills!

While the skills may encompass various roles within the legal system, the field of regulatory compliance has been gaining more traction in the past decade or so.

The best way to highlight your legal capabilities (apart from the dedicated skills section ) is also to boost your relevant legal certification and trial/ jury/ job success.

  • Contract Law
  • Civil Litigation
  • Legal Writing
  • Legal Research
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Criminal Law
  • Legal Analysis
  • Case Management
  • Contract Review and Negotiation
  • Litigation Support
  • Legal Document Preparation
  • Legal Terminology
  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
  • Oral Advocacy
  • Legal Citations
  • Client Counseling
  • Legal Due Diligence
  • Legal Compliance
  • Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
  • Legal Software and Technology
  • Courtroom Procedures
  • Document Drafting and Editing
  • Contract Drafting
  • Deposition Preparation
  • Legal Brief Writing
  • Trial Preparation
  • Mediation Techniques
  • Legal Research Methodologies
  • Legal Research Databases (e.g., Westlaw, LexisNexis)
  • Discovery Process

How to List Legal Skills On Your Resume icon

Customer service resume skills

Anyone who's ever had a customer-facing role, can let you know one thing - the experience teaches you so many personal skills in handling communications.

It's all about taking the time to understand the party opposing you, to find ways to show them both empathy and compassion, and - in the end - have a tangible outcome.

The STAR methodology could be a great way to showcase your customer service skills on your resume within the projects section .

Another good idea would be to create a supplementary experience section that focuses more on your soft and customer service skills.

  • Dispute Management
  • Oral Communication
  • CRM Systems
  • Technical Expertise
  • Knowledge of Policies and Procedures
  • Complaint Handling
  • Follow-Up and Resolution
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Customer Feedback Analysis
  • Customer Service Training
  • Problem Escalation and Resolution
  • Customer Retention Strategies
  • Upselling Techniques
  • Customer Satisfaction Enhancement
  • Customer Needs Assessment
  • Service Recovery
  • Social Media Customer Service
  • Customer Service in Multilingual Environments
  • Professional Phone Etiquette
  • Knowledge of Industry Regulations
  • Customer Education and Training
  • Product Demonstrations
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Knowledge Base Creation and Management
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
  • Customer Success Management
  • Voice of Customer Analysis
  • Service Recovery Strategies

How to List Customer Service Skills On Your Resume icon

Warehouse resume skills

There's an array of warehouse resume skills that entangle various aspects of operations. Those include third-party vendor communications and logistics to operating equipment and workplace health and safety procedures.

Your resume allows for a multitude of opportunities to list these skills - so don't miss your chances to include them, for example within your headline . Thus, optimizing it for the ATS and recruiters.

Look no further for inspiration as to your warehouse resume skills.

  • Cleaning Equipment
  • Forklift Operation
  • Loading and Unloading Trucks
  • Record-Keeping
  • Lifting Heavy Items
  • Warehouse Operations
  • Order Fulfillment
  • Shipping and Receiving
  • Warehouse Organization
  • Safety Compliance
  • Physical Stamina
  • Problem Identification
  • Vendor Coordination
  • RF Scanner Usage
  • Warehouse Safety Training
  • Lean Principles
  • Warehouse Software Proficiency
  • Cycle Counting
  • Stock Replenishment
  • Hazardous Materials Handling
  • Inventory Auditing
  • Cross-Docking
  • Shrinkage Prevention
  • Material Handling
  • Workflow Optimization
  • Reverse Logistics
  • Space Utilization
  • Stock Rotation
  • Returns Processing
  • Freight Management
  • Customs Compliance
  • Container Unpacking and Consolidation
  • Inventory Forecasting
  • Routing and Scheduling
  • Warehouse Layout Design
  • Supplier Negotiation
  • Supply Chain Management

How to List Warehouse Skills On Your Resume icon

Human Resources (HR) resume skills

If you're apt at working with people and supporting the acquisition functions (or funnel) of an organization - this next list is especially for you.

Demonstrate your abilities to support one of the most crucial areas of the business - that is talent management - with an array of hard and soft skills that support your understanding.

Have you implemented any changes that have improved the lives of individuals or perhaps increased interest in the organization? Make sure you dedicate a special section to those, and also quantify the impact your decisions have made.

  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Applicant Screening
  • HR Strategy Creation
  • Career Coaching
  • HR Reporting
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Employee Onboarding
  • HR Policies and Procedures
  • Training and Development
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) HR Systems
  • Employee Engagement
  • Labor Law Compliance
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Employee Performance Improvement
  • Employment Law Knowledge
  • Compliance Reporting
  • Ethics and Confidentiality
  • Employee Wellness Programs
  • Employee Performance Evaluation
  • Succession Planning
  • Employee Benefits Administration
  • Organizational Development
  • Employee Engagement Surveys
  • Employee Coaching and Development
  • HR Policy Development
  • Workforce Planning
  • Compensation Analysis and Benchmarking
  • HR Training and Facilitation
  • Talent Acquisition and Retention
  • Human Resources

How to List Human Resources Skills On Your Resume icon

Technical resume skills

Technical skills have to do with the specific technologies that are a must to complete a job.

The best way to showcase your technical expertise, of course, is by showing the skills' practical side with on-the-job experience, projects, and relevant certification.

The more results of your technical skills you can include, the better it'd be for recruiters to understand precisely your understanding of the given technology.

Speaking of which - in some cases - it could be good to also note your proficiency level.

  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Payment Processing
  • Linear Regression
  • Programming Languages (e.g., Python, Java, C++, Ruby)
  • Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Database Management (SQL, Oracle, MySQL)
  • Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Version Control Systems (Git, SVN)
  • Agile/Scrum Methodologies
  • Network Administration
  • System Administration (Windows, Linux)
  • IT Troubleshooting
  • Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • DevOps Tools (Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins)
  • Scripting Languages (Shell Scripting, PowerShell)
  • Big Data Technologies (Hadoop, Apache Spark)
  • Data Analysis and Visualization (Excel, Tableau, Power BI)
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Data Mining
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Mobile App Development (Android, iOS)
  • User Interface (UI) Design
  • User Experience (UX) Design
  • Web Frameworks (React, Angular, Django)
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Test Automation (Selenium, JUnit)
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Testing
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Data Warehousing
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Embedded Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, macOS)

How to List Technical Skills On Your Resume icon

Hospitality resume skills

In spite of the global pandemic, the hospitality sector continues to thrive and be an indispensable part of people's lives.

With that being said, perhaps one of the most important skills within hospitality is the ability to adapt (and accept) change.

By managing customers' expectations and experiences of the given hospitality service, you've surely also attained a variety of other soft, transferrable skills.

Even if a certain skill doesn't seem that important to you, yet it's a must-have on the job advert, and you have relevant, result-driven experience of it - make sure you dedicate some resume space to quantify your experience.

  • Hotel Management and Operations
  • Maintenance and Cleaning
  • Staff Management
  • Central Reservation System “CRS”
  • Event Planning and Coordination
  • Front Desk Operations
  • Property Management Systems (PMS)
  • Sales and Marketing Knowledge
  • Housekeeping Coordination
  • Concierge Services
  • Wine and Beverage Service
  • Event Setup and Breakdown
  • Venue Management
  • Guest Satisfaction Enhancement
  • Time-sensitive Issue Management
  • Venue and Room Management
  • Staff Training and Development
  • Revenue Management
  • Hospitality

How to List Hospitality Skills On Your Resume icon

Key Takeaways

Frequently asked questions about resume skills, what are the top skills to list on your resume.

There are no "top" skills, but rather ones that answer two-part criteria.

The first is the job requirements, and the second - is your capability and practical knowledge of using particular skills.

Now, both criteria could be met by both:

  • soft skills - transferrable, personal traits that showcase the unique value of working with you as a professional.

How many skills should I list on my resume?

It's not a question of how many, but rather which skills showcase you as the best fit for the role and also prove your unique expertise and knowledge.

Asses what are the key skills for the job advert (select between five and ten) and align those with the five to ten skills you're best at.

Remember to strike a balance between hard and soft skills, and to make use of every section of your resume to demonstrate your achievements.

Can I list soft skills on my resume?

Of course - soft skills are hints of how you'd adapt and grow within new work dynamics and environments.

Soft skills support your experience and tell a further narrative: that you've grown up both as a professional and a person.

They make a fantastic first impression on more experienced recruiters who are on the lookout for more than just the check-box-fitting candidate.

Should I tailor my skills to the job description?

This is perhaps the best strategy out there for creating your professional resume. First, take notice of what skills are important to the role, recruiters, and subsequently the organization.

If from the get-go you take the time to target your skills section to the advert at hand, this would go to show that you're ready to take the next steps and subsequently - are more than prepared for the role.

As you know, the whole job application process is one of meeting expectations and aligning visions.

How do I showcase my skills on my resume?

Make use of all the resume space (or real estate) you have to highlight your versatile skill set.

What this means is that you shouldn't just limit this to a dedicated skills section. You could also talk about these capacities within your resume:

  • niche/specific skills section.

It's entirely up to you to choose which sections of your resume would best fit your skill set.

When talking about your hard and soft skills, remember to also quantify your achievements.

Instead of saying you're apt at using "AutoCAD", note that you've "created 65+ full building plans in AutoCAD that have helped make the design 35% more understandable and efficient for contractors".

You could also use the STAR methodology (situation, task, action, result), when talking about your skills.

Can I include skills I learned outside of work?

If those skills are relevant to the job you're applying for and fully support your application, there isn't a reason why you shouldn't include them.

For example, you could further build your education, certifications, or hobbies section to detail those specific skills.

Test labs that you've done in your free time or side-projects that have taught you a specific skill could also work in showcasing your capabilities.


Your dream career awaits, make your move.

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Resume Skills: How to Write a Skills Section in 2024? [+Examples]

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

No matter the job and no matter the experience level, skills are essential to a resume.

So much so, that amongst recruiters there's a new saying brewing — “ the future is skill-based ”.

And it makes sense, as mundane jobs get automated, those with a strong skill-set are able to shift focus and remain relevant in a fast-evolving job environment.

In this article, we'll not only show you how to write a skills section for your resume but also show you the differences between soft and hard skills and when to apply them. Moreover, you'll also learn some of the most sought-after skills by recruiters in today’s job market.

TL;DR Video Guide: How to List Skills on a Resume

Learn to write a great skills section for your resume in under 60 seconds. Watch our quick video guide, save time, and skip straight to the most important takeaways. 

What is considered a skill?

In broad terms, a skill is an ability to perform certain tasks well. Some skills can be measured and acquired through deliberate effort, while other are related to your personality traits.

In other words, not all skills are created equal. That’s why we call some of them “hard” and others “soft”.

  • Hard skills . These are the skills that you’ve acquired through deliberate effort. They can be learned, taught, and measured. Examples of hard skills include: English, Spanish, HTML, Python, copywriting, data analysis, SEO, SEM, and others.
  • Soft skills , on the other hand, are closely tied to one’s personality traits. They arise from your previous experiences and the environment you grew up in. These could be your leadership, communication, or other interpersonal skills . As opposed to hard skills, soft skills cannot be easily taught. Examples of soft skills include: problem-solving, negotiating, multitasking, time management, presenting, and others.

Both types of skills are highly valued by employers and have an important role to play in your job search.

You can think of your hard skills as a foundation upon which your entire application is built. They give you a fighting chance to score the job you want.

Your soft skills, on the other hand, are something extra that can make your application stand out. They give you an edge over other equally capable candidates.

resume skills section example

Why do I need a skills section on my resume?

A well-put-together skills section can help a recruiter figure out whether you have what it takes for the job — and do it quickly . Speed is of the essence here.

Why? Because most recruiters only have about six seconds to decide whether a resume is worth reading in full. That means you only have a very limited time to get the most important, most impressive points across. Otherwise, your resume ends up in the bin.

With that in mind, having an entire section designated to your skills makes a lot of sense. After all, it’s through your skills that you can be useful to a company. By devoting an entire section to them you help the employer quickly assess if you can bring something to the table.

Get through the applicant tracking system (ATS)

What’s more, your resume isn’t for human eyes only. Every larger company nowadays uses an applicant tracking system (ATS) to weed out weak candidates. Because of that, most resumes never get to a human reader.

Fortunately, your resume’s skills section can help you punch through the ATS wall.

How? One way an ATS flags a resume for closer (human) review is by scanning it for relevant keywords. Luckily, by definition, any good skills section contains a relatively large number of these keywords and can help you get invited for a job interview .

As you can see there are also resume qualifications and a well-constructed skills section will help you make your resume more attractive both to human and computer eyes.

Finally, you should know that a large majority of your skills should already be shown in the work experience section of your resume. In other words, the skills section will always be a bit redundant. Don’t worry about that. For the reasons described above, it’s still worth it even if it comes at the cost of little redundancy.

what skills to put on resume

How to write a skills section for your resume?

Although, at a first glance the skills resume section might seem straightforward. Once you start getting into the nitty-gritty of it, you will soon realize that you have a pile of practical questions that will require some research –– both about you and the job at hand.

A good way to start preparing for writing the skill section of your resume is by researching the job listing, the company, and its work culture and asking yourself these 4 questions:

  • What are the skills needed for this job?
  • Do my skills align with the job?
  • Am I proficient in such skills?
  • Is it essential to add these skills to my resume?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you can begin adding the skills that meet your requirements.

How to format skills on a resume?

Formatting your skills on your resume will depend on a few factors such as your choice of resume template and resume style. With the style of resume bearing the most weight; will it be a chronological, functional, or a combined resume?

  • Chronological resume : This style of resume is the standard. It adds your work experience to the top of the resume and lists your jobs in chronological order from newest to oldest. Though anyone can use this style, those with greater experience benefit the most.
  • Functional resume : If you want your resume to highlight your skills then picking a functional resume is the way to go, as it prioritizes them by adding them to the forefront of your resume. This is a great choice for those working in the tech industry or if you’re new to the workforce.
  • Combined resume : As the name suggests, this is a mix of both a functional and chronological resume. This style of resume is a good way to go if you’re someone with a large gap in your employment or if you are switching careers. Where to put skills on a mixed resume depends on what you want to emphasize to your employer. If your skills are unique and in demand, put them at the top.

As for your resume template, you have more freedom and can pick from a variety of templates that meet your needs. However, not all resume templates are created equal and some are more suitable than others depending on the occupation.

If you’re having a hard time deciding what kind of resume template to use, go through resume examples to gauge what kind of templates are typically used for certain jobs.

Best skills to add to your resume in 2024

The rule of thumb is: stay relevant . What does it mean in practice?

First, it’s advised to limit the length of your resume to no more than two pages. This shouldn’t be a problem, as nowadays resume builders make it really simple to keep things concise.

Basically, by having a long resume you risk the hiring manager losing interest.

Hence, you need to provide only the most relevant information, and because things move so fast in today’s day and age you also need to make sure the information is up to date.

But how can you tell which of your skills are up to date and relevant for the job you want?

Easy, by following these 3 tips:

  • Study the job advertisement.
  • Print it out.
  • Highlight skills that are essential for the job.

These skills are the keywords that both the hiring managers and the ATS will be looking for.

Once you’ve done that, see how many of those skills you already have and list them in your skills section.

Best hard skills to put on a resume in 2024

Like we said earlier on, the job landscape is evolving, and we don’t mean your typical slow pace Darwin-type of evolution. Nope. This is a fast computer-age evolution, and you’re going to have to put in some effort and come up with some great resume ideas for skills if you don’t want to be left in the dust.

This is especially true for careers that depend heavily on hard skills, such as those in the tech, industrial, and construction industries. So, just like bringing the right tool for the job, it’s important to bring the right set of hard skills.

With that said, these 10 hard skills are in huge demand in 2024:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Business analysis
  • Sales processing
  • Product Marketing
  • Clinical research
  • Creative writing
  • Video editing
  • Web development

Now, we don’t mean for you to just go jotting down as many hard skills as you can on your resume just because they’re in demand. No, unique skills for a resume or any additional skill for a resume should only be added if you can at least perform the skills with some proficiency.

Another good way to decide what skill to add to your skill summary is by asking yourself this question, “ Would I be able to answer a hiring manager’s in-depth questions about such skill ?”. If not, then scrap it from your resume and cover letter .

Best soft skills to put on a resume in 2024

It doesn’t matter how technical your profession is. At the end of the day, you’ll have to interact with people in some form or another. That’s where soft skills come into play.

Think about it, if you were a recruiter, who would you rather hire? A programmer who’s also emotionally intelligent and has a way with people? Or someone equally skilled but who is anti-social?

If you’d prefer the former candidate, you wouldn’t be alone. In fact, 67 percent of HR managers said they’d hire a candidate with strong soft skills even if his or her technical abilities were lacking. On the contrary, only 9 percent would hire someone with strong technical credentials but weak soft skills. Even when it comes to hard-to-fill positions, the candidate’s soft skills still amount to about 25 percent of the hiring decision .

Having said that, here are 10 of the most marketable soft skills in 2024:

  • Time management
  • Communication
  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving
  • Negotiation
  • Attention to detail
  • Flexibility
  • Analytical thinking
  • Collaboration

Most companies understand that efficiency alone doesn’t make an organization stand out. They need to be innovative too — and create an environment where talented workers want to come and stay.

Pro tip:  If you have a LinkedIn profile filled with all the important details, including your skills, work experience, academic background, and qualifications, you can  turn it into a polished resume with just one click.

Top skills by career field to add to a resume

Some general skills can be a plus for nearly any job out there, particularly soft skills.

However, the number one rule on how to write a resume applies here, too, always tailor your resume with skills that align with the job. Also, keep in mind that sometimes skills that don’t seem relevant actually are, you just have to learn how to describe skills on a resume. Here are a few soft and hard skill examples for popular career fields you can add to your resume (assuming you possess such skills).

Skills to put on an art and design resume (examples)

For those who want to work in a creative field, it's imperative to understand that a blend of both soft and hard skills are needed. Few jobs out there require you to be a lone wolf and because of this, regardless of how good you're at your craft, it's equally important to hone your soft skills.

  • Soft skills: creativity, communication, collaboration, flexibility, planning, multitasking, troubleshooting, independence, perceptivity, accuracy
  • Hard skills : basic HTML, print knowledge, Adobe Create Suite, Dreamweaver, typography knowledge, photo editing, logo creation , marketing, storyboard creation, layout

Get inspired by this stylish resume example for an illustrator .

Best skills to put on a marketing resume (examples)

As someone in the marketing field, you're likely very aware of how fast the world is changing, especially if you’re into digital marketing. Hence, it’s important for you to highlight that you’re keeping up with the latest trends.

  • Soft skills : collaboration, intuitive, creativity, problem-solving, multitasking, curiosity, innovation, networking, quantitative thinking, forward-thinking
  • Hard skills : content marketing, WordPress, mobile marketing, social media, email marketing, lead nurturing, SEO, Mailchimp, Adobe Photoshop, video production

Check out this well-researched resume example from an online marketing specialist for inspiration.

Best project manager skills (examples)

Since the start of the pandemic, project management skills have been in high demand, according to research from McKinsey . Keeping up with the competition means that project managers need to continually upskill themselves. To make the most of your resume, here are the best project management skills to include.

  • Soft skills: problem-solving, negotiation, leadership, effective communication, organization, prioritization
  • Hard skills: Project Management Methodologiesdata analysis and visualization, programming (in relevant fields), marketing, use of AI 

If you want to learn more about these skills, have a look at the article we dedicated to the top skills for a project manager that includes an example of a project manager resume .

Skills to put on a finance resume (examples)

There’s a rule (hopefully a joke) amongst those working in finance –– always put your job ahead of your personal life. Now, whether that’s hyperbole or not, it should tell you a bit about what’s expected in the field.   

  • Soft skills : Leadership, presentation skills, compliance, diligence, being focused, initiative, thick-skinned, communication, execution, patience
  • Hard skills : SQL, VBA, Python, index matching, Excel, pivot tables, advanced charting, financial modeling, CFA, C++

Take a look at this well-presented and executed resume example for an equity analyst for inspiration.

Skills to put on an IT resume (examples)

Many think that working in IT means you don’t really need soft skills and honestly, they couldn’t be more wrong. Soft skills are just as important as hard skills when it comes to IT, so make sure that your IT resume contains both sets of skills.

  • Soft skills : Communication, attention to detail, logical thinking, adaptability, prioritizing, decisive, deadline management, problem-solving, collaboration, accuracy
  • Hard skills : AI, data science, cloud services, blockchain, VR, Cyber security, python, AWS, CSS, cyber security

Start your resume strong, get inspired with this in-depth and well-formatted resume example for an IT analyst , or just watch the video below: 

Skills to put on a sales resume (examples)

Salespeople are "people people" and should definitely emphasize their soft skills on their resumes. However, many sales roles like B2B are becoming more tech-dependent and should also include hard skills on their resumes.

  • Soft skills : Persuasion, negotiation, confidence, public speaking, active listening, responsibility, written communication, flexibility, intuition, business acumen
  • Hard skills : Powerpoint, SEO, data analysis, SaSS, content writing, cold calling, CRM, email management, pitch creation, product knowledge

Have a peek at this persuasive resume example for a sales representative if you're in need of inspiration.

Skills to put on a hospitality resume (examples) 

Do you like to be surrounded by people? Does it bring you joy to make someone's day (or week) better by being able to accommodate their needs and create unforgettable experiences?

Then you were born for the hospitality industry! However, it's also important to demonstrate these qualities on a resume. Make sure that these hard skills and soft skills are included in your hospitality CV. 

  • Soft skills : Multi-tasking, empathy, teamwork, problem-solving and conflict-resolution, active listening, flexibility, adaptability, resistance to stress;
  • Hard skills : POS systems, front desk management, basic computer skills, event planning, knowledge of multiple languages, bartending course, social media marketing, and networking, vendor relations.

Are there any skills I should NOT include on a resume?

Sure, most skills you have might come in handy at some point. But that doesn’t mean that every skill belongs on a resume. In fact, the number of unsuitable skills is so large we had to split them into five categories:

  • Skills you DON’T have . Remember, most skills take a lot of effort to acquire. Don’t fabricate them just to get hired. It will come back to haunt you in the long run — probably as soon as you get to the job interview. It’s bad enough to look incompetent but far worse to be seen as a liar.
  • Obsolete skills. Do you know how to back up files on a floppy disk? Good, but don’t put it on your resume. You don’t want to look as obsolete as floppy disks. The same goes for other outdated technologies and skills related to them.
  • Skills that have nothing to do with the job. Scuba diving is an impressive skill to have. But it’s also completely irrelevant if you’re applying for a job on dry land. Remember, hiring managers only have a limited attention span. Make sure they focus on those of your skills that can actually get you the job.
  • Overused buzzwords. Are you a flexible quick learner? Are you passionately creative, always motivated, and focused on the strategic vision? Even if it’s true, don’t mention it. These are some of the most overused words on resumes, and hiring managers are tired of seeing them. What’s more, these buzzwords don’t really mean anything.
  • Skills everybody should have. Never list skills like Microsoft Word, email, or web searching. It’s a given that anyone applying for an office job nowadays has these skills. Would you hire someone who considers the ability to browse the internet an achievement?

skills to avoid listing on your resume

One more thing. If you’re struggling to fit your resume on a single page, consider shortening your skills section. Leave only the key skills on a resume, relevancy is what matters the most here. Prioritize the hard skills mentioned in the job advertisement and ditch anything less relevant. 

What are professional skills?

Professional skill is a hard or soft skill that was learned with the intention (either at school, job, or certifications) of applying it in an employment setting. Examples of such skills are computer languages, machine skills, and writing skills.

What to put under skills on a resume?

When deciding what to put under skills on a resume, it's advised to research the job ad. Once that is done, then you can list the skills you possess that align with the job ad description.

You can add hard skills, such as: Microsoft Word, Photoshop, and Excel. You can also add soft skills, such as: punctuality, teamwork, and problem solver.

How to list soft skills on a resume?

Listing soft skills can be done in multiple ways, you can sprinkle them through your work experience section of your resume, you can add them under the skills section, or create an independent section titled “Soft Skills”.

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

Martin Poduška

Martin is a resume expert and career advice writer at Kickresume. In his five years at Kickresume, he has written hundreds of in-depth, painstakingly researched resume advice articles and, as chief editor, he has also edited and revised every single article on this website. Tens of thousands of job seekers read Martin’s resume advice every month. He holds a degree in English from the University of St Andrews and a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Amsterdam .

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How to write a professional resume summary [+examples], how to put your education on a resume [+examples], how to describe your work experience on a resume [+examples], let your resume do the work..

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4 Unexpected Soft Skills That Can Transform Your Professional Journey

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When we think of climbing the corporate ladder, we often focus our energy on mastering “hard skills” like coding, crunching numbers, or graphic design. These technical abilities might get your foot in the door, but there’s a catch: doing well in your job isn’t just about what you know; it’s also how you use and share that knowledge. That’s where soft skills enter the picture.

Soft skills are not directly tied to any one profession, but they make it easier to connect with and work well with others no matter the job. They include your ability to communicate, connect emotionally, and navigate social interactions smoothly.

Sure, a marketer needs to know how to craft campaigns, but to deliver them with impact? That’s what turns a good marketer into a great one. And while an HR rep might be great at setting up benefits packages, how they make new hires feel truly welcomed can set the tone for the company culture. Let’s take a look at some unexpected soft skills that could give your career a real boost.

Public Speaking

Would you be brave enough to face one of the world’s most common fears? No, not snakes or heights; it’s talking in front of people. Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, affects a staggering 77% of people . That’s right, more than three-quarters of us feel a little nervous when we think of stepping up to the mic. But if you develop this skill, it can make a huge difference in your professional journey.

The art of public speaking comes into play in many situations. For most professionals, it means leading meetings with confidence, sharing ideas convincingly, and holding people's attention during a presentation.

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A great product or idea might not shine if delivered poorly, but a skilled speaker can turn even a mediocre concept into something captivating. The goal is to use your words to leave a lasting impact.

Sales And Negotiation

If you know how to sell, you will always have a job. It’s more than just persuading someone to buy your product or service; it’s about winning people over with your ideas, vision, and personality. With this skill under your belt, you’ll be able to stand out in any field and make it big in the job market.

On the flip side, being able to negotiate is essential for any good leader. Whether it’s finalizing contracts with clients or lobbying for additional staff or budget, most leaders spend their days in a state of constant negotiation.

Negotiation revolves around creating win-win situations where everyone walks away satisfied. The trick is finding the sweet spot between assertiveness and empathy. You want to make sure that you’re advocating for your interests while also addressing the needs and concerns of others. Sharpening your sales and negotiation skills can drive your career forward and build stronger, more collaborative relationships at work.

Project Management

Have you ever wondered how some people can do so many things simultaneously and keep projects running smoothly? Project management is usually the key. This soft skill involves strategic planning: laying out objectives, organizing resources, and creating timelines that keep everyone on the same page. It all boils down to guiding your team to achieve their goals efficiently.

Whether upgrading an old system or launching a new product, effective project management is the secret to tackling complex challenges. Businesses risk going over budget and missing deadlines if their project management isn't up to scratch.

If you want to showcase your leadership and ensure projects run like clockwork, mastering project management is essential. It’s a talent that sets true leaders apart, proving you can take on big responsibilities and making you an invaluable asset to any team.


Among all the soft skills, self-awareness might just be the game-changer you didn't see coming. Imagine what it would be like to really understand your own feelings, thoughts, and actions. Self-awareness means having a clear picture of who you are, free from the cloud of judgment or bias. Developing this skill takes time and effort through self-reflection and practice. It's not given to you easily; you have to work for it.

The true power of self-awareness is its potential to open doors for growth in both your personal and professional life. When you know your current strengths and what you still need to improve, you can better focus your efforts and make real progress in your career.

Honing these unexpected soft skills will do more than just look good on your resume; it will take your professional journey to the next level. Take on the challenge, put yourself out there, and watch how these talents become powerful assets. Your next career breakthrough is within reach. Here's to your continued success!

Sho Dewan

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How to write the “About Me” section in a Resume? (11+ examples)

Published on September 2nd, 2024


While building your resume, the "About Me" section in a resume is that golden opportunity to showcase who you uniquely and professionally are. It is in this section that you get to tell them who you are beyond titles and skills. But how do you know this section hits the mark? Let's dive into some tips and examples to help you write an "About Me" section worth reading.

Why is the “About Me” Section Important?

Your "About Me" section is the elevator pitch of your resume. This is the summary of your professional journey, your skills, and the value you can bring to the table. If it's done correctly, it will grasp the recruiter's attention and set the tone for the remainder of your resume.

Tips for Writing an Engaging “About Me” Section

  • Keep it short: Your "About Me" section is supposed to summarize, not be a biography. Try to keep it within 3-4 sentences that highlight your career and what sets you apart.
  • Be real: This is your opportunity to shine as you. Stay away from jargon and clichés and get to the root of what makes you different from every other candidate out there.
  • Personalize it for the Job:  Tailor-make your "About Me" section for each application. Highlight those skills and experiences that best fit the job you are applying for.
  • Achievements: Just listing your responsibilities isn't saying enough; show how well you can do it. Mention significant achievements or milestones that prove the impact.
  • Industry Keywords:  Sprinkle relevant industry keywords naturally in your "About Me" section. It will not only help with the ATS but also do wonders for the human reader.
  • Enthusiasm: Convey that you are very excited to be hired because you love the work involved in the field.

What to Put in the “About Me” Section of a Resume?

Knowing what to put in the “About Me” section of a resume can be challenging, but it's important to strike the right balance between professionalism and personality. Here are some key elements you should consider including:

Professional Summary: In the resume summary, write a small introduction about yourself regarding your designation, experience, and key skills. This gives the reader a snapshot of your professional background quickly.

Core Skills:  List some of the most important skills that you master for the job you are applying for. These would range from technical expertise to soft skills such as leadership or effective communication.

Career Achievements:  Highlight some of the greatest accomplishments or milestones of your career. This will go a long way to show the impacts you have brought to previous roles and can further enhance your profile.

Personal Traits:  While it’s important to focus on professional attributes, including a few personal traits can help humanize your resume. For example, you might mention your enthusiasm for problem-solving, creativity, or passion for continuous learning.

Career Goals:  If space permits, briefly mention your career goals or what you’re looking for in your next role. This can show potential employers that you’re thoughtful about your career trajectory and how their role fits into your plans.

11+ Resume About Me Examples

For a Marketing Professional:  

Passionate marketing strategist with over 5 years of experience in developing data-driven campaigns that drive brand awareness and sales growth. Skilled in social media management, content creation, and analytics.

For a Software Engineer:  

Innovative software engineer with 7+ years of experience in full-stack development. Adept at solving complex problems and building scalable applications that improve user experience.

For a Graphic Designer:  

Creative graphic designer with a knack for visual storytelling. Expert in Adobe Creative Suite with a proven track record of delivering compelling designs that captivate audiences.

For a Human Resources Specialist:  

Experienced HR professional with a passion for fostering a positive work environment. Specializes in talent acquisition, employee relations, and implementing effective HR policies.

For a Sales Manager:  

Results-driven sales manager with a decade of experience in leading high-performing teams. Adept at crafting strategies that boost sales and enhance customer satisfaction.

For an Accountant:  

Detail-oriented accountant with a strong background in financial reporting and analysis. Committed to delivering accurate and timely financial information to support business decisions.

For a Content Writer:  

Versatile content writer with a flair for crafting engaging copy across various platforms. Specializes in SEO content that drives traffic and enhances brand visibility.

For a Project Manager:  

Seasoned project manager with a proven ability to lead cross-functional teams and deliver projects on time and within budget. Skilled in Agile methodologies and risk management.

For a Data Analyst:  

A data-driven analyst with a passion for uncovering insights from complex datasets. Proficient in SQL, Python, and data visualization tools to support strategic decision-making.

For a Customer Service Representative:  

Dedicated customer service professional with a strong focus on customer satisfaction. Experienced in resolving issues efficiently and building long-term customer relationships.

For a Teacher:  

A passionate educator with over 8 years of experience in creating engaging learning environments. Committed to fostering student growth through innovative teaching methods.

How HireQuotient AI Resume Builder Help In Creating an About Me Section?

The HireQuotient AI Resume Builder simplifies creating the "About Me" section by generating personalized, keyword-optimized summaries. It analyzes your skills, experience, and achievements to craft a compelling and concise profile, ensuring you make a strong first impression on potential employers. The tool tailors the content to match the job description, enhancing your chances of standing out in the hiring process.

Ready to create a standout 'About Me' section effortlessly? Give AI Resume Builder a try – visit now and craft your perfect resume in minutes!

Instead, the "About Me" section is not just a resume filler, but it's your ticket to making a lasting impression. Whether you're a seasoned pro or fresh off the career boat, a well-crafted "About Me" section can make all the difference. Keep in mind to keep it short, real, and relevant for the job one applying for. With these few tips and examples, you're off to a great start in writing that "About Me" section, representing yourself with the real deal of what you bring to the table.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure your “About Me” section is not only engaging but also optimized with the keyword "About me" naturally integrated throughout the content. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you introduce yourself in a resume?

The first words of your professional introduction should include your name, job title, and employer.

What is a good line about me for a resume?

A strong line should summarize your professional identity and key skills. Example:  “Results-driven project manager with 7+ years of experience leading successful teams and projects.”

How do I write about me?

Summarize your career highlights, skills, and unique qualities in a concise, engaging way relevant to the job.

How do I tell about myself?

Briefly cover your professional background, key skills, and personality traits that align with the role you’re applying for.

How to write a personal profile?

Write a short, focused summary of your career goals, skills, and accomplishments that align with the job and capture attention.


Soujanya Varada

As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at HireQuotient. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!

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Job-Winning UX/UI Designer Resume Example & Tips

Our Resumes are featured in

Tesla Logo

  • • Led a redesign of the user interface for the Tesla app, enhancing user engagement by 40% through improved navigation and visual appeal.
  • • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement user feedback, resulting in a 30% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • • Designed wireframes, mockups, and prototypes, delivering over 50 high-fidelity designs that significantly elevated the brand's user interface standards.
  • • Conducted user research and usability testing sessions, gathering actionable insights to refine and optimize design iterations.
  • • Provided web developers with detailed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code examples, ensuring seamless and responsive implementation across various browsers.
  • • Monitored web traffic and page performance, implementing optimization strategies that boosted website speed by 25% and improved user retention.
  • • Assisted in creating and testing wireframes and prototypes for the Google Drive user interface, resulting in enhanced usability and a 15% increase in user retention.
  • • Conducted extensive user research, surveys, and A/B testing to validate design choices, helping shape the final product with user-centered insights.
  • • Facilitated design sprints and workshops, encouraging team collaboration and fostering innovative solutions to user experience challenges.
  • • Performed image adjustments, such as resizing and cropping, ensuring the visual consistency and high quality of digital assets.
  • • Worked closely with senior designers and web developers to translate complex product requirements into highly usable web applications.
  • • Developed responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, delivering high-performance and cross-browser-compliant solutions.
  • • Optimized web page performance, leading to a 20% improvement in loading times and a significant reduction in site bounce rates.
  • • Provided technical design recommendations that enhanced the functionality and user experience of internal web-based tools.
  • • Collaborated with UX/UI designers to translate wireframes and prototypes into fully functional web interfaces, resulting in seamless user experiences.

UX/UI Designers are the cornerstone of any successful digital product. They transform abstract ideas into user-friendly interfaces, making interaction intuitive and enjoyable. Your favorite app? It owes its smooth usability to these unsung heroes.

A great UX/UI Designer needs a blend of creativity and analytical thinking. You'll stand out if you possess skills in wireframing, prototyping, and user research. When putting together your UX/UI Designer resume, focusing on how these abilities translate into tangible results will make all the difference.

How to Structure a Job-Winning UX/UI Designer Resume

Here are the necessary sections you should include on a UX/UI Designer resume. Each section has its own significance and purpose, contributing to a well-rounded portrayal of your skills, experience, and personal attributes.

  • Contact information: This section allows potential employers to easily reach out to you. Make sure to include your full name, phone number, and professional email address. Including your LinkedIn profile or a link to your design portfolio can also be beneficial.
  • Professional summary: This is a snapshot of your skills, achievements, and career goals. Aim for 3-4 sentences capturing your best experiences and how you can contribute to your prospective employer. A strong summary can hook your reader's interest and prompt them to read further.
  • Work experience: Listing relevant job positions highlights your practical knowledge and contributions in the field. Detail your responsibilities, accomplishments, and the ways you improved the user experience. Quantifiable results can really show the impact of your work.
  • Education: Including education showcases your foundational knowledge. List your degrees, the institutions attended, and graduation dates. Relevant coursework or academic projects can also be mentioned if they relate directly to UX/UI Design.
  • Skills: This section pinpoints your technical and soft skills that align with the job description. List software proficiency, design techniques, and methodologies you are familiar with. Clearly outlined skills help hiring managers quickly gauge your qualifications.
  • Portfolio: A portfolio of your work provides concrete examples of your skills and creativity. Include a link to an online portfolio or attach digital copies of significant projects. This allows employers to see firsthand your design capabilities and style.

Additionally, there are other sections that can add more depth to your resume, making your profile more comprehensive.

  • Certifications: Including certifications shows your commitment to continuous learning and staying updated. List any relevant certificates like UX/UI boot camps, specific software training, or online courses completed. Such credentials can set you apart from other candidates by showing your specialized knowledge.
  • Awards and recognitions: Highlighting awards indicates your efforts have been acknowledged by peers or industry bodies. Mention any design awards, accolades, or competitions you have won or been shortlisted for. This can significantly boost your credibility and marketability.
  • Volunteer work or community involvement: Detailing volunteer activities reflects your dedication beyond professional work. Whether it's participating in design hackathons, mentor programs, or community projects, showcasing this side of you can be appealing. It also shows a well-rounded personality and your willingness to contribute for a good cause.

Top Hard Skills for UX/UI Designer Resumes

  • User Research
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Interaction Design
  • Visual Design
  • Information Architecture
  • Usability Testing
  • Responsive Design
  • Adobe Creative Suite

Top Soft Skills for UX/UI Designer Resumes

  • Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Open-mindedness

Top Action Verbs for UX/UI Designer Resumes

  • Implemented
  • Collaborated

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should my ux/ui designer resume be.

Your UX/UI Designer resume should ideally be one to two pages long. If you are an entry-level candidate, one page is sufficient to cover your skills, education, and relevant experiences. For those with more experience, up to two pages can be justified to showcase a more extensive portfolio of projects and achievements without overwhelming the reader.

What is the best format for a UX/UI Designer resume?

For a UX/UI Designer, the reverse-chronological format is often the best choice. This format highlights your most recent work experience first, making it easy for potential employers to see your latest achievements and responsibilities. It is ideal for those with a solid work history in the field and helps in creating a clear, straightforward narrative of your career progression.

What should I highlight on my UX/UI Designer resume to stand out?

To stand out as a UX/UI Designer, you should highlight your design thinking process, problem-solving skills, and user-focused designs. Showcasing your experience with wireframes, prototyping tools, and usability testing can make a significant impact. Additionally, emphasizing successful projects with measurable outcomes, such as increased user engagement or improved user satisfaction, will help you catch a potential employer's eye.

What are some ways to quantify my experience on my UX/UI Designer resume?

You can quantify your experience by providing specific metrics such as the percentage increase in user satisfaction or engagement due to your designs. Include the number of projects completed, the size of teams you have worked with, and how your contributions have impacted project timelines or budgets. Using numbers to showcase your achievements helps provide concrete evidence of your skills and successes.

For more inspiration, why not check out our free resource of job-focused resume examples?

Junior UX Designer resume example

Junior UX Designer

Junior UX Designers are the unsung heroes of digital product development. Your fresh perspectives and eager enthusiasm breathe life into projects, driving innovation. Your efforts help make technology more accessible and enjoyable for all users. You must have a mix of creative and analytical skills to thrive in this field. Employers will value your ability to conduct user research, create wireframes, and test prototypes. Remember, your Junior UX Designer resume should highlight these skills and showcase your hands-on experience.

Freelance UX Designer resume example

Freelance UX Designer

Freelance UX Designers are the unsung heroes of digital experiences. They bring empathy and insight to create user-friendly interfaces that make our lives easier. Without their expertise, your favorite apps and websites would be confusing mazes rather than smooth journeys. They need to master design software and understand human behavior. Their ability to blend creativity with analytical skills makes them highly sought after. Your Freelance UX Designer resume should clearly showcase these abilities to catch the eye of potential clients or employers.

UX Design Coordinator resume example

UX Design Coordinator

UX Design Coordinators are the secret glue that holds creative and technical teams together. They bridge the gap between visionary designers and practical developers, helping turn concepts into user-friendly products. Their role is indispensable because they ensure that the user experience is coherent, intuitive, and delightful. You need a mix of project management skills and a keen understanding of design principles to excel in this role. Employers look for coordinators who bring strong communication abilities, organizational prowess, and familiarity with user testing. Your UX Design Coordinator resume should highlight these skills, focusing on your experience in coordinating projects and improving user interfaces.


  1. 80 Soft skills for resumes (+ Tips and Examples) ·

    how to write your soft skills in resume

  2. Soft Skills : Top 10 Soft Skills to Use on Resume & How to List them?

    how to write your soft skills in resume

  3. How To Demonstrate Soft Skills on Your Resume

    how to write your soft skills in resume

  4. Soft Skills Examples For Resume

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  5. How to write a resume

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  6. Key Skills For a Resume [Best List of Examples & How to] (2024)

    how to write your soft skills in resume


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  5. Shall I write my soft skills in CV : NO [Arabic]

  6. Soft Skills for Resume


  1. How to Write Soft Skills on Your Resume

    How to Write Soft Skills on Your Resume. Your resume should contain the right soft skills to land a job. We've got the top 10 soft skills and 115+ examples by job type, experience level and resume format for you to add to your resume. Build a resume. by Eric Ciechanowski • Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)

  2. Soft Skills for Your Resume: List & 100+ Examples for 2024

    3. Adaptability. Adaptability is an essential skill for embracing and adjusting to change, making it one of the best soft skills to have when working in fast-paced or constantly evolving environments or industries such as public relations, event management, tech, nursing, and advertising.

  3. Top Soft Skills for 2024 [90+ Examples for Your Resume]

    Communication #3. Adaptability #4. Problem-solving #5. Teamwork #6. Creativity #7. Leadership #8. Interpersonal Skills #9. Work Ethic #10. Attention to Detail 90+ Soft Skills Examples for 10 Careers #1.

  4. How to List Soft Skills on Resume in 2022 with 15+ Examples

    Like in the given examples, try to use action verbs that successfully show your soft skills without having to spell them out in your resume. Here are some action verbs that can help to highlight your soft skills in the professional experience and summary section of your resume: Led. Coordinated. Oversaw.

  5. How To Demonstrate Soft Skills on Your Resume

    Describe the background and the challenge you faced. Task: Explain the task and your responsibilities related to the soft skill you want to highlight. Action: Detail your specific actions to address the situation or task. Result: Explain the outcome, emphasizing how your use of soft skills contributed to the success.

  6. Top Soft Skills to List on Your Resume (90+ Examples)

    Well-developed soft skills can help you stand out from other candidates and make a positive impression on hiring managers. Common soft skills include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, leadership, time management, emotional intelligence, creativity, interpersonal skills and conflict resolution.

  7. The Top Soft Skills for Your Resume With 100+ Examples to Try

    Adaptability is a tough skill set for many. This allows you to go with the flow, roll with the punches, and embrace change as it comes. Adaptability is an especially important soft skill in a startup environment. Resume Example: Created new recruitment process that streamlined remotely onboarding new hires.

  8. 80 Soft skills for resumes (+ Tips and Examples) ·

    Here's a list of our top 7 soft skills examples for resumes which you can modify for your own needs and experience: collaboration, adaptability, resourcefulness, positive attitude, work ethic, willingness to learn, critical thinking. Let's analyze them in detail below and provide some related soft skills for each one. 1.

  9. How To List Skills On Your Resume Skills Section (With Examples)

    UX design. Print design. Soft Skills: Creativity. Adaptability. Time management. Problem-solving. Here's an example of a chronological resume with the skills section at the bottom: For the functional resume format, your skills and qualifications are front and center, while your work history takes a back seat.

  10. 50+ Soft Skills for a Resume (Soft Skills List for 2024)

    The 10 Most In-Demand Skills for a Resume (For any Profession) Are: 1. Adaptability. Adaptability helps you adjust to changes in the workplace. This soft skill makes it easier to manage disruptions in the workflow, unexpected situations, interruptions in schedules, and other events that can potentially cause stress.

  11. How to List Skills in Your Resume Skills Section

    You can categorize these skills under the heading "hard skills.". Hard skills are the skills or certifications necessary to do the job. For example, you need a driver's license to be a taxi driver. List your soft skills next. You can categorize these skills under the heading "soft skills" or "additional skills.".

  12. 10 Soft Skills Examples to Elevate Your Resume

    Your resume's summary or objective is a good place to highlight key soft skills. For example, "XX is a dedicated and empathetic customer service professional", "XX has strong communication and interpersonal skills", or "XX looks to improve client relations at A1Media Company.". 5. Quantify your skills where possible.

  13. All the Best Soft Skills on a Resume and How to Prove Them

    3. Leadership. Leadership skills focus on how you guide, motivate, and inspire others. Being a good leader means influencing and transforming the way your team operates for the better by setting a positive example and providing direction. This isn't just important for positions where you're expected to lead a team.

  14. How to List Soft Skills on Your Resume for Job Applications

    Recruiters link soft skills such as communication, teamwork, or problem solving to personality traits that can be useful in any role. The soft skills you add to your resume help inform recruiters of your suitability for the role and the company culture. Examples of soft skills include time management, organization, collaboration, and conflict ...

  15. 300+ Industry-Specific Soft Skills to Include in Your Resume ...

    For instance, mention your proficiency in managing complex tasks, leading teams, or adapting to new challenges. 4. Leverage transferable skills. When shifting careers, emphasize transferable soft skills that are valuable across various industries, such as leadership, communication, or problem-solving.

  16. 10 Best Skills To Put On Your Resume (With Examples and FAQ)

    Here are 10 examples of the best resume skills employers may be seeking: 1. Active listening skills. Active listening refers to the ability to focus completely on the person who you're communicating with. Active listening helps you to understand their message, comprehend the information and respond thoughtfully.

  17. 17 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (with Examples)

    They can be honed over time. When you add hard skills to your resume, you'll want to include numbers - measurable accomplishments - as often as possible. 2. Soft skills for a resume. Soft skills are characteristics you possess that improve your ability to get along with others, solve problems, and communicate effectively.

  18. 300+ Resume Skills to Use on Your Resume in 2024

    Project management includes a combination of both hard and soft skills you'll need to be able to showcase via your resume. While the end results are important, highlight instances where you've had to use any of these skills for successfully delivered projects: Project Planning and Scheduling. Project Budgeting.

  19. 180+ Skills to Put on a Resume in 2024 [Examples for Most Jobs]

    Hard skills are technical or job-specific skills learned through education or training. They are tangible and can be tested or measured. Examples include proficiency in a foreign language, computer programming or operating machinery. Soft skills, on the other hand, are interpersonal or "people" skills.

  20. Resume Skills: How to Write a Skills Section in 2024? [+Examples]

    No matter the job and no matter the experience level, skills are essential to a resume. So much so, that amongst recruiters there's a new saying brewing — "the future is skill-based". And it makes sense, as mundane jobs get automated, those with a strong skill-set are able to shift focus and remain relevant in a fast-evolving job environment.

  21. The 12 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume (Plus Examples)

    Soft Skills for Your Resume Soft skills are non-technical aspects of work, like being a good communicator or managing your time wisely. They're relevant everywhere.

  22. 25 Soft Skills That Will Make Your Resume Stand Out

    Soft skills list. Soft skills have become increasingly important in the job market. Below is a comprehensive list of essential soft skills that you can highlight on your resume: 1. Communication. Communication skills refer to an individual's ability to convey information verbally and in writing clearly.

  23. How To Write an Effective Resume Summary (With Examples)

    This will make your resume standout from others and is worth the investment in time to do it well. —Carolynn Bruce, SHRM-SCP 2. You want to highlight your key skills and experience earlier Your resume should be clear and easy to read. If you have extensive experience, your resume may seem bulky or complex.

  24. 4 Unexpected Soft Skills That Can Transform Your Professional ...

    Honing these unexpected soft skills will do more than just look good on your resume; it will take your professional journey to the next level. Take on the challenge, put yourself out there, and ...

  25. Harvard Resume Template—Writing Guide + Example

    It highlights your technical and soft skills, providing a quick overview of what you bring to the table. Here's how to effectively present your skills: Review the job description of the position you are applying for and identify the key skills required. Make sure to include these skills in your Harvard resume template if you possess them.

  26. How to write the "About Me" section in a Resume? (11+ examples)

    Your "About Me" section is the elevator pitch of your resume. This is the summary of your professional journey, your skills, and the value you can bring to the table. If it's done correctly, it will grasp the recruiter's attention and set the tone for the remainder of your resume. Tips for Writing an Engaging "About Me" Section

  27. Writing the Best Tech Resume in 2024: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Creating a resume for a tech job can feel overwhelming. With so many skills, experiences, and technologies to highlight, it's hard to know where to start. However, with the right steps, you can create a resume that not only catches the eye of hiring managers but also gets through the applicant tracking systems (ATS) that many companies use.. The key is to choose a simple resume template that ...

  28. 1 Successful UX/UI Designer Resume Example And Writing Tips for 2024

    This guide showcases successful UX/UI Designer resumes and offers tips for writing your own. Expert at creating intuitive, user-friendly designs. Your resume must be visually appealing, and highlight skills in wireframing, prototyping, and design software. ... This section pinpoints your technical and soft skills that align with the job ...

  29. 6 Great Administrative Secretary Resume Examples

    One of the most fundamental sections of your resume is the work experience. Including skills and accomplishments in your work experience section relevant to your Administrative Secretary role is critical to writing a good resume. Compare these work experience examples to understand what information to include to make a job-winning resume.

  30. Salesforce Business Analyst Resume Sample + Full Guide

    Resume Help Use our expert guides to improve your resume writing. CV . CV Builder Create your CV in 5 minutes. Land the job you want. ... Mix technical, hard, and soft skills relevant for Salesforce BA's. Only use 8-10 skills, no more. See the list below to see which skills can work for any Salesforce business analyst job: