
How to Write a Nursing Case Study Paper (A Guide)


Most nursing students dread writing a nursing case study analysis paper, yet it is a mandatory assignment; call it a rite of passage in nursing school. This is because it is a somewhat tricky process that is often overwhelming for nursing students. Nevertheless, by reading this guide prepared by our best nursing students, you should be able to easily and quickly write a nursing case study that can get you an excellent grade.

How different is this guide from similar guides all over the internet? Very different!

This guide provides all the pieces of information that one would need to write an A-grade nursing case study. These include the format for a nursing case study, a step-by-step guide on how to write a nursing case study, and all the important tips to follow when writing a nursing case study.

This comprehensive guide was developed by the top nursing essay writers at NurseMyGrade, so you can trust that the information herein is a gem that will catapult your grades to the next level. Expect updates as we unravel further information about writing a nursing case study.

Now that you know you've discovered a gold mine , let's get right into it.

What Is a Nursing Case Study?

A nursing case study is a natural or imagined patient scenario designed to test the knowledge and skills of student nurses. Nursing case study assignments usually focus on testing knowledge and skills in areas of nursing study related to daily nursing practice.

As a nursing student, you must expect a nursing case study assignment at some point in your academic life. The fact that you are reading this post means that point is now.

While there is no standard structure for writing a nursing case study assignment, some things or elements must be present in your nursing assignment for your professor to consider it complete.

In the next section, you will discover what your instructor n expects in your nursing case study analysis. Remember, these are assignments where you are given a case study and are expected to write a case analysis report explaining how to handle such scenarios in real-life settings.

The Nursing Case Study Template

The typical nursing case study has nine sections. These are:

  • Introduction
  • Case presentation (Patient info, history, and medical condition)
  • Diagnosis/Nursing assessment
  • Intervention/Nursing care plan
  • Discussion and recommendations

The Structure of a Nursing Case Study Analysis

You now know what nursing professors expect in a nursing case study analysis. In this section, we will explain what to include in each section of your nursing case study analysis to make it an excellent one.

1. Title page

The title page is essential in all types of academic writing. You must include it in your nursing case study analysis or any other essay or paper. And you must include it in the format recommended by your college.

If your college has no specific title page format, use the title page format of the style requested in the assignment prompt. In nursing college, virtually all assignments should be written in Harvard or APA format .

So, check your assignment prompt and create your title page correctly. The typical title page should include the topic of your paper, your name, the name of your professor, the course name, the date you are submitting the paper, and the name of your college.

2. Abstract

Most nursing professors require you to include an abstract in your nursing case study analysis. And even when you are not explicitly required to write one, it is good to do so. Of course, you should consult with your professor before doing so.

When writing an abstract for your paper, make sure it is about 200 words long. The abstract should include a brief summary of the case study, including all the essential information in the patient presentation, such as the history, age, and current diagnosis.

The summary should also include the nursing assessment, the current interventions, and recommendations.

3. Introduction

After writing the title page and the abstract, start writing the introduction. The introduction of a nursing case study analysis must briefly include the patient's presentation, current diagnosis and medication, and recommendations. It must also include a strong thesis statement that shows what the paper is all about.

You shouldn't just write an introduction for the sake of it. If you do so, your introduction will be bland. You need to put in good effort when writing your introduction. The best way to do this is to use your introduction to show you understand the case study perfectly and that you will analyze it right.

You can always write your introduction last. Many students do this because they believe writing an introduction last makes it more precise and accurate.

4. Case Presentation (Status of the Patient)

After introducing your nursing case study analysis, you should present the case where you outline the patient's status. It is usually straightforward to present a case.

You must paraphrase the patient scenario in the assignment prompt or brief. Focus on the demographic data of the patient (who they are, age, race, height, skin tone, occupation, relationships, marital status, appearance, etc.), why they are in the case study or scenario, reasons they sought medical attention, chief complaint, and current diagnosis and treatment. You should also discuss the actions performed on the patient, such as admission to the ICU, taking vital signs, recommending tests, etc.

In short, everything necessary in the patient scenario should be in your case presentation. You only need to avoid copying the patient scenario or case study word-for-word when writing your case presentation.

5. Diagnosis and Assessment

After the case presentation, you should explain the diagnosis. In other words, you should explain the condition, disease, or medical situation highlighted in the case presentation. For example, if the patient is a heavy smoker and he has COPD, it is at this point that you explain how COPD is linked to heavy smoking.

This is the section where you thoroughly discuss the disease process (pathophysiology) by highlighting the causes, symptoms, observations, and treatment methods. You should relate these to the patient's status and give concrete evidence. You should describe the progression of the disease from when the client was admitted to a few hours or days after they were stabilized. Consider the first indication of the disease that prompted the patient to seek further medical assistance.  

Your paper should also elucidate the diagnostic tests that should be conducted and the differential diagnosis. Ensure that each is given a well-founded rationale.

When explaining the condition, go deep into the pathophysiology. Focus specifically on the patient's risk factors. Ensure you get your explanation from recent nursing literature (peer-reviewed scholarly journals published in the last 5 years). And do not forget to cite all the literature you get your facts from.

In short, this section should explain the patient's condition or suffering.

6. Nursing Intervention

After the diagnosis and nursing assessment section, your nursing case study analysis should have an intervention section. This section is also known as the nursing care planning section. What you are supposed to do in this section is to present a nursing care plan for the patient presented in the patient scenario. You should describe the nursing care plan and goals for the patient. Record all the anticipated positive changes and assess whether the care plan addresses the patient's condition.

A good nursing care plan details the patient's chief complaints or critical problems. It then describes the causes of these problems using evidence from recent medical or nursing literature. It then details the potential intervention for each problem. Lastly, it includes goals and evaluation strategies for the measures. Most professors, predominantly Australian and UK professors, prefer if this section is in table format.

Some nursing professors regard the intervention section (or nursing care plan section) as the most critical part of a nursing case study. This is because this part details precisely how the student nurse will react to the patient scenario (which is what the nursing professors want to know). So, ensure you make a reasonable effort when developing this section to get an excellent grade.

7. Discussion and Recommendations

The intervention section in a nursing case study is followed by a discussion and recommendations section. In this section, you are supposed to expound on the patient scenario, the diagnosis, and the nursing care plan. You should also expound on the potential outcomes if the care plan is followed correctly. The discussion should also explain the rationale for the care plan or its significant bits.

Recommendations should follow the discussion. Recommendations usually involve everything necessary that can be done or changed to manage a patient's condition or prevent its reoccurrence. Anything that enhances the patient's well-being can be a recommendation. Just make sure your key recommendations are supported by evidence.

8. Conclusion

This is the second last section of a typical nursing case study. What you need here is to summarize the entire case study. Ensure your summary has at least the case presentation, the nursing assessment/diagnosis, the intervention, and the key recommendations.

At the very end of your conclusion, add a closing statement. The statement should wrap up the whole thing nicely. Try to make it as impressive as possible.

9. References

This is the last section of a nursing case study. No nursing case study is complete without a references section. You should ensure your case study has in-text citations and a references page.

And you should make sure both are written as recommended in the assignment. The style section is usually Harvard or APA. Follow the recommended style to get a good grade on your essay.

Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Nursing Case Study

You know all the key sections you must include in a nursing case study. You also know what exactly you need to do in each section. It is time to learn how to write a nursing case study. The process detailed below should be easy to follow because you know the typical nursing case study structure.

1. Understand the Assignment

When given a nursing case study assignment, the first thing you need to do is to read. You need to read two pieces of information slowly and carefully.

First, you need to read the prompt itself slowly and carefully. This is important because the prompt will have essential bits of information you need to know, including the style, the format, the word count, and the number of references needed. All these bits of information are essential to ensure your writing is correct.

Second, you need to read the patient scenario slowly and carefully. You should do this to understand it clearly so that you do not make any mistakes in your analysis.

2. Create a Rough Outline

Failure to plan is a plan to fail. That is not what you are in it for anyway! In other words, do not fail to create an outline for your case study analysis. Use the template provided in this essay to create a rough outline for your nursing case study analysis.

Ensure your outline is as detailed as it can be at this stage. You can do light research to achieve this aim. However, this is not exactly necessary because this is just a rough outline.

3. Conduct thorough research

After creating a rough outline, you should conduct thorough research. Your research should especially focus on providing a credible and evidence-based nursing assessment of the patient problem(s). You should only use evidence from recent nursing or medical literature.

You must also conduct thorough research to develop an effective intervention or nursing care plan. So when researching the patient's problem and its diagnosis, you should also research the most suitable intervention or do it right after.

When conducting research, you should always note down your sources. So for every piece of information you find, and what to use, you should have its reference.

After conducting thorough research, you should enhance your rough outline using the new information you have discovered. Make sure it is as comprehensive as possible.

4. Write your nursing case study

You must follow your comprehensive outline to write your case study analysis at this stage. If you created a good outline, you should find it very easy to write your nursing case study analysis.

If you did not, writing your nursing case study will be challenging. Whenever you are stuck writing your case study analysis paper, you should re-read the part where we explain what to include in every section of your analysis. Doing so will help you know what to write to continue your essay. Writing a nursing case study analysis usually takes only a few hours.

5. Reference your case study

After writing your case study, ensure you add all in-text citations if you have not already. And when adding them, you should follow the style/format recommended in the assignment prompt (usually APA or Harvard style).

After adding in-text citations exactly where they need to be and in the correct format, add all the references you have used in a references page. And you should add them correctly as per the rules of the style you were asked to use.

Do not forget to organize your references alphabetically after creating your references page.

6. Thoroughly edit your case study

After STEP 5 above, you need to edit your case study. You should edit it slowly and carefully. Do this by proofreading it twice. Proofread it slowly each time to discover all the grammar, style, and punctuation errors. Remove all the errors you find.

After proofreading your essay twice, recheck it to ensure every sentence is straightforward. This will transform your ordinary case study into an A-grade one. Of course, it must also have all the standard sections expected in a case study.

Recheck your case study using a or a similar computer grammar checker to ensure it is perfect. Doing this will help you catch and eliminate all the remaining errors in your work.

7. Submit your case study analysis

After proofreading and editing your case study analysis, it will be 100% ready for submission. Just convert it into the format it is required in and submit it.

 Nursing Case Study Tips and Tricks

The guide above and other information in this article should help you develop a good nursing case study analysis. Note that this guide focuses entirely on nursing case scenario-based papers, not research study-based nursing case studies. The tips and tricks in this section should help you ensure that the nursing case study analysis you create is excellent.

1. Begin early

The moment you see a nursing case study assignment prompt, identify a date to start writing it and create your own deadline to beat before the deadline stated in the prompt.

Do this and start writing your case study analysis early before your deadline. You will have plenty of time to do excellent research, develop an excellent paper, and edit your final paper as thoroughly as you want.

Most student nurses combine work and study. Therefore, if you decide to leave a nursing case study assignment until late to complete it, something could come up, and you could end up failing to submit it or submitting a rushed case study analysis.

2. Use the proper terminology

When writing an essay or any other academic paper, you are always encouraged to use the most straightforward language to make your work easy to understand. However, this is not true when writing a nursing case study analysis. While your work should certainly be easy to understand, you must use the right nursing terminology at every point where it is necessary. Failure to do this could damage your work or make it look less professional or convincing.

3. Avoid copying and pasting

If you are a serious nursing student, you know that copying and pasting are prohibited in assignments. However, sometimes copying and pasting can seem okay in nursing case studies. For example, it can seem okay to copy-paste the patient presentation. However, this is not okay. You are supposed to paraphrase the verbatim when presenting the patient presentation in your essay. You should also avoid copy-pasting information or texts directly. Every fact or evidence you research and find should be paraphrased to appear in your work. And it should be cited correctly.

4. Always ask for help if stuck

This is very important. Students are usually overwhelmed with academic work, especially a month or two to the end of the semester. If you are overwhelmed and think you will not have the time to complete your nursing case study analysis or submit a quality one, ask for help. Ask for help from a nursing assignment-help website like ours, and you will soon have a paper ready that you can use as you please. If you choose to get help from us, you will get a well-researched, well-planned, well-developed, and fully edited nursing case study.

5. Format your paper correctly

Many students forget to do proper formatting after writing their nursing case study analyses. Before you submit your paper, make sure you format it correctly. If you do not format your paper correctly, you will lose marks because of poor formatting. If you feel you are not very confident with your APA or Harvard formatting skills, send your paper to us to get it correctly formatted and ready for submission.

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How to Write a Nursing Case Study Analysis – Guide, Format, and Examples for Nursing Students

Wilson logan.

  • August 6, 2022
  • Nursing Writing Guides

How to Write a Nursing Case Study Analysis

What is a Nursing Case Study Analysis?

A case study analysis is a detailed examination of a specific real-world situation or event.

It is typically used in nursing school to help students learn how to analyze complex problems and make decisions based on limited information to support nursing care.

Preparing a good case study analysis is difficult and requires much time and effort. This article provides some tips on how to write a case study analysis that will help you get the most out of your research and provide a solid foundation for your writing.

A case study analysis requires you to investigate a nursing scenario, examine the alternative solutions, and propose the most effective solution using supporting evidence.

Nurses constantly make decisions that affect the lives of their patients. Nurses need strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to make these decisions correctly. Case studies are an excellent way for nurses to hone these skills.

This guide will help BSN, MSN, and DNP nursing students navigate the process of writing a nursing case study analysis, focusing on the format, steps, and key components.

How do you analyze a case study in nursing?

A nursing case study is an in-depth examination of a single individual. It is usually used to identify new areas of knowledge or to validate existing knowledge.

When analyzing a nursing case study, it is important to consider the following elements:

  • The patient’s medical history. This includes any prior illnesses, treatments, and medications.
  • The patient’s current condition. This includes symptoms, vital signs, and laboratory results.
  • The nurse’s observations. This includes the nurse’s notes on the patient’s condition and behavior.
  • The patient’s family and social history. This includes information on the patient’s family, friends, and social support network.
  • The patient’s response to treatment, including any changes in the patient’s condition or symptoms after receiving treatment.

How Nursing Practitioners Can Analyze Patient’s Cases

As a nurse practitioner, you will often be asked to provide a case analysis for your patients. This can be a daunting task, but there are some key elements that you should always include in your analysis.

  • The first element is the patient history. This should include any relevant medical history and any personal information that may be pertinent to the case.
  • The second element is the physical examination. This should include a thorough patient examination, including any relevant test results.
  • The third element is the diagnosis. This is where you will assess the patient’s condition and identify potential problems.
  • The fourth element is the treatment plan. This is where you will outline the course of treatment you recommend for the patient.
  • The fifth and final element is the prognosis. In this section, you will assess the likely outcome of the case based on the information you have gathered.

How to Write a Nursing Case Study Analysis

Format of a nursing case study analysis.

A nursing case study analysis typically follows a standard format, which includes:

  • Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the patient, the diagnosis, and the purpose of the case study (Hooper, 2014).
  • Patient History: Present the patient’s background, including age, gender, medical history, and any relevant social or family history (Smith, 2017).
  • Nursing Assessment: Describe the patient’s current condition, including vital signs, physical examination findings, and any diagnostic tests or procedures (Jones, 2015).
  • Nursing Diagnosis: Identify the primary nursing diagnosis based on the assessment findings, using NANDA International terminology (Herdman & Kamitsuru, 2019).
  • Care Plan: Develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses the patient’s needs, including nursing interventions, rationale, and expected outcomes (Thompson, 2018).
  • Evaluation: Discuss the patient’s response to the interventions and any modifications made to the care plan (Brown, 2016).
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the case study and discuss the implications for nursing practice (Davis, 2014).

Steps for conducting a case study in nursing research papers

  • Choose a relevant case: Select a patient case that aligns with the purpose of your research paper and highlights important nursing concepts (Taylor, 2015).
  • Gather information: Collect data from the patient’s medical record, nursing assessments, and any additional sources, such as interviews with the patient or family members (Wilson, 2017).
  • Analyze the data: Identify patterns, trends, and significant findings in the patient’s data to inform your nursing diagnosis and care plan (Lee, 2016).
  • Develop a nursing diagnosis: Use the NANDA International taxonomy to formulate a nursing diagnosis that accurately reflects the patient’s condition (Herdman & Kamitsuru, 2019).
  • Create a care plan: Develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses the patient’s needs, including specific nursing interventions, rationale, and expected outcomes (Thompson, 2018).
  • Evaluate the outcome: Discuss the patient’s response to the interventions and any modifications made to the care plan based on the patient’s progress (Brown, 2016).
  • Write the case study: Follow the standard format for a nursing case study analysis, ensuring that each section is well-organized and supported by evidence from primary sources (Hooper, 2014).
  • First, you will need to read over the case study thoroughly.
  • Ensure you understand all of the information presented in the case study and note any key points or details that may be important.
  • Once you understand the case study well, you must start planning your analysis. Consider your overall argument.
  • What points do you want to make in your analysis?
  • What evidence will you use to support these points?
  • Once you have a good idea of what you want to say in your analysis, start organizing your thoughts and putting them into a coherent structure.
  • Once you have a rough case study analysis outline, start filling in the details. Flesh out your arguments and provide evidence to support them. In addition, make sure to address any counterarguments that could be made against your points.
  • Finally, conclude your analysis by summarizing your main points and providing any recommendations or suggestions for further action.

Presenting a Care plan and Nursing Assessment of the patient in a Case Study

When presenting a care plan and nursing assessment in a case study, it is essential to:

  • Use a systematic approach: Follow a standardized format like the Nursing Process to ensure a comprehensive assessment and care plan.
  • Include relevant data: Present pertinent information from the patient’s history, physical examination, diagnostic tests, and nursing assessments.
  • Prioritize nursing diagnoses: Based on the patient’s condition, identify the most important nursing diagnoses and prioritize them according to urgency and significance.
  • Develop patient-centered interventions: Create nursing interventions that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) and tailored to the patient’s individual needs.
  • Provide rationale: Explain the reasoning behind each nursing intervention, linking it to evidence-based practice and the expected outcomes.
  • Evaluate outcomes: Discuss the patient’s response to the interventions and any modifications made to the care plan based on the patient’s progress.

How to write case study analysis in nursing

To write a case study analysis in nursing, follow these steps:

  • Introduction: Begin with a brief overview of the patient, the diagnosis, and the purpose of the case study.
  • Patient History: Present the patient’s background, including age, gender, medical history, and any relevant social or family history.
  • Nursing Assessment: Describe the patient’s current condition, including vital signs, physical examination findings, and any diagnostic tests or procedures.
  • Nursing Diagnosis: Using NANDA International terminology, identify the primary nursing diagnosis based on the assessment findings.
  • Care Plan: Develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses the patient’s needs, including nursing interventions, rationale, and expected outcomes.
  • Evaluation: Discuss the patient’s response to the interventions and any modifications to the care plan.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the key points of the case study and discuss the implications for nursing practice.

How to Structure a Nursing Case Study Analysis Paper

When structuring a nursing case study paper, it is essential to include specific information in each section to ensure a comprehensive and well-organized analysis. Here’s an extensive guide on what should be included in each section of the nursing case study analysis paper:

  • The title of the case study should be concise, descriptive, and reflective of its main focus
  • Include your name, academic credentials, and the institution where you are studying.
  • Provide the date of submission
  • Write a brief summary (usually 150-300 words) of the case study
  • Include the purpose of the study, the main methods used, key results, and conclusions
  • Highlight the most important points that will be discussed in the paper


  • Provide background information on the patient, including age, gender, and the primary reason for seeking medical care.
  • Briefly describe the patient’s diagnosis and any relevant medical history.
  • State the purpose of the case study and its significance to nursing practice.

Patient History

  • Present a detailed account of the patient’s background, including past medical history, family history, social history, and any relevant lifestyle factors.
  • Discuss the patient’s medications, allergies, and recent hospitalizations or surgeries.
  • Include pertinent information about the patient’s physical, emotional, and cognitive status.

Nursing Assessment:

  • Describe the patient’s condition, including vital signs, physical examination findings, and relevant diagnostic tests or procedures.
  • Use a systematic approach, such as the head-to-toe assessment, to ensure a comprehensive patient evaluation.
  • Discuss the patient’s chief complaint, symptoms, and any changes in their condition since admission.

Nursing Diagnosis

  • Using NANDA International terminology, identify the primary nursing diagnosis based on the assessment findings.
  • Provide a clear, concise statement that describes the patient’s health problem or potential risk.
  • Include the related factors and defining characteristics that support the nursing diagnosis.
  • Based on the nursing diagnosis, develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses the patient’s needs.
  • Include specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for each nursing intervention.
  • Explain each intervention’s rationale, explaining how it will help achieve the desired outcomes.
  • Discuss the implementation of the interventions, including any collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals.
  • Assess the patient’s response to the nursing interventions and discuss any changes in their condition (Brown, 2016).
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the care plan in achieving the desired outcomes (Wilson, 2017).
  • Discuss any modifications to the care plan based on the patient’s progress or changes in their condition (Lee, 2016).
  • Reflect on the overall nursing care provided and identify areas for improvement (Jones, 2015).
  • Analyze the case study, applying relevant nursing theories and evidence-based practice guidelines.
  • Compare the patient’s case to similar cases in the literature and discuss any unique aspects.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the nursing care provided and recommend improvement.
  • Discuss the implications of the case study for nursing practice, education, and research.
  • Summarize the key points of the case study, including the primary nursing diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes.
  • Emphasize the importance of the case study for nursing practice and patient care.
  • Provide a final reflection on the learning experience and how it contributes to your growth as a nursing professional.
  • List all sources cited in the case study using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).
  • Ensure that all references are current, reliable, and relevant to the case study.
  • Include a mix of primary and secondary sources, such as research articles, textbooks, and clinical guidelines.

10 Nursing Case Study Examples for Nursing Students

1. Nursing Case Study Example – Meadowvale University School Of Nursing –The case analysis explores some of the ways in which the curriculum development leader can adopt measures that enhance faculty support and development in the task of curriculum development.Problem-solving case analysis
2. Case Study 1 – Mountain View College Department of NursingThe case analysis explores the issues that the Dean of a nursing school should do to ensure a new curriculum is developedProblem-solving case analysis
  This post includes benchmark patients’ spiritual needs: case analysis benchmark, how would a spiritual needs assessment helps the physician, how would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assistant Mike, definition of spiritual care, and ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation.Explores the spiritual needs of patients and how to address them.
  The post includes a case study, fetal abnormality gcu, and discussions on the Christian concept of the imago Dei and what value a human person has. How does your position affect your stance on controversial bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research?Explores ethical and spiritual influences to decision-making
  Utilizing the systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care.Improve care planning and decision making.
  The post includes Case Study: Healing and Autonomy Case Study, applying the four principles: case study, answer questions about a patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview, describes how principals would be applied according to the Christian worldview, the importance of each of the four principles, and What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease?It helps nurses learn how to analyze a case ethically
  Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. C. and expect the nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.Improves the
  The paper proposes a change project at ABC Medical Center (ABC-MC) in response to the prevailing forces, identifies the need for change before developing a vision that inspires the change, and provides a rationale for the change.Case
  The example on Death and Dying and answers questions on Suffering and the Fallenness of the World, Suffering and the Hope of Resurrection, Value of Life, Euthanasia, and Morally Justified Options, also offers an analysis of the sin of suicide.Explores Ethical end of life decision making.
 Legal And Ethical Issues In Nursing – Case StudyCase analysis of a scenarioImproves the decision making of nurses

Tips for Writing a Nursing Case Study Analysis

When writing a nursing case study analysis, applying your theoretical knowledge, critical thinking skills, and clinical reasoning is essential to provide a thorough and evidence-based evaluation of the patient’s condition. Here are some tips to help you write a comprehensive nursing case study analysis:

  • Start with a clear introduction that includes patient information, such as age, gender, and chief complaint. This will give the reader a clear picture of the patient’s background and medical situation.
  • Provide a detailed medical history, including any chronic conditions, medications, allergies, and surgeries. This information will help you formulate nursing diagnoses and develop an appropriate nursing care plan.
  • Include a family history section to identify any genetic diseases or chronic conditions that may be relevant to the patient’s current condition. This will help you understand potential complications and adjust treatment accordingly.
  • Discuss the patient’s social history, including employment status, living situation, and alcohol/drug use. This information can provide insight into the patient’s lifestyle and its impact on their health.
  • Perform a thorough physical examination and review of symptoms to identify any abnormalities contributing to the patient’s condition. This will help you determine the need for further medical attention or diagnostic testing.
  • Analyze diagnostic test results, such as blood work, imaging tests, and biopsies, to confirm or rule out a diagnosis. This will help you develop an evidence-based treatment plan.
  • Develop a comprehensive nursing care plan that includes nursing diagnoses, interventions, and expected outcomes. Ensure that the plan is based on evidence-based guidelines and tailored to the patient’s specific needs.
  • Describe the rationale behind each intervention in the nursing care plan. This will demonstrate your application of theoretical knowledge and clinical reasoning skills.
  • Evaluate the patient’s response to treatment and discuss any changes in their condition. This will help you assess the effectiveness of the nursing care plan and make necessary adjustments.
  • Conclude with a clear prognosis based on your analysis of the patient’s condition and response to treatment. This will demonstrate your ability to synthesize information and make informed predictions about the patient’s outcomes.
  • Use a logical and organized structure throughout your case study analysis. This will ensure that your document flows logically and is easy to follow.
  • Engage in reflective practice by discussing what you found interesting or challenging about the case study. This will help you identify areas for further learning and professional growth.
  • Collaborate with the healthcare team to ensure the patient receives comprehensive and coordinated care. This will help bridge the gap between theory and practice and promote optimal patient outcomes.

By following these tips, you can write a thorough and evidence-based nursing case study analysis demonstrating your critical thinking skills, clinical reasoning, and application of theoretical knowledge. Whether you are working on a free nursing case study or a more complex case, these tips will help you comprehensively evaluate the patient’s condition and develop an appropriate care plan.

  • Brown, S. (2016). Evaluating nursing interventions in case studies. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(6), 345-351.
  • Davis, L. (2014). Writing effective case study conclusions. Nursing Education Perspectives, 35(4), 268-269.
  • Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F., & Murr, A. C. (2016). Nursing care plans: Guidelines for individualizing client care across the life span. F.A. Davis.
  • Herdman, T. H., & Kamitsuru, S. (Eds.). (2019). NANDA International nursing diagnoses: Definitions & classification, 2021-2023. Thieme Medical Publishers.
  • Hooper, V. D. (2014). How to write a nursing case study. American Nurse Today, 9(8), 44-47.
  • Jones, C. (2015). The importance of nursing assessments in case studies. Nursing Standard, 29(50), 42-48.
  • Lee, J. (2016). Analyzing nursing care in case studies: A beginner’s guide. Nursing Education Today, 45, 142-146.
  • Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Hall, A., & Stockert, P. A. (2019). Fundamentals of nursing. Elsevier.
  • Smith, J. (2017). Presenting patient history in nursing case studies. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(11), 44-49.
  • Taylor, C. R. (2015). Selecting relevant cases for nursing case studies. Nurse Educator, 40(4), 204-206.
  • Thompson, C. J. (2018). Developing patient-centered care plans in nursing case studies. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(3), 158-161.
  • Wilson, L. (2017). Gathering data for nursing case studies: Best practices. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(10), 609-614.

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Best Practice Strategies to Implement Case Studies Across the Curriculum

how to do a case study for nursing school

Keith Rischer – Ph.D., RN, CCRN, CEN

As a nurse with over 35 years of experience who remained in practice as an educator, I’ve witnessed the gap between how nursing is taught and how it is practiced, and I decided to do something about it! Read more…

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how to do a case study for nursing school

10 Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples [Format + Structure]

  • Bob Cardens
  • August 6, 2022

If you are a nursing student, you may be asked to write a case study analysis. This can be a daunting task, but it is possible to do if you follow some simple steps. Here we include Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples to help you get started.

First, read the case study and make sure you understand the situation. Next, identify the key players involved and their role in the case. Finally, analyze the data presented and draw your own conclusions.

Writing a case study analysis can be challenging, but it is also an excellent way to learn more about nursing care. By taking the time to understand the situation and identify the key players, you will be able to gain valuable insights that can be applied to future cases.

What You'll Learn

10 Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples

The case analysis explores some of the ways in which the curriculum development leader can adopt measures that enhance faculty support and development in the task of curriculum developmentProblem-solving case analysis
  The case analysis explores the issues that the Dean of a nursing school should do to ensure a new curriculum is developedProblem-solving case analysis
This post includes benchmark patient’s spiritual needs: case analysis benchmark, how would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician, how would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assistant mike, definition of spiritual care and ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation.Explores the spiritual needs of patients and how to address them.
The post includes a case study: fetal abnormality gcu, and discussions on the Christian concept of the imago Dei, and what value does a human person have? How does your position affect your stance on controversial bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research.Explores ethical and spiritual influences to decision making
Utilizes systematic problem-solving method, nurses can determine the health care needs of an individual and provide personalized care.Improve care planning and decision-making. Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples
The post includes Case Study: Healing and Autonomy Case Study, applying the four principles: case study, answers questions about a patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview, describes how principalism would be applied according to the Christian worldview, the importance of each of the four principles, and What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease?Helps nurses learn how to ethically analyze a case. Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples
Evaluates the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. C. and expects the nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span.Improves the decision making of nurses. Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples
The paper proposes a change project at ABC Medical Center (ABC-MC) in response to the prevailing forces, identifies the need for change before developing a vision that inspires the change and provides a rationale for the change.Case analysis example of a change project
The nursing case study example on Death and Dying and answers questions on Suffering and the Fallenness of the World, Suffering and the Hope of Resurrection, Value of Life, Euthanasia, and Morally Justified Options, also offers an analysis of the sin of suicide.Explores Ethical end of life decision making.
Case analysis of a scenarioImproves the decision making of nurses

Nursing Case study Analysis Format and Structure

When it comes to writing a case study analysis, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, there is a general format and structure that you can follow to ensure your analysis is well-organized and flows smoothly. Here are the basics:

A nursing case study is a detailed study of a patient that is encountered by a nurse. The purpose of the case study is to provide a comprehensive view of the patient’s health condition and history. Nurse practitioners use case studies to enhance their ability to care for patients by providing them with a more complete picture of the patient’s health. Nurse practitioners may use different formats for their nursing case studies. However, all case studies should include certain key elements. These key elements include:

As a nursing practitioner, you will be responsible for analyzing patient cases and providing care based on your findings. There are key elements that you must take into account when performing a case analysis in order to ensure that you are providing the best possible care for your patients.

  • The first element is the patient’s history. You will need to obtain a complete medical history in order to understand the background of the case and identify any potential risk factors.
  • Next, you will need to perform a physical examination of the patient. This will help you to identify any physical signs or symptoms that may be related to the case.
  • You will also need to order and review any laboratory tests or imaging studies that have been performed on the patient. These results can provide valuable information about the patient’s condition.
  • Once you have gathered all of this information, you will need to start piecing together the puzzle to form a diagnosis. This process will involve synthesizing all of the information you have gathered and making a determination about what is causing the patient’s symptoms.
  • Once you have made a diagnosis, you can start developing a treatment plan. This plan should be tailored specifically to the needs of the individual patient.

When writing a nursing case study, nurse practitioners should use a clear and concise format. The format should be easy to follow and understand. Nurse practitioners should also include all of the key elements in their nursing case studies. Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples

How to write a case study assignment

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a real-life situation or incident, as a way to illustrate content and theory to students. It is usually presented as a written report, but can also be done in the form of a presentation, video, or multimedia production.

Case studies are used in many different disciplines, including business, law, psychology, nursing, social work, and medical sciences.

A case study assignment is a type of paper that requires you to analyze a real-life or fictional situation and offer possible solutions. This can be a challenging task, but if you follow some basic guidelines, you can write a successful case study assignment.

Here are some tips on how to write a case study assignment:

  • Read the case study carefully. Make sure you understand the situation and the problem that needs to be solved.
  • Research the subject matter. You will need to have a good understanding of the relevant theories and concepts in order to offer possible solutions.
  • Read the case study carefully. This may seem obvious, but it is important to get a clear understanding of the situation before you start writing. Make sure you have all the relevant facts and figures to hand before you start.
  • Identify the key issues. Once you have read and understood the case study, you need to identify the key issues that it raises. These will form the basis of your analysis.
  • Research the law/theory applicable to the key issues. Once you have identified the key issues, you need to research the law or theory that applies to them. This will help you to form your arguments and conclusions.
  • Write your paper. Be sure to present your analysis in a clear and concise manner. Your paper should be well-organized and well-written

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  4. Best Practice Strategies to Implement Case Studies ... - KeithRN

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  6. 10 Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples [Format + Structure]

    If you are a nursing student, you may be asked to write a case study analysis. This can be a daunting task, but it is possible to do if you follow some simple steps. Here we include 10+Nursing Case Study Analysis Examples to help you get started.