Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

  • Last updated December 14, 2023

Are you looking for an assignment tracking template? When your tasks begin to pile up into several imaginary towers, it’s easy for you to be overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. Moreover, you might not even be able to keep track of all of them, resulting in missed assignments and potentially bad marks.

Having an assignment tracker to keep every task means you’ll be able to organize, stay on top, and complete all your assignments on time. All you need to do is open our Assignment Tracking Template , hit the  “Make a copy”  button and start sorting out your to-do list.

Access Template

While it’s easy to navigate, make sure you read ahead to discover how to use our assignment tracking template to the fullest. We also have another assignment tracking template  that lets you map out your assignments throughout the semester—a perfect fit for your syllabus.

Table of Contents

What Should a Good Homework Spreadsheet Have?

In general, you’ll want a few fields that will help describe your assigned tasks and some markers for better organization. Here are some essential components to look for:

  • Assignment description: An efficient assignment tracking template will have space so you can jot down assignment notes. This avoids confusion and lets you anticipate the difficulty of your to-dos.
  • Dates:  Having dedicated fields for your due dates lets you plan your schedule better. This way, you know how much time you have to complete a task. Additionally, when paired with your assignment notes, you can sort them according to priority levels.
  • Completion status: Keeping track of task statuses lets you know which tasks have started, are in progress, are accomplished, or need revision. Moreover, it’s also a great way to remember which tasks you need to return to.
  • Subject and type:  You also want to categorize your assignments into their respective subjects. Another way to group them is by assignment type, including papers, lab reports, collaborative work, and similar tasks.

The components above are only a few useful fields in an assignment tracking template. For example, some spreadsheets also include monthly views or trackers for semester-wide assignment lists . Templates such as these will undoubtedly have other categories you’d need to explore.

Basic Assignment Tracking Template

With all the considerations laid out above, we created a simple but effective assignment tracking template you can use for free. While it may only feature a single functional tab, it has nine named columns you can organize according to your tasks.

If you haven’t already, you can download our free assignment tracking template here:

Let’s discuss the template in more detail .

Column A—Days Remaining

This is self-explanatory, but you can refer to this column to see the number of days you have left to do or submit your assignment. Depending on the days remaining, you can also decide which tasks to prioritize according to their deadlines.

The cells under this column are automatically updated using our pre-loaded formulas , so avoid modifying them. Instead, you can change the values under the last two columns of this template.

Assignment tracking template—days remaining column

Columns B to D—Tags for Status, Subject, and Task Type

Under these columns, you can set the categories of your assignments either by their completion status, class, or assignment type. You can select the values from the drop-down lists that come with the template based on the American curriculum.

Additionally, these statuses are associated with specific colors, making them more visual so that you can view and handle multiple ongoing tasks more efficiently. If the subjects listed differ from what you’re currently taking, you can modify the options.

To modify the subject options, follow the steps below:

  • First, click on a cell’s drop-down list and locate the pen icon at the bottom.

Assignment tracking template—drop-down list pen icon

  • Click the pen icon to open the drop-down settings on the left-hand side of your screen.
  • Change the values listed on the options, such as editing Math  to Physics.
  • Once you’ve set your preferred selection, click the “ Done” button.

Assignment tracking template—data validation on Google Sheets

  • Upon clicking, a pop-out might appear on your screen asking whether to apply the changes to a wider cell range.
  • Simply click “Apply   to all”  to replicate the changes to the other cells.

Assignment tracking template—apply data validation to all

Another handy feature is the filter option in the “Status”  column. You can use this to view your tasks based on their completion level. For example, you can choose to see only the in-progress tasks. Here’s how you do it.

  • To get started, click on the filter icon next to the “Status”  label.

Assignment tracking template—filter icon on Google Sheets

  • You should see a list of values with checkmarks on their left side once you scroll down.
  • To deselect all of them, click on “ Clear.”

Assignment tracking template—clearing filter values on Google Sheets

  • Next, begin selecting the tasks you want to see per status, such as To start  and In-progress.
  • Finally, click “OK.”

Assignment tracking template—change filter value on Google Sheets

  • To revert the view, simply follow steps one to five, ensuring to select all the categories again.

Columns E to I—Assignment Details

You can start entering the information you know about the tasks at hand. The columns E to G are divided into three categories: Assignment Title, Description, and Files/Links. If your assignment has attachments and URLs, such as resources, you can keep them in the last column mentioned.

Assignment tracking template—assignment details tracker

Meanwhile, columns H to I serve as fields where you can input the dates when your task is given and when you need to submit it. Take note that these are installed with data validation rules—you can’t enter values that aren’t valid dates. These values are also used to calculate the Days Remaining column.

Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

If you are looking to plan your entire semester ahead of time with your potential tasks, this is a helpful assignment tracking template. It’s much simpler than the previous spreadsheet discussed and gives you a semester-wide overview of your assignments.

Get the template here:   Semester Assignment Spreadsheet

This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date , which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.)

Assignment tracking template—semester assignment spreadsheet

The second is the (2) Tags  field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject. As with the other template, these tags are color-coded for an easier view. Lastly, you can also populate the (3) Assignment Details , the blank spaces beside the tags.

Why Use Our Assignment Schedule Templates?

You can virtually make a never-ending list of benefits from using a homework spreadsheet, but to name a few, here are some reasons why they’re beneficial for managing your workload.

  • Organization: As repeatedly emphasized, these assignment tracking templates help you categorize your tasks according to subject, type, and completion status, making it easier to organize your workload.
  • Time Management:  You can keep track of your due dates better with the automated counting of the days remaining for a task. You can manage your time better and learn to prioritize tasks according to deadlines.
  • Easy Access:  Our spreadsheets run on Google Sheets , which you can easily access anywhere, as long as you are connected to the internet. On top of that, they’re also ready to be filled out as soon as you make a copy for yourself.

Wrapping Up

Sticking to your deadlines and organizing your tasks doesn’t need to be complicated. You can easily do this with the help of our assignment tracking template on Google Sheets. Access more of these excellent templates by visiting our other blogs too!

If you want to learn about Google Sheets to the next level, consider checking out relevant courses at Udemy .

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5 Free Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Posted on Last updated: November 18, 2023

It’s that time of year again—assignments are piling up and it feels impossible to stay on top of everything. As a student, keeping track of all your assignments, due dates, and grades can be overwhelmingly stressful. That’s why using a Google Sheet as an assignment tracker can be a total game-changer.

With customizable assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can easily create a centralized place to organize all your academic responsibilities. The best part? These templates are completely free. 

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets and provide links to some excellent templates that any student can use to get organized and take control of their workload.

The Benefits of Using Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

Assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets offer several advantages that can help students stay on top of their work. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Centralized tracking: Rather than having assignments scattered across syllabi, emails, and other documents, an assignment tracking spreadsheet consolidates everything in one place. By leveraging assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can kiss goodbye to hunting for due dates or double-checking requirements.
  • Customizable organization: Students can add or remove columns in the template to fit their needs. Thanks to this, they can effectively track due dates, point values, grades, and other helpful details. They can also color code by class or status for visual organization.
  • Easy access: Google Sheets are accessible from any device with an internet connection. With this, you can easily view, update, or add assignments whether you are on your laptop, phone, or tablet.
  • Shareable with others: For group assignments or projects, assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make collaboration seamless as you can share the sheet with a study group or entire class to coordinate.
  • Helps prioritization: Sort assignments by due date or point value to always know what needs your attention first. With prioritization added to assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can stay on top of bigger projects and assignments.
  • Reduces stress: There’s no better feeling than looking at your assignment tracker and knowing everything is organized and under control. Saves time spent scrambling, too.

Picking the Perfect Assignment Tracking Templates Google Sheets

When choosing assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you’ll want one with specific fields and features that make it easy to stay on top of your work. Here’s what to look for in a homework organizer template:

  • Assignment Details: A column for writing down each assignment’s name, instructions, and notes will help you remember exactly what you need to do.
  • Due Dates: Columns for listing the due dates of assignments, tests, and projects allow you to see what’s coming up and schedule your time wisely.
  • Status Tracker: A place to mark assignments as “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Completed” lets you check on what still needs your attention.
  • Subject and Type: Categories or labels for sorting assignments by subject or type (essay, presentation, etc) keep your spreadsheet tidy.
  • Big Picture View: Some templates include a calendar view or semester schedule to help you plan assignments week-by-week or month-by-month.

The right spreadsheet has the fields you need to fully describe your homework and organize it in a way that works for you. With the perfect template, staying on top of assignments is easy

Top Assignment Tracking Templates

Now that you know the benefits and what to look for in an assignment spreadsheet, we have compiled a list of top assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets that will help you seamlessly track your assignments. 

And guess what? You don’t need robust experience with Google Sheets to maximize these templates, as they are easy to use.

Convenient Homework Planner Template

homework google sheet

The Convenient Homework Planner Template is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. It’s an excellent fit for students seeking an all-in-one solution to organize their work.

This template includes separate tabs for an overview calendar, assignment list, and weekly schedule. The calendar view lets you see all assignments, tests, and projects for the month at a glance. You can quickly identify busy weeks and plan accordingly.

On the assignment list tab, you can enter details like the assignment name, class, due date, and status.

The weekly schedule tab provides a simple agenda-style layout to record daily assignments, activities, and reminders. This helps you allocate time and schedule focused work sessions for tasks.

Key Features

  • Monthly calendar view for big-picture planning
  • Assignment list with details like class, due date, and status
  • Weekly schedule with time slots to map out days
  • Due date alerts to never miss a deadline

With its intuitive layout, useful visual features, and thorough assignment tracking, the Convenient Homework Planner has all you need to master organization and time management as a student. By leveraging this template, you’ll spend less time shuffling papers and focusing more on your academics. 

Ready to explore this assignment tracking template? Click the link below to get started. 

The Homework Hero Template

homework google sheet

The Homework Hero is an excellent assignment-tracking template tailored to help students conquer their academic workload. This easy-to-use Google Sheet template has dedicated sections to log critical details for each class.

The Subject Overview area allows you to record the teacher’s name, subject, department, and timeline for each course. This provides helpful context and reminds you of important class details.

The main homework tracking area includes columns for each day of the week. Here, you can enter the specific assignments, readings, and tasks to be completed for every class on a given day. No more guessing what work needs to get done.

At the extreme end of this sheet is a section for additional notes. Use this to jot down reminders about upcoming projects, tests, or other priorities.

Key features

  • Subject Overview section for every class
  • Columns to record daily homework tasks
  • Extra space for notes and reminders
  • An intuitive layout to map out the weekly workload
  • Easy to customize with additional subjects

The Homework Hero assignment tracking template empowers students to feel in control of their assignments. No more frantic scrambling each day to figure out what’s due. With this template, you can approach schoolwork with confidence.

Click the link below to get started with this template. 

The A+ Student Planner Template

homework google sheet

The A+ Student Planner is the perfect template for students seeking an organized system to manage assignments across all their courses. This Google Sheet template has useful sections to input key details for flawless homework tracking.

The Weekly Overview calendar makes it easy to see your full workload at a glance from Sunday to Saturday. You can note assignments, projects, tests, and other school events in the daily boxes.

The Class Information section contains columns to list your class, teacher, room number, and times. This ensures you have all the essential details in one place for each course.

The main Assignment Tracking area provides space to log the name, description, due date, and status of each homework task, project, exam, or paper. No more scrambling to remember what needs to get done.

  • Weekly calendar view to map out school events and tasks
  • Class information organizer for easy reference
  • Robust assignment tracking with all critical details
  • An intuitive layout to input assignments across courses
  • Great for visual learners

With a structured format and helpful organization tools, The A+ Student Planner provides next-level assignment tracking to ensure academic success. Staying on top of homework has never been easier.

Ready to get started with this assignment tracking template? Access it for free via this link below. 

The Complete Student Organizer Template

homework google sheet

The Complete Student Organizer is an excellent minimalist assignment tracking template for focused homework management.

This straightforward Google Sheets assignment template includes columns for the date, total time needed, assignment details, and status. By paring down to just the essentials, it provides a simple system to stay on top of homework.

To use this template, just fill in the date and time required as you get assigned new homework. In the assignment details column, outline what needs to be done. Finally, mark the status as you work through tasks.

  • Streamlined columns for date, time, assignment, and status
  • Minimalist layout focused only on crucial details
  • Easy input to quickly log assignments
  • Track time estimates required for assignments
  • Update status as you progress through homework

The Complete Student Organizer is the perfect template for students who want a fuss-free way to track their homework. The simplicity of the grid-style layout makes it easy to use without extra complexity. Stay focused and organized with this efficient assignment tracking sheet.

You can get access to this template by visiting the link below. 

Assignment Slayer: The Ultimate Planner Template

homework google sheet

Assignment Slayer is the supreme template for tackling schoolwork with military-level organizations. This comprehensive planner is ideal for students taking multiple classes and juggling a heavy workload.

The template includes separate tabs for each academic subject. Within each tab, you can log critical details, including the assignment name, description, status, due date, and associated readings or tasks. With this assignment tracking template, no assignment will fall through the cracks again.

Plus, it has additional columns that allow you to record scores and grades as they are received throughout the semester. This level of detail helps you better understand your standing in each class.

The Ultimate Planner also contains an overview dashboard with calendars for the month, week, and each day. With this, you can visually map out all upcoming assignments, tests, and projects in one view.

  • Individual subject tabs for detailed tracking
  • Robust assignment logging with name, description, status, due date, and more
  • Columns to record scores and grades when received
  • Monthly, weekly, and daily calendar dashboard
  • Visual layout ideal for visual learners

Assignment Slayer equips students with military-level organization. Its comprehensive features give you command over academic responsibilities, resulting in stress-free homework mastery.

Want to explore how this template can make your job easy? Click the link below to access this free assignment tracking template now. 

Why You Should Take Advantage of These Assignment Tracking Templates For Google Sheets

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets we reviewed in today’s guide offer significant advantages that can make managing homework easier. Here are some of the top reasons students love using these digital planners:

Get Organized

The templates allow you to sort all your assignments neatly by subject, type, due date, and status. No more fumbling through papers to find the next thing you need to work on. Plus, the level of organization you get with these templates helps reduce stress.

Manage Time Better

Knowing exactly when assignments are due helps with planning out your week. You can see what needs to get done first and schedule time accordingly. No more last-minute assignment crunches.

Access Anywhere

You can view and update your homework template from any device as long as you have an internet connection. The templates are ready to go as soon as you make a copy – no setup is needed. Easy access keeps you on track.

With useful tools for organization, planning, and accessibility, these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets make managing homework a total breeze. Boost your productivity and reduce academic stress today by using these templates for your assignment. 

Final Thoughts

Today’s guide explored some of the most accessible and useful assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets. These handy templates make it easy for students to stay organized and on top of their workload.

As a busy student, keeping track of your homework, projects, tests, and other responsibilities across all your courses can be daunting. This is where leveraging a spreadsheet template can make a huge difference in simplifying academic organization.

The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets reviewed today offer intuitive layouts and customizable features to create a centralized homework hub tailored to your needs. 

Key benefits include:

  • Inputting all assignments in one place for easy reference
  • Tracking due dates, status, grades, and other key details
  • Customizable columns, colors, and more to fit your study style
  • Easy access to update assignments from any device
  • Helps prioritize your time and tasks needing attention
  • Reduces stress by helping you feel in control

By taking advantage of these assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets, you can reduce time spent shuffling papers and focus your energy where it matters – knocking out quality academic work. Make your life easier and get a digital organizational system in place. 

Free Homework Planner Templates

Explore the collection of free homework planner templates our editable and printable planners will help track homework for different subjects, assignments to complete, timeframes, and other important details. get perfect grades and stay organized with ready-made options in google docs, excel, google sheets, and word formats..

Convenient Homework Planner Template

Convenient Homework Planner

Blue Homework Planner Template

Blue Homework Planner

Brown Homework Planner

Cute Homework Planner

Orange Homework Planner

Homework Planner

Funny Blue Homework Planner

Blue Homework Lesson Planner

Having trouble optimizing your homework time? We advise you to write down all tasks and duties received. Make this process easier with modern and simple homework planner templates. Use editable blanks with user-friendly structures, easy-to-read, eye-pleasing, and cute designs, and many built-in tools! Achieve efficiency in school and at home when doing homework.

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Home » Google Sheets » 7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

Daniel Smith

  • Updated: April 10, 2023

7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

As a student, keeping track of your academic progress can be daunting. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by assignments, deadlines, and grades, leading to stress and frustration. If you’re struggling to stay organized and need a solution to help you stay on top of your studies, look no further than Google Sheets student tracker templates.

With these templates, you can easily input and track your assignments, deadlines, and grades in one convenient location. No more juggling multiple spreadsheets or struggling to manage important dates. Student tracker templates help you stay organized and reduce stress so you can achieve your academic goals.

Whether you’re a high school student, a college student, or working on an online course, student tracker templates are the perfect solution to help you stay on top of your studies.

Read on to discover some of the student tracker templates that are available in Google Sheets so you can choose the template you like most today—and start tracking your academic progress with ease.

1. Free Student Data Tracker

Free Student Data Tracker

Designed by David Jopson

The Student Data Tracker in Google Sheets is an essential tool for educators who want to keep track of their students’ academic progress. 

It allows you to identify patterns and trends in your students’ performance, making it easier to spot areas where they may be struggling so you can provide targeted support. You can also use the tracker to communicate with parents about student progress, setting goals and tracking progress toward those goals.

2. Student Loan Tracker

Student Loan Tracker

Designed by Justin Pritchard 

For anyone who has had to take out a loan for their education, the Google Sheets Student Loan Tracker can keep track of vital loan details such as loan balance, interest rates, and more.

The uses of a Student Loan Tracker are numerous and varied. Students and recent graduates can use the tracker to manage their loans and keep on top of their progress toward paying them off. Parents and other family members can also use it to help their loved ones manage their loans and provide support as needed.

3. Student Attendance Tracker

Student Attendance Tracker

Designed by Amna Aslam

The Student Attendance Tracker by Amna Aslam allows teachers to enter all their students’ names and customize the list as per their preferences.

This tracker is hosted on Google Sheets, which means teachers can collaborate with other teachers in real time and share attendance data with them.

4. Student Progress Tracker

Student Progress Tracker

Designed by Using Technology Better

The Student Progress Tracker in Google Sheets aids teachers in monitoring students’ development. Teachers can easily create a custom tracking system that suits their needs and preferences. 

This template includes columns for class names, grades, and other relevant information. You can also fill cells with color to make the tracker more visually appealing and functional.

5. Student Behavior Tracker

Student Behavior Tracker

Designed by Geana Germana

Teachers can use the Google Sheets Student Behavior Tracker to observe the behavior trends of their students and their advancement and improvement over time.

This template includes the ability to quickly and easily record data so you can identify areas where additional support or intervention may be needed. 

6. Student Assignment Tracker 

Student Assignment Tracker

Designed by Reddit

Students can use the Google Sheets Student Assignment Tracker to plan their time more effectively, allocating time for each task and making sure they have enough time to complete their assignments by the due date.

The template has multiple colored sections for various elements to help identify crucial information at a glance.

7. Student Homework Tracker 

Student Homework

Designed by Spreadsheet Daddy

This Student Homework Tracker in Google Sheets is a straightforward yet useful solution that can assist students in maintaining the organization of their schoolwork. It is easy to use, accessible, and shareable, making it a useful resource for students of all ages and skill levels.

The tracker includes columns for the completion status of the assignment and any additional notes.

How to Create a Student Tracker Template in Google Sheets

In this section, we’ll take a look at how to quickly build a Google Sheets template for homework that will make it simple for you to keep track of your assignments. 

Step 1 . Start by entering the text you need in your template: the header/title at the top, a place for the document date, and the assignment details (due date, task, class, status). Then use the toolbar options to customize your text, such as alignment, color, size, and font.

The Toolbar Menu

Step 2 . Next, if you have cells you need to merge (such as for the title), highlight the cells, click the Merge icon, and select Merge all from the menu.

Merge Cells

Step 3 . To add a border around the data section of your template, highlight all the cells that make up that section, click the Border icon in the taskbar menu, and select the border’s color, style, and type.


Step 4 . To change the color of any of the cells in your document, highlight the cells and choose the Fill color option. Pick a color to alter the coloring scheme of your template.

Fill Color

Step 5 . In the Status column, select the cells where you want checkboxes to appear. Go to the Insert tab and click on the Checkbox option. 


Voila! The result is shown below!

Daniel Smith

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  • Writing Tips

Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

6-minute read

  • 18th May 2023

If you’re a student searching for a way to keep your assignments organized, congratulate yourself for taking the time to set yourself up for success. Tracking your assignments is one of the most important steps you can take to help you stay on top of your schoolwork .

In this Writing Tips blog post, we’ll discuss why keeping an inventory of your assignments is important, go over a few popular ways to do so, and introduce you to our student assignment tracker, which is free for you to use.

Why Tracking Is Important

Keeping your assignments organized is essential for many reasons. First off, tracking your assignments enables you to keep abreast of deadlines. In addition to risking late submission penalties that may result in low grades, meeting deadlines can help develop your work ethic and increase productivity. Staying ahead of your deadlines also helps lower stress levels and promote a healthy study-life balance.

Second, keeping track of your assignments assists with time management by helping prioritize the order you complete your projects.

Third, keeping a list of your completed projects can help you stay motivated by recording your progress and seeing how far you’ve come.

Different Ways to Organize Your Assignments

There are many ways to organize your assignment, each with its pros and cons. Here are a few tried and true methods:

  • Sticky notes

Whether they are online or in real life , sticky notes are one of the most popular ways to bring attention to an important reminder. Sticky notes are a quick, easy, and effective tool to highlight time-sensitive reminders. However, they work best when used temporarily and sparingly and, therefore, are likely better used for the occasional can’t-miss deadline rather than for comprehensive assignment organization.

  • Phone calendar reminders  

The use of cell phone calendar reminders is also a useful approach to alert you to an upcoming deadline. An advantage to this method is that reminders on your mobile device have a good chance of grabbing your attention no matter what activity you’re involved with.

On the downside, depending on how many assignments you’re juggling, too many notifications might be overwhelming and there won’t be as much space to log the details of the assignment (e.g., related textbook pages, length requirements) as you would have in a dedicated assignment tracking system.

  • Planners/apps

There are a multitude of physical planners and organization apps for students to help manage assignments and deadlines. Although some vow that physical planners reign superior and even increase focus and concentration , there is almost always a financial cost involved and the added necessity to carry around a sometimes weighty object (as well as remembering to bring it along with you).

Mobile organization apps come with a variety of features, including notifications sent to your phone, but may also require a financial investment (at least for the premium features) and generally will not provide substantial space to add details about your assignments.

  • Spreadsheets

With spreadsheets, what you lose in bells and whistles, you gain in straightforwardness and customizability – and they’re often free! Spreadsheets are easy to access from your laptop or phone and can provide you with enough space to include whatever information you need to complete your assignments.

There are templates available online for several different spreadsheet programs, or you can use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets . We’ll show you how to use it in the next section.

How to Use Our Free Writing Tips Student Assignment Tracker

Follow this step-by-step guide to use our student assignment tracker for Google Sheets :

  • Click on this link to the student assignment tracker . After the prompt “Would you like to make a copy of Assignment Tracker Template ?”, click Make a copy .

homework google sheet

Screenshot of the “Copy document” screen

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2. The first tab in the spreadsheet will display several premade assignment trackers for individual subjects with the name of the subject in the header (e.g., Subject 1, Subject 2). In each header, fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for. Copy and paste additional assignment tracker boxes for any other subjects you’d like to track, and color code the labels.

Screenshot of blank assignment template

Screenshot of the blank assignment template

3. Under each subject header, there are columns labeled for each assignment (e.g., Assignment A, Assignment B). Fill in the title of each of your assignments in one of these columns, and add additional columns if need be. Directly under the assignment title is a cell for you to fill in the due date for the assignment. Below the due date, fill in each task that needs to be accomplished to complete the assignment. In the final row of the tracker, you should select whether the status of your assignment is Not Started , In Progress , or Complete . Please see the example of a template that has been filled in (which is also available for viewing in the Example tab of the spreadsheet):

Example of completed assignment tracker

Example of completed assignment tracker

4. Finally, for an overview of all the assignments you have for each subject throughout the semester, fill out the assignment tracker in the Study Schedule tab. In this tracker, list the title of the assignment for each subject under the Assignment column, and then color code the weeks you plan to be working on each one. Add any additional columns or rows that you need. This overview is particularly helpful for time management throughout the semester.

homework google sheet

There you have it.

To help you take full advantage of this student assignment tracker let’s recap the steps:

1. Make a copy of the student assignment tracker .

2. Fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for in each header row in the Assignments tab.

3. Fill in the title of each of your assignments and all the required tasks underneath each assignment. 

4. List the title of the assignment for each subject and color code the week that the assignment is due in the Study Schedule .

Now that your assignments are organized, you can rest easy . Happy studying! And remember, if you need help from a subject-matter expert to proofread your work before submission, we’ll happily proofread it for free .

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In this free tutorial, learn how to use the powerful tools in Google Sheets for organizing, visualizing, and calculating data in a spreadsheet.

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  • 1 All About Google Drive arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about using Google Drive.
  • 2 Getting Started with Google Drive arrow_forward_ios ✓ Get started using Google Drive.
  • 3 Creating Google Docs arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to create new documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and drawings.
  • 4 Uploading Files to Google Drive arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to upload and sync Google Drive files.
  • 5 Managing Your Files arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to manage and organize your Google Drive files.
  • 6 Sharing and Collaborating arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to share and collaborate on Google Drive files.
  • 7 Converting and Printing Docs arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to convert, download, and print Google Drive files.

Spreadsheet Basics

  • 8 Getting Started with Google Sheets arrow_forward_ios ✓ Get to know the Google Sheets interface, and learn how to create new spreadsheets.
  • 9 Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to modify rows, cells, and columns to help personalize your files.
  • 10 Formatting Cells arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about formatting cells in Google Sheets.
  • 11 Working with Multiple Sheets arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to work with multiple worksheets in Google Sheets.

Common Spreadsheet Tasks

  • 12 Creating Simple Formulas arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about creating simple formulas in Google Sheets.
  • 13 Creating Complex Formulas arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about creating complex formulas in Google Sheets.
  • 14 Types of Cell References arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn about relative and absolute cell references.
  • 15 Working with Functions arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn all about working with functions in Google Sheets.
  • 16 Sorting and Filtering Data arrow_forward_ios ✓ Learn how to sort and filter data in Google Sheets.
  • 17 Understanding the New Google Sheets arrow_forward_ios ✓ Discover new features in Google Sheets.
  • 18 Understanding Number Formats arrow_forward_ios ✓ Better understand how number formats work in Google Sheets so you can make your spreadsheet easier to read.
  • 19 Google Sheets Quiz arrow_forward_ios ✓ Test your knowledge of Google Sheets by taking our quiz.

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Free Assignment Tracker Template for Google Sheets (2024 Update)

Free assignment tracker template in google sheets.

You can make a copy of this simple assignment tracker template in Google Sheets for free. Don't request for permission to edit, simply go to File > Make a copy .

assignment tracker google sheets template

How to Use the Assignment Tracker Template in Google Sheets

Below we explain how to use our assignment tracker template in Google Sheets:

1. Assignment Name

Enter the name or title of the assignment in Column A.

google sheets assignment tracker template

Write the course or subject name in Column B.

assignment tracker template google sheets

3. Due Date

Input the assignment's due date in Column C, using your preferred date format.

google sheets assignment tracker template free

4. Assigned Date

Mark the date the assignment was given to you in Column D.

homework google sheet

Update the current progress status of the assignment in Column E. Choose from statuses like "Not Started", "In Progress", "Completed", or "In Review".

homework google sheet

6. Priority

Assign a priority level to the assignment in Column F, such as "High", "Medium", or "Low".

Add any relevant notes, reminders, or additional information about the assignment in Column G.

free assignment tracker template google sheets

Keep the tracker updated regularly to reflect any changes or progress in your assignments.

We hope that this article has helped you and given you a better understanding of how to use our assignment tracker template in Google Sheets. If you enjoyed this article, you might also want to check out our free OKR template and shot list template in Google Sheets .

Work less, automate more!

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A Homeschool Planner in Google Sheets? (FREE)

Homeschool Planner Free How to Plan Year Homeschooling With Google Sheets Secular Homeschooler

Hey, homeschoolers! In this post, I’m going to share the homeschool planner I use now to manage our family’s schedules. It’s ridiculously simple and customizable.

Want to jump straight to the planner and avoid all my noise. Here you go .

I’ve Tried Every Homeschool Planner There Is

During my first year of homeschooling, I created the most impressive and overcomplicated file-folder system to organize every day and week of our entire school year. After a few months when that was a bust I swapped to the most complex binder planning system ever seen. When that bombed I swapped to fancy planners. Then I switched to printable planners that I could print as needed.

Here’s the thing – I absolutely suck at using a planner, and I’ve tried (and failed) every planner ever recommended. That first month is beautifully fleshed out and then I never use it again. It collects dust and I’m no more organized as a homeschooling mother.

Not only is it disheartening but I have constantly wondered what’s wrong with me. Is it ADHD? Anxiety? Am I lazy?

Let’s all just acknowledge that I’ll never be the Instagram/Pinterest mom of my dreams.

My Failed Attempt to Craft the Perfect Homeschool Planner

I even spent 2018 trying to plan out THE PERFECT planner for homeschoolers that I could offer here. Something that would really encompass what everyone needs. I researched, I asked around, I dug through the internet.

Spoiler alert, it’s not possible. Not without endless customization possibilities. It’s almost as if, while we all homeschool, we’re also all totally different people with different needs. Shocking.

I Swapped to Digital Homeschool Planners

This year I gave up and went digital, utilizing the gorgeous Trello system that everyone talks so highly of. Then I gave up again and swapped to something simple… Google Sheets. It’s easy, doable, FREE, and super customizable. Technically Trello is free too, but I got too hung up on pretty visuals that I was procrastinating.

Use This Homeschool Planner in The Following Ways (Or None of Them, I Don’t Care)

It turns out if I can change things and update things, I’m more likely to stick to a schedule. This is a stark contrast to penning everything out or printing a schedule for a year just to toss it because it didn’t make sense six months in. It’s not permanent.

Writing things out for the whole year, where I can easily glance at it all in one spot is a great way to track overall progress. This is why The Group Schedule and The Student Schedules are set up for the whole year as opposed to just a week or a month. 

Here’s a breakdown of the different parts of this planner and how to use them:

+Daily Schedule

The Daily Schedule is where I’m keeping track of our day-to-day obligations a week at a time.

My kids and I all have various Zoom class schedules throughout the week. It’s super chaotic to track so I try to get everything posted into Google Sheets. The biggest perk of using this system is being able to pop the kids’ Zoom links right into the schedule and then share it with them.

+Loop Schedule:

I created this as a morning, afternoon, and evening loop schedule for the core version of this shareable planner.

+Family Schedule:

This is where I’m keeping track of our group activities. We watch documentaries together as part of our school work. I use this space to mark the documentary resources we’ll be utilizing. We also do all of our science work together as well as our History Quest activities.

+Student Schedules:

If you’d like each of your students to have their own standalone schedule, you can make a copy for each kid. With Google being the gold standard in free online organization, each of my kids has their own Gmail account through the school district that they use for Google Classrooms and Canvas. Their familiarity with Google makes it crazy-easy to share Sheets. Both of my big kids are trained on how to view and understand their schedule.

+The Printable Weekly Schedule and Monthly Schedule

The printable pages are how I prepare progress each month. My family utilizes a homeschool resource center during the standard educational year. We turn in progress reports to our advisor by the last day of each month.  I actually prefer backward planning in a lot of ways. It feels good, almost like a gratitude journal, or a “what we accomplished” journal. I record everything we’ve as we’ve done it throughout each week and then print it out at the end of the month!

Homeschool Planner Free How to Plan Year Homeschooling With Google Sheets Secular Homeschooler

Secular Homeschooler

Secular Homeschooler was created to ensure you know what you’re getting into when purchasing a homeschooling curriculum for your family.

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Can i send you a free homeschool planner, it's totally customizable to your family's needs., i'll never share your info. (how lame would that be).

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Google Sheets Assignment Tracker Guide with Template: Boosting Productivity and Organization

Are you tired of the chaos that comes with managing assignments? Dive into our guide, crafted with your needs in mind. Discover the power of seamless organization and productivity enhancement.

Part 1: Top 10 Google Sheets Assignment Tracker Template Recommendations

In this section, I'll introduce and recommend the top 10 Google Sheets assignment tracker templates to enhance your productivity and organization.

Energize your task management with the Red Weekly Assignments template. Its bold and vibrant design adds a touch of excitement to your daily planning. This visually striking template ensures that your weekly tasks are not only organized but also enjoyable to manage.

Visually striking design for an engaging task management experience.

Clearly defined sections for task details, due dates, and priorities.

May be too vibrant for users who prefer a more subdued color scheme.

Best for: Individuals who appreciate a visually engaging task management experience.

Why: The vibrant design and clear organization make it suitable for those who prefer a lively and stimulating interface.

The Assignments of Housework.

Introducing "The Assignments of Housework" template, a dedicated tool for balancing your professional and domestic responsibilities. With sections tailored for various areas of the house and recurring chores, this template is your go-to solution for maintaining a harmonious living space

Tailored for managing both work and household responsibilities.

Sections for different areas of the house and recurring chores.

Specific focus on housework may not be suitable for users looking for general task tracking.

Best for: Users juggling both professional and household responsibilities.

Why: Tailored for managing work and house chores, providing a holistic solution for those with diverse responsibilities.

Simplify your weekly task management with Weekly Assignments 1. This template combines simplicity with effectiveness, offering a clean and minimalistic design. Perfect for users who appreciate an intuitive layout without unnecessary distractions.

Simple and intuitive design for straightforward weekly task tracking.

Minimalistic layout without unnecessary distractions.

May lack advanced features for users with complex task management needs.

Best for: Users seeking a simple and straightforward weekly task tracker.

Why: With an intuitive design and minimalistic layout, it is ideal for those who prefer uncomplicated task management.

Streamline your weekly task tracking with the Weekly Assignments template. Its classic design ensures straightforward planning and monitoring of your assignments. If you value simplicity and functionality, this template is the ideal choice for your organizational needs.

Classic design for uncomplicated weekly task planning.

User-friendly layout suitable for users who prefer simplicity.

Limited customization options for users seeking more personalized templates

Best for: Individuals who prefer classic and user-friendly task planning.

Why: The classic design and straightforward layout make it suitable for users who appreciate simplicity.

Designed with students in mind, Surbhi's Cute and Simple Student Assignment Tracker is as adorable as it is user-friendly. Organize your academic tasks effortlessly with dedicated sections for subjects, due dates, and additional notes.

Specifically designed for students with sections for subjects and additional notes.

Cute and user-friendly layout for an enjoyable task management experience.

May not offer advanced features required by professionals or users with diverse needs.

Best for: Students looking for an adorable and student-focused task management solution.

Why: Designed with students in mind, it provides sections for subjects and additional notes, enhancing the academic planning experience.

Indulge in sweetness with Chaelin's Berry Sweet Assignment Tracker. This visually appealing template combines functionality with a delightful berry-themed design. Experience task management with a touch of sweetness using this creative and effective tracker.

Visually appealing template with a delightful berry-themed design.

Functional layout with sections for task details, due dates, and priorities.

Aesthetic-focused design may prioritize style over extensive functionality.

Best for: Users who value both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Why: Combining a visually appealing design with practical features, it caters to those seeking a balance between style and functionality.

Elevate your task management with Nuria Gispert’s Notion Assignment Template. This advanced template in Notion offers a holistic approach to task tracking. With sections for task details, deadlines, and project categorization, it's the perfect choice for users seeking a comprehensive task management experience.

Advanced template in Notion for a comprehensive task management experience.

Sections for detailed task information, deadlines, and project categorization.

Requires familiarity with Notion, which may pose a learning curve for some users.

Best for: Users comfortable with Notion and in need of a comprehensive task management system.

Why: Offers an advanced template in Notion for users who want detailed task information, deadlines, and project categorization

Keep it simple and effective with the Basic Assignment Tracking Template. This no-nonsense template is designed for straightforward assignment tracking. With clearly defined columns for tasks, due dates, and status, it provides a fuss-free approach to staying organized.

No-nonsense design for straightforward assignment tracking.

Clearly defined columns for tasks, due dates, and status.

May lack advanced features for users seeking more dynamic templates.

Best for: Individuals who prefer a no-nonsense and straightforward approach to task tracking.

Why: With a clean design and clearly defined columns, it is suitable for those who want a fuss-free task management experience.

Navigate your academic semester seamlessly with the Semester Assignment Spreadsheet. Tailored for long-term assignment planning, this template features sections for semester milestones, assignment deadlines, and progress tracking. Ideal for students managing assignments across an entire semester.

Tailored for academic semesters, aiding in long-term assignment planning.

Sections for semester milestones, assignment deadlines, and progress tracking.

Specific focus on academic semesters may limit its applicability for general task tracking.

Best for: Students managing assignments across an entire academic semester.

Why: Tailored for long-term assignment planning, making it ideal for academic users navigating semester milestones.

Experience versatility with the Assignment Tracker Google Sheets, Homework Planner. This template serves as both an assignment tracker and a homework planner, providing comprehensive sections for detailed task management. It's the all-in-one solution for users looking to efficiently manage assignments and homework in a single template.

Versatile template serving as both an assignment tracker and homework planner.

Comprehensive sections for detailed task management.

May be overwhelming for users who prefer simpler, task-specific templates.

Best for: Users looking for an all-in-one solution for assignment tracking and homework planning.

Why: Offers versatility with comprehensive sections for detailed task management, making it suitable for those managing both assignments and homework.

Part 2. How to Make Assignment Tracker in Google Sheets

Creating a personalized assignment tracker in Google Sheets is a game-changer for staying organized. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to effortlessly manage your academic tasks.

Method 1: Using a basic template

Step 1 : Create a new Google Sheet.

Step 2 : Go to File > New > From template.

Step 3 : Search for "assignment tracker" and select a template.

Step 4 : Click "Select" and the template will open in a new window.

Step 5 : Customize the template to your liking.

Step 6 : Start tracking your assignments!

I have using a basic template for an assignment tracker has been positive. It is a quick and easy way to get started, especially if you are not familiar with Google Sheets. The templates are typically well-designed and easy to use, and they can be a good starting point for customizing your own tracker.

Method 2: Creating a custom tracker

Step 2 : Create a table with the following columns:

Assignment Topic

Step 3 : Enter the information for each of your assignments.

Step 4 : Format your tracker to make it easier to read and use.

Step 5 : Add additional columns as needed.

Step 6 : Use data validation to prevent errors.

Step 7 : Add conditional formatting to highlight important information.

Step 8 : Use formulas to automate tasks.

Step 9 : Share your tracker with others.

Step 10 : Make a copy of your tracker.

My experience with creating a custom assignment tracker has been more challenging, but also more rewarding. It has given me more control over the look and feel of my tracker, and it has also allowed me to track additional information, such as the number of hours I have spent on each assignment.

However, creating a custom tracker can be more time-consuming, especially if you are not familiar with Google Sheets. You will need to design the tracker yourself, and you will need to be familiar with formulas and conditional formatting.

Which method is best?

The best method for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you need a quick and easy way to get started, then using a template is a good option. If you want more control over the look and feel of your tracker, then creating a custom tracker is a better choice.

Part 3. Free Download, Edit, and Print Your Sheets using WPS Office

What is WPS Office? WPS Office is a free, open-source office suite that is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It provides a complete set of tools for creating and editing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. WPS Office is compatible with common office suites like Microsoft Office and LibreOffice, so you can easily open and edit files that were created in those programs.

In addition to its compatibility with other office suites, WPS Office also offers several features that are not found in Microsoft Office, such as a PDF editor and a document translation tool.

My experience using WPS Office has been very positive. I have found it to be a powerful and versatile office suite that is well-suited for both personal and professional use. The free version of WPS Office offers all of the features that I need, and I have not felt the need to upgrade to the paid version.

How to Get, Edit, and Print Your Template using WPS Office

Step 1 : Download WPS Office If you don't already have WPS Office installed on your computer, you can download it for free from the WPS Office website.

Step 2 : Download a Template

You can find a variety of templates for WPS Office on the WPS Office website. To download a template, simply click on the template that you want to download and then click on the "Download" button.

Step 3 : Open the Template

Once you have downloaded a template, you can open it in WPS Office by double-clicking on the file.

Step 4 : Edit the Template

You can edit the template by typing in the text boxes, adding or removing images, and changing the formatting.

Step 5 : Print the Template

To print the template, click on the File menu and then select Print.

Here are some additional tips for using WPS Office:

You can use the WPS Office templates to create a variety of documents, such as resumes, letters, and reports.

You can also use WPS Office to create and edit spreadsheets and presentations.

WPS Office is available in multiple languages.

Overall, I highly recommend WPS Office to anyone who is looking for a free and powerful office suite.

Clean and simple interface

Compatible with common office suites like LibreOffice, MS Office, and Google Workspace

DIY service

More templates in the WPS Office App

Find more templates in the WPS Template

You can find a variety of templates for WPS Office on the WPS Template website. The templates are available for free in WPS office format, but you can also convert them to other formats, such as Microsoft Office format, if needed.

Q1. How do I track an assignment in Google Sheets?

To track an assignment in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Open Google Sheets and create a new spreadsheet.

Step 2 : Label columns for "Task," "Due Date," "Status," and "Priority."

Step 3 : Enter your assignments in the "Task" column.

Step 4 : Specify due dates and prioritize tasks using the respective columns.

Step 5 : Use conditional formatting for the "Status" column to visually mark task completion.

Step 6 : Consider using formulas for auto-updates and filtering for organizational purposes.

Q2. Can I use WPS templates in other office software?

Yes, WPS templates are versatile and can be used in other office software. WPS Office offers compatibility with common office suites like LibreOffice, MS Office, and Google Workspace. You can seamlessly import and use WPS templates across different platforms, enhancing flexibility in your document creation process.

Q3. Is WPS Office truly free?

Absolutely! WPS Office provides essential features for free, making it an accessible and cost-effective office suite. You can create, edit, and collaborate on documents without any upfront costs. While there are premium features available, the free version offers substantial functionality for everyday use.

Q4. How can I find more templates on the WPS Template website?

To explore more templates on the WPS Template website:

Step 1 : Visit .

Step 2 : Browse through the extensive collection of templates available.

Step 3 : Navigate to specific categories, such as resume templates, for targeted options.

Step 4 : Download the templates for free and use them in WPS Office or other compatible software.

In this comprehensive guide, we explored top-notch Google Sheets assignment tracker templates, learned how to create a customized tracker, and discovered the ease of downloading, editing, and printing with WPS Office. Elevate your productivity and organization with these valuable insights, placing emphasis on the efficiency of WPS Office throughout.

  • 1. Top 5 Student Assignment Tracker Templates in WPS Excel
  • 2. How to Create an Organization Chart in Word (Step-by-Step)
  • 3. Google Sheets Expense Tracker Template Streamlining Your Finances
  • 4. Excel Home and Student: Your Essential Guide to Productivity and Savings
  • 5. Top 10 Excel Student Attendance Tracker Template Free Download
  • 6. Google Sheets App - Help You Work with Sheets Efficiently

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24 of the Best Free Google Sheets Templates

A black background with white text that says "Google Sheets Templates" . Google Sheets templates for business, teachers, and personal use

If you are searching for free, high-quality Google Sheets templates to use, you have come to the right place. The Google Sheets templates below are great for businesses, teachers, and for personal use… and they are free to use! Below you will find a wide variety of ready-to-use Google Sheets templates, so check them out to find the exact template for your needs.

Here is a list of all the templates, and further below you will see examples of each. Click the links or the pictures to learn more about the templates, and to get your own copy :

Sales templates

Schedule templates

To-do list / checklist templates

Stock tracker templates

  • Report builder template

Budget and expense tracker templates

Project management timeline templates

Calendar templates

  • Inventory template

Contact list template

Job application tracker template

Loan payoff calculator template

Gradebook templates

Attendance templates

Math problem solver template

Math worksheets template

Graph paper templates

Guitar tabs templates

Movie list (and other list) templates

House hunting / home search template

Weightlifting tracker

  • Weight Loss Tracker / Calculator (@

Language translator template

Tic Tac Toe game template

Also, further below I will show you how to access the “Template gallery” that Google Sheets offers by default, where you can find even more amazing templates. Scroll to the very bottom to learn more about the Google Sheets “Template gallery”. But directly below are the best Google Sheets templates for business, teachers, and more!

This page contains Google Sheets templates… but if you want you can check out the Excel templates page .

The Best FREE Google Sheets Templates for business, teachers, and more

Track both sales and expenses, with the ability to categorize and view totals on charts.

Linking Image for the Sales template for Google Sheets

Easily keep track of your detailed schedule & appointments etc.

Example of the Google Sheets Daily Schedule template (Scheduling calendar planner) image for templates page

Easily keep track of complete / incomplete tasks with a variety of checklist / to-do list templates.

Google Sheets checklist template / to-do list template, image for the templates page

Google Sheets Templates for Business

These templates will keep you organized and efficient in the professional world!

Analyze stocks in your watchlist, screen stocks, and track your portfolio.

An image of the Google Sheets stock tracker template, for the templates page

Report Builder Template

Organize and analyze your data, and build professional reports easily.

A linking image for the Google Sheets Report Builder Template

Track your expenses and your budget on a monthly or yearly basis.

Expense tracker example by

Keep track of your project timelines, on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

homework google sheet

Track your calendar events easily with a spreadsheet.

homework google sheet

Inventory Template

Keep track of your inventory items, and track the value of your inventory.

An image for linking to the Google Sheets Inventory Template

Keep track of your contacts, and easily search for contact information.

homework google sheet

Organize your job search, and keep track of potential employers.

homework google sheet

Keep track of your loans, and see the payoff amounts / payoff time for your loans.

homework google sheet

  • Google Sheets Templates for Teachers

These templates will help you to stay organized and efficient in the classroom!

Are you a teacher? Click here to learn more about the teacher templates on this page that are specifically made for educators.

Keep track of assignment grades for each student as well as for the entire class, by recording points earned or percentage earned.

Example of the Google Sheets gradebook template for the templates page

These templates / this content was originally created and written by

Track student attendance, and view attendance rates for each student.

Google Sheets Calculated Attendance Tracker Template Example image for the templates page

Solve a wide variety of math problems automatically.

homework google sheet

Test your students’ math skills in a variety of math subjects.

Expense tracker by example image

Choose from several shades and sizes of graph paper.

homework google sheet

Other Templates

Easily record your guitar songs with spreadsheet guitar tabs.

homework google sheet

Keep track of your favorite movies and shows, books, music, or any other collection / list that you want to keep track of.

Linking image for the Google Sheets movie list template

Keep track of houses that you are interested in buying, and the important details you need to know about each home.

Linking image for the Google Sheets house hunting template

Track the progress of your weightlifting workouts for up to 15 lifts, and track your personal records too.

Example of the Google Sheets weightlifting template for the templates page

Weight Loss Tracker / Calculator

Track your weight loss progress on a monthly and daily basis.

This template is from another website (, but like the other templates on this page, it was created by me (Corey Bustos).

Google Sheets Weight Loss Calculator / tracker by / Corey Bustos

Translate one language into another language. Choose from a wide variety of languages.

Linking image for the Google Sheets Language Translator template

Play Tic Tac Toe, with someone who is in the same room, or with someone far away.

An example of the Tic Tac Toe Google Sheets template (For the Google Sheets Templates Page)

I hope that you enjoy these free Google Sheets templates, and more importantly, I hope that you find them useful in your daily work!

The Google Sheets Template gallery

You can access even more awesome free templates by using the Template gallery provided directly by Google Sheets. To access the template gallery, open a new Google spreadsheet, click “File” on the top toolbar, hover your cursor over “New” (the small triangle on the right), then click “From template gallery”, as shown in the image below.

Example of clicking the Template gallery from Google Sheets

You can also access the template gallery from Google Drive (must be logged in to Google). In Goole Drive, simply click the button on the upper left that says “New”, then click the small triangle on the menu row that says “Google Sheets”, and then click “From a template”, as shown in the image below. This will take you to the Google Sheets “ Template gallery “, (example shown further below).

Example of Google Drive, clicking on "Google Sheets", and then clicking "From a template" to access the Google Sheets Template gallery

From the template gallery you can scroll through and select the template that you wish. When you click on it Google Sheets will automatically create a new file with the selected template.

Example of the Google Sheets template gallery

Now you have access to all the best templates for Google Sheets!

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  • Sales template (+expenses) for Google Sheets
  • Excel Gradebook Templates (Points + Percentage)
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50+ of the Best Free Google Sheet Templates for 2023

  • Tagged Google Sheets Templates
  • By Tiller Money
  • On April 2, 2021


Google Sheet templates make it easy to get started with nearly any spreadsheet task you can imagine.

But with thousands of Google Sheet templates available, it’s overwhelming to find just the one for your needs.

So we curated a list of our favorite Google spreadsheet templates, featuring everything from personal finance to managing recipes, calendars, project management, running a business and much more. We’ll update this list often.

Google Sheets is a database, a calculator, an organizer, an everything-tracker. It can keep tabs on your recipes, power your website, crunch complex data, help run your business, and list your to-dos.

Enjoy the templates below. Please let us know if you have suggestions to add to the list!

Table of Contents for Free Google Sheet Templates

Google sheets calendars.

2020 Google Sheets Cal

Monthly Calendar from Smartsheet

A traditional calendar format, in a portrait layout. Open in Google Sheets → 

2022 Google Sheets Calendar

A basic calendar template from Vertex42. Open in Google Sheets → 

Personal Finance Google Sheet Templates

Spending tracker spreadsheet templates.

Tiller Weekly Expense Tracker

Monthly Expense Tracker

Track spending by month in customizable categories. Provides a summary of income and expenses. Open in Google Sheets →

Simple Bill Tracker Spreadsheet

via Smartsheet. Open in Google Sheets →

Budgeting Templates

Tiller Money Foundation Template Home v2

Foundation Template for Google Sheets (free version)

This free budget spreadsheet includes Monthly and Yearly views, with charts, visual trends, quick insights, and sheets for tracking your transactions and yearly balances. Learn more

Monthly Budget by Google

A user-friendly income and expense tracker. Also provides a dashboard that can be customized with income and expenses. Open in Google Sheets →

50/30/20 Budget Snapshot

Create a personal finance snapshot with this simple template. Quickly see what you can afford to spend and save. Open in Google Sheets →

Financial Independence Spreadsheets

FIRE Spreadsheet

FIRE Spreadsheet

via – an epic spreadsheet to manage progress to Financial Independence in fine-grained detail. Open in Google Sheets →

Top Templates for Freelance & Small Business

Simple Business Google Spreadsheet

Small Business Spreadsheet

Easily understand your small business income, expenses, cash flow, and taxes with this powerful Google spreadsheet.​ Learn more →

Quarterly Estimated Tax Sheet

Track expenses and easily estimate your small business quarterly tax payments, all in real-time, all in Google Sheets.​ Learn more →

Google Sheets Annual Business Budget

Included free in Google Drive and made by Quickbooks. Open in Google Sheets →

Financial Statements by Xero

Free in Google Drive. Open in Google Sheets →

Startup Master template

Manage your SaaS startup. Open in Google Sheets →

Employee Shift Schedule Google Spreadsheet

A powerful yet simple monthly schedule from Google to set up and track employee shifts week by week for a month at a time. Open in Google Sheets →

Google Sheets Invoice Templates

Google Sheets Invoice Template 2

Invoice Google Spreadsheet Template

free in Google Drive, this template provides fields for necessary invoicing info. Easily customizable, including colors and logo. Open in Google Sheets →  

Google Sheets Schedule Templates

Daily schedule spreadsheet.

a simple daily schedule set up in half-hour increments. Easily customizable. Open in Google Sheets → 

Marketing Templates


Google Sheets is a marketer’s best friend. We recommend the following resources to find excellent marketing spreadsheet tools. Even better, most of them are free.

100+ Google Sheets Templates for Marketers

From Sheets for Marketers, here are templates for audits, competitor research, Google analytics, content planning, and much more .

Supermetrics Google Sheets templates

Automate your ad and marketing data tracking in Google Sheets with powerful add-ons and templates from Supermetrics .

10 Ready-Made Spreadsheet Templates for marketers from Buffer.

A great collection of quality marketing and reporting spreadsheet templates from the folks at Buffer .

Project timeline Google Sheet templates

Google Sheet Project Timeline

Project Timeline Spreadsheet from Google

A modified Gantt chart that focuses on creating a project schedule that is broken down into stages. View in Google Sheet s →

Gantt Chart Template for Google Sheets

A Gantt chart’s visual timeline allows you to see details about each task as well as project dependencies. Free in Google Drive. View in Google Sheets → 

Google Sheet project management templates

Google Sheets Project Tracking

Project management spreadsheet template

Streamline your project management process with multiple tasks and deliverables with this template from Smartsheet. Open in Google Sheets →

Project Tracking

Track your project and customize your list of statuses and priorities. Open in Google Sheets →  

Contact list and CRM Google templates


CRM Google Spreadsheet

Organize and easily update contact, share with colleagues. Open in Google Sheets →

Life Tracking Spreadsheet Templates

Recipe and meal tracking templates.

Meal Planning Google Sheet Template

Massive meal planning and nutrition tools spreadsheet

Includes organizational tools, a shopping list, a recipe tracker. Designed to make it easy to eat healthily on a budget. Open directly in Google Sheets . →

Weekly Meal Planning and Tracking Macros for Keto

This spreadsheet can easily be adapted to your needs. Open in Google Drive →

Save money and time (and eat healthier) with these 7 free meal planning spreadsheets created by budgeting and nutrition experts. Read more →

Recipe Planning with Google Sheets

Nicely organized template with recipes, meal plan, pantry tracker. Easily customized. Open in Google Sheets →

  • Save money with these 7 best meal planning spreadsheets →

Checklists for Google Sheets

  • Simple to-do list – free in Google Drive. Open in Google Sheets → 
  • Vacation packing list – Open in Google Sheets →  

Wedding Planning Spreadsheets

Weddings are notoriously expensive, but they don’t have to be, especially if you use this spreadsheet to plan each expense.

  • 10 Best Wedding Budget and Planning Spreadsheets →

Decision scoring & prioritization templates

  • Pros and Cons Evaluation Sheet
  • A Decision Making Framework in Google Sheets
  • Eisenhower Matrix Spreadsheet
  • The Lights Spreadsheet
  • “$100 Test” Google Spreadsheet for Ranking Group Priorities

Resources to Build Your Own Google Sheets Templates

  • 5 Steps for Easily Tracking Expenses in a Spreadsheet
  • The Fastest Way to Make an Expense Report Spreadsheet
  • How to Make a Budget in Google Sheets (Step by Step)

Tiller Money

Tiller Money

Your financial life in a spreadsheet, automatically updated each day.

One comment

Thanks for the collection of awesome templates. I was looking for an end of year balance sheet for my new SEO business and while here I found a few others that I can also share with my students for scheduling their digital marketing efforts.

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Free Google Sheets Scheduling Templates

By Kate Eby | January 25, 2021 (updated September 3, 2024)

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Google Sheets scheduling templates provide a structured framework that can save anyone time and effort. We’ve collected the most useful, fully editable templates with collaborative features that enable seamless sharing and real-time updates. Download one of these templates to streamline the scheduling process, improve organization, and enhance productivity.

Included on this page, you'll find many helpful Google Sheets scheduling templates, including a work schedule Google Sheets template , a student schedule Google Sheets template , a construction schedule Google Sheets template , an employee schedule Google Sheets template , and more. Plus, find tips on how to make a schedule in Google Sheets .

Basic Weekly Schedule Google Sheets Template

Weekly Schedule Template

Download a Basic Weekly Schedule Template for

Google Sheets | Smartsheet

Use this basic weekly schedule template to effectively manage your weekly schedule and ensure timely project completion. Enter date and time details for your activities, including the schedule start time, time interval (e.g., 30 minutes), and week start date. Share this editable template with team members and clients, and conveniently save it to your Google Drive account.

Work Schedule Google Sheets Template

Work Schedule Template

Download a Work Schedule Template for

This work schedule template is designed for managers, employees, and teams that need to proactively log and track individuals’ work schedules. Enter the beginning date of the week, company name, department, employee name, work assigned, and hours worked for each day. Employee hours will auto-tally in a totals column. You can include the sum in the total number of hours worked by all employees. This all-in-one, customizable work schedule template helps keep team members apprised of other employees’ schedules, and managers up to date on their employees’ schedules and hours worked. 

Daily Calendar Google Sheets Template

Daily Calendar Template

Download the Daily Calendar Google Sheets Template for Google Sheets

Optimize your daily planning with this daily calendar Google Sheets template. Effectively visualize your day, efficiently manage and organize your activities, and provide a shareable schedule that can be accessed from anywhere. Simply input your daily schedule, including appointments, tasks, and events, into the calendar. This template serves as an excellent solution for organizing and managing your daily activities, helping you stay on top of your schedule.

Monthly Schedule Google Sheets Template 

2023 Monthly Schedule Google Sheets Template

Download the 2023 Monthly Schedule Google Template for Google Sheets  Download the 2024 Monthly Schedule Google Template for Google Sheets

Enhance your month-by-month organization, time-management, and collaboration with this Google Sheets monthly schedule template. Enter your schedule details, such as tasks, appointments, and meetings, for the desired duration. Differentiate specific days, events, or date-ranges by color-coding them in your monthly schedule. This dynamic template is available in year-specific versions, offering flexibility and convenience in planning your monthly activities.

Project Schedule Google Sheets Template

Project Schedule Template

Download the Project Schedule Template for

Use this project schedule template to keep tabs on your project’s timelines, milestones, and deliverables. This template comes pre-built with columns for phase title, start date, end date, duration, and schedule details. Find ample space to add notes related to budget, resources, risks, and issues. Easily track all delivery dates with an auto-populated, color-coded Gantt chart based on individual timeline start and end dates. A project schedule template can help ensure that all stakeholders are kept apprised of progress. 

Construction Schedule Google Sheets Template

Construction Schedule Template

Download the Construction Schedule Template for

Keep your construction projects running on time and within budget with this streamlined construction schedule template. The template includes columns for recording project-specific work breakdown structure (WBS) numbers, task names, start and end dates, task durations, and percentages complete. Share the Google Sheets template with stakeholders, vendors, and clients to keep them in the loop. Use this template to ensure each construction-related task is scheduled accurately and moves you toward the larger construction goals.

Daily Schedule Google Sheets Template

homework google sheet

Download the Daily Schedule Template for

Use this easy-to-fill daily schedule template to proactively schedule and complete tasks in a timely manner. This day-by-day schedule enables you to track the smallest of tasks during any given day. Use the weekly view to keep apprised of what you achieved in prior days and what you have scheduled for the remainder of the week. 

Employee Schedule Google Sheets Template

Employee Schedule Template

Download the Employee Schedule Template for

Track employee work hours and labor costs with this comprehensive employee schedule template. Enter employee ID, name, and hour-by-hour duties, resulting in an auto-tally of total hours worked. This streamlined employee schedule template is the perfect scheduling tool to keep team members apprised of any updates and to help you meet deadlines. 

Student Schedule Google Sheets Template

Student Schedule Template

Download the Student Schedule Template for

Plan your weekly school schedule with this easy-to-fill student schedule template. Track class times, extracurricular activities and any other details related to your busy schedule as a student. Merge cells across 15-minute increments of time for class durations and any other related scheduling information to ensure you keep apprised of required student-related activities and meet all deadlines. 

24-Hour Schedule Google Sheets Template

24-Hour Schedule Google Sheets Template

Download the 24-Hour Schedule Template for Google Sheets

Use this all-purpose 24-hour schedule to schedule any activity or task that falls within a 24-hour period. This schedule breaks each 24-hour day into 15-minute intervals and provides ample space for daily task details, as well as any relevant notes. Organize your work, home, and leisure tasks and goals with this comprehensive, versatile 24-hour schedule template.

Daily Planner With Task List Google Sheets Template

Daily Planner with Task List Template Google Sheets

Download the Daily Planner With Task List Template for Google Sheets

Improve your daily task organization, enhance time management, and boost productivity using this Google Sheets daily planner template. Simply enter your tasks for each day, prioritize your top items, and track your progress as you complete each task. The template also provides sections to note various items to do, people to connect with, places to visit, and things to leave for another day, enabling comprehensive task management and planning.

How to Make a Schedule in Google Sheets

To create a Google Sheets schedule, open an existing template in Google Sheets, edit the template with your specific schedule information, such as dates, tasks, and durations, and then save or share the modified schedule with your team or stakeholders.

Follow these steps to create an effective weekly schedule using the weekly schedule template for Google Sheets:

1. Download the Weekly Schedule Template for Google Sheets

  • Download the weekly schedule template for Google Sheets .
  • Duplicate the file ( File > Make a copy ), and save it to the appropriate folder on your Google Drive.

2. Define Goals and Assess Time 

  • Determine your weekly goals and priorities before filling out the schedule. 
  • Evaluate your available time, including work or school hours, personal commitments, and recurring activities.

3. Configure the Schedule

  • Locate the Schedule Start Time field in cell G4. Click on the arrow next to the cell to open the dropdown list.
  • From the dropdown list, select the desired start time for your schedule. Click on the appropriate time option.
  • Locate the Time Interval field in cell H4, and repeat the previous step by clicking on the arrow next to the cell to open the dropdown list.
  • From the dropdown list, select the desired time interval for your schedule. For example, choose 60 MIN to divide days into one-hour increments or 15 MIN for 15-minute increments. The template will automatically update to reflect this selection. 

google sheets schedule start time time interval

4. Organize Tasks in Your Schedule 

  • Compile a comprehensive list of your tasks, appointments, and activities.
  • Click on the cell corresponding to the desired time slot, and type in the activity or task name, such as “Dog Park Meet-Up” or “Daily Product Meeting.”


5. Regularly Review and Revise Your Schedule 

  • Review and update your schedule at regular intervals, making necessary modifications to ensure it remains effective and accurate.
  • Apply productivity techniques such as time blocking, prioritization, and task batching. Time blocking involves dedicating specific blocks of time to focused work on specific tasks or activities. Prioritization ensures that important tasks receive the proper attention they deserve.

Crafting an efficient Google Sheets schedule involves thoughtful planning and consideration of personal priorities. Design a well-balanced weekly schedule that guides your productivity without being overly restrictive. Stay flexible and adaptable, making necessary modifications to ensure a balanced and successful week.

Related Schedule Templates 

There are various schedule template types available, each catering to specific needs, such as weekly planning, equipment management, loan tracking, marketing planning, project scheduling, and more. Schedule templates can greatly assist in organizing tasks, enhancing productivity, and streamlining processes.

Check out these additional schedule templates to help you organize your time, tasks, and commitments and increase your productivity: 

  • Weekly Schedule Templates: Try one of these free Google Sheets weekly schedule templates to effectively plan and allocate your time, enhancing organization, prioritization, and productivity throughout the week.
  • Daily Schedule Templates: Explore this selection of free Google Sheets daily schedule templates designed to assist you in effectively planning and organizing your day, promoting productivity and efficient time management.
  • Google Calendar Templates: Optimize your schedule, appointments, and events with one of these free Google Calendar templates , which offer easy access, reminders, and seamless synchronization across devices.
  • Equipment Schedule Templates: See these free equipment schedule templates for efficient management and tracking of equipment usage, maintenance, and availability, ensuring optimal utilization, preventing scheduling conflicts, and minimizing downtime.
  • Amortization Schedule Templates: Check out one of these free amortization schedule templates to help you accurately track and plan your loan payments, leading to more informed financial decision-making.
  • Payment Templates: Use one of these free payment templates to maintain a comprehensive record of your payments, ensuring accurate tracking, organization, and easy reference for effective financial management.
  • Marketing Calendar Templates: Streamline your marketing activities, campaigns, and deadlines with one of these free Google Sheets marketing calendar templates , which enable structured planning, collaboration, and effective execution for individuals and businesses.
  • Project Calendar Templates: Plan, track, and manage various project tasks, milestones, and deadlines with one of these free project schedule templates , which help ensure better coordination, progress monitoring, and successful project completion.

Streamline, Customize, and Share Schedules with Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Schedule, track, and visualize tasks within every phase of your project with Smartsheet.

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Top 30 google sheets formulas everyone should know.

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

September 13, 2024

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While Google Sheets is an excellent free tool for managing work data, its true power lies in its formulas.

Google Sheet formulas automate calculations, improve accuracy, and basically get the most out of the platform. So save this article, as we’ve curated a list of essential formulas to help you work faster and more efficiently.

We’ll look at Google Sheets formulas that are not just for advanced users but accessible to everyone, regardless of expertise level.

What is a Google Sheets Formula?

Benefits of using formulas in google sheets, how to use google sheets formulas, basic calculations, logical functions, text function or manipulation, data manipulation functions, date and time functions, limitations of using google sheets formulas, meet clickup: the best google sheets alternative, an easier way to use google sheets formulas.

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Google Sheets is a cloud-based spreadsheet tool with features similar to Microsoft Excel or other tools that allow you to create, edit, and share your data, especially numerical information or charts.

Google Sheets formulas are sets of instructions used to perform calculations, manipulate data, or generate specific results based on the values in your spreadsheet. They include various elements, including functions, cell references, operators, and constants.

By entering a formula into a cell, you instruct the Google Sheets database to perform a specific calculation and display the result in the cell.

Formulas in Google Sheets are similar to those in Microsoft Excel , starting with an equal sign (=), followed by a function name and a range of cells to apply the function. These formulas can be as simple as adding two numbers or as complex as performing advanced statistical analyses.

For simple mathematical calculations, entering new formulas may be an overkill. But when you have to analyze all the values in a cell range or perform complex calculations, using the Google Sheets formulas helps you save time and increase productivity.

It provides several advantages, such as:

  • Automation: Formulas automate repetitive calculations and tasks, so you don’t have to recalculate each time there is a change in value. For an automation example , let’s consider that instead of manually summing up columns or calculating averages, you use formulas SUM() or AVERAGE() to get instant and accurate results
  • Improve accuracy: Calculating numbers manually can always result in errors. However, Google Sheet formulas ensure that the answer is accurate, making it ideal for financial reports, statistical analysis, or other complex reporting
  • Gain insights: Not all formulas are focused only on calculations. Some, like VLOOKUP(), INDEX(), and MATCH(), help you analyze large datasets, compare information across different sheets, and extract specific data points
  • Flexibility: Formulas are easily adapted to changing data or requirements. Whether you need to create complex financial models, generate custom reports, or perform specialized calculations, there’s likely a formula—or a combination of formulas—to help you achieve your goals
  • Teamwork: Google Sheet formulas ensure that your teams don’t unknowingly introduce errors in your final calculations. Just apply a formula to a shared sheet, and team members can add their data and get the required answers instantly or replicate the same formula in one or more columns if needed. This helps particularly for ongoing projects or reports that need real-time updates.

We’ll now show you how to use Google Sheets formulas in a few simple steps:

Start with an equal sign (=)

Equal sign in Google Sheets

To create formulas in Google Sheets, type an equal sign (=) in the cell where you want the result to appear. This signals Google Sheets that you are about to enter a formula.

Enter the function name

Function in Google Sheets

After the equal sign, type the name of the function you want to use. Google Sheets will offer suggestions as you type, making it easier to find the function you need. For example, to sum up a range of cells, you would use the SUM function.

Specify the cell range

Cell range in Google Sheets

Next, specify the range of cells you want the formula to act upon. Type the cell reference and column number (e.g., A1:A10) manually, or click and drag to select the cell address.

Close the formula

Closing a formula in Google Sheets

Most formulas require you to close the parentheses after specifying the cell range or any additional arguments. The complete sum function would be =SUM(A1:A10), ending with the brackets.

Press enter

Once you’ve entered the formula, press Enter, and the formula calculates and displays the result in the selected cell.

The best part about Google Sheets formulas is that you don’t have to use a single formula per cell. Combine multiple functions within a single formula. For example, use =SUM(A1:A10) * AVERAGE(B1:B10) to multiply the sum of one range by the average of another.

Top 30 Google Sheets Formulas for Different Use Cases

Google Sheets offers many formulas to simplify your mathematical calculations. Here are 30 of the most commonly used Google Sheets formulas:

Here are the basic mathematical Google Sheets formulas that you should know:

The SUM() function allows you to add up a range of numbers, making it perfect for quick totals, whether you’re managing a budget or adding up sales figures.SUM(value1, [value2, …])
The AVERAGE() function calculates the mean of a range of numbers. This formula is useful for finding average values in data sets, such as the average test score or the average sales per week.AVERAGE(value1, [value2, …])
The COUNT() function calculates the number of numeric values in a range. This is particularly handy when you need to know how many entries exist in a list, such as the number of items sold or the number of times a certain value appears.COUNT(value1, [value2, …])
The COUNTA() function counts the number of non-empty cells in a range, regardless of the data type. Use this formula when you need to count cells that contain text, numbers, or any other data.COUNTA(value1, [value2, …])
The MAX function returns the largest number or maximum value from a given range of values.MAX(value1, [value2, …])
The MIN function returns the smallest number or minimum value from a specified range.MIN(value1, [value2, …])

Next come logical Google Sheets formulas, such as:

The IF() function is a logical formula that returns one value if a logical expression is true and another if it is false. This formula is incredibly versatile and can be used for several decision-making tasks in your spreadsheet.IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])
The AND function evaluates multiple conditions and returns TRUE if all conditions are true; otherwise, it returns FALSE.AND(logical1, [logical2, …])
The OR function checks multiple conditions and returns TRUE if at least one condition is true and returns FALSE if all conditions are false.OR(logical1, [logical2, …])
The NOT function returns the opposite of a logical value. If the input is TRUE, it returns FALSE, and vice versa. This is useful when you need to reverse a condition.NOT(logical)

Google Sheets formulas are not just for numerical values but also text functions and cell manipulations like:

The CONCATENATE() function joins multiple text strings together into one. This Google Sheets formula is perfect for combining first and last names, addresses, or any other text data that needs to be merged into a single cell.CONCATENATE(string1, [string2, …])
The LEFT() function extracts a specified several characters from the beginning of a text string. This is useful for removing a portion of text, such as the first few letters of a product code.LEFT(text, [number_of_characters])
The RIGHT() function is similar to LEFT(), but it extracts characters from the end of a text string. Use this formula when you need to isolate the last few digits of a number or code.RIGHT(text, [number_of_characters])
The MID() function extracts a specific number of characters from the middle of a text string. This Google Sheets formula extracts a substring from within a longer text string, such as the middle part of an ID number.MID(text, start_position, number_of_characters)
The TRIM() function removes any extra spaces from a text string, leaving only single spaces between words. This formula is great for cleaning up text data with irregular spacing.TRIM(text)
The SPLIT() function divides a text string into separate parts based on a specified delimiter. This formula is ideal for breaking up data like addresses or names into different columns.SPLIT(text, delimiter, [split_by_each], [remove_empty_text])
The REPLACE() function replaces part of a text string with another text string based on the position you specify. This formula updates codes, names, or any other data where a part of the text needs to be changed.REPLACE(old_text, start_position, number_of_characters, new_text)
Similar to REPLACE(), the SUBSTITUTE() function replaces all instances of a specific text string with another. This corrects any errors and standardizes text in large datasets.SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_number])
The UPPER() function converts all characters in a text string to uppercase. Use this formula to standardize text to uppercase, such as for codes or identifiers.UPPER(text)
The LOWER() function converts all characters in a text string to lowercase. This formula is useful to standardize text to lowercase, such as for email addresses or usernames.LOWER(text)
The PROPER() function converts the first letter of each word in a text string to uppercase, with all other letters in lowercase. This function is perfect for formatting names, titles, or addresses consistently.PROPER(text)
The ROUND() function rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. This formula is essential for financial calculations or the precision of your data.ROUND(number, [number_of_digits])
The TEXT() function allows you to format numbers, dates, and times as text, applying custom formats. For example, use TEXT() to display dates in a specific format or to add currency symbols to numbers.TEXT(value, format)

Some Google Sheets formulas also sort and filter a spreadsheet, such as:

The VLOOKUP() function, or vertical lookup, searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a value in the same row from another column. This formula is ideal for searching information in a table or database.VLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])
Similar to VLOOKUP(), the HLOOKUP() function or horizontal lookup searches for a value in the first row and returns a value from a specified row within the same column. Use this formula when your data is organized horizontally rather than vertically.HLOOKUP(search_key, range, index, [is_sorted])
The INDEX() function returns the value of a cell in a given range based on the row and column numbers you specify. This formula retrieves specific data points from a large dataset, especially in the first column.INDEX(reference, row, [column])
The MATCH() function searches for a specified item in a range and returns its relative position. Often used with INDEX(), this formula is great for finding the location of specific data within a range.MATCH(search_key, range, [search_type])

Google Sheets formulas can also perform advanced numerical or respond with the current date and time values, like:

The TODAY() function returns the current date (according to your device’s date setting) without the time. It updates automatically every day, which is helpful for tracking deadlines or timestamps.TODAY()
The NOW() function returns both the current date and time. It’s useful when you need to log the exact date and time of an event.NOW()
The DATE() function allows you to create a specific date by inputting the year, month, and day as arguments.DATE(year, month, day)

Google Sheets formulas save time, and there are several Google Sheet hacks to help you get your job done. However, this tool also has several limitations, especially when compared to advanced data management and project automation tools.

Some of these limitations include:

  • Performance issues with larger datasets: Google Sheets struggles with handling large datasets, especially when using complex formulas or functions like ARRAYFORMULA(), QUERY(), or IMPORTRANGE(). As the number of rows and formulas increases, you might experience lag, slow loading times, or even crashes
  • Collaboration issues: While Google Sheets is known for its real-time collaboration features, it becomes challenging to manage when multiple users are editing the same Google Sheets file. Conflicts can arise if changes are made simultaneously, and tracking these changes is difficult
  • Complexity in advanced formulas for beginners : For users unfamiliar with advanced formulas, creating and debugging complex Google Sheets formulas can be daunting. Errors in formula syntax or logic can lead to incorrect data analysis and decision-making
  • Overly dependent on internet connectivity: Google Sheets is a cloud-based application, meaning it requires an internet connection to function fully. While you can work offline in some cases, the offline functionality is limited, and syncing issues may arise when you reconnect to the internet
  • Lack of advanced visualization: Google Sheets includes basic charting and graphing tools, but these are limiting for advanced data visualization. For example, creating interactive dashboards, sophisticated charts, or complex data visualizations often requires additional tools like Looker, Power BI, or Tableau

Google Sheets formulas are undoubtedly incredible for managing and analyzing data. However, Google Sheets has limitations, especially when handling large datasets, complex workflows, and advanced automation needs.

This is where ClickUp steps in as the perfect Google Sheets alternative , offering a range of features to enhance your data management and project tracking.

Let us look at how ClickUp helps overcome the limitations of Google Sheets:

ClickUp Table view

ClickUp 3.0 Table view with Calendar bundle

ClickUp Table View is a powerful feature that allows you to organize and view your tasks in a structured, spreadsheet-like format . Focused on ease-of-use and powerful formatting options, it brings excellent features like:

  • Intuitive no-code interface : Create and customize tables to fit your specific needs, making it easy to link tasks, documents, and dependencies
  • Rich-formatting options : Format cells, rows, and columns with robust filter and grouping options, making it easy to attach files, add links, color-code your fields, and more
  • Access controls for sharing files : Share your table view with anyone, be it internal team members or those outside your organization. With access controls, manage people and permissions and create a view-only public link for external sharing, ensuring that your organization’s data is always protected

The best part about ClickUp is the ability to use customizable ClickUp spreadsheet templates to get an organized, easy-to-edit spreadsheet setup with your organizational data.

ClickUp Automations

Google Sheets formulas are excellent for organizations working with large and periodically fluctuating data volumes. But ClickUp Automations takes it up a notch.

Using its advanced logic and trigger-based automation builder, you can:

  • Create advanced workflows : Instantly build advanced workflows with over 100 pre-built automation options, customized to fit your specific needs
  • Build automation with Formula Fields : Use Formula Fields in ClickUp to automate workflows based on specific events or conditions, allowing for more sophisticated data handling and decision-making
  • Access advanced functions : Perform various calculations and automate routine tasks with access to over 70 different functions in ClickUp. Whether you’re calculating project costs, tracking hours , or analyzing performance metrics, ClickUp’s robust functionality has you covered.

For more advanced calculations and frameworks, ClickUp’s advanced formulas allow you to sort, filter, and group formulas to simplify complex workflows and automate data functions.

For example, if you want to use formulas to calculate project timelines based on start and due dates or to create conditional logic to trigger actions based on task completion percentages, do this in ClickUp by:

Setting up automation triggers: Determine the conditions under which your formula should be evaluated

Creating a formula field : Add a new Formula Field in your Table View. This field will act as the container for your formula

In our example, you can set up automation triggers this way:

  • Calculate due dates based on task priority: Create a formula that calculates the due date for a task based on its priority level
  • Automatically assign tasks based on criteria: Use formulas to assign tasks to specific team members based on their skills or availability

By combining the power of ClickUp’s Table View and Automations, create highly customized and efficient workflows that automate complex tasks and provide valuable insights into your data.

ClickUp Brain

ClickUp Brain , the AI-powered assistant, makes it incredibly easy to build workflows and instantly configure automation on a folder, file, or data set. With AI technology, you get:

  • Intelligent recommendations: Receive smart recommendations for tasks, projects, and workflows based on your team’s data and patterns
  • Natural language interactions: Communicate with the advanced AI assistant using everyday language, simplifying your workflow and eliminating the need for complex commands or formulas, making automations and data management more intuitive and convenient 
  • Valuable data insights: Use the power of AI to gain deeper insights into your data and identify opportunities for further trigger-based automations, simplifying the entire process of workflow management and decision-making

For instance, to  merge two Google Sheets files  into one spreadsheet, you will need to use the QUERY, IMPORTRANGE, or Google Sheet add-ons .

With ClickUp, you can use the  drag-and-drop automation builder  to combine data from multiple sheets or Google Sheets files and even fetch AI summaries, updates, and more.

When it comes to managing your daily tasks, collaborating with your team, and tracking project timelines, ClickUp offers everything you need in one intuitive platform.

Savitree Cheaisang, AVP of Bubblely, mentions why she loves using ClickUp for calculations and data management:

My company is much more organized and able to control the timeline on each project, tracking all activities that happen in there. I love the calculate function that gives you a quick review of numbers instead export them in Excel and doing a manual calculation.

While Google Sheets formulas can certainly help you manage and analyze data, there’s an easier and more efficient way to handle your tasks and projects—ClickUp!

It is a powerful collaboration platform that offers a superior alternative to spreadsheets. With its intuitive Table View and powerful automation capabilities, ClickUp helps you get the best of a spreadsheet app while providing the analytical and visualization features of an advanced data management tool.

But that’s just the beginning! ClickUp is also easy to use, allowing you to easily drag and drop tasks, resize columns, and even share your tables with a unique link for seamless collaboration.

Ready to make the switch? Create your Table View in ClickUp for free today and see how much easier data management can be.

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  1. Free Assignment Tracking Template for Google Sheets

    This assignment tracking template has only three fields that you can update. The first field is the (1) Date, which is located under the seven days of the week (with a total of fifteen weeks in the spreadsheet as per the American semester.) The second is the (2) Tags field, which allows you to categorize your tasks according to the subject.

  2. 5 Free Assignment Tracking Templates for Google Sheets

    The assignment tracking templates for Google Sheets reviewed today offer intuitive layouts and customizable features to create a centralized homework hub tailored to your needs. Key benefits include: Inputting all assignments in one place for easy reference. Tracking due dates, status, grades, and other key details.

  3. Google Sheets: Online Spreadsheets & Templates

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  5. 7 Best☝️ Free Student Data Tracker Templates in Google Sheets

    Open in Google Sheets. 2. Student Loan Tracker. Designed by Justin Pritchard. For anyone who has had to take out a loan for their education, the Google Sheets Student Loan Tracker can keep track of vital loan details such as loan balance, interest rates, and more. The uses of a Student Loan Tracker are numerous and varied.

  6. Assignment Tracker Template For Students (Google Sheets)

    1. Make a copy of the student assignment tracker. 2. Fill in the title of the subjects you would like to track assignments for in each header row in the Assignments tab. 3. Fill in the title of each of your assignments and all the required tasks underneath each assignment. 4.

  7. Google Sheets Templates for Teachers

    Math problem solver template (Google Sheets) This math solver template will allow you to solve a wide variety of math problems, automatically. You can use this to check homework, grade papers, or create problems for tests, very fast! You can reduce fractions, solve linear equations, and you can even solve quadratic equations (And much more).

  8. Free Google Sheets Tutorial at GCFGlobal

    Getting Started with Google Sheets Get to know the Google Sheets interface, and learn how to create new spreadsheets. 9. Modifying Columns, Rows, and Cells Learn how to modify rows, cells, and columns to help personalize your files. 10. Formatting Cells Learn all about formatting cells in Google Sheets. 11.

  9. Free Assignment Tracker Template for Google Sheets (2024 Update)

    Below we explain how to use our assignment tracker template in Google Sheets: 1. Assignment Name. Enter the name or title of the assignment in Column A. 2. Course. Write the course or subject name in Column B. 3. Due Date.

  10. A Homeschool Planner in Google Sheets? (FREE)

    Their familiarity with Google makes it crazy-easy to share Sheets. Both of my big kids are trained on how to view and understand their schedule. +The Printable Weekly Schedule and Monthly Schedule. The printable pages are how I prepare progress each month. My family utilizes a homeschool resource center during the standard educational year.

  11. How to use Google Sheets

    Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet app that lets you create and format spreadsheets and work with other people. DOWNLOAD CHEAT SHEET. Step 1: Create a spreadsheet. To create a new spreadsheet: Open the Sheets home screen at Click New . This will create and open your new spreadsheet.

  12. Get Started with Assignments

    Easily distribute, analyze, and grade student work with Assignments for your LMS. Assignments is an application for your learning management system (LMS). It helps educators save time grading and guides students to turn in their best work with originality reports — all through the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education.

  13. Google Sheets Training

    What is Google Sheets. Accessing Google Sheets. Creating a Google Sheet. Sorting and organizing data. Filtering data. Editing a Google Sheet. Creating charts and graphs. Sharing a Google Sheet. Teachers' Lounge.

  14. Sign in

    to continue to Sheets. Email or phone. Forgot email? Type the text you hear or see. Not your computer? Use a private browsing window to sign in. Learn more about using Guest mode. Next. Create account. Access Google Sheets with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).

  15. Google Assignments Training

    See how Assignments can help you easily distribute, analyze, and grade student work. Learn more. Assignments, an application for your learning management system, gives educators a faster, simpler way to distribute, analyze, and grade student work - all while using the collaborative power of Google Workspace.

  16. Assignment tracker

    Create a named range by selecting cells and entering the desired name into the text box. Anyone on the Internet can find and access. No sign-in required. Accessed by screen readers for people who might have trouble seeing your content. Add a title to your image. This will appear as the tooltip when published to the web.

  17. Google Sheets Assignment Tracker Guide with Template: Boosting

    Experience versatility with the Assignment Tracker Google Sheets, Homework Planner. This template serves as both an assignment tracker and a homework planner, providing comprehensive sections for detailed task management. It's the all-in-one solution for users looking to efficiently manage assignments and homework in a single template.

  18. 24 of the Best Free Google Sheets Templates

    Math worksheets template. Graph paper templates. Guitar tabs templates. Movie list (and other list) templates. House hunting / home search template. Weightlifting tracker. Weight Loss Tracker / Calculator (@ Language translator template. Tic Tac Toe game template.

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    Create a home work tracker using basic script in cells such as =A2+7 for the date to be carried forward and have a week added.

  20. 50+ of the Best Free Google Sheet Templates for 2023

    Personal Finance Google Sheet Templates. Spending Tracker Spreadsheet Templates. Monthly Expense Tracker. Simple Bill Tracker Spreadsheet. Budgeting Templates. Foundation Template for Google Sheets (free version) Monthly Budget by Google. 50/30/20 Budget Snapshot. Financial Independence Spreadsheets.

  21. Free Google Sheets Schedule Templates

    Download a Work Schedule Template for. Google Sheets | Smartsheet. This work schedule template is designed for managers, employees, and teams that need to proactively log and track individuals' work schedules. Enter the beginning date of the week, company name, department, employee name, work assigned, and hours worked for each day.

  22. Share & collaborate on a spreadsheet

    Up to 100: You can let up to 100 people with view, edit, or comment permissions work on a Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides file at the same time. 100 or more: When 100 people or more are accessing a file, only the owner and some users with editing permissions can edit the file. To let more than 100 people view your file at the same time, publish it as a web page instead.

  23. Google Docs

    Create and edit web-based documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Store documents online and access them from any computer.

  24. Top 30 Google Sheets Formulas Everyone Should Know

    An Easier Way To Use Google Sheets Formulas. While Google Sheets formulas can certainly help you manage and analyze data, there's an easier and more efficient way to handle your tasks and projects—ClickUp! It is a powerful collaboration platform that offers a superior alternative to spreadsheets. With its intuitive Table View and powerful ...