grade 3 homework english

Grade 3 Worksheets

Download these grade 3 worksheets and use them in class today! These worksheets are all designed to help third-grade students develop their English grammar and vocabulary skills. The worksheets cover grammar and vocabulary topics that grade 3 students typically study. As always, these worksheets are free to use in your lessons.

Adjective Worksheets

Countable and uncountable nouns, spelling words, reading comprehension worksheets.

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Third grade language arts

IXL offers hundreds of third grade language arts skills, lessons, and games to explore and learn! Not sure where to start? Go to your personalized Recommendations wall to find a skill that looks interesting, or select a skill plan that aligns to your textbook, state standards, or standardized test.

Reading foundations

A. short and long vowels.

  • 1 Use spelling patterns to sort long and short vowel words
  • 2 Spell rhyming words to answer riddles
  • 3 Spell the long a word: silent e, ai, ay, ea, ey, eigh
  • 4 Spell the long e word: silent e, ee, ea, ie
  • 5 Spell the long i word: silent e, ie, y, igh, ind, ild
  • 6 Spell the long o word: silent e, oa, ow, old, ost, olt
  • 7 Spell the long u word: silent e, ue, oo, ew, ui

B. Blends, digraphs, and trigraphs

  • 1 Complete the word with a three-letter consonant blend
  • 2 Spell the digraph word: ch, sh, th, ph, wh
  • 3 Spell the digraph or trigraph word: mb, kn, dge, tch
  • 4 Spell words with final consonant patterns: ng, nk
  • 5 Spell words with qu and x
  • 6 Spell words with blends and digraphs: review

C. Multisyllabic words

  • 1 Identify syllable types
  • 2 Read multisyllabic words
  • 3 Spell words with open and closed syllables
  • 4 Spell consonant-l-e words
  • 5 Spell multisyllabic words

D. Variant, diphthong, and r vowel patterns

  • 1 Spell words with r vowel patterns
  • 2 Spell words with vowel diphthong patterns
  • 3 Spell words with variant vowels: oo, ou, ow, ea

E. Irregular words

  • 1 Select the letters that make a given sound
  • 2 Spell the sight word: easier
  • 3 Spell the sight word: harder

Reading strategies

F. main idea.

  • 1 Use key details to determine the main idea
  • 2 Determine the main idea of a passage
  • 1 Determine the themes of myths, fables, and folktales

H. Author's purpose

  • 1 Identify the author's purpose: mixed media
  • 2 Identify the author's purpose: passages

I. Author's perspective

  • 1 Distinguish points of view
  • 2 Compare information from two informational texts

J. Text structure

  • 1 Determine the order of events in informational texts
  • 2 Compare and contrast in informational texts
  • 3 Match causes with effects
  • 4 Match causes and effects in informational texts
  • 5 Match problems with their solutions
  • 6 Identify text structures

K. Sensory details

  • 1 Sort sensory details
  • 2 Identify sensory details

L. Literary devices

  • 1 Similes with pictures
  • 2 Determine the meanings of similes

M. Inference

  • 1 Which book title goes with the picture?
  • 2 Use actions and dialogue to understand characters
  • 3 Draw inferences from a text
  • 4 Make predictions about a story

N. Story elements

  • 1 Identify story elements

O. Visual elements

  • 1 Compare mythological illustrations

P. Text features

  • 1 Use text features
  • 1 Label the rhyme scheme

R. Literary texts: level 1

  • 1 Read fantasy with illustrations
  • 2 Read historical fiction with illustrations
  • 3 Read science fiction with illustrations
  • 4 Read realistic fiction with illustrations

S. Literary texts: level 2

  • 1 Read realistic fiction: set 1
  • 2 Read realistic fiction: set 2
  • 3 Read historical fiction
  • 4 Read poetry

T. Informational texts: level 1

  • 1 Read about animals
  • 2 Read about food
  • 3 Read about art, music, and traditions
  • 4 Read about sports and hobbies

U. Informational texts: level 2

  • 1 Read about famous people
  • 2 Read about famous places
  • 3 Read about business and technology
  • 4 Read about science and nature

Writing strategies

V. organizing writing.

  • 1 Put the sentences in order
  • 2 Order items from most general to most specific
  • 3 Organize information by topic

W. Topic sentences

  • 1 Select the detail that does not support the topic sentence
  • 2 Choose topic sentences for narrative paragraphs
  • 3 Choose topic sentences for expository paragraphs

X. Writer's purpose

  • 1 Choose the text that matches the writer's purpose

Y. Linking words

  • 1 Identify time-order words
  • 2 Use time-order words
  • 3 Use coordinating conjunctions
  • 4 Use subordinating conjunctions
  • 5 Choose the best transition
  • 6 Use linking words to complete a passage

Z. Opinion writing

  • 1 Distinguish facts from opinions
  • 2 Identify an author's statement of opinion
  • 3 Choose reasons to support an opinion
  • 4 Complete the opinion passage with an example
  • 5 Complete the opinion passage with a reason
  • 6 Complete the opinion-reason-example table

AA. Descriptive details

  • 1 Add descriptive details to sentences
  • 2 Show character emotions and traits
  • 3 Revise the sentence using a stronger verb

BB. Sentence variety

  • 1 Combine sentences: subjects and predicates
  • 2 Combine sentences by adding key details
  • 3 Create varied sentences based on models

CC. Editing and revising

  • 1 Correct errors with signs

DD. Prefixes and suffixes

  • 1 Identify base words, prefixes, and suffixes
  • 2 Determine the meaning of a word with pre-, re-, or mis-
  • 3 Use the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis-
  • 4 Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less
  • 5 Determine the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness
  • 6 Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment
  • 7 Determine the meaning of a word with a suffix: review
  • 8 Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review
  • 9 Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning
  • 10 Sort words with shared suffixes by part of speech
  • 11 Word pattern analogies
  • 12 Word pattern sentences

EE. Greek and Latin roots

  • 1 Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words
  • 2 Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
  • 3 Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots

FF. Compound words

  • 1 Form compound words with pictures
  • 2 Form compound words
  • 3 Form and use compound words

GG. Categories

  • 1 Select the members of a group
  • 2 Select the words that don't belong

HH. Synonyms and antonyms

  • 1 Choose the synonym
  • 2 Which sentence has the same meaning?
  • 3 Find synonyms in context
  • 4 Choose the antonym
  • 5 Which sentence uses an antonym?
  • 6 Find antonyms in context

II. Homophones

  • 1 Homophones with pictures
  • 2 Identify homophones
  • 3 Use the correct homophone

JJ. Multiple-meaning words

  • 1 Multiple-meaning words with pictures
  • 2 Which definition matches the sentence?
  • 3 Which sentence matches the definition?

KK. Shades of meaning

  • 1 Shades of meaning with pictures
  • 2 Describe the difference between related words
  • 3 Positive and negative connotation
  • 1 Choose the picture that matches the idiomatic expression

MM. Context clues

  • 1 Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
  • 2 Use context to identify the meaning of a word
  • 3 Use academic vocabulary in context

NN. Reference skills

  • 1 Order alphabetically based on the first letter
  • 2 Order alphabetically based on the first two letters
  • 3 Order alphabetically based on the first three letters
  • 4 Order alphabetically: challenge
  • 5 Use guide words
  • 6 Use dictionary entries
  • 7 Use dictionary definitions

Grammar and mechanics

Oo. sentences, fragments, and run-ons.

  • 1 Is the sentence a statement, question, command, or exclamation?
  • 2 Identify the complete subject of a sentence
  • 3 Identify the complete predicate of a sentence
  • 4 Identify the simple subject or predicate of a sentence
  • 5 Is it a complete sentence or a fragment?
  • 6 Is it a complete sentence or a run-on?
  • 7 Is it a complete sentence, a fragment, or a run-on?
  • 8 Is the sentence simple or compound?
  • 9 Create compound sentences
  • 10 Order the words to create a sentence
  • 1 Which word is a noun?
  • 2 Identify nouns
  • 3 Identify nouns – with abstract nouns
  • 4 Identify common and proper nouns
  • 5 Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies
  • 6 Use regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies
  • 7 Is the noun singular or plural?
  • 8 Form and use irregular plurals
  • 9 Identify plurals, singular possessives, and plural possessives
  • 10 Form the singular or plural possessive
  • 11 Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns

QQ. Pronouns

  • 1 Identify personal pronouns
  • 2 Choose between subject and object personal pronouns
  • 3 Replace the noun with a personal pronoun
  • 4 Compound subjects and objects with "I" and "me"
  • 5 Identify possessive pronouns
  • 6 Use possessive pronouns
  • 7 Choose between personal and reflexive pronouns
  • 8 Use reflexive pronouns

RR. Verb types

  • 1 Use action verbs
  • 2 Identify action verbs
  • 3 Identify main verbs and helping verbs

SS. Subject-verb agreement

  • 1 Is the subject singular or plural?
  • 2 Use the correct subject or verb
  • 3 Pronoun-verb agreement

TT. Verb tense

  • 1 Which sentence is in the regular past tense?
  • 2 Identify verbs in the regular past tense
  • 3 Form and use the regular past tense
  • 4 Identify the irregular past tense I
  • 5 Identify the irregular past tense II
  • 6 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1
  • 7 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 2
  • 8 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 3
  • 9 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4
  • 10 Form and use the irregular past tense: set 5
  • 11 To be: use the correct form
  • 12 To have: use the correct form
  • 13 Is the sentence in the past, present, or future tense?
  • 14 Change the sentence to future tense

UU. Articles

  • 1 Use the correct article: a or an
  • 2 Use the correct article: a, an, or the
  • 3 Identify articles

VV. Adjectives and adverbs

  • 1 Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many?
  • 2 Identify the adjective that describes the noun
  • 3 Identify adjectives
  • 4 Does the adverb tell you how, when, or where?
  • 5 Identify adverbs
  • 6 Choose between adjectives and adverbs
  • 7 Is the word an adjective or adverb?
  • 8 Use adjectives to compare
  • 9 Spell adjectives that compare
  • 10 Use adverbs to compare

WW. Prepositions

  • 1 Identify prepositions
  • 2 Identify prepositions and their objects
  • 3 Identify prepositional phrases
  • 4 Prepositions: review

XX. Conjunctions

  • 1 Identify coordinating conjunctions
  • 2 Identify subordinating conjunctions

YY. Contractions

  • 1 Pronoun-verb contractions
  • 2 Contractions with "not"
  • 1 Commas with a series
  • 2 Commas with dates
  • 3 Commas with the names of places
  • 4 Commas with direct addresses and after introductory words
  • 5 Commas: review

AAA. Capitalization

  • 1 Capitalizing the names of people and pets and titles of respect
  • 2 Capitalizing days, months, and holidays
  • 3 Capitalizing the names of places and geographic features
  • 4 Capitalizing proper adjectives, nationalities, and languages
  • 5 Capitalization: review

BBB. Abbreviations

  • 1 Abbreviate days of the week
  • 2 Abbreviate months of the year
  • 3 Abbreviate people's titles
  • 4 Abbreviate customary units of measurement
  • 5 Abbreviate metric units of measurement
  • 6 Abbreviate street names
  • 7 Abbreviate state names
  • 8 Abbreviate street names and state names: review

CCC. Formatting

  • 1 Greetings and closings of letters
  • 2 Formatting street addresses
  • 3 Capitalizing titles
  • 4 Formatting titles
  • 5 Formatting and capitalizing titles
  • 6 Punctuating dialogue

3rd Grade English Language Arts Worksheets and Study Guides

The big ideas in Third Grade ELA include moving from decoding words to learning more about what words mean and starting to express abstract ideas; identifying and discussing main ideas, characters, plot, setting, and theme; and writing clear sentences and paragraphs; and learning root words, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, and words with more than one meaning.

English Language Arts Worksheets and Study Guides Third Grade

Language - conventions of standard english, adjectives/adverbs/vivid language, consonant blends, literary elements, r controlled vowels, syllable patterns/word families, vowel diphthongs, language - vocabulary acquisition, content vocabulary, high frequency words i, high frequency words ii, multiple meaning, root words/prefixes/suffixes, word meaning with prefixes/suffixes, reading informational text, author/title of well known literature, maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams, reading literature, author's purpose, context clues, dictionary/thesaurus/parts of a book, sequential order, reading: foundational skills, cause/effect, fact/fiction/opinion, main idea/supporting details, problem/solution, writing: ela literacy, capitalization/punctuation, charts/maps/graphic organizers, coherent paragraphs, combining sentences, complete & incomplete sentences, double negatives and homophones, friendly letter, grammar skills, rules for writing, subject and predicate, topic sentence, verb endings, writing process, written directions, newpath learning resources are fully aligned to us education standards. select a standard below to view aligned activities for your selected subject and grade:.

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Common Core ELA

Common core math, math worksheet generators, printable game generators, third grade (grade 3) english language arts worksheets, tests, and activities.

Print our Third Grade (Grade 3) English Language Arts worksheets and activities, or administer them as online tests. Our worksheets use a variety of high-quality images and some are aligned to Common Core Standards.

Worksheets labeled with are accessible to Help Teaching Pro subscribers only. Become a Subscriber to access hundreds of standards aligned worksheets.

  • Danny Meadow Mouse - Fiction (grade 3)
  • Peter Rabbit - Fiction (grade 3)
  • Mixed Spelling Practice (grade 3)
  • Summer Review Quiz (grade 3)
  • Cause and Effect
  • Cause and Effect Scenarios
  • What Makes Hair Turn Gray?
  • Fairy Tale - Cause/Effect
  • A Letter of Complaint
  • Counting Money - Coins and Bills
  • Measuring Time in Minutes
  • Real-Life Reading: Birthday Invitation
  • Using a Dictionary Review
  • Write Every Day: Family and Friends
  • Context Clue Sentences
  • Drawing Clock Hands
  • Possessive Nouns
  • Real-Life Reading: Directions
  • Using a Dictionary: Guide Words
  • A Demonstrative Adjective or Pronoun?
  • Abbreviations - States
  • Action Verbs
  • Capitalization and Punctuation
  • ESL: For or Since?
  • Nouns Review
  • Possessive Adjectives vs. Possessive Pronouns
  • Possessive S
  • Prefix: Pre or Post?
  • Prefix: Tele-
  • Prefixes: Dis or Mis?
  • Prepositions - During, Beyond, Toward
  • Sentence Structure
  • Types of Adjectives
  • Using Demonstrative Pronouns
  • Abbreviations - Measurement
  • Abstract Nouns
  • Capitalization and Punctuation - Long
  • Grade 3 Mixed Grammar Practice
  • Prefix: Dis-
  • Prefix: Pre-
  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Prepositions
  • Prepositions: At, On, or In
  • Types of Sentences
  • Writing the Date

Informational Stories and Texts

  • A Memorial Day Trip
  • Birthday Invitation
  • Cayden's Rock Collection
  • Doppleganger
  • Largest and Smallest Flowers
  • Lick Your Elbow
  • Number of Stars
  • One Million Dollar Bill
  • Roller Coasters
  • Strongest Muscle
  • The Coriolis Effect
  • Chewiest, Berriest Candy Company
  • Cutting Onions
  • Eating Bugs
  • How Fast Can Humans Run?
  • Olympic Rings
  • Pastry, Pies, and Tarts
  • The Alphabet
  • The Kitchen Encyclopedia
  • Why Do Fingers Wrinkle?

Literature - Books, Stories

  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 11 and 12
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 15 and 16
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 19 and 20
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 23 and 24
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 27 and 28
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 3 and 4
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 7 and 8
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chapter 1
  • Charlotte's Web
  • Miss Rumphius
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chap. 13-14
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chap. 17-18
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chap. 9-10
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chapters 3-4
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chapters 7-8
  • Seven Spools of Thread: A Kwanzaa Story
  • The Polar Express
  • Ziggy and the Black Dinosaurs
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 13 and 14
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 17 and 18
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 21 and 22
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 25 and 26
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 29 and 30
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 5 and 6
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chap. 9 and 10
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Chapter 2
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chap. 11-12
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chap. 15-16
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chap. 19-20
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chapters 1-2
  • Mr. Popper's Penguins: Chapters 5-6
  • The Story of Ruby Bridges
  • Finding Main Idea
  • Main Idea and Supporting Details
  • Saying Merry Christmas

Reading Strategies

  • Alphabet Reading Challenge
  • Monthly Reading Log
  • Elementary Reading Challenge
  • Total Books Reading and Rating Log
  • Choose the Correct Spelling
  • Is it a Palindrome?
  • Spelling Circles
  • The Cost of a Word
  • Contractions 1
  • Spelling Battleship
  • Spelling Pre- and Post-Test
  • Word Phone Dial

Text Analysis

  • Author's Purpose
  • Compare and Contrast
  • Fact and Opinion
  • Fairy Tale - Problem/Solution
  • Making Predictions
  • Poem Analysis: The Leaves Came Down
  • Sequence of Events
  • Story Elements
  • Character Traits
  • Dr. Seuss: Fact or Opinion?
  • Fairy Tale - Compare/Contrast
  • Fairy Tale - Summarizing
  • Poem Analysis: My Shadow
  • Poem Analysis: The Owl and the Pussy Cat
  • Adding Suffixes to Words
  • Beach Vocabulary Words
  • Context Clue Sentences #1
  • Dew, Do, Due
  • Dis or Mis?
  • Doesn't or Don't?
  • For, Four, Fore
  • Hop vs. Hope
  • Metal vs. Medal
  • New vs. Knew
  • Peace vs. Piece
  • Using Dictionary Guide Words
  • Wear vs. Where
  • Were vs. We're
  • Who's vs. Whose
  • Analogies (Easy)
  • Are vs. Our
  • Clothes vs. Close
  • Context Clue Sentences #2
  • Die vs. Dye
  • Flour vs. Flower
  • Hole vs. Whole
  • Lose vs. Loose
  • Mixed Vocabulary Practice
  • One vs. Won
  • Pre or Post?
  • Road vs. Rode
  • Weak vs. Week
  • Well vs. We'll
  • Were vs. Where
  • Alien Welcome Committee
  • Create a character
  • Diamante Poem
  • Family and Friends
  • My Trip Into Space
  • Pet Shop Escape
  • Wanted Poster
  • Worst Day Ever
  • Write an Acrostic Poem
  • Back-to-School Poem
  • Create a Knock-Knock Joke
  • Fairy Tales
  • Fly in Food
  • Lost Animal Poster
  • Summer Picture Prompt 1
  • What is Kindness?
  • Would You Rather?
  • Writing Review Worksheet

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  • Tracing Shapes
  • Bubble Numbers
  • Word Search
  • Addition Matching
  • Subtraction Matching
  • Missing Number Matching
  • Animal & their babies

Social Studies

  • Environment
  • Good Habits
  • Natural Resources
  • Sentence Structure
  • Question Word
  • Reading Comprehension G1
  • Telling Time
  • Word Problem Money
  • Word Problem Time
  • Solar System
  • Basic Needs Of Animals
  • Reduce Reuse Recycle
  • Cursive Words
  • Reading Comprehension G2
  • Place Value G2
  • Mental Math
  • Word Problem Addition
  • Five Senses
  • Animal Homes
  • Countries Around The World
  • Citizen Rights
  • Place Value G3
  • Weather And Seasons
  • Earth Science
  • Coloring Games
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  • Animal Games
  • Shapes Games
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