264 HIV Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the Movie “And the Band Played On” In particular, they knew that many of the patients had sexual intercourse with one another, but they could not explain why this disease was widespread in the gay community.
  • HIV/AIDS in Papua New Guinea Even though the disease was first noticed in the earlier years of the 1980s, it was news to the country of Papua New Guinea till in the year 1987 when the first case of AIDS […]
  • Epidemiologic Triangle Elements Applied to HIV The epidemiologic triangle can be extremely beneficial in this perspective, because it “is a model for explaining the organism causing the disease and the conditions that allow it to reproduce and spread”. Anyway, the spread […]
  • Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS Gates Foundation The main objective of the Gates Foundation is “to reduce the incidence of HIV infection and extend the lives of people living with HIV”.
  • HIV in South Africa This negative side of the warfare led to the re-interpretation of human security on the onset of the Cold War that ushered in the second phase of the human security approach.
  • The International Problem of HIV/AIDS in Modern World In addition, the effects of HIV/AIDS today are not only confined to the families and individuals infected, but also involve the political, economic, and social factors of the country and people in the country.
  • HIV/AIDS Education’ Importance for Young People Due to the impact of this challenge in many countries, better education system that informs the youth and new generation is essential in informing the youths on the safety behaviors that can help reduce the […]
  • Saudi Student Nurses’ Perception of Their Educational Preparation for HIV/AIDS Patient Care In this research, the review will explore the current knowledge and literature regarding the level of comfort of nursing student’s on educational program preparation for the care of people living with HIV/AIDS in Saudi Arabia.
  • HIV and AIDS in Adolescents The teenagers in America and the world are a group that is constantly at risk of infection with the Human-Immunodeficiency-Virus and developing the Acquired-Immune-Deficiency-Syndrome, the disease condition that eventually results; this is stemming mainly from […]
  • Drugs for the Treatment of HIV Infection: Over 30 Antiretroviral Drugs to Counter the Effects of the Deadly AIDS Virus By the latest study, the Food and Drug Administration has approved 30 antiretroviral drugs to counter the effects of the deadly AIDS virus According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the drugs, […]
  • The Spread of HIV and AIDS in Prisons: Causes and Measures of Control Other causes of the spread of the disease include overcrowding and lack of education on the danger of the virus. At-risk individuals need to be sensitized about the devastating consequences of this virus and the […]
  • Bubonic Plague and AIDS: Differences and Similarities Transmission of the diseases is also another area that generated debate in the entire course of The Plague and during the initial stages of AIDS.
  • Social Networks of People Living With HIV and AIDS The purpose of the study was to compare the social networks of younger patients with the older ones. The convoy theory of social support lent credence to the research.
  • AIDS Discrimination in “Philadelphia” (1993) by Jonathan Demme “Philadelphia” is the film that appeared on the screens at the end of the 20th century. He is a lawyer, who copes with his duties easily and is known as one of the best professionals.
  • Ethical Issues on HIV/AIDS The issues to be discussed include ethical issues related to research and counseling for AIDS patients, discrimination, and intentional transmission of the disease and the protection of vulnerable groups in the society.
  • Microbial-Environmental Interactions in HIV & AIDS The virus manifests in two subtypes, HIV-1 and HIV-2, and the severity of infection depends on the type of viral attack.
  • HIV and AIDS Prevalence in South Africa According to Africa Science Focus, despite effective HIV/AIDS treatments available around the world, there is a distinct inequality in the ability of South Africa to access them. Before listening to the podcast, I knew that […]
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS in Women HIV and AIDS are global health problems affecting women disproportionately due to cultural beliefs and worldviews. Biological variations also contribute to the spread of HIV and AIDS among women due to peculiarities of their body […]
  • Addressing the Issue of the HIV Epidemic in the US It aims to end the HIV epidemic in the country by utilizing the latest scientific advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
  • Living With HIV: Stigma and Discrimination The mental health and emotional well-being of the population living with this virus are affected due to the humiliation and judgment they face from their fellows around them.
  • Nursing: HIV Among Queer (LGBT) Community A combinatory program is required to reduce the rates of HIV transmission, improve the prevention techniques against the virus and ensure the early-stage diagnosis procedures are as effective as possible.
  • HIV-Positive Women’s Mental Health Problems Peer review implies the submission of the article describing the details of the research process and the design to a journal that then sends this article to the professionals working in the same field, who […]
  • The HIV Vaccine: Discontinuation of Trials Therefore, the primary benefit of this study is that people could get immune to the HIV infection, provided the vaccine worked.
  • The Stigma of People Living With HIV and AIDS Consequently, in this case, it is recommended to pay special attention to the development and implementation of policies to combat HIV/AIDS stigmatization from the point of view of taking into account the interests of older […]
  • Aspects of Stop AIDS Delaware Initiative The four that are incredibly essential to their own lives as well as to a wider community include emotional resilience, communication skills, medical knowledge of the condition, and empathy.
  • Stigma and Psychological Distress in HIV Caregivers The inclusion criteria of the participants in the study were if they had a confirmed HIV diagnosis. This study’s findings are similar to the findings in “Depression, anxiety, stress, and stigma in informal caregivers of […]
  • Math: Aspects of HIV Modeling The indicator of the fit of the constructed model to the data set is the parameter R2, the coefficient of determination.
  • Ethical and Legal Issues With the Disclosure of HIV Status of Healthcare Workers The first glance at the situation compels one to immediately support the idea that healthcare professionals should disclose their HIV status since the alternative scenario would pose a significant health risk to a patient.
  • Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Among HIV People The abstract provides a concise summary of the background of the research, aims, methodology, results, and conclusions to help the audience understand the without reading the entire report.
  • HIV Infection: Diagnosing and Testing Therefore, a comprehensive approach to clarifying the diagnosis, using a synthesis of scientifically based and subjective aspects of the course of the disease. The purpose of this study is to determine a comprehensive approach to […]
  • HIV-AIDS Prevention & Advocacy Through Legislation Despite the existing programs to promote HIV/AIDS prevention among the population and criminalization of the failure to disclose HIV status prior to sexual intercourse, the Florida state legislature does not obtain any mandatory outreach and […]
  • Increasing Public Awareness of HIV Infection The HIV denialism movement, which emerged almost immediately after the discovery of the disease and its identification as the cause of AIDS, actively promotes anti-scientific hypotheses about the absence of both the virus itself and […]
  • Stories of People Battling HIV-AIDs She always ensures that supportive communication is at the center of her engagement with the children and shows acceptance and respect to improve her relationship with them.
  • HIV Subtype Diversity Worldwide HIV is a severe global health issue because almost 40 million people were infected in 2017. That is why it is not surprising that Australians also suffer from this health problem.
  • Los Angeles: Community Strategic Plan For STD and HIV Reduction Thus, one of the main concerns is the risk of transmission of both STDs and HIV due to the crisis of homelessness and loneliness in Los Angeles Country.
  • Vulnerable Population: HIV-AIDS The latest statistics identify HIV/AIDS as a major medical problem affecting the health sector. The disease currently affects over one million citizens.
  • African American Women With HIV: HIV Treatment Compliance The sampling strategy that will be used in the study is simple random sampling. This strategy will be appropriate because it is likely that the sample will be representative of the general population, for any […]
  • HIV, STI as a Public Health Issue In light of the fact that the HIV/STI development levels remain rather high among the target population, the necessity to educate young people about the threats of HIV/STI, as well as the methods of avoiding […]
  • Health Interventions in the AIDS Epidemic This development has created the need for introducing the social-ecological model in curbing the increased rates of HIV infection in some communities. This paper identifies income and stigma as the main social factors that affect […]
  • Changes in the Research on AIDS Some of the current researches on this disease include treatment of the disease, the content of Aids protein and the preventive modes.
  • The Most Effective Methods of Preventing the Spread of HIV Recent statistics show that in the United States the number of people living with HIV and AIDS is higher among men than women.
  • Segregation of HIV-Positive Prisoners The biggest debate on segregation of HIV-positive prisoners surrounds the ethical impact it renders to the inmates. The proponents of segregation of HIV-positive prisoners believe that segregation protects prisoners and the correctional staff from catching […]
  • The Problem of Homeless Youths With HIV-AIDS Studies carried out in the city of New York in 2008 showed that 21 percent of homeless youth males and 24 percent of homeless female youths had “more than 100 lifetime partners”. 5 percent of […]
  • Country Health Policy Proposal on Improving HIV-AIDS Outcomes in South Africa One of the significant public health problems facing the South African public health system is the high prevalence of HIV/AIDs. Inefficiency of the public health system contributes significantly to the HIV burden in South Africa.
  • HIV/AIDS and International Health Community Over the years, the level of people’s awareness about the notion of HIV/AIDS has increased dramatically, yet the health condition itself remains frowned upon and stigmatized by the global community.
  • AIDS, Then and Now This view spread to the U.S.culture at large and contributed to an exaggerated representation of the disease as a “gay plague” in the media.
  • Film “The Silent Partner: HIV in Marriage” In a region whose fight against HIV is slowed by a lack of awareness, the film shows how traditional ways of fighting the pandemic fail to serve the needs of married women.
  • Communicable Disease Health Education Tool: HIV, AIDS The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a contagious that causes a condition known as the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
  • The HIV/AIDS Situation in India Most of the initial cases had occurred through heterosexual sex; but at the end of the 1980s, a rapid spread of HIV was observed among injecting drug users in Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland. An explosion […]
  • HIV, Health & Rights – Sustaining Community Action In general, the strategies are useful since they focus on the existing challenges and address the target population. In conclusion, one can state that the strategic drivers have been successfully developed into the four directional […]
  • HIV in Saudi Arabian Children Analysis For a long time, this society has considered those who are suffering from HIV as adulterous and are not living according to the teachings of the Quran.
  • Problem of HIV in Saudi Arabian Children Although the rate of HIV infection still remains low when compared to the world’s average, the number has been on the rise over the past five years.
  • HIV and AIDS as a Chronic Disease: The Unique Contributions of Nursing Through Philosophical, Theoretical, and Historical Perspectives In most societies across the world, the responsibility of caring for the sick in the community feel on the family and the entire society.
  • The Historical and Current Role of Stigma in the Provision of HIV and AIDS Care: The Context of Ghana The paper describes the historical and current role of stigma in the provision and care of people living with HIV and AIDS in the context of Ghana.
  • Men Issues With HIV/AIDS in Miami Various men’s issues and social well-being have contributed to the increased rate of infection among men in Miami and Florida. In conclusion, the rate of HIV/AIDS infection in Miami is higher among men than among […]
  • From Exceptional to Chronic Illness: New Challenges in HIV Prevention in the UK The current paper is an attempt to analyze the shift in the perception of HIV from an exception to a chronic illness and the new challenges experienced in HIV prevention in the UK.
  • Researching HIV, AIDS and Social Justice Disney claims that poverty and social injustice lead to the spread of HIV/AIDS among underprivileged people in all countries. The disease was a kind of stigma and infected people were subjected to discrimination and alienation.
  • The Threat of HIV, AIDS and the Means to Avoid It Taking into account the results of the case study conducted by Cornish and Ghosh, instances of people in India becoming infected with the HIV virus have increased recently, which is given as a reason for […]
  • The Combivir Medication in HIV, AIDS Treatment Hence by blocking the enzyme the rate of virus multiplication is reduced and consequently the amount of HIV cells in the blood is reduced.
  • The Policy Topic on the Impact of HIV/AIDS Pandemic in the USA This paper will discuss the policy topic on the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the United States and the rest of the world.
  • Circumcision of Male Infants as a Way to Combat the HIV Therefore, by circumcising all the men, the rate of heterosexual infections in Australia will reduce considerably as circumcised men are lesser prone to HIV infections than uncircumcised ones.
  • Genco Company: A Distribution of HIV-AIDS Drugs in Malaysia The management of Genco Company should be keen on setting out the date of registration because it helps to determine the period, which the business will be legal to operate in the country.
  • HIV From a Social Sciences Perspective In the US, the disease was initially associated with gays only but in the recent past, it is has been claiming many lives in the country and other parts of the world. The first social […]
  • Microbiological View of HIV Epidemic and Possibility of Discovering Its Cure The glycoprotein facilitates attachment and fusion of the virus to human cell membrane. In Golgi complex it is cleaved by protease and proceased in to human immunodeficiency virus and released.
  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Prevention In so doing, they ignore the importance of the community in the prevention of HIV transmission. HIV prevention strategies that focus on the social drivers of HIV transmission are usually very effective.
  • HIV/AIDS Pandemic Facing the Female Global Population The questions that arise are; what factors are contributing to the prevalence, who are the most affected and what are the actions taken to mitigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic?
  • HIV Transmission From Homosexual Men Receiving Cure The study reaches the following conclusions: In general, male partners to MSM receiving treatment are at risk of contracting HIV virus although the risk is relative to condom use as well as the last time […]
  • Hepatitis C and HIV Among Intravenous Drug Users In relation to this health issue of HIV and HCV, the community health nurse has the responsibility of promoting health among intravenous drug users.
  • Addressing the Needs of HIV Patients According to the latest report published on the subject matter, the therapy provided to the patients in question implies that the family members should take an active part in the process of managing the disorder […]
  • HIV-AIDS in News Reports and Literature The report further shows that the use of ART has led to a reduction in the total cost of managing HIV-related cases annually in low and middle-income countries.
  • Decreasing Inflammation in People With HIV: The Efficiency of Low-Dose Methotrexate The principal objective of the research is to obtain a numerical estimate of the issue and the reaction of respondents towards it.
  • HIV Pandemic in Africa and the United States However, there is no epidemic of AIDS in the United States due to appropriate measures conducted by the government including the prohibition of the polygamy and anti-drug policy. Additionally, authors regard the role of the […]
  • Communicable Disease Control Strategies for AIDS Governments should consider AIDS as a health priority, among the strategies to control the spread of disease are ensuring that public and private sectors are sharing AIDS’ responsibility, provision of enough resources to research on […]
  • Guidelines on HIV and Infant Feeding The objective of this guideline was to find ways through which HIV-positive mothers can protect their HIV-free children from a possible infection.
  • People Infected With HIV in India The proposed research aims to highlight the particular factors that led to a decrease in the number of people infected with HIV in India.
  • Pneumonia Infection & Risk of Mortality in HIV-Infected Children The topic is quite interesting because only a few studies have attempted to focus on the role of HIV infection on the rates of mortality and morbidity rates in pneumonia infections. It is the first […]
  • HIV Rates and Infant Mortality: US, UK and Kenya The purpose of this paper is to compare the HIV rates and infant mortality cases of the United States with the situation in a developed country such as the United Kingdom) and a developing nation […]
  • Disclosure of a Physician’s HIV Status The addition of another corpus that needs the disclosure of HIV/AIDS status to partners is as important as it is harmful if done without prior consent.
  • AIDS: The Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Employees and Patients It is the responsibility of employees to adhere to adjusted schedules and to maintain high productivity and efficiency. Employees also have a right to assess information on HIV and AIDS in the workplace.
  • Late Phase of HIV Type 1 Replication The Late Phase of HIV type 1 replication involves the assembly of Gag proteins with the plasma membrane of hematopoietic cells.
  • Baby With HIV Is Deemed Cured After reading the article, the first question I asked myself was whether it is possible for a baby with HIV to be cured without medication.
  • Routes of HIV Transmission Based on the NACO annual report, it can be seen that the primary drivers of the HIV epidemic in India are commercial female sex workers, drug use and unprotected sex between homosexuals and heterosexuals.
  • Health Services Research: AIDS-Related Stigma The information obtained from the analysis of the research findings are used by the healthcare organizations and policy makers to improve on the delivery of quality healthcare services to the people.
  • HIV Intervention in Gay Community The AIDS scourge is at the center of this study because this paper seeks to address AIDS as a special health concern affecting the gay community in the Montrose area, with a clear aim of […]
  • Risks for HIV&AIDS in Juvenile Detention The participants in this study willingly shared their perceptions and experience of risk for HIV/AIDS within the context of their social and ecological environments and, in so doing, embodied other models of interaction and behavior […]
  • The Impact of HIV and AIDS Epidemic on Women In the anatomy while having intercourse the vagina is very susceptible to tears and irritations when engaging in sex and thus with the tears and the irritations the exposed flesh offers a good penetrating surface […]
  • The Impact of Social Determinants of Health in the HIV-AIDS Efforts have been made to contain the pandemic but in vain, and that is why researchers are concentrating on the social determinants of health in the context of HIV/AIDS.
  • The Social Environments and the Effectiveness of Youth HIV Prevention It is saddening that most of the youth view sex education negatively since their elders have socialized them to view it as a curse.
  • Combining Efforts to Combat HIV and AIDS The difference in health care systems and standards of health care resources available in different parts of the world, greatly affect the course of the disease in individuals and groups.
  • HIV Testing of High School Seniors Should Not Be a Mandatory Requirement for Graduation Still if a policy like mandatory HIV screening of students is formulated by the governing body of the University it is the indication of a serious lack of proper understanding of HIV/AIDS and the rights […]
  • Research Into the Causes of HIV Though HIV is still incurable in modern days, one of the problems that people in slow developing countries face is high death rate from HIV due to the lack of funds for purchasing effective medication […]
  • The Problem of HIV & AIDS in Spain: The Leading Rate of Infection in Europe Considering the fact that Spain has the leading number of the homosexual in Europe, the rate of the infections in this group stands at 10%.
  • HIV and People Who Use Drugs: Cases of Infection Caused by Injection Drug Use The existing condition of the epidemic in a certain region can be termed as low-level, concentrated, or generalized depending on the prevalence levels of the virus in the specified demographic.
  • Concepts of Culture and Disease Paper: AIDS However, in general, African governments and non-governmental organizations with the help of the United Nations Department of AIDS, UNAids, continue to educate Africans on the spread, symptoms, and other AIDS factors. In sub-Saharan Africa, numerous […]
  • AIDS and Its Trends: An Infectious Disease That Causes the Vulnerability of the Human Internal System These facts address the query of the author having the valid experience to make writings regarding the Disease, it is clear that he had first-hand experiences. The disease is manageable with the use of drugs […]
  • Effects of HIV and AIDS on Young Children and Women The hypothesis of this study is to establish the prevalence of HIV and AIDS on the general population this is with particular attention to the young children and the women who are more vulnerable.
  • HIV Counseling and Testing: Lifetime Treatment Program Some of the possible intervention that can be adopted by the clinicians in order to improve adherence include the encouragement of the patients to be in contact with people of their age who will encourage […]
  • Epidemiological Analysis of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) The virus is found in most of the body fluids of the infected person; and this is the main route of infections.
  • Health Care Management: HIV and AIDS Prevention and Treatment To define the measurement system, and define the failure or success of HIV/AIDS treatment it is necessary to give the image of the situation in general.
  • HIV, AIDS Health Determinants in Africa: The Research and Development in Curative and Preventive Medicare Emphasis was laid on the research and development in curative and preventive Medicare so that the members of the society lived a healthy life. This is compared to a total of between 130,000 and 180,000 […]
  • HIV Crisis in Africa: Review of Major Public Health Concerns on the Continent The paper will examine the issue of HIV/AIDS in Africa, focusing on the effects of the disease, procedures of its containment, and the prevention tactics used by the African public.
  • ART HIV Medicine Saves Lives: Maintains Functions of the Immune System and Prevents Opportunistic Infections The goal of the essay is to increase the level of awareness of readers on the importance of ART. A brief overview of HIV treatment programs should also be included in the essay to support […]
  • HIV: Overview of the Clinical Manifestations of Infection and Symptoms and Known Cases of Complete Cure The information includes detailed information about the molecular structure of the virus, the form of the genome, and the mechanism of self-reproduction within a targeting cell.
  • Faith-Based Organization Services as the Best Means to Prevent HIV and AIDS in Southern Cameroons The HIV/AIDS issue was complicated by the fact that at the moment of this research, there was no cure and the only way of addressing the infection spread was through prevention and ensuring that people […]
  • HIV & AIDS: Role of Healthcare Professionals and Patient Education It is also vital to stress that non-adherence leads to the return of the symptoms and the development of HIV-related diseases that could lead to death.
  • HIV & AIDS Diagnosis and Treatment Measures After decades of its first appearance, the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes AIDS at a more severe stage, continues to be a major threat to human health and searches for developments in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Breast Cancer and AIDS: Significant Issues in the United States in the Late 20th Century Thus, the given paper is going to explain why these activists challenged regulatory and scientific authorities and what they demanded. That is why the enthusiasts challenged their practices and made specific demands to improve the […]
  • The Effect of HIV Treatment on Individuals and Contributing to a Longer Life of the Patients As a result, better treatment of the illnesses globally and especially in Africa has contributed to a longer life expectancy of the patients.
  • Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in South Africa The primary purpose of this study is to determine the cost-effectiveness of the use of circumcision and if this practice is appropriate.
  • Misinform Partner’s HIV-AIDS Status: How to Prevent From Being Misinformed However, I believe that the key to avoiding the issue of the HIV growing epidemic does not lie in the doctor’s duty to anonymously inform one’s sexual partners.
  • The Issue of HIV-AIDS-Positive Status Disclosure Whereas at the beginning of the epidemic, the therapists felt it was their duty to inform the patient’s surroundings of the issue, the introduction of the HIV/AIDS Confidentiality Act turned this duty into a forthright […]
  • Global Health Issue Analysis: HIV – A Relatively New Disease Rapid detection and treatment are crucial to limit the spread of HIV and limit the patient’s effects. As the frequency and intensity of symptoms vary from person to person, testing is the only clear way […]
  • High Risk of HIV Among Injection Drug Users The aim of this Health Promotion Plan is to improve the situation with infection diseases spreading among the injection drug users due to the social importance of this problem and the high level of mortality […]
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse and HIV Risk in San Salvador Still, the women interviewed presented a peculiar layer of the society that made it possible to understand the clear connection of the CSA to HIV/AIDS and drug addictions.
  • New Directions and Strategies for Current and Future Research in HIV The authors therefore are in agreement that future research paradigms focusing on HIV should lay much focus on developing an efficacious vaccine to curtail further spread of the virus.
  • Health and Health Policy of HIV and AIDS: Physical and Psychological Wellbeing Health is defined and understood as the state of full physical and psychological wellbeing, and not just the absence of diseases in the body, while a health policy is the plans, strategies and actions undertaken […]
  • Pricing AIDS Drugs Sold to Developing Countries The majority of the world’s HIV/AIDS cases are in Africa particularly the sub-Saharan and many of the infected have been faced with a huge challenge to live a normal life due to limitations in access […]
  • Does Black America Need White Support in Order to Combat HIV, AIDS Epidemic? The economic instability, the lack of education and improper health care facilities all attribute to the spread of the epidemic in the black community which is set to rise in the coming years.
  • Women With AIDS in Africa: Treatment Possibilities Starting with the economical issues, the countries of Africa are the countries of the third world and the economy is very weak in the area.
  • The Relationship Between the High Rate of Urbanization in Africa and AIDS Spread This movement results in to increase in the number of people in the towns and cities in a particular year. The increased social interaction of people in towns has led to increased HIV/AIDS infections in […]
  • Language and Stigmatization: Cancer, HIV, and AIDS Much has been written concerning the alarming spread and effects of HIV/AIDS in the society and the effects of cancer and the position of its victims and how to care for them.
  • Workplace Stereotypes About People With HIV: Business Ethics After analyzing the every angel of the case, it can be said that this is the picture of the stereotyping prejudice of people with AIDS.
  • The Pharmaceutical Industry Faces AIDS in Africa Food insecurity in these countries has to lead to the quick progression of patients to full brown AIDS and completely worsened the immunity of the patients.
  • Center for Disease Control and HIV Prevention Goals The first short-term mission of the CDC Preventions is to increase the percentage of those HIV-affected people who indulge in such activities which alleviates the risks or dangers of HIV transmission.
  • AIDS Infection in Europe Statistics: A National Disaster in Many Countries Most of these young men and women that engage in this business are end up being infected with HIV virus since they do not have the power to negotiate for safe sex and especially the […]
  • World AIDS Day Celebration: Increasing the Awareness of the People About the Disease The World AIDS Day is not just celebrated in the United States, Europe, or Asia, it is observed all over the world because the disease does not only affect this part of the globe, but […]
  • Public Policy Development. AIDS.gov Benefit Types CDC is a premier public health agency which undertakes the control and prevention of AIDS in US, and their mission is to promote health and quality of life.
  • Public Policy. Eligibility Rules Used by AIDS.gov There are no restrictions that prohibit the tailoring of health care programs by clients and using various services and providers that are eligible for meeting the health care needs of individuals.
  • Changes in Prostitution and AIDS Epidemic in Thailand This provided information on commercial sex trends such as the types of CSEs in existence, the number of sex workers, and the price of sex. However, the decline in the number of sex workers was […]
  • Advancements in AIDS Research: A Potential Advancement in the Attempt to Cure HIV Infection After HIV’s genetic code is altered from a single thread to a double-strand by the reverse transcriptase enzyme, it gets included in the genetic code of the infected cell.
  • AIDS/HIV: Description of the Disease This is the very reason why many who have acquired HIV or AIDS result to an eventual death because of the lack of immune system that protects them from acquiring other forms of illnesses.
  • Ethics of Leukemia Treatment With Disabled HIV Cells In recent years, the medical community has pondered the radically new approach to cancer treatment, which is isolating and collecting T-cells from the patient.
  • AIDS: Emergence Factors of Infectious Disease Emerging diseases refer to the newly identified pathogens that have been recognized in the past few decades that lead to a new manifestation of diseases.
  • AIDS and Its Impact on Humankind: The Leading Killer Disease in the World From these statistics, it is easy to deduce the effect of the disease of humankind. At the international level, more and more funds have been committed to the treatment of AIDS.
  • Lewis’ Race Against Time: Curbing HIV&AIDS in Africa Lewis points out that, “HIV/AIDS has sabotaged all of the socioeconomic indices, and the continued damaging western policies in trade and aid and debt, serve to drive the nails into the coffins”.
  • Community Health. HIV/AIDS Prevention for the 50+ The specificity of the paper is that it relates the issue of HIV prevention for the people over 50. It is necessary to mention, that: 10% of all AIDS cases in the USA are people […]
  • AIDS and Its Related Aspects The report aims to show that clinicians and nurses should discuss AIDS and associated risks with their patients to enhance individuals’ health outcomes and eliminate the prevalence of the disease.
  • Anti-HIV Nonprofit’s Organizational Design Particularly, three areas of concern are of the primary interest: the design and functional characteristics of NGOs, the problem of HIV in the context of NGOs, and differences between organic and mechanistic organizational structures.
  • HIV and AIDS: Legal and Ethical Conduct During the conversation, I would inform the patient about his HIV status, focusing on the potential health effects of this condition and the types of contacts that may cause the further transmission of the virus.
  • OraQuick Home HIV Test and Its Pros & Cons The inventors or other technologists can work on reducing the time people have to wait for the results. It reduces the time people spend visiting the doctor.
  • Immunology and Virology of HIV Infection The HIV attacks the body in the form of mRNA, which attacks the nucleus of the T cells and immediately replicates its DNA using the material in the host cells.
  • Health Fraud: HIV/AIDS and Sexual Enhancement Scams The form and the result of using health fraud scams is the quackery as a process of treating the disease and different health conditions with the focus on unproven remedies and strategies.
  • HIV and AIDS Early History and Risks It is extremely important to learn about the early history of HIV/AIDS, since this knowledge can offer a clue to the problem of curing the disease or at least stop the rapid expansion of the […]
  • HIV and AIDS Infection Levels and Their Social Effects One of the social effects of HIV/AIDS is that it causes stigmatization from members of the society. One of the long-term effects of children suffering from the disease include seclusion from the other children, which […]
  • HIV Prevalence Among American Queer Communities However, the LGBT community is the one that needs to seek help the most, accounting for 70% of new HIV infections in the United States. The LGBT community and its allies must take an active […]
  • HIV Testing Among African American Women The expected long-term measurable goal of the initiative is the reduction of HIV incidence among the members of the target group.
  • HIV Prevention Policy Development for Chicago The issue is related to the paper because the developed policy will encourage the participation in preventive measures among the members of the target group.
  • HIV Prevention Among Young Adults in Chicago The present paper aims at evaluating the skills and abilities needed for the public health professional in order to eliminate the negative impact of some health issues on the health of the target population.
  • Group Policy Regarding the HIV/AIDS Transmission Issue The primary issues related to HIV transmission are the following: A high risk of infection Limited access to treatment The virus’s rapid growth and transmission A tremendous number of people born with the virus Lack […]
  • Pharmacology: HIV Drug Resistance The focus of this study was to investigate the possible causes of the resistance, its prevalence, and ways of dealing with the problem.
  • HIV Prevention in Youth: Public Health Campaign Interprofessional collaboration is reported to have a positive impact on HIV prevention, to promote the spread of data, and to support the efforts of the public health professionals in the process of work with the […]
  • Act Up Movement for Surviving HIV/AIDS Plague AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power is a movement advocating for the improvement of the lives of people with HIV/AIDS and calling for legislation, research, and treatment to eliminate the disease.
  • HIV/AIDS Activism in “How to Survive a Plague” The main parties involved in the process of the social construction of AIDS in the USA were the activists, policymakers, and the media.
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention by Anti-Retroviral Drugs Thus, the research became the breakthrough of the year as it shifted the previous misconceptions about HIV/AIDS prevention by proving the effectiveness of ARVs in reducing transmission.
  • The Impact of AIDS and Reasons Behind the Outbreak One of the facts about AIDS is that it occurs as a result of the weakening of the body’s immune system by the HIV virus.
  • AIDS in New York in “How to Survive a Plague” Film The media started to give coverage to this problem when the activists decided to demand the government to develop new drugs or to change the process of AIDS drug approval.
  • ”The Cure for AIDS” by Apoorva Mandavilli and Various Ethical Issues It is correct to argue that there has been some achievement in fighting this disease, and the author of this article confirms that there has never been a positive development except for the invention of […]
  • Legal Ethics, Patients’ Rights, and HIV/AIDS In this case, being the head health administrator at the USA Community Hospital implies that I have to pay vehement attention to the compliance of the procedures with the safety regulations and minimize the frequency […]
  • HIV/AIDS as a Communicable Disease Drawing from a study by Ngatchou, the choice of the word human is linked to the fact that the virus only causes disease in human beings.
  • Ancillary Services for HIV/AIDS Patients
  • HIV/AIDS Patients: Legal Ethics and Patient Rights
  • Medicine: HIV/ AIDS Campaign Slogan
  • Medicine: HIV/AIDS as the Key Threat for the Kenyan Population
  • HIV and AIDS in Kenya
  • HIV/AIDS in Kenya: Evaluation Plan
  • Health Promotion Program HIV/AIDS in Kenya
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  • Published: 24 November 2021

A study of awareness on HIV/AIDS among adolescents: A Longitudinal Study on UDAYA data

  • Shobhit Srivastava   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7138-4916 1 ,
  • Shekhar Chauhan   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6926-7649 2 ,
  • Ratna Patel   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5371-7369 3 &
  • Pradeep Kumar   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-4259-820X 1  

Scientific Reports volume  11 , Article number:  22841 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

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  • Health care
  • Health services
  • Public health

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) poses a severe challenge to healthcare and is a significant public health issue worldwide. This study intends to examine the change in the awareness level of HIV among adolescents. Furthermore, this study examined the factors associated with the change in awareness level on HIV-related information among adolescents over the period. Data used for this study were drawn from Understanding the lives of adolescents and young adults, a longitudinal survey on adolescents aged 10–19 in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The present study utilized a sample of 4421 and 7587 unmarried adolescent boys and girls, respectively aged 10–19 years in wave-1 and wave-2. Descriptive analysis and t-test and proportion test were done to observe changes in certain selected variables from wave-1 (2015–2016) to wave-2 (2018–2019). Moreover, random effect regression analysis was used to estimate the association of change in HIV awareness among unmarried adolescents with household and individual factors. The percentage of adolescent boys who had awareness regarding HIV increased from 38.6% in wave-1 to 59.9% in wave-2. Among adolescent girls, the percentage increased from 30.2 to 39.1% between wave-1 & wave-2. With the increase in age and years of schooling, the HIV awareness increased among adolescent boys ([Coef: 0.05; p  < 0.01] and [Coef: 0.04; p  < 0.01]) and girls ([Coef: 0.03; p  < 0.01] and [Coef: 0.04; p  < 0.01]), respectively. The adolescent boys [Coef: 0.06; p  < 0.05] and girls [Coef: 0.03; p  < 0.05] who had any mass media exposure were more likely to have an awareness of HIV. Adolescent boys' paid work status was inversely associated with HIV awareness [Coef: − 0.01; p  < 0.10]. Use of internet among adolescent boys [Coef: 0.18; p  < 0.01] and girls [Coef: 0.14; p  < 0.01] was positively associated with HIV awareness with reference to their counterparts. There is a need to intensify efforts in ensuring that information regarding HIV should reach vulnerable sub-groups, as outlined in this study. It is important to mobilize the available resources to target the less educated and poor adolescents, focusing on rural adolescents.

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Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) poses a severe challenge to healthcare and is a significant public health issue worldwide. So far, HIV has claimed almost 33 million lives; however, off lately, increasing access to HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care has enabled people living with HIV to lead a long and healthy life 1 . By the end of 2019, an estimated 38 million people were living with HIV 1 . More so, new infections fell by 39 percent, and HIV-related deaths fell by almost 51 percent between 2000 and 2019 1 . Despite all the positive news related to HIV, the success story is not the same everywhere; HIV varies between region, country, and population, where not everyone is able to access HIV testing and treatment and care 1 . HIV/AIDS holds back economic growth by destroying human capital by predominantly affecting adolescents and young adults 2 .

There are nearly 1.2 billion adolescents (10–19 years) worldwide, which constitute 18 percent of the world’s population, and in some countries, adolescents make up as much as one-fourth of the population 3 . In India, adolescents comprise more than one-fifth (21.8%) of the total population 4 . Despite a decline projection for the adolescent population in India 5 , there is a critical need to hold adolescents as adolescence is characterized as a period when peer victimization/pressure on psychosocial development is noteworthy 6 . Peer victimization/pressure is further linked to risky sexual behaviours among adolescents 7 , 8 . A higher proportion of low literacy in the Indian population leads to a low level of awareness of HIV/AIDS 9 . Furthermore, the awareness of HIV among adolescents is quite alarming 10 , 11 , 12 .

Unfortunately, there is a shortage of evidence on what predicts awareness of HIV among adolescents. Almost all the research in India is based on beliefs, attitudes, and awareness of HIV among adolescents 2 , 12 . However, few other studies worldwide have examined mass media as a strong predictor of HIV awareness among adolescents 13 . Mass media is an effective channel to increase an individuals’ knowledge about sexual health and improve understanding of facilities related to HIV prevention 14 , 15 . Various studies have outlined other factors associated with the increasing awareness of HIV among adolescents, including; age 16 , 17 , 18 , occupation 18 , education 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , sex 16 , place of residence 16 , marital status 16 , and household wealth index 16 .

Several community-based studies have examined awareness of HIV among Indian adolescents 2 , 10 , 12 , 20 , 21 , 22 . However, studies investigating awareness of HIV among adolescents in a larger sample size remained elusive to date, courtesy of the unavailability of relevant data. Furthermore, no study in India had ever examined awareness of HIV among adolescents utilizing information on longitudinal data. To the author’s best knowledge, this is the first study in the Indian context with a large sample size that examines awareness of HIV among adolescents and combines information from a longitudinal survey. Therefore, this study intends to examine the change in the awareness level of HIV among adolescents. Furthermore, this study examined the factors associated with a change in awareness level on HIV-related information among adolescents over the period.

Data and methods

Data used for this study were drawn from Understanding the lives of adolescents and young adults (UDAYA), a longitudinal survey on adolescents aged 10–19 in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh 23 . The first wave was conducted in 2015–2016, and the follow-up survey was conducted after three years in 2018–2019 23 . The survey provides the estimates for state and the sample of unmarried boys and girls aged 10–19 and married girls aged 15–19. The study adopted a systematic, multi-stage stratified sampling design to draw sample areas independently for rural and urban areas. 150 primary sampling units (PSUs)—villages in rural areas and census wards in urban areas—were selected in each state, using the 2011 census list of villages and wards as the sampling frame. In each primary sampling unit (PSU), households to be interviewed were selected by systematic sampling. More details about the study design and sampling procedure have been published elsewhere 23 . Written consent was obtained from the respondents in both waves. In wave 1 (2015–2016), 20,594 adolescents were interviewed using the structured questionnaire with a response rate of 92%.

Moreover, in wave 2 (2018–2019), the study interviewed the participants who were successfully interviewed in 2015–2016 and who consented to be re-interviewed 23 . Of the 20,594 eligible for the re-interview, the survey re-interviewed 4567 boys and 12,251 girls (married and unmarried). After excluding the respondents who gave an inconsistent response to age and education at the follow-up survey (3%), the final follow-up sample covered 4428 boys and 11,864 girls with the follow-up rate of 74% for boys and 81% for girls. The effective sample size for the present study was 4421 unmarried adolescent boys aged 10–19 years in wave-1 and wave-2. Additionally, 7587 unmarried adolescent girls aged 10–19 years were interviewed in wave-1 and wave-2 23 . The cases whose follow-up was lost were excluded from the sample to strongly balance the dataset and set it for longitudinal analysis using xtset command in STATA 15. The survey questionnaire is available at https://dataverse.harvard.edu/file.xhtml?fileId=4163718&version=2.0 & https://dataverse.harvard.edu/file.xhtml?fileId=4163720&version=2.0 .

Outcome variable

HIV awareness was the outcome variable for this study, which is dichotomous. The question was asked to the adolescents ‘Have you heard of HIV/AIDS?’ The response was recorded as yes and no.

Exposure variables

The predictors for this study were selected based on previous literature. These were age (10–19 years at wave 1, continuous variable), schooling (continuous), any mass media exposure (no and yes), paid work in the last 12 months (no and yes), internet use (no and yes), wealth index (poorest, poorer, middle, richer, and richest), religion (Hindu and Non-Hindu), caste (Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Class, and others), place of residence (urban and rural), and states (Uttar Pradesh and Bihar).

Exposure to mass media (how often they read newspapers, listened to the radio, and watched television; responses on the frequencies were: almost every day, at least once a week, at least once a month, rarely or not at all; adolescents were considered to have any exposure to mass media if they had exposure to any of these sources and as having no exposure if they responded with ‘not at all’ for all three sources of media) 24 . Household wealth index based on ownership of selected durable goods and amenities with possible scores ranging from 0 to 57; households were then divided into quintiles, with the first quintile representing households of the poorest wealth status and the fifth quintile representing households with the wealthiest status 25 .

Statistical analysis

Descriptive analysis was done to observe the characteristics of unmarried adolescent boys and girls at wave-1 (2015–2016). In addition, the changes in certain selected variables were observed from wave-1 (2015–2016) to wave-2 (2018–2019), and the significance was tested using t-test and proportion test 26 , 27 . Moreover, random effect regression analysis 28 , 29 was used to estimate the association of change in HIV awareness among unmarried adolescents with household factors and individual factors. The random effect model has a specific benefit for the present paper's analysis: its ability to estimate the effect of any variable that does not vary within clusters, which holds for household variables, e.g., wealth status, which is assumed to be constant for wave-1 and wave-2 30 .

Table 1 represents the socio-economic profile of adolescent boys and girls. The estimates are from the baseline dataset, and it was assumed that none of the household characteristics changed over time among adolescent boys and girls.

Figure  1 represents the change in HIV awareness among adolescent boys and girls. The percentage of adolescent boys who had awareness regarding HIV increased from 38.6% in wave-1 to 59.9% in wave-2. Among adolescent girls, the percentage increased from 30.2% in wave-1 to 39.1% in wave-2.

figure 1

The percenate of HIV awareness among adolescent boys and girls, wave-1 (2015–2016) and wave-2 (2018–2019).

Table 2 represents the summary statistics for explanatory variables used in the analysis of UDAYA wave-1 and wave-2. The exposure to mass media is almost universal for adolescent boys, while for adolescent girls, it increases to 93% in wave-2 from 89.8% in wave-1. About 35.3% of adolescent boys were engaged in paid work during wave-1, whereas in wave-II, the share dropped to 33.5%, while in the case of adolescent girls, the estimates are almost unchanged. In wave-1, about 27.8% of adolescent boys were using the internet, while in wave-2, there is a steep increase of nearly 46.2%. Similarly, in adolescent girls, the use of the internet increased from 7.6% in wave-1 to 39.3% in wave-2.

Table 3 represents the estimates from random effects for awareness of HIV among adolescent boys and girls. It was found that with the increases in age and years of schooling the HIV awareness increased among adolescent boys ([Coef: 0.05; p  < 0.01] and [Coef: 0.04; p  < 0.01]) and girls ([Coef: 0.03; p  < 0.01] and [Coef: 0.04; p  < 0.01]), respectively. The adolescent boys [Coef: 0.06; p  < 0.05] and girls [Coef: 0.03; p  < 0.05] who had any mass media exposure were more likely to have an awareness of HIV in comparison to those who had no exposure to mass media. Adolescent boys' paid work status was inversely associated with HIV awareness about adolescent boys who did not do paid work [Coef: − 0.01; p  < 0.10]. Use of the internet among adolescent boys [Coef: 0.18; p  < 0.01] and girls [Coef: 0.14; p  < 0.01] was positively associated with HIV awareness in reference to their counterparts.

The awareness regarding HIV increases with the increase in household wealth index among both adolescent boys and girls. The adolescent girls from the non-Hindu household had a lower likelihood to be aware of HIV in reference to adolescent girls from Hindu households [Coef: − 0.09; p  < 0.01]. Adolescent girls from non-SC/ST households had a higher likelihood of being aware of HIV in reference to adolescent girls from other caste households [Coef: 0.04; p  < 0.01]. Adolescent boys [Coef: − 0.03; p  < 0.01] and girls [Coef: − 0.09; p  < 0.01] from a rural place of residence had a lower likelihood to be aware about HIV in reference to those from the urban place of residence. Adolescent boys [Coef: 0.04; p  < 0.01] and girls [Coef: 0.02; p  < 0.01] from Bihar had a higher likelihood to be aware about HIV in reference to those from Uttar Pradesh.

This is the first study of its kind to address awareness of HIV among adolescents utilizing longitudinal data in two indian states. Our study demonstrated that the awareness of HIV has increased over the period; however, it was more prominent among adolescent boys than in adolescent girls. Overall, the knowledge on HIV was relatively low, even during wave-II. Almost three-fifths (59.9%) of the boys and two-fifths (39.1%) of the girls were aware of HIV. The prevalence of awareness on HIV among adolescents in this study was lower than almost all of the community-based studies conducted in India 10 , 11 , 22 . A study conducted in slums in Delhi has found almost similar prevalence (40% compared to 39.1% during wave-II in this study) of awareness of HIV among adolescent girls 31 . The difference in prevalence could be attributed to the difference in methodology, study population, and study area.

The study found that the awareness of HIV among adolescent boys has increased from 38.6 percent in wave-I to 59.9 percent in wave-II; similarly, only 30.2 percent of the girls had an awareness of HIV during wave-I, which had increased to 39.1 percent. Several previous studies corroborated the finding and noticed a higher prevalence of awareness on HIV among adolescent boys than in adolescent girls 16 , 32 , 33 , 34 . However, a study conducted in a different setting noticed a higher awareness among girls than in boys 35 . Also, a study in the Indian context failed to notice any statistical differences in HIV knowledge between boys and girls 18 . Gender seems to be one of the significant determinants of comprehensive knowledge of HIV among adolescents. There is a wide gap in educational attainment among male and female adolescents, which could be attributed to lower awareness of HIV among girls in this study. Higher peer victimization among adolescent boys could be another reason for higher awareness of HIV among them 36 . Also, cultural double standards placed on males and females that encourage males to discuss HIV/AIDS and related sexual matters more openly and discourage or even restrict females from discussing sexual-related issues could be another pertinent factor of higher awareness among male adolescents 33 . Behavioural interventions among girls could be an effective way to improving knowledge HIV related information, as seen in previous study 37 . Furthermore, strengthening school-community accountability for girls' education would augment school retention among girls and deliver HIV awareness to girls 38 .

Similar to other studies 2 , 10 , 17 , 18 , 39 , 40 , 41 , age was another significant determinant observed in this study. Increasing age could be attributed to higher education which could explain better awareness with increasing age. As in other studies 18 , 39 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , education was noted as a significant driver of awareness of HIV among adolescents in this study. Higher education might be associated with increased probability of mass media and internet exposure leading to higher awareness of HIV among adolescents. A study noted that school is one of the important factors in raising the awareness of HIV among adolescents, which could be linked to higher awareness among those with higher education 47 , 48 . Also, schooling provides adolescents an opportunity to improve their social capital, leading to increased awareness of HIV.

Following previous studies 18 , 40 , 46 , the current study also outlines a higher awareness among urban adolescents than their rural counterparts. One plausible reason for lower awareness among adolescents in rural areas could be limited access to HIV prevention information 16 . Moreover, rural–urban differences in awareness of HIV could also be due to differences in schooling, exposure to mass media, and wealth 44 , 45 . The household's wealth status was also noted as a significant predictor of awareness of HIV among adolescents. Corroborating with previous findings 16 , 33 , 42 , 49 , this study reported a higher awareness among adolescents from richer households than their counterparts from poor households. This could be because wealthier families can afford mass-media items like televisions and radios for their children, which, in turn, improves awareness of HIV among adolescents 33 .

Exposure to mass media and internet access were also significant predictors of higher awareness of HIV among adolescents. This finding agrees with several previous research, and almost all the research found a positive relationship between mass-media exposure and awareness of HIV among adolescents 10 . Mass media addresses such topics more openly and in a way that could attract adolescents’ attention is the plausible reason for higher awareness of HIV among those having access to mass media and the internet 33 . Improving mass media and internet usage, specifically among rural and uneducated masses, would bring required changes. Integrating sexual education into school curricula would be an important means of imparting awareness on HIV among adolescents; however, this is debatable as to which standard to include the required sexual education in the Indian schooling system. Glick (2009) thinks that the syllabus on sexual education might be included during secondary schooling 44 . Another study in the Indian context confirms the need for sex education for adolescents 50 , 51 .

Limitations and strengths of the study

The study has several limitations. At first, the awareness of HIV was measured with one question only. Given that no study has examined awareness of HIV among adolescents using longitudinal data, this limitation is not a concern. Second, the study findings cannot be generalized to the whole Indian population as the study was conducted in only two states of India. However, the two states selected in this study (Uttar Pradesh and Bihar) constitute almost one-fourth of India’s total population. Thirdly, the estimates were provided separately for boys and girls and could not be presented combined. However, the data is designed to provide estimates separately for girls and boys. The data had information on unmarried boys and girls and married girls; however, data did not collect information on married boys. Fourthly, the study estimates might have been affected by the recall bias. Since HIV is a sensitive topic, the possibility of respondents modifying their responses could not be ruled out. Hawthorne effect, respondents, modifying aspect of their behaviour in response, has a role to play in HIV related study 52 . Despite several limitations, the study has specific strengths too. This is the first study examining awareness of HIV among adolescent boys and girls utilizing longitudinal data. The study was conducted with a large sample size as several previous studies were conducted in a community setting with a minimal sample size 10 , 12 , 18 , 20 , 53 .

The study noted a higher awareness among adolescent boys than in adolescent girls. Specific predictors of high awareness were also noted in the study, including; higher age, higher education, exposure to mass media, internet use, household wealth, and urban residence. Based on the study findings, this study has specific suggestions to improve awareness of HIV among adolescents. There is a need to intensify efforts in ensuring that information regarding HIV should reach vulnerable sub-groups as outlined in this study. It is important to mobilize the available resources to target the less educated and poor adolescents, focusing on rural adolescents. Investment in education will help, but it would be a long-term solution; therefore, public information campaigns could be more useful in the short term.

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This paper was written using data collected as part of Population Council’s UDAYA study, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. No additional funds were received for the preparation of the paper.

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Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Survey Research & Data Analytics, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India

Shobhit Srivastava & Pradeep Kumar

Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Family and Generations, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India

Shekhar Chauhan

Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Public Health and Mortality Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, India

Ratna Patel

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Conception and design of the study: S.S. and P.K.; analysis and/or interpretation of data: P.K. and S.S.; drafting the manuscript: S.C., and R.P.; reading and approving the manuscript: S.S., P.K., S.C. and R.P.

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Correspondence to Pradeep Kumar .

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Srivastava, S., Chauhan, S., Patel, R. et al. A study of awareness on HIV/AIDS among adolescents: A Longitudinal Study on UDAYA data. Sci Rep 11 , 22841 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02090-9

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Received : 05 June 2021

Accepted : 29 September 2021

Published : 24 November 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-02090-9

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Mariam Saad, M.D. Surgical Revision Rates Following Breast Reconstruction for Breast Cancer Across Payor Type
Megan Shroder, M.D. Making a Difficult Decision Easy: Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Recurrent Diverticulitis
Jacen Wilder Criminal Justice Involvement Risk and Protective Factors for LGB Young Adults
Kaleb Wolfe, M.D. Assessing Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Breakpoint Use in Tennessee
Joshua Woods Information needs of rural and Black Tennesseans eligible for inherited cancer genetic testing: Qualitatively informed policy
David Xiao, M.D. Assessing the Transportability of Radiomic Features for Pulmonary Nodule Diagnostic Models
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2021 Thesis Topics

Bentley Akoko, M.D. HIV-related stigma and psychological distress in a cohort of patients receiving anti retroviral therapy in Nigeria
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Laura Baum, M.D. Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms, Financial Toxicity, and Health-Related Quality-of-Life in Caregivers and Young Adult Patients with New Cancer Diagnoses
Wubishet Belay, M.D. Secondary Prophylaxis for Rheumatic Heart Disease in Ethiopia
Ryan Belcher, M.D. The Demographics and Trends of Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate Born in the State of Tennessee from 2000-2017
Mary-Margaret Fill, M.D. The Impact of Electronic Laboratory Reporting on Public Health Communicable Disease Surveillance in Tennessee
Chloe Hurley Advanced Practice Providers Improve Quality: Accountable Care Organizations Enrolled in the Medicare Shared Savings Program
Wali Johnson, M.D. The Impact of Social Determinants on Abdominal Solid Organ Transplant Wait-Lists
Ali Manouchehri, M.D. Cardiovascular toxicities associated with Ponatinib:
a pharmacovigilance study
Mina Nordness, M.D. The Impact of Surgery and Anesthesia on the Development of Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementia (ADRD) after Injury
Allan Peetz, M.D. Resuscitating the Dying Donation: A Qualitative Analysis of Trauma Surgeons’ Resuscitation Practices
India Pungarcher A Descriptive Analysis of Caseworker Status Among People Experiencing Homelessness in Nashville, Tennessee
Milner Staub, M.D. Veteran satisfaction and expectations for antibiotics in outpatient upper respiratory tract infections
Lindsay Sternad, M.D. Parental Primary Language, Access to Care, and Developmental Delays in Neonates
Bo Stubblefield, M.D. COVID-19 Surveillance Among Frontline Healthcare Personnel
Teris Taylor Prenatal Care Use Among Women in the 2017-2019 National Survey of Family Growth
Victoria Umutoni The association between smoking and anal human papillomavirus in the HPV in Men Study
Jasmine Walker, M.D., M.A.T. Early Impact of MISSION Act on Utilization of Veterans Affairs Transplant Centers
Ni Ketut Wilmayani, M.D., M.B.B.S. Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescriptions in United States Hospital Emergency Departments, 2011-2018

2020 Thesis Topics

Amanda Abraham Impact of Food Insecurity on Engagement in HIV Care for Female vs. Male Head of Household
Justin Banerdt Delirium Prevalence and Outcomes at a Resourced-Limited Referral Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia
Edson Bernardo, M.D. Estimation of Levels and Patterns of Migration among People Living with HIV in the District of Manhiça, Southern Rural Mozambique
Sean Bloos Retrospective Multi-Center Cohort Study Comparing Timeliness of Emergency Department Care in Younger Versus Older Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Evan Butler The Impact of Rural Hospital Closures on Local Economies
Keerti Dantuluri, M.D. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescription among Children Enrolled in Tennessee Medicaid
Gretchen Edwards, M.D. Assessing Quality of Colorectal Cancer Care in a National VA Cohort
Lei Fan, Ph.D., M.D. Magnesium Intake and Opioid Use in the National Health and Nutrition Examination (NHANES) 2005-2016
Mary-Margaret Fill, M.D. The Impact of Electronic Laboratory Reporting on Public Health Communicable Disease Surveillance in Tennessee
Carleigh Frazier Measuring Trust in Biomedical Research: Trust Survey Pilot Study and Validation
Hannah Griffith Changes in Time to First Occurrence of Otitis Media in Young Children in Tennessee and Associated Antibiotic Prescriptions Following the Introduction of the 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
Heather Grome, M.D. Association of STI Diagnosis with Incident HIV Diagnosis: A Target for PrEP Intervention
Diane Haddad, M.D. Vertical Integration and Post Acute Care Use after Major Surgery
Sarah Homann, M.D. Select Medication Exposure and Risk of Hip Fracture in Veterans with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Arlyn Horn, Pharm.D. Initial Postpartum Opioid Exposure and Risk of Death Among TN Medicaid Opioid Naive Women: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Peter Hsu, M.D. Provider Network Breadth under the Affordable Care Act Between Marketplace Insurance Plans Versus Medicaid Managed Care Plans
Tamee Livermont The Effect of Substance Use on Postpartum Contraception
Alexandria Luu Traditional Healers as a Treatment Partner for PLHIV in Rural Mozambique
Muna Muday Engaging with the Community: Exploring Community Development and Program Evaluation in the Context of Health Promotion
Harriett Myers Improving Child Diet Quality through a Family-Based Behavioral Intervention for Childhood Obesity
Madelynne Myers Antipsychotic Usage and Prescribing Patterns amongst the Med-SHEDS Population Diagnosed with Dementia
Katelyn Neely, M.D. Genotype and Adverse Events During Citalopram, Escitalopram and Sertraline Treatment in Children and Adolescents
Allan Peetz, M.D. Resuscitating the Dead: A Qualitative Analysis of Trauma Surgeons’ Resuscitation Decisions for Organ Preservation
Varvara Probst, M.D. AdV Detection Alone vs. AdV Co-detected with Other Respiratory Viruses in Children with Acute Respiratory Illnesses
Sarah Rachal A Longitudinal Analysis of Relationships between Neighborhood Context and Underserved Children’s Sedentary Behavior in a Rapidly Growing City
Sonya Reid, M.B.B.S. The Role of Tumor Biology in Bridging the Survival Disparity Gap in Young Black Women with Breast Cancer
Emmanuel Sackey, M.B.Ch.B. Cervical Cancer Screening History of Davidson County Women, 2008 – 2018
Emily Sedillo Contraception and Unplanned Pregnancies in Migori County, Kenya
Sadie Sommer Comparative Review of Maternal Mortality
Fatima Yadudu Prevalence of Febrile Seizures in children between 6 and 60 months from Northern Nigeria

2019 Thesis Topics

Ben Acheampong, M.B.Ch.B Evaluation of a Miniaturized Handheld Device for Ventricular Structure and Function in Children: A Pilot Study
Jim Barclay Predictors of Increased Post-Training Knowledge among Current and Prospective Members of the HIV Clinical Workforce in the Southeast United States
Morgan Batey A Systematic Review of NCAA Concussion Management Plans
Celso Give If Ebola Were to Happen Tomorrow in Mozambique, Would We be Ready for the Various Ethical Issues Raised in the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2015?
Dei-Tutu, M.D.
Correlating Maternal Iodine Status with Infant Thyroid Function in Two Hospital Settings in Ghana
Jennifer Erves Ph.D. Factors Influencing Parental HPV Vaccine Hesitancy from the Provider and Clinic Level: A Cross-Sectional Study
Djamila Ghafuri, M.D. Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia in Northern Nigeria
David Isaacs, M.D. Longitudinal Outcomes for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease
Sophie Katz, M.D. An Assessment of Pediatric Outpatient Antibiotic Prescriptions Across Tennessee
Tom Klink Predicting Severe Illness using WHO Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) Criteria in a Jordanian Cohort
Delaney Lackey Predictors of late presentation to antenatal care among pregnant women living with HIV in Johannesburg, South Africa
Jennifer Lewis, M.D. A Difference-In-Difference Study of Low-Dose CT Utilization in the VA
Taylor Matherly Development and Assessment of a Mentoring Curriculum for Junior Faculty in Health Sciences at the University of Zambia
Lindsey McKernan, Ph.D. Patient-Centered Treatment for Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome
Andrew Medvecz, M.D. Long Term Outcomes Following Obstruction from Small Bowel Adhesive Disease: Longitudinal Analysis of a Statewide Database
Kelsey Minix What are the Determinants of Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration in a Group of Pregnant Hispanic Women Participating in a Research Study from 10/1/14 – 9/30/16?
Sarah Moroz The Effectiveness of a Brief ACEs Educational Intervention on Low-Income Parents at Risk for Exposing their Children to Harmful Stress
Miller Morris, M.A. Prevalence and Predictors of Interpersonal Violence Against Women in Migori County, Kenya
Didier Mugabe, M.D. Determinants of Self-Report not Receiving HIV Test Results after HIV Testing in Mozambique: Results from a Nationally Representative Survey
Sylvie Muhimpundu Racial Differences in Liver Cancer Risk
Meghana Parikh, V.M.D. Temporal and Genotypic Associations of Sporadic Acute Norovirus Gastroenteritis in an Active Surveillance System Compared to Reported Norovirus Outbreaks in Middle Tennessee
Mariah Pettapiece-Phillips Multidimensional Poverty in Migori County, Kenya: Analysis from a Population-based Household Survey
Nicole Quinones Contraception Choice of Postpartum Women in the 2011-2015 National Survey of Family Growth
Jennifer Robles, M.D. Variation in Urology Post-Operative Opioid Prescription Patterns using a National Veterans Health Administration Cohort
Laura Sartori, M.D. Pneumonia Severity in Children: Reducing Variation in Management Through Analysis of Procalcitonin
Shailja Shah, M.D. The Association of Calcium, Magnesium, and Calcium Magnesium Intakes with Incident Gastric Cancer, a Prospective Cohort Study of the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study
Emily Smith, R.N. The Prevalence of Opioid Use and Factors Contributing to Opioid Therapy Among a Hospitalized Elderly Population
Maggie Smith Gender Differences in Research Participation and the Association with Perceived Health Competence
Kayla Somerville Long-term Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy on Pediatric Cohort in Latin America
Lucy Spalluto, M.D. Assessing the Impact of a Community Health Worker on Hispanic/Latina Women’s Reported Measures of Processes of Care in the Screening Mammography Setting
Jeremy Stelmack Identifying Risk Factors for Opioid Misuse in Employed Populations

2018 Thesis Topics

Rachel Apple, M.D. Relationship Between Weight Trajectory and Health-Related Quality of Life Among a General Adult Population
Sade Arinze, M.D. Immunodeficiency at the Start of Combination Antiretroviral Therapy: Data from Zambézia Province, Mozambique
Beto Arriola Vigo, M.D. Qualitative Analysis: Community Involvement in the new model of care during Mental Health Reform in Peru
Shawna Bellew, M.D. Prospective Evaluation of Indications for Obtaining Pneumococcal and Legionella Urinary Antigen Tests in Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia
Sydney Broadhead High Competition and Low Premiums—Key Components of the ACA’s Narrow Physician Networks
Emily Castellanos, M.D. Health Literacy and Healthcare Use in the Southern Community Cohort Study
Heather Ewing Knowledge of Tuberculosis is Associated with Greater Expression of Stigma in Brazil
Erin Gillaspie, M.D. Tumor Response in Patients with Advanced Stage Lung Cancer Treated with Immunotherapy
Birdie Hutton Evaluation of behavioral, environmental and genetic risk factors for gastric cancer: a population-based study in Central America
Chelsea Isom, M.D. Does Increased Arachidonic Acid Levels Lead to an Increased Risk for Colorectal Adenoma?
Justin Liberman, M.D. Post-Discharge Opioid Prescriptions and Their Association with Healthcare Utilization in the VICS Cohort
Salesio Macuacua, M.D. Assessment of the Determinants of Non-adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy during Pregnancy in the District of Manhiça, Mozambique
Adoma Manful Latent TB Among Refugees in Middle Tennessee
Cassie Oliver Substance Use and Post-Partum Retention in Care among Women with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in Prenatal Care at the Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic, 1999-2016
Mindy Pike Effects of Social Support on Physical and Mental Quality of Life in Heart Failure Patients: The Vanderbilt Inpatient Cohort Study (VICS)
Juanita Prieto Garcia, M.D. Determinants of Full Immunization in Children under Five Years Old in the Rongo Sub-County of Migori County, Kenya
J.W. Randolph Addressing Parenting Related Adverse Childhood Experiences (‘PRACES’) in the Pediatric Primary Care Setting
Lauren Sanlorenzo, M.D. Identifying Severe Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Among Polysubstance Exposed Infants
Joey Starnes Reduction in Under-Five Mortality in the Rongo Sub-County of Migori County, Kenya: Experience of the Lwala Community Alliance 2007-2017 with Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Survey
Rui Wang, M.Ed. Risk Factors for Depression among Women in Rural Western Kenya and
Implications for Designing Future Surveys
Hannah Weber Food Insecurity Among Older Adults

2017 Thesis Topics

Julia Allen Diabetes Services Utilization under the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion: Evidence from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Frances Anderson Evaluation of the Minnesota TB Screening Program: Immigrants and Refugees with TB Class conditions Arriving in the State of Minnesota, 2012-2014
Jimmy Carlucci, M.D. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Malaria among Children in Zambezia Province, Mozambique
Alaina Davis, M.D. Depression and Medication Non-Adherence in Childhood-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Cherie Fathy Ophthalmologist Age and Patient Complaints
Grace Fletcher Maternal Conception of Gestational Weight Gain Among Latinas: A Qualitative Study
Sarah Greenberg Evaluation of the Home Health Market: Impact of Chain Status on Quality Care
Aamer Imdad, M.B.B.S. Pathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) As Cause Of Acute, Moderate To Severe Gastroenteritis In A Geographically Defined Pediatric Population In Colombia, South America. A Case Control Study
Kailey Lewis Variation in Tennessee Outpatient Antibiotic Prescribing by County of Practice and Provider Specialty in 2013
Katie McGinnis An Exploratory Investigation Into Parent/Caregiver and Hospital Staff Perceptions About Children and Families’ Psychosocial Needs and Hospital Experiences in Two Kenyan Children’s Hospitals
Rany Octaria, M.D. Using Administrative and Surveillance Data to Target Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Response and Prevention Strategies in Tennessee
Ezequiel Ossemane Assessment of Guardians’ One-Day Recall of Elements of Informed Consent to a Mozambican Study of Pediatric Bacteremia
Caroline Presley, M.D. Validation of an Algorithm to Identify Heart Failure Hospitalization and Retrospective Assessment of Frailty Status
Jason Pryor, M.D. Pregnancy Intention and Maternal Alcohol Consumption
Markus Renno, M.D. Toward High-Value Utilization of Pediatric Echocardiography: Foundations for a Robust Quality Improvement Initiative
Kidane Amare Sarko Influence of HIV Status Disclosure on Facility-based Delivery and Postpartum Retention of Mothers in a Prevention Clinical Trial in Rural Nigeria
Cassie Smith Evaluating the Frequency and Dispersion of ACOs with Multiple Payer Contracts
Shanel Tage Determinants of Breastfeeding Self Efficacy Among Mexican Immigrant Women
Grace Umutesi Evaluation of the Impact of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak on the Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Surveillance Programs of Guinea and Liberia
Christopher Wahlfeld, Ph.D. HIV Rapid Diagnostic Test Inventories in Zambézia Province, Mozambique: A Tale of Two Test Kits
Katherine Watson, M.D. Measuring Health Literacy in Parents of Young Children

2016 Thesis Topics

Lealani Acosta, M.D. Error Frequency in Category Fluency in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Jillian Balser Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Long-term Outcomes in Vulnerable Populations: Retrospective Analysis
Mary Bayham Predictors of Healthcare Utilization Among Children 6-59 months in Zambezia Province, Mozambique
Angela Boehmer, R.N. Patient and Clinician Satisfaction with Task Shifting of Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission (PMTCT) Services in rural North-Central Nigeria
Mariu Carlo, M.D. Executive Function, Depression, and Mental Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors of Critical Illness
Erin Graves, R.N. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) outcomes in Zambézia, Mozambique
Erin Hamilton Evaluation of a School Nutrition Education and Fruit Delivery Intervention in Santiago, Chile
Bryan Harris, M.D. Preventing Infection-Related Ventilator-Associated Complications
Jessica Hinshaw Food Security and Dietary Diversity of a Peri-urban Community in Nicaragua
Savannah Hurt Pediatric Perioperative Mortality Rates in a Sample of Urban Kenyan Hospitals
Mary Allyson Lowry, M.D. An Innovative Mucosal Impedance Device Differentiates Active Eosinophilic Esophagitis From Inactive Disease, Nerd, and Controls
Joseph Maloney Microenterprise in Croix-des-bouquets, Haiti: Program Evaluation to Evaluate Affects on Poverty and Health
Brett Norman, M.D. 30-day Readmission Rates Associated with Survivors of Severe Sepsis
Bhinnata Piya An Early Impact Assessment of Health Systems Strengthening Initiatives on Tuberculosis Outcomes: A 6 Month Prospective Cohort Study in Southeast Liberia
Nicholas Richardson, D.O. Adverse Health Outcomes of Contemporary Survivors of Childhood & Adolescent Hodgkin Lymphoma
Caitlin Ridgewell Prematurity as a mitigating factor in the relationship of adverse family events and adolescent depression: Analysis of the 2011/2012 National Survey of Children’s Health
Althea Robinson-Shelton, M.D. Problem Behaviors in Pediatric Narcolepsy
Emily Sheldon Strategic Planning with the Turner Family Center for Social Ventures at Vanderbilt University
Shellese Shemwell Vaccine and Vitamin A Compliance in Children Ages 12-13 months in Zambezia Province
Thomas Spain, Jr, M.D. History of Physician Complaints and Risk of Hospital Readmission
Krystal Tsosie, M.A. Epidemiology of Essential Hypertension and Uterine Fibroids
Zachary Willis, M.D. Risk Factors for Persistent and Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection among Pediatric Oncology Patients
Jo Ellen Wilson, M.D. Catatonic Signs in Patients with Delirium in the ICU: A nested prospective cohort study
Kathleene Wooldridge, M.D. Social Isolation and Hospital Length of Stay in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure

2015 Thesis Topics

Amma Bosompem, M.S. Evaluation of Treatment Completion Rates for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Refugees in Davidson County
Mary DeAgostino-Kelly Analysis of Sex Differences within the Nutritional Support for Africans Starting Antiretroviral Therapy Study Results
Annabelle de St. Maurice, M.D. Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Tennessee: Regional Differences in Rates, Racial Distribution and Antibiotic Susceptibility
Jay Doss, M.D. A Study of Rheumatoid Arthritis by Serotype in a Clinical Electronic Health Record
Najibah Galadanci, M.B.B.S. Acceptability and Safety of Hydroxyurea for Primary Prevention of Stroke in Children with Sickle Cell Disease in Nigeria
Dupree Hatch, M.D. Endotracheal Intubation Safety and Outcomes in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Caleb Hayes A Focus Group Study on the Barriers to Type 2 Diabetes Self-management among Latinos in Middle Tennessee
Colleen Kiernan, M.D. Utilization of Radioiodine After Thyroid Lobectomy In Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Does it Change Outcomes?
Sahar Kohanim, M.D. Risk Factors and Patterns of Unsolicited Patient Complaints in Ophthalmology: an Analysis of a Large National Patient Complaint Registry
Kristy Kummerow, M.D. Inter-hospital Transfer for Acute Surgical Care: Does Delay Matter?
Paula McIntyre, M.S. Multidimensional Poverty in Dominican Bateyes: A Metric for Targeting Public Health Interventions
Alicia Morgans, M.D. Patient-Centered Treatment Decision-Making in Advanced Prostate Cancer
Thomas O’Lynnger, M.D. Standardizing the Initial and ICU Management of Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Improves Outcomes at Discharge: A Pre- and Post-Implementation Comparison Study
Cristin Quinn Changes in the Comprehensiveness of Care Provided at HIV Care and Treatment Programs in the IeDEA Collaboration from 2009 to 2014
Scott Revey, M.A. Women’s Agency in Rural Mozambique: Multidimensional Poverty and The Decision to Bear Children
Katie Rizzone, M.D. Development of a Survey to Study Sports Specialization and Injury Risk in College Athletes
Elizabeth Rose, M.Ed. Determinants of undernutrition among children aged 6 to 59 months in rural Zambézia Province, Mozambique: Results of a population-based cross-sectional survey
Jay Shah, D.O. Association Between Disease Activity and Fatigue in Adolescents with Crohn’s Disease
Ebele Umeukeje, M.B.B.S. Increasing Autonomous Motivation in End Stage Renal Disease to Enhance Phosphate Binder Adherence
Andrew Wu Incidence and Risk Factors for Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Human Metapneumovirus Infections Among Children in the Remote Highlands of Peru

2014 Thesis Topics

Jay Bala Diagnostic trends in rural health clinics in Southern, Zambia, 2003-2009: Informatics for clinic data management
Imani Brown Positive prevention in Zambézia province, Mozambique: How effective/useful is the messaging?
Charlotte Buehler, M.S. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to examine spatial patterns and clustering of HIV knowledge withing three districts of Zambézia Province, Mozambique
Lanla Conteh, M.D. Radiologic-Histologic concordance for hepatocellular carcinoma: comparing lesions treated with locoregional therapy versus untreated lesions
Liz Dancel, M.D. Acculturation and Infant Feeding Styles in a Latino Population: Results from an Ongoing Randomized Controlled Trial of Obesity Prevention
Eileen Duggan, M.D. Patterns of Care, Outcomes and Healthcare Utilization for Patients with Perforated Appendicitis at Children’s Hospitals
Laura Edwards Evaluation of a health management mentoring program in rural Mozambique: successes and challenges of year one of implementation
Ditah Fausta, M.D. Pharmacogenomics of Anti-Retroviral Drug-Induced Hepatoxicity
Monique Foster, M.D. Prevalence of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Analysis of Classical and Non-Classical Virulence Factors
Oliver Gunter, M.D. Teaching Status is Associated with Early Postoperative Complications in Emergency Abdominal Operations
Bill Heerman, M.D. Parent Health Literacy and Injury Prevention Behaviors for Infants
Angela Horton-Henderson, M.D. Predictors of Acute Care Transfers from Inpatient Rehabilitation
Jessica Islam Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Cervical Cancer and the HPV Vaccine in a Cohort of Bangladeshi Women
Yaa Kumah-Crystal, M.D., M.A. Technology Use for Self-Management Problem Solving in Adolescent Diabetes and its Relationship to Hba1C
Chrispine Moyo, M.B.Ch.B. WHO 2007 Policy Recommendation to Initiate Anti-Retroviral Therapy with Tenofovir instead of Stavudine: Implementation Status in Zambia and 12-months Outcome Evaluation
Elizabeth Murphy Youth Violence Prevention in the Sierra Region of Chiapas, Mexico; Identifying Relevant Positive Youth Development Approaches to Promote Healthy Relationships
Christopher Nyirenda, M.B.Ch.B. Plasma Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Zambian Adults with HIV/AIDS: Relation to Dietary Intake and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Colby Passaro MSM HIV/Syphilis Testing and Sexual Risk Behaviors at a Lima CBO: A Cross-Sectional Retrospective Study
Heather Paulin, M.D. Antenatal Care Uptake in Zambézia Province, Mozambique
Matthew Resnick, M.D. Self-referral for Advanced Imaging in Urolithiasis: Implications for Utilization and Quality of Care
Cecelia Theobald, M.D. Improving Quality of Care for Patients Transferred to VUH: Targeting Provider Communication
Christopher Tolleson, M.D. Motor Timing in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Freezing of Gait
Yuri van der Heijden, M.D. Missed Opportunities for Tuberculosis Screening in Pediatric Primary Care
Ellen Zheng, PhD, M.S. HIV infection and related risk factors among men who have sex with men (MSM) with commercial sex activities in China

2013 Thesis Topics

Dwayne Dove, M.D., Ph.D. Neuroimaging Young School-Age Children: Brain Connectivity and Pre-Reading Skills in Kindergarten
Leigh Howard, M.D. A Phase I Study in Healthy Adults to Assess the Safety, Reactogenicity, and Immunogenicity of Influenza A/H5N1 Virus Vaccine Administered With and Without Adjuvant System 03
Eiman Jahangir, M.D. The Socioeconomic and Sociodemographic Determinants to Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension in the Southern Cone
Ashley Karpinos, M.D. Prevalence of Hypertension Among Collegiate Male Athletes
Pat Keegan, M.D. Patterns of Care Regarding Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer
Dzifaa Lotsu, M.D. Role of Omega Fatty Acids in Colorectal Cancer
Andre Marshall, M.D. Socioeconomic Disparities of 30-day Readmissions Following Surgical Treatment of Appendicitis in Children
Leigh Anne Dageforde, M.D. Health Literacy Assessment in Dyads of Primary Support Persons and Patients being Evaluated for Kidney Transplantation
Rebecca Snyder, M.D. Patterns of Care in Perioperative Therapy for Resectable Gastric Cancer
Jose Tique, M.D. Assessing Literacy and Numeracy in Patients with HIV Infection in Mozambique: Validation of the HIV Literacy Test
Eduard Vasilevskis, M.D. Developing a Daily Prediction Model for Acute Brain Dysfunction in Older Patients: A New Tool for Quality Measurement and Improvement
Joshua Warolin, D.O. Factors in Adolescent Weight Gain, a Prospective Cohort
Candice Williams, M.D. Rural Residence and Access to Mental Health Care for Children and Adolescents after a Suicide Attempt
Elizabeth Williams, M.D. Educational Intervention to Improve Acceptance of the Recommended Childhood Vaccine Schedule in Vaccine Hesitant Parents
Jessica Young, M.D. Severe Dysmenorrhea in Adolescence and its Association with Somatization, Mood Symptoms, and Chronic Pain

2012 Thesis Topics

Alex Diamond, D.O. Determining the effects of participation in organized physical activity as a youth on a variety of short as well as long-term patient and societal-oriented outcome measures
Richard Epstein, Ph.D. Sudden cardiac death risk and psychotropic drug use in young women
Jennifer Esbenshade, M.D. Surveillance of influenza shedding in healthcare workers in a pediatric intensive care unit
Sara Horst, M.D. Evaluating a cohort of patients diagnosed with different chronic abdominal pain syndromes as children or adolescents now being evaluated as young adults
Tera Howard, M.D. Health literacy defined as the degree to which patients can obtain, process and understand basic health information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions
Matthew Landman, M.D. Effects of organ allocation strategies in liver transplantation
Christopher Lee, M.D. Development of muscle imaging as a biomarker in amyotropic lateral sclerosis
Alessandro Morandi, M.D. The role of pre-hospital use of statins on delirium and long-term cognitive impairment prevention in critically ill patients
Wesley Self, M.D. Comparing the results of a real-time polymerase chair reaction (PCR) test targeting Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and culture results from purulent material isolated from skin and soft tissue (SST) abscesses
Julia Shelton, M.D. Effects of wound classification on the incidence of abdominal wall incisional hernias
Anees Siddiqui, M.B.B.S. Preventing HIV/AIDS transmission among female sex workers (FSWs)in Nawabshah, Sindh by assessing prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)and knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS transmission
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How to write a hiv research paper.

hiv research paper

Writing an HIV research paper requires extensive research and understanding of the available data. HIV/AIDS is among the most challenging diseases that humankind has ever faced. When pursuing medical studies, a student will most likely be asked to write a research paper about aids. That’s because educators want learners to understand different aspects of this disease and some of the ways to resolve them.

Researching and writing about HIV/AIDS is not easy. A learner has to search books, journals, and magazines that publish content about the disease to get a paper written . A student has to study the available information thoroughly and analyze it before writing an HIV AIDS research paper. And this is not easy because students have lectures to attend and other assignments to complete while writing research papers.

Why Write an HIV Research Paper

Preparation for writing an hiv research paper, how to write a research paper on hiv, topics for hiv papers.

But, research alone is not enough. Learners should also be persuasive in their writing for their papers to stand out and earn them the top grades. Ideally, a learner should present ideas in a way that convinces the reader that they engaged in a thorough research process before composing the paper. If struggling to compose a strong HIV and AIDS research paper, this guide comprises relevant topics and tips that should guide you.

HIV/AIDS is a preventable disease. When implemented properly, prevention intervention can reduce the transmission of this disease. What’s more, people infected with HIV/AIDS can make behavioral changes and improve their health. Such changes can also reduce the risk of infecting others with the disease.

  • When a student engages in research and then writes a paper on HIV AIDS, they learn such aspects of this disease. Ideally, this academic task equips the learner with the knowledge and information required to guide and help people avoid this disease. It also enables them to counsel those living with HIV to lead better lives without transmitting the disease to other people.
  • A student will most likely be required to write a research paper about AIDS and HIV when pursuing medical or social science studies. That’s because they will most likely meet people living with the disease or at a higher risk of infection once they venture into the job market. As such, such people will play a significant role in increasing awareness of the disease once they start working. Some individuals are already working while pursuing their studies. Therefore, this assignment equips them with relevant knowledge that they can apply every day at their workplaces.

The reason you’re reading this article is probably that you’ve been assigned a research paper about HIV. However, you don’t know how to complete this task or even where to start. Although you may find a lot of information on this subject online, there are hardly any guides for writing a research paper about it.

To compose a great AIDS research paper, you need to prepare adequately. Here are the three steps to follow when preparing to write an HIV essay paper.

  • Choose a topic : You’re supposed to write about HIV/AIDS. However, there are many aspects of this disease that you can write about. Therefore, start by selecting a topic for your research paper. For instance, you can write about the effects of HIV on specific demographics. You can also write about the changes the fight against HIV/AIDS has undergone over the years. Ideally, pick a topic you will be comfortable researching and writing about. Also, make sure that your topic is not too narrow or too broad. That’s because an extremely narrow topic will limit you when it comes to the information you can include in your paper. A broader topic will seem shallow because you won’t cover every aspect of it in your paper.
  • Compose a thesis statement : A thesis statement for HIV paper should tell the audience what the paper is about. Your reader should know what to expect in the rest of the paper after reading it in the introduction. Therefore, come up with a clear thesis statement that captures the main theme or idea of your paper. You should compose a thesis statement after conducting preliminary research about your topic.
  • Draft an outline : An HIV paper outline is the skeleton of the entire paper. It shows where the information gathered through research will appear in the paper. Ideally, an outline should help with the organization of your ideas and information in the research paper.

Once you’ve chosen a topic, composed a thesis statement, and outlined your paper, you can now proceed to actual writing.

When writing your research paper, focus on answering the questions that the audience might have after reading your topic. To do this, follow these steps when writing a research paper on HIV AIDS.

  • Research your topic extensively : You can find many online sources, journals, books, and magazines with information about HIV/AIDS. Composing a great paper requires you to research your topic extensively. If you’re writing a concept paper on HIV AIDS, ensure that your message comes out. For instance, you can expound on the epidemiological landscape of the disease. This includes the challenges and history of HIV prevention. After research and learning all you can about the topic, analyze your information and then come up with the main points to present in your paper.
  • Write the introduction : Start by introducing your topic to the audience. Tell them why you chose this particular topic and why it’s worth exploring. Your intro to a paper about HIV can also provide background information. For instance, you can provide statistics that show the impact of the disease on a specific demographic group. Use a relevant hook in the introduction to capture the audiences’ attention and make them want to read the rest of the paper. Also, include your thesis statement in the introduction. That way, your audience will know what your paper is about after reading the introduction. They also decide whether to read the entire paper or some of its sections.
  • Write the body : The body of a research paper on AIDS is where you expound on your main points. For instance, if you want to write about HIV prevention, you can expound on the major prevention measures. Tell your readers what every prevention measure entails and how effective it is. You can include statistics to support your point. Present every point in its paragraph and support it with relevant information.
  • Write the conclusion : Compose a conclusion for your AIDS paper by wrapping up your argument nicely. Remind the audience what you set out to do by restating your thesis statement and then show them how you’ve accomplished your mission. You can also leave the audience with something to think about or suggest ideas for further research on your topic.

Writing your paper will be relatively easy if you follow these steps. However, you should pick a good title for AIDS research paper because this will dictate the direction of your research and writing process.

As hinted, choosing the right topic is very crucial because the title of your paper will influence the direction of your research and writing process. HIV/AIDS is a broad subject with many health research topics that learners can research and write about. Here are sample topics to consider when writing a paper about HIV/AIDS.

  • How the AIDS virus affects the human immune systems
  • How HIV/AIDS compares to most diseases affecting the human DNA
  • The most effective methods for curbing the spread of HIV
  • The origin of the AIDS pandemic
  • Is AIDS a pandemic or epidemic disease?
  • Countries with the highest cases of HIV/AIDS and why
  • Common myths about HIV/AIDS
  • Effects of stigmatization of the people living with HIV/AIDS
  • How governments help HIV/AIDS patients
  • Why pregnant women undergo HIV/AIDS testing
  • How ignorance contributes to the stigmatization of HIV/AIDS patients
  • Strides made by medical researchers towards the prevention and possible cure of HIV/AIDS
  • How misconception of HIV patients affect their lives
  • Common stereotypes about HIV patients in movies
  • Factors that accelerate the spread of HIV in developing countries
  • How a person’s sexual behavior influence their risk of contracting HIV
  • How the struggles of men and women with HIV compare
  • Why the world has a hard time preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS among teenagers
  • HIV prevention measures- How they compare between the UK and the US
  • Common opportunistic illnesses among people with HIV/AIDs

Whether you choose to write an HIV reflection paper or HIV AIDS reaction paper, take your time to conduct extensive research and analyze your information. Also, list down all your sources when researching your topic because you will need them when composing the reference section of the paper. If possible, include in-text citations to help your readers engage in further reading. This will help readers that are interested in a specific aspect of your topic. Also, take your time to research your topic and analyze information before composing your HIV research paper thesis. That way, you will come up with a statement that will reflect what your paper will cover.

discussion section of research paper

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Topics that Interested HIV.gov Blog Readers Most in 2021

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We Can Do This

As 2021 comes to an end, we looked back at the most-viewed blog posts published this year to get a sense of some of the themes that were of particular interest to readers. We published more than 263 posts in 2021 and the blog received over half a million pageviews. Below is a brief review of themes and particular posts that garnered reader interest this year.

Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative

With its goal to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. by 2030, the EHE initiative continues to be a topic of significant reader interest, including these 2021 posts:

  • Details of President Biden’s $670 Million FY22 Budget Request for the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. Initiative
  • Health Centers Provide HIV Services to More than 600,000 People in EHE Jurisdictions in Just 8 Months
  • HHS Awards Over $48 Million to Health Centers for Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. Initiative
  • Mail Order Now an Option for Ready, Set, PrEP

More EHE information is available on HIV.gov’s pages about the initiative .


Readers continue to seek information about the ongoing and evolving COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects people with HIV, including these posts:

  • What’s New in the COVID-19 and HIV Interim Guidance
  • Spread the Word: People Who Are Moderately to Severely Immunocompromised Should Get an Additional Dose of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine
  • NIH Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Treatment Guidelines: Important Resource for Clinicians

HIV.gov’s page on the topic, Coronavirus (COVID-19) and People with HIV , was one of the 10 most viewed pages on the site in 2021. The page is updated frequently and features information resources about COVID-19 from agencies across the federal government for people with HIV and the health care providers and organizations who work with them.

40th Anniversary of AIDS

On June 5, 2021, our nation observed the 40th anniversary of the first five case reports of what would later become known as AIDS. We shared several blog posts about this anniversary that many readers viewed:

  • Statement by President Joe Biden Recognizing the 40th Year of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
  • After 40 Years of Progress, It’s Time to End the HIV Epidemic – Statement by HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra
  • 40 Years of Progress – It’s Time to End the HIV Epidemic

HIV Research Developments

As in previous years, advances in HIV research was a theme of great interest to readers. These were some of the most-visited posts:

  • HIV & COVID-19, Potential New HIV Prevention Tools, and More: Research Highlights from CROI 2021 (video)
  • Final HIV Prevention & Treatment Research Highlights from CROI 2021 (video)
  • NIH Makes Substantial New Investment in HIV Cure Research

Posts about funding opportunities and funding awards also piqued reader interest, including these:

  • HUD Announces $41 Million HOPWA Funding Opportunity: Housing as an Intervention to Fight AIDS
  • New HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau Funding Opportunities Support Innovative Health Interventions and Data Capacity Building
  • CDC Announces Funding Opportunity for Enhanced Surveillance of Persons with Early and Late HIV Diagnosis

Integrating Responses to the Syndemic

Readers’ interest in posts addressing the syndemic of HIV, viral hepatitis, STIs, and substance use disorder continued in 2021 with many views of these posts:

  • New SAMHSA Guide Highlights HIV Prevention and Treatment for People with Substance Use and/or Mental Disorders
  • CDC Releases Updated STI Treatment Guidelines
  • NIH Funding Opportunity for Innovative Models of Delivering PrEP and STI Services to Stop HIV in the United States

Other very well-read posts from 2021 included: 

  • White House Appoints Harold Phillips to Lead Office of National AIDS Policy
  • 8 New Members Join Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS
  • Two New Members Join PACHA
  • I Am a Long-term Survivor of HIV
  • HIV Criminalization Commentary

Several of the posts listed above, and many others not listed here, were produced in collaboration with our partners at agencies across the U.S. government or were guest posts or cross-posts from them. We're grateful for their collaboration as we work together to widely share information about the federal response to HIV in support of stakeholders in communities across the nation.

Thanks for following the HIV.gov blog this year. We look forward to continuing to share information with you in 2022. Happy New Year!

Related HIV.gov Blogs

Day 1 recap: 2024 national ryan white conference on hiv care & treatment, pacha meeting in washington, dc, explored latest national hiv data, federal hiv activities, and more, conversations from the 2024 national ryan white conference (videos).

  • Anniversary Anniversary of first AIDS reports
  • EHE Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative


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  23. Topics that Interested HIV.gov Blog Readers Most in 2021

    Below is a brief review of themes and particular posts that garnered reader interest this year. Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative. With its goal to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. by 2030, the EHE initiative continues to be a topic of significant reader interest, including these 2021 posts: Details of President Biden's $670 Million FY22 ...