
How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

In any business, project managers need to be able to communicate a project strategy to clients effectively. It can bring in new, long-term clients to your agency if done correctly. However, doing so incorrectly could seriously undermine your efforts to acquire or retain clients. One thing that unites business, academic, and corporate meetings is making a project presentation look good. 

Professionals need this skill when effectively communicating ideas, outlining goals, and sharing project results. Creating and delivering a project presentation that connects with your target audience will lead to the project’s anticipated outcomes, regardless of your level of presentation experience. This blog will walk you through the art of presenting a project and offer business professionals advice on making their project plan presentation stand out. 

What is a Project Presentation?

A project presentation is a business activity where team members and stakeholders come together to supervise a project from start to finish. It is a formal submission of a project to stakeholders for discussion of a topic and acceptance. One or more business professionals provide a document or slide deck summarizing every project detail during a presentation.

The project manager presents essential information regarding the start of the project and its preparation, including the project scope, requirements collection, deliverables list, schedule, and milestones. A project management presentation is typically made for the first time before the project’s implementation. Then, as the project progresses, you reintroduce it to the stakeholders with timely updates and news.

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Who is the Audience for Your Project Presentation?

Team members and organizations involved in the project’s success or failure comprise stakeholders and other team members:

Show the project presentation to the team members who will be working on the project so they are aware of the expectations and the risks involved. Information such as the requirements, the work breakdown structure, the plan, and the deliverables will be required.


Show your project to the people who can approve funds and resources, i.e., the stakeholders. Demonstrate to them how the project will provide the desired solutions for the problems they raise within the specified time frame. 

The stakeholders are interested in the project’s scope , budget breakdowns , scheduling computations, risk assessments, and your plans for mitigating those risks and adapting to changes. Hence, they are the ideal audience for your project management presentation.

How to Successfully Create a Project Presentation?

Before jumping onto how to present a project, let us see what steps you should follow to create a successful project presentation:

Establish Objectives for Your Project

  • Layout your Plan
  • Outline the Problem and Solution
  • Keep the Slides in your Presentation Brief
  • Use More Images and Less Text

Utilize Good Quality Diagrams, Presentation Aids, and Visuals

  • Pay Attention to Design
  • Begin with a Template for your Presentation

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Before delving into the essentials of your project presentation, you should respond to the following queries:

  • What goals does your project aim to accomplish?
  • Why is it crucial that you and your group meet your objectives?
  • How are you going to let your audience know what your objectives are?  

Your project is already doomed to failure if it lacks specific goals. It’s common for project managers  to skip the goal-setting stage. However, this is not advised. That’s because you can make things easier for yourself to fail. Stakeholder buy-in can be achieved once project goals are well-defined.

The question now is: How do you set and accomplish project goals? Using the SMART goal-setting process is one way to do that. 

SMART project goal-setting:

  • “SMART” is an abbreviation for the words “specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound”.  
  • Setting and carrying out effective project plans need the use of SMART targets . It requires a closer examination of the more minor elements that matter most to your audience.

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Layout Your Plan

Outlining your strategy for achieving your goals is a crucial next step after setting them. Putting your idea into an executable plan with steps for execution is a great place to start. 

You may be wondering why this is a necessary stage in making a project presentation that works. Well, p lanning a project , no matter how big or small, is easier when you have a thorough strategy, structure, and layout. It eliminates ambiguity and makes it easier for your audience to understand the project roadmap without missing anything.

Both technical and non-technical project aspects should be included in your plan layout. As a result, you should use a project presentation template that outlines all the procedures and activities in detail to offer yourself an advantage. Additionally, the structure of your PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation should be straightforward and understandable.

Depending on the kind of project, your plan might contain important information like:

  • The earlier-described aims and objectives
  • Your project’s framework, technique, and scope
  • Project deliverables, acceptance criteria, and milestones
  • Timeline and schedule for the project 
  • Estimates of resources and budget, etc.

You can use a pre-made customizable project management presentation template available online, like SlideUpLift . You can make this presentation template uniquely yours by modifying it.

When creating a project plan, there are no hard and fast rules. However, you should divide it into three sections if you want to develop an engaging approach that will stick with your audience:

  • Introduction
  • Conclusion and key takeaways

Outline the Problem and its Solution

You have just finished drafting your project action plan . It’s time to let your audience know about your project’s objectives and plan. It’s your responsibility to hold your audience’s attention from the beginning to the end, whether you’re pitching a project plan to clients or an investor deck.

Emphasizing your audience’s problems is one of the best strategies to get their attention.  Having stunning slides highlighting your outstanding product features and project activities is insufficient. Ensure that your project presentation is set up to:

  • List the problems that your audience is facing.
  • Stress how your initiative, offering, or service helps them with their problems.
  • Describe the advantages of using your product or contributing to your project for them.
  • Simply put, your audience should understand how your project improves their lives. As soon as they know this, they will pay attention to your suggestions and act accordingly.
  • Avoid assuming anything about your audience in general. 

If you want the audience on board, discuss their issues and potential solutions in a separate presentation. Make sure they know how your initiative will help them.

Keep the Slides in Your Presentation Brief

Prioritize quality over quantity while designing project presentations. Make sure your slides are brief and easy to understand. Your audience will appreciate that you respect their time when you do this. 

The following justify why you should keep your presentation short:

  • Not only may concise presentation slides be effective, but they may also be memorable.
  • There is a noticeable decline in attention span after 30 minutes during project or business presentations. You run the risk of losing the interest of your audience midway through if you make long speeches. 
  • No one wants to spend hours watching you flip a ton of slides. Focus your audience’s attention and get them to pay attention to the material by using shorter slides.

Use More Images and Less Text  

Using more images and less text in your presentations is another excellent method to keep them engaging but succinct. Recall that your slide show should support, not take the place of, your spoken presentation. Therefore, you want to avoid cramming too much data onto a single presentation. 

Adding too much text to your presentation could: 

  • Bore and overwhelm your audiences.
  • Draw the audience’s focus to the text, which will lessen the impact of your presentation.

When information is presented visually and in bite-sized portions, people remember it better. This holds for corporate leaders, project managers, both B2B and B2C audiences.

Presenting projects successfully requires the use of visuals. Visual aids help viewers retain 95% of a message, drawing them in and holding their interest. However, they maintain just approximately 10% when exchanged by text. 

You can employ a wide range of visual aids in your presentations, such as:

  • Pictures Videos 
  • Charts and graphs
  • Maps of heat and choropleth
  • Dispersion charts 

Your chances of gaining audience engagement and encouraging answers to your call-to-action (CTA) will increase if you include images and videos. Mind maps, Gantt charts , and whiteboard drawings are excellent tools for visualizing project plans in their early stages. Using maps, graphs, charts , and trees, you can display the architecture for projects, including technology. 

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Pay Attention to Design  

Your project presentation may succeed or fail based on its design. Whether you are a rookie or an expert designer, design tools offer you an advantage. In minutes, you can produce visually striking presentation designs for your company.

The good news is that creating eye-catching project presentations doesn’t have to break the cash. Millions of breathtaking royalty-free photos and lovely pre-made layouts are available for your slides. 

These are some pointers to keep in mind when creating your slides.

  • Make Use of a Proper Color Scheme 

Use color sparingly in your presentations if you want them to look appealing. Everyone loves color, so we get it. However, using too many colors may make your presentations disorganized and unpleasant.

  • Make Use of Clearly Identifiable Typography 

Changing your font can influence readers’ understanding of your words. Therefore, ensure that your slides convey the intended content and look professional and well-organized. 

Begin With a Template for Your Presentation

Making powerful project presentations can take much time, regardless of experience level. Suppose you are facing an impending deadline. Writing your project plan, making your slide notes, creating your slides, finding and including images, and other tasks would be on your plate. Creating these things from scratch could take longer and result in messy presentations. 

Using presentation templates might relieve all of your worries. They make it quick and simple for you to create project presentations that appear professional. Because the slides are pre-designed, there will be space for you to add any type of content you would require. The design is present in every form—progress bar, chart, graph, table , video , or image. All you have to do is enter text, add data, or add an image. And just like that, your presentation is set to go. 

Case Study For a Project Presentation

The Cline Avenue Bridge is an example of a difficult project that serves as the basis for the project presentation example. Since it is outside the purview of this article, we are not providing all of the presentation’s components for instructional purposes. Nevertheless, we demonstrate how to create a PowerPoint presentation for a project, how to customize the templates to the content to be presented, and how to show the more typical slides of each component. 

This is a case study of a real project and how the project manager uses templates to put together the project presentation using the structure we presented above.  Here’s how to create a PowerPoint presentation for a project, along with some project presentation ideas.

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Project Overview:

The presenter provides a project charter-style summary of the project’s highlights on this slide. The project manager can expand upon the introduction throughout the project lifespan, and the speech can seamlessly transition across several knowledge domains without requiring a slide change or in-depth discussion. 

In particular, the Cline Bridge Project narrates its goal, briefly mentions its location, provides a link to a map for additional information, and presents several key statistics (Building Information Modelling Process, Budget, Duration, Sponsor, and Constructor). The final deliverable’s salient features—a concrete segmental bridge measuring 1.7 miles in length and 46 feet in width—are enumerated.

Process Model:

The framework for the project lifecycle, processes, planning, and execution is shown in the Process Model presentation. In this slide, the project manager will discuss how the model is customized to the project’s particulars. In this instance, the builder has specified the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) as the process model for the design and construction of the Cline Bridge. 

During this slide, the presenter might further detail the knowledge practices involved in each lifecycle phase—Design, Production, Construction, Operation, and Planning. Conceptual and detailed design are the two primary knowledge areas that make up the first stage, for instance, “Design.” 

Since the content arrangement for the scope section of the presentation consists of a list of “requirements,” it typically consists of multiple slides. This information leads to a recommended table arrangement that maximizes available space. It’s crucial to portray the set of needs rather than the individual requirements and to refrain from misusing the “list.” If not, the requirements document is transcribed by the project manager.

This example project presentation shows ten categories of requirements covering various project lifecycle stages. 

  • Conceptual Design
  • Construction
  • Construction Logistics

Utilizing a lot of resources is necessary when building a bridge. Organizing this component of a project presentation as a single-level financial table at an executive meeting is advised. Specific resources and cost analysis presentations are tasked with providing more information.

The list of available resources is as follows:

  • Expert Services
  • Construction labor, land machinery, materials, and quality assurance
  • Backup Subcontractors for Waste Disposal and Cleaning

We recommend incorporating visual elements, such as icons and colors that are symbolically tied to each of the items stated, to break up the monotony of table after table throughout the project presentation.

Project Schedule:

The purpose of the project roadmap , as previously mentioned in the article, is to provide a thorough overview of the critical turning points that will occur over time. Owing to the size of a bridge-building project and its extended duration, it is recommended to provide a roadmap that clearly matches milestones with relevant lifespan stages, especially for such large-scale undertakings. This method helps the viewers visualize the step-by-step development of the building process.

In keeping with earlier slides, we developed a roadmap in the example that included the following high-level benchmarks and subcomponents:

  • Project Start-Up
  • Contracts, Clearances, Budgeting, and Financing for Projects
  • Buying and Renting of Land
  • Initial Design Detailed Design Conceptual Design
  • Site Setup: Clearing, Grading, and Access Routes
  • Waste Management Examination
  • Tests of Materials
  • Site Evaluations
  • Tests for seismic activity
  • Manufacturing Fabrication
  • Assembly of Modular Components
  • Building, Assembling, and Construction
  • Test of Quality under Acceptance Standards
  • Stress Exam
  • Management and Upkeep

As you can see, the project manager chose a step-by-step plan that was given with minimal scheduling specifics and start and end dates to provide context for the diagram.

Project Hazards:

Throughout a project, risk management is an iterative process. The risks you face while presenting your initiatives will change based on how well they proceed along the roadmap. In this particular instance, we have chosen to showcase the risks deliberated about at the ideation phase, wherein the developer trades risks with contractors and the bridge construction business.

Our recommended structure for this type of material is a straightforward table with easily readable and visible risks and a description that serves more as a starting point for conversation than a thorough explanation.

It is crucial to categorize the risks given, if just in terms of their “impact” and “probability.” This will lead to some really interesting discussions about them. 

Risks outlined in the first phase:

  • Mistakes in Design
  • Building Hold-Ups
  • Overspending on the Budget
  • Modifications to Regulations
  • Conditions of the Site Equipment Failures
  • Incidents about health and safety

The hazards listed are highly serious, as the reader can see, and each will result in a different Risk Analysis Report.

The project presentation’s quality control component may change depending on the quality process used. A continuous improvement quality approach, which iteratively improves quality over many projects, is typical for large organizations with a consistent portfolio of projects (for example, software businesses). The scenario is the same for construction organizations , such as the example, and the quality control model aligns with the building process model. In this instance, the project manager is outlining the quality control procedure to be used on the BIM model as well as the procedure to be adhered to during the bridge’s actual construction:

Using a simple dashboard, we created in this example, allowing the project manager to show: 

  • The Existing Chronology
  • Top 5 Problems
  • Present-Day Burnout
  • Top 5 Risks

How to Present a Project Management Presentation?

A project plan is an official document that follows a set format and flow. Your presentation should follow this flow for maximum impact. 

To present a project plan , you should go over the following eight steps:

  • Give an overview. Provide a brief overview of the project, outlining its goals and rationale. 
  • Examine the key results and objectives, or OKRs. Talk about the main deliverables and anticipated deadlines. Before starting a project, what crucial information should you obtain from a client? Think about this before engaging in conversation.
  • Describe the exclusions and expectations. Make assumptions clear and restate anything that is outside the project’s scope. You might be wondering when to show a client the project cost. This is the right moment to ensure both of you have clear expectations.
  • Give a high-level timetable. Use a Gantt chart to show the important milestones and dependencies in the project schedule. 
  • Give a brief introduction of your group. Present the customer to coworkers with whom they will be working closely, as well as anyone whose experience will strengthen your reputation (such as a seasoned subject matter expert.)
  • Explain communications. Make sure your client is aware of the collaborative process. Mention how they can contact you with any queries or issues and how they will be updated.
  • Talk about the unexpected. Examine the procedure you’ll use to address requests for changes and problems when they come up.   
  • Q&A. To make sure nothing was missed, conclude with a Q&A session. 

Top 5 Project Management Presentation Templates From Slideuplift

Here are some templates which will help you make your desired presentations. These will also give you project presentation ideas. Feel free to click on the images to download SlideUpLift’s templates.

  • WBS Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Streamline project planning with this template focused on Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) , offering clear visual guidance for breaking down complex projects into manageable tasks.

  • Scrum Agile Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Perfect for Agile enthusiasts, SlideUpLift’s Scrum Agile Project Management template provides visually engaging slides explaining the Scrum framework, roles, ceremonies, and critical components to enhance Agile project communication.

  • Circular Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Enhance project visualization with this template featuring circular diagrams and charts, ideal for representing project cycles, feedback loops, and continuous improvement processes.

  • SIPOC Project Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Optimize process mapping using this template designed for SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, Customer) models, facilitating the illustration of information and resource flows in projects or processes. 

  • Risk Management PowerPoint Template:

How to Create a Successful Project Presentation?

Navigate project uncertainties seamlessly with this template tailored for Risk Management . Expect insightful slides on identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, providing a comprehensive overview to keep your projects on track.

Questions To Ask The Client Before Starting The Project Management Presentation

The client project focus ensures that your client’s business goals are sufficiently handled and that transparency is maintained throughout the project. Objectives, milestones, acceptance criteria, etc., are frequently discussed beforehand.

You might still need to ask a few questions, though, and these are the top five:

  • Who are the project stakeholders in your organization? What authority and interest levels do the people who intend to be associated with the project have? 
  • Have you already worked on projects similar to this one? How did you overcome the obstacles, if any? 
  • What characteristics, outputs, or specifications should we constantly focus on?
  • Are you having trouble sleeping at night because of anything related to this project? If yes, what would it be?
  • Do you have any questions about risks, difficulties, or other project parts we haven’t yet covered? 

Questions the Client Might Ask During a Project Presentation and How To Answer Them

For new speakers, the Q&A section can often be their biggest worry. The most difficult part of being ready for this is that you never know what queries a client may have. 

Client inquiries frequently revolve around their worries about potential problems. You’ll be able to anticipate their questions more accurately when you know about their priorities. Assume that your client has a tight deadline for finishing the project. Among the queries they might have are:

  • How are you going to guarantee that the project is completed on time?
  • How would you respond if deadlines begin to elude you?
  • Which risks could cause the project to be delayed?

You can prepare well-reasoned responses to their questions by considering their priorities and potential issues beforehand. But what about those unexpected queries that come out of nowhere? 

Three pointers to help you handle unforeseen queries from clients during a project presentation are as follows:

  • Firstly, thank them for raising the question. Encourage your client to speak with you and express their worries upfront. 
  • Find out what motivates the question. Ask why a question is being asked if it appears pointless or strange. Perhaps the client possesses knowledge that you are unaware of. You will also have extra time to consider your response as a result.
  • Put it on the table for later. Inform the customer that you will investigate and get back to them if you are unsure of the response. Give your client a timeframe during which they can anticipate receiving your response.  

Establishing objectives and having a well-thought-out plan to reach them are the first steps in producing an effective project presentation. It also calls for effective delivery, careful attention to design, and the creation of captivating content.  

A strong pitch deck that explains the specifics of your idea and its potential for success is essential if you want to seal those transactions. Using a user-friendly project presentation program such as SlideUpLift can be a game changer. 

The ideal design tool for producing eye-catching and captivating project presentations is something SlideUpLift specializes in.  You can use various features and tools with SlideUpLift to assist you in achieving your ideas for your projects.  

To help your presentation succeed, SlideUpLift offers hundreds of presentation templates , graphic components, font styles, data visualization tools, and pre-installed stock photos and videos.  

You now have all the advice and resources you need to ace the project presentations for the future. With the presentation templates from SlideUpLift, get tips and tricks on standing out when presenting, go ahead and amaze your audience!

How do I effectively present my project?

To present your project effectively, focus on clear communication, use visuals, and tailor your message to your audience’s level of understanding.

How can I present my project as a project manager?

As a project manager, presenting a project involves clear communication of goals, methodologies, and outcomes while addressing potential risks and solutions.

What are the best ways to present a project?

The best ways to present a project include engaging visuals, storytelling, and addressing key points such as objectives, timelines, and potential challenges.

Are there templates for project management presentations?

Several platforms, including SlideUpLift, offer templates specifically designed for project manager presentations .

What are effective ways to present my project to clients?

Effective ways to present your project to clients include emphasizing value, addressing their specific concerns, and showcasing project outcomes.

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Simple Steps to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

Last Updated: July 23, 2024 Fact Checked

Creating a New PowerPoint

Creating the title slide, adding a new slide, adding content to slides, adding transitions, testing and saving your presentation.

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 4,345,399 times. Learn more...

Do you want to have your data in a slide show? If you have Microsoft 365, you can use PowerPoint! PowerPoint is a program that's part of the Microsoft Office suite (which you have to pay for) and is available for both Windows and Mac computers. This wikiHow teaches you how to create your own Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on a computer.

How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Open the PowerPoint app, select a template and theme, then like “Create.”
  • Click the text box to add your title and subtitle to create your title slide.
  • Click the “Insert” tab, then “New Slide” to add another slide.
  • Choose the type of slide you want to add, then add text and pictures.
  • Rearrange slides by dragging them up or down in the preview box.

Things You Should Know

  • Templates make it easy to create vibrant presentations no matter your skill level.
  • When adding photos, you can adjust their sizes by clicking and dragging in or out from their corners.
  • You can add animated transitions between slides or to individual elements like bullet points and blocks of text.

Step 1 Open PowerPoint.

  • If you don't have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription, you can use the website instead of the desktop app. Go to to use the website version.
  • You can also use the mobile app to make presentations, though it's easier to do this on a computer, which has a larger screen, a mouse, and a keyboard.

Step 2 Select a template.

  • If you don't want to use a template, just click the Blank option in the upper-left side of the page and skip to the next part.

Step 3 Select a theme if possible.

  • Skip this step if your selected template has no themes available.

Step 4 Click Create.

  • If you're creating a PowerPoint presentation for which an elaborate title slide has been requested, ignore this step.

Step 2 Add a title.

  • You can change the font and size of text used from the Home tab that's in the orange ribbon at the top of the window.

Step 3 Add the subtitle.

  • You can also just leave this box blank if you like.

Step 4 Rearrange the title text boxes.

  • You can also click and drag in or out one of a text box's corners to shrink or enlarge the text box.

Step 1 Click the Insert tab.

  • On a Mac, you'll click the Home tab instead. [1] X Research source

Step 2 Click New Slide ▼.

  • Clicking the white slide-shaped box above this option will result in a new text slide being inserted.

Step 3 Select a type of slide.

  • Title Slide
  • Title and Content
  • Section Header
  • Two Content
  • Content with Caption
  • Picture with Caption

Step 4 Add any other slides that you think you'll need.

  • Naturally, the title slide should be the first slide in your presentation, meaning that it should be the top slide in the left-hand column.

Step 1 Select a slide.

  • Skip this step and the next two steps if your selected slide uses a template that doesn't have text boxes in it.

Step 3 Add text to the slide.

  • Text boxes in PowerPoint will automatically format the bulk of your text for you (e.g., adding bullet points) based on the context of the content itself.
  • You can add notes that the Presentation will not include (but you'll still be able to see them on your screen) by clicking Notes at the bottom of the slide.

Step 4 Format the slide's text.

  • You can change the font of the selected text by clicking the current font's name and then clicking your preferred font.
  • If you want to change the size of the text, click the numbered drop-down box and then click a larger or smaller number based on whether you want to enlarge or shrink the text.
  • You can also change the color, bolding, italicization, underlining, and so on from here.

Step 5 Add photos to the slide.

  • Photos in particular can be enlarged or shrunk by clicking and dragging out or in one of their corners.

Step 7 Repeat this for each slide in your presentation.

  • Remember to keep slides uncluttered and relatively free of distractions. It's best to keep the amount of text per slide to around 33 words or less. [2] X Research source

Step 1 Select a slide.

  • Slide content will animate in the order in which you assign transitions. For example, if you animate a photo on the slide and then animate the title, the photo will appear before the title.
  • Make your slideshow progress automatically by setting the speed of every transition to align with your speech as well as setting each slide to Advance . [3] X Trustworthy Source Microsoft Support Technical support and product information from Microsoft. Go to source

Step 1 Review your PowerPoint.

  • If you need to exit the presentation, press Esc .

Step 5 Make any necessary changes before proceeding.

  • Windows - Click File , click Save , double-click This PC , select a save location, enter a name for your presentation, and click Save .
  • Mac - Click File , click Save As... , enter the presentation's name in the "Save As" field, select a save location by clicking the "Where" box and clicking a folder, and click Save .

Community Q&A

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  • If you save your PowerPoint presentation in .pps format instead of the default .ppt format, double-clicking your PowerPoint presentation file will prompt the presentation to open directly into the slideshow view. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0
  • If you don't have Microsoft Office, you can still use Apple's Keynote program or Google Slides to create a PowerPoint presentation. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

can you project powerpoint presentation

  • Your PowerPoint presentation (or some features in it) may not open in significantly older versions of PowerPoint. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 2
  • Great PowerPoint presentations avoid placing too much text on one slide. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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can you project powerpoint presentation

A step-by-step guide to captivating PowerPoint presentation design

november 20, 2023

a dark pink colored circle logo with corporate powerpoint girl in the center of it

by Corporate PowerPoint Girl

Do you often find yourself stuck with a lackluster PowerPoint presentation, desperately seeking ways to make it more engaging and visually appealing? If your boss has ever told you to "please fix" a presentation and you didn't know where to start, you're not alone. In this article, we'll walk you through a straightforward method to transform your PowerPoint slides into a visually captivating masterpiece. 

Let's dive right in! 

Clean up your slides 

The first step in this journey to presentation excellence is all about decluttering your slides and elevating their impact. Say goodbye to those uninspiring bullet points that often dominate presentations. Instead, focus on what truly matters – the key call-out numbers. By increasing the font size of these numbers, you ensure they take center stage, immediately drawing your audience's attention. 

To make those numbers pop, consider breaking the text after the numbers into the next line and adding a touch of color. The contrast created by pairing a dark color with a lighter shade, like dark teal and light teal or burnt orange with peach, can work wonders. This simple adjustment makes your data more engaging , enhancing the overall impact of your presentation. 

Add dimension with boxes 

Now, let's introduce an element of depth and organization to your slides. By adding boxes, you'll create a visually pleasing structure that guides your audience through the content. In the "Insert" menu, select "Table" and opt for a one-by-one table. Change the table color to a light gray shade, elongate it, and position it neatly to the left of your text. 

To improve readability and aesthetics, increase the spacing between text phrases. A small adjustment in the before spacing setting (setting it to 48) significantly enhances the visual appeal of your slides. 

Insert circles 

To further enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your slides, let's introduce circles. In the Insert menu, navigate to Shapes and choose the circle. Adjust the circle's height and width to 1.2, ensuring it complements your content seamlessly. Match the circle's shape fill color with the corresponding text color for a harmonious look. 

Avoid using colored outlines for the circles, as they may distract from the overall aesthetic. This simple addition of circles adds an element of visual interest to your presentation, making it more captivating. 

Choose icons 

Now, it's time for a touch of creativity. Selecting icons to complement your text can elevate the clarity and appeal of your slides. In the "Insert" menu, you can search for relevant keywords to find the perfect icon from PowerPoint's extensive library . 

For instance, if your text discusses investment portfolio yield, search for "growth" and choose an upward arrow growth icon. These icons add an extra layer of visual appeal and clarity to your content, making it more engaging and informative. 

Final touches 

To wrap up the transformation process, we come to the final touches that give your presentation a polished, professional finish. Align your icons with their corresponding circles and change the shape fill color to white. This simple adjustment creates a crisp, cohesive look that ties everything together seamlessly. 

In conclusion, by following these steps, you've embarked on a journey to enhance your PowerPoint presentation . These initial steps are just the beginning of your exploration into the world of design elements and styles that can cater to your specific presentation needs. The key to a stunning PowerPoint presentation lies in the details. By following these steps, you can turn a lackluster set of slides into a visually engaging and dynamic presentation that will captivate your audience. So, the next time your boss says, "Please fix," you'll know exactly where to start. Happy presenting! 

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30 Amazing Things You Can Do And Create In PowerPoint

Angie Arriesgado

Everyone knows PowerPoint is one of the best – if not THE best – presentation software around. It’s great for making all sorts of presentations. From academic to corporate presentations (and everything in between), PowerPoint can seemingly do it all. But presentations are not all PowerPoint can do. The truth is, it’s a very powerful and versatile software. In this article, I’m going to share with you 30 amazing things you can do and create in PowerPoint. Let’s begin!

can you project powerpoint presentation

  • Make social media images

Surprised? Yes, you can indeed use PowerPoint to make social media images. Whether it’s for your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and more, PowerPoint can do it all. Now, the first thing you need to do is figure out the image size so you can resize your PowerPoint slides.

You can do a quick Google search for this. Or you can download Louise Myers’ social media images cheat sheet here . Just scroll down the page and you’ll find her table of contents with links to top social media platforms’ image sizes.

So, now that you know the image dimensions, let’s head on over to PowerPoint. Go to the Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size . You’ll see this pop-up on your screen:

design social media images - one of the things you can create in powerpoint

For width and height, the default measurement is either centimeters or inches depending on your location. The good news is you don’t need to do some mathematical calculations to do your conversions. PowerPoint will automatically do it for you. How?

If you look at the screenshot above, you’ll notice that in Width , I typed in “ 800 px .” ( Important note : There’s a space between “800” and “px.”)

The moment I moved my cursor to the next field, “Height,” PowerPoint automatically converted 800 pixels to 4.167 inches. Pretty neat, right? Try it!

This is what my 800 px x 800 px (or 4.167 inch x 4.167 inch) slide size looks like:

how to make custom slide size in powerpoint

With the width and height dimensions set up properly, you can now proceed to designing your social media images. Just use PowerPoint like normal.

Now, here’s a great video with step by step guide to making a viral image quote poster for social media:

  • Make YouTube videos

Yep, you read that right – YouTube videos! You don’t need to buy expensive camera gear for your first few YouTube videos. Before you get overexcited though, temper your expectations a bit. As you probably already know, PowerPoint is a slide-based presentation software, so you can’t use it for your vlogs. You can, however, create simple videos like lectures or tutorials.

You can use animations and transitions to make your presentation/video fun. Plus, you can record timings and narrations, and even laser pointer gestures! Here’s how you do it:

Once you’ve saved your file, go to File > Export > Create a video . Alternatively, you can go to the Recording tab and click on the Export to video button. What’s really awesome about making videos on PowerPoint is that you’re not limited to 480p or 720p (regular HD). You can make 4K or ultra HD videos on PowerPoint!

If you’d like to know more, you should watch this short 6-minute tutorial on this very subject:

Oh, and if you’re wondering if you can also create your YouTube intro and outro in PowerPoint, the answer is yes! Check out this tutorial article I wrote about this very topic here: How To Make Amazing YouTube Intros and Outros In PowerPoint .

  • Make infographics

Just like social media graphics, infographics dimensions can be all over the place. It can be small or large depending on the information that needs to be conveyed. However, there’s actually a standard size for infographics.

Ideally, an infographic should not exceed 600 px in width and 1800 px in height. But some sites do have infographic size requirements though. So, before you create one, make sure it’s going to make the cut in your target platform.

That said, if you need infographic design inspiration, you should check out this link right here .

  • Create eye-catching checklists

You can write down a checklist on a plain piece of paper. Or, you can use your favorite word processor like Microsoft Word. However, what’s really great about using PowerPoint to create your checklists is that you can quickly transform them into beautiful works of art. How? By converting your checklist, a.k.a. bullet point list, into SmartArt!

Here’s how:

First, type your checklist. Then right-click on the list and you’ll see the menu option below. Click on Convert to SmartArt . You can either choose from the default options or you can click on More Smart Art Graphics at the bottom.

how to create checklists in powerpoint

Here’s my new and improved checklist after converting it to SmartArt graphic:

sample smartart graphic in powerpoint

Note that you can format your SmartArt by going into the SmartArt Tools tab in PowerPoint.

Alternatively, you can download any of our free checklist PowerPoint templates . All you have to do is just replace the placeholder text with your content and you’ll have an eye-catching checklist in no time at all!

Here’s a screenshot of some of our checklist templates:

preview of checklist templates in 24Slides Template Hub

  • Design business cards

For business cards, you’d need to set the slide size to 3.5 inches x 2 inches. The usual business card uses a horizontal layout. But if you want your card to stand out and be memorable, then consider using a vertical layout.

To do this, you’d need to use portrait orientation for your card. Go to Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size, then click on Orientation . The default option is Landscape, so you’ll need to click on Portrait, like so:

business cards design in powerpoint - use portrait orientation

  • Make creative visual resumes

Here’s another fun thing you can create in PowerPoint. If the job you’re applying for is fine with a bit of creativity, then submitting a visual resume is the way to go. However, if you’re interested in landing a spot at a more ‘serious’ firm, then Word may be your best bet. Else, you risk being flagged as a non-serious applicant and have your application rejected.

Creating visual resumes obviously will take a lot more time than if you just typed up the same thing in Word. However, if you’re applying for a job that requires – or at least appreciates – creativity, then you should take the time to create a visual resume. PowerPoint can easily help you with this.

  • Use it as a journal

PowerPoint may not be at the top of your list as a journaling tool. But it does have a nifty feature called presentation protection which allows you to encrypt your file with a password. This means you’ve got the liberty to write whatever you want on your PowerPoint slides and be safe in the knowledge that it’s going to be for your eyes only!

At this point, you’re already well aware that PowerPoint is an excellent graphics creation tool. So, in addition to writing down your ideas, thoughts, and feelings, you can also add a variety of elements to make your journal come alive.

To lock your journal, a.k.a. your PowerPoint, go to File > Info > Protect Presentation > Encrypt with Password . Here’s a screenshot:

how to password protect your powerpoint

  • Remove photo backgrounds

Removing an image’s background can come in handy in many situations. For example, if you’ve got a photo of a young boy in a park and you want to ‘move’ the boy elsewhere, you can remove the original background first and then insert a new background.

While PowerPoint is no Photoshop, it’s no slouch either when it comes to removing photo backgrounds. Here’s how:

First, you’ll need to click on the photo you want to edit. Then click on Picture Tools > Remove Background . Check out this tutorial for more info:

Just take note that PowerPoint can’t remove backgrounds from vector graphic files such as Adobe Illustrator Graphics (.ai) or Scalable Vector Graphics (.svg). But it works great for editing the more common PNG and JPG files.

A logo is part of a company or brand’s identity. If you’re looking to create a new logo for your business, then you’re in luck. You don’t need to spend any money to have it done for you. You can do it yourself in PowerPoint!

Now, logos don’t need to be complicated. A simple one will often be enough. Your logo creation options in PowerPoint may be a bit limited. But with a bit of creativity, you can create beautiful logos.

You can use a combination of Word Art, shapes, icons, even SmartArt. Then group all the elements together and save it as a picture (choose PNG format from the file type list). And that’s it! You’ve got your brand-new logo.

Now, if you want to add some transparency to your logo (which would be ideal in most cases), then you need to add a shape to the logo and adjust its transparency level accordingly.

If you don’t want to add a shape to your logo, don’t worry. The shape will only serve as a transparent medium, it doesn’t need to be visible in your logo. You can then set the transparency level for the shape before you save your logo. PowerPoint will preserve the shape’s transparency when you save it as a PNG file.

You can follow this short tutorial to give you an idea on how logo transparency works in PowerPoint:

  • Make photo collages

Making photo collages on PowerPoint is fun and easy. First off, you’d need to insert your photos onto the slide. You can do this by dragging the pics manually or by going to the Insert > Photos tab. I recommend the following methods to get your collage quickly:

  • Use Design Ideas tab

make photo collage in powerpoint - use design ideas tab

This tab should open up automatically once you add the photos. However, if this doesn’t appear you can just click on Design > Design Ideas . You’ll then see a bunch of recommended layouts for your collage. Click on the layout that catches your fancy and you’re good to go!

  • Convert to SmartArt

how to convert images to smartart graphic

To convert your images to SmartArt, you can press CTRL+A (Windows) or CMD+A (on Mac) to select all images. Then click on Picture Tools > Picture Layout . Select the layout you want to use. The downside to using this method is you’ll likely see text boxes, so if you don’t need those, you’ll need to manually delete them.

Note that both these methods crop the images automatically. If you want to adjust an image’s position in the collage, you can click on that image. Then go to Picture Tools > Crop . You can then drag the image around until you’re happy with the cropped result.

  • Create desktop wallpaper

You’re probably wondering why you’d bother using PowerPoint to create a desktop wallpaper for your computer. After all, you can just go to and download an unlimited number of beautiful images. Well, if you don’t want to do what everyone else is doing, then PowerPoint can help you create 100% unique wallpapers!

You can still download images from Unsplash. But with PowerPoint, you can add graphics, text, and other elements to make the wallpaper truly yours. Just remember to save the PowerPoint slide file as PNG or JPG, so you can see the option to set the image as desktop background. Here’s a screenshot:

how to create desktop wallpaper in powerpoint

  • Create calendar

Manually creating a calendar in PowerPoint is doable, but it’s going to take some time. For instance, you’ll need to add a table (6 rows x 7 columns for basic calendars), then add the labels in. You’ll also need to think about the design if you don’t want your calendar to look like the most basic calendar ever created.

Fortunately, there’s a much easier way to go about adding a calendar to your slides. And that is by downloading a ready-made PowerPoint template.

You can open up a new PowerPoint file and search for free calendar templates, like you see below. However, as you probably already know, the templates you’ll find on Microsoft aren’t exactly lookers.

free built-in templates in powerpoint

If you want high-quality and eye-catching calendar templates, I highly recommend you visit our Template Hub. You can download our free calendar templates . Here’s an example of what you can expect to see:

screenshot of free calendar templates in 24Slides Template Hub

  • Make brochures and flyers

Many professional designers use apps like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Microsoft Publisher to create brochures and flyers. If you’re willing to learn how those apps work, you can create great-looking brochures and flyers. However, if you just want to create something basic, then PowerPoint can help.

Go to and download a free brochure or flyer. Make sure the file you download is compatible with PowerPoint. Check out the screenshot below:

brochures and flyers you can download for free in microsoft website

I downloaded a tri-fold brochure template. Here’s what it looks like:

example trifold brochure template from microsoft

You can edit all the elements on the slides, so you can truly make it your own brochure or flyer!

  • Use PowerPoint in webinars

Webinars are great for maximizing your reach. You can have a live webinar or you can pre-record it. What’s really great about webinars is that people can watch your content 24/7 without you physically needing to be there. The whole world can literally be your audience!

You can upload your webinar to YouTube and Facebook. If you want a more controlled environment, you can use webinar platforms like WebinarJam, GoToWebinar, and more.

If you want more information about this subject, read this article: How To Use PowerPoint For Your Webinar

  • Make wedding invitation

Wedding invitations can be fun to make especially if it’s your own! You can go on Pinterest to look for design inspiration, like you see below:

sample wedding invitations from pinterest

You can choose from a wide variety of designs. You’re also not limited to using a single size or shape; the most common size seems to be 5×7 inches though. Your invitation can be as simple or as extravagant as you like.

Before you create in PowerPoint, just remember that if you’re mailing your invitations to some guests, you may need to consider using a more traditional wedding invitation size.

  • Create ad graphics for Facebook

Did you know that over 2 billion people go on Facebook every month? If you want to take advantage of this massive platform, then you should definitely consider advertising on Facebook. It’s relatively more cost-effective than other advertising platforms.

That being said, you want to use ad graphics that will effectively stop people from scrolling down their feeds. As a PowerPoint user, you’ve got a powerful tool at your fingertips. Before you design your ads, however, make sure you check out Facebook’s ad format guidelines .

  • Take a screenshot

There are plenty of apps that take screenshots. However, what’s really good about using PowerPoint is that in addition to getting the whole screen, you can also take screen clippings.

In the past, you could only take screenshots of open Microsoft Office files. But now, you can take screenshots of all open applications in your computer! For Office 365 subscribers, there’s a new Recording tab that allows you to take screenshots and screen recordings quickly. Here it is:

taking screenshots in powerpoint

As you can see, I’ve got 3 windows open on my computer. Clicking on any of those thumbnails will add a full screenshot to my current slide.

Now, if you click on Screen Clipping , you will be taken to the app you opened prior to clicking on PowerPoint. An ‘overlay’ will appear on the screen and your mouse cursor will turn into a crosshair pointer. Just drag your mouse until it covers the area you want to screenshot. Your screen clipping will then automatically appear on your current slide.

  • Do a screen recording

As mentioned in the previous point, you can do a screen recording just by going to the Recording tab in PowerPoint. You can select the area you want to record (great if you don’t want to share everything on your screen). You can also choose whether you want to capture your audio (from your default microphone) or if you wish to record your mouse pointer movement.

how to record your screen using powerpoint

  • Create a gif

Gifs are especially popular in social media. Go on sites like Reddit and Facebook, and you’ll probably see a gif every 5 seconds. It may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the point is that gifs (especially the animated kind) are extremely popular.

Now, PowerPoint can only make still gifs (non-animated). If you want to make animated gifs, there are a couple of different methods you can check out:

(1) You can add animations to your slide elements, save it as video, and then use an online converter to convert from video to GIF. Check out this video tutorial if you want to use this particular method:

(2) Alternatively, you can save your slides (with animated elements) as images and then go to a site like to create your free GIF. This post does a pretty good job explaining the steps of this specific method.

  • Make a mind map

Mind maps are great for brainstorming and coming up with new, creative ideas. It helps you visualize your ideas and enables you to think outside the box. There are free mind mapping tools like MindMup which is easy enough to use. But if you want to try out how this works in PowerPoint, then let me tell you it’s actually quite easy.

All you have to do is fire up PowerPoint and use SmartArt! SmartArt is extremely flexible and will accommodate all your ideas in a single slide. It will automatically adjust the font size and the graphic size itself.

For mind maps, you can choose from any of SmartArt categories, but I think the best ones to use are in the List, Process, Cycle and Hierarchy categories. Check out this mind map I made using the Hierarchy SmartArt:

how to make a mind map in powerpoint using smartart graphic

Play around with the different options until you find the right SmartArt graphic for your mind map!

  • Make your own icons

You can download free icons on the web. But if you want to use something unique in your presentation, then you can actually make your own icons in PowerPoint. Amazed? You should be!

By creating your own icons, you take your brand a step further. You can use your custom icons on your website, your advertisements, your organization’s letterhead, and basically anywhere else you can think of!

This video should help you off to a good start in making your own PPT icons:

  • Reshape photos into any shape you like

If you’re tired of using the same old rectangle or square shape for your images, then you may want to use PowerPoint to make your images more exciting. Here are a few tips to reshape your photos into fun, new shapes!

Method 1: Shape fill with pictures option

Go to Insert > Shapes if you want to use this method. The good news is you’re not limited to using only one shape per picture. If you want to make a truly unique shape, you can use the Merge Shapes option. You’d need to select the images you want to merge. Then you can choose from the following merge options: Union, Combine, Fragment, Intersect, and Subtract.

different shape merge options in powerpoint

Play around with the different options and you’ll see that you can literally come up with an infinite number of unique shapes!

Method 2: Convert using SmartArt graphics

If you want a more uniform look for your images, then this is the method you should choose. I already gave a rundown on how you can convert photos to SmartArt in #10 (Make photo collages), so you should scroll up if you haven’t read that part yet!

There are plenty of things you can do with your photos on PowerPoint. I wrote a detailed guide on this very topic. If you want to know more about working with multiple images in PowerPoint, check out this article .

  • Create photo album

If you want to create a photo album and turn it into a slideshow, then PowerPoint can easily help you out. It just takes a few clicks and you’ll have your album. Go to Insert > Photo Album and you’ll see this menu pop-up:

how to create photo album in powerpoint

As you can see in the screenshot, you’ve got a lot of options to choose from. For picture layout, you can have up to 4 pictures per slide. You can select the frame shape as well as the photo album theme. Once you create in PowerPoint, you can then go a step further by going to the Design Ideas tab and switching up your photo album’s look!

  • Use video as background

It’s quite easy to embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint and play it during your presentation. But not everyone knows that you can use video as your presentation’s background. Here’s how:

Go to Insert > Media > Video > Video On My PC . Once you’ve added your video, click on it to open up the Video Tools menu. Click on the Playback tab, and set your video to start Automatically . Then tick on the box that says ‘Loop until stopped.’

how to use video as background in powerpoint

You can resize your video and make it fill the slide. Then you can add text, graphics, and various other elements in the foreground.

You can download free stock video footage on just like I’ve done in the screenshot above. The good thing is their video file sizes are quite small, so it’s not going to make your PowerPoint file too heavy and slow to load. The video file I downloaded and used in the sample above is only 10MB in size.

  • Use 3D models for more engaging presentations

Sometimes, the usual 2D graphics just don’t cut it anymore. If you want to bring your presentation up a notch, try using 3D models. You can rotate your 3D graphic and show everyone a 360-degree view. You can even use Morph animation to make your 3D image come to life.

Fortunately, inserting a 3D model to your slide is just as easy as adding images, shapes, videos, icons, charts, etc. Just go to Insert > 3D Models and select whether to add from a file on your computer or from the Remix 3D community.

Check out this demo from Microsoft:

  • Use free, high-quality templates

Yes, PowerPoint may have a bunch of free templates, but they’ve been around for ages. Their design hasn’t been updated in years, so if you use their default templates, your presentation will look like it’s a throwback to the 90’s!

If you’ve been on our website before, then you probably already know we’ve got hundreds of high-quality and professionally-designed free PowerPoint templates. But if this is your first time here, you should definitely check out this link to our Template Hub .

Here’s a screenshot of what you can expect:

screenshot of free PPT templates from 24Slides

Just sign up for a free account and you can download to your heart’s content!

  • Save your PowerPoint as PDF

Saving your PPT file as PDF has a lot of advantages. You can keep all your slide elements intact – the text, graphics, shapes, formatting, etc. It will preserve the visual appearance of your slides. The only downside is you can’t export the animations and slide transitions. That said, saving your file as PDF is great if you want to share your presentation file via email or upload it to the web.

  • Create Prezi-like effects

PowerPoint uses a linear, slide-based approach to presentations. Prezi, on the other hand, makes use of a single canvas where you put all your ideas together. Since it’s not slide-based, it uses a pan and zoom animation to move from one part of the canvas to another. Now you can do the same with PowerPoint. If you have Office 365, you can use Zoom animation to create Prezi-like effects.

Watch this tutorial if you want to know how this works:

  • Embed fonts in your presentation

So, you spent hours choosing the right combination of fonts to make your slides look perfect. But when you finally get to the presentation venue, you realize your beautiful fonts have all been replaced by the default Calibri font. What a disaster! To prevent this from happening, learn how to embed your fonts in your presentation.

  • Password-protect your presentation

If you don’t want prying eyes on your presentation, then you better put a password on it. This is a must-have if you’re presenting highly valuable information. Read this article to find out how you can password-protect your file as well as disable the password when it’s no longer necessary.

Final Words

Wouldn’t you agree with me when I say PowerPoint is amazing? It’s really no surprise why it’s still the best presentation software today even with all the competition around. The 30 amazing things you can create in PowerPoint that I shared in this article are just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure you’ll discover more fun things to do in PowerPoint!

can you project powerpoint presentation

Create professional presentations online

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can you project powerpoint presentation

Work together on PowerPoint presentations

When you save your presentation to OneDrive or SharePoint in Microsoft 365 , you can work on it concurrently with your colleagues. 

Share your file with others

To invite other people to access your PowerPoint file and collaborate, take these steps:

PowerPoint Collaboration Screen

Use the drop-down list to indicate whether a recipient can edit the file or only can view the file. Optionally add a note.

To proceed, select Send .

Note:  The Share dialog box offers an alternative option: Use the Copy link button and share the link. Anyone with the link can access the document with default permissions. 


As others join you in working in your shared document, you can see evidence of their presence and activity. 

PowerPoint Collaboration Screen

To enable automatic display of full names (i.e., for Accessibility purposes) go to File > Options > Advanced > Display > Show presence flags for selected items

PowerPoint Collaboration Screen

When you’re done working, simply save your file. If there are no conflicts in the revisions, they will be automatically merged.

Reviewing changes and resolving conflicts

When you close/exit your shared PowerPoint presentation file, you can review the recent changes and resolve any difference across the team’s edits. 

Review all changes 

Upon saving your file, all non-conflicting changes are automatically merged into your presentation. You can see these in the My Changes view.

Choose either My Changes or Changes by Others .

PowerPoint Collaboration Screen

When you are done resolving conflicts, select  Done .

More detail about conflicting changes 

can you project powerpoint presentation

Communicate in the shared file via Comments, Tasks, and Chat

In addition to seeing each other’s slide revisions in real time, PowerPoint enables various team interactions within the presentation file. 

Comments. To create, view, or respond to comments, use the Comments icon.   You can reply to, resolve, or mark comments as complete. To learn more, see Add comments . 

Tasks. A Task is a special kind of Comment that can be assigned and tracked to closure. To learn more, see add Tasks .  Chat. (Microsoft 365 only) You can instantly chat with other people who are working in a presentation stored on OneDrive for work or school or SharePoint in Microsoft 365. 

On the toolbar, at the right end, click the icon (picture or initials) of a collaborator who is currently working in the file.


Use the chat window to interact with everyone who is currently in the file. 

Note:  If another person subsequently opens the file to edit it, they can also join the chat. However, they will see only the new messages from that time forward, not the chat history. 

Notifications upon reopening a changed file 


See others’ recent revisions

PowerPoint collaboration process screen

Select the thumbnail to open the full-size slide.

PowerPoint collaboration process screen

Note:  Recently revised slides are highlighted, but all revisions may not be indicated on the slide. Non-indicated revision types include notes pane changes, deletion of shapes, comment additions, and animation changes. 

Access prior versions of a presentation

While you are working on files stored via OneDrive and OneDrive for work or school, Office preserves prior versions of them. For a specific file, you can view the list of prior versions and optionally restore a prior version. 

View the prior-versions list

With the file open, take these steps: 

Select the file name in the title bar of the app window.

Select Version History.


Open a prior version 

In the Version History pane, select a previous version.

Select Open version .

View the read-only copy now displayed in a separate window.

More information about revision highlighting 

Several factors can affect the extent to which revision highlighting occurs. 

Revision highlighting works on shared documents that are stored in OneDrive and SharePoint.

Changes are not highlighted if the file is encrypted or password protected.

Changes are not highlighted if the file is in .odp format or the older PowerPoint .ppt or .pps format.

Changes are highlighted only when the person making the change is using PowerPoint for the web, or PowerPoint for Microsoft 365. (More specifically, at least version 1707 of Current Channel or version 1803 of Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel). Here is a link to Find your Office version .

Changes are not highlighted if revision data has been turned off for the document in the Trust Center Privacy Options .  Privacy options NOT turned on  If the privacy options are not turned on, the presentation will store the user's name and the time of the most recent edits to an object. If needed, you can remove that information via Document Inspector. Learn how in this article: Remove hidden data and personal information by inspecting documents, presentations, or workbooks .  Privacy options ARE turned on  If the privacy options are turned on, the revision highlighting gets turned off. Thus, there is no storage of person-related data (usernames and their recent access timing.)

Where the data is stored

In order to make revision highlighting possible, data about the read/unread status of individual slides is stored separately by PowerPoint. Where that data is stored depends on which version and channel of PowerPoint is in use. 

Note:  We are in the process of shifting towards storing that data in an online Microsoft service designed for saving user settings. 

This table lists versions of PowerPoint and where each one stores the read/unread status data specific to each person who opens the file. Use this link to Find your Office version . 

between 1707 and 1710

On PC disk, under the path:


This location is protected by the Windows Users folder; if you want to, you can manually delete the files that record your own read/unread status.


Microsoft Online service


Microsoft Online service


Microsoft Online service


Microsoft Online service

Microsoft Online service


Microsoft Online service

Do you miss Slide Libraries? 

If you’d like to see Slide Libraries in PowerPoint, please send us your feedback. See How do I give feedback on Microsoft 365 . Your input will help us prioritize which features to include in future updates. 

Share your presentation with others and collaborate on it at the same time

Share button

Note:  If you'd rather not upload your presentation to your OneDrive or SharePoint, you can share it via an email attachment by selecting Send a Copy instead.

Enter the email address of the person you'd like to share the presentation with. If you already have the person's contact info stored, you can just enter the name. The control at the top lets you determine whether your invitees can edit the file or only can view the file.

Click Share . An email will be sent to your invitees.

See where others are working in your shared presentation

Open the presentation and start working in it.

If someone else is viewing or working in the presentation, their thumbnail picture appears in the top-right corner of the ribbon. PowerPoint alerts you when people enter or leave your presentation.

People and chat

You'll also see the name of anyone viewing or editing the presentation in the Share pane. There's an indicator—on the thumbnail of the slide and in the actual slide—that shows where someone is working in the presentation. Hover over or select that indicator to find out who is editing.

Presence indicator in the slide thumbnail pane

(For accessibility, PowerPoint also allows you to turn on automatic display of the editor's name. Turn it on by selecting PowerPoint > Preferences > View > Show presence flags for selected items .)

Shows icon showing someone working on a section of a slide in PowerPoint 2016 for Windows

When you’re done working, save your file.

If your updates and other authors’ updates don't conflict, they'll be merged automatically, and you don’t need to do anything else.

Notifications when you open a changed file

This feature is available only to  for Windows desktop clients.

After other people make changes to a shared presentation file, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac notifies you when you re-open the file. A small banner tells you who has made changes to your presentation while you were away.

PowerPoint for Office 365 shows you who made changes to your shared file while you were away

Tracking changes: Revisions by others are highlighted

PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac automatically keeps track of changes made in online documents.

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

When you re-open a changed presentation (or are in a file being actively edited by someone else), changed slides are highlighted in turquoise in the thumbnail pane. A tooltip says, "Slide has unread changes."

Revision highlighting in the thumbnail pane of PowerPoint

Select a thumbnail to look at the full-size slide. You'll see the changed portion of the slide outlined in turquoise. An accompanying notation tells you who made the change, and when. By looking at the revised slide, you clear away the turquoise highlighting and the "slide has unread changes" notation on that slide.

(There are some cases where a revised slide is highlighted, but the kind of change that has been made isn't outlined on the individual slide. Examples of such changes include: Changes in the Notes pane, deletion of a shape, addition of a comment, and animation changes.)

Revision highlighting notation about who made a change and when it was done

What determines whether changes are highlighted:

This feature works on shared documents stored in OneDrive and SharePoint.

Changes are highlighted only when the person who makes the change is using PowerPoint for the web, or PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac—at least version 16.11. Find your Office version

Changes aren't highlighted if the file is encrypted or password-protected.

Changes aren't highlighted if the file is in .odp format or the older PowerPoint .ppt or .pps format.

Communicate by using Comments

Comments button

You can add a new comment or reply to or resolve existing comments.

( Microsoft 365 only ) Tag a colleague in a comment by using the @-sign followed by the person's name. That person receives an email message with a link to your comment. Clicking the link brings them into the document and into the conversation.

Two speech bubbles, one on top of the other

See previous versions of the file

Office preserves prior versions of your SharePoint, OneDrive, and OneDrive for work or school files while you’re working on them.

To open the list of the prior versions of a file, select the file name in the title bar of the app window, then select Browse Version History .

Version History is for viewing, not editing. You can see any prior version of a file.

To open a prior version:

In the Version History pane on the right, select Open Version in one of the version-history items.

A read-only copy of that version is opened in a separate PowerPoint window.

You can copy content from a prior version. You can also Save A Copy of a prior version so that you can edit it separately from the file you're currently working on.

Share a presentation with others

The Share button

Add a message to your colleagues if you like.

Click Send .

When multiple people work in a file at the same time, indicators show you where they are:

Towards the top right corner of the window you'll see a badge - with their profile picture or initials - for each person who currently has the file open. Select that badge to see where in the slide deck they currently are.

On the thumbnail pane you'll see a label appear at the top right corner of the slide thumbnail with the name of the person currently on that slide.

See revisions made by other people

When you open a presentation that someone else has changed, PowerPoint tells you in two ways:

A While You Were Away message appears on the right side of the window.

In the slide thumbnail pane on the left, slides that have been revised are highlighted with a turquoise background.

When you open that slide, you'll also see a turquoise outline around the revised slide element. By looking at the revised slide, you clear away the turquoise highlighting and the "slide has unread changes" notation on that slide.

Confer by using Comments or Chat

The Comments button

Tag a colleague in a comment by using the @-sign followed by the person's name. That person receives an email message with a link to your comment. Clicking the link brings them into the document and into the conversation.

Chat button

Use File > Info > Version History to open the list of the prior versions of a file.

Version History is for viewing, not editing. You can see any prior version of a file. You can copy content from a prior version. You can also Save A Copy of a prior version so that you can edit it separately from the file you're currently working on.

Rename a presentation file

You can rename a file in PowerPoint for the web while you're co-authoring with others.

Click the file name in the center of the title bar near the top of the browser window.

Type a new name for the file. Or use the arrow keys to position the insertion point within the title, and then type your changes to the file name.

Press Enter when you're done.

In a moment, the name change syncs with other instances of the file that are currently open.


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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: August 06, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

can you project powerpoint presentation

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

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In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

can you project powerpoint presentation

Image source

Mesmerize your audience by adding some neon colors and effects to your PowerPoint slides. Adding pops of color to your presentation will create visual interest and keep your audience engaged. 

What I like: Neon will add personality and depth to your presentation and will help the information you're providing stand out and be more memorable. 

2. Use an interesting background image.

Interesting PowerPoint

Do you have some interesting nature photos from a recent road trip? Or maybe a holiday passed, and you have gorgeous photos to share? If so, consider incorporating them into your PowerPoint. 

What I like: PowerPoints don't have to be stuffy and boring. They can be fun and a unique or interesting background will enhance the experience of your presentation.

3. Or be minimal.

Powerpoint Minimal

Have you ever heard of K.I.S.S.? Not the band! I mean, Keep It Simple, Sweetheart. If you're worried too many colors or visuals could take attention away from the message of your presentation, consider going minimal. 

Pro tip: Stick to no more than three colors if you're going for a minimalist design in your slides. 

4. Incorporate illustrations.

PowerPoint Illustration

Illustrations are a great way to highlight or break down a point in your presentation. They can also add a bit of whimsy and fun to keep viewers engaged.

5. Use all caps.

PoiwerPoint Capital Letters

Using all capital letters can draw your audience's eyes to where you need them, helping cement your message in their minds. It can also just be aesthetically pleasing.

Pro tip: If you choose to use all capital letters, use varying fonts so readers can tell which information is important and which are supporting details.

6. Alternate slide layouts

PowerPoint alternate slides

You don't want readers to grow bored with your presentation. So, to retain visual interest, use alternating slide layouts. The example above shows PowerPoint slides alternating between vertical and horizontal layouts.

This keeps things interesting and ensures your presentation isn't monotonous.  

7. Inject a little humor.

Humor is a great way to drive a point home and help people remember the information you're presenting. People remember a good joke, so if you have a funny pun to connect to a concept in a presentation, why not use it in a slide?

Pro tip: Remember you're in a professional setting, so keep your jokes appropriate. If you're worried a joke can get you a meeting with HR, then keep it to yourself. 

8. Use duotones.

PowerPoint Duotones

Duotones (or gradience) can take the aesthetic of your PowerPoint to new levels. They can provide a calming energy to your presentation and make viewers feel relaxed and eager to stay focused. 

9. Include printed materials.

Let's say you have a PowerPoint you're proud of, but you want to go that extra mile to ensure your audience understands the material. A great way to do this would be to supplement your presentation with printed materials, as such as:

  • Pamphlets 
  • Printed slides
  • Short quizzes on the material

10. Keep it to one chart or graph per slide.

powerpoint chart

This is both a design example and a warning. Graphs and charts are an excellent way of displaying quantitative data in a digestible format.

However, you should have no more than one graph or chart per slide so your presentation doesn't get too confusing or muddled. 

11. Use a large font.

PowerPoint Large Font

Just like capital letters, a large font will help your shift your audience's focus to key points in your presentation.

Pro tip: You can combine large fonts and capital letters to boost its effectiveness. 

12. Include videos.

Embedding a video into your PowerPoint can help you expand on a point or effectively break down a complex topic. You can either embed a video from a platform like YouTube or TikTok or use HubSpot's Clip Creator to make your own.

Pro tip: Try to keep videos short, like, under a minute, and don't use more than one or two. 

13. Use GIFs.

GIFs add more visual interest, and they can be a great way to add humor or personal touch to your PowerPoint presentation.

14. Use contrasting colors when comparing two ideas or arguments. 

powerpoint contrast

Contrasting colors can convey the difference between two opposing thoughts or arguments in a way that is visually appealing. 

15. Add a touch of nature.

PowerPoint nature

If you want your presentation to exude a calming energy to your audience, including images of trees, flowers, and natural landscapes can do the trick.

PowerPoint Theme Ideas

Atlas (theme).

Covering a more creative subject for a younger or more energetic audience? I’d recommend using the cover slide design below. Its vibrant red color blocks and fun lines will appeal to your audience.

can you project powerpoint presentation

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

And if you want more templates and examples, you can download them here .

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

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8 tips to make the best powerpoint presentations.


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Table of contents, start with a goal, less is more, consider your typeface, make bullet points count, limit the use of transitions, skip text where possible, think in color, take a look from the top down, bonus: start with templates.

Slideshows are an intuitive way to share complex ideas with an audience, although they're dull and frustrating when poorly executed. Here are some tips to make your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations sing while avoiding common pitfalls.

define a goal

It all starts with identifying what we're trying to achieve with the presentation. Is it informative, a showcase of data in an easy-to-understand medium? Or is it more of a pitch, something meant to persuade and convince an audience and lead them to a particular outcome?

It's here where the majority of these presentations go wrong with the inability to identify the talking points that best support our goal. Always start with a goal in mind: to entertain, to inform, or to share data in a way that's easy to understand. Use facts, figures, and images to support your conclusion while keeping structure in mind (Where are we now and where are we going?).

I've found that it's helpful to start with the ending. Once I know how to end a presentation, I know how best to get to that point. I start by identifying the takeaway---that one nugget that I want to implant before thanking everyone for their time---and I work in reverse to figure out how best to get there.

Your mileage, of course, may vary. But it's always going to be a good idea to put in the time in the beginning stages so that you aren't reworking large portions of the presentation later. And that starts with a defined goal.

avoid walls of text

A slideshow isn't supposed to include everything. It's an introduction to a topic, one that we can elaborate on with speech. Anything unnecessary is a distraction. It makes the presentation less visually appealing and less interesting, and it makes you look bad as a presenter.

This goes for text as well as images. There's nothing worse, in fact, than a series of slides where the presenter just reads them as they appear. Your audience is capable of reading, and chances are they'll be done with the slide, and browsing Reddit, long before you finish. Avoid putting the literal text on the screen, and your audience will thank you.

Related: How to Burn Your PowerPoint to DVD

use better fonts

Right off the bat, we're just going to come out and say that Papyrus and Comic Sans should be banned from all PowerPoint presentations, permanently. Beyond that, it's worth considering the typeface you're using and what it's saying about you, the presenter, and the presentation itself.

Consider choosing readability over aesthetics, and avoid fancy fonts that could prove to be more of a distraction than anything else. A good presentation needs two fonts: a serif and sans-serif. Use one for the headlines and one for body text, lists, and the like. Keep it simple. Veranda, Helvetica, Arial, and even Times New Roman are safe choices. Stick with the classics and it's hard to botch this one too badly.

use fewer bullets

There reaches a point where bullet points become less of a visual aid and more of a visual examination.

Bullet points should support the speaker, not overwhelm his audience. The best slides have little or no text at all, in fact. As a presenter, it's our job to talk through complex issues, but that doesn't mean that we need to highlight every talking point.

Instead, think about how you can break up large lists into three or four bullet points. Carefully consider whether you need to use more bullet points, or if you can combine multiple topics into a single point instead. And if you can't, remember that there's no one limiting the number of slides you can have in a presentation. It's always possible to break a list of 12 points down into three pages of four points each.

avoid transitions

Animation, when used correctly, is a good idea. It breaks up slow-moving parts of a presentation and adds action to elements that require it. But it should be used judiciously.

Adding a transition that wipes left to right between every slide or that animates each bullet point in a list, for example, starts to grow taxing on those forced to endure the presentation. Viewers get bored quickly, and animations that are meant to highlight specific elements quickly become taxing.

That's not to say that you can't use animations and transitions, just that you need to pick your spots. Aim for no more than a handful of these transitions for each presentation. And use them in spots where they'll add to the demonstration, not detract from it.

use visuals

Sometimes images tell a better story than text can. And as a presenter, your goal is to describe points in detail without making users do a lot of reading. In these cases, a well-designed visual, like a chart, might better convey the information you're trying to share.

The right image adds visual appeal and serves to break up longer, text-heavy sections of the presentation---but only if you're using the right images. A single high-quality image can make all the difference between a success and a dud when you're driving a specific point home.

When considering text, don't think solely in terms of bullet points and paragraphs. Tables, for example, are often unnecessary. Ask yourself whether you could present the same data in a bar or line chart instead.

find a color palette

Color is interesting. It evokes certain feelings and adds visual appeal to your presentation as a whole. Studies show that color also improves interest, comprehension, and retention. It should be a careful consideration, not an afterthought.

You don't have to be a graphic designer to use color well in a presentation. What I do is look for palettes I like, and then find ways to use them in the presentation. There are a number of tools for this, like Adobe Color , Coolors , and ColorHunt , just to name a few. After finding a palette you enjoy, consider how it works with the presentation you're about to give. Pastels, for example, evoke feelings of freedom and light, so they probably aren't the best choice when you're presenting quarterly earnings that missed the mark.

It's also worth mentioning that you don't need to use every color in the palette. Often, you can get by with just two or three, though you should really think through how they all work together and how readable they'll be when layered. A simple rule of thumb here is that contrast is your friend. Dark colors work well on light backgrounds, and light colors work best on dark backgrounds.

change views

Spend some time in the Slide Sorter before you finish your presentation. By clicking the four squares at the bottom left of the presentation, you can take a look at multiple slides at once and consider how each works together. Alternatively, you can click "View" on the ribbon and select "Slide Sorter."

Are you presenting too much text at once? Move an image in. Could a series of slides benefit from a chart or summary before you move on to another point?

It's here that we have the opportunity to view the presentation from beyond the single-slide viewpoint and think in terms of how each slide fits, or if it fits at all. From this view, you can rearrange slides, add additional ones, or delete them entirely if you find that they don't advance the presentation.

The difference between a good presentation and a bad one is really all about preparation and execution. Those that respect the process and plan carefully---not only the presentation as a whole, but each slide within it---are the ones who will succeed.

This brings me to my last (half) point: When in doubt, just buy a template and use it. You can find these all over the web, though Creative Market and GraphicRiver are probably the two most popular marketplaces for this kind of thing. Not all of us are blessed with the skills needed to design and deliver an effective presentation. And while a pre-made PowerPoint template isn't going to make you a better presenter, it will ease the anxiety of creating a visually appealing slide deck.

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  • Presentations

30 PowerPoint Presentation Tips to Make Good PPT Slides in 2024 (+ 6 Expert Tips)

Andrew Childress

  • Bahasa Indonesia

Here are 30 quick PowerPoint presentation tips to help you improve your presentations. 

Presentation Example

Plus, get PowerPoint tips on changing your slide design to make your content shine. We've even called on six presentation experts for their best tips.

How to Make a Good PowerPoint Presentation (Watch & Learn)

This screencast is a speed round of my very favorite PowerPoint tricks. It's a great resource to learn how to make a presentable PowerPoint. I'll walk you through ten of my favorite PowerPoint tips and tricks to create a better presentation.

can you project powerpoint presentation

Keep reading for an illustrated version of these good PPT tips (and more) that you can use to improve your PowerPoint presentations. You'll see 30 of our favorite PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks, including techniques to update slide master PowerPoint 2024 designs.

Jump to content in this section:

  • How Do You Give a Memorable PPT Presentation?
  • Practice Makes Perfect
  • Adapt Your Presentation to the Audience
  • Use a Custom Font
  • Use Contrast
  • Avoid Too Many Animations
  • Use the Rule of Three
  • Use a Custom PPT Theme Design
  • Make Use of Charts and Graphs
  • Use the Built-in Slide Layouts
  • Align Text Consistently
  • Make Your Exports User-Friendly
  • Try a Different Color Scheme
  • Edit Slide Masters for Consistency
  • Use the Alignment Feature
  • Use Stock Assets
  • Reduce Your Content
  • Rethink Your Slide Order
  • Use PowerPoint Animations
  • Invite Collaborators
  • Add Supporting Video Clips
  • Use Infographic Templates
  • Use Impactful Closing Techniques
  • Include Data in the Appendix
  • Alternate Between Solid Color and White Slides
  • Present Information With Maps
  • Keep the Design Best Practices in Mind
  • Set a Time Limit
  • Test Your Content Everywhere

30 Tips: How to Make Good PowerPoint Presentation Designs Fast in 2024

A few tried and true tips can help you speed up your PowerPoint presentation design. Check out 30 of my favorite PowerPoint tips to do just that. Each of these give you PowerPoint slideshow help to create good PowerPoint slides:

1. How Do You Give a Memorable PPT Presentation?

If you're learning the top PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks, you're probably asking yourself: how do I give a presentation that won't be forgotten?

We all want to be remembered. The best PowerPoint slideshow help to make a mark on the audience. There are tried-and-true ways to do just that, and expert Neil Tomlinson shares expertise on being remembered:

Get your main point into the presentation as early as possible (this avoids any risk of audience fatigue or attention span waning), then substantiate your point with facts, figures etc and then reiterate your point at the end in a ‘Summary’.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

Also, don’t forget to practice your presentation. Go through your slide deck a few times to make sure you know it like the back of your hand when the big day arrives. Doing so helps you feel more confident. It'll reduce any anxiety and nervousness you might feel as the presentation day approaches.

What's the best way to rehears for a good PowerPoint? Here's one of the top PowerPoint presentation tips from expert presenter Sandra Zimmer :

Once slides are ready, practice one slide at a time aloud until you feel like you know it and like the flow of speech. Be willing to change anything that does not feel in flow. At the end of learning all your slides, practice the whole talk.

If you want even more great PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks, check out the following post:

can you project powerpoint presentation

3. Adapt Your Presentation to the Audience

Let's say that you're a seasoned presenter with a pretty standard set of presentation topics. Maybe you're an expert in your field, and you're asked to give a PPT presentation frequently on similar topics.

That's the value of being an expert. You might have a standard spiel that you give your audiences, and your content won't totally change from one presentation to another. That's why it helps to make only slight tweaks to adapt your presentation to each audience.

Leading presentation expert Suzannah Baum offered up this advice:

Different audiences will have different needs and different challenges, which requires me to re-sequence the slides, or create new ones. I tend to do a lot of research on my audiences – via surveys, interviews, and conversations with the hiring manager – to help me better understand what information would be most relevant to them.

How do you adapt to your audience? Here are a few more tips:

  • Learn about them. If you're asked to speak, talk to the curator of the presentation to learn more about the audience and their background.
  • Ask about them! With contact details, send out a survey or a response link to ask for feedback and preparation info. Ask leading questions like "what do you want to learn?"
  • Consider the environment.  If you're presenting via Zoom, your style will differ from presenting in person. The key is to acknowledge the difference and adapt to your environment.

Presentation audience Elements

Learn everything you can about your audience. Learning how to make a presentable PowerPoint is all about thinking of the recipient, not the presenter!

4. Use a Custom Font

A PowerPoint presentation tip that'll make your slideshow more interesting and more engaging is to use a custom font.

Fonts set the tone for your presentation. So, when you use a premium font, you’re opting for a high-quality font while also adding a personal or creative touch. 

When choosing a font, remember that you want everyone to read your text easily. 

5. Use Contrast

The white text contrasts with the dark grey background.

One PowerPoint trick is to use contrast to make some of your text stand out or make it easier to read.

If you’re putting text over an image on our PowerPoint slide, you may need to use a white box with black text in it to make your text easier to read. You can also use contrasting colors to highlight important text.

6. Avoid Too Many Animations

Another PowerPoint tip is to avoid having too many animations or transitions.

When you've got too many animations, it can be distracting to the audience. It’s not only distracting, but it's unprofessional.

It’s best to stick to one or two animations throughout your presentation. Also, if you've got any animations in your presentation, make sure to test them to see if they work before presenting.

can you project powerpoint presentation

7. Add Audio

Include audio on a slide on PowerPoint to increase audience engagement. Audio can be anything from fun sound effects to interview clips. You can even add an audio clip of your voice.

Audio gives you a break from speaking while also engaging the audience. Envato Elements has hundreds of premium audio clips if you want to add some.

can you project powerpoint presentation

8. Use the Rule of Three

One PowerPoint tip and trick is to follow the rules of PowerPoint.

One of those rules is the rule of three. It's where you start by dividing your presentation into thirds. Everything should come in thirds, so if you use bullet points, you should only have three. If you use icons, you should only have three.

When things come in threes, it's easier to remember them. For more information, read this informative article:

can you project powerpoint presentation

9. Use a Custom PPT Theme Design

Above all, consistently use custom PowerPoint themes. Microsoft has built-in themes that you can use for free, sure. But the premium themes that are on Envato Elements   are a major step-up from PowerPoint's built-in themes. 

Envato Elements is an all-you-can-download creative subscription

When you subscribe to Envato Elements, you'll have access to unlimited downloads of all the PowerPoint themes. Right now, Envato Elements has almost 4,000 PowerPoint themes and that number is always growing. You'll learn tips for a good PowerPoint presentation by using the best templates.

The Socran PPTX template is a great example of using a PowerPoint template to jump ahead in the design process. 

10. Make Use of Charts and Graphs

Illustrate your data with the use of charts and graphs. Not only will you be able to make your presentation more visually appealing, but you'll also help your audience remember the information better.

Use charts and graphs like the ones found in Blendu PowerPoint template

Many PowerPoint templates already include chart and graph elements. Easily customize them to make your data and stats more interesting and easier to understand.

Want to learn more about how to use data? Turn to expert Adrienne J ohnston , a presentation professional:

When it comes to visualizing data in presentations, we have to remember that our audience does not need all the fine details of the data - they need the main takeaway and we need to make sure that's evident to them when looking at the slide.

11. Use the Built-in Slide Layouts

Inside of PowerPoint themes, you'll find layouts , which are custom slide designs.

Most themes include a selection of content layouts that you can use as a starting point for your own slide designs. You can leverage slide master PowerPoint 2024 designs with the help of layouts.

Slide Layouts Screenshot

Layouts are like a starting point for your PowerPoint presentation slides. They contain combinations of placeholders for text boxes, images, and more.

Instead of clicking and drawing individual objects onto the slide, use one of these layouts to start your slide off. It's one of the top PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks to save time.

12. Align Text Consistently

When you're working with text on your slide, it helps to ensure that it aligns consistently. Keeping your text aligned in the same orientation really makes a slide look clean. 

In the example below, I've basically got three text boxes:

  • list of bulleted points

Notice that all this text is aligned left. 

Alignment Example Image

Aligning text was the " aha " moment that I learned when I started studying slide design. It's one of those steps that makes a slide look much neater and professional, so keep it in mind when designing.

13. Make Your Exports User-Friendly

No matter how great your PowerPoint presentation slides look, you need to think about how your user will use the presentation file. 

Any of these are likely scenarios if you're regularly sending presentations to other users:

  • The viewer may not have PowerPoint installed on their computer.
  • The recipient may be using a version of PowerPoint that renders the presentation differently.
  • Maybe you don't want the user to be able to make any edits or see your notes in the presentation file.

PDF version of the slide

In this case, my favorite tip is to export the presentation as a PDF. To do that, go to File > Export > Create PDF , and then save your presentation as a PDF.

This is sure to help most of your users see the presentation just the way you intended.

14. Try a Different Color Scheme

Many PowerPoint themes have more than one color scheme that you can apply to your presentation. On the Design  tab, click on the drop-down next to Themes to try out a different color scheme.

Slide themes

Typically, these will restyle your entire presentation. Premium themes that you might get from Envato Elements, for example, may have many versions inside the original presentation zip file.

15. Edit Slide Masters for Consistency

The slide master controls the design for your PowerPoint slide. Instead of making the same change to each slide, apply a change to a slide master. It'll affect all the PowerPoint presentation slides that use the same master.

Edit the Slide Master

It's ideal to apply a logo to the slide master itself, for example. This keeps the logo the same size and in the same position on each slide.

To do that, go to View > Slide Master.  On the right side, you're likely to see a variety of slide masters that control designs for many slides. Drop the elements that you want to remain consistent onto one of the slide masters.

16. Use the Alignment Feature

PowerPoint presentation slides look better when the objects on them are in line with one another. There's a certain visual rhythm that occurs when objects line up in the center or along certain boundary lines.

Alignment feature

When you start dragging objects on your slide, you'll see guiding lines that pop up. These are very intuitive, and you'll likely notice that they help you line up your objects. You might seem them pop up when you've got a box that's equidistant between two other objects on the slide, for example.

This is one of the best tricks for improving the look of your PowerPoint slide. Spend some time making sure that your key elements line up cohesively.

17. Use Stock Assets

Earlier, I mentioned using Envato Elements to grab PowerPoint themes. But there's more that comes with an Envato Elements subscription for presentations.

That includes a wide variety of stock photos, graphics,  and custom designed fonts  that you can use in your presentation. Instead of reusing the same stock photo or clip art, Envato Elements has everything you need to supplement a presentation. 

Again, Envato Elements is the perfect subscription if you build presentations. It's a one-stop-shop that you can use to fill content.

18. Reduce Your Content

There's nothing that makes an audience tune out faster than being overloaded with slide content. Sometimes we try to make so many points that the audience misses all of them due to information overload.

Less is truly more. When you cut the weaker points of your presentation, the audience's attention will follow your key points accordingly.

It seems like cheating, but one of the best steps that you can take for your slide is to simply reduce the number of items that are on it. Convert some of your typed points to things you'll speak verbally.

19. Rethink Your Slide Order

Sometimes, I find that my presentations are out of order. I might spend too much time explaining my decision before I get to the conclusion.

In these cases, I like to use Slide Sorter View  to re-sequence the slides in my presentation. To access this view, go to View > Slide Sorter  on PowerPoint's ribbon.

Slide Sorter View Rearrange

From Slide Sorter view, you've got a top-down view of all the slides in your presentation deck. It sometimes becomes obvious that the slides can be reordered into a better sequence from this view.

20. Use PowerPoint Animations 

One of my favorite PowerPoint presentation tips is to complement your major points with a bit of animation. Using animation can bring a key point onto your slide with style!

Check out ten of the best PowerPoint tips for how to use animation from expert Sven Lenaerts below:

can you project powerpoint presentation

21. Invite Collaborators

Building a presentation often benefits from a second set of eyes. That's why it helps so much to invite a collaborator to work with you side-by-side in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Pushing your presentation up to OneDrive and inviting collaborators is easy. Thanks to the cloud-based approach, more than one user can edit a slide deck in real time. Learn how to do that in the tutorial below:

can you project powerpoint presentation

22. Add Supporting Video Clips

Building impactful presentations is all about adding other perspectives and angles to the content. One of my favorite ways to do that is to add a video clip. Maybe that's a production that you built on your own or found on sites like YouTube.

Either way, learn how to add and auto play a video clip in the quick tip below:

can you project powerpoint presentation

23. Use Infographic Templates

More presentations than ever will feature visuals that tell stories with data. But it's easy for an audience become overwhelmed with data. 

That's where infographics come into play. Learn to use them in PowerPoint in the tutorial below:

can you project powerpoint presentation

24. Use Impactful Closing Techniques

I've sat through many presentations in my life. I can only remember a few that really stick out, thanks to techniques that highlighted key points. You need PowerPoint tips and tricks that help leave your audience with an impact.

To do just that, make sure you use some of the techniques highlighted in the article below:

can you project powerpoint presentation

To do that, just drag and drop the thumbnails into the order you want. When you return to Normal view, the PowerPoint presentation slides will be in the resequenced order you set here.

25. Include Data in the Appendix

Many PowerPoint presentations include data in the form of charts and graphs. That means that you'll condense specifics into a few easy-to-follow charts.

But what if your audience wants more of the backing details? Maybe they want to validate and review the detail for themselves. In that case, a   set of  appendix slides  with extra data is sure to help.

PowerPoint 2022 data appendix

Appendix slides are included at the end of a presentation deck for backup purposes. You might not present them, but your audience is certain to appreciate that you included them. That helps your presentation continue to be useful even after you leave the room.

Here's a great tip from: pro presenter  Graeme Thomas of Johnny F Designs:

If (my clients) are sending the deck straight to clients however, I would then put all the information on the slides but will often use more slides so that they aren't too cluttered. In cases where there is a lot of content, like financial statements, I would use  appendix slides.

Including an appendix helps your audience understand data  without  overwhelming them with that data. Follow these tips so that you get the best of both worlds.

26. Alternate Between Solid Color and White Slides

Alternating between solid color and slides with a white background can produce an interesting visual effect and engage your audience. You can use the solid-colored slides to signify a new section in your presentation.

Lekro PowerPoint template has beautiful solid-color and white background slides

Not to mention, solid-colored slides are the perfect way to re-enforce your brand colors and build your brand recognition.

27. Present Information With Maps

If you’re trying to make a case for a global expansion or need to report on how other branches are performing, consider using a map to help your audience visualize the data.

There's no shortage of quality PowerPoint templates with maps built in so be sure to take advantage of them.

28. Keep the Design Best Practices in Mind

The design of your presentation matters just as much as the content of your presentation. That’s why you need to devote an equal amount of time to making sure the design of your presentation is on point as you do to the actual content.

Familiarize yourself with best design practices and keep them in mind as you go about customizing your template.

29. Set a Time Limit

How many slides is the right number for you? Well, it all depends on the time limit you set for your presentation.

Believe it or not, setting a time limit is helpful to create good PowerPoint slides. If you want to learn how to make a presentable PowerPoint, it's a must to lock in the time limit and ensure that your slides support that timeframe. 

Expert presenter Stephanie Ottavan offers one of our top tips for a good PowerPoint presentation based on time limits:

A presenter is usually limited to a specific time frame and you want to adhere to that as closely as you can. If you have animations and transitions in your deck, these take added time so make sure to rehearse in “show mode” of PowerPoint or Keynote and time yourself.

Believe it or not, setting a time frame is one of the most important part of creating a PPT presentation. It helps you influence how many good PowerPoint slides you should design.

30. Test Your Content Everywhere

PowerPoint in 2024 could take place anywhere. Maybe you present, online, in-person, or beam it to mobile devices. It's important to remember that the content will appear differently on each device.

PowerPoint Online is a different medium than many other apps. Make sure that your presentation design appears the same by testing it with the help of this tutorial. It shows you how your PPT presentation appears even in a browser:

can you project powerpoint presentation

Discover Great Premium PowerPoint Templates With Google Slides (For 2024)

Creating a great presentation starts with a great template. And a great PowerPoint slide design use the best presentation practices, for example:

  • Use high-quality photos and graphics to help tell the story.
  • Keep text to a minimum.
  • Stick to one idea per slide.

Designing a great template doesn’t mean you've got to start from scratch, though. Take a look at some of the best PowerPoint templates we've got on Envato Elements.

1. Neo PowerPoint Template

Neo PowerPoint Template

The Neo PowerPoint template features a modern and bold design and includes five color variations to get you started. Along with this, you'll also get 10 master slides and 30 individual slides for all your presentation needs.

2. Vexana PowerPoint Template

Vexana PowerPoint Template

The Vexana template is a great choice for brands that need a touch of elegance. This template works with PowerPoint and Google Slides and comes with a grand total of 150 slides. It also has five color variations and includes infographic elements and photo placeholders.

3. Sprint PowerPoint Template

Sprint PowerPoint Template

The Sprint PowerPoint template features a professional and modern design. The template is easy to customize. You'll find 20 masters in the standard 4:3 size, allowing you to choose the best layout for your information.

4. Travelicious PowerPoint Template

Travelicious PowerPoint Template

For any presentation that deals with the topic of travel, check out the Travelicious template. This template is compatible with both PowerPoint and Google Slides. It includes three premade color variations as well as 30 unique slides.

 As you can see from the examples above, there's no shortage of beautiful and professional PowerPoint slide designs on Envato Elements . What’s more, Envato Elements allows you to download as many PowerPoint templates as you want. Plus, get thousands of other design assets such as fonts, photos, and icons—all for one low monthly price.

Want to see even more great PowerPoint template examples? Be sure to check out our related roundup:

Need Help? Grab Our Making Great Presentations eBook (Free)

We've got the perfect complement to this tutorial. You can find more information in our eBook on making great presentations . Download this PDF eBook now for FREE with your subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. 

It'll help you master the presentation process from initial creative ideas through to writing, design, and delivering with impact.

Free eBook PDF Download Make a Great Presentation

PowerPoint Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Now that you’ve read about PowerPoint tips and tricks, if you want to learn more about PowerPoint, here are some FAQs:

1. What Is a Placeholder?

Placeholders in your slide on PowerPoint help you easily add text or images to your slide without changing your design.

In a template, sometimes the placeholders have prompts such as “Click to insert a picture” or “Click to add text.” These prompts let you know what kind of placeholder it is. To learn more about placeholders, read this article: 

can you project powerpoint presentation

2. How Can I Automatically Play a Video?

A PowerPoint tip is to insert an automatically played video in your presentation. When you've got a video that'll play automatically, it saves you the trouble of starting your video manually.

Videos can illustrate topics or specific points. They're also a great way to keep your audience engaged. If you want to learn how to play a video automatically, read this tutorial:

3. How Can I Add a Map to my Slide?

Another PowerPoint trick is to add a map to your slide. If you're discussing a specific location, then a map can help your audience visualize the location you're presenting. To learn how to add a map to your PowerPoint slide, read this tutorial:

can you project powerpoint presentation

4. How Do I Add a GIF to My Presentation?

Adding a GIF to your slide on PowerPoint is one way you can grab your audience's attention. To add a GIF to your slide, you’ll need to download a GIF.

Once you download it, upload it into PowerPoint and use it on your slide. For more information about how to add a GIF to your slide on PowerPoint, read this article:

can you project powerpoint presentation

5. Can I Recover My Unsaved Presentation?

Another PowerPoint trick is to learn how to recover unsaved PowerPoint files so that you can be prepared in case of an emergency. If you want to learn more, read this tutorial:

can you project powerpoint presentation

Learn More About How to Make Presentable PowerPoints

These quick PowerPoint Presentation tips are some of my favorite ways to rapidly improve a presentation. Keeping them in mind while you build a presentation can help you build a deck that you'll be confident about presenting.

Check out these tutorials to keep learning more about PowerPoint. These tutorials will give you more ideas for fixing up your PowerPoint presentation slides efficiently:

can you project powerpoint presentation

Find More Templates

Didn't see a template you like? Here are some more:

can you project powerpoint presentation

Use These PPT Presentation Tips on Your Next Presentation

Now that you've studied some of our best PowerPoint tips, it's time to put them to use. Download one of our top-notch PowerPoint themes from Envato Elements to get started. These PowerPoint presentation tips and tricks give you confidence to make you a skilled presenter.

Editorial Note : This post was first published in February of 2019. Our staff updates this post regularly — adding new, exciting PowerPoint tips and templates (with special help from Brenda Barron , Andrew Childress and Sarah Joy ).

Andrew Childress

Home Blog Presentation Ideas 10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

Cover for PowerPoint presentation examples article by SlideModel

Nobody said it’s easy to make a PowerPoint presentation . There are multiple design decisions to consider, like which layout is appropriate for the content you have to present, font pairing, color schemes, and whether to use animated elements or not. 

Making these choices when working under the clock is overwhelming for most people, especially if you only intend to make a report more visually appealing. For this very reason, we curated a selection of 11 good PowerPoint presentation examples categories in different niches to give you insights into what’s valued and how to take your presentations to a professional quality. All the templates used on each case will be linked for easy access.

Table of Contents

General Guidelines for Professional-Quality PowerPoint Presentations

Business pitch powerpoint presentation examples, marketing plan powerpoint presentation examples, company profile powerpoint presentation examples, quarterly/annual results presentation examples, project proposal presentation examples, training presentation examples, change management presentation examples, industry analysis presentation examples, financial planning examples, inspirational presentation examples, academic presentation examples, final words.

Before introducing our presentation slide examples, we need to discuss a list of factors that transform an average slide into a professional-quality one. 

Design Principles

For any professional-level slide deck, a consistent layout, color scheme, and font pairing are required throughout the presentation. The slides should remain uncluttered, with proper care of white balance across their composition, and stick to the 10-20-30 rule of presentations ’s concept of one concept per slide. 

Contrast between text and background color must comply with web design accessibility standards , meaning to work with a 4.5:1 contrast ratio for normal text, with exceptions for larger text. You can find more information in our article on accessibility for presentations .

A general rule in any graphic design project is to stick with fonts with ample legibility, like Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri. These are known as sans-serif fonts, and they work better than serif ones (i.e., Times New Roman) for larger text blocks.

Avoid using more than two different font families in your presentation; otherwise, the overall design will lose cohesion. Since you ought to ensure readability, the minimum size for body text should be 18pt, opting for larger variations and/or bold text for titles.

Using a combination of font pairing and font sizing helps create a hierarchy in your slides’ written content. For more insights on this topic, browse our article on fonts for presentations .

Color Scheme

Sticking to a color palette selection is one of the first design decisions to make when creating a custom slide deck . Colors have their own psychological impact on presentations, as explained in our article on color theory , so presenters must stick to 3-4 colors to avoid mixing up content in the slides. That being said, the colors have to be carefully selected according to the typical color scheme configurations, and using contrast to highlight key points on presentation slides.

Slide Layout

We can apply multiple graphic design guidelines to create professional-quality presentation slides, but in order to simplify the process, here are the key points to take into account:

  • Grids and Guides: Divide your slide into sections using guides in PowerPoint or Google Slides. Then, you can build a grid that helps place elements and catch the viewer’s interest as they follow a logical flow while looking at the slide.
  • Whitespace : Empty space is not your enemy. Slides shouldn’t be dense or feel hard on the eyes to read; therefore, work with a minimum of 30% whitespace.

Multimedia Elements

According to our expertise, video presentations and animation effects certainly increase the retention rate of the content you present. This is because they reduce the tiresome 2D presentation layout and add dynamism to the slides. Testing their functionality across different devices is a must to incorporate these elements into your presentation, especially if we consider that not all PowerPoint animation effects are compatible with Google Slides animations . 

Sound can be distracting in many scenarios unless you opt for an interactive presentation and require an audio track for an exercise. Action buttons in the form of quizzes or multiple-choice questions are fine examples of how we can integrate hyperlinks in interactive presentations.

Problem slide presentation example in a business pitch

The first professional PowerPoint example we will cover is when creating a problem slide business pitch. This selected business pitch PPT template has a 50/50 image-to-content balance that allows us to add images from our organization (or stick to the corporate placeholder image design) and quickly summarize the issue or need that our business aims to solve.

Remember that the selected colors for the text background area and text color are not 100% pure values—they are slight variations to reduce eye strain, making this slide a perfect choice for any kind of meeting room. Ideally, you can present up to three different problems to solve; otherwise, the text will look too small.

Revenue model slide PowerPoint presentation example

Another fine example of a PowerPoint presentation comes at the time of delivering an elevator pitch . As we all know, this concise presentation format requires a considerable amount of presentation aids to briefly expose each point in the speech under the allotted time frame. In this Revenue Model slide, we can find the answers to typical questions that help us shape the speech, all of them with icons and cues to remember from which areas the information comes.

Sponsorship deck PowerPoint presentation example slide

If we aim to create a sponsorship pitch deck , it is important to bring proof of past sponsorship experiences to build our credibility in front of prospective sponsors. With this best PPT template tailored for sponsorship pitch presentations, we can display such data in an attractive visual format. The neat layout balances whitespace with content, with three distinctive KPI areas to talk about your history in sponsorship experiences. 

Market segmentation presentation example slide

Talk about the market segmentation strategies of your marketing plan with this creative infographic template. This slide clearly illustrates that not all examples of PowerPoint presentations follow the same structure in terms of graphics-to-text balance. You can introduce data on how purchasing habits, user status, and brand loyalty influence buying decisions. Present key information about demographic & geographic segmentation and how psychographic information can provide deeper insights into consumer motivations to purchase.

Market opportunities slide presentation example

Another PowerPoint example comes in the format of presenting market opportunities in marketing plans . You can list up to four points, which can be extracted from the outcomes of a SWOT analysis or from retrieved data from polls or stakeholders’ insights. The icons are entirely editable, and the crisp layout makes readability much easier.

Consultancy agency services slide in marketing plan presentation example

Marketing agencies can benefit from this presentation PowerPoint example, which illustrates how easy it is to customize the content and repurpose slides for different client meetings. This and the other slides of this marketing plan slide deck allow professionals to discuss their expertise, past projects, and proposals for their target clients. In this case, the agency in question is offering insights on their work ethics through a clean slide layout with icons to flag key areas.

Company Profile financial slide presentation example

Our next PPT presentation example is suited for a Company Profile presentation in which we have to disclose key financial data. Thanks to the pie chart, presenters can segment revenue streams or do a balance between investments and profit. Additionally, the box placeholders allow us to deepen our knowledge of precise areas of interest.

One-pager Company Profile presentation example

Organizations who are looking to create a company profile can opt for a one-page arrangement to introduce the team members in charge, the overall services or products, the business model, the market, competitors, and relevant strategy information. The text boxes placed in the right area are a perfect opportunity to highlight KPIs.

Mission statement slide presentation example

In any company profile presentation, we have to introduce the organization’s Mission and Vision Statements. This presentation sample slide allows us to creatively discuss those topics. Including icons, users can summarize the primary aspects of their mission statement in one single, professionally styled slide.

Quarterly employee performance review presentation example

Quarterly reports don’t need to be depicted as boring PDF files. We can work with clean layouts that provide information in an easy-to-follow format that focuses on the core elements of the report. This quarterly report presentation example is perfect for detailed reports as we cover all essentials in a one-page format for an employee’s performance review.

Department progress report slide

If, instead, you opt for a department-by-department approach, this slide presentation example illustrates two out of four quarters in the annual report. You can compare the product’s performance by production, allowing room to perform further optimizations based on sales behavior.

Construction project presentation example slide

The construction industry requires a detailed presentation that covers all planned and contingency strategies for a project. Such an approach builds trust in the client, and that’s why we believe this PPT template for contractors is an essential tool for securing business deals. This presentation example template shows how to deliver a project proposal in style with accurate cost estimates.

Project proposal presentation example timeline format

A generic PPT project proposal template allows us to repurpose the slide for many projects—ideal for agencies, consultants, and academics. With this visual project proposal timeline, you can discuss the different stages of a project, plan for resources (both material and workforce), seek funding, or prepare for contingencies.

PPT presentation example of project deliverables

Once the project proposal’s core aspects are approved, teams must align efforts for project deliverables, acceptance criteria, and delivery format. This PPT presentation example illustrates a slide in a multi-team meeting to fine-tune aspects of the project deliverables, with an accurate representation of the due date and expected products.

Training objectives slide PPT example

Team training requires a framework in which the objectives of the workshop, coaching, or mentoring programs are laid out for management. HR teams can benefit from this presentation example by summarizing the objectives about missed business opportunities or expansion plans for the organization.

Course unit slide presentation example

Before even delivering a training program, HR teams discuss the content to cover with the head of each department, mainly to spot any missing area of knowledge required for optimal operations. Presenters can repurpose this slide for that kind of training proposal presentation or the training presentation itself.

Training course diagram presentation example slide

Intended for the early planning stages of a training program, this diagram is a well-rounded presentation example of how to discuss all points in one single slide, from the training budget to how to process employee feedback. We can expand each of these six topics in companionship slides.

Change management methodologies models

Companies undergoing change management processes can opt to apply the DMAIC or the ADKAR frameworks to orient the workforce. This presentation slide allows management to compare both methodologies and pick the one best suited for their organization.

Information sharing in change management process slide

Since data sharing is delicate in charge management situations, implementing an information flow diagram is a good practice to orient your team, get the new owners or management the required information, and exchange information between departments.

Change management stages slide

For change management directed at process optimization, this example slide allows management to stress the importance between the current situation and the expected improved state. This PPT template can also introduce the different milestones per stage and involve the management parties per area.

Industry analysis segmentation presentation example

Startups often present their industry analysis to procure investment from venture capitalists. This industry analysis presentation example showcases a typical FinTech segmentation. Presenters can describe the different types of crowdfunding, credit, and factoring services and provide examples of companies or platforms in each subcategory. They can discuss areas like asset management, payments, and other relevant aspects in detail, with successful stories from referents that helped shape their business model.

STEEPLE analysis presentation example

STEEPLE stands for Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Political, Legal, and Environmental factors. This framework allows us to perform a multidimensional industry analysis in which stakeholders can evaluate the appropriate approaches for venturing into a new business niche, renewing their overall strategy, or pursuing new goals based on recent industry changes, even those we don’t initially acknowledge.

Gap analysis presentation example

The Gap Analysis concept compares a company’s current status to a desired future state. By doing so, organizations can identify deficits or areas that require improvement in alignment with the future state. Presenters can work with this metaphorical gap analysis template and express the need for a plan that bridges such a gap.

Scope and Inventory Slide presentation example

The next example of a PowerPoint presentation is oriented to the financial area, in which a consultant can refer to an organization’s asset management. By Scope, we imply the extent and boundaries of the asset management activities within an organization. It outlines what will be included in the asset management plan and what will not. On the other hand, Inventory points to a comprehensive and detailed list of all the assets owned by an organization. It includes essential information about each asset to facilitate effective management.

Financial dashboard snapshot presentation example

In financial presentations, the information must be clearly arranged so decisions can be made easily. In this case, we observe how a financial dashboard template can represent an organization’s relevant KPIs.

Motivational teamwork presentation example slide

Think about TEDx presentations or Pecha-Kucha . They all have one factor in common: quality graphics to talk about inspirational stories. Graphics can feel overwhelming for some presenters, which ends in picking low-quality pictures or stock images unsuitable for the context of your slide deck. For this reason, we highly recommend you implement vector illustrations into your motivational presentation slides. Easy to customize, they are a valuable asset to mix & match PPT templates and create your custom deck.

Goal achieving motivational slide presentation example

Aligning efforts toward a common goal requires a powerful visual communication language. Images are easier to retain than words, so imagine adding a storytelling factor and turning a goal into a mountain to conquer. Presenters can work with this mountain PPT template and signal the different milestones to reach prior to fulfilling a significant goal for the company/organization.

Success story PPT slide

Another take in inspirational presentations is when we need to share our success stories with investors or in networking environments to inspire others. With this roadmap PPT template, presenters can go stage by stage and present the key stages that made them reach their success, or even project for expected goals to achieve.

Academic presentation example for project overview

Academic presentations don’t have to look dull or excessively formal. We can incorporate a sleek layout into our slides and use icons to highlight key points. In this case, we observe a project overview for a research project, and the icons represent the main aspects to cover in this research.

Research presentation example

A thesis presentation requires properly introducing the methodology to demonstrate the hypothesis. Rather than adding complex figures, we can work with a minimalistic slide design and briefly describe the research methods. This slide deck is suitable for thesis presentations as well as academic projects, research papers , and more.

As we can see, counting with a professionally designed slide deck makes a difference in how your presentation is perceived by the audience. By working with SlideModel PowerPoint templates, we can reuse and repurpose our slide templates as often as required or mix elements from different slides seen in these PowerPoint presentation examples to create uniquely styled slide decks.

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Top 10 Projects PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Projects PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

Siranjeev Santhanam


As businesses wrestle for dominance in a tight-knit competitive landscape, the relevance of careful and methodical project management becomes stronger than ever. In the world of commerce, a firm could hold resources, manpower and human capital, and yet flounder in its productivity and performance. For resources and capital are merely one pawn in the proverbial entrepreneurial chessboard. Successful firms need to manage their resources, energies, and human capital, directing all of it through a cohesive, unified vision tethered by centralized goals. This is the part of the game where project management comes into play. 

Are you having a tough time with your crowdfunding process? Allow us to give you a hand. Click here to peruse our other blog on five crowdfunding campaigns that can assist you here. 

The landscape of business is riddled with pitfalls, risks and uncertainties, and sound risk management is a protocol that every successful venture needs to have. And at the core of successful risk management is good project management, giving managers strong mitigation strategies that create a culture of progress, innovation and improvement. 

Large and complex projects require multi-faceted channels of operation, and firms need to align their work with the broader managerial initiatives central to their vision. This is done by breaking down large-scale tasks, allocating resources responsibly, and applying streamlined processes to manifest the vision behind the project. 

In this blog, we’re going to be directing our attention to some top project presentations, that you can weaponize and apply in your own respective corporate frays to enhance your project efficiencies. Like templates featured in our curation, the slides of all of the templates are customizable and can be handled with ease. Let’s begin. 

While we’re on the subject of project templates, click here for something similar, a blog centered on project highlight report templates. 

Template 1 - Feasibility Study Templates For Projects PPT Presentation Slides

Are you struggling with large and multi-dimensional projects that require meticulous attention and care? Allow us to bestow upon you a solution for the issue in the form of an exhaustive 98-page presentation template that comes complete with all of the tools and resources for the same. The integrated template comes with a multi-faceted range of contents, including an executive summary, a slide that enables you to document the project background and its requirements, a slide dedicated to strategic planning, and more. Some vital headlines from the PPT to be mentioned here include projected cash flow statements, margin money for working capital, project’s findings and recommendations, etc. 

Feasibility Study Template (for variety of projects)

Download now

Template 2 - Agile methods it projects PPT Presentation Slides

Project management is the cornerstone of good business in this day age, and with the aid of this versatile and finely illustrated PPT, you can master this area as well. This template comes fully loaded with content, equipped across the 64 slides. Use the substance of this slide to interrogate and review your IT protocols in a thorough and competent manner. Some major headlines featured among the slides of the template are survey of issues faced by IT employees, agile methodologies phases and goals, lean software development framework, agile kanban methodology, and more. 

Agile Methods IT Projects

Template 3 Planning and Execution of Bid  Projects through Agile IT PPT Presentation Slides

Break down large and demanding projects, conquering them piece by piece. Do this by arming yourself with the agile methodology, a time-tested framework for project management, illustrated coherently with this 55-page presentation. The template can be an instrumental ally for managers working with large scale operations, giving them a list of strategic tenets for redefining roles and duties within the business. Some leading headlines featured within the contents of the slide include addressing key people involved in proposal building, determine agile and traditional methods adaptation, addressing present challenges faced while implementing effective agile methodology, and many more. 

Planning And Execution of Bid Projects Through Agile

Template 4 Escalation process for projects PPT presentation slides

This effectively made template can be a game-changer for managers aiming to enhance their project management skills. Equip yourself with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate large-scale projects, and push your corporate mechanism into a zone of efficiency, eloquence and success. The slide comprises 54 slides and features a range of resources and slides that can help elevate your strategic planning, adding vigour and discipline to your project timelines.

Escalation Process for Projects

Template 5 How to prioritize business projects PPT Presentation Slides

This PPT Deck serves as a modernized, cutting-edge solution for project management. Arm yourself with the tools and insights needed to traverse the landscape of business, processing the ever-changing intricacies of your business’s diverse projects. Some headlines arranged across the slides of the template include key issues existing in departments, severity impact assessment of key concerns, prioritizing key concerns based on attributes, and more. Use this presentation as a powerful ally for supervising large-scale projects, paving the way for a more streamlined operating framework. 

How To Prioritize Business Projects

Template 6 - Core PMP components in it projects it PPT presentation slides

If you’re an IT organization slogging through projects, then integrate this PPT into your project management approach to create a dynamic and responsive environment where you get ahead of your workload. The template has been vibrantly made, with content crafted to reflect the needs of business management. Use the headlines synchronized into the template, such as addressing essential elements for project management, determine project charter for progress, addressing key people involved in project team, to draft a more competent and satisfying work mechanism that can deal with projects. 

Core PMP Components in IT Projects (IT)

Template 7 - Complete Guide Deploying Waterfall Management Approach To Manage Projects Complete Deck

Use the vast collection of slides in this presentation template as a catalyst for positive change within your organization. Elevate your project management strategy, enhance collaboration, and ensure optimized project outcomes. It is structured around the waterfall management philosophy, and incorporates helpful slides that dissect and implement this methodology. Take charge of your workload and stay ahead of the curve by using the template as you curate a better project performance today. 

Complete Guide Deploying Waterfall Management Approach to Manage Projects

Template 8 PMP elements in it projects IT PPT Presentation Slides

In the changing landscape of IT, managing multiple projects can be a stressful task. Use this ready-to-deploy collection of slides to transform your management protocols and propel your organization forward. The slides of the template can together make for a strategic tool tailored to meet the current needs of the IT management business. Some key headlines ingrained into the template include ‘addressing essential elements for project management’, ‘addressing work breakdown structure in agile project’, determine quality assurance for IT project management’, and many more. 

Various PMP Elements in IT Projects (IT)

Template 9 Align Projects with Project Resource Planning PPT Presentation Slides

Integrate this template and its accompanying content into your project management approach to build a more consolidated and competent work mechanism. The template empowers you to tackle a range of projects, armed with tools and techniques needed to excel in a dynamic business environment. The headlines presented in the template can function as a guide-map for success, with some headlines reading as assessing current situation of firm, common resource planning problems, resource management requirements and benefits, and more. From defining objectives to managing resources, this versatile deck of slides can present insights for any manager in a corporate environment. 

Align Projects with Project Resource Planning

Template 10 - Agile in bid projects development IT PPT Presentation Slides

This presentation delves into the foundational elements of project management, as witnessed through the agile methodology. Use the slide to establish clear project boundaries that align with your organization's goals, creating a unified vision and streamlined processes. Address shortcomings in your management structure, implementing better methods for adaptation and progress as you build effective communication and collaboration within your project team. Uncover and use new and effective strategies to engage key processes as you build cohesive within your organization. Do all of this and more with the aid of the multi-faceted layers of this 46-page template. 

Agile in Bid Projects Development (IT)


Project management plays a pivotal role in the success and sustainability of businesses across industries. Being able to supervise large and complex projects is a key component in the mechanisms of successful businesses. As businesses continue to change and adapt, the ability to handle diverse loads emerges as a crucial function in their internal architecture, and a vital measure of their capacity to gain long-term relevance. Download our content-rich templates and invest in project management, better equipping your own business to survive and thrive amidst the change and uncertainty of the world of business. 

Click here to read our other blog on ten project approach templates while we’re on this subject.

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How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Step-by-Step)

  • PowerPoint Tutorials
  • Presentation Design
  • January 22, 2024

In this beginner’s guide, you will learn step-by-step how to make a PowerPoint presentation from scratch.

While PowerPoint is designed to be intuitive and accessible, it can be overwhelming if you’ve never gotten any training on it before. As you progress through this guide, you’ll will learn how to move from blank slides to PowerPoint slides that look like these.

Example of the six slides you'll learn how to create in this tutorial

Table of Contents

Additionally, as you create your presentation, you’ll also learn tricks for working more efficiently in PowerPoint, including how to:

  • Change the slide order
  • Reset your layout
  • Change the slide dimensions
  • Use PowerPoint Designer
  • Format text
  • Format objects
  • Play a presentation (slide show)

With this knowledge under your belt, you’ll be ready to start creating PowerPoint presentations. Moreover, you’ll have taken your skills from beginner to proficient in no time at all. I will also include links to more advanced PowerPoint topics.

Ready to start learning how to make a PowerPoint presentation?

Take your PPT skills to the next level

Start with a blank presentation.

Note: Before you open PowerPoint and start creating your presentation, make sure you’ve collected your thoughts. If you’re going to make your slides compelling, you need to spend some time brainstorming.

For help with this, see our article with tips for nailing your business presentation  here .

The first thing you’ll need to do is to open PowerPoint. When you do, you are shown the Start Menu , with the Home tab open.

This is where you can choose either a blank theme (1) or a pre-built theme (2). You can also choose to open an existing presentation (3).

For now, go ahead and click on the  Blank Presentation (1)  thumbnail.

In the backstage view of PowerPoint you can create a new blank presentation, use a template, or open a recent file

Doing so launches a brand new and blank presentation for you to work with. Before you start adding content to your presentation, let’s first familiarize ourselves with the PowerPoint interface.

The PowerPoint interface

Picture of the different parts of the PowerPoint layout, including the Ribbon, thumbnail view, quick access toolbar, notes pane, etc.

Here is how the program is laid out:

  • The Application Header
  • The Ribbon (including the Ribbon tabs)
  • The Quick Access Toolbar (either above or below the Ribbon)
  • The Slides Pane (slide thumbnails)

The Slide Area

The notes pane.

  • The Status Bar (including the View Buttons)

Each one of these areas has options for viewing certain parts of the PowerPoint environment and formatting your presentation.

Below are the important things to know about certain elements of the PowerPoint interface.

The PowerPoint Ribbon

The PowerPoint Ribbon in the Microsoft Office Suite

The Ribbon is contextual. That means that it will adapt to what you’re doing in the program.

For example, the Font, Paragraph and Drawing options are greyed out until you select something that has text in it, as in the example below (A).

Example of the Shape Format tab in PowerPoint and all of the subsequent commands assoicated with that tab

Furthermore, if you start manipulating certain objects, the Ribbon will display additional tabs, as seen above (B), with more commands and features to help you work with those objects. The following objects have their own additional tabs in the Ribbon which are hidden until you select them:

  • Online Pictures
  • Screenshots
  • Screen Recording

The Slides Pane

The slides pane in PowerPoint is on the left side of your workspace

This is where you can preview and rearrange all the slides in your presentation.

Right-clicking on a slide  in the pane gives you additional options on the slide level that you won’t find on the Ribbon, such as  Duplicate Slide ,  Delete Slide , and  Hide Slide .

Right clicking a PowerPoint slide in the thumbnail view gives you a variety of options like adding new slides, adding sections, changing the layout, etc.

In addition, you can add sections to your presentation by  right-clicking anywhere in this Pane  and selecting  Add Section . Sections are extremely helpful in large presentations, as they allow you to organize your slides into chunks that you can then rearrange, print or display differently from other slides.

Content added to your PowerPoint slides will only display if it's on the slide area, marked here by the letter A

The Slide Area (A) is where you will build out your slides. Anything within the bounds of this area will be visible when you present or print your presentation.

Anything outside of this area (B) will be hidden from view. This means that you can place things here, such as instructions for each slide, without worrying about them being shown to your audience.

The notes pane in PowerPoint is located at the bottom of your screen and is where you can type your speaker notes

The  Notes Pane  is the space beneath the Slide Area where you can type in the speaker notes for each slide. It’s designed as a fast way to add and edit your slides’ talking points.

To expand your knowledge and learn more about adding, printing, and exporting your PowerPoint speaker notes, read our guide here .

Your speaker notes are visible when you print your slides using the Notes Pages option and when you use the Presenter View . To expand your knowledge and learn the ins and outs of using the Presenter View , read our guide here .

You can click and drag to resize the notes pane at the bottom of your PowerPoint screen

You can resize the  Notes Pane  by clicking on its edge and dragging it up or down (A). You can also minimize or reopen it by clicking on the Notes button in the Status Bar (B).

Note:  Not all text formatting displays in the Notes Pane, even though it will show up when printing your speaker notes. To learn more about printing PowerPoint with notes, read our guide here .

Now that you have a basic grasp of the PowerPoint interface at your disposal, it’s time to make your presentation.

Adding Content to Your PowerPoint Presentation

Notice that in the Slide Area , there are two rectangles with dotted outlines. These are called  Placeholders  and they’re set on the template in the Slide Master View .

To expand your knowledge and learn how to create a PowerPoint template of your own (which is no small task), read our guide here .

Click into your content placeholders and start typing text, just as the prompt suggests

As the prompt text suggests, you can click into each placeholder and start typing text. These types of placeholder prompts are customizable too. That means that if you are using a company template, it might say something different, but the functionality is the same.

Example of typing text into a content placeholder in PowerPoint

Note:  For the purposes of this example, I will create a presentation based on the content in the Starbucks 2018 Global Social Impact Report, which is available to the public on their website.

If you type in more text than there is room for, PowerPoint will automatically reduce its font size. You can stop this behavior by clicking on the  Autofit Options  icon to the left of the placeholder and selecting  Stop Fitting Text to this Placeholder .

Next, you can make formatting adjustments to your text by selecting the commands in the Font area and the  Paragraph area  of the  Home  tab of the Ribbon.

Use the formatting options on the Home tab to choose the formatting of your text

The Reset Command:  If you make any changes to your title and decide you want to go back to how it was originally, you can use the Reset button up in the Home tab .

Hitting the reset command on the home tab resets your slide formatting to match your template

Insert More Slides into Your Presentation

Now that you have your title slide filled in, it’s time to add more slides. To do that, simply go up to the  Home tab  and click on  New Slide . This inserts a new slide in your presentation right after the one you were on.

To insert a new slide in PowerPoint, on the home tab click the New Slide command

You can alternatively hit Ctrl+M on your keyboard to insert a new blank slide in PowerPoint. To learn more about this shortcut, see my guide on using Ctrl+M in PowerPoint .

Instead of clicking the New Slide command, you can also open the New Slide dropdown to see all the slide layouts in your PowerPoint template. Depending on who created your template, your layouts in this dropdown can be radically different.

Opening the new slide dropdown you can see all the slide layouts in your PowerPoint template

If you insert a layout and later want to change it to a different layout, you can use the Layout dropdown instead of the New Slide dropdown.

After inserting a few different slide layouts, your presentation might look like the following picture. Don’t worry that it looks blank, next we will start adding content to your presentation.

Example of a number of different blank slide layouts inserting in a PowerPoint presentation

If you want to follow along exactly with me, your five slides should be as follows:

  • Title Slide
  • Title and Content
  • Section Header
  • Two Content
  • Picture with Caption

Adding Content to Your Slides

Now let’s go into each slide and start adding our content. You’ll notice some new types of placeholders.

Use the icons within a content placeholder to insert things like tables, charts, SmartArt, Pictures, etc.

On slide 2 we have a  Content Placeholder , which allows you to add any kind of content. That includes:

  • A SmartArt graphic,
  • A 3D object,
  • A picture from the web,
  • Or an icon.

To insert text, simply type it in or hit  Ctrl+C to Copy  and Ctrl+V to Paste  from elsewhere. To insert any of the other objects, click on the appropriate icon and follow the steps to insert it.

For my example, I’ll simply type in some text as you can see in the picture below.

Example typing bulleted text in a content placeholder in PowerPoint

Slides 3 and 4 only have text placeholders, so I’ll go ahead and add in my text into each one.

Examples of text typed into a divider slide and a title and content slide in PowerPoint

On slide 5 we have a Picture Placeholder . That means that the only elements that can go into it are:

  • A picture from the web

A picture placeholder in PowerPoint can only take an image or an icon

To insert a picture into the picture placeholder, simply:

  • Click on the  Picture  icon
  • Find  a picture on your computer and select it
  • Click on  Insert

Alternatively, if you already have a picture open somewhere else, you can select the placeholder and paste in (shortcut: Ctrl+V ) the picture. You can also drag the picture in from a file explorer window.

To insert a picture into a picture placeholder, click the picture icon, find your picture on your computer and click insert

If you do not like the background of the picture you inserted onto your slide, you can remove the background here in PowerPoint. To see how to do this, read my guide here .

Placeholders aren’t the only way to add content to your slides. At any point, you can use the Insert tab to add elements to your slides.

You can use either the Title Only  or the  Blank  slide layout to create slides for content that’s different. For example, a three-layout content slide, or a single picture divider slide, as shown below.

Example slides using PowerPoint icons and background pictures

In the first example above, I’ve inserted 6 text boxes, 3 icons, and 3 circles to create this layout. In the second example, I’ve inserted a full-sized picture and then 2 shapes and 2 text boxes.

The Reset Command:  Because these slides are built with shapes and text boxes (and not placeholders), hitting the  Reset button up in the  Home tab  won’t do anything.

That is a good thing if you don’t want your layouts to adjust. However, it does mean that it falls on you to make sure everything is aligned and positioned correctly.

For more on how to add and manipulate the different objects in PowerPoint, check out our step-by-step articles here:

  • Using graphics in PowerPoint
  • Inserting icons onto slides
  • Adding pictures to your PowerPoint
  • How to embed a video in PowerPoint
  • How to add music to your presentation

Using Designer to generate more layouts ideas

If you have Office 365, your version of PowerPoint comes with a new feature called Designer (or Design Ideas). This is a feature that generates slide layout ideas for you. The coolest thing about this feature is that it uses the content you already have.

To use Designer , simply navigate to the  Design tab  in your Ribbon, and click on  Design Ideas .

To use Designer on your slides, click the

NOTE: If the PowerPoint Designer is not working for you (it is grey out), see my troubleshooting guide for Designer .

Change the Overall Design (optional)

When you make a PowerPoint presentation, you’ll want to think about the overall design. Now that you have some content in your presentation, you can use the Design tab to change the look and feel of your slides.

For additional help thinking through the design of your presentation,  read my guide here .

A. Picking your PowerPoint slide size

If you have PowerPoint 2013 or later, when you create a blank document in PowerPoint, you automatically start with a widescreen layout with a 16:9 ratio. These dimensions are suitable for most presentations as they match the screens of most computers and projectors.

However, you do have the option to change the dimensions.

For example, your presentation might not be presented, but instead converted into a PDF or printed and distributed. In that case, you can easily switch to the standard dimensions with a 4:3 ratio by selecting from the dropdown (A).

You can also choose a custom slide size or change the slide orientation from landscape to portrait in the Custom Slide Size dialog box (B).

To change your slide size, click the Design tab, open the slide size dropdown and choose a size or custom slide size

To learn all about the different PowerPoint slide sizes, and some of the issues you will face when changing the slide size of a non-blank presentation,  read my guide here .

 B. Selecting a PowerPoint theme

The next thing you can do is change the theme of your presentation to a pre-built one. For a detailed explanation of what a PowerPoint theme is, and how to best use it,  read my article here .

In the beginning of this tutorial, we started with a blank presentation, which uses the default Office theme as you can see in the picture below.

All PowerPoint presentations start with the default Microsoft Office theme

That gives you the most flexibility because it has a blank background and quite simple layouts that work for most presentations. However, it also means that it’s your responsibility to enhance the design.

If you’re comfortable with this, you can stay with the default theme or create your own custom theme ( read my guide here ). But if you would rather not have to think about design, then you can choose a pre-designed theme.

Microsoft provides 46 other pre-built themes, which include slide layouts, color variants and palettes, and fonts. Each one varies quite significantly, so make sure you look through them carefully.

To select a different theme, go to the  Design tab  in the Ribbon, and click on the  dropdown arrow  in the  Themes section .

On the Design tab you will find all of the default PowerPoint templates that come with the Microsoft Office Suite

For this tutorial, let’s select the  Frame  theme and then choose the third Variant in the theme. Doing so changes the layout, colors, and fonts of your presentation.

Example choosing the Frame PowerPoint theme and the third variant of this powerpoint presentation

Note: The theme dropdown area is also where you can import or save custom themes. To see my favorite places to find professional PowerPoint templates and themes (and recommendations for why I like them), read my guide here .

C. How to change a slide background in PowerPoint

The next thing to decide is how you want your background to look for the entire presentation. In the  Variants area, you can see four background options.

To change the background style of your presentation, on the Design tab, find the Background Styles options and choose a style

For this example, we want our presentation to have a dark background, so let’s select Style 3. When you do so, you’ll notice that:

  • The background color automatically changes across all slides
  • The color of the text on most of the slides automatically changes to white so that it’s visible on the dark background
  • The colors of the objects on slides #6 and #7 also adjust, in a way we may not want (we’ll likely have to make some manual adjustments to these slides)

What our PowerPoint presentation looks like now that we have selected a theme, a variant, and a background style

Note: If you want to change the slide background for just that one slide, don’t left-click the style. Instead, right-click it and select Apply to Selected Slides .

After you change the background for your entire presentation, you can easily adjust the background for an individual slide.

You can either right-click a PowerPoint slide and select format background or navigate to the design tab and click the format background command

Inside the Format Background pane, you can see you have the following options:

  • Gradient fill
  • Picture or texture fill
  • Pattern fill
  • Hide background

You can explore these options to find the PowerPoint background that best fits your presentation.

D. How to change your color palette in PowerPoint

Another thing you may want to adjust in your presentation, is the color scheme. In the picture below you can see the Theme Colors we are currently using for this presentation.

Example of the theme colors we are currently using with this presentation

Each PowerPoint theme comes with its own color palette. By default, the Office theme includes the Office color palette. This affects the colors you are presented with when you format any element within your presentation (text, shapes, SmartArt, etc.).

To change the theme color for your presentation, select the Design tab, open the Colors options and choose the colors you want to use

The good news is that the colors here are easy to change. To switch color palettes, simply:

  • Go to the  Design tab in the Ribbon
  • In the Variants area, click on the  dropdown arrow  and select  Colors
  • Select  the color palette (or theme colors) you want

You can choose among the pre-built color palettes from Office, or you can customize them to create your own.

As you build your presentation, make sure you use the colors from your theme to format objects. That way, changing the color palette adjusts all the colors in your presentation automatically.

E. How to change your fonts in PowerPoint

Just as we changed the color palette, you can do the same for the fonts.

Example of custom theme fonts that might come with a powerpoint template

Each PowerPoint theme comes with its own font combination. By default, the Office theme includes the Office font pairing. This affects the fonts that are automatically assigned to all text in your presentation.

To change the default fonts for your presentation, from the design tab, find the fonts dropdown and select the pair of fonts you want to use

The good news is that the font pairings are easy to change. To switch your Theme Fonts, simply:

  • Go to the  Design tab  in the Ribbon
  • Click on the  dropdown arrow  in the  Variants  area
  • Select  Fonts
  • Select  the font pairing you want

You can choose among the pre-built fonts from Office, or you can customize them to create your own.

If you are working with PowerPoint presentations on both Mac and PC computers, make sure you choose a safe PowerPoint font. To see a list of the safest PowerPoint fonts, read our guide here .

If you receive a PowerPoint presentation and the wrong fonts were used, you can use the Replace Fonts dialog box to change the fonts across your entire presentation. For details, read our guide here .

Adding Animations & Transitions (optional)

The final step to make a PowerPoint presentation compelling, is to consider using animations and transitions. These are by no means necessary to a good presentation, but they may be helpful in your situation.

A. Adding PowerPoint animations

PowerPoint has an incredibly robust animations engine designed to power your creativity. That being said, it’s also easy to get started with basic animations.

Animations are movements that you can apply to individual objects on your slide.

To add an animation to an object in PowerPoint, first select the object and then use the Animations tab to select an animation type

To add a PowerPoint animation to an element of your slide, simply:

  • Select the  element
  • Go to the  Animations tab in the Ribbon
  • Click on the  dropdown arrow  to view your options
  • Select the  animation  you want

You can add animations to multiple objects at one time by selecting them all first and then applying the animation.

B. How to preview a PowerPoint animation

There are three ways to preview a PowerPoint animation

There are three ways to preview a PowerPoint animation:

  • Click on the Preview button in the Animations tab
  • Click on the little star  next to the slide
  • Play the slide in Slide Show Mode

To learn other ways to run your slide show, see our guide on presenting a PowerPoint slide show with shortcuts .

To adjust the settings of your animations, explore the options in the  Effect Options ,  Advanced Animation  and the  Timing  areas of the  Animation tab .

The Animations tab allows you to adjust the effects and timings of your animations in PowerPoint

Note:  To see how to make objects appear and disappear in your slides by clicking a button,  read our guide here .

C. How to manage your animations in PowerPoint

You can see the animations applied to your objects by the little numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the objects

The best way to manage lots of animations on your slide is with the Animation Pane . To open it, simply:

  • Navigate to the  Animations tab
  • Select the  Animation Pane

Inside the Animation Pane, you’ll see all of the different animations that have been applied to objects on your slide, with their numbers marked as pictured above.

Note: To see examples of PowerPoint animations that can use in PowerPoint, see our list of PowerPoint animation tutorials here .

D. How to add transitions to your PowerPoint presentation

PowerPoint has an incredibly robust transition engine so that you can dictate how your slides change from one to the other. It is also extremely easy to add transitions to your slides.

In PowerPoint, transitions are the movements (or effects) you see as you move between two slides.

To add a transition to a slide, select the slide, navigate to the transitions tab in PowerPoint and select your transition

To add a transition to a PowerPoint slide, simply:

  • Select the  slide
  • Go to the  Transitions tab in the Ribbon
  • In the Transitions to This Slide area, click on the  dropdown arrow  to view your options
  • Select the  transition  you want

To adjust the settings of the transition, explore the options in the  Timing  area of the Transitions tab.

You can also add the same transition to multiple slides. To do that, select them in the  Slides Pane  and apply the transition.

E. How to preview a transition in PowerPoint

There are three ways to preview a transition in PowerPoint

There are three ways to preview your PowerPoint transitions (just like your animations):

  • Click on the Preview  button in the Transitions tab
  • Click on the little star  beneath the slide number in the thumbnail view

Note:  In 2016, PowerPoint added a cool new transition, called Morph. It operates a bit differently from other transitions. For a detailed tutorial on how to use the cool Morph transition,  see our step-by-step article here .

Save Your PowerPoint Presentation

After you’ve built your presentation and made all the adjustments to your slides, you’ll want to save your presentation. YOu can do this several different ways.

Click the file tab, select Save As, choose where you want to save your presentation and then click save

To save a PowerPoint presentation using your Ribbon, simply:

  • Navigate to the  File tab
  •  Select  Save As  on the left
  • Choose  where you want to save your presentation
  • Name  your presentation and/or adjust your file type settings
  • Click  Save

You can alternatively use the  Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save your presentation. I recommend using this shortcut frequently as you build your presentation to make sure you don’t lose any of your work.

The save shortcut is control plus s in PowerPoint

This is the standard way to save a presentation. However, there may be a situation where you want to save your presentation as a different file type.

To learn how to save your presentation as a PDF, see our guide on converting PowerPoint to a PDF .

How to save your PowerPoint presentation as a template

Once you’ve created a presentation that you like, you may want to turn it into a template. The easiest – but not technically correct – way, is to simply create a copy of your current presentation and then change the content.

But be careful! A PowerPoint template is a special type of document and it has its own parameters and behaviors.

If you’re interested in learning about how to create your own PowerPoint template from scratch, see our guide on how to create a PowerPoint template .

Printing Your PowerPoint Presentation

After finishing your PowerPoint presentation, you may want to print it out on paper. Printing your slides is relatively easy.

The print shortcut is control plus P in PowerPoint

To open the Print dialog box, you can either:

  • Hit Ctrl+P on your keyboard
  • Or go to the Ribbon and click on File and then Print

In the Print dialog box, make your selections for how you want to print your PowerPoint presentation, then click print

Inside the Print dialog box, you can choose from the various printing settings:

  • Printer: Select a printer to use (or print to PDF or OneNote)
  • Slides: Choose which slides you want to print
  • Layout: Determine how many slides you want per page (this is where you can print the notes, outline, and handouts)
  • Collated or uncollated (learn what collated printing means here )
  • Color: Choose to print in color, grayscale or black & white

There are many more options for printing your PowerPoint presentations. Here are links to more in-depth articles:

  • How to print multiple slides per page
  • How to print your speaker notes in PowerPoint
  • How to save PowerPoint as a picture presentation

So that’s how to create a PowerPoint presentation if you are brand new to it. We’ve also included a ton of links to helpful resources to boost your PowerPoint skills further.

When you are creating your presentation, it is critical to first focus on the content (what you are trying to say) before getting lost inserting and playing with elements. The clearer you are on what you want to present, the easier it will be to build it out in PowerPoint.

If you enjoyed this article, you can learn more about our PowerPoint training courses and other presentation resources by  visiting us here .

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  • Make Gantt Chart
  • Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project Gantt Chart tutorial + Export to PowerPoint

This microsoft project tutorial provides step-by-step instructions for getting ms project gantt charts into powerpoint..

can you project powerpoint presentation

It is common to present project plans, proposals and project reviews to clients and executives in PowerPoint. In this tutorial, we will show you how to prepare a Gantt chart with Microsoft Project and how to export it to PowerPoint.

Microsoft Project Gantt charts in PowerPoint

Microsoft Project is a strong planning tool but produces complex Gantt charts that are difficult for audiences to follow. In this tutorial, we demonstrate two options for preparing project plans as PowerPoint presentations:

  • The first covers some of MS Project’s hidden features. It demonstrates how to use the Gantt Chart Wizard, Task Bar Format tool and the Copy Picture feature to prepare your visual. The end result will be a Microsoft Project image that can be copied and pasted into PowerPoint.
  • The second tutorial explains how to import Microsoft Project Gantt chart data into PowerPoint with the Office Timeline add-in. This method converts .MPP files into PowerPoint slides that can be shared, edited, and updated whenever your MS Project data changes right inside PowerPoint.

Which Microsoft Office Gantt chart tutorial would you like to see?

Auto-generated Gantt Chart Sample

Make a regular Gantt chart in Microsoft Project

How to use the gantt chart wizard and copy picture feature.

Presentations to clients and executives need to be simple and easy to understand. Microsoft Project’s Gantt charts are often complicated but using the Gantt Chart Wizard can help make them more comprehensible. If the Gantt Chart Wizard is hidden in Microsoft Project, you will need to add it to the ribbon by following these steps.

1. Add the Gantt Chart Wizard to Microsoft Project ribbon.

Click on File > Options > Customize Ribbon .

In the right column beneath Main Tabs , right-click the tab where the Gantt Chart Wizard button will be added and select Add New Group . This adds a new section to that tab of your Microsoft Project ribbon.

Add new group using Customize Ribbon option in MS Project

The new section will be listed as New Group (Custom). Righ click on New Group (Custom) , rename it, and then click OK . We called ours Project Visuals .

Staying in the Project Options window under Choose commands , select Commands Not in the Ribbon .

In the column on the right, highlight the new group you created at step C (in our case, Project Visuals ). In the left column, scroll down and select Gantt Chart Wizard and then Add to include the Gantt Chart Wizard in your new group. Click OK to exit.

Add Project Visuals from Gantt chart wizard

You will now see the Gantt Chart Wizard in Microsoft Project’s ribbon. In our example, we placed it on the Task tab in the section Project Visuals.

Gantt Chart Wizard Added on Ribbon Bar

2. Use the Gantt Chart Wizard to prepare your visual for PowerPoint.

After you click on the Gantt Chart Wizard button, the first styling option you get is to select what type of Gantt information you want to display. For client and executive presentations, keep project visuals simple to understand by displaying only Standard information.

The second step of the Gantt Chart Wizard allows you to select the type of text you want to display alongside your task bars. For clarity purposes, we selected Dates. Further down in this Microsoft Project tutorial, we’ll show you how to add extra information to any task.

The final step of the Gantt Chart Wizard is to select whether you want to display links between tasks with dependencies. To keep the MS Project Gantt chart as simple as possible, we chose not to show link lines.

Gantt Chart Wizard

3. Use the Gantt Chart Format task bar features to add detail.

From the Gantt Chart Format tab, drop down the Format control to change the appearance of your tasks. Here you can add and rearrange important elements to your MS Project Gantt chart. In our example, we added titles (name), durations and % complete for each summary task.

Gantt Chart Format Options

4. Use the Copy Picture tool for selecting the tasks to display on your slide.

Now you need to create an image that you can copy and paste into PowerPoint. Microsoft Project has a feature called Copy Picture which allows you to choose which tasks you want to show on your visual. This is useful for paring down project tasks to the ones that are critical for your presentation.

On your View tab in Microsoft Project, go to the Data section, and select the Summary tasks option in the Filter category to view just the major ones. Then, select all the task rows you want to be displayed on your image (hold CTRL + click to select each item). In the example below, we selected all our Summary Tasks rows

On the Task tab, drop down the Copy button to find the Copy Picture control.

Choose to render image as a GIF file if you want to save it locally or select For screen if you want to copy and paste the image directly into another program.

Choose to Copy Selected Rows .

Set your timescale and click OK . In our example, we set the timescale to ”As shown on screen” .

Gantt Chart Copy Picture Tool in Microsoft Project

Here is the final Gantt chart graphic produced by Microsoft Project. You can share this Gantt chart with your stakeholders by inserting it into a new PowerPoint slide or an email. You can also crop out the task names for more clarity.

Final Gantt Chart Sample in Microsoft Project

So far, we’ve demonstrated how to format your Microsoft Project Gantt chart into a presentable graphic and how to paste it into PowerPoint as a static image. To find out how to import your .MPP file into PowerPoint and how to refresh your slide to automatically update it whenever your Microsoft Project data changes, read the section below.

Download the sample Microsoft Project Gantt chart file

Make a gantt chart in powerpoint using ms project data, import microsoft project data directly into powerpoint with a gantt chart add-in from office timeline..

PowerPoint is a visual application and, therefore, better suited for creating the type of visuals your clients and executives expect. Office Timeline is a PowerPoint add-in that imports data directly from Microsoft Project and transforms it into professional Gantt charts instantly. Since all these automatically generated graphics are native PowerPoint slides, they can be opened, shared, presented, updated, or edited by anyone who has PowerPoint installed.

In the tutorial below, we will show you how to quickly import Microsoft Project data directly into PowerPoint using Office Timeline’s Microsoft Project import wizard. You will also learn how to refresh the slide instantly after you make changes to the .MPP file. To get started, you first need to install Office Timeline's free trial , which will add a timeline maker tab to the PowerPoint ribbon (image below).

Import Microsoft Project data into PowerPoint.

Open PowerPoint and click the Import button on the Office Timeline ribbon tab.

MS Project Import Button

Click on Microsoft Project in the Import wizard and select the .MPP file you wish to load.

The MS Project Import Wizard in Office Timeline

Next, Office Timeline will map the columns in the .MPP file, but you can make changes if there are any mismatches.

Mapping MS Project data to be imported

Now, from the .MPP import list screen, select what MS Project data you would like to import by ticking or unticking them. You can choose to display some of the imported items using the Outline or the Filter options.

Select MS Project data to import

Office Timeline will instantly create a PowerPoint Gantt chart slide from your Microsoft Project data. This one took around one minute to make:

Final PowerPoint Gantt Chart

Click the Refresh Data button on the Office Timeline ribbon to update your Gantt whenever the data changes in your Project file. The Refresh wizard will identify any changes to the .MPP file. It’s worth noting that Refresh data is a one-way process, and your Project file will not be affected in any way. Select the changes you want to keep and click Finish to update your Microsoft Project Gantt chart.

Update Gantt chart automatically

FAQs about Microsoft Project Gantt Charts

How do i trim down a gantt chart in ms project.

When using MS Project to make a Gantt chart that is more complex, you might encounter pagination issues, like your graphic spanning too many pages. That can be problematic when you present it to your stakeholders and execs. Fortunately, there are a few options available:

  • Manually adjusting the timescale on your graph;
  • Fitting the timescale to End of Page ;
  • Scaling the entire project;
  • Importing the MS Project data into Office Timeline and allowing the add-in to adjust the timescale automatically based on the dates of the tasks.

How can you display a timeline and Gantt chart in MS Project?

Start out by clicking on View then select Timeline to adjust the display mode of your graphic. From there, select the tasks and milestones you’d like to show and click Add to Timeline . You can use the Format section to adjust the date range, colors, or text style, and even create multiple timelines. Another way to go about it is to simply import the .MPP file into Office Timeline, apply a professionally designed Gantt chart template and let the add-in do the work for you.

Where can I create a Gantt Chart for free?

Multiple Gantt chart makers are available in both online and offline versions. To select the best one for you, it’s worth taking into account your personal requirements in terms of complexity, learning curve and value for money. If you want to look at a comparison, check out our article on the best Gantt chart makers available today.

Many tools on the market offer either a free version, a freemium model or a free trial. After you try them out and depending on the complexity of your project, it might be better to consider investing in a decently priced app that will save you time and money in the long run.

See how to instantly sync PowerPoint Gantt charts made with MS Project or Excel

can you project powerpoint presentation

  • MS Project Gantt chart options
  • Add the Gantt Chart Wizard
  • Prepare your visual for PowerPoint
  • Add extra detail to the Gantt chart
  • Filter displayed tasks with Copy Picture
  • Download MS Project Gantt chart template
  • Import MS Project data
  • Download PowerPoint Gantt chart template
  • FAQs about MS Project Gantt charts
  • Gantt chart template collection
  • Additional resources

Timeline software turns Excel into Gantt charts

See our free Gantt chart template collection

Clinical trial roadmap.

Large-scale PowerPoint clinical trial roadmap template featuring color-coded elements to highlight the main phases necessary for a drug or procedure to receive FDA approval.

Business Continuity Plan

Swimlane timeline template that outlines the major components of business continuity management in order to guide professionals in their risk-mitigation efforts.

Technology Roadmap with Swimlanes

Swimlane diagram example that includes diverse milestones and tasks to mark distinct phases and major events for managing technological updates in your organization.

Product Development Roadmap

Color-coded swimlane sample for showcasing the journey of a product with smartly grouped milestones and tasks, which reduces clutter and eliminates overlapping. 

IT Migration Swimlane Chart

Clear swimlane chart template that lets you easily map out an organization’s migration process from one system to another on stages and organize milestones and tasks according to scheduled intervals.

Basic Gantt Chart

Simple Gantt chart diagram with well-defined tasks and milestones that help you clearly outline any project schedule. 

Free Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart template was designed for professionals who need to make important project presentations to clients and execs.

Simple yet professionally-designed project template focusing on major milestones and due dates for you to be able to create easy-to-follow, high-level project timelines for proposals, campaigns, status reports and reviews.

Project Management Plan

A visual template highlighting project key tasks and milestones so that you can present just the right amount of detail to both project and non-project audiences.


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    To invite other people to access your PowerPoint file and collaborate, take these steps: With the presentation open, select the Share button in the top right corner of the ribbon. If you have not yet stored your presentation to OneDrive or SharePoint in Microsoft 365, a message will direct you to do so. (You can also simply share a copy of the ...

  15. 20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

    6. "Blitzscaling: Book Trailer," Reid Hoffman. If you're going to go the minimalistic route, I'd take note of this PowerPoint presentation example from Reid Hoffman. This clean design adheres to a simple, consistent color scheme with clean graphics peppered throughout to make the slides more visually interesting.

  16. 8 Tips to Make the Best PowerPoint Presentations

    A good presentation needs two fonts: a serif and sans-serif. Use one for the headlines and one for body text, lists, and the like. Keep it simple. Veranda, Helvetica, Arial, and even Times New Roman are safe choices. Stick with the classics and it's hard to botch this one too badly.

  17. 25 PowerPoint Presentation Tips For Good PPT Slides in 2022

    Get your main point into the presentation as early as possible (this avoids any risk of audience fatigue or attention span waning), then substantiate your point with facts, figures etc and then reiterate your point at the end in a 'Summary'. 2. Practice Makes Perfect. Also, don't forget to practice your presentation.

  18. 10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

    Scope slide to establish the financial assets and financial health of an organization. Create a similar design by using our Asset Management PowerPoint Template. The next example of a PowerPoint presentation is oriented to the financial area, in which a consultant can refer to an organization's asset management.

  19. Free Google Slides & PPT templates for project management

    Project Management Infographics. Download the "Project Management Infographics" template for PowerPoint or Google Slides to get the most out of infographics. Whether you want to organize your business budget in a table or schematically analyze your sales over the past year, this set of infographic resources will be of great help.

  20. Top 10 Projects PowerPoint Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 2 - Agile methods it projects PPT Presentation Slides. Project management is the cornerstone of good business in this day age, and with the aid of this versatile and finely illustrated PPT, you can master this area as well. This template comes fully loaded with content, equipped across the 64 slides.

  21. How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Step-by-Step)

    The first thing you'll need to do is to open PowerPoint. When you do, you are shown the Start Menu, with the Home tab open. This is where you can choose either a blank theme (1) or a pre-built theme (2). You can also choose to open an existing presentation (3).

  22. Microsoft Project Gantt Chart tutorial + Export to PowerPoint

    1. Add the Gantt Chart Wizard to Microsoft Project ribbon. Click on File > Options > Customize Ribbon. In the right column beneath Main Tabs, right-click the tab where the Gantt Chart Wizard button will be added and select Add New Group. This adds a new section to that tab of your Microsoft Project ribbon.