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Business Plan Checklist for Your Coworking Space

The coworking industry is becoming a lucrative worldwide phenomenon , and now is the perfect time to break into the business. And as COVID-19 induced lockdowns and social distancing hopefully become a thing of the past, remote workers will be looking to find ways to connect with like-minded individuals now more than ever. A coworking space is a perfect place to do that!

Below, we've put together a step-by-step checklist to help you envision, assemble, and scale your own unique space. Whether you're brand new to the industry or you already know the ropes, you can use these tips to improve efficiency, define your brand and strengthen your space's community.

Looking for our full coworking space business plan?

We offer a comprehensive guide to operating a coworking space. Download it free here .

1. Define Your Vision

conference room with table

Why do you want to open the new space? To make a living? To cross-finance your own startup? To create a national coworking chain? To help your local community?

All are valid answers, but this important first step will help define your entire strategy. You will have to adapt your strategy over time, but your vision should stay intact to make sure your brand is consistent and your members feel valued. Take WeWork for example. Their initial vision — to create spaces for people to come together and innovate — still hasn't changed, even as their business has scaled up .

A look into the future of Coworking Spaces

The co-working market is about to be disrupted. Let's see how

A look into the future of Coworking Spaces

2. Solve a Specific Problem

meeting room with sticky notes

There needs to be a niche for your new coworking business, and thankfully there are plenty of options available. Maybe your area has a high demand for coworking spaces beyond coffee shops and libraries. Maybe the existing spaces in your area are too focused on one type of worker. On the other hand, maybe the other spaces around you are too broadly focused.

You're now in the business of problem-solving, so starting with a focus and expanding from there should be your main goal. For example, Google started out as a simple search engine that used links to determine the importance of individual pages on the internet. Today, they still dominate their niche, but they also offer dozens of services on top of that: Think products and services include mail, calendars, maps, and even phones. To create something bigger, you need to begin with one small thing. Start by analyzing your competitors and conducting a competitive analysis .

3. Define Your Space

meeting in a coworking space

Envision your target market's dream coworking environment . Is your space a premium facility for companies or an affordable solution for freelancers? Is your primary audience big business or small teams? Will your facility integrate with your city's business environment through events and partnerships, or will it be an independent space open to anyone?

Answering these questions will help you more easily plan out your membership pricing, amenities, marketing, and location. Being generic doesn’t cut it in the coworking market. Think deeply about how to stand out against the rest and add value to your new space.

4. List Your Business Goals

Business Plan Coworking Space

This is the tough work that will help you the most in the long run. If your space is fully leased, plan out the number of desks you can offer and monetize. Shoot for using 30 to 40 percent of your total space as desk space. Then, use this figure to calculate how much revenue your space can generate, including comparing the number of hot desks against the number of permanent desks.

Start to formulate a financial plan for your vision. Use our very own free financial ramp-up calculator to get started. The next step is to think about goals further down the line. When will you break even? How much revenue will you generate? How much turnover do you expect? Which amenities and cosmetic choices can you afford?

Now think about the investment you'll need. This includes set up costs, like furniture and internet service; opening costs, like a launch event; and ongoing operations, like maintenance and salaries. There are more costs than you might initially imagine, so research more with coworking guru Alex Hillman's online guide .

Additionally, you should define your value proposition, cost structure, revenue streams, customer segments, key channels, and marketing strategy. You'll need to know these answers inside and out.

Preview of our coworking revenue forecast tool

5. Pick Your Team

Business Plan Coworking Space

Every great business starts with a great team . Consider every side of the plan: a technology expert, an operations manager, and a marketing person are essential, whether you hire them, do those jobs yourself, or outsource to freelancers.

Similarly, you’ll need to look into real estate partners, investors, and other day-to-day employees to round out your core group. A solid team will increase your space's value and pave the way for future growth.

6. Coworking Business Model

What is your unique selling point what value do you bring.

Do you offer lots of space for large teams to rent out, or individual desks to pay for by the hour? Do you offer bare-bones facilities like wifi and a seat at a desk, or cold brew on tap and gym access? You should always aim to offer the work necessities that aren’t available in free spaces like coffee shops: printers, reliable high-speed internet, writing utensils, scanners, and other office supplies. You may want to cater to a specific industry, like offering a space where entrepreneurs can network and bounce ideas off of each other. Are you geared towards providing networking opportunities, or a quiet space for optimal productivity? Or do you cater to bigger clients who want more private meeting spaces or long-term rentals? The answers to all of these questions will begin to define how you sell your space.

Who is your audience?

Are you catering to individuals, businesses, or both? How will you accommodate those who will stop in sporadically versus members who need a steady 9-5 workspace? Will you lease specific desks and offices or just grant people entry as needed? Are there entire floors that companies can rent out, or private meeting spaces for remote teams? Or maybe you don’t exist in a physical place but are more of a club? These parameters will help you think about what type of space you should occupy.

If you’re offering a space primarily for people to meet outside of the usual 9-5, maybe you operate out of a building that is in use only outside of normal business hours, like a restaurant or church. If you’re catering more to the 9-5 crowd, think about how you can utilize your space outside of business hours. Perhaps you’ll host nighttime events like book readings or networking cocktail hours. Maybe you’ll cater to parents by offering childcare or irregular hours.

What are your revenue streams?

Most revenue will come from membership fees, but those can take several forms. You can have members pay monthly or annually, or charge hourly for the use of workspace. You can offer both hot desks, which can be rented out for specific times, and dedicated desks, where a member can leave their things and return at their leisure. A mix of both will ensure you’re filled to maximum capacity. Also consider offering corporate memberships, which can be a great way to get tons of people in the door and allow companies to extend perks to remote teams.

You can also bring in revenue through amenities like a cafe, and build different levels of membership based on these smaller perks. For example, a higher-tier member might get unlimited coffee, free guests, or free access to events.

Another popular revenue stream for coworking space is something called a “virtual office,” in which startups or remote teams pay for a business address where they can send and receive packages, even while working from a different place, like their homes.

What are your marketing strategies?

A good marketing strategy is key to getting your coworking space off the ground. It’s also highly connected with who your audience is. You may run advertisements on local news or in niche magazines that cater to your audience. You should definitely have an attractive website and a strong social media presence. Many places find success in offering perks to existing members for referring friends.

Try and get creative! Can you work with influencers that your audience might follow? Should you have a booth at industry fairs, or offer freebies to those passing by at a local farmers market or on a busy street?

What partnerships can you form?

To get off the ground, many coworking spaces rely on investors. They provide an initial revenue stream and source of capital, plus they provide a networking tool that can be sold to members. If your coworking space hosts a number of entrepreneurs or start-ups, you may want to consider offering to connect them with your investor for a small fee.

Think about smaller-scale partnerships as well, such as different local businesses and entrepreneurs you can collaborate with. Perhaps a local coffee shop would be interested in opening a cafe in your space, or a local restaurant could offer customers special discounts. You could offer members discounts at a nearby gym, or host instructors for fitness classes right in your coworking space.

If you plan on hosting events, begin to compile a shortlist of people who would make a good fit. Are there local entrepreneurs who could give an inspiring talk, or authors who might draw a crowd? Perhaps artists would be interested in having their work on display, or a local library could sponsor a small lending library in your space.

7. Coworking Business Model Template

There are tons of helpful coworking business model canvases out there that are helpful to estimate your startup costs, brainstorm partnerships, cater towards your target audience, and build your business. You can save this checklist, as well, to help you start planning your space.

Target Audience : Who is your dream client? Who do you wish to attract?

Partners: Will you be looking for investors? Who will be your internet service provider? Will you partner with local businesses, or bring in local experts for events?

Added Value: What’s your selling point? A quiet space for remote workers to use instead of a home office? Networking opportunities? Speakers and events?

Key Resources: What do you need to be successful? An entire building or just an open floor? Wifi? Cold brew? Fax machines?

Advertising: How will you spread the word? Through local businesses, social media, billboards, or word of mouth?

Key Activities: What will your space be used for? Workspace for startups? Collaboration for entrepreneurs? Events open to the whole community?

Revenue Streams: Will membership fees be fixed or will there be different plans? Will you recruit investors? How many hot desks versus conference rooms? Will you charge a fee for events?

Customer Segments : What different customers do you hope to attract? Freelancers? Remote workers? Entire companies?

Download this Coworking Space Business Model Canvas today and start planning!

Business Plan Coworking Space

Remember: This is a broad overview. While these are some of the main questions you'll need to address when shaping your business plan, there will be plenty of other things to evaluate more in-depth. We've collected a more extensive overview of how to launch and run a coworking space in 2021 with our updated guide, which you can download for free .

And get excited! Coworking is showing signs of massive growth, and this is your chance to improve the world of business while setting yourself up for success.


Carlo Belloni

Carlo is the Project Manager and SEO Specialist at Kisi.


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Coworking Space Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Co-Working Space Business Plan

Coworking Space Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their coworking space companies.

If you’re unfamiliar with creating a coworking space business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a coworking space business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What is a Coworking Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your coworking space business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.  

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Coworking Space

If you’re looking to start a coworking space business or grow your existing coworking space company, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your coworking space business to improve your chances of success. Your coworking space business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.  

Sources of Funding for Coworking Space Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a coworking space business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for coworking space companies.

How to Write a Business Plan for a Coworking Space Business

If you want to start a coworking space business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your coworking space business plan.  

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of coworking space business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a coworking space business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of coworking space businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the coworking space industry.
  • Discuss the type of coworking space business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of coworking space business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of coworking space businesses:

  • Industry specialized coworking space: This type of coworking space caters to workers and entrepreneurs in a specific industry such as graphic designers, digital media professionals, or writers.
  • Business incubator: This type of coworking space is specifically for startups and entrepreneurs to work on new business ventures in a supportive environment.
  • Private coworking space: This type of coworking space is usually rented out by a single company.
  • Open coworking space: This is the most common type of coworking space, where anyone can rent a desk or a room for a fee.

In addition to explaining the type of coworking space business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of clients served, the number of companies served, reaching $X amount in revenue, etc.
  • Your legal business Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the coworking space industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the coworking space industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your coworking space business plan:

  • How big is the coworking space industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your coworking space business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your coworking space business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, schools, families, and corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of coworking space business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.  

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other coworking space businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes other places people gather to work, such as conference rooms, libraries, and coffee shops. You need to mention such competition as well.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of coworking space business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you make it easier for your clients to acquire your services?
  • Will you offer products or services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a coworking space business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of coworking space company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide food and beverages, hot desks, conference rooms, or fitness rooms?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your coworking space company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your coworking space business located in a busy retail district, a business district, or a standalone office? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your coworking space marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in local papers, radio stations and/or magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute flyers
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your coworking space business, including answering calls, scheduling cleaning services for the coworking space, ordering office supplies, and collecting payments from clients, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to book your Xth client, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your coworking space business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your coworking space business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing coworking space businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a coworking space business or successfully running a small venture incubator.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will your coworking space have 20 desks, and will you charge $20 per day/per desk? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your coworking space business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a coworking space business:

  • Cost of equipment and office supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or testimonials from happy customers.  

Writing a business plan for your coworking space is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will have an expert coworking space business plan; download it to PDF to show banks and investors. You will understand the coworking space industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful coworking space business.

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Coworking Space business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.

Click here to see how a Growthink business planning consultant can create your business plan for you.  

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Business Plan Template For Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs

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Coworking Space Business Plan

Executive summary image

If you are planning to start a new Co-Working space business, the first thing you will need is a business plan. Use our sample coworking space business plan created using upmetrics business plan software to start writing your business plan in no time.

Before you start writing your business plan for your new co-working space business, spend as much time as you can reading through some examples of service-related business plans .

Reading sample business plans will give you a good idea of what you’re aiming for and also it will show you the different sections that different entrepreneurs include and the language they use to write about themselves and their business plans.

We have created this sample coworking space business plan for you to get a good idea about how a perfect coworking space business plan should look like and what details you will need to include in your stunning business plan.

Co-Working Space Business Plan Outline

This is the standard co-working space business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Company Overview
  • Partners/Management Team
  • Service Strategy
  • Marketing Plan
  • Financial Plan
  • Sharing and Collaboration
  • Working from Home
  • Cloud Computing
  • Having an affordable, professional place to work and meet
  • Collaborate with the community at space
  • Number of members in a co-working space
  • Age of space (Maturity of the community)
  • Other sources of income
  • Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Bargaining Power of Buyers
  • The threat of New Entrants
  • Availability of Substitutes
  • Rivalry among Competitors
  • Our Mission
  • Management Team
  • Co-working Space
  • Classes & Workshops
  • Consulting Services
  • Other Services
  • Market Size
  • Market Segments
  • 5 Year Sales Goals
  • 5 Year Sales Goals Projections
  • Promotional Strategy
  • Operations Plan
  • Management Compensation and Ownership
  • Staffing, Employee Compensation, and Work Schedule
  • Important Assumptions
  • Brake-even Analysis
  • Profit Yearly
  • Gross Margin Yearly
  • Projected Cash Flow
  • Projected Balance Sheet
  • Business Ratios

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After getting started with upmetrics , you can copy this sample business plan into your business plan and modify the required information and download your coworking space business plan pdf and doc file. It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing your business plan.

Download a sample coworking business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go;  download our free coworking business plan pdf  to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your coworking business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

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Coworking Space Business Plan [Sample Template]

In these modern times, freelancers, consultants, remote employees, or professionals without an office can all benefit from a space where they are surrounded by like-minded individuals who motivate them with their interaction and works.

Working alone from home comes with a range of disadvantages since it’s directly linked to the many dangers of workplace isolation.

Co-working spaces now serve as a primary catalyst for human approach designs, which help to enhance collaboration, innovation, and productivity. Today, there is a lot of reasons to start your own co-working space, but ‘wanting’ and ‘actually starting’ are two different things. Bringing the vision to life warrants that you pen down a detailed and organized business plan.

Steps on How to Write a Coworking Space Business Plan

1. executive summary.

At Wok Zone, we plan to create an entirely new marketplace that fills the gap that employers are leaving behind. Our objective is not to recreate the same quality of working life that employers have been providing for more than a century now, but to create a better quality of working life that will help carry the torch of Oakland startups into the future.

Company Profile

A. our services.

As the Silicon Valley tech scene expands beyond San Francisco, Oakland’s lower living costs and robust transit systems are becoming more and more appealing to prospective startups, and these consumers are searching for places to work, a computer, a pension, healthcare, someone to calculate and pay their taxes, food and drink and everything else employers used to provide on their behalf.

b. Nature of the Business

At Wok Zone, our business model differs from co-working: workspace isn’t the product that we intend to sell; instead, it is the market floor for selling everything else. We plan to design a better quality workspace than what exists currently in the market and bring it in public where people can walk in and out of it freely.

c. The Industry

Wok Zone will flourish and take up market shares in the co-working space industry that is massively growing by leaps and bounds.

d. Mission Statement

Our mission at Wok Zone is to create a new infrastructure that takes the place of employers.

e. Vision Statement

Our vision is to become a renowned leader in the co-working space business in the whole of California by revolutionizing the industry and expanding our services to cover the needs of our clients. We believe that the more we help people flourish in the work they are doing, the happier they are!

f. Tagline or Slogan

Wok Zone – Investing in the Future of Work

g. Legal Structure of the Business (LLC, C Corp, S Corp, LLP)

Wok Zone will be established and registered in the state of California as a Limited Liability Partnership. The partners/management team consists of Windy Grace, Felix Wilder, Martins Jones, and Bob Castle. This team has a vast range of knowledge that shall help build the business.

h. Organizational Structure

  • Floor Manager
  • Sales and Marketing Executive
  • Client Service Executive

i. Ownership/Shareholder Structure and Board Members

Wok Zone will be jointly and equally owned by Windy Grace, Felix Wilder, Martins Jones, and Bob Castle. Owing to their wide array of knowledge and expertise, they will also jointly manage Wok Zone.

 3. SWOT Analysis

A. strength.

  • An affordable, professional place to work and meet
  • New technologies
  • A collaborative environment
  • Experience and knowledge of our team

b. Weakness

  • Number of members in a co-working space
  • Age of our space and the maturity of our community
  • No other well-defined sources of income

c. Opportunities

  • A viable location
  • The rising popularity of shared office spaces
  • More people embracing entrepreneurship

i. How Big is the Industry?

According to industry reports, the co-working space industry is growing by leaps and bounds. The massive demand for a remote workforce and the growth of the gig economy are propelling the need for workspaces. Globally, the co-working market was valued at $26 billion in 2019.

ii. Is the Industry Growing or Declining?

The co-working industry is growing massively. Co-working growth is evident in nearly every relevant metric, including the number of new leases, number of seats, dedicated square footage, and growth rate.

iii. What are the Future Trends in the Industry

According to reports, from cannabis co-working spaces to health and wellness-focused office space, it’s becoming clear that the entire flexible workspace industry has become increasingly targeted to cater to the specific needs of its customers.

Note that as the freelance and remote worker becomes a bigger percentage of the general workforce, businesses in this industry will have to be more accommodating and differentiating than ever before.

iv. Are There Existing Niches in the Industry?

  • A Co-Working Space Tailored to the Legal Profession
  • A Community-Based Space for Female Entrepreneurs
  • A Co-Working Space Geared to the Outdoor Industry
  • Musician-Focused Spaces
  • Wellness-Oriented Spaces
  • LGBTQ Spaces
  • Construction-Focused Spaces
  • A Co-working Space for Emerging Cannabis Startups
  • Band Rehearsal Space
  • A Co-working Space for Sustainability/Environmental Startups & Entrepreneurs
  • A Co-working Space for Fintech Startups
  • A Co-working Space for Foodtech Startups

v. Can You Sell a Franchise of your Business in the Future?

At Wok Zone, we do not have plans to sell a franchise in the future. As our customer base scales, we will start building new locations. At Wok Zone, we won’t exclusively sell our products and services; it will be an open marketplace that encourages others to become solutions that our advisors recommend and sell.

  • Rivalry among Competitors
  • Availability of Substitutes
  • The threat of New Entrants
  • Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Bargaining Power of Buyers

i. Who are the Major Competitors?

  • Industrious

ii. Is There a Franchise for Co-working Space Business?

  • Regus: $549,000-$998,000
  • Office Evolution: $373,950-$1,557,000
  • Venture X: $911,690-$3,602,710
  • Rent 24: Available upon inquiry.
  • Serendipity Labs: $331,200 – $1,559,100

iii. Are There Policies, Regulations, or Zoning Laws Affecting Co-working Space Business?

Yes, numerous code issues come into existence once you are trying to densify a floor for co-working, especially in older, smaller buildings.

Owing to that, it is always advisable to review the building’s Certificate of Occupancy (CofO), the permitted uses within the building’s zoning district, the live load of the floor, and the maximum number of persons per floor before settling for a location.

It is also necessary to study the egress of the floor to ensure a change is feasible and also carefully evaluate the fixture counts, live load, accessibility, and various other elements. Co-working spaces that inculcate restaurants will also have stricter regulations to face because offices and restaurants have different occupancy requirements.

Marketing Plan

A. who is your target audience.

i. Age range

  • Gen Z (18-22 years old): 40%
  • Millennial (23-38 years old): 20%
  • Gen X (39-54 years old): 30%
  • Baby Boomers (55+ years old): 10%

ii. Level of Educational

  • High school graduate or less: 2%
  • Some college or Associate degree: 28%
  • Bachelor’s degree: 32%
  • Postgraduate 38%

iii. Income Level

Our target audience at Wok Zone will earn $100,000 to $149,000 a year.

iv. Ethnicity

  • White: 75.0%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 10.3%
  • Asian: 8.3%
  • Black or African American: 3.3%
  • Unknown: 2.6%
  • American Indian and Alaska Native: 0.5%

v. Language

There are no language barriers or restrictions at Wok Zone.

vi. Geographical Location

Once a major destination on the transcontinental railroad; Oakland has long grown into a center for bold ideas and innovative thinking, boasting of a growing multitude of freelancers and startup owners.

vii. Lifestyle

Although some clients at Wok Zone will simply need any available desk, others may have additional space considerations, like a conference room or flexible office for client meetings or collaborations.

b. Advertising and Promotion Strategies

  • Begin with a quality website
  • Leverage social media to our advantage
  • Utilize content marketing
  • Advertise near transport hubs
  • Host engaging events
  • Gift memberships strategically
  • Create a timeline for marketing .

i. Traditional Marketing Strategies

  • Offer Membership Perks
  • Create a Health Insurance Program
  • Offer Daycare Services
  • Help our Members Succeed
  • Advertise to Current Members.
  • Host Events at Your Co-working Space
  • Partner with Local Businesses
  • Advertise Toward Commuting Workers

ii. Digital Marketing Strategies

  • Advertise our Co-working Space Using PPC Advertising (Pay-Per-Click)
  • Content Marketing For our Co-working Space
  • Social Proof & Reputation Management
  • Create a Website
  • Co-working Space SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Co-working Listing Websites
  • Ask Members & Partners for Backlinks

iii. Social Media Marketing Plan

  • Facebook ads, Twitter & LinkedIn followers
  • Ask question platforms (Quora, Reddit)
  • Email list (Newsletter)
  • In-app notifications (social media sharing buttons, newsletter subscription)
  • Promotion in relevant communities
  • Re-purpose content for different media (videos, podcasts, etc.)

c. Pricing Strategy

At Wok Zone, our reservations will be priced at $2.50 per half hour. This is cheap enough for people to reserve for even the longest work sessions ($10 for the 235-minute session) but expensive enough to discourage them from blocking out the table all day ($60 for 24 hours)

Sales and Distribution Plan

A. sales channels.

Ensuring a better quality work-life is the idea our marketing plan at Wok Zone will buttress and our workspace will be the medium for conveying it. We realize that people rarely dream about pensions. Instead, they want a better quality work-life.

Our space at Wok Zone will be a local mass-market medium. We will ensure it is in a prime real estate in San Francisco. All other media channels we use will help people to see it, especially those who aren’t standing right in front of it.

b. Inventory Strategy

In terms of inventory strategy and management, we will get co-working software solutions that will help us cover the needs of our workspace that will enable members book a meeting room online, manage their membership plan, provide IoT devices, and enabling card payments.We believe all these will contribute to the usability of our co-working space.

c. Payment Options for Customers

Below are the payment options we intend to make available to our clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment via credit cards
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via mobile money transfer

d. Return Policy, Incentives, and Guarantees

At Wok Zone will operate a no refund policy. This entails that we will not provide compensation for services rendered at our workspace.

e. Customer Support Strategy

At Wok Zone, we understand that our long-term success depends on our ability to establish a community of clients. Owing to that, we intend to publish a newsletter, create photo boards and also host regular events to help everyone get to know each other and benefit from the group’s cumulative knowledge.

Operational Plan

The most successful brands are known to influence the way people feel in their spaces, by carefully controlling all the variables in the environment.

After extensive research, we realized that a handful of workspaces have applied a few of the principles, but nobody has made it a core of their design. We at Wok Zone do not intend to make these mistakes, as we have analyzed and inculcated environmental psychology into the design of our workspaces, and also into the products and services we offer.

 a. What Happens During a Typical Day at a Co-working Space Business?

The essential work of the business is to make sure the lights are on. Clients are known to use co-working spaces as offices, and they expect the lights to be functioning, the roof to not be leaking and internet access to be fully functional. Should any utility develop any form of issue, resources are expected to be immediately channeled to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

Aside from those possible crises noted above, managing a co-working space daily involves keeping the area clean, socializing with clients, and meeting potential clients. Also note that there are bills to pay and administrative matters to consider.

b. Production Process 

The only production process at Wok Zone is the production of drinks sold at our space. We intend to source raw ingredients and make them ourselves.

c. Service Procedure

At Wok Zone, we understand that we need a small team of employees from the outset. Our space will remain open round the clock, therefore we will employ a client service executive to be available to attend to our clients and also be called for emergencies.

d. The Supply Chain

At Wok Zone, we believe that the more we help people with the work they love doing, the more people will see our co-working space as a big deal.

e. Sources of Income

  • Private office rental
  • Desk rental
  • Combined membership plan
  • Conference room services
  • Virtual office services
  • Food and drinks

Financial Plan

A. amount needed to start your coworking space business.

Owing to our extensive research, we will require $900,000 to launch Wok Zone and an additional $220,000 to cover the first-year salary of our core team.

b. What are the Costs Involved?

  • Security deposit: $75,000
  • Environmental equipment (air quality, sound, etc): $79,220
  • Food & drink equipment: $56,270
  • Other equipment (fire, security, etc.): $17,205
  • Technology: $48,000
  • Furniture: $153,600
  • Renovation: $850,000
  • First month’s rent: $25,000
  • Estate agent fees: $3,750
  • Utilities: $700
  • Inventory (2 months): $41,729
  • Recruitment, training, uniforms: $7,420
  • Miscellaneous: $100,000

c. Do You Need to Build a Facility?

Our plan at Wok Zone is to start our business from a rented luxury office space in the city hub of San Francisco . Initial investments will be made to set up an office, website, and management software to schedule, manage and welcome our clients. Additions to space will be made as the company expands operation.

d. What are the Ongoing Expenses for Running a Co-working Space Business?

  • Security & after-hours
  • Member’s benefits
  • Training, development, uniforms, etc.
  • Occupancy costs
  • Repairs & maintenance
  • Waste & recycling
  • Payment processing
  • Environment (air quality, landscaping, etc)

e. What is the Average Salary of your Staff?

  • President: $0
  • Floor Managers: $56,720/Year
  • Advisors: $0
  • Sales and Marketing Executive: $51,980/Year
  • Accountant: $46,711/Year
  • Food Technician:$43,562/Year
  • Baristas: $41,000/Year
  • Client Service Executive: $38,900/Year

f. How Do You Get Funding to Start a Coworking Space Business

Wok Zone will be started, managed, and fully funded by its four founding members. They won’t seek outside funding, instead will generate the startup capital to have full ownership of the business.

Financial Projection

A. how much should you charge for your product/service.

Since we will be offering flexible office solutions, we will have multiple subscription options. For example, our clients can pay by the day, week, or month. The cost for our monthly membership will be $220. We will charge more for a dedicated desk, an office, or a locker. We will also charge clients to use our meeting room and every other amenity.

b. Sales Forecast?

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $420,000
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $790,000
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $1.332 million

c. Estimated Profit You Will Make a Year?

At Wok Zone, we expect to make;

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $189,000 (45% of revenue generated)
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $186,000 (60% of revenue generated)
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $732,900 (55% of revenue generated)

d. Profit Margin of a Coworking Space Business

Profit margins in this business tend to fluctuate, especially since businesses in the industry are not in for the money, but primarily to sustain their space and grow their community. In addition, there are many variable and fixed costs in the business . Even when the business expands, there will be additional expenses and factors that will further affect the potential profit.

Growth Plan

A. how do you intend to grow and expand .

At Wok Zone, we do not have plans to sell a franchise in the future. As our customer base scales up, we will start building new co-working spaces.

b. Where do you intend to expand to and why?

  • San Francisco

We at Wok Zone have chosen to expand to these areas because the Bay Area tech industry raked in $45.9 billion in funding in 2019 — a full 44 percent of the nation’s tech investments — and the city still hosts the world’s deepest tech and freelance talent pool.

And although some of its larger technology companies continue to draw skepticism from lawmakers, these areas boast of a ton of alternative employment options for smaller, mission-driven startups.

At Wok Zone, we strongly believe that acquisition and mergers will suit our business interests. Since we won’t exclusively sell our products and services; we believe that acquisition and mergers will lead us more into the open marketplace and encourage others to become solutions that our advisors recommend and sell.

More on Coworking Space

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Coworking Space Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Coworking Space Business Plan Template

If you’re looking to create a coworking space business plan, you’ve come to the right place!

Over the past 25 years, the PlanPros team has helped over 1 million entrepreneurs and business owners write business plans
.and many of them have started and grown successful coworking space businesses. Below is an example of a business plan for a coworking space business.

Coworking Space Business Plan Example

Below is our coworking space business plan template and sample plan created using our business plan generator :  

I. Executive Summary

Company overview.

At WorkHub Spaces, we are a fresh and innovative coworking space poised to redefine the professional landscape in Pasadena, CA. Our mission is to address the void in high-quality coworking spaces within the local market by providing a diverse range of work environments that cater to the unique needs of freelancers, startups, and established businesses alike. From Hot Desks and Dedicated Desks to Private Offices and Meeting Rooms, our offerings are designed to empower our members to thrive. Our strategic location in the heart of Pasadena’s dynamic business community enhances our ability to serve and contribute to the growth of local businesses and professionals. Leveraging our founder’s prior success in coworking space management, we are committed to fostering productivity and collaboration, ensuring WorkHub Spaces becomes a cornerstone of professional success in Pasadena.

Success Factors

Since our inception, WorkHub Spaces has laid a robust foundation for success, marked by significant achievements including the creation of a unique brand identity and securing a prime location that aligns with our operational needs and member accessibility. Our ability to offer flexible, comprehensive coworking solutions, coupled with a strong focus on building a vibrant community through networking events and workshops, distinctly positions us in Pasadena’s coworking space market. These accomplishments are just the beginning of our journey towards becoming the leading coworking space in the area, driven by our unwavering commitment to our members’ growth and success.

Industry Analysis

The Coworking Space industry in the United States, currently valued at around $9 billion, is on an upward trajectory with an estimated annual growth rate of 6.9% over the next five years. This growth is propelled by the rising demand for flexible, cost-effective office solutions by freelancers, remote workers, and small businesses. WorkHub Spaces stands to benefit from industry trends towards niche coworking spaces and the increasing importance of community and networking in coworking environments. By offering specialized services and fostering a strong community spirit, we are well-positioned to attract and retain a loyal customer base in the competitive Pasadena market.

Customer Analysis

Our target customer segments include freelance professionals, remote workers from larger corporations, local entrepreneurs, startups, SMEs requiring flexible office solutions, and local residents in need of a productive workspace outside their homes. We cater to these diverse needs through our array of services, from Hot Desks to Private Offices, and by hosting events and workshops designed to promote community and business growth. Our customer-centric approach ensures that we provide valuable, flexible options for professionals at various stages of their careers and business development.

Competitive Analysis

WorkHub Spaces competes with The Collection, Premier Workspaces, and Chino Executive Offices, each offering various coworking solutions in the Pasadena area. Despite the competition, our competitive edge lies in our comprehensive service offerings, modern facilities, and strong emphasis on community. By providing a range of workspace options along with high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and modern office equipment, we cater to all business sizes. Our vibrant community, fostered through regular events and workshops, along with our strategic location, makes us the preferred choice for professionals seeking flexibility and collaboration opportunities.

Marketing Plan

Our marketing strategy encompasses a wide range of products and services, competitively priced to meet the needs of our diverse clientele. From Hot Desks to Private Offices and Virtual Office Services, we offer flexible solutions tailored to professional needs. Our promotions plan is robust, leveraging online marketing, community engagement, referral programs, and local partnerships. Through an active social media presence, targeted email campaigns, and SEO, we aim to reach a broad audience. Community events and workshops, along with a referral program, play a crucial role in building our member base, while partnerships with local businesses enhance our visibility and attract new customers.

Operations Plan

Our operations are focused on ensuring optimal space utilization, maintaining high-speed internet connectivity, cleanliness, and a well-organized environment. Excellent customer service, regular maintenance checks, and hosting community events are part of our daily operations. Security, inventory management, and a seamless onboarding process for new members are also prioritized. In the coming months, we aim to secure a prime location, complete interior build-out, obtain necessary permits, and launch a comprehensive marketing campaign to achieve initial membership targets and establish a strong community presence.

Management Team

At the helm of WorkHub Spaces is CEO Chloe Kelly, whose extensive experience in the coworking industry provides strategic vision and operational expertise. Under her leadership, we are positioned to lead in innovation and customer satisfaction, ensuring WorkHub Spaces remains at the forefront of the coworking space market in Pasadena.

Financial Plan

To achieve our growth objectives, WorkHub Spaces requires $755,000 in funding. This will be allocated towards capital investments such as location build-out and renovations, furniture, and equipment, as well as non-capital investments including working capital, initial rent/lease, staff salaries, and marketing initiatives. This strategic investment will support our mission to establish a leading coworking space that fosters productivity and collaboration in Pasadena.

Below is an overview of our expected financial performance over the next five years:

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Revenues $2,473,311 $2,678,176 $2,900,009 $3,140,218 $3,400,323
Direct Expenses $978,150 $1,027,982 $1,080,353 $1,135,392 $1,193,235
Gross Profit (%) 60.5% 61.6% 62.7% 63.8% 64.9%
Other Expenses $97,085 $100,030 $103,065 $106,192 $109,414
Depreciation $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000
Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Interest Expense $75,500 $75,500 $75,500 $75,500 $75,500
Income Tax Expense $434,901 $488,131 $546,381 $610,096 $679,760

II. Company Overview

WorkHub Spaces is a fresh and innovative coworking space located in the heart of Pasadena, CA. As a local coworking space, we have identified a significant gap in the market for high-quality coworking options. Our mission is to fill this gap by offering a top-tier coworking environment that caters to the diverse needs of professionals in the area.

At WorkHub Spaces, our product and service offerings are designed to cater to a wide array of professional needs. We provide Hot Desks for those seeking flexibility, Dedicated Desks for professionals looking for a consistent workspace, Private Offices for members requiring privacy, Meeting and Conference Rooms equipped with the latest technology for collaboration, and Virtual Office Services for businesses needing a prestigious address without the physical office space. Our solutions are tailored to empower our members, whether they are freelancers, startups, or established businesses, to thrive and succeed.

Our location in Pasadena, CA, is no coincidence. We chose this vibrant city because of its dynamic business community and its lack of high-quality coworking spaces. By situating ourselves in Pasadena, we aim to serve and contribute to the local community by providing a space where ideas can flourish, and businesses can grow.

The foundation of WorkHub Spaces is built on solid ground, thanks to our founder’s previous experience in successfully running a coworking space. This invaluable experience, combined with our commitment to offering flexible and comprehensive solutions, positions us uniquely in the market. Our approach is designed to foster productivity and collaboration, setting us apart from the competition and ensuring our success in the coworking space industry.

Since our inception on January 7, 2024, as an S Corporation, we have achieved several milestones that we are particularly proud of. We have developed our unique brand identity, including the design of our logo and the creation of our company name, which resonates with our mission and values. Additionally, we secured a prime location that not only meets our operational needs but also makes us easily accessible to our members. These accomplishments mark the beginning of our journey to becoming a leading coworking space in Pasadena, CA.

III. Industry Analysis

The Coworking Space industry in the United States is currently valued at approximately $9 billion. This market size is expected to continue growing at a steady rate, with a projected annual growth rate of 6.9% over the next five years. This growth is fueled by the increasing number of freelancers, remote workers, and small businesses looking for flexible and cost-effective office solutions.

One of the key trends in the Coworking Space industry is the shift towards niche coworking spaces catering to specific industries or demographics. This trend bodes well for WorkHub Spaces, as it can differentiate itself by targeting a specific market segment in Pasadena, CA. By offering specialized services and amenities tailored to the needs of their target customers, WorkHub Spaces can attract and retain a loyal customer base in a competitive market.

Another trend in the Coworking Space industry is the emphasis on community building and networking opportunities for members. Coworking spaces are no longer just shared office spaces, but vibrant communities where professionals can connect, collaborate, and learn from each other. By fostering a strong sense of community at WorkHub Spaces in Pasadena, CA, the business can create a unique selling point that sets it apart from other coworking spaces in the area.

IV. Customer Analysis

Below is a description of our target customers and their core needs.

Target Customers

We will target freelance professionals who require flexible working environments without the long-term commitment of a traditional office lease. These individuals often seek collaborative spaces to network and share ideas, making coworking spaces ideal for their needs. Additionally, we will tailor our services to accommodate remote workers from larger corporations who need a professional setting away from home.

Local entrepreneurs and startups will also be a significant customer segment, as they often seek cost-effective solutions for office space while they scale their businesses. Our coworking space will provide them with access to essential amenities and opportunities for collaboration with like-minded individuals. We will also host events and workshops to foster a sense of community and support business growth.

We will target small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that require temporary or project-based office space. These companies need the flexibility to adapt to changing project demands without the financial burden of long-term leases. Our space will offer them a professional environment with the necessary infrastructure to support their operations.

Local residents who seek a productive environment outside of their homes will also find value in our coworking space. These individuals may include students, independent researchers, and hobbyists who need access to resources and a quiet place to focus. We will provide a variety of membership options to cater to different levels of usage and commitment.

Customer Needs

WorkHub Spaces addresses the need for high-quality coworking environments among residents who seek flexible and professional workspaces. Customers can expect a well-designed, comfortable, and ergonomically sound setting conducive to productivity. In addition to physical space, the availability of high-speed internet and cutting-edge office equipment ensures that members have the tools they need to perform their tasks efficiently.

Networking opportunities are another critical need that WorkHub Spaces fulfills. By fostering a community atmosphere, members can connect with like-minded professionals, enabling collaborations and business growth. Regular events, workshops, and seminars contribute to professional development, enhancing the value proposition for clients.

Security and accessibility are paramount for customers, and WorkHub Spaces ensures that these needs are met. With 24/7 access and robust security measures, members can feel safe and work at their convenience. Additional amenities such as meeting rooms, private offices, and communal areas provide versatility, catering to diverse professional requirements.

V. Competitive Analysis

Direct competitors.

WorkHub Spaces’s competitors include the following companies:

The Collection

The Collection offers a variety of coworking spaces, private offices, and meeting rooms. Their services include high-speed internet, printing facilities, and access to networking events. Price points at The Collection range from $300 per month for hot desks to $1500 per month for private offices. They also provide day passes for $35. Revenues are estimated to be around $2 million annually. Located in Pasadena, The Collection mainly serves freelancers, small businesses, and remote workers in the area. Key strengths include a central location and a strong sense of community. However, their pricing is considered high compared to other local options.

Premier Workspaces – Coworking & Office Space

Premier Workspaces provides coworking spaces, executive suites, virtual offices, and meeting rooms. Amenities include 24/7 access, administrative support, and mail handling. Their price points start at $250 per month for coworking spaces, with private offices ranging from $800 to $2000 per month depending on size and location. Premier Workspaces generates annual revenues of approximately $5 million. They have multiple locations across Southern California, including Pasadena, catering to a wide range of professionals and businesses. Their key strengths are flexible lease terms and high-quality amenities. However, their locations can sometimes be less accessible for those relying on public transport.

Chino Executive Offices

Chino Executive Offices specializes in private executive suites, shared office spaces, and meeting rooms. They offer services such as high-speed internet, on-site support, and conference facilities. Prices range from $400 per month for shared spaces to $1200 per month for executive suites. They also provide hourly rental options for meeting rooms starting at $50 per hour. Revenues for Chino Executive Offices are estimated to be around $1.5 million annually. Located in Chino, CA, they primarily serve local entrepreneurs, small businesses, and remote employees. Key strengths include competitive pricing and a professional environment. However, their limited geographic presence can be a drawback for clients looking for multiple locations.

Competitive Advantages

At WorkHub Spaces, we pride ourselves on offering flexible and comprehensive solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of our members. Our state-of-the-art facilities are designed to foster productivity and collaboration, setting us apart from the competition. We provide a variety of membership options, from private offices to shared desks and virtual offices, ensuring that businesses of all sizes can find the perfect workspace. Our amenities, which include high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and modern office equipment, are all geared towards creating an environment where our members can thrive.

In addition to our flexible workspace solutions, we place a strong emphasis on building a vibrant and collaborative community. Regular networking events, workshops, and social gatherings provide our members with ample opportunities to connect, share ideas, and grow their businesses. Our strategic location in Pasadena offers easy access to public transportation, dining, and retail options, making it a convenient choice for professionals. By combining flexibility, comprehensive amenities, and a strong community focus, we ensure that our members have everything they need to succeed.

VI. Marketing Plan

Our marketing plan, included below, details our products/services, pricing and promotions plan.

Products, Services & Pricing

WorkHub Spaces offers a variety of products and services tailored to meet the diverse needs of professionals and businesses. One of the primary offerings is Hot Desks, which are flexible workstations that can be rented on a daily or monthly basis. These desks typically provide a communal working environment and are priced at approximately $30 per day or $300 per month.

Dedicated Desks offer a more personalized workspace for those who require a consistent spot. These desks come with additional storage and are located in a semi-private area. The average cost for a Dedicated Desk is around $450 per month, providing a balance between flexibility and a stable working environment.

Private Offices cater to individuals or small teams seeking a fully enclosed and private workspace. These offices vary in size and can accommodate different team sizes, usually ranging from one to six people. Prices for Private Offices start at $800 per month and can go up to $2,500 per month, depending on the size and amenities included.

Meeting and Conference Rooms are available for rent on an hourly or daily basis. These rooms are equipped with the latest technology, including video conferencing equipment, whiteboards, and projectors, making them ideal for presentations and collaborative sessions. The average cost for renting a Meeting Room is about $50 per hour, while larger Conference Rooms can be rented for approximately $150 per hour.

Virtual Office Services provide a professional business address and mail handling services for those who do not require a physical workspace but still need a prestigious address. This service is priced at around $75 per month and includes the option for mail forwarding and occasional access to meeting rooms.

Promotions Plan

At WorkHub Spaces, our promotional strategy leverages a combination of online marketing, community engagement, referral programs, and partnerships to attract customers. We utilize online marketing effectively by maintaining an active presence on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Our content includes behind-the-scenes looks, customer testimonials, virtual tours, and information about upcoming events to engage our audience. Additionally, we invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that potential customers searching for coworking spaces in Pasadena find us easily.

Our website serves as a central hub for information and engagement, featuring a user-friendly design that includes an easy booking system, membership details, and informative blog posts about coworking trends and productivity tips. To further enhance our online presence, we run targeted email marketing campaigns that spotlight special promotions, community events, and member success stories.

Community engagement is another cornerstone of our promotional strategy. We host regular networking events, workshops, and seminars that provide value to our members and attract new customers. By fostering a sense of community, we create a vibrant and collaborative environment that appeals to freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers.

We also have a robust referral program in place, incentivizing our current members to bring in new members. This word-of-mouth approach builds trust and leverages the positive experiences of our existing community to grow.

Partnerships with local businesses and organizations enhance our visibility and reputation within Pasadena. By collaborating on events, offering exclusive discounts, and cross-promoting services, we tap into established networks and reach potential customers who may not have discovered us otherwise.

In summary, WorkHub Spaces employs a multifaceted promotional strategy that includes online marketing, community engagement, referral programs, and partnerships to attract and retain customers. This comprehensive approach ensures that we reach a broad audience while creating a supportive and dynamic coworking environment.

VII. Operations Plan

Our Operations Plan details:

  • The key day-to-day processes that our business performs to serve our customers
  • The key business milestones that our company expects to accomplish as we grow

Key Operational Processes

To ensure the success of WorkHub Spaces, there are several key day-to-day operational processes that we will perform:

  • Monitor and manage space utilization to optimize occupancy rates and ensure availability for members.
  • Provide high-speed internet connectivity and troubleshoot any technical issues that arise.
  • Maintain cleanliness and organization of common areas, workspaces, meeting rooms, and restrooms.
  • Offer excellent customer service by assisting members with inquiries, bookings, and any concerns.
  • Conduct regular maintenance checks on office equipment and facilities to ensure they are in working order.
  • Host networking events, workshops, and community-building activities to foster a collaborative environment.
  • Manage member accounts, including billing, renewals, and contract terms.
  • Ensure security measures, such as access control systems and surveillance, are functioning properly.
  • Keep an inventory of office supplies and replenish them as needed to prevent shortages.
  • Facilitate a seamless onboarding process for new members, including tours and orientation.
  • Gather feedback from members to continuously improve services and amenities.
  • Collaborate with local businesses and vendors to enhance service offerings and member benefits.
  • Implement health and safety protocols to ensure a safe working environment for all members.
  • Develop and execute marketing strategies to attract new members and retain existing ones.
  • Report on operational performance metrics and analyze data to make informed decisions.

WorkHub Spaces expects to complete the following milestones in the coming months in order to ensure its success:

  • Secure a Prime Location:  Identify and lease a strategically located property in Pasadena, CA that is easily accessible and has high visibility.
  • Complete Interior Build-Out:  Design and renovate the coworking space to create a modern, comfortable, and functional environment that attracts customers.
  • Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses:  Secure all required permits and licenses from local authorities to operate legally and avoid any regulatory issues.
  • Launch Marketing Campaign:  Implement a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes digital marketing, local advertising, and partnerships to attract initial customers.
  • Launch Our Coworking Space:  Officially open the coworking space to the public and host an opening event to generate buzz and attract initial members.
  • Achieve Initial Membership Target:  Sign up at least 50 members within the first three months of operation to establish a stable customer base.
  • Implement Member Feedback System:  Create a system for collecting and acting on member feedback to continuously improve the customer experience.
  • Introduce Additional Services:  Offer value-added services such as meeting room rentals, event hosting, and business support services to increase revenue streams.
  • Reach $15,000/Month in Revenue:  Achieve a monthly revenue of $15,000 within the first 12 months of operation to ensure financial sustainability.
  • Establish Community and Networking Events:  Regularly host events and networking opportunities to build a strong community and encourage member retention and referrals.

VIII. Management Team

Our management team has the experience and expertise to successfully execute on our business plan.

Management Team Members

WorkHub Spaces management team, which includes the following members, has the experience and expertise to successfully execute on our business plan:

Chloe Kelly, CEO

Chloe Kelly has a history of success and has successfully run a coworking space in the past. With her extensive experience in the coworking industry, Chloe brings a wealth of knowledge in managing dynamic work environments and fostering vibrant business communities. Her strategic vision and operational expertise ensure that WorkHub Spaces remains at the forefront of innovation and customer satisfaction in the coworking space market.

IX. Financial Plan

Funding requirements/use of funds.

To accomplish our growth goals, WorkHub Spaces needs $755,000 in funding. Key uses of this funding will be as follows:

Capital Investments
Location Buildout/Renovations $250,000
Furniture $50,000
Equipment, Machines, and Computers $100,000
Non Capital Investments
Working Capital $200,000
Initial Rent/Lease (if not purchasing) $50,000
Staff Salaries for the First 3 Months $75,000
Initial Marketing and Advertising $20,000
Supplies $5,000
Insurance $5,000

Financial Projections

financial projection coworking space business plan

5 Year Annual Income Statement

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Revenues $2,473,311 $2,678,176 $2,900,009 $3,140,218 $3,400,323
Direct Costs
Direct Costs $978,150 $1,027,982 $1,080,353 $1,135,392 $1,193,235
Salaries $72,814 $75,023 $77,299 $79,644 $82,060
Marketing Expenses $6,067 $6,251 $6,441 $6,637 $6,838
Rent/Utility Expenses $6,067 $6,251 $6,441 $6,637 $6,838
Other Expenses $12,135 $12,503 $12,883 $13,274 $13,676
Depreciation $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000
Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Interest Expense $75,500 $75,500 $75,500 $75,500 $75,500
Net Operating Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Use of Net Operating Loss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Taxable Income $1,242,575 $1,394,662 $1,561,090 $1,743,133 $1,942,173
Income Tax Expense $434,901 $488,131 $546,381 $610,096 $679,760
Net Profit Margin (%) 32.7% 33.8% 35% 36.1% 37.1%

5 Year Annual Balance Sheet

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Cash $1,121,592 $2,095,017 $3,175,386 $4,378,730 $4,949,556
Other Current Assets $212,300 $229,884 $248,926 $261,684 $283,360
Intangible Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Acc Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Fixed Assets $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000
Accum Depreciation $80,000 $160,000 $240,000 $320,000 $400,000
Preliminary Exp $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Current Liabilities $91,219 $95,697 $100,399 $103,465 $108,554
Debt outstanding $755,000 $755,000 $755,000 $755,000 $0
Share Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Retained earnings $807,674 $1,714,204 $2,728,913 $3,861,950 $5,124,362

5 Year Annual Cash Flow Statement

FY 1 FY 2 FY 3 FY 4 FY 5
Net Income (Loss) $807,674 $906,530 $1,014,708 $1,133,036 $1,262,412
Change in Working Capital ($121,081) ($13,106) ($14,339) ($9,692) ($16,586)
Plus Depreciation $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000
Plus Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Fixed Assets ($400,000) $0 $0 $0 $0
Intangible Assets $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from Equity $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Cash from Debt financing $755,000 $0 $0 $0 ($755,000)
Cash at Beginning of Period $0 $1,121,592 $2,095,017 $3,175,386 $4,378,730

What Is a Coworking Space Business Plan?

A coworking space business plan is a document that outlines the strategies you have developed to start and/or grow your coworking space business. Among other things, it details information about your industry, customers and competitors to help ensure your company is positioned properly to succeed. Your coworking space business plan also assesses how much funding you will need to grow your business and proves, via your financial forecasts, why the business is viable.  

Why You Need a Business Plan for your Coworking Space Business

A business plan is required if you are seeking funding for your coworking space business. Investors and lenders will review your plan to ensure it meets their criteria before providing you with capital. In addition, a coworking space business plan helps you and your team stay focused. It documents the strategies you must follow and gives you financial projections you should strive to achieve and against which you can judge your performance.  

Coworking Space Business Plan Template PDF

Download our Coworking Space Business Plan PDF to help guide you as you create your business plan for your own coworking space business.  

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How to Create a Business Plan for Your Coworking Space

Adriane Wasserman

In this article you will find:

This article is part of the school of coworking course through Archie. Make sure to check out the other articles to learn more about how to start a coworking space business.

1. What is a Business Plan?

Chances are, you have probably heard of a business plan before but in case you’re unfamiliar with what a business plan is, it is a written document that helps a business define who they are and how it will be profitable. 

This management tool is widely recognized as one of the first and most crucial steps in starting a business, especially when seeking investors and financing for your project. 

These documents can quickly become quite hefty due to the sheer amount of information included in them. For the same reason, it can also be rather difficult and even confusing to draft up one of your own from scratch. 

This article will review and explain the key points to include in your coworking space business plan as well as provide templates to help you get started.

Key Components of the Coworking Business Model

  • Membership Tiers : Most coworking spaces offer different membership levels, such as hot desks (shared spaces), dedicated desks, and private offices. Pricing varies based on the amenities and exclusivity of these options.
  • Event Space Rentals : Many coworking spaces have conference rooms and event spaces that can be rented out for workshops, meetings, or events.

Ancillary Services : Additional revenue streams might include printing services, mail handling, storage solutions, and even in-house cafes or snack bars

2. Why do you need a Business Plan?

Whether you are planning on sharing your business plan with potential investors or if you are writing it for internal purposes, this document is one of the foundational tools for kickstarting your business idea. 

Above all, you can expect to be asked to hand in your business plan anytime you are looking to raise funds for your project. If you don’t have one, raising capital will be nearly impossible as your investors won’t be able to assess the viability of your project and are unlikely to invest in a business without a promise of return on investment. 

A well-written business plan will help you clearly identify your strategy, potential roadblocks and required resources to name a few. Remember that each segment of your coworking space business plan is interdependent on the next and will serve as building blocks for one another.

3. What Goes in a Business Plan?

While there is no official set structure or length for business plans, there are some elements that should always be included. Your plan should provide as much detailed information about your business but you should be careful to keep it concise to avoid confusing or even boring your reader. Your business plan should demonstrate your expertise and dedication to the project. 

Below is an example of a coworking space business plan table of contents: 

Business Plan Table of Contents (Sample)

  • Executive Summary 
  • Company Description 
  • Market Analysis Team and Management 
  • Products and Services 
  • Marketing Strategy 
  • Operations Strategy 
  • Financial Plan 

It is important to take note that the information below serves as a guideline for your coworking space business plan and that there is no set length for any given section. Your business plan should reflect your company’s uniqueness and lucrative potential.

4. Your Coworking Space Business Model

The following section of the article will review each point found in the sample table of contents above in detail so let’s jump right into it!

4.1 Executive Summary

This is a high-level overview of your plan. The purpose of including this summary at the beginning of your business plan is to highlight the keys points found in it for your potential investors. This summary should be persuading the reviewers to continue reading further. 

This summary will be the first section of your business plan and shouldn’t go much longer than one page. Additionally, it should be the last section you write since you won’t know what the key points to summarize are before you have written the bulk of your business plan. 

Your executive summary should include: 

  • Company overview . What is the company’s mission, goals and vision? 
  • The team . Who is involved in the project, and what are their roles? 
  • Product and services . What is the company selling and who are you selling to? 
  • Marketing strategy . A brief overview of your strategy for reaching your target audience. 
  • Financial plan . What is the revenue or revenue projection, how much are investing or looking to fund?

4.2 Company Description

This next section of your coworking business plan is the basis for your entire project. Your company description should clearly inform the reviewers of who you are and what you plan to do. 

This portion of your business plan should provide clear, persuasive answers on what sets you apart from the competition. Identify the uniqueness of your product and services; is your business model solving issues in its industry? What are the strengths of your business? What advantages does it hold? 

The goal of this portion is to convince your potential investors that your business model is a good investment and should include the following points: 

  • Business structure : this refers to the type of legal entity your coworking space will fall under. There are different types of structures such as sole proprietorship or partnership, each with their respective benefits. It is extremely important that you are careful with your choice since different structures are subject to different laws on personal liability, taxation, funding, etc. 
  • Your industry : you will need to identify which industry your business will be a part of. For example, your coworking business is an industry of its own but if you were drafting up a business plan for a new women’s boutique then the industry would be retail. Mission statement: is a concise explanation of the reason your company exists. In other words, in a sentence, you should be able to provide the “why” behind what your company does. 

WeWork’s  Mission Statement : “Empowering tomorrow’s world at work.” 

  • Vision : here you should paint a picture of the impact your company is foreseen to have on the world once it is fully realized. Ultimately, your vision should clarify what your company will bring to the industry. 

WeWork’s Vision : “WeWork was founded in 2010 with the vision to create environments where people and companies come together and do their best work…” 

  • Goals : naturally, you also want to provide an overview of what you hope to achieve. You will want to include both short-term and long-term goals. Your short-term goals should be realizable within a year’s time and your long-term goals projections should be attainable within 1 to 5 years.

4.3 Market Analysis

Your business plan will require market research and analysis as well as a competitive analysis. 

The goal of this section is to provide an overview of your industry and target market and define your potential market. 

You will want to collect relevant data on your industry trends and trajectory and your target audience. Your analysis should also reveal your market size and total addressable market . 

You will need to establish a perimeter for your market and research the competition within this perimeter. For example, you could set a 10 miles radius from your location as your perimeter and conduct your market and competitor analysis within this radius. 

A good analysis should provide answers to questions such as: 

  • How will your company impact those habits? 
  • Why is the selected target market the right choice? 
  • How is your company helping them meet their needs? 
  • What are the projected future changes in your market? 
  • How will you meet the projected changes? 

For the competitive analysis portion, you will want to look at what competitors are doing and why it is working or not. Consider how your competition is approaching the market and identify their strengths and weaknesses to help you visualize how you can do it better. After conducting a competitive analysis, your company’s unique offering should be well-defined. 

Below are some examples of criteria for a coworking space competitor analysis: 

  • Design of their space 
  • Services offered 
  • Price point 

During this time, you will likely want to perform a S.W.O.T. analysis to help you clearly identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your company. 

That being said, while a S.W.O.T. analysis is an excellent exercise to conduct you should avoid including it “as is” in your business plan. Instead, try to summarize the main findings of your analysis and incorporate them in your market analysis section.

4.4 Team and Management

This part of your coworking space business plan should include details on who is running the company. 

With an organizational chart, present the internal structure of your company with the respective roles and responsibilities clearly listed. 

This section should effectively communicate how each key management role is contributing to your company’s success. 

You will also have to reiterate the legal structure of your company which you established with your business structure. Is your company a C or an S corporation? Is it a form of a limited partnership, or are you a sole proprietor or limited liability company (LLC)?

4.5 Product and Services

This section is meant to provide a clear outline of the key details of your product or service offerings. You will want to describe each selling point, whether it is a specific product or a general service provided at your company and demonstrate how it benefits the consumer. 

Consider the life cycle of your product or services and future product and services your company will offer and describe how you plan on implementing them.

4.6 Marketing Plan

The overarching goal of your marketing plan is to detail your strategy for attracting and retaining customers. A marketing strategy is ever-evolving and unique to each business. This section of your business plan should reflect this and should include both your current and future approach for marketing your company. 

Things to consider for this section: 

  • How is your strategy fitting for the needs of your target market? 
  • Will you be using a particular channel more than another to promote your business and why? 
  • How much does your product or services cost? 
  • What is the reasoning behind the price? 
  • How will you put your offerings in front of the desired audience? 
  • Where will you be selling your product or services? 
  • What is the cost of acquisition and lifetime value of a client? 

Your value proposition is another key element of this section. This summarized statement of why the consumer should buy your product or services refers to the promised value a company vouches to deliver if a consumer chooses to buy what they are selling. 

This statement should provide some insights on the company’s intent, what it stands for, how it operates and why it deserves the consumer’s business. 

Another goal here is to put down on paper how sales will take place in practice. You will use what you’ve learned about marketing and sales again in later sections so it’s important that you thoroughly describe your strategies and include as many tactical details as possible without overcrowding the overall marketing plan.

4.7 Operations Strategy

Operations and logistics refer to the workflow strategies you plan on implementing at your company in order to make your business come to life. This section should assess your company’s needs in regards to the premises and capital goods in order to provide an in-detail plan of your operations including structures related to suppliers and production, the facilities and required equipment, etc.

4.8 Financial Plan

The financial health of your company should be your top priority. Naturally, without financial health, your business will not succeed. Your financial plan should present how you expect your business to thrive financially. 

This section should include financial projections for the upcoming years presented in the form of a financial model. 

5. Coworking Space Business Plan Templates

If you’re looking to dive into the specifics, there are several resources that can help:

  • Coworking Space Business Model Canvas : A visual tool that provides an overview of your business strategy, value proposition, and customer segments.
  • Coworking Space Business Model PDF : A complete guide into the intricacies of running a coworking space.

Excel Templates : F or those who prefer a hands-on approach, “coworking space business model template excel” resources can help you map out your financial projections and business strategy.

It is also a good idea to use a business model canvas to map out all of your ideas before you start. This will give you an overview of everything you need to include in your business plan.

6. Conclusion

Your coworking space business plan should remain clear and succinct. Keep in mind your audience when writing out your plan. 

If you are looking for funding, you will want to pay extra attention to the financial and marketing aspects of your business plan and include a clear exit strategy with maximum profits for your potential investors. If you are writing a business plan for internal purposes you may want to add a more in-depth description of the marketing strategy and operations. 

You’re now readily equipped to draft a comprehensive and effective business plan for your coworking space 

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How to Write a Winning Coworking Business Plan

How to write a coworking business plan

Here’s a mistake we see far too often: aspiring coworking owners and operators starting their business without a clear plan for how their space is going to make money.

This is where a business plan comes in. 

A well-crafted business plan for your coworking space can help you make decisions and give you the confidence you need to succeed. 

It’s the best way to map out your business strategy and how you intend on making money.

And truthfully, writing a coworking business plan is a lot easier than you think.

What is a coworking business plan?

A coworking business plan is a document that outlines exactly how you will start your coworking space and reach profitability. If you are applying for a loan or looking to receive funding, then a business plan is not just a formality, it’s a necessity. 

For those who aren’t looking for funding, a business plan is still an excellent way of making sure you have a viable business before opening your doors.

The benefits of a well-crafted business plan for your coworking space

Having a business plan for your coworking space (or any business for that matter) gives you a greater chance of overall success. It can also:

  • Support you in receiving a loan or funding
  • Help guide long-term strategy and planning
  • Be useful when making important business decisions

Plan for success in your coworking space with Optix

Woman in coworking space

Here is another way of looking at it. Let’s say Steve wants to start a coworking space. He finds a property to rent in his area and starts building out the space. He looks at some of the other coworking spaces in the area and uses it to inform what he offers and how he prices it. 

But when he finally opens his door

Because Steve didn’t have a business plan in place, he did not consider:

  • Who he is targeting
  • Whether this location is a good fit for his market
  • If the products he is offering are interesting to his target audience
  • How he will acquire his first members
  • If the cost of his services are be enough to be profitable on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis

You don’t just need a plan when starting a business however. You’ll also want to consider creating a business plan when you are looking to grow or expand your coworking business , as your business needs may change slightly from when you first opened your space.

People working in coworking space

The 9 components of a coworking space business plan

Business plans are pretty standard, regardless of the industry. The typical components of the best coworking business plan are:

  • Executive Summary: summary of the document in its entirety
  • Company Description: description of your company including the mission statement and objectives
  • Market Analysis: write-up of the market, both local and more broadly
  • Competitive Analysis: deep dive into your competitors, both local and more broadly
  • Description of Management and Organization: outline your team and how the organization will operate together
  • Breakdown of your Products and Services: description of what you will be selling
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy: how you plan to market your space and acquire customers
  • Financial Projections: a breakdown of your finances and your path to profitability
  • Fundraising Strategy/Sources: how you will fund your business

Each section should be roughly 1-3 pages long (remember, more does not necessarily equal better). Optimize for clarity and completeness, while still being concise. This article from Harvard Business Review is an excellent guide to creating a general business plan that can be applied to many different industries.

Women working on laptops in a coworking space

How to write the BEST coworking business plan

Let’s look at each section and break down how to write the very best business plan for the coworking industry.

1. Executive Summary

The executive summary is a one-page overview that summarizes your entire business plan at a high level. It should cover: 

  • Who you are
  • The business you’ll be creating
  • How you’ll make money

Our best tip is to write your executive summary last. Much like an introductory paragraph of an essay, it will be easier if you wait to write it until everything else is complete.

2. Company Description

Think of your company description as the “About” page of your business plan. Here, you’ll describe three important components of your business.

  • Mission Statement

Why are you starting your coworking space? What do you hope your space will be able to achieve in the broader community? Consider your purpose for creating the space and weave it into your mission statement.

For Optix client Jason Jet, Founder at Grindhaus Studios , his mission is to give artists the tools and access they need to be able to scale what they do in an economical way. This guides how he makes all major decisions for his business. 

If you’re a brand new space, the history of your company may cover your personal resume and the skills you’ve acquired that will help you be successful in your role as a coworking space owner and operator. 

If you’re expanding your business, then the history will cover the history of your business up to that point, including all major milestones and successes.

Consider this section an opportunity to build the confidence needed to be successful in your business.

The biggest difference between your mission statement and your objectives is: your mission statement maps out why you do what you do, and the objectives map out what you hope to accomplish on a more tactical level.

Let’s take Jason as an example. If his mission statement is to give artists the tools they need to be successful, then his objective would be to create the number one coworking space for musical artists in the United States.

Learn more about Jason and how he’s powering his coworking + recording studio with Optix.

Overall, keep your company description clear and concise, and don’t get too bogged down in the details. The mission statement could be two or three lines, and the history and objectives can easily be addressed through bullet points or brief paragraphs.

3. Market Analysis

Your market analysis will outline key facts and findings about the coworking market you’ll be playing in. This includes the local market and the coworking sector more broadly. 

This is a very important step in creating your coworking business strategy. It’s something you’ll want to do even if you’re writing a formal business plan. 

Here’s our best advice for a successful market analysis:

  • Look for reports from reputable sources in the industry, such as the Deskmag annual Global Coworking survey , to get important facts and figures related to the industry
  • Find communities online, like the We Run Flex community , where operators are discussing coworking trends and challenges
  • Talk to local operators and gauge their experience and perspective on the industry

Some important elements to talk about are the growth of the market, current overall trends, and your target customer and how you came to that conclusion.

For example, based on your market analysis, you found that remote workers are making up 20% of coworking space occupants with that number expected to increase. Therefore, you intend to target your coworking space towards remote workers in your area.

Another tip for this section (and your business plan overall) – support all facts and findings with credible sources. If ever a question on where a number comes from pops up, be sure you are able to back it up.

4. Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis of your business plan breaks down the competitors in your market. You’ll want to focus specifically on coworking spaces and flexible workspaces in the area where your business will be located, as well as broader competitors that may be a potential threat.

Let’s say Georgia is opening a coworking space in her home town of Vancouver. In her competitive analysis, she’ll want to mention all of the coworking spaces in Vancouver and how she will differentiate herself, as well as large coworking brands that are expected to move into Vancouver in the near future.

Your competitive analysis is ultimately about mapping out exactly how you will win when pitted against other spaces. 

A quick mention

Many coworking space owners and operators don’t like to think of themselves as having “competitors”. Collaboration can (and does) exist in the coworking sector, and many operators enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. However, understanding the other coworking spaces in your area is critical to understanding the viability of your business and should not be overlooked.

5. Description of Management and Organization

The description of management and organization section is an opportunity to describe the team of people you will have working with you, with a focus on their credibility and why they will help you be successful.

Many of our clients start as a team of one or two. If this is the case for you, highlight how you will ensure success in the absence of a larger team.

This could be a good opportunity to mention the coworking technology you will use to help you streamline operations and automate your space. Coworking automation software like Optix takes care of many of the day-to-day operations so that you can be successful with a leaner team.

Automating as many aspects of the day-to-day operations as possible can help reduce the need for more bodies in your space. This section is a great opportunity to expand into these details.

6. Breakdown of Your Products and Services

In your products and services breakdown, you’ll want to describe what you’re selling. For coworking businesses, this may look like:

  • The core products you’ll offer ( hot desking , drop-ins, private offices, virtual offices)
  • Other additional services (childcare, marketplace, etc.)
  • Amenities and add-ons
  • Opportunity for after-hour event rentals or events in your coworking space

Finding the right mix of products to drive profitability can be a challenge for new operators. We always recommend approaching it from a point of experimentation –  start with something and iterate quickly.

We also have a comprehensive guide to coworking membership plans if you’re looking for inspiration on what kinds of plans to offer and how to price them. All of this will be helpful in determining the breakdown of your products and services in your business plan.

7. Marketing and Sales Plan

Your marketing and sales plan should give a high-level overview of your overall customer acquisition strategy .

Marketing your space is a beast in and of itself, with a lot of pieces to figure out. To help you out, we wrote a comprehensive guide to marketing your coworking space that includes 23 marketing ideas for you to refer to that you can use as a starting point.

The best advice we’ve heard is that your marketing strategy should be centered around your customer – who they are, what messaging will resonate with them, and where you can reach them online and in-person. 

Don’t know who your customer is? We wrote a guide to finding your coworking ICP , too.

8. Financial Projections

Create a clear and accurate picture as to how much revenue you think you will be able to generate in your first years of business. Investors want to see opportunities for growth, so make sure your numbers are increasing, while remaining realistic.

Revenue projections is an imperfect science, but there are good places to start. The Coworking Growth Calculator by Coworking Resources can help you in creating some realistic financial projections, while giving you a better idea as to how much you can expect to make from your space.

9. Fundraising Strategy/Sources

Finally, the last section of your business plan is dedicated to how you will fund your coworking space. 

If you have received any funding up to this point, you’ll need to disclose the information for transparency. If you are seeking funding, use this section as an opportunity to outline your strategy including how much you are seeking.

A business plan can be a powerful tool in growing a successful coworking space. However, they will only get you so far. This article does a great job at outlining the pros and cons of business plans if you’re curious on what your plan can (and can’t) do for you. 

Remember, the success of your business will ultimately come down to the execution and implementation of your plan. Don’t treat your business plan like an end-all be-all. We’ve seen a wide variety of clients succeed after changing their plan significantly. Execution is the name of the game when it comes to growing a successful business, and it’s best not to lose sight of this.

Woman on phone creating a business plan

5 more tips for writing a business plan for a coworking space

Ready to get started with crafting the perfect business plan? Here are five more tips to help you create a cohesive plan for your coworking space – from start to finish.

1. Always start with your research

The research you do around the market and your competitors should be the basis of your entire business strategy. You can’t know where to open and who to target without understanding the market first.

Here’s a few questions you should be able to answer after doing your research:

  • What is the size of the market?
  • What is the growth trajectory?
  • What are trends in the industry?
  • What is the primary demographic that it serves?
  • Who are your direct competitors?
  • How big are they (number of members, locations and revenue)?
  • Who do they serve?
  • What is their messaging and positioning?
  • How do they differentiate themselves?

Coworking Resources has a great comprehensive guide on how to conduct a competitive analysis specifically in the coworking industry that’s a great reference if you’re looking for a framework to start off with. 

2. Crowdsource knowledge from the community

The wonderful thing about the coworking community is how willing people are to share their knowledge with one another.

If you’re feeling lost on where to start with your business plan, consider reaching out to a coworking operator who has opened a successful space in the past. 

You can also look at other successful coworking businesses and take inspiration from them as to their:

  • Business model
  • Marketing tactics
  • Products and services

Every space is different, but gathering insight from other coworking spaces that have been successful can be a great place to start.

3. Think about who is receiving the business plan and what is important to them

As you go through the process of creating a business plan, you may find yourself becoming unfocused. How can I include so much information in so little words?

Put yourself in the shoes of who is going to be receiving your plan. 

Who are they? What do they care about? What information are they hoping to receive from your document?

Use this to help tailor your coworking business plan to fit their specific needs.

Pay special attention to the things that are going to drive business results including:

  • Market research (is there room in the market to be successful)
  • Competitor research (how saturated is the space and how will you differentiate yourself)
  • Products and services (what is your business model and how will it generate revenue)
  • Financial projections (is your business able to grow and scale over time)

Read your entire business plan from start to finish through the eyes of who it is intended for before submitting it.

4. Be conservative with your numbers

It’s easy to get excited with your numbers. You need to show that your business is going to succeed and you want the numbers to back it up.

The problem with overestimating projections is that it can set you up for a tremendous amount of stress later on if your business fails to meet expectations.

It’s best practice when creating a business plan to always be conservative with your numbers and remain realistic in your expectations. This includes:

  • Financial forecasts
  • Market size

This article outlines ten common mistakes people make when creating a business plan
including being unrealistic with numbers and forecasts.

It’s always better to underpromise and overdeliver.

5. Set measurable objectives

Throughout your business plan, you will want to make sure you are creating clear KPIs and objectives to drive your business forward.

One way of creating measurable objectives is by following the SMART goal framework. SMART goals are goals that are:

  • Specific (narrow enough to be achieved)
  • Measurable (quantitative)
  • Attainable (realistic in the given time frame)
  • Relevant (furthers your overall business goals)
  • Time-based (can be measured in an amount of time)

Here’s how to apply the SMART goal framework to your coworking business plan.

Marketing Objective: Acquire 50 new hot desk users in the first 6 months

Management Objective: Hire a part time community manager in the first 60 days of opening

Measurable goals can help move your business forward and ensure you’re staying on track to achieve them.

Plan for success in your coworking business

At the end of the day, a plan will only get you so far. Focus on executing on the plan and remaining flexible in order to ensure you’re giving yourself the greatest opportunity to succeed.

Looking to start a coworking business and want to choose the best coworking software for your business? Learn more about Optix and how it can help you grow a successful coworking business by connecting with a member of our team today.

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Coworking Space Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » B2B Industry » Coworking Space

Coworking Space Business

Are you about starting a coworking space business ? If YES, here is a detailed sample co-working space business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Entrepreneurs always wish to cut overhead cost as low as they can and still maintain professionalism in their businesses. One of the easiest ways of cutting overhead cost is by renting a coworking space. With the increase in demand for co-working spaces, any investor that decides to start his or her own coworking space business is sure going to make good returns on his or her investment.

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A Sample CoWorking Space Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Co-working space business falls under the serviced office leasing (SOL) industry and operators in this industry rent or lease fully furnished office space to businesses on a part-time or as-needed basis.

The serviced office leasing (SOL) industry also provides virtual office and conference room leasing options to their clients. It is important to state that firms that provide conventional commercial leasing options are not part of the serviced office leasing (SOL) industry.

For $49.99 a month, anyone can work on Wall Street. The rising trend of the virtual office, which effectively functions as a high-cost PO box, is one of the services offered by the $2.4-billion Serviced Office Leasing (SOL) industry.

If you a close observer of the Serviced office leasing (SOL) industry, you will agree that the industry struggled during the recession when corporate profit declined and businesses closed shops . On the other hand, as the economy recovered, the industry experienced an upsurge in demand for its services.

Going forward, the revenue generated by players in this industry will continue to grow as the number of telecommuters in the workforce increases.

The Serviced office leasing (SOL) industry is indeed a growing industry and pretty much active countries like the united states, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates. Statistics has it that in the United States of America alone, there are about 781 licensed and registered companies in this industry, employing about 3,358, and the industry rakes in $2bn annually.

The industry is projected to continue to grow at 12.7 percent rate going forward. Regus PLC has the dominant market share in this industry. A recent publication released by IBISWorld shows that the Serviced office leasing (SOL) industry is in the growth stage of its life cycle.

The report projected that industry value added, which measure’s the industry’s contribution to the economy will raise at an estimated average annual rate of 7.5 percent from 2011 to 2022. The report further stated that GDP will grow at an annualized rate of 2.2 percent during the same period, indicating that the industry is growing faster than the economy as a whole.

Businesses are increasingly turning to industry companies to rent or lease workspaces, including fully furnished offices, virtual offices and conference rooms. Renting or leasing office space is a cost-effective alternative to buying commercial property.

One of the major reasons why people subscribe to co-working spaces is because they want to maintain a business address in a high – profile business district at the lowest possible cost.

So, if your intention is to start a coworking space business and also to maximize profits, then you must ensure that your lease office facility in a high – profile business district. It will make it easier for you to market and attract clients. It is expensive to lease office facility in such areas, but you stand the chance of recouping your investment and also making profits.

From all available statistics, it is safer to say the Serviced office leasing (SOL) industry is growing steadily despite the competitive nature of the industry. One thing is certain, if the offices you offer for rent are well positioned, you have the required business skills, and business networks, you are likely not going to struggle to compete in the Serviced office leasing (SOL) industry.

The serviced office leasing (SOL) industry is still open to any aspiring entrepreneur who has the startup capital to start his or her own co-working space business. As a matter of fact, it was projected that over the next five years, new technology will continue to emerge that will make it easier for more players to come into the industry hence increasing the competition in the industry.

2. Executive Summary

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is a registered real estate business. We have been able to secure a standard and well – positioned facility in a central and busy district in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota.

We are a co – working space company that is set to compete in the fast – growing shared office rental industry not only in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota, but also throughout the United States market because we intend opening our co – working facilities in key cities across the United States.

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. will offer co-working space facilities to entrepreneurs and investors who may not want to shoulder the responsibilities of owning a standard office facility. Our business goal is to become one of the leading co-working space rental operators in the United States and we will make sure that we do all we can to compete favorably in the industry.

Our workers are going to be selected from a pool of certified, creative and highly experienced workers in and around Brooklyn Park – Minnesota. We will make sure that we take our workforce through the required trainings that will position them to meet the expectations of the company and to compete with leading co-working space operators in the United States.

At Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc., our client’s best interest will always come first, and everything we do will be guided by our values and professional ethics. We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our client’s needs precisely and completely.

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is owned by Monica Donavan and other investors (shareholders).

3. Our Products and Services

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. was established with the aim of maximizing profits in the serviced office leasing (SOL) industry as a co – working space operator. We want to compete favorably with the leading co – working space operators in the United States which is why we have a competent team that will ensure that our facility meets and even surpass our customers’ expectations.

We will work hard to ensure that Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is not just accepted in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota, but also in other cities in the United States of America where we intend opening our chains of co – working  facilities. Our facility and services are listed below;

  • Lease or rent fully furnished workspaces
  • Lease or rent virtual offices
  • Lease or rent conference and meeting rooms
  • Provide telecommunication services to leases
  • Provide other business services to leases

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to be the standard bearer wherever we have our co – working space facility throughout the United States of America.
  • Our mission is to provide a standard co-working space that can attract some of the leading entrepreneurs who may not want to own their personal office facility.
  • We want to build a co-working space business that can favorably compete with other leading brands in the serviced office leasing (SOL) industry in the United States.

Our Business Structure

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is a co-working space company that intend starting small in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota, but hopes to grow big in order to compete favorably in the industry in the United States. We are aware of the importance of building a solid business structure that can support the kind of world class business we want to own.

At Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc., we will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, hardworking, creative, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of five years or more as agreed by the board of trustees of the company. In view of the above, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer
  • General Manager

Human Resources and Admin Manager

  • Sales and Marketing Executive

Facility Manager

Client Service Executive

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results
  • Creating, communicating, and implementing the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Reports to the board

General Manager:

  • Serve as project manager of the organization; works directly with employees
  • Develops strategic plan by studying the trends in the serviced office leasing (SOL) industry and financial opportunities; presenting assumptions; recommending objectives.
  • Accomplishes subsidiary objectives by establishing plans, budgets, and results measurements
  • Maintains quality service by establishing and enforcing organization standards.
  • Coordinate employee efforts, and facilitate communications between management and the workforce
  • Ensures that the organization works in line with international best practices.
  • Model demographic information and analyze the volumes of transactional data generated by customer
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts; participates in the structuring and financing of projects
  • Responsible for handling business research, market surveys and feasibility studies
  • Create new markets cum businesses for the organization
  • Empower and motivates the sales team to meet and surpass agreed targets

Sales and Marketing Manager


  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for one or more properties.
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the organization
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization
  • Responsible for making sure that our co-working space meet the needs of the people that work in them
  • Overseeing services including security, parking, cleaning, catering, technology and so on
  • Supervising multi-disciplinary staff including cleaning, maintenance, grounds and security
  • Ensuring that basic facilities such as water and heating, are well-maintained
  • Ensuring that facilities meet government regulations and environmental, health and security standards
  • Overseeing building projects, renovations or refurbishments
  • Welcomes clients and potential clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations promotional campaigns to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries

6. SWOT Analysis

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. engaged the services of a core professional in the area of business consulting and structuring to assist our organization in building a well – structured co-working space business that can favorably compete in the serviced office leasing (SOL) industry in the United States.

Here is a summary from the result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc.;

Our world – class facility is indeed a plus to the business. Another positive that we have is the fact that we have a well – balanced team running the business.

Part of what may likely hinder us from optimizing our potentials in this business is that we may not be able to raise capital to acquire choice properties that can attract high – paying clients for our co – working space.

  • Opportunities:

In this age and time where entrepreneurs are looking for means to cut down startup expenses, a business such as co-working space facility comes in handy. The rising popularity of shared office spaces is driving industry growth and influencing workplace transformations. The fact that more people are embracing entrepreneurship means that there are great opportunities for us.

A major threat to our business is the rise of the concept of virtual office. Aside from the fact that it is cheaper, most virtual office rental businesses tend to provide communication and physical address services without bearing the financial burden to maintain the office facility.


  • Market Trends

A major trend shows that workplace transformations use tech and design to maximize office space and increase productivity, providing for cost-savings from a bottom-up perspective. Co-working spaces are designed to reduce the square footage a company needs per employee.

A recent trend shows that some operators in the industry are scaling the co-working model to fit the operational and cultural needs of service-based industries.

The incentives of workplace transformations are twofold. The first is cost-effectiveness while the second, less tangible yet arguably more impactful incentive is the commoditization of modern workplace culture as characterized by Silicon Valley startups.

Even though cost-savings have long-been the most obvious incentive of co-working spaces, the perk of enabling large corporations to rebrand themselves in a piecemeal way is turning heads among Fortune 500 companies operating in the most traditional of industries.

Lastly, long term, the cost-efficiency of workplace transformations will likely remain the primary incentive. Reducing square footage per employee while maintaining or even boosting employee satisfaction is a win-win, no matter the industry.

However, the cultural incentives of workplace transformations will continue to expand and evolve with the business environment itself.

8. Our Target Market

Before starting our co – working space rental business in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota, we conducted a thorough market survey and feasibility studies and we are certain that there are loads of budding entrepreneurs who need small office spaces to run their business.

In view of that, we have created strategies that will enable us reach out to various groups of people who we know will need our facilities especially service – based business.

Our competitive advantage

Because of the grow competition in this line of business, there is an increasing degree of related business activities, with big players dominating the market.

Our competitive advantage is anchored on the state of the art office facility that we have. So also, we have a team of certified, creative and highly trained workers. Aside from the synergy that exists in our carefully selected workforce, our services will be guided by international best practices in the industry.

Another strength that counts for us is the location of our co-working space; they are located in one of the highly suitable areas for such business in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota.

Lastly, all our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry. It will enable them to be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and objectives.


  • Sources of Income

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is established with the aim of maximizing profits in the serviced office leasing (SOL) industry and we are going to ensure that we do all it takes to meet and surpass the expectations of our clients.

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. will generate income by offering the following facility and services;

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain, there would always be entrepreneurs who need to cut cost of starting the business hence the need to rent a small office space in a shared office facility.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in the industry and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income/profits from the first six months of operation and grow our business to enviable heights.

We have been able to examine the shared office leasing (SOL) market, we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. Below are the sales projections for Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. It is based on the location of our facility and of course our target market;

  • First Fiscal Year:  $550,000
  • Second Fiscal Year:  $950,000
  • Third Fiscal Year:  $2 million

N.B : This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any competitor offering same facility as we do within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Our marketing strategies will be directed towards achieving specific objectives that support the strategic goals of the organization. The truth is that all that we do will be geared towards creating new market channels, increasing sales and our market share.

Our unique selling proposition is that we are well positioned, we offer a state of the art facility and people can easily access our facility. Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is set to make use of the following marketing and sales strategies to attract clients;

  • Advertise our co-working space business on national dailies, local TV and radio station
  • Promote our co-working space facilities online via our official website and all available social media platforms
  • Introduce our business by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to budding entrepreneurs, established entrepreneurs and key stake holders in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota
  • Print out fliers and business cards and strategically drop them in offices, sport facilities, libraries, public facilities and train stations et al.
  • Position our signage / flexi banners at strategic places in and around Brooklyn Park – Minnesota

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

We have been able to work with our brand and publicity consultants to help us map out publicity and advertising strategies that will help us walk our way into the heart of our target market.

We are set to become the number one choice for entrepreneurs and business people in the whole of Brooklyn Park – Minnesota and other cities in the United States of America where we intend opening our shared office facilities which is why we have made provisions for effective publicity and advertisement of our business.

Below are the platforms we intend to leverage on to promote Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc.;

  • Place adverts on both print (newspapers and real estate magazines) and electronic media platforms
  • Sponsor relevant community based events / programs
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; Instagram, Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Google + et al to promote our  business
  • Install our billboards in strategic locations all around Brooklyn Park – Minnesota
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas
  • List our co – working space business in local directories / yellow pages
  • Advertise our coworking space facility in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Our pricing system is going to be based on what is obtainable in the industry, we don’t intend to charge more and we don’t intend to charge less than what our competitors are charging their clients in Brooklyn Park – Minnesota.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment via Point of Sale Machine (POS)
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our clients make payment for renting our co – working office facility without any stress on their part.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

When it comes to calculating the cost of starting a coworking space facility business, there are some key factors that should serve as a guide.

The number of facilities needed to kick start the business and the size and location of the facility determines the total cost of setting up the business. Below are some of the basic areas we will spend our startup capital in setting up our co-working space rental business;

  • The total fee for registering the business in the United States of America – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits – $15,500.
  • Marketing promotion expenses (8,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of – $10,000.
  • The total cost for hiring Business Consultant – $5,000.
  • The amount needed for the purchase of insurance policy covers (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $30,800.
  • The total cost for the purchase of accounting software, CRM software and Payroll Software – $3,000
  • The total cost for leasing facility for the business – $450,000
  • The total cost for facility remodeling to fit into the type of co – working space facility – $150,000
  • Phone and utility deposits – $3,500
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $140,000
  • The cost of launching a Website – $600
  • Miscellaneous – $5,000

Going by the report from the market research and feasibility studies conducted, we will need about nine hundred and fifty thousand ($950,000) U.S. dollars to successfully set up a medium scale co-working space facility rental business in the United States of America.

Generating Funds/Startup Capital for Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc.

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is a private business that is solely owned and financed by Ms. Monica Donavan and her partner. They do not intend to welcome any external business partner which is why she has decided to restrict the sourcing of the startup capital to 3 major sources.

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from the bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $350,000 (Personal savings $200,000 and soft loan from family members $100,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $600,000 from our bank. All the papers and documents have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

The future of a business lies in the number of loyal customers that they have, the capacity and competence of their employees, their investment strategy and the business structure. If all these factors are missing from a business (company), then it won’t be too long before the business closes shop.

One of our major goals of starting Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without injecting finance from external sources once the business is officially running.

We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers over is to lease / rent our co – working space facility a little bit cheaper than what is obtainable in the market and we are prepared to survive on lower profit margin for a while.

Monica Donavan® Co-Working Space Rentals, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re-training of our workforce is at the top burner.

We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check:>Completed
  • Business Incorporation: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID : In Progress
  • Securing a standard facility and reconstructing the facility to fit into the kind of facility we want to manage: Completed
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating part of the start – up capital from the founders: Completed
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents: In Progress
  • Design of Logo for the business: Completed
  • Printing of Promotional Materials: Completed
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed furniture, office equipment, software applications, electronic appliances and facility facelift : In progress
  • Creating official website for the business : In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement : In Progress

Coworking Business Model Planning Kit

How does one build a profitable coworking space?

Fortunately, there are a number of proven models you can use as a starting point. I’ve also created some tremendously valuable resources to help you get started, so you can save a bunch of time and money and make use of time-honored best practices.

Ready to buy? Purchase the kit here!

(UPDATE: This now includes a version in square meters!)

Quickly generate accurate projections

The premium Coworking Business Model template makes it crazy easy to get a rough idea of the potential profitability for a given space.

Plugin a handful of numbers to get detailed estimates of both what you can make in income and what your projected expenses will be—all in an easily readable, straightforward format.

This template will let you:

  • Estimate your capacity.  How many of each different kind of membership and private office can you hold in a given space?
  • Estimate your capital costs.  Get a sense of how much you might spend to build out your space.
  • Estimate your potential income.  Across a number of different potential income sources, you can determine exaclty how much you can make.
  • Determine your break-even point.  The model spreads out your membership growth across a year, just so you can easily see at exactly what point your space becomes profitable. Once you know what success looks like and have set your model, you can adjust your actual projections to get to that break-even point sooner!
  • Estimate staff needs and costs.  These will be rough and will vary a lot by your location, but we’ll go so far as to estimate the number of paid staffers you’ll need based on space size and how much they might cost you. You’ll customize these things later, but for now you’d get a really good back-of-the-envelope estimate to start with!
  • Estimate expenses.  The template includes a bunch of formulas to make informed guesses about how much you’ll end up paying for common expenses, like internet, cleaning services, supplies, and more. Change the size of your space, and all of these expenses are updated automatically. Easy!
  • See your profit & loss.  As you adjust the assumptions, your bottom-line numbers will get more and more realistic. Keep refining and checking the bottom line!

Once you’ve got a model you feel comfortable with, you’ll have a really good idea what you’re getting yourself into.

Then you’ll be in a much better position to decide whether to proceed, or whether further investigation is necessary.

This template will also give you something impressive to show potential investors or landlords—they love to see that you’ve done your homework and come up with a rationale to show the model could work!

Get answers to critical questions

Some topics we’ll cover in this package:

  • Overview of the coworking movement
  • The 7 proven coworking business models
  • Does coworking make money?
  • Is coworking saturated?
  • How big is the coworking market?
  • What does it cost to start a space?
  • What kind of software should I use?
  • The 4 key realities about coworking software
  • A quick overview of the different platforms
  • How to attract members
  • How to avoid the pit of doom
  • Quick guide to attracting your first members

Let’s go into these in more detail:

1. Overview of the coworking movement

Get a quick primer on how coworking got its start and the implications its roots have on where coworking is going from here.

2. The 7 proven coworking business models

Depending on what kind of space you want to build (we break it up into roughly Small, Medium, and Large), there are models that have been shown to consistently work well. Get an overview of the different options so you can get a sense of what will work best for you.

3. Does coworking make money?

The answer, of course, is that it depends—but it most certainly can, if you know the right approaches!

4. Is coworking saturated?

It’s only becoming saturated in one narrow part of the market—when you get the right perspective on where coworking is going, you can see just how much opportunity remains untapped.

5. How big is the coworking market?

I’ll give you a sense of what the potential market size is.

6. What does it cost to start a space?

While this will vary widely, you can use our handy charts (and the Business Model Template) to come up with some informed estimates.

7. What kind of software should I use?

Coworking space software is a big question mark that has to be addressed with the right approach, lest it take up way too much of your time.

8. The 4 key realities about coworking software

Before you make the jump into picking a platform, make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into—there are some tradeoffs you just won’t be able to avoid.

9. A quick overview of the different platforms

I offer a brief examination of the platforms, so you can get a vibe for what to investigate further.

10. How to attract members

Before you commit to building a space, it helps to understand how you’ll go about getting members. I’ll share with you my proven approach.

11. How to avoid the pit of doom

Too many coworking spaces make a critical mistake when it comes to building a space. Avoid that and you’ll save yourself massive headaches!

12. Quick guide to attracting your first members

To save you time and get you on the right track, I’ll share with you a step-by-step method for getting people on board with your project before it’s even launched.

Based on my own experience, which I’ve taught to hundreds of other space owners, this is a surefire way to ensure you will have all the help you need!

Premium business model template walkthrough

See what the actual template is like in action with my detailed walkthrough here:

Features of the Business Model Template:

The template file package includes the following:

Easily see how many members you’ll have and what they’ll pay

Estimate your income from renting offices of various sizes

Determine potential income for different kinds of events programs

Get a sense of possible income from sponsors

A detailed breakdown of expenses, based on our real experience running a space

Easily estimate how many seats and offices you can fit into a space of a given size

Plan for pre-paid memberships to help with buildout costs

Show your projected income and expenses for the long term

Gauge potential costs for outfitting a space

If you want to get sponsors to support your new space and its programs, use templates based on documents we’ve used to get sponsorships from Google, HP, Pearson, .CO and more

All this and more!

Who’s behind all this?

Hi there! I’m Tony Bacigalupo. I’ve been in the coworking world since 2007, when I discovered a coworking group working out of a loft apartment in Manhattan.

Back then, Manhattan didn’t have any coworking spaces, so I resolved to lead the charge to get the first one open.

That space, New Work City, opened for business in 2008. I used my own personal savings and the support of an amazing community that came together to get it started.

As Manhattan’s first dedicated space, we achieved a lot of notoriety over the years. Along the way, I became active in the global coworking movement, teaching thousands of others how to build similar spaces everywhere.

When you purchase from me, you get more than files.

Now, I’m making the resources I’ve developed along the way available to you, so you can save time and avoid common mistakes.

I want you to build a thriving space, so you can help lots of people in your city work for themselves.

If you purchase this product or any of my other services, you wont just get a bunch of files—you’ll get my dedication to helping you succeed.

After your purchase, get in touch with me if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction.

business plan coworking excel

business plan coworking excel

How To Write A Bulletproof Coworking Space Business Plan

business plan coworking excel

October 18, 2022

Adam Hoeksema

Hybrid work models are leaving offices bare all over the world, and the consequent effect on the prices of corporate real estate is leading savvy entrepreneurs to consider new options. Coworking space business models are emerging with a new range of approaches to providing remote workspaces that combine the comfort of the home with the functionality of the office, in a location that’s convenient for everyone. 

Now is a good time to start figuring out how to start such a business, and if you’re serious about it, you’re going to need to do the groundwork. A coworking space business plan is an essential document to start building and will pave the way for you to secure your funding. It’ll also teach you a lot about the industry, the market, and how you’re going to be functioning in relation to both. 

We’re going to show you a template for your very own coworking space business plan design in this article, which can serve as a checklist of all the research and documentation you’ll need to gather to get started. Before we go into that though, let’s look at why this kind of business is becoming so popular. 

Why and How to Start a Coworking Space

With employers shifting to remote and hybrid models, you might think there’s a sudden increase in half-empty office buildings, and to some extent, you’d be right . Office demand is expected to decline significantly, and the majority next generation of companies to start up will certainly be factoring in a smaller physical workspace to their budgets and forecasts. 

However, something still has to be done with all these empty floors, and for some entrepreneurs, this is an appealing prospect. At the worst of times, coworking spaces are less vulnerable to industry shifts, and with office real estate looking like such a good investment right now, this might be the perfect time to jump ahead with learning how to start a coworking space. 

While some companies are pushing for a full return to the office, the workforce is resisting, and it looks like those companies that are earliest to embrace hybrid workspaces are the most likely to take advantage of the new normal. Many people prefer the flexibility and comfort that remote work provides, and many find that their role in the company does not require them to be physically present. 

coworking space business plan

It’s also becoming more apparent that workers are even more productive when working from home. The combination of these factors results in a powerful demand for new working setups, and as companies necessarily compete to retain their most valuable talent, new workspaces are emerging. 

As hybrid setups look like they will stick around for the long term, entrepreneurs are now making use of coworking spaces to reduce overheads for companies on real estate. 

The benefits come from several angles. Combining the facilities of an office with the comfort of working in a casual environment, companies can rent coworking spaces in cities where they have high numbers of hybrid workers, providing them with a more accessible workplace that requires very little in the way of a commute. 

This allows workers who may have busy homes to get some conducive space without heading all the way into the office. It also allows companies to bridge the gap between office and fully-remote workforces, saving costs on a more dispersed workforce while maintaining productive, shared facilities. 

The applications for share workspaces are numerous, and there are several business models to consider. Before you get onto your business plan, it’s important to figure out which model you’ll be going with, and then how and where you’ll be funding it. Let’s go over that now.

The Coworking Space Business Model 

The different types of business models can be broken down by the scale you plan to be working with. For small operations, you’ve got different options than larger ones, and each comes with its benefits and drawbacks. Here are some approaches you might want to take:

  • For small-scale - Using repurposed space is one way to make use of some of those newly-empty buildings. They don’t have to be offices; they can be community buildings like churches or town halls. Partnerships are available in these instances, or you can rent or buy a space specifically.

Splitting the cost between you and another company can further reduce your overheads, and if you can find a complementary business to partner with, this can boost the profits for both. Consultancy firms may benefit from a stream of workers from the same industry sharing a space, and members of the space benefit from the ability to network with one another, too.

  • For mid-scale - Empty office spaces are already set up for work; with a little renovation, you can make them into a combined office and coworking space, getting the best of both worlds and creating a functional floor that is relaxed and casual at the same time. Alternatively, you can design a venue for educational programs that companies will happily send their staff to take part in, meanwhile members benefit from the free seminars or lectures. Mid-scale coworking spaces sit in the bracket with the most diverse set of options. You can do a lot of the things in this range that you can’t do with smaller spaces, and you can create a lot of the benefits of a much larger enterprise but at a slightly smaller scale. Further, if you have long-term plans to grow, you’ll be in a position to replicate the successes of this company in other places, which is where large-scale investment will come in.
  • Large-scale - Any of the above can be created in number, spread around in different cities, and marketed to companies of all kinds. If you are ambitious and you want to start building a large company (and you can get funding for it), this might be the ultimate goal for your coworking business. Early adopters will benefit from the largest share of the new market .

These are just a handful of directions that you could take for your business, but whichever you choose will need to be attractive enough to funders, which is where your business plan will come in. Before we go over that, let’s recap the standard sources of capital for new ventures.

Source your Funding for your Coworking Space

There are three main sources of funds for new companies, and the source or sources you choose will depend on how much you need, how quickly, and what you’re willing to contribute. 

  • Bootstrapping – this is money off your own back. Either from your savings, from your main job, or from maxing out your credit cards, this is one way to take on the full financial responsibility yourself. This is generally a slower process, and only provides capital for smaller ventures (unless you’re quite wealthy), but the perks are significant. Bootstrapping your company allows you to maintain full equity, and therefore full control of the direction of your project. You’re not going to be at the mercy of shareholders, and you won’t have lenders on your back to return the money (credit card companies excluded).
  • Banks – Banks are often happy to dish out substantial capital to new and attractive businesses, particularly because they will secure the loan to your private assets. This means that if the company fails, they still get their money back, and that’s one of the significant drawbacks of taking this route. Perks include the speed and the sheer amount of capital they can provide, as well as the fact that you’ll keep your equity. Just remember that you’ll be on the hook, regardless of the financial state of the company.
  • Investors – There are numerous types of investors, from pre-seed to seed, through Angel, to Venture Capitalists, and everything in-between. The principle is similar for each of them, and the level you choose will depend on the stage of funding you’re looking for. Essentially investors will be likely to take some share of your company in exchange for capital – the more capital, the higher the share – and the financial risk will be on them. Some investors will have valuable experience in the industry, so you may be able to gain much more from finding the right person, but you will have to appease them as shareholders as the company grows. 

While these are the three main types of funding, it’s worth keeping an eye out for grants for new businesses. It’s a good idea to have an understanding of the amount you’ll be looking for before you get started, but if you’re still not sure how much you’re going to benefit from drawing up a coworking space business plan. 

A Template for your Coworking Space Business Plan

The business plan for most new ventures follows a standard format that can be used as a template. A business plan is much more than just a record of your company docs and data; it’s a comprehensive study into the health and prognosis of your business. 

The pages of a business plan are typically presented in the order described below, however, they don’t need to be completed sequentially, and some may be more supportive to others if researched and completed in a different order. Once it’s done, the document will read as follows:

  • Executive Summary – This will be a general overview of the document as it stands. A brief introduction to the company, its mission, and the contents of your coworking space business plan to follow. Obviously, you can’t complete this page until the rest of the document is done, so you’ll likely save this page for last.
  • Market analysis – This page is next, and should paint a detailed and accurate picture of where your company belongs in the industry. To complete this section of the document, you’ll need to do your market research thoroughly, and understand who and where your competition is. This page needs to show investors that you understand the coworking space concept, the industry as it is, and its future. It then needs to explain to the reader exactly how you plan to take your share of the market and hold it. This is the page where your ideal customer will be described and backed up by the market data you have gathered in your research phase. This page and its data, when complete, will segue neatly into how your company will meet its market in the next section.
  • Company description – Here, you’re going to be describing what you’re offering that directly meets the needs of those ideal customers you’ve identified. Explain your plan of action, and how your approach settles into a niche of its own and does the job better than your competition. The goal of this section is to stand out among the competition, in whichever way you can. Maybe you’ll be cheaper than them, or provide a wider range of services. Whatever it is you do differently needs to be highlighted here and depicted as a selling factor to your customers. 
  • Organizational structure – This page will introduce the key players in your company and how the hierarchy is laid out. This is a good place to expand upon some of the elements in the company description and point out how your management or administration talent is going to help you take on the industry.  Where possible, include resumes and photos of your most relevant team, and explain how each individual’s contribution will push your company towards its goals. This page is a brief overview of your top talent, but don’t overdo it with the accolades and enthusiasm. As with everything in this document, you need to be accurate – it’s not a sales pitch.
  • Products and services – This page is heavily dependent on the business model you’re choosing. A larger coworking space may have talks, training, consultancy services, etc. These will all need to be listed, along with the price and the way they will be arranged. Membership tiers, discounts, and other key components of the revenue streams you’ll be expecting need to be laid out in detail, and if your space will be selling any products, even )coffee and cookies!) itemize them here with their price.
  • Sales and Marketing – Now you’re going to describe the strategies you’ve devised to reach these customers. You’ve laid out your market, and you’ve explained how your company can help them, and now it’s time to describe the bridges you’re going to build to find them and introduce them to your brand. Identify the media channels you will use, describe your sales funnel as it relates to your demographics, and cover touchpoints in as much detail as possible to show that you understand the market well and how to approach it. 
  • Financial projections – Now we come to the meat of the document. Many investors will skip to this page early, and for good reason. This page is a testament to how well you know your business. It’s going to act as a litmus test for investors to judge how reliable you are as a partner. Your projections need to be based on real figures, and they need to be honest. If you’re trying to market your company to investors by exaggerating its prospects in the industry, you’re going to make yourself look dishonest or at best incompetent. Detailed and realistic projections come from detailed and realistic financial documents, so these need to be well-researched and presentable on both counts. 

For help with this, at ProjectionHub we have over 70 different industry-specific projection templates including a template just for coworking spaces . Using a professional-grade template can make all the difference to the presentation of your most important data when it comes to appealing to investors or lenders. 

Starting a coworking space

Make use of this template as a checklist that can be used to go through your company research and documentation and form a profile of your project that can guide you into the industry. When completed with care and attention, it will make the difference between acceptance and rejection of any sources of funding you may request. 

A coworking space provides companies and their workers with a middle-ground that takes the benefits of remote work and combines it with the facilities of the office. The great thing about such a space is that it can house multiple companies’ employees, bringing networking opportunities to members, and creating resilience against industry shifts by providing a diversity of bodies. 

Setting up a coworking space business plan should be one of the earliest steps in this venture, as it represents the transitional moment between idea and reality, and solidifies your project with a genuine path to success. 

Forming a business plan shows you exactly how to set up a coworking space, as it involves deep market and financial research, and is as much a process of education as it is of documentation. A detailed plan will display your company in a good light and detail exactly how your investors will get their ROI from supporting you, as well as bring you accurate insights into how to get started.

About the Author

Adam is the Co-founder of ProjectionHub which helps entrepreneurs create financial projections for potential investors, lenders and internal business planning. Since 2012, over 50,000 entrepreneurs from around the world have used ProjectionHub to help create financial projections.

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Free Business Plan Templates in Excel

By Joe Weller | September 27, 2020

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In this article, we’ve rounded up an extensive list of free business plan templates and samples for organizations of all sizes. You can download all of the plans in Excel. 

Included on this page, you’ll find business plan templates in Excel , business plan checklists in Excel , business plan financial templates in Excel , and more.

Business Plan Templates in Excel

These Excel business plan templates are designed to guide you through each step of a well-rounded strategy that supports your marketing, sales, financial, and operational goals.

Business Plan Template in Excel

Business Plan Template

This Excel business plan template has all the traditional components of a standard business plan, with each section divided into tabs. This template includes space to provide the executive summary, target audience characteristics, product or service offering details, marketing strategies, and more. The plan also offers built-in formulas to complete calculations for sales forecasting, financial statements, and key business ratios.

Download Business Plan Template

Excel | Smartsheet

One-Page Business Plan in Excel

business plan coworking excel

To check the feasibility of your business concept, use this single-page business plan template. The template allows you to jot down the core details related to your idea. This template also includes room for you to provide concise information about what you do, how you do it, why you do it, who your idea serves, your competitive advantage, your marketing strategies, and your success factors. At the bottom of this one-page plan, you’ll find a table to conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis. Find more downloadable single-page plans and examples at “ One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide .”

Download One-Page Business Plan

Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Sample 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup in Excel

Sample 30 60 90 Day Business Plan for Startup Template

This 90-day business plan is designed for startup companies to develop a 90-day action plan. This template gives you room to outline the following: main goals and deliverables for each 30-day increment; key business activities; task ownership; and deadlines. This template also includes a built-in Gantt chart that adjusts as you enter dates. Visit “ 30-60-90-Day Business Plan Templates and Samples ” to download more free plans.

Download 30-60-90-Day Business Plan for Startup

For more free business plans in a wider variety of formats, visit “ Simple Business Plan Templates .”

Business Plan Checklists in Excel

These business plan checklists are useful for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and business owners who want to organize and track the progress of key business activities.

Business Planning Checklist with Timeline in Excel

Business Planning Checklist with Timeline

Use this checklist to keep your business planning efforts on track. This template enables you to add tasks according to each phase of your plan, assign an owner to each task, and enter the respective start and end dates. The checklist also enables you to create and color-code a visual timeline when you highlight the start and end dates for each task.

Download Business Planning Checklist with Timeline Template

Business Plan Checklist with SWOT Analysis in Excel

Business Planning Checklist with SWOT Analysis

Use this business plan checklist to develop and organize your strategic plan. Add the name of the business activity, along with its status, due date, and pertinent notes. This template also includes a separate tab with a SWOT analysis matrix, so you can evaluate and prioritize your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Download Business Plan Checklist with SWOT Analysis - Excel

Business Startup Checklist in Excel

business plan coworking excel

This checklist template is ideal for startup organizations. It allows you to list and categorize key tasks that you need to complete, including items related to research, strategic relationships, finance, development, and more. Check off each task upon completion to ensure you haven’t missed or overlooked any important business activities. Find additional resources by visiting “ Free Startup Plan, Budget & Cost Templates .”

‌Download Business Startup Checklist Template

Business Plan Financial Templates in Excel

Use these customizable templates to develop your organization’s financial plan.

Business Startup Costs Template in Excel

business plan coworking excel

Use this template to estimate and track your startup and operational costs. This template gives you room to list line items for both funding and expenses; you can automatically calculate totals using the built-in formulas. To avoid overspending, compare budgeted amounts against actual amounts to determine where you can cut costs or find additional funding.

Download Business Startup Costs Template

Small-Business Budget Template in Excel

business plan coworking excel

This simple business budget template is designed with small businesses in mind. The template helps you track the income and expenses that you accrue on a monthly and yearly basis. To log your cash balances and transactions for a given time frame, use the tab for cash flow recording.

Download Small-Business Budget Template - Excel

Startup Financial Statement Projections Template

Startup Financial Projections Template

This financial statement projections template includes a detailed profit and loss statement (or income statement), a balance sheet with business ratios, and a cash flow statement to analyze your company’s current and future financial position. This template also comes with built-in formulas, so you can calculate totals as you enter values and customize your statement to fit the needs of your business.

‌ Download Startup Financial Statement Projections Template

For additional templates to help you produce a sound financial plan, visit “ Free Financial Templates for a Business Plan .”

Business Plan Marketing and Sales Templates in Excel

Use these downloadable templates to support and reinforce the marketing and sales objectives in your business plan.

Sales Forecast Template in Excel

business plan coworking excel

This sales forecast template allows you to view the projected sales of your products or services at both individual and combined levels over a 12-month period. You can organize this template by department, product group, customer type, and other helpful categories. The template has built-in formulas to calculate monthly and yearly sales totals. For additional resources to project sales, visit “ Free Sales Forecasting Templates .”

Download Sales Forecast Template

Marketing Budget Plan in Excel


This marketing budget plan template helps you organize and plan your campaign costs for key marketing activities, such as market research, advertising, content marketing , and public relations. Enter the projected quantity and cost under each campaign category; the built-in formulas enable you to calculate projected subtotals automatically. This template also includes a graph that auto-populates as you enter values, so you can see where your marketing dollars are going.

Download Marketing Budget Plan Template

Other Business Plans in Excel

Use these business plan templates to conduct analyses and develop a plan of action that aligns your strategy with your main business objectives.

Business Action Plan Template in Excel

business plan coworking excel

Use this basic action plan template to develop a roadmap for reaching your goals. Add a description of each action item, assign the responsible party, and list the required resources, potential hazards, key dates, and desired outcome. You can use this template to develop an action plan for marketing, sales, program development, and more. 

Download Business Action Plan Template

Business Plan Rubric in Excel

business plan coworking excel

Once you complete your business plan, use this rubric template to score each section to ensure you include all the essential information. You can customize this rubric to fit the needs of your organization and provide insight into the areas of your plan where you want to delve more deeply or remove unnecessary details. By following these steps, you can make certain that your final business plan is clear, concise, and thorough.

Download Simple Business Plan Rubric

Competitive Analysis Template in Excel

business plan coworking excel

This template enables you to analyze the competitive landscape and industry for your business. By providing details related to your company and competitors, you can assess and compare all key areas, including the target market, marketing strategies, product or service offerings, distribution channels, and more.

Download Competitive Analysis Template

Excel  | Smartsheet

For additional free templates for all aspects of your business, visit “ Free Business Templates for Organizations of All Sizes .”

Turbo-Charge Your Business Plans with Templates from Smartsheet

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The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

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business plan coworking excel

How to Create a Coworking Space Business Plan

Blog > how to create a coworking space business plan, table of content, introduction:, i. understanding the rise and advantages of coworking spaces, ii. conducting market research and analysis, iii. defining your mission, vision, and value proposition, iv. developing your business model and revenue streams, v. selecting the perfect location and facilities, vi. crafting an effective marketing and sales strategy, vii. streamlining operations and management, viii. financial projections and funding, ix. navigating legal and regulatory requirements, x. mitigating risks and fostering sustainability, xi. building a vibrant coworking community, conclusion:, our other categories.

  • Business Plan 101
  • Company Valuation
  • Pitch Deck Essentials
  • Raising Capital
  • Startup Guide

Reading Time : 20 Min


How to Create a Coworking Space Business Plan Stellar Business Plans

Are you considering venturing into the thriving world of coworking spaces? A well-crafted business plan is the foundation for success. Welcome to Stellar Business Plans , your trusted startup consultant service provider. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an effective business plan for your coworking space venture. Let’s explore the essential steps and strategies to ensure your coworking space stands out in the competitive market.

Coworking spaces have experienced exponential growth, with a 43% increase in the number of spaces worldwide in the last two years alone. As the modern workforce seeks flexible work arrangements, coworking spaces offer numerous advantages, such as:

Increased Productivity: Studies show that 68% of people experience improved focus in coworking environments. The collaborative atmosphere and the absence of traditional office distractions contribute to enhanced productivity levels.

Enhanced Networking Opportunities: 82% of coworkers report expanding their professional network since joining a coworking space. The diverse community of professionals allows for organic networking, collaborations, and potential business partnerships.

Cost-effectiveness: Coworking spaces can save businesses up to 25% on operational costs compared to traditional office spaces. Shared resources and flexible membership plans provide cost-efficient solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Before diving into your business plan, understanding your target market and competitors is crucial. Conduct thorough market research to:

Identify Your Ideal Members: Determine your target demographic, such as freelancers, startups, remote workers, or specific industries. Consider their unique needs and preferences to tailor your offerings.

Analyze the Demand for Coworking Spaces in Your Chosen Area: Evaluate the local market demand for coworking spaces. Consider factors such as the concentration of businesses, freelancers, remote workers, and the overall economic climate.

Evaluate Competitors’ Offerings and Pricing: Conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing coworking spaces in your target location. Assess their strengths, weaknesses, pricing models, amenities, and marketing strategies.

To differentiate your coworking space and attract members, craft a compelling mission, vision, and value proposition:

Mission Statement: Our mission at Stellar Coworking is to provide an inspiring and collaborative environment that empowers our members to thrive in their professional endeavors. Our passion for fostering innovation and creativity drives our commitment to excellence.

Vision Statement: Our vision is to build a diverse community of innovators, fostering creativity and driving growth in every industry we serve. We aspire to be the go-to destination for professionals seeking a supportive and inspiring coworking ecosystem.

Value Proposition: Stellar Coworking offers a modern and fully-equipped workspace with tailored services to meet the unique needs of our members, enabling them to focus on what truly matters – their success. Our community-driven approach, state-of-the-art facilities, and vibrant events create a dynamic space for collaboration and personal growth.

Choose the right business model and explore additional revenue streams beyond memberships:

Business Model: Opt for a membership-based model with flexible plans to cater to different needs and budgets. Consider offering part-time or virtual memberships to accommodate various work styles.

Revenue Streams: In addition to membership fees, explore other revenue streams to enhance your coworking space’s financial sustainability. These may include:

Event Space Rentals: Offer your space as a venue for corporate events, workshops, seminars, and networking functions.

Meeting Room Bookings: Provide well-equipped meeting rooms for rent on an hourly or daily basis.

Value-Added Services: Consider providing add-on services such as printing and copying facilities, mail handling, virtual office solutions, and administrative support.

Collaborative Partnerships: Form strategic alliances with local businesses, professional associations, and educational institutions to expand your network and generate additional revenue through mutual referrals and collaborative events.

The location and facilities can significantly impact your coworking space’s success:

Location: Choose a convenient and accessible location that aligns with your target market’s needs. Consider proximity to public transportation, major business districts, dining options, and other amenities that appeal to your potential members.

Facilities: Offer essential amenities that enhance productivity, comfort, and convenience for your members. Consider providing:

High-Speed Internet: A reliable and high-speed internet connection is a fundamental requirement for modern professionals.

Comfortable Seating and Workstations: Ergonomic furniture and spacious workstations contribute to a productive and comfortable work environment.

Private Offices: For businesses or individuals requiring more privacy and dedicated workspace, private offices are a valuable offering.

Meeting Rooms: Equipped meeting rooms with audiovisual capabilities are essential for hosting professional meetings and client presentations.

Kitchenette and Refreshment Area: A well-stocked kitchenette with complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks creates a welcoming atmosphere.

Common Areas: Create communal spaces where members can relax, collaborate, and socialize.

Design and Layout: Thoughtful interior design and layout play a significant role in enhancing the overall coworking experience. Consider incorporating vibrant colors, natural lighting, and flexible spaces that encourage interaction and creativity.

To attract potential members and convert leads, create a robust marketing and sales plan:

Marketing Plan: Utilize digital marketing channels, including social media platforms, SEO-optimized content, and email marketing campaigns, to reach your target audience effectively. Share engaging content that showcases your coworking space’s unique features, events, and member success stories.

Branding and Visual Identity: Develop a distinctive brand identity that reflects the ethos of your coworking space. Consistent branding across all marketing collaterals, including website, brochures, and signage, helps build brand recognition.

Website Optimization: Design a user-friendly and visually appealing website that provides essential information about your coworking space, membership plans, facilities, and upcoming events. Incorporate a seamless booking system to enable potential members to schedule tours or sign up for memberships easily.

Content Marketing: Leverage content marketing to establish your authority in the coworking industry. Publish informative blog posts, e-books, and video content that address common challenges faced by professionals and highlight the benefits of coworking.

Social Media Engagement: Engage with your audience through social media platforms. Respond promptly to comments, share member testimonials, and promote upcoming events and promotions.

Email Marketing Campaigns: Build an email list and nurture leads through targeted email campaigns. Send personalized invitations to events, exclusive membership offers, and newsletters with valuable insights.

Referral Programs: Implement a referral program that incentivizes current members to refer new members. Offer rewards such as discounted membership fees or exclusive access to premium amenities for successful referrals.

Collaborative Events: Organize industry-specific workshops, networking events, and webinars that align with your target market’s interests. Collaborate with local businesses or industry experts to host events that add value to your coworking community.

Local Partnerships: Forge partnerships with nearby businesses, co-working spaces, or local organizations to cross-promote services and expand your reach within the community.

Testimonials and Case Studies: Showcase success stories and testimonials from satisfied members. These authentic experiences can help build trust and credibility among potential members.

Efficient operations and management ensure a seamless coworking experience for members:

Organizational Structure: Establish a clear organizational structure, defining roles such as community manager, operations manager, and marketing manager. Each role should be dedicated to fostering member engagement, managing day-to-day operations, and promoting the coworking space.

Staffing and Training: Hire qualified staff and provide comprehensive training to ensure excellent member support. Encourage staff to be proactive in addressing member needs and inquiries promptly.

Member Onboarding Process: Design a streamlined onboarding process to welcome new members and familiarize them with the coworking space’s facilities, policies, and community events.

Membership Management Software: Implement an efficient membership management software system to automate billing, track membership data, and provide members with a self-service portal.

Health and Safety Measures: Prioritize the health and safety of members by adhering to relevant health guidelines and implementing safety protocols. Display health and safety measures prominently to instill confidence among members.

Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys: Regularly collect feedback from members to gauge satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement. Implement feedback-driven changes to enhance the overall coworking experience.

Prepare realistic financial projections and explore funding options for your coworking space:

Startup Costs: Calculate startup expenses, including real estate, furniture, marketing, staff salaries, and operational costs. Research local market rates to estimate initial investments accurately.

Financial Projections: Create detailed financial projections for the first three to five years of operation. Forecast revenues, expenses, and profits based on membership growth, pricing strategies, and market trends.

Budget Allocation: Allocate financial resources strategically across various areas, such as marketing, facility maintenance, staff training, and community events.

Funding Sources: Consider various funding options to secure the necessary capital for your coworking space:

Personal Savings: Invest personal savings to kickstart your coworking space venture.

Bank Loans: Apply for business loans from banks or financial institutions with favorable terms and interest rates.

Angel Investors: Seek investment from angel investors who align with your vision and can offer expertise and mentorship.

Venture Capital: Approach venture capital firms that specialize in supporting coworking and real estate ventures.

Crowdfunding: Launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds from a large pool of potential investors.

Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations:

Legal Entity: Register your coworking space as a legal entity, such as an LLC or corporation, to protect your business and personal assets. Consult legal experts to determine the most suitable legal structure for your venture.

Permits and Licenses: Obtain necessary permits, business licenses, and safety certifications required to operate a coworking space. Comply with zoning regulations and building codes to avoid legal complications.

Insurance Coverage: Secure comprehensive insurance coverage to protect your coworking space from unforeseen events, liability claims, and property damages.

Membership Agreements: Draft clear and comprehensive membership agreements that outline terms, policies, and member responsibilities. Seek legal advice to ensure that the agreements are legally binding and enforceable.

Data Protection and Privacy: Prioritize data protection and privacy by implementing secure data storage systems and adhering to relevant data protection regulations.

Identify and manage potential risks while fostering sustainability:

Risk Assessment: Analyze potential risks, such as market fluctuations, competition, member retention challenges, and economic downturns. Develop contingency plans to address these risks effectively.

Business Continuity Plan: Create a business continuity plan that outlines steps to manage crises and ensure the uninterrupted operation of your coworking space during emergencies.

Sustainability Initiatives: Implement eco-friendly practices to appeal to environmentally conscious members. Consider incorporating energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and eco-friendly office supplies.

Green Certifications: Pursue green certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and attract environmentally conscious businesses.

Nurturing a supportive community can enhance member satisfaction and retention:

Networking Events: Host regular networking events, workshops, and industry-specific sessions to encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing among members. Invite industry experts and thought leaders to facilitate engaging discussions.

Social Activities: Organize team-building activities, social gatherings, and themed events to strengthen connections within the community. Celebrate milestones and member achievements to foster a sense of belonging.

Coworking Memberships: Offer various coworking membership options, such as dedicated desks, hot desks, private offices, and virtual memberships, to cater to diverse work preferences and budgets.

Flexible Working Hours: Accommodate members with flexible working hours by offering 24/7 access to your coworking space or extended operating hours.

Member Involvement: Encourage member involvement in shaping the coworking community. Consider establishing a member advisory board to gather feedback and ideas for enhancing the coworking experience.

Online Community Platform: Create an online platform, such as a member portal or a private social network, where members can interact, share insights, and collaborate virtually.

Creating a successful coworking space business plan requires meticulous planning, in-depth research, and a deep understanding of your target market. With Stellar Business Plans as your consultant service provider, you can craft a compelling business strategy that aligns with your vision and attracts a thriving coworking community. Embrace the dynamic coworking industry, and let your Stellar Coworking Space shine as a beacon of productivity, collaboration, and success.

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Updated On : August 11, 2023

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How to write a business plan for your coworking space.

business plan for a coworking space

Starting a coworking space is a great idea because it allows entrepreneurs and freelancers to work in a collaborative environment that can help them grow their business.

Additionally, it provides a great opportunity to build relationships and network with other professionals in the same field.

However, prior to that, you must have a business plan.

Creating a business plan is essential before jumping into a new project, as it will help to identify potential risks, outline the necessary steps, and provide a roadmap for success. Additionally, it can help to secure financing and attract potential investors.

In short, a good business plan will help ensure the profitability of your coworking space .

What should be covered when creating a business plan for a coworking space? What's the basic outline for the structure? Which metrics should be part of the financial analysis? What's the fastest way to outline a comprehensive business plan?

You're in luck! This article has you covered with answers to all these questions.

One last thing: you can avoid starting your business plan from scratch.

Instead, you can download our professional business plan for a coworking space and tailor it to suit your project.

business plan shared office space

How to construct a business plan for a coworking space

Should you consider writing a business plan for your coworking space.

Yes, you should consider writing a business plan for your coworking space.

Crafting a well-structured business plan will help you to:

  • get familiar with the coworking space market
  • be aware of new trends and incorporate them into your project
  • highlight viability factors for a coworking space
  • understand professionals' workspace needs and preferences to provide a collaborative and inspiring coworking environment
  • come up with a great value proposition for your shared office space endeavor
  • research competitor pricing strategies
  • identify strategic advantages for your coworking space
  • find a business model that will drive profitability
  • formulate a resilient strategy to achieve success in the short and long-term
  • evaluate risks associated with operating a coworking space, including data security, facility maintenance, and tenant satisfaction

Our team has created a business plan for a coworking space that is designed to make it easier for you to achieve all the elements listed.

How to outline a business plan for a coworking space?

A business plan has plenty of facts, numbers, and indicators. It must be arranged in a manner that is easy to read and understand.

When we designed our business plan for a coworking space , we made sure it had a proper structure.

There are 5 parts within the business plan.

1. Market Opportunity

The section number one is titled "Market Opportunity."

Access relevant data and metrics for the coworking space, assisting you in analyzing the opportunities and challenges within the shared office and flexible workspace industry.

Data here is always fresh, as we update it twice a year.

2. Project Presentation

The second part is dedicated to the "Project" where you can outline your coworking space concept, amenities, membership plans, location, and the unique value proposition your venture offers to freelancers, startups, and remote workers.

Also include a short description about yourself at the end of this section.

Discuss your vision for the coworking space, your range of amenities and services, and how you plan to create a collaborative and inspiring workspace for professionals. Highlight your flexible membership options, your vibrant community, and your dedication to providing a productive and supportive environment that fosters innovation and success through your coworking space.

We composed text for you in our business plan. Modify it as needed to fit your concept.

3. Market Research

The next item on the list is the "Market Research" section.

In this section, you will find a market segmentation analysis for your coworking space.

It includes a study of other coworking spaces in the area that will be competing with you. Your space's unique amenities and competitive advantages are also highlighted. A customized SWOT analysis is included.

4. Strategy

The fourth section, "Strategy," provides a comprehensive growth plan for your coworking space, with step-by-step instructions on how to achieve high profitability.

Moreover, this section has a marketing strategy, a way to deal with risks, and a Business Model Canvas that is filled out.

5. Finances

To summarize, you'll find the "Finances" section, which includes all the financial metrics and data for your project.

business plan coworking space

How to make an Executive Summary for a coworking space?

The Executive Summary is like a quick overview of the business plan of your coworking space.

Make it short and concise, no more than 2 pages. Include only the important stuff.

It's the first section that a bank will read when you present your business plan. It should make them interested and eager to read the rest of the plan.

In the Executive Summary of your coworking space, provide answers to these questions: what services does your coworking space provide? who is your target audience? are there other coworking spaces in the area? what funding do you require?

How to do the market analysis for a coworking space?

The market study of your coworking space helps you understand external factors such as client demands for flexible workspaces, competition within the coworking industry, and emerging trends in remote work and entrepreneurship.

By conducting a comprehensive market study, a coworking space can understand the needs of remote workers and startups, provide a productive and collaborative workspace, optimize pricing strategies, and execute targeted marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to a high occupancy rate, increased memberships, and a prominent position in the coworking industry.

This is what you'll find in the "Market Research" section of our business plan for a coworking space :

  • figures, data, and statistics related to coworking spaces, including occupancy rates, industry growth, and the impact on remote work
  • a list of potential market segments for a coworking space
  • the competitor study
  • the potential competitive advantages for a coworking space

business plan coworking space

The key points of the business plan for a coworking space

What's the business model of a coworking space, business model of a coworking space.

A coworking space's business model revolves around providing shared office spaces, amenities, and networking opportunities to freelancers, entrepreneurs, or remote workers. Revenue is generated through membership fees, potentially offering additional services such as meeting room rentals or event hosting.

The business model focuses on creating a collaborative and productive workspace, delivering essential amenities and technology infrastructure, effective marketing to target professionals seeking flexible workspaces, and building a supportive community within the coworking space.

Success depends on maintaining a vibrant and inclusive coworking environment, delivering exceptional customer service, fostering professional connections and networking opportunities, and continuously adapting to the evolving needs and preferences of the coworking community.

Business model vs Business plan

Avoid conflating "business plan" and "business model."

A business model defines how a company creates, delivers, and monetizes its offerings.

In a business plan, you articulate your business model through a framework known as the Business Model Canvas.

Rest assured, there is a Business Model Canvas (already completed) in our business plan for a coworking space .

How do you identify the market segments of a coworking space?

Segmenting the market for your coworking space involves dividing your potential clients into different groups based on their professional needs, working styles, and demographics.

These categories may include factors such as freelancers, startups, remote workers, or professionals from specific industries.

By segmenting your market, you can offer a range of workspace options, amenities, and community activities that cater to each segment's specific requirements. For example, you might provide dedicated desks and private offices for freelancers and small teams, offer collaborative spaces and networking events for startups, focus on providing comfortable and productive environments for remote workers, or create industry-specific coworking spaces that cater to professionals in technology, creative fields, or other specialized industries.

Market segmentation allows you to effectively target your marketing efforts, foster a vibrant community, and provide an inspiring coworking experience tailored to the unique needs of each client segment.

In the business plan for a coworking space , you will find a comprehensive market segmentation that helps you know and understand your customers.

How to conduct a competitor analysis for a coworking space?

It's clear that you won't be the only coworking space in your city. There are other shared office spaces providing flexible work environments for professionals.

Ensure that your business plan includes an in-depth competitor analysis, which involves assessing their characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses.

Ensure to identify their weaknesses (such as limited amenities and facilities, ineffective community-building efforts, inadequate networking opportunities, or lack of flexibility in workspace arrangements).

Why is it important to pay attention to these points? Well, these weaknesses definitely cause frustration for people who choose to work at coworking spaces. But you can turn this situation to your advantage by developing competitive advantages for your own coworking project.

It's what we call competitive advantages—develop them to make your business stand out.

Here are some examples of competitive advantages for a coaching practice: specialized expertise, a proven track record, a unique methodology or approach, personalized coaching, and strong communication skills.

How to draft a SWOT analysis for a shared office space?

A SWOT analysis allows for an evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a coworking space, helping to identify potential areas of focus and improvement.

As you can guess, there is indeed a completed and editable SWOT matrix in our business plan for a coworking space

The strengths for a coworking space

S stands for Strengths in SWOT, representing the project's internal factors that contribute to its success.

For a coworking space, potential strengths include a collaborative environment, flexible workspace options, the availability of amenities such as high-speed internet, and access to a wide network of professionals.

The weaknesses for a coworking space

W represents Weaknesses, which are the project's weak points that need to be addressed.

For a coworking space, potential weaknesses could include inadequate parking, limited amenities, inadequate security, and limited space.

The opportunities for a coworking space

The "O" in SWOT represents Opportunities, indicating the potential openings or advantageous external factors that can benefit the project.

In the case of a coworking space, potential opportunities may include providing meeting spaces, hosting events, offering educational classes, and providing virtual office services.

The threats for a coworking space

When we use the "T" in SWOT, we're talking about Threats, which are the external risks or challenges that the project may face.

How to elaborate a marketing strategy for a shared office space?

A marketing strategy is critical for a business plan as it details how a business will engage customers and drive sales.

A coworking space can connect with freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers in need of a collaborative and flexible work environment by implementing a targeted marketing plan that highlights the space's modern facilities, networking opportunities, and convenient amenities.

Professionals won't choose your shared office space without proper promotion; highlighting the amenities, flexible plans, and professional environment is necessary.

Have you explored marketing approaches to attract clients to your shared office space? Consider showcasing your modern workspace amenities, offering flexible membership plans, and utilizing digital marketing strategies to reach freelancers, startups, and remote workers.

If you're lacking ideas for your project's marketing strategy, don't panic.

How to build a solid financial plan for a shared office space?

A solid business plan must include detailed financial information such as projected income, expenses, cash flow, and balance sheets.

As you prepare your business plan, it is important to include revenue forecasts for your coworking space.

A relevant and credible revenue forecast is vital for your business plan to appear solid when read by investors.

Our financial plan for a coworking space is designed to be user-friendly, incorporating automatic verifications that assist in identifying and correcting any assumptions. This ensures you can build credible projections with confidence.

Naturally, you'll have to prepare an initial budget for your coworking space. Don't forget any expense (we have listed them all in our financial plan !).

The break-even analysis plays a crucial role in the financial plan, as it helps determine whether your coworking space will be profitable or not.

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10 Free Business Plan Templates in Word, Excel, & ClickUp

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

February 13, 2024

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Turning your vision into a clear and coherent business plan can be confusing and tough. 

Hours of brainstorming and facing an intimidating blank page can raise more questions than answers. Are you covering everything? What should go where? How do you keep each section thorough but brief?

If these questions have kept you up at night and slowed your progress, know you’re not alone. That’s why we’ve put together the top 10 business plan templates in Word, Excel, and ClickUp—to provide answers, clarity, and a structured framework to work with. This way, you’re sure to capture all the relevant information without wasting time. 

And the best part? Business planning becomes a little less “ugh!” and a lot more “aha!” đŸ€©

What is a Business Plan Template?

What makes a good business plan template, 1. clickup business plan template, 2. clickup sales plan template, 3. clickup business development action plan template, 4. clickup business roadmap template, 5. clickup business continuity plan template, 6. clickup lean business plan template, 7. clickup small business action plan template, 8. clickup strategic business roadmap template , 9. microsoft word business plan template by microsoft, 10. excel business plan template by vertex42.

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A business plan template is a structured framework for entrepreneurs and business executives who want to create business plans. It comes with pre-arranged sections and headings that cover key elements like the executive summary , business overview, target customers, unique value proposition, marketing plans, and financial statements.  

A good business plan template helps with thorough planning, clear documentation, and practical implementation. Here’s what to look for:

  • Comprehensive structure: A good template comes with all the relevant sections to outline a business strategy, such as executive summary, market research and analysis, and financial projections 
  • Clarity and guidance: A good template is easy to follow. It has brief instructions or prompts for each section, guiding you to think deeply about your business and ensuring you don’t skip important details
  • Clean design: Aesthetics matter. Choose a template that’s not just functional but also professionally designed. This ensures your plan is presentable to stakeholders, partners, and potential investors
  • Flexibility : Your template should easily accommodate changes without hassle, like adding or removing sections, changing content and style, and rearranging parts đŸ› ïžÂ 

While a template provides the structure, it’s the information you feed it that brings it to life. These pointers will help you pick a template that aligns with your business needs and clearly showcases your vision.

10 Business Plan Templates to Use in 2024

Preparing for business success in 2024 (and beyond) requires a comprehensive and organized business plan. We’ve handpicked the best templates to help you guide your team, attract investors, and secure funding. Let’s check them out.

ClickUp Business Plan Template

If you’re looking to replace a traditional business plan document, then ClickUp’s Business Plan Template is for you!

This one-page business plan template, designed in ClickUp Docs , is neatly broken down into the following sections:

  • Company description : Overview, mission, vision, and team
  • Market analysis : Problem, solution, target market, competition, and competitive advantage
  • Sales and marketing strategy : Products/services and marketing channels
  • Operational plan : Location and facilities, equipment and tools, manpower, and financial forecasts
  • Milestones and metrics: Targets and KPIs

Customize the template with your company logo and contact details, and easily navigate to different sections using the collapsible table of contents. The mini prompts under each section guide you on what to include—with suggestions on how to present the data (e.g., bullet lists, pictures, charts, and tables). 

You can share the document with anyone via URL and collaborate in real time. And when the business plan is ready, you have the option to print it or export it to PDF, HTML, or Markdown.

But that’s not all. This template is equipped with basic and enterprise project management features to streamline the business plan creation process . The Topics List view has a list of all the different sections and subsections of the template and allows you to assign it to a team member, set a due date, and attach relevant documents and references.

Switch from List to Board view to track and update task statuses according to the following: To Do, In Progress, Needs Revision, and Complete. 

This template is a comprehensive toolkit for documenting the different sections of your business plan and streamlining the creation process to ensure it’s completed on time. đŸ—“ïž

ClickUp Sales Plan Template

If you’re looking for a tool to kickstart or update your sales plan, ClickUp’s Sales Plan Template has got you covered. This sales plan template features a project summary list with tasks to help you craft a comprehensive and effective sales strategy. Some of these tasks include:

  • Determine sales objectives and goals
  • Draft positioning statement
  • Perform competitive analysis
  • Draft ideal customer persona
  • Create a lead generation strategy

Assign each task to a specific individual or team, set priority levels , and add due dates. Specify what section of the sales plan each task belongs to (e.g., executive summary, revenue goals, team structure, etc.), deliverable type (such as document, task, or meeting), and approval state (like pending, needs revisions, and approved).

And in ClickUp style, you can switch to multiple views: List for a list of all tasks, Board for visual task management, Timeline for an overview of task durations, and Gantt to get a view of task dependencies. 

This simple business plan template is perfect for any type of business looking to create a winning sales strategy while clarifying team roles and keeping tasks organized. ✹

ClickUp Business Development Action Plan Template

Thinking about scaling your business’s reach and operations but unsure where or how to start? It can be overwhelming, no doubt—you need a clear vision, measurable goals, and an actionable plan that every member of your team can rally behind. 

Thankfully, ClickUp’s Business Development Action Plan Template is designed to use automations to simplify this process so every step toward your business growth is clear, trackable, and actionable.

Start by assessing your current situation and deciding on your main growth goal. Are you aiming to increase revenue, tap into new markets, or introduce new products or services? With ClickUp Whiteboards or Docs, brainstorm and collaborate with your team on this decision.

Set and track your short- and long-term growth goals with ClickUp’s Goals , break them down into smaller targets, and assign these targets to team members, complete with due dates. Add these targets to a new ClickUp Dashboard to track real-time progress and celebrate small wins. 🎉

Whether you’re a startup or small business owner looking to hit your next major milestone or an established business exploring new avenues, this template keeps your team aligned, engaged, and informed every step of the way.

ClickUp Business Roadmap Template

ClickUp’s Business Roadmap Template is your go-to for mapping out major strategies and initiatives in areas like revenue growth, brand awareness, community engagement, and customer satisfaction. 

Use the List view to populate tasks under each initiative. With Custom Fields, you can capture which business category (e.g., Product, Operations, Sales & Marketing, etc.) tasks fall under and which quarter they’re slated for. You can also link to relevant documents and resources and evaluate tasks by effort and impact to ensure the most critical tasks get the attention they deserve. 👀

Depending on your focus, this template provides different views to show just what you need. For example, the All Initiatives per Quarter view lets you focus on what’s ahead by seeing tasks that need completion within a specific quarter. This ensures timely execution and helps in aligning resources effectively for the short term.

This template is ideal for business executives and management teams who need to coordinate multiple short- and long-term initiatives and business strategies.

ClickUp Business Continuity Plan Template

In business, unexpected threats to operations can arise at any moment. Whether it’s economic turbulence, a global health crisis, or supply chain interruptions, every company needs to be ready. ClickUp’s Business Continuity Plan Template lets you prepare proactively for these unforeseen challenges.

The template organizes tasks into three main categories:

  • Priorities: Tasks that need immediate attention
  • Continuity coverage: Tasks that must continue despite challenges
  • Guiding principles: Resources and protocols to ensure smooth operations

The Board view makes it easy to visualize all the tasks under each of these categories. And the Priorities List sorts tasks by those that are overdue, the upcoming ones, and then the ones due later.

In times of uncertainty, being prepared is your best strategy. This template helps your business not just survive but thrive in challenging situations, keeping your customers, employees, and investors satisfied. đŸ€

ClickUp Lean Business Plan Template

Looking to execute your business plan the “lean” way? Use ClickUp’s Lean Business Plan Template . It’s designed to help you optimize resource usage and cut unnecessary steps—giving you better results with less effort.

In the Plan Summary List view, list all the tasks that need to get done. Add specific details like who’s doing each task, when it’s due, and which part of the Business Model Canvas (BMC) it falls under. The By Priority view sorts this list based on priorities like Urgent, High, Normal, and Low. This makes it easy to spot the most important tasks and tackle them first.

Additionally, the Board view gives you an overview of task progression from start to finish. And the BMC view rearranges these tasks based on the various BMC components. 

Each task can further be broken down into subtasks and multiple checklists to ensure all related action items are executed. ✔

This template is an invaluable resource for startups and large enterprises looking to maximize process efficiencies and results in a streamlined and cost-effective way.

ClickUp Small Business Action Plan Template

The Small Business Action Plan Template by ClickUp is tailor-made for small businesses looking to transform their business ideas and goals into actionable steps and, eventually, into reality. 

It provides a simple and organized framework for creating, assigning, prioritizing, and tracking tasks. And in effect, it ensures that goals are not just set but achieved. Through the native dashboard and goal-setting features, you can monitor task progress and how they move you closer to achieving your goals.

Thanks to ClickUp’s robust communication features like chat, comments, and @mentions, it’s easy to get every team member on the same page and quickly address questions or concerns.

Use this action plan template to hit your business goals by streamlining your internal processes and aligning team efforts.

ClickUp Strategic Business Roadmap Template 

For larger businesses and scaling enterprises, getting different departments to work together toward a big goal can be challenging. The ClickUp Strategic Business Roadmap Template makes it easier by giving you a clear plan to follow.

This template is packaged in a folder and split into different lists for each department in your business, like Sales, Product, Marketing, and Enablement. This way, every team can focus on their tasks while collectively contributing to the bigger goal.

There are multiple viewing options available for team members. These include:

  • Progress Board: Visualize tasks that are on track, those at risk, and those behind
  • Gantt view: Get an overview of project timelines and dependencies
  • Team view: See what each team member is working on so you can balance workloads for maximum productivity

While this template may feel overwhelming at first, the getting started guide offers a step-by-step breakdown to help you navigate it with ease. And like all ClickUp templates, you can easily customize it to suit your business needs and preferences.

Microsoft Word Business Plan Template by Microsoft

Microsoft’s 20-page traditional business plan template simplifies the process of drafting comprehensive business plans. It’s made up of different sections, including:

  • Executive summary : Highlights, objectives, mission statement, and keys to success
  • Description of business: Company ownership and legal structure, hours of operation, products and services, suppliers, financial plans, etc.
  • Marketing: Market analysis, market segmentation, competition, and pricing
  • Appendix: Start-up expenses, cash flow statements, income statements, sales forecast, milestones, break-even analysis, etc.

The table of contents makes it easy to move to different sections of the document. And the text placeholders under each section provide clarity on the specific details required—making the process easier for users who may not be familiar with certain business terminology.

Excel Business Plan Template by Vertex42

No business template roundup is complete without an Excel template. This business plan template lets you work on your business financials in Excel. It comes with customizable tables, formulas, and charts to help you look at the following areas:

  • Highlight charts
  • Market analysis
  • Start-up assets and expenses
  • Sales forecasts
  • Profit and loss
  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow projections
  • Break-even analysis

This Excel template is especially useful when you want to create a clear and visual financial section for your business plan document—an essential element for attracting investors and lenders. However, there might be a steep learning curve to using this template if you’re not familiar with business financial planning and using Excel.

Try a Free Business Plan Template in ClickUp

Launching and running a successful business requires a well-thought-out and carefully crafted business plan. However, the business planning process doesn’t have to be complicated, boring, or take up too much time. Use any of the above 10 free business plan formats to simplify and speed up the process.

ClickUp templates go beyond offering a solid foundation to build your business plans. They come with extensive project management features to turn your vision into reality. And that’s not all— ClickUp’s template library offers over 1,000 additional templates to help manage various aspects of your business, from decision-making to product development to resource management .

Sign up for ClickUp’s Free Forever Plan today to fast-track your business’s growth! 🏆

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Coworking space business plan sample

Coworking space business plan sample

A coworking space business plan sample serves as an invaluable resource for aspiring entrepreneurs, providing a clear and structured template to guide the development of their own plans. By examining a well-crafted sample, you can gain insights into the essential components and details needed to create a comprehensive and persuasive business plan. It helps you understand how to organize your ideas, present market research, outline your services, and develop coworking space financial projections . Additionally, a sample plan can highlight common pitfalls to avoid and showcase effective strategies for attracting investors and stakeholders. Ultimately, using a business plan sample as a reference can streamline the planning process, ensuring that your own plan is thorough, professional, and poised for success.

Our team has curated a valuable resource that combines expertise and practical insights, designed to guide you through the intricacies of launching and managing a thriving coworking space. Whether you’re just starting your journey and require a free coworking space business plan or seeking a comprehensive business plan sample for coworking space, we’ve got you covered.

We share our knowledge and experience with the world, offering an extensive coworking space business plan that’s both informative and actionable. Discover what it takes to build a community-driven workspace, provide flexible office solutions, and foster innovation within your own coworking space business.

Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business professional, or simply curious about the coworking industry, our resources are crafted to empower you on your quest. As you embark on your coworking space journey, consider Bayview coworking space as your trusted companion, guiding you through the exciting world of collaborative workspaces and virtual office solutions.

We’re excited to share our knowledge and expertise with you as we explore the limitless opportunities within the coworking space business. Let’s dive into the world of collaborative work, innovation, and community-driven success. 

Following is the Coworking Space Business Plan Sample, assuming a dummy name for that.

Coworking Space Business Plan Sample

Industry Overview

The workspace solutions industry is a dynamic and evolving sector within the broader real estate industry. It is defined by the provision of flexible and shared office space to a diverse clientele, including freelancers, entrepreneurs, remote workers, startups, small businesses, and even established corporations. This industry caters to the changing dynamics of work, offering alternatives to traditional office spaces, promoting collaboration, and meeting the growing demand for more agile and cost-effective work environments.

The workspace solutions industry can be further divided into categories, such as coworking spaces, serviced offices, and virtual offices. It is characterized by its emphasis on:

Flexibility: Workspace providers offer various membership options, from daily passes to long-term leases, allowing clients to adapt their space requirements as needed.

Community: The industry fosters a sense of community by organizing networking events, workshops, and collaborative opportunities for members, creating a dynamic ecosystem.

Amenities: Modern workspace solutions often come equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ergonomic furnishings, meeting rooms, and support services to enhance productivity and convenience.

Prime Locations: Many providers, like Bayview coworking space, are strategically situated in key business districts, making them easily accessible and attractive to professionals.

Company description

Bayview Coworking Space: Your Ideal Coworking Space Solution! It is a registered startup and proudly announces its presence in the heart of Florida, securing a prime facility in a bustling central district. As a pioneering co-working space company, we are primed to excel in the rapidly expanding shared office rental industry, not only within Florida but also on a national scale, with plans to establish co-working facilities in key cities across the United States.

Our core mission is to provide entrepreneurs and investors with exceptional co-working space solutions, sparing them from the burdens of conventional office ownership. We aspire to stand out as one of the premier co-working space rental operators in the United States, and our unwavering commitment drives us to compete effectively within the industry.

At Bayview coworking space, we differentiate ourselves by handpicking our team members from a pool of certified, creative, and highly experienced professionals hailing from within Florida. To ensure their readiness to meet and surpass the company’s high expectations, we provide them with comprehensive training, enabling them to compete effectively with leading co-working space operators across the United States. 

At Bayview Coworking Space, our mission is to provide professionals and businesses with a vibrant, flexible, and innovative workspace where they can thrive, connect, and achieve their fullest potential. We’re more than just a workspace; we’re a community of driven individuals and teams working together for success.

Our vision is to be the go-to destination for those seeking a premium workspace that balances comfort, technology, and community, empowering our members to excel in their professional pursuits.

Prime Location: Bayview coworking space is strategically located in the heart of Florida, offering easy access to business districts, transportation, and a thriving ecosystem.

Modern Design: Our space is designed with aesthetics and functionality in mind, offering a variety of workspace options, from private offices to open collaborative areas.

Community Focus: We prioritize building a strong community through networking events, skill-sharing, and an environment where meaningful professional connections can flourish.

Flexibility: We provide a range of membership plans, allowing individuals and businesses to scale their workspace needs as they grow.

Our Products and Services

Bayview Coworking space has been strategically established with the primary objective of achieving maximum profitability within the co-working space industry. Our vision is to compete on equal footing with the foremost co-working space operators across the United States, and to realize this vision, we have assembled a highly capable team dedicated to ensuring that our facility not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our valued customers. Our unwavering commitment extends beyond the borders of Florida, as we aspire to make our mark in various cities throughout the United States.

At Bayview Coworking space, we offer an array of services and amenities designed to create a vibrant and productive work environment. Our facilities include:

High-Speed Wi-Fi and 24/7 Security: We provide seamless and secure internet connectivity, ensuring our members stay connected and protected at all times.

Coffee & Beverages: A variety of beverages, including coffee, are available to keep our members refreshed and energized throughout their workday.

Printing & Scanning: Members have access to modern printing and scanning equipment, allowing them to efficiently manage their document needs.

Meeting Rooms and Mail Services: We offer well-equipped meeting rooms for professional gatherings, and mail services to support our members in their communication needs.

CCTV Surveillance: Our state-of-the-art security system, including closed-circuit television, guarantees the safety and privacy of our members and their belongings.

Standby Generator: In case of any power interruptions, our standby generator ensures that work remains uninterrupted.

Front Desk Services: Our friendly and professional front desk staff are readily available to assist with inquiries, ensuring a welcoming and accommodating atmosphere.

Housekeeping: Regular housekeeping services maintain a clean and organized workspace, allowing our members to focus on their tasks in a comfortable and hygienic environment.

Bayview Coworking space is not just a co-working space; it’s a dynamic community where professionals and entrepreneurs find the support, resources, and infrastructure they need to thrive. We are dedicated to fostering innovation and success, as we redefine the future of workspaces.

Target Market

Bayview coworking space’s target market encompasses a diverse range of professionals and businesses seeking flexible and innovative workspace solutions in Florida. Our workspace offerings are designed to cater to the specific needs and preferences of the following segments:

Freelancers and Remote Workers:

Description: Freelancers, independent contractors, and remote workers who desire a professional and productive workspace outside of their home. They may seek an inspiring environment to enhance creativity and work-life balance.

Needs: Flexible membership options, high-speed internet, comfortable workstations, and a sense of community for networking and collaboration.

Startups and Small Businesses:

Description: Early-stage startups, small businesses, and entrepreneurs looking for a cost-effective and professional office space to grow their business. They may require office space for a small team, access to meeting rooms, and administrative support.

Needs: Private office options, access to meeting rooms, business support services, opportunities for networking, and scalability in workspace solutions.

Corporate Teams and Branch Offices:

Description: Larger corporations, project teams, or remote branch offices in need of satellite workspaces in Florida. They may seek a convenient location with modern amenities for their employees and teams.

Needs: Dedicated office spaces, conference rooms, high-quality technology infrastructure, and the ability to host training sessions or workshops.

Professionals Seeking Networking Opportunities:

Description: Professionals from various industries who value networking and collaboration opportunities within a diverse community of like-minded individuals. They may use the workspace for specific events, meetups, or as a secondary office space.

Needs: A dynamic and vibrant community, regular networking events, skill-sharing workshops, and an environment conducive to building professional relationships.

Project-Based Workers:

Description: Individuals or teams working on short-term projects, who require a flexible and adaptable workspace for the duration of their project. This may include consultants, freelancers, and contractors.

Needs: Short-term or project-specific memberships, access to meeting spaces, and a conducive environment for focused work.

Business Travelers:

Description: Business travelers, including professionals attending conferences or corporate meetings in Florida, who seek a temporary and convenient workspace for work-related tasks during their stay.

Needs: Day passes, access to secure and professional work areas, high-speed internet, and support services.

Creative Professionals:

Description: Creative professionals, such as designers, artists, writers, and content creators, who value an inspiring and aesthetically pleasing workspace that fosters creativity and innovation.

Needs: Creative workspaces, collaborative areas, and an environment that sparks inspiration.

By tailoring our offerings and services to the specific needs of these target market segments, Bayview coworking space aims to create a diverse and inclusive community that meets the diverse workspace needs of professionals and businesses in Florida. Our commitment to flexibility, community-building, and top-notch amenities ensures that we can cater to a broad spectrum of professionals, from freelancers to corporate teams, fostering a thriving and dynamic ecosystem.

Company Structure

Bayview coworking space is organized as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), reflecting our commitment to providing limited liability protection to the owners. This legal structure offers a balance of flexibility and protection, allowing the business to adapt to changing needs while safeguarding the personal assets of its founders. Ownership is shared among the founding partners, each contributing their expertise and resources to the company. This structure ensures that decision-making and responsibilities are distributed effectively, fostering a collaborative and dynamic approach to leadership within the organization.

While the management team will be responsible for the day-to-day operations and strategic direction of the business, Key positions may include:

CEO/Managing Partner: Responsible for overall leadership and strategic decision-making.

Operations Manager: Oversees the daily operations, including facility management and member services.

Sales and Marketing Manager: Manages marketing efforts, member acquisition, and partnership development.

Community Manager: Fosters a vibrant and engaged community within the workspace.

Financial Manager: Handles financial planning, budgeting, and accounting.

IT and Technology Specialist: Ensures that the workspace is equipped with the latest technology and supports members’ IT needs.

Hiring Plan

Pre-Launch Phase:

Recruitment and Training: Hire core management team members well in advance of the launch. – Conduct team training on the company’s mission, values, and operational procedures. – Identify and onboard any advisors or consultants required for pre-launch preparations.

Real Estate and Facility Setup: Employ a real estate expert to assist in securing and setting up the physical workspace, ensuring it aligns with the company’s vision.

Post-Launch Phase:

Community Manager: Hire a Community Manager responsible for member engagement, event planning, and community-building activities.

Sales and Marketing Team: Recruit a Sales and Marketing Manager and, if necessary, a marketing team to execute promotional campaigns and member acquisition strategies.

Operations and Support Staff: Depending on the size of the workspace, employ operations and support staff, including receptionists, maintenance personnel, and administrative assistants.

Financial Manager: Appoint or hire a Financial Manager to handle accounting, financial planning, and budget management.

IT and Technology Specialist: Employ an IT specialist to maintain and support the technology infrastructure within the workspace.

Ongoing Hiring:

Scale with Demand: – As membership grows, add support staff and community managers to maintain a high level of service and community engagement.

Advisors and Consultants: – Continue to engage legal, financial, and real estate advisors as needed for ongoing operations, compliance, and growth strategies.

Training and Development:

Provide ongoing training and development opportunities for staff to enhance their skills, stay up-to-date with industry trends, and align with the company’s culture and values.

Benefits and Incentives:

Offer competitive compensation, benefits, and incentives to attract and retain top talent, creating a motivated and dedicated team.

By structuring the business with a clear management team and a strategic hiring plan, Bayview coworking space can ensure the successful launch, growth, and long-term success of the coworking space, delivering a high-quality experience to its members while achieving its business goals.

Marketing Plan

At Bayview coworking space, we are committed to achieving our targeted goals and sales targets through a comprehensive and strategic marketing plan. We recognize that our success is driven by a multi-faceted approach that encompasses understanding our target audience, positioning our brand effectively, and employing a range of digital marketing strategies. Through thorough market research and analysis, we will gain deep insights into our clients’ workspace needs and preferences while staying informed about the competitive landscape.

Our brand will be our strong foundation as we focus on establishing a consistent identity that resonates with our mission and unique selling points. We will actively engage with our audience through digital marketing initiatives, including our website, SEO, social media presence, and email campaigns. Our content marketing efforts will showcase our industry expertise, positioning us as a credible authority. Collaborating with local businesses and hosting a variety of events and workshops will help us expand our network and reach.

Our sales strategies are equally vital, driven by a dedicated sales team, a range of flexible membership plans, competitive pricing, and lead generation techniques. Client retention and feedback mechanisms will play a pivotal role in achieving our sales targets. Together, these strategies are the roadmap to realizing our goals and reaching our sales targets, ensuring our success in the competitive Florida coworking space market.

Here’s a detailed marketing plan and sales strategies tailored to co-working space:

Market Research and Analysis:

We conduct in-depth market research to understand the unique needs and preferences of our target audience. This includes detailed segmentation, competitor analysis, and tracking industry trends to stay ahead of the curve.

Branding and Positioning:

We establish a strong brand identity that represents our values and mission. Our positioning emphasizes what sets Bayview coworking space apart, highlighting our prime location and community-focused approach.

Marketing Objectives:

Our marketing objectives are specific and measurable. We aim to achieve a certain number of members within the first year while also increasing brand awareness and engagement within our community.

Marketing Strategies:

Digital Marketing: We design and maintain an informative and engaging website that offers virtual tours, membership information, and a blog with workspace-related content. We optimize our website for search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance visibility in online search results. We actively manage social media profiles on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, where we engage with professionals and promote events. We build and nurture an email list to send regular updates, promotions, and event invitations to both members and prospects.

Content Marketing: We create high-quality, relevant content such as blog posts, ebooks, and videos that establish Bayview Coworking Space as a credible authority in the coworking space industry.

Partnerships and Networking: We collaborate with local businesses, chambers of commerce, and industry associations to expand our network and reach within the local community.

Events and Workshops: We host regular networking events, workshops, and seminars within our workspace. These events serve as magnets for professionals and provide value, thereby showcasing the community spirit at Bayview Coworking Space.

Sales Strategies

Sales Team:

We build a dedicated sales team responsible for member acquisition and revenue growth. We hire and train sales representatives who have a deep understanding of our workspace offerings.

Membership Plans:

We develop a range of flexible membership plans tailored to different client needs, such as day passes, monthly plans, dedicated offices, and virtual office services.

Pricing Strategy:

Our competitive pricing strategy reflects the value offered by Bayview coworking space while remaining attractive to our target market.

Lead Generation:

We implement lead generation techniques through our digital marketing efforts, networking, and partnerships to build a robust sales pipeline.

Member Onboarding:

We have a smooth and informative onboarding process for new members to ensure they fully understand the benefits and services available.

Referral Programs:

We encourage our existing members to refer new clients by offering referral incentives, such as discounted membership fees.

Client Retention:

We will develop a member retention program that includes special events, member benefits, and consistent communication to foster loyalty.

Sales Targets:

Our sales team will work toward specific sales targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their progress and success.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management):

We will utilize CRM software to manage client data, track interactions, and enhance the sales process.

Reporting and Analysis:

We will regularly analyze sales data and performance to identify areas for improvement and adjust our sales strategies accordingly.

Feedback Mechanism:

We have established a feedback mechanism for our clients to voice their suggestions, concerns, and ideas for service improvement.

By combining a well-executed marketing plan and effective sales strategies, we will attract and retain members, increase brand visibility, and establish a strong presence in the Florida coworking space market. Our commitment to consistent analysis and adaptation is essential to ensuring that our strategies remain effective and aligned with our business goals and mission

SWOT Analysis

Our SWOT analysis helps us understand our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By capitalizing on our strengths, addressing weaknesses, seizing opportunities, and mitigating threats, Bayview coworking space can navigate the competitive coworking space industry effectively and achieve long-term success.

Strengths (Advantages):

Prime Location: Our location in the heart of Florida positions us strategically, offering easy access to major business districts and transportation hubs.

Community Focus: Our emphasis on community-building, networking events, and member collaboration creates a vibrant and engaging atmosphere.

Modern Design: Bayview coworking space boasts a contemporary and aesthetically pleasing design, catering to professionals who value an inspiring workspace.

Flexible Membership Plans: We offer a variety of membership plans, accommodating a wide range of working styles and needs.

Technology and Amenities: Our space is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, high-speed internet, and the latest office equipment, ensuring members work efficiently and effectively.

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Weaknesses (Challenges):

Competition: The Florida coworking space market is competitive, with established players and new entrants vying for market share.

Initial Brand Recognition: As a new entrant, we may face challenges in building brand recognition and trust in the market.

Financial Investment: Maintaining a high-quality space and community-building initiatives requires a significant initial financial investment.

Opportunities (Growth Prospects):

Remote Work Trends: The rise in remote work creates opportunities as professionals seek flexible and inspiring workspace solutions.

Local Partnerships: Collaborating with local businesses and organizations can expand our network and reach.

Event Hosting: Hosting events, workshops, and seminars can attract professionals and showcase our community spirit.

Corporate Clients: Attracting corporate clients and project teams seeking satellite offices can provide steady revenue.

Threats (Risks):

Economic Downturn: Economic uncertainties or recessions may impact the demand for flexible office space.

Market Saturation: The market may become oversaturated with coworking spaces, intensifying competition.

Regulatory Changes: New regulations or zoning laws could impact our ability to operate and expand.

Technology Disruptions: Rapid changes in technology may require ongoing investments to stay current.

Coworking Space Business Model Canvas

This business model canvas provides an overview of the key elements of Bayview Workspace’s business model, illustrating how the company creates, delivers, and captures value.

Coworking space business model canvas

For customization of your business plan and dynamic financial model click the link.

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Expert business plan and financial models


Coworking Business Plan

The business plan template for a coworking space

$ 99 Original price was: $99. $ 79 Current price is: $79.

Fully editable 30+ slides Powerpoint presentation business plan template.

  • 30+ slides already completed
  • Updated market research (2024)
  • Suitable for a business loan
  • 75hrs of work put into this document
  • Fully editable
  • Free support
  • Instant download

See an example

  • Updated market research (2023)
  • 75 hrs of work put into this document

Vetted by professionals at leading organizations

business plan coworking excel

What's inside

This template is already completed and include everything you need in a business plan:

  • Executive summary
  • Business overview
  • Market research
  • SWOT analysis
  • Competitive landscape
  • Management team
  • Sales & marketing plan

FREE Business Plan_Cryotherapy (4)

The business plan shown here is an example from the Cryotherapy business plan template.


  • Name of the business
  • Square footage of the facility
  • Services and prices
  • Revenue projections

FREE Business Plan_Cryotherapy (3)

Trusted by 12,000+ entrepreneurs, consultants and investors

Excellent product


It is a 30+ slides presentation in Powerpoint format that can be used to raise funds from investors or a bank for your business.

We built this template with everything you need in a business plan so you save time preparing your own.

Download the template and customise it as you please by adding your own business information (name of your business, location, etc.).

The template has 30+ slides that include all you need to raise funds from investors or to obtain a loan from a bank:

  • Market overview
  • Sales & marketing plan
  • Strategy & timeline
  • Financial plan

All our business plan templates can either be used with Powerpoint or Google Slides, Google Slides being a free version of Powerpoint.

It is a one-time fee. By purchasing this template you can download it to your computer and use it for as long as you need to.

Yes you can! It’s actually recommended to customize the template.

We recommend you to change the photos, add your business information to make it truly yours.

Yes it is. All investors and lenders will require a business plan along with a financial plan in Excel format.

This business plan template also include a financial plan yet please note this is an example. To edit the financial plan (for example to customize your revenue projections), purchase the corresponding financial model template available on this same product page.

The short answer is no. Since these templates are digital products, it is impossible for us to retrieve the template once you have downloaded at least once on your computer.

Note that we offer a free business plan example that can be downloaded before purchase. This allows you to have a look at the structure and the level of information we include in all our business plans.

This explains why less than 2% of our customers ever ask us for a refund.

That being said, if you are unhappy with your purchase, we will always do our best to make it work for you, either by: offering another template for free, helping you to use and/or customize your plan so that it works for you. 

If we can’t find an arrangement, we will offer refunds exceptionally when, for example:

  • You have purchased but you have not yet downloaded the document to your computer
  • You have rightfully be misled by an element on our website

Yes we do. Many of our customers even come back to us for help a year post purchase as they update their business plan.

We provide free lifetime email support, period.

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Add the financial model template to your business plan

  • Excel spreadsheet
  • 5-year financial statements already built
  • 20+ charts & metrics
  • Business valuation
  • Easy to modify

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Coworking Financial Model

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Download the full, editable business plan template by purchasing the paid version instead., this free example has limited access and cannot be modified..


Toutes les ressources pour ouvrir sa pñtisserie 🍰

Mettez toutes les chances de votre cÎté pour monter un projet rentable.

Voici le Business Model Canvas pour votre pĂątisserie

Cet article a Ă©tĂ© Ă©crit par un expert qui a Ă©tudiĂ© l’industrie et a confectionnĂ© le pack complet pour une pĂątisserie

pĂątisserie business model canvas

Vous retrouverez une analyse PESTEL complĂšte, modifiable et sans copyright dans notre modĂšle de business plan

Nous avons rédigé de nombreux business plans pour des pùtisseries .

Bien trop souvent, les gérants de ces établissements ne prennent pas le temps de structurer leur projet de maniÚre claire et efficace.

Pourquoi? Parce qu'ils n'ont pas les bons outils et les bonnes structures. Parmi ceux-lĂ , il y a le Business Model Canvas.

Qu'est-ce qu'un Business Model Canvas ? Est-ce que j'en ai besoin pour ma pĂątisserie ?

Soyons honnĂȘtes avec vous.

Ce n’est pas un remĂšde miracle, mais le Business Model Canvas est un outil prĂ©cieux pour structurer votre projet de maniĂšre stratĂ©gique.

Il permet de visualiser l'ensemble des éléments clés de votre entreprise.

Si vous ĂȘtes sur le point d'ouvrir une pĂątisserie , utiliser un Business Model Canvas n’est pas juste utile, c’est indispensable.

Il vous aidera Ă  :

  • dĂ©finir clairement votre proposition de valeur, comme des pĂątisseries artisanales faites avec des ingrĂ©dients locaux ou des crĂ©ations uniques pour des occasions spĂ©ciales
  • identifier vos segments de clientĂšle, qu'il s'agisse de rĂ©sidents locaux Ă  la recherche de produits frais ou de touristes en quĂȘte de douceurs authentiques
  • structurer vos canaux de distribution, qu'il s'agisse de votre boutique en ligne, de partenariats avec des cafĂ©s locaux ou de ventes lors de marchĂ©s et Ă©vĂ©nements
  • cerner vos principales sources de revenus, que ce soit la vente de pĂątisseries Ă  l'unitĂ©, les commandes spĂ©ciales pour des Ă©vĂ©nements ou des abonnements mensuels pour des boĂźtes de douceurs
  • mettre en lumiĂšre vos ressources clĂ©s, telles qu'un chef pĂątissier talentueux, un rĂ©seau de fournisseurs de qualitĂ© ou un emplacement stratĂ©gique

Bien sûr, le Business Model Canvas ne garantit pas le succÚs à lui seul, mais il vous offre une vue d'ensemble claire et une feuille de route pour votre pùtisserie.

Et si vous rédigez un business plan pour votre pùtisserie , le Business Model Canvas est un excellent outil pour vous guider tout au long du processus.

business plan coworking excel

Notre pack complet pour une pùtisserie vous aidera à réussir votre projet.

Des exemples pour chaque partie du Business Model Canvas d'une pĂątisserie

- Amateurs de pùtisseries artisanales et de desserts gourmands - Familles et amis cherchant un lieu convivial pour se retrouver - Entreprises organisant des événements ou des commandes spéciales

- Pùtisseries artisanales faites maison avec des ingrédients de qualité - Ambiance chaleureuse et accueillante avec un service attentionné - Ateliers de pùtisserie et événements spéciaux (dégustations, anniversaires)

- Boutique physique de la pĂątisserie - RĂ©seaux sociaux (Instagram, Facebook) pour attirer et engager la clientĂšle - Commandes en ligne et partenariats avec des entreprises locales

- Service personnalisĂ© et conseils sur le choix des pĂątisseries - Programmes de fidĂ©litĂ© pour clients rĂ©guliers - Organisation d’évĂ©nements exclusifs (ateliers de pĂątisserie, dĂ©gustations privĂ©es)

- Vente de pùtisseries à l'unité et en lots - Frais pour des ateliers de pùtisserie et événements privés - Ventes de boissons et accompagnements (café, thé, jus de fruits)

- Sélection d'ingrédients frais et de qualité - Pùtissiers et personnel formé en pùtisserie artisanale - Local bien situé avec une ambiance accueillante

- CrĂ©ation et prĂ©paration de pĂątisseries artisanales - Organisation d’ateliers de pĂątisserie et d’évĂ©nements spĂ©ciaux - Gestion de l'expĂ©rience client en boutique (service, ambiance)

- Fournisseurs locaux d'ingrédients frais (farine, fruits, chocolat) - Artisans locaux pour des produits complémentaires (café, thé) - Influenceurs et critiques dans le domaine de la gastronomie

- Achat d'ingrĂ©dients et de fournitures de pĂątisserie - CoĂ»t du personnel (pĂątissiers, serveurs) - Frais d’exploitation (loyer, licences, marketing)

business plan coworking excel

Nous avons également un article dédié à l'analyse SWOT pour ce projet

Ne confondez pas Business Model Canvas, Business Model et Business Plan

Vous ĂȘtes nombreux Ă  vous tromper entre ces trois concepts : le business model, le business model canvas, et le business plan.

Le business model canvas, comme on vient de le voir, est un outil pratique pour résumer votre concept sur une seule page.

Vous y mettez vos segments de clientÚle (amateurs de pùtisseries, familles, entreprises pour des commandes spéciales), votre proposition de valeur (pùtisseries artisanales, ingrédients de qualité, options sans gluten), et vos flux de revenus (vente de gùteaux, commandes spéciales, ateliers de pùtisserie).

C'est visuel, rapide à remplir, et ça vous permet de voir en un coup d'Ɠil si tout se tient.

Le business model, c'est simplement la maniĂšre dont votre pĂątisserie va gagner de l'argent.

Par exemple, allez-vous vendre uniquement des pĂątisseries en boutique, proposer des commandes en ligne, ou peut-ĂȘtre organiser des ateliers de pĂątisserie pour les amateurs ? C'est l'idĂ©e centrale de votre activitĂ©.

Enfin, le business plan, c'est un document beaucoup plus détaillé. Il inclut tout : votre stratégie marketing (comment attirer des clients dans votre pùtisserie), vos prévisions financiÚres (ce que vous allez dépenser et gagner), et votre plan opérationnel (comment vous allez gérer les stocks d'ingrédients, le personnel, etc.). C'est celui que vous présenterez à un investisseur ou une banque.

En résumé : le business model, c'est le concept ; le canvas, c'est un outil de synthÚse ; et le business plan, c'est votre feuille de route complÚte.

Des exemples de Business Model Canvas complétés pour des pùtisseries

Un business model canvas pour une pĂątisserie bio et sans gluten.

Fournisseurs de matiÚres premiÚres bio, producteurs locaux de fruits et légumes, associations de santé, distributeurs de produits sans gluten.

Création de recettes innovantes sans gluten, utilisation d'ingrédients bio, organisation d'ateliers de pùtisserie saine, promotion de l'alimentation équilibrée.

Offrir des pùtisseries délicieuses et saines, adaptées aux personnes ayant des restrictions alimentaires, tout en respectant l'environnement.

Fidélisation par l'éducation sur les bienfaits des produits bio et sans gluten, ateliers de pùtisserie, programme de fidélité pour les clients réguliers.

Site web, réseaux sociaux, marketing écoresponsable, événements locaux et marchés bio.

Personnes souffrant d'intolérances alimentaires, consommateurs soucieux de leur santé, familles cherchant des options de pùtisserie saine.

Achat de matiÚres premiÚres bio et sans gluten, coûts de logistique écologique, investissement dans des certifications bio, coûts marketing digital.

Vente de pĂątisseries en boutique et en ligne, ateliers de pĂątisserie, abonnements Ă  des coffrets de pĂątisseries bio et sans gluten.

Un Business Model Canvas pour une pùtisserie-café avec espace de coworking

Fournisseurs de café de qualité, producteurs locaux de matiÚres premiÚres, entreprises de mobilier de bureau, partenaires technologiques.

Production de pùtisseries artisanales, gestion de l'espace de coworking, organisation d'événements pour les freelances et entrepreneurs, création d'une ambiance conviviale.

Offrir un espace oĂč les clients peuvent dĂ©guster des pĂątisseries tout en travaillant dans un environnement inspirant et confortable.

CrĂ©ation d’une communautĂ© de travailleurs indĂ©pendants, Ă©vĂ©nements de networking, abonnements pour l'espace de coworking avec avantages sur les consommations.

Marketing viral via réseaux sociaux, publicités locales, collaborations avec influenceurs et entrepreneurs locaux.

Freelances, entrepreneurs, étudiants, amateurs de pùtisseries cherchant un lieu de travail agréable.

Achat de matiÚres premiÚres, coûts de gestion de l'espace de coworking, frais de maintenance et d'équipement, coûts de marketing et de promotion.

Vente de pùtisseries et de boissons, abonnements pour l'espace de coworking, organisation d'événements payants.

Un Business Model Canvas pour une pùtisserie spécialisée dans les desserts de saison

Producteurs locaux de fruits et légumes de saison, coopératives agricoles, fournisseurs de matiÚres premiÚres de qualité, offices du tourisme.

Création de recettes saisonniÚres, promotion des produits locaux, organisation de dégustations et d'ateliers culinaires, mise en avant des traditions culinaires locales.

Valoriser les produits de saison Ă  travers des pĂątisseries authentiques et savoureuses, tout en soutenant l'agriculture locale.

Organisation de dégustations exclusives, événements saisonniers, abonnements pour découvrir réguliÚrement des nouveautés de saison.

Publicité locale, réseaux sociaux, partenariats avec des événements régionaux, présence dans les marchés et foires locales.

Amateurs de produits locaux et de saison, consommateurs attachĂ©s Ă  la tradition culinaire, touristes Ă  la recherche d’expĂ©riences authentiques.

Approvisionnement en matiÚres premiÚres de saison, partenariats avec les producteurs locaux, coûts de promotion locale et événements, coûts logistiques liés aux circuits courts.

Vente de pùtisseries de saison, organisation de dégustations et d'ateliers, abonnements pour des coffrets de desserts de saison.

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    QUI SOMMES-NOUS ? Nous formons une Ă©quipe composĂ©e d'une vingtaine de personnes, qui rĂ©digent, depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, des business plans pour des gens, comme vous, qui veulent concrĂ©tiser leur nouveau projet 📈 Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une plateforme avec des modĂšles pour plus de 250 activitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes : Modelesdebusinessplan.com. Nous y mettons Ă  jours nos modĂšles, rĂ©guliĂšrement.

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    QUI SOMMES-NOUS ? Nous formons une Ă©quipe composĂ©e d'une vingtaine de personnes, qui rĂ©digent, depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, des business plans pour des gens, comme vous, qui veulent concrĂ©tiser leur nouveau projet 📈 Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une plateforme avec des modĂšles pour plus de 250 activitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes : Modelesdebusinessplan.com. Nous y mettons Ă  jours nos modĂšles, rĂ©guliĂšrement.

  26. Business Model Canvas pour une pĂątisserie (exemples)

    QUI SOMMES-NOUS ? Nous formons une Ă©quipe composĂ©e d'une vingtaine de personnes, qui rĂ©digent, depuis plusieurs annĂ©es, des business plans pour des gens, comme vous, qui veulent concrĂ©tiser leur nouveau projet 📈 Nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une plateforme avec des modĂšles pour plus de 250 activitĂ©s diffĂ©rentes : Modelesdebusinessplan.com. Nous y mettons Ă  jours nos modĂšles, rĂ©guliĂšrement.