13 Freelance Writing Jobs for College Students (to Start an Online Side Hustle)

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If there’s two things that are probably difficult to balance as a college student, it’s focusing on your studies while making money.

There’s really no point in stressing yourself with a full-time or part-time job if it’s going to negatively impact your academic success.

I know for me, when I was in college I was juggling working as an ABA therapist for children with autism and my Psychology courses. There were times when I had to go to work at 5 am and then class at 8:30 am and BE AWAKE and ready to learn!

13 Freelance Writing Jobs for College Students (to Start an Online Side Hustle)

Tough times for sure. But there is another way you can make money online and on your own terms, while taking very little time out of your busy study schedule.

Freelance writing is an amazing opportunity to earn money during your free time.

Yes, it will take some legwork to get started but, as long as you have the time to write, you can start earning some additional income.

So if you’re looking for a way to make money online as a student , freelance writing may just be for you.

And with many different types of freelance writing jobs available, there’s sure to be one that suits your skills and schedule.

If you’re interested in some freelance writing jobs for college students and other student jobs on the side, check out my post.

Online Writing Jobs for College Students

1. blog articles.

It may seem like every person and their dog is writing for a blog but the truth is that many site owners either don’t have time to write all of their own content or lack the skills to do so.

As long as you understand the basic structure of blog content, you can easily write and sell articles online.

Peruse online job boards to find clients seeking writers or approach small businesses with websites. You can even search for websites that pay for blog posts .

For those that don’t have blogs, pitch your ideas and emphasize how having fresh and relevant content on their site can help to boost their business.

2. Magazine Articles

Magazines, whether online in or print, cover a range of topics and niches. This makes it easy to find one that suits your interests and expertise.

Many of them seek freelance writers in order to provide a diverse range of perspectives and information.

As long as you can provide unique and well-written content, you can stand to earn around $1.25 per word .

While getting your pitches accepted can be a trying endeavor, even one acceptance can earn you a couple hundred dollars!

3. Social Media Content

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Writing for social media is very different from writing blog or magazine content.

Social media posts are designed to be short and sweet while packing a punch when it comes to conveying the client’s message.

If you can write snappy and attention-grabbing content, you could market your services as a social media content creator.

And, if you’re really savvy with social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, you could expand your services into social media management.

This involves completely managing a client’s account, including content writing and customer communication.

Job boards are a great place  to start looking for social media content writing jobs.

4. Essay Writing

Despite popular belief, essay writing services are not a form of academic cheating.

This is because purchased academic papers are written as templates in order for students to produce their own original work.

With that being said, it is certainly a freelance writing job that could earn you some extra money while you are in college.

There are many job postings across the web looking for freelance essay writers. Your best bet is to get involved with an essay writing company to ensure you are following proper policy and procedure when it comes to selling essay templates.

5. Landing Pages

While many businesses use blogging to provide their clients with helpful information related to their service, they also use landing pages to detail what they have to offer and why a customer should purchase their services.

However, not everyone can write, so businesses often look to freelance writers to create compelling and converting landing pages.

A good landing page details a product or service while highlighting its benefits. The basic goal of a landing page is to have the reader become a paying customer.

With some convincing language and writing skills, you can easily write landing pages for businesses.

6. Emails and Newsletters

Successful businesses know the importance of marketing to their email subscribers list but may not have the time to craft compelling messages.

Just as busy businesses employ freelance writers to produce their content, they are also willing to pay to have emails and newsletters written for them.

They are also willing to pay freelance writers to answer emails and perform basic customer service duties.

When it comes to time management and businesses, there are multiple benefits to hiring freelance writers so the job opportunities are endless.

While some businesses and sites have the time to write, some lack the skills to create well-crafted content.

If you have an eye for spelling, grammar and punctuation, you could sell your services as a content editor.

These jobs tend to pay less than writing jobs do, but they also take less time. You could easily make a few extra dollars quickly by editing the work of others.

Check out freelance writing job boards for editing opportunities.

8. Resumes and Cover Letters

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Many job seekers around the world are willing to pay writers to craft a compelling resume and cover letter in order to land their dream job.

You don’t necessarily have to work for a resume-writing agency in order to make money from writing resumes and cover letters. You can contract this work as a freelance service.

Seek out potential gigs by advertising around your school as well as mentioning your service to friends and family.

It also wouldn’t hurt to make mention of your resume and cover letter writing services on your social media accounts.

9. Video Game Writing

Look –

I’m sure as a college student you have spent hours in the common room playing video games with your friends, right? Nowadays you can play on your computer or phone.

The wold of video games and gadgets is constantly changing and one thing that is always needed is content about video games and gadgets. As a college student, this would be a great side hustle freelance writing job for you!

To learn more about getting started as a video game writer and some jobs to look into, check out my video game writing jobs post .

10. Sports Writing

If video game writing isn’t your jam, how about sports writing? From newspapers to magazines to fantasy football sites and more, there is great potential for sports writing jobs for college students.

To help you find some writing jobs in sports, check out my post on sports writing gigs .

Ad Hoc Writing Jobs for College Students

While those who freelance write for a living will caution you to stay away from ad hoc pieces, it can be a great place to start when you are looking to make a little extra cash.

Plus, writing articles on an ad hoc basis can be a great way to get some experience under your belt if you wish to pursue a career in freelance writing or simply increase your income.

The reason why I’m making this recommendation is that chasing after good-paying recurring clients is time consuming (although certainly worth the effort in the end) and I understand that, as a college student, extra time is not always on your side.

In the freelancing world, good money is made by pitching projects to high-paying brands but it can be difficult to have those pitches accepted if you’ve never written professionally before.

Therefore, ad hoc clients are a great way to build up your portfolio and experience while earning some extra money on the side.

Here are some sites you can check out to get started with freelance writing jobs for college students:

11. Contently

On Contently , you don’t need to dig through job boards to find writing jobs. Instead, you create a portfolio on the site where editors and clients can search for content.

This service is a bit more high-end than other content mills, so you can stand to make good money here.

However, rates are negotiated between the freelancer and the client, so it’s hard to gauge how much you’ll make.

12. ClearVoice

ClearVoice is a similar service to Contently, but instead of putting up a portfolio and waiting for work, you can actually pitch to clients.

Clients can then view these pitches and choose what freelancers they want to work with.

On ClearVoice, you can also set your minimum rate and only receive notifications that pay that amount (or more). Be wary of setting your rate too high – you may notice a significant lack of proposals.

13. Writers Work

WritersWork is a freelance writing job board, but what’s unique about this platform is that you can create your own portfolio like ClearVoice and then start looking for some freelance writing jobs for college students.

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It’s also very budget-friendly for students!

Getting Started as a Freelance Writer

Apart from knowing what types of freelance writing jobs are out there for college students, and where to find them , there are other steps you can take to get your freelancing services successfully off the ground as a college student.

Start a Blog

Having a blog is not only a great way to demonstrate your writing skills but keeping up with one will help to hone your skills as well.

Choose a writing niche (your area of interest and expertise) and start writing articles. Even if you don’t know what to write about , that’s okay? Find something you want to learn more about – gardening, coffee, digital marketing – and read about it so you can write your writing samples.

Be sure to focus your posts on a challenge someone may face while providing clear and concise information on how to overcome it.

Part of good quality writing is knowing how to structure a blog post and take advantage of SEO (search engine optimization) tactics. Having your own blog will help you practice these skills.

To help you understand SEO better as a new freelance writer college student, check out my Fast Track to SEO Writing masterclass .

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Create a Writing Portfolio

If you don’t have time to upkeep a blog to highlight your work, you can always create a writing portfolio of samples to demonstrate your writing skills.

Write up a few pieces in your niche and either upload them as a Google Doc or publish them on a free site such as Medium.

This way, when potential clients ask to see your work, you can simply send them a link.

Learn How to Pitch

While you can certainly respond to ads on various freelancing writing job boards , some of the best paying writing jobs result from pitching directly to potential clients and businesses.

A writing pitch is a short email that explains how your skills and ideas are a perfect fit for the person you are messaging. It highlights your talent as well as reinforces the benefits of hiring your services.

Writing an effective pitch can be time consuming, but sending out these simple emails will eventually land you some great paying writing gigs.

Set Up a PayPal Account

When you start freelance writing as a college student, you want to make sure you get paid. The most highly recommended site to use is PayPal. PayPal allows you to set up a business account and link it directly to your bank account.

This is a safe and legit way to get paid since PayPal offers features such as payment security and fraud protection.

Through PayPal, you can also send invoices to clients and keep track of who owes you what.

Ready to Get Started Writing as a College Student?

When it comes to balancing your academic success with earning an income, freelance writing may just be the key!

With a little bit of time and focus, you could be well on your way to making extra cash as a college student while still focusing on your studies and having fun.

Have you tried your hand at freelance writing? How did it work out for you? Let me know in the comments!

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8 Online Writing Sites That Pay You [Ranked For 2024]

Are you looking for online writing sites to jumpstart your freelance writing career? Check these 8 websites that offer writing gigs across all skill l

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Are you looking for ways to earn money with your writing skills but don’t have the experience? You’re not alone!

The onset of COVID-19 brought freelance writing gigs to the forefront of remote employment opportunities. Research reveals over 70 million Americans did freelance work in 2022.

Of that number, 82% are freelance writers. That’s around 54 million people in the U.S. alone! Now you’d think that’s too much competition for beginners to handle, but the truth is the opposite.

Finding online writing sites that pay money doesn’t have to be taxing, and most are open to beginners!

This article introduces you to 9 freelance writing sites with extensive job postings fit for your skill level.

vector graphic showing an illustration of a woman sitting on a bundle of cash for online writing sites that pay you post

Best Online Writing Sites [At A Glance]

The internet has many opportunities for freelance writers, but only a few stand out for bringing in real profit and helping you become a successful freelance writer.

Here are our top picks for 2023:

  • Upwork : Our Pick
  • Blogging Pro : Runner-Up
  • Fiverr : Also Great
  • Contently : Best for Experienced Writers
  • Writers Work : Best Pooled Writing Jobs
  • iWriter : Best for Tiered Writing Gigs
  • WriterAccess : Best for Long-term Writing Jobs
  • ProBlogger : Best for Blog Writing

An Overview of Online Freelance Writing

There is no official date when freelance writing started because freelance writers have been around even before digital platforms were created.

But it’s safe to consider the early 2000s as the dawn of the online freelance writing job trend. Notable sites like ProBlogger shares their small-scale origins , which have become a huge success over time.

What are Online Freelance Writing Sites?

Freelance writing sites are the one-stop shop for businesses and startups seeking writing services. They’re central hubs for hiring writers and finding job boards with quality writing gigs.

Some more intuitive websites have features that allow clients to match their writing jobs with the ideal candidate. This results in a mutually beneficial arrangement that guarantees satisfaction for both the business and the content writers.

Why Are Freelance Writing Sites Important?

A freelance writing website reduces the need for companies to shoulder all the legwork involved in hiring talents. They don’t need complex contracts to engage experienced freelance writers.

On the writer’s side, accessing these freelance platforms streamlines the job search process and helps boost their writing portfolio.

You can have multiple freelance writing jobs in a few months, which allows you to gather referrals and recommendations from happy clients.

Do I Need an Online Writing Site to Build a Freelance Writing Career?

Freelance writing sites aren’t required to build a writing career, but they help speed up the process.

Taking on multiple writing jobs within this active community builds up your reputation, skill, and network — factors that help you stand out from the competition.

The Best Online Writing Sites at a Glance

We’ve rounded up our best picks for freelance writing websites and come up with two all-rounders.

What is the Best Online Freelance Writing Site?

With approximately 5 million clients using the platform, Upwork is our best pick for starters looking to understand how freelance writing works.

Its ‘Writing & Translation’ job board category boasts 146k+ active contracts, with clients giving an average 4.8 -star rating to writing professionals.

This includes a range of talents like proofreaders, content writers, translators, ghostwriters, and more.

What is the Best Free Online Writing Site?

Blogging Pro is our top choice for niche-focused freelance writing gigs.

It’s a job board that prospective freelancers can use for free, minus the need to create an account.

One of the things we like about this portal is its straightforward application process that details everything you need to know about a job with just a click.

Clients of this site must pay their writers a minimum of $15 per project, eliminating the risk of getting scammed.

Features to Look for In an Online Writing Website

Freelance writing opportunities have attracted many full-time professionals, so the competition is high.

This can result in some people, especially those with no experience, agreeing to jobs that don’t honor their contracts.

To avoid falling into freelance scams , you must be critical in assessing whether or not the portal you’re signing up for is legit.

Here are features to look for before taking on online writing jobs:

1. Trust Rating

Be wary of freelance websites with a Google review star rating of less than 3. While online ratings are ultimately subjective, they reflect the user experience that professionals and clients have for the platform.

You also want to check review sites like TechRadar or online forums like Reddit and Quora to see what other users think of freelance writing websites.

2. Pay Range

Online freelance writing jobs vary in pay range, and it’s primarily driven by the fact that clients have their specific project budgets. Some portals require businesses to offer a specific job price range, while others leave it to the client.

3. Job Listings

The best freelance writing sites have extensive job boards. This allows them to attract clients from all sectors and freelancers of different skill sets.

4. Application Process

Check the requirements for signing up with a portal and see if you fit their eligibility. You’re better off starting small and building your portfolio rather than trying to break the big game without a solid portfolio to back it up.

5. Online Courses or Blogs

The freelance writing industry is saturated with talent. And while there is a global demand to match that up, beefing up your skill set is necessary to ace the competition.

Check for platforms with built-in writing tools or knowledge bases. Do they have a blog you can subscribe to stay current with the freelance writing landscape?

Best Online Writing Sites: Our Top 3 Options [Ranked & Reviewed]

Here are our top 3 freelance writing sites, handpicked for their combined reach, user reviews, and job opportunities.

1. Upwork : Our Pick

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Upwork is a global freelancing platform that connects businesses or startups with individual professionals. It hosts a variety of industries that include writing.

It’s a marketplace where the main currency is your skill. Housing over 12 million freelancers as of 2023, Upwork’s an attractive platform to boost your professional network too!

Key Features of Upwork

Below are features that make Upwork a powerhouse in freelancing:

  • Global Network: Upwork is available in over 180 countries, making connecting with global clients easier.
  • All-In Mediation: Upwork handles all the contracts, billing, and invoicing processes. This helps you focus on your craft instead of tracking all admin-related requirements before getting paid.
  • Robust Writing Job Board: Upwork has 80 writing-related categories under its filter, giving you more options to check if your first few don’t work.
  • Upwork Connects: A “Connect” serves as your internal currency and allows you to send client proposals or applications. Upwork’s free plan grants you 10 connects per month, while its Freelance Plus gives you up to 80 connects.
  • Top Rated Badge: This one’s given to Upwork’s top freelancers who have built a strong reputation on the platform and consistently get positive feedback from clients. Acquiring this badge gives you access to Upwork’s exclusive features like premium support and in-house talent scout assistance.

Pros of Upwork

  • Hassle-free Onboarding: All you need is an email address to start creating an account for free. No need for samples and exams to start searching for writing jobs.
  • Seamless Portal Interface: Upwork has intuitive navigation that helps you sift through job listings without getting lost.
  • Location Flexibility: Compared to some platforms that require you to be within the state or city near your client, Upwork supports fully remote jobs.

Cons of Upwork

  • High Competition: Landing the first gig remains challenging for any new freelance writer. Clients looking for content writing services often look for a solid portfolio before hiring their freelancer.
  • Commission Fee: Upwork takes 20% of the first $500 you bill to your clients. This can be too hefty, especially for starters with minimal projects.
  • Dispute Resolution: Users report difficulty connecting with Upwork’s resolution team to settle payment disputes.

Upwork Income

Content writing jobs on Upwork have an average pay of $15 to $40 an hour. Some companies who want a long-term arrangement with writers pay a flat fee of $800 a month.

Final Verdict

Upwork is a great job search engine that offers freelance writing jobs globally. It can take a while to build a solid reputation and attract regular clients, but it is nonetheless the most robust platform for writing gigs that pay.

2. Blogging Pro : Runner-Up

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Blogging Pro is an easy-to-navigate job site for professional writers looking for trusted clients. Unlike most platforms that require you to create user profiles, Blogging Pro gives you total control over when and to who you want to apply.

Key Features of Blogging Pro

Here are the top features why we recommend Blogging Pro:

  • Multiple Job Setup: Most job listings in this platform are remote, though a few require onsite arrangements. They also offer freelance, contract, or part-time setups.
  • Writing Tips & Tutorials: Blogging Pro has quick links to articles that help you enhance your freelance work quality. Access is free with no sign-up requirement.
  • In-demand Writing Categories: The platform only advertises writing jobs such as content writing, journalism, and copywriting. This saves you time from having to sort through vast, non-writing jobs.
  • Direct Apply: Once you select a writing gig, you’ll get a comprehensive list of responsibilities and requirements and a snippet of the client’s background. Hitting ‘Apply for job’ leads you to the client’s website to complete the application.
  • Fast Response Time: Blogging Pro requires clients to respond to applications within 24 to 48 hours. This guarantees you’ll get a response whether you make it or not.

Pros of Blogging Pro

  • Free to Use: You don’t pay anything with Blogging Pro. No add-on costs, hidden fees, or cutbacks for commissions.
  • Transparent Pricing: Most jobs in this portal provide their exact pay range. If not, their websites will, which you can access when you apply.
  • Reliable Clients: Blogging Pro’s client list is a combination of established companies and startups with either brick-and-mortar stores or a legitimate online presence.

Cons of Blogging Pro

  • Minimal Job Updates: Unlike bigger portals with daily job streams, Blogging Pro only updates when clients choose to advertise on their platform. They do an average of weekly updates with fewer than 20 new jobs.
  • Requires Experience: While all positions are open to beginners, many clients indicate specific writing experience in their eligibility requirements. This can be tough to break for anyone with no portfolio to show.
  • Inconsistent Income: Blogging Pro doesn’t set any price range guideline for clients apart from the minimum $15 requirement. It’s up to you to determine if the company’s offering a competitive price for the writing service required.

Blogging Pro Income

Blogging Pro guarantees a minimum of $15 hourly pay for writers as part of its initial agreement with clients. Some jobs, like social media writers, can pay up to $300 per project.

Blogging Pro is an excellent choice for finding freelance writing jobs covering different niches.

Its direct link to clients gives you full control of the application process and an overview of the job budget, so you won’t have to do the guesswork in finding out how much you’ll earn.

Still, it doesn’t offer many jobs, and you’ll often need to showcase proof of writing experience to land a gig.

3. Fiverr : Also Great

assignment writing services job

Fiverr is the perfect platform for individuals who prefer working with other individuals instead of a large-scale company.

This website is an ideal entry-level choice since you won’t have to bid or negotiate for jobs.

You’ll also have access to a potential client or buyer’s requests, including instructions and files to assist you in delivering their expected result.

Key Features of Fiverr

Let’s look into the features we like best about Fiverr and see if it fits your ideal freelance writing website:

  • Worldwide Reach: Fiverr is available in 190 countries, with 42% of its users based in the U.S. It also houses clients from Canada, India, and the U.K.
  • Seller Levels: You can climb up the levels if you constantly deliver quality tasks on time.
  • Pro-verified Feature: If you have the background and experience of a trusted writer, then Fiverr might approve you as part of their ‘Pro Services’ feature. You can charge higher and increase the potential of attracting high-paying clients.
  • Extensive Filter Customization: Fiverr wants an ideal match for their clients, so their filters are extensive. You can consider this feature when setting up your profile, delivery timelines, price range, and writing style.
  • E-learning Products: If you’re looking to enhance your skills, try enrolling in Fiverr’s business and technical courses led by niche experts.

Pros of Fiverr

  • Admin-free Experience: The platform handles the admin side of things like producing invoices, promotions, transaction recording, etc.
  • Option for Early Payout: While only available to select sellers, the feature is an advantage. It’s an advantage if you need cash immediately instead of waiting for the typical 14-day clearing period.
  • Opportunities to Broaden Skills: Fiverr’s writing jobs range from simple content writing to more challenging gigs like technical writeups. You’ll encounter task requests you haven’t tried before that can be a great learning opportunity.

Cons of Fiverr

  • Low-paying Gigs: While you can charge your services for up to $995 per project, only top-rated and long-time freelancers enjoy that profit. Most starters will have to settle for the low price of $5.
  • Issues with Scams: There are reports of freelancers not getting paid by clients claiming they have yet to receive their orders. It can be difficult to dispute this unless you have complete and detailed communications with the client.
  • Commission Fee: Fiverr takes 20% off your earning regardless of your seller level or service cost. If you earn $5, you’ll only receive $4 as your take-home pay.

Fiverr Income

Your Fiverr income depends on the number of services you deliver. You can price it from $5 per project up to $995.

Fiverr’s a great place for freelancers who want to start small, minus all the hassle of promoting their services. By setting up an account, your profile’s automatically pooled under your chosen gig category.

It’s entry-level at best, which might not be the best option for advanced writers with considerable writing experience.

Notable Mentions: Other Writing Sites To Check Out

If you’re looking for alternative options other than our top 3 picks, you can try out these freelance writing sites:

4. Contently – Best for Experienced Writers

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Contently is for expert freelance writers looking at landing a gig with big companies. Some of their clients include Coca-Cola, Dell, Walmart, and Google.

Unlike the other platforms on our list, you don’t apply for a writing job to be a part of their team. Their in-house talent scouts choose writers from all around the web and invite them for an interview.

That being said, having a solid creative platform that showcases your diverse writing portfolio is an essential factor to be considered for any of their gigs.

Why is Contently a Great Option?

Landing a gig at Contently is a surefire way to skyrocket your freelance career. You can add your experience with them to your portfolio along with the brands or companies you worked with.

Best of all, you can negotiate your rate. If you think they’re offering lower than your regular rate, you can demand higher pay.

Drawbacks to Contently

Its obvious drawback comes from the fact that it isn’t for beginners. Contently only contacts specialists with years of experience whose consistent portfolio speaks for their work quality.

Contently Income

Contently has a proprietary rate sheet that dictates the price range options for their projects. While we can’t divulge the specifics, online writers share earnings between $300 and $1,200 per piece.

5. Writers Work – Best Pooled Writing Jobs

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Writers Work is a paid freelance writing platform that offers real-time data on writing gigs worldwide. They offer a lifetime subscription of $47 or a monthly option of $15.

It’s an excellent platform allowing you to do all your writing tasks in it. It has a built-in text editor and work tracker feature to help you organize your workload and set writing goals.

Writers Work also has one of the most diverse types of writing requests, such as writing stories for magazines or even fishing equipment reviews.

Why is Writers Work a Great Option?

One thing that Writers Work does well is its writing-only job board. You won’t find other popular gigs like graphic design or video production in its pool.

It’s a great platform for getting a constant stream of gigs you can easily filter by categories like finance, tech, and entertainment.

Drawbacks to Writers Work

There’s high competition in this platform, which may deter freelancers who are looking at quick payments. While there are varied writing options, landing those high-paying gigs requires skill and experience.

Writers Work Income

Writers get paid between $20 to $65 an hour. Other projects offer a fixed rate of $100 per project.

6. iWriter – Best for Tiered Writing Gigs

iWriter is an excellent platform that offers opportunities for writers to upgrade their skills and earning potential while writing more.

The platform offers four writing levels – Standard, Premium, Elite, and Elite Plus. Accessing higher levels mean higher-paying gigs.

We found iWriter to have a diverse niche in terms of topics and ideas, with clients providing specific writing instructions, including required keywords and formatting.

Why is iWriter a Great Option?

It’s easy to join iWriter as a freelancer. You’ll only need to pass two 200-word writing tests to complete the registration. Once done, you can start using the platform to find gigs.

Happy clients also have the option to give you tips for a job well done, helping you increase your income. You also have the opportunity to get paid weekly or biweekly, with a minimum of $20 in earnings.

Drawbacks to iWriter

A significant drawback of iWriter is its steep commission. The platform takes 35% of your total earnings, which is higher than other platforms in our list charge.

Rising through the ranks may also be challenging for new writers as you must deliver 30 articles with a minimum of a 4-star rating before leveling up a step.

iWriter income

Depending on your writing tier, you can earn between $1.25 to $260 in iWriter. There’s a fixed price assigned to word counts across the board, which varies in level.

7. WriterAccess – Best for Long-term Writing Job

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WriterAccess is home to over 40,000 brands, all looking for quality writers. Many freelancers who start working with the platform often receive repeat orders from companies, agencies, and small businesses they’ve worked with.

This platform’s an excellent starting point for skilled writers looking for a freelance job with the potential for long-term employment.

Why is WriterAccess a Great Option?

WriterAccess is excellent for building a freelance writing career with reliable clients. You can get hired for all sorts of jobs, from writing blogs to writing short stories.

The platform screens all interested writers. If you pass, you’re automatically given a star rating, unlocking jobs within that level. The higher the rating, the bigger the pay.

Drawbacks to WriterAccess

While joining WriterAccess is free, getting approved can be a challenge. You must provide at least two public web pages as sample works on top of your general and industry experience.

WriterAccess income

All writers are paid 70% of what the client pays for each project.

8. ProBlogger – Best for Blog Writing

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ProBlogger is a must-try platform if you’re into SEO writing and blogging. Most of its job postings are from website owners who want to outsource the writing part of their content marketing strategy.

This platform is ideal if you enjoy writing across different topics and are fine communicating directly with the client or managing your workload.

Why is ProBlogger a Great Option?

ProBlogger is great because of its real-time job listings and quality clients who pay well for your services. Joining the platform is easy, and you don’t have to pay anything.

All you need is to register to create your online resume. From here, you can bookmark jobs and create job alerts to get up to speed with the most recent job ads.

Drawbacks to ProBlogger

ProBlogger’s quality clientele attracts the most talents, so expect tough competition. The fact that these clients pay $80 to post their job ads on the platform means they’re willing to pay, but they can also be picky in hiring freelance writers.

ProBlogger income

Writers earn from $25 to $200 per piece, depending on the complexity and research work required. In-house or full-time bloggers earn between $45,000 to $90,000 annually.

Other Online Gigs to Check Out

Is online writing too tough for starters? Here are alternative options to earn money online.

  • High-paying Surveys: Do you like answering surveys or giving quality feedback for products and services? This article introduces you to online surveys that pay well.
  • How to Get Paid Playing Video Games: Bring your gaming experience to a new level and get paid! Know websites and apps that pay money, gift cards, and other rewards.
  • Get Paid to Text: This is perfect for anyone who wants easy side hustles you can do any time, anywhere, even while on the go.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do online writing jobs pay well.

ZipRecruiter reports an average $38 hourly rate for online writers, a decent figure for remote work. The total compensation, however, will depend on other factors like the number of hours you write, the employer, and fees taken out of your earnings.

What is the Best Writing Niche?

The popularity of writing niche fluctuates, but top picks this 2023 include digital marketing, cryptocurrency, e-commerce, healthcare, and personal finance.

Wrapping Up

The freelance writing business is booming, and bagging a gig that pays well is possible if you know where to look.

Upwork is our top pick for the sheer volume of writing opportunities. Its thousands of jobs and multiple subcategories remain unbeatable, even with competitors like Fiverr.

Blogging Pro is also a favorite if you’re looking for niche-focused writing with clients that pay well.

Overall, checking out the online writing platforms we’ve listed opens you to opportunities to earn money by writing, even with little experience.


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How & Where To Find Editing Jobs From Home [& Then Apply]

Love editing but want to work from home? Here's how you can find the best editing jobs from home that the web has to offer!

7 Lucrative & Flexible Side Jobs From Home That Anybody Can Land

Looking to pick up a side gig that you can do without leaving the house? Here's how to find side jobs from home.

Remote Writing Jobs – Work From Home

... Whether you're seeking a full-time, part-time, freelance, or work from anywhere job, writing can be done from anywhere. Virtual writing jobs encompass diverse subjects and industries, ensuring compatibility with your expertise. Work from home writing jobs demand adaptability and creativity, strong grammar and language skills, and effective communication and research abilities. Check out the latest remote writing jobs and companies hiring now!"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":769,"3":{"1":0},"11":4,"12":0}">Discover the flexibility of remote writing jobs, a popular online career choice. Whether you're seeking a full-time, part-time, freelance, or work from anywhere job, writing can be done from anywhere. Virtual writing jobs encompass diverse subjects and industries, ensuring compatibility with your expertise. Work from home writing jobs demand adaptability and creativity, strong grammar and language skills, and effective communication and research abilities. Check out the latest remote writing jobs and companies hiring now!  

Discover the flexibility of remote writing jobs, a popular online career choice. Whether you’re seeking a full-time, part-time, freelance, or work from anywhere job, writing can be done from anywhere. Virtual writing jobs encompass diverse subjects and industries, ensuring compatibility with your expertise. Work from home writing jobs demand adaptability and creativity, strong grammar and language skills, and effective communication and research abilities. Check out the latest remote writing jobs and companies hiring now!

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Technical Writer 2 days ago

Illumina  |  Full-time

Zip HQ

Creative Copywriter 2 days ago

Zip HQ  |  Full-time


Mobile Games Writer 2 days ago

GAMURS Group  |  Entry-level  |  Full-time  |  International


Editorial Writer 4 days ago

Kiddom  |  Freelance

Prowess Consulting

Freelance Marketing Technical Writer 6 days ago

Prowess Consulting  |  Full-time


Content Writer 6 days ago

Donorbox  |  Full-time


Copywriter 6 days ago

Cella  |  Full-time


Professional Writer 6 days ago

Cybereason  |  Full-time

The Athletic

Senior Writer, NCAA Men's Basketball 6 days ago

The Athletic  |  Full-time  |  International

Network TV Writer 6 days ago

GAMURS Group  |  Freelance  |  Full-time  |  International

Future plc

Editor, Digital Camera World 6 days ago

Future plc  |  Full-time


Technical Content Designer, Customer Service 2 weeks ago

Netflix  |  Full-time


IT Technical Writer 2 weeks ago

ICF  |  Full-time


Senior Content Writer 2 weeks ago

Nerdio  |  Full-time

Senior Writer, Enterprise 2 weeks ago

ClimateWorks Foundation

Senior Editor/Writer 2 weeks ago

ClimateWorks Foundation  |  Full-time

Sinch AB

Senior Conversion Copywriter 2 weeks ago

Sinch AB  |  Full-time

Unite Us

Senior Communications Writer 2 weeks ago

Unite Us  |  Full-time

Alkami Technology

Senior Technical Writer I 4 weeks ago

Alkami Technology  |  Full-time

Technical Writer 4 weeks ago

Nerdio  |  Freelance  |  International

CDM Smith

Senior Specification Writer 4 weeks ago

CDM Smith  |  Full-time


Freelance Instructional Designer / Technical Writer 4 weeks ago

SweetRush  |  Freelance

Facet Wealth

Senior Brand Copywriter 4 weeks ago

Facet Wealth  |  Freelance

6sense Insights

Lead UX Writer 4 weeks ago

6sense Insights  |  Full-time

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Guru.com is the leading online space for Assignment writing freelancers to find work posted by employers, manage projects and get paid. Simply create your profile and define the services you want to offer for hire. Employers will find you by these services when they search for freelancers. You can also search and apply for Assignment Writers jobs that interest you. Once you start working on a project, you can keep your job on track and collaborate using the Work Room. Guru gives you tools to define milestones, set tasks, communicate with employers, share files, and agree upon payment schedules. Even if you work with an employer on the other side of the world, your payment is secure using SafePay. The employer pays us before the work begins. As approved milestones are reached and the employer approves the work, we pay you. It’s a “win-win” arrangement for both sides!

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Academic Writing Jobs

Academic writing has become a source of employment for many online freelancers leading to a highly competitive market online.

Successful freelancers spend time searching for academic writing jobs that best suit their schedule and pay them what they deserve.

At Writerslabs, we are the giants in providing freelancers with academic writing jobs that will earn you what you deserve as a writer. The rates for our most valued writers are above those of most writing sites.

Our writers are spoilt for choice when it comes to the online academic writing jobs available in our site. The orders are very convenient and in case you are committed with other orders or responsibility, you can easily decline the order.

We are currently looking for academic writing freelancers to join our writers’ team. Freelance Academic Writing Jobs

We seek passionate and dedicated writers to join our team of online writers to produce high-quality work for our clients. If you are a freelancer looking for constant job flow and pay that you deserve, here is the organization you need.

Here at Writerslabs, we pay very competitive rates to our freelance writers. What’s more, we provide our writers with work that they qualified and interested in to work on

We are dedicated to providing our freelance writers with academic writing jobs online and other opportunities they deserve. The administrators and owners of our organization understand the hard work that writers put in to produce high-quality work for our clients, which is why we pay more.

Unlike most organizations that pay academic writers based on a standard rate that does not relate to the actual work needed for the project, we pay according to the effort required to complete a task. Our leaders are well experienced in academic writing and are familiar with the difficulties involve therefore they ensure that the pay matches your effort as a writer.

To meet our goals of ensuring high customer satisfaction, reliable service, and industry leadership, we need you as a professional writer to meet the high standards of our clients. In return, we will care for your financial needs that match your effort.

Active freelance writers can increase their income by writing academic papers for our services during any time depending on their schedule. At Writerslabs, we pay our freelance writers bonuses for their consistent high performance.

We need writers who have a good appetite to earn what they deserve and in return. The writers should be one who value our customers and strive to satisfy their needs.

If you have been looking for the best organization to work for as a freelance writer, search no more. You can visit us today and sign up for the academic writing vacancies online. Many passionate and dedicated writers are looking for opportunities that augment their personal achievement and growth. Such opportunities are rare to find in most academic writing organizations. With us, you will find personal fulfillment from your writing career as well as cover your expenses and provide you with opportunities to grow as a writer.

Register To Start Earning As A Freelance Writer!

Proofreading Services

Professional editing and proofreading services.

Submit your work with confidence, knowing it’s free of language errors and flows well from beginning to end.

  • Ensure your arguments are judged on merit
  • Lift the quality of your paper as a whole
  • Make you stand out from your peers

Englisch Korrektur Student

  • Proofreading & Editing

Native editors

Become a better writer, 100% happiness guarantee, pick your proofreading and editing service.

Stand out from your peers with an error-free thesis that flows well from beginning to end.

  • PhD dissertations

Impress your supervisor and graduate with a flawless dissertation.

» Dissertation editing

Earn higher grades on your essays with the essay checker. » Essay Checker

Research & term papers

Boost your grade with a well-structured, clear, and error-free paper.

» Paper editing

Manuscripts & academic articles

Improve your chances of publication with a polished manuscript.

» Academic editing

  • Capstone projects

Demonstrate your expertise and obtain your degree with a perfect capstone project.

Secure funding or approval from supervisors with a well-written proposal.

English documents

Sound like a native English speaker and communicate your thoughts clearly.

» English proofreading

Literature reviews

Set the foundation for a great piece of academic writing with a well-written literature review.

Professional documents

Boost your career with an outstanding resume, personal statement, or cover letter. » Professional proofreading

Business documents

Ensure that your business documents, including reports, presentations, and web content, are professional in tone. » Business proofreading

Online Proofreader

Write your paper, thesis, or dissertation stress-free. Fix all your grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes instantly with 1 click.

» Online proofreader

Free AI Writing Resources

Improve your academic performance and write like a pro. Get access to free AI writing tools, useful ChatGPT prompts, the latest articles about AI, and more.

» Free AI writing resources

assignment writing services job

The Scribbr editing service

This is how we improve your document.

Standard Proofreading & Editing is perfect if you’re confident about your writing but need a second pair of eyes to catch:

  • Spelling and grammar errors
  • Inconsistencies in dialect
  • Overuse of passive voice
  • Subjective or inflated language

For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs.

⏰ Deadline Within 3 hours
📄 Texts Papers, essays, reports, manuscripts
⭐️ Rating based on 13,731 reviews

Add-on services

Customize your editing package to get the help you need, structure check, clarity check, paper formatting, citation editing.

Ensures sections and chapters are structured and focused and your writing is free of redundancies.

  • Through in-text feedback, your editor will help:
  • Organize and focus individual chapters and sections
  • Eliminate repetitive and redundant information
  • Perfect transitions between sentences and paragraphs
  • Align titles and headings with the section’s content

You’ll also receive a personalized Structure Check Report meant to help you identify missing elements in each chapter or section and prioritize improvements.

assignment writing services job

Ensures ideas are presented clearly, your arguments are consistent, and your audience can follow along.

Through in-text comments and checklists, your editor will:

  • Make sure your text tells a clear and logical story
  • Check that you’ve clearly presented concepts, ideas, and key terms
  • Make sure your key takeaways and conclusions are front and center
  • Highlight contradictions within the text
  • Ensure you’re keeping your audience’s needs in mind

assignment writing services job

Ensures a professional look for your document that meets your formatting requirements.

Your formatting expert will ensure consistency for the following:

  • Margins, spacing, and indentation
  • Body text and headings
  • Page numbers
  • Abstract and keywords
  • Explanatory footnotes

Choose our Paper Formatting service for a professional finish or our APA Editing Service for the most up-to-date APA formatting.

assignment writing services job

Citation Editing ensures your citations and references are consistent and meet your style guide’s requirements.

After you provide your document with a reference list, your citation expert will:

  • Format the layout of your reference page (margins, indents, spacing)
  • Ensure that your chosen citation style is applied consistently according to the guidelines
  • Cross-check citations with reference entries
  • Provide feedback on reference list entries that you need to complete due to missing information

Your expert is familiar with all common citation styles. Find more information about the service and our requirements in our FAQs .

assignment writing services job

Native academic editors

You'll only get matched with best editors.

At Scribbr, you can rest assured that only the best editors will work on your paper.

All our 800+ editors have passed the challenging Scribbr Academy, which has a passing rate of only 2%. To put that in perspective, Harvard has an acceptance rate of 3%.

We handpick your editor on several criteria, including field of study and document type. And we’ll even expand your team with citation and formatting experts if needed.

editor richa profile picture

I have a doctorate in biology and studied a range of life science subjects. I specialize in editing academic texts.

editor samantha profile picture

I researched at Harvard, taught English with a Fulbright in Peru, and earned a master's from Johns Hopkins.

editor Ayo profile picture

I am an academic editor and book reviewer. I am familiar with many style guides and have edited over 6 million words.

editor emily profile picture

I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering and a master's in psychology and am pursuing a PhD in neuroscience.

editor callum profile picture

I am an ESL teacher and academic editor with a research background in the humanities, arts, and culture.

Improve your writing with professional proofreading and editing services

Same day delivery

This deadline works automatically for the following document sizes:

  • 3 hours: less than 3,000 words
  • 6 hours: less than 6,000 words
  • 12 hours: less than 12,000 words

Select your currency

“Always feel empowered after the proofreading”

This is my third time using Scribbr. I find the proofreading and comments very helpful and caring. I always feel empowered after the corrections.

How it works

This is what you can expect from our proofreading service, upload any time.

Upload your document and easily select the pages that need editing. Next, choose your turnaround time and services, and explain your situation and needs to the editor.

Stay in the loop

After placing your order you can keep track of our progress. From finding your perfect editor to potential hand-overs to formatting or citation experts.

Revise and submit

You’ll receive your document back with tracked changes and feedback, as well as a personal letter from your editor. The last step is submitting your work with confidence!

Scribbr & academic integrity

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our proofreading service, our AI writing tools ( plagiarism checker , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer,  Citation Generator ) as well as our free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Your questions, answered.

Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

  • Research proposals
  • Personal statements
  • Admission essays
  • Motivation letters
  • Reflection papers
  • Journal articles

The fastest turnaround time is 12 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 12 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

Read more about how the sample edit works

Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.

Yes, regardless of the deadline you choose, our editors can proofread your document during weekends and holidays.

Example: If you select the 12-hour service on Saturday, you will receive your edited document back within 12 hours on Sunday.

Our APA experts default to APA 7 for editing and formatting. For the Citation Editing Service you are able to choose between APA 6 and 7.

Every Scribbr order comes with our award-winning Proofreading & Editing service , which combines two important stages of the revision process.

For a more comprehensive edit, you can add a Structure Check or Clarity Check to your order. With these building blocks, you can customize the kind of feedback you receive.

You might be familiar with a different set of editing terms. To help you understand what you can expect at Scribbr, we created this table:

Types of editing Available at Scribbr?

This is the “proofreading” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with editing.

This is the “editing” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with proofreading.

Select the Structure Check and Clarity Check to receive a comprehensive edit equivalent to a line edit.

This kind of editing involves heavy rewriting and restructuring. Our editors cannot help with this.

View an example

Your editor is on stand-by and ready to start editing your document.

Get in touch, with real people.

We answer your questions quickly and personally from 9:00 to 23:00 CET

Support team - Nina

Knowledge Base

Level up your writing with scribbr’s top-rated guides.

Academic Writing

Language Rules to Improve Your Academic Writing

The dos and don’ts for academic writing, english mistakes commonly made, common word choice confusions in academic writing, ask our team.

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Frequently asked questions

Assignment Writing Jobs

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Barkha Sharma

Essay Writer


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Content Specialist


Gaurav Sinha

Email newsletters


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Technical writing


Seo Content Writer

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Start Your Journey as a Freelancer with Us and Be a Rich Person at the End!

“Assignments”! This word sounds boring to some students, but for a few people, it is fun to write academic tasks. If you are one of those who used to love writing essays, thesis, and other documents in your college days, or if you are an academic writer. Then, workolics.com is giving you the golden opportunity to showcase your talent and earn the best amount of your life. Make yourself employed by getting the best assignment writing jobs on our platform! Many scholars yawn while writing their projects and always want help with it! There are many companies which provides assignment services. We connect you with those companies and help you to get amazing paid offers. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up! And register on our website to avail this golden opportunity.

Many assignment writers like you try to get work offline, but many of you get chained by the 9 to 5 shackles! Your creativity suffers with this practice. So now, it’s high time to accelerate your life by putting your leg on the pedal of success! And to break those shackles and get some freelance jobs online. But you do not have to worry; it does not matter whether you are a freelancer or a fresher. If you are good at writing assignments, workolics is the best platform on which you can know your actual worth! DO NOT FOLLOW THE CROWD! AND MAKE YOURSELF PROUD! Join our freelancing community to write assignments for the top companies and start counting some crisp notes. Register on our platform now! And make the most intelligent choice of your life!

Are you an essay lover? Well, if you think that you are proficient in writing essays. Then you must choose the job role of an essay writer. Make a quick move to get the best offers!

Writing a literature review is not everyone’s cup of tea! But if you are passionate about it, then work with us as an assignment writer to get job offers from top-notch companies!

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If you have excellent communication skills or know in depth about group assessment., then do not be an ordinary guy and choose our page! Be a freelancer and start making money!

Are you tired of getting rejections or looking for freelance jobs online? Then you can enrol on our page, if you are a skilled writer who can deliver a message through content and start making a mint!

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For more information about the registration process, Click here

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Anurag Shah

Case Study Specialist

"I started my career as an academic writer, but I was not getting much work because, in India, it is hard to find assignment writing jobs. But when I enrolled on this site, I felt so happy that now I can get freelance work."

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Academic Writer

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do i need any degree to be a freelance assignment writer.

No, you do not need any degree to be a freelance writer. You can get offers on your screens if you join us on our platform and can also make money out of it. It doesn't matter whether you are a fresher or not, and in which field you had your graduation. You are only required to have the best assignment writing skills to get the top-paid tasks on workolics.

What Job Opportunities Will I Get on This Page?

You can get many job opportunities of online assignment-solving jobs on our platform. Many leading companies in the country are tied with us and want writers like you to complete their academic tasks. If you register yourself on our platform, you will get so much work to do. It will help you to credit some amount.

How Much Can I Earn by Using Your Platform?

There is no such fixed amount. You will earn on our platform as per your worth. You will get online assignment writing jobs in bulk here. And for each task, you will get a different amount. So, how much money you can make by using our platform is entirely up to you.

What Are the Eligibility Criteria for Using Your Platform?

There are no eligibility criteria as you asked in the question. We are welcoming you as a freelance writer, if you believe in your writing skills or if you think that you can write assignments proficiently, then you can easily become part of our freelance writer's family.

Will I Be a Permanent Member After Registration?

No, you will not be a permanent member of our company, but you can join us for a long time if you want. But for that, you have to register your ID first. And secondly, you are not a fixed member of our platform. But your sustainability will depend on the work you get from the hiring companies.

What Type of Work Will I Get in Assignment Writing?

You would get various assignments such as essays, literature reviews, case study writings, etc. And your work is not fixed. You can choose work based on your preferences or the hiring company will mention the type of work they want from you.

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    Job boards are a great place to start looking for social media content writing jobs. 4. Essay Writing. Despite popular belief, essay writing services are not a form of academic cheating. This is because purchased academic papers are written as templates in order for students to produce their own original work. With that being said, it is ...

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    Upwork takes 20% of the first $500 you bill to your clients. This can be too hefty, especially for starters with minimal projects. Users report difficulty connecting with Upwork's resolution team to settle payment disputes. Content writing jobs on Upwork have an average pay of $15 to $40 an hour.

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