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  • Forms of Business Organizations


What is the Need of a Business Organisation?

Business Organisation is an entity that is formed for the purpose of carrying on the commercial enterprise of selling and buying. These organisations are based on the systems of law that governs contract and this exchange, property rights, and incorporation.

The Business Organisation system is concerned with the management and planning of different activities. This is an accumulation and coordination of the resources such as men, material, money, machine to produce the goods and services, the business organisation works to coordinate and control all these factors of production.

Meaning of Business Organisation

Business organisation is defined as an entity which is structured for the purpose of carrying on the commercial system of enterprise. The organisation is governed under principles and laws governing contract and exchange of goods and services.

Business enterprises generally take one of these three forms:  


Partnership .

In the proprietorship form one person is responsible for the entire operation as his own personal property is entrusted in it. This is usually managed on a day-to-day basis. Majority of the businesses we see around us are of this category. 


The second form is Partnership, this needs 2-50 members to pursue the business. Law and accounting firms, brokerage houses and other advertising agencies are of this form. The business id formed by the partners themselves, their share of profit varies with individual investment invested in the partnership.

Limited Liability Partnership

The third form, which is the LLP form, is a very popular form of business for its inherited advantages from the partnership and company form of business. The company is legally separated from the individuals who work here in this organisation. They might be the shareholders or the employees who come in legal contract and thus can be sued and be sued by the company. The big industries and commercial organisations are limited-liability companies. 

Choice of Forms of Business Organisation

The four-prior types of business organisation are:

Sole Proprietorship


Limited Liability Company

The simple and common type of business found is this form of business ownership. Sole Proprietorship is a business which is owned and managed by a single individual for his own benefit and gain. The existence of this business depends upon the single owner, the business’s success and profit depends upon the owner. The business comes to an end after the incapacity or death of the owner. All the assets and liability of the firm is the sole responsibility of the owner himself/herself. Even the capital is their personal investment. The profit gained by the owner is accounted to the owner’s account and so does any loss. It is the owner’s unlimited responsibility for every transaction. 

There are two types of partnership:

General Partnership and Limited Partnership. Normally, both the owners invest their money, property and workforce in this business. They both are liable for the business debts. Also, partnerships do not require a formal agreement to start their business. The business agreement can be verbal or even be implied between the two partners. While Limited Liability Partnership or LLP requires a formal agreement between the partners. They also are liable to certify with the state. 

These are the separate entities from the individuals or the members working here and are considered as a legal person. The profits generated by a corporation are taxed under “personal income” of the company. The income distributed to the shareholders are the dividends or the profits that are taxed as the personal income of the owners. With certain advantages the corporate structure does face disadvantages as well. The corporate structure faces double taxation which is one of the complexities of tax structure in this form of business. 

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

LLC provides the owners with limited liability also providing some of the income advantages of a partnership. Precisely to point, the advantages of partnerships and corporations are mixed in an LLC. LLC is a very popular form for its advantages. 

Thus, all these were the forms of business organisations, from these an individual chooses one to suit his venture and interest.

History of Business Organisation

The Industrial Revolution laid the groundwork for today's business structures. Manual labour was mainly displaced by machine-based labour during the Industrial Revolution. The industry grew up around factories where the major means of production were machines rather than people. Many people, craftsmen, and family groupings abandoned their homes, small enterprises, and farms in favour of industrial positions that paid for low-skilled labour. Organisations divided duties among workers and built lines of control to arrange employees and executives in order of authority as they became more focused on machines. 

The jobs of individual workers become more specialised and routine. Manufacturers realised that assigning staff to simple, machine-based jobs boosted a company's efficiency and productivity. Workers were taught to be focused and to follow factory work procedures. Charles Babbage (1791–1871), an English mathematician and inventor, was similarly interested in the division of labour in manufacturing. In his analysis of factory organisation, management, planning, and labour, he used scientific and mathematical approaches. Babbage's ideas were compiled into a theory of organisation and administration known as scientific management in the early twentieth century, which had a significant impact on how organisations operated. 

American engineer Frederick Taylor (1856–1915), who grouped the theory into five key components, further expanded the theories of scientific administration. The first principle advocated for a transfer of responsibility from the worker to the manager inside a commercial organisation. Managers, Taylor felt, were responsible for planning and designing all of the work, while workers were responsible for completing given duties. The second premise advocated for the use of scientific methods to increase the efficiency of commodities manufacturing. 


FAQs on Forms of Business Organizations

1. Name Some Sole Proprietary Business that we see Around us?

Sole Proprietary are those businesses which are owned and managed by a single or one individual. The expenses of the business along with the profit is all incurred and gained respectively by the individual business owners. In India, there are local sole proprietors like the local shopkeepers who sell stationery, or the medical shops, beauty salons, Freelancer tutors who teach students as well as IT Consultants etc. 

2. How do the Partners Share the Profit?

The profit-sharing ratio in a partnership business is either written down in the agreement or implied or even verbally communicated among the partners. The business profits are at times shared equally or even shared according to the capital investment ratio of the partners. According to the law of the Partnership Act, in the event of the absence of any agreement about the profit-loss sharing ratio, the profit and loss are divided equally between the partners.

3. What is a General Partnership?

A general partnership is an unincorporated form of business with two or more owners that shares the business responsibilities. The general partner has unlimited personal liability in case of any debts and obligations of the business. Also, each partner represents their share of business profits or losses on their individual tax return. In case of unlimited liability, both the partners are responsible for paying it through their personal assets and belongings.

4. Why do Corporations Face Double Taxation?

Double taxation occurs as corporates are the separate and legal entities distinct from their shareholders, so corporates pay taxes on annual earnings like the individuals also when the shareholders receive dividend, those dividend is attached with income-tax liability for the shareholders even though the cash which was paid as dividend was taxed earlier in the corporate taxation structure. The same amount of tax is implied on both the corporate level employees and their respective shareholders as their amount of income is the same.

5. What are the benefits of studying business management from a career point of view?

A business management degree is a popular choice among ambitious entrepreneurs and company leaders. It gives you the academic knowledge and skills you'll need to explore international career opportunities, as well as a broad knowledge of business and specialized areas such as finance and human resources. If you're still not convinced that a business management degree is right for you, consider the following five reasons.

1. Enhance essential management abilities

Some of the most enticing aspects of obtaining a business management degree are the fundamental management skills that will enable you to be a big contribution to any corporation. There are hence many enticing advantages of obtaining a business management degree are the fundamental management skills that will enable you to be a big contribution to any corporation.

2. Recruitability

You will be able to define the trajectory of your career as you advance through your business management degree by selecting a speciality area of business that interests you, such as entrepreneurship or human resource management. Business management graduates can find work in a variety of fields.

3. An introduction to the world of business

A business management degree will help you develop in-depth knowledge and comprehension of the key principles of business and management; it's also an excellent way to get started in the business sector if you haven't done so before. It provides critical market knowledge, such as market trends and industry reports, and encourages you to adapt theoretical concepts to real-world business settings, which will help you get a head start on your profession once you finish your studies. 

4. Take charge of your own destiny

After graduating, you will not have many job opportunities, but you will also have all of the required elements to launch your own company; all you require is a business strategy to get established.

5. Study a variety of subjects.

A business management degree is a fantastic alternative if you're not sure what you want to do with your future profession or simply want to broaden your knowledge.

1.1 The Nature of Business

  • How do businesses and not-for-profit organizations help create our standard of living?

Take a moment to think about the many different types of businesses you come into contact with on a typical day. As you drive to class, you may stop at a gas station that is part of a major national oil company and grab lunch from a fast food chain such as Taco Bell or McDonald’s or the neighborhood pizza place. Need more cash? You can do your banking on a smartphone or other device via mobile apps. You don’t even have to visit the store anymore: online shopping brings the stores to you, offering everything from clothes to food, furniture, and concert tickets.

A business is an organization that strives for a profit by providing goods and services desired by its customers. Businesses meet the needs of consumers by providing medical care, autos, and countless other goods and services. Goods are tangible items manufactured by businesses, such as laptops. Services are intangible offerings of businesses that can’t be held, touched, or stored. Physicians, lawyers, hairstylists, car washes, and airlines all provide services. Businesses also serve other organizations, such as hospitals, retailers, and governments, by providing machinery, goods for resale, computers, and thousands of other items.

Thus, businesses create the goods and services that are the basis of our standard of living. The standard of living of any country is measured by the output of goods and services people can buy with the money they have. The United States has one of the highest standards of living in the world. Although several countries, such as Switzerland and Germany, have higher average wages than the United States, their standards of living aren’t higher, because prices are so much higher. As a result, the same amount of money buys less in those countries. For example, in the United States, we can buy an Extra Value Meal at McDonald’s for less than $5, while in another country, a similar meal might cost as much as $10.

Businesses play a key role in determining our quality of life by providing jobs and goods and services to society. Quality of life refers to the general level of human happiness based on such things as life expectancy, educational standards, health, sanitation, and leisure time. Building a high quality of life is a combined effort of businesses, government, and not-for-profit organizations. In 2017, Vienna, Austria, ranked highest in quality of life, followed by Zurich, Switzerland; Auckland, New Zealand; and Munich, Germany. It may come as a surprise that not one of the world’s top cities is in the United States: seven of the top 10 locations are in western Europe, two are in Australia/New Zealand, and one is in Canada. At the other end of the scale, Baghdad, Iraq, is the city scoring the lowest on the annual survey. 1 Creating a quality of life is not without risks, however. Risk is the potential to lose time and money or otherwise not be able to accomplish an organization’s goals. Without enough blood donors, for example, the American Red Cross faces the risk of not meeting the demand for blood by victims of disaster. Businesses such as Microsoft face the risk of falling short of their revenue and profit goals. Revenue is the money a company receives by providing services or selling goods to customers. Costs are expenses for rent, salaries, supplies, transportation, and many other items that a company incurs from creating and selling goods and services. For example, some of the costs incurred by Microsoft in developing its software include expenses for salaries, facilities, and advertising. If Microsoft has money left over after it pays all costs, it has a profit . A company whose costs are greater than revenues shows a loss.

When a company such as Microsoft uses its resources intelligently, it can often increase sales, hold costs down, and earn a profit. Not all companies earn profits, but that is the risk of being in business. In U.S. business today, there is generally a direct relationship between risks and profit: the greater the risks, the greater the potential for profit (or loss). Companies that take too conservative a stance may lose out to more nimble competitors who react quickly to the changing business environment.

Take Sony , for example. The Japanese electronics giant, once a leader with its Walkman music player and Trinitron televisions, steadily lost ground—and profits—over the past two decades to other companies by not embracing new technologies such as the digital music format and flat-panel TV screens. Sony misjudged what the market wanted and stayed with proprietary technologies rather than create cross-platform options for consumers. Apple , at the time an upstart in personal music devices, quickly grabbed the lion’s share of the digital music market with its iPods and iTunes music streaming service. By 2016, Sony restructured its business portfolio and has experienced substantial success with its PlayStation 4 gaming console and original gaming content. 2

Not-for-Profit Organizations

Not all organizations strive to make a profit. A not-for-profit organization is an organization that exists to achieve some goal other than the usual business goal of profit. Charities such as Habitat for Humanity , the United Way , the American Cancer Society , and the World Wildlife Fund are not-for-profit organizations, as are most hospitals, zoos, arts organizations, civic groups, and religious organizations. Over the last 20 years, the number of nonprofit organizations—and the employees and volunteers who work for them—has increased considerably. Government is our largest and most pervasive not-for-profit group. In addition, more than 1.5 million nongovernmental not-for-profit entities operate in the United States today and contribute more than $900 billion annually to the U.S. economy. 3

Like their for-profit counterparts, these groups set goals and require resources to meet those goals. However, their goals are not focused on profits. For example, a not-for-profit organization’s goal might be feeding the poor, preserving the environment, increasing attendance at the ballet, or preventing drunk driving. Not-for-profit organizations do not compete directly with one another in the same manner as, for example, Ford and Honda , but they do compete for talented employees, people’s limited volunteer time, and donations.

The boundaries that formerly separated not-for-profit and for-profit organizations have blurred, leading to a greater exchange of ideas between the sectors. As discussed in detail in the ethics chapter, for-profit businesses are now addressing social issues. Successful not-for-profits apply business principles to operate more effectively. Not-for-profit managers are concerned with the same concepts as their colleagues in for-profit companies: developing strategy, budgeting carefully, measuring performance, encouraging innovation, improving productivity, demonstrating accountability, and fostering an ethical workplace environment.

In addition to pursuing a museum’s artistic goals, for example, top executives manage the administrative and business side of the organization: human resources, finance, and legal concerns. Ticket revenues cover a fraction of the museum’s operating costs, so the director spends a great deal of time seeking major donations and memberships. Today’s museum boards of directors include both art patrons and business executives who want to see sound fiscal decision-making in a not-for-profit setting. Therefore, a museum director must walk a fine line between the institution’s artistic mission and financial policies. According to a survey by The Economist , over the next several years, major art museums will be looking for new directors, as more than a third of the current ones are approaching retirement. 4

Factors of Production: The Building Blocks of Business

To provide goods and services, regardless of whether they operate in the for-profit or not-for-profit sector, organizations require inputs in the form of resources called factors of production . Four traditional factors of production are common to all productive activity: natural resources , labor (human resources) , capital , and entrepreneurship . Many experts now include knowledge as a fifth factor, acknowledging its key role in business success. By using the factors of production efficiently, a company can produce more goods and services with the same resources.

Commodities that are useful inputs in their natural state are known as natural resources. They include farmland, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and water. Sometimes natural resources are simply called land, although, as you can see, the term means more than just land. Companies use natural resources in different ways. International Paper Company uses wood pulp to make paper, and Pacific Gas & Electric Company may use water, oil, or coal to produce electricity. Today urban sprawl, pollution, and limited resources have raised questions about resource use. Conservationists, environmentalists, and government bodies are proposing laws to require land-use planning and resource conservation.

Labor, or human resources, refers to the economic contributions of people working with their minds and muscles. This input includes the talents of everyone—from a restaurant cook to a nuclear physicist—who performs the many tasks of manufacturing and selling goods and services.

The tools, machinery, equipment, and buildings used to produce goods and services and get them to the consumer are known as capital . Sometimes the term capital is also used to mean the money that buys machinery, factories, and other production and distribution facilities. However, because money itself produces nothing, it is not one of the basic inputs. Instead, it is a means of acquiring the inputs. Therefore, in this context, capital does not include money.

Entrepreneurs are the people who combine the inputs of natural resources, labor, and capital to produce goods or services with the intention of making a profit or accomplishing a not-for-profit goal. These people make the decisions that set the course for their businesses; they create products and production processes or develop services. Because they are not guaranteed a profit in return for their time and effort, they must be risk-takers. Of course, if their companies succeed, the rewards may be great.

Today, many individuals want to start their own businesses. They are attracted by the opportunity to be their own boss and reap the financial rewards of a successful firm. Many start their first business from their dorm rooms, such as Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook , or while living at home, so their cost is almost zero. Entrepreneurs include people such as Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates , who was named the richest person in the world in 2017, as well as Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page . 5 Many thousands of individuals have started companies that, while remaining small, make a major contribution to the U.S. economy.

Catching the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Stickergiant embraces change.

Entrepreneurs typically are not afraid to take risks or change the way they do business if it means there is a better path to success. John Fischer of Longmont, Colorado, fits the profile.

The drawn-out U.S. presidential election in 2000 between Bush and Gore inspired Fischer to create a bumper sticker that claimed, “He’s Not My President,” which became a top seller. As a result of this venture, Fischer started an online retail sticker store, which he viewed as possibly the “ Amazon of Stickers.” Designing and making stickers in his basement, Fischer’s start-up would eventually become a multimillion-dollar company, recognized in 2017 by Forbes as one of its top 25 small businesses.

The StickerGiant online store was successful, supplying everything from sports stickers to ones commemorating rock and roll bands and breweries. By 2011, the business was going strong; however, the entrepreneur decided to do away with the retail store, instead focusing the business on custom orders, which became StickerGiant ’s main product.

As the company became more successful and added more employees, Fischer once again looked to make some changes. In 2012 he decided to introduce a concept called open-book management, in which he shares the company’s financials with employees at a weekly meeting. Other topics discussed at the meeting include customer comments and feedback, employee concerns, and colleague appreciation for one another. Fischer believes sharing information about the company’s performance (good or bad) not only allows employees to feel part of the operation, but also empowers them to embrace change or suggest ideas that could help the business expand and flourish.

Innovation is also visible in the technology StickerGiant uses to create miles and miles of custom stickers (nearly 800 miles of stickers in 2016). The manufacturing process involves digital printing and laser-finishing equipment. Fischer says only five other companies worldwide have the laser-finishing equipment StickerGiant uses as part of its operations. Because of the investment in this high-tech equipment, the company can make custom stickers in large quantities overnight and ship them to customers the next day.

This small business continues to evolve with an entrepreneur at the helm who is not afraid of making changes or having fun. In 2016, StickerGiant put together Saul the Sticker Ball, a Guinness World Records winner that weighed in at a whopping 232 pounds. Fischer and his employees created Saul when they collected more than 170,000 stickers that had been lying around the office and decided to put them to good use. With $10 million in annual sales and nearly 40 employees, StickerGiant continues to be a successful endeavor for John Fischer and his employees almost two decades after Fischer created his first sticker.

  • How does being a risk-taker help Fischer in his business activities?
  • If you were a small business owner, would you consider sharing the company’s financial data with employees? Explain your reasoning.

Sources: “All About StickerGiant,”, accessed May 29, 2017; Bo Burlingham, “Forbes Small Giants 2017: America’s Best Small Companies,” Forbes,, May 9, 2017; Karsten Strauss, “Making Money and Breaking Records in the Sticker Business,” Forbes,, January 26, 2016; Emilie Rusch, “StickerGiant Does Big Business in Tiny Town of Hygiene,” Denver Post, April 19, 2016,; Eric Peterson, “StickerGiant,” Company Week,, September 5, 2016.

A number of outstanding managers and noted academics are beginning to emphasize a fifth factor of production—knowledge. Knowledge refers to the combined talents and skills of the workforce and has become a primary driver of economic growth. Today’s competitive environment places a premium on knowledge and learning over physical resources. Recent statistics suggest that the number of U.S. knowledge workers has doubled over the last 30 years, with an estimated 2 million knowledge job openings annually. Despite the fact that many “routine” jobs have been replaced by automation over the last decade or outsourced to other countries, technology has actually created more jobs that require knowledge and cognitive skills. 6

Concept Check

  • Explain the concepts of revenue, costs, and profit.
  • What are the five factors of production?
  • What is the role of an entrepreneur in society?

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  • Authors: Lawrence J. Gitman, Carl McDaniel, Amit Shah, Monique Reece, Linda Koffel, Bethann Talsma, James C. Hyatt
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Introduction to Business
  • Publication date: Sep 19, 2018
  • Location: Houston, Texas
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  • List of Commerce Articles
  • Forms Of Business Organisations

Forms of Business Organisations

A business owner’s first decision while starting a business is to decide what form of business he wants to venture. To choose the business type is essential because it will determine how much tax needs to be paid, the quantity of paperwork, individual liability, and how much to invest etc. The business formation is regulated by the state law where the company is established.

Quick link:  What is Stock Exchange?

Business organisation Definition

A business organisation is an establishment intended to carry commercial business by producing goods or services and meet the customers’ needs. Most of the organisations have a standard such as social structure, purpose goals, utilisation of resources, rules and regulations, etc.

The state law regulates the establishment of the business, and IRS law controls the tax incurred for business. So, how much tax business should pay depends on what form of business one owns.

Lets us now understand what are these forms of business organisation

Related link:  Types of Entrepreneurship

There are many forms in the business world, but the most common forms of business organisation are.

  • Shop or retail business
  • Home-based company
  • Individual consulting firm
  • Partnership – In partnership, two or more individuals come together to start a business. Each individual gives their share of capital, property, employment or experience, and expects some profits or losses from the business share. All the partners must report their percentage of share on the tax return even if it’s not distributed. In a partnership business, partners are not defined as employees, so taxes are not retained from any distributions.
  • Corporation – It is the most complicated business structures because it adds more laws and tax claims. Corporations are established under the laws of each state and are subjected to all the corporate income tax. All the profits issued to shareholders as dividends are taxed as per the individual tax rates on their private annual tax returns. Under this structure, the corporation is displayed as an entity that manages the duties of a business. Similar to a person, the corporation is taxed and held responsible if the company is liable for any legal action. In simple words, if a business is registered under a corporation, then the owner is not personally responsible for its debts (however, this situation differs according to the state law).
  • ‘S’ Corporation – The ‘S’ Corporation is a variety of a standard corporation. The ‘S’ corporation authorise profit or losses to be transferred to individual tax returns.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – This is a new form of business structure and gained its popularity in the short-term because the owner has limited individual liability for the debts and actions of the LLC. It had similar features like a partnership such as administration flexibility and the advantage of passing the taxation. The proprietor of LLC is known as members as they can include many, corporations, additional LLC and foreign entities.

The above mentioned is the concept, that is elucidated in detail about ‘Forms of Business Organisations’ for the Commerce students. To know more, stay tuned to BYJU’S.

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Assignment on Business Management: Quick Guide

assignment on business organisation

What is Business Management Assignment

College curriculums are loaded with unfamiliar subjects, and students often feel lost. The first assignments are usually the hardest to get done, and a little help would be nice. If you are a beginner facing this challenge and are asking all around 'what is business management' or how it differs from business administration, you have come to the right place. This quick guide will explain the basics of the management of business and will provide topics of business management essays.

To put it simply, business management is a process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the organizational resources to achieve the company's objectives. While business administration concentrates on the organization's day-to-day operations, business management focuses on the overall process.

Business management is vital for a successful business. A business manager's job is to make strategic decisions, allocate resources, hire the best employees, and ensure the company meets its business objectives.

A business management assignment helps students demonstrate their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real scenarios and prepare them for future challenges. While the structure of the assignment is not foreign to experienced students, it covers a wide range of topics. It could involve operations management, financial and human resources management, organizational behavior, etc.

In the following chapters, you will find useful tips, a formal structure, and a general outline of a business management essay. Down below, there is a list of essay topics you could write a magnificent essay about. To clarify things, here is a business assignment sample essay. Our college essay writing services will provide a business essay crafted to meet the highest standards of your university.

How to Write a Business Assignment: Helpful Tips

Even though every essay structure and general outline resembles one another for each type, there are still many intricate details that you should consider when writing a business management assignment.

Let's move on to discuss constructing an impressive business paper without wasting time making mistakes. The following guide will save you the trouble of extensive research on how to polish an academic paper and help you reach the academic success you deserve.

If you don't have much free time on your hands, our exceptional custom essay writing service is also a great option. Let us know what is due, and we will deliver unforgettable reports on business management.

how to write business

Choose Relevant Business Management Topics

Start by implementing a general to a specific approach. Think about the areas of your expertise and how it links with the business assignment. A topic you feel comfortable writing will help you construct a high-quality and meaningful research paper.

Writing about the topics of business you feel passionate about will make the process more engaging and enjoyable. Consider your audience, and make the topic meet their needs. This will help you write an informative and engaging paper. Be relevant. Stay up to date with trending topics of business management. Choose a topic about an important issue and provide new perspectives or even a solution. Filling in the existing gaps will help your essay stand out.

Narrowing down the scope is always a good idea. The specific topic will make your work more manageable and keep you focused. A broad topic is always difficult to cover, but narrowing it down too much can limit your research options. Thus, balance is the key!

Maintain Your Management Assignment Structure

Maintaining the structure of the assignment is crucial. Make sure to keep your ideas coherent and your essay easy to follow. Whether you are writing about international business management or organizational structure, the most important thing is simply communicating your ideas to the readers.

Start by following the course guideline. Make sure you understand every component. Usually, professors give out this kind of map to determine the structure, format, and length of the management of business assignments.

Before you start writing, create an outline. Organize your thoughts and ideas and stay on track. Use headings and subheadings to break up your assignment into sections. Start with a strong introduction and an easy-to-digest thesis statement. Follow it with comprehensive body paragraphs. Here you can provide your arguments, show other people's work, and communicate with the audience about the problems you've discovered. Use transitional sentences to connect your ideas and eventually to the bigger picture. Finally, write a powerful conclusion that ties everything up. Showcase your ability to link various arguments to one another.

Following our guidelines will bring clarity and coherence to your writing. Well-structured and easy-to-follow essays always get positive feedback from their readers.

Analyze Topics of Business, Don't Repeat

Analyzing business paper topics can get tricky, especially for beginners who have to develop their writing style. Chances are you will repeat the same argument several times to make it look more convincing. But answering the question 'what is business management' several times with different words will only make your paper look unprofessional.

It's tricky, but there are ways to avoid repeating the arguments. Do the prior research. Acquiring knowledge will expand your horizon, and you won't feel the need to repeat the same sentence couple of times. Create the general outline. Knowing the order of your essay elements will help you avoid restating the same information twice.

Besides the general outline, it's a good idea to list all the key points and prioritize them. This way, you will cover every important detail in your essay. Last but not least, consider alternative perspectives. If you incorporate opposing viewpoints, you will enrich the paper and show off your writing skill level.

Provide Rationale for Your Business Assignment

It is trivial, but for safety reasons, let's point out: an argument without supporting evidence is not valid. The same goes for the topics of business management essay. You must provide a rationale for every stage of the essay.

Being able to provide supporting evidence demonstrates strong research abilities. Writing a well-reasoned essay requires thorough research. Providing rationale and citing sources in the assignment shows that the writer has done their best. Besides looking professional, it will be easier to convince the reader about the credibility of your argument if they can see the reasoning behind it. If you can explain why you think what you think, it shows that you have considered opposing viewpoints. Critical thinking is one of the most important aspects of the writing process.

Writing essays about the management of business takes extensive research. If the deadline is too close and there is not enough time to master the art of writing, you can go to the website and check out our custom research papers writing service . Our team of professional writers is always here to help you.

Use Formal Language in Your Business Assignment

In business, academia, or any other professional setting, we use formal language. It strictly adheres to the rules of grammar, tone, and vocabulary.

Formal language helps to establish a professional tone in A management assignment which supports creating a positive impression on the reader. Using formal language also increases the clarity of the arguments. Formal language is more precise, which can help avoid ambiguity and confusion.

No matter which business management topic assignment you write, having a respectful relationship with your audience is crucial. Formal language and correctly chosen vocabulary can take you a long way. It shows respect to the reader and the topic also.

Thus, you must avoid using slang, vocabulary unsuitable for the audience, contractions, and other unprofessional language or tone forms. And if you are reading all these, you are thinking, 'why can't somebody else write an essay for me ,' visit our website, and your wish will become a reality in no time. Get top-notch essays tailored to your specific requirements.

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Business Management Topics

Mastering the art of constructing an impressive essay is only one-half of the job. First of all, you need an engaging topic. Our team has prepared a comprehensive list of business management topics to write about. From operations to business process management, explore a list of topics covering a wide range of fields, choose the one that excites you the most, and start implementing the freshly acquired knowledge.

International Business Management Topics

Our experienced writers have gathered the 20 most engaging topics about international business management. Explore the list and find the most attractive one:

  • Exploring management concepts in international business
  • Cross-cultural challenges in achieving Organizational goals
  • The challenges of the first line managers in international organizations
  • Key strategies for managing international business operations in an efficient and effective manner
  • Maximizing international business success through effective human resource management strategies
  • Navigating global business challenges through effective management of cultural intelligence
  • Effective leadership strategies for international business management
  • Cross-cultural communication as an essential part of international business management
  • The link between happy employees and successful international business management
  • Maximizing global business performance through effective staff managers
  • Leveraging various resources for competitive advantage
  • Understanding the universal phenomenon of cross-cultural communication challenges
  • Foreign direct investment and risks for international businesses
  • Sustainability in international business
  • Challenges of corporate governance in international businesses
  • The role of ethical leadership as an essential part of international business management
  • Developing a high degree of cross-cultural competence
  • Managing global value chains: integrating all the activities in international business management
  • The importance of cultural awareness in international business management
  • The role of self-confidence in international business management

Operations Management Assignment Topics

Below you will find the most relevant and moderns operations management assignment topics:

  • Enhancing Organizational Performance through Effective Operations Management and Managerial Skills
  • The role of organizational chart in effective operations management
  • The impact of executive functions on operations management
  • The role of operations management in achieving success at a shareholder meeting
  • The importance of understanding human behavior in operations management
  • Leveraging consumer insights based on market research
  • Optimizing group dynamics in operations management
  • Leadership and strategies of general managers in operations management
  • Planning effectively: best practices for operations management
  • Tools, techniques, and approaches for a good knowledge base in operations management
  • How to manage an organization effectively: operations management strategies
  • The role of operations management in organizational development
  • Achieving efficiency and productivity through simple form and process
  • The role of independent decision-making in operations management
  • Management theories: How to plan effectively toward organizational success
  • Optimizing human activities for the entire organization's success
  • Streamlining operations management for a particular job: important strategies for effectiveness
  • From plans decided to action implemented: the importance of effective operations management
  • Provide guidance for upper management: strategies for leadership and direction
  • Balancing technology and human beings for global success

Business Process Management Topics

Explore 20 more topics about business process management:

  • Strategies for implementing effective business process management principles across the entire organization
  • The role of human effort and organizational structure in achieving operational excellence
  • How successful managers utilize basic principles for achieving operational excellence
  • Interplay between management principles and executive function in driving business process
  • Achieving synergy between top management and other employees for improved operational efficiency
  • The crucial role of company leadership in aligning objectives and strengthening decision making
  • A critical analysis of management theories: exploring the role of functional managers in achieving goals
  • Optimizing the management process to achieve organizational goals
  • Effective business process management consists of strategic allocation for company growth
  • How to manage challenges created by leadership and top management
  • Optimizing business process management through collaborative efforts between top managers and the best employees
  • Crucial managerial skills: Optimizing processes through nurturing talent and celebrating human efforts
  • The role of the functional manager in talent acquisition and optimizing human resource management
  • Why business process management involves determining the journey, not just the destination
  • Aligning employee decision-making with business objectives
  • How process-centered leadership empowers organizations to manage change
  • Process improvement through agile methodologies
  • The evolution of process management thought
  • The role of information technology in business process management
  • The impact of business process management on customer satisfaction and retention

Additional Interesting Topics of Business

If you can choose from a wide range of topics, this list is for you. Impress your professor with an intriguing topic assignment:

  • Measuring the ROI: Key metrics and techniques for demonstrating value to stakeholders
  • Effective change management: how to implement and adapt
  • Digital transformation in business management
  • Strategies for handling and overcoming business crises
  • Strategies for reducing environmental impact and promoting social responsibility
  • Best practices and emerging trends for effective online branding
  • Strategies for driving innovation and creating a culture of creativity
  • Managing human resources in small business
  • Strategies for managing cash flow, budgets, and investments
  • The importance of market research and analysis for effective business management
  • Using game mechanics to improve employee performance and engagement
  • Strategies for effective time management and priorities in a busy workplace
  • Strategies and tactics for successful business deals
  • Emerging trends in remote work, automation, and AI
  • Benefits and best practices for reducing stress and improving productivity
  • Creating a workplace culture that fosters happy employees
  • How understanding human behavior can inform business decision making
  • Is servant leadership a new paradigm for effective business management?
  • Techniques for handling uncertainty and complexity in an organization
  • The role of entrepreneurial mindset and creativity in business success

Business Assignment Sample Essay

In the next section of the article, you will find a sample business management essay to help you understand how to structure and write a successful business assignment. Read through it carefully and take notes on the techniques used.

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is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay

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7 Organizational Structure Types (With Examples)

Christine Organ

Updated: May 29, 2024, 5:39pm

7 Organizational Structure Types (With Examples)

Table of Contents

What is an organizational structure, 4 common types of organizational structures, 3 alternative organizational structures, how to choose the best organizational structure, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Every company needs an organizational structure—whether they realize it or not. The organizational structure is how the company delegates roles, responsibilities, job functions, accountability and decision-making authority. The organizational structure often shows the “chain of command” and how information moves within the company. Having an organizational structure that aligns with your company’s goals and objectives is crucial. This article describes the various types of organizational structures, the benefits of creating one for your business and specific elements that should be included.

Employees want to understand their job responsibilities, whom they report to, what decisions they can and should make and how they interact with other people and teams within the company. An organizational structure creates this framework. Organizational structures can be centralized or decentralized, hierarchical or circular, flat or vertical.

Centralized vs. Decentralized

Many companies use the traditional model of a centralized organizational structure. With centralized leadership, there is a transparent chain of command and each role has well-defined responsibilities.

Conversely, with a decentralized organizational structure, teams have more autonomy to make decisions and there may be cross-collaboration between groups. Decentralized leadership can help companies remain agile and adapt to changing needs.

Hierarchical vs. Circular

A hierarchical organization structure is the pyramid-shaped organization chart many people are used to seeing. There is one role at the top of the pyramid and the chain of command moves down, with each level decreasing in responsibilities and authority.

On the other hand, a circular organization chart looks like concentric circles with company leadership in the center circle. Instead of information flowing down to the next “level,” information flows out to the next ring of management.

Vertical vs. Flat

A vertical organizational chart has a clear chain of command with a small group of leaders at the top—or in the center, in the case of a circular structure—and each subsequent tier has less authority and responsibility. As discussed below, functional, product-based, market-based and geographical organizational structures are vertical structures.

With a flat organization structure, a person may report to more than one person and there may be cross-department responsibilities and decision-making authority. The matrix organizational structure described below is an example of a flat structure.

Benefits of Creating an Organizational Structure

There are many benefits to creating an organizational structure that aligns with the company’s operations, goals and objectives. Clearly disseminating this information to employees:

  • Provides accountability
  • Clarifies expectations
  • Documents criteria for promotion
  • Designates decision-making authority
  • Creates efficiency
  • Fosters collaboration

Essential Elements of Clear Organizational Structure

Regardless of the special type of organizational structure you choose, it should have the following components:

  • Chain of command
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Scope of control
  • Decision-making authority
  • Departments or teams within the organization

Functional/Role-Based Structure

A functional—or role-based—structure is one of the most common organizational structures. This structure has centralized leadership and the vertical, hierarchical structure has clearly defined roles, job functions, chains of command and decision-making authority. A functional structure facilitates specialization, scalability and accountability. It also establishes clear expectations and has a well-defined chain of command. However, this structure runs the risk of being too confining and it can impede employee growth. It also has the potential for a lack of cross-department communication and collaboration.

Functional Org Structure

Product- or Market-Based Structure

Along with the functional structure, the product- or market-based structure is hierarchical, vertical and centralized. However, instead of being structured around typical roles and job functions, it is structured around the company’s products or markets. This kind of structure can benefit companies that have several product lines or markets, but it can be challenging to scale. It can also foster inefficiency if product or market teams have similar functions, and without good communication across teams, companies run the risk of incompatibility among various product/market teams.

assignment on business organisation

Geographical Structure

The geographical structure is a good option for companies with a broad geographic footprint in an industry where it is essential to be close to their customers and suppliers. The geographical structure enables the company to create bespoke organizational structures that align with the location’s culture, language and professional systems. From a broad perspective, it appears very similar to the product-based structure above.

assignment on business organisation

Process-Based Structure

Similar to the functional structure, the process-based structure is structured in a way that follows a product’s or service’s life cycle. For instance, the structure can be broken down into R&D, product creation, order fulfillment, billing and customer services. This structure can foster efficiency, teamwork and specialization, but it can also create barriers between the teams if communication isn’t prioritized.

assignment on business organisation

Matrix Structure

With a matrix organizational structure, there are multiple reporting obligations. For instance, a marketing specialist may have reporting obligations within the marketing and product teams. A matrix structure offers flexibility, enables shared resources and fosters collaboration within the company. However, the organizational structure can be complex, so it can cause confusion about accountability and communication, especially among new employees.

assignment on business organisation

Circular Structure

Similar to the functional and product-based structure, a circular structure is also centralized and hierarchical, but instead of responsibility and decision-making authority flowing down vertically, responsibility and decision-making authority flow out from the center. A circular structure can promote communication and collaboration but can also be confusing, especially for new employees, because there is no clear chain of command.

assignment on business organisation

Organic Structure

Unlike vertical structures, this structure facilitates communication between and among all staff. It is the most complex, but it can also be the most productive. Although it can be challenging to know who has ultimate decision-making authority, it can also foster a positive company culture because employees don’t feel like they have “superiors.” This structure can also be more cost-efficient because it reduces the need for middle managers.

There is no one “right” organizational structure. When deciding which structure will work best for your company, consider the following:

  • Current roles and teams within the company. How are job functions currently organized? Does it foster communication and productivity? Does it impede or encourage employee growth?
  • Your strategic plan. What are your company’s goals for the short-term and long-term?
  • Feedback from employees, leadership and other stakeholders. What do those within your company say about how the company is structured? What feedback do you have from other stakeholders, such as customers and suppliers?
  • Alignment. What structure will best support your strategic plans and address any feedback received?

What is the most common organizational structure?

A functional organizational structure is one of the most common organizational structures. If you are still determining what kind of structure to use, this organizational structure can be an excellent place to start.

What is the difference between an organizational structure and an organizational chart?

An organizational chart is a graphic that depicts the organizational structure. The chart may include job titles or it can be personalized to include names and photos.

What are the four types of organizational structures?

A functional—or role-based—structure is one of the most common organizational structures. The second type—the product- or market-based structure—is also hierarchical, vertical and centralized. Similar to these is the third structure—the process-based structure—which is structured in a way that follows a product’s or service’s life cycle. Lastly, the geographical structure is suitable for businesses with a broad geographic footprint.

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Christine is a non-practicing attorney, freelance writer, and author. She has written legal and marketing content and communications for a wide range of law firms for more than 15 years. She has also written extensively on parenting and current events for the website Scary Mommy. She earned her J.D. and B.A. from University of Wisconsin–Madison, and she lives in the Chicago area with her family.

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Writing the Organization and Management Section of Your Business Plan

What is the organization and management section in a business plan.

  • What to Put in the Organization and Management Section


The management team, helpful tips to write this section, frequently asked questions (faqs).

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Every business plan needs an organization and management section. This document will help you convey your vision for how your business will be structured. Here's how to write a good one.

Key Takeaways

  • This section of your business plan details your corporate structure.
  • It should explain the hierarchy of management, including details about the owners, the board of directors, and any professional partners.
  • The point of this section is to clarify who will be in charge of each aspect of your business, as well as how those individuals will help the business succeed.

The organization and management section of your business plan should summarize information about your business structure and team. It usually comes after the market analysis section in a business plan . It's especially important to include this section if you have a partnership or a multi-member limited liability company (LLC). However, if you're starting a home business or are  writing  a business plan for one that's already operating, and you're the only person involved, then you don't need to include this section.

What To Put in the Organization and Management Section

You can separate the two terms to better understand how to write this section of the business plan.

The "organization" in this section refers to how your business is structured and the people involved. "Management" refers to the responsibilities different managers have and what those individuals bring to the company.

In the opening of the section, you want to give a summary of your management team, including size, composition, and a bit about each member's experience.

For example, you might write something like "Our management team of five has more than 20 years of experience in the industry."

The organization section sets up the hierarchy of the people involved in your business. It's often set up in a chart form. If you have a partnership or multi-member LLC, this is where you indicate who is president or CEO, the CFO, director of marketing, and any other roles you have in your business. If you're a single-person home business, this becomes easy as you're the only one on the chart.

Technically, this part of the plan is about owner members, but if you plan to outsource work or hire a virtual assistant, you can include them here, as well. For example, you might have a freelance webmaster, marketing assistant, and copywriter. You might even have a virtual assistant whose job it is to work with your other freelancers. These people aren't owners but have significant duties in your business.

Some common types of business structures include sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, and corporations.

Sole Proprietorship

This type of business isn't a separate entity. Instead, business assets and liabilities are entwined with your personal finances. You're the sole person in charge, and you won't be allowed to sell stock or bring in new owners. If you don't register as any other kind of business, you'll automatically be considered a sole proprietorship.


Partnerships can be either limited (LP) or limited liability (LLP). LPs have one general partner who takes on the bulk of the liability for the company, while all other partner owners have limited liability (and limited control over the business). LLPs are like an LP without a general partner; all partners have limited liability from debts as well as the actions of other partners.

Limited Liability Company

A limited liability company (LLC) combines elements of partnership and corporate structures. Your personal liability is limited, and profits are passed through to your personal returns.


There are many variations of corporate structure that an organization might choose. These include C corps, which allow companies to issue stock shares, pay corporate taxes (rather than passing profits through to personal returns), and offer the highest level of personal protection from business activities. There are also nonprofit corporations, which are similar to C corps, but they don't seek profits and don't pay state or federal income taxes.

This section highlights what you and the others involved in the running of your business bring to the table. This not only includes owners and managers but also your board of directors (if you have one) and support professionals. Start by indicating your business structure, and then list the team members.


Provide the following information on each owner/manager/member:

  • Percentage of ownership (LLC, corporation, etc.)
  • Extent of involvement (active or silent partner)
  • Type of ownership (stock options, general partner, etc.)
  • Position in the business (CEO, CFO, etc.)
  • Duties and responsibilities
  • Educational background
  • Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties
  • Past employment
  • Skills will benefit the business
  • Awards and recognition
  • Compensation (how paid)
  • How each person's skills and experience will complement you and each other

Board of Directors

A board of directors is another part of your management team. If you don't have a board of directors, you don't need this information. This section provides much of the same information as in the ownership and management team sub-section. 

  • Position (if there are positions)
  • Involvement with the company

Even a one-person business could benefit from a small group of other business owners providing feedback, support, and accountability as an advisory board. 

Support Professionals

Especially if you're seeking funding, let potential investors know you're on the ball with a lawyer, accountant, and other professionals that are involved in your business. This is the place to list any freelancers or contractors you're using. Like the other sections, you'll want to include:

  • Background information such as education or certificates
  • Services provided to your business
  • Relationship information (retainer, as-needed, regular, etc.)
  • Skills and experience making them ideal for the work you need
  • Anything else that makes them stand out as quality professionals (awards, etc.)

Writing a business plan seems like an overwhelming activity, especially if you're starting a small, one-person business. But writing a business plan can be fairly simple.

Like other parts of the business plan, this is a section you'll want to update if you have team member changes, or if you and your team members receive any additional training, awards, or other resume changes that benefit the business.

Because it highlights the skills and experience you and your team offer, it can be a great resource to refer to when seeking publicity and marketing opportunities. You can refer to it when creating your media kit or pitching for publicity.

Why are organization and management important to a business plan?

The point of this section is to clarify who's in charge of what. This document can clarify these roles for yourself, as well as investors and employees.

What should you cover in the organization and management section of a business plan?

The organization and management section should explain the chain of command , roles, and responsibilities. It should also explain a bit about what makes each person particularly well-suited to take charge of their area of the business.

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Small Business Administration. " Write Your Business Plan ."

City of Eagle, Idaho. " Step 2—Write Your Business Plan ."

Small Business Administration. " Choose a Business Structure ."

Faculty Resources


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The assignments in this course are openly licensed, and are available as-is, or can be modified to suit your students’ needs. Answer keys are available to faculty who adopt Waymaker, OHM, or Candela courses with paid support from Lumen Learning. This approach helps us protect the academic integrity of these materials by ensuring they are shared only with authorized and institution-affiliated faculty and staff.

If you import this course into your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.), the assignments will automatically be loaded into the assignment tool.

Salty Pawz Assignments and Discussions

Half of the written assignments and discussions (32 in total) are based on a case study, whose focus is a fictional dog-treats business called “Salty Pawz.” Many of these assignments take the form of asking students to give Wanda, the company’s inexperienced owner, advice about how she can run her business more effectively. Lighthearted in tone, the Salty Pawz case study and associated assignments create a common framework for applying knowledge and skills developed through the course, encouraging students to demonstrate mastery of the content through real-world tasks and work products.

Alternate Assignments and Discussions

The other half of the written assignments and discussions (32 in total) use a variety of approaches, depending on the subject and learning outcome being assessed; many ask students to go beyond course content to form connections between research topics and what they’ve learned in class.

Using Assignments

We recommend assigning  one discussion OR one assignment per chapter , rather than all of them.   Some instructors prefer to stick with the Salty Pawz theme throughout the course; others like to use some of the alternates along the way. You can view any assignments or discussions below or throughout the course.

Assignments and Discussions with Module Alignment
Module Alignment Salty Pawz Assignments Salty Pawz Discussions Alternate Assignments Alternate Discussions
Module 1: Role of Business
Module 2: Economic Environment
Module 3: Global Environment
Module 4: Financial Markets and System
Module 5: Legal Environment
Module 6: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Module 7: Business Ownership
Module 8: Entrepreneurship
Module 9: Management
Module 10: Motivating Employees
Module 11: Teamwork and Communication
Module 12: Managing Processes
Module 13: Marketing Function
Module 14: Marketing Mix
Module 15: Human Resource Management
Module 16: Accounting and Finance
Module 17: Using Technology to Manage Business Information
Open Pedagogy Assignments and Alignment
Assignment Module
Module 1: Role of Business
Module 6: Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Module 11:  Teamwork and Communication
Module 13: Marketing Function

Rubrics for Written Assignments and Discussion Posts

For faculty using the assignments or discussions included here, there are also sample rubrics to assist you in grading. Instructors may download and modify these guidelines or use their own.

Grading Rubric for Discussion Posts

Written Assignment Rubric

  • Guidelines for Written Assignments

For faculty using the assignments included here, there is also a set of guidelines regarding length, formatting, and other mechanical submission requirements. Instructors may download and modify these guidelines or use their own.

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Forms of Business Organization

An organization engaged in some commercial activity or business with the motive of earning profit is known as a business enterprise. If an individual or a group of individuals plans to start a new business or expand its existing business, selecting the right form of business organization is essential for them. There are five different forms of business organization from which one can select the best option for them. These are Sole Proprietorship, Joint Hindu Family Business, Partnership, Cooperative Societies and Joint Stock Companies. For selecting the most appropriate form of business organization, one has to weigh every merit and demerit of each form of an organization against their requirements. 

assignment on business organisation

Sole Proprietorship

A popular form of business organization in which the business is owned, managed, and controlled by an individual is known as a sole proprietorship. This individual is the recipient of every profit and loss of the business and bears every risk coming to the business. Here, the word sole means only and proprietor means owner; hence, the only owner of the business. Usually, businesses with personalized services like hair salons, beauty parlours, retail shops, etc., run under sole proprietorship. In this form of business, the owner is not separate from the business; hence, no separate legal entity. Besides, the owner does not have to perform any legal formality and can start the business whenever they want. 

Joint Hindu Family Business

A form of business organization found only in India in which the business is owned and carried on by the HUF(Hindu Undivided Family) members is known as Joint Hindu Family Business. It is one of the oldest forms of business organization in India. This form is governed by the ‘Hindu Law’. The eldest member and head of the family, also known as “Karta,” controls the business. Membership in this form of business organization is based on the birth in a specific family. The three successive members of the family can be the members of the business. Every member of the business have equal right and ownership over their ancestor’s property, and these members are known as ‘co-parceners.’ The two conditions for the existence of a Joint Hindu Family Business are: there must be some ancestral property, and a minimum of two male members must be in the family. 


The most crucial disadvantage of a sole proprietorship is the lack of enough financing in the business, which is resolved in this form of business organization. According to the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, a partnership is a form of business organization in which there is a relation between two or more people with an agreement to share the firm’s profits carried on by every partner or any one of the partners acting for all. It solves the need to acquire greater capital investment, risk-sharing, and a variety of skills in the business, which is not available in Sole Proprietorship and Joint Hindu Family Business. The minimum number of partners required in a partnership firm is two. There are different types of partners and partnerships in this form of business organization. 

Cooperative Society

A voluntary association of people joining together with the main objective of members’ welfare is known as a cooperative society. As the name suggests, people in this form of business organization work together and with other people for the accomplishment of a common purpose. The power to make decisions in a Cooperative Society is in the hands of an elected managing committee. The Cooperative Societies Act, of 1912 states that it is compulsory to register a Cooperative Society. Setting up and forming this form of business organization requires the consent of at-least ten adult people. The capital for the business is raised by its members through the issue of shares. After the registration of the Cooperative Society is complete, it acquires a separate legal identity in the market. There are different types of cooperative societies categorized on the basis of their nature of operations. 

Joint Stock Company

An association of different individuals formed to carry out business activities is known as a joint stock company. This form of organization has an independent legal status from its members. Basically, a joint stock company is an artificial individual with a separate legal entity, common seal and perpetual succession. The Joint Stock Company form of organization is governed by the Companies Act, 2013. The shareholders of the company are its owners; however, the Board of Directors is elected by the shareholders and is the chief managing body of the company. Usually, the shareholders or the owners of the company have indirect control over its operations. A company can be either private or a public company.

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assignment on business organisation

How To Write A Solid Assignment Introduction

By: Derek Jansen | December 2017

Henley MBA Introduction Chapter

I’ll kick off this post by making a bold assertion:

The introduction chapter of your assignment is the single most important section in your entire assignment.

Yip. Not the analysis chapter. Not the recommendations chapter. The introduction chapter. Yip, that short 200/300/400-word chapter that so many students rush through to get to the meatier chapters.  Why do I say this? There are a few reasons:

It creates the first impression.

Apart from the executive summary (which some assignments don’t have), the introduction creates the very first impression on your marker. It sets the tone in terms of the quality of the assignment.

It introduces your industry.

You might have decades of experience in your industry – but your marker won’t. This means that the simplest concepts can be misunderstood (and thereby cost you marks) if not explained right at the beginning of your assignment. A good introduction lays the foundation so that the marker can understand your upcoming arguments.

It defines and justifies your topic.

The introduction, if developed correctly, clearly outlines what the assignment will be about (and what it won’t) and why that’s important (i.e. a justification). In other words, it makes it clear what the focus of the assignment will be about, and why that is worth investigating. This clarity and justification of the topic are essential to earning good marks and keeping you focused on the purpose of the assignment.

It clarifies your approach.

Beyond the what and why, a good introduction also briefly explains how you’ll approach the research, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. This lays a clear roadmap both for the marker and for yourself. For the marker, this improves the readability and digestibility of the document (which is essential for earning marks). And for you, this big-picture view of the approach keeps you from digressing into a useless analysis.

In short, a good introduction lays a solid foundation and a clear direction for the rest of your assignment. Hopefully, you’re convinced…

Henley MBA Help

The 5 essential ingredients.

In this post, I’ll outline the key components of a strong introduction chapter/section. But first, I want to discuss the structure.

Some assignment briefs will provide a proposed structure which combines the introduction and analysis chapters. I always encourage my clients to split this up into two chapters, as it provides a clearer, more logical structure. You’ll see why once I discuss the core components.

#1 – The Four Ws

A logical starting point is to assume the marker knows nothing about your business . Make sure you cover the basics:

  • Who – what is the name of the business? If its multiple words, you should take the opportunity to introduce an acronym here. Then, stick to the acronym throughout the rest of the assignment. It’s also good practice to provide a list of acronyms in the appendix.
  • What – explain what the business does, in simple English. Avoid industry jargon and explain the basic operating model of the business.
  • Where – explain where the business operates from and where its customers operate. If you have multiple offices and serve multiple markets, a visual representation can save you some words.
  • When – mention the age of the business, and how many staff it employs. You can also note the ownership structure (private company, listed entity, JV, etc).

If you’re only going to focus on one country/branch/department, make mention of this now. Also, be sure to justify why you’re focusing on that (for example, due to limited access to data).

If done right, you will have now painted a very clear (but concise) picture of the organisation for the marker. The next step is to discuss the context that the business operates in.

#2 – A brief discussion of the context.

Now that you’ve introduced the business, you need to move towards identifying the key issue(s) that will form the focus of the assignment. To do this, you need to lay a context, which will then lead to the issue(s). This will vary between assignments, and could be something like:

  • The entry of new competitors resulting in reduced market share (STR, SM)
  • A merger leading to a culture clash and poor performance (MP)
  • A corporate scandal resulting in reputation damage (R&R)
  • Changing regulation leading to the opening of a new potential country market (IB)

In other words, you need to present a (brief) story of how the key issue(s) or opportunity has arisen – X has lead to Y, which caused Z.

#3 – Identification of the key issue and research question(s).

With the context set, you need to clearly state what the key issue(s) or opportunity is, and why this is worth investigating (for example, due to the financial impact if left unresolved). This is pretty straightforward, but it is a critical step often missed by students, and results in the marker questioning the quality of the entire assignment.

With the key issue identified, its time to lay out your research question(s). In other words, state in question format, what question(s) your assignment will seek to answer.

For example:

  • “What has changed in Organisation X’s competitive context, and how should it best respond to ensure sustainable competitive advantage?”
  • “Should Organisation X internationalise to Country Y?”
  • “What segments exist within Industry X and which segment should Organisation Y target?”
  • “Which digital business model should Organisation X adopt?”

By stating your research question(s) up front, you are providing a very clear, focused direction for your assignment, thereby reducing your risk of getting distracted by the shiny objects that will invariably pop up along the way. You are stating clearly what you will and won’t focus on, and ring-fencing the assignment to a manageable breadth. This is critically important for earning marks, as it allows you to go deep into a highly relevant set of theories and develop meaningful insights, rather than superficially fluttering with numerous less-relevant ones.

What’s critically important is that you achieve alignment between the context, the issue(s) and the research question(s). They should all flow in a logical fashion, as shown below. 

assignment on business organisation

If you achieve this alignment, you have a rock-solid foundation for your assignment, and your marker will be crystal clear regarding your direction, and why you chose that direction.

#4 – A brief outline of your theoretical approach.

Now that you’ve made it clear what your assignment is aiming to achieve (i.e. what research question(s) it wants to answer), it is very good practice to briefly mention:

  • How you will approach the analysis.
  • What key theory you will draw on.

In other words, you should give the marker an indication of how you approached the analysis, and on what theoretical basis. For example:

“The report begins by briefly looking at the organisation’s broader strategy, as well as values using Schwartz’s model (1994). It then reviews stakeholders using Mitchell et al.’s framework (1997) and identifies a key group with which reputation needs to be managed to achieve strategic alignment. It then analyses antecedents, reputation, and outcomes of the said group using Money et al.’s (2012) RELATE framework. This is followed by proposed strategic actions.”

As you can see, this excerpt clearly outlines how the analysis was approached, and what key theory was used in the relevant sections. This gives the marker a big-picture view of the assignment, which aids the digestibility of the document.

#5 – A brief outline of your fieldwork.

Now that you’ve communicated the approach, structure and underpinning theory, it’s best practice to make a quick mention of your fieldwork. Yes, you’re typically supposed to collect some primary data (for example, undertake some semi-structured interviews or a survey), as well as secondary data (for example, review industry reports, company data, etc), for your assignments – especially in Stage 2 and 3 of the program. 

In this final section, you should very briefly outline what you did in this respect so that the marker can rest assured that your assignment is not an opinion piece. A quality assignment draws on multiple data sources to make well-informed, data-backed arguments. Show that you’ve done this, and be sure to refer the reader to the appendices for evidence of this work (for example, interview transcripts, survey results, etc.).

Lastly, make mention of your relationship with the business, and your broad responsibilities. Remember to keep this in third-person language. For example:

“The author is employed as the [INSERT YOUR TITLE] and is responsible for X, Y and Z.”

Let’s recap.

In this article, I’ve hopefully convinced you of the critical importance of writing a strong introduction chapter. I’ve also presented 5 essential ingredients that you should bake into your intro in every assignment. By incorporating these ingredients (ideally, in this order), you will set the foundation for a strong assignment.

To recap the 5 essentials:

  • A (plain language) explanation of the organisation.
  • A brief discussion of the context.
  • Identification of the key issue and research question(s).
  • A brief outline of your theoretical approach.
  • A brief outline of your fieldwork and your professional position.

Rishen Moodley

Informative and easy to apply advice…tx D

Derek Jansen

You’re welcome, Rishen 🙂


It is a very useful and understandable explanation of writing a research paper. Thank you so much for the sharing free such a useful example.

Yours sincerely Tara

Paul Murphy

This is really good, thank you.

Thanks for the feedback, Paul. Best of luck with your Henley MBA.


Very useful guide for the MBA. You mention that it’s good practice to use a range of sources to support arguments. If an assignment task isn’t that strategic (e.g. reviewing a process for a particular team within the business), can the assignment be supported purely by ‘fieldwork’ and models/theory? Thank you.

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Assignment On Business Management

Describe, analyse and make recommendations of a management and organizations company or organization you know or have experienced, and demonstrate in your analysis and recommendations some significant learnings from this ict 215 business management subject that cover most aspects of the course..

Situation of an organization and its related managerial sector are complementary for itself. The management of a company researches on the relevant theories and considers contemporary global situation. Thus the management of the concerned company sets goals and strategies to improve in the market. Organizational situation also directs the management of an organization to think on a new perspective and also to construct policies to enrich the environment, culture, leadership, dedication, liabilities, motivation, satisfaction and financial condition of the workforce (Finkelstein et al. 2008).


Management in an organization is the system that harmonizes the labors of all engaged employees to satisfy the achievable objectives. Proper using of raw materials, resources, human efforts and matters of stakeholders is onto the managerial sector. Business Communication Management transforms all the resources related to the company into needed utilization. The managerial sector of any company is expected to contain six activities. Those are forecasting, projecting, organizing, ruling, synchronizing and managing. Only planning works and trying to meet aims is not only works of a modern management. Primarily the management of a company has to maintain the concerned matters of all the stakeholders along with the profit margin (Hill and Jones, 2006).


Management of Tesco:

Tesco UK is one of the largest retailers in United Kingdom. It is seen to hold the Middle Management system which is the transitional management of a hierarchical company. Managers of the Tesco are higher than the lowest levels of organizational employees, but they are subordinate to the upper most management. In Tesco equipped supervisors are granted as the middle management grounding on the strategy of the Tesco.

Functions of Tesco’s Organizational Situation:

Research and realistic study about Tesco tells that organization structure of the concerned company mainly focuses on the five basic functions e.g. finance, human resource, administration, marketing and promotion (Kapferer, 2008).

Finance Department of Tesco:

Finance department of Tesco initially keeps and maintains records of every business transaction. Each and every outlay, paid amount, earning and investment is recorded in the logbook. By doing so, the finance department accumulates the exact view of recent business trend of Tesco whether it is optimistic or pessimistic.  The concerned finance department also maintains economical factors and money-flow to keep the dealing of Tesco meaningful. In short, here the finance department of Tesco checks the fluency and affluences of finance. One of the biggest responsibilities of Tesco’s finance department is to take actual decision about financial investment into business across the whole network. The important and key employees of the finance department judge which investment may be fruitful and which one may fail in the corporate world (Schein, 2010). Tesco very efficiently harmonizes all the financial data of previous years and present era on the basis of market demands.

Tesco’s functional area of Human Resources:

Human Resource is considered as Tesco’s second most essential department like any other big organization. In the middle management system of Tesco, Human Resource department of Tesco aims at selection, recruitment, training and developing of the employees. Right worker or manager at right place has given Tesco a strong performance. It is also the liability of Human Resource sector to fit the newly installed employees into the work culture of Tesco (Rollison, 2008).

For engaging more people with Tesco they have introduced “Club Card”.  As far record says, Tesco has over 1.5 million members. This thing has helped Tesco to improve near about seventy percent of sell. They have spent their resources, capital and time on customers and people to attract them more (Steers et al. 2004).

Function of Marketing in Tesco:

Marketing Department of Tesco normally is busy in researching marketing department. This department makes new ideas to generate profit. Customers’ feedback such as problem, complaints is dealt by Tesco’s marketing department. Key personnel of marketing department generally make it confirmed that sales promotion is going to take right path in that organization. Promotion of sales and marketing has to be effective for all shoppers so that they easily can witness that. Proper advertisement, maintenance of online portal and database, up gradation of all the information are one of the main duties of Marketing Department (Augier and Teece, 2009).

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Activities of Administration:

Each and every organization needs an administration system to be more cohesive and methodical. A methodical organization can perform quite well and optimistically (Dionne  et al. 2007). Tesco has also an administration to run the business with fruitfulness. Various portions and segments of business, different sectors are brought together by the administration of the concerned company. Calculated way to work has enabled Tesco to act properly. Administration has a crucial role to attain the objectives of the company.  It plays a role of a bridge between the employees and executive managers. Administration of Tesco notes down all the processes and methods through which the managers, directors, leaders and employees have to generate the job. This thing has a crucial impact on the organization. All the relevant people of the workforce may be able to know what is going to be done as the company’s product and in which way the product is going to be produced. Due to it all staffs of Tesco can come under a single ceiling.

Activities of AdministrationActivities of Administration

Research and Improvement:

The main responsibility of the research and improvement department of an organization is to attain a competitive edge in the business world (Chen, 2009). Tesco’s department has researched to improve the quality of goods, advertisement policies and customers’ satisfaction with ethics and proper value. Tesco has spread it up in different places. So it is their million dollar business. They need proper way to look it after. High risk to project business is essential in the corporate arena. To take apt risk and way research team is needed (Fombrun  et al. 2008).

Managerial Sector:

As per corporate governance an organization contains some necessary and executive posts at the managerial sector. Board of Directors and Executive Committee are considered as the supreme of the concerned organization. Generally Board of Directors holds some posts of odd numbers and Executive Committee also comprises few essential personnel (Hem et al. 2009).

Treasury Management:

Treasury management is very important in an organization. Through this management system the treasury of a company is monitored and maintained (Kapferer, 2008). It is ultimately supervised by the board. External and internal auditors review this. Another work of the treasury management is to face financial risk which may caused by exchange and interest rates. Tesco also maintains this treasury management.

Management Activities:

Generally management of an organization bears the liability to ensure the concerned organization’s operations and objectives. They take rules, regulation, authorities, laws, social construction, and work environment into their construction.  Activities of management are not the same as activities of the managers. Managers generally control individual sectors of work. But the whole management monitors the whole process of the workforce in the concerned organization. There are some problems with performance appraisal system of the employees. Continuous judging of employees may a cause of monotony of them. Beside it, though managers think that they are doing a good job with appraisal, many times the appraisal system in many organizations is seen as obstructive (Yasin et al. 2007).

Activities of Management Team in Tesco Stores:

Each and every store of Tesco runs as it is self-dependent and independent one. Every employee of every Tesco store is reported for subscribing great customer service and customer facilities.

Flexibility :

It has been experienced that every Tesco branch in United Kingdom supplies great customer satisfaction. Staffs of Tesco attend every consumer with importance. It is important in Tesco that every employee shares their view to promote sells and the employees also share their experience of endorsing goods with other employees (Delaney and Huselid, 2009).

Size of Stores:

Naturally Tesco establishes its stores and branches on the basis of market demand at tactful locations. So, on the basis of adjacent business objectives the stores may be big or little. Every store has individual and unique challenges to promote the business of Tesco. Every store – irrespectively large or little – get necessary helps from the management.

Friendly Structure:

Tesco’s stores are not permitted b\y the chief management to keep the crucial buyers waiting. Every puzzled customer gets a well structured way to find her/his own products. Beside this, Tesco offers a huge preferences and huge rewards for their consumers, employees and stakeholders also.

Ownership style of Tesco:

Organizational situation of a company depends also on its ownership style. An organization’s success and failure are related to its partnership style and its partnership activities. Tesco is a Public Limited Company and is possessed by shareholders. Generally, the original proprietor loses her/his influence in the organization by the quantity and amount of the share trading. The concerned organization, Tesco, is in the tertiary sector and also in the secondary sector, as Tesco delivers its own produced commodities.

What Public Limited Company is:

A Public Limited Company or PLC is a typical ‘Public Company’ according to the laws of United Kingdom. Shares of a public limited company are marketed to sell openly in the stock exchanges market. Shares are open of a public limited company for public. Least share capital of a public limited company is fifty thousand pound. Such kind of companies may be included in the stock exchange market or not. A private limited company is limited by shares. This company has to pass certain resolutions to be existed as a public limited company. A public limited company also can be transferred into a private limited company. Such a company contains various types of shares like redeemable shares, preference shares, ordinary shares, cumulative preference shares and bearer shares. While a public limited company is going to be formed, all the members of the concerned organization have to agree to hold all or some amount of the shares. Those people are considered as the subscribers. The Memorandum of Association is prescribed to display the names of the subscribers and the amount of their shares (Olian and Rynes, 2008).

Public Limited Company

Tesco as a Public Limited Company:

Tesco is considered as a public limited company as the company has spread its shares for public in the market. Tesco has been witnessed to expand itself in numerous paths. Through the shares trading Tesco has been able to raise the funds. As a Public Limited Company, Tesco has very limited responsibilities for all of the shareholders. Business style of Tesco has unique legal existence. If anyone of the shareholders die. Tesco will not be stopped. Tesco also can increase its capital, as there is no certain limit of share-trading in stock exchange market. Moreover the shares of the Tesco are totally free to transfer and it gives many more liquidity ( , 2014)


The whole concerned study is based upon management and organizational situation of Tesco Public Limited Company which is actually a British organization. All the matters of Tesco’s management and factors behind organizational situation here have been granted under consideration and discussion. Since the foundation period management of Tesco has shown its innovation and as an organization, internal and external situations of Tesco are great. The concerned organization needs to look after recent redundancy debates and limitations as a public limited company.

Quick guide to writing an assignment on business management

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assignment on business organisation

Question: What do you understand by an assignment on business management? Are there any tips which can help to write a business management assignment? List some of the business management topics for assignment writing.

Understanding the concept of assignment on business management The academic curriculum is packed with unknown subjects, discouraging the students and making them lost.Writing their first assignment is one of the toughest jobs for students, so a small help makes them feel good.If you are a business management student and have an assignment on business management, you have come to the right place for help.Business management beginners are unfamiliar with the subject, or how it is distinct from business administration, etc. They face too many challenges and try to look for help from every corner. The blog on quick guide to writing an assignment on business management will describe the fundamentals of business management and some topics related to the subject that can help you write a perfect essay.

To be clearer, it can be stated that business management is an activity involving planning, organizing, managing and controlling the resources used by the organization to attain its objectives. Business management concentrates on the comprehensive process of the organization. On the other hand, business administration concentrates on the organization’s daily operations.

To run a successful business, it is vital to manage it in business management. A business manager’s job is to make strategic decisions, assign resources, ensure the organization reaches its business goals, and hire the finest recruits. An assignment on business management helps students showcase their capability to put in theoretical knowledge on real-life situations and prepare themselves for future challenges.The subject explores different topics which can perplex even experienced students.The topics for assignment on business managementcan range from operations management to organizational behavior to financial and human resources management, etc. In the upcoming sections of this blog on quick guide to writing an assignment on business management, you will come across handy tips, standard structure, and a common outline of an essay on business management. Subsequently, we will list certain topics for your next assignment on business management. The college essay writing services from can help you with a business essay that meets your university standards.

Handy tips to compose an assignment on business management

Though the structure of an essay and a general outline for an assignment may seem similar to you, several vital details still make them apart. These intricate details must be considered when writing an assignment on business management. The custom essay writing service from can also help you with your essay if you have less time. You just need to inform us about your pending assignments; our assignment writers will make them for you for comprehensive assignments. It’s time we move forward to discussing the handy tips for writing an assignment on business management. The points discussed here will save you from researching how to attract the readers’ attention towards your assignment.Furthermore, adhering to the tips will make you achieve success in all your business management assignments. Select a relevant topic: While searching for your essay’s relevant business management topic, begin with a generalized approach and subsequently narrow it down to specific topics. Ponder over the areas where you hold a command and try to establish a link with the assignment.A topic with which you can relate can help you develop a quality and relevant academic paper and make the writing process much easier. Do think about your audience before selecting a topic for your assignment on business management, as this strategy will help maintain their connection and attention. Upgrade your knowledge by checking over the latest developments in the business management field so that you can select a relevant topic. Try to provide different perspectives on relatively new and significant topics, as bridging the gap will make your assignment distinct.Being specific about a topic is a good approach as it will make things more manageable and focused. Selecting a broad topic can lead to leaving out vital details related to it, whereas narrowing it down will reduce the options.

Maintain appropriate structure: Keeping up with the standard structure for an assignment on business management is vital.Be cautious to keep the ideas organized and the assignment paper, easy to follow.Clear communication with the readers about the ideas connected with the paper is an important aspect whether you are writing an assignment on organizational structure or on international business management.Begin by reading thecourse guidelines and try to understand each component. The course guidelines generally have a rough structure, format and length of the assignments.At the outset, outline to be on track and to organize your ideas coherently. Make use of headings and sub-headings to provide clarity in your assignment on business management. Begin the assignment by writing an informative introduction including a thesis statement.The other sections of the assignment will follow the introduction in different paragraphs. In these paragraphs, you can include various arguments from scholars to establish your point and help readers understand the problem discussed in the business management assignment. Employ transitional words and phrases to make a connection between paragraphs.At the end of the assignment, write a solid conclusion that links the entire assignment content.Adhering to these details will make your assignment coherent and organized. A well-structured essay is easy to follow and gets a positive response from the readers.

Avoid repetition of arguments: If you are writing an assignment for the first time, you might not know the writing style.Students, most of the time, repeat the same arguments thinking it would have more impact, but the fact is, repeating the same or similar facts in different words will make the work unprofessional.Avoiding repetition may be difficult, but there are means to do so.You can write down a few points from the research conducted for the assignment on business managementand expand each point in different paragraphs.The outline will also help create a point for each element to be included in the paper. Prioritize your points by addressing all the components of the assignment. You can also include conflicting viewpoints to make your paper of quality.

Include rationale: Like making an argument without evidence is invalid, an assignment without a rationale is inappropriate. The paper must mention the rationale behind writing an essay or an assignment.An essay must have both rationale and evidence throughout the paper. Both these elements give the effect of strong research capabilities, and to write a well-reasoned essay, it is vital to include both. It shows the efforts put in by the writer and helps to persuade the reader about the validity of the arguments and the reasons behind them. When you can explain the reason behind making an argument, you make a great opposing argument. Critical thinking is a vital aspect of the writing process. Writing research-based assignment on business management can be time-consuming, so you can hire our custom research paper writing service.The research scholars present in our team will always help you.

Adopt formal language: Maintaining professional language and tone is necessary when writing a professional article or an assignment as part of the academic curriculum. It must strictly follow the rules of grammar, vocabulary and tone. With the help of formal language, the writers can maintain a formal tone throughout the paper and make a positive impression on the audience.The writer can increase the clarity of the paper by keeping a formal tone in the paper.It will assist in avoiding confusion and ambiguity in the paper.Despite the topic, keeping a respectful association with the readers is vital. Using correct vocabulary and formal language will take you a long way in the field of writing and demonstrate your respect towards the topic and the readers. Therefore, unsuitable tones, slang, and other unprofessional tones must be avoided in academic writing.

Topics related to business management Acquiring the skill of composing an excellent essay is half the job done, as you must look for an engaging topic.Here, you will find a complete list of business management topics for your next essay. The topics are related to different business management areas, from operations to business process management. Therefore, you can select the one that excites you and begin writing the essay by referring to the knowledge imparted in the previous sections of this blog on a quick guide to writing an assignment on business management.

Topics linked to internal business management The business management writers of our organization have collected 20 winning topics for your next internal business management assignment. Traverse the list and select one of the engaging topics for your next assignment on business management.

1. Investigating management ideas in international business 2. Difficulties in attaining organizational goals concerning cross-cultural challenges 3. Challenges facing first lime managers in an international setting 4. Crucial strategies for effectively handling international business operations 5. Adopting efficient human resource strategies in the business to maximize international success 6. Handling global business threats by way of managing cultural intelligence 7. Appropriate leadership strategies for managing international business operations 8. Managing international business through effective cross-cultural communication 9. The connection between international business success and satisfied employees 10. Augmenting global performance through effective international staffing strategies 11. Capitalizing on different resources for competitive advantage 12. Comprehending the global circumstances leading to cross-cultural challenges 13. Risks in international business and the significance of foreign direct investment 14. Sustainability in managing international business 15. Threats to corporate governance in the international arena 16. Significance of ethics in international business 17. Building cross-cultural competence across international branches 18. Handling the universal value chain by engaging in different activities 19. Significance of cultural awareness in managing business internationally 20. Significance of being self-reliant for carrying out international business management

Topics linked to operations management The topics mentioned below can be used in an assignment on business management linked with operations. 1. Improving organizational performance with the help of efficient managerial skills and operations management 2. The use of organizational charts in efficient operations management 3. The influence of the administrative role on operations management 4. Attaining success at a shareholder meeting through effective operation management strategies 5. The significance of comprehending human nature in operations management 6. Making good use of consumer perception linked with market research 7. Multiplying group discourse in operation management 8. The strategies and leadership of the general manager for operations management 9. Effectively managing best practices for operations management 10. Understanding the tools, techniques and methods required to operate an organization 11. Operations management strategies to manage an organization smoothly 12. The value of operations management for organizational growth 13. Using simple forms and processes to attain productivity and efficiency 14. Significance of self-decision-making in operations management 15. Using management theories to make an effective plan for organizational development 16. Maximum utilization of human resources for the betterment of the organizational process 17. Essential strategies for streamlining the process of operations management 18. Significance of operations management for making plans and taking actions 19. Strategies for leaders for making guidelines for upper management 20. Positioning technology and human beings for better organizational performance

Topics linked to business process management Look at the top business process management topics to take the idea for your next assignment on business management. 1. Business process modeling through the aid of visual representation of a business process using tools such as flowcharts, process maps, and diagrams 2. Automating daily tasks and processes to lessen manual labor, remove errors, and increase productivity 3. Monitoring business processes in real-time, measuring their performance against key metrics, and taking corrective actions when necessary 4. Identifying improvement areas in existing business processes and redesigning them to improve performance 5. Developing policies and procedures governing business process governance 6. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop business processes 7. Continuously analyzing, optimizing, and refining business processes to achieve ever-higher levels of efficiency and effectiveness 8. Managing organizational change, including the implementation of new business processes and systems 9. Developing new and innovative ways of managing and improving business processes 10. Conducting business process innovation using emerging technologies and methodologies such as Lean, Six Sigma, and Agile 11. Significance of process mapping in business process management 12. The pros and cons of using workflow automation in business processes 13. Key principles and best practices for process reengineering 14. The influence of process improvement on employee morale and job satisfaction 15. The key consideration for success in implementing a change management process 16. Value of enterprise architecture in business process management 17. Adopting fundamental principles for attaining operational success 18. Determining the journey of business process management by applying management theories 19. Using agile methodologies to improve the business process 20. The effect of business process management on building a customer base

Additional topics linked to business Here is a list of additional topics from different fields using which you can make an intriguing assignment on business management. 1. Calculating return of interest employing techniques to demonstrate value to stakeholders 2. Implementing and adopting effective change management strategies 3. Using digital transformation in business process 4. Overcoming business crises by adopting effective strategies 5. Steps to promote social responsibility and reduce environmental impact 6. Adopting emerging trends and best practices for building online branding 7. Steps to create a culture of creativity through innovation 8. Handling human resources in low-budgeted businesses 9. Taking action for handling cash flow, investment and budgets 10. Evaluating market research to manage business 11. Making use of game mechanics to enhance employee engagement 12. Taking action to manage time and prioritizing work 13. Accomplishing business deals by using strategies and tactics 14. Adopting technological advancements to monitor remote business processes 15. Best practices for improving productivity and reducing stress 16. Enforcing a healthy workplace culturefor the smooth working environment 17. Relation between human behavior and business decision making 18. Role of servant leadership for efficient business management 19. Tools to counter challenges and uncertainties in a business 20. Significance of creativity and entrepreneurial mindset in business

Advanced academic help Do you have an assignment on business management with a complex topic? Are you struggling to choose a topic for your next assignment on business management? We hope that our blog will help you to address your problems related to business management studies. Our writing services offer an exhaustive list of essay titles covering various subjects. By having our services around, you need to stress yourself about any topic related to business management or chemistry. So reach out to us today, and benefit from our trustworthy and reasonable assignment writing services.

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    Business organization, an entity formed for the purpose of carrying on commercial enterprise. Such an organization is predicated on systems of law governing contract and exchange, property rights, and incorporation. Most businesses are limited-liability companies. Learn more about business principles of operation.


    They emphasised the importance of principles for the design of a logical structure of organisation. Their writings were in a normative style and they saw these principles as a set of 'rules' offer- ing general solutions to common problems of organisation and management.

  11. Assignment on Business Management: Quick Guide

    This quick guide will explain the basics of the management of business and will provide topics of business management essays. To put it simply, business management is a process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the organizational resources to achieve the company's objectives. While business administration concentrates on the ...

  12. 6.3: Assignment- Organizational Structures

    This page titled 6.3: Assignment- Organizational Structures is shared under a CC BY 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Lumen Learning via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform.

  13. 7 Organizational Structure Types (With Examples)

    Learn about various types of organizational structures, the benefits of creating one for your business and specific elements that should be included.

  14. Writing the Organization and Management Section of Your Business Plan

    The organization and management section of your business plan should summarize information about your businness's structure and team.

  15. Assignments

    Salty Pawz Assignments and Discussions Half of the written assignments and discussions (32 in total) are based on a case study, whose focus is a fictional dog-treats business called "Salty Pawz." Many of these assignments take the form of asking students to give Wanda, the company's inexperienced owner, advice about how she can run her business more effectively. Lighthearted in tone, the ...

  16. Forms of Business Organization

    An organization engaged in some commercial activity or business with the motive of earning profit is known as a business enterprise. If an individual or a group of individuals plans to start a new business or expand its existing business, selecting the right form of business organization is essential for them.

  17. Business Assignment on Organisation and Operational Issues

    This assignment has focused on organizational problems and solutions. The learner has been asked to go through the given case scenario on which the overall assignment is based.

  18. BCOC-132 Business organization and management

    This is assignment question paper of business organisation and management. bachelor of commerce choice based credit system bcoc 132: business organisation

  19. How To Write A Solid Assignment Introduction

    In this post, I'll outline the 5 key components of a strong introduction chapter/section in a mark-earning Henley MBA assignment.

  20. Assignment On Business Management In an organization

    Management: Management in an organization is the system that harmonizes the labors of all engaged employees to satisfy the achievable objectives. Proper using of raw materials, resources, human efforts and matters of stakeholders is onto the managerial sector. Business Communication Management transforms all the resources related to the company ...

  21. Incorrect Organization Assignment For Usage Item In Table OKC_RULES_B

    In okc_rules_b table, Usage Item should show the operating unit id instead of Inventory organization id. STEPS-----The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps: 1. Create a usage Item in inventory 2. Assign it to Inventory organization and master organization assigned 3. Verify inventory table shows Org assigned as above 4 ...

  22. Quick guide to writing an assignment on business management

    The business management writers of our organization have collected 20 winning topics for your next internal business management assignment. Traverse the list and select one of the engaging topics for your next assignment on business management. 1. Investigating management ideas in international business. 2.