Broadneck High School

Mr. Patrick Gelinas Principal


Advanced Placement (AP) & Honors Pre-Course Summer Assignments

5 Tips for Completing AP Summer Homework


A cross the United States and abroad, thousands of high school students are enrolling in and preparing for Advanced Placement (or AP) courses. The AP curriculum is rigorous, and as a result, many AP programs assign homework during the summer. Although this homework carries a significant cost in time and effort for reluctant students, it can help you maintain and strengthen your academic skills during the long summer months.

The total “cost” can move well beyond time and effort, however — if you reach the week before school begins without having completed this assigned homework, you may run the very real risk of struggling in the class before it even starts. Even if your AP summer homework is not factored into your regular grade (and at many high schools, it is), you could be starting the academic year at a disadvantage.

Luckily, AP summer homework is not insurmountable. If you are facing a mountain of required reading, problem sets, and essays, here are several tips and tricks that can help you complete your AP summer homework:

Acknowledge its importance

For AP-level students, one of the most challenging aspects of summer homework is believing in its importance. “It’s summer!” your mind might unhappily shout. “Summer is for fun!” Unfortunately, the reality is that true learning is a continuous process. Completing your AP homework does not need to be an all-consuming task (and reaching that state is unhealthy), but it does need to be a task this summer. Think of it this way — world-class athletes do not train for part of the year. They instead follow a consistent schedule that varies in intensity. The summer is a time that your brain can use to recharge, but it still needs stimulation. Consider your AP homework that stimulation.

Create a schedule

Before you begin your AP homework, make a plan. On the first day of summer vacation, it may seem as though you have months in which to do your work, but this time quickly disappears. Procrastinating can be a recipe for disaster.

To ensure you remain on schedule, purchase a calendar and set milestones in pen. Do leave time to enjoy a family vacation or an outing with friends. If you have two books to read for AP English Literature and Composition, for example, note the page counts, and divide the total pages by the days until school begins. This is your daily minimum.

Reward your progress

Write each of your milestones, or goals, on an index card with the target date of completion and a reward for adhering to that schedule. Post these index cards where you will see them — beside your television, next to your laptop, on the refrigerator, etc. Choose a reward that is truly motivating, such as seeing a highly anticipated movie. If you tend to procrastinate, consider leaving a favorite video game or personal possession with a friend or family member who will only return the item to you when you reach your goal.

Stay in contact with classmates and teachers

Summer homework is far less beneficial if you do not understand the assignment. Some AP teachers will provide you with a reading guide for AP United States History or an answer key for your AP Calculus BC problems. You can also look for relevant resources online. Ask if your teacher welcomes questions over summer vacation, or start a study group with your classmates. Without the consistent feedback that you receive during the school year, it can be difficult to know when your summer homework is done well. Communicating with your classmates and/or teachers can help you avoid that uncomfortable, sinking feeling when you reach the first test of the school year, only to find that your leisurely pool-side skimming of A Tale of Two Cities was insufficient.

Continually challenge yourself

The best architects, athletes, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and, yes, students become better at their trades by constantly challenging themselves. Signing up for an AP class certainly counts as a challenge, but once you have your AP summer assignments in hand, begin looking for ways to improve your knowledge base and your performance as a student. This advice is doubly true if your AP program does not assign much (or any) summer homework. Seek out AP practice tests in AP Biology or AP Statistics, and experiment with the problems they contain. Not only can you work these problems into the schedule you created, you can also utilize them to identify your class-specific strengths and weaknesses. If you are focusing on courses that are literature-heavy, look for each class’s reading list, and get a head start on the books that will be assigned early in the school year. It can seem near-impossible to motivate yourself in the summer months, but come fall, you will likely be very glad you did. Good luck!

Brian Witte is a professional SAT tutor with Varsity Tutors . He earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of Washington and holds a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.

More from Varsity Tutors:

  • 5 Things Students Must Know About the New SAT
  • 4 Ways Students Can Prep for SATs Over the Summer
  • How Summer Reading Programs Can Keep Students on Track

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The Assessment

Review the Free-Response Questions from the 2024 AP Exam

Assessment overview.

The AP Seminar assessment consists of three parts: two performance tasks and the end-of-course AP Exam. All parts measure student achievement of the course learning objectives.

Encourage your students to visit the  AP Seminar student page  for assessment information.

Participate in the AP Capstone Diploma Program

Schools may choose to offer AP Seminar as a standalone course. To offer AP Seminar or participate in the AP Capstone Diploma™ program, schools need to fill out a required online form , and teachers need to attend mandatory summer training. Visit the AP Capstone Diploma program page for more information.

Assessment Dates

Wed, Apr 30, 2025

11:59 PM ET

Deadline for Students to Submit AP Seminar Performance Tasks

Mon, May 12, 2025

12 PM Local

AP Seminar End-of-Course Exam

Assessment format.

Performance Task 1: Team Project and Presentation—20% of AP Seminar Score

Individual research report (1,200 words)

College Board scored

50% of 20%

Team multimedia presentation and defense (8–10 minutes, plus defense questions)

Teacher scored (group score)

50% of 20%

Performance Task 2: Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation—35% of AP Seminar Score


Scoring Method


Individual written argument (2,000 words)

College Board scored

70% of 35%

Individual multimedia presentation (6–8 minutes)

Teacher scored

20% of 35%

Oral defense (2 questions from the teacher)

Teacher scored

10% of 35%

End-of-Course Exam (2 Hours)—45% of AP Seminar Score


Scoring Method


Understanding and analyzing an argument (3 short-answer questions); suggested time: 30 minutes

College Board scored

30% of 45%

Evidence-Based argument essay (1 long essay); suggested time: 90 minutes

College Board scored

70% of 45%

Guidance for Hosting Student Presentations

See the rules and guidelines  for hosting your students’ presentations whether your school is teaching remotely, in person, or in a hybrid setting.

Exam Questions and Scoring Information

Ap seminar exam questions and performance tasks.

View free-response questions from this year’s exam and past exams, as well as sample responses and scoring guidelines for the through-course performance tasks.

Score Reporting

Ap score reports for educators.

Access your score reports.

AP Capstone Diploma Program Policies


Greenville senior high school .

Summer reading and assignments are required for most AP courses.  The summer assignments will be graded and have corresponding assignments, tests, and quizzes that will be due within the first month of school.  Students are responsible for completing these assignments.  If you have any questions, please contact the course teacher.  

AP 3-D art and design

Morgan mattson, irina kushnir  .


AP Calculus AB

Kellie stevens, ap calculus bc, ap chemistry  , ap computer science principles , ap computer science a, ap environmental science, edie phillips, ap european history  , kathryn godwin  , ap human geography, ap language , shayla hoff, ap literature, ap macroeconomics, kathleen kennedy, ap physics i, ap physics ii.


AP spanish literature

Amanda catherman, ap statistics, michael white, ap us history, joseph paddenburg, ap us government , becca jopling, 2024 ap exam dates .

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are ap summer assignments graded

How to Prepare for AP Classes Over the Summer

are ap summer assignments graded

Looking for guidance on how to prepare for AP classes over the summer? You’ve come to the right place. 

By getting a head start on the curriculum over the summer, you lay a strong foundation that sets you up for success in your AP classes. Early exposure to the material not only deepens your understanding but also helps you retain information. 

Don't let the summer slide slow you down; use your break wisely to prepare for your AP classes . Whether you’re planning to take AP Physics 1, AP Microeconomics, or AP US History, understanding how to prepare for AP classes over the summer is a game-changer. 

Invest your time and effort now to achieve academic greatness and personal growth.

Preparing for AP Classes Over the Summer

If you’re interested in learning how to prepare for ap classes over the summer, here are several things you can do. Let’s get into it. 

1. Brush Up on the Basics

Take a little time to review the foundational stuff you've learned before. It'll give you a solid starting point for your AP classes and help you feel more confident.

2. Get to Know the Course

Check out the syllabus or course descriptions for your AP classes . Take a peek at what topics you'll be diving into during the year; it'll give you a sense of what to expect and any areas you might want to focus on.

3. Dive Into the Readings

Why not get a head start on the reading assignments for your AP classes? It'll give you a leg up and make class discussions more interesting when school starts.

4. Seek Help From a Tutor

Seeking outside help is a great way to boost your confidence and gain a competitive edge. So, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance to get ahead. Our personalized AP tutoring sessions provide individualized attention and guidance. 

Our experienced tutors assess your needs, develop customized study plans, and offer targeted instruction and feedback. Boost your confidence and excel in AP classes with our tailored tutoring support. Start the school year confidently and achieve your full potential with our tailored tutoring support.

5. Remember to Take Breaks

While it's important to dedicate time to your AP classes, remember to take regular breaks. Allow yourself time to relax, pursue hobbies, and spend time with friends and family. Taking breaks will rejuvenate your mind and help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

FAQs: How to Prepare for AP Classes Over The Summer

If you’re still looking for tips on how to prepare for AP classes over the summer, look no further. 

1. Can You Self Study for AP Classes Over the Summer?

Yes, it’s possible to self-study for AP classes over the summer. Many students choose to take this approach to get a head start or to study subjects not offered at their school.

2. How Do I Prepare Myself for AP Classes?

To prepare for AP classes, review prerequisite knowledge, familiarize yourself with the course curriculum, read ahead, manage your time effectively , and seek additional resources. These steps will help you feel ready and confident for your AP classes.

3. Is There Summer Homework for AP Classes?

Yes, there can be summer homework for AP classes. Some AP courses may require students to complete assignments, readings, or projects over the summer break to get a jump-start on the curriculum. 

Final Thoughts

Preparing for AP classes over the summer can have a major impact on your academic journey. Empower yourself by reviewing key concepts, exploring course materials, reading ahead, managing your time effectively, and seeking out extra resources. This way, you'll be fully prepared to conquer your AP classes like a pro. 

Use the summer break wisely to prepare for the upcoming school year. Remember to strike a balance between preparation and relaxation, ensuring you have time to recharge. Embrace the excitement of learning and growing in your AP classes, making the most of this valuable opportunity!

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AP Courses and Exams

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9TH GRADE:  2024 Incoming 9th Grade Pre-AP English I Summer Assignment  

10TH GRADE:  2024 Incoming 10th Grade Pre-AP English II Summer Assignment

11TH GRADE:  2024 AP Lang and Comp Summer Assignment

12TH GRADE:  2024 AP Lit and Comp Summer Assignment 


2024 AP Calculus AB Summer Assignment

​ 2024 AP Calculus BC Summer Assignment


10TH GRADE:  2024 AP World History Summer Assignment

11TH GRADE:  2024 AP US History Jumpstart Assignment  ( OPTIONAL = 1st week homework notes )

ELECTIVES:  2024 AP European History

AP Chemistry Summer Assignment

2024 AP Environmental Science Summer Assignment

2024 AP Physics C Summer Assignment

2024 Advanced Physics


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AP Spanish Summer 2024

AP Statistics Summer 2023

Ap us history / honors english 11 - summer 2024, ap world summer 2024.

Click here for summer AP Art assignment information

AP Biology '24-25 Review Guide HERE

For AP Calculus AB, we strongly encourage students to practice the prerequisite skills necessary for success in calculus through the attached summer packet.  Please share the summer packet with students planning to take AP Calculus AB during the 2023-24 school year.

2024 Summer AP Calculus Packet

No summer assignments!

AP French study guide Verb Categories

I would like students to review the attached vocabulary and verbs. I highly recommend that AP French students read the book Sixty Million Frenchmen Can't Be Wrong by Jean-Benoît Nadeau.

There are no summer assignments for AP Government this year!

No Summer Assignment for AP Lang this year!

  • AP Spanish Global Themes Vocabulary
  • AP Spanish Global Vocabulary template

2024 AP Statistics Summer packet here .

APUSH Summer Homework 2024

  • Honors Humanities 10 Summer Homework
  • AMSCO text prologue

In this Section

Advanced placement, ap capstone diploma program information.

AP Summer Assignments at VPHS 2023

Current Course Offerings

AP Capstone Arts English
History and Social Science STEM World Language and Cultures

Advanced Placement Students can purchase exams now though November 13th either in person at Principal's Office or web store. Please make sure you join your AP class through College board. Please see posted join codes!




Summer Assignments for PHS: Psychology - AP

  • 2D Art & Design/Drawing - AP
  • 2D Art & Design/Photography - AP
  • 3D Art & Design - AP
  • Calculus AB - AP
  • Psychology - AP
  • Statistics - AP
  • US Government & Politics - AP
  • US History - AP
  • Suggested Summer Reading

Mrs. Kingman Send email

Printer-Friendly Assignment

  • AP Psychology 2024 Summer Assignment

The Assignment

Welcome to AP Psychology!


I am ecstatic that you have decided to join this class and chose to challenge yourself with the fascinating world of psychology. We study how your BRAIN works and how your BEHAVIOR follows what your BRAIN is going through. 

Impress me. This is the first assignment I will look at from you and first impressions count!  This is a challenging class and the work starts now!! 

AP Psychology is a college-level course with rigorous student expectations. Consistent and daily review is essential to being prepared for this course and the end of year College Board exam. This is not a course for students who are NOT self motivated. 

We are already gearing up for the MAY 2025 EXAM!!

The exam covers more than 1,500 vocab words. The work starts now!!

All FOUR elements of this assignment are due day one of class and will be graded for Quarter One. We will have a graded quiz on day one!  BE PREPARED!  

If this assignment is not something you feel up to completing, or the rigor of this course seems overwhelming, please see your guidance counselor to think about a course that may be a better fit for you. 

Materials needed: 

  • Three ring binder

Please see the printer-friendly assignment on the left for the four elements of the summer assignment.

  • << Previous: Calculus AB - AP
  • Next: Statistics - AP >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 6, 2024 12:33 PM
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Summer Assignments

Firebirds surpassing expectations.



Much Ado About Teaching

Summer reading in ap lit..

are ap summer assignments graded

A few years ago I revamped my summer reading assignment.

It marked an important departure for me. It was a significant step in my growth as a teacher. I’ll explain why, but first I want to share what I have done in years past.


My summer assignment has gone through different iterations over the years, but the gist of it has always been that the students had to read two books — How to Read Literature Like a Professor: A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines and 1984 — and develop an outline for each. There are many versions of this assignment online. Its probably where I first developed the idea. I must have Googled “ How to Read Literature Like a Professor summer assignment.” A bunch of results came up, and seeing that a lot of other teachers paired Thomas C. Foster’s work with another novel probably validated its worth in my mind.

I liked that both books were accessible and my students could find help online if they needed it.

I liked that I was introducing my students to good literature without ruining their summer with dense texts and mountains of work.

I liked that when students returned from school I could assess them by asking them to apply a chapter from How to Read Literature Like a Professor to 1984 .

I liked that I was doing something to prevent the summer slide.


There was nothing pedagogically wrong with my old summer reading assignment. But there were certain things about it that had bothered me over the years:

  • Students can easily find summaries of How to Read Literature Like a Professor online ( like this link) .
  • Many of my students are not readers of classic literature on their own. In spite of its cheeky humor and tone, they did not have the awareness of texts mentioned in How to Read Literature to fully appreciate the references.
  • Students felt that How to Read Literature Like a Professor simplified the process of reading, reducing everything to either a symbol or an allusion.
  • The assignment was not thoroughly thought through. It was too simplistic. Basically I was asking students to read and outline. I felt like I was simply following what others were doing without making this assignment a true reflection of my teaching and my goals.
  • There wasn’t much feedback I could provide on an outline and consequently little room for growth.


I believe that when students are faced with low-rigor tasks, they create low achievement even when students do well on these tasks. In addition, such tasks contribute to the boredom students so often complain about when they spend too many hours on work that is routine and bland, often centered on discrete skills.

Outlining a text is a low-rigor task. It requires little skill beside extrapolation and summarization.

I want my summer assignments to have what I believe are the three principles of an effective assignment:

1. Effective assignments provide clear expectations about what should be completed, how it should be completed, and why the assignment is important.

I needed to rethink the final part of that criteria. While the original assignment provided clear expectations and walked students through the steps to be completed, it never explained why the assignment was important. When there is no value attached to an assignment, the work can feel like busy work.

Assignment-making requires teachers to clarify what learning is demonstrated and how it can be demonstrated. I needed to answer questions about purpose and relevance: “Why are my students doing this? What greater good will result from this work? As well as, are there significant concepts connected to the curriculum?”

2. Effective assignments are formative, providing feedback that allows teachers to adjust their instruction and scaffold learning.

I also needed to understand how my teaching can be informed by what the students completed. This is where the outlines of the prior assignment failed to be valuable. I was learning nothing about my students nor anything about their thinking.

With the new summer assignment adjustments would I make based on the work that students produced? What was I learning about their reading skills or their writing skills?

Good assignments, whether in the summer or during the school year, should inform instruction, giving teachers a chance to assess skills and modify instruction accordingly.

3. Effective assignments set high expectations and provide pathways to achieve those expectations.

I want the new assignment to communicate high expectations for critical thinking and levels of analysis. I want my students to be challenged no matter what skill sets or content background they bring into the course.


  • I want my students to have a summer experience that is not punitive but is preparatory. I don’t want to punish them with mountains of work or use a summer assignment as a gatekeeper for the class. I want to set a foundation for the enjoyment that comes from reading, thinking, and writing creatively and analytically.
  • I want my students to see that great ideas can be expressed in a variety of formats. Therefore, they will read blog articles, watch YouTube videos, and read poems as well as a novel.
  • I want them to learn from readers, writers, and thinkers that I admire. I’m not just handing them books and asking them to read them, I want them to observe how others analyze and how others approach the act of writing.  These pieces have the levels of analysis that will promote high expectations for my students.
  • I want them to choose the novel they read, not have one assigned to them.
  • I want them to have a space of their own creation (their StudyTee Notes) where they will respond to each text that they encounter in thoughtful and diverse ways.


  • StudyTee’s Note-Taking Method
  • The NerdWriter Analyzes Edward Hopper’s “Nighthawks”
  • Leo Babauta’s Why I Read (+ a Dozen Book Recommendations)
  • Any novel on this list or this one
  • Poetry Foundation’s Poem of the Day

Download the Summer Reading Assignments for Susan Barber and Brian Sztabnik

Concluding thoughts.

I know that I am asking my students to complete somewhat unorthodox summer assignments. They are not being handed a textbook or a stack of novels and asked to complete a series of study guide questions or outlines. There comes a point in a teacher’s career when he or she stops doing things just because everyone else is doing them and strikes out on his or her own path.

And this has been that moment for me.

Instead, I am giving them models of critical thinkers. I am exposing them to a variety of texts across a span of genres. I am giving them the power to choose the novel and poems that they want to read. And it will have clear expectations, an understanding of why each component of the assignment is important, a chance for me to gain formative feedback, and high expectations for success.

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Brian Sztabnik is just a man trying to do good in and out of the classroom. He was a 2018 finalist for NY Teacher of the Year, a former College Board advisor for AP Lit, and an award-winning basketball coach.

are ap summer assignments graded

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Duluth High School

Dedicated to excellence in education

  • Summer Assignments

Summer Assignments

Content Accordion

Ap music theory.

Please click here to access your assignment. 

Periodic Table of Elements

AP Language & Composition

Click here for the AP Language & Composition Summer Assignment. 

9th Grade Literature & Composition

Honors/CP: Click here to access the assignment

Gifted/Accelerated: Click here to access your assignment.

Gifted American Literature for Sophomores

Click here to access your summer assignment.

12th Grade British Literature

Click here for the 12th Grade British Literature summer assignment.

Click here to access the assignment.

AP English Literature and Composition

Click here to view assignment

AP Macroeconomics

Click here to access your assignment.

AP Physics 1

Ap physics c - mechanics, ap research, ap seminar with american literature.

American Dream Packet

AP U.S. Government and Politics

Ap us history.

Click here to view your assignment

While teachers are not contracted over the summer, many will check their email periodically. Thank you for your patience.

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2024-2025 Calendar

Summer Assignments

Updated for Summer 2024 :

Some Spring-Ford classes follow the curriculum established by the College Board, which may require extensive work beyond the classroom to meet the course requirements, including summer assignments.

Additionally, all English courses in grades 9-12 require summer reading.

Click the course file and assignment below for more information.

Music Theory AP

Social studies.

AP Computer Science

AP World Language

AP 2D Design

AP 3D Art and Design

English 9-12 Summer Reading

English 9 Summer Reading

English 10 Summer Reading

English 11 Summer Reading

English 12 Summer Reading

AP English Course Information:

AP English Language and Composition 

AP English Literature and Composition

AP Seminar Summer Assignment

AP Chemistry  

Any student who is signed up to take AP Chemistry next school year, should join the AP Chemistry course.

URL: . Alternatively, they can sign up at  and use the following join code:  WTNMCL  

AP Biology   - Canvas

Any student who is signed up to take AP Biology next school year, should join the AP Biology Summer Assignment Canvas Course by use the following link . Please note – this Summer Assignment is for AP Biology ONLY (11 th & 12 th grade students), NOT Honors Biology (9 th and 10 th grade students).  Honors Biology does not have a Summer Assignment.

AP Physics C

Any student who is signed up to take AP Physics C next school year should join the AP Physics C Summer Assignment Course following this link . Alternatively, they can sign up at  and use the following join code:  MB6RFX

AP US History Summer Assignment

AP European Summer Assignment Part 1

AP European Summer Assignment Part 2

AP European Summer Assignment Part 3

AP Human Geography Summer Assignment

AP Government Summer Assignment

AP Psychology Summer Assignment

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  1. Advanced Placement (AP)

    are ap summer assignments graded


    are ap summer assignments graded

  3. AP

    are ap summer assignments graded

  4. AP Summer Assignment

    are ap summer assignments graded

  5. Uncovering the Truth about AP English Summer Assignments

    are ap summer assignments graded

  6. Summer Homework for Honors & AP

    are ap summer assignments graded


  1. ENG 518 Assignment SOLUTION 2024 💯CORRECT SOLUTION #Eng518 RSLEARNING #exams

  2. How To Speak English Fluently

  3. Learn English Through Short Story Level 1

  4. Video 6


  6. Maths 2 Week 1 Graded Assignment(IITM)


  1. AP Summer Work Directory

    2024-2025 AP® Summer Work. Summer assignments are turned into your VHS Learning course, which begins on September 4, 2024.You will not have access to your course to submit the summer assignment until this date, though you should complete the work in advance of the first day of class! Summer assignments review crucial content associated with pre-requisite knowledge and give students a sense of ...

  2. Advanced Placement (AP) & Honors Pre-Course Summer Assignments

    In certain Honors and Advanced Placement courses, expectations may include pre-course assignments which may count as a homework grade toward the marking period grade. Please view the Advanced Placement and Honors Pre-Course Assignments Link to see if there is a pre-course assignment for your student to complete over the summer.

  3. Education: 5 Tips for Completing AP Summer Homework

    Summer homework is far less beneficial if you do not understand the assignment. Some AP teachers will provide you with a reading guide for AP United States History or an answer key for your AP ...

  4. Advanced Placement®

    AP Biology - Summer 2024 Assignment . Go to: on any computer (or use classroom app on your phone) Be sure you are signed in with your RBUSD user name and password. Click the + sign at the top right and select "join class" Enter this code: 46ct4pi. Follow posted instructions for AP Biology Summer Assignment

  5. AP Seminar Assessment

    End-of-Course Exam (2 Hours)—45% of AP Seminar Score. Component. Scoring Method. Weight. Understanding and analyzing an argument (3 short-answer questions); suggested time: 30 minutes. College Board scored. 30% of 45%. Evidence-Based argument essay (1 long essay); suggested time: 90 minutes. College Board scored.


    Summer reading and assignments are required for most AP courses. The summer assignments will be graded and have corresponding assignments, tests, and quizzes that will be due within the first month of school. Students are responsible for completing these assignments. If you have any questions, please contact the course teacher.

  7. How to Prepare for AP Classes Over the Summer

    Preparing for AP Classes Over the Summer. If you're interested in learning how to prepare for ap classes over the summer, here are several things you can do. Let's get into it. 1. Brush Up on the Basics. Take a little time to review the foundational stuff you've learned before. It'll give you a solid starting point for your AP classes and ...

  8. AP Courses and Exams

    Explore all the AP courses and exams at a glance and in depth

  9. Summer Assignments

    12TH GRADE: 2024 AP Lit and Comp Summer Assignment MATHEMATICS. 2024 AP Calculus AB Summer Assignment 2024 AP Calculus BC Summer Assignment. SOCIAL STUDIES. 10TH GRADE: 2024 AP World History Summer Assignment. 11TH GRADE: 2024 AP US History Jumpstart Assignment (OPTIONAL = 1st week homework notes) ELECTIVES: 2024 AP European History. SCIENCE ...

  10. Summer Assignments

    AP US History students are expected to complete summer reading and video assignments before the first class meeting. These assignments will focus on course content preceding the American Revolution (APUSH Periods 1 and 2). Students' completion of their APUSH summer assignments will be assessed on a test to be administered during the first week ...

  11. AP Summer Assignments

    Click here for summer AP Art assignment information. AP Biology Summer 2024 . AP Biology '24-25 Review Guide HERE. AP Calculus AB Summer 2024. For AP Calculus AB, we strongly encourage students to practice the prerequisite skills necessary for success in calculus through the attached summer packet. Please share the summer packet with students ...

  12. No longer allowed to give required/graded summer assignment for AP

    No longer allowed to give required/graded summer assignment for AP courses. My district has implemented a no required summer work policy, which includes summer reading, and AP summer assignments. This is because a parent in a near-by district took a complaint all the way to the state, and the state backed the parent.

  13. How much work in summer assignments? : r/APStudents

    I'm taking AP Lang and AP US History next year and just noticed that they will give me assignments in the summer. How much work do they give? i took both apush and ap lang last year. i started studying both 6 weeks before the exam and got a 4. not sure why they're making you do assignments in the summer. if it's not graded, just don't do ...

  14. AP Summer Assignments

    GA. 30548-1621. (678) 714-5850. Student Handbook. Attendance Office. Phone Directory. School Information. Click below for a full list of AP classes with required summer assignments.

  15. Advanced Placement

    AP Summer Assignments at VPHS 2023. Current Course Offerings. AP Capstone Arts English; AP Seminar (10th or 11th Grade) AP Research; AP Art History; AP Music Theory; AP Studio Art 2D Design; AP Studio Art 3D Design; AP Studio Art Drawing; AP English Language and Composition; AP English Literature and Composition;

  16. PHS Digital Library: Summer Assignments for PHS: Psychology

    Welcome to AP Psychology! 2024 SUMMER ASSIGNMENT MRS. KINGMAN. ... All FOUR elements of this assignment are due day one of class and will be graded for Quarter One. We will have a graded quiz on day one! BE PREPARED! If this assignment is not something you feel up to completing, or the rigor of this course seems overwhelming, please see your ...

  17. Home

    AP RESEARCH - NO SUMMER ASSIGNMENT. ** 2024 IB SUMMER ASSIGNMENTS **. IB BIOLOGY. IB PSYCHOLOGY SL. 12th GRADE EXTENDED ESSAY. IB MATH. 11TH GRADE - IB LITERATURE & LANGUAGE. 12TH GRADE - IB LITERATURE & LANGUAGE. Doral Academy is a three-time National Blue Ribbon School ranked among the highest performing schools in the Nation!

  18. Summer Reading in AP Lit.

    Outlining a text is a low-rigor task. It requires little skill beside extrapolation and summarization. I want my summer assignments to have what I believe are the three principles of an effective assignment: 1. Effective assignments provide clear expectations about what should be completed, how it should be completed, and why the assignment is ...

  19. Summer Assignments

    Passaic County Technical-Vocational Schools. 45 Reinhardt Road, Wayne, NJ 07470. 973.790.6000. PCTVS is dedicated to providing equal access and opportunity to all. Passaic County Technical-Vocational Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Educational Program Provider that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion ...

  20. Summer Assignments / Summer Assignments

    Click here for the 12th Grade British Literature summer assignment. AP Biology. ... AP English Literature and Composition. Click here to view assignment. AP Macroeconomics. Click here to access your assignment. AP Physics 1. Click here to access your assignment. AP Physics C - Mechanics.

  21. Summer Assignments

    Any student who is signed up to take AP Biology next school year, should join the AP Biology Summer Assignment Canvas Course by use the following link . Please note - this Summer Assignment is for AP Biology ONLY (11 grade students). Honors Biology does not have a Summer Assignment. Any student who is signed up to take AP Physics C next ...

  22. Summer AP Assignments

    West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District. Whole Child, Every Child, Global Child. 321 Village Road East, West Windsor, NJ 08550. Phone 1-609-716-5000 | Fax 1-609-716-5012. Instagram Page. HOME.

  23. Foundational Knowledge for AP US History Summer Assignment

    AP United States History Summer Assignment (For rising 11 th graders who have signed up for the course) AP U.S. History focuses on American history from 1491 to the present and is similar to taking a freshman/sophomore level college history course. The reading, writing, and analytical requirements are substantial as you are asked to read and write at a college level in 11 th grade.