you can win book review pdf

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“You Can Win” A Step Towards Success | Book Review

You can win by shiv khera | book rview.

“You can win” is a great book by author Shiv Khera an Indian writer. Here we will give review of the book. It is recommended to read the book review before you buy the book. Posted by: Blurbgeek

In simple words success is:

“Accomplishment of aims and desired vision OR getting some social status , gained fame or becoming PROSPEROUS”

Some people thought that success is the other name of destination they thought what you dreamed if u achieve you became successful but this is the definition of success only for those who want to became a moneybag

According to my ideology ” success is a journey not a destination. It is the journey of your determination. it is the journey of your will power. It is the journey of your self-belief , in short success is the journey of your dream until it realize into reality.

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire more precisely burning desire. Success doesn’t mean the absence of failure in fact failure gives you an opportunity to learn, it works as a flame for your burning desire  as Shiv khera rightly quoted,

” Success is 90% failure” Shiv Khera | Writer of “You Can Win”

You can win Shiv Khera Book Review - Blurbgeek

Right Attitude of Success | ” You Can Win Book”

The book ” you can win” by Shiv khera gives you a right attitude towards success ,this book changed my life I learned the real meaning of success from it, it gives you a guidance towards your goal in other words It provides you a first step towards dream/ goal. The most impressive thing in this book is that it cover all the ingredients of success. The key words of book ” You can Win” are:

  • Importance of attitude
  • Self-esteem
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Subconscious mind and habits
  • Goal setting
  • Values and vision

All those not only the key words of the book but also an outlook on the life of successful personalities all over the world. Read the complete book review to understand all of them. If you go through the life of the successful personalities like,

  • Michael Angelo
  • Richard Branson
  • Andrew Carnegie

You will find all these ingredients in the recipe of their success. As khera said,

” Winners do not do  different things ; they do things differently” Shiv Khera | Writer of “You Can Win”

This quote is the central point of the book it means that success doesn’t mean to apply new strategies or do something new in-fact it matters the way we do, it matters how we real  with things. Choose a strategy but apply it in a different way in your own purely your own way. Do not copy others.

It is just like, Introducing a new dish within the same time and with truly the same ingredients providing to all the competitors in a competition. To be a winner, first you should accept your self that what you are, with what you have and where you are. You must have full confidence on your abilities, you must thirst for learning, you must have curiosity to discover things you must have boarder vision on life.

A Story Worth Mentioning

I would like to share my favorite story in the book review of ” you can win”, * you must have thirst for learning*

An eagle’s egg was placed in the nest of prairie chicken. The egg hatched and a little eagle grew up thinking it was a prairie chicken. The eagle did what the prairie chicken did. It scratched in the dirt of clucked and cackled. It never flew more then a few feet because that it what the prairie chicken did. One day he saw an eagle flying gracefully and majestically in the open sky. He asked the prairie chicken  ” what is that beautiful bird”??

The chicken replied,

” That is an eagle. He is an outstanding bird, but you can’t fly like him because you are just a prairie chicken”  so the eagle never gave it a second thought, believing that to be true. He lived the life of and died a prairie chicken depriving himself of his heritage just because of lack of vision.

What a waste!! He was born to win but was conditioned to lose. The same thing is true for most people the unfortunate part of life Oliver Wandall Holmes said,

” most people go to their graves, with music still in them” . Oliver Wandall Holmes

Key Rules of Success | ”You Can Win Book”

We didn’t achieve excellent because we have lack of vision. If you want to be successful we must experience the failure to enjoy the gravy of success you have to bear the warmth of failure. It you want to fly gracefully like an eagle you have to learn the ways of eagle. The Writer mentioned some action steps to be a winner those are,

  • Be a good finder
  • Make a habit of Doing it now
  • Develop an attitude of gratitude
  • Get into a continuous education program
  • Build positive self-esteem
  • Stay away from negative influence
  • Learn to like the things that need to be done
  • Start your day with positive

These key rules are simple enough to change our attitude towards our routine. To become a winner is not a difficult thing the all you have to be done is to create a positive attitude in your life.. we have to start learn from the nature duck keep paddling restlessly underneath but  appears smooth and calm on top.. this is the secret of success. Keep on working calmly unless you succeed,

I would like to share Another story from the book in review that will make you realize many opportunities are lost just because of indecision,

Once someone asked a farmer if he had planted wheat for the season?? The farmer replied “No, I was afraid it wouldn’t rain”. Then the man asked  ” Did you planted corn”??The farmer replied ” I was afraid of insects eating one corn”. Then the man asked ” what did you plant”?? The farmer said ,” nothing, I played it safe”.

Moral is that, we lost many opportunities because of our foolishness. We have to take opportunity, we have to take the risk if we want to succeed , we have to plough or saw the seed of we want to enjoy the delicious fruit.  The road of success is always under construction of your determination.

Some Quotes From ”You Can Win Book”

Some motivational quotes from the book “You can win” that will shake your consciousness are,

“An uneducated thief may steal good things from the train, but an educated one may steal the entire train. We need to compete for knowledge and wisdom not for grades”

”Motivation is like fire, unless you Keep adding fuel to it, it dies. Your fuel is your belief in your inner values”

“Success doesn’t mean  an absence of problem, it is overcoming problems”

” success is not measured how high we go up in life,but how many times we bounce back when we fall down”

” The greatest gift the human have is the ability to think”

People choose to ignore the spirit and derive the meaning that is convenient to them Such people have tied this phrase to selfishness and I am sure that was not intent. The always forgot that we don’t live in isolation what you do effects me and what I do effects you we are connected. We have to realize we are sharing this planet we must learn to behave responsibly. There are two kinds of people in this world taker and givers takers eat well givers sleep well. Givers have high esteem and positive attitude they serve society.


This book “you can win” step by step tool for achievers was originally published in 1998.

This book is a basic step towards your success it is full to wisdom , life stories of successful personalities, example, experiences and it helps to dispel your confusion and clarify your attitude towards success. It creates a link between failure and success and gives you a compression between winners and losers.

You will be surprised to know that Losers in academic life became the most successful persons in their professional life. By just in believing on their will power and determination. I would again say that,

” Winner do not do different things, they do things differently”


Shiv khera is an Indian author and a motivational speaker he is also an educator, business consultant and a successful entrepreneur. He is an author of 14 books but his international bestseller book is ” you can win,”

“You Can Win” has sold 3.5 million copies in 21 different languages. In the Book, a saying of Winston Churchill is quoted:

Success is not final ; failure is not fetal,it is the courage to continue that counts Winston Churchill

It explains the supreme quality of a winner success isn’t always greatness,it is about consistency. Any fact we are facing is not as important as our attitude towards it, for that determines our success or failure.


The main idea of the book is that,

A winner is someone who accept  a win or a loss with the same temperment. For him/ her it doesn’t matter he / she win or loss the thing that matter is what they learn from it or what behavior and strategy they adopt. A winner is Never alone in Winning a game,its rather the people who stand by her or make him a winner, its his devotion who make him winner.

Winner are those who came forward and embrace the failure in manly manner. It meany strategy and  planning makes a man winner or champion everyone works hard but winners work strategically they prefer smart work they overcome their weaknesses they are compassionate and believe in “Do or Do not there is not to try”

''YOU CAN WIN'' Book By Shiv Khera | Book Review

Review of “You Can Win” book ends

I would like to complete this Review of Book ”You Can Win” with the words of Success,

“Behind every successful person there’s a lot of unsuccessful year, so every success is an admission ticket to a set of new decisions”.


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You Can Win Summary, Review, And Quotes

You Can Win Summary  by  Shiv Khera teaches you why you must have a value system in your life. It also gives you an idea about basic concepts like self-esteem and real education.

Who Should Read ‘You Can Win Summary’? And Why?

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Those looking to get a holistic idea of the self-improvement niche should read this book summary.

Why should you read this book summary?

In this summary, you’ll learn various concepts about life, like why it’s essential to have the right environment, proper education, self-esteem, vision, mission, etc.

Get the book: Check the price on Amazon

About the author

Shiv Khera

Shiv Khera is an author and a business consultant. According to his website, he has sold more than 8 million copies of his books.

He’s also “one of the most sought-after speakers.”

You Can Win Summary (PDF)

In this summary, I will give you all the lessons I’ve learned from ‘You Can Win’ by Shiv Khera.

Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Key Lesson #1: Build Your Attitude Right

build your attitude right banner

“Attitude” is one of those words that keeps popping up repeatedly.

Yes, it’s that important. Most successful people get their attitude right before they become successful.

Your attitude is determined by how you think and behave.

It will help if you keep the right attitude while facing any circumstance.

Often the people you surround yourself with affect your attitude.

That’s why you should protect your mind from harmful influences.

The author suggests that you spend time with total quality people (TQP) who have goals and ambitions.

This way, you’ll learn valuable things like good character and values from them.

Also, it’d add substance to your character.

In Attitude Is Everything, Jeff Keller discussed a similar thing.

He explained how one could alter his life by changing his attitude.

Your attitude serves as a foundation. And by having a solid foundation, you make sure that other things fall in the right place.

Can a building with a weak foundation survive turbulence from an earthquake?

The same is with us.

How come a person with the wrong attitude could survive the problems in life?

Attitude also affects your outlook on life.

For instance, when subjected to the same problem, two people might react differently depending on how they see the problem.

This is how attitude determines the level of success a person would achieve in his life.

Suggested Reading: Attitude Is Everything Summary

Key Lesson #2: Understand The Factors That Affect Your Attitude

Various factors affect your attitude, but the main factors are:

  • Environment.

The environment  could be taken care of by surrounding yourself with TQP. (Discussed already.)

Experience  is gained over time. By building a community with TQP, you’ll enrich your experience.

Education  also determines your attitude to a large extent. For example, if you read many self-help books, your worldview would differ from an average person’s.

Building the right attitude is like building the proper foundation of a house. So make sure that you aren’t messing this up.

Insight : There are plenty of  book summaries and articles on this website (like the one you’re reading). Read them all to enrich yourself with valuable insights, which will further help you set the right attitude.

Key Lesson #3: Don’t Fake It

don't fake it

Heard the advice, “Fake it till you make it.”?

This is one of the worst pieces of advice ever. Why? Because you can’t fake anything for a long time. You can’t pretend every time by putting on a fake personality.

The only way to improve your personality is to add substance to it.

For instance, if you wish to have a charming personality, then work for it.

You won’t become charming by faking. Do exercise, read books, do exciting things, work with amazing people…

Knowing this would help you in developing and maintaining the right mindset.

You can’t build a proper attitude by thinking only, and worst — pretending.

Key Lesson #4: Choose a positive attitude over the negative one

Positive Or Negative: Which Type Of Attitude Is The Best?

You always have a choice. So it’s up to you what attitude you choose.

According to the author, you should stick with a positive attitude.

A positive attitude helps you stay more productive, reduces stress, encourages you to be a problem solver, and improves the quality of your life.

And conversely, a negative attitude do you more harm than good and often leads you to resentment.

Key Lesson #5: Embrace The Change

embrace the change banner

Why do you think most people stick to a negative attitude despite knowing that it’s harmful to them?

That’s because their natural tendency is to resist change.

No one wants to change. Because ‘change’ often requires you to leave your comfort zone and do things you’ve never done before.

As discussed already, not adapting to the change causes more problems.

So embrace the change. Set your attitude right. Solve your problems for good. F*ck the negative attitude.

At least develop a desire to change your attitude and make it right.

Stop blaming others for your problems!

The choice is yours, whether you want to keep blaming the world or change your life for good with the right attitude and action.

Key Lesson #6: Have The “Do It Now” Attitude

do it now banner

These three words, if followed, could change your whole life.

Most people live with the “Do it later” attitude rather than the “Do it now” attitude.

Procrastination is a significant problem these days.

The author says that your energy drains faster than usual when you procrastinate. You should do things without wasting your time. That way, you’ll feel more energized with a sense of achievement.

But people with negative attitudes barely get above the point. They keep procrastinating. And as a result, they regret it later.

Just do it. Don’t procrastinate and delay your success!

Key Lesson #7: “Utilize Your Present To The Fullest”

There is no point in blaming. (I hope you got the last point.)

The thing is: For better or worse, you are here now on this planet to survive.

You’ve got to do your best at any moment or utilize your time to its fullest. This is what people with a positive attitude do.

They live in the present moment and do what they can do in the best possible way.

Living in the present doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve to ignore the past and future altogether. That’s not even possible, considering the big memory bank you have in your head.

The idea is to use your time in the best possible way. And to do that, you’ll have to plan, of course. Often people fail to get this idea right.

Note : You’ll need to stop procrastinating to apply this learning.

Key Lesson #8: Education Is More Than You Think

If you’re reading this summary, you probably know what real education is.

There is a lot of fuss about academic qualifications and degrees when people talk about education.

Especially, things like character building and teachings related to morals and ethics are entirely ignored or underestimated compared to technical knowledge.

Is the education system following the right approach? Why are there walking failures in our society who don’t understand moral values and lack humanity?

That’s because education today focuses on filling the information in our brains.

Most so-called educated people are like living encyclopedias who can’t even handle their sh*t. (Sorry for the slang!)

Here is what the author says about education:

“True education is training of both the head and the heart.” Shiv Khera

Only by working on both head and heart do you become educated for real.

Real education comes through real-life experiences. An educated person is competent enough to use his skills in the right circumstances.

Even if you’re a post-graduate on a topic, it doesn’t matter unless you know how to put that knowledge to use.

Remember that:

“Knowledge is only potential power.” Unknown

How do you know if you’re educated?

I bet the author isn’t entirely against acquiring academic qualifications.

The point is:

Instead of deluding yourself by reading a few books and calling it a day, ask critical questions to yourself. Here are a few questions you could try:

  • Am I able to apply the things I’ve learned?
  • Do I understand the concept properly?
  • What value did I get from my academic course?
  • Am I able to understand the human side of the studied concept?

My advice : Don’t limit yourself to books. Look what’s happening in the real world. Learn how to put your knowledge to use. And make this world a better place.

Key Lesson #9: Never Underestimate The Power Of Common Sense

education is nothing without common sense

Education is nothing without common sense.

Often people believe that common sense is an ordinary thing. But the author says that common sense in abundance is actually wisdom.

You don’t need fancy degrees or qualifications to call yourself wise. Wisdom comes automatically when common sense is applied and accumulated in life.

Common sense gives you the ability to think and differentiate between good and evil. So use it every time you make a decision.

In fact, not using this extreme power would lead you to failure. You’ll regret not using common sense when you needed to.

Many people lose their credentials, become victims to hackers, and lose their money.

If only those people start using common sense and avoid downloading malicious files to their laptops or PCs, they will prevent such tragedies.

What’s more, academic education doesn’t teach you to use common sense.

Takeaway : Avoid being ignorant. Learn to apply common sense in every aspect of your life.

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You Can Win Quotes

Here are some of my favorite quotes from You Can Win by Shiv Khera:

“Think only the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. ~ Shiv Khera
“Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others.” ~ Shiv Khera
“Never leave till tomorrow which you can do today.” ~Benjamin Franklin
“Count your blessings, not your troubles.” ~Shiv Khera
“True education is training of both the head and the heart.” ~Shiv Khera

You Can Win Book Review

I read this book on my mobile. Well, this is a long one. It isn’t for those who struggle to understand lengthy books.

What kind of book is ‘You Can Win’?

This book felt similar to Robin Sharma’s Who Will Cry When You Die as it gives a holistic view of various concepts like vision, values, education, environment, and much more.

I already knew many things that are taught in this book. That’s because I read this kind of stuff all the time.

But if you’re a beginner and don’t even have the slightest clue about various aspects of life, you should read this book.

Buy: Purchase this book on Amazon.

Want to keep reading?

Read related summaries. I’d suggest you read these summaries:

  • Book Summary: Attitude Is Everything by Jeff Keller
  • Book Summary: Who Will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma

If you’ve already read them, try reading them on Blinkist. It’s a non-fiction book summary app that gives you insights from over 4500 books.

Plus, you get to listen to author podcasts and shows too.

👉 Click here to start Blinkist 7-days Free Trial 

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You Can Win Book Summary By Shiv Khera

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Get You Can Win book summary by Shiv Khera in which he focuses on personal growth as the key element required to be successful in any and every area of life.

Being a self-help book lover, recently I finished an amazing book You Can Win written by an Indian author Shiv Khera.

In this book, the author talks about different aspects of life like attitude, success, habits, qualities of winners, positivity, responsibility and more.

The book is divided into 13 chapters and each chapter works as a stepping stone to living a more meaningful life.

I learned a lot from this book and want to share book summary to my readers.

You Can Win Book Summary:

1. Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind.

2. Opportunities are always our feet. We don’t have to go anywhere.

3. A Right decision at the wrong time becomes the wrong decision.

4. Every problem comes with an equal or greater opportunity for success.

5. People are more valuable than capital or equipment.

6. People can be your biggest asset or your biggest liability.

7. People with negative attitudes become a liability to society.

8. You have to accept responsibility for your behavior and actions.

9. Start looking for what is right in a person or situation instead of looking for what is wrong.

10. Think only of the best, work only for the best, expect only the best.

11. Spend time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others.

12. Life is a One Way Street. There is no rewind button.

13. Count your blessings, not your troubles.

14. Procrastination is an escapist attitude.

15. Intellectual education influences the head and value-based education influences the heart.

16. True education is training of both the head and the heart.

17. Knowledge is piling up facts, wisdom is to find them.

18. Learning is a lot like eating. It not how much we eat that matters, but what really matters is how much we digest.

19. Some people accumulate ignorance and then confuse it with education.

20. Self esteem is the way we feel about ourselves.

21. There is a direct correlation between our feelings and our behavior.

22. Whenever we do something positive in life even if no one is watching, we rise a little bit in our own eyes .

23. Do what feels good.

24. Takers eat well and givers sleep well.

25. If you associate with negative people, you will become one.

26. Don’t let negative people drag you down.

28. The greatest job security is performance.

29. You need to keep your mind on what you want not on what you don’t want.

30. The common man seeks security, wheres the uncommon man seeks opportunity.

31. If you really want to succeed, form the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do.

32. Success is not an absence of problem, it is overcoming them.

33. When we eat too much, we make a choice to be overweight.

34. We are all free to the point of making choices. But after we make a choice the choice controls the chooser.

35. A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment.

36. There are no ideal circumstances.

37. When things go wrong, negative people play the blame game.

38. Most people want to win in life but very few are willing to pay the price to prepare to win.

39. Great talent without will power and hard work is a waste.

40. Positive thinking with positive efforts and actions increases our probability of success.

41. Half-hearted effort does not produce half result, it produces no results.

42. Learning does not come by reading or memorizing the principles that lead to success but by understanding and applying them.

43. There is no shortcuts in life.

44. Faith without action is delusion.

45. It is easy to be average but tough to be the best.

46. Achievers who want to ensure success, work smartly.

47. The bigger the obstacle, the greater the opportunity.

48. Inspiration is thinking and motivation is action.

49. The greatest motivator is belief.

50. One must be internally driven in order to be success.

51. Our opinion of ourselves critically influences everything, in every walk of life.

52. You cannot perform beyond the boundaries of your self-concept, whatever those boundaries may be.

53. Loneliness is the pain of being alone, solitude is the pleasure of being alone.

54. Unless a person is at peace with himself, he cannot be at peace with others.

55. We cannot give to others what we don’t have.

56. In order to support physically and emotionally one needs to be strong both physically and emotionally.

57. Feeling good is a natural outcome of doing good and doing good is a natural outcome of being good.

58. Technology and technicians you can always buy with money, but the wealthiest person must build relationships.

59. People don’t care how much you know, they want to know how much you care.

60. When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.

61. Ego gives a swollen head while pride gives a swollen heart.

62. Don’t let others pollute your mind.

63. Refrain from indulging in gossip. Remember, small talk comes out of big mouths.

64. We get back in life what we give to others.

65. There is more gratification in being a caring person than in just being a nice person.

66. Courteous behavior once learned stays for life.

67. Rudeness is the weak men’s imitation of strength.

68. Sympathy is “I understand how you feel.”, empathy is “I feel how you feel.”

69. If you want to achieve greatness in life, strive to be good.

70. We are what we repeatedly do.

71. Excellence is not an act but a habit.

72. Only perfect practice makes perfect.

73. The habit starts by being too weak to be felt and ends up becoming too strong to be broken.

74. So long as you have your eyes on the goal, you don’t see obstacles.

75. When you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.

76. Our short term and mid-term goals must lead us to our purpose to achieve what is called alignment.

77. Winners see objectives, losers see obstacles.

78. Goals without action are just dreams.

79. If everyone made a small difference, we would end up with a big difference.

80. A promise is an agreement with the world, whereas commitment is an agreement with oneself.

81. A purposeless life is a living death.

82. Most of us just exist and keep counting our days rather than making our days count.

83. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

84. Our greatest responsibility is pass on a legacy the coming generations can be proud of.

85. Input determines output.

86. Good listening brings people together.

87. Associating with people of high moral character helps to build self-esteem.

88. Personality opens the doors, the character keeps it open.

89. The choice of words and tact are important.

90. Make yourself an honest man and then you may be sure there is one rascal less in the world.

91. Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation stone of all friendships.

92. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

93. An Autosuggestion is a positive statement of the kind of person we want to be.

94. When a person repeats a belief, it becomes a reality.

95. Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently.

The whole book is loaded with lots of learning and above are just few of them.

I recommend you to buy and read this amazing book and share your learning with me in the comment section below.

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You Can Win by Shiv Khera: Book Review and Summary

  • March 11, 2023

Dr Gowri Prabhu

You Can Win by Shiv Khera: Book Review and Summary

What is this book about?

“You Can Win” is a self-help book by Shiv Khera . It helps achieve success in personal and professional life by providing practical advice and motivational stories. It develops readers’ mindset and skills to achieve their goals.

Who should read this book?

“You Can Win” has practical advice, anecdotes, and inspiring stories. It benefits people from various walks of life, including students, entrepreneurs, and working professionals. It helps increase productivity, leadership, and communication skills, and develops a positive attitude and self-confidence.

Top quotes from the book :

  • Winners see the gain; losers see the pain
  • Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently
  • Looking for the positive does not necessarily mean overlooking faults. being a positive thinker does not mean one has to agree or accept everything. It only means that a person is solution-focused
  • Ability will get you success; character will keep you successful
  • A person’s character is judged not only by the company they keep but also by the company they avoid

You may find this helpful: 7 ways to Build a Positive attitude

Take-home messages: Summary

  • According to the author, a person’s attitude is a factor that can contribute to their success. Harvard University conducted a study that suggests 85% of people are employed due to their attitude, while only 15% are employed based on their intelligence or cleverness.
  • If people fail to recognize an opportunity, they often complain of noise when it comes knocking. Furthermore, the author suggests that an opportunity never presents itself in the same way twice. While the next opportunity may be superior or inferior to the previous one, it will never be identical.
  • Our attitude is primarily influenced by three key factors, which are our environment, experiences, and education. The environment includes our homes, our school, and our society. Our attitude also becomes positive if we have a positive experience with people. The author discusses both formal and informal education in the context of gaining wisdom and achieving success, emphasizing that education encompasses more than just academic qualifications or degrees.
  • When you procrastinate, your energy depletes at a faster rate than usual, and it is essential to take action without wasting time. Doing so can result in a sense of accomplishment and increased energy. However, people with negative attitudes tend to struggle with this, often succumbing to procrastination and subsequently experiencing regret.
  • Persistence represents a strong will and obstinacy represents a strong won’t. Most people fail not because they lack knowledge, but because they quit halfway.
  • People who risk nothing, do nothing and have nothing. Take risks but don’t gamble. While risk-takers move ahead with their eyes open, gamblers shoot in the dark.
  • Self-esteem is essential to succeed in life. It’s a belief in oneself and abilities. The book shows that low self-esteem hinders growth, while high self-esteem boosts confidence, motivation, and success.

You may find this helpful: How to Avoid Procrastination?

There is a lot more you can learn from this book and I recommend that you read it at least once.

Overall, “You Can Win” is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their personal or professional life. While it may not offer a comprehensive solution to all of life’s challenges, the book provides a solid foundation of principles and strategies for achieving success. I will rate this book 9/10.

Buy the book here: You Can Win

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Book Review: ‘You Can Win’ by Shiv Khera - A Step by Step Guide Towards Success and Glory

Source - Amazon

“Winners don’t do different things. They do things differently.”

The author puts the readers swiftly at the beginning of the road to success. As we proceed further we see that the book serves enough energy boosters in our run by providing action plans after every chapter that assesses us completely. 

The author makes a point, gives a logical explanation and then makes it persuading by narrating stories, jokes, quotations, and giving testimonials for the same.

They are something you can relate to and are out of absolute experience. The author in sensible way gives his readers a winning edge.


Book's Title - You Can Win 

Author - Shiv Khera

Genre - Self Help Book

Language - English

About the Book

In this Book the author focuses on personal growth as the key element required being successful in any and every area of life. He states the importance of having a positive attitude to conquer the barriers on the road to success.

He uses several anecdotes and examples to elucidate such concepts. The book seeks to dispel the sources of confusion that are more or less common in everyone’s life.

For beginners it is a real treat. The book presents an approach to contemporary thinking. It helps to clarify values. It is a construction manual for success. It describes the tools you will need for success and Offers blueprints to help you build a successful and rewarding life. 

On the other hand, it is a cookbook. It lists the ingredients i.e. the principles you will need to follow to become successful and gives you the recipe for mixing them in the correct proportions. 

But, above all, this is a guidebook: a step by step approach that will take you from dreaming about success to unlocking your potential for success. This self help book motivates to have a positive attitude in life.

About the Author

Shiv Khera is an Indian author, activist and motivational speaker. He launched a movement against caste-based reservation in India, founded an organization called Country First Foundation, and started the Bharatiya Rashtravadi Samanta Party. In 2004, he lost in a bid as an independent candidate for the South Delhi constituency in India's general election. 

He also filed several public interest lawsuits in the Indian Supreme Court and unsuccessfully contested the country's 2009 general election.

Khera founded Country First Foundation, a social activism organization whose mission is "to ensure freedom through education and justice". 

He has taken his dynamic personal messages all round the globe, from the US to Singapore and to India. His common sense approach and deeply held beliefs have motivated countless people to mend their attitudes. He has 20 years of research understanding and experience has helped people on the path of personal growth and fulfillment.

Synopsis - Spoiler Alert!

Shiv Khera says that the first step to alter our lives is to adopt a positive attitude in life; whatever be our profession without getting into any self-help jargon, he concentrates on developing the 'self' or one's personality there are chapters on building one's self -esteem, important of interpersonal skills, personality traits, positive habits and goal setting.

It is divided into eleven chapters. The author begins by outlining the role of attitude in achieving success. He goes on to teach the reader how to build confidence by mastering positive thinking.

He also writes about topics like self-defeating behaviour, self-esteem, and interpersonal skills.

Khera stresses on the need for being proactive, i.e. taking control of things instead of being controlled by them. He details strategies for winning, building a positive personality, turning weaknesses into strengths, motivating oneself and others, and forming positive habits and character. 

He helps the reader learn how to build mutually respectful and loyal relationships with people. The last couple of chapters of the book cover topics like setting and achieving goals, and doing the right things for the right reasons.

The author insists that being successful does not mean much unless one is a good human being too. 

Learning Outcomes

Build confidence by mastering the seven steps to positive thinking

Be successful by turning weaknesses into strengths

Gain credibility by doing the right things for the right reasons

Take charge by controlling things instead of letting them control you

Build trust by developing mutual respect with people around you · Accomplish more by removing the barriers to effectiveness

Personal Verdict

It's an easy-to-read, practical, common-sense guide that will take you from ancient wisdom to modern-day thinking. You Can Win helps you to establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose, and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It guarantees, as the title suggests, a lifetime of success. 

The book enables you to translate positive thinking into attitude, ambition and action to give you the winning edge.

This book is a storehouse of inspiration and knowledge. The book contains the golden rules for achieving success. It also inspires the readers to become good human beings. Being successful is not the only achievement. 

The book strives to instill sterling qualities of head and heart that are the indispensable characteristics of a good human being. The book helps the readers in achieving success and building pleasant personalities.

The Bottom Line

You Can Win, an international bestseller, was released in 1998. It has been translated into sixteen languages and has sold over two million copies worldwide.

What strikes one is Khera’s writing style. He goes on to illustrate every bit with an interesting and engrossing story, followed by a moral.

These morals make the leader believe nothing is impossible. So, it’s all about getting together the right recipe for success through the way of life.

In all, a beautiful book with stories, anecdotes which can help a person rise to any situation not just professionally but can on a personal level. You can win is a must read for people in the corporate world, as much as it is for the common man.

So, sharpen your claws and get going in life!

Buy your own copy from Amazon - You Can Win

Written By - Resmita Barai 

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How Trump could replace JD Vance if the Ohioan's terrible polling continues

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  • It's technically possible for Trump to replace him, but nothing like that has occurred in over 50 years.

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Sen. JD Vance of Ohio has had a rough week and a half since he was announced as former President Donald Trump's vice-presidential candidate . While Trump insists he's sticking with Vance, the senator's poor polling combined with Vice President Kamala Harris' momentum has led some to ask: Could Trump replace Vance? And if so, how would it work? For those wondering, the answers lie in recent history and the fine print of Republican Party rules.

It's still technically possible that Trump could choose a new No. 2. But such a decision would have to happen very soon.

The Democratic and Republican National Committees have separate rules governing how they fill vacancies of presidential or vice-presidential nominees. Under Rule 9, the Republican National Committee explains how it fills a vice-presidential vacancy "which may occur as the result of death, declination, or otherwise."

The rule allows the party to reconvene its national convention if it chooses or to move ahead with a vote of the smaller group of Republican National Committee members who would determine Vance's replacement.

It would be a race against the clock

Time arguably poses more complications than the specific rules, says Amy Dacey, a former CEO of the Democratic National Committee who's now the executive director of the Sine Institute of Policy & Politics at American University.

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"I think sometimes what people forget is that people start voting in September," Dacey told Business Insider. "There's an early vote in some states in September. So this is not just a November election. And the worst-case scenario would be for your nominees not to appear on a ballot in a state."

Crucially, the rule explicitly applies to a scenario in which Vance voluntarily steps aside, says Kenneth Mayer, a recently retired political-science professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He told BI there was no precedent for forcibly ripping the nomination away from a vice-presidential candidate after the convention.

Mayer also said impending state deadlines posed a significant issue, and the complications would only snowball once ballots were printed. It would be, he said, "extraordinarily disruptive" both logistically and politically to replace Vance as the vice-presidential nominee.

Vance has had a rocky start to joining the ticket

Among Vance's biggest problems are his numbers — a CNN polling analysis found he was the least-liked vice-presidential candidate on the heels of their convention since 1980.

In a survey that Punchbowl News conducted at the Republican National Convention, almost 80% of staffers and leaders said they disapproved of the Vance pick. Most of those asked said Trump should have gone with Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia instead.

Though Trump has consistently stated his support for Vance, reports say some in his orbit are questioning whether the Ohioan was a wise pick now that Harris will almost certainly be the Democratic presidential nominee.

Trump has faced similar situation before. In 2020, there were rumors he would replace former Vice President Mike Pence on his ticket. Trump denied those reports. "If I did, that would be a great act of disloyalty because he's been great," he said.

A representative for Vance declined to comment on the record, and Trump's team didn't immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment.

Trump reaffirmed his support for Vance on Thursday, telling Fox News that Vance was "doing a great job."

"He is fantastic. No, it wouldn't have mattered," Trump said when asked whether knowing about Harris' candidacy would have changed his strategy.

There's been only one modern example of such an extraordinary move occurring

Left unsaid is that if a president or presidential hopeful were to replace their running mate, it would become an immediate scandal, one that risks overshadowing an entire election. Democrats did as much in 1972 when George McGovern dropped his vice-presidential nominee, Sen. Thomas Eagleton of Missouri, after only 18 days together on the ticket.

Eagleton resigned under pressure after the public found out he'd been treated for depression. The debacle is in part responsible for the extensive vetting process that modern vice-presidential picks endure, as McGovern selected Eagleton at the last minute and with little scrutiny.

Politics and journalism have undergone seismic shifts in the half-century since the Eagleton episode, but a similar level of chaos and speculation would probably arise should Trump make a similar choice.

"Rule Nine and the RNC rules don't cover what the practicality of this would be and how it would affect the Trump campaign," Mayer said. "It would be hugely damaging. It's just hard to recover from something like that."

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KB5042421: CrowdStrike issue impacting Windows endpoints causing an 0x50 or 0x7E error message on a blue screen


Microsoft has identified an issue impacting Windows endpoints that are running the CrowdStrike Falcon agent. These endpoints might encounter error messages 0x50 or 0x7E on a blue screen and experience a continual restarting state.

We have received reports of successful recovery from some customers attempting multiple restart operations on affected Windows endpoints.

We are working with CrowdStrike to provide the most up-to-date information available on this issue. Please check back for updates on this ongoing issue. 

Important:  We have released a USB tool to help automate this manual repair process. For more information, see  New recovery tool to help with CrowdStrike issue impacting Windows devices .

To resolve this issue, follow these instructions for your version of Windows.

Hold the power button for 10 seconds to turn off your device and then press the power button again to turn on your device.

On the Windows sign-in screen, press and hold the  Shift key while you select  Power >  Restart .

Choose an option

Restart your device. Note  You may be asked to enter your  BitLocker recovery key . When the device restarts, continue pressing F4 and then it will log you in to safe mode. Please note, for some devices, you need to press F11 to log in through safe mode.

Once in safe mode, right-click Start , click  Run , type  cmd  in the Open box, and then click OK .

If your system drive is different than C:\, type C: and then press Enter . This will switch you to the C:\ drive.

Type the following command and then press Enter:

CD C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike

Note In this example, C is your system drive. This will change to the CrowdStrike directory.

Once in the CrowdStrike directory, locate the file matching “C-00000291*.sys”. To do this, type the following command and then press Enter :

dir C-00000291*.sys

Permanently delete the file(s) found. To do this, type the following command and then press Enter .

del C-00000291*.sys

Manually search for any files that match “C-00000291*.sys” and delete them.

Restart your device.

On the Windows sign-in screen, press and hold the  Shift  key while you select  Power   >  Restart .

Choose an option

Restart your device. Note  You may be asked to enter your  BitLocker recovery key .

When the device restarts, continue pressing F4 and then it will log you in to safe mode.

Once in safe mode, right-click Start , click  Run , type  cmd  in the Open box, and then click  OK .

Type in the following command and then press Enter :

Note  In this example C is your system drive. This will change to the CrowdStrike directory.

Recovery methods

If you receive the Windows Recovery screen, use one of the following methods to recover your device.

Method 1: Use Enable safe mode

Hold the power button for 10 seconds to turn off your device and thenpress the power button again to turn on your device.

On the Windows sign-in screen, press and hold the  Shift  key while you select  Power >   Restart .

After your device restarts to the  Choose an option  screen, select  Troubleshoot  >  Advanced options  >  Startup Settings  >  Enable safe mode . Then, restart your device. Note  You might be asked to enter your  BitLocker recovery key . When the device restarts, continue pressing F4 and then it will log you in to safe mode. Please note, for some devices, you need to press F11 to log in through safe mode.

If the screen asks for a BitLocker recovery key, use your phone and log on to . Log on with your Email ID and domain account password to find the BitLocker recovery key associated with your device. To locate your BitLocker recovery key, click Manage Devices > View Bitlocker Keys > Show recovery key .

Command Prompt

If your system drive is different than C:\, type C: and then press  Enter . This will switch you to the C:\ drive.

Type the following command and then press Enter :

Tip:  CD C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike

Note  In this example, C is your system drive. This will change to the CrowdStrike directory.

After your device restarts to the  Choose an option  screen, select  Troubleshoot  >  Advanced options  >  Startup Settings  >  Enable safe mode .  Then restart your device again. Note  You might be asked to enter your  BitLocker recovery key . When the device restarts, continue pressing F4 and then it will log you into safe mode. Please note, for some devices, you need to press F11 to log in through safe mode.

If the screen asks for a BitLocker recovery key, then use your phone and log on to . Log on with your Email ID and domain account password to find the bit locker recovery key associated with your device. To locate your BitLocker recovery key, click Manage Devices > View Bitlocker Keys > Show recovery key .

Select the name of the device where you see the BitLocker prompt. In the expanded window, select View BitLocker Keys . Go back to your device and input the BitLocker key that you see on your phone or secondary device.

Safe Mode Command Prompt

Note  In this example, C is your system drive. This will change to the CrowdStrike directory.

Method 2: Use System Restore

After your device restarts to the  Choose an option  screen, select  Troubleshoot  >  Advanced options  >  System Restore .

If the screen asks for a BitLocker recovery key, use your phone and log on to . Login with your email id and domain account password to find the bit locker recovery key associated with your device. To locate your BitLocker recovery key, click Manage Devices > View Bitlocker Keys > Show recovery key .

Command Prompt

Click Next  on System Restore.

Select the Restore option in the list, click  Next , and then click  Finish .

Click Yes  to confirm the restore. Note  This will perform just the Windows system restore and personal data should not be impacted. This process might take up to 15 minutes to complete.

If the screen asks for a BitLocker recovery key, use your phone and log on to . Log in with your Email ID and domain account password to find the bit locker recovery key associated with your device. To locate your BitLocker recovery key, click Manage Devices > View Bitlocker Keys > Show recovery key .

Select the Restore option in the list, click Next , and then click  Finish .​​​​​​​

Contact CrowdStrike

If after following the above steps, if you still experience issues logging into your device, please reach out to CrowdStrike for additional assistance.

Start your PC in safe mode in Windows

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The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. We make no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.

We provide third-party contact information to help you find technical support. This contact information may change without notice. We do not guarantee the accuracy of this third-party contact information.


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Full recap of the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony

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Olympics opening ceremony takes place in Paris

The 2024 Paris Olympics got underway on Friday with a unique opening ceremony on the river Seine which divided opinion on a chaotic day in France.

Hundreds of thousands of spectators braved heavy downpours to line the banks of the Seine for the first opening ceremony of a Games to take place outside of a stadium.

They were entertained by a flotilla of barges carrying more than 6,000 athletes and musical performances from the likes of Lady Gaga and Celine Dion, who gave her first public performance since revealing she is living with a rare neurological disorder called stiff-person syndrome.

But the ceremony was overshadowed by a series of attacks on the country’s high-speed rail network earlier in the day . The state-owned railway operator SNCF said timetables would be severely impacted all weekend and has urged all travelers to postpone their journeys.

A walk along the Seine for the Olympic opening ceremony, where the joy was back

A walk along the Seine for the Olympic opening ceremony, where the joy was back

Lauren Merola

The top boats that took to the Seine for the ceremony

The boats are docked, the cauldron is lit and the 2024 Olympic Games are officially underway.

The opening ceremony was not held in a stadium for the first time in Olympic history, as the Seine entertained 85 boats.

Greece and France were the bookends of the floating parade. Greece is always the first nation to start the “parade of nations” in the Olympic opening ceremony as an ode to the country that created the Games.

The host then country closes out the procession.

All the boats passed under 24 of the 37 bridges along the River Seine, according to the NBC broadcast. Some were large, some were small. Some hauled hundreds of athletes while others held a handful.

Therefore, here were the most eye-catching cruisers of the opening ceremony.

Paris 2024 river parade: Top boats of the Olympic opening ceremony on the Seine

Paris 2024 river parade: Top boats of the Olympic opening ceremony on the Seine


Tess DeMeyer

Post-ceremony job 1: correct the flag?

A real horse led by a rider dressed in a metallic Joan of Arc-inspired outfit, walked to deliver the folded Olympic flag to the Palace du Trocadero stage.

The flag was then hoisted above the Trocadero…although eagle-eyed fans noticed the flag was accidentally hung upside down.

Best moments of 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony: Teddy Riner, Marie-José Pérec light the torch, Celine Dion and more

Best moments of 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony: Teddy Riner, Marie-José Pérec light the torch, Celine Dion and more

Michael Bailey

An iconic view over Paris

An iconic view over Paris

Getty Images

Imagine conceiving this idea, and finally getting to see it in real life over the French capital’s skyline.

Here, the Olympic flame held aloft by a hot-air balloon is flanked by the Eiffel Tower to its left and the Arc de Triomphe to its right.

USA’s jeans, Mongolia’s deels and Canada’s red on red

USA’s jeans, Mongolia’s deels and Canada’s red on red

Still intrigued by some of the outfits you saw bobbing up and down on the River Seine earlier? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

This is good fun from the excellent Caoimhe O’Neill on the fashion show that was an 85-boat flotilla trundling through Paris. It’s all yours and may well inspire your next shopping trip. Maybe.

Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremony outfits: USA’s jeans, Mongolia’s deels and Canada’s red on red

Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremony outfits: USA’s jeans, Mongolia’s deels and Canada’s red on red

A walk along the Seine...where the joy was back

You will have seen updates in here from our own brilliant writer Matthew Futterman , as he stood and waited for the opening ceremony to unfold before him.

Well, he has written his piece. This is how it starts:

📝 PARIS — There was noise, the kind only a throng of humanity can sound.

How big a throng?

Four-miles-long-and-30-deep-on-both-sides-of-the-river big.

Hundreds of thousands lined the Seine, that river of rivers snaking through the French capital…as thousands of athletes floated by on boats and barges, waving flags and arms and clinging to each other in ways that conjured that dark memory of a time when none of this was possible.

I now want to read the rest of M atthew ’s writing, and I’m sure you do too. Just follow the link below.

The pick of the moments from the opening ceremony

The pick of the moments from the opening ceremony

From the piano playing of Lady Gaga to a heavy metal Les Mis tribute, a horsewoman riding the Seine and a GOAT boat.

We saw it all through almost four hours of spectacle in the French capital, welcoming the 2024 Paris Olympics.

And you can catch up on all those remarkable moments, in this cracking piece from Tess DeMeyer below. Enjoy!

Now for the real deal

Now for the real deal

If you thought the opening ceremony was fun, then wait until you start getting stuck into the actual sport.

In truth we’ve already seen some, with the soccer and rugby sevens among the sports providing a soft-launch to the Paris 2024 events. But with the Games now officially open, we get properly engrossed.

There is diving, fencing, road time-trial cycling, shooting, skateboard and swimming all on the bill for Saturday.

And even better news… You can follow all of it through The Athletic ’s Olympics coverage right here (click 'follow' in the top right hand corner).

Let’s the real fun and Games begin!

A fully French affair as the cauldron is lit

So after weeks of secrecy and hours of anticipation during the opening ceremony, it was Teddy Riner and Marie-Jose Perec revealed as the final co-torchbearers and honoree lighters of the Olympic cauldron.

A quintessential French choice to end a true extravaganza of an opening ceremony.

The flame was then lifted into the sky by a flying hot-air balloon, to mark the beginning of the 2024 Olympic Games.

You can read up on exactly how and why with the link below.

Teddy Riner, Marie-José Pérec jointly light Olympic cauldron to kick off 2024 Summer Games

Teddy Riner, Marie-José Pérec jointly light Olympic cauldron to kick off 2024 Summer Games

The ceremony closes, the iconic sights last

With the end of Celine Dion’s poignant performance and with tears in her eyes, that is the climax of the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony.

The hot-air balloon holding the Olympic flame in the Paris sky is a remarkable sight, with the shimmering Eiffel Tower a decent step back in the distance.

I can fully appreciate now why it took so long to get the torch back there.

The sight though… It is utterly spellbinding. What a brilliant piece of design and the sight you will see on all your media pages, social feeds and TV bulletins through the coming hours.

Well done, Paris. Well done.

The Brits knew it was coming

The Brits knew it was coming

X/TheAthletic shown on their boat earlier.

Where is Celine? You know where...

I forgot to say, Celine Dion is of course performing from under the Olympic rings plastered to the front of the Eiffel Tower.

But I reckon you’d probably guessed that was how it was happening.

The moment arrives and it is beautiful

The moment arrives and it is beautiful

Now then. Here we are. The oldest living French Olympian, 100-year-old Charles Coste, joins the group.

He passes the flame to three-time Olympic gold medaling judoka Teddy Riner and three-time Olympic track champion Marie-Jose Perec — both symbols of French sporting excellence — and they hand the flame to an incredible hot air balloon structure that takes the seven-meter-wide Olympic flame into the air.

This is truly an incredible sight, all playing out to the background music of Edith Piaf.

Simply spectacular. Beautifully French.

And then right on cue, Celine Dion signing in French. Et voila!

The torch guardians group grows and grows

The torch guardians group grows and grows

The accumulating crew of French athletes continues to grow, with handball star Allison Pineau the latest to lead the group — but in truth we’re picking up sports stars at an accelerating rate and it’s unlikely you’re all going to get a namecheck at this point. Sorry.

A whole new torch relay

A whole new torch relay

High fives to the crowd from Mauresmo as she carries the torch on land and back through and towards the Louvre.

The idea now seems to be to pass the torch through various French Olympians and Paralympians, as well as former NBA star and French-American, Tony Parker.

The jog through more French landmarks continues. But to where?

It’s a great question…

And so we wait

And so we wait

Well, the lightshow and lasers are continuing from the Eiffel Tower, and the boat is still trundling down the Seine.

As has just been pointed out to me, Rafael Nadal is due on court tomorrow and as it stands, he and a lot of other athletes are going to be having a late night at this rate.

Not the ideal preparation. I’m sure this isn’t the first time I’ve written that tonight either.

Anyway, the boat has finally docked and Amelie Mauresmo is on hand to take on the torch.

One more show for the road — or rather, water

One more show for the road — or rather, water

We are on our final performance of the opening ceremony, by the looks of it.

Supernature from Cerrone plays out, with a sign language performance by Shaheem Sanchez.

Fortunately, our super boat quartet are still enjoying themselves in their classy outfits and required life jackets.

Two more for the champion vessel

Two more for the champion vessel

Goodness me, you saw him earlier in this feed… Yes, Carl Lewis is also on this magic Olympic marvel of a boat — as well as Games icon, Nadia Comaneci.

A lot of sports titles weighing down that boat right now.

Serena gets the call and she is on the boat!

The Eiffel Tower glimmers in the Paris night. The crowd cheers to make up for the waiting.

Back to the Seine, as a motorboat trundles back down the river towards Palace du Tracadero.

Nadal is standing up in the boat, holding the torch and clinging to a pole that’s clearly there to help him stand up.

Nadal passes the torch to…

Serena Williams!


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