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(Answered) Week 2 Interactive Case Study Journal WCUDA NURS 440

Week 2 interactive case study journal wcuda nurs 440.

After you view the case study, reflect upon what you have learned and how it is related to the learning materials. Compare the case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your experience in which you might have run into staffing issues.

Submit your entry by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time). Your reflection content should be a minimum of 500 words, equal to five to six paragraphs, and is worth 50 points.

Criteria Ratings Pts
Critical Analysis

20 to >17.8 pts

17.8 to >15.0 pts

15 to >11.8 pts

11.8 to >0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content

15 to >13.35 pts

13.35 to >11.25 pts

11.25 to >8.85 pts

8.85 to >0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanics

10 to >8.9 pts

8.9 to >7.5 pts

7.5 to >5.9 pts

5.9 to >0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Format

5 to >4.45 pts

4.45 to >3.75 pts

3.75 to >2.95 pts

2.95 to >0 pts

Week 2 Interactive Case Study Journal WCUDA NURS 440 Answer

The nurse staffing issues have not started today. According to Huston (2021) , this is a problem that started in the 1990s when research that was done confirmed that having more registered nurses in the staffing mix and a ratio smaller RN-TO-patient resulted in patient outcomes improving. Even in 2010, the United States was reporting nursing shortages. The nursing staffing issue then reemerged in 2020 during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic where the older nurses had to retire early because they were more vulnerable to contracting the dangerous disease (Arends, 2020).

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Trends Journal 2

Week 2 Interactive Case Study Journal

· Due  No Due Date

· Points  50

· Submitting  a text entry box or a file upload

Click on this link to view the Staffing Issues Interactive Case Study.

After you view the case study, reflect upon what you have learned and how it is related to the learning materials. Compare the case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your experience in which you might have run into staffing issues.

Submit your entry by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time). Your reflection content should be a minimum of 500 words, equal to five to six paragraphs, and is worth 50 points.

NURS_440_OL - Case Study Rubric (1)

NURS_440_OL - Case Study Rubric (1)

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis

Presents an exemplary articulation and insightful analysis of significant concepts and/or theories presented in the case. Offers detailed and specific examples for all questions. Makes keen observations, making note of essential information provided in the case. Ideas are professionally sound and creative; they are supported by scientific evidence that is credible and timely. Draws insightful and comprehensive conclusions and solutions.

Presents an accurate analysis of significant concepts and/or theories presented in the case. Offers some detail and some examples for most questions. Makes occasional note of essential information provided in the case. Ideas are mostly supported by scientific evidence that is credible and timely. Makes some attempt to draw conclusions and solutions.

Provides insufficient explanations of significant concepts. Offers little or insignificant detail and no examples for most questions. Fails to address essential information provided in the case. Ideas are generally unsupported by scientific evidence, but some attempt has been made. Fails to draw conclusion.

Does not, or incorrectly, answers with insufficient explanations. Information is not scientifically sound.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

Makes insightful, clear and accurate connections to key concepts and relevant theories. Response indicates a comprehensive, high-level understanding of the concepts presented in the case.

Makes mostly accurate connections to key concepts and relevant theories. Response indicates a general understanding of the concepts presented in the case.

Provides several insufficient or inaccurate explanations, although attempts are made to address some key concepts. Response indicates an introductory understanding of the concepts presented in the case.

Information is inaccurate or inadequate. Response indicates little or no understanding of the concepts presented in the case.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics

Answers are well written throughout. Information is well organized and clearly communicated. Assignment is free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Answers are well written throughout and the information is reasonably organized and communicated. Assignment is mostly free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Answers are somewhat organized and lacks some clarity. Contains some spelling and grammatical errors.

Answers are not well written and lack clarity. Information is poorly organized. Assignment contains many spelling and grammatical errors.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format

Follows all the requirements related to format, length, source citations, and layout.

Follows length requirement and most of the requirements related to format, source citations, and layout.

Follows most of the requirements related to format, length, source citations, and layout.

Does not follow format, length, source citations, and layout requirements.

Total Points: 50

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August 2024 , Vol 184, No. 8, Pages 858 - 994

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Increasing Risk for Tick-Borne Disease: What Should Clinicians Know?

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Proactively Designing Generative Artificial Intelligence for Primary Care—Reply

Article changed to open access, typographical errors in table 2, error in figure 1, error in the table, error in visual abstract, jama internal medicine.

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