131 United Nations Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals The sixth aim is to provide all people with clean and safe water by eliminating dumping, reducing pollution, and minimizing the release of dangerous materials and chemicals.
  • International Peace and United Nations Essay Political nature of the General Assembly and the Security Council hinder the effectiveness of the United Nations in fostering international peace and security.
  • United Nations and World Peace The rules and policies produced by the United Nations are not centered on a global involvement in de-weaponizing countries, as everyone is full of fear that a group of terrorists will be able to overtake […]
  • The United Nations’ Objectives and Principles After World War II, the then president of the US, Franklin Roosevelt, drafted the Declaration of the United Nations, alongside the British Prime Minister and the leader of the Soviet Union, as an attempt to […]
  • Similarities Between League of Nations and United Nations Another difference is that actors in the international system are willing to support and act on the proposals of the United Nations.
  • The United Nations: Achievements and Challenges The discussion led to the signing of the UN Charter, which has 193 nations as member states, with some nations including Japan, the United States, India, China, Israel, Jamaica, Pakistan, and Algeria.
  • United Nations Strengths and Weaknesses The need to replace the League of Nations with the United Nations was largely inspired by the failure of the League of Nations to prevent the outbreak of war among nations.
  • Che Guevara: The Speech Before the General Assembly of the UN Traditionally, capitalism has been defined as “the ownership and control of the means of production by a class of “capitalists” and an economic and political system that favors this”. The modern meaning of socialism is […]
  • The United Nations Millennium Development Goals The united nations MDGs were ratified by member states to the United Nations and this signified the beginning of a journey to improve living standards by the end of 2015.
  • Is United Nations Organization Useful or not Useful Nowadays? It is important to understand that the signing of the Peace Treaty of Westphalia was predetermined by the objective laws of history, concerned with the fact that the course of a continuous social, cultural and […]
  • Assessment of UN Children’s Fund: Mission, Vision, and Impact on Society The mission statement of the organization, “for every child” is clear of the desire of the organization, stating clearly that their ambition is to ensure the right of every child, in all corners of the […]
  • The UN as a Global Police Force and Negotiation Facilitator The purpose of the paper is to address the failures and successes of the organization’s peace initiatives in an effort to evaluate its ability to ensure greater global security.
  • United Nations and Solving International Problems The organization was formed by the four nations that had waged war on the Axis Powers the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, China, United States and Great Britain.
  • Enforcement Powers of the UN Security Council Some of its powers in enforcing military actions are stipulated in article 39 of the UN charter; but, before the body can exercise its authority, it has to determine certain elements like the threat to […]
  • United Nations in Africa The body has six major organs with the UN Security Council being the organ charged with the responsibility of promoting peace in the world.
  • Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right and the UN Declaration of Human Rights This reveals the nature of the interrelatedness of the whole boy of human rights and the need to address human rights in that context.
  • Problems Facing the United Nations The third problem facing the United Nations in the current international system is the gap between the poor and the rich states.
  • The United Nations and the International System However, in the discussion of the role that the UN plays in international relations through the worldwide system, it is important to identify the differences between the international system and international society.
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Achievement The UN’s goal of implementing the targets of climate action cannot be achieved by 2030 due to the omnipresence of restricting factors and the delays in accomplishing the planned efforts.
  • United Nations Policy Brief on Mental Health Recovery After COVID-19 Therefore, the lack of mental health support centers and poor financing are not the only reasons for the problem, as the brief’s authors suggest.
  • The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali As a result, the MINUSMA forces are currently pushed away from the peacekeeping process due to the aggressive political stance taken by the Malian regime.
  • Is the UN an Effective International Organization? The identification of problems in the work of the main peacekeeping organization can lead to the prevention of crises in the future.
  • Estonia’s Membership in the UN Security Council The policy of the Republic of Estonia during its membership in the UN Security Council was strong. During official speeches, Estonia has repeatedly pointed to the need to include the division of regions in the […]
  • “UN Condemns Mali’s Ban on French Media” by Bibbo Moreover, another vital factor that contributes to the evaluation of the article is the audience. The article ends with a description of the overall situation in Mali and expresses concern.
  • Sustainable Transportation and United Nations’ Goal The critical difference Eco-Courier will have over its competitors is the use of environmentally-friendly vehicles and motorcycles in the delivery of parcels throughout the UK.
  • United Nations Office on Sex Trafficking As for the latter, often not socially acceptable forms of sexual desires and the search for lower prices serve as the sufficient driving force behind the sex slavery market.
  • The United Nations Environmental Program and Sustainable Development Goals The current environmental issue of waste management will shape the future operations of UNEP under the gradient of recycling and use of biodegradable materials as the core sustainable initiative to eradicate the negative impact of […]
  • Human Rights and the United Nations Charter The most significant resemblance of the New Laws of The Indies and Human Rights Law of the United Nations is the obligation to consider human rights as the primary basis for establishing the local regulations.
  • The Uniform Commercial Code and the UN Convention on Contracts for International Sales of Goods This is the basis for both the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods, popularly referred to as the UN Sales Convention and the Uniform Commercial Code.
  • The UN Declaration of Human Rights & The UN Millennium Project Human rights are “international norms that help to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal, and social abuses”.
  • World Population Could Peak Decades Ahead of the UN Forecast According to researchers from the United States, in the second half of the 21st century, the number of people on Earth will begin to decline.
  • The Necessary Reforms for the UN System The first necessary reform for the UN is the organization’s need to refine the peacekeeping budget. It is essential to ensure the necessary reforms for this organization are initiated.
  • The United Nations in the Decolonization Process The united nation has been also advocating for the acceleration of globalization, which strategies to meet the target of full decolonization in non-Self-Governing countries by the end of the period of the decolonization process.
  • United Nations Security Council: Major Issues It is believed that the nuclear development of this country, which significantly increased during the Cold War, is a major threat to the security of the United States.
  • Lifelong Disability and United Nations Convention In this report, I will aim to discuss the discursive significance of UNCRPD, to identify the qualitative aspects of how UNCRPD relates to the themes and motifs, contained in the ‘Labor of love’ video, and […]
  • United Nations Climate Change Conference In the Kyoto protocol, members agreed that nations needed to reduce the carbon emissions to levels that could not threaten the planet’s livelihoods.
  • The G4 Reforming the United Nations Security Council This proposal to increase the number of both the permanent and non permanent seats in the Security Council will ensure that all the member states are regionally represented regardless of whether they are developed or […]
  • Language and the United Nations The prevailing diversity of people, as witnessed in the United Nations has, is, and continues to draw the attention of different people.
  • Equality in the UN Operations: Chinese Perspective During the Cold, War China felt that the instrument of peacekeeping operations was exploited as a tool by the superpowers to further their interests and not the interests of the nations involved.
  • UN International Children’s Emergency Fund Analysis The UNICEF senior management is responsible to reveal the annual report of the initiatives and results to the member states and the information on all the activities of UNICEF is accessible to the public.
  • UN, WTO and the Solving the Palestinian Refugee Subject The end of the war was also marked by the creation of a massive number of refugees 10,000 of them Jewish and 711,000 of them Palestinian.
  • UN and Its Advocacy Groups The UN has various administrative bodies, including the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social council, the Secretariat and the International Court of Justice.
  • The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ of the United Nations Charted in 1945 by 51 countries, the intent of the United Nations was to provide a forum for the nations of the world to congregate as a means to promote world peace.
  • Financial Crisis Management in the United Nations A crisis can be defined as the perception of an abnormal situation that is beyond the capability of the business and its scope to deal with.
  • Comparison Between North Atlantic Treaty Organization and United Nations The organization was then formed with the aim of assisting each of the member countries incases of any attacks by other countries.
  • UN Internet Governance Forum in Athens 2006 and Rio 2007 Many speakers and contributors noted the importance of openness as one of the fundamental principles of the Internet. The Internet provides a robust exchange of information and empowers millions of people to trade ideas and […]
  • United Nation’s Effectiveness Analysis This conflict tended to be a struggle between Iraq and the United Nations in which Iraq struggled to break out of the controls and sanctions the UN established as part of the cease-fire in the […]
  • United Nations Children’s Fund’s Financing Issue The thing is that the benefits of economic development do not always lead to improvement of the conditions under which children live.
  • United Nations Children’s Fund and Its Activities The organization was created in 1946 as a part of the United Nations and now it is one of the members of the United Nations Development Group.
  • The League of Nations vs. the United Nations The League of Nations was established on January 10, 1920, during the Paris Peace Conference after the ending of the World War I.
  • The Body Shop and L’Oreal Companies as to United Nations Global Compact Speaking about human rights as the priority for the company, it is essential to consider the specifics of company views in this relation.
  • Six Reasons for the United Nations’ Growth In this respect, it is easier to adjust the laws of the country to the international requirement if a country is a member of the United Nations Organization.
  • The United Nations’ Secretary-General and His Role In particular, the Charter of the UN requires the Secretary-General to inform the Security Council about any issue that is perceived to threaten the maintenance of global tranquility and security. The position of the UN […]
  • Digital Age Initiatives of the United Nations When it comes to the positive side of the problem, it is important to note that many representatives of the United Nations are deeply concerned about the problem of safety and privacy inherent in the […]
  • Digital Technology Promotion by the United Nations One of the most important indicators of the activities of international organizations is the activation of their participation in the development, transfer, and diffusion of the most modern technologies for progress.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech The reason Gorbachev chose the United Nation as the forum to deliver the speech had something to do with the target audience.
  • Reforms in the United Nations Agencies Though the issues expressed by the founding fathers of the organization are not the same as of the 21st world century, there is a need to reform the UN to have a realignment of its […]
  • United Nations Security Council’s Obligations The United Nations Security Council is the main body of the United Nations that has powers to pass obligations about peace and security that are binding to the 193 member states.
  • Human Life Regulation by United Nations Documents International law aims to create the general picture of the world, and the more states integrate into the area of international law, the easier it gets to cooperate with other countries.
  • United Nations History and Agencies’ Establishment In this paper, the attention is paid to the history of the United Nations, the establishments of UN agencies in the world, and the UN’s efforts to deter conflicts regarding its main objectives such as […]
  • UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs To improve the effectiveness of the response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis, the UNOCHA was founded. The UNOCHA pursues the same goals as the Department of Humanitarian Affairs and the Office of the United Nations […]
  • China’s Superpower and the United Nations’ Concerns The UN must recognize that China has emerged as a major power in the world. Thus, the UN must understand the role China will have in the world if it emerges as a superpower.
  • United Nation and Climate Change However, the key limitation of the given measure is that the UNO has not yet come up with the strategy of classifying the effects of the climate change and whether UNO is able to embrace […]
  • Service of the United Nations and Reparations Reparation Policy of 1949 minimises the scale of effects suffered by the United Nations organization and its human resources, who sustain injuries in the course of duty.
  • The UN Foreign Aid for Lebanon Analysis Speaking about the wars and conflicts which had a great impact on the country, it is possible to admit the role of foreign countries and United Nations in the attempts to make the compromise and […]
  • Chemical Weapons in Syria and the UN Role The paper explores the situation in Syria that led to the use of chemical weapons, the effects of the use, and the role of the UN in the crisis.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Despite the fact that UNHCR has in the recent past executed its duty in the best interest of all the refugees across the globe, the agency faces some setbacks and failures that need to be […]
  • The Adoption of Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Nevertheless, individual negotiators are more likely to influence the outcome of the negotiations in the choice and decisions made. Similarly, the 1992 UN Conference on Water and the Environment held in Dublin brought together stakeholders […]
  • Thomas Weiss’ What’s Wrong with the United Nations and How to Fix It The aim of Part One of the book, titled, ‘Diagnosing the ills’ is to spell out in four chapters the four main shortcomings of the United Nations.
  • Does the Founding of the UN Represent a Radical Departure from the System of International Law or International Society Prior to 1945? The values that the UN promotes are enclosed within the Preamble of the system’s foremost treaties. As a result, the absence of institutionalized judicial review within the UN system weakens the rule of law in […]
  • The UN and Global Security: Is It Able To Tackle New Threats? Despite, the collective security and the provisions of the UN Charter, the reaction of the U.N.to transnational threats has been lukewarm at best.
  • International Organizations: NATO and the UN in Iraq NATO established itself in Iraq in 2004when the alliance was charged with the responsibility of assisting the people of Iraq to form an effective military that would counter the influence and the power of the […]
  • Change in the UN: Mission and Strategy The success of UN transformation will depend on the extent of the aspects of its system – its formal structure, information flows, reward and the recruitment process help in defining the new face of the […]
  • The United Nations in Africa The operations were instituted in December of 1992 to help in the enactment of the harmony accord involving the administration of Mozambique and the opposition faction RENAMO.
  • The UN Human Rights System The rights speak of a general importance of the people having the equal rights to others and living together in the spirit of brotherhood.
  • United Nations and International law The essay examines as to whether or not the founding of the United Nations represent a radical departure from the system of international law and/or international society prior to 1945.
  • IKEA and the UN’s Global Compact But in the 21st century many companies are aware that the bottom-line is not the only requirement to success, business organizations like IKEA must learn to develop sustainable practices that will benefit not only the […]
  • Concept of United Nations Conventions on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in Business Aliano explains the implications for any business that wishes to operate within the countries that have not agreed to the United Nations Conventions on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
  • United Nations Change Management The calls for change have been initiated by the need to transform the organisation into a more responsive entity, with up-to-date solutions for the problems faced by its member countries in the 21st century.
  • The United Nation’s Response to Climate Change It would take a committed effort from each country in the world to help deal with the global issue of climate change and adequate preparations have to be made.
  • Fighting Piracy in Somalia: UN and UAE In response to these attacks, the United Nation’s Security Council passed resolutions 1816 and 1838 in 2008, to facilitate the international community to aggressively take part in the management of security in the Horn of […]
  • How Does the United Nations Maintain International Order? The Security Council is one of the most important organs of the United Nations and it has the mandate to safeguard international peace by ensuring that there is enough security in the world.
  • United Nations Human Rights Council The United Nations Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental organization and an organ of the United Nations; all members of the United Nations members are members of UNHRC, the council seat, however, has a membership […]
  • United Nations Peacekeeping Operation in Northern Africa The Namibian peacekeeping mission was successful due to “interests of the powerful states in the security council, the situational difficulty of the Namibian civil war and the ability of United Nations Transition Assistance Group to […]
  • History of Origin of the United Nations The origin of the United Nations resulted from the effects of the World War II and the need to establish a new and stable world order by the world governments and the common people affected […]
  • Extent to Which the UN Can Shape Order and Ensure Justice in World Politics In this regard, an international body such as the UN must address the conflicts of justice and order before deciding on the side that it will be taking.
  • United Nations Global Compact Hewlett Packard, in its undeterred ambition to providing cutting edge technology to the populations all over the world became a member of the United Nations Global Compact initiative in a bid to be in support […]
  • UN Security Council and World Order This to some extend has led to increased freedom of expression of citizens which in a way has reduced the grip of the rich nations on the power to control and manipulate the resources of […]
  • Human Rights Non-Governmental Organizations and the United Nations Previously, the emphasis was put on the volunteerism of the NGOs participants, but with the recognition of the potential of the societal players and the growing size of the movement, the participation of the NGOs […]
  • Analysis of the UN Development of the UN is a reflection of the development of humanity. It is necessary to note that the positive changes within the organization are due to the activities of different UN state members.
  • US Should Ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities The UN has recognized the importance of the disabled person’s rights and freedoms and has come up with the UN convention on the Rights of People with disabilities, CRPD and has urged member states to […]
  • What is the UN Human Rights Council? While the initial proposals to elevate Human rights to the status of a “principal organ” on the same footing with the Security Council, the General Assembly, and ECOSOC were not realized, the Human Rights Council […]
  • Why Did President Obama Fail in His Attempts to Stop Israel Building Settlement and Prevent the Palestinians from Applying for UN Membership? Powerful states have strong influence in the international system and use of force is sometimes justified to bring peace and tranquility.
  • UN Summit in New York: Ending Global Poverty He challenges the international community to enact laws that categorizes the misuse of power ‘which leads to poverty’ as a crime against humanity. The persistence of poverty can be attributed to poor governance and ignorance.
  • Is the United Nations an Effective Organisation?
  • Why Do Some People Hate the United Nations?
  • When Was United Nations Founded In?
  • Should the United Nations Provide Global Standards for Media Freedom?
  • Is the United Nations Becoming a Failure?
  • How Do You Think the United Nations Should Be Reformed?
  • Who Runs the United Nations?
  • Which United Nations Efforts Are Considered Successes?
  • How Much Do United Nations Volunteers Get Paid?
  • Will the United Nations Destroy Religion? Why or Why Not?
  • What Were the Goals of the United Nations When It Was Established in 1945?
  • Why the United Nations Can’t Be Powerful Force to Get the Global Peacefulness?
  • How Many Countries United Nations Have?
  • Does Pakistan Deserve a Permanent Security Council Seat in the United Nations?
  • What Is the Future of the United Nations?
  • What Is the Intended Purpose of the United Nations?
  • What Three Countries Are Not in the United Nations?
  • Is the US Still a Part of the United Nations?
  • Is North Korea a Member of the United Nations?
  • Should the United Nations Be Disbanded?
  • What Happens if the US Leaves the United Nations?
  • Does the United Nations Need a Standing Army?
  • Which Country Left the United Nations Recently?
  • Can the United Nations Be a World Government?
  • Where Are the United Nations Headquarters Located?
  • How Powerful Is the United Nations?
  • Which Is the Most Powerful Organ of the United Nations?
  • Can the United Nations Declare War?
  • Why Did Indonesia Leave the United Nations?
  • What Would Happen If the United Nations Didn’t Exist?
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 131 United Nations Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/united-nations-essay-topics/

"131 United Nations Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/united-nations-essay-topics/.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "131 United Nations Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/united-nations-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "131 United Nations Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/united-nations-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "131 United Nations Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/united-nations-essay-topics/.

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116 United Nations Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on united nations, 🔎 easy united nations research paper topics, 🎓 most interesting united nations research titles, 💡 simple united nations essay ideas, ❓ research questions on united nations.

  • The United Nations’ Strengths and Weaknesses
  • United Nations Role in World Affairs
  • United Nations in the Israeli-Palestine Conflict
  • United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda and Goals
  • Current and Future Operations in the United Nations
  • Importance of the UN Declaration of Human Rights Today
  • The US Should Not Pay the UN Membership Dues The argument suggests that showing more respect for the US and criticizing other countries, which the author believes is justified, will allow the UN to expect US support.
  • Protection of Vulnerable Communities by United Nations This report focuses on a global overview of the protection of vulnerable communities and the sustainable goals of the United Nations.
  • United Nations Convention on Rights of People Living With Disabilities The United Nations (UN) convention calls on all social care professionals to recognize disability as a rising human rights issue.
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals Protecting human rights is of the utmost importance; consequently, all individuals, regardless of their communities, should be respected.
  • “The UN Sex Abuse Scandal”: The UN Sexual Violence in War-Torn Countries “The UN Sex Abuse Scandal” opens many people’s minds to the UN sexual violence perpetrated by the UN peacekeepers in war-torn countries.
  • The UN Climate Change Conference: Indigenous Concerns During the UN Climate Change Conference, it was clear that indigenous environmental defenders have a particular stake in the outcomes of climate change global negotiations.
  • The United Nations vs Imperial Systems The international system under the leadership of the United Nations is more successful and effective than that under the empires.
  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) purpose is to help people overcome poverty, violence, diseases as well as discrimination.
  • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights The U.N. Guiding Principles are a necessary but still insufficiently effective tool to protect human rights from large business structures.
  • The Foremost Problem Confronting United Nations Organization There can little doubt as to the fact that the most significant problem confronting the Organization of United Nations (U.N.) is this organization’s operational ineffectiveness.
  • Internship Report Done at the United Nations UN is leading in offering internship openings to students in universities pursuing under- and postgraduate degrees. Objectives of UN internship program and students’ expectations.
  • Issue of Un Relevance and Their Works Since the Cold War terminated with the loss of socialistic, the researchers started rising the issue of UN relevance in their works.
  • “The Role of the United Nations Development Programme in Post-conflict Peace-Building”: Article Analysis Endorsement of democratic values and supporting policies of good governance have become trademark characteristics of the UN in the approaches adopted to deal with issues.
  • UN Significance in Politics of Minority Peoples’ Claims UN sole influence is not applicable in creating legal guidelines but with its significant influence it has managed to lobby for support from opposing odds to ensure that sustainable policies are put in place.
  • Support for a Stronger United Nations Security Force Despite the important role assigned to the United Nations Security forces, one finds that there is growing decline for its support especially in United States due to various reasons.
  • International Organizations. The United Nations The United Nations Organization was founded in 1945. The aim of this organization was to establish world peace and world order after WWII.
  • President Obama’s United Nations General Assembly Speech President Obama is critiqued and praised as an exemplar of liberalism in international relations. His approach can also be viewed as an expression of Constructivist thinking.
  • Global Food Security: UN Speech This paper presents a UN opening speech from the name of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the problem and promotion of global food security.
  • Florence Nightingale’s Philosophy: UN Millennium Goals The legacy left behind by Florence Nightingale was so strong that it is still relevant in the twenty-first century. Each person on any place in the world has his or her own role.
  • The United Nations’ Security Council Membership The United Nations’ Security Council is increasing becoming a critical player in the world affairs and power relations between nations. The Security Council was established to manage threats.
  • The United Nations’ Digital Media Connection The United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of the international open-minded society.
  • UN and the Digital Age The UN’s current approach toward the use of IT-related opportunities could use a deeper insight into the issues associated with economics and global trade.
  • Development in the United Nations This paper will discuss the various achievements that the UN has accomplished through its many agencies to stand out as the most successful international organisation in the world.
  • Globalization Impacts on the United Nations Institution This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the political, cultural, and economic impacts of globalization in the United Nations Institution.
  • Evaluating United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
  • United Nations and Its Relevance in U.S. Foreign Policy Making
  • Pakistan Relations With the United Nations
  • United Nations Strategies to Eradicate Poverty
  • Liberalism and the United Nations
  • Estimating Dynamic State Preferences From United Nations Voting Data
  • Japanese Isolationism and the Peacekeeping Involvement of the United Nations
  • United States Influence Upon the United Nations
  • United Nations, Self Determination, and State Sovereignty
  • Kosovo and the Possibility of a United Nations Role as Peacekeeper
  • United Nations Security Council and World Bank
  • United Nations Convention Against Corruption
  • North Korea and the United Nations
  • United Nations Treaties and Laws Governing the Seas
  • International Organizations and the United Nations
  • Slavery and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
  • United Nations and International Law
  • Oxford International Model United Nations
  • Personnel Problems and the United Nations Secretariat
  • United Nations Reform for Indirect Exporting
  • North Asia and the United Nations
  • United Nations Security Council Is Unsuccessful in Keeping Peace
  • Peacekeeping Conduct and Discipline of the United Nations
  • United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security
  • Positive Routines: United Nations Military Training
  • United Nations and Its Impact on Human Rights
  • Global Governance and the United Nations System
  • European Union and United Nations
  • The Universal Human Rights of the United Nations
  • United Nations and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq
  • Policy Debate Over the United Nations System
  • United Nations Trade WTO Australia
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution
  • Bureaucratic Culture Within the United Nations
  • Reforming United Nations Budgetary System
  • United Nations Pros and Cons to Helping People Live Better
  • United Nations Peacekeeping Operations Before and After the Cold War
  • Spain and the United Nations
  • Canada and Its Impact on the United Nations
  • United Nations and U.S. National Security Policy
  • Germany and the United Nations
  • United Nations and First and Second World Wars
  • Model United Nations Manifesto
  • Israel and the United Nations
  • Non Refugee Children and the United Nations
  • Collective Security and the United Nations
  • United Nations and Big Powers
  • Ghana and the United Nations
  • American National Interests and the Responsibilities of United Nations Membership
  • Global Business and the Impact of the United Nations
  • United Nations Conventions and Declarations
  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • Refugee Rights and the United Nations Convention of 1951
  • United Nations Environmental Programme: Water Privatization
  • Iraq War 2003 and the Issue of Pre-emptive and Preventive Self-Defence: Implications for the United Nations
  • United Nations and World Order
  • The Yugoslavian Conflict United Nations
  • United Nations – Successes and Failures
  • President-Elect, Donald Trump, and the United Nations Clash
  • United Nations Security Council Reform
  • Is the United Nations an Effective Organisation?
  • What Is the Intended Purpose of the United Nations?
  • Did the United Nations and the International Community Fail to Prevent the Rwandan Genocide?
  • How Did the Special Agencies of the United Nations Help to Provide a Better Quality of Life?
  • Why the United Nations Started the Program for Women?
  • How Does the United Nations Support Environmental Sustainability?
  • Why the United Nations Can Be Not an Powerful Force to Get the Global Peacefulness?
  • How Effective Has the United Nations Been in Dealing With Sudan’s Refugees?
  • Why the International Court of Justice Is Important to the United Nations?
  • What Determines Success and Failure in United Nations Peacekeeping?
  • Why Collective Legitimization Is Considered as a Political Function of the United Nations?
  • What Is the Symbol of the United Nations, and Its Meaning?
  • How Did the Constitutional Crisis in the United Nations Happen?
  • What Are Some Reflections on Reform of the United Nations?
  • Should the United Nations Be Involved in International Affairs?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of United Nations?
  • What Is the Clash Between Intergovernmentalism and Transnationalism in the United Nations?
  • What Are the Development Goals From the United Nations?
  • What Is the Importance of America’s Continuing Presence for United Nations?
  • What Are United Nations’ Alternative Approaches in Resolving Global Challenges?
  • What Was the United Nations Role as Peacekeeping Force in the North Korean Conflict?
  • What Are the Roles of the United States and the United Nations in Preserving World Peace?
  • What Is United Nations Effectiveness in the Midst of Fighting?
  • What Are the Degrees of Self-Determination in the United Nations Era?
  • What Are Some Recent Trends in the Law of the United Nations?

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 1). 116 United Nations Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/united-nations-essay-topics/

"116 United Nations Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 1 Mar. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/united-nations-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2022) '116 United Nations Essay Topics'. 1 March.

1. StudyCorgi . "116 United Nations Essay Topics." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/united-nations-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "116 United Nations Essay Topics." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/united-nations-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2022. "116 United Nations Essay Topics." March 1, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/united-nations-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on United Nations were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if you’re using them to write your assignment.

This essay topic collection was updated on June 25, 2024 .

thesis ideas for united nations

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A List Of Unique Topic Suggestions For A Dissertation On The United Nations

The United Nations will turn seventy years old this fall. A deliberative body that has lasted decades longer than its predecessor, the League of Nations, the United Nations has 193 members. The deliberations and activities of this global body is a fertile ground for any graduate student looking to find a dissertation topic. There are numerous agencies within the United Nations, and each has a mandate to address

There are number of interesting possibilities from which to choose.

  • Global warming and international cooperation;
  • Food production in the face of increasing populations;
  • Humanitarian assistance provided by the United Nations for natural disaster;
  • The flood of refugees and how the United Nations can end the crisis;
  • The United Nations role in providing clean water to a given country;
  • The globalization of atomic energy;
  • The mining efforts of the United Nations in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan;
  • Ending slavery in West Africa with United Nations help;
  • Addressing the issue of child labor in South America;
  • Combating the growth of the desert in the Sahel;
  • The efforts of the United Nations to address honor killing of women in Jordan;
  • The United Nations attempt to promote democracy in the developing world;
  • The framing of international law in the corridors of the United Nations;
  • Education of young girls in India with United Nations assistance;
  • Aiding developing nations as a combat hunger and disease.

United Nations issues numerous reports and studies throughout the year. This is going to help any student in the writing of the dissertation because the research has already been done. It is the student’s prerogative to either interpret results or suggest areas with United Nations may need to improve. One challenge is the preponderance of data. It will be a great temptation for the student to simply recite the facts.

That does not help advanced the composition. A dissertation has to be original work of the student and some of his or her analytical ability must be within the paragraphs. Professors and academic committees are looking to see how the student has applied various analytical tools and research methodologies to arrive at answers. While United Nations provides enormous amounts of data, whoever writes dissertation must sift through the numbers to glean out answers to questions and possible suggestions. That is the major part of the writing assignment that has to be done and successfully as well. The project will allow for greater investigation of the United Nations and what it offers to humanity as a whole. Believe it or not writing a dissertation allows a person to become quite an authority in the area. Successful completion of one could lead to a career in international affairs.

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  • Computer science thesis

Write Your Paper

As you take more time to write your paper you can conduct thorough research which can benefit you when your paper is completed. You have time to use more sources and you can choose good data without added pressure.

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  • Publications

Research Projects

Generating solutions to pressing development challenges

Projects Header Photo

UNU research focuses on the challenges faced by the United Nations and its Member States. Our current research portfolio supports all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 to inspire global action to overcome the world’s biggest challenges.

Project 11 Jul 2024

National Strategy for Digital Transformation in Guinea Bissau

Support Guinea-Bissau's digital growth through a comprehensive transformation strategy, enhancing public sector digitalisation, governance, and citizen services by 2030.

Project 17 Mar 2024

Financial Management and Policy Planning for Risk Financing: A Comprehensive Architecture towards Resilience

This project will strengthen the financial management of disaster risk and integrate risk financing into key policies where INFFs are used.

Project 22 Feb 2024

Portugal EGOV Index | Assessment of Portugal’s performance in the main international benchmarks on digital governance: analysis, recommendations, monitoring, and capacity development

Enhance Portugal's digital governance via strategic analysis and action plans, focusing on international benchmarks, continual improvements, and stakeholder engagement.

Project 15 Feb 2024

Strengthening Public and Private Actors’ Capacities to Operationalise a Laboratory on Innovation in E-Governance

Enhance Cape Verde's digital governance through an e-governance lab, fostering public and private sector collaboration for sustainable public services modernisation.

Project 18 Jan 2024

Modern Slavery Risks Among People Lacking Official Documentation

This project examines modern slavery risks among people lacking documentation globally, including in Brazil, Kenya, and Nepal.

Project 31 Dec 2023

Consolidating and accelerating the Network of Centers of Excellence (NoE) in support of Disaster Risk Reduction, Early Warning and Anticipatory Action in Africa - Phase II

This project is to consolidate and accelerate the Network of Centers of Excellence in support of DRR, Early Warning and Anticipatory Action in Africa.

Project 30 Apr 2024

Towards Actionable Impact-based Early Warning in Africa: Integrating Exposure and Vulnerability into Early Warning Systems – a Pilot Study in the IGAD Region (EarlyWarning4IGAD)

This project seeks to expand existing hazard-based early warning systems towards actionable impact-based early warning systems.

Project 11 Dec 2023

Digital Government Assessment Programme

Enhance the public sector online services in alignment with Vision 2030, aiming to improve usability and elevate service standards through extensive research and strategic workshops.

Project 10 Nov 2023

State-of-Affairs Report on Sustainable Development Goals for Qatar

Assessing digital transformation's role in achieving SDGs, this report offers insights and recommendations to enhance sustainable development.

Project 15 Mar 2024

Country climate fact sheets, incl. standardization of climate risk analysis

This project aims to improve the compliance and quality of the climate mainstreaming process on adaptation risks and potentials.

Thesis Topics and Ideas

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of 1000 thesis topics and ideas designed to assist students from a wide array of academic disciplines in identifying and selecting their research subjects. Whether you are at the beginning stages of your research or refining your thesis topic, this resource offers valuable guidance and an extensive array of ideas to inspire and inform your academic work. Spanning 25 fields, from Accounting to Science, each category includes 40 specific topics, ensuring a broad and inclusive range for every scholar’s interests. With an emphasis on the significance of choosing a suitable thesis topic, this page serves as an essential starting point for any student embarking on their thesis journey.

1000 Thesis Topics and Ideas

1000 Thesis Topics and Ideas

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Get 10% off with 24start discount code, 25 thesis topics categories:.

  • Accounting Thesis Topics
  • Art Thesis Topics
  • Banking Thesis Topics
  • Biology Thesis Topics
  • Computer Science Thesis Topics
  • Economics Thesis Topics
  • Education Thesis Topics
  • Engineering Thesis Topics
  • Entrepreneurship Thesis Topics
  • Environmental Science Thesis Topics
  • Finance Thesis Topics
  • Geography Thesis Topics
  • Geology Thesis Topics
  • Health Thesis Topics
  • Immigration Thesis Topics
  • Law Thesis Topics
  • Nutrition Thesis Topics
  • Leadership Thesis Topics
  • Literature Thesis Topics
  • Management Thesis Topics
  • Marketing Thesis Topics
  • Nursing Thesis Topics
  • Philosophy Thesis Topics
  • Psychology Thesis Topics
  • Science Thesis Topics

1. Accounting Thesis Topics

  • The impact of blockchain technology on traditional accounting practices.
  • Comparative analysis of international accounting standards and local practices.
  • Ethical considerations in managerial accounting.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in financial fraud detection.
  • Sustainability reporting: Standards and implications for global firms.
  • Cybersecurity risks in cloud-based accounting systems.
  • The future of forensic accounting in a digital age.
  • Behavioral finance: How cognitive biases affect accounting decisions.
  • The effectiveness of audit committees in emerging economies.
  • Tax evasion and government policy in developing countries.
  • Cryptocurrency and its implications for financial reporting.
  • Implementing lean accounting in the manufacturing sector.
  • The impact of culture on international accounting practices.
  • Carbon credits accounting: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of accounting in corporate social responsibility.
  • Innovations in non-profit accounting.
  • Accounting ethics and online privacy.
  • Big data and predictive analytics for risk management.
  • Revenue recognition in the digital economy.
  • Accounting for startups: Challenges and best practices.
  • The effect of global economic crises on accounting norms.
  • Corporate governance and its impact on accounting standards.
  • Integration of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) factors in financial reporting.
  • The evolution of cost accounting in the healthcare sector.
  • Financial literacy and its impact on business success.
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Accounting and cultural integration.
  • The changing landscape of pension accounting.
  • Real-time accounting: Implementation and effects.
  • Transparency in government accounting: A comparative study.
  • Intellectual property valuation and its accounting challenges.
  • Impact of tariffs and trade barriers on accounting policies.
  • Accounting for climate change: Risks and opportunities.
  • The role of accountants in corporate turnaround strategies.
  • Auditing automation and its impact on audit quality.
  • The influence of technology on the evolution of accounting standards.
  • Risk management in financial services: An accounting perspective.
  • Outsourcing accounting services: Benefits and risks.
  • The future of professional ethics in accounting.
  • The role of accounting in enhancing organizational efficiency.
  • Exploring the relationship between accounting information systems and organizational performance.

2. Art Thesis Topics

  • Digital media and the transformation of traditional art forms.
  • The influence of social media on contemporary art and artist visibility.
  • Art as a form of political resistance in authoritarian regimes.
  • The evolution of street art and its acceptance in mainstream galleries.
  • Feminist art movements in the 21st century.
  • The intersection of technology and art: Virtual reality as a new canvas.
  • Postmodernism in art: Origins and future directions.
  • The role of art therapy in mental health treatment.
  • Cultural appropriation vs. appreciation in global art forms.
  • The impact of global warming on artistic expression.
  • Art in times of crisis: A study of pandemic-driven art.
  • Sustainable art: Materials and practices for the eco-conscious artist.
  • The commercialization of indigenous art.
  • The role of galleries in shaping art trends.
  • Art education and its impact on career success in the arts.
  • The depiction of race and gender in modern sculptures.
  • Art curation and digital exhibitions: The future of museums.
  • The influence of celebrity culture on art valuation.
  • Collaborative art projects and their impact on community development.
  • The ethics of restoring ancient artworks.
  • Animation as a form of contemporary art.
  • The rise of performance art and its social implications.
  • Exploring the relationship between art and technology.
  • The resurgence of handicrafts in a digital age.
  • The impact of economic crises on art production.
  • The role of art in promoting sustainability.
  • The dynamics of art fairs and their influence on the art market.
  • Consumer culture and its representation in contemporary art.
  • The role of public art in urban regeneration.
  • The influence of migration on artistic expression.
  • Decolonizing art history: Perspectives and methodologies.
  • The impact of AI-generated art on the concept of authorship.
  • The role of art in enhancing intercultural dialogue.
  • Art and propaganda: A historical analysis.
  • Graffiti as a tool for social change.
  • The psychology of color in artistic expression.
  • The effect of global tourism on local art scenes.
  • Art as a vehicle for social justice.
  • The relationship between art and fashion design.
  • The future of biographical films on artists.

3. Banking Thesis Topics

  • The future of cryptocurrencies in global banking systems.
  • The impact of mobile banking on traditional banking practices.
  • The role of central banks in stabilizing economic crises.
  • Consumer behavior in digital banking: Trust and security aspects.
  • The effect of banking regulations on international investments.
  • Financial inclusion: Strategies for reaching the unbanked populations.
  • The role of microfinance in poverty alleviation.
  • Banking secrecy and its impact on tax evasion.
  • The influence of fintech innovations on traditional banking models.
  • The sustainability of peer-to-peer lending platforms.
  • The impact of Brexit on the UK banking sector.
  • Cybersecurity strategies in online banking.
  • The future of Islamic banking in non-Muslim countries.
  • The role of green banking in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The effectiveness of anti-money laundering policies.
  • The impact of negative interest rates on banking profitability.
  • Risk management in banking: Current strategies and future challenges.
  • Customer loyalty in retail banking.
  • The evolution of credit scoring models in the age of big data.
  • The role of banks in supporting SMEs during economic downturns.
  • Ethical banking: Concepts and real-world applications.
  • The impact of regulatory changes on banking innovation.
  • The role of banking in economic development of rural areas.
  • Customer satisfaction and service quality in online banking.
  • The challenges of implementing blockchain technology in banking.
  • The future of offshore banking.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on banking services.
  • The role of central banks in managing climate risk.
  • The effects of global political instability on banking security.
  • Banking for the elderly: Adapting services for an aging population.
  • The role of banks in fostering entrepreneurship.
  • Digital wallets: Adoption rates and consumer trust.
  • The impact of the gig economy on banking products.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in banking leadership.
  • Compliance challenges in global banking.
  • The future of bank branch design in the digital era.
  • Innovations in payment systems and their impact on consumer behavior.
  • The role of banks in funding renewable energy projects.
  • The impact of pandemics on banking behavior.
  • Cross-border banking challenges and opportunities.

4. Biology Thesis Topics

  • CRISPR and its implications for genetic diseases.
  • The role of microbiomes in human health.
  • Synthetic biology: Designing life for industrial purposes.
  • Conservation genetics: Saving species from extinction.
  • The impact of climate change on marine biodiversity.
  • The ethics of cloning: From animals to humans.
  • The future of bioinformatics in personalized medicine.
  • The role of epigenetics in cancer development.
  • Bioremediation techniques in oil spill recovery.
  • The influence of urban environments on avian species.
  • The application of stem cell therapy in regenerative medicine.
  • The potential of algae as a biofuel source.
  • The impact of invasive species on ecosystem balance.
  • The role of plants in mitigating air pollution.
  • The genetics of aging and longevity.
  • The impact of microplastics on freshwater ecosystems.
  • The evolution of antibiotic resistance.
  • The role of wildlife in the spread of zoonotic diseases.
  • The potential of biotechnology in food security.
  • The ethical considerations of using animals in research.
  • The future of GMOs in global agriculture.
  • The impact of deforestation on biodiversity.
  • The role of citizen science in biological research.
  • The use of drones in wildlife monitoring.
  • The challenges of conserving migratory bird species.
  • The role of genetic modification in pest control.
  • The potential for bioluminescent plants in urban lighting.
  • The impact of ocean acidification on coral reefs.
  • The genetics of plant adaptation to climate change.
  • The role of animal behavior in conservation strategies.
  • The potential of synthetic meat in reducing environmental impact.
  • The impact of global warming on polar ecosystems.
  • The role of fungi in ecosystem services.
  • The challenges of wildlife conservation in conflict zones.
  • The future of ecological restoration techniques.
  • The impact of human activity on natural selection.
  • The potential of venomous animals in medical research.
  • The role of genetic diversity in species resilience.
  • The use of environmental DNA in biodiversity monitoring.
  • The ethical implications of de-extinction technologies.

5. Computer Science Thesis Topics

  • Quantum computing and its future applications.
  • The impact of machine learning on healthcare diagnostics.
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence in decision making.
  • Cybersecurity in the age of Internet of Things (IoT).
  • The role of virtual reality in education.
  • The challenges of data privacy in social media.
  • The future of blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies.
  • The potential of augmented reality in retail.
  • The impact of 5G technology on mobile computing.
  • The use of big data in predictive policing.
  • The challenges of software engineering in space missions.
  • The role of AI in combating climate change.
  • The impact of computer vision in autonomous vehicles.
  • The ethics of facial recognition technology.
  • The potential of AI in artistic creation.
  • The role of robotics in elderly care.
  • The impact of digital twins in industry 4.0.
  • The challenges of maintaining digital heritage.
  • The potential of internet governance in global diplomacy.
  • The role of deep learning in language translation.
  • The future of bioinformatics in genomics.
  • The challenges of ethical hacking.
  • The role of cloud computing in disaster management.
  • The impact of wearable technology on personal health.
  • The future of digital currencies in global economies.
  • The challenges of data sovereignty.
  • The role of machine learning in financial fraud detection.
  • The impact of smart cities on urban planning.
  • The potential of drones in logistics.
  • The role of AI in predictive maintenance.
  • The future of edge computing.
  • The challenges of implementing AI in legal systems.
  • The role of virtual agents in customer service.
  • The impact of gaming technology on learning.
  • The potential of digital marketing in the era of AI.
  • The challenges of AI ethics.
  • The role of data analytics in sports performance.
  • The impact of e-learning platforms on traditional education.
  • The potential of digital assistants in enhancing productivity.
  • The challenges of securing IoT devices.

6. Economics Thesis Topics

  • The impact of global trade wars on small economies.
  • The role of economic policy in climate change mitigation.
  • The effects of universal basic income experiments.
  • The challenges of economic integration in emerging markets.
  • The future of cryptocurrency regulation.
  • The impact of remote work on urban economies.
  • The role of tourism in economic recovery post-pandemic.
  • The challenges of pension systems in aging populations.
  • The potential of green bonds in financing sustainable development.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on labor markets.
  • The challenges of economic sanctions.
  • The role of microfinance in women’s empowerment.
  • The impact of Brexit on the European Union.
  • The future of trade agreements in a multipolar world.
  • The potential of social entrepreneurship in economic development.
  • The challenges of income inequality.
  • The role of digital currencies in global finance.
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural economics.
  • The potential of sustainable tourism.
  • The challenges of financial literacy education.
  • The role of government in innovation ecosystems.
  • The impact of healthcare reform on national economies.
  • The potential of renewable energy markets.
  • The challenges of housing markets in global cities.
  • The future of economic theories in the digital age.
  • The role of central banks in managing economic crises.
  • The impact of population growth on resource allocation.
  • The potential of cooperative businesses in sustainable economies.
  • The challenges of water scarcity on economic policies.
  • The role of technology in economic forecasting.
  • The future of economic globalization.
  • The challenges of corporate social responsibility.
  • The role of public-private partnerships in infrastructure development.
  • The impact of big data on economic decision-making.
  • The potential of fintech in emerging markets.
  • The challenges of trade barriers in Africa.
  • The role of economic planning in post-conflict societies.
  • The impact of oil price fluctuations on global economies.
  • The potential of agrotechnology in enhancing food security.
  • The challenges of sustainable development goals.

7. Education Thesis Topics

  • The impact of digital classrooms on learning outcomes.
  • The challenges of multicultural education in primary schools.
  • The role of technology in special education.
  • The future of higher education post-pandemic.
  • The impact of parental involvement on student achievement.
  • The challenges of teacher training in digital skills.
  • The potential of gamification in education.
  • The impact of school leadership on educational reform.
  • The challenges of educational equity in rural areas.
  • The role of student voice in educational policy development.
  • The future of educational funding models.
  • The challenges of adult education in the digital age.
  • The potential of mobile learning in developing countries.
  • The impact of arts education on academic performance.
  • The challenges of standardized testing.
  • The role of community partnerships in education.
  • The future of educational psychology.
  • The challenges of early childhood education policies.
  • The potential of blended learning environments.
  • The impact of language barriers in bilingual education.
  • The challenges of educational technology integration.
  • The role of mentorship in teacher development.
  • The future of global education initiatives.
  • The challenges of education for sustainable development.
  • The potential of STEM education in girls’ empowerment.
  • The impact of nutrition on cognitive development in children.
  • The challenges of refugee education.
  • The role of outdoor education in child development.
  • The future of vocational training.
  • The challenges of distance learning in higher education.
  • The role of social media in educational engagement.
  • The impact of bullying on student well-being.
  • The future of academic libraries in the digital era.
  • The challenges of home schooling.
  • The potential of interdisciplinary studies.
  • The impact of school infrastructure on learning.
  • The challenges of teacher retention.
  • The role of sports in educational settings.
  • The future of educational research methodologies.
  • The challenges of academic freedom in authoritarian regimes.

8. Engineering Thesis Topics

  • The future of sustainable building materials.
  • The role of robotics in disaster response.
  • The challenges of renewable energy technologies.
  • The future of bioengineering in healthcare.
  • The impact of 3D printing on manufacturing industries.
  • The challenges of transportation systems in megacities.
  • The potential of smart grids in energy management.
  • The impact of nanotechnology in material science.
  • The challenges of water resource management in arid regions.
  • The future of aerospace engineering.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in civil engineering.
  • The impact of virtual reality in construction planning.
  • The challenges of biofuels in sustainable transport.
  • The potential of geotechnical engineering in urban development.
  • The impact of automation in industrial processes.
  • The challenges of cybersecurity in critical infrastructure.
  • The future of environmental engineering.
  • The role of genetic engineering in agriculture.
  • The impact of smart materials in wearable technology.
  • The challenges of structural health monitoring.
  • The future of electrical engineering in the IoT era.
  • The role of mechanical engineering in renewable energy systems.
  • The impact of machine learning on engineering design.
  • The challenges of climate adaptation in coastal engineering.
  • The potential of data analytics in traffic management.
  • The impact of augmented reality on maintenance procedures.
  • The future of chemical engineering in pharmaceuticals.
  • The role of systems engineering in complex projects.
  • The impact of drones in environmental monitoring.
  • The challenges of acoustic engineering in urban areas.
  • The future of automotive engineering in electric vehicles.
  • The role of engineering in space exploration.
  • The impact of digital twins in asset management.
  • The challenges of agricultural engineering in climate-resilient farming.
  • The potential of hydraulic engineering in flood prevention.
  • The impact of thermal engineering in energy efficiency.
  • The challenges of marine engineering in deep-sea exploration.
  • The role of process engineering in sustainable manufacturing.
  • The future of telecommunications engineering.
  • The challenges of safety engineering in high-risk industries.

9. Entrepreneurship Thesis Topics

  • The role of startups in economic recovery post-COVID-19.
  • The impact of entrepreneurial ecosystems on regional development.
  • The challenges of female entrepreneurship in technology sectors.
  • The future of social entrepreneurship in addressing global issues.
  • The impact of government policies on startup success.
  • The challenges of venture capital in emerging markets.
  • The potential of digital platforms in fostering entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of coworking spaces on entrepreneurial collaboration.
  • The challenges of scaling small businesses.
  • The future of innovation in entrepreneurial ventures.
  • The role of universities in promoting entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of business incubators on startup growth.
  • The challenges of entrepreneurial education in developing economies.
  • The potential of green entrepreneurship in sustainable development.
  • The impact of crowdfunding on new venture financing.
  • The challenges of intellectual property in startup ecosystems.
  • The future of entrepreneurial leadership.
  • The role of technology transfer in innovation.
  • The impact of e-commerce on small and medium enterprises.
  • The challenges of global expansion for startups.
  • The future of gig economy and its impact on entrepreneurship.
  • The role of corporate entrepreneurship in fostering innovation.
  • The impact of digital marketing strategies on entrepreneurial success.
  • The challenges of regulatory compliance for new businesses.
  • The potential of blockchain technology in entrepreneurial finance.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on small business operations.
  • The future of entrepreneurial networking.
  • The role of demographic changes in entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • The impact of climate change on business innovations.
  • The challenges of entrepreneurship in the arts.
  • The future of family businesses in modern economies.
  • The role of psychological resilience in entrepreneurial success.
  • The impact of migration on entrepreneurial diversity.
  • The challenges of supply chain management for entrepreneurs.
  • The potential of biotechnology startups in healthcare.
  • The impact of urbanization on entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • The future of virtual reality in business applications.
  • The role of data privacy in consumer-oriented startups.
  • The impact of mobile payments on small business transactions.
  • The challenges of energy efficiency in entrepreneurial ventures.

10. Environmental Science Thesis Topics

  • The role of urban green spaces in combating air pollution.
  • The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems.
  • The challenges of sustainable agriculture in water-scarce regions.
  • The future of renewable energy technologies in mitigating climate change.
  • The challenges of waste management in urban areas.
  • The potential of ecosystem services in urban planning.
  • The impact of climate change on freshwater resources.
  • The challenges of environmental policy in developing countries.
  • The future of conservation strategies for endangered species.
  • The role of citizen science in environmental monitoring.
  • The impact of industrial pollution on public health.
  • The challenges of restoring ecosystems after natural disasters.
  • The potential of green chemistry in reducing environmental impact.
  • The impact of global warming on polar regions.
  • The challenges of air quality monitoring in megacities.
  • The future of oceanography in climate research.
  • The role of environmental education in sustainability.
  • The impact of sustainable tourism on natural reserves.
  • The challenges of geothermal energy exploitation.
  • The future of bioenergy in global energy markets.
  • The role of public awareness in environmental conservation.
  • The impact of agricultural runoff on water quality.
  • The challenges of noise pollution in urban environments.
  • The potential of green roofs in energy conservation.
  • The impact of invasive species on local ecosystems.
  • The future of wildlife corridors in promoting biodiversity.
  • The role of policy in shaping environmental technologies.
  • The impact of land use change on ecosystem services.
  • The challenges of sustainable fishing practices.
  • The future of environmental impact assessments.
  • The role of community engagement in conservation projects.
  • The impact of climate change on agricultural pests.
  • The challenges of sustainable urban drainage systems.
  • The potential of natural resource management in conflict zones.
  • The impact of eco-labeling on consumer behavior.
  • The future of environmental justice in policy making.
  • The role of geospatial technologies in environmental management.
  • The impact of renewable energy subsidies on market development.
  • The challenges of carbon capture and storage technologies.

11. Finance Thesis Topics

  • The role of financial technology in shaping banking services.
  • The impact of global economic policies on stock markets.
  • The challenges of financial inclusion in low-income countries.
  • The future of cryptocurrency in global trade.
  • The impact of interest rate fluctuations on consumer behavior.
  • The challenges of corporate finance in multinational companies.
  • The potential of microfinance in supporting small businesses.
  • The impact of stock market volatility on retirement savings.
  • The challenges of insurance models in climate-sensitive regions.
  • The future of investment strategies in a low-yield environment.
  • The role of central banks in stabilizing financial markets.
  • The impact of Brexit on European financial stability.
  • The challenges of ethical investing in emerging markets.
  • The potential of blockchain in reducing financial fraud.
  • The impact of monetary policies on economic recovery.
  • The challenges of financial literacy in developing a sustainable economy.
  • The future of digital currencies in monetary systems.
  • The role of financial regulations in promoting transparency.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on financial services.
  • The challenges of managing public debt in developing countries.
  • The future of real estate investment in urban areas.
  • The role of crowdfunding in financing innovation.
  • The impact of global trade tensions on foreign exchange markets.
  • The challenges of pension fund management in an aging population.
  • The potential of sustainable finance in corporate strategies.
  • The impact of inflation on spending patterns.
  • The future of risk management in financial institutions.
  • The role of international financial organizations in crisis resolution.
  • The impact of technology on personal financial planning.
  • The challenges of financial sanctions on global banking.
  • The future of financial derivatives in market stability.
  • The role of consumer protection in financial services.
  • The impact of e-commerce on global economic growth.
  • The challenges of financial market regulation in a digital age.
  • The potential of impact investing in addressing social issues.
  • The impact of climate change on insurance risk assessments.
  • The future of global financial cooperation.
  • The role of data analytics in financial forecasting.
  • The impact of mobile banking on financial accessibility.
  • The challenges of financial crime prevention.

12. Geography Thesis Topics

  • The impact of climate change on coastal erosion patterns globally
  • Urban heat islands: Mitigation strategies for mega-cities
  • Geographic information systems (GIS) applications in disaster management
  • The role of green spaces in enhancing urban resilience to climate change
  • Water scarcity and conflict in the Middle East: A spatial analysis
  • Mapping pandemic outbreaks: The role of geographic factors in disease spread
  • The effects of urbanization on biodiversity in metropolitan areas
  • Sustainable tourism and its impact on indigenous communities
  • Deforestation patterns and their impact on local climates
  • Geospatial analysis of renewable energy potential in developing countries
  • The political geography of borders in post-conflict regions
  • Land use changes and their impacts on suburban wildlife
  • Analyzing the socioeconomic impacts of natural disasters using spatial data
  • The future of Arctic navigation routes: Geopolitical and environmental considerations
  • GIS in urban planning: Case studies on efficient city layouts
  • Sea level rise and its implications for island nations
  • The geography of refugee flows and human migration patterns
  • Comparative analysis of urban sprawl in Europe and Asia
  • Remote sensing applications in monitoring deforestation efforts
  • The dynamics of river pollution and its effects on surrounding populations
  • Climate adaptation strategies in drought-prone regions
  • The impact of transportation networks on rural development
  • Spatial patterns of agricultural productivity shifts due to technological advancements
  • Historical cartography and its influence on modern territorial disputes
  • The role of geospatial data in shaping public health policies
  • Assessing the impact of mega-dams on river ecosystems
  • The cultural geography of food security in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Urban-rural migration patterns and their effects on regional development
  • The evolution of coastal cities’ defense mechanisms against rising sea levels
  • Spatial justice and accessibility in metropolitan public services
  • Modeling the spread of invasive species using GIS
  • The economic geography of global supply chains disrupted by political instability
  • Land rights disputes and their environmental consequences
  • The role of satellite imagery in enforcing environmental regulations
  • Geographical analysis of electoral patterns in democratic nations
  • The socioeconomic effects of mining in developing regions
  • Water resource management in arid climates: Case studies from around the world
  • The use of geospatial data in predicting volcanic eruptions
  • The impact of global warming on polar glacial movements
  • Urban biodiversity: Strategies for preserving green spaces in large cities

13. Geology Thesis Topics

  • The impact of hydraulic fracturing on local groundwater systems
  • Volcanic activity and its influence on climate patterns
  • Sedimentary records and climate change: A deep-time perspective
  • The role of geology in sustainable urban planning
  • Mineralogy of subduction zones and its implications for seismic activity
  • Geotechnical assessment of landslide-prone areas
  • Paleoceanography: Studying ancient marine environments through sediment analysis
  • The geochemistry of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and their ecosystems
  • Earthquake prediction: Advances in seismic monitoring and data analysis
  • The effects of mining on ecosystem dynamics
  • Geophysical techniques in oil and gas exploration
  • The evolution of continental crust through geological time
  • The geology of planetary bodies: Insights from Mars and the Moon
  • Coral reef degradation: Geological perspectives on a biological crisis
  • The dynamics of groundwater flow in karst environments
  • Radioisotope dating: Techniques and applications in geological research
  • Impact of glacial movements on alpine landscapes
  • Geothermal energy: Mapping potential sites for sustainable power
  • The formation and significance of geological faults
  • Soil erosion processes and their impact on agricultural land
  • Geological mapping of underexplored regions for mineral resources
  • The influence of tectonic activity on biodiversity hotspots
  • Techniques in paleomagnetism and their applications in plate tectonics
  • The impact of coastal erosion on human settlements
  • Studying basaltic rock formations to understand volcanic activity
  • The role of geology in the carbon cycle and climate regulation
  • Advances in geological remote sensing and satellite imagery
  • Geoarchaeology: Uncovering human history through geological methods
  • Geology and public health: Understanding natural sources of toxic elements
  • Modeling the future impacts of sea level rise on coastal geology
  • The geological implications of artificial islands and land reclamation
  • Preservation of geological heritage sites under threat from tourism
  • The role of sediment transport in shaping river deltas
  • Geological considerations in the construction of large-scale infrastructure
  • The environmental impacts of deep-sea mining
  • Assessing the risk of tsunamis in the Pacific Rim
  • Geological factors in the siting of nuclear facilities
  • The relationship between geological structures and biodiversity in national parks
  • Studying the geology of sinkholes: Causes and consequences
  • The science of gemstones: From geological formation to market trends

14. Health Thesis Topics

  • The impact of telemedicine on healthcare delivery in rural areas
  • Nutritional strategies in the prevention of type 2 diabetes
  • The role of genetic factors in the development of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Mental health outcomes among refugees: A cross-cultural study
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapies on chronic pain
  • Vaccine hesitancy: Causes and public health implications
  • The effects of air pollution on respiratory health in urban areas
  • Opioid addiction treatment: New approaches and their effectiveness
  • Health disparities in cardiovascular disease outcomes by ethnicity
  • The influence of social media on adolescent mental health
  • Maternal health and neonatal outcomes in low-resource settings
  • The impact of sleep quality on cognitive decline in the elderly
  • Public health strategies to combat obesity in children
  • The effectiveness of public smoking bans in reducing lung disease rates
  • Exploring the relationship between gut microbiota and immune function
  • The use of AI in predicting epidemic outbreaks
  • Strategies for increasing physical activity among office workers
  • The effects of climate change on vector-borne diseases
  • Healthcare systems’ responsiveness to the needs of diverse populations
  • The role of patient education in managing chronic diseases
  • Mental health interventions in primary care settings
  • Assessing the impact of dietary supplements on health outcomes
  • The role of healthcare policy in improving population health
  • The ethical implications of genetic screening for hereditary diseases
  • The challenge of antibiotic resistance: Strategies for global response
  • Health implications of long-term space travel: A study of astronaut health
  • The use of blockchain technology in securing patient health records
  • Addressing mental health stigma in various cultural contexts
  • The impact of economic downturns on public health systems
  • Preventive measures against sports-related concussions
  • The role of occupational therapy in stroke rehabilitation
  • The effects of urban green spaces on mental health
  • Developing effective interventions for teenage substance abuse
  • The global impact of non-communicable diseases on economic development
  • The use of mobile health applications in patient management
  • Strategies for reducing maternal mortality rates in developing countries
  • The role of health informatics in improving patient care
  • The impact of chronic stress on health: Physiological and psychological aspects
  • Evaluating the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The relationship between health literacy and health outcomes

15. Immigration Thesis Topics

  • The impact of immigration policies on national security in various countries
  • Economic effects of mass migration on host countries
  • Cultural integration challenges faced by immigrants in urban settings
  • The role of international laws in protecting the rights of refugees
  • Effects of brain drain on developing countries due to emigration
  • Analysis of the socio-economic impacts of undocumented workers in the United States
  • Long-term demographic changes resulting from immigration trends
  • The influence of immigrant communities on local election outcomes
  • Comparative study of refugee resettlement programs across Western countries
  • The role of language barriers in immigrant education and integration
  • Mental health issues among immigrant populations
  • Impact of remittances on the economy of origin countries
  • Legal challenges and pathways to citizenship for immigrants
  • The effects of religious diversity brought by immigrants
  • Strategies for managing cultural diversity in multinational corporations
  • Xenophobia and racism: Social tensions in immigrant-dense areas
  • The role of social media in shaping immigrant identity
  • The impact of climate change on patterns of global migration
  • Comparative analysis of asylum policies in EU countries
  • The role of international NGOs in aiding immigrants and refugees
  • Gender-specific challenges faced by female immigrants
  • The economic contribution of refugees to local economies
  • The effect of immigration on public health systems
  • Policies to combat human trafficking across borders
  • The role of education in facilitating immigrant integration
  • Historical patterns of immigration and their impact on modern policies
  • Challenges to law enforcement in regions with high levels of immigration
  • The impact of deportation on families and communities
  • The effectiveness of border security measures in controlling illegal immigration
  • Immigration as a tool for diplomatic leverage in international relations
  • The role of the media in influencing public opinion on immigration
  • Challenges of second-generation immigrants in maintaining cultural heritage
  • Impact of immigration on urban planning and infrastructure
  • Immigration and the changing landscape of political power in host countries
  • Ethical considerations in the treatment of detained immigrants
  • The relationship between immigration and global economic crises
  • Success stories of immigrant entrepreneurs and their impact on global markets
  • The role of immigrant labor in the sustainability of pension systems
  • Comparative analysis of immigrant integration in rural vs. urban areas
  • The impact of expatriate communities on global cultural exchange

16. Law Thesis Topics

  • The implications of artificial intelligence on copyright and intellectual property laws.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of hate speech laws in various jurisdictions.
  • The impact of international trade laws on emerging economies.
  • Legal challenges in the enforcement of global environmental protection laws.
  • The evolution of privacy laws in the digital age.
  • Comparative analysis of drug decriminalization policies across countries.
  • The role of the judiciary in upholding democratic values in times of political crises.
  • Legal frameworks for combating cybercrime: A global perspective.
  • The influence of legal systems on minority rights protection.
  • Assessing the impact of legal aid services on access to justice.
  • The role of law in regulating unmanned aerial vehicles (drones).
  • Legal and ethical issues surrounding euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • The enforcement of international human rights laws in conflict zones.
  • Analyzing the legal responses to domestic violence in different cultures.
  • The effectiveness of anti-corruption laws in public sector governance.
  • Intellectual property rights and access to medication in developing countries.
  • Legal aspects of international adoptions and child rights.
  • The role of law in managing global refugee crises.
  • Employment law and its impact on gender equality in the workplace.
  • Legal challenges in the adoption of renewable energy sources.
  • The impact of forensic science on criminal justice systems.
  • Legal issues related to the commercialization of space.
  • The role of legal institutions in addressing economic inequality.
  • Animal rights and legal protections: A comparative study.
  • The future of international law in governing maritime disputes.
  • Legal strategies to combat human trafficking across continents.
  • The role of customary law in modern legal systems.
  • The implications of Brexit on European Union law.
  • Legal responses to global pandemics and health emergencies.
  • The influence of shareholder activism on corporate governance.
  • Rights and legal protections for gig economy workers.
  • Legal frameworks governing artificial reproductive technologies.
  • The impact of climate change legislation on industrial sectors.
  • The role of international courts in resolving territorial disputes.
  • The legality and ethics of surveillance in national security.
  • Legal implications of genetic data storage and usage.
  • The intersection of religion and law in secular societies.
  • Legal considerations in the regulation of virtual currencies.
  • Comparative legal analysis of same-sex marriage laws.
  • The role of law in combating racial discrimination in education and employment.

17. Nutrition Thesis Topics

  • The impact of plant-based diets on long-term health outcomes.
  • Nutritional strategies for managing autoimmune diseases.
  • The role of gut microbiota in weight management and obesity prevention.
  • Comparative effectiveness of dietary interventions in reducing cardiovascular risk.
  • The influence of nutritional education on childhood obesity rates.
  • The effects of intermittent fasting on metabolic health.
  • Nutritional deficiencies and their impact on mental health.
  • The role of antioxidants in cancer prevention.
  • Trends in global dietary patterns and their environmental impacts.
  • The effectiveness of school-based nutritional programs on student health.
  • The impact of ultra-processed foods on chronic disease rates.
  • Nutritional genomics: Personalizing diet plans based on genetic profiles.
  • The relationship between dietary patterns and aging.
  • The effects of caffeine and other stimulants on athletic performance.
  • The role of omega-3 fatty acids in cognitive development and function.
  • Dietary interventions in the management of Type 2 diabetes.
  • The impact of alcohol consumption on nutritional status.
  • Strategies to improve nutritional intake in elderly populations.
  • The role of nutrition in the recovery and rehabilitation of sports injuries.
  • Ethical considerations in the marketing of dietary supplements.
  • The influence of socio-economic status on nutritional choices and health outcomes.
  • The role of dietary fiber in digestive health and disease prevention.
  • Nutrition and skin health: The impact of diet on skin condition and aging.
  • The relationship between nutrition and sleep quality.
  • The effect of maternal nutrition on fetal development and birth outcomes.
  • The impact of geographic and cultural factors on dietary practices.
  • The effectiveness of community gardens in improving access to nutritious foods.
  • The role of policy in shaping public nutrition and food security.
  • Nutritional challenges in vegan and vegetarian diets.
  • The science of food addiction and its implications for dietary guidelines.
  • The impact of pesticides and other chemicals on food safety and nutritional value.
  • The role of protein in muscle synthesis and body composition.
  • Nutritional interventions in the treatment of mood disorders.
  • The effects of global warming on food production and nutritional quality.
  • The impact of fast food globalization on worldwide obesity rates.
  • Nutritional considerations in palliative care settings.
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention and management of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The impact of mindful eating on health and well-being.
  • Nutrient timing: The implications of when we eat on health and performance.
  • The effectiveness of nutritional labeling in influencing consumer choices.

18. Leadership Thesis Topics

  • The impact of transformational leadership on employee engagement and retention.
  • The role of leadership in shaping organizational culture and performance.
  • Leadership strategies for managing diversity and inclusion in multinational corporations.
  • The effectiveness of servant leadership in nonprofit organizations.
  • Leadership in crisis: Evaluating the responses of business leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The influence of gender on leadership styles and effectiveness.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership success.
  • Leadership development programs: Assessing their impact on career progression.
  • Ethical leadership and its effects on corporate governance.
  • Leadership and innovation: How leaders foster a culture of innovation within organizations.
  • The impact of leadership on team dynamics and conflict resolution.
  • Cross-cultural leadership: The challenges and strategies for leading in a globalized market.
  • The role of leadership in successful change management initiatives.
  • The relationship between leadership styles and employee job satisfaction.
  • Millennials in leadership: Their approach and impact on organizational practices.
  • The effect of leadership coaching on personal and organizational outcomes.
  • Leadership succession planning in family-owned businesses.
  • The impact of digital transformation on leadership practices.
  • Leadership and sustainability: Integrating environmental concerns into business strategies.
  • The role of leadership in enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Distributed leadership in educational institutions: A path to improved school outcomes.
  • The influence of political leadership on national economic development.
  • Leadership in healthcare: Strategies for handling administrative and ethical challenges.
  • Virtual leadership: Leading remote teams effectively in the digital age.
  • The role of leadership in driving corporate social responsibility initiatives.
  • Adaptive leadership in dynamic markets: Responding to technological disruptions.
  • Leadership under pressure: The skills needed for high-stakes decision-making.
  • The impact of authoritarian versus democratic leadership styles on organizational efficiency.
  • The role of leadership in promoting workplace safety and well-being.
  • Leadership in the arts sector: Challenges and strategies for inspiring creative teams.
  • The effectiveness of leadership training in the public sector.
  • Leadership and accountability: Mechanisms for transparent governance in organizations.
  • Women in leadership: Barriers and enablers for gender equity at the top.
  • Leadership during mergers and acquisitions: Key strategies for smooth transitions.
  • The impact of social media on leadership and personal branding.
  • The relationship between leadership and mental health in the workplace.
  • Leadership in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): Unique challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of leadership in disaster recovery and resilience building.
  • Charismatic leadership: Its influence on followers and organizational outcomes.
  • Leadership and corporate culture: How leaders influence organizational values and norms.

19. Literature Thesis Topics

  • The evolution of the narrative structure in modernist literature.
  • Themes of alienation and identity in post-colonial literature.
  • The representation of gender and sexuality in contemporary young adult fiction.
  • The role of dystopian literature in critiquing current societal norms.
  • Magical realism as a tool for political commentary in Latin American novels.
  • The influence of the Beat Generation on American literature and culture.
  • Intersections of race and class in the works of Toni Morrison.
  • The depiction of mental health in 20th-century literature.
  • Eco-criticism and the portrayal of nature in Romantic poetry.
  • The impact of digital media on the form and content of contemporary poetry.
  • Intertextuality in the works of James Joyce and T.S. Eliot.
  • The narrative techniques of unreliable narration in modern novels.
  • The role of mythology in shaping modern fantasy literature.
  • Feminist re-readings of classic Victorian novels.
  • The portrayal of historical events in Holocaust literature.
  • The influence of existential philosophy on European plays of the 20th century.
  • The treatment of exile and displacement in the literature of the Middle East.
  • Comparative analysis of Gothic elements in 19th-century British and American literature.
  • The role of the supernatural in the development of horror literature.
  • The representation of urban spaces in modernist poetry.
  • Postmodern narrative strategies in contemporary cinema.
  • The literary legacy of the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Memory and trauma in post-war European literature.
  • The impact of censorship on the dissemination of radical ideas in literature.
  • The dynamics of power and corruption in political novels.
  • Psychoanalytic interpretations of children’s fairy tales.
  • Consumer culture and its critique in postmodern American fiction.
  • The concept of the anti-hero in modern drama and its societal implications.
  • Literary expressions of religious doubt from the Enlightenment to modernism.
  • The evolution of the vampire myth in literature from Dracula to today.
  • The influence of African oral traditions on contemporary African-American literature.
  • Depictions of artificial intelligence in science fiction: ethical and philosophical implications.
  • The portrayal of indigenous cultures in settler colonial narratives.
  • Gender dynamics in the epistolary novel form.
  • Literature as a form of resistance in totalitarian regimes.
  • The intersection of literature and film in adapting classical texts.
  • Archetypes and their transformations in world literature.
  • The narrative function of space in graphic novels.
  • Literary adaptations and their impact on understanding original works.
  • The role of paratexts in shaping reader reception of literary texts.

20. Management Thesis Topics

  • The impact of remote work on team dynamics and productivity.
  • Strategies for managing global teams across different time zones and cultures.
  • The role of management in fostering innovation within organizations.
  • The effectiveness of agile management techniques in software development projects.
  • The influence of corporate social responsibility on brand loyalty and consumer behavior.
  • Crisis management: Best practices for handling public relations disasters.
  • The impact of generational differences on management styles and employee satisfaction.
  • Strategies for effective change management in rapidly evolving industries.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in leadership and management.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on strategic decision-making processes.
  • Sustainability in supply chain management: Practices and outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of performance management systems in multinational corporations.
  • Workplace diversity: Management strategies for fostering inclusivity.
  • Conflict resolution: Techniques and systems for managing workplace disputes.
  • The role of management in preventing workplace harassment and ensuring safety.
  • The impact of digital transformation on traditional management practices.
  • Strategies for managing customer relationships in the digital era.
  • The influence of organizational culture on employee productivity and morale.
  • Talent management strategies for attracting and retaining top talent.
  • Management challenges in the healthcare sector: Improving efficiency and patient care.
  • The role of management in promoting ethical practices within corporations.
  • The impact of e-commerce on retail management.
  • Risk management strategies in the finance industry.
  • The role of project management in successful infrastructure development.
  • The impact of leadership development programs on organizational success.
  • Managing innovation: How companies can cultivate and sustain innovative practices.
  • The influence of management practices on employee well-being and work-life balance.
  • The role of data analytics in management decision-making.
  • Best practices for managing non-profit organizations.
  • The impact of international trade policies on business management.
  • Employee engagement strategies: What works and what doesn’t?
  • The effect of management styles on the adoption of technology in the workplace.
  • The challenges of managing a multi-generational workforce.
  • The role of strategic planning in business growth and development.
  • Corporate governance and its impact on company performance and accountability.
  • The management of mergers and acquisitions: Integration strategies and challenges.
  • The effect of global economic conditions on management practices.
  • Consumer behavior insights for strategic management decisions.
  • Outsourcing strategies: Management challenges and benefits.
  • The role of mentorship programs in management training and development.

21. Marketing Thesis Topics

  • The effectiveness of social media influencers in brand promotion.
  • Consumer behavior analysis in the era of digital transformation.
  • The impact of virtual reality marketing on consumer purchase intentions.
  • Green marketing: Strategies and challenges in promoting sustainable products.
  • The role of emotional appeals in advertising effectiveness.
  • The evolution of consumer privacy concerns in digital marketing.
  • Brand loyalty: Factors influencing consumer loyalty in competitive markets.
  • The impact of cultural factors on global marketing strategies.
  • Neuromarketing: How brain science is influencing advertising strategies.
  • The effectiveness of content marketing in building brand awareness.
  • The role of customer feedback in shaping product development.
  • Marketing automation: Tools, benefits, and potential pitfalls.
  • The influence of economic downturns on marketing strategies.
  • The impact of customer relationship management (CRM) systems on sales performance.
  • Ethical concerns in marketing: A study of deceptive advertising practices.
  • The role of packaging design in consumer decision-making.
  • The effectiveness of loyalty programs in retaining customers.
  • The challenges of marketing pharmaceutical products in a regulated environment.
  • The impact of global events on sports marketing and sponsorship.
  • The role of search engine optimization (SEO) in modern marketing strategies.
  • Mobile marketing: Trends, effectiveness, and consumer reception.
  • The influence of brand storytelling on emotional connection and engagement.
  • Comparative analysis of traditional vs. digital marketing budgets and ROI.
  • The challenges and opportunities of affiliate marketing.
  • Consumer resistance to digital advertising and ways to overcome it.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on personalized marketing campaigns.
  • The role of gender in marketing: Tailoring messages to diverse audiences.
  • The effectiveness of video marketing on social media platforms.
  • The influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer perceptions.
  • The role of market segmentation in effective targeting.
  • The impact of pop-up retail on consumer engagement and sales.
  • The role of public relations in crisis management and brand rehabilitation.
  • The effectiveness of experiential marketing campaigns.
  • The challenges of marketing in the non-profit sector.
  • The impact of data breaches on brand trust and loyalty.
  • Influencer marketing vs. celebrity endorsements: A comparative study.
  • The role of sensory marketing in enhancing customer experience.
  • The impact of augmented reality on shopping experiences.
  • The role of analytics in predicting consumer behavior.
  • The effectiveness of cross-channel marketing strategies.

22. Nursing Thesis Topics

  • The impact of nurse-patient ratios on patient outcomes in critical care units.
  • Strategies for managing nurse burnout and job satisfaction.
  • The effectiveness of telehealth nursing and its implications for rural healthcare.
  • The role of nurses in managing chronic diseases in outpatient settings.
  • Innovations in nursing education and their impact on clinical practice.
  • The challenges of cultural competence in nursing: Strategies for improvement.
  • The impact of evidence-based practice on nursing care quality.
  • The role of nursing leadership in fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Patient safety in hospitals: The contribution of nursing protocols.
  • The effects of advanced nurse practitioner roles on patient access to care.
  • The impact of simulation-based training on nursing competency.
  • Nursing interventions to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired infections.
  • The role of nurses in end-of-life care: Ethical and practical considerations.
  • Mental health nursing: Best practices for patient engagement and recovery.
  • The challenges of pediatric nursing and family care coordination.
  • The effectiveness of community nursing programs in improving public health.
  • The impact of nursing informatics on patient care and data management.
  • The role of nurses in the management of medical emergencies in remote areas.
  • Nursing approaches to pain management: Traditional vs. alternative methods.
  • The impact of maternal health nursing on neonatal outcomes.
  • Nursing strategies for improving vaccination rates among different population groups.
  • The role of nurses in health promotion and disease prevention.
  • The challenges of geriatric nursing and the management of age-related diseases.
  • The effectiveness of nursing interventions in psychiatric care.
  • The role of nurse-led clinics in improving healthcare accessibility.
  • Nursing and public health emergencies: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The impact of nursing on patient satisfaction and hospital readmission rates.
  • The role of nurses in managing diabetes care and patient education.
  • Ethical dilemmas in nursing: A study of decision-making processes.
  • The effectiveness of pressure ulcer prevention protocols in nursing homes.
  • The impact of mobile health applications on nursing practice and patient engagement.
  • Nursing perspectives on the management of cancer pain.
  • The role of nursing in the treatment of opioid addiction and recovery.
  • The impact of legal and regulatory changes on nursing practice.
  • Nursing and the management of rare diseases: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The effectiveness of wound care management techniques in nursing.
  • Nursing roles in cardiac rehabilitation: Patient outcomes and practices.
  • The influence of nursing care on the psychological outcomes of ICU patients.
  • The impact of global health initiatives on nursing practices.
  • The role of nurses in promoting mental health in primary care settings.

23. Philosophy Thesis Topics

  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • The concept of justice in modern political philosophy.
  • Exploring the philosophy of mind: consciousness and cognitive science.
  • The role of intuition in moral decision-making.
  • Nietzsche’s critique of traditional morality and its contemporary relevance.
  • The influence of existentialism on modern individualism.
  • The intersection of philosophy and literature: Analyzing philosophical narratives.
  • The problem of evil: Philosophical approaches to understanding suffering.
  • Environmental ethics: The philosophical basis for ecological responsibility.
  • The philosophy of language: Understanding how language shapes our reality.
  • The concept of freedom in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir.
  • Epistemology in the digital age: The impact of information technology on knowledge.
  • The ethics of care: A critical look at moral development and relational ethics.
  • The philosophy of science: Analyzing scientific rationality and progress.
  • Buddhist philosophy and its approach to the self and no-self.
  • Analyzing the philosophical underpinnings of human rights.
  • The notion of happiness in ancient versus modern philosophical texts.
  • The impact of Stoicism on modern self-help movements.
  • The concept of ‘Otherness’ in Continental philosophy.
  • The role of skepticism in shaping modern epistemology.
  • Phenomenology and the arts: Understanding aesthetic experiences.
  • The ethics of genetic engineering and human enhancement.
  • The political philosophy of anarchism: Theory and practice.
  • The philosophy of education: Analyzing educational paradigms and their impacts.
  • The debate on free will and determinism: Philosophical perspectives.
  • Virtue ethics: From Aristotle to modern applications.
  • The philosophy of religion: Analyzing the rationality of faith.
  • The role of metaphor in shaping philosophical thought.
  • The ethics of consumption: A philosophical inquiry into consumer culture.
  • The concept of power in Foucault’s works and its influence on social theory.
  • The philosophy of time: Understanding temporal experiences and theories.
  • Memory and identity: Philosophical examinations of personal continuity.
  • The ethics of global poverty and international justice.
  • Exploring the philosophical aspects of quantum mechanics.
  • The social contract theory in the age of globalization.
  • The influence of philosophy on cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • Philosophical analysis of postmodernism and its criticisms.
  • The notion of duty in Kantian ethics and its relevance today.
  • The metaphysics of causation: from Aristotle to contemporary theories.
  • Analyzing the concept of autonomy in bioethics.

24. Psychology Thesis Topics

  • The psychological impact of social media on teen self-esteem and body image.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy vs. mindfulness-based stress reduction: Efficacy in treating anxiety disorders.
  • The role of attachment styles in adult relationships.
  • Neuroplasticity and recovery from brain injury: Strategies and outcomes.
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance and mental health.
  • Psychological resilience: Factors that contribute to mental toughness in athletes.
  • The influence of parental involvement on child educational outcomes.
  • The efficacy of psychoeducational interventions in managing ADHD in children.
  • The role of personality traits in workplace performance.
  • The impact of childhood trauma on adult psychological disorders.
  • Psychological strategies for coping with chronic pain.
  • The effects of aging on memory and how to mitigate cognitive decline.
  • Eating disorders: Psychological underpinnings and treatment outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in treating phobias.
  • Social psychology: The impact of group dynamics on individual behavior.
  • The role of psychological factors in cardiovascular health.
  • The impact of pet ownership on mental health and social well-being.
  • The psychology of addiction: Understanding mechanisms and pathways to recovery.
  • The effect of mindfulness meditation on emotional regulation.
  • The psychological implications of genetic testing for hereditary diseases.
  • The role of gender identity in psychological health and development.
  • The impact of bullying on adolescent mental health and academic performance.
  • The influence of cultural factors on mental health treatment preferences and outcomes.
  • Psychological aspects of cyberbullying: Victim and perpetrator profiles.
  • The role of art therapy in the treatment of depression and anxiety.
  • The psychology of leadership: Key traits and behaviors of effective leaders.
  • The effects of prenatal exposure to stress on child development.
  • The role of music therapy in cognitive and emotional rehabilitation.
  • Psychological interventions in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • The relationship between job satisfaction and mental health among healthcare professionals.
  • The impact of climate change anxiety on mental health.
  • The psychology of procrastination: Causes and interventions.
  • The role of optimism and pessimism in coping with life stressors.
  • The influence of social isolation on psychological health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The effectiveness of community-based mental health initiatives.
  • The psychological impacts of long-term space travel on astronauts.
  • The role of stigma in accessing mental health care.
  • The psychological effects of consumer behavior and marketing.
  • The impact of early retirement on mental health and identity.
  • The role of exercise in enhancing cognitive function and mental health.

25. Science Thesis Topics

  • The role of CRISPR technology in advancing gene editing: Opportunities and ethical challenges.
  • The impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems and biodiversity.
  • The effectiveness of renewable energy sources in reducing global carbon emissions.
  • Advances in quantum computing: Potential impacts on data security.
  • The use of biotechnology in agriculture to enhance crop resistance and yield.
  • The potential of nanotechnology in medical diagnostics and treatment.
  • Climate change and its effects on global weather patterns.
  • The influence of artificial intelligence on scientific research methodologies.
  • The development and impact of vaccines in managing global health crises.
  • The role of robotics in industrial automation and its economic implications.
  • The physics of black holes and their significance in understanding the universe.
  • The chemistry of non-toxic materials for sustainable manufacturing processes.
  • The study of exoplanets and the possibility of life beyond Earth.
  • The role of citizen science in expanding research data collection and analysis.
  • The impact of deforestation on the atmospheric carbon cycle.
  • The role of genetic diversity in species conservation.
  • The potential of stem cells in regenerative medicine and therapy.
  • The integration of technology in environmental conservation efforts.
  • The applications and implications of 3D printing in medical prosthetics.
  • The dynamics of ocean currents and their effects on climate regulation.
  • The challenges and advancements in antimicrobial resistance.
  • The use of geographic information systems (GIS) in tracking biodiversity changes.
  • The ethical considerations of human-animal chimeras in research.
  • The influence of space exploration on technological advancement.
  • The role of machine learning in predicting epidemic outbreaks.
  • The implications of deep-sea exploration on our understanding of marine life.
  • The potential of augmented reality in enhancing interactive learning environments.
  • The effects of urbanization on local wildlife and ecosystems.
  • The role of women in the advancement of science and technology.
  • The impact of agricultural practices on soil health and sustainability.
  • The relationship between genetics and behavior in mammals.
  • The advancements in battery technology and their impact on electric vehicles.
  • The role of science in formulating public health policy.
  • The impact of social media on scientific communication and misinformation.
  • The potential of synthetic biology in producing biofuels.
  • The challenges of waste management in space missions.
  • The role of molecular biology in understanding the mechanisms of aging.
  • The implications of climate change for Arctic marine species.
  • The development of technologies for sustainable fishing practices.
  • The impact of scientific literacy on public decision-making processes.

As we conclude our extensive exploration of thesis topics across a wide array of disciplines, it becomes evident that the landscape of academic research is both vast and vibrant. The topics listed here span from the intricacies of molecular biology to the expansive strategies of global marketing, each designed to spark curiosity and drive innovation within their respective fields. This collection serves not only as a repository of ideas but also as a launchpad for the next generation of scholars eager to contribute to the ongoing conversations in their areas of study.

The breadth of thesis topics provided here underscores the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary research and the myriad ways in which academic inquiries can intersect and influence one another. Whether you are drawn to the urgent environmental issues discussed under Environmental Science, intrigued by the ethical questions in Philosophy, or captivated by the technological advancements in Computer Science, these topics offer avenues to delve deeply and make your mark within your chosen field.

Students are encouraged to approach these topics with a spirit of inquiry and rigor. As you select your thesis topic, consider not only what interests you but also what will contribute to the broader academic community and society at large. Each thesis topic has the potential to expand knowledge, inform practices, and propose new solutions to complex problems.

Moreover, the diversity of these topics reflects the dynamic nature of academic disciplines that evolve with societal changes and technological progress. By engaging with these thesis topics, students are participating in a global dialogue that shapes our understanding of the world and charts the course for future developments.

In summary, this comprehensive list of thesis topics is more than just a guide—it is an invitation to challenge and be challenged, to discover and innovate. We hope that students will embrace the opportunity to explore these ideas, using them as stepping stones to develop unique insights and contribute meaningful research to their fields. So, delve into these topics, choose one that resonates with your academic passions and career aspirations, and begin the exciting journey of crafting a compelling and significant thesis.

How to Choose a Thesis Topic

Selecting a fitting and feasible thesis topic is a crucial first step for any graduate student. The choice of a thesis topic not only determines the direction of your academic journey but also impacts your motivation, career trajectory, and the contribution you will make to your field of study. Therefore, understanding how to effectively choose a thesis topic is foundational to your success both as a student and as a budding scholar.

What Makes a Good Thesis Topic

  • Relevance: A good thesis topic should be relevant to current issues or questions in your field. It should aim to fill a gap in knowledge or contribute to ongoing debates among scholars. Relevance ensures that your research findings will be of interest to others in your discipline and could potentially influence future research, policy, or practice.
  • Originality: Originality involves bringing new insights or proposing a novel approach to a problem. It doesn’t necessarily mean venturing into a completely unexplored territory but can involve taking a fresh perspective on existing questions. A thesis that introduces original concepts or challenges established norms tends to stand out and captivate the interest of the academic community.
  • Manageability: A feasible thesis topic is one that can realistically be researched and completed within the constraints of your resources, time frame, and academic requirements. Manageability requires careful consideration of the scope of the research and the availability of data and methods needed to conduct it effectively.
  • Interest and passion: Passion fuels perseverance, which is crucial in the long and sometimes daunting process of completing a thesis. Choosing a topic that genuinely interests you will keep you engaged and motivated during your research journey. It also often leads to more profound and insightful scholarly work because you are more likely to go above and beyond in exploring something you care deeply about.

Moving from a Thesis Idea to a Thesis Topic

  • Initial brainstorming techniques: Begin by jotting down various ideas that spark your interest. This initial phase is about exploring broadly and creatively without restricting your thoughts. Use mind mapping, lists, or free-writing techniques to generate and record ideas as they come to you.
  • Narrowing down ideas based on research feasibility and interest: Once you have a list of potential ideas, evaluate each based on how interesting they are to you and how feasible they are in terms of research scope and resources available. Discard ideas that are too broad, too narrow, or not sufficiently supported by available data or methods.
  • Importance of preliminary research: Conducting preliminary research is essential to determine if there is enough existing material to support your topic. This research can also reveal whether your idea has already been extensively covered, prompting you to adjust your angle or approach to ensure originality.

Connecting a Specific Thesis Topic to a Bigger Idea

  • Aligning the topic with broader themes and research questions: Your thesis should not only address a specific issue but also connect to larger conceptual or empirical questions in your field. This alignment helps to position your research within broader scholarly conversations and enhances its impact and relevance.
  • Ensuring the topic contributes to the field: The best thesis topics are those that contribute something valuable and substantive to their disciplines. Your topic should promise to provide insights, solutions, or new understandings that will add to the knowledge base of your field.

How to Refine Your Thesis Topic

  • Seeking feedback from advisors and peers: Regular feedback is invaluable in refining your topic. Advisors can provide perspective on the significance and feasibility of your topic, while peers might offer fresh ideas or pose questions you hadn’t considered.
  • Refining research questions: As you delve deeper into your topic, refine your research questions to ensure they are clear, focused, and answerable within the scope of your study. This might involve narrowing or sometimes slightly broadening the scope of your inquiry.
  • Adjusting the scope of research: Based on feedback and preliminary findings, adjust the scope of your research as needed to ensure that it remains manageable and within the bounds of available resources, time, and academic requirements.

Choosing and refining a thesis topic is a dynamic and iterative process that requires thoughtful consideration, preliminary research, and ongoing adjustments. The journey from a broad idea to a refined research question involves not only identifying a subject that is relevant, original, and manageable but also one that ignites your passion and curiosity. By following these steps and continually seeking feedback, you can ensure that your thesis will be a meaningful and rewarding endeavor.

Thesis Paper Writing Services

iResearchNet prides itself on providing exceptional writing services tailored specifically for students embarking on the challenging journey of thesis creation. Understanding the complexities involved in thesis projects, iResearchNet offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to support students at every stage of their research and writing process. From initial topic selection to the final draft, our services are structured to meet the diverse needs and expectations of students across all academic disciplines.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: Our team comprises highly qualified writers who hold advanced degrees in their respective fields. With their profound academic backgrounds and specialized expertise, these writers bring depth, rigor, and precision to your thesis project.
  • Custom Written Works: Every thesis we deliver is crafted from scratch, tailored to the specific requirements and guidelines of your academic program. This custom approach ensures that your work is unique and tailored to your academic needs.
  • In-Depth Research: We commit to thorough and exhaustive research, utilizing credible and relevant sources to enrich your thesis. Our writers have access to extensive databases and libraries, ensuring that every piece of information integrated into your thesis is accurate and of high academic value.
  • Custom Formatting (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard): Formatting is crucial in academic writing, and our experts are proficient in all major academic formatting styles. Whether your university requires APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard style, we ensure that every page adheres strictly to the guidelines.
  • Top Quality: Quality is at the heart of our services. Each thesis undergoes rigorous checks and revisions to meet the highest academic standards. Our internal quality assurance process guarantees that your thesis is not only well-written but also analytically sound and argumentatively persuasive.
  • Customized Solutions: We recognize that each thesis project has its own unique challenges and requirements. Our approach is to provide customized solutions that address the specific needs of each student, whether it’s a particular chapter, statistical analysis, or a complete thesis.
  • Flexible Pricing: We offer flexible pricing models that cater to various budgets and project requirements. Our goal is to make quality writing assistance accessible to all students, without compromising the quality of our work.
  • Short Deadlines up to 3 Hours: Need urgent help? Our service can accommodate extremely short deadlines, even up to three hours for specific parts of your project, ensuring that you never miss a submission date.
  • Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of deadlines in academic settings. Our commitment is to deliver your thesis on time, every time, allowing you to review the work and request any necessary revisions.
  • 24/7 Support: Our customer support team is available around the clock to answer any queries you may have. Whether it’s a question about your order, a request for an update, or additional instructions, our team is here to help you at any time.
  • Absolute Privacy: We uphold the strictest privacy standards to protect your personal and financial information. Your dealings with us remain confidential, and we never share your information with third parties.
  • Easy Order Tracking: Through our user-friendly online platform, you can easily track the progress of your order. This system keeps you informed about every stage of your thesis preparation.
  • Money-Back Guarantee: We stand behind our work with a money-back guarantee. If our work does not meet the specified requirements or you are not satisfied with the quality, we will refund your money in accordance with our policy.

At iResearchNet, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and excellence. Our team is committed to delivering personalized, top-quality research and writing services that you can rely on. With our expert writers, customized solutions, and robust support system, we ensure that your thesis project not only meets but exceeds your academic expectations. Trust iResearchNet to be your partner in your academic journey, helping you to achieve the success and recognition you deserve.

Order Your Custom-Written Thesis Today!

Embarking on your thesis journey represents a pivotal moment in your academic career. It’s your opportunity to shine, to show what you’ve learned, and to contribute something meaningful to your field of study. However, we understand that the thesis writing process can be daunting, which is why iResearchNet is here to help you every step of the way.

Order your custom thesis paper today and unlock the potential to excel in your academic pursuits! With iResearchNet, you gain access to a team of dedicated professionals who are committed to supporting your academic goals. Our expert writers, thorough researchers, and customer support specialists work tirelessly to ensure that your thesis is not only completed on time but crafted to meet the highest academic standards.

The benefits of ordering from iResearchNet are clear:

  • Expert Guidance: Receive support from academic professionals who are experts in your field of study.
  • High-Quality Content: Ensure that your thesis is well-researched, expertly written, and meticulously edited.
  • Customized Service: Get a thesis that is tailored specifically to your requirements and academic guidelines.
  • Stress Reduction: Alleviate the anxiety and pressure that comes with thesis writing.
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The process is simple and straightforward. Just visit our website, place your order, and let us know your specific requirements. From there, you can relax and leave the hard work to us. We guarantee timely delivery, absolute privacy, and a commitment to quality that you won’t find anywhere else.

Don’t let the stress of thesis writing hold you back from achieving your academic potential. Order your custom thesis paper from iResearchNet today and take the first step towards a successful and impressive academic achievement. Remember, a great thesis is just a click away. Let us help you make your academic journey smoother and more successful. Your future self will thank you!

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thesis ideas for united nations

  • Subject guides
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Subject guide

International Studies: how to write your thesis

This Subject Guide is designed to support students of International Studies with writing their BA thesis and research papers. This guide focuses on the research process, and suggests effective ways to: 1. find a topic and formulate a good research question; 2. search, find and evaluate literature; 3. search, find and organize primary sources; and 4. organize the research and writing process.

A. Getting Started & Staying Organized

Writing a thesis, or a larger research paper, can often be a challenge. It requires not only research skills, but also organizational skills to break down the process in smaller steps and make a realistic planning.

Sage Research Methods is a tool that helps you develop your research from the first to the last step .

B. Finding a good Topic

Leiden University’s library offers a number of tools to help you find a good research topic: Start your thesis .

Portland State University’s library, too, offers a good tool to help you get started: the DIY Library , and Ohio State University offers a handbook .

Three short videos that can help you get started are: Picking a topic IS research (by NC State); Choosing a Research Paper Topic (by University of Minnesota Libraries); How to Develop a Good Research Topic (by Kansas State Libraries).

C. Formulating a Research Question

The instruction page ‘ How to write a research question ’ of George Mason University’s Writing Center can form a good starting point, as well as this handbook .

You can also watch these short videos to help you get started: Developing a Research Question (by Steely Library); and Research Questions tutorial (by George Washington University Library).

D. Finding & Evaluating literature

Leiden University’s library offers help with finding and evaluating literature for your thesis or research paper.

You can find tutorials on searching for literature ; as well as tutorials on evaluating sources , or use this handbook .  

You can also ask for help by asking questions directly to library staff; or by a meeting with a subject librarian .

Two helpful short videos on finding literature include: One perfect source? (by NC State); and Tips & Tricks: Phrase Searching (by NC State).

E. Finding Primary Sources

The library provides access to a large number of digital resources, databases and archives . The Subject Guide for International Studies provides an overview of the various resources. 

Four examples of digital primary sources are  digital & digitised newspapers ; the Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History ; the Economist Intelligence Unit , which provides economic profiles and country reports; and the The Digital National Security Archive , which contains declassified CIA and US government documents.

You can gain an overview of the databases and e-resources offered through the library via this link .

F. Planning your Research Project

Students often struggle with making a realistic time-plan and then sticking with it. The following tools can help:

The Open University’s interactive website Time Management Skills portal helps you to develop your time management skills. See the following links for topics such as: - setting goals , - how to prepare a schedule and -tips for time management .

G. Help & Support

For questions about finding the right literature, you can approach the library, by asking questions directly to library staff; or by requesting a one-on-one meeting with a subject librarian .

For help with writing your thesis or research paper, you can also contact the International Studies Writing Lab .

For help with developing your Study skills & managing your studies (for example help with managing your time or coping with study stress), you can approach the Student Support Services for various workshops and courses .

If you are coping with more serious study-related or mental issues, you contact the study advisers or the university’s student psychologist , or visit the university’s website on well being .

Find a topic, formulate a research question, make a realistic time-plan

As a student you will have to do research assignments, write papers and hand in your final thesis before graduation. In order to succeed in this, you need to choose a good topic, formulate a researchable question, and make a realistic planning.

An effective tool for designing your research process in an effective way, is the SAGE Research Methods website . This website is user-friendly and helps you to break down your research process into smaller blocks. It also provides help with planning your research project.

Tips on how to choose a topic

  • Get inspired: Take inspiration from your required readings for a course you like, browse the books in the Wijnhaven Library reading room , explore topics in peer-reviewed international studies journals , or have a look at other theses by former students . Ask yourself: which question has not yet been answered? What information seems to be missing? What can you add to the discussion?
  • Brainstorm: Write down possible topic that comes to mind. These tutorials can help you with your brainstorm.
  • P ick something you like : If you have little influence over your thesis topic, try and steer your assigned topic in the direction you would like to take it to. This can be a specific discipline (sociology, anthropology, politics, linguistics) era (historical approach) or method (surveys, data sets, newspapers, personal stories etc).
  • Make sure you can make it into an academic treatise: A good number of students choose a thesis topic that aligns with their private interests. However, it can be a challenge to turn such topics into an academic treatise, because you may not have enough (1) relevant (2) academic and (3) accessible sources about the topic to base your argument on. Make sure that you choose a topic that you are passionate about, but that also has received scholarly interest, on which there is literature available, as well as other sources. If you start searching for sources in an early stage you can quickly determine whether your topic is in fact viable as a thesis topic or not.
  • Mind the size of your topic: it is important to narrow down your topic to a manageable size. Too few sources means you may want to expand your topic a bit. On the other hand, having too many sources on your topic means you need to narrow your topic down further. This is one of the reasons why starting to search for sources early is an important step in pinpointing a research topic that is just the right size for you.
  • Use the Sage Project Planner or other tutorials for defining a topic

Tips on how to formulate a good question

  • Avoid questions that can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’
  • Have a voice: Ideally you already have a hypothesis, idea or point of view through which you can enter this topic. Often times you will adjust your view on the topic the more you learn about it.
  • Formulate a ‘problem’ that you need to answer: Think about the big questions, such as ‘why’, ‘how’, ‘when’, and ‘who’. This will give you an open-ended question through which you can explore your topic.
  • Avoid ‘Compare A to B and see what happens’ scenarios: There needs to be a formulation of a ‘problem’ and a point of view.
  • Use these tutorials or the Sage project planner to develop a researchable question

Tips on how to meet your deadline

  • Start with a general overview of the amount of time you have: When is your deadline? When can (and when should) you get started? How many hours can you realistically spend per week on this project?
  • Write down the steps you need to take from start to end: Go through this research guide to get an idea of how much time you need for your research. Don’t forget about things that might not be included here, such as spell checks, format checks, printing and binding etc.
  • You can use the Sage project planner to make a planning .
  • Be realistic: A realistic planning will help you to set goals and avoid stress by impeding deadlines. Underestimating the amount of work needed to write a well-researched, well-written paper is the number one reason students experience a lot of overwhelm from the research process. Therefore, be realistic about the amount of work you can put in in a day.
  • Write down your daily top 3: Write down three achievable things you want to have finished by the time you are done for the day and start with the most important thing.
  • Don’t forget to take a break: It is important to put away what you wrote for a bit so you can revisit it later. Oftentimes, when you go back to your text at a later point, you see little inconsistencies that you overlooked earlier; or you have new insights to add to your argument.
  • Time Management Skills: Planning your research is about much more than just prioritizing and setting goals. It is also about how you deal with distractions, procrastination, and what to do if you fall behind. Time management skills are essential skills not only for now, but also for when you find employment. Read more about Time Management Skills : - setting goals , - how to prepare a schedule and -tips for time management .

Recommended Books

  • Yvonne N. Bui - How to Write a Master’s Thesis
  • Umberto Eco - Hoe schrijf ik een scriptie
  • Umberto Eco - How to write a thesis (e-book)
  • Nel Verhoeven – Doing Research: the hows and whys of applied research
  • Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research

A. Finding literature is not like a trip to the supermarket

Some students approach the act of gathering information for their research as if they were taking a trip to the supermarket; they expect to be able to find exactly what they need within a certain set amount of time. Unlike a supermarket trip, however, searching for scholarly information is difficult, and you do not always get the results you want. This is mostly due to the fact that it is easy to (1) overestimate the quality and availability of the sources you need, and (2) underestimate the amount of time and skill needed to find these sources amidst the millions of sources out there.

In other words, some students expect to find ‘perfect sources’ for their thesis topic – meaning; academic sources that ‘tick all the right boxes’ of their thesis topic – fully downloadable, and found with little effort with just a few keywords and clicks. In reality, however, the ‘perfect source’ likely does not exist, many sources you need will not be available digitally, it will take quite some time and effort to find these sources, and you will have to pick up some new search skills along the way. This often causes students to experience the ‘search’ and ‘access’ phase as the most frustrating, unsatisfactory experience in the whole research experience.

Frustration, coupled with a lack of time, makes it tempting for students to turn to less trustworthy or relevant sources because they are more familiar (Google), or more easily available (full-text search only). This, however, leads to an unbalanced and incomplete list of sources. It is therefore important to think about how you search; are your expectations realistic? What are your pitfalls when pressed for time or when something does not work out immediately? How can you avoid them?

The good news is that you don’t need to find a ‘perfect source’, and this brief video shows you why : ‘Good research isn’t about finding the perfect article that makes all the connections for you, it’s about finding information that helps you form your ideas, and tying it together yourself to form a cohesive argument.’

If the perfect source already existed, there would not be a reason for you to write your thesis or paper. As a researcher, your assignment is to get to know the literature on a topic, identify what is missing, and add to the existing knowledge with our own writing. Sage Research Methods helps you to approach your research project in exactly this way.

Second, there are many ways the  library can help you get access to difficult-to-obtain sources and teach you how to search. Third, if you make a project plan early and manage your time, you should have enough time to search for the sources you need, thus avoiding a lot of stress and frustration.

B. First Step: Background Search

The best way to start your search is getting yourself more acquainted with the topic; you know some things about it, but there is a lot that you do not (yet) know. Background search can help you to identify important facts (dates, events, people, terminology) refine your topic (what aspect about this topic is it that truly interests you?), and give you additional information and tips on where to search (dictionaries, encyclopedias, databases). For your background search you can use Google, Wikipedia, your textbooks, bibliographies and encyclopedias .

At this stage of your research, important tools to start with are Google Scholar , which allows you to search and browse journal articles as well as the bibliographies that you can find in this Subject Guide for International Studies . The bibliographies are curated by a specialized staff and are more complete and systematic.

When doing background research you can start with a couple of keywords. You can use keywords from titles or abstracts. Specific keywords can narrow or broaden the amount of information you will find. Try out different (combinations of) keywords/synonyms to see what kind of information you get and which terms are useful. Learn more in these tutorials about keywords.

You can also use the so-called snowball-method to find literature on your topic: simply browse the bibliography at the end of a book or article that you found convincing to see if it contains other titles related to your topic.

C. Searching in the Library Catalogue

Try out different search terms when you start searching in the catalogue. The catalogue automatically searches for all of the entered search terms in one document unless you use OR. You can use NOT if you want specific words to be excluded. If you don’t know how to spell a word or it can be written in different ways, you can use the symbol # or ? (wom#n finds woman and women). When you have found a relevant item, you can also use the references or citations as new sources. It is not recommended to limit yourself to things only available in Leiden University by selecting ‘Leiden Collections’ instead of ‘All content’ in the search screen. See our catalogue tutorial .

D. Find Literature Elsewhere

Though Leiden University provides access to an extensive collection of literature related to International Studies, many more can be found elsewhere.

Recommended Library Catalogues

  • Worldcat : is the biggest world-wide search engine for library holdings. You can use it to search information about books, but also to locate the nearest library (inside or outside the library) that holds a copy. If any book or journal you found is unavailable in Leiden, you can either visit the holding library (which is often free for Dutch University Students) or request the item through (International) Inter Library Loan .

Recommended Online Search Engines

  • Google Scholar is Google’s search engine for scientific articles and academic books. It is recommended not to limit your search activities to Google, but it does offer a good starting point.

Recommended Bibliographies

  • A great number of specialized, academically curated bibliographies on many topics and fields can be found through the Subject Guide for International Studies .

A. Digital and Paper Sources

Tips for accessing digital sources.

  • If you have found a digital source in the catalogue that you wish to access from home you need to login via the library catalogue, using your ULCN credentials, and not via a publisher portal. You can also use the Get Access browser extension .
  • If you come across a source in the catalogue that is listed as “Online Access” or “Open Access” but you cannot get access, click the ‘report a problem’ option within the record. 

Tips for accessing Paper sources

  • You need a valid LU card for access in most buildings.
  • Leiden University Libraries consists of several library locations. Depending on your research topic, you may need to access physical books from these different locations.

B. Not available in Leiden?

There are a number of ways in which you can get access to materials that are not available at Leiden University Libraries.

How to get access to materials not available in Leiden

  • Look up the book or journal in Worldcat . If you enter your zip code, you can find the library nearest to you that has a copy, such as the Royal Library in the Hague or other University Libraries.
  • The Royal Library in the Hague offers a 50% discount for students for a one-year membership. Leiden University Students can apply for a library card free of charge at all Dutch Universities.
  • Request the item through Inter Library Loan (ILL ) or through  International ILL .
  • Ask Leiden University to acquire the item : You can file a request for the library to purchase a book, access to a journal or database. All requests are considered by the relevant subject librarian, and a decision is made depending on collection policy, available budget and price of the item. Please keep in mind that, in case an item is purchased, it can take several weeks for the item to be shipped and processed.
  • Contact your subject librarian . If the above measures did not help, reach out to your subject librarian. It is possible that they know different means and methods within their field of expertise to obtain access to the materials you need.

A. Why do I need to evaluate scholarly publications – wasn´t that evaluated already?

Students are required to be critical of all their sources, including the ones you find in the library catalogue, academic databases, and those quoted in other scholarly publications. In today’s world, publishing and sharing information has become accessible to all, which also has made it easier to publish misinformation.

Academic information, at least, has put up a number of hurdles to tackle misinformation and disinformation from spreading, such as peer review . However, aside from the fact that these measures are far from failsafe , journals, books and authors can certainly be biased or prejudiced while working within the academic framework. It is your job as a scholar to be critical of all sources you use – academic or not – and train yourself in recognizing credible sources and using them in a critical fashion.

B. Popular & Scholarly

At the beginning of your student career at Leiden University, you may sometimes miss the difference between scholarly information and popular sources, and why this difference is important.

Media like YouTube videos, blog posts, or magazine articles can be tempting to use in a paper, because they (1) mainly focus on being entertaining instead of being informative, (2) use clear and easy to understand language, and (3) due to algorithms, are likely to confirm your pre-existing worldview and ideas. The goal of a research project, however, is to approach a certain problem in an open way, and embark on a research as an open-ended process. For such a project, usage of scholarly publications is crucial.

One of the main differences between popular sources and scholarly sources is the scientific rigor that lies at the basis of an analysis and argument, and transparent presentation of the used methods and sources. These are part of the scholarly format of peer-reviewed and annotated texts. Illustrative of the importance of this format is the fact that an op-ed written by a professor is categorized as a popular source, while an article in a scientific journal by the same professor is categorized as a scholarly text.

It is especially tricky when opinions of the author are presented as ‘facts’ that seem correct due to being based on cherry-picked data. If you are not yet confident in discerning between scholarly and popular sources, we recommend you follow a couple of tutorials .

C. Evaluating information

It is important you ask yourself a number of questions while reading a source, such as: Who wrote the information, why did they publish it, is there an agenda and when/where was it published? All of this comes before you can think about the text itself. This follows a technique used by professional factcheckers, called lateral reading , where you first consider the container of the text, before you look at the text itself. 

The above is useful for information found both in print and online. For information found solely online there is an additional method, called the SIFT method . SIFT stands for Stop, Investigate the Source, Find trusted coverage, Trace claims, quotes, and media back to the original context. In many cases it will take about 30 seconds to quickly check whether for example a news report is true once you have trained yourself in the four moves of SIFT.

Take a look at these tutorials about evaluating information.

A. Reading and searching: two sides of the same coin

The most conventional method of discovering relevant authors and publications for your research is discovering them citations and references of other publications. We therefore recommend to make enough time to read your sources, and then do follow-up searches. When reading ask yourself: which authors are talking about my topic, what do they say, what books/articles did they write, which sources do they cite and how was the research conducted?

You may think that reading all the sources you find in order to do follow up search will take too long. However, in this part of the research process, you are only reading your sources to (1) confirm that they match your information need, (2) double-check that they are academic (3) not too old for your topic of choice, and (4) find references to other scholars and publication about your topic.

Tips on strategic reading

  • Scan : Quickly go through a text by reading just the titles of chapters, abstracts of papers, paragraph titles, or the first sentence of a new paragraph, and the conclusion. This will help you determine whether or not you want to read the source more in detail, and which parts you can easily skip.
  • Reading and Note making: You will have to read, process and remember information from a lot of different sources. To stay organized, it is important to make efficient notes while reading. Look here for a top five of critical reading techniques and a brief course on critical reading .
  • Don’t forget to write down where your information comes from ! If you are not sure where the information comes from when you start writing, you are at risk of plagiarism. Tip: The quickest way to make a short note when you are reading is taking the last name of the author  + page. For example: Hall, p. 31. If you use multiple sources by the same author, add the publication year. (Hall, 2005, p. 31)
  • For more information see the Critical Reading Techniques .

Rinse and Repeat

At this stage, you have found a good number of sources, read them, took notes, and likely found other publications authors and data that you have not found before. This marks the second round of searching for sources – look up that interesting looking book you found in a citation, find out what else the author of that book wrote, see if you can get it through Leiden University or other means, and... read! By repeating this cycle of read-search-access-read two or three times, you are very likely to find (1) the majority of relevant publications on your topic of choice, (2) the majority of authors writing about your topic of choice, and (3) a good overview of primary sources relating to your topic of choice. Only once you have followed this thorough and deliberate way of locating your sources are you ready to move forward.

B. Refine your topic

This is a good point in your research to revisit your topic and your research question. While reading you may have found that there is much more information available about your topic than you initially thought – or not enough. You may have found that your research question has already been dealt with in length by other scholars, while at the same time, another question that is even more interesting may have come to mind. Perhaps you would like to take your research into a whole different direction after doing some reading and follow up research? When you are refining your topic, allow yourself to be flexible. It is common to modify your topic during the research process.

Take some time to visit the checklist for your topic and research question again, and see if you need to make any chances. If you have already handed in your topic and research question to your supervisor, you should always inform them of any major changes you wish to make. Have a look at this overview of tips for refining your research topic .

In some cases, using primary sources for your research is optional, in other cases it is an obligatory part of your research. Students can use a variety of primary sources for their projects, depending on their topics. Different sources may require different research methodologies.

Central to all primary research projects is, however, that you systematically analyze a well-delineated corpus of sources. The delineation refers both to the source and the time-frame. For example, instead of analyzing how ‘the media’ reported on a topic, choose a specific media outlet (for example one newspaper) or set of media outlets (a well-delineated set of newspaper titles), and research the news reports over a specific time-frame (for example: how did the New York Times report on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program between 2010 and 2020). A similar systematic can be used when analyzing statistical data, CIA reports, the correspondence between Marx and Engels, etc.

Sage Research Methods provides a good overview of the most important primary source research methods , as well as examples and cases.

The library provides access to a large number of digital resources, databases and archives . The Subject Guide for International Studies provides an overview of the various resources.

A. Managing your research project

Once you have found, evaluated, and read all of your literature (for now) it is time to think about what you have read and to organize your findings. This can be a challenging phase in the research project. If you feel overwhelmed by the work you have to do, various actions may help: 1.) break down the project into smaller steps; 2.) make a time plan that enables you to find a good balance between reading, researching, writing, and free time; 3.) break down your thesis or paper into smaller blocks that you can separately work on.

Tools that can help you to break down your project into smaller parts and to manage time-planning are: the Sage project planner ; and the Open University’s Time Management Skills portal. See the following links for topics such as: setting goals , how to prepare a schedule> tips for time management .

For help with developing your study skills & managing your studies (for example help with managing your time or coping with study stress), you can approach the Student Support Services for various workshops and courses .

B. Synthesizing; Interrogating the literature

Your thesis or research paper needs to clearly relate to the existing literature on a topic: you need to show who you (dis)agree with and what you are adding to the existing body of knowledge. This means that you need to identify at least the following three points (1) common themes between sources, (2) points on which the sources/authors (direct or indirect) disagree and (3) gaps in the literature (what is missing?).

This does not mean that you should just give a number of summaries of articles. Instead, it is important to compare and contrast, broaden the argument and give your own thoughts and conclusions. For a more detailed explanation on synthesizing and integrating information, use one of the following sources:

  • “Help…I’ve been asked to synthesize!”
  • Simply Psychology – how to synthesize written information from multiple sources.

C. Footnotes, Citations and Citation Managers

For your thesis or research paper you are potentially going to refer to a large body of sources. Typing up all the footnotes by hand, and maintaining one consistent reference style is time-consuming. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use an electronic citation manager. Learning how to work with a reference manager is a new skill, but it will save you time in the long run – the more papers you write, the more time you save.

Mendeley, EndNote and Zotero are three of the main refence managers. You can learn more about these programmes on our page about reference managers.

  • There are brief introductory videos on Mendeley , Endnote , and Zotero .

There are various citation methods. International Studies theses and papers are to use CMS as their citation style. The most important thing about using a citation style is consistency . Do not mix up the different styles and rules! If you are uncertain which style you should use for your paper or thesis, always consult with your supervisor. See these tutorials and books below that can help you get started with making your own citations below. 

Recommended Books:

  • Cite Right : a quick guide to citation styles.
  • Doing honest work in college: how to prepare citations, avoid plagiarism and achieve real academic success : deals with today’s issues, like citing podcasts or social media posts, using mobile devices during tests, and the pro-s and cos of reference managers.
  • Cite them right : the essential referencing guide.

D. Writing the Report

For the actual writing of your thesis or research paper, structure is important in a double sense of the word. First of all, it is important to structure your thesis into smaller parts that you can write in subsequent order. Secondly, it is important to structure your working day and working week in such a way that you can find a productive balance between working on your thesis and doing other things.

Next to the Sage project planner , the website of the Australian National University can help you to design an effective structure for your thesis.

For structuring your working day and working week, you can take cue from the Open University’s Time Management Skills portal. See the following links for topics such as: setting goals , how to prepare a schedule and tips for time management .

Another helpful website is the Thesis Whisperer , which among other offers advice on How to become a literature searching Ninja , and on How to write 1000 words a day (and not go bat shit crazy) .

Library For questions about finding the right literature, you can approach the library, by asking questions directly to library staff; or by requesting a one-on-one meeting with a subject librarian . If you would like to suggest purchase requests, contact the subject librarian for International Studies, Nathaniël Linssen .

Writing Lab For help with writing your thesis or research paper, you can also contact the International Studies Writing Lab .

Workshops on Managing Time and Coping with Study Stress For help with developing your Study skills & managing your studies (for example help with managing your time or coping with study stress), you can approach the Student Support Services for various workshops and courses.

Study-related and Mental Support If you are coping with more serious study-related or mental issues, you contact the study advisers or the university’s student psychologist , or visit the university’s website . 

Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth Logo

The Future We Want, The UN We Need – ESSAY COMPETITION

thesis ideas for united nations

The United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, the Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Commemoration of the United Nation s ’ 75th Anniversary and Devex, are excited to announce the launch of an Essay Competition for the best essay by a young person on  the topic ‘The Future We Want, The UN We Need’ .

We are calling on young people between the ages of 15 and 29 to share their views and suggestions about the UN’s future role by answering the question:  Within the context of th e “new normal” that has unfolded post-COVID-19, and as we plan and re-build to recovery, what does the future of the UN look like to you? 

We want you to be a part of the largest global conversation launched by the United Nations on the role of global cooperation, marking its 75th Anniversary. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Find more information about the competition on the Envoy on Youth’s   s ocial m edia accounts. We look forward to reading your essays!

The competition closes on June 29, 2020. The final winner will be selected by a high-level selection panel a nd the winner will be announced at the end of August 2020 as part of the #31DaysOfYOUth campaign. The winner will be invited virtually to take part in the UN75 Commemoration events in New York.  


🏅 1st – maisie zheng 🏅, 2nd – jennifer griggs, 3rd – emiliano reyes.

Rules of the competition:

1) Participation

  • Participants must be between the ages of 1 5 and 29 .
  • Participants must have written the essay by themselves. Only individual entries are admitted, no teams are allowed to take part in the competition.  
  • Essays must answer the question by making a case, analysing the situation, and building a case based on researched arguments and facts.  
  • Essays may be submitted in English only.
  • Entries must be  no longer than 800 words .

2) Selection process

  • The best essay will be selected according to the following criteria:  
  • Quality of the arguments , good writing, although the selection panel  will take into consideration particularly entrants whose native language is not English .
  • The essays will not be reviewed and graded by how aligned the arguments presented are with the United Nations’ or the essay competition organizing partners’ views.
  • All essays will be assessed by a first panel  composed of UN staff members who will shortlist 10 essays .
  • The shortlisted 10 essays will be reviewed and graded  by a h igh- l evel selection panel composed of Ms. Jayathma Wickramanayake, the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, Mr. Fabrizio Hochschild-Drummond, the Under – Secretary – General and Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Commemoration of the United Nations 75th Anniversary , and a representative from Devex .
  • The names of the 3 finalists will be published on the official page of the competition hosted on the OSGEY’s website and by Devex .  
  • The final winner’s essay will be published on the official page of the competition and promoted via the United Nations platforms and by Devex .  
  • The winner will be invited to take part in the UN 75 Commemoration events which will take place virtually .  

4) How to enter

  • All entries must be received by 11:59 pm (New York Time) on 29 June 2020, the closing date of the competition. Only entries submitted by this deadline will enter the competition .  
  • Entries must be submitted as plaintext in the body of an email addressed to [email protected], with the subject line: ‘The Future We Want, The UN We Need’   . Note: File attachments are not allowed and will not be opened.  
  • Entries must be  no longer than 800 words .  
  • Entries cannot be returned so please remember to retain a copy.  
  • All entries must be the original work of the entrant and must not infringe the rights of any other party.
  • Entries must not contain defamatory, obscene, offensive, or any other unsuitable material.
  • Entries must be suitable to be published for audiences of all ages.

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Essays on United Nations

United nations essay topics for college students.

Are you a college student looking for inspiration for your next essay on United Nations topics? You've come to the right place! Choosing the right topic is crucial for a successful essay, and we're here to provide you with a diverse range of options to spark your creativity and personal interest.

Essay Types and Topics


  • The role of the United Nations in international peacekeeping efforts
  • United Nations' effectiveness in addressing global human rights violations

Compare and Contrast

  • Comparing the United Nations' approach to climate change with its approach to armed conflict resolution
  • Contrasting the United Nations' impact in developed and developing countries


  • Describing a typical day in the life of a United Nations peacekeeper
  • Painting a vivid picture of a United Nations General Assembly session
  • Persuading for increased global funding for United Nations humanitarian aid programs
  • Making a case for United Nations reform in the 21st century
  • Sharing a personal story of how the United Nations has impacted your worldview
  • Writing a fictional narrative about a United Nations diplomat navigating international political tensions

Paragraph Examples

Example Argumentative Essay The United Nations has long been a central figure in international affairs, but its role in peacekeeping efforts continues to be a topic of debate. This essay will explore the effectiveness of the United Nations in maintaining peace and security on a global scale, ultimately arguing for the organization's crucial role in upholding international stability.

Example Argumentative Essay The United Nations' peacekeeping efforts are essential for maintaining stability in an increasingly interconnected world. By examining its successes and failures, it becomes clear that the United Nations remains a vital force for global peace and security.

Engagement and Creativity

Essay writing is not just about meeting academic requirements – it's an opportunity to explore your interests and hone your critical thinking skills. Don't be afraid to let your creativity shine through as you delve into the diverse range of United Nations topics provided here.

Educational Value

Each essay type offers unique learning outcomes. Argumentative essays develop analytical thinking, compare and contrast essays enhance critical thinking, descriptive essays improve descriptive abilities, persuasive essays strengthen persuasive writing skills, and narrative essays provide practice in storytelling and narrative techniques.

History of The Development of The United Nations Organization

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The United Nations and The Arab-israeli Conflict

Un organs description, monitoring human rights within the un’s peacekeeping system, sexual extortion, rape, and sexual abuse from un officials, let us write you an essay from scratch.

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Evaluation of The Effectiveness of The UN System after WW2

The united nations security council (unsc) reforms, evaluation of the united nation’s operation in congo, the partition plan for palestine in the usa, get a personalized essay in under 3 hours.

Expert-written essays crafted with your exact needs in mind

The Model United Nations Chairing Guide

Analysis of the war in syria and the involvement of un in the conflict, why massacres became yesterday news while entertaining subjects are on the top, advantages and disadvantages of the united nations, the holocaust: pumping the un government, american red cross & equal justice initiative: strategies to obtain peace and justice, comparison of international organizations: league of nations and united nations, effective world order and its importacne, operation honey badger research paper, relevant topics.

  • European Union
  • Government Surveillance
  • Gentrification
  • Philippine Government
  • Foreign Policy
  • International Relations
  • Homeland Security
  • Student Government

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thesis ideas for united nations

How to Write a MUN Position Paper

A MUN Position Paper, also known as Policy Paper, is a strategic document that gives an overview of a delegates country position.

A good MUN Position Paper has three parts:

1) Country’s Position on the Topic 2) Country’s Relation to the Topic 3) Proposals of Policies to Pass in a Resolution

The following guide will show you how to write an excellent Position Paper, make the right impression to your chair and fellow delegates while achieving your overt, and covert, goals.

Table of Contents:

What is a Position Paper?

  • The Sections of a Position Paper
  • The PREP Formula

Types of Position Papers

The purpose of a position paper.

A Position Paper/Policy Paper, is a document, normally one page, which presents your country’s stance on the issue/topic your committee will be discussing. A solid position paper has three parts 1) Country’s position, 2) Country’s relation 3) Country’s Proposal

Great Position Papers require research and strategic analysis to effectively convey your countries position. Most MUN conferences require Policy Papers for a delegate to be eligible to win an award. Having an outstanding Position Paper could be the tiebreaker to win an award.

Why is the Position Paper important?

A MUN Position Paper is important for a wide variety of reasons beyond ensuring that delegates do a basic level of research before the conference. Understanding why a Position Paper is important lays the foundation to help you sort your thoughts as well as delivering your desired message to the chair.

The chairs oversee the committee from start to finish and as a delegate, you will want to show consistency with the principles and values present in your Position Paper.

Goals of a Position Paper

1. Show your country’s unique understanding of the issue being discussed . 2. Show your country’s previous relationship with the topic (preferably with relevant examples). 3. Show policies and ideas that your country would like to see in the resolution .

As most position papers are limited to one page, a minimum of one paragraph should be devoted to each of the aforementioned goals, and there should be clear transitions from paragraph to paragraph. The following position paper outline is universal, with options to expand in specific sections if you see it is needed.

The Sections of a Good Position Paper

A position paper is the result of proper preparation and research for your Model UN conference . Once you finish researching, follow the position paper guidelines (the conference should provide you with these). With the formatting instructions in mind, follow the instructions below to produce a high-quality position paper.

Model UN Position Paper Structure

1) How you / your country sees the situation/problem in general

2) Your country’s relation to the topic

3) What you want to pass in your MUN resolution

1) Your Position on the Topic Being Discussed

To answer the question “how to start a Position Paper’, keep in mind that you are not only sharing your position, but also introducing the reader to see the topic being discussed from your eyes.

To establish your position, start with a brief history of the situation / problem the committee will be discussing (How you see the situation / your position on the topic). Define what you see as the challenge to the global community (or at least what some of them face). Keep in mind that your goal is to meet this challenge by the end of the paper.

Frame the issue to be discussed as something that does not only pertain to your country but, ideally, also the other countries you would want to support your policy.

It helps to keep in mind that you will not get support for your clauses, or pass a resolution, alone. It is only if other countries see the topic the same way you do, that they will want to join you to implement your solution.

Example of Position Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

The Republic of Angola believes consistent access to clean water is a basic human right. Some countries have an abundance of water, such as: Canada, Scotland and Switzerland. Others have next to no water, such as: Yemen, Libya and Djibouti, or low rainfall like Namibia and Sudan which creates water scarcity and desertification. The solution to all of these problems is the weather control that comes from cloud-seeding, with richer countries already reaping the benefits. The National Center of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) witnessed an increase in rainfall of 10%–15% in polluted air and 30%–35% in clean air. China uses cloud seeding over several increasingly arid regions including Beijing, the capital. In 2017, the United Arab Emirates launched 235 cloud-seeding operations by five cloud-seeding planes based in Al Ain. The use and success proves the technology works, but it is only accessible to those who can afford setting up the mechanisms to cloud seed, or pay for the chemicals from companies like Bayer and DowDuPont Inc, who control the patents and sales rights.

2) Your Country’s Relation To The Topic

presentation of the policies your country has used to deal with the issue in the past. You should also describe the successes or failures of those policies (Your country’s previous relation to the topic and the precedents it set).

Note: This is also the place to write previous actions your committee has with the topic ONLY IF it is relevant to how your country introduces itself. Otherwise, you are repeating factual information that is not related to you introducing your position. Writing facts that do not forward your case is a trap many fall into. In the cases where your country has a strong link to the issue, the examples in the 2nd paragraph should be about your country’s connection to the specific issue.

If your country has no direct relation, see if similar countries to yours, or countries with similar positions, have a relation to the topic. You can also conduct research to find out if your country has a relation to a similar topic, from where you can draw inspiration and a direction to justify your policies. (More on this in our article about ‘ How to effectively represent your country ’)

Example of Relation Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

Angola’s history is scarred with conflicts arising from the abuse and mismanagement of natural resources, such as iron ore, petroleum, uranium, and diamonds. Angola is oil-rich while our people are dirt-poor. We stand at 149 out of 186 on the 2016 Human Development Index poverty scale. In rural areas, which contain 11.4 million people (38.5% of our total population), only 6% of households having access to electricity and 38% do not have access to safe water sources. Approximately 15 out of every 100 children do not survive beyond the age of five, leaving us with a child mortality rate is around 17%. These challenges are especially difficult for our president Joao Lourenco, who entered the office in September 2017. President Lourenco biggest challenge is reforming 38 years of cronyism and corruption under former President José Eduardo dos Santos. During his 38 years in power, infrastructure has not been developed while tens of billions of petrodollars disappeared. The 2014 oil slump made our situation worse reaffirming that we are unable to pull ourselves up on our own. Additionally, we do not get enough rain. We only get 32 days of rain with more than 0.1mm of rainfall meaning only 2.7 days of quality rain, sleet, and snow per month. Not enough to maintain adequate crop yields.

3) Extra Supporting Material

be hard data needed to support paragraph 2 or justify paragraph 3; this 4th paragraph still comes before the final section where you describe your desired policies.

what was originally read in the committee study guide.

Example of Extra Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

The global system that depends on technologies provided by companies like Corteva is strongly entrenched in the Sub Saharan agriculture sector, as well as all over the world. The four biggest companies, Bayer-Monsanto, ChemChina, Corteva and Syngenta have 59 percent of the world’s patented seeds, 64 percent of all pesticides and held near-monopolies over other agrichemicals. The use of these crops and chemicals has become fundamental to grow corn in Tanzania, potatoes in Kenya and other crops in sub-Saharan Africa throughout their diverse range of crops and terrains. This position of power persists because the sub-Saharan farmers are similar in their lack of access to best practices, techniques, technologies, finances and markets. This lack of skills is combined with limited resources results in the agriculture sector that is as under-development in agriculture as it is dependent on companies like ChemChina.

4)Proposal – What You Want to Pass in a Resolution

Give an outline of possible / likely solutions that your country proposes and would advocate to see implemented during the Model UN simulation. Do this within the limits of what your particular committee can do (What you would want to pass a resolution about). If you want to do additional actions beyond the mandate of your committee, you can outsource them to other committees. If this is an integral part of your strategy they should also go here. In the Proposal section, you can either commit to one strong Call to Action, a few different policies or two extreme red lines, which you say you intend to work between. Remember, while you do not need to fully commit yourself to what you write in your Position Papers, it is important that you show the margins within which you will be operating at the conference. Doing this shows there is thought behind your actions and gives you more credit with the chairs for diplomatic progress. It is thus strongly advisable that you not write something that you will directly contradict through your actions in committee sessions.

What is a Policy? A policy is a course of action proposed, or adopted, by a government, party, business, or individual. Your policies are a Call to Action telling the UN officials, who get the resolution, what to do.

You want your MUN policy to be clear, concise, and SMART .

The SMART MUN Policy

SMART is an acronym to describe the criteria needed to set policy goals. S pecific – Target a specific area for improvement in your policy.

M easurable – Suggest an indicator of progress once the policy is in place.

A ctionable – Specify what action this policy will do.

R ealistic – Given available resources and committee mandate, ensure your proposed policy can realistically be attained.

Timely – Specify when the result(s) from your proposed policy can be achieved, or when to revisit.

Example of Proposal Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

Angola advocates for a UN-sanctioned policy that gives permission to dry developing countries to make generic replicas of their patented chemicals at a fraction of the cost to achieve water independence. An example of these technologies belongs to German rainfall enhancement leader WeatherTec Services GmbH. WeatherTecs cutting edge technologies to improve water access are cheaper than many of their competitors but the operating costs start at 11 – 15 million Euros a year. Angola does not believe the United Nations should subsidize the cost of the chemicals, as the subsidy is a temporary solution and it would take funds from other important programs while leaving the corporations with the same level of control. Today, aside from South Africa, none of us can afford cloud seeding. We can cloud seed on our own if freed from the shackles of patent laws that benefit the rich. Dupot made net sales of $62.5B in 2017, by charging prices which the poorer dry countries could never afford. The UN should allow the relevant member states to locally produce WeatherTecs technologies so we can join the ranks of self-sufficient nations who can provide for themselves the basic water needs to survive.

The PReP Formula for Successful Position Papers

PReP stands for Position, Relation, extra & Proposal , which are the essential parts of every position paper . PReP will help you remember the formula.

Position – Your view / interpretation of the issue being discussed. (Paragraph 1)

Relation – Your connection to the topic being discussed. (Paragraph 2)

extra – The optional 4th paragraph which can contain extra information your feel is critical to your case, but doesn’t naturally fit into one of the other three paragraphs. This paragraph still comes before the one containing your policies.

Proposal – The practical policies you would want to see in the resolution. (Paragraph 3)

The PReP Strategy

With the Proposal ( paragraph 3), you solve the issue shown in your Position (paragraph 1) with the tools and relevance you set up in your Relation (paragraph 2). (The examples used in paragraph 2 should, preferably, also show the policy margins of your country).

The policy outlined in the final section of the Position Paper should show ideas that address the issues outlined in your position associated with the committee topic (as should have been specified in the first paragraph). This position should be justified by the country’s relation (or guesstimate relation) to the topic (the second paragraph). These should be used to justify the policy proposals you outline in the third paragraph. Each of these paragraphs should try to have as much unique information as possible that can’t be found in the committee study guide (because everyone in the committee should theoretically know that information). Obviously, your paper should have some connection to the main issues of the topic, but if you feel the paper should go in a different direction, that is completely your right.

Topic: Finding the cure for the Zika virus

Country: Greece

While this topic is one that is important, the delegate of Greece can decide that he doesn’t want his country to fund viruses they don’t have and only exists half a world away. In such a case, we would see:

Position (First paragraph) : How the global community spends collective money on local issues.

Relation (Second paragraph): How Greece doesn’t have the money to spend and how it has local diseases and problems at home.

Extra (Fourth Optional Paragraph): Optional paragraph could include data on regional diseases that broke out in neighboring countries and remain a viable threat for Greece.

Proposal (Third paragraph): Passing laws that would have localized diseases with body counts that don’t cross the tens of thousands, to be funded by local unions. There can also be a second idea that the World Health Organization divert extra funds instead of countries collectively forking out money.

There is no set amount of space each section needs to have. Some Position papers need a longer first section while others need double the space for the policy. What is certain is that no paper can miss any of the sections (except the extra part) and each one should be developed to at least 25% of the paper.

Practicum: The four-step plan to implement PReP

Writing a Position Paper should come after you finish your MUN research . Once you have completed that (and especially if you haven’t), follow this three-step plan and don’t over complicate things.

– Position Papers chairs read – Position Papers delegates read – Position Papers everyone will read – Position Papers no one will read

“Everyone has a story to tell or a product to sell. Know your audience before you open your mouth.” – April Sims

While not all Model United Nations conferences require Position Papers, many of them do. Whether it be your Chairs, other delegates, a mix or none of the above, knowing who will be your audience will help you craft the right paper and achieve your desired goal.

Position Papers Only The Chair Will Read

When the chair is required to send feedback, this usually means they will have read your Position Paper. This is an excellent opportunity to go all out, regarding the reasons for why your country has the position that it is taking and why you chose the policies that you did. (See our article on ‘Properly Represent Your Country?’) This is also the place to describe your Call to Action / the policies you want to implement in detail. The reason for such open and clear (but not too clear) writing is because no one but the Chair will read it, meaning you don’t need as much nuance as you would in a public Position Paper or opening speech. This is the place to give your ideas in a clear, unfiltered manner so that the Chair can understand it later when you give a more layered speech during the formal sessions.

‘For Chair eyes only’ Position Papers are also an excellent opportunity to bring facts and ideas that you want known to the chair, but don’t have time to fit into your first speech or two. While not bluntly giving away your country’s real motivation, you have a lot more liberty to flag things you’re afraid might be missed once the committee session starts.

Position Papers Only Delegates will Read (but not Chairs)

These are Position Papers where all the delegates are able to read each other’s work, research and position on the topic at hand. An example of where this can happen, is a large conference (e.g. 200 delegates), where the Position Paper deadline is the day before the conference.

For these papers, you still want to use the Position Paper platform to show why the discussion should focus on where you want it to go. For this reason, the Position Paper should be written more to frame the issue than give concrete detailed policies. Delegates who did not research to the same extent, or have no clear position, can be introduced to your interpretation of the topic. Some may completely adopt it, or at least be familiar with it when they hear it in a speech. (See our article on ‘ Writing the Killer Speech ’)

Position Papers Everyone Will Read (Chairs and Delegates)

The Chair + Delegate Position Papers are the most complex to write. In these cases, the ideal situation is for the chair to see what you would want them to see, as if it was written just for them, while at the same time, the other delegates would see a Position Paper customized for them. This is a hard balance to find, but if erring to one side, it is better to build a paper for the delegates and hope the chair has the experience to read between the lines.

One more variable to take into consideration is when Position Papers are written for a gigantic committee (100 or more delegates).

In gigantic rooms, the Position Paper should have at least the basics of the policy, because one might not speak in the first few hours and this might be the only way to get you onto the floor.

Position Papers No One Will Read

Yes, this actually exists in MUN. Some Position Papers will not be read by the Chairs  or anyone else at all. However, the conference requires submission to qualify for a diplomacy award. A few conferences will admit that no one will read the Position Papers, but most will not.

Here are a few things to look out for to know your Position Papers likely won’t be read:

-When Chairs are not required to send you feedback on the Position Paper

– The deadline is the day before the conference.

In these cases, the main benefit of writing a Position Paper is to organize your thoughts. However, in practice, a poor document can be just as easily submitted to qualify.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Potential issues you may run into:

  • You may run into a situation where your country does not have a clear policy towards a topic, or they have recently changed policy. For example, with the election in the US and the change from one ideology to another, their rhetoric towards the Iran Nuclear issue changed almost overnight. It would be tempting to follow the words of the leaders in a case like this, but pay attention to actual actions. Nothing has changed.
  • When faced with conflicting positions from your country, choose one and stick with it. Use the position that you can find the most research on.
  • Sometimes you will be stuck with a topic or committee that your country has little to no interest in. This will cause a lack of information to work with. For example, if you are in UNESCO and the topic is oil drilling in Ecuador’s rainforest, you may find that Malawi has not put out any statement on the issue. Don’t despair.
  • In a situation like this, when your country has no position on a topic, you have to get creative. Find similar issues that affect your country and extrapolate that to the current topic. For the Ecuador example, Malawi can use their position of environmental issues in their own country and throughout the continent as a guide as to how they would respond.
  • If you find yourself on a topic with indigenous people’s rights, but your country does not have a strong position, find out if there are indigenous groups in that country. Do they treat them well or poorly? Both will give you a direction to take with your Position Paper.
  • There shouldn’t be a single sentence that has no purpose.  Each fact or statement should support the identity you are constructing.
  • If you feel a fact or statement that doesn’t seem to have a place, must be in the PP, think about why. If it is so vital that it fits into the first, second, or sometimes the  third paragraph. If it does not, perhaps it can be replaced with one which does.
  • The information can be used later – this fact or statement can be important and be saved for a later speech. However, the position paper needs to be a self-supporting document and just because it is important doesn’t mean it has to go here.
  • You want to end every Position Paper on a strong note, but you do not want to have a conclusion that is overwhelming or concrete. Remember, you will not have many pages, usually, one to get your country’s position across. The Chair is not judging your Position Paper on how well you close, they are judging it based on your understanding of the issues and the solutions you bring to the table.
  • That being said, it helps to close the paper well. There is an old saying about writing an essay that can apply to a Position Paper as well:
  • “Your introduction tells them they will be intrigued. The body is the meat of the argument. The conclusion reminds them that they were impressed.”
  • How do we apply this to a Position Paper? In the beginning, you frame the problem, not wasting your time giving a detailed research paper. The bulk of the paper is letting the Chair know that you understand your country’s relationship to the topic and your proposed solutions. Your conclusion is going to close briefly with a strong, concluding remark. BRIEFLY is the key word here.

Position Paper Format

The format of each Positions Paper, or Position Paper template, varies from conference to conference. However, even if you have no format instructions you do not want to have a messy position paper.

An unorganized paper can:

  • Make you look less serious (to chairs and delegates)
  • Make your text harder to follow
  • Give your reader less incentive to pay attention

Messy Position Paper – Example

You can see here how the bunched lines, uneven spacing, random bullet points, different sizes, confused margins and everything else makes the paper unappealing to the eye before we even start reading.

Organized Position Paper – Example

Here you can see the Position Paper is more organized and easier to read.

Sometimes, the conference will give you an unfilled Position Paper template, with the logo and blank headings for you to fill in. Other times, the conference will send you a Model UN Position Paper sample. Other conferences will send you specific, or loose, Position Paper instructions about how they want the paper formatted.

Each Position Paper should be measured by its content and its ability to inform and influence the respective Chairs and delegate. However, the Position Paper will not reach that point if it is not accepted. It is a pity when your work is not be read or forwarded on because you got the font wrong, exceeded the margins or sent the paper in late. For this reason, whether strict or lax, read and follow the Model UN Position Paper formatting instructions so the hard work you put into the document will achieve its strategic objective.

Examples of Position Paper Instructions

Position Paper Instructions Example #1:

Write the Position Paper for ExampleMUN 2026 using the standards below:

  • Length must not exceed two pages.
  • Margins must be 2.54 cm or 1 inch for the entire paper.
  • Font must be Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Justify the paragraphs. The left and right margins must both have straight edges.
  • Country name / institution committee name must be clearly labeled on the top of the 1st page.
  • Agenda topics must be clearly labeled as the title.
  • National symbols, such as flags, logos, etc. are deemed inappropriate for ExampleMUN Position Papers.
  • Send your document in PDF format.

Position Paper Instructions Example #2:

We ask delegates of ExampleMUN to each produce a position paper before the conference. It must outline their country’s position, main objectives and issues they are seeking to address during the conference. Your Chairs will return the Position Papers to you with feedback a fortnight before the conference. This will give you time to ascertain which countries would be considered natural allies for you and for you to read which issues the other delegates may deem important.

A Position Paper the length of one side of A4 should be sufficient to state your position.

Example of Formatted Position Paper

Angola feels that in this day and age, hunger should be a thing of the past. However, in 2018, over 795 million people do not have enough food to lead a healthy, active life. This does not include the half of the world’s population, more than 3 billion people, who live on less than $2.50 a day. For better or worse, the road to more accessible and cheaper food is strongly related to water supply. Some countries have an abundance of water, such as: Canada, Scotland and Switzerland. Others have next to no water, such as: Yemen, Libya and Djibouti, or low rainfall like Namibia and Sudan which creates water scarcity and desertification. The solution to all of these problems is the weather control that comes from cloud-seeding, with richer countries already reaping the benefits. The National Center of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) witnessed an increase in rainfall of 10–15% in polluted air and 30–35% in clean air. China uses cloud seeding over several increasingly arid regions including Beijing, the capital. In 2017, the United Arab Emirates launched 235 cloud-seeding operations by five cloud-seeding planes based in Al Ain. The use and success proves the technology works, but it is only accessible to those who can afford setting up the mechanisms to cloud seed, or pay for the chemicals from companies like Bayer, Dupont and Dow Chemical Company, who control the patents and sales rights.

How to Win a Best Position Paper Award

T he difference between a good and a great Position Paper

Good Chairs will give credit to delegates who properly predict the room and are able to guide their policies from the Position Paper to the final resolution. This is because it means that the delegates accurately predicted which direction the discussion would go in, or better still, were able to direct the room in that direction.

This does not mean that the best delegate must have an excellent Position Paper, or perfectly stick to it. Aside from the ‘Best Position Paper’ award, the actions that take place in the committee are almost completely what Chairs will consider for awards. However, it is not uncommon that a Position Paper is used as a tiebreaker between two extremely close delegates.

In all these cases, you need to have an opinion. To win the ‘Best Position Paper’ award, your Position Paper needs to be full of new solutions, it must follow proper format and it has to be concise and ‘ fluff-free ’. Neutrality on an issue, or saying your country has no opinion, is admitting that you will let other delegates take the lead on the issue. It is better to find a policy of a country similar to yours, or your own policy on a similar issue, than saying nothing. More on how to deal with this can be found in our ‘ Research ’ and ‘ How to Represent Your Country ’ articles.

Top Position Paper Strategies

  • The Chair of your committee will be reading so many Position Papers about the same exact topic that they will be bored to death of seeing the same solutions over and over again. To stand out, come up with a viable, new strategy that other countries may not have thought of. We say viable because it cannot be so outlandish as to be impossible, but it should be something that makes the Chair stop and focus on your paper.
  • You can get a little off-the-wall with solutions, as long as they have a basis in reality.
  • Alexander Hamilton employed a similar strategy during the Constitutional Convention in the US. When debating an overhaul of the US government, there were two main plans (the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan). The New Jersey plan was closer to what was already in place, while the Virginia Plan was a change almost too much for people to handle (though most knew this was the only way to save the nation). In order to discredit the New Jersey Plan, Hamilton boldly proposed a plan so radical, that the Virginia Plan became moderate in comparison.
  • Hamilton’s plan opened the discussion and changed the conversation. It caught the attention of everyone present and moved them towards a solution.
  • You can do this with a position paper. Even if you do not ultimately get what you want, you have caught the Chair’s attention and have become a player in the game.

While this seems self-explanatory, you would be surprised how many people disregard the format rules given by the conference. Do not ignore this. As Chairs are reading the papers, they will come to expect certain formatting and anything not following the rules will stand out, and not in a good way. Do not get on the Chair’s bad side before the conference even begins. You can be sure that they will take points off for improper formatting and keep your name written down for conference time.

When you think about how to start a Position Paper, don’t go for an intense sound-bite. Flare is not good without substance. Try to be as clear as you comfortably can and reach your important points as quickly as possible.

What Chairs Look For

Similarly to how Position Paper format instructions are given to delegates, Chairs are also given instructions by the Model UN Conference Secretariat on how to evaluate Position Papers. Chairing, from when you write the study guide until the closure of debate, is a sacred responsibility.

Sometimes, the instructions given by the secretariat on how to evaluate Position Papers are clear and uniform. However, often, a Chair needs to fill in some gaps between the secretariat’s instructions and doing the job in real-time.  To better understand the considerations regarding Position Papers, read the following instructions, given by an Under-secretary General of Chairing to their staff.


Dear Chairs,  

As of this weekend, all the registered delegates should receive their study guides. While a few delegates will still be getting allocations over the next week, most of them will have received guidelines for how and when to send Position Papers. The delegates are required to send the Position Papers to the committee email from the 20th – 26th of February. Any Position Paper received by the 26th before midnight should receive feedback from one of the Chairs. You are not obligated to give feedback to papers received from the 27th onwards. Hopefully, you should get most or all of the papers before the deadline. Papers received after the 28th are not eligible for the best position paper award, as you may not have time to check them. Position Papers that are received after March 1st, or not at all, will make the delegate ineligible for an award.

In the Position Papers, we want to see that delegates show they understand (a) the topic (b) their countries positions and history and (c) the policies they propose to solve it / perpetuate it (if they are evil).

The Position Papers which arrive on time should get feedback. This does not need to be more than a few lines per topic. However, we do require you to tell the delegates if they did a good job or if they are lacking in one of the three sections mentioned above. You should also tell them what you want them to improve. In the feedback, where possible, please use examples from their text. To do this most effectively, divide the position papers amongst yourselves and return them when you can. You are not required to send feedback if the delegate sends you an improved position paper. Our main goal is for you to have prepared delegates in your committee, and a rewritten position paper generally indicates better preparation.

  If anyone would like more information on how to give feedback, or have any other questions relating to Position Papers, please let me know in a reply to this email.

  If your delegates write you asking how to write a policy paper, or any other questions, we expect you to be helpful, courteous and available.

  Good Luck

USG Chairing

Not every MUN conference secretariat will have this level of instruction for their Chairs. Some have more; a few give online workshops about Position Papers, while others give no instruction at all. However, in most cases, the final feedback is left to a Chair’s discretion.

If your secretariat left you alone, giving feedback on the basics according to the guidelines at the beginning of this article is a good start. You can also give topic-specific feedback, which uses examples of where more research or analyses can be used, based on what you wrote in your study guide .

11 Questions Chairs Ask When Reading Your Position Paper

Question chairs ask about a quality position paper.

  • Did the delegate reframe the topic to make the problem-specific and relevant to them?
  • Did they show their country’s relation to the topic?
  • Did they offer policies that can gain a majority in the committee?
  • Do these policies represent their countries stated interests?
  • Did the delegate use examples?
  • Do the examples go beyond the information in the study guide?
  • Did the writer bring something new, unique and interesting?

Questions You Hope Your Chair Never Asks

  • Was this position paper copied and pasted from Wikipedia or some other online source?
  • If I change the country name on this super vague paper will it be just as “valid”?
  • How inebriated was the delegate when they wrote this?
  • Has the writer even heard of Model UN?

Using these questions to measure the quality of your paper will let you review your work with a Chair’s eyes. If the answers to these questions aren’t good enough, then you now know what to work on. A few appropriate modifications can result in a complete makeover of a Position Paper, and possibly a much-improved delegate as well.

Closing thoughts on Position Papers

Position Papers are important. Knowing if the Position Paper will be read only by the Chair or by the delegates should be taken into account when choosing what to write and focus on. Position Paper format should also be taken into account, but not at the expense of quality.

A Position Paper should accomplish three goals: 1. Show a country’s position on the topic being discussed. 2. Show a country’s previous relationship to the topic (preferably with relevant examples). 3. Show policies and ideas that (1) represent the interests of your country and (2) you would ideally like to see in the resolution.

When you’re the Chair, give instructive feedback with specific examples. Your comments could be the difference between a lost delegate or an effective one, or between a good conference and a great one.

Lastly, don’t forget the PReP strategy:

In Policy (paragraph 3) you solve the issue in Position (paragraph 1) with the tools and relevance you set up in Relation (paragraph 2).

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The United Nations and international peace and security: a legal and practical analysis

Aminzadeh, Elham (1997) The United Nations and international peace and security: a legal and practical analysis. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

The United Nations, as an organisation created by equal sovereign states and built upon a single set of principles as the UN Charter, has the capacity and responsibility to deal with matters in the sphere of international peace and security. The Cold War put an obstacle in the way of the Organisation to use its delegated powers in conflict resolution within the few years of its establishment. As a result, and because of the necessity to deal with international conflicts, the institution of peace-keeping emerged with the aim of deploying forces not to end the aggression, breach of or threat to the peace, but for supervision of cease-fires or providing an interposition force between the belligerents, characterised by impartiality and a limited military capability.

The demise of the Cold War offered the opportunity to the Organisation, especially to the Security Council, to use its powers to implement law and order among nations. In the post-Cold War era, the Security Council extended its interpretation of the notion of "threat to the peace" and restricted the principle of "domestic jurisdiction". The Council has authorised an individual state or a group of states to use force for humanitarian purposes and human rights concerns.

To study the role of the United Nations in the field of international peace and security, and to investigate its developments, legality of actions, successes and failures, it is necessary to gain a clear understanding of what was originally intended by the founders of the Organisation. This thesis examines initially the provisions of the Charter on the role of the UN organs in maintaining and restoring international peace and security with reference to the discussions at the San Francisco Conference. Since the institution of peace-keeping was not envisaged in the Charter, an investigation is carried out on its constitutional and legal basis, referring to the advisory opinion of the international Court of Justice and Chapters VI and VII of the Charter.

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Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Qualification Level: Doctoral
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Supervisor's Name: Grant, Professor John P.
Date of Award: 1997
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Unique ID: glathesis:1997-734
Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 24 Apr 2009
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2012 13:25
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* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change.

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11 great ideas you can use as dissertation topics on the united nations.

Do you need to complete a dissertation on the United Nations, but are in conflict regarding the nature of your topic? Then take the time to read this article, and you’ll be able to see the different elements that can be thought about in order to get it right. So here are 11 ideas that you can use in order to complete your dissertation on the United Nations:

  • What is the main purpose of the United Nations
  • Has the United Nations been a positive force in the world?
  • What groups or countries oppose the UN, and why?
  • What are the disadvantages of the UN?
  • Why has the UN brought piece so some regions?
  • Describe the aid work that the UN takes part in
  • Describe the type of employees that the UN takes on
  • What countries does the UN serve?
  • What did the UN start – what were the main political driving forces
  • Describe the top people at the UN?
  • How does the UN receive its funding?

The topics described above are just some of the choice that are available to you. You’ll see that with enough digging and you’ll be able to select more topics and come up with one that you are very comfortable with. Remember it is vital that you find a topic that there is plenty of information on. Otherwise your dissertation will struggle to get much traction. Gathering momentum with a project early on is important, because that in turn will ensure that you get the top grade.

Background reading

Before you begin selecting a title it is a good idea to do some background reading at the various blogs and news sites around the internet. This allows you to figure out how to select a title, because once you have a lot of info, you’ll know what kind of title to select. Just make sure that you organize the researched material into a way that can be easily used once you being the writing phase of the project. You’ll see that with the correct approach you should get the grade that you seek.

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The worldwide catastrophe of rising seas especially imperils Pacific paradises, Guterres says


FILE - Tourists watch the sun set along a popular beach in Tamuning, Guam, May 6, 2019. (AP Photo/David Goldman, File)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks at the opening of the annual Pacific Islands Forum leaders meeting in Nuku’alofa, Tonga, Monday, Aug. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Charlotte Graham-McLay)

High school students march for climate justice as Pacific leaders meet in Nuku’alofa, Tonga, Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024. (AP Photo/Charlotte Graham-McLay)

Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai, from left, Niue Prime Minister Dalton Tagelagi and New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters attend the opening of the annual Pacific Islands Forum leaders meeting in Nuku’alofa, Tonga, Monday, Aug. 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Charlotte Graham-McLay)

FILE - A section of land between trees is washed away due to rising seas on Nov. 6, 2015, in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. (AP Photo/Rob Griffith, File)

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NUKU’ALOFA, Tonga (AP) — Highlighting seas that are rising at an accelerating rate, especially in the far more vulnerable Pacific island nations, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued yet another climate SOS to the world. This time he said those initials stand for “save our seas.”

The United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization Monday issued reports on worsening sea level rise, turbocharged by a warming Earth and melting ice sheets and glaciers. They highlight how the Southwestern Pacific is not only hurt by the rising oceans, but by other climate change effects of ocean acidification and marine heat waves.

Guterres toured Samoa and Tonga and made his climate plea from Tonga’s capital on Tuesday at a meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum, whose member countries are among those most imperiled by climate change. Next month the United Nations General Assembly holds a special session to discuss rising seas .

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued yet another climate SOS to the world, highlighting seas that are rising at an accelerating rate, especially in the far more vulnerable Pacific island nations.

“This is a crazy situation,” Guterres said. “Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity’s making. A crisis that will soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale, with no lifeboat to take us back to safety.”


“A worldwide catastrophe is putting this Pacific paradise in peril,” he said. “The ocean is overflowing.”

A report that Guterres’ office commissioned found that sea level lapping against Tonga’s capital Nuku’alofa had risen 21 centimeters (8.3 inches) between 1990 and 2020, twice the global average of 10 centimeters (3.9 inches). Apia, Samoa, has seen 31 centimeters (1 foot) of rising seas, while Suva-B, Fiji has had 29 centimeters (11.4 inches).

“This puts Pacific Island nations in grave danger,” Guterres said. About 90% of the region’s people live within 5 kilometers (3 miles) of the rising oceans, he said.

Since 1980, coastal flooding in Guam has jumped from twice a year to 22 times a year. It’s gone from five times a year to 43 times a year in the Cook Islands. In Pago Pago, American Samoa, coastal flooding went from zero to 102 times a year, according to the WMO State of the Climate in the South-West Pacific 2023 report.

“Because of sea level rise, the ocean is transforming from being a lifelong friend into a growing threat,” Celeste Saulo, secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization, told reporters in Nuku’alofa on Tuesday.

While the western edges of the Pacific are seeing sea level rise about twice the global average, the central Pacific is closer to the global average, the WMO said.

Sea levels are rising faster in the western tropical Pacific because of where the melting ice from western Antarctica heads, warmer waters and ocean currents, UN officials said.

Guterres said he can see changes since the last time he was in the region in May 2019.


While he met in Nuku’alofa on Tuesday with Pacific nations on the environment at their leaders’ annual summit, a hundred local high school students and activists from across the Pacific marched for climate justice a few blocks away.

One of the marchers was Itinterunga Rae of the Barnaban Human Rights Defenders Network, whose people were forced generations ago to relocate to Fiji from their Kiribati island home due to environmental degradation. Rae said abandoning Pacific islands should not be seen as a solution to rising seas.

“We promote climate mobility as a solution to be safe from your island that’s been destroyed by climate change, but it’s not the safest option,” he said. Barnabans have been cut off from the source of their culture and heritage, he said.

“The alarm is justified,” said S. Jeffress Williams, a retired U.S. Geological Survey sea level scientist. He said it’s especially bad for the Pacific islands because most of the islands are at low elevations, so people are more likely to get hurt. Three outside experts said the sea level reports accurately reflect what’s happening.

The Pacific is getting hit hard despite only producing 0.2% of heat-trapping gases causing climate change and expanding oceans, the UN said. The largest chunk of the sea rise is from melting ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland. Melting land glaciers add to that, and warmer water also expands based on the laws of physics.

Antarctic and Greenland “melting has greatly accelerated over the past three to four decades due to high rate of warming at the poles,” Williams, who was not part of the reports, said in an email.

About 90% of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases goes into the oceans, the UN said.

Globally, sea level rise has been accelerating, the UN report said, echoing peer-reviewed studies . The rate is now the fastest it has been in 3,000 years, Guterres said.


Between 1901 and 1971, the global average sea rise was 1.3 centimeters a decade, according to the UN report. Between 1971 and 2006 it jumped to 1.9 centimeters per decade, then between 2006 and 2018 it was up to 3.7 centimeters a decade. The last decade, seas have risen 4.8 centimeters (1.9 inches).

The UN report also highlighted cities in the richest 20 nations, which account for 80% of the heat-trapping gases, where rising seas are lapping at large population centers. Those cities where sea level rise in the past 30 years has been at least 50% higher than the global average include Shanghai; Perth, Australia; London; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Boston; Miami; and New Orleans.

New Orleans topped the list with 10.2 inches (26 centimeters) of sea level rise between 1990 and 2020. UN officials highlighted the flooding in New York City during 2012’s Superstorm Sandy as worsened by rising seas. A 2021 study said climate-driven sea level rise added $8 billion to the storm’s costs.

Guterres is amping up his rhetoric on what he calls “climate chaos” and urged richer nations to step up efforts to reduce carbon emissions, end fossil fuel use and help poorer nations. Yet countries’ energy plans show them producing double the amount of fossil fuels in 2030 than the amount that would limit warming to internationally agreed upon levels, a 2023 UN report found.


Guterres said he expects Pacific island nations to “speak loud and clear” in the next General Assembly, and because they contribute so little to climate change, “they have a moral authority to ask those that are creating accelerating the sea level rise to reverse these trends.”

Borenstein reported from Kensington, Maryland.

Follow Seth Borenstein and Charlotte Graham-McLay on X at @borenbears and @CGrahamMcLay

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Israel and Hamas agree to brief ceasefires in Gaza to distribute thousands of polio vaccines, WHO says

The United Nations is hoping to vaccinate an estimated 640,000 children in Gaza after traces of the polio virus were found in the sewage system earlier this year.

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Middle East correspondent @AliBunkallSKY

Thursday 29 August 2024 20:44, UK

Palestinian children search for food in Deir al-Balah. Pic: AP

Israel and Hamas have tentatively agreed to a series of brief ceasefires in parts of Gaza so that the polio vaccine can be safely distributed, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said.

The pauses will begin on Sunday and will take place in three phases covering central Gaza first, then the south and finally the north.

Rik Peeperkorn, WHO senior official for the Palestinian territories, said each pause will last three days, take place only during daylight hours - 6am to 3pm - and could be extended into a fourth day if needed.

The United Nations is hoping to vaccinate an estimated 640,000 children in Gaza after traces of the polio virus were found in the sewage system two months ago.

According to the WHO, a 10-month-old baby had been paralysed by the type-2 strand of the virus - the first case in Gaza in 25 years.

At least 90% of children under the age of 10 need to be vaccinated to stop the virus from spreading. The Israeli government has been warned it could cross into Israel if left unaddressed.

Read more: Five killed inside West Bank mosque, IDF says Great danger of all-out Middle East war lies ahead

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Hamas official Basem Naim welcomed the news, and said: "We are ready to cooperate with international organisations to secure this campaign, serving and protecting more than 650,000 Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip."

The US secretary of state Antony Blinken is said to have demanded Israel facilitate the vaccine distribution, on his recent visit to the country.

Benjamin Netanyahu's office has denied a wider truce but said that it has been examining ways the vaccine can be rolled out. Hamas has released statements saying it will support a humanitarian truce.

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks to members of the press, at David Kempinski Hotel, in Tel Aviv, Israel, August 19, 2024. REUTERS/Kevin Mohatt/Pool

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It comes as low-level discussions have been continuing in Qatar to try and secure a full ceasefire and hostage release. Some mediators are said to hope that the temporary pauses, if successful, might build confidence for a more substantial deal.

Distributing the vaccine under bombardment is almost impossible, UN officials have told Sky News, and even with pauses in specific areas, it will still be hard to vaccinate all the children they need to.

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Australians are living longer than most people in English-speaking OECD countries, new research says

By Ahmed Yussuf

Topic: Health

Two men walking on a busy street with children on their shoulders.

The study found Australia had the lowest inequality for both men and women when compared to other English-speaking OECD nations. ( Pixabay: Mircea Iancu )

An international study has found Australia has a better life expectancy compared to other English-speaking OECD nations.

The worst performer was the United States, despite spending the most on healthcare compared to any other OECD nation.

What's next?

Some experts have said Australia should not become complacent highlighting large disparities in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

People living in Australia have better health outcomes and face less inequality compared to other high-income countries in the Anglosphere.

That is according to research published in the open access medical journal BMJ Open.

International researchers analysed several English-speaking countries such as New Zealand, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom to review life expectancy between 1990 and 2018.

They found Australia was the best performer in life expectancy at birth since the 1990s.

"Australia performs well, but still has room for improvement, particularly in the area of reducing inequalities among its indigenous populations," researchers said.

"Overall, Australia offers a potential model for lower-performing Anglophone countries, such as the USA and UK, to follow to reduce both premature mortality and inequalities in life expectancy."

What does Australia's age and gender distribution look like?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics issued new data looking at the age and gender distribution across the country for 2023.

Darwin had the youngest median age out of all other capital cities in Australia.

Beidar Cho, the ABS' head of demography, said that Darwin was a year younger than the next youngest capital, Canberra.

"[Darwin] was also the only capital where males outnumbered females, with 104.7 males for every 100 females," Ms Cho said.

Australian National University demographer Liz Allen said the data showed a clear geographical picture of where Australia was aging.

"Aging is quite pronounced in some geographic areas across Australia, particularly in more regional areas outside of capital cities. With that, we see enormous age disparities, particularly in regional and remote areas," she said.

"When it comes to Darwin and the Northern Territory generally, we can see there that, as a result of differences in population composition.

"We see a much younger population, and that would be driven by a higher birth rate, and of course, the makeup of Indigenous people in communities there."

Dr Allen said governments across all levels should not be too fixated on aggregate figures because there was a danger of missing more complicated issues happening underneath.

"That is that there are areas of highly concentrated age disparities, and that presents enormous challenges," she said.

"Because there's no one size fits all here, there needs to be tailored service provision in local areas to accommodate and support communities to avoid any adverse social outcomes."

Why Australia is leading in life expectancy

The study in BMJ open has suggested that Australia's high number of people born overseas was a possible explanation for its performance compared to other English-speaking OECD nations.

Health economist Martin Hensher said that it was an established phenomenon that countries with high levels of immigration tend to have better levels of life expectancy.

"So basically, young immigrants arrive and they tend to be healthier than the locals, so they drive up life expectancy," he said.

The study also highlighted lower smoking rates, public health campaigns regarding gun ownership and mental health, as well as the country's healthcare system as reasons for Australia doing better than other countries.

Australia had about a four to five-year life expectancy advantage over the US and a one to 2.5-year advantage over Canada, New Zealand and the UK.

The worst performer in life expectancy every year since 2001 has been the US, despite its healthcare spending, both per person and as a share of GDP, being higher than any other OECD nation.

Dr Hensher highlighted despite the study looking into the years between 1990 and 2018, Australia still has better life expectancy rates than the other countries included in the research.

"Our COVID response was massively superior to most of these other countries. So we didn't have the big dip in life expectancy that particularly America and the United Kingdom had," he said.

Australia also had the lowest within-country inequality for both men and women, particularly for ages over 40.

New Zealand and the US had the highest inequality among women, while the UK, New Zealand and the US had the highest among men.

Experts warn Australia should not be complacent 

Dr Hensher said Australia's growing economic inequalities could see life expectancy fall if governments do not act to effectively combat it.

"We also need to keep pushing on these public health measures that improve health. So the very obvious example is the watering down of the restrictions on gambling advertising that's a step in the wrong direction," he said.

He said for Australia to continue to see better health outcomes, and prevent further inequalities, there needed to be more action on critical determinants of health such as housing and air quality.

"If we do let increasing numbers of people become homeless, that absolutely will lead to reduced life expectancy and poorer health down the track.

"We need to get on top of making sure that every Australian has access to decent housing, we need to be working hard on air pollution, which particularly in urban areas is quite a driver of preventable diseases."

One of the key areas of improvement for Australia highlighted in the study was the disparity in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.

"We need to not rest on our laurels here because what you can see in this [journal] article is that they show that the outlier in Australia is the Northern Territory," he said.

"That reflects the terrible inequalities in poor health status that the Indigenous population, particularly in the Northern Territory, suffer."

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Cisco calls for United Nations to revisit cyber-crime convention

Echoes human rights groups' concerns that it could suppress free speech and more.

Networking giant Cisco has suggested the United Nations' first-ever convention against cyber-crime is dangerously flawed and should be revised before being put to a formal vote.

The document that Cisco dislikes is the United Nations convention against cyber-crime [PDF]. The convention took five years to create and was drafted by a body called the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes. *

The purpose of the convention is to "enhance international cooperation, law enforcement efforts, technical assistance, and capacity-building relating to cyber crime," in recognition that digital technology has become a big enabler of transnational mischief.

As The Register reported after the committee agreed on a draft text, Russia was a big driver of the document, and human rights groups don't like it.

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Human Rights Watch, for example, criticized the convention as overly broad, while the Electronic Frontier Foundation has labelled the convention "too flawed to adopt."

Those two orgs, and others, worry that the convention doesn't offer a narrow definition of cyber-crime, and could give signatory nations legal cover to target citizens who share views they dislike. They also worry about secrecy provisions in the document that would allow nations to demand info from service providers, without the individuals targeted by such requests being informed or having recourse.

British human rights org Article 19 has also warned the convention's broad language could stymie legitimate infosec research, by creating a legal environment in which cyber-boffins don't feel safe to ply their trade for fear of being labelled crims.

In a Wednesday post , Cisco's senior director for technology policy Eric Wenger backed some of those arguments.

"Rather than specifically focusing on hacking and cyber crimes, it broadly aims at the misuse of computer networks to disseminate objectionable information," he wrote. "This represents a misalignment with the values of free speech in liberal democracies, which should be addressed via an amendment before the Convention is taken up by member states for adoption."

Note that reference to "liberal democracies." Remember that Russia was a prime mover of this convention, and that in 2022 Cisco quit Moscow .

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Wenger wrote that Cisco isn't opposed to a UN cyber-crime convention, and argued that "we need to ensure law enforcement agencies have the necessary capabilities to prevent, investigate, and prosecute transnational cyber crimes."

But he argued Cisco's position is that such instruments "must also uphold and protect the importance of basic human rights and the rule of law.

"Unfortunately, the UN Convention, as it stands, does not sufficiently protect basic human rights and poses risks to the rule of law."

Wenger wants the convention amended. But in early August the UN enthused about its likely passage as-is later this year, and the Biden administration reportedly thinks the document strikes an appropriate balance between human rights and the need for international collaboration to crimp cyber-crime. ®

* No, we're not going to use the acronym "AHCTEACICOCTUOIACTFCP." Referring to it as "the Committee" will be easier for all concerned.

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