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BM Business Management Paper 1 Breakdown - Peacewick University

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IB DP Business Management Business management toolkit -: STEEPLE analysis HL Paper 1

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Refer to the Peacewick University case study (SL/HL paper 1 May 2022).

a. Outline two STEEPLE factors that influence PU’s decisions.[4]

b. Explain ways in which PU could achieve greater sustainability in the 2022/23 academic year (lines 118-131).[6]

STEEPLE framework: Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Political, Legal, Ecological (‘Environmental’)

STEEPLE factors include:

Activists spreading bad publicity (social) Changes in artificial intelligence and other technologies (technological) The accident at the chemical factory (ecological, environmental) The economic recession (economic) Reduction in other universities (economic) Government grants and “large amount of funding from the government to research medicines” (lines 42-43) (political)

If the STEEPLE factor is not explicitly stated, the “second” mark can be awarded i.e. [0] + [1] if it is clear from the context what factor is being referred to.

Answers must present two separate STEEPLE factors. E.g. two economic factors would only be awarded a maximum of [2].

Accept any other relevant factor.

Mark as a [2] + [2].

Award [1] for an appropriate factor and [1] for application. Maximum award for two factors: [4].

Note: To be awarded the second mark, each factor must be explicitly linked to the STEEPLE framework. Some flexibility is allowed in the categorization, for example the economic recession could be outlined from a social perspective, or the governments grants could be seen as the result of a legal decision. The same factor, however, cannot be counted twice. a.

Refer to Paper 1 markbands for 2016 forward, available under the “Your tests” tab > supplemental materials.

Ways to achieve greater sustainability include:

Rebuilding facilities to higher sustainability standards and this could include building design, heating/lighting systems, furniture and equipment, use of space. Maintain and improve on the current lower levels of waste, pollution, energy and consumption (these four would only be one way). This could be through ensuring recycling facilities, encouraging minimization of waste, finding more efficient uses of energy Expand the use of solar and other sustainable energy sources. Available space? Review, maintain and further develop CSR policies. Continued reduction in energy consumption. Review online teaching provision. An increase in online teaching would help to reduce energy consumption at PU.

Candidates may refer to different forms of sustainability including the triple bottom line; this should be awarded.

Marks should be allocated according to the Paper 1 markbands for 2016 forward section A.

Award a maximum of [3] for a theoretical answer, or for limiting the answer to only one way, or for only copying extracts from the case study.

Award a maximum of [6].

IB Business Management With Dr. Bogard

Peacewick University 2022

IB Paper 1 Exam Prep

Course curriculum

Section 1: welcome to your 2022 paper 1 exam prep.

Welcome To Our Final Epic IB BM Case Study! It's Called "Peacewick University"

You Have Lots Of Help :)

Notebook Instructions

How Should You Study For This Exam?

Don't Give Up- Be Persistent With Your Thinking - You Can Also Come Back Later To Try Again

Daily Classwork & Homework Assignments (Move Fast, Don't Get Stuck On One Topic, Focus On Understanding & Remembering)

Click The Complete Button At The Bottom Of Each Post So You Know What You Haven't Done Yet

The IB BM Examiners Have Changed The Timings, Marks, Structure & Weights Of The May 2022 Exams

This PU Course Has A Sister Course Called The "IB BM Exam Prep Course"- Study Lessons In Both

How To Earn A 100% For Your Q4 Notebook Units

Reminder: This Online Course Is Only For Dr. Bogard's Riverview High School Students. Using This Site Without Permission Constitutes Copyright Infringement.

SECTION 2: Intro To The 2022 Exam Organization Called "Peacewick University"

PU Case Study- The Movie

Here Is The Complete IB BM May 2022 Peacewick University Case

Audio: The Peacewick University Case

Mystery: Where Is Peacewick?

What Is A Post-16 Education?

Video: What's The Difference Between A University And A College?

What Is The Difference Between A University "Faculty" Or "Faculties"?

Video: Definition Of A Research University- Skip To 15 Seconds (List The Pros & Cons To Use In An Exam Answer)

Watch This Ad For A Real Research University (What Is So Great About A Research University? List The Key Points So You Can Put This Into A Marketing Answer)

Video: University Research Is Funded By Tax Payers/The Government

What Is A Board Of Trustees & What Do They Do? (They Can Function As The President Of The University)

Watch A Short Piece Of A Board Of Trustees Meeting At The University Of Florida (UF in Gainesville)

In The News: Chemical Explosion On February 1st Cancels Classes At Wake Forest University (= Crisis Management)

AI Is Being Researched At PU For Detecting Water Contamination (Lines 45-46)

Here Are A Teacher's First Thoughts After Reading The PU Case. What Are Yours?

SECTION 3: Case Comprehension Assignments

Peacewick University A-Z Quiz

HW= Comprehension Quizzes Sets 1-10 (Imagine PU Hired You To Help Them, But First You Must Fully Immerse Yourself In Their Case)

5-4-3-2-1 Comprehension Questions

SECTION 4: PU Key Terms To Practice

Quizlet: Key Terms For The Peacewick University Exam Case

Excel File Of PU Key Terms (Download If You Want To Have Your Own Set)

Handout: Staple These 6 Pages Into Your Notebook (Any Blank Chapters Could Be Topics For Paper 2)

PU Key Terms Practice With 5 Wordles

PU Key Terms Crossword Puzzle

PU Key Terms Practice With Wordles

PU Key Term Word Search

Blooket - PU Key Terms Game

Time Permitting: Write A Key Term Analysis (Divide All Of Them Among Classmates)

SECTION 5: PU Exam Posts Begin Below This Point

Here Is Our IB BM Textbook- Give It 30 Seconds To Fully Upload

Follow Along Through Our Textbook's Table Of Contents

Remember: You Have Lots Of Help :)

How Should You Study For This Exam? Follow These 3 Steps To Success!

Chapter 1.1 Business Sectors

Chapter 1.1 Education Is In The Quarternary Sector (A Subset of the Tertiary Sector)

Chapter 1.2 Types Of Organizations

Before Moving To This Chapter Open Your Key Terms Packet. Are There Any Key Terms Listed For The Previous Chapter That You Have Not Studied?

Chapter 1.2 The Difference Between A Non-Profit College & A For-Profit College

Chapter 1.3 Organizational Objectives (Includes The SWOT Analysis)

Video: The Difference Between Equality & Equity

Video: Understand The Importance Of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Among University Faculty And The Student Body

Read & Study Hoang's SWOT Analysis

Chapter 1.3 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

PU Solar Panels Suport Ecological Sustainability

Be Able To Explain The Relationship Between CSR, Sustainability and Ethics

Find A Way To Talk About Elkington's "Triple Bottom Line" In Any Exam Question

The 3 Es Of Sustainability

An Example Of How PU Can Rebuild The Damaged Part Of Campus Sustainably Using Biomimicry (Lines 130-131)

How To Support Sustainability At Universities (Replace Cover-19 Context With Chemical Explosion Context)

AI Is Coming To Higher Education (= Innovation)

Chapter 1.4 Stakeholders

Be Sure To Review Stakeholder Mapping In The 1.4 Resource Bank

Assignment: Read This Worksheet, List The Stakeholders In The PU Case, Then Map Them By Power & Interest. Draw Your Map In Your Notebook.

Read Hoang's Stakeholder Profiles. Did You Miss Any In Your Own List? Update Your Map.

5 Steps To Solving The University's Stakeholder Conflicts

Chapter 1.5 The External Environment

This Entire Case Consists Of STEEPLE Concerns

Handout: What Are Ethical Factors In A STEEPLE Analysis?

Handout: The PESTLE Answers These 6 Questions

Assignment: Watch This PESTLE Analysis For The Education Sector. What Adjustments Would Make It Fit Best With Peacewick's Situation?

Read & Study Hoang's PEST For PU (Print & Staple Into Your Composition Noebook)

Chapter 1.6 Growth & Evolution

Read: Huge Global Expansion Among Universities

4 Mistakes Universities Make When Expanding Their Campus

The President Is Planning On Opening A Campus In A Different Country.

Chapter 1.7 Fishbone, Force Field & Decision Trees For President Cortez

What Kind Of Fishbone Could The Examiners Ask You To Draw? Which Of The President's Decisions Could Be Analyzed With a Decision Tree?

Chapter 2.1 Labor Turnover

Before Moving To This Chapter: Check Your Key Terms Packet. Are There Any Key Terms Listed For The Previous Unit You Just Finished?

Video: How Much Does It Cost To Lose A Faculty Member?

Video: Perhaps HR Needs To Implement Retention Methods

Chapter 2.1 Dismissals & Redundancies

Handout: Know Both Perspectives Concerning Labor Turnover (Chapter 2.1)

Why Do University Redundancies Happen?

An Great Exam Answer To Why Redundancies May Be The Best Solution- Make A PRO & CON List For Each Option

Did You Hear BM Key Terms That You Don't Remember Learning? Go Look Them Up & Take Notes

Chapter 2.2 Organizational Structure

Video: How To Describe The Structure Of A University

Video: How Much Do Faculty Members Earn? What Are The Differences Between The Teaching Positions?

What Does A University Dean Do?

Chapter 2.3 Leadership & Management

Key Functions Of A University President

Which Type Of Leadership Style Does President Cortez Have?

Chapter 2.4 Motivation

Video: What Are The Elements Of Faculty Satisfaction? (Read The Text Posted Below This Video)

Applying Maslow To The Educator

Applying Herzberg To Faculty Satisfaction

How To Motivate Staff With Low Morale

Chapter 2.5 Organizational Culture

Name The 5 Factors That Impact Organizational Culture

Video: Is The PU Faculty Impacted By Negativity & Incivility? What Can President Cortez Do? Make A List.

Possible Exam Questions Concerning The Organizational Culture At PU

Chapter 2.6 Employer & Employee Conflict

Video: Does PU Have A Faculty Union? If Not, Why Should They?

Video: Find Out Why University Instructors Are Forming Unions

Video: An Example Of Successful Collective Bargaining That Avoided a Faculty Strike (Write Down What They Won- Use It On Exam)

Video: How PU Can Solve Employee Conflicts Among Faculty

Try Some Exam Practice Questions


Chapter 3.1 External Sources Of Finance

Before Moving To This Chapter: Check Your Key Terms Packet. Are There Still Any Key Terms Listed For The Previous Unit You Just Finished?

Where Do Universities Get Their Money (Besides From Tuition)?

The President Is Responsible For Bringing Money Into The University

One Possible Strategy = Refreshing The Alumni Database

Chapter 3.2 Costs & Revenues

Where Does University Revenue Come From?

More Potential Revenue Sources For PU Besides Tuition, Government Grants & Donations: https://eab.com/insights/infographic/business-affairs/alternative-revenues-in-higher-education/

Endowments Are Also A Source Of Revenue

University Costs

Chapter 3.3 Break-even

A Break-even Analysis For Offering A New Distance-Learning Course (Answer = 300)

Chapter 3.4 Final Accounts

Wow! 8 Real Strategies For Increasing Revenue At PU. Figure Out The Pros & Cons Of Each.

Read: University Balance Sheet With Explanation

Read: University Income Statement With Explanation

Chapter 3.4 Optional Task: Try Reading These Real University Annual Financial Reports

Exam Answer: How Do Final Account Statements Help Stakeholders?

Start With This One: Look Through The UCF 2022 Annual Financial Report - Notice How Much You Can Understand Now.

Then Look Through The FSU 2021 Annual Financial Report - This One Is A Bit More Complicated.

Finally- Look Through The UF 2021 Annual Report Which Is Most Complicated To Understand.

Chapter 3.5 Profitability & Ratio Analyses

Australian Universities In 2016- Key Financial Metrics (Financial Data Starts On Page 12-NPM Is On Page 16-Current Ratio Is On Page 24)

Australian Universities In 2018- Key Financial Analysis

Australian Universities In 2020 (The number of universities with a surplus profit margin greater than eight per cent has declined from 19 universities in 2010 to just four universities in 2018)

Australian University Financial Summary Report 2020

An Article About The Limitations Of Ratio Analysis

Chapter 3.6 Efficiency Ratios

An Example Of How Financial Ratios Are Reported By Colleges

Chapter 3.7 Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash Flow Management At A University

Review & Prepare A Response

Chapter 3.8 Investment Appraisal

Very Insightful Documentary: What Are University Endowments?

USF's Investment Report Pages 3-8 - With Graphs (See The 3 Main Categories Of Their Investments- DSOs = Direct Support Organizations)

What Are DSOs. Here Are Examples Of DSOs At USF

The Main Goal Of A University Investment Portfolio

Read The First Few Pages Of USF's Investment Policy & Scan Through The Rest To Get A Feel For The Complexity. (Be Glad That Your Examiners Do Not Expect This Level Of Understanding)

Chapter 3.9 Budgets

Interview With University Deans About Their Budgets

The VP Of Finance Explains How Budgets Work At A University

Chapter 4.1 The Role Of Marketing

Video: What Is Higher Education Marketing?

Video: Marketing Strategies For PU

Top 5 Marketing Strategies For Universities

Chapter 4.2 Marketing Planning

What Is PU's USP?

This Medical School Targets A Niche Market With A Summer Program- Good Idea For PU?

Chapter 4.3 Sales Forecasting

Video: These Experts Say Enrollment & Tuition Forecasting Should Be Collaborative And Strategic

Optional Video: Enrollment & Tuition Forecasting With A Customized Software Program (Start Watching At 15:12)

Optional Video: There Are Various Algorhytms To Compute Enrollment Forecasts

Chapter 4.4 Market Research

Video: Marketing Higher Education Is Based On Research

Chapter 4.5 The 4 Ps

The Marketing Mix For A University

Branding Is One Aspect Of The Marketing Mix (These Speaker Cover A Lot of PUs Growth Issues)

Branding Is One Aspect Of The Marketing Mix

An Example Of University (= Product) Branding (= Below The Line Promotion)

Pricing Strategies For A University

Examples Of Guerrilla Marketing For A University

An Example Of How A College Can Implement A Different Channel Of Distribution (=Place) During An Emergency

Chapter 4.6 The Extended Marketing Mix

The Extended Marketing Mix For Services Such As Higher Education

The Impact Of The 7 Ps On Student Enrollment

Chapter 4.7 International Marketing

Seven Strategies To Improve A University's International Marketing Plan

The Role Of International Marketing At Universities

Chapter 4.8 E-Commerce

The Benefits Of An E-Commerce Website For A University

Chapter 5.4 Location

Benefits & Limitations Of International Branch Campus Locations

Feasibility Of An International Branch Campus

Chapter 5.7 Contingency Planning

Contingency Planning At A Distressed University (Like PU)

Paper 1 Peacewick Practice Tests (Purchase Online: https://level7education.com)

Ask Yourself Questions - Be Persistent With Your Thinking

Here Is The Official 2-page IB BM Formula Sheet

HL Students Only Reference Sheet: A Discount Table

HL Paper 1 PU Mock Exam (Purchase Online: https://level7education.com)

Be Prepared... (Black pen, no resources)

The EMV Calculation Explained

SL Paper 1 PU Mock Exam + Markschemes (Purchase Online: https://level7education.com)

April 28 (pm) & april 29 (am) ib paper 1 exams (pu).

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Business Management Paper 1 2022 (Peacewick University)

Our school just started working on the business management paper 1 case study, but I felt that it really lacks in analysis. Is there any kind of site or online source which has notes and/or annotations on the text? Although it might still be too soon for the resources to be posted online...

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  10. Business Management Paper 1 2022 (Peacewick University) : r/IBO

    Our school just started working on the business management paper 1 case study, but I felt that it really lacks in analysis. Is there any kind of site or online source which has notes and/or annotations on the text? ... Greetings !Peacewick University pre-released case study for IB Business Management May 2022 exam - a short video PU Case study ...

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